#stop fetishizing gay men
melody-pearl · 1 year
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This was part of some stupid Stoliz sticker pack merch and this one is just absolutely disgusting! 
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It’s supposed to reference this scene and I HATE IT! Like in this exact scene, Blitzo is clearly uncomfortable and scared and that fucking sticker makes it look like he’s just flustered and that they love each other and it’s so kawaii uwu and I hate it with a boiling passion like Vizziepop is obviously into mlm fetish and fetishized that scene into some cute sticker which I very much dislike.
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mistytwooo · 1 year
Just found out people refuse to believe loak and tsireya go together!??
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Is this not fetishizing???? No seriously is it not 💀 at this point it’s not even about representation, it’s literally just you not liking cannon straight ships 💀
“ITs jUsT a ShiP, tHeSe aRe nOt rEal PeopLE” okay and? The way y’all would literally do this with real people as well is crazy. (Kpop for example)
And the fact that loak and tsireya isn’t even a ship, ITS A FACT THATS ALREADY BOUND TO HAPPEN????
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And how do you find the couple cute and you like them but don’t ship them??? That’s literally contradicting yourself get a grip.
This is fetishizing idc what y’all say lol, I’m adding this (aonung and loak) to my “ships I don’t like” list bc it’s so obvious why this doesn’t make sense.
Please give me a reason why loak and aonung or Neteyam would make sense other than the fact it’s gay. Quickly. Quickly. Hurry up. FASTLY.
They say that they are a boy and is gay… so? LMAO WHAT it still doesn’t make sense 😭
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ravenhazes · 2 years
if your a fushoji just say that???
... Rant below!!
There's this one very annoying tumblr that makes there whole page exclusively  on talking abt male reader writers and people who put “mlm only *insert Female aligned people terms* DNI” in their desc or on there posts in general and its annoying because they’re literally defending fushojis in every single way ever and they have other people agreeing with them.
Someone on their blog even said “Men have everything why do they keep taking stuff from us” hold on what.. from my calculations there seems to be PLENTY female aligned fics and pages, that if you search up the female reader tag it has over 1 mil posts but if you search anything with male reader for some random reason there's always a female reader book hiding in the shadows nearby.
Not only that but this person seems to be female aligned.
Fujoshi, is a term that applies to degenerate females who are obsessed with Yaoi and gay men, usually to an unhealthy and/or uncomfortable degree. Fujoshis typically fetishize a pairing of two or more young looking boys regardless of their sexuality.
Not giving out there user because I forgot and I don’t feel like looking for it.
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moonlovesskunks · 1 year
God dammit do I hate it when people say that gay men make them uncomfortable or whatever the fuck and then when gay women come into the picture, it's different. It's not the same. It's incomparable. What?
You claim to be a queer activist and a supporter of LGBT rights, but your entire world is teared to shreds when it's TWO MEN.
And why? Because it's hot for women to do their thing and mind their own business? The nerve of some people.
Everyone's an LGBTQ+ ally until it's something they can't fetishize.
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frankelinosaurus · 1 year
“stop fetishizing gay men” means “stop treating gay men you know in real life like their sex lives are for your entertainment” and not “yaoi, smutfic and porn are all homophobic across the board” and the sooner you learn this the sooner you stop looking like a sex-shamey little discoursemonger in front of all the normal gay people who don’t care what people do in their bedrooms
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el-dumbass · 2 years
ngl it kinda weirds me out how many members of the lgbtq community fetishize gay/mlm members but completely ignore lesbians/wlw and nonbinary members. like that’s why all these lesbian shows get canceled and should like Heartstopper and Young Royals don’t. pisses me tf off.
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felixthefish · 1 year
me watching the aaf fandom infantilize and fetishize andy while also shipping him with peter for the 10000th fcking time today. the criteria for being infantilized and fetishized by people who obviously have never been in a relationship is just be mlm. i don't have to fcking see gross fanart of andy x peter EVERYTIME i just look for aaf content. for the love of god this fandom is turning into 2016-18 baldis basics, batim, animation memes era. oh and not to mention andy is a minor and peter is an adult, also the ship is fcking ABUS1V3💀??? i dont understand how people pull sh1t like this and then call me out for just having a non-problematic headcanon for a character. (for context i once said i headcanoned andy as schizophrenic, felix as having bpd and all of the cast as neurodivergent. oh and the funny part is i have schizophrenia AND bpd AND autism so feel free to call me out for projecting into these video game characters even tho theres nothing wrong with that??? its a healthy coping mechanism and not just obvious p3d0ph1l1a like pr0sh1pp1ng) there are way healthier ships with andy like andy x margaret or andy x claus but instead you go to ship something so disguisting??
idk if i should add this part but tbh i need to say it i generally do NOT like peter fans!! atleast most of them. i understand why people may like him i see the appeal in this character but i have had NOTHING and i mean NOTHING but terrible experinces with people who like/stan him, online and irl. most of them have made me VERY uncomfortable, activley hate on me because of my mental disorders oh and send me d34th thr34ts just because i like andy💀. i understand its not all of his fans and im still learning to warm up to them. (hint i also don't like them because they are mostly the ones that fetishize gay ships in aaf)
im sure ive made atleast like 20 spelling mistakes since im writing this late at night but idc i just wanted to say this tbh.
