#that everybody should care about business first and foremost
delphinidin4 · 5 months
I am allergic to the word "success". I have been ever since middle school, when it was plastered all over the planners the school gave us.
Screw success. Try for contentment.
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
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Full Wolf Moon in Leo ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Heey~ The Full Moon is in Leo!🦁The first thing that intuitively comes to mind with this aenergy is the Solarpunk Society!🌞Leo is ruled by the Sun and this 5th House aenergy talks about our hobbies and passions which are essentially the foundation of our great enterprise—of which energy can be understood by our Midheaven/10th House.
When you really think about it, children dwell in the realm of the 5th House with play and pretend. This whole play and pretend actually contains hints and signs about how they should go about making connections in the world (7th House dealings) so they form bonds with people and enterprises that support the manifestation of their honest desires. Hohoh, ideally speaking it should be like that but what’s ideal in this world anyway?🍣
This Full Wolf Moon in Leo brings invitation for you to look into your 5th House placements as well as where your Sun sign falls in your natal chart, for they carry information that can help you understand your place in the world when you’ve grown up (10th House realm). Everybody was born into this world with a purpose, right? No matter how small or big or if that purpose is meant for a small community or a big society.
A person’s true power does truly come from a clarity of purpose. That’s what the kingly Leo aenergy is all about anyway. You can only be King because you’ve sworn to serve your people and make sure they live happily and abundantly. Well, ideally. This Full Wolf Moon in Leo invites you to look at your hobbies and natural talents, and see if you can monetise those interests in the service of yourself, first and foremost, and then others.
There is so much more to Life than just going where the money dictates, or like, earning your keep through scamming or intimidating others, don’t you think? What do you want to express? How do you want to be remembered when you’re gone? What’s your enterprise and what legacy will it leave? Most of all, what makes you happy, content, fulfilled, satisfied with your own existence whilst still being alive in that carcass of an avatar that your Soul is wearing?👻
Passion is to be lived and potentials explored. Wait no more for the mood to strike or until you’ve got it all figured out. Just start now with whatever you have, whatever you can, and watch yourself grow. Have faith in your innate hobbies and interests for the whole world is just a stage where you perform magnificent deeds for all to watch🎪
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Pile 1 – Keep Calm and Change Paradigms
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h o b b i e s – Queen of Cups
You are by nature someone who has aesthetic hobbies. Your tastes are expensive and you care a lot about the beauty aspect of all that you do. I sense you also love giving gifts and your gifts are always thoughtful and beautifully packaged/decorated. The kind of gifts that you know the receiver needs, has wanted for a long time, or could improve their Life. You’re kind and caring like that. Sometimes, to a point of wearing yourself out. This Full Wolf Moon in Leo invites you to relax a bit.
This is a time to give all your attention and affection to yourself before anybody else. It feels like you haven’t done so in a while. Let yourself relax and not socialise too much, not attend to other people’s businesses or weddings or birthdays or whatever. For now, it’s all about you until the next New Moon at least :D You can go and get a massage all by yourself, watch a movie by yourself, or take up an interesting class all by yourself as well. You could meet new people who could potentially give you a fresh perspective about yourself, your place in the world, or your Life’s future trajectories. Whoa.
p a s s i o n – VI The Lovers Rx
Some of you reading this may indeed, by nature, like to socialise but I sense it is mostly a duty you feel you must fulfil—like maintaining an image or something. Some others may socialise simply to fill some kind of void—because you don’t really know what human beings are supposed to do if they don’t socialise? Yeah, a weird psychology like that. In truth, your Soul likes to be alone. And in terms of working and all that stuff, you kinda need to carve your own path, honestly.
Not saying that people can be completely solitary and thrive in business or work. Of course, we all need people. But before you go on and about making connections with people who don’t really matter, you need to get clear about what kind of enterprise you want to build for yourself, or basically, what kind of contribution you want to be making to society, or just your community. Since you clearly have a penchant for beauty and you like to care for other people, these vibes can hold hints for what it is your Soul wants you to do in this world.
e n t e r p r i s e – 10 of Wands
Some forms of career I’m seeing with these vibes—and these are just vibes, OK? Nurse, flight attendant, health consultant, nutritionist, author, interior designer, wedding planner, hotelier, restauranteur, even a beauty salon or massage parlour owner. There’s a lot about you that screams beauty and relaxation. Your Soul, generally speaking, wants to live a Life of play and relaxation which in some other ways help others have an easier time. Of all the jobs I’ve mentioned, nurse and flight attendant vibes feel the strongest for these people are in the service of making other people have an easier time, a good time, a comfortable recovery or flight. It’s that kind of vibe.
There’s a need for you to pursue a higher career in which your service to the world involves how you yourself transform the way you approach hard work. Hard work that can be just hard play in which you get paid for doing things you would otherwise do unpaid anyway, so~ This Full Moon, do consider which hobbies of yours are your true Soul’s Calling for making the world a better place whilst getting paid for it. A voice in your heart is saying, ‘Fuck hustle culture. People need to heal from the traumas of society and the bullshit of the education system!’
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Emulate and Generate a New You
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h o b b i e s – Knight of Cups Rx
You know when people say, ‘Fake it till you make it’? It’s valid and has some grounding but my advice to you is, don’t do that. Don’t fake any shit if you wanna be great. That line of thought would not benefit your manifestation in the long run. Or rather, that kind of thinking slows down your manifestation and when it does happen, it’s lower in quality. Witches need to be more aware of how they think when working with manifestations. A higher way of thinking about transforming yourself—whether it involves a physical glowup or the glowup of your mindset, etc.—is emulate, modulate, and then regenerate a newer/higher/nobler/sparklier/awesomer version of yourself~🐣
The reason that you shouldn’t follow the ‘fake it till you make it’ line of thought is that you’re a genuine Soul with a heart made out of passion itself. You’re so much more original than you, or your environment, give yourself credit for. It feels like you haven’t really allowed yourself to fully embrace your own authenticity and so this Full Wolf Moon in Leo is reminding you of your own capacity for being the most iconic bitch in your neighbourhood🦚
p a s s i o n – 3 of Pentacles Rx
And so, what does it matter if others can’t understand what you’re trying to do with your Life? It’s your Life, babe. Other people have their own worlds to live in and if you don’t want to be part of that small world, you’re free to leave. It’s perfectly OK when even those closest to you, those you’ve trusted and depended all this time, can’t understand your passions or life’s priorities because they’re not exactly meant to be part of the world of your visions. Let them do them and you do you. Awesome people need losers to step upon so we look awesome. They can serve their purpose as losers and mediocre shits and you serve your purpose as an iconic Queen. OK? Got it? Good😝
This Full Wolf Moon in Leo is inviting you to imagine what kind of tribe you actually want to have whilst being alive. Your imaginations and daydreams hold the key to manifesting your real Soul Tribe. The more you think about them, the more strongly you believe in that you’re deserving of your ideal friendships, the faster you manifest your actual Soul Tribe in the physical. Your Higher Self is just here reminding you that you do have a few circles of Soul Tribe you’re meant to find and reunite with!🦄
e n t e r p r i s e – 9 of Cups
Many of you choosing this Pile have an interest in being seen by a larger public, right? A majority of you already have some semblance of a social media presence and more of you will eventually do the same. Some of you reading this are literally meant to become some kind of a new age superstar or something. You do have a purpose in being seen by the public, or just this idea of having a social media platform what enables you to connect with an audience. It isn’t vanity; bitch, it’s literally part of your Life Purpose🦋
You’re perfectly supported by your Higher Self to choose to go solo, somewhat, and build your social media empire. You could be selling products or services or be whatever—the possibilities are endless at this point—and one day, when you’re rich and content with your Life, some people from the past are gonna turn to mushy jelly. But what do you care now? You’ve got an audience that fulfils your heart because they genuinely love and appreciate what you do. You won’t be needing anybody’s approval anymore~😎Call me when you’re famous LOL
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Born to be Rich, Born to be of Service
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h o b b i e s – Knight of Wands
Admit it—you’re blessed with a plethora of talents since birth and you’re damn good at many of those innate abilities because you’re intelligent as fuck!🤩Naturally, not that many people are lucky enough to know what it feels to be you. But with so many talents, I sense you’ve also suffered from a great deal of heavy expectations put upon you by…yourself? You’re quite hard on you, you know. You expect a lot out of yourself. This urge to do great things in the world is only your Higher Self’s nudge for you to recognise this potential of yours—to become a motherfucking GOAT🐐
Rest assured, if you’ve chosen this as your main pile, there’s a veeery specific role you’re meant to fulfil in this world, in this passage of time. Some of you could’ve known what this role is since you were born and some of you will just naturally figure this out as you grow older. Don’t fret, my dear. You really are meant for a very unique, unorthodox existence, and seeing as the world is rapidly heading towards chaos, your time to shine is only drawing nearer and nearer as the People are growing desperately in need of an exemplary Rebel of the New World!🥨
p a s s i o n – 8 of Pentacles
Anyhow, you didn’t study a lot at school, right? LMAO You weren’t exactly what people would call a model student. You were always just doing your own thing—whether it was daydreaming or reading or drawing or playing video games. You were drowning in your own world—visions, silly daydreams—all because your Soul was trying to remind you what you came here to do. You were never meant to fit in. You’re here only temporarily and whilst at it, you’re supposed to be a freak. Ah, yes, a freako, indeed. You’re supposed to push, even break, boundaries. Because most Human beings live such boring existence.
You weren’t supposed to be a model student, but rather, a model Human. Bitch, you’re THE prototype! You were born to be of service through your own personal experiences with ego death and transform yourself to be the physical embodiment of the divinity that is your Higher Self. Perfectly embodied in Human form—in that sense, you’re a prototype of a highly more positively-polarised future possibility of Mankind. Shit, I hope that makes sense.
e n t e r p r i s e – 4 of Pentacles Rx
One day, when you’re proudly walking the path meant for your Highest Intended Good, you will be helping others financially or at least you will be lifting people up from the common affliction of a poverty mindset—different types, all kinds of poverty mindsets. You’ve got a talent, some kind of swag about you that can inspire SASS, even pettiness, that is of the more empowering variant. You’ll be showing people how to be unapologetically themselves and how you can’t be shaken by stupid opinions because you’re clear about your self-worth.
You do understand a lack of self-worth is also a form of ‘poverty’ mindset, right? Your enterprise in the future will have you in communication, direct or indirect, with a loooot of people. Even your own family members will find you incredibly inspiring. Many of you reading this…this is your confirmation that you’re THE cycle breaker of your lineage’s generational karma. You’ll become the first celeb, the first university graduate, the first billionaire, the first president, the first whatever awesome thing in your recent lineage that you’re meant to be, and you’ll be so proud of yourself!🥂
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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blushstories · 1 year
hi! hope you're okay! :)
i just wanted to maybe explain a bit of the perspective of people who don't reblog stuff on here, not trying to justify anything because i'm aware that writers deserve to be recognized for their work and people should share it when they're able, but there are a lot of reasons why people don't reblog anything!
in my case i used to not reblog a lot if not at all because i read like 50 things a day and i felt like it would be annoying for the people that follows me to have their timeline full of my reblogs, especially because most of them were from different fandoms and had completely opposite interests, also it made me feel so anxious because there's stuff i don't want people to know about me that's maybe visible on the things i read (or at least it felt like that in my anxious brain) and i'm sure other people have other reasons and again, i know it's not fair and it doesn't justify anything, but everyone is different! as for me, now i reblog everything i read/enjoy, but it was really hard to let my anxiety about it go!
anyway, maybe this won't help at all and i'm sorry if it's inconvenient or upsetting!
i absolutely love everything you write and i hope i can read more of your work soon! :)
hello! thank you!
i do understand that perspective, and i absolutely can see those fears but i think it’s more than just being ‘recognised’, and i’ll explain why!
firstly, yeah being conscious of your followers is totally fair, however the beauty of tumblr is that you can make sideblogs, or tell your followers to blacklist/filter a specific tag so that their timelines arent clogged! even just queuing the posts gives a chance for them to scroll by if they want. ofc certain tws make sense to not share with followers who know you tho.
sometimes it isnt even about reblogs specifically; if someone left a comment or ask instead of a reblog that’s more than enough! the problem with just liking posts is that it creates a really consumerist experience on tumblr, which is first and foremost a blogging platform: so when i see empty blogs and their like pages are just full of fics i bluescreen a bit. these days, the like to reblog ratio of literally every artist (writer, fanart) is really really sad to see, their audiences just consume it without even sending a kind thought to the creator!!! doesnt that make your heart ache??
imagine a small town. everybody knows everybody, small businesses everywhere trading their own products to share the love and hyping up each other’s babies (their passions). that’s how i imagine blogs, and so when i see spam likes without reblogs, or a “part 2 when??!” when said person hasnt even commented before or reblogged, it transforms my blog from a community space where we share thoughts about blorbos into a product that only serves to entertain.
i really dont care about followers or note counts; i do care about having conversations with anyone who decides to hang around, if that’s a reblog chain or an ask or a comment thread then that’s how it is! we can talk headcanons or daydreams (within reason) or just generally chat!
i just cannot describe how crushing it feels when i open my notifs and only see likes. it makes me close the app straight away because there’s no one to interact with. also, it gives the message that someone read my fic, and liked it, but not enough to share it with their friends.
i hope that clears it up a bit more! it’s not a vanity or note count thing, if you comment or send an ask about a fic that’s exactly the same thing! thank you for reading and let me tell you i say this with nothing but love.
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expert-pakistani-12 · 11 months
Top 10 Real Estate Companies in Pakistan
Property is a matter of requisite and a profitable investment opportunity for everybody, whether buying, selling, or renting. Pakistan’s Real Estate sector is composed of various estate agencies providing solutions to potential clients and investors. When it comes to these concerns, one must be looking for which real-estate company he should select? This query is usual among most of the new buyers and sellers. The real estate sector of Pakistan consists of numerous estate agencies aiming at providing solutions to potential.
List of Top 10 Real Estate Companies are:
Sigma Properties & Mkt
Star Marketing
Zem Builders
Square Nine
SKY ONE Real Estate & Builders
Chohan Estate
Investment is a crucial matter of finance circulation. Be it residential, industrial, or commercial property investment for sale & purchase in Pakistan, all you need to look for is a ‘transparent and trustworthy’ real estate company to guide you and transaction prospects.
Sigma Properties & Mkt: Sigma is one of the prominent names in the real estate industry and rapidly growing in the twin city. Chasing business culture, professionalism, and generating work ethics, Sigma has won the heart of its clients and their satisfaction concerns.
Sigma has broadened its network and is about to pursue services in the heart of Punjab, Lahore. They became the helping hand of thousands of clients and investors in making smart investments with great returns. They are breaking standard business practices and stereotypes by focusing on customer care instead of profit. In this regard, they have an investor care program for their clients. They are indulging in Taj Residencies, Capital Smart City, Smart City Lahore, Park View City Islamabad, Blue World City, and Royal Orchard. Capital Smart City and Smart City Lahore are some of their leading projects through which they have earned handsome profits.
Zameen: Zameen.com is the first and leading real estate company in Pakistan, and it is also among the top property portals in Pakistan. It was founded in 2006 and played a crucial role to transform the real estate industry in Pakistan by bridging buyers and sellers online in an appropriate way. Zameen is a settler of advanced real estate boundaries.
It enhanced the scope of property business in Pakistan. In the last five years, it emerged as a prime real estate company in Pakistan.
