sosuigeneris · 1 month
Socialite Series: Cherry’s Master Post
Things that have helped me, that could help you. Here is a master list of my softmaxxing journey!
J*hn Bent*n’s workouts: Yes he’s an asshole but his workouts really do work. He used to train models and his workouts are life changing.
2. B-12 Lipo salines: These you can consume in a shot (like an injection) or in a saline (go to a GOOD DOCTOR for this). I prefer the saline, and my doctor recommended the 6 week course for me (one saline every week). It burns subQ fat and that was the main reason why I began using those. There is zero side effect to these, acc to my doc. 
3. Diet: More protein, more vegetables, more water and lesser intake of carbs. Carbs are important but i used to over-consume them. Cutting down has helped me a lot. I also did a gut bacteria test (you basically sent a piece of your shit to a lab and they analyse it) to understand what foods worked for me and what didnt. 
4. Probiotics for metabolism management 
5. Measuring: I stopped tracking weight and began tracking body fat % instead. I feel that this works better for me. 
6. Wood therapy: I KNOW. You lot will think its bogus but it helped me and im sticking to it, so there. There’s no wood therapy spa near me, so i ordered the wood therapy tools from amazon, plastic wrap, a waist trainer, almond oil. I looked up videos on wood therapy and lymphatic drainage, and i do it for about 5 mins on my tummy and thighs before my work outs, wrap my torso with plastic wrap, throw the waist trainer on top. 
Accutane: this helped me tremendously with my acne and my skin is 95% blemish free now. If you are taking this, remember to be disciplined and regular. 
Zero alcohol: I stopped drinking completely and its done my skin and health wonders.
Products: Sunscreen + Vitamin C combo in the AM. Retinol + moisturiser at night. Recommended by my dermat. 
Hair removal: I refuse to shave because its so uncomfortable so i prefer to wax once in 2 months. Personally, when I began exfoliating my body twice a week - I use a scrub by the Body Shop - I noticed that the hair was growing back slower than it used to. I use a loofah for everyday too. I don’t believe in laser because it’s never just 6 sessions; you do have to have “maintenance” sessions as well post the 6.
Face sculpting: Gua sha on alternative nights. I dont know if this works or is placebo, but I felt like it did. 
Body lotion every day. Twice a day sometimes. I swear, it makes you smell good and feel so soft. 
Expensive make up: specially, foundation. I’m sorry, i know this could be controversial. But idk what cow semen Charlotte Tilbury puts in her make up, it seriously makes me glow. I’m yet to find a good drug store alternative. A while back, I stopped wearing concealer, and I began using a lighter shade of CT’s foundation as concealer over my normal shade. I feel that because the products are chemically the same, they blend better and don’t react and “peel.” Highly recommend that too. For the rest of my face like powder, blush, eyeliner, I do use normal drug store make up.  
Oral hygiene:
I used to have braces. After taking them off, I noticed a difference in my jaw.
Brush, floss, Listrine, tongue cleaner
Mild whitening. I think Hollywood level teeth whitening looks crazy and I want to look as “naturally” beautiful as possible.
Hair care:
For hair growth: as recommended by my doc: minoxidil hair foam 5% w/w Tugain Foam.
High frequency wand before wash days on my scalp. 
Moroccan hair oil. I use a tiny amount everyday on my ends after I finish my make up for the day and I swear it makes my hair shine like crazy.
I also got hair Botox done because i used to have curly but absolutely unmanageable hair. I tried to make it work for years but i gave up and caved in to having permanent straight hair and I love it. 
I only shampoo twice a day so on days when i workout but don’t shampoo, i use hair perfume. I spray some of it on my brush and run it through my hair. I swear it works. 
The colour palette theory seriously works. I didn’t realise that wearing the right colours can impact you so much.
Confidence is absolutely key. I seriously recommend going to a group class of some sort if you have the time and just mingling with random people. Social situations are important to gauge your “standing.”
Random but if you have a big nose: grow out your eyebrows / fill them in slightly thicker. I noticed that when I had thin eyebrows, my nose would stand out more but when I made them thicker, it balanced my face out better. 
Steam iron your clothes before you wear them. You will look 100% put together. 
*IF* you’re aesthetically challenged when it comes to picking clothes, use my rule of thumb: never wear any more than 3 colours at once  (remember: IF you can’t put outfits together). 
