#take kevins name out of your ignorant mouth button
dayurno · 2 months
the good thing is we don’t have to defend kevin day online ever again partly because he’s lovely when he’s not under life-ending threats and partly because jean moreau is doing it already with a fervor that borders on insanity
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
lavande | l. hyunjae
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🥡 pairing: crush!hyunjae x fem!reader 🥡 wc: 3.2k 🥡 genre: fluff, university au, slice of life 🥡 tw: none? i think? 🥡 synopsis: as you are talking to Chanhee, your crush appears in the lecture room, leaving you with a hammering heart. 🥡 a/n: it's already Monday again, so posting time!! i wrote this because i kinda miss uni without covid, I had such a good time back in 2019 😩 feedback is always appreciated!! <33 🥡 requested: yes, thank you! i hope it's good enough!!
“Have you done the readings we were supposed to?” Chanhee whispered in your ear as you turned on your computer, the screen remaining black made you frown as you quickly glanced at your friend, hand deep in your backpack to find your charger.
“Wait, let me guess. With the abandoned puppy eyes you're giving me, you want me to summarise what this was about, am I right?"
“Please Y/N, I didn't have time this week, it has been so hectic! I promise I'll buy you a coffee," you waved your hand in front of your face to let him know that he didn't need to, and you leaned your arm under the table to look for a plug while summarising what you had understood to your friend.
He listened intently until his eyes looked over your head, a smirk forming on his mouth. You frowned for a split second but continued your explanation, noticing that the smile didn't want to leave Chanhee's face. You deeply sighed, trying to make your friend pay attention, but it was to no avail. He was busy looking at something else.
“Are you listening to me, or am I talking to my computer?” you asked, and your friend returned your attention to you, his puppy look made you shake your head and roll your eyes. He looked behind you one last time, and you turned around in frustration, your breath getting stuck in your throat as you discovered what was amusing Chanhee so much.
You did a double-take when you noticed the man standing at the entrance, your pulse quickening as your hands became sweaty and hot. Every student around you, including Chanhee holding your arm to hear the rest of your explanation, disappeared from your field of view. You only had eyes for the one who stole your heart without realising it.
Hyunjae pushed the lecture door open and held it out for the group following him, politely nodding at the blushing girl that thanked him. He pursed his lips and scanned the auditorium, trying to find a familiar face to sit next to. The air was stuffy and odorous, the young man cursing the caretakers for not ventilate it more often as he was almost sweating because of his outfit. His white turtleneck and pants, as well as the lavender sweater, were thick enough for him to be warm to walk from his apartment since it was still quite chilly in the morning, but he felt like he was wearing winter clothes in the middle of a heatwave when he entered this room.
“Wow,” you murmured under your breath and looked down on your phone, trying to hide your attraction for him from your friends around you, your right hand holding your head up, hiding your eyes at the same time. You heard Chanhee mockingly exhale through his nose as he noticed you munching on your bottom lip, a habit of yours he had caught a glimpse of you doing when you were stressed or embarrassed. In this current case, you were both.
Tugging on the collar of his white turtleneck, Hyunjae sighed in annoyance as he walked down the first few steps. Cursing himself for arriving so late, he sighed as the only remaining seats were in the first few rows, where he had almost 99% of the chance of getting chosen by the professor to answer a question. He dropped his bag from his shoulder onto the table as he looked at the rows again, his eyes immediately discerning the funny stickers at the back of your computer.
“It won’t hurt anyone if I just check where he is,” you thought, but it was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had because your eyes met his dark, chocolate ones, his eyebrows lifting in relief when he recognised other familiar faces in your row.
“Y/N, you’re drooling, be careful,” your friend Chanhee whispered in your ear, teasing as you looked away from Hyunjae and wiped your mouth as quickly as possible, warmth flooding your veins as you keep your finger pressed on the power button of your computer. Your best friend laughed at your antics, but you turned a blind eye to him and mentally cursed yourself for not being as wary as you thought you were.
“Idiot, how could you be discreet if you made direct eye contact with him?” You shook your head at this thought and took a deep breath, inwardly praying that he would sit far from you as you mindlessly scrolled down through your notes.
“Hyunjae, over here!” Sunwoo stood up and raised his deep voice over all the hubbub of the auditorium, pointing at the empty spot between you and Chanhee. It was reserved for Eric who was running late, but you noticed the vacant seat next to Sunwoo and whined. You swore that the rest of the row was packed when you arrived, but it looked like a spot magically freed itself when Hyunjae appeared. It was as if your friends had planned this behind your back.
“Can I sit here?” A gentle, deep voice said, and you looked up. Much to your dismay, it was Hyunjae. “Uh, s-sure,” you stumbled on your sentence as if it were your first time speaking, closing your eyes and inner face palmed yourself at the mess you had just become in a matter of seconds.
You gathered your belongings and held them against your chest as you stood up and sat next to Chanhee, giving your crush your now empty spot. Placing your bag on the floor, you turned your head to the right and stared at your friends, only to find them laughing and bickering together. Changmin was imitating your bashful answer, and Sunwoo’s smug grin painted on his face as he cheekily winked at you, everything confirming your doubts that this situation was one of their playful plans. You sighed in exasperation and typed the title of your notes on a new document as if the entire situation weren’t bothering you.
“Thanks,” Hyunjae said as he sat down, and your heart skipped a beat when you heard his gorgeous voice that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up. His smile made him ten times more attractive, and your heart seemed to struggle to cope with his beauty.
You tried your best to ignore your crush’s presence on your left as you typed down your notes at high speed, but it was harder than you thought. He was close, too close for you to function properly and pay attention to the lecture, his presence and cologne distracting you. There were times where you could feel his gaze on you when you were typing or taking a sip of water, your hands immediately tensing and jolting under the pressure of his aura.
As the lecture finally finished, you quickly packed up your stuff and zipped your backpack before putting it on your shoulders. You didn’t even bother saying goodbye to your friends as you stood in your seat and jumped on the table of the higher row behind you to escape your group. Kevin tried to hail you by calling your name, but you were quick to pace towards the exit and vanish into the mass of the crowd.
You almost reached the library, your safe area where you always sought comfort and peace when a hand gently caught your wrist, your eyes immediately drawn to the familiar lavender knitted sleeve. You breathed heavily at the warmth of the slender hand, and you turned around to face none other than your crush.
“Gosh, you were walking so fast,” he chuckled as he finally got you, his hold still wrapped around your wrist blasting electricity through your veins. The contact felt pleasant, yet it felt so wrong to be this close to him. “I wanted to ask you something before the lecture ended, but you disappeared,” Hyunjae smiled as his cheeks became the prettiest shade of pink you had ever seen. You shyly smiled, muttering a soft apology, and you frowned, not letting him time to say another word.
He opened his mouth to say something when you drew him behind one of the colossal pillars holding up the second floor as you saw Chanhee’s bleached hair peeking out from an opened auditorium door, spying on you two. Hyunjae looked confused but let you drag him anyway.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” You tried to look unbothered, but your fidgeting hands betrayed you, making your crush smile. “Hum yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me today?” he asked, looking straight into your eyes, a big, bashful smile decorating his face. "I know a good café not too far from college, so I was wondering if-” “S-sure, why not?” you blurted out, and you heard muffled laughs coming from behind Hyunjae.
You both peeked out and noticed your friends piled up on top of each other, trying to listen to the conversation you were having with your crush. You sighed and shook your head in annoyance, tired of the lack of privacy your love life was experiencing every day because of them, Eric laughing even louder for getting caught eavesdropping like that.
A hand landed on your shoulder, and you felt a breath near your ear, making your heart skip a few beats in a row.
“Let’s go before they follow us, okay?” you glanced at Hyunjae, and he looked at you with something in his eyes that made your chest tighten, making the process of breathing troublesome. He grinned at your state and innocently grabbed your clammy hand as you two sped off towards the exit and ran past your friends into the mob.
As you slowed down in the streets, trying to look as civil as possible, you readjusted your backpack strap and caught your breath while laughing, Hyunjae smiling as brightly as you did. He found your laugh so pretty and light-hearted, he felt internally lucky to be part of the reason for it. You went down to the end of the street, still walking close to him, and he paused in front of a takeaway place. Holding the door for you, you shyly thanked him and entered the restaurant, the smell of Chinese food making your stomach grumble in hunger.
“Choose whatever you want, it’s on me,” you turned around and immediately backed up a bit, startled by the proximity of you two. Hyunjae only smiled, and you turned your attention back to the food. “Really?” you asked, and he snickered at your shocked state, nodding with a soft smile on his face. "Gosh, I am so hungry,” you muttered under your breath as your eyes roamed on the menu above your heads, heavily breathing as you were still trying to catch your breath back from the sprint you had just run to escape from your foolish friends.
Relief rushed through your veins when he took the reins and ordered for the two of you, your mouth uttering thank-yous like a mantra, only to have your crush waving it off.
“Y/N, it’s okay, don’t worry about it!” he said, and you stopped to look at him, Hyunjae beaming at you while grabbing the paper bag with your steamy food at the bottom. You quickly seized some napkins and disposable utensils and walked back to Hyunjae, who was already outside, waiting for you. “So, where are we going now?” he said, and you shrugged, looking around you, not knowing anything only outside from the library. “I know a good place, it’s not far from here,” you vaguely pointed to your right, and Hyunjae immediately started walking. “Let’s go before the food gets cold!” he exclaimed and let you take the lead.
It was a small park hidden a few streets away from your university, meeting other students since there was another park inside the campus. Bowing down to pat the grass a few meters away from the artificial pond, you sat down as it was dry, but Hyunjae handed you the food and took out his folded waterproof jacket from his bag. Placing it on the ground, he gestured you to come and sit with him.
“Here, come sit with me, you’ll be more comfortable,” he said, and you obeyed, your knees touching as you set the paper bag down next to you and handed him his food and drink. Your proximity didn’t leave you indifferent, but you tried your best to hide it as much as possible.
Hyunjae noticed your little change of behaviour and found you adorable when you looked away at each of his compliments. Your arms were now touching since his jacket underneath you wasn’t a picnic tablecloth, and you were slowly getting used to his body warmth surrounding you.
As the lunch break went by, you talked about your respective majors, and you joked about the shared lecture of this morning, getting closer and closer to each other. He was kind-hearted and became more comfortable when you were alone, gently nudging you in the elbow when you were about to lift your chopsticks to your mouth, the noodles falling back into your bowl. Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you were quick to nudge him back and laugh, still careful not to stain any of his clothes.
“You… look really nice today. I like those colours on you,” you complimented him, and he smiled at your hesitant voice, taking a sip of soda before answering. “Thank you Y/N, I appreciate it,” you nodded and started chewing on your bottom lip, eyes divagating towards the pond surrounded by plants and flowers. “You look really pretty as well,” he whispered in your ear, and you froze at his words, your heart skipping a beat as he had seized the opportunity of you letting your guard down as you were paying attention to the pond. You offered him a soft smile and took a sip of your drink as well to try and calm your racing heart.
He kept playing with it since he was having fun by making you embarrassed and shy with his compliments and proximity. Hyunjae knew that it was working despite your never-ending tries of hiding it, and he felt proud to have this effect on you. Although it was hard for him to see you chew on your lip like that, he had to force himself not to cup your face and tell you to stop, because he was really tempted to do so. However, when you started scratching your lip with your fingers, that’s when he grabbed your pitiless hand and held it in his.
“Hey, don’t do that,” he said and grabbed a napkin to dab the blood coming out of the little cuts on your bottom lip you had caused out of nervosity.
You guiltily avoided his eyes and searched for your lip balm in your bag before quickly applying some. The temptation of starting again was real when your hand was still cradled in his, your crush not giving a single sign of him being ready to let go of it. Alternatively, he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles as you both observed the pond and the people chilling around you.
Much to your dismay, your little romantic moment was interrupted by the church clock striking thirteen times, announcing 1 PM. You both didn’t pay attention at first, but it was when you couldn’t see a single student around you that you realised something.
“Oh god, Statistics! We have statistics in less than fifteen minutes,” you hurriedly said as you jumped on your feet, placing all your trash in the paper bag. “Oh shit!” Hyunjae imitated you and grabbed the bag from you, jogging to the trash can on the other side of the pond while you grabbed your belongings and quickly folded his jacket. He thanked you, and you left in a rush, under the confused eyes of your neighbours.
Even if it wasn’t too far from your college, you still jumped in the bus that was about to drive off from the stop right outside the park, the doors closing right behind Hyunjae. You sighed in relief as you both made it, and you tightly grabbed the metallic bar as the bus sped uphill.
“I’m glad this bus was here, I don’t think I could’ve walked back up there after our lunch,” you smiled at his words, his hand holding the bar above your heads, his lavender sweater going high enough for you to see his black Gucci belt keeping his turtleneck tucked in his pants. “I don’t know who had this marvellous idea of building the university on top of a hill,” you sarcastically mumbled and pressed the button next to your head as the screen announced the stop.
Hyunjae was the first to jump off the vehicle, grabbing your hand as you were quick to imitate him, the mass of students behind you forcing you out. Your crush followed you like a lost puppy through the different staircases and corridors, your great sense of orientation leading you quickly to the auditorium you were almost late to. You were out of breath when you finally arrived there, right before the clock struck 1:15 PM.
Surprisingly, the rows were practically empty, but you instantly spotted your friends in the middle, some of them still eating while the others were laughing or reading together. Hyunjae grabbed your hand for the nth time today, slowly getting used to this new feeling, and you dragged him towards them, but he resisted.
You looked at him, his eyes scanned the auditorium just like he did this morning and looked back at you with a smile before gesturing over a good spot, a bit higher and further away from your friends. Changmin, with his eagle eye, was quick to notice Hyunjae's lavender sweater and warned your friends, all turning around to observe you and your crush sitting together. Chanhee gasped as he quickly saw you holding hands, gossiping about it to his hyungs. Juyeon just shrugged, unbothered by the situation as he cracked his fingers and neck, getting ready to type.
You noticed your friends smirking at you and hid your head behind your computer screen, Eric leaning back in the vacant seats just enough for him to appear in the corner of your eye, his mouth transforming into a pout to mimic a kiss. You rolled your eyes and groaned, offering him a disapproving look, your antics sending him in a fit of giggles.
Hyunjae smiled at you before looking at your friends, who cooed and loudly gagged when he grabbed your hand and lifted it for them to see. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, embarrassment taking over your body as your friends cheered, drawing attention towards you and your crush, the latter replacing your linked hands on his lap, under the table.
“Why would you do that?” you dared to ask, and you shouldn’t have, your voice breaking mid-sentence made your crush giggle. “Let them be, they’re just happy that their best friend is getting out of their comfort zone. Plus, you look cute when you are flustered,” he said, and the professor started talking, preventing you from answering him.
He just sat there with a satisfied smile on your face, while you were trying not to pass out here and there with your heart beating this fast.
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red handed; colby brock
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request:  im not sure if you do requests or even any imagines for colby brock anymore but i was wondering if you cold make a exception, so basically the plot is that the reader met colby through kat and since then they hit it off, now their in a secretive relationship the only person who knows is kat but she only knows the reader has a crush on colby. one day everyones hanging out in the same room room and colby is sexting the reader, sams curious to whos hes texting and they find out their dating.
dedication: @whydontweanons​
genre: fluff, subtle smut?
pairing: colby brock x gn!reader
characters: colby brock, sam golbach, katrina stuart, corey scherer, jake webber, kevin langue, brennen taylor, devyn lundy, tara yummy
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, what would probably be underage drinking, NSFW (barely), sexting (duh), mentions of COVID-19, quarantine
a/n: of course i’ll still write for sam and colby!! it’s just that, since i’m not as active of a follower of them as i used to be, my goal is to write for fandoms that i’m more invested in at the moment. but, honestly, i don’t think i could ever really stop writing for them. i love those boys so much. also this plot made me laugh so hard when i saw it in the best way possible. getting this request honestly made my day, so thank you for that!! anyways, i’m a little rusty, but here we go.
important links: masterlist
find more fics at my new blog @trapboysbunny
You and Colby had known each other for a long time - pretty much since he’d moved to LA with Sam - and you had been involved romantically just as long. You had met him and Sam through Kat on a boring Saturday night when all their friends flaked on coming to a little kickback they were hosting. Trying to be a good friend and cheer the boys up, Katrina had invited you to hopefully kickstart some emotional momentum. Your eyes met Colby’s for the first time and you clicked. Something in your gut had told you that the two of you would end up being close, and it was right. You had hit it off immediately, not taking very long to start laughing at one another’s corny jokes and telling stories over Smirnoff Ice while some random late night show played in the background. From that night on, it was history.
Since then, you two had been practically attached at the hip. If you weren’t sitting on the same room or facetiming, you were definitely texting one another. It became a running joke in your friend group that you two had evolved into a pair of siamese twins, or that being without you gave Colby separation anxiety. The two of you found it even more amusing when you actually began dating, not long after that fateful first night. It amazed the both of you that you were able to hide your relationship so well. No one had a clue. The two of you laughed about it quite often, actually, over late night phone calls and tipsy afternoons spent only with each other. No one knew, and nobody needed to know.
Colby, due to the internet and his fanbase being the way it is, preferred to keep his personal (and especially romantic) relationships more on the private side. His intent wasn’t necessarily to hide his feelings and relationship with you from his friends, but that particular topic of conversation never really came up in your friend group. Everyone had just kind of figured that everyone single would simply date someone when they were ready and tell everybody about it when they felt the time was appropriate. It wasn’t that Colby didn’t want to tell them, he just didn’t see the point in going out of his way to tell all of his friends hey after God knows how long I finally have a partner. He just didn’t want to make a big deal out of your relationship. Knowing his friends, they would definitely make it into some type of big thing, not to mention that Jake would dub the occasion as “cause for celebration” (which was really just an excuse to drink more). So Colby preferred to keep things on the quieter side for you two; neither of you wanted to make your relationship into an object for speculation.
Kat was the only person out of all of your friends to have any knowledge of your feelings for Colby. And thank God for her; if you didn’t have her to gush about Colby to, you probably would have either exploded or died. Or both. And she was there for every single second of it. She loved hearing about your movie nights, your urban exploring adventures, the sweet yet mundane things he would do to make you happy, literally anything. She ate that shit up like a man starved, and you did the same for her and Sam (regardless of the fact that their relationship was public already). You hadn’t told her explicitly about the nature of your relationship with Colby, really just gushed about your ever-growing love for the boy. Unbeknownst to you, she firmly believed that you only had feelings for Colby, clueless to the fact that the two of you had actually been dating for quite a while now. With her “go get ‘em, tiger” comments, along with similar remarks, you assumed that she had some sort of idea about your relationship with Cole, hence why you had never explicitly told her about your secret boyfriend. Kat, being the good friend that she was, never spilled your “secret” feelings to anyone else. Not even her boyfriend.
Eventually, quarantine started up amidst the international COVID-19 pandemic and you had begun practically living with the trap boys. A day without you in the house was enough to prompt concern for the boys, minus Colby who always knew the real reason why you weren’t coming over. This soon became the new normal, you taking a “day off” every few weeks to get tested just in case. At this point, it was almost comical that no one had figured out you two were dating yet.
One particular weekend afternoon, everyone in your friend group was hanging out at the house. You and Colby were sitting on opposite sides of the room, you next to Kat and Colby seated beside Sam. It was particularly warm today seeing as this Saturday landed smack in the middle of the infamous August heat wave, so you had thrown on a tank top and some shorts, nothing to flashy. Colby had dressed similarly, wearing only a muscle tee and a pair of trunks.
You were sat beside Kat, the both of you trying to listen to the story Devyn was telling. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t ignore the way your boyfriend was staring at you from across the room. You looked away from Dev for just a second to shoot him a glare when you realize exactly why he’s looking at you. The speed at which the blood rushes to your face is dizzying, and you drop your head to stare at your lap. Motherfucker- You sigh as you pull your phone out of your pocket. “Quit it with the blowjob eyes asshole,” you type before pressing the blue send button.
You feel his gaze break as his phone vibrates. Trying to ignore him, you refuse to meet his gaze again, putting all of your effort into focusing on Devyn’s story. Seconds later your phone vibrates in your pocket. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the screen reads, and you shake your head.
“Uh huh sure ok.” You pressed send again.
Another few seconds passed and your phone vibrated again. “That shirt looks really good on you.” 
You blushed as you read the message, flustered by the comment. Brows knitting together in confusion, you looked up to find him staring back at you with a dopey grin. You hunched over your phone and sent a message back. “You really think so?”
“Yeah, of course,” Colby replied, a gray typing bubble sitting under the message. “But you know how it would look cuter?”
You cocked your head to the side and typed out your response. “How?”
“On my bedroom floor.” You almost snorted at that, clamping a hand over your mouth to prevent any noise from escaping. Typical. Thankfully no one had been paying enough attention to you to notice that you were distracted.
Colby, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. “Give me this, dude,” Sam said, snatching the phone out of Colby’s hand and effectively bringing the conversation on their side of the room to a halt. “You haven’t been listening for like the past 20 minutes, dude. Now let’s see what’s got you so distracted.”
“You don’t need to look at that, Sam, it’s not that important-” The tall brunette sounded slightly panicky as he reached and grappled with Sam for his phone. Sam played around for a little bit before finally reading the screen, eyes widening in amusement.
Upon finishing his reading, Sam lowered the phone and Colby relaxed, already knowing that he was caught. “So who’s ‘angelcakes,’ huh Colbert?” Sam prodded teasingly.
Colby blushed ever so slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “They’re just a friend-”
“Which friend, huh?” Sam continued his teasing, growing louder and louder with every response until all eyes were on the two boys.
Colby shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but looking more stressed than ever in actuality. “Just a friend.”
“What do you say we call this friend, huh boys?” Sam suggested.
Kevin nodded, agreeing. “I think we definitely should.” Brennen also nodded when Sam looked to him for approval, essentially finalizing the decision.
“Okay then, let’s do this thing!” Sam yelled, earning cheers from all the other curious folks in the room. The blonde boy pressed call and Colby simply held his face in his hands.
You jumped when your phone rang, honestly having forgotten that oh shit, I’m angelcakes. Everyone turned to look at you curiously, Colby even peeking through his fingers. You didn’t even pick up the device, already knowing whose name would be lighting up the screen. “You gonna pick that up or something?” Corey asked awkwardly.
You shook your head, leaving your phone face down in its spot beside your thigh. “No, it’s probably not important anyways.”
A beat of heavy silence passed before Tara spoke. “Gee, they sure aren’t giving up. Maybe you should answer it.”
“Nah, I’m sure it’s just-”
“Yeah, you should answer the phone, Y/N,” Jake agreed, the pieces seeming to click in his head.
You sighed, burning bright red to the tips of your ears. “Okay okay, fine.” You stood and clicked the answer button. “Hello?”
And there it was, your voice echoing from Colby’s phone. The room erupted in cheers of disbelief, the boys pouncing on Colby and the girls slapping you in playful excitement. “I knew there was something going on between you two!! There’s no way there couldn’t have been -- I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Kat squealed, smushing you in a hug.
The rest of the girls echoed the sentiment, a chorus of ‘same’s and ‘I can’t believe you’s. It took a while for everyone to calm down but, once everyone settled, you and Cole managed to get some alone time. The two of you escaped out back, the less than mediocre breeze cooling the sweat that slicked your skin. You held each other, almost as though you were about to start slow dancing. “Damn, caught red handed, huh?”
You laughed breathily, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “It was only a matter of time, ya know?”
“I know,” he agreed, cheek pressing against your hair. “I’m glad we don’t have to be weird around them anymore.”
“Me too,” you hummed.
Colby pulled away a little bit, just enough for him to look you in the eyes, your arms still around his neck. “Hey.”
You giggled, confused. “Hey.”
“I love you.”
You smiled your confirmation, eyes twinkling under the cheap backyard lights. “I love you.”
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grasshopperjay · 4 years
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the cold wind of it all (18+)
pairing: jay halstead x reader
song: no questions asked - fleetwood mac
word count: 2.5k
summary: the reader is part of the intelligence unit, and jay doesn’t seem to like her very much. a heated conversation between the two leads to something unexpected, and then that leads to something even more unexpected.
warnings: swearing, angst, yelling, mentions of death, smut, unprotected sex, dom!jay
You don’t like Jay Halstead.