In the current digital age, it is providing foremost business growth models. Talking about its website, it has a straightforward yet informative panel. The major areas which Zameen covers include finding homes, plots commercial, rental property, wanted the property, agents, and projects (concerning Location, featured, and new)
Besides, it also features the Forum Section, where non-specialists are thoroughly guided about investments. Blogs and News is another attractive section. Furthermore, the vogue of property shows and expos also introduced by Zameen
Graana: Graana is Pakistan’s Online Real Estate Marketplace positioned to transform the real estate landscape of the nation. They have intended to revolutionize the real estate industry in Pakistan. They are believers of quality over quantity. They have initiated an extremely translucent and purposeful portal, where they help to buy, rent, sell, or invest properties. Graana.com is the endmost place for all your real estate needs.
Graana is one of Pakistan’s most competent real estate portals. They made the property search simple, reliable, and hassle-free. It is a subsidiary company of Imarat Group of Companies. They are dealing in their projects as they are developers as well. Their projects are Amazon Mall, Imarat Builders Mall, Mall of Arabia, Florence Galleria, Amazon Hotel, and Golf Floras. Side by side, they are dealing in real estate.
Agency21: Agency 21 was incepted in back 2016 to change the image of real estate in Pakistan. Since then, Agency 21 has rapidly grown, emerged as the market leader in the twin cities. Pursue corporate culture and creating work ethics, Agency 21 has won their clients’ confidence and ease of mind. Expanding its networks in all the main cities, Agency 21 directs to become the first-ever national real estate brand in the upcoming years. Personified service, expertise, provision, and perfection in attaining its goals, Agency 21 set itself distinguish from the rest.
Star Marketing: As Pakistan’s one of the leading Real-Estate marketing companies, STAR Marketing offers creative marketing concepts and promotional strategies to ensure Real-Estate developers and builders. The team behind STAR Marketing has marked marvelous success in marketing distinguished residential and commercial projects in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, Peshawar, Sialkot, Nowshera, Hyderabad, Larkana, Mardan, Gwadar, Gujranwala, and other important cities of Pakistan.
ZEM Builders: ZEM Builders represents Zeeshan Estate Management & Builders. It was established 12 years ago by Zeeshan A. Qureshi to bring about a new standard of remarkable luxury in Pakistan. Envision at delivering the best; they accomplish their goals by being professionals in the real estate market and effectively managing their relationships with clients and investors.
Square Nine: Al Miraj looks after Square Nine, an innovative real estate agency; Dot Design, their creative media newfangled advertising agency; Terraces, their sustainable residential building; and Arch X state-of-the-art interior design and architecture firm. Square Nine International was established with a customer-oriented approach as a comprehensive Real Estate Company that works dedicatedly and is determined to offer world-class services and make lasting relationships with our clients. Projects they are working on are the Avenue, Melrose Arch, the Terraces Residence.
Ilaan: Within a short time, ilaan.com has become a speedily growing online station for property consumers in Pakistan to search for homes and properties. ilaan.com is the most extensive property website portal; acquirer focused on enhancing users’ visual property viewing experience to help them make preferable-informed decisions regarding capital investment in the real estate sector. The constant growth in all aspects has made ilaan.com a reliable name in the real estate sector.
SKY ONE Real Estate & Builders: They are an authorized dealer of Bahria Town Karachi. SKY ONE Real Estate & Builders is known for its ample market knowledge and unrivaled devotion.
Their success is based particularly exclusively on positive referrals. They have been providing services in the real estate sector & construction of residential/commercial projects in BAHRIA TOWN for the last 12 years.
Chohan Estate: Chohan Estate is another prominent real estate company in Pakistan serving the community. They have clients from different regions and are known well for fulfilling the need of their clients. They specialize specifically in helping their client to find a suitable property in Islamabad.
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goronska · 1 year
My OCs: Larat
Illustrated by AI art and picrew.
Both the hardest, most challenging and most satisfying OC to play and write.
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Larat [middle 30s, she/her, bisexual, demon, Vermillian]
Larat is a soldier first and foremost. The general of Vermillion's army/guards.
Her childhood was cut short when her mother came back home in a black bag to be burnt without honors. She was a very prominent fighter herself, but in Ubisi cult you don't care much for the dead, you just burn them and scatter the ashes, that's it. Soon after her dad died of some illness, and she would be left alone if not the country structers. This way Larat gets "adopted" by the army at a ripe age of 11.
The training isn't easy, but she gets lots of support from all the women there, rather rough love, but this is what makes her a model woman from Vermillion. Disciplined, with no taboos to talk about, devoted to her motherland, determined, strong.
She grows up believing, that you should be ready to sacrifice your life at any moment of need, therefore no strong bond should be formed between her and others - she's obsessed by the awareness of everybody leaving her at one point or she herself leaving others, now she's the general and has to be at the forefront of every battle.
Her next turning point in life is bringing Setia as a slave to Vermillion (Go to Masterlist, find Setia and read about that more). Since then they've been friends with benefits, and Larat confides in him a lot. Now they are both leading the movement for abolishing slavery in the kingdom and putting Eodum in the driving seat of the religious aspects.
Last person to change her life 180 degrees is Florence, an angel banished from Heaven after the uprising she caused. Bond to Rudkowskis family, she comes to Vermillion to play the role of Sydney and Merah's bodyguard. And falls for golden eyes, toned body, confidence and irony of Larat head over heels.
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Very soon they land in bed, but what Larat treats as a one night stand happens again. And again. Larat tries to convince herself, that this is just like any other time in the past - Flo will soon be gone, and either way, they cannot become a couple, because the soldier must be ready to die at any moment. Leaving the angel behind, alone, hearbroken is an absolute no-no.
Life comes to the rescue in this predicament, and seeing both of them suffering, she offers to make Larat stronger and basically immortal by turning her into a demon. The process is a bit uncomfortable and Larat still is getting used to her new, stronger body with some shape-shifting abilities.
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They are since together, with ups and downs, but they have a very important bone to pick. As Larat sees nothing more important than the country she serves and vowed to protect (together with Setia and his plans), Florence hates being always put second, and to a thing she deems irrelevant to that (she has seen many countries being born and collapsing as an angel).
Larat is often torn between her love and loyalty, for example when both her and Flo are deemed traitors. She is ready to be publicly humiliated in the Cleansing ritual by Shadow, just to take the blame off her partner. Her dream now, after finishing the business in Vermillion, is to go on an early retirement and move to Ireland with Flo. Over there she wants to help train an elite team of monster hunters.
In the meantime, she has to outsmart the queen and princess Jen (the second battle she always loses), learn more about her new body situation and make sure none of her loved ones suffer in the process (which… very hard for Setia). Will be hard to squeeze all that, and learning how to use less sarcasm and irony, into her busy work-out schedule and shifts in the palace.
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4 Electrical Emergencies You Should Know
Home is where you relax. But it’s impossible to relax when there is a pesky electrical problem at home. If that’s troubling, imagine an electrical emergency where you can’t reach your electrician in Frankston. The recent pandemic is the perfect example. It’s a time when everybody freaked out because help was out of reach.
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We hope that never happens again, but if you are ever in a tight situation and have an electrical emergency at home, you should know how to handle it. Electrical work needs utmost care and expertise, but we can always learn a few things to make life safer and easier.
Here’s our guide to 4 of the most common electrical emergencies.
1. Power outages
A power failure halts the whole day. It may happen due to a storm, short circuit, power surges, etc. Power outages can be extremely inconvenient because they disrupt communication, transportation, businesses, etc.
So, here’s how you deal with it.
First of all, check the circuit breaker. Sometimes, the power fails due to a tripped circuit breaker, which trips when an outlet is overloaded.
So, check if an outlet or extension has too many appliances connected, and if so, unplug some of them to alleviate the load.
Then flip the circuit breaker back on.
Even after the power is back, don’t make the same mistake of connecting too many appliances to one circuit. Distribute the load to be safe.
Tripped circuit breakers are very common, and this is how you deal with them without needing an electrician. However, if it happens continuously, you need to consult your electrician in Frankston and see if you need to upgrade your electrical system.
2. Electrical fire
Faulty or exposed electrical wiring is the common cause of electrical fires. It may also be caused by energy overload or combustible objects near light bulbs.
It’s terrifying to see an electrical fire, but before you run off to call your electrician, try to bring the situation under control in the following way; because you don’t want it to get worse before the electrician arrives.
First and foremost, you should cut the power supply source. This way, the fire will be put out faster and lessens the risk of electric shocks while extinguishing the fire.
Use an extinguisher to dampen the fire.
Then make your calls to your electrician or fire department. Make sure to evacuate the house if it’s difficult to control the fire.
3. Fallen power lines
Extreme caution should be used while handling fallen power wires since they pose a serious risk to both property and lives. If you are near a fallen power line, you should follow the below instructions.
You should move away from the power line, maintaining at least 40 feet distance. The fallen power lines don’t always give off sparks or sounds, but the power might be surging through them. So, extreme caution is necessary.
Check the area for any metal fences, puddles, or vehicles that could work as conductive materials and create an electrical hazard.
Don’t touch anything that is in contact with the wire, especially trees. A tree can be conductive to electricity because of its water content.
After taking enough care for your safety, contact the authorities and let them know about the fallen power line.
4. Electric shocks
We should always be careful with electricity. You may have the best electrician services, but you can’t predict everything. Electrical contacts can be impactless or dangerous. But when they become serious, you must act with the utmost caution.
Electrical shocks can occur due to frayed wires, broken cords, or unregulated outlets. And this is what should be done in case of electric shocks:
Turn off the power supply as soon as you become aware of electrocution.
If you’re not near the circuit, try to break contact between the person and the source. Make sure you use an insulated item made of wood or PVC.
Don’t immediately touch the electrocuted person. Stay calm.
After you have done what’s needed immediately, call the local emergency services.
The most important thing to have during an electrical emergency is calmness. Freaking out just worsens the situation.
One piece of advice before wrapping up is to install surge protectors for every outlet as well as safety switches. This way, you will be able to add an extra layer of protection at home because this allows you to monitor the flow of the current.
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Should Do Checklists When Getting Impotence Medications Online
First and foremost, if you're struggling with hypotension, you will need to ask an Ayurvedic medical practitioner whether you could have the natural Viagra. Some individuals declare that since organic Viagras change the hormonal stability of the body, they're perhaps harmful. That is correct certainly if the natural Viagras are taken for an extended time. There might be disturbance with different hormone-driven actions of the body.
Some aspects of the herbal Viagras may also trigger despair, dyspepsia, problems, common colds, etc. when used separately. Nevertheless, whether they could cause the same effects within their combination variety or perhaps not is however to be studied properly. When someone employs viagra or some other drug used to take care of erectile dysfunction (ED) then he must be finding alarmed by the purchase price he will pay for sexual satisfaction.
I won't assistance them that they should end applying 비아그라 효능 as remedy but I would definitely recommend them to choose a cheaper choice that materials the same end up in the end. But let us first analyze what is the issue which makes a person use such medicines. It is erectile dysfunction. There are lots of points responsible for ED. It may be examined at different level that comprises psychology and medical reason.
If a person isn't sexually aroused even though he commits himself, it can be defined as erectile dysfunction. ED is regular failure of generating and maintaining erection hard enough to penetrate. It may happen at any age but ED wants to assault persons in there fifties. Everybody else encounters an occasional stint of ED. Together develops previous he can experience the change in erection function.
It's natural and nothing to worry about since simple viagra has arrived to truly save guys from finding ashamed in bedroom. Pfizer introduced common tablet viagra in 1998 and it created uproar, that is despite the response typically connected with a release of any normal medication. Since that time more then 23 million people have now been put it to great use. Different pharmaceutical businesses have launched general version of viagra.
0 notes
imagine-straykids · 3 years
Stray Kids SS: Argument PT. 1
SS for short scenarios. Stray Kids arguing with their significant others
requested? No. I just write whenever I feel like it.
genre: fluff, angst, romance, etc etc.
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Bang Chan
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     You’re no bragger but you think you’re pretty reasonable most of the times. You understand your boyfriend is a busy person and his work came first and foremost. You’ve tried not to take it personally and he has made it pretty clear before you guys even got into this relationship that he wouldn’t be the best person with time management.
     Of course you took a gamble and compromised to form this bond with the one and only Christopher Bang. You had always put his feelings first whether that’s him choosing his friends, work, or music over you, you were definitely okay with that as long as he came back to you at the end of the day. Even the smallest texts nearing the end of the night like “Goodnight sweetie, hope you had a good day!” was enough for you. You weren’t asking for much. You don’t know how much lower you can set your standards because slowly and progressively, Chan was already failing to meet them.
     The most you guys have ever been apart was maybe two weeks and even then, Chan had always made sure to check on you through texts or phone calls. So when it was nearing a month, and he has rejected your invitation to do something for the second time in a month, you were left to feel less than pleasant whether you had set yourself up for failure or perhaps did you deserve more than what you had settled for.
       You couldn’t help but to be upset to some degree and even then you still doubted if your feelings were valid. You even felt guilty since you had promised him a long time ago you would be understanding. Were you wrong for just wanting a little bit of your boyfriend’s attention?
       So when Felix brought you his breakfast treats like he would every Sunday because the boy loves baking, he could tell in your eyes that your world was seeing more than blue. You weren’t your usual self who was always welcoming and greeted him with warmth. The tone in your voice and your body language imitated that of a walking dead and although you tried your hardest to put on a great appearance, Felix could see right through you.
       When he had asked you if you were alright, a sea of tears just came bursting through. Like a puddle that you had held inside for weeks finally being freed. You told Felix everything and everything. It was nice to have someone to talk to, for once in a long time. Felix had always been very understanding of you and was very much like a brother. He reassured you and you felt so much better after, that when he left, you even thought you might finally be able to get a good nap after some words of comforts.
       Your nap was shortly disrupted when a series of loud knocks were ringing through your door. It took you a few seconds to process everything because your brain was still trying to wake up along with you. Then a beep from your phone was heard. You turned to the left side where you had placed your phone and noticed long notifications of texts and missed calls from Chan. Oh lord. Well of course who could that be at the door then.
       Felix had only told Chan out of good intention, and honestly you weren’t even surprised. Not one thing said to one of those boys will stay in its origin. You crankily tossed your blanket aside and walked up to the door as you took a deep breath. You opened the door and it was just the one person you were expecting.
       Chan looked totally out of breath, as if he had been beaten by a stick over and over again, you can see the sweats tracing along the line of his forehead down to his cheeks and his hair has gotten messier than usual.
    “Chan--” You were cut when Chan just shoved himself inside your apartment.
    “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He looked at you dead in the eyes as he shut the front door.
    “Tell you what?” You weren’t acting naive but you just wanted to know what exactly Felix had told him.
    “What you told Felix. Why didn’t you tell me that? That you wanted to hang out with me, that you’ve been feeling sad and lonely?”
    “I did. I asked you twice if you wanted to go out or do something. You said no both times.” You defended yourself.
    “Why didn’t you say anything when you were not feeling good then?” A worrisome look overshadowed his angrier look earlier.
    “Pfft,” you scoffed. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Really Chan? Do I need to feel less than okay, do I need to question if my boyfriend even wants to be with me, for you to actually worry now?” you challenged him full on.
    “What do you mean.” Chan wasn’t gullible, but sometimes when he gets too caught up on one thing, he misses another.
