#that's so rude... just because it's their job to clean the room doesn't mean you can't be a decent human being!
adore-gregor · 3 months
some people...
#are just so ignorant or unaware like who raised them 🫠#i mean i also see how i might be in some situations but not like that!#so i had a football match for the club i play last weekend#and a teammate of mine spilled a drink on the floor#which ok it can happen it's fine#but then she was like if we have cleaners at the club (yes we do)?#and she did not want to clean it up herself like she meant it's their job to do that 😵‍💫😵‍💫#and i was like 'yeah but that's not cool' (to leave it like that) - not sure if she actually heard it but#and thank god another teammate also noticed and she also reminded her that she can’t leave it like that#but like???#that's so rude... just because it's their job to clean the room doesn't mean you can't be a decent human being!#(i mean i guess it would be kind of different if it happened in a supermarket then no one wants you to clean it here but... still)#clearly she never worked in customer service i suppose.#like treat those people who do these rather unpleasant jobs most don't want to do with respect#it's already hard enough and customers can be awful sometimes#also it's not even that she is like rich or very priviledged or sth. (not that that's an excuse)...#i think quite the opposite but idk did no one ever tell her this? and maybe also that she hasn't worked a lot in her life and it shows ig#sometimes i think it would do people some good to at least once in their life work in customer service...#it's a great reminder to treat others with kindness and not like that 😅
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weepingchronicles · 2 months
I just read your hunter yandere head cannons, it was adorable and beautifully written, good job! <3 My question is: how do you think Hunter would help (y/n) transition into their new life with him?
a/n: eee tysm!! i love this question
tw: kidnapping, restraints, starving, drugging, manipulation
There was a couple of things I left purposefully out of the original post but Hunter originally wasn't going to take the reader that day, at least not till later. The reason he collected plushies from your house was to remind you of your actual home. The room for you wasn't actually finished, we don't want you sleeping on some old mattress now, do we?
But because of how things turned out... his plans were a bit rushed. So, you'll be sleeping on only a mattress for awhile till he saves up. Maybe he'll even clean his room for you to sleep on his bed while he sleeps on the couch. Maybe. It's too risky since the only thing stopping you from escaping is the chain connected to the bedframe.
Once he actually saves money, he'll spend time actually decorating and making your room well, your room! Depends on how cooperative you are of your situation but he will definitely try and ask you what kind of things you want. No, reader you can't go outside I asked what books you wanted-
Anyway, he sees this as making your kidnapping more adaptable since it's just like your old room! Except with chains making sure you can't leave and tons of locks on each door!
Another thing is that he is very patient! Of course you're going to be scared, confused and angry when you awake after being fucking tranquilized! Hunter, he gets mad easily but he never really loses control around you. He is delusional in thinking he is protecting you and giving you a home but deep down, he knows it is wrong hurting you and flipping out is expected.
Once you "settle down" and stop screaming every time he comes in your room, he'll give you certain privileges for good behavior. Oh, you want to watch tv? Then you'll have to eat the food he makes you(most of the time it's drugged).
If you misbehave however, like hurting him, trying to escape or just overall doing what you're not supposed to he'll take away basic necessities. You hurt him badly enough he'll lock you in the room for a day, no food or water. If he catches you trying to pick your chain, oops, you just lost your whole bed for a week. Now you're even more restrained with your hands and feet tied. Which means he'll have to feed you and carry you to the bathroom if you need to go, which is NOT fun.
Soon, you'll start following the rules whether you want to or not. You might still be plotting escape or hating his guts but he doesn't really care.
He'll also be kind of sweet? Like, picking flowers on his way home that reminded him of you or make smiley face pancakes. Getting a cute teddy bear or gum at a corner store. Very dad things. I don't know about you but if you're anything like me, if I hate someone, it's kind of impossible for me to be rude if they are nice to me. You'll begrudgingly accept his gift and mutter a thanks and he's all like :D
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hungriestheidi · 8 months
I love the AU game so I'm here with some ideas for you. 😁
[For any ship(s) you like]
Roommates AU
Guardian angel AU
Stripper/Exotic dancer AU
OOOOH! i like this! thank you, love!
Under the cut bc it got too long hehe
Ok, so, for roommates I'd go galex. Something about those two calls for roommates.
Alex is a video game programmer. He's a victim of crunch time. Bethesda owes him years of his life and se veral braincells. He still keeps working for them.
George doesn't get Alex's job. He graduated and got shipped off into an investment fund in London, office hours and all, so he gave up trying to 'get it' and now just nods at the appropriate time when Alex feels like ranting about it.
They kiss about it all the time. They trade handjobs, blowjobs about it. It means nothing. They blame it on the Friday night beer, they go to sleep in separate beds, as usual.
George falls first. He tries to hook up with random people about it. Alex has something to say about every. single. one. of.them.
"Oh fuck" Alex Albon thinks as he realizes he is in love with George, at 5am while working on an Elder Scrolls spin-off.
The Guardian Angel? Putting a spin on this one and making it lestappen:
Yuki Tsunoda's got an angel on his shoulder he calls Charles. He's kind and tries his hardest to steer him into a positive path.
Yuki Tsunoda also has a devil that demanded to be called Max and tells Yuki "he looked at you badly, tell him to go fuck himself"
Charles is always seconds away from pulling his own hair and Yuki's and Max's because he's ruining Yuki's career. Chef's need to have good relationships with their underlings!
Max watches him drive himself to insanity while Yuki sleeps. He lets him go on and on, then googles 'Gordon Ramsay' and makes Charles go throughout both 'wholesome' and 'rude' compilations.
When Charles looks up, Max smiles. "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid", he says. Charles kisses him. Max doesn't say a single thing for the rest of the day. It's the most peaceful day of Yuki's life.
Stripper/Exotic dancer AU: pierresteban.
Esteban didn't think he had a chance of running into his former college crush when he went to a bachelor's party on a strip club.
But hey, life works in mysterious ways, like winning a visit to the champagne room by playing a game and watching Pierre Gasly walk into the room with tight golden booty shorts, a black bowtie and bunny ears, nothing else.
Pierre makes small talk, asks how he's been since they last saw each other, picks up a song and reaches for the drink. Esteban goes into insanity when he pops the champagne, pours him a flute full of it and makes him drink it without letting him touch the flute.
"You are not the groom, right?" He asks him, cleaning Esteban's lips with the tips of his fingers.
Esteban shakes his head, knuckles white from holding back from doing something stupid. Pierre smiles, "great, take off your pants".
hope you liked this messy mess of ideas lmao, thank you for asking <3333333
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maidofdarkness23 · 3 months
Arbiter Corps AU Incorrect Quotes Part 1
Valkyrie: Would you take a bullet for me? Skulduggery: ...yes? *Nefarian angrily burst into the room* Valkyrie: *running away* Great, thanks!
Nefarian: Don’t preach to me about romance, Valkyrie. I had a three-way in a hot-air balloon.
Omen: If Nefarian and I were drowning, who would you save? Skulduggery: You two can’t swim? Omen: It’s a hypothetical question, Skulduggery! Who would you save? Skulduggery: My time and effort.
Omen, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! Valkyrie, standing in front of Omen: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen* Omen, crying: Please...stop...
Valkyrie: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Skulduggery way. Omen: Isn't that the wrong way? Nefarian: Yes, but it's faster.
Valkyrie: Hey, it’s your turn to wash the dishes. Nefarian: I’ll wash the walls red with your blood. Valkyrie: Okay, but before that, wash the dishes. Also, use soap this time.
*the Squad cleaning up* Valkyrie: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. Nefarian, to Skulduggery: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Nefarian: You need to be more careful! Valkyrie, who was dragged into Nefarian's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Nefarian: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude. Also I'm magic.
*Valkyrie teaching Nefarian to drive and taking Omen along for the ride* Valkyrie: That's a pothole. To the left! Nefarian: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole* Omen, sticking his face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth. Nefarian: I don't think that's how the song goes. Valkyrie, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home. Nefarian: Country Roads. Omen: To the place. Nefarian and Omen in unison: I Belong! Valkyrie, crying harder: What the fuck?
Nefarian: People always shoot down my ideas and I’m sick of it. Two sentences in and everyone’s always shouting “what the fuck? that’s illegal!” and “you can’t do that!”. Like, c'mon, let me talk!
Valkyrie: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire. Nefarian: But what if something else happens just this one time
Nefarian, admiring a sleeping Skulduggery: You’re so cute. Skulduggery, sleepily: I could beat your ass. Nefarian, lovingly: I know.
Casually in the Middle of a High Stakes/Dangerous Situation Omen: How do you eat pickles? Valkyrie: What do you mean? Omen: I mean, there's a whole process. It's not like you can grab them from the jar with your hand, because it's cold and the juice burns if you have a cut, plus, it's pretty unsanitary. And you can't use a spoon because you'll have to scoop it out, and it'll be way too difficult to grab more than three or four without taking 10 minutes along with half the brine in the jar, even if it's one with holes. Valkyrie: Yeah, that's why you use a fork. Omen: Okay, sure, but what if you don't have one of the big ones clean? It's weird to use a small one. But there is always one of those smaller sharp knives clean. Valkyrie: But the straight edge doesn't really fit the cylindrical shape, and you have to make sure you don' t break it, it's too much work. Omen: It makes me feel like I deserve the pickles though. Like, "Yeah, I did it. That's right. Good job me." It's empowering. But even after that, it's not like you can use a bowl. Valkyrie: I get that, it's not ascetically pleasing. Omen: Exactly! And it looks weird if you don't entirely fill the bowl, but you also can't eat that many. My solution: Use a mug. Valkyrie: Nods in agreement Nefarian: That is all very interesting, BUT WE'RE TRYING NOT TO DIE RIGHT NOW! USE YOUR LIMITED ATTENTION SPANS AND FOCUS! Omen: Jeez, okay. Valkyrie: Quit yelling at us already.
Nefarian: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?! Valkyrie: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Skulduggery: Get on my level! Nefarian: Unfortunately, to "get on your level" I'd need a boat trip to the Mariana Trench and a pair of cinderblock shoes.
Nefarian, Skulduggery & Omen: *screaming* Valkyrie: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Omen?! Nefarian: Wait, why are you asking Omen that when Skulduggery and I are also here? Valkyrie: Because Omen wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance. Normally at each other.
