#the dancing crabs after posting this are so cute
mevweasley · 1 year
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every day we stray further from God
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lagncx · 28 days
breaking pt 3 Levi x reader
(Posting again to see if it works cause tumblr has been saying I can’t paste works from Google docs anyways I’m not a writer and yes this happened in the same night his wife cheated I’m sorry!!! I wasn’t thinking that way I should’ve been more drawn out but I was afraid people would get bored. Anyways I am new to tumblr I will soon figure out how to paste and make cute little borders for this thing you call a….series?)
“Well I mean he wasn’t like intrusive” you tried to calm Levi down when he was strangling you with your own towel 
  “Doesn’t fucking matter he knows something that isn’t his business!!” He yelled his knee shifting itself into your back “Okay okay! I’m sorry!” You surrendered and Levi got up letting go as he hugged himself. You turned on your back looking at him from the floor. “It wasn’t my place to tell Levi I’m sorry.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. He just glared at the window overlooking the hill you were on and the other homes in the distance like little stars. He walked over to it, placing his hand on the foggy window, raindrops and wind shaking the windows. “Sometimes I just want to fly away from here.” He whispered it didn’t scare him when your hand rubbed his arm he knew you got off the ground by now. “I was so happy to get married and when I was…” deep breath “I just didn’t feel the need to be cold and angry anymore I opened up to others…” he didn’t say you cause he could always be more relaxed it was always like that 
Who the fuck is this fucking kid looking in your critter bucket?! You were running around under the pier grabbing clams and crabs, the water numbing your legs to the point where you didn’t feel the cold anymore, just flesh. And this kid comes up and his bucket is empty he must’ve wanted one of your critters 
“Can you go away?” You pouted crossing your arms looking at this raven haired boy who’s trunks were tied so tight and still looked huge on him “h-hi” he said smiling like he had something up his ass “you sick or something dude?” You put your hands on your hips and he tilted his head “huh?” 
“I mean look at you, you're so skinny!” You laughed and his lip trembled “like jeez you look like those sea sn-“ before you knew it you were knocked to the ground sand in your hair and eyes and all on your tongue that was bleeding you turned and looked at the boy who glared at you “I wanted to be friends!” He screamed running Away to his mother who cradled him her long hair and her pretty face as he cried into her arms “I tried momma…but they’re all so mean” you stood there and looked down ashamed.
    Levi’s hand left a print on the window fading away and he looked at you “I just want to stay over for tonight I don’t think I can handle being alone.” He sat down on the couch next to you and his eyes looked at your laptop on the table “can I use that for work?” He asked and you nodded “yea…sure.” You gave it to him and typed in the password he took it and saw the screen display it was you and him and other friends like Armin, Hange, Erwin, and others in the snow with your skiing gear. He remembered the way you forced him and the girls along with Armin to go skiing with the rest Erwin thought it would be a really good idea to make memories. Hange well they just wanted to spot any wildlife and you and Eren were in friendly competition. Of course you two would fall for each other. He thought and clicked on the web browser He wasn’t jealous just concerned like in highschool with Reiner Levi saw the way he would use his fingers to pull up his dances date strap up every two minutes he saw the way Reiner looked at you, eyes hungry when he saw you alone and vulnerable and going by yourself to the bathroom which was across the way. Levi may have been giving attention to his date as they swayed across the gymnasium floor but he never took his eyes off you so when you left and Reiner followed ten minutes after, so did Levi. 
Levi shut the computer “well I’m bored.” He huffed and looked at you “well it is barely 11:00 right now.” You shrugged and looked at him “so what should we do? Sleep? Watch a movie?” He asked. you look at your phone “Let’s go out.” You said opening your maps and Levi’s eyes bulged when he saw all your “club” pins on the map places he didn’t even know were clubs “but it’s storming” he said pointing to the window and you just laughed and Levi looked over “oh…” the storm had seemed to pass it was more just light rain than wind and lightning “let’s do it. I mean you need a break from the world” you hummed getting out of the seat and to your room. “What am I supposed to wear?” Levi scoffed following you and standing right outside your walk-in closet. You tossed him one of your button up shirts and a pair of regular jeans that actually belonged to him and that made him look at you questioning “uh-…you left it here a while ago” you shrugged and Levi just shook his head turning on his heel and walking into the bathroom to change you came out the closet with a simple jacket  and jeans having your cheetah bra on display peeking through your undershirt which was red. You smiled “comfy and sexy” you chuckled then waited for Levi 
  When he came out he folded back your arm sleeves and boom there were the muscles and that waist mhm mhm (IM GUSHIN!) 
 “Do I look ok?” He asked looking up at you and you just smiled “always.” And he looked at you and you at him for just too many seconds too long and you just looked away laughing “uh-..should we go?” He swallowed a bit of spit and nodded “yea.” 
——(sorry guys I don’t want it to be too long)
  The club was the club Levi chose it was well known not in a dingy part of town and more than five stars on yelp but you said that “the worst clubs are the best ones” but Levi didn’t want to hear that bullshit he shivered thinking about last time when you, him, and the gang were out for shots and the bathroom of the club that was voted 3 to 1 Levi being that one wasn’t ideal in his standards. Literally coke on the sink counter!! But this one is cleaner, has a better vibe and you, his wildcard of a friend, can go as crazy as you wanted on the dance floor. He found a seat next to the bar and looked up at you “gonna sit or dance first?” He chuckled as he tried to become invisible to the crowd of women looking for their next set of prey “yup think I’m gonna dance first.” You said and headed over to the dance floor. good thing Levi chose this seat he could observe you and make sure you were okay. They were playing a lot of rap and hip hop and some old 2000s songs. A few minutes went by and Levi had about two shots of some tame substance trying to be the one to drive tonight. He was on his phone but when he looked in your direction to check on you, you were gone? He got up and walked towards the dance crowd trying to stay out of the huge wave but that’s the only way he’d find you especially now one of his favorite songs came on, promiscuous girl. Hell yea finally he can get down with something but the lights were vivid and flickering almost instantly causing him trouble knocking into people and getting bumped “Y/N!” He called but didn’t yell and he felt the arm of somebody around his stomach to which he elbowed in the jaw “Oh! Fuck!” You yelped and Levi glared at you “it’s me!” You said “oh I know only YOU would ever put your arm around me like that” you chuckled “I was just trying to get you to me” you slurred Levi noticed but you didn’t stop for a drink “why are you talking that way?” He crossed his arms with people dancing around you and you just shrugged “they give you pills here, good find Levi, the gang would love it.” He rubbed his eyes and shook his head “you don’t just accept dru-“ 
“Hi! You're new to the floor! Would you want a pill?” Someone tapped Levi’s shoulder and seemed to be an employee. “Yes he would” you said and the employee gave it to him walking away 
“I don’t think this is safe” he looked at the pill “I don’t recognize it” you rolled your eyes “you’re not a doctor during clubbing hours plus of course you don’t know it’s not meant for pharmaceutical use.” You sighed “come on Levi live a little” and he just shook his head “nope.” 
You just rolled your eyes and turned away from him cheering on the DJ with the crowd. Levi looked down at the pill. He felt some sort of guilt not from you but from his wife…maybe that was his problem. He wasn't fun, he was a downer? That he was inexperienced so she wasn’t getting what she needed? He closed his eyes and took the pill the tablet laid on his tongue for a while and then he swallowed. He stood behind you looking at your hair then at the other people in the club. Maybe he should go talk to those other women. But he wasn’t ready. All he wanted was a good time..with you. He struggled up in front of you and when the music started back up through the chanting Levi started to sway and dance not a clubbing dance but to you it was like a beautiful swan dance his arms laid against each other his hands loose and his body moving like grass in the wind his hips moved and you’ve never seen something so soft and graceful. For some reason it fit the song and the feeling. For some reason every detail of Levi’s body and soul was more amplified and you felt like you were numb and could feel the hair sticking to your sweat forehead. Even though there was hundreds of people around you it was just you and him…no you couldn’t deny you loved Levi and there was chemistry but it wasn’t meant to be you both are just too different you’re too reckless he’s too reserved. 
  Levi felt like he was back in highschool getting high with you on some shitty weed he felt dizzy, the music buzzing his head and his body sore from his dancing he fell back into you, his hands against your chest and his mouth making slurred giggling noises. Your body against his, hand slipped around his waist Levi sighed relaxing into you. 
  Getting inside the car there was a problem “so who’s gonna drive cause we can’t we’re both…drunk” he said looking over at you “and high.” You added laughing “fuck and I’m hungry” you laid your car seat back groaning “It’s gonna get so cold so what do we do? We can’t walk it’s too far” he sighed “guess we’re just gonna have to sleep in the car for tonight” Levi nodded in agreement “those drugs are something else” he said “makes you just want to” 
“Fuck someone” you finished and he laughed and sighed in pleasure “yea”
 Levi looked down and said “I know you didn’t like…her my wife.” He whispered “well…it’s not like that. But I just knew she wasn’t good for you. I mean you even told me about some of your relationship problems and it just made me hate her more.” You sighed and levi just stared at you “I mean. I know you so well levi. All of it I’ve paid attention to more than your wife. I know you like carnivore plants instead of houseplants that you’d prefer your milk warm instead of cold. All that just by observing you so technically I was better than her. She needed to step up. So don’t blame yourself because it’s ju-“ something cut you off hands on your shoulders and lips on yours…who? Levi..oh no. For a second you were just kissing him without kissing back in shock and Levi pulled away looking at you his face was a bit shocked “i- I don’t know-“ before he could finished your hand pulled his face back to yours your lips now on his Levi struggled his body bent over the middle console of the car his hands struggled not knowing where to put them. 
  Levi’s body was so numb and he felt something he didn’t know much about…lust his body ached but he felt himself being lifted which had him in surprise when he was dropped on your lap. “Fuck me, your so pretty.” You whispered and Levi moaned when your cold hand pushed itself under his shirt this feeling was so foreign. He felt so guilty but he wanted it, Wanted you. You kissed him licking his bottom lip he didn’t know how to react so he awkwardly licked your lip back “open your mouth a little” you whispered and Levi did as told your tongue slipped pass and Levi moaned his teeth almost chopping off your tongue but you didn’t mind Levi kept his tongue un moving but he grew enough courage to move it around yours and fuck why did your hands have to be  so cold. So much was happening, so much things that was foreign to him, and his tummy felt like he was gonna throw up. His head dropped back as you bit and kissed his neck he moaned louder and louder his hips rocking softly almost like they weren’t at all and Levi felt something and he was scared not sure what it was he looked at you “w-wait I think I’m-“ but you got one last bite one last push of your leg against his crotch and Levi was gone his moan was high pitch and his body shook violently his breathing was heavy. You pulled away with wide eyes and pulled Levi closer so he wouldn’t hurt himself on the steering wheel “Levi, did you…” Levi whimpered, eyes glossy with tears “T-that was my first uhm…time.” His first time orgasming, cumming, experimenting. You were in your thoughts but Levi snuggled into you still small shivers he wasn’t gonna be able to continue and you just hugged him. Feeling this disgust towards yourself and the awkwardness erupting into the car. “I’m sorry. I didn’t last.” He pressed his lips together in a thin line a bit embarrassed, the alcohol was getting to him. Oh fuck alcohol you both were drunk no, no. This was a mistake you shouldn’t have kissed him back or did what you did but for fucks sake something felt right in that moment. “Don’t say sorry…just…go rest in the backseat” you let him go and Levi felt a little disheartened but climbed his way to the back and you just sat there rubbing your face. 
     You fucked up.
