#that tweet tht goes
jjanguri · 1 year
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he is so sweet
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mechawolfie · 2 years
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this is so funny to me. i just know that if it was harry doing this kim would be like “don’t be childish, lieutenant. you have *two* pens, surely you can give up *one*.” or smth. i love him
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yumenosakiacademy · 5 months
a twt acc i like blocking my main over a misunderstanding had rly ruined the night 4 me. i'm disappointed i'm peeved im bitter n im offended (tht i would b mistaken as 1 of those shippers lmao). they blocked me bc they thought i liked their notp but i was Criticizing their notp bc I'm a fellow HATER
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ttalgi · 7 months
aperture [ ◉¯] ✧˖°
scaramouche x f!reader smau
cw: one swear word, sampo slander
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previous [ ◉¯] masterlist [ ◉¯] next
synopsis: inazuma entertainment's number 1 model seemingly dissappears after a family scandal and isn't really seen for months...until a tweet picturing him goes viral
otherwise known as how [name] tries to make amends with scara for putting him in the spotlight again
this chapter was a quick rundown on how everyone's summer break was like,,
the link in child's tweet is real, if anyone's curious :3
also ruh roh...i dont think tht was the right acc [name] 😽🙊
this was originally scheduled for wednesday but i got too excited,,,the next chapter is for sure scheduled for wednesday tho 🤓
taglist: OPEN! send an ask or comment to be added! @k1an4a @veekoko @raewrz @evsolostheuniverse @feiherp @meigalaxy @bananasquash @barbatosfavouritenun @featuredtofu @tartagliascumdumpp @freshlaundry @beriiov @itzblazekun @lyzisbitchingagain @nnasv @vanishes-into-gold @seternic @cieluna @fangygf @xtobefreex
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sunnydice · 3 months
💤 👽 🖕 for cquackity :3? Specifically during nlm?
OK i didn't read the nlm part correctly i thought it said lnv and i don't want to delete everything so you're getting TWO. also i might be mildly dyslexic like genuinely. like this isn't a bit. i need to talk to somebody.
part lnv:
💤 A headcanon about their sleep:
this is canonically backed because he has lines about it but he sleeps in weird intervals!! he pretty much goes until he can't, then power naps n gets right back to it. conking at his desk for like 2hrs, then getting back to paperwork. getting back from the prison and sleeping for 18hrs. leaving in the middle of convos to go nap at the needle for 30mins then rushing somewhere else. whags going on. i also think he can be hard to wake up? for such a paranoid guy. smtimes he has to set like 40 alarms to give his eepy ass half a chance at being resuscitated.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs:
OK this one isn't exactly weird quirk but the reaction around it was ppl thinking it was a weird quirk and i think it's funny. cq tics real and true FOREVER. the guy already talks strangely and says things that have nothing to do with the convo so his tics became easy to read as part of his bit and the ppl around him thought he was just squirky w it. have you seen that tweet tht goes "me and my friends just found out my buddy has tourettes. now i feel bad cuz everytime he shouted 'jacking off' we thought he was being cool and we'd cheer him on.' that was the manburg cabinet. to me. :heart_hands:
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger:
oh this guy is so sososo so rage it's eating him alive. like he's always had issues with being more snippy and argumentative and short fused that he ought to be, and lnv and everything surrounding makes it a million times worse. he can still joke around but he'll be a little too cruel with his jokes and snarky and he snaps at people and his patience evaporates. and i think he tries to control it too! in this weird way, especially when he's infront of people. yk wanting that professional img and maybe hating that he's like that also as well. so he swallows it down and goes home and tears apart rooms and rips at his hair n head and scratches and snarls and bites back screaming like an animal. meltdown style‼️and if that doesn't work why not get another use out of the prison lol. AND FUCK CDRM‼️‼️‼️‼️
part: nlm
💤 A headcanon about their sleep:
i think the above holds up! he does sleep at weird intervals but it's way more subdued, more normal style. he suffers from insomnia here more specifically however, the worrying abt everything and the paperwork for both nlm and el rapids pass the time during those nights.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs:
being possessed by your dead ex husband is weird as hell!!! you guys remember when he chased ckarl down with an axe and killed him while howling like a wild animal. saying schlattisms talking in a different voice mumbling a pointed "i'm ALIVE" in a church. what are you talking abt bitch. go somewhere w that. and i think it's prevalent i think it influences how he acts. (ofc not in a way that takes away his agency in things that had nothing to do with it he still wanted to execute ppl stupid style constantly tht was ALL him.) maybe he craves meat more sometimes Raw maybe he picks up smoking and wine way more maybe his heartbeat feels like it's two different but matching rhythms in his chest. maybe his wing of the white house is a little colder than everywhere else. i'm sure that doesn't mean anything however.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger:
mm..i think quackity is very much a righteous anger person he has that in every arc. get mad abt the treatment of the little guy find a target that caused it that deserves it that you have to stop now. i think other aspects of his anger are a smidge easier to control in this arc BECAUSE he had that reasonable outlet. it's okay calm down you can save this for (insert hitlist target here). get back to work BOY. kind of a weird comfort and good redirection for him does tht make sense. he's still yelling at everybody tho the hater grind stops for NOBODY ON THIS EATRTH 💯💥⁉️🔛🔝🗣‼️‼️‼️💥💯
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bacchanyalia · 2 years
not to be that guy but tht "im an environmental science person and tswift is doing nothing wrong" tweet just goes to show how celebrity worship rots ppls fucking brains. she could dump a baby penguin in crude oil and swifties would crawl out of the woodwork to defend her
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daemonsrhaenyras · 2 years
Umm hi so like 2 months ago ig I found the 100 and I just finished season 5. And I'm already the kind of person who just goes looking for spoilers so yah I kinda know the fucked up shit that's about to happen. Anyways I just wanna know what the hell happened and I know there's never a proper reason but like with supernatural or any other controversial shows at least there are some reasons uk the writer is sexist, racist etc some sort of explanation to the fucked up shit we just saw before our eyes, but everything with the 100 is so silent I'm mostly a Instagram person n tbh the 100 fandom on Instagram is kind of dead... I really don't understand the show was great frustrating n maybe even a few downer of a seasons but lyk wtf happened did the writers change also lyk at the end of season 5 I think it was written "end of book one" or something so was tht supposed to be the end n d networked forced them to do more season which maybe why they wrote the latter seasons so bad..... Godddd I just want an explanation 😂. It will be really helpful if u could answer literally anything honestly u don't have to respond either u could just totally ignore trust me I have no idea why this is bothering me either but yah..
Disclaimer: While I am a notorious multishipper, I do love Bellamy/Clarke above all others in this show, so that probably colors a lot of my interpretations of events. Additionally, because you did mention that you've looked up spoilers, I am not going to be avoiding them, so be warned.
I mean, most of what the fandom has puzzled together is from random comments or conjecture, none of the cast has outright said anything specifically about season 7 (that has been widely spread, to my knowledge anyway).
In my opinion, season 6 was really freaking great. A breath of fresh air after the grim middle seasons, in fact. Which I think made the absolute let down of season 7 even worse.