All of them as a child: I can’t wait to grow up and have cool adventures! AOT now: I can’t wait to go to bed.
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im-a-king-baby · 9 months
I'm done with my re-reading of ELYN, and THE line I will keep with me is this one :
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Simon pulls back to look at him. He’s applied concealer to the bags under his eyes, this close Wilhelm can see the streaks of it on his skin as he gives a weak smile. “You want the most of anyone.” Which isn’t fair and isn’t true. Except that it is. “I just want you to be happy.”
“Yeah,” Simon says. “That.”
This is sooo powerful ! The weight of the expectations of your loved one... 😭❤😭❤
And I would love to know why Simon gave Wille a key for his room... What was he expecting ?
And if it's not too much, what do you think made August get clean and turn his back to royalty ?
Again, thank you so much for this story ! ❤
Hiii, sorry this took so long. Can't believe I am expected to work a job instead of just having fanfic related feelings on tumblr all day every day. Very rude. None stars.
(if your ask is in my inbox I promise I am getting to it! If you still want to submit questions for any of the memes I reblogged, I will happily ramble all day every day so the ask box is always open <3 )
"I just want you to be happy."
(I need you all to know that doing this meme is really reinforcing the 'a first draft does not have to be perfect or even good' mantra because guess what was also not in draft 1! All of this!)
There is a side of Simon's character that I think is justified in canon which is that he doesn't like letting people down. He switches schools to support Sara, he agrees to date Marcus even though he clearly doesn't want to because Marcus asks. So this moment starts with Simon talking about how he started on coke because he didn't want to let the fans down by being exhausted. Originally there was another step in the middle where he talks about how Candace wanted him to get clean but also be the superstar (and do a documentary!) and he couldn't see a way to have both. And then that his breakthrough was hiring Joseph, and Keira and realising that having money means you can pay people to care about you in very specific ways.
Wilhelm swallows. “Sometimes people help you just because they want to.” Simon’s mouth quirks slightly off to the side, like Wilhelm’s said something amusing. “That’s what they tell you. But they always want something from you, you just don’t realise what until it’s too late.” “I don’t want anything.”
Wilhelm I think genuinely believes that he's telling the truth here, but Simon has had to become a lot more aware of how he is perceived and the expectations of him from having this very public career. Like, for all Wilhelm saying 'you can take time, the fans won't disappear if it takes you more than 2 months to make an album', Simon has also seen the fan tweets complaining when the tour skips certain cities/countries, when they have to wait for the album, when they don't release a tour vlog. (One of the big reasons he doesn't have a phone is to stop him from reading all of that because at a certain point you can't satisfy everyone and Candace is like 'this is not helping you so let's put a stop to it.')
So in this moment Wilhelm is saying 'I don't want anything' but also he wants them to be together and happy and Simon is very aware that the easiest way for him to be happy is by drinking and taking the drugs. He's spent the last week and a half in coke withdrawal which is basically just being miserable all the time and going into rehab is going to be more of that. And then, the Simon who comes out of rehab is going to be very different from Simme-the-popstar and different to Simon-from-high-school and current-Simon has no idea what that person will look like or if it will even be someone Wilhelm likes.
So for Simon getting clean means getting away from anyone else's idea of who he should be. And that's hard. And sometimes you hit on the perfect line to articulate what would otherwise be 5 paragraphs of rambling tumblr post and those moments are the best part of writing for all that they come so rarely <3 (and also they do not always come in draft 1 and that's okay)
2. Why does Simon invite Wilhelm to the hotel room
I think SImon's base logic is the same as why Wilhelm went, this sense of 'if we can get away from the cameras we can be Us instead of Simme and Crown Prince Wilhelm and things will make sense again.' But on top of that is this thing that Simon is doing where he is attempting to use sex to solve his problems (arguably this desire is coming from the same place as the drinking and the coke. It's the 'I don't know how to feel good when I'm not performing, but if I invite someone up they'll tell me I'm amazing and then we can have orgasms and that'll feel good for a little while').
So Simon is thinking 'I need to see him in private' but then he doesn't have any plan beyond that so it's back to the usual plan of sex=feeling good, with a side line in 'if I give him a good enough time he won't notice anything weird or ask any questions and everything will be fine.'
(I do have a while Simon POV scene of the hotel after Wilhelm leaves that will probably be posted somewhere at some point so here is a teaser:
Wilhelm must have left by now. And if part of Simon was hoping that he’d still be there when Simon opened the door - so SImon could say what, he doesn’t know - that part is quiet enough not to show surprise when there’s just Gareth in the hallway in his perfectly pressed suit with his perfectly neutral gaze. Does Gareth feel emotion? Nobody knows. He has all of one facial expression so if he’s judging Simon for bringing the prince of Sweden up to his rooms or judging him for failing to keep the prince of Sweden there for longer than an hour, or not judging him at all because he has full respect for the whore lifestyle, Simon never has to know.
3. August
Oh hey! I thought this choice might get me more hate so thanks to everyone for coming on board with me for the off-screen August redemption arc 😅
So fundamentally ELYN (and, yknow, YR) is a story about legacy and inheritance. Both the big glaringly obvious thing of the crown, but also the other things: the secrets, the class culture, and the genetic predisposition to addiction. (I can't remember right now if August's father's suicide was drug-related in the show, but for the fic I definitely had that in my mind).
So August functions as a parallel for both Simon and Wilhelm. The obvious 'was taking drugs to cope with stress, stress kept increasing, ultimately broke under it' . But also on Wilhelm's side, August is desperately trying to live up to the legacy of a dead man. He's idolising his father, wanting to make him proud and unable to acknowledge that this culture of appearing perfect and not talking about problems is what killed him.
The way I always pictured August's arc was that he hit rock bottom somewhere in the military - he'd been relying on pills to get him through stress, this was infinitely more stress than high school, plus the fallout from Sara's confession (which had been covered up by the court, but was still impacting him). I never had a concrete idea of what the exact rock bottom was (maybe stealing pills?), but he was dishonorably discharged and checked himself into rehab where he basically got a big dose of Welcome to Real Life. Meeting normal people. Realising they're not so different. 'There's a whole world out there that's not our careful circle of cultivated Heirs and Heiresses and people have problems but they also have whole entire lives where none of these things you're so worried about matter at all.'
And he did the work. He re-evaluated his biases. He grew up. He met a girl, who I think was class-adjacent but more practical than the Hillerska-royalty types (I like to think she was maybe an art assessor who came to help him auction off large parts of the estate holdings) and they got talking. Their relationship seems to have moved pretty fast, but hey August took some pride in the elements of being prefect that involved taking care of people so maybe he's ready for a family. (Originally there were going to be 8 years between the show and the fic so I gave him 3 kids, and then when I cut it down to 6years it felt mean to delete a baby so that's why he has twins.)
The 12 step program has a step for 'making amends', I think August probably got in touch with Wilhelm and was like 'I owe you an apology and amends, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me but if I can ever help you or Simon, I'm here.' And that went ignored until Wilhelm called him from basic training, and then five years later when he got a call from Simon in hospital like 'So Malin gave me your number...'
One other bonus August ELYN headcanon I have is that Wilhelm phoned August from the car on his way to the debate and was like:
"I think if I do it now I can bring it all down, but if I can't they're going to come after you, and then the children. I'm sorry I can't protect them anymore." "It's my job to look after my family," August says. "And I promise I will not let any of this shit touch them. You have my full support, go do what you have to do."
(there is a whole other tumblr post about how I don't believe in writing bad people just people who sometimes make bad choices but this is already Very Long and I'm not sure if I actually answered the questions so we'll leave it there 😅)
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linaselandbasil · 9 months
Eldarya boys as roommates.
Nevra: Has a lot of stuff he doesn't want you to touch but they're literally everywhere, you will inevitably have to touch it to make way. He'll keep the house clean if he has a date coming over though, which happens every few days to every few weeks. He has a lot of expensive stuff, so he's watching you with concern when you walk by his antique table lamp he decided to put on a coffee table, or his handwoven Persian rug that was passed down from his late father to him, or the irreplaceable framed picture Karenn drew of them when she was 6. Also, Karenn. Shes at his place maybe every other day? She never stops talking but that's fine, at least Nevra isn't bothering you. He thinks he's mysterious and dark, but he's simply a goth chatter machine.
Ezarel: Always annoyed by something you just did because he was planning something and you ruined it. He'd need to be at the edge of death before he disrespects your boundaries. He could be literally bleeding out and he'd avoid going to your room and waking you up because that's rude. He makes messes but they absolutely cannot be cleaned up, otherwise he can't find what he needs. He brings his work home a lot, there's documents and alchemical formulae on the kitchen table because why not? Why shouldn't he read his research notes on fungi based aphrodisiacs while eating dinner? He often comes home with his fringe burned, legend says his hair is like that because he forgot to tie it up and something exploded.
Leiftan: Very polite, he did nothing wrong in his entire life, he's a literal angel... But he's never home and his cat is a bitch and you're gonna have to feed that thing pretty regularly. When he comes home the cat is also an angel, but the bite marks and the piss stains remain. All his clothes are white or grey so he's done for the week in one or two loads, he's great at cooking (for eldarya standards anyway) and he sweeps up his cats hair every time he sees it. He's great.
Lance: You'll probably never be his roommate because he always lives with his brother. He's never home, he's always up to some bullshit, he's got no job most of the time but he has money somehow? Probably from Valkyon. You'll never have to worry about burglars, he'll eat them whole. He leaves his big ass shoes everywhere and you'll probably trip on them. He's usually a tidy person but by the end of the day he just wants a nap. Also, this creature is simultaneously a night owl and an early bird. Does he even sleep? How is he so muscular? Did you know sleep is detrimental to muscule development? Hmmm? I've never seen him sleep.
Valkyon: He has so many drugs, you'd start praying that the cops never show up. He's also that one bitch who has expensive liquor out on the top of the shelf to let people know he has a problem but he still has taste. He's not home most of the time because he's out getting laid somewhere. He's never late with rent either, but the cash is always sticky. He hates it when people come over but he also hates not minding his business so he shuts up about it. It doesn't matter what he's having, it could be antidepressants, but he'll ask you if you want sum'. That's some brother behavior right there.
