#still dont know how to center images
deathbirby · 11 months
Hero's Relics Origins - Part 1
Trigger warning here! This post gets quite graphic.
What are Relics?
Alright, I'll speedrun the explanation.
The Goddess used her own blood to create her children, who would come to be known as the Nabateans. The Nabateans are dragons who can turn into humans. Rhea, one of these Nabateans, explains what the Relics are.
"The same is true of the Crests of the 10 Elites and the other Crest Stones... They were born of the blood and hearts of the progenitor god's children." - Rhea
The Crest Stones are their hearts, and the Relics are their bones.
Now, lets take a look at the Heroes Relics, their associated crest, what dragon they are, what their Nabatean Title is, and what arcana they belong to.
Some parts are left out because of missing information!
Heroes Relic - Crest - Dragon - Title - Arcana
N/A - Ernest - Thorn Dragon - ? - The Fool N/A - Macuil - Wind Dragon - The Wind Caller - The Magician Aymr* - Seiros - Sky Dragon - The Immaculate One - High Priestess Crusher - Dominic - Crusher Dragon - ? - The Empress Aegis Shield - Fraldarius - Shield Dragon - The Steadfast - The Emperor N/A - Noa - Bloom Dragon - ? - The Hierophant N/A - Cethleann - Light Dragon - The Benevolent One - The Lovers Lúin - Daphnel - Flame Dragon - ? - The Chariot Areadbhar - Blaiddyd - Grim Dragon - The Vigorous - Strength Thyrsus - Gloucester - Craft Dragon - ? - The Hermit Freikugel - Goneril - Kalpa Dragon - ? - Wheel of Fortune N/A - Cichol - Earth Dragon - The Hammer of Judgment - Justice Fetters of Dromi - Aubin - Ice Dragon - ? - The Hanged Man Lance of Ruin - Gautier - Fissure Dragon - ? - Death N/A - Indech - Water Dragon - The Immovable - Temperance Blutgang - Beast - Storm Dragon - ? - The Devil Thunderbrand & Suttungr's Mystery - Charon - Lightning Dragon - ? - The Tower Hrotti - Timotheos - Dark Dragon - ? - The Star Failnaught - Riegan - Star Dragon - ? - The Moon Vajra-Mushti - Chevalier - Snow Dragon - ? - The Sun Rafail Gem & Ichor Scroll - Lamine - Aegis Dragon - ? - Judgement Sword of the Creator - Flames - ? - The Beginning - The World
* Aymr is unique because Seiros is still very much alive. This is possible because it's made out of Agarthium and probably not out of any Nabatean.
Crusher is made out of the Crusher dragon.. I wouldn't be surprised if its title was "The Crusher" at this point.
Why is the Aegis Shield not made out of the Aegis Dragon??
One could assume that Sothis is a Divine Dragon.
The Immaculate One is called The White One in Japanese.
Okay, so what exactly is this post about? I just told you their origins, right? Yes, but I like to ramble. That means that I'll also be talking about which body part the Relics are potentially made out of, and what animal the dragon form could've looked like.
Let's unpack!
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Crusher Dragon
That's a lot of fingers. It's like the hands have been crushed together. What kind of animal even has bones like that? I don't know.
Aegis Shield
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Shield Dragon
Is that a face? There are two eye sockets and a mouth that has been melted shut. It even has the part that normally shows a crest on it. Maybe it has been flattened to work better as a shield, or maybe the Shield Dragon's head was always a bit flat?
What about the back of the shield?
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Look at that. It's like it has been fused together with the breastbone. What if it's made out of the chest of the Shield Dragon? It could've had a shield there. But where are the ribs?
Maybe it's a mix of both? The face/head is used as the front of the shield, with the breastbone making it more sturdier.
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From this angle, it looks like it's smiling!
Or maybe it's trying to scream.
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Flame Dragon
When I saw this, the first thought that came to my mind was "That's a weird bird."
You've got the hole for the eye and a massive beak. And hey, what animal better fits the "Flame Dragon" than something like a phoenix? Sure, it might be flat, but who doesn't flatten a skull when turning it into a spearhead?
It could also be something like a fang or the femur that has been sharpened. Who knows?
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Grim Dragon
It looks like a very, very long hand. What animal has a hand like that? Well, usually aquatic animals do. Think of dolphins.
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Cetacean's hand
Or even a mosasaur!
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Look at those hand bones!
This animal was said to be very powerful, and would fit with both the Strength Arcana and the grim concept. Grim can also mean things like ferocious and ruthless. It doesn't always have to mean something gloomy. And even then, it could still work with this extinct creature.
And hey, it's an aquatic animal. It fits quite well with the 'Blue' part of the Blue Lions , and Dimitri could be the Lion.
Of course, you can also argue that the Grim dragon looked like a lion and that Areadbhar was made out of its ribs. These ribs could be fused together to make a spearhead.
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Craft Dragon
Spine! Those are vertebrae with spikes coming out of them. For some reason it's bent around the Crest Stone. I am not sure what the bottom part of the bone is. It doesn't look like any bone I know.
Not sure what the Craft Dragon looked like. All I know is that it probably had some spikes.
The Kalpa Dragon! Now, before we look at the mutilated corpse, you need to know what Kalpa actually means.
(in Hindu and Buddhist tradition) an immense period of time, reckoned as 4,320 million human years, and considered to be the length of a single cycle of the cosmos (or ‘day of Brahma’) from creation to dissolution.
Got it? Good! Lets look at the relic.
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Kalpa Dragon
That looks like a sail! Now, you might say that no sail in existence has bones between the spikes. That makes no sense. That's soft tissue or something, not bone.
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Dead dragon in FE: Echoes
Fire Emblem dragons are just built different!
But yeah that's it. It's made out of the sail of the Kalpa Dragon. What animal does the Kalpa dragon look like? No clue. Let me just type "Animals with sails" in Google Search..
Alright. A Dimetrodon, a Sailfish, a Spinosaurus, an Edaphosaurus, and a whole lot more.
I would say that one of the dinosaurs fits best. Mainly because Kalpa means an immense period of time. There were no dinosaurs around 4320 million years ago, but you get the idea.
Of course, you could also say that the Kalpa Dragon looked like any other dragon and just had a sail. That's also possible. I mean, look at the picture of the dragon from Echoes. That thing even has horns and everything! If you were to take the sail from it, you wouldn't know that it looks like a pretty normal dragon.
This entire post is speculation. The Heroes Relics aren't enough to say what the original dragon could've looked like. They only gives us bits and pieces. A relic might've had a feature that is seen in one animal, but it can still look like a completely different animal even with that feature.
Areadbhar might be a hand, but that doesn't necesarrily mean that it looked like a marine reptile. Maybe it looked like a fusion between a lion and a mosasaur. Maybe it just takes a little inspiration here and there. They are still dragons in the end, even if they might have the features of some normal animals.
I probably should've made this clearer at the start of the post, but I believe that my explanation works best with the image I have shown earlier.
In short, the Relics may be made out of a body part that usually belongs to a certain type of animal, but it can still look completely different from that animal. What I come up with is pure speculation.
Let's keep going.
Fetters of Dromi
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Ice Dragon
That sure is a hand.
