revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 11 stripes. the outer 2 stripes on both sides are wavy while the rest are straight. colors are in this order and reflected after the last listed color: pinkish tan, dull tan, grey-tan, grey, greyish brown, dull dark brown. in the center is a wound-like symbol, outlined in dull dark brown and filled with greyish brown. End ID]
Stabwound: a genderwound (link) subterm; a gender that feels like it has a stab wound, is connected to being stabbed and wounds, connected to having a stab wound, etc.
Etymology: stab, wound
Pronounced: stab wound (stab wound)
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eric-sadahire · 3 months
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The Toilet, A Surprisingly Dangerous Place: On November 4, 1035, King Edmund Ironside was stabbed while defecating in a toilet.
The assailant, Jaromír, Duke of Bohemia, wielded a spear from under the toilet seat, catching King Edmund by surprise. It was a crappy way to die.
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mintcrows · 7 months
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Ffion choosing the name for her kid that will eventually try to become a bhaalist
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inspired by this one (not the og)
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First time Tim gets stabbed in the stomach and is bleeding (profusely) Dick comes up to help him keep pressure on the wound and says "Congratulations you're a woman"
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cornflake413 · 3 months
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videcoeur · 11 months
Crocodile’s ego is through the roof right now. He’s so pleased with himself it’s disgusting.
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windfighter · 2 years
A stab in the dark
Prompt: Hidden Injury/waking up disoriented/can't pass out
The plane landed in Italy. Kouji was the last one off, carrying his backpack infront of his stomach and moving slowly. He didn’t have any big suitcase he needed to wait for, but he stopped by the toilets.
They were absolutely gross and he tried to not think too much about it.
He hung the backpack on the door handle and opened his coat. The shirt underneath was bloody and he groaned. He should have taken the train.
He grabbed some paper, peeled off the shirt and pressed against the wound. It would be fine. His hand trembled as he took the phone out of his backpack and dialed Junpei’s number.
”Can I crash at your place a couple of days?”
He could almost hear Junpei’s confusion at the other end.
”You’re in Italy? What about Takuya?”
Kouji sat down on the toilet lid and took a deep breath, pressing harder against the wound. He just needed to get it to stop bleeding again.
”Look, can I or can’t I?”
If he couldn’t he’d just sleep on a bench somewhere. He wasn’t up for meeting Takuya this time.
”I’ll be out again at sunday. Or earlier if you get tired of me.”
”Of course you can. Izumi lives here as well now, just so you know.”
”She’s fine with it?”
”Guest room’s still yours, I’ve told you that. I’m sure Izumi won’t have anything against it.”
”Okay, thank you.”
He should have ended the call there, but he was too tired for that thought to cross his mind.
”Do you want us to pick you up? Where are you?”
Kouji considered. It would be nice to not have to walk the whole way.
”It’s fine”, he said instead. ”Need to stretch my legs after the trip.”
What he really needed was to not pull the wound open again. He lodged the phone between his cheek and shoulder so he could open his backpack and grab the first aid-kit.
”Okay then”, Junpei said. ”Let us know if you change your mind. I’m going to the store later, but one of us should be home when you get here.”
Junpei ended the call. Kouji put the kit on his lap so he could put away the phone. He carefully took pressure off the wound. It was still bleeding, but not as much and he put a bandage over it before putting the kit back into the bag. He let out a sigh.
Time to start walking.
Kouji was pretty sure he had pulled the wound open again. He cursed under his breath. Maybe he should have gone to a hospital instead of boarding the plane, but it’s not like they would have done more than he could himself.
At least he was getting close to Junpei’s apartment.
There was no elevator in the house, and Junpei lived on the op floor. Kouji cursed again. He was tired, but between the long walk and the bleeding wound he wasn’t sure which was the culprit. He climbed the stairs, gripping the railing tightly as he did so.
Izumi opened the door. Her smile disappeared as she looked Kouji over.
”Are you okay?” she asked and stepped to the side to let him in.
”Long walk”, Kouji said.
He glanced at the chair, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get up again if he sat down, so he just kicked his shoes off.
”When did you move here?” he asked.
”A couple of months ago”, Izumi went further into the apartment and Kouji followed her. ”I thought you knew. You know… since we were roommates and I told you at least 5 times.”
