#thanks again to friend (you know who you are) for letting me draw them <33
kate-m-art · 8 months
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I don't think I've posted these? Concepts for Victorian Zelda and her husband from another of my friend's stories ^^'
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book-place · 1 year
Arts and Crafts Disaster
Warnings: blood, papers cuts, slight cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Castiel x reader platonic, Dean Winchester x sister reader, Sam Winchester x sister reader
Request: hello :))) I have a request!! Can you do a castiel x child reader where castiel has to babysit child reader again, but child reader somehow injured themself and dean and sam come back from a hunt to a crying child reader and a panicky cas? thanks!! love your stories btw<33
Request by: @homowholikespace
*not my gif*
Summary: Cas is back to babysit again
A/N: There’s some references to a past work of mine —> Of Cats and Angels; Also, yes paper cuts do hurt that much. No, it’s not dramatic
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Cassie!” You cheered as soon as the angel landed in the bunker's library, hurrying over and wrapping your arms tightly around his leg in a hug.
“Hello, Y/n.” He greeted, patting the top of your head fondly.
“Thanks again for watching her, Cas.” Dean spoke up, striding into the room as he slung a duffel bag containing all he would need for the upcoming hunt over his shoulder.
“It is no problem.” He answered the eldest Winchester honestly, nodding along as you already began babbling to him about one thing or another.
Dean gave him a smile, clapping him on the back before trailing after Sam, who had walked up the stairs and out into the garage moments ago.
The two of them were going out on a hunt a couple miles away, so they called up their angel friend to babysit you once more. Considering the last time had been a success, save for the newfound kitten that now roamed the halls of the bunker.
“Say ‘hi’ to Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, Cassie!” You demanded, presenting the cat up to him as soon as your brother disappeared.
“Hello, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens.” He echoed, reaching out a finger and gently scratching the small thing behind its ear.
You grinned up at him, satisfied, and set the cat free on the ground, “What are we gonna do today?” You asked eagerly.
From the look on your face, he could tell you were hoping that today would end with you gaining a new pet again. But he couldn’t let that happen, he doubted your brothers would let it slide again. It was pure luck he got away unscathed after they found out about Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens last time.
“How about some arts and crafts?” Castiel suggested.
After the last time, he had done some research on what children liked to do, and this was one of the top results he had found.
You squealed, nodding up and down happily before skipping off to go get some art supplies Sam had left in a nearby closet for you and returned with a box filled to the brim with different papers, colored pencils, markers, and crayons.
You happily dumped them on a table and you and Cas set to work, a determined silence falling over the two of you like a blanket.
Working side by side, you each were laser focused on your own projects at hand, Castiel trying to draw a rainbow with the perfect mix of colors, and you working hard to draw a family picture of you and your brothers- featuring Castiel and Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens, of course.
This went on for hours. Every time one of you finished your drawings, you wouldn’t find it satisfying enough, and would crumble it into a ball, toss it into a nearby wastebasket, and start over. There was definitely something admirable about both of your determination to get your pieces of art just right.
Finally, a wide grin broke out onto your face as you stared down at your paper, “Cassie! Cassie, look! I did it-“ You whipped your paper into your hands all too quickly to try and show the angel your finished product. The material sliced across your finger in such a way that it began to bleed immediately. Paper cut.
Both of you stilled for all of a minute, until the pain stung harsh and fast and tears began to fill your eyes.
You began wailing right away, sticking out your wounded hand as if it was infected, and Cas’s panic quickly filled his silent void.
“Are you alright?” He asked hurriedly, “What can I-“
You just kept bawling though, the sting of the paper cut that dug deep fresh in your pain.
Poor Castiel had no idea what to do. He had never been in this situation before. Sure, he could reach over and easily heal you with a touch, but all logic seemed to fly out of his mind the second you began sobbing.
“Hey! We’re home!” As always, Dean and Sam burst in at just the wrong moment.
The second your cries reached their ears, they flew down the stairs in a blur of movement and panic, very similar to Castiels, not stopping until they were right in front of the two of you.
“What is it?” Dean panted instantly, “What’s wrong?”
With a wobbling lip, you held out your scarred finger to them, and they both let out simultaneous breaths of relief.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sam cooed, shoulders relaxing as he scooped you up into his arms, letting you burrow your face into the crook of his neck, “It’s okay, you’re alright.”
He lead you off to get a bandaid and Dean whirled around to face Cas as soon as he was out of sight, “What the hell, man?” He demanded.
The angel shrugged helplessly, “Just a moment ago she started crying very loudly and I didn’t know-“
You and Sam entered back in the room, hand in hand, as you wiped your eyes and nose with the back of your sleeve, calming down significantly.
“Are you alright?” Cas immediately asked in concern.
You nodded shyly, focusing your eyes on the ground as you shuffled your feet up and down.
Sam smiled down at you softly, squeezing your hand gently in reassurance, “She’s alright, just got a bit freaked out, that’s all.”
You sniffled slightly, gently letting go of Sam’s hand and walking back over to the table, lifting up your drawing- very carefully this time- to show the three men your hard work.
“Wow, great job, kiddo.” Dean praised instantly, reaching over and ruffling your hair, emitting giggles from you.
Sam grinned, studying the drawing of himself, “The hair is spot on.” He remarked.
“It looks wonderful, Y/n.” Castiel told you honestly.
All four of you were standing in a line in the picture, holding hands and wearing bright smiles, Sir. Fuzzy- Bottom Mittens of course hanging a couple inches above all of you in the air, doing so with the powers you were convinced he had and just never used when you were all around.
Idjits 👟- @ineedmorefanfics2 @roseblue373 @popfishjr
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l0cal-catb0y · 8 months
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
hi! could you write a one shot with Dalton Lambert x reader, please <33 maybe he can't sleep so reader helps him by sleeping with him and both of them have a crush on each other, thank you!!
A Soporific Relationship
Thank you so much for this request; it is my first one and such a cute idea! I hope I did it justice and Dalton isn't too OOC. This is edited and proofread, but please let me know if I missed anything or if there's a specific part you like! Thanks for reading and enjoy! :) 1.1k+ words, no warnings that I know of!
Dalton Lambert was no stranger to sleepless nights. During one of his first sleepless nights at college, he met you. You saw someone walking through the courtyard outside your dorm and started a conversation about being unable to sleep. You quickly became best friends, though your feelings didn’t stop there. Since that night, Dalton always craves your company, especially on sleepless nights like tonight. 
“I don’t even remember the last time I slept through the night. I’m exhausted, but I can’t get my brain to stop long enough to sleep, I guess,” Dalton confesses as you look at his newest drawings. 
“Dalton, have you ever tried a weighted blanket?” You ask. 
“Yeah. My mom got me one a few years ago, but it didn’t do anything but make me hot and claustrophobic.”