    “Why should it be my responsibility that you act like a reasonable boyfriend who cares about his girlfriend’s needs. I shouldn’t need to tell you when you should be doing your parts. You were on the line of almost ignoring me for a whole month, doing whatever you’re doing without caring for my well being, and the two times I ask to do something, I get pushed aside. And you’re here telling me I’m not trying harder?”
    “I already told you from the beginning, y/n, that I am not the best person to be in a relationship with. I lose track of times, get lost in my own thoughts. I apologize if I made you feel like I didn’t care about you. I do. Sometimes I just need time to myself, you know. And I try to do it without hurting your feelings but it’s hard. Because I care about you too.”
    “I know that you’ve warned me from the beginning. And I’m a fool. I can’t do it anymore, Chan. I’m not the girlfriend you want me to be. I thought I could do it because I love you so much... but it hurts to be away from you. I can’t do it, Chan. Sometimes I just miss you, and want to be with you, but I’m afraid I’m going to bother you because you’ve already set your boundaries. I’m sorry.” you started sobbing even thought you told yourself you weren’t going to cry. 
    Chan quickly pulled you into a hug as you ugly sob into his chest.
    “It’s going to be okay, y/n. We can get through this together. If you still love me, we can talk it through. You still love me, right?” he angled your frowning face up to his.
    “Of course,” you answer like music to his ear.
Lee Know
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    Before you ever accepted Minho’s confession, you’ve been told by nearly everyone around him that he would be a handful. And oh Jesus, you wish they had warned you better, because he wasn’t just a handful. Minho was a pain in the ass if he didn’t try. Even before you got together with him, he found pleasure in teasing and making fun of you whenever he got the chance to. 
    But besides the assholery moves Minho liked to pull, when he was just with you, he showed sides of himself that only you got to experience. That’s pretty much your answer whenever somebody ask you how did you guys even got into a relationship considering y’all were pretty much like fire and water. The person who everyone else found to be a living nightmare because you just don’t mess with him since he has such a way with his words, you’ll find yourself questioning your intelligence.
     Minho can either be the best person you’ll ever meet in your lifetime or as so he likes to claim, or he can be the person that makes your feet turn the other way whenever you hear his name. So you knew this weren’t going to turn out pretty when Minho was forced to be in a team with Hyunjin for game night and Hyunjin was losing every single point possible.
       At first, him and the rest tried to play it off light heartedly, but you can feel the room growing sour each time Hyunjin missed the hints and was unable to score a point for this game of Charades that was suggested by the super innovative Chan, who decided that Hyunjin and Minho in the same team was evolution.
       The others were having a blast poking fun at Hyunjin and Minho whose points were definitely not looking very nice until Minho out of a sudden, slapped the pile of papers onto the ground and said he’s had it.
    “I don’t want to be in a team with him! He sucks!” Minho pointed fingers at Hyunjin who obviously took it personal by the look of his face.
      The room silenced and everybody just stared until Chan spoke up, “Come on, just this once. You guys are never on the same team because you always want to change.” 
    “Yeah, because he sucks, can’t you see. Even a 5 year old kid would be able to score more points than him. We’re not even losing by a little. We’re unredeemable at this point,” Minho spit out without missing a single beat.
       Everybody was growing uncomfortable, especially Hyunjin who had done his best to stay positive the whole time.
    “Minho! Can you not. That’s incredibly rude. It’s just a game. Losing one night won’t kill you. How childish can you be.” You stared at your own boyfriend in disgust.
     “Really now, you’re going to argue with me against this?” It was like he really couldn’t believe you were not on his side.
    “So what if I am. You’re acting ridiculous and you deserve to know it.”
    “Guys! Please stop. Don’t argue because of me please. He’s right. I wasn’t very good. Don’t be angry at him because of me, y/n. I’ll be fine. I’m going to go outside to get some fresh air, I’ll feel better once I come back.” Hyunjin excused himself and left.
      You could only roll your eyes when Minho, being his stubborn self was refusing to go after Hyunjin and continued to stay in the same spot.
    “How selfish can one be.” You criticized him before you followed after Hyunjin.
     You had hoped Hyunjin didn’t think too much of it, knowing how Minho usually is. Being the sweetheart he is, he thanked you and told you not to worry. When you went back inside, the others notified you that Minho had already left and honestly, you could care less. He was being a d*ck and this time, you weren’t going to cave in. Only time would help kill that inflated ego of his. 
         About a week has passed and you still haven’t talked to Minho and vice versa. You knew that his diva ass would never give in, so you didn’t quite know why you were silently battling him when you’re pretty sure if you wanted to fix this, you’ll have to do it yourself. But you didn’t want to.
         You’ve had enough of Minho always getting what he wants, always having the last say in anything, and thinking that you’ll always bend backward for him. It’s kind of funny because Hyunjin had actually told you that Minho already apologized, so why are you guys still fighting? Pride. Now it’s just a fight of pride. And as much as Minho has it, you have a lot of it as well.
           It was the weekend, and usually you’ll spend your weekend with Minho doing whatever you guys usually do but since he wasn’t here anymore, you decided to just spend your day relaxing with a nice cup of tea watching Netflix. It was your day off work and you weren’t going to let this day go to waste.
           You gently set your tea down on the little table to your right, about to lay against the couch when the corner of your eyes caught your screen lit up with a text message. You sat back up and struggled for about a couple seconds trying to reach your phone that you had placed a little too far. 
           It was from Minho. You couldn’t believe it. Reading what he sent you just made it even more amusing.
        Stupid, are you going to apologize or not - Minho Lee
        Why should I apologize. What the hell? I didn’t do shit - Y/n
        Okay well I already said sorry to Hyunjin so I don’t know why you so pressed for. I didn’t do nun to you. I mean I know you kind of had a thing for him and all before we met but don’t take it out on me - Minho Lee
         This little shit, you thought.
         Bruh. I never liked him tf. I just think he’s very pretty. Prettier than me. And unlike someone, he actually has half a brain and some human decency - Y/n
           Okay we get it, you have a crush on Hyunjin - Minho Lee
           No, dumbass. The problem is you always going around saying, doing whatever you like without considering other people’s feelings. I know that’s your personality and all, but there’s a limit between what’s okay and what’s crossing the line, and whenever I try to tell you, you never listen. Always doing whatever you want. Hyunjin is one of your best friend and you hurt his feelings the other day and didn’t even feel bad about it until someone got in your face and told you you were being a d*ck. I love you, Minho. But I just wish you would listen sometimes and be open to I don’t know... improvements? - Y/n
           I’m sorry, I’ve just grew up this way so it’s hard to get out of a pattern. Sometimes I say things I don’t mean and sometimes I say things I do mean and then I don’t realize that my actions has caused harm to the other person, because I’ve just always been this way you know. Others have tried telling me before but I've always brushed it off because I am a stubborn person. But I care about you. You’re one of the very first person other than the members that I deeply care about. So if you’re telling me this out of love then I’ll take it into consideration. I know I should’ve been nicer to Hyunjin as well. Chan yelled at me for a while the other day, so please don’t yell at me too :( - Minho Lee
         Of course I care about you. Everything I do is out of love, dear. You’re one hell of a nuisance but I love you. I know you grew up this way and it is difficult getting out of a pattern, but take little steps. I’ll be here with you. and yeah, you totally deserved that from Chan. Jk I love you - Y/n
         You’re mean :( can I come over. We were supposed to go shopping today - Minho Lee
          Mhmmm. Let me think about it - Y/n
          Well you have 2 seconds, because I’m already outside your door - Minho Lee
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    Changbin liked to brag about anything and everything, whether that’s how many confessions he got on Valentines, to how many people who wanted to be his partner when it came to a science project, or even the amount of girls that would hit on him daily.
    You never really minded because that was just how he is. And of course, mainly because you knew all those scenarios only existed in his head and was as real as flying fairies and pink unicorns. So when someone was actually blatantly hitting on him, Changbin wasn’t as knowledgeable as his bluffs claimed to be.
    Changbin was one of the best from his music class, so good that the professor made him the teacher’s assistant even when the semester was on going. He usually talk tales of how many students usually needs his help when it came to writing lyrics or composing as a beginner. Interesting enough, but nothing major as he’d like to phrase it.
    Then every time when you guys would usually meet at the end of classes to which you usually ask how his day went, he started talking about this girl who he’s currently assisting. At first it was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a student from his class who he’s helping because that’s his job. Even the first two or three days of his on-going blabbering about this student didn’t kick something in you until maybe the fourth time this week where this girl is always managing to squeeze herself into his schedule everyday. It shouldn’t have bothered you, but for some reason it did.
    Especially when he’d say alarming things like “Oh yeah and she also asked me if I wanted to get a drink after class but I told her I have plans.” or “She compliments me a lot and told me if I have time, she’d love to listen to my work.” 
    Maybe you’re overreacting and she’s just a really engaging and kind person. You felt bad at first for assuming such a thing about another human being, so you gave her the benefit of the doubt because you didn’t know your dumbass boyfriend would be this oblivious when someone is clearly trying to get inside his pant.
    So when you happened to walk past the school garden the following week and saw the both of them from your very clear sight, you were a little more than dumbfounded. This girl was not even trying to hide it at all. You didn’t know how Changbin was keeping his eyes to himself at this point. The outfit she was wearing was definitely very sexy and appealing. Changbin was still faced down, scribbling something on the music sheet trying to get the female to engage but she clearly had something else in mind.
    You could’ve sworn you saw her hand trailed alongside Changbin’s thigh and so you accidentally let out a shriek, but quickly hid behind the thick white pillar, grumpily dragging yourself back to class in anger after.
    After your final class of the day, Changbin waited for you at the bench near the entrance where you guys had always met up. He beamed with ecstasy once he saw you, but you quickly brushed past him and continued walking completely shunning his existence. His smile progressed into a frown once he realized that you were not in your usual mood.
    He ran in front of you and blocked any further movements.
    “Y/n, are you okay?” He asked with a concerning expression.
    You didn’t say anything and only continued scowling.
    “Come on. You know you can tell me anything,” He encouraged.
    You of course, continued to be silent for a few more seconds because you honestly couldn’t get anything out due to how enraged you were feeling on the inside.
    “You liar!”  you slapped his chest with literally no strength at all as your tears escaped at the same time.
    “Wait hold up, what did I lie about?” He was in complete confusion.
    “I saw it, Changbin. You and her at the garden. How could you let her make a move on you like that.”
    His face showed that it wasn’t really clicking with him until he thought more about it.
    “Who did I let make a move on me? Minji? I was only helping her, Y/n. Please don’t misunderstand. The class was getting really loud and we needed a quieter place, so I asked the instructor if it would be fine if me and her went somewhere else.”
    “So you just let her be all up on you like that? She was clearly hitting on you, Changbin. How do you not see it?” School was no place to be emotional, but here you were, bawling like a little baby at the entrance of the school as Changbin tries to comfort you. You guys definitely weren’t getting weird stares. Nope.
    “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know you thought of it like that. Cause I didn’t. I just thought of her as another student that needed help. I’m sorry Y/n, if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t do it on purpose I swear, because in my mind, there’s no one else but you. I know I like to boast all the time but I only do it as a joke because you seem to like it. I would never in a million year think of hurting your feelings. Hundreds of other girls could give me attention or like me, but none of them matters if they’re not you. I only love you, Y/n.”
    His words made you immediately stopped sobbing as if your broken heart has been patched up.
    “R-really? You mean it?” You pout.
    “Of course, silly. I would never think about being with someone else but you. Never.” He leveled your face with his.
    “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. Just seeing another girl being intimate with you kind of tugged something in me.” you awkwardly chuckled.
    “Aww. My baby was jealous. Not going to lie, you’re kind of cute when you’re upset,” He teased you.
    “Changbin!” you slapped his shoulder in retaliation.
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    Between the both of you guys, Hyunjin had always been the one who had the upper hand in almost everything when it came to catching others attention. Anything ranging from looks, to talent, or even intelligence, you can admit he’s got it better than you do.
    Going out to public places, you quickly got used to getting stares from other girls or even old Aunties who would comment on how good looking your boyfriend was, and how lucky you were to have him. They weren’t wrong, you were of course very lucky to have someone like Hyunjin who was definitely way too good for you. You didn’t take it to heart very much that other girls have eyes for him the way you do, because he’s made it distinctly known that he only saw you. Jealousy in the relationship was a bigger problem for you than for him at the beginning, because compared to him, you were not as sought after.
    The whole duration of your guys relationship, he never had to deal with any actual threat or competition that he could possibly lose you, or that you would find someone else more intriguing than him because he was always accustomed to you having your whole attention toward him whenever he was in the room. So that was why when the opportunity finally present itself, he found himself developing a sort of ill feeling that he wasn’t familiar with. A feeling that left a bitter taste in his mouth, one that turned his vision red when he wasn’t a violent person in the first place.
    You had been talking about this friend all week, reminiscing the past to Hyunjin about all the crazy things you and this friend did back in the days. Hyunjin being the amazing boyfriend he usually is, was very supportive of course. You haven’t seen this friend in years ever since his family moved away to another city.
    He called you a few days ago to let you know he’ll be back in Seoul, visiting for a few days and wanted to catch up. How could you let this chance pass by. The person that was there for you when you had your darker days, the person that ran miles through the rain when you needed him, there’s no way you would say no.
    Hyunjin was more than happy to accompany you to the Mall although you did assure him he didn’t have to, as you didn’t want to bother him if he had plans, but he was persistent he wanted to meet your friend and get to know one another. Since he agreed to everything, you thought might as well introduce them to each other.
    But Hyunjin’s cheerful and optimistic aura rapidly changed into a stinging one when your friend ran up to you with a hug, and oh boy did your friend looked nothing like Hyunjin had drew in his head. In his head, he was a she. The person that was arms deep within your hug didn’t have long flowing hair, nor did he looked very feminine like he had pictured. He was growing some kind of hatred for this stranger that he barely even knew, and it was only solidified more when you would get so engaged in conversation with your friend, you would forget for a moment Hyunjin was even there. 
    The way you laughed at his jokes mirrored how you would exactly react to Hyunjin’s whenever he said something funny. He hated how your friend would sometimes pull you so close to him and you would just go along with it. Hyunjin literally felt invisible. This friend of yours managed to shrink you and Hyunjin’s year long relationship into what felt like you both only knew each other for weeks. Hyunjin could tell just by his body languages and actions that this friend knew you for years. And then he just felt like nothing. Hyunjin was nothing compared to this friend of yours, and he was mad at himself, mad at you, mad at him, mad at everything.
    He was so tangled up in his own train of thoughts that he hadn’t even realized you have been trying to call him.
    “Hyunjin!” you pinched his arm not too hard.
    “Oh I’m sorry, what.”
    “Do you want ice cream?” You asked him.
    “I’m good no thank you,” He answered completely uninterested.
    “But you love ice cream, Hyunjin. Are you sure?” you tried to get a confirmation just one last time.
    “Yes, I am sure.” He rolled his eyes as if he’s being pestered by an annoying bug. It wasn’t what he said but it was the way he said it. He was giving you attitude and you didn’t like it at all.
    “Okay geez, just a no would’ve done.” you frowned.
    Hyunjin has his days, but he’s usually self composed when it came to your friends. He had always been nice and pretty kind if someone was close to you since you were his girlfriend, but he was different today. He was hushed and soundless, not at all like the Hyunjin you knew.
    “What flavor would you like, Y/n?” Sanghyun, your friend asked.
    “Mhmm. Any flavor will do.”
