#the prince of darkness is soo <3<3<3<3
m3-kk · 2 months
Sharing my TCF notes because sharing is caring 😬 ⬇️. (All of them… so far)
Ch. 086- sad time for Raon :(. REVENGE HAHAHA LETSGOOOO
Ch. 335- Eruhaben protect Roan & Cale from ugly WS 😆
Ch. 352- Cale’s greatest fear…😭
Ch. 378- Choi’s uncle (DS) left info book written in KOREAN?!?! 😵
Ch. 394- Letter from Death & shiz show😬
Ch. 395- CALE IS AFRAID?!?! 😱
Ch. 401- “Plavin was laughing on the outside but crying on the inside.”😌
Ch. 404- “And Miss Cage, please cuss out the God of Death for me.” -Cale 😇
Ch. 411- They were talking about the Lion King (person) and I thought they were talking about the movie 😭
Ch. 414- Choi Han woke up crying “Kim Rook Soo” 😰
Ch. 415- “What am I supposed to call the friend of my nephew once removed?” -Choi Han 😳
Ch. 423- “Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy.” -Lee Soo Hyuk ☺️
“It's a new record! You were unconscious for 20 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds!”- Roan Miru🤠
Ch. 431-
“You son of a bitch!” -Bear King
"Why am I your son? Such an idiot.”
-Whale Archie🫡
Ch. 434- Which Henituse sibling wants to become what?🥱👑⚔️
Ch. 435- Sworn brothers 🤞
Ch. 455- Ron says he has a cute young master (Cale) who he doesn’t want to disappoint.🥹
Also that Roan is cuter than Cale 😂
Ch. 457- “This is nice.” Beacrox commented before swinging his greatsword horizontally.🙂
Ch. 461- Cale’s merchant name is Bob XD
Ch. 465- The Sound of the Wind was a top underneath a boulder surrounded by whirlpools.
The Indestructible Shield was a pit under the tree.
The Scary Giant Cobblestone was a stone in the Super Rock villa.
The Fire of Destruction was a sculpture at the center of the magma.
The Vitality of the Heart was a stone pillar at the center of a whirlwind.
The Sky Eating Water was a chained spear.
Ch. 476- More Dragon Family Drama wtf
Ch. 481- To the Fake World Tree
Ch. 501- Illusion of Other World..RAMEN!
Ch. 504- Stick from World Tree (Cale’s blood is special?!)
Ch. 515- Vampire Duke Fredo (seems nice)
Ch. 516- Demonic Race, Rosalyn, White Star after cookie prince?! NOOO
Ch. 520- WEAKLING. Alberu is a mage swordsman badass dark elf
Ch. 526- These brothers are so cute OMEGALUL
Ch.555- Sealed god test, wtf this is so sad I’m crying I’ve never been so genuinely sad
Ch. 584- Cale saying he could beat 3 strong peeps
Ch. 589- Alberu goes to Blood Boulder
Ch. 618- Cale explains to LeeSooHyuk the truth
Ch. 627- @Capital w/ Dad y Alberu YAY
Ch. 629- We are a big family!
Ch. 640- 2 Cats are Molan house’s future 🥹.. They can’t go berserk?..
Ch. 645- Roan & Cale Solo Fight letsgo!!
Ch. 646- Cale uses ‘instant’ to destroy 2 unranked monsters.. I’m crying actually..
Ch. 647- wtf I’m crying, goosebumps fr
Ch. 649- Roan has grown so much 🥹
Ch. 655- Cale is healing❤️ OG Cale!KRS
Ch. 656- SOO much info from OG Cale!!
Ch. 662- OMG Cale’s BioMom was cooking
Ch. 670- World Tree-nim
Ch. 677- Explaining ALOT lore dump!!
CB. 681- WOW the end of that chap tho
Ch. 682- I stan Cale’s hatred for the White Star. We love the PJs! Alberu is moon that’s so *legs in air kicking*
Ch. 683- So are we gonna kill WS or whatt?
Ch. 685- omg.. DANGGG!! Our Cale is truly terrifying! New Pokémon acquired! White star!! 😏 wait we have a tiny WS in our pocket how cute! 🥰
Ch. 688- Rashell says he wouldn’t be able to sleep if many humans died 🥰
Ch. 694- DEAFEATED! Alberu faints and thinks he’s like Cale now 😭
Ch. 700- This chapter is just amazing, these people are so smart ughhh I’m screaming! In a happy way tho
Ch. 701- OK we have Choi Han, Clopeh, Rosalyn and Cale so far.. MARYYY
Ch. 702- +1(Roan) Cale can use the cintamani to contact other world. PEOPLE CAN SEE HIM YAY!
Ch. 705- Talking with Cale & others through the Cintamani :>
Ch. 706- Tonka! And Dark elf Tasha&Alberu
Ch. 707- My heart, Alberu was so sad and lonely back then…
Ch. 709- Eruhaben! WS is badddd
Ch. 710- Whyyyy I’m actually feeling despair it’s so complicated ugh and no ones receiving correct info ughhhhh
Ch. 713- Mary is #GIRLBOSS for not being tricked! ❤️❤️
Ch. 717- So glad that was settled 😮‍💨
Ch. 718- So the test Cale was in wasn’t the original one so now we are doing the actual sadness test ok 👍
Ch. 719- WOW NOT CALE ALREADY FINISHING BLUE TEST.. also someone else?
Ch. 721- Toonka left the test, Cale met Choi Jung Gun, I’m I’m scared 😶
Ch. 722- Rosalyn finally put the tests goals into words! She’s so smart. I love herrr
Ch. 726- Cale confronts CJG and he’s being used as bait bc a hunter is here oh no. Cale is going to cause chaos ialrk
Ch. 727- WOWW Cale was about to be isekaied lol. Good thing we have ancient powers! 2 Hunters?! 🫣
Ch. 730- Cale actually skipped a level bfr
Ch. 731- Cale has to observe past Roan (during the night) and Alberu (during the day)
Ch. 735- Freeing Roan! Again Again?
Ch. 739- Still loving how Choi’s test is taking care of tiny KRS. Alberu test completed!!
Ch. 740- I’m loving Clopeh during this test so far. He knows his goals and he sticks to them. He’s crazy!
Ch. 744- Damn Dodam Miru. I think DM’s world is not an illusion. Cale “tricking” the Wrath test is crazy I love that sly bastard!
Ch. 745- Cale hates when the children hate their side dishes ahah! The Wrath test is actually really difficult it surprised me frfr! Clopeh & Cale are angy
Ch. 749- How dare this low-life Dorph ever consider sacrificing the great and mighty Roan Miru. I pour all of my hatred and anger toward him. He needs to die. 😡
Ch. 750- Finally! Flipping every over heh!
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letcaleslack · 2 months
Alberu Crossman is Ahn Roh Man
I have a hypthesis I want to share with you. But first some context:
Who is Ahn Roh Man again?
He's the AS representative of Taerang, Alberu's spear that the Sun God gave him. He was Taerang's previous owner on Earth 3. Earth 3 is a world that is somewhere in the middle between the Earth Kim Rok Soo and Choi Han are from and the world they currently live in with the Roan Kingdom. On Earth 3 there is no Korea, however, there is a nation called Roan with a capital called Seoul. And the people in Roan on Earth 3 have Korean names. Like Ahn Roh Man, who is the president of Roan.
Why is Alberu Crossman Ahn Roh Man?
We know that people can exist in different worlds, like how Kim Rok Soo also exists on Earth 2, where Cale went during the Sealed God's test. So hypothetically it's possible that there is another Alberu Crossman in a different world. And it's also possible that that Alberu Crossman is not called Alberu Crossman.
And it just so happens that Ahn Roh Man and Alberu Crossmann are very similar.
Alberu is Crown Prince, going to be King. He's very competent and sure to have a long reign. Ahn Roh Man is the president and is currently serving his thrid term. So they are both the long-serving top administators of their countries.
They also get along quite well. Alberu himself says "Ahn Roh Man is a guy who is very smart and easy to talk to.” Alberu and Ahn Roh Man immediately strike a deal of cooperation and information exchange.
But more importantly, Ahn Roh Man himselfs admits that Alberu is similar to him:
"…But it is quite interesting. You seem very similar to me. Are you of an impure bloodline as well?"
That impure bloodline bit is definitely an allusion to Alberu's Dark Elf heritage. It seems there are Dark Elves or something similar on Earth 3 as well and Ahn Roh Man is one of them.
Also their names are similar. Just look at them!
Alberu Crossman
Ahn Roh Man
(And wouldn't it be hilarious if the Sun God looted one version of Alberu Crossman only to give the loot to another version of Alberu Crossman?)
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daenysthedreamer101 · 1 month
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 6 - The Princess and the Queen
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Omg I love my Queen so much! Look at her smile 😔
First of all... How TF did Alicent find out so quickly that Nyra gave birth?
Mere seconds after pushing Joffrey out Nyra is told that Alicent wants to see him
At 2:38 she pushes him out. At 3:20 she's told by a maid that A wants to see the baby... Like.... How??
You can see only from a couple of minutes that Nyra already loves her baby boy! 😭😭😭
A is sooo evil for doing that to Nyra! Oh you're going to the Seven Hells for that!
Laenor is so confused but he's got good intentions lol
When he says 'I thought we were past this' it implies A did this with Jace and Luke as well...
The way Nyra is struggling to get up those stairs...Alicent I am in your walls!
Also I don't understand her saying 'you may get one who looks like you' like this baby isn't three minutes old!
I mean I know why she said it but damn, let him develop some features!
Baby Vermax is so cute!
DRACARYS! Poor goat though
It's so obvious that Aegon was the one behind the Pink Dread. Alicent blames Nyra's boys but like Luke is like 5 maybe and Jace 7/8. Your son is the oldest one so shouldn't he know better than to bully his own brother.. Oh that's right he doesn't because you let him bully his brother.. And you call yourself a mother 🙄
Helaena my little cutie pie... You deserve a better mother btw
'Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding'
He's a Targaryen and his brother bullies him for the fact that he doesn't have one, ofc he wants a dragon, Alicent, pls just say you dont understand anything about the House you married into and leave
'It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched' Why? Their mother is a Targaryen....? So what is your point exactly? Oh she's such a bitch I can't stand her!
Like. Your kids are half Targaryen. Nyra's kids are half Targaryen. Also all of Nyra'a kids had their dragons hatch to them.
None of Alicent's did. They all had to claim dragons. Which there's nothing wrong with that it's just why are you talking such bs?
God I wish they kept Rhaenys's hair black. That way you could have plausible deniability for why Nyra's kids have dark hair, smh.
'I have to believe that in the end honor and decency will prevail'. Literally three seconds ago you were talking shit about her out in the open halls... Right, decency, sure...
Alicent yelling at her son and getting in his face - someone give her mother of the year award...
Caraxes and Vhagar having a cute little dance in the sky, oh the foreshadowing 🙃
Harwin, you're so sexy, if only you lived longer 😔😔
Omg Jace's little face, he's so cute little baby 😭
Why is Criston soo agressive? He's manhandling a litteral child? Like bsffr 🙄
The way Harwin holds Jace's face and encourages him - I'm fine.. I'm fine 🙂🙂
'You forget yourself Ser that is the Prince' as if you weren't encouraging Aegon to attack and harm Jace, who's also a Prince and in line for the throne... Right
I know Harwin punching Clumbo in the face was not a good move politically but he was sooo hot doing that ughh😫 I need to stop
Nyra has such a sweet relationship with her maids. You can see they genuinely care for her😭
We stan Elinda Massey in this house!
The way Nyra was looking up at Laenor as he drunkenly talks about the Triarchy, bye! 💀
The way Daemon smiled at Laena when she walked to sit beside him ughh he loved her I know he did!
Alicent pointing out Nyra's milk leaking was such a bitchy move! 🙄
Viserys I need you to grow a spine, you are the King not Alicent. If he said so Helaena would've married Jace and Alicent couldn't do shit about it.
Larys is such a slimy shady rat I hate just seeing him on my screen!
Laena, bestie, you truly died a dragonrider's death! RIP you were a true girlboss 😔
Vhagar hesitating to burn Laena ughhh my feels!
Harwin saying goodbye to the boys and Nyra holding back tears.... Ughh my heart!
I don't even wanna talk about Harwin dying... You're telling me a man called Breakbones couldn't break a door. I call bs on that.