“Ok.” You sat on his bed and looked away from him as you asked your next question. “What about sleeping with someone else? Like sharing a bed?”
Dalton doesn’t answer, so you glance at him without turning. Rubbing the back of his neck, he clears his throat before answering. 
“No, I haven’t. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s a good idea. What if I sleepwalk and hurt you- I mean, whoever I was sleeping with?” He exhales a shaky breath as you finally turn to face him again. 
“You should try.”
“I can’t.” Dalton shakes his head as he speaks. “I wouldn’t even know who to ask, and if I-“
“Dalton,” you cut him off and place your hand over his, ignoring the burning in your skin at the contact. “I’ll stay with you.” You see his eyes widen and add a quick, “If you want.”
“I can’t risk hurting you,” Dalton states, flipping his hand to grasp yours. 
You stand, raising your free hand to push through his hair. “I trust you.” And I'm in love you, is on the tip of your tongue, but you swallow it. 
Dalton nods slowly, agreeing as he squeezes your hand. 
“Dalton? I need my hand back so I can go grab my clothes.”
“Just wear some of mine,” he says quickly before adding, “Please don’t leave.”
He pulls you by your joined hands as he pulls clothes from his dresser, handing them to you as he goes. He turns back, and you smile and bite your lip to keep from laughing at his sudden absence of common sense. 
“I need to change,” you inform with a gentle smile. “Can I have my hand and a minute of privacy?”
“Of course. Sorry.”
Dalton steps outside the door while you change, grabbing your hand again as soon as you open the door after changing. His gaze catches on your body in his clothes, a sight he could get used to. He attempts to shake those thoughts from his head; you agreed to stay as his friend, and he can ignore his feelings for a night. Right?
“This is going to be a tight fit, so you get comfortable first and then tell me where you want me?” you suggest as he plugs his nightlight in. 
“Um- why don’t you get in first, against the wall? Just in case anything happens.”
You crawl under the covers and settle on your side, with your back to the wall. Raising your arm, you invite Dalton to join you. He lies down, stiff as your arm settles over him. Shifting, he ends up face-to-face with you. 
“You need to relax. You’re never going to be able to sleep this tense. It’s just me,” you say gently. 
“I don’t know if I can.”
“That's fine. So we know weight makes you claustrophobic, but what if we,” you trail off as you move your arm to rest on Dalton’s side, encouraging him to wrap his arm around you. 
Your movements force your chest against Dalton’s, and the feeling of your steady heartbeat makes his heart speed up - the opposite of your desired effect. His emotions wake up again, and he realizes how he truly feels. Usually, his brain shows him insidious images while he tries to sleep, but tonight all he can think about is you and how much he loves you. 
“Do you think you can go to sleep?” You ask. 
Dalton doesn’t answer, so you pull back to look at him. You see his eyes are closed, and his face is relaxed, smiling as you realize he’s already sleeping. He unconsciously pulls you closer and drops his head toward your shoulder, the last thing you feel before you fall asleep. 
The next morning, you can’t believe your luck when you wake up before Dalton. You’ve never seen him look so peaceful, so relaxed, so close. As you lay there in silence, you set out to memorize every detail of his face. Committed to your mission, you don’t realize how much time has passed, but you feel Dalton’s grip tighten on you momentarily before his eyes flutter open.
“Are you ok?” He asks as his eyes meet yours. 
“I am. Are you?” You respond. 
“I have to tell you something.” He waits for you to nod before continuing, “I don’t have insomnia. Not exactly. I can astral project, or that’s what I think happens. But the realm, dimension, whatever the place I go to is - it’s dangerous. I see things and people that aren’t there, and I think it’s getting worse because now they’re attacking people here, in the real world. And as much as I like sharing a bed with you and being with you, I can’t. The thought of losing you, those things hurting you, or me doing something to you is too much to handle. Especially when you make me feel-“
You’re paying attention, you swear you are, but when he starts expressing how scared he is of something happening to you and his arms are tightening around your waist, you can’t help it. Your lips are on his before you even think about moving. He freezes, and you start to pull back, apology ready to spill out before he pulls you back in. 
“I like you,” you mumble into his mouth as he kisses you again.
“I like you too. ‘S why I can’t lose you,” Dalton responds before deepening the kiss. 
You distantly acknowledge the sound of a door opening, but Chris’ scream keeps your attention. 
“Finally!!” She yells before sitting on the bed across from Dalton’s and launching into a speech about how she knew and how cute you are together. 
“Next time, we’re staying in my room,” you mumble as you move your face into the crook of Dalton’s neck. 
“And taking her key,” Dalton adds as he ducks his head to capture your lips again, raising one arm to show Chris the way to the door, maybe with his whole hand, maybe with just one finger. All that matters to you is the boy beside you. 
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joohanisms · 11 months
hi lizzie! i already know you by your main, i wanted to ask you some oneshots/thoughts about sex with jealous jiseok?
MY MAIN ?@?@@? was it from the obnoxious amount of likes i leave on every single work on the xdh tags LMAO thank you so much for the request <33 hope you like it
jealous jiseok thoughts 💭💫
cw: jealousy obv, oral (fem receiving), possessive tones, unprotected sex (on birth control. don't be dumb), cum play slightly wc: 1,1k
minors dni
jiseok doesn't strike me to be the type to get jealous easily But! once he does... oh no
let's say you're out somewhere, like a party. and he's going about the looks people shoot you the usual way: smirking back at people, all smug, as if he's saying "this is Mine <3 look at me having someone you'll never have"
he did not expect your own friend to hit on you though
they were always a little touchy, and jiseok's not usually bothered (hell, he's not even in a place to be bothered. his friends are hanging off his shoulders half the time – if it doesn't bother you, it shouldn't bother him)
but tonight they were too affectionate
it started with them casually touching you while you talked, then they started playing with your fingers and fixing your hair and now jiseok's threat radar is beeping
when they lean in to talk into your ear, he draws the line. he's intervening
he gets closer and hears the "come on, leave with me. he doesn't have to know" in the air
oh no. oh nononono
he's PISSED. not only are they flirting with you in front of him, they're also blatantly asking you to cheat?
you can barely begin to indignantly refuse as he wraps his arm around your shoulders, ignores the so called friend and goes "hey, babe." before he presses a kiss that lasts a second too long to your lips
"do you want to go home? i think we'd have a better time there than here," pointedly looks at the person in front of you and pulls you closer, "plus i really want to find out what's the surprise you said you have for me back home."
there's no surprise. he's only making a point. you don't think you're even wearing matching underwear
he didn't even wait for your friend to say anything – as soon as you open your mouth to agree, he's whisking you away (he Does look back to see their face though)
when you're finally met with the fresh night air outside the building, jiseok pulls his phone out to call you both a cab and starts his angry rant
"are they out of their mind? doing that when i'm a few feet away? trying to get you to fuck them when they know damn well you're taken! we're not seeing that asshole ever again, they should feel lucky i didn't punch their teeth right off, if i was the slightest bit crazier i would've–"
"jiseokie," a hand to his cheek, "are you jealous?"
he looks up from his phone to find your playful gaze. he huffed, "of course i am! who do they think they are–" he's cut off by a searing kiss to his lips.
