#the only star wars character who fell and climbed up again
the-fiction-witch · 6 months
I know who you are...
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Media The Artful Dodger X Percy Jackson
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet + Spooky
The Artful Dodger X Percy Jackson! Yes you read that right, this concept I saw on posted by this amazing angel @afirewiel (Original Post) I fell in love with this concept immediately, thank you so much for letting me do this! I hope you guys all like it!!
The Night hung low over London, with thick storm clouds blocking out the stars, snow fluttering down from the clouds settled on the dirty streets. The light danced across the cobblestones as it flooded out the windows of the local pub that sat beside the river Thames,  within the pub people danced, drank and laughed unaware of what was occurring outside of it. Just out of sight down an undersized alley littered with boxes and broken bottles, stood a woman.
She was youthful with a head of light brown straggly hair, her face dirty, her body small and sunken, bound tight in many grey layers. She had a tattoo across her arm a mark known to many police officers that meant she had been caught for prostitution and let go so they knew if she was found again she would be hung. But that was not the most notable thing about her. 
That was the baby swaddled in her arms in a damp old cloth, the baby cried and whined from the cold and the dark. The baby couldn't have been any older than a few days, two weeks if it was a day. She held the child close to her as she watched people pass her by. 
Once the coast was clear, she began slow steps out of the alley crossing the snowy cobblestones with her bare feet towards the river. She seemed frightened but strong as if fighting her emotions back. She reached the edge of the stone pathway and gazed down for a moment at the dark murky water below. As she looked she broke a moment and let out a whine of sadness before she fixed herself again. 
She took a step back and lowered herself to her knees, she set down the baby in its swaddled blanket and unwrapped the cover exposing the naked baby boy to the cold, he whined and cried louder at the cold, he seemed desperate for her comfort but she would not give it. 
She wiped away a tear "I am so sorry my darling," She kissed his little head before she got to her feet, she pulled up her hood concealing her face before she scampered away and disappeared into the night. 
The boy's cry filled the air and echoed through a hollow London on this cold snowy night. His little body shivered, but all of this was hidden by the dark, the falling snow and the loud pub. 
A gentle sound began to be heard, that of water shifting and moving as if something was making its way out of the murky depths. A hand came over the stone as a creature human at its highest and serpent at its lowest slithered out of the water and climbed the stone, hair slimy and snakeskin-like, it sniffled the child and looked joyous which only caused the baby to cry more frightened of this creature. The Scylla wrapped its snake-like tail around the child and tried to drag it back to the water with her -
Suddenly the door to the pub opened, and light flooded out, The Scylla panicked abandoned the child and slithered back into the water to prevent discovery. 
The man staggered out drunk as a mule, Beer bottle in hand. He was dirty, and grimy, perhaps his late twenties or early thirties but he seemed far older, "Alright Alright, you bastardly lot!" He cheered to those who remained inside before he shut the door. He began to walk and sip his beer as he went but he stopped as he heard the baby's cries. He staggered over only just avoiding a fall into the river himself kneeling at the baby's feet. "'ello there... what are you doin' out here then?" He asked as he looked at the child, he seemed to fight a war in his head before he looked to the murky river. He sighed and looked to the clouded sky, "Alright, I knows it. I ain't apologizin' because we both know I'd do it again tomorrow. and it's you who give me this nature so... its as much your issue as it is mine." He said, Before he wrapped the boy up in the swaddle and lifted him up in his arms which seemed to silence the boy, "I've done some terrible awful in this life, but I'm askin' humble like... Watch over this one." He said to the clouds before he turned his attention back to the little boy, "Come on then, let's get you warm." he said as he took the baby with him to an old battered attic where many boys slept, and a woman sat working on some sewing. In a moth-eaten dress with a mess of red hair. 
"What ya got there Fagin?"
"Found him, Down by old Jack's," He said as he handed her the baby,
"What just laid there?" She asked as she cradled the boy, 
"Yep, laid in the snow." He said, as he went and sat on his bed,
"Why would anyone do that to such a sweet little boy?" She asked slowly as she let the baby sleep on her, 
"He was by the water Nancy." He said fear in his voice,
She seemed taken aback by those words as if they froze her more than any snow could. "Well, then he's a very lucky boy you found him." She nodded, "I take it no name or note then?"
"Course not."
"well... What do we call him then?"
"Fagin." She glared, "He was outside Old Jack's pub?"
"Well, we'll call him Jack then." She said,
"Jack What?"
"I don't know."
"He was close to the dock? Dockson? Dockland? Dockins?"
"You can't call a kid Dockins,"
"Well, you think him up a name you're so smart,"
"...Humm, Dawkins?"
"Jack Dawkins, Alright." He nodded, "come on let's get some damn sleep." he said almost immediately he passed out leaving Nancy alone with Jack, 
"You're a very lucky boy Jack, luckier than most. I wonder who your father was..." She muttered, 
I finished up my work for the day and headed up to my room with a yawn, as soon as I opened the door I saw Fagin as he tried to make a break for it out my window.
"Are you breaking out?" I asked him,
"Just tryin' to scope the place out, get a feel for it."
"You know where on the second floor?"
"Yes, I realise that now." He sighed, "That's why I'm tryna get back in." 
"Well go on then," 
"I think my back's seized up, my hip, maybe my knee." He said sheepishly, "Alright, you try bein' in irons for four months, let's see how limber you are."
I rolled my eyes and helped him back in, even cracked his back for him, "There better?" 
"Thanks, Dodge." He said as he sat on my bed, 
"Off," I told him as I forced him off my bed, so I could get changed. 
"Where you off to?"
"I'm going for a walk."
"Becuase normally I'd relax after work here but... you're here."
"So you're going to go walking in the woods?"
"Yes, I am."
"And what happens if you get jumped? or bounced? or worse?"
I rolled my eyes again as I changed, "This isn't London Fagin, and I am not six. No monsters and creatures are hiding around every corner waiting to bloody get me." 
"How'd you know?"
"Becuase I've been here a good while and not once have I ever seen anything concerning." 
"That's because you don't look hard enough." 
"I'm going out, stay off my bed, and out of my wardrobe," I warned him, as I took my jacket and headed out.
I didn't dislike a walk in the woods every now and then, and with him here I just needed some space every so often, I'd be stressed to all hell with him, and all this thievery business. He always said I was born for it but I hated it, I just want to work, to help people. That felt far more like my purpose. I did glance over my shoulder a few times as I got deeper into the woods, just out of habit, when you're stealing you get good at checking behind you, and Fagin had convinced me ever since I was young that monsters were always out to get you. I didn't believe him now of course as I am grown but... part of me still, couldn't help it. Until one glace I saw someone.
I froze up as I fully turned, there in the woods stood a woman.
She wore a dress of a fiery red with black flowers across the fabric, she wore black velvet gloves and a matching cape the good up over her face but I could have sworn I saw, she faced away at first with a symbol I didn't know on her cloak, but she turned to me and I could have sworn I saw purple eyes looking at me from the darkness of her hood.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
"I know who you are..." Her voice spoke like a ghostly echo of another time and place as if she wasn't really here, I froze up concerned this woman knew of my past.
"Do you? Well, I barely know who I am so I don't know how you do." I began as I tried to step back to put a space between us but her words stopped my feet.
"Jack Dawkins." She smiled wickedly, 
"Doctor, Dawkins." I corrected,
"Hummm... Your father would be proud."
"My- what do you know about my father?"
"I know your father well."
"Who are you? How do you know these-"
"You have been hiding an awful long time." She said pulling back her hood to reveal a head of sweet Y/c/h Hair, she was beautiful but ghostly.
"What do you know?"
"I know-"
"Tell me. Now." I demanded,
She smiled "You are Jack Dawkins, but neither of your parents named you. Your mother left you for dead outside a pub in London, raised by a crook, and betrayed by him, given a new life for skills you inherited, now you have built this life away from your past." She explained stepping slowly closer, "But your past... is coming back for you."
"How- How do you know all that?"
"I know everything." 
"It would seem I know even more than you," she smiled wickedly,
"Tell me what you know,"
"You'd never believe me."
"Tell me." I demanded, "Please?" 
"Your father Is Hermes."
"Hermes. God of boundaries, roads, travellers, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, wit, politics, diplomacy, messaging, and humour," she explained,
"That- That's Insane! You're nuts!"
"You really believe your skills with thievery, your quick fingers came from anywhere but the gods."
"If... I was to believe this, what I'm a god?"
"Demigod. You're mother... Melody Sandringham, a whore on London's streets. Your father was there on business from Zeus and 'happened' upon your mother."
"My- My mother was a whore?"
"A very good one. Nine months later you entered this realm."
"Then- Then- if I was a... demi god why would she have abandoned me?" 
"Because she didn't. she meant to kill you. There are many monsters in this world who feast on the blood of demigods, the gods have long disrespected the monsters of this world and they enjoy taking their children." She explained, "That night she left you exposed so your scent would attract a monster who would take you. She didn't want the child of a god, it is a hard job... you're not a normal child." 
"She... she tried to kill me?" I asked those words felt like a knife in my heart, I always felt so awful that my mother abandoned me, but to hear she intended to kill me. 
"Do not blame her, she was trying to save herself pain. Most demigods are hunted and killed within the first few years." She said, "She was trying to give you a quick death. To save you from never being able to live a normal life. Until the gods intervened."
"The gods? FAGIN!"
"Son of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth, care of children, and chastity. She can never see a child suffer, so send her son to take you into his arms." She explained,
"Fagin! Fagin is a demi-god! now you are nuts. have you seen him? he smells like a bloody sewer."
"To hide his scent from the monsters that lurk. He has aided many like yourself teaching you to survive, how to cover your sent, how to protect from the monsters."
"Oh my god... all this time he-"
"He ensured you survived. He raised you with his sister's aid."
"His sis- Nancy..." I said for a moment the thought of her hurt, to remember what happened to her. "Nancy was Fagin's sister?"
"why- why wouldn't they tell me? why did they never tell any of us who we were!"
"Because it was safer if you didn't know." She said, "Your skills were recognized by another, who too could tell your quick fingers came from the gods."
The moment she said it recognized by quick fingers I knew who she meant "Captian Grimm?"
"He saw you glow in your cell and he knew who was your father."
"Who was his?"
"Poseiden, god of the sea and waters, as well as of horses and earthquakes. The sea was his blood right and his father granted him mercy on it more times than can be recalled." 
it- it all made so much sense but it couldn't be true this woman she had to be mad surely!
"And who are you?"
"I am not important."
"Please... tell me, who are you?"
"Your father?"
"Hades, god of the underworld, and of death."
I froze up, "Th- Then why are you here?"
"I have come to warn you."
"Warn me? of what?"
"You have remained stagnant for far too long, the longer you stay in one place the easier it is to find you, Fagin ensured your scent was covered when you were young, and the ship protected you never in one place long enough, but now... your scent is only building and soon they will be here to take you."
"What will be here?"
"The monsters. Your scent is already known to them and they are on their way."
"How do you know that?"
"Becuase I have seen it. Profocsey is a gift from my father. I have seen your death and I have come to prevent it."
"Why? Why would you want to prevent my death?"
"Becuase I have also seen if you live. There is much more good you will do in this world that will not exist without you." 
"Will your father like you intervening?"
"My father and yours have come to arrangement the matter. He allows this for the greater good, in turn, my father takes your mother."
"I- I didn't even know she was still alive." 
"What do I have to do, to ensure I survive." 
"Let the blood build, and do not trust the captain," she said closing the gap between us, 
"Okay... thank you." I nodded, "How will I know when I'm safe again?"
"I'll return when you are," She smiled, she rubbed the tip of her nose on my own and gave my lips a gentle kiss, I was a little shocked but kissed her back wrapping my arms around her waist, she pulled back with a gentle smile,
"I look forward to it," I smirked, 
She backed away blew me a kiss and disappeared into the darkness as if she was never there. 
I rushed back to the hospital and up to my room where I found Fagin.
"My mother didn't abandon me, she left me for dead!"
"What are you going on about dodge?"
"My mother, you said you found me shivering, naked, outside a pub,"
"I did,"
"And you knew who my father was!"
"... I knew what he was not who he was. there's a lot of them you could have been any of them."
"When did you know who my father was?"
"You were about five or so once your skills revealed themselves."
"All this time... you never told me!"
"I was tryin' to protect ya dodge."
"By not telling me my mother tried to kill me!"
"Becuase if I did you'd hate her,"
"Yeah, I kinda do!"
"don't. Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise a kid like you? She wanted to make sure you didn't suffer so she offered you to the The Scylla"
".. the what?"
"The Scylla, lives in the Thames." 
"My mother was going to feed me to The Scylla!"
"She would have gotten ya if I hadn't intervened."
"Why would you save me?"
"... Because unlike most, I spent a fair time with my mother... and I promised her if ever I were to see one of you lot, I'd take you under my wing. You, sikes, potter, hell even that damn wet lettuce Oliver twist, all of you were, so I kept you lot safe from the monsters and madness that would have taken you if I didn't. and I ask no thanks for what I did Jack."
"Even Nancy?"
"She was my half-sister, I had to keep her around."
"And yet you left me in a cell."
"I had every intention of getting you out of there Jack, but by the news broke you'd escaped barefoot in the snow no one survives that."
"Oh so you went on your merry way?"
"Don't you think I mourned for you?" He said, "There are times in this life, when we have to face the loss of something so precious, it makes the heart clench just to think of it." He explained, "I mourned for you, we all did."
"You could have told me, now I'm grown."
"Would you have believed me if I did?"
"How do you know now?"
"Another came to warn me." 
"A girl named Y/n. Daughter of Hades. What is she another demigod?"
"...Ohh gods-"
"What? Who- who is she?"
"she is... but Hades and Persephone's daughter."
"Oh." I gasped "I uhh... I just... I just had a chat with Hades and Persephone's daughter... ohh I'm going to the underworld and I'm gonna be tortured." 
I didn't answer just kinda sheepish, 
I didn't reply, 
"You just talked to her?"
I shook my head, 
"What did you do?"
"I uh... I'm in trouble."
"I uhh... I may have uhhh"
"Spit it out, Dodge."
"I just kissed Hades and Persephone's daughter..." 
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Hello there! It's me again! Can I request a Obi-wan x reader where reader is a big fan of Star Wars and Obi and one day when she was watching Star Wars again she got teleported into the tv and to Star Wars world?
I hope you get what I mean. Love❤
Gonna be honest I think this is every Obi-wan fans dream to have this happen 🥰 😂
Obsessively in Love with You
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Eating popcorn I turned the TV on for another marathon of the Kenobi's series that had came out recently. Wrapping the blanket around myself I squeal seeing my favorite character Obi-wan fighting Darth Vader for the second time and winning. My parents introduced me to Star Wars when I was little and ever since then I didn't mind obsessing over it and the characters, specifically Kenobi. Thankfully since the series has been out I have learned that there are a lot of people who feel the same. Picking up the TV remote I turned up the volume a little until the remote shot electricity to the TV and I suddenly dropped it screaming. Getting out from underneath the blanket the TV is now off so I go to check on the plug but something grabbed my leg pulling me inside the TV then turning back on like normal.
Blinking my eyes opened I groan popping my back when I sit up. But instead of feeling carpet underneath my hands I feel sand between my fingers. The wind blows through my hair that is now tied into quite braid going down my back. Instead of completely loose like it was just a minute ago. Getting to my feet I glanced down at myself catching a lightsaber attached to a belt on my hip. And as far as I could see there's nothing but sand for miles exactly like Tatooine from Star Wars. Scanning around I start waving my arms back and forth seeing someone riding on the back of something like a camel of some sort. The rider comes closer and I almost threw up, no passed out or even squeal like the fan girl I am at the sight. I'm not exactly sure because standing before me was no ordinary rider, no ordinary man in the middle of the desert. Any Star Wars fan would be freaking out if they were in the situation I am now, because in front of me is none other than the famous Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi.
"Hello there. Do you need a lift miss. The desert isn't safe at night." I bit my lip nearly jumping up and down hearing him deliver one of his famous lines directly in front of me. Obi-wan raised a brow at me just standing there like I was a statue or a deer in the headlights. He climbed down his saddle taking two short steps towards me. "What's your name?" I hang my mouth opened a bit when he rests a hand on my shoulder but I shake my head pulling myself back to this reality. "I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. And you're Obi-wan Kenobi. Famous Jedi Master." He bends his head down to the ground and that's when I can see he has grey forming in his hair exactly like he looks in the show. Mentally kicking myself in the head I can't believe I didn't figure out this wasn't a dream until now. But a miracle of some crazy sort. A miracle that I somehow entered the tv and I'm now in the last scene of the season finale of his TV show. "It's just Ben now...uh hop on I'll let you stay with me tonight. The sand people will take you out if you're here by yourself Y/n." I nearly fell back in awe hearing him say my name for the first time yet he offered me his hand helping me onto the saddle.
Obi-wan or rather Ben climbed on the front and smacking the reins of his animal where I slowly wrap my arms around his waist when the creature starts moving faster than I anticipated. I immediately feel my face turning red like crazy and I'm great full he doesn't look over his shoulder in this moment. Because he would be embarrassed himself if I blurted out I am in love with you to him. I feel my heart beating faster at being this close to him. I have only ever written or read this happening in fanfiction but now this is somehow a reality. There's a small part of me that believes I may be losing my mind, but I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if this was the result. "So where are you from Y/n. I don't remember you being a member of the Jedi order?" He asked once we back at his hut watching the sunset off in the distance. I smiled his direction suddenly surprising the both of us when I kissed him outright.
The former Jedi froze at this strange girl's affection towards him. He couldn't process it correctly all he knew was that he wanted to kiss her back. That he wanted to pull her close and maybe call her his to the world. Obi-wan had no clue what the feelings were he was experiencing but he wanted to savior them, fearing they might but all slip through his fingers if he wasn't careful. I felt his right hand rest against my cheek and his other arm wrapped around my waist tugging me closer. Then he kissed back and it felt exactly like it was read or seen in the movies. You know the moment when the guy finally kissed the girl kind of thing. I slowly break the kiss seeing him smiling back at me. I mirror it draping my arms around his neck whispering under my breath. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth, Obi-wan." I hope I can stay here for just a little longer, enough for another kiss perhaps.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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motleystitches · 7 years
vrabia replied to your post “Spinal injuries in fandom”
that being said, i really wish the novelization gave us the climb from cassian's pov. instead it's all about how exhausting jyn finds it and i kept thinking yeah not only did cassian do exactly the same thing while seriously injured, but he did it pretty fast to show up just in time to shoot krennic. we should've gotten his pov on that.
