#sure why not. no clue if thats actually a tag people use
dailyanimatronics · 11 months
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[ID: a drawing based on the concept unification prototype stage. this stage shows broadway helen sitting on a stool beside a purple keyboard with her wings raised. behind her is a light brown crate, along with white walls lined with red. the stage below her feet is green. /end ID]
would've loved to see the cu prototype stage in action...
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
What about when Killer Eddie has to threaten Steve because he’s too mouthy about people Eddie has killed?👀😬
Hiii babes!! I feel like this would totally happen this way because Steve is Steve and can’t help himself and Eddie just has to gently remind him…what he can do😂🙈 so enjoy💖
CW: Eddie is a serial killer and mentions of knives
Tag List: @clairesjointshurt @sofaritsalrightt @squidscottjeans @stardustmunson @amberpanda99
-find all things A Killer’s Love here✨
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“I’m just saying why can’t you like do what you did to Nick to this Rodger dude?” Eddie rolls his eyes as Steve stands across the kitchen island from him.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about Harrington…who’s Nick?” Steve just glares at Eddie as he folds his arms across his chest. “Hand me those dishes will you?” Eddie asks as he motions to the stack of plates and silverware that’s on Steve’s side of the island.
“Come on man you know what I’m talking about.” His voice is lower as he slides the stack of dishes towards Eddie so he can put them in the sink thats filling up with soapy water. Eddie slowly picks up one of the steak knives and holds it for a moment while looking over at Steve.
“Actually Steve.” Eddie watches the way Steve’s eyes go a bit wide as he effortlessly spins the knife around in his right hand. “I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.” He explains as he tosses the knife to his left hand making Steve flinch as he gently catches it all while never breaking eye contact with his bestfriend who he knows is silently having a panic attack in the middle of his kitchen. “So if I were you I’d stop bringing it up.” With that Eddie drops the knife into the sink and begins cleaning the plates.
“Yeah yeah I’ll uh stop bringing it up.”
“Stop bringing what up?” Eddie smiles as you walk into the kitchen holding the coffee pot while Steve’s cheeks go red and he drops his arms to his sides as he turns to look at you and when he opens his mouth to say something he just closes it because it’s like all of a sudden Steve doesn’t know how to speak making Eddie roll his eyes before he looks at you.
“Oh he’s been trying to talk me into a boys trip but you know how I am about unplanned vacations.” Steve lets out a sigh of relief at the quick cover story Eddie comes up with. “How’s it going out there baby? Need anything?” He asks as you put the pot back on the coffee maker before walking over and standing next to Eddie by the sink.
“It’s going good honey thanks for agreeing to let me host book club here this month.” You answer as you lean over and place a kiss to Eddie’s cheek making him grin as he turns his head so he can catch your lips in a quick kiss before you turn away.
“Of course sweetheart.” You just smile as you walk around the island towards the entrance to the living room. “Let us know if you need anything okay?” You just nod and give Steve a smile before don’t back into the living room to join the other members of your book club.
“Jesus Christ how do you do that so well?” Eddie ignores Steve’s question as he finishes cleaning the rest of the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. “I mean really how do you just lie to her so..so-”
“You think I enjoy lying to her? That I like covering up bullshit conversations like this? You think all this is easy for me Steve is that it?” Steve doesn’t have time to react before Eddie is in his face with his hands gripping the collars of his jacket.
“No no I don’t think it’s easy man I’m just saying you’re good at it that’s all.” Steve explains trying to calm the situation down, Eddie just shoves Steve away from him so he can run his hands through his hair and let out a few deep breaths.
“If you bring up Nick or any other fucking asshole I’ve dealt with or that you think I need to deal with..ever again it won’t just be a conversation I’m covering up of yours…do understand what I’m saying to you Steve?” Eddie makes sure his tone is even and his words come out clear and precise as he looks at a terrified Steve Harrington.
“Yes I understand.”
“Good because like you said…I’m good at this.” Steve just nods and turns around and fixes his jacket as he walks over to the coffee pot and grabs a mug off the shelf.
“You want some? Or are you still cutting back on the caffeine?” Steve asks as he looks at Eddie over his shoulder and gives him a look that lets Eddie know this is his way of moving on and acting like nothing happened to which Eddie is grateful because he loves Steve, they’ve been friends for years and he’d hate to have to not only end the friendship but his life all because he can’t keep his mouth shut.
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Insta Hockey AU | x Reader
AU: You grew up with The Hughes boys as their neighbour and the fact your dad coached Jack’s PeeWee team, making you bestfriends. And by some luck the year The Hughes were supposedly leaving you to move to Michigan for Jack to join Team USA, your dad gets a call about an assistant coaching job for Team USA. Thus moving to Michigan and becoming an honorary member and best friend of the Team USA boys and attending Umich
(I do have a clue who this ends up with now :) )
Pt 3
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Liked by _alexturcotte and others
Michigan ✈️ Anaheim 🌴🌅🥂
trevorzegras why do you never tag people
Y/nL/n please never comment on my page again
user5 this is my official “they like each other comment before it actually does happen”
user1 howd you get that from their comments what 😭
jackhughes who the stud with the white hat 🤔
Y/nL/n what stud? Where?
user2 LMFAO
colecaufield plane buddy 🫂
_alexturcotte i made it in the post 🥳
Y/nL/n first and last time
lhughes_06 can’t believe you guys left me
Y/nL/n all marks fault
markestapa i just missed him 😢
rutgermcgroarty me too right?
markestapa sure
_quinnhughes 🪩🥂
calemakar 🌴🌴
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Liked by Y/nL/n and others
summer ☀️
Y/nL/n hypocrite you didnt tag either
Y/nL/n also can i have my hat back?? You dont need two
colecaufield were all supposed to ask who the last picture is right
jackhughes whos the lucky girl z
user6 working my fbi stalking skills rn
_alexturcotte soft launch?
Y/nLn we were with you 24/7 howd you sneak off
user4 she seems a little too unfazed by this
jamie.drysdale i know 🤭
_alexturcotte wanna let us know?
patrickmoynihan_ so this is what happens when im gone
user7 NO WAY
user2 i dont know if i should cry or celebrate
user3 another one gone 😭
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Liked by trevorzegras and others
summers been legit!!
Y/nLn our pictures are always so pinterest
user5 how many attempts did that picture take
trevorzegras stud
_alexturcotte 😛
colecaufield true caption
mbeniers10 missed you bud
nicohischier 🫂🫂
user1 are they dating yet? That looks like a dating picture
user7 if they are dating then thats two we’ve lost
user3 guys theyre bsfs who’ve known eachother for 17 years ofc theyre close like that 😭
Y/nL/n has posted to their story!
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A/N: can you guess who this is gonna end with 🤭
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
what really frustrates me that Vivzepop had these characters (the hazbin hotel cast) for YEARS and never really bothered to actually explain their backgrounds besides little info facts
we know Alastor is a radio host who also a cannibal serial killer but what was his life before that
we know angel and his siblings was in the mafia and angel did drugs but what was the reason for him to be a drag queen besides being a closet gay men
we know husk likes to gamble and was a alcoholic…and that’s really it unless there’s more to his character
we know niftty was a housewife that was obsessed with boys and that’s all we got
we know vaggie was a prostitute that got killed by a guy
btw love your blog
TYSM!! Please enjoy a fat nuggets while I go crazy again!
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So I’m neurodivergent we know this yes yes Rai you’ve mentioned it at least 4 times this week. Okay good. I am NUTS about specifics. Like. Like this nuts
(This is my collection of lore and data from every piece of Alice in Wonderland media I can get my hands on)
So I must say, not knowing jackshit about these characters backstories is driving me CRAZY.
