#spiderman eugene thompson
rattyshipss · 8 months
Flash Thompson with an asexual s/o:
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(I am not personally asexual so I don't have any first hand experience to go off of but I'm going to try my best to make these as accurate as possible but if anything if wrong or needs to be fixed please let me know!🥰 Gn!reader)
First off, you're gonna have to eventually spell it out for him
It's not that he doesn't know what asexuality is, he just won't put the pieces together until you outright tell him (Or unless Mj has enough of his stupidity)
He could tell something was up he just couldn't put his finger on what
Once he does find out however that may be he is nothing but supportive (Still a little confused at points though but he'll get the accurate info from his bby😌)
Flash genuinly gives me off vibes that he would not mind one bit (Like anyone shouldn't mind😤)
Like he just seems so chill to me in that aspect
I feel like the only issue he'd have with it is feeling worried he's not educated enough on it and frantically asking you EVERYTHING about it
He'd be so protective too if any of his friends make even the smallest joke about it he's on their ass
He's constantly spouting out random facts about it too to people
Like sitting in study hall with a group of people "Did you know asexuality has been around for years and years?" while staring into his phone
I know asexuality is different for everybody and Flash knows that too but sometimes he'd forget when he's being affectionate with you and panic thinking he went too far and made you uncomfortable
He'd always 1000% respect any and all of your boundaries all the way
If there was a lgbt club at your school he's immediately joining (And if anybody tries to give you crap about "Asexuality not belonging in the lgbtq+ community they better hope Flash doesn't find out)
He's kinda an ass sometimes to some people (Like Peter🤦) but overall I imagine him as the BEST boyfriend, like man's would do anything for you and he's gonna make sure you know how loved you are
@lxsm2 I hope you like them!🥰 I believe this is my last current request from you but I also kinda feel like I forgot one so if I did please let me know!💖 And you're always welcome to request more anytime!🥰
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tonystark-official · 3 months
Hi Mr. Stark,
Flash is beating up Peter again. He hit him really bad and Peter doesn't listen when I tell him to stand up for himself.
Send him my way, Ted. Either one. Just know that if you send Eugene, you might not see him again.
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spidey-official · 1 month
Spider-Man!? I’m like… your biggest fan! You stole my car once! Well, it’s my dad’s car, but I was driving it!
do i know you
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m57528 · 5 months
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kenny-the-blink · 4 months
A few little guys I made to distract me from pain
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The second one is based off of @peterbenjaminparkour 's edits of winged Graydon!
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ihavenorightstocry · 8 months
Thinking about making a flash Thompson body pillow (for the funnies so get your mind out of the gutter) and I wanna ask people on the internet to chose which ref image to use
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Also credit to the artist who made the scout body pillow bc I found this image on printrest and tried to reverse image search it to find the artist which didn’t work
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
Peter Parker field trip fics follow the same trope-
Tony either organized the trip or had no idea it was Peter’s. Peter gets it sign by either him or May. Flash is 10x meaner and more of a asshole than MCU Flash actually is (MCU flash calls him names and his actual a chill dude in NWH so I honestly don’t hate him) and MJ tells him off on the bus to the fieldtrip (Adding to this- Peter was either staying at May’s, or at the tower adding the “went to school to go back” trope) and MJ is only excited to meet Pepper and Ned is excited to meet everyone even tho his apperantly already met them. When they get to the Tower they meet up with the tour person who Peter may know and then they explained the security badges they now apparently have (and theres 50/50 chance that the highest badge is own by only Tony, Pepper, Happy and a “mystery person” who would be Peter or the highest is the Avengers. Anyway- Peter has the highest badge) and when Peter passes through and Friday outs him everybody stares at in shock and Chad Flash ask if he bribed someone or did something sexual with someone (which is just so gross people wtf) and then they make their way to a exhibit which they apparently have and Ned and Peter find the spiderman one which reveals Peter is actually afraid of spiders (I love that HC tho-) and theres a 50/50 chance that one of the Avengers will show up to embarrassed Peter, it may be Clint who was hiding in the vents or Natasha which we will proceed to get the iconic “мама паук” and “паучок”. Flash will again ask Peter how he knows them. They will proceed to the labs to meet up with Bruce and have robot building competition in which Peter, Ned and MJ team up and win because obviously. And through the way Peter will meet up with more of his Avenger family. At some point they will meet up at a gym with other Avengers (mostly Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda and sometimes Natasha) and they will ask Peter to train with them because nobody cares about keeping his identity a secret. After Peter proceed to shock all his classmates theres a 50/50 chance that Chad Flash will ask to train and get his ass beat. This is normally followed by a “Lunch” moment or them going to meet Tony (either @ his lab or meet and greet) if it’s lunch, then Flash and Peter will get into a fight and a Avengers may walk in. and if it’s meeting with Tony, Flash will ask if “High-Schoolers” can have interships and when Tony proceed to say no (even though he should remember Peter’s cover is in fact THAT HE DOES- ) Chad Flash will insult Peter and call him a liar and IronDad will get mad, insult/threaten Flash and his parents, telling his teacher what’s the point in Peter going back and they all live happily ever after without questioning the consequences of everything-
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peterbenjaminparkour · 3 months
Flash Thompson Fans
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Speaking directly to the Flash Thompson fans I’ve seen in my notifications in the past 48 hours… if you’re also a discord user, I have the server for you!!
