#surviving to not quite thriving but we're working on it.
existential-sunbeam · 5 months
"Time will pass anyway". It is so crazy to me that I will make it to 30. That I will outlive the expiration date I set for myself. That I am not merely surviving but I have a 5 year plan (For the first time ever!). I am not just surviving but expecting myself to want to live. To dare to achieve goals, some small and some so big it scares me.
Honestly just so overwhelmed in a good way. Things are looking up even if I'm still taking life one day at a time.
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wolven91 · 19 days
Drought vs Flood
Cat calls.
Being called 'cute' or showered with compliments.
Paul had never really considered these an annoyance before. Hell, if he though back to his time on Earth, he couldn't remember the last time when he'd ever received a compliment from a stranger before.
No, that was a lie he realised.
Many years before, an older lady once stopped him to compliment him on a jovial Christmas jumper he'd worn. She said she liked it and that he was handsome in it too. He vividly remembered having a great day that day, despite having to deal with a queue of irate customers throughout the afternoon.
That compliment had kept the man sated for years!
As a man, Paul had never really understood the frustrations of women when they bemoaned the fact that they received compliments and manners from random strangers every day. The man would always hasten to add that he understood them from a logical point of view, but there was always a part of him that had wanted a taste of that life for a while.
Sure, maybe getting them every day might have gotten old, but after over a decade of surviving off one compliment? The man didn't *understand* the frustration. The isolation had to be worse right?
That was until the Earth was destroyed and Paul ended up like a few of his fellow humans, lost amongst the stars as a human, alone in the void.
At first, Paul thrived. He'd lived alone for seven years and with his friends moving away, getting families, or just losing touch; there had been times in his life where he'd gone whole weeks without saying a single word out loud.
After that initial period of learning the ropes, figuring out where he could get a job, food, even the stuff that wasn't quite 'legal' like a drink, Paul settled into what he expected would be a quiet life.
Only, every time he spent time out in public, like when he went to sit in the tiny bar that would serve him under the counter, it wasn't that quiet.
"I just love your fur; can I touch it?" Asked the bull-like alien as they had already begun reaching out and touching thick leather pads to the crop of hair atop Paul's head. The man shoved the alien's wrist away from him.
"No, thank you." He grunted, still hunched at the bar, uncomfortable about the two aliens that stood either side of him. Both were, alien, they had the heads of bulls but bodies that he would have given his left arm for back home. But regardless of their physical attraction, this was week three of not being able to have a single moment's peace outside of his own quarters.
"Oh come on, I read you love it when someone pets you?" Smarmed the second, quoting some bullshit, pardon the pun, text that Paul himself had read. Apparently, a few of the survivors had let slip that they were touch starved, so now every alien and their mother was quoting this as if gospel.
If Paul ever got his hands on the moron that uttered those...
"Not all humans are the same." He growled back, gripping his drink.
"Well, what if I showed you a gun? You like guns, right?" Offered the first taurian, briefly turning their hip and displaying a holster.
"I repeat, not all humans are the same." Paul was British, he thought guns were a tool and nothing more. No more exciting than a pen or a pair of expensive scissors. More than a handful of Americans made it out and had made a huge scene when they found out guns were illegal to humans. Yet more misinformation chumming the water.
"Aww come on, we're just being friendly. It's okay! I also read that your society said you had to be prudes; it's not true, you can relax." The alien explained as if she wasn't taking a big dump on the entire human civilisation and its history.
Paul sneered at the fact that he mildly agreed. The odd concepts that were considered fact back home were outright frowned on up here. With all the fur and lack of breasts on those without; clothes were almost optional by those not actively working. Granted Paul wasn't a nudist and didn't have the body to want to flaunt it, but it was a breath of fresh air to not be so gummed down with social rules.
"I was relaxed," Paul sniped, but the jab went well over the two female taurian's horns. "I just want a quiet drink." He reiterated, breathing deep and remaining calm. The sluggat barkeep watched him carefully, his eye stalks watching the taurians and the human independently. He was hanging around by the bar's emergency distress button.
"We can drink with you." Offered one of them, Paul didn't even bother looking now, instead attempting to drill a hole in the opposite wall with his eyes.
"I don't want company." He explained clearly.
"Why not?" They prodded.
"Because I said so."
"That ain't a real answer, just let us-"
"Can you actually fuck off?!" Paul snapped, turning his body to the last one to speak. "I don't want company, I don't want a drink from you, I want to be left alone!"
"Alright, fuck us, right? We were being nice and now you're acting like we're attacking you. We're the nice ones, but I guess you'll only learn that when you meet the other kind."
Paul just rolled his eyes as the pair stepped away from the bar and, as one walked past, clipped the leg of the stool Paul was sat on, jangling his already on edge nerves.
They grunted something as they passed that the translators flagged as an insult.
Paul rubbed a hand over his face as he sighed and tried to relax. The sluggat slithered over and asked if he was all right.
"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine." The man replied absently, using a thumb to wick the moisture off the side of his glass.
A drought, versus a flood.
That was how Paul now considered the perspective from before. How he would explain the difference of perspectives to a younger self.
How could the drowning woman understand the dying man in the desert?
It was great to be the centre of attention for a week or two, but the way they got handsy? If he didn't actively stop them, and make it clear he wasn't 'playing hard to get' that they'd start groping him?  The way they didn't give him space or even listen when he said 'no'?
Even when they were weird... and smelt bad... Not all the creatures up here were attractive.
"Fuck." The man drew the word out with a breath he only realised was shaking as his voice shuddered. With a guilty grimace, the man reached into his pocket and retrieved the data slate. He scrolled through the minimal contacts and selected his guardian.
It rang once before being answered by a near frantic voice that was obviously being kept neutral.
"Hey Shu'ba. I fucked up... Can you... Can you come get me please?" The man asked humbly.
"Is everything alright?!"
"It's fine, nothing's happened, but I'd feel safer if you were near."
"I got your location, I'm two minutes away."
"Thanks, Shu'ba."
"Don't think anything of it."
"I'm sorry."
The voice of the ssypno sighed through the speaker.
"I get it's hard to have a babysitter, but we're here for a reason. It's okay, I'm almost there."
Paul stayed on the line, even though he and the sluggat were the only patrons of the bar, but when the neon green scales of his guardian slithered into the room, a wave of relief washed over him.
Perhaps it was time to stop giving the serpent the slip?
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pennyblossom-meta · 5 months
Gale/Wyll banter
Here's a collection of Gale/Wyll banter that I found in the dialogue files. I hope this is useful as both fanfiction resources and general curiosity :)
Help: I'm fairly sure there's a line from Wyll (?) mentioning how Gale doesn't ever eat vegetables, but for the life of me I can't find it. UPDATE 30/12/2023: Found it and added it to the post, the banter happens with the MC during the tiefling party. Also added a couple more interesting tidbits of dialogue.
Warning: long post.
Act 01
Loss of powers
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Wyll points out that he used to kill big monsters, and now a few goblins are a challenge. What gives? Gale remarks it must be the tadpole. Wyll: Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat. Wyll: Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn. devnote: Amn = city on the Sword Coast. Pronounced "AAHM" like UK Eng "arm". Gale: Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.
Netherese magic
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Wyll recalls the hag said 'Netherese' and asks Gale what he knows. Astarion adds a thought if he is present. Wyll: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean? Gale: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient, exceedingly dangerous, and quite unrivalled. Astarion: Wonderful! I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic. devnote: A little sarcastic. You've been told the dangerous magic inside you is ancient and unrivalled
Goblin raids
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Wyll: I've known goblin raiders to slaughter entire villages and strip them for loot - but I've never seen one ravaged like this. Gale: It's hard to imagine anyone who'd willingly inflict such devastation, be they zealots, marauders, invading armies... A sign of far worse to come, I fear.
Act 02
Mountain Pass
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Gale: These cragged hillls make for weary soles. I see why most headed inland prefer the smooth sailing of the Chionthar. Wyll: More importantly, the land west of here suffers under a terrible curse. Gale: You've seen it for yourself? Wyll: I've glimpsed that doom during my travels, but never dared get close. Wyll: If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Scary woods
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Wyll: What a dismal forest. Monsters could be lurking behind any and every tree. Gale: We'd be wise to fear the trees themselves. It feels like the forest itself longs for our destruction. devnote: serious Wyll: Frustrating, that. Wyll: Monsters, I can fight. But I can no more sever these shadows than I could the wind or the sun.
Approaching Moonrise
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Gale: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the Heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it. Wyll: Then let us push forward, heads high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble. Gale: Your confidence is encouraging but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead. Or eye, as the case may be.
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Gale: A tollhouse like this would only be merited in the most prosperous of settlements. This was once a thriving trade route. Wyll: Should it be any wonder? The Chionthar's waters carry merchant vessels from as far east as Berdusk. devnote: bur-DUSK Wyll: And they wouldn't have brought just trade goods, but song, dance, and custom. Riches of the mind and the spirit. Wyll: So much was lost when the darkness fell.
At the Mason's Guild
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Gale: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were. Wyll: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows. Gale: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed. Wyll: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talents to use elsewhere. Wyll: Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.
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Wyll: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place has a boastworthy bar. Gale: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect to find on their racks? devnote: Anticipating a nice drink Wyll: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents. Gale: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is. devnote: Good humoured
House of Healing
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Wyll: This was a hospital? Feels more like a prison. Gale: A common enough interpretation. Sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your own body. Gale: I once spent weeks convalescing in the Hospice of St Laupsenn (*) after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me. Wyll: I've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the Coast. Better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.
(Lore note*): The Hospice of St. Laupsenn is a temple of Ilmater in the North Ward of Waterdeep.
Moonrise General_AssaultState
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Wyll: This is it, Gale - today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power. The bards will sing of our victory here. Gale: Entirely unnecessary. Though if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration. devnote: Feigned modesty
Moonrise General
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Wyll: This is no aimless horde - the Absolute's forces are organised. What do you make of it, Gale? Gale: All enemies have some chink in their armour, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable. That's what we must find. devnote: Cheery/determined Wyll: And if we don't find any clear weakness? Gale: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or, we die nobly in the attempt. devnote: Cheery/determined
Moonrise Prison
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Gale: Not a devil in sight. How disappointing. COL_MizorasRescue_State_SavedMizora = False, TWN_Wyll_State_MizorasCaptureHappened, MOO_MizorasRescue_Event_WalkedAway = False Wyll: I doubt a few iron bars are sufficient to hold one of Zariel's. Gale: True enough. But an illithid pod? That would probably do the trick. devnote: Cogs whirring Wyll: I wager you're right. Ah, Gale - what a pleasure to see a genius' mind at work.
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Wyll: Of course Mizora was Zariel's captured asset. How did I not see it coming? TWN_Wyll_State_MizorasCaptureHappened Gale: It's in a devil's nature to conceal the truth - you can't fault yourself for that. Wyll: I've been pacted for seven years on, Gale. I should be able to read between Mizora's lines by now, no matter how narrow the gap.
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Gale: How long have you been pacted to Mizora, Wyll? Wyll: Seven years. Seven years of hunting the monsters of the Sword Coast - and seven years of Mizora's tight leash. Wyll: And seven years of wondering if I'd ever rid myself of her - or if I even should.
Act 03
At the Basilisk Gate
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Gale: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here - a fascinating resource. Wyll: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence. Gale: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.
Morphic Pool
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Gale: Whatever the outcome of what's just ahead, it will be the stuff of legends. Wyll: In that case, someone needs to survive to tell the story. Gale: My money's on you, Wyll. Wyll: I'm betting on all of us.
Misc banter
Gale's ticking time bombs
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Wyll points out that Gale has two ticking time-bombs inside him - but he's holding together pretty well. Wyll: I admire your courage, Gale. Gale: Thank you. Any particular reason? Wyll: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers. Gale: What can I say? Mother always taught me to be a gracious host.
Wyll thinks Gale has potential
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Wyll tells Gale he's got potential, and suggests he rename himself something more... heroic. Gale finds Wyll quite the tryhard. Wyll: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name. Gale: I take it you have some suggestions? Wyll: 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'? Gale: Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
With Laz'el and Wyll
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Lae'zel notes that Gale knows a lot about mind flayers. He responds with information about his training. If there, Wyll chimes in as well. Lae'zel: You strike me cleverer than most istiki, Gale. Multiple tutors, I should guess. devnote: istiki - non-gith. IH-stick-ee Gale: Many a wise man and woman indeed. Waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars. Wyll: Ah, the City of Splendours. Spent a whole Fleetswake there with my father. What a delight.