Yeah... I don't know what animal this could even be. It's the Ice Dragon. What ice-related animals look like they have hands like that?
I have no idea.
Lance of Ruin
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Fissure Dragon
The spearhead could be made out of another bone like the fang, tailbone or another spike.
What about the spikes? Are they fangs?
Well, Miklan turned into a Black Beast, which gives us the chance to examine him. The shape of demonic beasts are nearly always the same, so we won't be looking at that. Instead, we'll be looking at the more unique features of this Black Beast. Take a look.
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Those spikes coming out of its back look like the spikes on the Lance of Ruin. It also has 'rocks' covering its back.
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This part looks like the vertebrae with the spikes still attached to it. You may notice that there are more than one attached to one vertebrae. This isn't the case with Miklan, but he isn't exactly a carbon copy of the Fissure Dragon.
I believe that the Fissure Dragon had multiple spikes on its back protruding next to each other, much like a Kentrosaurus.
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If you were to look at it from above, it would look somewhat like a fissure. Other features of the Fissure Dragon would likely be that it's covered in black scales or 'rocks' like on Miklan's Black Beast form.
It might also have wings. Why do I say this?
Look at this.
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Compare that to the Immaculate One's little back sail.
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It says that it's used to mantain stability in flight. This could mean that Miklan's Black Beast form simply doesn't have a fully formed sail yet.
Before I move on. I have no clue what this text says, and I would appreciate it if someone could translate.
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Google Translate says something like "If you get transformed by a Heroes Relic, a part of your body will be covered in armor. This is because there is a component of the bone used for the blade." or something like that.
This post is getting too long. It gets continued in part 2.
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amsznn · 3 months
FOOLISH - c. sturniolo
part 1 — part 2 here part 3 here
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warnings: slight cursing, sexual references, toxic relationship
maybe it was the way he looked at her,
or the way his hand made his way to the small of her back as he led her through the crowded party.
never mind , it was how his eyes trailed to yours even as his lips and hands were on another.
this was your relationship with christopher sturniolo. always on and off, never official, and always at each other’s throats, in one way or another.
you watched from across the room as the two were snuggled up on the couch. chris’s arm was around the girl’s shoulder while she leaned up to whisper into his ears. you were sure he could feel how your eyes were burning holes at them since he looked up and found your gaze. you could only shake your head as you made your way back to your friends that you came to this party with.
“still stuck on him?” larray already questioned as he took a cup from your hand as you proceeded to sit down next to him. you could only sigh as your shoulders slumped back. “you know what you need?” your best friend questioned. you looked up at him before muttering “a life?”
larray rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand. “yes, and maybe live a little, cmon.” in a matter of seconds you were dragged to the center of the party. glancing over at chris again made you realize that you can’t keep waiting on him forever. so, grabbing whatever guy that was on the dance floor, you danced as if you couldn’t feel chris’s eyes on you.
taking a break, you told the guy you were dancing with that you’d be right back. you made your way around the house, trying to find a place to wind down before you made your way back. eventually you found one of the bedrooms that was unoccupied. well, you thought it was unoccupied. you knocked a few times and since there was no answer you swung the door open. low and behold, there was your beloved ex boyfriend fucking the same girl that was on the couch.
“holy shit!” you yelled out quickly covering your eyes, immediately making a u-turn to get the hell outta there. you couldn’t be there, not in this house, not at this party, and certainly not anywhere near him. pushing your way through the sweaty bodies, you could only panic even more. you frantically searched your purse for your car keys, not even bothering to tell your friends that you were leaving early. your heart was racing, and your mind was completely blank.
making your way down the driveway you finally found your car. not even waiting for the vehicle to warm up you were already driving yourself back to the comfort of your house.
“fuck.” you thought as tears streamed down your eyes. even after you two broke up, part of you still wanted to believe all the lies he told you.
“i’ll never find someone like you.”
“you’re the only one for me.”
luckily you made it back home. you kicked your heels off and made your way to room. not even bothering to do your nightly routine, you simply changed your clothes and collapsed into your bed. as much as you desperately tried to go to sleep, the image of the other girl in chris’s grasp, feeling his touch, couldn’t be removed from your head.
maybe it was because not too long ago, you were in the same position as her.
mid thought, your phone chimed with a text notification popping up on the screen.
chris 🚫
read 11:58 PM
A/N: just a blurb cus i dont wanna lose any ideas that i have and because i wanted to write a chris fic. part 2 soon!
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Did they ever tackle how the other dorm leaders reacted to the whole anemone issue during the Octavinelle arc? Like i know Riddle wasn't happy when he found out that ADeuce got into a contract with Azul and have to serve him since they failed to complete their deal but I dont think we got Leona's reaction to what happened to his dormmates since Im pretty sure I saw Savanaclaw npcs among the anemones. Like were they unaware or did they decide "let them face the consequences"?
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Nope, we pretty much only have Riddle and Leona’s perspectives on the anemone incident of book 3. I’m pretty sure the other dorm leaders were not ignorant about what had happened; Azul had 225 students out of a school of 800ish under his thumb, which would significantly impact the school’s ecosystem and would be hard to ignore. Besides, what dorm leader would ignore anemones suddenly sprouting on their students’ heads and NOT get to the bottom of things?
It’s not too hard to imagine that the other dorm leaders were none too pleased to find out the news but also didn’t intervene for whatever reason (be it “they deserve to face these consequences”, knowing that they can’t do anything about it, etc.). In all likelihood, it was probably done out of convenience for the writers and/or to keep the story centered on the initial characters. At this point in the main story, we haven’t met characters relevant to other dorms (like Epel in Pomefiore), so we’d really feel little attachment seeing generic mob students suffering as Vil chides them or whatever. We can still get emotionally invested because our personal friends, Adeuce and Grim, are in dire straits.
Of course, Riddle was NOT happy with the circumstances (how dumb do you have to be to make a contract with Azul?). According to Deuce in 3-7, he was scolded and made to write a paper to reflect.
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Leona’s opinion, meanwhile, is moreso implied. In 3-16, he says that anyone that would willingly and repeatedly make contracts with Azul are stupid. Leona has also made deals with Azul, but it always came at a steep cost to himself so he tries to do so sparingly. However, Leona also continuously characterizes those who get suckered as “dumb” and “dim-witted”, implying he does not think highly of those who fall for Azul’s schemes. This leads me to think that Leona’s feelings err on “you made your bed, now go lie in it”.
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But!! I think it’s possible that Leona’s motivation to dust Azul’s contracts threefold: eliminate his own contract with Azul, help Yuu and co. out (because they’re annoying him, lol), AND to free his (idiot) dorm members from Azul’s clutches. We’ve seen Leona act very similarly “selfless” (while operating to achieve his own goals) in book 2, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he continued this plotting in other books.
One thing I noticed while reviewing book 3; there are only anemone’d students from FOUR of the dorms: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Pomefiore. Octavinelle, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia students were not reaped.
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Now, it’s possible that this occurred due to limited game assets, as a similar issue occurred with the game showing beastmen mobs only in Savanclaw and in no other dorm. However, the manga debunked this quickly by showing beastmen in Heartslabyul and humans in Savanavlaw. I therefore decided to consult the manga to see if I could find Octavinelle, Ignihyde, or Diasomnia mobs among Azul’s anemones.
