#stealing trinkets and useful items
sgterso · 5 months
jyn may not seem it but she is sentimental. she'll keep little mementos or keepsakes from fond times or name ships/weapons after people she's known. she'll be kinder to sentients that remind her of other places or individuals. and while she's not superstitious ( doesn't really believe in a ' lucky weapon ' or things like that ), she does keep cassian's blaster after sca.rif and it becomes her main weapon during the original trilogy.
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
CAN YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO PERV ILLUMI i do not think there is enough perv illumi content on this app
He’s a perv
Perv!Illumi x Fem!Reader
A/N: sorry this is short and may resemble my other perv writings… but I hope y’all like it! Join my server
warnings: pervy Illumi, yandere behavior, masturbation, panty stealing, he’s kind of yucky, breeding, pregnancy
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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Illumi had never experienced sexual attraction before. Had he gotten some morning wood once or twice? Yes, but he rarely felt the urge to jack off.
That was… until he met you.
He wasn’t quite sure what made you so appealing. You looked ordinary, at least… you should have. Illumi had been surrounded by the worlds most beautiful women since he was but a boy… yet here he was, getting hard over a girl he had barely met.
Maybe it was your soft curves, or the ways your hips swayed when you walked… it could have even been your sweet voice, and those pretty, glossy lips that made him want to pull you in and taste the shiny lipgloss you were wearing…
Whatever it was, ever since he first laid eyes on you, Illumi’s body had been acting strangely. Even a whiff of your perfume could have his cock twitching, standing at attention and ready for you… it was quite embarrassing, or it would have been if Illumi had any shame.
No, the only reason Illumi his his overwhelming desire for you was because he wanted these feelings to go away as quickly as possible. He couldn’t fall for some nobody Hunter with nen weaker than all the other applicants that had passed with you. No, Illumi was supposed to marry the best of the best, a woman whose womb could bear a strong heir.
But… that didn’t stop him from acting on some of his urges…
Unfortunately, Illumi couldn’t seem to let you out of his sight. It was annoying, following you around as you did your little daily chores in town. He could hardly get any work done when you looked so cute. You didn’t even realize your panties were showing when you bent over to pick up a coin…
When he couldn’t be constantly watching over you, Illumi would steal little trinkets from your home to… keep him satiated. Used panties, your lipgloss, and clothing items that smelled like your perfume.
He’d wrap your panties around his cock as he jerked off, your cardigan pressed against his face. If he really focused, he could imagine your pussy tightening around him, your plump thighs pressing against him as he bounced you on his cock…
He’d cum buckets into your panties, then break into your apartment and drop them off on your floor, like a cat leaving a dead mouse as a gift.
After a while, his urges grew and grew, until your panties just weren’t enough for him anymore.
Wooing you wasn’t too hard, and getting into your pants was easier than he would have though. The fact you were a virgin was very surprising… but welcomed. After all, he was a virgin as well.
The second his cock sunk into you, he immediately knew that he could never let you go. To hell with a strong heir, he wanted you, and only you. You were the only one that could make him feel this way… soft, vulnerable, and so goddamn horny.
Poor, poor you, having Illumi fuck into you for hours on end, unable to pull out of your pretty, warm cunt. He fucked so much cum into you that you felt so swollen and full…
Even after he was done, he didn’t pull out. Instead, he held you close, kissing the top of your head. “You’re all mine, darling. I’ll have wedding preparations ready within a week.”
You were much too exhausted to argue… and you weren’t sure you could say no to Illumi Zoldyck… so you just slept, accepting your fate. You’d be taken care of, and would never have to worry about anything ever again.
Shortly, Illumi would have his now pregnant wife in his home, where she would be safe, and where he could ravish her whenever he felt like it.
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 months
Sleepy Afternoons
A/N: Teehee ngl I just wrote this as a period comfort fic indulgent for myself. I hope you nerds enjoy it as much as I liked writing it!
CW: AFAB reader on period, jokes of breeding, using a dragon as a heating pad, pretty much just fluff
Synopsis: A lazy Sunday, the perfect start to a week on your period where you'll be constantly pestered by your dragon boyfriend.
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A dragon’s hoard in times long before consisted of fine jewels and immense mounds of gold, shiny objects as far as the eye could see. Whether it was stuffed in the depths of a cave or deep in the forest, a hoard barred spikes and “DO NOT ENTER” warnings; whether they were legible or not was never up to the righteous dragon’s responsibility.
Adventurers and bandits never heeded these signs of caution, getting stuck in the narrow holes meant for dragons to shimmy through or meeting their demise through puzzles and endless booby traps-- such monsters were thorough in keeping their treasure safe. Any item that caught the creatures attention could be found in their rich reservoirs, even if they were mere wave-smoothened stones from a lake, an old lover, or a prettily decked-out concubine that was too tempting not to take. 
That however, was centuries ago. Dragons, like the rest of us, must conform to modern society, technology too powerful and people too abundant to go around flying and terrorizing just to get one’s hands on a pretty penny.
Your boyfriend, once a ravenous creature with a cave of glittering gems and fine craftsmanship-- that he may or may not have maimed many blacksmiths to steal-- now resided with you in too big of a bedroom. You had argued before buying the apartment; who would need this much space? But his hoarder tendencies clearly made up for the abundance in space. Gaming consoles, silvery granola bar wrappers, aluminum dollar store trinkets, books with glittery covers-- the floor was almost unseeable with his trash and treasure mixed together. He wasn’t necessarily dirty-- in fact every item had its own spot and preferred place, which is why it killed a piece of him any time you threw away something that should not be “decorating” your shared home. 
Though as you practically took care of both of you, it was hard to keep up being the caregiver in the relationship. Especially, on your period. Sunday, what a perfect day, to realize you had a whole work week ahead of mood swings and lower abdominal pain, all mixed with the gory massacre you’d face every time you went to the bathroom. Your cramps didn’t usually come in this early of a start, but it seemed like nothing was going quite right today.
“T’s wrong, darlin’?” Your draconic, crusty-eyed boyfriend mumbled into your back. “Somethin’ hurting…?”
He had been asleep since noon, ignoring the stream of yellow shining down on him from between the cracks of the blinds. But with those poor eyes and slightly above average listening skills, he completely ignored the sun and heard your groans of pain as you curled into a ball. The aching in your lower tummy was like hellfire, crisp burning and somersaults of your organs unlike any other pain than usual. Nothing was helping, no cold rags or medicine, it was like your infinite headache and body pains were destined to consume you. 
“C’mon baby answer me, I wanna help..” He pouted again.
“Just my stomach..” You downplayed, not sure if you could handle his frantic coddling if he realized you’re period started. The last time you made the mistake of doing so, you had pads stacked to the brim in your bathroom cabinets and tampons in your closets, the mass shoplifting endeavor of his creating even less space in your home. Well, atleast you were set for the next fifty-seven or so cycles.
 “I just need to rest n’ I’ll be fine, soon…” 
Another wave of pain came through, head ringing as soft nails raked up and down your sweating back. 
‘When will this be over,’ you wondered. 
Maybe that horrible breeding endeavor your boyfriend was always obsessed with was worth it if it meant you wouldn’t have to suffer through this for nine months. Yeah, just nine months of morning sickness and bloating and growing a whole dragon-human parasite inside of you. But hey… the making part wouldn’t be too bad, and atleast you would be crotch-pain free. 
Man, now the pain was really talking through you.
“Yer period, right?” Your dragon wonders, scratching the back of his head. He’s more awake now, and you wish he was still passed out grabbing onto you, even through the sticky sweat from his body heat. “I’m sorry baby…I know it hurts. What’you want me to do?”
“How’d you even know..” You groan, almost annoyed at how keen he is. Next thing you’d know he’d be shoving some pretty pawn shop jewelry for you to hold to distract you from the pain.
“I don’t think.. You want to know. And well there’s the obvious, I noticed you changed the bed covers.”
Oh lord, was he talking about that split tongue-nose smell-ability ‘dragon thing’ again? Could your embarassment get any worse?
“Does that mean you’ve… EVERY TIME? Every time you knew?”
He sheepishly fell into the new sheets of warmth, those dark eyebrows lifted in innocence.
“Sometimes before you knew, I think.”
Officially, you wish your boyfriend was asleep again. Maybe you’d just strangle him to end this mind-numbing conversation. 
“What can I do?” He repeated. “Get you more pads?” 
“No.” You shut him down as soon as the words left his mouth. 
“What then? A snack, more pillows? Now’s the time to be babied, you know. Unless you’d be okay with me coming to work with you--” 
You groaned, partly to shut him up and to vocalize the squeezing, contracting inside of you. 
His clawed fingers came to cradle your belly, right below your belly button on your pelvic muscle. He rubbed, just gently, back and forth with a slight pressure as your head buried into the sheets beneath you. 
“Just this.. is fine..” You murmur, feeling hot, humid breath exhale against your neck, emerald green slits baring into your twisted expression. He was watching you, the way your body reacted, the little signals of discomfort. 
You heard a slight flutter of his wings as they adjusted, his body fitting against yours like a puzzle piece; it was nice to be the small spoon again, rather than cradling your needy dragon lover like a cocoon as he so often desired. 
The dragon slowly pushed a leg between your bunched knees that stuck together, getting easier access to your tummy. His palm was so warm, as the torso flushed behind you kept a reassuring prresence. You almost turned on your back to get his palm farther against your stomach, the slight pressure and warm temperature soothing the ache in your lower back and groin. 
“You know… I could always breed ya, then you wouldn’t have to--” 
“Don’t try to convince me right now.” you spat, turning into him as his hand worked magic, the other brushing hair off of your neck and cheek. “That’s not an option, especially right now.”
“Well, at the very least I can make you feel good. Might ease up some of the pain, yeah?” He laid back down to lean in closer. 
You sighed; he clearly didn’t understand the discomfort and embarrassment that his oh-so keen intimacy would bring you right now. You loved the sentiment, and maybe you’d be up for it if you weren’t solely thinking about your physical misery, but you barely had the fortitude to look back toward him. 
Your dragon buried his flared nose into the top of your head, lined against you like a perfectly shaped heat blanket. 
“You wouldn’t even have to do anything.. I’ll do whatever makes ya feel better.” His other hand snakes beneath your hip against the bed mattress, pulling you back toward his body even closer, if possible. The warm, spiked fingers tapping alongside your pelvic bone made your skin spark, your lower stomach buzzing with numbed pain and a fullness that made you want to sleep for another week. “I don’t like seeing you like this.” He frowns. “Your face.. You look so, uncomfortable.”
“Wow, thanks.” You jab, feeling a heated tail slither up your knee, to your thigh. It almost flicked in apology. “Mm.. Just stay my heating pillow and I’ll be fine.” 
“I can do that.” The confidence in his voice worries you, knowing he’ll do an unnecessary load of more than you asked for. Your fetal position was gently yanked free, a pounced creature on your back as you’re forced onto your stomach. “I’ll be the best spiky heating pad you’ve ever seen.”
The strong, scaled forearms of your draconic spouse come to wrap around your hips, a burning touch ringing from his skin, worming his way beneath your comfortable pajama pants and shirt, skin on skin as his body temperature rises to accommodate your desires. His forearms seem to ripple against you, fingers tickling your sides as his legs trap against your thighs from above, most if not every length of his body pulsating against yours like a live, scaly cocoon intent on making you his personal plush, and he your sweet, warm monster. 
“Feel better baby…” He kissed at the nape of your neck, sandpapery forked tongue popping out to lick away your sweat. “It’ll be over soon.. I’ma make it all better.”
You leaned deeper into the stuffy mattress sheets, the pressure on your abdomen welcomly encouraged as you push as far as possible into his fiery hands.
“I’m betting on it.” You muffle into the pillows, squirming your hips against his his body, warm chest and carved quadriceps surrounding you. The slight pressure of his inner thighs against your hips was welcoming, his mounted position atop of you seemingly odd to an outsider-- but you didn’t care how weird it might’ve looked, as the calm of your gutted abdomen took over. 
You yawned into the side of the pillow as you turned your head, lifting your hips just a little to soak in the heat radiating from behind you. 
“Awe’d, so sleepy huh? Need a little nap?” the dragon behind you poked. 
Who knew a murderous, millenium-old dragon would be sweet-talking you so gently-- just a few centuries ago he was murdering travelers for stumbling just a few steps too close to his prized hoard. 
“But I just woke up.” You protest, upset at the sleepiness of the afternoon that was rubbing off from your draconic lover on you. “Got too much to do, can’t lay in bed all day..like you.” 
You groan into the pillow as a wave of cramps hit you, only slightly set ajar by the gentle massaging of the skin above your pelvic bone. 
“Hrmm.” Your boyfriend thinks, shoving his warmly snout against your neck. “I guess it’s unfortunate that I’m not going to be letting you go then. Not allowed to get up until you feel better.” 
You laugh, taking one of your dragon’s toasty hands to your chest to hold onto. 
“I’ll be here all week, then.”
It was here you felt the safest, the warmest, the most vulnerable and easily devourable-- well, thankfully dragon’s didn’t particularly have a taste for the flesh of humans. Shutting your eyes, you let the guttural ‘hrmm’s’ of your dragon lull you to thoughtlessness. 
“If that’s what it takes..” He presses a deep kiss close to your forehead, relishing in the sweet scent of your hair. The huffs from his nose tickle the back of your ears, such petrichor warmth and humidity so reminiscent of past lazy mornings. “You’re not going anywhere, my diamond.”