 Levi laid in the backseat did he fuck up? He wanted to bury himself in a hole and die his body was still in that euphoria feeling the buzz from the party drugs and the alcohol mixing together making his eyes heavy. Did he act on impulse? Was it the drugs or the loneliness. Or old middle school feelings? He didn’t think about that. But he can apologize tomorrow…
(a little cringey i admit. Idk I don’t like this and I tried some few tweaks but yea. I will be working on an astarion fic but Levi Drabbles will be coming )
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themissinggoldfish · 2 months
I saw your recent post, can we know the lore?
If this is about the OCs, I haven’t fully fleshed out the story yet but here’s a summary! [might be lengthy so hold on]
Tagging @alcyoneveus as well cuz i wanted to tell them this as well ww
The first two (Yuko&Eliza) is sorta a situationship that ended badly, Yuko being her personal Guard and Eliza being the princess it wasnt a relationship that the public would take likely. After an incident, Yuko was taken into trial and held for questioning, only to be betrayed by Eliza who lied about Yuko having dealings with it. (Resulting in Yuko’s exile)
The second pair (Brian & Anurabi, Brian is just his companion) the main story is about mainly Yuko and Anu’s journey, so this is previous to their meeting. Its just Brian being a crab and Anu not knowing how to deal with him (Common occurrence later down the line lmao)
Third pair ( Minerva&Nadia) These two came from relatively the same area, but their respective groups are born rivals, Minerva’s family is much richer than Nadia and she likes to rub it in her face, Nadia is used to her antics so she lets her do her own thing. Rather than flaunting materialistic things she rather show her elegance through action (or literally, by Dance)
Fourth Pair (Dyani&Jade, little Mars as well) Dyani was a young spirit who happened to find Jade and Mars deep in the woods (a little far from their village) it has been raided by a neighboring country and they had just escaped. Dyani helped them heal back to health but with no where to go the trio decided to stick together (Dyani was always upfront from the get go and found Jade cute, Jade is always caught off guard by their bluntness but she got used to it overtime)
Some of these characters were in their teens or childhood (only exception being Eliza, Anu and Yuko as they’re in their twenties)
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cdyssey · 1 year
Maggie’s Abbott/Yellowjackets Masterpost
For my organization. :’) |  Last Updated: 8/23/23
Abbott Elementary:
Drill Day [Tumblr / AO3] → After Abbott Elementary's now traditional Drill Day—which requires the teachers and students to practice four mandated emergency drills over the course of a single day—Barbara checks on her own: Gregory, Jacob, Janine, and, of course, Melissa.
Wounds [Tumblr / AO3] → After Barbara accidentally cuts her hand in the break room, Melissa is there to clean up the wound; however, ever since Draymond's visit at the school, there has been an unspoken tension dividing the space between the two women like a knife.
I’ve Been Loving You Too Long [AO3] → Work Wives/Teddie collaboration fic with @straperine (Michael), my beloved. (2/4 Chapters)
Zipper [Tumblr / AO3] → Frankly, Barbara Howard has never had so much trouble with a damn zipper before. A Secret Santa gift for athenaseden.
Trust Me [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa had to put someone down as her emergency contact. A Secret Santa gift for Michael.
From the Classroom:
A collection of prompts and one-shots I've written for Abbott Elementary. Mostly Barbara/Melissa. Prompts open!
Baby [AO3] → Barbara and Melissa call each other baby in front of their coworkers.
Fix You [Tumblr / AO3] → The Abbott staff meets up at a bar after work, and a guy hits on Melissa and Barbara becomes protective.
Tattoo [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara finds it hot that Melissa has a tattoo.
Birthdays [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa snaps at Janine and makes her cry. Some cute mothery apologies follow.
Crab Bisque [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara is desperately craving her late mother's crab bisque, she calls Melissa over to help her make it.
Horrible [Tumblr / AO3] → After the events of 2x09, Melissa and Barbara quickly realize how horrible they had been.
The Art Teacher [Tumblr / AO3] → Pre-relationship Melissa/Barbara where Barb is getting jealous over Mel’s new fling? Could be a new teacher who’s a woman as well?
Hard Candy Christmas [Tumblr / AO3] → After their holiday dinner, Melissa and Barbara ensure that a tipsy Jacob makes it home safely.
Aunt Mel [Tumblr / AO3] → Before Open House is officially over, Taylor pays her Aunt Mel a visit. Set during 1x10.
Silent Night [Tumblr / AO3] → Au where Mel and Barb live together happily and spend a cozy snow day at home thanks to a torrential blizzard/storm. They do all the blissful domestic things like bake/cook, watch movies, cuddle, read, dance, etc. Either the girls are smaller and they build forts/play, or they’ve grown up and moved out by then, whichever! :’)
Sea Barbara [Tumblr / AO3] → One year after her divorce with Gerald, Sea Barbara is a little in love with everyone... including, and perhaps specifically, her best friend.
The View [AO3] → Melissa simply watches her wife as she works in their shared garden, enamored, so in love.
Barbara and Melissa, Pt. 1 [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara and Melissa discover that their husbands are cheating on them—and with each other, no less—their lives as they have known them are suddenly and dramatically upended. Grace and Frankie AU (Pt. I).
Advocate [Tumblr / AO3] → Pizza date??
Lies [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara has a flat tire at her church, Melissa goes to help her. Of course she does. (Post-2x13).
Promise [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara and Melissa - microprompt: You scared me."
Irredeemable [Tumblr / AO3] → Ava and Barbara either as a ship or a dynamic: “Irredeemable.”
Texts [Tumblr / AO3] → Ava & Melissa platonic. “Speaking of Barb...”
Good Mood Day [Tumblr / AO3] → It's a classic Schemmenti good mood day. (It's been a while.)
Valentine’s Day [Tumblr / AO3] → On Valentine's Day, Barbara and Melissa have their worst fight yet. [Pre-2.14 Fic]
Valentine’s Night [Tumblr / AO3] → After her airport date with Gerald, Barbara can't help but call and check up on Melissa. [Post-2.14]
One Bed [Tumblr / AO3] → When Barbara and Melissa get to their conference hotel room, they're unduly shocked that there is only one bed. [Post-2.16] | The wonderful @gatalentan made a recording of their favorite part of “One Bed.” Hhhgh, it made me so emo!! Check it out!
Three Women and a Glass of Wine [Tumblr / AO3] → Barbara and Ava go over to Melissa's house to come up with a plan of action against Legendary Charters. (Regrettably, there is wine involved.) [Post-2.17]
Apology Gifts [Tumblr / AO3] → Though they've already reconciled, Melissa and Barbara also exchange apology gifts. [Post-2.18]
No Children [Tumblr / AO3] → Would you be willing to write more about Melissa and having kids?
Tired [Tumblr / AO3] → In the week since Gerald's test results came back abnormal, Barbara Howard has been so tired. [Pre-2.15]
Different World [Tumblr / AO3] → I re-read your gardening fic recently where Mel's staring at Barb and is heart-eyes at her and it's just so nice, so anything along those lines would be lovely.
Human [Tumblr / AO3] → A quiet moment between Barbara and Janine after they return to the school from their shopping trip. [2.21 Spoilers]
Heavenly Moments [Tumblr / AO3] → Unable to sleep at the Franklin Institute, Barbara searches for Melissa. [2.22 Spoilers]
Wreck [Tumblr / AO3] → When Melissa's nana dies, Barbara is there for her.
Facetious [Tumblr / AO3] → After the end of yet another long work day, Melissa comes to collect Barbara. [Post-1.01]
Blueberry Pie [Tumblr / AO3] → Melissa brings Barbara a blueberry pie as an apology. [Post-1.02]
This is mostly just a compilation of the bigger/longer stuff, but generally, I post liveblogs, meta, and shorter posts under #maggie blogs! And then you can find any art I do under #maggie doodles.
Abbott 1.06 Rewatch
Abbott 2.14 Thoughts
Abbott 2.15 Thoughts
Abbott 2.19 Thoughts
Abbott 2.22 Reactions
Abbott Elementary: 31 Prompts
Abbott Elementary S1-2 Bracket: You can find all the polls and other posts in my tag #abbott bracket!
Abbott Elementary + Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out
Abbott Rewatch: Anything I’ve personally made for it!! <3 You can find the main blog at @abbottrewatch.
Barbara Meta (2.13)
Discord WW Fic with Michael
Janine and Ayesha Drabble [post-2.18]
Maggie’s Abbott End of S2 Bingo [Last 3 Eps.] [Update 3]
Maggie’s Work Wives Bingo
Melissa + Thanksgiving Headcanons
Pieces that Fit Together [about Mel post-2.11] — Feat. Michael
Pre-2.16 Work Wives Conference Drabble
Random Work Wives Headcanons
Some domestic Work Wives headcanons!
Thoughts on Abbott women and their relationships to the cameras.
uQuiz: Which Abbott Elementary woman are you?
Work Wives Pre-2.16 Conference Drabble
Baby Shower + Steel Magnolias Thoughts (2.03)
Four tickets to the Barbie movie, please.
I’ve had Bruce for a day and a half.
Jackie + Poppies Edit
Jeff and Shauna Thoughts
Lottie’s Gay Compound
Just a little Yellowjackets uQuiz!
Shauna and Callie Meta (2.02)
Shauna and Motherhood Meta (2.06)
Shauna Meta (2.07)
Taissa the Cringefail Girlflop Thoughts (2.06)
Taissa the Dirt-Eating Lesbian
Yellowjackets + The Righteous Gemstones
Yellowjackets S2 Finale Bingo [Update]
Yellowjackets + Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out
Yellowjackets 2.02 Thoughts
Yellowjackets 2.03 Thoughts
Yellowjackets 2.04 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.05 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.06 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.07 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.08 Reactions
Yellowjackets 2.09 Reactions
Brink [Tumblr / AO3] → Shauna and Taissa have made it somewhat of a dirty habit now, calling each other, checking-in, at least once or twice a week—even though they damn well know they shouldn't.
Good Mother [Tumblr / AO3] →  When Shauna returns home from the motel, she's surprised to find that Callie waited up for her.
Safe [Tumblr / AO3] → On the night before Natalie's funeral, Tai finds herself on Shauna's doorstep.
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ateezfanficthingies · 2 years
ATEEZ walking in while you're streaming
Basically you're a Twitch streamer and your boyfriend walks in the room while you're streaming.
This is kinda bad but I wanted to post something. XD
Would make a weird "AaaAh!" sound, kinda like a surprised yelp.
Scratches the back of his head in embarrassment and chuckles.
You call him closer to say hi to your chat.
He leans down with his face really close to yours and an embarrassed smile on his face as you introduce your chat to him.
You pet his hair as he avoids eye contact with the camera.
He says very little.
"What're you doing babe?"
"*Gasp!* Hwa! Come over here. Guys, Seonghwa's here. Say hi baby~!"
"Uhm. Hi guys... I'm Seonghwa. Hehe..."
He came to check in on you.
He's kinda sleepy cuz he woke up like an hour ago and only got out of bed now.
He slinks behind you and hugs you from behind swaying slightly, resting his head on yours.
Smiles (sleepily) when he hears you giggle.
"Hey baby... What're you doing?"
"Hey Joongie, I'm streaming."
"Ooh!" *Leans down and awkwardly pokes his head in from the top of the camera, a bit too close to the lens* "Hello, hello everybody~~!"
Walked in to crash on the bed out of boredom and a little bit of tiredness.
Was going to scroll through social media on his phone.
Realised you were streaming and started acting dumb.
Went from 0 to 5 to 30 000 REAL quick!
Started by pulling dumb faces.
Then a deadpan expression with a little dance where he's moving his head side to side while crab walking.