I agree, I don’t think Cassian broke his spine at all. It’s just fandoms’ reaction to spinal injuries are so vastly different that’s amusing. Some fics do state that he broke his spine. Personally, I think he cracked his ribs and had some sort of his leg injury but it’s clearly not broken. I’m not sure if he would be able to climb so quickly with a wrenched ankle, but adrenaline through all things...
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Draw your swords, pt.4
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Summary: In his attempt to get to know his wife, the Darkling realizes he might be getting too close.
Warnings: angst, swearing, sexual innuendoes, slightest bit of fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three   
Y/N couldn’t sleep that night. Not only did she agonize over the slightest possibility of his words being true, but the lingering of his lips on hers even hours after they’ve left tormented her mind. Instead of sleeping, she sat outside in the darkness with nothing but stars to keep her company. She shuddered with the cold wind as it chilled her, even the kefta didn’t protect her as well as she thought it would.
Sighing, she smiled up at the night sky, watching the stars in their celestial dance. It’s undeniable, she’s envious of them – their freedom is undisputed, their beauty unmatched by anything earthly. No one can force a star to marriage, no one can dull its brightness.
“Are you alright?” Genya spoke up, startling Y/N into a loud gasp.
Turning around, Y/N giggles in slight panic, a hand resting on her chest. “You scared me!”
“I didn’t mean to”, she chuckles too, coming closer to Y/N who let out a relieved sigh, only to look up once again.
“I couldn’t sleep”, she explains, “So I came here to watch the stars.”
“Most people are afraid of the dark”, Genya raised an eyebrow as she fixed her gaze on Y/N instead. She studied her carefully, unsure if she should invest all her hopes and dreams in her – no matter how striking she is.
“Oh, I’m scared of the dark!” Y/N exclaims, pointing up at the sky, “But the night sky is littered with lanterns, meant to guide you home. My mom always told me to look up whenever I feel lost, because the stars will help me find answers to any worry.”
Pursing her lips, Genya frowned, “Does that mean you doubt your plan?”
“No”, Y/N replied with haste, “I am simply trying to understand some of the chess pieces I thought I had figured out.”
Looking back at the Palace, Y/N’s eyes found the window of her room in an instant. A dark figure passed by it, the candlelight revealing the figure is pacing.
“He’s not a bad man, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Holding her breath, Y/N’s eyes find amber ones, “That’s not what I’ve heard. His deeds have spoken plenty about the strength of his character.”
“He’s fighting a war, not just with the outsiders, not just your father, but those on our side as well.” Pausing, Genya steps before her, “Do you know what they call him?”
“The Darkling”, she states, “A starless saint, a demon, a shadow king.”
“So many of those names are meant to demonize him, to shun him from society simply for the power he was born with”, licking her lips, Genya reaches for Y/N’s hand. “His own people are dying simply for who they’re born as – humans, Shu, Druskelle, they’re all sharpening their swords. If he’s not feared, we’re all dead.”
Nibbling on her lower lip, Y/N closed her eyes. Exhaling, she faced Genya once more.
“Does that mean I should applaud him for the way he’s treated the First army so far? How can you defend him when he’s the one who brought you here…to the emperor?”
Retracting her hand, Genya flashed a smile – one too strained to be believable. “He tried to defend me and got himself punished for it. So I’m here and I’m telling you to give him a chance.” Walking past Y/N, Genya stops just a few paces behind her, “He might surprise you.”
All the things Genya said became faint echoes inside Y/N’s head. When she returned to the room, she was ready for a new quarrel with Kirigan. Despite her readiness, he was sound asleep as she slipped her kefta off. With trembling fingers, she lifted the comforter only to stifle a laugh upon a surprising sight. Not only had there been a pillow to separate them, but three to ensure she wouldn’t accidentally roll on his side during the night. Perhaps she did smother him the night before and for once, she didn’t feel ashamed, rather satisfied. If he’s so insistent on sharing a bed, why would she make it any easier on him?
Tossing the pillows aside, she slid onto his side. Pressing her lips in a thin line, she tried to wrap an arm around his middle, but she couldn’t do it with her heart clenching wildly inside her chest. She drew back, forming tight fists at her side as she glared up at the canopy in frustration. If she’s going to play well and win, she’ll have to swallow her pride and withstand some discomfort.
Staring daggers at the back of his head, Y/N held her breath as she half climbed atop of Kirigan. Waiting to see if he’ll wake, Y/N finally released a shuddered breath. Burying her nose in the crook of his neck, she finally felt herself warm up after being outside for so long.
Closing her eyes, she inhaled his scent – woodsy and clean as if he had just had a bath. She never realized it before, but he smelled the same way on their wedding day…and night. But also earlier when he was pressed against her, devouring her mouth. Just the thought of his arms around her, his tall frame against her and the feverish kiss they’ve shared had caused her heartbeat to quicken with no shame.
And while she drifted off, she failed to realize something else – the Darkling was very much awake.
Instead of moving away when he felt a weight atop of him, he struggled to even his breathing. She smelled like spring, like lilacs and oddly enough, he enjoyed it. Most times, he’d crinkle his nose in disgust for strong, flowery scents made him nauseous, but she didn’t have the heavy, unbearably thick air of perfume cling to her – it felt like it’s her natural scent.
Smiling, the Darkling allowed himself to relax once her breathing calmed down and while her hands and feet felt like icicles, her cold nose brought most of the discomfort. Once she warmed up, by stealing his body heat, the Darkling began to drift away too. After all, he was winning.
A single ray of sunshine came through the window, its heat tickling Y/N’s nose. Sleepily, she brushed at it then tried to turn away, but something blocked her way. She lazily opened her eyes and saw the strange bed canopy overhead. When she remembered where she was and how she fell asleep last night, she felt her face grow hot as blood rushed to her cheeks. Even her body seemed to blush. She moved her head toward the other side of the bed and looked at where her husband’s supposed to be, yet he was gone – only the pillows she could have sworn she removed remained.
There was no way of knowing it, but each morning, the Darkling opened his eyes and looked at her first. No matter if she was drooling or her hair matted on her face, he quite enjoyed his view. She seemed gentle, almost like a saint sent to remind him light can exist along with darkness he’s been shrouded in.
Disgruntled, she sat up and huffed. She wanted to wake up at the same time as he did. One, she wanted to see his reaction and laugh, two, she really wanted to discuss the kiss from before. Then again, she just wanted to see the general at his most vulnerable state – waking up disheveled, just like any human would. His perfectly styled hair unnerved her and she couldn’t help but wonder if Genya used her power on it because she had never once seen a hair out of place, not even after their kiss.
For the rest of the day, Y/N tried to catch him alone. Unfortunately, she barely saw her husband at all. A fleeting glance of acknowledgement was all she received as they passed each other in the hall, both surrounded by others.
At night, she laid awake in hopes of speaking to him before bed. The faint candlelight on the bedside table kept the darkness away, relieving her fear. Would he laugh at her if she admitted to it? After all, isn’t he the one who can create darkness out of thin air? Perhaps he’d shroud her with it and prove he truly is cruel, but she had no way of being sure. He must never know of it and she truly hoped never to see his display of power.
Lost in her thoughts, she blinked and it was morning.
Wide eyed, she sat up and looked to his side. It was unmade, the pillow dented right where his head was and yet she can’t remember hearing him arrive in the night or leave in the morning. She never does.
“Fuck”, she mutters under her breath as she slams a fist in his pillow. Grunting, she buries her face into it, muffling her frustrated scream.
“Are you done?” Genya frowned at her, waiting by the door while Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs into a pillow.
Scoffing, Genya rolled her eyes. “You need to be more perceptive about your surroundings.”
A knock on the door had startled them both, enough for them to both let out a strangled scream. The door opened before either of them gave the permission and once they realized who it was that entered, they didn’t need a reason as to why.
“Ah, you’re awake.” The Darkling grinned at his wife who narrowed her eyes at him immediately.
“Your voice gives me a headache”, Y/N complains.
Squinting at her, the Darkling wondered if a woman could be so infuriating without wielding some mystic power to make her so.
“I believe you agreed to ride with me.”
“Oh”, Genya smirks, “She’ll ride you –“, covering her mouth, Genya giggles as she sees Y/N’s glare is on her, “I meant, with you.”
“I’ve prepared the horses”, he waited for her to respond, to give him reason to dislike her yet she didn’t.
“I will keep my word”, Y/N stood with her formidable gaze on his. She dared not look at his lips for they brought memories and self-loathing she’d rather avoid. After all, what kind of a woman quivers for her enemies touch?
“Wonderful”, he smirks, “I’ll wait for you to dress.”
Remaining in his spot, his hands at his sides, Kirigan raised his eyebrows as both women stared at him.
“Get out”, Y/N waves him off and he clicks his tongue.
“You may not let me touch you, but I can look.”
Angry, she narrowed her eyes at him, “That didn’t stop you from pinning me to a door.”
Genya’s eyes widen, pressing her lips to stop herself from commenting on their little exchange.
Shrugging, he stepped closer. His eyes raked over her body, the nightgown leaving little to imagination. “You didn’t seem to protest”, he leans in, “Especially since you proved you could easily escape me.”
Swallowing thickly, she exhaled through her nose. She couldn’t argue with that, now could she? If she wished, she could have forced him to unhand her. She could have fought him, but she didn’t. She may have been startled when he kissed her but she barely tried to push him away and still, when she had the option to back away, she was the one leaning in for a kiss when he lifted her onto the table. He played a game with her and she lost that day and now he gets to be smug about it.
“As your husband, I promise to protect you from all others. If anyone harms you, they’ll part with their life. For that alone, I deserve an occasional view.”
Winking, he takes a step back and sends a smile in Genya’s direction before turning on his heel and walking out.
Groaning, Y/N throws her head back, “Sort of. It’s more like he kissed me and I didn’t fight him on it.”
“So, does this mean you like him?” Wiggling her eyebrows, Genya squealed in excitement. “Are you bringing him on this plan of yours?”
Holding out her hand, Y/N shook her head, “No, no and no. I don’t trust him one bit and he isn’t exactly a man who’d go along with it.” Exhaling loudly, Y/N decided, “He must be removed along with the emperor.”
When she walked outside, Y/N breath was caught in her throat. The sight of the general on a horse truly felt like a fabrication. Never had she seen a man as majestic as him, as proud and aggravatingly cocky all at once. With his black kefta and the cape, he rode on a black stallion as if he were a mere extension of his will.
She wasted no more time in mounting her white mare, chasing after the Darkling who seemed to only then notice he’s not alone.
Her horse was not above average size, but she was alert and slender-limbed. Her muscles and good nature allowed Y/N to keep up a fairly good pace, never too far behind the black stallion her husband rode. The stallion was clearly riled up, competitive by nature. Anyone else on its back would be a great danger for the rider, but he clearly trusted Kirigan.
The wind blew her hair back and the cold was rather unforgiving on her skin. Passing him narrowly once they entered the woods, she didn’t look back. Instead, she gripped the reigns tighter and continued to breathe as the cold air made her mouth dry and throat scratchy.
Feeling his gaze on her, she relents, looking back at him.
“Where’s your coat?!” He shouted after her and only then did she realize it must have fallen off. Genya made it pretty for a romantic ride, not quite as practical for a race. But that’s not what truly made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. The hint of worry laced in the words of an angry general is what betrayed him and she couldn’t help but wonder – what if it’s more than just lust for him?
“It was slowing me down”, she couldn’t suppress a victorious smile just as he couldn’t suppress an annoyed grunt. Yet they both slowed down, neither of them speaking as they turned around and headed straight to the palace.
“You’re an avid rider.” The general conceded as he dismounted. Before she could blink, he was beside her, his hands on her hips as he pulled her of the horse and effectively stole her breath away.
The rosy colored cheeks left him defenseless as he stared at her too, a little too intently for it to be innocent. Taking her hands in his, he brought them up to his mouth, blowing at them. She kept her gaze at him, undoubtedly in shock as her cold hands started to tingle with the warmth of his breath.
“I’ll have to leave for a few days”, he speaks before she has a chance. “You’ll have the bed all to yourself.”
“Don’t I have to come? If it concerns my peo –“, she began, but he silenced her.
“It’s got nothing to do with the army. I’m merely doing an errand for the emperor.”
Looking at her hands still in his, she pursed her lips. “Doesn’t he have enough servants to do his bidding?”
A breathless chuckle escapes him, “Why? Will you miss me?”
Rolling her eyes, she snorts, “Why? Do you fancy yourself as someone of importance?”
He looked at her like she's the Sun, angrily squinting at every second she spent in his presence. He never looked at her other than in frustration. At least she thought so. It’s how he looked at her a month ago when they first met on a field stained with Druskelle blood. He stood there, alone and victorious as she stepped over the bodies after arriving on this side of the fold with a Sandskiff.
All of their conversations were arguments – she’d narrow her eyes and he’s squint at her, throwing jabs at each other every chance they get, but this felt different. Something changed after the wedding and she wasn’t entirely sure what.
Achingly aware of their closeness, she couldn’t help but ask. "What is this between us?"
Pausing, he looked at her with wonder. If he could put it to words, it wouldn’t make any sense. His mind could hardly fathom what exactly she meant to him other than being a nuisance, but he didn’t exactly hate her as he believed at first when he admittedly hoped she’d find herself eaten by Volcra while crossing the Shadow fold. What he hated was not having a choice. He hated how arrogant she is and how little respect she has for her superiors. He especially hated her mortality, her species and all the atrocities they’ve committed against him and his kind.
He didn’t love her, that he was sure of. He couldn’t possibly care for her either. Lust, winning this game, feeding his ego by having Zlatan’s daughter at his feet is what he longed for. So no, he didn’t love her, but a part of him feared he might love her in time. For the first time in a very, very long time, the Darkling had a fear and it carried her name.
Perhaps that’s why he reacted the way he did when she asked him if there is something between them.
"Nothing." He grabbed the back of her neck, his lips pressing against hers hard.
He was right, she realized. There was nothing between them, nothing between their lips, not even air.
Pulling away, he smirks as she inhales sharply.
"Did you feel a connection?" He looks her in the eye, his lips set in a firm line.
"Yes", she whispers shakily.
His eyes harden as an ache in his chest reminds him of his fear. Someone like him must give up anything he could possibly love for the loss and disappointment are inevitable. She’s mortal, an enemy behind his borders he can never trust. So he will shut his heart out. Love is not an option for the Darkling, he reminds himself. The last time he allowed himself to love was also the day his heart turned to stone. So, he will not love her and she will not love him. He will destroy that possibility, cut any ties that bind them. Lust is the only thing he will let fester.
Leaning in, his lips brush hers softly as he whispers against them, "That's why you're a fool." Stepping back, he heard her gulp. “The connection you feel is lust, that’s all we have and it’s all we will ever have. Accept it.”
“Is that true or are you just afraid?!” Her voice wavers and she instinctively steps toward him, asserting dominance she felt was lost.
“General”, Ivan calls out, just in case Kirigan needed an excuse to leave.
“Afraid?” The Darkling chuckles dryly, averting his gaze to Ivan who waited for him at the entrance. “I’m not afraid of anything”, he remarks as his eyes lock on her lips again, “Certainly not of my wife.”
As he stepped back, the Darkling caught the strangest look in her eyes. It looked like clarity, total and complete sobriety from the ecstasy his presence gave her. She stood proud, despite the self-loathing in her previously warm eyes that slowly turned them back to the ice she held when she first laid her eyes on him.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart​
Part 5  
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j0elmill3r · 4 years
The Tonight Show
Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader
Chris Evans Masterlist
Warnings; Fluff, some swearing, mentions of drugs, mentions of mental illness, Jimmy Fallon and Jaeden Martell make appearances
Word count; 2.3k
A/N; I'm bored of corona so that doesn't exist here, you're also dating Jaeden Martell because he's baby and also this went on to also be a Jaeden x Reader too, oops.
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"And tonight's special guests are Chris Evans and his daughter, Y/N Evans," You stood behind the door and waited for it to lift. You smiled when it did and you heard people cheering and clapping. You walked over to the couch and sat down on it, while your dad sat on the single-seat nearest to the desk. "Hi guys, thank you for coming. Y/N, this is your first time on the show, how do you feel?" Jimmy asked you. You laughed nervously and put your hands on your lap.
"Kinda nervous, and kinda scared, to be completely honest," You said. Both your dad and Jimmy laughed.
"I had to drag her out of bed this morning, she wouldn't budge," Chris said, you turned to him and gave him a fake angry glare. "One of the many joys of having a teenage daughter,"
"Does it take a lot of effort?" Jimmy asked. Chris chuckled and nodded.
"Oh yeah, it's tough. Y/N could easily sleep through a nuclear war," Chris continued.
"I am here, you know," You reminded him. "And you aren't any better, dear father," You scolded him. Chris raised his eyebrows and nodded.
"Since you two are clearly eager to embarrass each other in some way, we're gonna play a little game. Chris, you've played this before with your brother, Scott," Jimmy said. Chris began to laugh, which made you nervous. "I don't really have a name for it, but this game is incredibly easy, Y/N," You nodded.
"By the way, he reacted I'm gonna guess that it was 'Know Your Bro' and that I'm going to be exposed," Chris nodded and turned to you. Jimmy handed you a phone and a pair of noise-cancelling headphones on. "This should be fun," You said loudly.
"Okay, Chris. When Y/N was younger, what was the most typical thing a kid would do you gave her into trouble for?" He asked. Chris thought for a moment before sighing.
"The first thing that comes to mind was when she about 4 or 5 and she got into the paint in her room, that I had purposely put on top of her wardrobe so she couldn't reach it," Chris said. Jimmy laughed and looked over at you. You looked around, seeing people's reactions. "And so I went to check on her because she was being suspiciously quiet and I go into her room and find her covered in yellow, green and red paint. It took me a good few days to get the red out of her hair," He explained.
"Alright, Y/N," Jimmy waved to get your attention and laughed at the clueless look on your face.
"I'm scared," You admitted. Chris laughed.
"Okay, we asked your dad what was the most typical thing you did that your dad gave you into trouble for?" He asked. You looked to your dad, who avoided your eyes because you had a way of using your eyes to get him to tell you things. "Don't look at each other,"
"Alright um...I'm gonna take a wild guess that it's the time I took the paints and covered myself in them?" You said. Everyone burst out laughing and nodded, making you laugh. "I haven't done many things wrong, I'm an absolute angel!" You laughed.
"That is a lie if I've ever heard one," Chris murmured. "Alright, my turn," You handed your dad the phone and the headphones and then turned to Jimmy.
"Okay, Y/N, what is the most embarrassing thing you've ever caught your dad doing?" Jimmy asked you. Thoughts ran through your head until you got the one.