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enhyqenn · 2 years
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bends down to hear you better. this boy's height is rounding up to 6'4…there's no way he wouldn't NOT do this. and whether he genuinely can't hear you or he does it just to mess with you, it is always 100% guaranteed to make you flustered. the first time he did this he noticed the way you suddenly forgot what you had to say, cheeks warm as you avoided eye contact with him. safe to say that he teases you about this every chance he gets. "what's wrong? do i make you nervous?"
holds eye contact. he normally keeps an eye on you, so when your head turns and gaze locks with his, he uses it as an excuse to shoot a grin your way. definitely likes the way you fidget when his stare grows more intense, though; he dedicates a lot of his time to teasing you. sometimes he'll even get bold enough to just suddenly lean over whatever surface that separates the two of you and get closer, smirking at the way you instantly straighten your back and stutter over your words.
gets items off of high shelves. this is another thing that just comes along with his height. after a while he learned that it's a way for him to get you to talk to him, so then he'll just put things that you use/get daily (a favorite mug, snacks, etc.) higher up so you have an excuse to come running to him...it's a very useful tactic, especially when you're mad or annoyed at him for something. he'll, of course, though, act like it's a chore and that he has better things to do with his time than retrieve items for you. "it isn't even that high, are you sure you need me? or do you just like having me at your beck and call?"
plays with your fingers when he’s bored. at first he was just comparing his hand size to yours, and then it just grew into him lacing his fingers with yours and kissing the back of your palm. he'll even occasionally try and bite you lol (don't ask, he just looks like a biter okay). he normally does this when he's, yes, bored, but also when he grows anxious. it's a distraction for him. and if you wear jewelry he'll for sure fidget with that—loves to spin the rings on your fingers and twirl your bracelets around your wrists. moral of the story is let riki play with your hands, it's calming for both him and you.
is always latched onto you. one of his biggest love languages is touch, and i will forever stand by that statement. whether it be cuddling, hugging, or even kissing, you best believe he's there and doing the absolute most lmao. oh, you're cooking something in the kitchen? he is back-hugging you the entire time. watching a movie or show in the living room? he's pretty much on top of you. wherever you are, he is. end of story.
makes sure you’ve eaten. it's subtle, but became a very important thing in your relationship with riki. in the beginning, he would only ask if he intended to get you food, but as time went on the words "have you eaten yet/today?" hold a lot more sentiment. he does this to check up on you and show he cares about your well-being. if he notices your eyes lingering on a certain food, he'll encourage you to eat it. or, better yet, if it's at a restaurant or café he'll buy it for you.
gives you random trinkets. no matter what it is, he'll give you something he found simply because it reminded him of you. it could be anything ranging from a keychain to a stuffed animal to flowers. whatever it is, riki will find a way to give it to you. and, if he physically can't, then a picture will have to do.
lends you his clothes. he is quite very fond of the way you look in his clothes. it started with just a hoodie, but then it just extended to shirts, jackets, jewelry, and sometimes even sweatpants (and unless you're on the taller side, babe you're gonna have to roll those up 'cause this boy is TALL TALL). absolutely adores the fact that after his hoodies are returned to him they smell like you. it's probably one of his favorite things EVER.
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© enhyqenn 2022 | do not repost, republish, steal, or translate !!
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rriavian · 24 days
So how about Matthew indulging in raven instincts and collecting shiny things? Or maybe Lucienne is still compelled to steal odds and ends? Does she have a draw in the library filled with odd little items, cherished and fiercely guarded. Is there somewhere secret in the Dreaming where Jessamy used to stash her collection of interesting objects?
Ooh do they gift things to people they like? Does Dream have his own secret draw of gifts from all of his ravens?
Lucienne still does it, gifts him little trinkets. And Matthew sees and then disappears for a few hours and when he returns proudly presents Dream with a cool looking button he found. And so maybe Dream takes each gift so carefully in his hands, goes to his secret draw, adds each gift to the rest and maybe takes a moment because Jessamy's last gift is in there too alongside others—so many others—all those ravens that can never bring him anything else
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cecilysobsessions · 3 months
THIEF (m.) | zuko
↬ word count: 8k
↬ fem!reader, enemies to lovers except zuko is insanely attracted to reader (so lowkey its not enemies to lovers lol) from the start and makes it really fucking obvious, zuko writes reader letters, some parts are from zuko’s pov
↬ summary: born into poverty with practically nothing, you managed to get through most of your life as a petty thief. turns out, you were pretty good at stealing and getting away with it. one night, you decide to target the great fire lord zuko of the fire nation. and it turns out, he’s kind of into it, and kind of into you.
↬ genre: fluff / smut
↬ warnings: slight knife play (is that a thing???), violence, blood, zuko attempting to stab you, zuko actually has rizz (unfortunately no canon awk zuko here 😓 but my fic DESTINY has that), pussy eating, hair pulling, swearing probably, typos
↬ a/n: when he threatens you with a knife in order to get you to kiss him and throws you in jail then burns your house down 😍
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“It’s you again,” he began, his hands at his side as if there wasn’t a whole ass dagger against his throat. “I was beginning to wonder where you had been. I missed you breaking into my room.”
“You look like you enjoy being threatened with a knife.” you spat out with a sly smirk.
“I wouldn’t say I hate it.” he teases, making no effort to resist you.
There was a thief. A thief who could only be described as some low-life peasant that was terrorizing the kitchens in the middle of the night, never to be seen. But of course, the palace staff were always exaggerating the smallest things. As far as Zuko knew, it was only food that the thief ever stole. He didn’t mind much, after all, he used to do the same. However, clearly the thief thought they could do more than just steal kitchen scraps because that’s exactly what started happening. 
First, it was food scraps. Leftover lunch Zuko would throw away. 
Then it was the fruits and bread laying out on the counters in the kitchen.
The thief felt a little bold, so they began stealing trinkets here and there in the palace, some worth merely a meal, others worth the monthly salaries of the palace staff. 
Finally, the thief had found Zuko’s room.
Zuko was fed up. First, it was his food, but now it was his personal items? The newly crowned Fire Lord was sitting in his closet, golden eyes peeking through the cracks of the closet door. He was waiting—he had been for the past two hours—for the thief to enter his room. Perhaps there was a better way to catch the thug, but Zuko wanted to see them for himself, and capture the criminal with his own hands. He had been waiting and watching and he was growing more exhausted as it was later in the night, when he saw you.
Covered in head to toe black, he watched you silently climb to pick the lock on his window, and enter. Your face was covered in black, too, and all he could make out was the stunning gaze from your eyes. He watches you silently roam around his bedroom familiarly. You had clearly been here before. It was as if you were looking for something specific. Maybe something you had your eye on already. Zuko watched your figure search the room, and it was dead silent in the room except for the sound of his heartbeat. He watched—no, observed your movements. You had moved around stealthily and expertly; you were experienced. You knew what you were doing.
You noticed the Fire Lord the moment you stepped into his room. How could you not? He wasn’t in his bed when you entered and judging by the way it was still made, you knew he had probably been planning something. You didn’t even try to make an effort to hide your presence; you knew there weren’t going to be consequences. For months you had been overhearing Zuko brush off the palace staff when they brought their complaints about you to him, so of course he wasn’t going to do anything. 
Tonight, you were going to look for some sort of jewelry his mother owned. When spying on the servants, you heard he kept her most precious necklace somewhere in his room. It was made of some rare stone that was only found on the palace grounds and nowhere else. Luckily for you, you were a good thief and just so happened to be short on money. That necklace was going to be yours, and all you had to do was figure out where it was. 
When you’re searching through his nightstand, you hear an inhale. It wasn’t yours. Your eyes dart to the closet where you heard it, and that’s when you see a pair of amber eyes staring back at you through the cracks of the closet door. His gaze stays on your figure, watching your every movement while he tries to decide what to do in that half-second you make eye contact.
But you’re faster.
You’ve already sprinted to the closet door, practically ripping it off its hinges. You fist up the robe he’s wearing, dragging him out in a single and swift movement. One hand automatically covers his mouth to suppress any noise, while you tackle him to the ground. You pull out a small dagger from beneath your clothes, quickly pressing the sharp blade to his throat. You stare at him from up above his body as you trap him between you, your legs and weight holding him down.
Zuko hadn't had a woman on top of him in God knows how long.
Your hand was forcefully pressing down on his face so hard he could barely make a sound. You were sitting on top of him, a small knife pressed against his throat with harmful intent. Your breathing was steady and controlled, all while he was practically panting from the panic–no, the excitement. Nothing about this situation was sexy, so why was a part of him excited that the mysterious thief was sitting on him threatening him with a knife?
It’s you, he tried to mumble against your hand, but you only pressed the blade into him more forcefully. He held his hands up to make peace; he wasn’t trying to die. Not now, not after he had just discovered that your piercing gaze had him giggling on the inside. 
“Not gonna put up a fight?” you sounded like an angel from heaven. He makes an X with his arms, and you remove the knife from his throat. “I only want one thing, Prince Zuko.”
I’m the Fire Lord, was what he tried to mumble against your gloved hand. He wondered if it was soft and nice to hold. 
“You scream, and I’ll kill you. Got it?” you promised.
He was still focused on your hand. It was smaller than his; it would for sure be lovely to hold. 
But he nodded, and in return, you hesitantly lifted your hand from his mouth. 
You had already knocked him out with the opposite end of your dagger. 
“What a fucking turd,” you mumbled to yourself as you dragged the royal piece of shit back into the closet. You had gagged and tied up Zuko after knocking him out, and now that would let you carry out your mission in peace. Luckily the guards outside his chambers either didn’t hear him, or he wasn’t loud enough, because they didn’t make a move to enter or check up on him. You were going to find that necklace and sell it off the market, and probably do the same thing a couple of months from now when you run out of money again. Only with a different piece of jewelry. 
After searching the room, practically ransacking the entire thing, you were still unable to find it. Every drawer, every surface, every nook and cranny of his stupidly large room was uselessly empty. Although you had stumbled upon other pieces of jewelry, they weren’t nearly as much as his mother’s necklace. Settling with that, you left Zuko in the closet and took off.
The next time Zuko awakened he was parched and tied up. After struggling to escape the tied rope around his wrists, he searched his room for you. Most of the jewelry he had owned was gone, except for his mother’s necklace. Something precious and rare like that had to be hidden. If hidden counts as Zuko just wearing the necklace himself and hiding it under his clothes, then it was hidden. 
Zuko hates that you haven’t shown up in weeks.
He also hates that he has noticed your absent presence. 
He knows he should be happy about not seeing you. After all, you are a thief and all you were doing was stealing precious valuables from him and the palace. Yet somehow he was beginning to find himself watching his windows at night, and at some point, he had become desperate enough to leave them unlocked throughout the night in hopes you’d visit.
You still didn’t. 
Although he hadn’t known you that long or that well, he had understood why you were doing what you were doing. After having to be on his own for a bit in his teenage years, he was able to realize the reality of what you were doing. He had assumed you felt the same way as him in his youth: lost and angry and desperate. Perhaps you had a family to feed. Perhaps it was just you. Perhaps you were just trying to survive, and this was the only way you knew how to do it.
Fortunately for him, his questionable rising feelings for you were ripped from his heart when he heard the news of why you had been gone for so long.
“She was seen harassing some girls by the river.” he had been told.
“She was jailed for a couple of nights for assaulting a group of men in a bar.”
��Not only was she stealing from you, but she has begun stealing from our citizens.”
“The people are scared, Zuko. She is a terror to our towns.”
Zuko knew you weren’t the greatest person to ever exist, but he didn’t expect you to go around assaulting people.
Harassing a group of girls? Stealing from innocent citizens? You were far from kind, and now that it was affecting people besides himself, he knew he had to do something. His people were in danger, and he wasn’t going to let some petty thief get away with assault and battery. He had to do something. His hand automatically came up to touch his mother’s necklace around his neck, knowing the fastest way to get you to come back would be to use that necklace. To sacrifice it.
Sitting quietly on a tree branch as you munch on stolen bread, your gaze follows Zuko, who is pacing back and forth in his room. You knew you hadn’t been on your best game lately. More people were seeing you and there were growing numbers of your wanted posters each day. But you were growing desperate for money. You were aware that Zuko knew; how could he not? But he wouldn’t understand why you were doing all of this. While you’re busy watching his moves, you notice a shiny glint of a certain stone sitting on his chest. 
His mother’s necklace. 
Of course! You couldn’t find it anywhere in his room because he had been wearing it this entire time. You quickly decide tonight would be the night you’d sneak in to steal his necklace. But how? If he was wearing it the entire time, he would for sure wake up in the midst of you removing it from his body. You could probably knock him out first. Given that he was easy to knock out the first time, the second time shouldn’t be too hard. You bested him before; you could do it again.
After dropping down from the trees, climbing some bushes, and making your way up through walls and vines, you had managed to get to his window. 
It was unlocked.
Odd, since it was usually shut tight and locked. But it was unlocked and open and so easy to climb through. Zuko looks asleep, but he could be pretending to be. Was he trying to bait you? Get you to come in because guards were hiding and ready to ambush you? You hadn’t heard or seen anything, and since you had been watching him for a couple of hours, you hadn’t noticed anything. Shrugging, you decide to climb through anyway. You’d be able to fight back. Probably.
You silently land on his rug, walking over to him and standing over his body. His mother’s necklace sat around his neck, the moonlight shining on the precious stone and highlighting it in a beautiful glint. You watch him for a second, and this is the first time you get to look at him up close. 
His skin is practically flawless—perfect, even. The soft locks so perfectly frame his face shape and his jawline is so chiseled it could probably cut through ice and—
“Admiring my beauty?” his eyes slightly open, staring up at you.
You panic, rushing to grab your dagger from your side and practically climbing on top of him on his bed. In a split second he’s beneath you, your dagger to his throat once again.
“It’s you again,” he began, his hands at his side as if there wasn’t a whole ass dagger against his throat. “I was beginning to wonder where you had been. I missed you breaking into my room.”
“You look like you enjoy being threatened with a knife.” you spat out with a sly smirk.
“I wouldn’t say I hate it.” he teases, making no effort to resist you.
You press the blade to his throat once more, this time with much more force, and you hear his breath hitch. You weren’t actually planning on killing him; the cleanup would be far too messy. You just wanted to scare him, but he was looking more turned on than he was afraid.
“Do it again,” he tells you. “Come on, don’t be shy.”
“Making jokes when you’re the one in danger? That’s not very smart of you.” 
“I’m in danger? Oh, please. Don’t be ridiculous.” he grabs your leg from under, quickly turning the tables as he forces your body to his bed. You find yourself in his position, looking at him. He watches you from above, his long hair barely covering his face. His hands effortlessly pin yours above your head as you struggle against him. He’s pushed aside your legs so he’s fit snug between you and you can’t help but look down. God, what would the guards think if they walked in right now? You toss and turn against his silk sheets as he continues to stare you down, his gaze arrogant and inviting. Stealing your dagger, he tips your chin upwards with the end of it. He leans in closer, his body heat radiating off of him and his chest is practically pressed up against yours.
“So you could overpower me this whole time and only choose to do it now?” you question him. What the fuck was wrong with this guy?
“It joys me to be looking at you on top of me. But the view of you beneath me isn’t too bad either.” his voice is dangerously sweet and if you weren’t trying to steal from him you’d probably try to fuck him instead. With his body on top of yours and with his hips pressed against your own, your mind was beginning to cloud with the thought of taking his pants off instead of that dumb necklace.
“Is that so?” you ask him, raising an eyebrow.