Then he just starts flailing his arms above his head and moving around in random directions - never breaking his serious eye contact with the camera.
Trust me; it only gets worse.
The more you laugh the dumber he acts.
You're crying of laughter as you try to speak and all he does is continue his lil' rave in the background.
"Yunho, I'm live!"
*Begins twerking in the background.*
He was looking for his skateboard and walked into the room not paying any attention to what you were doing, too consumed by his search.
He only realised you were live when after a few seconds Text To Speech commented on how gorgeous he is.
You just smiled and turned your head to look at his reaction, not saying a word.
He slowly pulled his head and arms out from under the bed, sat up and looked up at your camera slightly confused.
You're chuckling a lot as you speak and he's slowly understanding what's happening.
"Whatcha looking for babe?"
"My skateboard... Hi chat..."
"*Chuckle* I think it's in the cupboard..."
He heard the sounds you and the computer were making.
"ARE YOU PLAYING LEAGUE WITHOUT ME?!" he pops his head around the corner with faux anger all over his face.
You can't help but laugh because when you look at him both in real life and in the viewfinder, there's just a floating head poking into your room pouting "angrily" at you.
You struggle to get any sentence out because you're just laughing too damn hard.
"Let's play together then."
"Damn straight we're playing! I'm gonna absolutely destroy you!" (He's yelling this as he "storms off" to fetch his laptop so he can boot up the game while you're dying of laughter in your chair.)
Walks in to ask you something but realises you're streaming.
You realise he's there and gesture for him to come over.
Immediately comes over and blesses the internet once more with his crescent eye smile (and adorable smile in general).
Waving cutely at the camera.
Giggly cuz he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.
"Hi~! I'm Mingi!" (Widest smile in the universe.)
He was yelling your name from like, THREE rooms down.
He was trying to order pizza but you couldn't hear him over the gunshots in your headphones.
He finally marched to your doorway. He didn't enter. He just stood there and yelled.
"AH! Fuckin- WHAT?!"
"Wooow... Chat can you BELIEVE this? I go out of my way to order food and make sure my girlfriend is well fed and THIS is the thanks I get? Okay... Okay... I'll remember this...
...now what do you want on your pizza?"
Came in to bring you tea (that he made without you even asking).
He didn't think you were live, he thought you were recording a video so he figured you'd be able to just edit him out.
He hears someone cheer.
It was at that moment that he knew he fucked up.
You're trying to hold back your giggles because his reaction is just that adorable.
His eyes are wide as hell, he's really shy, he doesn't know what's happening. Dear God please protect him. XD
"O-oh. Are you live...?"
"Yeah... Say hi..."
"Uh... Hi..."
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itzynabi · 2 years
checkmate recording and practice behind
an: pls enjoy this slightly mediocre post. gif is mine
eve's masterlist
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first of all, miss girl was a bit tired and was just saying whatever
after recording the 'ah' part for the third time
eve: i feel like a baby
that must've been the funniest thing ryujin ever heard 'cause she cracked UP
eve: 🙄 it's not that funny
ryujin: *laughs harder*
lia kept waving her hand when they were recording
eve: are you playing the shaker?
cue ryujin cracking up again
eve: stop laughing when i speak!! 💢
ryujin: stop speaking
eve said 😯
"is that any way to talk to your elders shin ryujin?"
pd: let's try that part [my best is yet to come] without yuna
eve: my child 😢
got told to be more chaotic
yeji: we should let eve unnie and lia stand next to each other
lia: how will that change anything 😭
they changed positions anyway because… yeji said so
eve: if we act like we're drunk… won't that be chaotic
lia: *covering eve's mouth whilst laughing* stop talking, stop talking
chaeryeong: they're already being chaotic
pd: lia and eve please keep that energy when you record
thumbs up all around
lia: *sings the part [you better put your sneakers on] nicely
pd: who was that? lia? do it again so they can hear
ryubi: teacher, teacher please do it again
eve: i think the only word i know is 'hey' because we've recorded it so many times
during their cute little break eve fell asleep on the couch
yuna: oh! look
the way they all crowded around her 😭 you'd think they found a cool crab or something
ryujin: she's very cute in her sleep
time to wake up and WORK!
pd: that good! we're done!
everyone: thank you!
eve: *walks up to one of the cameras* bye 👋
after yuna tripped
eve: there goes yuna
yuna: *explains herself*
eve: *kisses her cheek*
day 2 baby!
eve was dancing with less energy than the day before but still vibing
chaeryeong: *pats her head* should we get pizza after this?
eve: totally
365 practice day
choreographer: *demonstrates the move*
eve: my eyes stopped focusing oh my gosh, what did you just do?
everyone: 😭😭
ryujin: she looks so confused 😭
eve: my brain can't comprehend what you just did 😭
day 2
eve came in halfway because she had her own schedule
eve: i'm here!
yeji: how was today?
eve: good. i recorded a song
catching up and then practicing again
eve: i keep messing up my footwork 🙁
no because when she makes a mistake she stands with her hands on her hips and glares at nothing in particular but she's also pouting so she doesn't look intimidating at all 🥺
ryujin: *squishes her cheeks* cute
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tagging: @lunarxsun // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet
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©️ kim nabi
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galaticuwu · 7 months
[So I realised I haven’t posted a lot of my oc’s sooo… Have this oc lore drop. This is gonna be a very long post]✨
So let’s get to know Heather and Duncan better!
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(Btw plz no reposting my art but you can reblog it if u want) btw sorry if the art looks off it’s my first time using Procreate readmore✨
🪨Heather Helpful🐟
“Always remember, Safety First!”(Voice headcannon:Asuka Neon Genesis Evangelion) She/They
Heather was the nurse of duo always looking out for the safety of her fellow residents. She was always shown to be stuck in a “all work no play” mindset as found in a few story boards. She’s even been jokingly referred as the “Coldest resident” due that, but it’s referenced by Poppy that Heather she isn’t always like that, she could pretty chatty and was a good listener. Heather was very blunt and seemingly very hard to make laugh. Many of their segments were mostly with Poppy helping her with the appliances and giving safety tips on how to use them, she also did this with Eddie constantly reminding views get parents help when using scissors. In some production notes it’s revealed Heather had Depression and autism along with dyslexia and a compromised immune system which they shared both of those with Duncan.
Trivia on Heather
Heathers special interest’s are Rocks and sea creatures. Her favourite of the both is the horseshoe crab (their’er a huge fan of crustaceans) and blue moonstone (she loves how cute it looks).
Heather used to carry around a clipboard with them which was a parting gift from Their father.
Heather used to play piano.
Both Heather and Duncan share a favourite food… it’s pomegranate’s!
They’re not really much of a dancer, She likes to do a lot stomping when she does.
A song Heather would love is “birdhouse in your soul” by they might be giants
there are semi colons on the bottom of hears boots
Heather is a Demi girl and sapphic
🎭Duncan Helpful 🪡
“It’s okay to stay in your limits”(Voice headcannon:Ash fantastic mister fox) He/They
Duncan was the doctor of the duo always looking out for the health of his fellow residents. Compared to Heather Duncan is very laid back, they do care for the health of their residents but would only bring up the topic if it was needed. They could be found most of the time hanging out Barnaby or Sally or if not screen chatting in the phone with howdy. A lot of Duncan’s segments also were mainly with Poppy helping her with cooking. He does share a few is Sally joining in Play’s while also making sure everything is so Sally didn’t have to deal with Heather’s complaint’s, along with the fact he is very aware some residents prefer his way on handling things then Heather’s way .Duncan is also shown to In the production notes for Duncan it’s states he had EDS and ADHD along with dyslexia and a compromised immune system which they shared both of those with Heather.
Trivia on Duncan
Duncans special interest’s are Theatre and Fashion. His favourite’s of the both are “Rocky Horror Picture Show” (big lover of musicals) and his favourite fashion is punk fashion (he loves the leather jackets and huge boots)
Duncan had a notebook that was a parting gift from their dad you can see in his room yet it’s vaguely hinted that Duncan doesn’t use it.
Duncan couldn’t play an instrument but he could sing very well.
Both Duncan and Heather share a favourite food… it’s pomegranate’s!
No surprise Duncan loves dancing they enjoy doing a lot of spinning when he does.
a song Duncan would have loved is “Blackboxwarrior” by will wood
Duncan’s cane is called “Rocky”
Duncan is a Demi boy and Bisexual
welcome home's most caring residents. These are the helpful siblings, the owners of the helpful clinic and close friend’s of Poppy. The two were raised mainly by their father Maxwell after it was revealed that their mother, Daisy passed away when they were younger. The exact location of of their origin is unknown but they did live in a big house. Duncan was referenced as being mainly homeschooled during his early teen years, meanwhile Heather was sent to a private school. It’s referenced that both Duncan and Heather didn’t have the best relationship with their dad. Heather actually got told about home from Poppy, which caused the two to move over to home and start their own clinic there. They are also mixed Italian and Indonesian.
Wally-(Neutral) Both
Both Heather and Duncan had a pretty neutral view on Wally. The two simply liked to hang out with Wally he’s just a pretty chill with. When he painted them stuff one of them would hang up the paintings he made for them either in the clinic or the home area.
Sally-(Friends) Duncan (Not on good terms) Heather
No surprise Duncan got along with sally. Both of the two enjoyed theatre, the two just loved to hang out talk with each other about possible shows to do, if that movie was better then the stage play and in general had a fun time. If sally was doing a production he would 100% rush over to help with any part of it.
Heather on the other hand… Sally did kind of appreciated Heather help with health and safety. But found her kind of annoying due to the constant talking about safety with sally non stop. She did like some of it for example Heather giving good warms up for dancing but she still didn’t fully like her.
Frank-(Friends) Heather (Not on good terms) Duncan
Heather liked to hang around with him, she found his infodumps interesting and would listen to him. She enjoyed listening to the rambles of bugs, Even though she very noticeably wasn’t fond of them. Sometimes Heather would even offer to help Frank with his garden even thought their knowledge on plants wasn’t that well, they’ll lend a helping hand to a friend.
Duncan didn’t really mind Frank. He found abit annoying here and there, sometimes seeing him as almost an extension of Heather more bossy side sometimes. Even though he found hanging out with abit bland and boring if Julie wasn’t around to add something, The only really up side Duncan saw to Frank the fact he was the easiest patient to deal will with.
Poppy-(“Best friends”) Heather (Friends) Duncan
They’re been her life long “best friend”. Whenever Heathers had some form of break she’d normally spend it with Poppy. baking, having tea or just enjoying each other’s presences. Due to Poppy’s always frightened nature she did have a habit of calling up the clinic over the smallest of things but Heather would come to her barn and give her a swift check up. (These two are actually gay but were constantly portrayed as them being best friends)
Even though always stayed closer with Heather. Duncan still saw and viewed her as an extremely important friend to the both of them. He loved hanging around her and knitting, sometimes it was nice to just chat with her and looked back on their childhood of fond memories. Sometimes he would even invite her down to clinic to share dinner with the two. they were aware of how much heathers liked her visits. (Duncan knew they were gay)
Howdy-(Friends) Duncan (Not on good terms) Heather
The person Duncan considered their second closest friend to him. The two were just friends but after sometime he opened up to howdy about his personal struggles, caused the two to come closer. Which the two could be seen non stop chatting wether in person or on the phone. Whenever in the rare occasion howdy was not in his store the two could be seen hanging out along side Barnaby.
Meanwhile Heather had heard the rumours of the possible shady products which has caused her to become distrustful towards him, the two actually didn’t seem get along with each other anyway. The rarer few times the two actually decide to get along was because of others force the two to do so. No matter if these get along for two seconds, they would eventually go back to despising each other.
