#that shit was FIRE ‼️‼️ PUT IT OUT THOUGH!!!!!!!
poohwhin · 1 year
y’all are fake asf for letting believe my old writing was decent
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daisys-reality · 10 months
PAC.015: Your 18+ love life with your S/O in your DR
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This reading focuses on your s*xual relationship and your s*xual dynamic with your s/o in your desired reality once you've established a more or less stable relationship with them (ex. you being together for a longer period of time or perhaps once you're already married) 🔞‼️ Please do not read this if you're underaged. I tried to keep it 'light' in the way I phrased things overall in the reading but the keywords at the end of each reading do have some more explicit words, so please keep that in mind! Also, some piles turned out a bit longer, sorry for that! Let me know how much it resonates!
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[-> DR stands for desired reality and is a term in the reality shifting community. S/O stands for significant other and basically talks about your special someone (partner/lover/crush...).]
If you like to read more readings from me, feel free to check out my masterlist ! Also, I don't own any of these beautiful pics, I just edited them a little.
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Your and your s/o’s s*xual energies in this relationship: cobra (fire) & hummingbird (air)
Oh, okay. Your energy pile one is very raw and deep lol. I think you’re very good at controlling your s*xual energy and your instincts. You’re the one who keeps calm and just watches how someone loses themselves in front of you, or perhaps below you. You enjoy that. You like to be in control, or to be the one with the power s*xually. You like leading, teaching and giving your s*xual partner instructions on what to do to please you. You love seeing them behave and obey, it lifts your mood and increases your desire for them. I can imagine you’re the one who innocently teases/arouses them and when they confront you, you say 'i don’t know what you mean?’ with your composed face. Perhaps you even go further and tease them for being horny for no reason lmao. There is really something about watching, so perhaps you like watching your partner please themselves in front of you. Or them having to watch you please yourself and they are not allowed to touch you (or themselves?). 
They love seeing you get ready and making yourself pretty, it makes them so horny. Especially if you put your clothes on slowly in front of them with no care. It’s so seductive to them. I think you knowingly ignoring them turns them on too, they like working hard for your attention and being put into place once in a while. Like I think your s/o it pretty composed and confident in their daily life, probably in a leading position with many responsibilities of something like that… and no one would ever believe they behave like that, it is very contradicting to how they act in their day-to-day life. Perhaps it’s also the first time they were able to fulfill these desires they’ve locked away for so long. Maybe you’re the first person to make them feel that way, comfortable enough to give up control and just follow your lead. 
But this teasing part is more like fun foreplay for you guys (even though I strongly believe your relationship in general has a very similar dynamic), once you teased the shit out of your partner, I see the dynamic shifting slightly. When your partner behaves and pleases you satisfyingly you give yourself to them fully as a reward, you let them go crazy with you…like you love seeing them losing themselves in the pleasure they get with you, losing themselves in you. Damn. You want their mind to be full with just you. There might be some duality about you, your vibe or something physical like an innocent face + mature body - they love it. Also, another thing that turns them on is, when you sometimes are more arrogant or like a know-it-all towards them.
Your DR s/o’s s*xual energy is very …enthusiastic and energetic I guess. Like, they beam with energy when they are around you and they are just super happy. To be honest, like a dog who is happy to see his owner lmao. I guess puppy-like is a good description for them. They can’t get enough of you and they will always be curious about you, your likes/dislikes and about your body. They might love exploring your body, finding all your sweet spots. They might be very creative with you in the way they please you. Every moment with you is worth savoring, life becomes sweet with you. I think they are quite smart as well, and they might be good with dirty talk, they also love learning - especially when you teach them. I think the whole s*xual experience with you feels very nourishing and even rejuvenating for them. I think sometimes they can get a bit too much, pushy or insistent, perhaps bratty - it’s best when you put them back to their place in those moments, maybe even punish them? lol They like edging you too, and exhausting you fully (all night). I feel like seeing you weak and tired after the act turns them on too lmao, they will definitely like taking care of you afterwards as well! Aftercare is big here. Perhaps they are the type to bring you your breakfast to bed the next morning and take care of all your responsibilities for you so that you can rest in bed all day long (aww).
Your DR s/o sees you as that powerful queen (regardless of gender), the full package and they just want to serve you and treat you as the queen/king you are. They are crazy about you and I don’t think that will change regardless of how long you're married or long the relationship lasts. If you had rather unpleasant or even traumatic s*exual experiences, this relationship will be very healing for you - you can finally put the past chapter to an end and breathe a sigh of relief. You will learn and grow a lot in this relationship and become free of any addictions, codependency issues. This is a very promising relationship, lots of potential - opportunity to build something lasting together etc. It is a very close relationship and you both will open up about a lot of things you felt like you could never tell anybody. A close and unique experience for both. I think you both will keep this (s*xual) relationship very secretive, because you guys don’t want to share this with others - it’s too close to your hearts. I see that there is a lot of trust, loyalty and emotional security with you both. ❤️
For some reason I believe that you both might really enjoy roleplay, so the dynamics that come to my mind are the following: teacher + (bratty) student, owner + (eager) pet, master + (obsessed) servant, queen/king + (hopelessly in love) knight 
🔞‼️ Other things I can pick up that are a bit more explicit (- might not be for everyone):
expensive clothes (dressing someone up in pretty things just to undress them later), wine and dine you beforehand (they want you to be relaxed with them and they put great effort into making you feel comfortable with them), sugar daddy/mommy vibes lol, slight bdsm play (handcuffs and other movement restricting items, collar/leash?), edge play, orgasm denial, lots of teasing, you giving them rough handjobs? (- it makes them crazy lol), pet play (we all know who is gonna be the pet lol your s/o), feet & calves (your s/o might be into them, them might perhaps even like licking them or being stepped on by your pretty feet lmao), roughly grabbing skin, aroma/scent play - perhaps even with aphrodisiac or doing it when you’re high or drunk?, setting the mood with the surroundings (music, light etc.), they might like doing it outside (on the beach perhaps), expansive dessous/underwear + stockings, they love your tiddies/chest and your curves, corsets (if you have tiddies you s/o might like the look of it - how they almost spill out idk if that is the right word), you wearing high heels that accentuate your legs is a turn on, they have a long “member” if your s/o is male (iykwim) so.. deep penetration, doing it while standing or from behind, long foreplay, the act is wild and rough sometimes but full of passion (ofc only as long as both like it), times after times for longer periods (ex. the full night) - your s/o has great stamina, super sweet aftercare, very fulfilling s*x for both of you, lots of wetness, during the act you're both very much immersed in each other (you shut everything else out, it’s just you two), lots of love and passion.
your and your s/o’s s*xual energies in this relationship: bat (air) & elk (earth)
Hello pile two! The first thing that I heard was that you are a distraction (to your s/o) lmao. Your energy is very swift, kinda hard to grasp. Perhaps you’re very hot and cold and your horniness comes out of nowhere. I think you’re very subtle with your s*xual energy and how you express it. You might be the type to just give small hints to your s/o. You might expect your s/o to just get it and act right away. It could also be that you’re the type that gets horny randomly, even by the smallest things and you might prefer to act on it right away because I feel like the s*xual energy can fade away very quickly too. I don’t think you have it really under control, maybe you don’t even want to. But it can also be that you just randomly remember something and it immediately triggers the s*xual energy in you because there is a sense of unpredictability with you. You might like to express your sexuality freely and to let your s*xual energy flow. That’s what you truly desire - being open and vulnerable. The s*x with your s/o itself may even feel spiritual to you, like every time something changes within you - I mean this metaphorical lmao - like a rebirth, very transforming. It seems like you prefer to do it with your s/o at night time or in the early morning while it is still dark. You might not be the type to do it outside or at unknown places. You prefer doing it behind closed doors, especially at places you know (ex. your own bedroom instead of a hotel room) and with dime lights or in complete darkness - just following your insticts and focusing on your other senses (feeling, hearing etc.). It might just be very important to you to be somewhere familiar where you feel comfortable. Also, it feels like your usual self might be quite different than when you’re in a ‘s*xual mood’. So, the act of revealing this side of you might be something very vulnerable to you. You just want to let go and let this hidden side of you shine and you want it to be completely accepted by your s/o. I think those very romantic moments with your s/o or moments in which the emotions are running high turn you on quite a lot. Having an emotional connection with your s*xual partners is something very important for you. And I can already tell that you have a very strong/intense emotional connection with your s/o (and they with you too). Also, I think you might daydream a lot during the day about you s/o and about all your s*xual moments. 
While your s*xual energy is more ‘airy’, swift and delicate even, your s/o’s energy is more earthy, steady and powerful. Their s*xual energy is strongly grounded within them, also very masculine (regardless of gender). In s*xual matters, they are the type to provide and build stability (for you). They also know themselves and their desires very well. It could be that they are already (by that time) very experienced because it seems like they have already established their s*xual identity. I can tell you that this person is super reliable as a friend, a lover and as a partner. If you’re not very experienced, you can definitely trust them with everything. They will take care of everything for you and they will treat you so that you feel super duper comfortable. They are really kind and also very consistent in their ways and with their effort. They’re the type to create a certain routine which I believe also helps you to have a sense of familiarity because you know what you get yourself into. It’s important for your s/o that you both always end up satisfied. As I already mentioned, they know what they like and what they don’t like and they’re the type to communicate this pretty early on. They value respect and that’s why they’re also very keen on respecting you as a person and your boundaries. They want you to be open to them as well. That’s why they will work hard on building a stable foundation for you to be comfortable enough to reveal yourself. 
To be honest, the fact that you’re so hard to grasp makes them crazy - they want to get to know you on deep levels and your swift energy and your unpredictability triggers something in them because they’re not used to it. You’re so different from them, you guys are like opposites. Of course you share similar values but the way you handle and express your sexual energy is almost completely different but in a ‘ying and yang’ way - so you balance each other out. I think you might have had a rough start at the beginning or it might have taken quite some time before you started a relationship with each other. But I assume that the s*xual energy/attraction towards each other was strong from the beginning so this could have created some tensions at first. Remember how I said in the beginning that you’re like a distraction to them? That’s because you keep your s/o obsessed lol. You’re the only thing they have in mind 24/7 - for real! It might sometimes be so intense that it’s almost burdensome to them😂. It might not be very noticeable because they’re good at hiding it but you trust me. :’) 
This is a bit random but… I kinda got the feeling that you’re s/o also had many bad experiences in the past (before you), some experiences might have even been traumatic for them. They might have struggled a lot but they got themselves out of that low but it was a lot of work. That’s why by the time you both get together they are very solid within themselves and very careful. I can tell that they will treat you with a lot of care! They would never want you to experience the shit they have - you’re so precious to them. I think they would even hate themselves later on if they would realize that they mistreated you or gave you bad experiences. But I’m sure this won’t be the case. They might just be very anxious about it from time to time which leads me to another point. It is extremely important that you learn how to be more open with them... or rather communicate more with them. I can see that your s/o learned more or less how to communicate effectively. But pile two, you guys need to work on that, I can feel that this might create some problems in the future because you tend/prefer to be very subtle and you want your s/o to just get you - which they do most of the time because they are very perceptive but that does not mean that you can rely on that 24/7. Your s/o might appear very stable but they are also human and they can get anxious !! - even if they don’t show it. So, I ask you to communicate yourself more clearly to them from time to time and to give your s/o feedback on how they’re doing. You know… you’re s/o can be very hard on themselves because they are perfectionists and their standards and expectations for themselves are quite high! Please remember to praise and reassure them every now and then, remind them that they are doing everything right - it takes the mental pressure away that they feel.
They might be the type to ask you to just lay back and to let them take care of everything (-> “You don’t need to do anything - I will take the lead.”). Regardless of gender, the more masculine energetically in this relationship (which seems to be your s/o) is dominant and strict while the more feminine is submissive but playful. That might be the main dynamic. Again, there are a lot of aspects here that hint that you guys are quite the opposites. One of you might be small and petite and the other quite tall and big/muscular - there could be a big height gap, and there could also be an age gap as one energy seems very young and innocent while the other seems older and very mature but it can also be an ‘appearance thing’ where one just looks very young/innocent and they other one looks significantly older. In addition, their energy feels more realistic and grounded while yours feels more dreamy and almost ethereal (especially to them). 
You’re s/o is a person of action, one of their dominant love languages might be ‘acts of services’ - they might show their feelings and their devotion through that. They might not be the best with expressing their feelings verbally or speaking in a romantic way (they’re more straightforward and blunt), so they will try to make up for this through other things (acts of services, giving gifts and physical affection). But as I already mentioned, words of affirmations might be something that touches them deeply more so than for example receiving gifts etc.
I think you enjoy it when your s/o takes the lead but you're also willing to divide the ‘work’. But you have to communicate this clearly to them because you’re s/o might overdo it sometimes. They are the type to overthink things and to come too quick to conclusions. They think they have to be the responsible one in the relationship, to take care of everything and to have everything under control. It could be that your s/o sometimes puts you on a pedestal and they might put on more responsibilities that they have to - to the point it even seems unrealistic. Uff… please give your s/o a reality check from time to time! It would be helpful if you take the lead yourself sometimes and perhaps plan and initiate things yourself! You’re s/o likes to be the provider type - it comes naturally to them - but relieving them of their responsibilities every now and then would make them feel very appreciated and at ease and they will be very grateful for you in those moments - to the point of feeling emotional or getting teary!
