#the letter from James
bethanydelleman · 8 months
Northanger Abbey Readthrough Ch 25
Catherine might have missed like 99% of Henry Tilney's flirting, but she has an inkling it has happened, maybe, "He had—she thought he had, once or twice before this fatal morning, shown something like affection for her."
Which is why I love this meme so much:
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Again, Catherine touches upon Marianne Dashwood behaviour but she just can't really commit, "But now—in short, she made herself as miserable as possible for about half an hour, went down when the clock struck five, with a broken heart, and could scarcely give an intelligible answer to Eleanor’s inquiry if she was well." However, by the end of the evening and with Henry being kinder than ever, she has recovered. she had nothing to do but to forgive herself and be happier than ever; and the lenient hand of time did much for her by insensible gradations in the course of another day. She does indeed bounce back quickly!
Catherine reflects that in England at least, the type of villains described by Mrs. Radcliff must not exist. She doesn't go so far as to pardon France and Switzerland from containing such evil, but she's pretty sure about her own country. She also believes that while Henry and Eleanor may not be perfect (never!), she's certain that General Tilney has some "specks" in his character. Well you've come a long way girl, we won't ask for more just yet.
Murder was not tolerated, servants were not slaves, and neither poison nor sleeping potions to be procured, like rhubarb, from every druggist.
Quick, someone tell Shakespeare!
Now Catherine's thoughts return to Bath, but she has no news. Her faithful friend has proved unfaithful again: But Isabella had promised and promised again; and when she promised a thing, she was so scrupulous in performing it! Oh Catherine...
Not as bad as her brother though! Poor Thorpe is in town: I dread the sight of him; his honest heart would feel so much. Honest heart! That man doesn't have an honest cell in his entire body! I would have more hope for James if we knew he finally figured out John, but the only hint we have is this: the failure of a very recent endeavour to accomplish a reconciliation between Morland and Isabella. So James and John met again and John tried to get them back together, but whether James rejected both siblings or just one is unknown.
I really feel for Catherine here, she has to sit through breakfast trying not to cry, then cannot return to her room because it is being cleaned (bedrooms in this era were mostly for dressing and sleeping, so she wouldn't be expected to use her room again until 4pm*), tries the drawing room only to discover the Tilney siblings, but then they kindly leave her to herself. Catherine needs another half hour (her magical sad-feeling time) before she can face them.
This line from Catherine is so very Jane Bennet:
"Could you have believed there had been such inconstancy and fickleness, and everything that is bad in the world?”
What a stroke was this for poor Jane, who would willingly have gone through the world without believing that so much wickedness existed in the whole race of mankind as was here collected in one individual! -Pride & Prejudice, of Wickham
The poor girls, having their eyes opened to the wickedness of the world.
Then this part:
This post by Fira Wren playing in my head. His kids know the General is full of it. Eleanor is surprised her older brother has fallen in love, since it seems he never has been before, which again has Henry Crawford vibes.
No, not very. I do not believe Isabella has any fortune at all: but that will not signify in your family. Your father is so very liberal! He told me the other day that he only valued money as it allowed him to promote the happiness of his children.” The brother and sister looked at each other.
Now the reason that Isabella Thorpe would lose in a battle to the death against Lucy Steele and Lady Susan is that she didn't keep her first man secure until she had the next engagement entirely locked down. Rookie movie Izzy! I have too good an opinion of Miss Thorpe’s prudence to suppose that she would part with one gentleman before the other was secured. Isabella just could not manage two men at once.
I love this interaction:
This line from Catherine too, "I never was so deceived in anyone’s character in my life before.” and Henry's response: “Among all the great variety that you have known and studied.” has so much in common with this interaction in Pride & Prejudice:
“But perhaps,” observed Catherine, “though she has behaved so ill by our family, she may behave better by yours. Now she has really got the man she likes, she may be constant.” “Indeed I am afraid she will,” replied Henry; “I am afraid she will be very constant, unless a baronet should come in her way; that is Frederick’s only chance. I will get the Bath paper, and look over the arrivals.”
“I did not know before,” continued Bingley, immediately, “that you were a studier of character. It must be an amusing study.” “Yes; but intricate characters are the most amusing. They have at least that advantage.” “The country,” said Darcy, “can in general supply but few subjects for such a study. In a country neighbourhood you move in a very confined and unvarying society.” “But people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever.”
