anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
 *﹠.  –––    nyx. ❜ ·
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          ❝ 𝑵𝑶 𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑫 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑯𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑻𝒀. ❞  a grin forms as she takes in the other.  clearly she must be one of those humans with a  DAMAGED SOUL.  ❝ i just find people to be fascinating.  all the different backgrounds and life stories, how they got here.  i like to hear it.  you could call me something of a free therapist. ❞  isn’t that what most bartenders were like ?  they listened to peoples problems while serving them more drinks to drown their sorrows.
                       ❝ 𝙽𝙾𝚃  𝙷𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈,  𝙹𝚄𝚂𝚃  𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙵𝙰𝙲𝚃𝚂,❞  she  sighed,  downing  what  was  left  in  the  bottom  of  her  glass  before  her  ATTENTION  turned  back  to  the  other  woman.  ❝ yeah,  well,  i  don’t  think  even  the  most  SKILLED  therapist  would  be  able  to  solve  my  PROBLEMS, ❞  came  despondent  comments,  shaking  her  head  as  she  gestured  for  another  drink.  ❝ &  hey,  a  damned  good  bottle  of  WHISKEY  is  CHEAPER,  right ? ❞
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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The Ladies of Indiana Jones: 
Marion Ravenwood, Willie Scott, Dr. Esla Schneider 
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
 *﹠.  –––    luke skywalker. ❜ 
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Luke wishes he could say more, but to him it feels like it would ring false– after all, he hadn’t been hurt in the way Marion was describing.  He’d been hurt, he’d lost lovers, he’d even lost what he considered to be the real not going away kind of love– the kind that still stuck with him and that he knew he would always feel even though they hadn’t been together in years.  But he didn’t feel betrayed the way Marion did– he couldn’t offer advice on that score, not when he didn’t know how he himself would deal with such a dilemma.  So instead, he held out a hand, palm up, for her to take if she wanted– to show her she wasn’t alone, that he would listen and commiserate with her, if she wanted. 
Anger though, that he knew all too well; even if it’s source was … different.  “I’ve been angry like that before,” He confides.  He still was in many ways.  It didn’t just go away because he’d become aware of it– he had to work at it, ever single day. “It’s OK if you’re not ready to be vulnerable again yet; that’s asking a lot.  But maybe, little by little, you’ll see it’s worth it to … to start to uncurl your fists.” That was what he’d learned; to practice at giving with open hands, to practice being vulnerable.  It wasn’t easy– most days it was incredibly hard, even now; but his anger had dwindled; reserved now for more appropriate moments, rather than out of gut reaction to pain or discomfort.
                            𝙷𝙴  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝙿𝙴𝙲𝚄𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚁,  𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙴𝙳.  well,  that  was  the  DECISION  that  marion  had  come  to,  anyway.  for  she’d  never  met  anyone  who’d  EXPERIENCED  such  intense  levels  of  anger,  of  pain  to  come  through  the  other  side  with  such  a  POSITIVE  outlook  on  life.  or  at  least  on  the  subject  of  letting  that  feeling  go,  of  allowing  oneself  to  do  so.  ❝  perhaps  you’re  RIGHT, ❞   she  sighed,  hands  dropping  to  rest  in  her  lap,  toying  with  worn  fingers  absentmindedly.  ❝  how  did  you  let  it  go ? ❞  came  her  question,  tones  laced  with  evident  CURIOSITY,  because  if  she  could  learn  how  to,  perhaps  she  could  start  LIVING  again  &  after  everything  that  had  happened  to  her,  it  was  something  that  she  was  more  than  DESPERATE  to  do,  she  always  had  been.  ❝  the  ANGER,  i  mean ? ❞
because  she  KNEW  that  anything  had  to  be  worth  attempting  at  this  point.  at  the  point  where  she  knew  that  her  parents,  her  mother,  especially,  would  be  so  DISAPPOINTED  in  who  she’d  become.  &  that  was  something  that  she  just  couldn’t  bear,  knowing  how  displeased  she’d  be  with  the  daughter  who  now  sought  SOLACE  at  the  bottom  of  the  nearest  bottle  of  ALCOHOL.  ❝  i  almost  forget  who  i  was  before,  you  know  ?  who  i  used  to  be  before  the  last  fifteen  years  of  my  life  took  over, ❞ she  sighed,  sapphire  hues  falling  closed,  taking  a  breath  to  ensure  that  tears  stinging  her  eyes  didn’t  find  their  way  down  her  SUN  KISSED  countenance  before  the  other  sitting  before     her.