Kouji pulled a hand over his face and hid a yawn.
”Must have slipped my mind, sorry. Junpei?”
”He’ll be home again soon. Do you want something?”
”Something to drink?” Kouji was parched, which should absolutely be worrying. ”Otherwise I just want to jump in the shower and clean up a bit.”
Izumi disappeared into the kitchenette and Kouji went to what Junpei refered to as the guest room, but was really just a storage room they’d put an extra bed in. It was fine for Kouji, he didn’t need more. He dropped his backpack on the bed and once again avoided sitting down.
Izumi peeked in and handed him a big glass of water. He swallowed all of it in one go and Izumi raised an eyebrow. Kouji still felt parched.
”Want me to get some coffee brewing for you?”
Kouji shook his head.
”I can take care of that myself. I know how a coffee brewer works.”
”Can you handle it without poisoning the coffee though?” Izumi teased.
Kouji snorted. It pulled at his wound and he winced. Izumi put her hands to her sides.
”You’re not okay”, she said.
”Just…” Kouji clenched his hands to not press them against his stomach. ”Just stiff from the plane. It’ll be better after a shower.”
”You sound like an old man”, Izumi said.
Her eyes were still locked on him and he could tell she wasn’t convinced. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his backpack and smiled at Izumi.
”I am old. 22! Practically dying.”
Izumi laughed and gave him a shove. Pain ripped through his stomach and he swallowed, tried not to let it show on his face.
”You’re ridiculous is what you are. Go shower, then you can help us with food.”
Kouji was going to ask if they really wanted his help with that, but he got dizzy and had to put a hand to the wall for support. Izumi turned around and left the room and Kouji took a few deep breaths. He put the glass in the bookcase by the headend of the bed, grabbed the pants and cursed when he realized his only other shirt was bloody. He should maybe start having more than one spare set of clothes in his bag.
He went to the bathroom, glanced into the mirror. His face was pale, the bags under his eyes looked like bruises. No wonder Izumi wasn’t convinced. How much blood had he lost? He pressed his fingers against his neck.
There was a pulse. A little quick perheps, but not… dangerously so. He’d be fine, he didn’t need to worry anyone.
It was just a teeny, tiny stab wound.
The door opened. Junpei was home again and Izumi went to greet him. He pulled her in for a hug and she kissed him.
”Kouji’s here”, she told him. ”I think he’s sick.”
Junpei… didn’t look surprised. Izumi frowned.
”I kind of figured”, Junpei said. ”He usually stay’s at Takuya’s place when he’s here.”
He took off his coat and shoes and Izumi put her hands to her sides. Junpei was way too blasé about this.
”How are you not more upset about him bringing an unknown virus or something here?”
Junpei put his hands on Izumi’s shoulders and looked into her eyes.
Izumi listened.
”Of course I don’t want to get sick, and I don’t want you to get sick. But if Kouji’s sick, and he’s here, we can keep an eye on him. If he’s alone…”
Junpei didn’t need to finish the sentence. Izumi remembered Kouji’s first trip to Europe and whatever type of flu he’d picked up from there that had wrecked both him and Kouichi. She let out a sigh and pushed Junpei’s hands off her shoulders. That was before Kouji had moved in with her and Kouichi, when he had lived alone and hadn’t had anyone to help him.
It was way better to have him there with her and Junpei.
”So how was the grocery-run? Did you get everything?”
”Most of it, they were out of garlic.”
Izumi laughed, kissed Junpei’s cheek and grabbed one of the bags. Junpei followed her to the kitchen and they put the groceries away together. Izumi started the coffee and Junpei knocked on the bathroom door.
”The blue bathrobe is yours, if you want to be comfy.”
Kouji hmmed in response. Izumi looked pointedly at Junpei. Something was wrong.
”Do you need anything?” she asked towards the door.
They waited. Junpei also started looking worried. It took almost a minute before Kouji said anything.
”’m fine. My backpack?” Kouji slurred a little when he spoke. ”Yeah, backpack.”
”I’ll get it for you”, Junpei said.
”mm… thanks…”
Izumi grabbed Junpei’s sleeve.
”How do we get him to let us take care of him?” she asked.
”You lived with him, you should know better than I”, Junpei whispered back.
He gave her a quick hug.