“Turns me on.” he still has your knife on your chin.
“I figured you’d be a freak. Makes me wonder what other weird shit you’re into.”
“You could come and find out.”
“For a price I could.”
“I thought you were a thief; not a prostitute.”
“And I thought you were supposed to be good at fighting. Why have I bested you?”
“That’s simply because I let you.” 
You scoff. What the hell was up with this guy? “I bet you don’t even know how to use that. Put it down before you cut my precious face.”
“Oh, I would never do anything to hurt your beautiful face.” he lightly drags the knife against your skin, slowly and teasingly. 
“Having fun?” you tease, but you feel yourself swallow anxiously.
“Very much so. I know what you’re here for.” you watch Zuko as he continues to trace your skin with your own dagger. His eyes aren’t looking into yours, but are taking in your body.
“Alright, let’s make this easy then. Give me your necklace and I’ll leave,” you tell him. You were starting to grow more nervous the more he traced your skin with your dagger. Strangely though, you almost liked it. The sensation of the cold sharp metal against your skin was sending shivers of excitement down your spine.
“Have you seen your wanted posters? They’re all over the place.” he ignores your demand with a question.
“They could have drawn me better, but they’ll do.”
“It would appear no piece of art could capture your beauty so well. Looking at you up close and personal, those posters don’t do you any justice.” Zuko leans down, his mouth almost against yours, eyes droopy as he stares at your lips. 
You swallow nervously. Being trapped beneath him had you feeling anxious, but somewhere deep down excited. The way he was looking at you right now was definitely not the way you’d be looking at some criminal. He was staring at you like he was about to kiss you. 
You shakily exhale against his cheek, and he laughs lightly. Did you have asthma or something? Why were you breathing so heavily? You dare to look into his eyes, and it looks like a fire has been ignited in them. He moves his head so that his mouth is practically on your neck. You tense and shudder at the feeling of his hot breath against your bare skin.
“Is this what you want?” he whispers and his other hand moves to dangle his necklace in front of your face.
“Isn’t that what I just asked for?” you answer sarcastically. Being in close proximity to him was messing with your mind and body.
His robe is lazily draped around his body and his necklace dangles teasingly from his neck. Looking further down his body, you watch his broad chest heave as he teases you.
“It’s going to cost you.”
“You know I don’t have money.”
“It’s not money that I want.”
“What is it, then?”
Zuko smirks, and watching him has you feeling suspicious. Where was he going with this? Shouldn’t he be calling his guards in? You were wanted, and here he was sitting on top of you teasing you with your own knife? 
“Kiss me.” he finally tells you. His voice contrasts his expression; he speaks softly, gently.
“Are you fucking crazy? No.”
“I’m the one with the knife.”
“That all you got? Use it then.” you scoff.
Zuko hesitates, considering your statement. “Wouldn’t it be so sad to get stabbed with your own knife?” he smiles sadistically, and before you know it, he’s no longer on top of you. Your eyes widen in surprise as he grabs your hand and pins it to the wall above his bed, your dagger coming down about to stab your hand to the wall. 
You react quickly, dodging the stab and tackling him to the bed. Knocking the weapon from his hands, it falls to the floor louder than you thought it would. The heavy metal is obnoxiously loud in the silence of his room, and you both pause when you hear a guard from outside his room. 
“Are you alright, your majesty?” it’s one of the guards.
You panic once again, leaning down and pressing your lips against his to shut him up. If Zuko yelled that you were in here, you’d be thrown in jail again. You could handle fighting Zuko, but you probably couldn’t handle it if all his guards came in to fight you. 
He stills for a second against your lips, surprised you’re kissing him when just a few seconds ago he was aiming to stab your hand and pin it to the wall like a poster. But he knows you’re just doing it to shut him up, so he pulls away. Or at least, he tries to. But you’re pinning his hands above his head and holding his legs down with yours. 
Zuko struggles against your lips, trying to ignore the fact that you’re a good kisser and it’s distracting him from trying to get away from you. He should be pulling away from you; not pushing into you. When he comes to his senses, he manages to break free and scream.
“She’s here! The thief is here!”
When you awaken, you see that you’ve been placed in a dark and dirty wet jail cell. You look up to see Zuko, standing on the other side of the bars, his hands holding on to the cell door as he stares down at you. You notice a glint of metal peaking out from the pocket of his pants. The keys.
“You’re a good kisser, I’ll give you that.” 
You ignore him. “What am I doing here?” Looking up at him makes you feel inferior, so you stand up, walking to where he is on the other side.
“Did you forget you’re a criminal? You’ve harassed two young girls by the river, assaulted four men at a bar, and stole from six houses in the area.” he lectures you. “You’re a menace to the town and you’re frightening my people. At first, I didn’t mind you stealing from me, but you’re going after innocent people now, and I will not stand by and let that happen,” he tells you, his voice high and authoritative. 
You scoff, did this guy even bother to investigate? “I was telling those girls by the river to fuck off or jump in because they were bullying a girl their age earlier in an alleyway and I saw. I beat the shit out of those men at the bar because they were trying to drug someone’s drink and nobody saw but me. Those six houses I stole from were just their homes. I may be a thief, but I’m not some crazy criminal that goes after innocent people.”
He looks taken aback, his knuckles turning white from gripping the cell bars too tightly. He stares at you, dumbfounded. 
“Even so,” he starts. “You can’t take matters into your own hands. We have law enforcement for that. You should’ve reported it. Why did you get involved?”
“Your police officers are trash. That shit show of a place is my home neighborhood, and your uptight officers don’t want to bother policing around because it’s poor. No one else is going to do something, so I did.” you tell him. Not that Zuko needed to know much about your shitty and poor upbringing. He wouldn’t understand anyways; he grew up in a fucking palace. 
“I’m working on that.”
“Not fast enough, clearly. If you’re not going to fix the problem of crime, then I will.”
“You can’t fight fire with fire.”
“Well I did and it worked. You wouldn’t know; you’re just a spoiled prince born into the royal family. You don’t know shit about struggle.”
It was like a slap to his face. “You don’t know me,” he snaps, his jaw tightening.
Looks like you've hit a nerve. If Zuko wasn’t pissed earlier, he was definitely pissed off now. You couldn’t understand him at all. First, he stares at you like he wants to fuck you, then he tries to drive a dagger through your hand, then he’s complimenting the way you kiss him, and now he’s looking at you like he’s going to keep you locked up forever. 
This man was attracted to you. 
And he had no idea how to deal with it.
A smile dances on your lips, feeling cocky and confident you’ve figured him out. He wants you, but he hates you. He hates what you’ve done, but he can’t help but be attracted to you. 
“You want me,” you begin, your hand forcefully grabbing the collar of his shirt. You eye his chest; his mother’s necklace is gone. “And you hate it.” you figured maybe you could use the fact that he wanted you to get out of jail. Maybe, just maybe, if you seduced him successfully, he’ll let you go. It was either that or violence.
“What the hell are you doing?” he rasps. His eyes search for yours in the dark in a panic. He is unsure of what to do, unsure of how to react, unsure of what to say. “Why the hell would I want you? You’re a criminal,” he says in disgust. “A thief,” he continues. 
“I just told you why I did those things. Can’t you let it go just this once?” you peer up at him, tilting your chin towards him. Your lips hover over his, and if it weren’t for the stupid metal bars between the two of you, you’d have hugged him. You hoped your shit way of seducing him was working at least a little.
Zuko’s eyes draw together in irritation. He was struggling to breathe, the close proximity throwing him off. It was dark, moody, and he could barely make out your face but even so, he was unable to tear his gaze from yours. He wasn’t sure if you were actually feeling him, and his gut told him you were just some filthy liar, but he couldn’t help but begin to feel bad for you. After hearing your explanation for your questionable actions, he was starting to feel that maybe you weren’t just some menacing thief the town made you out to be.
He ignores your question. “You can’t take my necklace this way,” he tells you, wondering if you were pulling this close to try and snatch it from his neck.
“I noticed you’re not wearing it,” you reply, wondering what more you might need to do to get him to slightly lean into you a bit more. “Please, Zuko.” you plead. “I have a younger brother to feed.” a total fucking lie.
His face leans closer to yours between the bars, and when you see in his eyes he’s let his guard down, you make your move. The keys are in one of your hands and the other punches him straight in his face, knocking him down. His body unconsciously slides down the bars as you quickly move to unlock the jail cell door. When you step out, your eye catches the shimmering glint of a stone on the ground. His mother’s necklace had fallen out of his other pocket.
“Fucking idiot.”
She’s a filthy liar.
She’s a filthy liar.
She’s a filthy liar.
Zuko told himself that over and over like it was some sort of mantra. He thought that if he said it enough times, he’d eventually believe it. He had been absolutely humiliated by you. He was in utter shock that he let you seduce him, feel guilty for jailing you, feel bad for your supposed horrible life, and knock him out to escape jail. 
While he had to begrudgingly admit that you outsmarted him, at least he got you to stop your crimes. It was almost as if you didn’t exist at all. You had disappeared from the Fire Nation completely, nowhere to be seen in nearby towns or cities. When he sent out a search party, they had come back to him with news of your where your home was. 
“Burn it down,” he had told his men. “Burn it all down. That’ll get her to come out and give me my necklace back.”
“Are you sure? What about the people?” they were unsure.
“Stage it as an accident. And make sure there is nobody nearby. She took the most valuable thing from me, so I will simply do the same.” he could have totally gone after your brother, but he wasn’t a murderer.
God, Zuko was such a genius for that! You would for sure come marching back into his chambers demanding answers if he showed you that he meant business. And maybe you’d threaten him with a knife again.
God, Zuko was such an idiot for that.
He wondered if you were causing chaos in other places, but if you were, he would have been informed of it. He was unsure how you were living your life until he went back to his chambers that night.
Now that you had stolen his mother’s necklace, Zuko guessed you probably broke it up to sell it in pieces and were probably living quietly off of that money. But if that were true, then it was only a matter of time before you ran out of the money and were going to strike again. He debated if he wanted to send out a search party of his own to capture you, but he didn’t want his citizens to fear you again.
Instead, he merely sent out a search party to figure out your location. You were currently residing with a couple of farmers in the countryside, living quietly as you worked for them in the fields. He thought it was odd that you were working; after all, his mother’s necklace was worth thousands, so you could definitely live off of that for a while. It had only been half a year since he’s last seen you, so realistically maybe you did run out of money. 
He wanted to know what you did with his mother’s necklace. Where you sold it, who you sold it to, and when. That was one of the few items he had left of his mother, so he had held onto it like a child holding onto their favorite stuffed toy. And you had ripped it out of his hands like an angry parent. Zuko wanted to keep the whole situation under wraps, so instead of visiting you in person, he figured he’d do it some other way.
“Lin, you have a letter.” one of the farmers handed you an envelope. You had taken a job under a fake name for some random people in the countryside after stealing Zuko’s necklace and running away. After coming back to your house burned down, you had no other choice but to leave. Sitting on some hay bales in the sheds, you tear open the envelope.
I want my mother’s necklace back. Send back with messenger.
You scoff. Was Zuko that much of a coward he couldn’t show up in person and demand things with his own voice? He really had to send a whole letter and waste paper? When you didn’t respond, another letter came two weeks later.
I know you didn’t sell it. If you did, you wouldn’t be working for these farmers.
and I know you don’t have a younger brother.
So Zuko was watching you, or at least he was having someone do the watching for him. But he was right about you not selling his mother’s necklace. You had stolen it in hopes of making some money off it by selling it on the black market, but after inspecting it further you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. 
It was something small and insignificant, but you could tell it meant everything to him. There was an engraving on the back of the stone, possibly hand carved by his mother. For My Zuko. You didn’t know much about the royal family, but you did know Zuko very much cared for her. Inspecting the necklace in detail reminded you of your own mother who had disappeared when you were younger. You hadn’t seen her since she disappeared without a trace, as Zuko’s mother did. Although she had left you, prior to that she was loving and caring and did her best to raise you as a single mother. 
You hated how his mother’s necklace made you think of your own. It opened a floodgate of emotions you didn’t have time to deal with. As weak as it made you, you didn’t have the heart to sell it. If anything, you were just going to give it back and move on with your life. But when Zuko sent word asking for it back, you knew what would happen if you did.
You’d give him back the necklace and in return, ask to be pardoned for your crimes. He’d probably oblige, and that would be the end of it. You would go back to being a petty thief and he would go back to ruling the Fire Nation. And the two of you would never interact again.
Something about the thought of Zuko no longer chasing after you had you hesitating to give the necklace back. Something about Zuko not being completely afraid of you had you hesitating. Something about Zuko being more intrigued than terrified of you had you hesitating. 
You hated it. You hated how he tugged at your heart strings and had you stopping in your tracks and thinking of ways to get him to keep reaching out to you. To keep chasing you. 
When you replied to his first two letters with silence, he sent another one a week later.
I apologize for the inconvenience I might have caused you by burning down your house. I didn’t realize that shed made of rotten wood was actually a home to you. Please accept the gold coins included to get you by.
Shed? That shed?! Zuko was the one who burned your home down when you thought there was some sort of accident? If Zuko was trying to piss you off, it was working. Your blood was boiling and you felt your rage rising in your blood and all you wanted to do in the moment was hunt him down and punch him square in the nose for doing that to you. Although it wasn’t much, it gave you shelter and kept you dry and warm. You were grateful for it; besides, some people had it worse.
You continued to stay on the farm under a fake name, trying to get by as you planned your next move (you did not have another move) when you received another letter.
The gold coins were for you, not my messenger. Feel free to use them. There is no catch, in case that is what you are thinking. And you do not owe me anything in return except my mother’s necklace. 
“Got a lover?” the farmer asked as he watched you read the letter.
“No,” the word escaped your mouth too quickly than it should have.
“Not really.”
“Family member?”
You paused. You weren’t sure what Zuko was. A lover? Not quite. Besides being on top of him an odd number of times in a short period of time and kissing him, the two of you weren’t in love. Enemies? You did knock him out and he tried to stab a hole through your hand and he did threaten you with a knife and throw you in jail and burn down your house, but—
“Ah, I see it’s complicated,” he told you, his eyes on yours.
Over a couple of weeks, you began to receive more letters from Zuko. Each one grew more desperate than the previous.
It gets quiet here around the palace now that you are gone. It is far too peaceful and I am beginning to crave the chaos you previously brought to my life. I wouldn’t mind if you reintroduced that chaos again.
Forget the necklace for now. Write me back.