And Jay Halstead doesn’t like you.
At least you thought he didn’t.
“You didn’t play that the right way, you should have called it.” He stomps down into the locker room, getting in your face before you even have the chance to explain yourself.
“I did what I thought was right.” You say, slamming your locker door shut.
“We could have got something out of that guy if you’d have just ended it when you were supposed to, but now he’s dead.” 
“Yeah and what if I had called it then? I’d probably be dead, Kevin included. I’m pretty sure if everyone thought the same Voight would be down here with my badge, but he isn’t so drop it Jay.”
“No I’m not gonna drop it! I lost a CI!”
You’re so frustrated in the moment, and you have no verbal comebacks so you do the only thing you can think of, even though it’s totally offside. You’re doing it before you can even evaluate your actions, your hands landing solid on Jay’s chest with a half ass output of force to try and push him back. 
He looks back at you with wide eyes for a moment, and then responds with some force of his own. One hand latches onto your waist, pushing you back into the lockers, while the other grabs onto your chin, your eyes meeting for a split second before he’s kissing you. 
What the hell is happening?
It’s completely unexpected, and the shock of it all has you dead still in his hold. Jay tenses and pulls back, looking at you with a look that mirrors your own, utterly confused at what just happened. 
He backs away, hands held out at his side, and then he’s rushing out of the room.
The adrenaline pumping through you is making you to run, get out of there so you can stew over it, think it over and process, but you’re in the middle of a work day, a ruined work day because of Jay. How are you supposed to go up in the bull pen and act like everything is completely normal when he’s just gone and done that?
You take another five minutes to try and collect yourself before heading back up, tail between your legs. Jay doesn’t make eye contact, and you try not to either, barely paying attention to anything that Voight is saying until he’s barking out your name.
“Y/N,” Your head perks up, and Voight nods to the interrogation rooms, “You and Jay, head in. Try and get something out of him.”
Your stomach drops, and you can all but see the blood drain from your face. When you’re not out of you chair immediately, Voight furrows his brows at you. “Everything alright?” He asks, and you nod. “Then head in.”
You sigh and stand, following Jay in while he looks through the case file to avoid looking at you. You close the door behind you, and Jay starts. 
“Ben Compher,” He puts the file down on the table and you try to figure out how’s going on completely normal, like nothing happened. “How do you know him?” 
“I don’t.” The suspect shrugs.
You really shouldn’t be in here. Your head is not in this. And you don’t understand how Jay’s could be.
“Well we know you’re lying, cause Ben said he got the information about the deal from you. And now he’s dead because of it.”
Jay leans over the table and you should be focused on the suspect, or literally anything but what you’re actually focused on. Jay’s hands are spread on the table and all you can picture is how that same hand was holding your jaw earlier.
And what it could do to the rest of your body. 
You’re really not supposed to be thinking this way about one of your coworkers, especially not about Jay. Someone who has shown zero interest in you from day one, well until today that is.
He’s never had anything to say to you unless it’s been negative. Correcting you, or belittling you in front of the team like you’re a newbie cop. And now out of the blue he kisses you? It’s infuriating, and you should be mad, you should have slapped him, but instead you’re sitting here thinking about how his lips felt on yours, and how you wish he were bending you over that stupid table. 
And that's were you pull yourself out of the game. Turning and walking out of that interview room just as fast as you blew in. 
You’re fresh out of the shower, in the kitchen making some tea in nothing but your underwear and a big t shirt. Ready to relax after the weirdest day, when it gets even weirder. 
There’s a hard knock at the door, and then your name is being called through the barrier. The voice all too familiar. 
You stalk to the door, already furious, opening it without even thinking twice about putting pants on. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“You made the wrong call today and you know it,” He’s barging into your apartment, determined. 
“Are you kidding me, Jay? Are you seriously here to lecture me right now?” 
“I just want to hear you admit it, tell me. Say it.”
“Say what?” 
“That you messed up! And then you walked out of that interview, what is wrong with you?!” 
“What is wrong with me? How about what’s wrong with you? Jay you kissed me completely out of the blue today! So I’m sorry if I wasn’t fully invested in that interrogation!”
He completely ignores everything you’ve just said, instead yelling back, “Admit it!”
“Okay whatever, yeah, I did. But I’m not doing this with you. I don’t wanna talk about this stupid fucking case anymore.” You dismiss. You really need to get away from him, cause if he gets too close you’re not sure what you’re gonna do. Ever since that kiss your mind has been in the gutter, and you’re not sure you trust yourself around him.
He stares blankly at you, like he wasn’t expecting you to say it. You can tell he was expecting more of a fight, he wanted it, but he’s not gonna get it.
“I’m done, Jay.” You try to turn away, but he grabs onto your arm, and that’s all it takes. This time it’s you who makes the move, all but lunging at him, and he responds just as eagerly, kissing you with fever. 
Apparently he’s been thinking about all the same things as you today, cause there’s no questions asked. 
He boosts you onto the counter, his hand coming up to grip your jaw, turning your head so his lips can slide down to your neck, and your hands fumble to grab onto something.
Your finger tips graze under his shirt, and his breath hitches. He kisses you one more time before pulling back to tug his shirt over his head, and the sound that leaves your mouth when you lay eyes on his bare chest is just about pornographic. He smirks, but before he can open his mouth you’re pulling him down to you. “Shut up,” You mutter, hands gripping onto his biceps while you kiss him. 
His hands slide up the tops of your thighs pushing up the t shirt until he reaches the waist band of your panties. He tugs them down your legs and your nails dig into the skin on his back. 
He grunts, gripping back onto your thighs with firm hands. “Easy, Y/N.” 
“What?” You smile, rubbing back over the raised skin on his shoulders, “Can’t handle it?” 
He lets out a breathy laugh and then he shakes his head, “Nah I can handle it,” His hands fall down to your right behind your calves, tugging you forward until you’re slipping off the counter. “Question is, can you?” 
You bite your lip, trying to hide your not so subtle grin while you lean into Jay. Your hands wandering down his chest to fumble with his belt. “Mhm,”
He smiles and then shakes his head, grabbing onto your wrists to tug them away. “Not here,” He flicks his head behind you and you step backwards, beckoning him to follow you.
You lead him to your bedroom and there’s barely anytime for you to turn around before he’s pushing you onto the bed. You try to scramble up to the headboard, but he’s catching your ankle before you can do anything, pulling you back down with a grin. 
“You sure about this?” He asks, but he knows the answer. He wouldn’t be hovering over you like this if he weren’t. 
“I’m sure.” You confirm, sighing while he kisses your neck. 
Jay resurfaces, his lips finding yours fast. His hands are just as quick as last time, they slide all the way up your torso, taking your shirt with them. You lift your arms so he can throw it to the side.
Jay’s lips land back on your neck again, biting gently at the skin. You arch your back, breasts pressing into his chest trying to get as close as possible. Your movements distract him and he pulls back, eyes trained directly on your chest covered by a barely there bralette.
“Fuck,” He whispers, sitting back fully to admire. 
You whine at the lack of contact, becoming impatient with his wandering gaze. “You’re so damn beautiful.” He sighs, ducking back down to press kisses down your neck. When he drags his teeth across the swell of your breast, you release a breathy moan and he laughs, his hand slipping underneath your back to get at the clasp. You bend your knee and push up, arching make it easier for him, but your thigh makes contact with the prominent bulge in his pants and he groans against your skin.
He undoes the clasp quickly, and you shrug off the straps, tossing the material to the side. His mouth is occupied immediately, and he sucks a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around before placing gentle kisses around the swell of your breast. He wanders downward, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your stomach. You wiggle as he rubs his thumbs over your hipbones, looking up at you devilishly from his position. He licks a trail up beneath your belly button, then blows cold air on it, raising goosebumps. His name leaves your mouth along with a string of whines and you start to become a little more impatient.
“Easy,” He whispers. He’s purposely going slow, trying to torture you. You moan, bucking your hips ever so slightly.
Finally, Jay drags a finger up your slit, a smirk crossing his face immediately. “So wet for me baby,”
“Jay,” His name leaves your lips much louder, and much whinier than you intended, making him stop in his tracks. He looks up at you, an annoyingly smug but handsome smile on his features.
“Needy.” He says teasingly, his finger barely applying pressure to your cunt.
“I’m gonna do it myself if you don’t hurry the fuck up, Jay,” Your hand moves down but Jay catches your wrist firmly, pinning it down to the couch.
“That’s no fun.” His voice drops an octave and you squirm on the bed. 
“Oh my god,” You breath out. He keeps his bright eyes trained on you as he leans down to lick a stripe up your slit. You moan at the contact, finally getting some relief. His tongue swirls around your clit, sending your hands straight into his hair. You run your hands through his locks, tugging on the strands. 
His hands reach under you, grabbing a hand full of ass all while pulling you closer to his mouth. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, his tongue not stopping for a second. 
You’re writhing underneath him, your hands gripping onto anything they can find, his hair, the couch, his shoulders. You’re a mess.
And then he slips a finger into you, curling it up while he sucks hard on your clit, queuing a high pitched cry from you. Your sounds bring back that damn smirk, you can feel it against your skin.
He pushes another finger into you, tongue flicking over your clit. Your breathing is long past fast, you’re trying to catch it now because he’s continuously knocking the wind right out of you. He’s doing absolutely everything right and in the back of your mind you’re wondering how he learnt to do all this, but your main focus is on the obvious, his face buried in your cunt.
His fingers curl up and swipe your g spot, opening up to stretch you out, receiving a strangled moan from your throat. “Jay, I’m so close,” You cry, “Don’t stop!” You hold his head in place, and buck your hips up to grind onto his mouth. You’re probably suffocating him, but you really can’t be bothered to stop, and he doesn’t seem to be slowing down, so you’re assuming he’s okay with it.
One last movement of his fingers throws you over the edge, and your body shakes as your orgasm rocks through you. Jay’s fingers slow as you work through the euphoria, his lips staying away from your oversensitive clit.
He places a chaste kiss on your stomach before moving up to your lips. You taste yourself on his tongue as it slides into your mouth and you moan against his lips, your hand wandering down to cover his bulge.
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last,” He curses, mouthing at your neck. “I need to be inside of you,”
You receive a sideways smirk as he pops the button on his jeans and pushes them down, underwear quick to follow. He strokes his hard cock and you swear your mouth starts to water. If he’d let you, you’d be on your knees so fast for him.
He hovers over you again, lining up with your entrance. You wrap your legs around his waist, running your hands up and down his shoulders. With a low grunt he pushes into you, you moan and watch as Jay’s features tighten, his eyes squeezing shut above you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” The pace starts slow, he speeds up gradually igniting a second wind in you. 
“Don’t stop,” You beg, pulling his face down so you can connect your lips.
A sharp thrust grazes your g spot, and you quite literally wail out. Your arms are moving frantically along his back, grabbing and scratching anywhere, while you squirm underneath him. Amidst your moving your leg slips out from under his, and Jay’s weight drops further onto you. He grunts, and his cock slips out, you whine high pitched and he chuckles, “You’re desperate, huh?”
Punching him in the arm would normally cross your mind but right now you’re not in the mood to argue, so you just nod. “Please, don’t stop,” Jay’s hand slips underneath your leg to push your thigh to your chest while he pressures into you again. Your back arches of the couch and Jay curses, “Stay fucking still,” His free hand comes up to sit at the base of your throat and you moan out.
“You want it?” He asks, railing into you again.
You nod your head weakly with the constriction of his hand, and his fingers tighten around you.
“Say it,” He spits out, teeth clenched.
The words fall out of your mouth almost automatically, “I want it so bad,”
“Good girl,” He mumbles the words and let’s go of your leg, his hand slipping down to where you’re connected. The pad of his middle finger presses directly onto your clit and you jerk up. His grip on your neck gets tighter again as he works his hips up, sending his tip slamming into your g spot, which queues another scream and sudden movement.
“Jesus, I’m gonna need to tie you up next time, quit fucking moving.” He growls.
Your pussy clenches around him when he says that and a deep groan is pushed out his throat before he chuckles, “Mm, you like that idea don’t you?”
You nod, eyes squeezing shut as you try and fail to bring your hips up to meet him. “You can do whatever you want,” The words slip out embarrassingly easy, and you turn your head so he can’t see the way your cheeks flush.
His head dips down so he can get his lips on your neck, letting out a breathy chuckle that you feel on your skin. “Oh baby I plan to,”
He bites the spot under your ear and you whine, your hands coming up to hold him against you.
He slides his finger up again to circle around your clit and you feel yourself getting higher and higher, unable to move under his weight. His every thrust radiating pleasure through your whole body while he keeps you pinned underneath him.
You turn your head, and whisper against his lips. He slides his tongue into your mouth, pinching your clit.
It’s sends you over the edge fast and hard, your vision going black for a moment while warmth spreads through your body. 
When you come to, Jay is wiping a warm towel over your stomach, grinning while you lift yourself onto your elbows. “Are you good?”
“I think so,” You say quietly, and then you’re blurting out probably what you’re both thinking, “What just happened?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” He grins, walking around the side of the bed until he’s beside you. He reaches a hand out to stroke your hair and you hold onto his arm. “Need anything?”
You shake your head, tugging on him while he slides back into the bed, pulling the covers up and over the both of you. 
“We should, uh, definitely do this again...” Jay says, tugging you into his chest. 
“Absolutely.” You nod, “I’ll argue with you any day if this is what’s gonna come of it,”
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winterxjxsmine · 3 years
This is my birthday present for @allforthestickball. I wish I was a writer so I could write you something better or I wish I could give you something you wanted but this is the only thing I can offer right now so I hope you like it, I love you, happy birthday!
Before you read this keep in mind that English isn't my native language so there are definitely mistakes in this. This is the first time I'm attempting to write Andreil and it was scary af I don't know how you all are doing it,, I really tried,,
Trigger warnings: panic attacks, mention of Nathan torturing Neil in the past
Neil always knew how to read behind Andrew's words but sometimes even he was getting a little confused. Or that one time Neil couldn't see behind Andrew’s words and let his insecurities torture him.
Today was a good day. Neil woke up beside his partner a couple of minutes before his alarm like every day. Dorm beds were very small and definitely not made for two people, but Andrew and Neil soon found out that sleep comes easier when they’re sleeping together, so it didn’t matter.
Today was a good day. “starring” Andrew had said with a hoarse voice from sleep when he woke up and saw Neil looking at him like he was the most interesting thing in the world like every day. It was a part of their routine by now. 
Today was a good day. Andrew and Neil after a small make-out session when Kevin finally left them alone got up, made and ate breakfast together, and like every other day, they got ready and left for early practice with the rest of the monsters. They held hands on the way to the court ignoring Nicky's exciting glaring from the back seat, they shared more private kisses in the locker room when everyone was already in the court who made Wymack later threaten them with marathons because they were late.
Today was a good day until it wasn't. Everything in practice ran smoothly. Kevin complained the whole time about the team’s performance, Nicky about how sleepy he is and why practice is so early, Matt made jokes to make Neil laugh, everything was good. When practice was over everyone went back to the locker rooms to get changed, Neil with Kevin stayed behind to talk about game strategies as always. When Kevin headed to the locker rooms too Neil saw Andrew and Renee not far away from him so he started heading towards them.
Neil didn’t mean to eardrop at Andrew’s and Renee’s conversation but what he heard made every word die in his mouth. “if you feel this way about him maybe you should tell him, he’s your boyfriend after all.” Renee spoke carefully as always. Both friends were oblivious to Neil’s presence. Andrew gave her one of his famous death glares. What Andrew wasn’t telling him? Neil frowned but tried not to jump to conclusions. “He’s not my boyfriend,” Andrew growled almost offended at the accusation. Renee sent him a knowing look and Andrew huffed. “I’ll get bored of him eventually.” they were his next words before he threw his unfinished cigarette in the concrete.
Neil's mouth suddenly went very dry and his stomach was knotted. Andrew's last two phrases echoed in his mind again and again. "Neil hi" Renee's voice brought him back to reality. He just looked at her for a few seconds not trusting his mouth to speak right now."Is everything okay?" He thought he heard her ask when she saw his pale face and his tense figure. That seemed to catch Andrew's attention who almost immediately turned around to look at him as well. "Uh yes yes, I just- I'm just gonna take a shower." He tried to keep his face blank and without waiting any longer he awkwardly turned and disappeared from their view.
"He's not my boyfriend, he's not my boyfriend, he's not my boyfriend." Neil couldn't stop thinking of Andrew's words. They started their 'this' two years ago. They never talked about what exactly they were but Neil was certain that after all of this Andrew had stopped denying that they had something. In his conversation with Renee, he didn't say that they weren't something, he just said that..they weren't boyfriends but if they're not boyfriends then what are they? It's something that they both have to spend their time on? No, for Neil Andrew was so much more than that. He was feeling emotions he never felt before and he was pretty sure he would never feel again for anyone else. For Neil, Andrew was his whole world. He believed from Andrew's actions that he felt the same for him but Andrew denying that there isn't something between them after all this time is ridiculous.
"I'll get bored of him eventually." He hadn't listened to Andrew saying this for so long and he's not even sure why it bothered him so much. The truth is that Neil sometimes feared that he wasn't enough for Andrew. Even though the other boy had his full attention to him that didn't mean that someday Andrew wouldn't get tired and bored of Neil. Who he was anyway? A broken soul beyond fixing with scars all over his body and face. The butcher's son doppelganger. Sometimes he couldn't even look at himself in the mirror, maybe Andrew would feel the same someday.
And what was that Andrew was hiding from him? What if he wanted to tell Neil he doesn't feel the same? What if he wanted to remind him that he's just spending his time with him and nothing more? A wave of fear almost paralyzes Neil. What..what if Andrew is already bored of Neil? What if he wants to break up with him already? But no, this doesn't make sense. Andrew wouldn't act this way if he wanted to leave him. His behavior simply didn't match this theory. Neil sighs forcing himself to relax. He's just being paranoid.
Neil let his insecurities drown him a little more and if he stayed in the shower longer than he used to well nobody had to know. With automatic movements, he started dressing without even noticing Andrew's presence in the room until he spoke. "Everything okay?" He asked looking straight to Neil's blue eyes trying to find in them the right answer. Neil tried to hide a flinch and put his shirt on faster. "Yeah, everything okay." He said pressing a small smile on his lips. He wasn't exactly lying after all. Everything was fine, nothing happened he just had to forget what he heard, this conversation wasn't for his ears anyway. Andrew always had a problem with words. His words never matched his actions so this was another reason to not take it seriously. He just had to puss every feeling in the back of his mind.
"Where are the others?" Neil asked while they were walking to the car and he couldn't see the rest of Andrew's lot. "They got bored waiting for you," Andrew answered with a bored tone and disappeared inside his car. Neil took a deep breath forcing himself to relax before he followed him. They were quiet on the way back as most of the times because they were always communicating better without words so Neil found the fact that he was so bothered by words ironic when Andrew showed him every day with actions. Andrew glanced at Neil curiously many times and at some point, he let his hand hover over Neil's thigh, a silent question. Neil nodded and put his hand over Andrew's offering a small smile at him.
When they arrived at the foxhole tower Neil almost opened the door to get out but Andrew's 'yes or no' stopped him. Neil looked at him and heard himself answer yes and without even realizing it he was already leaning closer until his lips met Andrew's. Without his permission, he felt his body tense and it seemed that Andrew felt it too because he got away from Neil immediately. "Talk," Andrew growled looking at Neil with his usual blank stare. "I don't know what you mean I have nothing to say," Neil answered, crossing his arms over his chest trying to avoid eye contact. Andrew huffed before he got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. Neil sighed, again. Andrew was his usual self, everything was perfectly fine so why couldn't he just forget about it? He was getting mad at himself. "Andrew I'm just tired." Neil started following him but Andrew didn't stop until he was in the building waiting for the elevator. Neil always preferred the stairs but he didn't trust his trembling legs right now and he didn't want to leave Andrew.
The two boys entered the elevator standing as far away as they could from each other. Neil couldn't stop glaring at Andrew while they were waiting in tense silence. Suddenly the lights started to tremble, the elevator stopped and the lights went completely off. "What..what happened?" Neil murmured frozen in his place. A sudden light flooded the room and Neil soon found out that it was Andrew's phone. He watched him approach the entrance with a carefully placed blank face that betrays nothing about his feelings. "We're stuck, probably power outage," Andrew answered eventually pushing repeatedly the 'emergency’ button without success. Neil's heart began to rise in his chest but he tried to ignore it. Being trapped here makes him immediately think about some of the old darkest moments of his life. His mind traveled to times when his father locked him in his wardrobe or any other small space in the dark to punish him. This was so familiar it made his skin crawl. 
Soon enough the only thing he could see and hear was his younger self crying and begging for his father to show him mercy. At some point he realized he couldn't breathe, his hands felt numb and his legs were trembling even more than before. "Andrew." He almost choked, panic clear in his voice. Andrew was beside him with a hand in his neck pushing him to sit down in a second.
“Neil” Andrew called his name with a stern voice. “Andr- Andrew I can't-” Neil sobbed grabbing Andrew’s hand with his own trying desperately to ground himself. “You’re Neil Abram Josten, striker for the Palmetto state foxes.” Andrew began to say with a steady voice. “No- no- I can’t-'' Neil was feeling nauseous and dizzy, his throat was dry and his lungs were hurting because of the multiple desperate breaths he tried to take. “Repeat after me Neil'' Andrew demanded, grabbing harder at the back of his neck. “You’re Neil Abram Josten, striker for the Palmetto state foxes, you’re safe, your parents are dead, and I’m here.” Neil started to repeat his words with a trembling voice shutting his eyes while he tried to imagine moments of his foxes, and Andrew, and his life as Neil Josten. “Breath with me” Andrew whispered, grabbing with his other hand one of Neil’s and placing it in his chest to help him match his breathing.
A couple of minutes passed and Neil was finally back to himself, his breaths were steadier and his pounding heart was calmer. None of them dared to move. “I’m a mess” Neil murmured tiredly. Why would Andrew want to be with him?. Always a problem, always a responsibility. “What’s new” Andrew moved his hand from Neil’s neck to his hair. “What happened” his piercing look dared Neil to lie. “My father used to..lock me in small places and leave me in the dark for hours.” He explained avoiding Andrew’s eyes. “I’m sorry it’s stupid” he apologized a few seconds later. “Shut up or I’ll gut you” Andrew answered, flicking him in the forehead.
“Aren’t you bored from all of this yet?” Neil asked quietly, his hesitation clearly in his voice. “Aren’t you bored of me yet?” He added before Andrew could speak. Neil was sure that Andrew would reply with a sarcastic comment or something but Andrew seemed to understand how important this conversation was. “What is this?” he asked instead, forcing Neil to make eye contact with him. “Nothing, just..I’ll understand if you’re bored with this, or me” Neil answered, making Andrew frown.
“Don’t be stupid” he growled giving him a hard stare. “There’s no ‘this’ like you always said anyway'' Neil couldn’t stop himself at this point. No one said anything as Andrew gathered his thoughts. “Where did all this come from?” he avoided to answer and Neil felt disappointment in the pit of his stomach. “Am I lying?” Neil pressed and when Andrew didn’t answer he huffed shaking his head in disbelief. Neil moved away from Andrew’s touch. “I’m not your boyfriend and you’ll get bored of me eventually.” Neil continued and saw the moment that realization hit Andrew. “You eardrop my conversation with Renee.” He stated with a blank look. 
“I didn’t mean to” Neil answered quietly. “I thought you were smarter than this Neil.” Andrew sighed moving closer to him. “I just...I just thought..it doesn’t matter, you were clear to me two years ago about this.” Neil dared to look at him in the eyes and almost choked when his eyes met Andrew’s. Angry hazel eyes looking at him.
