#so this ended up happening he is down bad
hello-eden · 1 day
dead on main #3
destabilized Ellie and Dan are Jason and Danny's kids except Jason gives his permission to help stabilize the two when he's dead and when he's resurrected he has no memories of it.
 Danny and Jason met while he was dead and had a teenage puppy crush sort of thing. The two of them had a lot of things going on with one still being a vigilante in their town and one being recently murdered, So they never really were able to get together before Jason was resurrected. The two of them are from different dimensions and only meet due to the fact that the ghost zone is every Dimension afterlife. 
There is a bad reaction from Vlad finding out that Danny used someone else's DNA to stabilize the kids, Which leads to a very Reckless fight that leads to his parents finding out that the kids are halfas. The parents don't know that he is also halfa so they try to cure the kids. Danny flees To the ghost zone specifically to frostbite to make sure the kids are okay. While he's there Clockwork decides that was the best time to basically tell Danny that Jason's resurrected in his home dimension and that is probably best if he settles down there. Of course because Clockwork is still a menace before Danny goes through the portal he says that Jason does not have his memories of being dead and then pushes him through. Danny sets up his life there with Ellie and Dan.
Plot twist Danny ends up being neighbors to Roy in Star City. Danny is a trans single father of twins that appears to have run away from home due to bad situation. With all the Vigilante scars that Danny has it's a reasonable conclusion for him to suspect an abusive home.
Danny babysits Lian when Roy has missions and Roy babysits Ellie and Dan When Danny does work.  of course not always do their schedules so occasionally they have to call in another babysitter and when that fails we have the Red Hood himself. the unknown father of the twins( not really twins) and the Godfather of the other child( yes I made him The Godfather).
 Danny doesn't instantly recognize him due to the very obvious change. Two of them meet a couple of times through Roy. Danny usually just accidentally stopping in at a bad time before Roy introduces them together and Danny hears his name.
Danny does not tell him that he's the father of the children because one he was dead which means he's going to have to explain what he was doing while he was dead. and two because Clockwork told him he had his memories erased. Danny of course has a lot of feelings about this and Jason instantly gets a crush. Jason occasionally babysits the kids when the regular babysitter isn't working Nor can I watch each other's kids because of schedules.
A situation happens with Ellie where she needs to go to the hospital and Jason brings her. this leads to an emergency blood transfusion. The transfusion goes badly and isn't working so Jason asks if his blood will work. It works perfectly. Jason questions for a little bit. Danny, whose phone was broken in  a villain attack two days ago and hasn't gotten replaced, shows up at the hospital after finally being contacted. Jason questioned him a little bit  Danny freaks out a lot which raises Jason's alarms quite High. When Danny's getting some food for Elle and talking to doctors Jason does a DNA test. Jason gets the results a week later when Ellie's finally back home which reveals he is the father. He has a lot of questions about this.
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jakesangel · 2 days
making out w jake
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tw// making out, flirting, it's nothing bad really, suggestive
making out with jake occurs lots of time. every single time actually. each time you see jake, he will want to have you and if time offers, he would have a make our session with him. and as he has different side as a lover, there is different kind of make outs w him.
the best way for him the wake up, is the feel your kisses on his face. the warmth of your hand on the side of his cheek, your soft breath fanning on his face. he would hum as he wakes up, grinning stupidly, mornin' my angel, he'd say, slowly opening his eyes. and as you finally kiss him on his lips, he wouldn't let you go, his hand going in the back of your head, deepening the kiss. you guys would stay under the blanket, you half way on top of him, lazyly kissing for minutes until one of you can't breath. i couldt dream of another way to wake up, baby, he would say, before diving in again. you will feel his smile between the kisses, or even so his humms as his mind n body feels very good at the moment. to be more comfortable, he would move you, so you can face him, you on the side, and pull you closer by your waist. humm my pretty girl, he'd say between sights, i love you so munch. so so munch, as he'd admire your natural beauty. my pretty pretty pretty girl, as he starts kissing you again, smiles shared from the both of you.