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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*﹠.  –––    luke skywalker. ❜ 
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He hadn’t even thought to offer passage off the planet– it hadn’t occurred to him that she might be stuck, but immediately after the shock registered on his face, he nodded.  It was a good thing he’d listened to the little nudge that said to bring a shuttle rather than his X-Wing; it would be a cramped journey going anywhere with a passenger in a one-man snubfighter.  
“Where do you want to go?” He asked, reaching out with a nod of gratitude to take the holocron, and cradled it to his chest with one hand, as though it were precious.  With the other hand, he jerked a thumb back towards the campground where they’d left the shuttle,  “I have a ship.  It’s not the most luxurious, but the hyperdrive works.  I can take you to Coruscant, if you want.  I know people there…”  At Artoo’s insistent twitter, Luke smiled and added, “And he’ll still send any messages you want.  Do you have people?  We can help you find them, if you like.” 
                       𝙸𝚃  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝙰𝚃  𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴’𝚂  𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽  𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙱𝚁𝚄𝙽𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴  found  herself  WITHOUT  an  answer.  she’d  say  home,  but  she  wasn’t  sure  that  she  had  one  anymore.  it  had  been  so  long  since  she’d  seen  it  that  she  SCARCELY  remembered  what  it  even  looked  like  now.  ❝ somewhere  safe,  somewhere  away  from  HERE, ❞   &  that  was  the  only  thing  she  could  think  of,  she’d  figure  out  the  rest  when  she  could  think  PROPERLY,  when  she’d  had  a  decent  night’s  sleep.  perhaps  she’d  search  for  her  father  despite  the  fact  that  a  part  of  her  HEART,  a  large  part,  knew  that  he  was  never  COMING  BACK.  perhaps  somewhere  safe  would  be  GOOD  ENOUGH  for  now,  didn’t  she  owe  herself  that  much?  to  be  safe  before  she  threw  herself  back  into  DANGER ?
❝ no,  no  people, ❞   she  shook  her  head,  but  again,  maybe  that  was  for  the  BEST,  maybe  it  would  be  easier  without  people  now.  ❝ &  as  long  as  it’s  AWAY  from  here,  i  don’t  care  where  you  drop  me  off, ❞ she  sighed,  arms  wrapping  around  herself,  glancing  back  at  the  desert  that  stretched  for  MILES  behind  her.  ❝ thank  you,  though,  it’s  not  often  that  we  come  across  such  generous  people  around  here, ❞   GRATITUDE  laced  through  weary  tones  as  she  spoke  this  time,  offering  him  a  half  smile,  for  she  truly  was  grateful  that  he’d  even  thought  to  proffer  her  with  such  a  thing,  let  alone  actually  follow  through  on  as  such.
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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fangirl challenge - [5/5] movies ♡ raiders of the lost ark “It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” 
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
*﹠.  –––    lara croft. ❜ ·
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐓 — nor would she have felt inclined to help if it had. Lara had gotten her prize. Nothing else, not even the weight of her word, mattered. Never had.
❝Perhaps I failed to make myself clear.❞ Doubtful, really. If her tutors had managed to instill anything in her besides a deep-rooted resentment for authority, it would have been the importance of verbal rigor. Choosing the right words came as easy to her as it might have to Jane Austen. ❝We are no team. I tolerated your presence. If you’d like to get out, you’ll have to find your own way.❞
                                    𝚅𝙴𝚇𝙰𝚃��𝙾𝙽  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝚀𝚄𝙸𝙲𝙺  𝚃𝙾  𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙳  𝙷𝙴𝚁  𝙵𝙴𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴𝚂 at  the  other  woman’s  words,  hardly  BELIEVING  what  she  was  hearing.  ❝  you’re  not  the  first  ARROGANT,  pretentious  &  downright  rude  archaeologist  i’ve  had  to  deal  with,  so  cut  the  CRAP,  it  doesn’t  work  on  me, ❞ came  the  brunette’s  harsh  retort,  arms  firmly  folded  atop  her  chest  as  she  spoke,  taking  a  step  toward  the  other  woman.  ❝ you  know  damn  well  that  if  it  wasn’t  for  me,  you  wouldn’t  even  have  the  stupid,  little  piece  of  JUNK  that  you  were  searching  for  in  the  first  place, ❞  marion  continued,  tones  growing  progressively  more  frustrated  as  the  seconds  ticked  by.  ❝ so  why  don’t  you  do  me  a  FAVOUR  &  stop  being  a  damn  ass  &  see  that  we  both  get  out  of  this  death  trap  ALIVE  ? ❞  for  dying  today  wasn’t  high  atop  her  list  of  priorities,  not  for  the  same  REASON  that  had  claimed  the  lives  of  both  her  mother  &  father.
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
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We’re just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn’t that the deal?
