#the way countries like the us ALWAYS go unchecked
fortyfive-forty · 26 days
i've been ruminating a lot on it because i think i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words but i need y'all to understand that while there are absolutely a lot of Not Good Things about the finals being held in saudi arabia for three years...the way people seem to treat is as morally black and white is shortsighted and unhelpful.
realistically the players traveling there will be protected. it may be uncomfortable, it's certainly not ideal, but they will travel there for a few weeks, play their tennis, then leave. there are a lot of women, a lot of queer people who actually live in saudi arabia who cannot just leave, who are actually subjected to laws and social climates...and to me it just seems very disrespectful to that actual lived experience, for everybody to sort of turn their noses up and get on their high horses. of course, if the players wish to opt out, that is their choice, but that is their choice to make. that's their judgement. not ours.
and then, what about a tournament like miami? florida is literally experiencing one of the worst active regressions that i've seen in the us (granted i'm young). things like critical race theory and lgbtq+ ed are being removed from curriculums, rights for trans youth, trans healthcare, etc. are going backwards. abortion rights? gun violence? and yes i know that the laws and climate in saudi arabia are different gravy, i understand that, but my point is, no one would ever DREAM of arguing against hosting a tournament in miami despite all of these issues. and we can extend this to a lot of other tournaments! i mean, all the outrage about fifa hosting a world cup in qatar, but we don't have any of these sentiments about doha? i've seen other people bring up that the finals were hosted in singapore when gay marriage was still illegal there. we've already talked about italy's fascist prime minister. and i could go on and on and on about the war crimes of countries like the us or the uk - is the us not participating actively in genocide right now? where is the standard? if you argue against hosting the finals in saudi arabia for the reason of human rights, to me it seems you have to uphold that standard for the location you do land on. and i can guarantee, you will not find a single country in the world with clean hands.
i want to be clear i am not arguing that hosting the finals in saudi arabia is a good thing, especially for three years, especially because it's definitely going there because of money, and not for any of the "good" reasons i think some people want us to believe about "improving the region" (which is very weirdly white savior-esque anyway). i don't really have an official "conclusion" to this discussion.
what i am arguing is that i think a lot of the protests against saudi arabiahosting the finals are more an example of implicit anti-arab bias and islamophobia, rather than genuine discussion. key word implicit: i don't think most people are purposefully trying to be anti-arab/islamophobic. or at least, i'd like to believe nobody is. but i also think, particularly in the west, there is already so much of this xenophobic sentiment ingrained. and this is why i think it's really really REALLY important to check ourselves when we talk about it instead of just jumping straight to the human rights conversation without a second thought.
i'll say it plainly: i don't think the finals should be held in saudi arabia. but for me, it has more to do with sportswashing, with the dangers of the way money is thrown around in sports, and because i think it's more evidence that the wta doesn't care about player welfare but rather about making a profit (what else is new). human rights are absolutely a concern of mine, but how is it fair to hold saudi arabia to a standard that we don't seem to care about for literally anybody else?
literally look at the us's ugly ugly history, past and present, and tell me why we deserve to host a tennis tournament.
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wrongbodies · 9 months
The Punishment
Kurt thought of himself highly. Being one of the better players on the school’s baseball team, he was well regarded on and off the diamond. Having always been athletically gifted, and with little done to mitigate his ego, he had grown into quite a jerk. It was common for him to outright ignore students and peers who he deemed below his social circle. And with all the adoration he was used to, he was mostly able to surround himself with the people he wanted.
However, there was a side to Kurt not many knew. In fact, the only ones who knew were boys at summer camps or other such short term happenings. Kurt was gay, and loved getting with guys when he was certain there was little chance they could expose him to his precious social scene at home. When he was with these faraway trysts, he was pleasant and tender, but only because he never would face them again.
But all inflated egos pop one day, and usually at one’s own doing. As Kurt was a senior now, 18 years old and already scouted for college, he wasn’t so careful anymore. He figured he was bound for another state at a great school… Why worry about some nerd who was going to a school across the country (opposite where he was going)? 
Enter Ian. The boy was as doomed as far as poor gay boys in unwelcoming states can get. He was the kind of gay who couldn’t shuck the mannerisms or quash his hormones when flights of fancy caught him. Still, he was a good student and tried his best to do right to others as his single mother taught him. And despite the hard times he was bound for a decent enough school, below where his aptitude could get him, but well within their price range.
Kurt found Ian one day checking him out, a not so surreptitious stare giving him away. Normally, Kurt would ignore someone like that. But something about Ian’s lustful eyes and Kurt’s unchecked libido had him look back. He walked by Ian and whispered to meet in the dugout at the school baseball field afterschool. They would begin a secret affair, where Kurt would put Ian through his paces.
Ian, unfortunate romantic that he was, caught feelings. How could he not? Kurt, with his perfect body, unblemished save for the occasional bruises and scrapes from baseball, he was beautiful. And sometimes he handled Ian in their secret hookups so tenderly one could think it was love. But Kurt loved only himself and how he felt when he released inside Ian, and when the stupid nerd begged to be more than secret fuckbuddies… Well, Kurt roared with laughter. They had just finished screwing that fateful day, when he pushed Ian off his dick, who would fall into the reddish-brown dirt. 
Kurt pulled on his clothes, snickering as he turned away and reminded Ian that he was a nobody to him. That he was basically the human equivalent of a cumrag. Ian, outraged, felt his thin fingers claw into the dirty floor. Something inside him broke, a power he didn’t know he had or perhaps an entity beyond our ken took pity. He had little thought other than what he admonished Kurt with as he spoke: “I wish you knew, you jerk. I wish you knew what it was like to be me, and I wish I could be you.”
Kurt chuckled at that, and said, “sure, Ian. When I’m you tomorrow, are we still on to meet up and fuck here? I guess you’d get to top then, huh?”
It was as he was turning away he felt the air change. It wasn’t breezy before, but now it was like molasses. He came to a rest, as a shudder ran all across his body. From his position on the ground, Ian saw Kurt stop moving, just as a similar sensation ran across his form. Kurt turned to look back at Ian again, this time fear in his eyes. Someone always in control, always domineering and powerful, now was in the grip of something he couldn’t comprehend. 
As the shuddering feeling came again, this time the two felt something like a wave start from the top of their heads, sweeping all the way down to their feet. Ian looked at Kurt, and noticed he was shrinking, turning paler by the moment. Kurt saw the opposite, Ian naked on the ground seemed to expand and gain tanner skin by the moment. It became apparent as their faces rippled and changed, the two were switching bodies. Kurt was horrified to see his body before him, his muscles rippling now without clothing to hide under. And Ian became strangely giddy to see Kurt swimming in the clothes he once filled out so perfectly.
“What, why is this happening?” Kurt cried.
“I think this is… your punishment.” Ian smirked. Kurt looked mortified, and started tearing up. Ian started grabbing at the clothes Kurt was wearing. “I need these, you're much too small for them anyways.”
“B-but-” Kurt whimpered. Ian tossed his old clothing at Kurt, garments Kurt would never wear but now were the only hope of hiding his tiny new body.
“Hey Kurt, or Ian I should say…” Ian grinned from his new body, his clothes now in place. “I think I WILL top tomorrow. But also, I think we should go public, don’t you think?”
Kurt felt his stomach drop… this truly was a punishment.
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heyguys-itsnicole · 7 months
something that's so vile and disgusting is seeing how people will defend Israel's actions on the basis that Palestinian people simply have less value as human beings; always referring to them as "animals", and saying it's "good they're behind a wall" and it's "necessary" to protect the "civilised people."
if anything, you would expect a Jewish state to be the last one to fall for something like this. And yet, no lesson has been learnt. The dehumanisation taking place is so abhorrent and prevalent that its mind-boggling how it doesn't get questioned by the people posting it.
plus, the framing of the conflict has been shocking. expecting palestinian territory to get smaller and smaller and more and more militarised by their land-seizers whilst expecting no response or backlash is completely unrealistic. the actual oppression Palestinian people go through is completely ignored - the way this is being reported on, you'd think Palestinian people started a world war over a minor disagreement, not an operation to liberate both themselves and a thousand Palestinian hostages.
dehumanisation and apartheid is what leads to full-blown fascism, (it's a symptom of it) and eventually genocide if left unchecked and supported. it happened in germany, rwanda, america, etc. and each time it was simply based on so-called "rational thinking," it just made sense that the more advanced white man is destined to manifest the US into creation, ignore the backwards savages. it just made sense to blame the Jewish population for somehow losing WW1, and it just makes sense to contain the "subhuman Hamas supporters" to protect freedom and democracy. The goal is always complete eradication, of Native Americans, Jews, and now those in Palestine.
Critics will promote complete peace rather than any violence, saying that they just need to march or go on strike or host a sit-in. these are the recommendations of painfully disconnected people who can't seem to comprehend how violent action against violence may be necessary in some cases. Especially when your imperialist occupiers are permitted on the world stage to host all this violence, dehumanisation, and broadcast biased news with impunity.
and all based on a religion claiming since they lived there 2,000 years ago they should get it back. someone should probably tell them that religions aren't real. they're made up, im not sure if they know that. literally the most pathetic justification for imperialism. no but god said i need to live here just like how god said my family specifically deserves and has the right to rule this country. i love divine justifications!! they're so great and never unfair every single time
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 3: #C8 vs #C2
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
#C2: High social anxiety girl has to befriend her whole class
Details and poll under the cut!
