#the one time he did something fucked up to a village was when he burned suki's home in his hunt for aang which there is no justification fo
catoscloves · 1 year
adlfjaldjslkdfjsk tell me TELL ME that no one called zuko and katara a "colonizer/colonized" relationship i'm in so much fucking disbelief
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nsharks · 6 months
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part twelve —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 3k tags: *hint at sexual assault. please be cautious!* death. blood. cannibalism mention. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival.
Dense mud packs onto the soles of your boots. You shift the near-empty backpack on your shoulder and slip back a few sweat-laced strands of hair from your face. Never before were you a morning person. In fact, you used to purposely sign up for all the afternoon lectures in uni. But now, time and sunlight are precious. You set out to search for the camp this morning with only a sliver of sunrise as your companion. 
You hope Ghost was right.
He suspected that their camp would be situated in a location with easy access to the military base, river, and nearby village so they could draw resources from all three. So that's the direction you're headed in, squinting at nearby landmarks and interstate signs to help guide you. It's quite the hike: grueling, hilly terrain and moist air that you can't distinguish from your own sweat. You've stepped over some interesting sights along the way. An old forest station with CAMP FEES and LEAVE NO TRACE posters still outside. A small skeleton tucked in a bush with only child-sized rainboots left on it. For a moment, you saw Joseph. Toddling around in the puddles outside your sister’s house. You had to force yourself not to look at it for too long; you wiped your eyes, gritted your teeth, and prayed it had been painless for them.
You come to a narrow creek, crossing over a stone bridge that spits you out among dense evergreens. Finally, a faint column of smoke comes into view just above the forest's canopy. 
That must be it.
It's certainly a sign, so you suck in a shaky breath, ignore the rush of blood in your veins, and do what Ghost suggested: climb a tree to get a better look. 
There was a time not long ago when climbing trees was your only means of survival. This time, it feels so much easier to hoist yourself up and grip the bark as your muscles flex to steady yourself on a high branch. Luckily, there wasn't much to bring in the backpack Ghost gave you. For now, there's nothing in it other than your lighter, a roll of gauze, that romance book, and a small piece of dry wood. 
Squinting your gaze, you make out the silhouette of triangular, orange tents and uneven fencing. Definitely a camp. The fence doesn't appear barbed from here, but it's at least a meter higher than the one that surrounds Ghost's place. You're close enough to see a few blue crates in the center that look like those ones from the military medical site. Is that what they're keeping the supplies in? It seems like the only obvious place based on the layout.
What you really want to know is how many people. Soundlessly, you shift your boots to get a different angle and finally spot movement coming out of one of the tents— a sizeable male wearing a leather jacket.
Is that it?
Your eyes stay locked on the stranger for a minute, tracking his movement as he cooks something over the fire. He gives out a long whistle, the high-pitched sound audible even from where you stand nestled in the treetop. Panic seizes your breath: did he somehow see you and is alerting someone else? But no— you're much too far, and his eyes never shifted in your direction. 
Instead, there's more movement, the faint shuffling of paws on the ground, and then a large dog appears at the man's side. He tosses something in front of it, what must be a slab of meat, because the dog is quick to start chowing down with the enthusiasm of a mindless Grey.
"Fuck me," you whisper to yourself, fingertips splintering against the bark. "Couldn't prepare me for that, huh, Ghost?"
The plan he instructed you with is fairly simple and straightforward— you'll just have to stick to it and be mindful of the additional obstacle. You've survived much worse even just a few days ago, so with that in mind, you slip down the column of the tree and purposefully backtrack your steps, gaining a bit more distance between you and the camp. 
You need a ruse, something to draw the man out for enough time for you to grab the ammo. Ghost told you to bring the book to help get a fire started since the twigs and leaves here are damp after the storm, so you find a good spot and start ripping out the pages, crumpling them up. You arrange the piece of wood and paper in such a way that you have a minute or two before the smoke really gets going. You pull out your lighter from the pocket of your jeans, start it, and then head back towards the camp, this time going around so you can approach it from the side. 
You keep your footsteps as light as possible while moving quickly. Once the man notices the smoke and leaves to scout it out, your timer starts. There's another whistle followed by a gravelly bark from the dog. You sneak close to the side of the fence, pausing behind a tree, just when you catch a glance of the stranger shucking a rifle over his shoulder and exiting out the gate. He shuts it behind him with a series of padlocks.
It won't take him long to find the source of the smoke and realize it's nothing, so you muster all your strength and begin climbing the fence, rusty links digging into your palms. You try to do it without making much noise, but the moment you jump down with a thud, the dog's head snaps in your direction. It begins to growl, flashing thick canines under its bloodied muzzle. You break out into a sprint toward the blue crates, but it crosses the span of the camp in mere seconds, clamping down on your forearm before you can even begin to look for the ammo.
The pain is white hot. You silently cry out as the dog shakes its head, tearing through the fabric of your coat and the tissue of your muscle. 
You tug at your arm, but it doesn't let go. Remembering the piece of squirrel meat you brought as a snack, you dig it from your pocket and wag it in front of the dog's face.
"Come on, let go— please."
It's enough to catch his attention, the bite on your arm loosening once you toss the meat a few meters away and he follows it. You clutch your arm with a ragged breath, ignoring the blood and pain that radiates from it.
The squirrel can only distract him for so long, so you urgently flip open the lid of the first crate. Staring back at you is a mix of what appears to be severed limbs and various animal parts. The pungent smell floods up your nose. You instantly clamp the lid back down, fighting the urge to vomit, and move on to the next one. 
Plenty of it.
Without a second to waste, you sling off the backpack and begin stuffing it with the cardboard packs of cartridges, hoping it's the kind Ghost needs. When you tug the zipper closed, a decision pops into your brain: to keep looking through the other crates for medicine, or to get the fuck out of there. You take a millisecond too long to think about it because suddenly, you notice the dog from the corner of your eye, done with the meat and moving towards you with another throaty growl. 
You tug the heavy backpack on and make a beeline for the closest side of the fence. In the panic, you fail to notice the creak of the gate opening until you are stumbling into a hard chest. A strong hand wraps around your bicep.
He's back.
This is it, then.
"Rocky— sit."
The growling behind you ceases. A whole new fear washes over you as you blink up at a rugged face. The stranger uses his other hand to take hold of your jaw, hard enough that your teeth are forced to grind together. In a heart-pounding silence, he inspects you, bluntly looking you up and down. Then, he takes out a knife and presses it to your neck. Your throat bobs against the icy metal. 
"Fucking bitch," he mutters. "Start a fire to try and steal from me?"
"N-no!" Your brain reels for a lie. "No— I don't know what you're talking about. I-I came here looking for help."
"Try a better lie, sweetheart." 
"I mean it," you stammer, holding onto the fact that he hasn't slit your throat yet. Raw desperation speaks for you. "My… my friends are gone. Someone attacked us a few days ago and killed them. I've been alone ever since and then I found your camp, hoping someone would be here to help me."
This seems to grab his attention. Dark eyes narrow. It's now you realize he's quite young, maybe in his thirties.
"Someone attacked you, huh? Who?"
"Um, some guy. I don't know. I didn't get a good look at him because he was… he was wearing a mask."
"So some guy killed all your friends by himself?" When you slowly nod, cringing at your terrible story, his jaw flexes. "I've lost my friends, too. They went out on a hunting trip three days ago and haven't come back."
"Oh. I'm sorry," you lie, swallowing. "So you… so you believe me?"
"I believe your friends are dead. I don't believe you didn't start that fire to distract me."
His words make your heart race. Again, his eyes trail down, and the knife follows, lowering to the floral fabric of your blouse and popping open one of the buttons. 
"Take it off," he suddenly orders. 
"The shirt. Take it off. Let me decide if I should kill you or keep you."
You put on a brave face and do as he says, not given much room to protest despite the sick feeling that twists your gut. You drop the backpack, half-inclined to swing it at him, but then what? There is no way you can take him in a fight, especially since he's armed with a knife and gun, and there is no Grey this time to help you out. 
The coat falls to the ground at your feet before you shakily undo the buttons of your blouse, wincing from the movement of your bitten arm. Crisp air greets your bare skin. Your nipples tighten uncomfortably and his gaze darts right to them, intensifying the churn in your stomach. 
He gives a low whistle. "Lucky me."
Your nails jab crescents into the palms of your hands. "Am I… am I worth keeping, then?"
He bears a sick, toothy smile. "Pretty for a thief," he confirms. "Haven't seen someone so pretty in a few years now." His eyes flash to your arm and he reaches to grab it, making you choke. "Hell, Rocky. You gave her an ugly bite, though. Might get in the way of what I have in mind for you."
Half-naked, you are dragged by the arm to one of the blue crates. He slips the knife into his pocket in order to search through it. You notice pills, liquids, and a single glass bottle of what appears to be clear alcohol, which he pulls out along with a cloth.
"Tell me your name," he says, forcing you to sit down on a folding chair. "Before I enjoy you.”
You tell him quietly.
With an eery gentleness, he sits across from you and dabs the bite with some alcohol. The sting is immeasurable, but you roll your eyes to the sky and silence yourself. The feel of his cold, calloused fingers makes you imagine how they would feel touching other parts of your body. You need to think of something quick before he gets the chance to. He still has the gun on him, and the only knife you brought is in the jacket on the ground. Your eyes flicker to the bottle, which he set down by the leg of his chair.
"What's your name?" you ask, looking back at him.
"So, um, Leo— how did you end up here?"
"I was a new recruit in the military when shit started five years ago," he explains idly, fixated on your arm. "Stationed at the base nearby."
"I saw medical tents there," you mutter, clearing your throat. "Did you help with that?"
He chuckles. "For all of a day until some buddies and I decided to take what we could and leave. There was no point in trying to help people. We figured that out pretty quick."
"Oh. Were those the buddies who haven't come back?" 
He nods. "I'm sure they're dead by now. But, one good thing is," he reaches for the gauze, sniggering lowly, "—that means I don't have to share you."
As he begins to unwrap the gauze, you decide he’s distracted enough. It happens in one, urgent motion. You clasp the alcohol bottle by the neck, arch it above his head, and thrust it down. The glass shatters, drenching him with alcohol and blood as a piece slices open his forehead. He immediately drops the gauze and hisses in pain.
"Bitch," he snarls. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"
He leaps to his feet and pulls the knife out again. As he does, you dig the lighter out of your pocket and ignite a flame, bringing it to his soaked shoulder. Instantly, fire flashes up his neck and face in hues of orange and blue, even catching your wet fingertips. It renders him blind as he howls and tries to swing at you, but you immediately run away, rubbing your burned hand against your jeans.
You grab your discarded clothes and backpack before flinging open the crate with medicine in it. You begin stuffing as many bottles into the side pockets of the backpack as you can, breathing frantically.
"I'm going to kill you," he seethes again, and the firing of a bullet somewhere behind you means he must have grabbed his rifle.
But he still can't see, his eyes blistered by the flames that continue to lick his face. Each shot bites the ground as you heave the backpack on your shoulders and take off toward the fence.
The dog barks, louder and louder as he runs after you. You don't look back. You wad your clothes up in a ball and toss them over the fence to free up your hands. Then, you quickly climb up, the muscles in your face tightly clenched as the full backpack weighs you down. 
You're too slow. 
Teeth grab hold of your boot.
You're pulled back down, hands spreading out to break the fall. 
In the mud, you wrestle beneath a snarling jaw, dirtying up your hair and exposed skin. This time, you don't hesitate to hurt the animal. You grab your lighter again and thrust the flame into the dog's eye, making it leap back with a pained squeal. 
Freed, you scramble back up the fence.
You leap down. Grab your clothes
You can still hear him shouting as you run away, weaving through the thicket of trees. Only when the sound fades do you stop to catch your breath, sinking down against a tree and putting your clothes back on.
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A moan of relief escapes your lips the moment you shrug off the backpack and drop it at Ghost's feet. He crouches down, swearing under his breath when he unzips it and the ammo practically spills out. He grabs a few boxes, opening and inspecting them under the violet light of sunset. The walk back took you hours longer. You were almost tempted to sleep in a tree for the night, but the threat of Greys or any more strangers kept you going. 
"Good. This is good, Twix." There's a hint of disbelief in his voice before he clears it away, zipping the backpack up. He stands and offers a lengthy look from your head to your boots. "How many were there?"
"Just one."
"Just one," he repeats, brow lifting. "And you look this roughed up. What happened?"
"There was a dog," you say dully, lifting your arm up to show him the bitemark in your sleeve. Beneath it, you already bandaged the wound, not wanting to draw attention to its scent. “Just a dog and a cannibal rapist guy."
You shake your head. "Nothing. I'm going to sleep."
Before you can take a step past him, warm fingers latch onto your wrist. So warm. You inhale a breath, a burn of moisture lining your eyes.
“Please don’t touch me," you request in a harsher whisper than you intend.
You can no longer see the details of him with how bleary your eyes are, but you feel his touch disappear.
"What happened?" he asks again, voice lowering.
"Nothing. I got your ammo and I handled it. When can we leave?"
There is a pause before he responds as if he is debating whether or not to drop the subject. For now, he does.
"Tomorrow, hopefully."
"Good." The back of your hand smooths over your eyes. "Don't— don't forget our deal, Ghost. Promise me."
A firm nod. "I don't back out on my word."
As if to prove it, he shucks off the jacket and hands it over.
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bouncybongfairy · 2 months
First off, I love your writing and I can’t get enough really. I’ve been obsessed with your atla stuff and I was wondering if you’d be down to write for Sokka. Any smut really but like something like, you’re traveling with the gaang and there’s tons of tension with him. If not no hard feelings whatsoever, just a suggestion.
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Do You?
Sokka x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: There's been a lot of tension between you and Sokka for the past couple of weeks. After and heated argument, Anng send both of you to get some air. Sokka finds you in a tavern after a couple of drinks and both your feelings come to the surface.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut
Appa had been sick for the past couple days, meaning you guys were basically stranded until he was better. It didn’t help that you and Sokka had been going at it lately. You weren’t really sure why but everything he did drove you crazy. Anng paired the two of you up to skin the fish for tonight's dinner. The entire time he was criticizing you about how you were descaling it. Bragging about back home he could prepare a fish faster than anyone.
“Oh so since you’re the best and can do it ‘fAsTeR tHaN aNyOnE’ you can do this on your own,” you said, standing up and wiping your hands. 
“Sloppy help is better than no help,” he huffed. 
“Whatever, I'll go help Katara,” you said. 
“Wait no- okay I’ll chill with the critiques. Let me teach you,” he said, reaching his hand out. 
Without saying anything, you walked back over and sat on your knees. He sat behind you, his knees on the outside of your hips and thighs. Giving you the knife and securing your grip with his own. Holding onto the outsides of your hands as he instructed. As he talked, you could feel his breath against the back of your neck. Due to him being so close to your ear, he lowered his voice. Speaking with a soft and gentle tone, making your ears burn slightly. You began unknowingly letting yourself enjoy this. The way you could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. Liking the feeling of his body against yours and his smell engulfing your nose. 
“See,even you can do it!” he said in an extremely patronizing way. 
“Fuck off,” you said, feeling overwhelmed by how much you were enjoying his touch. Also not appreciating his poking fun at you even more. 
“Ugh you’re exhausting, even when I try being nice you push me away. Can't you see that I like -ahem- that I’m like, trying to make an effort!” he said, cheeks flushing red. 
“That’s it! I’m tired of hearing the two bickering none stop. Both of you need space from each other! Sokka you go that way, y/n you go that way. I don’t care what you do, but don’t come back until you figure out why both of you are so insufferable!” Anng yelled, slamming his glider onto the ground. 
The two of you made intense eye contact before walking away. Luckily for you, he sent you in the direction of a local market in the village. The walk gave you a lot of time to think; when he was helping you skin the fish, it felt like he had underlying feelings. Like he was purposely finding an excuse to be close to you. The tone in his voice was different, you never heard him talk like that to anyone else.​​ The way he slid his hands along your arms before grabbing your hands. It was becoming evident that the frustration and tension you’ve been feeling wasn’t caused by anger. 
You finally reached a tavern, it wasn’t much but it was cozy. Drunk men singing and goofing off with each other. A group of women gossiping with each other adjacent to a group of men playing Pai Sho. Immediately feeling out of place, you walk up to the barmaid and ask for whatever she recommended. Which ended up being some type of fermented wine. One of the young men comes up to you, trying to engage in conversation. 
“Are you new to town? I’ve been coming here for a couple years but I've never seen you,” he says, smiling while holding his drink. 
“Oh um, yeah I’m just staying in town for a couple days,” you explain, finishing off your drink and ordering another one. 
“Aww that’s a shame, I bet I could convince you to stay for a little longer,” he said, which made you giggle. 
You were now polishing off your third drink, watching the game. Enjoying the music, making conversation with the other patrons. Dancing with the group of young women from earlier. You didn’t realize Sokka was watching you from the wooden doors. Eventually the young gentlemen who you were speaking with earlier, starts to dance with you. Sokka was visibly getting more irritated, watching his hand travel down your back. Once the guy wrapped his arms around you, pressing himself against you from behind, he couldn’t control himself. Stomping over and pulling you out of the dude's grip. Your heart sank once your eyes fell onto him. Like you’d been caught doing something wrong, looking you up and down with such disappointment.
“We're leaving,” Sokka growled, grabbing you by the upper arm gently. 
“Does she want to leave with you,” the guy asked. 
“Do you?” Sokka asked, looking down at you. Feeling quite tipsy it made you nervous to speak. Like if you opened your mouth, only stupidness would come out. He was looking at you with such intensity and jealousy, you nodded your head in agreement. Leading you out of the building, into an alley behind the building. Giving you two some privacy while waiting for him to talk. 
“Are you mad?” you asked. 
“I feel like I've dropped all the hits I can. I don’t know if this is like… your way of making me just admit it but I like you. If you keep pushing me away every time I come onto you then I just won’t anymore. I can’t take it,” he said, walking over to the river bank. Letting his hair free from its pony tail out of frustration. Falling onto his knees and splashing some cool water onto his face. Seeing how disappointed he was in your actions made you feel stupid. Like you were blind to all his advances and playful teasing and it was too late to let your feelings known. However, you were drunk enough to at least give it a shot. Walking over to him and joining where he sat in the grass. 
“I think I was just nervous -hiccup- to tell you how I felt. Then because I was holding all my feelings inside, I became standoffish. I’m sorry,” you said, brushing the partially wet hair off his face before continuing, “Please don’t think I’m only saying this because I drank. Drunk thoughts are sober words… or is it sober words are drunk thoughts,” you begin making him laugh. 
“Are you gonna make me ask for a kiss?” you asked, he took your offer and smashed his lips against yours. 
Lips melting together as you straddle his lap. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue over it. Moaning as you started grinding down on his dick print. The alcohol in your system was making you more ballsy, desperately grinding yourself against him. Enjoying the friction against your clit. Sokka’s mouth hung open as bucked his hips up. Gripping your hips tightly, helping work you on him. He was sitting up, back against the back wall of the tavern. You were holding his face in your hands, moaning and panting against his lips. Pressing his forehead against your chest as he started to cum. His hips spasming from underneath, you could feel his length spasm against your core, sending you into climax. Time slowed while fire was pooling in your lower abdomen and you frantically rubbed yourself against him. Letting your head fall towards, letting him support your weight while cooling down. Both of you walking hand and hand, his giving you a piggy back ride once you became too tired. 
“Great, see sometimes a little space does people good. Glad you guys worked it out,” Anng said as the two of you walked to separate tents. 
“Oh trust me, we really worked through our problems,” Sokka remarked before everyone turned in.
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satorusugurugurl · 1 month
I’ve been seeing so many videos about how Japanese people view prostitution wherein they don’t think that such is a form of cheating.
