#the sorceress and the trickster
apocalypticapotheosis · 4 months
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Well he sits down with a grin, "Why little Alice, where've you been? Not so little, not so Alice, now, are you?" As he sips my untouched drink, I say "I can't be who I think!" He says, "You are, and you're not, and I am too; Are we figments of our gin? Are we long-lost orphaned kin? Or the mad descendants of a writer's pen? No one's sane behind their mask. Ask what you really want to ask." And I close my eyes and whisper, "Can you take me back again?"
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fiefgoldenlake · 7 months
If you liked Tortall, then...
Thought it might be fun to come up with a rec list that corresponded with elements of Tammy's books (sometimes extremely tenuously). Tortall is up first! All titles link to the Storygraph page for the book, for a synopsis and any warnings.
Song of the Lioness:
A girl impersonates her brother and lives as a boy (She Who Became the Sun)
A gender non-conforming fighter (What Moves the Dead)
A knight and a quest (Godkiller)
Warriors and mages serve the crown (Mystic and Rider)
The Immortals:
Sorceress lives amongst animals (The Forgotten Beasts of Eld)
Horse girl (The Bear and the Nightingale)
Revenge served hot (Iron Widow)
Here be dragons (The Priory of the Orange Tree)
Protector of the Small:
A fight for the right to knight-training (The Story of Silence)
Studies and buddies... and prejudices (Legendborn)
Japanese-inspired elements (Shadow of the Fox)
Lady Knight (Gwen & Art Are Not In Love)
Crows (Black Sun)
The brink of rebellion (The Unbroken)
Provost's Dog:
A gang of rogues (Six of Crows)
A loveable thief and an upholder of the law (Little Thieves)
A cheeky cat makes his opinions known (The Aeronaut's Windlass)
Tempests & Slaughter:
How to train your mage (A Deadly Education)
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dalia1784-art · 2 months
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NEW OC!!! Say hello to April Lefou, the immortal trickster sorceress!!!
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thelensart · 8 months
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Hello, Aceweek!!
Basically all of my characters could be read as ace in some kind of way, but let’s focus on one of them.
This big, tall pine tree right here is Uxue. She’s a solitary shepherdess who, in her story, fights against a curse laid upon her by her own mother, an overprotective and stubborn sorceress who, with the best intentions, cripples her ability to make a name for herself.
I always thought of Uxue is canonically autistic, and most of her personality traits, body movements, mood, and way of directing herself regarding the world, is based off my own experience as a very socially retracted autistic trans woman, reason why I gave her such an unusual look, although I never thought of her as a transgender. She’s not very talkative, certainly isn’t social at all, instead preferring to work her days away in the hills with her sheep, from place to place, but always in the familiarity of the wilderness. Her best skill, or “special interest”, one might say, is gunslinging. She’s quite a good shot and revolver-trickster, although the curse laid on her doesn’t quite let her reach her full potential. This in particular is a parallelism, through fantasy magic, to the way many of us in the spectrum feel about our special interests, unavailable to develop them under the crushing weight of a system that demands productivity out of us.
As for her asexuality, the bread and butter of this post, from the moment I began to sketch her first drafts, I wrote her as asexual on a gray area, which correlates with her autism, just like in my very own experience. Her general reclusiveness, the harshness she feels on interaction with another people, does cause her a certain yearning to be loved by someone quite close, and that someone is a shepherdess from a land afar, called Marcela. She visits her from time to time, to spend some lovely days out shepherding together. I never thought of them as girlfriends, nor as close friends, because I never felt like labeling these two would be half interesting. While I never actually made it canonical, both of them can be read as aromantic. My own experience with aromanticism, discovering I was on that spectrum, that romantic love was a world I didn’t quite understand but I was capable of loving someone back very dearly, influenced that ambiguous subtlety between the two quite a lot. Regarding explicit sex, while Marcela certainly isn’t asexual, and in fact, is quite promiscuous, she understands Uxue’s needs due to her good socialization skills, and such needs are to stay away from conventional sex. Uxue, much like me, doesn’t generally like being touched, yet she loves physical contact with someone she trusts a lot, and feels comfortable engaging in soft displays of affection and vulnerability. Much like a lot of us autistic folks around, Uxue has a hard time displaying affection in standard ways, but I intentionally wanted to write her as a woman of many faces. She might be solitary and sometimes uncaring, but she is terminally, tragically sweet, even though one might have to peel off a lot of layers before seeing that side of her. This is something I wrote for her after yours truly met the person who did tear down my own barriers. Here are these two on my sketchbook:
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But what’s these strange names and strange clothes Uxue is rocking around? As an end note, if I may, I’ll nerd out about the place she’s from. In this universe, a vague post-apocalyptic fantasy, the factions’ culture, dressing customs, and bestiary, are based off very loose interpretations of Iberian pre-roman folklore and more recent, regional folklores. Uxue belongs to a tribe which is vaguely based off the valley of Roncal, in Navarra. Here are some very loose sketches of her general Basque-inspired vibes.
