#the upsets this wc has HAD ABSOLUTELY CRAZY
joelsfarabee · 1 year
croatia eliminating brazil on penalties oh shit
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becomingmina · 6 months
FUCKBOY MIN 2. little series w/ LEEKNOW + HYUNJIN
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader x lee minho genre + warnings: slight angst wc: 3.5k mina's note: I really enjoyed writing this. Sorry it took a while! This part was was like a filler, I know.
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
series chapter ➵ part one, part three ending one
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“You done crying yet or?” Hyunjin jokes after watching over you for the past thirty minutes. He was in the drivers seat handing out countless tissues to you, who was in his passenger’s.
“Hyunjin, stop,” you crack up at his teasing. You were done crying now, you just weren’t done being upset yet. A heavy feeling still lingering around your shoulders as you try your best to block out Minho’s words circulating in your head.
“Are you still not going to tell me what he said to you in the bathroom?” A hand comes to wipe away the last of your tears, his tone gentler now.
Hyunjin can see the marks on your neck, anyone can. He can tell what happened in the bathroom and he knows Minho must’ve said something to overwhelmed you to cry, but he just doesn’t know what exactly.
“I don’t want to re-live it Hyunjin,” you couldn’t tell him. You didn’t want to tell him that you said the L word to Minho within the same month you got rejected by him. Hyunjin could never judge you for that but how can you tell him without telling the whole thing, how it was forced out of you. Dirty? Dirty because of Hyunjin? The words repeats again, haunting you. Hyunjin was involved in Minho’s mean and hurtful words and you feel guilty. Hyunjin did absolutely nothing wrong, he didn’t deserved to be dragged into whatever mess was going on between you and Minho.
“Why? Is it because you might cry again?” He playfully says, not wanting you to feel downhearted at your own actions. He lets out a giggle after observing how you quickly pierced your eyes at him sassily - something you picked up from him. It doesn't matter what situation you're in, Hyunjin always makes it light hearted. He's so playful but in a way where he is still careful and you never fail to warm up to him. Just like this moment.
“I just got my heart broken by the city’s fuckboy, I don’t need the city’s heartbreaker to feed into it,” you chuckle and he follows with furrowed brows, unable to keep a straight face at the names.
“Those names are crazy Y/N,” he remarks.
“I actually don’t think you’re a heartbreaker Hyunjin, it’s just what everyone calls you,” you reassured him, hand finding his to give him a tight squeeze.
"I probably am one," he held yours back tighter, letting you know he didn’t take it to heart. "I'm curious though," he continues .
“Curious to why the city’s fuckboy keeps yelling at you,” you eyed him again, arms crossed this time with a fake pout. “Or is it that you’re just a cry baby?” he laughs but he was serious though, he wanted to see why Minho keeps leaving you in tears.
“I’m not a cry baby,” you defend yourself. “You’re probably tired of me crying hey? I know how to smile too!” To be fair, you were kind of a cry baby especially as this is the second time he has picked you up and wiped away your tears, all within a month.
“Wait, can you actually?” he continues.
“I’m actually really sweet Hyunjin, I promise!”
“How about the city’s heartbreaker takes you out one day?” The tension from the incident with Minho start to disappear as Hyunjin slowly soothes it, directing your attention somewhere else - something he is very good at.
“Hmm?” brows furrowed together. His question had taken you by surprise, you were unsure if he was serious. “Like on a date?” You clarified.
“Mhmm,” he confirmed. “So you can show me how sweet you can be and that you’re not just a cry baby.” He already knows how sweet you are. Last couple of weeks you guys spent together talking about everything and nothings have really shown him what type of person you are. You were caring, cheerful, playful. You loved to tease, loves to be teased and takes on jokes like a champ. You were just full of laughter and happiness and meeting someone like you is hard for Hyunjin. It seems that he has developed a soft spot for you, but unlike Minho he isn’t afraid to show you.
You just giggle back, unaware of the thoughts going through Hyunjin’s head, everything falling into silence right after.
Hyunjin is a lovely person and you hate to say yes just to distract yourself from Minho. But Hyunjin has that effect on you, where he has made you forgot about Minho whenever you’re with him. You don’t know how to explain it. Like earlier tonight before all of this, when you went with him to the party, you had zero care for anyone and anything besides Hyunjin and wine. Or like right now, Minho was slowly fading away in your head. If you give him a chance, maybe he’ll be better than Minho. He always was, seeing as he was the one who was here, unlike Minho who didn’t even chase after you.
“A date with you sounds cool,” your silly smile returning. He couldn’t control his smile back, his eyes turning into thin lines as his upper lips disappears a little showing his white pearlys.
The man who broke your heart an hour ago long forgotten, in moments like this.
“You okay hyung?” Han asks, after observing Minho for the past hour just downing his drinks.
“Yeah.. Good.. I’m good.” Minho could barely reply, slurring on his words clearly intoxicated.
“What happened in the bathroom? What did you do to her?” Han was worried about you both. He still doesn't understand what you did to get Minho to push you away like that, especially when Minho would used to reschedule his plans with Han and their friend group just to be with you. It was clear to Han that you guys had something going on. Minho wasn’t much of a drinker too but seeing him suddenly finish all these drinks made Han sense something was up.
“Nothing, I just.. Nothing just shooed her away like usual,” Minho replied, acting uninterested in the conversation.
“Marks on your neck tells me otherwise,” Han replied back, eyeing up at his hyung. Minho doesn’t reply, instead he stays quiet, one hand coming into contact with the marks you left on his skin. His head is in a daze, the scene of you pressing kisses to his neck, how soft your plump lips felt, your tiny hands holding the back of his neck to keep him in place while the other was wrapped around his..
“Hyung? Hey hyung?” Han snaps the older man out of his thoughts, holding him by the shoulder trying to steady him. “She’s a good girl. If you don’t like her don’t do that to her.”
“She gave me the marks Jisung.. I didn’t do anything to her,” Minho huffed, trying to defend himself.
“Sure, it’s not like she didn’t walk out of the bathroom with marks herself,” Minho just rolls his eyes. “If you don’t like her like that, stop hurting her.”
“Looks like you also want to fuck her, seeing as how you’re talking about her-”
“-Just because I feel sorry for her doesn’t mean I want to fuck her, hyung. No girl should be treated like that,”
“Whatever,” Minho pushes the smaller boy’s arms off his shoulders making him stumble back a bit.
“See how you act? You’re a dick. How is it that every other girl gets let off easily when they admit they like you and when Y/N does it she gets yelled at?” Han was over his hyung’s antics, also fuming from the way he was pushed even though he was only trying to help him up.
“Last month you pushed her away then tonight you’re all over her again just because she’s with someone else. You’re so possessive. What did you do to her in the bathroom?!” Han has never called Minho out like this but the way Minho acted was very possessive. It was like he hates seeing other people interested or talk about things that was his. In this instance, you.
“I don’t know,” as much as he hates to admit it, your words engraved itself to his brain. He couldn’t come up with a reason why he treated you the way he did tonight or ever. Just the words I love you bouncing in his head, hitting every surface of his brain. Did he like you back? He’s not in-love with you right? Or was he just possessive over you? Did he want you to himself only? Minho was overwhelmed with his thoughts, unable to voice anything else, eyes just seeking some sort of help from the younger boy.
“You okay hyung?”
A couple weeks go by and Minho catches himself thinking about you every second pf his day. He doesn’t know how to make it stop. He contacted so many girl just to ghost them before they meet up as he has this feeling of guilt. Not towards the girls, they don’t mean anything to him but guilt towards you. It was like he was doing something wrong to you. But you weren’t even his and he doesn’t even like you back. He has just be constantly in and out, and his friends aren’t any help either. Well to be fair, he’s only been keeping his thoughts to himself so it’s not really his friend’s fault. But you and Hyunjin has been the topic of the week, updates of where you guys went or what you guys did was brought up every single day in conversation.. well ofcourse it would, seeing as how Hyunjin and Minho shares mutual friends.
“You think he really likes her?” Felix asks the others.
“Yeah, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have come with her to the party the other week,” Chan clarified and they nod in agreement.
“Why wonder we haven’t seen him all of last month, he was with Y/N.”
Minho listens to the conversation, quietly contributing and attacking Hyunjin in his head. Yeah but she doesn’t like him. She clearly loves someone else.
“Wasn’t she one of your flings?” Chan’s question wakes Minho up.
“Hmm? Y/N?” Your name comes out more tender than expected from his lips. “I don’t remember,” Minho lies.
“Anyways, I reckon the photo he took of her from earlier this week was cute,” Seungmin says, the rest giggling like high school girls at their friends love life.
“Looks like the heartbreaker Hyunjin found someone he really likes.”
“And Y/N seems to really like him too,” Minho was furious, wanting to tell them what the reality was but even himself wasn’t sure if it was true anymore. Maybe you have fallen for Hyunjin. Maybe you have forgotten all about Minho now.
He looks to his side, watching Felix swipe through Hyunjin’s instagram story. It was the first time he saw you since. You were as pretty as ever. Hair in a half up half down look, in a black dress looking and smiling at Hyunjin’s camera.
Hyunjin had taken you out to one of his favourite bakery and art museum. He had told you to wear something pretty, and be ready by noon. You got dolled up, picking out your most gorgeous dress and by the time he promised, he messaged you to come outside. Hyunjin was lean up against his car, his camera strap across his body, a small bouquet in his hand. It was something you never experienced before, you couldn’t help but smile instantly at the sight. Oh how sweet he was, and definitely very handsome.
“You look like you can be very sweet, Y/N,” he playfully says before pulling you into a hug. You hold him back, arms wrapping around his body pressing your cheeks against his toned chest, staying there a little bit longer than you extended.
“Ready to go?” He asks, and you remove yourself.
“Mhmm, ready to go and ready to show you I can be sweet!” The conversation you had with yourself, a couple days ago still implanted in your head. You will give it a try with Hyunjin. He has always treated you well, despite his title he received from everyone, but a little part of you is afraid. Minho treated you well too, but turned his back on you the second you liked him. You were afraid you were going to fall for it again. Hyunjin could never make you fall for him then ditch you right? But to be honest, has Minho ever picked you up in broad day light like this? No. You guys would sneak around all the time, and was only ever relaxed in a closed off area - that being his house. Minho has never planned a date this. But did your heart wanted that more than this? A unlike tingling heavy feeling fallen in your chest, the feeling is different.
As Felix continues to tap his screen, more images of the date appears. You guys spend a while in the coffee shop just goofing around with each other, then at the art museum.. Oh the art museum.. countless photos of you standing infront of and looking at the art works makes Minho go red.
“Fuck-” Minho bites, fist forming into balls as he feels his blood boiling. Minho was angry now, he was jealous. He didn’t ever show you off like this and was mad someone was able to do.
“Gotta go, gotta go call Bella,” Minho walks out, everyone else looking around trying to seek a reason why he was acting like that.
It was dark and late, 9pm to be exact. Silence fill the air as you and Hyunjin both just sit in his car. You shyly glance over to him, unsure of what to do now, he just gives you a smile. You really enjoyed your day with him, it was fun and quite the romantic day. But do you invite him in now? Do you take it slow? What would you do if you invite him in anyways?
"I enjoyed today with you too Hyune," you break the silence. "I'm actually really tried from everything though" you lie, you needed to distant yourself for the rest of the night, to work out what you were feeling. You needed to take it slow. The tingling sensation before was still around you, a feeling you can't explain. "I think I might start ready for bed," you observe his reactions, but there is none. Just him keeping a small smile like earlier.
"We did so much today, I’m tired and ready for bed too," he agrees, one hand reaches over to hold yours. He was so soft, it's like he knows the barrier you had set up. He doesn't questions it and just lets it be.
"Thank you Hyune," you reply, twisting your wrist so your fingers can interlock with his now, giving him some sort of affirmation. You lean in towards him and ahe air grows a bit cold now. You had to do it, to show your gratitude. You continue to move in, giving him a peck to his cheeks. Hyunjin freezes in return, the sudden affection makes him flustered. "Goodnight Hyune." You retracted back your hand, collecting your stuff, along with your nice bouquet of flowers and exiting his car.
It was clear to Hyunjin after the peck that he liked you. He really liked you but he was still unsure of where your feelings stands. Regardless, he wanted to keep trying with you.
You were in the middle of the dance floor, to the grand party that Hyunjin asked you to be his date at. Well technically, you were invited by Minho's mum but you can't turn down a cute date with Hyunjin.
“Where are you?” You ask on the phone, eyes searching for a lost Hyunjin. He has disappeared from your sight so suddenly after you guys had spend a hour of drinking the free wine.
“At the table we were before," you can hear him slurring on his words, unable to keep your giggles in at how tipsy he is.
“Okay, coming! Stay where you are," as you turn around someone pulls you back, making you stumble a bit forward into them.
“Can I talk to you?” You encounter a familiar face. Minho was standing in front of you, his hand gripping your wrist not painfully but strong enough for you not to pull back. Your eyes scan his face. He looked so different. He had his hair down covering his forehead, something he never wears out in public. His eyes were coated with a thin cover of gloss, almost looks like he had been draining in his emotions for the longest time ever. Minho looked so soft, you were taken back.
“I gotta go. Hyune’s waiting for me,” you reply trying to pull away from him. You needed to avoid Minho, unsure why but you had too.
“Yes, Hyune,” you managed to escape and walked off, only because he loosen his grip. Minho was left on the middle of the dance floor, watching you make your way through the crowd.
“Hyune?” He whispers to himself, confused. A nickname already? Maybe the boys were right.
You don’t know why but a sudden urge to spin around got the best of you.
“Hey Min!” The nickname makes him instantly turn around but he knows it wasn’t going to be you standing there, so he prepared himself for whoever was there.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” he lied to the gorgeous woman infront of him, Bella.
You watch as Minho smile at her, his hand coming in contact with her cheek. You spun around again, not wanting to watch any more of what he got up to, going back to Hyunjin.
The music was blaring now and you feel yourself getting light headed from the countless shots and mimosas you consumed. You lean into Hyunjin’s chest, wanting to stay still for a minute to regain control of your body.
Minho doesn't know how he got here but there he stood a couple steps infront of you, watching you with Hyunjin. He has Bella in-front of him holding his hands as she sways to the music, seeking for his attention.
“Hey, I’m losing you here Y/N,” Hyunjin laughs, although him himself was feeling the same thing. He had to control it, he couldn’t let you both loose to alcohol.
“I’m so tired Hyune,” you replied, unable to move your head from his upper chest.
“You wanna go sit down?” He asked, hands coming to your waist to help hold you up. The small contact with your body makes you widen your eyes. You steady yourself back on your heels as you make eye contact with the sweet boy in front you. Your eyes catch his lips for a second, they were so plump, so full and the perfect shade of pink, almost a reddish. A thought ran through your head and you feel guilty about it but you wanted to do it. You want to feel his lips on yours to confirm that feeling that keeps staying around in your chest. His eyes flutter from your eyes to your lips. You looked so pretty like this, your cheeks was pink, eyes looks so bright and full, you were so kissable. Hyunjin slowly leans in, one had holding your face and when he doesn’t see a signal of you avoiding it, he closes the gap between your lips.
Minho’s heart sinks watching Hyunjin kiss you. He has always been possessive of you, hating when your attention is on another person. He has always been annoyed, always been angry but right now, he feels broken, he feels hurt. He didn’t come here with Bella because he liked her. He came here with Bella because he wanted to use her as a distraction. He wanted to use her to get over you. He doesn’t realise it until now, after witnessing the kiss, that since the night you confessed your feelings to him, he felt the same. He felt the same but he was too afraid to say it, to show it. Liking someone was overwhelming, let alone loving someone. Minho was just afraid.
The feeling doesn’t go away, it’s heavy it’s numbing your body. You pull away from Hyunjin’s lips, hands on his chest to help you detach. You can’t keep his eye contact, letting out a heavy breath.
“Hyune, I..” you look up over his shoulder and catches Minho eyes as he towers over Bella. Minho stops to observe you, observing your next move. For a second the world stops, everyone’s face was blurred, the music goes from blaring loud to a long beep, something you hear when your brain restarts similar to the sound in movies when the main character watches someone close to them die. It was only you and Minho.
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{Tag list 🏷️@20minsat180dgegrees : @feybin : @whosanaanyway : @k0nst3nceee : @hoes4lino : @ihatewritingshit : @armystay89 : @redstayrosie : @captainchrisstan }
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sammysficfactory · 11 months
Missing Blanket
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husband!dad!miguel x blackcoded!reader
tags: fluff🤭
summary: when miguel loses gabriella’s favorite blanket, all hell breaks loose.
wc: 1k words
notes: gabriella is a daddy’s girl, i could give miguel the family he wants, beta read
beta reader comments: aww thats so cute, not Miguel got the credit
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Miguel was screwed. Utterly screwed. Your daughter Gabriella was having a fit because Miguel had lost her favorite blanket. Miguel was looking high and low, far and wide for this blanket. You still wouldn’t be home for another hour or so, so he was by himself. He holds Gabriella to his chest as he looks for her favorite yellow blanket.
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m gonna find your blanket, okay? Daddy’s gonna find it.” He says calmly, trying to soothe her panicked state. Miguel feels terrible seeing his little girl so upset, so he’s on a mission. Miguel is all but turning the house upside down looking for the blanket when he hears the click of the front door lock.
“Miguel? Gabby? Where are y’all?” You ask, a bit frantic at the sound of your daughter’s cries. You spot Miguel holding your daughter and looking frazzled as he whips his head left to right.
“What’s wrong with my baby?” You coo at your daughter, concern painting your features. Gabby lifts her head to look at you before making grabby hands at you, motioning for you to pick her up. You take her into your arms, making a face to ask Miguel ‘what the fuck happened?’
“Daddy can’t find my blanket!” She sobs, answering your question. Your face drops in panic. ‘You did what?!’ you mouth at him. Miguel grimaces. ‘I don’t know! It’s like it just vanished into thin air! I don’t know what to do!’ he mouths back frantically, shrugging. You roll your eyes, sighing as you rub your daughter’s back.
“It’s okay, mommy’s gonna help find it.” You kiss her temple before going to the third floor of your home, checking every room for that damned blanket. You start in the bedroom you and Miguel slept in, sitting your daughter on the bed as you frantically look under the bed, in your dirty clothes hamper, and in your closet to no avail. You grab your daughter and go across the hall to her old nursery, checking the crib, the empty diaper bag, and the dresser full of clothes she couldn’t fit anymore. You leave and go to the bathroom, checking anywhere a blanket could fit, all without success.
You go down to the second floor, first checking Gabriella’s playroom. You look in and behind her dollhouse, check her toy chest, inside her lego bucket, and her small bookshelf only to find nothing. You rush into her room, checking under her pillows, blanket, and bed. Next you go into her drawers, closet and dirty clothes hamper, just to see absolutely nothing. You check the second floor bathroom, doing the same thing you did on the previous floor.
Finally, you get to the first floor. You sit your daughter on the couch as you frantically search with Miguel once more, checking under the couch, under the table of your dining room, in your kitchen, and hall closet. You come back to your living room, plopping on the couch and sighing in defeat before an idea pops up in your head. You snap your head in your husband’s direction.
“Miguel, did you check the basement?” You ask. Miguel looks at you as if you’re crazy.
“The basement, why would I check-” Then it dawned on him. Since he had the day off, Miguel offered to take Gabriella to school and start laundry before the weekend began. Your laundry room was in the basement. The two of you rush down to your basement and Miguel opens the dryer to see the very catalyst for your daughter's distress. The two of you sigh in relief.
“Look Gabby, daddy has your blanket!” You say, pointing to an exhausted Miguel who was holding the yellow blanket. Gabriella’s cries cease almost immediately when she sees her blanket in her father’s hands. Miguel hands her the blanket with a kiss on her forehead.
“Thank you, daddy.” She says, wiping her tears and quickly grabbing the blanket before nuzzling her face into it. Miguel pinches her cheek gently with a small smile.
“Thank you, honey.” Miguel winks at you, kissing your cheek as he takes Gabriella into his arms. You roll your eyes playfully, a little bitter that your husband got all the credit for your idea.
You all walk back up the stairs together. Gabby’s face was smiley and satisfied, very different from the tired but fairly relieved expression you and Miguel shared.
“Mommy, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?” Gabby asks poking you every other syllable. You shrug before playfully nibbling her finger, resulting in a fit of laughter from her.
“I don’t know girl, ask your father.” Miguel glares at you, resulting in you glaring back. Miguel quickly averts his eyes, visibly intimidated. Since becoming a mom, your death stare has gotten better. Sometimes you’d need it in the store when Gabby was about to have a temper tantrum and she would get it together immediately. Your daughter turns to Miguel.
“Daddy can we get pizza for dinner?” She asks, showing off her trademark large and sparkly puppy eyes. You had to give your daughter her props, she knew how to get what she wanted. She’s also learned that her father was in the palm of her hand fairly quickly. Miguel makes a pained face, clearly torn between not wanting to say yes and not wanting to tell his precious daughter no.
“Okay, I’ll order pizza.” Your husband sighs in defeat, he was no match for the big sparkly brown eyes your daughter had. Gabriella rejoices in victory, doing a little dance and a song.
“We’re getting pizza. We’re getting pizza.” She repeated constantly in a sing-song voice. Miguel rubs his temples, you figured it was a stress induced headache and that Gabriella wasn’t helping.
“Gabby.” You warn. She grins sheepishly before apologizing and continuing her dance quietly, humming her to her tune. You and Miguel laugh quietly at her run of the mill antics.
“That’s your dramatic ass daughter, Miguel.” You snort. Miguel shrugs, shaking his head.
“Sure is.” He grins as he orders the pizza online. After ordering, he tosses his phone onto the coffee table and leans back in his seat.
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missskzbiased · 3 years
The Things We Don’t Tell
Summary: You were sure your life was written and directed to fit a sketchy Rom-Com and nobody could convince you otherwise. First, your boss was too hot to be true, and burning with desire didn’t even begin to explain the tingling sensations he left on you. Second, your coworker (a.k.a. Ex-About-to-be-FWB) insisted in turning your life into a living hell, which wasn’t the exact kind of hotness you were into. And if having these two hot men around you every single day of your life wasn’t enough to prove it, maybe the threat of your slutty secret identity about to be busted would be… But you couldn’t let this happen.
WC: 7,5 K
Genre: Smut, Humor (?)
AUs: Office, Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin X Fem!Reader X Bang Chan  
(Not really a love triangle as Hyunjin is the Lead. However, Reader wants to Bang Chan)
Rebloggable Masterlist    //   Main Masterlist   //   Tag List
Warnings: Language, Thigh riding, Public space (Office), Exhibitionism, Possessiveness, Pet Name (Baby girl), Sir Kink  
[If I forgot anything, please let me know! I’m kinda sleepy right now]
Notes: There will be at least one more chapter but I won’t do a tag list post for now, only if someone wants it, cuz I’m too lazy to think about doing it right now. This fic is an attempt to experiment with some writing style things that I’ve been wanting to try. I don’t think it worked, tho SUHAHUSAUHSUHA But that’s life
- I’ll quite possibly change the title in the future-
  You are a superhero.
    Okay! To be honest, you may be exaggerating a little bit ─ a tiny harmless little bit ─ but that was how you felt every single day of your life, alright? You had this glorious and mysterious side of yours that you hid from everyone else in the world… That mask that you couldn’t let come to the ground and would fight for dear life to protect… That side to your persona that no one was allowed to meet… The fierce, bold, and dark aspects of your soul that—
    “Y/N! I want those papers on my table!”
    “Yes, sir!” You shrieked in an embarrassing (not even slightly bold) way.
    — That you couldn’t show at your work.
    Yeah… So maybe no one actually thought of you as a superhero, but you really believed someone should start to. Was there something that different between your life and those low-budget TV shows people seem to enjoy so much? You didn’t think so.
  To be fair, sometimes you felt like someone wrote a questionable script and poorly directed your life to fit you as the leading lady of a sketchy rom-com. As if they just focused on checking out every point on a bullet list made up with rules for a successful superhero office drama that wasn’t even that good…
    … And speaking of which…
    Rule Number One: The stern (maybe kinda attractive) boss!