playful makeouts also exist w jake. in fact jakes loves to annoy you in a fun way by tickling you. the both of you would run around the apartment, you running from him, him trying to reach you and as you'd fall on the floor, himon you, your pretty smiley face wouldn't go unnoticed to him. he would kiss you, right there n then, forgetting about your playful fight few seconds ago. he would peck your whole face, making the both of you giggles, filling his heart w nothing but pure hapiness.
it would also happen when watching a movie, your legs on his lap, his hands strocking them : you are often, always, a distraction to him. your soft skin under his finger tips, your warmth n weight on his lap, your scent as your arms are around his neck. all his sense are invaded by you but it's not enough for him. he wants more n that boring movie is doing the exact opposite of what he needs : your attention. and he will take it : his hands would slowly travel your legs, hinting you if his boredom. angel, could you sit on my lap for me, he'd say as he would help you to face him n not the tv, you know you really hypnotizing. you're really so pretty, my love. he wouldn't let you do a thing, talking you thru it, his hands on your things slowing coming to your waist, pulling you closer to him, his eyes right on yours. my pretty pretty girl, sitting so prettily just for me, he would finally said, kissing you roughly. making out w him when he is needy do you, would never start slow, passionate kisses shared almost fighting for dominance, so pretty, he'd murmur against your lips, looking so pretty in front of me how do you expect me to stay put. it's also during those kind of kisses that he would dive his tongue between your lips, after bitting your bottom lip. he wants everything you could give him and even more, what he can take from you. and as his tongue n lips can't be controled, so is his hands, place on your lower back or your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, almost you falling down on him. he would be so into it, only the tv can remind you that life exist n that the both of you can't stay kissing all night all, pulling a laugh from him. he'd pull back, his eyes almost full of lust, let's take that to the bedroom, m'okay baby ?
before going to bed, jake enjoys slow make outs the most, ending the day together, in each other embrace. even if he can sleep well on his own, and further more sleeping early, he enjoys staying up until you finish your routine, waiting to have his nightly kisses, making his sleep better. so he would take it as slow as possible, enjoying and tasting you the most that he can. i never want you out of my life baby. love you so much baby, he would whisper in the dark. as his sleeps would take over, he'd be the on ending the kisses as much as it hurts him, so he would place one last peck on your lip, smiling thru it, still thanking you for your existence next to him and then pulls your head closer to his chest, good night baby, i can no wait to wake up w you in my arms again.
notes : i need him so bad >____<
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @txnwvc @iikeustar @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey
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toruslvt · 2 days
  ִֶָ a begining ↪ last part of mafia boss sukuna.
⋆ fluff, basically your life with Sukuna and your baby, I know reader had a bad pregnancy in the previous part but let's forget about that for the sake of a happy ending and a man obsessed with giving you more babies.
thank you all for joining me in this au ‹3 this is the end of mafia boss sukuna, next posts will be the spin offs but please do not hesitate in sending me your ideas + additions ! I'll happily add them to the masterlist as well.
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the pristine black shirt was always two buttons open starting from the collar, a matching jacket suit and tailored pants giving Sukuna his usual outfit for each reunion, gold watch and bright rings, although none as bright as your wedding band, and.... a pink band-aid?
“um, boss...” one of his subordinates speaks, his eyes drifting down to the sticky pink band on Sukuna’s hand.
yet Sukuna remains unbothered, a cold stare directed towards the man that dared speak, “does it bother you?” voice as icy as his eyes.
the man immediately lowers his head, unable to refute or dare utter another word through the rest of the reunion.
no one in the gang even considered there could be a change in their boss behavior though the multiple changes happening in his life, of course, the only thing that changed was the way his gaze softened and voice lowered when speaking to you and your baby, not as if his men expected a cute talk directed to them too.
“you should have waited at home” is what Sukuna says, barely managing to finish his sentence before your baby girl is babbling a ‘daddy!’ with grabby hands and a matching bandaid on her knee, not as if she was hurt, but the toddler wanted to match her adored dad, and of course, Sukuna’s face lights up, grabbing and tossing her in the air for a giggle to be heard the room before your husband is crushing your lips with his in a brief but passionate kiss.