Barnaby-(Friends) Duncan (Not on good terms) Heather
Thanks to howdy and a little help from Wally Duncan has managed to become good pals with him. The two likes to share a laugh even though they barley got the jokes or just couldn’t stand the smell of those hot dog. They still liked to be around him, even trying to join in on the jokes even though it barely worked… not his fault they weren’t taught a good sense of humour was.
Whom Heather considered the most hardest patient to deal with. His constant smoking, annoying jokes and overall detail how dramatic dogs can be at the vets… no wonder they didn’t get along. With heather dealing with the many time he’d run out of the clinic at the mere idea of appointment and having to chase him down to take his meds… it’s no surprise these two didn’t get along.
Eddie-(Friends) Both
Despite almost seeming more like a boss then a friend towards him. Heather and Eddie did get along surprisingly well, with a little help from Poppy or maybe just on his own Eddie sometimes managed to get Heather to break out of their workplace mindset. The two could be found on mail runs together or sometimes on a little break from work. But found a few badly damaged scripts it showed Heather would call Eddie dad sometimes.
At first they just viewed him a friendly mail man, but of course as time went on Duncan managed to grow close to Eddie with the help of Heather. The two liked to hang out having simple chats or helping with making props for sally. Duncan even tried to stop Barnaby from chasing to no avail. But he’ll give him a quick fixer upper and help Eddie back on his feet for mail runs. It’s also found in a few storyboards that Duncan also viewed as a father figure as well.
Julie-(Friends) Both
The two didn’t mind playing pretend with her. Duncan Loved playing with Julie they didn’t mind being an employee being yelled at, a evil witch or a pretty princess. But Heather did sometimes especially mind when it comes to playing business. Sometimes it’s nice to just have someone you can you have fun with. It’s nice way to break up a day of nothing but work, especially for those who have it on their mind all the time.
0 notes
garbagefarm · 1 year
Garbage Farm (#1–#4)
Okay, I’ve started doing some archaeology to reconstruct session numbers for Garbage Farm!
me (@mothmute)
E.B. (@salamand3rin​)
Kimi (@2kimi2furious​)
Session #1 for Garbage Farm took place on 2020-01-03, before I started taking notes for each session. All I’ve got on-hand is the following, from a few days later:
I realized something important!
George’s horrifying Cola Casserole … is made with baking soda. 👈👈
He will forever be Mr. Cola Casserole in my mind. Whatever else I might learn about him, I will always be thinking, “this is the guy who publicly announced that he wanted somebody to bring him a cola for his casserole. (a casserola, if you will.)”
is he honest-to-god so incompetent in the kitchen that he would just … do that? did he mean that he wanted to have cola with his casserole? is this just some kind of power move, clowning on the rest of the town?
This will forever haunt me.
George put out a “help wanted” quest for some Joja Cola to use in a casserole, and I still have not forgotten this.
E.B. commented, “George’s Famous Cola Casserole is 1000% a power move. Nobody fucks with George.”
Session #2 took place on 2020-01-15, notes starting to materialize:
Good progress on garbage!
Bunch of progress on bundles, 2/3 backpacks, defeated Eggs, hit level 20 in the mines. Built a bridge.
everything is coming up Garbage.
[edit: future goals?]
third backpack, start upgrading tools, acquire Bird? Consider starting additional industries?  I can make tappers, now.
(defeat the ocean.)
Session #3 on 2020-01-20:
Upgraded a couple tools, built a silo, made it deeper into the mines, survived the flower dance, made it to summer
we don’t talk about the cauliflower
Followed by “Goals for Garbage Farm IV,” the first proper list:
(and associated birds)
plant for summer. I’m thinking we mostly lean hard on melons, peppers, and blueberries, with a side of corn
Melons can be big!
The Spirits demand quality melons!
Also, they’re apparently a loved gift for Penny
(seems worth befriending, at least)
Peppers are a bundle item
They’re also a loved gift for Shane
(who somebody has intentions towards)
Corn is a bundle item for fall as well?? since it overlaps seasons, may as well start it early to get the most $$$ out of it
The Spirits demand quality corn!
The Spirits demand a single tomato. sigh. fine.
(they also want a poppy. sigh, fine.)
(and a sunflower! but that can wait ‘til fall.)
(wheat can wait ‘til fall, too)
Lake and Ocean fish bundles should be doable
incidentally, looks like high-quality Sturgeon are among the best possible contributions to The Soup? after we get things planted, let’s coordinate an assault on the mountain lake.
(we might also want to catch a couple sturgeon for caviar production later on? that’s a thing now)
(Since I have an upgraded watering can, I am Designated Water-er)
continue checking the beach for mussels in order to cheese the crabpot bundle
I’ve been hitting some low-level caves in search of crab to help that, too
somebody should befriend Caroline in search of Tea
more tool upgrades?
begin plotting for upgraded house?
tapping trees maybe? we’ll see how they grow.
check the cart every. single. time. in hopes of redemption.
And we finally get an actual post-game writeup for Session #4, on 2020-01-26:
couple minor Melon Mishaps, but nothing on the scale of the C********* Catastrophe.
I defeated the requisite (rude) fish for Perfect Soup
We have two chicks; one name is cute, the other is dumb. you be the judge.
Sir Cluck
The Garbage Hat has made an appearance! Truly we are blessed.
romance in the air
That’s all for this record of Garbage Farm History— ‘til next time!!
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Ara Ara Kashiko, Kesennuma
I went to the sea----- ⛵
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and, I played around a bit, although the weather wasn't very good 😕
Kesennuma's sea!!
I went to the Otani coast!!
It'll air on September 3rd on Sendai Broadcasts "Ara Ara Kashiko"!!
By the way recently, this, kyaha 🤗 pose, I've been using it a lot for offshots but,
When I took a picture of Maria-chan before, she was smiling while getting into that pose, it was super duper cute, Maria is always cute, you know, so I used that as reference for my pose 🤗 lol
Maria's cuteness is different from me, but, I recommend, taking a cute shot 🤗 lol
Its even cuter when you do your nails 🤗 lol
This photo of Maria-chan, I wanted to search for it and post it now but, I can't find it immediately
I can't remember what costume she is wearing...... 🤦‍♀️
I posted it, on the blog or Instagram,
......If you have time please try to trace the memories 🥺 ←
And, the sea, right!!!
It was at Kesennuma Otani coast,
I'll post the home page
Today's lunch was luxurious, I got a seafood bowl, this and that were delicious...
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Speaking of Kesennuma I learned about swordfish last year,
Swordfish sashimi, Swordfish curry, Swordfish sukiyaki, That time was also delicious but,
Its been about a year since I've eaten swordfish sashimi, It was delicioussssssss again 🥺❤️
I'm sorry for the lack of swordfish in the photos lol
You can't see it, there is swordfish and salmon the crab was also delicious... I don't typically eat scallops because I don't really like them but, It was so delicious I left one for the end...
I think Oda will be happy that I ate it 🤔
And, writing this,
What I learned on AraKashi today was,
It wasn't about Otani coast, it wasn't about seafood,
I was harvesting something with blue coveralls~ 🔥
Look forward to the show!
Since its airing on September 3rd, Its already soon right!
There will also be an announcement on YouTube 🌷
Here is the latest 2
Ara Ara Kashiko Kurihara Bell Pepper
Ara Ara Kashiko Iwadeyama Sensory Museum
Look forward to the show~
🟤  Fall Announcement  🟤  
September 19th, we're appearing for the first time
🟡  Inazuma Rock Fest  🟡  
Hello Pro Dance Academy Extracurricular Activities
We're holding new member auditions 🔥
After the first part aired, The middle part will air on September 15th, and the final part will air on September 29th
Please pay attention
⚪   LIPPS Products  ⚪  
Sunset Summer Fever
/L!PP (from Hello! Project Dance Team)
🔵  Tokyo Sports note Series  🔵   #76 ROCK IN JAPAN, The Scenery We Saw
see you ayumin <3
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
A Heart’s a Heavy Burden
Abby Anderson x GN! Reader
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After arriving on Catalina Island, Abby is afraid to let her guard down. She lives with this constant crushing weight on her chest that she fears will never leave her. It’s not until she meets the reader that things begin to change.
Warnings: Copious amounts of fluff, swearing, basically just a lot of cute shit lol
Anon requested one where the reader goes on a hike with Abby and Lev, I hope you guys enjoy (especially if you requested it) <3 it’s been really nice getting back into writing and this request was so adorable aaaa.
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted and for that I apologize. In the meantime, I hope this will suffice. Also peep the Howl’s Moving Castle quote I used for the title lol
After the death of her father and that night in the theatre, Abby has come to the realization that pain and suffering is nothing if not inevitable. There has never been a point in time in which an instance of joy or peace is not soon followed by the truest forms of human depravity. When Abby and Lev arrived in Santa Barbara she thought things would be different. She was filled with this brand new feeling of optimism that she thought was long forgotten, and for the first time in forever she had hope.
Then—almost as if some higher being was mocking her for finally letting her guard down—the Rattlers happened, and it all came crashing down. As easily as a sandcastle is destroyed by the tide, that newfound happiness was gone in an instant and that feeling of despair returned once again. She had almost become accustomed to the suffering and heartache that accompanied those short increments of happiness. 
So when Abby and Lev arrived on Catalina Island, naturally Abby was incredibly grateful, but she was also fucking terrified. The moment that she stepped onto the shore, Abby vowed to never let her guard down again. She never wanted to see Lev hurt again, especially after everything he’d already been through.
It’s easy to imagine how difficult life can be when every happy moment is squandered by the fear of something inevitably terrible happening. It’s been months on Catalina Island and that normalcy Abby has missed so much was beginning to return, yet she is still afraid. A large part of Abby knows that being captured by the Rattlers isn’t her fault, but nevertheless she still feels this tremendous weight on her chest. Bearing down on her, compressing her into something small. 
There is something different about Catalina Island though. Something that makes Abby feel as though—despite everything that has already happened—things will be different here. It’s you.
You were one of the first faces Abby saw when her and Lev arrived on the shore. She had sustained multiple injuries and was suffering from severe starvation and dehydration, Lev the same. You however were in the infirmary for a fractured ankle, and due to the shortage of space she was placed in the bed next to yours. 
There was something you noticed about Abby the moment she sat down next to you. You couldn’t quite place it at the time but thinking back, it was definitely her eyes. There was so much pain behind them. You didn’t know why or how you knew, but it was there. Maybe it was because you had seen that same pain in the mirror that sits idle in the darkness of your room, the one covered by a tattered white sheet. It didn’t matter though, because all you knew was that the pain was there, and you wanted nothing more than to show her that life can be okay.
You woke up early today, laying in bed and trying to shake the sleep from your body, you counted the dust particles that floated in the small beam of sunlight that peeked through your window. While you lay basking in the warmth and stillness of your bedroom, you heard a quiet knock on your door. A small voice followed, it was Lev.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” 
“Yeah, just give me a sec.” You carefully rolled out of bed before slipping on a hoodie and answering the door. 
When you opened the door Lev had a huge smile on his face. “Hi Y/N!” 
That was something you really admired about him. Even after everything him and Abby had been through, he was just full of this giddy optimism that continued to wonder you every day. 
“Hey Lev, what’s up?” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to come on a hike with Abby and I? Apparently there’s something she wants to show you.” 
“Of course, I’d love to! Just let me get ready and I’ll head down in a bit.” Just as the words slipped out Lev embraced you tightly. You giggled as he leapt into your arms. 
“Awesome! I’ll go let Abby know.” Lev released you from his grip before hurriedly running downstairs.