”He’ll be fine. We just need to make sure to keep him out of the kitchen.”
Izumi laughed. Kouji was banned from the kitchen. She let go of Junpei’s sleeve.
”I’ll check the television for something to watch.” She knocked on the door again. ”We’re ordering pizza when you’re done in there!”
”Pizza’s fine”, Kouji answered.
There was something off about his voice, but it didn’t sound like when he was coming down with a cold. She would keep an eye on him. Junpei headed to the guest room and Izumi sat down in the couch and started the television.
Blood mixed with the water. Kouji stared at it. It should really have stopped bleeding already. He yawned, leaned against the wall. His head spun and it was so tempting to just slid down to the floor.
He honestly just wanted to lie down in the bed and sleep until he felt normal again.
There was a knock on the door. It took several seconds for his brain to process the sound.
”Backpack’s outside the door”, Junpei said. ”Come out when you’re ready.”
Kouji rinsed the wound again, pressed a hand against it. His hand trembled and he couldn’t apply quite enough pressure. He wasn’t sure how he could hide this.
But he couldn’t worry anyone.
He turned the water off, grabbed one of the towels. Dried off before pressing the towel against the wound. He looked at the toilet, seriously considered sitting down. It would absolutely not be a good idea at this time.
But his legs were trembling and felt like they’d fold any second.
He checked his pulse again. It was faster and harder to find.
He was pretty sure there wasn’t any internal bleeding. It had been a small knife and the only reason it was an issue was because Kouji kept pulling it open. He grabbed the sink to steady himself.
His face looked worse. Like he hadn’t slept for three weeks. He felt like it too. He let out a sigh and pushed himself away from the sink.
He opened the door, grabbed the backpack and closed the door again. Dressed the wound and wrapped a bandage around his stomach to keep the pressure high and keep the blood from spilling. Put the towel in the laundry machine and hoped Izumi and Junpei wouldn’t notice it.
He winced as he pulled his pants on and it pulled at the wound.
He grabbed the assigned bathrobe, thankful for the cover it provided. It was warm and fuzzy and soft and he could fall asleep right there and then. He shook his head, grabbed his backpack and went outside.
”What pizza do you want?” Izumi asked.
Both Junpei and Izumi looked at him, Junpei tilted his head slightly. Kouji blinked a few times.
”Uuh… sea food? With pineapple?”
”The pizzeria is going to murder you”, Izumi warned him.
Kouji would argue that death sounded kind of nice right now actually. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
”Not that hungry anyway”, he said. ”Just want a glass of water and sleep.”
”Are you sick?” Junpei asked.
Kouji straightened his back and bit back another yawn.
”Not sick”, he said. The world spun around him. ”Just tired. Long trip.”
”Sure looks like it”, Izumi said. ”I’m ordering your sea food-pizza, just eat as much as you feel like.”
”Sit”, Junpei said and patted the couch. ”You look like you’ll fall over if someone looks at you.”
”Hmm… coming.”
He dropped the backpack off in the guest room before returning to the living room area. He assumed it would be safe enough to sit down now. He shivered a little and sat down, pulling the robe tighter around himself. The wound pounded and he closed his eyes.
Junpei and Izumi were putting the food away when he opened his eyes again. He blinked. Time must have passed but he couldn't tell how much. Izumi leaned over him and put a hand against his forehead.
”I don’t think you have a fever.”
Kouji didn’t know what to answer. He wanted to sit up straighter, but his body didn’t obey. Junpei grabbed him and gently lowered him onto the couch. Kouji tried to protest.
”We’ll sit on the floor, it’s fine. Do you need anything?”
Kouji’s eyes closed again. Junpei or Izumi put a blanket over him and he shivered under it. Izumi and Junpei talked quietly about something, probably him, and he fell asleep again.
”Where are you hurt?” Izumi asked.
Kouji blinked awake. He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep. There was a laptop on the couch table and he could hear Kouichi’s voice through it.
”’s… fine…”
”I can tell through the screen that you’re not fine”, Kouichi said.
”’m not…”
Kouji’s eyes closed. Izumi shook him and he opened his eyes again.
”How’s his pulse? Is he thirsty?”
Now that Kouichi mentioned it…
”Only if you tell us where you’re hurt”, Izumi said.
Junpei shook his head.
