#that's a pretty normal response as well...
55sturn · 2 days
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disclaimers: this wasn’t requested but this is how i think being best friends with chris who also happens to be falling in love with you would go. suggestive and slightly 18+ nsfw content below, read at your own risk.
best friend!chris who is always there for you, day or night, early in the morning before the sun has completely risen and you’re drunk out of your mind sobbing because you’re homesick and he’s the closest thing to home, and during the late hours of night when the moon is at its peak and the stars are shining bright and you’re wide awake because you napped during the day and the two of you are walking through the streets of la reminiscing about a time before you could call la home.
best friend!chris who knows everything about you, from your favourite colour to the foods you despise and how to calm you down when you feel overstimulated and you’re having issues regulating your emotions, who has duplicates of your skincare cluttering his bathroom counter and the other halves to all the stuffed animals duos you find sitting on his bed and the couch in his room.
best friend!chris who finds his other half in you, your love for physical touch matches his, your personality mirrors his in an almost eerie way, he knows that you will match his energy and vibe without hesitation.
best friend!chris who is a big believer in eye contact, especially when it comes to you, he wants you to know you have his full attention, regardless of what you’re talking about, his eyes will always meet yours. and sometimes when the eye contact is so intense, to the point where you can’t hold it any longer because the colour of his eyes is too pretty and the way they’re droopy and tired and heavy lidded, almost giving them that bedroom eyes effect, makes you look away to hide the blush rising on your face, and the fact that if you stare at him any longer, you’ll kiss him, he chuckles lowly, gently turning your face back to his with a hand under your chin.
best friend!chris who isn’t scared to touch you, he will throw an arm around you and tug you closer, whispering whatever comes to mind in your ear, giggling as you roll your eyes at him, his hands are almost always on you, needing to feel you beside because you keep him grounded.
best friend!chris who is quick to size up any guy that dares to check you out or pick a fight with your bold drunken self that can’t seem to keep her comments to herself, and who isn’t scared to insert himself between you and whatever guy makes you uncomfortable.
best friend!chris who handles your attitude well, he doesn’t let it manifest into a bigger fight or deal than it needs to be and will counteract it by questioning why you’re coming at him sideways and will tell you to talk to him when you’re ready to act like an adult, and will not hesitate to grab your jaw, forcing you to pay attention, and understand that there’s not a singular reason for you to talk to him like that.
best friend!chris who very rarely snaps on you, who hates to see your demeanour morph and twist into something almost sinister with anger, and who hates it even more when it’s because of him. he’s always vowed to treat you with respect, meaning never to raise a hand or his voice to you, he views you as his equal, not someone to talk down to and try to control, so when he snaps, it’s not intentional, his mind is a whirlwind of overwhelming responsibilities and the possibility that he has feelings for you, and as someone who shows so many signs of adhd, it’s hard for his brain to quiet down as it is and when he’s overwhelmed, it’s game over, and he hates that his anger misplaced toward you.
best friend!chris who hates the guys and girls you date or hookup with, despite them being good natured people, he just cant see why they get all of you, not just the platonic side, when he’s right there.
best friend!chris who can’t deal with his jealousy in a relatively normal way, and decides to make a spectacle of it, blatantly showboating his jealous by picking arguments with the girls or the guys you date, even going as far as to physically fight one guy that you bring as plus one to a party you both attend, shrugging it off when you corner and ask him what the fuck he’s doing.
best friend!chris who stands quietly between your legs as you sit on the counter in his bathroom as you clean his knuckles and his split lip, shame and regret bubbling to the surface as you sigh, unable to fathom why he picked a fight with another guy that showed genuine interest in you for the fifth time that month, feeling hurt that he keeps preventing your potential happiness.
best friend!chris who tears up as you ask him if he thinks you’re undeserving of finding love and happiness, begging to know why he’s seemingly so against you being with anyone, and hearing you plead for an answer with such raw and deeply cutting sadness rips him apart so viciously that he can’t handle it so in attempt to make you see his feelings in the best way he can think of, he just grabs your face as firmly as possible while simultaneously holding you so delicately, and shoves his lips against yours, effectively silencing your pleas that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
best friend!chris who tries to leave the second you sit there, stunned and silent as you process what happened, but you’re quick to grab his wrist, turning him back toward you as your free hand wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him into angry and searing kiss while his hands wrap around your hips, pawing at the skin beneath your shirt in a futile effort to ground himself, to make himself believe that everything he’s wanted is actually happening.
best friend!chris who drags you to secluded alleyways and darkened corners every time you go out with friends because the urge to kiss you is bigger than his voice reason telling him to wait until you’re alone. he’s not intentionally hiding the new aspect of your relationship, he just wants it to stay innocent and pure, untainted by opinions of those who know.