*Text in green indicates that something has been changed.
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither the name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason. Now, he has to work in the government to atone for the crime.
At Dali Court, they review court cases from all over the country. But when an incident involving the esteemed ministers of the royal court breaks out, Dali Court is called to help, only to find themselves entangled in political threads and hit heads with an eccentric demon.
Li Bing is determined to get to the bottom of this, but how far can he go when he could regress into a real cat at any time when left unchecked?
I’m tired of writing new propaganda every round, so I’m begging you to just trust me that it’s GREAT.
Intriguing plot? Check. Complex and interesting characters? Check. Comedy? Check. Drama? Check. 
The blend of comedy and drama is just so good. I started the show because I love cats and supernatural stuff. Who would’ve thought it would pull me into an abyss of despair of political intrigue. The cat demons turned out to be just the icing on the cake. 
We have all these different characters brought up in different ways that their ideas of what is Right conflict with each other. None of them are exactly Wrong or inherently Evil (well, except for maybe one guy), and this makes it so much more difficult to choose who to root for. You’d think everyone against the protagonists are the Enemies, but turns out even the protagonists are limited by their biases and unintentionally harm others. Even the two protagonists themselves get into arguments because of their different standpoints.
And I just love this because it makes them realistic, you know? The characters don’t always agree with their friends, and their enemies are not completely hostile either. It really all boils down to what they believe in. Sometimes their beliefs align with existing comrades, and sometimes they find it on the other side.
Production-wise, this show also gets a check on everything. As an adaptation, it’s amazing. The original manhua has quite a simple style—kind of like comic book drawings, and panels are all rectangles in one straight line. Storytelling is also simple and straight to the point. 
But the 2020 donghua? God, it went far and beyond that.  The animation team does not cut corners at all, which is a feat considering the show has a low budget from what I’ve heard. 
A short, simple scene in the manhua becomes an emotionally-devastating experience in the donghua. The animation choices, angles, music, and just everything else blend so well to deliver a STORY. This adaptation does not just copy frames from the source (like Blue Lock) or cut/reorder some of the scenes (like Horimiya and Sasaki to Miyano). White Cat Legend 2020 understands the material so well that it can creatively use the advantages of the animation medium to deliver an experience that exceeds even that of the source. Think Mob Pyscho 100 or One Punch Man s1 level of creativity. It even has mini stories at the end of the ending song. For s1, the mini stories are in stop-motion, while for s2 it’s formatted like a video game. You gotta appreciate the effort.
Please just vote for this show. It deserves to be in the Finals.
Trigger Warnings:
Cannibalism - There’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though).
Animal Cruelty or Death - said cat demon also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)
Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore - There’s blood and fighting, and somebody also gets tortured in season 2. But again, nothing too graphic
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#C2: Hitori Bocchi’s ○○ Lifestyle (HitoriBocchi no MaruMaru Seikatsu)
Many of us know what it is like to transition to a new school with few to no friends in a new environment, going through the arduous process of getting to know people again. Bocchi Hitori knows this struggle all too well, having just graduated from elementary school and thrown into middle school. Unfortunately, she suffers from extreme social anxiety: she faints when overwhelmed, vomits when nervous, and draws up ridiculously convoluted plans to avoid social contact. It does not help that her only friend from elementary school, Kai Yawara, will not be attending the same middle school as Bocchi. However, wanting to help her, Kai severs ties with Bocchi and promises to reconcile with her when she befriends all of her classmates in her new middle school class.
Even though Bocchi has no faith in herself, she is determined to be friends with Kai again. Summoning all of her courage, Bocchi takes on the daunting challenge of making friends with her entire class, starting with the delinquent-looking girl sitting in front of her…
This is a fun and lighthearted show. Watch it if you need something cute to chill out! The art is cute and colorful, the music lively, and the animation fine enough.
As it's adapted from a four-panel gag manga, the story is simple and focuses on the various characters. They all have pun-based names related to their main personality trait, so they're easy to remember if you know some basic Japanese (Hitori Bocchi means all alone, for example). The girls are all adorable and fun in their own quirky ways, and I loved seeing the heroine doing her utmost best to overcome her fears -and other challenges- to befriend them in the hope of fulfilling her promise. That's the power of the Do-Your-Best Fairy! They all care for each other (despite some teasing) and help Bocchi with her monumental task, never pulling her down for her struggles but gently pushing her in the back when needed.
But most importantly, Hitori Bocchi is a very relatable character. As someone suffering the same trouble, I related a lot with Bocchi, from her silliest worries to her escalating panic and weird schemes in an attempt to prevent anything wrong. Anxiety is faithfully represented, mixed with the right amount of laughing to how far Bocchi can get to avoid fearful situations in her very cute ways. It feels good to see a character like me in a such positive light! The struggles are real and acknowledged, and it’s really moving to see our heroine overcome them little by little in a very humanizing way.
This series has become one of my comfort materials, and I come back to it when I need hope and inspiration in everyday social interactions! If you need one last thing to be convinced, listen to that most adorable and silly song that will give you the Power of Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGoGwlNmZUQ 
Trigger Warnings: None.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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tacky-jack-with-a-hat · 8 months
So some Mother Nature/Florida headcannons
(Bc I just found out that last week a 100 year old tree fell on DeSantis's house...)
• This ship is more complex than you think
• They frequently flip between intense love and trying to undermine or sabotage each other
• When in love they will throw hurricane parties, have beach days or take their alligator children on a walk through everglades.
•Nature loves Making waves for Florida as he plays in the water.
•In the winter she will purposely make it just cold enough so he could snuggle up to her.
•Florida admires her power and terrifying she can be, seeing her chaos and storms just as beautiful as the rest of her creations.
• Like Floui they are a crime duo that function on chaos and passion but Nature is less calm and controlled then Loui yet she is stronger and arguably more dangerous than Florida. This shows during her fights with Florida.
•Nature has threatened to drown Miami on multiple occasions, climate scientists say she isn't joking 😃
• Her love for Florida comes from his unique environment. The peninsula state is one of the most biodiverse States in America (7th for known animal species and 6th for vascular plant species) and Mother Nature wants him to be healthy and maintain his unique ecosystem.
• Things were fine when they first met as for most of Florida's history he was considered inhospitable swamp trash so people avoided him. Leaving just him and Nature alone.
• But when people did came Nature refused to share Florida with real estate developers; using her tropical storms, hurricanes and high temperature to keep people away from Florida.
• For example during Florida's 1920s housing boom (when he was entering tourism industry) she threw two hurricanes at him that was stronger than anticipated, developers to become bankrupt and the growth to halt.
• However, their conflict arises from Florida's unchecked tourism industry. 44% of his vertebrates are declining in number, most likely due to habitat loss (such as the Everglades being shrunk down by 50%) in order to build hotels, fast food chains, highways, attractions or holiday homes. Not to mention animal behaviour changes when tourists with little knowledge of the wildlife end up frightening and harassing the animals and pollute habitats. There's also SeaWorld.
Florida blames all of this on individual tourists whilst Mother Nature blames him for inviting the tourists in the first place and not looking after himself.
• From Florida's perspective he thinks Mother Nature doesn't want to see his success or enjoy things unrelated to her and is either ignorant or indifferent to her problems.
• It's also canon that Florida makes fun of her for the parts of the year when they're not together.
• Mother Nature however sees his attitude to global warming as unsustainable and self destructive but as the embodiment of an unstoppable force she ends up lashing out and causing more problems
• Everyone is against them being together, with Loui staging an intervention for Florida. He denies anything is wrong and will talk excitedly about his "fierce" girlfriend and the storms she makes.
• Florida likes being cradled and likes the way he is so unless someone else does something he's never going to give up Mother Nature nor give her the sustainable relationship she needs.
• Claire (Nature's assistant from the video) and some other countries often attempt interventions . Nature will always end up crying and questioning herself and Florida and vows never to ever go back to him.
• But then hurricane season comes and she falls for it again. Each time with a new idea how to "fix" their relationship for good.
• If they ever get married Florida is going to be one of those grooms who smashes the cake in the wife's face when she told him not to.
• Florida has mommy issues and this relationship proves it.
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ifindus · 1 year
are we not going to talk about the fact that the president of the united states during ww2 held a speech for Norway?? the speech is called "Look to Norway". I don't know if other countries got a speech like this from him but we sure did💌🇳🇴
Vaguely remembered this, so had to look it up - very beautiful speech really 💖 It was held in relation to name one of the US's ships after the Norwegian King, and is about how the Norwegian story during WWII should inspire other Nations to fight, stand strong, and never give up ✨
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The entire speech (not very long) for anyone curious:
Your Royal Highness, Mr. Ambassador:
If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway. If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway. And if there is anyone who doubts the democratic will to win, again I say, let him look to Norway.
He will find in Norway, at once conquered and unconquerable, the answer to his questioning.
We all know how this most peaceful and innocent of countries was ruthlessly violated. The combination of treachery and brute force which conquered Norway will live in history as the blackest deed of a black era. Norway fought valiantly with what few weapons there were at hand—and fell.
And with Norway fell the concept that either remoteness from political controversy or usefulness to mankind could give any Nation immunity from attack in a world where aggression spread unchecked.
