#some of the comments im seeing over her getting pregnant like do better
manchesterau · 1 year
some of you are too damn old to sit on the internet and say the things you do
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
omg K congrats on the 3.5k!! that's amazing babes and im so happy for you!! I hope i didn't miss this but if I did please ignore this ask 💕 could you do "are you happy right now?" 8 in 5 (in case i messed up the sentence) with arthur?? maybe a cute fluffy one? or a slight angst? it could go either way so do whatever you want is right for the prompt! I didn't see him with this prompt on the list but if it was lemme know and i can change my prompt. congrats again!! ✨️🎉
Thanks so much for sending this in, Jay @anotherblinder ! I’m sorry it took so long for me to write! I’m happy that I’m able to end this celebration off with some Arthur after not writing him for a bit. I decided to go with fluffy for this one. I hope you like it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Can’t Think of a Happier Moment
Arthur Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: pregnancy
Word Count: 728
Summary: Arthur finally manages to clearly communicate his emotions in the moment where it’s needed most.
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Arthur was able to see it in her eyes the second she came to a stop in front of him. She’d asked him to be home when she got back and he made sure of it, not caring if it meant leaving the Garrison before Tommy even got there. His brother would understand. His wife came first.
“Alright, what is it?” he asked, wanting to get right into what she wanted to tell him.
“What is what?” she responded with her own question.
“Why’d ya call me home? Got something to tell me?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Bold of you to assume such a thing, Arthur Shelby,” she couldn’t help but giggle, “maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you.”
Arthur’s eyebrows furrowed in an instant. That surely couldn’t have been the only reason she pulled him away from the Garrison, from business, right? “I love ya, darlin’, and I love spending time with you, but couldn’t that have waited until after I finished what I was doin’ at the Garrison?” he came out and asked, not yet sure if doing so would equate to stepping on a bear trap.
And (Y/N) could have made it into one. But she didn’t. She was too excited at the moment and actually did have some news to share with him. “I was over at Pol’s when I called…” she began. Arthur nodded, showing her that he was listening and that she could continue. “She’d just told me something, and I could have shared it on the phone, but I decided that telling you in person would be better.”
“And what is that?” he asked after a few moments had passed and she hadn’t shared anything else.
“You know that Polly’s got a gift, right?” she started off with another question.
“She’s got many,” he agreed.
“Well she told me something…” At this point, (Y/N) herself wasn’t sure why she was continuing to beat around the bush on this. He was clearly invested in the conversation. Hell, he’d skipped out on his brother because she told him that she had something to tell him. Hanging onto the secret just built up the excitement inside of her even more. She hoped he’d feel the same.
“What’d she tell you, love?”
“She told me that…that you and I…” she paused, taking a deep breath as her smile grew, “we’re gonna have a baby, Arthur.”
At first Arthur just blinked. It took a few moments for the information to settle in; for it to actually click in his mind. And when it did, a tidal wave of words came tumbling out of his mouth. “She said that…she, she thought that, no, she knew that you were…that we’re going to…holy shit, you’re, you’re pregnant, (Y/N).”
“I am,” she nodded, speaking in a soft voice.
“Holy fucking shit,” he breathed, talking to himself more than anything. There was a whole flurry of different emotions coursing through him at the moment. His eyes dropped to the floor for a moment, taking a pause to collect himself before looking up again. His eyes immediately found hers, and he couldn’t help but let a smile form on his face. He tipped his head slightly, his heart hammering in his chest. “Pregnant,” he breathed again.
“Yes,” (Y/N) response came in a similar tone, tears welling up in her eyes. “Are you happy right now?” she just had to ask him, wanting to know if he was feeling the same excitement that she was.
“I can’t think of a happier moment in my life, love,” he wasted no time in telling her, his smile growing. (Y/N) noticed that his eyes were practically twinkling. He held her gaze for a moment before his eyes dropped to her stomach. No bump was present, but he knew that his child was there. “Can I?” he asked her then, his hands inching closer to her frame.
“Yes, Arthur,” she couldn’t help but softly laugh at his hesitance. Her heart swelled with love as he let out a soft chuckle and placed his hands against her stomach, gently caressing it.
“Our baby…” he trailed off, looking back up at her again.
“Our baby,” she affirmed, lifting one of her hands to rest against his neck before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.
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*tags in reblogs so that hopefully they get sent out
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pedroshotwifey · 8 months
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Tags/Warnings: NO use of Y/N, dom!reader, sub!din djarin, extreme over-stimulation, pregnant reader (not mentioned until the end), reader is a badass and we love her, restraints, aftercare, fluffy fluff, slight bdsm, Din whimpers bc I want to see Din whimper, im sure im forgetting stuff but oh well
Summary: Din chooses to put himself in danger by changing plans during a mission, and you decide it's about time he learns a lesson.
A/N: Hello lovely people! Hope you enjoy some subby Din for a while. I don't really have much to say this time, so just ignore my rambling I suppose. As always, requests are wide open and reposts, comments, and likes are very much appreciated! <3
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” 
You’re absolutely furious. In all the years that you’ve been with Mando, he’s never made a mistake this detrimental. Not only did he almost lose the bounty with his random change of plan, but he also put himself right into the path of danger. This shouldn’t have been a dangerous mission, but somehow, Din found a way to make it life-threatening. 
The bounty the two of you were after had been hiding out in an old, abandoned ship on an old, abandoned planet. The main objective was to get the target outside of the ship to capture him in case there was any kind of fuel left in the corroding ship. 
You thought you were both stationed in your respective positions, the bait set to lead the bounty out, when you had noticed something was missing. Din. Din was missing. You curse under your breath as you stand up to get a better look at his empty post. Fucking bastard. 
You spot a gleam of beskar in your peripheral and turn to follow it. He’s too far away from you for you to yell at him or try to grab him, practically at the opening at the ship already. There's nothing for you to do but wait and see how everything plays out. You groan as you crouch back down behind the rock you had been hiding behind. 
Then you hear a deafeningly loud bang.
Your heart drops to your stomach as you shoot back up to your feet. 
“MANDO!” You hear yourself scream his name but you don’t remember making an attempt to do so. 
You immediately know what had happened as you get closer to the ruined ship. The first thing you see is the absolute wreckage laying around where the ship used to be, some of it still smoldering. The second thing you see is fucking Mando emerging from the smoke, target in hand. 
His armor is coated in a black film, likely from being so close to the tank when he fucking shot it and blew it up. You stand in place and let him walk to you, keeping a firm expression the entire time. You can tell the moment he sees the way you’re seething. His movement falters and he lowers his head ever so slightly, continuing toward you with his tail tucked. 
You wait until he is a few feet away from you before turning on your heel and starting the way back to the Crest. You know he’ll follow, so you don’t look back or say a word until you reach your shared ship.
When you climb aboard, you wordlessly signal for Mando to put the bounty in carbonite before you climb up to get the ship into the air. Once you’re out of the atmosphere, you climb back down the ladder to find Mando standing in the middle of the hull. 
He doesn’t say a word to you, just stands there awaiting your orders. Smart. You point to the bedroom and wait for him to start walking before you trail behind him, still fuming. He stops in front of the bed and watches you walk past him and into the closet. You throw a single word his way as you start digging for the restraints. 
He shudders at your tone but does as he’s told.
“Please, Cyar’ika, please!”
The sob that slips from his mouth is delicious even though it’s a bit muffled by his vocoder. You chuckle darkly as you look down at him, The Mandalorian, clad in nothing but his helm and the binders around his wrists and ankles that secure him to the corners of the bunk. 
His cock, throbbingly hard and flushed almost purple at the tip, jumps as you speak. The twitch is overstimulating enough to have his whole body try to curl into itself, but it doesn’t budge with the way he’s binded. 
“Aww, you poor, sweet boy,” you say with a mock sympathy as you fold your hand to rub your knuckles along the inside of his thigh. “Want to come so bad, don’t you?”
You both know the answer to that question. You’ve been going at this for hours now. You denied him at first, bringing him to the edge and then denying him as soon as you felt him about to bust. You lost count at about nine times—around the same time Din started to cry. After close to an hour of that, you did let him come, just like he wanted. But then you didn’t stop. 
The last hour and a half or so have been spent working him up just softly enough to get him hard and leaking again, and then edging him for a while before letting him come. Each time, he grows more sensitive, and each time, it becomes more fun for you. 
You know your panties are ruined with your arousal at this point, but you don’t pay too much attention to the fact. This is about Din right now, about teaching your Mandalorian a lesson.  You want to rip his helmet from his head so you can see the way his tears streak down his ruddy cheeks, so you can hear his whines for mercy without the modulator warping his voice. But you don’t, not yet at least. You want him to feel humiliated by the way he is being punished and violated while still in his beskar. 
He begs you to stop, but you know he doesn’t mean it. You have a specific code for these types of things—if he really wants to, all he has to do is say the word and you’d have him out of the binders and in your gentle embrace within seconds. He hasn’t said the word yet, though. He’s too stubborn to let you win completely, but that's okay, you don’t plan to break him. You just want to make him think that you will. 
He tilts his head back and whimpers in response to your taunting question and you take the opportunity to grab his cock. Din’s head comes back up with lightning speed as he shouts at the contact that causes his body to shake once again. Though he orgasms, not much trickles out. A small dribble of cum escapes the tip of his cock and leaks down his softening shaft. 
He’s a whining, whimpering mess beneath you, and you can’t get enough. 
“Think you’ve learned your lesson, sweet boy?” You pet his flaccid cock, making him sob as you ask him the question. He nods to the best of his ability and you tut down at him. “Use your words for me, baby.” 
“Y-yes, I’ve learned my lesson,” he tries to keep his voice unwavering but fails miserably. 
“Yes, what, honey?” 
“Yes m-ma’am, I’ve l-learned my lesson, I’m s-sorry.”
You hum in consideration for a moment before speaking again. “Good boy. I think you deserve a reward for that, don’t you?”
He nods and you figure you’ll accept it this time. 
“Okay, baby, I’ll be right back.”
With that, you sit up from where you had been perched on the side of the bed and stride into the closet. As soon as you go through the threshold, you hear Din let out a shuddering breath. Poor thing must be exhausted. You smile at the thought. He’s not done yet. 
You open a drawer and dig around until you find what you’re looking for. Once you have the wand in your grasp, you walk back out into the bedroom. You hold the object behind your back so he can’t see while you sit back in your original position. He’s quiet as he waits for you to speak. 
“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen,” you start, trying to hold your smile back. “I’m going to help you with a little toy, and you’re going to tell me why you’re so sorry.” You wait a moment to watch the way he tilts his head back in defeat. When you hear a small blubber of regret slip from his lips, you continue. 
“If you can give me the right answer, I’m going to be generous and let you come, and then we’ll be done. If you can’t… well I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, pretty boy. How does that sound?” 
“S-sounds fair, ma’am.”
You nod at him and reach your hands up to his helmet. “Can I take this off, sweetie?” He hesitates but gives you a small nod after a moment. He doesn’t want you to see the mess of tears staining his face. 
You release the airlocks and lift up, slowly revealing his pouty lips, his prominent nose, his beautiful, begging eyes, and finally his soft, brown curls. He looks up at you slightly parted lips as you set his helmet to the side. 
“There’s my pretty boy,” you say before leaning down to place a gentle kiss to his lips. You don’t wait any longer to move down the bed to where his swollen cock lays against his stomach. You smirk and take the vibrator you picked out into your hand, flipping the switch to turn it onto a low setting. Din flinches at the sound. 
“Okay, honey, I want you to keep your eyes on me while you speak, just so I know you’re not lying to me.” A tear slides down his cheek and you can see him gulp down his anxiety. “Yes, ma’am,” he says after a moment.
Bending down, you place a kiss to the tip of his dick, and he tries his best to get away from the contact. When you look up, he’s staring at the ceiling. You lightly slap his cock, making him shout. “Look at me, baby, I’m not gonna tell you again.” 
Once his glossy eyes are on you, you bring the vibrator to the tip of his dick. He immediately bucks his hips away and starts to whimper and pant. “Now tell me, what did you do wrong today?” 
Mando is too busy gritting his teeth through the blinding overstimulation to answer your question, and you turn the wand up to a higher setting. It’s a fair warning, you think. He screams and thrashes in his restraints. 
“I’m sorry, Gods, I’m sorry, p-please!”
“Sorry for what?” 
“I’m sorry I went ag-ah-against the plan, Gods, I’m s-sorry,” he tries his best to ignore the way the sobs muddle his speech. 
You run the vibrator up and down his shaft before bringing it to the tip and applying pressure. 
“Good boy… Are you going to do it again?” 
“No, no, please!”
You smile and figure that he probably means it. If he ever pulled a stunt like that again, you’d have him chained to the bed for days. His beautiful brown eyes stay on you the whole time.