He's alive and well he's alive and well he's-
I'm fine fine fine fine I'm fine 🙃🙃
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bbiemochi · 2 years
hey hey hey!!! i'm a new reader here in your blog and first of all, i just wanna say i love love LOVE your ritsu with a s/o who hasn't been paying attention to them because of a new game scenario! it was so fun to read and your characterization of ritsu is on point! second, is it alright for me to request prince ritsu with a gn! florist reader scenario? it's up to you how the plot will go, but i'll give my insight just in case. the plot is prince ritsu visiting the village in his kingdom and stopped by a flower shop because he wanted some roses, but the florist caught his attention instead :3. this request was inspired by his new cn exclusive card, if you haven't seen it yet here's the link:
oof i talked a lot, i'm sorry QwQ. also, thank you in advance if you accept this request ♡♡♡
𝚖𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 | ritsu sakuma x reader
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[an]: FAVORITE REQUEST SO FAR WOOH~! THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE~! <3 hello there, darling…! sorry if you waited long for this </3 :,D i am sOO packed with a lot of requests and lack of motivation, i hope it’s understandable T^T
summary: from a kingdom far far away, stories spread that a certain young prince from a mysterious royal family rumored to be a clan of blood thirsting vampires are heard to have gotten his attention for a simple florist down town.
pairing: prince!ritsu sakuma x g/n!florist!reader
genre: fluff, royal au, lowkey love at first sight~ <3
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once upon a time, in a land not too far away…
there lived a royal family of four. a mother, a father, an older brother, and a younger brother. all were rumored to be vampires due to their sharp fangs from the king and queen’s two sons. the kingdom was a huge town, villages helping one another along with the royal court to help and build their land more stronger, bigger and also supportive to the people around. keeping the atmosphere as lively as it can be. the queen, a deep dark beauty that catches the attention of many gentlemen, along with the king, who’s presence alone was enough for someone to kneel down in front. as for the children, the eldest son, rei sakuma, the next son who would be stepping on the throne after his father retires from the role of the king. and the youngest, ritsu sakuma, rei’s adorable little brother—the male loved to sleep around everywhere in the palace. due to this, his royal guard; isara, would often have a hard time looking for the sleepy prince. ritsu’s job as his role of the prince was to maintain perfection and patience. gentle manners and a a soft tone is always a must.
private royal lessons must be required everyday for ritsu. either royal lessons or piano lessons from different occasions. with his older brother now busy with learning how the role of a king works, ritsu was left alone by himself to learn. only his royal guard was always with him, as it is important that he is of course. isara had been a royal knight to ritsu since day one after his family entered as servants in the palace. he and the dark prince got along well quickly, yet there were always consequences made after the both of them were caught playing so messily around the royal garden. and due to that, isara had no choice but to train as a knight, who would protect and serve for ritsu. although, even if isara had knew ritsu since they were both children, there was one thing he couldn’t get quite right answer in his head.
“my prince.”
“ah~ maa-kun, didn’t i tell you not to call me that?”
it was a force of habit, he says. “why is it every time we would walk in the garden, we always have to go by the roses area? do you like roses?” ritsu gives him a lazy grin, arms resting at the back of his head as he stopped walking, both arrived at the just mentioned location of what isara had just said about his favorite flower. roses. isara still had no idea why he loved them so much, he still couldn’t get the answer till today. most of the time he would answer, ‘because it’s pretty,’ or ‘i like the color.’
those were too reasonable. if ritsu had a liking towards something…or someone, he had a deep reasoning behind them. and that’s on fact of what his royal guard knew.
today, it was a normal day. the day started off very nice, yet slow, is what ritsu thoughts. the kingdom was as busy as always, supply delivery from other kingdoms, farm and garden crops that are highly needed for the town folks living, new place building, etc. at ritsu’s place, the royal palace was a little busy due to them planning for the royal ball that was to be held next week in order to look for a lovely wife for rei to become his queen. surprising enough, rei has not been able to look for a spouse, as he is always busy with his given task by the castle tutors—ritsu had knew his older brother wasn’t the type to just marry someone that had been chosen by their parents themselves. the sakuma bloodline had an agreement that they’ll always leave the sons or if had by chance, daughters to pick their significant other. however, the job had to be done as soon as possible.
despite being quite the good looking and heart throb of every girl in the kingdom, rei was not interested in getting a wife. though here they are, watching as the king and queen along with the servants plan for the royal ball in order to search for the perfect one. ritsu sighs, the castle has been becoming more and more busier. they often even called isara to help out, so he was back to being alone. he hated being lonely, ritsu really did hate being all by himself. it…scares him a little.
standing up from his chair that was seated next to an open large window, allowing every sound from the outside to enter the palace walls—ritsu yawns before heading out to visit his favorite spot to nap; the royal garden. it’s been almost weeks since he hasn’t visited the garden due to the private lessons. the royal garden was not only a silent sanctuary where ritsu could fully enjoy his nap time at cold afternoons, but it’s also a place where he could admire the fresh roses that grew by the garden house. the maids that worked there were kind of old, not to mention that half of the castle maids had already been working here even before ritsu was born as the second prince.
as he walked down the huge hallway, ritsu tried his best to keep his composure up whenever a servant would walk up and bow at his presence. if it weren’t for the ridiculously long private lessons from those annoying tutors, he would’ve been napping for so long right now as he waited for isara to return. well, never mind for that—for now, what was on his mind was just to finally nap.
“what do you mean the roses in the garden withered? didn’t i tell you to always water them in every hour? goodness, those were ritsu’s favorite…”
ritsu’s footsteps came to a stop upon hearing the voice of his mother and the sound of the maids apologizing in sync. he turns his head, looking to the left of the main hallway. the roses withered? what did she mean by that? does that mean the roses he adored so much died just by a week of not being watered? wait, were they even watered before that? did the maids who took care of the garden even bothered watering them? he can’t help but feel a little upset from the news.
“w-we apologize deeply, your highness…after miss agnes died from a heart attack, we forgot to even take care of the garden since it was not on our job…”
‘miss agnes? oh…the old lady who took care of the garden…what a shame..’ ritsu’s frown shrunk even more. well…that just added up more to his horrible hour of the day. with another sigh escaping his lips, ritsu listens more onto the conversation.
“oh agnes…she had been working here in this castle for almost forever. she was already serving here ever since i was a princess…truly tragic news indeed. i’m terribly sorry for her loss…” there was a slight pain in his mother’s voice, showing real empathy towards the passing servant of the castle who had worked for many years as a maid. ritsu too was fond of her kindness and tender nature. she was kind of like a grandmother figure to him, gentle and old. he had no idea where the former queen is, yet from the stories of his father he wouldn’t dare to meet her.
clearing her throat, ritsu’s mother fixed her posture and wiped the small tears away from her eyes, “i must see my husband shortly. however, i would like one of you to go down town to the nearby flower shop and buy a new bouquet of roses to replace the withered ones. i’m sure you guys would start taking care of the garden soon and…i want to see agnes’ family first. anyways, which one of you will—
“i’ll do it, mother.” ritsu slowly stepped out from behind the castle walls, and walked forward to the queen who seemed surprised to see his presence. the maids were quick to take notice at this and bowed politely at ritsu, in which he only smiled softly at and nodded his head. “my son….” his mother started, “how long have you been listening there?”
“not long, don’t worry. but i wanna buy the bouquet of roses you asked for. i think i’ll be able to handle it, besides, i nap at the garden anyways so…i guess all i could do to take care of them is to buy a new pairs of roses,” ritsu spoke, rubbing his eyes. the queen frowns, “no need to, ritsu. the maids will handle this job, you go back to your—
“mother, like i said it’s fine. i need to walk outside the kingdom too from time to time, being stuck inside this castle is boring. the lessons are getting a little boring for me as well…” slowly, ritsu looked over to the maids who stayed silent as he had a conversation with his mother, “don’t worry, i’ll handle in buying them. how about you guys start taking care of the garden while i go out to buy? is that ok?” ritsu asks. the maids exchanged glances at one another before looking over at the queen. at last, ritsu’s mother nodded her head and they bowed before taking their leave.
after they had left, the queen looked at ritsu with a sigh, “bring mao with you. i’ll ask one of the royal guards to fetch you the money.”
“thank you for this opportunity, mother, i’ll get going now. i’ll be back..” ritsu replies, waving goodbye to his mom as he heads out the castle gates. isara was already there when he arrived, money in the royal knight’s hand as he waited. “would you like to ride a carriage, your highness?” a maid questions to the prince. ritsu shakes his head, “no need. i wanna walk for a while. besides i’m just off to visit a flower shop with maa-kun. no big deal…” he says, and the maid bowed—respecting his decision.
the two headed off the beyond the castle gates, isara staying guard from behind while ritsu walked in front, leading the way. alas when they had arrived at the foot side of the villages, a lot of citizens greeted the prince politely, an old lady tried to give him some free pastry from their bakery yet he says that he’ll pay for it, ignoring her kind gesture of making it for free just because of his royal status. some girls were even asking if his brother had already found a partner (to which he just ignored and let isara distract them). the kingdom was indeed lively, his parents did a great job in putting their power together in order to create such a well established kingdom of villagers despite their appliances.
the flower shop was nearby, so ritsu hurried his feet. “it’s a little rare for you to suggest going out to do the task that was supposed to be for the maids,” isara started, now walking beside ritsu with his hands behind his back. ritsu just smiled in return, closing his eyes shut as he continued to walk, “it’s not rare~ do all of you think that what i do daily is only sleeping?”
“that’s what you really do though.”
“i-i mean yeah but, maa-kun you know what i mean. i like taking walks around as well, the sun warms me and i like it more better than the cold moon…” ritsu responded, waving at the people who were greeting him hellos. isara sighs, “i get it, but one more question, do you know where we’re going?”
“maa-kun you don’t trust me..? i’m a little hurt…” ritsu cooed at his friend, giving him those puppy-like eyes filled with sparkles in which it screams ‘adorable.’ his royal knight, flinches, and then shakes his head, “o-oh no, no, no…! my apologies…”
ritsu chuckles before facing back to the view in front of him, the sight of each folks going around town, shopping from nearby markets and food stalls along with the children running around the place. “the reason why i decided to buy the roses instead is because only i know where miss agnes buys the flowers for my garden.” isara glances back at ritsu with a slight surprised look on his face. “miss agnes? oh yeah, the one we would always see in the royal garden area. it’s a shame, really…i got quite upset when i heard the news of her passing…” ritsu hears him say, before going back to being silent.
the two of them kept walking front, ignoring the whispers of some people behind their back as they finally made it into the flower shop. the flower shop did change over the years. miss agnes would often tell both isara and ritsu how the flower shop was a little small before during her times when ritsu’s grandparents took over the throne—although now, it was much more bigger than before. the flowers that decorated over the shop designed like vines over trees and some were displayed from side-to-side, allowing passing citizens to admire their beauty. ritsu turns over to isara who looked back at him, “you stay guard here, i’ll be the one heading inside. it won’t take long…”
“huh? are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
“i’ll be fine~ you can watch over me from here. like i said, it won’t take long, maa-kun~” ritsu responded before playfully flicking the other male’s forehead. isara held the area where ritsu flicked him, and watched as his prince headed right inside the small flower shop, carefully avoiding the flowers that were too close. as ritsu entered right in, the scent of flowers were bombarded everywhere towards his nostrils. it was amazing, he won’t lie. no wonder why agnes decided to buy new bouquets here instead of the other flower shops. steadily, he walked towards the counter to be greeted by an old lady who seemed excited to see the prince.
“oh my great heavens, your highness! w-welcome to my flower shop…! what a rare opportunity for someone from the royal family to visit us—o-oh..! apologies, where are my manners? i-is there anything you’d like for us to give to you, your highness?” the old lady questions, stammering on her words with a bow. ritsu bows as well, smiling softly, “lovely afternoon. i would like a bouquet of your most fresh roses, please, if available,” he requested, and the old lady winces, “a-ah..! yes one bouquet of fresh roses coming up—uhh, y-y/n..! quick…! a bouquet of roses, honey..! it’s for the prince..!” the old lady shrieks to an individual whom ritsu couldn’t see from behind the large bombarded area of flowers and tall potted plants. with that, the old woman sent ritsu a smile before disappearing behind the flowers that block some views from the shop.
how odd. do folks like these usually not meet any royal attendants in person? ritsu was certain agnes knew this place quite well as a maid working in the sakuma palace for almost 30 years. yet again, he is one of the princes of the sakuma bloodline—and as one of the next prince to claim the throne soon, ritsu wasn’t sure if he’d be doing a good job in doing that.
“sorry for the wait, your highness…!”
the thoughts were quick to shaken off as a voice cuts through into his head, clear as day. appearing out from the side—a florist, who was around his age came out, holding a new fresh bouquet of flowers on their hands along with their hair flowing by into the direction where the wind blew.
ritsu felt like his world stopped at the moment their eyes met. all of a sudden, he felt warm and fuzzy at the inside of his stomach. the feeling of butterflies flying in his stomach almost made him fall down on his knees. his cheeks grew warm, and his red eyes were wide opened. the florist calmly fixed their appearance before taking a bow before the stunned prince. “i apologize for making you wait, your highness. here is your bouquet of roses. they’re newly fresh. i just cut them not too long ago,” the person says, a bright smile lingering of their face. ritsu wasn’t able to respond quick to their words, he was so distracted by their looks that he grew speechless.
h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes and with beautiful s/c skin…such perfection crafted by the hands of not only angels but by god themself. ritsu was indeed…attracted by their beauty. a simple florist working in a small flower shop. someone more lovely than each flower in a garden. nothing was compared—
“your highness?”
“huh?” ritsu was snapped back into reality just like that. the florist tilts their head, a little perplexed of what just happened to the prince. “is everything alright, your highness?”
‘their voice sounds so tender…something you could just fall asleep with…’
“oh, y-yes. apologies, i spaced out a bit there—here’s the payment,” ritsu took out the money his mother had lend to him onto the florist’s hands, trying his best not to stutter out with his words to show glimpses of nervousness. the florist once again, smiles at the male, and ritsu swore he saw heaven before his eyes. “thank you very much, your highness. please handle these roses with care.”
“will do. thank you too very much as well. these roses are divine, it looked like you tend to these very nicely. i’m impressed,” he says to the florist who bashfully laughs. “i-it’s not much, your highness. i’m a florist after all, it’s my job to take care of flowers and other plants to sell. we’re not here just for the tokens after all,” they say, and ritsu hums. no wonder agnes liked buying in this particular flower shop. unlike the other flower shops, this one doesn’t just do it for grand tokens or money—they really do love taking of flowers. and not only that, an attractive florist with a big passion for this type of job worked here as well.
“well then, i shall take my leave now back to the castle. once again, i am grateful for your hard work.”
