#thank you for letting me hijack the tags for a second
royalcordelia · 1 year
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I wrote a book — and it’s gay, cozy, & romantic! 
After many years of writing about Anne and Gilbert, I’ve finally graduated to books about my own characters. I’m so, so happy to announce Kit & Basie. 
Kit & Basie follows Basie Yeats, an immortal man who is ready to leave his hometown for good after the death of his mother. When a quiet outsider moves into the Yeats family house, Basie finds maybe he has a reason to stay, after all. It’s a short, cozy novel about love, belonging, and home. 
The book is set to release this year. Copies on my personal Etsy are planned to come will all sorts of cottage-y, bookish goodies, but the book will also be available as an ebook (and Kindle Unlimited!)
I wanted to tell my AWAE family first so that you all would have first dibs on ARC copies when they became available. If you’ve enjoyed my fics over the years, please consider supporting my writing journey by joining the newsletter and reblogging! Because I’m self-publishing, I’ll be relying on your kindness! 💛👒
Join the newsletter to stay up to date about ARCs, release dates, cover reveals, preorders, & other (very occasional) news!
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neverevan · 5 months
2023 Writing Round-Up 💫
• 15 fics / 138.6k words posted; out of which 8 fics / 67.8k were buddie
Phew, it's been such a productive year, especially the second half, thank you for everyone who tagged along for the ride!! 🤗
(also I'm doing it in reverse order because... well if you know, you know 😪)
we’ve got something permanent (i mean in the way we care) [buddie, 7.1k, Explicit]
Buck has baby fever and it’s Eddie’s job to give him what he wants. Kind of.
Keep My Heart Warm In Yours [buddie, 18.5k, Mature]
Christopher decides that he wants to go skiing, Buck makes it happen and the cabin at the foot of the mountains turns out to be quite the romantic backdrop for their little getaway.
Of Love, Hospital Jitters And Christmas Lights [buddie, 6.3k, Teen + Up]
Eddie and Buck end up in the hospital waiting room a few days before Christmas.
You Ring, I Drool [buddie, 8.6k, Explicit]
5+1 times Buck reminds Eddie of a dog // alternatively; the one in which Eddie accidentally conditions Buck to beg for treats
If This Is What The Season Is Bringing [buddie, 2k, Teen + Up]
Buck and Eddie made a promise after Eddie decided to leave the 118 and they finally make good on it this Christmas.
Out Of Order, Still In Line [buddie, 6.2k, Explicit]
When Buck finally gets to the Clinic, the long awaited release doesn’t seem to come; cue Eddie to the rescue.
'Cause I'm still seeing colours that are red (If I close my chest and let it take me) [steddie, 11.4k, Explicit]
Ever since they came back from the Upside Down, Steve has been struggling on rainy days, but Eddie’s there to provide support and a maybe even a little more than that. - Project #182 of Steddie Bigbang 2023
How It Was Meant To Be [steddie, <1k, Gen]
Steve's casually calling Eddie 'baby' all the time, without even registering what he’s doing.
I Was Betting On Forever (But Forever Comes And Goes) [buddie, 4k, Teen + Up]
Eddie gets a call from Buck in the middle of the night and it’s about as bad as one would expect.
It gets better, it gets worse [steddie, 52.7k, Explicit]
Steve tried to tell Eddie how he felt, only to get shut down immediately. Now meeting for the first time in a year, they have to figure out how to be around each other.
Coming On Ever So Strong / Coming Off Ever So Soft [buddie, 14.7k, Explicit]
They get drunk, Eddie makes a move and then there is the next morning.
But where they lay, they cannot stay [radskier, 4.3k, Explicit]
Jaskier comes to Tretogor and meets Radovid for the first time in months, but their reunion is bittersweet given how much everything has changed since they’ve last seen each other.
Helping hands (are better than praying lips) [steddie, 5.5k, Explicit]
Eddie breaks his arms and Steve is on nurse duty. [cw for watersports]
Who we are in the dark [steddie, 3.4k, Explicit]
It's their first anniversary and they go to the cinema.
It might walk like a duck [steddie, 10k, Explicit]
Eddie Munson is a busy man, busy enough to have a planner. Steve misses his friend so he hijacks said planner, learning something unexpected in the process.
Aaand that's all, folks! 💛 Now, here are some tags:
I was tagged by the lovely @wikiangela and @jamespearce9-1-1 thank you~ 💛
(these guys went in so early and I left it for the last minute lmao but just in case you missed their round-ups, you can read them: here and here)
✨tagging (if you've already done it, no worries and still no pressure otherwise either): @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz @nmcggg @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @theotherbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @ladydorian05 @rainbow-nerdss
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ashes-writing · 2 years
burnin for you | stranger things ; g.emerson
A/N ; So this little shit hijacked my brain around lunch today and I've been writing like a woman possessed since the idea presented itself. I know, I knowwww.. let's just ignore the million other x reader wips I have, alrighty? Like... Idk how popular Gareth Emerson is as a character but lowkey, I thought he was pretty bitchin. So.. here I go again, I guess.
What I'm posting is all I got.. for now. LMK if you wanna see more of this -or any of my x reader things, tbh. Feedback really does help. Some of y'all giving feedback are the very things that have actually inspired me to carry on with certain fics, jsyk. I love you all for it too.
[ writer firmly believes that Gareth Emerson enjoys bands like Blue Oyster Cult, hence the name of this one. ]
Pairing ; Gareth Emerson x Sweet!Girly!Fem reader
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; Set during season 4 but free from the Upside Down and all of it's assorted fuckery and nasties. Nobody dies, all we get are high school shenanigans and some pining slash angsttt... and hopefully some real cute filth at some point. So if you like that, stick around yeah?
Tag List ; @musichealsscars @aries-arcade @allelitesmut @hcloangcls are the only people on my Stranger Things taglist.. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Stranger Things, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; Jocks being assholes, reader may be cute+smol+sweet but she's got a very dry wit + razor sharp tongue, hints of reader having a lonely absentee parent homelife / rich girl probs, awkward fluffy flirting, mutual crushes. Eddie Munson being a covert lowkey matchmaking shit for his bestie cos I felt like it.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open -> send me things. Headcanons or fluff/filth alphabet letters only. No wrestlers, please and thanks.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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Gareth Emerson is on the verge of dozing off at his desk until the classroom door opens and you make your way inside quietly. You pause by the teachers desk and hold out a piece of paper and the teacher looks out at the classroom to address them. 
“We have a new student today.” the teacher nods to you and your only response is to fidget with the sleeve ends of the pale pink cardigan you’re wearing while shuffling your feet. Gareth’s eyes fix on you and he swallows hard, drums the pencil in his hand against his desk. The teacher finally seems to realize that you’re dead set against introducing yourself to the class so with a roll of her eyes, she nods in the direction of the vacant desk right across the aisle from the one Gareth sat in.
You make your way down the aisle and sit down, digging around beneath the desk to try and find a textbook. The teacher notices and gets Gareth’s attention. “Mr. Emerson, be a dear and share your textbook with ____ until I can slip down and pick up one to go in her desk?”
Gareth glances across the aisle at you just as you look up and lock eyes with him. For a second or two, you’re just staring at him with your head tilted. Gareth gets up and moves his desk closer, putting the book between the two of you.
The scent of cotton candy hits his nose and at first, he thinks somebody’s eating the stuff in class. But then you lean into him slightly to get a better view of the page in front of him and it’s in his nose and he realizes that the scent is coming off of you and it’s your hair.
You can feel the boy with bright blue eyes staring at you. When you finish reading the page in front of him and move on to the page in front of you, you glance up for just a second or two and you flash him a cute little smile as you suck in a bubble with the pink gum you’ve been chewing for the duration of class.
Gareth manages a smile in return and goes back to reading. When your hair softly grazes his arm, he feels like someone’s dragging a live wire across his skin and he tries not to tense up but he can’t help it, it’s not like girls -especially the really pretty ones like you, are going out of their way to touch him or smile at him and he doesn’t really… know how to handle it.
You gaze up at him with your brows knit together, twisting a strand of hair around your finger. “Sorry, uh..” you mumble, your words trail off softly before you’ve even finished the sentence. 
By now, he’s starting to realize that you’re just this shy little thing, all soft and pink and sweet like candy. Or this is the image he’s building of you in his own mind at the moment, either way.. One of you has to make things less awkward and for some reason, he doesn’t think two,three and four times about him being the one to do it this time.
He tears a strip of paper out of his notebook while nobody’s paying attention and picks up his favorite pen.
Hey. What’s your name?
He slips the paper over to you using the thick textbook as a cover. At first he doesn’t think you’ve seen him do it, but then, just as he goes to pull his hand back, you place your hand on what you think is the slip of paper, only to discover it’s his fingertips. You glance down at your hand on top of his fingers and you slowly pull your hand with the note in it closer to yourself.
You pick up your favorite pink pen and start to write back.
It’s ___. But I hate it, so you can call me literally anything else. What classes do you have? I can show you my schedule, if you want me to??
You slip the note back towards Gareth and he’s staring at the words on the page. When he feels the softness of your fingertips against his hand, he lowers his hand on the slip of paper. You pout a little because he doesn’t really look up, but you shrug it off. You’re probably annoying him already.
You’re doodling in your notebook, delicate little flowers and suns, stars and hearts and you really don’t expect him to answer because you’ve come to the conclusion that you were annoying somehow, and so when you feel him sort of awkwardly nudge you and nod down, you’re surprised. You slip the strip of paper towards you and your eyes scan it.
I’ll come up with something then. Yeah, if you want to show me, you can. You smell like cotton candy.
The last part is scratched out, almost like he didn’t mean for it to be seen. You giggle softly and reach out to the textbook to turn the page before picking up your pen to respond.
Yay! When the bell rings I’ll give it to you. Uh… can I walk with you? I promise I won’t annoy you or anything… Thanks. It’s my perfume, I think? You smell nice too. ;) 
You slip the paper back towards Gareth and quickly turn your attention back to the book in front of the two of you. As your eyes scan the page, you twirl hair around your fingertip and you can feel him when he stares at you. You glance over at him and you give him that cute little grin.
He wants to kick himself because the grin is yet another thing about you that he has the feeling will be what dooms him.
He nearly chokes on air when he reads the last part of the little note and before he can stop himself, his face is on fire. The more rational side of his brain keeps trying to tell him that the popular kids are gonna find a way to coax you over to their side so there’s no sense in getting all caught up in you, but no matter how hard he tries to keep that in mind, there’s this small part of him that knows it’s already way too late.
He’s thrown for a loop by you promising not to annoy him or anything and it actually makes him look up from the little strip of paper and stare at you as you doodle in your notebook and twist hair around your finger.
The bell finally rings and you gather your things. You’re pretty sure he’s not going to want to lead you around all damn day, so you start to walk out of the classroom. He catches up to you just as you reach the classroom door and taps your shoulder. 
Before you can stop it from happening, you can feel your face and body getting a little hot when you turn to look up and find him standing there, staring down at you with his brows knit.
“Sorry, I..” you stammer. He chuckles quietly. “It’s okay. You were gonna show me your schedule..?”
You dig around in your notebook as you two step into the hallway and you hold it out to him after you’ve found it. Gareth takes it and scans the classes you’re taking and as luck would have it, you have every one of his classes but one.
“We have everything together until our last one. I have shop. You have Home Ec, I think?” Gareth takes the paper back and nods. “Yeah, Home Ec.”
You giggle quietly. 
“C’mon. I don’t mind walking with you.” he knows it’s probably stupid as hell and in a few days, after you’ve been at Hawkins High long enough to learn the social system, you probably won’t even look at him in the hallway anymore, but he also feels this overwhelming urge to be around. To be protective. To just be near you.
They say this shit doesn’t happen at first sight. And maybe it doesn’t.
But Gareth would be lying if he didn’t own up to the fact that he feels… Something.
— ( lunchroom, same day )
“Okay, so where do you usually sit?” your eyes scan the crowded cafeteria and you somehow instinctively shift so that you’re standing closer to Gareth. You pull your eyes off of the room itself to tilt your head to the side slightly and look up at him. He nods to a table full of guys of varying ages who all happen to be wearing the same tee shirt that he’s wearing underneath his flannel vest.
“Over there.”
At the table, Dustin nudges Eddie. “Who’s she?”
“I have no idea. She’s cute though. Definitely not the kind of girl you picture with him, but cute.” Eddie muses thoughtfully as he takes a bite of his apple.
Jeff is gaping. Wiggling his brows and just being a teasing shithead as you and his best friend make your way over to the table. He notices how you seem to squish yourself into Gareth’s side just a little when you pass the noisy assholes on the basketball team sitting at the jocks table when one of them calls out.
“Hey! Sweetheart you are worlds better than that freak. C’mon, come sit with us. Let me show you around Hawkins High.”
Gareth stops in his tracks and so do you. You point to yourself. For at least fifteen seconds or so, Gareth is convinced that this is it, it has to be. That you’ll figure out you don’t belong with him or his friends and you’ll go to the better table.
But your response surprises him.
A lot, actually. Because you haven’t really acted like you possess any certain fire or sass until your mouth opens to respond to Mason Allen.
“I’d really rather not..” you bite your lip, gazing at the jock. “Don’t all of you like… carry unidentified airborne STD’s usually? Yeah, no thanks. I’d really rather not.” and you start to walk away. Gareth is still frozen in place and as soon as you realize it, you walk back over and gently grab his wrist. “C’mon. Don’t let those Stepford assholes get in your head.” you say it loud and with a smirk in the general direction of the popular table.
Still in shock, Gareth lets you lead him to the table he’s told you he usually sits at.
“Okay, where the hell did he find her? Asking for personal reasons…” Jeff mutters, making Eddie chuckle quietly beside him as he leans in to whisper, “I was thinking the same thing, man.”
“Guys, this is ___.”
Eyes fix on you and you bite your lip, giving a soft little smile and wave. “Hi?”
“What’d that jackass Mason say to you?”
“ Oh yeah… He called you guys freaks. He was trying to get me to sit with him I think? I unno.” you shrug and go quiet again, eating your lunch. 
“And you didn’t. Interesting.” Eddie muses, mostly to himself. Giving Gareth a smirk that has Gareth giving him a dirty look. And before he can stop himself, he’s sitting just a little closer to you. He knows that look and he knows that nine out of ten, his best friend is being a shithead, but he’s also still not willing to risk even losing you as a friend.
Because a friend is better than nothing at all.
You happen to overhear Eddie and you glance up, taking a bite of your chocolate pudding. “Yeah. I didn’t. I hate jocks.”
What you don’t explain is that at your old school, you were popular. But then a boy you thought cared about you went around spreading rumors about you and after that, nobody wanted anything to do with you.
So yeah, you’re not falling into that trap anytime soon.
Besides, there’s just something about Gareth. You feel just a little less ill at ease in your current situation with him around, even if you’re scared to death that he’s going to wind up being annoyed by you. Or sooner or later, being around you will be such a pain in the ass for him too that he won’t want to anymore.
After all, your own parents can’t be bothered to stick around very long. No sooner did they have the furniture unpacked and in place and everything settled in than they were leaving again. Another business trip, so they said.
This is the first time in days since your arrival in Hawkins that you’ve felt even a little secure at all. So maybe it’s needy, maybe it’s clingy as hell, but you just don’t want to lose the feeling. If being around Gareth Emerson is comforting for you, then that’s exactly what you’ll do. At least as much as you can get away with.
“You. I like you.” Jeff grins as he chuckles. “Since Gare is gonna be a bag of dicks and not introduce us to you, I’m Jeff.”
The boy with curly hair and a baseball cap speaks up next with a bright grin. “Dustin. Where’d you move here from?”
“Vegas.” you answer quietly, raising the straw in your milk carton to your lips as you take a noisy sip. 
“That’s cool.” Dustin smiles at you, hoping that maybe it’ll ease you a little. He can just kind of tell you’re wary of everyone right now and he wants to make you see that you don’t have a reason to be.
The boy with black hair goes next. A cocky sort of little smirk that kind of makes you think he’s probably all mouth. You discover this is true when he introduces himself. “Mike Wheeler. You know Gareth’s an idiot, right?”
You snort in laughter and shrug. “Yeah, I’ll uh… Keep that in mind, kid.” you reply, smiling at him.
The boy sitting next to him chuckles. “Ignore Mike, he’s an idiot. I’m Lucas. Probably the only nice jock you’re gonna meet here.” and you smile a little. “I think your mom asked me to babysit one of your little sisters this weekend, actually.” you nod, remembering seeing him in the store with his mother when she’d stopped you because you were posting an ad on a bulletin board nearby.
“Hey, yeah! I remember seein you now! Cool. My sister Erica’s gonna be a pain in your ass though. Just gonna tell you that now. Kids always annoying the hell out of me.”
“Dude, Erica’s not that bad. At least you have a sister. It’s just me, my ma and the new cat.” Dustin laments. You laugh softly. “I’m an only child too.”
The boy with long hair, tattoos and  fingers full of rings with almost black brown eyes is the next one to introduce himself. And he’s giving you this little smirk. You return the smirk. “And you are?” you question quietly.
“Eddie Munson.”
Gareth tenses up just a little at your side and you glance over at him while he’s not looking.
You can feel tension between the two but you don’t say anything about it. What you do instead is shift just a little closer to Gareth.
“Hey, Gareth is in the band with me, Grant and Jeff.. You should come hang while we practice.” Eddie is grinning. He’s at least seventy five percent sure that Gareth thinks he’s trying to flirt with you but that’s actually not what he’s doing.
He’s inviting you because he knows his friend too well. And he knows that grumpy dumb fuck won’t invite you himself. Or make any sort of first move. So he’s assuming that maybe if he hits on you just a little, it’ll do what it just did and make you kind of draw closer to Gare instead.
When he sees your reaction to his lingering gaze, he pumps his fist in victory under the table because he called it nail on the head. You immediately smushed yourself into Gareth just a little more. Not enough to really be noticed by anyone else, but Eddie gets one glance at Gareth’s flushed face and he knows damn well that Gareth has noticed it at least.
You mull over the question Eddie’s asked you as you drink your chocolate milk.
Gareth speaks up quietly. “We uh… practice in Jeff’s garage or Grant’s basement. Today it’s Jeff’s garage… If you wanted to come.. I mean you don’t.. Like you don’t have to.” he’s stammering and holy shit he’s making a mess of it because he really wants you there, but he doesn’t want Eddie to keep subtly hitting on you.