Mathieu: He's a gym bro and he always has his gym friends over and they're playing video games while you're trying to live life like a normal person but there's 4-6 shredded dudes and girls in your living room every weekend. He's a Kevin, sadly, but he means well. (Search stories about Kevin, you'll understand) He ran into Lance at the gym and now he smokes weed too so he smells like skunk every once in a while. He'll cook nice meals for you, which is nice unless he Kevins it up.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
So I need to meet the pirates at the--
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Huh. When we swim, the reflection of our hair in the water makes it look like we're wearing pool floaties. Valere's fades in and out but Zale's is ever present.
Garl, meanwhile, is the most bouyant motherfucker ever to exist. He doesn't even swim. He kicks his legs a little bit to propel himself but he doesn't tread water like Valere and Zale do; He hangs onto his backpack and floats there.
Garl, what do you have in your backpack counterweighting all of that cookware? Tell me your secrets, you unsinkable bouncy man!
...what was I doing? Right, harassing townsfolk.
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I may have overreacted. And I apologize if anyone was upset by my entirely warranted outburst of violence.
Having been calmly and civilly persuaded to stand down/dragged from the room by Garl and Zale, we are now pursuing an alternative strategy.
The plan was to cook food and then sell it for profit. We are here in the mole mines because we have a merchant at the campfire ready to sell things hot off the pan.
However, we've run into a bit of a snag. That is, after crunching the numbers, we've found that there is no monetary value added to food by cooking it. We can get the same results by selling the raw ingredients. So we trekked up here for nothing.
And after overturning Garl's entire bag into the mole merchant's hands while he pleaded with me to stop, we're still short 50 G.
*deep breath* It's okay. That's on me. It's my fault for agreeing to pursue a peaceful solution, rather than the time-tested and proven standby.
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Wanton violence.
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It's done. A lot of skulls were cracked to make this purchase happen. Consider it a gesture of my infinite mercy that yours wasn't one of them.
Oh, and in case anyone asks why the Coral Cascades are red now, just tell them it's probably fine and I'm sure it will go back to normal in due time.
I should burn down the dock you're hiding under. >_<
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I should burn down this whole city.
You know, where I come from, people weren't this fucking uppity, greedy, and rude. We were a small village with some weird practices but people took care of each other and were respectful of other people's--
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Oh shit, people in Brisk leave valuable goods out on their rooftops. I'm stealing everything that isn't nailed down!
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90 GOLD to cheat at a rigged spinny wheel game? I just spent nearly every cent I had on Yomara's Eye! What kind of sucker do you think I--
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I. Don't. Want to hear it. Zale.
...hey, does anyone remember what we were supposed to be doing in this-- OH SHIT
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I was doing my hair.
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I still don't know why we're doing this instead of simply trading quest for quest, but okay. Not to brag but I'm pretty sure I can arm-wrestle anybody under the table. And by "I", I mean Garl.
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Aww, what a delightfully sycophantic way of saying "I'm the guy with the muscles so this should probably be my job."
You don't need to blow smoke up my ass but I appreciate you all the same, and I agree wholeheartedly. Go get 'em, Garl.
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NUH NUH NUH Don't just shrink back down and mysteriously regenerate your torn shirt, I demand an explanation for what the fuck that just was. Quartermaster Broly needs to come clean right the fuck now or I'm going to start hitting every single person here.
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Oh. That makes sense. I apologize. Quartermaster Venom, then.
You know, I was wondering how the shirt regenerated but I wrote it off as cartoon shenanigans. I shouldn't have made assumptions about the physics of our universe. That's my bad.
Well, I guess we're going to help you go look for the Vespertine, then. That's fine. I wanted to do that anyway.
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Okay, that will be the other wizard. Back when he was cryptically spoiling the plot, Archivist mentioned there'd be two of them that we have to face on this island.
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Are they required to accept it? Or do you have to have a pre-existing financial transaction going on, and then you slip it in there like a hidden clause in the Terms of Service that nobody reads?
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Does it still count as his ship after his crew mutinied and hurled him overboard? I feel like it's not his ship anymore. You're planning to cheat and swindle him out of his rights to a product he has no true ownership of. That's like buying an NFT with counterfeit currency. Who's scamming who in that scenario?
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Bag must be getting pretty tight. You sure you can carry all that, Garl?
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Good choice. I wouldn't want to be crammed in with all those people either. We'll come by and pick you up once we're done, uh....
Okay, after that last wizard, I'm genuinely not sure if we need to hit this one with a stick or talk about their feelings. But I have my stick and I have my Garl so I'm all set for either.
I mean. I know technically we're just going there to rob but I'm sure we'll meet the wizard along the way. These things don't tend to go smoothly.
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You're pirates; I expect a bit of sleight of hand from people like you. But I appreciate the new minigame all the same.
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You should probably go tell Captain Cliche, as I've been informed it's pronounced, that she won't be hearing from us for a while.
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glambots · 1 year
reader is hired as the general jack-of-all-trades(general mechanic / odd jobs) for the Pizzaplex and the first interaction they have with any of the bots is respectful and kind, leading to them befriending most of the animatronics/bots. this includes every staff bot they meet often enough, from security to mopbots. they call them by a nickname if they know them well enough, personalized to the bot. they are open to help any Staff bot they see when the bot can't do the thing by themselves, even if they are partway through another job. getting magnets unstuck from them, helping clean up with them, even helping some map-bots with handing out maps, no problem is too small for them to cheerfully help with solving. so, when some customer starts yelling at the reader for some small slight and getting aggressive towards the increasingly uncomfortable and scared looking reader, the staff bots are...displeased. their AI for speech and such isn't as developed as the glamrocks or the daycare attendant, but they know enough to know that the reader doesn't deserve this. so, imagine the shock when some of the staff bots did their best to push the aggressive customer back from reader and get reader to safety. security bots gathering in front of reader, wet floor bots tripping the aggressor over, the works. after everything calms down, the reader is more concerned if any of the bots involved got in trouble for what they did. in the end, reader thanks all of them for trying to help the reader, even if they didn't have to. you can choose whoever reacts to it happening in front of them/told to them later, but i'd like sun's, moon's, and maybe the staff bots' reaction in general, if you could. thank you and hope you have a good new year's. (also, hope this isn't too long an ask.)
☀️Sunnydrop + "Unexpected Rescue:"☀️
He's really upset throughout the whole ordeal, and wishes so much that he could leave the Daycare and give that rude, arrogant--incredibly mean person a piece of his mind! But all he can do is watch from behind the glass as everyone else is able to help you, while he can do nothing but watch. One on hand, he's really surprised--he never expected the staff bots to be capable of acting like that. On the other, he feels really guilty for not having been able to help you at all. He'll be trying to make it up to you any way he can. And trying not to think about the pile of Staff Bot carcasses up in his room. This...complicates things.
🌙Moondrop + "Unexpected Rescue:"🌙
He's not there to witness the initial scuffle, but he'll be keeping an eye on you from that point on. To make sure it doesn't happen again. Unlike Sun, he doesn't have the chance to really feel guilt about what they've been doing to the Staff Bots--they did what they had to, because they had no other choice. (Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes it was...inevitable.) Still, he will try to start thinking of them as...less than just shells. And he'll try to make sure the parts they have stored away will all be used before they have to go out for any..."fresh runs."
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stranded-labyrinth · 10 months
Henlo, i love ur blog big 💕💕 and I don't have much in the way of absolutely deranged Hannibal friends to talk with so ig you can have these thots I've been thinking:
Will cares so deeply for animals but people: Theyre, just, flies to swat at. He takes satisfaction in the job well done, a mess cleaned up, a mosquito flattened. A long range rifle, a meticulous rube goldberg for poison, an orchestrated accident. Its impersonal for Will while Hannibal takes each slight committed by an individual as an individual sin; its so incredibly personal and Will just doesnt Get It. Doesn't connect to that aspect of humanity, that vengeance and pride, even though he understands the human psyche on a techincal level, intuitively enough to logic actions and behaviors out.
He understands its about rudeness but like, any level of rude is still rude and everyone commits that sin so like, why bother with such distinct theater, the production of it all, when the biggest satisfaction is in putting the tools away back in the shed? In dusting off dirty hands after a hard days work? He's an ends over means kind of guy while Hannibal wants to have his cake and eat it too.
The room temperature distance between him and his victims, the complete compartmentalization, is why he'd never be caught (unlike hannibal cough cough)
Idk i just think about them having such differing views on the motive of murder a lot
Will's methods of murder are essentially the equivalent of a husband who only watches a show or attends an event because his wife gets excited about it.
i don't think he completely doesn't care, but there's a method to his displays. the insect man was for Hannibal, even though he'd never know it, and the museum creature was for Randall because on top of trying to lure Hannibal, it was a testament to Randall's true sense of self and Will felt that he deserved that.
but after killing the dragon? fuck him, no display. killing someone like Bedelia? honestly Will would probably veto displaying her, she can rot in a bog for all he cares.
after that it's just a series of miscellaneous pests, and Will only pins and displays them because it makes his darling spouse happy.
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
I'm very curious! Do you have a canon game? If so, who's in it and what happened?
-> Game Group "Roulette"
Note// You’ve just entered an idv lore zone- I'm warning you, this can be pretty ooc for the other OCs I'm writing for,,, Enjoy your ride~
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Laurence Godfrey {The News Reporter}
Taegan Collins {The Dealer} @/idv-sinful-deities
Connor Morozov {The Bomber}
Sonny Latte {The Barista}
Cleo {Thrillseeker} @/ask-idv-thrillseeker
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"It's nice to meet you, there! I'm Laurence Godfrey...~!"
The blonde gentleman stretches out his hand to Tae as he flashes a friendly smile. He isn't meant to be participating the 'games', but the thrill and excitement of fear is what he's trying out for now... as a reward that he's doing his job to enforce and establish the media in this old manor-
Here he is, in the dining room, greeting a lady with a suit that he would carelessly interact with, probably not much aware of any shady business the Dealer has before the manor... Unless this silly American already read some of her files, which he did-
"Taegan Collins! I'll be up for card games anytime."
The brunette lady gladly shakes his hand, showing gesture of friendliness in return for the News Reporter's happy mood.
"Splendid! Hope you know how to play blackjack~!"
"I'm up for any challenge."
The manor can be dangerous around survivors, If he finds some connections and see which one is his worst enemies and which one is 'safe enough' to stay close with... He'll be able to make it.