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
*﹠.  –––    kassandra. ❜ 
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        ❝It’s not often someone visits me. Do you seek something?❞
                              𝙸𝙵  𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝙾𝙽𝙴  𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝚃𝙾  𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴  𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃  𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙾𝙽  𝚁𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙽𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙳, it  was  that  she  was  no  DAMSEL  IN  DISTRESS.  she  didn’t  need  saving,  nor  rescuing,  so  that’s  why  she  found  herself  here,  before  the  other  woman,  she  needed  INFORMATION  that  she  was  certain  that  the  woman  she’d  sought  out  would  be  able  to  help.  ❝ just  information,  that’s  all  i  NEED, ❞   she  explained,  truth  ringing  through  her  words.  ❝ can  you  help  me ? ❞
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
Needy, lonely, stitched by pain,
Edna St. Vincent Millay, from Collected Poems of E. S. V. M.; “Moriturus,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
are you a knife bi, baseball bat bi, or gun bi?
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
*﹠.  –––    indiana jones. ❜
𝙸𝚃  𝙳𝙸𝙳𝙽'𝚃  𝙼𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁  𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽  𝚆𝙰𝚂  she  had  said  no  &  he  was  quite  sure  his  FATE  in  this  one  last  try  thing  had  run  out.  not  that  he  WANTED  that.  it  just  felt  useless,  after  all  of  this  time  trying  to  PROVE  that  he  had  changed,  that  he  was  ready,  it  all  SLIPPED  past  his  fingers.     ❛    if you truly wanted to, you’d have said yes    ❜    he  gently  pulled  away  from  her  touch,  WIPING  his  cheeks  with  the  back  of  his  hand.  this  wasn’t  the  time  or  place  to  have  this  conversation.  they  NEEDED  to  talk,  that  much  was  clear.  he  just  COULDN’T  right  now  when  all  he  wanted  was  to  HIDE  away  for  weeks.  he  shouldn’t  be  ASHAMED  but  that  was  the  feeling  that  had  SPREAD  like  wildfire  in  his  body.  that  couldn’t  just  be  replaced  by  anything  else.    ❛   believe me, i don’t want to lose you either, i love you more than anything else in the world, that was why i asked    ❜   
what  was  the  point?  he  SHOULDN’T  keep  trying  to  explain  this  when  she  had  already  said  no.  perhaps  they  should  just  realize  that  there  wasn’t  anything  to  FIGHT  for  but  they  would  be  stupid  to  do  that.  they  had  CHILDREN  together  for  gods  sake.     ❛    that damage started with me, did it not?    ❜    she  couldn’t  deny  that.  he  had  RUINED  her  when  they  were  young  &  instead  of  blaming  him  right  now,  she  BLAMED  herself.  indiana  sighed  heavily  while  his  arms  wrapped  around  his  own  chest,  glancing  down  to  the  box  holding  the  RING  for  a  few  moments.  he  should  just  TOSS  it  into  the  pond,  it  had  ruined  EVERYTHING.     ❛    can we meet back home instead… i-i just think i need to be alone for awhile    ❜   
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                               𝙸𝙵  𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴  𝚆𝙰𝚂  𝙰𝙽𝚈  𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽  𝚃𝙾  𝙷𝙰𝚃𝙴  𝙷𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴𝙻𝙵,  it  was  this  one.  it  was  here  &  now  seeing  the  LOVE  OF  HER  LIFE  in  as  much  pain  as  she  had  once  felt.  &  she  couldn’t  IMAGINE  that  she’d  ever  cause  him  such  hurt,  such  SADNESS,  but  she  had  &  the  brunette  didn’t  know  how  to  FIX  it,  how  to  make  things  better.  she  didn’t  even  know  if  there  was  a  way  to  make  everything  better  this  time.  ❝ that’s  not  TRUE,  you  wanted  to  marry  me  twenty  years  ago  &  you  still  left, ❞  came  barely  audible  words,  tears  blurring  her  vision  as  she  looked  to  him  now.  was  this  ALWAYS  how  they  were  destined  to  go  ?  a  sliver  of  HAPPINESS  before  it  all  came  tumbling  down  again?  it  seemed  that  way.  once  was  a  happenstance.  twice  was  coincidence,  but  now,  a  third  time  ?  perhaps  it  was  a  sign.  a  sign  that  she  wanted  to  IGNORE  more  than  anything  in  the  entire  goddamned  world.  because  she  would  not  let  this  RUIN  them,  she  couldn’t.  ❝ i  love  you  too,  &  i  don’t  —  i  don’t  want  to  be  here  again, ❞   she  sighed,  hand  raking  through  chocolate  tresses.