In case you did not receive my previous letter, I am writing a new one. Your wanted posters have been taken down from the city, and like I told you, they do not do you justice. Perhaps a visit from you and we can redo the posters. Not to hang up again, but only so that I do not begin to think you are a horrendous hag as they make you out to be. You are completely the opposite.
I apologize if my previous letter offended you. I do not have a way with words. I only meant to compliment your beauty. Unfortunately, I am unable to describe it with words, so I apologize for not being a poet. The only thing I can think of is how you make me feel when you are trying to kill me with that dagger of yours. My heart stops and my gaze can only follow your actions. It is dangerous. You are dangerous. But I like it. And I miss it.
I do not know how many letters I have sent you. Normally I write them during the day because writing them at night makes me feel unnecessary emotions related to my longing for you. Please respond to at least one. I am getting desperate. So desperate I woke up in the middle of the night to write this one. The moonlight is shining through the window as I write this, and the only thing I can think of is how the moonlight highlights your beauty and how your sharp gaze pierces through my soul every time I gaze into the warm universe that is your eyes.
Please forget about the necklace entirely. I do not need its return. I only need yours.
Zuko is a light sleeper. Any sort of noise, whether it is a footstep or a gust of wind, he can and will wake up. It’s a footstep. His eyes twitch open in annoyance. Why are they opening his window? He had specifically told the servants to stay out of his chambers when he goes to bed, so why are they opening his windows? It’s far too cold and he didn’t need any fresh air–
There are no servants.
Zuko’s body jerks to life, abruptly sitting up and rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. Across from his bed is his window being forced open, a loud gust of wind interrupting him. There is a figure at the window, barely crawling in. Struggling to make it through the entrance, he watches the practically lifeless body stumble through onto his floor before he steps out of bed in a panic.
It’s you.
You’re hunched over on the floor, hand gripping your stomach as blood seeps through your fingers.
“What–” he barely has time to talk as he’s rushing over to you, lifting you into his arms effortlessly as he brings you over to his bed and lies you down. Hurriedly, he shrugs off his robe and presses it down over your stomach. He’s shirtless now, basically naked, but that doesn’t matter. But he did see you look him up and down. “What are you doing here?” he presses down on your wound to apply pressure.
“I–I didn’t know where else to go.” you managed to let out through clenched teeth.
“Who did this to you?” Zuko demanded, his tone of voice high and authoritative. 
“I’m fucking bleeding out and you’re asking me that?”
“Put pressure on this. I’ll call my doctor–stay here.”
After rushing out of his personal chambers to wake his doctor up in the middle of the night, he waited outside as they worked on you. It was a fresh stab wound. It wasn’t too deep and didn’t hit any vital organs, but you’d still be in pain when you woke up.
When you wake up, you instantly feel the pain from your stab wound. Your hand automatically moves to your stomach only to feel you’ve been wrapped up in bandages. Blinking, you sit up. A fire is going across the room, it is warm and cozy as opposed to the other nights you’ve spent in here. The other times you’ve been here have been cold and empty, but now it is the opposite. 
“Tea?” Zuko suddenly speaks up from the other side of the room. He crosses the floor and hands you a mug. “It’s jasmine.”
Taking a sip, you feel the hot liquid soothe your dry throat. “It’s nice to wake up in a bed rather than a wet jail cell.”
“You wouldn’t have been in that jail cell had you not assaulted me,” he slightly jokes, sitting across from you on the edge of the bed. 
He looks rugged, and tired, almost as if he hasn’t been sleeping. He gazes at you, his eyes softened as he watches your movements. He almost looks worried.
“So I suppose I’ll be going back to jail after you let me rest up a bit?”
He ignores your question, only choosing to tug his blanket further up your body in an attempt to warm you up. “Didn’t you get my letters?”
“I did.”
“You didn’t reply to any of them.”
“I didn’t know what to say.” A moment of silence fills the room, and you feel the need to fill it by continuing to speak. “I didn’t sell your mother’s necklace. I still have it.”
“You do?” his eyes light up, hopeful.
“I couldn’t do it.”
“Why’s that?” he ponders as you reach into your pocket to hand the precious jewelry back to its rightful owner.
“Reminded me of my own mother.” you don’t elaborate further. 
Zuko seems to sense this because he sets the matter aside with a small and quick nod, opting to watch you instead.
“Here,” you pull the necklace out from your pockets with a trembling hand and reach to hand it to him.
He notices your trembling hand, choosing to close his own hands around yours instead of taking the necklace. His hands feel like a warm embrace that engulf you in safety and warmth.
“Thank you,” he says as he sets the necklace down beside him. “But I’m more worried about you now.”
“After I stole from you and assaulted you?”
“It would seem I’m into women who can kill me.”
He looks up at you through his curled lashes, the soft locks of his hair caressing his face as he stares into your eyes, holding your gaze. “What happened to you?” he whispers gently, leaning closer to you.
It’s intimate, really. He’s in such close proximity it makes your heart beat with anxiety the closer he gets. You’d never noticed this before, but Zuko truly holds such a soft beauty to him it’s hard to look away. 
“One of those guys at the bar I beat up. Found me walking on the street alone.” you explain.
“You shouldn’t be out on the streets alone at night.”
You scoff. “Please, you should’ve seen what I did to him.”
“He stabbed you.”
“I stabbed him back. And at least all my bones are nice and intact. His, however, are not.”
A crooked smile spreads across his face. “Impressive.”
There’s an awkward silence and suddenly your mind goes back to the letters that he sent you. Each one grew more desperate the more time that passed and the more you ignored him. You recall each one practically confessing his feelings for you. 
Why though? How could Zuko even fall for you? After all you did to him: the stealing and thieving, the assaulting, everything. Yet he confessed through his letters, and you were sure he was about to confess again right now.
“Those letters,” you begin before he can even say anything. “Did you mean what you said in them?” 
“Every word.” he confirms. “You don’t believe me?”
“After all I’ve done to you, it’s hard to.”
“You can consider yourself pardoned for your crimes. Happy?” he offers.
“That’s perfect, actually. I was going to dangle your mother’s necklace in front of you and demand to be pardoned.”
“It’s too bad you got stabbed before having the chance to do so.”
“Still hard to believe your feelings though, I’ll admit.” you tell him.
A pause. Then, “Why don’t I show you then?”
The question hangs in the air. The air that’s slowly been filling with the unspoken sexual tension building between you both since you woke up. 
“Alright, prove it to me then.”
Zuko simply smiles in response before his lips are on yours. Despite what you thought, his kiss is gentle and you find yourself melting into it. You relax into his touch, into the fingers that find your hair to gently stroke the back of your head with such tender love and care. 
You’re out of breath quickly as he pulls away, his lips meeting the hot skin of your neck. You lean back slowly, trying to be mindful of your fresh stab wound. 
“Careful now,” he whispers against your neck and you shudder. “Lie down.” 
He guides your body so that you are comfortably laying on your back and his lips are at your neck again, leaving hot kisses across your skin. His hands firmly stroke your thighs, squeezing assuredly as he continues sucking and kissing at your skin. You arch into him, wincing at the pain in your stomach before he pulls away.
“Didn’t think a couple of kisses would have you arching your back.”
“Shut up and go down on me.” you demand as you begin to wriggle out of your pants.
“A former criminal telling the Fire Lord what to do? My my, think of the gossip that would go around if word of this got out.” he teases, propping your legs up and setting his hands on your knees. 
Zuko playfully spreads your legs open with his hands, stroking the exposed skin. He leans down, leaving a kiss on your thigh. His mouth continues on your skin, leaving kisses and bite marks and you feel yourself softly moaning from his kisses. Your hips slightly jerk up, and in response he gently holds you down with his hands. 
Pulling away from your thighs, he runs an experimental lick into your slit, and you feel yourself tremble in arousal. He holds your thighs open as you tense around him, yanking his hair to pull him further into you. You feel him softly laugh in response before he opens his mouth. He slowly and teasingly drags his tongue up your pussy, eliciting a moan from your lips. You gasp when you feel him sucking on your clit, expertly working on it as he gently sucks on it. 
You yank on his hair again, and you both moan at the sensation of pleasure running through your veins. You feel yourself heating up as your hips hump his face and his tongue drags up and down your pussy. You feel yourself throbbing, sweat beading at your forehead as he allows you to practically ride his face and pull on his hair. 
Something about Zuko letting you have your way with him has you throbbing and tightening around nothing. You whimper breathlessly and you feel him smile in response. He pulls away only for a second to blow cold air against your throbbing pussy, and you feel yourself shudder at the sensitivity. 
“Pull away again and I’ll give you a matching stab wound.” you threaten, yanking his hair again to drag him to where he belongs. 
“You’re lucky I’m into this.” he chuckles as he gives into your demand, tongue going back to your clit. 
You feel his fingers creep up to your slit, teasingly rubbing at your entrance before he slips a finger in. It slips in instantly, your slick wetness coating his finger as he moves it further into you. Your legs wrap around his neck and while he may or may not be able to breathe, you’re not worried about that. He’ll find a way. You enjoy his finger working you with his tongue in your clit, but you need more.
“More.” you demand.
“More of what?” he pulls away and stares at you from between your legs. 
“Your fingers.”
“So greedy you are.” he complains, but obliges anyway. 
You feel him insert two more fingers and you find yourself riding both his face and his fingers. You let out a moan of pleasure, your chest heaving as you ride closer to your high. You can feel Zuko squirming in his pants and you’re sure he might be uncomfortable, but in this moment you’re only worried about your own pleasure and it would seem he feels the same way. 
“F-Fuck,” you stutter, your hands fisting his bed sheets. 
“Careful, that’s silk.” he warns you against your pussy.
“Shut up and keep sucking.” you yank him back and he continues.
You continue to rock your hips up into his face as he fingers your slick pussy, fucking you harder and faster as your moans grow more desperate and your hips begin to clumsily rock against his face. He sucks at your clit and adds another finger and that’s when you feel yourself spill over the edge, shuttering and shaking against him as he helps you through your orgasm, fingers slowly helping you through it.
When you’ve come down from your high, he sits up, a visible boner against his robes. “Did you think we were done?” he smirks, wiping his face with the back of his hand and leaning in for another kiss.
a/n: it’s my one year anniversary of writing on this blog! my next zuko story will not be him as fire lord i’ve written too many fics w him as fire lord, so i’ll switch it up in my next one <3
also nanami from jjk is next if anyone cares (ik i said i’d post levi after but he can wait lmao)
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Astarion x Rouge! Tav
A/N: I am, as the professionals would say, back on my bullshit. anyways here's another in my series of Astarion x a certain class 
part 1 (Paladin Tav version)- https://www.tumblr.com/consistencynevermether/730256251991310336/astarion-x-gn-paladin-reader-hcs-an-this-man?source=share
Bastard x bastard 
You two are absolute little SHITS together let me tell y’all that 
Your love language? CRIME. 
No but seriously imagine this- one of you had this plain steel ring, nothing special or anything just collecting dust at the bottom of your bags. Honestly, you don’t even remember which one of you it originally belonged to
When you first met, one of you had stolen the ring from the other to prove they were “superior with their hands” to the other. Eventually, it became a game between the two of you, every few days stealing this little trinket from each other. And bragging until the other stole it back. It didn’t matter whether either of you wore it on your fingers, around your necks, or even hiding it in folds of clothing. Neither could hold onto it for more than a week before the other snatched it up 
The most memorable little moment with this ring- once you had both gone on a late night walk, hand in hand. The moon's soft glow bathing you both in silver, it was like a scene out of a romance novel, especially when you leaned in to press your lips against his
And then- 
While he was distracted you slipped it off his finger and booked it. Immediately running as fast as you could, not daring to look back, laughing as you sped off with your prize
Unfortunately for you, Astarion happens to be a vampire spawn. Vampire spawn are quite physically inclined, and Astarion is pretty fit
What I’m saying is you made it a good 30 feet before getting tackled to the ground and had the ring wrestled out of your hand 
Honestly, though, you were laughing so hard you didn’t even mind losing the game, you were just happy that for a second your master plan had worked. 
Astarion complained about how his outfit got all dusty because of you, but you had heard him laughing right along with you when he had tackled you to the ground
Astarion won’t admit this, but that ring means more to him than any bejeweled precious jewelry ever could, because it connects him to you
Both of you claim to have the best set of knives and take every opportunity to show off to each other with your skills. Once you actually picked a lock with a smaller blade and you could swear it caused Astarion to be a little flustered. 
Sharing clothes? Sharing clothes. Listen, I'm just saying, will you let your vampire boyfriend burn up in the sun or will you lend him that nice new cloak you just got? Yea, that’s what I thought now it’s joint property. Dw tho it all evens out when you steal one of his nightshirts (it’s the comfiest thing ever, and not just because it always faintly smells like him) 
You guys definitely do couples' heists together. Sneaking, pickpocketing, lockpicking, running from the law, it's all in a day's work for the most shifty couple in Faerun. One of you might distract a lord while the other snuck into his vault to retrieve some valuable magical item. 
Ok but in all seriousness, y’all must be the most ethereal couple around. Imagine seeing two people glide over the rooftops of Baldur's gate, each jump almost like steps to a dance they both know by heart. Flitting around each other like ribbons in the breeze, one with soft silver hair and the other face obscured by their pitch-black cloak, hood pulled up and rippling in the night air. They dance across rooftops, swift as shadows, graceful as spirits, never touching, and yet somehow the rare onlooker knows they are meant to be a pair.
Some bard has definitely written a song about that last bullet point I promise you. 
You two probably had a million cons just waiting to be used. I imagine during your time together trying to get rid of the tadpole, you would both talk late into the night, bouncing ideas off each other, throwing out ideas of different tricks you could pull on the unsuspecting. Some genuinely clever, most just absurd attempts at making the other person laugh.  
If you ever actually got the chance to you it though? Oh ho HO. let me tell you how this went down. Your party had gotten into a situation, attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible. But by a bout of bad luck, someone had started harassing Karlach and at the same time, Lazel had started yelling at a guard, hand on her sword, inches away from striking. The party needed some sort of distraction, and luckily you both had just the thing. 
Astarion had grabbed the nearest glass of wine and splashed it on you, then putting on his best offended face he anguished, “How could you cheat on me?!?! And with my own BROTHER!?!?” That sentence made everyone's head snap up, including the guards as you both laid the theatrics on thick. You kept this act up with Astarion for a good 10 minutes, with fake tears and dramatics from both of you. At one point on the spot, you made up that he had slept with your mother and it was revenge, and the crowd was extremely invested, people taking sides, guards trying to calm down the chaos. But hey you're fake out worked, Karlach and Lazel were able to sneak away quietly and you had both given the distraction of a lifetime. Shadowheart disapproves.