“Okay, baby, I believe you.” Even though he’s still squirming beneath you, he looks visibly more relaxed at the knowledge that this is almost over. “I want you to beg for it baby, beg me to let you come.” As humiliating as it is, he doesn’t have to be told twice. 
“Please let me come, p-please! I’ve been so good for you! Been s-so good!” 
You chuckle at the desperation in his voice as you lean down one more time. Keeping the vibrator on the tip of his cock, you turn it up to the max setting and take one of his balls into your mouth, sucking harshly. 
He lets out the loudest shout of the night as he comes. He shakes and sobs underneath you as you prolong it as best you can. You hear him speaking, but it’s so slurred through his cries that you’re not sure what he’s trying to say. 
Once he’s done orgasming, you lift up and turn the wand off before casting it to the side. When you look at his face, Din has his bottom lip between his teeth as he tries to keep his tears from falling from his closed eyes. Taking pity on him, you decide to wrap it up quickly. 
You look down at his belly, covered in his own cum. You take two fingers, being careful to avoid his poor cock, and swipe up a glob of it. Bringing it up to Din’s lips, you tell him to open up, and he does so, licking his own spend off of your fingers. 
“What do you say, baby?”
“T-thank you,” his words are breathless but filled with relief at the same time. You bring your forehead down to touch his before kissing him one more time. He gladly reciprocates, chasing your lips once you sit up again. 
You tell him to wait just a second as you work at the restraints. Once free, Mando lets his limbs fall into comfortable positions. You smooth his hair down in a soothing motion as you assure him he did good. You stay there with him for a moment before getting up again to get him a glass of water and a fresh set of sheets. You turn the shower on while you’re at it. 
Once he’s in the fresher, you change the sheets and grab some snacks for when he comes back. When he does, you’re waiting in the clean bed with open arms. He smiles warmly at you and crawls in, letting you wrap yourself around him. The two of you lay there like that for a while before you break the silence. 
“I hope you know I genuinely want you to be safer, baby, that wasn’t just for show.” You know he knows, you just want to be sure. 
“I know… I’m sorry I did what I did today.” You can hear the guilt in his voice and you turn to look into his eyes. 
“It’s okay, Din… I just…” you trail off as you try to find the right words. “I don’t think I could live with myself if something ever happened to you.” You can feel tears stinging your eyes at the thought of it. 
“And now, with the baby on the way…” you trail off, looking at your distended stomach. “ I don’t want our baby to grow up without a buir, Din.”
“I know, my sweet riduur,” he says before placing a soft kiss to your head. You can see the guilt in his eyes as he looks at you. “I never mean to put myself in the way of danger, I don’t know what I was thinking.” You stay silent, but he knows that you’ve accepted his apology. 
“And for the record,” he continues, shyly. “I enjoyed what you did tonight.” You look at him and can’t help but giggle at the smirk on his face. It’s not often you take charge in the bedroom, so you were glad to have the confirmation that he liked it just as much as you. 
“I love you, Din,” you say softly as you turn off the light and then snuggle into him. He laughs and hugs you closer. 
“I love you too, cyare.” 
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: Y/n goes out looking for some supplies she secretly needs, once she finds out she’s pregnant she has a hard time figuring out what to do until Daryl finds out and things don’t go as planned
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I haven’t been feeling well lately and we just got to the farm, I thought maybe it was just the food here but then I started throwing up and knew something wasn’t right
“Okay guys I’m gonna head out in a run does anyone wanna come?” Glenn asked as we were all sat around having breakfast
“I’ll come, I gotta pick up some things” I said as I sat my plate down and got my machete
“Hey are yer sure ya need to go?” Daryl asked as he pulled me aside
“Ya it’ll be quick plus I’m with Glenn I’ll be fine” I smiled as I gave him a quick kiss
“Just be careful” I said as he brushed my hair back
“I will I promise!” I laughed and ran to meet up with Glenn
“You ready?” He asked as he got on his horse
“Yup let’s go, and make this quick cause Daryl wants me back” I said jumping on another horse and we ran off
Finally we made it to the near by town and slowed
“He’s different with you, it’s sweet” he smiled
“I really do love him, I’m glad he opened up for me, I never thought I could love someone so much” I blushed
“I’m glad he found you, he was miserable before you came to the quarry, I swear he fell in love with you the instant he saw you”
“Oh stop you’re just saying that”
“No I swear I could see the way he looked at you and told Merle off when he’d make comments about you” he said as he dismounted his horse and I was quick to follow, walking into the pharmacy
“He’s such an amazing man, I don’t know what I’d do without him, I just hope nothing changes”
We walked down the aisle picking up some necessities and I finally found the pregnancy test and tried to discretely put it in my bag
“Wow is that a pregnancy test? Are you pregnant” I heard Glenn behind me
“Glenn I don’t know that’s why I’m getting the test, please don’t say anything until I know” I pleaded
“I won’t, but what if you are?”
“I don’t know I mean….it would be a dream to have a little Daryl but I just don’t know if he’ll want a baby in this world” I said imagining his face when I tell him, well that is if I am pregnant
“Well, go test it, better to do it now than wait” he said pointing to the bathrooms
I sighed and nodded as I walked over, walking into the ladies washroom and taking the test out of the book
5 minutes have past and it was time to check
“Glenn!” I called out and he came running in
“Have you checked?”
“No I don’t know if I can check Im too nervous” I said as I felt my heart beat in my chest
“We can do it together” he smiled as he kneeled in front of me and held my hands that held the test
“Okay” I breathed out as he flipped the test
“Positive, y/n you’re pregnant” he smiled at me
I was shocked I didn’t know what to say, I was happy to have a baby with Daryl but already scared for my baby in this world
“Hey it’ll be okay, you have us, and I know Daryl will be happy, it’s you, he adores you, now let’s go home”
We packed up our things and rode back to the farm, as we approached I saw Daryl and Maggie standing at the end of the drive way waiting for us
I felt the butterflies explode in my belly just from looking at him, just like the first time
“Hey my love! I missed you!” I smiled as I slowly got off my horse as he held my waist and helped me down
Maggie took my horse and her and Glenn brought them to the stable as me and Daryl made our way up the drive way back to the others
“So did ya get what ya needed?” He asked
“Yes there’s actually something I need to talk to you about” I said fiddling with my hands which he noticed
“Did somethin happen? Are ya bite?” He asked concerned as he started looking all over me
“No my love, come let’s sit and I’ll tell you” I said as I took his hand and led him to an old fallen tree
“I’ve been feeling sick lately and thought maybe it was just the food maybe but then I started throwing up and things lined up with the last time we were….together” he wasn’t showing any emotions at all so I couldn’t tell what he was thinking
“So then when we went to the pharmacy I took a test and well…..” I took out the test from my pocket and handed it to him
He was silent for a long time and it was breaking my heart
“I’m sorry, I know this isn’t ideal” I said which made him look at him and he had tears in his eyes
“Don’t apologize, I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad” he smiled as he held my hand
“I know it’s gonna be hard but….I couldn’t ask for a better person to have a baby with, to have a little Daryl run around just warms my heart, to see you rock them to sleep to play with them, it makes me happy, I’m just nervous”
“Don tell the others but…I’ve dreamed about havin a family with ya, yer the only one I’ve ever wanted and loved, we can do this together” he said as he pulled me into a kiss, I loved that I was the only one to see this side of him
“I love you daryl”
“I love ya too my Peach” he smiled that smile that was just for me
~1 week later~
I was laying in our tent with Daryl holding me close since it was early in the morning
“We should probably tell the others, they’ll be wondering why you won’t let me do anything and I’m sure Glenn isn’t going to keep this a secret much longer” I said as I rubbed his chest
“Ya yer right, we can do it during breakfast” he said as he got up and pulled on his clothes
We had moved our tent next to the others when we found out I was pregnant, he wanted the extra protection for me
I stood up and hauled on a pair of sweat pants and one of his flannels
We walked out and sat around with the others as Glenn fried some eggs over the fire
“So we have something to tell you guys” I said bringing all the attention onto me
“What is it dear?” Carol asked with a sweet smile, she always treated me so kindly, I think it’s mostly because I made Daryl happy
“Well….. I’m pregnant” I said and there was a pause like the world stopped
“Congrats, you’re going to be an amazing mother, and you’re gonna be a great dad Daryl” Carol said as she came and gave both of us hugs
“Thank you Carol!”
“I don’t think hershel is gonna be very happy about this, an extra mouth to feed” Andrea said
My heart dropped and the tears welled in my eyes, it hurt and my hormones were making everything ten times more emotional
Daryl rubbed my back trying to calm me down so I laid my head on his shoulder
“I didn’t mean to become pregnant, but I’m happy”
“Doesn’t change the fact it’ll be a burden”
“Shut yer damn mouth” Daryl said getting angry
“Wow calm down I’m just sayin” she said trying to act innocent even though everyone was glaring at her
“Don’t listen to her dear, this baby is pure love, don’t ever thing this baby isn’t a blessing” dale said as he handed me a plate of toast of eggs
“Thanks dale, I’m more than happy to have this baby” I said as I hand Daryl a piece of my bread
“Nah ya keep that, we gotta get ya nice and plump for the baby” he said making me laughing
“Okay what ever you say sir”
After we finished eating he got ready to go look for Sophia
“Please be careful my love” I said as I handed him his bow
“I’ll be back before dark peach, just hang around Glenn for the day, maybe he’ll help keep yer mind off of me”
“But I want to have you on my mind” I smiled as he pulled me in by my hips
“Don’t stress please, I’ll be back before ya know it” he smiled as he kissed me then pulled himself up onto the horse
“I love you”
“I love you both too peach” he smiled and rode off
Both….my heart felt so full, he just left but I want him back right now, he was going out alone sure he was amazing out in the woods but still I was scared I couldn’t ever lose him
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sstardustt3 · 3 months
"smile, you're on camera y'know?"
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summary- fem!reader and joel go get grocries while reader films.
word count- 1611k
tags- Ifem!reader x joel miller I fem!reader being a horrible camera woman I pre!outbreak (like way before) I 19yo!joel I breif mention of sarah I pregnant!reader I domestic fluff I grumpy x sunshine trope I
additonal info- Hiii this is my first actual fic so sorry if it's bad and it's not proof read so sorry for some grammer mistakes and i'll end up doing another post abt this but i'm going to make a masterlist for my fics in the future and i also can do requests and prompts so if you like this and any future fics and writing please feel free to put it in! reposts are also appreciated.
Date- 3/31/2001
Recording sesion- 15:28:52
“Fucckkk…” Joel groaned and shifted around in the sheets
“If you don’t get that goddamned camera out my face…what is it five?”
Your eyes drifted down to the time at the corner of the camera.
“No actually, it’s twelve thirty five. I let you sleep in.” 
 you said from behind the camcorder, having a bit of a laugh at his irritation. He rolled his eyes at your comment and put the sheets over his head. Which promptly got it pulled off and thrown onto the ground
“No c’mon get up sleepy. We have shit to do.”
“Why can’t you go yourself since you’re full dressed already?’
Despite his protests and mumbling, sadly for him he knew he could never deny you, so he begrudgingly rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, mumbling on the way. You soon followed, the cold air hitting your body once again and went to the drawer and sat the camera down as she slipped the thick whit socks on.
“He’s so adorobly in love with me, and it might seem like he hates me but trust me if you saw the way he was all over me last night you would be eating your words right now, trust.”  you chuckle to your camera, picking it up and walking to the sink in their bathroom. You hear an annoyed, slightly pained groan from joel on the toilet. 
You quickly turn your head and a grin grows on your face. “You okay in their honey?” you hear another annoyed sigh.
“Im great doll. Just fuckin’ peachy” the toilet flushed and he opened the door, one  hand on his hip and the other with his hand making a poor attempt at covering his face from her god forsaken camera that was tracking him.
“I'm starting’ to think that getting you that camera was a mistake”
He picked up his tooth brush and paste and squeezed the tube. The thick paste beading at the opening and getting wiped off on the toothpaste 
“Nonesense. Plus, wouldn’t little sarah love to see her mom and dad when they were young?”
She smiled, sitting it down on the counter and showing off  her pregnant belly to the camera. 
“Isn’t that what photos are for?”
He supposedly said. It was hard to tell with all the paste muffling him. 
“It’s the digital age.”
He didn’t dignify your teasing with a response and spit out the toothpaste and washed it all out with tap water. He whipped his lip and kissed your forehead.
“I’m guessing you wanna go somewhere?” he lazily pulled his shirt off and threw it in the hamper and you quickly seized the opportunity to zoom the grainy film all the way in to his chest to his abdomen. A cheeky smirk grew on your face at the sight. 
“It’s for groceries and to get a christmas tree. You can’t help get a christmas tree?” you quickly refuted. You zoom out and walk to window and gracefully pushed the blinds up and focused the camera on the outside. Thick snow covering the trees and the driveway covered in ice, It looked amazing on the camera, even better in real life.