Can I please get JJK men headcanons of whether or not they would visit a prostitute (for the context, the boys can be single of taken)
Lady of the Night
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna (modern ceo au), Geto Suguru (curse user)
Warnings: Mentions of sex work, escort/prostitution, rough sex, silly gojo, blindfolds, spanking, cursing, balcony sex, contracts being bought, sold off, virginity loss, mentions of violence/blood/death/fire (all in Geto’s)
Word Count: 5,000
A/N: Wowzers, this one was intense. Please note consent is key!!! I don’t support cheating or anything, so these boys are just looking for a good time. Please know in Geto’s, there’s no SA. It’s hinted there was an attempt, but I didn’t go into details! If you’re not comfortable, please do not read!
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Gojo Satoru:
Gojo wouldn't intentionally hire an escort. He would, however, order one on accident. The man is exhausted and can easily teleport home, but the tiny village he’s in is famous for its taro mochi. He finds a motel where they’re renowned for their sweet treat and books a room for the night.
The second Satoru steps inside, his blindfold is off, his shoes kicked to the side, and he's making his way for the phone to call room service. Glancing over the menu, he ordered the mochi his mouth was watering over, along with a silk robe that must be woven with gold because who in their right mind spends ¥200,000 on a robe? Oh well, it's pocket change for him.
Little did Satoru know there was a reason the robe was so expensive. The hotel he’s staying at is a love hotel. They are known not only for their delectable mochi but also for their lovely escorts. So the reason his robe was so damn expensive was because you were a part of the order. A package deal of sorts! So imagine his surprise when he opens his hotel room door expecting someone to roll in a cart with a silver platter and lid to find a woman standing in his ¥200,000 robe that barely covers your beautiful glowing skin.
“Room service~” Your sultry voice cooes as you pull the robe out a little, revealing more of your breasts.
Satoru takes one look at you before turning a bright shade of red. Then he does something no one in all your years as an escort does. He slams the door in your face, leaving you staring at the wood grain in utter shock.
“I-I’m sorry!” He sputters out, turning to stare at the door. “I-I think there's been some kind of mistake!”
Confirming that you’re at the right room, you tilt your head to the side. “This is the room I was given. Is your name Gojo? You ordered a specialty robe.” A nervous laugh sounds from the other side of the door.
”I assumed it was a robe for me to wear!’
He was slamming his head against the wall, grimacing as you burst out into a fit of giggles. Not only were you incredibly attractive, but your laugh was fucking adorable?! Satoru just wanted to throw himself out of the window without his infinity up.
You wiped at the tears forming in your eyes. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be laughing, but this has never happened to me before.”
”Yeah,” Satoru chuckled, “I guess that makes two of us.” His face was burning as his eyes lingered on the door. You laughed again louder, this time making his heart flutter. “I guess this explains why the robe was so expensive.” You barked another laugh as he slowly opened the door, leaning against the frame, grinning down at you.
”That would explain it.” You held the platter of his mochi out for him. “Sorry for the mixup. Here’s your mochi, and I’ll bring you up a robe that hasn’t been worn.” Turning back to the elevator, your movements ceased as the handsome man gently grabbed your wrist, preventing you from moving.
“Would you like to come in?” he offered, stepping to the side. “Share some mochi?” with a broad smile, you slowly nodded.
“You did pay for a night with me.”
“No, I paid for a robe, a robe that just so happens to be attached to a beautiful woman.”
“Right~ I would love to come in.”
When you first got off the elevator, you had a general idea of what the evening would entail. Sex with a customer, a hot shower, and then you would head home. You had never been more wrong in your entire life, and you were glad that you were.
You didn’t have sex; instead, you just laid in bed with Satoru tied up in the robe that he had ordered for himself. You fed each other mochi while laughing and getting to know each other. In the two hours you had with him, you had never had so much fun in your career. Gojo felt the same way; you were so easy to talk to, and you were gorgeous.
Time didn’t seem to exist in that hotel room as you took a bite of mochi Satoru held out for you. But the moment the phone rang, it pulled you out of your happy fantasy back into reality. A disappointed sigh escaped you as you answered the phone, grimacing as your manager yelled at you that he’d had another client waiting for you despite your rule of only taking one a night. Before you could argue with him, Satoru snatched the phone from your hands.
”Sorry, I’m not done; I’d like to add to my time.”
”Satoru wh—“ he cut you off by shoving a ball of mochi into your mouth, shutting you up.
”You know what, just put me down with her all night.” Your manager's excitement was audible from the phone as Gojo just told him the price for the whole night. “That’s it?” Satoru’s nose turned up. “She’s worth more than that and then some. Just charge it to my card.”
”Satoru,” He grinned, pulling you into his chest. “You didn’t have to do that.”
”You honestly think I’m just going to let you slip away? Hell no.” You cuddled into his side. “How would you feel about leaving this shitty job and becoming a sugar baby of sorts instead?”
”Are you offering to be my sugar daddy?” You teased with a giggle, running your hand up and down his chest.
”Depends. What would you say if I did offer to do just that?”
You gently straddled his hips, trailing kisses down his jawline. “Well, I would start by saying you’re too young to be one.” His cock twitched underneath the curve of your ass as you moved past his neck.
”I might be young, but I’m filthy rich.” His hands reached up, groping your ass, gently rocking you against his hardening bulge. “If you allowed me the pleasure of taking care of you, you wouldn’t have to worry about a damn thing.”
Sitting back with a breathless giggle, you rocked faster. “Well, when you put it that way, I would have to be stupid to say no to the lovely gentleman who accidentally ordered a prostitute.” Satoru’s chest heaved as he watched your hands move to the robe's sash. “But there’s just one thing we should do before we proceed with this agreement.”
Your hips moved painfully slow over Satoru’s cock. He thought he might lose himself if you kept going at that pace. “Y-Yeah, fuuuck, what is that sweetheart?” With a gentle tug on the sash, Satoru stared at you in awe as you exposed your naked body to him. “O-Oh my god, you’re beautiful, so pretty.” Reaching down, you unbuttoned his pants with a purpose, taking your bottom lip between your teeth with a giggle.
”I need to show you my resume.”
The next day, Gojo returned to Tokyo with a bag full of taro mochi and a girlfriend on his arm. Ordering that robe from a tiny love hotel was the best accident he’d ever made. You couldn’t have agreed more with him,
Nanami Kento:
Nanami was a very busy man who was constantly working and valued the little free time that he had. On his days off, he liked to go out to eat and partake in a few drinks. Other times, he likes to stay at home reading a book and enjoying a glass of wine.
Living this sort of lifestyle could be very lonely at times. Typically Nanami had no problem or issue with going out on dates, but some nights he would prefer to just fuck his frustrations out. And without a partner, he found it challenging to fulfill his desires at times.
Eventually, the pent-up frustration had become too much for him to handle. So, without another choice, he called an escort service where he met you. Your first initial meeting had been a consultation of sorts. Nanami asked for your limits and what you were okay with. When he decided you would be a perfect partner, he paid you in advance, gave you a safe word, and nearly destroyed you the night you were hired.
Your hands were being held behind your back with one of Nanami’s. His other hand was forcing your head into the mattress as he fucked into you brutally. His cock hits your g-spot and cervix with every pull. Nanami Kento was like a growling beast above you as your tight, wet walls hugged him.
”That feels good, love?” He asked in a husky feral tone, his hips grinding snuggly against your ass. The tip of his cock, in turn, teased your g-spot, rubbing it just enough to stimulate the spongy spot. But there wasn’t enough pressure to send you over the edge you were dangerously teetering on. “I—“ Nanami’s hand left your head, striking your ass with a powerful strike, “asked you a question.” Another slap, this one hard enough to have your walls clenching around his veiny cock. “And when I ask you a question, I expect an answer.”
Nanami’s hand massaged the sting out of your ass. “Y—Yes god, yes it feels s-so good N-Nanami!” His hips rocked faster against your ass, “Oooh, Nana—”
“Kento.” A sharp growl interrupted you. “Call me Kento—” His fingers left your ass, wrapping around the tails of the yellow spotted tie he had blindfolded you with. “When I’m fucking you into the mattress.”
He tugged the ends of the tie, forcing your head back and causing your arch to deepen. The sudden change of position results in Nanami’s cock bullying the tip harshly over your sweet spot he’s been torturing for what seems like hours. You cried out as drool dripped down your chin, pooling on the sheets. Your walls were beginning to hug him in pulsing waves; you were so close. Nanami felt it, too. Releasing your hands, he grabbed your hip to steady himself as he began fucking your tight cunt like he hated her.
”Say my name, say it, scream it out loud. I want the entire complex to know who makes you feel this euphoric pleasure.”
“You. Can. Do. Better. Then. That.” Each word was punctuated by a fast jabbing thrust right against your cervix.
”KENTO!” Your scream bounced off the walls. Making both you and Kent’s ears ring as you came around him, soaking the sheets as he fucked you through the intense orgasm and into his own.
”Cumming!” He growled against your shoulder blade. Beads of sweat ran down his brow, dripping onto your sensitive skin. “Good girl love, take it all, take every last drop I give you.” He kissed and nipped at your skin as his cum filled you.
Once his hips had finally stilled and you could form coherent thoughts, his whole demeanor changed from a frustrated, fuming mass of a man to a gentler soul. His fingers undid the tie around your head before gently massaging circles over your aching joints. His lips trailed soft, gentle kisses over your sweat-shimmering skin. You found yourself leaning into his touch, longing for more. You were desperate to feel every inch of the man who had just fucked you within an inch of your life.
Not many of your clients liked you to do that. Leaning into them once that had quite literally finished using you. They would shove you away before kicking you outNanami Kento was different. The second he felt you shift, leaning towards his body heat, his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his body, spooning you.
That first night was the start of your partnership with Nanami. He would fuck you to the brink of death before slowly reviving you with gentle kisses, words of affirmation, and aftercare. Nanami quickly became your favorite client; whenever his name appeared on your schedule, you felt as light as air.
Typically, these sorts of relationships stayed strictly professional and revolved around sex. So when you showed up to his apartment one Friday evening, ready to see the pearly gates, you were shocked to be offered a glass of wine. Not only that, but he led you to his dining room, where he pulled out your chair as he served you the delicious dinner he had prepared for just the two of you.
”I thought we’d try something a little different tonight.” He’d confessed in the low flickering glow of the candlelight. “If that’s alright with you, of course.”
You agreed without hesitation, smiling lovingly. Nanami was the client; whatever he wanted to do, you’d be willing to try. You’d had several different clients and gone through so many other kinks. You liked to imagine with all of that, you had a pretty good amount of experience under your belt. Nanami, however, had surprised you for the first time in a very long time.
Some nights, he just wanted a normal, quiet dinner, watch a movie, and go to bed with you in his arms. The initial request had been a bit of a shock, but it was a good one. After that night, your visits with Nanami began alternating from rough, god-like se to sweet, gentle evenings.
Tonight was one of those mundane nights you’d grown to love just as much as the crazy, wild sex you two had. But you found yourself loving these quiet little nights a bit more where you were currently resting your head in his lap as he played with your hair. His eyes roamed over the pages of his newest book.
”Mmm, I love nights like this.” You whispered, shutting your eyes.
”I love you more.” Nanami said while turning his page, not even paying attention to the stunned expression pasted over your face. All he did was smile warmly. “You don’t have to say it back.”
”I love you too.” You answered just as fast.
”Mmm, then perhaps we should consider ripping up our contract. I would prefer to be your boyfriend rather than your client.” That was the night that you had retired, and the night Nanami deleted his account on your escorts page.
Ryomen Sukuna: (modern CEO AU)
Sukuna would purchase an escort for sure, no doubt. He'd go through a site and pick the one he thought was the most beautiful. He would then ask you to come to his apartment to complete your services. The man could fuck; he fucked you hard, deep, and fast. He took you against the door the first time you visited his apartment. Once he was done, he paid you and saw you out.
The following week, Sukuna requested you again. This time he picked up dinner before he fucked your throat while he watched a movie he'd put on for the two of you to enjoy. His large hand was rugged and pulled on your hair, forcing you to take more of him down your throat before yanking you off and giving you a chance to breathe before pushing you back down on his thick throbbing dick. When he finished, he handed you bent over the coffee face buried in your pussy, lapping at your clit.
Sukuna might have been rough and demanding, but he never once hurt you. He always ensured both of you came hard, never leaving you unsatisfied. He quickly became one of your favorite clients. Every Friday night, you'd happily skip to his condo, and every Friday, he would rock your world.
“Oh~ god fuck~!!” Sukuna snarled as you rocked back against him. “Fuuuck~” The bustling city and honking horns sounded from below as your hand gripped his balcony railing. “God, you take my cock so good~”
“Kuna~ Kuna s-so good!” you slam yourself back faster in his cock, losing yourself in the wet squelching sounds that fill your ears.
Sukuna’s hands grope at the fat of your ass, squeezing it as he pulls you harder against him. A smirk tugs at his mouth at the whimpers that shake through you. “I'll never get over how good you feel~” He groaned deeply as his hips snapped faster, his free hand rubbing circles around your swollen clit. “Maybe I should have you stay for a weekend~ maybe longer.” Manicured nails scrape over the metal of the railing as you dip your head forward. “Would you like that~? Being my live-in slut? Huh?” Pillow talk: this was just pillow talk.
“I-I'd like that a-a lot!” you sobbed as his cock hit the deepest part of you. “P-Please Kuna~ I need you.”
“Ah~ you'll get it, my queen, ~ you're gonna get a thick fucking load shoved so deep, you'll be dripping my cum out for days~.”
“Yes! Full me up! Fill me up!”
The begging tone of your voice has Sukuna wishing there wasn't a condom separating him from your wet heat. One of these days, he’ll make sure that he gets to feel all of you. For now, he was more concerned with just feeling you cum around him. He’d take care of the rest later.
“Then cum for me, my sweet little slut.” With a jab at your g-spot, you do as he commands. You scream, not caring about the people walking down below or his neighbors. All that matters in this current moment is losing yourself as Sukuna fucks you through the scream-inducing orgasm and into his own.
“Nggh! Fuckin’ slut!” His grunt of pleasure is bitten off by an almost demonic roar as his cum fills the condom.
You both rock slowly against the other, skin-hitting skin in soft—plops before Sukuna sits on his patio sofa with you in his lap. He's groaning on the nape of your neck as his hands gently massage your hips. Humming softly, you look up at the stars, wishing this moment could last forever.
Where he wasn’t a client, and you weren't an escort. The more you came to his condo on Friday nights, the more you didn't want to leave. But he was paying you for an evening, so the chances of this escalating into something more were slim to none. So you would just be thankful for the moments you had.
The night ended like every other Friday. He gave you the cash, walked you to the lobby, and kissed your cheek. “See you soon.” He said as he helped you into a taxi and waved you off.
When he said soon, you had been thinking he meant next Friday soon. But the following day? Yeah, that was a shock. You had just been called into your manager's office, finding Sukuna leaning against the wall while your manager counted big stacks of money.
“What’s happening?” The question was almost inaudible as your manager leaned back with a sickening smirk.
“This gentleman has bought out your contract, so as of this moment, you’re fired.”
“W-Wha—?!” you don't even get to question your manager as Sukuna is dragging you out. “Kuna?! What the hell is happening?!”
The man who just bought you out of a lifestyle you didn't care for cocked a pink brow. “I asked you last night if you wanted to live with me. You said yes. Buying your contract out was the next step.” He leads you to a sleek black car. “Don't think just because I bought you out of your contract means I assume I own you. You're free to do whatever you please. I enjoy your company.”
“So I can go home whenever I want.”
“And if I want to stay with you?”
“You can.”
You don't even hesitate; you leap into his arms and kiss him. “Mmm, good, take me home,” Sukuna smirks, kissing you back as he loads you into the car.
“Home it is.”
Geto Suguru:
Geto was searching for a place to stay when he first met you. Back then, you weren't even an escort yet. He was looking for an inn with rooms opened; he'd been informed by one of his cult members of a curse that would be perfect for him to absorb.
At twenty years old, he walked into his first brothel, fully intending to get a room for the night. The establishment reeked of booze and sex, but it was the only place with room available, and the curse he'd just swallowed was one of the worst he'd tasted. Resting was the best thing he could do before returning home.
Once in his room, the best room in the entire building, there was a knock on the door to his room. The manager of the building shoved you inside. You hit Geto’s chest with a wince before the manager bowed his head to Geto. The man you ran into glanced over you; you were dressed in thin white garments before his dark eyes met the man in the doorway.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“A welcome gift, as a token of my appreciation of you buying our best room. I had heard you hadn't ordered any escorts, so please take her as you. She’s a virgin.” Small curses and little leeches appeared, crawling all over the man. These curses typically came from greed and lust, sucking the life out of everything. And the man was covered in them.
Geto felt his stomach twist as he glowered at the stupid monkey—another reason he had to rid the world of these parasites. This man was a disgusting creature who was selling off women like this. But for all he knew, you were just a monkey, too. There was no point for him to waste his time
“I do not need such services.” The handsome man announced, shoving you back to the manager. As he did, one of the leeches lurched for you, and you held up a hand in disgust. Suguru watched as the curse hit a barrier before fading into black ash.
So you weren’t a useless human.
”Oh, I see very well. Come girl, I can use you for the party tonight ins—“
”On second thought, it was rude of me to refuse your offer. I will gladly accept her.” The manager beamed with excitement while you glared at him in disgust.
” Excellent choice, my lord; I will leave you to it.”
The second the door to his room shut, Suguru turned to you, watching you angrily undo the sash at your waist. “Hurry up.” You barked out, voice trembling as you laid on the bed as stiff as a board.
”I have no intention of touching you.” Suguru said, tilting his head to the side with a grin. “I do, however, have questions regarding your technique.”
Geto sat on the bed next to you, explaining what he had seen you do. You, in turn, told him your life's story. How you could see curses since you were a child, how your parents sold you off to repay a debt. You confided in him that you had been the errand girl for the brothel since you turned eighteen, but when the manager saw your beauty, he started insisting you begin taking customers. Now that you were twenty, he had grown tired of your denials and decided tonight would be the night he offered you for free to any willing customer.
Suguru was disgusted and offered to handle the problem, but you politely declined, stating you would stay. If you didn’t repay your parent's debt, your younger sister would be sold off next, and you refused to allow that to happen.
“I just hate for my first time to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. And once you leave, I know I'll be paraded around some more.” Suguru could see the sorrow in your eyes as you brought your knees to your chest, hugging yourself. “I wouldn't have minded you being my first customer.”
”I will confess, I have never done anything like this myself.” His cheeks flushed as he gently placed his hand over yours. “Perhaps we could be each other’s firsts?”
You were no fool; you knew this would be an ideal opportunity for women in your position. With shaking hands, you cupped Geto's face and kissed him. He was almost too stunned to react, but as you gently rubbed his shoulders, he slowly melted into your touch, kissing you back earnestly. Both of you gently removed your clothes, kissed, and ran your hands down each other's bodies, losing yourself in the other's touch. It was tender and slow. You were mapping out the other, caressing chests, legs, and lips overheated skin.
But those gentle kisses turned into desperate ones, tongues sliding gently against the other, fingers buried inside you while your hand wrapped around him, stroking him. When you were both hot and needy, Suguru gently pushed himself inside of you, pausing as you winced at the sharp sting that accompanied him. Seeing the way you wince, both pained and pleased Suguru. He felt terrible for causing you the briefest moment of pain, but he was also glad that he was the one doing it. Anyone else would have been far too rough with you, and you deserved a memorable first time.
A memorable moment that was not going to last very long because you were so tight, and he was already seconds from losing control. “G-Geto~” you whispered as he kissed your neck, up to your ear, nibbling on the lobe as he gently thrust in and out of you. “Ahhn Geto~” He whined in your ear before chuckling breathlessly.
“Suguru.” He corrected, pulling back to stare into your eyes. “Call me Suguru.”
”S-Suguru.” You tested out, and upon hearing his name pass through your lips, his cock throbbed inside of you. “S-Suguru ah, yes Suguru~.”
“My princess, so warm~ so good.” Cries of your names were whispered into the other mouth as Suguru gently fucked into you, his gentle thrusts losing the messy rhythm he had begun with. “I-I’m sorry, but I’m already close.” His confession and thumb gently brushing over your clit, rubbing the bud back and forth, had you rolling with the waves of your impending orgasm.