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cosmical777 · 2 months
50 reasons
50 reasons i want to lose weight
be skinnier than my enemies
look better in clothes
weigh less than my crush
don't jiggle when i walk
have the abs i've wanted for so long
feel comfortable wearing anything
not be judged eating
not feel insecure
lower blood pressure
look good
better jawline
narrower face
bigger eyes
easier to shave
grow muscle without having to lose weight first
can tell people i workout without them laughing
better stamina
not hating my body
better skin
healthier lifestyle
easier to romanticize
not insecure about telling people my weight
less water to drink
fitbit will be proud of me
people i don't like will be jealous
more options for clothes
to prove that i have willpower
finally take control of what i look like
don't look ridiculous running
prove i'm not weak
can be carried
no fupa
narrower shoulders
take up less space
can sit on someone's lap without them dying
more photogenic
prove that i'm not a weak pushover who can't control myself
better health
use less lotion/body oils
sit down without an ocean of thighs emerging
less noticeable stretch marks
take less time washing
have more than the 5 safe outfits that make me look skinnier
quieter footsteps
be considered conventionally attractive
not feel like a giant next to smaller people
make myself proud
be at a low bmi
look elegant
lighter periods
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kissmethroughthebone · 3 months
Alright girls and ladies, I'm about to get back into my level up journey, full throttle.
What books do you recommend while I have this free trial membership?
My goals are:
Improved self-confidence
High self-esteem
Strong boundaries
High standards and accepting nothing less
Anything around manipulation and psychology (doesn't have to be inherently about women v.s. men either, it could be about cults, prison, etc)
Anything about dating
Self love while alone
ADHD coping tactics :)
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her-reawakening · 8 months
Hi, bitches.
*Gossip Girl intro voice*
Her Reawakening is inspired by my very own frontal lobe developing. Let's give it up for her! (applause emojis)
I've found myself in a life long rut. For some reason, I'd thought my life would magically take a u-turn and everything would work out in my favor without my having to work for it. I don't know what kind of delulu I was in but to my shock life doesn't work that way, and it's much harder without a plan.
So let me hold myself accountable here. My future self will definitely read this, and then I'll feel embarrassed about not having done a gotdam fuck thing.
It might have to do with the poison of Social Media which I am apparently very susceptible to, but I have this immense pressure and anxiety to be HER. I want to tear my skin off and put a new one on overnight and reawaken as Her, She. It's so frustrating not being able to do that. You know? Hehe...
I know I can become that version. And you can thinkpiece as much as you want on the dangers of women's toxic and impossible beauty standards on social media but I don't care. *laughs evilly* This is the world we live in and I'd rather enjoy the benefits of being an Angel on Earth. I've only just accepted that I'm starting at a certain point to reach my ideal version, so we're off to a good start. Hopefully whoever reads this will be able to learn from my experiences.
And this is not just the embodiment of beauty, but physical excellence, mental wellbeing, mindfulness, spirituality, social experiences, academic achievement, financial stability etc etc. <3
I want to sleep like a baby knowing I am doing my best to create the life I ENJOY living. I want to be the cuntiest, most solid version of myself. Every breath I take will be proud of me just because I am so excellent.
I have a few goals in mind at the moment.
Eat whole foods 95% of the time.
I am a particularly sensitive person, inside and out. My organs won't accept heavily processed food without making me feel sick, especially with gluten and dairy included. In my experience I have to eat as close to Whole as I can so I will actually feel like a real and functional person. To put this in perspective, eating this way for me is like putting the most expensive oil made for your car and also deep cleaning and detailing inside and out and getting brand new tires and a new paint job. It is a truly incredible feeling and I highly recommend anyone tries it out.
Also, cut out caffeine. I don't want to shock my poor body by going cold turkey so I'm going to slowly cut down my dosages everyday, take it early in the morning (but after two hours of being awake) and drink a lot water with it as well.
Green juices are amazing and my go to for breakfast. They help me feel so revitalized and give me a serious buzz.
I will grocery shop on Wednesday and Prep on Thursdays to avoid feeling overwhelmed of doing it all in one day.
2. Exercise regularly
Workout out 4/wk and Yoga 3/wk
I'm starting out with running since I'm not familiar with the proper forms you need for weight training. I add progression to my workouts of course, one minute longer, .5 miles longer, etc. I also do stair masters, and some leg machines that don't scare me. The glow I get from combining exercise and eating well is insane. It does take a week of 100% commitment for me to get to this 'candlelit within look' but I've done it before so I know I can do it again! I'm going to work out Mon/Tue and Fri/Sat and do an hour of yoga Wed/Thur/Sun! :)
3. Gua Sha/Face massage
I hold all of my tension in my face and traps, so I plan on getting masseter botox for a softer face and TMJ, which is a huge pain for my jaw! In the meantime I will face massage deeply every other day, at 8PM. I eventually want forehead botox as well to help with my frown lines. As an alternative I stick with forehead stickies and it makes a difference.
This is all I want to incorporate right now. They are my most bother some insecurities so I'll do myself the favor and create habits that support them :) I don't want to overwhelm myself and give up completely by too many goals.
Cheers to an update by next Monday!