“Y'know you didn’t have to wake me up for groceries, could’ve just gotten them yourself.” he mumbled, pulling the shirt over his head and slipped on his grey sweatpants.
You twirl, the camera becoming unfocuesed and slightly blurry at the abrupt halt as you dragged your foot to stop.
“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready.”  You call out before shutting the door.
Recording session-27:02:24
The doors to the grocery store opens with the chime of bells accompany it as joel pushed the door with one hand and push the cart with other with your hand over his. 
“What do we really need outta here?” he said, seeming a little more awake then he was on the walk there.
The camera whirled to the fruit section they were first greeted with upon walking in. Focusing on the bright red color of the peppers and tomatoes.
“Tomatoes…cabbages…ribs....thats really it.”
“Simple enough.” he walked to the produce section and started looking through fruit, his hands turing them around and looking at them closely. You followed his hand and zoomed out a little to see his face. And once you noticed you couldn’t help but laugh at that  stupidly serious look on his face. He noticed and looked at you and your camera.
“What- what is it, why are you laughing?”  he said, with his eyebrows furrowingly slightly, making him look confused and annoyed.
“Your face, your so serious all the time baby, lighten up, please.” chucking hard, her hand that was filliming dropping to her side and hooking her arm around his neck and gave him a light kiss. His face warmed slightly in response which promptly earned a smirk from you.
“You’re too unserious.”
“You’re too serious.” the camera raised and a cheeky smile grew on your face “c’mon smile, you’re on film.” 
“Forget it.” he rolled his eyes and he refocused his attention on the fruit,inspecting it and testing the firmness to make sure it’s fresh.
The attention of the camera flew to the bakery and you made your way over. Getting welcomed by the secent of crepes, macaroons, jelly filled donutes, and other various foods. First going to the donuts, bending down to the prettily decorated display. A woman came over from the otherside, sliding the door to the side as her tongs took out the powdered donuts out and slid in a fresh new steaming hot batch with a little star star shaped candy on a stick on the top. Quickly you stood up to grab the young tired tenagers attention.
“Exuse me, ma’m?”
She turned around, and came back over, putting her arms on the top of the glss display. “Yeah?”
“Can I have two dozen of these?” you said, pointing off screen to the cute little pastry
She leaned far over the counter, ridiculously far and caused you to flinch slightly and back up.
She looked at the name plate next to the desert.
“The…fairy dust powdered donut?” she cranked her neck up to look at you.
You nodded. “Yeah those are the ones.”
She gave a quick nod and pulled back to her side, swiftly grabbing the tongs and picked up 24, 12 at at time and placed them in a bag.
“Is that it?” she asked.
“Yeah thats all.” you said,  trying to hide her shock at the womans quickness.
“That’ll be 9.95.”
You dug your hand in your purse and pulled out two fives and handed it to her which she accepted without a word and she gave back some cents.
“Have a good day ms.”
She called and you responded with a nod and walked away.
Recording session- 60:02:37
“Goddamn it, it feels like i spent all day in there.”
Joel sighed as he carried the bags from the store to the train station.
“Well not all day. Just…” you paused briefly. “Around two hours. Average time for a trip.”
He scoffed as he stopped at the platform. He turnt  your camera which he was also holding towards you.
“I don’t need you being a smartass.” he said from behind the camera
“It’s what I do best.” you retort with that stupid smile before turning the opposite direction. Leaning to the right to see the train coming.
“Don’t do that.” he pulled you towards him, unintentionally backing into his chest.
“Why not?” you asking while reeling your head back to look at him.
“Because I don’t want a damn bullet train to speed towards us and rip your head off because you’re being stupid.” he said, not noticing the light reddining on his face.
“Joel, your blushing.” you tease with that damned smile you’ve had on all day.
“Shut the hell up.” he quickly snapped back.
Within a few seconds the train slowly came and opened it’s doors and you quickly went inside with joel following closely behind. You took your seats and it was only when the pair sat down they realized how tired they were from standing. Joel craned his neck down to look at the camera. It was a quite a tooth rotting sight actually. You and joel holding hands on the train with both shoes in frame and yours untied. He sighed and sat the camera down on your lap and bent over to tie your shoes. You look down, slightly confused at what he’s doing.
“...What are you doing?” you mumbled as you looked down.
“Why are your damn shoes always untied is the question.”
“Hey, blame converse not me.” you said as you put your head back and sighed. 
He didn’t say anything back and you didn’t either. The entire train ride for the two was surprisingly quiet, with joel just looking into the grainy footage of the camera the whole time that had been recording the pair the whole time, that you were oh so obsessed with. He didn’t realize just how he was staring at the camera until the train speakers rang out their stop. He turned to you and saw you completely knocked out. He chucked and shoved you awake.
“Hey..” you rubbed your eye and and slowly rised as you noticed a few others on the train were, including joel
“C’mon sleepy head, smile your on camera y’know?” he said, cracking a smile. Which caused you to laugh and lightly shove him.
“Yeah, c’mon.”
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I’m here for you
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Joe Velasco X Reader 
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this !! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
Me and Joe had this will they wont they thing going on for a while now. You felt like the vibes were there but it was hard because he was a quiet guy. 
You also were a little reserved so no one had the guts to talk to each other. But slowly by surely the two of you opened up to each other. Talking and texting every chance you got.
It had only been a couple of months and you were head over heels in love.  
Lately thought he had gone through a rough patch and you were trying to be there for him without stepping on toes.
 Olivia our captain was against me even talking to him. Which i personally didn’t understand. 
I Mean I know what he was accused of but i think we all deserve the benefit of the doubt.
 I mean just become someone decided to secretly record an interview we should all turn on him. I feel like he deserved to tell his side of the story. 
I let everyone in the unit how I was feeling about the situation which was causing a lot of heat in the unit. 
“Y/N what did I tell you about staying away” Captain Benson asked. 
“All i did was text him to make sure he was doing that’s all” I said 
“You disobeyed my orders i told you flat out no communication” She said 
“I didn’t ask about the case or anything he’s my friend I ‘m not going to turn my back on him especially when he needs people now” I said in a defensive manner. 
Cap just looked at me and I could tell she was trying to find the right next words to say to me. 
“Listen to me I am saying this because you are a great detective and you have a great career ahead of you and you need to stay focused okay” She told me 
The words she said to me kind of irritated me a little bit but i kept my composer and bit my tongue. I didn’t want to start a fight and cause more tension. 
“I understand cap” was all you could muster out at the moment. 
“Your dismissed the days over just go home and get some rest and think about what I said.” She said. 
“Yes Ma’am thank you” I said 
She put her glasses on and started pulling some papers out of her giant stack she had and started focusing on them. 
Finn and Amanda both looked at me with worried look on their faces. I think when I walked out I looked a little mad and upset. 
“You know she’s right you just gotta focus on you at the moment” Amanda said 
Something in you broke a little and what ever you had been pushing down had worked it way up.
Because you looked over at them sitting in their desk and then spoke out 
“I find that a bit ironic considering your history of dating you and Nick Aamaro and then getting pregnant by Lt Murphy who you were under by the way. Me and Velscao are friends and im finding it pretty messed up that were just supposed to turn our back on a friend” You snapped. 
Finn looked surprised as hell and Amanda was taken back and not sure on what to say next. Which you didn’t even bother giving her the chance.
You quickly gathered your stuff and then headed out. In the background you heard Finn say 
“Just let go and let’s go home” He said 
You walked out the squad room and headed downstairs. You were to worked up to even wait for the elevator. 
You ran down the stairs and then headed out the front door. The fresh air hitting you in the face made you instantly feel a little better. You just headed to the car and threw your stuff in. 
You didn’t even think about going home you just began driving. You tried to clear your head to make you feel a little better. ]
Your stomach started growling and you decided to stop for some dinner. There was a local diner that Joe introduced you to. 
You pulled up and got out and walked in . It was pretty quiet and you were thankful for not having to deal with people. 
You sat in the booth you and Joe always sat in. You were looking at the menu but not really even paying attention. 
You tried to push back frustration tears from everything going on. Suddenly a man wearing a hoodie sat across from you which scared the crap out of you
“Omg what the hell” You asked 
You heard a familiar laugh and then calmed down immediately when you realized who it was. 
“Joe what the hell are you doing here” You asked 
You looked up at him he gave you a sad look. 
“I guess i just wanted to see you”  He said 
“Yeah me to but how did you know I was here” You asked 
“Because I know you I figured you were just getting off of work and was probably hungry so you came here and sat in our booth” Joe said 
You blushed and smiled at him knowing you so well. Or were you that predictable you thought 
“How are you with everything” You asked 
“It’s been hard you know having to turn on Chilli and not also you know” Joe said
“ you know what” You asked 
“Not being able to talk to you. You have no idea how long I have been wanting to talk to you and see you it killed me” Joe said
“It’s not fair that Cap thinks she can just dictate our personal lives you know I missed you to a lot I have been wanting to see you It killed me too not beng able to see you” You told him. 
“I don’t want to bring you down with me” Joe said 
“You wouldn’t do that I’m here for everything the good and the bad” You said grabbing his hand. 
He took your hand and looked up at you and smiled and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m here for you always” you said to him 
“I know and that’s the problem he said
Your face kind of dropped and it was hard not to feel hurt. 
Joe noticed your face and took his other hand and grabbed your free one and squeezed both of them together. 
“It’s not like that i don’t wanna drag you down with me I love you to much” He said 
You gave him a surprised look followed by a smile 
“You love me” You questioned 
He laughed a little bit.
“I’m being serious” you said pouting 
“I know me to I’m trying to tell you I love you. Like more than friends you know and I don’t wanna be the reason your career goes up in flames” He said 
“Listen here Joe Velscao” you said 
“Oh my whole government name it’s serious” Joe said smiling 
“Shut the hell up and listen I love you so much and you are the best part of me and I am a better person and detective because of you know and I know it’s only been a couple of month but when you know you know and I just know” You said rambling towards the end. 
Joe leaped towards you and kissed you hard. You kissed him back and you were both smiling in each other’s faces. 
The kiss broke and he sat down. 
“Listen Y/N i love you so much and like you said when you know you know and I do feel that way about you which is why I wanna protect you” Joe said 
“I’m here i’m a big girl we are going to figure this out together but you gotta tell me the truth that stuff you said in the tapes was it true” You asked 
“Yeah it is but to a point i’m clean I never touched drugs ever but with the dad and son Chilli covered my ass and I owe that to him to help and try and cover his” Joe said 
“I know you feel like that but you also know what ever is going on in the past you gotta close the wound and it should be on your time not anyones else’s okay but you know what the right thing to do is” You said 
“I know I know your right and i know what i gotta do i just don’t the accusations and the rush to judgement” Joe said 
“I get that and I agree that’s not fair to you and you shouldn’t have to prove who you are after all the hard work you been doing. But this is where we are so you need to go and sit down and talk to Oliva and be honest with everything and let the cards fall where they do” You said 
“Yeah you're probably right and I know it’s just hard actually doing it” Joe said 
“I will go in with you tomorrow okay i got you. You won’t go in there alone.” You said 
“Thank you” Joe said squeezing my hand
“Now let’s eat I’m hungry that’s the whole reason why i’m here” You said laughing 
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said 
The waitress came back over and the two of you ordered. Of course she knew what you were getting because it was the same old thing. 
“So uh after this little confession is this considered a date” You asked 
Joe’s face lit up red and he looked up at you and smiled. 
“Nah trust me you deserve a much better place than this for our first official date” He said 
“Oh you don’t know what you just walked yourself into. Because i am going to take you to the most expensive restaurant i can in New York” You said laughing 
“Oh you the person who orders the most basic food ever you wouldn’t even eat the nice food so good luck with that” Joe said laughing 
“Don’t worry about me” You said smirking. 
You both couldn’t contain your laughter of that. Joe really loosened up and relaxed and you both dropped the work conversation after that. T
alking about everything from your favorite shows you would watch together. 
The food came out just a little bit later and you both shoved your faces with food. It was either really good or you were really hungry.
The rest of the night you both laughed and talked. You also couldn’t help but wonder how Liv was going to take you defying her orders but that didn’t matter right now. 
Because there is no one else you would rather be with than Joe. Nothing could keep the two of you apart from each other. 
No matter what happed the two of you would always be there for each other 
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garciaasfluffypen · 3 months
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bright beginnings pt. 10
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader  wc: 868  warnings: grace being sneaky but in a good way i promise
part nine • part eleven
a/n: hi sorry im so bad at uploading mental health went poopy stinky but im back
“grace elizabeth vandien!” joe gasped, practically hitting the phone out of grace’s hand. “you did not just friend request my employee!” 
“well she’s cute and clearly you need to get your head out of your ass, so if you don’t do it i will.” 
“you’re not playing cupid.”
“and you’re stupid if you think i’m going to listen to you.” 
“i cannot believe you’ve done this.” 