“Listen to me clearly because I’m gonna say this only once.” Neil nodded and Andrew leaned closer. “Stop making assumptions about things. Just fucking ask me. You listened to two phrases I said and you think you understood everything. There’s a ‘this’ and we’re not just boyfriends.” Andrew said, his hazel eyes burning Neil hoping that his idiot will understand the things he can’t say. Realization hit Neil and his eyes went wide. “Oh,” he said suddenly feeling very stupid. “Yeah oh.” Andrew mocked him. The thing is that Andrew Minyard never was good with words so he always used his actions to show his family that he cared. Neil has no idea why his insecurities blinded him. Andrew showed Neil every day that there was a ‘this’ with his way. He and Andrew aren’t just boyfriends. They’re so much more than that and now Neil finally gets it. “You like me,” Neil stated with a smile forming on his lips. “Idiot,” Andrew murmured. “Oh you, really, really like me.” he teased and Andrew rolled his eyes. “I’ll kill you,” he threatens with no heat behind his words.
“It’s okay because I, really, really like you too.” Neil’s smile got wider, Andrew huffed again but Neil could tell that he wasn’t so unaffected as he wanted to show. “And what's the thing you are hiding from me?” Neil asked suddenly and Andrew took his eyes away from him. “What I already told you.” He answered through his teeth and Neil couldn’t hide his smile. “Yes or no?” he asked him and after Andrew’s consent, together they leaned closer to each other and Neil let Andrew show him how much he cared about him with long heated kisses until the power came back and their foxes came looking for them.
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delaber · 3 years
Can’t Have Your Cake and Another Cake Too
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: Okay, I’ll stop breaking Rafa’s heart now... Last time, I swear! Thanks for the prompts to these lovely anons. Alhough this is not a prequel to Poetic Justice (Rafa x ER Nurse), poor Rafa’s facing some of the same issues. I very loosely based this story on J. Cole’s Kevin’s Heart (don’t know why I’m always incorporating J. Cole into my fics, but apparently he’s always lurking in the back of my mind) and Phlake’s So Faded. Let me know what you think!
Words: 4.7K
Warnings: Cocaine addiction! Does not have a happy ending (nobody ODs and nobody’s dying ...Only on the inside lol)
Tagging: No one! This might not be for everybody and I don’t want anybody to feel forced to read it 😌
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It was supposed to be a great night out. The entire gang was there, and at the instigation of Diggs, Rafa was supposed to be on the prowl to get laid so he could take his mind off of his broken heart.
From his seat in the booth, Rafa had a fairly good view of the dance floor and he had already spotted a few honeys who likewise had acknowledged him by smiling and sending him a couple of long looks. One of them had even twirled her hair between her fingers while blowing him a kiss. He had the green light, all systems were go!
However, of all the things that could've thrown him off his game, Rafa would not have placed a single bet on a phone call. But the minute he pulled out his vibrating phone and checked the caller ID, both the group of honeys on the dance floor and his friends occupying the seats all around him were completely forgotten. Nothing else mattered anymore.
He stared at the screen for a while, reading the name over and over again. What the fuck was Morris calling him for? Rafa had told him to stop. Morris knew he was too weak to say no even though he had promised his girl that he'd stop for good.
...Or, you weren't his girl. Not anymore.
But Rafa was still determined to win you back no matter if you had stopped answering his phone calls or not, so he took a tough decision and pressed the decline button beneath Morris' name. He even contemplated putting his phone on flight-mode to remove all unwelcome temptations - he knew you'd never take him back if he fell back in - yet, for some reason taking himself off the grid was easier said than done, and before he had pulled himself together to actually press the little airplane button, a text from Morris had ticked in. It only consisted of two words but Rafa understood perfectly.
'New candy.'
Fuck... Rafa considered the pros and cons of accepting for a few milliseconds before he came to his senses. No, no, no. The only way he'd ever win you back would be by showing you that he could stay sober even after your break-up. Morris could fuck off! As if awaking from a trance, Rafa hurriedly put his phone back in his pocket and desperately tried to forget about Morris' enticing offer by telling himself that he was strong enough to shake it.
...although deep down, he was aware that it was already too late. That no matter what, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it now. And no matter how hard he tried to re-focus on the honeys on the dance floor and tell himself how stupid it was to hit Morris up, it was no use, the damage was done; he was desperate to get high!
Deeply, horribly ashamed of himself, Rafa texted Morris the address of the club and impatiently waited a couple of minutes before he walked outside with heavy footsteps. It felt as if he was walking to the gallows, the shame eating him up from the inside. You'd be so disappointed in him!
However, in order to make himself accept what he was about to do, he reminded himself that apparently, you didn't care if he was high or not. If you did, you would've returned his phone calls, and you would've reacted to the fact that he had been sober for three weeks now - but you hadn't. And with that in mind, Rafa managed to push away most of the shame as he laid eyes on Morris' sketchy Subaru parked by the curb on the other side of the road. He walked across the street with determined footsteps, carefully looking over his shoulder to check if anybody he knew were watching him approach what was clearly a dealer's car.
"What's up, bruh!" Morris called as he rolled down his window. He was wearing sunglasses, looking like an absolute turd in the dark night.
Rafa put his arms on the car's beltline and shot Morris a bro handshake through the open window, "what the fuck are you wearing sunglasses at night for? You look like a dick."
"Nah, man, it looks cool," Morris laughed, "do you like them? Hell, you should like them - you paid for them."
"What do you mean I paid for them?"
"With the amount of money you spend in my shop, I think it's safe to assume that you paid for these sunglasses and the rims on the ride too," Morris snorted.
"Yeah, about that," Rafa looked away, the embarrassment slowly creeping up his spine again, "you gotta stop calling me."
"You said that last time as well but look at you now," Morris laughed.
"Come on man, it's important that I stop."
"You don't wanna stop though."
Rafa let out a sigh, "look, I'm trying to prove something to my girlf- ...ex-girlfriend."
"A'ight, I respect that," Morris nodded slowly but then he quickly continued, "so did you just call me here to pin your lady troubles on me? Cause I have a customer waiting up on Seventh Ave."
Rafa blew out some air, embarrassed by the decision he was about to make.
"...Or do you wanna buy?" Morris continued as he read Rafa's body language.
"...you're not gonna tell Diggs are you?"
"Do I look like a fucking snitch?" Morris looked offended, "and you know me and Diggs don't talk no more."
"Yeah, alright. This stays between us, okay? If word gets out, I'm fucked."
"A'ight bruh," Morris laughed, "Now, how much do you need?"
"Just... just give me an eightball," Rafa mumbled.
Morris let out a small laugh, "an eightball? Man, you're not about to quit," he chuckled and handed Rafa a zip-lock bag with white powder in it.
"Shut up," Rafa mumbled and pocketed the baggie, "how much?"
"Rafa, you're my man, so I'mma give you a discount because I feel bad for you and your girl. Three hundo."
"Three hundred?! Last time it was two-eighty without the discount."
"Times are changing. I haven't seen you in three weeks, man. Plus, this is a good batch," Morris poked Rafa in the chest, "my contact got it shipped in directly from Medellín. Look, it got fish scale and everything!"
"You better not fuck me over," Rafa muttered and threw Morris three hundred-dollar bills before he turned away from him with an annoyed huff.
"Pleasure doing business as always, Casal! See you next weekend!" Morris yelled after Rafa with a small laugh, apparently not a care in the world for who knew about their illegal transaction.
"Fucking idiot," Rafa muttered to himself without turning around. He had more important things to do than to scold Morris about his indiscretion.
Rafa hurried to the restroom and carefully locked the door behind him before he frantically pulled out the zip-lock bag. He examined its contents and saw the pearl-like surface that Morris had talked about - Fuck it looked good! He opened the bag carefully but froze when he caught his own reflection in the bathroom mirror; the loving look he was sending the bag of coke was sickening. It made his stomach plummet. Had he really been reduced to snorting coke alone in a dirty bathroom of a sketchy club? He remembered when it had been a group activity. Before he couldn't control it.
Shake it off! He told himself. He had every intention of stopping after tonight. This would be the last time.
You said that last time as well, a small voice rang in the back of his head, but he ignored his guilty conscience and instead poured out a small pile of the pearl-like coke on top of the hand dryer. Quickly, he pulled out a random card from his wallet and used it to form two heavy lines. Before his guilty conscience could interfere again, he also grabbed a one-dollar bill that he neatly rolled into a small tube and put between his right nostril and one of the white lines, ready for the rush. His gaze, however, lingered on the random card he had used to break the coke into lines; it was his fucking rewards card for the small organic, artisan shit coffee house that you liked. What wouldn't you say if you knew what he was doing? In his mind's eye, he could see the disappointed look you always sent him whenever he'd come home all hyped up, rambling his mouth off. You never got angry with him and his love of coke, but somehow your disappointed demeanour was way worse. He would've taken screaming and yelling over the disappointed stare and the slow shake of your head any day.
Slowly, he removed the dollar-bill from his nostril, stood up straight and met his own eyes in the mirror again - and for a moment, he could truly see how pathetic he was. What the hell was he doing? He was throwing away his last shot at getting you back - and for what? A few hours of euphoria and confidence?
But she doesn't want you back, a small voice rang inside his head, you called, and you called, and you called. You declared yourself clean to her voicemail and she still didn't reach out. Fuck her!
"Yeah, fuck her," Rafa mumbled before he put the dollar-bill back to his nostril. Quickly, he snorted both lines of coke, shooting his head back afterwards, sniffling a bit as he cleaned his nose with the back of his hand. He knew he only had a couple of minutes before the euphoria kicked in, so he quickly brushed off the dollar-bill and the rewards card and tugged them both back in his wallet. The remainder of the coke was stowed away in his shirt's breast pocket for safe keeping.
Ready for the rush, Rafa was impatiently staring at himself in the mirror. He was thinking about how to avoid Diggs and his condescending looks for the duration of his high, when he was finally overwhelmed by the familiar fuzzy feeling. It came out of nowhere and started behind his eyeballs and continued all the way down to his toenails. It felt as if someone had pulled a large, fluffy blanket down over him, and it was slowly heating up his body, making him feel safe and secure. His pulse quickened in time with his breathing, and he had to close his eyes to get himself under control. He felt fucking powerful! Morris had not lied about this coming from a good batch. "Shit, Morris," he laughed.
There was a knock on the door, and Rafa remembered that he had occupied the men's room for a good five minutes now. He took a last look at his suddenly hazed eyes, aware that no matter how hard he tried to hide it, anyone could see that he was high as a kite. He contemplated riding out his high alone in the bathroom but also knew that with the amount of energy present in his body, he couldn't stay in the small restroom all night. He had to dance! To fuck! To fight!
With a suddenly confident bounce in his step, he opened the door, and sent the guy in line what he hoped was an apologetic nod before he confidently strode towards the honeys on the dance floor.
"Hey Rafa!" he heard someone yell behind him.
Hoping it was someone who wanted to fight, Rafa quickly turned around but was slightly disappointed to see Diggs coming towards him with a huge grin on his face. Shit! Rafa realised that he had to act nonchalant around his best friend. Diggs absolutely couldn't know about the coke in his breast pocket, or he'd be all up in Rafa's face about it.
"Diiiiiggs! My man!" Rafa yelled overly excited, clearly very, very high.
Diggs shot him a look at his weird behaviour before he continued, "where've you been, man? I've been looking for you everywhere."
"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-rrrrrrrestroom," Rafa laughed, he was too happy to pretend otherwise.
"Why are you saying it like th-" the huge grin was slowly slipping from Diggs' face, "...hey, Rafa - look at me," Diggs suddenly sounded all serious as he took Rafa's face in his hands, carefully examining his features, "Rafa, look at me."
Rafa let out a low chuckle, "Diggs, you know I think you're handsome and all that, but I don't like you that way," he joked.
"You're being weird," Diggs furrowed his eyebrows, "- and your pupils are huge. Have you been doing lines in the bathroom?"
"Maybe," Rafa laughed, unable to stop himself from revealing his dirty little secret, "why? You want some? I still have a few hits left," he padded his breast pocket.
"You know I don't do that shit anymore..." Diggs let go of Rafa with a sigh and looked away from him.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a fucking saint now," Rafa said a bit more harshly than he had intended to. Ever since Diggs had met Emmy, he had been boring as hell.
Diggs chose not to comment on Rafa's low blow, and managed to keep his calm, "I thought you'd stopped, bruh."
"Morris made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Rafa laughed in an accent halfway between Tony Montana and Vito Corleone.
"Yeah well, I'm not the only one who thought you were done fucking around," Diggs said seriously. He was having none of Rafa's jokes, "I just saw your girl downstairs. She wants to talk to you."
It took a few seconds before Rafa understood, but when he finally grasped Diggs' words, he felt the blood drain from his face and his mouth run dry, "what? No, you're kidding me..."
"Nope," Diggs sighed, "I've been running around trying to find you for fifteen minutes..."
"Shit! What the fuck do I do?" Rafa said in a panicked voice, licking his lips frantically, "I told her I was sober! If she sees me like this, she'll never take me back."
"Yeah, well you better pray that you don't run into her."
Rafa ran his hand through his hair, "fuck I'm screwed. She's downstairs?"
"Was fifteen minutes ago."
"Alright, I'm jumping out this window. You stall her, tell her that I got sick or something."
"You can't jump out this window?" Diggs said incredulously, "we're 50 feet up, if you do that, you die! Just walk out the doo- ...oh shit, dude, we're blown. She's here. She's coming over."
"Fuck! Can I still bolt?"
"Of course not!"
"Well how do I look? Alright?"
"You look-" Diggs cut himself off, "...maybe just try and avoid her looking into your eyes, okay?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"
"The light in here's paying you a favour but apart from that you're gonna have to pull yourself together. You brought this upon yourself," Diggs said harshly before his demeanour changed completely as his eyes interlocked with yours over Rafa's shoulder, "heeeeey," he smiled broadly, "look who I found."
Rafa slowly turned around and met you. Your stunning beauty - as always - immediately knocking him to the ground. He couldn't believe that it had been four weeks since the last time he'd seen you. He'd do anything to get you back!
"Rafa," you nodded formally with a stiff face. Rafa couldn't help but make a mental note on how weird it was to see you without a smile on your lips. You were normally always so happy. He had done this, he reminded himself.
"Hey baby," he whispered, the words weirdly familiar in his throat.
You briefly raised your eyebrows while looking away from him, clearly uncomfortable by the sound of your old pet name.
"Sorry," he continued, "force of habit. ...I'm just happy to see you."
Your gaze slowly found his face, and Rafa prayed that you couldn't see his coke-eyes from where you were standing.
"Well..." you said and clicked your tongue, "I'd like to talk to you."
"I'd like to talk to you too," Rafa said quietly.
"And you're sober? Like you said on my voicemail?"
"Yes," Rafa breathed, "completely sober," he lied thickly, hyper-aware of how awkward it was with Diggs shuffling nervously beside him. He was uncomfortably rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Good," you finally let out a small smile, "do you want to sit down?"
"Yeah," Rafa nodded.
"Yeah, I'll - uh - I'll leave you to it," Diggs cleared his throat and padded Rafa between the shoulder blades as a way of wishing him good luck.
"Thanks man," Rafa muttered before he followed you down to a vacant booth in the corner of the room. Instead of sitting down opposite you, he made sure to occupy the seat next to you, hoping that it would minimise the risk of you looking into his eyes. He just had to pretend that he was sober until the high quieted down. Fourty-five more minutes - Less if he was lucky.
"So, how've you been?" You said quietly as you were both overlooking the dance floor, avoiding looking directly at each other.
"Not good," Rafa said quietly, "like shit, actually... how about you?"
"Yeah, well I guess 'shit' sums it up neatly... How's sober life?"
"Oh, it's - yeah - it's - it's great!" He said, the lie thick in his throat, "I feel so much better now." He knew how much he had hurt you, and he knew how difficult it must be for you to face him after you'd said that you never wanted to see him again - which just really only made his lying so much worse. Fuck, how he hated himself for what he had done. What he was still doing.
Your eyes darted across his face before your gaze settled on a spot just below his chin. He was relieved that you weren't staring him square in the eyes. "I was so happy to hear your voicemail," you whispered, "you really flushed your stash?"
"Yes," he croaked.
"I'm glad that you're finally taking care of yourself," he couldn't make out your face in the dark but he could hear a hint of happiness to your voice that you were clearly trying to suppress. It made him feel horrible.
"Yeah, I want to stay sober for you," he said slowly. At least that wasn't a lie.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me," you said quietly, the happiness definitely shining through now.
Rafa's heart was fluttering in his chest, and he felt the coke-induced euphoria run amok in his brain, "...does that mean you'll forgive me?" All his senses were heightened.
"It's a step in the right direction" you said quietly, still not looking directly at him, "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too baby," Rafa said quietly and boldly took your hand in his.
Finally, you looked up at him, and to avoid you noticing his bloodshot eyes with the dilated pupils, he took a quick decision, leaned in and crashed his lips against yours.
Luckily, you mistook his desperation for passion and fiercely kissed him back, your hand releasing itself from his, and instead caressing his neck. In-between kisses you managed to mumble, "I'm still... mad... at you."
"I know," Rafa mumbled, enjoying the familiar feeling of your lips against his. Your hands switched to caressing his torso, and your small fingers travelled over his stomach and up his chest, coming to a halt over his heart. It was racing against his ribcage and he had no idea whether it was due to the coke or due to the heap of emotions he felt in his chest. He couldn't believe he was kissing you again. He had completely written it off no more than half an hour ago.
Your right hand moved away from his heart but came to a sudden halt when you felt a small bump in Rafa's breast pocket. Still kissing him, you ran your fingers over the bump a few times before you remembered that it was where he always kept his coke. Quickly, you pulled your lips away from his.
"Wait, no, don't take kissing away from me," he hummed, completely unaware of the discovery you'd just done.
You were looking at his euphoric face with the closed eyes and the swollen lips as you moved your hand over his breast pocket once more.
When Rafa realised what was going on his eyes flew open and he spluttered, "it isn't what you think!"
But he was too slow to react, and before he had had the chance to move away, your fingers went inside his breast pocket and grabbed the small bag from there. "You've got to be kidding me!" You said angrily as you held his coke between your fingertips.
"Baby, I can explain," Rafa said quickly while desperately grabbing your wrist.
"Rafa, you fucking idiot! Don't touch me!" You wrestled yourself out of his grip, got up from your seat, and fast-paced towards the door.
"Baby! Baby!" Rafa yelled out as he ran after you.
"Don't touch me!" You cried, attracting the attention of everyone in your path.
You stormed out the door, Rafa at your heel desperately clinging to every inch of you that he could reach. When you reached the curb outside, he finally managed to run up in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, "baby, I can explain!" He said desperately.
"You said you'd flushed it all!" You were screaming at him now, the tears running down your face.
"It was a mistake, baby, I swear I didn't mean to. I flushed it all, I promise. It's just a setback."
"When did you buy this, Rafa?" You said through gritted teeth, "how long did you manage to stay sober before you decided you wanted to throw it all away?"
Rafa looked away from you, he was so embarrassed by himself, "Morris called and I tried to say no, I really did! Baby, I tried so hard to resist it. But he was persistent."
"Well, did he force you to buy?" You hissed. You were having none of his excuses.
"...No." Rafa admitted.
"When did you buy it?" You emphasised every word, "before or after you called me last weekend?"
"When? How long after? When did you have your setback?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes! I need to know if you did it because you were physically craving it, because you just felt like getting high, or if you did it because you’d thrown the thought of us away when I didn’t answer you.”
"I tried to fight it, I swear I tried to fight it," he was getting choked up.
"Rafa, tell me when you bought it."
He considered shooting you a lie but he didn't want to fuck up any more. "I bought it tonight..." he finally muttered under his breath, avoiding your gaze.
"You're not serious!! You bought it tonight?" You bellowed, "are you trying to tell me that you planned on throwing away your soberness tonight? That if I hadn't shown up, you'd be high as balls right now?"
Rafa didn't say anything, he just looked at you with huge eyes, the embarrassment evident on his face - and first then did you notice his blood-shot eyeballs with the abnormally large pupils that had taken over most of the green that was normally present.
"No..." you whispered when you realised, "no, no, no..." you groaned quietly, clutching your chest, "you're high right now?" The heartbreak was evident in your voice.
Rafa sent you a pained look. He fucking hated himself.
"You're high..." You stated in a whisper, the tears were streaming down your face, "you lied."
He had broken your heart. Again.
"I - I didn't mean to," he croaked, "I was just so happy to see you. I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me if I told you the truth."
"So you planned on telling me when?"
"I don't know," he croaked, "I didn't think it through. I've been sober for three weeks. Tonight's just a small setback. Baby, I swear, I'll block Morris and I'll flush this baggie right now if I can just get you back," Rafa was begging, “I’ll stop if you tell me to!”
"Rafa, how many times do I have to tell you," you cried, "You have to stop because you want to. Not because I tell you to stop! I don't care about the snorting! I don't care that you party and get high! You've done lines of my tits several times for God's sake! But I can't live with the constant lying that has become part of it!"
Fuck, Rafa knew what you were building to. His life's biggest mistake. He had it coming, he knew it. He deserved it. He was a fucking cheating coke-head and he hated it. "Please don't bring it up," he sobbed.
You didn't listen to him. You had to confront him with it because he clearly hadn't understood. "Rafa, you fucked another girl! And you were so high that you didn't even realise it! And when you woke up the next day and saw what you'd done, you lied about your whereabouts and the fact that you'd been high as fuck! I had to learn about it through her!" You were sobbing, "...and instead of staying home and comforting me, you lied about having to go to the studio, and you met up with Morris and you got high! Again! If knowing that you're breaking my heart with your constant lies doesn't make you want to quit, I'm not sure what will."
"I want to stop!" he sobbed. He had never felt so horrible before, "I love you, I want to be with you," he sniffled and took your hand, "please give me another chance! I'll stop snorting. I'll stop lying. I'll do anything for you."
It looked as if you were contemplating his words but the look in your eyes darkened suddenly and you let out a whisper, "no Rafa!" as you pulled your hand away from his.
"Baby, please!" He pleaded desperately, "I love you."
"You love coke more," you whispered.
"I have a problem," Rafa tried desperately, "I know. I can't stop. But I'll get help. I'll do whatever you want me to do!"
"Rafa, if you stop snorting because I tell you to stop, it will never last! You love getting high!"
"That's not true... it's pathetic," he cried.
"Rafa, honey,” you said quietly, “- ask yourself this; would you be throwing away this baggie and deleting Morris' number if I wasn't leaving you because of it?"
"Yes," he croaked immediately.
You took a deep breath of air, hurt written all over your face, "Love," you sighed desperately as a fresh wave of tears started streaming down your face, "you're lying again..." you sobbed, and put the baggie in the palm of his hand and folded his fingers around it.
"I'm flushing it," he croaked.
"Do whatever you want," you whispered and looked him in the eye, "We're not together anymore. I'm done - it's over,” you said as you slowly turned around and started walking away from him.
“No, no, no! Please come back!”
“No Rafa… This time I'm serious,” you said before you started walking again.
This time, Rafa didn't run after you. He just watched you walk further and further away from him as your hands dried the tears off of your face every two seconds. He imagined you stopping, imagined the hurt look you'd send him. How he'd run over to you and take you in his arms. Imagined how he'd apologise and you'd both hug and cry and kiss it out. But you didn't stop. You didn't send him any look at all. And he didn’t run to you, he was glued to the pavement.
He stood as if frozen in time and looked after you even long after you'd disappeared around the corner. Suddenly, however, he noticed that he was still clutching the baggie in his closed fist. Slowly, he opened the palm to reveal the beautiful mother-of-pearl-coloured powder. He contemplated dropping it down the gutter next to him. It would all be so easy.
But instead, he closed his fingers around it and pocketed it right above his broken heart. It would help relieve the terrible thunder that he felt rolling over him. It brought along a storm of emotions. A hurricane of regrets. And he was desperate to get high.
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witchygagirlwrites · 3 years
Best Friend (Part 2/3)
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you and Kevin are best friends but when you start to fall for him you start pulling away until a life threatening situation urges you to confess how you feel
An alarm ripped through the firehouse before you heard Casey's voice "STRUCTURAL FIRE AT AN APARTMENT BUILDING. MULTIPLE INJURIES. LETS MOVE PEOPLE"
You grabbed your jacket and ran behind Brett to your rig and just slammed the door shut as she pulled out onto the road.
