#sorry i cannot give advice to save my life
sophsicle · 7 months
Hi Soph! Not fic related but i got a really low grade on my final and i barely passed the class, so I’m feeling really sad and underwhelmed because until now I’ve had really high scores so it’s a hard blow. I push myself too hard and I try to get everything right and perfect and when not I feel like a failure. Do you have any advice for that? I appreciate and admire you a lot.
Hello! Hi! I'm sorry you got some bad results and that you're feeling low, what i'd say is a) no one has a perfect academic record, literally no one, everyone has a class or a year or an assignment they did really poorly on that haunts them but 99.9% it does not hold you back or impact your future in anyway so cut yourself some slack b) treat it like a break up, let yourself wallow for a day and then set it on fire, or whatever you have to do to not see it anymore and focus on the things that you can actually accomplish instead of the things you can't change
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fangswbenefits · 9 months
Spicy chocolate:
Okay imagine this…
You have Miguel have been dating for a while now, and let’s just say the sex is….*chefs kiss*.
And you guys usually can’t go two days with out fucking, but you and Miguel haven’t fucked for TWO WEEKS NOW.
And so you’re going crazy, and Miguel would be a piece of shit like he is sometimes and just not say anything nor try to make a move, KNOWING DAMN WELL YOUR A BOTTOM WHO CANNOT MAKE THE FIRST MOVE TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!
So you go your best friend for some advice, and they tell you, to go get that chocolate that turns people on.(I forget what it’s called sorry)
You think they’re crazy but after a while of thinking about you realize that this might be the only way to help you out,
So you go and buy a pack, and when you get home you wait around until Miguel gets home, when he gets back you tell him you guys are watching a movie and that you went to the store and bought everything,
And he seems so happy about it, and when you get up to get everything he grabs your waist and starts kissing you and apologizing for not getting to tuck you, and so he wants to make up for it.
And you blurt out “for crying out loud I bought that stupid chocolate for what?”
Miguel looks at you confused, but slowly picks up on what your talking about, so he lets go of you and rushed to the kitchen as you try to stop him, but by the time you get to the kitchen, HE ALREADY ATE MORE THE HALF THE BAR OF CHOCOLATE. (DONT ACTUALLY EAT THAT MANY GUYS OKAY!)
And he just gives you a smirk before feeding you two pieces, it take a few minutes to finally kick in, and by that time.
You and Miguel are all over each other, and during him fucking into you and rubbing your clit, he whispers in your ear “You wanna know why I haven’t fucked you for so long?” He goes fast as you nod
“It’s because if I did I couldn’t stop myself for fucking you like this until I got you nice a full amor, until your you are wobbling like a penguin around the house swollen with my children. And tits full of milk, only for me and and the baby(‘s)
Y’all would not be leveling that bedroom for a WHILE, only to get food but you had to stay there only Miguel could leave.
(Also if you want to use this I’m 100% okay with that I would love it actually, but ya if you just give me some credit though, anyways much love <3)
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onehopefuldreamer · 9 months
Why I can't help but always romance Persephone in Stray Gods
1 - Prickly on the outside, soft on the inside personality trope
This is probably the biggest reason because it's also probably my most favourite personality type of all when it comes to fictional characters. I am so very weak for ladies who kick ass and look scary but are secretly huge sweethearts. And Persephone is this trope to a T. Sure, she's big and scary, no one can deny that. But she can also be so sweet. She helped Calliope when she left Olympus, she saved Chastity from her abusive husband, she takes to mentoring/helping Grace so quickly, she is happy to help Medusa if Grace offers her help and even goes as far as admitting that this help was long overdue (something Apollo never does by the way). These are just some instances we become privy to during the game.
I'm absolutely sure there are more times when she was secretly kind, especially to people who needed help but had no one in their corner. Because while her personal philosophy is that no one else can help you keep your head afloat (born out of her own experiences no doubt) she's shown to actively be giving advice to and helping Grace as well as genuinely worrying about her safety and doing what she can to keep her safe. She's also obviously remorseful for not having been able to exact the change Calliope wanted so badly after becoming part of the Chorus and sympathetic about Freddie's fate. She cares and she cares deeply. She simply does her best not to show it because experience has taught her that others don't tolerate her being weak or deign to offer her sympathy no matter how dire the situation she is in. This naturally leads to:
2 - A character who is all alone and without a supportive system but refuses to give up
This is sort of a subsection of the prickly on the outside, soft on the inside trope, I know, but I cannot help but love characters who have had a traumatizing past and been forced to deal with it on their own. I always, ALWAYS want to be in their corner and if they happen to be ladies I never fail to fall in love with them. I find it absolutely amazing that anyone can preserve their integrity and remain kind after being hurt so badly both in fiction and in real life if I'm honest. To me these are the real heroes - people who have been hurt but refuse to let that hurt turn them into monsters. If there is a character like that in any media I partake in, no other characters stand a chance. Not really.
3 - Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice
In reality this is actually pretty much tied with numbers 1 and 2 but I had to keep some semblance of order so here we go.
I am very much someone who has always and forever been weak for beautiful voices. And out of the whole VA cast giving life to the LIs it's Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice that never fails to make me swoon or give me chills. She's so very good at what she does this woman. Her delivery is flawless both when it comes to her spoken and sung lines. I can physically feel Persephone's pain when she asks Grace "Please, don't do this." as well as her anger and bitterness when she sings "I gutted a god." or says "The only god I killed deserved it." for example. This adds so much to the character for me, you have no idea. I cannot honestly say if I'd have loved Persephone so much if she had been voiced by a different actress. But the combination between tropes I love and her sublime voice created a perfect storm so now no one can even compete with Persephone. Not even Freddie. And I love Freddie. She's just not Persephone. I'm sorry.
4 - Persephone's design
I love Persephone's design so damn much! I can't decide what I love most - her badass haircut, her cool tattoos, her slightly weird but somehow totally working for her outfit, her make-up that suits her perfectly, the colour of her hair and eyes or her androgynous look. Everything comes together flawlessly and creates one total and extremely gorgeous package. I don't know who worked on her design, but bless them, they really knew what they were doing.
The amount of screenshots of Persephone I have is obscene and I keep taking more because I simply cannot get enough of how stunning she is. Even when I was replaying to romance Freddie, Apollo and Pan I still kept taking screenshots of Persephone and being distracted whenever she was in the frame because her look is just so... I am running out of adjectives meaning "beautiful" here... Let's go with alluring.
The way she looks just does things to me I can't even begin to describe. I might be ace but even I can tell when someone is objectively hot and Persephone is scorching. Aesthetic attraction is huge for me and I guess her looks hit all the right buttons because I can't help staring at her and going "Wow!" pretty much all the time. Basically this screenshot of Grace is me every time I look at Persephone:
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And speaking of that, one thing I have found I am particularly weak for when it comes to her design is the way she looks when she's drawn in profile. I don't know what exactly it is about her profile but I just melt every time I see it. It really did not help that this was part of her introduction to us in game:
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How was I expected to pay attention to anyone else after that?!