"it's kind of hot."
the way you were looking at him... hell he could fuck you right then and there and even hope your stupid friend catches you. unfortunately, the cab is here and the poor driver shouldn't be subjected to seeing that
the second you arrive at your apartment, he's holding your face with both his hands and kissing you downright filthily in your little entrance hall
you need to take your shoes off though... that's not a problem at all – you hear his chunky sneakers be tossed to the ground while he keeps kissing you the best he can, and you only separate as he crouches down to unlace your boots for you
you can barely appreciate the view of your boyfriend at your feet before your boots are off and he's on you again
his lips attach to your neck, sucking and nipping on the flesh while his hands sneak under your shirt
he has half a mind to bend you over the couch and fuck you stupid until your moans are engraved on the couch, but he ultimately decides on pulling you into your bedroom
before you even get to the bed, you're shirtless, jiseok's hands fumbling with the clasps of your bra while you work on his jeans
you don't get very far before your knees hit the bed and you're falling backwards
your hair fawning around your face, your cheeks flushed, your lips kiss-bitten, your bra half-off, your eyes nearly desperate... jiseok is so glad he's the only one who gets to see you like this
(and if it's up to him he'll be the only one to see you like this for the rest of time <3)
but for now he'll just push your skirt up and pull your underwear down <3
and eats you out sooooo good like legs over his shoulders his fingers spreading you
after you cum, you try to repay the favor but he grabs your hands and goes "wanna cum inside you, baby, please"
and who are you to deny him !! it's not common to have him cum in you even though you're on birth control... my guy likes the visual of his cum on your skin
and so in a second his pants and underwear are off, your legs are around his hips and he's ruining your neck again while he guides his cock to your entrance
he pushes in bit by bit, and only when he bottoms out he detaches from your neck and grins, pressing the pads of his fingers into what you assume are the hickeys he left
"you're mine", he softly says, looking into your eyes, before he starts thrusting into you
it gets really fast and rough really quick
you can't help but moan a little too loudly, the way his hips are slamming into your thighs feels divine. and when he presses his thumb to your clit...... you're seeing stars wtf
he's kissing you desperately, in a mix of panting and actually kissing you properly. your arms wind around his neck, needing him closer while you feel a familiar wave of pleasure starting to come over you
what really does it for you is his little rushed whisper of "mine, mine, mine, you're only mine right baby? mine to fuck you like this, mine to ruin, mine"
he keeps mumbling possessives and filth while he fucks you through your high
"'m yours, ji– only yours," you manage to say through the fog in your brain, and you feel his release fill your cunt
when he finally stops grinding into you, prolonging his orgasm as much as he could, he'll pull out slowly so he can watch his cum drip out of your hole
scoops a little bit of it with his fingers and smears it on your cheek, kissing you deeply afterwards
"my baby," he whispers between kisses, "only mine."
when both of you have finally caught your breaths, jiseok gets up to fetch a towel to wipe you down
when he comes back, he cleans you thoroughly - except the cum smeared on your cheek
"you forgot something." you point to your sticky cheek.
he grins devilishly, straddling you. "that's for you to wear, babe. so everyone knows you're mine."
bonus: when you're cuddling later, ready to sleep, you remember something: "... so what was the surprise i had for you back here?"
"shut up and go to sleep."
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melloncolliegalaxies · 4 months
big little things
1. "how are you feeling?"
2. the sky—night or day. blue skies, gray skies,  sunsets, sunrise. stars. cotton candy clouds. the moon. 
3. "i miss you."
4. petting a cat, feeling the vibrations as they pur. listen to it, they're saying "i feel safe here. with you."
5. someone creating something for you—a drawing, a piece of music, a poem, a sweater. a meal. anything. 
6. that one song you listen to (over and over again) when you just need to feel understood. 
7. "you make me happy."
8. having dinner with people who can make a bad day feel even slightly better. 
9. when someone remembers you—your birthday, your fears, your heartaches. your favorite things. your dreams. 
10. "i appreciate you."
11. listening to the rain in a cozy spot—snuggled in a comfy bed, or on a couch, or in someone's arms. 
12. watching someone's face light up when you lock eyes. 
13. feeling someone you love kiss your forehead when they think you're sleeping.
14. watching someone you love sleep, taking in their peaceful expression until you fall asleep too. 
15. belly-laughing with loved ones.
16. inside jokes.
17. flowers on your birthday. flowers any day. flowers, flowers, flowers.
18. Christmas lights. 
19. feeling comfortable enough with someone to let them touch you, hug you, high-five you, hold your hand, trace your face and body with their fingers, kiss you. 
20. giving someone a gift they really wanted. observing and absorbing their glee. 
21. someone doing something kind for you without you having to ask. 
22. someone taking the time to (respectfully) teach you something new. 
23. pleasant aromas—vanilla, the perfume or cologne or deodorant your lover wears, whatever's cooking in the kitchen, and that very specific scent wafting in the air, you know, the one that reminds you of a happier time. 
24. doing something, anything during a very bad depressive episode. you brushed your teeth? fed yourself? showered? did laundry? fantastic. 
25. "i can't wait to see you."
26. being preserved in someone's spaces—your pictures are on their desk, their walls, their lockscreen, in a pendent, in photo albums. 
27. feeling comfortable enough to undress in front of someone, to present your natural self to them—no clothes, no makeup, messy hair. 
28. "i'm here for you" and they actually are. they're at your doorstep. they're texting you through it. they call, they listen.  
29. the scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when Clementine and Joel's first memory together collapses. "Meet me in Montauk…"
30. someone asking you to listen to their favorite song. please listen to it—all of it.
31. "you make me so proud."
32. Ellie and Carl's "married-life" montage in Up
33. jinx. saying something at the same time as someone else and then grinning at each other.
34. when someone watches or reads the things you recommend. bonus points if they wind up loving it. 
35. when Joel tells Ellie "i struggled for a long time with surviving. and, no matter what, you keep finding something to fight for," in The Last of Us
36. "i was just thinking about you."
37. that thing you accomplished that no one knows about. 
38. someone supporting your work—buying your painting, sharing your novel with their friends, watching your streams.
39. the cutscene in The Last of Us Part 2 where Ellie expresses her frustration toward Joel for saving her life over sacrificing her for the cure, and he firmly tells her, "i would do it all over again."
