#tea recs
smol-stardust · 6 months
Good kinds of tea for me to try??
I’m glad you asked, please, sit down while I ramble away about my beloved known as tea :)
(Disclaimer: some of teas I’m thinking of might be specific to brands I can get here so sorry if one piques your interest but isn’t available) Long list ahead
Herbal Teas:
Mixed Berry Teas
Rose hip tea
Honestly any fruit tea haha
Apple chamomile warm fuzzy happy feels
Apple Cinnamon
Lemon Zinger: cold relief and soothing zingy taste beloved
Sleepy Time: soothing minty and just calm
Candy Cane Mint Tea
Gingerbread (holiday tea) high in cinnamon and very calming and soul warming :)
Pomelo Tea If you can get like a jar of pomelo, and mix it with water or black tea it’s kinda sweet and tangy. And, sore throat soother :)
Lavender White Tea (iced) it has a bit of a slight oily feel that’s hard to get used to at first. But if you like the scent of lavender you’ll like it.
Genmaicha (brown rice and green tea) it’s kind hot an earthy taste, not everyone’s cup of tea, but one of my personal favourites. Also boosts impunity and had many gut & health benefits :)
Strawberry black tea or green tea (make your own and shove in the fridge) 2 tea bags got 1L of water, add some lemon slices/juice and strawberry purée or juice (or pineapple juice :)
Peach Green Tea
^ Add some milk and cinnamon too if you want :)
MATCHA try osuicha (thinner, less thick and strong) first if you’ve never tried matcha
(but also… uh, white stores sell like one type so stick with about one to two thumb sized scoops) SORRY FOR THE SHADE! it’s kinda true tho
GREEN TEA (do not leave your teabags in past 2 minutes, gets bitter at that point)
Oolong (taste is strong. Not for everyone) have with milk and brown sugar tho! It’s good that way too :)
Rooibos with a dash maple syrup
Classic Orange Pekoe/ English Breakfast with milk
ICED BARLEY TEA (grew up on this stuff in Taiwan haha ) idk if they sell that stuff here, but I love the light sweetness and it’s got this cooling effect (hence why it’s a summer drink)
WINTER MELON TEA. sweet kinda syrupy Taiwanese must have. Sorry…I doubt you could get it overseas, but look out for the condensed chunky block forms at Asian markets maybe? To cook a batch at home
Anyways, long tea ramble!! Try some out and hope you like them :)
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I've been so keen to read this book that one of my friends recommended to me and it finally got to the library!
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Also if you're a fan of tea I highly recommend trying the T2 Canberra Breakfast tea. It's one of my favourites and it tastes like an Anzac biscuit!
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teddytheartist · 2 months
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Zukka for the win my guys
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nowwheresmynut · 6 months
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Edgeworth investigates Phoenix and Maya's disappearance. Hope you enjoy these. If you want more of maya's polaroids you can go here.
A prequel of sorts inspired by Room Service by @oodlyenough
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abisalli · 1 year
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panel redraw (kinda) because I love it when artists make Damian just a lil guy
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artemismoorea03 · 7 months
DP x DC Prompt: Can I Borrow Your Phone?
So maybe Danny should have listened to Sam and practiced his flying in their world rather than the Ghost Zone where natural portals were bound to pop in and out of existence whenever they wanted to. But it was hard. Real world meant his parents, Valerie and any Ghost Hunter potentially trying to shoot him out of the sky just for existing! At least in the Ghost Zone he could be left (mostly) to his own devices!
But after he crashed into this new world after a portal opened in front of him he quickly began to realize that a) his phone didn't work, b) he had no idea where he was and c) a lot of the technology around him looked a bit too sci-fi to be real. Never a good sigh.
Thankfully! He had landed behind a barn with a window that had a really cool looking cow inside. He didn't know much about cows and patterns, but a bat looked pretty badass. That mixed with a tuxedo cat and two big dogs that kept coming to check him out he decided to just hang out and wrap his head around the situation. Unfortunately his phone refused to find a signal and he couldn't for the life of him figure out which direction home was.
He was fine waiting until the sun went down before he tried to fly around and find a way out, but then it started dumping rain. So, after hours of debating he followed the dogs (and cat) around the side of a giant house and knocked on the front door. After a long moment an elderly man answered and looked down at him.
