#the greatest duo ever
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Vincent Price and Peter Lorre behind the scenes of "Left Fist of David" (1959)
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demigods-posts · 3 months
headcanon that percy and annabeth's ability to wordlessly communicate on the battlefield isn't because of years of training as soldiers. but because their signals are just layers upon layers of inside jokes. like, annabeth makes a finger gun motion toward a monster and everyone thinks she's telling percy to shoot it. except only he knows she's actually directing him to throw something the size of burrito at it. or, percy making a slit-throat motion toward an annoying camper and everyone thinks he telling annabeth to hurt them. but only she knows he's actually asking her to insult the camper so badly that the insult cuts to the bone.
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milesfan472 · 5 months
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anotherfanaccount · 7 months
Veer Pratap Singh confessed and drew the line right after knowing that Zaara's engaged. It was Veer's nature to be honest and upfront. But he didn't expect the girl he liked to like him back, given the circumstances.
So when the call came, as evidence of Zaara's love. He really didn't think twice and set out for her.
Truly what a character. Do they make men like this IRL??
Saw a reel of the movie and thus here again.
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muncedes · 11 months
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they’re so special to me🥹
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itsb3anbug · 3 months
happy birthday loml!!
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a quick doodle of scully for her birthday <3 mulder might celebrate it every 4 years but i sure don’t :)
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is-a-deepslate · 2 years
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when I saw I let out the most high pitched scream (thank god no one was home)
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1001galaxygal · 1 year
grian's first episode of double life is genuinely one of the greatest romcoms ever put to screen
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moomoorare · 1 year
i drawed this for you
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Axleeeee gaawwww thank u!!! I LOVE them they're so cute i wanna squish them until their heads explode ^_^ : jellie!! :D
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walriding · 2 years
Murkoff technically didn’t kill Blake Langermann — Miles did.
Or, at the very least, he drove the final nail into his coffin. He wasn’t searching for the cameraman specifically, just chasing threads that ran from Temple Gate to the company’s Elrich Facility, the black site where they’d taken Blake for questioning. When Miles found him he might as well have already been dead. The effects of the radio towers coupled with Murkoff’s brutal methods of extracting information left him with little to no conscious brain function. Even the Walrider couldn’t find much in his head, aside from snippets of painful memories where fragments of Blake’s psyche embedded like broken glass.
In short, there was nothing left of him to save.
Miles viewed — and continues to view — killing him as an act of kindness. The same mercy he thought he’d been offering Billy years prior. Putting him out of his misery was easy enough in the technical sense, and it’s only that (perhaps weak) justification of it being the right thing do to that enabled Miles to take an innocent life. The life of someone he knew. It’s not something he’s proud of or something he’s ever likely to bring up willingly, and he carries no small measure of guilt and shame for his actions, much in the same way the burden of Billy’s death sits heavy on his conscience.
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minhosimthings · 1 month
This is us btw
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Literally us
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Vincent Price and Peter Lorre - Comedy of Terrors
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battymommastuff · 4 months
The Greatest Show
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
Part 1 Masterlist
(P/N): Performer Name
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
The rumbling from the red and white tent could be felt from outside. The cheers of the crowd as Haly's circus put on what they felt would be their best show yet. Everything from the elephants standing on their back legs to the clowns hitting each other with bowling pins. You were peeking from the little opening that led backstage. Many of your fellow performers were either stretching in preparation for their performance, or were relaxing after theirs. You were currently waiting alongside your two closest friends, John and Mary Grayson. The acrobatic duo who recently combined their act with yours. The stakes were higher, but it left the crowd in complete awe. You were one of the fire eaters. You were a younger member of the circus, but had quickly become a fan favorite. 
You were beautiful, and highly skilled at your art. Swallowing fire like water, and twirling torches around without burning you or anyone else. The skill you possessed was outstanding, and Haly never let you forget that. He took you in when you needed help the most, and he made you a star. You would forever be in debt to him. 
"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Mary asked, resting a hand on your shoulder. You jumped then turned towards her. She and John had just finished their stretches and decided to check on you. From the moment you arrived, they took you under their wing. Teaching you the do's and don'ts of the circus as well as giving you a place to sleep so you didn't have to bunk with the others in their crowded space. Though you quickly earned a little tent of your own after your spike in popularity. 
"Yes, I'm alright..." You said, with a small smile, "But what about you? Should you be performing in your condition?" You asked while looking down at Mary's stomach. She was currently one month pregnant, and the entire circus doted over her. Everyone was so excited to have a new member of their family. Whoever this kid was going to be, you just knew you would love them unconditionally. Mary reassured you for the millionth time that she would be alright before she and John were ushered up a small ladder that led to the top of the tent. You, on the other hand, were standing by the curtain, waiting for Haly to announce you. 
"And now...our next performance needs no introduction...you know them...you love them! The Flying Graysons! Featuring our star Fire eater (P/N)!" 
As soon as you heard your name, you ran out. Instantly lighting your torch and twirling it around while taking a sip of alcohol. You spat the liquid at the flame causing it to poof into the air as soon as Mary did a flip in the air and caught John's arms. 