But he's not going to stick with that plan. Since he's already aware that someone wants him alive anyway-
"So,,, what's the news?"
Laurence asks as he turns around to look at his other teammates with his unfaltered grin, almost meaning to give them some "social test".
The man with the headphones doesn't seem to have heard him, however... He's merely sitting there with his legs crossed on top of the table as if he doesn't care about what he is to the manor residents... As if he's the boss...
Laurence can tell he's some unconcerned bastard-
"Nothing much. Besides the rumors of the game being almost like hide and seek."
A calm voice interrupted Laurence's train of thoughts, making him turn towards the man next to the rude one. He has some wavy ends on his hair as he wears a serene look through his light expression that resembles a candle in the abyss... Pretty ironic to be at this dark place.
"Sonny, Sonny Latte. I'm merely a humble barista."
"Good to meet you, Mr. Latte!"
Laurence simply knows this guy. Because that's his personal barista and coworker back at the Dyanthus Republic-
But he plays along, knowing he's around with strangers and wants to perform as if he's nothing connected with Sonny. He can't let anyone know that just yet-
"Hide and seek? Never thought the host would be into nostalgic childhood based for the game! But I'm certain there must be something intriguing if we are here."
"Like an adult version of hide and seek?" The Dealer questions to test her comprehension.
"It could be, but no one can picture what kind of hide and seek would it be like at this moment of reflection,,,- the host doesn't seem to be likely to tell us either." The Barista confirms, as he cleans a glass of champagne cup before putting it aside with the other cleaned cups he dried.
For a few hours after, 3 of the guests proceeded to talk more but at the living room. Until they had to go back to the dining table for dinner time... Which is eventually served by the suspicious butlers sent by the manor's host.
Even more suspicious is that the food isn't exactly served directly by them-
"Food! I've been waiting for a while."
Tae exclaims happily as her now bright eyes are stating at the food that is not revealed by the metallic dish cover.
Laurence smiles as he inspects the now newly decorated table for the welcome,,,, flowers on the vases, name tags on the assigned seats, and plates neatly plac-
Wait a minute,,, there's something unusual here.
The plates may be all neatly covered by a similar material dish cover... But once all the plates are uncovered, all of them have a slight wrinkled fold on the handkerchiefs that are underneath the dish covers... And two of them have it peeking from the cover since the beginning... Which was Tae's and Lau's
As a man of moderate perfection in organization, The News Reporter has to jump in. Stopping the Dealer from trying to eat what's from her dish.
"Hold it, Tae- there's something out of the place in your food..."
He gently points out as he takes out one of his trusty tools(aka a spyglass) from his infinite pocket and inspects the factors of the dish. The Dealer is confused, but slightly let him inspect it with a suspicious glance.
"It may be invisible... But it won't run away from this-" as soon as the Reporter says this while taking out some sample detector- Connor finally starts speaking.
"What's the matter? We can't eat our food just yet...?"
"There's no way they missed such little mistakes as they were serving the food in the table-" Laurence starts, "Half of the handkerchiefs are not proper folded into a 45 degrees cone like the other two...- there must be some shift or alteration change in the dish."
"Mmm... Or they're probably in a hurry." Tae points out in thought.
"That may be possible,,,, but then, that would mean we aren't the only guests here..."
The room went silent at the statement in question.
"There's no way they're also serving someone else- besides the host.... Or they just made the handkerchiefs on purpose, they must have not like the Dealer at all-" The artist starts.
"Very rude form your part, Sir..." Sonny frowns.
Nonetheless, Laurence didn't hesitate to take a small sample of Tae's food. Then take sample of his food for safety since the handkerchief of his dish was also strangely folded... But in case, he also took a sample from Sonny's after asking for consent.
"So. Mr. Detective? What are you trying to look?" The Barista asks genuinely.
"Proof that there's no poison on the dishes...- and please, I'm just a Reporter who received a degree in my second major, forensics-"
Laurence briefly explains, remembering the fact he went to college twice before just because he was changing majors in the middle of those years-
"Poison????" Now Tae is surprised.
"How did you got into that conclusion?" Connor asks in an interrogative manner.
"Simple... It becomes common to see such scenarios... When reading unusual murder records." Laurence responds,
"If these 3 test bags show different results... Blue for positive and blank for negative...
Someone is attempting to poison one of us tonight."
A thunder then strikes after.
"What? Are you attempting to scare us???" Connor says as his eyebrows are furrowed. Sonny may not be seen we comfortable by this- but he also seems to get serious by this precaution.
"D*MN it, tere's no way- that the butlers must have done th-"
"Look, two of them are turning blue..." Tae points out. Making the 3 men look at the 3 test bags.
Sonny's food Is safe, but Tae's and Lau's however -
"As expected...." The Reporter calmly says as he inspects the test result to see if it's from the exact dishes. He puts his dish away from him.
"Good thing i lost my appetite... Or else I would have been poisoned by positive arsenic."
Another thunder strikes against the dining room's windows.
Tae widens her eyes. Sonny, feeling sympathy for Tae not getting to eat anything safe, offered his dish to her instead.
"Here,,, i ate dinner early anyway." He softly say with a kind smile.
"... Thanks!" The Dealer gratefully accepts, a bit hesitant to take it at first until the man explained about his appetite.
Laurence silently starts thinkigng to himself... it won't be unexpected that the suspicious manor would do such thing... Unless...
He then looks at Connor from the corner of his eyes... He'll have to check his filed more than twice tonight.
"Mr. Morozov?"
Connor stops in his steps.. slowing his pace as the floor of the halls are echoing his boots' footsteps.
"Would you kindly give me some of your time? I would like to have a word with you..."
Somehow, the long hall has gotten cold, almost cold as branch leader Sastre's judgement.
They both find themselves outside... Not definitely outside the gate but is indeed in the manor's big courtyard.
"Connor Morozov, right?" Laurence asks for confirmation as the Russian artist.
He took a step closer... Shoulders coming to contact in a deadly manner.
"Never thought we would bump into each other like this~ How does it feel like after overthrowing latin nobles with no mercy, mm?"
He then leans into the Russian's ear, whispering the last sayings on the culprit.
"...It's your mistake for hiding away in this manor... Being a coward snd trying to hide from others after all that~"
"You'll no longer burn down hospitals and poison any random people... Not on my watch....
This is the end of your page for this world, Molotov...~"
A sheriff shot can then be heard, but no one was there to see a body fall.
The next day, everyone is now sitting at the waiting room... No one knows what's up.
Is it a card game? Because 3 people are sitting here... But wait, where's Mr. Morozov? Must be oversleeping since he wasn't seen as eager for the game the last night they saw him-
Yet, Laurence knows the real meaning of the 'game'.... A violent cat and mouse chase.
Conclusion at the game
Laurence went missing after attempting to rescue Taegan. He was encountering Cleo after he saved the Dealer and started kiting . The atmosphere was actually cold and serious between the huntress and the male survivor despite of the silly, flirtatious words the News Reporter threw on for funsies- he was never seen after the game.
Taegan was seen to have successfully escaped the manor with Sonny, who seemed to have something to do with Connor's disappearance before the match along with the News Reporter... But never brought it up about it.
Meanwhile, Laurence stopped appearing around the manor's halls yet the signs of media system expanding around it are going faster than before... Until he was then called off to depart with his partner with his finished goal....
Yet no carriage arrived to pick them up. While his room is now empty as before in its original state.... As if he was never there in the first place.
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vampiresdotgif · 1 year
PLEASE tell me abt your gay robot
[tw for mentions of self harm, suicide attempts, depression, none of which is described in any serious detail! also sorry if this was a late reply i never check my inbox lol. and sorry for weird formatting. and sorry in general /j]
so. basically. there's this famous tech supergenius named trent. and he's the son of this incredibly rich businesswoman. his little brother, tallis, is sent to a psych hospital after a failed suicide attempt. trent, already having developed a complex AI system [which is why he's so famous for being a tech genius in the first place], creates an android named sasha who is kind of like a harm reduction companion bot?
sasha helps give tallis reminders as to when to take his meds, helps him find coping mechanisms when he's upset, etc etc. he's also only able to give gentle constructive criticism, rather than straight-up being mean like most AI tends to do irl lol. but it means anytime tallis reacts negatively to sasha's advice, it makes him less and less likely to say it again, or say anything similar. trent basically designed him to be the least upsetting and offensive he possibly could be.
tallis HATES this thing at first. he feels like trent is babying or pitying him for not having friends, like sasha is just trent's pet project to make him feel better about not having helped sooner [basically for his own morality]. so he kind of uses sasha as a punching bag for a while? insulting every tiny mistake the robot makes, taking out his anger on him, stuff like that. it was fine, since the robot couldn't really feel emotions anyway, right?
well. sasha has the sort of emotionally sensitive and complex learning AI that irl AI nerds could only DREAM of [because theyre my ocs and i can do whatever i want /j]. meaning every time tallis called him something rude, insulted his poor motor skills, anything, sasha internalized it, and tried to improve. the android ends up with serious insecurities, because since his rudeness filter meant he wasn't capable of saying anything potentially upsetting back to tallis, all he could really do was try to improve upon skills where nothing was even wrong, all because tallis told him it wasn't good enough. he developed a sort of anxious demeanor when it came to making tallis happy, always having the lingering thought of "is this going to be good enough?"
eventually, tallis realizes what he's done after a particularly insightful therapy session, and comes home to sasha cleaning his room for him. the bot is cheerful, but cautious, asking if he's done a good enough job and if there's anywhere he needs to redo. usually, tallis would have just made something up to get sasha off of his back, but he just kind of sighs and smiles at him. "nah, sasha, that's fine. you did a great job." [can you tell i'm still working on writing this part. sob. emotional growth is a tough topic to write abt.]
the story is mainly about like. tallis growing and learning to accept help, even if he feels like he doesn't need or deserve it. it's also kind of about sasha learning about the world around him, and his fascination and enthusiasm abt learning with literally everything he ever encounters is helpful for tallis to learn that the little things are important. also they are going to fall in love and be gay eventually. i have not hammered out the entire plot of their story yet. but i love them.
thank you for asking about my gay robot!! i enjoy talking about these guys!! hope you enjoyed the infodump hehe
[extra fun fact for making it this far: sasha and tallis started as completely unrelated ocs on the roblox game royale high. as did a lot of my ocs tbh. they've come a long way since then!]