“you are most welcome, your highness..! please do come back anytime.” the florist replies before bowing down. they had such a bubbly personality, friendly is what he’d like to mark it. he had just met them yet he felt like he and this person would get along very well. just as he was about to leave, ritsu stopped his tracks and turned around once again, his face a little red, “oh and hey.”
“yes, your highness…?”
“i haven’t heard your name, yet. pardon me, but…is it alright if i ask for your name?” ritsu says, his breath a little shaken. oh boy, this was the moment he’d waited for. there was a second pause before the florist smiles widely and says, “ah, i apologize for forgetting. my name is y/n, your highness.” they say with another bow.
those words repeated on his head. ‘y/n…what a pretty name. i’ll make sure to remember that…’
“y/n. what a lovely name. well then, y/n, i’d be delighted if i see you again one day. farewell…” and just like that the prince headed out of the store, not bothering to turn around to the two people inside waving goodbye. when he exited, isara was still there as asked. and when the royal knight noticed his presence, he was quick to question.
“finally. what took you so long inside there?” isara began. ritsu ignores him, eyes focused on the bouquet of roses handed to him by the lovely y/n. with that thought, his heart pounds a little, “y/n…”
ritsu turns to his royal knight and smiles cheekily, cheeks turning into a blush pink. “nothing~” he replies to isara who rose a brow in curiosity. instead, ritsu hands the bouquet into isara’s arms as he began walking away, a small smile still lingered on his face like a permanent grin, “hold them for me, will ya…? c’mon, maa-kun. let’s head back.”
isara follows from behind, sighing as he held the roses properly in his arms. “you look happy. did something happened inside?”
“oh come on, you never hid secrets from me…!”
the two had a loud chatter on their way back to the palace. the king and queen were both bewildered of why their son was happy throughout the entire day.
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the day of the royal ball had arrived.
royals from all different kingdoms had been invited along with all the citizens in the kingdom ruled by the sakuma family were allowed to come in the palace for the ball—in order to look for a perfect wife for rei.
ritsu was disinterested into this idea. yet at the same time, a certain person who he had been thinking about all week might be invited, too, with that thought ritsu was a little excited. he hopes y/n would arrive. the only main reason he decided to join in the party.
“so, any special guests arriving from different kingdoms?”
“prince leo tsukinaga from the tsukinaga family and prince tsukasa suou from the suou family, are both arriving with their royal knights izumi sena and arashi narukami. also along with prince subaru from the akehoshi family and prince hokuto from the famous hidaka family will be arriving as well with their royal guardians makoto yuuki and hajime shino.”
“well at least they’re coming…another reason to come along this ball party.” ritsu fixes his posture as isara calmly brushes his hair, along with fixing his attire for the royal ball party tonight.
“oh—and also, prince keito from the hasumi family with his two royal knights souma and kuro kiryu will be arriving as well to pay a visit to your brother. they’ve known each other since childhood if i remember quite well.”
“not like i care. keito is already skilled enough with the blade, i’m a little buzzed of why he needs two knight guards.”
“that saying much. look at your brother, he has one royal knight and two servants. twin pairs of you’d like to add it up…” isara says with a soft chuckle.
“meh. but i just wanna see my other friends again..i bet se-chan would wander over the palace along with prince leo to look for your friend. his name again…?”
“makoto, his name is makoto. considering they’ll be both arriving with their highnesses, i’m sure your prediction would be true,” isara replies, laughing a little. “also about prince leo, isn’t he going to have a coronation next month for his title as the king?” the royal knight questioned next. ritsu hums. “oh yeah…we should come over and visit him. we should also get him some presents to spoil him even more after he takes over his family kingdom’s throne. ahh~ i can’t believe how fast time pasts. i remembered the days he was just one loud prince roaming around the hallways of the palace. heh~”
“it’s crazy how it’s time for him to descend to the throne for the tsukinaga family. not to mention of how mature prince leo actually is as a prince once you get on his serious side…” isara comments, in which ritsu simply hummed in reply. he felt young when he’s around other princes. ritsu had no idea why, it was just a feeling he disliked despite being older than some of them. same age even. once the two were finished in getting ready, the clock struck at 6pm—meaning the ball was about to begin shortly.
dozens of guests had already arrived at the palace. some were even unmarried princesses coming in their best gowns to impress the one and only prince sakuma rei. familiar faces had also attended, like prince tsukasa who greeted ritsu with a warm embrace along with arashi, his royal knight. prince keito had also arrived shortly after, looking mature as always as he headed straight to visit rei at his room. duke adonis had arrived with a present for ritsu’s brother, and when one of rei’s guards, koga—saw him, he immediately shook his hand and walked away to follow him to where rei was currently at.
most of the visitors are not close with the second prince. and at the moment, it was only prince tsukasa, arashi, prince leo (soon to be king), and his royal knight izumi in ritsu’s room, getting ready and well rested before the huge party begins. not only were their presence made ritsu comfortable around them, but the way the topics they talked about was so familiar to his ears that it was satisfying for him to stay with them. isara had headed off to see prince hidaka who had arrived with prince subaru down the party that had begun.
“prince leo, please do watch your words…you’re going to be king soon, you mustn’t act like that.”
“i can’t help it…! not only did that prince tori got me into another word from my father but he even got his royal servant involved with our business…! argh..” leo leans down on his seat, crossing his arms as he muttered a few curses underneath his breath in complaint. “this is why i hate when the himemiya family comes to visit my father for a few royal talks…”
“yuzuru is not just an excellent servant for his highness tori but also a great knight. i’m a little jealous with his skills if i’m being honest,” izumi cuts in, comfortably resting his arm on top of the chair leo was sitting on. arashi hops in as well, still keeping her straight posture as she stood next to tsukasa, “a great knight and a good looking knight~! i’m jealous of the prince tori having such a handsome man like him to be his royal servant and knight…!” she exclaims, caressing both of her cheeks in awe.
“i can imagine dancing around the ballroom in the most beautiful dress…oh how i wish i was a princess…”
“i can request one of our personal dress makers to make you an outfit that’s similar to a dress if you want, narukami,” prince tsukasa tells the royal knight who bowed respectfully before him, “no need to, my prince. i’m perfectly fine the way i am. beautiful and brave.”
“that’s the spirit.”
“hey guys…i think we should head down now. the royal ball’s about to begin.” izumi began to fix his attire and waited for leo along with the others to stand up and head down as well. ritsu almost fell asleep on his bed, but good thing prince leo was able to wake him up.
the ballroom was exquisite. with a thousand glamour of each chandelier hanging from the ceilings, food placed across every table cooked by the most talented chefs in the palace, and not to mention the stunning women that arrived to hopes to be chosen to become rei’s wife for tonight’s royal ball. with a blink of an eye, everyone went in separate directions, leaving ritsu standing by his own. leo and izumi went straight to the food table, while tsukasa and arashi were both cornered by sudden strikes of conversations. and as for ritsu…he was bored. and alone. besides, the person he longed to see, was nowhere near his eye sight. with a yawn escaping his lips, he decided to just head outside as the party inside continued.
the air from the royal garden never failed to bring a smile upon ritsu’s face when entering. just the scent was enough to make him feel energized than before, striking up a straight posture as he made his way towards the roses section. he loved being alone at the royal garden. whether isara was available or not, he loves it. it was cold night, the sounds of loud crickets echoing in the wind while the other side was the loud blasts of classical music performing. he could some strangers’ loud chatting from out here, and ritsu grew a little annoyed. if only they would mimic their voices a little lower then that would be brilliant.
the male continued to walk down the path of purple tulips, with the most gorgeous patterned he had seen in the garden. his fingers brushed their soft petals, reminding him like a touch of a pillow case. he laughs at the thought, until his eyes caught a figure not too far away. ritsu stops right at his tracks.
‘hold on…they look…familiar…’ ritsu slowly adjusted his eyes. thank goodness the moon was shining bright tonight. within a further inspection, ritsu felt his heart racing like before.
the figure…it was them. it was y/n.
he can feel himself smile. he could’ve hardly recognized them. their attire…they looked so…amazing. with their hair fixed and a little brushed to the back, eyes looking to only the flower that seemed to be a peonie that lies around the other bushes. how their eyes reflected so tenderly beneath the moonlight that illuminated—ritsu felt like he was hypnotized by their appearance. he didn’t even felt like walking towards them due to how nervous he felt.
well, his prayers were definitely answered when y/n turns their head to his direction and immediately stood back up. “y-your highness…!” they say, a little startled as they bowed at ritsu, politely. “i’m really sorry if i somehow entered the garden area. i just couldn’t help it, i-i didn’t want to enter the palace just yet and—
“shh..” ritsu shushes them, a finger on his lips. y/n obliges. “it’s alright. no need to apologize, this area is allowed. for you that is…” now having enough courage to walk next to their side. y/n sheepishly fiddled with their fingers, eyes darting away from ritsu whom they thought was looking at them. turns out he was looking at the peonies.
“i don’t really like peonies…but they are pretty i must agree. miss agnes told me once that peonies can grow big and gobble me up if i don’t eat my vegetables…heh, i can’t believe i actually believed that….though, i was just a toddler during that time so i can’t really blame myself either…”
y/n looks at ritsu who then looked back at them, eyes meeting with one another. “miss agnes? oh wait, she sounds familiar..!” y/n spoke. ritsu smiles, looking over to the moon, “she was the garden taker here before at the palace. so whenever i visit the royal garden for a nap, i would see her taking care of the flowers no matter how many they are. but sadly…she passed away…”
“oh…i’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to be. it’s not like we’re that close. yet…yeah, i do kinda miss her…” ritsu’s face shifted into a frown, and the two were once again, clouded with silence. y/n didn’t know what to say. they were a little bewildered off what to tell the prince in order to give him some kind of comfort. they weren’t good at them…
“the roses..”
ritsu turns his face to y/n and smiles. “come with me, i want to show you were i placed the roses i bought from your store.” with a hand reached out, the intrigued florist took the prince’s hand, and they both sped out of the peonies section, onwards the rose garden. it was like a fairy tale, with the moon dancing underneath their faces that glows, y/n’s eyes could only follow prince ritsu’s hand that held on theirs, heart skipping beats.
as the two arrived to the rose garden, y/n’s eyes stopped to look at the entire bouquet of roses placed neatly on each collection, shaping into hearts and other shapes that caught her visible attention. the florist mouthed a small ‘wow,’ absolutely mesmerized by the sight. so…this was what the royal garden looked liked. so fancy, pretty and…mouth dropping. miss agnes and the other servants that took care of this garden indeed did a splendid job. “i like taking naps in here. if i don’t feel comfortable in my bedroom at afternoons, then i would sleep here in the rose garden. it’s more relaxing in the afternoon.” y/n somehow notices that when they saw an area on the side that’s able for someone to nap on.
“i see…”
“so, what made you attend this party? you certainly don’t look like someone to go out and wear amazing clothing.”
y/n lets out a sigh before answering. “after you visited, my grandmother heard the announcement of the royal ball that’ll be held next week. she thought that maybe i would make an amazing guest for the ballroom, since ‘we gave the most beautiful roses to his highness.”
ritsu chuckles, “is that so? then maybe your grandmother isn’t wrong.”
“you’re right, your highness. i don’t like going to events like this. i’d rather stay at home and help her work in the shop. my grandma could be so stubborn sometimes…she’s already old yet she still works so hard and often makes me head to bed first before she does…” y/n slowly sits down on a bench made out of stone, while ritsu did the same. “i work extra hard so that she won’t overwork herself. losing my grandmother is the last thing i’d want in this world…whenever she’d work a lot i start to feel worthless…it’s a pain sometimes, your highness…”
“don’t feel that way. look, you’re working extra hard just for her, you should feel better for that, already. it may not be noticeable, and i know i don’t always visit your flower shop, but i bet she’s proud of how determined you are just for her…” y/n’s eyes went wide a little, however they closed as they smiled softly. “t-thank you ever much for your words, your highness. that made me feel a little better…”
the conversation stopped when the sounds of violin and the cello began to play inside of the palace doors. the sounds of everyone’s footsteps in position, and the sounds of people dancing begun to run around ritsu’s ears in surprise.
ah, of course. it was time for the dance.
standing up, ritsu lends his hand in front of y/n who seemed stunned by the sudden action. with a deep breath, ritsu says, “the music is playing. now, may i have this dance with you, y/n?”
“eh? m-me?”
“well who else am i asking? it’s just the two of us in here. don’t worry, i wanna dance with you.”
y/n felt their cheeks heating up. as they took the prince’s hand, ritsu helps them stand up and now the two of them were in dancing positions. the music began to coordinate inside the room, and as it did, ritsu begun to lead the dance, making y/n yelp by how fast he was at doing so. the fear of stepping in a royal’s foot was on their mind at the moment. but ritsu cuts that off, “it’s fine. if you don’t know how to dance that is…” y/n blushes in small embarrassment. ritsu chuckles.
the two spun around blissfully in the garden, only the stars and heaven watching as the two danced beneath the moonlight. eyes staring at nothing else but at each other. it indeed came out straight from a fairy tail. a florist and a prince. how almost so cliche. but so lovely.
when the music stopped, the two stopped dancing as well—catching their breaths with small smiles. ritsu sends the florist a beam, and y/n smiles back.
“may i have another dance with you, y/n?”
“yes you may, my prince.”