Another potential issue is that you both often want to avoid confrontation and your s/o is the type to internalize problems and struggle with self doubt/self judgment. I get the vibe that your s/o sometimes feels like you’re not really opening up to them because they often don't really know or perhaps understand how you truly feel. I get the feeling that they might think that you try to distract them from problems through s*xual activities (I don’t even think that this is your intention. You’re just very intuitive and able to quickly understand how they feel + you get easily turned because those situation usually get more emotionally intense, and then you just get super turned on and you just wanna please them and help them release the emotions through s*x). Sometimes you're so elusive ("too good to be true") that they fear losing you which might also lead to times where they get quite a bit possessive or jealous!
Again, I have to mention that you make them crazy pile two! I just heard "you're so pretty babe I'm losing my mind" oh gosh… Your connection feels so intense but also kinda messy… like emotionally. The feelings and the attraction is so strong that it’s kinda messing with your heads😭 It seems like there's also a lot of possessiveness and jealousy going on in this dynamic - though it doesn't feel very toxic… the obsession is just mutual so it's ok I guess😂 Their love and desire for you is very intense and they might not be used to this, so sometimes they might wonder if they come off too strong or if they scare you off if they openly express it to you. Things might turn pretty rough actually because the passion is so strong (and they are strong too *wink wink*). In those moments where the desire or the feelings just become overwhelming to them and they ‘lose control’ (especially when you’re sleeping with each other), they might even start feeling guilty afterwards or they might feel like their desires are too much/too dark (?). But I feel like this has to do with them putting you on a pedestal and seeing you as this innocent and super precious person that they don’t want to hurt. I don’t know why but I feel like you like the intensity and the fact they suffer so much internally (i’m laughing so hard rn) … it seems like the thought of it turns you on. Also, your s/o likes to release the build up stress (of their daily life) through s*xual activities. Similar to you, they like to release things and let themselves go completely in those times. But I think they sometimes hold themselves back for your sake or at least at the beginning of the relationships because they assume that that would be the best for you but they don’t really know that you enjoy the roughness and intensity with them too and that you wouldn’t mind if they just follow their desires. Honestly, just openly tell them or make them more crazy until they lose themselves in the pleasure and just do it haha.
🔞‼️ Other things I can pick up on that are a bit more explicit (- might not be for everyone): 
playful bickering/arguing, lots of passion, roughness, one of you being more one the muscular side and the other one being super turned on by those muscles, some past issues may come up and you guys need to learn to find closure, you turning them on out in public and them having to wait until you guys get home to ‘punish’ you, something about the number 9 or perhaps 69 lmao, babygirl/babyboy & daddy/mommy dynamic, them calling you ’my lil’ princess’/‘my precious boy’, height gap and/or age gap, something about hair and it being a turn on (not only scalp hair like hairstyle but also body hair), your s/o enjoys giving you gifts and doing things for you - they are the giver type, they are good at pleasing you, them holding you up or you sitting on their lap and making out, stretching out clothes or ripping them apart, them limiting your speaking ability like covering your mouth or putting fingers in or just making you unable to think clearly because of the intense pleasure😏, pressing on your lower stomach while doing it, them putting their body weight on you for deeper penetration, them holding you in place, roughly grabbing your ass, and holding you down, stubbornness, intensity, possessiveness, jealousy, controlling - them controlling you in a sense so perhaps some type of bdsm, powerplay (mainly with them being the dominant one), feeling guilts and insanity lol - probably them, if you have back dimples they might love them, restriction (on the ‘energetically female’/submissive person), them being rather strict and ‘mean’ during the act,  being each other’s recovery/healing space, you’re 24/7 horny for each other - you guys can’t keep your hands to yourself, pile two you think that your s/o indulges you and that they give you comfort, to you they seem very abundant…like ‘the full package’, you guys have a extremely high sexual compatibility, their love languages are: acts of service (giving) + gifts (giving) + physical touch (giving and receiving) + words of affirmation (receiving) + quality time (receiving), your s/o might have an attractive low voice or they might be more the type to ‘grunt’ than moan, nipple play in both ways (you and them), grabbing someone’s neck while making out, stroking through someone’s hair + caressing each other’s skin and lots of cuddling/snuggling into each other (both sexually but also non sexually), high fertility, one or both of you might have a breeding kink, for the people in this pile where having children is an option or wish: your s/o might think things like ‘you’re the mother/father of my future children’ or ‘you’re the one I want to build a family with’ etc., cum play could be a thing, you pile two might have weird fantasies and your s/o has wild fantasies, your s/o wonders sometimes if it's okay to do certain things, COMMUNICATION is so important!! - you guys need to learn to communicate with each openly about your fantasies/desires and your needs, you might often manipulate them into doing things with you instead of talking about it (💀), you’re s/o secretly loves it when you reassure them of things and when you praise them, you like caring about them emotionally and they like caring/providing for you physically, dependency - they might be emotionally dependent on you and you physically on them lol, you guys are super needy for each other❣️ 
your and your s/o’s s*xual energies in this relationship: firefly (air) + zebra (fire)
Hello pile three, your guys’ s*xual energy here seems kinda intense but also very elusive. Uff.. ngl I was a bit confused with you reading at first. Your relationship is a bit complicated and I think there is a lot hidden which I’m not allowed to see beyond it if that makes sense… So, bear with me, I will try my best to interpret this.
Your s*xual energy in this relationship here is represented by the firefly which is in the air element. Your energy is radiant, awestriking and perhaps inspiring for anyone who comes in contact with you in that way (especially for your s/o). It’s like you're on a high frequency when you’re in a s*xual mood. You have this pure but also fleeting charm to you. You’re the type that harnesses this energy and I think -if you’re some kind of artist- this energy might even give you major inspiration for your creations. But it can also mean that you’re very creative in bed. It never gets boring with you - you’re very exciting. I think that s*xual activities give you energy and help you when you’re exhausted/burned out or when life just feels dull. It gives you that mental and emotional stimuli. If we look at how your s/o sees you in a s*xual sense, I can sense that they see you as someone pure, precious, and cute even but also very elusive - I just heard "you’re all I can see"… You have a very youthful energy and you exude this aura of innocence and wonder, you’re always curious and kinda quirky - and they love this about you. You might have a good balance of masculine and feminine traits, you could have an androgynous appearance or perhaps it’s just your body language and mannerism because in their eyes you’re not only innocent and cute but also very assertive, daring and active (in bed). They love how curious and open minded you are and that you’re willing to try out so many things and to experiment freely without judging someone. Perhaps they just love that they feel so accepted for who they are and what they desire by you. It’s like you allow them to get to know themselves better and help them accepting all this parts but at the same time there is some distance between you… It feels like it’s mainly coming from you though…. Uhh I just heard "You give me life, you’re my everything and I’m all yours…so why does it seem like you’re distancing yourself more and more from me? What do I have to do to make you mine? Tell me, I beg you… I’m losing my mind." damn… pile three someone is down bad for you here and you let them hang like this? 👀
Well, we’ll get back to that later. Let’s focus first on your s/o. They are kinda eccentric, perhaps even weird? They probably have big or very deep eyes and an alluring gaze - especially when they are in a s*xual mood. They see and notice everything - they gaze at you so very intensely as if they want to ingrain everything into their memory. They have a great imagination and they are also kinda young at heart. So, perhaps they are also a bit child-like with an undying curiosity about literally everything (similar to you) when you get to know them more deeply. Being in their company is a true delight and it opens minds, their magic is contagious… I wanna even say their magic in bed is contagious haha. They are able to make you dream and bring you to faraway lands .. or perhaps to heaven? Your s/o might have a big personality, they are a worldly and well cultured person. They could even dress very well (and sensually). They are someone who needs adventure and art. They want to create art in bed, visuals are quite important to them and they love all kinds of pleasure.  
From what I can see, you perceive them as quite bold and daring, someone who takes risks without much fear, someone who knows how to have fun with life. They might be the one who usually takes the initiative because they always go after what they want and work hard to get it. They are as creative as you but they are very strong in their masculine energy especially in s*xual matters. They are an extremely passionate and sensual lover. They have a nice healthy body and a lot of vitality and stamina😌. They could be spiritual or just very intuitive with how they proceed in s*xual matters. Well, they are for sure very health-conscious or are just quite keen on self care (including working out!). They are very intune with their body and know how to move it correctly. Their dominant love language might be physical touch, they are always very dynamic - for sure it never gets boring because they always have this fresh and exciting energy to them. Everytime you do it, you might see new sides of them that you’ve never seen before. They are just very good at making your love life exciting and unforgettable. I can see that you guys have great chemistry and there is a lot of passion for each other.
You’re s/o is someone who requires constant mental and emotional stimulation because they get quickly bored or rather restless. That’s also why they are easily drawn to exciting or intriguing situations and people - and you have all their attention for sure! You’re s/o is naturally very charming and charismatic, they have a warm and good sense of humor which might show itself even while you're sleeping with each other. They are very secure in their masculinity/femininity, so it’s no problem for them to explore ‘the other side’. They are very good at leading others and I even wanna say they are good at giving instructions as well as they can also be pretty assertive. They are definitely big on body positivity!! (so no worries here pile three ♡). Even though they appreciate beauty, ultimately they choose their partners based on their inner beauty. They are always highly motivated yet very humble and understanding. ... Mhm I get so much information here about how your s/o is as a person with all their "good" qualities instead of s*xual stuff.. I get the feeling that they want me to convince you that you can trust them… perhaps you do not feel very comfortable (yet) with such topics and that’s why your s/o would like to talk more about you guys in a non-s*xual way. So, sorry for the lack of naughty stuff if you were excited for it lmao, I will try to add some information at the end of the reading!
Let’s get back to your s/o because they want to shine lol. They are very mature and always working hard on improving themselves. They don’t give up easily and they would never give up on you! They love to work hard but they also love to play hard. I can sense that even in your eyes they seem very special to you. They have this sun king/queen vibe to them, they are easily the center of attention. Their social skills are no joke, they are good conversationalists and active listeners and they know exactly how to make someone feel special. It seems even you think they are good in bed😏 and they also seem very passionate about the things you care about. I just got this vibe of them getting super jaded, pouty or vain when they feel deprived of your presence. You’re always on their mind. 
You s/o can see that you’re overly generous almost to your detriment at times which leaves you out of balance. It might not be very apparent to others but it is to your s/o. They watch you closely and they often worry about you. They have never seen someone like you - you intrigue them so freaking much. You’re so mysterious to them. In their eyes, you don’t really seem to be the relationship type…you seem like someone who values materialism over relationships. You might in fact actually be quite insecure but you try to conceal this with your facade… like you try to appear eager for power and control, stingy and closed off, as if you’re not generous with your time and money etc. They think you kinda have a wrapped sense of what a relationship should be like. I’m a bit confused here but there seems to be a theme of you sometimes taking advantage of them and enjoying using them financially, emotionally or sexually and that you love dumping your problems on them but never are available when they need a listening ear …and it turns them on? Ehm… I don't know how true this is but they are partly annoyed by this behavior but also love it at the same time? It seems like your s/o kinda likes to suffer… are they a secret masochist? Anyways, there is some manipulation going on in your relationship… Perhaps it’s a thing for you to play mind games in bed😂. Eitherway, I can see that there might be some struggles with balance and boundaries in your (s*xual) relationship. To be honest, there are a lot of hints that you might try out and like activities that are rather extreme or perhaps even ‘taboo’ (ofc only once you’re comfortable enough with each other).
I can see that your relationship is a journey and you will both grow a lot while being together. The thing is .. you're so similar and you often mirror each other. All the issues that come up in your relationship might be issues that you face yourself within you. So you get confronted with the problems you’ve ignored before. It’s a very transformative and perhaps even spiritual connection. You know, the more you accept and allow your partner to be, the more you do so for yourself. It's a process and it’s something you will probably have to learn because I see you specifically being very good at ignoring your problems and letting them build over time. But I can tell you already that the work you'll put into this relationship will be worth it, you both will reach peaceful times where all your stress just fades away, like on cloud nine. Traveling together or settling down somewhere else might be a theme in your relationship!
I don’t know if you believe in soulmates or whatever but I got the feeling that your s/o subconsciously believes that you guys are soulmates of some sort or that you share a strong past/connection with each other. At the time of your relationship, your s/o might really want you to express yourself more and they are thinking a lot about how they could encourage you. Another thing is that your s/o sometimes feels that there is a lack of commitment to the relationship on your part (it could also be the other way around but I believe more so that your s/o has these worries about you). They kinda have the feeling you are blocking them out and are not letting them get closer to your heart… like they feel like you’re showing a facade to them and not your real self. But it seems like your s/o knows how you truly are because they are so perceptive. Perhaps they feel annoyed by the fact that you keep this facade up even though it’s unnecessary - ‘Why don’t you trust me?🙁’.  I’m not sure how to explain it exactly but there seems to be a blockage in your s*xual relationship. So, I assume that it will take a long time until you start doing something s*xual with each other. In the cards I got in this reading, most characters have their eyes closed or lock away/avoid eye contact. The only card where the eyes are open is the main card representing your s/o's s*xual energy and it’s with a deep gaze. I don’t exactly know why but you keep your eyes closed (metaphorically) and it also influences how you perceive your s/o because they also have their eyes closed in your perception of them but the truth is that they have their eyes wide open … you’re just not aware of it. Perhaps you should ask yourself what is it that you’re avoiding or that you don’t want to see? Do you fear intimacy? Maybe this is about you having to learn to face yourself and your issues and to not run away from them. Overall, I would say that it is important to improve the communication and the harmony/power imbalance in this relationship and for you to learn how to be more comfortable with revealing yourself and being closely perceived and accepted by someone you have feelings for. Also, this is really random because I don’t usually add songs to my piles but while I was writing the last part the song ‘GEMINI’ by Ethan Low came on and I feel like it might be important? ...like the lyrics seem kinda fitting, so try checking them out! Oh and on a side note, the color yellow and the month april could hold a special meaning too. I also have some advice for your pile three: ‘Pull through!’ and ‘Not everything always has to go according to a plan. Sometimes it is good when things happen differently - take it as it resonates!
