#their grandfather invented birds
did you end up skipping a court of fey and flowers that you are on neverafter already?
i love your thoughts and comments on the d20 seasons and i had been waiting for you to get to acofaf since it's my favorite 😅
I finished Fey and Flowers a couple of days ago I think
I'm in love with the Lords of the Wing
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tgirlgoddammit · 6 months
I'm turning the other beak 🦚
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sourscratched · 2 months
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crumpled pocketful of offbook scraps that are just so wildly clashy and have nothing to do with each other but uhhhh. Enjoy i guess
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corvindne · 2 years
emily and lou being a duo in the new season of d20…we are so lucky
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figofswords · 2 years
ok so a court of fey and flowers is already gonna be one of my favorite d20 campaigns I think
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inkskinned · 3 months
yesterday while feverish i wrote about how boats can moor next to each other like pigeons, cooing with the gentle rap of water against their hull. you once said that that the way i see things - birds in the water, feathers in marina paint - was "childish and naive." you said i'd been misdiagnosed - "it can't all be adhd. you might be just kind of stupid and lazy."
i still do certain things like how you taught me - turn the pillow case inside out before putting it on. drive defensively. hate myself entirely.
the prompt for this poem is "mahler's fifth." i wish it wasn't, but mahler's fifth was our song. it ended up in my book. every person that knows your name has promised me they'll give you one swift rabbit punch, right to the face. dean read the book and showed up on my front porch, drenched in sweat from running the 8 miles at 4 in the morning. he was shaking. pacifist and gentle - he works with children - i'd never seen him furious. a punch isn't going to do it, he said, and then said i'm sorry. i had to come to see if you were okay.
mahler's fifth was mine first, like my girlhood. i like the way each movement piles onto the next movement, each instrument bleeding into the next. i like the horn version the best. before i met you, i danced to it on grass still-wet from sprinklers.
later you would tell me that the way you heard it was somehow better. you understood something in it that i couldn't quite wrap my fingers into. once, on our anniversary, you asked the classical music radio station to play it for us. we missed hearing it because we were fighting. one of the things people get wrong about abuse is that sometimes victims are, like, brutally aware of the stupidity of our situation. what do you mean that you thought i wasn't good enough for you? you? you're just... nothing.
sometimes people can pull the poetry out of your life. i watched my words become clothesline, and then thin out into kite twine. i watched you chew through every good syllable of me. so many good songs and places and moments were ruined. i am glad you didn't like most of my music - less to tie back to you.
but still mahler's fifth. the music swells, and i am 21 and throwing up in a bathroom on my birthday. a woman i will later refer to as lesbian jesus runs a cool hand down my back, her perfect pantsuit starch-pressed. she told me to leave you. she said - and this is true, and not an invention of rhyme or fantasy - i'm you from the future.
i am 22, and i got home from an award ceremony, and i remember you telling me - you act so proud of yourself when you're actually so fucking embarrassing. i took you to disney world. you took my virginity. i gave up visiting spain for a week with my family - i instead choose you, to spend the time just-cuddling. you called it "our fuck week." the music swells. it probably should have been a red flag that for about 3 years - i just gave up on crying. my grandfather died and you said nothing. my uncle died and you ghosted me for 3 weeks. you said i need to protect myself from your ongoing tragedy.
every so often i come back to the memory of one of our last afternoons in person. i had just told you that i wasn't going to law school, despite the free ride - i was going to join a creative writing program. master's in fine arts. i was going to finally do it - i was going to follow my dreams. this blog was already internet-famous. however reluctantly, i would occasionally refer to myself as a poet. i got into umass amherst's writing program for fiction authors. it is one of the the top 5 programs in the country.
wait are you seriously considering actually attending that? dumbfounded, you turned completely towards me in your seat. for the 3rd time in our relationship, you almost crashed the car. you actually want to be a writer?
the first time i went viral, it was for a poem i wrote about you:
he wants to say i love you but keeps it to goodnight because love will take some falling and she's afraid of heights.
every time i see that, i want to throw up. you weren't in love with me, you were in love with the control you had over me. a little truth though: i am afraid of heights. you caught a rabbitgirl and skinned her alive.
mahler's fifth still makes me sick.
give me that back. give me back music. give me back everything i had before you. give me back fearlessness. give me back bravery. give me back a scarless body.
give me back what you took from me.
