#the squeek squad
amooo1023 · 1 year
Could you do either a Taranza × Reader or a Daroach × Reader, not really picky about anything else I just want some fluff
I'll do both of them! I'll be happy to do this requests.
Taranza x Reader (HEADCANONS)
• Taranza was still heartbroken over Queen Sectonia. I mean, maybe seeing your crush slowly turn into a monster and then eventually betraying you even when you stayed by their side the whole time is a bit scarring.
• So him getting a friend like you was great for someone like as lonely as Taranza. In his mind at least or how he is described.
• If you'd be willing to listen, he would vent to you sometimes. Maybe about past mistakes and just in general guilt. He won't do it too often! Sometimes he just wants to get things off his chest.
• He does this weird thing where he randomly ties objects to a web. One time you saw your toaster hanging from the ceiling with a web holding it up in place after getting a visit from him. Hang outs are weird.
• Thinks the jambastion religion's greeting is ridiculous. He has gone on a rant about it to you many times. It was surreal at first until it became just uncommon. He doesn't seem like the type of person to rant is all.
• Not a picky eater, REALLY not a picky eater. Seriously, you swear you saw him eating a few rocks the other day. Then again it was only a glimpse.
• Despite his mostly gentle like appearance he's cunning and a bit of a bitch. You two were just hanging and he decided to just fuck with some weirdo because he thought it would be fun getting something out of them. Whatever item he got out of them, he gave it to you after as a gift.
• Speaking of gifts he tends to be the unique gifts type of friend or the gifter. (I dunno what they're called but the type of friend to often give you gifts yet somehow all of them are unique from the one of the other. I have that type of friend. NEVER CHANGE.) I mean let's be real over here, he stole the dimension mirror from the mirror world and gave it as a present to Sectonia. Insane weirdo I swear.
• His gifts range from simply unique, maybe something he made by hand (magic, silk etc) or straight up distinct and ancient. Yet somehow not having a single scratch in sight. Be careful with his gifts though. He might be a smarty-pants but he's not very observant.
• Kind of a party pooper. He doesn't mean to be though, he just isn't very acquainted with parties. Also because of his smarty-pants side he tends to miss out on jokes and just in general being confused by sarcasm. Questioning them and telling whoever told the joke it didn't make sense due to it not being possible.
• He's a little knowledgeable weirdo who just needs some friends. Having you will help him a lot.
Daroach x Reader (HEADCANONS)
• Unlike Taranza, Daroach isn't lonely. Instead having a gang and stealing valuable treasures from many presumably wealthy people.
• Daroach is the kind of guy to (sort of) act as if they don't care about their team only to later show care towards them. He genuinely cares for his gang or as he likes to call themselves 'The Squeek Squad'.
• He will constantly brag about how popular he was with the ladies before. Telling you that all of the gals fell head over heals for him and yada yada. You honestly stopped listening at some point. The only thing he did was brag and brag. You think he did this for an entire day if you were going to be honest.
• Sometimes his heists doesn't go too well. It doesn't happen often but when it happens. BOY, does it happen. Things got really bad one time so you had to break him and his squad out.
• Overconfident dumbass at times. He literally jumped into a pit of lava because "Some jerk bet him he couldn't jump over a heap of lava." You still don't have any idea as to how he got offended about that.
• Mischievous bastard, steals and causes conflicts almost constantly. (Also he's kind of an attention seeker.)
• Daroach has amazing social skills and is quite charismatic. You saw him talking his way out of a sticky situation flawlessly. They even seemed quite smitten by Daroach. You don't know if you should be wary or impressed.
• He gives you gifts sometimes. Usually they're stolen so it could probably get you in trouble. Luckily, this universe doesn't seem to have any laws or any restrictions at all so it doesn't really matter.
• Although Daroach might come off as someone unforgiving, he is very much the opposite! He is quick to forgive and understands most of the times. A little mouse had blown their cover while on a heist and Daroach forgave him almost immediately.
• He's usually closed off and defensive. So moments when he opens up and actually shows vulnerability are a rare sight and are meant to be treasured. He tries to look good and tough for his team which leads to him thinking that he cannot show weakness at all. Which isn't a good habit, just a reminder.
• He's overconfident and reckless, but he also has a vulnerable side. Also he's really loyal! A friend to treasure and keep indeed.
Sorry for this taking so long and it being so short! But I still hope you enjoyed it.
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go2000s · 2 months
so, just saw the result of tge usa vs mexico game and maaaann the squeek i let out....
Mexico played soo good. They 100% deserved the win.
As of the USA, i think that the 2019 squad was the team that only comes once in a century. it was a team of legends. And the upcoming USA squad is not gonna live up to that no matter what. A part of it is also the fact that the world is catching up. so cut them some slack. u cant expect the usa to win every game anymore.
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darkcloud-kcalifornia · 3 months
Now bouncing over to 100 Girlfriends vol. 4 it looks like we’ve got our first post-anime waifu, Haraga Kurumi, whose exaggerated character trait is “Hangry”. Like, really hangry. To a level that I wish I could do art or mod games, because Rentaro comparing her metabolism to Kirby’s makes me wanna see her as the protagonist of Squeek Squad. Because if there’s anybody who would tear the world apart looking for whoever stole their strawberry shortcake it’s… well it’s Kirby, but she’d at least be in the top ten of others who might do that!
On a more serious note, I think Kurumi might want to see a doctor. If she gets hungry again that soon after eating she might have some kind of actual medical condition preventing her from feeling satiated. I dunno if that can be treated, but still, worth a shot. …Also might want to see a psychiatrist about her anger issues and self-loathing, but finding a character in a comedy harem who could use a therapist is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Now on a few far sillier notes…
Probably for the best Kurumi didn’t join the Rentaro family until after the kiss zombie incident. I have the distinct impression her “kisses” would’ve involved a more traditional zombie approach.
I hate to picture what this girl is gonna be like if Rentaro ever gets her pregnant. Those odd food cravings are gonna hit HARD.
“Now would be a good time for you to get hangry.”
“That’s my secret, Rentaro. I’m always hangry.”
I swear if we ever have a chef join the harem this girl is going to give one heck of a Food Wars character impersonation. And possibly wish she’d had one of Kusuri’s diapers on afterward.
Do you think she’d help capture the vice principal for a Scooby Snack?
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grigori77 · 2 years
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 33
Sam: "I'm a cat." Everyone else (us included): "Oh dear." Sam: "I'm going to make this so hilariously uncomfortable." Everyon else (us included): "Oh sweet Jesus yes you are ..."