best friend!chris who has half a brain when he’s not around you, which isn’t very common. but if you’re not nearby, he’s constantly thinking about you, wondering what you’re doing, what song is inevitably stuck in your head, if you’re thinking about him too, if you need him as bad as he always needs you.
best friend!chris who turns into a puddle of mush the first time you kiss him in front of your friends, not giving a fuck who sees because you just wanted to kiss him, and who stares at you with hearts in his eyes as you pull away before attacking your face with a million little kisses because he’s excited that he doesn’t have to kiss you in secret anymore.
best friend!chris who just about spills his guts and tells you he loves you the first time you two have sex, it’s almost pavlovian the way the words nearly tumble from his lips, he’s always associated sex with the person he loves most, and with that person being you, his rutting against yours so deliciously, it hurdles him closer and closer to saying fuck it and telling you but he holds himself back, he doesn’t want the first time he says those three words while actually meaning it to be tarnished by the feeling of chasing both your high and his, making it seem like he’s only saying it because of the sex.
best friend!chris who is devoted to your pleasure, he’s much more committed to making you finish and feel good than he ever has been with a girl before. he reasoning is that you’re miles and miles more important to him than any of his old flings and one night stands.
best friend!chris who doesn’t let your dynamic change drastically after realizing each other’s feelings, he doesn’t want to lose the elements that made your relationship in the first place, he still sees you as his best friend [ in a sense ] but he just gets to kiss you whenever he wants. you come first to him in every sense and aspect, you’re his main girl and that’ll never change, even when your relationship begins to.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @gamermattsgf @vanteguccir @sturnioloshacker @mattscoquette @sugrhigh @bratzforchris @teapartyprincess4two @lustfulslxt @patscorner @guccifrog @muwapsturniolo @soursturniolo @solarsturniolo @sturnioloshacker @raysmayhem-72 @meanttomeet @breeloveschris @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @thc-bolter @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @sturnifyed @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chriss @evie-sturns @hysteria-things @sturniolossss @iliketotalk @bambi-slxt @nickgetsmewetter @inkyray @jnkvivi @cdbabymp3 @certifiedstarrr @certified-chrisgirl @faeriedst
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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tvklike · 3 days
i feel like toshiro gets too much hate like. ofc he clashes with a western autistic man with different social norms and no boundaries. of course shuro is going to be uncomfortable when his own boundaries are crossed, and being from the culture he is from, it’s difficult to outright express those boundaries in a polite way. he was always secretive and lowkey about a lot of things, his feelings of dislike towards some of laios’s traits is normal i think. he doesn’t dislike laios because he’s autistic. imo i don’t think he dislikes laios at all, he just doesn’t know how to stand up for himself until he hits a breaking point. i think people forget that when we see shuro for a second time and he’s “being mean to laios”, he’s literally at his all time lowest he could be. he doesn’t eat or take care of himself or even think of how much energy he has left. hes just doing the same thing laios’s party is doing (going to save falin) a little differently and with a different party.
all that to say don’t say shuro is a bastard and mean it, because he is a well written character with feelings that can be hurt and boundaries that can be crossed just like any other character. and that’s to say that laios has pretty much crossed everyone’s boundaries at some point, and they’ve lashed out at him about it too. it just so happens that their lashing out is seen as comical and lighthearted, whereas shuro’s lashing out happens at a very tense and serious part of the storyline, so people automatically paint shuro as the bad guy bc “laios is autistic how was he supposed to know” ok but that doesn’t mean laios is absolved of hurting the feelings of others, even the ones he cares for. do not infantilize an autistic adult by saying they’re not responsible for their actions, bc they “don’t know better”. autistic people are capable of growth and character development as well. if shuro came up to laios and was like “hey i didn’t like what you did/said earlier i would like to ask if you didn’t do that again/[insert other mutually beneficial solution here], laios would totally be all “oh shit dude i’m sorry i didn’t know you felt that way thanks for telling me i’ll do my best to work on that because i value our friendship (: “
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bilswildflower · 3 days
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Stolen Moments
- part 2
Billie Eilish x Female Reader
CW: fluff
Summary: Your first date with Billie after the two of you had been wanting each other for a whole year.
May 31st 2024
You woke up on your couch feeling warm and cozy as the morning sunlight blazed through your still open curtains that you had forgotten to close last night. Sitting up slightly, you leaned over to the coffee table, tapping your phone screen to check the time. 10:33am. Not too bad, you thought. You smiled to yourself when you saw you had a text from Billie sent to you an hour ago. You swiped it open to a message that said
‘mornin baby girl, still on 4 tonight?’