Most of 'what went wrong' is usually laid at the feet of Jason Rothenberg, the developer and head executive producer. Basically, the guy seems to be kind of a major dick.
Season 6 was meant to act as a sort of reset of the series (which was why S5 ended with the 'end of book 1' thing--and yes there was a big writer change up for seasons six and seven because of the heavy space/sci-fi aspect of it all), and in my opinion, it worked fairly well. (Yes, some areas of the plot seemed to be recycled from earlier storylines, but I didn't see it as a bad thing, more as a chance for the characters to grow from their previous actions.)
But, then a lot seemed to be happening off screen around the airing of S6 and the filming of S7 that soured things between him and some of the cast members and the fandom. (I am only bringing up what I remember as being relevant to the question of 'why season seven was the way that it was' not an entire laundry list of all behind the scenes drama someone else either has done or could do that.)
Since season 3 if not before, JR was hounded on social media by pretty much every faction of the fandom (but predominantly the Bellarke and Clexa fans) replying in bad faith to anything he tweeted with demands for what they want rather than engaging with his actual tweets. Like, tweeting 'we want Bellarke' or 'we want Clexa' to things that have nothing to even do with the show. This got worse and more vitriolic after Lexa's death and after Bellamy got with Echo.
He always seemed to have the attitude that the show was more high brow or some shit than the usual CW show (even though it's on the same damn network with a lot of the same audiences), and was above shipping and romance, and seemed to resent how often interviews, panels, and press would ask about the ships (canon and potentially future). He and others made statements at various points that might have been intended in a way that the fandom did not take it to be, causing a lot of friction.
Bob Morley (Bellamy) and Eliza Taylor (Clarke) got married in May of 2019 and announced it on social media the following month, during the airing of season 6. In fact, during one of the first episodes of the highly teased Clarke/Josephine body snatching storyline, likely stealing a lot of the fandom's attention away from the show.
Bob injured himself at some point during filming for one of the seasons, and at some point during the writing or filming of season 7, he asked for more time to recover. JR responded by basically writing out his character, and then writing in an ending for Bellamy that makes hardly any sense.
After Season 6, Jason decided he wanted to end the series with season 7 and 'give it a proper ending', while at the same time the series prequel was starting to be developed. Speculation on my part, but with the CW's go-ahead to work on the prequel and use an episode of S7 as a backdoor pilot, the announcement to end The 100 was probably more in service to transitioning over to the new show rather than ending The 100. The writing and characters of The 100 were consequently de-prioritized in favor of the writing for this 'new' character (Bill Cadogan) and his story.
Eliza was also supposed to direct Episode 7 of Season 7, but suffered a miscarriage around that time and couldn't direct. I do not know the exact timeline of events, but I think writing for the end of the season was still happening at that point, and in one of the last episodes of the season the show has Clarke basically mourning the loss of her dead daughter who was tortured into being catatonic. Again, don't know if that was already written at the point of her miscarriage, but like??? Seems like something that could have been avoided.
I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more that I just can't remember right now, so if anyone else wants to chime in, be my guest.
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twopoppies · 3 years
Heyy how r u 😊
I'm a new Larry shipper nd I love their love for each other❤️ I just wanna know that why people keep saying everywhere that they are not dating eo right now and larries ruin their friendship coz of tht twt tweet of Louis.. Sorry for asking this but I'm a little bit confused 🙁
Hi sweetheart. Welcome to the fandom! People say they're not dating each other for all sorts of reasons; sometimes it's because they want to believe the narrative that they're straight, sometimes it's because they just believe the narrative and want to fit in with whatever group they're following, sometimes it's because they hate either Harry or Louis and don't want it to be true, sometimes it's because it's been almost 6 years since the band broke up and we haven't seen them together since then, sometimes it's because it's hard for some people to believe the amount of lying and cover that goes on when you closet famous people.... I mean, take your pick.
1DHQ (everyone who was in charge of the massive machine that was One Direction) wanted the world to believe that larries and "Larry" ruined Harry and Louis' friendship. They closeted them and forbid them from sitting with each other, communicating via social media publicly, interacting with each other other in interviews or on stage etc and spread the idea via tabloids that they were uncomfortable being friends because people thought they were a couple (basically saying they were both homophobic dicks). At some point there was tweet from Louis' twitter account saying that "Larry" was a load of bullshit and that he was straight. It very obviously wasn't Louis himself, but it's used as "proof" that Louis hates larries and that he's straight (and homophobic).
Hope that helps a bit.
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yeolliebaekxin · 4 years
some thoughts on ttts2
okay first up mewgulf's acting slaps like fucking hotcakes on a pan wbk like srsly BUT sincerely to the post production team.... thrs so many things u could improve. like one thing was the
-audio, like it was inconsistent almost throughout the ep. (unfiltered noises and jus,, buzzing sounds)
-scenes, some scene the lighting was perfect but some the lighting was jus ????? the part whr tharn and type goes to tharn's home , woah that change in lighting tho, it felt like they spammed a filter.
-the scenes jumped a lil too abruptly, but the camera is good tho, mayb the editing could be even tighter. some parts would hang awkwardly....
-i swear.... i kno type is canonically okay with tharn calling him his "wifey" but still it irks me a lil i guess
-and mam3..... oh boi the way she tweets abt "hving fan requested scenes" ..... jesus girl im not watching po6nh@b boi i wan to see ✨character development ✨ its nice to see nc scene because it represented the deep feelings they had for each other but fullfilling fan requests? nah girl it aint it... like... ugh. i hated mam3 frm the start w every psycho (use bl003 as lube 🤮) shit she wrote i swear if it wasnt for mewgulf's revolutionary acting skills sis wont make it.
all in all, honestly till this point, its mewgulf's revolutionary chemistry thats saving the embarrassment of this shi7hole post production team (including mam3 too). as a media person myself, seeing such editing skills is such a pity to the actors that poured in their 1009%. really. i hope they would improve frm the subsequent episodes i guess.
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^me to mam3
edit: saw someone said this ep is like a fanservice... YES I TOTALLY AGREE W U MAAM AND WHTS W THE 2% efFORT OF NEXT EPISODE's TRAILER???? 2 piCTURES AND THTS IT???
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ovvnwords · 3 years
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WANTED  CONNECTIONS  ....  hi  here  is  a  list  of  connections  i  would  really  really  want  for  my  gremlins.  inspo  from  all  places  ;  music,  movies,  pins,  etc.  i’ll  post  this  in  the  server  /  put  it  linked  in  my  pinned  post  but  for  best  results  send  me  a  dm  on  d/scord  bc  i  suck  at  things!  thank.
AVIVA  ROUX  .  podcaster  /  content  creator (  meg  t.  stallion )  !
GIRL  GANG  !  not  necessarily  ‘girls’  but  yk  what  i  mean.  very  close  knit,  always  hanging  out,  never  one  w/o  the  other,  etc.  i  like  the  idea  of  them  all  bein’  kind  of  different  ----  breakfast  club  style?  (  aviva  cld  be  the  *jughead  vc*  i’m  a  weirdo  for  example  ).  idk  i  think  it’d  be  neat  n  interesting  cld  even  have  group  chat  edits  n  things  on  the  dash  frankly  i  wld  just  like  for  her  to  have  some  friends!  inspo  ( one  ,  two )  .