”M-Me too, Suguru.”
You came at the same time as the man who had bestowed you with a gift not many other girls in your profession were granted, and for that, you were forever grateful. You almost cried tears of joy when he laid down next to you, holding you close to his chest, his hand gently rubbing up and down your back, caressing you to sleep. The following morning, Geto woke you up before he left. He was bidding farewell and leaving you with his cellphone number. He was persistent on you taking it, urging you to call him if you ever needed him.
Little did he know that your call would come one week later. Rainbow dragon landed outside of the brothel, and Suguru came bursting through the doors, eyes dark in fiery fury as he scanned the entryway finding the scumbag monkey that was a pathetic excuse for a manager cowering behind the bar. Suguru ignored him and bounded up the stairs, heading to the room you had first met.
Opening the door, he froze, finding you sitting on the bed, face swollen and bruised. “Princess?” He spoke softly, not to startle you. “What happened?” You motioned to the corner of the room where an unconscious man lay, a fork jammed into the side of his neck.
”My manager sent a customer to me without my knowledge. The man attacked me, but I fought him off before he could get what he wanted.” Suguru released one of his curses before pulling you into his arms, attempting to shield you from the gruesome sight of the man’s death, But you watched from over his shoulder, never once blinking.
”I’m taking you home with me.” His tone and words left no room for argument, not that you would. “Let’s go.” He lifted you into his arms, carrying you down the stairs, ignoring the whispers and glances in your direction. Before he took you outside to where Rainbow Dragon was waiting, he stopped turning towards the bar where the disgusting human who had betrayed you cowered. “Princess, what shall we do with him?”
You turned, one eye swollen shut, as the other burned with rage. “Kill him.” Suguru smiled coldly, releasing more curses that swarmed around the man. His screams filled you with joy as Suguru sat upon the back of his dragon, holding you close to his chest. As the cursed spirit took flight, you peered down as several girls and patrons escaped the building before it erupted into blue flames. “Worthless monkeys.” You spat out, cuddling into Suguru’s chest.
The next day, Geto happily watched as Nanako and Mimiko braided your hair while other members of his found family spoke with you. Suguru had made sure to get your sister away from your parents before he took care of them as he’d done to his mother and father. Your sister would be placed in the care of one of his devoted followers while you stayed by his side.
“Suguru,” You called out, smiling sweetly as you broke away from the girls. “What are you thinking about?”
He kissed your head, “Just admiring your beauty.” He took one of the braids the girls had done and kissed it. “I’m truly a lucky man.” You smiled this time, kissing him on the lips.
”I think we're both lucky.”
”That we are princess, that we are.”
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blue-sadie · 9 months
Sun Bathing
Neteyam, Lo'ak x Neteyams Best Friend Reader x Aonung, Rotxo
Summary: the boys can get quite annoying hopefully this would keep them away for some time
Warning: the boys are perverts, jerking off, only male pleasure, aged up characters
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It wasn't everyday I just got to breathe and relax, but here I am sun bathing in my sport bra and shorts chatting away with tsireya and kiri.
"Don't look now but there's creeps in the bush" kiri stated glancing over her shoulder towards the boys who were kneeling a few meters away whispering away with eachother.
"Should we move" tsireya asked sitting up to look at us, I sighed in disapproval "why should we their the ones being pervs" I muttered only glancing towards the boys who jerk away from sight when they saw that they were caught.
I rolled my eyes 'freaks' I layed my arm over my eyes sheltering them from the burning sun "you might be ok with them watching you but I think me and tsireya are gonna go" kiri said and they both said their goodbyes before leaving.
I let out a relaxed sigh quickly rolling my shoulders and getting comfortable on the warmed sand "look what we have here" aonung laughed bashfully as he and the rest of the boys surrounded me.
I only lifted my arm to look at neteyam "I didn't know you were apart of the common pervs nete" I murmured making him blush and shy away "im not a pervert" he tried sounding confident but his words ended in a slight squeak.
"Well I mean have you seen what you look like" lo'ak clapped and he stared down at me with hungry eyes "now now boys I'm relaxing go jerk off some place else" I shooed them away only making them laugh.
"But your just so sexy sitting here in the sun" aonung bit his lip as he folded his arms over his chest "and you like a prepubescent teen now shoo" I muttered getting annoyed at them disturbing me.
"You can do something for us first sweetcheeks" lo'ak groaned as he grabbed his crotch making aonung and rotxo laugh, I exhaled forcefully and slowly rose to my cheeks.
"Fine but you guys owe my 5 months without chores" I said making the boys howl out in excitement "come on" lo'ak muttered and grabbed my hand pulling me into the forest the others following very closely.
When we came into a clearing far from the village did he finally let me go "are you sure about this yn" neteyam whispered to me his voice full of concern.
"If it gets you guys to leave me alone" I giggled and pulled my top off making his eyes bulge "f-fuck" he stuttered.
Aonung pulled me to a rock and pushed me down on it and they crowed around me, Lo'ak reached out his hand and caressed my cheek.
"Will you guys leave me alone after this" I asked and gasped as aonung grabbed my breasts "well it was a deal wasn't it" he groaned and pitched my nibbles making me moan in pain.
They pulled off my clothes leaving me bare and the gaped at my body and started touching themselves as they said all the things they wanted to do to me.
I started caressing myself teasing them slowly making themselves jerk off faster and groan at my teasing, I dragged my fingertips up and down my body leaving goosebumps along my body.
"C-cuming" "fuck" they cussed as the cam spraying their cum on me, making me gasp, they calmed down and helped me clean up and walk back to the beach.
Let's just say they didn't keep to their end of the deal
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lunargrapejuice · 3 months
not me in literal tears over this man
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sephiroth back story spoilers ahead btw
thinking about how sephiroth was already contemplating leaving shinra before the nibelheim incident. what if it was for the both of you too, so he could take you somewhere you’d be safe & you two could live a normal life. how he’d been thinking about bringing up to you about possibly leaving but it’s you who actually says something first. you asked if you were crazy for even entertaining the idea but that’s when he decides his thoughts of abandoning shinra with you were always right. so you decide together you will leave & you’ll get the chance to live a normal life. a good life. but of course you need time to prepare, as if they would just let him walk away, so he goes on this last mission to nibelheim. but then- then he’s just alone when he learns about his past. when he learns who - what he is, when he’s being consumed by madness & hatred.
they try to tell you what they tell everyone, how he died in action but you can feel him out there somewhere & you know he’d never give up if the roles were reversed, even though in the back of your mind you can’t help but blame yourself. if you haven’t said anything about leaving would he still be here with you? but then you learn about what he did, in utter disbelief he would burn down & kill an entire village so you go there, all the while trying to avoid shinras watchful gaze & it’s in ashes, blanketed in sorrow you can feel crawling up your skin like icy tendrils, telling yourself it can’t be. it can’t because he wouldn’t do this. he wouldn’t. but every step you take deeper into the destroyed town it’s like you can feel him there but it’s not quite him, not in the way you know. it feels.. dark, menacing but also like he’s hurting.
by some miracle you find the wreckage of the once grand manor, read what you can of half charred books & weathered manuscripts, all of them slowly piecing together a reality that feels like a fucking nightmare. one that reminds you of the first time he truly let you in, when he told you about his mother & his dreams, about being different from everyone else but never knowing how exactly & it rips you in two, making you feel like you can hardly breath or move because he was able to learn so much more than this pieced together truth in front of you about jenova, every small detail bo doubt breaking him more & he was without anyone he trusts to help him through it, remind him that he is still him - your sephiorth. the man you love. a hero even if it was forced upon him, not a monster these pages made him out to be. but he was alone. is still alone. & you know you should have more feelings about his following actions & whatever he might be doing now but at this moment all you can do is mourn for him
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dellalyra · 11 months
𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 - 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘺!𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘶 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴.
𝘊𝘞: 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘺, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘺𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘧𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘭𝘪𝘭 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘺, 𝘢 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘶 𝘸𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵
part one
recommended listening:
The Search - NF
Waltz for Richard - First Aid Kit
Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
It wasn’t a question for any of you.
These kids? They were staying.
No way in hell was Suguru letting those kids, sweet, good kids go to the fucking Zen’in estate to be ruined and brainwashed into the same thinking as the higher ups.
They settled in easily, Tsumiki enjoyed playing with Suguru’s hair, braiding it to match hers sometimes in the morning. Megumi definitely gravitated to you, a comforting presence, less extroverted than either of the boys. Satoru loved introducing them both to Digimon - which Megumi became enamoured with.
And then - one day when the kids were at school, and you and Satoru were at work - Suguru had a mission.
A village. A shitty village. The middle of nowhere.
Pathetic, weak, cruel people.
Two small, tiny and scared girls.
Two small girls, no more than 4.
Two small girls, in a fucking cage.
He came so close - so fucking close to just wiping the village out. He could have done it. He nearly did. There were only 2 reasons he didn’t.
Y/N and Satoru. He couldn’t, he couldn’t do that to you both. He couldn’t do it to himself.
He finds himself grateful this didn’t happen 2 years ago. Because then he would have followed through.
Without hesitation.
He hauls both girls into his strong arms, and leaves the town with a warning that if something like this happened again - he would be back, and he wouldn’t be alone.
The terrified girls slept soundly as he transported them back to the house. He opened the door, and softly kicked it shut behind him.
“Suguru? Is that you? ‘Toru and I are about to start a movie - I made pop-” Your voice carries from the kitchen as you round the corner and the plastic bowl of popcorn clatters to the ground at the sight before you. Two small girls, one curled up in each of your boyfriend’s arms. Suguru looked exhausted, and there was something in his eyes that was rare to see - fear.
Satoru came skidding around the corner at the sound of the bowl falling, clad in one of Suguru’s hoodies and basketball shorts. He stops in his tracks right beside you.
“Holy shit.”
“They were in a cage.”
“What?” You whisper.
“The mission. They - they kept them in a cage.” He stuttered, voice laced with raw fury.
“Suguru, baby, give me the kids. I’ll lay them down on the sofa. ‘Toru?” You say as you take a tiny girl in each arm, they were so small. Not the size a 5 year old should be.
“I got him, princess.” Satoru says, turning to Suguru who is stoney faced.
“C’mon, baby, let’s go to the kitchen.” Satoru says, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand and pulling him into the kitchen to sit at your cosy table.
Suguru sits, elbows resting on knees and hair falling in inky tendrils down around his face. Satoru kneels in front of him, between his knees as he lets him breathe for a moment. The last time he saw Suguru like this was after Riko, the darkness in his eyes reflected what he felt inside.
You walk back into the room, having put the sleeping girls down, wrapped in blankets on the sofa.
You sit on the table beside Suguru, and exchange glances with Satoru.
“Suguru, what happened?” You ask, gently as possible.
You hear a deep breath.
“The village. The curses they had, weren’t curses. Just two little girls, they were scared of them so they locked them in a fucking cage. I couldn’t - I couldn’t leave them there. I - fuck, Satoru, Y/N - I… I nearly killed them. The village. All of them. I was ready to burn that place to the ground.”
The shake in his normally languid voice startled you and Satoru. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into your chest as you press kisses to the top of his head and Satoru wraps his arms around his middle and kisses his cheeks.
There’s 3 of you, and 4 kids now. It took some discussions and figuring stuff out - but you all believed the twins should stay with you. Megumi was 6 now, Tsumiki was 8, the twins newly turned 5. At 21, you never expected to be mother of 4 but you wouldn’t change it for the world - not when you had the two best dads by your side.
It took Suguru a few weeks to shake the feeling from the village, but the twins soon came to be known as two balls of sunshine. Megumi took some time to warm up, but about 6 months later acknowledged them as his sisters, Tsumiki was just happy to an even bigger family.
Figuring out the legalities was tricky, when you all decided to adopt the kids formally. Eventually, you decided that Megumi and Tsumiki would be legally you and Satoru’s kids, and the twins would legally be Satoru and Suguru’s. Having the Gojo name as backing would ensure a level of safety for each of the kids, so that was decided from the get go.
The twins insisted on sharing a room, which was fine by you - so they stayed in the room next to Tsumiki. They were just old enough to start school, so you enrolled them at the same school as the older two. Megumi immediately went into protective big brother mode and more than once you were called in because he beat up some kids being mean to his baby sisters.
However one day, you were called in with Satoru and Suguru and told that Nanako and Mimiko had beat up some boys who wanted to fight Megumi. The three of you barely contained your laughs when you found out that your two now 7 year old girls beat up 5 10 year old boys with ease.
As the kids grew up, they started to ask questions about the family. So you came up with your answer. You and their dads had so much love that you all decided that you would use that love to be with each other, because you all made each other happy. You loved Suguru and Satoru, Satoru loved you and Suguru, Suguru loved you and Satoru. Then, because you guys loved each other so much - it grew even more love, and that’s where the four kids came in. It wasn’t always easy, having four kids under 10 in the house, but with there being 3 parents (and a usually semi tipsy aunty Koko in the living room) it was easier.
It was never even discussed, but Satoru somehow became Papa to everyone and Suguru became Dad (daddy had been off the table, because that’s what you called him).
One night, Suguru was cooking a meal for you and Satoru. The girls were having a slumber party with Utahime and Aunty Koko, and Megumi was having a nature documentary evening with Uncle Nanamin having vehemently declined the offer of joining the slumber party with the girls.
You three sat and ate, laughed and chatted and then went to snuggle up on the sofa with a glass of wine each.
After an hour or so, Satoru left to get a top up for everyone.
But when he came back, it wasn’t wine in his hands - but two small blue velvet boxes.
You clasped Suguru’s hand as you gasped and he whispered the white haired man’s name.
“This isn’t half as flashy as people would expect from me, but neither of you like flashy - plus, it only felt right for this to be just for us. Nothing we’ve done has been normal, from day one, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When Y/N and I first started dating, I never thought I could love a person as much as I loved her - until I realised that I was ridiculously in love with you too, Suguru. When Y/N and I realised we loved each other, and you - and you loved us back - any infinity or infinite void would never compare to that feeling of having you both by my side.” He kneeled down on one knee in front of you both, as you sat up with Suguru’s arm around your waist. “Y/N. Suguru. Will you both do me the honour of promising to spend the rest of your lives doing stupid shit and annoying the hell out of everyone together with me, and each other?” You couldn’t hold it in any more as you flung yourself at the kneeling man and pressed your lips to his, one had dragging your other love behind you as you said yes a million times. Your antique ring was accompanied by a plain tungsten black band for Suguru and a platinum one for Satoru.
The wedding was simple, you all married each other (that was tricky to organise) and had a classic, small and intimate reception at the rooftop garden in Tokyo.
The years passed, the kids became teenagers - 4 teens simultaneously was testing - Tsumiki and Megumi were easy enough, Tsumiki worrying both her dad’s endlessly with her popularity with boys and Megumi was easy going, just sullen and grumpy - but not that that was a change from when he was 6. The twins were just as fun as ever.
Tsumiki’s curse hit everyone hard. She was everyone’s big sister, everyone’s rock. You vowed with your husbands that you would find a way to wake her up, you promised the kids.
Once Megumi was getting ready for his move to the dorm at Jujutsu High, the twins started talking about how in a years time they’d be starting too, a year below their brother. Gakuganji tried to coax the twins to enroll in Kyoto, so that not all 3 of the Gojo-L/N-Geto kids would be in Tokyo but he was swiftly denied with a ‘shove your shitty old school, I’m going with my brother, you wrinkly ballsack’ by a 14 year old Nanako.
Gojo said he’s never felt more proud.
With Tsumiki… not around anymore, Megumi only a few months from only spending weekends at home and the twins joining him in a year - you and your men realised the house would feel pretty empty pretty soon, and you all felt a bit young at only 27 for empty nest syndrome.
Geto was the first to broach the topic. Suggesting that maybe, because your IUD is running out next month - that maybe, you just don’t get a new one. You looked to Satoru, who quickly nodded in agreement. Because the truth was, you all loved raising your adopted kids so much, but they’re grown now.
So maybe, just maybe
It was time to try for a baby…
Before any pregnancy started - you rang Satoru one day - telling him to come to your location. Megumi and you were there. Behind you, hoisted up by your eldest son, was an unconscious pink haired boy. You introduced him as Yuuji. Why was he unconscious? Oh! You had to knock him out, because he’s also Sukuna.
He came home with you that night. You set up the spare room so that he could settle and you could tend to him before he started school.
“Another kid? Y/N, Megs just moved out.”
“Hey! You two both brought home your strays. This one’s my stray.”
The next weekend, a fiesty girl reminiscent of yourself a decade earlier joined the gang - your second stray, your Nobara.
Again, Satoru saw your little body roommate first. He noticed a trace of cursed energy in your belly before you did. There were tears and joy between all three of you. Neither of them cared who the kid belonged to biologically - it was a baby made of a huge amount of love. That’s all.
They were nightmarishly protective during the pregnancy, never leaving you alone. Geto discovered his intense kink for seeing you with his kid in your tummy and couldn’t keep his hands off you, Satoru was only spurred on more by this - seeing your belly all soft and round with his baby? The baby that he made with the two people he loved? Had him leaking in seconds.
9 months later and 14 exhausting hours later, the baby arrived.
The minute you all saw the baby, freshly cleaned and placed in your arms, the three of you burst out laughing.
“Well, I guess there’s no question over the paternity of this little one.” Satoru giggles.
That’s because Genji Yu Geto L/N Gojo was staring at you all with the brightest blue eyes from under a swathe of snowy white lashes to match his snowy white hair. He was placed into Suguru’s arms, who kissed you and his husband and thanked you both for his beautiful son.
Raising the baby was no different from raising the kids, you were all the parents. He was loved so much by all three parents, all four elder siblings and his Grandpa and Grandma Geto.
Genji’s godparents were Shoko and Nanami.
When Genji was 2, you fell pregnant again. You quickly realised that unless the child only had your genetics, it would be easy to tell who had who’s genes. This was proven when Keisuke Geto-L/N-Gojo entered the world, all dark hair and dark eyes and ivory skin. Your two babies were carbon copies of their biological fathers, but funnily, Genji behaved like Suguru, and Keisuki like Satoru.
Nobara and Yuuji were asked to be Keisuke’s godparents, with Yuuji very confused by how it would work being his godfather and brother in law - now that he was dating Megumi.
Izumi came next, he looked exactly like you - just with eyes that made him clearly Geto’s, but your hair, your nose, your lips. The youngest now, with Genji being 5 and Keisuke aged 3.
Utahime and Hikari were named as Izumi’s godparents, and they doted on the boy.
You figured you’d finish there. 3 boys under 5? Impressive given that the three of you were only 33.
However, the sudden craving for toasted marshmallows and Sakura mochi 3 years later at Megumi’s 24th birthday made you freeze.
Grabbing Shoko, you drove to the store.
8 months later, the most beautiful little accident arrived into the world. Suki Geto-L/N-Gojo arrived to the world announcing her presence with lungs capable of deafening an elephant. All shiny soft white whispy curls and sparkling blue eyes, your baby daughter joined the world. A true beauty, perfect in every way, Satoru’s other carbon copy but every ounce of her mother’s temper, moxie and gall, she became the apple of her elder brother’s eyes, and the angel of her sister’s. Mei Mei and Choso were chosen as Suki’s godparents.
Your husbands? The most doting fathers ever. You typically wake up on a Saturday morning with Geto’s arm slung around Satoru’s waist, who is leaning his white head on his chest, Suki having a bottle on Geto’s lap with the bottle held by Gojo, Izumi having pancakes on Satoru’s lap and Keisuke and Genji on either side keeping watch over their siblings or trying to braid Geto’s hair whilst watching scooby-doo. Every time, you’d sit beside them, scooping Suki into your arms and the two elder boys would curl up on their dad’s lap. All was peaceful. Well, that was until big bro Megumi and Yuuji-kun arrived.
All four of the elder kids? Adored by all three of you.
All four of the babies? Adored by all seven of you.