He’s gotta do something and he’s gotta do it fast.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Yujin x Reader: The world can wait
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tags: superhero!reader, civillian!Yujin, Fluffy and really short
I gently slinked through my window, closing the window slowly to let it close without a sound. Relaxing a little, I pulled my mask off, the spandex like cloth peeling off my face. I gently set it to a side, feeling a pang of guilt at what I saw. A lavish meal for two, plates of steak paired with beef risotto, untouched and long cold. Two candles burned out, their wax dripping from the sides, its flames long extinguished. And the one that made my heart hurt the most. Lying down at the couch, covered in the blanket I had got her for our first monthsary, Ahn Yujin. A light blush on her face, borne of the cold wind. Even in this situation, I couldn't help but admire her. Her hair framed her face perfectly, a small smile adorning her angelic face, and everything about her just screamed perfection. Just then, a pair of arms slithered around my waist, pulling me into her warm embrace. "Hey love" She whispered, her voice slightly husky from just waking up I reached down, grabbing her before turning around, now my back on the couch as she now laid upon me "Hey puppy" I greeted with a teasing smile as she whined, hitting my chest as I pulled her closer to me, her snuggling into my chest in her still tired stupor "I'm sorry for missing our anniversary dinner my angel." I whispered as I slowly stroked her hair. Turning in the spot, she turned and shot me a small smile "No worries babe, you were out keeping the streets safe." I smiled at her response. I really don't deserve this angel. "Thank you for being so understanding my angel." I said, as she hummed in satisfaction. Lying there in place, with the love of my life in my arms, thoughts began haunting my mind. This wasn't the first time I've done this. Second month? Train hijacking downtown Third month? Bank robbery Fifth month? Fighting some Metahuman with Wildcat and the Reaper Eighth month? Terrorist attack Being a hero was great, saving lives was great, but I didn't like the toll it was taking on my relationship with Yujin. Missing date nights, missing important dates, bailing on dates last minute because someone's cat got stuck in a tree. If she was anyone else, she would have dumped my ass, but she was so understanding, never once complaining when I had to go, reassuring me that it was fine when I pulled all nighters patrolling the streets, only for me to come home to see her lying on the couch, waiting for me to come back. Feeling Yujin's breath slow down and stagnate to a slow and constant rhythm, I looked down, seeing her slumbering on my chest. Looking over to the table, seeing the two untouched plates and hearing her stomach growl, I felt another pang of guilt, before having an idea. I gently picked my puppy up, turning around and setting her down on the couch again, pulling the blanket over her body before heading to the kitchen
About an hour later, Yujin stirred in her sleep, slowly getting up before scrunching her nose before exclaiming in delight "Are you making tteoboki?" She excitedly jumped, no lethargy from her previous sleep present as she rushed to you, throwing you into a back hug as she tried to see what you were cooking. "It's almost done Angel, go sit down alright? I know I missed our anniversary dinner, and while it's not our anniversary anymore, I want to make it up to you. So go sit at the table and wait to be pampered alright?" I turned my head, explaining it to Yujin as I could feel her bouncing by the balls of her feet, as she gave you a quick cheek kiss
"Woah! I'm going to make you cook more often in the future!" Yujin exclaimed as she looked at the food I had served her. Together with tteoboki, I had scoured our fridge to throw together an acceptable meal, making some jjajangmyeon and some mac and cheese. I smiled, nodding as I lit up the candle with my finger, then pouring a glass of wine for Yujin. "Thank you for being so understanding, my darling angel. I know I've missed many of our dates but I promise to make it up to you in the future okay?" I said, Yujin nodding, before we got interrupted by the sound of police sirens. Groaning, I moved over to close the window, attempting to block the noise out. Seeing what I was trying to do, Yujin walked up to me, taking my hand in hers before directing my face towards her. "You can go. The world needs protection. Go, be a hero." She said, that same smile adorning her face. A chime popped up on my phone, as I picked up. It was the Reaper. His team was handling it, it's going to be fine. Setting my phone to a side, I leaned towards the window and held Yujin to my chest. "The others can handle it." "Are you sure?" She mumbled as I lightly squeezed her "Don't worry about it. Besides, I'm here, spending time with the love of my life, giving her the anniversary dinner that she deserves." I turned her around, holding both her hands in mind, before leaning toward her, lightly kissing her forehead.
"The world can wait"
RD's notes: Wrote this because I kept rewatching "I AM" and I wanted to write a short fluffy piece for Yujin. I hope you guys enjoy!
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charlesjosephwrites · 2 years
Find The Word Tag
Thanks to @verba-writing for the tag!
My words are wonder, forever, company, arrive and breakfast.
I'll tag @enchanted-lightning-aes, @j-1173, @adie-dee, @calicojackofficial, and anyone else who sees this and wants to jump in! As always, no pressure, though!
Your words are fast, break, through, climb, and already.
I couldn't find the word company, but here are some snippets for the rest of my words words, all from the rough draft of my wip The Magician:
“We don’t have to fight,” Ms. Psychic said. “If you just leave, we can pretend that nothing happened here.” I couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at that. Ms. Psychic clearly hadn’t learned anything from the last two times she’d stuck her nose in my business for no good reason. “Yeah, that ain’t happening, toots,” I said. “We’re not going down without a fight, but first…” I cleared my throat, and I reached into the inside of my suit jacket for my note cards. By some miracle, I’d actually gotten my ass in gear enough to write out what I wanted to say to Ms. Psychic, but staring down at my awful chicken-scratch handwriting made me wonder whether it was worth all of the effort.
All of the thoughts racing through my head immediately jumped out the nearest window as Claire snaked her arms around my neck. I almost didn’t realize what was happening until suddenly her lips were against mine, and I was practically turning into jelly in her arms. I closed my eyes, doing my best to just lean in and savor the feeling of her wonderfully soft lips pressed against my own, but Claire pulled away after a few seconds. I found myself instinctively leaning forwards to chase after her lips, but I managed to get a hold of myself enough to keep a few inches of distance in between us. I tried to say something that sounded all cool and mysterious, but the only words that came out of my mouth were: “I… that… wow.” “Yeah.” Claire laughed. “Wow.” She ran her fingers through my hair, and my heart did a little flip flop. A moment of comfortable silence washed over us. I could’ve just sat there forever, mouth gaping open like a fucking idiot as I stared into those dark eyes.
“Magician.” The growled voice filled me with equal parts rage and excitement. “I should’ve known you were behind this.” “Ms. Psychic!” I clapped my hands excitedly, unable to help the little laugh from falling from my lips. “How nice of you to finally arrive! I—” My voice cut off mid-sentence as Ms. Psychic shot up straight into the air. All three of Edgar’s juggling knives came at her, arcing right through the place where she had been standing just a moment ago. She crossed her arms, glaring down at Edgar. I grabbed Edgar by the collar of his jacket, and all of his knives clattered to the ground just before reaching his hands. “Excuse me,” I said. “What the fuck?” He twisted free from my grip to glare at me. “I thought you wanted to get rid of her.” “She’s my nemesis,” I said. “Get your own, Circus Boy."
I combed my fingers through my hair to make sure I didn’t look like complete shit. I took a couple of deep breaths in an attempt to shake off that usual morning daze, and I forced one foot in front of the other as I mad my way out in search of some breakfast. I stumbled into the living room just in time to catch a glimpse of myself getting a boot to the side of the head in glorious 1080p on the morning news. Bold text across the bottom of the screen proclaimed Masked Lunatic Hijacks City Hall Meeting.
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lazysimp · 3 years
Jealousy /// Tamaki x Male Reader (18+)
Click HERE to read Fem version 
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Request: Could I request a oneshot for Tamaki and his bunny. Super jealous Tamaki showing you how much he loves you and fucks you, but maybe some voyeurism? So either someone watching on purpose or by accident?
A/N: I love his quirk way too much, it is borderline obsession. Also, I am so happy you requested this because voyeurism is one of my top ten kinks.
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, Accidental voyeurism, tentacles, jealous Tamaki, throat fucking, mentions of gun violence, He/Him pronouns
“Amajiki, I‘m fine I promise. There is no need to rush over here, everything is already taken care of.” You assure your frantic fiancé over the phone. 
It was just your luck to be caught up in a gas station robbery, thankfully Kirishima had been around and took care of the villain but convincing your boyfriend that everything was fine was proving to be impossible.
“Stay there, I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.” He said with his hero voice. He had been working with FatGum for a few years now to strengthen his heart so he could speak his mind. While it can be annoying when he ordered you around, you loved that he was finally becoming more comfortable in his role as a hero. 
You caved, “Alright baby I won’t go anywhere, but I need to hang up, the police want to get my statement.” 
“Don’t hang up” He begged, “Just put me on speaker, I’ll keep quiet.” 
“Amajiki,” You whine, not wanting him to hear your statement. If he knew the full extent of what happened in the robbery he would flip. 
“Please Bunny, I need to make sure you are safe until I get ther-”
The phone was yanked from your hand. You whipped your head around to confront the offender only to come face to chest with Kirishima. He held your phone up to his ear, his signature simile decorating his face. 
“Hey Suneater, how is it going?” He paused for a few seconds, “Yeah, nothing happened only a petty criminal trying to rob the clerk. I didn’t even need to go full unbreakable to take them down. Don’t worry I made sure he didn’t get hurt.” 
Kirishima let out a booming laugh, “I figured you were already on your way, don’t worry I will keep him at my side until you get here. No need to thank me, that is what friends are for. Alright, I will see you soon.”
Kirishima hung up your phone and handed it back to you. 
He raised his hand behind his head, “Sorry I hijacked your call, that wasn’t very manly.” 
You wave your hand, “Don’t worry about it, the police need my statement anyways.” 
“Oh, don’t worry I already took care of that, do you want to sit with me until Suneater arrives?” He gestures to the small bench near the sidewalk. 
You shrug your shoulders, “That would be great thank you Kiri- I mean Red Riot.” 
He smiled, showing his sharp teeth, “You can call me whatever is easier, I still call SunEater Tamaki all the time.” 
You both sit down on the small bench, you were practically sitting in his lap with how small the bench was but he didn’t seem to mind. 
“I am happy I was there to stop the robbery, normally I don’t get to take on smaller criminals. Though imagine my shock when I spotted him with his arm around your neck.”
You snort, “Imagine the shock the robber felt seeing you behind him.” 
“Man looked ready to turn himself in on the spot,” Kirishima winced, “I almost felt bad about how scared he looked until I saw the gun pointed at your head.” 
You nodded, “It was a pretty big gun, we probably shouldn’t tell Amajiki about that.” 
A warm familiar hand wrapped around your shoulder, “You shouldn’t tell me what?” 
You twist your head around and almost slam your face into Amajiki’s. He was glistening with sweat and he was breathing heavy but you didn’t care. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in close. As much as you had protested him leaving work to be with you, you had to admit it felt wonderful to have him near. 
“Ah, hey Suneater, we were just talking about the robbery. He was pretty lucky I arrived in time, the scene was starting to get pretty rough.”
You drag your thumb across your neck trying to signal Kirishima to shut up but the word vomit did not stop spewing out of his mouth. 
“I mean I walk in there and the dude had taken him hostage and I am thinking to myself aw man this could go really bad. So I used that one technique you taught me, you know the one that makes me grow a few inches. The villain almost fainted, not very manly if you ask me. Thankfully your boyfriend acted quick and got out of his reach before he came to his senses.” 
Amajiki’s arm grew tighter around you as Kirishima continued his story. 
“At first he was not going to call you, he said he didn’t want to interrupt you at work, but I figured you would want to hear about this.” 
“Yes, thank you Red Riot.” Amajiki said curtly. “Would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with him, I want to make sure he is ok.” 
Kirishima lifted his hands, “Of course, I’ll go finish up my report if you need me.” 
With a bright smile, Kirishima stood up from the small bench and left you alone with Amajiki. You flash him a nervous smile, “Hey baby, thank you for coming.” 
He sat down on the bench next to you, taking the spot where Kirisima used to be, “Of course Bunny, I will always come when you need me.” 
You lean your body over to rest your head on his shoulder, just sitting next to him was helping you finally calm down. 
“What was Kirishima and you talking about before I got here?” 
You tense, “Oh, um, nothing really, he was telling me about the new move you taught him.” You look down at your hands and play with your fingers. There is no way in hell you are telling him about a gun being pointed at your head. He would definitely find a way to blame himself. 
“Hm. Then why did I hear you say to Kirishima not to tell me something? Is anything going on between the two of you that I don’t know about?” Amajiki’s voice grew deeper than you had ever heard it. His shoulders usually slumped in submission were pushed back revealing his full height. 
You shake your head, “Nope, nothing important.” 
Two large warm hands cradled your face. Amajiki looked at your face for a few seconds before lifting you off the bench and into his arms. You tried to protest but the look on his face stopped the words from leaving. He had never looked so determined before. 
He walks right past the police barricade and into the taped-off gas station. 
“Amajiki! Where are you going?” You wiggle to get free of his hold but he only tightened his arms around you. 
“This won’t take long but we need some privacy.” He walked through the trashed isles to the back of the store and used one slim tentacle to open the door to a storage room. He kicks the thick door shut behind him. Only a small sliver light illuminated the room from the window in the door.
Amajiki gently sets you down on a stack of boxes and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Why are we back here?” You look around the small storage room and there was not much, only a few stacks of boxes and crates.
“I want you to tell me what you and Kirishima were talking about.” 
“I-I already told you it was nothing important, can’t we just drop it?”  
Amajiki shook his head, “N-No, I want to talk about that.” 
“Why, I already told you it was nothing importa-” 
His fist clench,  “B-Becasue it is important to me.” Despite his stern appearance, his lower lip quivered, “Why are you and him keeping secrets from me?” 
A tight fist crashes your, heart, “Oh no baby that is not it at all.” You stand up and take his head into your hands, “We were talking about what happened during the robbery, that’s all.” 
“If that was it, why didn’t you tell me? You still aren’t telling me!” He wrapped his hands around your wrists and pulls them off his face. He didn’t let go of your wrists, instead, he held your hands down in front of you. 
You let out a long breath, “I was trying to not freak you out.” 
He looked at you expectantly and you finally caved, “The robber kind of held a gun to my head during the robbery.” 
Amajiki face remained neutral but his grip on your wrists said everything. “They held a gun to your head.” He said, his voice strained. 
You give a small nod, “Only for a few seconds though. Kirishima did a great job stopping anything from happening.” You quickly reassure. 
In seconds Amajiki deflated. He rested his body on one of the small crates behind him and released your wrists to bury his head in his hands. 
“I am the worst, I am so sorry Bunny. I got so jealous when I saw you and him sitting so close and my mind jumped to the worst conclusion. Then when I heard you say not to tell me I grew even more jealous.” 
He looked up at your, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, “I didn’t even think about how you would be feeling or that something went wrong during the robbery. I am sorry Bunny.” 
You rush forward and pull him into your arms, “I could never be mad at you Amajiki. I am sorry for trying to keep secrets from you I didn’t think about how that could hurt your feelings. Plus it was kind of hot hearing how you got jealous.” 
His eyes widened in shock, “W-What do you mean?” 
You smile, rubbing your hand under his chin, “I thought it was hot that you got jealous of Kirishima. Want to have make-up sex? I hear it is the best.” 
His entire body was shaking under you, his bulge already growing from your words. 
You don’t bother saying yes, instead, you kiss your way down his neck. 
“B-Bunny there are people outside.” 
You bite down on his neck, holding the skin for a few seconds and then let go. “So what? Kirishima said they were almost finished collecting evidence.” Your mouth returns to his neck. 
“B-But what if someone does come back here?” 
“Then you say you were comforting me and wanted some privacy, easy.” You say in between kisses. 
“T-This isn’t a good idea-ah” His voice cracks as you lower yourself to your knees. You had to get his thoughts to focus on you. 
“I have been wanting you in my mouth since you got here.” You purr, working his fly undone. 
“Really?” He asked excitedly, the anxiety of being caught now on the backburner. 
You smile, “Yeah baby, I crave you.” 
His shoulders relax down for the first time since he arrived. He looked down at you with wide eyes, waiting to see what you had planned. 
Not wanting him to wait any longer you pop open the button on his pants letting his cock spring free. You smirk at the sight. His poor cock was nearly purple at the head, just begging for your touch. You wrap one of your hands around the thick base of his cock and use the other to tug his pants down the rest of the way. 
He let out small moans as your hand tightened around his cock, holding his steady. You loved him like this, still nervous and flustered. It would not be long until he grew bold enough to take over so you have to get your fix in quick. 
Opening your mouth wide you suck his tip into your mouth making sure to tease his sensitive glands with your tongue. You had long given up trying to get all of him in your mouth it was impossible but his tentacles more than made up for it. 
There was nothing better than when he fell so deep into his lust that he started using his quirk. So far his tentacles were the clear winner but you both loved experimenting with different traits. 
You relax the muscles in your jaw and slowly push your head down to take more of him. His cock was so hard and pulsed in your mouth with each heartbeat. He sucked in a sharp intake of air as you sink even lower, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. 
You loved the feel of him in your mouth and the soft whines he gave as you played. It was intoxicating. 
You drag your mouth up making sure to move your hand in time with your mouth to double the stimulation. Back at his tip, you circle your tongue around the head, teasing it while your hand pumped. His hands reached down to push at your shoulders. 
"Wait, ah fuck Bunny." He whines as you close your lips and suck. 
"Wait, please, this isn't how I want this to go," He tries to tug you away from his cock but you were determined. You swat his hand away and reach down to cup his balls. His hips involuntary thrust up sending his cock to the back of your throat. You barely stop yourself from gaging at the sudden invasion. 
"Oh my god Bunny I am so sorry!"  Amajiki bucks his hips back sliding his dick back out of your mouth but you look up at him, your eyes full of mischief. 
"Do it again." 
"W-What?" His entire face grows cherry red. 
"Thrust up like that again but a little slower." You order, putting your mouth back on his cock. The feeling of him slowly losing control was addicting. You relax your throat muscles and wait for him to comply. 
Hesitantly he lifts his hips and slowly starts fucking your throat. You try to fall into a rhythm, with him moving his hips all you had to focus on was your teeth and relaxing. 
"Ah fuck, I love your mouth," He groans, "You are perfect." 
You preen at the praise, he was the sweetest man you had ever been with. He always made sure to tell you how much he loved you, never wanting you to doubt his feelings. 
As he grew closer to his finish his thrusts grew less gentle and soon he was thrusting up in your mouth while holding the back of your head. 
"Ah god, you are mine." He growled, "All mine Bunny don't you ever forget that. I won't ever let you go." 
As you slowly drifted off into your lust he grew more and more confident in his role. His cock now hitting the back of your throat with each thrust. He watched his cock disappear into your mouth over and over again, loving the small tears that gathered in the corners of your eyes. You always were so perfect for him, always made sure to put him first. He would never let you out of his grasp and would fight anyone, even his friends, to make sure you stayed his. 
You watch his head fall back, now only able to see his neck as a low groan left his lips. Seconds later his warm cum shot into the back of your throat. You quickly swallow him down and rest back onto your heels. You touch your throat and smile, for the next few days any time you talk you will think of him fucking your throat. 
You rise to your feet, "Alright let's get out of here before anyone notices we are in here." 