I have a whole collection of screenshots of Persephone in profile that I should post alongside this to reinforce my point but again - the way she looks does something to me and I apologize to everyone else but I cannot possibly pay any attention to them when I have this in front of me. I'm only human...
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mariacallous · 19 days
Liz Truss is the most disastrous and unpopular leader in modern British history. Mortgage holders and small businesses still loathe her for sending interest rates through the roof. Her short, catastrophic premiership is routinely compared unfavourably to the shelf life of a lettuce. (A comparison first made by the bright leader writers at the Economist to give credit where it is due.)
When Labour wins the next election, its triumph will be in part the result of the public’s reaction against her vast and dogmatic economic folly.
If you were Liz Truss, you might retire from public life. At the very least you would apologize and hang your head in shame.
If readers expect contrition, however, they have yet to learn that being on the radical right means never having to say you are sorry.
Truss’s demotion from national leader to national joke has not embarrassed her in the slightest but pushed deep into paranoid conspiracism.
Her autobiography, bizarrely titled Ten Years to Save the West, as if the fate of liberal democracy depended on the advice of an epic failure,  shows that, despite all she did to this country, her eyes still shine with a bright, self-righteous fanaticism, as if the sockets are backlit by an idiot’s lantern,
Chutzpah used to be defined as murdering both your parents and asking the court for clemency because you are an orphan. In Truss’s case it is using the power of the prime minister to crash the economy and then claiming she was a powerless victim of the liberal elite.
Her writing is as lacking in self-awareness as it is powered by self-righteousness.
At one point she says in all innocence that, when Boris Johnson resigned in the summer of 2022, her agent encouraged her to join the race to be prime minister, as the campaign might be good for her profile.
But she reports that he then wisely added “it would be for the best if I came second”.
Later she informs us that during the leadership campaign she “frankly lost trust in many of my erstwhile ministerial colleagues who were supporting my opponent [Rishi Sunak].
“They had spent the last six weeks not just attacking me but seeking to undermine my plans, saying my agenda was unworkable."
Truss never stops to think that the few people who will finish this book will believe that her agent was right, and it would clearly have been for the best if she had never been prime minister.
Nor does she contemplate the possibility that her agenda was indeed “unworkable”, and was proved to be unworkable when her unfunded tax cuts and fuel subsidies sent the price of gilts shooting up, the value of the pound crashing down, and caused a crisis in the pension industry for good measure.
And yet, and yet…Mock her as much as you like. Please don’t hold back on my account. But you cannot dismiss her.
There are two reasons why Truss is still dangerous. The first lies in the strength of the right-wing clique that brought her to power.
It is true that Liz Truss did not become prime minister by winning over Conservative MPs. As with Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour party, Truss’s career illustrates the danger of expecting leaders who do not have the support of a plurality of their colleagues to function in a Parliamentary democracy.
But she still beat Rishi Sunak with the votes of 57 percent of Tory members.
And with the honourable exception of the Times, the Tory press was all for her. “In Liz We Trust”, said the Express “Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Woman”, cried the Mail. “Liz Puts Her Foot on the Gas”, cheered the Sun.
Kwasi Kwarteng set off a market panic as he put Truss’s ideas into practice in the mini budget of September 2022. The reaction of right-wing papers was not one of alarm, however, but of adoration.
“At last”, gushed the Daily Mail, “a True Tory Budget”. A Daily Telegraph commentator said it was “the best Budget I have ever heard a British Chancellor deliver”.
Meanwhile the Truss premiership allowed the voodoo economics of the US-influenced (and in all probability US-financed) think tanks to finally impose itself on this luckless country.  The Centre for Policy Studies welcomed the mini-budget saying it was “exactly what we would have hoped for”. The Taxpayers’ Alliance called it “the most taxpayer-friendly budget in recent memory”.
Robert Saunders of Queen Mary University made the unarguable point that Truss was not an aberration or some alien figure that had appeared from nowhere to take over the Conservative party.
Follow  the money that cascaded in from party donors, he said, and “the Truss premiership begins to look less like the personal failure of a flawed individual, and more like a systemic disaster for which the party bears collective responsibility”.
Those forces will dominate the Conservative party after its defeat and drive it to the radical right. Indeed, in opposition the members, the think tanks, the  press and the ideologue donors will become more important, for they will be all the party has.
In a sign of things to come, Truss is already allying with Nigel Farage, and even Rishi Sunak says he will not ban Farage from joining Conservative party.
Despite her failure, Truss remains a potent figure on the radical right because of her championing of revanchism, which is now its dominant emotion.
This isn't a book. It’s a 300-page wail of resentment at a world that will not do as it is told.
I have no problem with conservatives complaining about woke policies taking over institutions. Only a fool or liar maintains that progressive biases among supposedly impartial organisations are an invention of the right,
But the woke conspiracy Truss invokes is of a wholly different order. It is utterly fantastical.
To recap, Truss's unfunded subsidies and tax cuts panicked the bond markets.  They would not lend to a country whose leaders lacked plausible means of meeting its debts. Or if they did lend they would demand an additional yield on government bonds, which  became known in plain-speaking financial markets as the “moron premium”: the extra cost that comes with lending to a nation run by idiots.
In her apologia Truss, who still poses as a Thatcherite, no longer sees markets as an expression of the wisdom of crowds, but as a conspiracy to do her down.
 “I came to realise there is no such thing as ‘the market’ in this sense. Rather, there are groups of influential individuals in the financial establishment, all of whom know and speak to one another in a closed feedback loop. The Treasury, the Bank of England, and the OBR are deeply embedded in these social networks and share the same beliefs in the established economic orthodoxy."
The markets were at fault for not seeing her financial genius. Financial traders were the world’s unlikeliest lefties. Even though she and Kwarteng fired the permanent secretary at the Treasury and cut out the Bank of England and Office for Budget Responsibility from policy making, they were still, somehow, responsible for Tory failure.
“The powerful vested interests there pushed back, made my life very difficult and ultimately got me fired,” Truss concludes.
Older readers may remember a time when Conservatives insisted on personal responsibility. You were not allowed to blame crime on poverty or your failings on a bad childhood. You were accountable.
But the case of Liz Truss proves that these morality tales were only ever for the poor. In her mind, the economy collapsed not because of decisions she made but because of “a sustained whispering campaign by the economic establishment, encouraged and fueled by my political opponents in the Conservative Party who refused to accept my mandate to lead”.
Trumpism is the end point of such conspiracism and revanchism, and Truss goes all the way down the line to the terminus.
She mutters about the “deep state” a Trumpian phrase she uses without irony or self-knowledge.
And even though her support for Ukraine was her redeeming feature during her time as foreign secretary and prime minister, she is now supporting the pro-Putin Trump and his allies in Congress who are denying aid to Kyiv.
Truss is finished. But the resentment born of failure and the fury at modernity ensures Trump is still very much with us. 