Bonus: that FUCKING litter tray ... bleurgh ...
Laura getting EMOTIONAL about a makeup set.
Mini plushie Pate! D'aaaaaawwwwww!
Matt LOSES IT when Laura offers him a medium Cobalt Soul vest. :3
Ooh! Ooh! Cliffhanger opening!
Wow. First roll is a 3 ... ouch.
Fight or grab Treshi? Oh no, they're splitting the party! That's NEVER good ...
FCG starts to try Spare the Dying but he doesn't know what it'll do to him. Well yeah, no shit ... you are BEYOND unstable right now, mate.
Spider Climb! Awesome! Also terrifying when Laudna does it! XD
This is like LITERALLY What's In The Box?
Oh shit the Mammoth Crawler just went BOOM and Laudna is HANGING OFF THE BOTTOM OF IT!!! GET OUTTA THERE, MARISHA!!!!!
Marisha: "Oh fuck ... stupid monkey." Ashley: "He's only seven!"
SHIT!!! Strafing run! Fearne and Ashton nearly DIE!!!
Wow, that armoury bluff was ... ridiculous. I can't believe that worked, but then it is currently CHAOS.
Oh ... it's open. Chetney: "... FUCKING BALLS!!!"
Chetney trips on a wire and falls down the stairs. Imogen tries to stop him with telekinesis and just makes it worse. Whoops.
Chetney: "Follow me!" Matt: "They're already gone." Chetney: "SHIT!!!"
Fuck ... Liam makes a good point that he was still moving and instead manages to talk himself right into 7 points of slashing damage.
Artana just SKEWERED that poor bastard with her crossbow.
Oooooh ... fuck, 76 points of psychic damage. Imogen just pulled some pure Scanners shit on Artana.
Orym's a hogtying GOD right now.
These guys came out of nowhere and now they're trying to convince Treshi to GET IN THE HOLE.
Okay, Artana won that round. Orym is no longer a hogtying god.
Natural 20 on a persuasion roll! Nice! Artana's now an ally.
Chetney gets a natural 20 on the lockpick. Travis celebrates and proceeds to knock it off. Matt's description of how it goes is EXQUISITE.
Fuck ... NATURAL 20 on an intimidation check. Chetney is TERRIFYING.
That Ruin Crawler ... yikes.
FCG fails his dex save from all the shrapnel. Oh dear ...
Fearne's just running round in circles and screaming.
Laudna full on CRAWLING over the sides of the fortress walls like one of Dracula's brides.
As FCG gets into the crawler, Sam: "Okay, so I haven't driven one of these before but I have BEEN one before ..."
FCG tries to drive the crawler and only succeeds in EJECTING HIMSELF from the cockpit.
Matt: "FCG'S just doing donuts in the sandstorm. I love it."
Ashton: "You're too old to be driving!"
Laudna, coming face yo face with Otohan: "Hello ... DARKNESS!!!" Attempts to plant the fake tracker ring on her in the weird eldritch darkness. Marisha rolls an 11. Gil doesn't QUITE fuck her.
Otohan tries to kill Laudna in the dark and SOMEHOW just keeps hitting her Mirror Images. Phew ...
Sam: "You're a cat?" Marisha, in the style of Sylvester: "I'm a cat."
Holy fuck ... is this actually gonna work?
Artana is like FULL ON SARAH CONNOR with that crossbow.
Imogen pulls a bluff on the guards with Artana ... Nat 20? Sweet! That worked like a charm.
TRAILER MOMENT!!! Smash to the title! Travis: "Suicide Squad!"
Ashton: "What was the squeek about?"
Imogen THROWS ARTANA at Ratanish! Liam: "You're betraying her already?"
Okay, now I'm confused ... is Artana still their ally or are they enemies again?
I can't believe Treshi's only been in the hole for 2 minutes or so ...
FCG casts Shield of Help Shield of Faith on the crawler. Ummm ... okay, so what does that do?
Shit. That gate is LOCKED.
Fearne uses Stonky's Ring on the gate, then Ashton rages on it. Whoa, seriously, WORMHOLE STRIKE?!! Matt: "This is some Dragonball shit!"
Scorching Ray? Really?
No! Mirthful Leap! Nice!
Ashley rolls a 5. The brace locks itself again. Fearne: "Um ... can somebody else get this?"
Stonky's Ring wins again! Nice! Let's go!
Oh shit, that's right, they can track that shit ... lose the skirmisher!
Otohan comes out of the dust like a Spaghetti Western black hat ... NOT GOOD!!!
Fuck, she just full on SAMURAI'D that crawler leg! Everybody faceplants. She is a BADASS!!!
Oh, so THAT'S what that gadget on her back does? Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna go to our break!" Nooooooo!
Hahaha ... I'd forgotten about Sam's ringtone. XD
Shit, yeah ... the party's split! Not good!
Orym's seen these before? Oh shit! It's them! Those shadow assassins!
Hungry Torrent? Whoa ... that is some CRAZY shit! Ghostbusters proton cannon? Sweet descriptive analoy, Matt!
Eshteross ... oh no! OTOHAN KNOWS!!!
She's gonna stay there and TAKE THAT lightning damage? Whoa ... Legendary Resistance? Oh shit!
Three more shadow assassins ... Matt: "And we're rolling initiative!" Marisha: "RUUUUUUNNNN!!!"
Oof ... that is a SWEET MAP!!!
Marisha and Sam roll nat 1s for initiative. Marisha: "Hot table's done!" Laura: "Remove your chips!"
Ashton is DOWN. Those echoes are LETHAL.
Fuck ... 19 to hit MISSES? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!!!
Taliesin: "Fuck, I'm gonna rage, just for the fuck of it." Travis: "You think?"
Travis: "Bonus action ... I'm gonna grab my lower jaw and I'm gonna rip my face off ..." The rest of the group: FREAKS OUT.
Blood Attack of Bloated Agony? Blood hunters, man!
Sam: "We've just gotta hold her for 48 hours until the Skyship comes."
Imogen: "Run."
On Fearne, Matt: "That's gonna be a 28 to hit." Ashley, sarcastic: "NO!!!"
Fiery Teleportation ... well THAT crapped out ...
Yay! Form of Dread! And Laudna starts walking up the wall.
Oh God ... technology just failed Taliesin badly. He finally works it out and it's just not enough. "FUCK SHIT PISS!!! That would've made everything so much easier."
Oh fuck, Orym, NO!!! Please don't die!
AND Ashton? Seriously?