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littlepinksapphire · 9 months
My grandfather invented birds. We are not the same
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candaceaprillee · 2 years
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🦚🪶🌹I love them.
Their grandfather invented birds, you know.
I've been LIVING for this latest season of d20 - all the interactions and intimate moments have been SO good. GIMME THAT COURTLY INTRIGUE. 💔
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Can't believe Grandfather from Dimension 20's A Court of Fey and Flowers invented Douglas the First Worst Bird
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 6 months
Hey Hey hey! Yujiro, Jack, Baki and Hanayama, BUT. . . They are traditional Onis from the Japanese folklore 👀
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En lo profundo de la montaña / Deep in the mountain.
~Palabras / Words~ 1k
It is often whispered that in the high mountains of Japan there are monstrous creatures, mischievous entities that enjoy tormenting people who are unlucky enough to get lost on mountain trails. Demons similar to enormous beasts with fangs like daggers, mountains for muscles and horns majestic like a crown, but terrifying like enormous spears.
It may sound like a legend invented to keep people away from the mountains, to prevent hikers from getting lost or having fatal accidents, but there is simply something that can disturb you about the religiosity with which this legend is maintained; as if it were not a story, if not, a warning.
They warned you a lot, all those kind old people who seemed so concerned when you expressed that your destiny was in the mountains. The worried look on their faces made you endeared, but it was also disturbing how they believed, so fervently, that if you weren't careful you would end up running into those terrifying creatures. However, you couldn't turn back now. Your grandfather, a self-proclaimed hermit in his eighties, lived at the top of the mountain, and it was your responsibility as the eldest grandson/granddaughter to take care of his health now that your father is gone, as well as supplying him with provisions for up to a month.
You belong to a very close-knit and somewhat traditional family, you couldn't even think of turning your back on your grandfather, even if he wants that. Your father went up the mountain every month, cleaned your grandfather's house, showed him respect and came back down, every month without fail. Now it was your turn.
You carried the provisions on your back, duly packed and sealed, setting off towards the mountain when the birds were still waking up and singing in the morning. The paths were lonely, but full of vegetation, an unmistakable sign of the little traffic that there was in that area, the view was simply beautiful; You don't remember the last time you saw a green as bright as the color of the trees that stood and covered the ground.
You kept up the pace of your walk as you reflected, remembering all the warnings and good wishes from the people who lived at the base of the mountain. They talked about the oni and how aggressive they were, that you shouldn't leave the trail for anything and that you shouldn't stop at anything. They mentioned that there were some who walked around these parts more frequently, their names and how you could identify them.
When they told you about Baki they told you to be careful, although he was the calmest among the four oni in the area, the reddish color of his skin still betrayed his greedy nature. Despite his otherworldly and monstrous appearance, it was comforting to look at him, his smooth features a little more striking than his rough fangs and horns that stood out from his short tangle of hair. It would be lucky to run into him when you are lost, he is usually in a good mood, so if you can give him some interest, he will be willing to help you get off the mountain unscathed.
Both Jack and Kaoru can be unpredictable, although they are not very problematic, but they are not completely neutral either.
Jack is a tall oni, you could mistake him for a building if you forgot that you were in the forest, the reddish tone of his skin also denotes a certain greed, but he does not seem to follow these instincts unless he is in the presence of the blue oni. Jack shows very little interest in the travelers, almost ignoring their insignificant presence if he is in a good mood; If he's upset, well, it's easy to imagine what such a large, powerful creature could do to a tiny human who scream and struggles in vain against him.
Kaoru is not very different from Jack, his reddish skin marked by multiple wounds shows that he is a creature to be feared, that he is no stranger to battles and that he is capable of resisting a lot. No one wants to be a prisoner of his enormous hands, gigantic prisons that would end the life of anyone. Not many incidents have been heard involving Kaoru, but everyone who has gone on his hunt never returns. He is more selfless than Jack when it comes to human presence, but his calmness does not guarantee safety.