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a/n: omfg that took so long to finish
requests: closed :(
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magicalyaku · 10 months
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I had vacation and tooth surgery and thus a lot of time to be lazy! <3 A chunk of it I spent listening to the narrations of some creepypasta series. Though, honestly, I'm not sure they can be called that? They're more episodic paranormal stories. Yes, there's monsters running around and dangerous, maybe scary stuff going on, but they're also incredibly wholesome and soo sweet and very queer! So if you're into that, go look for the stories written by @02321 on r/nosleep and Youtube! My Name's Skyler, I'm a Freelance P.I. narrated by Baron Landred (the title on r/nosleep is I Work as a P.I and a Government Agent approached me to help with a case) and I Deliver Mail to Cryptids narrated by Animas. (And also a bunch of stories more set in the same universe of the Silver King.)
Now back to our regular books! We have 4 princes, 2 kings and 1 queen this month!
Banshee Blues (Nina Blazon): I'm in the editing process of my latest novel, which I'm writing in German, so I felt I should read a German, non-translated book for once. This was the only one in my pile but it is from my favourite German author, so all was well. I have a lot to thank her for. The first novel read from her was Der Dunkle Kuss der Sterne (The Stars' Dark Kiss) and that was the first time I liked first-person viewpoint! Her next book had split POV and different tenses and I had to admit it was done well. Banshee Blues was not quite up to par with her previous works but it went a few new directions than usual which was nice as well. It tried very hard to lead you astray with what's going on and who is evil and who isn't. And while I liked how things turned out between the two leads it would have been monumental to have them stay platonic.
The Fallen King's Penitent Soldier (Tales of the High Court 5) (Megan Derr): Sigh, it's been a ride. I had a good time with the whole series. I love the worldbuilding, really. But it is alright to end it here, while it's still good, you know. In a way, these five stories are all built very similar: Being kidnapped by bad guys, running from the bad guys or running after the bad guys for the first half and afterwards waiting to let other people sort it out. There's probably a limited amount of iterations you can go through while still be interesting. But for these five volumes it was fun! As for book 5 by itself, I think it's a good thing it comes so late in the series. Because it really takes its time. There's a lot introspection going on for the two protagonists which is okay because they go through a lot but it's also very long and sometimes not much else happens. I liked the two of them, I liked how religion was handled, I liked how it went full circle back to Allen's story. I liked the series. Good times. :)
Prince & Knight (Daniel Haack & Stevie Lewis): I wanted this for the pretty pictures. But apparently the universe didn't want me to? I ordered this last year already, but the package went on an odyssee through several cities without ever arriving at my home. I ordered it again this year and … the same thing happened?! 8D The odyssee was shorter this time, mind you, but … why again?! I tried a third time and ordered it for pick up at a local bookstore and that finally worked. Geez! It's a children's picture book so the story is as basic as it goes. Is it goo for children? I wouldn't know. The dragon doesn't die and it's very sweet and very pretty.
In all seinen Farben (Boy Queen) (George Lester): I had some exhausting weeks at work and thought I could use something inspirational. Something about finding your own way and shine. Which happens in this book but there's also a lot of drama going on and I was not prepared for the rock-bottom-hit in the beginning. xD I mean, it was written in the blurb but I've owned the book for a year why should I reread the blurb … I know nothing about drag or make-up or anything in that direction (I did watch like 15 minutes of the drag show at Comic Con Stuttgart last year but that hardly counts), so it was charming and interesting to read about.
We Could Be so Good (Cat Sebastian): I have to apologise to everyone on the waitlist for this at my library because I could have read it faster but … once I realised what sort of direction the 70% drama might take I had a tough time reading on. They were so happy and it was nice and I just did not want to suffer! I did assume, since the book goes out of its way to address how all queer books published during the mid of the last century would have to end badly (and the protagonist outright refusing to read them therefore), it would probably take a turn for a happy ending. That was the only hope that kept me going. If I had known any of the author's other work I maybe wouldn't have worried so much, because it's written in her bio already that she'll only write happy endings?! Well … So for anyone else fearing the drama of a book set in 1959: No queer person was harmed in this book! (Nothing major anyway.) I like the book, though! Enjoyed reading it. Nick and Andy are both sweet. But that fear did something to me, took me a while to recover. :'D
Prince & Assasssin (Perilous Courts 1) (Tavia Lark): I needed something simple for my fragile heart and it seems gay fantasy is my comfort read now in the same way my mom reads stuff named like "The Little Bakery at XYZ Street". And what should I tell you, yeah, there're men who are tenderly and not so tenderly intimate with each other, yeah yeah, but there's also giant talking cats! Giant talking cats! Also, I really like the author's writing style. It's so smooth! I started reading and didn't want to put it down anymore because it read so smoothly! The book itself was so much better than I had expected (which was basically nothing). It won't blow you off your feet but it's pretty enjoyable and surprisingly wholesome. Also the worldbuilding felt just right. I'm looking forward to reading the next volumes soon!
King of Immortal Tithe (Darkmourn 2) (Ben Alderson): Did I buy the expensive hardcover just because I like the illustration more than the one of the paperback? Why hello, that's me. So this is the second fae book I read this year. It's apparently a universal truth now that fae men are the most beautiful and well endowed beings on earth and beyond. Not that I mind, you do you, but why does fae anatomy work the same as humans' actually? Anyway, this is a stand-alone in a series of stories all set within the same universe. I like that concept. Hunting for pieces of lore is fun. Arlo is a feisty character so following him was enjoyable. The switch from enemy to lovers was kinda sudden like … I can see why but personally it still felt sudden. Also Faenir calling Arlo constantly Darling was not my taste but you know, if it's just that, I can overlook it. The twist at the end had me barking out evil laughter (which means approval). I did hold back reading the final chapter until I read the first volume as not to spoil any more! (While they are stand-alones the previous story is referenced in this one.)
Lord of Eternal Night (Darkmourn 1) (Ben Alderson): "He was so tall and his hands were so large and his length was so great and so thick my fingers couldn't touch reaching around it. He was not just a man, he was a god!" I laughed. That's not a literal quote, but a good summary. Yeah. I laughed. And while praising one guy he was also dissing his former lover, the baker's son, for not being as large. Not the poor lad's fault, no need to get mean! Should have known at that point already who was the true evil mastermind. :'P. But in all fairness, there is a little more going on in the story. And well, these books know very well what kind of fantasy they're catering. There's a short guy, a little crafty and feisty, not too weak, and the very tall, very beautiful guy who everyone says is evil, but turns out he isn't so evil, he just has a tragic past, he also falls very hard for the protagonist and oops, maybe he does have some capacity for evil. I did like how the story subverted who's good and who's bad like three times. Otherwise, it's not really complex. But I'm kinda into the ending.
Alpha of Mortal Flesh (Darkmourn 3) (Ben Alderson): The third installment in the series, they've been getting more elaborate with each volume. So instead of the 2 and 3 half characters we had in the first one, there's actually a whole cast in here with motivations and backstories. That was nice. The writing style, however, is still as … trying as hard as in the beginning. It's not bad, mind you, I commend it for trying to use the full range of the English language, but there's a lot of words, making everything longer than needed, and sometimes their choice is really weird. Example: "My tongue broke free. It slithered from the confines of my mouth." But it's just a normal human tongue licking something eagerly yet still very normally! And, they're indie books, yeah, but I do wish all three books would have gone through another round of editing. The unnecessary repetitions and errors made me suffer a little. And while I got a little bored and impatient at the end I do like the story and what it's trying to do. Just that it was trying too hard in some aspects of the writing and not hard enough in others.
That's it for July! Apparently, August will be library month again. My TBR bookshelf disapproves but duh. Let's go and have fun. :P
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nightskyye · 1 year
Tag game! Tag 9 people you want to get to know better (if you like)
TYSM FOR THE TAG @yoyokoolaid <333
3 ships: rivusa, jiara and kanej
First ever ship: oooh first was maybe percabeth? but the first i joined fandom for was bughead
last song: 'end' by jeremy zucker, its soo good istg and honorary mention for 'choo lo' by the local train bc i had that on repeat for like an hour before this
last movie: 'cha cha real smooth' was expecting a comfort movie NOT a bawl ur eyes out at 2 am movie
currently reading: 'the cruel prince' by holly black
currently watching: nothing tbh, writers block aparantly blocks my ability to watch shows too 🤡
currently consuming: nothing? does air count 😭😭?
currently craving: super cold drink of any sort, would prefer coffee tho
tagging: @kierreras @hbiccjsblog @winterlovesong1 @brekker-by-brekkerr @lilisouless @smudgedbypen @after-dark-shine @thstarsofsilver @hepaidattention
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ludcake · 8 months
i have soo many thoughts about hotd casting black actors for the velaryons (and fabian’s casting as well) and the discourse surrounding it. So many thoughts. But one of things that drives me wild is how people talk about the string boys like “of course thoses are laenor’s kids theyre WHITE”. And i know that hbo wanted to make it make it obvious that the boys were harwin’s but any rhaenyra+laenor kids would be 3/4th white anyways. Like they still had the chance to come out looking white anyways😭 like prince harry and meghan markle’s kids also look very white😭
I mean sure but that's beside the point to me. The problem is that they made a lot of casting decisions - which were bold and I generally respect, in the sense that it mostly added rather than detracted from the story - but they didn't fully follow through because, to my view, they went piecemeal at it. See, for instance, Rhaenys not having dark hair - which while a retcon George made, also impacted the Strong Kids, as did giving the Velaryons curly hair, and so many other minor things.
Ultimately, I think that it was just sort of a hole they dug themselves into.
But yes, that's a problem stemming from the conception that is, to my view, very USAmerican of how race and ethnicity works - that biracial is mixed is black, the one drop rule, the idea that miscigenation trends towards "darkening" one's descendants, etc etc etc. It's a very specific racial framework that ultimately sort of falls apart in the context of HotD and ASOIAF in general.
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phenioxflame · 28 days
Castlevania 3: Worlds of Shadow Chapter 1: A Knight Lost In Darkness
The day was bright and the sun was shining down upon the kingdom of Castlevania. The people of the kingdom were going about their lives, working hard at what they do. Of course it didn’t come without hardship, but what day in life was easy? The kingdom of Castlevania was no different from the outside world. But if it was not for the king and prince, King Dracula, and Prince Alucard, the people of Castlevania would be lost. It was originaly King Dracula who founded this land, and built the castle of which he and his son reside in now. It was not long after Dracula created his kingdom that he met his love, Marie, and had their son, Trevor. However, it was seven years later that Marie would pass from a severe illnes. However, it did not put the king into a deep despair. He decided to keep her legacy alive by teaching others about healing and medicen so the same illsess would not befall them.
However, that would not last long. Trevor had fallen severely ill and was at the edge of death. As a way to save him, he gave his blood and turned him into a vampier. Now reborn as Alucard.
“Seams like the people are lively today”, Alucard says.
“You know why they are”, Dracula says. “The blood moon festival is tonight. I can only imagen how excited they all are.”
“Speaking of….  I was hoping I could go to the festival at night..” Dracula looked at his son with an unconvinced look, him raising one eyebrow. Alucard looked at his father for a moment and asked in a stutter, “W-What?”
“No”, Dracula answered.
“Why not”, Alucard asked.
“Son, we as vampires can’t go out on the night of the blood moon”, Dracula reminded Alucard. “We can not control ourselves under the blood moon.”
“I know…”, Alucard said in a disapornted voice. “I just…. Wanted to horor her memory….”
“Son..” Dracula knew where Alucard was coming from. It was soo long ago that the two of them lost the one they loved the most, but to Alucard, it seemed like it was just yesterday he lost her. “I know you miss her. I do too. But I might have a way to hornor her memory in a different way.” Alucard looked at his father and asked, “How?”
“You’ll see.” Alucard hated when his father would say “You’ll see”. Before Alucard could demand for answers, the tiny hairs on his neck stood. His facial expression changed into alertness. “What’s wrong? Both Dracula and Alucard looked up to see the blue sky turn to shades of crimson red. Then, a symbol appeared within the clouds.
“What is that”, Alucard said. Dracula squinted his eyes and sees a portal open from the middle of the seal.
“Look!” Dracula pointed to the seal and Alucard's eyes followed his fathers view and he sees a person fall from the portal. Without a moment to waist, Alucard uses his raven-like wings to fly up. With high speeds, Alucard catches the white haired elf.
“An elf? All the way out here”, He thought to himself. He looked back up to see the crimson blood sky and the seal fate and dissaper. “It’s gone.” Alucard floats down to the ground with the elf in his arms. Dracula waves his hand over to Alucard.
“Is she alright”, Alicard asked. Dracula looks at the elf and sees several scratches and wounds on her face. He looks at her side and sees blood stains along her armor
“I don’t think so”, Dracula said. “It looks like she’s been in some kind of battle. Let’s take her back to the castle. I can treat her there.” Alucard nodes and the two take the elf back to the castle.
Alucard pust a hot wet towel over the elf’s forehead. Dracula walks inand places a med tray on the dresser.
“How’s her temperature”, Dracula asks.
“Her temperature is going up. She’s not as cold as she was before”, Alucard says.
“And her armor?”
“There was nothing out of the ordinary about it”, Alucard says. “But the emblem…..”
“The emblem”, Dracula repeated.
“The emblem is from Vamperis”, Alucard says. “But it’s different.”
“Different how?” Alucard walked over to where he had placed the armor and took out the emblem from the armor. He walks back over to his father and gave him the emblem.
“I looked at the old emblem and this emblem, there are similarities, her emblem is different all together. Vamperis was destroyed two thoudand years ago”, Alucard said. “This one is newer than the old one.” Alucard and Dracula look at the elf laying in bed. “Who is she?”
Morgan walks through the darkness, her figure hazed by the fog.