Imogen's in the house. She has NO IDEA what's happening right now. All she can hear is fighting.
Fuck! FEARNE is down too!
Oh, Mister! Mister's still up! Ashley! Make him fuck her up! YES!!! Fling that flaming shit!
What the hell is Wither and Bloom? Oh! Oh yes! Marisha, definitely! Use that!
Otohan takes 8 necrotic damage, and Ashton regains 7 hit points! Nice!
Initiate Psi-Powered Leap? Matt: "Yeah, we'll get to that."
Orym or Fearne ... Sam: "Who do I care about more?" So, Fearne, then ...
Oh! Sentinel! Yes, Chetney! Smack that bitch!
Laudna's under attack and Marisha's phone fails her so she can't check any stats. Travis: "You are PANICKING!!!"
Oof ... Laudna's down ... wait ... Strength of the Grave?
Liam: "We've had fights like this, where many people have gone down, but ... not like this ..." Taliesin: "No. Wave of mutilation right now."
Ashton rages on the ground! Tries to attack the echo ... rolls a NATURAL 20!!! He DISINTEGRATES THE FUCKER!!!
Sam: "Chetney, Chetney, Chetney! What are you doing?" Travis: "I don't wanna be the only one not dead." Matt: "I respect that."
Imogen, out of the loop: "Laudna! Where are you?" Matt: "No response." Imogen starts to panic a little. Sam: "No ... don't come back here!"
Matt: "12 points of damage." Travis: "Reduced to 6 because my hide is so sexy."
Ashley: "Oh, God this is so stupid." Me: "Oh no ... Ashley, what are you gonna DO?"
Ashley can cast THROUGH MISTER because she has Enhanced Bond now! Yes! Do it! Cure Wounds on Orym through the fire monkey!
Laudna rolls a death save ... Marisha: "Delilah take the wheel ..." NATURAL 20!!! She's up again!
Okay, everybody's up again but they're all a fucking MESS right now ...
Okay, Laudna vaporises another echo while she's at ONE FUCKING HIT POINT ...
FCG attempts to Sacred Flame an echo, but it saves. Bugger.
How the fuck is Chetney still standing?
Otohan SWAPS PLACES with one of her echoes! She can do that?
Orym takes TWO auto-crits ... Matt: "Orym, please describe your final moments."
Oh fuck ... what the fuck just happened? Orym can't be dead ...
Yes Ashton, do it reckless ... FUCK!!! A miss? REALLY?!!!
Chetney dirty 20s that echo and turns it into a smear.
Oh fuck ... Fearne is down AGAIN!!! Otohan: "You carry the seed, just not as strong as others." That Ruidusborn shit again?
Imogen: "LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!!!" Dissonant Whispers!
Fearne rolls a death save ... 7?!!! Shit ...
Oh man ... so if FCG can get to Orym in the next turn or so he might be able to bring him back? Oh please make that work ...
Laudna messages Otohan ... oh wow ... she's gonna try and trade Ira and the Crown for a pass? That could work ...
They keep talking over each other and they're role-playing it as interference. XD I love that.
Fearne is about to DIE?!!! WHAT?!!! Fearne: "Boy ... that was a hell of a run." Matt: "Fearne Calloway is no more." NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Chetney goes down HARD!!! Thankfully makes his first death save and 13! Still not gone yet ...
Imogen: "I'm not losing them just to surrender to you." She flies down ... Witch Bolt at 3rd level? 21 points of lightning damage! Yes! FUCK HER UP, IMOGEN!!!
Imogen, to FCG: "You have to save them!"
This is like the fucking Emperor in Star Wars, she's trying to TURN Imogen, it looks like.
Laudna tries to Wither and Bloom on Otohan and Chetney. Otohan fails! Marisha: "And I ... fuck ... fuck ..." Laura: "Who?" Sam: "You fuck Chetney?" Marisha: "I give in and fuck Chetney."
Otohan, regarding Laudna: "Is she your favourite?" Imogen: (gasps) "I'll go with you!"
Sam has got NOTHING!!! HE CAN'T DO SHIT to her right now!
Marisha: "It's a war of attrition right now."
Otohan dashes to Laudna and it's the top of the round so it's HER TURN!!! Laudna is DOWN AGAIN!!! Two crits ... Laudna immediately takes two failed death saves!
Imogen spends a sorcery point to get a spell slott back ... but she's got nothing that can work at this range? Fuck! Oh wait ... Dissonant Whispers! Shit! Otohan uses a FUCKING legendary resistance to shake it off!
Imogen loses it ... she just LOSES IT!!! The storm goes APESHIT around them ... she wipes out half the town Nd everything goes white.
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna end tonight's episode." Everybody: "NOOOOOOOO!!!"
Fuck ... is that SERIOUSLY gonna be it? That's Orym and Fearne DEAD, Laudna's down and dying ... oh God this is all so fucked ... I CANNOT WAIT A WHOLE FUCKING WEEK TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! I just can't do it ... HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!
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papertoad-artblog · 6 years
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Twisted Paint Sisters
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imgoldielikehawn · 7 years
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Did anyone else die laughing at Jais pitch of voice in Suicide Squad when Flag Said he was caught robbing a vault 😂😂😂😂😂
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teabaaags · 2 years
rating most of king dedede’s appearances in kirby media part 1 (1992-2010)
disclaimer: this is my opinion, i would love to know everyone elses opinion too
1. kirby’s dreamland and kirby’s adventure
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I love kirby’s dreamland sprites. They are just all so perfect and small. A really good usage of the limited pixels the GB sprite team was given 8/10
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I don’t know if this is because it was a scan or what but. where are his trousers. 4/10 got that early games manual look
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yet again, dick out, ugly ass line on his shoes. his mouth??? the lack of gloves is just really obvious here + im just not a fan of the ahegao face. 2/10 i hate it.