If he delights Putin and wins in November, the UK and Europe will learn the hard way that the real threat to Western civilisation comes from  Liz Truss and her friends.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 10 months
Hey pookie bearrr 🥰🥰
Feeling a little silly tonight after listening to some more Tyler while lying in my bed and thinking up random scenarios that will forever stay in my head and imagining myself being the main character in an edit SOOOO I got an idea
Okay but like just imagine- super happy reader x pavitr x gayatri (yan or not, don’t think it matters too much for this one so do whatever you feel like), they’re really down to earth and manage to calm both pavitr and gayatri down when they get stressed or angry. They don’t really talk about their own problems because they don’t view anything as problems, they’re and optimist that turns every difficulty into an opportunity per say. They’re just a very calm and happy person all round but one day after coming home from maybe a family gathering, with a family that isn’t the best, and they’re just so- upset and angry.
Not in the upset and angry that lash out at every little thing but the upset and angry that’s cold and short.
Anyways, gayatri and pavitr notice pretty quickly they’re really mad and they try to comfort reader but they’re just so dry it’s almost upsetting- short answers and snapping a little bit but then saying short and annoyed sorrys.
After trying to comfort the reader but failing gayatri and pavitr try and give them space and leave them to their own accord. Pavitr and gayatri and worrying about what to do in the living room when they hear loud crashes and thuds coming from their room. Scared and worried they run over the the room to find that the reader just trashed it, book cases thrown down, clothes scattered, papers and pens and pieces of glass scattered everywhere. In the center of the trashed room is the reader with their back to the door just seething by trying so hard to just keep it in and internalize it they’re on the brink of almost hurting themselves just to keep it internal.
Idek how to describe it cause it sounds kinda silly but I need some good ass hurt comfort and your the best person who could do my wacky little ideas justice 🕊️🕊️
Inspired by She by Tyler 🤑
𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙪𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣
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Cw: poly!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh, reader has a toxic family, self harm, small bit of blood, hurt/comfort, tw for Gayatri and Pavitr being actually sane in this one fic.
Notes: hiii darling 💞 I really hope you like this<3 (I also do this so it's kinda inspired by my own issues 💀). I don't know if I got the "She" vibe, I think I'll save that song for a darker one
You're a calm person, a mature person, a positive person. The one that always knows what to do, the one that everyone goes to for advice, the one that has everything under control.
Control, controlled every crisis, every tear, you bite your tongue until you choke on the metallic taste, you swallow your own venom to save others the inexpedient. And you reap what you sow when others call you "sunshine", when they trust you, when you can help others through their own feelings, planting in other fields, the kindness you cannot grow on your own, for the life of you. The love, the mercy, it blooms around you, never in you.
You accept it, you embrace it, whenever you bottle up your emotions, you kiss it, you keep it. You hoard these ugly, complicated, muddy feelings, they remain even when you do what you're supposed to, when you do the healthy thing to do. They are kept with compassion. You hope for the day this boggy substances may have any use, may be adjuvant to fertilize the dry, mistreated field your heart, to clean it, rebirth it. You hope that your heart beating means something. That is a sign of hope, and not just a mechanical, calculated tic tac performed by a cold machine in order to keep the most important gear working, you hope that in the machine alike action of your body, there's something deeper, a "beyond" the blood and veins.
It's worth it, it's always worth it to you. When you guide your partners into confronting their emotions, teach them to see the bright side of life, when you take the higher ground instead of letting yourself say something you'd regret. However you look at it, it's worth it, and it's working.
Pavitr often notices it, he tells you to not work yourself too hard, and not bottle up your emotions, but even with though he has the best intentions in the world, he just doesn't understand it. Yes, there's the possibility that bottling up stuff might come back to bite you in the end, but why bother worrying about that? Your method works, and, isn't being positive, well- positive?
"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Gayatri looked at you, troubled, she knew interactions with that side of the family rarely brought you more than distress. They offered to be there with you for you countless times, but you'd rather leave them out of it, away from your family's scrutiny. "I am, 'Tri you don't have to worry about me" she laid her hand on top of yours, silently saying "I got you", you look in the mirror and finish fixing your hair for what you know will be an hours long martyrdom you have to endure in order to keep peace.
They both say goodbye at the door, Pavitr kisses you cheek, you know what they're thinking, but you can handle it, unpleasant experiences aren't the end of the world, and you have been avoiding this for long enough, there's no use in hiding from your problems.
"I got some ice cream in the freezer in case you need to vent a bit after it" He offers you
"Sounds nice" you respond with a weak smile, you won't vent, he knows that. It's still so nice of him to want to give you space to.
During the gathering, you shift your attention to trivial, small things, like your spine. It should be straight, you need to correct your posture, you look at your nails, they're not at their best, you should get them done, your steps seem off, you couldn't have forgotten how to walk, is that concerning? Maybe you should go to a doctor. How does that one uncle always manages to smell like watered down old wine? You don't even sit down yet, he doesn't seem drunk, maybe it's his natural smell. The air also smells like lemon, that's a nice touch. Touch. You have to touch people to greet them, it's okay, you've done it before, you'll be okay, touching isn't a big deal, it's just customary, don't worry, you're almost done.
For the time you're back home, your head feels too heavy on your shoulders, your muscles are tense, you want to lay down, but you won't. You know you're annoyed, but it doesn't mean anything, just knowing you're feeling bad never did anything, never helped.
You open the door, and pray Gayatri and Pavitr are away, you are not surprised when those prayers aren't answered, and you find Gayatri working in her laptop and Pavitr probably making coffee, judging by the smell.
"How did it go?" Gayatri asks meekly, she hoped you'd take a sit next to her, but you're going straight to your room.
"Fine." You'd have the decency to look her in the eye while answering, but in your face is obvious it didn't go "fine".
"Well, we still have that ice cream in the freezer, we can always eat it to celebrate, no?" It doesn't take a genius to know you were lying, so now you know she's trying to cheer you up. Normally it'd be sweet.
"No. if you want it that badly, eat it." You hoped that answer would give her a sort of clue, but it doesn't, now she's getting up from the office chair to go get you.
"It doesn't look like you're fine" she says, putting her hand on your arm
"No shit, Sherlock"
"Y/N, I know you're stressed, but she's just trying to help" Pavitr comes out of fucking nowhere to intervene
"Now where did you come from?" You really didn't want to say it in that tone, so bitchy and almost disgusted
"It's my apartment? It's hers too?" He doesn't back down, he just states the obvious and remain unfazed by your tone
"Mine too, so I'd like to go to my room."
They leave you alone along with alright, whatever you want's said under their breath, you don't care.
They're both very surprised to see their usually down to earth, cheery partner acting that way, but per explicit request, they leave them alone.
The two walk silently to the living room, sitting next to each other in the periwinkle couch.
"It must've been quite bad to have them like this" Pavitr started, he was verbalizing what was evident, but it needed to be said
"I can't even imagine how they must be feeling, or what they did to them" Gayatri sighed
"Do you think there's something we could do?"
"Right now? Leave them alone, probably, they won't mean whatever they say. And I'm also a little mad, but it's not the time to talk" Gayatri rested her head on her lover's shoulder, it's an attempt to calm the racing thoughts, but they both know it's not enough.