And finally, the blue oni, Yujiro. He is angry and confrontational in nature, the presence of people is repulsive to him and there is no chance of turning out well if you end up in front of him. Many of the incidents on the mountain are his work. They say that his eyes shine a crimson red in the middle of the darkness of the night, you won't be able to confuse them with anything, because once you notice them it will be too late. There is no way to reason with him, there is only one way to go with him; run away, the problem is that nothing guarantees your survival. No matter how fast you run or how much advantage you think you have, he will catch you.
You didn't quite believe in that, but inside you… Deep inside you, there was a little voice that begged heaven for your path to be safe and away from any problematic entity that would disturb the rhythm of your walk.
The sound of footsteps caught your attention, you would swear they were footsteps. You were sure. The birds moved and took flight, fleeing, small, harmless animals ran a few meters away from you, fleeing, and if it weren't something intangible you would assume that the breeze blowing against your face was also fleeing.
You froze when you noticed a large silhouette among the trees, from your place, you were unable to make out anything other than its large size and unusual height, it was certain that it was not a human. Your mind thought of every possibility; A bear… A oni. Bear or Oni, you couldn't face them, you had to get away before they noticed you, but it was difficult to look away thanks to the fear you felt at the thought of losing them from your field of vision.
You backed away slowly without looking away, which made you not notice the unevenness in the path, you fell with a scream of surprise and when you recovered you could notice that the great shadow was looking at you with luminescent eyes. You froze in place as a clawed hand emerged from the darkness to make its way through the trees that blocked its path, your mind hazy and your throat dry from the long gasps of fear…
… You really would have preferred a bear.
[Open ending to let you choose the ending you prefer, and I don't know, maybe I can write continuations with each character (Baki, Jack, Kaoru or Yujiro)]
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Versión es español.
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Se suele murmurar que en las altas montañas de Japón existe criaturas monstruosas, traviesas entidades que disfrutan al atormentar a las personas que tienen la mala suerte de perderse en los senderos montañosos. Demonios similares a enormes bestias con colmillos como dagas, montañas por músculos y cuernos majestuosos como una corona, pero atemorizantes como enormes lanzas.
Puede sonar como una leyenda inventada para mantener a las personas lejos de las montañas, para evitar que los senderistas sigan perdiéndose o teniendo accidentes fatales, pero simplemente hay algo que puede perturbarte por la religiosidad con la que se mantiene esta leyenda; como si no fuera un cuento, si no, una advertencia.
Te lo advirtieron mucho, todos esos amables ancianos que se mostraban tan preocupados cuando expresabas que tu destino estaba en las montañas. La mirada preocupada en sus rostros te daba ternura, pero también era inquietante la forma en que creían, tan fervientemente que si no tenías cuidado terminarías topándote con esas aterradoras criaturas. Sin embargo, no podías retroceder ahora. Tu abuelo, un autoproclamado ermitaño de unos ochenta y tantos años, vivía en la cima de la montaña y era tu responsabilidad como hijo mayor el cuidar de su salud ahora que tu padre se ha ido, además de abastecerlo de provisiones hasta el mes siguiente.
Perteneces a una familia muy unida y algo tradicional, ni siquiera podrías pensar en darle la espalda a tu abuelo, aunque él quiera eso. Tu padre subía cada mes a la montaña, limpiaba la casa de tu abuelo, le mostraba respeto y volvía a bajar, cada mes sin falta. Ahora era tu turno.
Cargaste las provisiones a la espalda, debidamente empacadas y selladas, emprendiendo camino hacia la montaña cuando todavía las aves se despertaban y cantaban por la mañana. Los senderos eran solitarios, pero repletos de vegetación, una señal inconfundible del poco tránsito que había en esa zona, la vista era simplemente hermosa; no recuerdas la última vez en que viste un verde tan brillante como lo era el color de los árboles que se alzaban y arropaban el suelo.