“well believe it, buckaroo. this is happening whether you like it or not.” 
joe had to stop himself from shoving grace off the couch, instead choosing to throw a pillow at her face before getting up to pace the room. there was no way this was going to turn out good. there absolutely wasn’t. but it wasn’t like he was nervous, right? granted, the last person he was with was julia. she didn’t really do much in terms of their relationship, seeing as it appeared to be purely transactional. and the fact that she left the kids with joe a majority of the time. he wasn’t going to lie, the honeymoon phase was nice, but it didn’t last much longer than six months before he started noticing a few things. then six turned into twelve, julia got pregnant and those twelve months turned into 23 with divorce papers in his hands. and now the twins were three, he was sex deprived and dear god, he just-- 
but he couldn’t, could he? he wasn’t going to lie, y/n was one of the only things on his mind lately. okay so maybe he had looked at her profile picture on facebook for too long. and memorized the freckles on her cheeks and how some of them almost looked like the little dipper if you squinted just enough. or how her cousin commented “so hot so pretty you need a boyfriend” on every profile picture and y/n would just reply with an eyeroll emoji and a “get me one then”. how she laughed so gracefully when the kids at the daycare did something funny. or cute. or both. how she took such great care of the twins and didn’t care at all that they attached themselves to her. 
yeah, maybe he needed a new relationship. he needed to stop thinking about y/n. he needed--
“joe, get out of your head.” grace lightly slapped his cheeks. “i promise i won’t say anything too out of pocket to her.” 
“i’m joking! mostly. listen, you know your worth and you deserve to have it. julia can suck my ten inch clit, and if she pulls a fuss to her lawyer about you moving on you can literally bring up the fact she leaves you with the kids and breaks her custody agreement almost weekly to go fuck some guy on whatever costal island she flies to with daddies money. you. deserve. so. much. better. don’t stop yourself from pursuing this because of some silly little lady who can’t tell her left from her right.”
“i— she’s not directionally challenged.”
“that’s not my point.” grace rolled her eyes. “stop being such a worry wort and just get back out there! what’s wrong with going on one date with y/n?” 
“well for one, if it goes bad we might lose our best employee.” 
“i doubt she would quit if the date goes that roughly. and you gotta believe in yourself, dude. you had everyone in college swooning over you. it’s a surprise you’re not playing some heartthrob metal head somewhere on tv that everyone is going to fall in love with.”
“stop reminding me of my failed dreams.” joe dramatically flopped back on the couch. “i’d much rather be on tv than running a daycare.”
“but you’re doing a damn good job at it. honestly? i think it's your calling.” 
“working with kids. maybe you could like, develop a show about a couple in a daycare that falls in love and has like ten babies.” 
“y/n and i are not going to have ten babies.” 
“i never said that.” grace cheekily smiled as she typed away on her phone. “and besides, you never know what’ll happen.” 
“i have two, and they are more than enough right now, thank you very much.” 
grace rolled her eyes. “puh-lease, you want more kids and you know it.”
“i do know it, but i have two three year olds.” 
“and like, how many girls watching them constantly? joe. i’m going to be blunt and you’re going to take it. you need to get laid. and i’m going to help you get laid.” 
“i- grace…” 
“listen, i’m gonna find you someone. even if it’s on tinder, okay?” grace pushed herself off of the couch. “i’m gonna head out because i have an 8am, but i’ll send you updates. also send me your favorite pictures of yourself in case i end up making you a tinder.”
“i don’t want to be on tinder.”
“i’ll do bumble then.” grace paused in the doorframe.  “oh, before i forget, y/n and i are getting tea tomorrow, i’ll let you know how it goes!” 
and with that, grace shut the door and joe was left to once again scream into his pillow.
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mushroomnoodles · 1 month
For any Simon that was near a Betty that may have had his hotdog vanish into thin air over night, did he say anything to Betty about his junk changing? How did she react?
If he didn’t tell her then would he have mentioned it later that he used to have different anatomy? For a Simon who may be trans I would think they would have a bond over that but a Simon who used to have a penis might feel a little different about his body than a born trans Simon.
I’m just curious how this kinda thing impacted their relationship.
this is my favorite update to cis simon lore the asks and comments make me giggle
im vaguely mentioning the noodle so putting it under the cut (ha) also the reminder that cis simon is once again up to viewer interpretation, he can be cis or trans I don't mind either and neither is canon
most simons would say something, yes, in a sort of disbelieving, "how tf did this happen" way. wizardbetty simon wouldn't say anything, for fear it was innapropriate to their relationship at the time, but he would be very put off and disturbed. (side note, wizardbetty wouldn't think too much at first, since her simon was trans)
and, uh, i think most if not all betties would think it was some sort of a joke at first, and then she sees that he is absolutely not joking, and actually pretty upset. (though that would explain how the baby was gonna get out, and the fact a cis simon would be pregnant at all would be another reason for her to be like Oh. Okay.) betties try to comfort simon and aren't the greatest at it. how do you make a man feel better about a missing wangdoodle. magically missing. actually gone. best shes got is snuggles.
i don't think it'd impact the relationship that much tbh, simons and betties are sorta obsessed w each other, they'll figure it out. although it'd make for a sort of "huh." moment early on every time it comes up
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talkingtea · 8 months
Just an observation
Also, I want to firmly establish that I am not trying to tear this woman down. Not in the least. I am not making a comment on her or her appearance. I don't know her, and my comment is mainly about her husband Tony.
Have you guys ever seen how Tony Goldwyn looks standing next to his real-life wife? I'm sure whatever dynamic they have works for them. They've been married for maybe like 35 years or something. He has a different energy around her. More subdued. He also kinda looks his age when he's standing with her. But when he's standing next to Kerry Washington, he looks so much more vibrant and youthful. I won't say he looks happier, I'd say he looks flirtier, and he looks more attractive (to me at least). He looks the way men look when they feel better about themselves cause they have a hot girl on their arm.
That's been my feeling about G, L and C. Both in scripted scenes and in the bloopers G looks and acts like he's more alive with and around C. (This isn't grandice bait. Lol). It's clear to many that G doesn't look alert or interested when he is around L. There are s9 bloopers where he is putting his hands all over C (more than the scene wrote im sure since they rarely let westallen be in the same room so barry being all over Iris was a stretch). I didn't see much content about him around Lucy so I can't speak for that, but it's undeniable that G and C have something unique. A pull of some sort to each other. That can't be fun for L to witness. Even if she wasn't truthful in the beginning abt being pregnant (idk if that's a rumor, but let me know), he did marry her. And she had his baby. And she still can't get his attention. That must suck. And I say that genuinely. Even if her intentions weren't pure and shes in this for the money, to be rejected that deeply would have an effect on anyone's esteem.
It also reminded me of the fiasco that was India and Corey when they were doing the press tour for Queen Charlotte. His gf eventually got really upset by what was being said and he had to adjust his behavior. It did not look good at all because it ended up producing pictures of India and Corey standing next to each other like strangers not touching or even facing each other.
All this to say, don't date an actor if you aren't sure withing yourself.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
Saw your answer on the most lorelai/luke song, so i must ask... What's the most lorelai taylor swift song? ✨️
ohhhh boy im gonna enjoy that one!!!
so usually every time i search in tiktok lorelai + taylor swift all i get is lorelai and bejeweled edits and while i agree... we are missing the point here. there is no chronological order to that list it just me thinking it's fitting and i will try my best and explain why.
mad woman
now i usually feel like mad woman feels a lot to emily and lorelai's relationship, especially this part:
Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy What about that? And when you say I seem angry I get more angry
i feel like it fits soooo well with emily comments around lorelai as "lorelai" (you know the voice) "and really lorelai" yada yada... like. emily is just such a toxic person and while she loves lorelai she does critique her a lot over the show to a point it just not really nice to watch and lorelai deserves so much better than her toxic mom <3
also i just wanna add this part
No one likes a mad woman You made her like that And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out And you find something to wrap your noose around And there's nothin' like a mad woman
I'm takin' my time Takin' my time 'Cause you took everything from me Watchin' you climb Watchin' you climb Over people like me
i just feel like emily usually humiliated lorelai and getting into her relationship as she did with luke to a point when lorelai couldn't stand it anymore and it drives me insane
my tears ricochet
And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain Crossing out the good years
again... emily and lorelai relationship. and every time something doesn't go right or as usual in emily and lorelai's relationship she tries to spin it about lorelai getting pregnant at 16 and having a baby and she. never lets that one down. she never see lorelai for what she is, only what she could've been if she would've stayed with christopher and all that. she refuses time and time again to see lorelai's life for what they are - she owns her own inn, she has a community who loves her, she has great friends and a great supporting system and ofc she has rory. and yet all what emily can see is lorelai running away at 16 for the rest of lorelai's life.
also this part
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home
because now im thinking about 16 years old lorelai running away and never coming back home until the actual pilot i wanna scream she sacrificed so much for rory!!!!!
champagne problems
everyone talk about this song as the ultimate rogan song and while i agree, i agree! i wanna add my own interruption to it thank you very much
One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
"She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in the head, " they said But you'll find the real thing instead She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
like?? that's exactly what happened with max / with chris / with literally every man she had a relationship with beside luke.
she would've made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head it's so lorelai coded in so many levels!!!!!!! like it's right. here.
this is a fun one because u look at this and u dont think lorelai gilmore but it's her. damn. song.
Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled I'm fine with my spite And my tears And my beers and my candles
everyone in her life had always treated her as this situation that needs to be handled immediately. mostly it was emily but other people did treated her like that over the years and i do feel it's very s1 lorelai trying to show emily and that side of their family that she doesn't need them, she raised rory for 16 years and she's doing a great job.
the most lorelai gilmore song ever!!!! BUT
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets Take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
You're on your own, kid Yeah, you can face this You're on your own, kid You always have been
it just. scream lorelai. she always been on her own, she went to the hospital to give birth to rory on her own, she raised rory on her own, she created relationship over the years but it's always been her and rory.
also that one thing they can't take away is rory. and its so so deep because richard and emily already tried in s6 but they couldn't!! SO IMPORTANT
she got no reason to be afraid because. she's on her own, she always has been. it's just really fucking sad in a way y'know?
anti hero
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
"at tea time, everybody agrees" = tea time is friday's night dinner and somehow lorelai always ended up as being the problem there.
anyway i probably would think of more and im sorry if y'all thought about you coming here for a good time and then i was like nope angst time <3
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cyberrgirlsblog · 1 year
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(TW bad words, idk what else)
Not beta read so sorry if this is shit, or if there are plot holes im trying
Part 2
Walking into the garrison pub i look around it's not crowded only a couple people are in here today i walk up to the counter and ask the bartender were tommy is
“He's in the booth’’ the bartender said, not looking up from the glass he was cleaning.
“Thank you,” I said.
I walked into the booth where Tommy was. I assumed there were more people with him but to my surprise it was just him. Which confused me since usually arthur or sometimes Polly was with him.
“Who was that, y/n” tommy asked, his cold blue yes looking at me unmoving
“What?” i said
“The romani boy in the caravan with you, he dropped you off, who was that?” he asked with a monotone voice.
A part of me didn't want to answer, a part of me wanted to win this mind game that Tommy plays but i didnt i know what was good for me at this moment.
“Just a boy I met along the road. I was gonna have to walk here but he drove me here instead of his name duke.`` I said with hesitance in my voice. Tommy nodded his head then spoke
“Hm, well do you have the opium?” Tommy said, looking at my bag.
“Yes sir” i said with a joking tone
Setting down the bag on the table opened it up and took out the bottles of pure opium.
“This is about 3 pounds of pure opium. It should be enough for right now. We're trying to expand our inventory of stuff but it's hard. Also there may be less opium due to the stock crash so the guy we get are shit from is upping the price.” i said looking at tommy
He took one of the bottle to look at it 
“Well that's to be expected when something like this happens.” he said while looking at the bottle
“If you want to make sure its pure you Should've brought Arthur he could have tested it out you know. Make sure it's pure.” i said in reality though it may not have been the best idea arthur has been spiraling because of this drug making a tasteless comment about it much less joke about especially in front of tommy. But you never cared too much about it Tommy didn't even flinch when you said it either which surprised you but it was also expected he was thomas shelby after all. A man with a heart turned cold as some would say.
“Well arthur has been clean for a week know” he said
“Has he, well that's good for him.’’ I said, to be honest though, I doubt it will last long knowing arthur. 
“Well Tommy, how has your family been? I've heard from Lizzie that ruby has been running around the house a lot. I've also heard from Polly that adas pregnant. Tho she hasn't said who the baby's father is'' i said while pouring myself a cup of wine.
“Yes theyve been good, Adas has been okay, though i have an idea of who the father might be but i think it'd be better to ask Ada herself.” he said looking at me and noticed a little smile when he mentioned his daughter. “And what of your family Y/n how have they been?”