REVOLORILUTION (@revolorilution) is Tony Revolori fan community. In our server we talk about Flash Thompson headcanons, theories, backstory, fics, ships and more!
Click Here To Join
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albertonavajoart · 2 years
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#Spideytober Day 22: Flash Thompson
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“I’m not a hero.”
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“But if I try long enough and hard enough and make amends…maybe someday I might get to be a good guy.”
(to me, steve is much more flash thompson, than he is peter parker. based off of who he is as a character and his development, it makes far more sense for him to be eugene than peter. this is a repost because i didn’t like the last one.)
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rattyshipss · 7 months
reader having killer social anxiety, and Flash taking care of all the social interactions 🫶
he would definitely give both his and the reader’s order when they go eat outside, or pass calls for them. If reader has to talk in front of the class (for a presentation or something) Flash obviously can’t do it for them, but he so helps them through it and reassures them that they did good right after :’)
Of course!🥰 I relate to this on a DEEP level omg (G/n reader)
You and Flash were heading out of class as it ended when you were stopped by Brad. "Hey guysss, wanna come over to my place after school? I'm throwing a party but you two obviously get early access and I'm totally not just saying that so you guys can help me set up."
Flash was busy on his phone so Brad looked towards you for a reply. Eyes wide as you gestured with your head towards Flash, nudging him as subtly as possible to get his attention, he immediately knew what that meant. "Oh, uhm... maybe, we'd love too man but we might just be too busy but if we're able to we'll totally come!" Brad nodded, content with the answer. "Alright cool, I'll save you guys some pizza just incase!"
Brad exited the classroom, leaving you and Flash to finish gathering your stuff. Flash looked towards you, rubbing your arm to help comfort you. "I figured this way you'd have time to decide if you wanna go or not and if not we have an easy out." Flash smiled before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the classroom.
This was just one of the moments he helped you out with for your anxiety, and he was more than happy to.
Whenever you and Flash went out to eat together, which was often because as much he loved taking you out to the fanciest most high end places he also loved you out for cute little fast food dates, he always ordered for you. He had no problem with it, if something he did could help you feel better in any way he'd do it, he didn't care what it was.
The epitome of the "They asked for no pickles" meme. Flash would just automatically do it at this point, knowing how awkward it can feel to have to ask for him to order for you with the server staring at you expectingly. Sometimes he'd even get you comfortable in a booth before he goes up to order so the server doesn't look to you and ask for your order before he can get it out.
As much as he wanted to say some dumb joke when he answered the phone for you he knew better than to do that, not wanting to upset you he remained mature until the phone call ended before updating you on what they said.
A similar rule applied when you had to be involved in public speaking, although he couldn't do it for you he's help you prepare in any way he can, only throwing out a few jokes here and there to take your mind off of it. The day of the presentation he's your rock, letting you ramble to him as much as you need about your fears, reminding you of how well you're gonna do and how once it's over all you have to do is come relax with him. Purposefully trying to sit near the back of the class so he can give you a giant hug without the prying eyes of your classmates and tell you how proud of you he is.
He'd never ever diminish your anxiety, although he doesn't personally struggle with it to the same extent you do he knows it's very much a real thing and an incredibly tough thing to deal with and he's honestly so impressed at how strong you are for getting through all the effects of it. He's so so proud of you for living with anxiety. He just hopes his dumb jokes don't annoy you too much.
@lxsm2 I hope you like it!🥰 Anxiety/social anxiety is the absolute devil so I hope this can help even a little bit🥺💖
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poisonousash · 2 years
Eugene Flash Thompson
Agent Venom
The Amazing Spider-Man #654 & Ultimate Spiderman
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Good guys think of others before they think of themselves
⪻More Flash Thomson aesthetics on Pinterest⪼
Flash Thompson's look alike Neels Visser
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Harry: You bought a taco?
Peter: Yes.
Harry: From the same truck that hit Flash?
Peter, with a mouthful of taco: Well me starving isn’t gonna help him.
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bringyouralibis · 2 years
flash thompson redemption arcs are probably one of my favorite things in the world
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marvelmendailyblog · 2 years
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Tony Revolori
Status Magazine
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