    If you had to define Bang Chan with a couple of adjectives, you would choose undeniably beautiful ─ extremely professional of you because the right words to describe him were fucking hot ─ and committed. Fortunately, it wasn’t an “I have someone waiting for me at home and a bunch of kids I must put to sleep” kind of commitment, which would destroy your hopes of having this man one day. Unfortunately, it was an “I’m better than the header and gonna run this company by tomorrow night” kind of commitment, which destroys your hopes of a peaceful day at work.
    Now, it’s not like you don’t want to do your job! It’s just that you didn’t sign up to be Bang Chan’s perfect little toy ─ definitely not the better words to describe it ─ and you didn’t expect to be joined by the hips ─ really? ─ with him or any of your coworkers. The thing is that Bang Chan wants to be on top ─ someone has to stop you ─ and he believes the only way to get there is to work as a team and be as perfect as one can be. In other words, Bang Chan wants absolutely everything and everyone to be neat, tight, and ready to be used ─ again… Not the better way to put your thoughts into words ─, but this just wasn’t who you were.  
    It also wasn’t the point right now.
    The point right now should be the fact that Bang Chan was striding to his office looking like he owned the whole damn place… If this was a movie, the camera would be focusing on his expensive, black leather shoes before scanning all the way up to his waist in slow motion. The scene would zoom in on his fine ass only to go a little bit up and catch the shiny, black belt wrapping around his figure. The outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination, but you had a hell of a productive mind… You could think of a few things you shouldn’t really be thinking about right now.
    Bang Chan didn’t seem to understand he was at work either.
    He rolled his sleeve up in a sexy motion that should be illegal. It isn’t. You can tell by the way there are no cops bursting inside the building and arresting this gorgeous son of a bitch.
    The lack of any authorities to stop this atrocious moment had you lowering your gaze to your desk ─ a vain attempt to ignore the way his forearms flexed as he gestured and ordered people around. If you were a little bit less professional, you would have some ideas of how he could do it in bed. With you. But you weren’t some kind of creepy perv who would be fantasizing about riding your own boss from dusk till dawn.
    Not at all.
    “Do you need me, Sir?” His secretary asks politely.
  A question that you would love to ask him too… In a totally and strictly professional way, of course.
    Rule Number Two: The (extremely unnecessary) nemesis!
    The shiver running down your spine could mean only one thing: Hwang Hyunjin ─ your obnoxious coworker ─ was standing right behind you, just like a bloody damn ghost. There was no need to turn around. You knew he had his mocking eyes glued on Bang Chan’s figure, and you could feel the air shifting as he tilted his head in a silent sneer before leaning on your desk.
    You refused to turn around and acknowledge his presence; painfully aware that he would flash a wide grin while looking at you with a knowing glint in his eyes. You wouldn’t give him the taste of seeing in your face that he was right; that you were staring at your boss as if you were a starving vulture. So you did the only thing you could do in this situation: You started to work. The sheets scattered over your desk wouldn’t walk by themselves to Bang Chan’s room, right?
    And neither would you if it depended on Hyunjin.
    The attempts to swipe the papers in your direction and gather everything you needed ─ to finally get rid of Hyunjin ─ proved to be vain as his hand took root on the desk. You pursed your lips in annoyance while glancing at his prominent knuckles and slender fingers; wondering if he would be so collected if he knew you wanted to crunch them. Probably not. But he gets off so fucking much on upsetting you that he might just want to take the risk anyway.
    “What do you want, asshole?” You hissed; stopping your motions before turning around to stare blankly at him.
    The face of an angel was the most accurate way to describe the sight in front of you. Plump, pink lips molded into a sweet smile and dark brown eyes morphed into cute crescents. None of those features fit his true self, though. Underneath the angelic façade, there was a demon called Hwang Hyunjin ─ who was resting his free hand on your shoulder for no reason besides driving you crazy.
    It would be easier if he was just a pretty face, but Hyunjin had a good body too. The guy looked just like a model ─ slim, tall, and classy ─, and even though only his collarbones peeked out from down his shirt, you knew that there was much more than the eyes could see.
    Well, you never saw it, but you had felt it.
    As far as you could remember, each curve on Hyunjin’s abs was craft by God himself. The way his chest was built for you to caress would be forever craved on your mind. You might never forget how soft his lips were in contrast to his lap… How his thighs flexed just right when you pulled his hair… How reactive he was… How his moans sounded… And how he put everything to waste.
    “Oh, nothing” He shrugged. As usual, his voice was just like sweet, hot honey; still, you could wipe the poison dripping down his chin, “I was just wondering if you had enough time to do your job while fucking your boss inside your head” He clarified sarcastically, cracking you a smile.
    Sometimes you regretted not putting his mouth to good use… He really needed to learn how to shut up for a while and stop being so… Unbearable. The silence he met had him scoffing; body leaning even closer to the point his face was practically hovering over yours ─ smugness plastered all over it. You held his gaze to confront him; breathe mingling with his in a heated mix that matched the anger under your eyes.
    Was he licking his lips as he stared at yours? Oh boy… He definitely wanted to get laid. It was your time to scoff as the frown on your lips turned into a smirk; eyes twinkling mischievously as you looked into his in a silent teasing. As if sensing that he was in trouble, Hyunjin tilted his head to look even more obnoxious than he was; face coming closer to yours to defy your newfound confidence.
     “You know what? If you stared at him any longer, I think his balls might have fallen off…” He whispered in a tone loud enough for just you to hear “Unless he saw the way you were looking at him… Then I guess his dick would go straight up” He assured you with a ‘friendly’ pat on your shoulder as he finally let go of your papers and straightened his back.
    “Are you saying it from experience?” You sneered; grimacing at him.
    “Are you telling me that you want me to fuck you too?” He retorted gibingly; not even thinking twice about it.
    “No” You tilted your head, trying to stay composed, “I’m reminding you that you couldn’t even kiss me without getting a boner… Just like a teenage boy” He arched a brow at your statement; pursing his lips as he hummed in wonder “I’m surprised you never came in your pants like the pathetic thing you are” He laughed; poking his cheek with his tongue before squeezing your shoulder in a silent warning.
    “I must have been quite a sight if you can remember it so vividly” You pretended not to notice the way he sniggered, pushing away the urge to punch his face.
  Nemesis was just a classy way to call him a pain in the ass.
  Rule Number Three: The (plain and uninteresting) secret identity!
  It would be impossible to miss the moment Hyunjin’s devilish smirk morphed into a bright, friendly smile. The snarky comment on the tip of your tongue was swallowed back in a bit; grimace dissolving into a wide grin as if you weren’t about to throw your fists at him. He giggled as his arms spread open before snaking around your body to pull you into a tight hug; holding you close and rocking your body side to side as a soft huff fell from your lips.
    If you didn’t know any better, your knee would be buried between his legs.
  “Way to go, Y/N!” He chirped, loosening his grip to take a better look at your face; eyes smiling as if the both of you were the bestest of friends in the entire world, “You’re awesome! I’m so proud… I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you as my teammate” He pursed his lips; dimples showing as he offered you nothing but affection in his gaze.
    You did know better, though, and it wasn’t too hard to figure out who was standing behind your back as you opened your mouth to answer him: “There’s no one I’d rather be with!” You reassured Hyunjin in a sweet, mirthful tone; tilting your head to return the fondness in his look in an act worthy of an Oscar “We’re a team, you know? You can’t get rid of me so easily” He laughed wholeheartedly at that; ruffling your hair before leaning closer to you again, resuming the hug.
    “We’ll see about that” He whispered in your ear, making you scoff.
    “What are you gonna do? Cry to Daddy so you won’t work with me anymore?” You hissed back; breaking away from his hug with a tight grin before turning around to meet Chan’s gaze.
    The surprise plastered over your face was millimetrically calculated; just like the way you pretended to be flustered as you stared into your boss’ eyes to see the pride shining on them. You brought the papers closer to your chest in what was meant to be an innocent, coy way ─ a technique mastered over the months you worked for him ─, and Chan seemed to fall for it as he giggled in delight. The poor guy had no clue all of this was as fake as your camaraderie towards Hyunjin, and he wasn’t about to discover it anytime soon if it depended on you.
    Luckily, it did! You had taken some acting classes; just enough for your next words to be naturally convincing: “I’m so sorry, Sir! We’re just so happy that –” The words were deliberately drawled to give him enough time to interrupt you. Just like you knew he would. And it was a good thing that he did because you had no idea of how you were supposed to finish that sentence anyway.
    You were a good actress, not a professional improviser.
    “Don’t mention it” He cut you off giggly; detaching himself from the doorframe he leaned on as he watched the friendly scene taking place.
    The amount of cuteness this man could deliver in his smile wasn’t fair, and it didn’t match the sensuality a simple gesture of his overflowed with, enchanting you. You gulped down as he gave both of you a silent order to follow him into his room, wondering if the duality he had in the office was remotely similar to what he could do in bed ─ a thought that shouldn’t be having a place in your mind right now.
    Hyunjin seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly too, and as soon as Chan turned around to head to his office, he bumped his shoulder onto yours. The obnoxious action was followed by your elbow diving into his ribs; a retaliation that took you less than a second and, luckily, Chan ─ or any of your coworkers ─ didn’t seem to notice. Neither of you gave away your silent quarrel as Hyunjin closed the door behind him, smiling at you when Chan finally took his seat.
     “It’s good to see that you guys have such chemistry” He confessed, and you had to suppress a scoff when you looked into his eyes. He had no idea… The chemistry between you two was enough to make you want to blow each other, “You know what I always say, right?” He boasted on a sing-song; much more at ease than he seemed to be earlier.
    You weren’t about to put that on the line, though.
    “You can’t have teamwork if you don’t have a team!” You warbled in unison.
    “That’s the spirit!” Chan gurgled, heading to his desk in a visibly good mood.
    What was going on? He wouldn’t be so happy just because you and Hyunjin were being friendly… Were you missing something? He didn’t seem in such a peaceful state of mind when he came in… It had to be something that happened after that. Perhaps he got some good news from his secretary? Or maybe… You narrowed your eyes as you caught a glimpse of Hyunjin’s hands fidgeting in front of him; his foot tapping the ground rapidly but quietly before moving slightly to step on your toe.
     Or maybe Hyunjin had something to do with it…
    “As I said in the email, Sir, I happened to hear some stuff around and… KQ managed to get an exclusive with Han Jisung” The sentence sounded just like a normal introduction to a report, but you knew it wasn’t. Hyunjin’s eyes darted to meet yours, glinting with anxiety and despair. He was informing you of what was going on, not Chan, “And as we all know, Jisung is a rising producer star, which is bound to raise their sales and might get in the way of ours…” He continued, swallowing dryly and widening his eyes ever so slightly.
    He was definitely trying to warn you of something.
    “Yes, I read the e-mail, Hyunjin” Chan agreed sternly; smile disappearing as his fingers intertwined to serve as a support for his chin. He looked classy and incredibly sexy, but your mind couldn’t afford to focus on it right now. You had to figure out what the hell Hyunjin suggested to Chan before blowing everything up, “You also said that Y/N might have the solution for this…” Oh, so that was it, you thought when Chan arched his brow; eyes connecting to yours.
    And now what?
    “So?” He encouraged you, detaching his chin from his hands so he could rest them on his desk “I’m waiting” He smiled gently; a closed-mouth smile that was supposed to calm your nerves, even though you could see how tumultuous his gaze was right now.
    It was practically a silent threat.
    In a normal situation, the predatory way he was looking at you ─ resembling a wolf when you were nothing but a sheep under his radar ─ would get you… Thinking.
    Your job wouldn’t be at stake in a normal situation, though.
    The pressure on your toes increased; the subtle way Hyunjin found to snap you out of your mind, despite your silence hanging in there for just a few seconds. It was obvious that he was freaking out just as much as you were, and you couldn’t help but blame him for this. Couldn’t he have told you about it earlier? What the hell was going on inside his mind?! Instead of taunting you about wanting to fuck Bang Chan, he should have warned you about that shit!
    That’s not the time for this, Y/N.
    The muscles on your face tensed as you tried to not give away everything going through your mind; lips twisting in a tight smile as you looked at Hyunjin: “Yeah, he was right” You answered calmly, even though your stomach was settled on becoming an Olympic athlete right now, “As I was telling him before coming here, Sir, I have someone in mind…” The relief washed over Hyunjin’s face; a genuine smile adorning his features as he withheld a sigh, “I happen to know I.N, and I think I can get us an exclusive” You confessed, shifting your gaze from Hyunjin to Chan.
    “The writer?” He blurted out, astonishment plastered all over his face.
    “Yeah… They’re a friend of mine…” You trailed off, embarrassed to say it out loud “They’re in the top trending now since their novel will become a drama and…” You cleared your throat, lowering your head to avoid his gaze. There was just so much of acting you could handle for a day, “I mean- It’s… Adult stuff, right? But they never—”
    “I know! That’s perfect!” He beamed, getting up from his chair to walk your way “They’ve never been seen! Nobody knows anything about them, Y/N” He laughed ─ he genuinely laughed ─ while clasping his hands together “Han Jisung is good, but I.N is better! This is hot news… FrontPage… How come you never told me about that?” He chuckled, placing his hand on your shoulder “Rest assured that when I get my promotion, I’m gonna have you right here in this room” He promised you in such a serious tone that a shiver ran down your spine.
    Rule Number Four: The (kinda horny) true self!
    There was not a single soul in the office as you made your way down the hall; eyes focused on the mesmerizing view outside. The sky was colored in purple shades, so deep that you would have mistaken them for black if it weren’t for the dazzling, sleepless city and its dozens of skyscrapers lighting everything up. Not even the full moon would be able to compete with such a beautiful brilliance, but it wouldn’t be necessary either as your gaze was abruptly torn away from the night.
    The darkness surrounding you didn’t allow your brain to connect the dots immediately, and you couldn’t help but wonder what happened when you bumped into something. The surface was much softer than a wall, yet firm enough to have you wincing for the impact; eyes snapping to meet the unlucky bastard that stayed until so late. The moonlight kissed his skin just enough for you to recognize the sharp features of your boss; clenched jaw revealing popping veins that distracted you for a fraction of a second.
     Your eyes trailed the path from his jaw to his neck, and you couldn’t help but wonder how it tasted like; if you could savor it like the sins you wanted to commit with him. The closeness didn’t work in your favor, and the hint of his scent intoxicated your senses as you connected your gazes. Something must have given you off ─ maybe your hesitation, maybe the lust glinting in your eyes ─ because the next second, Cristopher had his hand placed on your lower back.
   The warm sensation grew to a burning feeling as his eyes darkened while diving into yours; his stern, cold gaze contrasting to the feeling of his touch and sending a shiver down your spine. Could he have noticed the way your legs trembled as his grip tightened around you? The look on his face was indecipherable, and the intensity of his gaze made you feel too exposed and vulnerable to keep looking for an answer, so you averted your eyes away from him.
    “Weren’t you supposed to come as soon as you got his answer?” The way his voice made its way to your senses had the embarrassment washing over you. The huskiness in his tone made you gulp down ─ throat dry from thirsting over him ─ and the calmness in his sentence alarmed you as it didn’t match the disapproval in his eyes “It’s so late that there is no one else here anymore” He added nonchalantly; mixed signals getting you confused to what he meant by it.
    Was it just a way to scold you or was it an invitation?
    “I’m sorry, Sir” Despite not having anyone around, you whispered the words as if you could be caught at any moment now, “It took me longer than expected, but we—”
    “We?” His eyes were sharp enough to cut you off but the real reason why you couldn’t manage to finish your thoughts was the way he pulled your body impossibly closer to his “Were you with him this whole time?” He hissed right into your ear, letting his hot breath fan over your cold, sensitive skin in a silent threat.
    “Working” You corrected, even though he didn’t say anything.
    “Working” He hummed in agreement; hand going to tuck your hair behind your ear “As in how we work late at night?” He sneered, manhandling you to press your back against the cold surface of the glass wall that separated his office from the rest of the place “Or is it as in how he wants to work you on his desk?” He scoffed; soft huff almost as degrading as the way he held your cheeks with one hand and guided your eyes to his.
    “Neither” You guaranteed breathlessly; voice quivering in excitement.
    “Are you going to pretend that you didn’t notice his looks?” He narrowed his eyes at you; his knee making its way to the gap between yours before slowly rising to your thighs, “That you don’t know how much he wants to fuck you?” He laughed humorlessly, shaking his head in disbelief, “You better not, ‘cause I know you love it” He warned as he kicked your legs apart.
    “He could never fuck me as you do” There was such seriousness in your tone that it had him chuckling, and he nodded in approval before burying his nose in your neck, “I-I’m yours only, Sir… I know my place” You promised quietly, trying not to give away how aroused his jealousy made you feel.
    “Yeah…” His raspy laughter tickled your skin, and you muffled a whine as he grazed his teeth over your neck teasingly “But you like being reminded of it, don’t you?” He taunted, taking in your scent in a way that made you feel too small and helpless. He groaned as soon as you let a whimper fall from your lips, and you couldn’t help but struggle to stay still while knowing what was about to come, “Do I have to spell it for you, baby girl?” He snickered before sucking on the tender spot of your skin that he knew too well at this point.
    “N-No” Somewhere inside your head, you acknowledged that your reaction was insanely humiliating. He just needed a couple of words spoken in a sultry tone and you couldn’t even form a proper sentence. That was the power he had on you. And you loved it. “Only yours” The rushed tone made him smirk against your neck, stopping his path of kisses for a second to look into your eyes “Sir” You panted; returning his gaze with just as much intensity as he had on his.
    “Claim your place” His order was so tantalizing that you didn’t even blink before you finally let your knees give away, losing the support of your legs to earn the support of his thigh, “That’s right… You do remember your place” Somehow, this sounded like the best praise he could ever offer you, even under his amused tone, “But you have been such a bad girl lately…” He pouted as he caressed your cheek; hand stopping to grab your chin gently “And I don’t like bad girls… You know that, right?” He let his thumb reach for your lower lip, fiercely staring at it before grazing his finger on your teeth.
    Your answer was as silent as his request; tongue welcoming his thumb before you sucked on his digit. He hummed in appreciation, pushing it inside your mouth as you looked at him with big doe eyes to show a coyness that wasn’t really there within you. The action was followed by a swirl around the tip of his finger; as if to leave in his mouth the taste of what he was missing and prompt him to give you what you really wanted: Him.
    If he picked up on your plans, he showed it by giving like for like.
   He didn’t say a word as he pressed his thigh against your heat; leaning closer to let his breath fan over your neck once more. He stood like that for what could have been seconds, maybe minutes, but nonetheless time enough for his warmth to creep into your senses. He was like a poison to you; the intoxicating presence clouding your better judgment and destroying any will you had to have him losing control. You didn’t even mind the way he scoffed as you started to grind his leg; brows twisting to shout out a needy plea for release.
    “That’s a good girl” He approved, catching your earlobe between his teeth. The moan that fell from your lips was muffled by his finger and he didn’t seem to appreciate it, “I don’t hear you, baby girl” He complained, moving on to your jaw with a path of open-mouthed kisses that weren’t enough to distract you from his other hand “There’s no one here… Be loud for me” He allured you as his hand found its way under your shirt.
      The temptation was great… Scream his name as he fucked you senseless in the office... No risk of being caught… Just you, and him, and your dirty little secret…
    Your thoughts were all around the place, and you had no hopes of grasping them back as his cold hand brushed your side, contrasting to the warmth under your clothes. The way he touched you made shivers run down your spine; his slow, delicate motion enhancing your senses to every single second of his caresses. You held your breath when his finger finally managed to reach its destination; grazing over your nipple to have you succumbing to his wishes.
    You fought it as you could, but you were never much of a fighter.
    It was too easy for him to have you under his control, and he knew it. You could tell it by the way he chuckled as soon as you gave away how lost you were at this point. The moan that left your lips came all the way up from your chest, sounding crystal clear in the room as you let your mouth fall agape. Sucking on his finger and following his orders were the last concern you would have for this moment. The only thing worthy of your attention right now was the fact that you couldn’t get as much friction as you needed, and you had to do something about it.
    So you grind on his leg for dear life.
    “You’re so needy” The mockery didn’t have much effect on your mind anymore, so you just kept sliding up and down his thigh as if that was the only thing that could keep you going “You’re not even listening to me, are you?” He huffed in disbelief; thumb leaving your mouth so he could cup your face “That’s all you can understand, right?” He taunted, pinching your nipple to get your attention again, “Are you still there, baby girl?” He leaned closer to whisper in your ear.
      “F-Fuck me” Was the only answer he would get.
      “Manners” He warned; licking the sweet spot next to your jaw.
      “Fuck me, Sir” You corrected yourself; wrapping your arms around his shoulders to look for some support as you practically bounced on his leg, “Please, fuck me, Sir” You repeated, forehead resting on the crook of his neck as you clawed his back, trying to bring him as close as possible to you.
      “Louder” He demanded, and you didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was grinning, “Louder…” He instructed in a tone so low that you could barely hear him over the rustling sounds of fabric against fabric. Your breath hitched as his hand gently caressed your hair; moving some strands away from your face to take a better look at you. However, he didn’t get to see your teary eyes, “Come on, baby… Look at me” He asked in a tantalizing tone, alluring you to try and meet his gaze.
    There wasn’t much you could see through your hooded eyes; vision too blurry for you to grasp what was going on inside his mind. You could tell he enjoyed it, though. He always did. That moment when he could pinpoint you had given up on your control, that you weren’t yourself anymore and would be willing to do whatever he asked… He lived for it, for that rebellious flame of self-control extinguishing from your eyes.
     For who you become when lust overcomes you.        
    The grip on his hair wasn’t unexpected, and Cristopher offered you a small, wicked smile before you connected your lips. The kiss was messy and hurried; tongues exploring every corner they could find while your hands were occupied on getting rid of your clothes. Neither of you cared about anything else but feeling each other’s bodies as you ripped your shirts. The cold breeze hitting your bare skin wasn’t enough to cool down the heat consuming you, but it was enough to have you squirming and whining.
      “Beautiful” Was the only thing he said before pushing your back against the glass and adjusting his grip to take your nipple between his teeth. The groan that escaped your lips was almost animalistic, prompting him to answer with a grunt of his own as he sucked on your skin. The vibrations ran from your flesh to your core, enticing another moan that seemed to fall into deaf ears, “Louder, baby… I want him to hear you…” He pleaded, letting go of your breast just to grope it and give you a kitten lick on the next second “To know who made you like this…” He added before sucking on it again.
    Perhaps it was the fact that he thrust on you, just to tease your senses and make you thirstier. Perhaps it was the fact you had to support yourself on just one leg as he pushed his hips against yours and you tried to seek for your balance by involving his leg with yours. Perhaps it was his hand sliding to meet your clothed core; finger pressing against your clit to add a delicious, needed stimulus for your orgasm.
    Perhaps it was the words that slipped through his lips.
    “W-What did you say?” You panted; hips faltering as you tried to keep riding him, but steading their pace as his finger circled your clit to goad you “M-Mhm… S-Sir” You cried; hand burying in his hair to pull it and translate the utter bliss waving down your body. The string of mewls and urgent pleas spilled from you like a chant, getting him more eager than before, “P-Please” You whined, even though you weren’t sure what you were asking for.
      “Hold it” He ordered; straightening his back to look right into your eyes, but failing as yours rolled back to your head. His hand made its way to squeeze your cheeks, forcing you to look at him with a soft shake to catch your attention “Look at me” It sounded like a warning; stern enough for you to try your best to focus on him, “You’ll only cum when he walks right through that door… Do you understand?” He searched for any signs of stubbornness in your eyes, but his smile showed he didn’t found any.
    “W-Who?” You managed to ask; body trembling as you tried to hold every single string inside your mind in place, even though each one of them was ready to snap and unravel the crashing pleasure that was building up.
    “Why does it matter?” He scoffed, quickening his pace as the unmistakable ring of the elevator sounded on the room “You love being seen, don’t you?” He chuckled, watching as your body shook violently and your knees started to give away to the sensations running down your body.
      “Y-Yes, Sir” You could bet your voice echoed inside the building, and Christopher seemed to agree with you as he grinned in approval.
    “So look at your guest, baby… And scream my name” He instructed, pushing your face to the side. The doors opened slowly, revealing the lights inside the small cubicle right in front of your eyes “Let him know who you belong to” He whispered in your ear; hand pushing your underwear aside so his finger could come in contact with your core.
    The mysterious figure detached from the corners of the metallic walls to finally reveal himself. You met his eyes for a half of a second; enough time for you to recognize the one who worked with you every single day of your life. For the past few years. Someone who would be your partner for years to come, and who would witness and engrave your face in your most vulnerable moment.