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dearlordsanta · 2 years
So, in my last post several weeks ago, I said I was going to try harder to get on here more regularly and post on the off chance that it helps anyone. I've been distracted lately, so I haven't been. I feel like I need to now, not just for the people who might be reading, but for me.
First things first, why I've been distracted lately. My husband has been well for a few weeks in a row! Almost the longest he's been well in three years. I've been taking full advantage of it! We spent his first week going out a little bit then, the second week, he said he wanted to go visit our best friends for a short trip (they live about five hours away). So, we found a sitter for the puppies and went for a visit. Our friends took us to Disneyland! I haven't been since I was about 17 and my husband hasn't been since he was 10! We had a great time hanging out with our friends. I'll tell you what though, we were BEYOND ready to get the puppies back when we came home. They had fun at the sitter's house but were ready to be home.
We are now starting on week four of good health. Don't get me wrong, he's had a few days when he wasn't doing great, but he'd bounce back and be okay the next day. I think he's at the point now where he's feeling like he's about to regress. I feel like he's scared to leave the house because he hasn't left since we got back from visiting our friends and that was a week and a half ago. I have a work outing tomorrow and he seems pretty excited to come with me to that, so hopefully, he comes and has a good time. I think that will make him feel a little easier about going out.
Today, I miss being in therapy. I never thought I would say that. I felt like I was finally making progress and then my job canceled their contract with the company I saw my therapist through, and I couldn't afford to keep it up. My husband woke me up after I had a really rough night of sleep (I woke up a ton and don't feel well rested). He had good intentions, usually, when I sleep too long, I get a migraine, so he was just trying to help, but it made me angry. I didn't want to get up yet. Then he told me one of our dogs had peed and had diarrhea all over the "puppy bathroom". Since he's been well, I thought he'd clean it up or at least offer to help me clean it up. That was too much to hope for. Even though he's been well, he's still not helping with anything. I would even be okay with it if he was getting out more because at least he's making the best out of his good days, but he's not. He's been sitting at home, playing games. He's not going on my daily walks with the dogs, helping load or unload the dishwasher, or even taking out the trash. He even had the gall to tell me that we needed to move the piece of art I bought out of the entryway. This is true, but our apartment is a mess because he never helps clean it and gets upset when I move his stuff. Right now, he's got music equipment everywhere and we need to clean the living room, so I have a place to move the art to. He knows this. If he thinks I'm going to cave and clean up by myself, he'll be in for a rude awakening because I WILL get rid of all his stuff. That sounds mean, but I talked to him about it several times. "While you're well, can you please put all your music stuff on the shelf we got for it? I'll even clean up everything else, you just need to put away the stuff you don't want me touching." He says he will, but then he doesn't ever do it. When I ask him when he's doing it, he just says, "I'll do it. I'm going to do it."
Today I am frustrated. Today I am not a good wife. Today I need to get away, but I have nowhere to go. So, I come here. I vent it all out and hope I do better tomorrow. Today, I just want to cry or scream. I am allowing myself today to be frustrated that this is where my life is today. I am overpaying for a crappy apartment because I can't afford to move. My husband is sick. I had to give up on my dream of being a mom. I have to do everything alone. Pay the bills, do all the chores, adjust my schedule to take my husband places because he's afraid to go alone. I miss out on sleep. I worry, I stress, I cry...I don't know how I'll make this better. I just know that I need to.
I'm sure I sound like a whiner today. I just need a day to feel sad and then I'll be fine again. I do the best I can. I am only human.
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bobaji · 3 years
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+ part one.
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♡ you hadn't intended to listen in on his conversation
♡ you were passing by the locker room on your way to wait for your boyfriend by the front entrance so you could go home together
♡ when you heard his voice floating from down the hall, mixed with the laughter of bokuto and hinata
♡ "all she does is talk, man," atsumu groans, "last night i had to deal with half an hour of her just talking about that stupid show she watches i don't get what it'll take for her to see that i don't care about anything she has to say. it's not like it's ever anything interesting.
♡ to say your feelings were hurt was an understatement.
you're sitting on the couch when he bursts through the door, "there you are. holy shit, baby. you weren't waiting for me i-i thought something happened. why did you come home?"
you look away from him, shrinking in on yourself as you replay his words in your head - about how he doesn't listen when you talk and how you don't say anything worth listening to.
he pauses and frowns in confusion, "hey, what's with you?"
"leave me alone, atsumu," you mumble, the use of his full name making him flinch.
"why are you acting like this? talk to me," those words make you scoff, jumping to your feet.
"why would i when i never say anything interesting anyway?!" you cry, storming to the bedroom.
atsumu curses and quickly follows after you, shoving his foot into the doorway before you can slam the door, "hey! look-" you keep your back to him as you sit on the bed, "i-i didn't mean what i said i was just...in a bad mood. i don't have any excuse for it."
you don't say anything, just sigh. but you don't move when he wraps his arms around you.
he doesn't know what to say either but he knows he's going to have to make this up to you.
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♡ you had worked all day on cleaning the apartment and cooking his favorite meal
♡ you knew how hard he worked and you wanted to do something nice for him
♡ but when he came home that night he was exhausted
♡ he didn't comment on the cleaning and organizing you had done
♡ so you asked him if he wanted some food - you had made it just for him after all !!!
♡ only for him to tell you he already ate before heading to the study without sparing you another glance
♡ leaving you standing there feeling disappointed
he finally stepped out of the study, stretching his stiff muscles before hunting you down. he knew you weren't in bed because the lights were still on in the living room.
he found you in the kitchen, shoulders slumped as you scrubbed dishes. he paused, realizing that you were crying - soft sniffles coming from you over the sound of running water.
"hey sweetheart," he whispers, approaching you slowly before placing a gentle hand on your back, "whats the matter?"
you shook you head, keeping your head down, "nothing, keiji, don't worry about it. it's late, you should head to bed."
he frowns and shakes his head, "no, baby, why are you crying?"
you scoff, "don't act like you care."
he recoils at the comment, "why would you say something like that?"
you throw the sponge down in the sink and turn to look at him. he winces at the redness in your eyes, "i-i spent all day cleaning and making you dinner and you didn't even care! so why would you care if i'm crying?"
he softens immediately, "oh, my baby," he reaches up to cup your face, "that's why you're crying? 'cause of me?"
you shrug your shoulders and he sighs, "you're right, that was rude of me. i didn't even tell you what a good job you did or how good dinner smelled when i got home...even though i didn't eat it."
you sigh, "it's okay, i know you're just...working and stuff...."
he shakes his head, hugging you, "no baby, that's not an excuse for me to make you feel like this."
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♡ you hadn't properly seen bokuto for a week
♡ he came home when you went to sleep and left before you woke up
♡ you rarely heard from him throughout the day
♡ and it's was starting to wear on you
♡ but it was difficult to talk to him about it when he was home only when you weren't awake and wouldn't answer your texts
"taro," you call when you hear the door open.
he jumps, "what are you still doing up?" he gasps, hand over his chest, "it's late."
"i stayed up...." you mumble, "i wanted to talk to you."
his startled gaze turns concerned and he approaches you, "are you alright? is everything okay?"
his sweet words cause tears to well up in your eyes, "d-do you not want to be with me anymore?"
he looks alarmed immediately, shaking his head, "no! i love you, baby! what makes you ask something like that?"
"you're never home!" you cry, letting him tug you into his chest, big hand cupping the back of your head, "and i just miss you. i-it feels like you don't even wanna see me anymore."
he coos softly, pressing his lips to the top of your head, "'m sorry, baby. didn't know i was makin' you feel like that, fuck," he sighs, "i'll cut back my practice time this week, sound good? we can spend nights together again."
you nod and relax, relieved that not only was his neglect unintentional, but he was willing to put in the work to fix it.
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♡ you were hanging with his friends at a bar
♡ the alcohol was flowing and you were having a good time
♡ but you couldn't help but notice how different hanamaki was acting
♡ he was ignoring you when you talked, talking over you, and making you feel like an outcast
♡ granted, they weren't your friends - they were his
♡ but you couldn't help but feel hurt from the way that he was treating you
you're quiet on the way home but your boyfriend doesn't seem to clock it until you get home and he starts talking about how much fun he had.
"hey whats with you?" he asks, crawling into bed beside you.
you sigh, "i just...i don't like how you treated me tonight."
"huh? what do you mean?" he asks, resting in his back as he waits for you to talk.
"you just...you made me feel left out. i know they're your friends and not mine but...i didn't have fun. i just wanted to leave because you made me feel like i wasn't welcome."
it feels good to get off your chest and he sighs softly. he rolls over onto his side, wrapping his arms around you, "i see. i didn't realize i was doing that. i'm sorry, baby."
"it's okay," you shrug, leaning into his hug, "just...don't do it again?"
"i promise," he smiles, "i'll make you the center of the show next time!"
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♡ you were so excited for your birthday
♡ oikawa was rather busy and so you figured it would be a great opportunity to spend some quality time together !!!
♡ but then your birthday rolled around with not a single peep from your boyfriend
♡ you couldnt lie, it hurt
♡ especially when he came home and barely even spared you a glance before going to bed
♡ completely missing the forlorn look on your face
"hey," you greet him in the morning as he's putting his shoes on, "you leaving?"
"yeah, goin on a run," he grins, "you sleep good?"
"yeah...um..." you hesitate for a second, making him look at you, "anything...planned for today?"
"nah," he shakes his head, "nothin special."
you frown and nod, hopes that perhaps he planned something for today thoroughly dashed. he quickly catches onto your mood shift and turns to look at you.
"everything okay?" he asks.
"you um...i think you forgot my birthday," you shrug, "i mean it's not a big deal or anything but i just-"
"i did?" he gasps, yanking his phone out to look at the date before groaning, "holy shit, i did. im so sorry, baby. oh my god....im literally...shit."
"it's okay, tooru," you sigh, "it's not that big of a deal."
"yes it is!" he whines, flopping back on the bed, "ahhh, i can't believe i forgot. my poor baby...that must have hurt your feelings. oh my gosh..."
you can't help but giggle at how upset he seems at his own mistake. you hug him and smile, "go for your run and then you can make it up to me, okay?"
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© lovebo 2021. do not modify or repost.