The rummaging and the sound of their things hitting the floor starts. Pavitr shakes and tries to stand up, Gayatri grips his hand tighter, and just looks at him, no words spoken. But he understands he must stay away. They hear your various sounds of distress, the hairs in their arms and nape spiking, as they look to each other's eyes, hoping for some kind of answer.
Until none of them can contain and just sprint to your room, the door is locked, but it's a fairly weak safe, and it only takes a strong push of Spider-Man on the door to break it. You're crouching on the floor, face puffy from all the crying, and the room absolutely trashed. Books you were so eager to read, now mistreated and damaged, art supplies you saved money for, spilled, laying around, some broken, clothes scattered, your figures and other accents from your shelf on the floor, uncared for, and of course, the glass vase that held the latest flowers you received, spilled and soaked some of your belongings and left a puddle on the floor, along with spiky broken glass. Your breathing was audible, a cry for strength, so you'd be able to bottle up everything again, you didn't even seemed bothered by the sound of the door being violently opened.
You lay at the middle of all the chaos, and with graceful movements, they cross the sea of clutter for you, careful to not break anything more.
Pavitr crouches too, facing you, and softly grabbing your wrists so you can't keep using your nails to hurt yourself, he can see the bruises already forming in multiple spots of your body. Gayatri doesn't touch, afraid it'll overstimulate you more. Instead, she hums a melody, both to help you snap out of it, and to steady your heartbeat.
You come back to reality, muttering apologies, and wanting to leave this all behind, you really just want to encapsule your emotions away and avoid seeing such expressions in their faces.
But they won't let you, not this time, no matter how long you need to talk, how long it takes you to actually talk, if you cry or want to scream in the middle of it, they are both now vowing to never let you reach your breaking point again.
You have two people to share your burdens, who will never think less of you for not being useful, who'll appreciate all your feelings, even the ugly, muddy, complicated ones.
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moonlit-positivity · 2 months
Alright it's come to my attention that not everyone knows this yet so as someone who has spent a lot of time in trauma spaces here are
3 tips that will greatly improve your interpersonal relationships
"Would you like support (validation), or solutions (advice)?"
Support: "Wow, that sucks. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. You're absolutely right to feel this way. I'm glad you reached out."
Solutions: "I understand what it is you need right now. Have you considered, [insert your opinion & advice here]? But again, that is entirely up to you."
It is crucial to know the difference.
It is crucial to know when to validate. And it is crucial to know that, even though you have good intentions in giving advice, solutions still need to be consented to.
Your friend/partner/etc, has their own life. Their own autonomy. And as much as you can see the outside situation, they might not want that from you all the time. It is crucial to know when to be a little softer and validate rather than constantly shove hard realities in their face like they're not already doing their best.
If you're venting to someone, chances are they might have no earthly clue as to what youre looking for. Ask and be direct about what kind of responses you need! It's okay to vent! It's okay to not want advice! Communicate that up front so others know how to better help you.
Also, if you're someone who constantly gives advice, this is probably why some people dont like you. Sometimes people don't want to be told what to do. Sometimes we just want to be held and accepted for who we are in this current moment. We already know what to do. We just want to know you love us anyway.
And honestly, just a general rule of thumb I've come to live by. Don't give advice. Like, ever. Even when people ask, "what should I do?" A vast majority of the time that's actually translated to, "do you think I'm still a good person? Am I crazy for thinking this way? Am I all alone out here? Do you still love me?"
Never give advice. Always opt for validation & support. Just be the shoulder to cry on. You would want the same.
"Hey, I need to vent. Is now a good time? Are you in a good headspace to listen? Or is there a better time we can talk?"
Are the backbone to a good, healthy relationship. Don't you ever forget this.
Ask and be up front about your boundaries and limits.
Be mindful that your peers have their own lives, their own stressors, and they cannot always be there for you at the drop of a dime.
Ask up front. Consider their emotional health too. Consider their schedules. Consider them.
If you've got someone who drops their shit in you at the drop of a dime, consider communicating your boundaries with them.
"im not available right now, but maybe [later] we can talk about this."
"I care for you, but I'm not very comfortable when you talk about [triggering topic]. Can I ask that we change the subject?"
"I love you, but I need to step away for my health. This is too big for me to handle."
Normalize stepping away.
Normalize knowing when you need to take a break and disengage. For whatever reason.
Tensions high? Step away.
Triggering moments? Step away.
Anger and (passive) aggressions? Step away.
Need a break? Step away.
Stepping away is what keeps the environment safe. Pause. Step away. Regulate & self care. Come back to it later (or not).
Remember that you can't control how someone else reacts. Disengage and self care instead.
These three tips will greatly improve your life. Save them. Internalize them. Live and let live.
Hope this helps
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joooonbug · 5 months
hello fellow child of divorce- I MEAN- mullendowski enjoyer 🫂 ik youre thinking abt our lovely parents so im gonna give you an excuse to ramble, you got any headcanons abt em you wanna share??? 🎤
sorry for the extremely late response aaaaaa
since i cant think of any at the top of my head ill use some prompts from this list by @ silentshayshores-2 that i really wanted to try out!!!
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?
Preferred weather?
What’s their sleeping schedule?
How’s their cooking?
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick?
How would they hold up in a pillow war?
Who do they go to for comfort?
How do they feel about physical contact by others?
What is enough to bring them to tears?
How well do they take care of themselves?
Do they consider others family?
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
How well do they accept advice?
How much do they swear?
Do they like being in pictures?
even though thomas and robert are literally the same height, im gonna headcanon that thomas is shorter than lewy bc REASONS (lewy would totally make fun of him)
I feel like robert would be more of a summer guy while thomas would be more of a fall/autumn guy :D
Thomas’ is absolute shit (like 1-3am) but lewy is really strict w his sleeping so he makes him go to sleep at like 10-11pm
Thomas: absolute shit, cannot cook to save his life Robert: honest could probably participate in masterchef
Thomas would totally be like “lets watch a horror movie!!!!!” then get scared when he actually watches it and ends up cuddling with robert on the couch
Thomas would absolutely dominate with his sheer chaoticness and robert would let him bc he loves watching thomas be happy
Thomas: def manu Robert: mario or marco
Thomas loves lovesss hugging people while robert is more comfortable about physical contact with the people hes close to :))
a really bad game probably, thomas would sneak off to cry by himself, robert would go and look for him and theyll probably end up crying together in a janitors closet😋
thomas would be the worse of the two and robert would def help him w it :DDD
both would consider their teammates familyyyy
thomas would get lost, but then he wouldnt ask for directions because he thinks that thatll just show weakness and end up bruising his ego so lewy always tries to convince him that its ok to ask for help!!!