Blushing, you text back a quick “of course 😘” as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and got up to go shower. Deciding to run some errands for the day to pass the time before your date with Billie.
You had both been texting back and forth throughout the day as you ran your regular errands of grocery shopping, garden shopping and stopping at a friends house for a catch up. It made your heart skip considering how terrible Billie was at texting back normally, and the fact that she has a very busy day today with interviews. So you really appreciated that she was trying.
You shoved your front door open, carrying bags of who knows what after your busy day of shopping and trying to evade paparazzi, which ultimately, you failed at. Can’t wait to see those photos, you muttered to yourself under your breath. You dumped your bags on top of your kitchen counter, heat rising to your cheeks as you remembered how Billie had you pressed up against that same counter not even 24 hours ago. With Billie in mind, you pulled out your phone to ask her a quick question.
‘Where are we going tonight by the way?’
You pressed send and went to put your shopping away, then decided to take yourself upstairs for a nap.
Your phone pinged the moment you laid your head down on your pillow, flipping onto your side your finger slid open your phone to a text back reading,
‘hmm think imma leave that as a surprise mama’
You blushed at the nickname and rolled your eyes at her attempt to be mysterious.
‘Well can you at least tell me what the vibe is? I need to know what kinda outfit to wear silly’
It took a couple minutes before you got a response. Billie had sent a screenshot of a picture from your instagram, posted about 4 months ago from a movie premiere you went to. In the picture you were wearing a beautiful tight fitted, short sleeved, silk black dress that stopped at your knees. It hugged your body perfectly and you always felt so confident in it. You remember when you posted the picture, Billie commented a bunch of heart eye emojis and complimented you about a hundred times over it the next time she saw you.
As you looked at the screenshot Billie text back again.
‘still got this?’
‘Yeah it’s pretty’
‘it is, wear it?’
‘As you wish babe’
It was around 4:30pm now, so you set your alarm for 6 to make sure you had enough time to get ready before Billie picked you up at 8. You placed your phone down on the bedside table next to you and wrapped yourself up in the throw on top of your bed, closing your eyes and letting yourself fall asleep, dreaming about Billie as you did.
You stood in front of your bedroom mirror and smoothed out your outfit, twisting and twirling your body to make sure everything looked good. You had on the black sleek dress that Billie requested you to wear, a pair of black pumps, not too high so you don’t tower over Billie, your hair and makeup done just the way you like it and you had a thin silver chain draped around your neck with a little heart pendant dangling from it.
It’s 7:50 now, you thought as you checked your watch, Billie will be here shortly. You couldn’t lie to yourself, you were nervous. You knew since the two of you were celebrities that Billie would take you somewhere quiet and secluded, so at least you didn’t have to worry about paparazzi. The last thing you both need is new speculation about your love life.
You made your way downstairs with your purse and flopped on the couch, scrolling through tik tok as you waited to be picked up. You had hoped tik tok would be a distraction from how nervous you were, but your heart was still pounding in your chest like no tomorrow.
Suddenly, your phone pinged.
‘here, come out’
You were slightly confused as to why she would text you she’s here instead of knocking on your door or even just letting herself in, but nonetheless you grabbed your purse and headed for the door. As you stepped out, you could have cried at the sight in front of you.
Billie was stood by the passenger side of her dodge, with the door already open for you. She had a big grin on her face and her hands wrapped around the stems of the most beautiful red roses you had ever seen. She was wearing a black and white striped blazer with a button down and some black baggy suit pants, and since it was a date, she had decided to leave the hat at home.
You couldn’t help but smile at her, locking your door and walking over to her you took the roses from her hands as she held them out to you and you wrapped an arm around her neck, giving her a quick peck on the lips.
“Hi” Billie finally spoke up.
You laughed, “Hi”. For some reason, you felt so shy. Especially now, those flowers had rendered you speechless. Nobody had ever bought you flowers before, you almost didn’t know what to say.
Billie pulled away, biting her lip as she looked you up and down, before quietly commenting on how beautiful you looked. Seems you made Billie just as nervous as she made you. You liked that.
“Shall we go?” She said, clearing her throat.
You nodded and Billie held the passenger door for you as you took your seat inside her car. She closed it shut gently and made her way over as the driver. The whole car ride you felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest with how hard it had been pounding. Especially when Billie would reach over every so often to place a soft hand on your leg and gently stroke over the fabric of your dress with her thumb. Even through the silk, you could feel her touch burning into you. It was making you go insane and you felt your face flush every time.
Billie finally pulled into a parking lot of the fanciest restaurant you had ever seen in your life, before stopping her car and removing her seat belt. Just as you removed yours, she leaned over to you and took your chin in her fingers to gently press a soft kiss to your lips. Then she got out and made her way over to your side to open your door for you, holding your hand as you got out. She made your heart flutter so much it felt like it could fly away.
