#substance abuse treatment
politijohn · 9 months
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longreads · 8 months
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Unknown Costs
“Addicts and alcoholics cannot prove their need for treatment by requesting it. They’ve gotta bleed and pee for it. And even that might not be enough.”
A powerful new Longreads essay on addiction recovery is out today. Take some time to read it here. 
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months
An important thing about me is that I fully support people who use substances, people in recovery, people who use in moderation, people who’ve never used, and none of those things contradict each other.
I’m very much pro-harm reduction and always will be. I support meeting people wherever they’re at, I support people having access to knowledge they need in order to make informed decisions around their use. I support people having access to safe means to use.
And more than anything, I filly support people in active use, including (especially) problematic use. I want my community to be safe. I don’t believe that offering support to people in active use is inherently enabling. I know that the only thing Narcan/Naloxone enables is breathing.
I’ve lost too many loved ones to sit on the sidelines and hope they’ll do what’s needed to keep themselves safe. The bare minimum I can do is emotionally support my community. I need harm reduction, we all do.
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honeyishollow · 8 months
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the cliff edge calls out my name
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theaddictionfiction · 5 months
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(via Writing About Substance Abuse in Your Fiction)
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recovery4ever · 5 months
"Harness Food's Power to Combat Alcohol Cravings and Rebuild Your Life"
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Alcohol cravings are difficult to manage and can represent a major challenge for those who are undergoing treatment for addiction. That’s why it’s so important to develop effective strategies to overcome them. Eating certain types of food can help reduce the intensity of cravings. A few examples of these include:
High-fiber carbohydrates like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, and bran cereals
Leafy greens like spinach or kale
Omega-3-rich foods like fish and flaxseeds
It’s important to create a meal plan for each day and stick to it, as it can provide enough structure to combat the urge to drink. Regular, consistent meals and snacks can keep blood sugar levels even, and thus reduce the possibility of cravings. Moreover, having balanced meals can improve the way people feel both physically and mentally. Eating plenty of fresh produce is helpful as well. Whole fruits and vegetables are nutritionally dense and can help reduce cravings. Eating snacks that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates can also be beneficial. Hummus, almonds, and nut butters are some examples of healthy snacks that can help with cravings. Hydrating throughout the day is important too. Staying hydrated is essential to physical and mental health. While drinking too much water can be a challenge for those recovering from addiction, it can be helpful to prepare a schedule that increases hydration levels in a gentle and progressive way. Nutritional counseling can be especially beneficial for those who are recovering from alcohol abuse and addiction. Working closely with a nutritionist or dietitian can be hugely advantageous, as they will be able to create an individualized plan that meets the needs of each patient. At Banyan Treatment Center, we understand the importance of nutrition when it comes to addicted patients. We have certified nutritionists and dietitians on staff, who can help put together an individualized plan tailored to each patient's specific needs. We offer comprehensive drug rehabilitation services, as well as various types of behavioral, psychological, and holistic counseling. Contact us today to learn more about our addiction treatment centers.
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kodoandsangha · 4 months
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As a recovering addict, I am constantly grateful for cheese. Not only does it come a variety of flavors and textures, but it tickles the part of your brain that gets high.
So, on days when I’m struggling with addictive cravings, I carry around cheese cubes. A little CoJack, some medium cheddar, some provolone, mozzarella string cheese.
Eating it slow helps with the hands needing to prepare the drugs and the slow nibbling is distracting from the desire to use.
It’s a simple thing and can be obtained 24/7.
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catssleeponme · 8 months
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I'm making art again, for the first time in my current & hopefully final round of recovery. I'm 60 days sober today. The first one especially is a reflection of the mind/body/spirit work I had to do to get here. I'm not certain what goddesses I'm invoking, but they came when I called. I am rooted, connected, compassionate, purposeful. May all beings everywhere be safe, happy, & at peace.
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banyan-massachusetts · 10 months
Battling Post-Holiday Blues in Massachusetts
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Routines: Reviving old hobbies and activities can be a beneficial way to decompress and break out of the holiday funk. Creating new routines and rituals can also be a great way to give yourself a break and remind yourself that life doesn't have to be as restricted or chaotic as it felt during the holidays. Incorporating physical activities like yoga, tai chi, and walking into your daily patterns can help alleviate stress. Self-Care: Give your body and mind a break – sleep and healthy eating can go a long way in helping you feel energized and more in control of your life. Designate me-time for yourself – read a book, take a bubble bath, or enjoy some nature. Check in with yourself and your emotions – give yourself permission to feel and validate those feelings. These are just a few coping strategies to help you fend off the post-holiday blues. For more information, please visit The Banyan Treatment Center website, where you can find advice and help to work through any challenges you face.
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Addiction Recovery Program
Join our effective addiction recovery program at Synergy Sobriety Solutions, guiding you towards lasting sobriety!