PODCAST  PARTNER  ! the  shane  to  her  ryan,  so  to  speak.  the  show  talks  about  mysteries  and  internet  oddities  and  different  spooky  things ( they  borderline  on  true  crime,  but  they  don’t  necessarily  go  into  detail  about  cases  if  that  makes  sense  )  .  i  think  the  dynamic  of  a  outrageous  thinker  to  her  pessimistic  ideals.  inspo  ( one  ,  two ,  three  ,  this  tag  ) .
YOUNGER  SIBLING  !  i  like  to  imagine  they’re  pretty  close,  maybe  close  in  age?  i  don’t  rlly  have  much  to  say  about  this  one,  should  probably  put  it  on  the  main,  but  i  love  sibling  connects  so  !
HATEHSHIP  !  someone  she  jus  can’t  stand  yet  can’t  stay  away  from.  maybe  they’re  an  asshole  but  damn  cute,  or  another  reason.  inspo (  one  )  .
ROOMMATES  ! like  to  imagine  it’s  a  bunch  of  them  living  friends-style,  either  in  the  same  apartment  or  even  building  (  or  wld  that  be  jersey  shore  style.  idk  ) but  it  cld  be  fun  especially  if  they  don’t  get  along  all  that  well  but  the  rent  is  nice  and  they  make  it  work.
FIRST  CRUSH  ! eeeeeeeeeeeee  they  cld’ve  met  when  they  were  children  and  had  one  of  those  one  day  long  things  in  elementary  school  where  they  broke  up  bc  they  didn’t  share  crayons  or  something  JSDVKJDFVKJV  they  could’ve  remained  friends,  been  neighbors,  had  crushes  or  a  fling  in  high  school  .
EX  SQUAD  !  i  like  the  idea  of  aviva  having  a  solid  friend  group  in  high  school  that  all  aren’t  good  terms  with  each  other  for  whatever  reason  ..  don’t  have  to  figure  it  out  asap  i  just  love  the  tension  thts  all.
BEST  FRIEND  /  RIDE  OR  DIE  ! someone  who  has  her  back  and  vice  versa.  supports  each  other  thru  thick  and  thin,  gives  each  other  the  whack  on  the  head  they  need  every  once  in  a  while.  inspo  (  one,  two )  .
FLING  /  FWB  /  HOOK  UPS  ! kind  of  self  explanatory.  aviva  doesn’t  really  have  a  preference,  if  she’s  attracted  to  u  she’s  attracted  to  you,  has  her  fun  but  s*x  isn’t  really  her  idea  of  a  fun  thing  to  do  24  /  7  .  like  to  imagine  she  mostly  goes  for  women  ( hey  ladies  .... )  !
EX  PARTNER  ! i  like  the  idea  of  them  being  super  cute  n  lovey  dovey  in  hs  but  then  maybe  one  of  them  went  off  to  college?  they  had  a  falling  out?  ended  on  not  so  great  terms?  the  possibilities  are  endless  to  be  frank!
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  /  SOMEONE  SHE  JUST  CAN’T  STAND  !  ig  this  could  be  more  chemsitry  based  but  they  just  avidly  dislike  each  other  for  one  reason  or  another?  can’t  stand  each  other?  petty  tweets  /  subtweets  etc  etc  .  could  be  fun  n  juicy.
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.
DAWSON  ELLIS .  unemployed  /  formal  journalist ( chris  pine  )  !
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.    he’s  40,  so  rlly  he  just  kinda  vibing.
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  i  like  the  idea  of  just  hating  each  other  since  high  school  and  just  have  this  burning  hatred  for  each  other  even  after  all  this  time  …  chuckles.  inspo  (  one  )  .
PEOPLE  HE  TAKES  UNDER  HIS  WING  !  idk  what  this  could  entail  maybe  he  jus  likes  one  of  u  youngins  …  doesn’t  want  to  see  u  in  the  same  path  he  went  down,  tries  to  steer  u  straight  a  little  bit.  stuff  like  that.  very  dad  like  as  if  he  has  a  maternal  bone  in  his  body.
EX FIANCE ! heheh .. i plan on making this a wc possibly, but i like the idea of someone who he dated for a long period of time after he graduated and left irving, eventually who he proposed two. maybe his addiction could have caused a strain, maybe it was because he was traveling so much, or some other reason but then they broke it off. they came back to irving for one reason or another, he came back bc he’s sober now, there’s tension. kind of based on exile by taylor swift + bon iver .
EMPLOYER  !  this  man  needs  a  job.  so  ........    hands  on  hips  who  is  hiring.
FRIENDS  FROM  HIGH  SCHOOL  !  if  anyone  grew  up  in  irving  /  or  was  in  hs  around  the  time  he  was,  it  could  be  quite  fun  to  reconnect.  old  friends  yadda  yadda  yadda.  
SOMEONE  WHO  KNOWS  HIM  ONLY  FROM  HIS  SISTER  !  smiles  at  jean  so  wide  .....  yes  dawson  is  leonora’s  annoying  lil  brother.  he’s  very  elusive  (  or  so  he  thinks  …  )  so  .  we  cld  do  something  with  that  perhaps.
ELIJAH  PALERMO .  little  league  coach  /  student  (  lukas  gage  )  !
THE  LAST  PALERMO  SIBLING  !  yes  …  this  is  on  the  main  but  i  imagine  elijah  and  them  to  be  very  close  and  it’d  be  fun!  sorry  for  the  grey  hairs  though.
BEST  FRIEND  !  this  is  someone  elijah  trusts  more  than  jus  abt  anybody  ..  including  his  siblings  maybe.  they’re  always  together,  never  apart,  besties  forever.  causing  chaos  and  mayhem.  probably  co-parent  georgia.  knows  each  others  fast  food  orders,  encouraging  their  bad  behaviors  …  
EXES  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  is  the  type  to  rush  into  a  relationship  then  have  it  all  turn  to  shit.  could  be  on  good  terms,  bad  term,  neutral.  
EX  FRIENDS  !  along  the  same  vein,  maybe  they  had  a  falling  out?  one  of  them  just  didn’t  want  to  be  friends  anymore?  they  just  stopped  talking?  give  me  angst  thank  u.
FRIENDS  !  hes  so  talkative  and  annoying  please  give  him  more  friends  …  my  personal  favorites  are  old  couple  bickering  /  complete  opposites  /  good  or  bad  influences  /  new  age  “thembo  summit”  where  there’s  no  got  damn  thought  in  anyones  head  just  vibes.
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  they  flirt  …  they  give  each  other  eyes.  and  yet?  nothing.  wtf.
HOOK  UPS  /  FWBS  !  they’re  hot.  and  he  has  eyes.  it’s  basic  math.  
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  didn’t  mean  to  be  rude  /  or  did  something  bad  to  this  person  but  he  did,  even  accidentally,  but  now  they  hate  him.  or  even  mutual  hatred  <3  constant  subtweets  n  petty  comments  in  public  …
PARTY  BUDDIES  !  theyre  always  together  at  parties  …  self  explanatory.  
PARENT  OF  KIDS  HE  COACHES  !  self-explanatory.