The following dialogues are marked as ROM, which I assume is a flag for triggering when there's an active Romance with the MC.
Romance banter, Act 1
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Gale: If your natural charm isn't quite up to scratch, Wyll, there are magical means of adding a little flourish of charisma. Wyll: A kind offer, but I think I'd rather pursue things the old fashioned way.
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Gale: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, erm, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll? devnote: Fishing for info, a bit awkward. Wyll: I think I'm not the right person to be asking. Wyll: I can recognise a troll's silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Romance banter, Act 2
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Gale: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer too. Gale: I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball. Wyll: I'd have love to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
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Gale: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, 'wizard' is also a term used for one who eschews their more, ahem, carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll? devnote: Fishing for info, a bit annoyed about what he's heard Wyll: Where are we going with this, Gale? Gale: Oh, nowhere. I just think it a rather cruel misnomer. Not at all reflective of the glamour wizarding life affords. devnote: A bit sulky/sensitive about it
Romance banter, Act 3
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Wyll: I'm probably going to regret this, but Gale - if I'm to be wed, would you like to make a speech? Gale: You've asked the right wizard. My oratory skills have left many a wedding guest weeping in their seat. devnote: Honoured/very excited at the prospect of speaking at length. Oblivious as to why his previous listeners might have been left weeping… Wyll: Promise it will last less than half an hour? Gale: I can promise it will feel like less than half an hour... devnote: Trying to avoid committing to a short speech
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Wyll: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed. Wyll: But Gale - you are so much more tolerable now you've found your second. Gale: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended. devnote: Not rising to it, cheerful
Misc quotes
Tiefling party
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Gale: Wyll's a good man. He may actually be a tried-and-true storybook hero. Gale: Then again he's so full of himself it's a small miracle he hasn't resorted to self-cannibalism yet.
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Wyll: You're running away from Gale's cooking. Wyll: It's delicious, don't get me wrong, but that man wouldn't eat a vegetable unless Mystra herself commanded it.
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Gale: So, you didn't fancy sharpening up the old moniker? I'd have thought the 'Blade of Frontiers' might be feeling a bit dull after all you've been through.
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Player: Sounds heavenly. Mind if I join you? Wyll: Not at all. You hunt the deer, I'll scrounge up the ale. Prepare your belly for roast a la Ravengard! Wyll: Let's hope Gale doesn't take offence if I assume cooking duties, just the once.
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
So a thing happened on Critical Role this week (campaign 3 ep 91), we're gonna talk about it - a long talk - so if you haven't been caught up and don't wanna be spoiled don't keep reading okay?
One of the disadvantages of being in a different time zone is that after fretting all morning, going to work, thinking 'it's 7am maybe it's done now' I had to sit in my office for a stressful final half hour murmuring don't do this don't fucking do this don't you dare fucking do this!
I already was worried for everyone given the cliffhanger last episode, and the 5 hour length made me further worried as players kept being knocked down by Otohan Thull - already frightening in base form but now with an even higher AC and empowered. Then Sam Riegel had to do what he does best, a devastating sacrifice where FCG blows himself up to take down Otohan - Ludinus' No. 2, harrowed for being proficient in slaughter, defeated by no assassin or warrior but a cleric saving their friends. We've been well past 'get off the moon' hours with this one, but now there is an impact on every one of the Hells to think about, which is what this will be about.
FCG Though he is dead there is still stuff to talk about with FCG's death. A common debate right now is the potential of the Reincarnate spell; while the wording of the death implies that FCG's current body is irreparable there is a chance that a 5th Level Druid Spell can fashion him a new body, one of flesh, bone and tongue. The body itself needs to be dead for less than 10 days so there is wiggle room to gain the necessary components too if the top brass of Exandria turn it into a fetch quest. There is argument on both sides though; if FCG comes back does it undermine his sacrifice? Perhaps, but there's no incentive for the Hells to not try. Reincarnation hasn't quite happened in Critical Role yet - Since Molly/Lucien/Kingsley was kinda different, he kinda had the opposite, different mind same body - so it'd be a refreshing new option and also a way to redesign FCG without having to create a whole new cleric (because they definitely need a cleric) with a whole new skillset that the Hells will need to warm towards before the final battle. But at the same time, the soul has to be willing. FCG was content with his sacrifice, and in the arms of the Changebringer would he go back? I'd like to hope so if it's an option, it'd also entertain a whole new character arc for him as a 'real boy' - plus Matt and Sam don't have to fully abide to the D100 rule of what race he turns into. Of course, I like this angle more than needing a new character, because I like happy endings and it makes narrative sense that the Hells would claw and bite to pull him from that sweet goodnight. It would also validate a reason for the Hells to align with the gods, because if divine favour comes into play and the Gods decide against helping Bell's Hells' greatest advocate for saving them then they are foolishly and callously forsaking key players to their survival, FCG reincarnating with the help of the Gods would play a big part in the Hells standing with them rather than losing faith in them, and even with friction between the Titans & Temults and the Gods from the past they would have a common enemy. Still living or dying can have varying effects on the other characters.
Ashton From the moment Ashton met FCG they wanted to make sure this little bot would be okay, that they'd learn to value their life and be able to thrive. While part of that did happen, Ashton is likely going to feel like nothing's changed since Bassuras; knocked out by Otohan and when awakened a friend is dead, another person they couldn't protect.
Before the shard, I think Ashton would very easily fly off the handle, in their anger they'd blame everything including themselves and maybe even consider leaving themselves, it probably have made them more self-destructive too. Now though I'm not so sure, nobody would hold it against them to waver a little on their promise to take care of themselves in a burst of grief, this was after all their best friend someone they looked after like a little brother, and while I can see Ashton quietly and angrily grieving I can also see Ashton double down on trying to keep their promise, making sure that FCG didn't go out like a martyr and that it won't be in vain. FCG reincarnating would assist in Ashton's character drive too, since I feel like they would detest any replacement cleric because it's not FCG, they may also be less abrasive towards the gods if they came through for them and proved that they care - at least to the Changebringer, think they'd still throw copper at the Dawnfather given the whole Angel incident.
Imogen As the nominated leader of Bell's Hells, many will probably look to Imogen Temult for action, the problem is she has her own mother issues to deal with too - and I'm not entirely sold that Liliana has fully made a turn just yet, only that she won't hand over the Hells to Ludinus. FCG's death is gonna produce a lot of guilt from Imogen though, she was detesting the fact that she had to play dead at 1HP while Otohan cut down her friends again, she will likely blame her inaction which in turn may push her to be more aggressive in combat.
At the same time, I can see her being one of the more gung ho characters to push towards the Reincarnate option, perhaps even going as far as to accost or lambast anyone regardless of alliances or rank who she feels isn't as committed. Imogen has been in the position of loss before, and knowing that FCG had a connection with FRIDA she would likely compel herself to fix it rather than have to deliver the bad news. Regardless of whether he reincarnates though I feel like Imogen may look towards some more defensive spells, and maybe through Liliana try to tap into the powers of an Exalted to try and match the power she saw from Otohan, a risky endeavour for sure but FCG took an even greater risk for them.
Orym Orym is probably the toughest of the Hells to read when it comes to FCG's death. There will of course be a deep sadness at the loss of a friend, but I would also sense a...not bitterness but discontent that this is how it went down. Otohan killed his family, he kept fighting her until he could no longer stand because that's what they would've done, and now she's dead but it doesn't make it better, he wasn't the one to do it, he didn't even see it, and the one who did is gone with her. When Bor'dor was killed, Orym coldly reminded himself that 'we're at war', but I don't think he can justify that way with FCG, the loss was greater than the catharsis.
The death also has to turn attention to his deal with Nanna Mori. Many have pointed out that there is a lot of technicalities that may prolong, void or complete the deal; it was never specified how many times the Hells could return from the moon to continue the deal, but at the same time they did technically return from the moon to Exandria safe and sound via the Secret Backdoor. Still, Mori is his best friend's grandmother, there could be leeway on that matter too and even if he does have to commit to the deal (which I call 'Fatekeeper Orym') it's never been explicitly said that Orym needs to constantly attend to Mori in the Feywild, only that he has to be her caretaker and answer her beck and call. However, FCG's death will likely provide a sobering thought that his deal with Mori was perhaps voided, unless there is one more thread he can have her pull. When it comes to seeking options to bring a friend back, I would keep a close eye on Orym - it's not the first time Liam's resolved himself to be damned before.
Fearne Fearne will likely be a linchpin if the Hells seek out Reincarnate. The spell is exclusive to Druids and if Keyleth isn't on hand to do it the task and pressure will fall to her. It'll be interesting how she reacts, I don't wanna say she'll be the most positive of it because she'll certainly be upset, but I can see her being optimistic even if it's to also convince herself, the one who is most encouraging to find a way. As a shipper I of course want her to be the one who comforts and gets through to Ashton while they grieve but if she also is key to his reincarnation that also adds to their slow-burn. Outside of that, FCG's death may also lead into learning about Mori's deal with Orym, which will probably anger her that Orym kept it from her, there is also the fact that having FCG's life in her hands may bring back bad memories of Bassuras and Whitestone. One must also especially worry about her Asmodeus calling card, the Prince of Lies does nothing for free and I still feel like Klask was planted in her path by Asmodeus' (and maybe even Athion's) titan-seeking design.
If FCG does reincarnate though, I could see her friendship with FCG being even greater than it was, since they'll both feel a greater zeal for life - it may also make her feel further distant from her Evil vision, since she will have saved half her friends rather than risked killing them. If not though, Fearne may have to play mediator for the new cleric and may also be pushed towards freeing up more slots for healing to provide more support for the Hells in future battles.
Chetney It's gonna be an interesting one for Chetney too, from one perspective you could see him thinking that FCG traded their life for his; he died, he made peace with that, but then the one who revived him died. Chetney's more personal mindset has often been cloaked in secrecy, perhaps as one of the least open of the Hells despite many claiming him as the Heart of the group, so I wonder if Chetney may harbour some Survivor's Guilt for what happened.
I can see Chetney being the one to keep his emotions close to his chest, even if FCG were to reincarnate he would perhaps try to shrug off that he always knew it'd happen anyway. That being said someone who remains stoic and unwavering may prove a positive or a negative to the group, depending on the person or their interpretation of it. If a new cleric comes along though I could see him being additionally protective of them, having been the new guy before.
Laudna We should all be worried for Laudna right now. The recent 4SD already revealed that Laudna's 'close to the brink' and I'm pretty sure this is the brink. The aftermath of the Otohan fight will likely push each of the Hells to get stronger, since had they hit harder or been able to take stronger blows it wouldn't have come to this, but that will mean bad things when it comes to Laudna, as she may seek to gain power the only way she thinks she can - through Delilah. After all her last two levels went to Sorcery and did little in the fight, whereas her Warlock class Eldritch Blasts hurt Otohan fairly decently, such a thing can linger in the mind for Delilah to manipulate.
It'll be telling if they do try to Reincarnate him whether the damage will have been done already to Laudna, and that the joy of bringing him back turns to tragedy of Laudna losing herself further, as it often does it will fall to how she leans on Imogen, and how open about it she'll be to her. If FCG is lost however, we may have to keep a very close eye on Laudna being next.
Bell's Hells As I mentioned with Laudna, FCG's death will have made something apparent and clear; despite everything Bell's Hells need to get stronger. Even at Lv13, even with Exalted powers, Fey bargains and Titan shards they still just barely escaped a TPK, and granted they were weakened and worn out but no fight is guaranteed to ever be fought at 100%. Otohan may've been the toughest General of the Vanguard but the other Generals - the Weavemind, Zathuda and the Dominon of Cruft Commander - are still not ones to take lightly, Ludinus is still not one to take lightly, and if Liliana is going to be used by him to become a vessel for Predathos, that cannot be taken lightly. Bell's Hells may need to look towards enhancing their stats as well as their equipment, the harness is still a factor too which can boost them all with enough enchanted items at their disposal. An interesting one would be if Otohan's backpack ends up in one of the Hells' hands; many beforehand have talked about Orym being an Echo Knight but I would personally like to see Ashton take it, since it is powered by the Potion of Possibility like their own Dunamancy powers, it's possible (eheh) that they may align in some manner and could you imagine Ashton + 3 Echoes all raging to get All 4 Dunamancies? Otohan's swords may also provide unique properties for Chetney and/or Orym to use. Reincarnation or not I feel like that may be the Hells' next plan once it's discussed whether to attempt Reincarnation and they're off of Ruidus, gathering allies will likely also be something to prepare for for the final battle given how Otohan stated that they have 'enough Ruidusborns' for their plan. As a group it is difficult to tell if this will strengthen or weaken them, it could strengthen them in a 'never again' way like the Nein, but they were also very enthusiastic about bringing Molly back - it drove them through several arcs - FCG however often was the Hells' beacon of hope and the self-imposed attempted therapist, without that the Hells will either have to put it upon themselves to go the extra lengths or they'll close further in on themselves. If FCG does reincarnate I feel like it would definitely strengthen them mentally but if not I am not so sure.