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I know they had limited colours but he just looks so muddy. 6/10 because they’re the same as kirby’s dreamland
2. kirby’s pinball land
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YES. they are similar to kirby’s dreamland but MORE. 8/10
3. kirby’s dream course
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much better with the colours but yet again no trousers. he also looks like he’s offering kirby a syringe 4/10
4. kirby’s block ball
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same/similar sprites to pinball land but something about them feels wrong. 5/10
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judging the dedede at the top here. he looks like he’s trying his best. for the friendly smile and thumbs up he gets 6/10
5. kirby’s avalanche
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i just... i dont know how to feel about this one. he feels like hes been drawn in a different artstyle to kirby and the yellow is bad and his shading is bad. what’s with the arm placement. why is his chest yellow. 2/10
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an absolute embarassment -1/10
5. kirby’s dreamland 2
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wonderful. he looks so sleepy. 9/10
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still no trousers and weirdly detailed hands. but. there’s a certain je ne sais quoi to his face and posture. it just works. 7/10
6. kirby super star
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there’s just something lovely about these sprites that i can’t put my finger on. maybe its the :D. 8/10. points reduced for the colours
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teehee teehee 6.5/10
7. kirby’s dreamland 3
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i have a love hate relationship with kirbys dreamland 3. the sprites? exquisite. the backgrounds and stage design? hatred. looks muddled. however, i am here to rate dedede appearances, and in kd3? incredible. what a kind, soft and wonderful design. 10/10 tuck me in to bed
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they were just so absolutely correct with these that the lack of trousers doesnt even register. 10/10 i just am in love with his face.
8. kirby 64: the crystal shards
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this right here? peak. absolute peak. he didn’t need trousers. he didnt need gloves. he didnt need shit. the perfect amount of rotundness paired with a little buff, not to mention the face? exquisite. 100/10
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just when you thought it couldn’t get any better the renders show up. there are no words. 101/10
9. kirby tilt n tumble
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club penguin
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club penguin / 10
10. kirby right back at ya (i am so biased)
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i just love him in the show. his characterisation though not canon now worked so well. i would love to see a reboot where we see him go from bbeg to adoptive father funnyman. that said. 9/10 for the drawn portions of the show, 5/10 for the model. it looked like shit but it was 2001.
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i take great joy in how expressive he can be. 9/10
11. kirby nightmare in dreamland/squeek squad/amazing mirror
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a perfect middle ground. perfect balance of colour and shading. nightmare in dreamland is a wonderful remake of kirby’s adventure and i enjoyed the sprites just as much too. 8/10 he also has trousers, undershirt and gloves now.
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what a kind, polite gentleman. i want to squish him, his flesh looks really malleable. perfectly rotund. he lacks the dedede edge and for that i’ll have to minus a point, but i adore this graphic with all my heart. 9/10
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i dont like this one. bad proportions. 4/10
12. kirby air ride
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the wiki was really lacking kirby air ride model images, which is a shame because i adore this model. just angry enough to have that dedede feel. excellent eye placement (you’ll see what i mean with later models). overall good design. I do feel like the colours are a little dull, but honestly a really nice job 8/10
13. kirby canvas curse
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go girl give us nothing. reminds me of shitty flash animation. 4/10
14. kirby super star ultra aka one of the best kirby games
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MAGNIFIQUE. all the visuals in kirby super star ultra were on point. my absolute favourite of the 2000s kirby games 10/10
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does anyone remember the cutscenes. i love the cutscenes.
15. kirby’s epic yarn
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i feel like this might be controversial, and i hate saying it because epic yarn is one of my absolute favourite kirby games, but i just dont like his design that much. 5/10
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HOWEVER. this is excellent 20/10
HI IF YOU READ THIS FAR! you deserve a potat- *gets shot and died*
please give me your dedede design opinions, i just love talking about blorbo from my games
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Time Is Tickling
Request from @duckymcdoorknob
Fandom: Hamilton
Prompt: Laughing in French
Hope you enjoy!
Lafayette loved to wreck people.
He was a natural at tickling, his favourite victims being Hamilton and Herc. Every time Hamilton said something that could be interpreted as ‘dumb’  or ‘grumpy’, Laf turned to the magic of his fingers to make him withdraw his statement. Most of the time, Lafayette wouldn’t even have to touch Hamilton, as his smirk and threatening wiggling fingers were enough to get Hamilton giggling sheepishly and surrendering. It wasn’t as easy with his boyfriend Herc, as he wasn’t as squirmishly ticklish, but a well aimed poke to his belly meant the end for him. 
And you may be wondering where he got these ler skills from. After all, he was an immigrant, gay revolutionary who spoke English as his second language, you would think he had more important things to worry about. 
Well, his fingers were a big part of it. They were long and skinny and were capable of both light traces and firm touches. But that wasn’t all. 
Another big part of it was an experience that took place in his earliest days with the Hamilsquad. This was back when he wasn’t yet the best at English. He could speak fluently, but still messed up on quite a few words, anarchy being one of them. On that particular day, he was tired and wanted to leave the bar, but a very drunk Hamilton wanted to stay back. 
“Come on”, he’d urged, “Time is tickling”.
The other three men looked at him in confusion, before they burst into laughter. Lafayette, confused, asked them what they were laughing about.
“Ticking”, Laurens said, “The word is ticking”.
Lafayette shrugged, “That's what I said, tickling”.
The group erupted into laughter again, and Lafayette also noticed that in addition to the three men laughing, Hamilton had a strong red coat of blush going from his cheekbones to his neck. 
“Come on guys, what's so funny?”
“You have the wrong word”, Alexander squeeked.
“Wrong word? What wrong word?”.
Hamilton chuckled, “Lafayette, there is a difference between ticking and tick-”
Suddenly, Hamilton stopped speaking. He looked down to the floor, his blush going darker. 
Laurens chuckled, “Oh come on man! Don’t tell me you can’t say tickle!”
And that was when it hit Laf: tickling and ticking. 
“Ohhh”, he said, “Yeah guys, you were right. I meant to say, ‘Time is ticking’“.
But the other men weren’t focused on him now. Instead, they were cooing at Alexander.
“Wow, you can’t even say the word?”
“Shut Up”.
“I’ll make you shut up!”.
That was when Laurens tackled Hamilton over and started wrecking him. It was a gorgeous sight to Laf; two men, laughing together, rolling around, play fighting. It than occurred to Lafayette that he hadn’t seen anybody be wrecked since he was a young child. At that moment, Lafayette took an immediate interest in tickling. After weeks and weeks of watching and observing Hamilton being wrecked by Laurens, he gathered all of the knowledge he needed to be a good ler himself. When he first started joining in with the tickling, it was quite a surprise, but the group got used to it and, after weeks of witnessing his tickling skills, crowned Lafayette the Squad Tickle Monster. That was around the time he started dating Herc. 
And now they were here, at The Place To Be bar, and Lafayette was wrecking Hamilton. 
“Nohohoho stohohohop!”
“Stop? Stop what?”
Hamilton practically screamed, his laughter bucking up as Lafayette dug into his hip bones. 
“Okay”, Laurens said, intervening, “Thats enough. I’d rather have a living boyfriend than a dead one”. 