But the story of Norway since the conquest shows that while a free democracy may be slow to realize its danger, it can be heroic when aroused. At home, the Norwegian people have silently resisted the invader's will with grim endurance. Abroad, Norwegian ships and Norwegian men have rallied to the cause of the United Nations. And their assistance to that cause has been out of all proportion to their small numbers. The Norwegian merchant marine has lost some 200 ships and 1,300 seamen in carrying the supplies vital to our own and Allied forces overseas. Nor has the Norwegian Navy been less active. Norse fighting ships battled valiantly but vainly against the invader—destroying one-third of the German invasion fleet before they were overwhelmed by superior forces. Right now the blue cross of Norway flies on the fourth largest Navy of the United Nations—a Navy whose operations extend from the North Sea to the Indian Ocean.
It is today the privilege of the people of the United States, through the mechanism of the Lend-Lease Law, to assist this gallant Navy in carrying out its present heavy duties.
Your Royal Highness, as a token of the admiration and friendship of the American people toward your country and her Navy, I ask you to receive this ship. We Americans, together with the millions of loyal Norwegians, are glad that this ship is being given today the name of the King of Norway—a leader well versed in the ways of the seas, a true leader who, with his people, has always stood for the freedom of the seas for all Nations. May this ship long keep the seas in the battle for liberty. May the day come when she will carry the Norwegian flag into a home port in a free Norway!
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i think, other than the prevalence of often unchecked white supremacy in these communities, i finally realized what it is about so many american norse heathens that gets so under my skin
its that majority of them dont give a shit about the current cultures that are in scandinavia
sure you read the edda like 15 times but do you know literally anything about norway? sweden? denmark? who lives there? what its like there? 
you “corrected” me for “incorrectly” calling christmas Jul, but do you not realize that in scandinavia many old pagan norse traditions have long since fused with christianity? that in norway, christmas is a one to two week long affair that is collectively called Jul? do you not realize that? 
you want to reclaim your culture but have you put in the effort to learn anything about it other than an american filtered pile of exclusively ancient traditions? did you double and triple check that those things have not been twisted and co-opted by nazis? are you loud and vocal in making that space unwelcome to them? 
im sorry that over generations this country stole all this from you to force your family into cohesive, identityless Whiteness
and you shouldnt be barred from trying to reconnect to your culture. its a good thing. i want you to. and honestly i dont think anyone should need to be of norse descent to get to be a part of it. 
but it is always going to leave a bad taste in my mouth when you approach it with some kind of mindset that you, american obsessing exclusively over ancient norse history, act like you are in some way More Accurately And Truly Norse than the actual literal people living in scandinavia today 
and there is a personal aspect to it as well, one i know a lot of ppl can understand
this country is extremely xenophobic and no, xenophobia is not the same as racism, though they often do overlap i am very much a white person, i have never and will never had to deal with any racism
i am a very privileged person; im a white person who grew up upper middle class with a loving and generous family, and this is in no way denying that 
but i am a norwegian person who grew up in america who faced the brunt end of a lot of xenophobia
peers who mocked me when i tried to share traditions and cultures, who told me i was weird or gross
id come home crying the first years after we moved here, embarrassed that i was norwegian, because that made me Different and Bad and Weird
people who spoke to my mother like an idiot because she has an accent, who wanted to “borrow” her bunad, the cultural dress she got fucking married in, to wear to a fucking costume party, who talked so often to her about how Glad they were that she got the Privilege to move to America and away from such a Poor country like norway when she didnt even want to leave her home at the age 45 and only left because my father had to go back to the states
people who were outright harsh and cruel to us for literally no reason other than we Weren’t American Enough (and for that matter, ive had to deal with it on the other end to- Norwegians telling me im stupid and ignorant because Im American and im Not Norwegian Enough, it makes me want to tear all my hair out and scream) it makes me
so bitter
to see those same people who i know were xenophobic to my family b/c we did not fit exactly into American Whiteness now hyper consume and wear norse paganism with pride and in the same breath tell me that i am being norse Wrong
i want to make clear that i am not crying appropriation. i genuinely feel i dont have the right to.
but i am asking for some kind of self awareness and respect 
PS. if anyone comes in here trying to act like you must be white to be norse i will break every limb you have and drop you in a ditch to burn that is nazi shit we dont do that here. we love and support norse pagans of color and if you are not putting in an effort to make them feel safe among white peers, you need to fix that.
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rust-bearer · 6 months
Anon again, here to bring you a written scene you did not ask for, so I apologize in advance lol. This is kind of a “how they met during the apocalypse” type of thing, so read if you’re interested, and if not, no harm done. I couldn’t help writing it, I just had to.
Rice, iodine drops, and matchboxes. He needed rice, iodine drops, and… and matchboxes, right. Or was it rice, matchboxes, and bottled water? No, there was no more bottled water. Right, right, he needed rice, filters—no, no. He needed rice, matchboxes, and… and—
First Aid wasn’t entirely certain, but if his calculations were correct, the world was nearing its third week of total destruction. Outside of his safe haven, he had begun running into fewer and fewer zombies (one of the perks of living out in the country, First Aid reminded himself), but danger still lurked around every corner. At least, every other corner, or every third, corner. His home town was small, and as such, the population remained low—save for the holiday season. It meant less chances of running into one of the undead, which meant another day that First Aid could go without adding to the crushing guilt of beating in the rotting skulls of people he used to know.
They weren’t necessarily people anymore, but it wasn’t right. It felt wrong. He felt like a murderer, as if he’d been the one to pass on the virus to the poor soul, and hated every second of defense against the living corpses that lumbered about.
First Aid kept to the wider aisles when he could, and he always peeked around every corner before moving on. For his supply run, which was rather small this time around, he had managed to sew together the perfectly shaped hand bag using a few unblemished scraps of cloth and a DIY sewing kit he’d found on his last supply run. If his family hadn’t all been turned into brain-eating monsters when the infection first appeared, First Aid imagined his half siblings probably would have teased him to no end about his “progressive” and feminine tendencies, even if he’d done nothing but pick up a needle and some thread to create the perfect bag.
As he neared the camping section—an area First Aid had paid extra attention to in the beginning, since there were plenty of resources left for long-term survival—First Aid could make out the faint sound of rustling foil. In his mind, he imagined it was another survivor like him, struggling to piece together what little was left of their broken world while avoiding the undead at all costs, but he wasn’t naive enough to give into those thoughts entirely. Anyone who had made it this far would have known better than to make so much noise.
As he crept closer to the fuel aisle, where his precious matchboxes were sure to be stored (he would’ve preferred some fire-starting kits, but those had been quickly swept up by the terrified crowds), the sounds grew louder and louder. Before he knew it, First Aid was quite literally staring into the face of the undead from behind a stack of precariously organized cans, watching as the zombie… well, he wasn’t exactly sure what the zombie was doing, but whatever it was, it looked suspicious.
He was in a much bigger dilemma now, since the zombie was standing a few inches away from the matchbox section. Strangely, First Aid felt like he was back in the real world, the normal world, and that he was awkwardly busying himself with other things while he waited for the person—in this case, a zombie—to step out of his way. Feeling pressured for time, First Aid chanced a step closer.
This, unfortunately, proved to be a grave mistake on his part.
A sound between a whimper and a startled gasp escaped him unchecked as his left hand, which had been resting against the stack of cans with little to no issue, suddenly caused an entire domino effect. Frozen to the spot by an awful sense of dread, First Aid watched as the cans toppled to the floor, creating a sound that echoed through the store. It was almost as loud as fireworks on holiday nights, and he knew for a fact that if there were any zombies in the vicinity, he had just placed a huge target right onto his own back.
The zombie, which had originally been content to munch on the piece of bloodied foil between its hands, looked up at First Aid with what could only be described as the most empty stare the young doctor had ever seen. They both stood still for a few brief seconds, each one staring back at the other with an unspoken question: why the hell had First Aid been so reckless?
The zombie shot up straight, reminding First Aid with horror that the poor creatures weren’t always as slow as they appeared to be, and gave a guttural snarl before lunging for the terrified doctor. First Aid hissed out a frantic curse under his breath before whipping around and bolting for the exit. He was on the far end of the store, unfortunately, but if he took a few precise turns, he would have no trouble at all making it out—
All at once, First Aid came to a screeching halt. His body slammed into the barricaded door, shattered windows haphazardly covered by sheets of plastic and thin, blistering wooden boards. No, no no no no. He’d taken the wrong turn! The open exit was the other way, and now he was trapped, and the zombie was coming closer, and—
“Shit,” he sobbed, desperately searching the nearby area for a weapon, for anything.
From behind, the zombie lumbered closer, having slowed down measurably after it realized First Aid was trapped. The act made him question whether or not the zombies were as insentient as the world had made them out to be. It seemed all too twisted, being hunted down as prey, only for the predator to stalk him with visible excitement. With no other choice, and no weapon in sight, First Aid squeezed his eyes shut and held up his hands, awaiting the fatal attack. He’d lasted a while, after all, and he had done so with very little violence. Maybe, somewhere out there, someone could carry on his legacy—
His dreadful thoughts and anticipation of impending doom were cut short by a sickening crunch, and First Aid opened his eyes just enough to see the zombie inches from his face, the sharp end of a fence post sticking out from its gaping mouth. Rotten flesh and sticky pus dripped from the wound, but still the creature twitched and writhed against the post, its jaws jerking as if to close down on the offending metal.