When you found the two waiting outside your room, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Abby and her adorable freckles. She looked so much happier now, having grown her hair out a bit and built up some of the muscle mass she had lost. 
“You ready to go?” Abby had her hands hooked in the straps of her backpack as she took a small step closer to you. 
“You bet your ass I am.” 
As Abby led you and Lev along the shoreline you noticed how her skin was almost glowing. You figured it was most likely a product of all the time she spent helping out in the California sun. 
Rather than resting like any normal person would’ve, as soon as Abby was back on her feet, she was desperate to help out as much as she could. Whether it was patrolling the beaches or running the farms, she didn’t care. She just wanted to help. 
It seemed like it was a way for her to somehow compensate for being rescued off of the coast, and you wished you could tell her that she didn’t owe anyone anything—that after everything she went through to get here, there was nothing to repay. Of course though, it’s difficult to console someone when they haven’t exactly told you what was troubling them.
The shoreline bordered between an abundance of rocky cliffs and the tide, and the area was littered with lush greenery. Lev walked ahead of the two of you, jumping from rock to rock with surprising ease.
“Be careful Lev! There are sharks in that water you know.” Abby yelled at Lev to no avail. It was sweet how protective she was over him, even though she knew he wouldn’t fall.
You lightly nudged Abby’s shoulder with yours, the warmth of her skin against yours was comforting. You gave her a small reassuring smile. “He’ll be fine Abs, you know he can handle himself.” 
Abby sighed, looking down for a brief moment before continuing. “You’re right… I just worry you know.” 
“Yeah, I get it. You know, you’re actually pretty cute when you get all protective.” You said it teasingly, but you’d be lying if there wasn’t a small ounce of truth to the words.
Abby smiled, blushing at the comment, but it was difficult to tell in the sunlight. She was grateful the sun had already made her cheeks a light shade of pink. “Shut up.” 
It was nice with Abby and Lev. You spent the day burying Abby in the sand on the beach and chasing the crabs that hid under the rocks with Lev. Abby had packed a whole bunch of food in her bag, and the three of you quickly devoured it all. 
While Lev was building a shark out of sand, you and Abby laid side by side as you basked in the warm sun. After a bit you felt a shift next to you as Abby rolled on her side, leaning on her arm while she looked down towards you. 
“Hey.” Her voice was quiet, soft, similar to Lev’s when he woke you up this morning.
You opened your eyes and nearly melted at the sight before you. Abby was completely shielding the sun from your face which created a halo effect that outlined her entire head. The small strands of hair that stuck out of her ponytail glowed like threads of gold, and you could see clearly now the freckles that danced across her face all the way down to her arms. 
You replied with a soft smile on your face as you laid there admiring all the little details of her face. “Hey.”
“Can I show you something?” 
You gave her a small nod. “Do you want me to get Lev?” As you began sitting up Abby put her hand on your arm to stop you.
“Actually, I was kind of hoping it could just be us. Is that okay?” There was a small hint of nervousness in her voice and you weren’t sure if it was due to the thought of leaving Lev alone, or if it was from something else. 
“I would love that.” The corner of Abby’s mouth curled into a small smile at your answer. 
The both of you stood up from the sand, brushing the excess off of your pants. Abby jogged over to Lev and whispered something quietly before quickly returning to you. 
When you and Abby began walking away from the beach you heard Lev’s voice in the distance. “Have Y/N back by ten o’clock young man, I have a hunting rifle and I know how to use it!” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she yelled back in response. “Yeah, yeah.”
You looked at Abby with a confused face. “He has a hunting rifle?” 
“Nah, I think he got it from a movie. I need to stop showing him those old rom-coms.” Abby chuckled as she responded and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as well. It’s almost annoying how infectious her laughter was.
Eventually, the two of you reached a long stream of rushing water. It wasn’t too deep, but if you were to fall in, the current was definitely strong enough to swiftly sweep you away.
There was a tiny path of rocks that travelled in a crooked line across the stream, and it was obvious it hadn’t been used in a long time. “Please tell me we aren’t going this way.”
“Come on Y/N, I got you. You trust me right?” Abby didn’t wait for a response as she grabbed your hand and led you across the mossy rocks. 
As you reached the last rock, you let out a breath of relief. All you had to do was prop yourself over the log in front of you and you were home free. Carefully, as you reached your arms up to grip onto the ridges of the bark with your fingertips, you somehow lost your footing and slipped. You yelped and nearly fell face first into the jagged rocks below you, but luckily before you could, you felt a strong arm grab your waist. Abby almost on instinct quickly hoisted you up and onto the log just before you fell to your death. 
While you laid your body down on the dirty log in an attempt to calm the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins. Abby nonchalantly stood up next to you with a huge grin, acting as if you didn't just see your life flash before your eyes two seconds ago. “See? I got you. Now let’s go.” 
You groaned. “Can I get a second? I nearly just died back there.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic Y/N, you know I’d never let anything happen to you.” Abby grabbed your hand and dragged you over the log. “Come on, we’re almost there.”
She wasn’t wrong about it not being far (and for that you were extremely grateful). It only took a couple more minutes until you finally reached your destination, and the moment you saw it, you were speechless. 
Before you was a small clearing that had a view of the entire island. There were two large trees with ripe oranges hanging from it’s branches, and an abundance of wildflowers that danced in the wind like small fairies. The sunlight that shone through the leaves on the trees reminded you of the small beam of light that you were admiring this morning, except this was a thousand times more beautiful.
“Holy shit Abs.” It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen, and to get to see it with Abby was seriously a dream come true.
“You know, if you don’t like it we can always head back.” Abby teased.
“Oh shut up.” You plopped down onto the soft grass beneath you, breathing in the warm air and letting the blades encompass your body. You noticed Abby was still standing and quickly patted the grass beside you “Lay down with me, you gotta experience it from here.” 
Abby lowered herself tentatively beside you, and although she tried to hide it, you could tell out of the corner of your eye that her gaze was fixed on you. 
Things between you and Abby have always been pretty platonic; sure you guys flirted every once in a while but it never extended beyond that. And as much as you’d like for the two of you to be more, you never wanted to overstep your bounds. You didn’t want to burden Abby with your feelings especially if she didn’t share them, and you definitely didn’t want to ruin your friendship. It was hard sometimes trying to ignore the longing in your heart—trying to ignore the urge to jump into her arms and kiss her whenever she gave you that adorable freckled smile, but you knew it was for the best.
However, with her gaze fixed upon you, and your fingers just inches away, something in you couldn’t help but move your pinkie just slightly in search of hers. It was a small touch. So small it could almost be accidental, but something in both of you knew it wasn’t.
You heard Abby’s breath hitch quietly and nearly pulled your hand back, but then you felt hers move towards yours. Slowly, Abby’s fingertips traced lines against your hand before lacing them together with yours. The gesture was so sweet you nearly melted.
When you turned your head to face her, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes squinted closed like she was waiting for a bomb to go off. It was in that moment that you realized she felt the same longing that you did—that she knew of the ache that occupied your heart, and everything just clicked. 
You tightened your grip on her hand as you brought her fist to your lips, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. The act softened her expression and she opened her eyes to look at you with that damned smile on her face. 
Abby propped herself up the same way she had at the beach, looking down at you with those beautiful blue eyes. The wind blew loose strands of hair across her face, and you reached up to brush them behind her ear. But instead of retracting your hand, you rested your palm lightly against her cheek, tracing small circles with your thumb. 
Leaning closer, Abby finally broke the silence. “Hey Y/N?”
Your voice was quiet and raspy as you responded with a small. “Yeah?”
She was closer now, her nose against yours and her warm breath fanning across your face. “Can I kiss you?” 
You didn’t respond. Instead you closed the small gap with your lips, kissing Abby tenderly. It was the kind of kiss you couldn’t ever explain to anyone, like a dream you couldn’t quite recall but knew was good. It was perfect.
You could feel her smiling against your mouth as she ran her fingers through your hair and down to your chin.
When Abby pulled away she had this stupid grin on her face, and it was easily the cutest thing you had ever seen. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” Abby laid back down next to you as she let out a sigh of relief.
As you rolled over to rest your head on her chest, Abby’s arm moved to hold you closer. “You’re kidding, right?” She looked at you, urging you to continue. “Abby, I’ve been waiting to do that ever since you gave me that seashell in the infirmary.”
Your heart swelled as you recalled how nervous she was—how she didn’t say a word to you the entire time there, until that day when she shakily introduced herself. It was one of the sweetest gestures anyone had ever done for you, and you’ve adored her ever since.
Abby blushed when you brought up the seashell. She remembers that day clearly; you were leaving the infirmary because your ankle had finally healed, and she saw her opportunity to meet you begin to narrow. Abby initially wasn’t going to go up to you because she was way too afraid, but Lev had seen the way Abby looked at you and forced her to go over and introduce herself. 
He is pretty much the entire reason you and Abby were here in the first place, having given Abby that small purple seashell so she could give it to you.
As you lay there listening to the sound of Abby’s heartbeat you heard a rustle in the bushes nearby and nearly jumped out of your skin. Abby quickly stood up, the both of you backing away from the noise. Reaching for the closest thing to you, you grabbed a stick and pointed it towards the source of the rustling. “Who’s there?”
Relief flooded through you as Lev jumped out with his hands up, screaming sarcastically. “Oh no! Please don’t murder me with that tiny stick.” 
While Lev giggled hysterically, both you and Abby groaned. 
“So did you guys finally kiss or did all my work go to waste?” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she reached out to nudge Lev. “You’re such a goober.” 
Lev looked at the two of you suspiciously as he crossed his arms. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
Abby gave him an amused face as she reached for you without warning, picking you up bridal style. And you couldn’t help but giggle as she leaned in and planted a short kiss on your lips. Abby then pulled away and placed you back on your feet, looking at Lev as she spoke “Did that answer your question?” 
Lev excitedly embraced the both of you with a gigantic smile of his face. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” 
You and Abby looked at each other happily as you answered in unison. “Trust me, we know.”
The three of you spent the rest of the evening in that small clearing. Abby held Lev on her shoulders as he picked ripe oranges from the trees, and when the sun began to set you lay in Abby’s arms as you watched the cascading pinks and oranges in the clouds paint the sky.
While you lay in Abby’s arms she looked at you with a sense of contentment that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Time had healed the wounds that decorated Abby’s arms, and though the emotional baggage still weighed heavy on her heart, life was brighter here with the Fireflies—with Y/N.
She knew in that moment that it didn’t matter if things came crashing down as it almost always did. The pain and suffering of life was worth enduring because Abby no longer feared the inevitable. She had found something to fight for here and as long as she had you and she had Lev, Abby would continue to fight regardless of the obstacles that stood in her way.