It shouldn't come to a surprise that I will hold onto the Reincarnate potential so that the Hells can get back their friend, but rest assured I'm worried for all of them right now, there are crossroads ahead.
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vitaminseetarot · 10 months
PAC Pick a Palette: One Small Thing That Will Help You Grow ☕🌞💴
Welcome back to my pick a card readings! This time we're looking at the time between our New Moon sowing and our Full Moon flowering. At this stage of the magic making process, work has gone underway to build upon the seed that was germinated and growth happens. Soon it will reveal the peak of its work through the flower, but before then the stem and leaves also deserve attention. They're the ones helping to power the whole thing!
It's important, then, to look at what you're using and where you are in the process. Not everything is meant to grow at the same rate, but sometimes the right ingredients like plant food or pruning clippers can do an incredible job at providing a needed boost.
Pick one of these three color palette swatches to find out what you can add or remedy to assist the growth of your own magic!
(Forgive me if the spread out looks a bit funky this time, it's all about finding the part of the house with the best natural lighting!)
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Pile 1: Coffee Beans
Draw: Four of Wands; Queen of Pentacles, Page of Wands, Death 18 - Communication, Aries Rising - Act, Heartsease - Compassion "Tread a little more tenderly."
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You need more space to grow whatever it is you're creating. A bird can try to lay an egg without a nest, but it's never going to be easy. Building a sturdy nest increases the young's chance of survival. You should try considering the space in which you're using to create your project or desire: are you writing a novel in a cluttered room, or cooking a meal when you can't find half of your measuring cups and saucepans? Are you meditating in a place where it's difficult to tune out the background noise?
Four of Wands talks about creating the space for you to thrive like the corn in Queen of Pentacles. The Queen is able to cultivate her garden in peace and certainty that abundance is hers. You are meant to take what it is you're doing and allow it to grow, so the Queen is being quite literal here. But she wants you to do it from a place of joy and enthusiasm instead of dread.
The Page is fired up from drinking coffee and is ready to go. But you must be in a place of ease with yourself to do this. Your message is to act upon your growth, but do it from a gentle place and at a gentle pace. Do not try to over exert yourself when you do have the space to practice or create. Do not try, for example, to squeeze 45 minutes of exercise into 5 minutes, thinking that it's all the time you're allowed, so why not go overboard, amiright? This is the fast lane to killing what you're growing and your joy for it, pile 1, and what you're growing is still in a very delicate stage. You have time to work out the details, so don't rush this. Heartease was the first card to pop out and the only card to jump, so it's really emphasizing the need to be careful with how you spend your time and energy.
The Communication card is the only one that really stands out to me. Perhaps what you're developing has to do with communications. Writing a book, preparing a speech, blogging, interview, etc. but it could also have to do with growing your connections with other people through how you communicate. You could be rekindling an old friendship from school or meeting someone for coffee? In any case, Compassion is the keyword here. Be gentle and ready to listen more to feedback, while creating a safe space for your friend or colleague to communicate clearly with you. This is a meetup you'll want to act upon, but do so from a place of kindness.
Also for some reason, maybe it's because I heard the song recently while out, but Tom Petty's "Free Fallin" is in my head while typing your reading and only your reading. Argh, such an earworm! If this person you're meeting up with hurt your heart in some way way back in the past… yeah it's cool to be on the defensive, assert your boundaries. Heartease, however, still asks that you treat this situation with diplomacy.
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Pile 2: Radiance
Draw: Eight of Wands; Queen of Pentacles, King of Swords, Knight of Pentacles 19 - Healing Grief, Pisces Rising - Dream, Wisteria - Longevity "Plan for and take the dedicated path."
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You have some similarities to pile 1, so if you were interested in that pile I recommend checking it out for messages. For starters, you have Queen of Pentacles in the exact same space on your spread, so that tells me there's a lot of collective push for undertaking rapid growth at this time. The Queen does it from an appearance of near effortlessness, but it's not without considerable effort on her part. She's able to handle a lot with grace and consistency.
It seems like in your cards, pile 2, you're pretty solid when it comes to growing towards your goals. You've become used to trucking along without must reprieve, as if it's from one thing to another as smoothly as the train cars pass the railroad crossing. You're being asked to remember about the power of momentum, and about the little things that add up. Think of how a bird takes off. When it starts flapping, it flaps hard. Once it's high in the sky, it spreads out and soars with ease. It requires a lot of steady pushing, one flap at a time, but eventually when it takes off it gains more speed than ever.
Again like with pile 1, you have all the time you need to make your dreams grow and flourish. Just don't be surprised if this takes a rather long time to accomplish. The Queen of Pentacles is less interested in quantity or time efficiency as she is in quality. It's not that she isn't punctual, far from it, but she and the Knight know that the best fruits are ones that ripen when they're ready to. You're being encouraged to plan for the long term, with wise judgement as the King of Swords suggests, and to open yourself up to envisioning more brilliant avenues to fly through. Imagine what would make your heart soar, and grow that instead of something that you merely feel "obligated" to do. Great things can take time, but it'll be completely worth the wait.
Also, my sun catcher reflected a rainbow perfectly on the osprey in this Eight of Wands card, it's nice. There is a radiance that comes from taking time to grow something to how you want it to be, like the bird with its fish catching talents (it can pluck them right out of the water and fly around boasting its catch). Your skills will shine here, just be sure to care for yourself in the meantime.
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Pile 3: Perfect Penny
Draw: Nine of Wands; II High Priestess, XIV Temperance, Seven of Wands 25 - Truth, Taurus Moon - Relax, Belladonna - Silence "Listen more and quiet be."
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So this was an interesting spread because at first I couldn't tell if the message was to hold on or let go. Maybe that's your current dilemma when it comes to growth. And it's a valid one, cause it's a lot like the pruning stage. You have to decide which leaves are valuable to your health, and which leaves are dead and must be clipped away.
The penny is like… saving a wishing penny for a rainy day. You're on the defense with Nine of Wands. Do I use this penny now to accomplish this, you ask, or I should I save it for later when I might use it for something else? Nine of Wands is a lot of energy being deliberately held back for a reason, like an arrow ready to fire. It could be that you're maybe putting a little too much perfectionism into the idea. What you're growing has not yet been grounded into the material world, it's still a passion idea or a fire in your heart but you're holding it back. But Nine of Wands is also a Sagittarius card, doubly so since Sagittarius is the 9th sign. The requirement here for growth is pushing forward with optimism that your wish will not go to waste. There's an energy of perfectionism here especially as it took me exactly nine photos before I settled for this one. I finally decided it didn't have to be perfect, it just had to feel ok enough!
My first reaction was to say "trust your gut and you'll learn to balance the give and take," then High Priestess and Temperance came out together! Somewhere inside you already know what it is you would like to do with "the penny" of an idea you're casting into the wishing well. You don't have to overthink this. It's a matter of coming from a heart-centered place of Truth. Belladonna is showing you how to tap into your intuition: "listen more, silent be." Listen closely to what your heart is wishing to do. Balance this out with how others may perceive your goals or growth. There may be people who say something like, "you're going to use what you got on 'that'?" or "are you really sure that's what you want to do?"
It takes practice to choose from a place of intuitive open mindedness, but it will reward you in this case. You're being reminded to stay relaxed and steady about this. Making the next move doesn't have to come from a place of high pressure or unneeded stress, even if it's time sensitive. But by learning to listen to your intuition more, the part that tells you how to proceed from a place of optimism within reason, you'll be able to more quickly expand and grow upon what it is you're creating. With penny's copper corresponding to Venus as well as Taurus moon, it's suggested here that you could receive monetary or financial growth through this, as well.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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nihilnovisubsole · 7 months
i think i followed you Back In The Day, seven years and seven blogs ago, for something related to mass effect (zaeed? maybe? who could say) and it's wild to come back to this site years later and find you thriving, surviving, growing-- playing ffxiv! love that game. curious how you'll feel about some side characters in shadowbringers, but i won't spoil which ones.
i do have real questions, though; writing tools. not pens or software, but personal structure tools and/or guidance. what does a beat sheet look like, for you? do you have a favored way of outlining or note-taking on your own thoughts when putting a story together?
and... i'm really curious how you hold a big story together in your head while you work on it in pieces, especially for something like dangerous crowns. there's this larger story i've been chasing around for a while, and I can't quite wrap my head around how to write the political/espionage plot for it without feeling like i've actually written a children's pantomime. the best i've got so far is "research real life events and use those as my outline" but after a point it becomes hard to keep track of all the variables of who knows what about whom, who is planning x when y, etc, etc. the characters don't need to know all that-- and may never know some things-- but i feel like /I/ need to understand what's happening on the macro level so i can move the world around them appropriately.
short version: how do YOU wrap your head around writing complex plots?
hey, anon! i started endwalker this week after a long... uh... glamour detour, so don't worry about spoiling things. i spoil myself for a lot of stories on purpose anyway. let's just say i've been attached to one too many characters who got killed.
anyway. writing. i've always handled plots the same way: clear documentation. if i don't note it down, i'm not going to remember it. i've used the same table outline since around 2014. it varies in detail for different projects, but the core format stays. i know it's kicking around in my blog archive somewhere, but it's worth reposting once in a while because people like to ask about it. here's what it looks like, featuring plot points cribbed from an endeavour episode:
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i used this format for an outline at work a while back, and the team found it easy to follow, which was a big day for my ego. keeping track of plot structure is even more chaotic at work because we have multiple writers who all need to stay on the same page. we have very meticulous notes on what the player should know at which point, when we're introducing new information, and what we know, but shouldn't tell. we're also not above leaving notes like "this character has to convey X," "this character has to learn Y here," or "this is a clue that they're planning Z." it can be super on-the-nose. all that matters is that it makes sense to you. because you're right - if you get too lost, you can write yourself into logic holes of tremendous proportions. ask me how i know!
[as a sidenote, researching real-life events as a starting point has really grown on me in the past few years. my lead on coh3 had me do it. he said we were dealing with real people's history, so we couldn't be cheap or play fastball - we had to be accurate to pay it respect. even if you're not writing historical fiction, it just gives you insight into how people behave.]
i would argue that the plot of dangerous crowns is actually not that complicated, maybe to its detriment. there's kind of a genre struggle going on. at voltage, we were taught romance fans came for the relationship beats and valued them above all else. in fact, leadership told us players got irritated - which meant less sales - when the plot was too complex and took time away from the making out. political thriller fans, by contrast, expect relentless twists, high stakes, and harsh consequences, and sometimes see the relationships as superfluous.
but whatever. the point is, when you look at dangerous crowns' structure, it's a pearl necklace: a chain of anchoring events. the "pearl" scenes are where Big Plot happens. they're the reason you want to write the story, and probably the ones you have the most vivid daydreams about. the scenes in between are the string. not flashy, but important because they connect the pearls. they build tension and add logic, cohesion, and context. take the opera and hector's failed assassination. those are pearl scenes. that's a burst of drama i really wanted the story to build up to. i also had other flashbulb visions. livia by the fountain questioning herself, marcus' macbeth moment, the temple riot, things like that. so the question was, how could i believably travel between these pearl scenes? how could i make these big showcase moments connect smoothly?
if you're having trouble holding the story together in your head, i would ask, "what are your pearls?" what are the anchor points? outline those. it might not look like a necklace yet, but you'll sort of see it taking shape. and then, once you can see where your heart's-desire milestones are, you'll have a clearer idea of what can't fire until you set it up first. two other neat things can happen here. you could find the rhythm of your pacing, or realize you have a lot more plot meat than you thought you did. even if you don't, you have some road. and if you can't think of the string, sometimes you just have to start writing the pearls and see what comes to you.
good luck!!