Occasionally the two of you will talk in Thieves cant to each other when you don’t want the party to overhear certain conversations. Originally you were both probably talking about important things like strategies and debating about how to go about getting rid of the tadpole. But now you kind of both just use it to piss off Lazel a little. 
Ultimately you two really understand each other on a deep level, you really are 2 people with one mind. And together there's a world of adventure out there for you both, and infinite fun magical items for you both too “acquire”.
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2-dsimp · 1 month
I need more of Icha lol.
In one of the posts about him, you wrote he has a shrine of his darling next to his shrine of his God Eros.
I can imagine his shrine (i assume a home shrine) of Eros is like a little desk/table a decent size for proper at home worship/prayers and such, but his y/n shrine is probably the next to the desk and in a closet and it is just like, a big old walk in closet that is filled with pictures, drawings, and stuff of his darling along with scribbles and symbols in hopes the cult leader's darling will be his.
Like, there is probably a few old used tissues he used off into a basket, a bunch of y/n's old clothes and discarded items, and hearts he doodled on some of the pictures of his darling.
It is amusing idea to me that he does this whole proper prayer to his god, all prim and proper, and then he's just thirsting over y/n, full on degenerate over his shrine/worship of his darling.
-just a rambling anon
『Featuring Your Yandere Cultleader and his hoarding addiction 』
Icha: “My love, you really shouldn’t go in there it’s not organized yet!”
The cultleader frantically said his hands awkwardly placed against the door behind him. As he tried to block off your inquisitive urge to have a looksie at his prayer/worship room which happened to be a spacious walk in closet. Since his parents happened to be well off to install it for him at his behest.
Y/n: “Awe cmon pretty please I just want a little peak— Hey is that my hoodie that I’ve been looking for since forever ago? Did you find it for me?”
Icha damn near jumped at the realization of how some of your—his trinkets and souvenirs. He got from you not so willingly was practically spilling out from the crack of the door, he tried so hard to close. The Fanatic was sweating bullets, as he laser focused in on your hand.
Icha: “W-why yes! Of course I did my dear, I’d absolutely hate to miss out on returning what’s rightfully yours”
He blatantly lied through his teeth. In fact the Cultleader was pissed at his own negligence for even allowing this to play out. As he inwardly crippled at the sight of your fingers grasping your prized hoodie. Which was his prized hoodie by default, since he claimed it as one of his favorite keepsakes of you.
After sneakily stealing it when you weren’t looking, being unable to resist the allure. Of coveting a piece of cloth that was stained in your natural scent. Overall, Despite the hoodie being originally yours in the first place, he wanted to punch a hole in the wall and cry simultaneously. At the depressing idea to hold a mourning ceremony for the loss of one of his darlings collectibles from his loving possession.
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kxttqi · 7 months
HHihihi love your writing !!
Can I req the pjsk boys with a gf thays an absolute simp?
Like shes got plushies, posters, keychains and all sorts of stuff of char
Shes also super short and cute and can sometimes be super lazy or super bubbly
Basically unpredictable
ty <3
✧ pjsk boys with a fangirl s/o.
summary: they visit your room filled with plushies, posters and other trinkets of them for the first time
pairings: akito, rui, tsukasa, toya x fem!reader (separately) 
genre: fluff
warnings: kinda suggestive in rui’s part depending on how you interpret it
a/n: waaa this was such a cute prompt, thank u for requesting!! i sorta rushed toya's part pls forgive me toya fans
— requests are closed
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shinonome akito
when he walks into your room for the first time he literally just stands there in the doorway like 😦
he’s so flustered seeing all the posters and plushies of himself situated around the room 
he can’t stop smiling when you enthusiastically take him by the arm to give an impromptu room tour
like he tries to act all calm and indifferent but inside he’s just whwhsnjhdwkh
​​he reluctantly admits the plushies are cute, but when you offer him one, he awkwardly refuses
and then you go to put it back and he’s like “hey, wait, I was joking!” and wrestles it from your grip
♪ "You really went all out, huh?" he frowns, but there's a playful glint in his eyes. Deep down, he's touched that you've dedicated your room to him. 
He tries to keep up the act, shooting you a sidelong glance with a half-smile, but it's evident that he's struggling to keep his composure. His cheeks tint with a subtle shade of pink, and he's fighting to suppress the grin threatening to break free. It's a strange mix of embarrassment and flattery, seeing how much you appreciate him. 
“Come on, Aki, you know you love this!” you say.
Finally, he sighs, the corners of his lips betraying a genuine smile. 
"Alright, alright, you win. But only because it's you," he admits, his eyes softening. "I never thought my face would end up plastered all over someone's room. You really know how to catch a guy off guard."
You grin.
"But," he continues, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "I know a thing or two about catching someone off guard too." 
Before you can respond, he closes the gap between you, his lips meeting yours in a playful yet sweet kiss. As he pulls away, there's a teasing smile on his face.
 "Consider us even now.”
kamishiro rui
the moment he sees all of your merch of him he becomes cocky af
he would definitely make you more stuff to add to your room
he’ll try to redecorate your room a bit for you, putting up posters and hanging lights (under your guidance ofc)
secretly steals some of the plushies when he leaves because they’re cute 
 forces brings tsukasa over to your room just so he can see the huge collection of items
♪ “Oh? Looks like someone can’t get enough of me…” Rui giggles, placing a kiss on your forehead as his arm snakes around your waist. 
“Do you like it?” you ask excitedly.
“Why wouldn��t I? They’re all me, after all.”
You cross your arms at his arrogance, but can't help the smile that tugs at your lips. Rui had always been confident, but since stepping foot into your room, it seems to have grown tenfold.
He pulls you closer, his hand resting on the small of your back. "But you know what would make your collection even better?" he asks, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Ooh, what?" you ask, intrigued.
"More of me," he says with a smirk, his gaze traveling to your bed filled with plushies. "Maybe a body pillow?"
“Hm? I’m sure you would enjoy it.”
tenma tsukasa
tsukasa.exe has stopped working
after what seems like eternity of silence he just goes AHSAHSJAKAK (the typical tsukasa scream yk)
IMMEDIATELY gives you a big hug; he matches your energy so well
 if there's a poster with him in it, then he'll love standing in front of it and striking poses for your amusement
sits on your bed and pretends to be one of the plushies just to hear your cute laugh 
“My eyes have been blessed by the sight of this glorious shrine! I am unworthy of such devotion, and yet, here it is!" Tsukasa dramatically threw himself onto the plushie-covered bed, hand over his heart.
"Tsukasa, you're being a bit—"
"Shh! This is my moment of gratitude!" He interrupted, eyes sparkling with mock sincerity.
"Okay, I'm listening," you said with an amused smile.
He clasped his hands together, looking up at the ceiling as if addressing the merchandise gods. "Thank you, [name], for bestowing upon me this sanctuary of Tsukasa. I shall carry the weight of this honor with the grace of a thousand swans and the dignity of a soaring eagle. May the Tsukasa vibes forever resonate in this hallowed space!"
You burst into a fit of giggles, unable to contain it any longer. Tsukasa, satisfied with his grand thank-you speech, looked at you while beaming.
As the laughter subsided, Tsukasa gently cupped your face, his fingers tender against your skin. He leaned in, closing the gap between you with a soft, lingering kiss. 
“Thank you so much, [name]!”
aoyagi toya
he takes in the room for a few moments before breathing out a soft “wow”
it srsly means SO much to him when his s/o is his biggest fan
he reaches out to touch some of the items, almost as if to confirm that it's real.
Eventually finding his words, Toya turns to you with a soft expression and says, "Thank you. This... means a lot to me."
You smile cheerfully.
“You deserve it, Toya! You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
"You didn't have to go through all this trouble for me," he says softly.
You shake your head and pull him into a hug. Toya hesitates for a moment before returning the hug, a genuine warmth in his embrace. 
"You're worth every bit of trouble," you assure him, the sincerity in your voice echoing your unwavering support. "Seeing you happy and appreciating this makes it all worthwhile.
As you hold each other, he speaks, his voice muffled against your shoulder, "I just... never expected someone to believe in me this much. It's a bit overwhelming, you know? But in a good way. …I love you."
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so-i-did-this-thing · 3 months
Where do you find all your neat little trinkets and such? Is it just accumulated over the years, or do you use marketplace, or antique malls, commissioning stuff? I want to add more to my home, but I don't really know where to look outside of hyper specific ebay searches.
I guess, more succinctly, how do you Find Things?
Heya! Finding cool stuff is a lot about doing just enough research. I'll show you how my mind works.
Let's say I saw this cute cat in the wild. I want to buy it, maybe see if it's something fun to collect.
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If I use Google lens on the photo, I get some promising results - this is something that was mass-produced!
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Let's click on a result.
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I've learned something! This ceramic is called "redware" and the figure is from the 1950s. So, off to another web search.
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Oh! A maker name! "Shafford." This will make future searches easier. And look - there are other related cats - it looks like as various household items! (If you further researched the original cat, you'd also learn it is a tape measure and was made in Japan.)
Now, let's say you don't have a photo to start with, or just a vague idea of something you might want. Let's hop to Facebook marketplace and see if anyone is selling cute ceramic black cats.
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All of these results could go down their own research paths, but again, I'm using the example of the Shafford cats.
Armed with some knowledge, it takes just a few searches to find an impressive haul. Honestly, if that wasn't 5 hrs away from me, I'd buy that lot in a heartbeat, selling/gifting what I don't want.
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For future searches, you now have two paths:
Search for things using basic terminology to find sellers who aren't super knowledgeable. So, something like "vintage kitchen cabinet". You might luck out and find a seller who just wants the thing gone, they don't know its value, and it might be a steal for you!
Search again using the specific terms you have picked up from your research. So, "jelly cabinet." This will get you in front of listing from experts, where you are likely to find a better quality item at the current market price.
That is how I found this for my kitchen, btw.
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Learn the common synonyms and mispellings. Bookcase, bookshelf. Captain's desk, secretary desk.
Click on seller stores and profiles to see related items. As you research, you will start to stumble across other items and figure out your sense of taste. You will find cool shit you never knew existed. You will learn new search terms as you pick up bits of history. You will also start stumbling across online speciality sites, or local resources, like antique shops and vintage fairs. You might learn what estate sales are, or about auctions open to the public. You start developing a habit of scouting out shops and sales when you're in a new town. You put big fairs and small swap meets on your calendar. You build relationships with contemporary artists who make things you like.
My sense of style is something I've actively been refining for decades now, and it isn't just vintage tchotchkes. I do this for clothing, for the crafting I'm into, etc. Curiosity and style go hand in hand and the best part is that your eye and research chops will only improve, even if you're just window shopping.
I hope this helps!
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ship-graveyard · 2 months
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P1Harmony MTL - Fashion 💅
- mtl to let you pick out their outfit for a day -
🫧 - most to least | 🌙 - gn!reader | 💞 - ot6
Most Likely
♡ - when you suggest it he’s absolutely thrilled
♡ - bonus points if you let him pick out your outfit in return
♡ - has some uhhhhhhh unusual clothes sometimes but they make him happy and he has the confidence to pull off literally anything (and if you make fun of him for the slightly uglier things he owns he’ll just just laugh and threaten to make you wear them instead)
♡ - he’s so passionate about his personal image and he’ll use the chance to boost your own style and confidence because he loves you and needs you to see how stunning and creative you are
♡ - MODELS the outfit for you afterwards (he’s already thinking up new ideas for next time too)
♡ - thinks it’s a cute idea (and also would do ANYTHING for you)
♡ - gives you a full tour of his closet complete with stories about where he got each item before you even start
♡ - enjoys fashion but doesn’t always have the energy to put together a solid outfit, so he really appreciates this
♡ - is 100% down to wear something from your closet if you lend it to him. doesn’t matter how different in style or size it is, he just loves the idea of having a constant reminder of you (and if it’s different enough from his usual outfits for people to ask about it, he’d love the excuse to talk about you lol)
♡ - likely to drape something random of his over your head/shoulders and watch you with puppy eyes until you agree to wear it in return (also bonus points if your outfits match even a little bit)
♡ - unbothered king. finds the suggestion strange at first but it grows on him
♡ - as long as you understand his comfort level and give him ultimate veto power to say no to anything at any time, have at it. he trusts you
♡ - once he relaxes a bit he’ll be suggesting and trying on really ugly combinations just for the fun of it and you’ll both be giggly messes
♡ - gets especially excited for accessory recommendations and tries to steal some of your keychains and cute trinkets in return for lending you a few of his
♡ - posts an ootd if he really likes what you picked for him bc he likes seeing reminders of you when he looks in the mirror, and he can save that feeling forever in pictures
♡ - a bit particular about his outfits, so he wouldn’t outright refuse, but he would complain at first about how he doesn’t really see the point
♡ - UNTIL he realizes that your plan includes accessorizing and then he’s all in
♡ - jewelry, makeup, nail polish, and literally anything else you bring along will have him preening. he will sit so still while you work
♡ - his favorite part would be letting you style his hair though. it’s mostly just an excuse to get you to play with his hair, but he keeps suggesting new and complex hairstyles for you to try (even if you can’t figure them out, spending time with you like this makes everything worth it for him)
♡ - very likely to lend you stuff from his own closet casually, so he wouldn’t be too reciprocal but only bc your outfits are already somewhat influenced by him
♡ - would find it a very sweet suggestion, but is ultimately very reluctant to actually go through with it
♡ - he’d be more interested in dressing you up, but if you agree to give him some say in the final result (and ask nicely), he’ll cave
♡ - he would probably love handmade or customized clothing, so if you do any kind of fabric art (sewing, crochet, knitting, embroidery, etc) or personalization (patches, paint, studs) he’d be more than happy to showcase any of your work
♡ - he’s dressing you up in return (probably in his clothes bc he’s so proud to have you and just a liiiiiiittle bit possessive)
♡ - will model the outfit for you and then get overwhelmingly embarrassed about it (and oh noooo he’ll only feel better if you do a little spin and model yours too)
♡ - he’d agree and follow through with it, but his heart just wouldn’t be in it
♡ - if you find an interesting color or pattern combination, he’ll consider it, but he just doesn’t really see the appeal of putting a ton of time into outfits when his comfortable clothes serve him just fine
♡ - instead of having a special occasion for it, he prefers to have little reminders of you regularly worked into his outfit/personal items
♡ - would definitely end up stealing your clothes over time (especially clothes he can just relax in). he feels comfortable with you and your style of clothes, no matter what that is, bc they remind him of you
♡ - HOWEVER. he would be the best person to cosplay or go out in costumes with bc he can get very invested in characters and ideas
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americas1suiteheart · 8 months
Had this idea a little while back and decided to go on with it! Tell me how you guys feel about it.