The two of you made your way inside and were led to a cute little table away in the corner of the restaurant after Billie let the host know she had made a reservation. She pulled your chair out for you before taking a seat herself and the two of you looked over the menu before ordering.
Throughout the night, Billie slowly eased your nerves so effortlessly. Every now and then she would reach over the table and take your hand in hers, stroking with her thumb as she listened so intently to whatever you were talking about, her bright sea blue eyes locked into yours to show she was paying attention and it made you weak in the knees.
As you were finishing up, the waiter came by with the bill, which Billie paid immediately despite your suggestion to split it, then she stood from her seat and held her hand out for you, leading you both out of the restaurant.
“This was nice” you spoke up as you arrived back to the car.
Billie smiled “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I wanted to make it special for you”. She opened your passenger side door for you, allowing you inside then got in herself.
The car ride back was quiet, the only sound filling the vehicle being the faint hums of music playing through the speakers on low volume. Despite there being silence between the two of you, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable like it usually was when you were with a partner. You felt content, like you didn’t need to say anything, and Billie felt the same.
You leaned over to the drivers side slightly to lay your head softly against Billies shoulder, drawing a smile onto her face. The arm you had your head resting on came up to the other side of your face as Billie stroked your hair gently, then her own head leaned in slightly to press a kiss to the top of your head before turning back to focus on the road again.
“Can we not go back yet? I want this to last a little longer if that’s okay”
“Yeah? Wanna just drive around for a little while?”
You smiled into her arm “yes please”.
Billie pressed another quick kiss to the top of your head and changed directions so you were headed away from your house. You didn’t want to drive around all night, but you needed to stay in this moment for just a little bit longer before she took you home.
You nestled into her arm as best as you could without preventing Billie from driving, meanwhile Billie had a big smile on her face the whole time, and you stayed there, cozy, content and safe.
Safe. For the first time ever with another person, you felt safe.
I tried so hard with this it took me days to write it omg. Hope you enjoy it! I’m not great at writing about dates so please bare with the fact I skipped over the pretty fast I just wanted to focus on the relationship ☺️
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avaetin · 2 days
I had a Jasico idea.
In which Jason is the new kid, and Nico is one of the popular kids.
“There’s a few things you should know if you want to survive here,” Dakota informed him, his tone serious.
Jason limited his reaction to raising one of his brows in incredulity. Somehow, he doubted playing by the pre-established rules was a matter of life or death as his fellow sophomore was making it out to be. Nonetheless, he listened out of courtesy.
“First of all, stick to the status quo. Don’t ever upset it. You said you’re here on a scholarship, right? Academic or sports?”
“Academic. But I play sports as well,” Jason replied vaguely.
“If you’re good, stick with the jocks. If you’re average, stick with either the jocks or the brainiacs. If you suck, stick with the brainiacs,” Dakota cut straight to the point. “It’s cool if you want to hang out with Reyna since the two of you are friends. But, for your sake, unless you’re joining the student council, try to keep her at arm’s length. She’s the president of the student council; you’re the new kid. You’re going to draw unwanted attention to yourself just by being close to her.”
Jason didn’t like that. It explained a lot of things he observed so far, though, like how every group of individuals he encountered seemed to either belong from the same club or share a common interest. Even Reyna, for her part, was hanging out with her people from the student council. It was like everyone was subconsciously being careful; that one wrong move could potentially tip some carefully constructed societal balance they established.
How disappointing.
Jason was looking forward to making and having a diverse group of friends. To be told that he could only choose one or the other was very upsetting.
“There’s an exception though, which brings us to my second point: If you’re part of the Royalty, you’re free to mingle with anyone you like,” Dakota continued. “However, we’re not allowed to speak to them aside from school-related reasons.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not related to any royal family,” Jason answered.
“No, you got it wrong. The Royalty is a group consisting of the most popular kids. There’s Luke Castellan and Silena Beauregard, the seniors. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the juniors. Last, but definitely not the least, Nico di Angelo, the sophomore,” Dakota explained, his voice sounding almost reverent.
“Nico di Angelo?” Jason looked surprised. The odds of someone else having the same unique name was unlikely. It had to be that Nico. “He’s popular?”
“What are you insinuating?” Dakota questioned, his eyes narrowed as he regarded Jason in a little less friendly manner. “Of course, he’s popular. He’s our precious prince. Have you ever seen someone as beautiful as him?”