“Where am I……?” Morgana holds her head in pain and her vision turns white. Morgan’s eyes twitch from the warm heat hitting her eyelid. She moves her eyes around at first and then her head. She looked over to see Alucard reading a book, his left leg crossed over his right leg. Alucard looks over and sees Morgana looking at him. He could feel his heart jump from the way Morgana was looking at him.
“You're awake”, he said, closing his book. He places the book on the table next to him. Then, out of nowhere, Morgana rushes out of the bed, extends her claws and swipes at Alucard, missing by a few inches. “Hey!”
“Where is she”, Morgana shouts, her left arm extended as a way of attack.
“Can you calm down”, Alucard says, “I’m not going to hurt you.” Morgana’s face was unchanged. She looked over and saw a door. She made a dash for the door and ran out of the room. “Well crap. Guess that wouldn’t be the first time someone has tried to attack me at hello.”
Morgana runs down the hallway at top speed. The sound of muffled running floor steps, hitting the carpet is all she can hear. She stops at a  crossed hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. She holds her head in pain, throbbing from the blood rushing through her vains. She takes the left and runs down the stairs. She keeps on running until she ends up at the throne room.
“I see you've woken up.” Morgana looks back and sees a figure covered in the shadows. She raises her right arm, ready to fight in need be. “You don’t have to be scared. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“And why…. would I believe you….”, Morgana asked, her speech becoming weary with every few words. Her hands shaking, losing their balance.
“Because that’s not what I do”, Dracula says. He walks on the outside of Morgana’s defence. “Where are you from?” Morgana kept her defence.
“Why do you want to know”, Morgana asked. Dracula looked at Morgana with his red glowing eyes. He steped out of the shadows and showed his face in the light. Morgana’s eyes widened, her arms lowering. She takes a few slow steps back. She stopped at her sixth step.
“I…it’s you….. Bu…but how are you…..?” Before Morgana could say another word, her body loses its strength to stand. Her head becomes light and falls along with her body. Dracula runs over and catches Morgana’s falling body before it could hit the ground. Dracula moves Morgana’s bangs oway from her closed eyes.
“Who are you”, he wonders to himself. Alucard runs in and sees his father hold Morgana. “I thought you were watching her?”
“I was”, Alucard continued, “But she tried to kill me.” 
“Let’s take her back to the room.”
Morgana awakens once more. Looking around and seeing Alucard in the same chair he was in before. He looks over and says, “You're awake. I was starting to worry that you wouldn’t wake up.” Morgana lifts herself up and sits up straight. The warm towel from before falls on her hands. “You were cold when I saved you. How do you feel?”
“Better”, Morgana says, placing the towel on the table next to her bed.
“I’m glad”, Alucard said. Morgana looks away for a second and says, “I apoligize for what I did before.”
“You still remember that”, Alucard asks. Morgana looks away and blushes from embaresment.
“Y-Yes. I tend to act when I think I’m in danger”, Morgana explains. “So, I aboligize.”
“It’s water under the bridge”, Alucard says. “I’m Prince Alucard Belmont. And who might you be?”
“I am Morgana”, She says. Dracula walks in and says, “Oh, you're awake.”
“Yes”, Alucard says. “Morgana is doing fine.”
“So your name is Morgana. It’s nice to meet you Morgana”, Dracula says. “I am King Dracula Belmont.”
“It’s an hornor to meet you, King Dracula. Prince Alucard”, Morgana says, holding her hand to her heart and bowing, showing respect. She looks around and asks, “Um, where is my armor?”
“We had it washed by the maids”, Alucard says. “It’s in the closet over there.”
“Morgana, would you be willing to tell us how you got here”, Dracula asks.
“Yes”, Morgana answers. “But would I be able to change back into my armor?”
“Of course”, Dracula says. “We’ll be in the throne room waiting for you.” Dracula and Alucard walk out of the room and close the door.
“Do you think we should have told her about Vamperis”, Alucard asks, keeping his voice down.
“I’m not sure”, Dracula says. “I want to ask her more about Vamperis, but there’s no posibility that she is from the past. Her armor is too modern. We won’t know more until we ask.”
Morgana walks into the throne room and sees Alucard and Dracula talking to eachother. Dracula notices Morgana standing in the hallway.
“There you are. Are you ready to talk?”
“Yes, I am”, Morgana says. “But Can I ask you something?”
“Aren’t we the one’s who are suppost to ask the questions”, Alucard says. Dracula looks and Alucard with an “Are you kidding me face”. Morgana rushes over to Alucard and holds her extended nails under Alucards neck.
“You should really learn how to talk to a lady if you don’t want that throat of yours pulled out”, Morgana says in a deep, stern tone of voice. Alucard looks into Morgana’s blood red eyes and feels her magic binding.
“Y-Your a vampier?”
“Well, you catch on quickly”, Morgana says. She moves her hand away from Alucard’s neck. “But as correction, I’m half vampier.”
“I am an elvier. Half elf, half vampier”, Morgana says.
“That would exsplain the ears”, Alucard says.
“Morgana, how did you get here”, Dracula asks.
“Well, my kingdom was under attack”, Morgana continues, “I was jumped by monsters. I’m not too sure how I got here.”
“Your kingdom?”
“I’m a knight of Vamperis”, Morgana says. “I’m sorry, I never got to ask before: which kingdom is this?”
“Castlevania”, Dracula answers. Morgana looks at Dracula in surprise for a moment.
“That can’t be”, Morgana says.
“And why is that”, Alucard asks.
“Castlevania collapsed seventeen hundred years ago”, Morgana says. Dracula and Alucard look at each other with confused looks on their faces. “What?”
“Morgana, Vamperis was destroyed two thousand years ago”, Dracula says. Morgana looked at Dracula and Alucard and said in a stern voice, “That is impossible! I was just in Vamperis! How long was I out for?”
“A week”, Dracula says. “You feel from a portal.” Morgana puts her left two knuckles to her forehead. She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them up.
“Can you take me there? Can you take me to Vamperis?”
“Why would you want to go there”, Alucard asked.
“I wasn’t the only one who was fighting”, Morgana says. “My comrades… My friends, they were fighting the monsters as well. There had to have been survivors. Please, I need to know that they’re alive.” Alucard and Dracula look at each other. They knew this wasn’t gonna end well, but they couldn’t keep her here august her will.
“Very well”, Dracula said. “We will take you to Vamperis.”
“Thank you”, Morgana said. Her and Dracula started to walk to the castle door, but Alucard just stood where he was. He had seen the state of Vamperis years before. Morgana was not going to cope well.
Dracula and Alucard led Morgana through the dimly lit cave. Even when Morgana had her armor on, she could still feel how damp the cave was. She guessed that the water uptop was amking the moss within the cave more moist than usual.
“We’re almost out”, Dracula said. Morgana saw the exit to the cave. She covered eyes from the dim light and let them adjust. She looked beyond the trees and saw horror. Where the castel of Vamperis stood, was nothing but a broken castel and ruin.
“No….. NO!” Morgana ran down the hill, sliding faster than a normal person would.
“Morgana!” Dracula and Alucard run after Morgana. Reaching the bottom floor, Morgana runs with all her strength to the ruined kingdom. Dracula and Alucard run after her through the forest of dead branches and leaves. They make it to the end of the forest and see Morgana fall to her knees. Morgana looks in horror at the ruined kingdom before her.
“What.. happened here…”, Morgana said in a shocked state.
“The lords of shadows started a war with Vamperis, and destroyed the kingdom”, Dracula explained. “They tried to fight them off, but it wasn’t enough.”
“No…. how….? Damage like this? This couldn’t have been ruined over a week”, Morgana says, lifting herself up. “It’s impossible, even for a lord of shadow.”
“Morgana, the lords of shadow are more powerful than you think”, Alucard says. “They put curses on this land and the next. No one survived.” Alucard looked over at his father, and saw an all too fumiliar look on his face. “Father?”
“Morgana, are you sure your kingdom was attacked a week ago”, Dracula asked.
“Yes”, Morgana continued, “I’ve seen damage to a kingdom within a week and it doesn’t look like this. This is centuries of damage from the earth taking over.”
“I see…”
“Father, what are you thinking”, Alucard asks.
“I think we should see Alfeda”, Dracula. “I believe Morgana when she says that her kingdom couldn’t have been destroyed within a week.”
“Are you sure”, Alucard asks.
“Take me to her”, Morgana interupst. “If she can shed some insight on this, I need her help.”
“Very well”, Dracula says. “Let’s return to the castle to make preparations.” Before walking back, Morgana looks back on the ruined Vamperis kingdom. Dead leaves fall from the broken branches above. She turns back and thinks to herself, “I promise, I will kill the lords of shadows, and your souls will rest.”
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itisjustfei · 1 year
Day 12: favourite tv series
As an opening, I think i mentioned somewhere that I'm a whore for entertainment (though in questionably slump for past few years). Dan sebelum ini ada kaya tren nyebutin the thing to get to know me, jadi inget kan tuh, pas banget yah.
Ok here it is. I'll mention one i have strong feeling to. No specific list.
Secret Love (2013)
No one can convince me to hate about how generic and how cliche the plot is, mainly because ofc I liked the actors who portrayed the protagonist but also because THE CHEMISTRY, and I liked how it make me feel!!! I wish I can watch from the first time again.
Though, It is quite problematic, if I reckon. But every sk drama I watch in that time were mostly problematic, so yeah, what choice do I have (lies).
I still remember the one scene that so right in the feel, (spoiler alert) ketika mereka mau first time, dan si cowo ini nyium luka bakar cewenya, wah, I watched it many years ago, but it's still get me every time.
Goblin (2016)
OFC I'M GONNA MENTION THEY HERE. Ini tuh beneran ada semuanya, angst nya ada, romance nya ada, komedinya ada. Gw masih inget gmana gila nya gw ama series ini, mana kan gw emang suka dilf, and hell they're so effin gorgeous here. I'M GONNA MENTION ABOUT THEIR CHEMISTRY OFC, not only the protagonist, but the whole cast were so perfect for each other, no miss on that part, nothing feel awkward it kinda hit home, I still rewatch the part when they made me laugh so much.
Nirvana in Fire (2015)
Jujur, gw ga suka tipe2 yang bikin gue harus mikir, karena brow otak ini tidak begitu pintar en smart to go through people scheme, but this one?? Hell I love every second of it. Unfortunately , I can't feel a much of a chemistry going, but it is still a masterpiece on plot alone, i don't feel amiss in it. Nah, mulai dari series ini gue mulai mengecambah ke series cina, well mainly period costume drama.
Sebenernya ada sekuel nya dan katanya lebih oke lagi, but I am still enamored by this Mei Changsu and Prince Jing, so leave me alone.
Joy of Life (2019)
It might gonna surpass nirvana in fire if only they're airing all the trilogy, betul, ini series terbagi menjadi 3 bagian dan yang baru tayang baru yang pertamanya aja. Meski begitu gw tidak menyesal (sedikit sebetulnya) karena emang SESERU ITU, hell I don't remember when the last time I was genuinely laugh, a big one by a scene, because it was so unexpectedly funny I crieeed, ofc there's moment too where I cried in tender and sad moments. Again, this far, the plot is soo smooth, didn't feel any amiss, but I can't judge as whole, because again, I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE NEXT SEQUEL BECAUSE THE ENDING WAS LITERALLY A HANGED ONE (and pls tell me when I gonna get the rest????!!!!???)
Word of Honor (2021)
Well, we know how strict that country about bl, but much to my surprise, they're pushing the limits with this series, the gesture, the words, the look, the eyes, omg I can going for long on why they make this sooo obviously gay, but couldn't quite going there it made me on the edge many times! (Like other non canon bl ships I'm currently invested). And one point more they're all pretty ((chefs kiss)). My favorite part were when Wen Kexing deliberately making a fit on everything, my silly clown.
Dele (2018)
This is an episodic format of a series, I wish they're putting more than 8 episodes. They're not yet exploring the main protagonist. I even need to read the book I literally SALVAGED after 3 years watching the last episode (cr book 2). I'm so in love with the main protagonist, I put his name in my pseudonym, I WISH HE WERE MY REAL HUSBAND (i still am). I can't quite explain it, but holy shit I'm in love. Still dooo.
Daredevil (2015)
It's dark dark and dark, if you watched it, you'll understand what I meant, but he's so cute like cuuuuuutttteeeeeee (tempeleng aja gw) series west genre ini itu gmna ya, plot makin kesini tuh bukan ngeberesin konflik-konflik yg udah tapi malah jadi makin runyam, but I think that's the charm with it, you bared with anticipation, curious of what kind a mess they could make, an even worse after another. Btw sampe postan ini dibuat, belum nonton S3 karena gw denial.
Hannibal (2013)
I think I watched it in it's running through S2, so like, around 2014? Seperti biasa gw nemu di lepi si aa, ya gw tonton. Most of the time I don't get what are they saying, ketinggian otak gw kaga nyampe dah, tapi I'm there not for that but for Mads and Mads only (then for hannigram in S3). And I kinda liked the every 'cruel beauty' they show. My favorite part ofc like everyone were the confession. I still played that part once in a while.
The Mandalorian (2019)
My utmost comfort series, it's so so slooow but I don't hate it, gw baca dimana kalo series ini tuh genrenya family dan gw setujuuuuu, karena despite the dystopian future they depicted, it is a family genre, I'm sooooffffffftttt for Grogu and Din, they're so insufferable sometimes I don't get it why I'm having soft spot for them.
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horrorwebs · 3 years
devin ap bio is not only a loser and a nerd but also an anarchist AND queer? godamn it im in love
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hattiewritesalot · 2 years
~Best Of Wives And Best Of Women~
Thorin x fem!wife!reader
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Summary: After reclaiming Erebor, Thorin is working non-stop. One night he is up rather late, and his wife is desperate for him to stop and go back to bed with her.