Lafayette chuckled, “Fine, but that remark was pathetic”.
Hercules kissed Laf’s cheek, “I know your my boyfriend Laffy, but sometimes I think you can be a little too mean to my friends”.
“Pffft, mean? Hamilton was practically asking for it, we all know how much he loooves being tickled”.
Hamilton winced softly. Laurens wrapped an arm around his boyf. “Relax Hamilton, I’ll protect you from this evil man”, he said, gesturing to Lafayette.
“You think you have it bad, I’m his boyfriend. I’m not even that ticklish, and yet he still manages to tear me to pieces every morning!”, Herc stated.
Lafayette laughed cockily, “Well, what are you gonna do about it huh?”
The men pondered this for a moment. They all knew that Laf wasn’t ticklish, unless....
“Lafayette, have you got any secret tickle spots we haven’t tried?”, Laurens asked inocently.
“Well”, Herc said, “Iv’e gone for all of the commonly ticklish places: The feet, the armpits, the belly, the neck”.
“Have you tried his knees?”, Hamilton asked. Lafayette snickered, he knew that that was one of Alex’s worst spots.
Laurens turned to Herc, “Based on that reaction, I don’t think he’s ticklish there”.
“Hold up a second”, Herc said, before gently nudging Laf to the floor and sitting on his stomach, pinning him, “I wanna try this”.
Herc started gently squeezing Lafayette’s knees. 
And that was when he felt it.
An electric current, traveling from his knees to his whole body, urging his mouth to let out a shriek of laughter. It couldn’t be....was he actually ticklish?
He barked out a laugh, not being able to say anything. He hadn’t felt this feeling since he was little, he’s almost forgotten how bubbly yet unbearable it was.
Hercules’ eyes widened, stopping the squeeze, “No way! Could it be, my evil tickle monster boyfriend is ticklish?”
Lafayette could hardly believe it himself. He suddenly regretted all his cockiness and sassiness from earlier. He looked around the room to see that everyone was smirking cheekily. Uh-oh. 
“Well, well, well”, Alexander said, crouching down beside Herc, “It’s about time you got a taste of your own medicine!”.
At that moment, he felt two sets of hands squeezing a and tickling his upper legs and knees. He couldn’t help but collapse into loud, hearty laughter. 
“Boy, looks like the tables have turned on you Gilly!”, Hamilton remarked, drilling his thumbs into his hips, mimicking Laf’s actions from earlier. This caused the man to double over in laughter, squirming harder and cackling louder.
“What is it little Laf? Can you not take what you dish out?”.
Since when was Hamilton such a tease!
Laurens walked over to the other three, whipping out his phone and taking pictures.
“No!”, Lafayette cried, squealing as Herc got a perfectly aimed poke to his thigh, “Do not post those!”. 
“Sorry”, Laurens said, “It’s already on the group chat. Breaking news: the worlds greatest tickler is ticklish himself!”. 
This caused the three men to laugh, giving them less energy to precisely aim the tickles, causing them to stop. 
Lafayette panted, though Herc didn’t move a muscle. 
The three men looked down at him evilly once again. Hercules leaned down and kissed his cheek, “Your adorable baby”.
This made Laf blush. 
“Who wouldv’e known!”, Laurens remarked, “He even laughs in French!”
The three men laughed. Lafayette rolled his eyes, “Shut up”.
“Okay”, Herc said, closing his mouth and letting his fingers talk instead.
“There it is, that sweet French laughter”, Hercules teased.
Now, you would think that after this event Lafayette would resign his role as the group tickle monster. However, nothing could be further from the truth. He continued tickling, despite the fact that he got tickled back every time. 
It was obvious: Lafayette enjoyed the receiving end of tickling as much as he enjoyed the giving end. 
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lie-er-cookie · 3 years
First post on this blog and its a HC thing.
Poision mushroom:
The mushroom hat isnt a hat. Its a giant mushroom protecting hundreds of smaller shrooms that are all growing out of the kid's brain.
PM is blind from the shrooms getting into their eyes.
The brain shrooms are why PM is A: high 24/7 and B: constantly trying to get ppl to consume their mushrooms/spores
Glowstick(my oc/cookiesona) is immune cuz he doesnt need to eat or breathe.
PM saw GS and went "big bro"! Cuz they are both p much zombies.
PM sneezes spores if you squeeze them(they also squeek like a squeeky toy)
They sometimes say really specific and creepy sht at random.
Their face doesnt change... at all.
The closest to changing expressions is small angry eyebrows appearing when that kid gets cranky.
They rairly blink. Those eyes are dry af.
They dont have pupils!
GS kidnaps PM on a regulaar basis. The evil squad cant stop him.
If you try to cut off any of the shrooms on PM's head, they'll grow back within a few minuits.
If you want to remove the shrooms outright, you are going to take the brain (and probably the eyes) with it.
Basically dont pull on the shrooms.
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sleepybutwriting · 4 years
I didn't have the best relationship with my dad which resulted in me making myself grow up fast. So I really didn't experience things that many kids did. But could you do the dads reaction to YPH being like extremely ticklish. I could see Hawks using it against them 100%. I oddly enough think the others would to. Like maybe when they get too serious they have to tickle them to remind them that they are still just a kid?
Ugh I felt this. Older siblings that grew up in a toxic household that forced them to raise there sibling(s) as well as themselves, barely giving them anytime to be a fucking kid but now being a mom is kinda your thing gang where ya at ?😓✌️ My heart goes out to all of you out there who grew up in a toxic house or just a house filled with abuse in general. No one deserves that, but you’re apart of my family now. Make yourself at home. I love you all 💕 ...and I know for a fact some of you need this, so because you deserve to have it said to you. I’m proud of you! You’re doing so fucking great.
Okay, rant done. Sorry, you guys come into my inbox talking about your tough childhoods and I try to stop myself from parenting you and lecturing on how you deserve better (even though you do) because I don’t want to annoy you but I stand by what I said.
Tickling you would be their last resort. Only when they see you stressed to the max, refusing to give yourself a break because...
“This is my responsibility. I need to get it done.”
“Well you’re our responsibility kiddo, and we need to make sure you take care of yourself.”
It’ll end up being Hawks that starts the trend. You’ll be ignoring him when hes trying to get you to take a break from all your paperwork, so to grab your attention he pokes your side a little. He expected a glare, not for you jerk and squeek. It catches him off guard because he never knew you were ticklish, but now that he does... you’re in for it. He’ll pass the message along to the rest of the dad squad, so whenever they see you overworking yourself, they’ll tickle you until you agree to take a break. When you do cave they’ll take you out for ice cream or just somewhere fun. And whenever they see you starting to get antsy, like you want to go back home, they’ll just remind you that you need to take breaks every now and again. And its important for your mental health. Your health and well being is always their top priority.