”I’ll get you some.”
Junpei left. Izumi grabbed Kouji’s arm and put her fingers against his wrist. Kouji watched her.
”...Can’t feel it”, Izumi said.
Kouichi put his head in his hands and shook it.
”Tiny knife”, Kouji mumbled.
He wasn’t aware enough to regret it. Some part of him realized he would later.
”Where?” Kouichi asked.
”’m fine.”
”I will strip you”, Izumi said. ”I’ve seen you without clothes before.”
”I won’t even get jealous”, Junpei said and leaned over the back of the couch.
He held a glass of water above Kouji. Kouji’s hands shoook as he tried to reach for it and Izumi grabbed them with a glance at Junpei. Junpei rounded the couch and lifted Kouji’s head before putting the glass to his lips. Kouji drank the whole glass in one go. Junpei showed the empty glass for Kouichi, who shook his head again.
”Why didn’t you go to a hospital? How long ago did you get hurt?”
Kouji blinked again, but didn’t answer. Izumi pulled the blanket off him, loosened the bathrobe. Stopped when she noticed the bandage. Kouji let his eyes close.
”Should we call an ambulance?” Izumi asked.
”It’ll be too late for them to stitch it up now”, Kouichi said. ”Not without risk of infection. I don’t think he needs a blood transfusion, they’ll just give him fluid and send him away again.”
”So what do we do?” Junpei asked. ”We’re not doctors.”
”He really just needs fluid, iron and sleep”, Kouichi said. ”Help him clean the wound if he can’t do it himself.”
Kouichi yawned and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes.
”If he shows any sign of infection you drag him to a clinic.”
”Know how…” Kouji started but lost the track of what he was saying. He decided it didn’t matter.
”I’ll check in at lunch”, Kouichi said and yawned again. ”I’m going back to bed now. Kouji, behave, for once in your life.”
Junpei closed the laptop, leaned against the couch and laughed.
”So he wasn’t sick.”
”Junpei! It’s not”, Izumi laughed as well, ”it’s not something to laugh about.”
Kouji decided sleep was better than listening to them laugh at him and slipped away again. Maybe letting them know he was hurt wasn’t the worst that could happen.
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runboybeneaththemoon · 4 months
the bsd character info is always smth along the lines of:
Likes: sweets
Dislikes: being left alone in an alley to die through a stabwound after being betrayed by their only friend
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 months
Okay okay but aged up Peter who revealed his identity to the avengers. He has been coming to the tower/compound for several months before he was invited to work out/train.
At some point he takes his shirt off to wipe his face.
And maybe someone asked about the scars on his chest since they don't see even the old gunshot or stabwounds, so this had to have been a bad one.
And Peter has to awkwardly explain those are his top surgery scars from before his spider bite.
And that is how he came out as trans.
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eric-sadahire · 5 months
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“Your honor, my client could not have committed the murder as the victim had 28 stab wounds, but my client only had 1 knife.”
"How could you use a knife that much? I don't even use the same knife to spread more butter on my bagel, because of the crumbs. And that guy's had blood on it!"
He shuddered. "It's just unsanitary."
Yes, of course! We are sorry for accusing you.
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barbiewritesstuff · 1 month
Glimpses: True Love's Embrace and True Love's Caress
Hear me wax lyrics about you, Astarion and rings for a bit.
This is part of a bigger collection of drabbles showing glimpses of how you and Astarion fall on love. (They will not be in order lol also title is in progress)
No proofreading, we die like men
Pic found on pinterest
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He doesn't realise it at first but he has to admit he hasn't taken a single hit since the start of the battle, or rather, he has but it doesn't seem to hurt him much if at all. He doesn't question his good luck, he's due some after all the bad shit that's been thrown his way for nigh on two centuries, especially since the battle is going spectacularly wrong. They've had to revivify Karlach and Gale twice already and you guzzle potions like your life depends on it -- and it does.
Astarion watches you unscrew the cap on one right now, you're crouched behind a trunk in a shady alleyway where the only thing worse than the visibility is the smell. He watches you take a swig, a couple of drops of it trailing down from your chin to your throat and then down your armour, a flimsy thing made more for show than for protection, it's low cut and gives him a lovely view of your breasts, which, he suddenly thinks, he should stop staring at.