    You came hard; probably the most overwhelming orgasm you had ever had in your life. It was impossible to hold back your voice, and you couldn’t help but howl his name; legs shaking and body collapsing into your boss’ arms. You squirmed and whimpered as you tried to recompose yourself; letting him help you ride you out of your orgasm and occupying yourself by staring into your coworker’s shocked eyes.
    “Thank you, Sir…” You breathed out, gripping his arms for dear life while the shame sank into your soul.
    Rule Number Five: The (grateful and satisfied) fans!
    And… Post.
    Oh, well… You did it. Again. There was something about displaying your deepest fantasies for anyone to see that was kinda thrilling to you. Your heart raced inside your chest just like a drum ─ well, if a goddamn drummer decided to do a solo but was too offbeat, to begin with ─ and you couldn’t help but stare blankly at the page without a clue of what to do now. It was out there… Why didn’t anyone say anything yet? Was it that bad? Should you delete it?
    Well… People have to read it before commenting, you know?
    Yeah, right… You just posted it.
    You licked your lips before biting them; feeling the rush that was posting about your boss online when no one else knew about it. If you were being honest, the best part of this wasn’t having the chance to live your fantasies throughout your writing. No. The best part was knowing that only you knew the true identity of Christopher… Or what you really wanted to do to him while he walked down the hallway. The best part was that no one would ever figure out that you were the author of the bestselling novel of the moment… That this steamy romance between boss and employee was nothing but your rawest desire.
     Who would think that the boring, shy girl from the office would be a smut writer? Who would think that you would have a horny, interesting secret identity? No one else but you.
      And this was priceless.
     Or maybe… It was priceless.
    As far as you knew, every single thing you cherished about being a secretive horny bitch could go down the drain tomorrow. It would be all fine if it was just a… Well, actually everything would suck. How would you look at Chan’s face if he knew you were writing about having sex with your boss while he was your boss? What would you do if they decided to fire you because of it? What would you do with your life from now on?!
     Don’t panic, Y/N.
    You had everything under control… Tomorrow morning you would be going to Jeongin’s house and interview him as if he were you. No one would ever suspect you after that. You would save your ass, Hyunjin’s ass, and Chan’s ass. And that was it. The perfect plan. Nothing to worry about. Just trust Jeongin to follow your script and make sure everything would go as planned.
    Flawless. Totally safe. Perfect.
    That’s right…
    You just need to take a deep breath and rela—
    The sudden sound caught you off guard; eyes focusing on the screen once again so you could understand what was going on. All of your worries vanished away as soon as you saw the notification on the top of it; announcing that you had just got a message from a fan.
    The weasel icon was so familiar that you chuckled while opening the message; a smile plastering over your face as you let your eyes wander around the words. There was nothing more fulfilling to your writer ass than seeing the way Weasel always had something to say about your story. Sometimes, he’d give you some feedback on your style. Other times, he’d freak out about how much he wanted to “try those things out”, as he usually said. There were also times when he’d just get excited over the characters and their conflicts, which always got you laughing.
    It was fun to talk to Weasel.
    He was just as mysterious as you… There was no name to his face, and also no face to his icon, but both of you were friends anyway. He had been keeping up with your stuff from such an early stage that it felt natural to have him around and getting his feedback. It was so comfortable, that you didn’t even mind when he slid in your DMs, embarrassed to let anyone else know that your smut made him… Feel things. There was no need to elaborate on what he did about those feelings or those things. But it was kinda hot to know he enjoyed himself throughout your fantasies.
      His fantasies.
    Well… For the number of times that you used them to write your stories, it was some sort of shared fantasies by now. As a matter of fact, you never intended to make Christopher a jealous character but Weasel made the idea seem too hot for you to ignore. Sometimes, he’d open up about that girl from his work that he really liked and how jealous he was of the guy she liked and then… Well, it felt… Interesting.
    The thought of being desirable to the point a guy would want to claim you as his like this? Not that Weasel did it. He actually just mentioned that he hoped she was into this as a kink. You couldn’t help but picture the way he would touch her in such a greedy way… The possessiveness blinding him for a second… The grip tightening… The mean words and the humiliation… Oh, the sweet humiliation that would crush you as he whispered how much you would cum for him… How he was the only one who could make you like that… How he would ask you to say his name… To tell him that you were his…
    You could drink holy water and still be shaking just by picturing it.
    “That was such a good chapter… I didn’t expect you to use her friend like that. I thought it was a given that she’d end up with Chris” You read out loud, chuckling when he reached for your DMs to talk to you “Will we get a threesome or something, miss? 😏” He joked on the next line and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at this “I’m waiting for it”
    “You’re just a horny bitch, aren’t you?” You typed, smirking as you stared at his messages “No spoilers for you, though, baby boy… You’ll have to wait like everybody else” Teasing him was always funny, and he never failed to amuse you.
      “I’m not the one writing porn online” He pointed out, and before he could write anything else you shot him.
    “Yeah but you’re the one getting off to it” You retorted, getting a whole set of gasping and shocked emotes that had you laughing.
    “I have no words to express how offended I am” You chortled, shaking your head in disbelief.
     “Alright, Drama Llama” Why was it so fun to mock him? You wished you could actually meet him offline and banter like this in real life “To fill your horny ass, I might write a dom!reader next time… I was thinking about torturing the 2nd lead a bit”
    “First of all… I don’t think I want my ass filled, thank you for offering tho” Why was he like this? “And I was just joking” You frowned at that, confused by what he meant “Don’t you think that a threesome doesn’t go along with the characters? Her friend likes her a lot and Christopher is just a kinky son of a bitch… I thought he’d just show him that she was his and be an ass as usual”
    “What do you have against Chris, dude?” You rolled your eyes, although he wouldn’t be able to see it, “He’s way better than her friend! At least, he does something about her”
    “I have the 2nd male lead syndrome! You know that!” You chortled, very aware of this, “And isn’t that the perfect opportunity for him to do something about it?! I mean… I don’t want to be nosey but having a threesome is way out of character for them” He pointed out, and you had to admit he was right.
    “No, you’re not nosey…” You sighed; shoulders dropping for a second “It’s just that I’m upset about something that happened at work today and you know that projecting my problems on those characters is my thing” You pursed your lips, staring at the keyboard for a few seconds before deciding to continue “Besides, I’m about to spend an entire day with a guy that kinda inspired the 2nd lead and… I don’t really want to think about a sex scene with him, you know?” You confessed.
    “But thinking about torturing and having a threesome with him is easy” He mocked you.
      “That’s because that threesome would never happen” You sent it before you could think about what you had just written.
    “Ooohhhh!” Holy shit… The amount of emotes he had just dumped on that chat couldn’t be a good sign, “So having sex with this guy is something you want?! And that could happen?! ” Great, now you would have a Drama Llama-Weasel trying to get some juicy gossip about your inexistent sex life… WORSE! Your sex life with your nemesis! “Why don’t you go for it? I’m sure he’s into you if he’s anything like his character” Poor thing… He had no idea.
    “Shut up, it’s not like that” You brushed it off.
    “If you say so” You could almost hear him snickering, even though you didn’t know how his voice sounded like “I’ll just have you regretting this for the rest of the night” You snorted, shaking your head in disbelief. He was unbearable! “I have work early tomorrow but I’m gonna come back with questions, Miss… Wait for me”
    “What I meant is that it’d be easier to happen than having a threesome, not that I want it to happen, moron” You defended yourself but he didn’t even get to read it as he logged off right away.
      Great… He would never let you live it down.
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
Could you write something about Harry being really insecure about his body so you lay him on the bed and praise him? You kiss every insecurity he has and he starts to love his body a lot more
Hi! I wasn't quite sure how to approach this at first, but I think that I figured something out that turned out to be pretty good! I hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: talking about body image and online trolls, non-sexual nudity, a bit of cursing ig, mostly fluff and a touch of angst
WC: 1.2k
Harry didn’t get it.
People all across the world thought he was attractive. He was considered a heartthrob. He was nominated for awards like “International Crush,” “Best Look,” “Aussie’s Fave Hottie,” and “Best Male Hottie.” Celebrities had crushes on him, people praised him for his looks, and all of his past partners made it very clear how attracted to him they were.
So why couldn’t he feel that way about himself?
For every person that loved him, there was another that hated him. Another one that said he was ugly, that he should cover every mirror in his house, how they didn’t understand how anyone could think he’s handsome. Those comments echoed in the chamber of his mind constantly, affirming his own thoughts about himself. Every time he looked at himself in the mirror, he just… wasn’t happy. And whenever he voiced these thoughts, people looked at him like he was crazy. “How could you think that?” they would say, “you’re super hot.” And that was that. No real encouragement, nothing that would actually help him with the self-destructive thoughts that plagued him every day. It was like no one believed that he could have insecurities. But he did. Everyone does.
It was another day when he was feeling down on himself. His girlfriend was in the shower, and he was getting dressed in their room. He reached for a t-shirt and was about to pull it on when he looked at himself in the mirror. Harry looked over his torso, trying to search for what other people saw in him. For what magazines saw when they claimed him as one of the sexiest men alive, and for what millions of men, women, and everyone in between saw when they thirsted after him. But his search came up empty. All that he could see were the flaws in his body, the things that he hated that perhaps no one else saw. A deep frown was etched across his face before he even realized it, and he barely registered that tears were starting to spring to his eyes. He scrubbed those away quickly, not wanting his girlfriend to see him like this, but he couldn’t erase the frown or the crease in his eyebrows.
It was then that Y/n exited the bathroom, wrapped in only a towel. As she was picking out her clothes from their dresser, she glanced into the mirror and saw the look on Harry’s face as he was clutching his shirt in his hand. Growing increasingly concerned, she set her clothing on the bed and swiftly walked to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head between his shoulder blades.
“Are you okay, Harry?” she asked softly, “you look upset about something.”
“‘M fine,” Harry lied.
He could feel Y/n frown against his skin, “You don’t need to hide from me, Harry. Whatever problems you’re having, I’m here to help you. Just like you help me.”
He faltered for a moment. What if she reacted like everyone else? If she just told him he was attractive and left it at that, without showing any true support? But he decided to voice his insecurities anyway. Y/n was the best partner he had ever had. No matter what version of himself he brought to the table, she was always there for him to lean on, and she loved him unconditionally. Maybe it would be okay.
“Well, ehm, I jus’... don’ really see what people see ‘n me, I guess. Like, people see me as this international heartthrob and I jus’ can’t understand why, ‘ve never seen that in m’self, y’ know? Never found m’self handsome or anything like tha’. And f’ everyone that compliments me, it feels like ten say that ‘m ‘ideous. Sometimes, it jus’ affects me more than other times, and it jus’ came to m’ mind a little more as I was gettin dressed this mornin,” Harry explained, looking at the floor so he didn’t have to see himself in their mirror.
“Harry,” he heard from behind him, “can you look at me, please?”
He turned around slowly, his hands beginning to tremble as he looked Y/n in the eye. Her expression was soft and sympathetic as she gently cupped his face in her hands.
“Baby, I completely understand where you’re coming from. I had a lot of trouble with my body image when I was a teenager. But I promise you, Harry, that you are absolutely stunning. You take my breath away every time I look at you. I know that people love to talk shit online, especially about famous people that they don’t know, but those people are completely insignificant. Only listen to people that lift you up, even if that means ignoring yourself. Getting over hurdles like this isn’t easy, but I can promise you that I will be by your side 100%, and I will do everything I can to help you love yourself as much as I love you. Stopping the negative self-talk that you’ve been giving yourself for years may be difficult, but I hope that if I tell you how amazing you are every day, maybe you’ll start to believe it. You’re so beautiful, Harry, on the inside and on the outside.”
The tears that were in his eyes earlier now started to drip down his cheeks. His heart was so full, it felt like it was going to burst. How did he get so lucky?
“Darlin,” he whispered, his voice cracking, “I-I don’ even know what t’ say. I love y’ s’ much. Thank y’. Y’ support means the world t’ me. “
She smiled warmly, wiping his tears away with her thumbs, “Of course, my love. I’ll always be here for you, and I’m gonna tell you each and every day how fucking beautiful you are.”
Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly, desperately needing her touch. Y/n happily reciprocated, holding him in an iron grip, hoping that he could feel how deeply she loved him. Then, an idea struck her.
“Honey, can you do something for me?” when he nodded, she continued, “could you lay on the bed for me?”
He nodded again, pulling away from her embrace and lying down on the satin sheets. She clambered on top of him, gently pulling off his pants. Harry looked at her, confused. She smiled at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips before moving her attention elsewhere. Her lips darted across his body, planting sweet kisses over the skin. A kiss was pressed to his thigh, another to his bicep, and yet another to his stomach until she was sure she covered every inch of his body. With every loving gesture, she whispered a new complement.
“You are beautiful. You are loved.”
Slowly, in that moment, his insecurities started to fade away. All that Harry could focus on was the gentle press of lips against his skin, and the loving comments that danced across the surface. He began to believe them too, that maybe he truly was handsome. That maybe he could find a way to truly love himself. He knew that that moment would take a long time to get to. It wouldn’t happen overnight by any means, but with the help of his therapist, his incredible girlfriend, and the other people in his life that were important to him, he could complete his journey to self-love and start to see himself the way that Y/n saw him.
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Parcel 9- Pogues x OC (part 2)
summary: the pogues adventure turn crazy, scary and happy, all in one second. 
wc: 2.6k
warnings: blood, injury, cursing
a/n: enjoy everyone!! happy reading 🦋
prologue~ pilot~ the lucky compass~ the forbidden zone~ spy games~ midsummers~ parcel 9~ 
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Previously on Good Life: 
“What’s going on with you and Pope?”
“Yeah, he clearly likes you.” The kook chuckled as she placed a curl behind her ear.
“There’s absolutely nothing going on, trust me.” Kie answered as she leaned back onto her hands.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What about me?”
“Like, do you have your eye on someone?” The pogue grinned as Lani blushed, looking away. 
“Maybe.” She smirked and smiled at Kie who smiled back. The kook stood up and held out her hand for the pogue to grab. They walked back to the girls to find Sarah almost asleep and Fallon chopping up the manual.
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Lani suggested to play truth or dare trying to put the actual plan in motion, which was to bring the girls together. The game only lasted a few minutes due to Sarah saying stupid things when she chose truth. They felt tired which made them move to the wall of the boat to lean against it. Lani placed her head on Kie’s lap, for her to play with the kook’s curls while Sarah and Fallon sat next to them. 
“Hey, guess what? Would you rather... have… I was imagining you like this just now.” Sarah said messily as she took hair out of her face. 
“It was pretty funny. Would you ima... would you rather… have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples…” She continued as the girls looked at her all confused, having no idea what she was talking about.
“Your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” The blonde chuckled, making Fallon roll her eyes. 
“Is this your first time smoking or something?” Kie asked, feeling annoyed by her presence. 
“Yeah, you’re acting really pathetic.” Fallon huffed as she stood up, walking to the cabin. 
“No.” Sarah muttered and fidgeted with her fingers as Lani sat up from the pogue’s lap to sit in front of her, facing the girls. Fallon came back and sat next to Kie as they stayed in silence for a while. 
“Oh my god!” Fallon groaned, feeling annoyed. 
“Enough of the ‘hey girls’ bullshit. Why’d you do it?” Kie said quickly getting upset which caused Lani to place her hand on her leg, letting her know she was there. 
“Why did I do what?” 
“We were best friends, the three of us.” The caramel haired pogue said as she leaned forward to look at Sarah while she talked. 
“We stole beers from your dad’s fridge, we watched movies together, we cried over boys-”
“And the next thing we know, we’re watching you have your little princess birthday party on Instagram.” The pogue said after cutting Kie off, feeling a mixture of anger and annoyance. 
“It was one party.” Sarah muttered as if the conversation wasn’t important. 
“You invited everyone but us!” 
“And then you told everyone that we were the reason the party got busted.” Kie said softly as she shook her head in disappointment. 
“Well, who else would call the cops?” Sarah asked, raising her voice as she looked at the pogues. 
“You never ask, you just let the rumor go… that we were rats.” The curly haired pogues said, beginning to feel sad as she remembered how she felt in that moment. Lani scooted closer to her and held her hand tightly, trying to comfort her. 
“You were our best friend, Sarah and you ghosted us… we don't even know why? Like, seriously, what did we do wrong?” Fallon asked, feeling upset as she pulled her knees up to her chest. After more emotional talking, the girls finally came to an understanding. Everything that went down in the beginning of high school was behind them and Lani was happy to have seen that. 
The next morning the girls woke up pretty early to wait for the boys. They had a small breakfast while they talked about their revenge plan. Lani gathered her stuff, placing it inside her bag when she saw Kie doing the same thing. The pogue looked up and stared at the kook for a while before being interrupted by the boys, causing Lani to walk to the edge of the boat. 
“You forgot your keys or something?” John B asked looking over his sunglasses. 
“Need a tow?” Pope laughed as he stopped the boat next to Heyward’s. 
“Please don't give them the satisfaction that this worked.” Lani muttered with her back turned to the boys as the girls walked towards her. 
“Absolutely not.” Fallon whispered smirking as she leaned over to see JJ. 
“Did you… reconcile your differences?” 
“No.” Kie spat as she crossed her arms, watching as Lani climbed off the boat into the HMS. 
“Obviously not.” 
“But we’re willing to work together.” Sarah sighed as she looked at John B who smiled and high-fived Pope. 
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That night they were going to put the plan in motion. They were finally going to go to the Crain house and fetch out the gold. Before they left, they all met up at the Chateau, making sure they had everything ready. Lani went over the list one last time before they left: flashlights, dark clothes, rope, pulley and a grappling hook (according to JJ). They all piled the Twinkie and drove to the Crain house, parking across the road from it. Before they climbed out, John B turned and looked at his friends, stopping them from leaving.
“I just wanted to thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight.” 
“Aww, you went soft John.” Lani said, tilting her head to the side as she smiled. 
“Always.” Kie smiled.
“Of course, man.” JJ muttered tapping the pogue’s shoulder in support. They all climbed out of the Twinkie and walked into the house’s yard. The flashlights were on, guiding them to the basement when the porch light turned on. They all ducked and hid behind some old structure that was covered in plants. 
“Great, she has motion sensor lights.” Lani muttered looking over at the door and getting back down. 
“We could, uh… move very slowly, maybe?” JJ asked dumbfounded. 
“That’s not how it works, J.” Fallon tapped his shoulder with a light chuckle. 
“Let’s throw a rock at it.” He suggested again making everyone look at him. 
“A rock?” The curly haired kook asked, thinking she had heard wrong. 
“Of course, let the axe murderer know we’re here.” Kie whispered.
“Do you have a better idea?” 
“Literally anything but that.” Pope said and turned back to the porch, thinking about what they could do. The bright light turned off, making the teens let out a breath of relief. 
“Oh my god, the breaker. In the circuit box on the porch.” Fallon said looking at JJ who smiled and high-fived her. 
“We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch.” He grinned as he remembered 9 y/o caramel and blonde haired kids. 
“I’ve seen it.” Sarah smiled. 
“No, no. You’re not going in the house alone.” John B started objecting, causing the blonde kook to laugh. 
“Watch me.” 
“Crain chops people into pieces.” 
“If you believe that but she’s like what, 85?” Sarah asked, looking around at the teens. 
“Yeah, something like that.” Kie shrugged. 
“She’s probably barely still kicking.” Fallon said and turned to make her way to the porch when JJ held her wrist. 
“Hey, be careful. Please… don’t do anything crazy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” She pecked his cheek and made her way to the porch. Sarah walked behind her some time later while JJ went back to see Lani and Kie making fun of John B.
“Be safe.”
“I’ll be so safe… I’ll be safe for you.” Lani whispered as Pope and Kie laughed. 
“Come on, stop it. I’m gonna kill you.” 
“How will that keep us safe?”Lani asked with a straight face as everyone chuckled. 
Fallon and Sarah slowly stepped onto the porch pointing their flashlights at the wall. The floorboards creaked as they walked closer to the door, not putting too much thought into it. 
“Where are the breakers?” The blonde whispered pointing her flashlight all over the wall and quickly stopped once she saw the cable. Fallon moved her flashlight along the cable, until she noticed it went into the house. 
“Shit… it goes inside the house.” She whispered and looked at Sarah who stared at her with scared eyes. They walked into the house, slowly, following the cable with their flashlights until they stumbled upon the breaker. Fallon opened the box almost immediately and turned the switch, making the bright light from outside shut off.
“Oh my god, they did it.” Lani whispered, staring at the porch and back at the pogues. 
“They did it. Go time.” John B turned and walked quickly towards the basement followed by everyone else. They all piled around the well and moved away to get everything ready. 
“Pope, look. This is C.H.U.D, full C.H.U.D.” JJ said filled with excitement as he moved her arm, signalling at the whole place. 
“JJ, what the fuck are you talking about?” Lani asked, stopping what she was doing to look at the blonde. 
“Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers? Have you guys not seen that film?” 
“Can’t say that I have.” Kie said walking towards Pope to give him a few more stuff. JJ then moved to explain what the film was about which caused Lani to just look at him in confusion. She never thought that things like that would be going through his head. John B told him to shut up and moved to Pope as he began to ask some things about the depth of the well. They got the rope ready as the pogue sat at the edge waiting for his friends to give him the ok. 
“Guys, I have one request.” 
“Yeah?” The teens asked, looking at him.
“Don’t drop me.” John B descended into the well as Lani nodded. 
“Cool… no pressure…” She walked and stood next to JJ, holding a piece of rope as they moved it slowly. They kept lowering him until he got to the bottom, surrounded by sewer looking water. JJ and Pope kept calling out for him, making sure he was okay. Upstairs, Fallon and Sarah ran from Mrs. Crain was chasing them with a shotgun, even though she was blind. Suddenly, the girls stumbled into the basement, out of breath making everyone turn to them.
“Woah, you guys okay?” Lani asked with worried eyes. 
“Mrs. Crain! She’s up there.” Fallon shouted, placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. 
“She tried to kill us with a fire poker.” Sarah held her stomach as she breathed heavily. 
“We gotta go.” Kie said and ran to the bags, getting the flashlights and everything gathered. 
“We locked her in the parlor but we really need to leave.” The caramel haired pogue said, walking to the exit as Kie trailed behind. JJ and Pope alerted John B but when he began to shout the teens went crazy, thinking he was drowning. Everything grabbed a piece of rope and began to pull quickly, noticing that the boy wasn't attached to it. After a few minutes of trying to him out, Mrs. Crain had followed the ruckus and made it down to the basement. She heard voices and pulled the trigger causing a loud bang to echo around the room. 
The teens ran in different locations, trying to cover themselves. JJ tied the rope as Pope shouted down the well, telling John B what to do. They all ran out of the basement and climbed into the Twinkie. Pope and JJ were in front while the girls were in the back, holding the door open for John B. The blonde began to drive as a figure appeared to jump over the stone wall. He ran down the street and threw himself into the van as Lani slid the door close. 
“Oh my god. That was fucking crazy.” The kook said, leaning against the door, feeling tired. 
“Are you shot?” Pope asked, turning his body to the very dirty pogue.
“I think I’d know if I was shot right?” Kie questioned, touching her chest but quickly looking down at the boy in disgust.
“Ugh, John B you smell like ass.” Everyone chuckled and began to talk about Mrs. Crain and how she was like Yoda. Lani drifted from the conversation and stared at the pogue who was taking something out of his jacket, it was shiny. 
“What is that?” She asked, grabbing everyone’s attention. Sarah looked down at her boyfriend and gasped, quickly smiling.
“No, you didn’t.” 
“We did it, baby!” John B shouted with a huge smile on his face. The van erupted in celebration and screams until Kie held her hands out.
“Wait, wait, Guys, we’re gonna be rich.” 
“Like full kook rich.” Fallon smiled looking at JJ through the rear view mirror. 
“Full kook, full kook, full kook!” They chanted on the way back to the Chateau. Once it was over they started laughing,feeling nothing but joy. It was quickly replaced with worry once Fallon sat back and winced when her arm touched the cushion. Lani’s head turned to her immediately, watching the pogue holding her arm. When she parted her hand it was covered in fresh red blood. 
“Fallon’s hurt!” The kook said as she moved towards the pogue, quickly helping. JJ’s eyes went wide and looked through the mirror in fear. 