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Her name, in Basque, means “dove”. One must point out that Navarra and the Basque country, while sharing a language, have different cultural customs and identities. Although, in the story, Uxue’s faction, especially regarding the bestiary, is an amalgamation of both. Uxue is a good gunslinger because her tribe has a tradition of solving the problem of menacing creatures, all pulled from Basque-Navarrese folktales, by prioritizing speed and aim. This was an idea that came to me after investigating the area to make the factions. Near Roncal, there’s the royal arms factory of Orbaizeta, one of the most important weapon manufactories of Spain during the late 18th to late 19th centuries. Today, it’s abandoned and overgrown. That and a general knowledge among the Spanish that Basques have a tradition of steelworking, gave me the idea of a post-apocalyptic culture famous for the quality of their guns and the skill of the wielders.
And that's all, folks!
Don't get spooked!~
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sealrock · 6 months
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the result of researching stories about japanese mythology, fox-wives, and binge-watching inuyasha for the 99th time in a row:
takami and tomoko, twin auspices who take on humanoid forms. my lore on them is very bare bones and subject to change but here's what I got thus far:
'takami' and 'tomoko' are just aliases. they're true names are 'raikou' and 'futen', they are the twin lords of chaos and the scourge of the east
while they appear human, the twins have pointed ears and 'birthmarks' along their faces
despite their appearances, takami is known to be a dense, wisecracking trickster who eats his weight in his favorite foods. tomoko is the mature one of the two; if takami gets too brash or if he intentionally annoys her, she'll yank at his hair to shut him up. despite her no-nonsense attitude, tomoko has a love of fashion and theater
they hail from the eastern region of koshu and are said to have been born near daitenzan mountain nearly two thousand years prior
their original forms were of raccoon dogs born with silver and black fur. because of their unique coloring, various lords and poachers of the region wished to hunt them for their body parts as they believed they would bring them good fortune. the will to survive allowed them to live beyond their natural lifespans and gain sentience and immense spiritual power
they can take on the forms of silver raccoon dogs at will to hide out or escape trouble. while under the effects of aramitama, they can transform into terrifying creatures and wreak total destruction on the lands
takami and tomoko are formidable foes in battle as they harness the powers of lightning and wind. while their ages may differ, they could rival the four lords in brute strength alone
the twins can be seen flying by at times: tomoko rides on a cloud while takami's mode of transportation are floating wheels of fire beneath his feet
tomoko has been called 'the wind sorceress' for her ability to harness deadly gusts, gales, and twisters with her fans; they're sharp enough to behead a man if he's not careful. she's also agile, swift on her feet, and can create clones of herself out of air
takami wields a naginata called 'raiden'. it is rumored to be cursed with demonic energy. besides being a polearm, takami uses his naginata as a lightning rod to channel thunder and lightning for ranged attacks
the twins operated as mercenaries during the age of blood; they served various clans on both sides of the war throughout the centuries for coin. they gained infamy for their peculiar magicks and penchant for mayhem. while awe-inspiring, the warlords at the time grew fearful of the twins' power as auspices and elected to band together in order to slaughter them. takami and tomoko narrowly escaped certain death by fleeing to onokoro in order to hide in the looming tower heaven-on-high. they took advantage of the mortals' superstitions of the island and laid low for the next few centuries
they became unofficial guardians of the ruby sea and the locals of onokoro believe that the heavy gales and severe thunderstorms, sometimes deadly, are caused by raikou and futen. they offer prayer and worship to quell the twin fury of the auspices
at some point in time, takami fell in love with a mortal named tauvane, a rare occurrence amongst their kind. this would eventually lead to his downfall and tomoko's loss of spiritual power, it was stolen by tauvane who now harnesses chaotic wind powers (wip)
takami unknowingly sired a son known as achille who inherited his father's power over the destructive element of lightning. tomoko is achille's aunt and achille can descend into a primal rage as a result of being part-auspice
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avampyone · 9 months
My FFXIV OC blog ☠️
Feel free to call me Ded or Pharos. Chill, non-binary (any pronouns), pan goth with a love for vampires, RPGs and horror games! I may reblog content from other fandoms I adore.
I go between content and occasionally rping or visiting RP venues in game - venue recs welcome! I'll be posting primarily gpose (mostly Hemlocke) on here but will include gpose/story snippets and writing when I have the time and energy to do so.
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Former Ishgardian noble who’s come to Eorzea searching for a specific black mage cult. A workaholic - Hemlocke is usually busy with bartending or working off his debt to the Thaumaturge guild. Confident and reckless, you’ll rarely find him without a smirk on his face no matter what situation he's facing. A mysterious elezen who's easy to talk with but difficult to truly know. Unfortunately, his supernatural constitution affects his ability to wield magic effectively, and he's likely one of the worst cooks you'll ever met. Hemlocke has a pet bat named Bruce.