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Systems, stand up for yourselves.
We got reblogged by a certain troll account, so here's a reminder that we systems will always be stronger than the trolls could ever hope to be.
The plural community has been around for decades, and no amount of infighting, psychological abuse, or fakeclaiming has torn us apart; we're capable of surviving a few isolated idiots who think it's funny to flex their lack of knowledge of the brain.
"You're faking." No, you're not. "You're deluding yourself." Absolutely not. "Nobody believes you." I believe you. We believe you. The plural community believes you.
In times like this, nothing is quite as important as standing up for ourselves. Take pride in who you are, if being plural brings you any pride at all. (If it doesn't, or if you're afraid to speak up, that's completely fine, but please don't use that as leverage to silence those of us who are more passionate about it.)
To every system that's ever been fakeclaimed, harassed, or belittled for who they are: you are a million times stronger than the people trying to bring you down. They insult you because they don't understand the complexity of the mind, nothing more.
As for our own system, we're proud as hell of who we are. It's taken a great deal of work to get to that point, but our days of groveling to the fakeclaimers are over.
Trolls, seethe all you'd like, but we'll still be thriving, and we'll be thriving together.
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devotedlykoneshots · 11 months
Genre: smut , minors dni,🔞, best friend to lovers, fake dating
Word count: 4,159
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For as long as you can remember you and d.o have been shipped by your close friends, they always tried to put you two together as much as possible.
You and d.o didn't really mind either, you both loved spending time together and making new memories together.
At least that's what it was for you, just memories to tell your children and grandchildren when you grew older.
D.o and you were the complete opposite but still alike in many ways, when he hated socializing you thrived in it.
When he succeeded in the kitchen you failed astronomically.
You balanced each other but now....all you wanted to do was strangle him, the bastard opened your curtains and let the atrocious sunlight through onto your unsuspecting face.
Ultimately ruining your wet dream about a celebrity you could never have.
"close the curtains! my eyes are
burning! "you were so dramatic but he didn't mind that, you were one of his closest friends in the world and he found it quite amusing but he'd never admit that.
"don't you think you've slept in
long enough, you little vampire?"he asked and sat down beside you pulling the covers off your body.
You threw a pillow in his direction and he easily dodged it , chuckling at your weak attempt to get him to leave you alone.
"Get up , they're serving food at that diner for couples again" you'd forgotten about that, the little diner near the boys apartment always did this every year for valentines day.
"Why aren't we sending Chen? He's in an actual relationship" you grumbled and he pinches your arm , grabbing your other arm to keep you from hitting him.
"I'll buy you dumplings later"he offered and you sat up , stretching with a smile on your face.
It was safe to say you're thoroughly spoiled.
"Deal"you agreed and got up, heading to the bathroom to get ready and kyungsoo headed back to the living room where the guys were watching TV.
"Baekhyun, you're buying y/n dumplings later" he stated as he plops himself down on the couch beside Kai.
You were finally ready to head over to the guys apartment and even though they brought Chen's 'family' car as you'd like to call it there still wasn't enough room for everyone, that's how you end up on kyungsoo's lap and you're convinced they planned this.
By they you mean baekhyun.
"Who are we texting?" Kyungsoo asked and you smiled slightly, turning your head to look at him.
"One of my side chicks" you commented and he snorts, resting his chin on your shoulder as you lean back against his chest.
"Cheating on our anniversary? You wound me" he commented lowly and you'd have to note that was the first time you felt something towards d.o, his low voice just gave you the chills as it resonated in your ear
"Are we there yet?" He raised his eyebrows at you, taken aback by the sudden question and he looks out of the window.
"Almost, you know how slow Chen drives"he chuckles and there it goes again, his deep voice and you tried to refrain from shivering but you couldn't help it.
He definitely noticed.
"Are you cold? I told you to bring a jacket"he scolds you and you bite your bottom lip, you're snapped out of it when he starts to rub your arms in hopes of providing you some warmth.
He had no idea that he was unintentionally driving you crazy.
"We're here" Chen dropped you off at the diner and you both climb out of the car, you headed towards the entrance thankfully it wasn't too packed due to the time and most people were at work.
You had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the diner, the first floor being the waiting area and you hear a snort coming from beside you.
"You're the clumsiest person I know, how did you survive past childhood?"he chuckles at your frame when you successfully avoided falling up the steps because lord knows how you managed to do that.
"Well it's a good thing I have you here to protect me"you turn to him and bat your eyelashes earning a snort from him before he shoves you lightly, an arm wrapping around your waist as you approached the buffet to further sell the idea of you being a couple.
However you didn't expect to see kyungsoo's boss there as well and witnessing kyungsoo tense up, it was clear that he was just as surprised.
"Fancy seeing you here, I had no idea you were in a relationship."his boss greets him and you smiled.
"He likes to keep me hidden"you say and kyungsoo gives your waist a squeeze of appreciation, thankful for the save.
"Will we be seeing each other at your promotion party?"he then asked kyungsoo, you looked at him confused and completely stepping out of character.
"What promotion party?"you asked and his boss also questioned him, confused that he hasn't told you yet.
"You didn't tell her?"
"We've been so busy lately there wasn't enough time"kyungsoo explained, it wasn't necessarily a lie either but knowing him he wasn't intending on attending his own party.
"Its okay"you assured him before turning to his boss.
"We'll be there"you promised and this time it was kyungsoo who stared at you in shock, disbelief even.
"Well then , I'll let you enjoy your evening, it was nice meeting you-"you take his hand to shake it and give him your name.
"Why didn't you say anything?"you asked him as you both sat on the couch, some of the guys had work and the chen was on a date with his girlfriend.
"I wasn't gonna go, its not a big deal"you snorted, not surprised.
"You got a promotion soo and that is a big deal, when is the party?"you questioned him and he leans back against the couch.
"Its next weekend, out of town"you raised your eyebrows.
"Then I should get packed"you said, standing up and he grabbed your hand, getting your attention.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked, genuinely concerned.
"We have to, can't risk people thinking you're a liar and a fraud"you say and squeeze his hand.
"Thank you"he said and you nodded, pulling away from him to go and get packed. You decided to bring at least 15 different outfits, you never know what you'll encounter over a three day period.
As the days pass by and the weekend approaches you both bid your friends a farewell, surprising you even more once you saw they were traveling all the way to California for his promotion party.
You were once again in disbelief when you'd checked into the hotel, of course you and d.o were sharing a room. You tried not to think too deeply about it and focused more on the room, it was more like a suite.
"I just got promoted to CEO" he answered your question before you even asked, your eyes full of amazement as you took in the room and kyungsoo has never seen you look so beautiful.
The bed is huge and the view is otherworldly , you couldn't believe your best friend has been hiding this life from you all this time.
Yet you still couldn't fathom why this man was still single.
"We're expanding our branch to California" he further explains, which explains why you'd flown here.
"A-are you moving here?" You asked , turning to him and he sat down on the bed. Your heart sank.
He was moving all the way to California.
"I'll come visit when I can" he tells you and you nodded, looking down at your hands and he takes them in his own to pull you closer.
"Don't cry" he says softly and you sit down beside him, his hand pressing against your cheek and you subconsciously nuzzle into his hand.
His heart melts at your little display of affection and the first real action without eyes on you, you were both alone and yet you were genuinely sad to part from him once this was over.
He pulls you into a hug and you hide your face in his neck, he rubs your back soothingly to help you calm down all while your brain tried to come to terms with this new revelation.
You both pull away eventually and he pinches your cheek.
The party started a little bit after 9pm and you spent the last three hours in a room with all of the women, thank god you'd known kyungsoo for a long time because they wouldn't stop asking questions.
Like his boss they were also surprised that he was in a relationship , according to them he'd been asked out several times but declined them all.
This was the part that made you do a double take.
He'd always tell these beautiful and successful women that he already had eyes for someone else, who could that possibly be?
As far as you know kyungsoo had never mentioned having another friend of the opposite gender, could he be keeping her a secret?
"He seems really smitten with you" taeyeon tells you and you bite your bottom lip at that.
Their comments made your mind wander to places and scenarios they shouldn't have, what could a life with d.o offer you.
Were you the mystery interest all this time? If so, why would he turn down the likes of someone as successful as taeyeon for you?
No , this was fake dating. It wasn't real.
Yet you'd never talked about ending the fake dating plan once this was over.
Would you keep fake dating? What did kyungsoo think?
The sound of Krystal telling you she was done with your hair snapped you out of your thoughts, the hair stylist was definitely worth all the hype she got.
You could never get your hair to be this perfect but you'd never had enough money to buy the right products so that was probably why.
"Kyungsoo is a keeper, I wouldn't let him go if I were you" was the last thing taeyeon said before you parted ways when you walked down stairs.
Although you thrived in public situations this was a little out of your comfort zone , kyungsoo was chatting and laughing with his co-workers when you arrived with the rest of the ladies.
You did not fail to catch his attention immediately and he excused himself from the conversation before coming over to you, a smile on his face once he got close.
"You look amazing" one of the ladies had gifted you with a silk brown dress and gold accessories , it was the perfect length and the slit on the side showed off your beautiful thighs.
D.o shook his head before his mind could wander to unholy places meant to be whispered to you within the safety of your room.
"So do you" you're pushed up against him as a group of people walk past you and you look up at him before stepping back.
"Come , let's get you a drink"he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you to the bar, multiple people greeting him and you along the way.
"You're really popular, huh?"he chuckles at that and shrugs his shoulder.
"Something like that"he orders a round of shots for you both and you engage in a competition like you usually do back home.
He let's you win of course as per usual.
"I'm gonna miss you" you state as you stare at him and he smiles sadly at you, leaning forward to kiss your lips but instead he ends up kissing your nose and you both burst out laughing.
"Were you trying to kiss me?"you asked him and he sits his glass down, attention drifting from the shot to you.
"What would you do if I was?"he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Slap you, maybe"you grinned and he snorts, knowing you were probably right.
"That would sell it right?"he asked, you knew what he was talking about but still the thought of kissing d.o sent shivers up your spine.
"Probably" you said and he leans forward, cupping your cheek and your eyes close at the sensation of his warm hand against your cheek.
Your breath hitching when you open your eyes to see how close he was and just then he closed the gap, kissing your lips softly and it was a simple kiss.
No tongue or anything like that but still had your head spinning from the softness, it was a quick kiss before he pulled you into his arm in a hug and kissed your cheeks twice making you laugh.
As the night came to an end you and d.o found yourselves sitting amongst his peers, his hand on your knee to stop your leg from bouncing and your head on his shoulder as you were starting to get sleepy as it was now going past midnight.
"We're gonna head in for the night"his  hand leaving your knee to help you stand, arm around your waist as both walk to the elevator.
"Okay, see you tomorrow"you wondered what tomorrow had in store for you but you were too tired to  think about it further.
The ride up to your floor was quiet but not an uncomfortable silence, kyungsoo picks you up once the elevator opens and he carries you bridal style to your room.
You were wide awake now, not expecting that and honestly you didn't even know he was that strong.
Needless to say you kinda liked it, maybe a little too much.
"We need to talk"he'd said just before you could dip off to the bathroom to get changed.
"Okay....what is it?"you asked him, kicking off your shoes and looking over at him since he had yet to move.
"I don't know when it started or why it even started but all I know is...I like you , y/n and before you even ask its not as a friend"you're shocked but you kind of suspected there was something else going on the more the day moved along.
Especially after talking with taeyeon and hearing how he acted around other women, its very different from how he acts with you.
He's comfortable with you.
"I've liked you for a long time now, its why I didn't bother to date because none of them are you and they could never make me feel the way you do"you felt your heart melt at that, you were the mystery interest this whole time.
You were the one he'd had his eyes on for god knows how long, that explained why he complied with fake dating you for food at the diner.
"I just had to say it. And if you
don't want me that way, we'll
never mention this again. I'll be at your side when you get married, when you have kids, when you find the cure for cancer- and I'll be happy for you. I'll keep my feelings out of it-"you hadn't even noticed you hadn't responded to his confession yet, too caught up with matching up the missing pieces of the puzzle that kyungsoo left for you all these years.
"Soo shut up"you cut him off and he immediately raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, I can do that"he said and you took a deep breath before walking over to him , grabbing his shirt and pulling him to you as you kissed his lips.
Ultimately taking him by surprise but soon enough his hands found your waist to pull you closer to his body , your lips molding together like a seamless harmony and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Is that a yes?"he asked after pulling away for some air, panting slightly and you nodded as your eyes closed.