“What do you mean she’s hurt?”
“She’s bleeding from her arm… It’s too deep, she needs stitches.” Lani said loudly for the blonde to hear her as the girls piled around her. Kie looked for the emergency kit and gave it to the kook, making her automatically start working. 
“JJ, how far are we?” She shouted as she opened the kit, making sure everything was there. 
“5 minutes!” 
“I can’t wait 5 minutes, she’s bleeding a lot.” Lani muttered and turned, grabbing two flashlights and handed them to Sarah and Kie. 
“Hold these up.” She put on her gloves and opened the alcohol bottle, pouring a bit on Fallon’s arm. The pogue winced in pain, making Lani look at her with eyes of pity. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts but… I-I need to make you better, okay?” Fallon nodded and Lani quickly pressed a gauze on it as the pogue whimpered in pain. JJ sped down the road, getting to the Chateau almost immediately. They got out of the van and the blonde sprinted to Fallon, feeling scared when she saw all the blood. 
“Hold the gauze hard on her arm, okay? I’m gonna get the stuff ready.” Lani said and ran inside the hut, gathering her supplies. JJ sat the pogue down in the dining room, holding her hand the whole time. The kook ran back and moved a chair, closer to Fallon as she tapped J’s hand to let it go. 
“You know how to stitch? H-How are you gonna do that? You’re not even a real doctor.” JJ rambled as he stared at Fallon losing more blood. Kie and Sarah pulled him outside as Pope stayed to help. 
“How do you know how to stitch?” Fallon muttered weakly, clearly feeling scared as Lani cleaned the area. 
“My mom is a surgeon, she has taught me a few things… and I took a few medical classes since I skipped a few grades.” The kook said placing the bloody gauze down and picking up the gloves to put them on. Fallon’s eyes watered as she knew what was happening next. 
“Hey… you’re gonna be okay, I promise. This is gonna be quick.” Lani smiled as she picked up the needle, getting ready to stitch. 
“Pope, get her some pain killers.”
“I’ll be right back.” He muttered and ran off to the bathroom as the kook pushed the sharp end through the skin. Pope came back and gave Fallon the painkillers as Lani stitched up her arm while the brunette pogue assisted. After a few minutes, the stitches were done and the kook placed gauze over it. Then wrapped it with a bandage. 
“All done.” She whispered and stood up, gathering everything that had to be thrown away. 
“Thank you, Lani.” Fallon said with watery eyes as she grazed the bandage with her fingertips. 
“Anytime.” JJ walked in and immediately ran to the pogue, examining every part of her to make sure she wasn't more hurt. Fallon fell asleep on JJ’s bed while everyone else sat around a bonfire with beers, celebrating the Royal Merchant gold. 
good life: @ilovefandoms102​ @agardenofbooks​ @cloverrover​ @lynlovesouterbanks​
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Deep Scar
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Summary: He used to be the popular kid in high school where everyone has a crush on him. He always gets Valentine's Day gifts be it presents, chocolates, homemade brownies, etc. He somehow brought his name to college where there were people who still finds him attractive. What happens when he bumps into a girl who treated him a lot different compared to others? Will he find out the truth behind her behaviour?
Theme: college au, childhood schoolmates but with a bad past
Genre: a little angsty, fluff ending though
Warnings: mild swearing (literally just one word), slight mention of harassment but nothing too crazy
WC: 4.6k
Pairing: Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hey hey :) I've had this in my google drive for quite sometime so my writing might not be so good here but bear with me. P.S the words in italics are his flashback, and hannie might sound like a jerk at one point but this doesn't portray him in real life because irl he's an absolute sweetheart :') Anyways, enjoy reading!
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Coming to campus every morning only to find gifts and plenty of love letters in his locker has been becoming a daily routine for Jisung. Although he has never actually reciprocated any of them, he must admit that he did love the amount of attention that’s been drawn to him since back in high school.
He was the popular kid in school where he was known for his intelligence, charming personality and of course, his good looks.
Back in high school, girls would often slot in their confession letters in his locker almost everyday. Every Valentine’s Day, his table would be filled with chocolates and homemade brownies specially for him.
But all of those gifts would eventually be passed to his close friends for them to finish it for him.
Even now when he’s already in college, words spread around the campus of his status back in Saebom High, making everyone in Hankuk College know about him. Despite this new set of attention that was being directed towards him, he managed to make friends with a few people that he trusts.
Some of them were his classmates in college, some were his friends from music class, and some were his good friends back in high school. 
That day was no different as he walked down the hall to go to his designated locker, only to find a pink paper that had been folded into a cute little heart.
“Another love letter? Dude, at this point you should really date one of them so that this whole shenanigan would stop.” Chan said with a soft chuckled as Minho and Jeongin nodded in agreement with the elder boy. Jisung rolled his eyes as he unfolded the paper and read the confession, that was pretty much the same as the other notes he received.
All of which, never got reciprocated simply because Jisung believes he hasn’t found anyone that peaked his interest yet.
After about 5 minutes, he slammed his locker shut as the four boys began to walk down the hall, not missing the constant shy giggles and whispers from every direction. Jisung simply walked with his charming smile plastered on his face, making some girls feel their heart flutter in their chest.
Just when they had made a left turn, a figure smaller than them came crashing straight into Jisung’s shoulder, causing both individuals to stumble back a step from the impact.
“Watch where you’re going, dumbass.” The girl who was rubbing her shoulder said as she locked eyes with him firmly. Jisung was slightly baffled as no other girl would even dare to look at him straight in the eye.
“Excuse me?” He said, his voice clearly confused but the girl simply rolled her eyes at him, slightly annoyed.
“You heard me. I don’t have to say it twice.” 
“Do you even know who I am?” He asked, slowly starting to feel anger boiling through his veins.
“Do you think I care?” She taunts.
“Other girls would be scrambling away by now.”
“Oh, how exciting. Next time, wear side goggles so you can watch where you’re going.” Was all she said before she shoves past him to continue her journey down the hall to go to her class.
Everyone in that hallway was surprised with their little interaction. Some of them even snickered at her for behaving that way in front of him. As far as he knows, all the girls in school never dared to speak to him in person, nor would they even look at him straight in the eyes for they would either run away in embarrassment, or their face would turn flushed red.
Jisung tried not to think much of it as he continued his walk to his class.
During lunch, the boys had gathered at their usual table. However, Hyunjin and Seungmin were running slightly late this time. They were just a few bites into their meal when Hyunjin’s voice caught everyone at their table’s attention.
“Hey guys! Is it okay if our new friend joins us? She just transferred here so me and Seungmin offered her to have lunch with us.”
At the mention of a female, Jisung whips his head around, only to lock eyes with the same girl he bumped into just a few hours prior.
“You again? Try not to miss your mouth this time when you eat.” She said as her gaze locked on Jisung, leaving him speechless.
Hyunjin and Seungmin exchanged glances at each other in confusion but decided to just carry on with lunch as they ended up sitting with her. If she weren’t too direct, Jisung could almost agree that she was acting quite the opposite towards Hyunjin and Seungmin. Maybe with the others as well. She seemed genuinely friendly and almost effortlessly bright with them. 
If he was being honest, it almost upsets him that she treated him like an outcast as compared to the rest of his close friends. Days slowly but surely became weeks as she started to grow visibly close to Hyunjin and Seungmin probably because they were her classmates.
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It was a Friday evening and they all decided to go to a pool bar where they had pool tables for people to play and also have light drinks if they wanted to.
They rented out two tables for themselves as they divided into two teams.
“Y/N! Join our team!” Hyunjin called as Y/N giggled, only for her to catch Jisung staring at her from one of the high stools beside the bar.
“I’ll join if he does.” 
She said as she nodded her head towards Jisung, only for the others to immediately drag him to Hyunjin’s pool table. The game soon started as Hyunjin served first. She seems to surprise them everytime she serves because all her shots were smooth and almost effortless. It was as if she’s done this multiple times.
“Wow, how are you so good at this?” Seungmin asked as she smiled at him, only to answer his question.
“I guess I’m pretty good at aiming.”
The boy giggled as they watched Hyunjin score a ball. All the while, Jisung was silently watching her by the side. 
Not in a creepy way but more like in a confused way. After they finished their one hour at the pool bar, they left to get dinner but she decided to call it a day for her and that she needed to go home to feed her starving kitty.
The boys bid her goodbye as she left, only for Changbin to question his friend.
“Jisung ah, you cannot tell me you’re not the slightest bit intrigued by her…”
With that, Jisung frowned as his mind came swirling back to all the times they’ve hung out with her and gotten to know her better. From all the mean comments tossed at each other like they were flat bread, to the time where she seemed genuinely concerned when Jisung nearly got run over by a speeding truck.
“No… No I’m not.”
Only he knows that it was a total lie but he wasn’t going to admit it to his friends. 
His ego was too high for him to easily admit that after all these years of girls trying so hard to win his attention, all he needed was Y/N to come into the picture and that was all it took for him to finally fall for someone.
Nobody needed to know his true feelings for her. He didn’t think it would be much of a big deal so he opted to keep his feelings to himself. It was another week into April, when Chan decided to invite them over to his apartment to hang out and chill on a chilly Saturday. Chan of course included Y/N in the list, hence the reason why she was currently standing outside his apartment door.
She was wearing a brown fitted crop top, her favourite denim ripped skinny jeans, a bomber jacket and her white converse.
She was greeted by Chan as he opened the door wider for her to enter.
She made it inside only to find Felix and Minho challenging each other in a game of Mario Kart Race. Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin were busy playing Call Of Duty on their phones. Jisung, Jeongin and Chan were in the kitchen, cooking up some hot kimchi stew.
Y/N took off her jacket as she went to snuggle in between Changbin and Hyunjin, watching them play an intense game of COD.
She was just laying her head on Changbin’s shoulder when he jerked forward, making her body shake as he turned to Hyunjin and high fived him after winning first place. Just then, he noticed the sad pout on her face at the loss of warmth, making him giggle as he sat back down to let her rest her head on his shoulder again before he whispered.
“Sorry baby.” She giggled as she pinched his abs, making him squeak. He laughed as he corrected himself.
“I’m just kidding.”
She smiled as she nuzzled into his shoulder while they were all occupied with doing their own things. A few minutes later, the 3 boys from the kitchen came back to the living room with the pot of kimchi stew and a rice bowl. 
However, Y/N didn’t miss the subtle frown on Jisung’s face when he saw her leaning her head against Changbin’s shoulder.
The 9 of them began eating diligently as they fit in almost any possible topic they could think off. After they finished their meal, she offered to wash the dishes since they were all busy. Chan told her not to trouble herself but she insisted on helping him.
She was scrubbing the second last bowl when she heard Jeongin’s voice calling from the living room.
“Noona! Come join us after you’re done washing the dishes okay? We’re gonna play truth or drink!”
“Okay Jeonginie.” She sang in a sing-song tune as she could hear some of them chuckle in the back.
As promised, she joined them after she was done with the last bowl, only to sit in between Minho and Seungmin. They went in a circle starting from Chan. It was in a circle until it reached her, only for Changbin to eagerly raise his hand.
“Oh! Oh! I have a good one!” Changbin said as his inner corner of the lips curved up into a cute smile, making her giggle.
“If you could go back to your past, what is the one thing that you would choose not to do?” His question was good. It was theoretical but good.
Suddenly, her eyes just instantly found Jisung’s soft brown ones as she told them her answer.
“The one thing I would choose not to do? Probably allowing myself to think that whatever people said to me was true.”
The guys started to frown as they asked if something bad happened to her back then but she simply shrugged them off and told them to continue the game. It went on until it was Jisung’s turn, only for Y/N to speak up.
“I have something I wanna ask him.”
This came as a surprise for the others but they let her do the honours anyway.
“Do you remember the girl who confessed to you back in high school?” She said. His eyebrows began to link together as he frowned at her sudden question.
“The one where you rejected her confession by humiliating her in front of the whole school?”
“What are you talking about?” 
“Think harder.” She said.
Suddenly, memories start to flood in his mind like a flash flood.
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“H-Hi. I made these for you. I hope you like cupcakes. I k-know a lot of other girls do this for you too, b-but… I-I just thought maybe I should give you something too. I- umm, I like y-you Han Jisung.” The girl confessed as she held out the box filled with her homemade cupcakes that she took time to bake for him the night before.
She bit the inside of her cheeks nervously as she diligently avoided his gaze. Just when she saw his arms reaching out to her thinking he was going to take the box from her, he forcefully smashed the box down making it slip out of her hands.
The students around them began to laugh as Jisung lifted a brow at her.
“Did you really think I’d accept your confession? Look at you. Who would date a girl who ties their hair in pigtails, have her tummy sticking out of her uniform shirt and constantly push the bridge of your spectacles up every 5 minutes? Have you seen yourself in a mirror? Nobody will ever fall for you.”
With that being said, he kicked the metal box away to reveal the fallen cupcakes as he went ahead and stepped on them like it was an insect.
The whole school laughed at her as she ran to the girls bathroom and locked herself in there as she cried her heart out. She was only 13 so it was slightly depressing for her to go through this terrible rejection.
Not only did he reject her in cold blood, he also humiliated her in front of everybody in the process. However, what made her even more upset is the fact that he didn’t seem to feel the slightest bit of remorse for saying those things to her.
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That memory was as clear as day as he winced at the thought of how immature he was back then. Nevertheless, he didn’t forget the question he got from Y/N as he went ahead to answer her.
“Yeah… Yeah I remember…”
“Do you remember what you said to her?” Her voice softened as she kept her eyes on him while the rest of them had their eyes trained back and forth between Jisung and her.
“I said… I said she should look at herself in the mirror and that no one will ever fall for her.” 
The boys were shocked by how harsh he was to that said girl. Y/N could only smile sadly to him as she slowly continued. 
“Do you feel bad saying those things to her now?” 
Without much thought, he replied something that broke her heart.
“Why should I?” With that, she tried to hold back her tears as she looked at him dead in the eye before saying these next few words.
“Looks like you’re still that same cocky bastard huh?”
She soon got up from her seat on the floor, only to grab her things to leave when Jisung stood up to grab her wrist, stopping her from taking any more steps further.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, now genuinely confused as to what was going on.
“You’re really dense for someone as arrogant as you.” A scoff left her lips as her eyes bore into his, hoping he understood what she meant. After what felt like forever, Jisung finally realized as it was as though his life just flashed before his eyes.
“Wait… that was you?!” His voice was loud as it was laced with confusion and slight disappointment.
“And what happens if I say yes? Are you gonna ask me if I’ve looked into the mirror and realize that no one will ever fall for me?”
Her words stinged like venoms as he winced yet again but this time, at how hurt she seemed. She didn’t realise this but her tears were no longer held back as a few droplets rolled down her cheeks.
“Your words hurted me back then. So I tried to ignore it and move on. But when you said your answer just now, I realized that maybe you really are just an arrogant jerk.”
She finally pulled her arm out of his grasp as she left without sparing a glance to the others. Jisung has never felt so utterly remorseful, today was the first time. He mentally scolded himself for saying those words back when he was young and immature.
He has never felt so fucked up before, this was definitely the first.
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A few days went by, Y/N hasn’t talked to either of the boys, not even Hyunjin and Seungmin. Every time Jisung tried to reach out to her, she would always successfully avoid him. It has been almost 2 weeks since they last talked to her as the boys agreed to go release their stress by going to the downtown club.
They had booked a booth for all 8 of them as they sat in there with some girls coming back and forth to try and get laid with either one of them.
Just then, Jisung’s eyes seemed to scan the room only to see a familiar figure dancing freely on the dance floor. He frowned as he rubbed his eyes to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on him.
He double confirmed that it was in fact Y/N, as he got up and left the booth ignoring the boy’s calls.
Right when he was about to reach the dance floor, he saw her deliberately get dragged through the sweaty, intoxicated humans and towards the back door. He followed them close behind as he saw her struggling to free herself from the man’s hold.
The minute she was out the back, the man pushed her against the brick wall as he attacked her neck forcefully.
“Stop!” She begged.
The man ignored as he started to caress her waist and moved up.
“Stop it!” She tried again as tears started to roll down her cheeks desperately.
The minute she managed to put a distance between herself and the man, the metal back door swung open harshly only for her to lock eyes with Jisung as he rushed down the steps, only to land a solid punch to the man’s jaw.
The man fell to the ground drunkenly as he struggled to stand back up.
“What the fuck man? Get your own girl!” The man said as he grabbed Y/N’s wrist and was about to pull her when Jisung roughly shoved him off again.
The man threw a few drunk punches to Jisung and soon they were both in a fist fight. The two males were starting to have blood clots and bruises all over their bodies and faces when Hyunjin and Changbin came to stop the fight.
“Jisung! Jisung! That’s enough!” Hyunjin yelled as they both grabbed Jisung by his arms and pulled him back.
“Don’t ever touch her again.” Jisung growled as the man stumbled back into the club.
Y/N frowned as she visibly hugged herself, only to see Hyunjin and Changbin give Jisung a subtle nod before they both went back inside, giving privacy to Jisung and Y/N. Once they were alone in the dark alley, that’s when she spoke up.
“Why did you come? Afraid someone might fall for me?”
“You clearly weren't comfortable with him.”
“So what? Why do you care? It’s not like he would fall in love with me. Who am I for someone to even like me? Right?”
Jisung frowned as he called out her name softly but she was quick to intercept.
“I didn’t go to Hankuk to get back at you for what you did to me. Never in a million years did I think I’d even see you again. But now that you’re standing here in front of me, that very day comes back to haunt me again. Because of your words, I have been so afraid of falling for someone, even just a tiny crush. That’s what you did to me Han Jisung and I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that.”
With that being said, she turned in her heels and left. Jisung stood there like an idiot as he cursed himself for letting her walk away yet again. 
If this happened back in high school, he would probably laugh at her. But now that he was actually starting to like her, he has never felt so upset and disappointed. This was probably even worse than a break up.
She refused to speak to him for days after as she avoided everyone in the friend group.
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It was a gloomy Friday night as she was laying on her couch sideways, watching a sappy romantic movie to drown her sadness. She was wearing a loose sweater that made it look like a dress on her. Her calf high socks and a pair of shorts she always wore to sleep.
She had just thought about what she could get for supper when there was a knock on her door.
“Who the hell comes at a time like this?” She thought to herself as she went over to her door and opened it without checking the peephole first. She almost stumbled as she locked eyes with the same pair of brown orbs that she’s been trying so hard to avoid for the past few weeks.
“Jisung? What are you doing here?” She asked, genuinely shocked at how he knew her address.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Please just hear me out. I don’t need you to say anything, I just need you to listen.”
She fell silent for a moment before she opened the door wider for him to enter. Once inside, he followed her to her living room, only for them to sit 3 feet apart. She urged him with a slight nod as he took a deep breath and soon began.
“Look. I know whatever I did to you back then was horrible. It was my ego talking. I didn’t know any better. We were so young… How could I possibly feel bad at the time when all I thought was to reject you?”
Just then, she cut him in by saying something that made him rethink his choices.
“You’re telling me that everything you said to me meant nothing to you just because it wasn’t you who received it?”
“I… I wasn’t thinking. I was young-”
“Bullshit. Even a 5 year old kid knows what’s nice and what’s hurtful to say to others. Don’t pull the young card on me.”
“Y/N please-”
“Get out. If you’re still gonna be the same arrogant, highly egoistic jerk then get out. You’ve said things that left a deep scar in my life and here you are saying it doesn’t mean anything? Get out.”
“I said get out!” She finally screamed as her chest was heaving, her tears streaming down her face in anger but she didn’t care. She got up as she dragged him to the door, while he tried to fight back. The minute he was out, she slammed the door behind her only to lock it as she found herself sliding down the door, only to sit on the wooden floor.
Her cries were soft, but they were filled with so much pain. On the other side of the door, Jisung could hear her cries as he too kneeled on the ground with his hands against the door.
He could hear her loud and clear as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He couldn’t bear to say a word to her as he remained quiet.
The next morning, Y/N woke up suddenly wanting to get herself breakfast to clear her memory from last night. She got out of bed, took a warm shower, got changed into her sweatpants, a big hoodie and a cap. She unlocked her door and had just taken a step outside when she jumped at the slight of Jisung seated on the ground beside her apartment door.
Since he was a light sleeper, the sound of her door opening, woke him up as he quickly got on both feet.
Before she could re-enter her apartment, he pressed his palms against the door to prevent her from closing it as he spoke up softly.
“Y/N, please, please let me explain.” He begged as she wasn’t sure why but she decided to let him in. Once he was inside, they didn’t even bother to go anywhere further into her apartment as he stood by the door and began to explain himself.
“Y/N, please listen to me. I know what I did was bad. At the time, I didn’t realise how humiliating it was for you. But now that I’m an adult, I realized that my actions were extremely horrible and I would never, ever do that to anyone now.” He paused before he continued on.
“I know that whatever I said and did back then, I can’t take any of it back. And I don’t blame you for not forgetting or forgiving me for it. I admit that I deserve this from you. All I ask is for you to give me another chance to start over. But I understand if you want nothing to do with me.” He said with a tiny hope laced in his voice although he wasn’t so confident that she would forgive him this time.
She knew he felt guilty for whatever he did back then so it wasn’t wrong for her to give him a second chance right?
“How would I know you’re not just acting this way to set me up for humiliation again?” She asked.
“Would I say all those things and bring my ego down just to prove that I felt like utter shit after everything you told me, only to humiliate you even further?”
“Nobody knows what your ego is capable of.”
“If my words won’t convince you, would my actions do?”
“What if you do it, only to leave and tell on me to everyone else?”
“I can’t seem to get your trust now, can I?”
“Try being in my shoe and you’ll know.”
“Y/N please… I know I left a deep scar on you emotionally and mentally back then, but please… I beg you, please just… let me start over. I need you to trust me just this once.”
“Fine. But if you abuse my trust, I’m never speaking to you again.” 
“Believe me, you have no idea how fucked up I felt that night at Chan’s.”
Right after he finished his sentence, he didn’t waste anymore time as he reached up to cup her face in both hands and soon kissed her. She instantly melted against his body as he pulled her closer by the waist. His kisses were so gentle, as if he was afraid he would break her again.
His touch was soft as he slid his hands under her shirt only to draw random patterns onto her waist.
Just then, he pulled away from her lips but it was so addicting he couldn’t help but peck her lips one last time before he spoke up.
“I’m really, really sorry Y/N for everything back then. I couldn’t help but feel like complete shit after that night when I found out that was you. You don’t have to forgive me, I totally understand.”
Y/N just smiled as she gently tangled her fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck before she spoke up.
“Would I have let you kiss me if I was still mad?”
He remained quiet as she then continued.
“Besides, I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself so please, don’t take advantage of this.” She warned gently.
Jisung kissed her for slightly longer before he pulled away and whispered against her lips.
“I promise.”
With that, she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest while he snaked his arms around her smaller figure. 
Ever since then, Jisung did everything he could to redeem himself for what he did to her back in high school. She slowly began to fall for him as she gave him a solid second chance and she could see how genuine he was now whenever he did something nice for her. Even if he didn’t say it out loud, she knew that he really tried his best to win her heart. And it worked.
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One Punch Man ship reviews bc I’m bored
GenoSai: do I even have to say it?? They compliment each other so well and are already besties. They make me so happy and I love their love. Genos literally came into Saitama’s life and brought so much new life and excitement when Saitama thought he’d never get any. Genos gives him love and appreciation all the time and never abandons him. Saitama isn’t connected to his feelings, but he cares about Genos and would do just about anything for him, to keep him safe. Genos constantly teases Saitama and Saitama grumbles and takes it with some banter, Genos is super emotional and Saitama does his best to comfort him, they fucking love shopping together and just hanging out period, they talk about the dumbest shit and somehow they still understand each other with the one brain cell they both share. It takes Genos forever to realize his feelings are deeper and Saitama has to be TOLD by their friends that he should fucking realize his feelings already. Just...I could keep going but I’ll stop! 2718873737839439/10 (let’s not talk about the age gap btw, 6 years isn’t bad and Genos is a legal adult.)