The Episode of Octavinelle manga depicts many mob students also indebted to Azul. It wasn’t that helpful since the pages are in black and white, making it difficult to know which dorms they belong to. However, we do see that Ignihyde students were anemone'd:
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Do you think Azul didn’t bother with his own dorm members to maintain the image of being a trustworthy and kind dorm leader/senpai? Maybe the Diasomnia kids were too strong-willed to fall for his schemes? Or perhaps they really are among the count of anemones, but just not shown clearly in the game/manga. (I can’t see Azul passing up the opportunity to get more clients indebted to him, regardless of dorm affiliation, since getting enough students of one dorm under him could grant him leverage with the dorm leader to get them back www)
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spacelazarwolf · 8 months
if you want to answer (and i totally understand if you dont), who do you think bombed the hospital in gaza? ive seen a lot of different people talking about it and blaming different people & organizations and you seem like you know a lot aboit i/p
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: i am not a news source. i am some guy with access to the internet. please follow the links in this post, as well as doing your own research. please do not use social media posts exclusively as your source of news, and please continuously read and compare several different accredited news sources. keep on top of new sources and evidence that are being put out to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information.
it's not really about who i think did it. i feel like that centers me in a thing that is very much not about me. but i'll give it my best shot.
we still do not have confirmation of how many were killed or who is at fault for the bombing. there are a lot of numbers and opinions floating around online, but as of 4pm on october 19th there has not been a consensus on either of these things from any accredited organizations.
that being said, here are the statements that have been put out as of the time i'm responding to this:
statements about death toll:
the gaza health ministry estimates between 200 and 471 dead
the director of al-shifa hospital where people were brought from al-ahli estimates 250 dead
an assessment from the us director of national intelligence estimates between 100 and 300
an analyst with the center for naval analysis, after viewing photos and video, said the death toll was closer to 50
statements about fault:
(taking these directly from the article)
J Andres Gannon, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, in the US, says the ground explosions appeared to be small, meaning that the heat generated from the impact may have been caused by leftover rocket fuel rather than an explosion from a warhead. Justin Bronk, senior research fellow at the UK-based Royal United Services Institute, agrees. While it is difficult to be sure at such an early stage, he says, the evidence looks like the explosion was caused by a failed rocket section hitting the car park and causing a fuel and propellant fire. Mr Gannon says it is not possible to determine whether the projectile struck its intended target from the footage he has seen. He adds that the flashes in the sky likely indicate the projectile was a rocket with an engine that overheated and stopped working. Valeria Scuto, lead Middle East analyst at Sibylline, a risk assessment company, notes that Israel has the capacity to carry out other forms of air strike by drone, where they might use Hellfire missiles. These missiles generate a significant amount of heat but would not necessarily leave a large crater. But she says uncorroborated footage shows a pattern of fires at the hospital site that was not consistent with this explanation.
Visual evidence from the blast site The BBC was able to match details of buildings and the layout of the Al-Ahli hospital site with publicly available satellite imagery, to establish the hospital was the scene of the blast. Based on available evidence, it appears the explosion happened in a courtyard which is part of the hospital site. Images of the ground after the blast do not show significant damage to surrounding hospital buildings. What the images do show are scorch marks and burnt-out cars.
where the explosive came from
so far, israel, hamas, and palestinian islamic jihad have all denied responsibility
channel 4 news reported that palestinian islamic jihad had uncovered a warhead but they have not produced it
in a since-deleted tweet, hananya naftali, a social media advisor for netanyahu, claimed that it was an israeli airstrike that hit the hospital. he followed up by stating that he had shared incorrect information based on a reuters headline that refered to an israeli airstrike
tentative conclusion based on sources:
what i gather from what i've read is that the blast was likely caused by a misfired rocket originating somewhere in gaza, and the blast was exacerbated by the fuel in the rocket. BUT, as i stated before, new information is always being put out. there could be evidence released tomorrow that it was an israeli air strike. there has been no conclusive evidence yet.
and perhaps the most important section:
what you can actually do to help
if you are in the us, call your representatives and urge them to support the resolution for a ceasefire
check out this list of verified aid groups (if there is not a ceasefire as soon as possible, it won't matter what aid is sent to them and if they cannot get the supplies into gaza, so refer back to the first bulletpoint)
send a donation to your local synagogue(s) and mosque(s) to help them offset the rising costs of security
take a moment to be a human. don't think about the numbers. don't think about the politics. think about the human beings who lost their lives, and the people who are mourning them. the mothers who will never see their children again, the children who will grow up without parents. what did they have for breakfast? what was their favorite song? when was their birthday? were they afraid? were they in pain? what can we do to ensure this does not happen again?
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pettydollie · 3 months
Matt x long distance gf ? 💕
omg good ideaaa
when you found out matt and his brothers were moving to LA, you were beyond upset. you were even a little mad. how could he leave you? what does this mean for your relationship? are you guys breaking up?
this led to you breaking down crying while you were helping matt pack up his room. he immediately dropped the clothes in his hands and rushed over to you, embracing your figure tightly. "whats wrong sweet girl?"
you swallowed the lump in your throat and whispered, "i dont want you to leave me". this kid began rethinking everything. maybe he shouldnt move to LA. but then he thought about it more. he needs to, for his own independence with his brothers. he hated the thought of breaking up with you, so he decided to suggest long distance
at first, you were like hell no. it doesnt make sense to have a long distance relationship because whats the point? but eventually you gave in.
the day he left, you weren't as upset as you were before, but you still shed a few tears when he kissed you goodbye before boarding the plane.
it was weird being in a completely different state but still being together. you had very negative thoughts. he could be cheating on you RIGHT NOW and you wouldnt know. he could hide it so easily. oh gosh, was he thinking the same thing about you?
matt had similar thoughts, so he text/called you whenever he could. and when matt talked to you, he really listened. he heard the awkwardness in your tone. he didnt want you to feel that way ever!
you guys had a long chat about your relationship that day. overall, you were really happy for him. you watched their videos whenever they uploaded, missing being with all three of them.
one day, you checked matt's insta story which showed a black screen but little airplane emojis in the center. you raised an eyebrow. where's he going? why didn't he tell you? then you thought, "what if hes coming to see me?" you were so giddy, but you didnt want to get your hopes up
you cleaned your room anyways and threw on something to make you feel pretty. if he didnt come, youd just tell your parents you were going out to save yourself from the embarrassment. then the doorbell rang.
you swung the door open and the first face you saw was matts. you immediately jumped on him, giving him kisses all over his face. he chuckled holding you closely. "hi baby." he pecked your lips.
matt spent every night at your house, talking about anything and everything just like always. he also announced that the channel reached 6 million subscribers! you were so proud of him and decided to get a cake to celebrate
the next day, everyone was at mary and jimmy's. matt cut the cake and you all clapped. you kept the image in your head to save for later, when he leaves and you're alone again.
tags: @stargirlsturniololover
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mynnthia · 1 year
hypothesis on the ethnic/cultural background of izutsumi's mom
[disclaimer: i am not a professional ethnographer, nor of any of the ethnic groups mentioned in the post. this post was written based on research done over the course of a day.
if you have any corrections, feedback, etc, please feel free to inform me! my inbox/dms are open. if there is any misinformation present, i aim to correct them] ----------
idk if anyone else into dungeon meshi has noticed this, but i think izutsumi's mom (and therefore, izutsumi herself) might've been of Nivkh (indigenous east Siberian) heritage?