they would generally both be pretty good at receiving and utilizing feedback
thomas is literally german, need i say more??????? as for robert, he’ll probbaly occasionally swear when hes reaaally pissed off
thomas looooves pictures and robert is willing to be in any picture that thomas is in😋😋
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halowritesthings · 2 months
i love learning about things a week late through youtube recommendations from random channels i've never seen before
(bad grammar and typos cause i'm shooting my shot as fast as possible so I can get back to Important Adult Stuff(TM))
i suppose i can't really gripe because i'm still largely logged out and wouldn't have heard otherwise so maybe I should take it for what it is
i know i'm a random person who writes as a hobby so I don't necessarily "owe" anything to people online, but y'all have been so sweet to me and I feel it would be unfair to keep dropping off the face of the planet like I have been, plus, I have been stewing over quite a bit of my thoughts these past few months and making a large "get all my thoughts out in a word vomit" post is a good way to A.) sort out my shit and B.) to procrastinate homework
college is BEATING MY ASS and i'm not even at the harder junior/senior year type stuff so even if my writer's block wasn't the worst it's ever been I highly doubt I would be writing anything anyway. i cannot say for certain when I'll be able to get back (it seems the universe is tailored specifically to punch me in the face whenever I have the slightest inclination to do so) but i will say it is always on my mind. i don't ever want to give up writing fully because of how many good things it's brought me but i want to be mature and say that it has taken a backseat in my life.
i still don't regret the things I've created and i will always be thankful for the experiences I've had + the friends I've made (even if we haven't talked in a while :') sorry guys) BUT this situation has just become the nail in the coffin for me in terms of what i want to do with my ds/mp and other adjacent fics. i can't say for certain what I'll go through and orphan/keep or just outright delete (WIPS/unfinished series will probably get deleted is what I've decided so far) so this is a BIG WARNING sign right here and now: if there are any ds/mp fics of mine you are fond of, please go and save them now. even if you think the one you really love is "safe" it's better to be cautious and have it yourself than hope for the best outcome.
now's a good time to mention that i have been feeling similar feelings toward my fl0wer husb4nds fics (gonna come out and be honest: i don't particularly care for sc0tt anymore, sorry) so if you like those you should also search them out. i think a hard majority if not all of them will be orphaned, so they'll still be up, but it never hurts to be able to read something while offline anyway
however, due to the aforementioned Important Adult Stuff(TM), i won't be able to get to the whole Properly deleting/orphaning process for a hot minute. that does not mean you should put off saving my fics because my brain could decide one night that i HAVE to do it IMMEDIATELY, but i can promise that it's not happening tonight (might hold off for at least a week just to give people time to see this post).
TSALP, my pride and joy, is perfectly safe and fine. when i think about whenever ill be able to write again, this series is the First thing to pop up in my mind. i have so many things i want to do with that series (and h3rmitcr4ft as a whole) that make me smile despite all that has happened surrounding mc/yt. someone will need to threaten me with death to make me even consider giving that up. hell, even taking a step back, i can say that i will never fully let go of mc/yt. i straight-up have tickets to go see tommy's america show later this month (send my dad well wishes as he's the one taking me LMAO) .
remember to drink water, take breaks, tell your friends you love them etc. I'm terrible at giving advice since I'm a bonafide mess of a person, but i will say that the best thing you can do for each other is support one another. i've always been a bigger fan of giving support to those who are hurt than trying to go and cause more pain to the people that you can argue "deserve" it. the people you care about are going to be with you much longer than the assholes, so be sure to put more energy into focusing on them than the ones that don't even deserve your scorn.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
Do you have any advice on making time for writing and avoiding burnout? I'm impressed by the amount of projects you have and how they're consistently high quality.
oh love. sunshine. you tiny fresh vanilla seed (precious & delightful // it is a luxury to interact with you). so first i’m gonna apologize because there’s a 99% chance this is not the advice you’re looking for and SURPRISE i wrote another novel. (so also jot this down… my being prolific is helped by the fact that i literally cannot shut the fuck up to save my life). anyway here are my rules for writing
1. don’t look at the man behind the curtain (in this case that’s me). I had 70% of window and probably 90% of sweatshirt girl drafted before i even started revising && posting individual chapters/ installments. it gives the illusion of me cranking out a new chapter every week but i do NOT do that. i just try to revise once a week. maybe write a half+ chapter of something new. it’s not an illusion i create on purpose. i just know i need TIME to rest my brain before I come back and revise or it’ll start all looking the same to me. so i def frontload my writing before i start posting.
i also do this because i need at least the ghost of an ending to keep writing
i also never originally intended to post window or sweatshirt girl - i was originally just writing for me. so they were mostly done before i even decided to post
i ALSO work at a school and while i do have hours over the summer, i am doing much less (imo) important things when there aren’t students around, sooooo i end up daydreaming and drafting a lot
my writing is also powered by depression (“write the world as i want it to be”) and frankly i don’t recommend that to anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so if i look like i’m producing a lot it’s just because of the way this year has unfolded, and once we get through the next few chapters of window i’m sure I’ll hit a lull because I’m still struggling to write those chapters (sorry in advance folksss)
2. i swear to god creativity (like everything in nature) happens in cycles. blah blah no flower blooms all year && no tree bears fruit every season. fallowness is IMPORTANT for growing gardens. if you are in a slow space - let yourself be slow. sink into the quiet season. speed&&quantity are SO overrated and if you overcultivate your soil there will be no nutrients left for your crops. let the snows come in && blanket you on occasion. they are their own kind of blank page (i swear to fuck sometimes i sound like some kind of ai generating bad proverbs but you knew what you were getting when you came to my asks i guess! i am unashamed)
tbh i have a modest art side-hustle and am working on painting a project that WILL take YEARS - and this whole summer, i have neglected that project in lieu of being a rocket fangirl because frankly my brain needed a break. guess what? my followers understand and it has not been a problem. because any fellow creative should know that the process takes time and is always in flux
(3) a lot of people will tell you - write a little every day. write even if it’s bad. you can always come back with fresh eyes later. I support these ideas in theory. i keep my writing && my sketchbooks where i can access them almost anytime, and even if it’s only for ten minutes, i do write something most days. but more than this - listen to your body and your brain and your heart. and for fanfiction especially - ONLY write when it’s fun. if you start writing from obligation instead of love, you will burn out faster, create less, and even resent this thing that should be an escape for you. (and your readers will feel it, even if they don’t know why). (also your readers - if they are good people - will understand this && support you) (and if they’re not good people, they don’t deserve your heart like that). if your body says take time off then TAKE TIME OFF. don’t let capitalism brainwash you into believing all your joys must entail consistent labor, that every good thing comes with a side of drudgery, or that you can’t stop something once you start it. they don’t. it doesn’t. you can. let yourself have a scrap of unfettered && unpressured happiness in this place. you deserve it, i fuckin swear that to you on my goddamn life.
