#the other part is saying NO GO FOR THE COMPLETE SET
ketaundkrawall · 3 days
hi girlie! idk if yr taking requests so feel free to discard it but i was listening to agora hills by doja cat and the idea of reader being famous artist and joost being the fan just didn’t leave me alone😭🌀🩵
thank you for the request 🫶🏻 i hope you guys enjoy it <3
Stargirl Interlude ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: you’re a famous singer meeting one of your fans
Warnings: none, just fluff and two fangirls meeting each other (maybe smut in pt. 2 bc this ends in a cliffhanger kinda), not proofread, afab!reader, no use of Y/N
WC: 1.1k
A/N: guys pls lmk if i should do a part two (i will) 💫
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What you loved most about your job was seeing the happy faces of your fans whenever you came on stage. Well, it wasn’t really a job to you, it was your destiny to stand on stage and make people happy.
You loved when the crowd chanted your name, absolutely making every stage performance of yours better when they sang the lyrics. It made you proud. And it was everything you dreamed of when you were a child. Seeing people happy and being able to help them with your music somehow.
Nonetheless, every time you went on stage you were nervous. It was a feeling that accompanied you ever since you started your career.
Today you performed in a club in Amsterdam. You’ve never actually travelled to the Netherlands before so you were really excited. Not only to perform but also to explore the city, since it was your last tour stop you were doing at the moment.
Right now you were getting all set up to go on stage. You could already hear the people outside waiting for you to come out and start the show. “You’re going to kill it babes.” Your best friend, Tommy, said as he came to a stand beside you with a drink for you which you accepted with a thanks and sipped on it. “I really hope so.” Smiling you gave him the empty cup.
Tommy always travelled with you. He has been there for you since the very beginning of your career and never left your side, always calming your nerves before the shows started and you were so fucking thankful for him. “Jeez stop being so nervous! You’re a bomb you know that and now go out there and fucking show them what you got!” He cheered you on and you laughed. Giving him one last hug and taking a deep breath you ran out
“AMSTERDAM ARE YOU READY?! LETS GET THIS PARTY GOING!” You yelled and instantly felt happiness and relief flowed your body as the crowd screamed and just went completely crazy.
And so you started your show, loving the way all the people singing with you. It really filled your heart with joy. After an hour or so you were out of breath and just needed some water. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty forehead but honestly? You couldn’t be happier. Looking throughout the crowd you smiled. “Gosh we’re having some really good looking guys here tonight done we?” You grinned and the crowd screamed.
And with ‘good looking guys’ you meant one particular one that caught your eye since the beginning of the show. Of course you knew who he was. You saw him on your TikTok the whole time, liking way too many edits that popped up on your For-You-Page.
Eyes roaming the crowd again they stopped at him for a short moment but you were sure he noticed. “Never thought an Eurovision candidate would be a fan of mine.” You now grinned at the blonde, walking towards the front of the stage and kneeling down. “Joost mother fucking Klein is listening to my music guys!” You screamed and the crowd cheered again. Eyes darting to him, you saw him laugh. It would be a lie to say you didn’t listen to his music, even though you didn’t understand a word.
Walking to the back of the stage to your DJ you said something to him and soon the melody of Europapa was blasting through the speakers and you and almost the whole audience did that silly little dance and you saw Joost laughing and cheering, definitely liking it.
After the song finished you kept on going with your show, watching Joost sing along to all of your songs. Something you never thought would happen. You played your last few songs, totally forgetting the time and soon everything was over. “THANK YOU AMSTERDAM!! I LOVE YOU!” You screamed into the mic, your eyes finding the blondes again, before walking off stage.
“Jesus babes that was amazing!” Tommy practically yelled and hugged you, making you giggle. “Thanks Tommy, hey, could you get Joost backstage?” You asked in your sweetest voice possible, bashing your lashes at him and he grinned. “Uhhh.” Scoffing you hit his arm earning a huff from him. “I see what I can do.” And with that he was off.
Walking back to your dressing room you flipped down on the couch, taking a cup with whatever liquor was inside, and opened your instagram. Your DM’s and notifications were flooded with messages, pictures and videos of what just happened. People already shipped you and even had a name for the both of you. You giggled and went on TikTok, notifications blowing up on there as well. Being so concentrated on your phone you didn’t hear the knock that was coming from the door.
As you finally did notice tho you quickly yelled a “yeah?” and the door opened. Joost standing in the doorway.
Sitting up straight now you smiled widely. “Hey.” He breathed out like he couldn’t believe he’s finally meeting you. “Hi.” You smiled back and got up to hug him. “Can’t believe I’m finally meeting you.” Joost chuckled and you smiled, pulling away. “Really?” He nodded. “Been listening to your music for a while now actually.” He confessed and it made you really proud somehow. “Well thank you.” You giggled.
Both of you sat down and started to chatter away and you couldn’t stop yourself from noticing how he was smiling the whole time as he was excitedly talking to you about everything. And you got along so well. The time flew by so fast and soon it was 4 in the morning.
“I should get going.” Joost said as he looked at his phone. You just nodded. “Yeah I’m so done. Need a lot of sleep now. Long day tomorrow. I want to do some sightseeing.” You smiled, pulling your knees to your chest. “Hey uh.” Joost started and scratched the back of his head nervously. “How about I give you my number and you hit me up? I can show you around if you want.”
Your eyes lit up as you nodded. “I’d really like that you smiled as he dropped his shoulder. You didn’t even noticed how nervous he actually was to ask you that question. Handing over his phone you quickly typed your number down along with his name. He smiled as you gave it back to him. “Then good night I guess. I see you around then.”
And with that he walked out of the club, not being able to stop the smile that was forming on his face. Taking his phone out he looked at your contact and chuckled.
You saved yourself on his phone as ‘Stargirl Interlude 💫’, your stage name.
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sleepyjuice · 1 day
jj x his big mouth girlfriend 🤭 like when kie confronted ward outside the court
I loved this so much this was such a cute little ask… also sorry for taking so long to respond to this, I’ve been crazy busy with work <3
“No, what’d you say? Don’t get all shy now, what the fuck did you say?!” You shot up from your spot on the sand, nearly knocking over the little picnic you and jj had set up.
A peaceful evening on the beach with your boyfriend was apparently too much to ask for, because not even ten minutes into your impromptu picnic, a couple had walked by where the two of you were sat and felt the need to snicker at the two of you, the girl mumbling something about you and jj ‘living above your means, huh?’ to her boyfriend, both of them laughing as they passed you two.
jj had gotten a pretty hefty check from work this week. Your one year anniversary was also coming up so he wanted to do something nice for the two of you, which is why he had surprised you with a nice beach picnic, takeout from a steakhouse he once worked at and splurged on a nice bottle of wine that you had only tried once when you babysat for a kook family, but you had loved it and assumed you would never have it again due to how pricey it was. You were very grateful for his efforts and admired how thoughtful and sweet he was for this.
jj stood up immediately after you did, standing protectively behind you as you yelled at the girl. Her boyfriend urged her to keep walking away, but she pulled away from him and approached you, the two of you now face to face.
“It’s just funny seeing you guys spending your rent on a date night.” The girl snickered, and you wasted no time lunging at her, but you were stopped by two strong hands pulling at your waist.
“Nope, nope, we’re not doing this. Let it go, baby, it’s okay.” jj spoke into your ear, your breathing heavy as you allowed him to hold you in place. You had a short fuse when it came to things like this. Not only did the overall classism piss you off, but the fact that someone was mocking the special night jj had set up… that had you seeing red. But you didn’t want to completely ruin the night by getting into a fight.
“That’s right Maybank, keep your bitch under control!” The girl’s boyfriend scoffed from behind her, and that was all it took for jj to lunge at him, wasting absolutely no time before tackling him to the ground.
“What the fuck?! You’re both fucking crazy! You gonna stop your boyfriend?” The girl screamed, causing you to laugh humorously as you shoved her harshly.
“Yeah, don’t fucking go there.” You spat, ready to defend you and yours.
Perhaps you and jj were a little tiny bit crazy… but that’s part of what made you the perfect match. When it was all said and done, you would both defend each other with all you had.
You would finish up at the beach, knuckles both a little bloody and bruised, hair disheveled and a little bit wine drunk as you made your way back home, jj’s hands grabbing all over your waist and your ass as you both giggled loudly.
“That was so fucking hot.” He’d tell you once you arrived home, picking you up with his arms holding just below your ass as he rushed you into the bedroom.
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queensunshinee · 18 hours
Time Of Our Lives || Part 12
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Part 12:
"Your apartment smells funny," Liana said as she entered the building and moved towards the main window. "We can buy a rug for the living room. Do you want one?" she asked after walking around the rooms in Patrick’s apartment. It was small. Living room, kitchen, bedroom, and a bathroom. It had been a month since she settled in the Oxford dorms. Patrick had arrived three days ago, and this was the first time they were meeting.
"Hey Amanda. I missed you too." Patrick leaned against the bedroom doorframe, watching her with amusement. She just couldn’t help it. She had to fix something. She would always find something that needed tidying and organizing. He had learned not to argue with this trait from a young age. He had learned that if he refused, she would withdraw into herself, and it would bother her until she could do something about it.
"Hey." She smiled genuinely and hugged him. Patrick looked almost the same as she remembered. Jet-lagged but pleased with his choices for a change. "Hey..." he refused to let go of her, inhaling her scent deeply like he always did when she allowed him.
"You're here." She took a step back and examined him, as if not believing it was really happening. As if she had been waiting her whole life for this moment. That’s how Patrick decided to interpret her facial expression, even if that’s not what reality was showing him. He would take the current smile any day over another day where she was at a certain point on the map and he was on the other side of the world. "So many possibilities, Amanda." He couldn’t stop smiling. "Let's find you a rug and some pillows for the couch, okay?" she replied, trying to solve the current problem she had found for herself; his apartment.
They wandered around London for hours. Stopped for lunch at a small Italian restaurant. Went into a small museum and did some window shopping at brand stores neither of them could afford. Liana’s laughter filled the space occasionally. A sound Patrick prayed to dream about when he would be alone without her scrutinizing gaze around.
As the sun set, they sat on the grass in a park near Liana’s dorms, each holding an ice cream cone. "I think I found a job," she said, trying to eat as much of the ice cream as she could before it melted completely. "Where?" he asked with curiosity. "There’s a cafeteria in Oxford that sells smoothies and other things that pretentious people willing to pay unreasonable amounts. I’ll probably start next week." She smiled, pleased with herself. "Will you be able to balance it with your studies?" he asked. "I have to try. My parents were barely willing to keep paying for my studies as long as I'm not at Stanford, and I don’t want to take an actual loan just to be able to pay for food. It feels unnecessary and lazy." She shrugged, as if it was self-evident.
"You're tough. You’ll make it. When do classes start?" he asked. "In a week. I’m stressed. But a friend of my roommate, Flor, is starting with me, and I met her. She seems nice." Liana chatted about people she had met in the past month. "You're nice." Patrick smiled his characteristic smile when he tried to dodge the implications of what he was saying. It was a toothy grin that included a dimple. It usually highlighted his eyes, showing something mischievous that at age 20 should have started to fade. But not with Patrick. "You're a jerk." Liana rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder, which automatically made him grab her hand.
Liana couldn’t help but think about Art. About the fact that it was the same gesture. Art had held her just like that at the Christmas party. She pulled her hand back and cleared her throat for a moment. Not wanting to change the atmosphere too much but feeling the shift anyway.
Patrick felt the change too, but it was like background noise. He understood something happened but didn’t know what. This wasn’t the first time he touched Liana. You could say he was a touchy person by nature. It wasn’t new and didn’t characterize just his relationship with her. "What just happened?" he asked with a chuckle, as if it wasn’t really important. As if it wasn’t serious. As if he could breathe properly and wasn’t trying to correct the mistake he made a moment ago. As if he wouldn’t do anything to make her laugh again and not look at him with furrowed brows.
"Nothing. It’s getting late. Shall we go?" she asked, with a smile that didn’t reach her ears. One that showed teeth but not all of them. One that hid from him what she really felt. He hated that smile.
"Patrick! You'll have ants in your house!" Liana scolded. No, she wasn’t just scolding; she was fuming. Three months had passed since Patrick moved to London. His coach, Kirk Fucking Morcich, was objectively the best coach he had ever had. He had improved tremendously. From the moment Patrick decided to take tennis seriously and not just as a way to avoid a real job, he started seeing results.
He still had to attend the annoying courses his parents signed him up for. But he had already won a tournament in Europe. Something he didn’t think would happen, and certainly not so soon.
His parents were proud of him. A strange feeling. An almost unfamiliar feeling. His mother called him and actually said those words, “Hey Pat, your dad and I read about you in the paper. Well done.” And he wanted to find something bad and start a fight because he didn’t know any other way to talk to his mother, but he said “thanks” quietly and felt himself blush. Like a little boy needing a kind word from an adult who was never really responsible. Not for what mattered.
“You can’t just leave your food out like this, Pat.” Liana interrupted his train of thought. “It’s not that bad.” He responded with an eye roll. “Patrick, it’s moldy. It’s been sitting on your table with actual mold. How am I supposed to wash this? It’s disgusting!” she fumed. Her cheeks were red, and her hand moved quickly over her nose.
“You don’t have to wash it. Did I ask you to wash it? Just throw the plate away; I have more plates.” He rolled his eyes again. “Why can’t you take anything seriously?!” Liana nearly stomped her foot. “Did we get married or something? Because this relationship doesn’t have the benefits of marriage, you just yell at me after I haven’t been home for a week.” He sighed and sat on the couch, officially tired of this argument. “No, Patrick, we didn’t get married, and sorry I don’t want you to die of dysentery while you’re living alone.” She shot back, and he heard the plate land in the sink. “So instead of throwing it away, you decided to break it?” He started getting angry too, because lately, that’s how all their conversations looked. Conversations about why he didn’t wash dishes, why he left the milk out, why he didn’t water the plant she bought him, why he didn’t show up at the bar her friend worked at, why he didn’t.
And he just wanted to tell her that if she acted like he was her boyfriend, then she should let him touch her the way he wanted to touch her. But they hadn’t had that conversation yet. He hadn’t told her that when he wasn’t thinking about tennis, he was thinking about her, and to be honest, if he wasn’t thinking about those two things, he was thinking about Art. And he knew she was thinking about Art too. And maybe they needed to have a conversation about fucking Art.
“I didn’t break it. Calm down.” She muttered. Liana had managed to somehow find herself in London. She couldn’t say that about any other period in her life. She enjoyed her studies and had met quite a few new people. People she liked being around. People she wasn’t embarrassed around and felt comfortable drinking wine with. She was a person who enjoyed wine now. Some might say Liana had grown up. She would agree with them.
One time, after drinking wine with her new friends, she called Art. She would say it didn’t happen until her dying day. She wouldn’t have anyone to say it to because he didn’t answer, and she didn’t plan on going around telling the world she drunkenly called Art Donaldson. It was embarrassing.
Patrick was always busy. Tennis. Fucking tennis. She hated tennis so much, and as someone who didn’t even know how to hold a racket properly, she couldn’t escape this terrible game.
So as close as Patrick had been during these months, he was still far away. She had hoped so much that he would be an integral part of this experience. That he would love London as much as she loved London, but he just loved playing tennis in London, and she was losing to the ball and racket again and again throughout her life. “I haven’t seen you in a week. Why are you mad at me?” Patrick stood up, moving towards the kitchen, leaning against the door in his characteristic way. “I’m not mad at you.” She rolled her eyes, her back to him, trying to wash the plate he ruined with food he didn’t clean up in time. “This is pointless.” She muttered to herself. “That passive-aggressive vibe might work with Art. It doesn’t work on me. Either tell me why you’re mad or let me go rest.” He said, not taking his piercing gaze off her back.
“Do you want me to leave?” She turned to him. Her expression made it clear she was hurt. She completely ignored the comment about Art. Patrick didn’t want to keep ignoring comments about Art. “I want you to tell me what you want from me, Liana. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request.” He started moving towards her. “I don’t want anything from you, Patrick. You’re my friend. We came here together, and I care about you. That’s all.” She shrugged and looked everywhere in the room except his face.
“Liana.” He stood in front of her, demanding. Something in his tone made her look directly at him. “What?” Her voice was quiet. She hated her voice. Why did she always sound so desperate?! “Why are we fighting about dishes when you don’t live here? You understand that’s ridiculous?” He asked, not letting go and not changing his tone out of pity for her soft voice. “I’m not fighting with you. I want you to be reasonable. Do you think I enjoy playing mommy with you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and folding her arms beneath her chest.
Patrick stared at her chest. He didn’t even try to hide it. Fuck it. “You can’t act like we’re sleeping together while not sleeping with me. That’s absurd.” He realized he had said it only when he saw her eyes widen and her face turn red. “You think I’m hitting on you, Patrick? Is that what you think this is?” She asked, her voice unsteady. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. God. Why is this happening to her? “Eat from your disgusting plate with mold for all I care. I won’t say a word.” She said and tried to move past him. It was her cue to leave before this conversation escalated. He pulled her back with a quick but not overly forceful hand movement. She knew he had a lot more strength in him. She knew he was fire. In the pair Fire and Ice, he would always be Fire. “Patrick.” Her weak voice almost whispered. “You’re not hitting on me?” He asked, also in a low voice. He seemed relatively calm considering the storm of emotions within him.
Patrick decided he had nothing more to lose. He was improving. He was maturing. He asked his parents for help. He had moved halfway across the world to be close to her. He was becoming the best version of himself. And to be honest, Patrick knew that if Liana had settled for the mediocre and basic version of Art, there was no reason he shouldn’t at least try. So Patrick decided to try.
“No...” She bit her lip and looked at him without breaking eye contact. “Bullshit.” He laughed. He just laughed in her face and didn’t release his hold. “You’re walking around my apartment, dressed in short clothes in fucking December in London. Getting mad about plates. Liana. Even you can’t be that naive about what this does to me after a week of a tournament. A grueling week of victories without anyone to celebrate my success.” He considered kissing her neck at that moment. He thinks she would let him. Now, looking at her, he was sure she would let him do whatever he wanted with her. And he was a greedy bastard. He wanted everything.
“Liana. Look at me.” He demanded. Not letting go. She looked. “Why are we fighting?” He asked. The stern tone made her blink. “I missed you.” She said, defeated.
“It’s really hard when you’re supposedly here but not really here, and I know you’re here for tennis, but I wanted you to be here for me too, and it’s okay if we have separate lives here, I do too—” Patrick cut off her endless ramblings because he knew she wouldn’t stop talking if it was up to her. His lips found hers, and his hands held the back of her head. and somehow she actually kissed him back.
The feeling of Patrick’s lips on hers was different from the feeling of Art’s lips. Liana hated herself for comparing him to Art. She wondered if every person who will kiss her would automatically be compared to the person who hurt her the most. She wondered if that’s how she would live the rest of her life. And during these existential thoughts, she realized the bitter truth. Art Donaldson would be a part of her forever.