At the same time you were responding to the call the intelligence was getting a notification saying it fit the m.o. of the arsonist they'd been after for the last two weeks.
"Now remember this isn't officially our scene until they have it cleared but let's roll out alot of these sickos like sticking around to watch their handy work we may hit it lucky and catch this asshole" Hank barked out as everyone grabbed their jackets and headed for the stairs.
You were working through the triage area another Gabby had set up upon arriving to the scene.
So far the worse injury you'd seen was a broken femur. There was lots of cuts and luckily low degree burns but so far it was looking as if everyone had gotten out unscathed until a man around your age approached you.
He was wearing a ups uniform so it was clear he'd probably heard the news and headed straight here. You figured it would be a simple case of finding out the name of his loved ones and pointing him towards which tent.
"Sir can I help you?" You asked and he nodded "My wife Jessica she's uh she's eight months pregnant. She was on bed rest where is she? We live in two fifteen"
You felt your heart skip a beat at his words. You had walked every inch of the traige area and hadn't seen a pregnant woman. "Sir can you just have a seat right here" you spoke keeping your voice calm from years of training it.
Her eyes widened as she shook her head "I'll go talk to him. You go tell Casey we've got someone still inside"
You grabbed one of the bags out her rig that held a scba mask and fire blanket and threw it over your shoulder as you ran to where you'd last seen Matt.
You spotted Kelly first and hollered "SEVERIDE!"  He turned towards you so you told him "There's a woman eight months along inside. Apartment two fifteen" he nodded and headed back in calling across his radio.
You started back towards triage but heard a clanking noise like someone hitting on pipes and it occured to you these buildings had multiple emergency exits. She could be trapped and by the time you got one of the guys out to her it could be too late from smoke inhalation alone.
You pulled your radio from your side and tuned it to the channel they used to communicate inside "Um fellas I think i may have heard something near the north west corner"
A few moments passed and you heard the clanking again and no one had responded. Your only thought was a pregnant woman dying because you didn't do anything so without thinking of your own safety you headed in the direction of the noise carefully stepping over boards that had fallen from the fire burning two stories up.
"CALL OUT!" you hollered and heard a weak "I'm here!" and followed it. You pulled the scba mask out and put it over your face because the smoke was already to the point of making tears spring to your eyes.
Meanwhile the scene two blocks from the fire was one of madness. Antonio had spotted the guy as soon as he parked his car and alerted the rest of the unit who eventually caught him after a foot chase.
Antonio, Hank and Al headed back to the station while everyone else continued to the fire to see if they could possibly help.
Time Kevin stepped out the car he spotted Brett and immediately looked for you as he walked towards her. When she looked up he smiled and pointed around "Where's my girl?"
Brett looked around then hollered at Gabby asking where you had ended up.
Gabby shrugged that she didn't know then spotted Casey walking out the building and asked him if he talked to you or if they'd found the pregnant woman. When the answer to both was a no the entire scene went into a panic.
You carefully picked your way towards the sound of the plea for help and spotted legs pinned under a beam. You followed them and said a silent prayer at discovering her stomach was untouched.
You leaned down so she could see you and smiled "Jessica? Your husband is worried about you" she started crying at seeing she wasn't alone then started coughing. You immediately ripped the mask off yourself and helped her put it on then spread the fire blanket over her. "I'm gonna try to move these beams just stay still ok?" She nodded so you moved down to her legs where they were pinned.
You pulled the radio from your side and tried the line again "Fellas I'm in the north west corner near the rear emergency exit I've got a trapped female late twenties in her eight month. I need some help"
When no response came you groaned and slid it back on your side before deciding to try the beams.
You squatted down to get a good grip ignoring the burning starting in your lungs and how the heat was licking up your shoulders telling you the fire was getting close to where the two of you were.
You tried with everything you had but it only moved a couple inches no where near far enough to get her free.
You eased it back down and moved up to her side to access any other wounds. You asked questions around coughing and she nodded yes or no.
From what you could tell at least one of her legs were broken but the baby was moving at least.
There had been no noise from your radio so you tuned back to the line Gabby and Brett would hear and tried "Dawson, Brett. Get the boys. I'm trapped in the North West corner near the rear fire exit. I found the pregnant woman. Her legs are pinned and I'm guessing from the heat the fire is working towards us"
Everyone went silent when Gabby yelled across "SHUT THE HELL UP!" and raised her radio so they could hear your voice. You were already gasping between each word from the smoke and warning the fire was headed your way which it was. She also knew you'd die before you left someone injured.
Kevin felt his heart drop hearing your voice. You tried to keep it strong but the way it broke at the end giving way to a cough felt like someone had punched him in the gut.
Casey started barking out orders to the men to keep the fire pushed back from where you were then hollered for Kelly "Severide! You're with me" Kelly ran to his side and he looked back at Gabby "Keep her talking. We'll get to her"
You had laid the radio down next to Jessica's legs and tried again to free them but it was to avail. If no one came you would both die. The burning in your lungs was getting worse and breathing was more of a task but Jessica was pregnant. There was no way you were taking the mask from her.
You were struggling to get enough air in your lungs as the surrounding area got even thicker in smoke clouding everything but Jessica from your line of view.
Suddenly the radio crackled and of all people you heard Kevin's voice come through "Sweetheart hasn't Otis told you if you wanted to play fireman you needed more training?"
You cracked a small smile and got enough smokey air into your lungs to say "Well you know me always the impatient one"
A wave of nausea hit you along with what felt like the start of a migraine and you had treated  inhalation victims enough to know it was officially setting in.
"Well just slow down. Severide and Casey are coming to you. The rest of the crew is working to keep the fire back" you nodded knowing he couldn't see you and moved up to check on Jessica. She was alert and staying calm like you'd asked. When you asked how her breathing was she nodded and focused on the breaths like you told her.
"Kev the smoke is getting really bad" you admitted breaking a little when you started counting in your head the amount of minutes you'd been in here hoping you'd gotten that mask on Jessica before the smoke got too much on her and the baby and knowing if they didn't get here soon the smoke could kill before the fire had a chance.
The sound of what you knew was more portions of the building collapsing ran through the space and you worried what would happen if enough fell to block the two of you from rescue.
Kevin held the radio to his forehead taking a few deep breaths before trying to talk again. Your voice was getting a hoarseness to it Gabby said wasn't good.
He knew you well enough to know you were scared. Whether for yourself, the pregnant woman in your care or both of you he wasn't sure but he knew if you were scared it was bad.
"Kevin can you keep her talking?" Gabby asked and he nodded she added "Ask her about the pregnant woman keep her mind on something else"
Before he could hit the button on the radio to talk to you again a loud crack was heard followed by Otis shouting about the fire trying to break through.
He shook his head to keep his attention fully on you instead of the insanity of the scene "Sweetheart Gabby said how's your patient doing?"
You were barely holding onto consciousness at the moment when Kevin's voice cracked across the radio again. Him asking how Jessica was stirred you enough that you crawled from where you'd been squatting at her feet up to her face.
Soot was covering the mask so you wiped it off and saw her eyes were wide but she was doing the breaths you'd showed her "How ya doing?" You asked grimacing at your own voice. "I'm scared" she finally admitted.
You leaned down closer to her and whispered "I am too but we just gotta hold tight"
She nodded and laid a hand on her belly. You followed it with your eyes and saw what was probably a foot moving back and forth across her belly and smiled weakly.
You pulled the radio up to your mouth and hit the button "She's holding tight"
Kevin smiled when he heard your voice again. It was the best sound in the world and he just had to keep you going just a little longer. Kelly and Casey had reported they were almost to you but portions of the roof had collapsed barring their way.
"How bout you? How you doing?" He asked into the radio praying to anything listening that the firemen would get through to you in time.
"Chest hurts like hell" you breathed and he cut his eyes at Brett who mouthed "Smoke inhalation" and felt his stomach flip.
"Well how about I talk and you can just listen and let me know you're there ok?" He offered and Brett nodded that it was ok to go that route.
You were checking Jessica's pulse trying to make sure her heart was beating where it should. When you were sure it was you spoke into the radio "You always did like to talk Kev" and had to block your mouth in your arm to keep the cough from gagging you.
He hesitated and said "Well you can't run from me now how's about you tell me why you been avoiding me? Do my breath smell bad or something?"
You almost laughed "Naw Kev you smell fine. I might not right now"
You leaned over on the wall close to Jessica's head keeping a hand on her pulse at all times.  "Well baby why then I miss you this is the longest we've talked in a while"
"Hard to explain Kev" you answered and leaned your bed back listening for any clue the boys were getting closer to the two of you.
"Three more minutes Kev. That's all we need" Gabby whispered in his ear and he nodded.
He stepped away from everyone else to clear his own head. He had to keep his attention solely on you and only you. "Try me. I'm understanding and I know when Kelly and Casey get to you. You're gonna come out in boss mode ready to handle any and all injured out here and won't have time to talk to me till later"
You looked down at Jessica who was fighting to keep her eyes opened and shook her gently. She was breathing for two and even with the mask the smoke was getting to be too much. She opened her eyes and looked up at you "Who's on the radio?" "My friend" you answered and she nodded "Sounds as worried as my husband would be"
You knew another few minutes you would lose consciousness then Jessica would be right after you. You'd been breathing pure smoke for too long and god help if you passed out then her body decided the trauma was too much and her water broke.
"Kev I care about you so much" by this point you'd basically pulled Jessica's head into your lap. "I care about you too sweetheart" he answered quickly and you started coughing again using your arm to block it from Jessica.
Your eyes were drawn up and what you saw made your eyes widen. There was a large section of the floor overhead barely holding on. If a good gust of wind whipped through it would fall directly on top of the two of you.
You handed Jessica the radio and pointed up "I gotta try to move you. At least a little so hold onto the radio ok?" She nodded so you squatted again trying to use the wall as momentum to get her moved and smiled when the beam shifted enough you were able to get her legs free this time.
She cried out in pain and you saw her leg was twisted at the opposite angle it should be. You pulled her back a few more inches and moved down to check her lower half.
As far as you could find there was no open wounds. You had her free but there was no way you could get her out. You were too weak.
"Kev tell em I got her free" you breathed across the radio half collapsing next to her as you tried to get a breath that didn't burn.
"SHE GOT HER FREE" Kevin hollered across to Hermman who reiterated across the radio.
Kevin's desperation cut through the air bringing you back to the bit of consciousness you were clinging to. Jessica had turned her head to look at you but she couldn't get up because of her leg and you just felt too weak.
"You're doing great baby. Kelly got one more wall to get through and they'll be at you. Talk to me" he tried and when you didn't respond he felt his knees weaken "COME ON SWEETHEART ANSWER ME!"
"I love you kev. You need to know that" you spoke weakly into the radio right before you spotted a chunk of roof coming down headed for Jessica and dove blocking her face and chest with your body and felt darkness wash over you.
Kevin was dumbfounded. You just told him you loved him but was it how he loved you? Was it how he felt like he wasn't himself when the two of you didn't talk, was it how when he was with you he felt. Was it how he was standing there feeling completely helpless watching this burning burn knowing you were trapped inside?
Before he could respond to you Hermman hollered "EMTS GET READY THEY'RE COMING OUT!"
Kevin saw Casey first carrying a body and it was apparent from the bump that was the pregnant woman you'd went in after.
A man wearing a ups uniform ran forward as she was being loaded onto a gurney "Is she ok?" The woman ripped the scba mask off and pulled her husband into a hug "She saved me"
The woman was quickly loaded into another ambo that peeled out for med but Gabby and Slyvie were waiting on you. Kelly walked out with you in his arms. "DAWSON, BRETT SHE'S HURT AND NOT BREATHING"
Once he was clear of the building he laid you down and started cpr while Slyvie and Gabby ran forward.
Kevin hadn't realized he was moving until he felt Jay and Adam both grab him. "stay back man let them work" Adam pleaded but he couldn't. You were laying bleeding from the back of your head and you weren't breathing. He loved you more than just about anything in this world and now he wouldn't have the chance to tell you.
Otis and Hermman both joined the efforts to try to hold Kevin back. His eyes were glued to your still form and he felt his knees buckle out from underneath him when he heard Gabby holler "WE'RE LOSING HER"
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Desperate Dream
Drew McIntyre 
Be realistic.
Tags:  @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @colbynatorsforlife
I’m back baby!... Kinda....
I turned in the bed again, waiting for an alarm I knew would come too soon. I felt the sick feeling of hollow rise in my chest, the crispy sheets felt too clean. Too cold. I open my eyes to the disgustingly bland room, who knows what hotel at this point. They all look the same. I turn to my phone, just as empty of notifications as I am of the will to rise and get the day started. The past few months would do that to anyone.
“God he drives me crazy.” I smile at Sasha. She winks and continues to scroll on her phone as Drew enters catering. While I was not the hottest star on the roster (being looks or with the audience) I always managed to keep a warm temperature around the Scottsman.
He walks with the kind of swagger you would expect from the current champion, despite him not currently having anything decorative adorning his waist. His usually unkept hair had been tied back as he picked an apple from the pile on the food table. At this point I felt myself heat in the cheeks, it would not look good to have someone like me staring at a man so openly. A married man. I frowned and picked at my now cool pasta in front of me.
Sasha leant across and caught my eye “You know… People are saying it’s not going well.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Drew, I mean… He hasn’t gone back to Scotland, in maybe, months?” I blanked at this information. I had noticed Drew was around a lot more, I just guessed they were gearing up to finally give him a title and he needed to prove commitment. The company had always been a bit archaic like that. “Probably warming up for the title Sash, he’s getting awfully close.” I pulled the corner of my mouth down. It wasn’t like Sasha to encourage a friend into doing something bad; she was the voice of reason.
She leant back and said “I know, but...” she flipped up her phone and went back to scrolling “Management told everyone they’re free to proceed however they need to, Heyman said he’s stayed voluntarily. The call for Drew as next champ was made months ago.” Now this was new. Sasha herself was in contention for the
Raw title, it would make sense that she had this knowledge… But the idea that Drew would go months without going home hinted at something else. Superstars always went home when they could. I did occasionally, but I had no one to go back to. Didn’t sting to be away when no one noticed you were gone. I was snapped out of my musing by the rather handsome man. “Is this seat taken, ladies?” Sasha shook her head and gestured to the chair and I smiled at him, feeling heat rise in my cheeks again.
He sat fluidly and brought tonight’s matchlist in front of him, I hadn’t even seen him holding it. “Uh, hey Drew- do you know what-” I began nervously and he cut me off without even looking up “Four” I smiled tightly and looked back down. “I better get going” I rose and went to take the pasta to the bin. “God luck!” I turned to see Drew had looked up from the sheet and was smiling widely at me.
How did he know my name?
I rolled to one side of the bed and back again. The idea that soon I wouldn’t have anything but memories made me sad, so sad. But what could I expect? It was nothing more than I deserved.
Drew’s shoulder brushed mine in the small booth, we were both laughing at Bayley dragging a terrified Kevin Owens towards the dance floor. He leant back in his place while I went to grab a drink from the centre of the table. As I turned back to check where I was sitting I noticed where Drew’s eyes were. I sat back, coincidently my back was now near Drew’s outstretched arm over the booth.
I felt this sudden urge to lean into Drew, and the room got hotter. I heard him clear his throat. “You’ve been doing well lass, makin waves.” I turned to him as he spoke and raised my brows. While it was true, I was slowly making my way up the ranks, it was a shock that Drew paid any attention to it. We weren’t in the same groups of friends, it wasn’t common that people ventured past their immediate friends. “Well, I could say the same to you Mr Number One!” I smiled back to him, happy that my work had been recognised. He shook his head and smiled. My heart could’ve stopped right there and then.
I smiled at the mirror across from the bed, lost in the memory of the night. Remembered being so struck by his smile, the way his eyes crinkled and the blue hues in his irises seemed to jump. I could understand how so many of his fans had fallen for him so quickly. I had been all too keen to throw myself at his feet.
His tongue was hot and heavy against my throat, licking a trail from the base all the way to my ear. I couldn’t help but squirm, it felt so wrong to have such an exposed part of me clear with his mark. If someone walked past they could see the wet mess I had too quickly become at the short work Drew had made of me. His hands wound my waist and I found myself trembling, the sheer power of the man. Trying to get my own back, I snaked my hand into his hair and pulled sharply- in turn pulling him from my neck. Drew growled and pushed his hips into me, pushing me against the wall further. “Drew, room!” I managed to gasp at him, and we soon both fell through the door.
“Are you sure ya don’t wanna continue in the hall? I could take you right there, how many men would be jealous?” I hummed under his praise, really anything that came from his mouth I was here for. The door slammed shut and his ripped at my clothes, I was getting annoyed at how they clung to me. He grunted and one of the buttons on my shirt pinged across the room. We moved to the bed and he licked down my neck, biting at the base and pushing his hips into mine.
I gasped his name to the ceiling; my prayer was heard when Drew took the rest of his clothing off. I kissed his cheeks and his beard burned under my lips. I knew this was a lust fuelled night, but I would take the adoration and these moments to fuel the idea of an us later. He chuckled and his hands found my hips, pulling me to him before moving me further up the bed.
I scrambled backwards and stilled as arms landed either side of my head. I found his eyes and kept contact, winding my legs open and around his midsection. I wasn’t sure how long this would go, before he realised the mistake, before he became sober- before my head found it’s way back to being on top of my shoulders. I couldn’t stop now, not knowing full well I could have felt him.
We both stopped and he lowered his head slightly, lips brushing mine. “Are ya sure?” He whispered to me I nodded and again refused to blink, scared to break whatever this was. I was already too wet, too worked up from the idea. He slid in far too easily and I moaned at how filthy it was. “This all for me?” I nodded again and licked at his neck. I suppose I could at least act like just having his hands on me was enough to fuel orgasms later on. After a few strokes, I could hear myself along him and Drew was grunting. I couldn’t have this over so soon.
My hand snaked between us, I needed to hear him, needed him to use me. I needed to make this impossible to forget. He grinned at me, thinking I was going for my clit. I smirked back. “Ah fuck, yer fucking-” his neck strained as I used my index and middle finger around his cock to squeeze him as he pulled out. He strained and stuttered into me a few times and I felt him pulse. I began to rub my clit and used the moisture from his cock to assist me. Drew was whispering things in my ear that I couldn’t hear. He’s fucking me, this is really happening, Drew is splitting me open. I couldn’t hear anything past my thought. I panicked and arched off the bed, cumming so hard it might have actually been leaking from me. Drew was moaning and began to protest when I pushed him off of me. I turned on my knees, spread my legs and wagged at him.
“Fuck, that’s how I like it baby.”
I bit my lip as he slipped in again, and I knew from the tempo he wasn’t going to last for too long. I snuck my hand down again to squeeze him and he grunted, thoroughly shoving me through the bed as he came inside me. I squeezed around him and sighed.
I had been stupid. So unbelievably stupid that night. And the many nights that followed. Each time Drew knocked, I had been on my knees waiting for him. Work had been no different for us, no real interaction… But Jesus. After school curriculum would take all night learning how to make each other sing.
That didn’t stop the worst part. It was easy to ignore the guilt and feelings of pure loathing when we were in the act. But the nights where we wouldn’t be together, the nights I would go home, he had press… Or he went home… I didn’t eat, or maybe I ate too much… Or was it that I drunk too much? I couldn’t remember the last time we had been separated. My life outside work was being drained by a man that wouldn’t look twice at work.
Sasha had been the one to spot it. I no longer looked when Drew entered the room, I knew the head would be between my legs later that night. She only looked at me and dragged me to a closet in the stadium we were in that night. “Look, I don’t know and I don’t need to know. You need to get your head in the game. Whatever has happened or is happening, you need to stop this. I don’t remember the last time we hung, the last time you were at the PC...” She shrugged and looked away. “People are talking. Of course I’m defending you, but please know that this is not worth it.” I looked at her, for the first time. I nodded… “I’m sorry Sash.” I chocked the words out and she hugged me, letting my cry into her shoulder.
Where did I think this was going? That we would just start skipping through work holding hands? So I asked. I spoke, I asked him what we were doing. It was hopeless, he gave me a demonstration that ended the conversation before it even started.
It was getting closer, there was more talk backstage. Drew was going to take the championship and run the company for the red brand. I was happy for him but… I had a decision to make. I think I had already made it when I never actually had a conversation about what we were doing. There was still a ring on his finger at press. As it loomed closer, his wife came over to see it happen live. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. Not that she shouldn’t be there, she had every right. It was me that didn’t deserve to be there. I looked at her, so beautiful with brown locks and a glow around her that a happy wife always has.
I didn’t sleep for two nights after.
I wasn’t sure how I could live with myself, for being so selfish. For believing rumours about someone’s marriage. Never going to the source.
Be realistic, be realistic. It was never going to happen, it was nothing more than sex when his wife wasn’t there. Be realistic.
Hunter was not overly against my leaving. I gave him reasons like not being on TV and taking spots for others that deserved it more. I knew he saw through it. But he at least respected me enough to pretend to believe it. Be realistic I whisper…
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Lie Detector - Colby Brock x Reader (self-love issues)
“Mike! You’re next!” Sam yelled, Colby slapping him on the ass when he went to stand up.
“This is fucking terrifying” Mike laughed, his hands already sweating. You had recorded a few videos earlier but now you were just messing around. The lie detector operator slowly got him hooked up to the machine and your whole group started throwing questions at him.
“Which guy in the room would you date if you HAD to date one of them” you asked, Mike being one of your best friends, you loved messing with him. He looked around and considered his options.
“I can’t pick Kevin. He’s hung like a horse. I don’t think I could handle that” Mike quipped, everyone in the room busting out in laughter. “Honestly? I’d have to say Colby. It would be like having a pet cat. All you need to do is put on some good music, feed him, and give him cuddles.”
“Why is that so accurate?” Sam laughed.
“I’m offended you think Kevin has a bigger dick than me!” Colby dramatically argued.
“I don’t know! I’ve never seen your dick!” Mike laughed looking to you. “Is Colby hung like a horse or a cat?” He asked, expecting you to have an answer.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” You threw your arms up in defense.
“Wait, really?” Jake asked. “I thought you two were...well never mind then” he laughed. “I thought Colby had finally gotten the balls to...”
“Hey! Don’t insult my dick AND my balls!” Colby blushed and fake shoved Jake, not letting him finish his sentence.
Mike laughed “Can I be done with my turn?”
“Pick someone to go next” Sam told him.
“Y/n! Get your ass in the hot seat!” Mike called, your heart immediately starting to race.
“Do I have to?” You pleaded. “I’ll do anything not to be hooked up to that thing.”
“Don’t be a pussy!” Kevin called out.
“We all have to do it” Kat added.
“Fuuuuck.” You sat in the chair, trying to calm yourself.
“Okay, y/n. Who is the funniest person in the room?” Kevin asked.
“Mike. 100%.” You answered.
“True” everyone heard your answer confirmed by the lie detector operator.
“Awww, I feel all fuzzy inside” Mike said, making you laugh.
“Who is the most attractive” Sam asked.
“Everyone is attractive for different reasons” you argued.
“Fuck that, you have to pick” he argued.
“Colby” you answered, looking over at his cheeks turn pink.
Jake jumped right into the next question. “Would you sleep with anyone in this room?” He asked.
“No.” You answered, seeing a few confused faces.
“WHAT?” Kat stared at you. She knew you were in love with Colby, so she didn’t know how you managed to slide by on that one. “Hmmm...would you date anyone in this room?” She asked, trying to catch you in what she thought was a lie.
“No.” You answered confidently, seeing her mouth drop open.
“Damn. Either she’s a really good liar or she thinks we’re all gremlins” Kevin laughed.
“Am I done yet?” You asked, just wanting to get the fuck out of this apartment.
“One more” Mike said. “Would you rather LOOK happy and be wealthy and popular or BE happy and be poor and unknown.”
“I’d rather actually be happy” You answered.