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[details and explanation under the readmore, its slightly long]
when dungeon meshi chapter 59 came out (~2019), i saw a few people speculating that izutsumi's mom might've been Ainu because of how her clothing style notably differed from typical Japanese clothing.
while the Nivkh robe's trim features a different pattern style (swirly) than what izutsumi's mom wears (triangular), the Nivkh robe still looks to be a closer match than Ainu robes, especially in the collar/neckline & sleeve cuff areas.
note how the Ainu robes (image 2) have a different neckline style and wider sleeves:
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heres more images of the robes, but from the past this time, found in Wikimedia Commons:
image 1: Nivkh robe from 1871 image 2: Sakhalin Ainu girl (left), Nivkh boy (center), Hokkaido Ainu girl (right) in 1912
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Nivkh people have had interactions with Japan dating back centuries too. heres an exerpt from wikipedia:
"For many centuries, the Nivkh were tributaries of the Manchus. After the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689, they functioned as intermediaries between the Russians, Manchu and Japanese, and also the Ainu, who were vassals of the Japanese. Early contact with the southern Sakhalin Ainu was generally hostile, although trade between the two was apparent"
(sorry historians for quoting wikipedia as a source here. a lot of the more reputable sources are 20-200+ page papers, and not concise enough to put on a tumblr post)
the English language wiki doesnt have much more detail on Nivkh-Japan relations unfortunately, but there seems to be more info on the Japanese language version of the page.
i've also seen at least 1 speculation that izutsumi's mom might be Mongolian, as her robe somewhat resembles a Mongolian deel. in my opinion, the robe's neckline trim having patterning makes it resemble the Nivkh robes more. this – combined with the fact that prior to the 1900s, Japan-Mongolia relations consisted mostly of Mongolian forces trying to invade japan repeatedly – makes me think Nivkh (or some other indigenous east Siberian) heritage is more likely.
i wont rule it out entirely though, as i don't know how much Ryōko Kui cares about historical-based cultural relations. regardless, here are various deel styles across different Mongolian ethnic groups, if that is of interest to anyone:
i dont really have a profound conclusion for this post tbh. i wanted to document what i found, and figured i might as well share it to tumblr.
theres limited amounts of easily accessible information on traditional eastern Siberian clothing out there, but here's 1 source i found that goes over a few groups (including Nivkh):
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apopcornkernel · 28 days
i dont know if there's even a ppop presence on tumblr but i do also want to promote ALAMAT, a 6-member idol boy group from the Philippines. Its members comprise of Taneo, Mo, Jao, Tomas, R-ji, and Alas. They debuted in 2021, and their creative direction centers on championing the Filipino identity and culture through their music.
sorry that ^ was a copypaste but it's a very useful and concise copypaste LOL but onto my own promo:
(note: also most of these videos have english subs!!)
(extra note bc this issue always pops up whenever locals encounter alamat: mo is always wearing black hairstyes bc he is blasian and not bc he is appropriating from black culture hdfjhdf)
KASMALA, the inverted Tagalog word for "strong" (malakas), is the MV that really did numbers on social media iirc. The video direction focused on the "human zoo" in the St. Louis' World Fair of 1904 (which included Filipinos specifically Igorots), and a general theme of anti-Filipino racism by white people (who are represented as ominous figures literally dressed in all white)
personal opinion: the music video is great but i personally think they have better songs, music-wise. and i'm going to give you an example of that by introducing you to my ALL-TIME FAVORITE ALAMAT SONG!!!
ILY ILY, a transliteration of "Ili-Ili Tulog Anay", incorporates the melody and lyrics of the Ilonggo lullaby it derives its title from. The MV and lyrics both work together to portray the experience of being an OFW/having an OFW parent. OFWs, or overseas Filipino workers, refer to Filipinos who go abroad in search of jobs that have better pay, so that they can remit money back to their families in the Philippines.
personal opinion: this is their best song THIS IS THEIR BEST SONG EVER OF ALL TIME and lyca gairanod is such a perfect singer for this. her ethereal crooning really gave me chills the first time i heard it UGH
DAYANG, the term for the wife of a Datu, is one of their most earworming songs ever. It's a gorgeous love song and what I would recommend to newbies if they want to get into alamat <3
personal opinion: The MV is kinda ass because it's just a super long extended ad for DITO PH (in terms of story and also bc they really missed out on doing a vid that drew more on culture esp bc dayang is a historical noble title and they used tausug words and designs for the graphics an the dance itself already incorporated pangasik dance which is also from the tausug people LIKEEE?? they've always promoted other cultures of the philippines i know they can do it but because of CAPITALISM--). But the song bangs so severely, as a pop enjoyer this is peak pop for me.
DAGUNDONG, a song basically recounting the colonial history of the Philippines from Spain to America, is just so fucking good you should watch/listen to it rn. There's EN subs don't worry you won't miss out on the context. This is colonial rage it's so satisfying I still remember where I was when they dropped this.
personal opinion: FOREVER OBSESSED WITH HOW THEY SAY "dahil puso mandirigma di papakutsa di papapugon" you guys have no idea how much i sing that line to myself sooo satisfying. Instant earworm this song i swear.
OK ONE LAST one last and i'm done. okay.
MAHARANI, a Sanskrit term for the wife of a Maharaja (translated as "great queen"), heavily features singkil, a Maranao dance which uses bamboo poles like tinikling does. The song also uses SEAsian instruments like kanun, gamelan, and gangsa. Also BINI's Jhoanna plays one of the main characters here!!!
personal opinion: this is their most pop-sounding song, which i think is slightly carried by the video i'm sorryyy. it's catchy though!! and i looove the part somewhere halfway where alas starts his verse, singing it in a more spoken-word way
okay 5 songs is. probably enough. this post is already kinda long shdfjskdff but yeah. pls check them out if you can hehe <3
also ppop idols are just really funny. there's no concept of an idol image so they just tweet shit. alamat jao gave out his genshin UID after a fan tweeted about having co-oped with him in genshin, and then after that he started answering questions with the hashtag "#canceljao" making a lot of magiliws (alamat fans) confused, and then he posted a classic iphone notes apology like this 😭
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i'll do a bini version after this my girls deserve more international hype. they occupy a more girlcrush pop genre but they're just as chaotic as alamat if not even more 😭 there are entire THREADS on twitter of them just being hilarious jdhfkshgf i love them so much
thanks for reading <3
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First of all, so so sorry your situation. Im in a similar one actually so I really hope you're okay. Even though it's not dire, mine isn't either, it's very draining and can be super overwhelming since you dont have the support of your parents to guide you. People have already mentioned keeping documents in order. you mentioned commissions, time how long it takes you do to things and decided how you'd like to be paid based on the hour. Do Not undersell yourself. If you're uncomfortable with people maybe seeing your real name/using real info for payments, there are companies that work as your registered agent (at least that's what it's called in the usa) that you can use the address of for a yearly fee
You can also look into passive income things with art like making stickers for redbubble and Ive heard about artists making stock images before but I don't know how that really work tbh ^^;
here's a good post on general adult knowledge
here's a post on things to know once your out
Always Pay Rent First. Normally there's always some sort of way to get food, losing your apartment makes it super hard to keep a job
As for staying sane, people really help. Not necessarily even talking a whole ton.