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implexis · 3 years
Jan 21  Air France and British Airways begin commercial flights with the supersonic Concorde aircraft.
Feb 26  Spain's mandate over Western Sahara ends. It hands administrative power there to Morocco. An independence movement in Western Sahara is ignored despite a decision by the International Court of Justice upholding the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination. The independence movement in Western Sahara is leftist and supported by an anti-Western bloc: Algeria, Chad, Libya, Mauritania. Spain and Morocco are allied with the US, and the US is supporting King Hassan II of Morocco.
Mar 9  At Cavalese in Italy a steel cable breaks, sending 42 people in cable cars plunging 200 meters (700 feet) to their death.
Mar 15  Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is upset that Cuba's Fidel Castro has the nerve to send troops to Angola to help the government there against insurgents supported covertly by the Ford administration and South Africa's apartheid regime. In the Oval Office he complains about the Cubans to the president and calls Castro a "pip-squeek."
Mar 20  In the US, Patty Hearst is found guilty of armed robbery.
Mar 24 Kissinger meets with a national security team and expresses his fear of falling dominos "If the Cubans destroy Rhodesia then Namibia is next and then there is South Africa." He adds that o permit the "Cubans as the shock troops of the revolution" in Africa is unacceptable and could cause racial tensions in the "Caribbean with the Cubans appealing to disaffected minorities and could then spillover into South America and even into our own country." Kissenger expresses fear of an appearance of US weakness and discussing military options against Cuba. He says, "There should be no halfway measures. We get no reward for using military power in moderation."
Mar 24  In Argentina, the military overthrows Isabella Peron, whose authoritarian rule was considered unpopular and ineffectual. Anti-Communist death squad activities during Isabella's regime, supported by her leading minister, José Lopez Rega, will continue under the new junta's leader, General Jorge Videla.
Mar 31  Karen Ann Quinlan has been kept alive by a ventilator for several months without improvement. Her parents have requested that the hospital allow her to die. The hospital has refused. The New Jersey Supreme Court sides with the parents.
Apr 1  Steve Jobs and Steve Woznik form Apple Computer Company. Big innovations are coming from small startup companies rather than IBM, Xerox and others. Big companies have their own bureaucracies and in-the-box thinking. The bigger companies will be advancing their technical capabilities by buying up young start-up companies.
Apr 4  In Cambodia, now called Democratic Kampuchea, the Khmer Rouge regime deposes Prince Norodom Sihanouk as head of state and places him under house arrest. Five of his 14 children are to die as victims of Khmer Rouge rule. The Khmer Rouge is attempting to create a classless society by forcing the urban population into agricultural communes. It is executing intellectuals, seeing them as a threat to their new order.
Apr 16  In India, to curb population growth, the minimum age for marriage is raised to 21 years for men and 18 years for women.
Jun 1  Britain and Iceland end their Cod War with a compromise, an agreement allowing a maximum of 24 British fishing boats within 200 miles of Iceland.
Jun 16  In South Africa's black township of Soweto, students protest against a government decree that Afrikaans be the language of instruction in schools. Police move against the demonstrators. The police shoot and kill a twelve-year-old student, Hector Pieterson, who is to be memorialized.
Jun 27  Palestinians hijack an Air France plane in Greece and land it in Entebbe, Uganda. More than 100 of the 246 passengers are Israelis.
Jul 2   Idi Amin of Uganda asks U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to appeal to Israel and four other countries to comply with the demands of the hijackers for the release of 53 prisoners from jails.
Jul 4   Israeli commandos free 103 hostages being held by Palestinian hijackers of an Air France plane at Uganda's Entebbe Airport. Several Ugandan soldiers are killed. The Israeli commander, Colonel Yoni Netanyahu, is killed.
Jul 6  The US Naval Academy inducts its first class with women.
Jul 12   A newly unified Vietnam moves to normalize relations with its Southeast Asia neighbors. It establishes diplomatic ties with the Philippines and has plans to meet a delegation from Thailand.
Jul 15  Democrats have nominated Jimmy Carter as their candidate for US President. In his acceptance speech, Carter declares his intention to lead the Democrats "back to victory and our nation back to greatness."
Jul 17  East Timor is declared the 27th province of Indonesia, while the people there prefer independence.
Jul 20  The US completes the withdrawal of air force bases from Thailand, paving the way for normalization of relations between Thailand and Vietnam.
Aug 1  The Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago becomes a republic, replacing Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom as head of state with an elected president.
Aug 4   The first recognized outbreak of Legionnaires' disease kills 29 at the American Legion convention in Philadelphia. The disease is a mystery.
Aug 6  Thailand and Vietnam re-establish diplomatic relations.
Aug 11  In the US, the Republican Party platform subcommittee votes not to endorse the equal rights amendment for women. First Lady Betty Ford is appalled.
Aug 16  At the Republican National Convention, those backing the nomination of Ronald Reagan for president, especially members of the Texas delegation, are faulting the Ford Administration for détente with the Soviet Union, are critical of Ford for having signed the Helsinki Accords, and fault Ford for the fall of Saigon.
Aug 18  North Koreans shoot and kill two US soldiers in Korea's Demilitarized Zone. The two soldiers were chopping down part of a tree that was restricting their view.
Aug 19  President Ford wins the Republic Party's nomination for president.
Sep 9  Chairman Mao Zedong, 82, dies.
Sep 24  Patricia Hearst is sentenced to 7 years in prison for her role in a 1974 bank robbery.
Oct 6  The period of mourning the death of Chairman Mao is at an end. The politburo of China's Communist Party moves against Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, and other leaders of the Cultural Revolution, the so-called Gang of Four. They are arrested and accused of conspiring to seize state power.
Oct 6  Thailand's middle class is annoyed by leftist politics, and rightists have been associating student activists with communism. Students demonstrate against the return from exile by the former dictator, Thanom, who had been driven from power in 1973. The military assaults the demonstration. More than 1,700 are arrested and 30 or more students are killed and many others injured.
Oct 16  Thailand's military junta has begun a nationwide roundup of leftist writers, professors and students. Some are running to join the Communist Party's insurgent forces operating from bases in Laos.
Nov 2  Jimmy Carter defeats incumbent Gerald Ford, becoming the first candidate from the Deep South to win the presidency since the Civil War.