40. "you make my life better." i met you and my smile is so big it hurts my cheeks. the sun seems brighter, this chocolate chip cookie tastes sweeter. i'm looking forward to tomorrow because you'll be there. your birthday is one of the best days of my life. oh my God, oh my God, this is terrifying—oh wait, there you are. it's not so bad anymore, actually. thank you for being here—for choosing to be here—with little old me in this brief moment in time when you could share it with anyone, anywhere in this very beautiful, very daunting, very big world. 
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nancys4gf · 2 years
can you write something where Jonathan is in his room and is at a moment of breakdown and crying because he's sure the reader doesn't like him (in a romantic way)because why would they like him and the reader comes by and goes in his room and is really concerned and comforts Jonathan but he won't tell them what happened and then at some points he cracks and says it's about him liking someone and they most likely don't like him back and the reader says one of the typical lines like I bet they like you or something idk and he's like if only you knew
teenage dirtbag | jonathan byers
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— whatever makes you happy, whatever you want. you're so fucking special, i wish i was special. Radiohead, Creep.
summary: jonathan doesn't think he's special enough for you to like him back. part two
pairing: jonathan byers x gender neutral reader
warnings: angst, insecurity
note: teenage dirtbag and creep kept playing on my head while i was writing this. those are such jonathan's songs hhh. (also peep the taylor swift lyric at the end). i imagined him like the scene in that gif :( my poor baby. thank you so much for requesting!!! i hope you like it <33
̟ ̇.˚︵‿୨♡୧‿︵˚.✩
jonathan didn’t hear when you knocked once. he also didn’t hear when you knocked two, three times, or when you called out his name. 
he didn’t hear the door opening, or your footsteps, until he felt the bed pressing down as you sat on it. 
“jonathan?” he didn’t hear his name in your lips, but he could read it. 
startled, he took off his headphones, and furiously wiped his eyes with his hands, as if he could erase the evidence of what you had just seen.
“jonathan, what’s wrong?” you asked, worry tainting your features, eyebrows furrowed and urgent eyes scanning his face.
he shook his head, sniffing quietly and rubbing his wet cheeks.
“your mom told me you were here, i’m sorry.” you said, feeling guilty for having barged in. but you couldn’t just leave him like this. “jon, what happened?” 
he wasn’t looking you. you thought it was because he was embarrassed, but in reality, he knew that he'd break down if he did. you were the embodiment of all his desires, and everything he couldn't have.
“did something happen?”
will was fine, his mom was fine. everything seemed fine. you would’ve known if it wasn't, right? he was your best friend. he always told you everything. 
“talk to me.” you whispered, leaning in and placing a hand on his cheek. it was wet and flushed, and though you desperately wanted to hold every part of him, he pulled away. 
you stayed silent for a while, giving him space. if he wanted to talk to you, he would. it wasn’t your place to pressure him.
but then he furrowed his eyebrows and his lips quivered, as uncontrollable tears streamed down his face. you couldn’t help leaning in again, placing your hands on his knees, drawing circles over the fabric of his jeans. 
“jon…” you pleaded. 
“i’m fine. it’s nothing.” he said, his voice weak and broken. 
“clearly, it’s not.” you tried to find his gaze, but he turned his face away. “and it’s okay to be sad sometimes. but did something happen? is it your dad? your mom? will? school?”
he shook his head, and you sighed, running out of options. you had never seen jonathan like this, so fragile and shattered.
you were one of the few people jonathan let himself let down his guard with, but now you wondered how many nights he had spent like this, crying in his room after bottling up his emotions for so long, the music loud to drown out the thoughts.
“you can talk to me about anything, you know that, right?”
you placed your hand on top of his, and he stared down at it for a moment, until finally he said,
“there’s someone.”
“who?” you said quickly, your entire body tensing up. “did they do something? did they hurt you?”
“no, not like that.” he shook his head, fidgeting with your hands, tracing lines across your knuckles. “there’s someone i… i like.”
you felt as if the entire world had stopped. you wanted to say the right thing, but it was as if your brain was moving in distorted figures and colors instead of words. 
you had no idea jonathan liked someone. 
“do they know?”
he shook his head. you swallowed.
“do you… want to tell them?”
“what for?” he asked, glancing at you for a second before looking down again. but the shortest glance was enough to make his heart skip a beat. “they don’t feel the same way.”
“well, you don’t know that.”
“i do.” he stated, curving his lips. “why would they?”
“jonathan.” you whispered, his name soft as cotton on your tongue. “you’re so special. you have no idea how special you are. they’d be lucky to like someone like you.” 
he made a face, unconvinced. you turned his hand and started drawing figures in his palm, following the lines.
“i’m serious. you’re so kind, so caring. you pay attention to little details, always remembering people’s favorite foods or songs. you’re smart, fun to be around, you give the best pep talks,” you joked, and a small smile made its way into his lips. you perked up at the sight, encouraging you to keep going. “and if you are that way with this person, they’d be crazy not to like you back.”
“yeah,” he mumbled. “crazy.”
“they don't know what they're missing,” you raised his hand towards your lips, placing a feather-like kiss on it. “not everyone deserves a jonathan byers in their life.”
jonathan didn't speak again, but you felt his quick pulse against his wrist. you pressed down on it, counting under your breath, your eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“what are you doing?”
“calculating your pulse,” you said casually. “but i don't remember how to. i never pay attention in gym class.”
he chuckled, and you gazed at him. there was a smile on his lips, but his eyes were teary and dispirited. the point of his nose was red, and the apples of his cheeks were too. even still, he looked pretty. you wished the rest of the world could see what you saw in him.
“i hate that you feel like this.” you whispered, stroking his cheek with your thumb. he nuzzled up closer to your hand, giving in to your touch.
it felt ironic, looking for comfort in the place that was causing him pain to begin with. but he couldn’t help it. not when it was you.
for you he would ruin himself a million little times.
“me too.”
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kamildawww · 9 months
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Happy Heavenly Birthday, Freddie Mercury!! <33
today this talented person would have turned 77 years old. eh, life takes away from us the most talented and unique people. i want to thank him for everything he did in this life, that he changed my life. i have again so many thoughts spinning in my head, so i will try to formulate them normally.
as i said, today is the birthday of the most talented, beautiful, wonderful, charismatic, caring, bright, intelligent and loving person — Freddie Mercury or Farrokh Bulsara!  i want to thank you, Freddie, for everything that you have done in this life, that you gave music your incredible and unique hits, and simply left an imprint on music and this life. i want to thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do in my life; you are a huge inspiration to me and a ray of light in my life. if not for you, then i don’t know what i would have done in those bad moments for me in life. thank you for the unique emotions - whether it be sadness or happiness - impressions and memories, i keep them all in my head and soul. i am so happy that fate introduced me to such an incredibly talented person as you, Freddie. 
i am so happy that Freddie has close friends who remember and love him to this day and share their memories with us; fans who love, support and do incredible work with this great man. i'm sure Freddie is proud of all of you!