Lost in thoughts of such depravity that he'd never admit to them, he doesn't notice the enemy sneak up but he does feel him grab his shoulder and plunge a dagger straight between his ribs. Then, he feels him pull it out and ... nothing. Just a dull ache, and all consuming fury that makes short work of the other man, but nothing else. No death. No blood.
He starts to say how strange he finds what happened to be. There's luck and then there's this... but he doesn't get far in his sentence when he spots you, rasping for breath, blood bubbling out of a stabwound in your chest. There's no one nearby, and he knows no one came close to you, but here you are, on deaths door, trying to stretch your arm to reach the potion you were holding before he got attacked.
He hands it to you in a hurry, half already spilled on the floor, and just as he lifts it to your lips, he notices your wound sits right where his own should have been. Then, he notices the ring hugging your right ringfinger, snug and shiny against your pale digit.
He looks at his own hand, where the matching rings sits. Horror washes over him like a cold shower when he realises what has happened. This is no mistake either, not when he watched you loot it from their owners' dead bodies, read their diaries and heard Gale drone on about the encredibly powerful magic that had been cast upon the rings. You knew what would happen if you wore it. There was, of course, the possibility that you'd worn the wrong one. That he had been meant to wear yours all along, but Astarion doubted it.
No, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that you meant to take those hits. That you wanted to protect him.
"Hold on, dear," he whispers, tears threatening to spill as he watches your cheeks lose colours, and your skin turn cold, your breath getting more laboured by the second, "We'll get you back to camp.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
Omgs #2 with gojo but they're older and reader kisses the scar on his forehead from toji's stabwound???
I read your other drabble where he dies and comes back and i couldn't help myself!!!
yes but i think it was just his throat so i hope it's okay i warped it to that a little bit (dw there's still a forehead kiss in there!)
2: Kiss On The Forehead ___
as quiet as satoru is when he enters your room, he still wakes you. and as soon as he sees your blanket-wrapped silhouette stir before sitting up to gaze upon your late night visitor, he winces.
"sorry," he mumbles, sliding your door shut behind him as quietly as he could. "i thought i was quiet enough this time"
you slowly blink your eyes open, shaking your head to ease him of his needless worry.
"don't be sorry," you murmur, patting the space beside you. "c'mere"
your voice is all the more enticing in it's sleepy state, slow, gentle, sometimes a little raspy, it might have been his favorite time to hear you speak to him. even if he did have to wake you up.
satoru steps further into the room, until he perches on the side of your bed. you frown when he doesn't completely invade the space as if it were his own. you preferred the nights he crawled into your bed and took up all of your space with his lanky body.
"what's keeping you up, sweetheart?" you mumble, leaning your head against his back, nestled between his shoulder blades.
though his thoughts are plagued with darkness tonight, he smiles to himself as you settled against him in a position that's surely uncomfortable, but you seem to rest there anyways.
"same old, i won't bore you with the details," he murmurs in response, barely looking at you from over his shoulder. "you know i sleep better in your room though"
"I sleep better with you" you reply, speaking the truth for the both of you. again, satoru smiles to himself.
it's quiet for a bit, long enough that he thinks you might have fallen asleep against his back, hunched over and awkwardly tangled in your blankets. but suddenly you're moving about, and then leaning off of him. only to crawl next to his side.
he can tell you struggle to keep your eyes open, but you peer up at him anyways.
you don't say anything at first, but your actions speak louder than you could anyways. one of your hands finds his, your fingers wrapping around it and pressing into his palm with gentle assurance that you were here.
"i wish i could make this all go away," you whisper into the void of darkness, only for his ears to hear. "i wish i could take all of this pain away from you,"
you hold such genuine concern for him that satoru has to wonder what he did to earn such care from another person. especially someone like you, who was so effortlessly perfect, kind, comforting, the greatest friend he's ever known. the only person he could consistently wake up in the middle of the night when he can't sleep because only your presence relaxes him enough to forget about the rest of the world.
"if there was a way i could take it all from you and carry it myself, i would" you whisper, before leaning your head against his bicep, your eyes falling shut as your tiredness overcomes you again.
"i know, sweetheart," he whispers back, raising your conjoined hands to place a kiss on the back of yours. "and if there was a way you could, i would never let you"
you copy his action, placing your own kiss on his hand, before lifting your head and smiling up at him softly, sadly.