Going and sitting at a cafe or park. wandering around a mall.
It's why I adore anime cons. You can look up board game or crafting groups in your area. If you're lgbtqia you can look for nearby queer centers, they're really helpful for advice and resources. Libraries are ridiculously useful. My nearby one hosts plenty of events and has a poster board for nearby event happening. You can just spend the afternoon there.
Journaling and deep breathing and calm music all really help me too.
Therapy has always been the most helpful but not everyone has access to that.
Also getting a good nights rest. So many of my problems have been helped a lot by getting better sleeping habits
As for where to move, think about things like climate, laws, how the people there act. My town is super queer friendly but two towns over they're very much not, so be careful. Normally a simple google search on the name of a town can tell you a lot about it.
When picking out apartments, things like if you have animals or a car are super important. I have a car so Im looking for somewhere that has dedicated parking cause I can't afford someone hitting it when it's parked on the side walk.
There are jobs that lead into other jobs. Knowing powered equipment, such as forklifts, can score you better paying jobs in the future.
If you're looking into something art wise, just focus on portfolio, no one cares if you went to college as long as you can do what they need.
There's also apps for things like setting up dog sitting. I've also heard of event staffing companies that'll give you jobs as they come, never done it though so look thoroughly into that.
you can look up the average rent/utilities and such of a town you want to live in to get an idea of what you'll be paying
Credit score is super important in the usa to renting, but I don't know if you have that or an equivalent. If there's is, there should be secured credit cards that help you start building credit if you have none.
Just remember that this won't last forever and you got this!! it's painful and scary but it's temporary.
Also remember that you still deserve better even though you're not being abused, it still hurts and that's vaild.
I dont know if any of this is helpful but I wish you the best and feel free to ask questions if you need anything :D
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beesmygod · 2 months
What's your take, if you have one, on the cut moon presence boss on the lake of mud?
as always, i dont know. i thought i didn't really have much to say but the more i typed the more i Realized. but i still don't really know lol. this is really image heavy, which made it long, so most of it is under a readmore.
e: hello bea from the future here. hey. this gave me so much to chew on for the next section in a shockingly positive direction. thank you so much for getting this ball rolling
it half-relevant but there's also some kind of. intermediary thing. i think it's the same shape as the used moon presence but its blue. for some reason.
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no animations on this one, so it was cut early. different "faces" as well. or the low quality of the cut one doesn't maintain the "features" as accurately.
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oh what the fuck. hold on. look at the head of the "lake of mud" (LOM from now on) moon presence compared to the others
ive made posts in the past about anti-clockwise and clockwise metamorphosis runes possibly referencing the in-game phenomenon of creature's heads being turned in odd directions. loran silverbeasts and the crawler enemies (ostensibly both loran/nightmare frontier residents) have their "heads" turned clockwise, like above. slime scholar and probably other things i cant remember turn anti-clockwise.
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the crawlers are....i mean they're gross. but also uncanny. there's SOMETHING going on here, right? god only know what though. they are also known for the grim sight you can take in when they rear up to Get You: their...stomach?? is rife with messengers. being consumed? maybe? it evokes the image of the artbook moon presence, who is swarming with messengers in the same area of its body.
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anyway back to the little creep.
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in the center of its chest there's this bizarre unknown thing. if you peel away the majority of its body it looks like this. a grey blob with tentacles. as far as i can tell it doesn't have bones to animate, unlike the rest of the model. the entire model has unfinished textures so its hard to tell what it's supposed to be.
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judging from the blisters on the creature, it is CURSED. the orphan of kos' placenta weapon (which is, i think, just a huge cursed blood gem?) has these same blisters, marking it as a fellow "cursed" great one infant (? probably? look at what a runt it is).
curses are a complex aspect of the bloodborne universe. sometimes they can be identified by the appearance of "sickly spots", but other times, curses are color-coded with purple (or red, but that seems strictly related to cainhurst nope i forgot foetid offering can give enemies red rally auras and change their drop tables to include cursed blood gems. much to think about) auras and magic.
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a curse is exactly what you expect it to be: great power at a high price (like a huge weapon bonus but your health depletes per second), but the source is arcane. the cursed and defiled pthumerian chalice states, "curses are caused by inciting the anger of the Great Ones, and used to hex others." winter lanterns, the enemies with the heads made out of messengers fused into a brain shape, are the only enemy that consistently only drops cursed blood gems (and, evidently, blood gems only form in the dungeon or nears its entrances). given the pattern of these spots appearing on bosses, it can be reasonably assumed that winter lanterns are the result of a great one's wrath. what the fuck! i dont know what that means!
we're not going to bother going into the nuances of rites and data-mining because holy shit. this garbage is needlessly complex for how half-baked its implementation is. but cursed offerings create cursed dungeons to explore with cursed blood gems to collect. cursed and defiled pthumeru is differentiated by the purple (!) skull vapor overflowing from the chalice. cursed rites required cursed materials: bastards of loran are the mummified bodies of infants who died midway through their transformation into a silverbeast. with the clockwise heads.
okay. that wrapped us up back around to the beginning. i think the lake of mud arena was intended to be in loran, canonically. it has a bunch of different variations that probably would have been used for root dungeon generation rather than canon usage. a lake of dried up water fits perfectly with the terrifyingly arid climate of loran (which generates the blue bolts in the atmosphere). at one point, it seems that several chalice dungeons would have had secret 4th layers (they're still in the game and can be accessed with some light hex editing); i propose that this is where that fight would have taken place. the previous layer would have been the cut great one beast. and layer 2 would have been the loran darkbeast. layer 1 would have been the abhorrent beast instead of the baffling loran silverbeast boss fight that's completely inexplicable otherwise. isz has similar pacing issues. oh shit, i wonder if that's what that blue one is supposed to be. fuuuuccckkk.
the ailing loran chalice tells the player that "some have made the dreaded extrapolation that Yharnam may be next" but the game is telling YOU the player that YOU are supposed to look at loran and extrapolate the fate of yharnam from it. loran was also using old blood as medicine and became a place overrun with beasts and abandoned by god. the loran moon presence is bloated with curses and lives in a place devoid of water, a horrible thing for a great one given how much they love to yammer about lakes and the sea. the area outside of the LOM arena is, amazingly, the exact same facade as the entrance to mergo's loft. there's a stained glass window above the door that's shared between locations, yet again linking loran, the nightmare frontier, and the nightmare of mensis together. and, really, the hunter's nightmare, since the LOM arena was very, VERY similar to the orphan's ocean with identical architecture.