“Pat. Wait. We can’t. We can’t do this.” She put a small hand on his chest, and he took a step back. Because when a girl told Patrick she wanted to stop, he stopped. “Why can’t we?” He didn’t look amused. He looked angry and hungry and tired, all in the once. In the same body movements. “You know why” Liana sighed.
Silence fell in his kitchen.
"You don't owe him anything," Patrick stated. This time he felt like he's the one who could stomp his foot like a kid in the middle of a tantrum.
"I know." She bit her lip.
"I don't owe him anything," he said, this time not looking at her. Because if she saw his face, she'd know he was lying to himself. Liana always saw him. She saw him stripped of defenses. And his biggest defense right now was tied to the girl in front of him and the fact that they both missed Art. And he did owe him the love of his life.
Because Liana still didn't know what Patrick and Art both knew clearly; Patrick had won. She would be his the moment he decided so.
"Liana. Please let me kiss you." His voice was weak, and his gaze shifted to her. His eyes still screamed fire. Fire. Fire. Danger. Run. Fire. Stay away. Get closer. Fire. Danger. Fire. "Liana." He said again, closer now, breathing the same air she breathed. The air she exhaled entered his lungs. He moved his hand back to her neck. The other hand, unashamedly, grabbed her ass in a half-pinch. It was a grip that didn't retreat, didn't regret, didn't shy away. As if he was born to hold her exactly like this. Exactly how he wanted. "Patrick." She didn't recognize the sound that escaped her mouth out of surprise, but she recognized Patrick's smile just a second before his lips were on hers again. Patrick had decided.
Hey thereeee It's London and it's Patrick's time to shine. What are we feeling about everything? Talk to me. I'm dying to know what you're thinking as usual.
taglist: @lamoursansfin @marley1773 @ruyaas-world @apolloscastellan @primlovesdilfs @fangirl-kimora @serenadingtigers @imbabycowboy @do-it-for-kicks @izzywags478 @4deline08 @igotmajordaddyissues @jackierose902109 @ganana @yoitsme-04 @swetearss
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bro-atz · 4 hours
défilé de lingerie
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in which: you're modeling the latest lingerie designs for your two bosses, and let's just say their designs are very effective.
pair: lingerie designer!san/lingerie model!afab!reader/lingerie tailor!mingi
word count: 3.1k
content: reader is a lingerie model but also sex doll, reader in heels is shorter than mingi, mingi's a horndog and san is more professional, nicknames (mon amour), unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL), double penetration, cunnilingus, oral, anal, creampies, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: @k-hotchoisan and i decided to exchange biases for a fic, so this is my fic for our exchange— enjoy
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"Alright, you know the drill, Y/N," one of your bosses, Mingi, stated as soon as you stepped foot in the room.
"Yeah, it's like we don't do this every month or something," you responded with heavy sarcasm and the most obnoxious eye roll.
"Don't give me that sass. Just do it."
You bowed your head before heading behind the partition in the room.
That was one of the stipulations of being the personal model for a world renowned lingerie atelier— anytime the designer and stylist had new looks they wanted to test out, they would test them out on you. They loved the way the bra and panties would fit you just right, and there was also something about the way that you modeled the looks for them that made them obsessed with you.
"Wear the black one first," the other boss of yours, San, instructed.
"You mean the one with the garter belt?"
"Yes, and wear the stockings with them!" Mingi quickly added.
You sighed deeply before putting the stockings on first. The black set was an insanely intricate lace thong with pearls near the crotch— Hold on, these were crotchless panties?!
"Uh, since when did you guys start doing pieces like this?" you asked the two men nervously.
"We've always done this, Y/N. Hurry and put it on," San responded impatiently.
You swallowed the pool of saliva building in your mouth before slipping the panties on, the cool pearls rubbing against your exposed clit sending shivers down your spine. After adjusting the panties on your hips properly, you grabbed the matching lace corset and put it on, only to realize that there was no way you were going to be able to hook every eye closure.
"Hey, Mr. Song," you were still expected to treat your bosses with respect even after all you had done for them over the years. "Could you help me with the corset?"
"See, San, I told you the corset wasn't going to work well," Mingi said matter-of-factly.
"Shut up, this is why we test the sets before we launch them," San grumbled.
When Mingi came around the partition, he took one look at you and immediately bit his lower lip. He approached you from behind, and instead of helping you with the corset, he bent down and ran his fingers up your leg, his hand resting on the curve of your waist where the waistband of the garter belt sat, his waist pressing against your exposed buttocks, his hard-on rubbing against your leg.
Oh, yeah. That was the other thing. You weren’t just their personal model, but you were also their personal sex doll (but were you complaining?).
"Mmm, look at you in this set," his low voice rumbled in your ear. "I could just eat you up."
"Mr. Song," you whispered as you felt him brush your hair from the nape of your neck and leave a soft kiss. "Can you please help me with the corset first?"
"Why bother when I'm just going to take it off in two seconds?"
You moaned slightly when Mingi tiptoed his fingers along your waist and down your stomach before pressing the pearls against your clit. He unclipped the pearls from the front part of the panties before running two fingers along your folds, collecting the arousal that had started accumulating the second Mingi laid a singular finger on you.
"Mingi, cut it out. We need to see the sets," San's authoritative voice rang out, snapping you out of your lusty trance.
"Damn, he can't let me have you to myself for one second, can he?" Mingi tsked.
He finally helped you with the corset while you struggled to hook the pearls back onto the panties. Mingi, noticing your struggle, knelt before you and took the tiny clasp from your grasp. At first, you thought he was going to actually put the pearls back on, but instead he rubbed his nose against your clit and ran his tongue along your cunt.
“Oh, fuck,” you whimpered while smacking your hand against the wall for balance, the other grabbing the roots of Mingi’s hair.
“Mingi!” San yelled.
“Ugh, fine,” Mingi groaned.
Mingi clipped the pearls back on, and he resumed his professional mode when he stood up to inspect the set, adjusting little things here and there to make you look absolutely perfect. Mingi left first, and before you left, you wore the pair of black platform heels on the ground— they also usually had a pair of designer heels for each lingerie set for you to wear— and checked yourself out in the mirror. You walked towards the two men in their leather armchairs slowly, trying to get used to the height of the heels.
“Turn around for me, Y/N,” San requested.
You did as he asked and turned on the balls of your feet just the way they liked it. You heard the leather scrunching and felt the cool touch of San’s ring on your shoulder moments later. He adjusted the fit of the thong quickly before rubbing his fingers between your legs to check the pearls.
“Okay, the bottom part seems fine,” he murmured.
“Check the corset, San.”
“I know, I was getting to it.”
San pressed the palm of his hand flat against your back, then he started tugging the top of the corset outwards, testing the durability of the hooks.
“I don’t see what the issue is— the corset is fine,” San argued with Mingi.
“She wasn’t able to get it on by herself, and if the point of this collection is supposed to be lingerie she can surprise her lover with, then it kind of defeats the purpose,” Mingi shot back.
“So then should we go with the ribbons like I had in the original design?”
Mingi pressed his lips together then nodded, admitting defeat. San let out a deep sigh and returned to you in the corset. He spun you around to face him, and you lost your balance as he did so, falling right into San’s arms.
“Maybe the heels were a little too tall for you,” San muttered, his hot breath flitting past your ears, making your body surge with warmth. “Are your ankles okay?”
“Yes, thank you,” you cleared your throat and stood properly once more for San to finish his inspection.
San held your shoulders and looked at the entirety of the set, his eyes lingering on the cups for your breasts. Gently, he cupped your breasts and pressed along the fabric before turning to Mingi and saying, “The underwire is too short for her measurements. You should know better by now. Like, look at this— the underwire won’t even support her breasts properly.”
Without looking at Mingi’s reaction, San turned back to you and reached around you to unhook the top portion of the corset, allowing you to breathe a little easier. You sighed softly as he unhooked more, but not the entirety of the corset. Then, San went on his knees and inspected the work of the garter belt and crotchless panties.
“Could we get different straps for this?” San asked as he snapped the strap against your thigh, making you flinch slightly. “I don’t like how thick this is.”
“Anything else?”
“Yeah, the clasps are ugly. Try again.”
“You approved of those clasps for the last set!” Mingi complained.
“The last set called for silver, but I want black for this one. Fix it.”
Mingi muttered under his breath as he took mental note of all of San’s stipulations. Finally, San arrived at the pearls. He tugged at the clasp and hummed in approval at the strength of the loop.
“The satin loop is strong. Good job.”
“I’m worried about the wear after several washes, though—”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. The only way this would get frayed is if she’s incapable of hooking the clasp on, and the loop is big enough for her to not miss.”
As San explained, he played with the pearls, running his finger up and down the chain. You stifled your moans as you felt him toy with you— you had no idea if it was intentional or not, but whatever it was, it was making your entire body flush with heat.
“You like that?” San whispered low enough so only you could hear— he was doing it intentionally.
“Mmm, I don’t think I can get through the other sets right now… Let’s take a little break, mon amour.”
That was the signal. Mingi immediately got out of the arm chair and made his way to you, the glint in his eye making you swallow nervously. Even with the heels on, Mingi was still taller than you, so he tilted your head up to meet his lips before moving his hand to your neck. You held Mingi’s shoulder as he kissed you intensely, blood rushing to your ears as you felt his fingers pressing into your neck gently. You wanted to grab his shirt with your other hand, but San, who was still between your legs, was stimulating you a little too much with his fingers that you had to grab the roots of his hair.
You thought San was going to unhook the pearls sooner rather than later, but instead, with the pearls still on, he ran his tongue along them. His tongue circled around the pearl on your clit, the smoothness of the pearl sending a stream of tingles through your body. It certainly did not help when San moved your leg so that it rested over his shoulder, giving him more space to fuck your wet pussy with his tongue. You unconsciously gyrated your hips into his face, your hand pulling him closer to you. It was when Mingi stopped kissing your lips and trailed them down your neck were you able to focus a little more on San.
“Fuck,” you hissed and inhaled sharply. “Right there— Ah! R-Right there…”
The pleasure only increased for you when San ran his fingers from the end of the pearl chain up the fabric of the thong, making the string ride up slightly and rub against your asshole just right. You whimpered and whined the more San toyed with the lower half of your body, unaware that Mingi was working on unhooking the remaining eye closures. The second it was completely unhooked, Mingi threw the corset somewhere behind him and latched onto your breasts. His teeth tugged on your nipples gently, the stimulation really getting to you.
“I don’t think she can stand much longer,” Mingi commented when he felt your grasp on his shoulder start to slip.
“I’m almost there, shh,” San waved the other man away before returning to feasting.
“Mr. Choi, p-please,” you cried. “I’m al-almost— Nngh!”
You gripped Mingi’s shoulder tightly when San slipped a thick finger into your cunt and curled it over and over inside you while fixating on your clit, the pearls continuing to stimulate you like there was no tomorrow. It was when San started rapidly fingering you did your final thread of sanity snap. You muffled your cry as you came, your cunt convulsing around San’s finger, your grip on his hair tight as hell as you shoved his face as far as you could into your pussy.
“You enjoyed that a lot, didn’t you, mon amour?” Mingi teased with his low voice. “I’m sure you must’ve been hot and bothered from earlier…”
He rubbed his nose along your jawline before peppering kisses along your neck and on your ear, the fingers on his other hand rubbing your ear. You sighed softly, sensually as you tilted your head towards Mingi the more he showed you affection.
“Let’s get her to the chairs, shall we?” San interrupted your passionate moment with Mingi when he stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
San lifted you and carried you to his armchair. He sat down first then sat you down on his lap, making you straddle him. He reached to your feet and flung the heels off before running his fingers along your legs and up the curve of your hips and waist.
“Mon amour,” San whispered breathlessly. “Would you like a taste of yourself?”
You nodded, and San immediately grabbed the back of your head and kissed you passionately, his tongue diving deep into your mouth. As you made out with him, Mingi approached you from behind and grabbed your ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling upwards tightly. You cried into San’s mouth when you felt Mingi slap your ass and pull up on your thong, the panties and pearls digging into your cunt.
You were still heavily focused on kissing San that after the pleasureful pain from Mingi subsided, you didn’t realize that he was finally removing the pearls from the panties. After setting the pearls down, he pulled the thong to the side and ran his tongue along your ass crack while inhaling deeply. When you felt his hands pull your ass apart and his tongue prod your asshole, you whined and moaned while pushing yourself further into San’s hold.
Mingi pulled your waist out and up, giving him a better angle to eat your ass out. As Mingi focused on loosening you up, you directed your attention to San’s bulging crotch. One hand on his shoulder, you unbuckled his belt with your other hand and pulled his thick cock out. You reached to your cunt and collected some of your arousal before stroking San’s cock, the man’s breath hitching when he felt your nails trace the tip of his cock.
“I want to be inside you, mon amour,” he said, his voice so low he nearly growled.
You heard Mingi complain behind you when you and San shifted, the man lowering himself in the chair while you pressed your upper body against his. You rubbed your cunt against his cock before he adjusted his cock himself and slipped it inside you, a long moan leaving your lips. You gripped the arms of the chair when you felt San place his hands on your ass and begin to move your waist up and down on his cock, letting out little moans and squeals whenever he bottomed out.
Mingi wasn’t about to let the fruits of his labor go to waste. He whipped out his own cock and spat on his hand before stroking it a couple times. He approached you from behind and got San to stop moving you on his lap, allowing him to push the tip of his huge cock into your tight asshole. He teased you over and over again, his cockhead entering and exiting you quickly.
“Mingi, stop teasing her and fuck her already,” San bit out.
“Do you want me to fuck you, mon amour? Do you want me to fuck you silly?” Mingi, ignoring San’s order, asked you gently.
“Please, Mr. Song,” you hiccuped. “I want you to give it to me.”
“You heard her, Mingi. Do it.”
With a deep sigh, Mingi spread your ass again and pushed his cock into your tight hole, a loud cry leaving your lungs when you felt his insane length fill you up. Once Mingi was all the way inside you, both men started moving your waist along their lengths. Mingi continued to smack your ass sporadically as his thrusts got stronger. San, on the other hand, bucked his hips upwards to meet your cunt, the added force driving you insane. The sensation of their cocks rubbing against each other through the layer inside only made the pleasure build.
“Fuck,” you whined as you aimlessly clutched at San’s coat. “Fuck me harder, Mr. Choi… I beg you…”
“Oh? Alright. Come here.”
Mingi pulled out, allowing you to turn around on San’s lap. You sat on his lap, your back facing him. He slipped his cock into your cunt again and tucked his hands under your knees to lift your legs before he started jack hammering his cock into you at a much faster rate. You felt yourself nearing your climax, but you weren’t quite there yet. It wasn’t until Mingi slipped his cock into your cunt as well did white fill your vision, the feeling of the two cocks spreading you wide making your entire body react.
“Fuck! Fuck, I’m cumming!” you cried.
“Cum for us, mon amour,” San hissed in your ear. “Cum all over us.”
You rubbed your clit several more times before your orgasm completely washed over you, your cunt clenching as you squirted through their thrusts. You thought they would stop to let you finish completely, but both men refused to pull out. You continued to cum as they stuffed their cocks inside you repeatedly, your loud cries of profanities echoing in the room.
Moments later, neither man could hold back any longer— the feeling of your cunt squeezing around their cocks was a little too much for them to handle. Mingi pulled out and let the older man shove his cock deep inside you to let his load out, strings of hot cum filling up inside you. San let out a huge groan of relief as he pulled out slowly, his cock still twitching inside you and releasing his cum. You knew he was completely done when he buried his face in the nook of your neck and groaned deeply, his heavy breathing starting to quiet down.
The second San’s cock left your pussy, Mingi immediately shoved his massive cock inside you. He held the back of your neck and pulled you towards him, his lips furiously locking with yours as he thrust violently hard into you. You cried and whimpered into the kisses as his cock kept rubbing past your G-spot, and it was when Mingi finally came did you cum again, your legs shaking as stars overtook you. His cum spurt inside you and filled you up, the cum from both men swimming inside you and threatening to spill out.
Mingi let go of your head, allowing you to completely melt in San’s arms, the man lowering your legs the second Mingi was done with you. You clenched your pussy to keep their seed inside you, afraid to make more of a mess.
“You’re always so tight for us, mon amour. Does your body not get used to us?” Mingi asked with a chuckle as he began to clean himself up.
“I don’t think she’ll ever get used to us fucking her into oblivion,” San joked as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. “Right, mon amour?”
You responded with a breathy sigh and a slight nod, making both men smile at how fucked out you looked.
“Now, clean up. You still have several more sets to try on for us.”
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supernovafics · 2 days
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series masterlist | next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1k words
warnings: explicit language, bestfriend!eddie, no steve in this one (but he will be in everything going forward) (we're just setting the vibes in this one yall🫡 )
summary: you suggest an idea that you immediately regret, but you find it too hard to take it all back
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PROLOGUE | ❝𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒐 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌❞
Spring Semester 2018
“We should set each other up on blind dates.”
Right as the words left your lips, you regretted them. And then you were immediately wondering how long it would take for you to look back on this moment and not feel completely embarrassed by it. 
Your honest answer was ten years, your more hopeful one was five. However, you could also see yourself never getting over this moment because you knew that everything else that transpired from it would be entirely your fault, and you’d probably forever feel like an idiot because of that.  
A confused look crossed Eddie’s face for a brief moment. “What?”
It was only you two in your apartment right then, sitting on the couch in the living room with a blanket draped over your laps. The night started with him suggesting a horror movie to watch and you agreeing because the plot of it sounded just dumb enough to seem interesting. The credits of said movie were now rolling on the TV screen in front of you, but neither of you paid any attention to that. 
“Um, that’s why I asked if you think you’re ready to start dating again. Because I’ve been thinking that we should set each other up on blind dates, and I didn’t wanna suggest that idea if you weren’t ready to start dating again.”
Your initial question that started this entire conversation had nothing to do with that random blind date idea you just pulled out of thin air. It, instead, had everything to do with you watching a nostalgic romcom in your childhood bedroom two weeks ago during winter break and feeling an ache in your chest that resurfaced everything you had successfully pushed away for the last few months.  
That was what led you to asking Eddie if he was thinking about dating again; the answer to that question would tell you exactly what you needed to do about your feelings. If the answer was no, you could easily bury everything back down for another handful of months before it hit you like a ton of bricks again; this time you planned to avoid watching romcoms for as long as you could. If the answer was yes— well, you actually hadn’t thought that far ahead, and that was the main reason why you hadn’t planned on bringing the question up tonight. 
You were going to avoid asking it for as long as possible. Hopefully, until you found some other reason to push your feelings away for the millionth time. But then you were blurting it out as the credits of the movie started rolling. 