🔞‼️ Other things I can pick up on that are partly more explicit (not for everyone probably and perhaps only once you guys feel more comfortable with each other): 
If you are more the sporty type or have more broad shoulders they find this attractive as well as your upper arms + your legs, when you’re refusing to look their way it gets their gears running lol, also when you act ignorant or detached and when you seem to be in your own world - that turns them on, you stepping on their heart/love🔥, you both playing mind games with each other, when you’re far away from them it makes them super restless and needy, they like admiring you and embracing you (sexually and non sexually), they enjoy rubbing your tummy or caressing your hair, they might like seeing your sleep or watching you while you’re focused on something else, they just adore you, they like everything about your body, they make you feel very secure and protected, they may be good at talking dirty or charming you with their words, one or both of you could be into degrading, manipulating each other into doing things, slowly crossing boundaries (but with mutual consent i guess? I’m not sure about this but it could be like -safely- playing out scenes where you cross each other boundaries if that makes sense��i don’t rly wanna say it but something like ‘r*pe play’ perhaps but idk), they might get to a point where they idolize you and worship you like a god/goddess lmao.. kinda fanatic but you’re like an illuminating light in their life (why are they being like this😂), one or both of you could write poems/songs or make drawings to express you desire for each other because there is so much creative energy, daring and risky s*x, situations where being caught in the act is a possibility, you guys becoming more and more brave, knife play and bondage play, doing it outside/at public places or in different countries, being somehow seen/perceived/heard by other people, unique and sexual clothes and accessories (leather, latex…), sneaky behavior (mainly on your side), videos/filming, ...
you convincing them to try out new ideas is a big turn on for them, you’re super exciting to them, they love how you embody this effortlessness.. you’re like trendsetter or pioneer in their eyes, you being unique and daring with your style is super attractive to them, fast paced s*x and quickies, both of you are always very active (mentally and physically) during the act, domination of each other, lots of toys, perhaps more people involved in the act - maybe something like open relationship or polyamory or threesome etc., provocations here and there, selfishness and arrogance (acted out), lots of passion in this relationship, you both feel this sense of restlessness when you’re not together or when you’re near each other but are unable to act on your desires (like in public), when you’re doing it you’re so immersed in each other and in the pleasure that you kinda lose focus and just act on instincts only, you both can get very impulsive, doing it until burnout is surely a thing here, no planning no direction just following your instincts, disregarding consequences, unpredictability, dirty talk (degrading) probably coming from them because they are so good with words😉, changing positions often, rapid pace, kinda dangerous s*x?,  make up s*x after a fight/argument, confidence (even if fake), aggressive movements, inferiority complex, riling each other up verbally, spanking, grabbing hair or holding someone by their hair, doing it through the backdoor (iykwim), s*exual activities that could be considered taboo or even offensive, them wanting to conquer you, they like it when your chest is revealed, you guys might sometimes have conflicting thoughts in your mind, there could be some dishonesty or trust issues (just emotionally! - there is no sign of cheating here), many temptation, some kind of imbalance- feelings don’t SEEM mutual (even if it is mutual) -> one is obsessed and the other sees them just a casual lover or something, there is a need for improving the communication between you two and there is a bit of baggage to work through (feelings wise), it might sometimes seem like you lead them on and that you’re not honest with them🙃, apathy and detachment is kinda a turn on, strong yearning for each other on different levels (emotionally, physically, mentally…), materialism, imaginary security, humiliation, orga*m delays, resistance (acting), distracting each other from issues with s*xual activities, playing into each other’s fantasies. 
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vxiphoid · 1 year
❨ summary ❩ genshin › genshin men playing minecraft with you ((ft. alhaitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, heizou, & xiao))
tags ✧ modern au, drabble, fluff, chaotic energy, not proofread, cursing, ooc(?), established relationship, gn!reader, kaeya sets a forest on fire, alhaitham does not appreciate bees, mentions of pixelated deaths
amanuensis’ message ⊹ IM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY OTHER FANDOMS I SWEAR… im gonna back up from twst for a bit (im literally posting scarabia soon.) you can clearly tell who my favorites are… this unlocked a whole different part of my brain holy shit im deceased
⌜200+ e/chara ⌟
♫ blossom - t. shan
genshin masterlist
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╰┈➤ tbh he thinks minecraft is stupid, i mean, why not read a book instead of burning the images of pixels into your eye sockets😒 yeah, he’d just rather books. its a game about blocks, what could possibly be so interesting? he will admit the music is… nice. its nostalgic even though he’s never heard the track before. his favorite animals are the axolotl idk they’re his little pookies. its their little stick arms, they look so silly… as soon as haitham found out that you could color things its over, he make some sweet things like putting a sign on top of your shared house with both initials with colored dye. he’s so happy, just not very vocal about it, but he has the smallest of smiles. he definitely has headphones with the crochet sprout on it omg😭 alhaitham does not like bees whatsoever, they stung him for trying to get food. he just wanted honey :[
“look, the dog’s collar is blue. and the sign’s letters are green and then if you add a glow squid’s ink, it lights up.”
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╰┈➤ he has waited YEARS for someone to play minecraft with him omfg. certified snack hoarder for times like these. you both literally hit each other to show love, you’ve accidentally killed him once bc he didn’t tell you that he had like half a heart… itto likes the water, hates the guardians because who do you think you are attacking him out of nowhere??? gets one shotted by the elder guardian while trying to fight it with a stick and then blames it on magma blocks pulling him down. GAMING WITH HIM IS NEVER CALM GODS💀 you cannot lay on him or anything bc as soon as those cave sounds or disc 13 start playing, he’s already done sprung out of his seat. his screams are actually really funny though, you got him a cat from how much he’s been assaulted by creepers. when you introduced him to shaders, he was so in awe. “babe i have a shadow!” type of excitement JAKEJEJDMnda.
“the cat’s name is sir arataki the third, you are now my loyal guard cat. who’s an adorable little guy?”
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╰┈➤ look at this nerd (affectionate), ofc he plays cubecraft. loved it so much that when he didn’t have the actual game, he would play the really bad knockoffs💀 plays on console so you can sit between his legs, lean back, and game with him. cyno hate the split screen because he always gets confused on what side he’s on so he lets you use his switch, that way you’re both still comfortable. he’s more of an explorer if you do get mod packs for him, likes the horror ones the most. there’s nothing like hitting the enemy or shit talking the thing that could potentially one shot you with your s/o‼️ yall crouch a lot, its like a little dance. he really likes the disc “far” it itches his brain in the right way. definitely downloads the little raccoon mobs but then regrets it because he gives up all his berries to them, look at their little begging arms, literally how can you say no to that?? AND THEY WASH THE BERRIES. you both fall asleep to the ambience and to each others breathing all cuddled up ‘n warm. cyno absentmindedly sings the music while chopping wood or mining that shit has you SLUMPED. he kisses your head when you fall asleep, smiling like a silly goober.
“do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do, neow neow neow nneow neeeowwww… huh? oh, i’m almost done then we can go to bed, yeah? i’ll charge the switch too, don’t worry. just rest.”
(he’s singing that one part in danny lmfao)
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╰┈➤ diluc does not understand the concept of minecraft but its okay, he’s just happy to be here. he also doesn’t call it minecraft but “cave game”, the original name, he did his research though it is rare that he actually calls it minecraft. found out that you could breed animals and accidentally made a pack of wolves. diluc is really good with redstone its actually insane😭 he’s the type to protect you the whole time while you’re getting flowers for the house, boyfriend bodyguard. diluc doesn’t play much because of his job but when he does, he’s prepared to sit for hours and spend time with you :(. these are the times where he’s most affectionate, randomly kissing your cheek, getting water for the both of you before you play, etc. luc loves the mod pack “industrial”, he can build machines, how neat is that??? also it has way more OMFP with the added features it has yk? he likes the trains :D
“is the water running…? the water’s running, they have moving windmills!”
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╰┈➤ kazuha has the most expensive equipment yet doesn’t use this shit half of the time unless he’s streaming with heizou??? like im talking msi infinite rs pc, multiple monitors, a graphic drawing tablet, headphones with immaculate sound quality AND!!! the ear cups have fucking cyberpunk 3d wing guards on them. but anyways, minecraft, yes, he plays. in fact, kaedehara has about 10 beaten hardcore worlds every time a new update comes out, he must beat the game again. he rarely plays minecraft without his shaders so when you want to play the original og minecraft, he doesn’t mind, he actually enjoys the nostalgia. so much so the music is actually his background music when he’s just lazing around. words cannot express how much he dislikes (hates) wardens omg. he’ll protect you from them but if there were diamonds behind a warden, ig he’s going somewhere else😭 kazuha gives you random shit, weather that be something really sweet or questionable…
“love, do you want my rotten flesh? here<3 oh! and, i also got you some steak, you’re low on hearts…”
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╰┈➤ he’s heard of it, watched people play, just never played it. but when he does… he’s a menace. kaeya got his hands on flint and steel and set an entire jungle on fire… but he can be sweet sometimes! you’re the one protecting his ass while he walks around at night UNARMED to gather blue flowers for you. like you’re cute, but take a shield or something😭 he’s jumped off of a tall building before and landed on half a heart for a stack of bread you didn’t want. he’s rather oblivious to the mobs around him, he once thought shulkers were friends because they were just “silly little guys in little boxes” yk until they almost killed him. you bought him his own skin and introduced him to parrots and now its his favorite animal, he looks like a pirate!!! kaeya is chaotically sweet.
“yes, you almost died protecting me but how could you resist my everlasting love plus pixelated blue flowers?”
(has a cat unironically named ice spice LMFAO)
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╰┈➤ your boyfriend is good at literally anything else BUT minecraft. its the way this game constantly has it out for him too like what did bro do??🙁 heizou stream’s with kazuha every now and again and on those, he still doesn’t know what to do… he’d rather play on the servers, bedwars in particular. extremely good at bw, you’d rather NOT be his enemy😭😭 wins almost every single game even when he carries, rank 98 in the server. yet when it comes to a casual server between you and him, the chats are filled with his deaths and his hashtagged rages💀 heizou despises silverfish which is also why he hates going into strongholds, they could get stomped on for all he cares! >:( he has texture packs with really beautiful skies and then a picnic mod so he can stargaze with you and eats minecraft cake :(<3
“oh. babe, green is heading for our bed, no pressure or anything. i loovveee youuu😚”
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╰┈➤ xiao has the MOST downloaded mod packs, shaders, and worlds. not very expensive mod packs most of the time but when they are, they’re always good. spends his time fighting off mobs at night, #1 totem holder. he even has his own custom skin!!! he’s kinda been waiting for you to ask so when you do play mc together, you already have your own room, but when you voluntarily move your bed into his room to sleep… he melts. xiao loves cuddling while the two of you play, he’d rather your arms around him than the other way around, feels more intimate. you have matching hoodies for occasions like this. he has the dragon mod pack and has his own golden and orange dragon named ‘li’. he doesn’t talk while gaming, curses silently when he gets hit, but other than that doesn’t talk. if you want to talk, he’ll listen, he likes hearing about your day :].
“no, keep talking. i’m listening. see, li’s listening too.”
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Then book shopping n it’s all cute n stuff 😻😻‼️
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Bernard's & Noble
(see what i did there)
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Word count: 749
Alexis speaks! : hey guys! thank you for the request (the more requests, the more stories i post 😉) i'm honestly not very proud of this one, but i've deleted it four times already and this is the best i got 💀 once again, comments and likes are greatly appreciated, it helps me know if yall like my style or if i need to change anything! pls don't steal my work, love yall!
"Matttt?" i whined from my spot on the floor. i was bored out of my fucking mind. Matt wanted the day to be a 'lazy day' and by that he means he wanted to scroll social media and youtube all day. that was not my idea of fun, i've always been a hands on person whether that be going outside for hours, to the lake, reading, anything other than being lazy at home.
"whattttt?" he mocked, sitting up from his bed, his hair all messed up and funny looking.
i chuckled. "your hair looks great." i smiled, climbing to straddle his lap and fix his bed head. "better" i smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "i have a business proposal."
matt sighed, "what do you want." he rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
i hopped off him, standing at the foot of his bed. "i vote we go to barnes and noble today, my book case is baren." i joked. four out of the five of my bookshelves were full completely. but you can never have too many books.
"y/n you have more books than i think i've ever seen anywhere else in my life." he laughed. matt pretended to be annoyed, but he knows the answer is yes. and not just to this scenario, the answer is always yes to everything y/n wants. she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. "when do you want to go?" he gave in.
i jumped around the room a couple times, silently celebrated with myself. "right now silly." i said. i trotted into his bathroom where i have my own drawer of toiletries and such. i touched up my makeup and threw on my shoes. "ok i'm ready." i beamed up at him. matt basically towered over me. he's 5'8 and i'm 5'3, so there's a pretty noticeable height difference.
he slipped his own shoes on. "i'm ready." he smiled, grabbing his keys.
i just looked at him. "matt babe." i looked at his outfit. "we are not going anywhere when you are wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. please change." i said, false seriousness evident on my features.