His head snaps forward to look at you, his eyes a deep black. 
"Why would we leave, I'm not done yet." 
You laugh adjusting yourself, "We can finish at home I don't plan on being quiet." 
One large tentacle wraps around your waist and pulls you up into the air. 
Amajiki cradles your chin in his hands, "Neither do I." 
"Come on baby, let's finish this at home where we don't have to worry about anyone walking in on us." 
He shook his head, "Oh no, we are finishing this here." 
Another long tentacle grows from his hand and gets to work removing your clothes. In less than a minute you were suspended naked in the air. If anyone peeks through the small window you will have no way to hide. 
You reach down and tug at the tentacle holding you in the air. "Amajiki what if someone sees?" 
He smiles, "You weren't concerned about that earlier when you were teasing me."
He did have a point
"But you had your clothes on." You argue weakly. 
He doesn't bother responding to your weak argument, instead of getting to work growing two large suckers on the ends of tentacles. He attached one to each of your nipples, latching onto the buds. You only had seconds before each sucker got to work. They tugged and teased your nipples mercilessly. 
"Amajiki," You whine, trying to tug them off. Another tentacle wraps around your wrists and lifts them above your head leaving you helpless to his will. You glance at the small window to watch for anyone who might see into the room. 
"I told you not to worry about the window. The only person you need to worry about is me, think only of me." He growled, strengthening the pull on your nipples. 
You push your chest back but they followed not allowing you to escape. While the tentacles distracted you, two small slender ones slid down your stomach to spread your ass open for his view. 
He sat still on the crates, his cock erect and glistening from your saliva. He watched his work as a slender tentacle began to breach your entrance. You buck away from the intrusion, never having had one of his tentacles in you before but he tightened his grip forcing you still as it slides inside. 
"Amajiki," You groan, your head falling forward. 
"That's it Bunny, say my name. I am the only person who can do this, who can make you fall apart." He stands to his full height and holds your face his black eyes boring into yours as the tentacle inside you begins to grow thicker with each thrust. 
"My bunny," He smiles, watching you fall apart from his touch. The pleasure he was forcing from your body was blinding. His tentacles would twist and bulge with each thrust. Your hands open and close desperate for something to hold onto but there was nothing. You had no way to ground yourself from the growing pleasure you could only sit there and take it. 
One devilish tentacle traces your leaking slit to wet itself before it latches onto the head of your cock and begins to suck. Your mouth opens to scream but a tentacle fills it instead, you close your lips around the invader but can't focus. Drool falls from your mouth as it starts to thrusts just like Amajiki had earlier. 
It was too much, your heart pounded in your chest warning you of the impending finish. You thrash in his hold needing to get away from the pleasure about to crash into your body but his hold was relentless. 
In seconds you tipped over the edge, your screaming barely muffled by his tentacle as your body convulsed over and over again, never slowing as he continued to milk to orgasm from your body. Black spots appear in your vision as you forget to even breathe. Your mind shutting down, unable to process the hundreds of signals being sent its way.
The first thing you were able to make out as you returned to yourself was his gentle praise. He released the tentacle around your waist and pulled you into his arms. You wrap your hands around his neck, unable to support yourself. 
He carefully sinks to his knees, pulling you into his lap. "I'm sorry Bunny, that was probably a little overboard." 
You hum in agreement, enjoying being held in his arms. While you would have preferred a bed you would never pass on an opportunity to be held by your boyfriend. 
The storage room door slams open revealing a very flustered Kirishima averting his eyes from the two of you on the floor. 
"I am very sorry to interrupt!" He yells, his voice cracking. He reached his arm up and pulled something off the ceiling. You squint to get a better look and freeze, a security camera. He yanked out a security camera. 
"Um, I didn't watch I promise," The outline in his pants begged to differ. 
"Well I kind of did, but I made sure no one else saw anything! I didn't want to interrupt that is all. You two please-uh carry one, I will make sure no one comes in here." With that, he makes a hasty retreat. 
You look to gauge what your boyfriend was thinking. His entire face was a shade of red that could rival Kirishima's hair. 
He cleared his throat, "Well, I am unsure If I should kill him or thank him.” 
You groan, “I will never be able to face him again after the things he saw.” 
Amajiki nodded in agreement. You were both silent for a few minutes as you process the knowledge Kirishima saw some of the wildest sex either of you had ever had. 
“You know it would be rude to not take him on his offer to guard the door,” Amajiki said. 
You tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, “Are you really trying to weasel your way into more sex after we just found out one of your best friends saw us in the act.”
“Is it working,” He asked hopefully. 
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
Just This Once, Your Ears Only
AO3 link! this is for my anon that just found out about miss d and the pallboys and wanted a fic about it so here you go! I hope y'all enjoy this and apologies for any grammatical errors!
Tag List (form to join): @lord-dimitrescu, @alwaysgoodnight, @paint-it-periwinkle, @lightspica, @ultimatebottom69, @sexyheisenbeast, @crazy-obsessed, @squid3, @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu, @the-obscurity, @sapphicalciee, @ladydimitresculove, @solemnnova, @itsyourgirlmalise, @the-little-shadow, @marvelwomen-simp,@rachelthefanfictionwriter, @d14n4ol, @peachesandlesbians
Alcina didn’t talk much about her past and that was fine. You always cherished the things that she had told you about her time before Mother Miranda and the cadou. You never pushed her to tell you more than she was comfortable, but when you found that old jazz album in a box your curiosity was piqued. How had she not told you that she used to be in a jazz band called Miss D & the Pallboys? Honestly, you were pretty shocked that Alcina hadn’t told you about this part of her life. So when you brought it to her, your find, she was a bit hostile about it.
“Ali, come on. This is really cool.” You said. “I know you don’t often talk about your past, but I really want to know more about this.”
Alcina sighed, rubbing her temples to ebb away the oncoming headache. “Dear, I’ve already said that I don’t wish to revisit such a trivial time in my life.” Alcina replied.
“But I’ve never heard you sing.” You counter. “I’ve heard you hum, I’ve heard you play the piano, but I’ve never once heard you sing.”
“And I’m afraid you’ll never get the opportunity to. My singing days are long behind me and I’d like to keep it that way.” Alcina replied.
You frowned, but ultimately accepted your defeat. “Alright, Ali, I’m sorry. You win.” For now, at least. Time for Plan B. “Can I visit Karl this week?” You asked.
Alcina groaned. “I am not sure how you became friends with that annoying little imp, but I do need you out of the Castle tomorrow so I suppose you may go and visit him then.” Alcina responded. “However, when you leave, have him escort you home. As much as I despise that man-child, there have been lycans spotted around the village and forest more so than usual in the evening, so you’ll be safe with that little idiot by your side.”
You gave her a smile and nod as you did an internal happy dance. “I will call him now to let him know. I’ll even throw in a little threat so he knows you’re serious, Ali.” You teased. Alcina snorted at that. “Alcina?” She hummed in acknowledgment. “Have you ever tried to say something nice about Karl or even tried to be a little bit nicer to him?” You asked.
Alcina looked up at you. “When that insufferable idiot is nicer to me then I shall repay him in kind. Until then, if he keeps calling me lady super sized bitch, I will continue to refer to him as a child. Although, he really is a child regardless of what affectionate nicknames he has for our so called family.” Alcina replied. “But Heisenberg being nice to me will never happen in a million years.”
"Are you willing to bet on that?" You asked. Alcina whirled her eyebrow at you. "If Karl does something nice for you then you have to sing one of your jazz songs for me."
"And if he doesn't?" Alcina asked.
"Then you get whatever you want from me." You replied.
Alcina hummed. "And if I want you chained to my bed all day to do with as I please, I can have that?" You nodded your head. "Then I believe we have a bet on our hands, dear."
You gave her a nervous smile before excusing yourself from her study. After you left, you made your way to your own study. The thought of it made you smile. Alcina had realised that you didn’t have a room in the castle to call your own, so she allowed you to remake one of them into your own, so to speak. It was still decorated the way Alcina had, but now it had more of your things in it to keep you occupied if Alcina went out for a meeting or if you just needed a quiet space to be in.
The first thing you did upon entering your study was call Karl. You let him know that you’d be over early and you even mentioned the bet you had going on with Alcina. “Lady Super Sized Bitch is going down.” were his exact words and they made you laugh. After you said goodbye to him, you called Donna and asked her if she could sew some costumes up for you, the girls, and Karl. You were glad that she had agreed and accepted your invitation to Jazz Friday as opposed to Opera Wednesday. This week’s meeting had been moved from Friday to Wednesday so Opera Night had been moved to Friday. You really hoped that Alcina wouldn’t mind you hijacking her night with your plan and with only five days to get it all planned, you really didn’t have time to work yourself into a tizzy with worrying.
You spent the next day with Karl, telling him what instruments you’d need him to produce for the show. With that taken care of, you could talk to the girls about the surprise and the parts that they’d play for Jazz Night. You made sure all of the Lords had an invitation for Friday. You would’ve invited Mother Miranda, but she was out of the village on business. You were nervous when Friday finally came, making sure everything was perfect.
“Hey, kiddo, don’t worry. Alci’s gonna love it.” Karl said as he fussed over his tuxedo.
You let out a deep breath and smiled at him. “Of course. Or at least I hope she does.” You replied. You held the microphone in your hand when you heard Alcina’s voice.
“Donna, Moreau, it’s a pleasure to have you two with us tonight. I see Heisenberg has failed to join us for another evening.” That made Karl scowl. “Nevertheless, the show must go on. My wonderful daughters and my lovely partner, Y/N, have prepared something special for us tonight. So please sit back and enjoy the show.” Alcina said, finishing off her speech before sitting in her seat.
A couple of maids opened the curtain and you could hear the small gasp Alcina let out, your face starting to heat up. You’d had Karl make a saxophone for Bela, a piano for Cassandra that she could comfortably sit at, a cello for Daniela, and a trumpet for himself. Whilst Donna made tuxedos for all of you. The girls and Karl wore black tuxedos with white dress shirts, the only difference being that the girls had their gemstones on the collar of their shirts and Karl’s didn’t. Your tuxedo was white and you had a hat on with a feather like the one Alcina wore on the cover of the Miss D & the Pallboys album. You managed to not let your nerves get to you as you sang a Nat King Cole classic, Unforgettable. When the performance was over the five of you bowed before the curtain closed.
“Y/N, that was amazing!” Bela said. “I think I saw Mother tearing up out there so I’d say that she loved the performance!”
You scratched at the back of your head, laughing nervously. “Really? I just wish we could’ve sung a Miss D & the Pallboys original for her too, but you can’t go wrong with a classic like Unforgettable.” You replied. “Now you three go get changed, you still have to do that Italian opera piece your mother picked out for you.”
Daniela gave you a hug. “Thank you for putting this together.” Daniela said into your ear.
Cassandra gave you a smile. “And we completely understand if you want to skip the rest of the show. Putting together something like this sounds very tiring.” You nodded your head before wishing them good luck.
The rest of the night was purely opera, but you didn’t have it in yourself to join the others back out in the audience while the girls did their performance. So you had made your way back to the room that you shared with Alcina, putting on your pyjamas and curling up into bed with a book. And that’s how Alcina found you, except you were almost half asleep with the book lying across your stomach.
“Darling?” Alcina called out softly, rousing you from your sleep. You hummed in acknowledgment to let her know you were still with her. Alcina took that opportunity to put on her nightgown before slipping into the bed next to you, pulling you into her side. “Did you put together that whole thing just for me?” Alcina asked.
You nodded. “I did. Not alone though. Karl and Donna really helped out. And Moreau was the one that recommended the song I sang, Mother Miranda bless him for the suggestion.” You mumbled out slightly before yawning.
Alcina pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you, My Love. Now, I do believe I lost a bet so I’ll give you your reward, yes?” You sleepily nodded your head against her side. “Alright, little one, but just this once and for your ears only. And only because you got that idiot oaf to do something nice for me.” Alcina said.
“Be nice, Ali.” You mumbled again, smiling at the grumbling noises that Alcina made at your words but you could faintly make out her saying “Fine,” before you let out a hum of approval.
After a few seconds of silence, you heard Alcina start to sing the words to a song you didn’t know. You could only assume that it was one of the songs she sang with her band and you smiled. Alcina really did have a beautiful singing voice.
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Can I Stay Up Here With You Forever ch.8
Warning(s): Nothing just fluff
If you want to be tagged or if you’re already tagged and wish not to be, please let me know.
Tag list @mediocredetective @it-hurts-when-i-blink @ima-simp-uwu @luckyauthorlampknight
The pair of brothers spent the rest of the night in Mammon’s room. Around dinner time they were joined by the twins who had brought tonight’s dinner. They had decided to eat with their second eldest brother, having heard from Satan who had heard from Lucifer that Mammon had had a particularly rough day at school and figured sharing a hot meal together would be a good way to comfort him. Even Levi stopped by after they had finished eating, bringing plenty of games that he and Mammon enjoyed playing together -along with the appropriate console- after they had first fallen so Levi wouldn’t go feral from his self-isolation.
It felt like they were a proper family once more- light teasing and proper brotherly bickering occurring between the five of them, making sure to keep things at a level that was normal for siblings and a far cry from the vicious words they would throw Mammon’s way. They had all spent so long playing that eventually they had all fallen asleep together on or around Mammon’s couch with Belphie being the first to conk out for the night.
When they all awoke in the morning, Asmo told their brothers about the plan to help Mammon escape to the human world and about how they were going to be uncles.
“Let me go with you,” Beel responded eagerly, “If Lucifer finds out before you guys can get away, my strength will come in handy to buy you all a little time.”
“Beel, as much as I appreciate it, I can’t let you do that ta yourself.” Mammon says, a worried look in his blue and gold eyes. “Ya know what happens if ya stand against our brother’s authority. I mean look at what he did to Belphie when he went against Lucifer and Lord Diavolo over the exchange programme.”
“Yeah, locking me in the attic was a shitty move on his part but still, Lucifer is acting like a fucking tyrant.” Belphegor agreed. “I mean we’re all pretty scared of the monster he’s turning into, but what he’s doing to you is wrong. And we heard about the gaslighting incident at school yesterday. That was really fucked up- and you’re the favorite. Imagine what will happen to us after he finds out.”
The brothers all nodded at that.
“An’ that’s why I don’t want y’all doin’ it.” Mammon said sternly. “You two’re the youngest an’ while yer both strong in yer own right, the two of ya can’t hold a candle ta our brother.”
“What if Satan and I went along with you?” Levi asked, “Sure, Lucifer’s power output is over 9000 but Asmo, Satan, and I should be enough to at least match that for enough time for you and Solomon to get through the portal...”
“That would work.” Asmo nodded as they had a contemplative look on their face. “Actually, we’d stand a better chance if the twins go too.”
“You guys would really do this for me?” The Avatar of Greed looks around the room at all of his brothers before letting out a soft chuckle, “Guess Lucifer was right ‘bout one thing... you guys really do care.” He can’t help the tearful smile that creeps its way onto his features.
“Of course we do. We always did but we never showed it in the way we should have,” the fifth-born threw their arms around their older brother and was soon joined by their other brothers. “I mean we’re the ones who promised we’d change and we went back on that almost immediately.”
“We’re a family and you’re an important part of that too.” The Avatar of Envy says as they all press their foreheads together like they did back in the Celestial Realm before they went to war. “You keep things lively for us.”
“So it’s decided, right?” Beel asks, “We’re really going to do this? Together?”
“Together.” A sixth voice echoes from the upper level as the five of them pull away and turn their attention to Satan. He has a genuine smile on his face as he slides down on the railing of Mammon’s staircase like he used to do as a toddler. “Lucifer’s gone, by the way. Went up to the Demon Lord’s castle for a weekend meeting with Diavolo. If we’re going to make our move, it has to be tomorrow. So, everyone, get packed. I already booked four of us a hotel to stay at so Arella doesn’t have to put us up for however many months it is before the baby’s born. Asmo, you said you’d be staying with Solomon, right?”
“Right,” The Avatar of Lust nods. “Alright everyone, get ready.”
And just like that, the siblings dispersed to go about their packing.
Arella can’t wait. After hearing of the news from Solomon a few days ago, the excitement started to grow. What she didn’t know was if Mammon had found out if she was pregnant yet. What would his reaction be? Surprise? Excitement? Something else? Anxiety filled her as it had been doing over these past few months so she picks up her D.D.D. that no longer has service and opened up her photo gallery which also had little videos of her and Mammon together.
The sound of his voice is comforting to her. It makes things feel much less lonely in the silent house- even with Aubrie visiting- but it also has the added effect of helping their baby recognize his father’s voice. With the little one showing signs of being able to hear the outside world earlier than expected and hijacking her magic to protect them when he felt frightened, the last thing she needed was the sound of a voice he didn’t recognize setting off one of the many protective spells in her repertoire. His favourite thing to do was erect a magical barrier around them to keep a threat away. Thank heavens normal humans weren’t able to see things like that.
As she selected a video- one of all the brothers and her together at Diavolo’s birthday party last year- she set it on top of the small bump that she had started showing a couple weeks ago. She could feel her son’s powerful little kicks to the side of her womb.
“Easy now, little one. You’re going to cause bruising with kicks like that.” Arella says as she rubs a hand over the front of her belly and she feels a turning sensation shortly after. “You certainly are active this evening. Your Daddy’s coming back to us tomorrow, okay? And five of your uncles as well so don’t be scared when you hear their voices. They won’t hurt you or me. They may be demons but deep down they’re a good lot.”
As the video playing on the D.D.D ended, Arella picked up a children's book and began reading aloud to her unborn child.
“Rells, I’m going to go back to my hotel. Do you need anything before I go?” Aubrie asked as she leaned against the door frame. “I’ll be back tomorrow to help you out before the boys get here- tomorrow is the day, right?”
“I don’t need anything but yes, tomorrow’s the day.” Arella smiles.
“Oh, I bet you’re excited.” The ginger smiles. “Alright, I’ll get going. See you tomorrow.”
Arella only nodded as she watched Aubrie go.
The House of Lamentation held a slight air of chaos to it this morning due to the brothers running around for last minute packing. They barely had time for breakfast but since Mammon had the least number of items to pack, he was voted for breakfast duty while Satan covered dish duty. Today’s breakfast: Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. As everyone sat down to eat, there was constant chatter about things they would do while up in the mortal realm during the months they would be staying.
While they were cleaning up, Solomon made his appearance. Asmo welcomed him with a hug as they quickly pulled the sorcerer along to Mammon’s room to get him so they could go. They both watch as he doesn’t react to their entrance instead seeming lost in his thoughts as he runs his thumb over an old, worn piece of grimm. Not even calling his name was enough to pull him from his zoned-out state. It wasn’t until Solomon placed a careful hand on the second-born's shoulder that Mammon looked up at them.
“Are you ready to go?” Solomon asks with a smile.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” The demon returns the smile, “Whenever everyone else is ready...”