Freddie is a talented person, he just has an incredible voice, as if heaven itself endowed him with an incomparable voice and simply amazing piano playing. i have always loved and continue to love everything about this man. i can't help but thank fate again for introducing Freddie to Tim, Brian and Roger. and that Freddie insisted that - the future "Queen" - the group continue to live! i am so happy that Freddie found Deaky and found talent in him, because without these four talented and amazing people, "Queen" would not be "Queen" that exists.
i can't get past the songs written by Freddie, regarding his work in "Queen" and his solo career, and not to say that i LOVE them! i'm sure they have some meaning and that these songs had some meaning in his life, as a memory of something or an event or something like that. his songs have always evoked a storm of emotions in me, for which i am again very grateful to him. Freddie always makes me smile, even on my worst day. thank you for not letting me give up. Freddie can make us smile and laugh, but at the same time he can make us think and shed a tear..
Freddie has been through a lot and i'm happy he stayed strong even during his toughest days. i am happy that he had friends and people close to him who stayed with him to the last.
okay, i think that's all that i wanted to say, i'm sorry that it came out so much, i'm just really grateful to this person. happy birthday again, Freddie. thank you for being a huge inspiration to so many people. i love you very much and appreciate you, thank you for everything. you are a very important person in my life, thank you for always being with me, although i know that it sounds very weird. happy birthday again, Legend! you will always live with us, in our hearts, in music, we love and appreciate you! <33 first of all, about the drawing, i know that it turned out not very well, this is not my best work, but i tried.  there's a lot going on in life right now (again) but i tried to find the time to draw a present for Freddie. the art block is killing me, which is probably why it didn't work out so well. but i hope you enjoy it! <33
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aliasrocket · 9 months
WIPS / REQUESTS. ౨౿ ⋆ 。 ˚ this was long due and I originally didn’t want to do this but since I’ll be away for a while, I was thinking I should let you guys know I visit these all the time. They’re called wips / requests bc some of these are actually already in the making.
DISCLAIMER : I will be excluding the more disturbing requests for everyone’s sake. here’s if you’re curious about what I mean. (it involves … rocket and cosmo.)
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request status : closed.
if you end up using any of these, please tag me so I can reblog and the anons might be able to see their request get fulfilled <33
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rocket has dreams of his s/o / reader meeting in different situations and being happy; dreams of them in college and coffee shops. — anon
reader tries to get closer to rocket by sharing his interests with him, like watching him make gizmos even though you can’t understand his technobabble but you encourage him anyway. — anon
reader knows only a bit about rocket’s backstory but he wakes up from a bad nightmare one night and he tells her what happened in full, and she comforts him and lets him know that she loves him and doesn’t think he’s any of the bad things he says about himself. — anon
rocket and reader take care of the baby raccoons together. — anon
reader and rocket get into a fight and stop talking for months, and when they meet again, reader is pregnant with someone else’s baby. — anon (2 anons requested this.)
rocket gets infatuated with reader after a night of drunken sex that ended with rocket crying to her about his past. he wants to have a relationship with you and you turn him down, which turns him into an even bigger asshole. one of the guardians asks reader to reach a resolution with him, and reader obliges because she don’t hate him and she even finds him attractive but she’s not ready to open herself up to him. reader offer him physical intimacy (pity sex) and of course it doesn’t end well for both of them. —anon on ao3
‘full fic’ of the drabble where rocket was introduced to bdsm, ‘full smut’ of reader being tied up and stopped from cumming. (I’m assuming anon meant cum control?) — anon
rocket builds sex toys to use on reader. — anon
rocket x reader smut where reader is helping to rebuild knowhere and rocket distracts her. — anon
rocket acting ravenous while giving reader cunnilingus. — @ajthefurry
rocket giving reader head, teasing, overstimulating her, holding her thighs/hips down, making her cum, etc. Bonus: hickeys on her thighs. — @caesarhamato22 <3
rocket and reader 69ing for 69 followers celebration. (this was so long ago I am so sorry) — anon
five times rocket and reader were almost caught and the one time they actually were. — anon
five times rocket and reader almost get spicy and one time they do. rocket and reader are finally getting comfortable with being physically intimate with each other (been making eyes at each other and such) but keep getting interrupted/being under attack/are on a mission and “it’s definitely not the right time.” — anon on ao3
reader is quill’s older sister, smart, good at fighting and rocket and reader know each other when rocket captures quill in vol 1. — anon
reader is a fox humanoid who is an ex-ravager who betrays yondu alongside quill who is their good friend. She’s also a looter, and they both have bounties on their head. Takes place in vol 1. — anon
posessive (almost back go classic yanderish) cute rocket x reader. — anon (whoever requested this, thank you anon, I will try to take care of myself between writing and drawing. <3)
rocket x male reader — anon
rocket x male reader where rocket died in the thanos snap and reader helps bring him back after 5 years. smut ensues. — @ero-manga-sensei
reader gets badly hurt during a mission, and they’re mistakes have happened before but it wasn’t this bad. everyone is worried but rocket worries the most. — anon on ao3
reader pines for rocket but knows he has his own issues and doesn’t think her feelings are reciprocated. she’s rather close with the guardians and one night they play ‘truth or dare’ or ‘never have I ever’ and maybe drinks can be involved. it turns out rocket pines for reader too. — @alylee-s on ao3 <3
mutual pining between reader and rocket; reader is well-liked in knowhere but thinks he’s out of her league because he’s one of the guardians and he’s the captain and very talented and she’s just a normal person. rocket feels the same way for reader, but thinks he’s out of her league because he’s just some psychopath’s experiment who’s also kind of a dick. Shenanigans and misunderstandings ensues, along with smut. — Glynnavyre on ao3.
general headcanons of rocket — @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr <3
rocket with a plus sized reader. — anon
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cassiedummy · 7 months
Revived the FNAF Fandom!
I am very happy that the FNAF fandom is revived thanks to the release of the movie, It makes me very nostalgic that the community publishes drawings and edits about fnaf again that I couldn't resist too c:
So I decided to draw my favorite animatronic 💖
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In my time, Mangle was the cause of the bite of the 87 xb
I don't know if there is any knowledge of Mangle's soul (because I don't know the lore very well), so I decided to make a headcanon about the soul that inhabits Mangle!
(like in the old days when theories used to be many c;)
Mary Bennett
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A little OC' that I made with the heat of the film, I remember that before they used to give personalities to the animatronics were related to their past lives as children, then I came up with this, giving more personality to a character as iconic as Mangle in his time <33
Now with that context I will give you his story...