❝ the  DAMAGE  started  with  me, ❞   she  called  after  him,  &  it  had.  she’d  never  been  able  to  process  things,  to  deal  with  them  in  a  HEALTHY  manner,  she’d  downed  her  first  bottle  of  whiskey  when  her  mother  had  passed  away,  &  she’d  done  it  without  blinking  &  that  had  been  her  coping  mechanism  ever  since.  &  god,  it  was  what  she  wanted  to  do  NOW,  to  find  the  nearest  bottle  of  alcohol  &  forget  how  much  she’d  HURT  him,  how  much  she’d  hurt  herself,  but  where  was  that  going  to  get  her ?  she  was  an  adult,  a  mother  for  christ  sake,  she  couldn’t  keep  running  to  alcohol  to  solve  all  of  her  PROBLEMS.  however,  it  was  at  his  request  that  all  she  could  do  was  nod,  fighting  the  herculean  urge  to  sink  to  the  floor  as  she  undoubtedly  watched  him  walk  away.  ❝  PLEASE  be  there  when  i  get  back, ❞  she  uttered,  although  her  words  sounded  akin  to  a  PLEA  now,  begging  not  to  find  him  gone,  to  stay,  to  SOLVE  this,  to  act  like  damn  adults  for  once  in  their  life  &  figure  out  a  way  to  be  TOGETHER  once  &  for  all.
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                                        𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋  ©
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anamericn-blog ¡ 5 years
*﹠.  –––    indiana jones. ❜ 
𝙽𝙾  𝙼𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁  𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃  𝙷𝙴  𝚂𝙰𝙸𝙳  𝚂𝙷𝙴'𝙳  𝙰𝚁𝙶𝚄𝙴  𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  𝙷𝙸𝙼  that  had  always  been  the  cause  &  he  doubted  that  it  would  be  DIFFERENT  this  time.  he  had  hurt  her,  hurt  her  more  than  he  ever  thought  was  possible.  right  now  all  he  could  do  was  to  back  off  even  if  he  WANTED  to  stay  &  hold  her  until  the  end  of  time.      ❛    perhaps it is selfish of me but i’d much rather see you alive than dead    ❜     this  was  for  her,  this  was  so  she  could  have  a  NORMAL  life,  a  chance  of  that  family  she  always  wanted.  he  couldn’t  give  her  what  she  needed,  he  couldn’t  give  her  the  normal  AMERICAN  life.  if  only  they  spoke  more.  if  they  could  just  LISTEN  to  each  other  and  stop  being  so  stubborn.      ❛    he was never right about me not loving you because that i did, i have since we met and i won’t ever stop    ❜    she  didn’t  care  to  HEAR  it,  he  knew  that.  he  just  needed  to  say  it  before  he  LEFT.  he  grabbed  his  hat  from  the  table,  slowly  LEANING  in  the  doorway  before  sighing  heavily.      ❛    do you want me to go or do you want me to stay until someone else comes?    ❜    
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                           𝚂𝙷𝙴  𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙳  𝚃𝙾  𝙷𝙰𝚃𝙴  𝙷𝙸𝙼,  𝚂𝙷𝙴  𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙻𝚈  𝙳𝙸𝙳,  but  she  couldn’t,  not  even  NOW.  he  was  standing  before  her,  shattering  her  HEART  to  pieces  &  she  still  couldn’t  HATE  him.  perhaps  that  made  her  a  FOOL,  but  then  again,  perhaps  her  love  for  indiana  jones  had  always  made  he  a  fool.  ❝ shouldn’t  that  be  my  DECISION ?  shouldn’t  i  be  the  one  to  choose  if  i  want  this  life ? ❞ she  questioned,  standing  from  the  chair,  pacing  the  room  now  to  stop  herself  from  completely  BREAKING  DOWN  in  front  of  him.  ❝ he  was  right  about  the  fact  that  you’d  HURT  me  &  you’ve  done  it  twice,  if  you  really  loved  me,  you  wouldn’t  be  leaving.  you  can  call  it  what  you  want,  but  don’t  call  it  PROTECTION, ❞ she  whispered  now,  voice  shaking  ever  so  slightly  as  she  did  so,  sure  that  if  she  spoke  any  louder  that  it  would  crack  again  completely.  ❝ i  don’t  want  you  to  LEAVE  at  all,  but  nobody  else  is  coming,  indy,  you  know  that  as  well  as  i  do,  i  don’t  have  anyone  else, ❞ came  dejected  tones,  arms  wrapping  around  herself  as  she  found  herself  slumping  down  against  the  wall,  forehead  FALLING  to  rest  against  her  knees.
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