(4) maybe im inadvertently repeating myself but please. be kind to yourself. let your community be kind to you too. we are supposed to take care of each other. give yourself grace && know we are on your side
okay wow i’m so sorry. fuck me that’s not what you were asking for but it is the best && most earnest && most true advice i can give you. “carve some time out every day” is nice and aspirational and maybe give it a try, but life is hard and don’t blame yourself if you can’t. let fanfiction be a force for joy in your days/nights, not a chore. nope im just saying the same shit over and over LOOK. i love you. you are good. life is short. have fun. that’s truly all & the most important things I have inside me, and I’m sorry for my limitations. for whatever that is worth
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hellowblush · 2 years
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dealing with heartbreaks: pick a picture
if you're dealing with a heartbreak right now, angels have a message for you.
note: i'm also experiencing a heartbreak at the moment as i write this. sometimes a support message from the angels can help us a little bit. human life is tough especially when we face struggles and heartbreaks. may these messages serve you in a way.
disclaimer: please take the messages lighty. this p.a.c's main purpose is for entertainment. i want to remind you that this is also a general reading. if it won't resonate, please let if fly.
way of reading: mixture of intuitive reading and oracle card reading.
tip jar: paypal.me/doswonder (i'm saving up for college so if you called to tip me, it would be very appreciated. thank you)
⋇🎀⋇ pile one:
Pile one, you are the 'strongest one' in the eyes of the people you know. Probably, you make a supreme effort for you to appear like a 'very strong person' outside. You do not like when others spot your soft side. I am sensing that you were not like this. You were pushed to act like this. I am so sorry. The world was harsh to you. It seems like you have realized that some individuals take advantage of your "kind nature". This had hurt you in the past and made you protect yourself from these people. In the present moment, i think you are silently experiencing a heartbreak. Some of your connections (can be some relative or friends) may not be giving you grace. Some of them may be judging you because you are different. And you're here trying to collect yourself even though you cannot understand why are they treating you like that. The angels that are currently guiding you are deeply sorry. They hope they can hug you but of course with consent. They want to say that there is nothing wrong with being different. You are so strong that you can express your individuality. Not all people can do that and maybe that's why few people are projecting this to you. There are strongly saying that you must listen to the truth, not the gossip of others. Not the unsolicited advices people may bring to you. Do not accept these comments and let them define who you are. Remember, you have gone through a lot and you have build yourself from day one until now. I think you have started a significant journey before just by yourself. One angel is highliting that your foundation is so strong my dear, things that will ever try to break you will fail. You are as strong and nurturing as a tree. If you're dealing with a heartbreak of some connections of yours, they want you to consciously evaluate this connection/s again. Do not be afraid to end things and start something new. You got the wisdom already.
keywords: raining, orange umbrella, eyes closed, hair pin
tip jar: paypal.me/doswonder (i'm saving up for college so if you called to tip me, it would be very appreciated. thank you)
⋇🎀⋇ pile two:
Pile number two, this is my dreamer pile. You hold a big bold vision for yourself. But you know when you're in a journey of pursuing your dreams, sometimes things don't go as planned. This may be causing your heartbreak. Maybe there's a conflict with a group or something that causes this journey of yours to slow down. Your angels are seeing that you are contemplating if you will still continue this dream of yours. "Should I continue with this or Should I settle for something different?" Pile 2, Let me ask your angels.
You got the oracle card "inner trust" and "in the world, not of the world"
They are asking you to trust yourself. It is very obvious based on the oracle cards that pop up that you clearly have to put faith in yourself. You may be tired and do not know what to do next. Based also on the symbols of the cards. There's a woman who is covered with a white clothing. I think this is a veil. I do not know how to translate it to english but i think it's called as a veil. I think the energy of this person in the card is tired of hiding already, the energy wants to reveal its self now. This is your energy currently.
Start by revealing your thoughts to others. Angels are assuring you that you can trust your own intuition this time. Your dreams may feel like they're slowing down but this does not mean that they are not going to work. You have trust yourself this time my dear.
Angels are telling you to expose yourself more now. Do not worry. With inner trust and this oracle card which I've mentioned above, this is a strong message for you to trust.
keywords: buzzling sound, octopus, chest pain
tip jar: paypal.me/doswonder (i'm saving up for college so if you called to tip me, it would be very appreciated. thank you)
⋇🎀⋇ pile three:
i can hear a sound of a door opening. this may be significant for you currently. maybe you were given a new opportunity and it kind of scared you i sense. you know the growing pains, maybe you are dealing with that.
do you like hello kitty or maybe you are person who likes to watch animated films and movies? tell me if that resonates.
maybe when you feel rushed for a new opportunity, you like to remember your memories back then. some of you here pile four are afraid of growing up. that's alright, pile four. your angels are comforting you that it's alright to feel that.
I am intuively led by your angels to not give you many advice lol. I think they just want you to enjoy your present for now. Enjoy the book that you want to read. Get that coffee you're waiting to try. I do not know why but I think they already got you.
I shuffled for a one oracle card and tada the oracle card is "what is already with you" You really got a new opportunity right now based on the design of this card. It's an open hand and I immediately think it as a new journey for you.
This oracle card is just saying that you are prepared honey. I know beginnings are scary and sometimes it causes our hearts to feel the growing pains when faced by changes but you don't need anyone or anything for this new opportunity to start. You just need you. Start baby steps. You are the most important thing in your journey.
tip jar: paypal.me/doswonder (i'm saving up for college so if you called to tip me, it would be very appreciated. thank you)
⋇🎀⋇ pile four:
you may be feeling anxious right now. if this does not resonate, you can leave and let this fly. you may be asking yourself if you are in the right path. i can sense that you may be scared of the outcome of your actions. it seems like the cause of your heartbreak is your own limitations. pile four, let's take a breather right now. do this with me. envision that you are with your guiding angels that have good intentions for you. .........inhale......exhale......
pile four, i can feel your heavy heart. your angels feel this as well. you can make wonderful changes for yourself. remember that. they're like grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you and telling you strongly that "this is only a challenge, you'll overcome this." okay pile four, do not give up okay? your angels want you to continue even life seems shaky right now. you'll be amazed by how you will overcome this. they are telling you this. they are with you okay?
Your angels love how quirky you are. You stand out from the crowd. I think this is very similar with pile one too. They adore that you go against the grain. This "go against the grain" oracle card make me sure that you're here for a bigger purpose pile four. You are here to be a catalyst. Avoid thinking about the outcomes, your purpose is to align yourself to what is making your soul alive.
keywords: eye makeup, illusion, break dancing, doja cat, ocean, wings
tip jar: paypal.me/doswonder (i'm saving up for college so if you called to tip me, it would be very appreciated. thank you)
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a-dragons-journal · 1 year
For most of my life I've had what I call my "Inner Me", a being who has gone on many adventures, talked to many people and saved their reality itself countless times while my physical body has developed and grown. They've grown and changed parallel to me, having their own life while I've had mine. We have learned from each others' experiences and love the people in each others' lives. We talk to each other, mostly indirectly, to the point I feel like I know near everything about them. 1/?
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I'm just gonna go ahead and say straight-up: I cannot answer this for you. Nobody can answer this for you but you, unfortunately, and I know how much that sucks when you really don't know how to go forward, but it's true. I can try to give some advice on how to figure it out, but the experiences overlap enough that sometimes it's just so hard to tell as to be impossible to tell from anyone's perspective but yours, and sometimes it really does come down to picking what feels best to you/the two of you and going from there.