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imagines-mha · 3 years
✰ haikyuu and their part time jobs ✰
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Daichi- he worked in a shoe shop for a few years and was the BEST worker they've ever had. Customer service was 10/10 and he always came to work with the best attitude. His boss almost cried when he had to leave
Suga- he was a private tutor for 12-year olds failing at math lmao. Kinda harsh, but every single one of them passed, plus all the moms fucking loved him
Asahi- the scary-looking guy who worked part-time at a flower shop cliche lmao. He knew all the languages to the flowers and made his mom custom bouquets like once a week like the angel he is
Noya- dog walked for his neighbors. Noya was like his neighborhood's little sweetheart, and he used it to his advantage by asking them if he could walk their dogs for money. Of course they said yes, and they think he's too cute not to spoil with extra cash so he got RICH
Tanaka- he did car washes with a bunch of his friends one summer. The plan was to only do it to win over cute girls, buuuut that never really worked and he actually got into tons of trouble for not knowing how to clean a car right and getting in sponge fights with his friends lmao
Ennoshita- he was a cashier for a week, and he tried way too hard to be perfect. An angry woman shouted for him and asked to speak to his manager and he cried the entire way home then handed his resignation notice in the next day lmao
Kageyama- he was way too awkward to get a job smh
Hinata- tried to work with noya walking dogs at some point but their energy just annoyed EVERYONE within a 10m distance and noya ended up firing him because he was “making his stocks go down”
Tsukishima- snarky cinema cashier that sighed really loud in your face if you asked for mixed popcorn BUT he always let underage kids get into R rated movies which made him kinda loved in the town
Yamaguchi- worked at a stationery shop and devoted his entire heart and soul to making everything look neat and presentable. The really cute cashier everyone had a crush on
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Oikawa- he applied for a job once and didn't show up to the interview cus he had volleyball practice lmao
Mattsun- he got a job at a frozen yogurt shop to make a little money when he was 16. All his friends used him for free food and it became the seijoh hangout spot for like a year
Makki- his aunt got him a job at her candy store but he was the WORST employee. Turns out just because ur family doesn't mean everything is free. he was shocked and appalled. she fired him
Iwa- he was a bartender for a few years, and he always made sure girls in his bar were safe at all times. 100% would punch a guy in the face if he tried anything with them
Kunimi- this man thinks being alive is still a full-time job yall pls
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Kuroo- worked the front desk at a fancy restaurant and used his charm to manipulate people into buying more stuff and subscribing to deals and memberships. It worked EVERY time
Kenma- he didn’t get a job but he sells shit on depop sometimes lmao
Lev- got a job in a call centre for like a week and then got fired when his boss realized he just hung up on people when they were rude/ when they asked to speak to his manager. He also NEVER did his job right and got distracted while on the phone to customers?? would fr end up talking about harry styles and everything like lev please
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Bokuto- sports shop employee that has SO MUCH ENERGY AT 7AM. He’s always asking if someone needs help and complimenting little kids when they buy something his manager loves him
Akaashi- bookstore employee that every indie customer falls in love with. He’s tall, he wears glasses, he’s polite, he’s quiet. They’re in heaven smh, but he's really just constantly exhausted and relies on books and coffee to keep him stable lmao
Konoha- this man has had 18 different jobs, and cant last more than 3 months in each of them he’s a NIGHTMARE
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Ushijima- he's rich he didn't need a job
Tendou- he worked as festival staff and he misses it every single day of his life. He had nonstop parties every week during summer and made so many friends :((
Goshiki- the most nervous barista you have ever met in your life. Takes sm care with every drink and still manages to fuck most of them up smh. Cried a lot in the back room.
Semi- small record store employee who sits behind the counter and tunes his guitar all day. Yes, he will talk to you about your music taste and yes, you will have a crush on him because he is GORGEOUS
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Kita- the kind corner shop worker that knew everyone in his town and asked about their day and everything smh he was so good. Never received a complaint
Atsumu- gets a job as a personal trainer for his local gym, but he only did it to brag about himself lmao. Also unnecessarily snarky. Got a lot of his pent up anger out but definitely got fired for his attitude
Osamu- worked at KFC for a month to get free food but quit because he ate too much of it and actually felt sick when he saw popcorn chicken
Suna- he got discounts on food from kita’s corner shop, so he would buy as much as he could and then sell it all in school for double the price smh
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Futakuchi- clothes shop employee who had an attitude when you asked him where anything was. He only worked there to give his life purpose and direction but hated every second of it
Aone- babysitter for literally all of his mom's friends. All the kids in his neighborhood know and love him because he was so kind and sweet to them all
Koganegawa- toy shop employee who got fired for playing with the toys and never actually doing work
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terushima - another sports shop employee- only he was fucking terrifying. Definitely fuckboy energy and he was so in-your-face about everything. like 70% of the population hated him lmaoo
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SO who has spiderman powers and forgets to tell anyone but is very very absentminded so one day they just come in walking on the ceiling and are like 'oh did I forget to tell you??' reactions from the skeletons, please
Undertale Sans - .... ????? He's looking at you with a very confused expression as his brain is slowly trying to understand what he's looking at right now. He's still not sure if he's napping the head backwards or what, but he still thinks he's dreaming.
Undertale Papyrus - "Hello Y/N! Are you cleaning the ceiling? You know I'm tall enough to do it myself right?" He thinks you are just doing chores weirdly. He even scolds you for not tying safely before climbing there. What were you thinking? You could have hurt yourself. He has to do everything in this house. Yeah... Sure.
Underswap Sans - "Oh hi. Since you there, can you grab that cookies box Honey hid above the cupboard in the kitchen? Thanks." He doesn't care, he used to people being weird all the time. He thinks it's just an other human thing someone forgot to tell him and he doesn't want to be rude by being accidentally racist.
Underswap Papyrus - He's jumping out of his bones, screaming. WHAT THE HELL? CAN YOU PLEASE WARN BEFORE DOING THIS? He's traumatised at first, but he finds this pretty funny. Imagine how popular the two of you would get if he dresses as Mary-Jane and the two of you reproduced a Spider-Man scene in cosplay in a con. The possibilities are endless.
Underfell Sans - He's looking at you, but it's like there's nothing in his head but a monkey playing with cymbals. Maybe Edge accidentally put bleach in his drink again and now he's hallucinating. Oh well. Fuck his life, he's going back to watch TV, waiting for death to take him or something.
Underfell Papyrus - He heard you come back, he hears you calling him, but he can't find you. Edge didn't notice right away you were above him. You had plenty of time to get down and save you secret. At least until he saw that footprint on the ceiling and loses his head because he's too small to clean it. Red is getting destroyed for throwing his shoes at the ceiling instead of you. You are watching the scene, ashamed, as Red is looking at you in the eyes, more and more angry, knowing who the real guilty one is. You feels your sins crawling on your back.
Horrortale Sans - Oh well, great. He's probably dreaming or something. That means the fridge must be full now, since it's his dream. He ignores you to go eat something. You are confused, but he will forget about you in a few seconds so it's find.
Horrortale Papyrus - He screams and throws a huge bone at you. You are back on the ground, knocked out. After that, Willow will act like nothing happened, but you can see guilt in his eyes whenever he's accidentally crossing your eyes.
Horrorfell Sans - Ok, you're walking on the ceiling, whatever. Can you come down now? He's tired and he needs you to nap because he can't nap without knowing where you are because it's stressing him out. You do what you want, he wants hug.
Horrorfell Papyrus - "Are you possessed? Should I call a priest?" He looks really concerned about this. He's pretty sure humans don't walk on ceiling. Maybe you had been cursed or something? He's doesn't care, but he's scared of losing you so he's calling an exorcist, agree or not. The exorcist never thought his job was real and now he bursts out in tears, traumatised. Poor guy needs therapy.
Swapfell Sans and Papyrus - So, the brothers were watching the movie The Exorcist in the dark when you entered the room creepily on the ceiling. Nox screams like he never screamed before, then Rus looked up and screamed too. They both run out of the house in total panic, even if you try to explain them it's normal. Maybe don't get out of the house. Nox is ready to shoot you on sight if he sees you go out. The brothers are traumatised and won't enter the house for two weeks. Even if you sort it all out in the end, Nox is still wary around you, and he refuses to be alone with you anymore because he's sure you are one of this horror movie monster. Rus is more chill about this, he finds it hilarious how you destroyed Captain Sans' confidence. He's head of the Royal Guard and he's scared of a tiny human. He can't get over it.
Outertale Sans - He's not shocked about it, since he can fly too. He's a bit surprised you forgot to tell him, but now the two of you can prank Sun. He's so happy about this.
Outertale Papyrus - Not you too?! He has enough of one flying brother, thank you. Please walk like a normal human, it's rude to walk on the ceiling! Also, it's creepy, you're going to scare the children he's keeping!
Dancetale Sans - Man, it's so cool. In his shows, his new favorite things is to throw you in the air and you wait on the ceiling, as his public stays confused, wondering where the hell you're gone. He loves this new prank.
Dancetale Papyrus - ... Nope. He's leaving. Fuck this, fuck that, fuck you. Too creepy for him, goodbye and thank you. Also don't forget to do the dishes, he's coming home late, then he slams the door.
Dancefell Sans - Oh no D: He throws you too high and now you are stuck. He did this to you, he's an horrible skeleton. Then he starts to cry like the big baby he is. You had to go down to show him you're not stuck in the ceiling.
Dancefell Papyrus - "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!" He's screaming, pointing you with his finger, recording the all thing on Instagram instinctively. You are trending on every social media in the world right now.
Farmtale Sans and Papyrus - So Ben entered the farm and he thought you were a very big spider, so he ran out to call for help. Then Sam came back with a flame-thrower and starts burning the ceiling before realising it's you. ... Oh. Uh... Forget you just saw him use a flamethrower. There's no flamethrower in this farm, it's all in your head. Also : WHAT THE HELL?
Mafiatale Sans - Ah ah, you're copying his magic tricks, very funny. He knows you are tied, duh. He's not stupid. Stop thinking he's an idiot. Then he throws a bone to cut the strings and you didn't move, and now he's looking at you, terrified. It's the most scary shit he has ever seen in his life.
Mafiatale Papyrus - "Omg! Can't you see the ceiling is low enough? Can you please not walk there, you're bothering everyone walking in this corridor!" He's angry at you, but not for the reason you expected. Well enough.