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diamond-recovery · 1 month
Addiction, Trauma, and The Family System
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As per the American Psychological Association, trauma is described as "an emotional response to a catastrophic event such as an accident, assault, or natural calamity." However, this definition barely scratches the surface of the profound impact trauma can have on individuals and families. One of the prevailing misconceptions surrounding trauma is the belief that once it's in the past, we can simply "move on" or "let it go," thus stripping it of its power over us. The ramifications of trauma often persist throughout an individual's lifetime until it is adequately addressed. Many individuals affected by trauma are unaware of its underlying influence. They may recognize symptoms such as addiction, engaging in unhealthy behaviors, or distorted thinking, yet fail to connect these issues back to the trauma they've experienced. For further insights, click the link provided below.
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sharonoconnel · 2 months
What Makes the Mental Health Services So Crucial in Today’s Time?
In the current fast-paced world, all are so busy with their jobs, studies, and professions that they can’t spare some alone time for themselves. As a consequence of this, everyone, at some point in their lives can experience mental confusion, exhaustion, sadness, or hopelessness. Though this feeling is frequent, it must be taken seriously as it makes you feel anxiety, depression, and mental health problems.
But, you can effectively avoid this risk with the help of services for mental well-being. They can be as effective as Substance Abuse Treatment In Bellingham, as their goal is to diagnose and enhance your mental and behavioral health. This therapy can be proven very fruitful for your mental fitness. Curious to know how? Then let’s learn that in today’s blog.
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How the Services for Mental Well-Being are Beneficial for You?
Attending the sessions the counseling of these services can assist you in coping with negative thoughts and generating more positive and healthier thought processes in the following ways:
Developing Coping Strategies: Resilience depends on your ability to deal with the unanticipated curveballs that life sometimes throws at you. For this, counseling for brain health therapy provides strategies and instruments to handle stress, control feelings, and get through challenging circumstances. These abilities strongly support long-term emotional stability in addition to being helpful during difficult situations.
Holistic Approach to Wellness: Mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, all are parts of true wholeness. Therefore, a holistic approach is used in these services that acknowledges the connection between these facets of your existence. They frequently work by collaborating with different medical specialists to guarantee, all-inclusive care that mainly focuses on your overall wellness.
Professional Support: Trained specialists of Mental Health Services In Bellingham can give individualized therapy, support, and advice for active mental fitness. These expert therapists have the knowledge and experience to support you as you work through the difficulties associated with any mental health condition, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and others.
In this way, mental health services can provide you with continuous support and guidance to ensure proper and effective functioning and well-being of your brain and emotional condition. So, if you ever feel any kind of differential or emotional difficulty, make sure to consider these services immediately.
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wtpvoices · 3 months
My Story
Oh the judgment. In just talking to people about wanting to change the laws on how addicts are treated, I have gotten a lot of immediate judgement. People automatically assume I am an addict, had a child taken from me, or am just seeking revenge on a particular hospital. Let me clarify some things. I have 3 grown children-none of whom were either on drugs when they were born nor were any of them taken from me at any time by DHR in their lives. I am not an addict (of illegal substances) nor do I have a bone to pick with any particular entity. I have known many addicts in my life, my younger brother being the most prominent one in this situation, but many close to me have struggled with addiction. I have many stories about addiction, mine are all second hand. All of them make my blood boil, but the final straw, the one that started this in motion will be what I call my story.
After having 3 boys at a very young age, I got a hysterectomy at 22 years old. At 41 years old, I was finally able to spend 6 months of my life living on my own (as in no kids). Yeah, that lasted about 6 months & then I got a call. A call from my brothers first baby momma. She was living in my parents house with her 3 kids & had received mail for a person with our last name but she did not know the first name. Well, as it turns out, it was my brothers newest babies hospital bill, birth certificate & social. A baby we did not even know existed. And if all this was sent to that address, that could only mean, my brother did not take the baby home. So, I spent days trying to get an answer from this particular DHR to see if they even had my nephew. They would not confirm or deny. Let me say, I lived over 1200 miles away. Frustrated & not knowing what to do, I called a different DHR-because I know all anyone had to do was type in the name (which I had & DOB & parents name etc) to see if he was in the system. In less than 1 minute, another DHR confirmed he was in fact in custody of the DHR I had been talking to.
I can go on and on about the many ways they tried to keep me from getting my nephew, but I would be rage writing for a long time there. So I will spare you the most of it. I will say that they would not let me even see him until he was 6 months old-the day I "won" in court & was granted physical custody pending kinship guardianship. The day I finally got to meet him was the day I walked out the court with him, put him in a car & drove 17 hours home, despite being there with his foster parents & caseworkers on 3 different occasions. He was kept from seeing any of us. Oh & the fosters were repeatedly told that he was theirs-there was no way we were going to get custody of him. Just as they were told (before I found out about his existence-NOT from DHR) that he was a drug baby & no one was coming for him-he was theirs-they would be adopting him at 6 months old.
There is a lot to this story. It took DHR 3 years to get their paperwork through for the kinship guardianship-despite me being told I was adopting & then being told they can't adopt to relatives. I know I pissed them off-a lot. But what was blaringly clear was that DHR was selling babies. They had no intention or desire to find any family or to help the parents reunite with their child. They wanted to take babies from parents that they could threaten & push away long enough to sell the baby & not be able to give anyone any information because "the child has been adopted".
