swapper · 14 days
Bro’s Night Out
The dwindling twilight seeped in through Alex's bedroom window like a slow leak, coating the room in a gentle lavender hue. Groggily, he tossed back the covers and rose from his bed, every hesitant step an electric spark in his excitable nerves. Alex traced the lingering echo of brother' presence in his bedroom, following it like a homing beacon. In a rush, he crossed the hall and entered his brother's bedroom. Alex closed his eyes, visualized his brother's silver chain which he gift so that he could possess his body. His mind crawled into his muscles, lazily exploring the firmness and strength of his limbs. The bedroom slipped away, replaced by an inky black void. A chilling dive into a pool of darkness with the faint hum of electricity charged the air.
With a thud, he opened his eyes. His vision was a nauseating, neon-wave wipe of colors, but a sudden jolt of familiarity settled him. Alex felt the softness of his brother's sheets under his fingertips, the Post workout musk of Lucas lingering subtly in the air. He reached for the full body mirror in his room, almost comically oversized by comparison to Alex's former size. He took in the sight of brother's impressive form, and his cock stirred in his shorts.
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The mere sight of his brother's perfect physique was intoxicating, and the irrationality of it all started to seep in. But Alex couldn't help himself.
He let his hands roam over brother's body, savoring every solid curve and dip - a sensation that was now all too arousing. He traced his fingertips over the embedded muscles in his arms, letting out a low whistle.
"No wonder you got all the girls," Alex muttered as his hands came to rest on his chest. As they lingered there, awareness hummed through him, and he felt his cock stiffen in his shorts. What was he doing? Was this some kind of taboo power trip?
Alex wasn't sure, but he couldn't ignore the growing desire to abuse his brother's body. He began to grind his hips, the feeling of brother's cock hardening and growing under his shorts sending an electrifying sensation through his own body.
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Alex slowly eased his hands down his ripped abs and slid them into his shorts. He wrapped his fingers around his brother's shaft, noticing how foreign yet exciting it felt.
"Fuck, that feels amazing," Alex mumbled.
His cock was now fully erect in Alex's hand, and the sensation was overwhelming. He couldn't believe he was touching his brother’s body in such an intimate way, but he couldn't bring himself to stop.
The taboo excitement was like a drug, and Alex was quickly becoming addicted. He began to move his hand up and down, savoring every vein and ridge of Lucas' cock. He couldn't resist the urge to scope up and taste his brother's precum, pressing his pecs to the smoothness of his abs before trailing his tongue up to his mucky arm pit.
Alex let out a soft moan, and the sound only served to heighten Alex's excitement.
Alex started stroking his cock vigorously while pinching his sensitive nipples. As the tension began building. Alex moan loudly “Oh My God, I am Cumming” with that he splattered his cum all over the mirror. Alex in dazed state tasted some of cum.
Yeah Bro, you do taste nice. Am gonna come back for more. Wiping the cum on his chest, Alex release his brother’s naked body on his bed leaving the mess a souvenir for his brother in the morning.
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m2mchangling · 2 months
Please go like & comment on YouTube if you enjoy my content :) I have uploaded some more videos on there for y’all! Thank you always for the support! 🫶
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dutchghostboy · 5 months
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bodyswapenespanol · 2 months
Cambio de cancha
No puedo creer que de verdad esto esté pasando, y menos en un día tan importante.
Trabajo como diseñador gráfico y soy bastante bueno en mi área, tanto que el día de mañana mi jefe me hará una entrevista para saber si soy lo suficientemente bueno para subirme de puesto. Sin embargo, hace unos días al regresar a casa, pasé por la cancha de futbol como siempre hago. Siempre he detestado el deporte, así que no les presto demasiada atención, pero ese día me di cuenta que este chico, bastante más joven que yo, me miraba y le susurraba algo a su compañero. No le di importancia y seguí con mi camino.
Durante la noche comencé a sentir mucho vértigo, perdí el equilibrio y caí sobre mi cama y todo se volvió oscuro por un segundo. Al detenerse, noté que estaba en un lugar distinto, asustado tomé el celular del escritorio y vi que de alguna forma me encontraba en el cuerpo del chico de la cancha. Sólo llevaba puesto el short y las calcetas del entrenamiento, su piel era suave y sus músculos definidos, me sentía extrañamente excitado... pero debía averiguar qué estaba pasando.