“someone was too eager to see her daddy” is what you say, passing the toy your daughter forgot in your arms while she tossed herself at Sukuna.
“does that include you?” he asks with that characteristic smirk of his, covering your daughter’s ears and pressing her against his chest so she doesn’t hear how foul mouthed her dad is, but you stop the man before he gets to speak with a hand on his mouth.
“don’t finish that idea”
and your husband chuckles behind your palm, giving it a soft kiss before pulling it down and tangling his fingers with yours, “i’ll finish it once we’re home”
he doesn’t though, since upon entering the mansion you resided at, your daughter, —just like her father, quickly grabbed both of your hands and begged to have a tea party, setting out the cute plastic tea set in a tiny table and matching chairs that barely fitted Sukuna’s large frame, having him bent and with knees tucked against his chest to ‘sit properly’ like your daughter scolded.
a pink boa and matching princess crown were set on Sukuna’s head, this time it was an idea of yours that you quietly whispered in the kid’s ear, a private mommy-daughter prank to the man.
your husband doesn’t complain, nor refuses to do anything your daughter wants, instead he gives you a fond look as he sees you whispering, you both truly got him wrapped around your fingers.
“i’m sorry to interrupt you, boss” one of his men spoke gently knocking on the open door, and although the man remained stoic, there was a slight amused look in his eyes, and Sukuna wondered if he should fire or kill the man, ultimately deciding to be merciful for once and let him live.
“make it quick” Sukuna says, standing up with a proper apology to the ladies sitting at the plastic table, and just as requested, the subordinate doesn’t take long to deliver the message, giving you ample time to indulge in your daughter’s ideas until she got sleepier and sleepier.
“you know...” Sukuna starts, staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom, both laying in bed after a long day, “we should have another”
“you’re joking” you say, turning to look at him, “did you forget how bad the pregnancy was?”
“well... you’re right” he murmurs, mimicking your position and placing a hand on your belly, “but... if you change your mind... i’ll be more than happy to put another baby in you”
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🔖♡ @yuujispinkhair @valleydoli @hyeinwluv85s @sadmonke @ryomance @inzanekillian @emilymikado @r-ryuko09 @ichorstainedskin @acidrefiux @tadabzzzbee @thejujvtsupost
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thatnewweeb · 1 day
Baby Fever | My Hero Academia
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Characters | Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Toya, Kirishima Eijiro
CW | mentions of pregnancy, suggestive content, reader agreeing to get pregnant, kinda jealousy in Bakugo's, kinda pressure in Midoriya's (from his mom) but also wanting it too
A/N | I love the idea of the boys having baby fever (even though not all of these are them having baby fever), I just think it's so cute
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Bakugo Katsuki
Deku was having a kid?!
Katsuki was stunned as he held his phone to his ear, listening to his childhood friend and perpetual rival talking excitedly about the news his wife recently gave him. His grip tightens on the phone as he listens to the green haired man on the other side of the phone gushing about how excited he is.
As soon as Izuku hangs up, he calls out to you, his own wife. When you walk into the room, he walks over to you quickly, long strides leaving him stood very close to you, his arms caging you against the wall.
The look you give as you look up at him makes him smile softly, biting his lower lip a little. He tells you the news about Izuku's first child being on the way, which of course makes you excited, happy for your friends.
"We should have a baby too," he smirks slightly, whispering into your ear. When you give him a surprised, slightly confused look, he smirks, leaning down to kiss you. "C'mon, babe. I can't let that bastard get that far ahead of me. Gonna help me keep up?"
There's no way you could possibly say no when he speaks and looks at you like that. There's no time wasted in trying, him immediately taking you to your shared bed. He can't let that bastard Deku get too far ahead after all, can he?
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Todoroki Shoto
Shoto was never really sure if he wanted to have a child or not. He didn't have the best childhood, and he was scared that he would end up being a bad parent.
He was still scared of that, he couldn't deny it, but when you're cuddling with him on the couch, watching television, he can't help but consider the idea whenever a child actor comes on the screen.