"i know" you repeat, your voice hardly above a whisper.
your eyes wander his face for a moment, noting how tired he looks, and how odd it still is for you to see him let his guard down around you so you could see just how tired he was. your heart ached for him, in every possible way. you wish he didn't have to carry the weight of the world alone. you wish you could do more than hold his hand and lure him to sleep.
he's wearing a tee shirt and sweats, his usual sleep attire, but tonight your eyes focused on the exposed length of his neck. the scars on his throat had been there for years, they weren't new to you, in fact, you'd been present when toji had given them to him. the memory makes a chill run down your spine. satoru notices.
his brows furrow and his free hand reaches around your shoulders, adjusting your blanket to be better wrapped around you so you wouldn't feel another chill. your sight remains locked on his neck.
giving into the impulsive thought, your untethered hand reaches out to him, slowly, as if it was possible for you to startle him, and your fingers trail delicately over the most solid mark.
you feel his adams apple bob as he swallows harshly from your gentle touch.
"it doesn't hurt, does it?" you whisper.
satoru shakes his head.
"course not," he murmurs back, his voice taking a tone you'd never heard before. briefly, your eyes flicker up to his. "just... not a place anyone's really touched before," he explains. "but, it's... nice"
with his assurance you trace the spot in small, careful movements, before your hand tilts his chin up, so you could lean closer and softly plant your lips on the spot. not for any desirable reason, you simply wanted him to feel the kindness and warmth he deserved. it wasn't fair that the honored one himself was touch starved.
when you pull away, you give him a smile, which he shakily returns.
you lean up again, kissing his cheek, and then his forehead, your lips lingering against his skin with each sweet peck, until you're satisfied, and you crawl back into bed.
"c'mere," you beckon him again by patting the empty space beside you. "it's late. we should sleep"
he'd much rather coax more kisses out of you, but satoru decides to settle in with you for now. surely he could do so on another day. perhaps in the morning when you wake.
"i love you, y'know" he mumbles as he makes himself comfortable on your pillows and tucks you carefully under his arm.
"mhm," you hum back sleepily. " 'nd i love y'too"
he smiles in content as he drifts to sleep beside you. his mind was impermeable against dark thoughts when you were around to ward them all off. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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validwarriorcatsnames · 3 months
Side note: it's always a little funny when people use this day to point to the Ides of March as an example to emulate on our own wealthy and powerful. Like, don't get me wrong, I am all about eating the rich, but. I don't think you people understand that Caesar's death did start the war that ended representative government in Rome.
We did it, Patrick! We saved the Republic!
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mibkid · 2 months
very serious and cool Illustration
⚠️Content WARNING for under the cut⚠️
- a very cool link from legend of Zelda B)
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Still warning!!!!
⚠️Under the cut!!!⚠️
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;) I wasn't able to post it here on time, bc i had to figure out how i should do it. But on insta and tiktok i did it on time!
feel free to use it as a reaction picture btw. my friends knows i have used it. LMAOOOO
i think i'm so funny
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spaceyhibiscus · 7 months
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It's just a little stabwound. ;^)
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poppyandzena · 3 months
printing house rules??? excel worksheets??? meetings??? you did not do your dishes when i toild you know you ruined ALL our plans??? the jokes about p*do stuff...
"i'm 22 but still have all aspects of my life timed. i have bedtime."
how are you both "working on their life idependence skills" and also dictating your kids life??? you want them to grow up or not? LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY SPENT. THEIR MONEY.
“can’t eat if you miss your scheduled eating time”
zena had the audacity to put her fucking NAME on a FOOD ITEM she did no PAY.
sOrry i had to stop reading. Trauma is not a stabwound, trauma is thousand of little, small, paper cuts all over your body. You don't even notice at first, but when you try to move forward, your whole body aches.
i went to something similar, although my parents were physical with me, this is enough to really trigger me. I'm so sorry for spawn.
stay strong. that really fucked me up;
It's alright. I do not blame you for stepping away. One, you prioritize yourself, always. I appreciate you reading as far as you did, and your support is always appreciated.
I'm not here to post for shock value, or what hurts people the most. I honestly wish none of this existed for me to cover. No one wants to find out the content creators they watch are capable of this.
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