Soon the rest of the brothers join them and it's time to go. Everyone grabs their bags or suitcases and load them up in the van that had been rented for them. Solomon was in charge of driving them to their destination.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 19
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
While at first the days and nights that Mulder is away on a case feel lonely, she soon comes to appreciate the time to herself. She reads more, watches the rom-coms that he despises, has one-sided conversations with Priscilla, and gives her vibrator, long since relegated to the back of her bedside drawer, a second lease on life. When Mulder is home he’s more animated and energetic, their sex exciting and passionate. The things she loves best about him magnified, but also some of the worst. There have been a few nights he’s missed dinner without so much as a phone call, and her worry quickly gave way to irritation when he waltzed in the door raving about secret storage facilities hidden in mountains. They create new routines, new boundaries and expectations, and as time wears on, they adjust. He’ll call if he’s going to miss dinner, and she won’t guilt trip him when unexpected cases ruin their plans.
The day before Thanksgiving, he gets a tip from one of his sources about a UFO crash site in Utah and books himself and Monica tickets for that night. Scully questions whether he’s going to miss Thanksgiving dinner at her mother’s and he grimaces, saying he hopes to be back but as usual, can’t make any promises.
The last she hears from him is around 8:00 am on Thanksgiving day when he asks her to send his regrets to her mom. She tries to keep the disappointment out of her voice as she promises to pack up some leftovers for him to have when he gets home. When he hasn’t called by Friday afternoon, she’s a little bit worried. By Friday night, she’s panicking.
Not knowing what else to do, she goes to the Gunmen’s, using her own special knock that spells out “doc” in Morse code.
“Hey, Sis, are you okay?” Missy greets her with a worried frown, now an honorary fourth member of the trio.
“I haven’t heard from Mulder in over twenty four hours,” she answers, breezing past Missy and into the tech room. “I need you to find him for me.”
The Gunmen work their magic while Missy pours her drink after drink. They track his flight into Salt Lake City and then ping his cell phone just outside Provo around 8:00 pm Thursday night. After that, nothing.
“What do you know about the case he was investigating?” Byers asks, perched behind a computer with Missy’s arms draped over his shoulders, her chin resting on his head.
Scully rubs her hands over her face in frustration. “Nothing, other than an alleged UFO crash site. He didn’t give me any other information.”
“What about his partner, Agent Reyes?” Langly asks, “do you have any way to get ahold of her?”
“I’ve tried her cell a hundred times, it’s off,” Scully replies, feeling tears coming up again.
“Does she have a family, someone else you could contact to see if she’s been in touch?” Byers adds.
“She has a partner, Dahlia,” Scully explains, “but I don’t know her last name to look up her number. I’m sure it’s in Monica’s file as her emergency contact, but the whole Hoover Building is shut down for the holiday. I know that her first name is Dahlia, she works at a flower shop in Alexandria, and they live in Palisades. That’s it.”
“Well we can work with that, why don’t you go home and get some rest?” Frohike offers, resting his hand on her shoulder.
She shakes her head, quiet tears slipping down her cheeks. “I don’t want to be alone,” she whispers, her voice small and afraid.
“I’ll come with you, Sis,” Missy says, replacing Frohike behind Scully and wrapping her arms around her sister’s shoulders.
After Missy has gathered her things and kissed Byers goodbye, she drives Scully’s car back to her apartment and plies her with more alcohol. They hold hands as they sleep, Scully’s dreams plagued by visions of Mulder detained, hurt, or worst of all, dead. If she’d had any idea that having the X files reopened would put his life at risk, she never would have entertained the idea.
Please come home, she begs God, the universe, Mulder himself if he’s somewhere listening. Please be okay.
The phone shrieks and she sits up abruptly, her head spinning. Early dawn light is just beginning to seep into the room and she feels like she hasn’t slept at all.
“Mulder?!” she blurts out, a thousand prayers on the tip of her tongue.
“No, it’s Langly, sorry. We got a number for Agent Reyes’ partner.”
Missy is now awake, and scrambles to the hallway to get a pen and paper so Scully can write down Dahlia Vidales’ phone number.
“Thank you Langly, bye,” she says and hangs up without waiting for a response. She dials Dahlia’s number with shaky hands, repeating please please please in her head over and over.
“¿Hola?” says a creaky voice, and Scully glances at the clock to see that it’s only 6:00 am.
“Dahlia?” she asks desperately, her head feeling thick and muddy.
“¿Si, Quién es?”
“This is Dana Scully, have you heard from Monica recently?” Her throat feels thick and dry, her ears ringing in protest of what they might hear.
“Oh, Hi Dana. Yes, I spoke to her last night around ten pm.”
She lets out a shaky breath, feeling a wave of relief.
“Was Mulder with her?” she questions, her jaw quivering.
“Si, she said their cell phones were confiscated and they had stopped at a diner to get something to eat. She called me from a payphone. Is everything okay, Dana?”
She’s shaking, her body suddenly freezing even under her down comforter. The tension she’s been holding for the last two days erupts in a wave of tremors and she starts sobbing.
“Did she say when they’ll be home?” she forces out around her tears.
“They were hoping to get a flight this morning, so sometime today, should be.”
“Thank you, Dahlia. Sorry to wake you,” she says, and hangs up.
Missy holds her as she shakes uncontrollably, her head aching as her racking sobs jostle her dehydrated brain. Missy runs her a hot bath and after some ibuprofen, two big glasses of water, a set of warm clothes and a hot meal, she feels physically much better.
Mentally, she has shifted from worry, fear, and despair to white hot rage. When he walks in that door, she is going to kill him.
“Later, Reyes, sorry to hijack your Thanksgiving,” he says with a regretful smile as Monica slides into a cab. He grabs the next one, chucking his duffel bag into the trunk and slumping into the back seat with an exhausted sigh.
It’s been a long few days. They’d located the crash site and even got a little peek at it from behind a utility shed, but soon after they were loaded up in a paddy wagon and interrogated for six hours in a place that was definitely not a police station. When they were finally released, it was without their cell phones, though the suits were kind enough to let them keep their FBI badges.
He needs a shower and a shave, and a good night's sleep. He hopes Scully has gone grocery shopping, and if he's really lucky, there will still be Thanksgiving leftovers. He’d tried calling her from the terminal but she hadn’t answered. At least he has a full day off tomorrow before getting back to the daily grind on Monday.
The cab drops him off outside Scully’s apartment building and he tosses some money over the seat before retrieving his bag. Once inside, he’s fitting his key into the lock when the door swings open and he finds Melissa on the other side.
“Oh, hey Missy,” he says with a touch of surprise.
“I was just leaving,” she replies with an icy stare, and he wonders if something is up with her and Byers.
“Okay, see ya,” he says as she brushes past him and down the hall.
The apartment is dim, a fire crackling in the fireplace the only source of light.
“Scully?” he calls out as Priscilla trots up to him, rubbing her flank against his leg. He picks her up and scratches under her chin, letting her rub her cheek against his two-day stubble.
“I’m here,” Scully says flatly, and he realizes she’s lying on the couch.
He picks up his bag and walks it to the bedroom, dropping it on the floor and discarding his suit jacket on the bed. Returning to the living room, he leans down to kiss her on the cheek and then stands between the fire and the couch, facing her.
“Did you have plans for dinner?” he asks, “I’m starving.”
She scoffs, but he can’t make out her face in the dim light.
“Make your own fucking dinner,” she spits at him, and he physically recoils. Scully very rarely swears, so when she does, it means something.
“Whoa,” he says with a concerned tone, “What’s going on with you?”
“What’s going on with me?” she repeats, moving to sit up. “What’s going on with me? Hmm, let’s see,” she continues, her voice shifting to angry sarcasm. “Perhaps, Mulder, what’s going on with me is that my boyfriend skipped town just in time to miss Thanksgiving dinner with my family and I had to answer questions all night about where he was. Or maybe,” she says as she leans over and snaps on the lamp on the end table, illuminating her face. Her eyes are red and puffy, pronounced bags resting underneath them. “Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t heard from you in over fifty hours, not a single phone call, or email, nothing. Maybe what’s going on with me, Mulder, is that I have barely slept in two days.” She stands, moving towards him, her voice rising in volume and her bottom lip quivering. “Maybe what’s going on with me is that I thought you were fucking dead, and I had to track down Dahlia to learn that not only were you alive and well, but you were also perfectly capable of calling me, but simply chose not to. MAYBE that is what is going on with me, Mulder!”
He stands there shell-shocked as she pushes past him, slamming the bedroom door shut as wails of agony erupt from the other side. Priscilla jumps up on to the coffee table and quirks her head at him with a meow.
“I have no idea,” he says to the cat.
He cautiously opens the bedroom door and finds Scully sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed, a wad of tissues in her hand and tears streaking her face. She looks up at him with a wounded expression that he’s never seen before, and would never like to again
“I’m sorry, Scully, I didn’t mean to make you worry,” he says softly, approaching her.
She gives him an incredulous look.
“How the hell would I not worry if I hear nothing from you for two days, Mulder? What was I supposed to think? And why didn’t you call me?”
“They took my phone, Scully,” he offers, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“What about the phone in your hotel room, Mulder? Or a pay phone, or a goddamn stranger’s phone. Your cell phone is not the only device available for you to contact me with.”
He’s starting to feel like he’s being lectured by his mother for staying out past curfew.
“Okay, Jesus, I get it. I’ll try to call next time,” he says with an irritated tone.
“You’ll try?” Scully asks him, the anger taking center stage again.
He shrugs. “Shit happens, Scully. You don’t know what it’s like out in the field. Sometimes you don’t have access to a phone, or you’re running down a lead and just can’t waste the time to make a call.”
The shift in her demeanor tells him that was the wrong thing to say.
“Waste the time?” she asks in a tight whisper. “Calling me so I know you’re okay is a waste of your time?”
“God, no, Scully, that’s not what I meant. You’re twisting my words around. Look, I’m exhausted, I’ve barely gotten any sleep, can we talk about this tomorrow?”
“YOU’VE barely gotten any sleep?!” she screams, then stands and walks towards him. Even with the ten inches he has on her, she looks larger than life, imposing, and scary. “I have been lying awake crying for two days worried about you!” she shouts up at him. “Get the fuck out of my apartment!”
He’s dumbstruck. He can’t remember the last time she referred to it as her apartment instead of theirs.
“Scully, you can’t be serious, all my stuff is he-”
“I said get OUT!” She cuts him off. She picks up his bag and walks it to the front door, tossing it into the hallway.
He walks slowly towards the door, waiting for her to say she doesn’t mean it, that they should get some sleep and talk about this in the morning. She stands beside the open door, her chest heaving and her jaw set, eyes focused on some far-away point but most certainly not on him. He steps into the hallway, opening his mouth to speak, and she slams the door in his face.
He hears the thunk of the deadbolt, and the sound strikes him as similar to the final nail in a coffin.
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cinebration · 3 years
Written in DNA (Booker x Reader) [Part 2]
You hijack Booker and his ride.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Epilogue
Tagged: @lucy-sky​​, @city-of-weird​​
Warnings: physical trauma
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Gif Source: sonsofeorl
Booker froze, his eyes darting up to the rearview mirror. In it he saw you wreathed in shadows, your face slightly illuminated by the distant light spilling out of the liquor store.
The cold metal against his neck he surmised to be the gun you had taken from him.
“I’m taking over the jailbreak,” you said, a note of humor in your voice. “Thank you for that, by the way.”
“…you’re welcome.” It was all he could think to say.
You laughed and leaned back in your seat.
Booker’s hand drifted down the side of his seat, his eyes on yours. Yours gleamed in the dark, as though radiating a slight moonshine effect.
“This is where I say something cliché, like…‘drive.’ Or ‘don’t worry, I would’ve hurt you already if I wanted to,’” you continued.
His fingers curled around the seat adjustor lever. He yanked it up, jammed his back against the seat.
The seat smashed forward. Pain lanced through Booker’s chest as he slammed into the steering wheel.
“Nice try,” you said. “I’d try the same.”
You eased up on the pressure, drawing your foot away from the back of the seat, enough for him to breathe through the crack in his sternum. It slowly stitched back together, his wheezing dissipating.
“What are you?” he rasped.
He glanced up in the rear view to see you staring past him, your eyes drawn to something on the dark horizon.
Shaking your head, you set the gun down on your lap. Booker tensed against the steering wheel, ready to push back hard on the seat.
You reached forward and grabbed the liquor bottle out of his hand. He felt it leave his grip as though his own soul had been taken with it.
“You can get more of this after you drive.”
Booker ground his teeth, glared at you in the mirror.
“No more funny business.” You sounded like a cop out of a noir film, the humor back in your voice. Shifting into the center of the backseat, you added, “Get driving, handsome.”
Booker straightened as the last of the pressure eased off. He set the seat back to its normal configuration and reluctantly started up the car, another plan forming in his mind.
“Let’s play twenty questions.”
He glanced at you again. “What?”
“I get to ask first. What’s your name?”
“Sounds like a lie.”
“Tell me your name.”
A pause. Then: “They called me Spec back at the lab.”
“What kind of name is that?”
“My questions first. Your name?”
The word dragged out of him. “Booker.”
“That doesn’t sound French.” You sighed. “Whatever. Who sent you?”
He wasn’t sure how to answer that. As he groped for a response, you sighed again. “Just tell me. It’ll make things easier.”
“An old friend. I think.”
“You think? No, not a question, ignore that. Here’s a question: Why were you sent for me?”
Booker hesitated again. The needle on the speedometer crept past seventy, then seventy-five, the trees lining the road zipping past.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “She said…”
“Well, whoever she is, she didn’t really tell you the whole deal, did she?”
Maybe Quynh hadn’t known, he thought. He thought back to the even tones in her voice. No, she had to have known.
The needle passed ninety.
“What are you?”
Booker glanced at you. You shifted forward, eager for the answer.
He yanked the steering wheel right.
The car smashed against a tree.
Booker gasped awake for the second time that night. Peeling himself off the airbags deployed from steering wheel, he fumbled with his seatbelt.
Chill evening air whipped in through the massive hole in the windshield.
Beyond lay a heap at the base of another tree.
Unclipping himself, Booker shouldered the driver’s door open and spilled out into the night. His pained breaths plumed out before him in small clouds.
In the fractured light from the unbroken headlight, the heap began to move.
Booker stared in disbelief as you unfolded yourself from the ball you had curled into. Something popped into place as you stood.
“That hurt,” you groaned.
Pieces of glass stuck out of the back of your neck. You tried to reach for them, gasped. Something looked wrong with your shoulder, like it had been pulled out of place. You staggered over to the nearest tree, inhaled sharply, and slammed your shoulder against it.
Booker blinked and rubbed his eyes. Had he drunk too much? This couldn’t be happening.
You weren’t an immortal.
Yet there you were, standing nearly unscathed after having flown through the windshield. He watched in horrid fascination as you pulled the pieces of glass out of the back of your neck.
“I should’ve guessed,” you muttered, glancing at him sullenly. “You look like a man trying to die.”
The taste in Booker’s mouth turned sour. He turned to the car, wondering if either of the two whiskey bottles had survived.
But maybe…maybe drinking wasn’t the best idea right now.
He wasn’t even sure he was awake, even though the pain felt very real.
He faced you again. You straightened, rolled your shoulders as though releasing stress.
“What are you?” he asked.
Your eyes met his sharply. “What are you?”
“Test tube or born that way?”
He blinked. “Born, I guess.”
Something like disappointment flickered across your features. “Well, I’m not immortal.”
Booker glanced at the wrecked car and windshield, gestured to it. “You survived that.”
“Because I was built to, not because I can’t die.”
The pounding in his head he had been ignoring suddenly swelled, pulsing behind his eyes. Inhaling through his nose, Booker buried his face in his hands, trying to process everything. You were the weapon, as you had said. Quynh had to have known that.
But why? Why would she need you? What made you different from Andy and the others?
He opened his eyes, flinched back. You stood right before him, having crept forward on silent feet. In the dark with nothing but the headlights shining through the woods, your eyes gleamed with something almost…predatory. Yet your face betrayed no malice or dangerous intent.
“You understand I can’t let you do that again, right?”
“I can’t anyway. The car is destroyed.”
“Yes, but you seem like you have brains.” You cocked your head. “When you’re not drowning in liquor, looks like.”
“What are you?” he repeated.
“More than human, I guess.”
“That’s not possible. I’m human, more or less.”
“Well, then, I guess I’m the next step in human evolution. Sorry about this.”
“About what?”
Pain exploded through his skull. He collapsed into oblivion.
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Die Like the Butterfly Shoot With Their Guns.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 2, Day 7: Guns} |
Chapter 1 of Sheltered by Darkness not yet Moths to the Flame.
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] | | [Chapter 2] |
| Sometimes a family can be a gang comprised of eleven vigilantes, and their AI robot, fighting against the father of one of their own. |
| Or alternatively: after falling through the cracks, they do what they must to survive. And if that means committing crimes in order to bring down the Big Butterfly and all the other corrupt businesses in the city, then so be it. |
| Tonight's the night. Half of them will strike one of the Big Butterfly's warehouses that just so happens to contain some fancy new gun tech. Besides, it'll be in better hands with them than the Big Butterfly or his associates. Now all that matters, is that nothing goes wrong! |
| Word Count: 3,322. |
| Warnings/Tags: Cyberpunk/Criminal/Gang Au, Explicit Language/Swearing, Hacking, Breaking and Entering, Theft, Mentions of Bombs and Guns, Mentions of corrupt/shady businesses, Fluff, Gang/Team as family/family dynamics, Found Family. |
| A/N: It is Cyberpunk Au time! This is a twoshot, so have a looksy to see if you can find all the snippets of foreshadowing I've set! Also this is mostly Action/Fluff but beware of the warnings regardless. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Rain patters against the concrete, sound mixing with the low hum and high buzz of electricity. The ground is slick with murky puddles that never seem to clean the pavement. Still just as filthy as before, permanently dyed with dried bloodstains, mud stains, electric scorch marks, and far worse. The air is heavy with the smell of cigarette smoke, ozone, and that ever underlying decay that clings to the city.
It's dark—dead of night—but the streets are awash with flickering neon lights. There are a few others haunting the street though most of them are sticking to the areas of light, avoiding the shadows.
Which is where Marinette, also known as the ruthless gang leader Fantôminou, is lurking.
Jason—Red Hood, her co-leader—snarls as he drops down onto the shadowed fire escape beside her. “We've got a rat. Someone's tipped off the big Butterfly and security has been increased around the perimeter. Most likely interior security increased too.”
Fantôminou flexes her glowing clawed gauntlets, “I suppose we should check in with our local pied piper, before we strike, hmm?”
There's a bzzt in her earpiece as the channel is hijacked by the familiar voice of their gang's hacker, Max aka Raijack. “I wouldn't worry about that if I were you, our pied piper has already been contacted. Whoever they were, they didn't reveal which location we were targeting, so it's just a general security increase.”