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futureplayboibunnie · 5 months
a little geto oneshot just to get back into the swing of writing again <3
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cult leader! geto. pillowtalk. fuckbuddies to…parents? geto getting horny over you being domestic and taking care of the twins lol. a lil angsty and fluffy x
Suguru's mind was wandering as he stared out into the horizon on the balcony, he was feeling troubled in a way that didn't alarm him but irks him. He was quietly brooding as he watched the sky darken alongside his mood. Geto had just finished fucking you, hard. His cigarette was burning out on his fingertips, he chucked it away when he felt the graininess of your fingertips smooth against his bare back, you swiped your hand against his forearm and sighed as you stood next to him, feeling the breeze flow over you.
He felt different from the Geto that you once met, the one you found about to curse an entire village to death. You made it your mission to find these young kids with powers they didn't have control over and take them under your wing, the twins that you tracked from their cursed residuals, and lo and behold, Geto was there. Circumstantial events ended up in you becoming his concubine, his little secret, but then again, you did care for the kids that you protected. It reminded him of the whole point of Jujutsu High
“Let me guess, you want the world to disappear.” He said lowly with a soft smirk, glancing at you in his button-up shirt and nothing else, the way he liked you.
You pursed your lips. “You can stay. Mimiko and Nanako too. Miguel and the others can maybe visit on the weekends, I guess.” You answered plainly, but with a hint of warmth in your voice that was enough to make your lips curl into a soft smile. Suguru chuckled, his eyes creasing slightly when he clocked your breathing. He knew something was weighing on your mind and before he could even ask, your lips twisted as you sighed. "I betrayed a lot of people over the years Geto. I told myself I was doing it to protect people.. you know, kids like the girls, hated and abused by people who don't understand them. I killed sorcerers that followed the girl's cursed residuals to keep them safe.” Your words were dampened by concern and worry.
“I was ruthless.” You tisked, reminding yourself of the brutal violence your protection provided, Geto admired that most about you. He liked it, he didn't expect anything less from you.
“You're a curse user. You did what you had to do.” He replied flatly. His expectations of you were always high, it took someone with steel in their spine to be a curse user and you had exactly that. You let out a soft breath as you spoke hesitantly.
“Truth is, I'd do it again. I told myself a thousand times that it would be for kids like Mimiko and Nanako, for them to grow up with some kind of control over their cursed energy. But maybe I did it for selfish reasons too.” Your voice was soft as you admitted your inner workings. “When I'm not killing, all I can think about is you.” Your eyes met his, nervous as the words just fell from your lips, the little flutter of your lashes caused his heart to stir, and a wave of possessiveness washed over him. Geto intertwines his hand with yours and kisses your skin.
“I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you.” He stated confidently and not a single part of you doubted that. He watched you sigh as you averted your gaze, your teeth caught onto your lip. Geto knew you were still hiding something.
“I should be happy right now.” You murmured. Your mind was on the girls, they'd been in Suguru's compound for months and they'd barely left it, you knew it was to keep them safe but you noticed how uninterested and unhappy they were as the days went by. They were only 8, they needed to have fun like other kids would.
“What is it ?” He holds onto your hand tighter as he glares at you intently.
“The girls are cooped up, miserable and bored. They deserve to have some freedom. We can't hide them away forever.” You breathed out, your eyebrows knitted in anticipation as you awaited Geto's response. For some reason, at this moment, he couldn't find it within himself to disagree with you. Not when you were being so...domestic. His chest tightened at the thought for a reason he couldn't put his finger on. You anticipated a long, awkward silence but that wasn't the case.
"Take them out..” He said almost instantly, that made you turn your head and look at him with surprise.
Geto didn't like taking his girls outside, Mimiko and Nanako were sensitive kids and he didn't want to jeopardize their safety for such trivial things, he needed to keep them safe in an environment that he created. But he had noticed a change in the girls, they were unhappy. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...you taking them to the park...letting them have fun like normal kids. He wouldn't trust anyone else other than you with his girls. You were a little shocked to say the least
“If Gojo finds you...” You muttered.
“You can't keep doing this forever. You wanted to save them for a reason, let them live like children for once.”
Suguru kept thinking about it as he saw you leave to go play with the girls. He had to admit, he fucking loved seeing you like this, so caring and nurturing. It caused his stomach to do backflips, the idea of you taking care of his girls, like you were a doting mother. Geto loved the idea of fucking you full of his kids, as his concubine it should have been your job to carry an heir for him in the first place, but no...he wanted you all to himself first.
“Are the girls asleep?” He fixed you both a drink.
“With their muddy shoes on.” You gave him a tired half smile as you threw your coat down. You hadn’t see the girls this happy, especially by something as simple as playing in the park.
“Who else do I know that does that?” Geto glanced over at you with a smirk obviously referring to you, his chuckle was wam and so sexy. He passed you your glass and you clinked it against his, he took a swig and stared hard at you, but there was a certain tightness to him that made you question if something was weighing on his mind or not.
"You okay?'
“I was reminded of something, the way you talked about the girls. Satoru...asked me if I longed for something more, if I had any other desires if I wasn't a Jujutsu sorcerer, well, curse user now.” His voice sounded stained and unsure. “I do recall yearning for something more and I thought that my plan to create a non-sorcerer world would help me reach it. But now I feel like I've lost that feeling beyond the blood and the chaos-“ Geto was irked and a part of him was left unfulfilled for reasons he couldn’t control.
"Hey.” You grab his face with your palm, stroking away the little tufts of hair angling his face. “You're acting as if you don't have a reason for your motives. You can still have more.” Geto's eyes burned into yours, like whatever you said could affirm him or break him right now. “You've been through hell and I know you.. You can't let the bad things you did in your past define you. I know you're good. You are good.”
Geto knew that he was once good, but after all the things he's done, there's no way he could atone for it. Geto was not a good man, nor was he holy. But for you to say that he deserved to believe he was, was the closest thing to godliness he had ever felt, even being the worst curse user with the power of heaven and hell incarnate.
“No, you're good.” He said quickly as he glanced away. It felt like averting his gaze away from you made him feel like more of a man, not bendy and breakable within your hold. He sighed after a long sile moment. “What I said earlier, about you being a curse user,” He breathed out hesitantly. “You're not a curse user, you don't have a curse user's heart. There's just...too much good in you.” Geto's hand went to your face and palmed it perfectly, he caressed your hair and let his hand slip down to your jaw, and his thumb cradled your chin. “It's why I love you.” His eyes narrowed down to your lips, pulling it down with the pad of his thumb. He loved the sound of you breathing, the way your body moved, the way you knew exactly what you wanted.
Your lashes fluttered as you gave him a lazy smile, one filled with relief at the words he just uttered, but your heart was racing. You were getting shy on him now, it was cute. “I love you too.” Your voice was just above a whisper, sweet nothing's whirling around your head turned into a reality. Get pulled you into his chest and he gave you a chaste kiss on your temple, and then you leaned into his lips, his mouth was like sustenance. His mouth became greedier and hungrier, he wanted to claim what was his. Hell, maybe he wanted to watch you swell with his kid. Every king needs an heir.
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ms-fade · 5 months
Twisted Fate
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Suma Uzui x Fem!Reader. +18 drabble
Plot: You stayed behind with your wife at home to catch a break. But the night takes a twist when a demon puts a spell on Suma before killing it.
Warning: cock!Suma, Taking care of Suma, Mommy kink, Suma calling the reader mommy, Sub taking power, Creampie, Slight biting.
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It was only for a few nights you two should have been alone, which was nice to have some alone time. You loved your wife and how she clings to you and always begged you not to go when you were sent on a mission. This time it was your husband and your wives turn to leave, the two of you pouting from them leaving. But both of you soon forget how sad it was and got all happy to finally spend some time together.
She was really the best helper when she wanted to be. It was the last week of you staying home from your injury so she always made sure you felt better. You’d laugh together as she cried into your neck as she wrapped her arms around your waist when you left her to make breakfast. She muffled, “Don’t leave me like that,” as she rubbed her cheek into your skin. “It was so cold.”
It was nice, just cooking and chatting for the first two days alone. The third day you decided to go shopping for some groceries and to have fun, mostly to spoil her on things she wanted. She dragged you around to each stand and modeled things for you or made you do it. The one thing about Suma is she isn’t afraid to show herself off to any of her lovers. Or, praise them for their body. After a long time you both finally left the village after spending time in a restaurant and walk back home.
Which is where you both feel into the wicked scheme of a demon. Luckily you had brought your blade just in case but failing to cut off its head before he did something to Suma. Once you heard her muffled cries it was over and you become rage full.
“Suma, baby” you lefted her off the ground as she burned hot and red, “Where does it hurt? Are you bleeding?” You placed your hands all over her and all she could do was whine and whimpered at your touch, giving no response. With her eyes glued shut she grabbed ahold on your clothes and tugged you closer. Her small voice made it hard to make out what she was saying and it had you worried sick. So you grabbed all the bags yourself and carried her on your back the whole time. Trying to get home as fast as possible.
You should have noticed the hard thing poking your back but you were so focused on getting home you didn’t. Plus, you had no reason to think of such things. Even when it kept grinding against you.
It was hard to keep yourself from falling over, her gripping so hard against your hips that it reminded you of tenges strength. She had grown a impressive cock, so much like tenges that it was hard to believe. It was huge and almost hanging low when you saw it, all her whining and pleading started to make you hot. So you had no chance but to let her get her relief like she asks.
“S’Good, S’Good.” She babbled with her tongue coming out from the side. Her hips thrusted up into your little hole with force and if she didn’t have her hold on you, you’d for sure fall. You tried to put your hands on your upper thighs to get some balance but it didn’t help at all, it just was so good.
You leaked all over the place from how turned on and fast she was going you’re sure there was a mess already on the floor or dripping down your leg. “Thank you- Oh shit. I see why tengen likes this so much, you really have such a good pussy.” Her breathy praise into your ear made you pout a bit.
“Just- Shut up and keep fucking me.” Gods, it was embarrassing to have praise and feel so weak to someone who you usually dominate with ease. You’d pull her around by her hair and face fuck her with your pussy, tease her until she’s a sobbing mess, slaps her ass and clit when she fails to do what you want. But now she could do all those things to you and you didn’t have the power to stop her.
Suma sank her teeth into the skin of your shoulder to muffle herself and get a grip on something. “You- Oh you, such a good fuck. I wish I could do this all the time, mommy.” She could feel how you clinched around her when she said that name. Despite being as sensitive as you and fucked out, it was a new feeling in her stomach. How many times you made her cry, beg and feel small in the bedroom. Here you are crumbling into her hands by her cock.
“Suma- Don’t.” You tried to take over some control but when she thrusted hard you let out a loud moan and thrown your head back. She stopped her movements but kept herself deep inside. She had a smile on her face as she kissed your neck so soft but sucked on the skin, a loud popping sound came when she pulled away.
But she pulled her cock out before you could ask about anything making you whimper from being so empty. She noticed your legs going wobbly just like her own, “Such a beautiful girl, mommy is. You’re leaking so much,” she pulled you over to the couch as the front door was still wide open. You want to protest but you couldn’t find the words so you avoided her gaze. She laid you out over the cushions and stood on her knees above you, taking your legs in her hands and spreading them apart.
“All it takes is to be fucked silly to make you submissive? I’d alway get jealous of tengen when he’d make you melt,” she kissed your leg that she pulled up to her shoulder. “But now you’re my little needy girl aren’t you?” She looked down at you. But she didn’t find your pretty eyes finding hers but looking away so bashfully and embarrassed.
You regret it as soon as she pushed back into your warmth. You tried so hard to silence yourself and cover your mouth as she moves so slowly, all while feeling her smug gaze. Suma wasn’t quiet at all. She wanted you to hear her, to make you know how much you made her feeling good. And she knew how much hearing moans could make you so horny.
Her other hand found it’s way to your puffy clit and rubbed it the way you always loved it, how she’d play with it when you were fucked by cock. Seeing you shut your eyes in pleasure and get that arch in your back made her speed up her movements. Her pace was harsh and your pussy gushed with each thrust. That’s when she heard small screams come from behind your hand and from your throat.
“Am I doing that good mommy?” She slammed herself in and out of you and making sure to get as far within you. You almost couldn’t take it all. “You think I’ll be able to fill you up?” The thought alone made you want to cry out. You wanted it. You wanted her so badly.
“Yeah- Clinched when I said that, you’d like to be my cumdump wouldn’t you?” She raised her hand quickly and slapped your clit harshly.
You cried and jumped so hard you’re hand came off your mouth and squeezed around her so tight. She moaned at the reaction and giggles through her own moans. It was enough to let go off all your dominance and give into her, into the moment. Up opened your eyes to see her pleased out face and her half closed eyes, her mouth panting. “Fuck it-Harder, fuck me harder.” Her cocked twitched from you begging.
She pulled your legs and pressed them into your chest and made sure to make herself fit in a different angle. She moaned so loudly and you matched her tone, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her close. “S’good, fucking me so good.” It was so cute to her, you whining and whimpering for her.
It didn’t take long for her stamina to give out. It was so good to be inside you, so with one final thrust she came. Whatever magic was cursed on her made it so that she could shoot a load into you, a huge one. You felt it enter your womb and pussy walls. Feeling her hot cum enter your pussy made you sank your fingernails into her back and twitch with your own orgasm. She whined when she pulled out of you, letting her cum overflow out of you.
She hummed and sat back as she tried to catch her breath and come down from her own high. You stayed twitching for a moment and let the cum flow out, still in shock of what just happened.
She took a glance down as her lower area felt hot again, the pretty cock spring back up in its full glory. You looked at it and then back up at her face, her already looking at you. “Might as well,” her mischievous look made you go blank. You yelp when she yanked your legs and pulled you closer to her then flipping you around to your stomach. “You can still take it, can’t you mommy?” The tip ran it’s way over your slit.
It’s going to be so hard to let you dominate her now. It was addicting to see you under her hands.
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auspicioustidings · 5 months
Firewatch Part 12
Summary: You've been with these men for a month now, and you are starting to get a little too comfortable.
Words: 1.8k
Notes: This is sort of turning down the path of being very fluffy, oops! Probably 1 or 2 more chapters to go, we are getting into the endgame :)
The tension in the cabin got thicker by the day. It had been a month you had been here now, and since cuddling up with Gaz that night you had steadfastly refused any physical affections from your captors. You slept in whichever bed was empty given that once everything had settled you discovered they took turns doing an overnight watch in the tower after dinner.
Johnny was probably the most openly antsy about everything. He had been yelled at several times for cornering you while you were alone, telling you to ask him to kiss you. Everytime you grit your teeth and said nothing even though the more you got to know him, the more you wanted to just give in.
Given time to level out was terrible for your libido in that everything was setting it off. You couldn't take care of yourself properly either because the only times you were alone were in the bathroom (and you knew that if you took a long shower they would know exactly what you had been doing) and in one of their beds (if you touched yourself surrounded by their smell is was going to be over for you). At this point you were scared to do it really, scared to be vulnerable in this place. 
Not that anybody said anything out loud about it, but they had installed motion sensors and cameras around the perimeter of the cabin. You knew they worked because whenever you were taken out a walk (always by two of them, never one alone) there was a beep when you crossed the sensor that sounded in the cabin. You'd fucked your only shot at an easy escape, maybe your only shot at any escape. The worst of it was you were getting comfortable.
It was like living with room mates really, they were respectful as they could be. You took turns cooking. On nights Johnny was supposed to cook one of them would go into town in their truck to pick up take away. You asked for ingredients a week in to make something and had been added to the rotation since then. Simon only bought Dosia the most expensive food money could buy and she had turned into the most pampered cat on the planet, a role she was thoroughly enjoying. You had been turned into much the same it felt, but the difference was she was allowed to leave. You hated when she was gone for longer stretches of time because if she was out enjoying the great outdoors, you were left without your one source of affection. You could not let yourself be physically affectionate with these men, not if you wanted to keep up any will to escape.
“Look Johnny has to be a witch at this point.”
“I’m naw a witch!”
“I agree with you sweetheart, definitely a witch” Simon nodded in agreement with you.
“Look it’s nothing personal, I just cannot abide a filthy witch in my town,” Gaz said as he lay down as many accusation cards as he had.
Which of course was what you had been waiting for. You had been convincing everyone Johnny was a witch this whole game and your turn was next. So once Kyle was done you popped down a lovers card on Johnny, thus linking his fate to Simon, and finished him off with a few accusation cards to kill them both in one go. 
Of course neither were witches and with John already out of the game and making dinner, Kyle was left the only poor villager left with the witch, meaning you had won.
“You lied to me!” he whined at you.
“Sure did bud, that is what witches are known to do.”
“We need tae get the firewood! Only proper way tae deal with a witch is tae burn her at the stake!”
“Ah how quickly Johnny starts talking about killing me again.”
“This was not what I signed up for when I said I wouldn't let anyone kill you sweetheart, I was under the impression you were a decent human being and not a murderous traitor witch.”
“Yikes, still made the deal though didn't you? Anyone burning me at the stake gets served to Dosia. You know, my black cat.”
“We've been blind! Had a familiar right under our noses this whole time. How could you luv?”
“Ye all ken that tae really see if she's a witch we would need tae search her for a witch mark” Johnny said, a slight gleam in his eyes as they ran up and down your body.
“As if you'd even know what to do with one” you snipped back before blowing a raspberry at him.
“Save me Si, bonnie is casting a wicked spell on me! I'm naw long for this world!”
“Alright children if you're all done with the dramatics it's time to eat” Price called from the kitchen, a fond laugh just hidden behind the words.
“Go ahead sweetheart, I'll tidy up.”
“Thanks honey” Gaz shot back, cheekily grabbing your wrist to tug you along to the kitchen island to sit and eat.
You chuckled along with him when Simon had lobbed the little gavel game piece at his head in retribution and elbowed Johnny when he snuck up while this was happening to squeeze your waist which made you jump and yelp. It wasn't until you were sat stuffing your face with Shepherd's Pie that you realised you hadn't even flinched at the casual touch. 
“Nearly forgot, I have a present for my best girl” Simon grinned as he finished his food, going to root about in the bag sitting on the kitchen counter. 
It wasn’t like you were excited or anything. Definitely not happy to be on the receiving end of that (if you thought it enough maybe it’d be true). You could only sit in slack jawed disbelief as he lured Dosia over with coos and a held out hand so he could adorn her with a pretty tartan collar complete with a bow. It wasn't like you had expected that you were getting a present or anything. And it absolutely didn't make you feel in a huff over it. It didn’t hurt or anything.
“Good thing I made dessert since I think you've unsweetened our little bird” John said, letting Kyle start to clear away the plates so he could start dishing up Eton mess. 
You gaped and tried to come up with something clever to say, failing miserably which only wound up with Johnny slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“Dae ye want one? Hers is pretty but my tartan would be best on ye I think. Bonnie collar for a bonnie lassie.”
He was playful and joking but oh wow you could feel the tips of your ears burning and when he noticed his eyes went wide as he considered the implications of what he had said and considered the implications of your reaction to it. It all happened in the course of a second and then you were excusing yourself quickly to the bathroom before anyone else could clock on. Luckily Simon was distracted with Dosia while the other two were still working on clearing and serving.
You just needed to get yourself together, stop treating them like a group of friends. Stop fucking flirting with them. Even if it felt nice and you liked playing games with them or eating dinner or bantering. Even if you were a little stupidly upset that Simon got Dosia something and not you. God you hated yourself.
There was a light knock at the door. You hadn’t locked it, in fact the thing wasn’t even closed all the way since you had just come into the bathroom to cling to the sink and glower at your reflection. But still… whoever it was had knocked. They hadn’t just barged in like you weren’t afforded privacy. But then when was the last time one of them had?
“It’s open.”
Johnny slipped through the door and closed it behind him. You would be worried he was about to ask you to kiss him again only he looked more concerned than anything. 
“I didnae… I… I ken I was being a bit much.”
“A bit much is sort of your thing.”
“Aye, that’s true. I just thought ye seemed upset.”
“What do you mean?”