"I don't want you to keep your feelings out of it"you tell him and he picks you up, pressing you against the nearest wall and you gasp at this new side of d.o that you were witnessing.
"Fuck, I've waited for this for so long" he whispered against your lips as he licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let his tongue slip inside , the kiss deepening and his body pushing up against yours.
You whine softly as you feel something hard press against your center and your fingers grip his hair, his lips leaving yours and moving down to your neck as you tilt your head back.
You shiver upon feeling his mouth on your skin for the first time and he grows harder as he listens to you moan his name for the first time.
He wanted more.
"Wait are you sure about this?"he asked as he pulled back and his eyes drift over to your neck, no doubt a hickey already decorating your skin.
"Just fuck me already" you lock your legs around his waist as you make him press against your center again, a groan leaving his lip and you pull him into another kiss.
"Soo" you gasp as his hands grope both of your breasts and you both look down at his hands , he gulps before brushing his thumbs over your nipples and feeling them already hardened.
"Fuck you're not wearing a bra"you blush at his words and work to get his tie loose, nibbling on your bottom lip.
"The girls said I didn't need one with this dress"you gasped again as he rolls your nipples between his fingers through the thin material of your dress and winning him a whimper in response.
"Been thinking about ripping this dress off you since you walked through that door" he spoke and looked up at you before pulling down the top of your dress until your tits spill out of the material, he wastes no time as he licks his fingers and takes your nipple into his mouth all while rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
Your fingers wrap around the door handle to keep you anchored in the world of reality.
"You can't- its not mine" you tell him and he pulls you back into another kiss , carrying you to the bed now and pushing you down against it.
Your hands immediately go to his pants and you hastily unbutton them before pushing them down his legs, you pull him down onto you and your sudden movement makes him gasp.
He curses in your ear as your hand slips into his boxers and your hand wraps around his impressive length, he wasn't long like how you thought he'd be but he was thick.
"I want you inside now"you whine as you stroke his length and he bucks into your hand, a groan leaving his lips as you squeeze his base and pump faster.
"W-we've got all night"he stops you and pulls your hand out of his boxers, his eyes widening as he takes in the sight of you removing your dress and you're only left in a pair of black laced panties.
"My God, you're so fucking
gorgeous like this."he whispered and ran a hand up your body to grab your breasts in his hands, rolling your nipples between his fingers before his hand wraps around your neck and you gasp.
" oh fuck"your back arches off the bed and he trails his tongue up your body as he kisses a wet trail behind, when his tongue flicks at your sensitive buds you wrap your legs around him.
"You're driving me crazy"he coos at your comment before biting down on the plump flesh surrounding your nipple and your body arches again as he sucks it into his mouth.
You didn't know kyungsoo had this side to him and you definitely liked seeing this side, you definitely noticed he was more of a boob guy and you were proved right when he traps his cock between them.
A trail of saliva landing on the head of his cock to help him fuck your tits better and you let your tongue loll out , hearing him curse as his cock hits your tongue each time he thrusts.
"Soo please , I don't need any foreplay. I just need you inside of me. Right now."kyungsoo laughs and pulls away from you , leaning down to kiss your lips and pulling away right after.
"One more thing, baby. Then I'll give you whatever you want" he promised before slipping between your legs and your breath gets caught in your throat as you realized what he was about to do.
"Relax, let me take care of you" you rest your head back against the pillow and bite your bottom lip as he takes off your panties, the first lick pulls a gasp from you before he's delving into your heat and he moans.
"Fuck, fuck"you swear and arch your back as he holds your hips down, looking up at you as he licks your wet core and your fingers grip his hair again.
" kyungsoo"you moan his name again and he groans as he sucks your clit into his mouth, your hips trying to buck against his mouth but failing due to his grip.
"You taste so good" he groans against your heat and his eyes roll into the back of his head as you tug his hair, his tongue licking you feverishly.
"Oh- I'm gonna cum" you cried out, your legs threatening to close around his head but he wraps his arms under your legs and hums in delight as you cum, your body trembling.
He pulls away and licks his lips as he comes up to kiss your lips, your arms wrap around his neck as you deepen the kiss and your hands push his boxers down.
"Please , I need you"you whimper and he pulls back to pull off the rest of his clothes, you hadn't even noticed that majority of his clothes were still on and you just about ripped his shirt off because he was taking too long.
His lips return to yours once he was undressed and you moan into the kiss as you feel his cock grinding against your folds, covering his bare cock in your slick embarrassingly at that.
"you're so wet, I bet I could just-" he pushes his cock into your entrance and you moan at the intrusion, your nails digging into his lower back and he groans as he grabs your hands to pin them above your head.
"Move , please" you beg and he bites his bottom lip as he starts to fuck his cock into you , you both moaning out at the same time and his hands move down to your hips for better leverage.
His thrusts becoming rougher gradually and faster, your moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
You'd feel bad about the red marks that littered across his back layer but right now you couldn't care less, especially not with him deep in your guts like he was.
Definitely not with him whispering praises into your ear about how well you were taking him, how you were crafted just for him and no one else.
"You're gonna make me cum again" you whimper and he reaches down to slap to your clit with his fingers , you gasped and cried out to him.
"You gonna cum all over your best friends cock?"he taunts you and you nodded your head, what would your friends think if they knew what you both were up to on this trip?
"Cum for me, come on pretty girl"he coos into your ear and you cling onto him, your face in his neck as you clench down around him, pulling a groan from his lips as you cum and he fucks you through your state of euphoria without slowing down.
"Fuck- almost there princess"he said and pulled back to drive his cock into your heat faster, now chasing his own orgasm and rolling your nipples between as he further prolonged your orgasm.
"Fucking hell" he quickly pulls and moves over your body, straddling your waist and strokes his cock until he's cumming all over your tits.
"Never pegged you for a tit guy" you smile at him lazily and he chuckles , leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"Just yours"he gets off the bed and you smile as he disappears in the bathroom, you couldn't help but think back to earlier and him moving halfway across the world.
How would you make it work? Would it have been better not to explore this side of each other?
You only had 2 days left before your lives would change forever.
Well , a lot can happen in 2 days.
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studentbyday · 1 month
oops! i did it again. lessons from this school year...
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Hey, you remember that post I made about my winter term priorities? HAHAHAHAHahaha ha ha. That plan totally went to shit, but it's all part of the journey, right? 😅 (Tbh, it's quite difficult to make a conscious effort to change yourself when the default response to being and feeling busy is to go on autopilot -> all the unconscious habits, even if unhealthy, take control, and bc it's unconscious, you don't realize it until it gets quite bad! anyway! no more! my future plans make it so this will be impossible to do while still retaining some sense of sanity. so to prep, we're gonna slowly implement little changes so hopefully it's not so overwhelming that i give up)
🧘🏻‍♀️ comparing mindsets in fall and winter term
Fall term was not that bad bc I had 2 STEM subjects I really really loved and was interested in (biochem and mol bio 💕), and despite their difficulty, that love and interest and the feeling that "I am in the right field for me" kept me positive. There were times I thought I would feel burnout symptoms if I wasn't careful, but I really think that positivity protected me from the worst of it.
Winter term, however...I had one favorite subject: moral philosophy, which led to me wistfully dreaming about an AU in which I double majored in philosophy and piano performance, lol. After the highs of biochem and mol bio and the natural ease with which the bits of info flowed together in those subjects, I did not enjoy pharmacology or the 2nd half of psyc as much -> loss of interest -> negativity and feeling like I'm in the wrong field bc how dare I not like pharmacology (or psychology) as much as the other life science-y subjects when it's really so important for us to survive and thrive! 😅 I mean, there were times I could get that spark from pharmacology or psyc, but it wasn't often enough or intense enough to keep me consistently inspired throughout the semester. The feeling of "maybe I don't have what it takes and I'm in the wrong field" was compounded by the re-realization that there's sm to know of bioinformatics and I struggle to know any of it! Persevering is important, but it's harder to persevere with a negative mindset.
😤 what went wrong this school year and what i learned from it
I still struggle with perfectionism (and bc of it, procrastination). While it might not be as bad as it was in high school, I still spent too long on assignments that weren't worth much and during finals season, was so scared of getting less than 90% just to keep up my A+ streak. Like, I'm pretty sure no one who cares to know your GPA cares about whether you have an A+ streak or not. I have too high a threshold for what is a "disappointing" grade. I also struggle with deep regret about how I haven't mastered everything they throw at us in each course... definitely an unrealistic expectation, especially as the proportion of new info to absorb increases with each course. I did what I could using what I knew to do, so it is what it is. I may find ways to make improvements and learn more, but I won't beat myself up for not having known to do those things in the past.
Did not use effective study methods. Since first year, my problem has been keeping up with the readings and my solution has been to just use typed outline notes. It worked for the first few years when it was mostly review from previous courses with a few new concepts in between. But as I progress through my degree, the proportion of completely new info is increasing. This notetaking method won't work anymore bc it just causes cognitive overload, especially during exam season (when I've mostly forgotten the details of everything that isn't smth I've already known for years). E.g. for pharmacology, I got so bogged down by the details of all the drug classes that I didn't see the big picture and so didn't organize the info according to it. This made it hard to see patterns and better chunk the info. I was so stressed during finals season bc of this (and the sheer amount of notes that I had to read for psyc 😭). What makes it feel like even more of a problem is that the cognitive overload problem from my notetaking method has been a thing for all other uni courses thus far, it's just that pharmacology was the first time I needed to create a stronger connecting thread between the otherwise disparate pieces of info (drug classes). In all other courses, that thread was part of the nature of the topic being studied so I eventually understood it as I kept going and mentally re-organized it in my brain...but even then it was hodge-podge and so my depth of mastery was and is so flimsy, and every semester I leave feeling drained and like I wasted the opportunity to maximize my learning. (How dramatic I get about this is also probably tied to my perfectionism, but I still think it would greatly benefit future me to change my notetaking style.)
🎓 advice for future me
Look at the academic calendar, specifically the faculty course descriptions. Look at how many hours they say you should expect to spend on each activity in the course. Try to use those learning hours as a guide for your schedule so that you don't spend too long on an item that isn't worth much. If there isn't such a breakdown, assume one based on whatever they give you or other courses and adjust from there.
Be a more efficient reader by skimming the text first so you can map the flow of info in a way that best creates ease of understanding/synthesis/memory (e.g. via an outline, tree diagram, flowchart, mind map, or simple drawings - and noticing when a list/outline will NOT be helpful bc it'll just be too overwhelming and not easy to compare/contrast info and see patterns). I knowww you've survived thus far without doing it this way and done well, BUT with this many courses, the increasing complexity of each subject, and the overload of info in each, you WILL need to do this to make quicker work of the readings, save you sooo much stress during exam seasons, and improve how much you learn while in school which is the real goal you've wanted to achieve all this time. Don't repeat the mistake you made in pharmacology. And it really doesn't have to be aesthetic and you definitely should NOT get caught up with it if you really wanna learn. You could just use one color for everything and a highlighter and just basic shapes/lines - that alone can be way more effective than boring paragraphs/lists or a colorful, overly complex diagram that'll just distract you from the main point.
Create a realistic daily routine (wake-up and sleep times, start and end times for schoolwork) and be strict about following it. Set your non-negotiables for personal goals to keep up with alongside your schoolwork bc academics aren't everything. Remember how you regretted not devoting more time to extra-curriculars and other skills in high school which would've rounded you out as a person. You can try theming the parts of the day so that you don't have to think about what task you should do first after study breaks and keep up the momentum (e.g. mornings for readings and notes, afternoons for active recall/homework). Then you can live the rest of the day after school as structured or unstructured as you wish. If this strategy doesn't work for you, you don't have to use it.
Take advantage of interleaving so you don't get bored. Whether by following the theming strategy or just switching subjects every hour, idc if you aren't done yet, you better switch bc the second consecutive hour of the same thing is never as effective as the first.