"oh my god i'm literally gonna shit my pants i love barnes and noble." i said, climbing out of the passenger seat. I made matt carry my three tote bags i have designated for my favorite hobby, book shopping.
"do i really have to come in." matt complained.
we had been at barnes and noble for an hour already, two out of the three of my tote bags were full. so full we had to put them by checkout because they were too heavy to carry. About 15 minutes in i had made a joke that i thought was hilarious, matt didn't really think so.
"haha, bernard's and noble." i chuckled to myself, but matt heard me.
"y/n i swear to god i will leave you here."
i was finally ready to go, the final tote bag full. i couldn't find matt though. i wandered through the multiple sections of books, matt no where in sight. "maybe he did leave me here." i mumbled under my breath. until my eye caught matt. he was crouched down, one hand on the shelf, the other hand occupied with a book.
"whatchya readin?" i smiled over him. my heart melted when he looked up at me, a small smile on his face. i took this time to take in his beauty. the way his slight curls fell over his eyebrows, the way his middle part accentuated his face shape, the way his blue eyes went so well with his outfit. he was wearing the white shirt with 'whatever' in bold print written across it, and baggy light wash blue jeans, his keys dangling from his belt loop.
"some poetry book, i might get it it's kinda fire." he smiled.
"you read poetry?"
"i like finding the good ones and printing them out, i like to look back on the really influential ones." matt said. he stood up and took my bag, his hand resting on the small of my back.
"matt i don't deserve you, you're so sweet." a cheesy grin creeping onto my lips.
"y/n you deserve the world." he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.
"ok now how are we gonna get all of these in the car?" i laughed.
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
I JSUT SAWZ S REONAGI EDIT SND I WSS THINKING???? WHAT IF THEM + YN RIGHT? BUT THEN I THOUGHT WHAY IF nagi isn't feeling like training and reo's trying to convince him w everything in the world!!! but then!!! you walk in,,, wearing the tiniestttttttt top and a thong 🤩🤩🤩 like Onichan have you seen my white jeans? reo might be used to this but nagi isn't 😳‼️ so when reo notices that nagis dull eyes are shining bright,,, he knows how to convince him to train ifykwim 😔‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ also kissi for u 💞
HHhHhshhshdhhd stOPPPDJJRHDH THis is settIng my lOINS ON FIRE you can’t just give mE THE IMAGE OF reO NII In my head w seishi drooling over you anD WMEXPWCT ME TO FUNCTION AFTEr pJJDHDHDH
tw incest, coercion, oral, pussy eating, threesome
contains nagi seishiro x fem!reader x mikage reo
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Reo had been quick to roll his eyes and chastise you when you’d walked out, ass fully out save for the tiniest thong known to man, and a tight top that wasnt nearly thick enough not to be molten to every curve. “Can you put on some clothes?” he’d grunted, staring you down with an impatient noise. It’s not that you don’t … look good, but today isn’t the day. The silver blond next to him shuffles on the couch, and his video game makes the sound of a character death.
“Yea, I’m trying to, niichan!” You hit him back with just as much attitude, and glare him down for a second. “Moms taking me on a lunch date in a bit, just- can’t find my lightwash pants. The nice ones.”
“Check under my bed then, we- “ He cuts himself off and motions his head towards the other side of the luxuriously spacious flat, before turning back to his friend. But Seishiro’s attention has long left his game, and his dark eyes follow very close behind to the sway of your hips as you stroll past them. And a smile tugs his mouth up.
The solution to his dilemma is pretty easy after that. He’s an excellent problem solver.
“This okay?” Seishiro asks as he does, kissing down your lips to your neck and then licking and sucking all over your tits with a hum.
“She likes when you bite them softly,” your big brother mumbles, and is much too quick to shove his sweatpants down to reveal an already hardening cock as he gets on his knees between your spread thighs. Nagi’s lips smack as he disconnects from your nipple for a moment, lips glossy with spit, and glances down.
“How do you know that?”
But niichan just hums a soft dismissal. “Don’t ask stupid questions.” Then his amethyst irises meet yours, and he gives you a look as he fucks the flushed, hot head of his cock into his palm, and then noses at the inside of your thigh. “What do you say?”
“Please eat my pussy, niichan. Want to have my big brother’s tongue on me.” You can feel Nagi’s hands start roaming around as he glances up at you from playing with your tits, sucking marks and rubbing his hot tongue over your hardened buds. Then he looks down at the way Reo nii’s nosing at your pussy, and let’s out a string of swears. Niichan’s quick to shove the panties aside and place his mouth on your cunt though, unbothered by the fuss his friend’s making.
And you’ve never seen Seishiro so animated, as he blinks a few times, bites his lip, and then slides a hand along his abs into his pants. You make a noise when niichan starts with a few patient licks to your clit, before his fingers join and you make grabby hands towards the blond. “Nuh uh, let me help. Please. Please, Seishiro kun? Can you use my mouth until niichan’s done with his meal?” His tongue slips from between his lips for him to bite it, and gladly takes out the hard, hot cock to offer it up to you.
And you make quick work of spitting on your hands and grabbing him, feeling the thumping vein on the bottom as he props one long, muscular leg onto the bed beside you and groans long and raspy when you lead him to your mouth. “Do your parents know that you do this shit?” he asks after a moment, watching the head of his cock hollow and fill your cheeks and a glimmer cover the flushed cock as you pop it in and out.
“N-nope,” you quickly answer, before locking one leg around Reo nii’s shoulders when he pats it, “and you’re not gonna tell them either. You gotta keep our little secret.” You coo and let out a slight yelp when Reo sucks hard at the top of your slit, rubbing his tongue with too much practice over your clit in just the way you like. “Oh-hmmmgn- niichan— th-ah, I can’t focus when you do that.” He hums into your pussy, watching his fingers drip with your juices when he scissors them apart a few times, then smiles.
“Nagi, how about you fuck her face? Go ahead, she can take it.” Your squeaked ‘nii nii’ is interrupted by the way he spits on your pussy and rubs it around, before fucking his cock into a ring of fingers again for a moment. “Shhh, don’t worry, Nagi’s not gonna say anything. Just open your mouth like a good girl and stick your tongue out like niichan taught you.”
“That’s twisted,” his friend only mumbles, but those dark eyes glitter as they have yet to leave your face. His one hand toys with your tits for a bit longer, as he stroked himself in a slow rhythm with your spit, before you oblige. Niichan promised to drive you around all month in his very fancy car if you helped him out after all. So you open your mouth and let the heavy cock invade the tightness of your throat. “Ohhh- fuck. Oh fuck.”
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sadie-bug345 · 29 days
gang as condiments🤨
i’m fr bored asf AND on my way to dinner so this type shit is on my mind rn🤷‍♀️🧌
bro just screams ranch lover
and he the type to always talk abt how much he looooves ranch
like bro i like ranch too but im not drinking bottles like you are😭😭
hes actually so real for liking ranch though
W condiment 7/10
this one was harder cause i think johnny is so chill
like bro couldn’t care less what sauce packets you give him for his chicken sandwich
but he prefers ketchup
classic, normal, AND widely available so all boxes are checked🤗
6/10 cause sometimes ketchup is too basic (plus johnny the type to forget to shake the bottle😧)
fry sauce fs
if yall don’t know it, it’s mayo and ketchup mixed together
just try it okay🙏🙏
when soda feels a little quirky he’ll add some sriracha sauce and chefs it up
soda the type to make any mundane thing fun
to the point where he makes the WILDEST food concoctions just for laughs
but it gets to the point where it’s still funny but highly concerning 😟
now i hate to say this but bro probably likes yellow mustard🫢
he’s not super adamant about telling people but the gang makes fun of him SM
he always snaps back tho w some classy older sibling comeback
side note, he the typa guy to say “let’s fire up the grill😀” when it’s fourth of july and they’re having burgers and hot dogs
no hate tho🫡
2/10 i can’t condone the constant use of mustard
bbq sauce lover
which i mean he’s so real for that
pretends to not give a shit but we know he does🙄
thinks he acts as lowk as johnny w shit like this but if he gets a sandwich from someplace that messed up his order he’ll throw a total fit
”you seein’ this johnny? blech they put mayo all over my burger ‘stead of barbecue or somethin’ decent…what a dump..”
johnnys like “mhm🙄” *not even paying attention*
”maaaan you see this crime against humanity? what is this, huh?”
twos like “and YOU know a lot about crimes don’cha dal?”
dally kicks two bit in the shins under the table
realistically he likes honey mustard type sauces or none at all
but to fw people he’ll combine sauces and it’s actually so foul
my friend will do this and mix together ketchup and ranch to call it “kranch” and i tried it cause yolo and its death oml
once two gets the sauce packets just run cause he’s bouta fuck that place up💀💀
3/10 only redeemed by his genuine taste in sauces
lowk didn’t know what to put for him so if there’s any steve lovers out there lmk what you guys think he’d like‼️
but he seems like the type to like most sauces but he puts an ungodly amount on his food💀
like every fry has gotta be totally covered in ranch or smth
def the type to double dip a chip btw😟
anyways 5/10 not really sure to think 🤨
ANYWAYS ilysm always and request hcs, imagines, anything or if you wanna talk my messages are open!!
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the-solar-system52 · 1 year
Ok ok analysis time!
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HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THEM?? DAYCARE ATTENDANT MY GUY WHAT HAPPENED!? It's pretty clear the fire damaged them enough so now they are a mixture of Sun and Moon (that eclipse arcade game was foreshadowing!!) Their design is so cool and also super creepy holy fucking hell!
Slowing down the clip, we can see that they first open a closet the player was in, so maybe their segment will be some sort of hide-and-seek minigame?? We also see that they first jump at us super aggressively, but then step back at wave at us, more friendly-like. My guess is that Moon will be trying to kill us as usual but Sun will be trying to be nice to us and the two will have to fight for control of the body 'Malachite from Steven Universe' style! This would explain why their movements seem almost frantic and clumsy.
Judging by this, I'm not sure if turning on or off the light will have much effect on them anymore since they are both conscious at the same time? Jesus Christ I feel super bad for Sun someone get this dude some therapy :(
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You can't really see this with tumblr image quality, but in the shot of this endoskeleton, I can make out caution tape around the entrance to the daycare? I don't remember this being in the main game so that means someone must've been there to put them up? I don't know if it was put around the entire pizzaplex cuz of the fire or if it was a reason specific to the daycare attendant, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!
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As for the daycare itself, it ain't looking to good. I know ALL of the Pizzaplex got damaged in the fire but something about seeing the once bright and happy daycare destroyed like this makes me really upset :(
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roe-and-memory · 8 months
do you have any headcanons for red (the firetruck)? I barely see anything about him and I love him, so I’m hoping you do— if nots that’s okay!
OF COURSE WE HAVE RED HEADCANONS! we love red in this household ‼️‼️
i dont have a cheeky intro to this one, but we dont have Many but i think the ones we do have are good! i hope theyre to your expectation
- FIRST hes definitely the tallest of the town. maybe 6’5? 6’6? but he’s as sweet as a butterfly. he’s blonde, tall, and pretty muscular
- his go to outfit is a blank t-shirt and his firefighter overalls, except he wears a belt and the actual overall straps just sort of hang down the sides of his legs? if that makes sense.
- his watering can for his flowers are hooked to earlier mentioned overalls, he barely goes anywhere without it unless obviously theres a fire
- he knows sign language! this is probably the most common one you will ever see for red but i think hes fairly good at it! i think MAYBE he teaches cal how to do it as well? (i’ll elaborate more if anyone ever asks me for cal headcanons. please ask me for cal headcanons.)
- red is probably one of the best builders in town. he took architecture at some point and helped sally rebuild the motel, along with building docs house and the clinic (and whatever other newer buildings there are. im sure he helped with some of the older ones as well but i think he was way younger then and much less involved in the town back then.)
- red is like a son to lizzie, theyre very much the dynamic of “talks a lot & listens”. shes a chatterbox, talks about whatever comes to mind, and you’d never know it but she knows sign language too. she just talks At red and hes like yeah ok cool! he sometimes responds with sign and she acknowledges it but doesnt reply — mostly because he’s just doing words of agreement (shes also the shortest in the town, which makes for a second funny dynamic including heights. shes probably 4’9? possibly shorter. shes old af)
- red has put out more “lightning and mater” caused fires than ACTUAL fires. they are two of the most flame prone people in the world. it doesnt help that they collectively play with lightnings lighter in the junkyard, immediately making the area 10x more prone to bursting into flames. mater accidentally caused a grease/oil fire once and told lightning to put it out with WATER. he was only alerted to its existence by the giant EXPLOSION in the night sky. safe to say lightning walked away with a couple burns.
- red gets special treatment from flo because she thinks he’s the sweetest thing in the world, plus he saved her life when a mouse had chewed a wire in the café and shorted out the stove, effectively lighting it on fire, so she “moms” him pretty well!
- i think hes a very cuddly person in general, like hes so huggable and warm 24/7 he just Radiates comforting energy. he could never do anything wrong in his life.
- contradicting my previous statement - he could ALSO fight better than most. he has the advantages of being big and buff, but he also has the power to absolutely rock someones shit if it came down to it. he will defend his family (the town) with everything he has. he will NOT tolerate someone making any of them uncomfortable.