He probably looked like a drowned rat with how wet his hair and clothes were, which might have explained the way the man looked him over.
"Uh, hey. Sorry about this but... do you have a phone I can borrow?" He asked.
"But of course, please come in." The man said, then to Danny's surprise handed him a towel that had been sitting on the table near the door.
That was weird, but whatever. He could dry his hair and make a phone call. From there he would - hopefully - be able to find his way home.
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teaandinanity · 1 year
I love my character in The Golden Rose so much. His stat screen is basically like
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quillthrillswriting · 2 months
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i think that by far, the most common zutara trope i've seen is zuko freeing katara from her unhappy marriage with the clingy, unappreciative aang.
i've always felt that that aang would genuinely worship the ground katara walked on and be exceedingly kind and respectful, and so i've always thought that this trope would make a lot more sense flipped, with aang in the position of being katara's safe space after zukko reverts back to his angry, sullen, lashing out persona that he was before uncle iroh & the gaang's involvement.
this fic is the result of me having the thought "might f around and write a kataang fic that flips the usual zutara trope of "zuko helps katara escape a failing relationship with aang" 😳"
Zuko was all alone, heading an entire empire and facilitating the transition of his nation from a war-bringer to a force for peace. At first, she told herself that it was only because he had needed help that she chose to stay with him, but that wasn’t being entirely honest. After that play on Ember Island, all of the scenes where the two of them were in love had opened Katara’s eyes to the possibility, and try as she might, she couldn’t shut them again. And Zuko, after all that he’d sacrificed to help them, after redeeming himself in her eyes, even fighting alongside her, he had seemed like her best chance at home. 
So she had stayed with him. 
Zuko proposed, after just six months, but Katara thought little of the brief timeline. When you know, you know, right? He had given her his mother’s ring, and had her dress in Fire Nation colours for the ceremony. She had been under the impression that the wedding would be a welding of cultures, and so she had spent weeks painstakingly carving a traditional water tribe proposal necklace. 
When she had presented it to him, Zuko had only said that a Fire Lord couldn’t be seen wearing another nation’s trinkets . She had quietly dabbed away her tears when he wasn’t looking.
The moon rose and set six more nights before Katara rose with it, slipping outside of the castle during the changing of the guard, draped in traditional water tribe colours for the first night in years. Before anyone had seen her, she had made it, slipping between Fire Nation homes almost silently. She only paused to pull clothes and a cloth head covering from a clothesline, silently apologizing to whatever family she had just stolen from. She tucked a couple of coins and a piece of gold jewellery into one of the pockets of the pants still on the clothesline, an attempt at making amends for her crime, then blended into the night again. 
She hadn’t stopped moving until she’d finally found a small forest, then she’d made herself a bed of moss and curled up as if she was a child back on the tundra, pretending to be a sleeping snow fox alongside Sokka.
She missed her brother. She missed her home.
She knew where she would go once the cargo ship reached the land. The last location Aang had been in was the Western Air temple. So that was where she would go. If she needed to, to find Aang, she’d scour every inch of the mainland. She knew he would do the same for her. Which begged the question- why hadn’t he come to her when he began to feel that something was off?
It was that question that Katara started with, as she settled into a comfortable position on Aang’s woven rug, a cup of hot tea curling steam around her body that she absent-mindedly bent into shapes around her.
Aang sighed, looking away. “Katara, I hate to give you more reasons to feel distressed, but in case you hadn’t remembered, you told me to stay away. Told me my “juvenile crush” was ridiculous and made you uncomfortable. I felt awful, and so, I backed off. I kept sending letters every couple months, trying to make sure you were okay, but you told me you were too busy, and I respected that.”
Katara’s tone was unsettlingly neutral when she responded. “...What?”
Aang titled his head, confused. “You said, in your letters, that-”
She responded in that same tone. “What letters , Aang?”