“Hey, um, do you think you’re ready to start dating again?” 
You weren’t expecting his answer to be yes, and you especially didn’t expect him to sound so sure about it. 
The last time the topic of Eddie’s dating life came up, it was the beginning of the Fall semester. Robin had asked if he was finally over Chrissy and the break up— a break up that was abrupt and, in his eyes, came out of nowhere, but according to Chrissy, she had been feeling “off” about things for a couple of months. 
His answer was no back then, he wasn’t fully over the almost year-and-a-half relationship. And because of that, dating again was pretty much the farthest thing from his mind.
Now, though, it was a complete one-eighty of that. 
“Yeah, I am, honestly. It’s been a long time since the breakup, and I think I’ve “wallowed” long enough. I’m completely over Chrissy. Finally.”
You responded with, “That’s really great,” and you hoped it didn’t sound as surprised as you felt. And then he was asking you why you asked your question, and for a few moments you were at a loss for words. 
It could’ve been easy to finally say everything. I like you. I love you. More than a friend. Maybe always more than a friend. 
However, none of it would form on your lips. 
You couldn’t find it in you to tell him the truth. So, instead of finally doing that, you decided to put yourself in this idiotic “blind date” situation. 
That was why the question should’ve stayed buried down just like your feelings. Because even though his answer was yes, he was ready to “get back out there,” you now weren’t sure if you’d ever want to take this chance that you had been waiting and hoping for since Freshman year. 
The fear of ruining everything that you two had built since that first year of school when he lived just across the hall from you— a friendship that quickly became one of the most important things in your life— weighed too heavily on you. 
That fear never managed to actually change your feelings for him, though. 
It did, however, make you do some of the most insane things ever. Like, suggesting a very dumb idea. 
But, somehow Eddie didn’t think it was dumb. 
“I honestly don’t hate that idea.” 
You simply looked at him for a moment before speaking. “Actually?”
“Yeah,” He nodded and his shoulders upturned in a brief shrug. “A blind date could be cool, and we know each other really well, so we’d probably actually choose good people for each other.”
And that was when you started contemplating how long you’d feel like an idiot because of this moment. 
You smiled, hoping that it didn’t look as fake as it felt. “Yeah, exactly. That’s why I thought of it.”
The conversation seemed to take on a life of its own from there. Eddie said that you two should do it next week and you nodded along, continuing to say things that you didn’t mean in the slightest but you simply pretended like you did. It felt as if you had accidentally dug yourself into a hole and there was no logical way to backtrack on everything you said. Eddie mentioned that he already had someone in mind for you, and you lied and said that you did too; even though the thought of now having to find someone for him made you feel the tiniest bit ill. 
Moments before he left for the night, you thought about simply taking it all back and finally just telling him how you felt, but when you pulled back from the goodbye hug he pulled you into, you couldn’t do it.
Apparently, you just loved making things stupidly complicated for yourself. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
next part! (coming thursday!)
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or taken off<333); @eddiernunson , @loulouloueh , @the-aster , @blckburd , @totally-bogus-timelady , @yujyujj , @irhdifartzamfyaa
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nymph-ette111 · 2 days
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(♡) Authors note; I know y'all agreed on fluff yet I found a way to make it sad 🚶‍♀️ NOTHING TOO SEVERE DON'T WORRY!! EJ IS LOVED AND CARED FOR!! I'm not very proud of this tbh but I really wanted to publish it so... :3c fuck writer block
Perhaps the wait was worth it— months and months of being patient, holding yourself back for the sake of Jack's comfort and boundaries that he had set from the beginning of your relationship. He finally decided to let go and embrace your touch and affection.
You sat at the edge of the bathtub, only your legs contacted the soapy water. Although the temperature was a tad bit warmer than you'd usually go for, you decided to turn it up for the cold demon. letting his inhumane body steal the warmth of the water. Your legs burned, but you didn't complain, not if Jack was holding onto them like this, his arms curled around your bottom half almost desperately, head nuzzled into your abdomen.
You knew he'd open up eventually, but you didn't expect it to abruptly happen like this. and not to this extent— he was completely stripped away from his well familiar attire and quite shockingly his mask, somewhere discarded on the cold bathroom floor. His damp hair wetting your shirt. or in other words, his shirt— worn down black tee that he handed you one day. It was like a sacred item to you.
Placing a gentle hand on his cheek, or whatever you could contact of it. You were slowly catching on. Jack was overthinking, again. You couldn't blame him though. Living your life normally, trying to pursue your dream career that you worked hard for just for everything to fall apart in the hands of a cult. Even worse, the woman you called your lover ended up being part of them. a great betrayal. It sent chills down your spine just thinking about it. Poor boy, he didn't deserve what happened to him.
The moment jack told you about the incident was engraved into your brain. It wasn't even intentional, he just dumped the information on you when he was overwhelmed. From there on you never brought it up again in respect for him. You knew if you tried to talk about it it'd only make things worse, Jack was never the one to open up about his burdens even if he trusted you. The most you could for him was take his mind off of it. Distract him from his thoughts. Make him feel loved. Let him know that all of it was in the past. That he's safe with you.
Slowly, your fingers began to caress his rough skin. You could the way he shuttered with every light touch. He wasn't used to such treatment. In his mind, he wasn't deserving of it— a man-eating monstrosity like him shouldn't be cared for, shouldn't be looked at even. Despite that, he still chased your hand whenever he sensed that you'll pull it away. He still yearned for the love you gave. He didn't understand why you stayed, why you even decided that the demon was worthy of your attention but deep down he knew he wanted it. needed it.
"... I can't remember the last time I did this with someone." He raised his head.
It was quite unsettling to stare into empty sockets. the tar oozing endlessly against his skin, dripping onto your hands and into the water. You didn't know what to say, anything that came to mind would've scared him off. You didn't want that; for the progress you finally made to just disappear into thin air.
Only to be proven wrong once the demon decided to rest in the crook of your neck. His arms wrapping around your waist tightly.
"can we ... stay like this for a little longer?"
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lovezbrownies · 2 days
Alright, then I'd like to request Yandere Bully.
So, for info. The bully is a girl—let's call this maniac, Lauren—she's 18, and goes to school with her darling, who is the same age. She's blonde, rich, tall, popular, and athletic. She bullies her darling, but deep down she's obsessed with them.
Scenario: How does she react when darling finally snaps, punching her?
Punch me again. (Yan!Bully X GN!Reader.)
You're a genius anon.....
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Synopsis: Lauren's agonized you for years but what happens when her meek servant fights back?
Lauren McCanister x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Bullying, verbal abuse (?), physical harassment, sadism masochism combo, Lauren's horny at the end, lots of yelling, no use of y/n.
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As far as you could tell, Lauren’s ‘hated’ you since she’s known you. She’s been tormenting you since middle school and it’s just been getting worse since junior year of high school. Today, like every other day, Lauren had pulled you into the nearest bathroom, pushing you until your back hit the wall, she would lean over you and verbally abuse you before pinching either your upper arm or your upper thigh, even going as far as biting you on your neck or shoulder when she’s frustrated. No matter how hard you fight back she would not budge, she overpowered you with her height and athleticism.
That was a part of your daily routine at this point. The worst part of it all is that she’s completely invaded your personal life. Your parents love her, she’s your stupid neighbor, she loves to visit you at your part-time job, and she’s somehow always in your classes. You’ve barely been able to keep it together lately, but you had to. You’ve only got 2 months of senior year before you can finally move out of your town and into whatever small dingy apartment that you can afford from your savings. 
The past few weeks were torturous for you. Every day, without fail, Lauren would corner you, verbally abuse you, spit on your face, and even scratch you with her medium-sized manicured nails. She just would not stop asking so many questions, becoming furious when you refused to answer, and what’s worse is she always knew when you were lying, and would punish you accordingly. 
You snap out of your thoughts, and a sultry voice laughs from above you, “You better say the truth this time, baby. When are you moving? And where the fuck are you moving to.” Lauren’s been harassing you more lately, all of that just to know where you’re going for university. You haven’t told her, you refuse to. If another year of your life is turned into hell by Lauren McCanister one more time you might just lose it.
You kept looking down, at the dirty bathroom floors. Her leg is in its usual spot, between your own, one of her arms help her lean against the wall while the other rests on your hip. On the other hand you kept all external organs to yourself. “Come on… Don’t you want to brag about how smart you are? How you got into some fuckass Ivory Uni? Don’t ya? You can tell me sweetheart… I’ll let everyone know how much of a nerd fucking loser you are.” Lauren’s hand kept rubbing your hip, sometimes lowering her hand down to pinch a bit of your thigh.
You didn’t want to. No, if you told her she’d follow after you, you don't know why she’s so set on making your life hell but you wanted none of it. “I… I’m going to Prince Holand…” You respond, as meek as possible. Just how Lauren likes it. Prince Holand University is not luxurious at all, it’s the community college closest to your town. The actual university you’re going to is on the other side of the country, Xelera’s People University. One of the most luxurious universities, and you managed to get a full-ride scholarship in XPU. Lauren was definitely your motivation to study so hard, not because she’s your cheerleader, but because you wanted to be as far away from her as possible.
Lauren knows. She knows you’re lying to her face, you’ve been lying this entire time. She’s been asking the same question for days now, and every single time without fail you lie to her. Lauren kept giving you chances to fortify your mistake, tell her the truth, and finally confess how much you love her. But time and time again you lied, you told the entire school the same thing too. But Lauren knows you’re going to XPU. Of course she does she had tapped into all your devices and watched you obsessively through the cameras she had installed in your home.
Lauren’s also been accepted, but mostly due to her mother’s influence as well as paying the school to accept her. She will go to the ends of the world to make sure no one ever likes you, and that you never end up with someone else other than her and that includes spending millions for a year’s tuition. It's not like it’d make a dent in her bank account. Lauren’s just as smart as her mother, who’s a world-renowned scientist who has studied many things, but her mother’s most influential project was “Asexual Reproduction of Sentient Beings through Magic.” A project that changed many lives and nearly doubled the population. That is exactly how Lauren was brought to life.
So far everything’s worked. Lauren’s completely isolated you from the rest of the town through baseless untrue rumours, then she completely invaded your life and spent most of her time with you. Lauren likes to bully you. She loves how you react to her harsh words and pinches, but often times takes it too far, much like she is about to today.
“You fucking liar! If you don’t tell the damn truth NOW! I will hunt down everyone you love and kill them. I will find out where you’re going and I will follow you. You… YOU UGRATEFUL ASSHOLE!! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I’VE DONE TO KEEP YOU TO MYSELF!?!” Lauren yelled out, punching her fist onto the wall next to your head. Shocked, you look up at the seething beast. Her eyes filled with rage, her nose scrunched up in disgust and her lips frowning. 
For the first time since she’s corned you today, your eyes met with her own. You can tell how they softened ever so slightly, looking at how fearful you look right now. But of course, her anger takes over her, why wouldn’t you tell her the truth! Lauren’s the only person you even speak to! You should be deeply in love with her! Much like she is with you…
Lauren suddenly grabs your shoulders, harshly shoving you to the wall causing your head to smack against it. She didn’t mean to. It’s like the smack to the head had awakened something in you because you somehow managed to push her toned body away, a hand touching the area where your head had collided with the wall, pulling it back you saw blood all over your hands. She’s so sorry.
Lauren shocked with the sudden show of strength locked eyes with you, you looked so angry yet so afraid. No, look at me with love please. She froze as you yelled, how strong your voice is, she never heard your voice like that before. She would love to hear you yell in pleasure. “What the fuck!? What the fuck is wrong with you, Lauren!?!” Say it again, say my name again. “What do you want from me?!? I was your loyal servant this entire time and never uttered a word!! I want to be left alone! Do you understand?” No, you don’t mean that.
You continue, all the pent-up frustration finally coming out. “I don’t know why you have this sick demented obsession with me but I want out! Everyone likes you but what they don’t know is that you’re worse than all the rumors you made up about me!” I don’t care about them, only you. “From now on, leave me out of whatever sadistic kink you’re into! I hate you and everything about you, you- you cunt!” And with all your might you fully punched her, albeit a weak punch due to your injury, but it was still a punch. Ohhh…
Lauren watched on as you stormed out of the bathroom, hand holding onto your head. You look so dizzy she should go and help you right? But… She can’t. After being punched by you she felt rather… aroused. Of course, you turn her on all the time but this time… All the yelling and degrading things you screamed at her made her feel different than usual, but then that punch. Lauren had never thought she’d be into it but she wanted to grab you, beg you to do it again, do it until you’re satisfied. Your satisfaction is her pleasure after all, and as it turns out her pleasure is degradation. 
A sick and twisted smile came upon her face. She wants you so badly. This little game of yours awakened the beast Lauren never knew she had. And she’ll show you how much you mean to her, she’ll still bully you– that’s a no-brainer– but she’ll send over many gifts, from flowers to sex toys, acting as if she’s a secret admirer. Please use those sex toys while she watches through the cameras, dear.
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racetrackmybeloved · 3 days
spot deserved more.
will die mad about how criminally underused spot was in livesies. they set up his character so much just to give us... nothing. in act 1 they laid the groundwork for him to be this intimidating major character, his name was mentioned four times before he even appeared on screen.
"there was spot with all his cronies" - ensemble, carrying the banner
"spot conlon's turf!" - jack
"that spot conlon gets me a little jittery" - finch
"even spot conlon sent over a kid just to say 'next event you can count on brooklyn'" - david
and then they only gave him four lines.
"borough what gave me birth" - brooklyn's here
"newsies united!"
"let's see what pulitzer's got to say to you now"
"have a look out there mr pulitzer. in case you ain't figured it out, we got you surrounded"
brooklyn's here is a bop of an introduction song, but why is it all he gets? his entire presence in the musical is limited to:
show up
have a cool 'im the most powerful/respected person in this room' moment
push jack
shake hands with jack, slap a table, distribute the newsies banner
go to pulitzer with jack and davey, mostly just stand to the side
hug tommy boy (??)
sell papers again
that is it.
look, i'm not just saying this because of how much bigger his role was in 92sies, because obviously there are different constraints blah blah, but why bother setting up a character if all you're going to do with him is have him stand threateningly off to the side? for the majority of his screen time he's just standing there looking intimidating.
there are characters with even less (smalls, mike and ike come to mind), but none of them are set up as if they were going to be main characters. heck, none of their names are even ever mentioned! as opposed to spot’s, which is mentioned five times. (the aforementioned four, plus “let’s hear it for spot conlon and brooklyn!” from david).
also, they completely underused tommy bracco as a dancer. (yes i know that he was tommy boy in OBC but this is specific to the proshot, mostly bc that's all i've watched lol).
we know that tommy bracco is a damn good dancer, why wasn't he in the large group sections of the curtain call? aside from jack, davey, crutchie and les, he was the only newsie to not appear in the large group at the end. all of the other brooklyn newsies were there, just not him. (he did get a small group section with elmer, kid blink and sniper, but wasn't in the starting group dance either). also, for the end part of finale, he's standing off to the side with crutchie, les, kid blink and oscar. (ok that's probably just a spacing thing but. it still annoys me Let Him Dance). (also side note, oscar just ,, being there during finale is hilarious to me. and morris standing at the top for almost the entire song?? they look SO done)
but yeah. give me anything, give me how this (sorry tommy bracco) objectively tiny guy became the most feared newsboy in new york, tell me how he is as a leader, show me jack and davey going to talk to him, tell me what happened after the strike, GIVE ME SPOT CONLON
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deepfivetraveller · 3 days
King Baldwin x Time!Traveler!reader
chapter 1
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Okay I’m a little new to writing romance so please take it easy on me. This fic was inspired by this creators fic so please check them out! Btw I’ll try to keep y/n as neutral as possible but since this is set in the ancient era and religion is very important, y/n shall be hinted as being Hindu since that’s the only one that seems neutral in this situation.
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“Alright that's all for the lesson. And since its complete I expect all of you to be thorough with ‘Life of King Baldwin iv’ during this weekend since there will be a test on this very topic next wednesday. Have a great weekend by the way.” The professor stands up and closes his laptop and all the other students start packing up.
“He had a pretty hard life didn’t he?” One of your friends chimes in. You look at her unsurprised. “You mean king Baldwins?”
“Duh! Poor man suffered an incurable disease almost his entire life! Imagine having skin infested in bacteria, euggh!” She recoils in disgust. “Imagine the cure to that disease being bacteria itself! Pretty sure Leprosy can be cured using multi antibiotic therapy.” Another friend joins in the conversation. You finished packing up your bag so you get up. “But no matter what, you gotta respect him. He never used his illness as an excuse to be a bad king.”
“That’s true….” Your first friend agrees. “He’s tough. When I catch a normal cold I give up all of my responsibilities since I’m sick. Wonder how hard it must have been for him.” All of you exit the classroom. A few minutes go by and topics have changed. A fun conversation lasted for a while before it was time to go, so you three parted ways.
As you entered your home your first thought was to take a cold shower after a long, hot and sweaty day. While eagerly hopping into the shower you get reminded of the conversation you had with your friends a while ago. What did king Baldwin even look like? There were no images in your textbook. Curiosity got the best of you, making you draw back the shower curtains to leave. You wrapped a towel and went towards the table where you kept your mobile, typed a quick ‘King Baldwin the 4th images’ and hit enter. Two images popped up. One being an actual painting from the 12th century while the other being an image reconstructed by scientists which looked…realistic to say the least.
His face in the second photo was majestic. His mouth and nose were almost non-existent, having only two triangular shaped holes instead of a nose. His skin was dry, withered and stretched while having the hue of a dry leaf during autumn. Even though he was severely disfigured his eyes were pure and bright, having a child like innocence towards them. King Baldwin was…Quite handsome.
Okay that’s enough now snap out of it! It’s probably just some AI prompt message image anyway. If anyone found out you found him handsome they’d call you crazy. Plus now is not the time to fangirl over a dead king, now's the time to study. In an attempt to distract yourself you pick up your books to do work. Hours painfully go by as you study but finally, finally it was bedtime. You could care less about eating dinner or even taking a shower, you plop yourself onto your bed and wrap the soft blanket around your body. Thoughts about King Baldwin strike your mind again. Seriously, what's wrong with you?! Why is this man plaguing your thoughts all day?
A sigh escaped your mouth from irritation. If only it was possible to console him for his losses or better yet, cure him entirely. The world would have been a better place if he had the lifespan of a normal man.
But there is no point thinking about this, time to go to bed now. As you try to go to sleep your body keeps doing the fake fall thing, annoying you to the core. And finally when your bodys heartbeat was steady and your breathing was quiet, your body did that fake fall thing again but this time it was actually a real fall.
Eyes widen as you try to grab onto the air to prevent your fall but of course, you fail. Adrenaline rushes through your veins for that split second before you finally make an impact on the cobblestone path?