This weird feeling had been following him for months now. He found himself doing things he wouldn't usually, resting his hand on your stomach more when you're cuddling, imagining you clinging onto him, heavily pregnant and somehow looking more beautiful than ever.
He had no idea you were also having these thoughts. You hadn't brought it up because you knew he was a little hesitant about the idea. You figured you'd wait for him to bring up the topic first so he doesn't feel pressured, but now, every part of your being aching for a baby, you know you just can't wait any longer.
On one of his days off, you walk up to your fiancé and tell him to put a baby in you. The look on his face is both cute and hilarious. Despite how demanding your initial request was, the two of you sit and talk for a while, getting both of your feelings out there.
When you both agree that you both definitely want a baby, you decide you'll start trying as soon as the wedding is over.
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Midoriya Izuku
It had been 4 months since you and Izuku had gotten married in a beautiful ceremony in front of your family and closest friends. Both your groom and your new mother-in-law cried a lot.
Speaking of Izuku's wonderful mother, you were visiting her one day, as you and your husband typically do at least once a week. You absolutely don't mind doing this, I mean it when I say Inko is wonderful, and that includes to you. She fully welcomed you into her little family.
"So, when am I getting a grandchild?"
The question comes out of nowhere, Izuku choking on the water he unfortunately happened to be drinking. "Mom!"
"What?" she asks with a smile. "You've been married for a little while now, surely that's the next step, right?"
Izuku laughs nervously, glancing at you briefly and squeezing your hand. "We don't know when that'll be happening yet."
The entirety of the rest of the time you spend at Inko's home that day, he can't take his mind off what his mom said. He hadn't really even thought about it since you got married, content with his life the way it is now. Now an idea has been planted in his head.
When you're back in the car, driving back to your own house, Izuku interrupts you while you're speaking (he didn't mean to, he was just so deep in thought that he didn't even realise you were talking). He asks if you want to have a baby, and it takes you almost no time to say you do.
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Todoroki Toya
There's nothing you could think of that triggered your baby fever. You just wanted a baby, and you wanted one bad. You know your boyfriend will be a good dad, even if he doesn't seem to believe it.
He doesn't seem to believe that he has any kind of soft side. The big idiot obviously doesn't realise the way he acts with you, and you know that he'll be similar with your baby.
He wasn't even considering the idea before you brought it up to him. You weren't exactly subtle about it either, practically jumping on him and telling him to give you his baby. The demand shocks him, but there's something about hearing it come from your mouth that made him want it, made him feel like it would be okay for that to happen. He trusts you, and if that's what you think is best and what you want, he'll give you that.
There is no time wasted, Toya happily spending the rest of the night making sure that you'll get his baby as soon as possible.
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Kirishima Eijiro
Eijiro has always liked kids, he thinks they're just adorable! How could he not like them? Being a pro hero means that there are so many children that look up to him, and it isn't an unusual occurrence for him to be swarmed by young fans while he's on patrol.
The baby fever really kicks in for him when a family of three come up to him while he's out on patrol, an excited baby babbling in his mother's arms as he reaches out towards the hero.
The baby's mother explains to him that he's her son's favourite hero. He always smiles and babbles and points whenever Red Riot is on television. It goes without saying that hearing that makes your boyfriend's soft heart melt.
As soon as they leave, he decides he'll have to bring this up with you as soon as he gets back to you. He's known for a while that he wants a baby, but after that reaction, he knows he has to bring it up to you.
Of course, he does bring it up to you very quickly when he gets home after patrol is over. It's pretty much the first thing he says to you when he walks through the door, picking you up and spinning you around when you agree to start trying. He wastes no time in starting to try for a baby with you.
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callofdudes · 1 day
So, uh, I was watching Bad Boys 2 with my dad and when the shootout scene happened and Marcus accidentally got shot in the ass I couldn’t help but wonder after I was done LMFAOing; how the COD boys (or the guys from 141 if you have a character limit) would react to and deal with having been shot in the ass? Especially if their S/O or best friend was there?
Ouchie ouchie. Here ya go anon! Sorry it took so long!