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ddalgibuns · 9 months
violent delights with destructive ends
attack on titan ⊹ levi x afab!reader ⊹ 3.5k
mature content ( MDNI! ), sub!levi, reader is erwin's sister, you're gonna feel bad for levi in the end. mention of canon deaths
dark content warnings: gaslighting, manipulation, brief dub-con, fleeting breeding thoughts
author’s note: sub!levi isn't going to be a frequent theme on my blog, but i hope you enjoy :)
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being humanity's strongest soldier isn't an easy feat. the burden on levi's shoulders often outweighs his small frame and he's left to mourn for each of his lost cadets and comrades in the privacy of his room, away from any watching eyes. if one were to ask around the base if captain levi even cares about losing any soldiers, they would all say that lives are just numbers to the captain and that he's the one that often has to tell them to leave the corpses when there's no more room in wagons. levi couldn't care less about his image or what anyone else says about him, just as long as he had you.
it was a brutal battle and you only heard of the news from hange a few minutes before the rest of the survey corps arrived, almost halved in number and all cadets looking rather grim. your eyes immediately search for a pair of onyx ones and once the tired pair lock with yours, you breathe a sigh of relief before seeking a pair of icy blue next. once your older brother's life is also secured, you make your way upstairs to levi's bedroom where you expect he'd come first.
you joined the survey corps to follow in your brother's footsteps as a skilled cadet and eventual captain or commander, but you're much more uncoordinated and served to be quite a disappointment. rather than make you a liability on the field, you were crowned the title of base maintenance worker where you thrived in cleaning and... that was about it. the only good thing to come out of your new line of work was the approval you'd receive from captain levi every time you cleaned his sleeping quarters; it started with a curt nod of his head, then a polite smile, then to him helping you out so you have less work to do, and during your time together, you would shoot questions back and forth to get to know each other, even the hard hitting ones like those about parents, life before committing to the survey corps. finding out you were erwin's little sister was a fact that had him avoiding you for a full week as he tried to balance out the pros and cons of getting involved with someone so dear to the commander. in the end, the urge to kiss you when you giggled about the silliest things took over and he decided that none of the negative reasons he listed even mattered, as long as you two were able to keep it a secret from the broad blond.
the doorknob turns slowly and levi's heavy heart takes a moment before he can push the door open to greet you. at first, his smile is faint and ingenuine, but seeing you, standing in his room and alive... he all but runs to you and wraps his arms suffocatingly tight around your waist, face nuzzled into your neck.
"hard day?" you whisper, already knowing the answer. levi's head bobs in confirmation against your skin and you hold him just as hard, squeezing him against you. "but you're okay, sweetheart — we're okay."
such a selfish way to think and if the other cadets or the family of the deceased heard, they would riot, but it was the hard truth. without levi, what chance did humanity have in surviving? and without you, what would levi live for? he's admitted out loud that he wouldn't want to continue on if you were to die, and the first time he said that was when you had stopped asking erwin to put you in battle.
as years dragged on, there was less and less reason for levi ( or any other captain for that matter ) to learn the names of new recruits when they would most likely be gone within a few months, and as much as the stoic captain would like to deny, it's taken a big toll on his morale. losing his friends in groups, one by one, all at once until only erwin and hange remained... he wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. but then he sees you and he thinks, "maybe one more battle..."
"maybe this is it for humankind... we should just run away and live where the government and titans can't reach us... even if they do, i'll kill them all," levi's words are muffled against your neck, but you get most of them.
"i never knew you were the type to abandon your post like that, captain. isn't that treason?" your voice has a playful lilt to it, but when levi pulls back to meet your gaze, you see the sadness and grief that pours out of them, yet with no tears to accompany those feelings. "baby," you whisper, quickly leading him to the bed before you turn to close and lock the door — the last thing he needs is to get caught alone with you.
levi's gaze with you is always warm and full of adoration, but he seems... lifeless, even his arms just limp at his sides and his shoulders slumped into horrible posture — a red flag if you've ever seen one.
"i don't want to do this anymore," he finally chokes out. "petra... eld, oluo.. how many more do i have to lose? if erwin dies, how can i ever face you again?" shaky hands lift to hold his hanging head and his chest heaves to release a dry sob.
your heart aches at the sight of the man that's held himself together for the sake of his subordinates and watching him unravel only for you makes guilt wring at your chest.
"you come back and tell me because i'll always be here, even if erwin isn't. when you go out to each expedition, you're going to protect everyone, yes, but you're protecting me the most, and isn't that what you want? if you give up, i'd have to go in your place and i'd lose my life before i even get to the titans. i wanna elope with you, just build a farm in the middle of nowhere... but you know i can't when erwin is the commander here..." you climb on the bed and lean your back against the headboard, patting the empty seat beside you. levi follows suit and you're quick to sit in his lap so his hands can only hold you, which they do, his arms constricting around your waist to keep your as close as he can. "the best you can do is put on a brave face and continue what you're doing, sweetheart."
his gaze is forlorn and he knows that you're right, that his dream of running away with you is just that — a fantasy that can never become reality. even when he want to pretend, you tether him to the real world and make sure he doesn't get too lost and drift away. as he holds you in his embrace and feels the warmth of your skin seep through your thin clothes, he thinks that maybe it isn't a bad thing to be right here with you.
"you're right," he admits, a smile starting to twitch at the corners of his lips. you're quick to reach and give him a kiss, a set of fingers carding through his charcoal locks to pull him in deeper. he's missed you and your wet lips bring him more comfort than he could have asked for, his mouth greedily parting to shove his tongue against yours as he begins to undress you. he knows what he's allowed to do and makes sure he only takes off your shirt, leaving your bra and tight pants where they are — those are for you to decide if he deserves to see them off. "i'm sorry for saying such stupid things." he seems to find solace on your chest, his cheek smushed on your tits so your plush flesh can bring him to comfort it usually does. his lungs breathe in your scent and it's as if his mind forgets the image of broken bodies and his friends' lifeless faces; instead, he's in a warm field with your hands stroking his blood-matted hair ( none of it being his own, thank god ), and he's happy.
"not stupid, baby... just untimely. perhaps the day comes when it can come true." you hate lying to him. doesn't humanity's only hope deserve much better than broken promises and to be strung along with little crumbs of an impossible future? "let me help you feel better and clear your head."
when your warmth is peeled away from him, his frown returns ( he's feeling needier than usual, understandably ) and he leans his head back against the wood board, unsure if he has the strength to keep himself upright. "you don't have to today. i kind of just want to sleep," he mutters, eyes averting from yours, and for good reason. levi had never refused pleasure before.
but you know that he needs this, you know him better than he knows himself.
"levi," you only say his name during intimacy when he's done something wrong or you need him to answer you honestly. "are you sure?" your hands unclasp your bra and toss it to the floor, your pants and underwear dropped all at once with one hook and pull of your thumbs. you're sprawled out bare for him, a special treat, and you know that his body won't be able to stop itself from responding. the whimper he lets out is so sweet and your eyes have the pleasure of watching his cock twitch and fill up until it's pressed against the zipper of his slacks. "i think you might not have been telling me the truth."
your skilled hands undo the button and zipper to his bottoms and you pull them down and off his feet to join yours somewhere around the room. thin, long fingers unclasp each of the knobs to levi's own shirt and you watch him fold the fabric neatly before setting it down by the bed. his briefs are next to go and once he's just as exposed as you are, both of you take this chance to drink the sight of each other in. you admire each of his scars, some fresh and some dull with the completed recovery process, every single one a reminder that he's still alive and here for you. levi's eyes see an angel that decided to live on earth with curves just where he loves them, soft skin, and a smile that blows away any reason to feel anything but content — you are his everything, the only reason he's still fighting to wake up every morning.
"i love you," he whispers and you grin like he just gave you the whole world, making his heartbeat erratic.
"love you too, my dear." the hesitance he felt was nowhere to be found now and his length is weeping, though it was untouched, and he's no longer embarrassed to admit that just looking at you would be enough to bring him to completion — and if that isn't pure love, what is?
you have a ritual, a specific order you like to do things, and only on the rarest of occasions do you allow for any divergence, like today. rather than torture him with your nails scraping his nipples and your hand tight around his leaking head to edge him, you lean in and take his thick tip in your mouth. the instant warmth and wetness has levi confused and his pathetic whimpers, the scrambling of his hands to grab onto anything but your head lest he be left alone instantly, has your voice moaning around him. it was cute to see his icy demeanour melt in front of you and if anyone outside the door knew what a submissive puppy he was, perhaps he wouldn't be so feared by all.
your lips slide down to try and take all of him in, but making the stretch is a difficult feat. not only is he blessed with girth, but with length as well, and you aren't sure if you can even reach the base with his mouth, not that it stops you from trying. as levi's toes curl into the sheets, you lower yourself more and more, swallowing around the inches that are lodged in your throat and constricting around him similarly to when he knows you're about to cum, and the stimulation makes his mouth go slack, his hips rutting towards you all on their own. while you appreciate the enthusiasm, your hands firmly hold his hips down so you can go at your own pace, and finally, your nose nestles into the array of thick hair at his base and you smile up at him triumphantly, enjoying the sight of his blissful expression.
you take a few shaky and careful breaths through your nose before you do your best to swallow again and this time, he growls and you see him lift his hand towards your head, only to back away just before he actually touches you. god, what a good boy.
slowly, you begin to pull back, much to levi's dismay, and you release the coughs that were gathering in your chest, his calloused, rough hand running across your back to help. "thank you," he murmurs, and the glistening bead that drips out of the slit of his cock also shows his gratitude. he knows you don't particularly enjoy giving oral when is size is what it is, but you've never complained when you're greeted with his flushed cheeks and shy smile.
"we're not done, don't worry." with a gentle push of your hands off of the bed, you have him flush against the headboard once more and you carefully climb onto his lap, and it's only now that levi's desperation become more noticeable. his toned arms and tight grip of his hands could overpower you easily, he never has to play along with your rules, nor the edging that you inflict on him so often, and you notice more often now that he's holding back from doing whatever he wants to, like with his hand reaching for your hair earlier. he wouldn't want to jeopardise what you two have, and the thought of you leaving him is what keeps the little puppy obedient.
strong arms wrap around your waist and levi whimpers as he brings you closer, his mouth an inch away from your tits whilst your hand reaches down to position the tip of his cock in between your slick folds. "p-please... can i? i want to suck you in my mouth..."
you nod in approval and his zealous lips grab onto your nipple, sucking as if it was his last ever chance. the scraping of his teeth bring a sensation of pain and pleasure, one that's intensified as you sink down on top of his length, each dip lower and lower making your back arch and bring you closer to him. having his cock sucked feels damn nice, but when he slides into your sweet pussy and watches you become undone for him... nothing can beat out your expression, your lewd moans, and the feeling of your walls clench around him as if it was your first time, every time.
even from the beginning of your physical relationship, you've always teased levi, left him to have dry orgasms while edging him because you didn't want him to finish so early, but over time, you realised that the real reason was because you finish too quickly. his endless stamina comes from his physical ability to hunt titans for hours on end, but you do nothing other than lift brooms and buckets here, and added to the direct path that levi's cock has to the bundle of nerves buried inside of you is a dangerous equation.
too easily, his length is fully sheathed inside of you and levi moans out a mantra of your name as he tries his best to stay still, to keep from thrusting inside of you like he wants to, and as endearing as it is, as much as your curiosity seems to get to you from time to time, you make sure that he knows who's in charge. with each of your hands landing on his shoulders, you dig your nails into a few healing wounds, reopening the scars as you bounce on his length and make sure that you slam back down each time until you're sure that his weeping tip pushes harshly against that sweet bundle of nerves inside of you and all the way to your cervix. he fills you up perfectly, like two puzzle pieces created for each other the way his tip hits the end of your cavern just as you sink all the way down to his base.
how many bounces does it take for you to unravel today? levi counts every time and he loves when the number is less than ten, not because he's tired, but because he loves knowing that your body is so eager to finish for him, just as he is for you.
"levi," his name coming off your tongue sounds like the trumpets of heaven, "promise me," you breathe out. his chin tilts up to watch you and his eyes are wide as he listens intently.
"i swear," he says immediately, not even having to hear your request. "for you, anything." his eyes are glossed over and you know that he's close.
"promise you'll keep fighting, for me. don't give up, levi," your gaze locks onto his and your hips are unrelenting as your brows furrow and pressure starts to build inside your tummy.
calloused palms hold onto your waist and he leans in to capture your mouth for a hot kiss as he gives you the extra push you need to spill over the edge and onto him and onto the sheets. beads of sweat dripping down both of your foreheads and into the mess of your juices tainting his lap now, he follows right after you, spilling into you without any caution or worry — his biggest hope is to come back home from expeditions to see the swell of your belly full of his child.