Owch! That fall really hurt, especially at the back of your shoulders! You hope it’s not bruised there. But after that reality check, you look around only to find yourself in some village?
You can see a few small huts and buildings beyond the grassy field. Where are you? How are you here? Why are you here? Too confused and dazed from the fall, you try to look around for people for help. That is until a holographic screen with text pops up.
Congratulations Ms. Y/n. Your wish to cure King Baldwin has been approved by the ₦ł₥฿Ʉ₴฿₳Ʉ₦Ʉ₴. You are now at Jerusalem, Year: 1181.
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Yes it’s true Ms.Y/n, you really are in the 12th century.
Your blood is now boiling in anger. “Just because….Someone wishes pity over a dead king DOES NOT ACTUALLY MEAN THEY WANT TO CURE HIM!” You try to grab onto the screen to shake it vigorously but your hands go right thru.
Now now, let’s calm down and try to get over with this together I’m sure we’ll find a solution.
“Calm down…CALM DOWN?!?!?!? I’m in the middle of nowhere in Jerusalem during the 12th century and you want me to CALM DOWN???? I don’t even know French and not to mention I’M NOT CHRISTIAN!” You were screaming with your hand in the air. Pretty sure you woke someone up.
Y-Yes but that’s why I’m here. Don’t worry about communication, the language module for french had been uploaded into your brain while you fell here.
The screen flickers a little, maybe due to fear.
Uploaded knowledge? “But I’m a woman from the 21st century! I can’t live here! I’m wayy to accustomed to the privileges of my time!”
That’s one of my perks miss! By using currency of this time you may purchase products of your time thru me! The screen changes to an online store. For now you have access to basic necessities like food and clothes. As you complete missions you shall unlock other parts of the online market! The screens display brightness increases due to enthusiasm, convinced it has impressed you.
You however look at it in exasperated shock. “How is this even possible?” You say with dread in your voice. “Who sent me here?” You ask, no, demand.
Like I said You’ve been sent here by ₦ł₥฿Ʉ₴฿₳Ʉ₦Ʉ₴. I’m pretty sure you can’t read that since mortals don’t have the capacity to….
Mortals? Is this the play of some higher being? God even? Too many questions float through your head, making you visibly tired. You can feel the bottom of the skin beneath your eyes folding, an indicator you’re developing dark circles.
Ah. It looks like you’re tired. It’s night anyway. You should sleep.
“But where do I-”
“Excuse me madam.” You turn around to see a man standing behind you. “I’ve noticed you’ve been talking to yourself.”
So he can’t see the screen. From his ragged outfit he seems to be a commoner. He also genuinely seems worried so you guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help.
“Yes, sorry for that.” You say embarrassingly while you get up. “You see I’m from the family of wandering traders, here to sell spices from my land. I was talking to myself since I was quite irritated at how I didn’t have an inn for the night.” The explanation seems responsible enough I guess.
“But I don’t see any goods with you… And how did a young lady such as yourself travel alone? Where is your husband?”
Crap. He’s doubting you. You need to give him a reasonable explanation fast or he’ll call you a witch or something.
“Oh no sir you’re mistaken! My father is the one who has the spices, it’s his business after all. We had to split ways during travel due to inconveniences, I’m merely here to help him!” You put on your best smile to convince him.
“O-Oh I’m sorry madame! H-Here let me lead you, I know an Inn nearby.” Good. Looks like he believes you. But now it’s your turn.
“I’m sorry sir but how can I trust you?” You step back a little. “What if you take advantage of me? How shall I testify my innocence? The locals would definitely believe you over me.”
“No no please don’t! I’m a married man. My wife’s right there.” he points at the lady standing just outside the house, looking worried. You look at her and she nods her head in reassurance. “You seem like a noble from your land madame judging from your colorful dress, why don’t the both of us show you where the inn is?”
Hmm….Guess colorful clothing is rare here. And he really does seem like he wants to help.
“Very well then. Both of you show me they way.” The man eagerly tells his wife the incident and both of them show you around. The screen follows you, showing you a winking emoticon.
Congrats Ms. Y/n! You have officially begun your first mission!
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turtlesandfrogs · 1 day
So, here's the problem: the longer I work in gardening and landscaping, the more I care about the ecological impacts of native plants, and the less I care about aesthetics. Which is a problem, when most clients' primary concern is that their yard looks nice. Which, fair, I just don't care as much about it as they do and I feel like I could be making a bigger impact than I currently am.
So I'm thinking of quitting this job and going one of two entirely different directions, and for some reason it's rather hard to choose.
Option A is starting my own native plant nursery, which would focus on small (4 inch and gallon pot sized) native plants, with a focus on plants that are most important for native pollinators (especially those that are endangered or threatened where I am). There's some competition, but mostly at selling-to-landscapers level and not retail, and I'd want to focus on retail sales.
Option B is to get a job with the state doing some kind of ecological restoration work. The problem with that is my bachelor's degree is over a decade old and I don't actually have the kind of experience to put on my resume that would likely convince them that I can do the work (unless a combination of teaching and being self-employed as a gardener that helps people incorporate native plants and removes invasive species counts, which maybe?). So I'd probably have to take a lower level job and one that's further away to get in, and then work my way up.
Option A has the upsides of: completely setting my own schedule, getting to work with plants most of the time, getting to work with my partner, flexibility to decide I want to start teaching classes again or something. It has the down sides of having to do taxes multiple times per year, and not being guaranteed to work, and either needing to take out a business loan to get started or work at a day job to fund starting it up. Also if it fails I'll have to get another job without have professional references again, which yikes.
Option B has the upside of once you're in state work, it's way easier to get other state jobs so if I burn out of one job, I can hop to another relatively easily, will almost certainly make more money, comes with health insurance and retirement savings, and is likely the more stable option. On the down side, it would mean working 40 hours a week without getting to pick my schedule and it would be harder to take time off than it is now, I'll have to work my way up to a comfortable salary, and there's a lot less autonomy than when self employed. But I'll also have professional references out the wazoo, so finding new jobs should be easier?
One of the things that concerns me is I have ADHD and up until teaching, the longest I ever stayed in one job was almost 2 years. I taught for 4 years, then was self-employed as a gardener for 4 years, and now I've worked for this landscaping company for just over a year (and am grumpy about a) not making much money and b) aesthetics and only providing services to people who can afford us, rather than say, improving the environment for everyone). So I'm actually kinda afraid that if I started the native plant nursery, I would get sick of it after less than 5 years and be starting from scratch again. Whereas with a state job, I can pop over to a new job fairly easily. On the other hand, maybe I'm just doubting myself too much because all of those other jobs were actually really bad matches for me.
Anyway, my brain is going in circles over this. I mean, really, part of me thinks I should stay at this job even though it doesn't pay much compared to what I could make elsewhere (I have learned a lot though, which can be transfered to other jobs) just because it's so low stress compared to any other job I've had in the last decade & because the people are great and the work isn't bad. It just galls me that occasionally clients have ideas that I strongly disagree with, like cutting down a very nice magnolia tree because "it's too big" and I just have to do it because I'm an employee now. Ugh.
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rafyki · 3 days
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 5!
Finally, another chapter!! Back to Percy's POV~ oh I absolutely adore writing him being head over heels for Nico 💕💕
Some more internal panicking, some more flirting, and they're finally getting to know each other~~ 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy went to the beach two days after ready to bury himself under the sand as soon as he saw Nico, and at the same time ready to show off the best surfing moves he knew. 
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar, that was what Nico had said. 
Percy had been replaying that moment in his head so many times in the last fifty hours it was now indelibly engraved in his memory. He could picture it perfectly, like it was still right before his eyes - the afternoon light bathing Nico in pretty shadows, that single strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail and was falling on the side of his face, the numerous earrings on his ears shining in the sun, the way he was biting and playing with those on his lips (it must have been an habit of his, and it definitely was an image that had been driving Percy crazy since the first time he had noticed it); Percy had clearly taken him off guard, and his expression had been the prettiest mix of surprise and embarrassment.
Percy had been ready to make up some silly excuse and run away as far as possible to hide his embarrassment and cursing his stupid impulsive mind for even thinking that saying something like let me teach you how to surf to someone he barely even knew was a good idea. 
And yet.
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar.
He felt like screaming, felt like he could surf all day long even without waves if it meant Nico would look at him.
To be honest, flirting with him hadn’t really been his intention. He just wanted to talk to him, exchange more than those few words of courtesy that were needed to buy something. 
He had not expected it to be this easy.  Somehow, the words had come out easily, and the conversation had felt awkward but nice and natural at the same time - and maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part, but he couldn’t help but think Nico had enjoyed it too.
The smile on his lips had been genuine, the way he had laughed (and oh, wasn’t that the sweetest sound ever? Percy would gladly listen to it forever), talking and asking questions like he hadn’t wanted the conversation to end. 
Somehow flirting had come so natural to Percy as he looked at him - the need of getting to know him, to impress him somehow, to make him smile, to make the moment last as long as possible, all mixing and tangling together; somehow, that had resulted in the filter between his brain and mouth shutting off completely.
It seemed Nico hadn’t minded too much though. Percy’s heart was playing athletics in his chest as he thought about it once again. 
Calm down, he told himself, trying and failing to get a grip on his derailing thoughts. Maybe he just didn’t know what to say and said the first thing he could think of.
Okay, but did he really have to say that? 
He shook his head. No need to think about it, he’d just have to go and face the consequences of his own actions.
Despite all the time spent thinking about it, he wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.
The beach was as hot and nice and crowded as it always was, but Percy couldn’t concentrate on how that usually made him feel, couldn’t ignore his nervousness and the way his insides were tangling and curling together out of anxiety and anticipation.
He didn’t even have Annabeth with him today - he was almost tempted to call her just to scream his struggles to her once again; she was probably tired of listening to him freak out and would tell him to simply go and talk to Nico again. Was she right? Of course she was. Did that make Percy feel any better? Not really, to be honest.
He sighed as he set everything up and got ready. 
Would Nico look at him like he said he would? The simple thought made Percy shake.
He took up his surfing board, heart beating ridiculously faster than it should as he moved closer to the shore. 
And then, right before getting into the water, he turned around. 
Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but there he was, the boy of Percy’s dreams, looking back at him. 
They were far enough from each other that Percy couldn’t see Nico’s expression clearly- maybe he had just happened to be looking that way for a moment. Percy almost expected him to simply turn around and look away like nothing had happened.
But then, Nico raised a hand and waved lightly. Percy’s heart did a flip as he waved back, a smile growing on his lips. 
For a handful of seconds, there was no one else on that beach but them.
Then Nico’s attention was called back by a customer, and with one last glance at Percy, he went back to work. Percy stood there, eyes still fixed on him and smile still in place, for a little longer.
Maybe he’ll be really looking at me, after all.
He was definitely ready to show off everything he could do.
They weren’t friends exactly, probably not even acquaintances. But something had shifted, and Percy could feel it every time he went to the beach - it wasn’t just him, wasn’t just the anticipation he felt or the way he spent most of his time thinking about the next time he would see and get to talk to Nico again; no, it was in the way they waved at each other in greeting when Percy got there (or sometimes when Nico’s shift started later and Percy got on the beach before him), or the way Nico was always the one who took Percy’s order at the kiosk, the way he smiled at Percy like he was happy to see him, the way Percy let himself linger there for as long as he could and Nico would never shy away from small talks.
It was all the little things piling up that made Percy’s heart run around like crazy, and he couldn’t hold back the smile coming up on his lips every time - he just hoped it didn't look as enamored and lovestruck as he felt.
His crush was growing every day, every moment. Percy could feel himself fall harder and harder with every new word exchanged, every new smile and little laugh, every new thing he learned about Nico. He was probably going a little crazy with how much he liked that boy.
He went to the beach as often as he could, even just to get a glimpse of him and for those fast and precious moments they got to share.
Today he hadn’t planned on going, but he had finished earlier at work and his feet had brought him there almost without him realizing. It was later than usual, and he didn’t even have anything with him. Yet there he was, sitting at his usual place at the kiosk, trying his best not to make it obvious that he was looking at Nico, busy with another customer.
“Nico will take your order in a moment”, the other guy, the blond one who also worked there, told him. 
“It’s okay, I can wait”, Percy replied. It took him a moment to realize that it was weird that the guy hadn’t simply taken his order himself. He worked there too, right? And he didn’t look busy, he was just there chatting with an elf-looking Mexican guy. 
Percy didn’t know if he was feeling more grateful or more embarrassed at this - was it really that obvious that he was there for Nico? At the same time though, the fact that apparently it was a thing, that Percy was Nico’s own customer, that the other guy didn’t even question it, like he knew it - well, it was making Percy feel stupidly giggly and hopeful.
“Ehi, hi Percy”, Nico greeted him, and Percy finally got out of his own head, but only to feel himself fall once again as he met Nico’s eyes and pretty smile. “The usual?”
“Hi, Nico”, he said. His throat felt dry, his heart lost a beat or two. “Yeah, thanks”.
Oh he was too pretty. Annabeth and Grover had laughed at him when Percy had spent a whole evening telling them about every little detail of Nico’s features, how he must have been an angel - because there was no way a human being could be that incredibly and otherworldly beautiful, right?
No, you’re just completely gone for that guy, Seaweed brain, Annabeth had said.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you having this big of a crush, Percy, had been Grover’s contribution.
And they were both absolutely right. Percy really didn’t remember the last time he had been so head over heels for someone, couldn’t even remember the last time he had had a crush at all. But Nico - god, Nico was making him feel everything all at once.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today”, Nico said, and Percy’s brain short-circuited for a moment. So Nico thought about seeing him? Did he look forward to see him just as much as Percy did? 
“The weather isn’t so good and it looks like the waves aren’t big enough to surf”, Nico kept going.
Percy needed a second to find his words, too enraptured by the shy yet curious look in Nico’s eyes. He had such a nice voice, too, Percy loved listening to him talk.
“Uhm, yeah, I actually wasn’t planning on coming today”, he managed to say in the end. “But I finished earlier at work, so I thought I’d pass by and get my favorite drink”.
Nico smiled softly at that, and Percy counted it as a victory.
“You’re literally the only one who orders this”, Nico said.
“So it’s like a special drink just for me?”
Flirting came to him way too easy when he talked to Nico. Maybe it was the need to see the light blush tinting his cheeks. He blushed so easily, and it was always so evident on his pale skin. Percy loved it.
This time too, Nico rolled his eyes at him, but the blush was there. It was starting to become Percy’s new favorite color.
“Where do you work at?”, Nico asked after a moment. Percy didn’t mind too much that he had ignored his previous flirting. It was endearing, really, that Nico was so shy. 
“Oh I teach kids how to swim at the pool near here”.
Somehow, that seemed to hit Nico, because he stopped to look at Percy with such surprise and awe in his eyes that it was Percy’s turn to blush in embarrassment. He was looking at him like Percy had just told him he went around saving the world on a daily basis.
“That’s so…”, Nico started, then stopped, cleared his throat and looked away. “That’s cute. You look like you’d be good with kids”.
“You think so?”, Percy smiled.
He liked sharing things with Nico, liked telling him about himself, cherished it when Nico told him something about himself. 
“Do you like working here?”
“I do, I guess. It’s a good summer job”, Nico said, meeting Percy’s eyes. “And it’s allowing me to meet some interesting people”.
Percy's heart started to beat ridiculously loud in his chest. “Yeah? You don’t look like you like meeting people a lot though”.
That made Nico’s laugh. Percy sort of wanted to drown in the sound.
“I don’t, usually”, Nico said. “But I guess I can make an exception for some people”.
Percy wanted to kiss him so bad. Wanted to take him on a date and make him smile and laugh the whole time, wanted to hold his hand as he told him about himself, wanted to share everything he could with him, wanted to card his fingers through his dark silky hair and pull him closer and closer to him until he could press his lips to his and feel the rings under his teeth.
“Some special people?”
Another laugh, and that beautiful shade of pink on his cheeks. “Yeah, special”.
Oh Percy was so far gone for him.
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huaidanta · 2 days
Observations about Fuuta's clothing choices
Some loose thoughts I had about Fuuta and what his clothing says about him. This was originally a twitter thread I made in November 2023 so it may be a bit jank since it was made to fit that format.
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So we already know that it's quite odd that Fuuta is the only one out of the guilty prisoners to have a clothing change for the 2nd trial. However, I find it especially interesting how his mask got swapped out for a hoodie.
Obviously, the point of a face mask is to cover part of your face. We see him wearing this mask in Bring It On and during Trial 1. While there's benefits of it protecting his identity, I personally believe he may be using it to conceal his insecurities.
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In comparison to the other characters, Fuuta has short and messy eyebrows, deep eyebags, and unconventional teeth. He's literally masking these, which is fitting with how he exudes a tough bravado to hide his inner cowardice.
Also, isn't it interesting that his older sister is a beautician?
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He also tends to wear baggy clothing or clothing that completely covers him up. The most skin we've ever seen from Fuuta is the birthday art (which still has him wearing the mask).
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There could also be something significant with him pushing his hair back and revealing more of his face than usual. As he's also wearing golden shoes, evocative of the European Golden Shoe awarded to top scoring football players, maybe this is Fuuta with fulfilled dreams and a greater sense of confidence.
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A reply I got on the original twitter thread pointed out that one of the first things we see in Bring It On is Fuuta getting ready for the day, putting on his hoodie and mask, and fixing his hair. Being shown this, we can infer that Fuuta does care about the way he presents (and conceals) himself.
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It should also be noted that Fuuta's armour changes throughout the song. He initially only wears a turtleneck, but starts wearing a black hood over it during the last chorus. His mask and hoodie are also items in his RPG inventory! It shows that these aren't just clothing items, but important pieces of "equipment" to him that boost his attack and/or defense.
(Note that fantasy Fuuta's outfit has double white lines on it which feels out of place in a fantasy setting. It of course ties to real life Fuuta's sporty clothing choices, including the hoodie. In this fantasy there are still elements of reality.)
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In Bring It On there's an emphasis on Fuuta properly wearing the mask but pulling it down when he's participating in the Dark Triad's activities.
If we go with my previous thinking that Fuuta uses the mask to hide his insecurities, it could mean that he feels most comfortable and secure when acting with the Dark Triad. Fuuta is someone that relies on the validation of others, so it would make sense that he feels most confident in himself when he's with a group of similar-minded people.
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(I'm also interested in these shots where we don't see the mask at all... The right image is especially intriguing as his mouth is covered despite not wearing the mask. It's a stark contrast to the nasty smirk he usually does when he's maskless.)
Anyways, he stops wearing the black mask in Trial 2, probably due to his injuries. He instead wears a black hoodie, distinct from the navy shirt he wore in Trial 1. He has essentially traded one concealing item for another concealing item.
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On his Trial 2 album cover, Fuuta has his hood up and is shielding himself with his hand. He's trying to hide away, to protect himself from the terror of persecution and the consequences of his actions. I find it eerily similar to the ending of Bring It On where he's doing the same thing but with an entire blanket as his hood.