"Well, there's been a lot. But I think the most embarrassing has to be the time I caught him singing Avril Lavigne while he was cleaning the kitchen. And this was like 3 weeks ago when I came downstairs to get me and my boyfriend something to drink, and he was just there singing about skater boys, it was something I don't wanna see again, and I think if Dodger could speak he would say the same," The crowd burst into laughter and you grinned. You nudged your dad, who was clearly having the vibe of his life to whatever was playing from the headphones, with your elbow, telling him to take the headphones off.
"Chris, we asked Y/N what the most embarrassing thing she has ever caught you doing, what do you think she said?" Jimmy asked your dad. Chris was thinking for a moment before he sighed.
"Is it when I woke you up with blaring spice girls from by bedroom unironically?" You burst out laughing, along with everyone else in the studio. Tears of laughter formed in your eyes as you shook your head while bent over in half. "Oh no!" Chris cried. You sat back up and looked over at him apologetically.
"Do you remember the time Jaeden was over and I came down for a drink, you didn't see me, but you had your AirPods in and you were singing Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne very loudly," You told him.
"And you didn't tell me?" He asked you. You laughed and shook your head. "That is the ultimate betrayal, Y/N, honestly,"
"In that case Chris, you'll be glad to hear you get to finish off this game by exposing your daughter!" Jimmy cheered. Your jaw dropped and you smiled, shaking your head.
"I'll get you back for this," You pointed to Jimmy jokingly and put the headphones on, pressing play on the phone.
"Last question, so Chris, what is something Y/N did but has never told you she did, but you know because she's not a very good liar?" Jimmy asked. Chris chuckled and then looked at you, seeing you were looking down at the pattern on your dress.
"The thing that comes to mind is when she snuck her boyfriend in the window and thinks I didn't see him climbing up to her window, and neither of them is able to talk very quietly, and this is coming from the king of sneaking girls into his room," Chris said. "I hope this is what she's thinking, otherwise this could end up like an episode of Dr. Phil," Your dad turned to you and slid the headphones off of your head.
"Y/N, we asked your dad, what is one thing you have done and never told your dad about?" You froze and put your bottom lip out, laughing nervously again.
"Um...Can I pass questions or?" Your dad looked at you and you couldn't help but smile. "Okay um, I'm trying to think of something that won't get me into a lot of trouble," You said quietly.
"Are-are you implying there's more than one?" Jimmy fake fell from his seat and then got back up, his jaw practically on the floor.
"Maybe, but anyway," The audience laughed and Chris looked around, confusion clear on his face. "The only thing I can think of at this very moment is when I snuck Jaeden up into my room," You crossed your fingers hoping it was right, and you took the sigh of relief from your dad as a yes.
"Okay, alright. So, can we just talk about how amazing actors both of you are? Chris, your new Apple TV series is fantastic," Jimmy said. Chris smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Y/N would say so because she got a boyfriend outta it," He said.
"I thought that the game was over," You murmured. "But yeah, I watched it with one of my friends from school and the ending had me sobbing," You admitted.
"If we're talking about making people cry, can we talk about Y/N in 'One Of Us'? For anyone who has been living under a rock and not seen it, here is the trailer for Y/N's latest movie," They showed the trailer, making you blush, mainly because you hate seeing yourself on screen. "Now, Y/N, you said that on a press tour, getting into the mindset of your Elliot was one of the hardest things you ever had to do,"
"Yeah, I mean, it's a pretty hard-hitting movie for a lot of people, it deals with addiction and mental illnesses, and so it was a lot of sitting down and talking to people who had gone through similar things," You said. Jimmy nodded and Chris took your hand.
"Now, your character's dad, Dean, is played by Ewan Mcgregor, right?" You laughed and nodded. "Did you know Ewan before your roll?"
"Not personally, like most people I had seen him in Star Wars and when I got told that he was being cast I think I went into tears in the living room,"
"I can confirm that. I ran in from the kitchen because I thought she hurt herself but no, she was crying because she was gonna meet Obi-Wan Kenobi," Everyone laughed. "But, I mean yeah, I saw One Of Us when the whole family went and there's this one scene where Dean is trying to get Elliot off of drugs and he locks her in her room, she screams and cries for him to let her out because she's scared and doesn't want to be alone, it was that scene that got me," Chris explained. Jimmy nodded and hummed.
"Was that a hard scene to film, Y/N?" He asked you.
"Yeah, it really was. I think because it's a really big point in the movie and you learn a lot about the characters at that scene you really do have to...I don't know, like give it 110%,"
"Moving on from that, quickly, Chris I have to ask, how did it feel finding out that your fake son is dating your real daughter?" Jimmy inquired.
"Well, it a little more since they hid from me for about 6 months," You smiled and batted your eyelashes innocently. "But I was okay with it. Jaeden's a good kid, I worked with on Knives Out and I could trust him not to hurt my kid. But Y/N's being little miss angry because she hasn't seen him for a few weeks," Chris said that last part hoping you would pick up on what he was suggesting, but as per usual, you didn't.
"Well, Y/N, we'd hate to keep him waiting any longer. Ladies and gentlemen, Jaeden Martell!" Jaeden peaked his head out from behind the curtain and smiled at you, making your jaw drop. You had never run quicker in your life.
"Oh my God!" You squealed as you ran to him and put your arms around him. "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked him, looking up at him. Jaeden chuckled.
"And miss that incredible look on your face? I would never," He tilted his head down, getting his now blonde hair in yours and his eyes and pecking you on the nose.
"Hey! PDA, you two," Your dad pointed out.
"Big Evans, little Evans and Jaeden, it has been lovely to see you all, but that is all we have time for tonight!"
You sat in the back of the car going back to the hotel, Jaeden sat beside you. Your dad looked in the rearview mirror and chuckled.
"If I see anything more than holding hands back there," He murmured not so quietly. You looked to Jaeden, who looked at you as if he knew what you were about to ask your dad. You let out a sigh.
"Hey, dad?" He hummed. "When we get back to the hotel...can I stay in Jae's room?" You asked. You avoided looking at any mirrors.
"Alright," He said. Your eyes shot open in shock, you weren't expecting him to say yes. You didn't question it though, so, when your dad pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, you didn't waste any time in dragging your boyfriend out of the car. You grabbed your backpack from your dad's room and brought it to Jaedens, dumping out your laptop.
"That sounded kinda expensive," Jaeden said in concern.
"Let's hope it only sounded expensive because if it is I spent about 50 dollars on movies I can't even watch," You said. You had both changed into pyjamas, yours was one of Jaedens hoodies, of course.
"What did you buy? Because if you didn't get Birds Of Prey I'll be deeply upset," He said.
"You are such a fucking traitor," You said. You both sat with your feet at the headboard. "I cannot believe you. I hate you," Jaeden laughed as you tried to move away from him, but he put his arm around you and held you in place.
"You're cute when you're mad, Y/N," He told you. You faced him with an attempt at an angry face.
"Am not,"
"Are too,"
"Am too!" You argued. Jaeden smiled and flipped you around so he sat on top of you but didn't put his full weight on you.
"Do you wanna smile or am I going to have to tickle it outta you?" He asked you, getting in your face. You flashed him a fake smile, making him roll his eyes. "Fine, I did warn you," He said. He started tickling your sides, making you squirm under him and laugh uncontrollably.
"Jae! St-stop it!" You laughed.
"Do you hate me?" He asked you. You shook your head.
"I love you!" You blurted out. He stopped and looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"You-you do?" He asked. You were scared you had done something wrong, but you nodded because it was true. "I love you, so, so much, Y/N Evans," You smiled and sighed in relief.  "So...Did you get-"
"Don't ruin the moment,"
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
To the stars and back | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male!Reader
Summary: Long distance relationships are hard. They’re even harder when the distance involves space.
Warnings: Smut (18+), All characters depicted are above the age of 18.
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Space. The final frontier. It’s where everyone wanted to go, to explore, to grow. 
And it was insanely boring.
When you started exploring space, you were extremely excited about it. You imagined it would be like star wars or star trek.
Turns out it really was like that, but that includes the bad side of it. There was lots of war and death, but that was to be expected with how large the universe was.
You started out flying out with Carol as she taught you the ropes of space and the universe. She was a great teacher but eventually it was time for you to go your separate ways.
You realized that Earth was still your home and frankly...you left your heart there.
More specifically you left your heart with a boy that dresses up in a spider suit.
You were currently floating above Mars, looking down on the harsh ruined surface of the planet below when you felt your phone vibrate in your suit pocket.
Thank god Tony and Carol worked together to build long range communication. Otherwise you’d be spending months without any contact with Peter.
Taking the phone out of your zipper pocket you open it to find that Peter had sent you a text.
“Missing my boyfriend.”
Then underneath it was a picture of Peter on his bed with headphones in.
You couldn’t help but smile at his photo. You missed him too.
Lifting your own phone, you took a photo of the view in front of you. The sun illuminates the horizon of Mars.
You quickly sent the photo back to him.
“Missing my boyfriend too. He makes me feel out of this world.”
You lowered your phone and once again watched the scene below you. 
You were going back to earth and couldn’t wait to see pet-
*Vvvrrr* *Vvvvrrr*
Once again you lift your phone up to see another text from Peter.
Opening the text up your eyes widen.
There was another photo of Peter. He was standing in his bathroom and took a photo of him in the mirror. He was looking away from the mirror and the mirror gave a great view of his backside. His naked ass showing.
“Get home soon ;)” 
Change of plans, it was time to get back. Now.
Returning your phone to your pocket. You zipped up the pocket.
“Sorry Mars. We’ll have to find your secrets later. I have something else to do.”
Without wasting another second, you turned and blasted towards earth.
You couldn’t get the image of the photo out of your head. It wasn’t the first time you saw Peter naked, but everytime it was like seeing it for the first time.
Reaching Earth you could see that New York was already dark. 
“Good. Maybe he’ll actually be home.”
Flying down to Peter and May’s apartment, he was pleased to see Peter’s bedroom light on. It meant he was actually home.
Peaking through the window, you could see that Peter wasn’t in his room. Opening the window, you climbed inside.
You sat on Peter’s bed and waited for him to return. Looking around you took in all of the posters and decorations pinned around the room. 
He was such a geek, but it’s what you loved the most about him.
You heard footsteps approaching the room and the door opened. 
“Night May.”
Peter was only wearing a towel and his hair was wet. He must have just got out of the shower.
You crossed your legs and leaned back seductively on his bead.
Once he closed his door and turned around. His eyes bugged out when he saw you.
“(Y-Y/N), What are you doing here? I thought you were in space?”
“I was...and then you invited me over with you photo.”
You stood and walked over to him. You pulled him into a kiss.
While you were kissing, you both felt his towel fall. Causing Peter to Blush.
“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before. Now what to you say about getting me out of this suit?”
You didn’t have to wait long before he was basically wrestling your clothes off.
“Looks like someones eager.”
“Shut up. You’ve been gone in space for a month. The only thing to keep me company were your photos. Let me enjoy the real thing.”
You smirked as you felt his cock stiffen against your own.
He was about to push you onto the bed but before he could you stopped him.
“Wait. Door, lock it.”
“O-Oh yeah. I should probably do that.”
He nodded and quickly moved to lock the door before returning to you.
“Are you rea-”
Like you had to even ask.
Peter pulled you into another kiss before he pushed you both onto his bed.
The two of you continued to kiss passionately while Peter began to grind onto you.
“P-Peter. I love you but I swear if you don’t stop teasing me, I will turn you over and take control.”
“Now who’s eager?”
He let out a laugh, before pushing off of you.
“You ready?”
He lined himself up to your hole.
“Shut up and fuck me Parker.”
He chuckled a bit.
Then you felt as his head slowly entered you.
You let out a moan as the rest of his length entered you.
“Oh god.”
“You feel so tight babe. You ready?”
You only nodded, desperately ready for him to continue.
He bit his lip as he thrusted into you, each push getting deeper into you.
“Oh! Oh fuck!”
Peter was quick to put his hand over your mouth. He shushed you.
“We have to be quiet.”
You nodded against his hand. You forgot you weren’t alone in the apartment.
Peter went back to what he was doing and the two of you had an intense night of love making.
When you both finished, you cuddled up with each other on his bed.
You faced each other.
“I missed you so much. Space is lonely without you.”
He smiled and curled closer.
“I missed you too. I have all May,Ned, and Mj but you are who I want to be by my side.”
He moved his hand up and down your arm.
“How long are you staying?”
“How long do you want me to stay?”
“Does forever sound good?”
“I think it sounds perfect.”
Peter curled his head into your chest. 
He fell asleep listening to his boyfriend's heartbeat and you soon followed.
Maybe you should talk about staying on Earth. There was no way you could be separated from Peter that long anymore.
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dornish-queen · 4 years
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Pedro Pascal on Fame and ‘The Mandalorian’: ‘Can We Cut the S— and Talk About the Child?’
By Adam B. Vary
Photographs by Beau Grealy
When Pedro Pascal was roughly 4 years old, he and his family went to see the 1978 hit movie “Superman,” starring Christopher Reeve. Pascal’s young parents had come to live in San Antonio after fleeing their native Chile during the rise of dictator Augusto Pinochet in the mid-1970s. Taking Pascal and his older sister to the movies — sometimes more than once a week — had become a kind of family ritual, a way to soak up as much American pop culture as possible.
At some point during this particular visit, Pascal needed to go to the bathroom, and his parents let him go by himself. “I didn’t really know how to read yet,” Pascal says with the same Cheshire grin that dazzled “Game of Thrones” fans during his run as the wily (and doomed) Oberyn Martel. “I did not find my way back to ‘Superman.'”
Instead, Pascal wandered into a different theater (he thinks it was showing the 1979 domestic drama “Kramer vs. Kramer,” but, again, he was 4). In his shock and bewilderment at being lost, he curled up into an open seat and fell asleep. When he woke up, the movie was over, the theater was empty, and his parents were standing over him. To his surprise, they seemed rather calm, but another detail sticks out even more.
“I know that they finished their movie,” he says, bending over in laughter. “My sister was trying to get a rise out of me by telling me, ‘This happened and that happened and then Superman did this and then, you know, the earthquake and spinning around the planet.'” In the face of such relentless sibling mockery, Pascal did the only logical thing: “I said, ‘All that happened in my movie too.'”
He had no way of knowing it at the time, of course, but some 40 years later, Pascal would in fact get the chance to star in a movie alongside a DC Comics superhero — not to mention battle Stormtroopers and, er, face off against the most formidable warrior in Westeros. After his breakout on “Game of Thrones,” he became an instant get-me-that-guy sensation, mostly as headstrong, taciturn men of action — from chasing drug traffickers in Colombia for three seasons on Netflix’s “Narcos” to squaring off against Denzel Washington in “The Equalizer 2.”
This year, though, Pascal finds himself poised for the kind of marquee career he’s spent a lifetime dreaming about. On Oct. 30, he’ll return for Season 2 as the title star of “The Mandalorian,” Lucasfilm’s light-speed hit “Star Wars” series for Disney Plus that earned 15 Emmy nominations, including best drama, in its first season. And then on Dec. 25 — COVID-19 depending — he’ll play the slippery comic book villain Maxwell Lord opposite Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig in “Wonder Woman 1984.”
The roles are at once wildly divergent and the best showcase yet for Pascal’s elastic talents. In “The Mandalorian,” he must hide his face — and, in some episodes, his whole body — in a performance that pushes minimalism and restraint to an almost ascetic ideal. In “Wonder Woman 1984,” by stark contrast, he is delivering the kind of big, broad bad-guy character that populated the 1980s popcorn spectaculars of his youth.
“I continually am so surprised when everybody pegs him as such a serious guy,” says “Wonder Woman 1984” director Patty Jenkins. “I have to say, Pedro is one of the most appealing people I have known. He instantly becomes someone that everybody invites over and you want to have around and you want to talk to.”
Talk with Pascal for just five minutes — even when he’s stuck in his car because he ran out of time running errands before his flight to make it to the set of a Nicolas Cage movie in Budapest — and you get an immediate sense of what Jenkins is talking about. Before our interview really starts, Pascal points out, via Zoom, that my dog is licking his nether regions in the background. “Don’t stop him!” he says with an almost naughty reproach. “Let him live his life!”
Over our three such conversations, it’s also clear that Pascal’s great good humor and charm have been at once ballast for a number of striking hardships, and a bulwark that makes his hard-won success a challenge for him to fully accept.
Before Pascal knew anything about “The Mandalorian,” its showrunner and executive producer Jon Favreau knew he wanted Pascal to star in it.
“He feels very much like a classic movie star in his charm and his delivery,” says Favreau. “And he’s somebody who takes his craft very seriously.” Favreau felt Pascal had the presence and skill essential to deliver a character — named Din Djarin, but mostly called Mando — who spends virtually every second of his time on screen wearing a helmet, part of the sacrosanct creed of the Mandalorian order.
Convincing any actor to hide their face for the run of a series can be as precarious as escaping a Sarlacc pit. To win Pascal over in their initial meeting, Favreau brought him behind the “Mandalorian” curtain, into a conference room papered with storyboards covering the arc of the first season. “When he walked in, it must have felt a little surreal,” Favreau says. “You know, most of your experiences as an actor, people are kicking the tires to see if it’s a good fit. But in this case, everything was locked and loaded.”
Needless to say, it worked. “I hope this doesn’t sound like me fashioning myself like I’m, you know, so smart, but I agreed to do this [show] because the impression I had when I had my first meeting was that this is the next big s—,” Pascal says with a laugh.
Favreau’s determination to cast Pascal, however, put the actor in a tricky situation: Pascal’s own commitments to make “Wonder Woman 1984” in London and to perform in a Broadway run of “King Lear” with Glenda Jackson barreled right into the production schedule for “The Mandalorian.” Some scenes on the show, and in at least one case a full episode, would need to lean on the anonymity of the title character more than anyone had quite planned, with two stunt performers — Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder — playing Mando on set and Pascal dubbing in the dialogue months later.
Pascal was already being asked to smother one of his best tools as an actor, extraordinarily uncommon for anyone shouldering the newest iteration of a global live-action franchise. (Imagine Robert Downey Jr. only playing Iron Man while wearing a mask — you can’t!) Now he had to hand over control of Mando’s body to other performers too. Some actors would have walked away. Pascal didn’t.
“If there were more than just a couple of pages of a one-on-one scene, I did feel uneasy about not, in some instances, being able to totally author that,” he says. “But it was so easy in such a sort of practical and unexciting way for it to be up to them. When you’re dealing with a franchise as large as this, you are such a passenger to however they’re going to carve it out. It’s just so specific. It’s ‘Star Wars.'” (For Season 2, Pascal says he was on the set far more, though he still sat out many of Mando’s stunts.)