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opalsiren · 3 years
the h2o gang on tiktok
emma: posts tons of study hack tiktoks, a few of which have gone viral. think soft lofi music, perfect notes for all her classes, aesthetic reels of her desk, tips on how to stop procrastinating or write the perfect college admissions letter. naturally rikki comments 'nerd' under every single video. occasionally she'll post little aesthetic vids of her making smoothies at the juicenet too
cleo: mostly takes videos of her fish collection and has a loyal following who love to hear all about hector et. al's latest adventures. a video where she redecorates her entire fish tank from start to finish goes viral. she sometimes posts videos of ronnie and the other sea life at the marine park also. at one point she definitely uploaded a 'decluttering my entire wardrobe' video, but continued to wear the clothes she claimed to have decluttered in future tiktoks. she quietly deletes any comments from followers who try to point it out
rikki: rikki's tiktok is a little more chaotic. she'll post videos of her and the girls messing around, silly memes, videos where she does the voiceover for her cat's life, even a series called 'things that annoy me' which is pretty self explanatory. emma and cleo are often featured. she also has a series about having a rich boyfriend when you are not rich where she pokes fun at zane for doing rich kid stuff like having a rose arbour or a ten thousand dollar mountain bike when they leave near approximately 0 mountains
bella: her tiktok is mostly videos of her singing, and she probably has the most followers out of all the girls. she definitely is the biggest tiktok 'personality' of the bunch, despite being the most introverted. as such she occasionally dabbles in lifestyle aesthetic-adjacent content where she makes iced coffee, shows you how to turn seashells into jewellery, styles her clothes or hair or make-up, or shares self care advice. she has to be talked down from deleting when a follower comments that her voice is so pretty she must be a siren though
charlotte: charlotte isn't super active on tiktok, but when she posts she dabbles in all things creative, sharing timelapses of intricate paintings and charcoal sketches, showing us how to transform a regular denim jacket into a bespoke masterpiece, and sometimes features her mum in cooking videos too. she remains relatively anonymous though and rarely includes her voice or face in videos. i think she probably would develop a penchant for vintage tiktok after learning more about her grandmother too
lewis: of course lewis posts niche science facts, especially those pertaining to marine biology. surprisingly some of his videos are actually really interesting and fun, despite rikki commenting to the contrary. he also sometimes posts cute aesthetic videos of him and the mermaid squad just hanging out. emma, rikki, and bella will leave nice comments whenever he posts videos of cleo
zane: is motorcross tiktok a thing? i can imagine zane positioning himself as this like commentary tiktok personality where he just walks around and says stuff into his mic. his videos often go viral for the wrong reasons, like the series he tried out on having a not rich girlfriend when you are rich. his most successful video is a compilation of him daring nate to do increasingly stupid things, like eat a live crab or do a headstand on a moving bike. nate says the concussion was worth the virality
will: will definitely posts tons about his collection of various shells, fossils, and the like that he has amassed free diving around the world. he talks about the history of each item and sometimes shares general free diving tips too. i think he would probably eventually go travelling again and share videos of his exploits, especially those which take place underwater
sophie: her tiktok is mainly advice on how to be a #girlboss from crafting the perfect CV to telling other prospective employees at your job interview that you have already been hired. her content is actually not dissimilar to emma's except the tone is a little different; emma is more gentle and encouraging, while sophie mostly yells at her audience and gets meme'd once or twice (hot take: is sophie just a worse version of emma?). sometimes rikki uses burner accounts to call her a capitalist pig, but usually feels bad and deletes the comments later
bonus: at the time of writing kim is embroiled in a tiktok rivalry with miriam and tiffany who have a shared account. kim came up with a new tiktok dance that went viral, but miriam and tiffany are claiming credit
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer III
Part 05: With Some Other Girl
series masterlist | previous part
summary: Rafe’s actions surprised you when there’s no awkwardness lingering from last summer.
a/n: New summer new drama!! We're more than halfway through this series and I might post the final two parts within a week so be on the lookout! That's all! Enjoy part five xx
word count: 2.2k words
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Nowhere on the East or West coast did seafood quite like The Wreck. During your summers in the Outer Banks, you made sure that practically every other meal consisted of their to-die-for shrimp or amazing crab. For your birthday, back in October, your mom had even looked into getting food from The Wreck shipped to you before realizing that might have been a stretch.
You waited at the bar for the girl with the curly golden brown hair, and especially kind eyes, to return from the kitchen with your order. The smells of the food cooking made your mouth water.
A boy, who looked about your younger brother's age slide onto the bar stool next to you. His dirty blond hair fell into his eyes, clearly in need of a good haircut.
"Leave the customers alone, JJ." The girl set a paper bag with your food down in front of you, grease staining the bottom.
"I wasn't even doing anything, Kie," JJ protested.
"You're total's $40.53. Do you need a receipt?" She asked, taking your mom's card from your outstretched hand.
"I'm JJ, by the way." He held out his hand for you to shake but the girl - Kie, was it? - smacked it away.
"She's way out of your league, idiot. Sorry about him," she said turning to you.
You smiled at the both of them, their playfulness reminding you of your own friends from back home. "Nice to meet you, JJ." You picked up your bag of food, turning to leave.
"She was so into me." You heard JJ whisper to Kie as you walked to the front door.
"No way, is that y/n?" You froze, a few steps away from the exit, knowing exactly who that voice belonged to. "Hey," Rafe called again. "Get over here."
You'd been back in the Outer Banks a total of three days. You definitely hadn't been planning on seeing Rafe Cameron so soon. Well, after how last summer had ended, you hadn't really been counting on seeing him at all.
You spun on your heel, plastering on your best fake smile, and headed in the direction of Rafe's voice.
It's okay. Act casual. He's just an old friend. There doesn’t have to be any weirdness. You said to yourself, trying to calm your nerves.
Rafe was seated in a corner booth at the back of the restaurant, his arm slung over Phoebe’s shoulder who, herself, was sitting practically in his lap. Her expression looked especially irate at the fact that you were interrupting their - what was going on exactly? A date?
"Uh, hey guys," you said, approaching their table.
"Y/n!" Rafe repeated. "You're back for the summer?"
"Yeah, we got in a few days ago.”
"How are you? How's the boyfriend?"
Why the fuck was Rafe asking about Evan? You wondered, your eyes narrowing trying to gather some explanation from Rafe's face.
"We actually broke up. Last September. He hasn't been my boyfriend for a while." Correction, you'd gone back to Oregon and hadn't stopped thinking about Rafe, for the second year in a row. It didn't seem fair to Evan so you’d tried to let him down gently, the week before auditions for the fall musical no less. It became pretty clear how torn up about it he was when he started crying during the monologue portion of his audition and the tears weren't the kind you forced out solely for a performance.
"How sad," Phoebe said, turning her lip down in a fake pout making it clear she couldn't care less.
You just smiled back at her, not wanting to give any kind of validation. You could feel Rafe eyes on you.
"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you around." You turned to leave. Your mom was waiting outside in the car, probably wondering what was taking so long.
"I hope so," Rafe replied.
You blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the bright sunlight filling the room. You rubbed the sleep from them, yawning.
Holy shit. This was definitely not your bedroom; this was Rafe's room. The events of last night came rushing back, the morning bless falling away.
You'd run into Cleo at the grocery store after your mom had sent you to get an onion she needed for dinner. Cleo had been buying chasers for Sawyer's my-parents-aren't home-and-they-left-the-liquor-cabinet-unlocked party and invited you. And you went. Which was probably the first mistake of the night.
Rafe had greeted you at the door with the kind of smile that screamed "I don't even remember our fight last summer." You'd opted to ignore the white powder under his nose, likely the reason for his bloodshot eyes.
The party had run dry after a few hours so Rafe offered to grab some more from his house since his whole family was in the Bahamas house for the weekend. You’d went with him because what the hell. The night hadn’t even been the least bit awkward. Mistake number two.
You sat on the Cameron's island counter as Rafe riffled through the cabinet, trying to decide which bottle Ward was least likely to notice was missing.
"Do you trust me?" He’d asked.
That was a loaded question but you’d nodded your head yes. He'd pushed your knees apart, stepping in between your legs like that's where he belonged.
"Tilt your head back," he'd instructed and you had.
Rafe uncapped the bottle of Malibu, pouring it straight into your mouth. He’d hummed with satisfaction as you swallowed the liquid. Your eyes locked as he ran a thumb up your neck and over your chin, whipping away the bit that had spilled before he brought your lips to meet his. It was by far the hottest thing anyone had ever done.
The kiss had tasted salty and coconutty, like the drink he had just poured into your mouth. He moved his other hand to your hip, pulling you in closer.
You'd only broken apart to fumble your way upstairs and into his room, shedding your clothing on the way, your lips finding each other's again and again, kissing like there was some ticking clock counting down the seconds.
You remembered the way Rafe's name had tumbled off your lips with his hand between your thighs. How his blue eyes held yours as he pushed into you. The sweet praises that he whispered into your ears as the both of you came underdone together. The way it all felt so fucking right, like the universe apologizing for the last two summers.
You hadn't meant to fall asleep, to spend the night in Rafe Cameron's bed but he'd wrapped his arm around you and your head fell to rest on his chest and sleep just came.
You kept your movements slow afraid of creaky floorboard as you slipped out of his bed. Sneaking out without Rafe waking up was sure to be the path of less resistance. Hadn't last night been a drunken mistake?
Your shorts had landed next to the bed and your bra was hanging from the door handle, the irony of that wasn't lost on you.
Rafe cleared his throat. "Good morning," he said. Oh, shit. So he was awake.
"I was just looking for my shirt," you replied.
The Cameron's front door opened with a bang. Cole and Milo's voices filled the house seconds later.
"Dude," Cole hollered. "Who'd you fuck last night? Some chick's panties are on your staircase."
Rafe's eyes meet yours and he leaped out of his bed. "Linen closet," he hissed, pulling open the door of the hallway closet and pushing you inside. "Stay here."
His footsteps echoed as he rushed down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to pick up your underwear and shove them in his back pocket.
"I need a fucking boat day," Rafe said to the boys. "I'm hungover as fuck. Can you go see if the Yeti coolers' in the garage? I think Ward brought it up from the boat last time."
"Uhh, yeah, sure," Milo answered. "C'mon Cole."
The sounds of their chatter disappeared and Rafe ran back up the stairs, pulling open the closet. "Okay, the coast is clear."
"Rafe, should we...uh...you know...talk about it?"
"What's there to talk about?" He asked back.
"Right," you answered unsure if you really believed that casual sex with Rafe Cameron was a possibility. "Can I have my underwear back?"
He shrugged, a smirk growing on his lips. "Nah, I think I'm gonna hold onto them. For safekeeping." What kind of bullshit patriarchal move was that? He looked over his shoulder to the lower level. "Milo and Cole will be back any second, you should probably go."
You silently thanked your yesterday-self for having left your window unlocked just in case. You closed it quietly behind you and dove into your bed. The door to your bedroom swung open seconds later.
"Why are you still in bed y/n? I told you yesterday that we were going dress shopping for Midsummers today at noon. It’s less than a week away. Get up, please," your mom said.
"Sorry, mom. I'll meet you downstairs in ten."
"Hurry up." She pulled the door closed behind her as she left your room.
You breathed a sigh of relief, throwing off the covers you had hicked up to your neck to hide last night's outfit. Shit, had you really slept with Rafe Cameron? And then he brushed it off like it wasn't going to change things? As if whatever was going between the two of you couldn't get more complicated.
The light bounced off the three-way mirror you were standing in front of, making the bedding on the dress sparkle.
"Turn around," your mother instructed. Apparently, this year's Midsummers’ theme was Hollywood Glamour like it was the fucking Met Gala or something so she'd been forcing you and in out of red dresses for the past hour and a half. "I really like this one y/n. The bow is so cute."
You resisted rolling your eyes. The bow was hideous, plus the high-low skirt screamed middle school dance. The bedding was itchy and you’d hardly had the dress on for five minutes.
The front door chimed announcing a new customer and Phoebe's figure appeared in the reflection of the mirror.
"I'm gonna go try on a different one, mom," you said, trying to duck into the changing room before Phoebe had the chance to see you.
"Wait, wait wait." Your mom grabbed your hips pulling you back in front of the mirror. "I just think this looks perfect on you, sweetie. Look," she stepped behind you, using one hand to twist your hair up into a makeshift updo. "you can wear your hair pinned up like this and we can get you a sparkly headband. It'll be gorgeous.”
You definitely weren't wearing any kind of a headband based on the fact that you weren't twelve anymore but, more important, you needed to get out of Phoebe’s line of sight like now. "Yeah, okay, mom. That sounds fine. We can get it then."