This denial and hiding away from his sin is something even stated in Undercover.
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TLDR: Fuuta uses clothing, especially masks and hoods, to hide his insecurities and protect himself.
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goquokka00 · 16 hours
The Little Things (Jeongin Ver.)
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The small things he does every day that make you feel oh, so special.
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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|Helps You Dress |
We're all probably aware that Jeongin is extremely well dressed. Hell, even the other members have clarified that sometimes they go to Jeongin for fashion opinions and advice. And a lot of times, you do the same. Either that, or Jeongin will offer help if he sees you're struggling.
Jeongin will go to your closet with you and look through your clothes to try and find something that'll fit what you're aiming for. If it's for a study session at the library, he'll find a comfier set of clothes for it. If it's for a family gathering at a fancy restaurant, he'll make sure you look phenomenal. If it's for a double date with you and Jeongin and a friend and her significant other, he'll make sure that both of you are matching outfits.
I also think that sometimes, Jeongin will dress you in his own clothing, too. Not all the time, just whenever you're going to something you're not really looking forward to or will just be lounging around the house with him. Jeongin loves his clothes, yes, but he loves them even more when they're on you.
| Comes For Cuddles |
Jeongin isn't one for cuddles. We all know this. If his members try to hug and coddle him, he always tries to maneuver out of it. And I think for the most part, Jeongin wouldn't really want to cuddle you a whole lot either at first, just because it's who he is. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you, it's just a Jeongin thing.
However, there are definitely going to be moments when Jeongin will want cuddles, and will come to you for them. You stopped going to him for them, because he was always super reluctant, and figured if he wanted them, he'd come. And he did. Usually, it's when he's had a rough patch at work or is just straight exhausted. He'll come over to you and lay on top of you, resting his head on your chest and nuzzling you while hugging your torso, humming at the soft scratches you give his head.
I also firmly stand by the belief that Jeongin will do this around the other Kids, too. Literally for no other reason than to make them all upset and jealous because you're getting all of these Jeongin cuddles and kisses and affection and they're not. They'll definitely grumble about it, all while Jeongin has this smug look on his face. He just finds pleasure in making his Hyungs upset.
| Video Games |
After watching Jeongin play Among Us on Chan's computer, I think that you and he would play a LOT of video games together. Anything from on the Nintendo Switch to a Playstation, even on a laptop, the two of you would play plenty of games, sometimes even with certain things on the line. Stuff like, "Loser has to do dishes", or "If I win, you have to give me a back massage."
The competitive play would definitely be a thing, but I also think you guys would have a lot of Co-op games that you guys would play, too. Things like Bread and Fred, Among Us (if one of you isn't on a different side), It Takes Two, things like that.
I also think that y'all would 100% play games like Animal Crossing or Minecraft. You and Jeongin work way too hard on your world/islands, and always have to run ideas by each other. Those games are also great ways to stay in contact when Jeongin's on tour. Sure, a Stray Kid besides Jeongin will sometimes join your Minecraft server, but Jeongin usually kills them as punishment for joining his server that was specifically for him and his love.
| Misunderstandings |
If you're someone who's soft spoken, I feel like misunderstandings would happen a lot. Even if you weren't soft spoken, I feel like this would still happen. A lot. More or less, it's literally just Jeongin only half-listening, and hearing you say something completely different than what was actually said.
Other times, it might just be that you as him to do something, and he hears what you say, but he thinks of it in a completely different way than what you meant. "I thought you wanted me to fill the printer! I did!" "Yeah, with ink!" "And I did that!" "Jeongin, printer ink!" "...oh."
I don't think that you'd ever get mad at him though, mainly because if he does end up slipping up big time, he'll buy whatever he broke or take the time to actually do what you asked, and then will proceed to apologize profusely while cuddling you because he feels really, really, REALLY bad.
| At-Home Facials |
Honestly, because all of the guys are into facials, I think this could happen with any of them. But for whatever reason, I could see this being a Jeongin thing the most. Whether you're the one pestering him that you wanna do a facial together, or if he's the one pestering, it happens a lot.
Sometimes, it's just the two of you wearing face masks while eating instant noodles and watching TV. And that's always fun, and Jeongin really enjoyed those. You do too, because it's cheap and doesn't take a whole lot of effort to complete. Not to mention that you two always got to cuddle up on the couch.
Other times, you and Jeongin go all out. Doing multiple masks, placing cucumbers on the eyes, steaming faces with hot towels, massaging faces (and Jeongin squishing your cheeks while commenting on how cute you are), all of it. Jeongin will usually buy all of the supplies, because going out is his idea. But you two do end up feeling awesome after.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
36 notes · View notes
4littlefishies · 2 days
The 36th Floor - Could've Been an Email
satoru gojo x suguru geto
warnings: angst? is that a warning? idk lol
wc: 11.2k
previous chapter here
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“I’ll just get straight to the point I guess…” Nanami starts, taking a breath and clearing his throat before he continues. The way he quickly looks between Utahime and Suguru makes Suguru’s stomach turn in anticipation. He fidgets with his fingers as he sits back in the comfortable armchair. “If you want the position it’s all yours.” Suguru’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open, not expecting those to be the words to come out of his mouth whatsoever. 
“R-really?” He stutters, feeling like he’s in a dream or something. With wide eyes, he looks over to Utahime who nods her head with a reassuring smile on her face. 
Nanami nods his head with a soft smile. “Like I explained in my email, the other candidate dropped out.” He clasps his hands together and leans back into his chair, resting his elbows on the armrests on either side of him. “I vouch for you, Utahime vouches for you, Yaga vouches for you. I think you’re a great fit and HQ seems to agree.” Suguru can’t help but feel like his heart is going to beat out of his chest at any second. “Utahime has the official job offer letter for you.” Nanami trails off, looking over at her. 
“Oh, yeah, just a second.” She says, opening up the folder she has with her and setting the papers in front of Suguru on the desk. “You’re welcome to think about it or you can sign right now, you have until the end of the week if you want.” She reassures him as he leans forward, grabbing the paper and quickly looking it over. 
“Feel free to ask any us questions you have, I’m sure you have quite a few.” Nanami pipes up as Suguru skims the offer letter. The spacious glass surrounded office is quiet as Suguru quickly looks over the letter, seeing mostly random corporate office jargon and what some of his basic responsibilities would be. Suguru sees Fukuoka mentioned, and looks over the sentence once more. Training would commence at our Fukuoka branch on December 1st and complete no later than June 1st of the following year. 
“Six months?” Suguru asks, caught off guard when his widened eyes read over the words. Six months he would be training in Fukuoka. Six months he would be on the other side of Japan. Six months in another whole new city. Six months he would be away from Satoru. “Sorry.” Suguru says while shaking his head, realizing how surprised he sounded.
Nanami chuckles at his reaction and nods his head lightly. “Yes, it’s quite a long process, but that is the typical timeframe for training for a position like this.” Suguru listens as he explains further what the training process would look like; shadowing the current vice president for a majority of the time, visiting every branch across the country, and just learning how to do every part of the job the correct and in the most efficient way.
The more questions Nanami and Utahime answer for him, the more questions seem to pop into his head. Before they know it, they’ve been talking for over an hour. Although Suguru has what seems like a thousand more questions, he decides that he’s going to think about it and come back with his answer later in the week. 
He stands up from where he’s seated, thanks Nanami and Utahime with a handshake and starts to make his way back to his desk, tucking the offer letter in between the papers of his notebook. He nervously chews on the inside of his lip as he walks down the hallway back towards his cubicle. He rounds the corner and first sees Shoko sitting at her desk, her chin resting in her palm as she normally is. Satoru immediately turns around as he hears Suguru approaching.
“Where have you been?” Satoru questions him, spinning around in his chair to watch as Suguru takes a seat back in his own chair. 
“Nanami’s office.” Suguru responds, looking back at him with a smile. Shoko perks up, wanting to hear what about.
“Ooh, why?” Satoru questions.
“You in trouble already?” Shoko asks, a slight teasing tone in her voice. 
“Just some things he wanted me to work on this week.” Suguru decides not to say anything. He’s not completely sure why, but he doesn’t want to announce anything just yet. He needs to think it over for a couple days to figure out how he’s going to tell them; more specifically, how he’s going to tell Satoru. 
“Bo-ring.” Satoru chimes, shaking his head as Suguru shakes his mouse to wake his computer up. Suguru smiles over at him, shaking his head in disapproval.
“When did you finally make it in?” Suguru asks with raised brows, wanting to quickly change the subject to Satoru’s chronic lateness. 
“I’ll have you know, I was only 15 minutes late.” Satoru says, raising his eyebrows at Suguru over the edge of his cubicle. Suguru looks over at Shoko who’s already looking back at him, shaking her head.
“You know, for some reason, I don't think I believe you.” Suguru says, the smile on his face apparent in his voice. 
“Okay fine, it was 45 minutes, but what’s the difference?”
“30 minutes, Satoru. That’s the difference.” Suguru shoots back, looking over at him once more with narrowed eyes and an amused smirk. He turns back to his computer, trying to focus on his work to push the meeting and job offer letter hiding in his notebook towards the back of his head. He keeps his head down, and before he knows it, Satoru is leaning over the side of his cubicle, trying to get his attention. 
“Earth to Sugu.” Satoru says, tapping Suguru on the shoulder. “Are you coming to lunch? Shoko’s waiting.” 
Suguru takes a deep breath and looks at the pile of papers in his inbox. “Um, you guys can go ahead without me.” He says, looking up at Satoru. 
Satoru looks back down at him with wide eyes, not expecting such an answer from him. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I wanna try to catch up on everything here.” He says, his fingers picking anxiously at the underside of his armrest. “Say hi to Yuji for me?” He looks up at Satoru with a forced smile.
“I’ll bring you something back, okay?” Satoru asks, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Suguru’s head. Suguru nods his head, giving him a small smile and a, “thank you,” before Satoru heads out to meet Shoko, who’s already waiting in the hallway. 
Suguru puts his head back down and continues working. The more he focuses on his work, the less he has to think about a new job, and having to tell Satoru about it. How am I supposed to tell him? He’s going to be devastated when I tell him I have to be away for so long. He keeps working throughout his entire lunch, not even noticing how fast the time flies by until Satoru and Shoko make their way back into the small nook that their desks call home. The first thing he hears is Satoru’s voice loudly talking as the two of them walk down the hallway, taking him out of the extreme focus he’s in. Satoru rounds the corner with a small brown bag in his hand.
“Yuji was disappointed that you weren’t there.” Satoru says, leaving the bag on Suguru’s desk with a smile. Suguru mouths the words thank you up at him as he picks up the bag. He opens it up and sees what can only be a sandwich inside, neatly wrapped up in brown butcher paper. 
Suguru speaks with a soft smile on his face, not looking up from his desk as he hears both Satoru and Shoko sit back down. “Don’t worry, I’ll see him tomorrow.” The rest of the work day seems to go by just as quickly with how busy he’s keeping. As soon as Suguru finishes one task, he immediately buries himself into another, leaving Satoru with little room to bother him like he usually does. 
“Sugu, come on! It’s time to go home.” Satoru says, his computer already shut down and his jacket on. Shoko had already left for the day, but Satoru waited for Suguru to be done because they were going home together. 
Suguru looks at the time in the corner of his monitor, seeing that it’s well past their time to leave for the day. “Oh shit.” He says, finally snapping out of it, shaking his head to try to get some of the fog cleared out from his brain. “Sorry.” He quickly organizes his things neatly and puts them into his bag before throwing on his jacket. “What are you thinking for dinner?” He asks as he tosses his bag over his shoulder and follows Satoru out into the hallway.
“Do you have any ideas?” Satoru asks, hurrying ahead and opening the door for Suguru. 
“I don’t really care as long as it’s something quick.” He says, suddenly feeling the empty pit that is his stomach from not eating lunch. He only realizes once they’re heading out the front doors of the building that he left the sandwich from Satoru up at his desk. I’ll get it tomorrow.
Their walk to the train station is much quieter than normal. Satoru talks, but Suguru doesn’t do as much talking back as he normally does, answering with an occasional hum or head nod. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to tell him. Suguru’s mind is too busy racing with thoughts and questions that just lead to more and more questions. I wish he could just come with me. I can't ask him to do that. He’d probably have to quit - find a new job in Fukuoka just in time for us to come back here. What if I just don’t take it? No that’s stupid, I have to take it - I’d be an idiot not to. They scan their cards and make their way onto the platform to catch their train. He can’t be apart from me for six months, I mean, look at how he is when we’re apart for two days. Suguru hears sounds coming out of Satoru’s mouth, but he still can’t seem to make out a single word. I can’t be apart from him for six months… Suguru finally admits it to himself. But I can’t ask him to quit just to come with me. That’s even more insa-
“Are you okay, Gugu?” Satoru asks as they find seats on the train. Those are the first words of Satoru’s to actually resonate in Suguru’s brain in what feels like forever, but in reality was only a couple minutes. He gives Suguru’s hand a squeeze, letting him know that he’s there. Suguru takes a breath and lets it out slowly, resting his head on Satoru’s shoulder as the doors close and the train lurches forward. 
“Yeah…” He sighs. “Just tired.” He lets his eyes fall closed as they listen to Satoru’s playlist, sharing headphones as they commonly do. Satoru takes his answer at face value and doesn’t push any further, not wanting to pry deeper and irritate him if he actually is just tired. The purple bags under his eyes don’t go against what he’s saying, so he has no choice but to believe him. 
I should be excited to tell him about this, not completely dreading it. Is it a mistake if I take it? What is that going to do to us? He doesn’t particularly like the idea of having to be long distance with Satoru for half a year, but dislikes the idea of asking Satoru to abandon everything here just to come with him for those six months.
Satoru decides to just quickly order some pizza on his phone so that their food will be there to meet them when they get back to his apartment. Suguru nearly falls asleep on Satoru’s shoulder on the ride back towards his apartment, but is jolted back to life when Satoru stands up and grabs his hand, ready to head off at their stop. He follows back to Satoru’s place, excited to finally see Shiro after a week of not seeing her. 
They make it up to the apartment and once inside are immediately greeted by Shiro rubbing against both of their legs and meowing loudly for attention. Suguru smiles down at her as he sets his bag down and bends over to pick her up. “Hey there pretty girl, did you miss me?” He coos, cradling her into his chest. He carries her over to the wall of windows and looks out into the lights of the city. He’s sad that they’re home from Okinawa, but he’ll admit that he definitely missed this view. 
“What about your pretty boy?” Satoru asks with his eyebrows raised and arms crossed in front of his chest from his spot next to the entryway table, looking very impatiently at Suguru as he gives Shiro all the pets she missed from him last week. 
“You were on vacation with me. She wasn’t.” Suguru shoots back, continuing to love on Shiro until she wants to be put down. “Okay, now it’s your turn, I guess.” Suguru says, teasing Satoru with his arms open towards him. Satoru pouts and turns his back on him dramatically, heading towards the kitchen. “So you’re ignoring me now, huh?” Satoru doesn’t answer and Suguru turns around, heading towards Satoru’s room to get changed out of his work clothes.
Once he’s in the closet, Satoru joins him almost immediately. “You just wanted to watch me undress.”
“Is there a problem with that?” 
Suguru can’t help but shake his head with a smirk. “No, I guess not.” He says, grabbing a random tshirt and pulling it on. Satoru does the same, quickly changing out of his work clothes and pulling on some shorts and one of Suguru’s tshirts.
Satoru looks down at his phone in his hand just before they hear a faint knock at the front door. “That’s our dinner!” He says, heading out to greet the delivery person. Suguru finishes changing and lets his hair down before heading back out towards the living room, grabbing one of the many hair clips laying around Satoru’s apartment on the way. He sees Satoru already opening the large pizza box and taking out a slice.
As he makes his way towards the kitchen, he twists up his hair and clips it into place. “Did you need to get such a big one?” Suguru asks, grabbing a piece for himself and leaning up against the counter next to Satoru. 
“I’m a growing boy, Sugu.” Satoru shoots back with a mouth full of pizza. “I need lots of food.”
“Satoru, you’re 28 years old. You’re more man-child, if anything.” Suguru points out. “Besides, I doubt you’ve grown at all in the past ten years.” 
Satoru’s eyebrows knit together as his mouth falls open dramatically. “Hey! I could still grow more!” 
“Baby, I don’t think you need to. And besides, if you grow any taller, I won’t be able to do this.” Suguru says as he gives Satoru a quick peck on the cheek.
“Awe come on, you don’t want a big strong boyfriend?” Satoru asks, sticking out his bottom lip into a pout, trying to hide his smile from Suguru’s kiss on his cheek.
“Satoru, I already have a big strong boyfriend.” Suguru says, turning Satoru’s pout back into a self-assured smile with one compliment. He wraps his arms around Satoru’s torso and hugs him tightly, taking a deep breath as he nestles his face into his neck. 
“You think so?” Satoru returns, his voice soft and sweet in Suguru’s ear as they stand there, slightly swaying back and forth in each other’s arms. 
The two of them eat a few slices of pizza each over the kitchen island, not bothering to grab plates or even sit down until they’re both too full to eat any more. Satoru heads over to sit on the couch while Suguru puts the leftovers away, knowing that they’ll probably snack on them later. Satoru turns on the TV and picks out a movie as Suguru comes to join him on the couch. 
Suguru plops down next to him and puts his arm up on the back of the couch, an invitation for Satoru to wrap his arms around Suguru’s torso and snuggle in close. He pulls a blanket over the two of them as the movie he picked out starts playing. The two of them are surprisingly silent for a few minutes, just watching the movie, although both of their minds are far away; Suguru thinking about his job offer, and Satoru thinking about asking Suguru to move in. 
Satoru’s mind races and he has an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. It feels tight, like he can’t get a full breath of air. I wonder if Suguru forgot I even asked. I probably shouldn’t have asked in the first place. What if it was too much? Is that why he didn’t wanna go to lunch today? Shit, I shouldn’t have ever said anything. He’s too preoccupied to notice the pounding of Suguru’s heart against his chest as he rests his head on it. 
“Satoru?” Suguru pipes up quietly, bringing Satoru’s racing mind to a screeching halt. 
Satoru picks his head up from where it lays on suguru’s chest. “Mmhm?” He asks, trying to seem as if he wasn’t just silently panicking. The feeling of Suguru’s hand mindlessly tracing over his back would normally put him at ease, but right now, he feels more tense than ever. 
“I thought about your offer…” He starts, and Satoru immediately feels his heart pick up even more in his chest; something he didn’t know was possible.
Can he secretly read minds or something and just hasn’t told me? No, he would tell me. He would definitely tell me… Right? Yeah, he would a hundred percent tell me something like that… Yeah. “Oh yeah?” Satoru responds, trying to sound as cool and collected as always. 