“True” the operator said, moving to take the equipment off of you.
“Pick someone to go next” Sam reminded you.
“Colby” you answered, reaching for your bag and sliding on your shoes.
Colby stood up to head to the hot seat. “Where are you going?” He asked.
“I have to get going. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten” you answered, walking out the door and ignoring calls of your name.
Colby went to stand up, but he was already hooked up to the lie detector. “Is she alright?” He asked Kat.
“I think so.” She answered. “I’ll check on her in a little bit. I don’t want to bug her while she’s driving.”
“I’m mad I don’t get to ask you this in front of her, now” Jake smirked at Colby. “Are you in love?”
“No.” He answered.
“False” the lie detector operator said.
“Colbyyy” Jake said in a knowing voice.
“Yes” Colby sighed.
“Is the person here?” Sam continued.
“Not anymore” Colby looked towards the door with a sad look on his face.
“Why haven’t you asked y/n out?” Mike asked. “I honestly thought you guys were together.”
“You heard her. She doesn’t like me.” Colby answered, undoing the lie detector equipment himself. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Colby!” Kat ran after him. “I don’t know how she passed the lie detector, but I know she loves you. She’s told me. I’m just as confused as you are.”
“No one else got away with any lies, Kat.” Colby said, walking to his apartment and closing the door.
A full week had passed and nobody had heard from you. You had ignored messages, you had avoided social media, and you were definitely skipping Pizza Night tonight. The one thing you had done is listen to a voicemail that Colby had left you. And you regretted that.
“Hey, Y/n.” Colby sighed, already a few drinks in at Sam’s. “I know I haven’t seen you at all this week, but I still hoped I’d see you at Sam’s tonight. I know sometimes you just want to be alone and I’ve always respected that. I’m the same way, but come on...a week? Is the thought of me caring about you so fucking horrible? I don’t care if you don’t want to date me, but Jesus y/n...does our friendship not mean anything to you? You just left. Kat keeps trying to convince me you tricked that stupid machine but I know better than her. You aren’t a liar. That’s why you can’t answer my fucking phone calls.”
And with that, Colby hung up. He downed a few more shots and threw himself into the festivities that accompany Pizza Night.
“Colby, come on.” Mike was helping Sam by dragging Colby to his own apartment.
“I can walk on my own” he frowned at Mike.
“I know, buddy. I just wanted to walk with you.” Mike smiled over at him, knowing not to argue with a drunk friend.
“That’s so nice of you.” Colby smiled at Mike.
“You really went hard tonight” Mike teased him, setting Colby down on the edge of his own bed.
“Y/n hates me. Didn’t want to think about it anymore.” Colby answered, watching Mike take his shoes and socks off for him.
“Y/n doesn’t hate you.” Mike gave Colby a sad look.
“That’s what it feels like.” Colby answered. “It feels like the first time I convinced myself someone could maybe like me for me they ran away and deleted my number.”
“Colby, a lot of people like you for you.” Mike argued, helping him out of his jeans.
“Nope.” Colby insisted. “They like money, followers, parties, sex, popularity, attention...they like who I know...they like drama.” His ramble fizzled out.
“I’m offended.” Mike tried to lighten the mood, looking for a pair of sweatpants for Colby to wear. “I like you for your body and nowhere in there did you say anything about that.”
Colby genuinely chuckled at what Mike had said. “I don’t mean you. You’re my brother, brother. You’re one of the trusted few.”
“Glad to hear it.” Mike said, getting Colby into the sweatpants.
“You know the thought of asking her out terrified me.” Colby said.
“Why is that?” Mike asked, pulling Colby’s button up shirt off of his shoulders.
“Because she doesn’t need me, dude.” He said, letting Mike pull a t-shirt over his head and falling back on the bed. He snuggled into his bed and continued. “She doesn’t want more followers or fame or attention. She hates drama. She doesn’t let people buy her things or pay for her meals. I have nothing to offer her.”
Mike sat down on the bed next to Colby. “Isn’t that what we’re all looking for, though? We want to find someone who chooses us because they want to. Not because they need something.”
“Exactly.” Colby said, sadly. “And she didn’t choose me.”
Mike looked over at Colby and saw his eyes were closed. He pulled a blanket over his friend and left.
You heard banging on your door and flew out of bed to peek out your window. “Y/N! Let me the fuck in!” You heard Mike yell, followed closely by a “Sorry Mrs. Norris. I’ll be sure to watch my language from now on, I promise.”
You laughed a little, seeing the tiny elderly woman scolding Mike.
You opened the door and Mike walked straight in. “Come in, I guess?” You said, closing your door.
Mike sat on your counter, waiting for you to follow him. “What do I need to do to get you to talk to me? Do we need to get drunk? High? Go for a drive?” Mike asked, a blank expression on his face.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“I want to pick your brain apart, because the Y/n I know wouldn’t have let tonight go down like it did.” Mike hopped off your counter looking mad.
You backed away a step. “What happened? Is everyone okay?”
Mike humorlessly laughed. “You don’t get to know that, y/n. Wanna know why? Because you weren’t fucking there.”
“Mike, I can’t.” You said, feeling your eyes well with tears. You tried to keep them from spilling over. “Every time I’m around you guys, I start to let myself think I belong there. Every time Colby asks me about my day or follows me around or pulls me to sit by him...I’m not going to let myself fantasize about something I’m never going to have.”
“Y/n.” Mike said softly, pulling you into his arms. “Why do you think you can’t have it?”
“Because I can’t.” You stepped out of Mike’s arms and walked back towards your room.
“I know you care about Colby.” Mike said, following you. “Why didn’t the lie detector catch that? It makes zero sense.”
“I said I wouldn’t date anyone in the room.” You crawled into your bed. “If I refuse to date anyone ever, that applies to the people in the room, yes?”
“Fuuuuuck” Mike sighed. He sat on your bed next to where you were laying down. “Why are you so afraid to let him in?”
“I’m fine by myself. It’s safer alone.” You tried to halt your tears, taking a deep breath.
“Y/n, if you always take the safe road you’re going to miss out on so much.” He said, shaking his head. He knew you struggled with letting people in, but he didn’t think it fucked you up as much as it did.
“If I live my little life in my little apartment with my little goals…I don’t have to starve myself or compete with anyone else.” Word started flying out of your mouth with little permission from you. “I don’t have to be the prettiest or the skinniest or the one with the best skin. I don’t have to worry about having the person I love wish I looked more like that girl he met at a party or be afraid to show off their average girlfriend. I refuse to be someone’s regret, Mike. I’m not going to waste anyone’s time. I’m better off by myself and he’s better off just skipping me instead of stressing out about letting me down easy when the next girl comes along.”
The both of you were silent. You were cried out and Mike was heartbroken for you. “Colby got hammered tonight.” Mike sighed. “He told me he was terrified to tell you how he felt because he knows you don’t need him…so if that was your goal, your message was heard loud and clear.”
“He called me” you whispered.
“And?” Mike prodded.
“He’s really mad at me.” Your voice caught in your throat.
“He’s not mad, Y/n. He’s heartbroken.” Mike so wanted to fix this for the two of you. “You know he doesn’t let anyone in either? He doesn’t think anyone is going to love him for him. Those are his words.”
“Everyone loves him, Mike.” You said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“That’s what I said, but he made a good point.” Mike tried to explain. “He comes with a lot of things that people want more than him. Fame and money and bullshit. The good news is that he thinks that you’re different. The bad news is that he thinks you don’t care.”
“I care too much.” You said quietly into your pillow.
“Well at least have the balls to tell him that to his face because he tried letting you in and you left. And that’s not fair. You’re so worried about keeping yourself safe that you’re hurting everyone that cares about you. You broke both of your hearts in the process of trying not to break your own.” Mike stood to leave.
“Where is he?” you asked, sitting up.
“Alone.” Mike shook his head. “I left his apartment unlocked so that Sam and Kat can check on him.”
You pulled your phone out and listened to his voicemail for the 100th time. “Can you drive me over there?” you asked, looking for your shoes.
“Why do you think I’m here?” Mike laughed, chucking one of your flip flops at you.
When you got to Colby’s apartment, Mike went and laid down on the couch. He had planned on coming back and crashing there regardless of whether or not you came. You ditched your shoes and walked into Colby’s room. He was curled into a ball, laying on his side. The stuffed animal you always teased him for having tucked against his chest. “Colby” you said, sitting down on the side of his bed. “Colby, wake up.” When he didn’t budge, you shook his shoulder and pulled the stuffed Koala out of his grip.
“Mike, I just want to sleep.” He said, rolling over to the other side of the bed, facing the wall.
“I’m sorry” you said, moving to lay behind him. You slipped your arm around his waist and hugged him to your chest. “We can talk in the morning.”
“Y/n?” he asked, holding your arms tight against him but not rolling over to face you.
“I’m sorry, Colby.” You softly said, trying not to break down in tears again.
Colby started mumbling something that sounded like “This is a dream. It’s just a dream.”
“Do you want me to go?” you asked, moving to pull your arm back.
Colby held your arm tight to his chest. “This isn’t a dream?”
“No” you answered, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.
Colby turned over to face you, seeing your face wet with tears. “Why are you crying?” he asked, leaning in to clumsily press kisses to both of your cheeks.
“That shouldn’t be your first question when I’m the one that fucked this up so badly.” You said, closing your eyes. “I’m so sorry.” You tried to calm your sobs.
“Y/n, I love you. I’m not going to stop loving you just because you fucked something up once.” He said, slipping his arms around you. “Come here.”
You moved to lay against Colby’s side. “I love you too, you know.”
“I don’t know if I can let myself believe that.” He said, his breath stuttering like he was afraid to speak. “I’m terrified that the second I believe it you’re gonna leave again.”
You sat up a bit so you could look him in the eyes, your hand moving to caress his cheek. “Colby, I’m just as scared as you are. I’m so so sorry I let you think I didn’t love you.” You leaned down to connect your lips, feeling his move against yours. “I promise I won’t leave again.”
Colby rolled the two of you over, his face hovered above yours. “Y/n, don’t promise me something you don’t mean.”
You could feel his breath against your face, his soft blue eyes set on yours waiting for your answer. You gently set your hands on either side of his face, speaking softly. “Colby, I am so scared. And I’m probably going to freak out a few times because I stopped letting people in a long time ago…but I promise you, I won’t leave.”
Colby let his weight gently rest against you as he captured your lips in another kiss. “Thank you for coming back.” He said, adjusting his body down the bed so he could cuddle his face into your soft chest. “It’s okay if you freak out, y/n. As long as you let me, I’ll be there to help you every single time.”
“That’s a big job you’re applying for.” You softly laughed, running your fingers through his hair.
“So?” He replied. “It’s the most important one I’ve got.”
“How did I get so lucky?” you said, dumbfounded by his words.
“It’s not luck.” He mumbled, slowly falling closer to slumber. “You’re worth it…I love you.”
“I love you too, Colby.” You felt him snuggle just a bit closer. “So much.”
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Heathers | Sweet Pea
A/N: part four! 
Act one - Act two - Act three 
Words: 2984
Pairing: Sweet Pea x reader
Warnings: angst, cursing, mention of sex 
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Act four: Dead Girl Walking
A small gasp is heard from behind me as I stand in Sweet Pea’s kitchen, getting breakfast ready for Jordan. When I turn around, he’s exactly who’s standing behind me. I smile at him as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. “Good morning, Jordan,” I say and push him off me gently to lead him towards the kitchen. “Eat whatever you like and then Sweet Pea will get you to school.” The boy nods and digs into the breakfast spread I’d made. For a while, the three of us eat in silence. I ask Jordan some questions about school every now and again, but other than that, I just let him eat. After breakfast, I go to school while Sweet Pea goes to drop Jordan off at Southside Elementary. I only see him again at the Heathers rehearsals since we don’t have any classes together. “Y/N!” Kevin exclaims, making me jump a little, “Ready for Dead Girl Walking?” he asks, and I almost choke on my water. We had only done the song during the first week when exploring the music, but we hadn’t done any choreography or tried to stage it. But apparently, Kevin wants us to do that now. “Uhm, yeah, I think so…” I trail off and glance up at Sweet Pea. He has the same exact expression on his face. This scene is basically Veronica and JD having sex on stage. But like kind of PG-13. “Cool, let’s go!” Kevin claps his hands before he and Evelyn go to sit down in their directors’ chairs. “The demon queen of high school has decreed it She says Monday, 8am I will be deleted They'll hunt me down in study hall Stuff and mount me on the wall Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?” At first, I stand a little stiff at the front of the stage, but then I begin to move to the other side of the stage, getting more into the song as I go. “I don't have to stay and die like cattle I could change my name and ride up to Seattle But I don't own a motorbike Wait,” I point to Sweet Pea, who’s lying on the floor, pretending to be asleep, just as the script says he has to, “here's an option that I like” “Spend these thirty hours getting freaky! Yeah! I need it hard I'm a dead girl walking! I'm in your yard I'm a dead girl walking! Before they punch my clock I'm snapping off your window lock Got no time to knock!” I walk up to Sweet Pea as if I’d just gone through his window and into his bedroom. “I'm a dead girl walking...” "Veronica! What're you doing in my room?" Sweet Pea gets up, pretending to be confused. He seems to be a little more relaxed all of a sudden. But then his eyes widen as place my finger on his mouth. "Shh... Sorry but I really had to wake you See, I decided I must ride you 'til I break you 'Cause Heather says I gots to go You're my last meal on death row Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys! Come on! He walks closer towards me and grabs me by my waist the same way he did last night.   “Tonight I'm yours I'm your dead girl walking! Get on all fours! Kiss this dead girl walking!” I push his shoulders, so he kneels down on all fours and discard myself of my blue blazer. “Let's go, you know the drill I'm hot and pissed and on the pill Bow down to the will— Of a dead girl walking!” Kneeling down to be on the same eye-level as him, while pointing at his chest, I move on to the next verse which is suddenly less aggressive and more vulnerable, which I love most about the song. “And you know, you know, you know It's 'cause you're beautiful You say you're numb inside But I can't agree So the world's unfair Keep it locked out there In here it's beautiful Let's make this beautiful!” "That works for me." Sweet Pea says with a shrug and suddenly kisses me hard. I know we’re just acting, but I still feel that fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach the same way I did when I kissed Reggie back in the day. He pulls me closer until I’m straddling him completely. “YEAH! Full steam ahead Take this dead girl walking!” I sit on his lap comfortable as if I’d never done anything else in my life. "How'd you find my address?" “Let's break the bed! Rock this dead girl walking!” "I think you tore my mattress!" The music slows again and I let my voice go with it, sounding more sultry and teasing. “No sleep tonight for you Better chug that Mountain Dew!” "Okay, okay" Then the music grows again and so does my voice. “Get your ass in gear Make this whole town disappear” "Okay, okay!" “Slap me, pull my hair” I slap him, grab his hand and place it in my hair, then grab his other and place it on my boob. He then takes the lead and places his other hand on my other boob, ripping open my shirt to reveal my Veronica-blue bra. “Touch me There and there and there And no more talking! Whoa! Love this dead girl walking!” “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, yeah, yeah” “Love this dead girl” “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, wait, wait” “Walking!” “Love this dead girl! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” "Ow!" “Yeah!” We both end the high note perfectly and the music stops. Sweet Pea’s panting beneath me, and I need to catch my breath too. For a moment, I think we’re the only ones here since there’s no interrupting applause. I tear my eyes away from Sweet Pea to look at the directors and the other actors, whom are all staring at us with wide eyes and open mouths. None of them had expected this. “That was…” Kevin starts, then looks at Evelyn, “Steamy… Uhm… Sweet Pea, maybe next time, leave her shirt closed?” I look down to see my bra exposed and quickly tug the white shirt closed. “I liked it,” Reggie comments with a gross smirk on his face that I would like to punch off. “Why, Reg? Because you couldn’t even get me this far?” I spit out as I get up from Sweet Pea and begin buttoning up my shirt. “We’ll keep it clean next time, Kev,” I say and walk off the stage. Truth is, I felt way too comfortable up there with Sweet Pea doing that scene. I know now that I’m in love with the guy and I can’t let that happen. All this is, is acting. We’re playing a part. Just a messed-up couple in love. Just because we’ve got given that role, doesn’t mean we need to play the part in real life too. I don’t have to fall in love with Sweet Pea. And I shouldn’t fall in love with Sweet Pea. “Hey, you okay? I’m sorry I did that. I probably shouldn’t have…” the tall Serpent’s voice sounds from behind me. I sigh deeply before turning around. “Nope, you probably shouldn’t have. That wasn’t scripted and this show is supposed to be PG-13 or at least in this school it is, apparently.” I groan, mostly at myself for letting myself come this far. I push past him to get back to the stage where we’re about to rehearse Shine a Light with Alice Cooper – who’s playing miss Fleming – for the first time ever. “Are we still on for rehearsing tonight?” he asks, yelling after me. I turn around but keep walking backwards. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Pea. I’m sorry.” I turn around before I can see his reaction to my cancelation of plans and join the others again. I honestly want to go to his place to rehearse tonight, but I just think I’ll kiss him instead of rehearsing. And by kiss him, I mean kiss him as me, Y/N Y/L/N, not as Veronica Sawyer.
“Last bit for today, then you’re off for today,” Evelyn announces after an hour of rehearsing other songs. We’ve done pretty much everything but Dead Girl Walking again and Meant to Be Yours. “Let’s do the reprise of Dead Girl Walking, I am Damaged and Seventeen reprise back to back without a break.” For which I need to be on stage all the time. And Sweet Pea and I have a fight sequence in there too, choreographed by Toni Topaz and ourselves. I breathe in a couple of times, shaking off any anxiety I’m feeling to be doing a scene with Sweet Pea again. I haven’t been able to shake the feeling he gave me when we were practically making out on stage a good hour ago. Then, the music starts. “I wanted someone strong who could protect me I let his anger fester and infect me His solution is a lie No one here deserves to die Except for me and the monster I created Yeah! Yeah! Heads up, J.D., I'm a dead girl walking! Can't hide from me, I'm a dead girl walking! And there's your final bell” I point upwards as if motioning to a real school bell whilst the sound of said bell is heard. “It's one more dance and then farewell Cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walkin'!” “Come on, Westerberg! Here we go, here we go now!” Veronica squeals excitedly, dressed in her Westerberg cheerleading outfit. I bump into Alice Cooper and she mocks surprise and shock whilst saying, “Veronica! Jason Dean told me you'd just committed suicide!” “Yeah, well, he's wrong about a lot of things,” I say with an annoyed tone in my voice. “Oh, well, I threw together a lovely tribute, especially considering the short notice...” Ms. Fleming states braggingly. Completely ignoring her, I ask her, “Ms. Fleming, what's under the gym?” “The boiler room.” I point to her as if a brilliant idea had just entered my mind, “That's it!” I exclaim and turn around from Alice Cooper. “Veronica, what's going on?” “Got no time to talk, I'm a dead girl walking!” I then begin singing the song again while the Westerberg students at the Pep Rally cheer onto the Rottweilers football team. “Hey yo, Westerberg! Hey yo, Westerberg! Tell me what's that sound? Here comes Westerberg Comin' to put you in the ground! Go go, Westerberg! Give a great big yell! Westerberg will knock you out And send you straight to hell!” I walk up to Sweet Pea who’s fumbling around with the fake bomb. “A Norwegian in the boiler room, just like your dad,” I say softly, and watch him as he chuckles before turning his head to me. “And here I thought you’d lost your taste for faking suicides.” “Step away from the bomb,” I then say sternly, making him look up at me with a smirk tugging at his lips. He now completely turns around, taking a prop gun out of his trench coat. He doesn’t point it at me, he just holds it by his side. “This little thing?” He points at the bomb attached to the fake lockers, “I'd hardly call this a bomb. This is just to trigger the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym. Those are bombs. People are gonna see the ashes of Westerberg High School and they're gonna think 'there's a school that self-destructed not because society doesn't care but because that school was society'. The only place that Heathers and Marthas can get along is in Heaven!” There’s something hot about Sweet Pea pretending to have completely lost his mind. “I wish your mom had been a little stronger” Sweet Pea then ad libs, “Don’t talk about my mom!” “I wish she stayed around a little longer” “Stop!” “I wish your dad were good! I wish grown-ups understood! I wish we’d met before They convinced you life is war! I wish you'd come with me—" “I wish I had more TNT!” Sweet Pea yells manically. I groan annoyed and begin reaching for the gun he'd taken out, but he keeps pushing me away and we’re running around one another like some crazy baboons. In the meanwhile, the other students at Westerberg sing the rest of the song.   “Hey yo, Westerberg! Hey yo, Westerberg! Tell me what's that sound? Here comes Westerberg Comin' to put you in the ground! Go go, Westerberg! Give a great big yell! Westerberg will knock you out And send you straight to…” I’d managed to grab the gun from him and shot him in the arm. I gasp at my own antics as a tear rolls down my cheek. I’m not entirely sure if it’s a real tear or if I’m fake-crying – I’ve gotten pretty good at that – but considering the condition my mind is in, it might be an actual tear. Sweet Pea holds onto his arm with one hand whilst grabbing the fake bomb with his other, and leaps into the next song. “I am damaged Far too damaged But you're not beyond repair Stick around here Make things better 'Cause you beat me fair and square Please stand back now” I step back, still choking back tears and wiping at the ones that do escape. “Little further I take another step. Sweet Pea’s eyes meet mine, and for a second, I think he’s asking me if I’m alright. As if he can tell I’m really crying instead of acting. “Don't know what this thing will do I hope you miss me Wish you'd kiss me Then you'd know I worship you I'll trade my life for yours” “Oh my god...” I sing, Veronica finally catching on what’s about to happen. “And once I disappear” “Wait, hold on!” My singing overlaps his, making this vocal crossing. I love a good vocal crossing. “Clean up the mess down here!” “Not this way!” “Our love is God Our love is God Our love is God Our love is God” Veronica Sawyer finally accepts their fate, and bring out a soft, “Say hi to God” before the sound effect of a bomb going off sounds through the auditorium, making me jump a little bit. This is where the lights would go out and the students of Westerberg high are back on stage as I’m off, and come back a few seconds later, coughing and limping. “Where have you been? Ms. Fleming told us you killed yourself!” Veronica exclaims when she sees me. She genuinely sounds worried. “You look like hell!” Betty muses, looking at me in disgust. “Yeah? I just got back,” I retort, and then reach for the red scrunchie Betty now has in her hair. “Veronica, what are you doing?” she asks as I face the crowd and hold up the red scrunchie that’s considered a crown at Westerberg High. “Listen up folks War is over Brand new sheriff's come to town” I tie my hair up in a low pony with the scrunchie, signaling that Veronica Sawyer is now the brand new sheriff. “We're all damaged, we're all frightened, we're all freaks but that's alright We'll endure it, we'll survive it,” I then look at Jodie, who had driven up the stage with her cool scooter after her accident as Martha. “Martha are you free tonight?” “What?” she asks, hope displayed in her eyes. “My date for the pep rally kinda blew—me off… So, I thought if you weren’t doing anything tonight, we could pop some Jiffy Pop, rent some new releases, something with a happy ending…” “Are there any happy endings?” Jodie asks with a sad tone in her voice. I grab her hand in mine and start singing the next lines to her. “I can't promise no more Heathers, high school may not ever end, still I miss you, I'd be honored, if you'd let me be your friend.” Jodie smiles up at me, “My friend.” “We can be seventeen, we can learn how to chill, If no one loves me now, some day somebody will We can be seventeen, still time to make things right,” I reach my hand out to Heather McNamara, AKA Veronica Lodge. “One day we'll change the world, but let's kick back tonight” She hesitates, looking up at Betty first before determinedly taking my hand, even though Betty does want to stop her. We then leap back into a vocal crossing, the boys singing something different from the girls. “Let's go be seventeen, take off our clothes and dance,” / “You know, you know, you know, we can be beautiful” We all grab each other’s hands, making a line of kids that crosses the entire stage. Only Sweet Pea isn’t a part of this. He’s sitting in the crowd, looking at me and only me. We lock eyes as I continue to sing with the others. “Act like we're all still kids, cause this may be our final chance Always be seventeen, celebrate you and i, maybe we won't grow old” “And maybe then we'll never die,” the boys and girls harmonize again. “We'll make it beautiful; We'll make it beautiful.” We then start pumping our fist in the air with every ‘Beautiful’ that comes out of our mouths. “Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful” All of us end on the high note, all smiling, all happy we’re a part of this. I’m so glad I got to do this. The only thing I’m not glad about is what I’m feeling towards Sweet Pea. I need to find a way to forget about him. Forget any sparks I may have felt during our on-stage kiss or at Pop’s or at his trailer. I need to forget about him.