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desktoparchive · 1 year
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atcostmag · 9 months
Softmax - Swishers
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The latest track since the release of her 2022 EP "But What If There Isn't?", Chicago-based producer and songwriter Softmax presents track "Swishers". A track borne from the pandemic, "Swishers" recalls the dysphoria of a paranoia-driven OCD relapse. Channeling memories of disillusion and discontent, the track manifests in the dark, heady spaciousness of a invigorating future R&B track. Detailed by the tower of gassing bass lines and the clunky percolation of flocculating synths, the track recalls imagery from congener Jillian Banks' (BANKS) earlier works from the mid 10's. Speaking of the track's motifs which recollects her anxiety over her privacy being infringed on by social media, Softmax had this to say about the track:
 “It’s about wanting to connect with the world and understand people while feeling further and further from it.”
Co-produced by Joel Ford (Oneohtrix Point Never, Ford and Lopatin, and How To Dress Well) and Berlin-based Gabriel Gifford, you can groove to the moody lush of Softmax's beat-driven R&B:
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100smokingelephants · 11 months
The Softmax function and its derivative - Eli Bendersky's website
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softmaxai · 6 months
Custom Machine Learning Solutions Provider
SoftmaxAI is a custom machine learning solutions provider in USA. We primarily focus on developing AI-based solutions, and a more significant deal of it encompasses around MLOps. Contact us today to fuse the ML development and deployment gaps With our machine learning services.
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oasisr · 2 years
Mewing has really helped my face and jawline. Plus, I have dimples now!
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learnc · 2 years
Quickly Learn How To Use CPP Canvas Drawing In C++ On Windows
Using the Canvas property and drawing methods in C++ Builder, it is simple to draw images on Bitmaps. Canvas may be utilised in FMX and VCL programmes. For objects that must render their own graphics, canvas offers an abstract drawing surface. CPP Canvas offers methods, events, and properties that help with rendering graphic graphics. Visit the website.
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amazonblogger · 2 years
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cosmical777 · 30 days
leg day workout
bench/low table
resistance band (optional)
warm up
side reaches (30sec)
hip rotations (30sec)
deep squat (30sec)
downward dog + walks (30sec)
quad stretch (30sec each side)
kneeling hip flexor stretch (30sec each side)
squat with reach x 10
slow squat pulses x 25
30 jumping jacks
activation (banded)
kneeling kickbacks (30sec)
donkey kicks (30sec each side)
hamstring curls (30sec each side)
straight leg pulses (30sec each side)
fire hydrants (30sec each side)
fire hydrant pulses (30sec each side)
clamshells (30sec each side)
bent knee circles fwd (30sec each side)
bent knee circles bwd (30sec each side)
wide glute bridge (30sec)
wide glute bridge pulses (30sec)
glute bridge hold w/ abductor (30 sec)
wide bridge hold (30sec)
workout (weighted)
bulgarian split squats (3x10 each leg)
hip thrust (3x10)
curtsy lunges (3x10 each leg)
goblet squat w/ abductor (2x10)
sumo squat (2x10)
finisher (no equipment)
15 sumo squat pulses
15 sumo squat jumps
15 squat jumps
15 lunge pulses (each side)
close squat pulses (until failure)
only use a weight heavy enough so that you're challenged but able to do reps with proper form
form >>>> weight/number of reps
always stretch out after you're done
stay hydrated
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omegaversereloaded · 4 months
Back on my softmaxxing grind i cant take this
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her-reawakening · 2 months
Yoga Makes Me Feel Prettier
The foundation of my body is breath. Meditation is great, but combining movement with a deep and steady breath is revitalizing. I feel stronger, calmer, and more confident after trusting my body to hold a deep pose. And I end it with the posture of a ballerina (at least that's what I feel like)... it makes me feel elegant! I highly recommend 10 minutes daily!
I have so much work to do today, but first... SPA! At home spa that is, I need those relaxing luxurious vibes that I see on Tiktok. One of my favorite accounts that does this: https://www.tiktok.com/@lilityousefian/video/7360170733881937194?lang=en
I ordered a fluffy bathrobe and satin mask along with a much needed hair oil. I WILL be achieving this aesthetic >:)
Tonight looks like:
-30 minute walk with a language learning podcast, to help digest my dinner
-Quick meal prep
-An everything shower, includes shaving and exfoliation
-rough dry hair then prep for a blowout
-put away all my laundry...
-Put together a list for cherry perfumes I'm going to try tomorrow. Any recommendations? I'm looking for something that is smoky and cherry-ish. Something seductive (but not super slutty).
I love a little spa night. It makes me feel like an original Victoria's Secret Angel.
Much Love Earth Angels
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cerezsa · 7 days
my bed is extra mega softmaxxing
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little-phoenix-04 · 1 month
Day 4/60 of internship: 05.05.2024
Since it's a weekend, I came to library a bit late than usual, but found my book nonetheless! Today, I also plan to read a novel(let's see which one). Recently I finished the Woman in the Window and the Silent Patient, and I was blown away by both of them!! Read such a good thriller in such a long time.
Target for today
Divide and conquer till 2.5(matrix mult)
MNIST explanation by myself
MNIST code by myself
Log loss and softmax
🎧Spot- Zico and Jennie
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