I cannot believe I have to be like “I hope we learn more about the main cast after 4 years” because I don’t even know if Vivzie is going to touch on it in S2 and thats the only season we have guaranteed so like oh well!
For Alastor I am genuinely shocked we don’t know that much about him but then again they did allude to doing more with him in Season 2 so for that I guess we shall wait and see. For Angel I literally have no idea. My only headcanon I have about his living time is when he was 6 he hated vermicelli because it means “little worms” and he thought that was gross. For the drag thing. We haven’t even seen this guy in drag in the actual show yet and I am frankly pissed but idk where they’d fit that in with what we got so like okay I guess but as for his reasoning I think he either just liked it or yeah its just cause he was a closeted gay man. Husk I again have no clue. We know he was an overlord and then made a contract but that is literally it. I like Husk as a character he seems like a very sweet guy sometimes, but again, Idk anything about him. Nifty is just. Kinda there? Not that every character needs a tragic backstory but like im curious why is she like that. I didn’t even know that shit about Vaggie until I got this ask but that makes me wonder/worry if we’re going to see something in relation to that in the same way we did episode 4. HOPEFULLY not. At least we got the Vaggie angel lore but thats basically it?
I hope for so much in S2 but mostly just give us some fucking context dude. Not even the avid watchers know whats going on and I’m just some dude pirating shit so I sure as hell don’t either 😭
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bathtub4rats · 1 year
tell me facts about your batman unburied riddler NOW/nf
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY SO (im going to assume you meant beyond?)
He's just another kid that goes to Terry's school, he's one of those types of villains.
He's very smart of course and is very good with engineering and electronics, he makes a lot of his own gear- like his digital emote mask, his cane, and his hoverboard (which i totally didn't just draw Sonic's board from Sonic Riders for the Gamecube) And he gets upset when his skills are challenged
I think he doesn't actually commit any crimes, he's very careful about that hes trying to graduate with honors and can't be fuckin up his 4.0- so he's just a pain in the ass. I think he'll set up elaborate plans and pull Batman into a whole riddler thing just to waste his time in the end for fun
I think he spray paints clues and his riddles on building walls or leaves intricate mechanical statues and stuff around for batman to find, and it'll all imply stuff like someone's going to bomb the clock tower and its just nothing,
At school, he doesn't talk to people much
he always has headphones on and ignores anyone who tries to talk to him, bc of this everybody assumes he's listening to music and just says whatever around him, but he hears it he knows a lot of secrets
He has joint issues, maybe hypermobility idk, so he uses a cane a lot and often has knee braces on (Also why he has a hoverboard, it hurts a lot less than running would)
And I think he's very into retro stuff and like batman history, bc we Know that Riddler did exist in this universe bc Bruce has an animatronic version of him, so I think This Eddie learned about the first riddler and thought fuck yea I love riddles and just became the riddler 2.0
edit: OH OH HIS CANE!! the cane handle latches onto his belt with a magnet and when he takes it off and the magnets disconnect it extends out into a cane, otherwise its just the handle
Thats all I have thought up in the brain, If i think of anything else I'll for sure add it on later
if you're looking for my doodles I've tagged them all as Beyond Riddler :)
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arisatominakos · 2 years
i want your gif making lore. 7, 9, 17, 15, 20, 26, 40, 45, and 49!
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
ohmans thats hard khfdsa. i actually am big fans of a lot of gifmakers out there that i dont follow but i see their stuff all the time in the tags & rb from them etc etc. but like i do follow a lot of folks who’s stuff i rlly enjoy and are folks that tend to inspire me. its a bit unfair to list just three so fkjsdha uhh @aartyom  @eurodynamic @onewingedangels @preciousgyro @entreri @marogarreh @thequantumranger @trident
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
i dont fully remember, i think a mix of just fandom stuff w/ friends & rp blogs. i do remember it was a hellacious journey until i could figure it out and since then i just have tried to keep improving or learning new things etc etc.
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set
this is VERY dependent on the set im making at the time. i try to avoid like sets with a lot of images bc i get very tired with the task. but some stuff like i try to do between 2-5 so it looks nice in a post.
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
constantly. usually its my avan gifs or star trek gifs. which is like the major reason i dont do them anymore or do a lot of non-video game slash anime sets. i tend to confront the person or ask them to take it down & it goes as well as you expect half the time: not the best. the worst time was a rp blog stealing all my avan gifs, not aware i was in the same rp circles so like tons of mutuals( most shared between the two of us ) notified me & they blocked me on said blog so i had to message them from my personal + other blogs i had at the time as well as said mutuals spoke with them as well before they took them down. it was a very frustrating day.
20. Mac or PC
i have experience with both mac & pc, however my default is my pc which is built for gaming. i’ve had mac laptops in the past via my older sister who would give me her school handmedowns. as far as specifically creating art gifs what have you, i have no preference between the two.
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
sO I KNOW A LOT OF PPL DO THAT WHERE THEY MAKE STUFF AND SAVE IT IN DRAFTS BUT IM DKSJHA i just i dont have the like mental fortitude to make something and not post it soon after. back when i was doing rp stuff & writing i used my drafts very heavily for wips & i sorta do that w/ gifsets in a way. as i make them i have a opened draft to upload each one to see how they look on tumblr, if they upload correctly, & to check coloring between my main monitor secondary monitor & phone as well so i make sure colors are good theres no washes etc. so usually if there is something in the drafts im currently working on it or its about to be posted so there are zero things in my drafts other than this ask kfsha
40. Why do you make gifs
good question. no clue. fkjhdsa but its fun & i enjoy it. its also just fun to share my interests in a way that can be shared by other people in reblogs etc. reading the tags of my sets & seeing ppls reactions or just opinions or whatever is just it rlly makes it. I Make Gifs For The People.
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
i’ve had ppl disrespect me bc of a gifset but ive never gotten hate persay. i do get a lot of bitchy people upset about my “do not repost or remove caption.” that i add to my posts which like i tend to ignore. realistically i cant stop ppl from doing such but it has helped so i keep doing it. usually i get a comment on said set they reblogged that day or in the tag but ive gotten 1 ask once about it & it was p funny. but proper hate with a valid reason ? nah.
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
oH SO MUCH LOL. from coloring, to timing of the frames, to composition, to typography, to quality. the more i make the better i get. && there are things i want to redo to see how much i’ve improved. im not using the best tools to make these, but i’ve seen my improvement i’ve seen how much better i am & it’s rlly nice to be able to visually see your growth.
                                     /  GIFMAKER ASKS
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lilaclaly · 2 years
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I posted 401 times in 2022
12 posts created (3%)
389 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 351 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#sw - 99 posts
#star wars - 56 posts
#kenobi series - 52 posts
#stranger things - 51 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 48 posts
#hotd - 38 posts
#stranger things 4 - 37 posts
#house of the dragon - 36 posts
#anakin skywalker - 34 posts
#obikin - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#since 2011 ive been telling my pjo friends that i always like percy w rachel than annabeth
My Top Posts in 2022:
all i want in this season is main character protagonist gay™ william byers
and ofc byler
70 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
there is more than 24k fics of merthur on ao3, so there must be one where merlin just disappear for a long time and arthur freaks out and a lot of things happens in between and arthur realizes how in love with merlin he is
79 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
you know whats funny to me? people think that el is the main protagonist of stranger things bc shes the one with powers and that can stop the monsters from the upside down.
but for me is like not that at all. for me the real protagonis always was will byers. everything started bc of him. sure, el opened the portals two times, but thats all that she did. she opened the portals for the monsters (and that wasnt her fault at all.) but everything else that happened it was a consequence of will’s disappearance. el wouldnt have meet the party if it them went out looking for will. she would be probably capture eventually and went back to the lab.
the main clue for me its that how the fuck a twelve years old kid escaped and survived for a week on that toxic environment, and everyone else was killed right after they got there? 
for me, will always had powers but they manifested when he was in the upside down. i mean how did he communicated with joyce if the UD was stuck in time on the exact day that he went missing? the thing with the lights if i remember correctly was one or two days after he went to the UD. and why didnt the demogorgon attack and killed him right after they went to the UD? why it saw him biking and went for him when he wasnt even bleeding?
and then in season 2 when will was possessed by the mindflayer he said that the mindflayer didnt want him, but everyone else. i doesnt make sense if u want to use someone someone to get to others and let only him alive. most villans use and then get rid of the person they use. 
for me will byers was specifically targeted from the beginning bc he always had powers and for some reason the mindflayer wants him. its like what dustin said about vecna and the mindflayer.
vecna its the 5 star general and the mindflayer its the boss.
el is the 5 star general all this time and will is the real boss.
did yall get what i mean?