“I love Si tae bits, but he can be a pure dickhead sometimes without meaning tae be.”
You hugged your arms lightly to yourself, looking at Johnny across the small space. He let the silence sit until you were ready to talk.
“I’m so stupid for getting upset about it.”
“Naw, dinnae say that about yourself. A stupid lassie wouldnae have taught herself how to tile a roof.”
You smiled despite yourself, you had taught yourself how to tile a roof. It had been an absolute mess at first, but you just kept throwing yourself at it and doing your research and eventually you had done it. It was the first big project on your cottage, the first one you were really proud of finishing… but now it was gone. 
“A clever one wouldn’t have burned her own cottage to the ground because she thought she could do everything herself.”
“Ye dinnae ken for sure that was what caused it, could’ve been those bastard witch hunters.”
You laughed lightly and then it turned into a full on belly laugh, him laughing at you laughing and both of you just feeding off of one another. Honestly the fact that you sounded happy was about the only thing keeping the others from stomping in and dragging Johnny out. Eventually you both tailed off, tears in your eyes. 
“I… thanks. For checking on me.”
“Any time bonnie. Better go get dessert before Gaz inhales it all.”
As he turned to leave you stepped towards him to make him pause. It was just that he had come to check on you because he had noticed you were upset when nobody else had. He hadn’t barged in or forced you to talk to him, he had just been here solely to try and make you feel better. Oh God, you really liked him. You thought that maybe you had really liked him for weeks now. 
“Kiss me.”
You watched his chest heave and his eyes search yours as he brought a warm hand to brush your hair out of your face before cupping the side of your head.
“Ye dinnae have tae for this. Ye dinnae have tae earn me looking after ye.”
“I’m not asking because I feel like I have to.”
When his lips pressed to yours you curled your hands into his shirt and squeezed your eyes shut, letting yourself just have this. He was warm and solid and Johnny. It was a soft thing, flirting with the edge of something heated but staying firmly on the side of sweet. When you broke away you both just smiled in each others space for a moment, eyes opening and a little unsure but happy. If both of you were a little quiet and a little pink eating dessert, nobody else mentioned it.
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fastlikealambo · 5 months
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burn for you: coriolanus snow x black!fem reader regency au
summary: notorious rake coriolanus snow, duke of districtshire, must marry or face financial ruin. he sets his sights on you, an extremely wealthy woman in your own right and what transpires over one year told in 4 acts will change both their lives.
this is a sample chapter, please interact, comment or reblog if you would like to see the full chapter.
      Act One: Autumn
Just before the first leaves fell, Crassus Snow, the former Duke of Districtshire, died beneath the warm thighs of a chambermaid, a simple fact that brought joy to His Grace, Coriolanus Snow, his son and the new Duke of Districtshire every single time he thought about it.
The social season had begun and from his rooms in The Corso, he could see that the entire street had begun preparations for The Plinth Ball to open the season. Sejanus would be arriving soon to go over strategy for a successful social event but Coriolanus wasn’t the least bit worried, in fact he was annoyed.
He was a duke now, his name was on several ladies’ dance cards, he had an entire legion of staff and a village at his disposal, the world should have been his for the taking. But with his new title came his father’s old debts and the bastard loved to spend.
His Grace Coriolanus Snow, Duke of Districtshire, was flat fucking broke.
A knock at the door interrupted Coryo’s dream of a new cravat and with the arrival of his grandmother and cousin, his annoyance only grew with whatever Grandma’am was about to pester him with.
     “Coryo,I fixed the buttons on your jacket for the ball, pearls from the guest room curtains worked perfectly. I need to see it on you, make sure it fits like it’s supposed to.” Tigris said
 Coryo was only happy to oblige as his most beloved cousin moving back in with them after his father died had been the only bright spot in weeks. Slipping into the tailcoat, he looked in the mirror, admiring Tigris’ work.
Above all, he would look every inch the duke his father never was even if he only had a bit of cabbage and cold mutton to break his fast all day.
   “It’s wonderful,Tigris, thank you.” Coriolanus said truthfully, happy to see her smile while Grandma’am continued to look dour.
   “I had a letter from Lord Highbottom. He purchased the country estate without any warning and he intends to buy this home, our ancestral home, within a year if we do not pay what your father owed him for investing in his peasant child fighting establishment failure. You must marry well and marry now, Coriolanus! Do you wish me to be the laughingstock of the gardening society?” 
Grandma’am rather melodramatically threw herself onto the nearest settee, sobbing into a handkerchief while Tigris patted her back and gave her cousin an apologetic look.
He did not wish to marry, not when there was fun to be had, that was something for a later date of his choosing, not in his first months of dukedom.
If it took selling off a prized horse or two, so be it.
Absolutely not, not happening.
    “You know my grandson, Coriolanus? He’s very much on the hunt for a suitable bride tonight! There’s not a young lady in all of Panem that wouldn’t want the title of Duchess and my grandson on their arm.”
Grandma’am’s voice unfortunately carried throughout the Plinth ballroom and it took everything in Coryo to not jump through the nearest window and to a brothel where his coin was far more interesting than his title.
       “Cheer up Your Grace, you’re scaring your potential brides.” Clemensia Dovecote quipped, stealing the  champagne flute from him with a smile.
      “Is it really that obvious, Clemmie?”
      “You look like you were bit by several snakes. Come dance with me unless you’d like to be set upon by overeager mamas in the next sixty seconds?”
Coriolanus could see Grandma’am leading an army towards him and joined the quadrille without a second thought.
All he had to do was pick the most agreeable one with the biggest dowry and their money problems would be settled with no more interference from Highbottom. 
He could buy all the cravats he wanted.
He was still a duke and dukes did whatever they wanted and at this moment he wanted a drink, not a duchess.
Yet as he made his way to the nearest servant, the sound of double doors opening made him stop and everyone in the ballroom cease talking and dancing.
You walked through the double doors, a masterpiece for all to gaze upon and immediately every thought of leaving early left Coriolanus’ mind.
Perhaps there was fun to be had this evening.
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darkbluekies · 1 year
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Assassin!yandere OC x female!Assassin!yandere OC x doctor!yandere OC x King!yandere OC x female!yandere OC x fem!reader
Summary: They find you unconscious, wet and bloody outside the castle’s gate and quickly find out that your village wanted you harm, thinking you're a witch. They decide to give back in the exact same manner.
Warnings: burning, death, drowning, blood, bruises, trauma, yandere, foul language, prostitute shaming, indicating that dressing like a man means ypure a prostitute(its wild), getting stoned (?), let me know if there are more!!
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: Today is my birthday!! So I wanted to do something special and throw all our yanderes together. I've been working on this one shot for a month. I hope you'll like it!!
A cloudy day brings nothing but trouble. The king glances up at the uncertain sky from his balcony in the castle, sighing. The rain will start to pour any minute and by then, all the animals in the castle need to be brought to their houses and the garden furniture needs to have been brought in. 
He turns his eyes down to the front gates. They’re always closed to make sure thieves won’t get into the castle. They did once. There were two people — a man and a woman. The man was tall and intimidating and the woman had a masculine name. They were supposed to assassinate king Edmund, but the knights caught them just in time … and now they work for him. 
“What are you looking at?” Jerry asks. “There’s no one outside a day like this.”
“Just making sure that everything is fine”, king Edmund answers. “I have to care for the kingdom.”
Silas rolls his eyes with his arms crossed over his chest. Edmund ignores him. His eyes stick onto something moving towards the gates in a dragging manner. Like a hurt animal. 
“Wait, what’s that?” he asks and leans over the balcony railing. 
“What?” Silas asks in confusion. 
“There! That … that thing!” 
The two assassinators look where he points, nodding. 
“That’s a living thing, your majesty”, Silas says slowly. “I think it’s hurt.”
A thunder catches Edmund by surprise. He looks up at the dark sky and clenches his jaw. 
“They can’t stay out”, he says determinedly. “There will be a storm at any minute. If they’re hurt, we can’t let it stay outside. Take it to the other animals.”
“Got it”, Jerry nods and grabs Silas’s arm. “Come now.”
The two of them run away. 
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The ‘animal’ down at the front gates isn’t an animal, they determine when they get close enough. It’s a woman dressed in gray, cheap clothes. She’s drenched in what they assume to be water. 
“What the fuck?” Jerry breathes out. “Why is there a woman here?”
“Is she pregnant?” Silas asks. 
“I don’t think so. But I think she’s hurt.” Jerry glances up at the sky. “Let’s get her inside.”
The unconscious woman — you — gets carried inside the castle by the man while Jerry walks beside, holding up your head. King Edmund gives you your own room. The two assassins start to push each other back and forth. A well dressed woman comes running. 
“I heard that something happened!” she gasps. “I brought the doctor!”
“Hedwig, nice girls shouldn’t run”, Edmund mutters and rolls his eyes. 
Jerry’s about to open her mouth and say something, but get interrupted by a manly voice. 
“Yeah, yeah, but if she didn’t run to get me, who knows what could have happened?” the royal doctor sighs and enters the room. “If it’s an emergency then let the girl run for once.”
“Oh, Dr Kry, could you take a look at the woman?” King Edmund asks. “I want to know why she fainted on my door step, who she is … and why she’s wet. Do your best. And Hedwig, go tell the maids to prepare a warm bath for our guest. And Silas and Jerry …”
The two of them steps away from each other. 
“I want you to find out who this is”, king Edmund says. 
“Fine”, Jerry sighs and then freezes. “Wait. Together?”
“Yes, together. Is that wrong?”
“No”, Silas says quickly and grabs Jerry’s arm. “Come here-”
Jerry rips her arm back. “Don’t touch me, you pig.”
Despite their arguing, they walk out the room side by side. King Edmund sighs and turns back to Dr Kry who’s making his way over to your side. Hedwig has already left the room, leaving you alone with the king and the royal doctor.
“Could you leave the room?” the doctor asks. “I’ll need to remove her clothes if I want to search her body for injuries. Patient policy.”
“I’m the literal king? If there’s someone that can stay, it’s me.”
Dr Kry sighs and gives in, knowing that there’s no use arguing with the ruler of the kingdom. He walks over to your bed and gently removes the blankets you’ve gotten. He removes your simple dress and frowns. You have marks and bruises around your wrists and ankles and bloody marks all over your body. 
“What’s that?” King Edmund asks. 
“She’s gotten hurt”, Dr Kry says — mostly to himself — and lifts your wrist. “Most likely are these marks around her wrists and ankles from ropes.”
“I’m not sure.” Dr Kry feels your body temperature. “She’s very cold too. I reckon that she might have hypothermia. My guess is that it must have something to do with the fact that she’s completely soaked.” He lifts a strand of your hair and sniffs it. “I’m pretty sure it’s water. It doesn’t smell like anything.”
“So, what you’re saying is that she must have tripped and fell into a body of water?”
“I think so … but it’s not making much sense … not all of it anyway. The marks and signs of struggle … you don’t think she’s one of the prisoners who managed to escape and then perhaps fell into a lake? It would make sense. Those people down there aren’t the … sanest.”
“I don’t recognize her. Do you?”
Dr Kry tilts his head and shakes his head. “No … no, I don’t. Then what could have happened?”
“We’ll just have to ask her when she wakes up. Or when Silas and Jerry are back. I hope they have some information.”
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You don’t know how long you’ve been unconscious or what time it is, but you do know that your body hurts a lot. You can feel someone dabbing your forehead with a warm, wet cloth. Carefully, you open your eyes and are met by bright light. Everything is blurry. You can see two people in the room. A man dressed in white and a young woman who very well could be a teenager.
“Oh, doctor!” a female voice says softly. “Her eyes are moving. I think she’s awake.”
“Good, she’s waking up”, a male voice answers. “Hedwig, leave, please. I’ll take care of her from now.”
“I want to help, I can help. Who else knows the female body better than a female?”
The doctor sighs frustratedly and points at the armchair in the corner of the room. Hedwig smiles and runs over to sit down. The doctor moves closer to you. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks. 
“Where am I?” you ask shockingly. 
“You’re safe”, the woman named Hedwig answers quickly. “You’re in the king’s castle.”
“K-King’s castle?!” you shoot up from your lying position to look around, to see if it’s really true. 
The doctor is quick to stop you and gently lay you back down again.
“What am I doing here?” you almost stutter. 
“I’d hope you could answer that”, he sighs. “You were the one coming here in the first place.”
“N-No, I was …” you quiet down, thinking. “I was?”
“Yes, you were”, Hedwig says worriedly and moves closer to the bed. “You fainted by the front gates. You’ve been unconscious for three hours … or more.”
She can tell how scared you are by the look in your eyes. Hedwig smiles comfortingly and takes your hands in hers.
"Don't be scared", she smiles. "We'll take care of you now. You're in good hands. What's your name?"
"Y/N …"
"Y/N, could you tell me why you're wet?" The doctor asks.
You pick up a strand of your hair for inspection and frown. A sudden fear enters your eyes and you avoid any kind of contact with the others.
"Okay, you don't have to answer", Dr Kry says. "But I do think you need to wash yourself. You are full of dirt and blood."
"N-No!" you almost shout, shaking your head frantically.
"I'll be with you", Hedwig says softly.
You hesitate and she's quick to notice that.
"Everything will be okay, we just need to get you cleaned up so we can take care of your hurt areas."
She helps you out of bed and leads you out of the room.
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The two assassins have followed a lead, ending up in a small village at the start of the mountain.
"What are we doing here?" Jerry asks with her arms crossed. 
"The trail leads us here", Silas says. "Something here has to give us answers."
"We're more like detectives than killers."
"You could say we switched career paths."
"Very funny, Silas. Now do me a favor and shut the fuck up."
Silas snickers and follows the grumpy woman into the village. They quickly notice that the people walking around them seem somewhat irritated. Their eyes dart over to the two people entering their village. Jerry can feel their eyes wander over her judgingly. She scoffs.
"Excuse me ma'am", Silas says, gathering the attention of an older woman carrying a big wooden pole.
She stops and looks at them, disgust forming on her face when she sees Jerry. 
"What?" the woman spits out.
"We were wondering if you've seen a woman today."
Silas starts to describe how you looked when he saw you, but the woman seems more interested in sending nasty looks towards Jerry. Jerry rolls her eyes and looks around, her eyes finding a small, black cat hiding in the bushes. She smiles.
"Yes, I saw her", the woman grits and glances at Jerry for the millionth time. "I'm not surprised someone like you wants to find her."
"What's wrong with me?" Jerry questions coldly. 
"Do you sell yourself looking like that?"
Jerry scoffs and smiles, tilting her head. "At least I'm not some washed up rag cloth carrying a wooden pole big enough to make my husband insecure."
Silas sighs and moves behind Jerry to cover her mouth with his hand. He holds her tightly against his chest.
"Excuse her", he mutters, feeling Jerry either lick or try to bite his hand from the inside. "Why wouldn't you be surprised that someone like us tries to find the woman?"
"I don't want people like her in my village."
"You can't do anything to us, we're not from this village. King's rules."
"Then I don't have to tell you anything. Now leave."
Silas knows that they won't get further. He drags Jerry with him.
"Did she imply that I was a prostitute?" Jerry scoffs the very second Silas lets her go.
"Can you blame her?"
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"You dress like a man, your hair is short, you use foul language … if they didn't think you're a prostitute, they'd think you're a witch."
"You little-"
Silas grabs her arm. "Come now, let's go."
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"Edmund!" Jerry shouts as the two assassins run into the castle.
"It's 'your majesty', you pig", Edmund mutters and meets up with them. "Well? What have you learned?"
"Our guest is from a village in the start of the mountains", Silas begins, "and they refuse to say anything."
"They indicate that they don't want 'people like her' and whatnot", Jerry adds on. "Stuck up people. I swear they all have those wooden poles shoved up their asses …"
"Is she awake?" Silas asks.
"Yes, miss Hedwig is currently cleaning her up in the bathroom", King Edmund replies.
"Lucky bastard", Jerry mumbles and pushes through the two men.
She heads for the bathroom, finding you curled up in the tub with Hedwig sitting on the floor. Your entire body is shaking. Jerry only has time to introduce herself before she notices the marks all over you, especially the ones on your wrists and ankles. Suddenly, it's all clear.
"Holy fuck, it can't be true …", she breathes out.
"What?" Hedwig asks worriedly. 
"They thought she was a witch."
You flinch and hide your face down in your knees. Hedwig looks at you with fear in her eyes, not knowing what to say.
"Is it true, Y/N?" she almost whispers.
You don't answer. The two women watch you break out in tears and that's the only answer they need.
"Oh my …", Hedwig whispers, putting her hand on your bare shoulder. "I'm so sorry."
They dry you up and wrap you in a big, fluffy towel. You get to sit down on the floor with the two of them in front of you.
"What happened?" Jerry asks.
You squirm. "I hadn't done anything … only rescued a black cat", you whisper. "It was dying … so I took it in. When the others noticed him, they wanted to burn me at the stake."
"What happened to the cat?" Hedwig asks.
"I-I think they killed him", you mumble.
"No, they didn't", Jerry says firmly. "I think I saw him when me and Silas were there."
You breathe out in relief and finally smile. The two women find your smile to be enchanting — but not in a bad way.
"Why were you wet?" Hedwig asks with furrowed brows.
"Before they burn you at the stake, they have to make sure that you really are a witch", you mumble. "So they tied my hands and feet together and threw me into the lake. The ropes loosened up in the water and I managed to save myself."
"They didn't like that, did they?" Jerry mutters.
"No, they didn't. They were about to burn me, but I managed to run away. So … they threw stones after me. I don't know how long I ran or how far they followed me, but I remember seeing the castle and hoped that I would be saved."
"You are", Hedwig reassures you softly. "We don't think that you are a witch."
"Thank you …"
You've noticed how Jerry looks different by now. Her shoulder length black hair, her name and manly clothes. She wouldn’t survive a day in your village. 
The two women help you get into a nightgown and take you back to bed. The sheets have been changed and you slip down into the new, warm, clean sheets. You think back at the bath and squirm at how quickly the people calling themselves your friends suddenly turned their back on you. 
The door opens and three men enter, one being the doctor, one being a stranger … and the last one being the king. 
“Your majesty …”, you almost stutter, sitting up straight. 
“Lay down again”, he says. 
You obey. 
“I’m happy to see you alive”, he says. “Your bruises and cuts will fade and the evil people who did this to you will pay the price. I promise you.”
Tears fog up your vision. You’re both relieved and embarrassed to know that other people know about the Hell you’ve gone through these last few days. 
“Tell us what these cocksuckers did and we’ll slaughter them”, the unfamiliar man says.
“Silas, language”, Dr Kry reminds him. 
“I can tell”, Jerry said. “She told us.”
And so, you’re forced to relive it. 
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Your bruises heal up a few days later. You’re allowed out of bed and out in the garden for some fresh air. At least one of your five new protectors are with you at all times. 
"What's wrong, dollface?" Jerry asks. "You look like a lost kitty."
"Nothing", you sigh. "I just miss my family. I can’t believe that they thought …"
"That you were a witch? Shit happens. My parents think I'm mental. What's the big deal?" She shows her pants and shirt. "I can assure you, women will dress like this in the future. I'm just starting the trend."
"I wish I had your confidence."
"It's really not that hard to achieve. You just have to do your own race and then you will find who sticks by your side." She looks around. "Silas doesn't care."
"Are you a couple?"
"Fuck no, he's disgusting. If anything, I see him as that parasite you get under your shoe that you can't get rid off."
You smile slightly, gaining a smile from Jerry. She pinches your cheek softly.
"You should smile more. You have a … bewitching smile."
"Stop that", you laugh. "I don't want to hear the word 'witch' ever again."
Jerry smiles slightly, but her smile drops as she sees Silas coming into the garden. 
“Isn’t it my favorite girl?” Silas smiles. “And Jerry of course.”
“Thank you, Silas, much appreciated”, Jerry mutters. 
Silas wraps his muscular arms around you and gives your forehead a gentle — but somehow possessive — kiss. 