Well. Now that Dakota mentioned–
“You know what, nevermind,” the sophomore dismissed whatever Jason had to say with a wave of his hand. “Whatever it is, I don’t care. Just so you know, each of them have their own fanclubs, so you better be careful about what you say from now on. Some students get pretty hostile when you badmouth their idols. You’re lucky it’s just me this time.”
The longer they had this conversation, the more Jason was getting convinced that playing by the rules was a matter of life and death. Jesus, what school did Thalia dump him into?
“Since you don’t like our prince, this seems redundant to mention, but just in case: Don’t get involved with Nico,” Dakota warned him.
Jason frowned in response, “What do you mean? Is Nico into some shady business?”
“What? No,” Dakota denied immediately, his tone returning to normal. “Don’t get involved with him in that way,” he tried again, awkwardly wiggling his eyebrows to get his point across. Jason got his point the second time around, his cheeks burning at the implication.
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skyartworkzzz · 2 days
How did life in the cult looked like before Narinder was killed and Lamb ascended?
Were they a benevolent leader or a cruel one?
And has anything changed since Lamb ascended?
OKAY SO MILDLY LONG RESPONSE UNDER THE CUT bless chu for these questions mwehe love me rambling .w. 💜
Before Narinder was killed and Lambert was still his vessel, everyone was pretty much living a regular routine The only thing that changed over time on all the followers was their growing "weirdness" due to the Lamb's influence as their Leader xD
When Narinder was defeated and Lamb became the new God of Death, life carried out pretty normally afterwards, but now with the followers being much more devoted to the Lamb! Many who were once skeptical to their ways were converted too Im still questioning on whether the followers should be aware of who Nari used to be or not since- well they did see the whole ass fight in the game so I think itd be natural for them to know LMAO BUT IF THEY DO KNOW WHO NARI WAS, theres a chance some would make fun of him either on his face or on his back for what he is now: a follower just like them. Some would probably praise the Lamb at him, most would likely leave him alone........theres many possibilities, but overall theyd get used to his presence like any other fellow cult-mate x'D
Lamb has always been a kind, just leader who tried their best to make everyone comfortable in their new home at the cult, but that is not to say that when shit would get serious They Would Be Serious. Many difficult dissenters have already perished on their hands or were tortured to conversion While some followers felt a sense of familiarity with Lamby and treated them like a close friend, others were too scared or shy to approach despite knowing how nice they were Lambert never seemed to care much what others thought of them, but did try to put in the effort to at least leave a respectful and trustworthy image in their minds as their Leader At the beginning they never searched to develop stronger bonds with their followers, but as time went by after living with the same faces for a while, it just- happened xD
Once the Lamb's ascension started in order to become an official God, the cult slowly got more and more scared of their Leader, either for fear of who they were becoming or worry for who they were losing Many followers and Disciples that grew closer to the Lamb became overly concerned about their well-being, making sure to constantly check in whenever they noticed something was off The closer Lambert got to divinity, the more distance they started to place between them and the followers. Not because they wanted to, but because they were no longer able to relate to them and they to the Lamb (like friends growing apart for being interested in different things yk) Naturally, theyd feel lonely LOL and cling more onto Narinder since he is the only one who knows what they are going through (for the most part at least-)
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truthful-peanut · 11 hours
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE!! Today I just wrote some silly little headcanons on how I think some JJK characters would react to you coming out to them as Non-Binary and asking them to use they/them pronouns for you (this is DEFINITELY not completely self indulgent. Definitely not, mhm.) Also, readers relationships with everyone is platonic as I picture them as a minor in this. It’s not clear that they’re a minor though so you don’t need to keep that in mind.
— Peanut <3
How JJK Characters Would React To You Coming Out To Them As Non-Binary And Asking Them To Use They/Them Pronouns For You || Part 1 [Satoru Gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen]
Summary: you come out to JJK Characters as non-binary and ask them to use they/them pronouns.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Reader uses they/them pronouns, reader is AFAB in Toji’s, fluff, mentions of transphobia, mentions of death, not proofread, possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lmk if I missed anything.
Satoru Gojo
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“Coolio.” He gives you a thumbs up and a bright smile.
He moves on pretty quickly, so you assume he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by making a scene.
Or at least that’s what you thought until the next day when you came into the classroom, ready for another day at Jujutsu High.
It started like any normal day until you opened the classroom door and there’s party poppers exploding your way, drenching you in confetti.
You are completely taken off guard, not expecting this at all.
There is rainbow bunting everywhere, rainbow napkins and rainbow plastic cups. There is a cake on one of the desks drowned in skittles.
Gojo forced everyone to wear party hats with the non-binary flag on them as well.
Megumi is wearing his usual deadpan face while Nobara is yelling at Yuji for screaming in her ear.