Getting shot in the ass.
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Fucking humiliated.
First off, it hurt and oh boy he would not talk to anyone. If you're not in the immediate vicinity of medical attention he is going to have to be taken care of by one of you.
He'd probably trust either you or Price. He loves Johnny but not enough to touch his whole ass.
If you're his spouse you will 100% try to make jokes to calm him down, and it doesn't end up making it any better. Simon laying on his stomach writhing in pain while you've got him pantsed.
He's never speaking to any of you again. He'd rather be buried alive than have you bandaging his whole asscheek so he doesn't bleed everywhere.
"Are-fuck! Are you done yet!?" He growled, turning into a whine near the end because he's in pain. Come on man...
"Almost Simon, just hang in with me ok?"
He whines, and you continue to as gently as you can patch the wound. And like a meanie you're trying not to laugh the whole time.
When you're done you'll pat his butt gently and help him up. "Fuck you, and fuck that last 20 minutes of my life." He winces, attempting to stand.
"It's an occupational hazard y'know-"
"In my ass. MY BLOODY ARSE!"
"Well it's not bloody anymore...??"
Yeah he's never speaking to you. Or the others. He'll go back to that coffin where he was safe and his beautiful ass wasn't being threatened 24/7.
When you get back if you tell anyone he's suffocating you in your sleep. Not like the medical team will let him go. Surgery to get the bullet out of his arse and then was hurting for weeks.
Glaring constantly because now he has one of those butt pillows that you'd sit on after a BBL. And the recruits are bugging him because, "Got a lift Lt??" "Thought it was already big enough."
His arse is a point of contention for him and now he's being pointed out for the masses.
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"You... You want me to help??"
"Nope." He dragged his leg, limping his way as blood spilled.
"You've uh, got a hole in your-"
"I'm very well aware!" He grimaced, trying to ease down on his side. "Other room." He demands.
"I can help-"
"Yes sir."
You step away and let Price undo his belt and survey the damage himself. The last time he was bleeding from his arse his military dad was spanking him upside down and sideways.
By the time he realizes he's going to need a little help he's already regretting his life. He's nearly had his balls shot off before, this shouldn't be news to him, but also, why....
Begrudgingly he calls you back in after messing with it enough it hurts twice as much as before.
So you grab some bandages and get to work.
"I'm very well aware of where my hands are going captain, you're fine."
"You're bleeding."
"Thank you for stating the obvious." He rubbed his forehead, sighing.
You feel less inclined to snicker at Price because the poor man is just trying to make a living fighting crime. He doesn't deserve this. His beautiful soft ass doesn't deserve this.
When you get back he is just wanting the bullet out by that point so he doesn't fight medical. They get the bullet out and he is taking painkillers like they're going out of style. (No, not in an unhealthy way)
Will probably stay between his room and his office. He wants to do work very badly and hasn't enjoyed sitting around doing nothing for long periods of time.
Can't wear his favorite pants now because they're tighter and the seam cuts right into the stitches. Sweatpants and butt pillow it is until he's out of this hell.
Most recruits know not to poke the bear, unlike you. Or Simon.
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"Whew, that was close." You panted and looked at Johnny with relief. "No kidding." But as the adrenaline wore off, Johnny felt lightheaded, and fell to his side.
"Ow-" He winced, his leg feeling numb. You quickly rushed to him and looked him over. He wasn't shot anywhere... Oh. Oh, no never mind, yes he was.
"You're shot."
Johnny followed your gaze and saw.
Surprisingly calm. Like, out of everyone he doesn't panic as much. Pulls up his shirt into his mouth and tells you to get it out.
You're hesitant because it's trying to pull a bullet out of someone's ass. And pulling a bullet out is never... Fun. But he trusts you, even if his cheeks are glaringly red from utter embarrassment.
But he doesn't want anyone else to do it for some reason, so you do your best.
Long story short, it did not go well. You ended up messing with the wound that his right ass cheek was so swollen. He looked like an idiot. Laying on his stomach in pain while waiting for Evac.
"I'm sorry..." You rubbed his shoulder.