Mantuviste el ritmo de tu caminata mientras reflexionabas, recordando todas las advertencias y buenos deseos de las personas que vivían en la base de la montaña. Hablaban sobre los onis y sobre lo agresivos que eran, que no debías salir del sendero por nada y que no te detuvieras ante nada. Mencionaron que había algunos que se paseaban con mayor frecuencia por estos lares, sus nombres y como podrías identificarlos.
Cuando te hablaron de Baki te dijeron que tuvieras cuidado, si bien era el más tranquilo entre los cuatro onis de la zona, el color rojizo de su piel seguía delatando su codiciosa naturaleza. A pesar de su apariencia sobrenatural y monstruosa, era reconfortante mirarlo, sus facciones suaves eran un poco más llamativas que sus toscos colmillos y los cuernos que resaltaban por su corta maraña de pelo. Sería una suerte el toparse con él cuando estás perdido, usualmente está de buen humor, así que, si puedes darle algo de interés, estará dispuesto a ayudarte a salir de la montaña ileso.
Tanto Jack como Kaoru pueden ser impredecibles, si bien, no son muy problemáticos, pero tampoco son completamente neutrales.
Jack es un oni de gran altura, podrías confundirlo con un edificio si olvidaras que te encuentras en el bosque, el tono rojizo de su piel también denota cierta avaricia, pero no parece seguir dichos instintos a menos que se encuentre en presencia del oni azul. Jack muestra muy poco interés en los viajeros, casi ignorando su insignificante presencia si está de buen humor; Si está molesto, bueno, es fácil intuir lo que una criatura tan grande y poderosa podría hacerle a un pequeño humano que grita y lucha en vano contra él.
Kaoru no es muy diferente a Jack, su piel rojiza marcada por múltiples heridas muestran que es una criatura de temer, que no es ajeno a las batallas y que es capaz de resistir mucho. Nadie quiera ser presa de sus enormes manos, gigantescas prisiones que acabarían con la vida de quien sea. No se ha escuchado muchos incidentes que involucren a Kaoru, pero toda persona que ha ido en su casería jamás regresan. Es más desinteresado que Jack cuando se trata de la presencia humana, pero su tranquilidad no garantiza seguridad.
Y por último, el oni de color azul, Yujiro. Es de naturaleza iracunda y conflictiva, la presencia de la gente es repulsiva para él y no hay oportunidad de salir bien si terminas frente a él. Muchos de los incidentes de la montaña son obra suya. Dicen que sus ojos brillan en un rojo carmesí en medio de la oscuridad de la noche, no podrás confundirlos con nada, porque una vez que los notas ya será demasiado tarde. No hay forma de razonar con él, solo hay un camino a seguir con él; huir, el problema radica en que nada te garantiza sobrevivir. Sin importar que tan rápido corras o cuanta ventaja creas tener, él te atrapara.
No terminaste de creer en eso, pero dentro de ti… Muy dentro de ti, había una vocecita que rogaba al cielo porque tu camino sea seguro y alejado de cualquier entidad problemática que perturbe el ritmo de tu andar.
El ruido de pasos llamo tu atención, jurarías que fueron pasos. Estabas seguro. Las aves se movieron y emprendieron vuelo, huyendo, pequeños e inofensivos animales corrían a unos metros lejos de ti, huyendo, y si no se tratase de algo intangible darías por hecho que la brisa que soplaba contra tu rostro también estaba huyendo.
Te congelaste cuando notaste una silueta grande entre los árboles, desde tu lugar eras incapaz de distinguir algo más que su gran tamaño e inusual altura, era seguro que no era un humano. Tu mente pensó en cada posibilidad; un oso… Un oni. Oso u Oni, no podrías hacerle frente, debías alejarte antes de que te notara, pero era difícil apartar la mirada gracias al miedo que sentías al pensar en perderlo de tu campo de visión.
