#spent all day on this !!!!
thescribblings · 1 month
Save a horse, ride a cowboy?
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(Slightly more suggestive ver under the cut ig?)
That is all
Have nice day
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nota-deviant · 2 years
Therapy time!
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quakerr0ats · 8 months
Shout out to my least favorite guy!
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Day 1 Day 3
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erigold13261 · 1 year
:3 I love your blog and your art so much!!! So if the NSR cast had fursona what would be? ( >:3 please do EX-Jay, and West too? *Pours 13 liters of love and appreciation over you*)
Thank you! And that depends. Are we talking about fursonas that FIT the characters, or fursonas that they would choose themselves? Because that could be very different depending on the characters. I'll try to give both but some characters I only have one idea for, or just a vague idea for one over the other.
I'm mainly just sticking to real animals. Not so much doing hybrids or mythical animals because I do not have any ideas for those. Because I think a lot of this cast would be some kind of dragon or something haha.
Also put below a read more since you basically want EVERYONE lol
Mayday: I can see her being either a canine or feline, something full of energy or life for what would represent her. But for one she would choose, I would say she'd be a Malayan Civet.
Zuke: For animals that represent him, probably something like a bull or a Malaysian Horned frog. But if he was going to choose a fursona he'd be an alligator, and he's make a point to let you know it's an alligator and not a crocodile.
DJSS: I feel like a sea turtle would best represent him, but if they were to choose one for themself I think he would choose a Goliath Heron as his animal.
Sayu: Sayu kinda already has two animals that represent mer (not counting the mermaid part) which would be a bunny and a cat. Bunny because ze was drawn as a bunny in mer concept art, and a cat because some of the people who work at Metronomik said Sayu's shadow puppet animal would have been a cat. I also think Sayu would choose a bunny as mer fursona. A very colorful and fluffy bunny.
For the rest of the Club I already had animals picked out for when I did a swap of them with 1010, so those I feel best represent them and what they would choose.
Aoi: He would be a wolf.
Haru: Sea is a fox.
Yua: She would be a dragonfly.
Renho: And Renho is a butterfly.
Remi: I can see Remi being represented by a red panda. He would choose a crab though. Or maybe it would be the other way around. Either way, red panda or crab is Remi.
Tila: She would definitely be picking an otter as her go to animal fursona. Though I can see her being represented by a Nightingale.
Dodo: He seems best represented by a Red-Crowned Crane, but would most likely choose a squid of some sort.
Sofa: I can see them being represented by a monkey of some sort, like a macaque monkey. But they would definitely choose a blobfish, but they would make it accurate to how a blobfish looks like under pressure, not the meme blobfish you see on the internet.
Yinu: She would be represented by a Cloudless sulphur butterfly or a honeybee. However, I see her choosing an axolotl as a fursona and she would make the "ears"/fins look like plants or flower petals.
Mama: I can see her being represented by a Red Adder snake. She seems like she would choose to be a Monarch Butterfly though.
Papa: He'd probably be represented by a Luna Moth. He would have chose a ladybug as a fursona if he was asked to choose when he was alive.
Neon J: Hmmm, maybe he would be represented by a Korean Crevice Salamander, but he would definitely chose a bat as his fursona. Actually maybe the other way around. Either one of these I feel fit Neon, though I think the bat represents him more, while he would actually choose a Korean Crevice Salamander. Yeah, that way works better.
Rin: I can see it choose a mountain goat as its fursona. I'm not sure on what would represent Rin though, I feel like a hairless cat would represent it really well lol.
Purl-hew: Purl is definitely represented by a chameleon as they try to mimic/mirror the people they are around as a form of masking. However, if asked Purl would funnily enough be a Blue Sea Dragon even though Purl hates the ocean so much. That animal is one of Purl's favorites (also what Purl was when swapped with the Mermaid Club).
Zimelu: I think she is best represented by a red betta fish. I can also see her choosing that as a fursona.
Haym: I had said that Haym would be a cat, but I honestly think I changed my mind on that. I think a Jindo dog would best represent Haym, but I can see him choosing something crazy, maybe even doing a hybrid. Hmmm... may he'd pick a kind of cat/reptile hybrid. Like mixing a banana snake (mainly tail and eyes, but some scales) with a Siberian musk deer (fangs and ears) and a leopard (mainly markings).