Nothing could ever satisfy that rush in your heart. The thrill of the crowd's reaction to your tricks. The high it gave you was better than any drug. Here you were, twirling two flaming torches in your hand as you watched above you. John and Mary Grayson were flying through the air. No one knew who to watch first. The couple who seemed to defy gravity, or the woman who could eat fire. Even with them in the air and you on the ground, everyone could see the chemistry you had. It's why your combined act never failed. With a big smile, you leaned back while lowering one of the torches towards your mouth. The crowd watched in awe as the fire went into your mouth. You popped your head back up with the extinguished torch in your hand. Tossing it to one of the helpers, you lifted your now free arm in the air while twirling the other torch in your hand. 
John, swooping down picked you up and you were now in the air. An act practiced hundred of times. His legs holding onto the trapeze as you both circled around the tent, the torch never falling from your hand. 
Your act was truly amazing, and it seemed to catch the eye of a certain crowd member. Bruce Wayne. Growing up, he loved to visit the circus with his parents. After their death, he avoided anything to do with it. Now he was back, but under different circumstances. For a while he'd been investigating the circus. He recently found old notes left by his father. The Court of Owls. A secret society of the Gotham elite. Their goal is to rid the city of crime, by any means. He wasn't surprised to know that his father had come in contact with them, but was surprised to see the theory that Haly's circus was a front. The members were training to be potential Talon members. The Court's lethal assassins. The circus always seemed to favor Gotham. Their stop here would last weeks while other stops would last days. Most of their members were young, and always seemed to vanish from the show after a while. He was here to find out the truth, and put a stop to it. At least he hoped he could. It was difficult to fight a conspiracy that his father barely had proof on. 
Despite his goal, he couldn't bring himself to move from his spot. You were gorgeous. He had a genuine smile on his face while watching your act. He's seen fire eaters before, but something about felt different. You didn't seem corrupt or up to no good. You looked as if you truly loved what you were doing. Maybe he could recruit you? Having inside knowledge would be beneficial. 
Your act went on, and you left the circle with loud cheers. Your heart was racing so fast, it felt like you were going to have a heart attack. John and Mary arrived shortly after with large smiles of their own, "You did amazing!" You squealed while hugging them both. You were new to the acrobatic world, but had the best teachers in the world. 
After the show ended and everyone turned in for the night, you were sitting outside of your tent. Your throat is slightly irritated from the alcohol, but nothing too bad. Luckily tomorrow was an off day for the circus. You could rest a little before practice. It was a peaceful night, and you were happy to relax in it. At least until a deep and intimidating voice nearly scared the skin off of you. 
"(Y/N) (L/N)? We need to talk."
@maxinehufflepuffprincess @tayswhp @rainycloud858 @luna-zendra-star @starlets-things @simpfourmarvel @kawaistrawberry21 @js-favnanadoongi @kodzukenmaaa
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javelinbk · 7 months
Drop everything, new John & Paul photo from 1974 just dropped!
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John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, May Pang and Harry Nilsson in LA, 29th March 1974. Photo taken by Mal Evans.
For Mal, the sunny afternoon of March 29 would bring pure magic in contrast with the previous evening’s lackluster proceedings. The McCartney clan showed up [at the Santa Monica beach house] out of the blue, this time with daughters Heather, Mary, and Stella in tow, and Mal was thrilled at the prospect of seeing John and Paul together again—twice in the span of two days, no less. And he was by no means disappointed, observing the two old friends reclining on the patio together and, later, walking along the beach, with May, Linda, and the McCartney brood trailing along behind them. “Nice to see him and John together,” Mal scribbled in his diary later that month.
At one point that afternoon, Evans reached for his camera and snapped a photo of the two old friends lounging at the beach house — flanked by their partners, Linda and May Pang, and Harry Nilsson. May would also take some Polaroids of the meeting at some point this day, but there's a very real possibility that Evans' picture is the last photo ever taken of the 20th Century's greatest songwriting duo. (It will be included in the upcoming collection of Evans' diaries and archives, slated for publication in 2024.)
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totalswag · 5 months
Can you write that Drew x actress!reader are at home with their first baby boy while relaxing and suddenly, a huge surprise that they didn't expect so soon, especially Drew, as a Christmas present
Inspired by this 😊: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C03sQNHIjf3/?igsh=MWF0cno2M2tubjZ3Ng==
first words — DREW STARKEY
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authors note this is such a cute request! i’ve seen these videos and they are so freaking adorable. thank you for the request <3
summary drew and you have been trying for your son to say his first words. one day he blurts out his first word making your christmas better
warnings wholesome content
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Christmas is right around the corner.
First Christmas with your seven month old son, Noah. First Christmas as a family of three.
Drew and you finally have a month off from filming to be with family. The both of you have had busy schedules these past few months with filming and to get this break is wonderful.
Noah, your eight-month-old, will shortly say his first word. There have been times when he almost uttered something but ended up babbling baby gibberish.
mama or dada
One of the two words Drew and you are aiming for.