CLASSMATES  !  must  go  to  community  college,  but  otherwise  self-explanatory.  
WILL  THEY  /  WON’T  THEY  !  i  love  this  kinda  shit  ..  theyre  constantly  acting  like  a  couple  but  also  aren’t  one.  everyone  is  dying  to  know  like  …...  so  isn’t  eli  <3
HATEHSHIP  !  they  hate  each  other  .  but  also  f*ck.  then  hate  each  other  again.
ROOMMATES  !  pls  give  him  a  roommate  this  fucker  can’t  function  by  himself.
KALANI  MADDEN  .  student  (  auli’i  cravalho  )  !
PEOPLE  SHE  TEACHES  ASL  !  this  is  my  favorite.  pls  pls  pls.  she  uses  asl  as  her  primary  source  of  communication,  she’s  most  comfortable  with  it  due  to  her  hearing,  but  many  people  don’t  know  it  so  pls  let  her  teach  ur  muse  i’d  love  it  so  much.
FRIENDS  /  BEST  FRIENDS  !  i’d  love  to  have  a  lil  squad  ..  lil  baby  squad  or  even  just  a  best  friend  who  they’re  always  sharing  tiktoks  over  videos  and  having  sleepovers  and  going  to  wendys  at  1  am  bc  they’re  bored.  
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  people  who  just  don’t  fuckin  like  her  bc  she’s  annoying  like  i  understand.
PEOPLE  WHO  DON’T  TAKE  HER  SHIT  /  HATE  HER  DRAMATICS  !  pls  hate  her.  punt  her  to  the  moon.  
PEOPLE  SHE  SPOILS  WITH  HER  PARENTS  MONEY  !  pls  let  her  sugar  mama  u.  she  will  buy  u  legit  anything  if  ur  nice  to  her.  
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  this  wld  be  a  bit  cute  ..  almost  a  will  they  won’t  they  vibe.  they  flirt.  they  smile.  they  make  googley  eyes.  they  subtweet  each  other.  it’s  messy  and  cute.  
BAD  INFLUENCES  /  GOOD  INFLUENCES  !  people  who  lead  her  either  down  a  really  good  or  really  bad  path.  
PEOPLE  SHE  KNOWS  BC  OF  HER  BROTHER  !  self-explanatory  but  also  kind  of  need  him  for  this  so  .  hehe  .
HER  BROTHER  !  on  the  main,  but  pls  bring  this  kid  her  parent  (  almost  )  .
PEOPLE  SHE  KNEW  BACK  IN  NYC  !  self-explanatory.  her  family  is  very  wealthy,  famous  in  the  social  scene.
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control [jeremy h. x squipped!reader] pt.4
i arise from my grave to post this
so uhhhh consider............... im a tired college student-
anyway uh
i swear this part is shorter than i intended but i guess i’ll die
warnings: squip. thts it. the squip. manipulation, abuse, everything that kinda comes with writing about the SQUIP. also horror movie mentions but nothing explicit (although a kill is mentioned from one of said horror movies)
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             Halloween day finally comes, and thankfully lands on a Saturday to give you maximum time to hang out with Michael and Jeremy (who, upon learning you’d be joining the two of them during a lucky moment between classes, had stared at you for a moment with furrowed brow before commenting he didn’t know that the two of you were friends again). Your nerves were getting the best of you as you flipped through your clothes, slipping into a comfortable pair of black jeans. The entire time, your SQUIP lingered around you, talking you through some game plan. You stripped off the large shirt you used for pajamas and slipped into a plain black t-shirt, before fishing your jean jacket from your bed. 
            Finally, you turned to your SQUIP’s form standing behind you. “Maybe I could, y’know... do this myself?” You suggested, before following it up with a quick, almost apologetic, “I don’t think I should be depending on you for every interaction... right?”
            At first, it didn’t respond. It stared at you, lips pressed into a thin line as it gave you a once-over. After letting out a small hum of approval at your ensemble, it shook it’s head. “I’ve run the numbers and that will result in your failure, [y/n]. It’s best to stick with the original plan,” and then it paused for a moment, “I’m beginning to detect that you don’t trust me.”
            “I do!” You responded quickly, before you nervously pushed past the intangible figure to look in your mirror. Combing your fingers through your hair, you let the question weigh in your mind before you finally looked back to your SQUIP. “Is... Is there any way to get rid of you?” 
            “No.” The response was sharp, quick to shoot down any and every idea you’d been formulating. 
            “Oh. So...” You trailed off, before crossing your room and fishing through your dresser to find a pair of socks, “I’m stuck with you, then.”
            “Stuck implies you no longer want me here, [y/n].”
            “It’s not that I don’t want you here...” You mused aloud, before snagging a pair of shoes and sitting on your bed. “It’s just... I don’t think I want you around when I’m, like, thirty.”
            “Plenty of world leaders would kill to have a SQUIP, [y/n]. Consider yourself lucky.”
            You merely shrugged at the sentiment before your phone chimed with a text from Michael, almost as if on cue to end this awkward moment between you and the voice in your head. Quickly, you finished getting ready and shoved your keys and phone into your pocket, and you raced out to Michael’s car. Jeremy was already in the passenger seat, forcing you to retire into the back - which, you immediately sprawled out and absolutely enjoyed the space as Michael took off, launching into a list of the contenders for the evening. Scream, Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street, specifically the remake of Friday The 13th (and, for a moment, you heard Jeremy exhale sharply at the title), Final Destination...
            “And Terrifier-” Michael began, eyes cutting towards Jeremy for a split second. 
            Immediately, Jeremy smacked Michael’s arm. “Dude, I told you I’m not watching Terrifier-” He shifted, “fuck that clown.” 
            You looked between the two of them. “What’s Terrifier?” 
            Michael’s beaming at your question. “Jer. We have to. They don’t-”
            “No!” He retorted, “fuck you, I’m sparing them, then-”
            “C’mon, Jeremy,” Michael teased further, “it’s just one kill-”
            “HE SAWS HER IN HALF, MICHAEL.” Jeremy’s voice went up an octave, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “that’s horrifying-”
            You rose a brow in response. “What’s so bad about that-”
            Jeremy turned to face you, “okay.” He shut his eyes for a moment, composing himself, before he opened them once more, “there’s this girl that gets kidnapped, right? She gets... suspended spread eagle, and cut down the middle.”
            “Okay, but-”
            “She’s upside down.” When you winced at the mental image, Jeremy looked back at Michael, “see? Any normal person would find that disgusting-”
           “Alright,” Michael conceded, “no Terrifier. Got it.”
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           If there was one thing that became apparent extremely quickly, it was that the Friday The 13th remake was fucking awful. Without Michael’s constant quips (plenty having to do with Mr.Supernatural being in the movie), you weren’t sure how you survived - especially during a sex scene until the poetic line of “you have perfect nipple placement, baby” was spoken and immediately the three of you are choking on laughter - Michael more than happy to mock it. And thank fuck for that, because you’d been uncomfortable watching the scene up until that line - to say nothing of how awkwardly silent Jeremy had gone. The moment the movie was over, Michael began to queue up Netflix with the promise of watching something actually good. The opening moments of Scream had been enough to prove that.