holy shit i guess this is what im working on tonight. and now i see how micolash fits into the entire timeline. neat
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wings-of-ink · 25 days
I have come with yet another angsty ask! *bows dramatically*
(I dont know if youre planning to put this scenario in one of the bad endings so please feel free to ignore or omit some details) MC dies (Hurrah!) ROs go through MC's stuff, or if OOC, Oswin goes through MC's stuff and give other RO a letter/finds a letter addressed to them. According to MC's hobbies/skills they might find a weapon, a scarf/cape (needlework mc), random trinket (trade mc), recipe for favorite food of RO (baker mc), etc. MC wrote the letter in case they die and wanted RO to have a piece of MC to remember them by. What would the RO's do with the gift? How would they honor MC's gift? Would they use the gift everyday or as often as they can? Would they store the gift in a precious box and take a peek at it every now and then? Would they just shove it as far as they can because just the sight of it hurts them so much? Love lots to you author <3
Every time I see you in my inbox, this is the mental image of you I get:
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So, at the end of my tale there won't be "bad" endings necessarily - there definitely could be, and if my mood takes a dramatic downturn…well, maybe MC won't be safe after all (kidding, it saddens me to think of them perishing after everything they go through). Anyway, the MC will have choices and each choice has its ups and downs - and consequences. Depending on how you reason with them, they may seem like bad endings (if that cheers your twisted little heart up).
Starting out with a gut-punch right away with this one…I'll write these with the context that they were together a long time - partnered up, had a family if they wanted, etc…This wasn't after a short-term relationship sort of deal - which makes this infinitely worse.
After this, I may need to hold back on any MC death scenarios for a while, lol. My widdle heart is very much attached to them. Even though I'm technically the one that keeps, like, torturing them...but, ignore that.
Oswin:  Has a penchant for keeping these things with him. He'll carry MC's weapon for the remainder of his life - he'll wear the trinket - stitch the item into his clothing - make this recipe every week. It must be near him at all times. He waits for the day they can be reunited.
Zahn:  They hoard it, keep it in a safe place and look at it frequently. If it's a recipe, they learn to cook it. Everything else they need to touch often. They press it to their face and speak to it. It hurts, but they need to.
Duri:  They want to…but they can't stand to look at it. It's too much. They have it in a box they hold as sacred. The box they can touch, feel the presence of the item within without reopening their grief. They can honor MC by going to the places they dwelt together, knowing that a part of their spirit still clings to them. 
Rune:  Their memento stands at the center of an ornate private shrine. Its setting is in the finest stone and metals that money can buy. They make themselves see it. MC's memory will live on through their pain. They sit at the shrine, light candles and play their lyre, dedicating songs to their love until they can sing together again.
???:  "You always did have a way of shining light into my darkness."
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lumnries · 1 year
Nah but imagine kenny and Reader Are Like in a secret relationship and cart man tries to get reader and some guy together at a party for the hell of it and Kenny gets jealous and tells everyone your dating and just leaves the party with you and goes back to your house with like insecure kenny at the end thinking he doesn’t deserve
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┆.pairings kenny mccormick x gn reader
┆.synopsis having a secret relationship w him
┆.cw cussing, mental breakdowns & mentions of harassment
✉️ ... DW!!!! i actually think this idea is sweet 😭😭😭 i’m absolutely head over heels for comfort so how could i not???
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you were sitting in front of a counter. your boyfriend and you were separated. you’ve last seen him being dragged by his raven haired friend. though you did miss him & consider looking for him, you knew it’d be weird if you were to look for him as you guys weren’t all that close publicly. plus, he didn’t have the best image. you didn’t want rumors to start between you guys.
another thing that was weird was his other friend staring at you with a smirk. if you were correct, his name was cartman. kenny did tell you he wasn’t the best person so you always steered clear of him. the feeling of being watched bothered you. you were now contemplating wether to walk up to him and confront him or just leave it alone. before reaching a decision, you hear footsteps towards your way. you look up to see cartman and somebody else in front of you.
“can i help you?” you ask. “hey, we’re in the same class. do you remember me?” you shake your head. not wanting to continue the conversation, you try to leave but a hand held out yours. it was cartman. “lame. just stay for a bit, you’re single aren’t ya?” he says that before lowering you back into your seat. you feel yourself shake, not used to this kind of attention. you wanted to just stand up and tell him to leave you alone but you didn’t wanna cause a scene. even so, it already seemed like a crowd started to gather.
“i’m not interested. can you just let me leave? i don’t even know you.” you had no idea how you even caught the attention of the two boys, so you didn’t understand why they had to mess with you. “oh come on, you’re seriously rejecting him without even getting to know him?” cartman continues as he keeps pushing the guy in front of you. more & more people came to watch, yet none tried to stop the boys from forcing themselves on you.
suddenly, somebody had hit the guy as his face hit the floor. you were dazed for a moment before realizing what had happened. you pulled your eyes away from the injured guy before your eyes land on your boyfriend who wore an infuriated expression. the crowd was silent. some were checking up on the guy, while cartman was busy cursing under his breath and throwing insults at the blue eyed boy. ignoring him, kenny had stared at you worried before holding your hand and rubbing circles on it. “cartman, shut up before i do the same to you. stop bothering y/n.” as those words leave his mouth, the self-centered teen finally goes quiet.
“all of you are sick. i can’t believe you’d watch somebody get harassed.” kenny said with a harsh voice catching the attention of everybody. “y/n’s mine. don’t even bother coming up or else i’ll beat the fuck out of you.” he then pulls you away as you both leave the party leaving everyone to grasp his words. you watch him, concerned as he drags you to your house.
“ken? please talk to me.” you were now in your room with him laying on your bed as he stays still avoiding eye contact. he’s been avoiding your you were about to speak again before he cuts you off. “y/n- it… it isn’t your fault. i swear i’m okay i’m just mad at myself for losing myself to my emotions. specially at a party where everybody heard what i said. i promised to keep our relationship private and i fucked that up.” he finally looks at you tearing up.
“i’m not mad. just let it out. what they did was wrong. i understand why you did that, so let me focus on you. i’m here for you so please just tell me what you’re thinking.” you slurred your words trying to comfort him. he starts sobbing.
you heart aches as he seems to finally let all his worries out. “i’m gonna be honest, i love you so much. you’re one of the people i wanna cherish for my whole life. sometimes i just can’t but feel like you’d be better off with somebody else. you’ve always told me that it’s okay and that what mattered the most was the fact that i returned your love just the same or more, i wish i could give you more because you deserve better than me yet you decided to stay with me. i don’t get why you wanna be with me.” you hear him sniffle as you squeeze him in a tight hug.
“kenny. you’ve always been more than enough for me. nobody can compare to the way you make my heart feel. i don’t want anything else from you because you’ve already given me everything. i want you to understand that even if you think some people are better, i’ll always stick with you because you’re the person that caught my heart. nobody else.” you cuddle with him some more while reassuring him. he then stops to finally look at you and closes the gap between you. you kiss him back, feeling his soft lips connected to yours.
his lips leave yours with a soothed expression before grinning with a flustered expression. you smile back before telling him “i love you” as he sends an “i love you more” in return.