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 2 months
i would love to know more about ur jjba ocs :D
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‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ AN EXCUSE TO YAP . GODSPEED BELOVED CITIZEN. FOR SPACING I MAY HAVE TO DO A MULTI PART BUT I THINK ILL START WITH THE OGS. Honestly I wouldn’t mind an input about which one to clarify about,,,,, also Godspeed because you did this anon off which I could never be brave enough to do (positive) OKAY OKAY SO.
The Primary setting is Diamond Is Unbreakable. Featuring my favorite four gay college aged losers.
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JOUJIROU HANABUSA is, quite obviously, yet another illegitimate child of a certain old man. 20 years old and studying to become essentially a professional bug researcher? She was actually made separate from the entire groups theming. She’s kindhearted and struggles to stand up for herself or take things serious, as she feels great remorse for who she was previous to college. She used to be a big hothead boy (‼️TRANSFEM BTW) who was the classic archetype of kid having a rough time at home (or at this case, lack thereof as she was in the foster system at a very small age) and took it out on other people. She struggles with feeling like she’s constantly left out or behind, which emphasizes itself when shit kicks into high gear in the story. (AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family)
This kind of reputation proceeds her in the small town, and as such she’s become much more withdrawn and introverted. She left for a period of time as to help her adoptive father on business trips. After which, she came across her little half brother after he accidentally bumped into her while she was frozen looking at a millipede on a streetlight. They didn’t like eachother at first! But brother, once the moms found out it was OVER.
Her stand is The Seven Plagues of Egypt, a very odd place for a stand such as this! But that’s sort of her whole point, she’s sort of an echo of someone she never knew and the issues resulting sort of warping her life and behavior forever unintentionally. (Fun fact: she was 11 when the SDC arc happened!) her stand itself is disturbing and odd, manifesting itself not just out of the material it controls (locusts, fire, blood, etc etc) but also her own internal issues.
The stand itself is crazy, but it’s in the hands of a person who never wants to hurt anyone. Her favorite bugs are of course locusts, having certain earrings and a ponytail holder resembling the insect. It’s range is rather questionable, as Seven Plagues did fuck up— Y’know— Egypt. Or at least a wide range. I don’t have an exact number, as it’s very hard to pin down! She sees through the eyes of the locusts, and can pretty much go anywhere with it even though she can’t use her abilities through the bug outside of a certain radius.
Speaking of, as to how she takes damage— a lot of her stand is multiple organisms in hordes, and she often uses these creatures passively. Whether it be one or 30 all hidden around the room to listen and watch. They appear as small cuts on her body whenever they die, which is HIGHLY annoying for her. (and, newsflash: she DOES get headaches from being rattled around in a jar)
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(AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family part 2) I’ve tried drawing it only a handful of times once before, but I do struggle to capture it in a way I like. I have far better sketches I know I’ve deleted but can find! But I’d rather not accidentally delete all of this as I’m on mobile.
Her SCARRING is something very important, as it actually doesn’t come from her hurting herself! It’s a close call with Yoshikage Kira, and brother she FELL for that damsel in distress act he put up and he GOT her ass. Luckily he was on the run so she didn’t have to worry about any extra shit, but needless to say her persistent belief in the goodwill of others gets her in trouble. (I am totally certain this won’t happen a second time with a pink haired man who has some weird shit goin on)
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This is the most RECENT but UNFINISHED mapping of her scars, body and shape. As you can tell I made the center of the blast sort of blister into a star mark. She gets more later, but as of right now we’re focused on part 4 Jouji. This obviously fucked her up big time, destroyed any feel in that side of her body and definitely needed several surgeries, medications and a cane. Her eye technically survived but it’s very piss poor vision on her other side.
She functions poorly in serious social situations, often opting to do bits or try to lighten up the mood. Though she can hold her own close range as well as a regular buff ass 6’6 woman can, she doesn’t often resort to that unless it’s protective. She at least knows how to try her best in situations where people need support or feel isolated, as she knows those kinds of feelings well and tries to befriend people through food and gifts. This is actually why all of her friends came not from college, but from the cafe Norman works at!
LASTLY, she warms up to her new dad rather quickly! She’s an adult, and she tries to reassure him he couldn’t have known she or her brother were born. (“Though, did you HAVE to cheat on your wife? I mean, thanks for the life and all…… but jeez, dude— TWICE? at your age? Damnn….”) she can’t help but wonder if somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows what her mom is like. who she is. She was left alone in Morioh at like 5, and doesn’t remember her twin brother. (And never learns of him until far, far, FAR later.) She just wants to know why she was left behind, and the only one to be. (It was the destructiveness of her stand, and for a assumedly standless mother— it was far too much to handle. So she took the other less exhausting son.)
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Though…….. if she were smaller it would NOT be the case.
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scwheeler · 2 years
🏹🩰 ˖ ࣪⊹ — seven things i hate about you
pairing: mike wheeler x fem!reader
summary: even just the name mike wheeler made you want to jump off a cliff but you would also only jump off a cliff for mike wheeler (based off of miley cyrus’ seven things i hate about you) — somewhat toxic??
warnings: major asshole mike ‼️; joke taken too far 🤦
age of pairing: 15-16
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♪ the seven things i hate about you ♪
you hated mike wheeler. but you didn’t. but you had to. he was infuriatingly annoying and always got under your skin, making you say “you’re on my last nerve!” way too much. which he would just cooly respond to with “oh you have those? i thought a brain cell shortage meant you didn’t have nerves? who knew!”
you wanted to rip him apart. on a daily. when you felt bad already, he was the only one who could make you feel worse.
♪ you’re vain, your games, you're insecure ♪
he would go on and on about how many girls had asked him out and that high school would be the same. during summer, he would purposely stare at you with his piercing eyes that sparkled under the sunlight. he knew what he did to you.
how your heart skipped a beat every time he spent extra time with you, alone. how your palms suddenly became clammy when he brushed past your shoulders on purpose.
♪ you love me, you like her ♪
he would flirt with you all afternoon and the next morning have his arm around el’s waist and be whispering little things into her ear from time to time. but he would stare at you while he did it. every. fucking. time.
it was his little game but you two were the only ones playing and he seemed to have all the good cards. every time you tried some shit like that, he didn’t even look your way nonetheless pay attention to what you were doing. which made you only look pathetic.
♪ you made me laugh, you made me cry, i don't know which side to buy ♪
but the weird thing was when you actually started to tear up like when your first boyfriend broke your heart, mike was the first one to call your telephone and ask if you were alright.
he would always make fun of your boyfriend and relationship but the second you had tears streaming down your cheeks, he was at your front door. you thought you were being punked until you opened the door just a little more to reveal him holding a bunch mixtapes and your favorite snacks.
he put on a little show with your stuffed animals on your bed and wiped your tears with a bunch of tissues he brought over too, even though he knew you probably had them at your house too. this was the mike you loved the most. his caring and sweet side and not the mike that’s an idiotic asshole.
but sometimes the reasons you were crying was because of none other than the mike wheeler. he usually makes stupid jokes about you and you tend to fire one back or just ignore him but one time it hit you hard.
something your mom had mentioned about your weight earlier that day made you ten times more insecure that morning and it didn’t help when you arrived to mikes basement.
♪ your friends, they're jerks, when you act like them, just know it hurts ♪
you were discussing the new release of karate kid II with dustin and max when lucas said something along the lines of “come on mike you don’t get girls because you aren’t as good looking as me, max knows what i’m talking about,” as he winked to max who rolled her eyes.
it was a harmless joke that was identical to the ones that everyone in your friend group said but you guessed mike took it personal because instead of laughing like he usually did, he instantly tried to defend himself by uttering, “shut up, at least i’m not as ugly as y/n, i would hang myself.”
after your name was mentioned you got a reminder of your mom’s loud voice complaining about your appearance. you would expect this from your parents but your friend? never.
there was a silence in the basement after mike finished and he quickly regretted the words he said. but before he could apologize you got up and ran up the stairs, grabbing your bag and running out the door. you didn’t call him for a week and was too busy crying.
did he really think that?
but then he came to your house and apologized, saying he only said it because he wanted to defend himself and he was an idiot. he told you that he actually thought you were really pretty and he was just taking out some pent up anger on you.
♪ i wanna be with the one i know ♪
but even after all of those so-called “mistakes” and repeated apologies that were full of empty promises, you would go back to him. even if he was on fire, you wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to run up to him and hug him. if his lips were poison, you wouldn’t care and just put yours on his forever.
♪ and the seventh thing i hate the most that you do ♪
♪ you make me love you ♪
nothing he did, said, or was rumored to do could ever change your feelings for him.
you will always love mike wheeler.
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nocturnalfei · 2 years
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 || 𝕽𝖚𝖓𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖞 (𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓂𝑒) ✘¨*:·.
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𝗬𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗻 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* ・。゚// 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : 2.7𝘬
‼️ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ‼️ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ (ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ɪꜰ ᴜɴᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ), ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ, ᴅʀᴜɢꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴀʙᴜꜱᴇ, ʜᴇᴀᴠʏ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜꜱ, ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍɪɴɢ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ
╰┈➤ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ✘ *.・˚✦
[ᵀᵃᵍˡⁱˢᵗ - @gyufemboy @beomqutie ]
~ The chill night wind rushed past you as you ran down the street. You didn’t come from a well-off area. In fact, you lived in the worst side of town. Only the strong survived here. But you weren’t strong, at least not strong enough to keep your family off you. So you ran.
It was dangerous for an 11 year old girl to be alone here, especially at night. But anything had to be better than that house of nightmares.
You came up to a gas station where the roads met, outer lights flickering and windows barred. There was a stench in the air you were all too familiar with, your eyes immediately spotting the source. You saw some people sitting on the ground behind the building, smoking cigarettes. The fire that caught your eye was lower to the ground though, burning something else.
You hid behind the dumpster before they could see you. You were too far away to make out their features, but you knew nothing good would come out of revealing yourself. You hadn’t taken much with you, just some cash you stole from your parents. And one of your dad’s hunting knives. You couldn’t take any chances. You already know of many things that have occurred on these streets. You put your hand in your pocket, gripping the knife in an attempt to keep yourself grounded.
A growling broke your concentration. Something grabbed your arm, forcing your hand out of your pocket. The harshness of the grip made you drop the knife and panic immediately overtook you. “Huh, well what are you doing out so late, Sweetheart?” The man yanked you out from behind the dumpster. A large dog barked in the distance. You tried to break free from the man, but his grip remained solid. He dragged you behind the building to join the others. “Our lucky night, huh?”
“Awe, how cute.” The woman in front of you chirped. Another man stood beside her, holding back a huge hound that was viciously growling at you. She lifted the spoon and lighter closer to you, flicking the lighter on underneath. The liquid in the spoon boiled and a sickening smell released, making you gag. “Want some, Kiddo?”
You trembled in the man’s grasp. You felt his other hand reach in your pockets and pull out the small amount of money you had. “Damn, just enough for another pack of Newports.” He threw you to the ground and your knees stung when they impact the concrete. The other man brought the dog closer, so close you could feel the slobber as it growled over you. It’s eyes were savage, begging to kill.
“Tell you what,” the first man spoke up, gripping your chin to look up at the woman, who now had a syringe. “We’ll let the first time be free, but you’ll owe us for the next one. And don’t worry, money isn’t the only way to pay us back.”
You screamed and thrashed against the man as he held you down. He covered your mouth and pushed you harder onto the cement.
Until suddenly, there was no more pressure on you.
“What the fuck?!”
You looked up in time to see a small figure on top of the man. It was…a boy?
Then a gleam in the darkness.
A sickening pop. A squelching twist.
Blood spurted as the boy pulled the knife out of the man’s body. Before you had time to react, you jumped at the sounds of gunshots and screams from behind you. The barking cut into a whelp before stopping.
You turned in time to see no more life in the open eyes of the bodies on the ground. The dog lay limp on the pavement, a dark liquid pooling around its body. A metallic odor filled your nose and your ears rang. It was hard to focus. A muted siren went off in the distance.
“Shit! Let’s go!” The boy ran up to you, gripping your wrist and yanking you from the ground. He gave you no time to recover before taking off in a run, pulling you along in his strong grip. “Come on, RUN!”
You ran as fast as you could, desperate to keep up with this strange boy, even though you were terrified of what you had witnessed. He had just killed a man, after all. The two of you bolted down the street before cutting through an alleyway. You ran into him hard as he came to a sudden stop. He didn’t let you recover before tugging at your hand to pull you up the fire escape. “Hurry!”
“I’m trying!” You squeaked as you climbed. He rushed to help you get up and onto a dark balcony. He tucked you two into the shadows and his arm reached around you, pressing you into him as you both sank down into a crouch. He motioned for you to stay silent, eyes intense in the moonlight.
You tried to quiet your breathing. You could hear plenty of cars on the street a small distance away. The sirens reappeared only to soon fade away. You started to relax. That is, until the boy’s grip on you tightened and you heard the footsteps.
A police officer appeared in the alleyway below, you could just make him out in the moonlight. You held your breath and tried to stay completely still, though your heartbeat pounded in your ears.
“Those fucking kids.” Another officer appeared next to him. “Now they’re killing homeless people? I mean, what the hell?”
“Well, at least it’s no one that’ll be missed.” The first one said. “Let’s call it a night.”
You didn’t allow yourself to breathe until their footsteps were completely gone. When the boy finally relaxed beside you was when you allowed your own body to relax. He took a deep breath before leaning his head back against the balcony wall. You looked up at the boy, suddenly feeling dizzy as everything that had just occurred hit you at once. You felt sick to your stomach.