    “I’ll get mint for the both of us then, if that’s fine with you.” Sanghyun looked for an answer in your eyes.
    “Yeah, that’s fine.” You nodded.
    You were not too cool with the flavor but you haven’t seen your friend in a while and it wouldn’t hurt to just take it this one time, for him. It didn’t bother you too much that he might’ve forgotten. It’s been a while.
    Hyunjin was beyond confusion. For as long as he knew you, you hated mint. Absolutely refused to eat it whenever he took you out, and now all of a sudden you’re fine with it? For him?
    “But I thought you hate mint. So what? You suddenly like it now because he suggested it?” Hyunjin fired, as if he was ridiculing you.
    For a second you thought you forgot to clean your ears, because you refuse to acknowledge that Hyunjin was actually trying to cause a scene right now, in the mall, with your friend by your side, in front of all these people.
    “What’s up with you today, Hyunjin. Giving me an attitude when I asked a simple question and now this? If you have a problem, you can tell me. No need to make a scene,” you scolded him, utterly embarrassed by your boyfriend’s action.
    Sanghyun looked terrified down to his toes just glaring you guys down.
    “Fine, I’ll tell you what my problem is.” And without your consent, Hyunjin somehow managed to drag you all the way to the parking lot against your protest.
    “Let go, Hyunjin!” you threw his hold off of you.
    “What the hell is your problem? You made me look like an absolutely fool back there. How do you think Sanghyun feels now, seeing how much of an asshat my boyfriend is acting after all those stories I told him about how you’re the most kind and caring person ever,” you raised your voice, too irritated at this point to even care if anyone heard you.
    “Well, I probably wouldn’t be acting like this in the first place if you had made it clearer that your friend was a freaking guy.”
    “Really, Hyunjin. Is this what it’s about? That my friend is a guy? That’s it? I’m sorry but, if you’re going to act childish and jealous because you can’t handle me being friends with the opposite gender, then that’s your problem. Not mine. Besides, we don’t even like each other like that. He was one of my only friend back when I had nobody. He was there for me when no one else was. I don’t see anything else in him but the same guy back then who was like a best friend to me.”
    You had hope you knocked some sense into him. Your tone turning from furious to more serious.
    “I don’t care if he was your friend from back then or whatever. You have me now. I don’t like the way he looks at you, or act around you. I never act like that around any other females.”
    You were this close. This close to just straight punching him and running him over with his own car. The person you were talking to right now and yesterday was the difference between day and night. You think that might’ve been the shittiest thing Hyunjin has ever said since you’ve known him and you were denying it yourself that it came out of his mouth.
    “Oh go cry me a river, Hyunjin! When I was telling you the details of my past friendship before you even knew the gender, you were rooting for me, but now that you know it’s a guy you’re all of a sudden acting like a little bitch? Why does it matter whether it’s a guy or a girl?” You questioned his integrity, but most of all, you were just in disbelief.
    “Fine, whatever. Suit yourself.” He sarcastically threw his hands up in the air in defeat and drove away without final words from you. Unfuckingbelievable. He was like a little child throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get what he wanted.
    You didn’t want to leave Sanghyun hanging, but if you were to be frank, Hyunjin totally killed all the good vibes within you and left you with no motivation or energy to do anything else. You made way back to the ice cream court and simply apologized to Sanghyun on yours and Hyunjin’s behalf. He didn’t mind too much and only wished you luck on the relationship. It was a bummer that he was leaving tomorrow already and the only day he was free to spend it with you, your man child “boyfriend” had to go and ruin it all.
    When you entered the lonely atmosphere of your hollowed apartment, Hyunjin’s well being did crossed your mind because he was notorious for being quite stupid, always acting on his feelings whenever he was upset. You never had to worry too much before though because it was only on rare occasions where his head would be so far up his ass, but you knew this time was one of those occasion. But you were mad at him as well. Never in a million years could you picture him ever saying those nasty things.
    You settled down on the couch and eventually put your mind and body to rest. Today’s been a long day and you needed that nap more than anything. You had called Jeongin and Chan to notify them of what happened and to keep an eye out for Hyunjin in case, before closing your eyes and seeing black.
    When you were finally conscious enough, the only thing that made its existence clear, was the sound of traffic outside your window. You may have overslept just a tiny bit. Rubbing your eyes to get a better view of your surroundings, you felt a weight on you as you struggled to get up. Turning towards your left, you found Hyunjin completely knocked out and slouched against you with his head on your shoulder and his arms around your waist. Right, Hyunjin had a spare key to your apartment.
    He looked like an absolute angel that fell from heaven, almost as great as the day he conquered your heart. He was adorable and quite resembles a puppy when he’s not spurting all those hateful words. You needed to use the restroom bad so you made an effort to untangle him off of you but just as you were about to get up, a strong force wrapped you back down. 
    “Ahhh! I thought you were asleep.” you faced him with bulging eyes.
    “I was.” He calmly replied, his arms still around you.
    “Bummer. I like it when you’re peaceful and not so angry. You are cuter that way,” you purposely jabbed.
    “I’m sorry. I really am. I wasn’t thinking at the moment and just acted on emotions. I’m really sorry y/n. I was angry when I drove off but when I got home, I just kept thinking and thinking and the more I thought, the stupider I realize I was... please forgive me.” he pouted and rested his head on your shoulder.
    “Oh you big baby. Don’t try to bribe me with your cuteness now. You made Sanghyun scare of you and today was his only free day to catch up,” you scolded him as you pinched his cheeks.
    “I won’t ever do that again, I swear. I’ll be better next time. I was just... jealous when I saw another guy acting close to you. It makes me scare that I’m going to lose you. I know I was wrong. But I just want you to know I’m sorry.” He said it softly but also with shame.
    “Oh dear. There’s nobody else I love more than you. If anything, I should be the one scared to lose you.”
    “I only love you, y/n.” He looked into your eyes and did that little smile that always makes your heart weak. The one where his dimples would pop out.
    “I love you too, Hyunjin. Now let me go, I need to pee.”
Part 2 for the remaining members coming soon
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illuminatedquill · 3 years
Extracurricular, An Analysis
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Oh Ji-soo and Bae Gyu-ri
“Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is sign on as it’s accomplice.”  - Tom Robbins 
You know the story. You’ve heard it before, right? 
Boy meets girl. 
Girl finds out that boy is running a side protection business for prostitutes. 
Girl decides to blackmail boy into letting her join his business. 
Classic high school criminal shenanigans ensue leading them into more dangerous situations where they are forced to make desperate decisions to stay alive. 
Oh, and they fall in love along the way. 
Oh? You haven’t heard this one before? Then let me introduce you to this delightful kdrama called Extracurricular. 
I watched this one while waiting for the newest Hometown Cha Cha Cha episodes to drop and ended up binging the whole series in two days. There are many remarkable parts of this series: it’s a crime drama, first and foremost, that showcases high school teenagers caught in a cycle of violence and crime, abandoned by the society and adults that are supposed to be protecting them. There are no clear good guys and bad guys in this drama; everyone is cast in shades of grey. Our main leads, Oh Ji-soo and Bae Gyu-ri, run the prostitution business, and are both from broken family backgrounds. Their actions are morally questionable at best, but the top tier performances from Kim Dong Hee (you might remember him from Itaewon Class) and Park Ju Hyun make you cheer for them anyway. You want them to have a happy ending, despite the horrible things they do. The audience is always reminded that despite how clever they are in staying ahead, their actions have consequences, and they’re just high school kids. The drama never pulls it punches. 
But, weirdly enough, it’s also a love story. And that’s the part the really sticks with me until now. (The chemistry between the main leads is absolute dynamite and I could watch ten episodes of them just verbally sparring with each other. They don’t even kiss. They’re that fantastic when together on screen.)
I’m writing this because this is undoubtedly one of my all time favorite kdramas and I have a lot of feelings about our main pairing, Ji-soo and Gyu-ri. I can’t call them a couple (wait, didn’t I just say they fall in love) because their relationship can’t be labelled simply as that. Think of it as something similar to the main leads in My Ahjussi. Two people who should have become soulmates, yet met at the wrong time. 
This kdrama is not particularly happy, and while I do encourage people to watch this, I am warning that the subject matter is extremely dark. If you’re sensitive to scenes depicting sexual assault, graphic violence, or anything in that zip code you’ll want to steer clear. 
Also, I’ll be diving into spoiler territory in this analysis. So if you want to go in clean, then stop reading here. 
Still here? Awesome. Let’s dive deep into the messy, amazing pairing that is Oh Ji-soo and Bae Gyu-ri. First, let’s do a brief character background on our two main leads, starting with Ji-soo. 
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Oh Ji-soo is one half of our main pairing and this story starts with him. He lives by himself and has been essentially abandoned by his only parents; his father is a failed businessman who gambles whatever money he acquires on scams and his mother ran away. His apartment is small, sparse, but functional. He owns only a few outfits aside from his school uniform. The only unique item he owns is a pet hermit crab that he takes care of. His life outside of school is non-existent; he has no friends, no one to hang out with and do typical high school teenager activities with. He takes care of himself and lives only for himself and his “dream”: to graduate, attend college, get married, and have kids like a normal person. 
But to do that, he needs a large amount of money. He has no other financial means to do so (his father is largely absent, as is his mother), so he decides, at some point, to start up this protection business for prostitutes. The drama doesn’t go into detail about the how and why he came to this conclusion that this was the best way to make a lot of money in a short amount of time, so you’ll have to suspend your disbelief from the get go. Considering the themes of the story (how youths abandoned by society tend to act out in extreme ways to make it in this world), it’s not hard to believe his desperation would drive him to make such a decision. 
Ji-soo, despite his shady business, is actually a decent person. There’s a streak of humanity that exists inside him that refuses to go out, despite the increasingly dark and bleak events that start to overtake his life. He’s attached to his hermit crab, cares for his “employees” outside of them being tools to make him money, and doesn’t want to see anyone get hurt. He goes above and beyond what’s required to help out people at the risk of his own life (in particular, Gyu-ri, and we’ll get into that shortly). 
What we learn from the first few episodes is that Oh Ji-soo is extremely smart and methodical in how he approaches his life. At school, he is known as a model student - quiet, top of the class in terms of grades, doesn’t draw any attention to himself, always follows along with what the teachers ask of him. Only his homeroom teacher, Mr. Cho, seems to consider his quiet style of existence to be concerning and tries to make him less socially awkward by pairing him up with another student in a new extracurricular club. This leads to the introduction of Bae Gyu-ri, Ji-soo’s longtime crush and future partner-in-crime. 
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Meet Bae Gyu-ri, the other half of our dynamic duo. Her introduction into the story kickstarts the entire plot, as one of her earliest actions leads to a domino effect that spells increasing doom and tragedy for our main leads. She messes with Ji-soo’s operation at a critical moment and she spends the rest of the drama doing her best to make up for the consequences that follow. 
In my personal opinion, she is probably the best main female lead I’ve ever seen in a kdrama. Hands down, no other character exists (currently) that rivals her sheer cunning, wit, and badassery. Gyu-ri is Crazy, capital C, and is the chaos to Ji-soo’s control; the fire to his ice. Despite being the direct cause of half the events that happen to Ji-soo in the drama, he can’t help but need her because of what she offers. They make an incredible team. Her competitiveness, her need to win no matter the odds, helps them survive time and time again. 
Gyu-ri is from the opposite end of the spectrum of Ji-soo; he’s dirt poor and she’s insanely rich (always nice to see a reversal of typical kdrama tropes). Her mother and father run a successful entertainment company. Gyu-ri is popular at school, friends with seemingly everybody, pretty, cheerful and gets along well with her teachers. Ji-soo, and the audience, believe from the beginning that she has the perfect life. It’s not hard to believe that she’s just involving herself in Ji-soo’s business because she’s bored and needs an outlet, at first. 
We soon learn otherwise. Gyu-ri has more in common with Ji-soo than he initially realizes, in that they’re both trapped in circumstances beyond their control - it’s just that Gyu-ri’s cage is gilded, whereas his is not. Her parents are strict and have her life planned out for her, all without her consent or input, leaving her feeling frustrated and powerless despite her rich lifestyle. A suicide attempt hasn’t done much to change her parents attitude towards her, only serving to further their control over her life. 
So, when she learns of Ji-soo’s operation she immediately seeks to angle her way into it. First, she tries to rip him off, believing that he’s an evil “pimp” and thus deserves it. But after spending some time with him, she changes her mind last second and decides to help him out instead. 
And, now, let’s get into their relationship, which is one of the best (if not the best) aspect in the entire series. 
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I need to be upfront about something: the relationship between Ji-soo and Gyu-ri is not exactly healthy. I wouldn’t describe it as toxic - the circumstances surrounding them aren’t exactly the best environment to encourage open and honest communication - but it’s definitely not what should be considered ideal, especially for young adults, and especially for young adults who are dabbling in crime instead of studying. 
So, why do I love them so much? If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that I loathe toxic relationships in kdramas, so I understand if you think I’m coming off as hypocritical here. Why do I like Oh Ji-soo and Bae Gyu-ri when I didn’t like, for example from recent history, (oh boy, here I go again on my Nevertheless BS) Park Jae-eon and Yu Na-bi?
First, Ji-soo and Gyu-ri are way cooler than Jae-eon and Na-bi ever could be. They run a criminal enterprise that involves having a high amount of intelligence, cunning, and daring to do so. Do Jae-eon and Na-bi run a criminal enterprise as a side business? No, they don’t, because they’re boring art students. 
Secondly, Ji-soo and Gyu-ri actually progress in their relationship and change their views as they learn from each other. Now, granted, that progress isn’t towards becoming better versions of each other - quite the opposite. But at least they have progress. Jae-eon and Na-bi stayed in the same stupid cycle for the whole series and then decided that it was better staying that way as opposed to trying for something else. 
Last, but certainly not least, Ji-soo and Gyu-ri are actually interesting to watch for me. The chemistry between Park Ju Hyun and Kim Dong Hee is explosive and they way they spar, exchange looks, and just generally exist around each other on screen is something I can watch forever. I’ve said this before but Han So Hee and Song Kang’s on screen chemistry, outside of their intimate scenes, really didn’t impress me. 
Okay, back to Extracurricular. This relationship, man. It’s all I can think about (other than HomeCha’s Du-sik and Hye-jin, but that’s another post). Ji-soo and Gyu-ri are so good together. 
I’ve noted before that Ji-soo is methodical in how he approaches his life; he plans out everything ahead, and rigs any situation as much as he can in his favor. It’s brilliant, but when a crisis happens, he doesn’t know how to deal with it effectively. He panics and flounders; becomes indecisive at a time when clear, decisive action is required. 
Enter Gyu-ri. She quickly becomes the partner he never knew he needed. When there’s a situation, she becomes invaluable in her quick thinking and wit, coming up with solutions on the fly. It’s not perfect, but it keeps them just one small step ahead of whatever is coming their way. 
The only thing preventing them from becoming unstoppable is the lack of communication and trust they have with each other. A lot of that has to do with how Gyu-ri entered Ji-soo’s business - she blackmailed him first, and, when that failed, she strong armed her way into getting him to accept her help. It’s implied in the drama that Ji-soo has had a crush on Gyu-ri for a while (since ninth grade, I believe) and in the first episode he actually gets the chance to spend time with her outside of school on a sort of quasi-date. 