“The Mandalorian” was indeed the next big s—, helping to catapult the launch of Disney Plus to 26.5 million subscribers in its first six weeks. With the “Star Wars” movies frozen in carbonite until 2023 (at least), I noted offhand that he’s now effectively the face of one of the biggest pop-culture franchises in the world. Pascal could barely suppress rolling his eyes.
“I mean, come on, there isn’t a face!” he says with a laugh that feels maybe a little forced. “If you want to say, ‘You’re the silhouette’ — which is also a team effort — then, yeah.” He pauses. “Can we just cut the s— and talk about the Child?”
Yes, of course, the Child — or, as the rest of the galaxy calls it, Baby Yoda. Pascal first saw the incandescently cute creature during his download of “Mandalorian” storyboards in that initial meeting with Favreau. “Literally, my eyes following left to right, up and down, and, boom, Baby Yoda close to the end of the first episode,” he says. “That was when I was like, ‘Oh, yep, that’s a winner!'”
Baby Yoda is undeniably the breakout star of “The Mandalorian,” inspiring infinite memes and apocryphal basketball game sightings. But the show wouldn’t work if audiences weren’t invested in Mando’s evolving emotional connection to the wee scene stealer, something Favreau says Pascal understood from the jump. “He’s tracking the arc of that relationship,” says the showrunner. “His insight has made us rethink moments over the course of the show.” (As with all things “Star Wars,” questions about specifics are deflected in deference to the all-powerful Galactic Order of Spoilers.)
Even if Pascal couldn’t always be inside Mando’s body, he never left the character’s head, always aware of how this orphaned bounty hunter who caroms from planet to planet would look askance at anything that felt too good (or too adorable) to be true.
“The transience is something that I’m incredibly familiar with, you know?” Pascal says. “Understanding the opportunity for complexity under all of the armor was not hard for me.”
When Pascal was 4 months old, his parents had to leave him and his sister with their aunt, so they could go into hiding to avoid capture during Pinochet’s crackdown against his opposition. After six months, they finally managed to climb the walls of the Venezuelan embassy during a shift change and claim asylum; from there, the family relocated, first to Denmark, then to San Antonio, where Pascal’s father got a job as a physician.
Pascal was too young to remember any of this, and for a healthy stretch of his childhood, his complicated Chilean heritage sat in parallel to his life in the U.S. — separate tracks, equally important, never quite intersecting. By the time Pascal was 8, his family was able to take regular trips back to Chile to visit with his 34 first cousins. But he doesn’t remember really talking about any of his time there all that much with his American friends.
“I remember at one point not even realizing that my parents had accents until a friend was like, ‘Why does your mom talk like that?'” Pascal says. “And I remember thinking, like what?”
Besides, he loved his life in San Antonio. His father took him and his sister to Spurs basketball games during the week if their homework was done. He hoodwinked his mother into letting him see “Poltergeist” at the local multiplex. He watched just about anything on cable; the HBO special of Whoopi Goldberg’s one-woman Broadway show knocked him flat. He remembers seeing Henry Thomas in “E.T.” and Christian Bale in “Empire of the Sun” and wishing ardently, urgently, I want to live those stories too.
Then his father got a job in Orange County, Calif. After Pascal finished the fifth grade, they moved there. It was a shock. “There were two really, really rough years,” he says. “A lot of bullying.”
His mother found him a nascent performing arts high school in the area, and Pascal burrowed even further into his obsessions, devouring any play or movie he could get his hands on. His senior year, a friend of his mother’s gave Pascal her ticket to a long two-part play running in downtown Los Angeles that her bad back couldn’t withstand. He got out of school early to drive there by himself. It was the pre-Broadway run of “Angels in America.”
“And it changed me,” he says with almost religious awe. “It changed me.”
After studying acting at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, Pascal booked a succession of solid gigs, like MTV’s “Undressed” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” But the sudden death of his mother — who’d only just been permitted to move back to Chile a few years earlier — took the wind right from Pascal’s sails. He lost his agent, and his career stalled almost completely.
As a tribute to her, he decided to change his professional last name from Balmaceda, his father’s, to Pascal, his mother’s. “And also, because Americans had such a hard time pronouncing Balmaceda,” he says. “It was exhausting.”
Pascal even tried swapping out Pedro for Alexander (an homage to Ingmar Bergman’s “Fanny and Alexander,” one of the formative films of his youth). “I was willing to do absolutely anything to work more,” he says. “And that meant if people felt confused by who they were looking at in the casting room because his first name was Pedro, then I’ll change that. It didn’t work.”
It was a desperately lean time for Pascal. He booked an occasional “Law & Order” episode, but mostly he was pounding the pavement along with his other New York theater friends — like Oscar Isaac, who met Pascal doing an Off Broadway play. They became fast, lifelong friends, bonding over their shared passions and frustrations as actors.
“It’s gotten better, but at that point, it was so easy to be pigeonholed in very specific roles because we’re Latinos,” says Isaac. “It’s like, how many gang member roles am I going to be sent?” As with so many actors, the dream Pascal and Isaac shared to live the stories of their childhoods had been stripped down to its most basic utility. “The dream was to be able to pay rent,” says Isaac. “There wasn’t a strategy. We were just struggling. It was talking about how to do this thing that we both love but seems kind of insurmountable.”
As with so few actors, that dream was finally rekindled through sheer nerve and the luck of who you know, when another lifelong friend, actor Sarah Paulson, agreed to pass along Pascal’s audition for Oberyn Martell to her best friend Amanda Peet, who is married to “Game of Thrones” co-showrunner David Benioff.
“First of all, it was an iPhone selfie audition, which was unusual,” Benioff remembers over email. “And this wasn’t one of the new-fangled iPhones with the fancy cameras. It looked like s—; it was shot vertical; the whole thing was very amateurish. Except for the performance, which was intense and believable and just right.”
Before Pascal knew it, he found himself in Belfast, sitting inside the Great Hall of the Red Keep as one of the judges at Tyrion Lannister’s trial for the murder of King Joffrey. “I was between Charles Dance and Lena Headey, with a view of the entire f—ing set,” Pascal says, his eyes wide and astonished still at the memory. “I couldn’t believe I didn’t have an uncomfortable costume on. You know, I got to sit — and with this view.” He sighs. “It strangely aligned itself with the kind of thinking I was developing as a child that, at that point, I was convinced was not happening.”
And then it all started to happen.
In early 2018, while Pascal was in Hawaii preparing to make the Netflix thriller “Triple Frontier” — opposite his old friend Isaac — he got a call from the film’s producer Charles Roven, who told him Patty Jenkins wanted to meet with him in London to discuss a role in another film Roven was producing, “Wonder Woman 1984.”
“It was a f—ing offer,” Pascal says in an incredulous whisper. “I wasn’t really grasping that Patty wanted to talk to me about a part that I was going to play, not a part that I needed to get. I wasn’t able to totally accept that.”
Pascal had actually shot a TV pilot with Jenkins that wasn’t picked up, made right before his life-changing run on “Game of Thrones” aired. “I got to work with Patty for three days or something and then thought I’d never see her again,” he says. “I didn’t even know she remembered me from that.”
She did. “I worked with him, so I knew him,” she says. “I didn’t need him to prove anything for me. I just loved the idea of him, and I thought he would be kind of unexpected, because he doesn’t scream ‘villain.'”
In Jenkins’ vision, Max Lord — a longstanding DC Comics rogue who shares a particularly tangled history with Wonder Woman — is a slick, self-styled tycoon with a knack for manipulation and an undercurrent of genuine pathos. It was the kind of larger-than-life character Pascal had never been asked to tackle before, so he did something equally unorthodox: He transformed his script into a kind of pop-art scrapbook, filled with blown-up photocopies of Max Lord from the comic books that Pascal then manipulated through his lens on the character.
Even the few pages Pascal flashes to me over Zoom are quite revealing. One, featuring Max sporting a power suit and a smarmy grin, has several burned-out holes, including through the character’s eye. Another page features Max surrounded by text bubbles into which Pascal has written, over and over and over again in itty-bitty lettering, “You are a f—ing piece of s—.”
“I felt like I had wake myself up again in a big way,” he says. “This was just a practical way of, like, instead of going home tired and putting Netflix on, [I would] actually deal with this physical thing, doodle and think about it and run it.”
Jenkins is so bullish on Pascal’s performance that she thinks it could explode his career in the same way her 2003 film “Monster” forever changed how the industry saw Charlize Theron. “I would never cast him as just the stoic, quiet guy,” Jenkins says. “I almost think he’s unrecognizable from ‘Narcos’ to ‘Wonder Woman.’ Wouldn’t even know that was the same guy. But I think that may change.”
When people can see “Wonder Woman 1984” remains caught in the chaos the pandemic has wreaked on the industry; both Pascal and Jenkins are hopeful the Dec. 25 release date will stick, but neither is terribly sure it will. Perhaps it’s because of that uncertainty, perhaps it’s because he’s spent his life on the outside of a dream he’s now suddenly living, but Pascal does not share Jenkins’ optimism that his experience making “Wonder Woman 1984” will open doors to more opportunities like it.
“It will never happen again,” Pascal says, once more in that incredulous whisper. “It felt so special.”
After all he’s done in a few short years, why wouldn’t Pascal think more roles like this are on his horizon?
“I don’t know!” he finally says with a playful — and pointed — howl. “I’m protecting myself psychologically! It’s just all too good to be true! How dare I!”
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 13! @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz
Leonardo kept his promise. The jet lag from his normal, nocturnal lifestyle proved to be an advantage to the plan he had Usagi had set out. In the night, when Usagi and Nuriyuki would rest, Leonardo was awake and rested enough to pull them along through the dark. Come morning, Usagi was an early riser and he would take over while Leonardo slept through the warmth of day. Together, they were making exceptional progress. After three days into nonstop walking over the harsh, frozen ground, Leonardo wasn’t sure how much more of it he could take. The snow and the rough terrain had burned calluses into his feet and hands, and staying awake through the cold was proving more difficult with each passing night. But moving would be warmer than staying still, he figured, and he had no intention of breaking his promise to Usagi or being late to meeting his brothers.
He was desperate to rest. Not desperate enough to stop, but enough to slow. Enough to cry, but only when he was sure Usagi wasn’t listening. He barely let himself cry, not in front of anyone that wasn't family— barely even in front of them! The fun guy shouldn’t be seen crying or be seen giving up because he wasn’t giving up! He was just tired and sore and burning, too much so to even entertain himself with his usual commentary. This was the type of stuff that builds character, right? He wondered bitterly when that would start to take hold.
His mouth was dry. He stuck out his tongue to catch falling snow on it, hoping that could quench his thirst, but it was too little too slow. He knew it wouldn’t cost him much time to simply stop and get a bottle of water out of the cart, but he knew that if he stopped he wouldn’t be able to start again. He knew his muscles would give out on him, and he knew he’d end up falling asleep if he rested for more than a few seconds. He didn't know why they needed to take the cart with them in the first place when it was so damn heavy—
Leonardo stopped the cart. He cursed himself the minute he realized he had, but it was too late. His aching muscles were already screaming their praise and encouragement at him to just lay down and sleep. His eyelids became heavy like cinder blocks trying to weigh him down. Then he heard the sound again that had stopped him in the first place and the conscious and animal sides of his brain were both at war; the conscious side won, and he started to look around.
This night was darker than the night he was used to back home, but he had the advantage of a lit lantern on each side of the harness to light the path and guide him like some twisted version of Rudolph and Santa’s sleigh. Beyond the circle of light that offered him shelter, the trees were dark and ominous, and the sky a beautiful shade of dark purple with a few twinkling stars poking through the clouds. If Leonardo had ears, they would have been pricked at attention. There was only one thing that noise could be: footsteps.
From the corner of his peripherals, Leonardo could see Usagi sit straight up in the cart like Dracula out of his coffin, his eyes searching around the darkness for any sign of movement. Once he was sure there was no immediate danger, he hopped out of the cart and went to Leonardo’s side, providing him with his Odachi.
“Stay here with Nuriyuki.”
“What?” Leonardo gawked, “Come on! I can help!”
“I’m sure you can.” Usagi whispered back to him, his ears and eyes still on a constant swivel. “But I need you to stay here with Nuriyuki. You know what is at stake. They’re after him, not me.”
“But—” Leonardo tried with a soft whimper in his voice.
“I’ll be back. Just please, keep him safe.” For the first time, Usagi forsook his eyes! wandering search to let them settle on Leonardo. There was nothing but genuine trust in the rabbit samurai’s eyes, watering but not quite crying. “Please.”
Leonardo found himself unable to reject the eyes that held so much emotion in them, and his response came with an awkward bow that he hadn’t quite mastered the art of yet. He never had to do such a thing for most of his life, and the only reason he knew so much about it was from the Lou Jitsu movies! Usagi’s lips curled into a smile before he ran off into the darkness, and into a fight that Leonardo could hear but not see.
Nuriyuki still hadn’t woke and Leonardo was glad for it. He climbed back into the cart, the exhaustion leaking out of him and leaving him tense and unsure. He hated feeling this way. He didn't belong on the sidelines, listening to the yells and shouts of strain and pain as Usagi fought who knew how many in the surrounding darkness. But Leonardo sat there and held Nuriyuki for as long as it took for Usagi to send the offenders fleeing.
The next night it was the same. The noise, Usagi waking. Leonardo being left with Nuriyuki, hugging him through the fight and hoping he wouldn’t wake. Nuriyuki gave a soft grunt at the strange texture of Leonardo’s thick skin and the residual cold from the turtle walking in the snow, but he eventually snuggled up to the mutant for the comfort of his presence.
The next night and the next were the same. Leonardo was growing angry and frustrated, Every time Usagi came back from the fight, he was covered in scratches or missing fur or bruises. Once he had even come back with a claw broken down to the nail bed, bleeding profusely into the snow until Leonardo figured out a way to clean and bandage it. Leonardo was always glad to play medic, even if he wanted to be out there protecting Usagi from the new ninja that stalked them every night. Night four was different.
The fight went on for longer than usual, and this time Nuriyuki woke up. The sounds of cries and shouts and flesh striking against flesh. Metal against flesh. He whimpered and clung tighter to Leonardo’s shell, his short arms not quite able to reach around the length of the plastron, but it was enough for comfort. Leonardo wrapped his arms around Nuriyuki, squishing him in a comforting embrace. Silence reigned for the longest time. Then came a rustle of bushes getting closer and closer to them.
“Usagi?” Leonardo called out to the forest, to no reply. Still hugging the badger cub, Leonardo clambered out of the cart and into the grass. He tried to see past the shadows of the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of the familiar, floppy eared samurai.
“Lenado, I’m scared…” Nuriyuki whimpered; he still hadn’t quite gotten the hang of Leonardo’s name.
“It’s okay…” Leonardo caught the glimpse of a figure just before it ducked down out of sight. It was close; too close for his comfort. Definitely not Usagi. “Okay… okay. Hang on.”
Leonardo felt he had no choice but to run, and the moment he started sprinting, Nuriyuki in his arms and the cart forgotten, the bushes exploded with life. Life that was a threat and gaining on them fast. Leonardo crushed Nuriyuki tighter to his chest, squinting his eyes against the stinging buffer of wind. He was the fastest of his brothers— surely the fastest in New York, even when compared with the other mutants! But he was nothing compared to this.
Already he could see the silhouettes at both sides of him. Leonardo’s heart skipped several beats when he witnessed the kappa running after him; like some weird hybrid between a turtle and a duck, the dark green skin and the shell entirely terrapin, despite the ducks Bill on their faces.
Leonardo stopped with such a suddenness that he fell flat on his back, still holding Nuriyuki tightly and absorbing most of the impact so the only thing the badger got was a sudden jolt. Still, that was enough to make him start crying. Leonardo grabbed his odachi, forcing Nuriyuki behind him as he held the blade out to the enemies that had made their way in front of him. Each of them wore a long bonnet over their heads, covering their water dishes to prevent leakage; at least, that was Leonardo’s fleeting theory.
“You don’t wanna do this.” Leonardo said with a smile. “My sword? Waaaaay bigger than yours!”
The creatures exchanged curious looks, their breaks crinkling in laughter at the smaller turtle's decree.
They started to advance. Leonardo really didn't feel up to fighting. He was holding his odachi so tightly that the sores on his hand burst open again and started to bleed, but the pain was hardly felt. His focus was entirely on the enemy, eyes searching for advantages even at the distance. One was favoring their right leg, but only slightly; enough to cause a limp, with no clear wound or distress. An old childhood injury maybe. Another seemed skinny, muscles there but not as defined as one would expect for an experienced soldier, and with eyes wide and bright. A rookie. The third one was harder to read, but Leonardo didn't need to. He gave his odachi a twist and ran into battle.
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Daughter of War
Part 2
Summary: It’s been month since she’s been kidnapped. Everyone think she’s gone, everyone moved on. She lost hope of being rescued. Until she’s put in the closet of a certain boat. And a certain assassin happens to be there too.
Requested by anon:  Can you do a Mitch Rapp x reader where she is hurleys daughter and she went missing a while back because ghost kidnapped her so when he’s fighting Mitch on the boat she’s in a closet on the boat and mitch takes her with him and she reunites with her dad
Characters: Stan Hurley, Mitch Rapp, Ghost, Reader
Word Count: 2331
A/n: So I finally found the courage to post this fic! (Cause like aways I think it sucks) Yes, it was about time! So this isn’t proofreaded, as always, sorry for any mistakes, and thank you, anon who requested this, and I hope you like it! Feedback are always appreciated!
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She was the daughter of a veteran.
It was how everyone remembered her. In the past. No name, no identity of her own. She was just the daughter of a veteran who was no longer there. For months, her disappearance had remained without news. People began to think of the worst. Then she ceased to exist in the eyes of everyone. All considered her dead. End of the story. She was gone. They talked about her like a thing of the past. 
She was the daughter of a veteran. But the veteran, meanwhile, never stopped looking for her. To hope to see his daughter again was what made him go through life during all this time. Every day he looked outside by the window, waiting. Every night, he looked at the starry sky hoping that she would find her way back, or the comfort she used to have in looking at the stars with him when she was younger. But the man who was known to never know fear or despair, even when kidnapped, even when he was tortured, was again put into his worst nightmare for the second time. The first being the day of the disappearance of his child. The second, the day Ghost snatched him from his home for revenge. But the bomb in front of him was not the only part of his plan and it was not what made the veteran's blood freeze in his veins, no. It was the words that came out of the mouth of his former student, now enemy.
“So, Stan. How’s your daughter doing- oh. Doesn’t matter. Since...You’ll say hello to her in the afterlife… where I sent her… her screams were particularly enjoyable to hear, I must say.”
Anger boiled his blood. Rage burned his muscles. The hatred was such that Stan didn’t even feel the handcuffs going into his skin as he pulled with all his might on them, staring at the man who had just confessed the murder of his child. No words could describe how he felt. A strong mixture of anger, fear, and sadness. 