[Tangerine x Kleptomaniac! Reader]
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[Summary; You've been working with the twins for a good while now, and all whilst knowing them you've bonded with them through similar interests. For Lemon, Thomas the Tank Engine, and on the other hand as for Tangerine and you - kleptomania..]
[Notes; You've got a code name, so there's no use of Y/n but know that your "Citron," (When I tried to post this after finishing it up, tumblr gave out on me and deleted it completely off the face of the internet so I had to write it again. Thanks Tumblr)]
[Warnings; Swearing, Stealing, it's a Bullet Train fanfic what do you expect?]
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"God are you guys seriously fuckin' doing this shit again? You guys are gonna get caught one day doing that and you two are gonna be fucked y'know that right?" Lemon groans.
You and Tangerine made a game to see how much shit you could steal before chickening out. You can't do anything worse than killing people for money so you two figured, why the hell not?
"Fuck off Lem," You and Tangerine say at the same time dismissing him.
"Citron, I think you've officially spent too much time with Tan."
"Hey you can't say shit Lem, you've brainwashed Citron here into thinking of people in terms of fuckin' Thomas the Train characters you twat," Tangerine says, sneaking a pack of sweets into his suit jacket.
"Don't say shit about Thomas the Tank Engine, and dont call me a twat, you're the right fuckin' twat you ass," Lemon says, pointing a finger at Tangerine.
"Will you two stop acting like children? I spend too much time with the both of you, and you've both got qualities that are fuckin' annoying, the both of you are twats." You groan, taking multiple trinkets and small toys and shoving them into your pocket.
"Fucks sake mate, your taking the fuckin' children's toys?"
"I can take what I want Lem, piss off," You hiss.
This is typically how you three interacted with eachother. Lots of bickering and cussing at eachother, almost like teenagers that just learned a new cuss word
You'd figured with the boys it was just how they talked being that they were siblings and grew up together. I mean, you had siblings too but you never talked that way with them. Maybe it was just the way they were raised.
But with you, maybe you started acting like them and having the same behaviour after knowing them for so long. You hadn't acted like this before you met them.
You and Tangerine had finally gotten your rush from taking things and you three left the store, walking to your car given to you guys for the mission.
"Alright, start countin' everything you have," You say, getting everything out of all of your pockets and such.
"You guys have a fuckin' problem, I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again. You need to fuckin' see someone about that shit." Lemon shakes his head disappointingly at you two.
You and Tangerine ignore him as to not loose count of your stolen items.
The two of you finally finish, then looking at eacother and saying what you had in total. "32," You smirk, overly confident you had more.
But you already know you've lost when a cheeky smile appears on Tangerine's face, "47."
Your mouth hangs agape, staying quiet for at least 20 seconds. That's the most either of you had ever taken the four years you've known eachother so far.
"The worst part is that most of that shit is just sweets," Lemon says breaking the silence.
"Fuck off Lem," Tangerine hisses.
"Got a sweet tooth eh?" You chuckle, poking fun at him.
"I aint got no fuckin' sweet tooth, the sweets just so happened to be the easiest and least childish things to steal." Tangerine says, turning on the car.
Tan always liked to uphold this "tough manly guy," sort of figure. For example, when you're at a petrol station market and you and Lemon are over getting sugary drinks such as pop or juice, you best believe Tan would be getting water or a black coffee calling you two children.
"And sweets aren't childish?" Lemon raises his eyebrow.
"I didn't even get them for me you fuckin' bellend, I know you two like that sugary shit." Tangerine says.
"Wow, when did Gordon become an Edward," You say, giving Tangerine a cheeky grin.
Tangerine just sighs in defeat, knowing you and Lemon will end up teasing him just to mess with him the rest of the time regardless.
The ride back to the hotel was fairly calm, you and Lemon eating the stolen sweets and showing off the small toys you took as well, when you suddenly remembered something else you'd gotten for the both of them at another shop.
"Lemon, can you hand me that bag right there please?" You say, pointing to the small, blue bag next to him.
Lemon nods and hands you the bag from the back, you reaching over to grab it from his hands.
You take out a small plastic wrapped Thomas The Tank Engine phone charm and hand it to Lemon.
Lemon's face immediately lights up as he takes it out of its packaging, putting it on his phone and fiddling with it.
"Got this for you too, Tan," You say, turning to him and handing him a small satin bag.
"You steal this too?" Tangerine says, glancing at the bag before returning his eyes to the road.
"No, no. I actually bought that, I don't steal sentimental gifts I give, I'm not a fuckin' monster," You say, putting your hand on your chest in fake offense.
Tangerine gives you a judgemental glance.
"What is it?" He asks, still holding the small bag in his hand.
"Open it,"
Tangerine smiles and opens the bag with one hand, taking out a silver and blue colored star engraved ring.
"Its a promise ring. I saw it in a shop and figured we should get matching ones. I hope its your size, I kinda just guessed," You say, showing him your right hand that the ring was on.
"This is lovely, darling. Thank you.." Tangerine says with a loving smile, quickly putting it on his right hand with all of his other rings.
"You two are just right fuckin' sops for eachother it's sickeningly sweet," Lemon says, a cheeky grin on his face.
Tangerine mumbles something both you and Lemon couldn't hear, though by the tone it was very clearly not anything nice.
After a while longer, you three finally make it back to the hotel, Lemon checks all of you in and you all walk up to your hotel room.
As soon as you get in Lemon sets his stuff down and heads to the restroom for a shower, leaving you and Tangerine alone with eachother as you two unpack your bags.
"Tangerine?" You speak out, turning to look at Tangerine who was putting his clothes into the bottom drawer of the hotel room dresser.
"Yes, love?" Tangerine says.
"Thank you. For staying with me even when we go through all this shit. It's stressful and keeping relationships has never been easy for me with this job, you're the only one that's stayed this long and I want to let you know how grateful I am for it." You say, putting what you were doing aside so you could talk to him without any distractions.
Tangerine's head perks up a bit, then turning to look at you.
He smiles sweetly and walks over to you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
"Darling, you have no clue how happy I am that you've stayed with me the same. I know I can be difficult at times as well," Tangerine said, voice barely above a whisper.
You rarely ever get to see a softer side of Tan, but when you do you try to savor it as much as possible.
"You guys, are fuckin' disgusting. What I just saw there was right fucking nasty." Lemon says, standing in front of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Fuck off Lem."
[Quick Authors Note! Sorry I haven't gotten to these requests and other stuff these past few months, I've been busy and have had other stuff get in the way. I know this isn't much but I'm trying to clean up my drafts.
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daemonkitsune · 10 months
mammon headcanons
obey me masterlist | masterlist
mammon has nests in the higher parts of his rooms and in little nooks and cranny’s for his crows to use. mammon has small windows along the high parts of his walls and near the nests that are always open so that his crows always have a way into his room. mammon routinely leaves food and water out for his crows in easily accessible areas and mammon has memorised his crows favourite foods.
his crows leave little trinkets everywhere around mammons room. near his pillows. on his bedside table. in various spots on and around his car. in the nests. his crows will even leave little trinkets they’ve found on his desk at R.A.D.
mammon either hyper-focuses on one thing, or he vaguely focuses on a hundred things. whenever he hyper-focuses his task is done perfectly and in the least amount of time possible. the only challenge is that he doesn’t tend to hyper-focus on things that people notice.
mammon is a genius when it comes to maths however he only really cares enough to use it for gambling and betting. mammon can accurately predict any gambling game but he tends to throw games so that he doesn’t get kicked out or punished by lucifer for cheating.
because mammon’s sin is greed, he can always tell when someone is feeling greedy which gives him heavy advantages whenever he plays.
(no one has ever noticed mammon’s talent in maths because a) no one expects it so no one looks for it, and b) his opponents either so frustrated/smug that they never notice)
mammon has good academic smarts (even by demon standards) but he doesn’t care enough to use them at school. mammon of course is a genius at maths, he, like most demons, is excellent when it comes to history, and he’s almost a natural when it comes to home economics.
mammon spent most of his time balancing his duties and looking after his brothers when they were younger in the celestial realm, and when he and his brothers fell mammon spent most of his time solely focusing and looking after them, especially satan.
mammon is a master of patience. between looking after his siblings (both in the celestial realm and in the devildom), adjusting to the devildom, looking after baby satan and dealing with all the insults he gets daily, his patience even outlasts some angel’s.
mammon is good at academic smarts, however his talents really lie in his street smarts. if anyone ever properly focused on mammon in public, they’d notice that he changes how he acts depending on who he’s speaking with, what he’s trying to achieve, and where he is.
mammon is actually a fairly private person. the only things that are commonly known about mammon is that he’s one of the 7 lords of hell, he and his brothers fell from the celestial realm, and he’s the avatar of greed. mammon seems like a fairly shallow and simple person on the outside, but he tends to prefer that.
the only people he’d ever want to see him as more then greed, would be his brothers but after centuries of being insulted and called scummy and useless by them, he started to accept his role and he actually accentuated his greed.
mammon doesn’t steal anything that he doesn’t plan on giving back, he ‘steals’ from diavolo however he only does so around others (lucifer, barbatos, or asmodeus typically). if he wanted to steal something, chances are that he wouldn’t actually be caught. whenever mammon gets ‘caught’ he obviously gives back the item, however he also adds in a trinket or something extra when he gives it back, an action that is mostly always unnoticed.
his crows will definitely harass whoever is particularly mean to mammon, and mammon will always stop his murder of crows from harassing his brothers.
mammon is actually very clever when it comes to his debts to witches, and he’s never once entered into a contract with someone he’s in debt to. whenever he makes his deals with witches he’s already calculated basically every pro and con the deal will cause.
believe it or not but mammon’s never been tricked into a pact. if he’s entered into a pact that he’s been ‘tricked’ into, he wanted to enter the pact and the trick had nothing to do with it.
mammon is a master at haggling and bargains. mammon can find the most luxury of skin care products or clothes for extremely cheap, and he can haggle down anything from a cheap price to an absolute steal.
mammon tends to think very quickly, usually faster then he can talk which means that he tends to accidentally skip parts of his sentences, but his thinking so quickly is perfect for when he haggles or scams people.
mammon knows all of his brothers favourite things, and occasionally he’ll sneak something they like/want into their rooms. sometimes he gets caught and whenever that happens chances are that he’ll get blamed for something, but he always deflects, falls back into his avatar of greed act and takes off (after leaving the gift of course).
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propertyoftoru · 1 year
Something in the Air | L.F
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wc: 4.5k
pairing: Lee Felix X Fem!Reader
warnings: smut MDNI, sex pollen AU, felix goes to a witchy apothecary and finds himself in a predicament, Switch!Felix, Switch!Reader, Felix has somewhat of a dom drop, thigh slapping, lots of teasing, felix is kind of a pervert, creampie/mentions of breeding, unprotected sex, tiny bit of choking, dumbification, lots of praise (giving and receiving), just pure filth (i’m sure i missed some stuff)
A/N: This is not proofread. I was so fuckin tired but i really wanted to finish this so i hope you enjoy :>
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Lee Felix is a fucking idiot. At Least that's what he repeatedly tells himself as he paces around his apartment. A frustrated groan falling from his lips as he made another lap around his couch, tugging on the ends of his hair painfully. 
He should have known better really, not to trust that shady shop in some desolate corner of town. But he really wanted to get you something special for your birthday and you had a penchant for the more peculiar things. So he asked around and a friend of a friend told him about this witchy apothecary, known for its jewelry and other trinkets. He was so sure he would find something there that would suit you, so when the woman who ran the shop left him unattended while she ran out back he didn't think twice before looking around. He wandered against his better judgment and ended up in some back room that he most definitely should not have entered in hindsight. 
The walls were lined with bookshelves overflowing with hundreds of books, some barely holding together by their bindings and others seemingly brand new. His eyes then fell to the glass cases holding items that he wasn't quite able to identify. Finally he spotted it, certainly out of the ordinary, the leaves being a strange purple color with red veins. But the flowers are what caught his eye, the delicate white with swirls of lilac and pink. He was certain you would adore them, despite not really being a flower person he knew you would appreciate their peculiarness. He had to be sure they smelled as pretty as they looked before he bothered asking the kind woman how much they cost. So when he carefully opened the glass and leaned in to inhale deeply, he was almost startled by how potent the scent really was. It was like his hand had a mind of its own as he reached out to touch the petals, noticing the purple powder that was now dusting his fingers. Felix jerked away when the woman spoke from behind him shaking her head with a teasing glint in her eyes. “Oh sugar, you're in for a long night.” 
His head was spinning as you continued to speak “Binnie made me workout with him...” He could practically picture you pouting with your arms crossed over your chest. “He’s being so mean Lixie! Tell him to let me leave so I can come over and stuff my face full of your sweets.” Normally Felix would’ve chuckled at that but the idea of you being around him right now sent him into a goddamn spiral. The metaphorical alarms were blaring in Felix’s head telling him that under absolutely no circumstances could he let you come over. 
Felix had already been fighting his natural urges to cuddle the ever living hell out of you every time he saw you for months now, and that was putting things lightly. He would never admit outloud the amount of times he’s fisted his cock to the cute selfies you would send him. He would certainly rather die than ever admitting to stealing your panties when hanging out at your apartment, just to rush home and fuck into them until he was a drooling and whimpering mess.
In his current state there was no doubt in his mind that he would get on his knees and beg for you to use him. He wouldn't be able to stop himself from telling you just how obsessed he was with you.  So when he spoke again he was sure he had a masochistic streak but he just needed to see you.
“Tell Changbin I need you for something. It's important.” If you replied he didn’t hear it because he quickly hung up and flung his phone onto the counter with a loud clatter. 
He made quick work of stripping his clothing off as he rushed to his bathroom, turning on the shower to a freezing temperature. He prayed to any god that would listen that his body temperature would go down, but as his eyes landed on his painful erection he knew that his prayers would go unanswered. He reached out a timid hand to gently drag his fingertips along his shaft, his other hand flying out to stabilize himself against the wall. His throat tightened and warmth bloomed across his chest and down his abdomen at the small touch. He hesitantly wrapped his hand around himself, squeezing harshly and slowly moving up and down. He nearly sobbed at the speed his orgasam approached, his thighs trembling, eyes clenched tight, as he came all over his fist and the shower floor. When he realized his erection showed no signs of going away he did sob. He quickly washed up avoiding touching his sensitive cock as much as he could before throwing on the loosest sweats he owned. 