Rápidamente intenté llamar a mi celular, pero bloqueó mi número, o mejor dicho, su número, sólo recibí un mensaje donde decía lo obvio y que no me preocupara porque él se haría cargo de mi vida, así que no me quedó de otra mas que quedarme en este cuerpo mientras encuentro como regresar al mío.
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Ahora tengo que ir a sus entrenamientos y jugar sus partidos, lo cual es un fastidio para mí, aunque debo admitir que por alguna razón el ponerme el uniforme me produce una sensación extraña y placentera, y la verdad se le ve bastante bien, sobre todo la forma en la que las calcetas resaltan sus piernas. Sus compañeros no se ven nada mal tampoco... ¿pero qué estoy pensando? Debo concentrarme en el partido. Espero que no arruine mi entrevista.
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wrongbodies · 9 months
The Punishment
Kurt thought of himself highly. Being one of the better players on the school’s baseball team, he was well regarded on and off the diamond. Having always been athletically gifted, and with little done to mitigate his ego, he had grown into quite a jerk. It was common for him to outright ignore students and peers who he deemed below his social circle. And with all the adoration he was used to, he was mostly able to surround himself with the people he wanted.
However, there was a side to Kurt not many knew. In fact, the only ones who knew were boys at summer camps or other such short term happenings. Kurt was gay, and loved getting with guys when he was certain there was little chance they could expose him to his precious social scene at home. When he was with these faraway trysts, he was pleasant and tender, but only because he never would face them again.
But all inflated egos pop one day, and usually at one’s own doing. As Kurt was a senior now, 18 years old and already scouted for college, he wasn’t so careful anymore. He figured he was bound for another state at a great school… Why worry about some nerd who was going to a school across the country (opposite where he was going)? 
Enter Ian. The boy was as doomed as far as poor gay boys in unwelcoming states can get. He was the kind of gay who couldn’t shuck the mannerisms or quash his hormones when flights of fancy caught him. Still, he was a good student and tried his best to do right to others as his single mother taught him. And despite the hard times he was bound for a decent enough school, below where his aptitude could get him, but well within their price range.
Kurt found Ian one day checking him out, a not so surreptitious stare giving him away. Normally, Kurt would ignore someone like that. But something about Ian’s lustful eyes and Kurt’s unchecked libido had him look back. He walked by Ian and whispered to meet in the dugout at the school baseball field afterschool. They would begin a secret affair, where Kurt would put Ian through his paces.
Ian, unfortunate romantic that he was, caught feelings. How could he not? Kurt, with his perfect body, unblemished save for the occasional bruises and scrapes from baseball, he was beautiful. And sometimes he handled Ian in their secret hookups so tenderly one could think it was love. But Kurt loved only himself and how he felt when he released inside Ian, and when the stupid nerd begged to be more than secret fuckbuddies… Well, Kurt roared with laughter. They had just finished screwing that fateful day, when he pushed Ian off his dick, who would fall into the reddish-brown dirt. 
Kurt pulled on his clothes, snickering as he turned away and reminded Ian that he was a nobody to him. That he was basically the human equivalent of a cumrag. Ian, outraged, felt his thin fingers claw into the dirty floor. Something inside him broke, a power he didn’t know he had or perhaps an entity beyond our ken took pity. He had little thought other than what he admonished Kurt with as he spoke: “I wish you knew, you jerk. I wish you knew what it was like to be me, and I wish I could be you.”
Kurt chuckled at that, and said, “sure, Ian. When I’m you tomorrow, are we still on to meet up and fuck here? I guess you’d get to top then, huh?”
It was as he was turning away he felt the air change. It wasn’t breezy before, but now it was like molasses. He came to a rest, as a shudder ran all across his body. From his position on the ground, Ian saw Kurt stop moving, just as a similar sensation ran across his form. Kurt turned to look back at Ian again, this time fear in his eyes. Someone always in control, always domineering and powerful, now was in the grip of something he couldn’t comprehend. 
As the shuddering feeling came again, this time the two felt something like a wave start from the top of their heads, sweeping all the way down to their feet. Ian looked at Kurt, and noticed he was shrinking, turning paler by the moment. Kurt saw the opposite, Ian naked on the ground seemed to expand and gain tanner skin by the moment. It became apparent as their faces rippled and changed, the two were switching bodies. Kurt was horrified to see his body before him, his muscles rippling now without clothing to hide under. And Ian became strangely giddy to see Kurt swimming in the clothes he once filled out so perfectly.