I smiled a little but a smile nonetheless.`` They've been good ash is out doing God knows what and fez is meeting new people, building connections i guess you could say. I'm not surprised though he's probably the one that will take over the family business. Once well…” I trailed off. I didn't like to think about it but I knew her time would come soon. She's already been doing less and less. I'm not mad at my grandma. If I was her I would want to go out without fear of responsibility. I would like to go peacefully. I just hope she's able to be here for me and ashes 15 birthday.
 “I see, well y/n here's the money, about 100 pounds.” Tommy said, placing the money down on the table. I took the money and put it in my bag just as I was about to get up and leave. Tommy spoke.
“My cousin is coming into town. He's Polly's son.” Tommy said, I looked at him with confusion. I didn't get why he was telling me this. Until i put 2 and 2 together
“Oh shit he's the dude that didn't take out the stock right. And now yalls business is a lil bit shook from that.” i said, i started laughing until i remembered who i was talking to “hm i'm sorry i didn't mean any offense but my question is why are you telling Me this why not fez.”  I said looking up at him.
“I'm telling you this because he will be at the station. I want you to go with Polly and Ada to meet him. He's a part of the Shelby family, his names michael. You don't have to go but tell your brothers he's coming at least.” he said
“And one more thing don't over step with your jokes about my family.” he said looking at me with a voice you would use to scold a young child. I knew it wasn't a threat but it was a warning that I did know. All I could do was nod my head and walk out the bar.3
30 minutes later
Once I was able to see my house I started to do a light jog. Reaching the door I opened it only to hear yelling. I assumed it was fez scolding ash for some shit he did again. In the end though fez always took the blame for me or ash when we did something wrong. Walking to where I could hear the yelling more clearly I walked in the room to see fez on the phone. 
“I told you to leave us the fuck alone man. Okay i dont know what your talking about but i dont have them, we dont have them dont call this number again you fucking hypocrite ass bitch.” i heard Fez yell before slamming the phone back into place. Definitely gonna have to check if he broke it later.
“Fez who the fuck was that.” I said , looking at him with concern but a stern voice.
“No one you have to worry about.”  he said, walking away. I clenched my hands and dug my nails into my hands until I felt a sharp pain and blood roll down the back of my fingers. I try to understand why people do the things they do. I try to stay quiet and not question what people do. But when it's my own brother I can't understand. But I know if I ask him he'll just say some shit like.’it's for your own safety’ or ‘ I don't want to get involved’. But if that was true he would've never let me in the family business when I asked. 
I shook my head, walked up to the phone and dialed in the garrison's number to make sure the phone didn't break. I heard a ringing sound from the phone and then a voice.
“Hello, who is this?” It was the voice of Finn shelby. Finn was always silly to me hes was fun to hangout with but his new friend billy i didn't really like i could tolerate him but not like him and it wasn't just me it was the same with ash, i swear even though we're not blood related i feel like we have some type of twin thing with our minds. Sounds dumb ass fuck but i cant hellp think of dumb shit sometimes.
“Hello???” finn said again
“Hi finn sorry i was just checking to make sure the phone wasn't broken” i said with a laugh.
“Oh hi y/n, why would your phone be broken? Also ash is here at the garrison do you want to come to me ash isaiah and billy are here.’’ Finn said, his voice sounding a bit slurred.
“Shit um i'll see if i can go if i can't though please make sure ash doesn't do some dumb shit again. I don't want another call from Tommy and I don't want to hear fez and ash yelling at each other. Also don't worry about the phone i think the wire tripped that's all i'll see though if i can go, bye.'' I said before hanging up the phone I heard Finn say something but whatever it was it wasn't important to me. I paced around the room. I haven't gone out for fun in a while. I haven't seen Finn or any of them for a little while so it would be fun. Once I stopped pacing I set the bag of cash on the table.
“Fez can you drive me to the garrison ash there.” I yelled, a minute later I heard footsteps and saw fez leaning on the doorway. He looked at the bag of money then me. 
“Sure but if some du-’’ i cut him off
“Fez ash finn isaiah and..billy are gonna be there besides i'll be fine. Also I wanna make sure Ash doesn't do some dumb shit. It's weird. I know he's got critical thinking but he's always doing some dumb shit.” I said walking to the front door. 
“Nah Ash uses it thinking he just makes dumb decisions sometimes.” Fez said, opening the door and walking with me to the car.
“Hm, doesn't seem like it but as long as he doesnt kill anybody or do some fucked up shit then well i dont know to be honest as long as hes safe and not putting others in danger im good. '' I laughed, as much as I scolded Ash for his shit he was still my brother at the end of the day. But sometimes I feel more like his mother than his sister even though we are the same age.
—---- timeskip at the garrison
Once Fez parked the car we got out and walked to the garrison. Opening the doors I immediately went to the front of the bar and ordered a drink for me and fez.
“2 whiskeys please.'' I said to the bartender, his back was facing me as he grabbed glasses and poured a bottle of whiskey into each glass. Turning around he handed it to me
“Here you go ma’am” he said handing them to me
“Thank you” I said but just before I could get out the money to pay the side window opened. 
“Hello y/n don't worry about paying i'll cover it” i looked over and saw finn i grabbed the two glasses and handed one to fez and walked into the booth with fez following close behind me. I smiled once i saw everyone i walked to finn and gave him a hug
“It's been a little hasn't it, hows your wound huh. First ever gun shot wound your real peaky know aren't you finny” i said looking at him my voice light hearted. I heard laughing and looked to see Isaiah and billy.
“You could say that y/n but when are you gonna become one.” Billy said jokingly.
“Yea that's not gonna happen as long as i'm alive.” I heard Fez say. I looked over to see ash glaring at billy.
“Relax guys, it was just a joke.” Billy said, the room became thick with tension.
“Well know that everyones here, let's all drink.” Isaiah said, defusing the situation. I looked over at him and smiled.
 We all sat down and started drinking after about 6 drinks of hard whiskey most of them were shit faced. I was still on my first cup not cause I couldn't drink. Trust me I could. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened. I was dazed out of whatever conversation they were having. As my mind wandered I thought about the boy I had met. He was funny but also seemed cunning. I hope I'll be able to go to the fair. I really do want to meet him again. Even though it wasn't a strong feeling, I still felt a warm feeling in my chest when I was talking to him. I wondered if I felt like that with others I had met.  I hope I see him again. He seems nice and would be a good friend to have.
I was pulled out of my daze by Finn calling my name.
“Oy y/n whats on your mind” he said this time his voice extremely slurred to the point i had to lean forward to understand what he was saying. I sat back
“Nothing just tired, that's all.” I said quickly. I internally cringed at myself for how hasty my reply sounded.
“Hm well that's not what your face said, I swear you had a smile on your face so big I almost mistook you for the Cheshire cat.” Isaiah said laughing. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. I looked down at my drink and drank the whole thing. Soon enough I was as shit faced as everyone else. Talking about random shit and laughing at the dumbest jokes. 
—------------------ 1 week later
“Look fez all im saying is we get a house in small heath but keep this property to but like that way we can be able to send shit easier. You know”
“Y/n are you high?” fez asked but it wasn't really a question.
“...no, this is a thought I've had for a while dude. Anyways it will be easier for me cause i can like stay there and well have a place to stay if it gets too late at night or some shit like that ya know.'' I said looking at fez with eyes that looked like I hadn't slept in three years.
Fez sighed 
“Go back to bed y/n”
I looked him up and down 
“Whatever man, also have you seen ash?”
“Ash is upstairs,” fez said, sounding irritated at this point.
‘Mhm, oh also there's a fair going on this weekend do you think i can go”
“No,” he said, looking down at a piece of paper.
“What why it's only a little away.'' I was annoyed.
He didn't say anything, clearly stressed with whatever he was reading
“Look y/n just no” 
“Hm, yell you let ash go out and do whatever he wants why cant i go to a fucking fair.” i said my voice was rising in volume.
“Because there is less risk for ash, if he goes out” Fez said, looking up from his paper.
I looked at him with a perplexed expression
“The fuck are you talking about, one ash is the fucking risk and two what do you mean by that. Also i never said i was going by myself.`` I said I was yelling. I could feel my breathing become uneven with panic.
“Okay then whos going with you huh, who cause last time i checked you have barely talked to anyone out side of us and the peakys so who huh y/n fucking tell me.” he said his voice know rising, he sounded stressed but i doubt it was from this conversation.
I panicked. I couldn't say duke hell i didn't even know if i would see him there for god's sake.
“Ada, ada and her son Karl are coming with me okay. Look people may fuck with me but they wont fuck with Ada, she may have the last name thorne but everyone knows who her family is.'' I said walking closer to fez. Not breaking eye contact.
He paused for a minute seemingly thinking it over. 
“Shit y/n fine but if your lying to be your fucking done okay.” he said running his hand down his face.
I smiled and gave him a quick hug. 
“Thank you, thank you.” i said to him
___________________________ saturday 
After arriving in a small heath I walked over to the barnyard. My hands are slightly shaking. It's not the first time I've lied to fez before but when I did it was usually whenever me and ash went out to terrorize one of the kids that would either make fun of one of us. A lot of people say me and Ash are different but the reality is we're really not. Sure ash may act out alot and I may be more quiet but it's just because I keep my actions to myself. I keep the words I want to say to myself. When we were younger we would do the same exact thing as each other but getting older we changed. I would like to say I have more self control but that would be a lie.
I could feel the skirt I was wearing tighten around my waist. I was nervous but I knew that whatever happened today would be fun.. I hope so.
“Curly do have have her.’’ i said walking up to him
“Hello y/n y-yes I do.” he said, his accent was hard to understand, same with arthurs but i never said anything. Because most of my life I've been used to a US accent. 
“Here you go, does your brother know?” he said, handing me the horse. I rolled my eyes and smiled
“Yes of course he knows okay so you don't have to ask me okay. Anyways, here's the money.” i said to him handing him  the money
“Thank you curly.” I said before getting on the horse and riding off.
After a little while of riding I could see the top of the striped tents behind the trees. I quickened the speed of the horse and started to smile, excitement building up inside me.
Stopping by the entrance of the fair, I tied the horse around a post where other horses were being held. Walking into the fair I started looking around. I could see a vending station selling roasted cinnamon almonds. Going up to it, I ask the worker there for a bag of them.
“Here you go miss, that will be 0.10.” they said handing me the almonds. 
“Thank you” I said , handing them the change.
Walking around the fair I kept my eye out for Duke. I hoped I would see him soon but who knows. A couple kids ran past me accidentally hitting me in the legs almost making me fall over. I was able to catch myself by putting my hands between me and the ground, unlucky though my food had scattered on the ground.
“Shit” I grumbled under my breath getting up. I dusted off my skirt and picked up the bag to see if there were any left in it. Thankfully there were but not many
“Are you okay ma’am” I heard someone say I jumped before turning around and looking at the person.
“Duke!” I said a smile appeared on my face as I instantly pulled him into a hug. I felt him go a bit stiff and realizing what I had done I pulled away. My cheeks are burning with embarrassment. 
“Shit i'm sorry I don't know why I did that, uhh.” I said, grabbing my arm and looking down at the ground embarrassed.
“Hello to you to y/n” Duke said i looked up at him and saw his face plastered with a shit eating grin before he laughed.
“Didn't know you missed me that much.” he said with a laugh, i hit him in the side arm softly.
“No, I just do that with people i meet and feel a good vibe with them ya know.” I said , looking at him, keeping straight. I could see his smile drop a little.
“Well um anyways how have you been it's been a little.” I said while I started to walk, asking him to come with me.
“So duke, what do you usually do here?” i ask curiously looking at him
“Well i'll watch the horses and just do maintenance really nothing to interesting.” he said looking ahead
“Do you like working with horses, also do you like working here or nah.” I said this time looking forward.
“I like horses but I don't like working here. I want more for my life. I want to visit every mountain and go everywhere. I don't want to be here. I'm tired of working here.” he said with bitterness in his voice but a hint of hope.
“Well that sounds fun but be careful where you go. I don't know if there's still that like war between the irish or something but just be careful there. Ya know. Actually just be careful.” I said looking at him, I tried to hide the concern in my voice by masking it with humor.
“Hm calm down im gonna kill myself.” he said with a little laugh while looking at me.
“That's what they all say Duke but then they get carless, think they're all that then piss off the wrong people anyways if you wanna see the mountains who knows what's up there.” I said looking back at him. This time laughing.
“Hm, you seem to know a lot.” he said this time his tone was undetermined.
“Nah just knew people that did dumb shit either got locked up or killed. Not saying seeing nature is dumb is not.” I said trying to defend myself from nothing.
“I know what you. Tell me do you always worry this much for people you just meet.’’ he said looking at me. He had a little smirk on his face. 
“If ima be real no, but you're my friend? Were friends right duke.” i said looking at him with a hopeful expression on my face.
“...I mean if you want to be friends then yes.” he said he sounded caught off guard. But not in a bad way. I hope not in a bad way at least.
“Damn for real, okay well friend tell me more about yourself.” I said looking at him. A warm feeling spread throughout my whole body. Giddy with excitement and something else.