He had killed her. He had killed his daughter, Y/n.
She was only the daughter of a veteran. A veteran who had many enemies. A veteran who made one mistake.
When Mitch Rapp entered the warehouse where his mentor was locked up, he didn’t find the veteran who didn’t know fear. There, he found a broken man, a man about to give up. The assassin had never seen him in this state. He knew that something more serious than the injuries, burns, cuts and even more serious than his severed finger had happened.
Mitch didn't ask any question, just like he was teached to do. His golden eyes fell on the man in front of him silently. First he tried to untie him and free him of that painful posture he was in. But when Stan pushed him away, saying to follow Ghost, that there was more to it than him, that the bomb absolutely had to be stopped, Mitch froze and plunged his pupils into that of the veteran. There was something else. Something else he wanted Mitch to know, to do, without asking out loud. A blazing hatred, frightening, even, could be easily read in his eyes. That fire meant only one thing.
Kill that bastard.
Mitch Rapp was an assassin.
Not in the past tense. He still is. And he probably will be for the rest of his life. When he lost his fiancé, something deep inside of him broke into a thousand pieces. The pieces were lost, scattered, and no matter what he did to pick up the mess, there would always be some missing. It didn't matter who he killed, who he saved, whether his revenge was accomplished or not. He would never be the same again. And in his eyes would always remain that extinguished light, that darkness, a pain that would never really go away. It was this exact pain that Mitch had seen in his mentor's eyes. The pain of mourning, mix with the anger of revenge. He knew the pain, he knew it by heart. Stan couldn't take revenge on his own. There was too much at stake. He trusted Mitch to do it. And that's what Mitch was planning to do.
The battle in the boat was one of the most difficult battles that Mitch had in his life. Not the one against the terrorists, or against other assassins as practice at the barn, no. On this boat going too fast on waves that were too strong, it was impossible to be stable and keep his weapon in his hand for more than a few seconds. In addition, the stress of the bomb that could explode at any moment added even more difficulty. The incessant ticking reminded him of the imminent danger that laid near him.
After many hits. Many insults launched at each other. Cut, punch in the stomach, or fall to the floor due to the strong waves, Mitch got the upper hand. He stuck the knife into Ghost's throat, just like the veteran had shown him during their training. The blade in front of the soft flesh, then, a quick and strong hit on the handle. The blade then entered the throat like a knife into butter. Mitch watched Ghost's face suffocate for a moment from the lack of air, then with the blood going up in his mouth. Killing him how Stan had shown him seemed like a nice way to avenge him, no matter what was the goal of his revenge. 
Mitch took the bag containing the bomb and the radio before starting to climb outside when he heard a sound coming from the closet. Not taking a chance, the assassin recovered the knife from Ghost's inert body and advanced cautiously towards the source of the noise. He then quickly opened the door, ready to fight whoever was hidden there. His eyes rested on a figure in the far corner of the closet, so curled up on itself that he couldn't know exactly who it was. Lowering his knife, he crouched down to the height of the person to better see, and what he saw made him froze for a sec. It was a girl, quite young, rope holding her wrists together and tape on her lips to silence her from any scream. She was so scared, even he could sense the pure and intense fear in his bones just by looking at her. Resting the knife on the floor to show her he meant no harm, Mitch removed the tape from her mouth as gently as he could.
"Everything’s fine," Mitch murmured in a low voice that he tried to make as reassuring as possible. But his dirty, wounded face and the blood-covered knife did nothing to reassure the scared girl, even if he wasn’t holding the weapon anymore. Frightened, she looked at him with big, scared eyes, only hoping that her nightmare would end soon. When the assassin took the knife back in his hand and advanced the blade towards her, she was sure it was the end. If the man who had kidnapped her didn't kill her, the one in front of her would do the job. Closing her eyes, the girl placed her hands protectively in front of her face in a desperate attempt to protect herself, like it could possibly save her. A small snap rang in her ears, however. And the next moment, the rope that held her wrists tied fell to her feet. And when she opened her eyes, the man dressed in all black was no longer there.
The girl glanced out of her prison to see if the way was clear. At the same time, the boat made a sudden movement to the left, rolling her out of the wardrobe. Her back hit the wall and she winced in pain as she tried to get to her feet, realizing that the person in charge of the boat had suddenly turned around. And then, that's where she saw it. The blood. All over the floor. But more particularly on a person.
The man who had kidnapped her was lying motionless, except when he was slipping on the floor covered in blood with each wave that hit the boat. And although the sight of a corpse was new to her, that all the blood made her nauseous, the girl only felt hatred towards the dead man. He had held her captive for so long. And she was relieved, happy, even, that he was dead. His eyes wide open stared at the ceiling, frozen in an expression of fear and defeat. Perfect.
Stepping over the body, the girl did the best she could to walk to the stairs that would allow her to climb onto the deck of the boat, where she suspected that the other man, the one who had killed her kidnapper and who was now in control of the boat, was. She lost her balance a couple of times before reaching the staircase. But not once did she turn to look at the body behind her. And not once did she feel pity for him.
She was the daughter of a veteran, after all. 
When she climbed on the deck, she immediately saw the man dressed in black that saved her. He had his back turned to her. He was standing behind the wheel and was talking in a walkie talkie with someone. From where she was standing, she couldn’t decipher what they were saying, especially with the strong wind and waves crashing all around. Then she saw the man took a bag and tossed it overboard in the water. 
She couldn’t help but wonder who he was. What he was doing here. What was his story. He was so mysterious, enigmatic. She didn't know him, but she knew one thing just by seeing him. And when he turned to her to signal her to come closer, this certainty was confirmed. Everything was in the eyes. He was an assassin.
She felt the wind from the propellers before seeing or even hearing the helicopter. Her hair, soaking in sweat from being locked up for so long, lifted and flew all over her face as she approached the assassin who stuck her close to him without saying anything. A cable descended from the helicopter, cable that the man tied around her waist and his own, making everything quickly very secure. Then he pulled on the rope to signal to those in the helicopter to pull them up. As her feet left the ground, the girl panicked a little. By reflex she held onto the thing closest to her, which was, in this case, the assassin. If it bothered him, he didn't show it and put an arm around her waist to stabilize her against him. And when she looked up to look at him, something in her changed. The fear and stress that she had felt for months, locked up, dragged everywhere by her kidnapper, was no longer there. When she was in the arms of her savior, nothing seemed to be able to reach her. She felt safe, protected, things she didn’t feel since a very long time. And that, even though she knew that the man who saved her was an assassin.
When they were high and close enough to the machine, hands got out of the cabin to grab them. The man lift himself up, making sure she had a grip too, before falling inside, still tied one to another. It was only when she was safely in the helicopter that the girl heard the voice she thought she would never hear again.
Raising her head, Y/n froze, recognizing the face in front of her. Although it was covered with fresh wounds and bruises, he wasn’t hard to recognize. After all, she was used of seeing him always covered in cuts due to his work. 
The girl couldn’t say anything. The sob that stuck in her throat prevented her from speaking and even breathing. For long seconds, they only looked at each other without moving, the shock of seeing each other paralyzing them both. Him, because he thought he had lost her only a few hours earlier. And she, because she wasn’t expecting to see him again so quickly, as if all this was only a dream. But once the mist cleared, once she was convinced it was real, she hastened to untied the cable to jump into the arms of the veteran whom she hadn’t seen for too long. Tears of relief ran down her cheeks uncontrollably, even though she thought she cried all the tears in her body from begging her kidnapper to let her go, long ago.
Mitch stood up and sat in the seat opposite his mentor and fastened his belt shut. Then he watched the reunion in front of him for a few seconds, finally understanding why. Why Stan was the way he was when he first met him. How he became the man he is now. And he understood. Understood that his revenge, Ghost's murder, was for her, his daughter. The assassin met the veteran's gaze. And again, they didn't need words to communicate. Mitch would never have thought one day he would read such things in the eyes of the man in front of him. Recognition. Happiness. And above all, peace, a peace of the soul, of the heart, of the mind. He had his daughter back. And although deep down, Mitch was happy for his mentor and the girl, he could only feel one thing, one emotion stronger than all the others.
Envy. Jealousy. A desire, pure and simple, for the one thing he could never have. The return of the person he loved.
"You should buckle up," Mitch muttered loud enough to be heard, looking away. “The bomb is about to explode.”
Next part ->
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greenygreenland · 4 years
If I Were You: Fives x Reader
-for reasons that make it easier for me, this takes place in the US in 2020, so yeah, COVID is a thing -it’s been a while since I’ve written any Star Wars one-shots. I’ve been so busy working on Wannabe lol Summary: You and Fives dream about each other, but you’ve never actually met face to face. You are from a different reality than his where Star Wars is fictional. You believe he’s real, but only can prove it to yourself when he appears in your world. Fives learns about how stressful life off the battlefield can be.
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence, stressing over grades, punishment by parents (more like implied. I won’t write it out, so it’s vaguely stated.)
You sat on a crate, watching the flames lick at the air as Fives smiled to himself. You liked having dreams like this, where you both comfortably sat by the fire, chatting about your contrasting lives. You used to believe Star Wars was a fictional world, until you had dreams about Fives. He was always so real in your mind anyway, and this only made you want to believe in his existence more. 
“I have a big test tomorrow, but I don’t think I’m going to do so well.” you mumbled with a sigh. “It makes me feel bad that I’m struggling with this while you struggle with an actual issue.” Fives shook his head, shrugging a little as if it explained everything. “But I was bred for this, for war I mean. If I weren’t a soldier, I don’t know what I’d be.” He chuckled. “I can’t imagine myself sitting in a classroom all day learning about geometry and algebra. There are some boys who like that stuff in the 212th, but it seems like a waste to me.” 
You nodded in agreement. “Exactly. School is only good for producing data-rich kids who lack experience, especially when they start working and finding jobs.” 
“That’s how I felt when I was first deployed. No matter how much training you get, or how much you learn, experience is the best teacher. And like Rex always says--”
“--experience outranks everything.” you said in unison. Fives smiles, and he looks rather happy that you know that. But of course you do, in your world he’s only a fictional character. A person created by some movie producer or director or something (he didn’t remember). It gave him a mixed a feeling, a doubt of his very existence. Was he purely fictional? A fragment of someone’s own imagination? 
But then you told him something he swore to never forget: Just because it’s happening inside your head doesn’t mean it isn’t real. The world works in mysterious ways. Maybe we were meant to meet.
And so he hung onto that, always looking forward to when he fell asleep and talked to you. You always looked forward to your dreams too, allowing yourself to forget all of your responsibilities and problems. You never had anything to worry about around Fives, and having him by your side made you feel safe.
“I wish we could meet for real.” You didn’t mean to say that out loud and instinctively looked to meet Fives’s gaze. He nodded in agreement, resting his arms on his knees. “Me too, but if we do I’d rather you not see how horrific the Clone Wars has been.” 
“I wish the Clone Wars could have ended differently.” 
Fives looks uncertain of your answer, and he wonders if he should ask what the outcome of the War is. He wants to, but deep inside, he knows he shouldn’t.
You awake in your bed, rubbing at your eyes as your alarm goes off. You turn it off, glancing at the time groggily. 6:00. A sigh leaves your lips and you roll out of bed. There’s movement in your sheets. You freeze, taking note of how human-like the form was. “It’s too early for this sleep paralysis demons, stop--” you rip off the sheets as fast as you can, “--oh...” You trail off, eyes wide in bewilderment. There’s a familiar man in your bed, except, he isn’t a man at all. 
He looks to be around your age, and more youthful with the slightest hint of baby fat around his cheeks. He’s cleanly shaven, with a tattoo on his right temple of the aurebesh number 5. You stare at him for a moment, admiring how young, he looks. He's suddenly rolling in your bed, mumbling in his sleep before he jolts up, eyes wide and awake. He’s worried, maybe even a little scared at how unfamiliar the surroundings are. He’s already in ARC trooper mode, scanning his surroundings and reaching for his nonexistent blaster. 
“Where...” You met his gaze, swallowing hard as if it’d help ground you. 
“Fives.” Your voice is almost a whisper. “How did you get here?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. He was alive, in your bed, real. He shakes his head and sits up in your bed, eyeing his ‘civiie’ clothes uncomfortably. “Uh...these aren’t mine.” he dumbly states. You have the urge to snort. “Of course they aren’t yours Fives.” A long sigh escapes your lips and you eye the time on your phone. “I don’t have time to figure out how you got here. I have school and need to go in fifteen minutes.” 
“Out of all the days I somehow show up, it’s on a school day?” Fives remarks. You pick through your closet, frantically pulling out a pair of clothes and shutting yourself in so Fives doesn’t see. “I have a big test, it’s first block and I’ve gotta walk to school.” You pull on your shirt and trousers, emerging from the closet with a frown. “I can’t be late, but I can’t just leave you here.”
“Should I, I don’t know, go with you?” 
“You’re not enrolled in school,” you reach for a brush and Fives can only stare in awe as you run it through your locks. “I’m not sure what to--” You pause, placing your brush down with a sigh. “Oh right.” 
“What do you mean, ‘oh right?” 
“Global pandemic. I have online school. On the bright side, my parents are away. They’ve been quarantined in another state for work reasons.” Fives suddenly feels very dumb. He recalled you talking about ‘COVID-19 ‘ and how it’s a bit like the Blue Shadow Virus. “School doesn’t start until another two hours, so why is my alarm on for six o’clock?” You power on your phone, switching through the alarms and disabling the ones you don’t need with a shake of your head. Fives is mesmerized. He likes how thin the device is, and how it fits in your sweater pocket like a piece of flimsi. 
You crawl around him, cuddling into your bed as he simply watches. “You’re going back to sleep?” You nod, placing your phone on its charger and closing your eyes. “We’ll figure out how you got here soon enough, and it’s not like there’s anything better to do.” Fives stares at your bed uncertainly. Was it really okay? You were a girl, after all, and this was your room. You beckon him over, and that’s when he decides to lie down. 
Sleeping in a bed couldn’t hurt anyway. And besides, he’s known you for a long time (how long, he’s unsure). He can’t help but note how humongous your bed is compared to the ones in the barracks on the Resolute. It’s so soft, and he feels like he’s laying down on clouds. 
“I’m jealous. Your bed’s really big and comfy. The boys would kill to sleep on something like this.” You smile, throwing your thick blankets on top of Fives. He’s about to say something, but you’re already asleep. It appals him how fast you’d done so, and again, he’s just the tiniest bit jealous. But that soon goes away as he relaxes into the soft blankets, savouring the warmth and comfort they provided. 
He doesn’t dream, and neither do you. 
You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring, and it takes you every single bit of strength left in your body to slide it off. “Urgh.” You flop down and Fives lazily turns to face you. He opens his eyes, blinking the sleep away with a yawn. “Your bed is amazing.” You grin, climbing out of bed as Fives cuddles into your sheets. “I know, right?”
You open your laptop and log into Google classroom. Zoom awaits you, and it’s the first thing you open along with your quiz work. You sigh, begrudgingly turning on your camera as it starts.
“Good morning everyone.” your teacher says with a smile. “How is everyone doing today?” It’s awkwardly silent for a few moments before someone quietly says ‘good’. You wait for someone else to respond, but it’s silent again. Fives glances over at your computer. He silently crawls out of bed, carefully folding your blankets and ducking out of the camera’s view. 
“I guess everyone’s still asleep.” your teacher says with a chuckle. “The Zoom is open if you have any questions on the quiz. I’m not going to keep you here, so if you’d like, you can leave and get to work. You have until the end of the period.” You nod and exit out of the Zoom. Opening up the quiz, you scan over its contents. Your face begins to twist as you read through the problems, your stomach churning with unbelievable doubt. 
You were going to fail even though you spent all night studying.
“What even is this?” You scroll through the doc with a scowl, eyeing the equations and problems as if it were the scum of the Earth (which it was). “I’m going to fail. Wonderful.” Despite that, you get to work anyway, scribbling random numbers on a scrap piece of paper. Fives takes a seat on the chair next to you, curiously watching you work through the problems. 
“I thought you didn’t know how to do that.” 
“I don’t, but I’m trying to see if I can find the answers on the multiple choice questions through trial and error. If I get it wrong, then consider this test flunked.” Fives takes one glance at the paper you’re writing on and immediately regrets it. The equations look like a foreign language to him, with numbers and letters he wasn’t even sure could be possible. “That’s definitely not something they teach us on Kamino.” he says. “And stars am I glad for that.” 
You frown, scribbling out an equation with a groan. “I hate this!” Fives wishes he could help, but he doesn’t know how. Math isn’t something he’s done besides the basics of addition and subtraction. He knew decimals too, and a little bit about fractions, but that was all. It wasn’t enough to help you figure out how to use the equation  x = x0 + v0t.
“I feel really bad for you.” he muttered. You snorted. “I feel bad for me too.”
Fifteen minutes pass. Then twenty. Thirty. Forty. Forty-five....
“Done.” You typed in the last number and submitted the doc, running a hand through your hair as you did so. “I hate this class, but it’s required. Who even needs to know all this stuff anyway?” Fives doesn’t know how to respond, so he watches as you stress over your test. He had his own experiences of tests, but they were for ARC training, or drills he had to remember to keep himself alive on the battlefield. 
Like you said, this stuff was useless if you didn’t need it. 
The next three class flew by incredibly slowly. Fives didn’t have anything to do, so he watched you go about your day like it were a documentary. In a way, he found it interesting how simple yet complex your life was. You had six hours of school (which used to be seven before the pandemic), one lunch break around noon, and the rest of the day to finish assignments or relax. 
He envied how leisurely it was compared to his own life. You had free time to roam around the house or the neighbourhood once you were done, and a whole fridge full of flavourful foods he’s never even had once. Although your life was still stressful, it was lived in the bliss of never knowing the horrors of war.
“Okay, it’s lunch time.” you broke in with a relieved sigh. “Let’s go downstairs.” You opened the door. In Fives’s eyes, your house was a complete dream. “Wow. You have a nice house.” You smiled, leading him down the stairs. “It’s better than a barracks, that’s what. In most peoples’ eyes, my house is normal. It’s not too shabby, but not something you’d find in the town over.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Rich town. They’re known for the private schools--which are schools that cost money to be enrolled in. I go to a public school, but there’s really not much difference in the curriculums so it doesn’t matter to me. Save money, live better, Walmart.” Fives didn’t ask what a ‘Walmart’ is. As soon as you paused in front of the kitchen, he knew his jaw had hit the floor. 
There was a smug look in your eyes as you pulled a box of cereal out of the cabinet. “How about we eat a little bit of everything?” You tossed him the cereal box and he read the title. “That way you can experience it all.” Fives stared at the cereal box with furrowed brows. “’Kix’?” 