168 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
i think is actually quite funny that people are realizing just now that will is gay and in love with mike. just shows how much there are subtext throughout the whole show and people are not really watching it
384 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
forget about the romance aspect of byler and think about the platonic side of it. imagine hearing your best friend of 10+ years saying to a girl that the day his life started was after he met her and that was the exact day of your disappearance and that was the cause of your traumatic and tragedy childhood.
ngl i would stop being friends with him. that is just a shitty friend i would be pissed and cut him out my life.
582 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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redr0sewrites · 9 months
14, 23, 63 for the ask game!
AAA TYSM!!!! SOOO EXCITED AB THIS EHEHEH!!!! just fyi, these questions are from this post
14. (how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel? do you draw from personal experiences?)
when writing emotional things i often do use personal experience or my own feelings, but i also do try to put myself in others' shoes too! i consider myself to be pretty empathetic (to a fault sometimes), and writing too much emotional or negative content def has an effect on me. i always make sure to space out my emotional or angsty writing pieces, and overall it can be a bit challenging handling emotions in my writing!!! i def feel what the characters feel when im writing, esp when it comes to x reader fics cuz i want to make both the readers and the characters personalities as accurate as possible!!!
23. (Best writing advice for other writers?)
WRITE WHAT YOU ENJOY. im serious, if your forcing yourself to write for a fandom, character, or anything at all that you dont enjoy it will be so draining and exhausting!!! you also are NOT obligated to obey other peoples wishes when it comes to writing reqs, trust me when i say that no one else should dictate your writing or writing style. if someone doesn't like your writing, thats their problem and if people are continuously disobeying and disrespecting your requesting rules and guidelines it is VERY MUCH OK to simply not write their requests and to set that boundary. finally, never feel afraid to write or post something if it feels too "cringe" or bad, bc the more you write the more you improve!!! keeping all those ideas and creativity bottled up inside personally made me feel so misunderstood, and i felt like i had nobody who shared my interests. thats why i personally started writing fanfiction, to feel closer to my interests and share them with others!! (also coming from a fanfic writer + reader standpoint, make a masterlist PLEASE it makes finding your fics so much easier and link thirsts as well, not just fics! i see so many good writing blogs with incredible wips or thirsts or asks that i want to read, but have only like 2 fics actually on their masterlist and it takes FOREVER to scroll and find all the posts in the archives. i just find masterlists sm easier and more organized tbh!!!)
63. (something you hate to see in smut.)
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE OR TARGETED, JUST SOME THINGS I DONT LIEK!!! i do some of these in my own writing, dont feel bad if u do this stuff, its just my preference!!!!
now, starting off- when the story starts right in the middle of the smut with NO CLUE where the characters are, what position theyre in, whats going on, like the first sentence is like "i could feel my release building as (character) thrusted into me" HOW? WHERE? WHEN???? WHY????? WHATS GOING ON???? also, when the writer is describing a position or something but 2 paragraphs later the position seems completely different with no context whatsoever- like one second the characters hitting it from the back and the next theyre sloppily making out and rubbing their chests together??? when did they move???? also when theres like NO description at ALL ab the position, liek i NEED to know what im visualizing here😭😭😭 . an unnecessary amount of dialogue is also a no-no for me, like why yall having a discussion arent u fucking😭😭😭😭. AND FINALLY. THE BIGGEST PET PEEVE OF THEM ALL. WHEN ITS TAGGED AS GN BUT THEN THE ANATOMY IS DESCRIBED AS FEM OR MASC LIKE USING COCK OR G SPOT OR PROSTATE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE GN!!!! CAN ALSO BE WHEN ITS TAGGED MALE AND THEIRS FEM ANATOMY AND VICE VERSA, WRITERS PLSSS TAG UR SMUTS ACCORDINGLY I DONT WANT GENDER DYSPHORIA WHEN TRYING TO SIMPLY READ SMUT 💀💀💀
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Ok I'd like to preface this with I have No Fucking Clue what I'm doing the last time I DID anything with DnD was like. Half a decade ago. I was a small child I remember fuck all.
We're doing a oneshot for a friends birthday soon so I needed to set up my character, now, the party Did Not have any characters that can Hit Things Good, hence the choice of a fighter class character. My friend is running through subclasses and I hear the words "Eldritch" and "Knight" right next to each other.
Now, I'm not sure if you know this but I have been SWAMPED with a Magnus Archives hyperfixation for the last six months. I have two things on the brain and it's The Magnus Archives and Jonny Sims's band the Mechanisms. Eldritch horror is essentially the only thing I think about these days.
Now, going into this, I 100% had plans for this guy to be a COMPLETE fucken himbo. This man was not supposed to have any lights on upstairs. I've been described as the nicest cuddliest fridge you will ever meet, thats this guy but even more so and dumb as balls. And then I heard the words 'Eldritch Knight' so that plan went out the window a little bit.
Now, don't get me wrong, he's still is a bit of a himbo, but because I wanted to play whatever the fuck an eldritch knight is, he can't actually be stupid? Because he rolls with intelligence for his spells, so I'm turning his wisdom down to fuckall once I start actually rolling for the character stats and shit, but he knowingly acts like a himbo.
He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he looks like a himbo so he's making the choice to act like a himbo. This man Does Not stop smiling it's a little bit eerie actually. He wants the emotional damage from hitting him to hurt worse than the ass kicking he will give you (or at least attempt to give you)
He's a dragonborn of the gold colouring, which is going to cause So Many Problems because there is a wizard in the party. The wizard can move and manipulate fire to his will. I can breathe fire. This is going to cause So Many Problems and I Cannot Wait.
Now. To the best part about this, I felt like giving him an actual weapon would make him too cool? And I learned that I can bind up to 2 weapons to himself, and teleport them to his location at any given moment as long as they're in the same fucking dimension. So I went "what if he just has a metal baseball bat?". So now he has a metal baseball bat. My DnD nerd of a friend is in the VC with me helping me figure out what the hell I'm doing, and we're both silly motherfuckers.
So my friend goes "what if you made the bat sentient?"
Cue my begging to the DM for him to let me have a sentient baseball bat that hates the fact its used for violence. My friend is going to voice the bat. It sounds very posh and very displeased with everything that my character does. So now this secretly knowledgeable himbo lookin ass dragonborn has a talking baseball bat with a similar attitude to Jack the Sword from the Magnus Chase series.
Now, as for what the hell the oneshot is about which is about to make things infinitely funnier, or at least it did for me, is this sunshine and rainbows guy is in jail. This takes place in a prison. Why is he in jail? He kept tracking down and breaking the knees of people who harassed his siblings or committed other heinous crimes.
And now, for the final remarks. I chose this guys name before I figured out his race. Now this was an awful idea but it was also one of the funniest things I think I've ever done.
Before that though, I feel like it's worth mentioning the sword has been named 'Sir Astren of the Cosmos' no I haven't figured out why that's its name it came to me in a vision.