Henry also manages to tip us off about his intentions to marry Catherine right under Catherine's oblivious nose!
"Prepare for your sister-in-law, Eleanor, and such a sister-in-law as you must delight in! Open, candid, artless, guileless, with affections strong but simple, forming no pretensions, and knowing no disguise.”
“Such a sister-in-law, Henry, I should delight in,” said Eleanor with a smile.
Catherine also realizes that she feels much less sad about losing Isabella than she thought she would, which Henry tells her to think about. The falseness of Isabella's friendship is dawning on Catherine, perhaps now just unconsciously.
*Quote illuminating this point from Wives & Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, spoke by a character who would have been young during the Regency era: 'No, no, Cromer: bedrooms are for sleeping in, and sitting-rooms are for sitting in. Keep everything to its right purpose, and don't try and delude me into nonsense.' Why, my mother would have given us a fine scolding if she had ever caught us in our bedrooms in the daytime. We kept our out-door things in a closet downstairs; and there was a very tidy place for washing our hands, which is as much as one wants in the daytime.
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houseswife · 4 months
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alexsays-no · 1 year
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Background study with RAB's room
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theonekierce · 2 months
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I have a poignant recollection of the hour it took us to reach the house. We walked across St. James's Park (I can see the lights now, bright on the bridge and blurred in the water) -Willful Murder
this story has a lot of good imagery but this description stuck in my brain for some reason
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halcy0ng1rl · 1 year
Born from a wish 🦋
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Got a little distracted by nurse boobies making this render (what who said that)
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soulmatesyuumori · 1 year
Something that I love about sherliam is that they’re not your conventional ship that you can easily put in situations with out-of-nowhere cheap drama. 
They won’t let you, they are too smart and connected for that, and if you dare to do it, they wouldn’t be the same characters.
Like, Person B sees Person A too close to a girl and misunderstands and gets angry/runs away in tears? Not sherliam. They would know what’s up, the only upsetting thing about it would be that random girl bothering their babe.
Person A lies to Person B saying they don’t love them in order to “protect them”? Not sherliam. They would know the other is lying and any of them wouldn’t even try to do something that dumb in the first place.
Person A feels they don’t deserve Person B and leaves them for Person B to find someone better? Not sherliam. They know they mean each other’s happiness, why would they cause the other such despair?
Person A is too proud and can’t stand recieving things from Person B? Not sherliam.They’re reasonable, they take in consideration the other’s feelings, they would understand and appreciate the other’s efforts, and they’d be happy to recieve any kind of love and worry the other offers. 
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gilgamushroom · 1 year
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To everyone who's ever had to deal with the continuity of the Sherlock canon: I am so sorry
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year
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[Meme image, black and white image of Arthur Conan Doyle with a sparkly starburst effect round him, text reading 'Ah yes, my beloved character Dr James Watson. ... That was his name, right?"]
I think this might have been created on the day of the founding of the Letters from Watson discord, and FINALLY I can post it here.
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notafagipromise · 10 months
sometimes i hate reading fan fic because after it's over i will never have anything from that universe anymore and i will never feel what it made me feel again
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buckybringsviolets · 1 year
Can I get a letter from 40s Bucky? Like an enemies to lovers one. Where he lists all the things that annoys him about her and then confesses that he actually loves them and her? A little angst to sweet sweet fluff?
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Hope this is what you had in mind!
40's Bucky X Female Reader
600+ words
No warnings except for lovesick Buck
  Little troublemaker,
      You asked me why I hate you so I’m gonna tell ya. I’m gonna try to keep my cool and not curse, but dammit doll, no one makes my blood boil like you do. And before you go and call me chicken for not confronting you in person with this, I’m only writin’ you ‘cause I don’t want to catch heck from Steve. 
Okay, here goes, right outta the gate, when we first met, at the age of 8. When Steve introduced you. “Bucky?! What kinda name’s that? Sounds like your ma & pa named you after a dog.” You then started giggling, Stevie joining in with ya. “It’s a nickname, short for Buchanan, my middle name.” I told you, a smirk on my face. And you just smiled at me.