Gojo may seem like an idiot who can’t remember anything for the life of him, but that’s actually just a facade.
He does a great job at adjusting to your new pronouns and will 100% purple anyone if they’re being transphobic and/or purposely misgendering you.
“That should sort them out.”
Ultimately I think Gojo would be the sweetest and he might even throw an annual party to commemorate when you came out. If you don’t want that though, he’ll drop the idea. He just wants you to be happy and he’s glad you feel comfortable enough around him to come out and show your true self.
Toji Fushiguro
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“What does that mean?”
You’re gonna have to explain to him what non-binary means.
But once you do, he replies with a simple “okay.” And moves on.
He doesn’t make a big deal out of it or throw a party because it’s not a big deal to him.
If you want to throw a little party, he doesn’t mind. But at the end of the day, you’re still you.
He tries his best to adjust to the new pronouns. Key word: tries.
“Her pronouns are they/them!”
“Their pronouns are they/them…” You sigh.
“Oh shit, my bad.”
If anyone is being transphobic towards you, you better believe he’s gonna be right there, giving them a stare that will probably make that person regret what they’ve said IMMEDIATELY.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
At the end of the day, he cares a lot for you, but you’re going to have to be patient with him because this old man can’t even remember his son’s name, let alone that he has a son.
Sukuna Ryomen
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“What are you talking about, brat?”
Sukuna is ANCIENT, so you’re gonna have to break down what gender even means first 😭 (gender is a construct formed by humans, that’s why you’ll need to explain).
He’ll get it after a few times of explaining.
When he does get it though, he acts like he could honestly give less of a shit.
“Okay, I’m gonna go destroy the world now.” Kinda response.
Despite his aloof response, he makes an effort to change your pronouns and it may come as a surprise, but he does a good job at it.
He recognises that misgendering you wouldn’t keep you happy — and while he usually enjoys the suffering of others — when it comes to you, seeing you happy pleases him, and everything he does is to please himself, so seeing you upset would be unproductive for both of you.
People know not to mess with you for this reason. Because even others see the clear favouritism.
So if anyone is being transphobic towards you and/or purposefully misgendering you, they probably don’t know who Sukuna is or they’re asking for a death wish.
“Foolish vermin. Don’t listen to them, brat.”
Despite his harsh tone and names, Sukuna’s all bark and no bite to you and you only (for at least the time being). So despite the fact he’s a curse well over 1000 years old who wants nothing than the world to turn into pure carnage, he cares for you more than he would like to admit, so you don’t need to ever worry about him misgendering you.
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reposts are appreciated!
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I may have gotten my coworker to read Cinderella Boy?!?!
Here’s a story time no one asked for!
The other night I was rereading Cinderella Boy (as one does) and it ended up getting really late and I forgot to set my alarm for the morning. The next morning I woke up late, and as a result I showed up to work a little late. Once I got into work and my coworker goes, “That’s not like you at all, you’re usually here early.”
I just went “Oh yeah I accidentally stayed up late reading haha.”
She asks “Oh what were you reading?”
Now at this moment I know I have two options. I can either just brush it off and say “nothing of importance.” OR just tell the truth. I am usually pretty much incapable of acting normal once my favorite shows/comics/books/etc. are mentioned so I try my best to not bring them up, especially in a work setting. I’ll go on for days and will not shut up, so it’s best for everyone involved if I sit alone at my desk doing my work instead of yapping on and on like some maniac about motifs, symbolism, prose, and wanting Chase and Buddy to kiss. So what did I decide to say? “Oh…you know just some comic haha.”
She goes, “Wait I actually love comics. I just finished this one recently and need a new one to read. What comic was it?”
I’m thinking it’s cool, it’s fine. I’ll just say the name of the comic and go on my way and leave the conversation behind. “Oh it’s called Cinderella Boy.”
“Hmmm I’ve never heard of that one. What’s it about?”
Now I’m stuck. Now there’s no wiggle room for me to avoid the question. I’m thinking I can’t just avoid the question. Plus she asked me which means she wants to know right? Haha. Right? I mean surely there’ll be no judgment or weird vibes if I mention what it’s about right? What if she thinks it’s weird because it’s a BL and she thinks I’m some pervert? Oh my god. What if she tells HR I’ve been reading about two boys falling in love? What if she actually reads it and hates it? Oh I could never work with her again. I’ll have to change my name and move to a different country she’s gonna think I’m so cringey. No wait she probably already thinks I’m cringey cause I read comics, what am I gonna d-
“Oh…you know it’s about this guy who finds this key and he can transport into any book he wants. Except he always has to be heroine. Then there’s some other guy who is after the key as well and it’s a big mystery as to what he wants with the key or why he needs it. It’s pretty good it’s got romance, comedy, and is heartwarming.”