Eloni: I can see him being represented by the Alpine black swallowtail. But definitely some kind of bug she is choosing for herself, something more dangerous and cool looking. He'd either be a Triangle Crab Spider or a Wasp Spider just with the yellow coloring changes a bit more to green (Eloni loves spiders).
Dew: I don't think Dew would want a fursona at all, like he would definitely keep dodging the question. Though at some point he'd say something like a fur seal or a goral or something just so you leave him alone. I think an armadillo or a pangolin would be best to represent Dew though.
Maragold: They would choose a butterfly with rainbow crystal wings, or a butterfly with multiple sets of wings as a fursona. As long as the wings look pretty, and maybe like flower stained glass, they will be happy. Represented-wise, I don't know why but I can see them being represented by a Dodo bird (which I am now wondering why I didn't make that Dodo's represented animal lol).
Carna: Fae is definitely a racoon for represented animals. I can see faer choosing something really messed up like the fungus that turns ants into zombies. So fae would be an ant, but also looking very gross and dead, maybe even make some pastel gore on faer fursona suit if fae made one.
Eve: Similar thing with Sayu, people at Metronomik said Eve's shadow animals would be a peacock, platypus, or octopus (not canon) so those are the ones that represent her. And honestly, I can see her picking a peacock as her fursona, maybe even a peacock and octopus hybrid if Haym is helping her out.
Tatiana: Okay, I am going into the fantasy a lot with this one, but I just don't see any fursona that better represents Tatiana than a phoenix. She would probably pick that too, or just pick like a bear or something.
Kliff: He'd be represented by a red fox. Hmmm, what would he choose though... I can see him choosing a firehawk as a fursona.
DK West: We already know that West is represented by a bull, and honestly I can see him also choosing that as a fursona. Although, I can also see him choosing a water buffalo or an Asian elephant.
Mystery Man: I don't know what he'd choose, but I can see him as some kind of water snake. Like a snake that can travel on water, but it would probably also be one made out of water (like the pattern of it would look like water).
Cyril: He'd choose a vampire bat as his fursona (wonder if people will get what I am referencing here). As for one that represents him, I'd say a hedgehog would be best.
Noa: Maybe a boar for represented fursona. Though I can see him choosing a group of starling as his fursona (kinda like how those fish in Finding Nemo make faces and images, would be how Noa's fursona would work, so he doesn't have a fursuit but would get his fursona drawn/2D model or someting).
Asa: He is definitely represented by a weasel. He'd probably go for a slow worm/legless lizard though.
Rei: I feel like his representative animal would be the red deer. He'd probably choose a Western Taipan (I can see the tail or just some scales with creative liberty being put over the left eye like Rei likes to do with his hair).
Elivy (Goolings Singer): I don't know, I see his represented animal as a shrew. But I feel like he'd pick a barn owl for his fursona.
Quida (Goolings Drummer): Hhmmm. She would pick the Ocellated lizard as her fursona. Either that or she would pick the Processionary Caterpillar, though I also see that as representing her.
Joust (Goolings Bassist): When I drew him I was basing his design off of a shark, and so that would be his represented animal. As for choosing, he might choose a striped hyena.
Martha: A wolf in sheep's clothing lol. That would be her representation (or even Kliff lol). But she would probably choose a Northern Red Salamander.
Aria: And finally, Aria. She would choose to be a firefly for her fursona. I feel like she would have a dove that represents her though.
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hedonicghost · 2 years
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birthday boy!!!!! [chucks him into the air]
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jellykoala · 2 years
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Figured I’d just post this to my main account cause my art account doesn’t have followers lmao
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millidew · 1 month
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his change in career has captivated me
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hilacopter · 1 month
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hypewinter · 3 months
During a press conference for the newest Justice League member, Phantom, a reporter asks him "Do you have anything to say to all the children who aspire to be like you?"
Phantom looked at the reporter puzzled before saying, "Children wanna be like me? Why? I'm a bad influence."
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 2
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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softsimulation · 2 months
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the bedroom of a 20-something college student
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asoriadraws · 4 months
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Hey, soldier. 🔥
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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mod2amaryllis · 9 months
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despite everything
(happy 8 years undertale)
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delicourse · 1 year
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lesbian pride moment 😳🌸
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part one...!
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