It goes sideways pretty quickly because of some shenanigans from his business, but not before she gets to know him and says some pretty touching words regarding his situation. Poor guy is head over heels - even after finding out that she’s the one blackmailing him, his feelings are only dampened, not extinguished. When he catches a glimpse of her family’s situation, he gains a deeper understanding of her and why she acts the way she does. Even more importantly, Ji-soo treats her the same after finding out this information which, to someone like Gyu-ri, means more than if he comforted her about it. 
If you want to see a physical representation of how he feels, other than paying attention to his actions, you can see it in him keeping mementos from Gyu-ri. She has an interesting habit of folding bags into origami shapes and giving it to him. Even after the blackmail reveal, you can see that he continues to keep these in a container on his desk. It’s really cute that he keeps these, when it probably doesn’t even matter that much to Gyu-ri. 
Towards the end of the drama, Ji-soo prepares to turn himself in to prevent Gyu-ri from being implicated in the crimes they committed. And it costs him almost everything to protect her. Ji-soo, the quiet, nerdy kid, puts himself on the line time and time again to protect Gyu-ri, knowing that it puts his life and his dream at risk to do so. And all for what? For some girl that he thinks doesn’t even like him in return? 
Well, let’s talk about that. Because I’ve seen some comments that Gyu-ri was only using Ji-soo for her own selfish gain. And I can agree that was how it was at the beginning for her; she definitely was only interested in acquiring money, like Ji-soo was, in order to achieve her own goal of being free from her parents. 
But, oh man, that is not what is motivating her at the end. 
It’s actually pointed out relatively early by some of her friends that it’s obvious that she likes Ji-soo more than he likes her. Understandably Ji-soo is keeping her at arms length from him given the whole recent blackmailing, so it would make sense that it looks that way. 
Further questioning reveals what she likes the most about him: 
“It’s not like I’m crazy about him. He’s fun. And amusing. He’s smart. And there’s a certain charm he has. He also has a wolfish side to him. But he thinks he’s a puppy.” 
- Bae Gyu-ri
But, as she gets to know Ji-soo better, you can certainly see that she starts to fall hard for him. As a cover story for why they hang out so much together during and after school, Gyu-ri states to everyone that they’re dating. The reactions across the school definitely imply that this is a shocking development, which means that Gyu-ri hasn’t dated anyone before. So why Ji-soo other than the reasons she herself states? 
He challenges her, just as she challenges him. Gyu-ri may be the more dynamic, quick thinking of the pair but Ji-soo is every inch her intellectual equal - just in different ways. She doesn’t seem to be the type to be easily impressed, but you can tell that she’s definitely impressed by Ji-soo’s operation and how thoroughly set up it is. When Ji-soo is frustrated at the beginning by his setbacks, he blows up at another student (knocks him out in a crazy punch) and immediately walks over to Gyu-ri afterwards (who saw the whole thing) to inform her that she is now his partner in crime. 
The look in her eyes, and the small smirk she has speaks volumes about her attraction to him in that scene. Smoldering. 
And, oh yes, she’s prone to jealousy. Another classmate, Min-hee, gives Ji-soo a present out of the blue (it was supposed to be for her boyfriend, Ki-tae, but that’s another sub-plot) - all within view of Gyu-ri. It’s hilarious how she tries to brush it off. Later, for plot reasons, Ji-soo has to spend more time with Min-hee which only furthers Gyu-ri’s annoyance. 
And her motivations stop being entirely about the money and more towards helping preserve the dream that she and Ji-soo share about being free. There’s a scene in episode 8 where it’s revealed that, due to a business partnership with a local gang (set up by none other than Gyu-ri herself in a desperate move), Ji-soo would have to drop out of school permanently to work on their behalf. Gyu-ri overhears this and, despite badly needing the gang’s help in sustaining their own business, immediately terminates the partnership. 
All because it would interfere with Ji-soo’s dream. 
Man, if that isn’t love. 
In the following episode, Gyu-ri, and later on Ji-soo, is kidnapped by the same gang in retaliation for terminating their partnership. Ji-soo comes to her rescue but Gyu-ri is already almost free (again, she’s really, really badass) and is demanding that they bring Ji-soo to her instead of running for her life. 
Surviving this latest attempt puts the two in a reflective, vulnerable mood and Gyu-ri asks Ji-soo why he keeps saving her. Ji-soo asks later on why she keeps risking her life to be with him. They don’t say the answer in words but in an almost kiss (yeah, you read that right - almost). 
And then, if you aren’t already convinced, Ji-soo crosses his one last remaining line in an effort to keep Gyu-ri safe; he accidentally pushes a fellow classmate down some steps and, instead of helping her, leaves her to die after grabbing the evidence she has on him and Gyu-ri. 
Extracurricular pulls off quite the magic trick here, hiding this well done love story in the middle of a serious crime drama. 
The real tragedy is that Ji-soo thinks that Gyu-ri views this whole business, and by extension his life, as one big game. It’s something that she takes offense at, visibly becoming upset when he says that. 
But even if that were true, he should be assured since Gyu-ri doesn’t like to lose. 
As they hurtle towards the end and face up to the consequences of their actions, Ji-soo and Gyu-ri undoubtedly lose sight of their original goals and dreams. They do some fairly horrible things to stay alive and ahead of the police who are close on their trail. You can’t really blame them for doing what they did; in the face of a society that has abandoned them, what they’re doing is a logical outcome to gain what they want so desperately and deserve so much: the chance to be free to live like normal, care-free people. 
I can’t say for certain that they achieve that. The drama is serious in consequences and, at the end, the net around them is drawing tighter and tighter. I won’t spoil the ending scene for you, because I highly encourage you watch this drama yourself but I will say this: Ji-soo and Gyu-ri seem stuck in an impossible situation with nowhere to go, and no one to help them, with a clock ticking down towards either death or discovery by the police. 
But, all the same, I’m always the optimist. They’ve gotten through situations like this before and they can certainly do so again. Maybe not as bad as this one, but not too far out of their league. And, like I mentioned before, Gyu-ri doesn’t like to lose. Especially when it comes to Ji-soo. 
Their relationship is truly dangerous, as Ji-soo himself notes. Them being together is the source of their problems; they’re too much alike now, as opposed to the beginning of the drama where he stated that they’re too different. Their love is the kind of love where both of them are willing to burn the whole world down if it means keeping each other safe. 
I’m a real sucker for those kind of love stories. No one’s a hero here. They’re just kids in high school, doing the best with what they know. 
Who are we to judge what is right and wrong? Especially when the one committing the acts are high school kids who don’t know any better and just want to save each other? 
Do we have that right? 
Do they really deserve that punishment? Shouldn’t we be pointing fingers at the society that forced them to act this way? 
Extracurricular really makes you think about that. Is it really so outlandish and terrible what Ji-soo and Gyu-ri do to survive when the adults who are supposed to be protecting them, teaching them better, have failed in their duty? 
Maybe they really did win at the end. Not so much in succeeding in their goals but in gaining something that not even regular people are likely to find - a partner, a soulmate, someone who will stand by you no matter what. 
If you do watch the ending, and are not an optimist like I am, then all I can say is this: whatever happened, they were together at the end. 
They were together. 
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linkspooky · 4 years
Shigaraki’s Plus Ultra
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Chapter 281. The chapter is called “Plus Ultra” because Shigaraki is showing the same Plus Ultra determination the heroes always show. It’s the same scene. Deku screaming after the Muscle fight is a direct parallel to the way Shigaraki screams here the pose is exactly the same. It’s y’know, a parallel? Them boys are the same. Horikoshi loves setting up parallels. Now the villain of the story is parallelling the hero of the story, continuing to fight against an impossibly strong enemy even while his body is breaking down and everybody else is begging him to just give up already. Shigaraki is just another hero of the story, he has an origin that motivates him (like Bakugo, Shoto, Deku) he has a group of friends that he fights for, and now he’s going way beyond plus ultra to defeat the bad guy in front of him. 
1. Muscle Fight
There are several parallels to the muscle fight within this scene which was Deku’s first big solo moment as a hero in the manga. 
The first is that we’re getting a repetition of the idea that heroes hurt their own families to save total strangers. Deku is told directly that Kouta’s parents chose to die as heroes to save a random civilian rather than come home alive for the child who should have been their first priority. 
Yes, it’s not like it would have been right to let a random person die but still. The two parents knew being heroes was a high-risk occupation. They chose to have a child, then they chose to take that risk and not have the child be their first priority. Kouta’s bitterness is over the fact his parents chose to be heroes rather than be his parents. 
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Shigaraki’s words and situation mirror Kouta’s, because Shigaraki is the analog of all abused children in the story. Himiko, Dabi, Hawks, Kouta, even Eri they are all meant to foil Shigaraki. Shigaraki is a victim of the current hero society, and he’s also a metaphor for all the other victims. He and Kouta says these things because they’ve both been through it. Kouta’s parents hurt him by not making him their top priority. Nana Shimura chose to be a hero, instead of retiring as a hero and being a mother to her son and going into hiding with him and that’s something Kotaro and then Shigaraki faced the consequences of. 
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Shigaraki knows that hero’s don’t save people, and instead focus on punishing problem elements to maintain a status quo in society because he’s lived it. Kouta doesn’t see why his parents were out being heroes in the first place when they could have been at home raising him. Shigaraki lived in a busy town filled with heroes, and yet with a surplus of heroes running around on the street no hero even tried to save him.
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It’s not because Shigaraki did anything wrong, he was a five-year-old kid. It’s because saving him would have been difficult, he was ugly, he was dirty. Shigaraki is saying that collectively hero society works by ignoring what the real problems are, and instead, everybody focuses on the glamour of heroes and pretends everything is okay. When heroes don’t even need to exist in the first place. That’s what Kouta says as well. His parents didn’t need to be heroes. If you choose to bring a child into the world, your first priority should be that child because they are completely dependent on you. The child doesn’t have a choice, the parents do. 
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“Heroes hurt their families to help complete strangers” is also a rallying call to show that heroes aren’t protecting the people most in need of protecting, people like Shigaraki, Dabi, Kouta, who are all the biggest victims were also people who were literally related to heroes but didn’t get saved. Heroes don’t save the people they are obligated to save. We see this repeated time and time again. Endeavor cared more about being a hero than his own family, to the point where he neglected two children, let Touya die, and then beat up his own son in “training” for most of his life. Shimura Nana abandoned her child and left him with lifelong scars. 
It’s not just that the heroes are flawed though, or that they fail sometimes. If it was just that, then Shigaraki’s response wouldn’t be merited. 
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Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, and Himiko the people who have suffered under the system the most have been repeating the same criticisms again and again. One, the system still allows abuses to happen (Heroes hurt their own families) and two Heroes don’t actually fight to protect victims they fight to protect the system itself (Heroes don’t save people). 
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If heroes don’t save their own families and the people closest to them, and they don’t save the people who are the biggest victims of the system then who are the pro heroes saving? 
Heroes are not defending people, but rather the hero system itself. The hero system convinces people that it needs to exist when it doesn’t keep general peace, and rather than actually trying to improve the society they instead keep the conflict between heroes and villains going because that conflict convinces the masses that the hero system is needed. It’s as Kouta says, people are going to keep calling themselves heroes and villains and fighting each other forever and it’s stupid. 
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This system feeds into itself. Shigaraki is literally telling us what happens. People like Twice, Himiko, Dabi, Spinner all get cast out for not meeting society’s standards. They eventually get radicalized and fight back and retaliate against a system that has been violent to them. Then the heroes put them down. Then, more people get cast out. As Shigaraki says, this system is just going to keep perpetuating itself forever. Heroes don’t protect people, they protect the system that is in place first and foremost. 
Anyway, back to the Deku and Kouta scene. A hero tries to kill a child. 
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Deku, even though he’s fighting all alone with no back up at all against an enemy FAR MORE POWERFUL than him, just WON’T STOP FIGHTING. 
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Shigaraki faces enemies who are trying to kill him. However, just like that Deku, he WON’T GIVE UP, even when his body is far past the point of breaking. Shigaraki is told to die, just give up and die, over and over again by everyone around him but he keeps fighting against that. 
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Deku’s number one priority is that he has to fight back against the villain who killed both of Kouta’s parents in order to save an abused child. 
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Shigaraki is that abused child, fighting back. Muscle was someone willing to kill a child. Who is Shigaraki fighting against now? Three people who made a choice to harm children.
Gran Torino chose to do nothing when Nana abandoned her child, and then never checked up on that child after she died. He chose to help Nana, rather than helping the child she abandoned. 
Endeavor abused Shoto in order to make a hero that can surpass All Might. He chose to be the number one hero, rather than Shoto’s father. He also only chose to have a family to benefit himself and his ambitions in the first place.
Aizawa Shota literally had a friend die on a hero internship and knows the dangers of it, but he chose to let the kids all come along into a warzone and fight against villains who will be trying their best to kill them. 
Not only is Shigaraki Kouta, but there’s also a scene where Kouta gets victim-blamed. 
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The question asked is who is at fault. 
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We see the same victim-blaming behavior done by the heroes this time. It’s Shigaraki’s fault for being born, being kidnapped by AFO, for manifesting a destructive quirk, it’s what Shigaraki is told over and over again. 
And the abusers who Shigaraki is fighting against all have no reaction. Endeavor literally has no self-awareness when he hears Shigaraki say “My father told me heroes hurt their own families in order to save random strangers.” Even though... that’s exactly what Endeavor did. 
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Gran Torino’s dying flashback shows us just that. He blamed Shigaraki, not because Shigaraki was at fault but because he just couldn’t admit that he was the one who made the wrong choice. Gran Torino is literally partially to blame for what happened to Shigaraki, the same way Kouta is directly confronted by the villain who killed his parents. 
Shigaraki is having his plus Ultra moment right now. He’s struggling against an impossible enemy all alone and trying to bear the conflict on his shoulders. He even physically parallels the actions of several heroes. He did the “Plus Ultra” pose with the wrong arm like Endeavor did after defeating the high end. (One step further, he parallels the High-End fight by getting up and continuing to fight even after being horribly scarred by the enemy). He is giving him all fighting against a villain, that villain is just all of hero society. 
2. Two Heroes
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All Might suggested that what Deku is lacking in as a hero, he can find and make up for by recognizing that quality in someone else and working together with them. However, Deku’s problem isn’t really that he’s not obsessing enough over his personal strength. Like, get stronger has basically been Deku’s objective since chapter one. 
Bakugo isn’t the deuteragonist of this story, Shigaraki is. Shigaraki is the second hero that Deku needs to recognize. The reason why is simple, Deku has this strong urge to save people, but he doesn’t know what saving people really means. He thinks saving people is swooping in to defeat a bad guy and that’s it. 
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Deku can’t tell Kouta anything of substance, because he doesn’t understand Kouta’s problems, which is exactly what Shigaraki himself says. The thing is Deku is participating in the victim-blaming here. Deku says that it’s KOUTA’s FAULT because KOUTA IS THE ONE REJECTING OTHERS. However, it’s the other way around. It’s Kouta’s parents who first rejected him. Then it was everybody who praised Kouta’s parents as heroes when they failed their responsibility for their children.  They’re incapable of understanding because they haven’t suffered it. 
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Deku only knows his limited perspective of the world. He rejects the perspectives of people like Shigaraki. He says Shigaraki is someone impossible to understand but we know that’s not the case, because not only is Shigaraki Deku’s strongest foil in the story they literally have the same origin point, they both wanted to be heroes when everyone told them they couldn’t. The only difference is this, Deku got saved, and Shigaraki didn’t. As someone who got saved, Deku can’t understand the feelings of those who don’t get saved. 