I stated this several times in my mad attempts to get him out of the system before it was too late. And everyone treated me like I was dramatic, hysterical & some conspiracy theorist (imagine if I was on drugs-oh they'd have so much fun with that). But, all that slapped them in the face when in the course of my trying to get my nephew, I realize they have already gotten away with it before...& surprise surprise they cannot give me any information on this other child other than to tell me it has been adopted. Yeah, "it". I am not even allowed to know if the child is male or female, birthdate, problems etc. Soooo, paranoid hysteria is the new reality because at that moment they still had my nephew that I knew of & they were lying at every turn to keep me away from him.
Again, I am not an addict. I have no record. I have raised 3 children. And this is maddening. This is a run around like no other. How can they keep family from even seeing their own family member? How are they legally allowed to hold an infant hostage? I cannot imagine as an addict having to deal with these people. I almost did not make it through the ordeal with nothing to hold against me. They are definitely not there to help-not addicts, not families.
It sickens me. It saddens me. It infuriates me. And this is where it started...
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banyanstuart · 4 months
Children of Alcoholic Parents Awareness Week - Stuart - Find Information & Support at Banyan Treatment Center
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January 18th is the start of Children of Alcoholic Parents Awareness Week! This is an important event that was created to shed light on the severe struggle and challenges faced by children and families living with an alcoholic parent. According to recent studies, an estimated 18 million kids in the United States are living with an alcoholic parent. This number is startling and brings to light the need to address this very real issue.
Every year, the Children of Alcoholic Parents Awareness Week serves as a chance to showcase all the resources that are available to those who are trying to deal with the challenges of growing up with an alcoholic parent. There are many avenues for support and care that anyone can take advantage of when dealing with this situation.
Here are some of the benefits of recognizing this awareness week:
It gives families an opportunity to open up and speak about their experiences.
It helps to build understanding and build on support systems for those affected.
It provides a platform to reach out and get access to help.
As we recognize this important awareness week, we encourage you to learn more about how to recognize and aid in supporting families affected by this difficult reality. The Children of Alcoholic Parents Awareness Week Stuart article provides more information about this awareness week and the help that is available for those struggling with the effects of living with an alcoholic parent. For more information, visit the Banyan Treatment Center homepage.
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banyan-pompano · 4 months
"Celebrating St. Patrick's Day Without Drugs or Alcohol: Ideas to Celebrate Sober!"
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On March 17th, Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated with parades and festivities. Historically, this day has been loved for its celebration with drinking alcohol. For those in recovery, Saint Patrick’s Day can be a hard holiday. Here are a few tips to help make the day enjoyable instead of daunting:
Get together with those in recovery. Celebrating with other people in recovery will help remind you that your recovery is a reason to celebrate.
Plan an outing. Going out to have nonalcoholic fun on St. Patrick’s Day is a great way to provide a distraction from traditional activities.
Commit to yourself. Even if other people will be drinking around you, it’s important to remember why you chose to be sober and to stay in your commitment to your health.
It is also important to remember that the day or season doesn’t matter; recovery is 365 days a year. To further prevent a relapse, it’s important to know the resources that will help maintain recovery. Finding a support group or drug rehabilitation center can provide the help to sustain recovery during the hard times. The connection with other sober professionals and people in recovery can prevent relapse and encourage continued sobriety. Though partying may be an option for some, it’s beneficial to get involved in other activities. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by creating a sober living plan with addiction treatment centers, join group activities, exercise, or find creative tasks to stay proactive and mentally engaged. Recovering from addiction is a process that is continuous and should be appreciated day in and day out, not just on holidays. Though not considered a big holiday such as New Year’s or Christmas, Saint Patrick’s Day proves to be a hard one for many in recovery. Remember that there’s nothing wrong with happy hours or parties; it’s all about the way you as an individual handle the situation. Enjoy the day and celebrate with these key points in mind while being and staying happy and healthy in recovery.
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seasidepalmbeach · 4 months
"Advice for Supporting Someone in Their Recovery From Addiction"
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Showing empathy towards those recovering from addiction can be difficult, and it’s easy to say the wrong thing without realizing it. It’s important to remember that those in recovery need support and understanding, which kind and empathetic words can provide. Here are a few topics that are best avoided when speaking to a recovering individual:
References to past problematic behavior
Concerns about relapsing
Pressure to make decisions right away
When it comes to addiction and recovery, there’s a lot to talk about - but also a lot that shouldn’t be talked about. Many of us don’t know what the right thing to say is during such a sensitive and difficult situation, and it’s important to think carefully before crossing certain boundaries. In general, talk of addiction should focus on the individual’s sober lifestyle. Encouragement is the best way to show positivity and support for others. For example, commenting on the positive changes the individual is making instead of worrying about the potential for relapse. It can be hard to know the right thing to say during a conversation about drug addiction. The best approach is to be kind and understanding. If the conversation is difficult to handle, it’s best to refer the individual to professional help to get them through it. There are many drug rehabilitation and addiction treatment centers out there that can provide comprehensive recovery and care.
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