Dec 1  Angola, independent since November 11, 1975, joins the United Nations.
Dec 15  Samoa, independent since 1962, joins the United Nations.
to 1975 | to 1977
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utimagines · 7 years
The UT skelebros, Undyne, and Alphys react to a trail of ducklings following them around, thinking the character is their mother + uf alphys if you want to
Once I had a giant horde of ducks chase me for food. It was scary :0
He can’t blame them. After all, you do give off quite the mother-hen vibe. Perhaps they’re feeling a bit peckish and want some food? But nah, he has to admit it’s a pretty cute sight. But there is one thing that’s bugging him: where’s the real mom? Seriously, they’ll starve without her.
Oh, wow! The surface sure has some strange creatures! Why, just last week he thought he saw a fellow Snowdin monster but it was just a strange ‘rabbit’, and he- wait, where are you going?! Don’t run away!
He starts to unintentionally join the ‘Squeek Squad’ as he calls it until they find their way back to their mother by a lake. Papyrus is very tempted to join them.
Oh, hell yeah! They know what’s up! She joins the herd immediately, more than excited to be part of the fun. They’re like your own little royal guard, with Undyne as the leader, of course. Besides, who wouldn’t want to be around you? You’re great!
Oh my God, she has to record this! If you give her permission, she might upload it to the undernet (or the ‘internet’ as the humans call it). But what if it goes viral? The though is equally exciting and terrifying…
But maybe she can take one home? Yeah, it’s horrible but so tempting… Wait, what is she saying?! Forget that! Aaah!
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estrogenpatchnotes · 6 years
do you have a favorite kirby game? my favorite is either squeak squad, or the amazing mirror
Squeek squad is up there! Honestly I still really like Superstar it’s just SO good it’s a LUDICROUSLY amazing game as a package
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stripesquadsideblog · 6 years
Meeting shizuma headcanons
For that lovely polite nonnie <3
Shizuma found hassaku scurrying around in the dark of his villain lair hideout . hassaku was arguing with his family and gone out for a walk in monsoon season. He had ducked into the building to get out of the rain. Shizuma found him nearly asleep on one of the gantries. Startled and spoiling for a fight hassaku attacked shizuma but he was no match for him.  Shizuma can smell emotional vulnerability a mile away, like blood in the water .hassaku is in marvel at how easily this man knocked his ass to the ground and now? Listening to him is like savlon of the soul. When shizuma asks him to join him hassaku jumps at the chance .
Buntan and shizuma met at the academy but not the way you’d think. They were in the same year but not the same class. They would occasionally make goo-goo eyes at one another across the canteen , buntans friends telling her to ask him out, but it never went any further than that. They didn’t have any real interaction until the chunin exams.
The year they graduated the exam took place in suna; all the kiri kids are water babes and as such they were suffering in suna’s dry heat. Buntan and Shizuma were paired up at random by their tutor for a quick sparing match early in the morning before it became too hot for them all. Buntan was taking her training seriously but shizuma was just playing around. As far as he was concerned the exam was beneath him. Buntan called him arrogant , until he told her it was beneath someone of  her skill too; buntan was struck dumb. Shizuma took advantage of the situation to win the match but honestly she couldn’t bring herself to bear much of a grudge .
Especially not after he invited her out for dinner to make up for it. They got to talking and realised how much they had in common ( regarding the blood mist anyway)
Theyve been pretty inseparably since.
Shizuma went looking for Ichirota.  Hes a year or two his senior so i doubt they were in the same class. He might have seen shizuma around the academy but its been implied that shizuma was a poor student so i doubt they associated much . mr Ichirota “perfect grade” oniyuzu does not affiliate with second class low achieving scum. Especially not a low chaste member of kiri like a hoshigaki.
Ichirota is terminally bored of life. Hes looking for anything to make things interesting for him . no one is more surprised than Ichirota when shizuma slides into his life with his ideas of revolution.. it doesn’t take long for Ichirota to become completely devoted to the idea and by affiliation, shizuma.
Hebiichigo was out of the academy for over a year before she met shizuma. They were both on penance for botched missions at the time: doing menial labor around kiri . hebii is tiny. Labor is not for her, she tried to tell the powers that be that she couldn’t do something like that but no one listened. Bitter and grumpy everyone else on penance avoided her for fear of stabbing. nobody noticed hebiichigo get knocked over and stuck under a pile of logs . shizuma herd her swearing and squeeking by accident and simply came over to investigate out of curiosity. He eventually got her out, after about 20 minutes of laughing and even offered to help  her finish her work as a reward for giving him a good laugh.
He then discovered that hebiichigo has a damn good right hook. He recruited her because she is mean as all hell and always ready to fight. if youre going to war you need an angry goblin like hebiichigo
No one knows where shizuma found kyoho. He speaks so little the only reason everyone in the stripe squad knows his name is even kyoho is because he has it on the door of his room.
The prevailing theory is that kyoho used to participate in a lot of underground illegal sparing matches in and around kiri. They’re pretty popular since fighting to the death is discouraged now  thanks chojuro . they think shizuma must have gone to watch or participate and found kyoho down there like some sort of kiri god of war. Impressed by his bloodlust and sheer strength there was no way shizuma was going to leave someone of his skill alone. He just sort of showed up one day with a suitcase ( no one knows what was in it) and moved in to their hideout. Shizuma just acted like it was totally normal and everyone was too freaked out by this behemoth of a man showing up on their doorstep to ask.
Shizuma only took the position of senpai at the academy teaching all those little snotty brats how not to use a sword  because his parents told him it would be good for him ( or rather they said do it or suffer our wrath)  Shizuma was just a bored instructor half heartedly supervising until he saw kagura. He’d heard the rumours ; that Yaguras grandson was in the academy, but he didn’t believe it until he saw kagura for himself. Ever since then kept an uncomfortably close eye on kagura waiting for the chance to  get closer to him.
Kagura being the little cinnamon roll he is never noticed shizuma trying to monopolise his time, never realised that shizuma was the one spreading rumours about kaguras viciousness around the academy in an attempt to drive him to shizumas side. Not until it was too late anyway
Tsurushi Hachiya
Tsurushi fell in with shizuma totally by accident and got too deep in way to fast. The light closed above him and now he was sort of stuck with a crazed murderer. He knew from the start that this new group of friends was bad news but he didn’t care. He had a group of “friends” who listened to him, who looked up to him. Shizuma saw he had a large following of blind fools who just wanted to cause trouble
Their first meeting was cool enough. Shizuma took him and a load of others out to dinner , flaunting his power by getting them a private table in the back room. Tsurushi felt like a kid at the adults table but he didn’t care because this was just so cool!.