She hums. “Raijack, link us up with the rest of the strike force.”
“Got it, 'Minou.” He responds, and not a split second later, the earpiece makes another bzzt and there's the faint ping of the rest of the channel being alerted at someone joining.
“Look, I think you could totally pull off the—oh, who just joined the channel?” Adrien, Cheval Mallet, asks in surprise.
“Just me and our anthill tiger.” Red Hood announces, snorting at the glare Fantôminou sends him.
Silence echoes across the line before a scrabble of hushed but excited voices causes a ruckus.
Fantôminou sighs, “I know we're all excited to hit the big Butterfly hard by stealing some of their new fancy gun tech. But let's leave the yelling for when we inevitably set off the alarms!”
“Hey!” Raijack protests. “I'll have you know I have produced a new virus that has a ninety-eight per cent chance of not setting off any alarms!”
Red Hood rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, but you've still not worked out how to get your viruses to deactivate the bombs in the crates yet, huh?”
“I will one day, until then it's your job to stop the bombs from triggering the rest of the alarms!” Raijack counters with a huff.
Fantôminou sighs again, this time with an added sprinkling of are-you-kidding-me. “Red Hood, Raijack. I can and will kick your asses if you do not shut up so we can discuss final prep before we begin the pesticide protocol.”
Bumping shoulders with her, Red Hood snorts again. “I've got nothing against being beat up by someone as pretty and buff as you Minou, you know that!”
“Oh, I think we can all agree to wanting to get crushed by Minou's guns.” Cheval Mallet pipes up once more.
Fantôminou sighs very wearily. “Nevermind, are you all ready?”
Red Hood salutes at her, and despite his mouth being covered, it's easily telling that he's grinning cockily underneath. “I'm ready. My guns are ready, and I've got the bomb defusal kit at the ready.”
“I may be holding my horses but I'm saddled to giddy-up on the go!” Cheval Mallet cheerfully announces.
“This has to be one of your worst attempts at horse puns yet.” Raijack comments, “otherwise, I'm in position and ready to hack on your call, Minou.”
Red Hood exchanges a glance with Fantôminou as silence falls over the earpiece channel. “Hold up, where's Arsenal? Shouldn't he have checked in by now?”
Taking his hand gently, Fantôminou gives it a reassuring squeeze.
“He already did but because you two had your issues getting into position and avoiding the unexpected police patrol, Arsenal had to deal with another issue that popped up which would've threatened our plan,” Raijack informs, sounding nonplussed.
“Well, you don't sound concerned.” Fantôminou points out the obvious. “Has he got back up?”
There's the faint tapping of a keyboard through the earpiece channel before Raijack responds, “Chèvrapide is on her way to back him up, don't worry.”
“Then that's everyone accounted for. Let's rock and roll.” Red Hood orders, dropping from the fire escape and landing in the rain-slick alleyway with ease, conveniently right beside the hoverbike they had stashed here.
Fantôminou hops down after him, except she manages to flip and expertly land in the driver's seat. “I'm driving Jay, you're the one with the guns after all,” she all but states, putting one gauntleted hand up and flexing just to hammer in the point, “I'm close range only right now and you know it.”
Red Hood throws his hands up in mock surrender. “Hey! I'd never complain about getting to watch you drive this beauty of a hoverbike.”
Fantôminou snorts. “Just get on, pretty bird!”
“Well, if you say so, pretty kitty!” Red Hood teases back, vaulting onto the back of the bike behind her. He wraps an arm around her waist and rests the other hand on his sheathed-for-now gun.
She revs the engine of the hoverbike and steers out of the alleyway with practised ease. There's no directions on the hoverbike's holoscreen, but it's not like they need any—the directions to where they need to be outside the warehouse have already been memorised by each and every one of them.”
Down the left street, take the right at the T junction, pass under the flyover street, then take a further two lefts and then straight on until the block of office buildings forming a protective extra layer between the warehouse electric razor wire tipped fencing and the road. Easy.
“All networks in the office buildings have temporarily shut down. As far as the tech will be concerned, it'll look like the networks just decided to not work today.” Raijack announces through the earpiece channel, voice coming through slightly more robotic than usual.
“So no security cams?” Fantôminou checks cautiously, circling like a hawk around the small stretch of street between her and the office building she and Jason will be entering through. The rain has slowed to a drizzle but that doesn't make the circling in it any less mildly uncomfortable, at least inside it'll be dry.
There's the familiar clack of keys once more. “Not quite, they're a little harder to crack than entering in through the backdoor via someone's unprotected webcam in the office. Thank you, Shodan.” Raijack pauses, keys continuing to clack in the background. “Unfortunately, the Big Butterfly's got tech security smart enough to keep the security system on a closed network so I can't hop from webcam to computer to network to cams. However, they didn't account for Markov, suckers!”
Red Hood snorts. “Isn't Markov a little obvious for this kinda mission?”
“Oh, did I forget to tell you?” Raijack says, in a voice that very clearly conveys he didn't forget so much as purposefully neglected to mention, “I recently upgraded Markov, outfitting him with the currently most highly advanced cloaking system. Thanks to some help from Fantôminou's knowledge of cloaking and camouflage fashion.”
Red Hood leans his head onto Fantôminou's shoulder. “I'm hurt, you knew and didn't tell me? I want cloaking guns! Think of how much cooler I'd look with them!”
Fantôminou merely hums in an unamused response. “Raijack wanted it to be a surprise.”
He huffs. “I see who your favourite person in our gang is then!”
“You're right! It's me!” Cheval Mallet cheers, jumping into the conversation.
“Fucking 'ell!” Red Hood curses under his breath. “I thought you were gonna mute whilst getting in position.”
Cheval Mallet's laugh cuts in and out across the earpiece channel. “And when did I hay that!”
“Hacker voice, I'm in!” Raijack interrupts. “Looks like the security system was perfectly untouched by whatever minor error caused the main networks to crash, how lucky. Which is to say, looping is in process, and we now have free entry.”
“Got us a place to park yet, though?” Red Hood asks.
Raijack doesn't immediately respond, but the sound of the garage door connected to the office building opening, is answer enough. “I might.”
Fantôminou snorts. “Thanks, Raijack. Hood and I need to split here right, just until we get past the fencing right?”
“That's right.” Raijack responds, “good luck, and Markov and I will see you all on the other side.”
“Break a leg, or three!” Red Hood calls over the earpiece. “Preferably some else's though!”
Fantôminou pulls the hoverbike into the garage, keeping her gaze ahead. “If I could elbow you without fucking up my parking, I would.”
Red Hood cackles quietly in response, trying to at least keep to the stealth part of the mission plan.
In the blink of an eye, the hoverbike is securely parked. Perfectly hidden in plain sight but easily accessible for a quick and clean getaway should nothing go wrong. And well, if something were to go wrong, there's not going to be any hoverbike left for evidence. Though, that's not to say a small part of Fantôminou's brain doesn't anxiously hate how they're practically sitting on top of bombs ready to blow up at the slightest hint of things going wrong. However, they've been through enough strikes like this for the concern to be mostly easily ignored.
With the hoverbike parked, Fantôminou and Red Hood part ways.
Fantôminou heads up through the internal stairwell connected to the garage, whilst Red Hood takes one of the external doors leading to the office building next door.
The stairwell is like any other maintenance stairwell. Grey concrete walls, metal railings and steps. Even Fantôminou's light footsteps clang loudly against the ridged metal stairs. It's cold, just as cold as the garage was and barely warmer than it is outside in the rain. The air is stuffy but at least the respirator hidden beneath the bandana wrapped around her mouth makes it bearable to breathe. Other than the aforementioned clanging of steps, and her breathing, Fantôminou is alone with the ominous silence of a liminal space.
The stairs stretch on upwards for what seems far longer than it should, but eventually, Fantôminou reaches the final steps to the roof entrance door.
The door is unlocked, and so Fantôminou opens it as quietly as possible. She walks out into the rain once more and scrunches up her nose. A quick glance of the roof yields no immediate signs of danger or anything of note, so she continues to the edge of the roof.
Fantôminou rests one foot on the lip of the roof and flexes her gauntlets, lights switching off for stealth. Carefully, she turns around and crouches on the lip, gauntlets gripping the edge and toes of her boots braced against the wall. Bit by bit she descends, gauntlets making it more than easy to stay attached to the wall.
Two-thirds of the way down, Fantôminou climbs onto a window sill. The fence is only a metre below, with a further four-metre drop. No security drones in sight, yet—but no alarms have been triggered yet either.
A shadow drops down the building and over the fence on the other side of the compound. Not a second later is the double buzz of the earpiece signalling that someone is in position.
Fantôminou smirks beneath her face coverings, not one to be so quickly outdone she leaps forwards in a dive—spinning midair as she begins to plummet. Clearing the razor wire fence with room to spare.
She hits the ground in another diving roll, and immediately uses the momentum to throw herself up and run towards the nearest warehouse building. As soon as she reaches the wall, she double-taps her earpiece to send the double buzz signal to others.
A moment later comes the third double buzz, soon followed by the fourth and final signal.
“Markov is covering our air support.” Raijack's voice clips across the earpiece channel, “Fantôminou, you and Red Hood are on opposite ends of the same warehouse. I've unlocked the doors for you. You know the drill.”
“Thank you, Raijack. Entering now.” Fantôminou responds, she slinks over to the warehouse doors and cautiously pries open the now unlocked door.
Fantôminou heads straight for the terminal, and knows Red Hood is doing the same. Slipping Raijack's new and improved virus into one of the terminal's ports. Seconds pass.
“Interface secured,” Raijack informs.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Red Hood prowling over to her. She nods to him and taps into the terminal with her gauntlet.
Red Hood readies his bomb defusal kit as she instructs the internal warehouse drones into delivering the goods to them.
The drone, blinking yellow—a sure sign of Raijack's virus in effect—hovers over and drops a large black cased crate before them.
As soon as the claws of the drone release the crate, Red Hood is immediately on it, pulling it open and weeding out the bomb.
They wait with bated breath. Red Hood tinkers away. The earpiece channel is silent as the team focuses.
He hisses through his teeth, and Fantôminou tenses—ready to grab him and run, in the worst case—but he only packs the kit back away and sighs in relief.
He taps the earpiece thrice—signalling success.
Raijack and Cheval Mallet don't respond, so Fantôminou and Red Hood stuff their haul into Fantôminou's Miraculous, for ease of transport, and begin making their way towards the warehouse the other two were hitting.
By the time they reach the nearest warehouse doors, the earpiece triple buzzes. Success, again.
They pause only to exchange a nod between the two before continuing to meet up with Cheval Mallet and Raijack—no rendezvous needed this time so far.
It takes forty seconds to cross halfway to the other warehouse, where they meet the other two along with Markov in the middle.
Cheval Mallet waves a hand and the five of them skulk over to a small shed off the side of another warehouse. He raises his horseshoe weapon and calls out, “Bon Voyage!”
The portal forms and Markov flies through first. The remaining four exchange glances then bolt forwards, racing to see who can get through first.
The blue light blinds them all for a second, despite how used to the power they are.
“Mission success!” Fantôminou cheers breathlessly once the blue fades, throwing her hands up in celebration.
“WOOH!” Cheval Mallet yells, jumping up and punching the air.
Red Hood snorts, “but more importantly I so won!”
Raijack hums, “let's see what Markov has to say about that.”
Markov makes a series of boops and beeps, yellow LEDs flickering. “Red Hood is correct, he won the portal race.”
“YES!” Red Hood crows.
“Oh come on!” Raijack grumbles.
Footsteps and clapping approaches. “Well done,” Félix praises, “but perhaps leave the celebration until after you've all gotten into jammies.”
Cheval Mallet giggles, “Flicks, I can't believe you can somehow still sound pretentious whilst saying something as childish sounding as "jammies"!”
Félix raises an eyebrow, “you say this every time I call pyjamas that. Now come on, I've ordered pizza and Roy, Alix, Luka, Artemis, Kori, and Bizarro are already waiting for you lot, in the lounge, so we can get the party started.” He turns on his heel and walks out of the utility-changing room.
Markov, as the only one not needing to change, shows the tongue-sticking-out emoji on his LED screen and zooms after Félix.
Jason, Marinette, Adrien, and Max all start changing out of their gear as quickly as possible.
“Oh no!” Adrien gasps, half undressed, suddenly remembering something. “We forgot to take the motorbikes back!”
Marinette groans, “I knew I was forgetting something!"
Facepalming, Jason sighs. “We were all too caught up in everything going well for once.”
Max snorts. “Oh don't worry! I anticipated this, all it took was a little hacking into our hoverbikes and now they're on autopilot to one of our empty storage bases.”
“Oh. Well, that's good then.” Adrien says, looking a little embarrassed.
“Yeah… anyway come on, we don't want to keep your cousin and the others waiting any longer! They'll eat all the pizza!” Marinette exclaims.
They all finish changing into loungewear and pyjamas just as music starts to play from the lounge and so frantically, they all dash towards it, trying to shove each other out of the way and laughing playfully as they do so.
They've won a battle, they've successfully gotten in and out with a good haul of gun tech. No alarms tripped, nothing went wrong. Hoverbikes undamaged and on the route home. For once, everything went smoothly. And that, is cause for an evening of celebration.
Leaving the worries of the rat for tomorrow.
In a dark observatory with a closed butterfly window, a folder is tossed across a desk.
Papillon glances down at the folder with indifference. He rests his elbows on the expensive polished wood and steeples his fingers. “You said you had acquired information that you believe will interest me?”
The man in a black suit sitting opposite Papillon, smiles patiently. “My informant went through quite the lengths to acquire this. Why not take a look inside.”
Papillon purses his lips, “this better not be a waste of my precious time, Lex.”
Lex Luthor raises an eyebrow in amusement. “I assure you, Gabriel, you will find what is inside most interesting.”
There's a moment's pause as Gabriel waits. Nothing happens. He nods and then opens the folder. He spreads the papers inside in arc across the desk. In the middle of the papers, is the photo of a smiling teenage girl with bright blue eyes, and blue-dyed hair. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” He reads out, lips curling into a contemplative frown.
“Poor little girl,” Lex croons mockingly, “missing—presumed dead—after her parents' bakery was destroyed in an Akuma attack. Her name should be familiar to you though, won your one-day derby hat competition at her school.”
Gabriel's fingers still mid-steeple, and he moves one hand up to his chin in thought. “Ah yes, I remember that designer. The one with the feather derby whose design was stolen and copied. That signature embroidery was impressive work.” He recounts.
Lex grins, “yes, however most distressingly, it would seem this up and coming star of a designer has lost her glow.”
“How so?” Gabriel responds, furrowing his brows.
“Well you see, my informant has found… evidence, that our poor little designer here fell through the cracks into the shadows after the loss of her parents and bakery. It's rather obvious that the larvae have taken her as their own, some of their masks and clothes fit perfectly with what we know of her unique incorporation of her signature, as well as stitch work.” Lex explains, waving a hand towards the rest of the photographs and documents spread from the folder.
Gabriel frowns and eyes a few of the other papers with interest. “I see, that is most unfortunate.”
“But.” Lex cuts in before Gabriel can say anything more. “I'm well aware you're plenty familiar with fixing larvae with damaged wings and frayed wires. As such, a strange little cold case brimming with potential for your program, would do quite nicely for your collection, wouldn't you say?” Lex insinuates, rising from his seat as he continues, “rescue the poor larvae, craft it a chrysalis, and nurture the Pupa into something radiant. Not unlike what you did with the Macrothylacia Rubi, and your replacement wife.” With that, Lex smiles smugly down at Gabriel and then strides out of the observatory, not giving Gabriel a chance to respond.
And leaving Papillon to the folder and his musings.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Behind the Names: Fantôminou is a portmanteau of Fantôme (Ghost/Phantom) and Minou (Kitty). And she's called that because I thought the Black Footed cat fit her, and they're nicknamed Anthill Tigers. They also have the highest successful hunting rate! |
| Raijack is a portmanteau of Raiju (lightning dragon) and jack plug (the connect-y bit on headphones into a phone for example) but is also a play on the word Hijack. |
| Cheval Mallet is an evil horse spirit that offers rides to weary travellers and kidnaps them. Yes, there is a reason behind this. It's covered in Chap 2 |
| Chèvrapide is a portmanteau of Chèvre (Goat) and Rapide (Fast). |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I’ll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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Love Is Not Forced ~ 16
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,725ish
Summary: Y/N finishes her days in Asgard and travels to Wakanda.
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Y/N spent her days in Asgard exploring it and visiting the people. She had began to fall in love with the people of Asgard, much like she loved her own people. Thor spent the days courting the Princess as much as he could. But at night… At night, Loki and her would sneak away to be alone. They found the best place was the Queen’s gardens. Y/N had been interested in seeing the gardens since Loki had brought them up when they had first met. They walked, talked, and kissed a lot in those gardens. They talked about everything, including what Odin had talked to Y/N about. 
“I promise you, Y/N,” Loki pleaded. “I am not the same young man I was when I tried to over throw the throne. I am changed. And I would never do anything like that, especially if it were to cause you harm.”
It was the night before the Princess was to head to Wakanda. The two were strolling through the garden in the middle of the night.
“I’m going to missing you, Loki,” Y/N admitted quietly. 
“I’m going to miss you too, Y/N,” Loki replied in kind. “I’ve never had such wonderful company with me before.”
“Why thank you.” Y/N looked down at her clasped hands in front of her, toying with her thoughts.
“I know that you have something you want to say, Y/N. I know you well enough by now to know a few of your cues. Just tell me what’s troubling you.”
“I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to say in a situation like this.”
“And us secretly strolling through the garden in the middle of the night is?” Loki moved to stop in front of Y/N, grabbing onto her hands. “Just tell me, my dear.”
“Loki, I…” Y/N sighed. “I…” She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “I’m afraid that I’m falling in love with you.”
Loki’s hand immediately came up to cup her check. “I’m afraid that’s happening to me as well, Princess.”
The Princess quickly smashed their lips together. They pulled each other as close as they could together. Loki guided Y/N back, so that she was against the large hedge. 
“Wait!” Y/N gasped, pushing Loki away. “We can’t… My Father. He… He doesn’t trust you, Loki. He would never be okay with this. He’s never going to choose you.”
“Then we choose our own future,” Loki cupped her cheeks. “We fight for this, right here. We try and prove to your father that I’m a changed man. And if he doesn’t believe it then we run. We run fast and we run far.”
“My Father is too stubborn,” Y/N shook her head. “He would never give you a second chance.”
“Then we run.”
“I can’t run… I can’t leave my brother, or my Mother and Father.”
“Not even for me, my dear?”
“I… I can’t make that choice…”
Loki dropped his hands. “Then you truly do not care for me.”