Anyways mr not-actually-a-himbo dragonborn over here is named Tomothy Reiden. No, that's not a typo.
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soraenun-archive · 2 years
(kicks imaginary door with my foot to announce my presence because i wouldn't do that to anyone's door ofc) WHAT IS UP BESTIE? <3 How are you doing? Great I hope 💕 I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Come closer... closer.... closer. I am actually lazy </3 That's why I didn't come sooner to answer you :( Or sometimes I forget that I didn't reply to you and then it's 3 weeks later and I still didn't talk to you 💔 I'm the world champion of forgetting things so I hope you don't mind
Well I hope you did your homework because I'm about to drop some BIG clues right now!
Clue A: I really like one of the two girls on your current mobile theme Clue B: I am older than you (this is a big one because I feel like you're mutuals with ppl around your age or younger? not sure though) Clue C: I am actually not one of Zion T's best friends ;D He's the one who told me to find his biggest fan & start talking to them to see if they deserve the title. (Spoiler alert: you do!) Clue D: I too like to use my beloved for pretty much everything I like Clue E: I think if you knew who I was you wouldn't expect that kind of asks coming from me (or maybe you would but I'm not sure)
Ah, how could I forget my goodbye? Well, today is my "go do your groceries because the fridge is empty" day so I have to go there quickly before the store closes. See you later bestie 😘
The energy of this ask is the opposite of my actual state. My feet are killing me and I have no energy left in my body lol
from 🐘 💌 anon
hi hi hi bestie !!!! 💓💓 i’m okay! i was pretty ill for a couple of days but i’m feeling a bit better now <3 PLEASE i don’t mind at all ! i totally understand like sometimes i wait a few days to reply because i want to make sure i’m giving your message the energy it deserves! so it’s okay i would rather you take your time and send me a message when you really feel like it <3
okay so i literally just changed my mobile theme because jihyo !!!! but i’m guessing you mean hikaru and youngeun?? which if thats the case then that really narrows it down because i only know a few people who love hikaru and even less people that love youngeun so i may have a pretty solid guess now and that may have been the biggest clue so far!!
hmmm yeah i think you’re right i feel like most mutuals are around my age! but how much older or would that be too much of a give away? 🤔
PLEASE ur so sweet :( i’m so honoured you think i am worthy of that title <3 
i will be making little notes of everyone who uses beloved in their tags though i feel like thats almost everyone i follow so definitely not the most helpful clue but still i will add it to my detective board!
ooo that's interesting… i wonder in what sense you mean? like because i would assume you're quite shy or quiet? but these messages are always really fun n silly and kind of the opposite of that maybe? but i don't have too many assumptions i just know that you're a really lovely and kind person!! 🥰
oh i hope you got some delicious food!! and i’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling a little worn down and tired :( i hope you got to rest your feet and managed to get a little energy boost! 💞💗
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carmen-sandie-go · 3 years
Story as requested
SO This is a story about the time my mom almost took me out of school because a guy from my class made eye contact with her.
This is a long story so bear with me. Idk if i have already told this or not. Anyways we will need to meet come characters first and some context-
U - one of my friends from my class and the bitch who started the whole thing and didnt get wrapped in the drama what so ever N- Hate her also it genuinely surprises me that the people who have the most shit to say about me have a cgpa below 2.0 like bestie wtf up with this ? (kylies friend at the time) R - my idiot fucking then best friend from my neighbourhood A- a good guy friend. We went to the same French tuition. T- N's younger brother .... S- my senior Q- the guy in question who had no fucking relation with the whole drama
So basically me and U got selected to participate in this English play competition
S was also in the same play and me and him started to became friends, teasing, talking to each other
So in lunch period ( all the girls sit in a huge circle so that no ones left out or feel left out of the group because groupism is really exclusionary in my school)... SO basically U is like zoe he soo likes you. S soo likes you..
I was like nah. We just friends
Ok so basically N had the biggest crush on S so when she over heard this she came to me and said, " Stay. Away. From. Him"
Now i didnt want any drama so i was like sure girl i gottcha back. But i didnot know this was the start of a drama movie.
SO basically i was walking cum gossiping with my best friend and telling her what all happened in the school today and i saw N and her friends ( we live nearby ) and she goes " you have no clue how desperate she is for attention " Now i believe in being kind and all but aint no body shitting on me. Even god damned Jesus would hold my purse while I smack the shit out of her. SO anyways.. I went ahead and we had a heated discussion where i roasted her ass (shouldnt have in retrospect)
My bestie was like, "girl what that all about ?" Then I dramatically started to explain what was happened at school that day. And she was like how does he look ? I told her, "ngl he cute"
SO basically T over heard this and said, "bro he is our senior have some shame !" and then my friend tried to explain that he misunderstood but idk how much she could (lying hoe.)
Now I go to school to school and he (S) was waiting for me on the stair case and asked me, " did you tell everyone I am your boyfriend ?" And I was just like BOY which stupid ass dog bit you ? Why would I say that ?
And apparently they spread this rumour that i was a desperate and i said that i was dating S ..
In that day alone loads of guys asked me if I was actually dating him .. And all i could say was :/
Now in last period Q asked me if i was in a relationship. Now my friend A over heard this and thought that Q was dating me or asking me out or what ever that he understood..
Bottom line A knew there were rumours that I was dating some guy and he thought I was dating Q
Finals were really near ( like 3-4 days near) so I told my mom that I'll sit at home and study as nothing is happening in my school and also because I was tired of the rumours
SO she was like ok cool
I didnt go to my french tution that weekend as my french exam was the last exam and as I had maths next week.
So A thought my mom got to know about my relationship thats why she took me out of everything everyone knows how strict my family is
It had been a while and also i needed to clear a few doubts so i decided to go to school.
Now I come back from school and my moms like " is there something you want to tell me ?" lemme do it in a dialogue way -
Mom : Is there something you want to tell me ?
Me : nope . why ?
* hard slap *
Me : 👁👄👁
Apparently this idiot (A) had told maam that the reason i didnt attend class was because my mom took me out of everything after finding about my relationship
Even my teacher was concerned so she called home and said , "Let it be, she is young , she will make mistakes" and my mom had no clue wtf this was abt and so she got to know that i am dating Q and and thought thats why i didnt wanna go to school or tuitions (bestie i just needed to desperately revise maths and study other as i had left it for later and get out of the rumours )
Now I was although not allowed to watch tv or use mobile or laptop hell wasnt even talked to. I was allowed to give the exam.
Now I was a bit late for dispersal as I was discussing my answers with my teacher and she asked me why i didnt come to school for a few days..
My mom possibly made eye contact with Q during dispersal and She was convinced that i had broken up with Q and hence he was giving my mother the stink eye
This drama of me and S and Q (in my mothers, A and tuition teachers mind) did not die out for a yr.
Tagging : @ginasholtsoundboard@desi-dark-academia@drenched-in-ichor
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shoezuki · 3 years
genuine question: do you think ‘don’t speak on this issue if you’re not a minority affected’ is as black and white as ppl make it out to be?
like i was out as a lesbian for like 2 years before figuring out The Gender Stuff and dealt w a lot of genuine lesbophobic stuff (getting outed, losing friends, Actually Weirdchamp Jokes etc) so i feel like i should be able to identify when to say No, Please Wise Up at these kinds of situations given past experiences, even if i ID differently now. also im v stressed can i have a homie forehead kiss please ;-;
Oh yea anon i Absolutely think the 'dont speak if ur not affected' stuff is Bullshit. Like majorly cuz it aint that easy to just. Go by specific labels??? Like you experienced lesbophobia as u said and those experiences will ALWAYS be with you regardless of hoe you change n grow as a person. You Absolutely should be 'allowed' to have a voice in such matters.