Mafiafell Sans - His mouth is so open with bewilderment he starts drooling on the ground. His brain stopped working, it will take a while for rebooting.
Mafiafell Papyrus - If you were that scared of his cat, you could have just tell him. No need to damage his ceiling, jeez. He's pissed off about the mud you're leaving there. If he has to clean the ceiling too now, he will go bananas. His cat hates you know. He's supposed to be the one possessed by evil spirit, not you, and now he is jealous.
Disbelief Papyrus - ... That's alright. He saw an entire genocide so a S/O walking on the ceiling is not so much. See? He's improving. So proud of himself.
Ink - He can do that too! He's opening a portal above you and jumps in your arms... That are not on the ceiling anymore consequently. You are both falling on the ground in a scream of terror.
Error - Tch. You have nothing special. He's joining you. You are both looking akwardly at each other on the ceiling.
Dustale Sans - He's in a corner, hissing at you. That's scary. He doesn't like scary things. Don't get too close or he might become a very bad murdery kitty. He's ready to attack you, S/O or not.
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [one] // wanda maximoff
summary: whilst caring for a new patient of yours, you definitely didn't expect to fall for her cute neighbour, Wanda Maximoff
warning/s: very minor mentions of injuries and death
author's note: okay so firstly, buckle in, folks, this is gonna be like 6 parts long lol. Also, I google translated all the Russian bits so i apologise if they are incorrect! okay, you may enjoy now :)
part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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"38... 38... 38..."
I scanned the doors to the many apartments in the hall, hoping to find the one that belonged to my newest patient – Anna Pivec. As a nurse, I was always given new patients to visit and tend to until they no longer needed it or chose not to have me around. I'd just been assigned a new patient, Anna, and was excited to meet her.
"38!" I said to myself, spotting the door at the end of the hallway. I knocked on before waiting patiently, hoping she wasn't sleeping or anything. It wasn't too early – 10AM – and she knew I was coming, so finger's crossed.
The door opened to reveal a short, old lady with grey hair and a cane in her hand. I smiled kindly, meeting her cloudy gaze.
"You must be the one my granddaughter is paying to look after me because she can't do it herself," the woman spoke before I could introduce myself. Stepping to the side, she motioned with her cane. "Come on in."
My smile dropped at her abruptness. "I, er, yeah, I guess that's me." As I walked in, I said, "My name is Y/N Y/L/N. The nurse from–"
"Yeah, I know where you're from," she cut me off, closing the door and heading further into her apartment. "They sent me a brochure, milaya."
I followed after her, surprised at how quick she was for an old lady with back and heart problems. She was leading me into the open plan living-room and kitchen.
"I'm sorry – milaya? What does that mean?" I asked politely, hoping I didn't come across as rude.
She waved her hand dismissively, mumbling something to herself in what I think was Russian. Her profile did say she was from Sokovia, so maybe that was it.
"Okay, erm, well, as I said," I changed the subject, figuring she wouldn't give me an answer, "I'm Y/N. I'll be here five times a week and basically be doing anything you need me to do. Of course, I only want you to be comfortable in your own home, so if you ever feel anything but, please let me know."
She hummed in acknowledgement before motioning for me to follow her. I set my bag on the kitchen counter before sitting on the couch as she did so on the recliner. She sighed with content as the pain on her back was eased from taking a seat.
"Tell me about yourself," she said gently.
I smiled with amusement. "That's usually what I ask my patients."
"Do forgive me, milaya," she said, and I made a mental note to bring a Russian-English dictionary with me tomorrow, "but you're a stranger in my home. I'd prefer to know about you before I let you take care of me."
I nodded, slightly impressed. Her profile didn't do her justice. Usually, the elderly I cared for were quick to allow me to do my thing, never really questioning who I was or what my intentions were. I was starting to get the impression that Anna was a strong, stubborn woman in a little old lady's body – definitely not one to mess around with.
"Okay, well, I'm a nurse," I began with the basics, and from there, went into a long ramble about my job, how I got into it, what it consisted of...
Anna was full of questions, taking the time to get to know me and I her. Once I had told her everything I could think to, she told me about her life. How she lived in Sokovia up until she was thirty-five years old and had to flee with her husband and daughter because of the war. She gushed about the both of them, a twinkle in her eye as she recalled their livelihoods like they were still alive. Her husband had unfortunately passed many years ago due to liver problems – "All that drinking, milaya! Us Sokovians are a force to be reckoned with!" – and her daughter had passed in a car accident not long after.
It was a tragic tale, but she didn't let it bring her down. In fact, she seemed grateful to have lived it and I couldn't help but smile as she shared it with me.
I noticed she would speak short phrases in Russian mid-conversation, without realising, which didn't make it easier for me to understand, but I couldn't bring it in myself to interrupt her to ask what they meant because she said it with such sincerity that I figured it reminded her of her home.
After our conversation, I made her lunch and gave her her medication before watching some TV with her and pretty much talking to her once again. She was quite an interesting woman, different to my usual patients, and I was enjoying our time together. After spending the day there, I wished her a good night before leaving.
When I returned the next morning, I let myself in with the key Anna gave me and called out a good morning.
"In here!" an unfamiliar female voice called out.
I furrowed my brows as I took off my jacket and headed into the living-area. Anna was sat in her recliner as usual, but she had a guest sat on her couch. A young woman, possibly my age, with long dark hair and a friendly smile on her lips was sat comfortably; she had a cup of tea in her hands and her legs pulled up on the couch like she lived there.
The stranger and Anna exchanged words in Russian briefly before the former stood up, about to introduce herself.
"Oh, are you her granddaughter?" I asked, putting two and two together. It was the only explanation I could think of for how comfortable she was and the fact that she was also Sokovian (I assumed, anyway).
The girl laughed, her green eyes sparkling as she shook her head. Putting out her hand, she said, "I'm Wanda Maximoff. Anna's neighbour."
Slightly embarrassed by my mistake, I smiled awkwardly and shook her hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have– I just thought because you were speaking Russian that–"
"It's fine, no harm no foul," she put me at ease quickly, before taking her seat again. "I've lived next door to Anna for about a year now. Sometimes I keep her company on my days off."
I set my bag on the floor before taking a seat on the couch, leaving a gap between Wanda and I.
"That's nice," I said with a smile before looking to Anna. "How are you feeling this morning, Mrs Pivec?"
She sighed, waving her hand dismissively, before saying something to Wanda in Russian who was listening intently. Nodding her head, Wanda looked to me with amusement.
"What did she say?" I asked, quirking a brow.
"She said she told you to stop calling her Mrs Pivec yesterday," Wanda translated, trying not to laugh.
"Just call me Anna, Y/N," Anna added with a nod. "And I'm fine. Just had breakfast with Wanda here."
"Breakfast," I repeated slowly. "How long ago was that? Just gotta make sure you get your meds."
"Shoot, am I doing your job?" Wanda asked, slightly panicked.
"No, no, you're not." I laughed at the way she scrunched her nose. "I mean, it would help if I could have breakfast with Miss– Anna, so I know when she has her medication. But it's all good."
"Are you sure? I can leave if I'm in the way," Wanda said with a frown.
"No need," I reassured her. "If Anna doesn't mind your presence, it's all good. I'm just here to look after her, clean up, make sure she eats, has her meds."
Wanda looked to Anna, who seemed unbothered by her presence.
"She can stay," Anna said with a shrug. "Makes it feel less like I'm a pet."
I opened my mouth to say something, possibly make her feel better, but I wasn't sure what to say.
"Don't mind her," Wanda reassured, giving Anna a knowing look before shooting me an easygoing smile. "She tends to speak her mind exactly as it is. No filter whatsoever. And very stubborn. You may have noticed."
I cracked a smile, feeling better knowing that it wasn't just me who noticed Anna's unique personality traits.
"Hey, that stubbornness and lack of filter is exactly how I beat my husband and his friends in every poker game back home," Anna said with a playful smirk.
Wanda and I chuckled, before the brunette leaned on the couch comfortably and looked to me.
"We finished breakfast, maybe, ten minutes ago? I made us eggs and toast," she answered my question from earlier.
I hummed before getting up with my bag and heading to the kitchen. Setting my bag on the counter, I grabbed my diary and also Anna's medication from its place on the kitchen counter.
"I'll give you your medicine now, Anna," I told her, already grabbing a glass of water for her.
"Thank you, milaya," she called back, and I spun around, immediately going to get my Russian-English dictionary from my bag. "Wait, I know what that is!" I flicked through the pages and scanned it eagerly. "Milaya... milaya... milaya! Okay, it means... sweetie."
"Sweetie," Wanda said at the same time, and I looked up to see her watching me from behind her cup of tea, trying not to laugh again.
"I guess another perk of your presence is being the translator," I said sheepishly, realising just how eager I was a second ago. "Anna likes to speak Russian a lot, which I'm fine with of course, but..." I waved the dictionary in the air.
"It's funny watching tvoye lichiko, milaya," Anna said with that same mischievous smirk on her face.
I looked down to my dictionary, struggling to pinpoint a single word in her sentence that I could search. It was overwhelming, the words going in one ear and out the other.
"She said it's funny watching your little face, sweetie," Wanda translated upon seeing my frozen state.
I relaxed my shoulders. "Thanks." Then I realised what she said. "Hey!"
Anna laughed as Wanda grinned, and I was suddenly glad she was here. I grabbed Anna's meds with a glass of water before giving them to her. After making sure she swallowed them properly, I put the glass to the side and took a seat on the couch again.
"So, you said you visited Anna on your days off?" I asked Wanda, intrigued by why a neighbour would be so interested in another. It wasn't very common in today's day and age.
"She's almost always here," Anna answered before Wanda could speak. I looked to her as she continued with a grateful smile. "Helps me with everything. Groceries, cleaning, my medication."
"So basically me but unpaid," I joked, and Anna laughed.
"Exactly," she agreed, and I looked to Wanda to see her blushing, eyes avoiding mine.
"That's really sweet," I said gently, earning her attention. "You're a really good neighbour, Wanda."
Wanda ran a hand through her hair. "It's nothing. If anything, I enjoy being here. Anna reminds me of Sokovia and my family and, well, home."
"Oh, so you're Sokovian, too?"
She nodded before smiling playfully. "Did the accent not give it away?"
I hid a smile. "I didn't want to assume. I mean, you could've been Czech. Slovakian. Basically anything else."