“That’s not true!” She cried, tears slipping down her face. “I just can’t leave them behind. They’re all I have.”
“Couldn’t I be enough?” Loki quickly grabbed Y/N’s hands and held them to his chest. “Couldn’t this be enough?”
“I can’t just leave now. Not when Wakanda and Brooklyn are waiting for me. Plus I need to say goodbye.”
“Then we’ll leave. After you return home. I’ll make the preparations and send word to you when everything’s ready.” Loki pecked her lips. “I want to be with you, Princess, forever.”
“I want to be with you too, Loki.”
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For the rest of the night and the ride to Wakanda, Y/N’s thoughts were focused on running away with Loki. And how she could possibly leave her family. She was torn, between her feelings for Loki and her love for her family. The Princess knew that if she were to run, her Father would never stop searching for her. She could only imagine his anger. He would definitely blame her disappearance on Loki. 
“Princess,” Wanda called her out of her thoughts.
“Hmm?” Y/N looked at Wanda.
“We have arrived in Wakanda.”
Y/N moved her focus to the window. They were heading towards the palace. Wakanda was beautiful. Each kingdom seemed to have its own kind of beauty. King T’Challa and his guards, who were all women, were the ones waiting to meet Y/N and her party. T’Challa was at the door the moment the carriage stopped.
“T’Challa,” Y/N greeted, grinning.
“Princess,” T’Challa smiled back. “It’s so good to see you again. How was your visit to Asgard? I hope they treated you well.” T’Challa began guiding her towards the palace.
“It was wonderful. But I’m sure that it won’t compare to the time I’ll spend here, in Wakanda.”
“I hope you feel the same way after your visit. I’m afraid my sister is wishing to hijack you. She wishes to show you how much more advanced Wakanda is compared to Alexandria.”
“And you will let her. But don’t you worry, King, I’ll leave some time for you as well.” Y/N gave him a teasing wink. 
“Why didn’t you tell me she was arriving!” Shuri’s voiced bounced around the room, as they entered the palace’s foyer. The Wakandan Princess ran and pulled Y/N into a hug. 
“Hello, Princess Shuri,” Y/N chuckled, hugging back.
“No, no, no,” Shuri pulled back. “It is just Shuri. No need for formalities.”
“Unfortunately, my daughter does not believe in formalities,” the Queen Mother, Ramonda, glided into the room.
“Queen Mother,” Y/N curtsied.
“Up, my child. There is no need for that. Now,” Ramonda slipped her arm through Y/N’s leading her down a corridor. “I’m sure those Asgardian Princes wore you out.”
“They weren’t too bad. Always kept me on my toes.”
“We’ll you can stay and rest in Wakanda as long as you’d like. Right, my son?”
“Of course,” T’Challa answered, him and Shuri trailing behind the two women. “Everything that is ours, is yours. The guards and servants have been told to respect your orders as if they were mine.”
“There really is no need for that,” Y/N shook her head.
“You will be able to rest for the day. Tomorrow I have arranged for you and I to tour the kingdom. For the rest of your stay, however long you choose to stay, what you do will be up to you.”
“No if I have any say in that!” Shuri exclaimed. “You have to spend a day with me in my lab.”
“I would not dream of leaving without spending at least two,” Y/N grinned. “I do wish I could stay long, but I shouldn’t keep King Steven waiting.”
“No need to worry,” T’Challa said. “I will inform the King when you are planning to depart. He knows to wait for my letter.” The party suddenly stopped in front of a large door. “This will be your room for as long as you need.”
“I can’t express my thanks enough. How will I ever repay you for your kindness?”
“Just choose a husband wisely,” Ramonda said. 
“But it is not my choice.”
“You’re Father may say it’s not. But you can choose whether you try and love the man chosen or not. In the end, it is your choice. Love can not be forced, but it can be created. It may just time time, effort, and patience.”
“Thank you, Queen Mother.”
“I just worry about you, my child.”
“I think it’s time for the Princess to get some rest,” T’Challa spoke up, clearly stopping Ramonda from saying anything more.
“Yes!” Shuri exclaimed. “You’ll need to be well rested for the lab!”
“I’ll have dinner brought to you,” T’Challa stated.
“Thank you, all, so much,” Y/N said. “I can’t wait to spend more time in your beautiful country.”
“Rest well, Princess,” Ramonda said, giving Y/N’s hand a squeeze before walking away.
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It seemed to Y/N, that the kingdoms felt like she needed the largest rooms in the palace. She ate alone in her room. The Princess couldn’t help but miss the Prince of Asgard she had started growing intense feelings for. She was on the balcony, staring off into the distance, thinking about Loki when a knock sounded at her door. She heard Wanda and another voice say somethings before the door shut and footsteps came closer to her.
“Your Highness,” Wanda called, making her presence known, “a letter has arrived for you.”
“Oh?” Y/N turned to look at Wanda.
“It’s from Asgard.”
“Thank you, Wanda.” Y/N took the letter. “You may leave now. I’m sure Pietro would love to see you.”
“Thank you, Princess,” Wanda curtsied. “I won’t be long.”
Wanda hurried and took her leave, allowing Y/N to open the letter alone. She opened it, carefully. Before she could begin to read it, something feel out of it. Y/N carefully picked the object up. It was a beautiful gold necklace, with an emerald stone attached. 
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She clutched it close to her chest as she read the letter:
My Beautiful Princess,
You’ve been gone mer hours from Asgard, and my heart already hurts due to longing for you. I have already began the preparations for our departure. I want to be ready to go as soon as you are. I want to be with you. 
I understand that I can’t be with you, currently, so I enclosed a necklace in the letter. The necklace and emerald are my colors, gold and green. I made sure that it wasn’t too big as to draw too much unwanted attention to it. But I do hope you love it.
I can’t wait to see you again, my dear. Until then, stay safe and be weary of the King of Brookyln.
Forever yours,
Y/N grinned, holding the letter and necklace to her chest. Never in a million years, would she have ever thought that she’d feel this way about someone. The Princess quickly went inside, to the large standing mirror, and put on her necklace. She swore right then and there, that she would never take it off.
next chapter >
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@dreamilyunaffectedwreck (won’t link)
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ashes-writing · 2 years
runnin up that hill | stranger things ; s.harrington
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms + characters || send me asks/reqs? || masterlist
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This is a one-shot, it's a random idea I had after seeing other versions on here and around the internets. Stranger Things masterlist is here though, be warned it is... soooo in need of an update.
I got inspired to write this after seeing other people do their own take on the idea. It's probably horrible, I know it's nowhere near as good as the versions I've seen so far -and love so much, but the idea came and it wouldn't let go until I tried to write it? So I tried and I think it'll be obvious why I don't write stuff with Upside Down / its monsters in it after you all read this. I figured I'd share to see whether I should attempt to do more things where the monsters/upside down are present in the plot as a tester to see if i'd be decent or okay at it? Idk.. anyway... For now, this is a one-shot. If anybody wanted me to backtrack and write out how reader and Steve met though, I have had a few ideas I could use to do it.
Huuuuge thanks and all of my love to anyone / everyone who not only puts up with but indulges me in my bullshit. The interaction on my posts is never really something I stopped to factor in when I started to write and share it here again, it was more a need to get it out of my head? So I am constantly blown away when you guys comment or send asks or like or reblog / reblog with tags something I've written, you all truly do not know what this means to me, I can't even begin to express how motivated it keeps me.
-- boy meets girl. boy and girl enter into a fwb relationship. both parties want more but are afraid to admit. boy gets his brainwaves hijacked by Vecna. Girl brings boy back to the rightside up.
Steve Harrington x Fem!reader (beyond vague personality / clothing, the fact that she has female organs, she is a blank slate. )
swearing because writer has a sailor dialect that she can't contain, alcohol / drinking tw, friends with benefits relationship, vecna, vague hints of abandonment in both reader and steve's past. it's angst with a happy ending. Sexual encounter hinted at in the beginning.
@UNTITLEDAREA - these are the only names on my stranger things taglist. If you want to be on it, let me know or add yourself to the link at the top.
Set in s4. Explores the whole brain worm "What if Vecna went after Steve's mind?". Kinda angsty, not gonna lie, but.. It ends happy. If this is an end.. For arguments sake, Steve has his own apartment here.
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I might not be around much for the next few days. That’s okay, right?
He felt the slightest shift in the mood the second the words left his mouth and God, did he hate saying them. It was the last thing he wanted to do right now. But if he was going to help Dustin and finally beat whatever the hell was going on, preferably for good this time, he had to do it. He loved you too much. He cared about you way too much to risk whatever they were up against using you, hurting you somehow.
If something happened to you, Steve Harrington would never be the same.
“It’s fine. This is just casual, right?” you say the words but there’s a hollowness there. Your stomach is sinking. You can feel tears sting at your eyes but you were not about to cry. Not in front of him and not over something you knew would happen sooner or later. You’re the one who got too attached. You’re the one who was seeing the situation through rose-colored glasses and not for what it was.
You’re crazy if you think you’ll ever be enough for him. He’s finally realized it and now, he’s moving on. Distancing himself slowly and surely. It’ll start off like it just has -like it always does, and then he’ll stop calling or answering if you call. He’ll be too busy to meet up. He’ll have to work late instead of coming to your apartment after work like he’s gotten in the habit of doing. ,, A habit I never should have allowed.” the thought comes and so does the bitterness, right along with it.
But you do your best to act like you’re totally unbothered.
You’ve finished dressing and you’re about to get out of his BMW when he grabs your wrist, making you stop halfway out the door. He leans in to kiss you and you being the  idiot you are, you’re kissing back and you’re almost frantic. Nipping his lips, your nails dragging his scalp as your fingers catch in his hair. Trying to drink him in so you won’t forget him just yet.
“You should get in there.” you nod to the video store you’re parked behind and you pull away from him, rushing to get out of his car and bolting across the lot to yours. Steve sits in the parked car for just a few minutes as it slowly starts to sink in for him -what he’s just done and exactly where your mind most likely went when he said that to you just now. 
Then he takes a shaky breath or two and gets out of his car. He goes back into Family Video and he tries to finish out his shift so that he can go and meet up with Dustin and his friends to try and figure out what they need to do.
Robin glances up as he walks in the doors of the video store and wordlessly goes straight into the back office. When she wanders back to check on him, he’s pounding the top of the desk in frustration.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Robin. Just..” Steve looks up at her and tugs at his hair. “Let’s just get this over with, okay? We have to beat this. We have to.”
Robin wants to ask a thousand questions, she wants to go on a tangent about how everything will be okay, they’ve beaten this kind of thing before, not even a year ago now.. But there’s this pained look in his eyes that stops her.
“What happened?”
“I told her I wouldn’t be around much the next few days and..” he rubs his hand over his face and takes a very shaky deep breath as he pauses, “I know where her mind went, alright? She thinks I’m distancing, she thinks that our thing is gonna end.”
“Y’know, all of this could have been avoided if you just told her how you really feel. If you went against what she thought she wanted. She didn’t really want that. People say they do but they almost never do. They make shitty romance movies about this, Steve.”
“I freaked out! The last time I..” Steve takes another deep breath, “The last time I felt like this, she told me I was bullshit and then she was gone too. I just needed a little more time. Now this has happened. Fuck.”
“Steve, it’ll be okay. We’ll get through this one more time and then we’ll figure out something about her. I promise. I’m your best friend. Just trust me.” 
Steve nods, but he’s still got that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. And the emptiness who is starting to settle back in all over again.
The clock on the wall over the desk has barely moved. And all he wants to do is get this over with, once and for all.
One last time.
– ( 2 am, your apartment )
The silence was too heavy. The darkness was too dark tonight, it was too much. You’ve been trying to sleep since your last spontaneous crying fit three hours ago but you just can’t. Every time you hear even the slightest hint of noise, your breath catches and hangs and you’re hoping against hope that it’s him, that maybe you were wrong earlier. Maybe it’s not over, maybe he’s not pulling away.
But then he doesn’t come.
Earlier in the evening with a little too much tequila in your system, tequila you shouldn’t have even had in the first place given that you bought it with the fake ID you’ve been using since you were fifteen, you called him at least three times and that last time, whew… That last time you left the most pathetic and honest and raw voice message, it was basically you telling him everything you couldn’t say and somehow, in the middle of it, you devolved into a bitter and angry rant about being totally done being abandoned and if anyone was going to say goodbye, it was going to be you first this time.
The storm that blew in earlier when you were leaving the liquor store earlier picks up, thunder rattling the window as lightning creates jagged white streaks in a darkened sky. You finally come to grips with the fact that you are not sleeping tonight. It might be a while before you can sleep decently again because you’ve become so conditioned to falling asleep in muscular arms and the way Steve Harrington liked to get behind you in bed and damn near wrap his entire frame around you some nights. Or the nights when he’d cuddle into you, his face buried in your tits, the sounds of his snores and the softness of his hair against your skin lulling you to sleep.
You’re crying again before you realize it and you stumble out of bed in the darkness, stubbing your toe on the little wooden chest that holds all your grandma’s old handmade quilts at the foot of it. You flip off the wooden chest and make your way out of the apartment’s one cramped bedroom down the hallway. Flipping on the light switch and turning on your entertainment system to hit play on the Metallica cassette that’s been stuck inside the tape player for a week now as you go. Fade to Black is the song that plays and somehow, this seems fitting.
You pour a small measure of tequila into a coffee mug once you’re into the kitchen and you dig around in an old yellow fridge. You find leftovers from a little Chinese restaurant near the salon you work in. You’d gotten them before meeting up with Steve and then you just couldn’t eat after you left him at the end of your little lunch break tryst. The last thing you feel like doing right now is eating but you’re going to make yourself.
You’ve just grabbed the styrofoam tin with the food in it and a plastic fork out of the coffee mug near your coffee maker on the counter and hopped on the counter that separates the living room from the kitchen to sit and attempt eating when the urge hits you to just try one more time to call him.
So you do. And the phone rings and rings and rings. You put down your phone and you snatch the cord out of the plug, gathering the phone and carrying it over to the coat closet just beside the front door. You’ve just put the phone on the high shelf up top when the storm intensifies and the lights flicker before going off entirely.
And you want to laugh at the irony, you really do. All those dramatics with the phone just now to keep yourself from being too needy, from caring, from wanting him too much and all you had to do was wait a second and the power would’ve been down for a few hours anyway.
– ( Steve’s apartment / Steve in his own mind )
He doesn’t answer. Dustin snaps his fingers in front of Steve’s face. Then he shakes him but Steve just sits there, stone still. In a trance.
“It’s happening to him!”
“Wait, how? There weren’t any signs.” Dustin argues, but he’s trying to bring him around and nothing is working and he’s starting to panic. “There weren’t any signs!”
“Maybe there aren’t always signs, Dustin!” Max argues, insistent. “I’m telling you, Vecna’s got him.. Just like he had me.”
“No way.” Dustin tries again. “Okay, this isn’t funny, Steve.”
The phone ringing has Nancy and Robin sharing a look. “Maybe it’s her.”
Robin moves to pick up the phone but by the time she gets to it, it’s stopped ringing in her hands. Nancy is sitting on the table in front of Steve, snapping her fingers in his face. Pleading with him to come back, to fight his way back from Vecna’s clutch like Max did earlier. But there’s nothing.
Absolutely not one sign of life or movement, not a hint of fight from him.
And inside of his own head, he’s standing in the middle of a big field and there’s no one around for miles. There’s not a sound to be heard and Steve feels the panic settle in. He’s calling out your name, he’s calling out for Dustin, for Robin. Anybody. He’s literally just seen you, before he found himself here, he panicked because you shoved him away and laughing, you told him you don’t need him and you don’t love him and maybe the world would just be better off if he gave himself over to Vecna.
“She wasn’t wrong. Who is really going to miss you, Steve Harrington?”
“You’re wrong! I-I..” but Steve can’t think of a single person at the second who would actually miss him. His parents don’t care, they never did. Dustin might at first but sooner or later, -probably sooner given how close he is to that Munson guy, he’d forget him too. Robin wouldn’t miss him, if she did it’d be fleeting. Tommy and Carol were gone as soon as he served his use to them and decided to change. Nancy never loved him to start with, not the way he loved her.
You probably hate him now, there’s that.
The light Max is yelling at him to focus on is getting dimmer and dimmer by the second. And it’s weird, he can hear them all in a blind panic right now on the other side of this, trying to encourage him, trying to give him one good reason.
One of them mentions your name and Robin says something, it’s muffled. But then he can hear you on the answering machine in the world outside, and you’re crying, you’re upset -at one point begging. Then you’re just defeated. Bitter. Telling him that you give up. That if he wants it to end, it’s over but you’ll be the first one to end things, not him.
“Yeah. That was three hours ago.” Robin answers quietly. “When we first got Max back here.”
“Does anybody know where this chick is? Because we’re gonna need him. That’s what Henderson said anyway.” That was Eddie. “And he’s Henderson’s friend, so… Whatever we gotta do to bring the pretty boy out of this, I guess?”
“Steve told me she lives in an apartment over that bar downtown. He’s always there when he’s not with one of us or working, right Robin?”
“Some nights he doesn’t even come back here? He stays there a lot.” Robin answers, going quiet. Then she’s pleading with him too. “Steve, c’mon. Please fight. You have to fight, Steve, you’re my best friend and I.. I don’t want you stuck in there! C’mon, wake up, dingus!”
“Okay, alright. Is her number around here anywhere?” the sound of papers being moved and drawers being opened. Nancy must be looking for your number to call you. It won’t do her any good, Steve thinks. He’s got it memorized by now. 
The storm outside must have finally settled in for the night  because Steve hears Max shriek and loud pops of thunder.
“Okay, half of us will stay with Steve.” Nancy states, “The rest of us will go and try to get her back here. I just tried the phone and it’s out.”
The light in front of him on the inside grows even weaker because he just knows that you won’t come.
Vecna’s loud laughter booms in the distance. “You know I’m right, Steve Harrington. There’s no use in fighting this. I will win.”
“You’re wrong, asshole. We’ll beat you. They’ll beat you, somehow.” Steve insists, even though in his heart of hearts he’s starting to wonder why he’s trying to escape at all.
Maybe Vecna’s right. Maybe it really would be better.
– ( your apartment, 2 30 am )
You’re capping off the small measure of tequila in the glass. The thunder and lightning are louder now, more frequent. You’ve got matches and you’re wandering around your living room lighting candles diligently while hugging yourself just a little.
The last time a storm this bad hit Hawkins, Steve was with you all night. He kept your mind off of the weather outside. That silky smooth voice against your ear all night. That was the night you realized you were indeed catching feelings. It was the night he told you about what he wanted in the future. Six little nuggets.
The thought is enough that you can feel yourself tearing up and the fact that you catch sight of the photobooth strips taken with you and him at the last carnival at the park doesn’t help at all. The door is being knocked on, the knocking is frantic.
You glance at the door with a brow raised because it’s not Steve.