♥ the rest of the (completed) fic can be found here!! ->
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marilynjeansims · 9 months
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Boba Tea Shop Gallery Recommendations. CC Free! | by marilynjeansims
ꨄ︎ 01. boba tea, thrift store, café, & book store by simlicy
ꨄ︎ 02. sulani thrift tea shop by honeymaysims
ꨄ︎ 03. thrift store, boba tea, nail salon & laundromat by jessicapieyt
ꨄ︎ 04. bubble tea & thrift shop by rachelpedd
ꨄ︎ 05. lost & found thriftea by elfathiera
ꨄ︎ 06. thrift 'n tea by chrissieyt
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figofswords · 2 months
little known retail fact! if a store is about to close and you’re still moseying around asking questions, the employees are legally permitted to kill you with fire
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goodbyevanny · 4 months
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(The full pic is posted on my AO3) Crowley and Aziraphale spend some quality time together, based on Ch. 3 of CopperBeech’s fic “Mint Tea,” which is now complete! The sex is so hot, and the story of them coming to trust each other and mutually take care of each other was so beautiful!
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and AO3!
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 3 months
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Well, it has been almost 3 months since I last made (digital) art for fandom, but I'm slowly getting back into it again! Kicking things off with some Ineffable Husbands...and what?! How have I not drawn them in their natural forms until now? You can also view Wish You Were Right Beside Me on AO3. This is a little @gospexchange giftie for @willow-tea, who gave me Under Your Scars by Gobsmack as a song prompt to work with. Let me just say I ran with this song as soon as I listened to it because the vibes and energy offered so much potential. As a music lover, I always love a good song that I can pull apart and piece back together visually because words and such can be interpreted in so many ways. And they tell so many stories. I guess this art piece is a mix of feelings and angst, but I'm going to be hopeful and believe that Aziraphale and Crowley find a way to shatter the glass wall separating them so they can be reunited again. Willow, thanks for the awesome prompt. I hope you like this!
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baker-boy · 4 months
please please please may i have bagginshield fic recs i'm starting to run out
popular fics, underrated lesser known fics, long and short, gimme them all,
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bookcub · 8 months
Graphic Novel Rec
that have less than 100,000 ratings on Goodreads
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen- If you haven't read this book, please do it now, it is amazing! It is about a Vietnamese American family telling stories to each other alongside the events of their lives.
10/10, one of my favorite books of the year!
Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill- This series is so sweet and the epitome of cottagecore fantasy! Filled with little dragons, found family, and beautiful pictures!
10/10, a feel good book of mine
Sleepless by Sarah Vaughn, Leila del Duca, Alissa Sallah- Has anyone done bodyguard romance this well? No, they have not. A lovely romance at the center and lots with court intrigue.
9/10, a swoonworthy romance fantasy!
Fangs by Sarah Anderson- Who hasn't wanted a romance between a vampire and a werewolf? Low stakes and adorable.
8/10, a super quick ad satisfying read
Trickster: Native American Tales, A Graphic Collection- A collection of short stories by various writers and artists about the many tricksters from the various cultures.
7.5/10 full of tricks and stories
The Old Guard by Greg Rucka- A little too gory for my taste, but as someone who loved the movie, I really enjoyed seeing the material it was adapted from!
7/10 action packed and emotional
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag- An adorable sapphic romance with a selkie as the love interest!! Super lovely!
7/10 a darling love story
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lovelyhan · 1 year
what are your svt fic recs??? like your holy grail??
took me a while to put this together BUT here it is!
disclaimer that i've been a carat for like . a month so it's a stretch to say i've read a lot of svt content. tho from what i've consumed so far, my favorites are listed under the cut :>
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i'll start with the ones i found on ao3 first hehe
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by dontflailmenow × tags: s.coups x reader; camboy!cheol, enemies to lovers
the first EVER svt fic i've read, and it was just so WOW!!!! basically, reader recently broke up w her ex, which is seungcheol's best friend. cheol and mc aren't on the best of terms (always arguing etc.) so when she realizes that the camboy she's been lusting over to get over her ex turns out to be cheol, some...problems start to arise i'm pretty sure i saw this one around tumblr but i'm too lazy to find the op's blog i'm so sorry HEUUUHEU but i really loved it to pieces, and it ultimately flung me into svt fanfic tumblr altogether :D
The bore next door by HoneyAteez × tags: wonwoo x reader; blind dates, suffocation via cock LOL
another fic that i am fairly sure is cross-posted on tumblr too, but can't be assed to find -- your mother sets you up with good neighbor jeon wonwoo, and he turns out to be the worst sexual deviant on the face of the earth, fucking the soul out of your body right after the first date.