Fast forward to now as he continued to pace around his living room awaiting your arrival. He wasn't even sure you were actually coming or not having not looked at his phone since he hung up on you. Part of him hoped that you would just go back to your apartment and question his odd behavior the next time you hung out. But a much larger part of him desperately hoped you would come, because even your presence would soothe him if not the tiniest bit. 
A rhythmic knocking on his front door signaled your arrival, he recognized the knocking pattern to be the one that only you ever used. As he made his way to his door he swiftly reached down to tuck himself under the waistband of his pants, quietly whimpering at the pressure but anything was better than the obvious tent it presented. As he swung the door open you immediately took notice of his disheveled appearance. The splotches of red across his chest and collarbones, his hair sticking up in different directions seemingly from being pulled on, and his bottom lip red and swollen from being chewed on. Your eyebrows shot up as you took in the sight of him your mouth hanging open slightly.
“Uh… is this a bad time?” You fought the urge to peek over his shoulder to check for who might’ve turned him into the pretty mess in front of you. “If you have someone over I can just come over tomorrow.” His eyebrows pulled together in confusion as he reached up to his forehead to swipe away the sweat coating his skin. Your eyes dropped to the way the fabric of his thin tank top swayed, exposing his sides when he moved. But your attention was quickly drawn to his nipples poking through the fabric and the way his chest seemed to heave with every breath he took. 
“No, there's nobody here.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously “I was just… My air conditioning broke! It's just really hot in here!” He laughed nervously before moving aside gesturing for you to come in. You took note of the fact that the temperature was completely normal and that you could hear the faint hum of his air conditioner but you chose not to mention it. 
“Are you sure everything is okay Lixie?” Your back was to him so you missed the way his eyes squeezed shut at the nickname. He pulled in a quick breath before faking a smile when you turned to face him. “Yep! Everythings totally fine!” 
You hesitated a bit but gave him a nod before making your way into his living room, plopping down on his couch. “Hey, do you mind if I take a quick shower before we do anything? I’m still all gross from the torture that Binnie calls a workout.” Felix’s head felt like it was gonna explode at the thought of you showering in the very same shower that he just jerked off in not even 20 minutes ago. Still he nodded and offered you a pair of his clothes to change into once you were finished. 
Once he heard the water turn on he bit down on his knuckle harshly, his mind going wild at the idea of you naked on the other side of the wall. He started his pacing again as he fought the urge to touch himself, his cock still painfully throbbing against his hip. He decided to change into basketball shorts, his sweatpants suddenly way too hot for him to be wearing.
As he made his way down the hall he noticed the bathroom door cracked open, the heat and the steam from your hot shower making its way through the opening. Felix’s poor heart felt like it was going to stop as he stared at the door. Did you just accidentally not close it all the way? How did you not notice it wasn’t closed? And why didn't you lock the door behind you? He didn’t even realize he had moved forward until his hand made contact with the handle of the door, about to nudge it open. He quickly jerked his hand back and internally scolded himself for being such a pervert. But in his moment of weakness the thought of just a tiny peek didn't seem so horrible.You would never find out right? He just needed a little glimpse, just something to help him get through the intense jerking off he was planning on doing once you left. So when he reached his hand out and carefully nudged the door open he certainly didn't expect to see you standing under the water staring back at him with an evil smirk plastered on your lips. He yelped and began to stumble over his words trying to offer you something between an apology and an explanation. But much to your amusement the entire time he was rambling his eyes were greedily raking over your naked body.
You smiled to yourself as you thought that your bold action of leaving the door cracked open just might have paid off. When you noticed Felix was so out of it upon your arrival you tried to get a closer look at him as you walked past him. The subtle bulge near his hip gave him away and you hoped that if you played your cards just right maybe tonight would finally be the night that your friendship blossomed into something more. 
“You forgot to tell me where the towels are Lixie” you reached to turn off the water before making your way to stand directly in front of him. You could almost see his brain malfunctioning as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. He quickly bent down and grabbed a towel out of his cabinet before practically shoving it into your hands. 
You gave him a soft smile before saying thank you and beginning to dry off like normal but when you looked back you saw Felix still standing there like he was glued to that spot. Whatever kind of internal war was happening inside his brain you quickly interrupted by reaching out and touching his cheek.  
“Maybe I could thank you properly?” He opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it before nodding eagerly.
“Words baby…” You stroked your thumb over his bottom lip and tugged it down gently before releasing it. “I need words” Felix swore he must've fallen and hit his head because there's no way that this was real. But when you said his name with a gentle yet stern tone he realized that this was real and this was happening and he was just standing there like an idiot. 
“Yes p-please” Felix couldn't bring himself to care how pathetic he sounded and thankfully it only seemed to spur you on further. 
A smile stretched its way across your lips as you raked your fingers up the back of his neck and into his hair, grabbing a fistful and tugging his head back harshly. “Let me show you just how thankful I am Lixie” You mumbled against this throat as you ghosted kisses across the skin there. You heard him choke back a strained whimper as you nipped gently at the spot behind his ear. As you pulled away to scold him for holding back the loud gasp followed by a needy high pitched whine at your absence told you it wouldn't take much more for him to completely fall apart. 
You continued your kisses down his neck and across his collarbones, being sure to pull back every so often to gently blow over the wet areas. Felix’s knees felt like they were going to give out any second and with the way his head was spinning he wasn't entirely sure he wasn't going to faint. You felt him cautiously take your hips in his hands and hold onto them for dear life, and he hoped you wouldn't be upset with him for touching you without permission. 
“B-Bedroom… please.. I-” He cut himself off with another gasp as you pressed against his bulge with your palm, a faux sympathetic look taking over your features. “You can wait just a little longer, can't you baby?” You continued to lightly squeeze him through his sweats as you kissed across his chest. “ Wanna keep playing with you some more.” You kitten licked his nipple before taking it in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it, nibbling on it gently. The sounds leaving Felix were pure sin, a mixture of your name with high pitched whines and low groans.
“So pathetic Lixie… I’ve hardly touched you and your a fucking mess for me” You giggled at the way his moans only seemed to increase at your taunting.
When you applied more pressure to his aching cock along with the work of your busy mouth on his nipples his poor body just couldn't take it any more. His knees buckled and his brain turned to mush as you pushed him backwards to pin his hips between you and the bathroom counter. You helped lift him up onto the counter as he wrapped his arms around your neck and he pouted down at you. Tears were pooling in his eyes and his lips were swollen and glossy from him chewing on them.
“Pleasepleaseplease…” Felix’s hips started to roll against you as you held on to him tightly, allowing him to relieve some of the pressure that had been building between his thighs. A deep groan ripped from his throat as you began sucking marks into his chest while he continued to grind into you. You could feel the wetness of his precum seeping through the fabric of his pants and you let out an appreciative hum as you looked down to see the dark patch. “Feel good baby?” He nodded against the crook of your neck where he was drooling and nibbling at the skin gently. “Mhm…want more.. please touch me more”  
“Such a good boy lixie hmm? So polite for me” You slipped your hand under the elastic of his pants, taking him in your hand and feeling him throb against your palm. “Good boys deserve to be rewarded.” Felix was practically sobbing into your neck now, the feeling of you finally touching his cock overwhelming him instantly. As you began to twist your wrist gently and brush your thumb over his slit his cries only got louder mixed with babbles about how good you made him feel and him begging you not to stop. Somewhere in the mix of his rambling you heard him choke out that he was close so you sped up just enough along with your lips mouthing at his neck to send him flying over the edge. His thighs trembled as he came in his sweatpants and he was gasping for air as you continued to stroke him into oversensitivity. His hands shot out to gently nudge your hand away “t-too much p-please… I just need a s-second” so you continue to place gentle kisses along his throat and across his chest as you let him come down from his high, being sure to whisper sweet praises about how good he did for you. 
When he finally pulled away you noticed how dark his eyes were, pupils still blown and suddenly that innocent and needy glint was replaced with something else entirely. The intensity of his gaze made you feel like squirming so you looked down to try and avoid it but your jaw dropped when you saw him still straining against his pants. 
“How are you still hard?” You asked in slight disbelief but mostly just pure shock. Felix didn't respond but instead slid off of the counter, walking you backwards until you were the one pressed up against the wall. His pointer finger slid under your chin tipping your head up until you met his eyes again.
“Listen to me sweetheart” He paused to slide his palms under your thighs and lift you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “I don't know why the hell my cock wont calm the fuck down but..” He began to walk you both towards his bedroom where he all but tossed you onto his mattress. “You're gonna be a good girl and take everything I give you until it does yeah?”
He made quick work of ripping his clothes off, his angry red cock slapping against his stomach, before he was crawling over you. You nodded eagerly attempting to reach your hands out to wrap around his shoulders but he was quick to grab them and pin them back to the mattress. He leaned down and brought his lips next to your ear “Don’t you think you were greedy enough earlier? You had your chance to touch all you wanted and you chose to be a fucking tease instead.” The way he snarled the words harshly had you attempting to clench your thighs together but his own thigh lodged between yours, just barely brushing against your cunt.
“Don't worry kitty I'll make sure to fuck you until youre sobbing and begging me to stop just like you had me.” The rapid switch in dynamics left your head buzzing and your heart pounding with excitement. You whined and bucked your hips forward trying to reach his thigh, desperate for any kind of friction or touch. Despite how much you teased him earlier you desperately wanted him inside of you, to be as close as possible to him. 
When you continued to whine and squirm underneath him he raised an eyebrow at you. “You had so much to say earlier and now youre so quiet…Cat got your tongue kitty?” His condescending chuckle pulled another whine from you. “Please Lixie… n-no more teasing just want you to ruin me.” You were slurring your words, practically drunk on lust, on top of the way your eyes were hooded and your lips were poking out in a pout Felix had no choice but to fold. He would take his time to dom you properly another day but right now you're both just as desperate for this to happen.  
As he brought his hand down to your soaking cunt he kept his eyes locked on yours mumbling “Gonna take care of you pretty girl” and “gotta get you nice and ready for my cock yeah?” He began dragging his middle finger through your folds gathering some of the wetness and bringing it up to your clit. You couldn't help but buck your hips at the sensation even with his other hand pressing down on your abdomen to hold you in place. Your whines got louder as he began to circle your hole with his finger. You were about to complain when he finally pushed it in immediately curling upwards and searching for the spot that would make you see stars. He started out slow and teasing but eventually sped up after adding a second finger. Starting to scissor them and rocking them upwards, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit, the combination quickly bringing you close. 
“Feels so good lixie” you tried bucking your hips again to get even more friction and you earned a harsh slap to your inner thigh. The stinging sensation mixed with the pleasure his fingers were bringing you tipped you over the edge as you creamed around his fingers. Your high pitched moans and grunts drove Felix crazy as you sucked his fingers deeper into your cunt. 
“Such a greedy little pussy baby” he finally pulled his fingers out to suck your them clean before leaning down to attach his lips to yours. It was the first time you had kissed since this all began and it made your head spin in a completely different way. You could taste yourself on his tongue and lips and that made you whimper into his mouth. He dropped his hand in between your bodies and guided his cock to your drenched cunt. He slid it back and forth between your folds a few times to coat himself in your wetness before lining himself up. He captured your lips in another delicate kiss as he sheathed himself inside of you in one swift thrust. Capturing every gasp and moan that attempted to leave your mouth with his lips, drinking in each one hungrily. The contrast of his soft lips kissing you gently and his rough hips snapping into you forcefully making your headspin. 
“Take my cock so well baby. Fuck.” He was mumbling into your neck now telling you how pretty you were and how good you were being for him. All you could do was sit there and take what he gave you, your mouth hanging open with drool slipping past your lips, too fucked out to even care. 
“Gonna fucking ruin you.” He slapped your thigh again.
“Fuck you so good that you’ll never even think about anyone else ever again.” His hand was sliding to wrap around your throat now, applying just enough pressure on the sides to make your head feel fuzzy. 
“Gonna breed this cute little cunt until it's stuffed full of my cum.” His pace increasing but not losing the force behind each thrust. 
“So fucking good letting me use you like this. But you love this don't you? Taking my cock like it's what you were meant to do.” More kisses, some on your lips while some were just around your mouth and scattered across your cheeks. You just hummed in response loving the affection and praise you were getting.
The combination of his filthy mouth, with his powerful thrusts, and his gentle kisses quickly had the knot in your stomach forming again and you could feel your legs begin to tremble against his sides. 
“Wrap your legs around me baby… that's it…fuck… just like that.” With your legs wrapped around his waist he was hitting even deeper inside of you and your cunt seemed impossibly tighter.
You so badly wanted to wrap your arms around his waist and sink your nails into the skin of his back but you tightly gripped the sheets under you trying to ground yourself. “Want you to cum around me, pretty girl. Can you do that for me hm? Cum around my cock like a good girl?” His voice was strained and his arms were trembling next to your head as his third orgasam of the night began its approach. You nodded and whined hoping he would give you the tiny bit of friction on your clit you needed to reach your high. Like he could read your mind his hand made its way between your bodies and began to rub gentle circles into your clit. Your orgasam twice as intense as the first one violently washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut as you spasmed around his length that was still pounding into you. 
The sounds of your wetness and your squeals of oversensitivity filled the room and Felix found himself following shortly after you as you continued to milk his cock. He allowed himself to collapse on top of you after he emptied himself into you, careful to position his weight so it wouldn't hurt you.
His cock was still hard but his brain felt like mush and he wasn't sure how much more he could take. He noticed the way your hands remained by your sides and he suddenly felt more desperate for your touch than ever before. 
“Baby?” He whimpered against your chest. You hummed in reply too fucked out to even attempt to talk.
“Want you to hold me please…Miss your touch already.” The way he asked so timidly had your hands flying to his hair and back, one hand scratching gently at his back and the other ranking through his sweaty locks. 
“Did so good lixie.” He hummed happily at the contact and your words, nuzzling into you further. “Took such good care of me” 
You both just laid there for a while soaking in each other's presence and attempting to gather more energy to help Felix deal with his problem. Tomorrow you would talk about where this left you two but for tonight you would help Felix get this out of his system and Felix would enjoy every ounce of attention he got from you.