“C’mon, let us in ___” you recognize the voice of Robin Buckley easily.
You hit stop on the Metallica tape and make your way over to the door, throwing it open.
The second you see Nancy Wheeler standing out in the hall with a teenage boy in a baseball cap and a loud print shirt with a raglan underneath that has a demon face on the front of it, your brows knit. Robin is the one who speaks up. “Can we.. Can we talk?”
You step out of the door. Having them around right now takes your mind off the storm and the fact that you’re losing Steve whether you like it or not, so you let them into your apartment and close the door.
“You need to read this. And then we need to tell you everything. Because Steve, the idiot..” Nancy pauses to rub her forehead, “He didn’t.”
You reach out and take the note she’s holding out to you. It’s his writing, scratched out on Family Video company letterhead. Your eyes dance over the page as he starts off with not being good at this. You almost stop reading there but you make yourself keep going and when you hit the part where he’s saying that he loves you and he wants to be more than just the man you sleep with, your mouth drops open.
“When he told you whatever he told you earlier, the idiot was trying to keep you safe, alright? But now, we,uh..” Robin trails off, she’s shaking, scared and upset. Nancy puts an arm around her and takes over and you’re panicking just a little more every second. “He’s going to be mad as hell when we get him out of this because we did this but you have to help us… Please. It’s.. It’s the only way to save him?”
“W-what’s going on?”
“Will you just come with us? I’ll explain in the car.” Nancy promises and if anyone had told you a few months ago you’d be leaving with Steve’s ex girlfriend at a little after two am, you’d have called them an idiot and a liar. But after they explain some of what’s going on to you as you’re walking down to the parking lot on the back stairwell, you know you have to try.
The drive to wherever they’re taking you is quiet. You’re freaking out because they’re telling you that Steve’s trapped in his own mind and he can’t escape it, that some thing they keep calling Vecna is keeping him hostage there.
“What’s his favorite song?”
“It’s Take On Me by the Aha’s. But.. I think I know something that might bring him around..I’ll t-try.” you stammer out.
They lead you into Steve’s building and as you’re stepping into Steve’s apartment, you see him and the magnitude of the situation settles in. Hits you like a brick wall.
If they’re not all suffering a group delusion and this is real.. You know why Steve’s not putting up a big fight, he’s told you a lot about his life. You know about his parents and you know they weren’t ever around. You know about his breakup with Nancy. You know that he always feels like he’s not enough for anybody and same as you, he’s always convinced that one day, he’s gonna wake up and be alone for good.
The only difference here is that he’s the light. You’re the darker side of this. You’ve been down the dark path and he’s so strong, he’s always fighting it off, he never gives into the intrusive thoughts. Seeing him like you’re seeing him right now, sitting on the sofa with vacant brown eyes as he stares off into space, it’s scary. It’s worse than all your own darkness back when you were letting the intrusive thoughts win.
He saved you from that.
It’s your turn to save him, the man you love, from this.
And you’re half scared you won’t be enough to persuade him back.
You make your way over and lower yourself, sitting on his legs. Leaning your forehead against his as you place your hands on the column of his neck either side. “Steve, baby..” you sigh. “I.. I love you.” it’s so hard to say this, it’s only easier because you know he probably can’t hear you right now. “Please don’t do this, don’t be me. Fight.” and then you start to hum the annoying little tune you always hummed on the long road-trips he’d drag you off on whenever you both had a weekend off and he wasn’t with his friends or sleeping late. You’re starting to cry, you see a tear slip down your nose and settle on his, making it’s way down the steep slope. You’re dragging your fingers over his face and wrinkling your nose at the stubble on it and you feel his hand just barely squeeze your bare thigh.
Max notices it too and she nods. “Keep talking. Hum that song again too, he blinked.” she’s watching him intently, fingers crossed as she tries to detect any sign that he might be coming back, that he might break the hold Vecna has on him.
It happens just when you’re starting to get scared it won’t. He stirs, raising a hand to drag his finger over your cheek. “Aw, c’mon, baby, don’t cry. You’ll cry then I’ll start cryin and I’m king Steve, I can’t cry, alright? I can’t. It doesn’t happen.” 
It’s ridiculous and it’s him and he’s back with you. You throw your arms around his neck and melt against him. Then he fixes his gaze on everyone sitting around watching. “I thought I told you, Robin. We can’t drag her into this shit.”
“You were trapped in your own mind, damn it, I called a play of my own!” Robin argues but she rushes over to hug him too, and you’re squeezed by them both in the process. She lets go and Nancy clears her throat. “We need to figure out our next move. Let’s ah.. Let’s let them have a moment.” she nods to you and Steve, giving him a firm look as she nods at your turned back and mouths, “Tell her, damn it.”
You lightly smack his bare chest and pout at him. “You need to learn how to say things without being vague and cryptic.”
“I did that so you wouldn’t get dragged into this.” Steve insists, shaking his head. Grumbling because despite what he tried to do, you got dragged into this in the end, anyway.
You smack his chest again and frown at him. “You’re the man I love, you idiot. I don’t care, I want to be dragged into this if it means you’ll be okay. I’m glad she came over tonight.” you give him another light smack and you’re looking down, your gaze trained on the sparse patches of brown hair on his chest. It hits him what you’ve just said and he’s gaping. He grabs your jaw to make you look up at him. “You wanna say that again, baby?”
“I love you.” you say it quietly, your breath catching. “I know I said I wanted no strings but I don’t and I can’t keep doing this and it’s kind of driving me crazy, alright?”
He lets out a ragged breath. “I love you too, baby. And I never wanted no strings. I agreed to it in the first place because I got you. I-I.. I kept telling myself I could live with it but I don’t want to.” he’s taken your face in his hands now and he’s giving you little pecks all over your face as he rests his forehead against yours and mutters quietly, “I want you all to myself, baby. Want you to be mine. I-Is that.. Is it okay?”
You smile and nod. “It’s better than okay.”
You remember the tequila driven messages you left him earlier in the night and you groan, ducking your head into his neck. “Oh god.”
You laugh softly. “I uh.. I thought when you said you weren’t going to be around much earlier that you were about to break things off and end this, uh.. Tequila..” you laugh. “I left you a message.”
Steve is snickering.
“It’s not funny, Steve.”
“It is, baby. Because I know what happens when you have a little tequila in you, you get a little more talkative.”
"Bite me, baby."
"Where, baby?" he's smirking when he says it, leaning in to latch onto your throat...
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mermaidsneedwater · 3 years
christmas with you | epilogue
series page
tag list: @yup-indecisive-girl-cece
A Holly Jolly Christmas
“I can’t believe Joey has finally brought someone home for Christmas!” Dorine cheered excitedly, bringing down the plates from the cupboard. “Oh to think, all my babies are going to be married soon…”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all always be home for Christmas though.” Tammy smiled, helping bring the plates to the table.
“How did they meet again?” You asked, coming into the kitchen and heading to the counter. Tossing the salad in the bowl, you listened for the answer to your question.
“College, but they reconnected recently.” Grace informed you.
“How sweet.” You grinned. “I’ve never seen Joey like this, he must really like her.”
“It’s definitely serious.” Grace agreed. “Joey dates around but he never brings anyone home.”
“Okay, we’re ready!” Dorine said. “Just bring the salad to the table when you’re done Y/N.”
Dorine, Tammy and Grace left the kitchen to gather the rest of the family at the dinner table.
“Joey and I laid the table.” You heard Mark announced from the other room. He walked into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and planting a kiss on your cheek. “Hi baby. How are you feeling?”
“I’m good.” You turned around to peck him, before laughing. “But you don’t have to keep asking me how I’m feeling, I’m only 12 weeks.”
“I know but I just want to make sure you’re not over exerting yourself. It’s bad for the baby!”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you handed him the salad bowl that was now tossed. “Okay, okay. Can you take this bowl to the table?”
“Of course.” He smiled, feeling very helpful. Mark took the bowl from your hands and walked away to the table.
You and Mark had agreed not to mention anything to the family until you were past the first trimester. However with Raymond and Grace offering you a drink every other hour it was becoming increasingly more difficult to hide.
Sighing, you closed the kitchen light and walked to the dining table where everyone had gathered. Upon seeing you, Mark jumped out of his seat and pulled your chair for you. Smiling, you heard Raymond tap his knife to his glass to get everyone’s attention.
“Hi everyone.” He started, smiling. “I’d like to make a little toast.”
Everyone slowly quieted down, eager to hear the speech.
“I want to thank god for the food and amazing people gathered tonight. And I want to welcome Abby, the newbie this year.” Raymond smiled. “I can’t tell you how much I love having everyone together for the holidays… so without further ado, let’s eat!”
The family cheered as they began to dig into the spread of food laid out on the table.
“So Abby,” Mark spoke up. “How did my meathead brother convince you to spend Christmas with us?”
Flustered, you watched as Joey’s girlfriend looked at Mark. “Oh- uh I was just in town and he messaged to meet up and the rest is history.”
“Ah, I see.” Mark laughed. “He’s not as smooth as he thinks he is.”
Grace chuckled at her brother’s remark before turning to you. “Want some wine Y/N? I think mom just opened up a Cabernet.”
“Oh no thank you,” you declined politely. “I’m good for now.”
“Don’t give your baby brother a hard time Mark,” Tammy winked. “You’re going to scare Abby off.”
“I’m surprised she hasn’t run off already.” Mark teased.
“You’re so funny Mark.” Joey rolled his eyes. “Speaking of running off... Don’t you remember Christmas three years ago?”
You bit back a laugh as you watched Mark frown. He was rather sensitive about the situation.
“What happened?” Abby asked curiously.
“Oh you don’t know?” Tammy perked up. “It’s a Tuan family folktale.”
“Oh please Tammy.” You laughed. “I’d hardly call it that.”
“It was pretty wild Y/N.” Grace chimed in.
You heard Kylie, Leila and Bailey from the end of the table “It’s really funny!”
“I’d call it straight out of a hallmark Christmas Movie.” Dorine laughed.
“Okay, now I really want to know. What happened three years ago?” Abby turned to Joey.
“Mom had called Mark up asking him about his Christmas plans and who he would be spending the holiday with.” Joey recounted. “At the time Mark was busy, but they cancelled his schedule. It was a fanmeet or something right?”
“A concert.” Mark corrected.
“Anyway, he panicked because he’d lied and said he was seeing someone. So he did what any normal person would do...”
“He admitted that he lied?” Abby suggested.
“Nope! He managed to convince Y/N to fly here and be his fake girlfriend for the holidays.”
“What?!” Abby’s eyes widened. She then turned to you, “is that true?”
“Unfortunately.” You looked at Mark with a small smile.
“So then what happened?” Abby turned back to Joey.
“Well then they actually started to fall for each other… which by the way no one knew. We all just saw them acting like a couple and thought it was for real.”
“Not all of us!” Tammy interjected. “I had a sneaking suspicion that something was up.”
“Yeah right Tammy.” Mark scoffed. “Nobody had any idea, that’s how great we were at acting.”
He held up a hand for you to high five which you did.
“No! Y/N, didn’t I pull you aside and tell you?” Tammy turned to you.
“You didn’t tell me that you thought we were faking it.” You replied. “Just that you thought Mark loved me.”
Mark’s eyes widened. “She did?!”
You nodded with a chuckle.
“Okay anyway can I finish the story?” Joey asked.
“Yes please continue.” Raymond spoke between bites of his food.
“So they were fake dating and then they fell in love for real? Wow…” Abby said.
“You think that’s dramatic? Then Y/N’s ex showed up at our door!” Joey narrated. “A little backtrack to the story, Y/N had only agreed to come with Mark because she’d just broken up with her fiancé.”
“Oh shit! So he showed up?” Abby said, turning to you. “Then what happened?”
“Mark let her go. He let her leave with her fiancé and told us that she had some family emergency.” He continued. “Pretty stupid if you ask me.”
“Haven’t you ever heard the saying, if you love something then you should let it free, because if it really loves you it’ll come back?” Mark asked.
“Yes. And it’s a dumb saying.” Joey replied.
Mark rolled his eyes, letting out a huff. “I just wanted Y/N to be happy and I thought that it meant being with him.”
“Whatever bro.” His younger brother laughed.
“So that was it? Y/N just left?” Abby asked her boyfriend.
“Well… I’m not too sure about the details after that.” Joey admitted.
“I’ll tell you. I dumped the jerk for the second time in the car ride to his hotel. Then I made him drop me off somewhere and I stayed at a dumpy motel until my flight.” You recounted. “I didn’t come back here because I thought your brother didn’t like me and wanted to get rid of me.”
“You thought that?” Mark asked sadly, grabbing your hand.
“What else was I supposed to think?” You laughed. “You walked me straight out of your house and into the car with him.”
“I’m sorry.” He squeezed your hand.
“So then after moping around for a few days, mom and dad asked him what had really happened and Mark had to come clean.” Joey told Abby.
“Oh wow…” Abby trailed off, thinking about the story.
“Yeah, Mark had to chase Y/N at the airport and catch her before she got on the flight back.”
“You chased her at the airport?! That’s so romantic.” Abby sighed.
“Well, it was romantic once the security guards let go of him.” You smiled. “They were really trying to drag him out of there. I was afraid they thought he was a hijacker or something.”
“I had to do whatever it took to get to you before you left.” Mark said. “Anyway it paid off didn’t it? Now we’re married and about to have a baby.”
Your eyes widened as you looked at Mark.
“Y/N IS PREGNANT?!” Dorine yelled across the table.
“Oh shit.” Mark cursed, frantic. “We weren’t really telling anyone yet since it’s so early.”
You watched as Dorine’s eyes welled with tears of happiness.
“It’s okay Mark.” You reassured him, looking around the table and smiling. “But yes, I found out a few weeks ago.”
“Oh my goodness I’m so happy!” Dorine cried. She stood up from her seat and hugged you. “This is the best Christmas present ever!”
“So that’s why you weren’t drinking.” Grace mused. “I was wondering why my wine buddy wasn’t having a glass tonight.”
You laughed at Grace, “I’m sorry, I’m going to be out of commission for the next 7 months.”
Pouting, she raised her wine glass “To Y/N and Mark. Merry Christmas!”
“To Y/N and Mark. Merry Christmas!” The table echoed back.
I hope you guys enjoyed this epilogue! I originally hadn’t planned one but I just thought this was a cute way to catch with the Tuan’s and tie the story up.
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smallblip · 3 years
LeviHan/JeanKasa go on a double date? :D
HEEEEE! My babies! I think I hijacked it and wrote levihan meet cute because I can’t get this out of my mind! I hope this was cute for you💖
Child’s play
“But mommm!” Mikasa whines, her mother snaps her a look before she can think of stamping her feet.
“Levi is going with you or you’re not going at all! It’s not safe when it’s late! You know that!”
Levi is past protesting. He tries to be as compliant as possible, after all, his brother and his wife have agreed to let him stay in their house rent free after he got a new job in the city. He’s a thirty year old man about to accompany his fifteen old niece on a date. The word he’s looking for here is ‘chaperone’, but he hasn’t been around kids enough to know.
Mikasa huffs one more time for emphasis before she heads out for school. “We’ll meet you at the diner at five after cram classes...” Mikasa says to Levi, utterly defeated. And Levi feels bad for her really.
When Levi heads to the diner he’s surprised to see how tall Jean actually is. What’s even more surprising, is someone else bounding behind them. Another thirty year old by the looks of it. Mikasa waves Levi over sheepishly.
“Uh... Levi... Uncle Levi, this is Jean and um... Ms Hanji... She’s our biology teacher...”
Hanji extends a hand towards him and he considers for a second before shaking it. What’s this? Another thirty year old accompanying a fifteen year old on a date?
“You mean chaperone?” Hanji says, eyes blinking, and as she processes Levi’s words, a hushed “wait... This is a date?” Levi gestures for her to sit with him at another booth.
“What did you think this was?”
Levi can see the panic swimming in her eyes. “I... I don’t know? It was after cram class and I was starving and they were talking about a diner and I-“ she freezes, “oh my god... I crashed my students’ date...”
“Welcome to the fucking club...” Levi mutters.
“Thank god you’re here... Or I might have just shared a booth with them...”
Levi raises a brow, “and you would’ve stuck a third straw in their milkshake too I suppose?”
At that, Hanji guffaws. Levi smiles. And they say he has no sense of humour. They order food because Hanji is literally minutes from dropping dead.
She peers over to Jean and Mikasa when the waiter leaves with their orders.
Even from where they’re seated, they can clearly see that Jean is nervous. Poor boy is chuckling dryly at everything and tripping over what little words he manages. But Mikasa is looking at him with all the patience in the world, and she’s blushing behind her milkshake.
“Aww... They’re cute...” Hanji coos, “Jean’s a good kid...” she says.
Levi knows, sort of. Mikasa has been telling him bits and pieces about her love life and truth be told, he doesn’t know why she does it? It’s not like he offered good advice, or any advice at all. And Mikasa sure was taken aback when he had said “he sounds like a jerk...” when she had told him about a certain boy named Eren she had a crush on. But he also listens when she tells him about this new boy- Jean. Someone she’s been friends with for a while but has never really got round to paying enough attention to see that he has a massive crush on her.
“I never would’ve thought... Mikasa used to like...” Hanji trailed off, taking a furtive glance at Levi. Maybe she’s said too much.
“You know?” Hanji’s eyes widen with interest.
“You know? Do teachers gossip about their students?”
She laughs, “oh you have no idea... Things get boring around the staff office most times... The other alternative would be to watch Dita scroll through thousands upon thousands of pictures of his dog... Granted it’s a cute dog but still...”
“Tell me about it... My colleague just had a baby and guess what everyone in the office has been talking about for weeks...”
“Ooof...” Hanji says. She understands. Nanaba’s just had a baby and she still doesn’t know what possessed her to show pictures of Nanaba’s baby to everyone at school. It’s just a really cute, really neat baby.
“I won’t tell anyone about this date though...” Hanji crosses her heart.
“Because if you do you’d have to tell them you crashed it?” Levi says.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Hanji asks between mouths of her burger. She has abandoned the knife and fork that was given to her.
Levi shrugs. He doesn’t really want to know what his niece is talking about with what could be her boyfriend if this date goes well. “They’re playing footsie...” Levi supplies, gesturing over to where Jean and Mikasa have their ankles pressed together under the table. Jean’s saying something and Mikasa laughs. Now they’re both blushing like idiots.
They see Mikasa politely ask to pause the conversation and she whips out her phone to type something. Levi feels his phone vibrate in his pocket-
“We know you’re staring...”
“I think my uncle has a thing for Ms Hanji...” Mikasa says. If there’s one benefit of this entire situation, it’s that it makes for good dinner conversation.
“What?” Jean says, he doesn’t want to sound dismissive but- “with the way he’s glowering at her?”
“Oh that’s just how his face is... He’s also staring at her...”