"i promise, my love," is all he can say as he pulls back from the kiss, the smile of a man in pure bliss stretching from one side of his face to the other. "every battle is won for you," he mutters as the you climb off of his exhausted body, helping him lay in bed comfortably ( on the side untainted by the remnants of your sweet orgasm ) before he dozes off with a hand held tightly in yours.
once his tired snoring begin to reach your ears, you carefully pry your fingers away from his to get dressed and with a quick kiss to his sweaty forehead, you leave his quarters to find erwin next door. as if he was awaiting your arrival, he swings the entrance open before you knock, an eyebrow raised expectantly.
"you were right: he wanted to abandon the survey corps. i shut the idea down right away and he said he'll keep fighting from now on." watching erwin's smug grin makes your stomach feel uneasy and you sigh, chest feeling heavy. "i don't want to do this anymore, erwin... what if he finds out that you were controlling him this whole time?"
"come now, little sister. don't tell me you actually started loving him?" his voice is mocking, but you have no rebuttal — your cleaning schedule being manipulated to coincide with his free time would only be considered fate if fate took the form of a broad, blond man with crystal blue eyes. your own brother sold you to the survey corps to keep an eye out on their most important asset. "it's funny how you say that i'm the one manipulating him when, in fact, i gave you many chances to return to the safety of the walls. you're just as deep in this as i am, so i suggest keeping your act together. i doubt levi would be above slaughtering everyone in this base if he were to find out."
the door slams in your face and you scowl at just how right the big buffoon is about it all. you return to levi's room and undress once more to join him in bed, relinking your fingers together. his chest heaves evenly and rhythmically for once, finally feeling peace in his sleep, and your free digits trace the side of his face, unperturbed by the stresses and worries of being conscious. the fate of humanity rests in between your hands and it's your job to keep him happy, to keep him wanting to fight. no matter how much your heart tugs and pulls every time he proposes a plan to keep just the two of you safe, no matter how many times he whispers that he loves you whilst kissing each of your fingertips. if the truth were to ever come out, you would be crucified just like your brother and it was a risk you didn't want to take, but what choice do you have? you're a smith. manipulation is in your blood.
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harleyshahas · 1 year
Valentine's Day wip
Valentine's Day really wasn't her cup of tea.
Oh, sure she's had her share of admirers, secret and not-so-secret (one Dash Baxter came to mind and Jazz shuddered), but she had never been anyone's special someone on Valentine's Day and that suited Jazz just fine.
In high school she would find cards and chocolate in her locker, the occasional flower taped to the outside. She'd give the flowers to Danny and briefly scan the cards before throwing them away. The chocolate would be saved to share with Danny after school, a pick-me-up after another lonely couples holiday for her brother. While it never bothered her to be single, it certainly bothered Danny. Her little brother's big heart wasn't meant to be alone and while he could content himself to spend the day with either her or his friends, he never had any admirers for himself. At least, not ones without some sort of agenda. It bothered her enough that she resigned herself to stay single until her brother started his first relationship, so she focused on school and later on helping Danny and his friends catch ghosts.
She was happy for him when he started seeing Valerie, even if he didn't share the news with her, but she saw. Danny was an open book to her. She tried not to spend too much time psychoanalyzing him, especially with his... situation, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. She saw before he did that it wouldn't work out, not with how focused Valerie was on catching Phantom. It was a shame, because she thought they actually made a cute couple.
Danny and Sam becoming an item was also a long time coming, but she never liked to wonder whether that was a thing that would actually last. She didn't want to doubt their relationship, she certainly didn't want to doubt her brother, not with his already low self-esteem, but... they were friends first and foremost. Romance had never played a part leading up to a relationship and the pressure from their parents wasn't helping them. She wasn't surprised when they broke up the summer before Danny's first year of college. Luckily she had been home from her own college and armed with ice cream and bad action movies to comfort him as he cried silently on her shoulder.
Her final year of college came with the start of Danny's first and she helped him through the transition with late night phone calls and a multitude of advice for surviving the first year. She always knew her brother was smart, though. It came as no real surprise that he soon started to thrive, even if he was in Wisconsin, even if he was so close to his arch-enemy, but she told herself he could handle it. Her brother was amazing.
So when Valentine's Day rolled around and she called to say hi, she wasn't quite sure what to expect. Would he still be single? Would he have someone this year? Danny was far more socially accepted now that he was away from Amity, it was anyone's guess.
The phone rang a little longer than Danny would normally let it and Jazz rose a brow. She tried not to read too into it, but a slow smile started to split her lips. It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday, Danny didn't have classes and he had to be awake by now. Her hopes were starting to climb.
They completely soared when the line finally connected and Danny's voice hit her ear, sounding just a little too breathy for someone doing anything but what she knew he'd been doing. She laughed loudly into the phone.
"I don't wanna ask, but I'm going to anyway," she said by way of greeting as Danny sputtered on the other side. "Please tell me you're using protection."
"Jazz! Don't do this, please!"
She rose a brow. "Is that a no?"
"Ugh! Yes, we used protection, we're both adults who know better. What are you, mom?"
"I'm just looking out for you!" she teased. "So is this a steady thing or..."
She sighed. "I just... want to make sure you're not just rebounding after Sam. I don't want to pry but you know me. So how long has this been going on?"
Danny was quiet. There was some shuffling in the background, a voice she could barely hear, but sounded vaguely familiar, and Danny eventually let out a heavy breath. "It's... steady, I guess. We haven't... told anyone yet."
"Even Sam or Tucker?" She was rather shocked actually.
"I'm not sure they'd understand..." Danny muttered. "I'm not sure you'd understand."
Jazz pursed her lips. She walked up to the door to her apartment, cradling her phone against her shoulder as she fished her keys out of her purse. "Danny, I haven't understood more than half the stuff you've done since you got your powers," she admitted. She slotted her key into the lock and let herself into her one bedroom apartment, tossing her keys and purse on the kitchen counter. Collapsing on the couch with one arm over her eyes, she finally relaxed for what felt like the first time in days. "You know I support you no matter what, little brother."
"Yeah, I know..."
She smiled. "So who is it? Anyone I know?"
"Um..." she could practically hear the blood rushing to his face. "Kinda?"
Jazz hummed. She turned over all of Danny's friends and acquaintances that she knew of in her head. Sam was in Chicago and Tucker at MIT, so that ruled them out. She couldn't recall Danny mentioning anyone but his roommate and a few classmates over their many phone conversations. He had admitted to her some months back that he found the TA for his astronomy class was really cute and had confided in her that he might be bisexual. But he also said that his roommate was rather annoying when spent too much time with and those classmates had only been partners for various projects. The TA maybe? But, no, Danny said the guy was older and most likely straight if the wedding ring on his finger meant anything.
Her thoughts wondered over to the ghosts she knew of. Some of them were on relatively friendly terms with Danny and even more had developed a sort of antagonistic friendship with him. Madison wasn't nearly as haunted as Amity, but they still had their fair share of specters. Like the Dairy King and the Wisconsin Ghost-
Her brain popped. She threw a hand over her mouth and groaned loudly into the phone. Danny laughed.
"You OK over there, Jazz?"
"Please tell me it's not Vlad," she begged, deadpan.
"Wha-! How did- I mean! It's... not?"
She removed her arm from her eyes and glared at the ceiling. "Ah, yes, that was so convincing."
"How did you even guess that?!"
She sat up, pinching her nose. "He's a hot older man, Danny; you have a thing for hot older men. Not to mention that he's the only other halfa in existence and you two have had some weird chemistry since you were fourteen." She dropped her hand to her lap and looked to her coffee table.
Her heart stopped.
Danny continued to sputter in her ear, ranging from indignant to defensive to insecure, but Jazz couldn't hear him. Her blood rushed in her ears and her face went hot. Her hands grew clammy as a spike of fear shot through her.
Sitting innocently before her lay a bouquet of blue roses tied together with a blue ribbon. Set against them was a heart-shaped box of chocolate. She reached out with a shaky hand, turning the tag and reading her own name in neat, professional script. There was no sender.
"Jazz? Are you even listening to me?"
Jazz released a shaky breath. "Y-yeah, Danny, sorry." She cleared her throat, eyes never leaving the objects on her table. "Listen, l-let me call you back and we can talk about this more. Something just came up."
"Uh-huh. I'm sure it's not just because you're suddenly uncomfortable because I'm apparently dating Vlad."
She gave a short laugh, if only to ease her own sudden nerves at how someone had apparently broken into her home to leave her chocolate and flowers. She couldn't tell Danny that, though. He had enough on his plate and apparently a boyfriend to entertain. Plus it was Valentine's Day. She wasn't going to take this away from him even if she didn't quite understand it. She poked a single rose bud like it might bite her. "You know I trust your judgment, Danny." When nothing happened, she lifted the bouquet to her face, scrutinizing them with narrowed eyes. "If you want to date Vlad, it's not like I can do anything to stop you. I can only ask that you explain it to me when we get some time to do so. I still support you, little brother."
Danny's hesitancy on the other end was palpable and she couldn't help but smile. She raised the roses to her face, smelling their sweetness. Soft petals tickled her cheeks and a pink flush spread over her face. "I guess I'll talk to you later then," he said.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Danny. Go enjoy it," Jazz said.
"You too. Bye, Jazz."
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sinfulscream · 6 months
character essay: topaz from honkai star rail
strap your seat belt in, we're going for a ride.
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topaz is a debt collector.
now you may start thinking: did belobog commit a tax fraud? if so, how? i thought this was a very interesting thought process. because have you ever considered interplanar debt or financial settlements in sci-fi media? unless if they were sky pirates or very simple transactions of sale and purchase - it is often not explored and perhaps, most might even consider it not interesting.
for those who played the game and dedicated their time to the events, you'll find and agree that the influence of the interastral peace corporation (ipc) is wide - considering they hold a stake in an underused freight vehicle for the aurum alley business event. the ipc was also painted as calculating, for wanting to take back not only the freight vehicle, but any semblance of a bustling city. the ipc is a capitalist loaning body, driven by its "philanthropy", until it's time to reap the benefits."
when topaz walked into the story, that painting proves to have more details - more than just freight vehicles, the ipc could do more than just assistance in business, but repairing an entire planet.
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topaz's exterior personality leaves readers with quite literally no hint to who she is or where is she from, aside from her love for animals, but playing the story leaves you to find out that she came from a heavily polluted planet that the only choice left was to leave everything to the ipc. however, it was also because of this upbringing and story that topaz would prioritise survival, more than its people's freedom. after all, protection from natural disaster as well resource allocation for a planet's rebuilding is a tempting deal - especially for belobog, that had only recently been cleared from its stellaron crisis.
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not only that, belobog had also borrowed funds from the ipc prior to the planet's isolation from the rest of the world due to its extreme weather. the contract topaz offered to rebuild belobog and employ its citizens under the ipc would clear the arrears owed for over seven centuries.
despite the ipc's opportunistic nature as a body, topaz came to belobog and spoke to bronya with unmatched sincerity. topaz was a character that did not come from a privileged place, yet took the steps to dance alongside the work opportunity she was provided with. even if the contract offered by the ipc was tempting, even she was amazed by the thriving spirit of belobogians, looking toward a future with their intelligence and enduring the coldest blizzards. she could no longer compare the environment between jarilo-vi and her home planet.
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despite having objectively failed her mission, she was humble, and did not assert her task more than necessary. if this was what the people of belobog wanted, then she would not force it upon them.
which comes at the cost of her current position, and she was demoted by one rank. even so, she still found beauty on this planet.
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as a character, one would assume that her position meant she was always out for money, but she herself said that she was past working for the money, and thus did not mind the pay cut that came with her demotion. but more than that, she maintains a headstrong personality through it all - a marketing expert who knew how to use her story to resonate with potential clients, yet endearing for her love of animals.
she is also noted to be very capable and places the interest of the planet's ahead of work - the probability of success among her planet projects stood at 80%, higher than the ipc's average of 60%.
topaz is a multifaceted businesswoman: friendly with her network, assertive with her staff, a marketing expert and most of all, good-natured. as an experienced businesswoman, her story clashes at the differences in culture and ideals against bronya, a fresh-faced leader trusted by her subjects.
this blog entry was originally posted on stormofblood.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: Galvantula Emmet
The Galvantula hybrid was down-right fascinated as he observed your body with his eyes. You stood in front of him completely bare as you changed your clothes. Your bodies weren't so different in the torso area, he supposed. His skin was more like yours in that area, yet tougher than your fragile human one. It had gone through years of survival in Chargestone cave, dealing with scratches and cuts from the terrain and attacking pokemon. Yours, however, was softer. It was a favourite thing of his to feel during the times you just let him engage in his odd behaviours. (This was common, he refused to admit. Mostly due to the fact he preferred to leave you in his cocoon, and you usually denied that.)