“What, why is this happening?” Kurt cried.
“I think this is… your punishment.” Ian smirked. Kurt looked mortified, and started tearing up. Ian started grabbing at the clothes Kurt was wearing. “I need these, you're much too small for them anyways.”
“B-but-” Kurt whimpered. Ian tossed his old clothing at Kurt, garments Kurt would never wear but now were the only hope of hiding his tiny new body.
“Hey Kurt, or Ian I should say…” Ian grinned from his new body, his clothes now in place. “I think I WILL top tomorrow. But also, I think we should go public, don’t you think?”
Kurt felt his stomach drop… this truly was a punishment.
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Anillos gemelos parte 1
Si tuviera que decidir cual a sido mi fin de semana más extraño, sin duda diría que este.
Verán para no hacer muy largo esto les resumiré la historia familiar, mi abuelo encontró unos anillos gemelos en una tienda de antigüedades hace 18 años, y le regalo uno a cada uno de sus hijos (mi padre y mi tío que es 12 años menor que papá), mi padre perdió el suyo y mi tío nunca lo usaba o eso pensábamos todos, bueno eso hasta antes de "perder la comunicación con el" (hace 8 años), resulta que mi papá lo encontró grabando vídeos masturbándose para venderlos en Internet y mi padre pensó que sería mala influencia para mi ya que en ese entonces yo tenia solo 13 y mi padre a diferencia de mi tío es muy cerrado al mundo actual.
¿Y donde entro yo aquí?, bueno les diré, hace 2 meses cumplí 21 años y mi papá me regalo una caja que dejó el abuelo con varios recuerdos, antigüedades y demás, en uno de esos venía una sobre que contenía aquel anillo que era solo un aro de metal medio delgado y sin diseños, eso sí era de oro, mi padre lo reconoció y me platico lo que ya les conté, en fin el anillo me gustó algo me atraía a el y decidí a llevarlo puesto pero cuando salí de casa todo aquel que notaba mi anillo a pesar de no ser nada fuera de lo normal no dejaban de verlo, digo era solo un anillo a mi parecer, pero, no me quería arriesgar a que lo robaran así que decidí solo usarlo ocasionalmente o cuando estuviera en casa.
Resulta que mi tío (quien solo me lleva 10 años de diferencia) también estaba usando su anillo, y el jueves me llamó, si lo se, dije que no teníamos comunicación pero eso solo ante la vista de mi papá, ya que cuando cumplí 18 el consiguió mi número y comenzó a hablar conmigo de vez en cuando, y el viernes no fue la excepción, recibí un mensaje suyo para decirme que sabía que mi papá me dio el anillo y dijo que no usará ese anillo sin antes comunicarme con él.
En su momento ignore el mensaje ya que estaba con amigos y decidí que contestaría después.
Esa noche al llegar a mi casa tomé el anillo y me lo puse pero no le contesté a mi tío ya que igual era noche y no pasaría nada si contestaba hasta la mañana siguiente, entonces me recosté en mi cama y comencé a ver una película.
Pero entonces ocurrió algo que no podía entender de pronto todo me daba vueltas y lo siguiente que se es que estaba desnudo en cuarto que no conocía frente a una cámara y a punto de correrme, y entonces solo pude lanzar sentir como me corría y disparaba mi esperma por mi abdomen y la cama en la que me encontraba, fue entonces que me percate de algo mi mano no era mi mano y tampoco mi pene o el cuerpo, comencé a examinar y tras ver mi reflejo en un espejo en la habitación, vi el reflejo de mi tío Miguel, pero por algún motivo eso me hizo sentir más caliente, la conmoción la desesperación y lo desconcertado que estaba desapareció entre el placer y la excitación del cuerpo de mi tío en ese momento y comencé a tocar cada parte de su cuerpo a bombear mi nueva polla hasta que volví a descargar su esperma por todo mi pecho pero la serena del pastel era su voz, era tan sexy cuando la usaba.
Pero mi momento de placer se vio interrumpido por una llamada entrante al teléfono de mi tío, era mi número, entonces decidí contestar.