The best advice I can give:
My best attempt at a read on the situation: The self-image incongruence makes me lean toward parallel life kintype, as does the bleedthrough of selfness, but on the flipside the fact that you communicate with each other - even mostly indirectly - makes me lean toward some form of plurality, since that's not a typical experience with kintypes. I am aware this is thoroughly unhelpful as a tiebreaker, sorry.
If you haven't already, ask them. My experience with me-not-me thoughtforms is somewhat different (that being my daemon), but he's got a better instinctive grasp on his exact nature than I do. Talk about this with your Inner You, if you haven't already, and get their opinions - if they answer "are we the same person" with "no," you've pretty well got your answer. Even if they don't have a clear answer for you, the dialogue may help y'all figure things out. (And, again, I'll point out that if you can get a clear dialogue, that's a pretty strong point in favor of some form of plurality.)
I feel like these two things are... not mutually exclusive, tbh. I believe @dinocanid has spoken about having kintypes who are also headmates (or vice versa, however you want to look at it) before, though I could be misremembering?
I hate to bring this up as another possibility, but the sentences "they have always felt like they're the MORE REAL Me than the one on this reality. Like, I have a physical body, I can feel things with it and I've gone through stuff, but other than that? I feel like the rest of me is more existent in my Inner Me's reality," especially in combination with your Inner You being a hero figure in their world, makes me want to bring up MADD, Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, as something you may want to look into. It only needs to be a concern if this is negatively impacting your life, which I don't know if it is from that phrase, but - if it is, then something to keep in mind.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 11 months
Warning, for this month only, I will be aggressively reblogging ever cute pride thing I see. Sorry if that bothers you, but PRIDE!
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Ok, I'm good now.
I'm a Disney girl, so I'm gonna rant about how gay it is.
First off! Cinderella.
Ok guys, the amount of hate this movie gets kills me. DON'T GET ME WRONG, the Disney movies created around this time were pretty sexist and had a common theme of the princess being saved by the prince, but this girl just wanted to party. She wasn't thinking as much about the prince, but was instead just excited to dress up and get out of the house. She just wants to party! She was not committed to that prince, she was just experiencing something new, and she did run from him. He's like that first crush that you think is the greatest until you realize that you have really poor taste.
Neeext, Sleeping beauty!
Guys. She's an EXTREMELY sheltered teenager who is taught that men are attractive, end of story. The only women she's ever been exposed to were those loopy fairies she was raised by. SHE WAS RAISED BY WEIRD FAIRIES. Anyone who can opera sing to woodland creatures is queer in my eyes. I mean, I'd totally do that, I HAVE done that with stuffed animals before (though I could never sing like her, honestly SLAY), she's queer. By the way, when the movie takes place, SHE IS 16. While some people do find someone they can spend the rest of their life with at that age, most are still exploring dating and figuring themself out around then.
And finally, Snow white.
What I just said about singing to woodland creatures, just copy and paste that over here. Also, this girl's 'prince charming' stumbled upon her in a coffin in the middle of some forest, and went, 'oh, hey, imma kiss this corpse.' Ummmmm.... What??? Like, ugh, are you really that desperate? Snow White had no choice, she is a refugee and poisoned, she literally cannot stop him from kissing her. She was vibing with her short hair and merry whistling, if she's not at least 30% gay, then she's aro/ace. That seems like the aro/ace dream, leave the poor woman in peace. (She literally adopted strange large-nosed children, what more do you need to hear?)
As for the princes.
They are all prince charming BECAUSE THEY ARE MARRIED. In the movie, you can tell that Cinderella's prince was putting marriage off. He is a closeted gay man who just wants to live life the way he prefers. Aroura's prince was engaged to her since the day she was born (he was 4). He has no choice in the matter whatsoever. And Snow White's prince? Nah, he freaks me out. At least with sleeping beauty, she was very clearly cursed, and the Prince kissed her to save her (though that's still giving creep vibes). Snow White's prince may have been influenced by the dwarfs, but, um, you know you're desperate when you start listening to strange garden gnomes for love advice. (Though I do kinda love those guys.)
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I like to think that Brainiac 2 comforts himself by thinking after himself things will be better, maybe even normal for his blood line. Surely in at a minimum 1-2 generations everything will work out. And then he meets the ball of messy coping mechanisms that is Querl and just thinks "ah sprock it all"
(I have only read a tiny bit of brainiac 2 stuff, planning on starting L.E.G.I.O.N. soon though to learn more. So these headcannons are currently mostly guesswork sorry) -Brainiacs anon
These are just my own thoughts so you can ignore them however you wish because these are headcanons and interaction with content will always be transformative and diverse.
CW: rape mention
Spoilers for L.E.G.I.O.N. below. I sort of ramble here but I promise it's relevant to what you're saying.
Considering the conditions of Vril having his own son was the result of him being raped I am not sure if he initially thought too much about his bloodline improving much personally. It's not like he is completely detached from Lyrl (his son) as he did step up as a parent at the end of R.E.B.E.L.S. where his mother recoiled from being a parent (there's a lot of reasons why which if you read you will understand).
However, Vril did make a deal with Neron the demon where a soul from his own bloodline would be the payment, this is something Vril agreed to do. The soul was, most likely, Querl's mother Brainiac 4.
Vril does show curiosity about the result of that deal when he meets up with Querl and saves his life from his father.
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DC Showcase '96 #12
Because he even bothered to mention it does show he does at least think about it. In fact, he interrupted to ask. So if he did not think too much about his deal, he definitely started thinking about it more after meeting Querl.
We don't get to see this topic come up from Vril again (his series ended) and you don't see him much until 2009.
When he does show up later he meets an AI version of Querl who gives him advice on how to build his own new Legion, then he ironically saves another version of Querl from his father again.
So Vril got to meet THREE versions of Querl, all unique from each other and none mention anything about the demon Neron. I feel like to Vril this would be either a comfort, or would cause him some anxiety.
One of the great things about L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S. other than it being the anti-superhero superhero comic is that all throughout you do get to see Vril and grow. He still always remains a healthy shade of dark grey but he is unshakable when it comes to wanting to correct injustice, for a price.
I like to think that his first interaction with Querl led him to seriously consider the results of his actions with the demon Neron. I mentioned before that Vril is the type of person to make these outrageous deals but then finds a way to get out of them or 'win' and I think he might try that because the harm was directly a result of his own actions and he has been shown to WANT to be better than his own father.
He is a very complex, flawed and fascinating character that cannot be easily explained so briefly so I hope this makes sense so...
YES I do think he would like to think that eventually his family name would no longer be synonymous with the evils of his father, and on some planets this is fact, BUT he also has a pretty complicated relationship with family and bloodline.
He also was willing to kill his son again because his son went batshit so he's a dumpster fire of a green man.
Welcome to the most dysfunctional family in the whole sprocking galaxy.
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fuzzyflowers22 · 10 months
SPN Rewatch
Okay…I do think Dean and Gordon are flirting but like…only low key.
Also Sam like.. you hunt vampires. You decapitate vampires. You came here to kill monsters. And now…you don’t want to? Or you just want to judge? Sam has killed a LOT of monsters. And I’m talking about early in this episode when they first save Gordon. At this point Sam has no reason to dislike him other than that it seems like Gordon likes dean more.