Retrocediste lentamente sin apartar la mirada, lo que hizo que no notaras el desnivel en el sendero, caíste con un grito de sorpresa y cuando te recuperaste pudiste notar que la gran sombre te miraba con ojos luminiscentes. Te congelaste en tu sitio cuando una mano con garras salió de la oscuridad para abrirse camino entre los árboles que bloqueaban su paso, tu mente estaba confusa y tu garganta se secó por los largos jadeos que te provocaba el miedo…
… Realmente hubieras preferido un oso.
[Final abierto para dejar que escojas el final que prefieras, y no sé, quizá pueda escribir continuaciones con cada personaje (Baki, Jack, Kaoru o Yujiro)]
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jq37 · 2 years
Just when you think Brennan “Bird Facts” Lee Mulligan has the avian crown locked up, in comes Emily “Our Grandfather Invented Birds” Axford with a steel chair. 
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I’m having some thoughts about the council of Elrond. Because how much detail did he really go into in his recap? Like to explain who Sauron is did he go back to the very beginning? Because they said that the full story was known to none so that implies a pretty decent amount of information?
Did he start talking about the Silmarils? ‘And then my sort of adopted grandfather literally invented murder. He also created these shiny rocks that are a lot more important than you’d think. Apparently important enough for my mother to choose them over her own and her children’s lives so she jumped off a cliff. Don’t worry she’s still alive she turned into a bird and now she’s with my father who turned into a star, that one over there see? So then my brother Elros and I, yes that Elros, were raised by the same mass murderers.’
‘Then the gods show up and destroy the continent, because that’s the most responsible way to solve a problem’
‘Then my cousin fell in love with Sauron after deciding for some reason that creating three more shiny magic objects was a good idea after witnessing the entire thing I just described.’
‘And then everyone died, except my scary mother in law.’
‘Any questions?’ Erestor and Glorfindel are laughing, the elves are all horrified and everyone else is really confused.
‘I mean granted this plan has some flaws, but my great grandmother managed to steal from Sauron’s boss almost entirely unarmed by singing a song, so stupider plans have worked. I mean granted she was part god-
At this point everyone is so disturbed they just decide to go along with it. And they are all very glad they are not part of Elrond’s family. Little do they know they probably are.
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laurelindebear · 1 year
Ardeth Bay Headcanons
As well as his native variant of Arabic, he is fluent in a number of other regional dialects, and proficient to fluent in English, French, German, Italian, some Coptic and some Middle and Late Kingdom phrases.
Is an avid reader, especially of poetry. He'll pick up any volume of poems he can, ancient, modern, or anything in between, in any language he knows.
Poetry and storytelling are extremely popular pastimes amongst the Medjai. As well as readings, Ardeth writes some poetry of his own.
When they are invented and he gets a chance to experience them, he loves roller-coasters.
Drinks alcohol sparingly, but has been known to indulge in pomegranate wine if he's feeling laid-back.
Beverage of choice is strong Turkish coffee, which he drinks anytime he has the water to spare.
Has a sweet tooth, and gets sparkle-eyed for strawberry tarts when he first tries them while visiting the Carnahan-O'Connells in England.
Strong coffee + sweet tooth means his favorite treat would be a cafe mocha, full fat milk and whipped cream with cinnamon on top.
Has a younger sister, Nesreen, with whom he is very close (even though she is prone to teasing him, as little sisters do.)
His mother is deaf, so he signs with her using a Medjai variant of Arabic sign language which incorporates some of their signal codes and other gestures.
Has always had a falcon named Horus since he was first old enough to learn. Horus I was presented to him by his father. Subsequent birds all take the name (Horus II, Horus III, etc.) like a little dynasty.
Has cultivated a good rapport with a merchant in Cairo who makes and sells the highest quality soaps and emollients. Ardeth keeps his spare money aside to pick up the best shampoo and hair oil when he's in the city. Those luxuriant locks don't happen by accident.
(He may ignore the question, if asked about it, but Nesreen will happily spill the beans.) If he shares his hair care secrets and products with you, you have made it to his innermost circle.
Surprisingly good with children. When interacting with young kids, he will squat down to talk on their level, face to face. Enjoys giving piggyback rides to young family members, and lifting them up to sit on the saddle in front of him when they are too young to learn to ride yet.