FubuSai: the stereotypical straight ship ppl gravitate to. Eh. I can see it, but at the same time I feel like they don’t completely compliment each other. Are they a hot couple? Duh. But I feel like their pride and communication issues would get in the way. 4/10
TatsuSai: hnghhhh. Someone mentioned this before, can’t remember who, but Saitama literally thinks she’s a child in canon. So that just....makes it gross. Same problems as FubuSai but worse. I’d rather see them as hesitant friends w a weird bond. 0/10
SonSai/SonicSai/idk the ship name: eh, toxic. Cant see them getting past communication issues and pride, again. Plus Sonic wants to kill his ass. Also, I just feel no romantic tension?? Even in fanfic it just falls flat for me. 3/10
MumenSai: a favorite!! Wish I saw it more, it’s very cute. Mumen is so kind and would absolutely be there to help him w self esteem and just help him be a better person period. And Saitama would have a cute little kind guy to tease and open up to. I could maybe see Mumen’s kindness getting on Saitama’s nerves when he’s in a bad mood bc Mumen almost never snaps and Saitama feels shittier, or maybe Mumen being mad at Saitama for being kinda lazy at home while Mumen is working his ass off and he’s like babe I just got home, please stop playing the fucking game and pay attention to me I have a concussion again. Prob too nitpicky on this one, heh, but 8.4/10
Genos x Sonic: wtf? As a crack ship, sure. That’s hilarious. But as a serious ship, 1.3/10 bc I could MAYBE see them bond over their love of my chemical romance or sum.
Anyone x Puri: -128382839287473828739219833468282/10. Fuck Puri.
TatsuKing: eh. Indifferent on this one too. I can see them getting along and Tatsu being the mean but supportive gf in public, but a sweet gf in private. King could be like her calm oasis of video games and sweet blonde shy bf. I sway more towards ace/aro King and queer non binary Tatsu, but this is still good. 6/10
FubuPsy/Fubuki x Psykos/idk: hell yeah!! This series NEEDS more wlw ships, both for me to project onto and to cry over. Prob my fav Fubuki ship, cuz they’ve known each other since they were young and had a tenuous friendship. I didn’t use to ship it until I saw that scene in the wc after the MA arc (u know the one) but here we are. They’re big personalities so any interaction is bound to be chaotic at first, but I really think they’d work. Pride put to the side, Psykos could be someone for Fubuki to finally rely on other than the Blizzard Bunch, someone to confide in, a badass partner to fight monsters with, talk about nothing for hours with, be a super fashionable #girlboss couple with, and someone who would really see her for who she is-especially w Psykos knowledge of her from the past. Hell, Psykos might even know her better than Tatsumaki. Fubuki could be an anchor to her like she currently is in the wc, providing a quiet comfort and making her open up little by little. Would prob be toxic at first bc of the MA arc and their desire for power, but is a very good ship I think. 9/10
Speedal/Sonic x Mumen: an old fav! Sonic would have a hard time not hating Mumen at first bc he’s the picture definition of a hero, sum he hates. But hanging out with him would show him Mumen is a GOOD guy genuinely and he’d be like ohhhh shit I’m in love w this man. Mumen would thoroughly appreciate someone to make him live a little, break some rules and stand up to ppl when they talk over him. He’d DEFINITELY be upset when finding out Sonic is an assassin, but would prob be conflicted bc he knows Sonic is a good person despite that. Would prob make Sonic give up on killing for them to be together. Sucks bc of the assassin thing and bc they haven’t met in canon! So we’re not sure how they’d interact with each other, sigh. 7.4/10
Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: a very underrated ship! To be clear, I headcanon Kama as a trans woman and so does most of the fandom. Anyway, very sweet and already built as a friendship bc of their partnership under Atomic Samurai. I can’t remember who writes fic and makes art of them on tumblr but AAAAA it’s so good! Very sweet. Basically depicted Bushi as a nervous himbo who’s honest about his feelings but scared to say them and Kama as a sweet lady who’s crazy about Bushi. Very sweet. Want more of them!! 6.1/10
OneZon/Zombieman x One Shotter: never even thought of the ship till I saw @megidolan art work! Very wholesome, and from what little we know of Shotter we know he’s a sort of nervous yet strong willed guy, and Zombieman would totally help him calm down bc he’s so chill. I could see them sharing cigarettes and talking shit on heroes while cuddling u know? 7/10 only because I don’t see enough of it but very good concept.
Mumarou/Mumen x Garou: a lot of ppl are gonna hate me for this but....I don’t like it. I’ve tried! I just—idk. I’ve read so many good fics about them that make me like it a bit, but the concept is just eh. I think their relationship is, in most reps, really cliche angsty stuff. I wish I could elaborate I just...gah! Basically, there’s better ships for the both of them imo. Sorry!! 4.3/10
Sonic x Flashy/SonFlash: yes!! Prob my fav Sonic ship. They have soooo much tension, it’s almost worse than Genos’ tension w Saitama. Flashy LITERALLY poisoned Sonic so that he wouldn’t be forced to kill him at the ninja graduation. He cares. They’ll never say it out loud, but they care. They have someone who understands what they went through in each other and someone they’re both so similar to, yet so different from. Sonic is more vocal about his expressions and let’s people know it while Flashy often keeps things to himself, they could really influence the other to be more this or that. I could see a lot of comfort with these two, and not much is needed for relationship development; they already have so much unspoken between them after meeting for the first time in years. Love it. Wish I saw it more! 10/11
KingSai: wonderful! Out of the few ppl Saitama is close to, def my second fav pick for a ship for him. There’s a post saying how Saitama doesn’t cut King off when he’s going on rants about games and stuff bc he’s talking TO Saitama, not at him like Genos tends to do on accident. They’re already great buddies! Saitama could find a shy gamer man who he can talk to about manga and stuff and also a passionate bf who could break out of his shell w Saitama and be himself with no lies. King can have someone to protect him, duh, someone who finally understands his weird sense of humor, and someone to shower him in the love and kindness he deserves when Saitama is in the mood to be all out like that w his affections. Plus he’s Saitama’s anchor and brings him back down when he’s super anxious and depressed and tells him what’s up that he needs to fix without sugarcoating it. Would def have a bunch of inside jokes and go on dates that are just staying inside playing video games all night. Domestic af. 10/10
Fubuki x Mizuki: my first wlw Fubuki ship! Hard to find but very good. Mizuki is this big ball of kindness, energy, and raw power that would make Fubuki go ‘Ohhhhhhh, big pretty lady make brain go brrr.’ I could see Mizuki grounding Fubuki when she’s in over her head, giving her random gifts bc she saw sum and thought of her, doing a marathon run and wildly waving at Fubuki in the crowd, and all around being a dependable woman confident in herself and in love with a mysterious esper. Prob a little shy when it comes to anything physical bc she loves Fubuki so much and is overwhelmed by the realness of being w her. Fubuki gives Mizuki advice on ‘acting like a proper hero’ or whatever and though Mizuki thinks she doesn’t need it, Fubuki still helps her a lot w her career and being taken more seriously by others. Would give Mizuki someone who loves her for who she is and would go wild on her in private when she can be open about her affection, would be someone Mizuki could exercise with and listen intently to Mizuki’s physical knowledge, and would absolutely bandage her when she’s all banged up. Hnghh love this ship. It’s only behind the FubuPsy ship juuuuust a little bc they haven’t met in canon so we can’t be sure about their interactions and stuff. 8.8/10, I love WOMEN
Batarou: how could I go this far without mentioning them?! They have SOOOO much tension in the centichoro fight, like come on. Both snarky assholes who are huge softies one the inside, Badd being the more logical one (still a himbo, tho) and Garou being the more chaotic one. Probably take forever to admit their feelings bc they’re so prideful and stupid <3 flirt through constant wrestling matches and it takes Genos saying ‘they should kiss already, they’re getting on his nerves’ for them to finally realize what’s up. (@rayadraws has a great au where Garou Genos and Badd are a chaotic friend squad and Genos is the only brain of the group, haha. Very good au y’all check it out!) Would constantly pick on each other affectionately and switch into concerned SO when the other is hurt like the big teddy bears they are. Raise Zenko together for sure. Garou would fumble being romantic and Badd would find it both hilarious and cute. 11/12
Zombie mask/Amai x Zombieman:
So. I don’t like Amai Mask and I used to hate him, BUT the webcomic and fic have really helped me calm down on him (he’s still a dick tho), so it’s easier to want to ship him and stuff. Bc of Amai’s anger issues and controlling behavior, I could see this relationship being super toxic and icky—but I think they have some form of understanding that pulls Amai back from being a complete dick, you know? Start off as fuck buddies and slowly form something else from spending companionable time together other than screwing. Zombieman pulls Amai back from his angry fits and soothes him over with his logic. Talk maaaaaad shit about heroes, but only when they’re alone because Zombieman knows Amai will talk loud af about the heroes they’re roasting and Zombie doesn’t wanna stop a fight from happening. Zombieman loves making Amai flustered and has a secret check list in his head of all the things that get Amai red faced. Loves to listen to Amai rant about things for hours and loves to watch his face go through almost cartoon like expressions as he talks. He won’t admit it, but Zombie loves to be spoiled by Amai’s shit tons of cash and often takes rides in Amai’s limos when he wants to smoke and think to himself. Amai has a hard time realizing how his feelings have changed, but gets hit hard with it when he wakes up to Zombie making them breakfast one morning while wearing Amai’s underwear. Amai also loves to spoil Zombie and takes him out to restaurants and buys him cool new weapons on the weekends. @batneko has pretty much gotten me into this ship and I strongly suggest looking at their works! 7.9/10
DemonKnight/Genos x Zero/Drive Knight: I’m pretty sure this used to be a crack ship before the past like 10 manga chapters—and now here we are! Not a fav bc 1. ZERO LEFT GENOS TO SELF DESTRUCT AFTER THEY COMBINED TO FORM THE FUCKING JET HE WAS JUST LIKE lol bye SO LIKE if he left him to die that’s super hard for me to forgive and ship grrr 2. Disregarding the manga’s canon and looking at the wc, while I love the little trip they went on where Zero demonstrated his abilities and helped Genos kill monsters, it’s super sus. He knew alllll of this info on Metal Knight and was super supportive and understanding when Genos said he needed time to think. Like,,,what are his intentions? We know so little about him—is he trying to trick Genos or was he being sincere? THAT STUFF ASIDE, they’re a really fun ship. They’re both huge fucking nerds and can keep up with their talk on robotics for hours, they’re both cyborgs so they understand each other’s pain, and they’re both super cool and angsty. I think they could really settle into a deep bond that can go platonic or romantic, just depends. Genos needs more ppl in his life so hell yeah! Plus, he can really let go with Zero bc they don’t have that teacher/student relationship and Zero, if he’s really a sincere and kind guy like in the wc, can be there for Genos and listen to him. Don’t have much to say on this ship other than @wellthisisembarrassing makes GORGEOUS art of them! 6.3/10
Webuiko/Suiko x Webigaza: YEAH I KNOW THEY HAVENT INTERACTED IN CANON AND WE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM BUT HEAR ME OUT. Webigaza—cool af determined cyborg idol who’s surprisingly down to earth when talking with Child Emperor. Suiko—sassy and honest fighter who doesn’t take shit and is very passionate. Suiko would go to talk to Web then immediately freak out bc aaaa she’s way prettier than she thought, she can’t do this! Web would have to gently encourage Suiko to talk and at first is like ‘ah man, must be an adoring fan, ugh I’m so tired. At least she’s hot’ but when Suiko snaps out of her shyness Web is like oh! She’s super cool wtf. Always bump into each other during fights and help each other get fixed up, Suiko using her muscle power to lift Web’s pieces (and give Web a great view of Suiko’s muscles holy SHIT) and Web would patch Suiko up. Not to be stereotypical, but they’re def a masc/femme couple. I love the idea of this ship soooo much and I really hope they interact! 6.6/10 only bc they haven’t met 😭😭😭 look them up on here! There’s some great art of them by a few blogs
Dr. Kuseno x Bang: pretty sure @baldyborg came up with this one! Super cute. Just two old dudes finding a nice friendship in each other, maybe after Bang helps carry Genos to Kuseno’s after a day of fighting. Bang would find Kuseno to be a very cute little nerd man and would be sooo impressed by Kuseno’s mad scientist skills. Kuseno would be super impressed when seeing Bang in action too. They’d prob talk as soon as they meet each other and Genos would be in the background like you guys it’s been an hour, please fix me I’m on the verge of death 🧍🏻Bang would give Kuseno advice on training techniques to teach Genos and advice on making his bodies more martial arts ready or sum, meanwhile Kuseno would give his take on how to be kinder to Garou so that Bang would learn to repair the relationship with a gentleness he’s seemingly lacking (yes I’m talking about the chapter where he and Garou start fighting and Bang is just not doing enough to reach out to Garou, he’s being a callous old man! So yeah I’m still mad about that). Genos and Saitama would prob be out on a date and Saitama would be like oh theres Bang, wonder what he’s doing? Then Kuseno would walk up and kiss Bang and Genos and Sai would be shocked like SIRS 👬 Genos would tell Bang he doesn’t need another adoptive dad and Bang would be like....ok.... I see them retiring in a cottage together and Bang would become a huge softie. Yes I’m actively ignoring chapter 141 of the wc, shut up. 7.6/10
TankTop master x Mumen: they have a nice friendship going on in the manga right now! Just bros supporting bros. Tank is the picture definition of a muscly himbo and Mumen is his cute passionate bf. Also workout buddies af!! Don’t have much to say other than pretty good ship, just not a fav. 5.2/10
To sum it up—
GenoSai: 2718873737839439/10, Batarou: 11/12, SonFlash: 10/11, KingSai: 10/10, FubuPsy: 9/10, Fubuki x Mizuki: 8.8/10, MumenSai: 8.4/10, ZombieMask: 7.9/10, Dr. Kuseno x Bang: 7.6/10, Speedal: 7.4/10, OneZon: 7/10, Webuiko: 6.6/10, DemonKnight: 6.3/10, Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: 6.1/10, TatsuKing: 6/10, TankTop Master x Mumen: 5.2/10, Mumarou: 4.3/10, FubuSai: 4/10, SonSai: 3/10, Genos x Sonic: 1.3/10, TatsuSai: 0/10, anyone x Puri: -1283828319833468282/10
If there’s any ships I left out, it’s bc I don’t know them, don’t wanna talk about them, or just don’t have an opinion strong enough. Also, I know there are some poly ships like Genos x Saitama x Fubuki, but I’ve read only one fic about that (it was pretty good, here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/5406992 ) so I don’t feel like talking about it. Hope no ones offended! All my opinion here :)
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
Back To You
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reader x Xiaojun
based on “Back To You (English Version)” by Kun & Xiaojun
genre: strangers to lovers to ex lovers!au, fluff, angst, heartbreak
wc: 2.1k
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this and wanted to get this out for Xiaojun’s birthday but I wasn’t sure if I was able to finish it on time but to my surprise, I actually did and I’m so happy with how this turned out. Though it's mainly based on the English version, I also took some inspiration from the Chinese lyrics. Hope you guys enjoy reading this one :)
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You couldn’t believe this was happening.
You just slept over your alarm! How even-??
This is what happens when you start binge watching cat videos at night damn it.
You aggressively pull the covers off you and jump out of bed, quickly rushing to the bathroom to get ready. You were lucky you got your bag and outfit ready the night before in case you had to rush out the next morning. However, there was no time to make breakfast today so you just decided to pick some up at the train station if you were lucky. Doing one last check around your apartment, you quickly put your shoes on and make your way to the train station.
You’re practically legging it to the station at this point. Thoughts running through your mind on how on earth you managed to sleep through your alarm. You always had the volume turned up all the way so it boggled you how it didn’t wake you up.
As you were frantically making your way, you quickly took a glance at your watch to see if you could still make your usual train. However, while doing so you accidentally bumped onto the back of a stranger. You grunt at the contact while the stranger jumps slightly, still managing to hold his bike steady in one hand and his phone in the other; startling him mid way through his phone call it seems like. He turns around and you immediately bow your head in apology
“oh my god i’m so sorry”
You look at him for a few moments, maybe slightly longer than you would. Looks like you got a bit distracted by his gorgeous face and it seems like he did too as he stood still for a moment until you continued to make your way to the station. The stranger turns back and chuckles slightly at your figure as you leg it to the station before going the opposite direction to you.
The next morning, thankfully you managed to wake up on time to do your usual routine instead of having to rush around your apartment like a maniac.
As you make your way to the station, a bell startles you out of your thoughts. You move to the side a bit to make way for them. You turn your head to the side and catch a glimpse of the rider, quickly realising that it was the same person you bumped into yesterday. He startles you a bit as he makes eye contact with you. Seems like he recognises you too and you both bow in unison before riding on ahead of you.
As you make your way to the station, a bell startles you out of your thoughts. You move to the side a bit to make way for them. You turn your head to the side and catch a glimpse of the rider, quickly realising that it was the same person you bumped into yesterday. He startles you a bit as he makes eye contact with you. Seems like he recognises you too and you both bow in unison before riding on ahead of you.
For the next 2 weeks, you and the stranger continue to greet and bow to each other. Giving small smiles to each other but never striking up a conversation since either you’re rushing to the station because of an unheard alarm or both of you just seemed to want to make it to work on time. You’re hoping that the stranger is actually going to work and not a random creep stalking you.
One morning as you’re making your way to the station, you and the stranger meet again. But this time it would be different. Instead of giving small smiles to each other, you decided to strike up a conversation with this guy. You were curious about him and he’s kinda cute too so why not. But again, hopefully he’s not a creep. As soon as you saw him, you immediately let out a huge smile on your face
“hello” you say as you wave at him
From that moment on, you didn’t realise that it was the start of a new chapter in your life…
Over the next several weeks as the days went by, you and the stranger would continue to converse on the way to work. Striking up conversations of anything and everything. You learn that his name is Xiaojun and that he does actually bike to work and not a creepy stalker that heads the same direction. You learn that he works just a few blocks away from the station at a pet shelter, caring for many many abandoned animals waiting to be adopted. You also learn that the reason why he chose to work there in the first place was because of his love for animals especially cats and dogs as he has 2 cats and a dog of his own along with his housemates.
As time went by you and Xiaojun grew close, sharing similar interests and your love for animals too. Hence one day, Xiaojun decided to invite you along to his workplace for a chance to volunteer at the pet shelter to help out. Something that you’ve always wanted to do but never got around to doing it.
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Months went by ever since you and Xiaojun met. The first meeting between you two would come to mind every now and then. You often catch yourself thinking about him even when he’s not around. You would miss him at the most random times; you missed his presence, his hugs, his laugh, just everything you could ever imagine.
You felt things changed over time when you and Xiaojun got closer and closer. It didn’t even feel like you guys were just friends, it felt more than that. One day it came to the realisation that you were falling for him, falling really hard. Even the slightest of touches would make your stomach go crazy, in a good way though. You just couldn’t stop thinking about him.
On the other hand, you felt sad at times. You never really did have much luck in your love life so you didn't expect much to come out from this. You often thought that these feelings were just one sided. However, what you didn’t know was that Xiaojun thought exactly the same way as you did with you. You both fell for one another and it was the best feeling ever, just if only you both knew of each other’s feelings.
On one summer night, Xiaojun was walking you back to your apartment after having dinner at a restaurant. You had gone to the pet shelter earlier to volunteer, something you now do every weekend along with Xiaojun.
The atmosphere felt different this time round. It was a good kind of different. You guys were just walking in silence; all you could hear was your surroundings and your thoughts. Though it was quiet, it didn’t feel awkward at all. It never did.
But suddenly you felt like something was bothering Xiaojun. You always had this weird thing of sensing other people’s feelings especially if they were upset or frustrated. For instance, there was a time when you guys were riding your bikes down the park. Xiaojun was quieter than usual but you felt like something was bothering him so you went ahead and asked if everything was ok. This was one of the reasons why Xiaojun fell for you. He loves your caring nature and he feels so loved.
You looked at him for a moment and was about to ask him if everything’s ok but before you could speak a word, you suddenly felt his hand brush against yours. His pinky finger hooked onto yours for a bit before fully taking his hand in yours. You turned the other way and tried to keep your composure but it felt like your heart was about to jump out. You were trying not to freak out. Little did you know Xiaojun kept his eyes on you the whole time, smiling to himself and thinking how cute you were. Your eyes met with his as you turned to look at him before laughing as you buried your head on his shoulder, trying to calm yourself down as you were pretty sure you were as bright as a tomato right now.
Time flew by too quickly for your liking and soon enough you guys were now at the front door of your apartment. It was quiet for a moment as it seemed like neither of you wanted to say goodnight. However, you both needed to rest up for the remainder of the night to get some sleep.
As you opened your door, you turned around and hesitated for a moment before leaning in and giving him a peck on his cheek
“goodnight” you say as you smiled at him
“goodnight” Xiaojun says as he clearly couldn’t keep the smile off his face
As soon as you closed the door, you leaned back against it and started jumping up and down in excitement. You couldn’t believe what just happened.
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Throughout the next 2 years, you and Xiaojun learned more about each other. You guys stuck by each other’s side, going through the good and bad times. Lots of kisses, cuddles and firsts. New journeys and adventures. Promises of never leaving each other’s side. You treasured every single moment spent with him. It was the absolute best 2 years of your life.
However things changed. Shit happened. Nights felt colder than ever. The air felt different. Your relationship started to fall apart badly around autumn as you and Xiaojun seemed to have drifted apart. It happened so fast. You guys did have arguments every now and then; you listened to each other and resolved things but it wasn’t as big as this one. This time there was no turning back. You and Xiaojun met up one day and decided that maybe it would be for the best to end things even though both of you didn’t want to let each other go. And of course, there were a lot of tears.
Both of you were so happy, you had never felt this way before.
So what happened? Where did things go wrong?
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- 4 months later -
It’s been a while since you and Xiaojun saw each other. Both of you have been through a lot since the break up. The last time you saw him was probably about 3 months ago when you saw him at the pet shelter. It was a bit awkward. Words were exchanged but no longer than a few minutes.
Though you loved going to the shelter to volunteer, you spent less and less time throughout the few months going there as work got a bit busy which meant less free time. But was it also because you didn’t want to bump into Xiaojun? As much as you missed him and wanted to just run to his apartment and embrace him, you just couldn’t. You couldn’t bear to have your heart broken even more, not when it’s still healing.
Throughout the past few months, you would think about what happened back then. You would go on walks where you and Xiaojun often went on late night dates. It felt weird because you just got so used to him being by your side. You couldn’t get him off your mind; whatever you did, it reminded you of the time when you and Xiaojun would be together, whether it be grocery shopping or on your way to work.
Never did you once think that you and Xiaojun would fall apart. You missed him so much.
And so did he. Xiaojun felt exactly the same way you did. Sometimes he thought to himself
Could we try again?
Both of you are still holding onto the love.
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One evening, Xiaojun was on his way home after his shift at work. He was walking down the street where you and he first met and it made him think back to that time. He couldn’t help but smile to himself at the thought as he looked up to the clear night sky; the moon so bright and clear that it casted a night shadow on him. As he saw the lone shadow, he thought of you again and it made him miss you even more. He wanted you by his side right now.
Somehow, both of you seemed to be in sync with each other.
Little did he know that right now, you were walking down that same street he is on. And of course, you didn't know that.
You didn’t know until you came back to your senses after getting lost in your thoughts; staring at your shadow before looking up and spotting a figure just a few meters away in front. You come to a halt as you realise the figure is Xiaojun and he does the same as he sees you. Both of you were surprised to see each other and get slightly taken aback by each other's presence since you weren't expecting to bump into each other.
Compared to the last time you saw him, it wasn’t awkward at all. Things felt different.
Was it that maybe you were beginning to move on for good? Or was it because you still felt there was a chance for you guys to reconcile the love you both have been holding onto all this time; a chance to restart from the beginning?
As your eyes focused on each other, there was only one thing going through your minds
Can we try again?
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A/N: Thanks for reading to the end! Originally I wasn't going to go for this kind of ending and wanted to end it on a much sadder note but I decided to go for an open ending. Can we try again and shine even brighter than before or was it for the best to let it go and let it be memories forever?