First Aid watched with mild disgust as the fence post was drawn out, only to be driven right back in, the sharp end now sticking out from between two gaping eye sockets. This time, instead of reacting like a bloodthirsty monster, the zombie’s movements became sluggish and few until it finally collapsed at First Aid’s feet and fell still.
First Aid jerked back, a panicked cry escaping him. He threw his hands up in preparation of an attack, but when it finally registered just who he was fighting against, he relaxed. It was Vortex, one of the people who lived at the huge farm on the outskirts of town. He lived with the Combaticons, as they called themselves. Fitting name for someone who had just driven a post through a zombie’s head, First Aid thought to himself.
“Hi,” he echoed, one hand scratched nervously at the back of his neck. He looked down at the zombie, then gave it a little kick with his foot. “Er… thanks.”
First Aid watched quietly as Vortex retrieved his weapon of choice, one foot braced against the zombie’s torn up back as he yanked the post free. It seemed so easy, barely a sound of effort being made as Vortex easily slid it out. It was like watching a knife slice through butter, and First Aid couldn’t help but fear such strength.
“Say,” Vortex said, leaning against the bloody fence post as though they were neighbors discussing gardening tips. “What’s a helpless nurse like yourself doing out here all alone?”
“I’m not a nurse,” First Aid mumbled, crossing his arms around his chest in a self-conscious manner.
One look at Vortex had him wondering the same about the other; they were about the same size after all. Same height and everything. But seeing as Vortex had just taken out a zombie in a few fell swipes, First Aid had a feeling he was underestimating the Combaticon’s power.
“Supply run,” he explained, holding up the back slung over one shoulder. He was lucky it hadn’t been lost in the rush. “There’s, uh… other survivors. Hiding the old church building.”
“Huh,” Vortex said, scratching his chin. “Didn’t think they’d make it that far. How many?”
“A few,” First Aid said. “Not many, just… enough, though. There’s only a few of us.”
“Right,” Vortex nodded. He bit his bottom lip and looked around, as if searching for a way to extend the conversation. “So…”
“So,” First Aid repeated. “I… guess I’ll be on my way, then.”
“Oh, really?” Vortex asked, his expression faltering. “I kinda thought—well, I kinda thought… actually, never mind. I’ll, uh, see you around?”
“Yeah,” First Aid said. He watched Vortex leave with a careful eye, his grip on the bag over his shoulder tightening. “I’ll see you around.”
Gonna stop there because I need to finish baking apple dumplings, but this would go a little something like this to keep to the AU description you’ve already written: First Aid does see Vortex again. At least… he thinks so? It’s a little hard to tell behind all the makeshift battle armor, but he can make out one—no, no it’s two, or… or maybe three—? Before he can even finish that thought, he’s being grabbed from behind and thrown into a… a horse carriage? Either way, he can still see, he’s not even bound that tightly, and all of sudden Vortex is popping up next to him, babbling on with the biggest grin about how he convinced his family to bring First Aid in and that all the other survivors can come, too, and… yeah, I’m sure you get the picture. Anyway, I hope this brings you joy.
This is really interesting! It makes me want to write more for the AU now. Like a horrific feedback loop of writing
Everyone read this
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stardustprompts · 2 years
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the king of crows (  book 4 of the diviners series  )   -  libby bray  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying   tw ;  death , suicide idealization 
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‘did anyone ever tell you that you sleep with your mouth open?’
‘you two. I don’t know whether to hope you get married or hope you never do.’
‘if this goes badly, don’t you dare come back and haunt me.’
‘doesn’t matter what’s true. it matters what people think is true.’
‘well, if there’s going to be drama, i’m all in.’
‘for the first time in my life, I got something to lose.’ 
‘I know from experience that saying no to you is a full time job.’ 
‘he only cares about power. he only cares about winning, no matter the cost.’
‘let’s fight fire with fire.’
‘you want to remake the world in your image, like a malevolent god?’
‘stop joking around. this is serious.’
‘you think your institutions will save you? they’re part of this.’
‘who died and made you boss?’
‘you’re still playing by their rules. you’ll never get anywhere that way.’
‘if trouble’s gonna come calling it won’t find me at home. it’ll have to chase me down first.’
‘i just don’t know how we make things work between us.’
‘please, please don’t hate me. I couldn’t bear it.’
‘you’re always you. always honest.’
‘i’ll kill you. I swear I will.’
‘greatness requires some sacrifices.’
‘i’m just saying, some doors are very good closed.’
‘well, I’m sorry I’m not as clever as you are.’
‘nobody’s who they say they are.’
‘if we survive this, you are dead to me.’
‘I can’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult.’
‘there’s things out there. and they’re coming for us.’
‘I will kiss you as much as you like.’
‘i’m afraid this isn’t real. i’m afraid in a minute i’ll wake up and i’ll be here but you won’t be.’
‘i’m here, (name), and I promise I will never leave you again.’
‘are you sure you should be doing that? after all you’ve been through?’
‘I like the way you apologize.’
‘don’t get used to it. i’m very rarely wrong.’
‘how are you gonna fight if you don’t believe there’s any goodness in this world worth saving?’
‘why are we trying to save this country? what’s it ever done for us? maybe we should just let it burn.’
‘you got me, didn’t you? your life couldn’t have gone too wrong.’
‘our last words to each other were angry. it haunts me. I wish I could undo it.’
‘it haunts me. I wish I could undo it.’
‘you know what heroes do? they pay attention.’
‘you really could make a joke of anything, couldn’t you?’
‘you aren’t invited to comment on everything in my life.’
‘I want better for you. you deserve happiness.’
‘whatever you do, will you come back to me?’
‘what were you thinking? were you trying to be dumb?’
‘am i the only one here with a lick of common sense?’
‘we might be spending too much time together.’
‘when you put it that way, sounds like we don’t have a chance in hell.’
‘i’m not cocky. can I help it if I’m just that good?’
‘I hate maps. and directions. and rules.’
‘they don’t want to hear what you have to say. this is what they want: blood.’
‘who wants to etch their name into this story?’
‘I was having the most beautiful dream. I was … happy.’
‘I told you. but you never did listen to me, did you?’
‘I was afraid I’d never see you again.’
‘I told you that you’d be sorry.’
‘what happens if such power goes unchecked?’
‘i’m not telling anyone about this. and you’re not gonna, either.’
‘fine, no hurry. it’s only the end of the world we’re worried about here.’
‘I can face just about anything. but I can’t do it without you.’
‘the world is a terrible place. it never learns.’
‘I used to think I wouldn’t care if I died. I just kept throwing myself at life, hoping I’d hit the bullseye eventually. I thought death would be a relief from all that feeling.’
‘I used to think I wouldn’t care if I died. I thought death would be a relief from all that feeling. a relief not to have to feel all that pain. not to care so much.’
‘you think you’re the only one who ever feels that way?’
‘how do you go on… with all that loneliness inside you?’
‘you know, I really thought this was going to be a much more romantic conversation.’
‘I invented trouble. I know how it works.’
‘(name), would you marry me?’
‘I always believed you and I would be special together, but now I know it’s true.’
‘I don’t suppose you could be happy for me, could you?’
‘you and I weren’t meant to be.’
‘that’s what he wants, to get you good and scared. so you won’t fight back.’
‘I don’t think one joke will be the end of us.’
‘something is wrong. don’t you feel it?’
‘i’m not yelling. I’m just … nudging.’
‘it was everything I was afraid of.’
‘maybe we need to lose control sometimes.’
‘I used to feel numb a lot.’
‘i’m so angry all the time.’
‘I don’t know what to do with all these feelings coming up inside me. I don’t know where to put them.’
‘life isn’t always fair, and the choices we make sometimes aren’t always clean.’
‘we can’t do anything about other people do. we can only do right by what we believe.’
‘it’s a hard path to be who you are and try to put your best self into a world that doesn’t always show thanks for it.’
‘you ever wonder if maybe we’re on the wrong side of history?’
‘you’re lying. you’re a liar. nobody likes liars.’
‘you take and you take and you take! well, you can’t have him—- I won’t let you!’
‘nothing about this is natural. it’s an unnatural world.’
‘we’ll always have (name) that way, and we’ll carry him around with us forever.’
‘you and me. if they come for one of us, they come for all of us.’
‘in addition to being a lousy fellow, you’re also a goddamned idiot.’
‘I will make you a swell little medal if we survive.’
‘sometimes you just gotta burn something down so you can build something else in its place.’
‘you were selfish. you are selfish.’
‘that’s all we are in the end. stories.’
‘will you remember me fondly?’
‘i’ve taken nothing that people weren’t willing to give me. out of greed. out of anger. out of fear.’
‘you did have a choice. you made it.’
don’t waste it. make a good life.’
‘I was afraid I’d lose you.’
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lmelodie · 9 months
The Day of Darkness
So I've been babying this idea for a week now because BlackIce angst/hurt comfort is my FAVE. So, since Killian is rather official unofficially CS canon, that means he was also around for the Day of Darkness. And I just wanted to see what the could've looked like. Fenagling the regular BlackIce timeline into the CS timelines for funsies!
Around 4.3k words for the curious. If you are unfamiliar with @safyresky​ characters this will make NO SENSE. Please read Crystal Springs. That is not a request 😌
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564 CE
It was just a normal day! Or night where he currently was. That's how these things always start out. Everything is completely fine until it isn't. Killian was out in the field, doing his job. Sitting on a thatched roof in some unnamed human village, surveying the nightmares working en masse in the dimly lit homes. So, so ordinary, until it wasn't.