You'd pulled his pants down further, while still being respectful. But man if he didn't look stupid, and it looked like it hurt. One cheek much bigger than the other, red and swollen.
Johnny promised to never get shot in the ass again. After he was put on bed rest because he had an infection. So uh... That was a fun adventure.
"Why the hell did you try to dig the bullet out of my ass??" He looked over at you when you visited him.
"You told me to do that! I told you it was a bad idea."
"Oh yeah..." He sniffled and crossed his arms, pouting his lip.
"Johnny.. come on, it'll get better."
"Well it can't get worse. Can it?"
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"Ow!! Bloody- shit!" He slid down a wall and looked down at his side, expecting the stinging pain he felt to have hit his leg, he was dismayed to find the bullet had got him in the ass.
"Oh fucking of course!" He groaned and tried his best to hold something over the wound while still getting bullets pelted at him.
"How're we looking, sergeant??"
Kyle looked back briefly and then adjusted his gun. "Fine! But I've got a bloody hole in my arse!"
"Say again?"
Kyle groaned. Falling out of helicopters, getting shot in the ass, what was next huh?
"I've. Got. A. Bullet. In my ass!!"
Mortified when the others get to him and see he was not lying. Kyle must have just about the worst luck because what the hell is this?? They got him to medical and they did indeed confirm he had a bullet where the sun don't shine.
His perfect, pretty, unscarred butt was now about to be dug into to get a bullet out. How humiliating. He had bad stuff happen to him, but this he refused to talk about.
"How're... How're you feeling?" You asked after he came out of surgery. Still high on drugs, Kyle glared at you. "Don't even..."
"Don't what?" You snickered slightly.
"Oh fuck off..."
You smiled a little and sat down. "Hey, you'll recover. It sucks, but you've gotten through worse."
"Bullet in the ass."
"Had a bullet in the ass."
"It was still there at one point. That was my reality, y/n!"
You lovingly shushed him with a glass of water.
Kyle did not say a word about it. Even when he needed a pillow to help him sit after the surgery, he never pointed it out. And the others saw the look, if they said anything Kyle would drag them behind a shed and suffocate them with said pillow.
And therefore, for everyone's collective safety, it was never brought up.
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kizzer55555 · 2 days
I had a crack idea and I really like your content I was wondering if you would like to hear it
Damien had an Over The Moon moment with Danny
Over The Moon Is about a little girl while building a rocket to the moon to meet a goddess so she can get advice about accepting the death of her mother
As a child Damien remembers one of his caretakers telling him the story of the god Phantom how something happened to him and how he floated up and away to space and became their God but could never see his family or friends ever again
Story that Damian got told was incredibly popular one in the infinite realms about King Phantom after he had to shut down the portals to the infinite rounds from the human world to keep the ghost safe and himself
And the ghost saw this heavily liminal child is like oh let me tell him the story of the space god Phantom
This was when Damien was still dueling Talia to find out who his birth father is and like a few days before his birthday Damien actually did find a portal that led to the infinite Realms
He ended up meeting ghosts like the Box Ghost or Johnny 13 and Kitty and going on a big adventure to the infinite rounds to meet High King Phantom who encouraged him to venture out there and find out about what it's connected to him
And turn there was a portrait made of Damien and Danny of Danny being in Royal where in Damien sitting on his lap with the brightest smile on his face
Damien ends up going back home and never telling anyone else in the League of assassins or in bat family about his adventure in the infinite Realms and king Phantom
Damien ends up getting into it like a really bad argument with Bruce and feeling unwanted so decided to go back you get advice from Phantom it ended up taking Jon with him
The bat family have to realizing that Damien's gone missing are spending most of their time trying to find Damien when Constantine calls them and shows them a portrait of Damien and the ghost King
Which leads the bat family thinking that Damian got kidnapped by the ghost King probably because of the Lazarus pits while Damian and Jonathan are out there living their Disney adventure
So the bat family and Constantine summon the Ghost came to the man Damien back while Damien trying to convince Danny at the world is changing that he might be able to go back home and see the people he loves
Anyway I just kept having the idea of Damian singing my rocket to the moon but changing out the lyrics
Anyway I hope you like my dumb idea and you might watch Over The Moon it's really good movie
This is such a cool idea! Unfortunately I don’t know much about over the moon but here’s my little spin on this idea.