Feel free to let me know what you think and as always, I appreciate everyone for reading my fic! I look forward to writing more in the future. Be sure to wish Xiaojun a happy birthday!!! ❤
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
♡ before the relationship
♡ becoming comfortable/humour
♡ relationships with other members
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting
♡ disagreements
♡ dates/texting/social media
♡ languages/"i love you"
wc: 1.7k
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♡ before the relationship ♡
hendery had noticed you hung out in a spot he went to reguarly
the first few times he saw you he would simply admire you from a distance
and then he realised how creepy that was and decided to actually go up and talk to you
on the inside he was quite nervous, but on the outside he conveyed an air of confidence that you liked
so of course you gave him your number
and soon you were hanging out all the time
you quickly realise that hendery is...something lol
but not it a bad way
you never know what sort of shit you and hendery are going to get into, he's so unpredictable
he confessed to you first
let's be honest, he developed a crush on you really quick
but he was still nervous to admit his feelings for you, even though it was obvious you liked him back
one of the only times you've seen him so shy and nervous lol
he bought you a bouquet of flowers and took you out to lunch and confessed to you there
he was really worried you'd turn him down so he was kinda surprised when you said yes to him being your boyfriend
♡ becoming comfortable/humour ♡
nothing much changed when you started dating
he had always been his crazy self around you anyway
but he became more cuddly and affectionate towards you which was cute
randomly comes up and smothers you in kisses when you're not even doing anything
LOVES back hugs!!
imagine hendery coming up behind you and wrapping his hands around your waist while he buries his face in the crook of your neck
omg i'm in tears
speaking of tears, hendery has you crying with laughter daily
let's all admit it now, homie is hilarious
he literally went to a comedy/acting school???
so ofc he's going to be effortlessly making you smile all the time
in my opinion he has the best banter and loves to joke around with you
nothing is off-limits for him
he catches on to your jokes really quickly and is super witty so you have so many long running inside jokes with him
a little bit uncomfortable when you're crying so instead of reassuring you he tries his best to make you laugh to take your mind off your problems
the definition of 3am thoughts
"water is wet, don't fight me on this y/n"
makes you question both the world and your sanity at random times
he's actually really smart though so his 3am questions are both entertaining and convincing
feels the need to fill in silence with his own voice all the time
even if you're cuddling with him
can go like 2 mins without talking
and then suddenly his mouth is by your ear and he's asking you whether you believe in a specific conspiracy theory
it's kind of soothing though
just lying in hendery's arms, listening to him argue his points about something while you slowly doze off
♡ relationship with other members ♡
he was really keen to introduce you to the other members of wayv
because you're an important part of his life and so are they
luckily they all accepted you really quickly
and for once hendery is the one being teased because he's in a relationship
"oh my god hendery is so fuckin whipped for you!" "disgusting"
but hendery doesn't care because hell yeah! he is whipped for you! he isn't embarrassed at all
you deserve to be showed off and loved bby
wayv eventually stops with the teasing when they realise they're not going to get a reaction out of hendery
and they don't even blink an eye when you come over to the dorms
also yangyang specifically really likes you because you humour his teasing and jokes
and since you're dating hendery you're basically an older sister to yangyang
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting ♡
hendery LOVES to flirt with you
sometimes he says really greasy pick up lines to you
other times he's sooo romantic
he will also tell you how much he loves you anywhere
literally praises for days
he especially loves flirting with you in front of the rest of wayv
he's so shameless lol
sometimes the other members can't even stand being in the same room as you and hendery because he's so whipped for you
and it's strange for them to see him flirting nonstop lmaoo
and he absolutely loves it when you flirt back
like it makes his heart race so fast
but your flirting also just boosts his ego and confidence
i just feel like he'd be a really good (but cheesy) flirter
and when you flirt back he's like "aww that's cute you're trying" but he loves being praised too
ugh someone just tell hendery how amazing he is and how much he's loved please
i can't see hendery getting jealous at all
if wayv is jokingly hitting on you he'd probably join in (unless you were uncomfortable ofc) because he loves praising you and making you blush
even if it was a stranger he'd find it amusing they were trying to flirt with you
"good try pal but y/n is not going to get with you"
he usually doesn't interfere either unless you really feel uncomfortable because he knows you won't flirt back
hendery trust you so much that it doesn't even cross his mind you'd ever cheat on him or hurt him that way
and if you did cheat you'd absolutely break his heart and i would be legally obligated to hit you over the head with a baseball bat multiple times
but you never would because you love hendery too much to ever lose him
for some reason i can see hendery not being phased by pda?
he's doesn't hesitate to kiss you in public and hold your hand and give you back hugs and cute shit like that
because mans knows how lucky he is to be with you and is so proud to be your boyfriend
so ofc he's going to show you off at any opportunity
♡ disagreements? ♡
idk what you guys would have disagreements about
because his relationship with you is the first serious one he's ever had
so he tries his absolute best to be the perfect boyfriend
and he's not far off it tbh
always thinking of you and things you'd like
he just puts so much effort into the relationship
and the second he accidentally upsets you or does something you don't like he's on his knees begging for forgiveness
and you're like "hendery, baby, it's not even that serious. you got the wrong flavour of ice cream but i'm not even upset" lol
♡ dates/texting/social media ♡
dates with hendery are always so thought out and fun
he remembers little things you've said in passing that you like
so if you said "oh i prefer fun, active things" he'd make sure your next date includes lots of opportunities to run around and get close to you
he's just down for whatever makes you happiest because the most important thing for him is seeing you smile :)
when he's away homeboy misses you so much he has no idea what to do with himself
constantly moans to wayv how much he misses you
rings you every night after he's finished his schedule to tell you about his day and listen to yours
usually you're the one listening to hendery talk but it's okay because you like to listen to him and he makes sure to ask you if he's boring you (which he never is)
there's no specific time he texts you during the day
he's not really the type to send good morning/good night texts unless you were already texting
however he randomly sends you pictures of his pets, louis, leon, and bella lol
and we're talking super zoomed in photos or him holding their ears/tails/paws in a funny position
basically 90% of his social media is you/selfies with you
he already posts selfies heaps so he doesn't mind adding you into the mix
as we've previously discussed he's not worried about showing you off
so he's not on that "i can't post my partner on insta" bullshit
it may seem sweet that hendery posts pics of you heaps but be warned
he does not care if you are pulling an embarrassing face in the pictures
in fact that makes him want to post it even more lol
you're constantly on his instagram stories too
he has a habit of randomly photoshopping his and your faces onto other people and then posting that??
don't ask me why but he finds it hilarious and totally normal to do that, so he does
he also likes leaving funny comments on your own posts
and he definitely sends your own posts to you in a text saying something like "I JUST DROPPED MY KIMCHI YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS"
your hype man
♡ languages/"i love you" ♡
hendery prefers to talk to you in chinese (cantonese/mandarin)
but he'll also learn english or korean for you since he has the basics down and friends to help him practice
any other language he will struggle through to learn because he want to make you happy
hendery is the first one to say "i love you"
he's so in love with you that he probably says it after like a month of dating
so you're a little bit shocked but you can tell he really means it
and he'd be kind of shy about it because he knows it's a bit soon to be saying stuff like that
but he really wants you to know how he feels about you
because he's never felt this way about anyone and his love and affection for you is literally bursting from him
i honestly don't know much about hendery
except he's an absolute sweetie and would 110% be the best boyfriend ever
if i could choose anyone out of wayv to be my boyfriend i'd definitely choose hendery
because i know my feelings are gonna be validated and i'm going to feel loved 24/7 and also peeing myself with laughter
anyway only people with big dick energy stan wayv
so if you have a big dick, stream kick back 😜
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other members: kun | ten | winwin | lucas | xiaojun | yangyang
© 0606-hyuck 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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candydripping · 3 years
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STEVIE HAWTHORNE ( SHE/THEY ) is a NON-BINARY, TWENTY-SIX year old THEATRE ACTRESS / BARISTA AT ROECLIFFE THEATRE CAFE who has been living in Moorbrooke for FIFTEEN YEARS (ON & OFF). They were born on FEBRUARY 28TH and right now, they are currently residing in REDGRAVE GROVE. It has been said that they look suspiciously like JESSIE MEI LI and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose KILLING BOYS by HALSEY.
alrighty let’s meet moorbrooke’s local annoying theatre kid stevie!
stevie was adopted shortly after birth, their mother gave them up when she was born and she was adopted by their two dads, leo and remy ( wcs for both of them will be on the main soon! )
their childhood was idyllic enough and honestly they never really cared about being adopted because they were happy and loved their dads
they were a happy family and her dads were sickeningly in love but leo (who was a lawyer) got involved in a bad case and was mixed up in some shit and ended up being falsely accused of murder
stevie was absolutely DEVASTATED because she doted upon leo and thought he was the coolest dad in the world and he was their hero
the town they lived in was small so naturally word got around and it was all anyone ever spoke about and the townspeople began to look down upon them for being associated with a convicted murderer. so after a few months of hell, remy and stevie packed up their bags and moved to the small town moorbrooke where nobody knew them and they could get a fresh start
it really didn’t take stevie long to begin resenting leo for what he’d done to their family. they were angry at him for taking the case that brought him down, angry at him for breaking remy’s heart and angry at him for abandoning them and missing her childhood
after a few years, stevie just began to pretend he no longer existed. when people asked about their family, she’d reply that remy was all she had and any further questions were met with an icy glare
theatre was what kept them going through all the crazy things in their life. shortly after moving to moorbrooke, stevie joined moorbrooke’s theatre group for youths and immediately she knew the stage was her real home
all of her focus was put into theatre and working her way to the top, trying their hardest to get all the best roles. by their senior year in high school, stevie’s dreams were beginning to look like reality when they were accepted into a prestigious performing arts school in new york
stevie was sad to leave remy behind but he was supportive of her dreams. after four years of hard work, they graduated and managed to score an ensemble role in an off-broadway show which she was delighted about 
but disaster struck and remy fell ill which caused stevie to drop everything and run back home to moorbrooke. her dreams were important but her dad was MORE important and they knew things could be put on hold until remy was better
after half a year went by, remy got better but stevie decided to stay in moorbrooke to look after him. the stay was supposed to be temporary but a year went by and then another and another until suddenly they realised they’d been stuck in moorbrooke for three years when they were supposed to be in new york
she runs the theatre group in moorbrooke and still performs but it’s not quite what she wanted for their life but now they were too scared to go back 
very recently, leo was released from prison clear of all charges which has also turned everything upside-down for stevie. leo moved back in with stevie and remy but she’s still angry at leo and avoids him at all costs and whenever they do speak to him, she’s very very frosty towards him
they were happy with just remy and now leo has come back into her life, they’re just upset and angry by it
fun facts!
stevie and remy are pretty much best friends as he essentially brought her up and they did everything together! they live with him in his house in redgrave grove and tbh they just like to hang out with him all the time because they get along so well
stevie is literally a wholeass drama queen™️ and the stereotypical annoying theatre kid who’s always singing and being overdramatic about everything
they are so so ridiculously ambitious and driven and could achieve anything they aimed for but right now she feels stuck in a rut after everything that’s happened and just doesn’t really know how to get her mojo back. especially as they’re still worried about remy and has the whole drama with leo coming back
right now they run moorbrooke’s theatre group and is usually in charge of organising the shows and it takes up a huge amount of their time. stevie also has a job working as a barista at roecliffe cafe so basically they probably get about 4 hours of sleep everyday yet she still has so much fucking energy????
in their spare time, stevie is usually always found in the theatre’s cafe pretty much injecting caffeine into her veins ( lowkey highkey has a coffee addiction but it’s whatever )
they’re very friendly and likes people however she is EXCELLENT at holding grudges ( me: stares at leo ) so if you get on the wrong side of her then oh boy they will very aggressively dislike you and will make it known
they’re very very opinionated about things and very very good at doing their research, so if she’s passionate about something then she will fight to the death to defend it and herself ( tbh they’d make a good lawyer but fuck that and they’d yell at anyone who suggested that considering leo used to be a lawyer )
very passionate about equality and is definitely a loud activist and feminist. doesn’t take shit from dumbass men and will grind them into the floor if they try to give her shit!!!
a bi queen!!! loves women and men and basically everyone!!!! however they’re a little more into women because men fucking suck
she’s also very into music and can play various instruments so their back up plan is to  just write an album or something if broadway doesn’t work out
basically stevie just wants to be on a stage one day and wants to go to red carpet events and get dressed like a sixties queen
oh also they had a bit of a existential crisis recently because remy told her she was named after stevie nicks ( literal goddess ) then leo trotted back into her life and announced that she was named after stevie wonder
okay i have nothing more to say but come and love my child <33333
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goatpaste · 4 years
WC design/headcannon/ect masterlist- Part A
just a list of ALL my designs for headcanons, maybe some design updates, any other comments or AU ideas i have. on main characters and characters with no plot!
These are all the cats who name starts with ‘A’, posting these in alphabetical order to not overload just one list lol
all under the cut >:3
Acorn Fur
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my Acorn Fur design changed slightly as she used to be more red saturated and i wanted her to not so much like my Red Claw Design
My biggest Headcanon for her is she absolutely didn’t listen to Moth Flight and ended up giving birth to two kit’s with Red claw as the father. they names are Rain Stone and Oak Stump 
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Acornpaw, ancient skyclan warrior
i like the idea of Acornpaw is a decedent of Acorn Fur and one of the last generations of her family that would remember her name
A warrior name i think would be nice for him is Acorndrop
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Acorntail, ancient windclan deputy.
i can imagine he was named the way he was being smallest in his litter, losing his tail to a rabbit trap when he’s older
acorntail stick with being deputy for awhile but i can see either he even after training an apprentice can’t keep up with the duties and once again insist that Morningcloud is made deputy. oR acorntail becoming leader as Acornstar and morningcloud or her apprentice Quickpaw being made his deputy 
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Adderkit, starclan kit who used to live in windclan and died by adder bite, named for it and was avanged by tallstar 
I imagine Adderkit was originally named Burrowkit born to Ashfoot and Deadfoot in their first litter with Eaglekit. Adderkit died on Windclans Journey to find a home after shadowclan chased them out.
Adderkit was very young when they died i picture their memory of their living life being EXTREMELY blurry, they know their windclan and they died by an adder. its why they renamed themself, and they barely remember who their mom and dad were.
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Adderpaw, ancient windclan apprentice who was around to the apprentice age limit code
Adderpaw was name for what a good few other ‘adder’ and snake named kits are named for, their tail wiggling around with its patterns look like that of a skinny snake.
Adderpaw Warrior name ideas, Addergrace or Addersnag
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not much to say beyond i think my design for him looks very funny lol
but my design for him is that he is leucistic
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Applefrost, kid of appledusk and reedshine
Named after her piece of shit dad, and raised on one sided stories of him she loved her dad and wanted to be like him as she got older.
She was the first victim of Mapleshade’s hauntings, picking her because she was named after the man who hurt her family and she looks a bit like him. 
(applefrost isn’t normally greying on the bottom naturally, this is a side effect on spending so many years training one on one with mapleshade in the dark forest. My crookedstar design also has this) Applefrost knows the name mapleshade and was skeptic to talk to her at first, but opened up and tries to just take what advice she can get from the spirit. Even coming to sympathies with her through learning the truth of her father. 
Then one day Mapleshade stopped visiting her, thought Applefrost would never know what happened, there is a reason.
Applefrost was full grown, and so kind even in the face of the warrior who killed her father. And she looked so much like him, yes he ruined her life but maybe this was the price she payed for what she did, to forever feel pain over the lose of someone who didn’t love her. 
It was part that, and part..something about the way she looked at mapleshade, and something she said sent her memories flying back to her little petalkit who looked so much like her. 
Mapleshade would stop visiting applefrost and move on to another generation of their family. 
Applefrost would never tell her siblngs of mapleshade, but would come to disown her own father in starclan. even being friends with petalkit.
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daughter of breezepelt and heathertail
mostly in here because i needed to up date her design
she hasn’t received her warrior name yet but should be close in the books
but a name like Applebite or Appleleaf
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Ashfoot,  windclan warrior, deputy and mother of crowfeather
i absOLUTLY love ashfoot
i picture her to be a very like ‘badass warrior mom’ she give tough love and you can’t help but totally admire her. She loves her son crowfeather, though if she is honest he tends to disappoint her with how he kinda doesn’t know how to behave
she gets followed around by herds of kits who want to be like her, and her past apprentice’s (which she has many of) call her sheriff (or mom, which is embarrassing but common and crow HATES it) 
Her and Deadfoot are VERY lovey dovey, she loves her sweet husband dearly and was distraught when he died. They were best friends growing up as apprentices together and were both name ‘foot’ in sign they always walked paw and paw, being well synced in battle and in life, they were just perfect for each other. so its easy to imagine when Deadfoot died it was like she lost half of herself
Ashfoot has a very long tail, just oh so slightly shorter than talltail, her family is known for their long tail (a trait passed down through being descended of windstar) Long tails are often called a symbol of power or royality in windclan. its very diserable and only tallstar’s tail was longer than hers. Her son crowfeather, and grandson jayfeather both take after thing ten fold with tails you could trip 10 cats with. breezepelt has a longer tail than average but no were near as long as theirs and it dOES kinda make him mad.
Ashfoot also loVES nightcloud, at first when crowfeather told his mom that nightcloud was having his kit’s she was super skeptical, not of nightcloud but of their relationship. she just saw right through it for what it really was. so she mostly didn’t talk to nightcloud for the two month’s she was pregnant, as to avoid getting involved.
but when Nightcloud gives birth and all of her kits but breezepelt die and she is DISTRAUGHT. Crowfeather isn’t helping and doesn’t seem to find any words that comfort her or not make her more upset, so like a big ol man child he turns to his mom and begs her to calm down nightcloud.
and its this moment that Ashfoot find’s herself completely bonded to Nightclouds side, looking at the dark she-cat crying over her lost kittens with her single son mewling for her. Ashfoot herself has had two litters both that only had one survivor, Eaglekit’s litter (eaglekit only made it to paw before he died) and now all she has is crowfeather. Ashfoot stay’s by the queens side and comforts her new daughter in law. 
Ashfoot and Nightcloud are close, even when her and crowfeather ultimately don’t work out. 
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dont have much for him i guess
i hate him lol
i like him more than most other boy cats that i hate lol
he’s just a lil piss baby
iv updated his design a good bit, i thought his old design was really bleh but i havent been able to touch it up till now
i defiantly think him and brambleclaw shoulda been gay
i dont like him with squirrel, BUT if they’de been closer in age i think he and squirrel before ashfur became a fuckin crazy person they would have been better togeather than her and bramble that i don’t understand why she went back to bramble even if she didn’t get with ashfur
alsO i think the only ‘au’ i can like get into is like
Dustpelt mysteriously disappeared, presumed dead by thunderclan and never to be known what happened. Except between him and Ferncloud. id loVe a narrative of Ashfur kills dustpelt after watching the full grown warrior and mentor reefer to Ferncloud as beautiful, finding the behavior absolutely repulsive. Maybe ashfur ends up killing a few other cats who are like this and Ferncloud knows he killed dustpelt but maybe not the others. and it all ends up coming spilling out in the fire, this moment of the three and squirrel learn what he did but now he knows what they did, so their at a stale mate. but ashfur is becoming loser and more erratic in his behavior and hollyleaf kills him before he does something dangerous. 
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Change of Pace - 11 (Summer 2019)
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cowritten by @achinglyshawn
summary: Shawn and Maya meet again 10 years after life got in the way of love
warnings: language
wc: 7.1k
Maya rolls on top of Shawn with a dramatic sigh. She props her chin up on his chest and pokes insistently at his shoulder, blinking quickly.
“Ok. Seriously. Wake up.”
Maya’s been rolling around for half an hour waiting for him to stir and wake with her. She’s got that itchy feeling in her skin that tells her she needs to get up and get out to the beach. She tries not to get too cheesy and spiritual about it, but the ocean is calling. She has to answer.
Maya lowers her face to his bare chest and leaves sweet, soft kisses all over before turning them into wet, sharp nips, hoping to get his attention. She knows she wore him out last night but it is definitely, absolutely time to get up.
Shawn is startled awake by a sharp sting to his chest. His head pops up, curls flopping over his forehead as he presses himself up on one forearm. He blinks blearily, a tired huh? falling from his lips.
He feels Maya draped on top of him before his vision clears. His eyelids flutter a few more times and there she is, looking down at him like an impatient kid on Christmas. 
He grins, wide and lazy. 
“Hi. Can I help you?” His voice is raspy with sleep and strained from his near-constant moaning last night. He lifts one hand to her back, pressing his palm into her warm skin and spreading his fingers. He strokes her gently as his elbow slips and his head falls back onto his pillow. 
He wishes he could wake up like this every damn day. But he can’t, so he’ll treasure these mornings while there’s still time.
Maya smiles with childlike delight when her nibble on his chest finally wakes him up. She crawls a little further up his chest and feels the gentle pressure of his hand on her back. When she gets to her destination, she’s propped up over him so their heads are level. She nudges her nose against his playfully.
“Yes, hello there, I’ve been trying to gently wake you up for like a half hour but I had to resort to other methods.”
She decides to butter him up with lots of warm, soft kisses across the smooth planes of his face because she knows he’ll have a reaction when he realizes what time it is, or clues in to the fact that it’s still mostly dark outside. He won’t be upset, exactly, but he’ll roll his eyes and mumble and smash his face into the pillows. She drops her lips to his and hums because even with morning breath she thinks he tastes good. Or maybe she’s just totally infatuated.
“S’okay,” he says through a yawn, eyes closing as her lips explore his face, “I like it a little rough.” 
His lips quirk into a smile but he keeps his eyes shut, lets the feeling of her mouth on his skin wash over his sleep-heavy body. He doesn’t even know what time it is, but he thinks he could lie here like this for years. Or at least a couple more hours. Maybe they’ll fall asleep like this and then when they wake up again, she’ll let him make her come.
Her lips find his and he groans softly into the kiss, his hand moving from her spine to cup the back of her head. 
“Can we go to the beach baby?” she murmurs into his mouth, sliding her fingers into his hair to massage his scalp and bend him to her will.
His sleepy morning fantasy is ruined with her gentle request. He groans against her mouth and turns his face away from hers, pressing his cheek into the pillow. 
“Right now?” he says groggily as he turns his back to her, finally opening his eyes once more. He realizes now that it’s basically still dark out, that he can barely see Maya’s pretty face in the dim light of dawn.
He won’t say no, but he doesn’t have to give in right away. It’s fun to watch her plead her case.
Maya smiles at the predictability of Shawn’s reaction. Her hand falls from his hair when he turns his face away to pout. As he groans at her, she sits forward and buries her face in his neck to tickle him with her fluttering eyelashes.
“I just checked the surf forecasts. Swells are 2ft at 15 seconds. Offshore wind only. C’mon, Shawn, it’s against my religion to miss waves like that. And I have to get there before all the loser surf bros do,” she reasons, dragging her lips off his warm, welcoming neck to widen her eyes at him.
Maya doesn’t have to use the weather and tides to convince him, but he likes when she talks like a surfer. It’s incredibly sexy. He keeps his face buried in the pillow, though, not one to give in too easily. She’s just so good at being persuasive. He wants to know what else she’s got up her sleeve. 
When she sees no reaction, she purses her lips and lifts a hand to trace a slow circle around his adam’s apple. Her finger trails down his chest to brush over his nipple and continue until she can slot her fingers between his ribs and feel his heart beating smoothly.
She lowers her voice and hoods her eyes. “I’ll give you anything you want.”
Her fingers leave a trail of blazing fire in their wake, his whole body heating up from her attention. Her hand finds his ribcage, right over his fluttering heart, and he knows she can tell he’s a little more awake than he’s letting on. 
He sucks in a gentle breath, turning his face from the pillow and blinking up at her. His tongue glides along his lower lip. 
I want you to stay here, with me, forever. 
“Okay. I’ll take a million dollars, rich girl.” 
Maya snickers and pops up on her hands and knees over him, biting her lip.
“Will you take a check or do you want cold hard cash?”
She’s only kind of joking. She could probably give him a million dollars without too much trouble. She really does have entirely too much money.
“I want you to pull out as much cash as the ATM will let you and then dump it on the bed so we can roll around in it. Have you ever done that? Or is that a tacky thing only poor people dream about?” 
Maya rolls her eyes. “It just sounds dirty, actually. And not in the fun, sexy way.”
She pushes off her hands and sits up so she’s straddling his torso. Her fingers brush over his chest teasingly. She cocks her head and decides to sweeten the deal a little more.
“I’ll roll us a joint,” she offers, lifting an eyebrow.
Shawn’s hands quickly find Maya’s thighs, fingers curling into her soft skin, stroking gently over the stretch marks he loves. She’s looking at him like she’s coming up with a plan to somehow eat him alive. He wouldn’t mind, actually. What a way to go. 