“I know right? Same name as your Kix.” 
Fives wasn’t a big fan of the cereal, but the candy you gave him? Force was that amazing. 
You both sat at the kitchen table, candy and chocolate wrappers everywhere. You’d clean up later, what mattered now was spending time with Fives before you figured out a way to get him home. “Isn’t it, I don’t know, lonely here?” he inquired. You fiddled with a candy wrapper, mindlessly scanning over it s ingredients. “I’m not sure. My parents are always away so I don’t see them much. I don’t have many friends and I don’t text them. I don’t really think I can say I’m lonely because I don’t know how it would feel to be lonely when I’m used to it.” 
Fives mulled over your lengthy answer thoughtfully. He thought about all his brothers, both the alive and fallen. He couldn’t imagine ever being separated from them, especially since he was around them 24/7. “Well for me,” he began, “I think I’d be lonely in such a big house. You know that I grew up around brothers, guess it’s all I’ve ever known. I’m never alone. I have my brothers.” 
You felt an equal sense of connection between yourself and Fives. Both of you did come from different worlds, but you understood not understanding something because that was what you were used to. You couldn’t imagine ever having people around while Fives couldn’t imagine being on his own. Slowly, you gathered the candy wrappers, depositing them in the rubbish bin before glancing at the clock. “I have two more classes.” Your voice was quiet. “You can hang around here if you want, I’ll be upstairs.” 
Fives winced to himself when you disappeared. He had hit a sore spot. 
Three days later, 14:20, Friday
“Done, done, and done. Happy Friday to you and happy Friday to me.” you mumbled to yourself with a sigh. You thanked whatever was out there for no homework and shrank into your chair. There was a ‘ping!’ from your phone and you checked your email. 
First Period Quiz: Marked
You frowned, tapping on the email anyway. Suddenly, you froze, eyes wide over the score displayed on the screen. 
You failed. Well, of course you failed! You didn’t know a single thing on the stupid quiz anyway. A long sigh escaped your lips and you tossed your phone on your bed. You rested your head in your hands, heaving out deep breaths to steady out the shock. There were footsteps outside your door, and you didn’t need to see a face to know who it was. 
“What happened?” 
“That test this morning? Yeah, I failed. I studied all night, but it was useless anyway.” Fives didn’t miss the tremble in your voice. After being around so many brothers with trauma, he could identify that tone of voice in a heartbeat. Over these past three days, he learned a lot about you, and he knew you’d done the same. He found out that school was more important than anything to you. He surmised it was because of the pressure your parents put on your shoulders rather than something you chose to dedicate your heart to. He also found out your favourite colour was (f/c) and that you liked to (activity) and (activity).
On the contrary, you only learned about Fives’s habits and a few new things he liked to do or eat. He knew it was because he was, well, a fictional character in your world, but that was something he refused to dwell on (it’d give him an existential crisis). 
He took a seat by your side, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You sniffled, and it was then that Fives knew he had to do something--fast. 
Tests weren’t something he personally cried about, but he had seen a few shinies do it in the past. “Hey, hey...” His voice was soft, gentle, like a warm breeze. “It’s okay. Can’t you, I don’t know, do a make-up test?” You shook your head sullenly. “No. My teacher doesn’t allow it.” 
“Oh.” He paused, rubbing circles on your back. “Well it’s not the end of the world, right? There will probably be more opportunities that can raise your grade.” 
“But I already have a ninety in that class!” You held back a few tears and raised your head. You couldn’t let Fives see you cry over something so pathetic. “I’m going to have an eighty-nine, and I can’t afford to do that! My mum wants me to go to Harvard, my dad wants me to go to MIT... Those are all IV League schools, the top of the top, and I can’t get there if I can’t keep my grades up. I--I just--I wish--” 
There’s another wave of tears that build up in your eyes and you bury your head in your arms. You heave out a shaky sigh as Fives scoots closer to you in support. You appreciate his presence, but you’re not sure he can really do anything to help you. He’s a soldier after all, not a professor from a university. He’s build differently, made differently, trained differently while you’re you. A teenager. A nobody who tries her best but can’t succeed. 
“My parents are going to be so mad at me. They’re going to...they’ll...” You know they won’t be home for at least another month, but that realisation is enough for the tears to burst and for you to start loudly sobbing. That test was the last to be submitted for the term, so even if you did try to persuade your teacher to allow you to do test-corrections, she would say no. You were going to have to accept a big, fat B on your report card. 
Fives doesn’t know what to say, but he knows that if Echo were here, he’d know exactly what to do. But Fives wasn’t Echo. He wasn’t good with words of comfort or really anything off the battlefield. He didn’t know this type of pain like you did. And so he asks the only thing he really can: “Is there anything I can do to help you?” 
You just want a shoulder to lean on, someone to physically be there for you after having no one for so many years. So Fives holds you, and you’ve never felt safer in his arms. He rocks you back and forth, hums a little song you know to be in Mando’a. What really matters is that he’s there, and that he has your back. No matter how different you both were, it was clear that pain could take shape in various forms. Some on larger scales than others. 
Fives knew that if he was you, he’d feel the same pain too. 
PT 2
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sparkmender · 3 years
Here’s the first chapter of Close Encounters, the Faebug/Hive AU series I’ve been working on. I’m gonna cross post most of this stuff to Tumblr too just in an effort to keep things organized. :>
It’s Monday night—
The last Monday night before the end of the world, not that anyone knows it—
And there are two blue, pupil-less eyes the size of the headlights on her beat up VW Beetle staring at her through her bedroom window.
They blink out almost as soon as Charlie twitches. Whatever it was probably got spooked off by the fact that she jolted upright in bed and stared right back at it, compelled by— something. That feeling of being watched. The remnants of a nightmare. Whatever.
If whatever the eyes belonged to made noise as it departed, she couldn’t hear it over the buzz of the heavy fan her mom helped her drag into the big bedroom when she moved in to the old Ochoco house. It might as well not’ve been there at all.
Except for the fact that she saw it, and all the hair on the back of her neck and along her arms stood like she’d rubbed a balloon over herself to see the static electricity.
Lots of things had been a little weird since yesterday, though. Especially in the upper Northwest. It’s not exactly every day that a volcano goes off in the United States. Even if Oregon is a state away from Washington, Sunday had been stressful, to say the least. Some part of her had anticipated another explosion at some point. Guillermo had teased her for being a worry-wart and then started listing off all sorts of possibly apocalyptic events from most to least likely on his fingers. He got to ‘alien robots who disguise themselves as kitchen appliances’ before Charlie threw a shoe at him.
Under the quilt next to her, Guillermo sleeps as he always does, an arm shoved under his ridiculous stack of pillows and his long legs tangled in more than his fair share of the sheets.
Maybe it’s all in her head. Dreams were supposed to be how the brain processed stuff that happened during the day, right? So.
So she’s not crazy. It’s just her brain trying to make sense of the whole active volcano thing compounded by childhood fears and the well-ingrained camping habit of keeping an ear out for bears trying to pilfer your supplies.
Charlie doesn’t sleep the rest of the night, or she could have sworn she hadn’t, but between this blink and the next the alarm is going off on the nightstand and Memo’s already in the kitchen, fighting with the coffee maker he can’t stand to get rid of because he bought it with his first paycheck from his magazine gig. (Who knew speculative sci-fi nerd writing not only paid, but paid well, with the right kind of publisher?) If he’d heard anything in the night, he doesn’t mention it.
After pulling her socks on but before shoveling flapjacks into her mouth, the eyes are forgotten.
If they’d ever existed at all.
In fact, the eyes remain forgotten all the way until her third break of the day, hanging out with two of the older rangers who’d come back to the main office after clearing out a couple of downed trees off the Crater Lake hiking trail. Samson Jr.— who usually went by ‘Spike’— was a lanky, shaggy brunet a few years older than Charlie who still got carded at every bar they went to, with a permanent sunburn across the bridge of his nose and a personality so sunny it bordered on obnoxious. On the other hand, his father, Samson Sr., was a warm, stocky man who worked construction before throwing his lot in with parks and recreation and could have been anywhere from his mid 40s to his late 60s. They’d both been there when Charlie had started as an intern in college and were probably both going to still be there if she ever decided to leave or get transferred somewhere warmer, like California, or something.
She liked the both of them. Samson was more of a family figure to her than her stepdad Ron, and he’d helped her get a permanent spot on the team. Sometimes she and Memo went out with Spike and his girlfriend Carly, and Memo and Spike had more than a few interests in common. Mainly Star Wars, but also stuff like He-Man and tabletop games and computers. Most of it went over Charlie’s head— she’d grown up a music nerd thanks to Dad and a car fanatic thanks to Uncle Hank, never much one for pulp fiction— but she and Carly enjoyed teasing the two of them for being ‘Oregon’s own X-Files department.'
So it wasn’t exactly surprising when Spike brought up his perennial fixation, Bigfoot theories, again.
“I don’t know,” he’d started, mouth full of half of a Snickers bar as he waved the other end of it around for emphasis. “I don’t know. But I don’t think that those trees just fell over for no reason. I mean, there were some aftershocks from the eruption, right? But nothing out here. It kind of looked more like some kind of impact hit them, sort of like a boulder had rolled down the hill and toppled ‘em over. But that doesn’t make any sense either, since there’s no loose rocks large enough to knock over three whole fir trees on that side of the trail. Maybe it was a Sasquatch. I bet they mark their territory by brushing up against trees like the bears do, and this one just got over-enthusiastic.”
Samson snatched the other half of the candy bar before Spike could accidentally smack Charlie with it, just to toss it back into the basket of goodies on the windowsill again.
“First of all, stop raiding the candy stash. That’s for visitors, and last I checked, you haven’t been a visitor since you were 16,” the older man scolded, but he couldn’t quite keep the amusement off his face— Spike had to have gotten his enthusiasm from somewhere. “And something tells me that if there really was a ‘sat-squash’ or whatever it is, it probably wouldn’t be hanging around where there’s regular humans coming and going all day, every day. At least if it knew what was good for it. It was just a regular tree fall, it’s been cleared, and now we’ve got more firewood for the campers.”
Though mourning the loss of his candy, Spike was quick to poke a finger in the air triumphantly at Samson.
“Okay, but how do you explain the fur clumps we found scattered there, huh? Way softer than any regular sort of wild animal.”
Charlie had been absently nodding along to their pseudo-argument, only to perk up at Spike’s outburst, dropping the pen she’d been fiddling with. And then curse herself out silently as both of the older rangers turned to her at the way she’d reacted. In the back of her head, she remembered: that split-second glimpse of those unnaturally big eyes, framed by fluff and set into a broad, flat face.
Spike grinned.
“See? Charlie agrees with me—”
“She said ‘uh,’ Junior, that’s not an agreement—”
“I mean, maybe,” she blurts out before she can stop herself, heat flushing her face at the outburst, awkwardly picking up the pen she’d dropped to snap the cap over it again. “I don’t know what’s out there. You know what they tell us when we start ranger training; don’t go off the trails.”
God, it’s like Charlie can’t help herself, suddenly, as superstitious and paranoid as one of the characters Memo would write into his stories. It was all just stuff the trainers would tell them to haze the kids starting out, the sort of shit teenagers joked about or camp councilors made up to freak out their campers. None of it was actually true. But in another life, maybe, to someone more interesting or smarter or less lucky (or luckier, some stupid impulse wants to say) than Charlie—
For a moment, vivid and shining, Charlie felt some spark of pure terror in her.
The thing in her bedroom window. Was it still near her house? Was she going to come home to find Guillermo missing, or worse?
“Sure, some of it is just common sense safety guidelines, but what about the weirder ones? The rules about not climbing random staircases in the woods— don’t stop to listen to any music if you’re not near a registered campsite, like that’s ever been a thing? Or never telling someone you meet without gear on a trail what your name is? I mean, there’s got to be some kind of a reason for these things, or else we wouldn’t all have them hammered into our skulls over the course of three years,” she rambles, pulse thudding in her ears. “Nobody makes up how-tos about things for no reason.”
In the quiet pause in conversation that followed, Charlie felt the embarrassed burn on her face spread to her ears and creep down the back of her neck.
“…Or it’s an opportunistic raccoon?” she squeaks out.
“Probably a raccoon. Damn.” Spike finally relents, shoulders slumping with a dejected sigh. He really looks genuinely disappointed, soon ambling over to drape himself over Charlie’s desk in the hopes of some sympathy pats as Samson chuckles in the background about how today’s cinema is rotting everybody's brains out their ears.
Nobody notices the candy basket on the windowsill going missing as they head back out to do rounds of the campgrounds.
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fallen420 · 4 years
Rebel Spy - Chapter 1: The Child
Mando x OC
Summary: Aurora life becomes lonely after the war ends but when a familiar Mandalorain needs her help who is she to refuse
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It's a nice breezy day on Naboo. I walk into one of the many cantinas, I order a drink, and I sit down in one of the booths in the back. I take out a book and begin to read.
Ever since the empire fell 5 years ago I've resided on the planet I always dreamed of living on, Naboo. The people are nice, the scenery is beautiful, and almost no crime happens here.
The door to the cantina opens and I can feel people around me getting tense and I hear whispers. I look up to see what the fuss is about and I see the same silver Mandalorian from Tatooine in front of me. Behind him is a floating pod of some kind. It's closed so I can't see what's inside.
I put the book down as he sits across from me. "I'm not here to hurt you, Aurora."
He remembers my name. It's been years how does he remember? He only ever saw it on the tracking forb.
"That's what somebody who wants to hurt me would say."
"Look Jabas dead anyway. You're safe." I look up into his visor feeling the weight being lifted off my shoulders. He adjusts in his seat then says quieter, "I need your help."
"Help? Me? You want my help? Why me?"
"Because you owe me."
"I can't be the only person in the galaxy who owes you something."
He takes a moment, "I have this...kid." He glances at the pod still floating there.
"You have a kid? A Mandalorian has a kid?"
"It's not mine mine. I..."
"Adopted it?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Watch it while I collect bounties. Help take care of the ship. Stuff like that."
"Okay. I'll do it."
"Really? Just like that?"
I look around and shrug "What else am I doing?"
We start to walk back to his ship, "So can I actually see this kid?" He walks in front of me while the pod floats by his side. Why I chose to trust him, I don't know. I mean he let me go the last time, yeah but he's still a Mandalorian. It's not like my life was super fun and exciting anyway might as well babysit a mystery kid and hang out with an even more mysterious Mandalorian.
"You can on the Razor Crest where it's safe."
"Razor crest?"
"My ship."
He stops walking, "Wait. Don't you have a family to say goodbye too? You're not coming back who knows how long."
I look at him confused by the sudden burst of - caring. Very out of character for a Mandalorian. I shake my head no, "Nope. No family."
He turns around and walks forward again.
He closes the door to the ship and he finally opens the pod. It reveals a green baby with big eyes and ears. It's cute but also kinda ugly. "I was not expecting that."
I wave at it and coos while waving back.
"Where'd you get it?" I ask looking back at the Mandalorian.
"He was a bounty but I uh- I couldn't it."
"Mhm, so Mandalorians do have hearts."
He doesn't acknowledge my statement. "This is the fresher," he says pointing to a tiny room with a toilet and a small shower. "This is where you will sleep." he motions towards a tiny cot. He points into a room with the door closed. "That's where I sleep. Don't go in there."
"Wasn't planning on it."
"I'll give you half of what I get from collecting bounties for taking care of the kid." He begins to walk towards the cockpit.
"Wait," he stops, "What do I call you?"
"Mando." He climbs the latter.
I sit down on the cot and the kid looks up at me and coos, "This should be interesting."
The first night I get woken up to the ship shaking around. I check the kid who is still somehow asleep. I stand up holding onto the wall so I don't fall down. I make my way up to the cockpit.
"What the hell is going on?!" I yell over the shooting as I sit on the co-pilot's chair.
"We're being shot at."
No shit.
Mando dodges the blasts well.
"What can I do?"
"Hand over the child mando,"  his voice comes out the intercom.  He hits one of the engines and sparks fly around. "I might let you live."  
He hits us again.
"Hey you know you might want to uh shoot him back." He hits us again and alarms go off and Mando presses some buttons. "Look you fly, I'll shoot. Just get us behind him and I'll get the fucker." He nods and I grab hold of one of the guns,
"Hold on," Mando says and he flips us upside down dodging blasts, "Come on,"
"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold."
"That's my line," Mando pulls the ship back and it grazes over the other guy's ship knocking out his gun. Now that we are behind him, I aim my gun and shoot. It hits his ship square on blowing it up. Mando looks at me and nods as a way of saying thank you.
He clicks a few more buttons, "Losing fuel." Then the power shuts off.
"Great." He gets up and clicks a button behind my chair. He sits back down clicking more things and the power turns back on, "Stars, this thing has a lot of buttons."
He turns on the radio, "This is Mos Eisely tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over."
"Copy that," Mando says, "Locked in for three-five."
"Mos Eisley," I chuckle a little, "Ironic." I stand up with a yawn, "Well, while that was exciting I should get some sleep."
I was able to sleep for a few hours only to be awakened by the child's whines.
"Good morning," he coos back, "Hungry?" I stand up to grab him something to get
Mando climbs down the ladder from the cockpit, "Good you're awake."
"Good morning to you too."
"I found some work it shouldn't take me long to catch this bounty." I nod, "You stay here and watch the kid." He hands me a comlink, "If one of us gets into trouble we can use that to communicate. And somebody will be working on the ship outside. Do not let them see the kid."
"Got it," I say putting the comlink in my pocket. and with that the leaves. I turn back to the kid and hand him his food, "Looks like its just us."
I play with the kid for a while, read my book.
I take a shower in the tiny fresher. I look in the mirror to see my pink hair is fading away. Soon it'll be back to its natural color. I glance over the scars that cover my body from the war. I get dressed and decided the kid and I could use a good nap.
We wake up to hammering from the ship being repaired. I decided to make myself useful clean up around here. I grab a rag and start dusting the shelves.
There's another room that Mando didn't show me. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open it. It opens and reveals a weapon room. He has blasters along the walls. "Woah." I pick up one of the smaller silver blasters. They feel new considering the pre-empire old ship.
I put it back but it wasn't balanced and falls. But it doesn't it the ground.
I blink to make sure I'm seeing it right.
It's floating.
I look back at the kid who has his little hand out. Then it hits me.
He's using the goddamn force. I've only seen it once before but what else would this be.
I grab the gun and put it back carefully this time. He puts his hand down and slumps in the pod.
"Are you a-? Did you just use-?  Where did Mando find you?"