Sam you seem super homophobic right now.
In a “he’s trying to steal my brother because I cannot comprehend the idea of gay people” kinda way.
He’s acting very “if I’m not the center of attention then clearly this person is evil”
That is actually a very sad story Dean. Being 16 and thinking about how fucked up your life is to the point where you give up on having a normal one. Also I don’t really think he was gonna say embrace the life. Either way it’s fucked up.
Seriously like…we know what’s gonna happen. But Sam has no reason to suspect Gordon. WE know what he’s gonna do. But Sam doesn’t. So why tf is Sam so against him?
mayhaps racism.
Dean using Sam as a scapegoat there because we know he’s thinking about Johns orders to kill Sam. How his life it NOT black and white no matter how much he might wish it was.
I’m sorry but it’s hard not to laugh when Sam says Gordon’s filling up deans hole. 😂😂😂
Also does Gordon really seem like a John substitute? I didn’t get those vibes at all? To me him and dean feel like dean needing someone to vent to. But that’s pretty much it.
Interesting note at the beginning about how John never told them about other hunters. It’s really weird because why wouldn’t he? Why would John leave them in the dark about hunting culture and connections and shit?
I like how this episode introduces the concept that the supernatural world can be more than just hunters and hunted. I especially like how that concept is used in the winchesters.
Ah. Okay so Gordon’s purpose is to scare dean. He is what Dean could be. What he doesn’t want to be. Someone who kills their sibling when they become a monster.
People always try to divide dean with shit like “you’re a killer” “you’re a demon freak” etc. etc. but the real divide is that dean is funny. And Sam is not.
It was very satisfying to watch dean punch Sam in the face.
Sam keeps ruining perfect opportunities to actually talk about the shit John did. Like, here is Dean bringing up a real true flaw in John and how it affects their lives and their past and Sam is just fucking going “he did the best he could” like wtf Sam?!
Sam always complains about dean bottling shit up but here he is trying to talk and Sam is a fucking John apologist who doesn’t give any fucking real advice just some “but you didn’t do it” shit!
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queerbuckleys · 3 months
Hello I want your advice on something if you don’t mind? So I’m 23 and haven’t had like a group of friends since high school and I had only my best friend for a few years after I graduated, even though we were living a few hours apart then, but then she passed away and I have had no (in person) friends. I’ve just been really lonely but I had my best friend even if we weren’t in the same space but since losing her I’ve been much lonelier, and my depression is bad but I think it’s a lot from being lonely. Anyways on Saturday my local LGBTQ+ center is having a “speed friending” event and part of me wants to go but part of me is terrified because I’m very awkward socially and I don’t know that I’d have anything interesting to say and I also don’t know exactly how the event works or how structured it is?? I just don’t know how I’d make friends any other way as an adult but the anxiety about going to it is super bad but do you think I should force myself to go? My mom sent the info to me and thinks so but idk what my thoughts are and cannot make a decision to save my life
sweet nonnie, first i am so sorry for your loss <3 my short answer is absolutely you should go! i went through very similar anxiety before deciding to go to my local yarn store's weekly craft circle, and i will give you the same advice both my mom and my therapist gave me: go to the center beforehand and check it out, test the commute, see the space so that part isn't all new on saturday. when you are there you can ask questions about it -- just say "hey i saw you're hosting this event this weekend and i wanted more information" if doing that in person sounds too scary DM them on instagram or see if there is an email on their site, answering the what ifs that i can has always helped me be somewhat less anxious. depending on the structure it might be really easy to be a listener, so be active, ask questions, and they will probably ask you about things too, people usually love talking about themselves! also its kinda like the guy on the bus meme with both sides saying "nobody knows you" so even the littlest things you kind of forget about yourself are brand new information to everyone you'll talk to, which is scary but also makes you interesting! the first time i was going to go to the craft circle, all the signs in the universe were telling me not to go, i missed my bus, i didnt have the money to get a lyft, and i was running late, so i called my mom on the verge of a panic attack because it's not perfect im giving up i will try again next week, and she sent me the money for the lyft and stayed on the phone with me until i got there. all that to say, use your support system, it sounds like your mom is rooting for you so use that to your advantage <3 another thing you can do it just keep showing up at the center's events in the future too! even if they are not friending specific, if you have time see if they need volunteers. just keep showing up and someone will see you. I am also terribly socially awkward and anxious so i 100% get it, all of that is much easier said than done, but i promise it is worth it to do it scared. you are doing a hard thing, so be kind and gracious with yourself, but also do a little tough self love. i believe in you. you got this.
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raspberry--fool · 1 year
SORRY THERES A LOT BUT (u obvi dont have to do them all): 7, 20, 22, 23, 24, 56, 60, 74, 77!!!! <333333
YAYYY and yeah no i’m gonna do them all 🤠
7. How do you choose which POV to write from? i’m a multi-pov girl and like. every time a story starts with only one pov i promise myself it’s gonna stay that way and every time within a few days of planning i’ve added like 2 more people. so like. cyrelius went from cyrus pov to cyrus and aurelius pov to cyrus, aurelius and rita pov. idk how i decide tho………generally the story idea just comes like that
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? yes. very very many. but especially themes – they’re all (with the exception of anya’s diner and the herodotus one) about revolution. like, always. everything is about revolution. it’s ridiculous (and i love it). also they’re always about love ofc <3
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc) hmmm i’m not sure actually. nothing super dark i think. the darkest i go is cyrelius and even that is still about hope. like even if a story starts really dark and depressing it slowly gets more and more hopeful. also my writing style often has a quite light-hearted tone so
23. Best writing advice for other writers? if you’re struggling with plot, give yourself a visual representation of it. as in write out the main things you need to happen, put them in order, and figure out how to get from one to the other. it’s good if you have separate little boxes for plot points that you can move around. it also helps to be aware of where everything is happening. anyways this method literally saved my life it’s the reason i managed to get the full, detailed plot of sst from scratch. use milanote.com. you’ll thank me later :D
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? hmm i’m not sure. if someone criticises my writing style, by telling me it’s too pretentious or long-winded or descriptive, i tend to just ignore it because i pride myself on my prose tbh and idgaf if it’s too convoluted. like above all i need my writing to sound nice. i don’t like it to be simple
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? i just said this but my prose!! i’m good at descriptions :] also, my themes & motifs, especially in cyrelius, are pretty cool imo
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like? i don’t think so? i’ve only posted a fic on ao3 once and very briefly (and it was unfinished) so
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? lots of vivid, atmospheric description and everyone talks like they go to a british boarding school in the 1920s agdhfjfj. also a good dose of dialogue that doesn’t take the plot anywhere
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? ‘they cannot kill us, cyrus, no more than a drop of water could kill the sun.’ OUGHHH but also just for you i’ll post andrea’s first appearance in sst (i love this opening sm):
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idiot (affectionate) also:
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local rebellious teen acts girlboss but is actually cringefail 7 dead 94 injured
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