 Even then, so young, but such a know-it-all. The way you talked, like you know everything, rattling off facts left and right, Ol’ Stevie just listening to ya like you’re the smartest person alive or something. “Did you know that horses and cows can sleep standing but only dream when lying down?” you’d look so proud, waiting for me to say something. “Yeah, that’s really something sweetheart.” 
 Speaking of Steve, don’t think I didn’t notice how you worked your way into his heart, by the time we were starting middle school it became Y/N & Steve this, Stevie & Y/N that. Stevie said you always asked about me, wondering why I was around much, but I think you were just looking to tease me about something. 
  That summer, between middle & high school? The trip the 3 of us took to Coney Island? Not only did you chase away Betty McIntosh (she was a real cookie! 😍) but you won that stuffed bear, THEN gave it to me! Jesus, doll, I wanted to win one for you!
  I’m not even going to start in on prom. Every girl I asked, every one, said no way, that I was too hung up on you. “Y/N?! Are you nuts?” then they’d say “Yes, y/n!”  I honestly don’t know what you told them to say that. But you must’ve said something. 
    And now, the way you go out with these guys, active duty men, I nicely warn you about them, ask you where they’re planning on taking ya. And you get all feisty with me “that’s none of your concern Bucky!”  Just me looking out for you, and you’ve gotta get all upset with me. Just being a gentleman and all I catch is flak.
  Doll, I’m gonna be a bit honest here, you kinda stunned me with what you said. “Bucky, why do you hate me?” a look on your face like I ain’t never seen before, something like concern, maybe heartbreak? And me, hate YOU? That is most certainly not something I could ever feel for you. 
  From the first time I saw you, when Stevie said “ this is y/n y/l/n, she’s new in town.” I knew. I was hooked. Doll, you are everything to me and more. But how could I ever tell you just how perfect you are? Not when I’m so… so not perfect. So I pushed you away. For your own good. Convinced myself you were better off without a mess up like myself. 
  So hate is not what I feel towards, for, you. Love, adoration, deep affection, definitely. You are amazing, gorgeous, so amazingly smart, generous to a fault. How could I not adore you, doll face? 
  Now before you start screaming at me, cut me some slack. I know I’m a dope, Stevie lets me know that every chance he gets. I’m crazy ‘bout you sweetheart, so maybe my brains a bit fried. 
 How about you let me take you out? Little dancing, a quick bite to eat, try my damndest to make it up to ya. Because y/n, you are IT for me. The endgame. ‘Till the end of line doll. 
  My love, always
  James Buchanan Barnes
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renatogpadilla · 8 months
So I'm catching up on "Letters From Watson"...
And you're telling me that JAMES MORIARTY, THE adversary to Sherlock Holmes, THE greatest criminal mind fiction ever conceived, THE VILLAIN among all other villains Holmes has faced...
Gets a one paragraph introduction in a two-parter where the whole case already happened and we NEVER EVEN SEE THE GUY?!?!
Holy shit, Doyle REALLY wanted Homes dead, huh? Like, he did it respectfully, but STILL!
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eirinstiva · 8 months
The most evil man
Today I read the first part of "The Adventure of Charles August Milverton" (thanks to Dr. Watson as always) and in a few lines you can already know the type of adversary he is.
There are many types of antagonists in all Holmes' stories, but those who are smart have a special place in the canon. Let's see some examples:
Irene Adler in "A Scandal in Bohemia" is the rival of Sherlock Holmes in that case. She left so strong impression in the detective that he calls her The Woman. She's smart, charming, beautiful and bit playful character, but above all she is not a villain. All that she does is to run away with her lover husband and start a new life. A smart woman with strong character that outsmarted Holmes.
In "The Adventure of the Dying Detective" we have Culverton Smith as opponent. He use a tropical disease to kill his nephew for money (IIRC) and tries to do the same with Holmes. He's evil because he kills his own family for what he wants and he has the willingness to do it again with whoever dares to search the truth.
Professor James Moriarty from "The Final Problem" is so far the most famous rival of Holmes, mathematics professor and criminal mastermind. Moriarty is essential in every adaptation of the canon and his intelligence is one of his higlights as a character. What makes Moriarty evil? The professor is the one who plans crimes for other people to execute in exchange of money. He doesn't seem the type of person who commits the crime for himself, he perfectly could be in his office, eating fish and chips while his minions do the dirty work. The evil in Moriarty is that he uses his brilliant mind for planning crimes and apparently he loves that.