Ive seen Multiple ppl who either recently realized themselves as different labels, or dtwrted questioning their identity as a lesbian, and this uncertainty of if they are 'able' to speak on these things. Even me in particular. Like i go by 'queer' for both because i Cant fit myself into more conventional labels. But i spent a Long timr in highschool questioning and battling with myself on if i was a lesbian or not. Im still not 100% sure and i dont think i ever will. Does that give me a 'pass' to speak on these things? I have no fucking clue.
Secondly, though. This take is spicier. But i think any lgbt person can discuss these issues if theyre a lesbian or not or have never been.
People take the idea of Only Lesbians or the group affected can accept the apology, which id true, and made it more into: only this group can talk on this or have opinions on this. Which i thinl is wrong. Because now theres an expectation of lesbians needing to take initiative and Give other people opinions and Tell them what theyre allowed to Think. Thats not a job we should push on lesbians/the groups affected.
People HAVE to be able to make their own opinions on this. We dont need a Pocket Lesbian to tell us what to do or think or what we can of cant say. Its not theyre job to 'educate us' at every interval like this. Its why we see so many 'remember you cant accept apologies if youre not the minority affected' or 'lesbians what do you think?' Type threads. It puts pressure on lesbians, makes em do the leg work they dont need to and honestly? Is another way of speakin over them. Like 'i cant think on this myself i need lesbians to tell me what to do here, so I fill up tags and tls with this instead of actually retweeting threads and words made By lesbians' yknow???
This got long. Its kinda complex. But ppl really want to box others in and give the affected groups a Job to Educate People under the guise of 'upholding their voices' tbh
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atalante241 · 3 years
A Dream SMP SBI focused AU where all of SBI is related and everybody in the fam know it, except Tommy.
Tommy just assumes that they’re really close friends or some shit, and Wilbur calling Phil dad sometimes is an inside joke between the two.
Like growing up they were a really weird family where all of them had like, their own house/building and they just vibed. Like Tommy was raised by Phil but he doesn’t really remember it (like, can you remember anything from when u were 0-5 yrs old? Cause I sure can’t.) and he was given his own building thing when he was like 5 nearing 6, through that ended up being left alone more. And it was purely by accident, and he started hearing Wil and Techno reffed to Phil as just “Phil”, so he started doing it.
Along time it completely slips his mind that they’re family and not just a very small gated close community, and as I said before they’re a weird ass family Phil leaves on exoditions sometimes. He even might take Wil or Techno along on chance, but not Tommy bc that is a straight up child. Sometimes the trips take months but Tommy isn’t bothered, why should he be bothered that his neighbors leave for months on end sometimes. So the now 7 yr old takes care of himself all alone, and he doesn’t see this as weird bc the rest of SBI doesn’t see it as weird. He just legit thinks that straight up children can live alone and be just fine.
This one time a creeper blows up his house, and because he’s got no clue on how to repair it he just makes a dirt shack. But he thinks it looks ugly (OOC I know) so he carves out this hill and lives in there, and that how he develops a habit of building his homes in hills and mountains. Also when he’s bored he starts mining and accidentally creates these basically ant tunnels that travel underneath the big ass clearing the SBI lives in, there’s also at least one tunnel that goes into/near one of the buildings the SBI have separately.
Tommy doesn’t feel neglected because he doesn’t realize that he should, being left alone for months. He doesn’t feel bad about spending most of his b-days alone because he thinks that he has no friends, and the people around him are just his neighbors and shouldn’t come to the random kids b-day party. He also doesn’t realize that usually ppl have to pay some kind of tax to live in a house somewhere, he jus thinks that u just build a house somewhere and thats it.
He’s kind of is close to Wilbur, but it’s more in the way of saying hi to someone as you pass them but never interacting with them. He gets closer to Wilbur through the drug business.
(Tommy meets Tubbo at the SMP, but they had been pen pals for 6 yrs. They got connected through a magazine that advertised pen pals and how it’d get you one, it worked and they became friends. Tubbo also knows of the fact that Tommy lived alone, and is on the same page as Tommy about the family.)
At 15 (nearing 16) he leaves for the SMP, he waves the rest of the SBI goodbye because for some bizarre reason they all came out to say bye to him based on the one thing he said to Wilbur about leaving. At the SMP things go like normal, except new conflict rises from Tommy simply not paying his taxes. Dream goes to confront him with some other people that tagged along just for the fun of it, only for it to turn into a giant ass street fight because: Dream thinks Tommy’s bullshitting not knowing what taxes are because he knows Tommy didn’t lie to him about living alone before (he believes him bc he knows how to do household chores and up keeping), and Tommy thinks Dream’s just trying to exploit him because he thinks he’s some stupid kid. Said street fight that lasted 2h became know as “The Tax Scrap”, as it was a scrap and in led to taxes being demolished completely so no one had to pay them.......there was a party held for Tommy because of it.
After Tommy turned 16 around the summer months Wilbur comes and they do the whole drug shit and independence, they get way close doing so but not nearly “brother” close. Wilbur’s sad about this because he thinks that Tommy’s mad at him and the rest of SBI for leaving him alone during all of their trips, while Wilbur’s angsting Tommy’s all “I’m so very happy. And I’m getting super close with my old neighbor, this is great! Hey the whole of the SMP looke at the man named Wilbur Soot and know that I’m in no way related to him but we’re just old neighbors!!”. Yeeeh, Tommy unconsciously lets everyone know that they’re just old neighbors. Unknowingly hurting Wilbur because he thinks Tommy doesn’t want anything to do with them and is just acting civil, so he tries to be like 10x friendlier. They become great friends.
Everything happens pretty much the same except Wilbur trusts Tommy less while in the ravine because he still thinks that he hates them, he and Techno also have a angst session while Tommy’s asleep bc they think he hates them. This is before the Vilbur and Festival (the angst session). During the Pit scene Wil says something along the lines of “He hates you, look—look at him. He despises you, look how..—how angry he is!” After the 16th Phil wants to talk to Tommy about everything and make sure he’s alright (Very OOC of him, I know.) but is deterred by Techno telling him how Tommy “hates” them, and that he refuses to acknowledge them as family.
Sometimes Ghostbur slips and calls Tommy his little brother, Tommy’s shocked because did that mean that Alivebur saw him as some kind of little brother figure? He’s very flattered and totally doesn’t hug Ghostbur out of embarrassment. Ghostbur sometimes slips infront of people that aren’t Tommy and that leads to a lot of confused people and a rumor mill (that’s actually true for once) that Tommy and Wilbur were actually brothers, while wisiting or maybe through the msg’s Ranboo asks Tommy about it and receives the anwser that Tommy and Wilbur weren’t brothers but Tommy’s pretty sure that Wilbur saw him as one, at least he assumes from Ghsotbur’s ramblings. Ranboo tells this to people and it leads to a lot of aww’s because adorable, and then those aww’s turn sad bc Ghostbur exists.
Everything goes the same as canon except after Tommy betrays Techno, Techno during the moment he and Tommy are yelling at each other while tnt’s exploding -making it impossibly hard to hear them and messing with the animatic audios- yells something about Tommy being his brother and betraying him. And that leads to Tommy saying something like “Did you really see us as that close...” and now he feels sad bc the friend he betrayed was so attached to him that he saw him as a brother figure, but that sets Techno off more bc Tommy still denounces them as family in his eyes and he’s pissed bc of it. So they start fighting, eventually Phil stops to watch them. He’s also pissed at Tommy for the same reasons, during the fight Tommy gets like super injured or something but neither Techno or Phil want to kill him before they get to know the full reasons as to why he disowned them.
That leads to angsty as hell dialogue that breaks everyone’s hearts, and the whole gang realizing that Tommy didn’t even KNOW that they were family. It’s silent after that (not really there’s like 50 withers still around and explosions are happening left and right, but u get the point), idk how it all ends put it has something like this.