Miguel: Samuel dime estas bien?
Samuel: s-si.
M: porfavor cálmate se que esto puede ser algo muy raro y desconcertante pero devez tranquilizarte
S: p- pero esque ahhh
M: o rayos, estaba a punto de venirme cuando cambiamos, perdón por eso Miguel.
S: uf ahhh, tío porfavor no te preocupes pero dime porque carajos estoy en tu cuerpo.
M: si pero debes relajarte ara poder comprender lo que te voy a decir... espera porque estás así si ya pasaron como 10 minutos desde que cambiamos, te seguiste masturbado en mi?
S: no pude resistirme, tu cuerpo me pedía que lo hiciera y no me pude negar.
M: bueno eso no importa igual obviamente pasaría.
S: a que te refieres?
M: deje mi cuerpo a punto de correrse y el echo de que mi pene es muy sensible haría que te masturbaras tarde que temprano.
S: bueno pero dime como paso esto?
M: es muy simple, fueron los anillos originales eso te dije que no lo usaras sin antes hablar conmigo.
S: anillos? que tienen que ver con esto?
M: mira tu abuelo hace años compró...
S: si esa parte ya la se, me la dijo papá, pero, nunca mencionó que causaran un cambio de cuerpos.
M: es porque solo yo y un amigo lo sabemos, veras, luego de que mi padre tu abuelo en paz descanse, nos diera los anillos tu padre dejó su anillo en una mesa y un amigo mío que nos visitaba en ese momento lo encontró y se lo quiso probar, todo resultó en que el y yo cambiamos pero no queríamos que tu padre supiera que lo agarramos sin permiso y como no queríamos que nadie supiera lo que paso fue que el fingió ser yo y yo fingí ser el, me lleve el anillo y lo deje puesto hasta que efecto termino, solo dura un día, después de un mes el y yo quisimos cambiar otra vez, pero yo perdí el anillo y aun así regresamos en automático al pasar el dia, el encontró el anillo 2 años después y me lo regreso en un sobre, entonces yo lo escondí en una caja con reliquias familiares que nunca se abría, así nadie sospecharía de lo que pasó.
S: entonces los anillos son mágicos y pueden cambiarnos, dime esto puede revertirse antes del dia?
M: no lo se, las únicas veces que lo use fueron los días completos.
S: Y si el anillo causa eso porque lo usaste precisamente ahora que sabes que yo lo podía usar también? ( esto lo dije con un tono de duda y sospecha que el lo hiciera a propósito)
M: no es lo que piensas, el anillo atrae a las personas y no sólo eso, sino que hace que los demás vean con deseo de algún u otro sentido el cuerpo de quien lo trae puesto, no notaste que la gente lo viera o te viera mucho mientras lo traías puesto?
S: si pero eso no responde lo que te pregunte
M: bueno ese es mi secreto para que tanta gente disfrute de verme masturbándome.
S: usas el anillo para que a la gente le atraigas?
M: si, al inicio solo así ganaba audiencia pero ahora mi cuerpo esta en forma y lo entrene para no depender solo del anillo pero aun así, lo uso para asegurarme de que la gente sea atraída y hacer negocio seguro.
S: y porque de todos los días grabas hoy?
M: siempre grabó los vienes en la noche y los miércoles en la mañana, pero fue una suerte que que no lo usaras el miércoles porque grabe con alguien más y no solo, como hoy.
S: oye tío no te ofendas tu cuerpo es muy genial y sensible pero quiero regresar a mi cuerpo, podemos tratar de revertir esto?
M: si claro, pero no se como hacerlo.
S: que tal si uso los anillos de nuevo, así de que no los quitamos y volvemos aponer?
M: no funciona ya lo intente antes cuando...
S: que pasa?
M: llegó tu papá, tratare de fingir ser tu, tu has lo mismo conmigo, en mi escritorio esta mi agenda y si ocupas algo te lo mandare por mensaje pero tu padre no puede vernos hablar, ya sabes lo que opina de mi.
En eso escuché como se abría una puerta por el otro lado del teléfono y entonces se colgó en seco.
Si otros se asustaría en esta situación, pero yo no, en parte porque el cuerpo del tío Miguel hace que esto no sea ni incómodo ni nada, de echo solo me hace sentir que tengo tres días para disfrutar, si lo se en el fondo no quiero que esto se revierta, digo, cualquiera diría lo mismo si tuviera su cuerpo.