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Additional Alt OC Info below the cut:
Dr Arazul De'Fleur:
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A renowned doctor born of the De’Fleur family of Old Sharlayan - quiet, enigmatic and calculating. Like his father, he excels in medical practice and alchemy. A run in with the Garlemald empire and surviving Black Rose changes the course of his life forever. He awakes with an odd mark over his eye, silver hair and lips stained with a purple hue proving remnants of the poison lingers, unbalancing his aether. Worst of all, he develops a ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality’. Will he ever find a way to cure himself completely?
Seiro Malkavi:
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A WoL and a skilled hunter of the Dotharl clan from the Azim Steppe. His stoic demeanor hides a softer interior, unable to ignore a cry for help. He's honest, straightforward and generally warms up to others quickly. After a tragic incident involving a friend of the Mol clan and in disagreements about war, Seiro leaves his homeland to become an adventurer. The lust for battle and desire for stronger opponents consume all sense from him, and he finds the thrill of the fight in hunting monsters.
Cerys La'Sorciere:
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An eccentric sorceress from the Churning Mists who wields a powerful command over the elements and plant life. She has a knowledge of herbal remedies and potions. Merciless to her enemies and seen as a trickster to many – At her core, Cerys carries an ancient secret that none would believe. Unwelcomed in Ishgard, she is the last of the long line of the La’sorciere family whom have made the mists their home for many decades. She allies herself with the Moogle tribe, dragons and the RedBills.
Amaranth Vyce:
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A Dhampir priest in training from Ishgard. Trained from his youth at the orphanage, Amaranth primarily fights against the packs of the feral undead and aids Hemlocke when he can. He seems cold, vicious and detached, but he truly doesn't want to harm anyone unless he has to. One of his strengths is the strong connection to spirits and ability to see/talk to them. As a dhampir, he naturally struggles with less than priestly thoughts and hopes fervent prayer to the fury will overcome this.
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Alts profile carrd below:
Carvallain De Gorgagne, considering Deryk.
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mask131 · 11 months
Seasonal theme: Magical summer (beginning)
This summer will be a season of wonders and enchantments, of spells and wizards - a magical summer!
Here is a list of beings, entities, objects and concepts you can check out if you want to add some magic to your summer:
In the myths, legends and so-called “real” world...
In the Arthurian literature: Merlin the enchanter, most famous of all wizards, derived from the legendary Welsh figure of Myrddin. Morgan le Fay, the ever-so-ambiguous enchantress of Arthurian mythos. Excalibur, the greatest and most iconic of all magical swords.
In Greek mythology: Hecate, the goddess of magic and witches. Circe, the divine enchantress of the Odyssey. Medea, the most frightening sorceress of the Greek legends. Lamia, a Greco-Roman bogeywoman that medieval times assimilated with various monsters and witches.
In Norse mythology: seidr, the old Norse magic, and its patron goddess Freya. Loki, expert shapeshifter and trickster supreme.
Christian legends, myths and beliefs: the Malleus Maleficarum, the unfamous manual used by many witch-hunters during the great witch hunts throughout Europe - a manual which was not accepted by the Church, unlike what many people believe. The Ars Goetia, both the art of invoking demons and the grimoire containing the secrets of said art. Astaroth, a demon often associated today with witchcraft. The famous witches sabbath, that was the great terror and fantasy of devil-fearing men of the Middle-Ages and the Renaissance. The paintings of Goya, which illustrated the various superstitions and beliefs surrounding witches in Spain.
The folklore of the British Isles: the British Grimalkin, with its cousins the English King of Cats and the Celtic Cat-sith. Lugh, the Irish Celtic god that mastered all of the arts, including magic.
Vaïnämöinen, the great bard-enchanter of Finland, and one of the sorcerer-heroes of the Kalevala alongside the magical blacksmith Ilmarinen, all fighting against the evil witch-queen Louhi.
In fairytales: the fairytales of the brothers Grimm brought many of the famous fairytale witches, from the evil queen with her magic mirror in Snow-White to the witch living in a house of bread and sugar in Hansel and Gretel. In Slavic fairytales, the great and iconic witch is the dreaded Baba Yaga. The French fairytales also brought the archetype of the fairy godmother: Cinderella, Toads and Diamonds, Donkeyskin, Cunning Cinders, The Hind in the Woods/The White Doe, Prince Marcassin... And let’s not forget Carabosse, the wicked fairy of the fairytale Princess Mayblossom, that became thanks to Tchaïkovsky’s ballet the old antagonistic fairy of Sleeping Beauty. Plus: the seven-league boots, one of the most famous magical items of French fairytales, appearing in Little Thumbling or The Orange Tree and the Bee.
The world of alchemy: the famous philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, and panacea that formed the ultimate goals of alchemists. Hermes Trismegistus, the mythological patron and ancestor of all alchemists (himself a mix of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). Nicolas Flamel, the 14th century book-seller everybody believed to be the discovered of the philosopher’s stone.