          From beside you, Michael lowered his voice, looking at you and Jeremy, “what’s your favorite scary movie?” 
          You playfully nudged him with your elbow, “fuck, dude, that wasn’t even a good impression-”
          “I think it was great, actually,” Michael looked to Jeremy, “don’t you agree?”
          Looking between the two of you, Jeremy debated for a moment before finally giving his answer, “I, uh, kinda have to side with [y/n]-”
          “Unbelievable. Betrayal.” Michael leaned back into the couch, looking back to the movie, “I let you come into my house, eat my snacks-”
          “-That I helped buy,” Jeremy cut in.
          “That my dear friend Jeremiah helped buy,” Michael smirked a little, “and this is how I’m repaid.”
          “C’mon, Mikey,” you nudged him once more, “Jeremy’s not gonna lie about your shitty impression.”
          “He would if I was Christine.”
          “That’s because Christine’s talented,” Jeremy looked away, “it wouldn’t have sucked if she did it.”
          For a moment, you faltered. “Yeah,” you halfheartedly said, and pretended not to catch Michael’s concerned glance at your sudden change in behavior, “he’s got a point.”
          The moment Michael went to say anything, your phone began to ding relentlessly. With the intention of turning it to silent, you pulled it from your jacket pocket only to freeze the moment you caught a glimpse of the screen. Tweet after tweet, text after text, all of it came in rapid-fire, whether they were directly to you or not. You pulled yourself off of the couch, ignoring Michael’s call after you as you head upstairs to open up your Twitter.
          Rich set a fire. Jake’s house was burned down. Rich was in the hospital, and so was Jake.
          A hand landed on your shoulder, and you almost jumped as you turned to face Michael. He stared at you for a moment, giving you a once-over before finally speaking, “you okay?”
          You shrugged it off, stumbling as you took a step back, “yeah-”
          Michael’s gaze goes soft as he picked up on the fear that was racing through your blood and shining on your face. “That’s bullshit, [y/n],” he said, “look, I won’t push you to talk, but-”
          Swallowing your nerves, you forced yourself to stand tall and get your emotions under control. “Can you drive me home?”
          He glanced back to the door, where Jeremy had been coming up the steps, “uh, yeah- just let me grab my phone-”
          And then he left you alone with Jeremy as he retreated downstairs. Biting his bottom lip nervously, he tore his eyes away from you, before finally appearing to gather some courage to speak to you. “Is everything okay?”
          You nodded quickly, “yeah, just...” You trailed off, looking down at the floor, “something came up.”
          Immediately, you panicked. Something about saying Rich Goranski is in the hospital and I’m worried felt too heavy to drop at the moment. So you just stayed silent as Michael came back upstairs with his phone.
          The moment you were back in the sanctuary of your room, you found your phone once more. Flipping through tweets, you felt your stomach drop further. He burned the house down because he knew he was gay and couldn’t handle that, that he was dead, that he was high and drunk, that Jake had broken both of his legs while escaping the fire, and you saw a few tweets from some pissed people about how they’d been slightly burned while escaping the fire. But Rich received the worst of it. 
          “But-” You mused aloud, “how did he - why would he-” 
          “Rich lacked the proper coping mechanism. His SQUIP was most likely disabled due to the alcohol he consumed that night,” your SQUIP stepped into existence in front of you, and you lowered your phone as you looked up at it, “and with everything else he’s been dealing with...”
          Your blood ran cold at the implication. “You don’t mean he-”
          “Perhaps it was just an accident.”
          You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, completely disheveled from your worries. “I should go see him.”
          “He won’t be awake.” Your SQUIP crossed it’s arms as it looked down at you, “besides... he most likely won’t be having visitors yet.”
          “I don’t care-”
          “[y/n]. You need to rest first. You can visit Rich tomorrow...” You finally gave into what it was saying, sitting down on your bed for a moment, “besides.” You looked up, “you did well tonight. You deserve a break.”
         “I... what?”
         “I let you control the conversation. Instead of giving you the correct things to say, I decided to watch. You performed amiably. Congratulations.” Your SQUIP smiled at you, “you’re learning. Of course, we still have more work to do, but it’s progress.”
         “Oh.” You stood, stripping off your jacket, “thank you, then.” You paused for a moment, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep.”
         “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Don’t forget,” it said, and you turned to look at it, “you have me.”
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         Over the next few days, you’d been relentlessly going to the hospital - borrowing your parents’ cars whenever you could. After several days of trying, you were finally able to get in to see Rich, and your heart sank in your chest when you finally saw him. He wasn’t awake, as your SQUIP had said, but he was alive and that was enough for you in that moment. He was broken and bruised, sure, but the fact his heart monitor provided a steady beat to break the silence in the room was almost like music. You stood at his bedside, looking down on him as he slept. You hugged your arms close to your body - what would have happened to you if you had gone to the party? Would you be here, alongside or instead of Rich? Would you have been able to stop him from... whatever he had been trying to do?
         “Rich,” you finally say aloud, and your tears choke you, “fuck - Rich, I’m sorry-”
         “You have nothing to apologize for,” your SQUIP’s touch grazed your shoulder, “this wasn’t your fault. There was nothing we could have done.”
         “I should have been there, I could have stopped him-”
         “It was for the best that you were with Michael and Jeremy, [y/n].”
         For a moment, you’re quiet and afraid. But you finally asked the question that had begun to weigh down on you: “is this going to happen to me?”
         “Of course not. Now... let’s get back to work,” your SQUIP said, “it’s important you don’t dwell on this for too long. Let’s visit Jake while we’re here.”
         Going along with it’s idea, you’d easily found Jake’s room after a few minutes of searching. The TV had been on with some cooking show displayed, and you were more than glad to see Jake awake and as well as he could be for someone with two broken legs. When you cautiously walked in, he brightened up immediately - and for a moment, you had assumed it was because you weren’t a nurse coming to check on him.
         “[y/n]!” He called out as you walked in, “how are you?”
         Caught off guard by the question, you stammered for a moment, “I’m - uh, I’m fine,” you said, “how are you?”
         “Great!” He said, “I mean - the whole broken legs thing is, y’know, not that great, but I’m glad to see you.”
         “You... you are?”
         “Yeah!” He said, “Rich always talks about you, y’know.” The moment you flushed, Jake chuckled, “he said you’re a lot cooler than you seem.”
         “Oh.” You looked away for a moment, “that’s sweet of him-”
         “Do you still do the art stuff?” He asked, and immediately you looked back at him.
         “How did you know that I-”
         He cut you off, “there was this project back in freshman year that you did with Michael Mell, and, uh, Jeremy-something. You did the art for it, right?”
         Nodding, you slowly remembered the piece you’d been repressing due to how rushed it had been. “Right. Yeah, I still do art stuff,” you smiled at him, “do you know when you’re getting out?”
         “Nah,” he sunk into the bed, “shouldn’t be long, though. We should hang out!”
         “Oh. Uh. Don’t you hang out with Chloe and Brooke...?”
         “Yeah,” he admitted, “but you came to visit me, so... we should still hang.”
         You couldn’t help but smile at that. “Sure,” you said, fiddling with your hair, “that’d be great, Jake.”