"Aw, honey. Do you not like it?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. "Cause we can try a different score. Even though this is the only dress store for thirty miles," she mumbled under her breath.
Phoebe glanced over from the front counter, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror. Your mother's voice became muffled as panic rose in your chest. You hadn't even thought about it last night but now all you could remember was Phoebe with Rafe's arm wrapped around her at The Wreck.
Phoebe abandoned her position at the front of the store, walking over to you.
"Hi y/n!" She started, her voicer reaching an octave that screamed fake niceties. "You must be y/n's mom. You two couldn't look anything more alike." That was a lie. You and your mom couldn't look more different. It was your older sister who was practically your mother’s clone.
God, what game was Phoebe playing?
"Oh my gosh.” She took half a step closer forcing you to notice the couple inches she had on you. "Is this your dress for Midsummers? It's so cute," she said, somehow managing to pronounce cute with two syllables.
Another lie. The dress was terrible.
"I'm just picking up my dress too. Custom-made." Phoebe flashed a smile to your mom. "I'm trying to talk Rafe into getting a matching bow-tie but he refuses. Boys," she giggled.
Shhe must have registered the look of surprise on your face. "Oh, did he not tell you we were going together? I wouldn't take it personally. We've been going together since freshman year. It's tradition at this point."
The saleswoman returned from the back of the store, a garment bag in her hand. "Well, I've gotta run. See you around!" She pranced off, her vanilla perfume lingering in the air.
"She seems nice. I'm so glad you're making friends here, honey.”
"Oh, yeah. She’s the best." If your mom heard the sarcasm in your voice, she chose to ignore it. "I'm going to try on the black one," you huffed, heading back into the changing room.
It wasn't like going with Rafe to Midsummers was in the realm of possibilities anyway, so why was it bothering you so much that he was taking Phoebe? Either way, there was nothing stopping you from making Rafe wish it was you on his arm instead. Petty wasn’t usually your style but something about the memory of Rafe’s lip on your neck being fresh in your mind made all rational thoughts go out the window. Game on Phoebe.
taglist! @oreoenthusiast13 [drop a ☀️ in my inbox or messages if you want to be added]
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tay6119 · 3 years
Decided to recap cause I'm so hype
It's a long one o7
- Gog is so shook, he's gonna be a dork
- Quackity in his skin meant for the beach stream uyjthrgef
- "there's a wand in my pants"
- George being really excited to get going!!
- Quackity impersonates Dream being a sore loser
- What if George actually rps here y'all wait-
- George is so excited it's so cute I love him kujtyhrge
- "wait idk how to open my inventory" SAPNAP PLEASE
- George using the same voice he does for every character
- me realizing how George-centric this post is going to be because I am a simp
- "guys if u let me driving we're absolutely getting a dui"
- sapnap, Quackity, and Karl twerking on 'Harry Potter'
- "Let's ignore George"
- the Hagrid voice
- "going dark don't hit me up.. don't hit me up"
- George wonders how long the game is and sounds giddy about it being potentially the whole book series
- "Is that the ending of Harry Potter"
- Quackity holding up the whole group
- Dream saying "fuck off" in the background when Sapnap asks if he should turn on face came
- Friendship ended with DNF, Dreamnap is my new best friend
- Server crash AGAIN
- Quackity just breaks everything he plays huh
- "should we all leave?" GEORGE PLEASE
- this is so scuffed oml I just want it to work for them ahhh
- Quackity stop saying "i'm going dark don't hit me up" challenge
- Sapnap saying he loves Karl in chat to get his help Karl: "no :D"
- dramatic separation of lovers
- Them being all giggly and impersonating Corpse
- Voldemort canonically did NOT Twitch Prime
- We're 46 minutes into this and they have basically only gotten to Diagon Alley
- Quackity puts on a Squidward skin and does the voice and harrasses the NPCs
- George is following in his bf's footsteps and trying to speedrun
- George knowing character names has me.... yjthretht
- "I am Georgius Morgius" "I am Sappitus Nappitus"
- Karl looks so stressed, he has to deal with them sm oml
- "What the hell's a gringotts?" "You're in Gringotts right now" GEORGE THE SASS
- Sapnap's british accent <33
- "Why are you rushing Sapnap" SAYS YOU GEORGE
- Gogy being all cute and excited over the details and the world,, I'm soft,,
- "I'm gonna suck on this wand"
- Quackity making fun of George's colorblindness after literally forgetting about it in his own stream earlier
- Sapnap remembers the shorts video and yells avadacadabra(??) expecting it to work
- "This is what's called a thick wand" QUACKITY PLEASE
- "excuse me ladies would you like to see my wand" KARL PLEASE
- Karl a bisexual icon going to show the men his wand too ??
- George struggling to find the wand boxes
- "I need to buy ketamine"
- "the wand is hidden in my hand"
- George's wand is 15 inches
- "put down that CNN trash"
- "this is good news over here" "yes... fffffox" KARL PLEASE
- Sapnap why are u yelling about Quackity flirting with George?? Is it to warn a certain someone??
- the wands are so laggy lmfao
- George's passive aggressive sass this stream I-
- "I'm the baddes bitch you can't drag me"
- "I'm fortnite dancing on him"
- "I am buying 50 shades of gray.. the extended version"
- "wingardium levioscum" DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?? KARL??
- Sapnap getting excited is cute
- "We've gotta wait for George" "Screw George"
- The british accents hgefwd
- Sapnap speedrunning, spending too much time with Dream
- I can't wait for them to go batshit over houses
- "We're going to London 2" "From the makers of London 1"
- "This is actually epic" GOGY UR CUTE PLEASE
- "Sapnap is gone CRAB RAVE"
- Random karaoke??
- George blames lag on Sapnap as if he's not the one in a separate country
- The your mom jokes never stop when Sippy Cup is here
- "Would you like to learn a new spell Sapnap's mom"
- "Now that I've gotten you guys into this alley all alone" SAPNAP PLEASE
- "I declare he's a bit of a compass baby" THAT JOKE IS SO BAD PLEASE
- Karlnap shippers being fed today
- George correcting Karl on his "name" as if they aren't both equally awful
- Quackity praying in spanish and then breaking character cause his throat hurts
- "George did find"
I ran out of space..
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So a week ago yesterday, we were back from Florida. I was given inspiration, from a friend, to recap what all we did (that I can remember) from our time in Florida so it can be solidified in history and I can look back on this post and reminisce! Here it goes!
August 10: All packed in the car, there was nothing else to do but go. My friend was staying with my dogs and it was so hard to say goodbye. Clayton hopped in the back seat, me in the front with my Halloween doggo blanket and my eye mask/head phone combo and Kevin driving. I specifically remember warning Clayton that he should switch sides bc at some point I’m going to want to recline my seat. I also specifically warned him that I snore really bad in the car 😬 idk what it is! Is it the angle of the chair, is it that I’m not laying flat? I truly don’t know. Anyway, that night was just driving, stopping for gas, smokin’ weed, and sleeping. Nothing to write home about.
August 11: We’ve arrived! Our condo is on the 3rd floor- all steps, no elevator 😑 it’s fine. We’re all sleep deprived, a little cranky and snippy w each other. It’s fine, we get over it once we see the view! Hermitage by The Bay!
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… We start talking about all the stuff we want to do. We did none of it, but it was still a special time! We immediately unpack and unwind for a little bit. A couple naps. Then we linked up w the husband-to-be and hit the beach! Me, Kev and Matt went for a late night bite at Rockin’ Tacos. Bomb food!! Great street corn 🌽
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August 12: We get pretty good nights rest! The beds were really comfortable- at least mine and Kevs was! We woke up leisurely and we hit this great Asian cuisine restaurant for lunch. So good. Rained for a bit, didn’t last long at all. Hit the beach again! Met a cute lil crab 🦀 his body was like the size of a silver dollar. Then we went to the strip cluuuuuuuub 💃 Nick fell in love w a beautiful, Colombian stripper. Clayton fell in love w a petite, blonde stripper. I met a stripper who was from MO! She hung out w me and the bride-to-be for the rest of the night fr, unless she was up of course. Two strippers told me my makeup looked amazing 💁‍♀️ We were given the most delicious shot from the bar tender: pineapple upside down shot. One word: DANGEROUS. Too good. Somewhere along the way “FF” was born 🙄 when I said it, it stood for “Fucking Fuck” others weren’t as kind *disappointment*
August 13: Woke up, went on a minor grocery store run then landed at Floyd’s Shrimp House. Cajun chicken pasta for me… you know the deal! We got a mountain of fried pickles. Then we did a night walk on the beach and some lounging around the condo. Had Whataburger for the first time!
August 14: Wedding Day! Dustin came over to avoid seeing his bride. We chilled. The wedding was great. I got a lot of good shots! There was definitely a storm a brewing!! We got off the beach just in time. The reception was great. Matt and his bridesmaid “hopped up” and Nick and his did a secret handshake. Cute. One person asked me if I got my makeup done w the bridal party, one person asked if I was a makeup artist and two people complimented my makeup! We danced forever. Don’t stop believing was the last song before it was over. Then we went to Vibe night club. The drama that ensued, pssssssht. Dumb. So, Matt saw these two girls, started talking to them, it was going fine. Then he starts yelling at them, the music did get louder but they kind of looked over at me w a weird look on their face. I talk to them one time and I’m a cockblock. Okay 🙄 we continue, they sat next to me so I talked to them a few times. Got them hooked up w a pineapple upside shot! They loved it. Matt tried to talk to them again but I said something while he was and he got mad again talking about me being a cockblock. I was TRYING to get them to talk to me more to trust me to enough to get them to at least dance w Nick and Matt but he didn’t give me a chance!! Matt dances w a crackhead and that was interesting. Anyway, it gets kind of boring honestly, doesn’t really start jumpin until this group of girls comes in and they’re all twerking on the dance floor, the only ones out there living they’re best lives! Then a bikini contest was happening but thankfully we all agreed to close out our tabs and leave so we were walking out the door when this happened. Bless. We get back to the condo, Kevin’s the first one to pass out. Nick and Matt are bad influences! *Shaaaaaaame* Then Matt passes out. Nick and I stay up talking for like an hour about tattoos and a bunch of other stuff. I’m pretty fucked up but not as much as him. So he inevitably ends up on the floor. I ask him if he wants help to bed, we get him on his feet and I’m like “okay, you ready to walk?” He says “yep!” Then instantly becomes dead weight. I drop this dude 🤣 I laugh at first but then make sure he’s okay and he didn’t hit his head or anything. He says he’s good so I get him a couple pillows and a blanket, he’s out. I’m the last one up!
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August 15: We don’t start out great. Everyone’s in pain, Kev and I get into a fight- you know how people get when they’re all together for too long. You butt heads, it’s fine. We get past that and hit this amazing Hawaiian restaurant. Soo good. Then we meet up w the newlyweds and go to the pier. It was awesome! We saw dolphins 🐬 and sea turtles 🐢 and this pelican flew down right next to me! It was awesome. After that we go to the Crab Trap. Again, Cajun chicken pasta! Then we head to the condo to pack. ☹️ we had a good time and ate great food. I got some saltwater taffy from the crappy Irvin’s (there were two right across the street from each other) plus my souvenirs.
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August 16: Nashville! On our way back we hit Nashville for some Jacks bbq. Made it home pretty late. The dogs went nuts! It was so good to see them 🐶🐶 Thank goodness we had the next day off!
August 17: Blaire is born!
August 18: I QUIT MY JOB!!