Some famous grimoires of our world: The Book of Abramelin, a tome of sacred Jewish magic. The Lesser Key of Solomon, a demonology grimoire of the 17th century inspired by the older book of sacred spells known as The Key of Solomon. The very famous duo of French grimoires known as the Grand Albert and Petit Albert. The Book of Shadows, a type of grimoire originally part of the Wicca religion, and that became popularized in America media thanks to the television series Charmed.
Principles, beliefs, personalities and practices of our world (which, as you will note, frequently mix magic with religion and folk-healing): Nostradamus, the great French prophet. The magi of Persia, Zoroastrian priests and astronomers that gave birth to the concept of the “mage” as we know it today. The original mana - not the video game mechanic, but the supernatural force of Oceanian beliefs. The Celtic druids and the most famous of their sacred sites: Stonehenge. The marabout, a type of Muslim holy man from Africa to whom was attributed some magical powers in folk-belief. The shamans of Siberia, the ones from which the very principle of “shamanism” was codified in the West. The medecine people of the First Nations in Northern America. The sangomas of Southern Africa, one of the most famous types of African “witch-doctors”. The Haitian Vodou and the Louisiana/New-Orleans Voodoo, folk-religions and magic beliefs deriving from the Vodun religion of West Africa (not to be confused with their various “cousins”, such as the Vodu of Cuba, the Jejé of Brazil or the Hoodoo).
More general magic tropes and concepts: the magic potion. The flying broomstick. The magic wand, or its variation the wizard’s staff. The familiar of the witch. The trope of the wizard duel, which, despite its prominence in modern literature and contemporary folk songs, has roots in ancient mythological fights and legendary magic hunts. The tempestarii, or the belief in weather-influencing, weather-changing sorcerers.
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glitchybitz · 9 months
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Meet the Tricksters/Apprentices~
Thief and Sorceress~
The lovely little sorceress bean belongs to soul_inky on Twitter~
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scifimagpie · 2 months
Last Line Tag
@squarebracket-trickster got me again!
Here's a little something from the romantic fantasy series concept that's grabbed me by the proverbial short and curlies.
In Assigned Evil, Chama the fire sorceress finds herself apprenticed to a surprisingly sweet nonbinary lich lord - and drawn to their charming, short, transmasc goth assistant, Pryderi.
Chama curtsied, stumbling towards the door of his office. Master Mathonys darted towards it and opened it for her. This close, she noticed she was a little taller than him, but posture brought their eyes to the same height.
Tagging in!
@ruinmegently @enne-uni @isabellebissonrouthier @acertainmoshke @obviousknife @dreadpirateroe @fleurtygurl @shagtastickid @thechaoscryptid @cd-covington
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justhere4thevibez · 11 months
Somehow (probably lil sheepies) Eddie winds up with gum in his hair and Chrissy helps him get it out. 
I love this idea! Sorry it took so long, it's been A Week, if you know what I mean.
I'm convinced Eddie would be sooo dramatic in this situation lol. His hair is everything to him. Please enjoy!
“Don’t look at me.”
Chrissy tugged at Eddie’s hands, trying her best not to laugh. “It can’t be that bad.”
“It is,” Eddie moaned, covering the side of his head. “I’m going to have to shave my head, and before you know it I’ll be wearing polo shirts and talking to Steve Harrington about fucking football. I can’t lose my hair, Chrissy.”
“Eddie, sweetheart.” Chrissy put her hands gently over his. “You’re not going to lose your hair just because there’s some gum in it.”
“Yes I am.” He stuck his lower lip out in a pout.
Eddie didn’t get upset like this often, but he was just so cute when he did that Chrissy couldn’t resist giving his pouty lip a little kiss. Immediately distracted, Eddie lowered his hands to her waist to pull her closer and deepen the kiss, and she chose that moment to pull away and examine his hair for herself.
“Trickster,” Eddie howled as she tilted his head to get a better look. “Nymph. Seductress.”
“Love of your life,” she corrected as she carefully separated the sticky section of his hair from the rest. “You don’t have to be so dramatic, Eddie. This isn’t that bad.”
“I’m not being dramatic,” he grumbled as she led him over to the kitchen. “I’m being realistic.”
A few minutes later, Chrissy had removed the last remnants of gum by using some cooking oil. And though Eddie had squirmed and complained all throughout the process, once he realized she was successful, he scooped her into his arms and twirled her all around the trailer
“You are a sorceress,” he said, kissing all over her face and neck. “A benevolent goddess to your humble subject. I never doubted you for a second.”
“Sure you didn’t,” she said, hiding her giggle with a disapproving frown. “I seem to recall you calling me a trickster-nymph-seductress.”
“Lies and slander,” Eddie declared as he tossed her on the bed. He leaned over her, something hungry in his gaze. “But if you insist, I can make it up to you.”
He tucked his hand into the front of her shorts, but Chrissy squirmed away.
“First, wash your hair,” she said as she firmly removed his hand. “Then we can talk about making it up to me.”
“Promise?” he asked, licking his lips.
Chrissy grinned. “Hurry up and you’ll find out.”