Walking in Traffic by versigny × tags: mingyu x reader; soulmate au, teens being teens
literally crying as i type this because it's one of the most beautiful coming of age stories i've ever read, and it was written back when i was still in mf HIGH SCHOOL 😭 reader and gyu find out they're soulmates way too early, and pretty much despise each other growing up, but they eventually come to terms with their soul bond along the line.
close proximity by chilligyu × tags: mingyu x reader; roommates, LOTS OF ANGST
there's no explicit smut in this one, but the plot twists and the narration itself threw me in for SUCH a goddamn loop that it would be a hate crime not to include this here. mingyu becomes reader's roommate upon bff!wonwoo's recommendation, and they and up falling for each other, and [gets dragged off stage because spoilers]
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now for the tumblr recs!
sapiosexual by @smileysuh × tags: s.coups x reader; sugar daddy au, psych daddy!cheol,,,,
it's a pretty straightforward sugar daddy au, but what makes it different is how it's written, y'know? cheol clearly lays all of the details for he and reader to agree on, making sure all the boundaries are clear and there aren't any blurred lines. seungkwan as your best friend is also a really enjoyable addition (he's the one who coined the term psych daddy LOL), AND i just love the author's humor in general.... quirofilia [bursts out laughing]
A Break by @smileysuh (again bc i'm obsessed w their work) × tags: mingyu x reader x wonwoo; svt as babysitters, budding poly
so op has an entire assortment of meanie poly fics, but this one is probably my most favorite bc it touches on a more endearing and responsible side to mingyu :') he and reader just can't sit down and fuck because he's busy worrying about their child every ten minutes LOL. enter jeon wonwoo, who is not only baby saebyeok's favorite uncle, but has been pining for the reader since time immemorial. of course, gyu has known all along, and asks them if they're both down to have a threesome (this is literally a terrible way to summarize the story, but i suggest you just read it <3) OH OH bonus: hoshi tries to sacrifice the baby to the tiger gods in a summoning circle made of tiger plushies. if that doesn't sell this fic for you, i don't know WHAT will
Love, Actually by @haet-sal × tags: jun x reader; cheating but not really? whipped single dad!jun
aka the fic that catalyzed my jun brain damage. reader works as jun's secretary but she isn't very...good at her job, but he keeps her around anyway bc 1.) his kid likes her, and 2.) HE likes her. problem is: she has a boyfriend-not-boyfriend, but Because that boyfriend-not-boyfriend is an asshole, she kind of uses jun as a constant rebound, poor guy (it has a happy ending tho i promise!!)
an untitled dk friends 2 lovers by @husbandhoshi × tags: dk x reader; idiots in love
this is actually preceded by 2 more drabbles from the op, but i'm linking this one specifically bc it made me physically long for big dick boyfriend lee seokmin. the thing i like most about smut written for dk is that he's ALWAYS so fun and endearing and lovable in bed, and what's more is that this one's a friend to lovers fic, so there's YEARS worth of pining and puppy love to spice up the sex hehehehehehe it really really deserves more recognition !!
right where you left me by @tonicandjins × tags: wonwoo x reader; exes getting back together, ANGST
i have a shitty memory so i can't go into the specifics on what this fic is about. it's one of the first ones i read on tumblr, but it's been a hot minute but i DO remember writhing in bed right after reading it, so it definitely earns a spot on the rec list! reader and wonwoo lived together in their hometown, but had to break up when wonwoo moves to seoul and he just couldn't make any compromises. bonus points for best friend hoshi on this one <;3
that's pretty much it for now! i'm so sorry if any of the authors mentioned didn't want to be tagged 🤒🤒 i just thought i'd share my thoughts abt ur work while sharing them w the rest of my followers UEUEUEUE
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sharkneto · 6 days
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Do I have books in my tbr list? Yes. Do I want more? Also yes. Hit me with anything good you've read recently!
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