At this point I’m thinking ok. Cool. It’s over. We don’t have to talk about this ever again. I managed to remain calm and give a simple straightforward response that didn’t seem super cringey or anything like that. Then I hear, “Sounds cool. Can you send me the link to read it?”
I go “Yeah sure, sure I’ll do that right now.” And then died on the inside because there’s no way that just happened.
And that’s the story of how I may or may not have gotten my coworker to read Cinderella Boy. I don’t know how I feel considering she will probably be a pretty casual reader (also she may just not read it at all, I dunno what she likes to read) meanwhile I’m out here running a whole ass blog for it, but hey what is life is not filled with these random moments of insanity? *eye twitching*
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poethood · 1 month
at what point does a fear become irrational. all of my fears are completely justified and based in previous experience
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"The world isn't a safe place, so get used to it!"
Man, as somebody who's survived multiple, long-lasting instances of abuse from a very young age, I was under the impression that the world was, indeed, so safe and conforming to my desires. I'm practically stunned to learn that this is not the case, and I have been severely humbled
(Sarcasm fully intended)
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work-of-waking-up · 1 year
I’ve played this scene in my head quite a few times recently. Idk why. But in any case it got me thinking about it.
There are 2 very specific moments that happened in episode two which caused me to fall in love with the character of Villanelle.
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1. We’re thrown in medias res to her already being pushed right against the feeling she’s been focused on and up close, while she shoots, we watch her about to zone right in on it. She’s anticipating a feeling she’s accustomed to, one the show establishes early on that this is what she does and that she enjoys it, but this time she didn’t get it. Or not all of it, I’d say. There’s something like disappointment, it’s as close as she can currently get to it, but it’s an odd, out of place feeling. Interesting, for a second. Now annoyed.
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Annoyed because 2. The thing that she could rely on to make her actually feel something in life has now simply allowed her to continue on feeling nothing. There was no reward, no instant gratification, and no real, worthy pleasure. At this moment in time, she is endlessly BORED. A feeling like nothing that is somehow incredibly something. A Void.
And I instantly knew I’d found a character I’d support and root for, no matter what, because yeah. Yes. I GET IT. I saw myself and that made me feel something.
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sophegg · 1 year
i love the egg child part of the qsmp so much i just need to put it into words. it’s such a smart idea for how to make sure the server stays active — it’s not an activity requirement, but if you don’t take care of your egg, it will die. theoretically, you could just let your egg die and you can let someone else take care of it when you aren’t free to join. but people fall in love with their little pixel children and then they WANT to be active, it’s not an obligation they have to fill but something their consistently excited to do.
and having the parents be an english streamer and a spanish streamer is such a good way to make sure they all interact with each other across the language barrier. sure, there is some in-game translation to make things easier, but they also end up talking on discord to coordinate childcare and in the screenshots we’ve seen i think it’s so interesting how they’ll often speak the other person’s language rather than just picking one to both use or only using their own. co-parenting also gives them the basis for building up strong and unique relationships between the streamers themselves and their qsmp characters, which would’ve been much harder to develop without being given a starting point given the language barrier.
it’s just so clear how much thought quackity has put into this server and it’s so fun to watch everyone fall in love with their little egg children
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thesnacken · 7 months
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Whumpers, what are your earliest memories?
Mine is from when I was about two or three. I was in a stroller, at my cousin’s Irish dancing recital. After the recital, my aunts were talking down to me in the stroller, and to each other. I was experiencing extreme anxiety because I couldn’t understand what they were saying, when I felt I should have been able to communicate with them like they were communicating with each other. I was also very tired and dazed. I did not cry though… I probably looked normal on the outside.
I also remember when I was about four or five, I went to the beach with my dad and one of his friends. I somehow found my way onto the dock, planted my little rear end on a jet ski, untethered it from the dock, and started floating into the sunset. There was an old lady lounging in a donut inflatable out some way; she said something to me, but I couldn’t understand what she said, despite trying really hard. I’m assuming it was something along the lines of “Oh my god get off that jet ski you’re going to fucking DIE, kid,” but again… couldn’t understand a word of what she said, and got frustrated because she was speaking English (without an accent) and I should know how to understand adults speaking English to me.
At this point, my dad is yelling at me from across the water, and a young lifeguard drags the jet ski back. On land, my dad lectured at me very harshly as he led me back to the car. I didn’t know I had done anything wrong, and was very confused. At some point this guy starts quoting the Bible at me, and the only thing I could pick out were the words (spoken very emphatically), “Your days are numbered.”