Warnings: thorin ignoring the reader a bit, mention of a battle, mention of a headache, other than that it's v wholesome <3
A/N: This idea came to me while listening to Hamilton last night. The song is linked below, I am very VERY obsessed with it :) Get ready for some more Hamilton coming up, especially an angsty one with our beloved dwarf princes...
(Y/N) walked into the throne room, her bare feet padding gently on the cold floor. Within seconds she saw her beloved Thorin sitting upon the extravagant throne in the centre, a quill in his hand and papers strewn across his lap and the floor.
She let out a gentle sigh, and kept walking as she called out to him.
"Thorin, come back to sleep." The dwarf king smiled, the sound of his wife's voice like a siren song, enticing him to follow her back to the comfort of their warm bed.
"I have an early meeting in Dale-" "It's still dark outside!" She protested, standing in front of him now, arms folded across her chest.
"I know…" She raised an eyebrow as if to encourage him to continue. "I just need to write something down."
(Y/N) laughed lightly, beginning to pick up some of the stray papers on the floor, her eyes scanning over the elegant writing on them.
"Why do you write like you're running out of time?" She asked, and although it sounded teasing, it was a genuine question. Thorin was constantly writing, and she wondered how many ink pots he'd gone through since the battle ended with Azog's death.
He shushed her softly, before collecting the papers in her hands and pressing a light kiss to her cheek.
"Come back to bed, that would be enough!" She whispered, teasingly quoting a phrase they had used since their first meeting.
With the tired sigh Thorin let out, (Y/N) was expecting him to finally give in. Thank goodness, maybe he'd stop being so stubborn and-
"I'll be back before you know I'm gone." Or not.
(Y/N) groaned, pulling away from him to gesture vaguely to the direction of their bedroom. "Come back to sleep!" Thorin let out a little chuckle at her dramatics before looking back at his paperwork.
"This meeting's at dawn."
She rested her fingers against her temples, rubbing gently to ease herself of the headache that fatigue had brought upon her. At that point she'd simply given up.
"Well I'm going back to sleep." She announced, turning around to leave the throne room. If Thorin wasn't going to sleep, so be it, but that wasn't going to stop her from acting on her tiredness.
(Y/N) would've left in that very moment if it weren't for a hand grasping her arm, rough fingers curling around hers . "Hey." His deep voice sent electricity shooting through her veins.
She spun around to shoot Thorin a glare, but it was difficult to look annoyed when he placed an ever-so-delicate kiss on the inside of her wrist, all while maintaining eye contact with her.
"Best of wives and best of women!" He said, grinning wildly as he let her go. She returned the grin merrily, before curtsying mockingly and making her way out of the room.
Maybe Thorin wasn't going to sleep that night, but she would make sure he did the next.
eek I love Hamilton it brings my autistic brain a lot of joy
@i-did-not-mean-to my beloved <3
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saintlike78 · 3 years
James' Princess [Poly Marauders]
Anon request: poly!marauders x fem reader- the way you write each of the boys in the relationship makes me feel like James is definitely the softest with the reader. Soo, I was hoping for something with that. Maybe they are in Hogsmeade, and James is just a sucker and buying reader whatever.
A/N: I loved writing this… I just love adding to the relationship <3 <3
Pairings: Poly! Marauders x Fem! Reader
Words: 1k
Warnings: Pure fluff, reader wears a dress, dramatic Sirius, James spoiling you, mention of beverages (butterbeer), allusion to sex (if you blink, you’ll miss it). As always lmk if I missed anything,
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The day was warm, the sun shining down upon you as you walked with your boyfriends up the busy street of Hogsmeade. The summer breeze was doing well to cool you down, flowing between yourself and Remus, whose hand was in yours.
“Come on, Remmy, you’re walking so slow,” you whined as you tugged on Remus’ hand like an over-excited child.
Remus chuckled, but quickened his pace, “calm down, bunny, we still have plenty of time before the shops close - and besides, don’t you think you’ve shopped enough today?”
You slowed your pace, contemplating his words, “well, maybe… maybe we should stop for today? I’m also almost out of my allowance from this week.”
“But, darling,” the whining voice of James came from behind you, “you still have to show us that pretty dress you mentioned.”
James came up by your side, his arm landings around your shoulder, giving it a squeeze as he started leading your group towards the boutique that carried said dress.
James’ other hand was full of the shopping bags, actually, your shopping bags, that he had insisted he carry for you. “Can’t let our pretty darling tire herself out, can we now,” he had said to Sirius, who had just rolled his eyes at the tall dark-haired boy.
You spun around, showing off the dress; all three boys’ eyes basically turning to hearts as they took in your figure in the cute sundress.
“You have to get it,” Sirius said, his jaw slightly slack.
“It’ll have to wait till next week, I don’t have enough money left,” you shrugged, heading back into the dressing room.
“Nonsense, I’ll get it for you, princess,” James proclaimed, his fingers already fishing his wallet out of his pocket.
Your head poked out from behind the curtain, “no Jamie, you’ve already spoiled me so much today,” you argued, a slight pout pulling at your lips.
James wasn’t listening, instead walked towards you and finding the dress inside your dressing room, not without a ‘hey, I’m changing!’ from you.
“I’m going to the register to pay,” James announced, holding the dress up along with his wallet, which he had successfully dug out from his pocket.
“No, Jamie! Wait a minute,” you were stressing to get dressed, but James was too quick, having already paid by the time you were dressed and standing beside him by the register.
“You spoil her too much,” Remus chuckled, putting a hand on James’ shoulder as you all left the small boutique, heading towards The Three Broomsticks.
“Well, she’s our little princess, she deserves to be spoiled,” James spoke as he extended his arm for you to grab ahold of.
“She’s our little princess,” Sirius mocked, “what about me? Am I not your little prince? Why don’t you spoil me?”
You giggled at Sirius’ dramatic behavior and James shrugged, but his lips were turned up in a sly smirk, “if you want to be spoiled all you need to do is ask.”
Sirius just grumbled but didn’t say anything further as you entered The Three Broomsticks, finding a booth for you all.
As you all had settled and James had placed all the bags down, he stood again, “I’m gonna get us something to drink,” quickly scurrying off before any of you could say anything.
You took Remus’ hand, tracing shapes on his palm as you waited for your butterbeer.
“I feel bad… Jamie is spoiling me so much and I can’t return the favor,” you voiced your thoughts to Remus, who hummed while he listened.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, bunny,” he kissed your temple, “he loves spoiling you - you deserve it, my love.”
You giggled as Remus peppered your face with kisses, your giggles turning to laughs and a tiny squeal as Sirius started tickling you from the other side of you.
“Siri, s-st-stop,” you laughed, thankful that the good day had forced people to stay outside rather than come into the tavern.
“As you wish, my princess,” Sirius smirked, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull as you slapped his arm gently.
It only took a moment longer before James returned with a tray, four butterbeer sloshing in their glasses on top of it.
Setting down the tray, he started handing them out, one at a time, very slowly.
“Here you are, my princess,” James grinned, placing your drink in front of you and leaning over Sirius to give you a quick peck.
“Here you go, my prince,” James smirked also kissing Sirius as he placed the drink down.
Lastly, he set the drink in front of Remus, “and here you go, my… uhm… Moony.”
You all laughed, James bending over to kiss Remus - Remus snickering into the kiss.
“May I have another?” You asked sweetly, batting your eyelashes at Remus.
“You won’t be able to sleep tonight with all that sugar,” he pointed out, still sipping his own drink.
You turned your head towards James, trying your luck, knowing he would most likely allow you another.
“Jamie…- “you started, James’ lips already turning into an amused smile, “… can we share one? Please?”
“Well, I guess it’s alright if we share, that’s only half the sugar,” he was trying to sound as if he had thought about it in any logical way, quickly standing up, “I’ll go get one.”
“James,” Remus groaned, to which you just laughed.
“He’s such a pushover,” Sirius said with his arms folded, “I want to know which spell you’ve used on him, puppy.”
You giggled, “no spell… I guess he can’t resist my charm.”
“You are very irresistible,” James said as he returned with your drink, winking at you in the process.
“Thank you, my king,” you winked back, causing James to almost choke on the drink.
He let out a low groan, “darling, I think we need to head back to the castle, now.”
James was practically helping you drink the drink, quickly chugging his own half and quickly grabbing all your bags and standing.
“Alright, time to go,” he grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the door, with Sirius and Remus following close behind, both their faces decorated with huge grins.
Tags: @dracosafety, @justadreamyhufflepuff, @teenwolfbitches28, @emma67, @trouble-in-space, @sciapod, @kermiemoon, @autumnandwinteraesthetics, @roonilwazlibswhore, @White_castles, @lexi_shoto, @sprucewoodlover, @blackandlupinsslut, @emmaev, @cedricisnotdead, @Sirius-sugarmomma, @i-love-scott-mccall, @pretty-pop-princess-hs, @pottahishotasf, @mjoubertt-1, @m2lily, @bilesbilinski, @methblinds, @lunaiswifey, @maraudersbijj,
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Bruh, the new Angels&Bread bloopers video had me cackling so hard😂😂
Obviously my favourites are the dark prince ones, but some of them are soo good, lemme share a few
I'm the Dark Prince and suddenly i've gained a speech impediment
no Michael... No palladins......... No FOOCKING cats
yeah he was talking to people, just like "yeah sacrifice yourself, sweetie <3"
fuck you Ben. Fuck you.
I no speek-a da english very well
I don't care if someone's dying. Tell them to die quietly
(in character) i have already killed one of my brothers... (out of character) and I'm about to kill my mother
Vroom vroom i'm in my moms car FUCK OFF
don't you dare get it wrong Bradley, naughty boy, naughty, naughty boy
*Custodian BEATING Michael's ass*
*Michael singing a gay song having no idea what the correct lyrics are*
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nextonmy-tbr · 3 years
Book Review: The Dark Artifices
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Author: Cassandra Clare 
Genre: YA Fantasy 
A story set 5 years after the events of The Mortal Instruments. Emma and the Blackthorns are no longer orphans of the war. They are stronger, wiser and all Emma wants now is to find the truth behind her parents death and get her revenge. But as things unfold there may be reasons and dangers beyond her imagination. So will she find the truth? Read the book to find out … 
My thoughts: - 
Honestly I think this one of the best shadowhunter book series I have read. It is definitely one of my favourites and it deserves more love and appreciation. I found the story in this series much more interesting than the other shadowhunter novels. I guess I find ‘I put my family first’ dramas much more appealing. Lets talk about this book in detail. 
Plot: - 
“When a decision like that is made by a government, it emboldens those who are already prejudiced to speak their deepest thoughts of hate.”
The plot is damn good. There is just so much going on, I really loved that. You will go into this book expecting to find a storyline revolving around Emma and her parents (which it does) and end up with reading about a shadowhunter style Civil War. It was interesting to see how the story ends up like that.  Also, Cassie has written this book a bit differently, in her previous book series’ you will see her chapters being divided among 2-3 characters POV and some additional POVs to give us an insight into other storylines. But here in this series there were multiple storylines with multiple POV, so you keep on getting content on each plot. I guess this is one of the reasons why many don’t prefer TDA. I prefer this way as you can know what’s going on with each character in the story and they don’t feel like just a plot device. 
This book series has much more involvements of the faeries which makes the story more complicated and dramatic, coz obviously fae are the same. In this book you will also see how a corrupt government and prejudice can nearly destroy a community. 
Characters: - 
“I came of age in Dark War. I was baptized in blood and fire.” 
So if it is possible to fall in love with a character that Julian Blackthorn is that character for me. He is one good character. You can also term him as a bit morally grey and complex character. Julian has been a father to all of his siblings for all these five years and hence he is very much protective of them. He can betray and manipulate any person if that meant keeping his family together. Even the dialogues given to him are so dramatic, it just makes me love him even more. I also like his love angle with Emma, it was pretty good to me. The only point where I was disappointed is the arc that was given to him at the start of the third book (if you have read these books you know what I mean and if you haven’t you will soon) and that quickly becomes boring. Other than that he was perfect. 
“Nobody calls me ‘blondie’ and keeps their kneecaps.”
Emma Carstairs is our badass and sarcastic blonde (kinda like female Jace Herondale, the only exception is that I like Emma though) bent on revenge for her parents. She is a kind yet sad soul. She is  a very likable character. 
“I am saying the choices that we make in captivity are not always the choices we make in freedom. And thus we question them. We cannot help it.”
I am giving Kieran Kingson a special mention coz I think my guy deserves more appreciation. Seriously, he is so underrated. Both the characters in the book and people in the fandom don’t love him as much as they should. I really like the arc that was given to him. He came off as an arrogant faerie prince in the first book and quickly became an adorable faerie by the end of the third book. At least Cassie gave him the ending that he deserves. 
This book really has awesome characters. Cristina definitely is overhated and for no reason whatsoever. Mark is adorable. Kit and Ty are the best duo out there, I really loved their dynamic (cannot wait for The Wicked Powers!!). Diana and Gwyn were so cool, I liked how their story proceeded, I think they should have been given more page time. It was of course lovely to read the TMI characters make their cameo in this series (they have grown soo much). 
So, if you like revenge drama, family drama, corrupt government, civil war, forbidden romance, a love triangle that for once doesn’t end up in choosing between two guys, detective duo, transgender badass female ruining the bitches and group of people having tendency to put themselves in situation worse than Jace and Clary (Magnus’ words not mine), then you have to read this series. Let me know your thoughts on this book. 