“You know duke you're the first friend i made that's not been through a business connection ya know.” I said excitedly.
“Business connection?’’ he said. Tilting his head slightly.
“Yea.. uh me and my family after we moved here we started making books and getting into stocks. Thankfully we pulled them out before the stock crash in the US.” I said looking at him covering up my word slip with a lie I was taught to say and rehearsed multiple times with ash and fez.
“Ooh okay okay. Well you're my first friend i've ever had.” he said with a serious voice. Looking back at me now we were walking out of the fair.
“You for real cause if I'm so kinda sad I'm not even gonna lie to you.” I said with a little smile on my face. Duke put his hand to his heart with a shocked expression.
“Do you think that lowly of me huh.” he said with an amused voice.
I turned to look at him and walked backwards.
“I was only joking, my prince.” I said with a sarcastic voice.
Duke smiled at me before running after me. I screeched before running away. I got about 20 feet away from him before I felt  a pair of hands grab me by the waist and slightly pick me up before pulling me into the chest of someone. I was about to scream before a hand was put over your mouth.
“You're really bad at running in grass, you know.” I felt Duke say into my ear his breath tickling my neck. I froze for a second feeling a slight shock up my spine before wiggling out of his grapes and laughing to the point my knees buckled.
“Alright Duke you win but Jesus dude I couldn't even hear you. If you were an asian i'm pretty sure big crime dudes would for sure hire you.'' I said getting up from the ground and whipping the tears from my eyes.
Dukes pov
I chuckled a little. “Who's to say I'm not one.” I said with a bit of humor in my voice.
She looked at me for a second and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
“Wouldn't be surprised if you were a duke. If not no but…” she said trailing off before checking her pocket watch.
“Oh shit I gotta get it, I'm sorry duke I really am but you see i may or may not have lied to even be here so i gotta go cause the person i said i was coming with doesn't even know i told my brother about them coming with me.” she said with a bit of panic in her voice. I felt a ping of sadness in my chest
“Oh uhm yea no no you should go. I'll see you…” I said this time it was me trailing off. 
“Hey uhm… thank you for meeting me here. I guess I met you here i dont really know but it was nice to see you again, Duke . Hopefully we'll see eachother again soon.” she looked at me, her eyes filled with hope. I felt my heart skip a bit. I shook it off as nothing special.
“Yea yea for sure i don't know when we'll have another fair here but when we do i'll probably be here. Also, are you sure you're good at going to your house by yourself?” I asked a hint of worry in my voice.
“Yea i should be okay. I'm armed just in case anything happens you know.” she said, with a reassuring smile. I wanted to question why but i didn't shit i mean i could see why seeing as where she lived and shit.
“You sure cause I can-” I said before she grabbed my hands and looked at me.
“Duke, you are too worried about me for only knowing me slightly and I'll be fine… also my brother would question why some guy is bringing me back home. Also I may have bought / rented a horse. Ima be honest though i don't really know.” she said, looking at me before disconnecting our hands. I missed the warmth of hers. His hands weren't rough but they weren't soft either.
“Right well I'll see you again someday Duke , be safe and I hope you get to achieve your dream.” she said before walking away to the entrance of the fair. I watched him walk away, air in the wind lightly blowing her hair.
I took one last glance at her before walking to the feeding area for us workers at the fair. Walking into the tent I saw esme right outside of the tent. Looking into the distance.
“Hello Duke.” she said bluntly, turning her eyes towards me. “Who was that person, thought you said you didn't have friends.” she said
“No one,” I said , looking at her. The truth was y/n wasn't no one to me but she didn't have to know that.
“Hmm we both know that is a lie Duke. What's her name?” she said looking at me
“Y/n” i said quickly, she seemed to freeze for a second like she was contemplating something.
“No last name?” she said
“Not that I know of,” I said looking at him before walking into the tent to get some food.
"Duke be safe okay." she said before leaving even thought i dont talk to many people esme is one of the people i can talk to she's gone through a-lot loosing her husband to a mafia and some gang related shit.
after getting my food i walked to my caravan. i thought about y/n i didnt know if i would see her anytime soon but i hoped i would
it would be a while before they saw eachother agian but the way they would meet agian would not be expected for either of them....
sorry thats corny ash but i didnt know whta to put
Part 3 coming soon 
not beta read.
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Summer Wedding Part 4
But this is what really happened....
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18+ just incase
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Warnings: Angst some fluff some mention if like ari being over pritective but he is an assasin at times so thats whay I meant ai wasn't trying for him to be controling but rather make sure no one kidnapped her. I cant think of others. I walked in the kitchen seeing Ari there I gasp. He turns
"I'm so sorry  I-"
the nervous pang of an invisible sharp knife hit my chest and rippled into my limbs as tears filled my eyes.
"I'm leaving I-Im so sorry.I-"
"Wait I-"
I can't believe I did that how did I not hear him.  Oh God. The tears started all over. There was a knock on the door.
"I'm sorry please dont make me leave tonight." After the fight we had I dont think I know him anymore. Then I realized what came out of my mouth. I was begging him. I don't think I know who I am anymore. Who has he turned me into? "Can I come in?"
"It's your house."
"It's  ours. I'm  sorry I just. When you danced and I saw him have everything I wanted in his arm I-" He wasn't looking at me. It felt like a stand off. He never finished his sentance.
"Can I have some privacy please." He nodded and left. I got dressed. I wasn't going to wait for him to kick me out or whatever. I needed to leave and just get air or something.
And thats how I ended up at a Jazz and blues  bar in the middle of the night. It was quiet after a band played for hours.  "You know I thought I'm the one that's supposed an expert in the blues."
She turns to her right as shes still tring to process what he said.
"What?" She was stirring her drink The man broke his cool exterior,
"Sorry  that was a really bad pick up line."
She couldnt help but smirk "I've heard worse." "You look like the last thing you need is a man trying to pick you up. So how about a a trumpet  player?" She cracked up.
"That's just wrong on so many levels."
"Made you laugh."
"That I did need."
"Beer." The trombone player asked the bartender
"Haven't seen you here before.-"
"You here every night?"
"Just when I work,"
she gave him a confused look and he gave her a confused well more of a concerned look about why she was confused.
"The blues, trumpet player. I'm with the band we played over two hours tonight"
"I am so sorry I, I'm just so out if it I just I had a really bad week- My boyfriend broke up with me and we had the worst fight. I mean I just felt like shit like im the worst person in the world right now." Tears filled her eyes. "I'm sorry.
"Don't be. And you can't be worse than my ex trust me talk about being assholes."
She raise her eye brows, "You can't leave it like that."
"My ex just told me she was pregnant-"
"It's not mine she broke up with me just before graduation about well  few years back. Actually  the day I was going to propose, yea she thought it would be a good time for a break . I was going to follow her all the way to her job is Pennsylvania from Georgetown"
He chuckles.
"Then I ran into her at a wedding where she tells me she's pregnant and wants to have lunch to catch up where she wants my advice on how to propose to her boyfriend."
"Oh my god you're kidding- you're just saying that to make me feel better."
"God I wish I was." He takes a swig of beer.
"So what'd your ex do? why'd he make you feel like shit."
"How do you know it was him?"
"You said boyfriend."
"No I mean-"
"I know, you just seem too nice.  You're thinking about it, sulking I'd bet if you were the one that did whatever it was you'd be after his forgiveness not sitting here for 3 and a half hours nursing the same drink."
"Wait 3 and a half hours? What time is it?"
"Almost 3 am."
"Oh my God."
"So spill."
"I'd spend less time tell you what I apprently did (i.e. nothing at all hence the worthlessness she feels) or didn't do even Helen of Troy was my fault."
"You gotta love that one. It's all your fat because God forbit they an adult take responsibility foor anything."
"Right like and the way he said it I just, I still feel like-" I sighed "doesn't matter now anyway" I  stared at the small slip in front of me.
Looking for a new place?
"I uh can introduce you to a landord if you want. I think you'll get along. You can take a look at the apartment too."
"Now? It's like 3 am? Do I look that- "
" No I-" he drops his head and shakes it. I dont mean it like that I-I'm  the landlord. Really."
He looked honest. But so did Ari once upon a time.
"Screw it. Besides if anything happens I'm  sure Ari will say it was I was asking for it so it had to be my fault."
I could feel Nick was eyeing me.
"You're serious."
"Yep. Like I the fall of the roman empire was my fault."
True to his word. Nick was the building manager and the apartment was gorgeous, big roomy and I'm  pretty sure way more expensive than I could afford."
Nick was hading back and leaned on the side of the living room despite it being fully furnished.
"So what do ya think?"
"I think I love it-"
"It's yours."
"I don't think-"
"You can afford it. I promise." "You dont even know what i make- if I make anything." He sighed and turned around My parents own the building you don't even have to pay rent ok.  Why don't you stay here tonight and If you dont mind waiting a few days I can help you move all your stuff out into here." "Really?" "Yeah" "Thank you." I randomly gave him a hug. "I know what it's like to have a bad ex." "You have no clue."
Ok so I wasn't going to tell Nick that Ari was a forign operative and that if anything did happen to me, while it would be "my fault" or not he'd  still save me as he has some sort of hero complex. But if Ari also really cared about me he wouldn't let it get that far. I knew him that much. Which made everything feel so much worse. Any other day before today if I was out this late he'd get nervous and text me. If I didnt answer in like 10 minutes he'd blow up my phone.  He had reason to it's not safe in the city alone-vulnerable especiallyif someone knows i date him and they have a bone to pick. Beig in the US puts me away from all the later. But the former....Sad but true as a woman alone. He used to say I was too pretty for my own good he meant is as a complimentI thought, that ...but now I see it wasn't no way it could have been .  I'm  sure that sounds possessive I'm sure this all does. He believed me when I said I was safe. He believed me when I said I was at a girlfriend's house. He always did. So it's not like he came running after me to drag me back home. But I liked it. Or rather I liked having someone to come home to. (Or to come home to me) Someone to care about me someone worrying if I'm ok. Maybe that sounds pathetic but I really was ok with it. Not that he didn't teach me self defense, as did  Rachel (who was more intense)  well it seems just about everyone taught me some self defense.  Ari did...was he used to be concerned about me. Which made all this worse. (Did I say that already?) If he cared at all he would've texted me just once. He knew I wasn't there and it was evident he didn't  care. I feel like I lost everything I had even though I know it wasn't true.
Part 5 comming soon
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carmensapientia · 2 years
Same anon from the last post and I can’t believe that I really used to blame myself because of eiypo and shit, (never on anything outside of my awareness like natural disasters) but I really used to blame myself for things people would say to me and do to me. Let’s say i have a problem with my skin and someone comments on it I would be like well eiypo so I gotta change my assumption. Now im realizing that’s such a shitty way to look at life always correcting myself because of what other people say is wrong. Or like some yt coaches not calling her out because she comes from a good place,preaching about well if he broke up with you and left you while you’re pregnant you must have some hidden assumption that he was gonna do that. (That last part was over exaggerating but basically it was saying something along the lines of that) It’s not a good way to look at life atleast for me I don’t want to always be assuming that I have to fix everyone and everything, not to mention the fix your sc or you won’t ever have a good relationship or you will lose the person you are in a relationship with, that would really confuse me considering that there are plenty of women who get in relationships insecure as hell and their partners help them heal and build them up even when they thought the worst of men or relationships in general. I also feel like certain people dive so deep into loa (I was one of them so no shade) when it’s so unnecessary I notice maybe it’s just me but a lot of people get their desires when they just do whatever feels right for them and keep it light hearted. Which can be extremely hard when people are faced circumstances that can be very difficult for them to deal with. So like Carmen says make your own rules make it easier on yourself. Another thing my last point, states I swear every time I see or hear this word I roll my eyes because it’s like why do I have to shift states and focusing on states is the key. If thinking thoughts or affirming or assuming or whatever anybody wants to call it is the reason why my states are shifting maybe I’m just confused. I feel like for certain yt coaches they need new content to talk about for people to watch so they can make money so they just come out with something new every few months. That’s why I like the tumblr community even though for a long time up until maybe the end of April it was giving similar vibes of you have to do this and this and this and then finally get your desire. It was super stressful and I found myself trying to do everything even the void knowing that, that’s not for me. This last few weeks seeing a lot of people shifting from the whole laundry list of rules to do what you want to do and get succeed is very freeing.
THIS THIS THIS !! EIYPO is such a great concept but we’re not in charge of every shit thing to ever happen and it’s so insensitively to think and say otherwise. You don’t need a perfect self concept to keep your relationship or SP. you don’t have to be perfect or do a checklist of your manifestation methods to get your desire. Some coaches are really shit and jus push information to keep the money going just like they’ll make you pay thousands for basic affirmations. It’s just better to create your own rules.