"Help!" I hear a woman's voice scream outside. Immediately I close the kid's pod and I grab the gun I looked at earlier, I grab the bullets and load it. I hear struggling and then the door opens but I already have my gun pointed at whoever it is.
A guy has a gun pointed to the women, who I assume was fixing the ship, head. They stand on the ramp while I still stand on the ship.
"Where's the kid?" He asks.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Drop your blaster or I shoot her."
I weigh my options. I mean yeah I don't know her but I still don't want her to die.
I remember the comlink in my pocket but if I reach for it who knows what he might do.
"I wouldn't try that I have a clear shot of your head right now." I don't
"Give me the kid."
"I don't have a goddamn kid. You got the wrong ship buddy."
Behind him I see Mando approaching slowly trying not to make his presence know.
"No, you see if I get that kid and that Mandalorian I'm gonna be famous."
It takes everything in me not to laugh at this arrogant kid.
Mando can't shot him without him shooting her on reaction.
"Ambitious there. Let's make a deal, let her go and we'll talk mhm? "
"How do I know you won't kill me?"
I sigh before putting the blaster down and putting my hands up, "Let her go."
He throws her to the side and before he can speak Mando shoots him and he falls to the ground.
The woman looks at both of us, "Thank you."
"The kid?" Mando asks me.
"Right here."
"Good," he hands the women credits before climbing onto the ship and closing the hatch.
"Where did you get the blaster?" he asks. I point towards his weapon room thingy. "Keep it."
"Are you sure?" He just nods, "Thank you."
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Shining Waters
For @jamesbuckystark (@friendly-neighborhood-exchange)
Another exchange fic! This time a pinch hit! 
Rating: T
Characters: Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Summary: Peter babysits Morgan for the first time. It does not go as planned.
Prompt: Peter bonding with Morgan
TW: near drowning
Ao3 link
Tag list: @justrepostandlove @gasplaughgasp @canonismybitch @shadedrose01 @baloobird @whatisawilltolive @a-liddell-alice @you-know-i-larb-you-3000 @hold-our-destiny @lyssismagical @spideygirl2003 @make-the-stars-stay @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed @iron-loyalty
Peter sits on the dock, watching the water gently lap against the rocks that make up the shore of the lake. His feet are under the water, which is warm in the summer heat, and he gently kicks his feet back and forth. The light of the setting sun glares across the water, dying the blue brilliant reds and oranges.
Peter lets out a long breath, inhaling the humid air.
Everything is so different now. Tony has a wife and a kid. He was dead for five years. People that were his age are now almost out of college. And to him, it felt like the blink of an eye. He was disappearing and then he wasn’t. He was alone on a strange planet, being called to fight a war he didn’t know was happening.
Five years.
It doesn’t seem real.
Peter looks down at the water and the sunset’s reflection. At least this is the same. The lake house is new, but the feeling of water against his skin isn’t, the feeling of the sun isn’t. This is how Peter is dealing with this, finding things that are the same, things that didn’t move on without him. He finds comfort in the water hitting the rocks and the fish swimming beneath him. With his back to the lake house, Peter can pretend that everything is normal.
Peter takes another deep breath.
He hears feet pad behind him and then someone lowers themselves to sit beside him. Peter doesn’t have to turn his head to know that it’s Tony. With his enhanced hearing, Peter hears the whirring and humming of his metal arm.
Neither of them says anything for a moment.
“Pepper and I have to go into the city tomorrow,” Tony tells him. “I want you to watch Morgan but if you’re not comfortable with that I can always get Rhodey or Happy to.”
Peter shakes his head, “I can do it.” He looks down at his feet before looking over at Tony. “You really trust me with her?”
Tony looks at him like he’s the dumbest person on the planet, “Of course I do. Who else could I trust my daughter more with than her brother?”
Peter’s heart lurches in his chest, “...Brother?”
“Yeah, Pete,” Tony laughs. “Why do you think Morgan’s been hanging off your arm since you got here? She’s been hearing about her brother since she was born.”
“You told her about me?” Peter asks.
“God, of course, kid,” Tony wraps his arm around Peter and brings him into a side hug. “The little miss couldn’t fall asleep without a bedtime story about her favorite superhero. Her favorite one was always Spiderman and Iron Man teaming up to save the day.” Peter smiles softly. Tony looks Peter up and down. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I always wanted a sister.”
Tony smiles, “Well you got one now. And it’s your job to babysit her tomorrow, got it?” Peter nods. “Pepper and I are leaving before you guys wake up, but we should get home at seven or eight. If you need anything call Happy or Rhodey.”
Tony kisses Peter’s temple, “I love you.
“Love you too.” Peter lets himself relax into the embrace as the words settle over him. Since waking up in the hospital, Tony has said those words to Peter over and over again, hugging him close, kissing his head. Peter can’t deny that he loves the shift in their relationship.
The next morning Peter wakes up to something slamming into his chest. He wakes up with a gasp only to see Morgan sitting on top of him, her head tilted curiously to the side. Her hair is all a mess from sleep and she’s wearing spiderman pajamas. Peter smiles at that.
“Morning,” Peter greets the girl as he sits up, blearily rubbing his eyes.
Morgan smiles at him, “Will you make me breakfast?”
“What do you want? I know how to make eggs or pancakes.” To no one’s surprise, Morgan chooses pancakes, taking Peter by the hand and practically dragging him down the stairs. While Peter cooks, he sits Morgan on the counter away from the heat. She kicks her legs against the cabinets as she talks.
Peter listens as she rambles on and on about movies and cartoons that he’s never heard of, people he’s never met, and things he doesn’t understand. But he doesn’t tell her that. He doesn’t tell her about the sinking feeling in his stomach as he is reminded once again of everything he missed in the blink of an eye.
“Petey?” Morgan cocks her head to the side and looks at her brother. “Are you okay?”
Peter forces air into his lungs and nods, “I’m fine.” Tony trusts him to watch his daughter, he can’t have a panic attack in front of her. “You wanna help me add the chocolate chips?”
Morgan nods eagerly and lets Peter pick her up.
Once breakfast is done, Peter sits Morgan down on the couch to watch some cartoons while he takes a shower. He lets the water run over him and he takes a deep breath, he’s babysitted for his neighbors dozens of times, it’s not any different with Morgan. Sure she’s his childhood hero’s kid and also his sister, but that doesn’t matter, Peter tries to convince himself. After showering, he lets Morgan convince him to watch tv with her.
“What do you want to do today?” Peter asks her during a commercial break.
Morgan looks up at him with pleading eyes, “Can we go out on the lake? Mommy and daddy haven’t taken me in forever.”
“Sure thing, peanut.”
Peter went to summer camp as a kid, he knows how to kayak so he doesn’t see a problem in sitting Morgan on his lap as he paddles. It’s just after lunch now so the sun beats down their necks. Peter paddles until the kayak sits in the middle of the lake. He rests the paddle across the boat and lets it drift. Morgan leans over the side of the boat, dragging her fingers through the soft water. “Be careful,” Peter warns her gently.
“Look, Petey!” Morgan points excitedly at something out of Peter’s sight. Curiously, he shifts towards where Morgan is and peers over the edge. Seeing nothing, Peter leans even further over the side. He sees what she’s pointing at, a rock glistening in the sunlight.
Peter is just about to say something to her when the boat flips over, dumping Peter and Morgan into the lake. Peter tries to grab a hold of Morgan, but he can’t grab her in time. She slips from his grasp and he loses sight of her as he squeezes his eyes shut on instinct.
Peter resurfaces, gasping for air. He looks around quickly but doesn’t see Morgan until he catches sight of her pink swimsuit under the water. Peter doesn’t hesitate to take a deep breath and dive under. He snags the little girl around the waist and drags her up. He dumps her into the kayak before climbing back in himself.
Peter looks down at Morgan desperately, her eyes are closed and he can hear a low wheeze as she breathes. Then all of a sudden her eyes spring open and she coughs roughly, spewing water from her mouth.
“We’re okay,” Peter assures her tensely. He rubs her back as she finishes coughing up water. Guilt and pain run through Peter’s arms as Morgan climbs into his lap and cries. Shame boils under his skin. His only job is to keep Morgan safe and he failed.
Morgan clings to Peter’s front, crying into his chest as he picks up the paddle with shaking hands and starts to row back towards the house. Once he ties up the boat, Peter picks Morgan up, holding her gently as she’s still crying.
What Peter figures happened to her is that when she fell out of the kayak, she hit her back on the big rock, and got the wind knocked out of her, causing her to forcibly inhale a mouthful of water. He guesses that that causes her to panic and take more water into her lungs before Peter pulled her up.
His heart is pounding in his chest. Tony is never going to trust him with his daughter ever again, she nearly drowned because Peter was too dumb to remember to grab a life jacket. Morgan’s cries have stopped by the time Peter gently nudges her to change her clothes. He does the same, walking into the guest- his bedroom and quickly stripping off his wet clothes.
His phone is sitting on the bed and he picks it up and calls Tony. He doesn’t answer. Then he tries Pepper. Nothing.
Peter is near tears. Why did Tony think leaving him alone with Morgan would be a good idea? Why did they trust him with their only daughter?
When he walks into the hallway, Morgan is waiting for him. She reaches for him and he is quick to scoop her into his arms and walk down to the living room. “I’m sorry, peanut,” Peter tells her. “I-I’m going to call someone else to watch you, okay?”
“No!” Morgan shakes her head quickly and hugs Peter.
“Mo, I have to call your parents and let them know what happened. I’m going to call Uncle Happy over to come take care of you.”
“No!” Morgan protests again, she shakes her head and holds him even tighter. With one hand, Morgan takes Peter’s phone and tosses it across the room.
“Morgan!” Peter gasps. He moves to go grab it, but Morgan pins him to the couch and doesn’t let him move.
Peter holds his little sister in his arms for what feels like hours. At one point, Peter grabs them some food and tries to get his phone, but once again, Morgan doesn’t let him. Morgan sits completely on top of her, her chest against his.
Peter doesn’t even feel himself zone out, he just snaps back into reality when the front door swings open. Pepper and Tony rush towards him with worried faces. Peter’s eyes well with tears at the lecture he knows is going to come. They’re going to kick him out and never want to see him again.  
Pepper lifts Morgan out of his arms and whisks her away upstairs, leaving a pale Peter with Tony.
“What happened, buddy?” Tony asks gently.
Peter sniffs, wiping away his tears, “I took her out on the boat without a life jacket and we both fell in and she breathed in so much water and I-” Peter sobs, leaning into his hands. “I-I tried to call someone but you didn’t answer and she didn’t let me call anyone else and I should have taken her to a doctor. I-I’m sorry.” Peter moves away from the comforting hand Tony puts on his shoulder. He doesn’t deserve it. “You trusted me with her and I let her on the lake without a life jacket and she could have drowned. I-I understand if you don’t want me to be here anymore-”
“Stop,” Tony shakes his head. Peter shuts his mouth quickly, waiting for Tony to shout and scream and reprimand him. But it doesn’t come. Instead Tony envelopes him in a tight hug, crushing his head into his chest. “Are you okay?”
Peter’s breath hitches as he takes a breath. He can’t find room in his throat to speak so he just shakes his head and cries into Tony’s shoulder.
“Shh…” Tony soothes. “You’re okay. Morgan’s okay. Everything’s fine.”
Peter shakes his head, “I-I let her get hurt. I let you down.”
“She’s not hurt,” Tony says, “a little shaken up, but she’s okay, thanks to you. Peter, there is only one other person I trust more with my daughter and that is my wife. I don’t blame you, Pete.”
“You should.”
“We all make mistakes,” Tony rubs his back. “If I had a dollar for every mistake I’ve made with Morgan I could buy the state of New York.” Peter chokes out a laugh. “You are not a bad person or a bad brother for making one mistake.”
“Thank you.” Peter lets himself be smothered by Tony’s hug.
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drstone-writings · 5 years
Hi, anon! I don’t know which character you have ordered LMAO that’s why I chose the five generals ft. Tsukasa! I hope you will like this one! 💚💚
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
—Senku Ishigami
Senku doesn’t know about the feeling of love, yes. But, he knows that he likes you, not in deep meaning, but instead, in an admiration way for having the basic knowledge of science and also for having incredible stamina that God didn’t grant him. Not only that, but you’d also try to help him in some way when he was in need of something, you’re always there to aid him despite not needing some assistance. However, one faithful day, Senku had realized that he felt the strong emotion that was permeating inside his heart, an unknown and strange emotion yet he had the knowledge of what it was. Who would expect that the scientist who called love as illogical was now in a situation where he felt such sentiment towards a person, and now admitted to himself that he is indeed in love with you. When did he realize it?
It’s actually the time where the sun had finally descended and the moon was now present in the vast sky. He saw you sitting on the tree branch where Kohaku would usually sleep on, staring into space where countless of stars covering the dark firmament. If you were Kohaku, he would only shrug you off and let himself stare at the sky as well and climb on the roof of the hut. However, it’s not the case. His eyes were transfixed on you, whose face has this tranquil and contented expression, eyes were sparkling in wonder as you watch the stars twinkling with the others.
Senku was captivated; he was entranced at your beautiful face, seemingly glowing due to the moonlight striking every crevice of your features, defining every little of it. You don’t know how charming you look in Senku’s eyes, he felt like his vision was becoming blurry but only focused on you, like a camera where it would only focus on the thing that is beautiful.
Suddenly, you turned your gaze at him and flashed your utmost sweet smile that he had never received before from you, he was caught off guard and as if the time had slowed down and the Earth had stopped from rotating from its orbit. He had no idea as well as to why he could also felt his heart thumping in excitement and felt the butterflies flapping inside his abdomen. But earlier he wasn’t feeling this, only now when he settled his eyes on you. And that’s when Senku came into a realization.
“Fuck, I love her do I?” he snickered while running his fingers through his hair.
— Gen Asagiri
Gen is a cunning man, a man where he could easily discern what others were thinking and feeling. Like duh? He was called a mentalist for a reason. Ever since the day where he suddenly appeared in the Ishigami village and met you, he felt the urge within him that he wants to know you for some unidentified reason. That is why Gen ventured to approach you at the first day, he thought that you would hate his guts because he was one of Tsukasa’s underlings and you knew that he might be the reason that your friend will die in front of your eyes.
However, it was just his mere assumption, he was taken aback at your approach to him, and he assumed that you would ignore him for the whole day but instead, you talked to him as if the two of you were back in the modern era. He was utterly stunned and found it comical, to be honest. Gen abruptly felt he’s special or something since you would even bestow him a sincere smile and talk to him as if your friend is not in danger.
Gen is known as the magician as well, there’s a time where he would occasionally show you his magic tricks in which you were amazed because you don’t know how he did that. Ahh, you don’t know how you’re heightening Gen’s confidence and he couldn’t help but widely smile internally because of how you praise him. He knew to himself that he was indeed attracted to you; he likes you as a woman.
Gen only realized that he surely fell into your gravity at the day where he was nearly killed by Magma. You’re the one who stayed beside him and treating his wounds with Senku’s herbal medicines. Every time you would patch some herbs on the bruises that he had received, he felt some electricity flowing through his veins whenever he could feel the graze of your fingers on his skin so tenderly that it seemed like you were some angel playing the harp and for Gen, he was the instrument you’re playing. In the middle of the night where he suddenly woke up because he felt something heavy on his arms, and thus, he saw you sleeping quietly beside him, making his left arm as your pillow. Gen felt his heart flutter at the sight, and thus he was certain.
“You caught me, (Name). You indeed caught me with your charms.”
— Chrome
We all know that Chrome likes Ruri to the point where he tried to collect many materials for decades to save her and treat her unknown illness. But we also know that feelings are like a climate, they change in no time. Before, his eyes were only set on Ruri because ever since they were little, they’ve been always together and they knew each other. However, fate seemed like to mess up with his life. Ever since Senku and you had suddenly appeared in the village, his life changed immediately and his feelings turned into chaos.
Why? It’s because he couldn’t avert his gaze away from you every time you’d give him a saccharine smile and praise him for giving lots of ideas and creating things that he doesn’t know that it already exists in your age, despite that he doesn’t have any knowledge on what it looks like. Chrome could feel his stomach flipping whenever you’d also pat his head and ruffle his hair, even his heart was pounding tremendously as if he couldn’t breathe.
Chrome convinced himself that it’s just a mere attraction and admiration and nothing deeper than that. He assured himself that his heart already belongs to Ruri and never would he love someone that isn’t her. But it was inevitable, it was uncontrollable for him not to gaze at you and fall in the depths of your world. It seemed like he became a marionette and you’re the one who’s controlling him with your hands.
One day, Chrome was sitting on the tree branch, thinking on what is going to happen in the grand bout. He’s aware that he’s not the fighter type, he only has the brains. He prayed to the Gods that they could win the bout and save Ruri’s life. As he was in his deep thoughts, suddenly he felt a slight blow of the wind had passed him, hence Chrome craned his neck to look beside him and he felt his heart thumped again for you. But what surprised him was when you swiftly ruffled his hair without his permission and flashed him your sincerest smile that absolutely captivated him. It seemed like you were glowing in this dark place, making it harder for him to avert his gaze. And that’s when Chrome finally accepted the reality; he really is indeed in love with you.
“You’re too irresistible for my own good, (Name),” Chrome thought, giving you a small smile as well.
— Ukyo Saionji
Ukyo has a soft spot for everyone; he dislikes war and especially shedding blood just for the sake of their own benefit and victory. Before he met you, he never felt this strange of emotion that he had this urge to stare and watch someone in every move that they would do, but today is not the same anymore. Between the battle of Tsukasa and Senku, he had suddenly gained a blow from protecting Senku, he was not severely injured but still, his muscles were aching and it’s making him difficult to move. He was about to ask Senku for some herbal medicine to treat himself, however, before he could get out from his tent, you suddenly walked in with some herbal medicine in your hands.
You’re the one who tended his wounds and even accompanied him inside his tent until he was perfectly healed. He was indeed grateful to you and even tried to joke around with him to cheer him up even though he was emotionally okay. Ever since that day, both of you started to know each other and would always search for more food for everyone. Being with you was enjoyable and he will admit that. You won’t let the awkwardness and silence to befall on you two and you would try to make him laugh in your own ways.
Ukyo never noticed that he was slowly becoming fond of your presence to the point when you were busy hanging out with Yuzuriha and helping her, he would check on you and even asked how your day was. He was seriously becoming fidgety and couldn’t stay still until he would take a glimpse at your face. Ukyo perceives you as the compassionate and generous person, of course, he knows about that since he has been observing you interacting with everyone.