Your legs… They were entirely different from his. Your organs remained solely in your torso, his spread into his lower Galvantula half. You only had two legs, but he had four. If you lost yours, they would be gone forever, unlike his that would return after a molt. You lacked many of the extra features he had, too. Many of which Ingo also shared, despite his body more resembling yours over Emmet's own. He hummed as you fully dressed yourself and turned to him. You lacked the many eyes that Emmet had, too. Six eyes sat on his face and mandibles near his lips.
You were so different from him, yet you managed to love him.
He was lucky as well. Many bug-type hybrids do not have an easy time existing as of just how unalike the biology of humans and bugs were. Ingo often complained about his useless organs from his spider heritage, but Emmet found that foolish, as they helped him live with ease. Once, a hybrid doctor that his older brother had dragged him to noted that he was the perfect scenario for any Galvantula hybrid to be. All his organs worked in a healthy function with one another, and he thrived. Meanwhile, Ingo had a useless spider-heart that ran down the length of his torso and gave him odd blood pressure.
“Humans are verrrry weak, are they not?” he wondered aloud as you crashed against the bed that you brought into his den. Rolling over, you gazed at Emmet, who had taken to a perch on web just above.
“… You live in a cave for a reason, Em,” you shook your head, “Humans are terrifying when they are united for something.”
“I live here because I like my den,” the arachnid retaliated and came down from the web to rest beside you. You yawned and buried your face into the yellow fur on his lower body. It was warm and the soft pulsing of his heart was just under your ear.
“Maybe so, but if you wanted to live with Ingo, you couldn't,” you argued back lightly.
“… Ingo is as much a Galvantula hybrid as I am, yet he is accepted,” Emmet commented, “Ingo's body resembles yours. Why are humans afraid?” You did not know yourself, as you were not exactly the person afraid of hybrids. Rather, you were attracted to them, lest you would not currently be cuddling one that was your boyfriend. He did have a point. Ingo may have four eyes and some removed extra appendages, but he was certainly quite human in appearance and behaviour. Emmet was more wild in comparison to him, leaning more into his instincts rather than human social standards.
“Well, you do have more power than us,” you decided to guess, “Humans probably fear you from a time when our species did not get along.”
“Hybrids usually take humans as mates,” he argued back as he flipped over to let you rest on his tummy. His head laid against your pillow as you cocooned the web blanket around yourself. That was true, you knew. A lot of humans skewed human in preference when their pokemon biology dictated awkward situations for them. Needless to say, most male Galvantula hybrids settled on a human mate for one reason or another.
“What's got you so interested in this, Emmy?” you asked, curious about why this was on his mind at all.
“We're so different. Your body is soft and fleshy while mine is fuzzy and tough,” Emmet admitted without hesitation, “I… find these differences neat. We are similar, yet different.” A hum came from you as you nuzzled against his fur. He was just so warm all the time due to the electricity flowing in his system.
“I like that,” you smiled at him, “Our differences are fun and interesting. I think it's cute that you have to basically digest your food outside of your body or spend hours redoing your webs just right… You're fascinating.”
Emmet felt flustered for a moment, but before he could speak again, you had drifted off against him. He supposed the discussion could continue later.
He loved your differences, too.
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lunareiitic · 1 year
Limbus Orientation #1: Gregor Extraction
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G Corp Manager Gregor | LANTERN (Teth)
Welcome to this impromptu series where I, your host, discuss Limbus Company units: what they do, how they work, and when and why you should use them. Today, we're going to discuss whether or not you should pull on Gregor's debut banner.
What does G Corp Gregor do?
Actively, at III Tie, he's a 3 Gluttony, 2 Sloth, 1 Lust character. This is incredible, and we'll get to why later.
His skills are as such:
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If you haven't noticed, that's a a lot of healing. While his base HP is quite low, you'll barely notice it because whenever he's winning clashes, he'll be healing up a storm and staying close to full all the time.
His final skill: Eviscerate, hits a stellar four times, with 100% healing off the damage. If he can pounce on a staggered enemy, they are dying and he is healing to full. It's also Lust, which I have found a difficult Sin to field in my own teambuilding.
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Passively, Gregor's healing doesn't stop there. Chaining 2 Gluttony is incredibly easy when he has three to work with on his own, and gets even easier with teammates with Gluttony skills. While only procing when a character is low on HP, when the situation is dire you'll appreciate it. Off field, if you can get 5 Gluttony all together, healing 5 HP doesn't sound like a lot: but in longform content like dungeons, the extra survivability can make a ton of difference. It's a Win-More support: it helps you heal back scratch damage as your team dives.
Why is all of this stellar? Because of Lantern.
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At base, this is a simple clash winner. And it is. But the additional 40% healing can make Gregor nigh-invincible in longer encounters. He can provide everything for himself quite easily: a single teammate having one Gluttony card is enough, and having teammates with their own Sloth and Gluttony allows this to be chained consistently, turn after turn. How can you kill a guy who heals his entire health bar every turn?
So. How do we make this happen? G-Gregor thrives with a team supporting him to do the big damage and big healing. He only has one Eviscerate, so it needs to count.
Unsurprising to anyone who paid an ounce of attention to the plot, Base Rodya is one of G-Gregor's best pairings. With three Gluttony cards in her kit and bleed on everything, Rodya helps make the stalling potential of G-Gregor more viable, giving indirect damage to foes while also having stellar Base HP.
If you're lucky enough to have him, Blade Lineage Sinclair pairs perfectly with G-Gregor. Both Lantern and Sinclair's Tree of Knowledge use Sloth and Gluttony, and Blade-Sinclair has 3 Gluttony of his own to add to the party, making G-Resonance a breeze.
So then, where's the Sloth? We need some yellow-orange to make this happen. The easiest answer is Base Outis, who has three in her kit from the jump. To Pathos Mathos also uses Pride and Sloth, allowing her and Rodya's Pride to not go to waste, and enabling a more flexible fifth slot. You could run plenty of characters alongside, but Base Faust patches most holes. She has Sloth, Gluttony and Pride in her base kit, and Representation Emitter is a Gluttony and Pride EGO that hits multiple targets like a train and restores Sanity, making her a godsend in big boss fights like Doomsday Clock.
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frazzledsoul · 9 months
Kind of thinking about the parallels between the Gilmore Girls kids (Jess, Lane, Rory) were thrown out by their parents/guardians. Rory is the outlier, as she ran to her grandparents where she was not responsible for supporting herself in any way and only reconciled with Lorelai when she did exactly what Lorelai wanted her to do and then there's zero reflection on either of their parts as to why this happened in the first place. Jess and Lane have to struggle to survive and make their own way in the world and slowly reconcile with their parents when they come to accept Jess and Lane's need for independence. Luke goes to see Jess at the open house for the press and tells him he's proud of him. Mama Kim sets up a band tour for Lane and comes to accept Zach. They won't ever fully understand why Jess and Lane are the way that they are and there is some fumbling before the estrangement is ended, but they're willing to step outside of their comfort zones and meet them halfway. We fast forward to AYITL and Jess and Lane are mature, self-sufficient, content adults who maintain relationships with their parents where they're in a position to give back. They've taken some of the values their parents raised them with, rejected others, and found a way to have a balance between the two.
By contrast, Rory is...living the life that I think Lorelai probably wanted if she hadn't gotten pregnant, and sucking at it. Rory is nomadic, rootless, permanently unattached, with no job or boyfriend or community to tie her down. I think that a young Lorelai would have loved to live this way, but OS Rory was so type A, so dependent on routine and organization and positive affirmation from others that she would have hated it immediately. This is why AYITL Rory always seems a bit false to me, because she would never have been content to live so chaotic an existence for close to a decade.
I also think she would have wanted a traditional romantic relationship instead of whatever this thing is with Logan that's somewhere between an affair and the way things worked between them when they were stable, an arrangement where she reaps the benefits of his connections and his lifestyle but nothing else is asked of her, where he's a support system and a sounding board but not quite in the way she needs or wants, because he's always encouraging her to adapt to her situation, not change it. I don't see OS Rory being content with that type of arrangement, but she never seems to want more. I think Lorelai would have thrived with that type of arrangement and probably did.
So what is Rory's true rebellion, her attempt to finally break away from Lorelai? It's unfortunately that damned book. Up until then Rory's storyline is basically the same as it was in season 6: she's unhappy with her life, so she goes off the rails for a bit, enjoys the outward trappings of being with Logan but grows disenchanted with him, finds a new direction courtesy of Jess, and finally breaks away from the upper-class world to embrace her roots. However, in AYITL she does it in a way that pisses off Lorelai and we're led to believe....Rory is in the right because this is her only option, otherwise she might have to continue her education or get a job she doesn't want? (You know, like a normal person. Le horror!)
Lorelai isn't even that critical of the concept itself, but she doesn't want Rory to tell her story and share all of the mistakes that Lorelai made as a mother which is....uh, fair? Lorelai balks at Jess being involved and says she doesn't want to know what he thinks of her, which I do believe has less to do with her hating him and more to do with all the stuff he knows about her personal life at this point. Still, regardless of her reason's it's fair to request that Rory only write about her side of it (after Rory tries the cringe worthy tactic of pitching her mother her own life story which is....honey, she was there, and her memories probably aren't exactly the same as yours. Uh uh. That was gross) and Rory... doesn't seem to care. She even bitches to Lane (and attempts to bitch to Logan, before she remembers she broke up with him) that she's a writer and should get to write anything she wants. Uh....this is a rebellion we're supposed to support? I don't think so.
Still, Lorelai comes around on this subject and I suppose we're meant to believe this is Rory finally growing up and the next stage of her life will revolve around the baby she's carrying. Still, it falls flat for me, even if it's the kind of thing that happens in series finales...and much as I don't quite believe that Rory would evolve into this kind of rootless person in the first place, I'm also not sure this fallout over the book really reflects well on Rory or shows how she's becoming more mature. It just doesn't work the way it did with Jess and Lane in the OS.
It pays to be a side character sometimes, I guess.
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flowerflamestars · 1 year
Hey, there's been something I've been meaning to ask for some time, what do you imagine Prythian's neighboring unnamed Continent to be like? how does it differ from Prythian and are the fae different over there? do they also have seasonal courts or do their kingdoms/nations run in a other way? since you headcanon that the Archeron sisters have fae heritage through their mother and maternal grandmother it gives me the feeling that they intermingle more with humans than the Prythian fae who seem more isolated.
Also: Happy holidays by the way!
Hi, happy holidays to you too!
I'm not sure I always imagine the Archeron's with faery heritage that direct- my overall headcanon is fae blood SOMEWHERE (see, Nesta's semi immunity to magic? or glamour? which the series never explains)...which I imagine has to be relatively common, actually. If we're willing to look at humans in the context of having been an enslaved people, some mixed genes feels unfortunately guaranteed.
As for Effloresce- where I am so, so excited for you guys to meet the Archeron's murderous tree lady faery queen grandmother, my god- I've cast a pretty wide net. Canon portrayal being Prythian (England/Scotland), Hybern (IRELAND, WHAT THE HELL), and then The Continent (Europe) makes sense in the slightest shred that like...she wanted to use a real map to base shapes on? Which I get? But the through line kind of sucks.
So. I make Prythian bigger- also a continent in it's own right. And I tend to make their magic wilder. Less settled. Less controllable. The land is choosing its rulers and stopping the turn of seasons, it IS faeryland.
And then there are other places like it in the wider world- enchanted forests. Magic lakes. Magic phenomena. But unlike Prythian, I like to think 'the continent' is a place where humans can live too. There's human places and faery places, but I think the bigger cities are mixed. There's mortal queens, but there's also faery council democracies. Kings, and princes, and all kinds of little city-states. The strict Court system (here is Winter, where All Winter Fae Live) is Prythian specific.
And a part of that diversity is just...five hundred years ago, in faery reckoning, the war changed everything. Five centuries is more than enough time for humans to multiply and adapt and thrive, but it is not that long for immortals. That's why the mix works- all the magic in the world is not quite the same as the bright, burning spark of a human life and their driving, incessant, curious will to survive.
It's a dangerous world.
But a bright and beautiful one too!
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