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lightlycareless · 2 years
i’m back, having reread chapter 25 for the umpteenth time,,, now whats drawn my eye is about midway through, ranta internally comments about how if y/n were to ever actually be gone (presumably implying ‘dead’ considering the prior lines), naoya would be ‘virtually inconsolable’.
i’ve presumed y/n will be surviving the story (though,,, im eyeing the major character death warning in trepidation,,) so considering we probably won’t get to see his reaction to that in canon, how would he handle that? and if it’s from that death sentence, i don’t imagine naoaki would take it well either, especially if he didn’t find out the sentencing even existed until it was too late,,
Hello!!! How are you? I'm so happy to see you again! ❤
Reliving the angst, aren't we? 😏
You're not the first one to bring up the major character death warning hahaha; all I gotta say is, I think it's going to be somewhat... satisfying, but the context behind it oof.
But let's indulge in this thought 🤭 Let's say that Y/N failed to get pregnant and her death sentence was finally enacted.
The estate would have mixed reactions to this whole ordeal. While it's not the first time they witnessed the death/funeral of a wife (Tomoko 😭), it has been a while since one has been sentenced to death.
Some of the members will think that Naobito's decision was a bit... exaggerated, however, they would soon understand that a woman of Y/N's heritage was better off dead if they couldn't make use of her—any other clan would've done the same. (Or so I assume... since the Kamo basically pushed Noritoshi's mother away after getting what they wanted. I think they would've disposed of her if she didn't... you know, do her job.)
Besides, he's the clan leader, so their opinion doesn't matter. Nonetheless, the servants that had began to take a liking to her will definitely mourn her absence. The ones that didn't would probably say shit like "She deserved it" and "Someone better will take her place in time"
Now, onto Naoya...
Just as Ranta said, he would be virtually inconsolable, for the young Zen'in heir went through great lengths to have Y/N by his side. He was shocked to see Naobito so... nonchalantly when he ordered Y/N to be killed if she failed to beget a child. Feeling worse upon realizing how he continuously blamed her for everything that lead up to that point, not realizing that he was to blame as well. For most of the entirety of it, if not all.
But there's nothing to do now. She's gone—Y/N is dead. All he ever wanted, needed, was over.
Naoya would circle down into depression, and dare I say, he might even pick up the habit of drinking—or throw himself constantly into missions, anything to distract his memory away from you. Circling back to the last point, in his lowest, he might actually consider bringing you back one way or the other, only to realize that's like forbidden, or so I believe, if not, all sorcerers would basically be immortal haha.
In terms of moving on, dating/marrying someone else. I don't think he would. He can't, specially when there was never closure for his last relationship. He just can't move on. He might even start seeing her around the estate, hallucinating her and all that** (See last part haha)
Anyways, her ladies would certainly whoop his ass—as much as they can/are permitted. They still can't believe that someone who dared say that loved you very much, actually allowed you to be harmed yet again. It wouldn't be underneath them to say things to him whenever passing by his side, make their disdain for him clear.
Naoaki would beat him to death tho. Or close to it.
He would be shocked, petrified, and even then, I think those words are an understatement. Naoaki never knew that you were in route to being basically murdered by his family, wondering over and over again why you never told him, and if there was perhaps something he could've done to stop it.
Before shifting the blame onto his brother for not trying hard enough to save you. This is when he would beeline into Naoya and beat him, and he would allow it, as some kind of punishment, before someone came along to separate them.
Naoaki's relationship with the family is done by this point. One might even think he was more in love with her than what Naoya proclaimed to be 🤔
I don't think anyone would be the same at the Zen'in estate, for Y/N had achieved quite the impact in the short time she was there.
I can't even imagine what kind of explanation the Zen'in would have to bring when the L/N clan decides to ponder on her wellbeing—nor what Hinata and Ren would do if they eventually learn Y/N's dead.
**However, Y/N might just come back to haunt Naoya :>
This ask is super sad 😭 I don't want any of this to happen for real hahahahah but who knows, I guess we'll have to see where the characters take me 😭
But it's certainly a interesting thought to ruminate on; I have considered different scenarios and how characters would react to it, just for fun, you know?
However, this has to be the saddest one yet hahah considering that Naoya is starting to open up his goddamn eyes to reality 😭😭 please don't make me think on this ever again (just kidding hahahahahahah we love the angst) but I need fluff tbh
I hope my response was to your liking ❤ if you have more questions, or want more details in certain things please be sure to let me know 🥰!! I always look forward to your asks/response, they're very interesting hehe.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend ❤ Take care 😊
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makahimetenshi · 2 months
How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was concieved - Chapter 19
Im better than last time I wrote the last chapter
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
As far he knew only traveling in the train tunel to Pittsburg its a 3 days ride. This was fucking stupid, unnecessary, but know understand why she said he would radio him.
And 10 days later he received a radio message, of course, from Paladin Danse, obviously. He was getting tired of it, tired of Danse around them but it wasn’t the man fault entirely, it was Noras fault for not pushing him off either, of course she didn’t want to push him out.
He was asking him to come over, and of course in the same moment Nora leave he was already packing in case she called…and all his work was worth it because she called, and now he only had his bag with clothes and some supplies for his pregnant woman prepared and ready to leave.
Arthur leave the Citadel like he never did in years in company of five of his best paladins to watch his back. Pittsburg was a dangerous place after all, althought Nora once told him that the entrance and the path from the train tunel to the forge was cleaned and secured for several reasons like the wellbeing of her workers and providers but anyway he didn’t trust, and he feared for her.
There was already people waiting for them to arrive at the train stop, apparently it was an studied circuit that doesn’t have any variation so the speed should be always the same from DC to the Pitt and from the Pitt to DC back again if they didn’t meet any monsters in the way of course, she at least hoped for him to arrive that day, that’s for sure, which implies that at receiving her message he would run behind her heels, and he did god dammit.
-We are responding to the radio message of Paladin Danse -said one of his escorts, today he was not dressed as usual, today, unlike what she always told him, he was more incognito, he was different, like another soldier since it was an unknown territory and it did not seem convenient to go around showing off his person. That way, he was valuable and he knew it. Anyway if he was surrounded by 5 paladins he was obviously someone important. Also she said something about not being sentinel anymore and things should not be so brotherhood centered or something like that
They made them wait at the train station for about an hour until another troupe of brutes came walking towards them, all dressed like raiders, with bared best and spike armors, the only reason the brotherhood squad wasn’t shooting at them it was because they were chill and non aggressive, and because Nora kinda talked about him how the things were at the mill her place, so he learn something and wont be doing stupid to compromise her nono, his classism can wait a bit longer, at least until he was in front of her to reclaim stuff.
One of the raiders stand in front of them with a different port from the other weirdos, different way of standing or holding his rifle, a totally different aura…and when the man dressed in Raider blastmaster armor stranding with port and class took off his Makeshift gas mask every one was hella surprised, another of his escorts talk
-Paladin Danse!? –the escort talk, the man just nodded with a serious and authoritative countenance.
-Theres nothing to fear I assure to you all, its us under the command of Nora
-Why are you dressing like that? –ask another guard, Arthur didn’t want to talk, his paladins can manage the situation just fine.
-Oh once we reach the mill you will understand, a power armor its not exactly a good fit for that place –wait…what was Nora wearing then?
-Is it safe here?
-In the places we have control yes, that’s why we don’t fear to go around with almost no armor –wow seeing him without armor clothing was really a novelty, rare to see- come with us, we already prepared a room for you all to rest
They all walked together to the forge, Danse's small group of raiders and Arthur's escort. He really understood what the paladin told them when they saw that the sky was set on fire and the flames were burning the clouds, coming out of the chimneys like someone using a flamethrower, it was like a giant flamethrower on a large scale. And it was beautiful, scary, imposing, and very impressive. Very very impressive.
Nora bought this, this was hers, she owned hell in earth. She's A Demon, She's A Devil, she is a catch! Feeling the rain of fire almost practically fall on his body from the sky when it burns the clouds makes him worry for Noras well being here.
In this heat, his daughter must be cooking like a roast chicken in an oven in his woman's womb. Gosh they were cooking inside the power armors, he understand Danse a lot now! really a lot! It was unbereable to keep on! He felt trapped inside, like wanting to tear his skin off his muscles, jump out from the power armor, the more they walked the worse those urges grow! He never felt like this with a power armor, what is this feeling!?
-In the name of everyone on this troop we aren’t doing well –said one of the brotherhood soldiers and thank god he said it first, no one should normally talk about another brother but dear god this was difficult!
He did practices and works in field in cold environments, never hot environments, and less this hot. There was adapted power armors suited for alternative temperatures and environments but shit he never encounter something like this before. Nudity was something rare for him to see since the wastelands were so dangerous to go around in skin, a fucking mosquito can suck the blood out of you, a radroach can give you a big bite, a molerat can jump from the ground and try to eat your face, only degenerates like raiders do such stupid things
But damn it was difficult to walk or even exist inside the armor, he felt his lungs fighting to work with more air. Was he out of shape? Does he need more power armor training? In different enviroments at least…
Why was he doing this again?
The other soldiers walked among him and damn they were suffering as much, his correct mind will think in punish Danse for not wearing uniform and stain the name with the brotherhood with those filthy robes but he understand the man so much. Also he remember the day he got into the ventibird with Nora and the initiates.
She is not a butthurt, wont snitch on anybody for not wearing uniform correctly. I guess Danse get passes on that because she was a sentinel before.
What are they now? Coworkers no…friends for sure…he said she is like his sister, family. If he wasn’t anything from her he wouldn’t came to this hell by his own…
-We have already a room cold tempered for you guys, open windows and operating fans, some bulks to rest and spend the night, a fridge, a bathroom with showers and hygiene products, a power armor station and some chests to leave your personal stuff under lock –wow she always organize such accomodations for brotherhood soldiers in everyplace she goes, heard about that once, she call it guest room, odd, guess she take some advices from Danse
The inside of the forge wasn’t like anything he had see before, and it was weird, why he never come to this place to check out? Nora take the forge a few years ago with the brotherhood, it was so strange that nobody asked him to supervise the operation in which the brotherhood and its resources take part of…but the place was almost magical, a show of strength and human effort in so many aspects. The people working with all their strength, the knowleage put into protection and security to protect the workers hard labor and integrity in such a hard and exhausting enviroment, surely Nora ideas from the old world because he hadn’t see nothing like that before, the organization of the ways, walks, supervisors, proctors, indications, signalization, the smells of melting metal, burning charcoal, sparkles of fire and magma flying around in the air as particles…he swallowed saliva and for some reason felt a heavy presion in the chest
The entire process was…mesmerizing to see and take part of, maybe not working because it was exhausting and very physically demanding for what he can see but just being able to move his head around while being scorted was such a luxury.
There was fire in the air, his eyes burned and he needed to close a bit his lids to see better the process in which they recycled metals to burn and melt them inside a very hot furnace inside trays of god knows what type of material, taking the processed product out as melted shiny metal liquid on top of a showel out to move it to some molds, different kinds of molds, different stuff, different uses, some liquids had a different shine or colour and they go to different molds, he supposed some were bullets, another guns, another seems to be by the size armors, like, metal armors, some pieces even for power armors, and some other were very very small, didn’t actually see what they were because there was a red fog in the air clouding his vision.
Danse was scorting him, particulary him, to Noras quarters, how the hell does she lives in this hell? Not live full time but it was kinda enough to stay here for a few days…and the man at his side seem just fine with it, I mean, sweating a lot, out of uniform like he wasn’t used to see him but he doesn’t have a problem to accompany her to hell itself.
If something happened to her, he surely would commit suicide to walk together to hell just like now.
It wasn’t an easy way, of course not, neither perfect, more precarious when you stop being amazed and start seeing things clearly. The floors were broken and sagging with large cracks so the workers although they had very heavy and big boots walk looking to the front and ground, trying to not burn someone to death with melted metal and also watch for their steps to not fall and broke their noses to the ground. Even for Arthur it was kinda difficult to walk with the big power armor feets.
Also there was a huge hole in the ground with bars too, strange.
Once they surpassed the factory they walked to a place Danse called Haven…and of course such a place will be Noras quarters and residence, the only fucking reason she choose the Tenpeny tower over this place surely is the weather around, and maybe the possibility of cancer of course but godamn wasn’t this part of her refined tastes?
There was also something kind of surprising, the old statue of a slave with chains near to fire exits, which he heard of in reports but actually never see in person since he never came to this place now had another sculpture from the same materials and in the same style, the other sculpture was breaking his chains with an axe.
I mean it wasn’t perfect, and it was pretty difficult to see but you can get the general idea knowing the context of the place.
Tho it obviously wasn’t Nora idea of course, this place has much history than only her.
That’s right, he shouldn’t think so high of her, he shouldn’t be that surprised, she isn’t perfect, she isn’t a goddess, she shouldn’t be that big of a deal to him, to not hurt himself, that’s right.