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saby-chan · 3 years
Fire Lord Ozai: A blood thirsty monster or the less fortunate “Zuko” of his generation?
Hello again and thank you as always for clicking and allotting some of your time to read my humble post! Since I’ve happened to notice quite an increase in posts lately regarding the controversial character and nature of the former Fire Lord, the now imprisoned fallen prince Ozai, and I’ve personally promised in my previous post that I will share my own analysis on him if people asked me to do so (which actually happened), I am here to deliver my own take on this very intriguing man’s character, while also building a potential past for him based on stuff gathered from the show’s cannon.
I would like to start this essay with what I find to be my favorite quote ever: ”Monster’s aren’t born, they are created.” ~ Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) What I like about this quote soo much and find very inspirational is the truth it holds within its short, yet powerful message. We are often fast to judge a “book by the cover”, to reduce others to what we assume of them by their appearance or latest actions that we’ve seen them do, but never actually take a moment and wonder where they come from, if this person we soo harshly look down upon really has been this way since their very beginning?
I’ve come across many comments on social media related to ATLA, especially on YouTube videos on which people would throw with harsh comments such as “Aang being a coward for choosing to spare the villain just because they saw a dumb baby pic of them” or “Ozai is the essence of evil and even as a baby he’d been a monster”. I can’t help but wonder who hurt these people to make them be so cruel? Like, how messed up must you actually be to say that a baby, a friggin baby, is the embodiment of all evils? Or that a child was a coward for choosing to see his opponent’s last bits of humanity and opted to spare them?
Aang was soo morally conflicted about the idea of killing Ozai not only because it contradicted the morals of his people, but because he himself understood that this man hadn’t always been the cruel beast he came to met in their first and final showdown. It’s important to note here the fact that upon finding that picture, Aang was actually convinced it had to be Zuko as a baby since it looked so innocent and cute and was actually surprised to learn it was Zuko’s father. And that’s the thing, Ozai was born like us all as an innocent and sweet baby. Babies aren’t in any way evil or twisted, they don’t even have the notion of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ defined in their small, still developing minds. In fact, the very choice of the creators to add this picture in the show is meant to tell us this very thing: this man wasn’t always like this. But if he wasn’t always like this, then what happened to make him become this way?
Well, in order to find out the reason, we must go back in time to the very beginning: Ozai’s childhood and upbringing. For this next part I am going to solely focus on the show cannon, as the comics aren’t the products of BryKe and have a lot of inconsistencies to the source’s cannon (you can go and read my other post on why they fail when it comes to Zuko’s character and his family).
 From what we know and can easily deduce by ourselves just from their appearances, Ozai and his brother Iroh have a huge age gap between them (somewhere between 10 and 15 years). This has to be our first red flag: isn’t it soo odd that this family opted to have their children at such a long distance between pregnancies? It almost feels as if Ozai hadn’t actually been part of his father’s actual family planning... In other words, he was a ‘mistake’ child (I actually hate having to use this terminology, but it will become relevant to when we expand on Azulon’s relationship with his sons). Sure, some may argue that Azulon actually decided to have two sons in case something were to happen to his first born, but wouldn’t it have been more logical to have his second born at 2-3 years max distance from his first? Why choose to have your second child when you are much older and thus risk having a baby with issues, if your sole purpose of this child is to serve as an insurance that you don’t ‘run out’ of heirs? It just doesn’t make much sense, so let’s go for the moment with the possibility that Ozai was an unplanned pregnancy.
This perspective actually gives way to another very interesting aspect: remember the infamous “Born lucky...Lucky to be born” quote? What if I tell you that there is a possibility that this quote wasn’t Ozai’s personal wicked invention, but actually something he himself heard from his very own father? It had been puzzling me for a long time why he choose to say “You were lucky to be born” to Zuko, which implies that Zuko wasn’t supposed to exist. I mean, it’s soo odd that Ozai went with something implying that Zuko was an unplanned pregnancy, since Zuko was the first born. So my theory is that maybe Ozai wanted to convey a different message to Zuko when he said that quote, but due to his anger he ended up replicating the same line he received from Azulon at some point in his childhood. We never got the exact flashback when the line was delivered from Ozai to Zuko, so we don’t have the exact context that lead to it (remember, we are excluding Yang’s take on the matter from the comics).
I mean, this feels like something that wicked old Azulon would have said to his least favorite child. Okay, so let’s go with the scenario that Ozai was an unwanted child, to which we could also add the possibility that Ilah’s health deteriorated after the first birth, which makes plausible the family’s initial decision of stopping at 1 kid.
Moving on, we know from the old ATLA character wiki’s that Ozai’s character design was made with Zuko in mind, being meant to be a grown up version of Zuzu, without the scar. An interesting choice indeed and even Iroh’s letter to Zuko on Ozai from one of the ATLA books describes Ozzy in a similar way to teenage Zuko in book 1: stubborn, feisty, determined and with a volcanic personality (easy to anger and competitive), so it means that these were intentional choices to imply that Zuko and his father are more similar than we were led to believe at first glance. Maybe Ozai was the “Zuko” of his generation. Also, in one of the interviews on the royal family, BryKe stated that Ozai worked very hard to get where he is in book 3, referring to his firebending specifically (we all know how Ozzy got the throne, so clearly, he didn’t “work hard” for that), so maybe he wasn’t always the strongest man alive, with the most exceptional firebending skills out there, like Azula who showed ease in her learning, but rather someone closer to Zuko’s weaker performance as a child, building his way to success through endless hard work until he became the prodigy we know today.
Continuing with our theoretical scenario, after his birth, the second child show’s lesser skills compared to his brother Iroh (by that I don’t mean that he wasn’t gifted at all, but that maybe Ozai wasn’t as fast and great of a learner like his big bro), so Azulon opts to just ignore him and continue focusing solely on his golden child. In my headcannon I actually think that Ilah survived the birth and so she was left in charge of the younger child’s education and upbringing. At this point Iroh is already 10 or older, so he is forced to focus on his development, which prevents him from spending time with his lil brother, but just for the sake of being positive, let’s assume that Ozai still had both his mother and his big brother to keep him sheltered from Azulon’s darkness for a small portion of his childhood.
I choose to believe that Ozai had his mother’s love for a small bit of his childhood due to his willingness in the show to allow Ursa (who mind you, as the granddaughter of Roku was considered a treacherous individual) to spend a ton of time with both Zuko and Azula and share her philosophy with the children, as seeing his wife playing with their children probably reminded him of his own bitter-sweet memories he had with Ilah. They also probably spent a lot of their time near the turtle-duck pond since that pond’s existence prolly dates long before Ozai and Ursa married and had their own children.
Unfortunately, Ilah dies and little Ozai remains all alone, to be influenced negatively by his father (and even by his grandpa Sozin, we don’t really know for certain when the old man died, so he prolly was there for a short time when Ozzy was still a child). Azulon most likely blames Ozai for his wife’s death as the second birth might’ve really had a huge toll on Ilah’s already fragile body, bringing her closer to death, so he still neglects and ignores the child, if not straight out bullies and abuses him for not being on par with Iroh. This prolly leads to Ozai becoming jealous of his brother since Iroh has their father’s love, pushing them further apart. I headcannon that this jealousy between the siblings led to Ozai complaining to his dad when he finally had too much of their father’s discrimination (at a similar age to when Zuko prolly did and got the infamous line, if not younger) only to get the “Iroh was born lucky, you were lucky to be born!” line with the sole purpose of hurting him since now the child knows that he was never wanted.
When Azulon scolds very furiously adult Ozai in Zuko’s memories for daring to ask to be named crown prince, he literally says something like “What, you dare ask me to betray MY own son?!” (this is like red flag number two), line that pretty much testifies how Azulon chose to pretty much treat Ozai as if he wasn’t his son too, showcasing how much he despised his second born and favored the first child over him. Since we are on the topic of their last conversation, the punishment Azulon gave to his son alone proves this man’s level of sadism, which leads me to be believe that Ozai’s childhood was full of this type of punishments for bad behaviors that could be easily corrected trough a long serious lecture or a lesser punishment focused more on teaching him an actual lesson. 
The old wikis also mention on the page about the hall with portraits of the previous Fire Lords that it was the place where Ozai chose to spend most of his time in his youth, seeking advice from his ancestors. I mean, seriously now, if he had a good and supportive father and a present brother in his life, would Ozai had chosen to seek guidance from the dead instead of his living family? That piece of information that was easily overlooked by many proves how lonely this man was in his youth.
So for the most part of his life, Ozai grew up under the toxic influence and abuse of his tyrant father who refused to acknowledge him. Yet he managed to grow up still full of determination to one day prove his worth to Azulon and gain his acceptance (just like we saw with Zuko in book 1, who was desperate to regain his honor and be accepted by his father). But unfortunately, no matter how strong he became or how good of a firebender he was, Azulon was unmoved and unphased by his second son’s performance.
From what we could gather from the little info we received in the show, it seems that Ozai was never sent to the battle field to aid his older brother, being kept as a stay home prince, with the only occasion he actually left home being to search for the Avatar (I don’t think Iroh was sent to do his part on searching the Avatar since he strongly believed that there wasn’t going to ever be one, so it’s safe to assume Azulon assigned Ozai with this mission just to get rid of him for a few years) and the only purpose he ever served to his father was to become part of the old man’s genetics experiment in order to create strong unparalleled firebending offspring (which I am pretty sure were meant to be ‘biological war machines’ used by Azulon in the war, as he didn’t really seem to give a shit about Ozai’s children compared to Lu Ten). So just imagine the level of disappointment and dishonor Ozai must’ve felt as a man and young aspiring soldier to find out that he was going to be used like a ‘non-bending daughter’ in a strategical marriage and never get to serve his country in what he’d been taught was the greatest and most important war for their Nation.
All in all, this marriage didn’t really end up that badly because it seems he and Ursa were actually very compatible. The old wiki for Ursa states that she was a noble woman and the perfect match for Ozai, which leads me to believe that show Ursa was intended to be a very strong willed and determined woman who earned his respect. The show never stated that Ozai never wanted his first born or that he was disappointed with Zuko from birth like the comics say, so it’s safe to assume that Ursa and Ozai actually ended up falling in love at some point since they had not one, but two kids with relatively a short time in between pregnancies. 
There are actually many signs in the show that actually prove that these two loved each other and Ozai didn’t abuse his wife: from the fact that they went every year to see Ursa’s favorite play despite Ozai hating the poor performance of the Ember Island Players (I mean, what man would do such a sacrifice as to endure the same torture every single year just to make his wife happy if he never loved her?), Ursa’s undeniable and sincere love for their children (in the show it was never stated that Ursa saw Zuko and Azula as someone else’s children, so if she were indeed an abused woman who was forced to have these children, she wouldn’t have ever loved them to such an extent, especially Zuko who resembled his father the most physically), the fact that Ursa had equal rights in their marriage and raising of their children (her even scolding and grounding Ozai’s favorite child without hesitation), to the most significant scene to the Urzai ship in Zuko’s flashbacks: Ozai sitting troubled all alone in Ursa’s favorite spot by the pond, in a sad and brooding atmosphere, after he lost her, instead of celebrating what had to be the happiest day of his life since he was finally crowned Fire Lord (it’s clear who had more importance in his heart: Ursa meant more to him than the throne, so losing her outshined his achievement). In fact, Ursa must’ve been the only thing that still kept him outside of the darkness that threatened to swallow his heart and once he lost her, Ozai had nothing else to keep him on the right path.
And even as a father, it seems that Ozai wasn’t always cold and distant to his children, as his true self depicted in Zuko’s memories on Ember Island shows him caring for both of his children, even holding Zuko close to him with a protective arm on the boy’s shoulder. Except the Agni Kai, there don’t seem to be any instances in which he was physically violent towards his son before the banishment (Iroh literally let Zuko in to join that faithful war meeting willingly. Would’ve he done that if he knew his brother to be very violent towards his children in case they disobeyed? If yes, then it would make Iroh actually very questionable on a moral standpoint) and even on an emotional level, I don’t really think that he was actually abusive to him (at least while Ursa was there) because from Zuko’s conversation with Zhao, he’s adamant that his father will take him back and even states "You don't know how my father feels about me. You don't know anything!", meaning that the father he used to know showed him a level of respect and genuine affection (if Ozai were to bully Zuko since the boy’s very early childhood, do you think this kid would grow up to be so sure that his father wants him around and would he defend this bully when someone badmouths them in front of him?).
Even with Azula, despite people demonizing her from early childhood and saying that she was manipulated since birth by Ozai to become a war machine, I do believe that she shows genuine love and affection towards her father. I do choose to believe that back in the good times when the family was happy, Ozai spent quality time with his daughter, filling in the gap left by Ursa’s neglect. I theorize that the reason why kid Azula badmouthed her grandpa and uncle was because she was being very protective of her father: since she used to like spying and eavesdropping, it’s safe to assume that she prolly witnessed many instances in which the old man bullied or insulted Ozai, favoring Iroh over him. It’s a bit harder to see it that way since her snarky comments involve dark topics, but since they live in a society governed by power and war, I see them as something similar to if Azula would’ve said “Uncle sucks and he will surely be fired from his job!” or “Grandpa is old and weak, he should leave the family business to dad!”. Even the fact that the only thing capable of shattering her to pieces was her father leaving her proves how much she cared for him. Ty Lee and Mai’s betrayal was a big blow on Azula’s control and sanity, but she didn’t breakdown until Ozai discarded her after his coronation as Phoenix King. There’s nothing more painful in this world than to be left behind by the person you loved the most and was there by your side your whole life, whom you wanted to follow to world’s end and back. That was the moment Azula finally realized that the father she used to know and love was actually gone and had been in fact, long gone for years at this point.