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Mary Bennett, a happy but shy 12-year-old girl, still had many friends around her, passionate about insects and the microscopic world, thinking about studying Biology when she is older, in the words of her mother, a vibrant and very bright girl.
However, she had a somewhat difficult life, her mother Amanda Bennett was a single mother who had to take charge from the beginning of her pregnancy alone. When Mary was 5 years old she had an almost full-time job in addition to studying a career in college on weekends. computer science, which is why he hardly had time to see his daughter and left her in the care of his grandparents. This crushed his heart but he knew that he had to make an effort so that in the future he could have a better job and could give her a better life for Mary, that is until Mary was 12 where she finished her career, she was able to get a promotion at her job for fewer hours, more pay and she had the weekends for her daughter, now she would not miss any of Mary's important moments and he would give me all those nice things I wanted.
Life would turn pink for both of them, so Amanda decided to celebrate the news by going to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a place that Mary had always wanted to go to but didn't have the time or money to take her, so what better than taking her to a place where he could have fun and notice the change in his mother and their lives. Everything was laughter and fun until Amanda, in a small carelessness and trust, decided to let Mary go to the bathroom alone, which even though in the little girl's words she was "a big girl" she should not have let her go alone, it is something that she knows. She would regret her whole life, 10 minutes, 15 minutes passed and at 20 she began to panic when she did not see her little girl return, in tears she called her name, she begged the guards to find her.
They searched the cameras, interviewed hundreds of people, however they never found the culprit. Mrs. Bennett was always putting pressure on the authorities to find her little girl, but above all on the company at the Pizzeria, she had so much ahead of her with her daughter Mary, now he only had the nights where before going to sleep he wondered what would have happened if he had accompanied her to the bathroom, if he had spent more time with her before, however the 'would have' does not exist.
Well that's the lore I decided to give you, I hope you find it interesting C:
(Now other important information for this AU that I believe in my famboy child head)
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Extra fact:
Puppet and Charlie are not the same person, Puppet's personality is one that was created to protect Charlie but couldn't so he takes care of his soul within himself, so sometimes Puppet's personality is shy and sad ( this is on Charlie's part), but Puppet in his animatronic form is more serious and somewhat aggressive (with the security guard and William evidently) however he is nice with the other children, including Mangle.
Well I think that would be all, I still have ideas in mind for my favorite animatronics from the fnaf creeper saga (sometimes the lore confuses me 😅).
Byeeeeeee <3
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Pastry Shop is open, what are they getting
Assorted but small.
He usually isn't motivated to get a specific treat, but he usually gets a small tray/bin of different treats for himself and Yuu to try.
"Neh, I should charge you for this, Yuu." He chuckled, muching on his small Ma'amoul. "But, I'll let it roll off the tab this time."
Yuu groaned. "Not funny."
"Yeast (Yes), I am." He pronouncing the Yeast weirdly causing Yuu to groan at him.
"I am once again asking you to stop." Yuu pouted.
Not applicable
He's the assistant of the pastry chef, so he's tried just about everything in the shop.
"Ah, thank you for giving me some to take to the others! I know they'll love this!" The assistant told the chef who laughed at his outburst.
"You spoiled them rotten." The chef said with a shake of his head.
"They deserved it!" The latter said, carrying the package of treats back to NRC.
He just loves them and doesn't share unless Yuu hasn't eaten anything due to his dad's incompetence.
"May I have one?" Grimm asked, watching the latter slowly chewed the cannolis.
"No." He said bluntly. "And, don't try to use Yuu as excuse either."
"NEH?! I would never!" Grimm protested.
'X to doubt.' The latter thought.
Cream Horns
He doesn't buy, but "steals" it from the shop. By steal, he doesn't know that Ingo!Vanrouge often pays for his cream horns before he leaves for NRC.
"What do you have there?" The pastry chef stopped him.
"Just a little gift, little chef......" He held up two fingers in a peace sign and disappeared in trace of blue smoke with his "stolen" goods.
"Hehe, I wonder if I should tell him that Vanrouge-senpai already paid for him. Maybe next time." The chef chuckled at latter's disappearing act.
Gulab jamun
He's been all over the Twisted Wonderland, finding different fabrics and got addicted to these. He honestly didn't think the pastry chef knew how to make them, but was surprised when he did.
"I didn't think he did deliveries." The latter was making another cosplay from a request by a person named Yuu who requested something odd. "Well, back to figuring how to make this "Childe" cosplay." He glanced back at the drawing Yuu sent him before popping the treat into his mouth.
He actually heard about the treat from Yuu and asked the pastry chef if he knew how to make it.
"It's delicious, thank you for getting this for me." The latter mumbled shyly, eating the sugary treat and holding the bag that was filled with the rest.
"Always happy to see you enjoy yourself!" Ingo!Vanrouge told him with a small smile. "Let us know if you have any other requests." He gave the latter a pat on the head causing the latter to look a bit flustered and looked away awkwardly.
waaa pastry hcs <333 (hc that lil clover opens one up don't @ me)
yes yes sans!zigvolt being the one to just grab whatever bc they wanna share with friends :DD same with ingo!vanrouge! just a lil bunch of traumatized babies taking care of other traumatized babies
crowley!(name) indulging in their cannolis and only sparing them for yuu bc they share a distaste for their father (caretaker/boss in yuu's case)
i think it'd be funny if che'nya!(name) knew that the sweets were paid for but just pretends they don't? idk just a funny lil reverse thinking going on with the cat <3
evol!schoenheit being a lil recluse hehe. just wanna enjoy their lil pastries in peace <33
hnggh bodyguard!asim is probably really iffy on sweets being handed out bc possible poisonings but will not hesitate to eat them just bc they'd rather be poisoned than their family :((
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smoothshine · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. 😊
Sorry for the late response, and thank you so much for the ask! <33
It was actually a pretty needed ask, because I really needed to be able to focus on some smaller good things in my life that I don't get to appreciate as much lately, since I am a bit overwhelmed with the, eeeh, let's call it a negative emotional spectrum :"))
Anyway!! Back to the ask:
1) My friends! Offline and online, even though I'm not online as frequently as I used to be - still love and appreciate you guys a lot, and I am always glad to catch up with you when I am finally online again, ahah
My irl friends and well, people close to me - I swear, it makes me so happy to just see them and hug them and just talk about random stuff, these kinds of interactions helped me a lot through these past few months, so yeah, they do make me happy! :33
2) Music! I listen to a lot of music lately, ahah, weirdly enough even sad music helps me to figure out my emotions better, which overall makes me happier 😌
3) The thoughts of an upcoming break x)))
Yeah, that's right, my studies will end pretty soon, and I am also quitting the job I don't quite like, so I will finally have some time for myself (which I really want to use to catch up on all the royai content which people created (and still create!) during the royai week, uahahaha)). Granted, it sounds like a postponed kind of happiness, ahah, but still, the thought alone makes me excited!!