However, it goes beyond that. Why does Shigaraki say that heroes are incapable of understanding the feelings of villains? The question to ask with structures of power is to look at who benefits. Endeavor faces no consequences for his actions towards his family, even though he at least admits that he made a whoopsie. Everybody else still sees Endeavor as a hero within society. Endeavor retains his position because society is built to keep heroes in place. Society is structured in a way that everyone will stay in the same position. The heroes remain, heroes, the muck remains the muck. The power structure has to stay in place no matter what, so people operating within society make choices to keep the power structure in place rather than doing what is right or wrong. 
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People aren’t protecting people, but rather the structures in place. The structures that are in place, currently as they are benefits people like Endeavor. Endeavor is successful by all marks of society. He has a high case rate of solves, he is wealthy, he has enough influence to throw around that he can fast track his kid to the best school possible. Endeavor is what society tells us a good, successful person is like, but we know he’s rotten as a person. 
The society that Shigaraki talks about is already broken. It’s just the people who feel the most effects of society’s broken nature, are its biggest victims. Society already broke for Shigaraki, it already broke for Dabi, it already broke for Himiko. Deku and friends can pretend everything is fine and wipe everything under the rug because they haven’t suffered that way.  Even those who have like Shoto mostly keep quiet about their situations. Shoto’s path so far inside the hero system has been conforming with what his father wants of him, interning at his agency. Even those who genuinely have been hurt exist in an environment that encourages them to keep their hurt feelings quiet for the benefit of everyone and conform more. Everybody always telling Shoto what a good hero his father is, and generally being completely ignorant of what his father did to him, even people like All MIght, is a pressuring force that tells him to ignore how the system has failed him. Deku is surrounded by people who either haven’t been victimized at all or who are “good victims” which are either completely innocent children who present an uncomplicated image of an abused child to be saved. (Here’s a hint most real-life abused children act nothing like Eri, a lot of abused children develop violent tendencies, lash out, and act out because the violence they’ve endured literally stunts the growth of their brains). Or the people are “good victims” who like Todoroki Shoto still try to become heroes even when the hero system has failed them. Deku has no reason to question his actions or the actions of the people around him because as long as you’re a hero you are on the side the benefits for the most part. People who are secure of their position within their society don’t really need to question the feelings of those who are insecure. 
They haven’t been hurt. They also don’t really want to understand the feelings of those who have been hurt. Because, Hero Society is all about protecting institutions, symbols, and not actual people. THIS IS WHY we see something so ridiculous as Endeavor literally hearing “Heroes hurt their own families - my father told me that” and yet, SOMEHOW NOT REALIZING THAT THOSE WORDS APPLY TO HIM AS WELL. Even though that’s literally... exactly what he did. 
Not only does Hero Society only try to save good victims, but when Hero Society fails to save people, the bad victims are actively dehumanized and made out to be at fault for their own victimhood. Citation: The many many time's Gran Torino suggested five-year-old Shigaraki Tomura was just born evil, and therefore there’s nothing that can be done. 
This is because once again the actual focus of hero society is not in addressing problems, but rather blaming the ills of society on a few problem elements. If we could just get rid of those baddies who are causing problems for everybody else society would be fixed. 
So people like Twice are forced into impossible situations.  His parents are killed by Villains. He’s fired from his job even though he was obeying traffic laws and the person he hit wasn’t.  He ended up homeless on the street as a teenager.  What was Twice supposed to do then? Starve to death? Victims are put into impossible situations where retaliation is really their only option, and then they’re blamed for retaliating. Then those victims get punished. The society acts like the problem is solved, but it’s not because the society is still broken. It’s still letting people fall through the cracks. AND DON’T GO ‘NO SOCIETY IS PERFECT.’ A few social programs would have helped Twice a lot more than putting on a costume, calling him a villain, and punching him did in the end. Everyone is so in love with the idea of heroes they don’t try to fix what’s right in front of their eyes. The problem isn’t that society is not perfect. It’s that everone would rather ignore the problem, rather than address it and try to solve it. 
Deku’s biggest strong point is his love of heroes. His biggest flaw is his love of heroes. He is completely uncritical of the current system of heroes. Yes, he’s fifteen so it’s obvious he might not know better but there are times Deku shows a surprising lack of empathy. He just cuts it off if he’s facing a villain. Like for example here’s Koichi acting like a decent person.
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O’Clock was trying to hurt Koichi, and yet when he sees the horrible condition that O’clock II is in, his first response is to ask if he’s okay, and ask him if he needs help. Because you know... he’s still a person? Even if he’s a bad person having half of his face burned off means he’s in horrible pain and he still needs help? 
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Deku is just like the old lady we’re shown in Shigaraki’s flashback. He believes in heroes so much, he’ll ignore the suffering of somebody right in front of him. Is Deku obligated to sympathize with Shigaraki? I guess not, but Koichi does with O’Clock even while the other is barking threats at him. 
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Deku’s naivete can hurt people even though he wants to help people. Deku declares that Shigaraki is unforgivable. However, Deku also before this arc started already seemed to have made up his mind to forgive Endeavor. 
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 Endeavor is system APPROVED TM and Shigaraki is not. Deku divides people into good or bad people, and then doles out sympathy depending on who he thinks is deserving of it or not. Deku’s own prejudices are highly reminiscent of the way hero society functions as well. AND DO NOT BRING UP GENTLE. GENTLE was only going to crash a school festival. That’s like making Deku out to be a saint because he didn’t think a person who J-walked was evil. 
Deku’s blind naivete can hurt people too. How much did Deku’s careless words hurt Natsuo? It’s not that Endeavor needs to be forgiven. Endeavor has already been forgiven. He’s never been held accountable for his actions.   
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Instead of Endeavor being held accountable for his actions, Natsuo is continually made out to be the bad guy for not forgiving Endeavor and moving on with his life. Instead of directly addressing the abuses, victims are instead silenced and told to move on with their lives. 
The reason I bring up Natsuo as a point is that even people who aren’t harming anybody, are made out to be the problem. People around Natsuo constantly imply that he’s the one disrupting the household. This behavior of telling victims to remain quiet, HURTS EVERYONE EQUALLY even those who don’t react in extreme ways like Dabi, Himiko, Shigaraki. 
Deku will never be able to sympathize with people like Shigaraki because he hasn’t seen what they’ve been through. Shigaraki however, has been just like Deku saving people all this time. 
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It’s Shigaraki who has been getting close to the people hero society wouldn’t save, who’d never try to save, and saving them all along. Deku’s flaw, that he’s too naive to save the people who most need saving is Shigaraki’s feature. Shigaraki’s flaw that he can’t see a better world beyond all the destruction is Deku’s feature. 
Deku won’t challenge the world that is currently in place. Shigaraki won’t try to do anything to build, he just wants to destroy and be done with it. 
Deku protects. Shigaraki wants to protect but only thinks he’s good for destruction. 
They both only carry half of the answer with them. A better world can’t be built with the old world still in place. A better world can’t be built if your only focus is on destroying the old one, and not on healing. 
Shigaraki and Deku are woefully incomplete as heroes without one another. 
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The story between Shigaraki and Deku will end not with two brothers killing each other, but with two brothers reconciling. 
The thing is... The chant isn’t. “All for One.” Or. “One for All.”  It was never about one answer being the best way to do things. The chant goes “All for One, and One for All.”  It was always both.  Both Shigaraki and Deku. This story has two heroes. 
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - hq pt 4
a/n: first and foremost, please don’t attack me for the twins’ accent. i know i didn’t even try but i also don’t have the brain capacity to do it rn. second, i know i did karasuno but i was requested to do asahi after posting it and i wasn’t gonna make a separate post for just him so i slapped his ass onto this one (: pairings: kita x reader, atsumu x reader, osamu x reader, suna x reader, sakusa x reader, asahi x reader warnings: language, some spoilers for post time skip taglist: @babydabi​, @suckersuki​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 3
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ omg this boy is gonna talk about how proud he his of his teammates ⇾ like full on proud dad moment (i imagine him like that one panel from the last chapter, just so proud) ⇾ he’s such a soft man, he would talk about how he wants to start a family with you ⇾ what do you mean the sheep aren’t our kids??? ⇾ so would wear a soft smile listening to you ramble on about something ⇾ he would love to hear whatever was going on inside your mind, would never tell you to stop talking or cut you off. Ever.
You climbed into bed after waking up to pee in the middle of the night. Kita had been up for a while and you were unsure as to why he was still up. Before you fell asleep, the two of you had been watching his old teammates play a match on tv and he had been praising them the entire time. “What are you doing up still?” “I was texting in the group chat after you fell asleep and I just can’t sleep now.” You sat cross legged next to him. “What’s on your mind now?” “How I want to start a family with you in the future.” That came out of the blue. Neither of you really talked about that far in the future. “The twins started arguing again and Aran started yelling at me to get them to stop. I asked him why he was telling me to stop them and everyone replied that it was because I’m the only one they still listen to. And then everyone started talking about how I was like the team dad even after all this time and I started thinking about how I would be if I was a father and if I would still act the same. I looked down at you sleeping and the thought just came to me.” You were speechless. “I mean, not that I have any problems with having kids with you, but I wouldn’t classify the twins as test subjects on your parental qualifications. I don’t think they compare to toddlers because the twins actually listen.” “Well, that’s why we have chicken. And sheep.” Kita gave you a warm smile. “Honey, I love you, but please don’t tell me that you just compared animals to human children. Possibly ours.” “It’s okay. It’s good practice.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ for as much as i shit on him, i do love atsumu (osamu is the superior twin, sorry lei) ⇾ but this poor baby would always be in such a negative head space after losing a match ⇾ literally thinks his entire team hates him, his coach wants to replace him, his brother and ex teammates would look down on him, wondering what was so great about him ⇾ he would just need to get his feelings out without judgement - just hold him while he word vomits but sometimes he does need to hear some motivation to get him out of his funk ⇾ this kind of feeds into the other things he would talk about if he didn’t have a match ⇾ just a lot of talk about his insecurities and how he feels inferior to other people his cocky persona is fake ⇾ just wrap him in a blanket and feed him comfort food as he lets out everything weighing down on his heart
“If I didn’t fuck up five serves, we coulda won.” Atsumu was laying on his stomach with his head on your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair. “You weren’t the only person who messed up today. You can’t blame yourself for losing the game when everyone made a mistake at some point.” “But mine were so easy to prevent.” He wrapped his arms around your waist tighter. “I know when I go into practice next week, coach is gonna bench me. I’m not even mad, I deserve it.” “Tsumu, don’t say that.” “It’s true. Samu even called me out on it after. And I know the entire team wants me out.” At this point, you didn’t know what else to say because no matter what, Atsumu was going to believe that he was the worst player on the team. “I’m just holding everyone back.” Your hand stilled in his hair. “Tsumu, the only other setter who’s managed to pull off that crazy quick with Hinata is Kageyama. Plus you got Bokuto on your team too! Both of those players are so high energy and hard to manage, yet you make it look so easy. So you had an off day, everyone does. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days -” He got up and glared at you before you had a chance to finish what you were saying. “Hannah Montana is not the right person to bring into this motivational speech.” “But you sing Hoedown Throwdown and True Friend on a weekly basis.” “And you better take that sentence with you to the grave.” You grinned at him. “But imagine how much money I could get for selling those twelve little words to the press.” Yes. He tackled you and made you swear on your life that you wouldn’t tell a soul.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ it depends on his mood: either he’s doing all the talking or he’s strictly listening, there’s no in between ⇾ when he’s talking, it could be about a n y t h i n g ⇾ from atsumu to food to you to work to a new show he’s watching to kita to meeting up with friends ⇾ literally anything ⇾ he doesn’t necessarily need to know you for a long time, but he does need to feel close to you if he ever talks about how he feels about you ⇾ he’s not the type to be soft of the regular, so when he is being soft, he’ll be even quieter, maybe even hide his face in your neck or your stomach depending on the position the two of you are cuddling in ⇾ when you’re the one doing the talking, his hands are always busy doing something - most of the time playing with your hair, but it could also be playing with your hands, massaging your hips, etc
“- so Kita blocked our numbers.” “I mean, you did cuss out Atsumu while his phone was on speaker and he was with his grandmother.” “How was I supposed to know that?” he asked quietly into your neck. You laughed. “Let him talk next time. You and your brother you are adults now, so stop arguing like children.” “I can’t help it, he pisses me off sometimes.” You hummed. “Give Kita a fruit basket or take him out to lunch and apologize.” He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles before pulling you closer into his chest. “Yeah I’ll do that.” “Ooo! What if you have him test out that new recipe you were telling -” “No. I always have you test new dishes and that won’t change,” he mumbled. “Samu?” He nuzzled his face further, his breath warm on your neck. His hand moved to your hip and alternated from massaging you to rubbing his hand up and down. “You’ve gotten me this far and everything worked fine. I don’t wanna change anything.” You reached back and lightly scratched the nape of his neck. You turned over and found his face closer to yours that you expected. His arm went back to resting on your hips with his hand on your butt, pulling you closer. He gave you a light kiss on the tip of your nose. “Are you saying I’m your good luck charm?” you asked teasingly. “Nothing’s gone wrong since you’ve come into my life. I’m gonna fucking marry you one day.” You smiled. “Yeah, you also said that when you got your wisdom teeth removed. I’m still waiting on the ring.” He pulled you into a hug, your head in his chest, his lips placing another kiss on your forehead. “Don’t rush me or your not getting anything.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ he wouldn’t talk at 3 am ⇾ would literally tell you to shut up and go to sleep ⇾ and if you didn’t stop talking, he would get up and either go to someone else’s place or tell you to leave ⇾ this man does not care about what you’re thinking or what you have to say when he’s trying to sleep ⇾ so don’t expect him to be all soft and listen to you - better yet, talk
“So I was thinking -” Suna grumbled. “Yeah? You better stop thinking.” “But I’ll forget in the morning.” “Then it wasn’t necessary to talk about.” “I’m gonna say it.” “You’re gonna shut the fuck up if you wanna sleep here tonight.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ a listener ⇾ would literally tell you to shut up and go to bed jk, not really ⇾ if he’s up at 3 am with you, he’s listening to music ⇾ for sure he won’t be talking and doesn’t really want to have to pay attention to whatever you’re saying ⇾ not in a rude way but like, it’s late and he doesn’t feel like using brain cells at the time ⇾ if you are talking and he loves you, he won’t tell you to shut up or stop, but don’t expect a reply from him ⇾ depending on his mood, he’ll choose to listen or not, and when he’s listening, he’ll make sure you know that he is
“Did you make this lofi playlist?” You were scrolling through your shared Spotify account on your phone, trying to find something to listen to since neither of you could sleep. “Yes.” You played it, both of you enjoying the soothing music that filled the quiet of the room. “Do you have a fanclub?” Sakusa hummed. “Is that a yes or a no?” It took him a minute, but he replied. “Not sure. Why?” “I don’t know how I feel about a group of girls drooling over you.” Were you proud? Jealous? Indifferent? You couldn’t figure it out. But the fact that he asked made you happy that he cared enough to bother listening to you. “Why should you care?” You looked over at him. “Well, what if they’re the crazy type of fans who try to break in here. Or don’t like that we’re dating and try to kill me?” He laid there in silence with his eyes closed as you spoke about all the extreme types of fans that you had heard about. Once you finished, he remained quiet. You felt bad, thinking that you bored him to sleep. “Love, I think you’ve been listening to too many true crime podcasts.” “But still, those types of people exist.” Sakusa shifted with his eyes closed, pulling you so you were resting on his chest. “Stop thinking about that. It’s stupid. Now go to sleep.” “But -” “Go to sleep.” “I can’t.” He shushed you. “Sleep. We can talk in the morning.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ jesus would talk about his insecurities ⇾ would catch you up with his friends aka the other third years ⇾ but also i feel like his anxiety traveled with him into adulthood so like, lots of stress talks about releasing new designs on time and not wanting to let people down/be a failure ⇾ he would talk about his travels too, the different things he enjoyed from each country he visited with noya ⇾ would make plans to go somewhere with you when both of you had the time to drop off the face of the earth for a little bit
“So where else did you want to visit?” you asked. “Maybe Switzerland?” You nodded. “That’s a good choice. Want to do anything specific?” “Not really. When I was with Noya, we kind of just winged everything. It was more exciting and memorable that way.” “I do remember you being more free.” Whenever he called you or sent you pictures and videos, he seemed more happy. “Really?” “Uh huh.” “I do remember feeling less stressed. I have a deadline coming up soon and the pressure is intense.” “Does it feel like volleyball stress?” He gave you a little shrug. “A bit? I have a team - a different type of team - and I don’t want to let them down, but in this case, I’m the captain without anyone to rely on. Everyone else needs me to have everything together, so I don’t have the time to freak out or be stressed.” “Yet, you’re still a ball of anxiety.” “Am I?” He grimaced. You nodded. “I’m trying to get better. It’s really hard when there’s a voice in the back of your mind telling you that if you mess up, everyone will be let down and disappointed in you. On top of that, the media and public are so harsh with everything. There’s just a lot of pressure.” “But you’ve done so well. Sure things were a little shaky when you first started, but you’re well known now and well loved.” “You have a point. I’ll do better for you.” You smiled. “I’m already proud of you, don’t worry about that.”