Until he feels it. A sensation that is very familiar to him, but never in such saturation as this. Almost like a really bad tension headache. 
It's the pull of a massive collective fear spiking in Crystal Springs. The combined sense of doom from every citizen rippling through the entire continent. The whole of the country is doused in a terrible dread, and he can feel the pull of such a massive amount of unchecked fear in the back of his head.
And it felt wrong. The entire populace is all scared at once when they definitely shouldnt be. Something has happened and he doesn't know what. Something big. And he can't stand not being in the know. Especially when it's his domain to be concerned with. So he cuts his shift short and races off to Crystal Springs to find out what's got everyone in such a stir.
He trudged through the process of teleporting to the continent with much more difficulty than he was expecting. Something that's usually so effortless had him straining through the process. It left him wondering if he should even think about the possibility of doing that again once he reached his destination. And when he manifested the city center he could see why.
A horrible, terrible blizzard had taken the continent by the throat. Choking out any life that had once been idling in the streets. The gale force winds canceled out any other noise, big or small. And the tiny daggers of ice it carried on its back sliced through any open skin like paper. It was cold and dry and whiter than oblivion in all directions. 
The sun was completely blotted out, plunging the magical world into an unusual and foreboding darkness.
The storm's presence assaulted Killian’s bodily senses as he stood in the midst of it. Not only his main five, but his sixth sense of fear factor was through the roof now that he was in the city. He can feel that everybody was hulled up in their homes; across all four corners, everyone feared what this could possibly mean. He stood in the middle of the whipping winds, squinting his eyes to try and see anything of value or use to him to figure this out.
But he did know one thing for absolute certain.
“Motherfucker!” he shouted into the howling winds.
He somehow knows that this whole charade he’s doing will also affect him one way or another. In a way that he definitely won't like dealing with. He can't decide whether he’s surprised about him doing something like this or not. A small part of him wants to believe that maybe this is Winters doing. Maybe he finally broke the poor woman and she finally snapped and went full snow queen on the Springs. But he knew that definitely cant be anyone else but him.
But before he could do any of that there was one place he had to go first. He knew Jack and his family would be doing just fine in a storm like this. One summer and three winter sprites should be able to hold their own. 
But it was his own that might be having issues with conditions like these.
Again, it was a surprising trek and a half to teleport to the eastern province. He managed just enough to get to the massive open cave entrance on the evergreen mountain face. He wanted to be inside the thing, but just outside the front door will have to do. 
But he didn't have a spare second to collect his thoughts before he was being shoved aside by a swarm of goblin citizens hurtling themselves through the cave entrance. Smacking into the back of his knees and shoving him a little of balance before eventually flowing around him when he didn't move. 
The stragglers that were caught outside on their daily commute were trying to run back into the safety of the underground. Some more frostbitten than others depending on how far away they were coming from. The cliffside cave did most of the heavy lifting when shielding the city from the harsh conditions, but only somewhat. The goblin populace was still vastly unprepared for such a sudden onslaught.
But the moment he wasted in observing the chaos was short lived, as he too joined the trickle of people and all but leapt onto the stone path. He slithered through the shadows, swimming from one darkened corner to another at breakneck speeds. On the search for the only one here he really cares about.
He eventually finds Duna huddled up in her home, bundled in a heavy shawl, stoking an infant fire in the fireplace. He reforms just outside the smaller than average door and nearly kicks it off its hinges as he barges in.
The goblin woman who carried the name turned to see the intruder. Her creased face lighting up upon recognition, nearly stumbling over herself to get to him across the cramped living quarters. 
“Killian!” she called back in a thick romanian accent. She ended up squeezing the lower half of his legs before he set to crouch down to her level.
“Killian, that boy needs sense! Și-a pierdut mințile? (Has he lost his mind?)” she said, grabbing onto his collar.
“I have no idea what he’s done, let alone why. Definitely for stupid or petty reasons. Do you have any hypothermia?”
“Fah!” she scoffs with a grin, “Am văzut mai rece decât asta (i've seen colder than this). I lived under Regina Frosti!”
“I know, you're a tough cookie,” he says, “but these are nasty temperatures out there. You're all just lucky that the cave repels a good chunk of it.”
“We can't use the crystal balls,” she sadly explained, “Nothing gets through. Teleporters are down.”
“Yeah I know. Manual teleporting isn't doing much either. It's hard enough to cross provinces, but I bet it's damn near impossible to make it anywhere off continent.” He closes the space between himself and the floor and sits with his legs crossed, “The whole country is scared shitless so I had to come and see what it was about. But now I don't think I can go anywhere else.”
“Desigur că nu (of course not). You're not going anywhere,” she makes her way across the hovel yet again to continue stoking the fire.
“But I can't just sit here. At the very least I can try and find Jack and get him to stop the storm.”
“Use your head, Killian,” she sternly says, “Iarnă (winter) es a very powerful season. She will set things right, as every good mother does.”
His mouth tightens into a line, “I don't know. If she were able to, this storm probably wouldn't even be happening right now. Something isn't right here. And don't you trust my opinion about when things aren't right?”
“You're not going out in that storm,” she demands, pulling up a small wooden stool from the corner, and sitting herself down in front of the fire; sitting the iron poker against the wall with her palms facing the open flames, “Stai pe loc (stay put). The winds bite like dogs. You will freeze.”
He doesn't have any clever retort or valid point to throw back at her. Because he knows that she's right. Teleporting has been made difficult, and he won't last for very long if he just starts wandering out in those conditions. He crosses his arms and stares down at the weathered floorboards to try and think of something else.
Killian doesn't move but looks up through his browline at the call of his nickname. Duna faces him over her shoulder with an unusually soft grin. A sense of tactness encases her sentiment, “Everyone will be fine. Calmeaza-te (calm yourself).”
And, surprisingly, begrudgingly, he did. 
He, along with the rest of the springs, stayed in lock down for another full week. He occasionally lended a hand to Duna as she poured her efforts into helping those being hit the hardest in the town. One piping hot meal at a time. But Killian mostly kept to himself as the week crept on.
The blizzard never getting worse but staying painfully consistent. He watched from his ledge perch handing off the stone ceiling. He watches and he thinks and he waits and he stirs. He tries getting into Jack’s head to see what use this could’ve possibly served. Maybe a little area here and there, but the whole country? He could help but wonder if he’s actually gone off the deep end this time. What on earth would have set him off.
But after the week was up, and after everyone had given the ordeal a somewhat inaccurate name, the storm finally cleared. Everything was still frozen over but the air didn’t hold any malice anymore. The creatures of the springs poked their heads out of their homes to see that they were in the clear.
And now the cleanup work began. 
Killian was quick on the uptake and immediately went to Frost manor to see if Jack was lingering around. But not even the usual residents were there. Eventually nearing dusk he managed to find Blaise giving instruction to a group of assumed city council members just outside the springs themselves. 
Of course he asked about Jacks’ whereabouts, but his father provided little detail and was very avoidant about whatever thing had transpired that caused the blizzard. Says he wasn't anywhere near Crystal Springs and he hopes it stays that way. Praying for his son's own well being that he never comes near the place again. 
When seeing Killian leave, the governor couldn't tell whether he should be angry at him by proxy or to pity the poor fool.
So Killian began a more extensive search for Jack. Another two days went by of him trying to juggle his usual job spreading nightmares and trying to hunt down Jack for an explanation. Of course he checked his home in Sweden first thing, only to turn up empty. 
This proved to be the same outcome for other local haunts that he searched along the way. Spots in Norway, Greenland, Canada and Iceland all came up empty. Wherever he was, he was somewhere terribly far away or terribly hidden to avoid any potential fall out. Somewhere he himself probably didn't think too hard about.
And that's when the lightbulb went off. 
Killian went trudging through the ankle height snow in the surrounding forests of Lake Baikal in Russia. Sleep deprivation showed on his face and under his eyes, but carried not in his body as he searched. He was perhaps more determined about this than he should've been. A bit more invested in this idea of looking for him than what was necessary. Definitely more than anyone else thought of doing. 
You ask anyone else and they’d tell you they were glad he’s flown off to Timbuktu or farther. Happy to be rid of him.
But not Killian. Whether such determination was a good thing or bad thing, he continued onward. Sending out a swath of sentient shadows to cover more area. 
It's one of less visited areas outside of work. But he comes here to think and to mess with the lake water during the winter. And after a moment more of almost aimless walking, he thinks he finds him.
A shadow came back with knowledge in tow of a strange fixture in the snow a couple miles ahead. So that's where he went. He slips between shadow and solid form to then search the supposed area of laden activity.
“Jack!” he calls.
It doesn't matter if he wants to talk or not, if he’s outright avoiding him as he wanders the vicinity. Killian has always been an excellent hunter, and he will find him eventually whether or not Jack himself wants to be found. 
And it was then that he spotted the structure of snow in the distance. An unnatural rise in the snow levels. Killian moved as fast as he was able in the snow and closed in on the half wall. A wall of packed snow waist level high that formed a perfect circle. Leaning over to look inside the sunken indent was none other than Jack. 
Laying on his back facing the heavens, and completely unconscious. 
However, as a first reaction, Killian was more irritated at him than anything. Not having put all the pieces together quite yet. Of course he couldn't make this easy for him. He never does after all.