“You’re such a cute little thing”, Silas says and lifts you up in his arms. “Let’s get you inside, things aren’t fully safe outside.”
Jerry gives him a questionable look and he nods noticeably. Silas carries you inside and leaves you in the painting room. 
“Why don’t you paint a sweet little painting together with Hedwig?” Silas says. “Me and Jerry have some business to attend to.”
Hedwig enters the room together with the king himself. The heavy, long curtains covers the windows, making you frown. 
“Y/N!” Hedwig smiles and runs over to you, wrapping her arms around you. 
King Edmund holds his hands together behind his back as he smiles. 
“Hello, dearest”, he says. “I’m so happy to see you again. I’ve been quite busy … finding the people who hurt you.”
You shrink. 
“Don’t be afraid, they have it all under control”, Hedwig smiles and caresses your cheek. 
You nod carefully. Silas and Jerry leave the room and you reach for a paintbrush. 
“Hedwig, please, don’t sit like that”, Edmund mutters. 
“I’m just sitting”, Hedwig says. 
“Not like I want you to sit.”
“And how do you want me to sit?”
“Like your father wants you to sit. Don’t make me write him a letter.”
You look at him, wondering what the connection between Hedwig and Edmund really is. He seems to be able to understand your confused eyes. 
“You see, I’m in care for Hedwig at the moment”, King Edmund says. “She’s a relative of mine who should have gone off to finishing school, but instead was sent here for me to deal with.”
“It’s just because we were late in sending the application …”, Hedwig mumbles. 
“And now I’m stuck raising you.”
Edmund’s barely older than Hedwig. You sit there, painting for what feels like hours. The door suddenly opens and the doctor enters. 
“Your maj- …”, he notices you and stop. “Y/N, nice to see you again. Your majesty, may I speak with you? Now?”
The king nods stiffly and stands up.
“My ladies, I will have to depart from you now”, he says apologetically. “There are things I have to do. Dr Kry will stay here with you.”
You look back at Hedwig once Edmund’s left. Her entire face is pale and her eyes are slightly widened, but she’s trying to hide it. It’s obvious. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask cautiously. “Everyone is acting weird today …”
“Nothing is going on!” Hedwig says quickly. “Nothing at all!”
Dr Kry sighs. 
“Don’t let her scare you, Y/N”, he says. “Everything is okay, don’t you worry. Continue painting. I think you’re doing it very well.”
You try to shake off the feeling in your stomach and turn back to your painting. They tell you that nothing’s wrong, but you can’t shake off that feeling. It only gets stronger when you hear loud shouting from the outside. Hedwig gasps, but quickly hides her mouth behind her hand. You frown and stand up to go look out the window. Dr Kry mirrors your moves. 
“Y/N, don’t”, he warns you, grabbing your arm. 
“Why?” you question carefully. “You said that everything was okay.”
You glance at Hedwig who looks even paler than before and then at the strict look on Dr Kry’s face. You rip his arm off of you and hurry over to the window. Roughly, you rip the curtains to the side, exposing the inner yard. A big fire is raging in the middle … with a pole in the pit of the dangerous flame. You freeze when you recognise the people getting tied up, the poor humans crying out for help and forgiveness. 
“W-What’s going on?” you stutter. 
You flinch heavily when you feel Dr Kry’s large hands on your shoulders.  
“Y/N, come with me-”, he starts. 
“No!” you bursts out. “I don’t want to! I want to know what’s going on!”
“Y/N, dear, please, I’ll take you to bed-”, Hedwig says but you cut her off. 
“I don’t want to go to bed, I want to know what you’re hiding from me!”
The doctor and the young girl looks at each other. 
“We’re just helping you”, Dr Kry says calmly. “The king insisted on punishing the people who wanted you dead in the same way they wanted to kill you — at the stake.”
In horror, you look back out the window, desperately shaking your head. 
“No, wait …”, you hurry to say. “I can’t let them do that! Sure, they’re mental, but they have families too! Please stop this madness!”
You can’t have this on your conscience. You’ll be indirectly responsible for their deaths. Quickly, you loose yourself from Dr Kry’s hold and sprint for the door. He’s right behind you, catching you before you have the chance to flee. His strong arms wrap around you, lifting you up. 
“There’s clear orders from the king: you’re not allowed to leave this room until he’s back.”
He places you back down in front of your drawing. Hedwig sits beside you, not saying a word.
“You can’t let this go on, doctor!” you plead. “People are dying!”
“Yes, but … I can’t disobey the king or I’ll find myself strapped to a pole as well. Now continue your painting, it’s wonderful.”
“I agree”, Hedwig says weakly. “I really like it, please continue-”
“How can you pretend that nothing is happening?!” you almost scream. 
“They’re traitors who get what they deserve …”, Hedwig mumbles, eyes stuck in her lap. 
You stand up again, more forcefully this time. Dr Kry grabs your arms firmly.
"No, I have to-!" you start frantically.
Dr Kry hushes, but your voice grows higher. Realizing silencing you verbally won't work, he brings your face into his chest, locking it in place and hushing louder.
“It's okay, Y/N”, he comforts you. “Everything is for you, everything we do is for your safety and happiness.”
You try to push him away. Hedwig runs over to you and cups your cheeks between her soft hands. You shake your head in pure fear. 
“Tell them to stop”, you plead desperately. “Please!”
“We can’t”, Dr Kry says. “King’s orders.”
You can’t shut the screams out. Hedwig hurries over to the music box and turns it on to drown out the horrible noise. Dr Kry brings you back to the painting. 
“If you finish it before the king is back he will be pleased with you”, the doctor says. 
You sit there, staring in front of you in pure disbelief. This can’t be true. Have the kingdom gone to Hell?
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The door opens. King Edmund, Silas and Jerry enter one after another. 
“How’s your drawing going?” the king asks. 
You ignore him. 
“Y/N?” Edmund asks. 
“She heard”, Hedwig says quietly. “And saw.”
“I see.” He walks over to you, crouching down beside your chair. “Don’t be mad. You’ll never be hurt again.”
“You can’t do that”, you say. “You can’t kill people like that!”
“They were criminals. They tried to murder you.” He lifts your hand, kissing it gently. “And as your king, I can’t allow those scums to live.”
You rip your hand back and stand up. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” you spit. 
“I wouldn’t talk to him like that if I were you”, Silas smiles amusedly with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“What? You’ll throw me in the fire too?”
“No, but we have the dungeons for a reason”, Edmund says. “Do you want to end up there, sweetheart?”
You glare at him, refusing to answer. Your silence tells him everything he needs to know. 
“You’re all barks but no bite, doll”, Jerry says, just as amused as Silas. 
“I want to leave”, you say. “I’m well now. You don’t have to keep me here anymore.”
“I don’t think you’re going to leave”, Edmund says. “I order you to stay here. If you disobey, you’ll be punished severely, got it?”
“What’s the punishment?”
“Marrying me. Although, I’d see it as more of a privilege. Don’t you?”
“And even if you left, where would you go?” Dr Kry asks. “Your entire community is gone. There’s nothing left but a ghost village.”
“You’re not leaving, you hear me?” King Edmund says firmly. “You’re staying here now. Where you’re safe. The outside is clearly too harsh for you.”
“You’re insane …”, you whisper. 
Hedwig sighs, grabbing your shoulders carefully. “Come, Y/N, I’ll take you to bed.”
You let her drag you with her. Mostly because you want to get away from the other four. Hedwig tucks you into your bed with a soft, apologetic smile. 
“I’m sorry that we lied to you”, she says. “But we couldn’t tell you what we were doing. We knew you’d get scared.”
“I thought you were nice”, you mumble sadly.
“We are. We’re doing the right thing … we don’t want people like that around you. They had to pay. We really do cherish you. Bringing you in here was the best choice we’ve made. Honestly. We really want to protect you, Y/N. You’re such a precious soul.”
“Leave me alone, Hedwig.”
She nods carefully and fixes your sheets. Before she leaves, she gives your forehead a kiss. You turn on your side and hugs your knees close to your chest, feeling a sickeningly feeling in your stomach. You shouldn’t feel guilty … the others certainly aren’t. Those people wanted you dead, why are you feeling bad?
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After a while, the door opens behind you, but you don’t turn around to see who entered. 
“Y/N, turn around”, Jerry says. 
“No”, you answer. 
“You difficult shit.”
She walks over to your bed, putting something down on the covers. You can feel small movements and soon hear a little, familiar sound. WIth a gasp, you sit up straight and look at the black kitty making cookies on your blanket. You lift him up in your arms, hugging him tightly. 
“My little baby, oh my god”, you breathe out into the kitty’s black fur. “You’re okay. I’m so happy to see you again.”
“You’ll forgive us now, right?” Jerry asks. 
“You can’t buy my agreement, Jerry.”
“Of course we can. Every human has a prize. This is yours. I know it.”
Of course she’s right, but why should you tell her?
“My dearest Y/N”, she says lowly, stroking your hair. “You understand that even if you had a higher price for your freedom, we would find it. You’re never leaving, do you understand me?”
You gulp and nod noticeably. Jerry chuckles and kisses your cheek before leaving the room. You breathe out shakily, hugging the cat closer to your body. Is this how it’s going to be from now on? A tear runs down your cheek. You really did bewitch them all.
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auntabysmal · 1 year
Luis Serra x F!Reader
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Summary: You were supposed to be helping Leon and Ashley with a task but a certain Spanish man interrupts you
Warning! Very Nsfw!! Content includes: oral sex (male receiving), swearing, squirting, creampies, suggested piss kink, praise, and Luis being way too hot as usual, one mention of y/n, might also have some grammatical errors
You were supposed to be boarding up the windows on the second story of the stone house in the village, emphasis’ on supposed to be. Hunnigan had called in a chopper but since it was severally storming outside there was no way for the helicopter to land safely in the area. So you, Luis, Leon, and Ashley decided to fortify the the small house you were in and wait it out.
Leon and Ashley were busy boarding up the windows and entrances on the first floor while you and Luis would board up the second. You had barely started when Luis cracked a flirtatious comment to you,
“A señorita like you looks so good doing handiwork.” He purred in your direction.
You were putting a nail into the wood and rhythmically hammering it to the wall. The small comment made your cheeks burn a light pink. Was he really trying to flirt at a time like this?
“I’m sure I do, now please help me with this Luis, this will make my arms ache if I do this all by myself!”
You pouted to him, hoping that it would be enough to get his ass to help you. But it didn’t, instead Luis walked slowly over to you, the color on your cheeks was getting darker as the hot Hispanic man can closer to you. God he was hot, but you weren’t going to tell him that. Not when you could already tell he had a inflated ego. The older man whispered into the shell of your ear,
“I could make your arms ache another way…..señorita…….” He smiled deviously at you.
That’s when minutes later you were on your knees, taking his cock into your mouth. Gagging and sucking on it like your life depended on it. Luis was uncut so every once in a while you would pull his skin back and lick his head throughly and generously, you haven’t been with a man like Luis before so you found it interesting to be sucking his cock like this. Luis pulled his hair back and out of his face, huffing out a small,
“S-Señorita……fuck!….You really are putting that snarky mouth of yours….to good use!”
With a small wink at him you snaked your hand up his thigh and cupped his balls, giving them light squeezes and tugs. You had discarded your pants a while ago and with your free hand had snaked it down your panties, a whine escaped your throat as you pinched your clit, the sound sending vibrations straight to Luis’s cock.
He could feel his orgasm approaching so he pulled his cock from your throat, a string of saliva connected your lips to the tip of his cock. You whined in protest as the feeling of him filling you was lost. You wanted more of his cock, more of his body, more of him in general. Luis pointed his finger upwards, understanding what he meant you pulled your hand from your panties and stood up to him. In a swift motion he turned you and pushed your body against the wall.
Lips connected to your own and he started giving you a sloppy kiss, both your tongues fighting for dominance, but obviously Luis was winning. He moved from your lips down to your neck, nips and kisses peppering over your skin. You absolutely loved the feeling of his stubble tickling your soft skin. He finally breathed out, “I couldn’t cum in your mouth, I want to save it for your pussy, Princesa.”
At that sentence you could feel your pussy throb, fuck why did you have to be so hot? So unbelievably charming? And that thick Spanish accent had your legs feeling like jello. No wonder you were about to fuck him. A hand on your leg pulled you from your daydream as you felt Luis lift the appendage up, placing in on his hip. You were feeling cheeky so you jumped up and wrapped your other leg around Luis’s hip. His hands on your ass and the wall on your backside being the only things keeping your body up.
Luis grunted as your semi-clothed pussy make contact with his cock, you placed your hands on his shoulders as he started to hump at your wet mound. You choked out a whine and shyly protested, “L-Luis! Please don’t tease…..just fuck me already!”
“Don’t worry princesa, you’ll get what you want, but you look gorgeous when I tease you.” He smiled that dumbass charming smile that you loved.
If he was going to rub at you, you were going to rub back. Your hands trailed down his shoulders and to his chest, feeling every muscles through his jacket and shirt. The man gasped when you snaked your hands under his shirt, feeling at his prominent surgery scar that he had shown you, Ashley and Leon earlier during that day. The scar was sensitive, but it wasn’t uncomfortable for you to touch. In fact it sent a surge of pleasure right to his cock. It felt amazing having you touch him like this.
That touch was enough to have him slide the crotch of your panties over and slowly insert his cock into your warm, wet cunt. You gasped loudly before Luis put his ring clad hand over your mouth, whispering to you,
“Be careful mama, you wouldn’t want Leon and Ashley to come up and spoil our fun eh?”
You lightly shook your head and heard a quite “good girl” come from Luis. He began to slide all the way into you until he bottomed out, he was getting used to your cunt wrapping around his cock like a perfectly fitting glove. One slow thrust out still had you quietly whining until he slammed himself into you, to keep yourself quiet you smashed your mouth into the crook of his neck, crying into his skin as he thrusted at a fast rhythmic pace.
The hand that was once on your mouth now grabbed onto your breast, massaging at the clothed flesh before delving under your shirt. He felt that you weren’t wearing a bra. No bra when it was cold and wet outside? How lewd of you.
“Lu-Luis! Please!” Your voice was muffled in his skin. “It’s so much! Fuck your so big!”
“Don’t worry Señorita, you can take it, your doing so good for daddy.”
One could feel something building up inside you, your orgasm was approaching fast and especially when his cock shifted to hit right at your g-spot, but there was something else too. It felt was if you needed to use the bathroom, to pee to be exact. You hadn’t felt like this before, not when you usually masturbated by yourself.
You pulled yourself from his neck and cried out, “Luis! Something’s wrong! I-I feel like! Oh god!”
He cooed into your ear, trying to calm you down, “don’t worry mama, don’t worry, just release all over my fucking cock.”
A few more thrusts had you squirting all over his dick and onto the crotch of his jeans, every time he would pull out a gush of clear fluid would shoot out of your pussy. It didn’t stop until after a couple of minutes. Your face couldn’t have been more red from embarrassment. You were under the impression that you had just pissed all over Luis.
He stopped after a few more thrusts to check to make sure you were still with him, he pulled you from his neck but you didn’t look in his direction, you were too embarrassed to look at him. You muttered a string of sorries to him and his face twisted in confusion. You hadn’t done anything wrong, the exact opposite of that.
“Señorita? What’s the matter?”
“I……I just pissed all over you.” You uttered.
“Pissed? No…..no sweetface, you squirted…….guess you’ve never had a man get you to do that huh?”
“……I’ve never done it in general….”
He chuckled at you. “You poor thing, your pussy has been so neglected eh? Your lucky to have a charming prince around.”
“Hush you!”
“Well if it makes you feel any better even if you pissed on me I’d find it hot, anything that comes from that pussy of yours is incredibly sexy.”
“You’re too sweet Mr. Serra.”
He started thrusting hard again, his cock twitched at your words. He could feel his own orgasm approaching and you starting to whine again was not helping it either. Small hands had intertwined with his dark brown locks as you pulled back lightly on them.
At the sensation Luis ended up cumming, spraying his seed deep into your womb, painting your walls white with the sticky, warm fluid. Your second orgasm crashed through your body as you ended up squirting again. Unfortunately it caused you to cry out loud, but at this point you didn’t care who heard you scream out in pleasure. Zombies could’ve heard how loud you were but you didn’t give a fuck.
Seconds later both of you heard Leon from downstairs shout to Ashley,
“Just stay there!”
Leon bolted up the stairs, thinking that you had been hurt or attached by an enemy. Gun in his hand he pointed it at both you and Luis, only to then stare wide eyed at your semi naked body up against Luis’s. Cock still in your pussy Luis finally pulled out and Leon watched as the cum slipped out of your pussy and onto the wooden floor. He put his gun down after seeing that.
Ashley then came running up the stairs behind Leon, her voice was shaking as she yelled out, “Leon?! Luis?! Is y/n okay?!” Ashley then paused when she stopped at Leon’s side, covering her eyes and letting out a small squeak as she saw you and Luis.
Luis chuckled darkly before shrugging and putting your legs down to the ground. “Guess our fun time is over now, Señorita.”
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demonpiratehuntress · 7 months
hurt for long
OPLA!Zoro x Reader
Summary - Every time you go to a certain island, you're used by a guy you think genuinely likes you. This time you go with Zoro, and when that guy hurts you yet again, the green-haired swordsman is there to pick up the pieces.
Warning - cussing, violence (a little, but it's Zoro), he may be OOC a little but it fits the plot
"Don't you think for a minute he's irreplaceable
I know he hurt you, but it won't hurt for long
Hurt for long
He thinks you're out of options
You're 'bout to prove him wrong
'Cause I'm right here making sure you don't hurt for long
Hurt for long"
"What's so nice about this island?"
You looked at the dark-haired sharpshooter next to you as leaned against the railing of the ship, your gaze previously on the upcoming stretch of land. You let out a sigh, trying to calm your nerves which were clearly showing. But you felt too excited.
"I'm just excited to see someone."
"Oooooh," Usopp teased, "(Name)'s got a boyfriend."
The timing could not have been worse, because your closest crewmate - and secret crush, but that's a long story - was about to join you and Usopp. However, when those words met his ears, he changed his mind. He was not going to stand and listen to you gush about the nobody you liked, because it wasn't him.
You didn't notice, your cheeks reddening, "He's not my boyfriend! Just a...friend with benefits, of sorts."
Zoro's annoyance quickly grew, and he almost accidentally shoved a passing Sanji overboard while storming away from the deck. He didn't know why he felt so protective, so possessive, because it was clear you weren't into him (at least in his mind), but he couldn't help it. He'd tried so hard to stop these feelings, unsuccessfully. And now he had to deal with your affections lying elsewhere, with some stupid guy on some stupid island and-
"We're here!"
You were bounding off the ship as soon as it was moored, and already running into the village without waiting for anyone. Nami and Sanji - the only two who were aware of Zoro's feelings, much to his irritation - looked at him. He turned away, trying to appear unaffected, but none of them missed the way his fists clenched.
By the time the rest of the crew had caught up with you, however, Zoro's anger and frustration was immediately replaced with heartbreak and concern.
You were dejectedly walking back the way you came, hugging yourself with tears streaming down your face. Your quiet sniffles were not as quiet as you intended them to be, and upon hearing them Zoro's heart sunk.
"(Name), what happened?!" Nami was the first to reach you, grabbing your arms and pulling you aside.
"I don't want to talk about it," you replied quietly, a fresh round of tears slipping down your face. "Can we just go?"
"What did he do?"
All eyes turned to the green-haired swordsman, anger burning in his eyes. One hand was on his swords, as if he was preparing to slide one out and slice whoever hurt you into ribbons.
"How did you-" You looked up at him, but he cut you off.
"What. Did. He. Do?"
"Please don't do anything stupid," you pleaded, but told him anyway. Out of everyone on the crew, you were closest to Zoro. You couldn't stop yourself from telling him anything and everything, even if you tried.
"I'm going to kill him."
"No, Zoro!"
Before you could lunge at him to stop him, he was gone. You cursed yourself for mentioning which house it was, and the rest of you ran as fast as you could to chase down your aggressive crewmate.