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newwayastrology · 2 years
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There has been as much social media talk about Will and Jada's marriage as thee has been about "the smack." We know for a fact that the smack happened but all we know about their marriage is rumor and innuendo. They know the truth. We don't. My goal here is to talk about them as individuals first and then as a couple, which, by the way, is the way synastry should be done. When all you do is a bi-wheel, you think that because astrology says that blah-blah square blah-blah is "bad" that that poisons the relationship. Nope! Someone who has read half of four fatalistic books sees that his Sun-Jupiter conjunction on her Ascendant and her Mars on his Venus gets ready to buy engagement rings, as if those planets are in the relationship. Planets don't wtach TV shows that get on your nerves. Planets don't like to hang out with friends more than with you, etc. Planets don't change into wife beaters in five years. It's the individual horoscope that counts. WHO ARE YOU AS A PERSON? That's the deal. Someone had to have great synastry with Hitler, right? Was that going to be a great relationship? It's about the person, first and foremost! The first impression of Will's chart shows a northwestern hemisphere emphasis, which suggests a focus on others that is motivated by unfinsihed parental business from the formative years. There is a retrograde Saturn sitting alone by itself blinking in bright neon red lights. The rulers of the parental axis, Sun and Uranus, are conjunct. Mars in the 4th squares the Ascendant......assertion or anger taken in from the early home projected through the identity. What we know that is factual is that Will openly admitted planning the murder of his father for inflicting physical abuse upon his mother. That's what Will comes from. That retrograde Saturn (85% of the time is going to be a substantial father issue) opposes the idealistic Mercury-Venus conjunction. Translated, his needs to think and relate a certain way are in full awareness of the father dynamic. And how can it not be? My parents were married for 50+ years before my father passed. It was far from perfect but I cannot begin to imagine how I would've reacted to physical abuse on my mother. Usually, a man will emulate the father or go in the opposite direction, which is what Will has done. Jupiter, ruler of his 7th is conjunct Pluto, a strong symbol of success/prominence potential but isn't the smoothest relationship ride as ruler of the 7th. After all, he has been divorced. The Saturn-Venus factor certainly suggests lessons to be learned relationally. It's hard to see a vibrant, successful luminary like Will as having self-worth insecurity (perhaps it's in the past now) but the Moon, ruler of the 2nd, conjunct Neptune, suggests just that. The Neptune part of it, ruling the 11th, relates the insecurity to how he feels about himself in terms of lovability. The central energy of his existence is related to gaining ego fulfillment by being pleasing to others. But, this Libra Sun is conjunct Uranus and Pluto and that adds a lot of rebellious, "I don't care what everybody thinks, I'm doing what I want to do" kind of energy. This central energy is shown to others through an idealistic personality that needs to be in control by knowing everything about what interests him. Together, this central energy and the personality expressing it are shown to others through a bright, scintillating, verbose identity expression. We can see Will giving himself away in relationships to make sure that his marriage isn't like his parents marriage was (his father died from cancer a few years ago). That's a succinct look at Will. The first impression of Jada's horoscope shows a Southern Hemisphere emphasis. It has the connotation of one having to find out who they are out in the world where they get kicked around a little. This is the result of not receiving sufficient parental role-modelling early on. I have this in my horoscope. Even though I had parents who were always there, they came from the south in the 20's. Had it been left up to them, I would have been working at the post office or would have been a fireman - anything for "security." I learned more about me after leaving home, especially when, through music, I traveled internationally and actually lived in another country for a year. Jada has this, too. I don't know anything about her upbringing to show that this does or does not apply in her case but there is a strong maternal influence shown in her horoscope via the Mars-Nodal axis conjunction. The opinionated, critical, Virgo energies are strong here with the New Moon Virgo birth that includes Mercury and Pluto. It comes through an identity projection that expects to have its opinions listened to and respected. Then, you see Mars on the cusp on the 3rd House!!!! Her needs are not to be the "bite your tongue" type. She needs to say what she means and if necessary, be mean about what she says. Idealism is strong with Jupiter and Neptune conjunct the Ascendant. It is hard to be an artist without a sense of idealism. As well, she has a Venus-Pluto conjunction at the Aries Point, which is like having it on the Ascendant. It is something that needs to be and can be projected out into the world. When Pluto makes hard aspects to Venus, we have to talk about one's relational perspective being too much on one side of things. You can see the Air Grand Trine. Grand Trines are not this good luck charm that you are led to think when you first start reading astrology books. It's a defensive mechanism that translates into, "I don't need you. I am totally cool with me, myself, and I." If there is nothing square or opposed to a point in a Grand Trine, the person is REALLY insulated. When there IS a square or opposition, those planets, the Houses they are in, or Houses they rule offer ways out of the insular posture. Here, Mercury in the 9th is one outlet: academia, internationalism, living by a philosophy of some kind, publishing, etc. Then. there is the opposition from Jupiter-Neptune to Saturn and we are back to the idealism again. Mercury rules the 7th and is squared by Saturn in the 7th. clearly, there are lessons to learn about relationships.They both have lessons to learn in that area and both appear to be much more headstrong than has shown all these years. When I look at bi-wheels, I only look to see if there are a lot of connections, not what they are supposed to mean. I've learned through clients and my own life that lots of connections adds up to the kind of chemistry between people that can turn into a serious relationship, especially if one or both have a conjunction or square (3 degree orb) to the other's Nodal Axis. When you see that, there can be some really impactful learning taking place via the relationship. Sometimes it's fantastic and sometimes it's the opposite of fantastic. The key is that throught this person, you learn things about yourself that you otherwise would not have. In my family, all four of us, wife and sons have this contact. When it is one person contacting the nodal axis of the other and it isn't mutual, the person with the aspecting planet or Angle usually makes the impact. It's not always positive. Bill Clinton's Sun contacts Hillary's Nodal axis. In traditional astrology, you know that the Nodes have a karmic significance so when used in synastry, we allude to that kind of thing between people, whether romantic, business, or family. I'd be remiss without pointing out Will's Jupiter at Jada's Sun/Moon midpoint. It's her reception of his largesse. If you don't know midpoints, you should (email me for my midpoint manual). The natal Sun/Moon midpoint is crazy important if anyuthing, within 3 degrees, is conjunct or any multiple of 45 degrees to that midpoint. It's like the Sun and Moon are conjunct whatever it is. Hitler had Uranus and Pluto at his, just to give an example. When someone else has something at yours, it can be one of those situations where you are affected in terms of whatever is making the contact. In the next year, Jada has the transit of Neptune opposed her Sun WITH Solar Arc Uranus to her Ascendant!!!!!! Neptune to a Light or Angle can manifest as loss although for a Neptunian person, it can be the opposite. SA Uranus to the Ascendant is, "I'm sick of this. I need to make some changes." I remember when I had transiting Uranus onb my Ascendant. I changed everything. The arc is no different. I've read that if Jada had her way that Will would not have done what he did and, of course, Will has apologized profusely. One wonders if this becomes a maritally threatening issue. Will does have transiting Pluto at his Sun/Moon (exact in December)as well as a transiting square to his Venus, also exact in December. Ity's very easy to cvonjure up a scenario of a threat to the marriage when you put the measurements to the reality before them. I have their daughter Willow's horoscope. If something serious is going to happen with a parent, it usually shows in the horoscope of a child. She has transiting Saturn to her Midheaven, also in December. Interesting stuff, for sure but it could just as well represent a peak time in her singing career (she has the Saturn Rx symbol, by the way). At any rate, they have been married for 24 years and have been pretty open about their ups and downs. Maybe this will be just another one. I noticed, just now, that Will has ahead (exact in March next year), SA MC=Sat/Plu. In light of what has already happened, that's a clear indication of career loss. Any hard Saturn-Pluto contact is the most challenging in astrology. The Sat/Plu midpoint is no different (I had a client today who had it two years ago. It was Ven=Sat/Plu. I asked if there was a relational complication and he said, "My wife passed away from cancer). I certainly won't be surprised either way whether they stay married or call it a day.
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dannypuro · 3 years
because you asked for stuff that isn't music theory in response to that other ask you totally didn't upload like to minutes ago: Do you think any of the amis can play an instrument (or more) and if so, which (I think Grantaire can play two songs on the guitar and they are Never Gonna Give You Up and Wonderwall). P.s. I, too, am from that one Discord server, please don't think that's weird. And this is music practice, not theory
UGH you understand me. of course i have thought about this. of course i have. thank you i love you. (Something Telling verse: modern au with canon-era, time-zapped enjolras)
FIRST AND FOREMOST: the early 19th century was a time when the piano was an extremely important tool for social interaction in mid-to-high society. everybody who was anybody got a piano. it was really, really normal family entertainment, and when you went to call on another household, it was normal to play a little tune for them. so of course dear françois-marie enjolras was expected to learn to play the piano, the darling little baby of the family that he was.
this does not mean that he is any good at the piano. of course not. he is horrible and always has been, to the despair of his mother. she paid for lessons for him for ten years and STILL it is just.... painful to listen to. he should not play. he just... doesn’t really get music and it shows. his fingers are for writing, not piano-ing. one time he was invited over to a classmate’s apartment when he first got to paris and they asked him to play something and instead of facing the mortification that would come of it he simply left and never returned and never talked to them again. 
but jehan has a piano in their apartment, of course, for the vibes. and enjolras mentions the fact that he had piano lessons as a kid, just in passing, and ferre’s like “!!!!! hey!!!!! jehan has a piano!!!!!!! you should get up and play us something!!!!!!!!! play us a tune!!!!!!” and enjolras just “😞😖😬😟🙃😰p l e a s e do not ask me to do so😦😥😔😣😶😞” and is reduced to a shameful lump on the sofa until ferre lays off him. let him rest. give him peace. he is 213 years old leave him alone.
but in other news..... 
jehan plays the flute. this is actually just canon i don’t make the rules. they’re actually really good but mostly just play incomprehensible modern pieces, and also bach. this choice is not up to the listener. you get what you get and you don’t get upset. enjoy your spectralist 40-minute solo flute monstrosity quietly or leave.
i think that musichetta can play the accordion. i think that bossuet can play the banjo. i think that joly can play the clarinet. i think that together they have a stupid little bluegrass/klezmer trio that sounds questionable in concept but in reality is genuinely really good. they don’t perform anywhere, it’s just for fun. sometimes they play on the balcony or with the windows open, to mixed reviews. (the world is not ready for them yet 😔)
cosette can play the cello. cmon. of course she can. her cello vibes are through the roof. marius thinks it’s hot. he’s correct.
i think that courfeyrac actually can kind of play the piano, unlike CERTAIN people. like, he doesn’t play a lot now, but he had lessons growing up and can still play decently well. marius thinks that this is also hot. he’s correct. (RIP to marius’s little pea-brain, fried by musical talent. if courf and cosette ever played a sweet little duet he would simply perish.)
grantaire can’t really play the guitar, but he sometimes does anyways. HOWEVER, he’s actually got a decent voice.... which is a secret, except for when joly and bossuet and musichetta make him join their band for the evening and sing for a few songs. they hold his wine captive to make him stay, but that’s mostly for show--grantaire doesn’t really mind, so long as it’s a private affair and nobody records it. (courf has a recording, anyways--he shows enjolras and enjolras is..... 👁👄👁)
feuilly has the vibes of somebody who should be able to play the guitar, but he can’t. this is confusing to everybody. he does not care. he will not learn. it’s his business and he doesn’t want to. it’s not his problem.
anyways, my askbox is OPEN to questions/prompts/headcanons/etc. send me many i would like to procrastinate extra hard. xoxoxo
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cyberrat · 3 years
49th Batch Of Fics: 3rd Fill
McCree/? – Milky AU – Part 23 – porny world building; stretch training – Jesse can be a pretty good student if the topic catches his interest :)
Jesse treats himself to a lot of lube. He’s been cautious with it in the beginning, but after everybody and their mom told him to just don’t worry about costs for the facility and just go full ham, he slowly ramped it up.
It’s a tight fit but he can do it. He’s better at taking fat cocks than he thought he would be. Oh… oh fuck that’s… that’s really thick… and long…
His elbows start trembling the further he slides down. He must have looked a bit panicked or like he is completely out of his depths (both absolutely true) because one of the guys from a nearby training station wanders over to spot for him.
“Hey, you’re doing great. It’s just like… a hand width more?”
It’s embarrassing. And good. Jesse bites the tip of his tongue as he strains to slowly push himself down those last few centimeters. The guy puts his hand on his back and rubs between his shoulder blades which is helping a lot, surprisingly enough.
Eventually he manages, exhaling explosively and nodding toward the dude who just claps his shoulder and moves back to his own workout.
Right. Right. Okay.
Jesse inhales deeply while his eyes feel like they should pop out of their sockets just from the dick knocking them out from behind. It’s ridiculous of course but he never really tried stretching himself out.
The immediate feeling of panic ebbs away thankfully and in its wake just leaves him feeling full and… yeah. Yeah, he’s also feeling kind of good.
He leans forward, gripping on to the handles of the stationary bike, and stares at his phone’s screen.
The ad he had been watching has ended, so he looks for a different one. There’s a porn site dedicated just to gathering all those wildlife preserve commercials that run sometime after 10pm so he really can’t be the only one that finds them insanely hot, right?
It makes him feel better about the dreams he’s had the past couple nights with Schaefer calmly explaining some medical shit to him while he furiously jerks off to it.
Jesse watches the new ad. It starts with a few close-up shots of sweaty faces, twisted in pleasure so acute it looks like pain. Their mouths, swollen from biting their lips in desperation, are hanging open and lax, low groans spilling from them as they get jostled through what seems to be the fuck of their life.