Tommy gets hugged
He’s still bleeding so it hurts and he’s kinda dying
Bc Techno and Phil are sad and kinda want to start over (and let’s be honest no one in that family is fully sane) they figure GhostInnit would be easier to deal with, also they’re still mad at him so they stab him
While also hugging him, it’s real messed up
Some people witness it and are kinda creeped out because to them it looks like two ppl that aren’t particularly close to Tommy are just hugging him after they stabbed him as if they cared
Through some magical power of teamwork and friendship the ppl fighting for L’Manburg (rip) get Tommy away from them, and some other crap happens the two have to flee. Later on Ranboo goes to live with them (fuck yes to that, that boy deserves peace. But fuck Phil adopting him It’ll all go to hell. Have you seen Phil’s other two kids +Tubbo??) but stil travels to the SMP bc I refuse for his friendship to end with Tommy and Tubbo, he kinda carries the news of GhostInnit existing to them unintentionally. So the leads to a game of extreme hide n’ seek where Tommy doesn’t know he’s supposed to hide so people literally just shove him into closets, rooms and houses all willy nilly. The whole servers in on it except Dream who just looks at all of them like that one meme. (No, I do not know what I’m referencing but I know at least 70% your pictures something)
The end vibe: Happy GhostInnit vibing with friends while the whole server is playing hide and seek him as the hider w/out him knowing, if Techno and Phil get him they’re gonna have so much family bonding and consequently make Tommy mad at the server bc he thinks thy were keeping him from his fam on reason, when they’re were just actually trying to keep him away from the two anarchists that were after him for some reason bc they didn’t know about the fam crap. GhostInnit doesn’t know they’re family bc it was kind of a bad memory him dying, he remembers everyone but not the bad things that have happened with them.
(Cross-posted off of Ao3, fics inspired by this one
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30526023 )
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izzyliker · 3 years
hey - this is one of the mods of the bi jon project. we don't actually dislike or disagree with pan jon at all, we just want to make a project focused on and celebrating bisexuality. our carrd is a bit rambling, but frankly we were trying our best/overcompensating to try and make sure people didn't misunderstand us and do - well, this. our intentions are good, and it's really kind of disenheartening to see all the hate we've gotten for what was meant to be a positive project. (1)
you're under no obligation to answer these, but i saw some of your posts in the tag and felt like reaching out because you did give us even the tiniest bit of slack in good faith. honestly, if you have any advice about what in our carrd is so overwhelmingly bad, we'd be happy to hear it. we've been trying to respond to the overwhelming amount of criticism we've got in a positive way, and take peoples' suggestions. (2)
as for why 'no anti-antis' was at the bottom of our rules list, it's legitimately bc we were trying so hard to be preventative about this negativity that we forgot to add it when we first posted the blog, and just remembered later. again, you're under no obligation to answer these, i just feel like no one's really actually letting us defend ourselves/are taking things in as bad faith a way as possible. (3)
im not exactly sure how the posts showed up in the tag bc ive been very purposefully not tagging them, also ive blocked all of you back (not sure why you blocked me if you actually want feedback, so it seems more like you just want free positive pr and not actual feedback) so its unlikely youll see whatever it is that i reply to this but whatever. 
the issues have all been repeatedly brought up to you so i dont really see how me repeating all of them once again could help. when i last looked at the cardd the things that stood out immediately included. 
pitting ace & bi identities and people against each other REPEATEDLY,  
starting off with a guilt trippy tone and maintaining it throughout (in my experience this is the #1 best way to receive backlash because people do not want to participate in events where you feel like youre being guilted into it, which going into scrutinizing detail over there not being enough content and passing judgement onto authors or artists over it is something that comes across as guilt trippy.),
repeatedly equating asexuality with sex repulsion (not to get into the misleading information about modteam aspec identity breakdowns, since you claimed that 3/4 of the team are aspec, which is technically correct, but what you didnt say was that only one is acespec. surely you know that [allosexual] aro and [alloromantic] ace are not interchangeable) and calling using biromantic over bisexual a “misunderstanding” of the identity as if how to define romantic vs sexual attraction (how to divide, if or if not to divide, use interchangeably different labels) isnt a deeply personal choice ace people who experience romantic attraction make, 
claiming that bisexual jon is canon (he isn’t. this is why people are suspicious of anti-other mspec identities sentiments. which theyre right, if youll be so kind as to stick around til the last paragraph) and repeatedly implying that the reason there isnt “enough” content centering bi jon because the aces are simply unable to not fixate on his asexuality (again, pitting identities against each other),
making the banned ship list way needlessly confusing and including ships that dont even include jon to it, which simply comes across as some kind of a list of bad ships, idk. a way to bypass this would simply be to say “we are looking for portrayals of healthy relationships!” and that couldve just been it. if you felt that that wouldnt exclude specific ships (eg. jondaisy that a lot of people write as a relationship between trauma survivors who have done very bad things trying to get better and learning to trust each other) it is possible to simply say “the modteam is squicked[/triggered] by ships with daisy/elias/peter and we’d like to read all of the works submitted so we’re asking not to receive submissions with those ships.” hating ships is literally completely normal but making rules hard to parse is going to attract questions, especially when the implication is that ships are excluded on the grounds of morality, and a blatant power difference ship (jonelias) is equated with jondaisy, which is from what ive seen almost exclusively shown to be a relationship between equals. that makes people EXTREMELY confused about where the line is. thats why youre getting so many questions about this.  
in general the carrd was spotty, guilt trippy, and needlessly moralizing where it definitely did not need to be. the key to getting people to engage without getting backlash is to make the event seem fun. when your carrd is filled with stuff about unrelated negative stuff people are not going to think it’s a fun event at all. 
and none of this even gets into the fact that at least one of the mods has a history of open hostility against pan people. i heard through the grapevine that he has since made a fauxpology about it, but frankly it already shone through in the language used in the event descriptions. its extremely hard to take any of this is good faith when it is easy to see that one of the organizers is quite fucking clear about thinking pansexuality is biphobic and the carrd is or at least used to be full of anti-pan (and other mspec identity) dogwhistles, and is notorious in some of the tma fic author circles for being extremely fucking nasty about trans men writing fic he doesn’t like to the point of pretending that we’re all cis people (in case youre not keeping track that is misgendering us by implication) because he doesn’t like it. i think some of you (or maybe all of you? idk) in general could stand to examine whether your engagements and participations in the fandom have been at all about having fun or adding positivity to anything, or simply making posts about what other people are doing wrong. it seems that every post i see from anyone in this group is guilt trippy and authoritative, and sadly this translated directly into the event. 
when youre, say, a trans man whose first touch to one of the mods was a post about how fic where trans men have piv sex with cis men is hurting him personally and making it a moral issue and not a matter of a simple preference to the point where he feels comfortable making claims about the trans men (and transmasc nonbinary people) writing fic about trans characters re: their gender or whether theyre fetishizing trans men, your willingness to engage in good faith with an event hosted by him that features numerous red flags is not going to be unconditional. 
im sorry to hear that it has been bad for your mental health, and idk whats fucking going on with this event anymore, but my good faith interpretations have diminished significantly since i saw the shit tmc specifically has been saying about pansexual people and pansexuality as an identity label. i have no clue where the rest of you stand but tmc has repeatedly, consistently shown himself to be unable to act in good faith towards anyone other than people who agree with him.  
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feckin-zicons · 3 years
that's why i hate larries, i hate them with all my heart. besides being boring they are hypocrites 🙄
Hey nonnie, sorry its taken me so long to reply but if you’re following me you know I’ve been travelling lately and have been more scatterbrained than usual. Not that I’m ever not scatterbrained, but its been just a little crazier than usual!