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soul-system · 1 year
Loki / Reader masterlist:
── fluff ( ✧ ) › ── angst ( ⚘ ) › ── mini series ( ﻬ꜆ )
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Tortured: ﻬ꜆ ⚘
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
A young sorceress finds herself locked deep inside Asgard's well renowned prison, feeling that her punishment is extremely harsh she soon realises the true intentions of the authorities and turns to the aid of a mischievous trickster.
Trigger warnings: Rape, abuse mentally and physically
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omnybus · 1 year
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Electric Rally Daybreak Crew (for WC Purdy)
A series of commissions for WC Purdy, featuring characters from their Shonen-style adventure setting Electric Rally Daybreak!
Characters featured are, in order:
-Arizona Blackjack, the "professional archaeologist" who graduated from the Croft, Drake, & Jones" school of archaeology, meaning she's more like a rock-climbing grave robber who blows things up a lot.
-Jim Dandy, Arizona's sidekick and best friend, a wannabe "gentleman spy" who wishes to be the world's greatest spy like his father, despite his cowardice and lack of skills.
-Ruby Tuesday, an "assassin" from a "secret assassin's guild" which is "totally real I swear", once ordered to kill Arizona but failed miserably, ending up befriending her instead. She desperately wants to prove she is a deadly and totally cool master of the ninja arts, regardless of whether or not she's a cute bunny girl.
-Willow DeWisp, a shy and socially awkward bookworm with a knack for magic and a split personality. Normally she's a soft-spoken and self-conscious wallflower, but any time her glasses fall off her face (often at the worst possible moment), her features and personality transform into that of a sexy, sinister femme fatale sorceress. 
-Kyuriko the Kappa, a sneaky trickster and thief who enjoys watching all the creative and interesting ways Arizona and her team end up working themselves into a trainwreck. Despite her laid-back nature, she's the most level-headed of the group, as well as their accountant- someone's gotta do the taxes.
-Sobek, real name Dexter Willoughby, is a tough-as-nails bounty hunter with a dark past who, for some unexplained reason, is also part alligator. In his private life, he's a hopeless otaku nerd who loves anime and tabletop RPGs.
-Cherry, full name Prince Charis Papakonstantinopoulus, prince of the satyr kingdom. While most satyrs are known to be rowdy, brawling drunkards who love getting in fights and seducing women, Cherry is much more effeminate and well-mannered, and prefers to work out problems with diplomacy rather than brute force. He's also an extremely powerful weilder of druidic nature magic, but doesn't like to use it because, in his tribe's words, "magic is for fauns" (AKA female satyrs).
To see art like this a month in advance, consider joining My Patreon (PG-R Rated) and get free art and discounted commissions!
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
since i transferred most of these to ao3 for archival purposes (read: so i don't have to scroll my tag to know what meta i have and haven't written), i figured i would bang out the subclass analysis that i've been meaning to do. this does include the prior subclasses of characters who changed their subclass. without further ado:
number of subclasses per class for d20 characters
warlock: 7
warlock: hexblade, genie, celestial, undead, archfey, destiny, great old one
cleric and rogue: 6
cleric: life, grave, twilight, city, tempest, forge
rogue: inquisitive, arcane trickster, mastermind, assassin, swashbuckler, phantom
barbarian, bard, and ranger: 5
barbarian: berserker, ancestral guardian, totem warrior (eagle & bear), storm herald
bard: lore, whispers, eloquence, swords, glamour
ranger: gloomstalker, beastmaster, monster slayer, swarmkeeper, fey wanderer
fighter, monk, and sorcerer: 4
fighter: battlemaster, arcane archer, champion, eldritch knight
monk: shadow, drunken master, long death, astral self
sorcerer: shadow, storm, wild magic, draconic
druid, paladin, and wizard: 3
druid: shepherd, stars, moon
paladin: devotion, redemption, oathbreaker
wizard: divination, necromancy, bladesinger
artificer: 2
artificer: artillerist, alchemist
most popular subclass per class
artificer: tie between artillerist and alchemist (1 each)
barbarian: berserker (4)
bard: lore (4)
cleric: tie between city and tempest (2 each)
druid: shepherd (3)
fighter: battlemaster (10)
monk: shadow (2)
paladin: devotion (4)
ranger: gloomstalker (3)
rogue: inquisitive (5)
sorcerer: shadow (3)
warlock: hexblade (3)
wizard: tie between divination, necromancy, and bladesinger (1 each)
top 5 subclasses by popularity
to no one's surprise, it's battlemaster fighter at the top with 10. i get why people pick it--it's the archetypal fighter, gives you unique martial abilities that you can't replicate with another class, and multiclasses well. the fact that it's 62.5% of all of the fighters is a little crazy.
next up is inquisitive rogue, with 5. a significant difference from battlemaster, but still a good number. we've had several seasons where an inquisitive rogue is absolutely necessary for plot progression (tiny heist and mice & murder, anyone?) so it makes sense that it's popular.