Yes, you and Drew have been teaching Noah simple words that he can readily speak. You two are constantly talking to him and reading to him in the hopes that he would say one of the words.
Every parent wants their child’s first words to be mama or dada.
The three of you were in the living room on the couch with the tv playing a Christmas movie. The Christmas tree was a couple feet away from the tv, making the moment feel more magical.
Noah was lying on his stomach on Drew’s chest— arms folding in front of him, holding himself up to look at Drew who was talking to him and making faces.
The father and son duo with these two is the most beautiful thing ever to witness. Their bond continues to grow by the second. Now Drew and you are back on filming for Outer Banks, it’s hard being away from Noah.
"Oh really and what else?" Drew inquired, and Noah responded dramatically in his baby language.
Noah stares between you two, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open, before becoming even louder.
In the mix of Noah talking in his baby gibberish, he says the word dada, catching Drew and you off guard immediately.
Your hand slaps over your mouth with shock. Tears form in your eyes. As a parent hearing your child’s first words is one of the greatest moments.
You immediately take your phone out to record this unforgettable moment.
Drew looks at you, shocked, emotional, and a smile beginning to grow on his face.
“Can you repeat that again?” Drew whispers to the eight month old, hoping he repeats the word you two just heard.
The sounds of your little sniffles can be heard from behind your phone.
Noah turns his head to the side, blinking a few times, trying to figure out what his father told him then opens his mouth to speak.
Noah moves his upper body around “dada dada” he blurts out, putting his small hands into a fist, punching Drew’s chest.
“Ahaha yes!” Drew cheer, wrapping both arms around Noah as he slides to the left landing on a soft pillow.
Noah let out a couple giggles, leaning his head on Drew’s chin as they swayed side to side. Drew gave him kisses all over his face as he shed a few tears.
Drew had the most biggest smile on his face. Hearing the words dada come out of his first borns mouth really does something because he’s always going to remember Noah’s first words.
“This is one of the best Christmas present I’ve ever received and Christmas is only in two weeks” Drew blurts out, whipping away the tears.
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my taglist
if you would like to be in my taglist and be notified whenever i post my fics leave a comment.
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight2 @brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge @johannelis2302nely
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xreader-writing · 1 year
Y/n's birthday
Instagram au
Summary: It's Y/n's birthday, and some of her artist friends have taken to social media to congratulate their dear friend
Timothee Chalamet
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liked by Youruser, Tomholland2013 and 2,004.088 Others
Tchalamet My favorite person's day has come! Thank you for just being you mon amour, I love you forever.
(When you have a really pretty friend and you have to make other guys think you're dating lol.)
@Youruser 💞
Youruser Thank you Timny, I love you too forever
Y/n_lover This friendship >>>>
Timny_hot Our favorite birthday person today!!!
Y/nnnn_ Congrats y/n babe!
Sebastian Stan
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liked by Youruser, Anthonymackie and 3,009.652 Others
Imsebastianstan Today the best person ever has a birthday! Some amateurs out there want to steal her from me but we both know it will be me and her forever ❤️ Thank you for always being there for me, know that I will always be here for you darling. ❤️ @youruser.
Youruser I love you Seb, don't forget that
Seb_and_Y/n Okay, I think I'd like them to get married
_lover Only Marvel's Best Duo
Anthonymackie Happy Birthday to the best colleague ever ❤️
Tom Holland
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liked by Youruser, tchalamet and 5,148.610 Others
Tomholland2013 I've always heard "Don't meet your heroes" but meeting you was without a doubt one of my greatest achievements, you are the most amazing and kind person I've ever met, thank you for always listening to me and being my dear friend, even though I'm irritating and annoying most of the time.
Happy Birthday! @youruser
Youruser thanks for that sweetie
Y/n_my_wife I would so love to meet Y/n 😭
Imsebastianstan Everybody wanna steal my girl
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Liked by vancityreynolds, Aidanrgallagher and 6,464,092 other people
Youruser I'm birthday! Today was a beautiful and special day, thank you all for the beautiful messages, I love you.
vancityreynolds Happy birthday dear, always remain the beautiful sunshine that you are! 💞💞 (I want a piece of that cake)
↳ Youruser Thank you Ryan 🥺 Yes I saved a piece for you
Y/n_fan yes she is a princess
Aidanrgallagher Congratulations Y/n! Thank you for being like a big sister to me and always supporting me and helping me through my anxious moments making me laugh in a way only you can, I miss you so much.
↳ Youruser You're going to make me cry sweetie ❤️ Thank you and yes, I miss you too.
Babyye_ She being Aidan's older sister >>>>>>
y/n_lovers Ryan being her older brother >>>>>>
Harrystyles Happy birthday to my amazing drinking buddy! 💞💞💞💞
Chrisevans Happy birthday to the best person in the world ❤️ I love you princess.
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A/N: "Wow, you disappear and come back like nothing happened?" Yes, forgive me for doing this, well, my birthday was the 23rd and I didn't even talk to you, so I decided to do it here today, thanks for being here, I'll be more present here next year, Pinky promise
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