‘Oh for fucks sake.’
He brute forced his way through the tiny walls that surrounded him, crumbling the snow as he passed through them.
“No sleeping on the job asshole! You got some explaining to do!”
Killian stood over Jack and kicked him in the leg in an attempt to stir him. When that didn't work he tried it a second time but just a little harder. Also a failure. He even tries a third time, even harder. But the physical assault does nothing. At this he cocks an incredulous eyebrow, and annoyingly crouched down to his level. 
And it's only when he gets closer does the hostility finally start to dissipate. The hardness in his eyes ever so slightly softens as he gets a better look at the state of him.
He has the odd scorch marks on his sleeves, blackening the area and even exposing the burned skin underneath. More week old burn marks also adorned his hands, and his face was not much better. It was now that he fully settled to be sitting on his knees, gently taking the sides of his face in his hands, leaning in even closer to discern the visible damage. 
A micro-bruise on his nose, another scorch mark far up on his forehead and a few shallow, scabbed over cuts in odd places on his face. 
Suddenly the mask cracks. The terrifying persona that was The Boogeyman slips away in the cold presence of no one else but him. The silence of the forest around them rings out and imposes itself upon the pair. Killian’s deep and small breaths caught in clouds of white; his thumb absentmindedly running over his cheek. 
He wracks his brain on this exact thing that Jack has told him about before. A sprite thing that puts them in a coma or something. He’s said something about it before, but he just couldn't be bothered to care at the time. And for the life of him he can't remember if it was physical or emotional damage that put them out. 
He sighs, and lifts his head up to scan the general vicinity. Almost like he was checking to make sure no one else was there. That no one would be there to witness him care about someone. But with the coast abundantly clear, he turned his attention back to Jack and gently set his head down back onto the ground. 
He knows that some serious shit has gone down and it is most definitely his fault. But there's not a lot of willing or available testimonies he had access to at the moment. For now, Jack is out of commission and possibly injured. Which means he takes precedence for the moment.
“Don't make me regret doing this,” he quietly warns.
He shifts to be crouching flat on his feet, and with some squirming to get the hold right, he slips his arms underneath Jack and lifts him into a bridal carry. Any limp extremities immediately trying to pill out of grip as he fully stands back up. And with Jack in tow, found and retrieved, they disappear into a swath of darkness.
Promptly reappearing in the dark corner of a bedroom. Jack’s bedroom. He left home a couple hundred years ago and made a new place for himself in northern Sweden. It was modest living compared to Frost Manor, but luxurious to the eyes of the average soul. It was spacious, clean, cold in its own right and at the moment, only illuminated by the beams on the daylight sun breaking through the windows. 
Killian took hold of the home's owner and scuffed his boots across the hardwood to the bedside. Trying to set Jack down on top of the comforter as gently as he can muster. Even though he's already kicked the guy thrice and he didn't even twitch, he feels he should be more careful, considering the circumstances.
After setting him down he goes to the window on the adjacent wall and closes the blinds together. He then goes over to one of the nightstands and lights the oil lamp sitting on its surface, diluting the light that's in the room. 
His final place is to be seated on the floor, with his back resting against the right side of the bed frame, closer to the headboard. He crumples to the ground and lets out a constricted sigh. His head craned backwards onto the mattress as he ruminates, his heart beating slowly in his chest.
He finds himself oscillating between being mad and irritated at Jack for doing who knows what, burning with intrigue about what exactly he did do, or being concerned for his well being. The latter option being only relegated to this room. Only in his presence will he ever be concerned about him. 
‘What did you do…?’ he thought to himself.
In any case, his partner being unconscious after making a blackout storm was not something he thought he was going to have to deal with. All he knows right now is that all of this will surely come back to bite them both in the ass.
What he also didn't expect to deal with was the fall out coma of “The Day of Darkness” to last roughly another two weeks. 
Crystal Springs was in the middle of trying to get itself back in working order. It was a large scale job that required all hands on deck. Of course he tried to further track down Blaise or Winter for an explanation on what exactly happened, but both were thrown here and there in the effort to dissipate the remaining ice. And even when he did manage to corner one of them, they both brushed him off and avoided the topic like the plague. 
Blaise ignored him in favor of the thaw job at hand, simply having more important things to do. And his fiery temper sparking in and out of conversation in the lurch of the dreaded events, made him a less than ideal conversation partner. 
And he never did talk to Winter directly after the fact. She somewhat joined her husband's efforts in defrosting the springs. But she provided even less conversation than Blaise. Her face lived in a permanent state of forlorn. Of grief. And she just wasn't around as much to try and bother with his questions. Blaise said she was at home taking care of Jacqueline and wasn't seeing any visitors. End of story.
Which means waiting for Jack to come to for his inevitably skewed explanation was now more of an anxious wait. The days went by and waiting for him to wake up was the only thing Killian could do. And usually he was pretty patient, after all you don't get a good scare unless you learn to wait for the right moment.
But this was different. 
Like many things in his life, it was different because it was him. He was assured that a sprite sleep would do nothing but help, but he didn't like Jack being out for this long. It doesn't sit right with him. It reminded him of looking at a perfectly preserved corpse, and now in a fun way.
Like on his search, he did go about his job like usual, after all there was plenty of fear fodder to sow in the wake of such a continent wide disaster. Everyone had their own reservations about such an event. But he couldn't seem to fully enjoy the process.
He checked in nearly everyday to see if there was any progress. Just for a few minutes or so, just to see if he was still there. Check to see the healing process on his superficial wounds that he ended up cleaning a while back. 
He visited for two more weeks before something changed. It happened when he wasn't even there.
Jack finally woke up in the middle of dusk, just as the sun was starting to set. The first thing he could see through squinted eyes was the color orange poking through the drawn blinds. It saturated the color of the ceiling above him as his vision slowly came into focus. His breathing came back to life in deeper pulls as he fully came to.
At first, he silently questioned why and how he woke up at home when he distinctly remembers falling asleep in the Russian woods. He works his memory backwards, retracing the steps he took to get there and then suddenly remembered the gravity of the situation. 
His heart rate spikes just a touch at the memory of how he left. What he did. He slowly sat up on the bed and receded into the mindscape. He went searching and found the things that he was looking for; his tethers to things he chose to abandon. 
He checked Jacqueline’s line first and foremost. Glowing a bright and strong light, signaling to him that she survived. And by all accounts he should be far more concerned for these people than he is. But for now, her being alive was good enough for him. 
He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, sitting his elbows on his knees and closed his eyes as he walls off the connection tying them together. Nothing getting in or out. 
Then he turned his attention to his mother’s line. Less glowy than his sisters, dull and almost limp. But just the thought of having that old thing still around stirred in him the anger he thought he left at the front porch. His next in line, a child’s line he wouldn't think of cutting. But his mothers? He needed no invitation. 
He tore the thing in half and watched with the mind's eye as the rest of the glow disappeared and the thread fell to the ground. Something as taboo as that should have warranted far more thought beforehand. Drastic measures like these were not to be taken lightly. But to him? At this moment? Both of these troublesome little things are now out of sight and out of mind. He only hopes and prays that it doesn't take too long for him to forget they were ever there in the first place. 
It's better this way.
After the fact he sat there for a moment. Getting himself in order in a room he doesn't remember entering, looking out to a world he left an indefinite amount of time ago. Gathering his thoughts, and pushing away and lingering feelings. An ice cold stare to oblivion. 
But the world won't wait for him any longer. He doesn't know how long he’s been out, so he supposes that should be the first order of business; finding out what day it is. He stood up beside the bed and smoothed out any noticeable creases in his clothes. But he couldn't get even two steps toward the door when the night shift entered.
The darkness in the corner of the room deepend and writhed with activity, spitting out Killian in a slight hurry to check on Jack before work. But there was no need.
They both paused for a long moment and stared at the other for very different reasons. Neither one of them fixing to make the first move anytime soon.
Of course, Jack managed to forget one loose end. The only string still attached. The pieces started coming together that he must have been the one to move him during his sleep. And he quickly realizes that this poses a new problem. 
He can avoid his family well enough, hell he could even avoid the entity of the springs if he has to. But him? There's no avoiding him. Not for now at any rate. And he definitely can't know the extent of what he did. The events of what went down need to stay secret. Because as much of an obstacle he is at the moment…he can't get rid of him just yet.
But he didn't have any more time to plan for such contingencies, when Killian came crashing into him; trapping him in a deceptively constricting hug. The amount of worry made abundantly clear through his grip and lack of words. He sewed his eyes tightly shut, and held onto him like he was going to fall unconscious all over again. 
Jack was caught off guard for a minute, just sitting there letting him continue. Until he realized that he can put off spinning a cover up story for later. 
He hugs back with minimal effort. The arms hanging off of his back nearly limp, ready to slip off at a drop of a hat. But even still he relaxed into the hold nevertheless. Not making any moves to avoid it or pull out of it, but just waiting for it to be over. He leaned his head against his shoulder, turning into the crook of his neck.
He smelled like firewood and iron.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Killian mumbled.
“I know,” Jack responded dryly, “I know…tell you over dinner?”
“It better be one hell of a dinner. It might be your last meal, so make it count.”
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iturbide · 5 months
I get such shady vibes from the magistrate.