4) Tasty food, yeah, I am a pretty simple person, ahah. But you get that, right? I have a favorite pizza place where we sometimes order pizza and my goodness it's sooo good!! Or other times I'd treat myself with my favourite ice cream and boom, suddenly I feel infinitely better about myself x)
5) Drawing! Granted, I am having a little bit of an art block right now, but generally drawing does make me happy, and I hope the moment when I have enough resources to draw freely again will come soon 😌
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brotha-lamp · 1 year
The Most Realistic Bucket List:
Since my health seems to just be leaning towards failing and this time it doesn’t seem like I’ll bounce back, I’m putting together a quick bucket list in no particular order. If you know who I am, please don’t put this info up anywhere on my main blogs, or public accounts. Thank you.
(May add more later)
1: see an owl saw a Snow Bunting!
2: take one more really good photo and be proud of it regardless if other people like it
3: make sure I’m around at least long enough to keep Noodle comfortable in her old age. (So take the barf med.) —doing my best and taking my meds!
4: make something that mom really likes
5: provide as much comfort to her and Noodle as possible. Which means doing more even if it hurts —working on it as much as I can!
6: do more Google earth traveling since we can’t really travel. Fuck running out of internet data.
7: eat Brie it hurt me insides
8: draw what I really feel like drawing not only stuff for other people
9: read the books. Read them — work in progress
10: I want to see the ocean again
11: plant milkweed
12: carve something out of wood
13: I want a churro -can’t the cinnamon allergy took off
14: I really want to see a whale
15: draw one really awesome book cover for any book, any fanfic, anything.
16: write. Literally anything. I wrote a thing/ am writing a thing.
17: be cheerful. No one wants to hear about the negative stuff in your life anymore. Tell them only good things
18: get your permit/license Jfc —got my permit!
19: go out more. Fuck it. Waste gas going to the lake or whatever
20: remember to say I love you to friends and don’t let trauma get in the way.
21: find the perfect gift for Q. It has to be possible.
22: allow myself to stim like I actually need to to feel comfort
23: buy noise canceling headphones and actually use them for when noise is too much DONE! Thanks to a very kind friend who helped me out ♥️
24: see if I can help my mom quit smoking one more time.
25: make her her favorite samosas
26: buy a small grill and grill some fucking zucchini finally! Life long dream!! GRILL BOUGHT
27: let go of the biggest dreams/wants. They can’t happen. Let it go. —This is an ongoing process.
28: feed a bird from my hand again.
29: write summery endings for all my unfinished fanfics IN PROGRESS!
30: see the northern lights properly I finally got to see them! (As clearly as possible for where I am.)
31: have a lobster roll with butter Can't eat shellfish anymore so poop.
32: WE WANT TO GO TO HAWAII 😭 No can do. Hawaii has respectfully said No.
33: genuinely feel proud of myself for stuff I’ve done
34: try to find an rv for my mom. Even a rental.
35: Get lost in the woods for a bit
36: accept that some things are not in my capacity to fix, or even improve.
37: fly a drone
38: Want to swim in a warm ocean preferably not polluted with sewage.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
hello ppnuggie <3
can i have a lost in space match up please :3?
i go by sunny, my pronouns are she/they and im omnisexual!!
i have short, curly ginger hair and a lot of freckles,, im planing on getting little solar systems tattoed on diffrent clutters of freckles which is not really relevant ig but,, freckles
my eye color is a mix of blue and green and people have actually argued over what my eye color is at school lol,, i dont really have an aesthetic but i do have these really cool pants with doodles on them and a little ufo on the back pocket that says "i need space"
i have a very cheery personality around friends and i would literally die for them,, i dont express myself around my family as much because they can be really judgy and im really sensitive,, and if im around someone i absolutely hate/someone who has wronged me significantly, i will let them know exactly how i feel - if i do have an issue with someone i will always try to solve the issue in a civil mannar without hurting their feelings,, i rely on communication a lot and its an important thing to me with different relationships
but other than that, im very friendly with new people and friends, im very open and try very hard not to be intimidating, because as an antisocial and socially anxious person ik how it feel when talking to knew people,, im definitely more confident over social media and texts than i am in person.
im an artist!!! im graduating a year early from high school and going to one of the country's best art schools!! ive had art set as acareer path in my brain since the 5th grade,, art is my life
i also dabble in creative writting, mostly fanfics but its just so incredible to come up with stories,, im a big book worm,, if im not drawing or watching cartoons/syfi films im reading, could be ao3, wattpad, tumblr fics, poetry, or a physical book i bought, i will read it
i love syfi and action that simmer in some romance ya know,, it just hits diffrent,, especially alien robot themed syfi,, idk my brain just eplodes when i see space robots
i hate being surrounded by clutter, my surroundings affect my mental state so i try to be as clean as possible to keep my attitude and motivation up :))
i have anxiety + social anxiety,, especially if im alone in crowded/public spaces- went on a college field trip once in middle school and i had a break down at taco bell because none of my friends were there and i was surrounded by strangers,, students or not,,
i hate broccoli and coliflower and public speaking/presentation assignments
im sorry if this is too much? ive never asked for a match up before but the ones ive seen are kinda lengthy so im not too sure :// i might do another match up ask in the future for tfp if its still open i love those funky dudes
anyways thank you for reading my tf stuff and requesting it was the highlight of my week !!! :D
ahh tysm for requesting !! 🥹🥹🙏❤️ im so sorry i havent been able to reply to the comments and stuff you make on my posts 😭😭 i promise im not ignoring you ,, its just this isnt my main blog but instead a side blog ,, my main one i dont bother or toucb anymore 😭😭 but my dms are definitely open if you ever wish to talk or so <33 and np !! i cant wait to see the finished result for the request :D i like your work so much 🥹 its rlly good !! heres you matchup <33 under the thing ,, and dw ,, you can request again for tfp bc no ones rlly requested so far 😭🙏 congrats on the art school tho ! :D hope you do have fun with that !!
𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 : robot !! :D
• he would stay around you often ,, not bothering to spend time with others and instead stick close to you unless you told him not to
• hes very curious about you ,, lights swirling around inside the glass on his face ,, he finds you interesting and nice to be around
• whilst hes not all that sure about humans just yet ,, as they all act differently from one another ,, he does feel safer and more comfortable around you
• whenever he catches glimpses of your drawings he tilts his head to the side ,, wondering about them in his mind
• he loves to see your drawings ,, how each varies differently from one to another ,, it just makes more memories for him
• he has tried to draw something for you before ,, wanting to indulge in this littke artistic hobby of yours and make something ,, though it was only in the dirt as he doesnt know how to use pencils and stuff yet
• he’ll help you with public spaces and crowds and strangers as best as he can ,, making it known hes there for you shall you need some reassurance <3
the small stick glided around in the dirt ,, shapes starting to form as he moved it about. he had his mind focused on a plant form ,, gazing back and forth at it as he tried to mimick its shaping. the lights swirled softly inside the glass ,, hand moving to make another shape.
once finished ,, he turned to look up at you. the lights never once stopped swirling ,, a soft hum coming from robot as he awaited for your reaction. laid there in the dirt had been a mishapened flower ,, the one just a little bit in front of you two.
he hoped you liked it somewhat ,, hoping you’ll enjoy his creation as much as he enjoys yours. the lights slowed their pace ,, blue gazing into your eyes as he awaited.