Has a great dry sense of humor he shows only around people he's comfortable with (and when he's not in Serious Medjai Chieftain mode).
He inherited the knife with the elaborate handle (seen on his back in the first film) from his grandfather.
Slow to open up and trust people, but once you've earned it, you have a friend for life.
With thanks to @nnobodoodles, @belphegor1982, @picklebrinedgoblinmind, @nooneleavesforgood, and @tinydooms for letting me share some of these before and sharing some of their own ideas with me for brainstorming! ❤
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holocene-sims · 2 months
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next // previous
august 25, 2021 12:01 a.m. paradise hotel
[henry] do you remember the first pokemon cards we ever got? way back in the nineties?
[grant] of course! and we literally could not read them because they were the o.g. cards from japan that your cousin who lived over there sent you.
[henry] i wish they had a bulbasaur and mewtwo plush. bulbasaur was always my favorite. i'm loyal. i saw him that starter deck and never looked back.
[grant] and you gave me the mewtwo card out of that o.g. set.
[henry] there’s no telling how much those cards are worth now. not that i'd ever sell them. they’re sitting pretty in a china cabinet my mom gave me. as in an actual china cabinet. for nice dishware.
[grant] and for nice pokemon cards! why not both?
[henry] that cabinet is also home to all of soobin’s very old fangirl stuff. there are so, so, so many pieces of h.o.t merchandise, including handmade collages of tony.
[henry] in case you were wondering, our wedding china is in a cabinet in the laundry room. it's not like we eat off it.
[grant] you gotta do what you gotta do.
[grant] ah man, i wish i still had that mewtwo card.
[henry] it’s okay. it’s not your fault it’s lost. besides, i gave it to you to be yours. no questions asked. you could have eaten it as a snack and it’d be fine by me.
[grant] i know. but i really liked having it. and you gave it to me, so what’s more special than that?
[henry] it’s not the same but if you ever get an inheritance from your parents kicking the bucket, you can be petty and use a slice of it to buy a replacement since your mom, uh, set fire to all your childhood stuff in the backyard.
[grant] see, the fact that it’s not the same would ruin it. i wouldn’t want another.
[henry] i get that. if i lost my cards or something else i valued, i wouldn’t replace it either.
[henry] i've gotten lucky, though. all my stuff’s still around. i even have a very old 35mm camera, one of the oldest ever invented, that my grandfather gave me, plus all his film rolls. he was a hobbyist bird photographer, you know? but i don’t use that camera or look at the film often because i care that much about protecting them.
[henry] actually, haha, when soobin and i bought our house and started moving in, i asked her to carry the camera over there in her purse so someone’s hands were on it at all times.
[henry] oh, wait, you know what else i have? besides the camera and those letters we talked about the other day. it was recently procured from my mom.
[grant] no idea!
[henry] the old karaoke machine! sadly, it doesn’t work anymore, but i do have it. it's in my garage.
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systemic-dreams · 9 months
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when your grandfather invented birds
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
most romanceable acofaf npcs, ranked:
wuvvy - she’s hot she’s a top she’s got a fucken poisoned blade i am NOT immune to fucked up evil women with anxiety disorders
king oberon - i can be ur manic pixie dream girl baby bring the mrs she’s invited too
viscountess grabalba - she deserves love and i deserve to be the one to give it to her 10/10 would not leave at the altar
princess suntar - i could fix her or she could make me worse i would not be pressed about it
prince apollo - he’s just a big Chonky Boy who honestly gives off strong dim vibes. i desire him carnally. have him washed and brought to my room.
theodore - hotter when he was in feral mode and i cannot call anyone chooch and take them seriously but he’s dtf three stars
baroness alven - she seemed cute as hell and supportive of antics we stan a poly queen
gorebladder - imagine being his tiny goblin wife up to silly little hijinks for six hours max, bliss
lord blemish/lady boil - tiny and vile and i don’t know if i can throw it back like goblins can
grandfather - listen i know he’s fucked up looking but. but. but. hear me out. he literally invented birds.
wanessa - like looking in a mirror 0/10 i could not live with my own failure
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