We just have the first part of this story, but Charles August Milverton seems to be a completely different type of antagonist. He is smart but instead of making many different plans like Moriarty he uses blackmail. Just like Smith he wants money and is ready to take action himself and see the victim. He looks like a harmless person just like Adler but, contrary to all of these examples, Milverton enjoys to see his victims suffering. There's pleasure in watching the blackmailed person begging for a new deal, extra time or whatever they need to keep everything behind the rug. Charles August is the type of villain who wants to see the world on fire.
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Speaking in chilean, él es un conchesumadre.
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Crozier and Ross open New 1842 Year ball in Antarctica. i think they're enjoying the moment.
drew their clothes based on the Davis' drawing (under the cut), but was in a hurry so actually clothes are just a complete mess :')
okay, I took these two figures from Davis' drawing, which are most likely the captains as i know??? but "miss Ross", oh, i love to imagine that JCR was in the dress.
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dear-reader-letters · 21 days
Possible Editions to the List of Characters
Hello Dear Readers!
I have been thinking about adding to my list of characters in the coming months. I have been contemplating adding the following
-Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso)
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-Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
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-Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
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-Sam Obisanya (Ted Lasso)
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-Tony Stark (Marvel)
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-Natasha "Phoenix" Trace (Top Gun: Maverick)
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-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
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-Fred or George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
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-Angus MacGyver (2016 MacGyver)
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If these new additions interest you please let me know by commenting or messaging me! I want to create quality letters and don't want to spread myself too thin but If there seems to be interest in characters I can add them to my list.
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no-side-us · 1 year
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Apr. 23
The Boscombe Valley Mystery, Part 2 of 3
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First "rat-faced," then "bulldog features," and now "ferret-like." I can't wait to see what animal Watson will use to describe Lestrade next.
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The use of a "women's intuition" as an explanation gets funnier the more simple and obvious the action is. Last time, it was used to describe a woman being able to recognize her own brother, something men would obviously be unable to do.
Here, Miss Turner is already familiar with Lestrade, and since she probably knows he called for Sherlock, she's probably read about him and would have some knowledge of his appearance.
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This is a funny line if you remember that in the first letter young McCarthy was going rabbit hunting. That's why he had a gun with him.
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Sherlock Holmes giving a young, distressed woman hopes is an established motif throughout these stories, so take that Lestrade.
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Poor Watson, but this is what you get for comparing Lestrade to an animal in almost every case he's involved in.
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Look at that, Watson using his medical expertise to help in the case. Although he's only doing so because he has nothing else better to do, it's nice to see him apply his skillset to solving the mystery instead of just observing Sherlock's.
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Is this the British equivalent of getting blackout drunk and waking up married in Las Vegas? If so, I like to think getting "into the clutches of a barmaid in Bristol" was as common a trope back then as it kind of is today.
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There's a whole other British drama occurring in the background of this case. McCarthy gets married young and foolhardy, meaning he can't marry the woman he actually loves, only for it to turn out that his wife isn't his wife at all and was already married, so he can marry the woman he loves, but her father doesn't like him and doesn't want the marriage to happen.
And also his dad is dead and he's in jail.
Throw in some classism and period-accurate clothing, and you've got yourself a series on the BBC.
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Damn, looks like Charles McCarthy isn't the only one getting killed tonight.
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This reads less like Sherlock investigating the scene of the crime and more like he's turning into a werewolf. Has that ever been done before? Sherlock as a werewolf? Adaptations have made him a mouse, sent him to the future, be into women, but I don't think there's one where he's a werewolf, which is a shame considering how well it fits here.
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Turning back to human, you mean.
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So he was killed with a stone.
Now that I think about it, considering that the elder Turner and McCarthy came back to England from Australia, that the killing blow was to the back of the head, and the lack of any other weapon at the scene of the crime, you know what would have been a cool murder weapon?
A boomerang.
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Or you could do your job and catch a murderer. The information Sherlock gave was so specific I can't imagine Lestrade would have that difficult a time catching the guilty party.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
james potter is so peter kavinsky coded
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