She offers something almost as equally enticing. He grins. 
“Well, twist my leg, why don’t you, eh?” he murmurs as he slides her towards his thighs while he sits up. They’re chest to chest as he straightens out, and he curls one heavy arm around her waist to keep her close. 
Maya’s nose wiggles as she bites down a snarky comment about his very adorable, very Canadian “eh?” and instead nestles up against him, wraps her arms around his shoulders.
“So I get to smoke the whole thing while you surf, right?” he asks with a teasing smirk before kissing the apple of her cheek. 
“Don’t get greedy,” she warns him, running the tip of her nose along his jaw, “Or I won’t share with you at all.”
With a grin, she springs off his lap, stark naked, and yanks at her dry bikini and wetsuit that are hanging in the ensuite bathroom. “So is that a yes?”
She’s gone before he gets the chance to kiss her. He’ll chase her down for one later. She’s already in the bathroom, tugging her wetsuit onto her body before he can give a definitive answer. He laughs, falls back onto the bed, his curls flopping out on the pillow. 
“It’s a whatever you want, Lemon,” he calls, letting himself rest his eyes for a few more minutes before rolling out of bed. 
His entire body cracks when he stands. He doesn’t like feeling like he’s getting old, but he kind of is. He’ll be 36 like, any day now, and then he’ll be closer to 40 than 30 and that’s-- he groans, goes to pull on a swimsuit and decides not to think about it. 
Maya scrambles into her wetsuit and feels her skin prickle with anticipation at the sound of the zipper as she tugs it. That sound means freedom and sun and sand and ocean and only positive associations. She craves it. Kind of like she craves him. 
With a toothbrush shoved in her mouth, she looks out the window. The streetlights are still on. God, he really must be crazy about her because she knows he’s not really a morning person like she’s always been, even in college. The palms sing with the breeze as the deep dark of night starts to fade up into a hazy blue. She inhales at the open window and smells sea air. 
He calls to her as he steps into his shorts, letting the band snap against his waist, “Do you want me to pack up some snacks or should we swing by the diner first?”
Shawn’s voice startles her. She turns around and bobs her head at him before she spits. “Snacks. No time for diner. No time, no time.”
He slides behind her at the sink, reaching over her shoulder for his toothbrush as she finishes up. He watches her flit around her room while he brushes his teeth.
She won’t relax again until she’s on the beach. Her board is already racked up on her ridiculous orange Wrangler. She has a go bag with beach stuff in the car. 
She reaches for his hand. “C’mon!”
He barely has the chance to spit before she’s grabbing him and hauling him downstairs. He laughs behind her, scrubbing a hand through his sleep-mussed hair. 
“Lulu, the snacks,” he insists, stopping in the kitchen. He extracts himself from her vice grip to dig through the pantry for bags of chips and dried fruit, as well as trail mix and the beef jerky Maya is weirdly fond of. He grabs a cloth Whole Foods bag hanging on a hook and dumps the food there. 
Right, right, the snacks. She’s practically buzzing around the kitchen while he stocks up for their day. The closer she gets to her board, the more eagerness she feels to fling herself into the ocean.
He hooks the bag over his shoulder and follows Maya out to the Wrangler, watching her double check her board that sits atop the orange vehicle. 
Finally, finally, they’re out the door. Maya steps into the driver’s seat barefoot and wiggles her eyebrows at him, turning on her headlights in the still cool, dark morning. Before she pulls out of the stony driveway, she leans over the center console and plants her lips to his briefly.
“Thank you.”
The drive to the beach is short. Most mornings, Maya walks out in front of her house to surf but the forecasts this morning have her pointing a little further down the beach for the best swells. They’re parking in the empty lot in under five minutes. Maya licks her lips as she looks out to the water and feels the adrenaline start to rush.
She reaches for her beach bag in the back seat and pulls out her cosmetic bag she’s repurposed as a weed bag. She winks at him, leaning back in her seat and lifting her leg to fold under her as she uses her knee as a joint rolling surface.
Shawn likes to think that, even though she hasn’t said it, Maya shows him she loves him in little ways. Like the press of her lips to his, the gentle thanks she gives, the wink she sends him before she starts rolling the joint. 
“Missed this,” she murmurs gently, keeping her eyes on her work.
Her quiet admission has his heart flipping in his chest. He settles back into his seat as he watches her deft fingers, temple tipped against the headrest. 
“Missed you,” he replies, his voice a rasped whisper. 
Maya ignores the way the hair on the back of her neck stands up when he tells her he missed her. The sudden alertness reminds her of what she hasn’t told him. What she doesn’t know how to tell him.
Shawn watches Maya lift the joint to her lips, little pink tongue darting out as she licks over the adhesive strip before smoothing it down along the length of the roll. 
“S’pretty,” he murmurs. She’s always been better with joints than him. Small, nimble fingers and all. 
She glances down at the joint she’s just rolled quite expertly if she does say so herself. She lifts her eyebrow haughtily and grins at him. “They always are.”
She slips her Bic lighter out of the center console and lights the joint, taking a deep, long inhale. She passes the joint to Shawn and smiles through her exhale, tipping her head back until the smoke surrounds her in a musky cloud.
“The sea is calling,” she whispers dramatically, a wicked glint in her eye as she leaps out the driver’s side door and goes about yanking her board off the rack on top of her car.
Shawn’s still choking down smoke when Maya leaps from the car, sighing dramatically about the sea like she’s secretly a mermaid. She might be, he doesn’t know for sure. He’s never been out that deep with her. 
He tucks the joint back between his lips as he grabs the snack bag and hoists himself out of the car, not even bothering to keep up with her as he lazily wanders down the beach. 
“Don’t hit your head on the board because you’re high!” he calls after her, taking the joint between his fingers. She’s not really that high, not from one hit, but he likes teasing her. He smiles as he watches her dump her bag with their towels on the beach and scurry down to the shore so she can paddle out to the waves she’s desperate to ride. 
He could get used to mornings like this. He could get used to anything with her. He could dive head first into it, just like she dives head first into the sea. 
He drops the snacks and flicks the ashy end of the joint, taking another hit as he lays a towel from Maya’s beach bag on the sand. He settles on his back, lifted onto his elbow with his legs crossed as he lazily puffs on the joint. He stubs it out on the bottom of his sandal after a minute, knowing how much Maya likes a nice big hit once she’s back from the water. 
Maya barely hears Shawn’s teasing cries as she hustles toward the water with her ankle strap secured and her heavy board under her arm.
She grins at the cold water when she reaches it. A wave laps at her feet like it’s saying hello. She hums deep in her chest and kicks into it until the water reaches her waist. She lifts herself onto her board and starts paddling. It feels so good.
Those waves Maya was waiting for? They’re coming. She can feel them coming, but they’re not here yet. So she has time to think.
She knows sitting behind her, watching her with that smile on his face, is the man she once thought she’d get to spend the rest of her life with. When she walked away from him, she wasn’t sure she’d ever see him again. She turns her head to look at him over her shoulder, waving shyly.
The truth is, she still has so much to riddle out about how she’s feeling about all this. The resurgence of them, the lies she’s told, her inner dialogue, everything’s getting so tangled. Surfing helps take that away.
Shawn watches Maya wade into the water, then hike herself up on her board. His stomach twists as she paddles her way into the horizon he can barely see at five in the morning. 
His chest swells. He holds his breath. He always worries about sharks. He’s always nervous about riptides. 
But she’s always beautiful when she surfs. 
He knows she’s waiting for those perfect waves to start rolling in. He thinks maybe she can smell them, maybe even feel them before she can see them. 
She’s always been good in the water. 
He wonders if a mermaid could ever really love a human.
He lights the joint, takes another hit, and watches Maya wait for the waves. 
Maya closes her eyes and starts paddling. She can feel the way the sea is sucking back away from her fingers into a building swell. She’s going to chase it down. The only thing about it is it takes her further from him. Her heart’s on the beach and her body’s in the water.
She duck dives beneath the surface. It’s cold and dark and startling. She gasps for air when she pops back up because the water is bracing. As the wave builds to where she wants it, she turns and paddles until she pops up to stand on the board. It’s fucking thrilling, the first wave of the morning. She breathes in slowly, shifting her balance, bouncing the board a little and giggling. She rides the wave until it caps off and she dives backwards off the edge of the board. 
Maya resurfaces with a grin, looking for his approving gaze, trying not to feel like a child seeking a parent’s attention. She just… she loves the way he looks at her when she’s doing something impressive.
He holds a puff of smoke in his mouth as Maya gets up onto her first wave. She rides it with ease, but he can’t exhale until she dives back down into the water. 
Shawn tugs his lip beneath his teeth as he waits for her to pop back up. When she does, he feels his heart settle against his ribs. It stutters, though, when she flips her salt-soaked hair over her shoulder and turns to look for him, a proud smile spreading her lips. 
He grins back, just as proud as she is, but also incredibly awestruck. He’s never been able to surf like her. He doesn’t feel connected to it like that, though. He’s glad Maya does. He loves watching her get lost in doing what she loves. 
Two or three waves later, she’s dragging her board back to shore, exhausted and ready for a break. She sweeps her hair over her shoulder and leans down for a kiss.
She doesn’t give him time to make some stupid comment about being glad she didn’t get taken by the kraken. She gathers her hair behind her neck and drops down to press her lips to his. He grunts, hand coming up to cup her jaw. The joint lies forgotten on the towel beneath him, if only for the moment. 
Maya smiles into his lips, tasting the smoke on him. She tilts back before too long to look at him with a stupid grin. She pecks him one more time before plopping down on the towel in front of him, clocking the sunrise behind his shoulder.
“Feeling good, baby?” she teases, nodding to the mostly-smoked joint behind him. 
She reaches back and tugs at her wetsuit zipper until she can wriggle her arms out and push it down around her waist, left in her bikini top. She turns and slides back into his chest, waiting for him to shrug his arms around her and relight the joint.
All he can do is give her a lazy nod and a crooked smile as he watches her peel her wetsuit down. His fingers itch to tug at the little bow of her bikini top so they can be totally topless together, but this isn’t Europe so he resists. 
Maya settles between his legs, falling back against his chest like there’s no better seat in the house. Shawn smiles to himself as he reaches back for the joint, keeping one palm planted on the towel while he wraps his arm around her waist. 
“Got the lighter?” he hums, holding the joint up to her between his forefinger and thumb. He drops his lips to her shoulder, kissing her salt-soaked skin as Maya grabs the bic in front of her. 
Maya plucks the joint from his fingers. She lights it, takes a long inhale and holds it in for as long as it takes for a wave she’s watching to swell, crash, and then recede from the shore. She breathes out and holds it up for him over her shoulder.
She looks down at his arm around her waist. She traces the tip of her finger around a freckle on his forearm. She blinks lazily and smiles.
“You remember that summer we came out here together?”
He’s busy nosing gently at her neck, following a trail of freckles splattered from her shoulder to her ear. Her question snaps him from his daze. He takes the joint from between her fingers and smiles. 
“‘Course,” he starts before hitting the joint, turning his head to exhale the smoke away from her. “I remember we rented that cottage like two miles down from here. You liked it because it was next to the surf shop.” 
He nips at her shoulder, reaching around to lift the joint to her lips once more. 
He remembers she also liked that the cottage had a beach facing patio with high fence so the neighbors couldn’t see in. She liked being able to watch the sunset over the horizon as they fucked on the weatherproofed daybed, she liked the hummingbirds in the bushes in the mornings, and how the sun would shine through the windows at 3 in the afternoon, so she could get the best light for her painting. 
He remembers everything.
Maya tilts her head forward slightly to take the hit he offers her. She lets the smoke seep out of her mouth as she leans further back into him, indicating she’s had enough. She turns her face so her cheek rests against his chest.
“I was obsessed with the surf shop,” she recalls with a chuckle, shaking her head. She had learned to surf as a kid when she used to vacation in Hawaii with her parents. Avila Beach’s reputation as a great surfing community was one of the draws when she and Shawn rented there. She befriended Denny, the droopy-eyed, perennially stoned but deeply knowledgeable shopkeeper and his cat Frisco. Maya didn’t really like cats but she loved Frisco. He was enormously fat and gray and lazy and did figure eight circuits between her legs when she came to visit.
“I remember the first night we got here,” she whispers, closing her eyes, “I remember how the cottage smelled when we walked in. I remember ordering from the deli in town. I remember falling asleep on the daybed on the porch. And then we woke up in the middle of the night and--”
She doesn’t think she needs to finish. She thinks he probably remembers that too. She trails off with a giggle.
He smiles into the top of Maya’s head, snubbing out the joint on the sandal that rests next to the towel as she settles into his chest. 
Shawn presses a kiss to her hair, letting her reminisce about their first night in Avila and remembering that first night, too. He laughs softly as she fades to a giggle. 
“Just like last night, eh?” he murmurs, nuzzling his nose softly into her salty hair. He tightens his arm around her waist, trying to pull her closer into him even though he doesn’t think it’s actually possible. 
Maya’s face warms at the thought of last night. Her whole body warms at the memory of waking up with him, lying on top of him, her head rising and falling with his chest. She feels him trying to pull her even closer like he won’t be satisfied until they’re one being. She understands the feeling.
Shawn reaches for the bag of snacks, plopping it between Maya’s thighs before settling his arm around her waist once more. 
“Gotta eat, Lemon.” 
Her bleary eyes perk up at his snack offering. She sifts through the bag and finds an orange to peel. She hands him a banana because it has the perfect number of spots that he likes his bananas to have.
“Do you have to be at the shop today?” she wonders, lifting her eyes to the sky as she thinks, “I can’t actually remember what day it is. I have beach brain.”
She tucks a wedge of orange between her lips and hums at the citrusy sweetness.
He accepts the banana gladly, sitting up a little straighter to wrap both of his arms around her. He tucks his chin over her shoulder, looking down as he picks at the speckled yellow banana peel. 
Shawn shrugs. He probably should go into the shop. No one has a pick-up scheduled but he has a few guitars sitting in stands, waiting for his attention. Plus the piano. Not that he’s getting paid to build that, but the faster he gets it finished, the faster he can sell it and get more money in the bank. 
“Probably should. But you could hang out if you want. Draw or something. I wouldn’t mind the company,” he hums, taking a bite of his banana and trying to act way cooler than he feels.
He’s vying for her attention again, just like he always would when they were in college. He’s perfectly capable of working alone, just like he was perfectly capable of studying alone, or writing music alone. But he always preferred being with her. He still does.
He hopes she can’t feel his frenzied heartbeat against her back.
Maya blinks. Something in her wants to back away slowly when he mentions her coming along to draw at the shop.
She used to draw with him all the time. Hell, she used to draw him all the time. He was one of her favorite subjects -- the slopes and planes of his face, the structure of his hands, the beautiful length of his body. But she hasn’t drawn in front of anyone since she tried to go to that weekend sketch class at the Met about 8 years ago and walked out almost mid-panic attack.
“I’d rather come watch you work,” she says, hoping it sounds breezy instead of strained.
Her eyes drop when she feels the quickened beat of his pulse. She tells herself she doesn’t need to feel guilty, she’s just not… there yet.
She reminds herself she won’t be if she just tells him the truth.
She could say it now -- just blurt it out and see what happens. “I’m not going back to New York.” It wouldn’t even be that hard.
But it is.
Shawn takes another bite of his banana. 
“Okay,” he swallows, licking the corner of his lip, “Whatever you want. You can sit there and stare at my ass if that’s what you’re into.” 
He kisses the side of her head before finishing off the banana and dropping the peel next to their towel. 
Maya’s smile is half-hearted, but she’s facing away from him.
“That’s definitely what I’m into,” she jokes, picking at her orange peel. She holds up a wedge over her shoulder to feed it to him. 
Shawn knows not to push Maya about the drawing thing. He’s noticed her relationship to art seems kind of… strained these days. If he were braver, he’d ask her about it. But these days he feels thankful that she just wants to be in the same room as him; he’s not sure he should push it by delving into the more personal stuff.
He pretends it doesn’t hurt, and that the rift between them that makes him feel like they can’t be truly open with one another isn’t painfully palpable. 
He’s really good at pretending, these days.
Shawn tilts down, plucking the orange wedge from her fingers with his teeth. He sucks on it as Maya grows quiet in front of him, resting more of her weight against his chest. 
Maya wants to pivot the conversation away from this. She’d rather dive into something else, but everything feels like dangerous territory. She wants to ask about how he learned to make instruments, how he decided to open a shop, why he came back to Avila. She wants to know more about the circumstances surrounding his divorce. 
But how can she expect him to be honest with her if she can’t be honest with him?
She takes a deep breath and swallows the last bite of orange. She turns her cheek back to his chest and noses at him gently.
“I think I’m ready for a nap.”
She smiles. She always gets like this. She sprints out the door before sunrise, drags him to the beach, smokes, surfs for an hour, smokes some more. As soon as she gets food in her, she’s ready to pass out on his chest.
He finishes his orange slice and sucks the juice from his fingers while keeping one steady arm around Maya. He’s busy sucking on his thumb when he feels her nose against his chest. 
“You wanna go back?”
Shawn tilts his head to look down at her, but her eyes are closed as she looks like she might fall asleep right here. He doesn’t blame her. It’s just now 6 am. The sun hasn’t even broken the horizon. 
“I’ll drive,” he murmurs, dropping his lips to her hair.
Maya feels a little guilty for dragging him out for only an hour. She knows him, knows he would’ve rather stayed in bed and had a lazy morning with her. She can make up for that.
She flutters her eyes open and smiles at the warmth in his cheeks.
“Kay,” she hums, “Let’s get back into bed.”
Maya carefully extricates herself from his arms and stands, helping him up. In five minutes, they’re packed up and Maya’s yawning as she tucks herself into the passenger seat.
She gazes at him while he drives them home. He’s so patient with her, with her whims and her quirks and everything about herself she doesn’t quite like. She thinks maybe he’s an angel. She looks down at his fingers resting on the gear shift. She brushes her fingertips over them and closes her eyes again.
Shawn keeps his eyes on the road, but stretches his fingers when she teases over his knuckles. He reaches up and laces their fingers together, his palm still pressed to the gear shift. 
Maya doesn’t say anything, so he doesn’t either. He doesn’t mind the silence. He just likes being alone with her.
They’re back at her place in no time. Shawn takes the snack bag and the beach bag with their dirty towels and slings them over his shoulder as Maya wrestles her board from the top of the car. 
He stops at the top of the stairs of her deck, turning to look down at her as she trails behind him. 
“How sandy are you?” he asks with a quirk of his brow, glancing back at the outdoor shower tucked in the corner of the deck. He looks back at Maya and smiles, tilting his head. 
“I can wash your hair.”
Maya’s almost asleep when she feels the car gently lurch into park in her driveway. She is negotiating her board off the car to bring it into the garage because it needs a wax when Shawn pipes up.
Maya blinks and looks down. She’s hella sandy. And starting to get itchy.
Maya props her board up in its rack in the garage and hears her flip flops slap the deck steps as she climbs them two at a time. She stops beside him and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Yes please,” she whispers, kicking off her flip flops on the way to the secluded corner of the deck where the doorless shower is installed against the wall. She has hedges high enough to ensure total privacy and Bumble and Bumble bath products on the built-in shelf. It’s pretty much perfect.
Maya turns on the water and starts wriggling out of her wetsuit, eager for Shawn’s gentle hands on her scalp. 
Shawn only lets himself watch Maya undress for a moment. He could easily get carried away watching her, but she’s expecting him to join her. Quickly, he scrambles out of his shirt and swim shorts and follows her to the shower. 
She’s pulling her wetsuit off of her feet when he approaches her. He cups her waist gently so she knows he’s there, then reaches for strings of her bikini, tied into a bow at the nape of her neck. He tugs gently, watching as the strings fall away from her shoulders. 
Maya doesn’t jump at the feel of his hand against her bare skin. She doesn’t know if it’s her drowsiness or her keen sense of him that has her jumpy reflexes dulled, but she eases into his touch right away.
He’s always very helpful getting her undressed, she thinks with a chuckle as the strings of her little black bikini top fall and dance around her thighs. She tugs at the bow below her shoulder blades and tosses the triangle top away on the deck to dry off.
“These too?” he murmurs, walking his fingers down her side until he reaches the little bow on her hip. He teases the strings, but doesn’t pull. Instead, he drops his lips to her shoulder and presses a lazy kiss into her skin. 
She feels his fingers even hotter against her skin than the water that’s coursing down her stomach. She nods, closing her eyes when she feels his lips. She lifts a delicate hand and rests it on the back of his neck.
“Mhmm,” she answers just as gently, “Those too.”
She drops a hand to her opposite hip and works on that little bow as he handles the other side.
Once the little bikini bottoms are pooled at Maya’s feet, Shawn takes a step into her, pressing himself to her back so they can share the shower stream. 
He presses his neck into the small curve of her hand while his nose nudges her temple gently. He’ll lather his hands with shampoo and get down to business in a minute. Right now, he just wants to feel her pressed against him. 
Shawn’s finds the soft curve of her belly with his broad palms. He presses his fingertips into her skin as he kisses the angle of her jaw. He’s not after anything, not when he knows how tired she is from probably not sleeping at all in anticipation of waves. 
Shawn just likes being close to her. He likes leaving little hints, gentle gestures to remind her he’s here, if she needs him, and he loves her, if that’s okay. 
Maya kicks the bikini bottoms out next to her top and focuses on Shawn. Her hand falls from his neck when his hands enfold her stomach. She places her hands on top of his and just lets him hold her. His hands don’t wander, his kisses are soft and chaste. He just wants to be close.
She can let him get this close. Not any closer. Not yet.
Maya exhales slowly. She tilts her head back on his shoulder, feels the salt in her hair scraping against his warm skin. She keeps her eyes closed because the shower head is directing water at their shoulders so she couldn’t pass potential tears off as shower water. She has to keep it together. But it’s hard, when all she wants to do is feel like she can be fully here with him, totally present, cards on the table. Every day she lies it gets harder.
He kisses her cheek, then the top of her head. 
Eventually, he pulls away, but just enough to turn Maya and nudge her beneath the water so he can help her wash the salt from her hair. He gives her a quiet smile as he reaches around her for the shampoo. 
Shawn turns her gently. The rushing of water in her ears is a welcome reprieve. She smiles sleepily up at him. 
“Thank you, baby.”
It’s a broader thank you than one just for his offer to wash her hair. She hopes he can feel that.
Shawn lathers his hands with shampoo as Maya lets the water soak through her hair. Her smile is tired as she looks up at him. He smiles back, shrugging a little as he reaches for her, sliding his soapy fingers through her hair. 
“I like doing it,” he murmurs, gently massaging his fingertips in small circles. He moves over her scalp, from the top of her head to the nape of her neck, humming quietly as he does so. He gathers the length of her hair in one hand, giving it a squeeze before pulling his soap-covered fingers through it.
Maya watches him as he watches his hands in her hair. They’re so big they cover most of her scalp all at once. And he’s so gentle. This particular skill might’ve been one he practiced in her absence. That would be ok, she tells herself. 
She fights her eyes that want to drift closed. She wants to look at him. She wants to watch him take care of her. A part of her knows she deserves the tenderness. She doesn’t want to miss this. She’ll want to hold onto it when she tells him the truth. She’ll need it. 
He finishes his scrubbing, brings his thumb to her chin and tilts her head back so the water can rinse away the shampoo. Shawn reaches for the conditioner, squeezing a dollop the size of a nickel into his hand. 
“Turn around, Lemon,” he murmurs, giving her a soft smile.
She does finally let her eyes slide shut when he rinses her hair. She lets a shuddering breath escape her chest and tightens her jaw. 
She turns at his request and steps closer to him. She craves his touch, even just on her hair. She needs it. Maya needs him. 
He brings his conditioner-slick fingers to her hair, slowly tangling his fingers in her locks, avoiding the roots because he knows she doesn’t like to use a lot of conditioner close to her scalp. Something about the extra oil, so he tries to be careful. 
He tries to work the cream through her hair in the same way they do at the hair salon when he goes for a cut. He rolls strands of her hair between his fingers, gets carried away studying the contrast of her dark hair on his pale skin. 
He’s meticulous and careful and completely focused despite the early hour. He holds her thick, snarled hair between his fingers and massages the conditioner through as though he does it every day. 
It makes her dizzy. 