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swapper · 9 months
Late Night Jog
In the cool, dark embrace of the night, I found myself pounding the pavement, my feet rhythmically hitting the ground with each stride. It was an ordinary evening jog, or so I thought. Little did I know that this run would turn my world upside down most thrillingly and sensually imaginable.As I rounded a corner, I collided with someone. It was my neighbour, Amir, the epitome of a Greek god with a chiselled jawline and a sculpted body that glistened with sweat. The impact was electrifying, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down as we locked eyes.
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Apologies and heartbeats intertwined, something inexplicable happened. It felt like our souls intertwined as if a cosmic force pulled us together and triggered a mysterious phenomenon. The next thing I knew, I was standing there, bewildered, in Amir's stunning body, and Max stood in mine, looking equally bewildered.
My former body seemed to regain its senses first, as it darted away with a quick confused apology. I ran my new hands through Max's short, damp hair, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The realization hit me like a thunderbolt—I was trapped in this incredibly hot and muscular body.
Feeling the power and strength in every movement, I flexed my new muscles. The sensation was beyond anything I had experienced before, every fibre alive with energy and vitality. The sweat clung to my skin, accentuating every curve and sinew, heat radiating from my body and I couldn't help but revel in the intensity of the moment.
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Drawing a deep breath, I lifted my top, exposing my now six-pack abs, each ridge highlighted by the moon's glow. The sensation of the cool night air against my exposed skin sent shivers down my spine, and I marvelled at the sight of my own body, transformed into something I had only dreamed of. Feeling alive and daring, I couldn't resist but indulge in a display of my newfound strength. My arms rose, and I flexed, watching the muscles swell and contract with each movement under my control. I smelled the musk emitting from my body which a so erotic I could only imagine in my dreams. The feeling of power coursing through me was intoxicating, and I could hardly believe that this was now my reality.
As the initial shock subsided, I noticed I was sporting a full raging hardon visible through my shorts. I started rubbing it with one hand and the other hand feeling my pecs and abs. I could only moan softly as intense pleasure hit me as I stroked my rock-hard cock.
Amir in my old body looking equally confused but also slightly amused. It seemed he was enjoying the situation too. With a cocky grin, I decided to make the most of this incredible opportunity. I reached out to Amir, now in my body, grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Our eyes met, and in that instant, I pushed him down towards my crotch. He kneeled and pressed his face deep into my crotch, feeling dampness and the sweat of my balls. he rubbed his nose along the bulge of my cock. as he reached the top I pushed the waistband down and pulled my raging cock and plunged it into his mouth. I could almost feel the sensations running through my body as he kept sucking my monster of a cock. I kept face fucking him until I couldn't resist myself and I closed my eyes and moaned with each wave of pleasure as I unleashed torrents of cum in his throat. As my orgasm resided I pulled him up and kissed him deep only to have a taste of this body's cum. After that, I said “See you around” and start jogging again.
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I don't know how this happens or if this will happen again but I am going to enjoy Amir's body to its fullest.
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dutchghostboy · 1 month
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When i was young i never had a prom. So when i heard this teenage boy talking about it i wanted to know what al the fuzz was about. He was trying on suits in the shop i worked at so i checked if the coast was clear and i possessd him. When i was in control of his body it felt so great! This suit fits his body perfectly! Can't wait to go!
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bodyswapenespanol · 4 months
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Soy nuevo en la ciudad por lo que no hablo con muchas personas, apenas empiezo a familiarizarme con la gente de la zona. Siempre suelo encontrarme con este chico al salir de mi casa, lo he visto varias veces y me llama la atención de forma extraña, supongo que también le causo curiosidad porque me he dado cuenta que en ocasiones me mira de reojo, aunque nunca hemos hablado.
Esta mañana, al caminar hacia mi trabajo, me doy cuenta que él venía por la misma acera caminando hacia mí. Cruzamos la mirada y me sentí desorientado, al siguiente instante mi cuerpo se encontraba frente a mí. Me sentía muy extraño, después de un segundo de silencio miré hacia abajo y me di cuenta que ya no llevaba mi ropa y que mis piernas lucían completamente diferentes, toqué mi pecho y mi cara y me di cuenta de que de alguna forma habíamos intercambiado cuerpos. Decidimos no llamar demasiado la atención y reunirnos en la noche para intentar regresar a nuestros cuerpos, mientras tanto, tendré que pasar el día pretendiendo que soy él.