But when Zoro was out for blood, he usually got it.
By the time you all reached the house, Zoro was standing over the guy with his boot pressed down hard on the coward's chest, with him whimpering and begging to be freed. One of Zoro's katanas was pointed directly at his nose, and he was going squint trying to keep his eyes on it. You were about to say something, when you heard the words spilling from the swordsman's mouth.
"You dumb fuck," he hissed, "Do you even realise what you have done? You had all of her attention, all of her affection, and you go and fuck it up? How could you settle for that whore upstairs when you had the prettiest woman already? Bastard."
Your heart fluttered at those words - some of them, anyway. He thought you were the prettiest? He yearned for your love and attention? You had been so busy trying to ignore your feelings for him and project them onto someone else, that you had never made room for the possibility he might like you back. Now you felt guilty, and started to cry all over again.
"Zoro," Nami warned. "Let's go."
He looked up to see you standing there with Nami, all the fire in his eyes extinguishing at the sight of you. His expression softened, and within seconds he had his sword sheathed and you in his arms. You tried to protest, saying you could walk, but his next words made you melt.
"I want to carry you."
A while later, you were back on the seas with your crew. A blanket had been slung across your shoulders, and you were sitting out on the deck with a hot drink in your hand - courtesy of Sanji who had been in no way threatened by Zoro to make it.
"Thank you," you finally spoke, turning to the silent swordsman beside you.
"What for?" He asked, his deep voice comforting you.
"For beating him up," you managed a small laugh.
He cracked a smile at that, turning to look at you, "Who says I did it for you? Maybe I just wanted an excuse to hit something."
"Uh huh, tough guy," you laughed, then leaned against him. "Did you mean all those things you said?"
"What things?" He hummed, trying to feign confusion.
You rolled your eyes, but smiled and let him be. You just sat there, leaning against him, and watched the ocean in silence. Until he decided to speak up.
"I did mean them."
You smiled, and looked up at him as he continued.
"I'm not...I'm not very good at showing how I feel, especially when it comes to something like this." He paused. "I don't know how to...navigate this, because I have never let myself think about anything other than training. Than becoming the world's greatest swordsman. Romance was the last thing I ever expected to find, but..." He gave you a rare, unguarded and genuinely happy smile, "I'm glad I found it with you."
His confession made your eyes widen, and you had to set the drink down from how shaky your hands got.
"And I know..." He took a deep breath, "I know you liked that guy, but-"
You giggled, and he stopped talking, his face turning red.
"Your naivety towards some things is adorable, you know that?" You stopped him before he could protest about being called adorable. "I only diverted my attention to him because I didn't think I would ever have a chance with you, the absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, quietly sweet, and extremely protective former pirate hunter."
Your words caused an unfamiliar feeling to overcome him. He felt heat rise to his cheeks, an effect only you had ever had on him. He couldn't describe how he felt hearing you say that, but it was definitely a good feeling and he was starting to enjoy the way you made him feel.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you right against him. You hummed in satisfaction and curled into his side, head resting on his shoulder as his chin found the top of your head. You felt a soft, barely-there kiss being placed on top of your head, and smiled to yourself.
"Well I guess I should be thankful that idiot messed up," he spoke again, "He didn't deserve you anyway." He looked at you. "You deserve so much better than that, and I'm going to show you that."
You smiled, tilting your head up to meet his warm eyes, "I know."
He let himself smile again, satisfaction bubbling within him at the fact that he was the cause of your smile this time. He held you just a bit tighter, not wanting to let go, and wanting to keep you from further harm, emotional or physical. He wanted to shield you from all the hurtful things you might encounter, because he would be damned if he had to go through the pain of seeing your face so broken and upset again. He didn't ever want to see you cry again, not because of him, or anyone else.
"You know, that didn't hurt for long," you finally spoke up again after a few quiet minutes. "Thanks to you."
"Glad I can be of service."
You rolled your eyes, lightly smacking his chest at his remark. He laughed, the sound like audible honey, and leaned in to softly press his lips against yours.
"Get some rest. I'll be here for as long as you need me to."
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hobicakess · 1 month
I’m just dropping a little something that’s been brewing for a while and I have like 4 series that I haven't posted
cw: allusions to past SA, period typical themes, there might be some switches from 3rd to 2nd person ill fix it later.
Just vampire hyung line and their immortal wife. Throughout the years she met them all one by one and she married them all legally throughout the years. Today we’re going to read about her, Seokjin, and Yoongi's story.
First she was married to Jin although she met Yoongi decades before. Though their relationship was still very rocky. Her and Seokjins marriage was strictly arranged by the Supernatural council. Seokjin being an original vampire and her being an original immortal (meaning she was “blessed” directly by the gods to walk the earth eternally) the marriage was for the sake of reproduction.
At first Jin was furious about the arrangement. He was an original vampire. He'd been living way before the council was organized and now they were demanding him. Kim Seokjin. The handsomest, wealthiest, one of the eldest vampires to live to marry a silly human who'd been cheated out of death and they want him to taint his very old and pure bloodline. He was extremely offended at the notion.
But all his protest went out the window when he saw her.
If you couldn’t already tell, Seokjin back then was extremely arrogant, cocky, and selfish. He saw her as a Status booster (as if his status wasn’t already high) having her by his side, this beautiful immortal woman to procreate with— this would make everyone even more envious for eternity so he sucked it up and agreed. He of course would have other lovers just like she already did
Yoongi. Former Emperor Min Yoongi wasn’t her lover at this time, he just so happened to be bonded to her. That bond was only because of the bracelet he wore around his wrist, she tricked him into putting it on only for his safety, Yoongi was devoted to her because of it, and regardless he loved her dearly. He had no choice but to follow her wherever she went and now she’s forcing him to watch her marry.
When she met with the council Yoongi thought she’d disagree but she didn't, which made him beyond furious.
When the meeting ended Seokjin walked to him “Looking forward to sharing, Vampling.” Patting his shoulder, Yoongi's fangs bared as he went to attack the older vampire but she called his name and he had no choice but to follow her like a kicked puppy.
When the two of them were alone, Yoongi slammed her against the wall, his hand breaking through it. “You are mad! You’re really going to marry that entitled pig?” He hissed venom dripping from his fangs. He didn’t know if it was him being an emotional vampling or his love for her making him feel this way. He’s never felt like this before. He used to cut heads off with a blink of an eye, and now he’s crying because he should be the one marrying her. “You would let me sit back and suffer while some random man marries and fucks you like a common whore.''
As you can tell back then Yoongi couldn’t control any of his new found emotions, being that he’d never felt any before he grew up as a king, a boss. emotions were for common folk now here he is.
“Yoongi, I understand you’re upset but don’t you dare call me names. I am simply doing-“ he cut her off, finding another part of the wall to punch, closer to the side of her face this time.
“I’ve watched you burn down villages, I’ve seen you make men tear their own skin from their bone, You’re far more powerful than-“
“Shut your mouth. They mustn’t know of the powers I have possessed. They’ll lock me up for eternity just as they’ve done the warlocks and witches.” Her hands raised to touch his still warm cheeks, she’ll forever miss his warmth when he hits his chilling point.
“ I am doing this for the sake of us, everything I have done these years has been for us.”
Her and Seokjin's wedding was beyond big, almost every supernatural species being invited. It was like Seokjin to go all out like this. While she was being prepped for the ceremony she was saddened, Yoongi had left for weeks and she didn’t know if or when he’d come back, but the wedding still happened without Yoongi and you had no living family so she was alone stuck with Seokjin and his asshole friends and family.
Yoongi scoffed, “If you genuinely want to do something for me release me of these awful feelings.” moving her hands from his face
“If you truly do not wish to be bound to me any longer I will remove your Geumganggo” she reach to unlock the golden bracelet and before she could remove it Yoongi was gone in a flash.
When she met Seokjin father she immediately felt a deep sense of hatred for him and then she felt bad for SeokJin. The reason he acted the way he did was because of the way he grew up and who he grew up with. “Well I Wouldn’t have wanted my son married to an immortal but you currently have the hips to make his children.”
Seokjin's father's eyes drifted to her hips that were outlined in the tight red wedding dress.“Thank you sir.” she bowed with gritted teeth.
“We are family, please call me father.” He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips when it was snatched away by Seokjin.
“My wife must be really tired, she is still a human after all and we can’t have her too tired out already” his joke made the whole crowd laugh embarrassing her further, he scooped her up bridal style effortlessly.
“Goodnight.” and he zoomed away bringing the two of them into their bed chambers.
She was on the bed, pressed underneath Jin’s wide body. “Hello wife.” He smirked, pushing a coil of her hair back.
“Are you planning to pretend we are actually a happily married couple?” She stared up at him frowning.
“It speeds up the breeding process.” scoffing, pushing him off, stomping on the dresser, taking all her jewelry in angry huffs. He stood behind watching her in the vanity mirror “ You looked beautiful today, and that says a lot coming from me.” turning to look at her ‘husband’ scoffing again.
“Are you immune to not being a.. nuisance?”
“You are upset your vampling lover did not show.” it wasn’t a question it was a statement and it pissed her off more.“Vamplings are emotional creatures especially when it comes to their sires.”
“I am not a vampire, how can I be his sire?” Looking at him through the mirror. “Well I am going to assume you were with him when he first awoke?”
She was with him. Through the aching process of change. Holding cold towels on his forehead while the venom and humanity fought against each other, she was there when he awoke with the hunger of only fresh blood.
Seokjin clicked his tongue, "I guess the human stupidity still stays in Immortals" her frown becomes deeper as she removes the caked up makeup on her face with even more force than before. "Are you planning to frown all night? It is our wedding night."
She sighs, standing and unzipping her dress so it falls to her feet going to lay back on the sheets.
"What is this?" He asked confused, eyebrows raised as he stared down at her missionary position. "I am speeding up the breeding process."
"I cannot do it like.." he waved his hand over you
"Oh? would you prefer me on my stomach?" She moved herself into a face down position causing the vampire to sputter and the remaining blood he consumed during the wedding rushed to his ears as he pulled at his tie removing it.
"I cannot have you in anyway if you aren't willing." She turned back to him sitting with confusion evident all over her face. Seokjin couldn't believe it. "I was in position?"
"Position doesn't mean willingness, darling" he sighed, grabbing a sleeping gown from the dresser and handing it to her. She stares at him hard, eyes wide and the most vulnerable Seokjin has seen since meeting the immortal. “I admit that I haven't been the kindest since meeting you.”
He swallows hard, kneeling in front of her, helping her step into the frilly gown pulling it over her bare shoulders, skillfully tying the strings in the back of it. “But. I am not that kind of man who abuses his masculinity and forces himself onto unconsenting women.”
When he finished he grabbed her hands “For as long as we are together as wife and husband I will never force you to do anything you won't want to”
Standing and rolling his wide shoulder he adds “Sex wise of course”
She scoffed at him loudly, “And I thought you were being genuine.”
“You're a few centuries late darling.”
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wystericwoes · 9 months
“𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖔𝖚’𝖑𝖑 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖜𝖓. 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖕𝖆𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖋, 𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆 𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑.”
-𝕊𝕦𝕜𝕦𝕟𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣-
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Art is mine!! :)
Chapter warnings: Brief descriptions of violence, sex, (oral) anxiety, curses being curses so therefore gore + fighting and the works. Lore accurate characters, Fuckboy Gojo Satoru. Mentions of toxic dynamics/relationships, cussing
GN reader but some implications to afab anatomy.
Reader has chronic anxiety + paranoia
In his over 1000 years of living,
Nothing had ever brought Sukuna to his knees.
He was undefeated, relentless, and above all else- a monster.
To any person in the jujutsu world, the name Ryomen Sukuna meant something- it struck fear into even the strongest among them, he was a figure from history who was used as a cautionary tale. The cursed man who killed hundreds if not thousands of jujutsu sorcerers.
It was cold. On a certain day hundreds of years ago, the day he truly became The King of Curses.
Sukuna was a human- at least he was at some point. And over time he had lost those shreds of humanity, one by one dropping dead into nothing.
He felt no more remorse, he felt no more sympathy, he felt nothing except the thrill of his increasing strength.
But he was still human after all.
A dying flame from a candle almost entirely burned out, resided deep inside him.
A concubine, an object of simple pleasure somehow warped into something he couldn't have ever imagined. Something he had never known.
Fucking love.
When he found you that night is when he truly became irredeemable.
He was on his knees, dirt staining his robes.
Doctor- is there a doctor around???
No, the whole village was gone. And even if there was they wouldn’t have helped him.
Okay, you’re bleeding. Stop the bleeding
His hand made its way around your throat as he rushed to find anything he had on him that could help.
He tried reversed cursed energy, but you were too far gone and too badly injured. It was a lost cause. But that's just the power you held over him, making him defy logic- be hopeful even.
Hope. what a terrible thing. It makes us think we can be or do anything, it gives the weak the chance to think they can be strong.
Yet here he was, holding onto it.
The moon shone over you, ethereal beams traced over the shape of your body, you were angelic- he didn’t deserve you.
On his hands and knees, gripping his heart.
In his last effort to save you, he had done something to try and bring you back to life
He was desperate.
His hand moved to his chest and down his left arm, then he channeled all the energy from his body for several moments as a spectra of light grew and morphed from his hand, until he was weak, and with his hand was an orb of something convulsing in a hue of whites and blacks.
The orb had formed from his veins, tendrils of energy separating from his body as he attempted to do everything he could to resurrect you. His veins beneath his skin began to glow an ominous purple color, the way one looks when struck by lightning.
With his free hand, he ripped open your shirt- and shoved the ball of concentrated energy into your heart by pressing his hand against your cold clammy skin.
As he did his nose began to bleed, grunting as your body fought the acceptance of the orb- but he persisted. Using the last of his strength to force it in as it slowly sunk into you. His body nearly fell limp, limbs shaking as all the energy and strength was expelled from his body, but he persisted.
His brows furrowed, face sweating, and heart racing.
Wiping away the blood from his nose and lips with his already dirty sleeve with his free hand smearing blood on his face, he coughed up more blood as the last slither of light was absorbed into you.
His breath heaved as he stayed hunched over your lifeless body. The color drained from his face; he looked like he had almost aged several years in the span of seconds.
Deafening silence overcame the ruins of the once lively village. He sat upright on his knees, never wavering his gaze from your unmoving form. Heavy breaths followed the quiet, his body shaking from his futile action.
When he went to see if his efforts had not been in vain, he was met with nothing. No pulse. No beating heart.
He had tried everything. He’s supposed to be the king. The strongest. Hundreds have fallen to his feet dead, and yet right now with your body at his knees he never felt more powerless.
you were gone.
He rested his forehead on yours.
Every part of him hurt. He thought he was the strongest, but this was a cruel reminder. He couldn’t even help you in your final moments. He didn’t deserve to be known as anything; he didn’t deserve to live when you were dead.
His pain was dreadfully quiet. No shouting or cursing at the world for its cruelty. Just grit teeth and heavy breaths.
The sky darkened around the forest clearing that you were in. A storm was on its way, and it would not have mercy.
And that was the day that he had become the monster he had always been.
Any hope for him died with you,
He buried two people that day.
You currently work at your job living a mundane life, you’ve had your hardships, and you’ve had your fair share of conflicts and events. To you, the life you’ve lived up to now was the norm. You didn’t think it could’ve gotten any different than now, eventually you’d grown into a pattern of familiarity and had seen most things the world had to offer.
Until you saw a giant monster eating a woman alive at your local convenience store.
You stood there shell-shocked, frozen for a moment taking in the sight you had just unfortunately stumbled upon, it was grotesque.
An eyeball was popped out of her socket, there was clear signs of struggle along her body with bruises and a dislocated shoulder, that lovely moment was now seeded into your brain as everything happened so fast.
The monster looked over at you, hearing the sounds of your heavy breathing and fast heart. Like a little rabbit who ran straight into the wolf's den.
You were about to book it full speed- when the monster ran away from you. And he looked terrified.
You weren’t one to question a chance out of danger and with that window of opportunity you hauled ass out the door down the street.
You couldn’t scream for help- you would sound absolutely batshit insane.
What we’re you supposed to say? “Garbodor from your worst nightmares just ate a woman alive in front of me and then left” You couldn’t go to the cops.
You let yourself worry about those things later as your feet carried you far away from the scene. Your lungs burned, your nose stung from the dry air and frantic breathing.
You finally got a crowded spot and hit yourself against a wall panting frantically.
What. The. Fuck.
You always knew that you had some crazies in your family but never like this? A hallucination? A nightmare, brain tumors?!
You finally took several deep breaths and let the adrenaline mellow out through your body and shaky hands. You did a double- no, triple take around you to see. Everyone around you was calm, life went on normally, aside from a few concerned passing looks.
Your brain tried to rationalize what you just saw in any way possible. Frantically searching through the database of your brain for anything even remotely close to a logical explanation. You were torn between mental illness and a terrible prank.
Uncertainty was you. In this very moment, the only thing that you could feel or be.
What do you do now?
After the police were notified, Jujutsu tech picked up the case and was assigned to go investigate a very gruesome murder around the area- something simple for them if you can believe it.
When they passed the police tape, there was blood scattered across the inside of the shop. Glass was broken, shelves were downed, bloody handprints and scratches caked the walls.
What hurt was when someone fought in their final moments.. when they almost had a chance. When the death wasn’t quick
This person died in fear.
The curse was no where to be found, it had fled the scene. That’s unusual for curses, seeing as they usually aren’t scared of low level sorcerers or civilians.
“What happened here…?” One woman in a black suit said with slight disgust.
"Grade 3 curse attack, we'll have to start damage control immediately."
“We need to check is there were any witnesses.”
The other mumbled under his breath.
“Do you see any signs of a witness?” She quipped
The faintest mark of blood the bottom of a shoe at the door.
“We need to figure out what happened. Sooner rather than later."
"We might need to get a professional in here to check for traces of cursed energy. Get a better feel of what played out."
"This seems like a pretty open and-shut case- the civilian will probably just think they hallucinated the whole ordeal."
"Look closer." Pointing at the bloody shoe print, revealing the faintest trail of footprints composed of cursed energy leading down the sidewalk.
They looked at each other, one sighing.
"Alright, let's go."
Sitting in a dark room surrounded by people in dark clothing was not how you thought you’d be spending your Tuesday.
You had just been interrogated about what you saw. And while that affirmed that you weren't crazy, the fact that it was real arose an entirely new set of problems.
Your first impression was that this was some undercover- government CIA men in black scenario and you had seen something you shouldn’t have.
Eventually, you cracked when they kept reassuring you everything was okay, and you weren't developing late-stage schizophrenia.
They started explaining all these terms to you like “sorcerer” and “curses” " but your head was spinning so fast you could barely keep up with any information that they threw.
They were pretty sympathetic towards you, and explained that you weren’t crazy, and that you yourself was one of these sorcerers.
You didn’t like this main-character-chosen-one-secretly has powers thing going on. You were late to work, and although the coffee they gave you was good and your feelings were validated, you just wanted to forget about it.
No one seemed to protest when you decided to get up and leave, that was until you opened the door to meet a 6ft tall supermodel who almost made your jaw slack.
He chuckled as you admired his features. Sharp bones and the most unique hair you’d ever seen. Was that natural? I mean If monsters and warlocks were, this wasn’t the craziest piece of information you had received all day.
What really got your attention was that he was blindfolded.
“I think there’s something they forgot to mention.”
He pointed to his colleagues, one hand in his pocket
“You see, you can’t leave. You’re a jujutsu sorcerer, and that curse you saw isn’t going to be the last.”
Another person in the room turned their head at him.
"Well, it's most likely that they can only see curses and can't actually-"
He cut them off with a pointed finger. Not even entertaining the idea of letting the person finish their sentence.
The other people in the room stood silent not daring to threaten his authority and judgment. Even if it made no logical sense at the moment. Something always universally accepted was that Gojo Satoru knew more than you did about something in any given situation.
“You’re gonna need to learn how to control that energy, and protect yourself.”