But if Ozai cared for his family what made him change? Easy, it all comes back to the fact that his father never acknowledged him. The throne doesn’t seem to be his ultimate goal in life since Ozai discarded of the Fire Lord title very easily, tossing it to Azula without any remorse or hesitation. It was more about the meaning behind getting the crown: replacing Iroh in the line of succession was the ultimate proof of his father’s acceptance, that he wasn’t only a “mistake” and “failure” in his father’s eyes, but since Azulon ended up saying and doing what he did, backfired Ozai and made him understand that no matter how hard he tried, the old man will never see him for what he is. So yeah, for a proud man like Ozai this was a hard defeat to swallow, which in turn sparked his strong desire of winning the war and becoming the king of the world: if Azulon wouldn’t accept him even in death, then Ozai will prove to the whole world that he was above his father and his “perfect” brother by accomplishing what they never could and even better and no one was going to stop him, not even his own family.
This is what differentiates Ozai from Zuko: while both had similar upbringings, Ozai never broke away from his obsession of gaining his father’s admiration, allowing himself to fall prey to the darkness left by Azulon in his heart and abandon his true self, only to become the copy of his abuser, while Zuko stood up to his dad and chose his own destiny. If Aang were to come back around 20 or 30 years earlier, then he might’ve actually been able to save Ozai just like he saved Zuko, but unfortunately it wasn’t this way.
Do I think that Ozai could still be saved and redeemed even after the events of book 3? Definitely! Since he’s actually a broken man and still has a tiny bit of humanity left within, I think he still has a chance to change his heart. The only thing is that it’d be a long lasting process: first off he needs to spend a long time in solitude and reflect on his life’s choices and his past, understand where he went wrong and that what happened to him in his childhood is called abuse, which he ended up replicating on his own children. After he understands his wrongdoings and becomes willing to rediscover his true self, he needs to understand the truth about the war, that everything he’d known was fake propaganda and that there was nothing glorious in what he, his father and Sozin did under the excuse of “sharing their Nation’s greatness with the rest of the world!”. But most importantly of all, the only remedy that could possibly save him is love. It sound cliche, but by responding to hatred with more hate like Zuko did in the comics would never change the world “for the better” or bring it “to reality”. The only way to save both Azula and Ozai would be trough showing them the power of love, hope and empathy, how they don’t have to struggle alone and push everyone away. And especially by redeeming Azula, she would be a very important piece in Ozai’s redemption: since he had a closer parent-child relationship with Azula and cared for her the most when he did care, realizing how much he made her suffer through his actions, that would probably break Ozai enough to make him admit that he was wrong all along.
So yeah, this is my analysis on Ozai’s character using the cannon information from the show and old wikis and why I think he is just the product of a very bad environment and an abusive parent who never showed him love (if there’s a reason for why Ozai might be uncapable of showing a healthy parental love to his children is because you can’t show what you’ve never learnt yourself), being the Zuko of his generation who never got to experience the positive influence of an “Uncle Iroh” to guide him on the right path. 
You can agree with me or not on this one, but this is what I choose to believe. Maybe I am way too good by choosing to see any potential good in anyone, but I feel it’s a better way than to counter hate with more hate like Yang did in his monstrous portrayal of Ozai in The Search.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you agree with anything I’ve said, feel free to leave a like and to reblog this post.
See you next time and stay safe! Bye-Bye!
Saby out.
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jenniegolden · 3 years
hello i just started on my kdrama train recently;
(other than the first drama this list is not in a particular order)
goblin (i mean??! masterpiece never ever will get over it, the finale will haunt my ass forever, it was my first time crying for 2 hours straight without a stop, no other drama will ever top it, i can definitely say that it will forever be my number 1)
it’s okay not to be okay (the female character is everythiiiing, the scenario is everythiiing, there are so many life lessons to take from it, such great connection between the actors, i loOooooved everything about it)
fight for my way : great chemistry between the actors, my heart melted everytime the male character did sth for her, it was such a fun drama to watch, didnt disappoint at all, i loved it a lot, highly recommend for the ones that like romcom
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (one of the best couple dynamics, no wonder they dated in real life, such a heartwarming drama with a great plot, every scene was perfect and cozy, cutest duo. to add best romcom kdrama ive ever watched tbh will rewatch it thousand times more lol)
crash landing on you (no word needed amazing scenario amazing couple the fact that they are together in real life makes my heart full, the show was flawless from start to finish. it didnt give any unrealistic happy ending, it did its best with the finale props to the writer. my heart is still hurting for the second lead couple tho, i cried for like 3 to 4 hours because of them. You must watch it!!! did i say i am in love with this show’s every scene? because i am. gosh... )
penthouse war in life (this drama is my stress reliever you gonna ask hOW? well there wasnt an any episode that i didnt curse and yell my lungs out, give seokyoung seokhoon suryeon a happy ending already!!!)(finale season was shit didnt live up to expectations)
skycastle (i love chaos what can i say chaos combined with great acting is my cup of coffee)
true beauty: it was meh the scenario in my opinion was pretty lame, good actors yet things didnt add up good show to watch while eating sth lol, classic highschool drama
vincenzo: god!!! just god!!! it was so fucking good. ive never seen a kdrama quite like this, the dark humor the great narrating of characters the perfectly written script, amazing acting??!! it was one of the best dramas ive ever watched like I AM OBSSESSED i cant get over the fact that its finished 10000/10000 like idek how to explain it was more than a korean show it was freaking a emmy worthy show.
strong woman bong soo: it was cute. the male protagonist was just SO WHOLESOME. i loved all the cutesy scenes between the couple. buuut didnt like the storyline as much as i liked weightlifting fairy’s. there was sth missing in plot.
at distance spring is green: i really enjoyed it from start to finish like the only problem with this drama is it is too shoort. i wanted to watch more. i liked the script a lot and how realistic the perspective was on youth. I cried, i laughed, how everything wasnt fairytale like and how they finished it open ended is realy beautiful. also the bromance 😎
my roomate is a gumiho: okay to start off i watched it without getting bored. jang kiyong is so freaking handsome, it was a visual festival on that end. buuut the story lacked emotional depth for real. i couldnt connect with characters the whole “i love food” agenda was not enough to do that. throughout the show i found myself waiting for second lead couple’s scenes to appear, they were more interesting in every way. loved hyesun.
mermaid prince: well saw it on insta reels then got curious watched it its a mini show with eps only 12 mins, nothing to add really lol boring cliche
extraordinary you: OH MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!! it was literally flawless from start to finish. the plot, the acting, the chemistry, the script everything was top tier quality for a fantasy high school romcom. Eun dano is justtt ahh so cute, normally grown ass adults’ aegyo makes me gag but her natural adorable self made me warm inside. The actress is really talented like really, from skycastle to this. Every actor in this drama did their jobs pretty well. Haruyaah and eun dano’s chemistry story is beautiful. I loved side characters’ story as well like everyone was just interesting well also thanks to script. The ending wooh i cried from how beautiful it was. top notch quality quotes is a plus.
the world of the married: good actors, good script, wanted to punch the dude multiple times, the ending is realistic, kept me interested in every episode.
nevertheless: look. I get what the director wanted to do with the main couple’s dynamics, it is like a french noir if that makes sense?, like love is not rational it is not pure and fluffy it is painful i get that. but i wanted to just knock some sense into nabi, i really disliked her as well as the butterfly guy. BUT i want a show with the side characters i loved them i skipped the main couple to watch the side character’s storyline. Just please make a new show with the side characters as the mains.
squid game: is it even considered a kdrama? Probably not but just wanted to add it. Korean cinematography is really fricking mindblowing, the harsh truth about social class differences, sad reality of the poor with debt bigger than their being.. korea proved its lead in cinema many times with the handmaiden, burning, parasite etc.. and this series is no surprise they made it this big and successful. they understood the assignment of cinema as a form of art and served. quality man, quality; they have it. Well deserved success hope to see more. Also my girlies saebyeok and jinyeong, the actress who played jinyeong just put a sword in my heart with her smile and last words. Really great actress.
youth of may: my heart has been and IS shattered. myonghee and heetaes relationship was so precious, since its based upon real events i wasnt expecting a happy ending in the first place but i couldnt watch it at one sitting too heartbreaking:(, it was a well done show with great acting. Go minsi and lee dohyeon’s chemistry is honestly unmatched, they go so well together. Go minsi is such a good actress btw the way she can transfer feelings to the watcher was mindblowing AND i literally have personal feelings for lee dohyeon lol im in love with him he is just so dreamy his character from what i saw is close to the character he plays in the show and wow im in luv. lastly PLEASE PUT GO MINSI AND LEE DOHYEON ON A SHOW TOGETHER AGAIN BUT IN A ROMCOM WHERE THEY DONT SUFFER AND HAVE A HAPPY ENDING PLEASE.
run on: one of the healthiest relationships in a kdrama, the plot was so heart touching people who are in mid 20s will understand me on this one, the ideas that it presented to the viewer was so comforting. honestly a healing drama. if i say that i loved every character i wouldnt be lying. also my fav gg girlie sooyungie🥺 her character was *chefs kiss* i definitely recommend
hotel del luna: is there anything iu is not good at? at this point i believe there isnt. i fell in love with her once again among being the best vocalist and lyricist of all time she is also an excellent actress. it was honestly a top tier drama, i felt butterflies in my stomach, i sobbed for days, i laughed, i felt mesmerized and much more feelings in me were evoked. it was in one word flawless. the storyline, the acting, the cinematography 10/10. it became one of my top dramas.
K2: ji changwook is so handsome to start off lol. props to him for all the action scenes. overall there are soo many logical mistakes, only multi layered character and only character i liked was choi yujin. jeha had more chemistry with jss members than he did with anna. Anna can go down in history as one of the most annoying characters, but it is the fault of the writers her trauma was swept under the rug thus everything she did seemed like it didnt have a reason and stupid. Choi yujin im so sorry love. didnt like it tbh, i wouldnt recommend who searches for something with a good storyline.
happiness: short and sweet drama, tbh i am not a fan of zombie or monster kinda things i just watched it purely because of the romantic plot and it didn’t disappoint. the actors were talented so it made it more interesting. Tbh did not like the ending but not a bad drama, it is decent.
my name: han sohee’s acting daaaaamnn womaaan. The quality of this show was unbelievable in every aspect. I started off with han sohee since she is the main character but every freaking actor was so talented, choi mujin, gangjae i was amazed by the storyline and the portrayal of the characters, definitely was a fresh of air from the cliche dramas. you must definitely watch it you wont regret it
extracurricular: once again this show proves that korean tv series should never be belittled. i saw it being mentioned by my name actors in an interview and i found out it was from the same director; such qualified directors exists in the industry i’m so content with korean tv series taking the lead in entertainment. the topic of suffering teenagers in the korean society were never taken into hand without any embellishments. it was so raw, the script was well written. I have my own thoughts and problems with the ending butttt wont spoil it because i highly recommend everyone to watch it.
a korean odyssey: first half of this show made me hooked on it second half of this show made me confused as hell because i got bored and found myself skipping some parts. until the episode in which the real villain appears i thought wow ill like it as much as i liked goblin and hotel del luna but it took a weirdly bad turn in the end. again this show lacked the depth for the viewer. also the female character was literally a damsel in distress who was helpless all the time, her portrayal made me honestly uncomfy she was really boring. would i recommend it? If you dont have anything to watch and got plenty of time sure go ahead not that horrible but if you want some good storyline which makes you feel some things then search for something else
legend of the blue sea: pioneers of korean romance are the leading actors in this one, it is expected that it was good as it was. writing, directing, acting is all great, loved watching it. would recommend
business proposal: a romcom that is worth to watch, the actresses’ talent made the series what it is right now i guess because they were the ones that carried the show with their performance.is it the best? no, is it the worst? nah. it was a decent feel-good drama in my opinion
all of us are dead: normally i dont like any kinda genre or show that involves zombies but this series were so hyped up that i had to watch it and tbh it didnt disappoint, new generation korean actors are really talented their acting skills were pretty damn good. I liked the realism combined with supernatural elements. I cant comment much on the script tho not the best written character or storyline but it gave what it wanted to gave, you know what i mean?
semantic error: the lgbtq representation we’ve wanted! finally a korean show that was so pleasant to watch that involved actors who were not itchy or uncomfortable to act in a bl! i loved it honestly such an easy and heartwarming show. made my heart prrr, props to everyone who made it because it is rare to find a romcom bl that is actually good
my liberation notes: ohh i have so many things to say about this one, all of the stillness of the events all of the monologues and dialogues between the characters were top tier. ive started watching it after getting my first white collar job, on top of that i live with my parents so it hit home for me. after your teens being in your mid 20s and the mundane life it brings about along was depicted so beautifully. when you look at it your life becomes all about aiming for those 5 minutes, 5 minutes of relief and happiness.
"We can't exactly say we accomplished nothing, don't you think? Some days I feel like I am, and some days I feel like I'm back to square one. But I still feel I've been liberated even just a little."
“Five minutes a day. If you have five minutes of peace, it's bearable. When I open my eyes in the morning and remember it's Saturday, that makes me happy for ten seconds. Fill up five minutes a day like that. That's how I survive.”
the rawness of everyday life, the struggles you face growing up and by just, just living but still trying to have those 5 moments is beautiful in itself. i loved it, it should be recognized and appreciated by many in my opinion.
will update when i watch new dramas!!
Since you got an idea of my taste hopefully someone could recommend me other dramas! 🥺
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