         Jake reached out for you, and immediately pulled you into an awkward hug. “Fuck, dude, Rich was right about you.”
         “About me being cool, or...?”
         “He said you’re really fuckin’ nice, since you helped him out with something.” He shrugged, “are you two... not friends?”
         “I, uh - we are, sorta-”
         “Good.” He said, “Rich is a good dude to his friends, y’know.”
         “What about your house?” You asked.
         Jake’s smile fell, “I mean... I think it was an accident. Since, y’know, Rich wouldn’t just burn my house down, right?”
         You nodded. “Right.” Stepping back away from the bed, you smiled once more, “I hope you get out of here soon, Jake.”
         On your way out of the hospital, you stood in the gift shop for far too long, occupied with your own thoughts. So Rich had been talking about you - and, whatever he said aside from you being nice, helpful, and cooler than you seem, it had been enough to make Jake Dillinger think the two of you were friends. You almost smiled at the idea, but the underlying feeling that Rich would wake up and immediately ditch you lingered within the pit of your stomach. Shaking your head, you dismissed the thought as you headed out to your car. You had things to do. 
          After all, you shouldn’t dwell.
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        Over a week later, there’s this uneasy feeling that’s stuck with you from the first moment you saw Rich in that hospital bed. Uncertainty? Fear? You weren’t sure - but it dwelled within the pit of your stomach, making you doubt every move no matter whether you or your SQUIP made it. You’d just gotten home from hanging out with Michael and Jeremy at the mall, your backpack swung from your shoulder to the foot of your bed, and you nearly collapse as you sit down. Slowly, you sank your head into your hands, warm against your face before you finally let go and fall back onto your bed. When you uncovered your face, your SQUIP had materialized before you.
        It leaned over you. “Is there a problem? You should be happy since you spent time with Jeremy-”
        “I am, I just-” You paused for a moment, “I just don’t feel like I’m.. me anymore.”
        “You are you, [y/n].”
        You nodded slowly in agreement, before propping yourself up on your elbows. “Right, but... I feel like you’re taking control of everything and I’m - I’m just... fake.”
        It raised a brow at the mere idea. “You’re far from artificial.”
        Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you couldn’t help but feel... off. “But you don’t let me control things-”
        With a heavy sigh, your SQUIP shook it’s head before pacing around your room. “That’s because we’re still in phase B of our plan. Once we get to phase C, you’ll have more control-”
        “And when will that be?”
        It looked back at you, slowing to a stop. “Once we pin down Jeremy’s feelings for you, you can be more yourself.”
        After a moment, you sank back against your bed, shutting your eyes for a moment. “I hope you’re right.”
        “Of course I’m right. After all, relationships are like this...”
        You opened your eyes again. “What?”
        “Faking it until you get it? Revealing yourself when you have them? It’s very common, [y/n].”
        When it said that, you couldn’t help but feel skeptical. But when you tried to remember your last relationship (or, rather, a weak attempt at one), it felt so distant that you were unsure of how it had went. Yet you nod along nonetheless. The feeling of of dread stayed with you.
        And it continued to stay attached to you like a shadow over the next few days. Even when you found yourself sitting on Michael’s bed, a pillow hugged against your chest as he and Jeremy were ecstatically talking about one of Michael’s latest finds from the guy at Spencer’s. You’d zoned out for the time being, thoughts more preoccupied with what was to come. How much longer would it be until you had control over yourself again?
        But your SQUIP’s voice jarred you from your thoughts. “We need to go.”
        As Michael pulled out a bottle of red soda, a slightly faded plastic label reading MOUNTAIN DEW RED crinkling as he did, you held back a frown at your SQUIP. “[y/n],” Michael said with a smile, holding it out, “you want one?”
        “Hell yeah, dude-” You had began as you reached for it, barely getting it within your grasp before a shock rang through your hand, a small hiss of pain emitting from you as the bottle hit the floor. “Shit, sorry, Michael-”
        But a flash of pain cut you off before you could try to explain anything away. Your voice was distant as you heard yourself speak, bullshitting some excuse as you lost control of your body - it moving on it’s own despite your desperate attempts to take back what was yours. You managed to take control back the moment you got outside, knees weak and the following shock was enough to send you crashing onto your knees.
        “What the fuck?!” You snapped, speaking aloud as another shock ran through you. “FUCK-”
        “I told you we need to leave.”
        “I didn’t want to-”
        “[y/n], we-”
        “No!” You snapped once more, “no - this is still my life - I want to-” Your speech devolved as you struggled to word your thoughts, “it was just a soda!” Another shock ran through you. “What the fuck- come on - I just- it was just-”
        And then it all made sense. The panic. The sudden change. How close had you been? How fucking close had you been? When you tried to get back up and turn yourself around, you found yourself fighting for control all over again as your body turned away from Michael’s house, every step forcing you farther and farther from salvation.
         “[y/n]!” Michael’s voice rang clear out across his front lawn, and before you could try to do anything, he was running up to you - catching you by the wrist. “Hey - what the fuck, dude? Are you okay? What just happened-”
         But he stopped, staring at you. You, completely terrified and shaking and fighting for control of your own fucking body. You were, to put it simply, a mess. Disheveled, hands twitchy, breathing labored as you forced yourself to stay planted where you were. You broke through, “get the Mountain Dew Red” slipping past your lips in a hiss before another shock of pain sparks through you, and you’re pulling yourself away from Michael once more. 
         A door slammed. Before you could go anywhere, Michael’s footsteps pound against the pavement as he tackled you to the ground. Your body fought against him. He managed to grab you by the wrists, pinning you down, his knees at your abdomen as you continued to thrash against your will against him.
         “[y/n]-” Michael began, before his nails dug into your skin, “what the literal fuck is going on?”
        Tears streamed down your cheeks as you fought for your voice. “I-” You managed to force past your lips, “I - I took this - pill,” your voice strained, and you kept fighting for control, “I thought Jeremy would like me but - but I fucked - I fucked up, Michael-” You were straight up about to breakdown, voice wavering with every forced syllable, “I’m so sorry, I just - I can’t-”
        “[y/n].” It’s voice cut clearly through your mind, almost afraid for a second. “I promise - I’ll do better for you. We’ll scrap this plan and make a new one. You just have to let me try again. I promise-” 
        The door slammed once more, and Jeremy is rushing over, questioning everything along the way.
        It turned nasty. “You’ll never be the same, [y/n],” it hissed, “think about it - if you keep me, you’ll be normal - you’ll never have to hurt again. If you get rid of me, you’ll never be accepted - you’ll be an outcast all over again, and Jeremy and Michael are guaranteed to hate you-” 
        The last things you remembered were the faintly fruity taste on your lips, a thousand questions flying around you, and an intense pain that seemed to completely split you in two as a scream tore it’s way out of you.
        And then everything went black.
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biggreenneatbox · 5 years
RWBY Sexuality Headcanons
Fuck it; 2018 is rounding off, I’m a lottle drunk and I remembered saying something on @ladyvallhalla‘s Twiiter post. Let’s expand, shall we?