Suguru feels his own heart beating out of control in his chest as he speaks. “I wanna move in with you.” He says, and immediately the tightness in Satoru’s chest fades away. He looks up at Suguru, his eyes bright and his lips slightly parted in pleasant surprise.
“Really?” Satoru asks, his voice soft and sweet, genuinely happy to hear Suguru’s answer. Suguru nods his head with a smile. Satoru can’t help but excitedly sit up and throw his arms around Suguru’s neck, pulling him for a hug that would put a boa constrictor to shame. 
“Baby, you’re squeezing the life out of me.” Suguru struggles to get out as Satoru hugs him tightly. 
He loosens his grip, sitting back to just look into Suguru’s eyes with the biggest smile on his face. “And you’re serious?” Satoru asks, wanting to make sure this isn’t all some kind of sick joke. 
“I’m serious.” Suguru reassures him. Satoru doesn’t know what to do and leans forward, pulling Suguru in for a passionate kiss. His lips feel soft against his own, the same as they always do, but something about them is sweeter this time. They taste like sweet, sweet honey. They smile against each other’s lips, never wanting to let go. Satoru’s arms are wrapped around Suguru’s neck, holding him in place until he finally lets go. 
“So, uh- when?” Satoru asks, nervously scratching at the back of his neck with a coy smile on his face.
Suguru chuckles at his eagerness. “Well…” He starts, thinking about his current living situation. “I would have to give my apartment a month’s notice, but I guess I could start moving things whenever.” Suguru pushes the thought of having to leave on December 1st to the back of his mind, deciding to think about it later. That’s about a month and a half… I should tell him now. No, no I can’t, it’s just not the right time yet… I’ll tell him eventually.
“So tomorrow?” Satoru asks, a beaming smile on his face as he leans impossibly closer to Suguru’s face. Suguru laughs again, leaning back slightly. 
“Baby, I haven’t packed anything.” 
“But we can start tomorrow! Right?” He asks, doubling down on his previous offer in a higher pitched tone.
Suguru shakes his head with a smile on his face, leaning in to press a kiss to Satoru’s cheek. “How about we start this weekend? I don’t know that I have the energy right now to work all day and then come home and prepare to move.” 
“That’s what you have me for!” Satoru tries to argue back. “I can do it all while you relax and watch!”
“Darling, I mean this in the most loving way possible - I don’t want you to pack up all of my things by yourself.” Suguru says, leaning back into the couch. 
“You don’t trust me?” 
“It’s not that I don't trust you… Can we please just do it together this weekend?” Suguru sighs, already feeling slightly defeated at the concept of having to move.
“Okay.” Satoru reluctantly agrees, knowing that he isn’t going to get his way this time.
“It’s only 4 days, baby.” Suguru tries to make him feel better. “And I’m gonna be with you anyways.” 
“I know…” Satoru starts, sounding slightly deflated. “I just wanna live with you already.” 
“Well, not much is going to be different except all my things will be here rather than most of my things.” Suguru continues. Satoru has a small smile on his face, looking back at Suguru once again. “I’m so excited to come home to you every day.” Suguru says, a genuine smile on his face.
“But you’ll be coming home with me, you know, since we get off at the same time and work at the same place.” Satoru says, coming back with a smart-ass answer.
“Do you want me to rethink my decision?” Suguru asks, teasing lightly as he raises an eyebrow at him. 
“No no no!” Satoru waves his hands in front of him as he begs, knowing full well that he’s joking.
The rest of the night is just like any other. They finish watching their movie on the couch and eventually head to bed, knowing that they have to be up early again in the morning to go to work. Somehow, Satoru falls asleep seemingly the fastest he’s ever fallen asleep, and Suguru is left awake and alone, staring up at the ceiling, just thinking about everything.
Why can’t I just fucking tell him? That would’ve been the perfect opportunity and I just… Couldn’t. He lets out a sigh as Satoru shifts and drapes his arm over Suguru’s chest while he sleeps soundly. I have to tell him. I’ll tell him tomorrow as soon as we wake up. Yeah, I’ll tell him tomorrow. 
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t tell him tomorrow, or the next day, or even the next day. The offer letter hadn’t moved from where it was tucked into his notebook since Monday morning. Before he knows it, it’s Friday morning. He had stayed at his own apartment the night before, which was surprising to Satoru.
“Really?” Satoru asks, a hint of worry mixed with sadness in his voice after Suguru tells him that he isn’t going to be spending the night. “But you always come over Thursday nights.”
“I know, but I promise I’ll sleep over tomorrow and all weekend, okay?” Suguru tries to make him feel better. I just need some time to think. The look on Satoru’s face when they part ways puts a bad taste in Suguru’s mouth. He feels like he’s letting him down; he knows he’s letting him down by keeping such a big thing from him. He wants to turn around and run and tell him, but his feet won't carry him and his voice won't say anything. 
It’s late that night that he signs the offer letter. He looks at it, sitting on his kitchen counter, taunting him. He had finally brought it home with the intention to sign it. He reads over every word once more with the glass of whiskey soda he’d made himself in his hand. He was looking for a reason not to sign it, but everything was perfect - other than having to be in Fukuoka for six months. It was his dream job; everything he had on his mind when he first moved to Tokyo just under a year ago. So why does it feel so wrong? 
He knows exactly why. Tomorrow. I’m telling him tomorrow whether I like it or not, he decides after telling himself the same thing for the past week. Suguru holds the pen in his free hand, hesitating for a moment with the tip pressed against the paper. It’s only six months… It’s not the end of the world. He downs the rest of his drink and sets the glass down before he quickly signs his name, his signature flowing flawlessly across the page. I did it. 
He decides to take a shower before bed. Normally he would put on some music, but he doesn’t bother this time. He allows the hot water to run over his body, letting out a sigh as the droplets kiss the intricate tattoos that adorn his chest and shoulders. He stands with his eyes closed as he lets the water fully wet his hair. He doesn’t know when or why, but silent tears start to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. He can’t tell what’s tears and what’s water from the showerhead; it’s all the same to him at this point. 
“Why the fuck am I even crying?” He says to himself out loud, laughing at himself lightly as he rubs his eyes. Probably drank too much, he tries to convince himself, knowing that that’s not the reason at all. The stark contrast from the restfulness of last week compared to the stress and anxiety of this week had bubbled up enough and finally made its way out in the form of tears. There were a lot of big changes coming in the very near future, and it scared him, even if just a little. He stands under the water silently for a few more minutes before quickly running through his routine and shutting off the water.  
He dries off and starts getting ready to head to bed. He first heads out to his living room, passing the offer letter on his kitchen counter once more before sitting down on the couch. He opens up his phone and sees a text from his mom. Before even thinking about it, he’s holding the phone to his ear, listening to it ring for a minute before there’s an answer. 
“Hi sweetheart.” He hears his mother’s voice and it almost immediately feels a wave of calm rush over his body. He sits back into the couch, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and holding his other arm across his chest, his hand tucked into his armpit. 
“Hi mom.” He says back, his voice already sounding tired and like he’s holding something back.
“Is everything alright?” She asks, immediately sensing that something is off. 
Suguru lets out a sigh before he feels a familiar feeling welling up and before he can stop it, his bottom lip starts to quiver and tears are building up in his eyes once again. “Well,” He starts, trying his best to not sound like he’s about to cry. “I got a new job.” He says, putting a forced smile onto his face to try to make himself feel better. 
He hears her excited gasp through the phone. “Really?”
“Yeah, well, it’s actually more like a promotion, but it’s gonna be completely different compared to what I do now.” He continues explaining, pushing back against the feeling in his chest. “I’m gonna be the Vice President of Operations.” 
“Sweetheart, that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.” She says, the smile on her voice evident through the phone. Hearing those words come from her mouth makes the tears threaten even more to spill over the edges of his eyes. “What did Satoru say?” She asks. Suguru’s stomach does a flip at her words.
“Um,” He starts feeling the familiar tightness in his chest once again, “I… Haven’t told him yet.” He continues.
There’s a long pause before Kazuko speaks up again. “Honey…” The way her voice delicately says it is enough to finally have the tears spilling over the edge of Suguru’s eyes. He was doing everything in his power to hold them back, but he simply couldn’t anymore. “You have to tell him.” She continues. 
He does his best to keep his cries quiet, but finds it difficult to, sniffling as he wipes the tears from his own cheeks. “I know.” He says, his voice slightly shaky. “I’m gonna tell him tomorrow.” 
“I’m surprised he wasn’t the first person you told.” She says with a chuckle, which makes Suguru’s stomach do another flip. 
“I know…” He lets out a sigh before continuing. He should have been the first. “I just don’t know how to.” 
“What’s so hard about it?” She asks, wanting to do her best to help her son to feel better. 
Fuck. His chest tightens even more just thinking about it. He can’t help the hot tears that continue streaming down his cheeks as he sucks in a breath. “I have to train in Fukuoka for six months…” He does his best to stop himself from continuing crying, but saying the words out loud doesn’t help. “I start on December first and I don’t know…” He trails off.
There’s silence from the other end of the phone while Suguru tries to calm himself down, taking slow shaky breaths. Now she understands why he’s feeling so disheartened. “You need to tell him, honey. I know it’s hard, but you need to do it.” 
He sniffles as he wipes his cheeks clean and puts his phone on speaker before setting it down on the table in front of him, sitting with his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands. “I know.” He repeats, mostly for himself. “I’m going to tomorrow.” His hands are trembling at this point. Fuck, why am I like this?
“Suguru,” She starts, her voice coming through the phone sounding just as sweet and comforting as it does in person. Hearing her say his name makes Suguru sit up, listening to what she’s about to say. “You’re not going to feel better until you tell him.” He bites his bottom lip, trying to stop himself from crying so that he can speak, but Kazuko continues on. “Honey…” She starts, but takes a breath before continuing in a soft, almost comforting voice. “When your father died…” She takes another pause, trying to find the right words. “Telling you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” Her voice is dead calm as she says it, like it’s hard for her to get the words out. 
Talking about his father’s death wasn’t something that Suguru thought hurt anymore, but hearing those words come out of his mother’s mouth and through the phone make him break down all over again. His eyes quickly well up with tears that quickly spill over the edges, following the same trails down his rosy pink cheeks. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep it from shaking while he wipes the tears from his face, only for more to immediately follow. He thinks back to when he was 18. His father had been sick for a while and he was expecting it, but that didn’t make it any easier to find out. He remembers how hard it seemed for his mom to say the words without crying. She wanted to stay strong for him.
Kazuko continues, doing her best not to cry herself. “I know how impossible it feels - like everything is gonna come immediately crashing down - but you will genuinely feel so much better after you tell him; like a weight has been lifted off of you.” She’s not saying anything Suguru doesn’t already know and has said to himself, but it feels worlds different actually hearing it from his mother. “I’m very proud of you honey, and I know Satoru will be too.” She finishes off.
Suguru takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, successfully calming himself down once again. “Thank you, mom.” He manages to get out with a sniffle. “I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart. Six months will be over before you know it” 
They finish up their phone call with a few regular trivialities before they finally part ways for now. Suguru immediately sees that Satoru had tried to call him and texted as well.
‘Call me when u get this 😚’
Suguru smiles as he looks at the words on the screen through sore and red, puffy eyes. He quickly heads to the sink and downs a glass of water, rubbing the final residual tears out of his eyes and off his cheeks. He opens the door to the patio and steps outside, feeling the cold late-October night air engulfing his hot skin as he closes the door and sits down. He listens to the busy city around him as he takes a few deep breaths. 
I’m not gonna tell him right now. I’m going to do it in person tomorrow. This is just a normal phone call with Satoru. Nothing scary about it. He spends a few minutes outside, literally cooling off before he steps back inside and sits back down on the couch. He grabs his phone and calls Satoru. It only rings once before he answers.
“Hi Sugu.” Satoru’s voice is as cheery as ever when he answers the phone.
“Hi baby, I’m sorry I didn’t answer, I was on the phone with my mom.” He says, knowing he’s not telling the full story.
“No fair! You should’ve told her I said hi.” Satoru says and Suguru can practically hear his pout through the phone. “Did you talk about me?” 
“Stop being so full of yourself.” Suguru says playfully, finally starting to feel a little bit better. The noise that comes out of Satoru’s mouth at his comment is enough to make Suguru chuckle. “So what’s up with you?”
Satoru doesn’t immediately answer, which slightly worries Suguru. Does he know something? He hears him take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. “Baby?” He asks, a worried feeling building in his chest the longer Satoru goes without speaking.
“Sugu, are we good?” He finally asks, and the question breaks Suguru’s heart into pieces. It was the first time Satoru had asked anything like that and it hurt to think that he was feeling like that.
“Baby,” Suguru starts, but interrupts himself with a nervous chuckle, “Is this because I’m not sleeping over tonight?” He asks, hoping that’s the only reason he’s asking.
“Well, yeah kinda, but I just feel like you've just been… I don’t know, weird this week…” Satoru continues on and the tightness in Suguru’s chest quickly returns. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. 
“Oh…” He starts out softly, unsure of himself with what to say. “I'm sorry I made you feel that way, baby… But I promise, me not sleeping over tonight has nothing to do with us. I just really needed to get some work done and I knew you would never let that happen on your watch.” Suguru says, lightly teasing him to hopefully lighten the mood a bit. He feels bad that he’s not telling the entire truth. I could just tell him now. No I can’t, I’m doing it in person. He has a quick mental battle with himself as he hears Satoru’s voice come back through the speaker.
“Well duh, why are you doing work at home?! It’s meant to be done at work. That’s why they call it work, you know?” Satoru says, back to his normal bubbly and slightly irritating self. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner and made you feel like that.” Suguru spologizes again, feeling guilty. “You can come over after work tomorrow and we can take some of my things over, how does that sound?” Suguru suggests, a smile on his face at the thought. 
“That sounds perfect, my sweet.” Satoru says, the smile on his face apparent in his voice. 
“Perfect.” Suguru says, now much more excited about tomorrow and surprisingly less nervous. “We can fill up a couple of my suitcases with clothes and just take the train to your place.” Suguru continues, interrupting himself with a yawn. 
“Are you tired already? Am I really dating an old geezer who gets tired at 10 o’clock?” Satoru teases back.
“Sorry I’m not a freak that can survive purely on sugar and never get tired.”
“I get tired!” Satoru argues back. Suguru chuckles to himself thinking about how that was the part that Satoru chose to disagree with. “Well, I love you and I hope you have a great sleep, gramps.” 
“Good luck getting into my apartment tomorrow when I shut the door behind me and lock you out.” 
“Okay, okay I take it all back, you’re the most beautiful, handsome, sexy, youthful,  28-year-old i've ever seen, please don’t lock me out.” Satrou quickly walks it back. They both chuckle lightly before Suguru yawns once again.
“I love you, baby.” Suguru says with a soft smile on his face, his spirits successfully lifted by their short conversation.
“I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Satoru says before they end the call, leaving Suguru alone in his living room once again. He sits, lingering for just a moment before standing up and heading towards the kitchen. He grabs the signed offer letter and sticks it into his bag, not wanting to forget it in the morning.  
He quickly gets ready for bed and climbs under the covers, feeling worn out from crying so much. Looking up at the dark ceiling, Suguru takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself for the day that lies ahead of him. 
I’m gonna tell him, and everything is gonna be fine. We’re both going to be sad, but everything is gonna be fine. He repeats those words to himself over and over again until he eventually lets sleep take him, the same thought playing on repeat in his mind. Everything is gonna be fine. Six months will go by like nothing. Everything is gonna be completely fine.
“Congratulations.” Nanami says with a soft smile, looking across the desk at Suguru as their meeting finishes up. He had handed over the signed offer letter and made it official. 
“I can’t wait to have you here soon, Geto.” Yaga’s voice comes through the phone speaker. He had been part of the final meeting over the phone, keeping busy at their corporate office.
“Thank you both very much.” Suguru says with a smile, talking towards the phone. 
The phone call ends and Nanami stands up and sticks out his hand over the desk. Suguru stands up as well, shaking his hand with an excited smile on his face.
“We’ll probably have a couple more meetings in the next few weeks just to go over all the details and everything.” Nanami continues, letting Suguru know what’s going to be happening in the upcoming weeks.
“Sounds good. Thank you very much, Nanami.” Nanami doesn’t say anything further, but nods his head with a polite smile. Suguru turns and opens the door, stepping out into the hallway and heading back towards his desk. 
It’s done. The job is officially his. Now all he has to do is tell Satoru. Suguru plans to tell him in person once they go to lunch. If I get him something sweet, maybe that’ll make it a little easier… He makes it quickly down the hallway back to where his desk is. He rounds the corner and sees Shoko at her desk, but Satoru isn’t back from his meeting yet. 
“Hey.” Shoko says as Suguru sits back down in his chair. 
“Hey.” Suguru parrots back at her, waking up his computer. 
“Exciting meeting?” She asks, not bothering to look away from her screen as she talks.
“You know it.” Suguru says in the same sarcastic tone, opting not to give too much away. He’s thankful that Shoko isn’t one to really pry and continues working like it’s just another Friday. 
About an hour later, Satoru finally returns from his meeting, entering with an exasperated sigh. 
“Yeah?” Suguru asks as Satoru plops down in his chair.
“That was the longest, most pointless meeting ever.” Satoru complains, dropping his head back over the edge of his chair dramatically. “I’m ready for some lunch.”
At the mention of the word, Suguru feels his stomach do a flip. It’s alright. I’m gonna tell him. 
“Is it okay if I come with?” Shoko asks, turning around to look between the two of them. Suguru looks down at his desk and takes a deep breath in through his nose. Fuck. 
“Yeah come on!” Satoru answers, pulling on his jacket and getting eager to start the walk to the cafe. Suguru pulls on his own jacket and joins Satoru in the hallway as they wait for Shoko to join them. “How was your meeting?” Satoru asks, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looks at Suguru with a smile. 
“Could've been an email.” Suguru says, doing his best to deceive Satoru until he has the chance to tell him. He feels his palms starting to clam up. How am I going to tell him now? It’s fine, I can do it right after work. He thinks to himself, irritated that he’s procrastinating even further. 
“What are you gonna get?” Satoru asks, looking at Shoko as they head down the sidewalk towards the cafe. All their hands - aside from Shoko’s that holds her phone - are shoved into their pockets, trying to keep warm against the cold wind. In the short time they’re outside, Satoru’s cheeks and nose turn pink from the cold. Suguru can’t help but smile as he looks at his rosy cheeks.
“I have no idea.” Shoko responds dryly, looking down at her phone in her hand.
“Why did you even ask to come with us if you’re not gonna pay attention to me?” Satoru asks with a pout. Suguru chuckles at the disgusted face Shoko shoots back at him. 
“Because I need to eat too, idiot.” She replies with furrowed brows. Satoru looks over at Suguru with a smile, ignoring her harsh reply.