Although the answer sounded real, He was lying. A half-truth, the first of many to come. You didn’t know about what or why, but you could sense it. He escorted you out of the dark room which allowed you to get a better look at where you were.
Many old traditional-style buildings secluded in trees followed along in a fashion similar to a school. And although you couldn't explain it, everything felt as if it were shifting around you- like if you averted your gaze then at any second something in your peripheral would suddenly change.
You and Gojo were walking side by side as he began speaking.
"You probably have a lot of questions."
No shit.
"Yeah, understatement of the year."
"I can help. Ask away!"
"Okay, if the floors open I guess I'll start with why I'm here?"
"For your own safety."
Vague and cryptic. But you were too tired to pry in the moment.
"Okay, where are we going?"
"To the dorms"
"You see, Dorms are large apartment like buildings which are usually used to house students for certain periods of time.-"
"I didn't mean- I meant why are we going?"
"To let you situate yourself in a safe place."
"Okay... and when can i leave?"
"When you're situated!"
You made a frustrated noise under your breath.
"Okay okay, earlier someone said how did you know to take me in? And how did you find me?"
"You left a residual trail of cursed energy that you produced from the scene, we just followed those. And from measuring the amount of it we found that you're no ordinary person! You're a jujutsu sorcerer."
"A what??"
He promptly sat the both of you down on a nearby bench.
He took in a deep breath like one does before they monologue for a while and explained everything to you. Cursed energy, techniques, the school, sorcerers and its society, curses and their ranks.
Your head was hurting, you placed a hand up to it and leaned in.
When you weren't paying attention during your deep contemplation of this rapidly and increasingly concerning situation- he had changed into sunglasses.
Although you weren’t gonna admit it he was fucking gorgeous.
He looks over at you through his sunglasses slightly crouched to meet your gaze better
“Something on your mind?”
“Yeah- a lot actually! I just got told by a bunch of people that I’m a magician after stumbling upon a murder. And now I have to live with a bunch of high schoolers in some magic temple. for my supposed safety.”
“It’s jujutsu sor-“
“Sorcerers yes I know.”
He quirked a brow and grinned. You were cute.
"I'm glad you listened to my lecture then."
"What other choice do I have?"
You two sat in a moment of silence, allowing you to soak everything in.
You kept noticing him stealing glances at you.
“Can I help you?”
He squinted his eyes at you and lowered his glasses
“Where’d you say you were from again?”
“I don’t see why that’s important.”
“Just a conversation starter! Relax.”
He was lying again.
He stood up, holding out a hand to help you also stand, and you continued your walk to the dorms.
You were so shocked and stressed from all that had happened today, that you didn't even care you missed work, or that this stranger was making you stay here. All you could focus on was the promise of sleep and safety, which you soon let engulf you as you reached your room.
That night was also the night of Megumi's task to retrieve the special grade cursed object.
When Megumi brought Yuuji back to the school, you were sleeping in bed when you heard a commotion below, you nosily and annoyingly looked through the window but couldn't hear much so you quietly opened the window and stuck your head out. (It's not like you had anything better to do.)
you watched as the man from earlier carried an unconscious person over his shoulder and was on the phone in a yelling match with someone being followed by a kid with black hair. other people were also looking around, interested. it felt good to know you weren't the only nosy one.
even with the window open you could only hear every other word.
"Aware-- Understand-- i-- just--- about-- more--- if---not dead."
they turned the corner before you could eavesdrop anymore.
With a defeated sigh, you lay in your twin bed, barely getting any sleep after the events of the day. Everything that had happened still not fully settled in.
When Sukuna was defeated, he had a lot of time alone in his own brain. Well, more like his thoughts. He didn't have a brain anymore
First came arrogance, then denial. How did some sardonic sorcerer no better than the dog shit one accidentally steps upon beat him? better yet seal his soul.
he thinks to himself only had he not done with you what he did. and it wasn't even worth it- you still died.
Even with his natural intelligence and eventful life, memories became blurry to him. At first, it was revenge, escape, and his own fulfillment. The image of his enemies being tortured and murdered kept him grounded from descent into insanity. He would nail them up by their hands onto trees after breaking every bone in their body and just barely keep them on the precipice of life as he murdered their family in front of them, and their friends, and their dog because fuck you.
After his rage, he went to reflection. How'd he gotten beat. His weaknesses, his flaws... His misdirections. Was there a better way it could've gone? Maybe there was a god and he finally received karma... no. He refused to belive that. If there was a god what a sick bastard he must've been to allow sukuna to be born in the first place.
Being born, unwanted, his parents. He hardly remembers now, and it doesn't really matter anyway..
Without the outlet of murder, he was left to think about you. He was his own worst enemy, you held the knife to his throat, and no matter what he would never have moved out of your way.
The one chance he ever had at being a human again had been taken from him. he didn't blame himself; he blamed the world. His dad for impregnating the egg that became him.
He never hated himself- no. But he understood why people hated him. If he were anyone else, he would've developed a strong disdain for himself as well.
The only difference was they couldn't do anything about their hate for him, too weak.
His train of thought kept shifting involuntarily to you. Your stupid habits, the things you considered flaws. The way he could just pick you up like nothing made him feel gratified. He missed that. Doing what he wanted when he was the strongest.
But he figured dwelling on those things wouldn't get him anywhere.
You woke up feeling almost hung over from all the adrenaline high you kept coming down from yesterday.
Things were fully settling in, and the residual shock was residing into confusion and frustration.
what do you do now? where do you go? do you just sit here waiting for someone to tell you what to do? you figured you had at least deserved as much as to go outside. They had a cute garden...
You were abruptly stopped by a white paper bag at your feet with a note.
"Sorry for all the confusing things going on, we can talk later.
-The handsome one :)"
you rolled your eyes at that. although the gesture was appreciated.
Who knew fearing for your life so much would make you build such an appetite.? You ate all of it like you hadn't eaten in weeks, you were feeling a little better until you also realized you didn't shower yesterday, and you suddenly became all too aware of your smell.
What were you supoosed to do? Wait for permission? just roam freely? there weren't any rules or regulation you were told to follow... you didn't know very much but you did know this tiny ass room was suffocating. you decided fuck it and went down the hall.
You searched the old wooden building and saw other rooms, a common area, and finally the showers. They were separated by sex so you had to look around to find the one you could go into. then you realized you had no clothes. Okay well, a clean body and dirty clothes are better than all-around dirtiness. You've definitely settled for worse.
You began the process of running the water, upset at the overall situation.
You realized only when you were half naked that you had no toiletries at all. You audibly groaned out loud. As if you couldn't be more defeated in the state of your life right now, you also couldn't even properly shower.
You wrapped a towel around you and began searching the bathroom. Of course, there was nothing that could help you in here because why would life make anything easy for you? You were essentially alone in this building and couldn't really care anymore. then you made your way down the halls seeing if there was anything that the oh so generous universe would grant you. A brush, floss, a bar of soap, an 8 in one???
Sighing in defeat, you exit your room to hear the sounds of footsteps behind you. You turn around to see slender man, well- actually it’s Gojo Satoru.
“Did you get the food I left?”
“Ohhh you left that”
He dramatically put his hand on his forehead and feigned being hurt.
“I signed it!”
“Not really… open to interpretation.”
Although he was the hottest person you may have ever seen and made tears fall from your legs you were never gonna admit that to him. You could tell he oozed arrogance and was used to getting what he wanted,
He eyed you up and down, and then you remembered you were half naked.
You tightened the grip on your towel.
"Why the hell are you here?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
You stuck a hand out and did an "obviously not/what do you think?" motion.
"We're going out!"
Of course, a man who looked as expensive as him had equally expensive spending habits. He told you to indulge yourself as much as you wanted because "he could handle it."
Although you're pretty sure he was just showing off like a male peacock.
You had never liked white-collar elitist rich boys whose daddy was their lawyer, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't like their money being spent on you.
At first, you felt guilty. When you picked one shirt, he insisted on ten more. You eyed a piece of jewelry too long and the next thing you know a small paper bag slipped into your larger ones.
You had to take a step back and assess why he was doing this. Was he buttering you up? Trying to win you over? Maybe he was actually trying to help you and make you feel better after the shitty day(s) you've had.
You two were settled at a nice restaurant eating lunch when your own anxieties consumed you,
"You're not doing all this so I'll sleep with you right?"
He intermittently choked on his bite of food and had to punch his chest to get it back down the right pipe again. Your bluntness wasn't something that he was used to.
"No, and quite frankly I'm offended.”
He turned his nose up at you dramatically which made you roll your eyes.
"So then why?"
His gaze met yours through his dark glasses, and his face went solemn. Genuine sincerity laced in his words.
"I want you to open up to me, is all."
"Why do you want that?"
"Because you are interesting. You've got this... I guess you could say walls around you I can't seem to get past."
"...So, this is a bribe."
"More of a… friendly suggestion!" he went back to his cheery and smile demeanor.
you sighed. As much as you knew not to give into coercion, you felt a little bad.
"I've always had issues trusting people, even as a kid. I've always had this profound feeling of discomfort when I would begin to open myself up. Like they would take advantage of me."
For the first time all day he actually shut up. He rested a fist under his chin and leaned further into the table.
"What's crazy is that most people never hurt me. I'm fully aware that most people have good intentions... and yet my natural instinct is to run away before they get too close."
He looked at you with an unreadable expression.
"Okay now that this is awkward tell me something about yourself."
"Wellll pfffff... pf. pf. pf... I'm the strongest jujutsu sorcerer."
you quirked a brow. you weren't sure if he was telling the truth or fucking with you.
"I come from a long line of sorcerers, I love sweet food, annndddd I'm very popular."
"And cocky."
"I prefer Confident."
You had a small smile from his radiant energy. He really was nice to be around. And that's not the money talking either (but it does help)
"Okay okay... tell me one thing you think about me, and I’ll confirm or deny it.” he said excitedly.
"Are you just fishing for compliments?"
"Are you saying I deserve compliments?"
You huffed lightly.
"I think you probably sleep around."
He gasped.
"What assumptions! I was hoping for a more 'you have a nice smile' but if you want to play it that way..."
he brought his finger to his chin and tapped it a few times. making a 'hmmmm' sound.
"I bet you don't get around enough."
"I'd rather be a prude than a slut."
this was war.
"Agree to disagree.” He shrugged his shoulders.
"No, disagree to disagree! I bet you mix up the names of all the people you sleep with." You stood your ground, and although you came off as aggressive, you enjoyed this banter.
"I bet you have a shrine of your first boyfriend you ever had and all you did was kiss."
"Man whore!" you furrowed your brows and stood up to look down on him, which quickly backfired when he also stood up, meeting your eyes with his own.
"Am not!!"
"I bet you couldn't seduce a guy if you were the last person on earth and he had no other options.”
"I bet you only have sex so you can come and then you leave straight after."
He dramatically gasped
"I'll have you know I am an excellent lover!"
"For thirty seconds maybe."
He moved his face a little closer to yours
"It would be the best thirty seconds of your life."
"Oh yeah? prove it."
when you said that to him you really meant it rhetorically. You didn’t think before you spoke but you’re not exactly complaining- the time in between then and now where you currently have the most beautiful man on earth between your legs was a bit blurry. He slammed some cash on the table, you two scampered away and turned around into the nearest bathroom, and that's where you are now.
You usually tried to maintain an "at least third date" rule for hookups, but the stress of what had just happened in your life had fully settled in, and now you required some much-deserved stress relief. You couldn't deny yourself him when he so graciously offered himself on a polished refined silver platter that you could never afford.
"Tell me what you want, your majesty."
He had a shit eating grin that you wanted to just fuck off his face.
You didn’t know if he was being sweet or sarcastic.
"You're the one who blew your paycheck, you tell me."
"You don't have to pay me back you know?"
“I know that…”
“You’re the one who wanted me to ‘prove it.’”
Your face heated up and you refused to look him in the eyes because you knew he had the upper hand. Even with him waiting for you to tell him what to do. You were so damn horny right now you weren’t in the mood to talk.
“Ugh, I don’t know Gojo- just touch me.”
he graciously manhandled you onto the counter and locked the door behind him, you weren't one for public stuff but something about him made you want to risk it all. He ran his hand up your leg and fidgeted with the buttons.
You nodded.
he pulled down your underwear and bottoms gracefully, taking in every moment that the cool air kissed your suddenly exposed warm skin.
He sank to his knees, hands rubbing circles around your thighs.
He opened your legs to allow his head to fit between them better, his breath fanned over that spot you needed him most right in the center. When you involuntarily arched your back and bucked your hips into him, he moved back and started working his way up with hickeys from your lower to higher thighs.
That unfamiliar sensation of suckling in the sensitive area of your thighs pushed you just a little closer to that brink of insanity.
It stung, but above all else felt so fucking sensitive and made your body flinch when he first made contact.
The higher he went the more sensitive you were, thin skin hardly ever touched by the sun being attacked by a white haired beautiful assailant.
You held back a moan trying to avoid him having the satisfaction.
When he was done working his way up, He looked at his watch and then with sudden motion you had no way of preparing for, one hand was gripped around your hip and another on the fat of your thigh while he latched his mouth onto the most sensitive bundle of nerves that was swollen in need.
You bit down on your wrist as the sensations overwhelmed you. His mouth was pure magic, of fucking course he just had to be good at everything.
A man on a mission, he gave you no room to prepare. After that previous onslaught of teasing, he went straight to it. You both respected and resented that.
It all happened so quick and overwhelmingly, like he knew your body better than you did. Within moments you felt a coil up in your stomach that had you shocked
You didn’t believe that he had actually managed or push you into the beginning of an orgasm that quick.
You wanted to fight it, but your own body betrayed you.
The muscles in your legs and pelvis clenched and tensed furthering the process as it forced you to chase it faster.
Although the orgasm was so sudden and quick that it wasn’t the most intense you had ever had, it was still an orgasm none the less.
You almost broke skin biting down on your own hand, whimpers still stifled behind it.
Your legs wrapped around his head, squeezing him so hard as if you were scared, he might go.
At the end of it, you were taking shallow and rapid breaths. Trying to get your bearings in what just happened-
“H-how… how did you…”
You said between pants.
He looked down at his watch again and you heard a little click.
He proudly faced the watch to you like a kid who won an award.
28.7 seconds
The walk home was quieter.
You two walked along side each other, standing a little closer than before.
Satoru was talking about something about his favorite students. As annoying as it was to listen to him ramble for so long, you thought it was sweet how much he seemed to care about them.
“-you see what makes Megumi really interesting is his tactility and ability to make executive decisions in the last second. You don’t usually see that in someone so young y’know? He’s got great potential…-“
You had been lost in your own train of thought and were hardly paying attention.
You know what he had said but you still felt guilty. He was carrying bags over his shoulder of all the things he had bought for you, you got to finish when he didn’t, and although you didn’t admit it you wanted to do something for him. You were truly grateful, and he had no way of knowing.
You also felt safer with him.
“How are you feeling?”
His sudden direct statement to you got you to snap out of it.
“Oh, I’m fine.” You weren’t necessarily lying. But you wondered why he asked.
“Y’know you’re special.”
He was looking straight ahead, and so we’re you. Barely seeing him in your peripheral vision
“Please. Spare me that”
You thought he was just trying to do the classic move of “I promise you’re different” and he probably did this with everyone.
“I’m being serious.”
When he said that, he sounded like he meant it. There was no undertone of sarcasm, or hint of arrogance. Nothing laced in his words other than sincerity.
“So are you. But you probably already know that.”
He was different in every way possible, looks, flamboyancy, intelligence, as much as you hated to admit it his sex skills-
Ever since he was born, he’s likely been told he was exceptional. And standing next to someone like him it was easy to feel small. To feel just ‘ceptional.
“Do you still feel bad?”
You unintentionally furrowed your brows at that.
He chuckled and bared a satisfied grin.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
Of course, you knew that- you never owe someone something when they give you nice things. But you still felt bad.
“I know, I’m just not used to… that kind of treatment. And now that you’ve done it, I guess I’m scared.”
You were trying to open yourself up, but this part of you was difficult to communicate in words.
He could sense your discomfort.
“Are you sure you’re not just upset that I was right?”
You scoffed at that.
“There wasn’t anything to be right about.”
“You asked me to ‘prove it’ and so I did! Therefore, I win.”
You took a deep exhale and rolled your eyes. As annoying as he was his attempt to lighten the mood worked. A small but appreciated gesture that earned you a light smile.
“I’ve always felt like there’s been something waiting for me.”
He remained quiet to let you talk. Intently listening
“I’ve always had this... anxiety that follows me everywhere. Sometimes in my dreams I see these eyes following me. They’re hidden in plain sight- they know I can see them but they don’t care. They know I can’t do anything about it.”
You took a deep breath in, heart beating slightly faster..
“I’ve always felt like I’m in danger. Like There’s something waiting for me when the smoke clears…”
You formulated your next thought right as it came to you.
“What are common signs of a curse? Now that I know this is something I can see…”
“Hmm… well, a curse is a manifestation of negative energy, so usually people experience things like nightmares, paranoia, stress, and the works.”
You sat in silence for a moment reflecting on the words he just said.
He could feel the tension grow and could tell that what he just told you was beginning to carry a weight down on you.
He held his head high and took a deep breath in, carrying his usual happy and eccentric personality back with him.
“Now Yuuji, just when you think you’ve seen everything- the kid amazes me! And he’s endlessly interesting. He’s also hilarious, in the sense that he always surprises me. He’s filled with so much passion and remains positive even with everything he’s been through- “
His sudden shift in demeanor made you snap out of your daze, and you happily listened to his rambling for the rest of the way back.
When you two finally reached the academy, the sky was painted with hues of vivid colors. The sun had begun to barely set, and that always brings out the best of the sky. White whisps of clouds strung across the stretch above you.
You two walked up into the dorm building, walking into your room, he delicately placed down the bags on the floor alongside the wall.
“Thanks for everything today. And I know what you told me but still.”
He had a small smile on his face.
“You have to let me make it up to you sometime.”
He raised an eyebrow at you.
“I’m afraid there’s nothing I need.”
You were expecting him to make a dirty joke, and with his strangely normal response you felt almost stumped and decided to leave it there.
With the silence, Gojo took it as his cue to leave, and just before he did, you hugged him. Which he embraced.
It was short but sweet. And with the disappearance of his footsteps down the wooden hall, the day had reached its end.
The thing about Sukuna, was that he was past the point of redeemable.
He wasn’t someone who could be cured, there was no chance of a stray ember combusting into a flame.
That’s what made him strong. The ability he had to completely feel no remorse on his mission to power.
Human emotions are what prevent man from reaching their true potential.
So, he got rid of them.
He had carnal pleasures, he had interests- but he never had anything past surface level desire.
When one becomes past the point of no return, what happens when the thing that broke him comes back?
He was in his domain, in that moment unaware of his current hosts surroundings.
Then like a tidal wave he was ripped from shore and into the deep ocean. Involuntarily being magnetized to something outside.
A feeling deep inside him that he couldn’t pinpoint… he tried punching himself in his own gut because what he felt could only be described as butterflies.
Except those butterflies were flying at 100 miles an hour and gnawing at his insides as if they were itching to escape
An extra pair of eyes manifests itself into Yuji's face, he centers his vision trying to find the source of this mysterious and annoying pull.
His pupils dilate upon seeing you. And a feeling that could only be described as true profound fear engulfed him.
This wasn’t the first time he had seen a look alike of you, but this time was different. Your smile, your mannerisms, and even your name.
You weren’t supposed to be alive. You were dead. He had already lost you, grieved you, avenged you, and moved on.
But then there you were, along the side of Gojo fucking Satoru learning how to manifest basic cursed energy.
Sukuna helplessly spectated his own demise as Yuji walked closer to you and Gojo in the training field.
He was in a state of complete and utter shock, he was completely defenseless as he watched you introduce yourself to Yuji.
“Hey Gojo…?”
You asked in a hushed tone.
You tugged on the sleeve of Gojo and whispered into his ear very concerned that what you were seeing was real and indeed not a paranoid illusion.
“Oh, that would be Sukuna.”
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