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your-poetic-lifeline · 3 months
Maybe some head canons of characters received gifts or small amounts of affection. Revenant perhaps?
showing kindness to robots sure turns them squishy like humans, hm?
think of this as a late valentines post
The Legends Receiving Gifts & Affection
characters included: revenant, loba, caustic
consist of: sweetness! long ass headcanons oops! and some vague gift ideas.
word count: 900+ (906 if you’re curious)
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- There isn’t a lot he’d expect as a gift, given that a lot of things wouldn’t be of use for him. The idea of gifts actually slipped his mind completely until the first time you gave him one. It was a nice little headband.
- He stared at it blankly in his hands. He wasn’t sure why you were giving him gift, but upon looking at it some more, he came to appreciate it.
- He gives thanks with a simple hum. When he’s alone, he’s fiddling with the fabric and deep in thought.
- He likes it a lot. He thinks it’s practical. And subconsciously, the color/pattern is a nice contrast to the red that takes over his design. Makes him feel… a little nice about himself?
- He never thought he’d have the capacity to accept and appreciate a gift. He certainly can’t remember the last time he did or if he ever did.
- Is secretly hoping for more. if his faceplate could move, the idea of getting gifts from you would bring a faint smile to it.
- He also craves affection (it’s a co-requisite with pretty much any other love language you choose to express)
- the act does something funny but exhilarating to his processors.
- Any act of affection could make him swoon in some way, but he usually tries to play it off with a sound feigning annoyance.
- Is secretly holding back a love-filled sigh when you give him soft kisses or subtle, fleeting touches
- my boy just wants some love. it’s a different experience for him and he chases it willfully
- Loves and appreciates every gift you give her. It doesn’t matter if she can steal anything she desires. The love put into a gift is more than thieving can outdo. The gifts she receives from you makes her swoon every time.
- “Oh darling… this is just as beautiful as the last. Thank you…”
- Biiiig smooch on your cheek or forehead as she continues to look over the item.
- She truly accepts every gift whether it’s jewelry or otherwise, expensive or not. She likes that the gifts you give her reflect your inner mind. Even if it was some obscure, handheld item, she’d find it cute/interesting and would find somewhere to display it or put it to use
- And she’s a huge gift giver herself! She’ll give you anything you ask for or even vaguely mention.
- “Now it’s my turn to give you something nice darling. No really, you deserve it my love.”
- Pretty much gives you twice the amount of gifts you give her
- She’s also very careful with you. If she decides to get you anything expensive, she’s sure to double check that it’s nothing too expensive or rare enough for someone to try and track. She doesn’t want you in danger because of a reckless steal.
- Is elated sharing gifts and other things with you. She’s very, very affectionate and seeing you in a good mood puts her in a good mood.
- She sometimes glances at you and simply decides to attack your face with kisses. Is always caressing your face as she just adores you.
- “You are so gorgeous…”
- Ugh i cant stand this guy (lying)
- If you give him something, you may have to be a little patient with him.
- When you first started giving him things, he refused them.
- “You can have it back. I have no need for your obnoxious trinkets.”
- After a couple of attempts though he starts to accept them, but usually doesn’t even open them until days later. Chances are if you place it somewhere where he can see it constantly, he might open it a little sooner.
- If you give it to him unwrapped, that’s even better. It pushes him to see it for what it is and accept it. His reaction is barely a hum of approval, but he takes it nonetheless and moves on.
- When he’s alone he observes it meticulously. Truthfully, he thinks fondly of your gifts. Even if he wouldn’t deem them useful, they still get some appreciation.
- Has a spot somewhere where your gifts are all huddled up and subtly on display. He personally doesn’t like gifts, but the fact you occasionally give him things is something he can appreciate as well.
- He kind of wants to give you something in return, but is super bad with gifts.
- And being genuine.
- And nice. lol.
- He’s quite the observer though so he recalls your interests or anything else you’ve talked about to come up with a gift idea.
- Goes for something simple. He’s way too flustered to give you anything too specific because he knows you’d point out his attention to detail.
- He’d try not to make it a big deal when he gives it to you as well. Will stomp up to you and simply place it in front of you.
- Behind his brash demeanor, he’s actually smiling, satisfied with himself when your reaction to the gift is positive.
- When it comes to affection, he prefers to keep it to a minimum. But moments like these where you’re really happy loosen him up a bit and he may let you dote on him however you’d like.
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banner source!
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outlaw-apologist · 1 year
Valentine’s Day with the Gang (RDR2)
Your favorite member brings you out on a special Valentine’s day date! Characters: Arthur, Charles, Josiah, John, Hosea, Dutch Warnings: NSFW themes AO3 Link Arthur - Arthur says he doesn’t believe in cheesy holidays like Valentine’s day - Leading up to the holiday he acts completely uninterested and won’t talk about it unless you bring it up - “Well… If you really wanna do somethin’ I guess we can,” He says reluctantly - However, Arthur is a secret hopeless romantic. Even though he acts this way he’s planning a special Valentine’s day for you the whole entire time!
- A nice gift he TOTALLY DIDN’T STEAL! Usually jewelry, a clothing item, or a little trinket that he thinks you would like. - Arthur also loves giving you fancy hairpins, he thinks they look cute on you - Alcohol in a unique/beautiful bottle. Think strawberry wine in a heart shaped bottle. Something like this. - Finger sandwiches… He LOVES an excuse to buy finger sandwiches. They are so tiny and he likes to 🤏  BUT he needs an excuse to buy them. A big outlaw like him can’t just go and buy little tea sandwiches for no reason. Well… Valentine’s day is the reason. - Once everything is prepared Arthur takes you to a place he found while riding around on missions. He’ll never tell you, but for 3 months he took note of every beautiful spot he could find that he thought you might like, slowly narrowing it down to a special place - He makes sure it’s in a place that’s pretty warm this time of year and spreads out a nice big blanket then plates everything neatly. - A romantic picnic! - Well…. He hopes you find it romantic. Because he sure does… - Arthur is kind of afraid that you might think his gifts are shallow or not considerate so he draws pictures for you - I mean /really/ draws. He spends HOURS trying to draw something perfect. If your horse is very special to you he will draw breathtaking pictures of your horse. If you have pets he’ll draw those pets stunningly. Or if there is a specific kind of landscape you love, like the mountains or the ocean, that will be captured wonderfully on paper. - He draws it on nice expensive paper too so you can frame it and use it as decor if you wish - Arthur is always very VERY shy when handing you this drawing even if he does this every Valentine’s day. He’s worried you won’t like it. - After you two eat and drink your wine he cuddles with you until it starts to get dark. Then he invites you on a romantic ride as the sun sets… to the hotel of course - Because after those little sandwiches Arthur feels frisky, and he LOVES having you as dessert - Believe me when I say this man will probably keep making you cum until you beg him to stop. ---- Charles - I genuinely don’t think Charles knows what to do on Valentine’s day - He’s never had a Valentine’s day before so this is all new for him - He hears about other couples exchanging chocolate or going out on nice dinners but he doesn’t feel as if that suits you two as a couple. If he brought you to dinner in Saint Denis that would probably be very weird. - Charles also doesn’t believe in frivolous gifts. If he gives you something it needs to be very personal and from the heart. - Because of this he decides to give you something handmade. Charles spends several months perfecting his wittling skills. - The end result is better than expected! He carves out a careful representation of your absolute favorite animal. He hopes you carry it with you everywhere you go to remember him by. It’s like a good luck charm - He asks Arthur and John what they’re doing for Valentine’s day while trying to make plans. He still doesn’t really know what to do. - Eventually he does choose to go the dinner route. Deciding to cook for you he searches/hunts for fresh ingredients and buys everything else he couldn’t find, storing them safely in his satchel before. riding back to camp to pick you up for your date - But first, the day starts lazy when you two wake up. He snuggles you, kisses you good morning and brings you coffee and breakfast in bed before he announces he’s ‘going to run some errands’ (this is when he goes to get the ingredients) - Late noon he returns and takes you out on a nice ride to an area full of active wildlife. -The day is filled with a wonderful nature walk. You each pick flowers to put into each other’s hair and talk or tell stories. - Charles sets up a nice camp for you both. He made sure to bring his favorite pelts for you to lounge on in front of the fire as he makes you dinner. - I think it’s important to include that he went and purchased your favorite baked goods for you to have as dessert. Charles didn’t think he could make a better dessert on his own and didn’t want to disappoint you. He only buys enough for you and none for himself, though he’s not opposed to sharing if you suggest it. - The night is spent with a great meal, wonderful company, and passionate love making. It ends with you laying on his chest as he draws circles on your skin. You both look up at the stars and tell stories or talk about the future, dreaming of all you could have. ----- Trelawny - Oh he’s soooo traditional! He’ll drop a nice dress or suit off for you to change into before returning with a stage coach, a large bouquet of roses, and of course chocolate. - “You look stunning mon amour…. That’s French by the way.” He purrs, kissing your hand as he helps you into the stage. - Fine dining has been arranged for you on this evening. Taking place on a high terrace overlooking the best view in all of Saint Denis. - He lets you order whatever you want. Steak? Lobster? Dessert? All yours! Eat your heart out!!! - Of course he orders caviar for the table and the most expensive wine they offer. - During dinner there’s live music and even a firework show! You watch the colors explode in the sky, shining over the ocean waves. It’s very very romantic~ - “I know I’ve been gone for a long time, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought of you. Here- I picked this up for you in a far away place called Blackwater.” He says, sliding a satin box across the table. Inside is a stunning necklace. Gold with a set sapphire. - After dinner he takes you for a walk. Telling you grand stories about his adventures. At one point he starts serenading you, dancing with you in the street. Oh it’s wonderful~ He twirls you around lampposts and picks a flower from the gardens to stick in your hair. - Once the night comes to an end he books a luxury room at the finest hotel in the city where you two get a little frisky before turning in for the night ------ John - His ass FORGETS it’s Valentines day - “Why’re you all dolled up?” After you glare at him and he realizes he’s forgetting something important he starts sweating. “Is it your birthday today or our anniversary?” - Once he figures out what day it is he’ll run out and get you flowers. - Then he’ll let you pick a local restaurant. But nothing too fancy, he didn’t make any reservations so he doubted either of you could get in a nice restaurant. - I’m gonna be honest, your Valentines Day with him isn’t great. He makes it up to you for the next two weeks. He’ll bring you chocolate and flowers almost every day, practically begging for you to forgive him. He even books a nice dinner and actually takes a bath for once. - Then of course he holds you in bed at night asking with those puppy eyes of his “Are you still mad at me, my sweet?” - The best thing about it is you can keep bringing up Valentine’s day during any arguments and he’ll immediately drop everything to take you on an apology date, even if this is your 50th apology date. - He does feel really bad about it. But he continues to forget important days. It just doesn’t cross his little squirrel brain half the time ---- Hosea - Oh he’s been planning this night for weeks! - Hosea has a new spiffy outfit he’s excited to wear just for you~ - Upon picking you up you notice right away not only does he look like a hundred bucks, but he bathed and applied expensive cologne. - “You look more ethereal than any god/goddess known to mankind, my love.” He compliments you, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips before helping you up onto a wagon - The evening starts off with you two getting ice cream and walking around town, talking while watching the sunset. - He then brings you to the theater to watch a show. He bought advanced tickets and reserved your favorite seats - The whole show, Hosea has his arm over your shoulders or is holding you. When something funny happens he laughs and looks to see what your reaction is. He’s just trying to make sure you’re enjoying yourself. - Once the show is over he takes you behind a nice restaurant, picking up food he had requested to-go. “I’m sorry if you rather eat inside, my dove. I thought it would be nice to do something a little different.” He explains, bringing you to a beautiful garden with a picnic table already covered with a table cloth and candles. - “What’s a romantic dinner without champagne and chocolate covered strawberries for my sweetheart?” He pulls a picnic basket out from the bushes after you two settled in to eat. He must’ve spent a lot of time setting this up for you in advance! - After a very sweet dinner where you two laughed about the past and discussed how you hope your relationship grows in the future, he finally slides forth a beautifully decorated present. “Open it.” He smiled wide, seeming giddy with excitement. - As you unwrap it you realize it’s your favorite book. You might be confused at first, but once you open the cover you realize it was signed by the author. This was a very rare copy, extremely hard to get and not to mention expensive.  “I know it’s not much. I thought jewelry might be too cheesy for you, I didn’t want you to think all of my gifts are obtained by immoral means.” Hosea gives you a knowing wink. “Yet I still wanted to gift you a token of my love.” -------- Dutch - You will be woken up by a hearty “Good morning my darling.” A cup of tea or coffee pushed into your hands and your face peppered with kisses. - The day starts off with a nice breakfast in bed, then a bit of sex followed by an afternoon nap. - Once Dutch is nice and rested after your nefarious activities, he washes up and puts on a nice outfit. Similar to Hosea, this is when Dutch wears his nice cologne. - “We’re going dancin’!” He exclaims, making sure you wear the right shoes with your outfit. - He lets you ride in front of him on The Count and once you both arrive in the city he’ll wave down a stage coach to take you rest of the way - The place he bought tickets for you to dance is beautiful! A huge building that looks very European and fairy-tale like on the inside. Many rich people are in attendance since it’s a Valentine’s day ball. - Dutch immediately hands you a glass of champagne before sauntering off to speak with the wealthy for half the night, leaving you alone. - “Oh, come on now. You know we need money.” He whispers to you upon return, gently pulling you against him, arms around your waist. - After this you two finally dance, and honestly it’s a lot of fun! Dutch is very attentive and isn’t shy about kissing you or getting a bit handsy with you in public. - Once you two are danced-out he takes you to a nice restaurant. It turns out he doesn’t have a reservation so he had you pretend to use the powder room so you can sneak a peek at the guest list. You give him the name ‘Dylan Freeman’ and Dutch approaches the waitstaff posing as that man. - You two have a very lovely dinner, on Dylan Freeman’s tab of course! Dutch orders you both the most expensive things off the menu. - After two hours you both are a little drunk off of $100 imported wine when Dylan Freeman shows up. Dutch notices the waitstaff point your way and he grabs your hand. “My sweet, I’m afraid it’s time for us to run.” You both make a mad dash through the busy kitchen and out the back door, running down the alley while giggling. - “A romantic getaway to end a romantic night!” Dutch muses with satisfaction while you two sit by the dock, staring up at the moon and stars. This is when he pulls out a small box. “Go on.” There’s a glimmer in his eye as you look at what's inside. It’s a queen chess piece. “This is who you are to me. To the gang. We couldn’t do this without you.” He leans down, giving you a deep kiss.
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