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amalee · 4 years
// Shoot your shot not hoops //
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff || college au || Basketball player au ||
Word count: 4.9k
Summary: His sole purpose was to win his final game this season, the one he’s been training far too long for. It would be so much more easier if his eyes weren’t searching for her in the crowd every five seconds.
A/N: I know nothing about basketball so please don’t come at me.
Tae: i hope you’re ready
Tae: i’m coming to pick your lazy ass up
Me: what makes you think I’m coming?
Me: i have hw to do
Tae: come on, tomorrow’s my last game and I want to spend it with my best friend
Me: guilt tripping me, nice
Seen at 8:55pm
You starred at your phone for a few seconds clicking the lock button afterward. Of course Taehyung would unexpectedly show up outside my apartment complex at midnight with no reason other then “I’m bored.” Your ringer had gone off startling you, displayed was Taehyung’s name. Picking up, you put him on speaker.
“We’re here, hurry and come out.” You heard him say. With a sigh you got out of your sofa and deciding that sweatpants and a hoodie were good enough to present outside.
“Yeah, okay I’ll-“
“I know you’re probably still on your bed or sofa so hurry your slow ass up.”
“Jesus Taehyung quit rushing me or I’ll really stay in tonight.” You said locking your door heading towards the elevator coming to an abrupt stop hearing another person laugh through the other side of the phone.
“God Taehyung, is Kevin Copeland in your car or something?” 
“Uh, no. But Jungkook’s with me if you were wondering. Also who’s Kevin Copeland?” He asked confused.
“It’s a White Chicks reference.” You trailed. After not hearing a response from him you continued. “You know what, never mind. I’ll be there in a bit.” You said hanging up before he could reply.
Standing near the parking lot waiting for Taehyung and Jungkook to show up you noticed Jungkook’s fancy car roll up as Taehyung rolled down the window, being met face to face the first time this whole day.
"Took you long enough.” He grumbled a bit annoyed, he sat in the passenger seat while Jungkook was the one the driving. Rolling your eyes at him you got in the car.
“I had to do homework to do Tae-“
“You know you really sound like a nerd right now.” Jungkook interrupted chuckling. He probably heard what I said over the phone about his laugh.
“At least I have the decency to finish someone else’s homework.” Glancing up at Taehyung you continued, “You need to quit sending me your homework tae unless you wanna fish it out from my trash later.” You replied hearing a quiet chuckle from Jungkook.
“Tell me Jungkook, are you...perhaps still afraid of girls?” Taehyung silently laughed, cupping his mouth with his hand avoiding Jungkook’s hard stare at him.
“What are you talking about nerd?” His thumb tapping on the steering wheel had stopped noticing how your eyes were starring at his hands.
“Anyways where you guys taking me?” You asked suddenly interested noticing it wasn’t the usual path to Denny’s or iHop but than again it was Jungkook driving not Taehyung.
“Denny’s.” Taehyung replied cooling down from his laughing fit he had a few minuets ago.
“Then why the hell are we going this way? There’s a Denny’s right there.” You pointed at the window but no one was looking that direction.
“Calm down nerd, there’s one with less people since that Denny's is always packed.” Jungkook replied.
“Quit calling me a nerd, you loser.” You sighed out crossing your arms together.
“Nerd.” Jungkook said looking at the rear view mirror waiting for you to react to his words a smug smile plastered on his face as if he were proud of what he said.
“Loser.” You scowled.
“Oh my god you two, shut up we’re here.” Taehyung interrupted peeling his eyes off his phone the familiar bright yellow sign displayed with the words ‘Denny’s' was seen.
Jungkook was right, this Denny’s was empty. There’s was only a couple customers and a few staff members seen.
“Order whatever you want, its not like any of you were willing to pay anyways.” Taehyung said eyes glued to the menu.
Your face beamed with excitement, “really?”
Taehyung slowly looked up at you with disgust as Jungkook smiled softly his eyes also glued to the menu as well.
“What are you smiling about loser?” It didn’t take Jungkook a while to reply back.
“I’m getting a free meal for Taehyung. Who wouldn’t be smiling at this?”
“Yeah, okay, whatever just don’t order too much, I’m really going broke guys.” Taehyung replied to Jungkook.
After a couple minutes passed you finally got your food. Jungkook ended up ordering the most as always.
“Are you not full? I’m dying from eating these pancakes.” I said gazing at Jungkook who continued to eat ignoring yours and Taehyung’s stare.
“Stop staring at me, it’s weird.” Jungkook finally spoke after a while, chewing slowly his cheeks puffed out from stuffing his food there. “Anyways I’m done.” He said throwing his head back stretching his arms in the air.
“Alright Taehyung, I know you want something from me, what is it?” You asked. This free meal means he defiantly wants something from you.
“What? I don’t want anything from you.” He lied, it was clear he was lying.
“Alright then, take me home loser.” standing up you waited for Jungkook and Taehyung to follow.
“Okay, okay, wait.” Taehyung panicked taking a hold of your arm preventing you from leaving.
“Can you wear my jersey?” He asked glancing up at me lips pursed together, he looks like he’s debating to continue talking.
“Is that all you wanted?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“And sit...with the cheerleaders?” He added.
“With the cheerleaders? I think not.”
“Please, you’re my best friend and I need the support,” his lips were out pouting, with a face of disgust you pat his shoulder lightly.
“You’ll always have my support Taehyung, just not from the cheerleaders seats.”
“Please, it’s my last game and I’ve never seen you sit in front at any of my games,” he frowned.
“Fine. But I’m sitting nowhere near those cheerleaders.” Crossing your arms together heading out the doors towards Jungkook’s car. Ignoring how his face beamed with happiness and Jungkook who stood there awkwardly waiting to leave.
“Send me home Jeon.” You said with a yawn deciding to sit in front this time having Taehyung sit back, “wait, where you taking us?” My face furrowed with confusion waiting for Jungkook to reply.
“Taehyung’s house is closer in this neighborhood.”
“Ah, you’re such a confusing dude.”
“What do you mean? I’m the least complicated person in the world.”
“Just hearing you say that, assures me that you’re a complicated person.” You snickered.
“Hey, you asked me to take you home and I am, I’m just taking Taehyung home first.” He mumbled chuckling noticing how Taehyung put on his headphones to block out our bickering.
“Okay, but my place was closer to that Denny’s than Taehyung’s.”
“Don’t throw me off Nerd, I know what I’m doing and where I’m going.”
“Whatever you say loser, just don’t get lost.”
After what felt like years passed by Jungkook stopped in front of Taehyung’s apartment complex.
“See, we made it perfectly fine at Taehyung’s place.”
“Yeah, but it took you an hour when it really should’ve taken half an hour, look,” You pointed at Taehyung who was sleeping peacefully in the back, “he’s already sleeping.”
“Okay fine you win, I was lost halfway there.” He admitted.
“I told you it was the wrong way,” You ushered him out of the car, “just hurry and wake Taehyung up.”
After a couple minutes have passed Jungkook finally managed to get Taehyung to safely head in his apartment complex. He came back in the car putting his seat belt on before driving off.
“So, I heard your ex girlfriend broke up with you?”
“Yeah, like five months ago.”
“Hey that’s when we became friends, oh wow, I feel like your rebound but as a friend.”
“You are my rebound.” He stated, voice laced with flirtation.
“Shut it Jeon.” You scoffed.
“How long have you been playing basketball?” I asked another question, this time genuinely curious.
“Since middle school, I met Taehyung during tryouts.”
“Really? I don’t recall you and I going to the same middle school.”
“I moved shortly after, then in high school, I joined again.”
“What inspired you to play basketball? I mean there are so many other sports.”
“Um,” he thought for a moment before continuing to speak, “my senior, Min Yoongi really inspired me at first, I looked up to him. He was always so cool playing basketball,” he explained, “what about you? No sports?”
“Nah, never really the type to play sports. I liked volleyball and I used to play, when I was younger I’d play with Taehyung but he took interest in basketball more,” You answered. “Hmm, what about relationships? Is there someone you’re interested in?”
“Well, I have someone in mind but I don’t know if she likes me back.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll be stupid if she didn’t like you back.” You assured.
“Yeah, I guess, she doesn’t seem interested though,” he glanced at me before turning his gaze back on the road.
“So...what’s special about this girl?” You uttered out.
“She’s really cute and comfortable around me, she’s pretty open and very blunt, she’s also quite cruel towards me but that’s part of her charm,” he said with a shy smile.
“Seems like you pretty whipped for her,” You noted the way his eyes crinkled into crescent moons his dimples on display.
“I’m absolutely whipped for her,” he grinned with a soft voice, “what about you? Interested in someone?”
I pondered for a moment looking anywhere but him, “I, uh, I mean I have someone in mind, but I think he likes someone else,” I shrugged brushing it off. “Anyway. How long have you known this girl for?”
“Just a couple months,” he answered, “what about this boy? How special must this he be that you like him?”
“Quit overreacting Jeon,” You glanced over him making eye contact with each other for a split second before you turned your head away. “Keep your eyes on the road loser, you don’t wanna die before your game tomorrow.” He turned his head back with a sly smile.
“Come on, I’m waiting for you to tell me about this boy.”
Pretending to think for a moment you finally spoke, “he’s a pretty playful person and just someone fun to be around,” I snickered, “his humor isn’t dry either, I always get a good laugh from him.”
“Oh yeah? Who is it? I bet it’s Taehyung, you’re always laughing when he tells jokes.”
“What? No,” You denied, “but he’s a friend of Taehyung though, he also plays on your team.” Jungkook stayed quite nipping his lower lip.
“I think you should shoot you shot,” He replied after awhile.
“Shoot my what?”
“Your shot, you know, like confess your feelings for him.”
You laughed looking out the window, “that’s a stupid phrase.”
“But not a stupid idea,” Jungkook clicked his tongue, “I think I’ll shot my shot after the game tomorrow, it’ll be a good way to end my day.”
“Yeah? What if she rejects you? Ever thought about that loser?”
“If she does I’ll still be okay because at least I won the game,” he shrugged nonchalantly.
“What if you don’t win? Will you still do it?” You asked.
“Hmm, I doubt we’ll lose tomorrow, I’m pretty confident we’ll win.” You looked over his way with a small smile.
“You better kick their asses Jeon.”
“I didn’t realize there would be this much people.” You whispered setting myself in the front section sitting closer to the opposing teams side so you could get a better view of Taehyung and Jungkook playing.
Tae: Y/n where are you?
Tae: you forgot my jersey :(
Me: no I’m wearing it right now
Tae: we got new jerseys
Me: ugh tae, i’ll come right now
Tae: hurry game starts soon
Me: how come I wasn’t aware of this earlier?
Seen at 7:37pm
Confused you looked at his jersey you were wearing hurrying your steps towards the locker room.
“Goddammit Tae, you’re making me look like such a fool running on the court just to wear your jersey.” You mumbled under your breath.
He stood outside the room waving his hands at me like a happy child waving at a puppy on the sidewalk, he motioned me to walk his way as if you weren’t walking his direction in the first place.
“Here.” He said as he threw the jersey you way, landing on your face, grabbing the material.
“Wha- Taehyung it’s the same jersey I’m wearing, you really made me run across the court to wear your jersey that I’m already wearing?” You asked baffled.
“Just look at the backside. Also give your friend the one you’re wearing right now.” He whispered in my ear nudging my shoulder, signaling me to go back to my seat. The referee blew the whistle before you could say anything back.
Walking back to your seat taking Taehyung’s jersey you handed it to your friend who sat next to you.
“Taehyung wanted you to wear it.” You shrugged putting the other jersey on. It was slightly bigger than the other one otherwise wasn’t any different.
“That’s nice and all but why are you wearing Jungkook’s jersey? I thought Taehyung wanted you to wear his?” She replied slipping on the fabric over her head.
“What,” you croaked, “Jungkook’s? As in Jeon Jungkook?”
“Yeah, Jeon Jungkook, the jersey says Jeon, number 01.”
“Are you sure it says Jeon? Not Kim?”
“I think I can read four letters Y/n.” She replied taking her phone out snapping a photo, “look.”
Looking down at the phone you saw the number 01 instead of 31. “See, Y/n, it says Jeon, J E O N,” she spelt out, “you can see on the front of the jersey, the number is 01, that’s Jungkook’s number.”
You took out your phone texting Taehyung even though you knew he wasn’t going to see until it after the game.
Me: i hate you
Me: fucker
The bell rang indicating that the game was finally starting. It started off smoothly Jungkook and Taehyung passing the ball to each other and throwing the in to hoop. The opposing team was good, they’re good at blocking, good at shooting hoops, good at defending but weren’t good working together, surly that’s an advantage to us right?
The game went on. The score was 46:48 and we were currently winning by two points.
Taehyung passed the ball to Jungkook who caught it with ease looking at my direction for a split second before the ball was stolen away from him.
“Come on Jeon. Stop getting so distracted.” You were starting to worry, they’re amazing players but so were the Tigers.
The Tigers currently had the ball, the player, same guy who took the ball away from Jungkook shot the ball and it went in. The score tying.
“Are you kidding me? He was traveling, he clearly took way more than three steps without dribbling!” You yelled ignoring the amount of people from the crowd who disagreed with me. The game went on as your heart continued to beat with every step Jungkook took. He was blocking the player who held the ball and right as he was about to shoot he’d pushed Jungkook down.
“What was that? That’s a foul! Referee you better blow your whistle right now or I’ll do it for you!” You shouted face twisting with anger catching Jungkook’s attention, his eyes met mine for the first time the night as he softly smiled, the exact same smile that night we were at Denny’s. You smiled back screaming his name giving two thumbs up.
“Go Jungkook!”
This was it. The score was tied again and Taehyung was the one who passed the ball to Jungkook. He caught the ball dribbling it in the opposite direction towards the opposing teams side.
With less then ten seconds left on the clock he searched in the crowd again our eyes locked the second time that night. He grinned turning his gaze back to the game with only three seconds on the clock he swiftly threw the ball with so much confidence and so much ease the ball was heading towards the hoop. Everything went in slow motion as he threw the ball.
And just like that, he missed the hoop.
The bell rang and the game was over. Disappointed, people left the building. You stayed back until almost everyone was gone finally deciding to go to the locker room where Jungkook and Taehyung were. You hung outside the locker room waiting for either one of them to come out. Taehyung came out first with a sad smile.
“Good game, you did amazing.” You nudged his shoulder watching as he smiled a bit.
“Thanks Y/n.” He said trying to smile again but failed to do so.
“Come here,” You pulled him into a hug, “don’t sulk too much, player 31’s waiting outside for you,” He pulled away from the hug confused, “but I’m player 31.”
“I know but who’s wearing your jersey right now Tae, go sulk to her instead.” You nudged him away from me his box smile finally returned as he rushed off outside not forgetting to wave bye to me.
You watched as boys slowly walked out of the locker room, Jungkook’s face still wasn’t visible.
“Coach, is Jungkook still in there?” You asked as he exited out the room.
“Poor kid is taking it hard on himself, I told him he can play next season but he refused to.” He answered shaking his head.
“Well, I’ll see you later then.” You said to him as he walked off. Opening the doors to the locker room you walking slowly towards Jungkook who sat on the bench playing with his fingers.
“Jungkook?” His eyes shot up at me as you walked closer towards him. He was changed into a dark gray hoodie with his hair parted in the middle. You sat next to him patting his back softly.
“I messed up, I ruined the whole game.” He whispered his head was hanging low, looking straight at the floor.
“Hey, come on, you and Taehyung basically carried your team the whole game, don’t be so hard on yourself because you missed one shot.” You comforted rubbing his back.
“Yeah, but this shot counted, and I missed.” He sighed throwing his head back groaning, “I messed everything up, I practiced so long and hard for this.”
“Come here you big baby.” You pulled him into a hug to which he gladly accepted placing his head on your shoulder.
“You all worked hard for this, I know you had a lot of pressure being the last person to shoot the ball but nobody’s dead right? You didn’t kill anyone for missing the hoop,” You reassured. He didn’t say anything for a short while before you decided to speak again.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” You asked, as he pulled away from the hug, looking at me with a blank stare.
“Of course,” he said with a toothy grin.
“Denny’s?” Jungkook snickered from the passengers seat.
“Wanna go somewhere else?” You suggested looking his way.
“No, Denny’s is great.” He looked back at me with a smile.
“Quit starting at me, it’s weird.”
“I love looking into your eyes, they give me a sense of comfort.” Jungkook informed with a soft gaze a smile spreading on your lips.
You parked the car near the entrance as Jungkook held open the door for you.
“Why thank you, I feel like a princess now,” You joked watching as Jungkook’s face beamed. “Should I call you princess now? Does that better sound than nerd?”
“I like both nicknames,” You teased with shrugged.
“A girl with taste, I love it.”
We sat down across each other not bothering to look at the menu already knowing what to order. Jungkook pat his pockets frantically, “I forgot my phone and wallet in the car can you give me your keys so I can get them?” He said voice laced with panic.
“I’ll pay.” You offered as his attention went back on me, “but I’m supposed to pay for the first date,” he pouted scrunching his nose.
“Fine, go get your phone and wallet.” You let in throwing him your keys from your pocket.
“Thanks,” he caught the keys with no effort, “oh, can you order for me too, you already know my usual.” You nodded and ushered him to go. As soon as he was out of your sight you waved for a waiter.
“Hey, I found my phone but some reason couldn’t find my wall- what is this?” He pointed at the table that had things off from the kids menu.
“Just sit down, I think the waiter mixed up our order.” He followed what you said raising his hand up as the same waiter from before came over.
“Um, excuse me, I think you might’ve mixed up our orders with someone else’s.” 
“No? This kind lady ordered off from the kids menu.” She replied as Jungkook cocked his head to the side looking back at me. “Did she now?” He said trying to refrain himself from grinning. The waitress left with an awkward smile as you covered your mouth with your hand trying to hide your laugh.
“You took my wallet didn’t you?” He poked his inner cheek with his tongue glancing down at the table before fixing his eye back up at me, as you slipped his wallet out from your pocket and onto the table sliding it his way.
“Don’t worry, I already payed.”
“When I told you to order for me I didn’t expect to get this,” he laughed, “Mini corn dogs with three chicken tenders? That’s all?”
“Ah, ah, ah,” you tsked, “don’t forget your Jr. Milkshake, oh,” You gasped, “Is that your Jr. Ice cream I see.” You pointed as the waitress set it down on the table. “Thank you ma’am.” You smiled at her turning your attention back to Jungkook who had a big grin on his face. He stretched his arms over the table fingers landing on both side of my cheeks pinching them softly. “Thank you,” he said as the grin on his face made you smile.
“Ouch Jungkook, you’re pinching too hard,” You said slapping his hands away, feeling a blush form on your cheeks.
“You’re just too cute,” he replied reaching to touch them again but you slapped his hand away. “Stop it.” This time you was the one frowning.
“Okay, okay, i’m sorry, let’s eat yeah?” He said picking up his mini corn dog and popping it in his mouth. He slowed his chewing, blinking his wide doe eyes at me.
“Do you...know anything about basketball? I heard you yelling in the crowd.” Jungkook snickered recalling the memory from earlier.
“Of course I do, who do you think taught Taehyung how to play.” You defended myself.
“Oh really?” Jungkook murmured amused.
“Yeah, of course.”
“How many players in a team?” He questioned.
“What is this? A speed quiz?” 
“Just answer the question princess.” Your cheeks felt hot at the pet name he called you along with the emmbarasent from not knowing anything about basketball.
You covered my face with your hand, blocking his view of me, ignoring how wide he grinned, “nine?”
“Fifteen.” He replied smirking.
“Alright, alright, I’m uncultured, I’m sorry.” I held up my hands defensively. He replied back with a smile, dimples and all.
“Fine, what about volleyball? How many players in a team?” 
“What? Now you’re quizzing me?” I nodded waiting for a response. ”9.” He replied with full confidence.
“12. If you’re including substitutes.”
“This is why I play basketball, and you play volleyball.” He chuckled.
“Hey, do you wanna trade my ice cream for your milkshake?” He asked his doe eyes staring deep into mine.
“Nah, your ice cream is melting, also it’s called a Jr. Milkshake and Jr. Ice cream, sir, please correct yourself.” I teased grinning.
He pouted crossing his arms together, “and to think I was gonna share my melted Jr. Ice cream with you.” He corrected himself crossing his arms together feeling betrayed.
“Aren’t you such a cutie, yeah you are.” I said in a baby voice squishing his cheeks together as he scrunched his nose smiling. I let go staying silent for a while admiring him.
“Let me take you to one more place.”
“I love this court. I didn’t know you knew about this place.” Jungkook’s face was plastered with happiness.
“I didn’t, I just noticed it when you took me back home from Denny’s that one night.” I replied opening my back trunk which was filled with unnecessary stuff. After searching for a bit I finally found my old basketball.
“Oh cool, I didn’t know you used to play.” Jungkook nodded impressed.
“I used to play a little with Taehyung and my dad. Obviously Taehyung followed the basketball route and I didn’t.”
“That explains who Taehyung learned basketball from.” He chuckled, I sheepishly nodded passing him the ball. He examined it briefly before walking to the court. He dribbled the ball a few times before shooting it in the hoop the ball falling in smoothly.
“I wish I shot it like that at the game,” he huffed running to pick up the ball from the floor. He kept shooting hoops as I watched from afar clapping every once in a while when he made it in. He turned his head my way with a smirk and a wink before shooting again and once more made it in.
“Come play with me, I’ll be much more fun than just standing there.” Jungkook was sweating and panting hard motioning me to come to him. I walked over to where he was standing which was in the middle of the court, he threw me the basketball.
“I’m a little rusty but I’ll give it a go,” I cocked my head to the side dribbling the ball a few times before aiming the ball to where the hoop was finally throwing it. A laugh left Jungkook’s lips as the ball went over the hoop. It was nice to hear him laugh but also embarrassing.
“You know what, let me try that again.” Jungkook ran for the ball and passed it my way. Once again I swiftly threw the basketball toward the hoop, and failing to make it in as it bounced on the rim. Jungkook laughed again running for the ball throwing it to me. Try after try I continued to miss each and every time I shot at the hoop.
“Hey don’t laugh, it’s not funny.” I pouted frowning with a sigh, "I give up."
“You said you were rusty at basketball not bad at it.” Jungkook joked. I scoffed throwing him my middle finger. 
“Ha, ha very funny, now come teach me how to shoot hoops or you’ll be the new target.”
His laugh turned into a small smile as he walked over to me standing behind my figure, I realized how significantly taller he was compared to me. 
“When you hold the ball to shoot make sure your dominant hand is behind the ball and your non dominant hand on the side of it.” He placed my right hand behind the ball and my left hand on the left side of the ball, “when you shoot the ball make sure you arms are bent as well as your knees, and when you’re ready to shoot straightened them both,” I nodded slowly mentally taking notes in my head as he guided me through the steps of throwing the basketball. I followed all the advice Jungkook gave and threw the ball.
“And you missed,” he chuckled softly, “I think you’ll have a better chance shooting your shot than hoops,” Jungkook grinned passing me the ball once again.
I threw the ball straight at him the ball bounced off his arm as he groaned in pain rubbing the sore spot.
“There, I shoot my shot.” I yelled at him smiling widely. He smirked before throwing the ball back at me with a soft grunt but instead of letting it hit me I caught it.
“I shoot my shot too, I think she like me but I don’t know.” Jungkook shouted with a shrug cheekily smiling.