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fizziefizzco · 3 years
A to Z of LynnCove: E is for Eternity
A quick look at a bright future 
This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I had a bit of a panic attack so that did not happen :] Sorry about that!! Here’s a long one to make up for it <3 
Even though it was his day off, Cove still woke up to his alarm in the morning. He wasn’t a natural morning person, and needed the extra push in order to wake up most mornings. The sun filtered in through the semi-opaque curtains of his bedroom, and the 25 year old man groaned softly as he moved to turn his alarm off and grab his glasses. Just as soon as he slipped them on his face, did the sliding barn door to the bedroom open to an eager little Chesapeake Bay Retriever that bounded over to him and licked at the free hand that laid off the side of the bed. 
“Well good morning to you too, Fleche.” Cove hummed and petted the not-quite puppy , but not quite an adult dog, her coat was soft yet a little wet, as Fleche was a very messy eater.  At the little girl’s insistence, Cove swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, stretching in the light of the summer sun after he opened the curtains. Just as he stood up, the smell of breakfast cooking reached Cove’s nose. “Ah. So this is what you were sent here to do. Already had your breakfast, little girl?” Fleche pushed against Cove’s legs, not even looking up at him to answer his question. 
The house he lived in at age 25 was nothing short of beautiful. A small beach house right close to the water, it was like something out of a dream when he found it. Gorgeous wood floors, an overall hawaiian feeling to it (for being in southern california) and the best view ever…. Well, the beach was good too. 
[Rest Under the Cut]
His view, though, came in the form of a person’s back being turned to him as they stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. Tall and angular, the years had been very kind to them, and their hair was long and in its natural color, a warm brown. There was a tattoo on their left calf of a crab surrounded by poppies, one that matched his own of a dolphin that resided on his lower back. They didn’t hear him coming, but Cove wasn’t one for pulling pranks, that thankfully, was his spouse’s forte. Cove walked up behind them, gently wrapping large arms around their waist and nuzzling his face in their hair. 
“Good Morning sleepyhead.” They spoke, not turning their head to look over at him. 
“ Mornin’ Lynn.” Cove returned, pressing a kiss to his spouse’s cheek. 
Lynn and Cove had changed a lot over the years in terms of likes and appearances. Lynn, who had once been asked to model thanks to their beautiful and femmine figure, was now a lot more androgynous after some soul searching, and a wonderful support network. Cove fit the more masculine look, and looked a lot more like his father, but that same look betrayed his soft and shy personality. 
“What are you making?” Cove asked after Lynn turned to look back at him and to get a kiss. Lynn smiled warmly as they turned back to the pan, and what was cooking inside it. 
“Pancakes. I made some separate ones for me, these are your pancakes.” Cove had only been half-listening after they mentioned that they made pancakes, the hungry thoughts of food filling his mind as he let go of his spouse. 
“I’ll set the table. What do you want to drink?” Cove asked, rubbing his eyes with a wide yawn. Lynn shrugged as they flipped one of the pancakes. 
“Orange juice sounds good.” Lynn said nonchalantly, to which Cove nodded and grabbed the bottle from their fridge, which was decorated with many tourist magnets as well as photos, ads, and sticky notes. 
Sooner, breakfast was finished cooking. Lynn served Cove’s plate first, and then their own at their small nook that served as their dining table. Fleche had run off to nap in a sunny spot on the couch, their living area being an open floor plan. The two of them weren’t perfect, as many people seemed to still believe, but they worked well and communicated with each other - which led to such a strong relationship. They had their own things that they did, and own friends, but they still did a lot together as a couple - one thing they loved doing, even now, was going for a surf on their days off. Cove wanted to ask Lynn if they were up to the idea. 
“Are you up for surfing today, husband?” Lynn asked, as though they’d read Cove’s mind. A mischievous smile danced on their lips, and Cove wasn’t sure if they could...or if they were just messing with him, but he felt like they knew. 
“Yes.”He squeaked out, a blush appearing on his features. 
The topic soon, even though it was their day off, developed into talking about work. At age 25, Cove was a chef and organizer for a local charity kitchen. It wasn’t a glamorous job, certainly, but it was one that he enjoyed doing. People loved him, and he was able to talk easier with the vulnerable people he taught to cook. Lynn’s hard work their entire life paid off, and they were a zookeeper, taking care of marine animals at the zoo’s aquarium. Their work and his helped pay for their gorgeous house, and dog.. And the nice set of savings for when they would try for children. 
The trip to the beach was as mundane as it always was, but for the two of them - every moment was magical as they ran around the water near their home. Fleche loved to play fetch with them when they went out on their surfboards, she could swim really far and would bring back the frisbee they threw each time. Fleche was also a very good girl as well, when they set her back on land and went at it surfing; the waters near their home were a prime spot for waves but were unknown except for by the locals. There was a kid that always came by to watch them, and the two of them often joked how much it was like they were already parents. 
After coming home from the beach and taking a shower, the couple split off and would do their own things on their day off. For Cove it consisted of testing a new muffin recipe that he wanted to surprise Lynn with, as well as getting in a few chapters of his new book, and watering the plants they were growing on their porch. For Lynn, their free time consisted of watching a new soccer match, a few crosswords during lulls in the game, working more on a painting they were doing, and unfortunately answering emails as the newest intern was a complete klutz but Lynn was very very patient. 
That night was time though for the two of them to get dressed up for a joint-family dinner. The Holdens and The Chos started it after Lynn went off for college and Cove moved out, though the individual families would still have separate dinners from time to time. It was much better with everyone though. Kyra still lived in Nevada, working ever hard on her writing - she had a boyfriend recently though, last time Cove and Lynn saw her. As for Mr. Holden, he’d gotten married the last summer, to a lovely woman named Aya who owned a flower shop, but Cove was still not sure about her. Mom and Ma were doing really well for themselves, taking it easy but still being the life of their country club. As for Lizzie… well, as much as Lynn’s older sister loved to joke about her lil sibling doing all the big milestones before her, there was one thing that she didn’t count on. Lizzie had a kid, and with her oldest friend no less. Shiloh and Lizzie had met again after that awkward encounter, and he’d apologized to her, with real feelings. They weren’t married yet or anything but things were going well for them, and they’d had a kid. Bertie, who was three. Lynn loved the little guy, and even though Cove and Shiloh were still awkward around each other as ever - the Holden-Cho family was good. 
“Do you have the thing you told Ma you’d bring?” Lynn waved their hand over to Cove who laughed as he took a container out of the fridge. 
“Of course. I made sure to tell Claude that she liked it so much when she came to visit. And yes, he promised to stop hitting on her.” He responded to his spouse’s question, watching as they slid earrings in while grabbing their keys. Lynn stopped short before doing anything else , feeling their husband’s eyes on their back the entire time. 
“Can I help you, Mr. Holden?” Lynn’s face split into a sly, seductive smirk. Cove bit his lip as he went to grab his coat from the counter barstool. 
“Why no, Mx.Holden, I was just admiring my ravishing spouse. You never cease to amaze me.” He mumbled as he closed the distance to them, Lynn using their hands to move his to their waist. 
“And you never cease to be the cheesiest man alive. You’ve got to stop hanging out with those boys.” Lynn’s words were drawn from their lips as Cove pressed a kiss to them. No makeup, but lip balm this night.  Cove pressed another kiss, and then another to his spouse’s lips, before pressing their foreheads together with a happy, contented sigh. 
“Normally I love being home with our families, but..” 
“But I’d rather much take you back to our bedroom and show you how much I appreciate you.” 
Lynn laughed at that and pulled away, heading to the shoe rack and front door. 
“Come on handsome. I’ll let you show me later tonight.” Lynn slid some cute flats on, their slender fingers brushing against the anklet around their … well, ankle. Before heading for the door, Lynn shot a look back at their blushing husband, whose hands were empty. 
“Don’t forget the food.”
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maplecourtesy · 4 years
oh we’re starting with a full recap of the history huh;;
HHHHHHH ARGO, all i can think about is argo…. ever since last week my brain has been like many thoughts head argo keene
argo…… already…… oh god the music. argo gripping fitzroy’s shoulder;;;;; i love how that’s the thundermen’s love language.
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
i’m like . shaking. that singular dream sequence has convinced me that argo is genuinely one of my Highest comfort characters. i feel nothing but pain.
unfair that this cute music is playing while argo is waking up from the. WORST possible nightmare.
“does fitzroy have his own bedroom?” “he does” “*evil bastard chuckle noises from griffin*” GOD I LOVE HIM
notes in the adventure zone are never good. why are they never good i almost don’t wanna hear this even if its just a good lil fitzroy note. BE BACK SOON. if travis had made it say just “blah blah blah. back soon.” i think i genuinely would’ve fucking lost it. sorry for having taz balance brainrot i dont do it on purpose <3
NOOOO GOD I HATE THIS SO MUCH. GET OUT OF ARGO’S HEAD ARGO DON’T LISTEN TO HIM BUDDY THEY LOVE YOU SO MUCH THEY THINK YOURE THE ABSOLUTE BEST OH MAN IM SAD. i knew gray’d be capitalizing on argo’s fears and doubts n insecurities but i didn’t realize it’d hit this hard…. man argo cmere lemme give u a good good hug.
right before justin said his little podcast law thing i was literally Just about to click the 1.5x button and i felt very called out
“i have been giving this much thought”
"the worry-"
"aw no"
as always fitzroy is already being The Best. hes so good. man festo better be impressed by this.
you heard the man travis!!! we need a festo and fitzroy rave scene and we need it NOW
I MISSED SNIPPERS SO MUCH TOOOOO I LOVE SNIPPERS TO THE MOON AND BACK…. snippers the phantasmal crab well spring of all magic ever
hey festo do u wanna spill the hot drippin wet goss
rip fitzroy <3
hehe pretty music!! i will never shut up about how beautiful griffin’s composition is especially in these recent episodes;;
glad we had that chat about using the potty!!! thanks guys very cool!!
now why would fitzroy bring that up.
WHJBDHHJSDHJFHBJ NOOO GOD;;; i saw a post that said it sounds like argo seems like hes feeling some rejection sensitivity dysphoria and Yeah;;; little sidetrack but i really do feel like all the thundermen are neurodivergent in some way. i project my adhd very heavily onto fitzroy and i think that argo and the firbolg could both be somewhere on the spectrum!! argo could also be ocd and thats a very comforting headcanon too;;;
oh its hieronymous;;; sad music time i don’t like this;; i care so much about hiero i hope he’s doin alright;; “i’m just tired.” yeah me too hiero…
GOD EVERYTIME FIRBOLG MAKES A JOKE I LOSE MY MIND…. canon that firbolg does a little celebratory dance after each banger joke
“we can’t take that risk” “well MAYBE THEY SHOULDVE BEEN STRONG ENOUGH”
yall think fitzroy could get that influencer cape on and charm his way into the heroic oversight guild. but yeah hiero and althea!!!!
maplekeeners how are we feelin…
HOW DOES ARGO KEEP FUCKIN ROLLING CRIT FAILS… oh no;;; fitzroy fuck him up. do it. fuck him up. FUCK Y E S. HOLY SHIT FUCK HIM UP FITZROY.
if gray don’t get the FUCK out of my boy argo
thank god argo knows now because idk if i could’ve dealt with him feelin that shitty self deprecation and thinkin it was still him even after that;;
thunderman llc love each other so much god i'm so sad...
oh i cant wait to see the art people come up with for the godscar chasm scene this sounds beautiful...
OPALESCENT SKIN??? CHAOS????? not? chaos??
"i have been called many names, some of them unkind. i think the one i most identify with is order."
this commentary got Long but for good reason god this was such a good episode i believe in taz g episode 27 supremacy.... holy moly folks.
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