I vaguely recall a fantasy book I read ages ago where a country would immediately conscript anyone who started displaying magical abilities. Not because they were useful in the military but because throwing mages on the front lines was a convenient way to get rid of them.
I wonder if the magistrate is going for a similar approach here, let both problems: spooky masked poisoners and our mage friend, take care of each other.
Summer Storm
25,890/50,000 words
“How many mages have you brought to justice, Lindulf?”
He thought for a moment.  “Four since last winter.”  Not including Miryn.
Miryn didn’t feel like justice.
“An admirable record.”  He heard the praise in her voice, and stood slightly straighter, though she did not see it where she stood staring into the flames.  “Your efforts have kept our city safe: left unchecked, mages would wreak untold destruction, cause immense harm to all who call Luvirei home…it is only through our laws that we can preserve the safety of the people.”
“Yes,” he agreed quietly. 
“It is for everyone’s safety that mages must renounce their magecraft, or else leave Luvirei,” she continued.  “And it is for that same reason that we cannot allow any mage to evade responsibility for their crimes and the harm they cause others.”
Lindulf nodded.  “That’s why Miryn is going to help us deal with the group in masks.”
The magistrate made a quiet sound, beginning to pace slowly before the flames.  “It is vital to the safety of our city that this be resolved, Lindulf.  These rogues cannot be allowed to go unchecked.  I’m entrusting you with seeing this mission through.”
“What about Izzy and Riculf?” he asked, his head tilting slightly to one side.
“I would like answers regarding this incident with the mage,” she replied.  “As she seems to have a firm handle on the situation, I would ask Izzy to investigate, with Riculf’s aid.”
He shuffled his feet slightly, worrying his hands behind his back.  “Will the two of us really be enough?”
She turned a practiced smile on him, familiar but lacking in real warmth.  “You are one of our most capable guardsmen, and the mage has proven himself capable.  The reports from travelers have never cited more than perhaps six of these rogues; correct me if I’m mistaken, Lindulf, but have any of the statements mentioned them drawing weapons?”
He frowned, turning his gaze to his boots.  “There have been several that stated they carried blades, but…I can’t recall mention of those blades being drawn.”
“It does not seem unreasonable, then, to imagine that they are a bluff?”
Lindulf shook his head.  He had never liked these kinds of speculations; Izzy had a knack for weighing possibilities and deciding how to act, but he had always held to his uncle’s wisdom: never carry a weapon you don’t know how to use.
The silence stretched, though, while she waited for an answer.  “I could not say, Magister.”
She hummed, softly, returning her attention to the hearth.  “Even assuming they do have some experience, the mage will be present to assist.  I trust in your competence to bring these rogues to justice, just as you have the mages.”
He nodded, keeping his eyes trained on the toes of his boots.  “I will do my utmost.”
The magistrate approached, placing a hand on his shoulder.  “Lindulf,” she said solemnly, “this is a grave matter.  For the good of everyone, both in our city and coming to it, they cannot be allowed to run rampant.”
He met her dark brown eyes, lifting his arm in a firm salute.  “You have my oath, Magister.”
She smiled again and released him, gesturing toward the door.  Turning on his heel, he strode across the room—
He looked over his shoulder, one hand resting on the door handle.  “Yes, Magister?”
She stood facing the window, hands clasped behind her back.  “This matter with the masked rogues is of utmost importance, above all other concerns.  Should it happen that the mage falls in the pursuit of this greater justice, then it will be a necessary, if unfortunate, consequence of success.  Do you understand?”
“Yes, Magistrate,” he agreed easily.
“Very good.  You may go.”
She lifted her hand again, and he departed without hesitation, closing the door carefully behind him…before releasing his deep sigh of relief.  With only the two of them, he had been worried for Miryn’s safety — mage or not, he had never struck Lindulf as a fighter — but the Magistrate had clearly considered that already. 
If only one of them needed to see the mission through for it to be successful, he would ensure that it was Miryn who returned.
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The U.S. Supreme Court's conservative majority on Wednesday appeared to ready to limit judicial power to overrule voting policies crafted by state politicians but might not go as far as Republican North Carolina lawmakers want in a case the liberal Justices painted as a threat to American democratic norms.
The Court heard arguments in a case the state lawmakers have used to try to persuade the Justices to endorse a contentious legal theory gaining traction in conservative legal circles that would prevent state courts from reviewing the legality of actions by state legislatures regulating federal elections.
The Republican lawmakers are appealing the top North Carolina Court's decision to throw out the map they devised for the state's 14 U.S. House of Representatives districts as unlawfully biased against Democratic voters. Another state court then replaced that map with one drawn by a bipartisan group of experts.
The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority, and its most conservative Justices including Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch appeared willing to embrace the "independent state legislature" doctrine presented by the Republican legislators.
While the conservative Justices in general asked questions that indicated skepticism toward the state court actions, some signaled that the Republican argument that state constitutions cannot constrain the power of legislatures in setting rules for congressional and presidential elections might go too far.
Under the once-marginal legal theory they are now promoting, the lawmakers argue that the U.S. Constitution gives state legislatures - and not other entities such as state courts - authority over election rules and electoral district maps.
The Court's liberal Justices suggested the doctrine could free legislatures to adopt all manner of voting restrictions. Lawyers arguing against it also said it could sow confusion by allowing voting rules that vary between state and federal contests.
"This is a proposal that gets rid of the normal checks and balances on the way big governmental decisions are made in this country," liberal Justice Elena Kagan said, referring to the interaction between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. "And you might think that it gets rid of all those checks and balances at exactly the time when they are needed most."
America is sharply divided over voting rights. Republican-led state legislatures have pursued new voting restrictions in the aftermath of Republican former President Donald Trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud.
The Court's eventual decision, due by the end of June, could apply to 2024 elections including the U.S. presidential race.
During the three-hour argument, the Justices touched on the issue of enabling federal courts to review state court actions to ensure that judges do not behave like legislators or unfairly apply vague state constitutional provisions such as those requiring free and fair elections to disempower lawmakers.
Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts wondered whether such broadly worded provisions provide proper "standards and guidelines" for state courts to apply.
Alito dismissed arguments that legislatures would be unchecked if the Republican position carried the day.
"Under any circumstances, no matter what we say the 'Elections Clause' means, Congress can always come in and establish the manner of conducting congressional elections," Alito said, referring to the Constitution's elections language.
The doctrine is based in part on the Constitution's statement that the "times, places and manner" of federal elections "shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof." The Republican lawmakers argued that the state court usurped the North Carolina General Assembly's authority under that provision to regulate federal elections.
Kagan said the theory would free state legislators to engage in the "most extreme forms of gerrymandering" - drawing electoral districts to unfairly improve a party's election chances - while enacting "all manner of restrictions on voting," noting that lawmakers by virtue of coveting re-election may have incentives to suppress, dilute and negate votes.
Kagan said the theory also could let legislatures insert themselves into the process of determining winners in federal elections - a sensitive issue following the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack by Trump supporters who sought to block congressional certification of Biden's 2020 election victory.
Some conservative Justices appeared to balk at aspects of the Republican arguments.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh emphasized the "historical practice" that "nearly all state constitutions regulate federal elections in some way." Roberts said another check on a legislature's power - a state governor's veto - "significantly undermines the argument that it can do whatever it wants."
David Thompson, arguing for the North Carolina lawmakers, said the Constitution "requires state legislatures specifically to perform the federal function of prescribing regulations for federal elections. States lack the authority to restrict the legislature's substantive discretion when performing this federal function."
Kavanaugh told Thompson that his position on the theory's breadth "seems to go further" than that conceived by then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist in a concurrence to a 2000 ruling deciding a presidential election's outcome - an opinion seeing state courts as exceeding their authority on federal elections.
North Carolina's Department of Justice is defending the state high court's February ruling alongside the voters and voting rights groups that challenged the map approved by the legislature in November 2021. They are backed by Democratic President Joe Biden's administration.
Elizabeth Prelogar, arguing for Biden's administration, said empowering state legislatures the way the Republicans want would "wreak havoc in the administration of elections across the nation" and cause federal courts to become flooded with lawsuits concerning state-administered elections.
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mediajournalkevinuwm · 5 months
BLM (Website)
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The Black Lives Matter Global Foundation otherwise known as the BLM movement, is an organization that is fighting for the total liberation of black people [1]. It is the most well-known organization of this generation fighting against white supremacy and is working to uplift black people that have been disenfranchised and pushed to the side. The BLM organization was created in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murder back in 2013 [2].
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The organization has worked to prevent those who would get away with the murder and disempowerment of black people, for continuing with these actions. They bring attention to situations that would otherwise be ignored, and they continue to promote black culture.
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Our course has focused a lot on the way the media and imagery impact people and their perception of the world. The way an image is framed can be just as important if not more so than the subject of the picture itself. Additionally, as Suken and Cartwright point out the act of “looking involves relationships of power,” and the BLM movement has used this concept to change the power dynamic away from the police to the people that are murdered by them [3].
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When George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin the BLM movement did not allow the police to push the narrative that Floyd was in the wrong. The actions of Chauvin and the other officers are indefensible.
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The BLM movement supported Floyd’s family and helped rally many parts of the world against the actions of the police.
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The BLM movement asks us to pay attention and to not let the actions of white supremacists and racists not go unchecked. The civil rights movement of the 1960s asked Americans to do the same and we continue to have these issues, because things are never fully addressed. It is always half measure, never enough. The core of our country is in many ways rotten from the beginning.