Now I wouldn’t go as far to say I hate Larries. After all their delusions can be pretty funny sometimes!
Joking aside, I don’t hate Larries, I love Larries, I’m a Larry, so I really hesitate to tarry the whole group with the same brush. However I do strongly agree with you that there are those who are complete hypocrites. Nothing annoys more more than when Larries ™ treat the other boys, other celebrities, their friends and even family as one more side character to the Larry Show.
In particular when Larries ™ flood comment sections asking or in some cases, ordering people to confirm rumors/the couple being together. The absolute fucking disrespect. Not just because they’re flooding comment sections in videos streams, tweets, what have you, that sometimes have nothing to do with the couple in question, but because its presumptuous and rude as fuck to think they’re owed a coming out- just because they’re fans of the boys.
Stop it. Thats fucking ugly as hell.
While I have no doubt all the boys will one day be out (as referenced by their continued efforts in fighting the closet. I don’t get the sense the boys will just stop at being freed from their contractual obligations). It should and will be on their own terms. Provided they’re not forcibly outed some other way.
Coming out is a deeply personal experience and no one, no one ever, has the right to out someone else. I’ll never not be absolutely furious at the Larries ™ who posted about having ‘receipts’ that would out the boys. Which… tbh weren’t receipts at all but thats a whole other story. I’m also still angry at the reactions after Liams Attitude spread that wouldn’t have been as bad if not for the entitled fandom that peddled ridiculous claims beforehand about Liam confirming Larry to be real.
I mean… What the actual fuck. Setting aside the fandom experience of the time, and boy was it an experience. What right would Liam have confirming Louis and Harry’s relationship? I mean, get some perspective? It doesn’t help that a lot of fandom adults were the ones coming up with, and reblogging those theories and the younger fans ate it up. It would have made more sense for Louis and Harry to do it but idk maybe I’m still out of touch for thinking so. I mean, it felt like every other week someone was talking about Larry coming out. It was such a shit storm oh my god.
Biggest issue I still have with them is that the entitled behaviour hasn’t stopped. For some it seems like, Larry coming out is it for them. Like pack it up, goodbye, shows over, Louis and Harry are gay and in a relationship and everything is rainbows, we get to see cute pictures of them and everyone lives happily ever after.
Yeah, no. Coming out, for anyone, is just the beginning, can’t even begin to imagine what its like for them. They’re still going to need everyones support, and it irritates me that for some fans it seems so fucking conditional.
Time and time again, I’ve seen tweets, and posts, and videos, whatever, going on about Larry coming out and it reads like a fucking wattpad story. Not just that but its always on the assumption by the poster, on the off chance they consider the other 3/5ths of the band and Ziam being a possibility, that Larry will come out first?
I’m sorry but, what?
Everything I’ve seen from the boys tells me they’re all in this together, they support each other and are working through the bullshit as a team. We have all seen the No Judgement music video yes? The merch, posts, double speak etc referencing each other, yes?
I mean, I suppose if you only look at Louis and Harry, like so many do, sure. Only Larry matters, everyone else is a side character in their life.
(Lemme just, scream for a second).
However, that kind of thinking leads them to the wrong conclusions. Like… assuming the SBB/RBB countdown was attributed to nothing, when it counted down to Liam finally being free of Sophia. In the years since, I’ve seen Larries ™ backtrack on claiming the bears had anything to do with the boys, that they weren’t behind it at all, or that they were just trolling the fandom.
You know, despite all the proof otherwise, and some really, really good posts breaking down clues about what the boys were trying to tell us. The moment something might not actually be about Louis and Harry its like all their thinking shuts off. Its frustrating. Really fucking frustrating.
Seriously, fans of the other boys as individulas, not just Ziams, have been talking about the stunts too and how they fit together. Its why we tend to be right, because we’re considering the entire group. They’re still a group. They’re not free until all of them are free.
Just for that Nialls coming out first. Lmao. I’ll call it now. Lets go Niall, whens the baby coming. We all wanna know. Its been years.
Imagine, imagine! Acting like coming out is some race to be won. The fucking audacity.
Go outside and touch fucking grass you absoulte ninny.
I get it, you want to be vindicated, you want to be rewarded for putting your faith in two celebrities being together.
Newsflash you dandelionfluff, its not a race, Louis and Harry coming out isn’t a fucking prize. Thats not what supporting a relationship looks like.
Its worse when someone admits they don’t know much about Ziam or the possibility of Niall being LGBT+, and claim they’re open to it, but then immediately tweet or reblog or sub tweet or tag comment a post or answer an ask from another Larry ™ talking about how Larries ™ are the most marginalized and persecuted group.
In what fucking world?
If we wanna play that game, boohoo, the media claims Louis and Harry aren’t friends anymore because of crazy shippers. Meanwhile Zayn publicly isn’t friend with anyone and “left” the band… despite the Ziam fandom calling the stunt about either Louis or Zayn “leaving” and getting it down to the exact week (the second article coming out a week before about the Ziam kiss pretty much cemented it for Zayn leaving. Which did a lot to fan the flames of the already rabid fanbase when Ziam got two articles confirming a Ziam kiss over the years and Larry got nada. Like that actually means anything).
Not to mention Larries ™ using the hetties and management tactics against the other parts of the fandom to silence them.
Who cares what the media says anyway!  TPTB, 1DHQ, The Sun, The Mirror, Simon and his minions and their unpaid interns have used the media to split the fandom apart and it worked.
Who the fuck cares if the media calls the 1D stans delusional, you know the truth! The truth it out there and you’ve seen it! The truth is coming! Who gives a damn about what some two bit “journo” who failed out of their creative writing course writes? They get worse by the year. If it wasn’t so pathetic and hilarious I might actually feel embarrassed for them. They can’t even come up with new stories and have just taken to copying old articles, but you’re upset with them??? Give it a rest. Honestly.
The sense of disconnect, entitlement and victimhood of some Larries ™ is absolutely ridiculous.
Oh my god they’re Karens. I’m not trying to be insulting, but thats exactly who they remind me of.
I’m not going to say its a surprise to me that so many in the Ziam fandom are POC, LGBT+, and Neurodivergent and any combination of those, but I am going to say I’ve read a lot of Larry fics that just have Het sex made gay. Those in the Ziam fandom just tend to look at facts in a different way than Larries do due to their life experiences. A interfaith, interracial, relationship where one or both partners fall under the Bi umbrella (not saying Louis or Harry can’t be or aren’t Bi+ but rumors, and the way the fandom markets them, puts them firmly in the gay category) looks very, very different than gay or straight relationship. Both looking from outside and being in one. There’s just different dynamics at play that aren’t often realized or understood by the gays and hets.
Its not a bad thing. All relationships are different. The issue is that theres a lot of biphobia/racism/religious prejudice etc that arises from people being unwilling to understand the inherent differences.
Taking myself for example, I’m bi, like, bi as hell, and I don’t understand how gays and hets only like one gender. I just don’t. Can’t wrap my head around it. If someone asks me to choose one gender over the others to prefer I can’t. Its so stressful. My brain goes into panic mode and it feels like I’m being torn apart. My sense of identity is shaken- its a shit feeling. I just can’t lie to myself like that. If other people feel the same well, its no wonder bi+ have such high rates of depression and suicide. Its not about choosing who to like, there is no choice, I just feel attraction to everyone. Aces, I get. Its similar to being the opposite of what I feel, or not feeling an attraction to someone I’m not interested in. Easy. Gays and hets? I’m completely lost on.