The camera pulls back, showing the creatures that are currently ramming into them with single minded zeal. There’s some kind of… antelope. A Gorilla. A goddamn bear. Jesse’s insides quiver and clench around the thick cock spreading his intestines, his heart rate spiking up a notch. Fuck… fuck, this is so good.
They all fuck them with such intent; not caring for the humans, just for the wombs – artificial or not – that they ram against in their need to procreate. Just breed them up like the bitches they have made themselves into.
The sound of the humans and animals lowers some. A man steps into the foreground, his face dour and strict as if he were working in the funeral business instead of wildlife preservation that focused on a much more toned-down version of the milk cow adjustment, just so humans could help repopulate the animals that they have first and foremost driven to almost extinction.
“Wildlife preservation is one of the most difficult and important jobs on the planet. It involves discipline and willpower, as well as a healthy mind and body,” the man begins. His voice is trembling a little with age, giving Jesse the feeling of sitting down in a lecture or something. Perversely, this is making him only hornier. Jesse’s gaze is fixed on the screen. He presses the earbuds more securely in, then starts to use the pedals of the bike without really noticing at first.
He’s hooked.
“However… it can also be very rewarding,” the man – scientist? – continues. His hands are folded neatly in front of him. Beneath his white lab coat he is wearing a crisp suit.
“Our ongoing efforts to… support the struggling species has been one of dedication, good will and ingenuity. These people,“ he swipes his arm behind him to indicate the green screen on which the fucking pairs are continuously swapped out, ”are workers – and heroes. They are specialists. And so could you be.”
Jesse shudders. His eyes are glued on the sight of a young man in a breeding stand that takes the weight of the rhino currently mounting up, its cock a quick and wet little flash underneath its belly before the scientist shifts over the picture to make room for the graphs they’re blending in. Jesse bites the tip of his tongue.
It’s always like that. This teasing, this… almost delivering on the goods. His cock does a nice, slow flex, lungs burning from him furiously cycling and continuously nudging the fat dildo inside himself.
“WildPair offers the best and gentlest modifications. These are short term solutions with a long term effect, designed to adjust to your body’s needs.” There are pictures appearing next to him, showing off not only the technology with little written notes beneath them saying things like ‘for pregnancies up to six months’ ‘pregnancies up to nine months’ ‘pregnancies up to twelve months’ but also very distracting pictures to the side of them, showing off how they are inserted into narcotized patients which… yes. Oh Yes, that’s hot as fuck.
His hand trembles as he taps at the screen, pulling up a different commercial. This one is brighter and more sensational; just flashes of humans getting fucked by endangered species’, their moans almost drowning out the excited voice speaking.
“Want to be a hero? A legend? Someone who changes history for the better?”
They linger on a white girl sitting in an ape’s lap, its long arms curled around her in a way that makes it look like it could do that twice. She is glistening with sweat, her pussy swollen and flushed as the primate bounces her on its cock.
For a second Jesse wonders whether that is Taj’s sister-in-law. Could it be? Really? Heat shoots through his body. The scene is gone before long, showing off a different pair altogether.
“Become rich for science!” The words ‘rich’ and ‘science’ appear with bright flashes on the screen. The commercial is so perverse in its ludicrousness that it is doing something for Jesse all on its own.
He wishes he were part of one of them. Someone taking a picture of him ass up and completely conked out while he gets his ass fingered and some fucking technology installed in his belly. Someone putting him on TV and showing it to the world that he is being a slut and nobody can say anything about it because he’s working and doing good.
It’s a bit scary too, of course… especially after Taj’s little speech. But one can dream, right? Right. Yeah. Yep.
He’s stopped pedaling, instead awkwardly balancing to bounce himself a bit up and down on the cock spearing into him. He’s so into the commercials that it doesn’t even occur to him to be nervous about the new size spreading him.
Ah… the power of distractions.
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a-royal-obsession · 3 years
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The Queen to the Prince of Wales
Frogmore, 20 June 1796
I have nothing new to say, but think it an age that we have not heard from you. Believe me, I ask not what passes & have no curiosity so liable to my sex. You alone interest me. Tell me that you are well; that alone will satisfy me, & I hope at least to hear that you are less agitated than you were. I saw Ld. Moira at Court & he did you all possible justice; that rejoiced me indeed, & that you may always stand foremost in the picture is my ambition.
Everybody old & young are well here. The weather is cold & unpleasant as the times; that both may change to our satisfaction is the sincere wish of yr. affectionnate mother & sincere friend.
The Prince’s Reply
Richmond, 20 June 1796
Such goodness as yours, ever dearest & best of mothers, claims not only everything that words can dictate, but everything that such a heart as mine can feel; & I trust that the dutiful & tender affection which I ever have endeavour’d to testify from the earliest period of my childhood towards you will leave you but little doubt of the sincerity of those feelings.
You ask me, dearest, dearest, dearest mother, what is going on. I will tell you everything, & was on the point of sitting down to scribble a few lines to let you know that there was such a person existing as myself, as well as what was now on the tapis, when I received your dear letter, which I confess to you was such a balsam to my heart as I cannot express, as I began to think it a very long time since I had seen your dear handwriting. Since Lord Moira’s interview with the King all was expectation for the event of a message which was supposed to be sent from the King to the Princess, as Lord Moira had ventur’d to tell his Majesty that he saw no other way of bringing things at all to a conclusion, & that the King had said that he would in consequence take care of it. We therefore had no doubt but what the message would be sent. But to detain you as little as possible, I found from Lord Cholmondeley, as well as from others who told me & who you know perfectly well, that the Duke of York was sent to the Duke of Gloucester by the King; that by what I have since understood the Duke did not make use of the King’s name to the Duke of Gloucester, as he did not find the Duke of Gloucester quite so well inclined as he ought to have been: in short, that it ended in their both going to Cholmondeley’s consulting over there what was best to be done, & making Cholmondeley go to the Princess to advise her to act in a different manner to what she had done, or to which she was disposed to do, & which was just so much trouble lost. On the Friday morning Cholmondeley came to Richmond to give me this account, in a state of anxiety & kindness of feeling that really does him the greatest credit, at the same time adding that the manner my brother had conducted himself towards me, & had expressed himself about me, would have given me the truest pleasure had I heard him. He asked my permission to tell the Duke of York everything. I told him I was sorry he had not done so already to him & to everybody he had ever talked to upon the subject, that I had begg’d him to do so from the first, that it could only have been his apprehensions of being suspected to take a part on one side or the other that had prevented his doing so, as I had nothing to conceal on my part, & that the more the truth was known the more it would tell to my credit, & had the truth been generally known sooner it would in all probability have stopp’d much of the infamous scurrility & calumny in which the whole town & indeed almost the whole country at present abounds. He set off directly after this interview to return to London in order to see my brother again with whom he was to have another conversation by appointment after he had seen me. However, when he got to town he missed him. But my brother sent me a message by Ernest that if he could be of any use to me, or that I wish’d to see him at any time I should send for him whenever I pleas’d. I thought this was an opening on his part to wish to see me & to talk to me, & as I was equally desirous of an interview, in order to let him know my ways of thinking. I wrote him word I would be with him the next morning, Saturday last, at Oatlands in consequence of the affectionate message Ernest had deliver’d me from him. I went there & indeed it was lucky I went there instead of desiring him to come to me, as I found him extremely ill indeed, & hardly able to speak. He enter’d fully into my reasoning, approved much of my not submitting any further, & of a paper, which I had drawn up with my motives for the line of conduct I was determin’d that nothing should induce me to deviate from, which I had given Lord Moira for his instructions, part of which he read to the King, & a copy of which I have now sent to Frederick in order to place in the King’s hands & to leave with him. He was fully of opinion with me, as well as Lord Moira, & even Cholmondeley, that the only chance of bringing the Pss. to reason would be, her receiving a very firm & resolute message from the King. He said that if the King should approve of sending such a message, & I should have no objection to his undertaking it, he would carry it himself & do it in the most peremptory manner. He said he would go the next morning, which was yesterday morning, again to London purposely to see Cholmondeley & Lord Moira & afterwards to go to the King from me; he did go as he said, but was too ill to return; however it is only putting it off till Wednesday morning. Lord Moira came to town yesterday, & said that the reason he had not been with me for the last three days was that he had been waiting in continued expectation of the Princess sending for him, as he had written to Lady Caernarvon the day he return’d from the Grainge, to desire her to acquaint the Pss. that he was return’d & had brought with him a paper containing my final decision & sentiments with respect to the present business, & which he could not have got from me, unless he had passed off a paper he had received from the Pss. through Cholmondeley the morning he was setting out from the Grainge, as merely memorandums for him to act upon instead of a message, as the want of it which he could not have the impertinence to produce to me as such, as entirely preecluded every possibility of an accomodation. Here then the affair stood when he left town, excepting his having written a letter to Cholmondeley to require him to obtain a final answer for him from the Princess, requiring to know whether the Pss. would chuse to give him an audience & to avail himself of the manner in which he had represented his paper to me, & in consequence of which he had likewise received a paper from me containing my final sentiments with which he thought the Princess ought to be acquainted, or whether he was to understand that there was to be final conclusion to all further negotiation, & that the Pss. did not mean on that account to see him any more. His motive for writing this letter is, either to put ourselves upon the best possible grounds, by the Pss. refusing to give him a further interview & stopping all further negotiation; or else by putting it in his power when he sees her, to make her fully appriz’d, whatever her conduct may be afterwards, of the evils that are likely to ensue through her means on all sides; & in either case seeing the King on Wednesday to let his Majesty know how things stand, how fairly & honourably I have conducted myself, & to represent to the King for the King’s pleasure to decide upon, what he thinks is most adviseable to be done, as he can not help now seeing the Pss. in her true colors, how false how mischievous, how treacherous she is & at the same time how much she may be, & actually is made the tool not only of private views, but of party, & even of the worst parties at this moment, the democratick, & which she sufficiently evinced by Cholmondeley’s own confession to me, by her not only carrying the poor little girl to the window when Fox’s mob was passing, in order to make her also an instrument, as she has upon other occasions done, against her much injured father but actually afterwards driving in her carriage afterwards through the mob, to pay her devoirs to Mr. Fox after such a speech too as he made, & to get herself applauded. The enclosed letter from Lord Moira to me whilst I am writing will make you, dearest & best of mothers, more mistress of everything as it is than anything I can possibly add. Your groom is quite wild at my detaining him so long, but you will know the reason by the length of my letter. As to say anything of myself I shall not, for I endeavour to stifle as much as I can my own feelings, car mon parti étant pris; firmness & resolution dictated by a good conscience will carry me through. Good God, when am I to see you again & the dear King, why may I not see you? Think it over & write me word whether I may not slip over to Frogmore on Wednesday, though I will do nothing that you can wish me not to do; but at any rate do not let me be so long again without some tidings of you. I think you will judge it right that the King should be told of the Pss.’s paying her court to Mr. Fox & his mob at the time I was declining seeing Sheridan; he will I think be convinced now of what her plots, plans, & views are. They say that the Duke of Leeds is one of her principal advisers & counsellors. I must tell you also that there has been no one woman more inveterate against me, or who has said such unpardonable things as Mrs. Arthur Stanhope. Lady Cardigan the world are likewise much surpriz’d at, especially as she belongs to you. I could tell you much more, but my letter is already of too unpardonable a length, but judge only of the pleasure I should have in seeing you & conversing with you, by the very length of my letter. Present my best love to all my dearest sisters, thank dearest Eliza for her most affectionate letter which I should answer were it not for this my long one to you; but one word more, notwithstanding my own misfortunes. I cannot help being anxious to the utmost about dear Pss. Royal; pray let me know how this stands at present. And now God bless you, my most beloved mother, how I envy this paper that you are to look upon would it were me for many reasons, but I will not plague you with my melancholy.
P.S. Pray keep Ld. Moira’s letter for me.
Pray send the poor hobby groom word that you are not angry with him, as it is my fault for keeping him.
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4 Electrical Emergencies You Should Know
Home is where you relax. But it’s impossible to relax when there is a pesky electrical problem at home. If that’s troubling, imagine an electrical emergency where you can’t reach your electrician in Frankston. The recent pandemic is the perfect example. It’s a time when everybody freaked out because help was out of reach.
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We hope that never happens again, but if you are ever in a tight situation and have an electrical emergency at home, you should know how to handle it. Electrical work needs utmost care and expertise, but we can always learn a few things to make life safer and easier.
Here’s our guide to 4 of the most common electrical emergencies.
1. Power outages
A power failure halts the whole day. It may happen due to a storm, short circuit, power surges, etc. Power outages can be extremely inconvenient because they disrupt communication, transportation, businesses, etc.
So, here’s how you deal with it.
First of all, check the circuit breaker. Sometimes, the power fails due to a tripped circuit breaker, which trips when an outlet is overloaded.
So, check if an outlet or extension has too many appliances connected, and if so, unplug some of them to alleviate the load.
Then flip the circuit breaker back on.
Even after the power is back, don’t make the same mistake of connecting too many appliances to one circuit. Distribute the load to be safe.
Tripped circuit breakers are very common, and this is how you deal with them without needing an electrician. However, if it happens continuously, you need to consult your electrician in Frankston and see if you need to upgrade your electrical system.
2. Electrical fire
Faulty or exposed electrical wiring is the common cause of electrical fires. It may also be caused by energy overload or combustible objects near light bulbs.
It’s terrifying to see an electrical fire, but before you run off to call your electrician, try to bring the situation under control in the following way; because you don’t want it to get worse before the electrician arrives.
First and foremost, you should cut the power supply source. This way, the fire will be put out faster and lessens the risk of electric shocks while extinguishing the fire.
Use an extinguisher to dampen the fire.
Then make your calls to your electrician or fire department. Make sure to evacuate the house if it’s difficult to control the fire.
3. Fallen power lines
Extreme caution should be used while handling fallen power wires since they pose a serious risk to both property and lives. If you are near a fallen power line, you should follow the below instructions.
You should move away from the power line, maintaining at least 40 feet distance. The fallen power lines don’t always give off sparks or sounds, but the power might be surging through them. So, extreme caution is necessary.
Check the area for any metal fences, puddles, or vehicles that could work as conductive materials and create an electrical hazard.
Don’t touch anything that is in contact with the wire, especially trees. A tree can be conductive to electricity because of its water content.
After taking enough care for your safety, contact the authorities and let them know about the fallen power line.
4. Electric shocks
We should always be careful with electricity. You may have the best electrician services, but you can’t predict everything. Electrical contacts can be impactless or dangerous. But when they become serious, you must act with the utmost caution.
Electrical shocks can occur due to frayed wires, broken cords, or unregulated outlets. And this is what should be done in case of electric shocks:
Turn off the power supply as soon as you become aware of electrocution.
If you’re not near the circuit, try to break contact between the person and the source. Make sure you use an insulated item made of wood or PVC.
Don’t immediately touch the electrocuted person. Stay calm.
After you have done what’s needed immediately, call the local emergency services.
The most important thing to have during an electrical emergency is calmness. Freaking out just worsens the situation.
One piece of advice before wrapping up is to install surge protectors for every outlet as well as safety switches. This way, you will be able to add an extra layer of protection at home because this allows you to monitor the flow of the current.
Also, have the best electrician in dandenong at your disposal, so you can have regular maintenance of your electrical systems to ensure safety.
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