Jean looks over to where Hanji and Levi are seated. Levi is indeed staring, there’s this look on his face that can only be described as constipated.
When Jean turns his attention back to his table, there’s an extra bit of steak on his plate.
“You don’t want it?” He asks.
“I want you to have it.” Mikasa is smiling at him and he thinks she’s his dream girl. He plucks the Maraschino cherry from his milkshake and places it in Mikasa’s.
“But... That’s the best part!” She says, confused. Jean knows. Mikasa does have a fondness for cherries.
He smiles, sure his face has gone red by now, “I want you to have it.”
“So why are you chaperoning anyway?” Hanji asks. Jean lives two streets away from them so they’re walking towards home. Hanji tags along for the conversation. Somewhere between the diner and home Jean has plucked up the courage to hold Mikasa’s hand.
“There’s been sightings of a weirdo in a hoodie in these areas crouching in the bushes... My brother and his wife decided it wouldn’t be safe for Mikasa to be out at night...”
They’re walking on the street across Jean and Mikasa to give them some space, and Hanji lets loose a laugh that startles everyone in the vicinity. “I think that weirdo would be me...”
“I’ve been going around collecting mushroom samples. There’s a great variety growing around the different neighbourhoods.”
“And you do that in the middle of the fucking night because?”
“Because... I can’t sleep?” She smiles, and Levi is determined that she’s absolutely crazy.
“But... Maybe it would be best not to tell Mikasa’s parents that... I mean... I wouldn’t mind... You know... Tonight was nice...”
“Hanji... We can hang out without chaperoning... Besides... I think Mikasa and Jean would prefer if we didn’t tag along.”
They pause a distance from the house and avert their gazes when Mikasa gives Jean a kiss on his cheek.
“I think that’s our cue to leave them alone... Wanna walk me?” Hanji says and they only turn back to look when the door shuts and Jean stands in the corner of the street and whoops. He does a little private jig and Levi is smiling, “I think it went well...”
Levi realises the walk isn’t “just a walk”, and is actually a fifteen minute bus ride away. Hanji offers to part ways at the bus stop but the night is still young, and there’s a breeze kicking up. There’s no harm in walking. They are at Hanji’s apartment block and she’s toeing the gravel, “so... This went well...”
“It did...” Levi says, “maybe we could do this again some time...” because he’s new to this city and it would be nice to have friends. Also he had received a text from Mikasa in the middle of dinner telling him to just go for it, and maybe his niece does give pretty good advice.
Hanji is grinning, there’s a dust of pink high on her cheeks and Levi thinks maybe it’s the light. “You wanna come in? We could be a couple of thirty year olds watching reruns of Friends...”
Levi feels his heart race, he thinks it’s a little ridiculous for a thirty year old to be standing under a street lamp panicking over what may be a crush, but here he is, doing just that.
“I hate Friends...” he says, very eloquently, “but I’d like that...”
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lazysimp · 3 years
Jealousy /// Tamaki x Fem Reader (18+)
Click HERE for male version 
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Request: Could I request a oneshot for Tamaki and his bunny (female if possible). Super jealous Tamaki showing you how much he loves you and fucks you, but maybe some voyeurism? So either someone watching on purpose or by accident?
A/N: I love his quirk way too much, it is borderline obsession. Also, I am so happy you requested this because voyeurism is one of my top ten kinks.
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, Accidental voyeurism, tentacles, jealous Tamaki, throat fucking, mentions of gun violence, She/Her pronouns
“Amajiki, I’m fine I promise. There is no need to rush over here, everything is already taken care of.” You assure your frantic fiance over the phone.
It was just your luck to be caught up in a gas station robbery, thankfully Kirishima had been around and took care of the villain but convincing your boyfriend that everything was fine was proving to be impossible.
“Stay there, I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.” He said with his hero voice. He had been working with FatGum for a few years now to strengthen his heart so he could speak his mind. While it can be annoying when he ordered you around, you loved that he was finally becoming more comfortable in his role as a hero.
You caved, “Alright baby I won’t go anywhere, but I need to hang up, the police want to get my statement.”
“Don’t hang up” He begged, “Just put me on speaker, I’ll keep quiet.”
“Amajiki,” You whine, not wanting him to hear your statement. If he knew the full extent of what happened in the robbery he would flip.
“Please Bunny, I need to make sure you are safe until I get ther-”
The phone was yanked from your hand. You whipped your head around to confront the offender only to come face to chest with Kirishima. He held your phone up to his ear, his signature simile decorating his face.
“Hey Suneater, how is it going?” He paused for a few seconds, “Yeah, nothing happened only a petty criminal trying to rob the clerk. I didn’t even need to go full unbreakable to take them down. Don’t worry I made sure she didn’t get hurt.”
Kirishima let out a booming laugh, “I figured you were already on your way, don’t worry I will keep her at my side until you get here. No need to thank me, that is what friends are for. Alright, I will see you soon.”
Kirishima hung up your phone and handed it back to you.
He raised his hand behind his head, “Sorry I hijacked your call, that wasn’t very manly.”
You wave your hand, “Don’t worry about it, the police need my statement anyways.”
“Oh, don’t worry I already took care of that, do you want to sit with me until Suneater arrives?” He gestures to the small bench near the sidewalk.
You shrug your shoulders, “That would be great thank you Kiri- I mean Red Riot.”
He smiled, showing his sharp teeth, “You can call me whatever is easier, I still call SunEater Tamaki all the time.”
You both sit down on the small bench, you were practically sitting in his lap with how small the bench was but he didn’t seem to mind.
“I am happy I was there to stop the robbery, normally I don’t get to take on smaller criminals. Though imagine my shock when I spotted him with his arm around your neck.”
You snort, “Imagine the shock the robber felt seeing you behind him.”
“Man looked ready to turn himself in on the spot,” Kimishima winced, “I almost felt bad about how scared he looked until I saw the gun pointed at your head.”
You nodded, “It was a pretty big gun, we probably shouldn’t tell Amajiki about that.”
A warm familiar hand wrapped around your shoulder, “You shouldn’t tell me what?”
You twist your head around and almost slam your face into Amajiki’s. He was glistening with sweat and he was breathing heavy but you didn’t care. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in close. As much as you had protested him leaving work to be with you, you had to admit it felt wonderful to have him near.
“Ah, hey Suneater, we were just talking about the robbery. She was pretty lucky I arrived in time, the scene was starting to get pretty rough.”
You drag your thumb across your neck trying to signal Kirishima to shut up but the word vomit did not stop spewing out of his mouth.
“I mean I walk in there and the dude had taken her hostage and I am thinking to myself aw man this could go really bad. So I tried that one technique you taught me, you know the one that makes me grow a few inches. The villain almost fainted, not very manly if you ask me. Thankfully your girl acted quick and got out of his reach before he came to his senses.”
Amajiki's arm grew tighter around you as Kirishima continued his story.
“At first she was not going to call you, she said she didn’t want to interrupt you at work, but I figured you would want to hear about this.”
“Yes, thank you Red Riot.” Amajiki said curtly. “Would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with her, I want to make sure she is ok.”
Kirishima lifted his hands, “Of course, I’ll go finish up my report if you need me.”
With a bright smile, Kirishima stood up from the small bench and left you alone with Amajiki. You flash him a nervous smile, “Hey baby, thank you for coming.”
He sat down on the bench next to you, taking the spot where Kirisima used to be, “Of course Bunny, I will always come when you need me.”
You lean your body over to rest your head on his shoulder, just sitting next to him was helping you finally calm down.
“What was Kirishima and you talking about before I got here?”
You tense, “Oh, um, nothing really, he was telling me about the new move you taught him.” You look down at your hands and play with your fingers. There is no way in hell you are telling him about a gun being pointed at your head. He would definitely find a way to blame himself.
“Hm. Then why did I hear you say to Kirishima not to tell me something? Is anything going on between the two of you that I don’t know about?” Amajiki’s voice grew deeper than you had ever heard it. His shoulders usually slumped in submission were pushed back revealing his full height.
You shake your head, “Nope, nothing important.”
Two large warm hands cradled your face. Amajiki looked at your face for a few seconds before lifting you off the bench and into his arms. You tried to protest but the look on his face stopped the words from leaving. He had never looked so determined before.
He walks right past the police barricade and into the taped-off gas station.
“Amajiki! Where are you going?” You wiggle to get free of his hold but he only tightened his arms around you.
“This won’t take long but we need some privacy.” He walked through the trashed isles to the back of the store and used one slim tentacle to open the door to a storage room. He kicks the thick door shut behind him. Only a small sliver light illuminated the room from the window in the door.
Amajiki gently sets you down on a stack of boxes and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Why are we back here?” You look around the small storage room and there was not much, only a few stacks of boxes and crates.
“I want you to tell me what you and Kirishima were talking about.”
“I-I already told you it was nothing important, can’t we just drop it?”
Amajiki shook his head, “N-No, I want to talk about that.”
“Why, I already told you it was nothing importa-”
His fist clench, “B-Becasue it is important to me.” Despite his stern appearance, his lower lip quivered, “Why are you and him keeping secrets from me?”
A tight fist crashes your, heart, “Oh no baby that is not it at all.” You stand up and take his head into your hands, “We were talking about what happened during the robbery, that’s all.”
“If that was it, why didn’t you tell me? You still aren’t telling me!” He wrapped his hands around your wrists and pulls them off his face. He didn’t let go of your wrists, instead, he held your hands down in front of you.
You let out a long breath, “I was trying to not freak you out.”
He looked at you expectantly and you finally caved, “The robber kind of held a gun to my head during the robbery.”
Amajiki face remained neutral but his grip on your wrists said everything. “They held a gun to your head.” He said, his voice strained.
You give a small nod, “Only for a few seconds though. Kirishima did a great job stopping anything from happening.” You quickly reassure.
In seconds Amajiki deflated. He rested his body on one of the small crates behind him and released your wrists to bury his head in his hands.
“I am the worst, I am so sorry Bunny. I got so jealous when I saw you and him sitting so close and my mind jumped to the worst conclusion. Then when I heard you say not to tell me I grew even more jealous.”
He looked up at your, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, “I didn’t even think about how you would be feeling or that something went wrong during the robbery. I am sorry Bunny.”
You rush forward and pull him into your arms, “I could never be mad at you Amajiki. I am sorry for trying to keep secrets from you I didn’t think about how that could hurt your feelings. Plus it was kind of hot hearing how you got jealous.”
His eyes widened in shock, “W-What do you mean?”
You smile, rubbing your hand under his chin, “I thought it was hot that you got jealous of Kirishima. Want to have make-up sex? I hear it is the best.”
His entire body was shaking under you, his bulge already growing from your words.
You don’t bother saying yes, instead, you kiss your way down his neck.
“B-Bunny there are people outside.”
You bite down on his neck, holding the skin for a few seconds and then let go. “So what? Kirishima said they were almost finished collecting evidence.” Your mouth returns to his neck.
“B-But what if someone does come back here?”
“Then you say you were comforting me and wanted some privacy, easy.” You say in between kisses.
“T-This isn’t a good idea-ah” His voice cracks as you lower yourself to your knees. You had to get his thoughts to focus on you.
“I have been wanting you in my mouth since you got here.” You purr, working his fly undone.
“Really?” He asked excitedly, the anxiety of being caught now on the backburner.
You smile, “Yeah baby, I crave you.”
His shoulders relax down for the first time since he arrived. He looked down at you with wide eyes, waiting to see what you had planned.
Not wanting him to wait any longer you pop open the button on his pants letting his cock spring free. You smirk at the sight. His poor cock was nearly purple at the head, just begging for your touch. You wrap one of your hands around the thick base of his cock and use the other to tug his pants down the rest of the way.
He let out small moans as your hand tightened around his cock, holding his steady. You loved him like this, still nervous and flustered. It would not be long until he grew bold enough to take over so you have to get your fix in quick.
Opening your mouth wide you suck his tip into your mouth making sure to tease his sensitive glands with your tongue. You had long given up trying to get all of him in your mouth it was impossible but his tentacles more than made up for it.
There was nothing better than when he fell so deep into his lust that he started using his quirk. So far his tentacles were the clear winner but you both loved experimenting with different traits.
You relax the muscles in your jaw and slowly push your head down to take more of him. His cock was so hard and pulsed in your mouth with each heartbeat. He sucked in a sharp intake of air as you sink even lower, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
You loved the feel of him in your mouth and the soft whines he gave as you played. It was intoxicating.
You drag your mouth up making sure to move your hand in time with your mouth to double the stimulation. Back at his tip, you circle your tongue around the head, teasing it while your hand pumped. His hands reached down to push at your shoulders.
"Wait, ah fuck Bunny." He whines as you close your lips and suck.
"Wait, please, this isn't how I want this to go," He tries to tug you away from his cock but you were determined. You swat his hand away and reach down to cup his balls. His hips involuntary thrust up sending his cock to the back of your throat. You barely stop yourself from gaging at the sudden invasion.
"Oh my god Bunny I am so sorry!" Amajiki bucks his hips back sliding his dick back out of your mouth but you look up at him, your eyes full of mischief.
"Do it again."
"W-What?" His entire face grows cherry red.
"Thrust up like that again but a little slower." You order, putting your mouth back on his cock. The feeling of him slowly losing control was addicting. You relax your throat muscles and wait for him to comply.
Hesitantly he lifts his hips and slowly starts fucking your throat. You try to fall into a rhythm, with him moving his hips all you had to focus on was your teeth and relaxing.
"Ah fuck, I love your mouth," He groans, "You are perfect."
You preen at the praise, he was the sweetest man you had ever been with. He always made sure to tell you how much he loved you, never wanting you to doubt his feelings.
As he grew closer to his finish his thrusts grew less gentle and soon he was thrusting up in your mouth while holding the back of your head.
"Ah god, you are mine." He growled, "All mine Bunny don't you ever forget that. I won't ever let you go."
As you slowly drifted off into your lust he grew more and more confident in his role. His cock now hitting the back of your throat with each thrust. He watched his cock disappear into your mouth over and over again, loving the small tears that gathered in the corners of your eyes. You always were so perfect for him, always made sure to put him first. He would never let you out of his grasp and would fight anyone, even his friends, to make sure you stayed his.
You watch his head fall back, now only able to see his neck as a low groan left his lips. Seconds later his warm cum shot into the back of your throat. You quickly swallow him down and rest back onto your heels. You touch your throat and smile, for the next few days any time you talk you will think of him fucking your throat.
You rise to your feet, "Alright let's get out of here before anyone notices we are in here."
His head snaps forward to look at you, his eyes a deep black.
"Why would we leave, I'm not done yet."
You laugh, "We can finish at home I don't plan on being quiet."
One large tentacle wraps around your waist and pulls you up into the air.
Amajiki cradles your chin in his hands, "Neither do I."
"Come on baby, let's finish this at home where we don't have to worry about anyone walking in on us."
He shook his head, "Oh no, we are finishing this here."
Another long tentacle grows from his hand and gets to work removing your clothes. In less than a minute you were floating naked in the air. If anyone peeks through the small window you will have no way to hide.
You reach down and tug at the tentacle holding you in the air. "Amajiki what if someone sees?"
He smiles, "You weren't concerned about that earlier when you were teasing me."
He did have a point
"But you had your clothes on." You argue weakly.
He doesn't bother responding to your weak argument, instead of getting to work growing two large suckers on the ends of tentacles. He attached one to each of your nipples, latching onto the aching buds. You only had seconds before each sucker got to work. They tugged and teased your nipples mercilessly as if they were trying to milk you.
"Amajiki," You whine, trying to tug them off. Another tentacle wraps around your wrists and lifts them above your head leaving you helpless to his will. You glance at the small window to watch for anyone who might see into the room.
"I told you not to worry about the window. The only person you need to worry about is me, think only of me." He growled, strengthening the pull on your nipples.
You push your chest back but they followed not allowing you to escape. While the tentacles on your breasts distracted you, two small slender ones slid down your stomach to spread you open for his view.
He sat still on the crates, his cock erect and glistening from your saliva. He watched his work as a slender tentacle began to breach your entrance. You buck away from the intrusion, never having had one of his tentacles in your pussy before but he tightened his grip forcing you still as it slides inside.
"Amajiki," You groan, your head falling forward.
"That's it Bunny, say my name. I am the only person who can do this, who can make you fall apart." He stands to his full height and holds your face his black eyes boring into yours as the tentacle inside you begins to grow thicker with each thrust.
"That's my girl," He smiles, watching you fall apart from his touch. The pleasure he was forcing from your body was blinding. His tentacles would twist and bulge with each thrust. Your hands open and close desperate for something to hold onto but there was nothing. You had no way to ground yourself from the growing pleasure you could only sit there and take it.
One devilish tentacle slides through your slick folds, tracing around your stretched entrance to wet itself before latching onto your clit. Your mouth opens to scream but a tentacle fills it instead, you close your lips around the invader but can't focus. Drool begins to fall from your mouth as it starts to thrusts just like Amajiki had earlier.
It was too much, your heart pounded in your chest warning you of the impending finish. You thrash in his hold needing to get away from the pleasure about to crash into your body but his hold was relentless.
In seconds you tipped over the edge, your screaming barely muffled by his tentacle as your body convulsed over and over again, never slowing as he continued to milk to orgasm from your body. Black spots appear in your vision as you forget to even breathe. Your mind shutting down, unable to process the hundreds of signals being sent its way.
The first thing you were able to make out as you returned to yourself was his gentle praise. He released the tentacle around your waist and pulled you into his arms. You wrap your hands around his neck, unable to support yourself.
He carefully sinks to his knees, pulling you into his lap. "I'm sorry Bunny, that was probably a little overboard."
You hum in agreement, enjoying being held in his arms. While you would have preferred a bed you would never pass on an opportunity to be held by your boyfriend.
The storage room door slams open revealing a very flustered Kirishima averting his eyes from the two of you on the floor.
"I am very sorry to interrupt!" He yells, his voice cracking. He reached his arm up and pulled something off the ceiling. You squint to get a better look and freeze, a security camera. He yanked out a security camera.
"Um, I didn't watch I promise," The outline in his pants begged to differ.
"Well I kind of did, but I made sure no one else saw anything! I didn't want to interrupt that is all. You two please-uh carry one, I will make sure no one comes in here." With that, he makes a hasty retreat.
You look to gauge what your boyfriend was thinking. His entire face was a shade of red that could rival Kirishima's hair.
He cleared his throat, "Well, I am unsure If I should kill him or thank him.”
You groan, “I will never be able to face him again after the things he saw.”
Amajiki nodded in agreement. You were both silent for a few minutes as you process the knowledge Kirishima saw some of the wildest sex either of you had ever had.
“You know it would be rude to not take him on his offer to guard the door,” Amajiki said.
You tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, “Are you really trying to weasel your way into more sex after we just found out one of your best friends saw us in the act.”
“Is it working,” He asked hopefully.
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