in third we have a few tied: berserker barbarian, lore bard, devotion paladin, arcane trickster rogue, and mastermind rogue all have 4. the rogues make sense just due to the number of rogue heavy seasons we've had. berserker barb and lore bard both serve a similar role among their respective classes' subclasses; they are often the simplest choice to play with and offer good options through level progression without needing to optimize too much. devotion paladin is also a solid choice, but it's 4/6 of all d20 paladins (including ricky matsui).
in fourth we again have a few ties: circle of the shepherd druid, gloomstalker ranger, and shadow sorcerer with 3. similar deal to the paladins--they're solid choices, but make up a major portion of the d20 characters of their respective classes. 3/5 druids, 3/7 rangers, and 3/8 sorcerers. 2 of the druids are just erika ishii.
in fifth we're tying up a bunch: ancestral guardian barbarian, totem warrior barbarian, whispers bard, eloquence bard, city cleric, tempest cleric, arcane archer fighter, way of the shadow monk, redemption paladin, beastmaster ranger, assassin rogue, swashbuckler rogue, and storm sorcerer (sorceress, really, for saccharina and sam nightingale). this is where we start to see a wider range of subclasses, many of which are multiclassed
and then there's the list of every other d20 subclass, of which there is 1 of each:
artillerist artificer
alchemist artificer
storm herald barbarian
swords bard
glamour bard
life cleric
grave cleric
twilight cleric
forge cleric
circle of stars druid
circle of the moon druid
champion fighter
eldritch knight fighter
drunken master monk
long death monk
astral self monk
oathbreaker paladin
monster slayer ranger
swarmkeeper ranger
fey wanderer ranger
phantom rogue
wild magic sorcerer
draconic sorcerer
genie warlock
celestial warlock
archfey warlock
destiny warlock
undead warlock
great old one warlock
divination wizard
necromancy wizard
bladesinger wizard
and that's all! tune in for the next time i hyperfixate on d20 statistics!
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I don't feel very connected to the motherly aspects of Isis, I prefer to see her as a sorceress who holds the key to the secrets of the cosmos. The trickster, the wise woman who stole the name of the Demiurge (Ra) in order to affirm her own power.
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senatushq · 5 months
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NAME. Priya Chandra AGE & BIRTH DATE. 339 & June 13th, 1684 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Daemonfey ( Liche ) OCCUPATION. Employee at Blud FACE CLAIM. Sobhita Dhulipala
In order to survive the Abyss, one had to be the strongest. That’s what her father would repeat over and over again. Bedtime stories rarely revolved around a prince in shining armor or the endless depths of friendship, but rather the cruelties one had to face in order to survive. To become stronger meant sacrifice and the abandonment of moralities. Priya never believed in such things as she considered herself to be a rare defender of individualism within her coven. A sorceress desiring the end of their dog eats dog society. With Hassan being one of the elders, her father put more pressure onto his daughter than necessary. Caving once her father sugarcoated the customs and power struggles that lead to traumatic events within the coven, Priya was sucked into this world, naive enough to put her father’s wishes over her own. What if he was right? An Elder with high ambitions trying to get his daughter to be more powerful and ready to survive surely wouldn’t have any ulterior motives. Instead, the sorceress slowly began to accept her father’s guidance in exchange for power.
Various challenges followed. Much like Herakles before her, the sorceress was tasked to complete dangerous challenges for the sake of enhancing her powers. Seeing as she didn’t have what it took to be as powerful as her father wanted her to be, he specifically pushed her further into this world, cutthroat, ambitious, survivalists of the worst kind. They had ambitions to become immortal, so to honor the coven’s values, Priya put herself in grave danger to find meaning in her sacrifice. Do not cry for the sacrificial lamb; she’s the one sharpening the knife. To be a sorceress means endless sacrifice to achieve one’s ends and Priya desperately tried to please her coven. Following that path, she forced herself through the darkness, conjured dark magic to defeat her unfortunate enemies. The more time she spent challenging herself, the deeper her father forced her down this road of sacrifice and obedience, the more he heart rebelled. Despite what her coven preached, her heart’s own desire was already reserved for someone else. A Vampire of all creatures, someone who’d already achieved immortality.
What was supposed to be a real testament of her own strength turned out to be a nightmare. Once invited, the vampire attacked them, fed and laid waste to their coven like nothing before. Old and wise, he knew how to have them running for the hills to further excite their blood. Priya awoke among the smell of smoke, burning buildings and laughter echoing through the darkness. Her throat burned, her muscles had stopped aching and her reflexes had become much more refined, faster and… stronger. The strength of immortality. Did she succeed? Only her father stood after the vampire fled the scene, his pockets filled with gold and his body almost overflowing with blood. Now a vampire, her father struggled with what should never be. His undead daughter, stronger than ever, lead by her own heart rather than ambitions. And yet, as their eyes met, Priya’s father struggled to find it in him and kill her for good. The coven’s death wouldn’t have to be for nothing if only they used their teachings to reverse her immortality.