"Don’t worry, she does likes you back." I shouted back using the things Jungkook taught me and ignoring it all shooting at the hoop, and sure enough I made it in. Jungkook stood there with a proud smile as a loud gasp left my mouth. “Did you see that? It was amazing!”
“You’re just full of surprises today.” Jungkook said with a proud smile walking over towards me clapping his hands together.
“Shut up Jeon.” I pulled him into a tight hug looking up at him, he hugged back kissing my forehead. 
“I’m absolutely whipped for you,” he whispered. I cupped his face pressing my lips onto his, with zero hesitation he kissed back deepening the kiss, his lips were so soft, and tasted like the milkshake I shared with him earlier. We pulled away panting heavily placing our foreheads together not saying anything, just enjoying each others company. 
Jungkook snaked his arms around my figure, bending down nuzzling his head on the crook of my neck placing small kisses all over as my arms wrapped around his nape playing with the back of his hair.
“Did know Taehyung was in on all of this?” Jungkook chuckled, “actually he’s the one who planned all of this. “I never realized you were wearing my jersey until now. He told me he was gonna switch it out with his but you were already wearing his." He sheepishly laughed.
“That little fucker, I love him.” I smiled content.
“You’re such a loser Jeon,” I chuckled softly, “and i’m definitely whipped for you.” 
“Even though I lost today doesn’t mean you get to call me a loser, my pride is hurting.” He continued sprinkling pepper kisses on my neck with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
“At least tonight, instead of the game you won me right?” 
“Hmm..” he mumbled agreeing, “I won you.” Jungkook repeated locking eyes with me one last time that night connecting his soft lips back on mine.  
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swordandsceptre · 3 years
Shadows and Betrayal
Bartholomew’s finger's drum restlessly on the handle of the car door in perfect mimicry of a panicked heart. He checks his message, responding to those left by the assigned bodyguard. 
Yet another who allowed Rosary to be snatched from under their nose...
Bartholomew silences the hypocritical snarling's of his beast. He is as much to blame, stewing in his own self-pity as Julian plucked her quite literally out from beneath him. In a way, this situation is a blessing in disguise. The Beckoning dulled much of his mind, blunting away the edges as it chips away to his core until he could no longer ignore it. Now, its siren song lies silent. That is not say he would not rip out the heart of any who stood in his way. 
‘We have arrived, Master,’ Hakeem intones as they pull up to a black glass and steel skyscraper. 
‘Wait here.’
The lobby is guarded just as expected. Bartholomew could quite easily charm and lie his way to the elevators just past the checkpoint, but it would be a grievous waste of time. And ever second hat pulled by is another second Rosary is left to suffer at Julian’s hands. God himself would shudder to imagine what those hands are inflicting on her this second. 
Her calls upon his powers of presence to make him the most majestic creature to walk this earth, smiting both kine and kindred on duty stunned and speechless, allowing him to pass unhindered. Once inside the elevator, he punches the button for the penthouse. Where else would a king reside but right at the top, lording over the masses? 
Bartholomew forgoes visitors etiquette and allows himself entry, much to the surprise of the Prince and gathered courtiers.
‘What is the meaning of this?’ The Boy-Prince is on his feet in an instant.
‘Clear the room, won’t you Prince?’ He offers a choice with his words, but leaves no room for argument with his eyes. 
Kevin’s mouth opens and closes in a comical imitation of a fish, floundering for words to do justice for his rage.
‘You will wait outside. I will deal with this transgression once I have finished this sensitive court matter I am currently attending to.’
Sheriff Daniels is already stalking towards him, looking joyful at the opportunity to rough up an elder.
‘A sensitive matter has brought me in front of you with such urgency. Betrayal in your ranks. Perhaps it would have been wise to not count Sabbat as your allies.’
Kevin holds up his hand, halting his guard dog. ‘Give us the room. We will conclude this another night.’
With obedience they file out of the room, casting Bartholomew quizzical glances.
‘Now then, you have my attention. I suggest you do not waste it.’
‘My wife, a loyal member of the Camarilla, was kidnapped by a Lasombra. The same Lasombra you welcomed into your city. Furthermore, she was under protection of a bodyguard sanctioned by you personally at the time it happened. A grievous wrong that needs righting, I’m sure you will agree.’
Kevin settles back in his chair. He has the good grace to look ashamed, at least. ‘Indeed, I am sorry to hear of your troubles. And how may I make this right to you?’
‘I need information. A list of all Lasombra in this city, their names, places of residence. I need it now.’
‘You are asking for very sensitive information. The truce is so new. This could be taken as a violation of that trust.’
A spark ignites his beast. He allows himself to slip under its control for just one moment, throwing the desk aside. It shatters into tinder on the wall. Kevin sits alert, phone in hand and thumb hovering over the screen. One twitch and the Sheriff would be called, and Bartholomew would likely never leave.
‘Trust has already been violated! One has shown himself as a viper in your midst, undermining your rule and authority! Are you going to allow that to go unpunished, all so you can save face and not admit even Prince’s make mistakes?’ Bartholomew is in control once more, taking a calculated step forward. Even if both men were standing, Bartholomew would tower over him. With Jackson seated, their difference is that of a mountain and a pebble. 
‘There are two gangrel already looking for her. They will tear down every door in this city if they must. And me? I would burn it all down if I had to. I may serve the Prince, but my loyalty is to the Camarilla. I don’t think I need to get into the specifics the difference between loyally and servitude, hm? So, how about that list?’
He is shaking. He may be Prince, but he is still a neonate. Young, inexperienced, weak, and rarely shown the brutal nature of his elders. Kevin gingerly extracts a notepad and pen from the wreckage and begins writing. It takes longer than his patience is comfortable with. 
‘Take this. Take this and get the fuck out.’
‘Pleasure doing business. I hope the information is good, or we’ll have to do business again.’
Once back in his car, he scans over the names. No Julian, no Blackwood, or Claude or Lorelai. Of course. Julian’s smarter than that. Likely he has an unlisted haven unknown to everyone but himself he has her holed up in. Still, there could be some leads here. He surely would have met one or two of his clansmen.
He takes a photo of the list, sending it to Ash with the message: I’m going to start with the addresses in Downtown closer to our haven. You and Ghal should cover the other regions of the city. 
It is time to get to work. 
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angelicspaceprince · 4 years
Youtuber!Beetlejuice Headcanons Part 2
I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but my Youtuber!Beej hcs have gotten almost 200 notes in like under a day (thatsalsocountingthespamjustballoonfishthingsdidbutanyway) and I promised a part two once I reached 100 so. Here we are.
Part 1
Tagging: @justballoonfishthings, @broadwaytrashstrikesagain, @imma-fucking-nerd
You have figured something wasn’t quite normal with Beetlejuice long before the two of you started dating
For one, he always ate just really weird shit
Bugs, glass, wood, paper, rat poison on one occasion and just constantly eating tide pods
At first you’d panic but as time went on, you figured it was all a prank and it was just sugar made to look like inedible stuff
Would explain his hyperactivity and why he always seemed to just need to Move
But when you eventually started spending more and more time at his and filming your videos at the Deetz’s who were his family but also not apparently, the more you realised
No there was some fucked up shit happening
The amount of times he just....took a glass from the cupboard and started munching, or just took one of Adam’s model houses and slammed the whole thing in his mouth or found a random beetle and just. Fucken ate the sucker
It was terrifying
But according to Lydia, he has a really strong stomach and he won’t die from eating literal poison as he downs a bottle of weed killer
You just watched and decided
Ok. Fine. I can handle this
Then there was the hair. On camera, you thought it was a trick of the light because during the con, his hair was a permanent green with occasionally the tips being pink, but that could be hair chalk
But at home, his hair changed constantly, on its own, according to his mood
Perhaps it was a type of hair dye that changes colour depending on body temperature
Ignoring the fact that his hair is very much, for the most part, away from his scalp
But more small things started to happen. Like how he could just disappear and reappear at random, at first you thought it was ninja skills. But then it became ‘no this is physically impossible for him to be here so quickly’
Once, you swore you saw him levitate
His total lack of regard for danger too, it just all slowly started to add up that perhaps there was more to this story than everyone was letting on
The kicker was when you literally caught him sitting on the ceiling to entertain Lydia
It wasn’t the ceiling part that got you, although that was creepy
It was the fact he was slowly turning his head a full 360 degrees
You booked it out of there, rushing past the concerned Maitlands and the Deetz’s and out the front door, all the way back to your house
Beetlejuice kept blowing up your phone with voice messages, his preferred way to text ‘You ok babes?’ ‘Adam said you looked like you’d seen a ghost!’ ‘Please message me?’ ‘Babes, seriously, are you ok? Everyone’s worried.’ ‘Are we through? Are you ghosting me?’ ‘Very mature Y/N. Call me when you decide you want to be an adult.’ ‘Please. Please at least text me. I’ll get Lydia to read it out! Just. Don’t ignore me, please babes.’
The last one sounded so broken but you ignored it
What the FUCK was that?
You could feel the panic brewing in your gut as the vision played again and again in your brain
Maybe you imagined it? No, there was no way that you thought this up
When you finally collect yourself, you text Lydia
‘What the FUCK was that with Beetlejuice?’ 
Minutes passed before you got a response, simply a question mark.
‘His head was rotating like a fucking owl Lydia!’
Almost instantly, your phone started buzzing with Beetlejuice trying to call you
You hesitate over the ignore button, but figured that it was best to hear the excuse from the man himself.
You press accept
“Babes! Are you alright?” He shouts down the phone, clearly concerned.
“What. The. Fuck.” Is all you get out, anxiety now turning into rage. “What the fuck was that? How the fuck? Beetlejuice, I could accept that perhaps you had this weird biology thing which meant you could eat weird shit, and perhaps you could decide to be light on your feet when usually I can hear you coming towards me a mile off, but what. Was. That?” You spew out in one large rush.
There is a pause, you can feel him thinking
“Say my name three times.” He begs
“What?” The change of subject confused you enough that the anger pretty much all but disappeared. “Is this a hypnosis thing?”
“No!” His protest is loud as he struggles to remain composed. “Look, just. It’s hard to explain. Just say my name three times, it’s gotta be spoken, unbroken ok? Just say my name three times in a row.”
You blink but decide to entertain him.
“Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.”
“One more time. Please babes.”
Suddenly, with a loud pop, he was there. In front of you. Still holding his phone. His hair was blue and purple, which you came to realise was sad and scared. He quickly hangs up and just stares at you as you process what just happened.
“What. Ok. I’m losing my mind.” You finally decide. “Stress, I have too busy a schedule, I’m just stressed.” You flinch when his hands move to grab your shoulders
“No babes, it’s me.” He hesitates for a second before taking a breath. “I’m dead.” “You’re gonna be.” “No, I mean now. I’m the ghost with the most. Dead.”
You blink before mouthing the words ‘dead’. “I need to see a shrink, clearly I’m psychotic.”
Beetlejuice groans. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was scared you were gonna run off and. Well. I didn’t want that.” His hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb running at the skin under your eyes gently. “But this is real, and I’m still real, even if I’m a dead guy.”
“Hence the glass and bugs and rotating head.” He nods.
“It’s not all I can do, but it’s some of it.”
You poke his chest, causing him to push back slightly before sighing. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
He looks at you confused. “You’re not dumping me?” You raise an eyebrow
“I moved halfway across the country to be closer to you. You’re still the same dumbass I fell in love with, the one with Mommy issues who loves it when people during out livestreams spend the entire time gushing over how lucky I am to have you, because it gives you an excuse to say that you’re the lucky one that I chose you. Still the dumbass who laughs during horror flicks because its so unrealistic and claims to be best pals with the Mothman and is addicted to Buzzfeed Unsolved and wants to do a collab with them. I’m not dumping you. You hid this from me for a reason and I’m just glad that you’ve told me now. But, as I said.” You make eye contact for the first time since you saw his head spin around his body like a Beyblade. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
“I tried to marry Lydia in an attempt to become alive but she killed me shortly after, Delia gave me the ok to kill a man and I’m pretty sure Charles has come close to murdering me too, but we are all friends now. Also, the Maitlands are also ghosts.” He gets it out in one long breath. You just stare at him.
“Is everyone in that house dead?” “No, just me and the Maitlands.” “Lydia looks like she might be dead.” “She is on the inside.”
You nod as the shock slowly goes through your system. “You tried to marry a teenager?” “It was a green card thing!” He protests. “And, and, and! I had a full blown panic attack because breather emotions are evil and that teenager stabbed me!” “I think she had a good reason Beej.”
It takes a little adjusting and a lot more questions, but you are more or less content with the whole thing, a month before you’d fully accepted it and five weeks before you finally processed the whole thing
You had a lot of questions for the Maitlands and when they told you the sort of person Beetlejuice was before he met you, it made sense compared to all the shit he had told you in confidence 
Life goes on
And it turns out you have a dead youtuber for a boyfriend, who lives in a house with two other ghosts, a teen he tried to marry, a spiritual guide who asked him to murder her ‘guru’ named Kevin and one relatively normal guy
Tbh that’s a sitcom that you’d wanna watch.
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mystery-deer · 4 years
Wip: Brotherly Love (b99)
Jake blearily rode the elevator up to the bullpen, exhausted by lack of sleep and hungry from lack of...eating things. Amy had been similarly up though her stuff had to do with cramps. Although Jake had been able to help with cramps before it was more than just that. As his wife put it, “It’s what the cramps symbolize.” 
No baby. As the elevator doors opened and he stepped out he spotted the captain in a corner talking to a ginger haired man. Kevin? He got shorter.  He made a beeline over, hoping to unleash some of his Peralta brand charm(™) which, now that he was thinking about it oh god he’d totally called his sperm that a few days ago. That was totally why they weren’t pregnant wasn’t it? Wait- we? What was the whole ‘we’ thing that was a weird thing he just noti- “Why hello there Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin!” He said, a bit caught of guard by the man not being Kevin. “You stalled so long and yet didn’t pivot to another name?” Asked Holt.
“Then I would’ve had to come up with a whole backstory and I can’t come up with those on the spot! Like, what would I say? That he was my mortal enemy from the academy who once tried to frame me for murder but through my great detective brain I figured out that he was in fact the murderer and his name was Caviar Kevar because he always had a spoon in his mouth-” “-A silver spoon!” Charles, who had appeared at his side at some point, finished in time with him. Holt said nothing. The man standing next to him laughed very softly. “So who’s this captain?” Charles asked conspiratorially. “You seem to have a type!”
“A type of what?” “Man.” “I have...a type of man?” “That you flirt with.” “Ah.” Holt said, nodding in complete understanding. “Kevin.” “This is painful.” Jake chimed in. “I meant!” Charles tried again, confidence lost. “That this guy looks a lot like Kevin and-” “Well of course he does. This is his brother, Doctor Cozner.” “You know most people might throw a first name in there too, for spice.”
“I abhor spice in every facet of my life.” Holt declared. Then, turning to Charles to frowned. “I was not flirting with Doctor Cozner.” “You weren’t? Then what am I doing here?” Asked the man, quietly as if to himself. Jake grinned. Holt continued, having not heard the man or chosen to ignore him. “He came here because I had wanted to accompany him to a dentist’s convention. However my schedule has become rearranged and I am no longer able to.” He turned towards the man. “I’m sorry again.” “It’s no trouble.” He said, lightly waving his concern off. “We’ll go to the next one.”
Charles looked strangely disappointed that there was no flirting happening. He had been going on a few weeks ago about how he knew how everyone in the precinct flirted except for the captain. “All I have here is ‘pie’ and ‘car’ which is obviously compensating for something!” “Boyle, I would never flirt with anyone besides Kevin.” “What if it was a life or death situation?” “I’d rather die.” “And he would.” Kevin’s brother said. Holt nodded gravely. “Didn’t you flirt with-” “Don’t mention his name. The museum incident? Jake. I asked- can we just let that one go? I’m - I deeply regret my actions and I- Is it really so bad? I just glanced at his work satchel am I not even allowed to do that!?” “Okay, obviously hit a nerve there.” “Perhaps I should let my brother know of your multiple dalliances?” The ginger man asked in a tone of voice that Jake couldn’t decipher. Great, a whole new monotone to work out. “After all, going alone with me to a dentists’ retreat? That’s a very romantically charged environment.” “It is?” Jake asked. “Jakey, the drilling.” Charles said, lightly elbowing him. They both nodded. “I would never flirt with a man who had cartoon socks!” Holt sputtered, retreating back into his office. “What does he mean by that?” Jake wondered. The man bent down to reveal his photorealistic ocean patterned socks. “So, not cartoons at all.” “They are dangerously whimsical.” The man said. “So uh...oh! Do you need help with anything?” Charles asked as the man began buttoning his coat back up. “Well...Ray was going to drive me but he appears…” They all looked to his office where Holt was looking forlornly at a picture of his husband and seemingly apologizing. “Busy. So I’ll just cancel-” “We could drive you!” Jake shouted. Charles gave him an odd look. “We can?” “Sure, why not? It’ll take what? Ten, fifteen minutes? That’s about how much of the day is taken up by hijinks anyway. Why not help out the captain with that time? I’m sure Kevin would wanna see him and family is everything as I always say!” He blinked. “Not that..not that I’m the captain’s family. This guy is! And by helping him we’d be-” “You’re Jake, aren’t you?” “Damn it.” “What’s your name by the way Doctor Cozner?” Asked Boyle as he began walking him towards the elevator, apparently completely on board with the plan.
“Oh, it’s-” _______________ “Martin.” Kevin said icily. “Okay I was totally off base with the ‘happy to see him’ bit.” Jake admitted. Kevin paused, squinting. “Why are detectives Boyle and Peralta here?” “They’re taking us to the convention.” “Why? Surely there’s enough crime to keep you two busy?” “Uhhhhhh.” “Gina was right. The police presence in her area is lackluster.” “Gina still talks to you!?” Charles asked incredulously. “Yes. I am fascinated as to when you will all be forced to investigate her obvious cult.” “Well...I wouldn’t say it’s a cult.” Jake hesitantly argued.
Kevin raised an eyebrow. “She just purchased a plot of land far outside the city to build a ‘resort’ where members can pay to learn the ways of Gina.” “Okay yeah that’s definitely a cult. But we’re not here about Gina, we're here to take you and your brother to a weird teeth vacation.” “I’d rather die.” “What is with these extreme reactions!?”
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johnnydoe69 · 5 years
Shedding the Old Skin
Timothy sat on his boyfriend’s couch exhausted. His head throbbed, his pits stank, and sweat continued to pour down his face and neck. Timothy had spent the last four hours handing out Kevin Thompson re-election flyers in the sticky New York City heat. A pile of untaken flyers mocked him from the coffee table with the profile of Kevin Thompson seeming to glare at him. 
    Meanwhile, Timothy’s boyfriend, Freddie, strolled around his kitchen in nothing but a pair of stained underwear, grabbing bags of chips and a bong. Timothy wasn’t the biggest fan of smoking pot, but he was afraid that Freddie already saw him as a pussy and he didn’t want Freddie’s opinion of him to sink any lower than it already was.
Not that it seemed to matter. Timothy figured it was only a matter of time before Freddie left him for someone more confident and more open about their queerness. Freddie had come out as a trans guy at 16 and gay at 24, while at 28 Timothy was still in the closet. He didn’t even want to hold hands with Freddie in public, let alone do any of the reckless shit Freddie wanted to do like fuck on a park bench or giving each other hickies on the subway. 
Timothy was constantly aware of straight people’s opinions of him as he went about his life and he did everything in his power to hide from them. He made sure his voice was low and masculine whenever he spoke in public. He only wore button-up shirts and khaki pants, he kept his blonde hair short and trim, and he made himself as quiet and small as humanly possible to avoid attention.
Freddie plopped himself on the couch next to Timothy, spilling the bags of chips on the coffee table, and once he got comfortable, lighting his bong with a rainbow lighter. Once he had smoked enough for a good buzz, Freddie passed the bong over to Timothy who took a quick whiff and coughed out most of it. Freddie laughed, his voice deep and melodious, “I can’t believe you're in your twenties and you smoke like you’re 15.”
Timothy shook his head sheepishly and said, “I only started smoking when I met you. You can’t expect me to be an expert at this already.” 
He handed the bong back to Freddie, the both of them knowing he wouldn’t take a second whiff until it was almost empty. Freddie took another inhale when he noticed the huge stack of flyers underneath the bags of chips on the coffee table. He put the bong down and picked up one of the flyers. Plastered across its design was a smiling man in a suit and tie, surrounded in a semi-circle by a group of working-class people looking to him with awe. 
“Please tell me you didn’t spend 4 hours handing out flyers for this choad,” Freddie said, turning to Timothy with a crumpled expression.
“It really wasn’t that bad. I grew up in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I’m used to standing in the hot sun trying to save people from themselves.” Timothy said, suddenly deciding he needed to take another hit from. Taking Freddie’s lighter, he lit the bong and inhaled as much weed as he could, desperately trying to ignore the worried expression on his boyfriend’s face. Freddie crumpled up the flyer and dropped it to the floor. 
“Timmy, I’m fucking worried about you. You let people walk all over you and you end up working yourself to death. Did they even give you water to drink? Or breaks? Or Hell, a motherfucking chair to sit in?” 
    Timothy kept silent, knowing the answers to Freddie’s questions would make him more upset. Freddie shook his head and looked away, his fists clenched and his head-turning red. With his sharp yellow mohawk, he looked like a phoenix ready to tear into Kevin Thompson’s perfectly manicured face. 
    “Change requires sacrifices. If we want our political machine to change we have to be willing to put up with some unpleasantness.” He didn’t want to add the next part, but he was too exhausted and annoyed at Freddie to hold it in, “You don’t want real change. You dress like a thug and think the masses will come flocking to you. It’s pathetic.”
Timothy gazed at his boyfriend’s strong muscular back as it clenched up like a fist. He realized that he might have said the wrong thing, but at that point, he was exhausted and unwilling to put up with whatever huff Freddie got himself into. 
“At least I’m honest with who I am and what I want,” Freddie said in a quiet voice. He spun around and stared directly into Timothy’s eyes, making Timothy reflexively move away from him on the couch. 
“When I go outside with my dyed hair and leather jacket and I say and do whatever the fuck I want, I get to know that I do that on my terms. If people want to stare, call me a faggot, fine, fuck them I can take it. What I can’t do is hide in thirty different layers of respectability and delude myself into thinking that makes me better than everyone else.” 
Freddie got up from the couch and paced around the cramped living room, kicking furniture and clothes out of the way to make room. 
    Freddie couldn’t make sense of his boyfriend. When they had first met, Timmy had practically shoved his hand down his pants. It was at one of those seedy gay bars where the lighting was so bad it was hard to see even in the middle of the day. He didn’t remember what he had first said to Timmy, but soon they were making out in his van. Timmy’s warm, thick tongue sliding down the back of Freddie’s throat. 
    By the time he was able to peel himself away from Timmy’s mouth to drive them to his apartment, Timmy was half-naked, having shed most of his clothes in the car. Timmy tore off Freddie’s clothes as they struggled into the apartment, Timmy ripping them to shreds to get at him. When they collapsed on his bed, Timmy let out an ear-piercing roar as he let Freddie enter him. 
    “You like that baby,” Timmy cooed as he ground himself on Freddie’s dick and all Freddie could do was nod in awe at this sexy and intimidating presence that had ended up in his life. Timmy howled with an intensity Freddie had never heard in another man before. His kisses sucked the life from Freddie’s throat, leaving him gasping for air and begging for more. Timmy clawed at Freddie’s skin like a wild animal, the trickle of blood going down Freddie’s back and arms turning him on even more. During sex, Freddie swore that Timmy’s eyes blazed red as they deeply stared into his, making him think that he was high, dead, or fucking a demon.
When they finally finished it was the best orgasm Freddie had ever experienced in his life. Both Timmy and Freddie collapsed together in a heap on the bed, snuggling until Freddie lost consciousness. When he woke up, his blankets on the floor, bed torn apart, bong smashed to pieces, he found Timmy fidgeting with the broken stove in the kitchen. 