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dykeseesgod · 7 months
none of the dog sees god characters are popular theyre all weirdo loser freaks no one likes but the majority of them are too self centered to even realize this. my reasoning 👇 (ITS REALLY LONG AND THERE ARE MULTIPLE IMAGES. WARNING)
ok this has kinda like always been how i interpreted things and then i looked literally anywhere else where people are talking about dog sees god and all the summaries are like pigpen and charlie brown and peppermint patty and marcie are COOL and POPULAR and BULLY the UNDERLING that is SCHROEDER. and that just like. doesnt feel right? like narratively that feels incorrect so im going to explain this now.
first ok. so this is also like a completely separate pet peeve of mine but the text literally never says that cb and matt play football like literally every single fucking source everywhere says. like matts page on the villains wiki says one of his hobbies is playing football and like. no???? they never???? say that????? like ok. we know their school HAS a football team (beethoven mentions it in the vipers nest) and we know cb and matt play SOME sport (matt mentions that they "shower together after practice" in the hangover) but the connection is never explicitly drawn between the two. in FACT beethovens line about the football team (below)
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kind of like. goes against the idea that cb and matt are on the football team??? like hes talking to cb here i feel like if beethoven were to mention even sarcastically ogling a group that cb is apart of hed make some kind of comment about it. like this is before their whole thing gets resolved theyre still fighting when he says this line it would make complete sense for cb to say something about this. and like ok its peanuts right like just reminding everyone that its peanuts. you know what sport it would make more sense that charlie fucking brown plays like you know what sport it would seem logical for him to play oh i dont know fucking BASEBALL????? im realizing now that this is like a lot less relevant to my original idea than i thought but i still want to keep it here. i think its just kinda like. its not canon that theyre super popular stars of the football team for all we know they could be playing fucking tennis the fact that they play A Sport doesnt make them well liked. also it literally never says at any point that theyre even good even if they are on the football team they could be the worst players we dont fucking know!!! need i remind you of charlie browns only* experience with football
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*besides youre in the super bowl charlie brown but that specials bad so were ignoring it. and its not like he was good at football in that either
and if you buy into the idea that they play baseball (which you should baseball is such an integral part of peanuts it makes the most sense) charlie brown (and pigpen for what its worth. also like everyone else too) is DOGSHIT at baseball like its an entire decades long running joke how fucking awful they are at baseball. "maybe he practiced and got better" hes terrible to his bones practice does nothing. heart
ok onto more substantial points. so if you buy into the interpretation that their childhood was just literally normal peanuts (which you should because its very funny) then you can assume that these guys have all known eachother since elementary school (and even if you dont there are multiple lines that reference them being friends as kids so point still stands). but also by virtue of dsg being a peanuts parody and a lot of the comedy just coming from "haha that s like from the comic strip :)" (I WILL TALK ABOUT THE INHERENT TRAGEDY OF THIS LATER) besides like. one guy. every single character mentioned is an established peanuts character. and like idk about you but my highschool is a LOT bigger than my elementary school. like. there are substantially more people there. what im trying to say that while not impossible it is fucking WEIRD to have a decently sized friendgroup that has not changed the slightest bit in almost a decade. what im getting at is these bitches are INSULAR!!!!!!!! they are extremely hyperfocused on an only think about people from their childhoods. i will get back to this
LETS TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK CAN WE TALK ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK PLEASE GOD MAC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SALISBURY STEAK ALL DAY ok so this scene. woof. ok. this is where the majority of my reasoning for this comes from. first, i want to draw attention to the fact that frieda, the girl that tricia and marcy make fun of so frequently, is another goddamn peanuts character. and so another elementary school friend. it just doesnt end with these bitches do you think about anything else!!!!!!
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if tricia and marcy had any kind of actual social standing, them constantly gossiping and shittalking frieda would matter to her. being so constantly and relentlessly made fun of by popular people would have an impact (hi yes i know youre thinking of beethoven ignore him for now were gonna come back to him). but it doesnt! frieda doesnt care about what tricia and marcy think of her, why would she? theyre just those two girls from elementary school who are angry all the time. friedas on the outside, shes not apart of this. the only student mentioned thats not a peanuts character? thats her boyfriend. she is the only window into the world of normalcy
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THIS^^ THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE LINE THAT GAVE ME THIS WHOLE IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE. im fairly certain the purpose of this line is to place doubt in our minds on whether or not what we assumed the entire play is actually true. which its not!!! of course this isnt the cool table, all these people do is argue an gossip an stew in their own misery!!!!
ummmm lighting round of things that support my point. if they really were these ultimate cool all powerful popular kids why the hell are they still friends with van. van is a burnout stoner with a sister in an psych ward. considering the things they pounce on to make fun of, this is MORE than enough to completely open fire. but theyre not gonnaaaaa because theyre in the same boat as him!!!!! van and them are on the same level of popularity!!!!!! ummalso THE PARTY the party. the only other guests mentioned to be at this party are franklin (another peanuts character, another childhood friend) and fucking RERUN ? in the comics rerun is established to be MUCH younger than the main cast, even younger than sally, who is mostly shown to be in kindergarten, meaning hed be in middle school at the MOST. and its not like this is a party at vans house and his brother just happens to be there NO!!! THIS IS MARCYS PARTY HE BROUGHT RERUN WITH HIM LITERALLY WHY IS RERUN THERE. THIS PARTY FUCKING SUCKS I KNOW IT IN MY SOUL.
were coming back to beethoven now the thing is that hes in the exact same boat as everyone else. while we do know that its not just the main cast that are outwardly homophobic ("i only got called a queer 3 times ^_^!") it is consistently shown that the main perpetrators are the main cast, much more so than anyone else. beethoven posits that the only reason cb only got called queer is because everyones scared hell beat them up, but i do think its worth considering that the main cast are the only ones who would ever enact actual violence. beethoven is in the same situation, but moreso by force than by choice. hes forced to relive reminders of traumatic childhood events and forced to cling to the past BECAUSE the people that target him used to be his friends. theres a reason they were the only people in peer counseling.
like i said, there is a certain tragedy that comes with dsg being a peanuts parody. its because of the referential comedy that bert royal created a cast of characters so self centered and so hung up on the past that theyre still extremely fixated on the kinds of people they were and the drama they had and their feelings about eachother from when they were literally fucking 8 years old. and isnt that jsut so much more thematically interesting than "oohh popular kid bully gay unpopular kid ooohhhh" theyre all unreliable narrators!!!!!!!! theyre all sick freaks and everyone knows it!!!!!!!! there is no possible justification for their actions, theyre hypocrites plain and simple.
or maybe im reading into everything too much idk its 1 am im talking about the fucking peanuts yaoi fag play. bye
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
I have a question for you as one of tumblr’s great Marc/Vale scholars. What do you think it was about Argentina 2018 that made Vale lose his mind so badly? It seems like up to then he was thawing a bit (like Catalunya press conference comes to mind when he says “yes” enthusiastically about their relationship healing) etc. Argentina was just the last straw?
hmmm i dont actually know how much thawing happened on vale's end. its more like. i am now coworkers with my ex and he's still looking at me with big moon eyes so i dont want to be a dick to him publicly bc that would be weird and incongrous with my hot funny girl image. like the famously chill and cool valentino rossi does not start petty catfights (except when he absolutely does).... like their public "reconciliation" was after the tragic death of another racer. it simply wouldnt have been appropriate for vale (or marc) to center his weird feud with marc that weekend like at that point who cares about him losing a title last year! (and well. time passed yknow like everyone was moving on, which doesnt necessarily mean they dont remember) but argentina 2018. oh my god man. like its already been discussed by @f1vegas and @its-always-silly-season in this post and this one so idk how much more i have to add but. marc was wildin' the entire race and he crashed vale out, which DEFINITELY pissed him off and probably brought up all those old fun feelings of resentment and reinforced allllll those narratives... but i think from a story standpoint its most notable from MARC'S perspective bc i think that's where he begins to conceptualize that oh. hes never going to forgive me.