But Ukyo only realizes that he has these romantic feelings for you and hardly fell for you is the day when Chrome’s excavation team which you were a part of it as well went to the Ishigami Village to spend the night after searching for the oil that Senku needs for the vessel. The children in the village had taken a liking to you and would even play with them after convincing you without any effort. Seeing you having fun with the kids, laughing and playing with them, you have no idea how he was so intoxicated at watching you. Why? It’s because in his view you were like a crystal clear lake in the middle of the unknown place, gloriously sparkling with the rays of the sun striking the surface of the water. He was utterly enthralled and could feel his heart beating quickly in every minute that would pass in just by staring at your pure and lovely face. That’s when he finally concluded;
“I won’t regret falling in love with you, right, (Name)?”
— Ryusui Nanami
Ahh, Ryusui, of course, your first rendezvous is nothing important to him; it’s like the usual encounters he had back in your era. When he first laid his eyes on you, he definitely admitted to himself that you’re beautiful… in your own way by all means. Because Ryusui had this ideology that women in the world are beautiful. Which is actually nice to hear from a charming and rich guy but to you, you don’t really care. At first, when he tried to compliment your good looks, you only gave him a wry smile before saying your thanks. He thought that you would be embarrassed about it but it’s actually the contradiction of his presumption.
Apparently, you piqued Ryusui’s interest to which he didn’t stop from trying to get to know you and use his good communication skills. To be honest, this is the first time he has been so eager to know someone, it’s all strange to him. In spite of that, he will attempt to know you better. Don’t underestimate the Nanami heir. As the days passed by pestering you while in your work, he finally got what he wanted by knowing you, he assumed that he might have a hard time from knowing about yourself, but instead, it was easy-peasy for him since you’re answering his questions in an instant.
Since Ryusui’s daily routine is to bother you in your work or would even watch you help the others with their tasks, he suddenly felt himself smiling unconsciously while watching you. He only noticed it when Suika asked him as to why he’s smiling at himself. He immediately composed himself and left without saying anything, because his mind was swirling with a lot of thoughts, including the question that Suika had asked him. But what was overwhelming his mind is why he’s enjoying on watching you and felt something fluttering inside his stomach. These new emotions that were popping like a mushroom were making him confused because first of all, it was all too foreign for him.
After a week of not visiting and seeing you since he was trying to distinguish the different emotions that he was feeling. One faithful night really changed Ryusui in a wink. Sitting inside his cabin and was in his deep thoughts, he suddenly heard a knock on his cabin’s door; hence he checked it out to know who the one was bothering him in this late at night. Once he opened the door, his eyes widened upon seeing you in his doorstep, holding a basket of fruits in your hand. You told him that you were checking up on him since you haven’t seen each other for a week and you’re worried for him. After that meeting, you don’t know how Ryusui’s heart fluttered knowing that you’re concerned for him and made his ego boosted to the highest level. He was beyond pleased at what you said that night, for Ryusui you’re like the tidal waves in his expedition with his vessel, seemingly drawing him towards an unknown place which is for him, your world. Ryusui only laughed at himself for not noticing it sooner, he couldn’t believe himself that he fell in love after thousands of years.
“How unexpected of me, you surely caught my heart, (Name), you’re the only one who can do that.”
— Tsukasa Shishio
Back in your generation, you have always been beside the well-known strongest primate high schooler, Shishio Tsukasa. He met you during winter; he was sitting on a bench in the quiet playground. The snow was falling on him and he couldn’t care less about how cold it was since his mind was deep in thoughts, thinking about how he could save his little sister. And all of sudden, you appeared out of nowhere and held the umbrella over him. After that first meeting with him, that’s also the beginning of your friendship with him.
When Tsukasa was revived by Senku and killed him with his own hands, he built his own empire to only revive the youth and shatter the statues of the older ones. The first one who he revived was you, he was relentlessly looking for your statue and he actually managed to find you in just a day. He told you everything and you quickly caught up with his explanation but you didn’t agree with his ideology since you don’t want him to become a murderer. Nevertheless, you only leave him be even if you’re strongly opposed to him.
In months of living in this stone world, Tsukasa has been observing you and watching you talking with everyone. He was glad that you’re adjusting to this kind of living and trying to get along with all the people that he had revived. He knew how understanding and kind-hearted you were, that’s why it didn’t take him a while to give you his trust and befriended you. He reminisces all the memories that you both had, starting from your first meeting and always there for him when he needed someone. You would listen to his ramblings and how you would lift his spirits up when he’s not in a good mood. Tsukasa couldn’t help but smile at the pleasant and valuable memories he had.
Winter arrived as the snow was piling up and covering the whole place. Tsukasa immediately remembered your first meeting again and smiled upon recalling it. He tried to look for you in your tent however you weren’t there, therefore he asked his comrades if he saw you, which he was kinda pleased when one answered him that you went to the cliff where you would usually hang out. Tsukasa didn’t waste a second to go to you, as he reached his destination, his eyes settled on your form who’s looking up while the snow was falling down on your face. He stared at you with pursed lips, trying to engrave it in his mind how stunning you look with the winter scenery the lies before you. Suddenly, he felt his heart pounded against his ribcage, he’s once again feeling the overwhelming emotions he’d felt when taking a glimpse at your face. He never tried to know these inexplicable feelings he harbored for you, but today, it seemed like he found his answer to his question. He loved you ever since, did he?
“How can I not love, (Name)? It’s inevitable not to love her.”
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redundantz · 3 years
Found an old write up of my Star War OCs Backstory and info 🤔
I’m not really a writer and usually don’t enjoy it at all so this is pretty big for me ahha
Yanna Sen'ka
Born on a distant planet, not uncivilized but not refined. A place full of plant life living in a small village on the edge of a forest near a large river.
She is an only child raised by her mother and father.
Her strong force sensitivity was noticed early on by Supreme Leader Snoke. Moulding and manipulating her thoughts and actions. Small whispers in her ear, little seeds of doubt, fear and anger. Building on her childlike fears and worries.
She clashed often with her strong willed mother. Who became distrusting of her daughters troubling and sinister behaviour. Only growing worse when she would go to her father for everything and get dotted on by him. Jealousy bloomed. Her mother was jealous of the great attention she got from him. And how she never came to her for help or comfort. All the while Snoke fanning the flames of your bitterness and resentment towards her. Becoming a dark ball of hate whenever near her. Often causing Yanna to lash out or run off sometimes for days.
Growing up in the forest she knew her way around well. What plants to eat and how to trap animals for food. She could spend days by herself. And she did. Not entirely out of her own desire. The other kids were also wary of her.
Her unstable behaviour and rumours surrounding her that strange and awful things happen.
On one of her outings by the waterfall, she was practicing her use of the force. Stacking rocks, building a little dam to catch the fish in the pond.
One of the village boys came through the brush spotting her using her powers. Startled, and still very angry the rock she had been floating flung into him with a startling velocity and power. So much so that his gasp of surprise was cut short and his limp body fell to the ground. In shock, she could only gape as blood started running down the stones into the pool. Dying it red.
Snapping out of it she started to panic and breathing hard, tears welled up in her eyes.
In shock, she just stared as the blood washed away. And a small consciousness came into the back of her mind saying. "You did nothing wrong my child. He saw you, you know what they would do if he told everyone. Imagine how disappointed your father would be if he found out? You don't want that....
Now, imagine how glad the other children will be now that he's gone. He was a useless boy, did nothing of value and lorded his false power over others.
And you my child have true power. Look what you did without even trying. Imagine what you could do with my full tutelage.
All of them would listen, never question you.
Your scum mother would never dare raise her voice at you...
And your papa would be so proud to look upon such a strong and accomplished daughter.
Now.... get rid off the body!”
Still horrified by what she's done yet with new found resolve she moves over to the corpse. Grabbing him by the back of his shirt she hauls him into the pool to be carried down river.
Washing away any of the blood on the stones and the evidence of her presence there. She glances at the body as it bobs down the river out of her sight before darting into the woods.
Frantic, she just couldn't get away from there fast enough still terrified by what she's done. She ran and wandered until her legs ached. The sun was setting causing the shadows in the forest to deepen before she climbed s tree to find a safe perch for the night.
Finally settling down and alone with her thoughts. The edge of panic had creeped off and she was surprisingly calm and serene. a voice in the night whispered "you've done well child...."
Looking up to the small group of stars she could see through the thick canopy. The fear and panic from earlier settled into the back of her mind she could only think of how glad she was rid of the boy.
None in the village could figure out what happened to the boy but everyone was on edge. And Yanna was put under more scrutiny. She couldn’t understand why everyone was so upset over the useless kid. Getting more and more withdrawn and angry.
Her mother was getting even worse to her as she got older and she got confronted by her if it was she who was the cause of the boys disappearance. Yelling and screaming, calling her a cursed child and that she stole everything from her. She was holding a knife in defence afraid of her own child or ready to attack..? Yanna looked for her father but he just looked at her with fear and uncertainty in his eyes. She felt despair. But really he was looking at his wife, maybe with clear eyes for the first time. As she went in to the attack, Yanna was able to avoid and fight back for the most part but her father tried to intervene and save her getting stabbed in the process. He wasn’t critically injured but she saw red and high pitched screaming filled her ears. Next thing she woke up to was her fathers body shielding her and the house, the village, and forest was on fire. Her mother was dead and her father was dead. Her mind was blank.
“It’s time”
When Snoke came to get her she was alone in the forest she couldn't stand to be around what she had done. Refusing to think about it as her rage died down. She couldn't. She just repeated what leader Snoke said to her before.
The code of the dark side.
Her only salvation.
She met Kylo Ren when she was 14. Only a few years older than her he was gangly yet exuded a great sense of power that radiated from him crackling and angry. He was reckless and had a childlike temperament.
She got on his nerves a lot and not always in purpose. Unlike him she has learned to focus her anger and fear. Her calculated control bothered him as she would look down on him every time he would throw a fit.
Often it would cause them to fight.
She wouldn't admit that she just liked to get on his nerves and show him how little control he had by flaunting hers. Also that she wanted to help teach him to master himself. Even though it should have been the other way around.
She knew it was not in her best interest but she grew quite attached to him. She was a decent comrade to the others. Especially Kuruk ren. He made her laugh with jokes and a sick sense of humour. Always having the most ridiculous of stories to tell. He even wanted to get in her pants a few times. She was tempted to be sure. Mostly to just get it over with and see what it's like. She really didn't enjoy his company "that" much. In either case she has never felt more included. she's finally a part of a group and working towards something bigger than herself. She was determined to be useful and prove herself. She wanted to make leader Snoke proud. He was the only one there for her her whole life guiding her, who truly understood her.
Master Snoke would train them all when he could but for the most part it was up to them to keep up their practices. Their fitness, saber wielding, meditation and use of the force. Most of the Knights would work independently as comradery was not something adherent to their teachings. Mostly sparing together to blow off extra energy and test their might.
Kylo was the over all strongest beating most of the Knights easily. A few where much more adept at swordplay and gymnastics each having their own strong suit . Some even preferring blasters and other physical weapons.
Yanna was not the best at swordplay, but was quite nimble and able to move around with a purpose from many years in the forests.
She would focus and use of the force to read movements and work around them. Reading their minds or just straight up using her powers to physically beat them or trip them. Usually that wasn't allowed in sparing but she didnt always listen.
Snoke chose Kylo to be the Master of the Knights of Ren and it must have been for a good reason. She just couldn't help but let a small part of herself felt slighted and jealous.
She was there when they helped kill all the Jedi training under Luke Skywalker. Snoke told her about Luke and how Kylo trained under him until he was shown the way to the dark side. How he was the cause of Vaders death. The Shinning example of pure darkness.
As a part of the Knights they all admired him greatly. None more so as Kylo. Not quite sure how deep his attachment goes.
They wore clothes and helmets in honour of him. Hoping to take up where he left off. Show the universe what true power is.
She has a special way she typically used her force powers. By exploding people's hearts. Not very messy but effective. Didn't require her to use her sword which was more for defence and secondary offence than anything.
Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale?
In the middle, she respects her elders and superiors but holds nothing back for her peers and children. Most rudeness is nonverbal just ignoring or blatant disregard.
How many friends does your character have?
Virtually none. The Knights of Ren are her closest allies. Kylo in particular and Kuruk. Leader Snoke himself has been her closest friend and Mentor.
Also Captain Phasma share a fun friendship the rare chance the meet.
How many friends does your character want?
She would say none. That ties to others always just end up in pain and are a weakness. In reality a few close good friends is what she wants and needs. People to share experience with and shared ambition.
How does your character feel about sex?
Not something she's particularly interested in. Neither is romance. Her life has been to driven and hectic to think of such things. Even being older it’s not really on her mind. If the fancy ever struck her she wouldn't say no. A few men/women and even the other Knights have tried. All their efforts just irritate her.
She does masterbate now and again, for release only when she's sure no one would know.
What was the best thing in your character’s life?
Her Father was her best friend and mentor. He would teach her all about living in the forest and wouldn’t treat her like a child. letting her figure stuff out on her own and make mistakes but always there to help out. But was also there to comfort her but was also a bit of a coward when it came to standing up to his wife.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have A Jedi [2] | Male Stark!reader x Peter Parker
Fandom: Star Wars and Marvel
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male Stark Reader
Summary: After receiving his Kyber Crystal, (M/N) moves onto his next stage. Creating his lightsaber.
A/N: I want to thank you all for the support and words of encouragment. It’s because of all of you that this fic sees new life. These next 2 chapters were written and published on ao3 when I thought of making this a full on fic but that didn’t happen so here they are here. I hope you enjoy.
Read from the beginning
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(I will use as many Ahsoka Gifs as I want because she is my favorite Character and she’s about to go through hell.)
Continuing through the cave, (M/N) seeked to find the exit to the forge. The ambiance of the cave really didn’t help that the only light was coming from the lantern. After some time, he realized he had started to walk up hill. Eventually, he reached an exit and he saw that he was high up in the mountains with the valleys far below. In front of him was a path that stretched on for a while and at the end was a large ancient structure. The forge.
It didn’t take long for him to reach the forge. The forge itself was an ancient structure created during the time of the first Jedi. Looking around he didn’t see any of the other younglings,they must have still been looking for their crystals. Deciding to not lose any time,he climbed the stairs and entered the forge. The structure itself is quite large,while the forge itself is more like a room. Setting the components down on the forge’s construction table,he then moved to the center of the room and meditated. He focused on the crystal,the parts,the forge,and the blade itself. The parts soon lifted up into the air and started to put themselves together. When he felt it,(M/N) reached out and pulled the lightsaber towards him. Igniting the blade he saw that he had a (color) blade,he had never seen anything like it before.
Suddenly,the strong feeling entered the back of his mind. A disturbance in the force. To his right a large boulder smashed into the wall of the forge. Turning around (M/N) came face to face with what threw the boulder, a jurogan. He had heard tales about the forge guardian but he never believed them. Unlike the narglatch,he would have to face this beast in combat. Taking his stance,he closed his eyes and once again felt the force around him and then he struck. Launching himself at the beast,he quickly took a swipe at the jurogan’s leg with his saber causing the beast to fall to its hands. Angered by (M/N)’s attack, it swung its claws trying to grab hold of him. Before the claws could seep into his flesh,(M/N) jumped up into a backflip bringing his lightsaber down into the beasts head. The Jurogan let out one last roar as its body fell to the ground,dead. he jumped off the jurogan’s body and deactivated his lightsaber.
“Wow...that was incredible.”
Turning around (M/N) was face to face with his friend again. Sheyo had the most awestruck look on her face,like she had just witnessed something life changing. he noticed that she had her crystal in her hands.
“I see you found your crystal Sheyo.”
“Don’t ‘ I see you found your crystal Sheyo’ me (M/N) Stark! You just took down the forge guardian in a couple bounds! That was incredible!” Sheyo practically yelled.
(M/N) shook his head and let out a little laugh. “Well don’t let me stop you,go forge your lightsaber. I should head back to the temple.”
“You’re right,good luck and congratulations. You’re about to become a padawan. I’ll be back when I’m done with this lightsaber,but I think you’ll be gone already.” Sheyo’s face falters a little. “Be careful (M/N).”
“May the force be with you Sheyo Wune.”
The journey back to the temple went by slower than he thought it would. He was walking towards his future and yet...it felt like he was leaving everything behind. Finally he arrived at the temple,he headed towards the council chambers where he was told to return to. He took note that he had not seen any of the other younglings that also went for their crystals,besides Sheyo who should be on her way back. He entered the empty council chamber and signaled that he had returned. He waited for a little while until the council gathered. Master Shaak TI was the first to speak.
“Welcome back padawan. You are the first to return,I can sense another is close behind. Congratulations are in order on the creation of your lightsaber, be warned your lightsaber is both a tool and a weapon. You should only need to use it in defense of yourself and others.”
(M/N) had heard all of this before. The Jedi were the defenders of peace and embrace the light,while the Sith use their hatred and anger to reach their goals. However, Unlike the other Jedi he felt it was important to take the offense sometimes...they are at war after all. Shaak Ti continued on. “To help continue on your trials,you have been assigned a master.” The door of the council chambers opened and another person entered. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, He had a strong bond with them. His mother. “ Master Udera will be your master, she will teach you the ways of the Jedi beyond this temple.”
Janai bowed a little. “I shall teach him well masters.”
(M/N) also bowed. “Thanks you masters,I shall head my master’s words.”
With that the two left the council chambers. Janai lead him towards her office. He had only met with his mother a couple of times since he arrived on Tython, with the Jedi not allowing relationships a Jedi with a child would not go over well. He knew his mother loved him and he loved her, but they would never have a proper relationship, at least not amongst the Jedi. Janai’s office was more like a meditation chamber than anything, it seemed perfect for a Jedi master.
Janai turned and faced him, she gave him a bright smile and hugged him. “My son...I am so proud of you.”
That definitely surprised him,his mother never was one to stick to the Jedi way but that wasn’t expected.
“I am sure you already suspect why we got paired together. I asked the council to have you as my padawan,it has always been my intention to do this ever since you arrived on Tython.” She paused and her face faltered. “I hoped that when you were born, you wouldn’t have the force and we could have lived a different life...with your father. That didn’t happen and we had to be separated...but not anymore,I will teach you the ways of the force and finally get to be with you again.”
(M/N) hadn’t really been told of his early life before the temple. He still doesn’t know who his father is or if he’s still alive,he wished he could meet him. (M/N) wished he could pretend like everything was okay and they could be a family,but the reality is they couldn’t. Not yet anyways.
“Thank you...master for choosing me. However I think it would be better for both of us if we stayed a master and padawan for now. I just...need some time.”
Janai was disappointed,but understood. “I understand. I will teach you everything and when you are ready. We’ll talk.”
“Thank you master,so where do we begin?”
A/N: And we’re back! I wrote this chapter months ago so it may not be the best but hey we only have one more chapter of old writing before I can write new things. Don’t worry. Marvel stuff is coming into play soon.
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