Freddie just wanted Timmy to be happy and he never saw him as carefree and as willing to enjoy himself than that first night they had sex. He knew that wild beast that lurked in Timothy’s heart was there, he just had no idea how to release it from the bedroom. 
He stopped pacing and looked at Timmy, almost passed out on the couch at this point. His dazed eyes staring at the ceiling with a sleepy smile on his face. Freddie knew that like most of their fights, they would end up snuggling on the couch before Timothy went to the bathroom and cried his heart out in the bathroom sink.
Freddie sighed, he knew of one way Timmy could be happy, but it came at a cost. 
Timmy noticed Freddie had started to stare at him and whimpered, “Babe, you’re right. I’m sorry. I’m only trying to help people in my own way. I wish I could be like you, dressed in leather and punching cops in the face, but I just can’t.” 
Freddie shook his head and took Timmy’s hands in his. “Okay, I know of a guy who can help you. His name is Johnny Cocksucker. He’s a prophet of sorts in the queer punk scene.”
“Do I have to let him blow me or something?” Timothy asked.
“Just buy him a pack  of cigarettes and he’ll help you find what you need.”
Later that day, after Timothy had sobered up and had a good cry he walked over to the 7/11 parking lot Johnny Cocksucker hung around. In the lot, Timothy saw around three people sitting on the hood of someone’s truck. Two men and one woman dressed in leather with wild colored hair shared a bottle of liquor someone stored in a brown paper bag. 
Timothy wasn’t sure what to expect. Was Johnny going to give him some kinda pep talk or was this some weird initiation thing where Timmy would get beat up in an alley somewhere? Would Freddie do something like that to him?
He came to the three punks and waited until one of them noticed him. At first, they ignored him making Timothy stand there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. Eventually, the girl noticed him and asked, “The fuck do you want?”
“Hi, I’m looking for a guy named Johnny Cocksucker. I was told he could help me.`` Timothy stammered. The three punks glaring at him made him feel like he was going to shit himself. 
Then one of the men smiled, “My name’s Johnny Cocksucker. You want a tarot reading or something more?” 
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Timothy hesitated, he wasn’t sure what Freddie meant by Johnny helping him find himself, but Timothy trusted Freddie and he did want to know himself whatever that meant. So Timothy said, “I want something more. My boyfriend, Freddie, said you could help me find myself.”
“You got me a pack of smokes?” Johnny asked, leaning back on the truck hood. 
Timothy nodded, supplying a box of cigarettes from his sweatshirt pocket, “Marlboro, right?”
Johnny nodded, got off the truck, and swaggered over to Timothy. 
“Alright, sweetie. Let’s do this.” He took Timothy by the hand and him across the street into a dark alley. It was narrow and cold, but Timothy found himself getting turned on by Johnny. His dick got a little hard and if he wasn’t with Freddie he would have gladly given or received head from this man. 
Once they were out of earshot, Timothy started talking. “I got into a fight with Freddie and I know I’m not super great at communicating my feelings and I was kinda condescending to him, but I’m just not comfortable-”
Johnny put a finger to Timothy’s lips. “Honey, I’m not your fucking therapist. Do you want to know what you want or not?” 
Timothy nodded eagerly. 
Johnny lit a cigarette and blew some smoke in Timothy’s face. Timothy wheezed, but noticing Johnny’s eyes he suddenly stopped. Timothy felt rooted to the spot, Johnny’s brown eyes drawing all his attention.  
Johnny smiled, “you love him don’t you?”     “Yes.” Timothy replied, “I love him a lot.”  Timothy felt a strange heat coming from his dick, it prickled and burned.     “And you want to help people, instead of pussyfooting around with shitheads who don’t give a flying fuck about you?” Johnny Cocksucker asked, dangling the cigarette from his mouth as he pressed his hands on Timothy’s shoulders.     “I wouldn’t call it pussyfooting rather attempting to engage the electorate-”     “Do you want to help people or not?”     “Yes.” Timothy agreed again. Timothy’s erection pressed up against his pants, making it too painful to keep on. He undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor with a deep moan. 
“That’s it, bitch. That’s it.” Johnny Cocksucker said, nodding at Timothy’s progress. Cocksucker continued, “And you want to live as yourself and not what everybody wants you to be?”
“Yes, please,” Timothy moaned, his dick was so hard he had to take his boxer briefs off, leaving his hard six-inch dick out in the breeze. 
 Cocksucker spit into his hands and rubbed them viciously before putting his hands on Timmy’s cock. His hands were calloused and hard but in a satisfying way. The odd bumps and dry skin against his dick only made Timothy harder. 
Cocksucker got on his knees and placed Timothy’s dick in his mouth, his soft lips massaging Timothy’s throbbing cock. With every thrust of Johnny's head on his cock, Timothy felt layers of himself getting peeled away. 
No more working with politicians, no more canvassing, stickers, and plastic straw boycotts. He would fight and do shit that helped people now, not maybe four years down the road. He would organize with Freddie and fight against police oppression. The rage that had been building inside of him his entire life was forcing its way through. He would no longer be held back by fear. 
Timothy growled and moaned as Johnny worked his magic on Timothy’s dick. Timothy’s fear and layers of respectability heading into his dick. As Timothy’s mind changed, so did his appearance. His lanky frame that served him well in avoiding public scrutiny was filling up with muscle. His button-up shirt was replaced with a ripped t-shirt and a leather jacket, his khaki pants and boxer briefs replaced with stained jeans and filthy red boxer shorts. Two solid black boots replaced his polished brown oxfords. 
His short blonde hair grew and became spiked, turning a dark shade of green. Black nail polish appeared on his fingernails and silver rings materialized on his two middle fingers. Then sharp pinpricks of pain stabbed through his ears, mouth, and nose making him let out a small scream. Piercings were ripping through Timothy’s flesh until his entire face was coated with them. With his new look and personality came a new name, Viper. It was a name that intimidated the right people, but for Freddie, it would always mean his thick now nine-inch dick. 
    He cummed in Cocksucker’s mouth. His old life and insecurities disappearing down Johnny Cocksucker’s throat.  
Needing to take a breath, Viper leaned his head against a brick wall. Johnny Cocksucker stood up and wiped his mouth.
“You good?” Johnny asked, taking out a cigarette. 
Viper nodded in a daze, “I have to find my boyfriend.” 
Johnny smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Viper stumbled a few steps forward when Johnny said, “Hey, pull your pants up. You got your dick hanging out.”
Viper looked down at his thick nine-inch dick hanging in the air and he chuckled. 
“Still a little fucked up, I guess,” Viper said, pulling up his pants and underwear. Then he staggered out of the alleyway, his dick still hard, as Johnny Cocksucker took out a cigarette and watched. “Freddie owes me big time for that shit,” Johnny said, lighting his cigarette. The taste of cum and Timmy’s fear still hanging in the back of his throat. 
Viper struggled to make his way to Freddie. He had an insatiable desire to fuck Freddie just the way he wanted. Rough and intense, like the time they first fucked, only this time Viper wasn’t going to freeze up every time after they had sex. It was going to be crazy and uninhibited the whole way. the way that he had never been fucked before. It felt like miles before Viper ended up outside an old theatre. In the haze of Viper’s mind, he knew that Freddie had a gig there tonight. 
That’s when he realized it was dark out. Had six hours passed that quickly? Then Viper watched as a bunch of roadies with band equipment were leaving the venue, including Freddie.
Freddie looked over and saw a man waiting for him. He didn’t know why, but he had the sudden feeling that the green-haired punk was his boyfriend.
He dropped what he was doing and ran over to him. Viper jumped up and wrapped his legs around Freddie’s waist kissing him on the mouth.
“I know Johnny did a number on you, but holy shit you’re hot,” Freddie said in-between kisses. 
“Can you faggots get off the sidewalk?” an old man screeched at them. 
Viper flipped the old fucker off and lost himself in Freddie’s passionate embrace. He would never take a straight person’s bullshit ever again. 
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coyotesongwriting · 4 years
Damned - Ch. 1
Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Chapter 1 - Baghdad
Story Summary:  When your mission goes sideways and you find yourself locked up through a case of mistaken identity, you don’t see how things could get much worse. Until you find you have no way to contact the team or even let them know you’re alive. One disaster after another leaves you facing a series of impossible situations, and your very life hangs in the balance. Will Bucky find you in time or are you Damned?
Series Warnings: Abuse, Torture, Murder, Death, Graphic Descriptions Of Violence, Death Row, Jail, Assault, Threats of Sexual Assault, Abuse of Power, PTSD
Word Count: 3588
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this one! It’s going to be a darker fic, and I can’t promise that there’s going to be a happy ever after for this one. In fact, the ending of this fic is up to you guys! If you want your vote to be counted on whether or not there is a happy ending, go to this post and cast your vote.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Series Masterlist
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The best part of being home was waking up pressed against Bucky’s chest. In the mornings after you two were finally reunited after a long mission, you’d wake up facing each other, your face buried in his chest. The two of you would usually stay up late on those nights, unwilling to look away as you memorized the other’s face. Your missions could keep you away for months, and since your assignments left you so deep undercover most of SHIELD didn’t know you existed, the two of you could often go weeks without getting to exchange a phone call or even texts. No matter how long the distance, the two of you always seemed to make it work though and you’d been together for four years now. 
The worst times were when you’d return from a long mission only to find Bucky had been sent on his own assignment. Unfortunately, it was beginning to feel like Fury was against the two of you. You’d come back from a two-month mission in Japan to find Bucky was in the middle of an assignment in Peru. By the time he was coming home three weeks later, you already had your orders for your next mission in Baghdad. This next one was going to be a tough mission, you’d be going completely undercover with no one but your partners, Maya and Kevin, to have your back and you’d be out of contact with everyone for the duration of the mission. If things went right, you’d be home in 9 weeks, tops. 
Bucky’s soft moan drew you back to the present as he brushed a gentle kiss to your forehead. He was always soft and gentle in the quiet mornings before the day started. The early morning sunlight danced across his face, lighting up his gorgeous eyes. God, he always looked so gorgeous in the morning light, not that he wasn’t always handsome but these moments where it was all softness were your favorite.
You let out a quiet hum as you leaned up, capturing his lips in yours. His warm hand slowly began to run down your side, and you let out a breathless chuckle as he rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him. Your fingers tangled in his hair as his hand rested on your hip, but before things could go much farther your stomach let out a harsh growl. 
Bucky had finally come home yesterday and after catching up with the rest of the team, you’d retreated to the room you shared. You’d stayed in your room all night, not leaving for anything - not even to eat dinner and it seemed like your stomach wasn’t a big fan of that decision. He laughed as you groaned in frustration, throwing your head back. 
“Come on, Doll. Let’s get some food in you.”
“Bucky” you whined dramatically, “Can’t we stay in bed a little longer?”
“I wish we could, but did you hear your stomach? I don’t want you waking the whole tower.”
You shot him a playful glare, smacking his shoulder as you rolled off of him to lay on your back by him, “It wasn’t that loud, jerk”
“Whatever you say. Now come on. Fury will kill me if I let you leave without eating.”
You threw your arm over your eyes, “Don’t remind me. I can’t believe we don’t even get 24 hours this time.”
“I know. I was going to wait until after breakfast to tell you this but… I told Fury that when you get back from this mission I’m taking a month off and if he doesn’t like it? I don’t care.”
Your eyes lit up and you quickly moved to look at him, “Really?”
He nodded but before he could speak you’d leaned forward, crashing your lips against his. His hand found its way back to your body and your hands tangled in his hair. You never made it to breakfast, or out of the room at all until it was time to leave. In the end, you didn’t even have time to grab something from the kitchen, already running late. 
“Really [Y/N]?” Maya laughed, throwing a brown paper bag at you as you stepped onto the Quinjet.
“Do you own a clock [Y/L/N]? We were supposed to be in the air 15 minutes ago.” Maria sighed, quickly finishing the pre-flight checklist and getting the jet into the air.
You were taking the Quinjet over to Ohio, and then you’d take a car down to Houston where you’d fly out from. Bucky had tried to convince Fury to let him fly it back, but Fury had wanted no part in that plan so instead, Maria was tasked with accompanying you two as far as Ohio.
“Sorry, got a bit held up” you smirked, opening the bag Maya had thrown to find a sandwich and chips. Maya knew you so well. You set the bag down for a moment, and curled your hands into the shape of a heart, mouthing ‘I love you’ before you began to dig in. 
“Sure you did. Long night?” Maya winked, tossing her mousey brown hair over her shoulder. She’d been talking about chopping it off for a while now, but then Fury had told you about this mission and she’d been forced to wait until after unless she wanted to deal with a wig - her least favorite thing. All she’d talked about lately was finally getting to chop it off and rock a pixie cut. 
“And morning.” you chuckled, quickly meeting her high five.
Maya had been your best friend since middle school when you’d both been sent to the same group home, and you’d quickly become joined at the hip. Maya had been abandoned as a newborn and had nothing from her birth family, even her name had been given to her by her caseworker. No home ever come for her and instead, she’d spent years bouncing from foster home to foster home. You’d never known your father, and when your mom died of a drug overdose you’d ended up in the system with her. 
Luckily, you’d stayed at the same group home for a few years, and when you were removed from there due to overcrowding, your caseworker had managed to find a foster home who would take you both. As far as the rest of the world was concerned the two of you were sisters, and even the others had quickly learned not to try and argue otherwise. 
You’d been there for each other through everything, from your first heartbreaks to when Maya was struggling with her sexuality. She’d eventually come to the conclusion that she was bisexual, and when your foster home tried to say that wasn’t a real thing, well, you’d managed to get kicked out for threatening to beat them up if they didn’t leave her alone. You’d ended up separated for a few months that time until your caseworkers could find a new home who would take both of you. After that, you’d both vowed to never be separated again, and you’d kept true to that.
When you turned 18, you both went off to a local college, working full-time jobs to afford your degrees. You ended up getting your bachelor’s in Criminal Justice, and Maya got a bachelor’s in Computer Science. You’d both decided to minor in Russian. By the time you’d graduated, you were both slightly obsessed with the idea of becoming spies and had enlisted in SHIELD. It hadn’t taken the two of you long to rise through the ranks, and you’d quickly caught Fury’s attention. 
He’d begun placing you on harder and more secretive missions until he’d finally made the decision to have you work directly under him. Since neither of you had families, your deaths had been faked and new identities with no connection to SHIELD had been forged. For safety’s sake, you both had codes and fake names for the SHIELD emergency lines so you could get through if you needed help, but they were for extreme emergency use only. 
The flight to Ohio passed quickly, you and Maya trading playful barbs about your relationships. She’d started dating this sweet girl at the coffee shop down the road, and for the first time, you’d actually approved of Maya’s relationship. Maya had the unfortunate penchant for picking the worst people, but this girl seemed perfect for her and you couldn’t wait to see where things went next for the two of them. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise you if they ended up married someday.
When you arrived in Houston, Kevin was waiting for you. Kevin was one of your least favorite people you’d ever met. An arrogant prick was putting it nicely and he always gave you bad vibes whenever he was around, but he was good at his job. Kevin was a professional driver and an amazing translator, one of the best in the business, he had never been in a situation he couldn’t get his way out of. He was fluent in more languages than you’d even heard of, so on this trip, he’d be helping out with any translation or getaways that you required.
“Miss Allen? The car is here.”
You looked up from the book you’d been pretending to read to glance at Maya as she spoke. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun, her hazel eyes scanning the busy hotel lobby. In her long pencil skirt and long-sleeved button-up, she looked every bit the respectable assistant. Of course, her clothing hid the knives that covered her body. She carried a gun or two at all times for safety’s sake, but she much preferred getting hands-on with a blade so she usually carried at least 5 different blades. 
“Thank you, Annie” you smiled politely at Maya and ignored the short glare she shot your way, knowing just how much she hated her fake name this time around. There’d been an awful bully in one of the foster homes named Annie, so Maya was pretty displeased when Maria gave her that identity. You’d already been in Baghdad for six weeks, so if everything went as planned today she’d be done with the name in another week or two.
Fury had received information that SHIELD weapons were being sold illegally and had needed someone to investigate, but since SHIELD was involved he had to be very careful who he put on the mission. No one at SHIELD knew you and Maya existed except for Maria Hill and Fury, so you two were the obvious pick. 
The two of you walked to the car in silence, it was time to head to your meeting with Mr. Bahar who was selling the weapons. On this mission you were a businesswoman from Canada who ran a small agency responsible for the safety of celebrities abroad, come to buy some weapons and Maya was acting as your personal assistant. 
The ride passed quickly, neither of you wanting to speak too freely in front of Kevin. He’d never been outright rude towards either of you, he merely liked to think he was God’s gift to the world and so that made him a miserable conversation partner. Thankfully, it was only a short ride to Mr. Bahar’s home where you hoped the deal would finally be sealed. As soon as he sold you the weapons, you could begin tracing them back to where he was getting them, and then you could just do some clean up before heading home. 
Home. You couldn’t wait to have one month with Bucky, no missions, no trips, just the two of you getting to finally be together. This would be the longest time you’d get to spend together in one stretch in almost two years and the thought of it had you wanting to race home now. Hopefully, the mission would continue to go smooth, and you’d be back in his arms within two weeks.
Mr. Bahar was there to greet you as you climbed out of the car in the courtyard of his home. Bahar had signaled for Kevin to stay behind with the vehicle, but you’d quickly explained he was your translator and Mr. Bahar had frowned slightly but had waved him along as well. You and Bahar exchanged polite small talk as he led you through his home.
Bahar’s guards were everywhere, and you quickly began to count, memorizing their faces and stations as you headed in. His house was large, and the office he led you to was very carefully decorated. From the set up of the room and lack of any computer, you immediately knew this office was merely a decoy, not the place where he truly got his work done. Maya took a seat next to you on the couch while Kevin stood behind you, his face unreadable. 
The meeting was boring, long ago the standard illegal weapon purchases had become so commonplace you could just about handle them with your eyes closed. Everything went according to plan, a price and delivery location finally agreed on. You slipped a bug into the couch as you headed out of the office. When the time to leave was drawing near, Maya asked if she could use the restroom. When they pointed her down the right hallway, she slipped off to go plant some more bugs throughout the house and find the real office.
The minutes ticked by as you made more small talk with Bahar, regaling him with tales of your favorite soccer games. It had been too long. Maya should have been back by now, and Bahar was beginning to grow suspicious. You could see the wariness in his eyes as he began to study you and Kevin, and you opened your mouth, preparing to offer an excuse for her absence. Before you could say a word, gunshots rang out through the courtyard. You and Kevin dove to take shelter in an alcove on the side of the home.
Bahar’s guards shoved him towards their SUV, but before they made it even a few feet they were gunned down, collapsing onto the sand at his feet. Bahar turned to you, his eyes wild with panic as he began to race towards you. He didn’t even take two steps before another shot echoed and the back of his head seemed to explode. He fell, his vacant eyes staring up at you as blood seeped out the gunshot in his forehead. 
“We need to get Maya” you growled to Kevin, drawing your favorite pistol from its holster. 
Kevin didn’t say a word, merely nodding his head as you lead the way carefully towards the side door a few feet to your left. Your heart pounded as adrenaline coursed through your veins, you couldn’t see the shooters on the roof, they were on the building directly above you and you could only pray they didn’t see you. The stars seemed to be on your side as you both managed to slip through the door before the sand exploded behind you with a missed shot. 
The hallway you’d slipped into was thankfully deserted, and you nodded your head towards the archway on the left. Kevin didn’t argue, merely nodded his head and pulled his gun, heading off on his own as you headed right. He may be an ass, but he was good at his job and he would do everything in his power to find Maya, of that you could at least be certain.
You slipped down hall after hall, rounding corners quickly. The building was deadly silent, the quiet only broken by the occasional crack of a gunshot and you found yourself praying that it wasn’t your team getting shot. Your ears strained, searching for any sounds, a whimper of pain or the slow thud of footsteps to give you any clue as to what was going on. 
The creak of a door to your left gave you just enough to move before the vase behind you shattered into a million pieces, the ceramic raining down to the floor with a loud clatter. You whirled to face your attacker, the shot ripping from your gun as you squeezed the trigger. The man didn’t stand a chance, the bullet piercing his eye and he crumpled to the ground. 
You didn’t even spare him a second glance as you rounded the corner and came face to face with a heavy wooden door. You pushed the door open and the door fought back, something had fallen against the door and you struggled to get it open enough for you to slip through. You didn’t look at what it was until you were in the room, and once you did you felt the air fly from your lungs as your knees slammed into the cool marble floor.
Time stopped as lifeless hazel eyes stared up at the ceiling and a whimper tore itself from your throat as you studied Maya. You were frozen, unable to move for the longest time as you studied her. She lay in a pool of blood, her pale yellow shirt stained with the vibrant red. You could see the hole in her shirt, directly over her heart and knew that her death had been instant. The stillness that had overcome you was broken, and you set your gun down, scooping Maya’s body up in your arms and clutching her to your chest.
Thoughts began to race through your head, memories of everything you’d been through flying past and the promises you’d yet to fulfill seemed to fill your mind. She’d never get her happily ever after, she’d never get to go to the bar with you again. You’d never stay up late with her talking about love and loss and she’d never help you prank Bucky again. Realizations of everything lost in that one gunshot were all that it took to leave you sobbing, all memories of the warzone outside the door forgotten as you held your dead sister.
Her head lolled back in your grasp and you pulled her tighter to you, not even noticing the red that began to sink into your own clothing. You didn’t notice the door opening, didn’t register the hand on your shoulder until they tried to pull you back away from her. You shrugged out of their grasp, not even looking at them, not caring.
“We need to go. They’re killing everyone they find” Kevin’s voice was soft but determined.
You barely heard him speak. It was like being underwater, his voice muffled and distant. You were too lost in your thoughts, too lost in the memories to care. After everything you’d faced with Maya, with every battle you’d won and fight you’d lost, a mission as simple as this should never have been her downfall. Kevin’s hand squeezed your shoulder, and his repeated calls of your real name finally seemed to pull you out, and you realized for the first time that the low keening you’d been hearing was you.
“[Y/N]. We have to go. Now” Kevin tried to pull you away again.
You shot him a death glare, your voice breaking as you spoke, “No. I’m not, I’m not leaving her.”
“Maya wouldn’t want you to die too,” he growled. Footsteps were drawing near, and you were supposed to be in charge. 
He swept your pistol up from the ground and began to pull you away from her body. You fought him, struggling to remain with her, only giving up once he slid your pistol back into your hand. Kevin had locked the door and as the door handle began to jiggle, he pulled you from the room through the window.
You managed to spare one last glance behind at Maya’s body, her head had fallen facing the window when Kevin had pulled you away, and her gaze seemed to be locked onto you. After a long moment, you tore your eyes from hers, wiping the tears from your eyes as Kevin pulled you towards the car. Dust began to rise in the air from the tires as you sped away, leaving Maya lying alone on the floor.
~~Five Days Later~~
“You wanted to see us?” Bucky asked, taking a seat at the conference room table, the last one in like always. 
The whole team had gathered, and Fury stood at the head of the table. His face was unreadable as always, but there was an unexpected tension in the room and Bucky began to grow impatient,  tapping his fingers methodically on the coffee mug in his hands when Fury didn’t speak right away.
Fury’s voice was steady as he spoke, “Five days ago, [Y/N]’s team went for a meeting with a man suspected of selling SHIELD weapons to anyone with the money. We lost all contact with the team after a shootout.” Bucky sat up ramrod straight, his heart beginning to race as Fury continued, “Unfortunately, we can now confirm that Maya was killed in the fight. We identified her body this morning. Kevin and [Y/N] are missing, and we have been unable to find or contact them. We’re doing our best.”
Silence fell over the room, everyone afraid to be the first to speak. No one wanted to be the one to ask if you were dead if they Fury thought there was even a chance you were still alive. A loud crash broke the silence as the mug in Bucky’s hand shattered, coffee spilling all over the table.
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Taglist: @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark@redfoxwritesstuff​ @brokenthelovely  @collinsstanharbour @samsgoddess​ @imma-new-soul​ @firefly-in-darkness @wolfiegal98 @brynnloh
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