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
Hey Rae! For the 'get to know' ask meme that has been floating around in the fandom, I just wanna ask a few fun questions if you're bored :D
If you could, what message would you send to Erik/REDACTED?
Are there any fantasy outfits that you would wear in real life?
What got you into drawing? (I love your artworks, by the way. They gave me serotonin whenever I see one)
What playlist do you listen to when you enact revenge on your enemies?
What's your ultimate comfort food?
Which part of the day or evening gives you peace?
Thank you so so much for the ask, Monotony~~~! Also sorry it took so long!!! Busy week!!
Let’s see!
1. I would honestly just say thank you for giving us the content he does, to create your own full universe unrelated to any other fandom or anything and put it out there hoping at least a few people pick up on it seems crazily intimidating- not to mention letting us interpret a good amount of his own universe. And also for being just a sweetheart about everything and not being a shit person like a lot of other VA’s have been like :)
2. YES OH MY GOODNESS !!! Anything based on Victorian style with a fantasy twist is the dream!! Such as!
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I simply would just like to frolic through a whimsical fairy field with a long flowey corset dress <3 the dream <3
3. This ones funny and a bit bittersweet actually! So I drew all through middle school with a lot of random stuff (yknow, as a lot of us did back in the day, just some doodles) for fun and in my free time. When I got into highschool, though, I winded up with a not so supportive group of people who had told me that they weren’t fans of my art- usually comparing my stuff to one of our other artist friends. Hearing that from the people I, at the time, held to the highest regard killed all confidence and motivation I had- so I stopped. And didn’t start again for 3 years. Luckily going into college this past year resulted in me finally cutting them off completely, and my motivation finally came back after all that time! Starting back up was rough, but I feel like I’m finally starting to get back into the groove of things again. All and all though, I’m happy I finally got the motivation back to draw again- and am even happier to hear that you enjoy it!!!! 🖤🖤
4. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5sOt6S0jNYcqFh3IIK5MSt?si=nR6gC9YgROSfeYB55u5HiQ
This one usually gets me in the crush-and-take-names mood :)
5. A Greek dish we call Lahanodolmades (λαχανοντολμάδες)- which is usually made with ground lamb and rice wrapped up in cabbage leaves and served with a thick lemon sauce. My grandmother (my yia yia <3) always likes to make this for us and it’s become my absolute favorite comfort food of all time <33
6. Very late evening!! I always stay up past when everyone in the house is asleep, so it’s my time where I can have all the personal time and space I want without intruding in someone else’s <3
Thank you again so very much for the ask!!! Drink water and stay safe 🖤🖤🖤
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seasidepierre · 2 years
heyyy, so I'm going to start posting my Charles Leclerc fanfic and I've been going through the writing process too. Since the Sunkissed Face series is one of my most favourite ones on this app, I just wanted to ask some tips (if you're comfortable with answering them) on how you stay consistent with maintaining the characters' personalities and how distinct they are and also, how to stay motivated since readers on Tumblr don't interact much. Sending lots of love to you <33
First of all: thank you so much for the kind words, they mean the world to me. I know I say it all the time, but you have no idea how much your kind comments boost my mental health. I'm a people pleaser, so Tumblr (when I'm not attacked by meanies) is my safe space and you guys made it so. So thank you so much, again.
Again, I feel like a complete fraud for giving advices because I don't think I'm good enough to be held to such a standard, but here you go.
I did have a couple of tips the other day, I went on a deep dive to get them back for you Nonie, so here they are again: some tips on how to get started on Tumblr
When it comes to my characters' personalities, I hate to say it but I legit pinball it. I don't outline, I don't have Pinterest folders, I don't create characters' cheatsheet. I just eyeball it and go for it. What I can say, though, is that if you're getting started on your writing journey, what I found the easiest for me (and it's for me, not for everybody, just speaking from my own experience) was to base the characters on something I already know. The drivers were easy, because with interviews and social media, we kinda have a general idea on how to write about them because we feel like we know them well enough (or at least, what they want us to believe/know). When it comes to your OCs, the best solution is to base them on yourself. You'd be amazed by how many details of my OCs are drawn from me haha, like the Sunkissed Babe is struggling with her social life in a city that is supposed to be busy. She feels quite lonely, even though she has friends that she sees quite regularly. This is something that I've taken from me. Our much beloved Queen from Pierre's fic is a lot like me too: her memory box is something that I have, I even have several because I'm a collector and I keep trinkets from everything and everywhere. Tink from She's Not My Girlfriend gets her nickname from the fact that she's constantly tinkering, solving smartphones and laptops issues and she's a tiny creature living for oversized clothing. That's me. So in a sense, I kinda scatter myself in my OCs, because it's easier for me to write about things I know and feel comfortable in. You won't find me writing about characters I don't relate to because I genuinely can't boost my imagination enough for these. And I learned that it's okay, that you don't have to write anything else but what you want, how you want it. I am tough on myself, the fics I post I generally don't enjoy to a 100%. There's always something that's bothering me about it and I can't pinpoint what. But I learned to let go of my perfectionism because I'm a one-woman show and I do my best with edits but when you've read the same thing 10 times already and can't figure out what to change, then maybe it's because there's nothing to change.
When you asked how to maintain them distinct, honestly, most of the time I feel like you could take all of my OCs and they'd blend into the same mold, so I'm genuinely surprised to hear that you see them very distinctly. When it comes to the drivers, it's a bit of a same. But I think the setting helps a lot and the relationships you build between the characters will help your readers draw a line between the versions of the drivers or the OCs. The Sunkissed Babe and Queen are distinct in the sense that they don't have the same dynamics between them and their significant other. Sunkissed is learning who Charles is and what makes him happy and how he operates. Queen already knows everything about Pierre and that's what makes her comfortable, even though she's always played the bestie card and now she gets to hold his hand. Other than that, they both are surrounded by friends but they both feel a bit lonely. They both have a nostalgia to them and they both are sweeter than the world deserves them to be. But because one is with Charles and the other is with Pierre, you seperate them well enough, I guess?
I wrote a novel on here and rambled so much.. I hope I answered your question, though!! Don't hesitate to come back to me about all of this, if I can help I will!
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