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swap-meetog · 2 years
Could I ask for 41 and 50
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Looks like you got to be a dumb muscle bro!
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmm1 · 2 months
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Who wants to swap bodies with him? Click the link to find no it how!
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Halloween Party Swap:
The Halloween party between all the cool kids was just a few days away, and the winner of the costume party would supposedly get to bang Christine, she was the baddest bitch on campus, 5’6, D sized tits, the type of girl who had access to “mommies and daddy’s” money, everyone knew she had a lot of work done but that didn’t change from how fucking hot she was
How ever I didn’t really have a costume picked out… one of my buddies told me about this magic spell that could swap people’s bodies, reason he told me is cause he was gonna swap with this Chinese student who had a thick accent, and just go full stereotype and wear one of those straw hats the rice farmers use to wear in Asia, while also carrying around a rice cooker, asking people if they wanted rice
A few other people were running with this idea and so a lot of people already knew that not everyone is gonna be who they seem, so if they enter the contest they just gotta tell their real names
Now don’t get me wrong, my friend had a pretty good and pretty hilarious idea, it would really be hard to top that, but I think I could manage
I met up with the biggest nerd on campus, Davis, and told him about the party, he told me he already knew but also knew he wasn’t invited
“Bro if you help me with my costume, I’ll get you in, I promise” I said trying to convince him to come
“Ok, ya cool, I’d love to go to a party, what’s your costume” Davis said excitedly
“Um well you see Davis… I was hoping you could be my costume” I said continuing to explain the situation to him
He didn’t seem to buy it at first
“ so your telling me, you wanna swap bodies with me, dress extra nerdy, just to win some contest to fuck a chick?… quit fucking with me, everyone knows it’s not possible to swap bodies, and that magic doesn’t exist. grow up.” He said walking away
I continued to walk behind him and ask”come on bro, some of my other friends have already done it, why not, I mean you’d get to be me for a couple days”
“You know what?” He said stopping and turning around
If you want my body and can somehow use magic to swap us, sure I’d love to be you Brad ” he said turning around and continuing to his next class
“You won’t regret it” I yelled
Later that night before bed I starting looking at the spell online that my friend sent me, underneath it in some of the smallest font a computer can make, was a list of side effects
I had to zoom in just to see them, only thing that stuck out is if both individuals cum inside their bodies, the swap becomes permanent…
Now typically I would just, not jerk off in Davis’s body, but I’ve herd the stories, and apparently bro is a premature cummer, I’m talking like, just looking at too hot of a bitch could make him cum
So I did the only logical thing someone in my shoes would do, I went into my girlfriend’s drawer (well, she’s not really my girlfriend, but like a long term fling), and grabbed a chastity lock that my girl likes to use on me when she’s feeling extra kinky that night, and locked my cock in it and hid the key
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It was a tight fit while soft and absolutely hurt while hard but I guess that’s the price he’ll have to pay if he wants to be me for a couple days
I proceeded to do the spell and nothing happened
I texted my friend who already did it with that Asian guy and asked what was up. He told me it takes effect while we’re sleeping, he then asked who I’d be swapping with, when I told him, he was a bit upset but proud of my idea “ dam bro, that’s a good one, I wish I would have thought about that”
So I decided I guess I should go to sleep, no better way to kill time right haha? I just wanna win this competition so bad so I can fuck Christine
The next day I woke up in a dorm that looked nothing like mine, all my posters of nude girls were gone (which I typically take down when I have girls over) and my posters of cars and shit
I instantly thought and new that it had to worked I got up feeling extremely boney and rushed to a mirror, the face that greeted me was this
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Now typically someone that’s a hot certified fuck boi like myself would be upset they got swapped into a nerds body, but I was ecstatic. I mean ya I was ugly as shit and these braces looked fuck, man who in college still wears braces haha .
But man, I’m so gonna win this competition I said, getting dressed in a rush, not bothering to check out my crappy body.
