#the simpler times
dailyscug · 4 months
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kiwicam · 1 year
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he looked so good in this stream
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sameboot · 10 months
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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braisedhoney · 11 months
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okay but can you imagine—
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mewnia · 3 months
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Wip ;P
Song is “Time Machine” by Autoheart!
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buggachat · 4 months
this is NOT a criticism, because i legitimately find enjoyment in it and it is very much just a product of the time and had i been writing fics on the subject back then I'm not sure what I would've done either. BUT.
it is always sososo funny to read late season 2 to mid season 4 era fics that bring up Emilie's death and are like "yeah, she died from using the peacock miraculous. What was she using the miraculous for? uhhhhhhhhhh.... fun and whimsy! yeah. just like. a silly little hobby she had i guess to use this ancient magical cursed brooch pilfered from tibet to create life. you know how it is. dont worry! she killed all the little secret monsters she created! so it's not a problem anymore! but yeah and then she died from her funny little magic hobby, what can you do about it. maybe she should've picked up pottery instead but it's too late now. yeah gabriel's pissed about it too."
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prove-thy-existance · 24 days
The ferral sound that emerged from deep in my soul when I saw that fucking WARRIOR CATS is trending of all things
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theotherendcomics · 12 days
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Early Adventure Time episodes: Ice King "kidnaps" Wire Princess, a vaguely humanoid heap of scrap with a smiley face painted on its "head" which he obviously made. Finn wants to stop him on the principle of kidnapping being bad, while Jake argues that since his "victim" is an inanimate piece of junk, no one's getting hurt and it might even quell his kidnapping thirst. After a series of shenanigans, Ice King attacks Jake, at which point Wire Princess speaks, revealing that not only was she alive, but consenting to the kidnapping as well, because of Ice King's fluffy beard. But now that she has seen him attack Jake, another fluffy thing, her heart is wavering and she must journey alone to find the true meaning of fluff. The end gag is Ice King screaming "She was alive?"
Middle Adventure Time episode: Raggedy Princess' kingdom is being attacked, and the assailant is revealed to be none other than Wire Princess, whose quest for fluff has turned destructive. PB appears excessively distraught by this, and it's revealed that she created Wire and Raggedy Princess (then known as cloth princess) in a recreation of the monkey experiment to best gauge her approach to ruling, in the early days of the Candy Kingdom. However, when the Wire Princess AI realized the candy people were more driven to Cloth Princess' caring nature, it logically concluded the only biological need of candy people is "fluff", and so tried her best to imitate Cloth's behavior, while Cloth Princess' deeply ingrained love for her citizens caused her to attempt to physically care for them. Declaring the experiment a failure, PB mind-wiped them both, gave Cloth Princess a new kingdom and name, and put WP in sleep mode, as well as left her in Ice King's junk pile. Jake, who has been listening, says "PB, that's messed up, man". Although they deliberate whether to reboot her again, she ends up being smashed by a gumball guardian or something. While everyone staress in shock, Raggedy Princess says "That's messed up, man. Also I didn't have time to say this earlier but I'm fine with either Raggedy Princess or Cloth Princess. So, um, yeah. Anyway, I'm going to call the cleanup crew"
Late Adventure Time episode: A strange techno-magical maze appears out of the blue in the Ice Kingdom. Finn and Jake explore it and find imagery of both softness and some sort of pre-apocalypse university, ultimately discovering it was created by Magic Woman/Betty mind-melding with Wire Princes, who was trying to reverse engineer an AI with love magic infused through Simon or whatever. She inadvertently mind-melded then, accidentally creating the semi-physical maze with her magic powers, and in turn realized that WP was, in fact, not only functional and aware this whole time, but she also had a slowed down perception of time. Finn and Jake sever the link after fighting some techno-nightmares. Magic Woman, despite only having been mind-melded for a day, has experienced a whole year, and appears distraught. But this is only momentary, as she declares that her accelerated madness means that her magic will grow exponentially stronger, and runs off appearing to have a plan. Finn and Jake are worried about Wire Princess going haywire (the pun is pointed out), but she clarifies (her voicebox is working now, but not much else) that actually, since she didn't have or understand emotions for most of her aware existence, she was just fine then. She then goes on a beautiful monologue about how, since she's now bonded to one, she finally, truly understands emotional beings and their complex needs. She renames herself "wire knight", and downloads her consciousnesses onto Finn's arm. A later episode has BMO and Wire Knight debating the trolley problem
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zaerxa · 10 months
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Oh take me back (to the night we met)
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smokestarrules · 2 years
God. I love s2 Amity, don’t get me wrong, but. S1a Amity’s vibes are just sooooo fucking iconic. This girl hasn’t had more than four hours of sleep in three years. She won’t call you out for cheating in the classroom but she will jump on top of the lunch table to catch you in the act. She is constantly surrounded by people but she has no friends. She dislikes her siblings and they genuinely loathe her in return. She has a mental breakdown after accidentally cheating in a competition. Her slowly worsening crush on Luz is one of the best-written growing-in-the-background crushes of all time. She is one of the most talented witches in her class but she’s also not talented enough to be in a class other than Abominations 101. She is the funniest character in the show.
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lemonlimestar · 9 days
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no clue what’s going on with dc but it’s crazy how tim drake hasn’t had a single appearance in over a decade! i kinda miss that little guy
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A: Do you believe in fate?
N: No, do you?
A: Luck then?
N: Only the bad sort.
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virune · 1 month
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decided to repost my old sam&max art cuz why not!!
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braisedhoney · 11 months
jazz and danny jazz and danny i’m beggin i need the sibling content
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got your back and you’ve got mine
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thisischeri · 4 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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