Grieving over her entire coven’s death, Priya believed herself to be the culprit, the hungry vampire who had killed them all in a blackout. Nothing remained, but she knew better than to believe her own lies. The vampire who’d turned her, her one time lover, ended up being nothing more than a trickster, an executioner with fangs, corrupt and merciless. So when her father suggested dark alternatives, desperate for her daughter to return, Priya listened, now more than ever. Watching her father’s madness unfold The guilt didn’t stop. Believing to be the cause of his madness, Priya did whatever necessary to revert the curse and rebuild what had been lost. As she tipped the goblet filled with vampiric ichor down her throat, much of what used to be vanished. Drawn closer by the look of blood but cringing at the initial smell, the actual blood tasted much sweeter, smokier, than what she’d expected. Potent and addictive, Priya poured the blood down her throat, to drown in it, to feel nothing but the sinful taste of what would forever change her life. The demon crawled down her throat with its ichor, taking a hold of her body and soul. The blood of an archfiend, a source of great power to revert what had been done. Blood was the answer, revealing what had been hidden within the darkness for so long.
This hadn’t been her chance of freedom, but only a desperate attempt to revert her own death – a sacrificial lamb, her body served as the ultimate vessel for an archfiend. Enraged and starving, the now Liche slit her father’s throat and tasted his blood out of spite. Such cruelty came with a price: the peace loving, kind child feasted on her father like maggots on a corpse: relentlessly, unceremoniously, only to hurt, only to feast. She watched him carefully as her father’s heart stopped beating, eyes glossy from tears. A Liche, that what she was, an undead creature.
Trying to find meaning in her new, damned existence, Priya travelled the world, hoping to regain some of her humanity within. Kind and still naive, she clung onto the nearest group of vampires in hopes of belonging somewhere. An outcast among outcasts, she was neither bad nor entirely good, feeding upon those she should call family. Alas, the archfiend within had made itself comfortable, peeking through every once in a while, demanding blood and violence. While the archfiend within recklessly wreaked havoc upon her core values and soul, Priya became everything her father wanted her to be: powerful, immortal and, above all, doomed to a life of solitude.
The more the archfiend took over, the less Priya’s body tried to fight them. Mentally she remained on guard, losing control every once in a while, Their ambitions became her own: power, albeit put to good use, a monster with morals, a damned creature of warmth and love despite her cold skin. Still, as she looked in the mirror, her appearance skeletal and frightening, the archfiend within tasked her with the never ending battle for power and influence while her heart remained stoic: the sacrificial lamb, the sorceress who’d never ceased to love, would always remain.
+ kind, witty, devoted – tormented, stubborn, naive
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
Amora and Loki best lines from Where Mischief Lies.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
“sensing the inappropriate duration of Loki’s gaze, glanced around. She caught his eye, and offered her crooked finger of a smile. Loki felt his ears go red, and he almost looked away, like that would negate the fact that she’d caught him staring. Instead he offered her an exasperated eye-widening, to which she responded by pantomiming hanging herself.”
“he had suggested it half in jest, hoping he would impress her with the boldness of the idea and creative use of spell weaving without actually having to execute it. But Amora had to see everything through to the end. Everything that could be tried had to be, no matter the consequences. And there were always consequences, whether a whack on the back of the head from a wearied tutor or a private summons to Karnilla’s chambers. Amora did it all anyway. Loki felt the burn of jealousy at her fearlessness—“
“But Amora was allowed to wear her powers on her sleeve and flaunt them as part of her training for her future position in court. It wasn’t because her long hair was the color of honey and she wore it wrapped around her head in an endless loop that looked like snakes winding together. It wasn’t because of those slanted features or that crooked smile.”
“She stroked the spine of the book, appraising him. She seemed to be made of smoke the way her body spiraled and swooped with the shape of the windowsill….She offered him a smile, one that felt like a dagger drawn slowly from its sheath, that dangerous hum of scraping metal in the moment of stillness that preluded a strike”
“Months over which Loki and Amora had knit themselves into an inseparable duo that the servants whispered about and the courtiers disapproved of. Even now, in the Great Hall on a feast day, Loki felt their eyes glancing at him, trying to determine whether his partnership with Karnilla’s headstrong apprentice had altered him in a way they could see”
“Thor had never offered a direct opinion on Amora. No one had— they just whispered about her behind her back the way everyone always had about Loki. Too unpredictable, too strong, shouldn’t be allowed out of Nornheim, even if the king and his sorceress thought the structure and rigidity of the royal court would temper her strong will”
Chapter 3
“Trickster. The nickname used to make him blush. Now every time she called him that, it felt intimate and secret, a name only she used for him. ‘If I’m a trickster, you’re an enchantress,’ he had said the first time, and he was delighted by how caught off guard she looked. Amora was almost never undone, or if she was, she didn’t show it. Enchantress, she had said, and he could hear the pleasure in her voice. ‘So much prettier than witch, don’t you think?’”
“Her smirk didn’t fade, but her face softened around it. When she looked at him, he could feel her gaze caress his face. He wished she would touch him again, even just another strand of hair tugged from its place.”