I proceeded to go to the customs store and by a stereotype nerd costume to add to the “costume” I’m wearing now… white shirt with a pocket calculator, and pants held up by suspenders
As I was checking out at the register I started getting texts from my old body
“Hey um bro, I woke up in your body, I can’t believe it worked, this is crazy, but um, what’s this thing on my cock and how do I get it off, it kinda hurts my dick bro”
I smirked at the texts, I knew he’d want out of my chastity lock
“It’s a chastity lock, keeps you from pleasuring yourself, and you don’t… that’s the price you gotta pay if you want to be me” I replied putting my phone away and walking home with the costume in a bag
When I got home I had numerous texts from Davis, BEGGING me to get it unlocked
“ Brad come on dude, this hurts really bad and since I can’t jerk it, all I can do is keep staring and or adjusting it so it don’t hurt as much, doesn’t really help much but…”
“Brad, help me out here”
I decided to reply back and let him know why I can’t unlock it
“Look Davis, it’s there for a reason, If we both cum, we’re stuck like this and can’t swap back, and I’ve herd the stories about how just a girl talking to you can make you cum, so I’m not risking you jerking off in my body, and then me having a accident or something in yours… plus I’ve hidden the key so don’t think about trying to unlock it, that stays on untill we swap back, got it?”
“Ya got it, you’ve hidden the key so it stays on” he replied back
After that, I didn’t hear from David for the rest of the day…
Truthfully I’ve been holding in the urge to piss and shit all day, so once I got back to David’s dorm, I couldn’t take it anymore and rushed to the bathroom
As I’m blowin it up I have my eyes resting in my arms trying not to look at his junk but I caught a glimpse and had to look
“ no fucking way” I said as I removed an arm and took a look
“It’s so small it doesn’t even hang haha, this thing is pathetic, maybe like an inch soft, it kinda curls into itself” I said as I got done with natures call
“ I wonder how big it is hard” I thought to myself as imagined naked chicks
I watched as it grew to a pathetic 3 and a half inches
“Dam I would hate to be this guy haha” I said as I gave it a quick tug
That was a mistake, I almost blew it right there
“Jesus Christ, that was close, the rumors really undersold him, he’s not a premature cumer, he’s extremely premature” I said getting up making sure to be as careful as possible to not make myself cum.
The night of the Halloween party came and I went, fully dressed in my nerd costume, suspenders and all
There was a lot of hot chicks around and at some point in the night they announced via the DJ that costume swaps that involved swapping we’re not gonna be counted in this years contest
“Man this is stupid” I said angrily walking to start getting drinks, that was probably the worst decision of the night because after an hour of drinking, I saw my body walk in, in this skeleton costume, now I shouldn’t be mad cause I did say I’d get him into the party, but what had me upset was the skeleton costume had an extra bone. My dick, he must have gotten out of the chastity lock somehow? Maybe he found the key?
I won’t lie, I was already hard from looking at all the hot chicks that I can’t fuck, mainly due to the rules of the swap, and due to how none of them wanna fuck this nerd…
But when I saw my body walk in, in that costume, displaying my dick though a costume I was gonna originally wear, and knowing I was disqualified myself from the contest, I let lose.
I got absolutely trashed, the last thing I remember before blacking out was Davis coming up to me an making small talk
“Hey bro, I herd they’re not counting swapped costumes this year” he said looking down at me
“Ya” I said looking up from my cup “so ima just drink my problems away and swap us back tomorrow night… I see you don’t have that chastity lock on anymore”
“Ya, I found the lock but I decided I’d need a costume and found this in your room, I’m guessing this was your original idea” he said giving his dick a quick pull.