These are my personal headcanons for characters’ sexualities in RWBY, and the ones I often drift to. I’m branching a little bit from the main four but point’s the same throughout
Fisrt, a disclaimer - I really enjoy | OmegaInfinity |’s story “Linked in Life and Love” on Fanfiction.net. In it, the use of Mate Marks is explored, where Faunus can mark their partner(s) and various things occur.  Ever since then, I see ALL Faunus as Bisexual (I know what you’re thinking, and I’ll explore and explain that in a bit). Some prefer one gender over another, but most would happily join in a polyship if their partner so wanted. There are some exceptions, like Adam because fuck Adam with everything sharp, poisonous and deadly in this world and the next!  So, all Faunus will have an * next to their name, to denote that all of them are Bisexual to an extent, and that this is what I HC them as displaying most of the time.
Ruby Rose
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Our Silver Eyed Cinnamon Bun doesn’t really care for anything like that. She loves weapons, and she wants to protect her friends. As time progresses, that doesn’t change and that’s just who she is.
If I was forced to put her with anyone, I’d say Oscar due to their similar-ish ages (ignoring one huge outlier in the boy’s head). But honestly, Ruby saw someone younger tagging along. This is the first time since attending Beacon that she has actually had a chance to lead someone who hasn’t had as much world experience as her. She jumped at that chance, took him under his wing and gave him the Rose / Xiao Long Hospitality and Big Sis Role that she had grown up experiencing with Yang.
Weiss Schnee
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SO tough to decide!
Like, seriously. I put down “Confused” on the original tweet, but with it being a tweet I couldn’t expand on that. 
Weiss has lived a life of luxury, getting what she wants a lot of the time, not being given it if she doesn’t want it. There were a few smaller things she had to do on her Father’s request when she was younger, and she didn’t particularly enjoy that, but she stomached it as best she could to please him.
When she became of age to date, he forced her into it, and she was not happy at all. For a long time, it was shitty suitor after shitty suitor, so she outright denied a lot of people a chance at getting close to her, because they were just what Jacques wanted.
Neptune comes along, and suddenly there’s someone she finds attractive, but that goes nowhere and she’s at a loss.
It’s only when she has to deal with Shitty Neptune Henry Marigold does she really find that type of person repulsive.
Similarly, when RWBY reunites, she feels love like she has only really felt before in Klein, who loves her like a daughter and because it is his job. This is true, unconditional love, and she doesn’t know what to do. So, she does nothing, and accepts it as what it is.
Blake Belladonna*
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Bisexual / Homosexual
Dated Adam (regrets for rest of life) = Likes Guys  In love with Yang = Like Girls Put ‘em together = Bisexual
Though, as mentioned, I’d have to say she leans more towards Homosexual in my mind as tome progresses. Maybe that’s just how much she and Yang seem to gravitate towards each other recently, but I think that there’s really no one else for Blake. 
Yang Xiao Long
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Punsexual / Homosexual
Sexually attracted to the greatest pun in the room.  … Providing it was a girl said the pun.
I see Yang as once having aboyfriend at Signal when she was much younger. This was as she was just *ahem* developing, and she soon learnt that boys are idiots who only wanted one thing, especially aat that age. She would have said something and tried to move on, if not for the fact he said things about Ruby. She got detention that day for breaking his noes with a single punch. Tai was secretly pruod. 
That was Yang’s first boyfriend, and one of the soul reasons she hasn’t had a second. Non eof the girls said things to Ruby.
Speaking of, at Beacon with tht one scene EVERYONE seemingly sites as th reason for Yang being bi, yknow “I know I do~”, that’s sisterly banter; it’s a big sister trying to get her younger sibling to interact with others. Plus, Yanf assumed Ruby would be into that. Yang was wrong.
Jaune Arc
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Stupid and blind, but straight. Took after his big sister saphron in that regard - chasing after the girls ;)
She was better atit though.
Nora Valkyrie 
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NOUN: Capable of romantic and sexual feelings towards people of the name “Lie Ren” exclusively.
Seriously, they wewr made for each other. Nora just persues it more, especially in the Poser / Beacon Era of the show.
Though, outside of that, I say she’s actually Pan(cake)sexual. She seems like someone who doesn’t care at all who she’s with, long as they’re both happy.
Pyrrha Nikos
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Same scenarios as Weiss in her childhood and young tennagey ears, though less confused by the end of it.
Pyrrha had a lot going for her with her skill in the arena. As she made tours and attended various promotional events, people tried to woo her. It didn’t work, and she apologised for it. She wasn't in the wrong, she didn’t like disappointing anyone (it became an automatic response as time went on)
Her mother and father weren’t rich like Schnees were, but they had enough. Pyrrha honestly mad e more than them in three tournament wins than they did in the same time, and that’s not including the fourth win under her belt. So people just wanted to be with Pyrrha for the sake of dating a celebrity, rather than dating and marrying Weiss for the position of near uncontested power.
Then Jaune came along, someone who saw Pyrrha Nikos for her, not “Pyrrha ‘The Golden Girl’ Nikos”, or “Four Time Champion, Pyrrha Nikos”, or “the next teenager whose life I’m going to completely tear asunder and condemn to a life of solitude and pain.”
She loved being around him because he was genuine, if a bit slow on noticing. And for those brief final minutes of her life, she was happy to have found him.
Lie Ren
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Nora wont let him be anything else.
Nah, he’s had Nora with him for a very long time, longer than his own parents. They’d technically been dating since they were old enough to know about it. 
Another HC I have about Ren was that he had an endgoal in mind when attending Beacon. The Grimm that killed his parents needed to die. So he became stronger to join Beacon, then deal with it upon graduation. It’s why he held Nora’s hand after Kuroyuri and not vice versa - the thing he’d been after was gone, and a weight was off his shoulders. He didn’t need to worry, and he could live a life again.
Oscar Pine
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He’s a young child with a man born in the First Age of Humanity locked inside his head.
Ignoring Ozpin’s presence, I’d pair him with Ruby. 
Otherwise, no.
Sun Wukong* / Neptune Vasilias
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I adore Sea Monkeys. It’s a guilty ship of mine. But they’re straight. Sun followed his boner after Blake, and Neptune is a serial flirter. Even with...
Ilia Amitola*
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She needed mentioning, for obvious reasons.
Personallu, even with my Faubus HC of them all being Bi still holding fast, Ilia is one of the other canon exceptions to the rule. She really wouldn’t want to be with anyone other than another girl. If push came to shove and she had to be in a poly, lest lose her girlfriend to a man, she would let her date him whilst she herself still dated her, but she would not date him personally.
“I’m Ilia. This is my girlfriend Gretta. And this is Gretta’s boyfriend, David.” This, she’d allow. She wouldn’t enjoy it, but she’d allow it.
Emerald Sustrai 
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Straight, yet Bi-Curious
I see it as Emerald not knowing what she is to anyone. She has only let one person really close, and that was Cinder. Cinder treated her like a kid, sure. But growing up without that parental figure made her look up to the Maiden to Be as that sort of figure. As time moved on, Emerald was wondering if these feeling were growing more into something romantic. 
She never acted on those feelings in case things went south and that was Cinder gone from her ife forever or her own life gone forever. Still, she is unsure. Even now, as SPOILERS HERE, CANNOT WRITE
Cinder Fall
Sorry, I just love this GIF, I had to use it.