Things  were going swimmingly...untill shizuma reviled he knew several of his minions had betrayed him. Their food poisoned they were dead within minutes leaving the rest him stairing in abject horror while the rest of the table looked on in apathy.
Shizuma could only smile at his reactions.”how cute” he had said. Tsurushi wasn’t used to death, especially not when it had fallen on his lap before the hors d'oeuvres.  It didn’t occur to Tsurushi until much later that this wasn’t just an efficient way to get rid of his enemies; it was a warning to him and him specifically. “ this is what happens when you mess with me.”
Tsurushi will forever be grateful to boruto and sarada for getting him out of that situation and putting shizuma away.
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kazenokuri · 7 years
Expedition to Sol2487-3 Pt. 2
The first encounter with life on Sol2487-3 - we called it “weeny wacky mudpot”, at least for the time being - would proof itself as one of the most gruesome experiences of my life. We enterd the “field”, as Dr. Proaxl named it, but in fact it was a jungle. The stems of that cultivated grass reached far into the sky, almost as far as anyone could see. The soil underneath was brown, crumbling, muddy, and smelled like a space corps’ field latrine in Pjörecian summer. Our expedition platoon consisted of in total four security squads members, including Loxxar Kraes, respectively two members of both medical and scientific squad, on top of that Dr. Proaxl, my first mate Xato Nexgrra and myself. Eleven trained and experienced ambassadors of the Intergalactic Federation of Peace in Space, half of our ship’s crew. The other half stood behind and secured the ship. As we ranged the woods, suddenly a creature stepped out of the shadows. Our first encounter! Following the protocoll, we stayed alerted, but calm and peacefully. The creature was about our size, quite round and, well, fluffy. Its skin looked like it was covered of billions of the Grdklean Firewrappers poisonous prickles - hopefully it wasn’t as toxic as them. But our protective gear should grant our safety. The creature approached us on all four of its limbs, and began to collect grains that were scatterd around the ground and nibbled peacefully on them while it peered at us. Its eyes were dark and round and full of... nothingness. Did it even see us? Did it even comprehend the fact that it had encountered life from outer space? This one clearly couldn’t be one of this planet’s sentinent races. I at least couldn’t remember of any sentinent race that used the same limbs for running as for eating. And this empty glance, uninvolved to anything on this planet and propably the entire universe and... for Xaleates’ sake, just how many of that grains could this thing fit in its cheeks?! “Look how it’s stuffing itself” smirked Loxxar Kraes, “those grains must be quite delicious. Maybe we should take some, to...” As soon as he reached for one of the grains, the gates of Xyrrhos hells opened. The creature, just a second before dispassionate as a rock, jumped at him like a rabid Rjurcean Brooax. Fangs as long as my head burrowed into Loxxar Kraes’ breastplate. Fortunately it was designed for and tested in outer space, so there was no way it... it just broke. That beast just bit through one of the toughest armors the IFPS could provide. Loxxar Kraes screamed in pain, but was soldier enough to take his gun and shoot the damn monster in the face. I nearly had forgotten my position, as I pulled my gun and screamed on top of my breathing diaphragms “Fire! Fire! With all you’ve got!” Beams of blazing hot plasma and bolts of concentrated electric energy whooshed through the air and hit the creature hard. It squeeked in such a high pitched tone and absurd enormous volume, that three of our team’s members - one security and both of the scientists - fainted immediately. But thank Xaleates the beast fled, leaving a scent behind that was even worse than the latrine soil we stood in. “Status?” “He is alive” answered Dr. Proaxl, “at least for now. If we returned to our ship, we could stabilize and propably save him, unless...” “Unless?” I asked nervously. “Unless those spineless worms that prefer crouching through the mud rather than helping in medical care of a wounded comrade can’t pull themselfes up again!” she vituperated against the collapsed crew, especially her own squad members. The scolded ones flinched concerned, regardless the circumstance that Dr. Proaxl was the only one around who as a matter of fact had not a spine. “Ok everyone” I commanded, “return to the ship! Weapons at the ready and all organs of perception at work!”
We retreated as fast as Loxxar Kraes’ condition allowed. But as we reached the edge of the street, the next monster awaited us. Right on top of our ship sat - IT FRICKIN’ SAT! ON MY SHIP! - a monstrousity unheard of. Not even the scariest tales of my homeworld’s pitchblack mythology would have prepared me for this nightmare. A creature, covered in dozens of long spikes, each of them encircled with black filaments, like leafs of a tree. And its size. It was as tall as half of my crew stacked over each other. Its two limbs each branched into four roots, three in front and one in the back, wrapped around the ships hull and left screaching deep scratches, for the giant claw at the end of each root, that would have put the ceremonial weaponry of the IFPS’ guards of honour at blank shame. Its head alone was formed like an ancient weapon, a gigantic spear, meant to impale one’s body at whole. And its eye. It was gigantic, wide opened, deep as the wide darkness of space itself, but nothing compared to that earlier one’s eyes. This here seemed terrific intelligent. It fixated us with its cold, taxing glance. Suddenly, from one second to the other, the giant turned its head and showed us another eye, identic to the other one. It even bent its neck and stared down to us. It was horrific intimidating. Through the windows of the ship I could see the rest of my crew, shuddering of fear. Then the beast unbended two additional limbs one couldn’t have expected, it stretched those extremities as if it wanted to cover the sun and bring neverending darkness upon us. We could feel how the ground was shaking and from afar rumbling thunder approached to us. This was an incarnation of Xyrrhos himself and he was about to bring us doom. Then with a clash of its gigantic black limbs it jumped - No! It pressed the air beneth it! - it flew! It genuinly flew! Without any recognizable device, it flew! Away. “What at my progenitor’s lappets was that?!” whispered Xato Nexgrra. Then, the doom struck.
A mountain, taller than you could see, faster as you could think, with deafening uproar scorched through, black and silver linings hasted through my sights, a screaching noise of ripping metal echoed in my ears. Blazing storms dragged me along, hundreds of steps away from the point I stood before. When I could pull myself up again, the unimaginable had happened. My ship was gone. Obliterated. Pulverised. Half of my crew, shreds in the blasting winds. Exterminated by a might incomprehensable to my thoughts.
“This isn’t weeny wacky mudpot any longer. This is... Devil’s Playground.”
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I miss copy ability mixing in kirby games
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