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spacexseven · 1 year
since you've done dazai x yandere reader, let's see (yandere) childe x yandere reader or diluc x yandere reader? (or cyno/al haitham, since i recall them being your favourites from genshin<3) don't push yourself if you dont wanna do these tho!! i absolutely adore your work :)
youuu are so sweet lol thank you <3 alhaitham's part might not make sense in canon, but i thought it was a pretty fun idea :> (more on that at the end)* if there's more interest for yandere reader x genshin characters, i'll go ahead and work on more characters later <3
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as alhaitham held up the earpiece, it occurred to him for a moment that there were better ways for him to be spending his time than studying a now useless akasha terminal. there was nothing in particular that was unique about this one, except the person to who it belonged. for some days now, he had been bothered constantly by your presence. even for someone like him, who was always aware of his surroundings, it was becoming increasingly difficult to catch you. in fact, it appeared that after every time he caught you watching him from the distance, you were only getting better at camouflaging into the crowd and the background.
he was already quite bothered by the fact that he had yet to actually catch you, which left his questions for you unanswered and him constantly on edge, paranoid about whether you were watching him still. while he was mostly sure you harbored no ill intent, at the very least, he was sure you were not stalking him in order to attack him, he couldn't deny the unease that followed him whenever you laid eyes on his figure. however, with the few times he had managed to spot you following him, he had enough information about your physical features to concentrate his search on a handful of people in sumeru.
and since he had caught sight of your earpiece when you turned to disappear after realizing you had been caught in the act, alhaitham decided it was a good place to start his search. he had already gathered information about his list of suspects, but this would surely end it once and for all. he was convinced, that once he found his way into the dreams each suspect's akasha terminal had harvested, he would find irrefutable proof of which of these names were yours, and your intentions with him.
what he didn't expect, when looking at the harvested dreams, was to be staring at himself—frames and frames of him from different angles, mid-speech, in various poses. it was alarming, how the only thing you dreamt about was meeting him, talking to him, holding him...he couldn't wrap his mind around how you seemed to be driven only by the thought of him, your mind constantly revolving around him and your dreams plagued by images of him. it almost felt like an illness, something dark and stubborn, clinging desperately onto your every thought and worming its way into all the corners of your mind. and at the center of this illness was none other than alhaitham himself.
were you stalking him after succumbing to this illness, this obsession that had possessed you? or maybe, were you hoping that he may have an answer to this, or did the sight of him soothe your torment? or maybe you thought that he was the cause of all of this. he had too many questions and no definite answers. no, until he could get his hands on you and extract the needed information right from the source, he would be left distressed. it was rather easy to plan out the rest, now that he was certain of your identity. and now he was the one watching your every move, waiting for a second of vulnerability from between the crowd so that he could isolate and corner you.
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*'cos you know alhaitham knows the akasha system better than most people since he's studied it and stuff, so i thought if he wanted to, he could probably "see" the dreams harvested by the akasha terminal. i guess this wouldn't exactly work since he's not really all for doing extra work if he doesn't have to, but let's just ignore all of that because this is just what my mind could come up with ^^
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bananacufflink · 3 months
HEYYOU! yes you, person reading this post! Do you want to join a Youtube Map (Multi-Animator Project) centered around "Sunny Side Up Summer" from The Bobs Burgers Movie? Well, you're in luck!! Im currently hosting a multi-"animator" project based on the song! ANYBODY IS WELCOMED TO JOIN! **YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO ANIMATE TO JOIN!** you can do still images/frame by frame work (or stuff that requires little to no animation!) We have **23** arts left to fill, so grab them while you can! DETAILS ON HOW TO JOIN HERE (check description) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCLTsDTFbAY PLUS https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTkxvtWgkx6QLJpVf4fmbt6yekNKZGt4X5CnR3LvbiHK0ixA/viewform (There is a discord server for the project, for showing wips/finished parts! If you cannot join the discord, we can discuss an alternative!) Hope to see you there :D!
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unexpectedbrickattack · 7 months
You know, a bonus to designing the oc is that other people will drawn them in the scenarios you share! I know your lore really made me excited to see your little fella ^^) it's so nice to encounter someone eho likes SDV in the wild and your world building makes me want to boot up my computer and deal with the lag to see everyone again. I do have to wonder though, what's your take on how the valley feels about JojaMart? It seems like it replaces extensions on the Vally's magic if you fund it.
TRUE…U ARE SO RIGHT!!! Luckily I have a small little ref sheet for him already made heehee. But ill post it on my sdv blog (when i make it). I can put it here too but ill do that under a readmore 😌
Also. U are so sweet 😭 I am so sorry ur game is too laggy to play but i am touched that my little bit of lore is enough for u to want to brave through that mess anyway LMAO
FIRST OF ALL….here is my boy….
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His name is June and ive since tweaked some stuff about him. You dont need to know much about him, just that hes a bit of a cryptid among the town for almost two years before townspeople start interacting w him on their own volition. His best friends are Marnie, Kent, and Caroline, and he is really cool w Willy, Linus, and Marlon (old men gang rise up). Also romances Shane which is funny to Me bc whenever shane gets a male farmer to romance i am constantly rotating this image of vincent getting upset and saying ‘gee jas how come YOU get two cool godfathers’
To answer ur question about Jojamart; i feel like it truly wouldnt mess with the balance of magic in the valley. Magic is powerful BUT. It is adaptive. The Junimos harness the magic of the valley to fix things in the broken down community center, but if someone else came along and fixed it for them, well thats one less thing the magic of the valley is used for. Theres plenty of talented people in the valley that dont need magic to get things done 😉 (Robin my beloved)
But i do think jojamart is a big indicator that something is amiss with the town. I think it is a common idea to believe that jojamart is like. Evil. And like. Its totally a soulless corporation, but i think its filling a very specific Need of this town. Pelican town has some very skilled laborers that sell their work and services to help provide not just for themselves, but FOR pelican town; if that still leaves people unable to pay rent/mortgage or groceries, then people will absolutely swoop in and offer ‘solutions’.
I have more Thots but basically……magic is powerful, but it cant do anything on its own. Its utilized by magical beings to make tangible change in the world. But humans are capable of making real and tangible change without the use of magic. Jojamart says ‘here, give me money and time and ill fix this stuff 😉’ and that is not anymore different than Robin, Clint, the junimos, etc saying ‘give me some money and time and i can do this thing for u 😉’. Jojamart is like. Bad. But bad in the same way Pierre owning the only grocery store in town wo employing anyone is bad, and how Lewis is okay with all of this Mess. Its indicative of a bigger problem in the valley that magic cant really fix
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