“Hey,” you heard him say, feeling his arms wrap around you. “Shhh, it’s okay now.” He rested his head on top of yours, your face buried into his neck. It was wet. Were you crying? It was hard to focus on anything.
The boy’s strong arms stroked your back, his soft voice repeating that phrase like a mantra, until you finally calmed down. The boy waited for your heart beat to slow before cautiously letting you go. “I’m sorry.” The boy whispered. “I was about your age when I saw my first dead body.”
“Thank you,” you spoke up after a moment, “for saving me.”
The boy smiled. You finally took a moment to really look at him. He was slightly older than you. Dark hair tussled over his hooded eyes. His lips were full. Even in the dark, you could see that his smile was genuine towards you, but it did not reach his eyes. Who was this boy?
Before you were able to say anything else, his hand grasped yours and he was pulling you to your feet. “Come on, we can’t stay here.”
You didn’t argue. Where did you have to go anyway?
You followed the boy through the city, hands remaining connected. You two finally came up to a small, long-abandoned building tucked in one of the alleys. He helped you to crawl through one of the smashed windows and led you further into the building.
You entered a room without windows. The remnants of moonlight from the hole in the hallway allowed you to see two sleeping bags laid out. The boy pulled you inside, shutting the door behind you and drowning you in darkness.
“What took you guys so long?”
You jumped at the voice that came from the corner of the room. The boy scoffed, giving your hand a squeeze. “A couple cops chased us through the city.”
He leaned down and picked something off the floor. A click was your only warning before the flashlight turned on, aimed towards the new voice. Another boy. He winced as the light hit him. “Are you trying to fucking blind me?”
This boy was closer to your age. He also had dark hair but his eyes were large and piercing, only exaggerated more by his small frame. A small reflection of light brought your eyes to the gun next to him. So you had heard gunshots. Both of these boys were murderers.
“You’re pretty.”
You blinked, realizing the new boy was talking to you. You felt uncomfortable with the compliment and turned your head away.
“Thank you for being there, Taehyun,” the older boy said. “I couldn’t have handled them alone.” Taehyun. You felt the elder’s hand let go of yours, almost shocked at the sudden loneliness you felt with the loss of contact. “Hey.”
It took you a moment to notice the elder now talking to you. His hands came up to rest on your shoulders. When you still didn’t respond, his fingers caught your chin and guided your gaze to meet his. Your eyes had adjusted to the low light from the flashlight, so you easily noticed the worry in his eyes. “Uh-I-,”
“It’s ok.” He smiled down at you, releasing your chin. “You need rest.” You nodded. The adrenaline came crashing down on you and your body grew exhausted. Taehyun went to find an extra sleeping bag, leaving you two alone for a moment. “I’m really sorry that I didn’t get to you sooner.”
You didn’t know how to respond. You weren’t used to such kindness. Luckily, Taehyun reappeared, though you both looked up only to see he was empty-handed. “No luck.”
“That’s ok.” You finally spoke up. “I can sleep without one.”
“Absolutely not.” The elder countered. “You can use mine.”
“No. I don’t want you to sleep in the cold.” He had already done enough for you. You didn’t want to be any more of a burden.
“Then let’s share mine.”
Your eyes widened, but you found yourself nodding. You didn’t even know this boy’s name, let alone watching him kill a man, but you trusted him.
Taehyun got in his bag next to the two of you, turning to face away but obviously still listening. The older boy crawled into his bag, keeping it open to give you room to join him. You nestled yourself next to him, the warmth of his body engulfing you as he closed the bag. His arm wrapped around you and you tucked your face into his chest.
His scent had you feeling something you were not used to, every inhale causing you to relax more. You listened to his heartbeat, and for once, sleep was coming easy to you.
“Y/n.” You whispered to him, words slurring with your drowsiness. “My name’s Y/n.”
The boy took a deep breath, memorizing your scent. He didn’t know what made him check out the commotion. They lived in a harsh reality where bad things happened all the time. He would usually only worry about himself and Taehyun. But the moment he saw you, bruised and battered, he couldn’t look away. And when he saw them grab you, something took over in him, and he had pounced. He had to protect you. “Yeonjun.”
As the days went by, the boys kept you fed and safe. Your bond for the boys only grew over time. Late nights were filled with shared stories. Some memories were never spoken, instead only exchanged in the gazes between understanding eyes.
An 11 and 13 year old from the same foster home. Runaways, like you. Rejected from their “family,” like you. You shared more with them than they did with you, and you could tell they had more stories left untold, but you never pushed. Still, fire rose in the two boys eyes whenever they saw the marks your family had given you. Many of the bruises had faded by now, but some still remained.
The boys took it upon themselves to teach you how to survive. They taught you how to pickpocket and steal. You asked Yeonjun to teach you how to fight with a knife. Taehyun tried to teach you how to use his gun, but your nerves always got the better of you once you held it.
They were strong and warm. They never obtained a third sleeping bag and you actually found yourself grateful, feeling safest in their arms. You’ve grown addicted to their scent, even the hint of tobacco from their cigarettes. The one smell that used to have you quaking in fear now helped you fall asleep.
Some nights, the three of you went out in the city, pickpocketing drunk club-goers. Other nights, you stayed with Taehyun at the hideout while Yeonjun went out. He never said where he was going, but you also never asked. He would stay out late and you found yourself never able to sleep without the both of them there. Yeonjun usually came back before dawn, but something was always off. You could never tell quite what, nor did you ever allow him to know you were awake.
Some nights were special. The nights Yeonjun successfully stole alcohol, for example. Those nights were bright with laughs and fun. One night was filled with tears. Many nights ended with the three of you lying on the floor, arms and legs wrapped amongst each others, sleeping bags forgotten.
Sometimes there were soft kisses shared. You three never spoke of those nights come morning. It never led to more, but you still didn’t exactly understand your feelings. Still, one thing was for certain: you weren’t lonely anymore. You were safe, you were actually happy.
They promised to take you away one day, always with serious eyes, whether sober or not. One night, Yeonjun found the rough circular scars from when your father put out cigars on your arm. You spent the whole night trying to calm him down, the rage in his eyes terrifying you.
“I promise, we’ll get you as far away from them as possible.” Yeonjun gasped, arms wrapped tight around you, trying to mask that he was holding back tears of fury. “I fucking promise you, Y/n.”
Then the day came. The boys that found you were suddenly ripped away from you. You three slept soundly, right before everything went to hell.
Both boys jumping to action. Taehyun grabbing you and taking off while yeonjun reached for the gun. He fired a few rounds back before following you two. The three of you ran down the alleys, gunshots unending. Then, a hit.
Yeonjun stumbled and rolled against the pavement. Red painted his calf.
“No!” Taehyun, letting go of your hand and running back to Yeonjun.
You heard a scream.
They showed up in minutes.
Yeonjun lying on the pavement, gripping his calf and cursing out. Taehyun, eyes feral, gun in hand.
“Drop the weapon! Hands in the air!”
When Taehyun didn’t move, Yeonjun used whatever strength he had left to knock the gun from the younger’s hands. This broke Taehyun from his rage and you watched them raise their hands in defeat. Large hands grabbed your arms and you could hear more screaming.
“Get off her!” Taehyun.
You spun around and came face to face with the officer. “Hey, isn’t this the missing girl?” Officers ran past you and you panicked when you heard the boy’s grunts but couldn’t see what was happening to them? “C’mon, your parents are probably worried sick.”
“No!” This time you felt the rawness of your scream, though you almost didn’t recognize your own voice. You fought, unsuccessful as the officer dragged you to the car. “No! Stop! Please!”
One arm broke free as he went to open the car door, allowing you to twist around. Through your tears, you watched as officers pinned your boys to the ground, handcuffing them. You couldn’t believe what was happening.
The officers placed you into the car and the door locked. You pressed against the window. They kept eye contact with you as the officers lifted them off the ground to stand. They weren’t fighting, eyes completely serious. The car started up and you felt yourself sobbing as you watched their figures fade away into the night.
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©𝗻𝗼𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗲𝗶 <𝟯 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱. 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺. 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝘄𝗻.
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honeeslust · 9 months
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Akaza | mine
*I got a little carried away. 👉🏾👈🏾
The night was so uncomfortably hot. I lay sprawled out on the swinging porch chair praying for even the gentlest breeze. I felt sticky as the dewy air clung to my skin and made my hair extra frizzy and itchy on my neck. I headed inside to look for a scarf, a hair tie, anything to get it off my neck. I went to my bedroom and picked up the first scarf I could find in my closet as I made my way back to the kitchen. My stomach tightened as a familiar static made the hair on my neck stand up. It was him.
Containing my excitement, I smiled to myself as I tucked all of my humidity-frazzled hair underneath the bandana. As I tied the knot, I glanced over at the shadowy corner of my living room. From the darkness, I met a distinct pair of glowing yellow eyes that stared back at me just before the rest of his form appeared. He crept from the shadows and walked into the kitchen.
He stands on one side of the counter and crosses his arms over his chest and my eyes are instantly drawn to the thick veins splayed across his forearms. God Akaza was just so damn fine.
"So what do you have for me?" He asks. His brazen attitude always seemed like something he put on as a front but I didn't mind. It was so much fun to get under his skin.
"Damn, I can't get a hello?"
"Hello. Now let's see it." He says flashing a wicked half smile making me swelter even more than the muggy night air.
I glare at him waiting for him to change his smart-ass answer. Such a smart pretty mouth he has. He flinches under my gaze and rolls his eyes. "You can't just run up in my place and come at me with your attitude, I don't know who you were dealing with before. But it won't fly here."
"Fine, hello Y/N, what do you have for me?" He snaps in a slightly menacing tone. Mmm, such an attitude.
I wanted to smack the shit out of him but, after I thought about it. I decided I'd get under his skin this time. He just needs someone to take him down a notch.
My lips press together in a hard line, "Not much," I say walking over to a cabinet and retrieving a small box. I loosen the latch and pull a few sachets containing the herbs and seeds that he requested.
I reached out to hand him the little bags and his fingers brushed mine ever so slightly and he retreated instantly. I laughed to myself. Feeling a little daring, I decided to tempt him. The poor demon was wound so tight that I almost felt sorry for him.
The unbearable heat likely did nothing to help his foul mood though. His forehead was glistening with a light sheen of sweat as he stood just to the other side of my kitchen counter.
Hmm. "You seem a little nervous Akaza," I start.
He scoffs nodding in my direction and tucking the contents into his pocket. "You're kidding right?"
"Things are different between us now. I know you feel it. "
"Are they?" He glared at me and I couldn't decide on whether he was fucking with me or if he was playing along. Either way, I go with it.
"Yeah..." I say wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. "...I needn't remind you how intense things got last time you were here." I shot him a knowing glare and waited. He shuffled his feet and leaned back against the wall behind him. He cocked his head to the side, posing like was unbothered.
"We cursed each other out, I might have called you a few names," only a few that I'd take back.
I lean over the counter and look up at him wondering what it's going to take to loosen him up again. As I smile up at him, waiting. His eyes burn into mine.
"I remember." He says it so blankly but something in his eyes latches itself to me and for the first time in forever, I feel like I'm on fire. Accepting his silent challenge, I make way my around to the other side of the counter to stand in front of him. I need to be closer. As much as I think I can read him, I can't make out why he's still holding back from me, but whatever it is, I'll figure it out.
I continue, "...What has been on my mind is the surely memorable exchange of tongue that took place after." I bat my lashes at him and tuck the corner of my lower lip under my teeth. He stands a little straighter and uncrosses his arms to lean on the counter behind him.
A tight crease forms over his brow and his jaw clenches holding in the words that he just can't quite bring himself to say. He settles with a sharp "I recall something like that happening."
I stepped closer to him and placed my fingertips on his broad chest. "So we've already crossed a line. This was only supposed to be a beneficial arrangement on both our parts..."
I slowly walked my fingers down his chest, observing the tight lines of his perfect physique. "...I give you names, scout resources..." I start a new trail on the outside of his wrist, immediately catching the way his body stiffens. "...and you get what you need, right?" I study his face, waiting for him to speak.
"You must be trying to tell me that you felt something" he spoke so calmly as he stood there looking into my eyes.
"Is it so wrong that I do?"
"No" his feigned attempt to appear unbothered starts to waver the closer I get to him. Still, his eyes were calling out to me. One minute I'm making him nervous and the next he's fucking with me. He's playing a fucking game with me.
"So then what is it you're waiting for? I don't see a reason why we shouldn't get to enjoy ourselves while we work together. You kiss me the way you did and then show up again acting like you're afraid to touch me again."
"I don-?" I press my finger to his lips, cutting him off. I realize now that playing nice only goes so far with him. He needs to know I'll win every FUCKING TIME.
—but something tells me that that is precisely what he wants.
"It's OK if I make you nervous baby. I like it. I enjoy it, even." I withdrew my finger from his lips and his eyes grew wide when he watched me bring that same finger to my mouth and taste it.
– And there it is! He swallows hard and tries to hide his reaction. The poor demon has been fighting like hell to keep his poker face but it's a battle he's losing. I lean into him, letting the softness of my body press against his rigid build. I reach down with a slow hand and gently drag my nails up the back of his arm, just barely grazing his skin.
"Just give in to what you know you want Akaza. No use denying it."
His hands clench into tight fists, likely from the slow trail of my fingers caressing his skin. "You know, there are a few things that give you away. Your body language is telling me so much right now, even if your lips aren't." I whisper to him, keeping him holding onto my every word.