“My days are numbered?” cue a vivid mental image of a calendar, with dates listed for every day of the week, “What does that mean?” Later on I figured out this was the Bible’s way of referencing death at God’s hand which just made me even more confused as to what I did, until at age thirteen, I figured out, “Oh a baby who can’t swim floating on a jet ski is terrifying, actually.”
Tagging: @kaleidoscopr @redd956 @hereissomething @astudyinpanda @c0ldbrains @straight-to-the-pain
#tag game lol#I had a thing with not understanding people very well (or at all) as a child idk if that’s normal kid stuff or what lol#Like you know how in dreams people’s speech is a blur? That was how I (mostly) interacted with the world from ages two to six#My best friend at the time would talk to me a lot (she was a couple years younger) and she was still partly in the “babbling” phase#and couldn’t speak clearly at all#so I just kind of nodded and went along with it despite having no idea what the hell she just said#Which I continued to do with everyone else into adulthood; as soon as someone talks to me I zone out whether I want to or not lol#My life has been a perpetual cycle of: “Why can’t I do that; am I stupid or something?” > studying it intensely > excelling at it#Like humor. No one laughed at my jokes in my first year of public school; so I watched what made people tick…#By the time junior year online English class rolled around I had the teachers and students in stitches almost constantly#Likewise with understanding people: I zone out all the time; but I can quickly replay what I heard in my head and ask a question to verify#if that’s what they said; then give an appropriate response to it#Basically I repeat 70% of what people say to me during conversation to make sure I’m not missing anything#As a result I’m now pretty good at figuring out what people are saying if there are language barriers or speech abnormalities involved#But do NOT give me verbal directions; I can and will forget them the instant you walk away
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seariii · 3 months
On a much brighter note... No filter/sleep deprived Seari shouldn't be allowed a phone
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lunapwrites · 5 months
when you get this ask you have to you could perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of ur fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your moots who you think have good taste!
Hi hello yes this is one of my FAVORITE games to play. But please be prepared for some slight genre whiplash haha.
At heart, I am an angsty bitch. This song MOVES me like nothing else in this world, and is one I will absolutely belt out in the car if I'm by myself. But also - this is one of a small handful of songs I have always wanted to animate something for because it gives Remus-post-81 vibes but alas, my brain and hands continue to be on non-speaking terms.
Fun fact about me: I decoded the entire alphabet they'd used in the album art for this, and used to write notes to my ex in them so that teachers couldn't tell what I was writing. (S and R were also the same symbol, reversed, which is really funny in hindsight, even if at the time it fucked with my ADHD lol.) I have also done this with dwarven runes from LoTR, and also the entire Al Bhed language from FFX. Anyway this album saw a lot of play during my sophomore and junior years of high school, specifically, but this song has always been one of my favorites.
Tori my beloved!!!! This song goes so goddamn hard, and I have very strong memories of coming home from school and turning on "we have MTV at home" (which was in fact actually better than MTV bc they were JUST music videos, no fluff), and watching this woman marching barefoot through the woods, blindfolded and bound, and just !!!!! Choirgirl Hotel was one of the first CDs I ever purchased for myself for a reason.
This song has the distinction of inspiring the tone and tenor of my first ever poem when I was 12, which I had to submit as a school assignment, and which my teacher felt compelled to pull me aside and ask if I was okay about. Having to explain to said teacher that I was not in fact being imprisoned in my own home and that the poem was about our new puppy crying in his kennel was... an interesting experience lol. What can I say, angst is in my blood lmfao. Anyway, this is another one I like to sing along to a lot, and holds the distinction of containing both the lowest and highest notes I can reliably hit. (I know that Chris is a Baritone with a roughly 4 octave range, but as for what notes he's hitting in this song in particular? Fuck if I know.)
This song. Has such a GORGEOUS buildup - there's a hypnotic rhythm to it also that is fairly common with Tool songs, but just... really really shines in this one. Also it's a song about his mother dying, and about his complicated relationship with faith (and hers.) Like... my god. I know everyone likes Vicarious and The Pot, and they're great songs, but like....
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Anyway, honorable mentions go out to "Orion" by Metallica and "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" by Pearl Jam and the combination of "Reset" and "Homecoming" by Misery Signals off of their absolutely stunning and literally flawless album Controller, and yes they do need to be in there together. I did also have "5 Dollars" by Christine and the Queens on here originally, but while that song is the epitome of queer joy to me, the impact of it largely comes from the video (being my enby awakening.)
Thanks for the ask! This was really hard to narrow down hahahaha.
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thelittlemermage · 1 year
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This person blocked me before I could actually see this but I did get the notif for it and was curious what they had said and now I’m mad because this is the funniest thing anyone has ever said to me, why would you deny me the ability to see this?
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