“What about you, Sugu?” 
“Probably just the same sandwich I usually do.” He replies. He doesn’t feel like eating anything, but he knows that he needs to get something or else Satoru will scold him for a third time this week for not eating lunch. He already feels like throwing up just at the thought of still having to tell Satoru, and the further it gets pushed back, the harder it feels like it’s going to be to do.
They quickly make it to the cafe and as soon as the three of them walk through the door, the familiar pink haired boy is smiling and waving at them from behind the counter. “Hi Gojo! Hi Geto!” He starts as they continue inside and approach the counter. “Hi Ierie.” He says in a softer voice as they make it up to him.
They respond in a mess of “Hi Yuji” and “Hi Itadori” as they all speak at once. Yuji looks back at them with a smile while Satoru immediately looks into the display case to see what they have today. 
Shoko orders first followed by Satoru, and then Suguru. Suguru watches what Satoru orders and also adds some dango so that he can gift them to him later. The three of them sit at a table up against the front windows, and Satoru and Suguru watch the people that walk past. 
“That guy definitely looked like a Yakuza member.” He tilts his head at a man that was walking past.
“Satoru, you think that every guy in a leather jacket is in the Yakuza…” Suguru responds, raising an eyebrow as he goes in for a bite of his sandwich. 
“I don’t think they even wear leather jackets.” Shoko adds on, shaking her head.
“You guys are no fun.” Satoru says, sitting back in his chair with a defeated look on his face and his arms crossed in front of his chest. 
Suguru makes himself eat at least half of the sandwich before wrapping up the remaining half and sticking it into the bag with the dango. Satoru quickly finishes his food, leaving them waiting for Shoko to finish up. Suguru sits anxiously in his seat, wanting to go back to work so that he can try to distract himself until he has the chance to talk to Satoru alone later. 
“Why’d you get dango, Suguru?” Satoru questions him, noticing that he isn’t eating it right away like he had done with his.
“For you later.” Suguru responds with a soft smile on his face as he looks across the table at Satoru. 
This immediately puts a smile on Satoru’s face as he leans forward and rests his chin in his palm with a smile and hearts in his eyes. “You know me so well.” Suguru looks back at him with a similar look.
“Okay okay, let’s head back before you two make me throw up.” Shoko says, noting the eyes they’re making at each other from across the table. The two of them chuckle as they stand up. They all wave and say their goodbye’s to Yuji as they head out the door and back towards the office.
“Do you have a busy rest of your day?” Suguru asks Shoko as they walk. He has his hands shoved into his pockets and clenched into fists, feeling extra nervous as they’re heading back for some reason. He tries to push the feeling back and away, knowing that it’s probably just his head messing with him. 
“I just have a couple things I need to finish up, but they shouldn’t take too long, thankfully.” Shoko responds, walking with her hands in her pockets as well. “Can we stop for a second?” Shoko asks, pulling a cigarette out of the box in her pocket, accompanied by a red lighter in her hand. She holds it up, showing them.
“We’ll wait.” Suguru says, stopping for a moment. He pulls out his phone while Satoru rests his head on his shoulder, looking at what he’s looking at on his phone.
“Do you have any games?” Satoru asks, wanting to watch him play something while they wait. Suguru chuckles lightly and opens up a game that he plays sometimes. Satoru watches, seemingly mesmerized as he quickly organizes blocks of different shapes into a grid, trying to match them up so that they’ll disappear. “You should’ve put that one top left.” He says, pointing to an opposite corner of the board from where Suguru had placed it.
“Thank you for backseat driving a phone game, Satoru.” Suguru says sarcastically, continuing to not pay attention to his instructions.
“You’re welcome. Put that one there- no!” Satoru continues on, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice. Suguru smiles as Satoru gets more into the game than him. 
“You’re so dramatic.” Suguru says as he closes his phone and drops it back into his pocket, noticing that Shoko is making her way back. He smiles at Satoru’s pink cheeks and nose once again from being out in the cold. Cute. Shoko catches up with them and they continue walking back towards the office.
“I’m not dramatic, you’re just bad at the game.” Satoru shoots back with a head shake.
They make it back to the office, walking quickly to get out of the cold as soon as possible. They’re able to get into an elevator with only a couple of people, so the ride back up doesn’t take long. Satoru hurries down the hallway as soon as the doors open, wanting to open the door. Suguru chuckles and shakes his head as Satoru pulls the door open for them as they’re still halfway down the hallway. 
“Thank you.” Suguru says with a smile, looking into Satoru’s smiling eyes as he passes. The three of them make it back to their desks and Suguru drops off his jacket and bag of leftovers before heading towards the bathroom.
He quickly finishes up and washes his hands, looking at himself in the mirror above the sink. He holds his hands to his cheeks for a second, taking a deep breath and letting it out with a huff before turning the water off. You’re gonna be fine. He dries off his hands and pulls the door open, stepping back out into the hallway. 
As he rounds the corner to head back down the main hallway, he makes eye contact with Nitta, who has a polite smile on her face. Suguru smiles back at her, slowing down as she starts to speak. “Hi Geto! Congratulations on your new position!” She says enthusiastically. His eyes immediately widen and his stomach drops. What?
“Wh-what?” He stutters, looking at her slightly confused. How does she know? 
“Yeah! Corporate just sent out an email announcing that you’re the new VP of Operations! Congrats, you deserve it.” She continues explaining with a smile. 
“They did?” He asks, his heart immediately beating out of his chest. Shit shit shit.
“Yeah, look I’ll show you.” She unlocks her phone to the still open email from corporate just minutes ago. His eyes read quickly over the words, wanting to know what exactly it said. 
‘We would like to announce our new Vice President of Operations Suguru Geto. He will be starting training on December first and we are very excited to have him on the team.’
It’s a simple email, but it gets the point across. His eyes immediately look down the hallway towards where his desk is. More people are coming back from their lunch and are wanting to congratulate him as they enter. “Thank you, Nitta.” He says in a rushed voice as he continues heading back towards his desk.
“Geto! Congrats dude!” Haibara says in his normal happy, bubbly tone as he walks down the hallway. Suguru quickly thanks him and continues on.
He’s absolutely sure that Satoru is able to hear all the commotion. Shit shit shit, he continues thinking to himself. I should’ve told him, I should’ve told him. Suguru hurries back around the corner and Shoko is already turned around, waiting for him to come back. I should’ve fucking told him.
“Hey you dick, why didn’t you guys tell me about this?!” She shouts, looking between Suguru and Satoru as Suguru stands in the doorway to their section of desks. Suguru looks at Satoru who has the email open on his screen, still facing it. “Congratulations! That’s awesome!” She continues on while Suguru stands, looking at the back of Satoru’s head, breathing deeply with his hands down at his sides, feeling like his arms have gone completely numb. He can’t move until Satoru finally does. His chair slowly turns around and Satoru looks up at Suguru, his lips tucked in between his teeth at first. 
“Suguru.” He starts, talking through clenched teeth with an obviously forced smile. “Can I talk to you in the conference room for a minute?” He’s scarily calm, and that’s how Suguru knows he’s mad. He’d only seen him like this one time before in their year of knowing each other, and that was the one time Suguru ate Satoru’s last mochi ice cream. He would never make that mistake ever again.
Suguru nods his head lightly and steps to the side to allow Satoru to pass him out into the hallway, heading right across into one of the empty conference rooms. Ijichi passes by as they cross the hallway, wanting to congratulate Suguru, but deciding against it when he sees the crazed look on Satoru’s face. Satoru opens the door and heads inside, Suguru following and closing the door behind him. The blinds are open, and Satoru immediately starts closing them, pulling on the tiny chain to close each window individually. The way he’s silent as he does it makes Suguru feel like he’s about to be scolded by a furious parent. I deserve whatever I’ve got coming. 
Satoru closes the blinds on the last window to the hallway, leaving them completely cut off from the rest of the office. He turns around and has a blank expression on his face, different to just seconds ago when he had an insane smile on. “So,” He starts, walking back towards Suguru who stands there, waiting anxiously for Satoru to speak first. “When were you gonna tell me?” As Satoru stops in front of Suguru, his hands are at his sides, balled up into tight fists, his knuckles visibly white. 
“Satoru, I know it seems bad,” Suguru starts. He realizes how bad that sounds, but acknowledges that nothing is going to sound good right now and just says what comes to his mind first. “I was gonna tell you.”
“Yeah? You were gonna tell me?” Satoru asks, raising his eyebrows at Suguru and nodding his head angrily. “When? When were you planning on telling me, Suguru?” The way Satoru spits out his name makes him feel even more sick to his stomach. The look on his face is unlike one he’s ever seen before. He looks more angry than he’s ever seen him, but there’s also a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“I was gonna tell you at lunch…” Suguru says, looking nervously down at Satoru’s feet.
“Suguru, I don’t know if you’re painfully unaware, but we got back from lunch ten minutes ago.” Satoru says, his brows knitted together as he says it. There’s a silence as Suguru tries to think of how to respond.
This is the angriest I’ve ever seen him, let alone at me. I deserve every bit of this. He takes a breath, trying to think of what to say next, but just spits the words out. “I have to go to Fukuoka.” He quickly says, tucking his lips between his teeth for a moment while Satoru processes the words. “I have to be there for six months.” He finishes, putting everything out on the table in front of them. 
Satoru’s face changes completely, the little color almost instantaneously draining from his cheeks. “Huh?” He says in a weak tone. His mouth hangs slightly open as he just stares at Suguru, completely blindsided by his words. He’s unsure if what he heard was true, but subconsciously, he knows that it is. He feels like he can’t move, like he can’t blink, can’t breathe. He wants to be mad at Suguru, wants to yell at him and continue telling him off, but as he takes a breath in to talk, he can feel the shakiness in his chest, the feeling behind his nose that he’s about to cry.
Suguru stands there, looking completely defeated. His own bottom lip starts to quiver, but he does his best to hold it together as he continues talking. “I have to train in Fukuoka for six months. I start December first…” He lets out a sigh after he says it, seeing the look on Satoru’s face. He wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around him, but his body won’t move. He feels like his feet are nailed to the floor, keeping him in place. 
Satoru takes in a breath, feeling tears pricking at the edges of his eyes, threatening to spill over the edges and down his cheeks. He stops for a moment, trying to keep the tears back before he starts speaking again. “Were you just never gonna tell me? Were- were you just gonna disappear one day and not tell me?” He stutters over his words slightly, slowly losing the battle against the salty tears in his eyes that start to trail down his cheeks as he continues. “Why did you say you’d move in with me and then not tell me? These are things we need to tell each other, Suguru.” He chides, wiping his cheeks with his fingers as he talks. “I’ll come with you.”
Tears start to fall down his own face, Suguru not trying to stop them anymore. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you.” Suguru says, his lip quivering as he talks, watching as Satoru cries just feet in front of him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down before he continues. “You’ll be fine here without me, baby.” Suguru says, trying to comfort him.
Satoru immediately disputes. “No, I won’t.” He spits out.
“Satoru-” Suguru tries to cut him off, but Satoru doesn’t allow it. 
“No, Suguru. I don’t want to be fine without you. I’m not letting you push me away.” Seeing the hot tears running down Satoru’s cheeks makes Suguru cry harder, knowing that he’s hurt him. “I know you’re trying to be considerate, but I don’t care. I’ll come with you.” Satoru quickly says with little thought needed. The whites of his eyes are red as he looks at Suguru hopefully. 
“Satoru…” Suguru starts again. This is exactly what he expected from him. “I can’t ask you to do that. You’d have to quit here, move across the country for six months…” 
“Then don’t ask me to. I don’t care.” Satoru says, completely serious as he looks at Suguru, still breathing heavily. He steps closer to Suguru, closing the gap between them slightly. “I want to be with you.”
They stand about an arms length away from each other, Suguru still unable to move, mentally paralyzed in place, his arms crossed and one hand up against his mouth. He thinks back to when they were laying in bed together on their second morning in Shanghai all those months ago. Satoru’s words still ring loud in his head.
“I’m happier when I’m with you. I feel so alone when you’re not there. I just wanna tell you everything, I wanna spend every minute with you, I-I wanna cook for you, I wanna- braid your hair when you want it out of your face - I don't know!” Satoru’s words are as prevalent in his mind as the day he heard them. He has a mental battle with himself. Suguru feels exactly the same way. He knows how stubborn Satoru is, but he doesn’t want him to quit his job just for this. If I tell him to stay, there’s no chance he will. Satoru breathes shakily as Suguru’s mind continues racing, looking for the right answer. I shouldn’t ask him to come with me. He should stay here and work… He’ll be okay without me. I’ll be okay without him… As he thinks the words to himself, he’s never felt more like he was lying to himself. Fuck, who am I kidding? 
“Suguru?” Satoru asks nervously, looking at him and taking one more step closer, the two now right in front of each other. He waits for a response, able to see the thoughts racing around in his head.
“Satoru…” He starts, taking a breath before finishing what he’s saying. He knows it’s selfish, he knows it’s crazy, but admittedly, he doesn’t care anymore. “Come with me.” Suguru says softly, looking at Satoru through eyes blurry from tears. 
The look Satoru gives Suguru makes his heart feel like it’s going to explode. His eyes look so relieved, so happy to hear three simple words. He was worried that he’d really messed everything up. “Anywhere. I don’t care, I’ll go wherever you go.” Satoru says, his eyes watery as he brings his hands to the side of Suguru’s face and moves in closer. Their lips press together, a salty taste on both of their lips from the tears. Both of them continue crying as they pull back and press their foreheads together, looking into each other’s eyes. 
Suguru holds the back of Satoru’s head, feeling his soft white hair between his fingers. He finally finds a reason to smile as he looks into Satoru’s eyes just centimeters from his own. “You’re insane.” He whispers with a slight chuckle.
“I’m still pissed at you.” Satoru says quietly, looking back into Suguru’s honey eyes with serious ones, his normal bright blues somewhat dulled in the fluorescent light of the conference room. 
“I deserve it.” Suguru acknowledges, knowing full well that it was fucked up for Satoru to find out this way. Satoru leans back in and presses another kiss to Suguru’s lips, followed by a few more, not wanting to ever let him go. 
“Why wouldn't you tell me?” Satoru asks with a sniffle, feeling the tears finally stopping. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Satoru pushes Suguru’s shoulder lightly, shaking his head as he wipes the tears from his eyes. “Look what you made me do.” He says, referencing his puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry, I really am.” Suguru says, feeling horrible that he didn’t tell him sooner. “I don’t want you to quit your job just to come with me. I want you to have a successful career, and I don’t want to be the one to stand in the way of that… I’ll find a way to make it up to you” Suguru starts explaining, looking down at the ground in between the two of them. 
“Suguru.” Satoru starts, bringing his hand underneath Suguru’s chin to get him to look back up at him. “I’ve told you before: neither one of us needs to work if we don’t want to. I’m fairly capable of taking care of the both of us.” He says with the familiar smirk that makes Suguru feel better. 
“But I know you enjoy working here, so I didn’t want to be the one to ask you to leave.” Suguu continues, still feeling guilty about the whole situation.
“Well, it doesn’t matter because I would have done it as soon as I found out anyway.” Satoru says with the same smirk on his face, the sight of his dimples putting a smile on Suguru’s face. Suguru shakes his head, leaning against the table that’s next to them. Satoru pulls out one of the chairs and sits, motioning for Suguru to do the same. Their knees are slotted between each other’s as they sit and talk. “How long have you known?” Satoru asks.
“Um-” Suguru starts, looking down at his lap and back up at Satoru. “They gave me the official offer on Monday, but I just signed it and accepted it this morning.” He finishes. Satoru nods along as he talks, listening carefully to everything he says. 
“Is that why you’ve been so stressed this week?” Satoru asks, leaning forward slightly with a worried tone in his voice. Suguru nods his head silently with his lips tucked in between his teeth. “Sugu, I knew something was off.” Satoru says, feeling bad that he didn’t say anything. 
“I really didn’t want you to feel bad.” Suguru continues, thinking back on the week that’s now behind them. “I kept wanting to tell you, but kept chickening out.” Suguru says, angry with himself. 
“Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Satoru says, trying to comfort him. “I get it.”
Suguru looks at him, surprised. His eyes say a silent thank you as he looks at him. 
“I would have a hard time telling you too.” Satoru admits, thinking about if he were in the same situation. 
“I don’t know how I can ever apologize enough for not telling you sooner, Satoru.” Suguru says solemnly. He feels horrible that it ended up like this after he had so many opportunities to tell him and he psyched himself out every time.
“I think the least you can do is buy me sweets the whole time we’re in Fukuoka.” Satoru says. 
Suguru smiles at his suggestion. There’s my Satoru. “Deal.” Suguru says, sticking his hand out in front of him for Satoru to shake. They shake on it, smiles on both of their faces as they squeeze each other’s hands lightly. “I love you… More than anything.” Suguru says softly, looking at Satoru.
Satoru smiles back at him. “And I love you more than anything.” Satoru retorts.
They talk for a while longer, calming down before Suguru looks at his watch and realizes that they’re been in this conference room for almost an hour. “You didn’t tell me I’d be sleeping with the Vice President of Operations, Sugu.” Satoru says teasingly as they stand up and push their chairs back in.
“Shut up.” Suguru says with a chuckle and an eye roll as he shakes his head at his joke.
“Next thing you know, you’ll be the CEO.” Satoru continues as he opens the door. Suguru follows him back out and across the hallway back to their desks, shaking his head with a smile at Satoru’s confidence in him. 
“Where have you two been?” Shoko asks as the two of them sit back down at their desks. 
“Meeting.” Satoru answers, making eye contact with Suguru over the few cubicle walls that separate them. Shoko doesn’t push any further, knowing that it was just the two of them in the conference room together. 
“Glad you got it all figured out.” She says shortly, not looking away from her computer screen as she types away. She could obviously tell that something was off when they left, but everything seemed fine as they sat back down at their desks. “I’m gonna have to cancel drinks tonight.” She continues, speaking of their weekly Friday plans. “I have something else going on.”
Suguru smiles to himself, happy that he and Satoru can just head home after work and be alone together for the night. “No worries, we’ll get it next week.” Suguru says, looking over the short wall at her. She shoots a grin back at him in acknowledgement. Suguru feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulls it out, wanting to check who it was. He sees that it’s a text from Satoru and looks over to see him impatiently waiting for him to read the text. Opening up his phone, he reads the text from Satoru.
‘Does the offer from last night still stand??? 🥺’ 
Suguru chuckles lightly at his choice of emoji before typing out a response and looking over at Satoru as he waits for him to get it. ‘Ofc it does. How else do you think im gonna move all my stuff??? 🤨’ Satoru’s face lights up as he reads it. The bubble pops up to show that he’s typing again. They disappear for a moment and Suguru looks over at Satoru as he waits anxiously for what his next text is going to be. It finally comes through and Suguru smiles as he reads it. 