The inside of the building was nice, nicer than most buildings but its not like they were teleporting outside of the wastelands some collapse here and there, some stairs in poor condition, a hole in the ceiling, fallen plaster, lots of debris... typical, the only really really dangerous thing was a column supported by scaffolding but meh normal, of course it compromises the structure and integrity of the building but nothing he hadn’t see before.
Danse abruptly stop in front of a door, a door that was guarded by two people who may seem like your typical raiders for how they were dressing but their gazes were more soft, chill, relaxed, surely now they were living the vida loca not fighting everyday to have 3 meals, away from the trog menace, which lower risks of getting sick now, with a roof over their heads to sleep almost comfortable every night...surviving but for good surely, wasn’t that bad.
His paladin open the door a bit with the handle and Arthur understood, he get in front of the opening and quickly get inside as the other man open and shut the door behind him.
There was a breeze running in that room, as every window was open wide but quickly his eyes find what he was looking for.
Well wasn’t this a hot view? More than hot, almost umbereable, damn now he wanted to take the power armor appart from his body!
Nora was laying on a sofa looking at him dressed in a Country girl outfit, her big belly exposed and surely breathing even if he can swear her white skin will be burning under his hand if he posed.
-Welcome –she said with a muffled voice.
A sharp pain hit the back of his mind, he crossed his eyebrows worried as instincly coming out from his power armor, like there was no danger around, around her he should be fine, his body needed to feel safe to take out the damn armor that was right now a furnace
-Its something wrong? –he ask coming out and getting comfortable, oh my god that was necessary, its like a big cloud of hot air sluddenly leave his entire body.
-Im just down from the temperature, that’s all –she said as he take off desesperatly even his black suit goddamnit-I have some clothes for you, I was waiting.
-Not dressing like raider scum even inside here –he said firmly.
-Okay –she mumble smiling- I also have some shorts and shirt…
-Right now short is enough –he heard her laugh in the distance.
Once he was dressed with the clothes she leave in top of the table the first thing he did was place a hand on top of her forehead, checking while she was laying.
-You can also bathe but im afraid we don’t have hot water here…-she said with a defying smile, Arthur pick up her cheeks with a hand and moved her face around playing, laughing.
-Alright, give me five –Arthur sat on the ground next to the couch to not bother, and also, the ceramic was a bit more fresh than the leather couch- Are you alright?
She nodded- Its not easy on this body, but im at least taking care of what I needed, people I needed to see personally to make them understand shit
-You don’t intimidate me with that big thing –he said laughing.
-Not me, but maybe my guards
-Oh yeah the big bulk guy with the scar in the eye, you know the one with the three sunburns dots…-Nora look at him for a moment and then laugh- big arms and pects.
-I don’t think so, the fact that he is so hairy makes him look like a teddy bear
He imagined Danse as a teddy bear, yeah, maybe, he can see it.
-Why did you call me here? I received his message but not yours, didn’t say much
And frankly, he couldn’t help much if she had some pain or infirmity, that’s the simple true, sure, he can be at her side but it wasn’t actually urgent for him to be here.
-What? Its it really that bad here? –the man stood in silence, so she understand the hint- i…i…-she swallowed, it wasn’t something actually easy to say, less to rationalize, it was stupid and it will sound stupid, selfish, a waste of resources because she had cravings-I wanted to see you
The man raised an eyebrow and look at her, a mean comment resonated in his mind like an impulse, a flashback from so not long ago- really?
That felt like a kick in the lower stomach for Nora-also Arya started moving when I ask for that message so…-instinctively like nothing else matters his hand moved to her belly, it was nonsense but he hoped to felt something, her hot palm posed on top of his carefully moving it around
-Right now was specially quiet because im not active but…-it just felt right for her just guiding his hand around, he had the right tho, he was the dad of their daughter, and he really seemed to want to stay around-hold on-gosh the look on his eyes, he was so focused on her belly, he has love puppy eyes-I felt something
It surprised Arthur even if she announced it, he felt a pressure on his palm, coming from her skin, a buldge hitting there, Nora see the change on his eyes and leave his hand alone to move around so it wasn’t a trick or she wasn’t modifying anything, he can live the experience his own and damn this was the second time she experienced it with a man at her side, it was magical everysingle time doesn’t matter it it was the old world or now. Sure it take her by surprise when she was alone a few days ago but she knew the first thing she had to do was contact Arthur, it was a promise and it felt wrong to not have the man at his side
-It is her? –she nodded.
-Of course silly- who else who it be?- I didn’t just swallow a molerat!
A second hand place around as the other moved, looking for more kicks-it gets more strong like this?
-I didn’t want to touch it much–she responded and the man look at her confused- it’s a thing we should do together
That was odd-Well –he cought a bit getting closer, placing his cheek on a side of her belly, still touching-you should wait on the citadel with me until she started to kick, to have our first time together-Nora laughed, what about first times? Her cheeks blushed, they weren’t on that level…or did they? Did he want to be on that level? Maybe…but what about her? Did she want?-It turned worse than this? –he knew it could be kinda painful more than just surprising, gosh he lost his breath and cant get it back even now, the feeling on his palm robbed something out of him, didn’t know if it was his reason or his heart.
-Sometimes, not much tho, she still needs to grow much more
There was a fog in the mans brain, like he cant focus his thoughts, his hand moved by its own searching for the next kick all around Noras belly, never actually see it that big until now. All his life he knew this moment will occur, he had this visions or images of the life around his heir but there she was now in reality, the real Maxson heir, Arya, underneath his hand, and he didn’t knew if he ever felt so much emotion for something that was kinda like a promise, Nora make him a promise to give him a child, that child wasn’t on his hands…until now…and damn he was so emotional about it.
Another kick in his hand make him jump a bit, scaring Nora in the process.
-Its so hot in here but it was worth the trip –he said smiling at her, he seemed at peace, eased, and Nora liked to cause that even if it was a primitive feeling because he was her partner and kinda have this connection because of their daughter right now, she wasn’t razionaliting things well, but the feelings were nice, a nice change of all the rush you can feel in the wastelands
-Im happy you are here- and he came as fast as it was possible by the time she ask for the message also. Arthur raised a bit his head and look into her eyes, that was odd from her part.
In some moments he wanted to believe, to enjoy this moments without thinking much, to actually felt loved back but no. This was her pregnant brain talking, the hormones, this wasn’t her. She loved Danse. And himself as a man of reason, he thinks enough and understand that she will forever love the paladin, what ever comes from her mouth is meaningless, he shouldn’t take her feelings seriously.
No matter how charming she is, or how much he wish a woman like her to actually love him back, she will not be the one. He was getting used to the idea of also reject her feelings, for his own sake, to not hurt his heart with dumb illusions she cant keep up because the paladin crave deep into her heart without wanting it.
He will rationalize this, be smart, not trust and don’t let himself get carried in feelings that will only crush his heart apart.
Nora will be the mother of his childrens, that’s all, as she will always love Danse.
It will be hard to carry on as they had a very good relationship and he actually wished a woman like her…but not her, he learned enough about it, after all the paladin is around them even in this hell The Pitt is.
0 notes
prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
Conveniently Yours - Part 4
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Summary: You knew better than to enter a marriage of convenience with your boss’ grandson. But you wanted that senior partnership, and it wasn’t as if Jaebum was a stranger - you knew him rather intimately. It was only a year together, and then you could divorce him and achieve your biggest career goal. But would it be as simple as that?
Pairing: Im Jaebum x female reader
Genre: romance / marriage of convenience
Warnings for overall story: suggestive, swearing, mentioning of body parts and sex, a miniscule amount of angst, inequality in the workplace, a disapproving mother-in-law
Prompt: “Are you really wearing that?” – for the @challengingwords​ January monthly challenge
Author’s note: This story is a drabble/mini series. It covers over an entire year in just eight short parts. It’s not as in-depth as this world could have been done, but I hope you enjoy it all the same.
Word count: 1080
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Epilogue
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“It’s been six months already?!” the gaudy woman crooned, and you shot her a polite smile as you placed a hand over Jaebum’s chest. Your wedding ring glinted under the lights, and she eyed it for a moment before forcing another laugh at your mother-in-law standing on the other side of Jaebum. “I would have never thought I’d see the day that someone would settle your boy down.”
“I wouldn’t say I’ve settled him down,” you interjected sweetly, gazing into Jaebum’s eyes with excessive admiration.
His lips twitched with subtle humour.
“There is no need to tame a man, is there? It’s a modern world, and if I didn’t love the capable man that my husband was before I married him, then I wouldn’t have let him put a ring on my finger. And believe me, he’s very capable in many areas of his life.”
“You flatter me when really I’m the luckiest man around, Y/N,” Jaebum commented, brushing his lips against your forehead.
God, you hated these events his mother insisted upon hosting. Time after time, you would find yet another charity event or glitz and glam night scheduled into your calendar. You hardly had time to keep up appearances with your own parents and closest friends, let alone attend monthly nights out under the Im family name. Somehow, your boss seemed to get away with telling everyone he was far too busy solving law cases to attend, whilst you, with an impressive load of work on your shoulders, must ensure to turn up to every time.
You hated how socialites held so many double standards.
“Don’t worry, beautiful, I’ll get you out of here soon enough,” Jaebum breathed into your ear when you both finally made your way over to the buffet table. You looked at the choices of food and sighed. You didn’t like your chances of eating something tonight.
Jaebum chuckled. “I’ll go through a drive-thru on the way home too.”
“There’s no need to talk dirty to me, Mr Im. I’m already yours,” you teased, leaning into his side as Jaebum picked up a cracker with some questionable looking paste on top.
“Are you just? I guess I’m just that capable, huh?”
“You almost died of laughter. Admit it,” you stated, gazing at Jaebum as he fought not to give you any satisfaction. “Come on, don’t tell me you enjoy these parties. It’s just a bunch of rich people standing around trying to outwit the other. Goodness me, how dare someone else do better in life than you and your family?! Your mother looked as if she was going to proclaim I was pregnant just to outdo that one insistent woman that said her daughter-in-law was superior to me.”
“No one is more superior than you. Trust me. You’ve got everything going for you, Y/N.”
You smirked at him. “Spending all night with these fancy folk has you easily spouting off untruths. I’m who I am, and I like that. I don’t need to have credentials in any area aside from my career. I’m a working woman. I don’t care about having a child before a certain age or what colour schemes I’m going to use when I next renovate our apartment only months after the last one like this lot do.”
“Watch it, Y/N. Some might say you’re speaking out of turn.”
Your eyebrow arched in response. “Am I?”
“The fact that you don’t fake anything is the reason I like you as much as I do,” he answered, and you blinked slowly, wondering why your heart was fluttering at that statement. Jaebum held your gaze for a moment too long, looking more vulnerable than he’d ever been in front of you. Smoothing his face out, he leaned into your ear again. “I bet half these women fake their orgasms with their partners. That’s never something I have to doubt when it comes to you.”
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“Are you really wearing that?” Glancing up at Jaebum’s question, you watched as his expression softened. “Are you alright?”
“I’m exhausted. I spent nine hours with a pretentious lawyer and his client fighting with my client over chinaware. When we get divorced, you can keep every bit of china we got at our wedding. I don’t want any of it if that’s how it goes.”
Slumping down on the couch beside you in his dress shirt and slacks, you eyed Jaebum with your head cocked to the side. You groaned loudly. “Oh God. Not another event.”
“Charity for the Children’s hospital,” Jaebum mentioned, his hand sliding under both your bare calves and lifting them over his lap as he scooted closer. He started to massage them, and you threw your head back into the cushions, your eyes shutting with a whine.
“What was the last one?”
“For the pet shelters across the city,” he reminded, and you nodded.
“I didn’t see a single dog or cat there.”
“We almost witnessed a catfight, though. I thought Mrs Kim was going to throw Mrs Jung down in front of us all.”
“It was a particularly entertaining night,” you agreed, peeking out of one eye at Jaebum. “I don’t know if I have it in me to get dolled up.”
“You could go like this. I won’t mind one bit,” he replied with a chuckle, his eyes travelling over your tank top and sleep shorts.
“I’m sure that’ll smooth over just fine in the papers tomorrow.”
“We’ll give them a headline worth writing into the social circles.”
Sharing a grin, you groaned heavily and tried to swing your legs down off his lap. Jaebum’s hands merely gripped your calves, holding you there. “What are you doing? I have to go get ready.”
“Let’s skip it.”
You eyed him carefully. “Your mother will be in fits without you there to show off to everyone.”
“You’re not up to it, so we can order in some Chinese and watch a movie instead.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband?” you wondered with a giggle, Jaebum’s hands sweeping up and down your legs. You sighed contentedly. “You’ll really face the wrath of your mother for not turning up just because I’m too tired?”
“I’ll tell her you’re unwell, and I’ve got to look after you.”
“She’ll then tell everyone I’ve got wicked morning sickness and that it’s not official yet but that we’re pregnant, Jaebum!”
He laughed. “Well. It looks like we’ll be playing our part without even turning up tonight.”
Part 5
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