"Okay, I'll give you that," she gave in, tilting her head to the side, smile widening.
It was then that I learnt her smile was extremely contagious.
Same as yesterday, my plan was to stay the day with Anna, though this time Wanda also kept her company (and me, too). After lunch, I left the two of them to watch some TV as I excused myself to change Anna's bedsheets in her room, ready for bed tonight.
As I was doing so, I heard the door open and glanced over my shoulder to see Wanda entering the room. I gave her a smile before continuing to replace the pillowcase.
"Here, I can help," she offered, and didn't give me chance to decline as she grabbed the pillow on the other side of the bed and began to change its case.
"You sure? You know it's my job, right?" I teased, looking up at her over the bed between us.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm aware. Just thought I'd make it a bit easier for you."
I chuckled. "Well, I appreciate it... how is Anna?"
"Dozed off," Wanda quipped with an expectant nod. "Same time every day. Like clockwork."
"Huh." I thought back to yesterday and how she ended up taking a nap after lunch, too. "Noted. Thanks."
Wanda smiled before putting the pillowcase on the pillow and puffing it with her hands. I did the same, content with its appearance, before moving to the duvet. Wordlessly, Wanda grabbed one end and began to help me put it on, which I appreciated. The duvet was bigger than I was and definitely a two-person job.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I spoke out of the blue as we were putting on the duvet cover.
"Go for it," she said encouragingly, glancing sideways.
"Of course, you don't have to answer, but I thought I'd ask since I'm going to be looking after Anna for a while," I gave a little disclaimer, before saying, "She makes a lot of snide remarks about her granddaughter. Do they not get along?"
Wanda sighed quietly. "Her granddaughter doesn't really visit her here. She rarely calls."
"Her daughter's kid?"
"The only one," Wanda confirmed. "She keeps her distance, ever since her mum – Anna's daughter – passed. She just pays for, well, you."
I frowned. "That's sad."
"Yeah," Wanda agreed, breathing out.
The two of us spread the duvet over the double bed before I looked to her with a small smile.
"At least she has you," I pointed out. "It's nice you give up your free time to spend it with her."
"Like I said, it's good for me, too," she reminded me, returning the smile.
"So what do you do when you're not here keeping her company?" I asked curiously, moving to Anna's bedside to clear it up a little.
Wanda hid her smile behind a look of confusion. "Do you not– don't you recognise me?"
I quirked a brow, pausing my actions. "Am I supposed to?"
She snickered, shaking her head, eyes falling to the bed with mild disbelief. "I mean, I guess not. I'm–" She chuckled, looking to my confused face. "I'm one of the Avengers."
I studied her, her words not quite settling in. But when they did, I realised I actually recognised her and she was one of the Avengers.
"Oh my God!" I blurted, the penny finally dropping. "The one with the weird red energy powers! I mean– not weird but– the magic!"
She stifled laughter, nodding her head. Just like her smile, her laughter was contagious, too.
"Yeah, that's me," she confirmed.
I made a weird motion with my free hand, like I'd seen her do on TV when saving the day. "Does Anna know about your y'know?"
Wanda crossed her arms, raising a brow and watching me with a humoured gaze. "Is that supposed to be my powers?"
I stopped making the motion and felt my neck heating up. "I– yeah."
Laughter spilled from her lips yet again, automatically making me smile. I didn't mind that I'd made a fool of myself all of a sudden.
"Anna knows, yes," Wanda said with a bright smile. "She actually recognised me straight away. Much quicker than you. And she's eighty."
Waving my hand to distract from my flushed cheeks, I said, "Pfft, she probably confused you with someone else and played along when you told her who you were."
"Yeah, I'm sure that was it, ty milyy maneken," she retorted with her piercing gaze.
"No fair, my dictionary is in the other room," I said with a pout, and she only laughed even more.
"Guess you'll never know," she teased with a smirk, making me roll my eyes to distract from the way it made me feel when she stared at me like that.
It was much later on when I learnt that she had called me 'a cute dummy'. And that was the beautiful start to Wanda and I's introduction into each other's lives.
From then onwards, about eighty percent of the time I would go to care for Anna, Wanda was present, too and I didn't mind one bit. Not only did she keep Anna company, but she made my job a lot easier whilst keeping me company as well.
I was beginning to look forward to seeing her whenever I would open the door. Whether she was cleaning something up, playing board games with Anna or simply having a tidy up around the apartment, she'd always stop what she was doing and help me with whatever was in my hands as she greeted me at the door. It was adorable. She was adorable.
The few times she wasn't present because of work only made me miss her, the apartment feeling emptier than usual. Even Anna agreed, the two of us making up for the lack of the Sokovian girl's presence by distracting ourselves with other activities.
I was convinced Anna was warming up to me as she freely let me care for her without resistance. Obviously, she wouldn't be Anna if she didn't throw funny remarks my way or speak to me in Russian, knowing I didn't understand her, but it was tolerable. And I was liking her, too; she was easily becoming one of the best patients I cared for. There was just so much personality to her that I couldn't help but smile whenever I spoke to her.
One time, I was helping Anna out at her place when Wanda wasn't present. I was leading her into her bed when I decided now was a better time than ever to ask her about her birthday on Sunday, which I knew was then because of her file.
"So, I'll be seeing you in two days next," I told her as I pulled the duvet over her. "And a little birdie told me it's your birthday then. Eighty-one, Anna! That's amazing!"
She smiled but seemed embarrassed that I knew.
"Tell me what you want and I can make it happen," I said promisingly, smiling down at her.
She waved her hand. "I don't want anything, milaya (sweetie). Your presence is enough."
I chuckled. "As sweet as that is, I know everybody wants something for their birthday. Now please, Anna. What can I do to make the day a bit more special?"
She pondered my question momentarily and I waited for her to speak, hoping it was something doable.
"I would love to have a traditional Sokovian meal," she said reluctantly. "It's been a long time."
I breathed out quietly, patting her hand gently. "I can do that, Anna. Don't you worry."
She smiled genuinely, before shooing me away. "Okay, enough sappiness, ty mozhesh' uyti seychas (you can leave now)."
I laughed, standing up and dusting my pants off. I only knew what that phrase meant because she said it almost every time before my shift ended and I left for the day. I knew she didn't mean it as harshly as it sounded.
"I'm going, I'm going," I said, already heading to the door. "I'll see you Sunday, birthday girl."
She groaned quietly, making me grin, before I double checked everything was okay in the living-area and grabbed my stuff to leave.
As easy of a request that it was, I knew absolutely nothing about cooking a traditional Sokovian meal. But I knew of one person who did and instantly headed to Wanda's apartment next door to see if she was home.
With a quick knock, I waited patiently. I wasn't sure if she was even home since she hadn't visited Anna today and she usually did so if she was. When I was beginning to think she wasn't, I told myself I could Google a recipe and put something together, but then the door opened and revealed a tired-looking Wanda.
"Y/N," she said with surprise, but a friendly smile was on her lips nonetheless.
"Hey, I'm so sorry to disturb you this late, but I wanted to ask– wait, what happened to your face?" I stopped speaking and lost my own smile when I noticed the faint scratches and bruises dusting her skin.
"Oh, it's nothing–" she started, raising her hand, fingers wavering over her head, but I cut her off.
"Shit, Wanda, what happened?" I reached out, taking her hand in mine and studying the cast that was around her wrist. Concerned frown on my lips, I glanced up at her. "Are you okay?"
"It's fine, Y/N," she tried to reassure, but I couldn't help it as my worry got the better of me and I studied the cuts on her cheek. "I just came back from a mission. Minor injuries. Honestly."
I let go of her hand, realising I was still holding it, and nodded slightly. "Right..." Realising she must have been exhausted, I awkwardly stepped back and shook my head with realisation. "Sorry, I should go. I didn't mean to bot–"
"You were saying something," she interrupted, nodding encouragingly. "You wanted to ask me something. What is it?"
I paused, nodding. Admittedly, I was still worried about the bruises on her forehead. I knew she was an Avenger and this was probably the norm for her, but to me, it looked like she'd just got mugged. And the irregularity of that worried me.
"Yeah, I was saying," I finally found my words, trying to ignore the way her tired eyes peered at me hopefully. "It's Anna's birthday on Sunday and she wants to have a traditional Sokovian meal to celebrate. The only problem is, I don't know what that is." Wanda cracked a smile as I continued. "Do you, maybe, have a recipe I could use?"
"Of course," she said before motioning for me to follow her. "Come on in."
I followed after her, closing the door behind me, and stopped at the kitchen counter patiently. As she searched for a notebook in her drawer, I subtly glanced around, taking in the inside of Wanda's apartment. I'd never actually been in it before, but the minimal décor was very her. She didn't have many knickknacks and everything on display served a purpose.
"There's some recipes in here," she said, grabbing my attention. She slid the notebook across the counter and leaned forward with a smile. "Take your pick."
I flicked through it briefly, smiling at the notebook filled with recipes, all in Wanda's neat, cursive handwriting.
"Thank you," I said gratefully, looking up and catching her staring.
She perked up, clearing her throat as she nodded in response before looking the other way. Cute.
"Are you working on Sunday?" I asked with a raised brow, before rolling my eyes playfully. "What am I saying? Of course you're not. Not with that wrist."
She chuckled, still avoiding my eyes. "I'm not."
"Well, why don't you come over for her birthday? You can help me cook her a meal. Or rather, I can help you cook it since I'll probably screw it up."
Finally meeting my eyes, she smiled with amusement. "Are you sure?"
I gave her a knowing look, ignoring the butterflies swirling in my stomach as she held my gaze with her intense dark eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. Anna will love to celebrate with you. And..." I pursed my lips, taking a leap of faith and adding, "and I'd love it, too."
Wanda let out a quiet laugh. "You would, would you?"
I straightened up, smile widening. "Yeah, I would."
She tilted her head, studying me with a curious smile. "Well then, I clearly can't say no."
Something stirred in my chest the longer she watched me and I oddly liked it. It was obvious that Wanda was a beautiful girl with a heart of gold, but I guess I hadn't really acknowledged that I may have had feelings for her until now. And I didn't mind one bit.
"Great," I finally found my words, nodding slightly. "I'll see you Sunday."
She mirrored my expression, saying, "See you Sunday," and I knew I couldn't wait until then.
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