“Can I pretty please have that dango now? 😇😙’
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chapter 23
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Onset - Chapter One
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Rating: Explicit Media: Jujutsu Kaisen/JJK Pairing: Geto Suguru x Original Female Character Characters: Geto Suguru, Valerie (OC) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Established Friendship, Geto and OC are roommates, Self-Insert, Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Creampie, Brief mention of an inability to get pregnant, Unprotected Sex, Cunnilingus, if I tagged everything we'd be here all day, This is part of a series
Part 3 of Sundane
Previous Part: Egg Fried Rice
“What the fuck, Suguru?” She knows her skin doesn’t flush red, but she raises her hands to cover her face anyway.
“What?” He sits up, pulling his fingers out of her and nonchalantly bringing them to his mouth to suck her slick off of them. “We’ve been roommates for three years. You gonna pretend you’ve never heard me jerking off?” He raises an eyebrow at her when she peeks at him from between her fingers.
She silently and somewhat begrudgingly admits that he’s right.
“So where are they?”
“Why do you want to know?”
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Read on AO3
“Why my bedroom?” 
She means for it to sound like a complaint, but her tone is not quite right. She’s more aroused than annoyed - embarrassingly so, she might admit if forced to - her words pointed in the direction of the ceiling because tilting her head that way is the best way to keep Suguru doing what he’s doing.
At the moment, he has his face buried in her neck, treating his lips and teeth and tongue to the taste of her skin and working on leaving what is sure to be an impressive family of hickeys come morning. 
“Because,” he mumbles in between kisses, “your bed is more comfortable than mine.”
She knows he’s right; on more than one occasion she’s found him napping in her room. “I told you to get the pillow top mattress,” she laughs. “Now I bet you wish you had listened to me.”
He raises his head to look at her. “My mattress is the last thing on my mind right now.” 
It’s a fair point. And while she may have set out to complain about where they’re doing what they’re doing, any further grousing she’s planned to do gets sidelined by the reality of what they’re doing. Hating the fact that she’s being so pragmatic about things, she tugs lightly on a handful of his hair to get his attention. “Suguru.”
“Hm.” He’s slid down her body to take a vested interest in tonguing her nipples through the thin fabric of her sports bra and is only half-listening. 
“Suguru.” She says his name again, this time with slightly more urgency. 
“What.” It’s not quite a whine, but it’s close enough, and she almost feels bad for interrupting when he’s clearly having as much fun as she is. 
“Before we get too… distracted,” she huffs, trying to ignore the way he looks: hair disheveled, lips wet with spit, one hand on her hip and the other toying with the nipple he’s just taken his mouth off of as he looks up at her. “Do you have something? I… don’t. It’s been a while.”
Suguru makes a concerted effort to understand what she’s saying. When her meaning is clear, he shakes his head. “Don’t need it.” He lowers his mouth to her breast again, this time sliding her sports bra up and effectively removing the last barrier between her skin and his tongue. 
“Wait,” she protests, even though she does nothing to stop him. She helps him along, in fact, by raising her arms above her head so he can slide the bra completely off of her body. “That’s---”
“Come on,” he interrupts her, right before making a little trail of kisses from the place under the swell of her breast to her navel. “Just once, I wanna go without. We’re both clean and I already know you can’t get pregnant, remember?” He grins up at her from where he’s come to rest between her thighs, his chin on her belly.
“You’re not wrong, but you didn’t have to say it that way,” she sighs. Despite her words, she widens her legs to let him settle himself more comfortably between them.
“Sorry,” he says, still grinning and sounding anything but apologetic as he relieves her of her shorts and the panties beneath them. “I’ll make it up to you.” 
And he sets out to do just that. 
She thinks it’s a little unfair how good Suguru is at what he’s doing, but it isn’t really a surprise. It’s as if he’s known all along what her favorite things are - the way he teases her entrance with the tip of his tongue, or the way he somehow just seems to know that wetting his finger and sliding it between the left side of her clit and her outer labia makes her produce some of the prettiest moans he’s ever heard. Suguru eats her out slowly and sloppily, letting his mouth do most of the work while he buries two fingers inside her so he can relish the feel of her tightening and pulsing around them. 
She’s quiet, but he knows she likes it from the way she’s holding fistfuls of his hair, tugging his head this way and that to guide his mouth where she wants it. Suguru lets her, even though he knows those parts of his scalp are going to be sore when it’s all said and done. 
Nor does he tell her that he’s only ever let one other person put their hands in his hair like this. He doesn’t know what she would make of that kind of admission anyway.
When she comes, he stills his fingers completely but doesn’t withdraw them. His mouth, however, keeps busy. He slows and softens his pace just enough to keep her in that place between post-orgasmic pleasantness and overstimulation, mouthing at all the spots he now knows she likes. She’s still twitching and fluttering around his fingers when he speaks. “Hey… where are your toys?”
“Toys?” She parrots the word, confused and still coming down from her high. “What toys?”
“You know what toys.” He grins up at her. “The ones I heard you using a few nights ago.”
“What the fuck, Suguru?” She knows her skin doesn’t flush red, but she raises her hands to cover her face anyway. 
“What?” He sits up, pulling his fingers out of her and nonchalantly bringing them to his mouth to suck her slick off of them. “We’ve been roommates for three years. You gonna pretend you’ve never heard me jerking off?” He raises an eyebrow at her when she peeks at him from between her fingers. 
She silently and somewhat begrudgingly admits that he’s right.
“So where are they?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Why the fuck do you think I want to know?” He laughs. “I’d like to see what you’re used to.”
She uncovers her face and looks dubiously at him. She says nothing, instead simply motioning towards the drawer in her nightstand and watching him rummage through her colorful collection of toys. 
“You can take this?” The ‘this’ in question is a dildo in his hand, the largest one she owns. 
She nods.
Amused, he raises his eyebrows. “You like it?” 
“Yes,” she snaps, embarrassment getting the better of her and making the word sound much more defensive than she intends it to. “Is that a problem?”
“Nope,” Suguru replies smugly. “Just means I don’t have to wonder whether or not mine can fit.”
She wants so badly to put him in his place, but one look at the way his cock springs free when he comes out of his bottoms shuts her mouth. 
“What’s the matter?” He nudges his body between her open legs, her bottle of lube in one hand and his cock in the other. “Are you scared of it?” His words are teasing, as is the smile that pulls at the corners of his mouth. 
“Of that? You wish,” she retorts with a roll of her eyes. “I was just wondering if you treat all the women you sleep with this shitty.” Even as her mouth forms the insult, she’s grateful for the way he liberally coats himself in lube. 
“You think this is shitty?” He laughs, holding his cock between his thumb and forefinger and repeatedly slapping it against her still-sensitive clit. She bites back - just barely - the little noise of pleasure that threatens to escape her as he does so. “I’m giving you the princess treatment, if you really wanna know the truth.”
Anything she’s intending to say gets lost, swallowed by the feel of Suguru’s lips on hers and the head of his cock pushing at her entrance. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles into her mouth, when he’s fully seated inside her. As good as he’s been imagining she would feel around him, the reality is that she feels even better. Suguru leans back to look down at her, making the mistake of meeting her eyes. 
“Oh,” she says quietly. He doesn’t know what she sees in his expression to make her react that way, but whatever it is can’t be bad - she’s looking up at him with soft, gentle eyes. 
He just might lose himself if he’s not careful. 
Time to laugh it off. “Better than your best toy, right?” He pushes that smug undertone into his voice again.
He’s expecting a sharp response, something snarky and perhaps mildly insulting. What he gets instead is more of those soft, gentle eyes. She cups his face in her hands and brings his mouth to hers, kissing him in a way that feels much too intimate and romantic for the way he’s about to fuck her. 
Suguru can’t figure out if it’s good or bad, and the uncertainty of it makes him want to crawl out of his skin. 
He pulls his hips back, slamming them into her again hard enough to make him worry for a split second that he’s actually hurt her. The way she clenches around him and the little sound she makes is enough to put that fear to rest, and he takes her wrapping her arms around him as permission to keep going. 
So he does.
He pounds into her hard, registering that he’s probably going too hard but not really able to stop himself. Tit for tat, he thinks, hissing as he feels her nails raking down his shoulders in a way that he’s sure will break the skin. Her hips rock up to meet his on every thrust, his balls slapping against her ass.
“Quit clawing at me like a damn bobcat,” he grunts between thrusts, his hair falling around her like silk and tickling her shoulders as he lowers his head to her neck. The retort that’s halfway out of her mouth dies on her lips when his teeth make contact with her skin. He wants to bite her hard enough for it to hurt, but his mouth and his brain are misaligned in their interests and he ends up sucking desperately at the place where her neck meets her shoulder.
“S-Sugu--ruuu,” she wails in a stuttering breath, and he feels a little bit vindicated because of it. She’s been so damn quiet, and that isn’t what he wants. He wants her loud. He wants her saying his name over and over like she’s praying to a god. He wants her drooling and stupid with her eyes rolled back in her head and her brain gone dumb as he gets her drunk on and addicted to the feeling of his cock.
He wants to completely unmake her.
The thought stabs him in the side with an unexplained pang of guilt, but he ignores it. “Still think it’s shitty, Valerie?” He pants, his breath warming the side of her face. “Still thinking about my cheap mattress and all that other unnecessary shit?”
She stares back up at him, and there it is: that glazed-over, fucked-out look he’s been waiting for. 
She wonders if he can see the thoughts in her head… if he knows just how good it feels, how her sweat-slicked body is surrounding him in all the ways she can be. Her arms encircling his broad shoulders, her legs wrapped tightly around his hips, her pussy stretched and stuffed full of his cock. Suguru is bigger than her toy - she’s sure of it now - and she wonders absently if she will ever be satisfied with anything other than him for the rest of her life.
She isn’t sure what he’s reaching for when his hand leaves her side, and understanding of what’s in his hand when it returns doesn’t dawn on her until she feels the vibrations of it. 
“Y-you,” is all she has time to get out before he works the little purple toy between their bodies to place it right up against her clit. He stills his hips, but it doesn’t blunt the vibrator’s effect on her. “That’s not fair,” she gasps, her voice pitched high and thin as her control slips. 
“I’m just being a gentleman,” he laughs stiltedly. One look at him is all it takes for her to understand that his own control is slipping - he’s sweating too, tendrils of damp hair stuck to his face and his muscles taut with the effort to keep himself in check. “Yeah,” he says, as though she’s asked him a question. “So go ahead and come for me first… hm?”
Val hates that her body chooses that moment to do exactly that, her climax syncing with his words as though what he’s said is a command for her to obey. Suguru tosses the vibrator over the side of the bed, and she doesn’t have time to wonder whether or not its clattering fall to the floor has broken it before his lips are on hers, tongue bullying its way into her mouth much the same way his cock is bullying its way in and out of her spasming walls.
He doesn’t pull out of her when he comes, just pushes into her as deep as he can and buries his teeth in the tender flesh of her left breast. The bite is more pleasurable than painful. Still, she lets out a little yelp that prompts him to drag his lips across the spot, soothing it with his tongue.
The two of them stay as they are for a few minutes after, chests rising and falling in tandem as they try to catch their breath. She threads her fingers through his hair, apologizing to him without words for all the places she’s yanked at it and massaging his scalp to alleviate the soreness.
He slips out of her and she tries not to wince, but her thighs are achy from being pushed open so wide and for so long. “Okay… I guess I need to add more flexibility training to my weekly rotation,” she manages with a laugh. Suguru doesn’t respond. His gaze is trained between her legs, and he’s got two fingers pressed against her pussy, gently prodding at her. “Suguru… what are you doing?”
“Putting the cream back in the pie,” he murmurs. He watches his cum leak out of her, catching it with those same two fingers and pushing it back inside of her. There’s no pang of guilt in his side anymore, but the feeling that has replaced it is something he’s only ever felt a variation of, and not in a long time. 
It feels… almost proprietary, seeing a part of him leaking out of her. It speaks to something long-forgotten inside of him, that urge to stuff it all back into her body and to keep that piece of him there with her. 
Valerie is about to tell him how bad his joke was when she catches sight of the expression on his face. She gets the sense that while what Suguru has said was meant to sound like a joke, the meaning behind what he’s doing isn’t lighthearted at all. So she keeps quiet, letting him continue what he’s doing and feeling the warmth radiate off of his body as she plays in his hair.
“So,” Suguru finally says, raising his head and resting his cheek against her abdomen so he can look at her over the swell of her breast. “How was your rebound fuck?”
It makes her laugh, even though she feels the need to set him straight about it. “It wasn’t a rebound fuck,” she says, when she’s stopped chuckling. “Rebound fucks usually happen pretty quickly after a breakup, you know.”
“Damn, that’s disappointing,” he teases her, even as he curls his arms around her waist and leans into the gentle touch of her fingertips on his sore scalp. “I wanted to be able to put that on my resume. If I’m not your rebound fuck, then what was I?”
Val is quiet for a minute, still soothing his scalp in all the places she’d pulled too hard at his hair. “Not to stroke your ego or anything, but you were pretty fucking amazing,” she admits. “I take back what I said about it being shitty,” she adds with a smile. “So now I’ll ask you again: do you treat all the women you take to bed this way?”
She asks the question, not really wanting to know the answer but feeling like it’s important to ask anyway. 
“Yeah,” he answers after a moment. “It doesn’t hurt to make them feel special, even if they’re not.” 
She doesn’t know how to feel about that, so she tucks the ambiguity of her emotions away and stays quiet. 
Chapter Two: Coming Soon
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If you would like to be tagged in updates to this work or my other fics, please let me know. :)
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quinloki · 2 days
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Black Leg Sanji Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Vampire AU Prompt: Aphrodisiac (AND forced proximity - worked out well) Gift Giver: @leftsidebonfire
Summary: You were so close to getting close with you vampiric benefactor, when a crack in the foundation sends you both into a tight spot in the older part of the manor.
Content Notes: forced proximity, aphrodisiac, accidental edging, frantic consent.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
Sanji was in trouble.
Your body was soft against his, and this close he could feel everything. Your breasts squished against his chest, your soft fingers against his arms, and your thighs against his legs. The scent of you was maddening too, and there was no getting away from any of it.
At least he’d managed to keep you from getting cut or scratched when the two of you fell. Stuck between the walls of the old manor, he was sure, but there wasn’t much he could do about it right now. He had strength enough, but that strength would harm you as much as the cinder block, and he refused to risk it.
You were in trouble.
This close to the vampire you could feel just how strong he was. Body like cords of steel and silk, malleable and flexible, but completely immovable. You were certain the cinder block was going to be softer than him, but he seemed to be doing his best to help you get comfortable.
He smelled so good too. Even with all the dust and wood that had kicked up when the floor gave way, you couldn’t ignore the scents around him. Smoky, but savory, like warmed herbs in an oven. Something like dried flowers too.
You could feel his hands digging into the wall, like he was trying to give you as much space as possible.
“Um… thank you.” You say finally, still wriggling a little. Your feet weren’t quite on solid ground, and it was distracting to be leaning against him.
“Certainly,” he replies, voice thick, face turned away from you. “My apologies. I allowed myself to be so distracted by your beauty that I almost risked you harm.”
You nearly snort, laughing before you can say more. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just… cute. Corny,” you clarify. “But cute.”
You feel him twitch, and he puts a hand over his mouth. “Ah, my bad.” You start. “It’s probably not proper to call a vampire cute.”
“S’fine.” He mutters.
“Any ideas?”
Sanji coughs, and sputters a bit, and after a moment nods. “Once the sun sets I can transform.” He explains. “Unfortunately, we’re rather soundly stuck until then.”
“Welp.” You shift a little and something jolts through you. Gasping you grab onto Sanji who turns to look at you.
“Are you alright?”
You can feel warmth rush through your body, but you nod. “Y-yeah, it’s just… that flower smell.”
“Flower?” Sanji sniffs as he asks and suddenly puts a hand over your nose. “Shit.” He hisses the word under his breath and starts to move. The pressure of whatever he’s trying to do makes you hiss in a breath at the slight pain and he stops.
“My apologies for, uh, well.” Sanji clears his throat. “If I try to break the wall, I risk breaking you.” He shifts a little and pleasure jolts through you again. Sanji slaps a hand over his face, driving his head into the wall. “The flower scent is from something I thought I got rid of decades ago.”
Your body shivers, and the heat from earlier was settling between your legs. “Ah, it’s… hard to ignore.” You gasp. The more you try not to move, the more you seem to move. “Sorry, it’s…” You look up and gasp just as Sanji looks down at you.
Blue eyes shift red, and both his hands shoot past your head, embedding themselves into the other side of the wall. A small line of blood slips from his nose, and in your addled state you only just start to wonder how you’re able to see so well down here.
Right now though, you’re transfixed on that red line. Your body shifts against his, pressing into him heavier. Sanji tenses, eyes shut, hands practically stuck in the cinder block. You wiggle enough to stretch and lick the line of blood that’s reached his lip.
His eyes open wide, breathing stopped, watching you as you lick again. He starts to say something but you cup his face.
“You’re beautiful.” You murmur. “Please - kiss me.”
“You’re effected by the flower I,” he stammers, unable to pull his gaze away from your pleading eyes.
“Sanji. Please.” You assert, tugging his collar. “I’ve wanted you to do so before now.”
“I’m effected, too, I can’t -.” You shift, and his hips buck in response, the cry you let out breaks what little restraint he had left and he leans down and kisses you deeply.
Your fingers slip into his hair and you nearly pull yourself up with the grip. Sanji frees his hands from the blocks and grabs onto your hips. The kiss breaks as you roll your hips, steadying yourself against his grip. He hisses as his cock strains against his pants. You let out a breathy moan, the pleasure from the friction and the impact of the flower’s scent working you up.
“Sorry, Sanji, I’m sorry,” you murmur over and over, grinding against the trapped vampire.
His eyes glaze over a little bit and he starts helping you move. “It’s alright, it’s okay. We can, hnnngh! - tah-talk more, after, after this.” His toes curl in his shoes and he bites his lip to keep from gripping you too hard as the pleasure builds.
Pleasure and pain, his pants are entirely too tight, but the ache helps keep him grounded against the scent. He wants to bite you, to sink his teeth into your sweet skin, maybe just as you cum. How delectable would you taste then? How intoxicating?
He slams his head back, knocking the thoughts out of his mind. He can feel your body shivering against his, so soft and warm, as your breath fell against him, heavier and faster than earlier. He’d have to put his head through the wall to find any hope of relief, but he can’t avert his senses at this point.
You’re close, so close. Wet, desperate, and needy eyes have him held in place almost physically. He’s barely even breathing, shallow wisps sifting between his teeth.
“Sanji!” You cry as you nearly peak, but you’re denied at the last second, as the friction is gone and you drop a little. The space between the walls is much less crowded as a small bat flutters above you, his erratic flight path taking him further away in an incredible show of will power.
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