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Slavery and the continued attacks on people who look physically different have changed, but it has not stopped. So, movements like BLM continue to emerge to show the world more the rotten bits and force the country to take some kind of action, removing some of the rot. However, there is always more to be shown, more to be done.
[1] https://impact.blacklivesmatter.com/
[2] https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/
[3] Suken &Cartwright- Practices of looking
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Vent Post, TW: racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, and bullying
I go to a high school in a very rural Midwest town. As you can imagine it’s not the most open minded area. But that’s not my problem. My problem is the way my high school is run.
My school values diversity or at least it says it does. Sure, there are speakers who come in and occasionally talk about racism or bullying, but when it comes to racism or bullying in classrooms, they don’t do anything. Putting up a pride flag in your office or saying ‘happy black history month’ over the intercom once doesn’t make you an ally to minority groups.
We read ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel in our honors English class. It’s a great book and I completely recommend it to anyone who’s interested. But that’s beside the point. My strife lies with people constantly cracking jokes about it. People doing the hail hitler sign. People making jokes about gas chambers. When we were playing a class game where we had to come up with team names one group put down ‘thrid rike’. The teacher saw it and she didn’t do anything about it. Those kids who did it are some of her favorite students. She goes back there and jokes with them about football. Now this is what grinds my gears, she is the type of teacher who says that she is a teacher to come to when students need support. She is performative activism personified. I don’t even know how people can joke about mass genocide.
Our school is predominantly white. White people openly say the n-word. Like they will literally say it in class and the teacher never does anything. Sure, there are some teachers who will say something, but some is not enough. It needs to be all of them. You can’t be scared of teenagers disliking you becasue you don’t want people to say racial slurs.
And oh god let’s talk about the foreign exchange students. We had a boy from Kazakhstan. He was a chill dude. But my Christ almighty, did my civics teacher talk down to him. She would talk to him like he was a child. It honestly made me hate that class.
My best friend Filipino-America. I love that girl to death. We’ve been friends for over five years. But she used to get told to ‘go back to her own country’. Of course when people said that they would guess where she was from and they always got it wrong. People do that anymore, but the fact that it just went unchecked infuriates me. I love that kid. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her. She doesn’t deserve that.
When I initially came out almost everyone was wary of me. Sure, I wasn’t popular before then because I seemed stand-offish, but in reality I just had severe social anxiety. Some people talked to me more because they were in the closet. So that was nice to have some solidarity. But then I started getting barked at in the halls more often. Boys would moan at me in the halls. I mean, it made them look stupid, but the fact that they think they can do that-
We used to have a bulletin board with pride flags on it. People would repeatedly rip them down or put trump flags over them and they just got a talking to. It’s not the worst thing ever, but come on. It’s just so tiring to have an environment where I get little to no respect.
My friend who is open about being a lesbian was told to kill herself and was called the f-slur. You know what happened to the boys who did it? Three day suspension and nothing else. How can they just get away with that and have no other issues? She is genuinely one of the funniest people I’ve ever met and she’s sweet if she likes you, but even if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t deserve it. Transphobia
I don’t really have a lot to say about this one because it’s fairly generic. The trans people in our school constantly get misgendered by other students.
I came out to my history, English, Spanish, gym, and home ec teachers. They were all super chill about it. And props to them. But the looks I get by other students. The way it gets quiet when my name is said. It’s awful. I get scoffed at in class when I don’t get misgendered and even though the scoffing itself doesn’t bother, me it’s the fact that people think it’s okay to treat me differently.
I’m open about who I am so other kids know that it’s okay, but some days I regret ever coming out.
I know that my identity isn’t the only thing is the thing that prevents people from liking me. I don’t understand social norms so I reject them. I’m unabashedly cringe. I’m willing to argue with people and call them out for the stuff they pull. I’m not saying that I’m a great person. People can have valid criticisms about who I am as a person and I’ll completely understand, but it can’t be based around how I identify.
I’m honestly tired of having to fight with people because teachers won’t. Am I gonna stop because I’m tried? Hell no. But god I hate this town and this school.
And you notice how I say “people” not “kids”?It’s because we aren’t kids anymore. We’re teenagers who should know better. We are all at or almost at adulthood. These aren’t kids, these a grown people making conscious decisions to be hateful. It can’t be chalked up to ignorance anymore.
Sorry for the long post. I’m just tired and angry and so done with everything.
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moondonky · 1 year
Born and raised I know the united States, it's actually kinda tense right now, we the people are no different than our country, no different than our government, how we stand in the world is very different, because ultimately we are a system of checks and balance, anything left unchecked tends to get corrupted... we're supposed to fight, we're supposed to argue, ur allowed to not agree with shit..
I get disheartened by things I see.. It makes me nervous, call me crazy, idgamff, but the united States is being gas lit by the rest of the world, in a very narcissistic way, because there's rules to the game, the first one to jump becomes the enemy, they want us to surrender, there's a shift in power structure happing most don't realize,, it's been a fifteen year transition, interrupted by 4 years of Trump, everything biden is doing is what Hilary woulda done, leading to this, everything happening, which seems so rushed, and it's all for a world government, and a world currency and a world tax.. and prolly a world religion.. alot of weird ahit happing right now..
Lol effin millennial why not, theres always this story i wanna write. It's about a donkey.. that was once pegasus, one of the twin offspring of posieden and Medusa.. who was shamed into a donkey by zues for disobedience,, the nephew of hades, a decendant of chaos, who found himself in stable in Bethlehem, who met Jesus and rode into Jerusalem with.. who met a unicorn locked away in the queens chambers, with a recognizable collar yoke that pegasus could feel just looking at, a unicorn he fell in love with and never forgot, and searches for, across time itself, a donkey still walking around today, because Medusa was a mortal, but her sisters werent, she was a gorgon but different, why she caught the eye of posieden, why both pegasus and chrysaorh born on this planet, were marked evil spirits, stolen powers, a debated loophole, technically she was immortal, immortal plus immortal is not allowed, and rules are rules so zues kills posieden, a ill strong desision.. and for reason because chrysaor is also know as the golden sword.. and hes drunk with power, and took over mount Olympus and the heavons.. and kills zues who runs out of bolts of lighning because he shamed pegasus who was the only one who could also carry bolts of lighting up olympus and deliver them.. so Hades is left and knows Charon who is death is close with pegasus, who is also known as the silver shield, very reflective like the one used to kill his mother, who's head turned bust, out of who's neck pegasus was born, tho chrysaor was suppose to be the first.. that shield is the only thing that golden sword does not work on.. zues did not have a shield,, but pegasus can throw a bolt,, why hades who is basically satan wants pegasuses help..
Lol but the story might go,, bros before hoes, I just havnt decided.. cuz the moral of the story is pegasus and chrysaor, as opposite as they are,, tho they need one to stop the other,, they were both left for dead, orphaned, and raised by wild and nature itself, by wolves, like Romulus and Remus, they are brothers, who crawled through blood together... but really the twist like sum m knight shamalalmalamayan shit is Jesus whispers sumthing into pegasuses ear, right before he was nailed onto that cross.. "it's all part of the plan, just watch and be patient "
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thetrunkofmymind · 2 years
also Steve's thing in every movie was rebelling against the US gov and making his title ironic until eventually breaking free from it and becoming Nomad, and Sam's show was him being v much a pro-American "this country's for me too" patriot type of character and teams up with USAgent. like why do ppl think sam's trilogy is gonna be like Steve's? the material is not adding up, marvel's not gonna let a black character rebel against the US
content note for mentions of the US military propaganda machine and nazis //
yeah unfortunately i think you’re right in a way, in that we’ve seen sam empathise with karli and the others but go down the “non-violent protest is the only way, i don’t want to hurt you, enact systemic change” narrative - it all has to be heavily tone policed and sanitised.
but i don’t think we should neglect the fact that all mcu films - like frankly a good chunk of films coming out of the US - also shill heavily for the military and have propagandist elements, very much including steve’s trilogy and his arc in the other films. so like, yes he gets to rebel and that wouldn’t be allowed of a Black man like sam, and steve will just be accepted back into the upper echelons and good grace afterwards, but also steve himself is (as the mcu has constructed him, though he’s obv always been a patriotic figure, he just used to punch nazis on comics covers and was created by some jewish guys) a walking propaganda machine for a state that is increasingly fascist-controlled and very actively militant.
so tl;dr i think we should be careful about how we talk about this because a) steve is propaganda for the US as much as sam is and arguably more (because he’s the palatable white blond blue-eyed cishet archetypal cap), with him basically going back into the fold at the end of endgame as he basically gets his own peaceful retirement and rehabilitation into the 1940s (which in itself is: odd given how much bigotry went unchecked in the US at that time, it’s never sat right with me) and b) as you say the mcu would never let a Black protagonist rebel so it’s not a fair comparison.
that was a long ramble but yeah just… i’m not sure what your tone is 100% of the time here and since i have no idea of your frame of reference since you’re on anon, i’m not sure if this is like a white person or NBPOC accidentally implying some stuff (which i can’t in good conscience ignore though if you’re a POC it’s not my place, and i should leave that to another NBPOC or a Black person) or if you’re a Black person speaking on this (in which case disregard the stuff where i wasn’t clear on tone/intent, i just have no idea since this is all text and i don’t have a frame of reference to work with here)
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