She blinks and almost has to plant a hand on the shower wall. Instead, she reaches back and cups her hand around his hip. He’s sturdier than any wall, to her, anyway. 
Eventually he’s able to tug himself out of his reverie, pulling his fingers from her hair and tipping her head forward carefully so he can rinse the conditioner away. He glides his palms over her head, watching the soapy water sluice down her back. 
“Okay, sugar,” he murmurs once he’s satisfied her hair is thoroughly rinsed. He cups her hip and turns her carefully, reaching to tilt her chin up so he can look at her. “Back to bed?”  
He turns her around again and places his warm, rough fingers under her chin. Before she answers him, she lifts onto her toes and plants her hands on his chest, kissing him slow and deep. 
She steps back and turns off the water with a tired smile. “Back to bed,” she confirms. 
She takes his hand, walking him around the corner to her stack of expensive, fluffy towels. She wraps one around his shoulders with a giggle and tucks hers around her chest. 
He gladly accepts the towel, smiling down at her as he dries himself off. 
“This is like a five star hotel, Lu,” he says with a crooked grin, noting the fact that the towels are nice and warm. She’s got all kinds of amenities in this little cottage of hers. He knows it’s something she used to dream of, having the perfect beach house that has everything she could ever need for surfing and art. He’s glad she’s got it now. 
They leave their cold, drying clothes on the deck as Shawn leads her inside and up the stairs to her bedroom. He drops her hand when they reach her way too comfortable bed, drying himself off once more before crawling under the sheets, settling back against the pillows with his arms tucked behind his head as Maya slips in next to him. 
He doesn’t know how much more sleep he can get. Now that he’s been up, he’s pretty awake, but Shawn knows Maya’s teetering on the edge of slumber. She’s always sleepy after a good morning in the waves. Probably sleepier now that they’re like, old. He doesn’t feel old when they’re together, though. He never knew what adults meant by that before, but now he feels it in his bones with her. 
He’ll rest his eyes as she sleeps. Maybe he’ll write another song about her in his head. It’s been happening more and more lately, since they’ve been spending more and more time together. 
Maya shuffles the towel through her hair and slings it haphazardly across the towel bar in her bathroom. It’s the last conscious move she can make before she collapses into bed beside him. 
Shawn settles in against the pillows. Her base human instincts have her crawling nearly on top of him, resting her head on his chest to hear his steady, comforting heartbeat beneath her ear. He’s warm and stable and the rhythm of his breathing feels like the waves she loves so much. She lets them carry her off.
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisaho @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks @parkerspicedlatte @simpledomain @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day @thecurlsofgod @magcon7280 @bensbuttercup @shawnsmusical @paigeasourous @tell-me-when-ur-ready @softmendesss @searchingunderthestars @buggy-blogs @desire-to-live @jillian-nd @shawnwyr @curlsofshawn @graysonmendes @tnhmblive @meltingicequeen
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 16
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Flangst, NSFW
WC: 2871
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘striptease’ square for @spnkinkbingo Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​ <3
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Once inside, Y/N couldn’t fight Dean anymore and she let him crowd her against the wall next to the entrance. His lips quickly finds hers again, his tongue invading her mouth and she tastes him, swallows his moan, drinks in what he has to give her. Her senses are flooded by him. 
She hears people working inside, hear them stacking bottles, scrubbing floors, but they are hidden behind a heavy curtain, nobody can see them.
Dean’s hands are on her thighs, skimming upwards along her skin, and he groans into her mouth when he feels that she’s wearing stockings. She bucks her hips against his touches, arches her back, wants him to touch more of her. Needs him to touch her fucking there.
But before Dean goes any further, he pulls his hand away and she winces at the loss. He knows, because he chuckles before he pecks her lips. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Dean thumbs over a number, dials it and pushes the speaker button. He holds it between them so she can see the caller ID. 
Sam Winchester.
“Dean,” Another male voice could be heard through  the speaker.
Dean smirks at her as his tongue darts out to wet his lips, his other hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek. His eyes are on hers unblinking, as if he’s afraid that she’s not real, as if he’s afraid she’ll disappear with a blink of his eyes, “Yeah, uh, Sammy, I’m staying down here.”
“Okay, Jess and I have to leave anyway. Did you manage to find her?”
Dean tears his eyes from hers, looks down a little and she can swear that he’s blushing. It’s crazy how cute he is. He’s quick to lean forward though, kissing her nose to conceal the rise of color on his face, “Yeah, I did,”
“Good, tell her sorry. Jess feels absolutely horrible,”
Y/N has to frown at the statement. That was not her intention but in her defense, she felt absolutely shitty too.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dean shrugs, “I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,”
“Lock the door, Sammy,” Dean reminds his brother.
“We will,” Sam says and adds, “Say hi to her from us,”
“She says hi back, says she can’t wait to meet you two,”
Her mouth opens to say something, but Dean hushes her by placing his index finger to her lips. Sam talks about something else for a brief while, but she doesn’t listen, because she has her hands around the wrist of his finger that’s right by her mouth, parts her lips and lets it slide over her tongue to the back of her throat. Dean groans and she twirls her tongue around it with a mischievous grin.
Dean swallows hard, clears his throat, “Sammy, gotta go, bye,” 
He hangs up and places his phone back before he watches her tonguing his digit. Dean slides another finger in, his gaze is on her lips, watches her sucking in his fingers. She feels the heat rising in her face. 
His one hand sneaks around her waist, works it down and under her coat. Dean groans when he feels that she isn't wearing anything else than lingerie. Pulling his fingers out of her mouth, he lets them trail along her chin and down her throat, until he strokes them along her chest. He lifts one side of the coat collar to peek underneath, sees the lace bra and lets out another audible groan, “Fuck, baby, you wore that for me?”
Admittedly, she feels a little embarrassed, but she nods her head while her teeth tugs at her bottom lip, “Wanted to surprise you,” She says, because it’s true. She wore it with the intention to show him, maybe as a thank you that he helped her, and really it’s a win for her too. 
Dean’s lips widen into a bright smile, and he crashes his mouth onto hers, kisses her deep and rough and it’s all need and want . She didn’t know that she needs it right now but she does, she fucking does.Y/N melts against him. It’s hard not to.
After a while, he breaks the kiss. Her head’s spinning. His forehead rests against hers, his breathing is hard, ragged. “I need you to trust me,” 
She does. It’s just… she doesn’t know? She’s confused. But yeah, she does. And now she thinks she’s a complete idiot for not trusting him. 
“I do,” She mumbles, “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did,” 
His lips curve into a smile, “No, you had the right to be upset. I would be too, if it was the other way around,” He places a hand on the back of her neck, draws her close and kisses her forehead, “Do you trust me?” He whispers again, as if he wants to really make sure.
She nods with a smirk on her face, “Yeah,”
Dean takes her hand and smiles brightly, showing his teeth, his body relaxed visibly. As if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, “Come on, I have a surprise for you too,” 
Before Y/N could ask what it is, Dean pulls her along with him, dashes up the stairs and she has to run to keep up, which is actually really hard with her heels. Some employees are staring at them, but they soon went back to minding their own business.
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He slows down when he feels that she’s lagging behind. No wonder, he doesn’t know if he could walk in those heels either. Dean weaves his arm around her waist, pulls her close, helping her go faster. He’s fucking giddy, still can’t believe that she’s dressed up for him.
They walk through the VIP room until they reach the hallway to the rooms. He determinedly walks to a room and slips in with her clutched to him. 
When he closes the door, Dean flops himself into a big chair and she walks in further. He watches her and takes the remote control that’s sitting on the table next to his chair, pushes a button for the music. It comes out loudly and they both jump and squint their eyes. He tunes the volume down with a chuckle.
Y/N walks to the pole that’s in the middle of the room. Her hand reaches out to touch the metal, letting them skim over the smooth surface. 
After a while, she turns around, her lips curving up a little and he kind of knows that she likes it. 
“Come on, show me,” His voice is raspy, his throat feels constricted, maybe it’s because of what he’s going to see, and it feels like fucking Christmas mornings where he wouldn’t get any presents but he’s excited anyway because he can watch Sam unwrap the present Dean got for him. But he’s even more excited now actually, because this time, he knows that it is all for him. 
She trails her eyes over him, and there’s something unspoken between them. She’s still not sure and he knows that he’s not going to force her into anything.  Hell, if she’d say that she wants out, he’d get up right away. The thing is, though, he knows — is actually quite certain — that she wants it. She’s just awfully shy and innocent and knowing that, makes his cock ache.
If she only knew how much she affects him and Dean’s kind of disappointed that she really thinks that he could fuck someone else when she’s really the only thing he fucking wants. Always have, probably. He just never knew it until now.
“Dean,” She whines, and stomps her feet, her hands up in the air and she lets them drop down to her side. 
It’s cute, he can’t lie and he chuckles, “What?”
“I can’t dance,” Y/N pouts. 
Cutest little fucking thing. He’s hard from just watching her throwing a tantrum because she can’t fucking dance. 
“You don’t have to dance, just show me,” Dean leans back in his chair some more and watches her walk towards him.
She comes to stand right between his thighs. Dean’s close enough that if he would reach out, he could basically tug at the knot that binds her coat together. But he doesn’t. Instead, he rests the back of his head on the chair, looking up at her and smiles.
“Promise me you won’t laugh,” She mumbles and she pulls her bottom lip up. Fucking irritating, is what it is. Because it’s too fucking cute.
Dean’s eyes widen. He doesn’t understand how she can think that he would laugh? Does she really think that he won’t like it?
“Baby,” Dean’s voice is soft, he likes the sound of the word. Likes how it fits her and only her. It’s not just a thing he says when he’s trying to sweetalk someone into fucking. It’s sincere, has more meaning to him when spoken to her, and he doesn’t think that he could use it on anyone anymore now that the rightful owner of that word claimed it for herself, “I promise, I won’t. You could wear a furry costume and you’d still turn me on.”
She laughs at that. 
Mission accomplished. 
And he’s not even lying. Would have to try it to know if it would be the complete truth. He doesn’t think that she’ll agree to wearing one, though.
“Fine,” She scoffs, feigning annoyance, but he can see right through that facade. She’s smirking underneath those tight pressed lips. 
Dean’s dick twitches when he sees her fingers working on the knot around her waist. He leans his elbow on the armchair, lays his head into the palm of his one hand, places his ring finger on his lips and he nibbles on it with his teeth to hide how excited he really is.
His eyes are on her face, he sees her looking down. She does not want to look him in the eye. At least not yet.
The knot opens up, and Dean’s watches in awe as she parts the coat. He starts to drool. It’s fucking embarrassing really. He swallows it down thickly before he exhales. He didn’t even realize that he was holding his breath.
She shrugs off her coat, lets it pool around her ankle. The lace of her bra doesn’t quite cover the peak of her nipples, the darker shade of her areolas. The fucking bra might as well not be there.
Don’t get him started on the panties. They cover enough, but they for sure leave too much to the imagination and boy, does Dean’s imagination run wild. His eyes widen some more when he sees that they are fucking crotchless. Jesus fucking Christ. He rubs his hand over his face, his heart doing somersaults.
Y/N’s shoulders sag down, and she tries to cover her modesty with her hands. 
“Shhhhh,” Dean hushes her, “Let me see,” 
He swallows again and his hand goes to his cock, strokes it through his dress pants, moans at the relief he feels by the friction his own hand provides. 
Dean sticks his index finger out, twists it in the air while he grins cockily. She tugs her bottom lip between her teeth again, rolls her eyes for the effect but he can see that little smile hiding behind it. 
She turns around and Dean bites back a groan.
“Fucking beautiful,” His voice is heavy, thick with arousal. 
Her ass is barely covered but the lace is clearly there. 
When she completes her twist, she begins to pout again, not knowing what to do since she said that she can’t fucking dance and Dean doesn’t even expect it from her because it’s enough for him when she can dance on his fucking cock — which she’s exceptionally good at. 
“Come here,” Dean takes his hands off his cock to pat his lap. 
The pout is still there but she comes willingly and Dean pushes his thighs together to let her straddle him. Her knees are placed on either side of him and she sits right on top of his cock which stirs at the feeling of her heat. 
His arm sneaks around her waist, one hand strokes at her skin, fingertips trailing along her cheek, the pad of his thumb paints along her bottom lip, evens out her pout. 
She bites on this thumb playfully and Dean chuckles. He’d love to kiss her but he can’t quite take his eyes off of her body. His fingers trail downwards, past her throat and she cranes her neck. He grabs a hold, chocking her lightly and she fucking moans, the sound of it goes right to his dick. He loves how much she likes to be choked by him. 
Dean closes his eyes briefly, imaging his cock buried deep in her throat, imagining the bulge he left there when he fucked her face last. He’s drooling some more at the thought, and swallows down his saliva audibly. 
Hesitantly, he lets go of her throat with a whine from her. His hand has now reached her chest, and he feels the material of her lace beneath his fingers. Her nipples are peaking, and she shudders when he runs the pad of his thumb over it. Dean goes underneath the fabric, tweaks at it with his thumb and forefinger, making her arch in his grip but he’s holding her tight, his hand spans over her back. 
“Fuck,” He mumbles, feels her wriggling in his lap, grinding down on his already leaking boner and he feels the material dampen. She’s turned on as well.
“You like it? She asks, moving her hips to coax another reaction out of him, that little minx, and Dean bites back a groan. 
“Love it,” He answers, his voice deeper than usual.
His hand goes back up, places it on the back of her neck and he pulls her down, making her crash her mouth on his and Dean groans into her mouth at the slide of her wet tongue against his own. Groans because she’s fucking finally dancing in his lap, grinding down on his hard cock, wetting his goddamn pants with her slick. 
The kiss is much anticipated. It starts soft and slow and  grows heavier, grows more demanding. Dean kisses down her throat, and she has her arms around his neck, fists them in his hair, fingers digging at his scalp. Just on that right side of hurt. 
Dean’s mouth finds her nipple, sucks at it through the material of her bra, uses his teeth to scrape over the hard little nub and she keens, grinding down harder into his bulge. He feels like seven-fucking-teen again when they make out like that and it isn’t bad. It’s like he’s making up for lost time. 
He worries at her other nipple, pulls the fabric away this time so he can twirl his tongue around the peak, sucks as if his life depends on it, and she digs her nail deeper into his scalp while her movement picks up. He’s so close to creaming his pants and that’s not normal is it? She has no idea what she does to him. 
Y/N’s panting hard above him and Dean wonders if she can come like that. If she can find release by only grinding on him. She’s close, he knows because she feels her body tremble. Feels her thighs squeezing together and his dick is trapped underneath her wet pussy. 
Looking up at her, he rests his chin on her chest, “Come for me, baby, can you do that?” He licks a broad strip up her chest and her throat, nibbles at the flesh on her chin, “Be a good girl and come for me,”
“Fuck,” She lets out a breathy cry. His hands are on her hips now, helping her grind down on him, harder and faster. 
“Come on,” 
“Dean, fuck—”
His name sounds so fucking good when it comes out of her mouth in a choked moan. It makes his dick throb, can’t lie about that.
He claims her mouth, breathes “Come” into it, and she does, twitching and shaking above him and he has to actually hold her tight not to let her fall. 
“Good girl,” He smiles, as he pecks her lips and nose, “Such a fucking good girl for me,” Dean sees her smiling back at him, her face laced with that afterglow, blissfully content. Abso-fucking-lutely pretty, “You look so beautiful when you come,”
He lets her come down from her high, hopes that she’s not too tired because the fun has actually just begun, “You okay?” Dean asks. Can not not ask. He’s so obsessed with knowing that she’s okay.
Her lids are heavy but she looks at him with lustful eyes. There’s a grin tugging at her lips — cocky is what it is — as her fingers start to work on his belt. 
“Nuh-uh,” Dean says, and brushes the tip of his nose against hers.
Her shoulders sag, there’s a slight pout and Dean kisses it away. 
“You’re not too tired?” He whispers.
There’s a smile on his face, “Then come with me,” 
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Chapter 17
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pollylynn · 5 years
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Title: Exploding. Plastic. Inevitable.
WC: 1100
She’s not sure why she’s watching this. She’d like to blame Ryan. She does blame Ryan for tuning in and turning the volume up. But it’s not like the world’s biggest Richard Castle fanboy has glued her butt to the chair or anything. She could get up and walk away. She could head to the break room or, God forbid, home and spare herself the lame monologue and the totally unnatural conversation. She doesn’t have to watch, but she is.
He looks weird. She snarks for the record about the ten extra pounds his ego is toting, but he really does look weird. She figures it’s the make-up. She’s used to seeing the Ellie Monroe’s of the world slathered and in soft-focus, she’s used to Bobby Manns and Hank McPhees looking more and more like ventriloquist’s dummies every night, but she’s not used to him looking so bright and artificial.
He looks like himself the next morning. She’s more relieved than she’d ever admit, even under the most enhanced interrogation tactics. She’s relieved that he’s his vain, slightly metrosexual—yet still somehow haphazardly shaved—self as he barges into the gym to bombard her with conspiracy theories. She’s a sweaty mess, and he’s put together like he is almost always, but she studies his face and it’s a relief to see that he’s not that two-dimensional, slightly plastic version she watched cuddling up to Ellie Monroe on a terrible suede couch.
And then the morning after that, he looks like he could use the make-up. He looks like he’s had a long night and she tells him so. She snarks for the record and he confirms it, and why should that surprise her? Why should that be just as upsetting, in its own way, as slightly plastic Richard Castle?
It’s not upsetting. That’s the answer she comes up with. It’s completely immaterial to her who he is or with whom he spends the long night of the soulless. She tries to tell anyone who’ll listen that it’s completely immaterial to her, but anyone who’ll listen is not exactly a cast of thousands. Ryan gives her an opening.
Aren’t famous people crazy and narcissistic?
I don’t know. Gotta ask Castle.
Her response is devastating. She’s absolutely cool and casual as she delivers it, but the boys don’t seem to notice. They certainly don’t stick around for everything she’d like to add about famous people and how unbelievably shallow they are. How fake.
There’s a morning after that and a morning after that and he could use the make-up. He at least has the decency to try to hide it the first time, except the second time reveals it’s got nothing to do with decency. It’s just a game to him
How can you tell this time?
He just wants to know how the magic trick is done, except it’s not a magic trick at all. It’s just her seeing what he is. She thinks about the make-up, the two-dimensional him, and she’s glad now that she watched the other night. She’s glad to have her sense of what’s real and what’s not recalibrated.
And then there’s Ellie Monroe, live from the Twelfth Precinct. That’s . . . harder than it should be. It’s not what she expects.
But first comes Weisberg and the box. First comes the revelation about who Ellie Monroe is, and she can’t quite stifle her smirk. She can’t quite tamp down that slithering, mean sense of triumph, but even in that moment, she’s no happier with herself than she’s been with him these last few days.
She shouldn’t care. That’s what flares up in the immediate aftermath. She doesn’t care what he gets up to with anyone, let alone the slathered, soft-focus starlets of the world. That’s the narrative she runs with when she has Ellie Monroe on the phone and the woman breathily declares that she’ll have to go through “her people” if she wants an interview.
But Ellie Monroe, in the flesh—the slightly plastic flesh—is different. She is subdued. She’s unhappy when she’s traversing the corridor from the elevator to the interview room with a uniform glued to her side. She tries to catch his eye. She raises a perfectly manicured hand, but he’s abruptly busy. He looks away, preoccupied with the file folder he picks up from her desk and he tries to read it, but she can see from here—she and Ellie Monroe can both see— that it’s upside down. There’s color on his cheeks and color on Ellie Monroe’s, dark enough to show through the make-up.
And the woman is unhappy all through the rote answers she gives: Yes, the Essex House Hotel. Yes, all night. No, he could not have left without her knowing. She’s unhappy, and as much as Kate would like to think that’s all about the fact that this woman, for once, got caught, she can see it isn’t entirely true. Even through her own practiced apathy and residual, slithering triumph, she can see it runs deeper than that. Maybe not much, but deeper.
He’s himself again. He sees the two of them emerge from the interview room. He knows the truth and he’s himself. Ellie Monroe makes her way back to the elevator, and he waves this time. She hangs her head, and when Kate quietly confirms what he already knows, he’s himself.
Someone has to give him grief, and he shoulders the burden. She’s lost her taste for it in the mean time, so that’s all well and good. Her attention is taken up with who he is and who he isn’t, why she cares and why she doesn’t.
She thinks she has it sorted out. She thinks she knows how she feels about him and make-up and the slightly plastic version that’s who he is sometimes. She thinks she’s fine with that, but she’d still like to grab a burger with the version he is most of the time.
But he turns her down. He says the word date, and what flares up in her is a mess of hurt and indignation—for herself, for him, for who he’s supposed to be. For who he is most of the time.
But it’s a date with his daughter, and his pleasure—his naked, eye-crinkling joy—pushes everything to the far reaches. He hardly stops to gloat over the fact that he’s caught her out, that she’s tipped her hand.
He hardly stops to gloat that she cares who he is. She cares who he’s not.
A/N: Oof. I am not having a good day. Hmmm.
Images via homeofthenutty
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mvrleymk · 4 years
( cis female | she/her | haley lu richardson ) —— isn’t that marlene mckinnon? yeah that is them, sitting there at the gryffindor table with those other sixth years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees rolled up sleeves of an oversized sweater, broken in combat boots, copious amounts of coffee, handwritten notes, quiet rebellion, and sneaking out to watch the sunrise. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty quick witted, naive, and patient. apparently they’re a member of ‘for the light’ and halfblood but i’m sure that’s not related. ——
i’m not perfect, but i’m grateful, and that’s just perfect, and that’s me.
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tw: abuse mention
Background info !
so growing up not only the youngest but the youngest girl in her family meant she was both babied and forced to follow her loving parents rules. basically their sibling order is two older brothers (both gryffindor probs but could be ravenclaw or hufflepuff too), an older sister (slytherin), older brother (gryffindor probably (ooo wc)), and marlene. 
marlene never felt like she was in her sibling’s shadows though, she got along really well with all of them, looking up to her younger older brother and sister like crazy, until her parents decided to kick out her sister for finally having it with the ridicule over her house. she’s definitely closest to the brother one who’s a year older than her, which might’ve been their parents intention
she always found herself outside with her brothers, making claims that she was going to be the next chaser for the heidelberg harriers when they let her tag along with their games of quidditch in the yard.
one thing she’s always done, almost to a fault, is try to please people. especially her parents. so she sort of adopted some of the traits and things her older siblings did that she noticed her parents approved of.
when her sister was sorted into a house her parents labeled as “bad” she didn’t want to think that it meant her sister was, she just ignored it and whenever she tried to defend her she was met with physical consequences from her father.  
marlene was absolutely ecstatic when she was able to go to hogwarts like the rest of her siblings and was excited to be there with two of her siblings for a little while. she still didn’t see any of the houses as inherently bad, but her parents sat her down and told her that if the house thinks about putting her in slytherin to tell it no. 
once she was sorted into gryffindor, she was easily swept up into all of it, carrying the house traits, colors, and ego with her even if she had to water it down at times, absolutely loving every moment of it, especially with her brother only a year above her.
her father absolutely hates that she even associates with anyone in the slytherin house and doesn’t hesitate showing that distaste with his daughter. 
marlene found solace in her friends from the tension at home, they were a nice distraction from how much it upset her that she could only do so much to keep her family happy and together.a lot of the time she often asks them to go spend time with her over the summer, as both a way to see them before school starts again but also a reason she can avoid her parents. 
About !
she’s always been a really easy going person and even if she wasn’t happy, wants to make other people smile and feel like someone cares about them
marlene always wants to see the good in people and give them a chance, regardless of what she’s heard about them, knowing that first impressions aren’t always the right one
really she just loves people and talking and making others laugh
she has big ambition that flip flops around all the time. she’ll just back and forth from wanting to be a professional chaser in quidditch to working with the ministry to st. mungo’s all in the span of an hour, but if you ever ask she’ll make you believe it’s what she’s deadset on
a BIG scatterbrain, but still manages to get it all together last minute
she’s generally really nice but can she pack a punch, she’s got some tricks up her sleeve behind her bright smile
she talks. a LOT. but it’s just because her mind is constantly going a mile a minute and she feels like if she were to ever stop talking and voicing her thoughts she’d get lost in them so she just speaks to keep her head clear. 
Wanted Connections !
give me literally anything, I’m here for it all. you know me, i live for angst. 
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