I trace the thick veins along his forearm, following them up and over the outside of his elbow. I slide my hand over his thick bicep that I can't close my hand around. I gave his arm a soft squeeze and I bit down on my lip anxious for the moment that it would be his flesh that I sank my teeth into.
I go over his shoulders, lightly tracing the imperfections in my path while whispering to him. "See, all I have to do is..."
-- my hands slip down and explore his impeccable chest over his soft black cotton muscle-t. When I look him in the eye he breathes in a sharp breath of the heavy air that lingers between us. My hand moves down along the solid line of his sternum and then across his supple pecs. I intentionally graze his nipple with my palm and his body jolts as he can longer hide his gratification. This is too good.
"Ha, so you see, there's no point in denying this anymore. You want me just as much as I want you, don't you?" Akaza stands trembling in front of me. "I've only just touched you, and look at you."
He opens his mouth to speak again and the words catch in his throat when the weight of my body sinks against him. I always win. This will be no different. His bulge presses against my thigh. Who would've thought it could be this delicious to have an almighty demon wavering from something so gentle as the touch of a woman? The more I toy with him the more the other part of me begins to take hold.
"You're such a powerful creature, Akaza. But I wonder..." I nudge him just under his chin with my nose, and I inhale the sweet scent of blood that still lingered on his breath. I trace my finger down the hard line between his abs and he flinches like the charged energy between us has electrified my touch. I breathe him in, his scent, his aura, the raw power surging through his veins the way I know it would just before a fight. All of it makes me want to make him beg to have me.
"Aren't you bored?" I tease him further seeing the thick vein in his neck pulsing out of control and as beads of sweat roll down his skin.
His jaw tightens when I run my fingers over his abs again. Silently, I appreciate how his alabaster skin flows beautifully over all his tight muscles when he retracts slightly. I immediately close the distance, arching my back until my chest is pressed against him. His jagged breaths make his chest press even more against my own and the warmth from his mouth makes me clench blissfully between my legs.
He finally speaks. "So what exactly are you saying?"
I take his hands and place them on my hips. "What I'm saying is you're one of the most powerful demons I've come across, Akaza...But...." I reach for his face and tip his chin towards me. I let him feel the warmth of my mouth, holding my lips just inches from his, intentionally cutting my words as I ran my hand up the back of his neck and slid my fingers into his hair.
"...when you're here..." I sigh, brushing my lips against his chin. His hands slide over my ass and he gropes my fatty with greedy hands, still silently hanging on to my every word.
"...with me..."I twist my fingers further through his hair. Massaging his scalp, letting his hands roam my body. I tilt my head, brushing my nose over his.
"...You'll be mine!" The last syllables are just barely audible when I whisper them, moving closer to his lips. My eyes swing open and I linger for a moment, keeping his burning eyes held captive by my own. I exhale just slightly and in an instant,
— I close my hand around a fist full of his hair and tug hard making him groan. I lock my fingers in tight and bring him to his knees in front of me. "You're just too weak to admit it though, aren't you Akaza?"
My strength doesn't seem to surprise him, if anything, he's excited. His fists are clenched so tight that all the veins in his hands bulge under the skin. He looks every bit delectable as a sharp snarl violently shakes his body and tears its way out of his chest as he bears his fangs at me. I force his head back revealing the thick veins lining his arms and his neck. The ones on the side of his face pulse as he glares at me from below.
"I'm far from weak." he hisses.
"Oh you poor thing', you misunderstand me. What I'm saying is that with all that strength. All that skill. It must get boring, doesn't it? No one ever challenges you, do they?" His beautiful wide eyes glow at me triggering the first spasms to ripple throughout my body.
"Maybe you want someone to make you feel powerless." I pause, loosening the hold of the soft tendrils of his hair from my grasp as my body starts to vibrate. "I can do that for you, you just have to agree to be mine."
"And if I say yes..."
"It's not a matter of if you say yes. It's a matter of when." I smile wide while he sits on his knees panting.
"Maybe I'm not convinced you can handle me. Unless there's more to you than you let on" his golden eyes flashed with a feral intensity, seemingly begging me to show him what lies beneath.
"I tried being nice about it." I huff.
"I don't need nice." he hisses daring me with his eyes. "Show me."
"Fine," I say as I move to stand behind him and slowly bend over, making sure the top of his head rests neatly between my breasts. I slip my arms down over his and he tilts his head back. His eyes flicker with defiance and it draws the demon out of me. I untether myself from my humanity and give in to the violent spasms now radiating throughout my body. The change forces its way through me and before he can even acknowledge what's happening my nails become claws that pierce his skin making him wince.
"Ahhhhh'' he belts out a raspy whimper as I drag my claws up the side of his arms. His skin tears and fresh warm blood slicks my fingers making the blooming heat between my legs simmer. I palm the sides of his face smudging the thick liquid across his cheeks and the sight of him marred with the angry red trails of blood makes me shiver. I bare my elongated fangs at him and my tail slips over his neck, coiling tight in an instant.
"I'm done playing nice."
My tongue slithers out between my teeth and licks the dark liquid from my fingers and Akaza grimaces.
I take a step back and with a flick of my tail, I slam him hard to the ground, at once my body is hovering over his. I hiss and slick my tongue over the blood covering his face. "Go ahead and admit, you're bored out of your mind aren't you?."
His unexpected smile reaches his eyes and she shakes his head, "Oh look at you now, I knew you'd be worth the wait."
"You might not like that you get to see this side of me Akaza."
"Don't assume that. I like what I see so far." Akaza's hands grip onto my thighs and he pulls me down onto him. "If this is the power you have. Then I'll be weak! Only for you, I'll worship you. I will be yours." His fingers tighten and he pushes his bulge against me.
"Ah- ah- aah-," I say raising my hips and leaving him to strain in his pants without the feeling of my body on top of him. For the first time, there's a hint of desperation under the wild burning in his eyes. I lean over him and drag the sharp edge of my nail down his face.
"I've got to teach you a few things." I say tasting his blood off of my fingers once more and I swell with content. "First things first, You're only a plaything, I won't fuck you until you've earned it." Akaza gasps trying desperately to pull my body back down onto his." I claw the side of my neck and gather my blood on my fingertips.
"Open your mouth you poor little fucking demon boy." He pants wildly as he obeys, opening his mouth and eagerly trying to take my fingers into his mouth as I tease them around his lips.
"Say it!" I say lowering myself onto his stiff twitchy demon prick tucked so uncomfortably tight in his pants.
"You're my poor little slutty demon, right." His innocent honey-glazed eyes bore into my feral fiery orbs as he whispered the words I wanted to hear.
"Yes. I'm yours Mama."
I win.
I press my fingers into his mouth and he sucks, rolling his tongue around desperately. "Pathetic, aren't you?" I say snatching my fingers away and tasting them for myself.
He whimpers and my heart sings. " Yeah, that's exactly how I want you. So Akaza, shall we play?"
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digital-corruption · 2 years
I meant to post earlier, but I fell asleep. 😅 Now for the warnings...
‼️ This chapter contains violence, blood, mention of the R word and shirtless Jake.
Unrecognisable Part 18
The pounding on the van door was nearly as loud as my own heart clamouring to escape my chest. Sitting on the floor in the back of the van, I tried every deep breathing exercise I could think of as a heavily armed agent snatched our documents out of Jake’s hand through the front passenger window. I couldn’t quite make out what was being said over the sound of the engine, but Jake was still relatively relaxed so I was hopeful that he had successfully fooled them.
Jake gestured to me so I could tell he was going through our cover story about getting me to the hospital. I poised myself to behave as if my fake bandages were the only things keeping my leg together. The agent stuck his head slightly and looked at me sitting in the back. I had sweat rolling down the sides of my face from the anxiety and panic, which probably helped in selling the story.
The agent disappeared, but I could feel him slamming his fist on the side of the van. Our driver unlocked the doors while Jake glanced over his shoulder. The back doors burst open and rifles were pointed at me. I winced and lowered my head, but to my surprise, the agents were more interested in checking the rest of the van for anyone hiding in the back with me. One of the agents radioed to his superiors that we were clear and walked away. The other agent tossed our documents at me, then closed the doors and slammed one more time to tell the driver we were good to go.
To say I sighed with relief was the biggest understatement of my life. Our van took off cautiously through the checkpoint then got back up to highway speed. Meanwhile Jake rejoined me in the back and put his arm around me.
“How?” I asked speechlessly.
“Those were rookies, we got lucky,” Jake sighed. “They couldn’t identify shit from my police sketch and, as I thought, cutting and dyeing your hair was needed. It won’t be that easy though when they start dispersing their footage from the train.” Jake kissed my head, “You did well, MC.”
Suddenly the van pulled over and came to a halt. Jake quickly reached to pull out his gun from the back of his pants, but our driver had his shotgun aimed squarely at us before Jake could get it out.
“You don’t want to do this,” I warned him nervously.
Jake slowly shifted his position to being crouched in front of me, effectively shielding me from the shotgun’s line of fire.
“Aww, that’s sweet. You worried about me, love?” our driver mocked as he got up out of his seat. “I'd be more worried about you right now, but if you’re that concerned, why don’t you be a good girl and tie up that boyfriend of yours for me? Then I don’t have to shoot him.”
“I mean it!” I stressed. “Please put the gun down! We can talk about this!”
“He's not interested in making a deal,” Jake gritted his teeth.
“Hey, now I can be a reasonable man,” he argued. “If you make it worth my while, I will let you live.”
“You think we have money?” Jake sneered.
“Well if you can’t make it worth my while, then I see no reason in letting you go. You don’t need to be alive for them to reward me, right?” the man snickered. “I'll tell you what, surrender nice and easy and I promise to only rape her once.”
Faster than either one of us could react, Jake pounced forwards. With one hand, he pushed the shotgun to the side, then other grabbed the shaft higher up and twisted the gun in the guy’s hands, forcing him to relinquish it. It happened so fast that the guy just stood in disbelief that he was disarmed that quickly as Jake slammed the stock into the man’s face with so much force, the man fell backwards against the dashboard of the van. With him disoriented, Jake bashed into the man’s face over and over until it was completely caved in.
“Jake,” I trembled and put my hand on his back. “Stop, it’s over.”
Jake stood over the body, observing his work while avoiding eye contact with me, “Give me a few minutes, ok?”
I nodded and shuffled back to get out of his way. Jake got up and grabbed the man’s feet to drag his body to the back of the van. I reached up and opened the door for him. He nodded and pushed the door open with his shoulder. After quickly checking outside, he pulled the body out. I looked away so I didn’t have to see the dead man's face as his body went past me. Jake dragged him deep into the forest and out of sight. Feeling useless, I got up and shuffled dirt around with my feet to cover the bloody track and keep it from being too obvious. When I heard Jake yelling, I went to check on him and found him kicking and stomping on the dead body.
“Jake!” I called out to him.
Jake stopped and tried to act composed. “He got off easy,” he hissed.
“Come on, let’s go back to the van and get out of here,” I reached my hand out to him.
Jake was about to take my hand, but then he saw how bloodied his hands were and pulled away. “He had a water bottle. I'll use that,” he mumbled as he walked past me.
I took one more look at the body that we left to decompose in the forest. I wanted to feel something, but I felt nothing. I couldn’t even say I was surprised anymore. Taking a deep breath, I went back to the van where I found Jake had removed his shirt and was trying to clean up the blood around the dashboard.
“If we hit another checkpoint before we can ditch the van, we’re screwed,” he stressed.
“I think I saw a towel in the back,” I offered as I walked around to the rear of the van.
I dug through the random contents in the back. Sure enough there was a towel sticking out of the plastic crate, but I also found a pair of bolt cutters amongst the tools. Those would be handy later, so I placed them in the side pouch of Jake’s backpack.
Taking the towel, I moved up to the front and started to mop up the blood on the floor. Jake grunted at me and pushed me away to do it himself.
“I can help you,” I insisted.
“You will not clean up my mess,” he rolled his eyes.
“Jake, we're in this together!” I protested.
“No! Your hands are clean and they will stay that way!” he yelled.
“I am not some fragile princess!” I shouted.
“You are my hostage! My prisoner! I am nothing but a monster! A monster that has enslaved you! A monster that can do nothing but corrupt and ruin you!” he roared at me.
I slammed my hand down on his and leaned over the front passenger seat to kiss him forcefully. He resisted at first, but then started kissing back hungrily. His free hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me off.
“Stop before I can’t stop,” his voice was hushed, but threatening.
“You needed reminding that I chose to be with you,” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Monster or not, I could have left you at the train station.”
“MC, I have killed seven already today,” he sighed. “How many more before the day is out? ‘Hacker’s nightmare killing streak continues. Hacker kills unsuspecting driver in hijacking gone wrong.’ The legend writes itself.”
“You didn’t get any sleep last night, did you?” I frowned. “I'll drive. You try to get some rest.”
He shook his head, “No rest until you’re safe.”
“Well I'll still drive ok?” I sat down in the driver’s seat behind me. “Come on! Get in!”
Jake reluctantly got in and sat down. He reached behind and grabbed his hoodie to put on over his bare skin. The keys had been left in the ignition the entire time so I I started up the van and drove off. Neither one of us said another word.