Completely, and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. But that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try and understand where they’re coming from. Its alien to me, personally, but I’m not going to shut down the fact, that theres a fuck ton of people who only like one gender or try and make up reasons as to why they’re actually bi+
I digress, none of the boys fall neatly into the gay stereotypes, its just that parts of the Larry fandom have boxed Louis and Harry into certain roles to fit preconceived notions (likely do to them initially fitting in better with the white, sassy, somewhat effeminate twink thats been plastered all over Hollywood as their “LGBT+ representation” for years. Gag), they can understand better, and only look for proof to back up their theories but don’t look at things objectively.
They really need to get out more and make some LGBT+ friends that aren’t on the internet and talk to some gay elders. They need educating that’s not the often sanitized and insulting Hollywood version, that’s all I’m saying.
They made Louis and Harry more palatable for themselves and its… really gross.
I don’t know, I don’t get it.
Some Larries ™ turned the boys into their fandom and fanfiction stereotypes when they’re so much more than that. The Sony leaks should have been enough to dissuade the fandom, and prove that the brand sold to the broader audience is just that- a brand, and yet… Niall only talks about food and golf and Ireland and is only allowed to be straight or ace. If he exists at all its just to be Capt Niall. Liams slow and dumb and depending on the day he’s either Capt Liam or a horrific abusive homophobe. Zayns just The Worst, a unstable drug addict, and the boys hate each other, and they should have kicked him out of the band sooner because he never wanted to be part of them anyway, etc.
It drives me absolutely around the bend some days. They’re real people who don’t owe anyone anything, especially not coming out.
Yes, I think they will. But they’re not obligated to. They can change their minds, I’ll support them regardless of an “official” coming out or not.
Look, a part of me gets it. They wanna be right, they wanna prove the haters wrong, they want to be able to say I called it all along! The vindication will be sweet.
But like, it takes a quick look at someone other than Louis and Harry to realize theres something hinky going on with Liam, Zayn and Niall. Please listen to their fans who have spent just as much time as you have looking into Louis and Harry compiling together evidence.
It might take a weekend to watch the ILYSM and pterodactyl bros videos and a few more hours looking into some Niall blogs, which isn’t much compared to the hours I know they’ve spent looking into Larry. At least then they’ll have enough information to form an opinion on things.
I wonder, for some, what would happen if Larry didn’t come out, or didn’t come out first, or one of the other boys was outed against their will. Because… I don’t know. It seems like some would rather just be proven right at this point.
I get it. We’re tired. Its been eleven long years. But this isn’t a television show were everything can come to a head with a s3 or s4 cliff hanger and fixed in the series finale. Its real life, and they started off as boys trusting industry veterans who never had their best interests at heart.
Iduno. I just want some Larries ™ to take a step out of the echo chamber, realize life isn’t The Larry Show & co. And especially. ESPECIALLY, that every instance were someone, friends, family, co-works, industry peeps etc support the boys they are SUPPORTING THE BOYS, NOT THE FANDOM. They are not “confirming Larry for the fans” they’re doing it to support the couple, not to cater to the fandom. Please stop confusing the two. There’s a huge fucking difference. Learn it.
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Why You Should Watch CW: Nancy Drew
Now hear me out- if you’re reading this post, you’re either one of three people. 
1. You’ve already seen the show! So you can either skip this or read it to reminisce about the show
2. You don’t give a flying fig about this show and haven’t really interacted with it much
3. You’ve seen some stuff about the show, at least enough for you to decide it looks like crap 
Well, allow me to recount why this show is actually amazing and you should give it a chance/second chance :) (heheh since that’s...that’s yakno....second chance...okay im sorry) 
Now, I was really skeptical about this show at first too, don’t get me wrong. When I heard it was going to be on the CW I was like “.....good luck with that.” I have watched a lot of CW back in the day and they are certainly deserving of their reputation. I saw the casting and I was like WHAT !?!??!!? 
When the trailer came out, like everyone else I was salty about the inclusion of ghosts/the supernatural and hoped this wasn’t just another Supernatural taking on the name of Nancy Drew. (I enjoyed the first few seasons of Supernatural but not after and also these are two very different stories)
However, the trailer was indeed intriguing and made me decide to give it a chance, despite it having that darker undertone. 
I watched the first episode, and while still a little skeptical, I was hooked. 
The Actual Show Content:
The actual structure of the show is really well done. It has an overarching plot, in fact, several plots, two intertwined mysteries, as well as character and relationship development. There is a balance of answers given to the viewer over the course of the season, while still leaving questions to keep you intrigued so that it doesn’t get frustrating while also not revealing everything at once, so every reveal feels earned. 
The mysteries are also very well written, leaving clues along the way, that helped me solve what was going on but on the times I missed the clues I could re-watch and see what I missed. They are set up well in a way that the viewer can figure it out themselves, but not so much that it’s crazy obvious. And honestly making theories and predictions about this show is one of the many fun parts. The ending to the mystery is ultimately very satisfying which made me happy.
Sure, you have your classic CW relationship drama, but I think it was actually toned down for this show. There are a lot of changes, but the show has a very distinct feel to it, and I think ultimately holds the core feelings of what makes Nancy Drew such a special character. They have so many references to the books, and show so much care for the character’s lore and despite the changes, there were so many times I really felt I could see the original character coming out in them- it’s a different version, but honestly ever form of Nancy Drew media is different- this is just this specific version. 
Before I get into characters, I would like to mention the fact that while there is an additional element of the supernatural, it works really well for the plot and ..... no spoilers but I’m actually so glad they put it in. Despite the supernatural angle it still very much works as a mystery structure which is the most important thing to me.
I love Nancy so much in this version. Kennedy McMann is what I think of when I think of what Nancy’s face looks like. She’s a lot colder than the Nancy I’m used to, but that’s understandable considering her circumstances- and I think you see her grow and open up over the course of the show. 
She IS Nancy though in my mind- her witty remarks, putting the case above her own well being, the breaking and entering, the clever tricks to find information, putting the pieces together, all that. And the emotion Kennedy is able to portray is amazing- this show made me cry. You really feel for Nancy. 
One of my favorite things about this show is the classic “I work alone” and a bunch of friends being like “do you now”. But it works so well as you see the group grow to trust each other and work together and care for one another. I am a SUCKER for found family stories and the Claw gang is wonderful. 
Bess is her usual bubbly self, probably the casting I was the most disappointed with, but the actress does a wonderful job. Her whole story is a lot different and she’s not George’s cousin, but the personality??? Is perfect. 
George is probably one of my favorite characters to come out of this show. Well... I love them all so much but she really sticks out to me. She had a completely different arc from what I was expecting and at first I was like “really...this is what they’re going for...” but honestly I think they really turned it around and.....I just love George and I care about her and want her to be happy. Also she does seem a bit different but she has that brash, kind of tough personality that I feel is classic George. :) 
Nick/Ned: I still forget to call this man Nick, but oh well. I love him. Probably one of the best actors on this show. He’s so sweet. Like so many times there are things he says and I’m like OMG THATS NED!!!!!!! Like one time they ask him what he found out from following someone and he just replies “that I don’t like following people.” Like tell me that’s not something Ned would say. He’s. He’s a great man. I would date him. He is a comforting soul.
Ace is a new character for the show that made me so confused I was wondering why he was here- but the Claw gang...Claw Crew would not be complete without him. He’s got some of the best lines and is basically this show’s version of Joe Hardy. He’s also really smart,,,,, and got some secrets but I’ll leave them for you to find out. ;) 
Also side note Carson is amazing and honestly perfect. On point. Very solid characterization. 
Anyways....I love this show. If you wanna try it out before season two comes later this month, it’s free to binge the full season on the CW website, or you could probably buy or rent it if you’re feeling boojee. 
Please go watch the show and then come talk to me about it!! Or live blog your reactions. Either ways, just please get in on this great piece of content. :D
Also I wanna tag @naancypants and @nancydrew-onthecase queens of this show and the Nace ship :3 
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