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Whatever she needed to be
It always seemed to me that Cinder would do whatever she wanted or needed to get information. It never seemed below her to use her looks and charm to work her way into where she needed to be. Some dude wanted to turn on the charm? Sure, let’s see what he’ll spill. A woman flirting with her at a bar? Well, if she’s got something of use to her - physical possession or pertinent knowledge - then might as well flirt back.
Honestly, I couldn’t classify her if I tried. I’m sure there’s something that would describe how I think she is. Drunk me doesn't knoe shit.
No romantic connection to anyone, but will seek a sexual partner of either gender if the need arises.
Aaand, that’s everyone I care about writing this for.
Have a happy new Year y’all!
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panstarry · 5 years
im sorry jf im reading the tags wrong but veth doesnt look white in that art? unless you mean some other art
not that piece of official art, no! that official art of veth is honestly really good and captures a lot of aspects of her that i really love (like the buttons and her facial features.) when i talk about veth looking white, i mean previous fanart before her official design was released in which she was drawn with white features
my main issue with it is that if sam originally saw veth as someone with nonwhite features, it’s kinda weird that they would allow all these fanartists at the beginning draw their headcanons of her as super white & that some of it would also be showcased in fanart galleries etc
like don't get me wrong i really do love veth's halfling design and i understand that the cast can't keep track of every single piece of fan content that goes out--that would be absurd and wayyy impossible, plus theres always variety when it comes to hcs--however it just kinda peeves me tht there wasn’t even like a quick tweet that goes “hey btw veths not pale haha cool”, because even just that would help dispel whitewashing issues without spoiling anything
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
having 2 remind myself tht every1 isnt constantly online so even if at least a few ppl noticed my mistake tweet, not a Ton did n it's ok bc it's deleted. n this goes 4 Anytime I post the wrong thing or w/e. It's ok so long as it's cleared up, it's ok. It may have be up 4 a lil while but Things Happen. like, how many times hav I jus not been on my twt tl or dashboard for long intervals? Many a time. I hav other things 2 do. This applies 2 others too, don't forget, self.
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transrightsjimin · 2 years
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i wish i could make a readmore but i cant in this post?? fck well here goes sorry
I posted 4.406 times in 2021
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#a guy w the most anti scientific nd eugenistic policy proposal tht made everything go to shit got a scientific award for it 💀💀💀 i hate it
My Top Posts in 2021
highly recommend watching this video by bbygang, which is a response to a perhaps well-intended, but less well-researched video by breadtuber cuckphilosophy, titled ‘the late capitalism of k-pop‘. though the original video is from 2017, it is still shared outside of youtube up to this day, being used as proof to support claims on ‘k-pop‘ being the worst industry and fandom of it being an inexcusable act.
bbygang’s response forms a critique to the 2017 video by explaining misinformation on the history of popular music in South Korea; criticizes the overuse of anecdotal evidence for generalized statements; addresses the loosely used, fuzzy term ‘k-pop’; and identifies the anonimized musicians in cuckphilosophy’s video, who were ironically used as backgrounds to arguments that contrast their own artistry.
also, bbygang (a team of Elliot Sang + Danae O.) made a great two-parter as response to a Vice documentary on k-pop with more pronounced sensationalized and orientalist narratives, which i might share later on.
but i found it important to share this one first, considering the first video speaks more to leftist audiences. i’ve really just. had it w these accusations of supporting exploitation of workers; people bringing up really awful tragedies or racist ideas like it’s a fun fact or a gotcha; and how attempt at rebuttals are met with further ridicule.
please just watch the video fully and reconsider your own misconceptions. thank you! ✨
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-21 16:40:16 GMT
idk wtf has gotten into some army's minds to compare jungkook (and last year also yoongi) to a fascist soldier from the blatantly pro-nazi story attack on titan and even draw crossover fanart but i want it to fucking stop???? how fucking awful r u to defend that show / manga that south koreans protested years ago bc they discovered the creator is an a japanese nationalist, nd THEN COMPARE south korean men to shit from this man???? it's not even smth subtle or an obscure fact considering how the whole story is propaganda for fascism nd made jewish people a whole different species as punishment for their crimes and whatnot other antisemitic bs. no srsly im fucking disgusted by how ppl still support that show, some even claiming it's "antifascist" bc some characters point out it sucks for them to 'have' to be at war nd what other bullshit arguments.
63 notes • Posted 2021-05-13 08:16:46 GMT
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u hear someone yell "there is a snake in my boot" nd u turn around and it's these two guys
94 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 12:48:09 GMT
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less than 6 hrs? 5 hrs? to go until the ptd mv release and i honestly wanna sleep through this comeback, theres no enjoyment to it rn bc i just associate it too much w cultural appropriation nd harrassment of native army and the whole conversation being shut down. i hate this so much
anyway. i shouldve just posted on tumblr abt the dreamcatcher in the teaser before, bc at least here the cause got more support last times.
go through the tweets i shared to my thread below:
read up on it if you haven't yet, share the tweets, once again POST THE TAGS #BigHitStopUsingNativeCultures #BHStopUsingNativeCultures in your own tweets and weverse posts, cheer other people's weverse posts, and email. with the dreamcatcher in the teaser and the cowboy theme there is a LARGE chance the full MV for Permission To Dance includes even more cultural appropriation.
we need to help out Ojibwe and other Indigenous army who have been pointing out these issues and trying to get this trending and try to contact BigHit / Hybe since at least In The Soop, and are faced with a lot of anti-indigenous racism from other army in the meantime. we need to do better.
share proof of your email / use of the tag btw! (do censor out personal info of c). Thank you
122 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 23:16:25 GMT
saw an older post abt a te rf army nd i couldnt find the url but saw they remade accounts, the new url is @/iamx ue y ang (without spaces)
they post a lot of transmisogynistic stuff and share gifs from larger bts accounts like gif makers. so yeah please block this person and share this, thank u!!
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172 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 15:32:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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2022-moon · 3 years
☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️ November 9, 2021 ☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️ Grapes Celebration ☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️
☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️ <̬̂ⓖ̬̂ⓡ̬̂ⓐ̬̂ⓟ̬̂ⓔ̬̂ⓢ̬̂> ☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️
☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️ #Grapes #NFT ☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️
☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️ https://youtu.be/mcwRFZbdcEo ☀️🟣🍇🟣☀️
wnot all heroes wear capes - we bought strong tapes - our fruit is ready ripe - we clean it up wipe - look at all these wonderful shapes - our see and sound scape -  grapesmlook for tweets to snipe - keep my face up no drupe -  our success goes up slope - following my own recipe - writing it down as I type - We are our own type - grapeswit is a right swipe - we sell out great - people buy everything outs ape - we don't smoke pipe - been found our way to cope - time for a little dance wipe - grapesmLiterally living up to the hype - tight walking on the ropes - we make it to the other side alive dope - We even got to meet the pope - we do not mope - grapeswwe got all the creative stripes - look under the telescope - the creative layer and attention to detail hope - we check out tht new scene scope - grapeswmwe will escape - we will find success scrape - we look through telescope - in every direction reshape - it is our inner landscape - we are far from a stereotype - grapes - we will finalize our prototype
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