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REALLY FAST if you get freaked out by body horror or general gore, I would advise you skip. I don’t want to give too many warnings because that’ll ruin the whole surprise, however there is lots of body horror and animal gore, lots of blood, weird creepy shit. You have been warned ‼️
So I have been writing as a hobby for like my whole life and I literally have no where to put my work other than here, so uhhhhhhhh take this
So like a year ago or so I made an attempt at a short horror story, I’ve always been super into horror and stuff and I was experimenting. At the time I rlly rlly liked this and I’ve gone back and edited it a bit, I’m not sure how I feel about it now but anyways I hope someone finds this and enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Okay here we go
1: The farmer. The sheep. And the fog.
The wind bellowed coldly through the grass, the moon shone down onto a lone pasture. A few toads let out low croaks here and there. A herd of sheep slept peacefully in a large field of grass, encased in a rickety wooden fence. The moon's light illuminated their wool, and against the viridescent grass, they looked like spider silk, lumpy but soft.
The sky was cloudless, but in the cold concealment of the darkness, a gentle fog crept up onto the grass. The moon's yellow gleam made the fog look soft and crisp. It was low, only covering a few inches above the ground, and even then a sharp eye could pierce through the fog’s cover and see the sleek blades of grass underneath, which were gradually forming small drops of dew.
Beyond the pasture, an old house lay bare against the tress. It had chipped paint on the door, and the bricks that made up its walls had been smoothed down over time. The roof was uneven and different color tiles dotted it from when it would collapse occasionally. The chimney jutted from the roof awkwardly, and at an odd angle, looming to the side like a wilted flower built from stone. A few bricks were missing here and there, though it still stood, puffing a thin stream of smoke into the night sky. The floor of the house was filthy, and if you weren’t careful the hard wooden planks would assault your feet with brutish splinters. If you were to step with too much weight, the house might feel as if it were going to plunge down on you. Though with a fire burning and a soft bed, anyone would call it home.
Inside this house, however, lived an old farmer. He was quiet and rather irritable. He lived alone, only visiting the nearest town, (which was very far off) for the occasional selling of his sheep's wool, and to purchase any drop of alcohol he could find. No one bothered him except a few wolves who liked to scare his sheep in the night, causing panic and waking the old farmer for hours on end. Once the farmer had sent the beasts a warning shot into the air with a musket, and they had left him alone since.
In the sky, a thick cloud drifted over the moon. Severing the light from the pasture below. The wind suddenly stopped as well, and the toads and their croaks vanished.
All was silent.
After an impassible couple of moments, one of the sheep abruptly stood up and walked silently through the fog, and to the edge of the pasture that faced the woods. Precipitously, the sheep started yowling mindlessly at the tranquil trees. Just as oddly, none of the other sheep woke, nor joined in the disturbance. The single sheep stood alone and without movement, aside from its mouth. If one were to look closely at it for a long while, it would be as if the sheep was simply fake, if it was not for the movement of its mouth and the sounds it made, one would assume it was in fact fake. Possibly a statue, or a wooden toy.
The sheep continued its mindless screaming, and soon the farmer woke, he groaned and grabbed his musket. Assuming it was more wolves come to further pest the old man. He swung open the door quickly, musket ready. But no one was there. The farmer saw it was one of his sheep, he recognized her as Morrigan and grumbled to himself as he put his gun down against the door frame.
As he walked away from the doorway, he felt the warmth of the small fire that lay in the chimney, be torn from his skin, leaving him in the crisp nighttime air.
The scarcity of noise and wind made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, goosebumps began to swiftly latch onto his skin. He ignored it and continued to the pasture.
He clambered over the low wooden fence and made his way over to the bothered sheep. He did notice, however, how odd it was that all the others were still mutely asleep. As the farmer came up to the screaming animal, he had to cover his ears, her screams seemed to pierce the air and strike his brain into an immediate headache. He pressed on and came up next to her. He looked into the dark wood to see what she may be upset at, but nothing other than trees and other greenery stared back.
He attempted to soothe Morrigan by petting her, but it did nothing. And he quickly had to cover his ears again hastily. He stood up and tried to nudge the sheep away with his foot, but it did nothing yet again, it was almost as if the sheep was fused with the ground, unable to move or be moved. After a moment, he tried to nudge her harder, but still nothing. Finally, the ill-tempered farmer had had enough, he kicked the sheep in her side.
A sickening noise cut through the air substituting the screaming, a concoction of a sharp series of cracks, and the dank sound of decaying flesh filled the silent air. Morrigan did not falter, though her mouth hung open, frozen mid-yowl. The farmer, aghast, fell back into the wet grass, his boot covered in blood and perished flesh. The fog hardly wavered and abled over him quickly. He gaped at the rotting sheep, which was still staring blankly at the woods. She looked as if she had been petrified in place, or stopped in time. The smell of thick blood and iron wafted through the air, as well as the pungent smell of decaying meat.
The farmer, terror-stricken and furthermore panicked, looked over at the other sheep in the pasture but was only met with something equally horrifying, all the sheep were standing up as well. They all stared at him. Now, normally sheep's eyes looked at their sides, the vertical pupils eyeing for dangers on either side of them,, as most prey eyes do. However, these sheep were looking, directly at him, looking straight forward at this impoverished man. All of them were unmoving and silent. The farmer stared back, aghast at the horror before him.
Without the light of the moon (which was still hidden by the fixed cloud), the sheep looked plain and heartless. Their eyes glossed over.
All was silent.
A single, sharp crack of bone broke through the air, and the farmer looked back at Morrigan. Her body remained still, and unmoved, but her head had roughly turned to look at him. One notable thing, this sheep’s eyes still remained at its side, as a normal sheep's eyes would. However, after a few everlasting heartbeats, Morrigan’s eyes suddenly looked straight ahead, at the farmer. And as it did so, her jaw opened, revealing a pungently rotting mouth and throat. The farmer felt ailed.
Abruptly, another crack broke through the air, as the sheep’s bottom jaw fell to the ground, leaving her putrid tongue dangling out, and her throat exposed. A few chunks of flesh fell after it, the sheep was still again.
All was silent.
The farmer, who was still flabbergasted, shuddered and held back vomit. He risked a vacillatory glance back at the other sheep, and he realized with a lurch, that they had all gotten closer, the closest one being merely a few yards away, whereas before, it had been at least 20 feet away. What was even more frightening, was the fact that they all had managed to move silently.
He looked back at Morrigan, his throat dry, sweat glistened on his forehead. She stared back at him, and without warning, Morrigan’s tongue began to steadily, but swiftly, slide from its mouth and towards the farmer. Bits of putrid flesh fell from the slithering tongue and onto the ground. The tongue slithered towards the farmer, like a snake stalking its next bite of food. It advanced to the farmer and rested on his shoulder, it was muggy, and pulposus. The man shuddered violently.
“What… are you…” Was all he could muster to say, his heart screamed into his ears. His hands dug into the damp grass and trembled against the earth.
The sheep looked blankly at him for a moment. Until a slit appeared on the sheep's forehead, it cracked open as if it were a rotten egg, and scarlet clotted blood gushed from it as a third eye gradually opened. This eye was completely red, with a black verticle sheeps pupil. It pierced through the farmer's soul and the farmer felt a sharp coldness reverberate through his body as it did so.
Forthwith, All the other sheep started screaming, but were cut off suddenly as the 3 eyed sheep rapidly wrapped its tongue around the farmer's neck
All was silent.
AAAA THATS IT if you read all of that i hope you liked it, again idk how i feel abt it now but i am pretty proud of the scene descriptions in this I think I did well with that. I don’t love the ending but besides that i think it’s okay
(I’m rambling sorry)
But if you like this I’m currently working on the rough draft of a full length novel, centring around space and isolation and has a similar vibe to Alien. If you wanna see some stuff from that idk lmk I enjoy the attention 🤭
(Also I have no clue how to use tumblr nor do I understand the culture but I’m trying my best 😭)
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nininehaaa · 10 months
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Leo valdez - crying
I too struggle with sh so this chapter is to spread awareness that there is ALWAYS another way of coping.
Y/N's PoV:
I cried. I have been crying. I've been crying for years, being a hades child wasn't the best. If you were though, you'd be bullied, abused, harassed and generally hated. People would avoid you like the plague. Besides, who would associate with someone that could kill them?
Leo Valdez would. And he did
I laid emotionlessly on my bed, as I watched the long lines of blood flow down my arms and
Drop of my elbows. My eyes pinched together at the sting of tears dropping on the cuts.
My mind was blank, all this suffering and pain and loss just cause the gods couldn't keep it in their pants.
I was kicked out of my trance as I heard a nock on the cabin door. Shit, Leo was probably early for our date to the party .
I quickly dragged myself out of bed and went to put on a longed sleeved shirt.
As I walked to the door I prayed that Leo wouldn't notice my demeanour.
"Hey Leo "
"Leo it doesn't start till 8"
"So? Come on let's be early!!!"
"3 hours early?"
"Leo it's only 5"
"Umm yeah"
"ITS 5!!!!!"
"So ?"
"Oh ok"
Just like that Leo ran of into camp and left me confused as hell as to what he had planned at 5.
After I cried for a tad bit more I went and got ready for the party.it was tricky finding something long sleeved but I decided on wearing:
After putting on some makeup you did your hair and was ready.
~~at da party~~
Leo's PoV:
I couldn't wait to surprise YN . I had been working on a necklace for the past few months so that I could give it her on our anniversary. Tomorrow is our anniversary of one year so I'm going to give it to her at midnight .
I suddenly heard my name being called and I realised that it was YN. She looked beautiful.
Except the fact that she seemed a bit upset. I frowned , she was fine when I was with her yesterday so what happened?
"Oh hey Leo "
"YN! You look hot as hell"
"Why thank you, you don't look to bad yourself
"I'm just kiddingggg"
"K well why aren't you wearing the other one?"
"What do you mean?"
"The dress y' know , other purple one"
"Oh umm I'm cold"
"It's 24 degrees?"
"Still your the fire one , of course your hot"
"Oh okay"
After the party I took her to the docks to give her my present
"Leooo why'd you bring me here?"
"Just wait it's nearly 12"
"Huh ,why are you waiting for 12?"
"Yessss it's finally midnight "I said looking at my watch
I slowly removed the box out of my pocket and put it in Y/N's hand.
I saw the confusion and excitement in her eyes as her shaking hands undid the ribbon and put the necklace out.
The necklace:
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"Leo did you make this for me?"
"Uh yeah, I know how much you like scream and um well I spend a few months making it cause I- it's made of styrangian iron and I um couldn't really find an-"
She cut my rambling of with a passionate kiss.
"Leo it's perfect, I- I love it"
P2 sooon
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
lengthy Portwell headcanons/prompts because I miss my babies and need season 3 of HSMTMTS asap ‼️
When Gina’s working on making the choreography for the next musical, she gets the urge to incorporate the lift from Dirty Dancing into a number but she wants to make sure that it’s a safe move that won’t break anyone’s wrists (like a certain harness *cough cough*) so EJ agrees to practice it with her. BONUS: the first time they try it, he can’t hold her up all the way and they collapse, Gina falling right on top of EJ as Ashlyn enters the room staring at them like “… did I just walk in on something I shouldn’t have… 👀”
When EJ goes to college, Gina comes to see his first varsity college water polo game of the season and lemme tell you: NO ONE has ever cheered so loud at anything in their lives. Because yes, Gina still has that slightly competitive edge to her but she’s become a force for good, which means she’s there shouting encouraging words at EJ the whole time. At one point she yells “KILL THEM! KILL THEM, EJ!” and the lifeguards threaten to kick her out because they don’t realize she means it metaphorically. She gets quieter after that but still cheers the loudest with a beaming smile on her face the whole time, even though she can hardly distinguish her boyfriend in the sea of swimmers with identical water polo swimming caps on. EJ still hears the cheering though. It’s the first time he doesn’t cheat in a game of water polo.
When they do prom or whatever semi-formal dance happens next, Gina wears a really nice dress and EJ’s brain just stops. functioning. Ashlyn stares at him like “Is he okay?” but Gina just shrugs it off and is like “Oh yeah, he’s fine, he just does this sometimes. Last time we went to the beach and he saw me in a swimsuit, he passed out. Don’t worry, he’ll snap out of it in a second.”
EJ nearly burns his house down trying to make risotto for his and Gina’s anniversary. He manages to get it tasting alright at around attempt #6 and he’s literally SO close to avoiding having to tell Gina that he set fire to the first 5 batches but then she sees he’s singed part of his eyebrow off and he’s like “Well shit”
At some point EJ make a song dedicated to Gina (I don’t know when, but it’s GONNA HAPPEN). But when he does, he gets Ashlyn and Nini’s help writing the song (because A Billion Sorrys is a bop but the lyrics are not it babes). It would just be such a sweet moment seeing the growth in EJ going from making this super hokey song about something selfish he did to making a song about this deep and meaningful thing he has with a girl who truly likes him. And, to top it off, he puts the song in G major because major keys are happy and bright and consonant, and also because G for Gina!! 🥺
Gina gets the role of either Elsa or Anna in Frozen at summer camp, but at one point Lily finds out and wants the part. She gets angry and starts snapping at the East High gang one day, speaking really only to Gina as she says “oh, come on! I deserve that part! You don’t even look like [Elsa/Anna], you’re not whi—” and it’s implied that she’s about to say you’re not white because she kind of gestures at her, but she bites her tongue when she realizes what she said and the whole group stares at her in shock, and EJ instantly takes a massive step forward like “What did you just say?” and the others have to hold him back. (Because you just KNOW King EJ Caswell does not stand for any racist bullshit, especially not against his girlfriend!!!!!!)
like for part 2 i guess????
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