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kajaono · 1 year
perfect example of straights fetishizing gay guys
So I meet this woman in a workshop. She told me she wrote her master degree about queer englisch books. I noticed that those were exclusivly gay books (by queer authors, but only gay guys)
So I decided to give it a short test run and started talking about trans, poly, bi and lesbian books and shows.
She quickly said: “No, i do not know those, and I do not have any interest in those.”
She now keeps on posting about gay guy books on her instagram and how cute they are
And I am still thinking about how I could tell more about the queer community and queer literature in one afternoon, then her, who has a master degree
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postmmeridiemm · 10 months
my personal take on fetishization of gay men
there has been a lot of talk on fetishisation of gay men in the media, accusing women to undermine the queer community and calling women disgusting for their perversion. and before anyone throws in the japanese word fujoshi, I want everybody to take a minute to contemplate that in the western society 2023AC no one cares if a woman is considered rotten and ruined for marriage because of her taste in media
to make a very simple and clear example on good and bad fetishisation of gay men: the eruri ship in the AoT fandom is good, the sexual fantasy of Amerie in Heartbreak high is wrong (I’m talking about the scene where she imagines malakai and spencer hitting off during basketball training) why? because the average fan shipping eruri is there for the romance and the overcoming of challenges which will eventually bring to love (and smut). They are observing, creating and interacting in a complex and contextualised dynamic about two gay men. They don’t want to jump in bed between them, nor forcing hetero/bisexuality on them by jumping under their covers.
Amerie is straight. Like pure straight. And she dreams of her male straight crush acting sexy with his male straight friend uniquely for her pleasure. She doesn’t even like the other guy. Nothing wrong, y’all say. A woman showing on screen her sexual fantasies is progress, it’s feminism. It’s all wrong, I say. Remember when you all were teenage girls and the boys would ask you to kiss your best friend because they were turned on by women kissing?
That’s the bad fetishisation I mean.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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moonandseas · 1 year
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y’all know you can still be queer and like someone of the opposite gender/sex, right? or does that mess with your fetishsized concepts of queer people? aw. so sad.
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knockoff-castiel · 1 year
Dani was like really creepy right?
On my first watch of sense8 she was really funny, but I’m watching it again and wow what the fuck was the second episode!!!! Lito clearly said no to her multiple times and she was just continuing!!! Her fetishization of gay people really makes me uncomfortable.
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Is it just me or does someone else think that straight girls are fetishizing gay men in Thai Bl, just like how straight men fetishized lesbians?
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aoimewmew · 1 year
boyfriends fans when they meet a gay dude irl that isnt wearing thigh highs and a skirt 🙀🙀🙀
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unforth · 3 months
Actually, I really wish Tumblr as a whole was less comfortable using feminizing language for gay men, especially gay East Asian men.
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man like i loved macdennis and i still do but the obnoxiousness of some shippers has put a sour taste in my mouth like i get people want to see the ship they like be Real And Canon On TV but it's getting weird and reeks of entitlement and not being able to see past your gay ship being gay. and tbh the idea of macdennis going canon doesn't excite me as much anymore because i just know if it did happen people are not going to know how to fucking act and make it weird!!! glob is fucking weird btw don't do that. i know ship and the potential of canon can be exciting but i need people to step out of their macdennis echo chamber and think about the way they talk about these real life men. like part of me doesn't want on screen, undeniable macdennis at this point because of the way people treat rob and glenn as dolls and extensions of their characters i KNOW people are going to be fucking weird if they get content like that
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kajaono · 1 year
Topic: festishizing of gay men
Stick with me here. So we have this saying in Germany: „jemanden mit dem nackten arsch ins Gesicht springen“ which basically translates to: „to jump into someone’s face with your naked ass“
And I have this journalist acquaintance. She studied literature and wrote her master thesis about queer literature. And now she thinks she is an expert on queer matters. BUT! She only reads gay books. When i asked here about lesbian, bi and trans books she said: „I am not really interested in those and they are so hard to find“. I mean… grrrr! But not a new information that some women festishize gay men, thinking they are in fact an ally. Frustrating but not new
What makes me really angry about that situation is: she is now publishing her own book. The story? A love story between a male boy group singer and a female journalist. 100% straight.
And additionally she always blogs (on her Instagram) about gay books from a gay German author. Saying how cute those books are and how funny and wholesome. While - on the other hand - she is also fan AND acquaintance of a bisexual female author. (this specific author I always blog about. The one with the bisexual poly mains.)
Do you think she ever screams about those bi poly books on her Instagram blog? And do you think the characters in her own, just published book, are gay, bisexual, lesbian, poly etc?
Of course not. But she still uses her press interviews to advocate for queer books. Which yay! But I just want to jump in her face with my naked ass because her „activism“ is only for gay books. Every other queer author can go suck themselves, I guess
The hypocrisy here is driving me crazy
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