“But Amora was fearless. She was brash. She was off-putting, a word Loki had heard applied to him, too. Yet they felt like opposite sides of that coin. Amora said too much; he stayed silent. But both of them were strange and otherworldly, disliked by most for nothing but a skill they hadn’t asked for.”
“she could feel at his pulse point the way his heart beat faster when she touched him. She was staring down, and he was sure she sensed the flush running across his skin and was about to say something about it. But then she asked, ‘Are those my boots?’
“Oh. Um...” They both stared at his boots. “I saw you wearing them yesterday and thought they looked nice.”
“Well, not everyone can pull off tight-fitting clothes,” Loki said. “We aren’t all blessed with a figure like yours.’ He wasn’t sure if he imagined it or if her cheeks colored a little when he said that. If they did, she covered it up with a sly half smile and a wink that sent him blushing. “I am rather divine, aren’t I?”
Chapter 4
“You’re far too pale. Greens and golds would bring out the complexion much better.” “What does that have to do with my illusion?” “Nothing, just a general observation. Second, you forgot to change your fingernails.” Loki glanced down at his black nails. They looked opalescent inthe dark hallway, like he was capped in jewels. “No one noticed.” “I did.” “Yes, well. No one looks at me quite like you do.” She shoved her shoulder against his, her armor clanking softly. “Stop it, you’re making me blush…”
“And she was never prettier than when she returned to herself, shimmering and changeable as a flame for those few seconds before she settled into her own skin, an eagle landing with its wings unfurled.”
“So. About the boots. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed that they look better on you. You can have them, by the way. My treat.” He glanced over just in time to catch her casting an appraising gaze up his legs. His spine prickled.”
“tossing her across the room like she weighed nothing. She struck one of the columns along the wall with a crack, collapsed at the bottom, and lay still. Suddenly Loki felt a different kind of fear entirely—his fear for Amora greater than his fear for himself ever could be”
“Loki wanted to follow Amora. He wanted to chase down the soldiers, demand her release, or throw himself into the cell after her, surrendering the protection she had just granted him. But he couldn’t move.”
Chapter 20
“Ripping off her veil so that her hair tumbled out of its fastenings and down her back. “Loki,” she said, and he didn’t know what to say in return. Even her name would have felt like too much. He couldn’t make his limbs move, so she came to him, pressed her hands to either side of his face as she stared into it. “I can’t believe it.” “Amora.” And finally he found himself again. He opened his arms and when she fell into them, he could remember no words, no sound, nothing in the Nine Realms but her name. The smell of her hair. The feeling of her pressed up against him. He had not realized the depths of his missing her until she was here with him again”
Chapter 21
“I wish I was king and could bring you out of banishment and back to Asgard.” “To practice simple spells and be a docile queen, like your mother?” “To be a sorceress,” he said. “The most powerful sorceress in the Nine Realms. To never have to hide your strength.”
“suddenly he realized how close their faces were, how beautiful her hair looked, puddled around her fair skin, how long he’d wanted to know what her mouth felt like to be pressed against his—not in a way that was accidental or quick. He’d never truly kissed her—not even when they spent every moment together in Asgard, when he’d thought of it as often as breathing. He’d never been brave enough”
“How long had he missed her? How long had he wanted her? How long had he been certain she was the only person who knew him, the only person who would ever know him or understand him? The only person with the same fire in their blood, but hers buoyed by a current of certainty that they were made of gemstones and light, made to shine brighter than others? As he looked at her shadowed face in the pale glow of the gaslights, he almost believed it too, all the things that had made him feel strange and outcast turned to gold by the strange alchemy of being near her again.”
“May I kiss you?” he asked. She leaned forward and closed the space between their mouths, still and gentle for a moment before her lips parted against his, teeth playing with his tongue, and then she rolled over on top of him, her legs straddling his hips and his hands pinned in hers. She was intoxicating, like sweet wine. He’d be drunk before he realized she’d refilled his glass. Had it always been like this? Even when they were children? Had he truly never noticed, or was it easier to ignore because she was the only person who made him feel like he was worth noticing? Any sort of attention had become water in the desert after being so long neglected by his father. This, he thought, and released a deep breath against her mouth. As his heartbeat swelled, the stage lights flickered and died, leaving them gasping and moving together in the darkness.”
Chapter 30
“And you’d come with me?”“I’m never leaving your side again.”He felt light-headed. This close, he could smell her perfume,something with citrus and spice. It wafted over him as her head canted to the side”
“He had thought of it for years. Him on the throne. Amora at his side… he leaned forward and kissed her. “Let’s lead an army to Asgard.”
“She leaned forward, pressing her cheek to his chest, and he let his arms fold around her, holding her to him. “I want to be home.” “So do I.” “I want to be with you.” She tipped her face up to his, and he felt himself pulled to her mouth, almost beyond his will. “Soon,” he said, then again as she leaned up and kissed him so the word was lost in her mouth. Soon.”
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