“Ya” I said looking back down at my cup
Davis lightly slapped my arm and said “ aye don’t worry tho, I haven’t cummed yet, kinda hard staying erect for this costume all night haha”
“That’s good” I said, and then blacked out
I woke up in the middle of the night still drunk as fuck and couldn’t think straight
I saw Christine kissing my old body on the couch and got hard immediately
I rolled over to face them and whipped my dick our starting to slowly massage it
“Oh fuck ya, I always knew I’d end up with her” I said
“Christine looked over and without saying a word smacked my body to look this way”
Davis told her “it’s fine, he’s probably sexless and just living out some sick fantasy in his head, I mean maybe we should help him, how about instead of fucking tonight, we can just match him, and you can give me a hand job, and we can call it even if you want”
“Ok” she said putting back on her sexy face and proceeding to start giving Davis a hand job in my body
“Oh fuck this is so hot, a handjob from Christine, it feels so go-O-OD I said to myself cumming in my hand and falling asleep, not aware that I’m not actually me anymore and was just watching from Davis’s real body, not some out of body experience where I watch from the 3rd person
I awoke the next day with my pants down and my hand feeling Crusty,
“Ew, what happened last night?” I said to myself
I looked around and saw my body still on the couch, no longer with a boner, “Jesus how long did he hold that thing” I thought to myself
I reached over and threw a pillow at Davis’s head, waking him up
“ I’m up” he said frantically shooting upright
“Hey what happened last night” I said looking confused “why are my pants down”
“Oh you got drunk as fuck last night and jerked off last night on the couch” he said with a smile
“Oh shit did I? Well good save bro, I owe you one, I think ima get dressed and go home, we should be back to our normal selves tomorrow” I said getting up
“ I don’t think that’ll happen” Davis said standing up
“Woah woah why not?” I said looking concerned
He pointed down at his dick and I could see a white stain
“Did I mention you jerked off to Christine making out with me, and then proceeded to give me a handjob when she saw you jerking to us?” He said with a smile on his face
“How was it, was it worth the cumming” he said seeming excited at me slowly piecing things together
“I-I-don’t remember, you just let her jerk you off bro? Did you finish? Please tell me no”
“ dam that’s ashame, you seemed so satisfied after you lasted way longer than I typically do, you lasted about 2 minutes, there wasn’t a lot of cum at all but, hey, it still happened” he said smirking
“And I won’t say I did cum, but I also won’t say I didn’t, I think the stain in your costume answers that question pretty well hahahaha” he said laughing with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen
“ man, sorry you couldn’t help yourself last night but neither could I, I mean it’s not all bad tho, I get to stay as a bonafide fuck boi, this couldn’t have ended better for me” he said turning and walking out the door, leaving me to ponder what exactly went wrong last night tripping me in his nerdy body
#Edit I know this is a little out of season but I’ve been saving this story for awhile and just find it too hot not to post, hope tumblr don’t block it, if so it’ll have to wait till my patreon
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m2mchangling · 2 months
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dutchghostboy · 6 months
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bodyswapenespanol · 4 months
Mi amigo me dio una especie de dulce antes de entrar al antro, ya había probado antes varias cosas con él así que no le di importancia y me lo tomé, él hizo lo mismo. El lugar tenía buen ambiente para ser las tres de la mañana, aunque se notaba que nadie estaba en sus cinco sentidos, la música era estruendosa y la iluminación deplorable.
Al poco tiempo comencé a ver borroso y me costaba concentrarme, también estaba sensible y me sentía estimulado, supongo que era parte del efecto. Comencé a besarme con un tipo que me pareció muy atractivo, pero parecía haber bebido demasiado.
No sé cómo llegamos a su departamento, todo era muy confuso, estaba aturdido y el efecto era cada vez más fuerte, mi cuerpo se sentía muy extraño, más ligero y eufórico. Recuerdo que nos tumbamos en la cama y me desabrochó los botones, lo cual era muy raro porque yo llevaba una camisa, pero todo era tan confuso... después los zapatos y el pantalón; él hizo lo mismo. Esa noche fui pasivo, aunque usualmente soy activo. También recuerdo que sentía el cabello en mis hombros, seguramente sería el suyo, pensaba, y continuaba besándome. En algún punto terminamos y nos quedamos dormidos.
Aldespertar siento una horrible migraña, de reojo veo que el otro tipo sigue noqueado. Me llevo la mano a la cabeza y noto que mi cabello está más espeso, me sobresalto y me doy cuenta que está más largo, enseguida toco mi pecho y veo que estoy más delgado ¡todo mi cuerpo es diferente! Asustado corro a buscar un espejo al baño, el reflejo de otra persona me mira desconcertado. No sé cómo pero estoy en el cuerpo de este chico, debo encontrar a mi cuerpo e intentar recuperarlo.
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wrongbodies · 1 year
This guy has the best body swap videos! Check his about page too, if you have videos/shows/movies to recommend to him I think he takes suggestions.
Bonus story: for YEARS I looked for a way to watch the movie “Farligt Venskab” and idk how but he was able to find the movie… very good body swap if you end up checking it out!
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