The Justice league do the summoning but unfortunatly, they are still under the impression that the ghost king is Pariah Dark. So there is a bit of interference. So the summoning latches onto the last person to touch Pariah Dark (AKA his coffin) and while Danny did defeat the previous king in single combat, he wasn’t the one to turn the key. No, the last person to touch Pariah Dark was one Vlad Plasmius. So when the JL starts the summoning, they get a very confused Plasmius and before he can comprehend what’s happening a bunch of angry and colorful adults just start demanding that he return Damian.
Vlad has no idea who these people are. He has no idea who this Damian kid is. And no matter what he says, none of these strange costumed adults believe him! He’s not even the ghost king!
JL: lies. Lies and slander.
And THEN, ooooh, and then he wasn’t the only one summoned. For Maddie the cat was right there and unfortunately got caught in the summoning because it was feeding time. And because she wasn’t a ghost, naturally she was able to wander outside the circle. The JL, having multiple interactions with Kalrion assume this is the ghost king’s familiar and snatch up the fluffy white cat.
Vlad can only stare in horror.
The. Pure. AUDACITY.
You know what? FINE! Yes! It is I! The ghost king! I have your PrEcIOse little boy! You want him back?! THEN GIVE ME BACK MY CAT!
So here Damian and Jon are, having the time of their lives, chilling in a strangely warm ice castle with Danny and telling him their problems, giving Cujo scratches and meanwhile, Vlad is screaming bloody murder from his summoning circle.
JL: give us back our child!
Vlad: Give me back my princess before I ERaSe YouR exIStaNce and I’ll think about it [insert intelligible ghost swear]
Constantine: *dramatic gasp* How DARE you?!
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Hiya! I think I found the "ask" button! :D I'm dropping my favourite suggestion here, hehe...
You could write about a bad cop/good cop Han/Minho (Han being the good cop and Minho de bad?) And of course, ending in an endless make out session and "fuck-time" in the interrogation room.
Have a bood day/night/afternoon! ♥
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This scenario is a fucking dream!!! Thank you for putting this idea to me. I love it. I love it so much. I hope my take on it is to your liking 😘😘😘
I’ve had a few police officer!skz asks and I’m having so much fun imagining all the filthy things that are being sent my way.
I’ve already written sub police officer Han here.
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CW: detective/interrogation role play (not established or clarified, but as the writer I’ve decided that is what’s happening), CNC (established off-screen and not referenced in the story). Implied established safeword (not used). Unprotected rough sex, oral sex, orgasms.
"TELL US!" Detective Lee practically spits in your face. "You know where they're hiding, and you're going to tell us right now." He leans in close to your ear. "Or else." he adds venomously, then stands back against the cinder blocks of the interrogation room, arms crossed.
"Look, Miss." The other man, Detective Han, sighs. "Just tell us and your sentence will be reduced."
"I'm scared." You say desperately. "What they'll do if they find out I-"
Lee scoffs and you pout, turning back at Han.
"We'll protect you." Han almost reaches across to hold your hands, but the weight of Minho's stare makes him think twice. “All you have to do is give us a location.” He says softly.
You shake your head and wring your hands together.
“I think she’s going to need a special kind of convincing.” Lee raises an eyebrow.
Han slowly turns his head towards Minho. “Detective. I’m not sure that’s style of interrogation is appropriate.”
“Well where has being nice got you?” He retorts, storming over to you and pulling you up roughly by your flimsy satin top.
"Now, little Miss," he growls slamming you against the one way glass, holding your arms behind your back and pressing himself against you. You can feel his erection against the top of your ass. "Just tell us the location, and all this stops.”
You turn to look over your shoulder, giving him doe eyes. “I’m never gonna tell you the location.” You say firmly.
The corner of Detective Lee’s mouth twitches slightly. “So that’s how you’re really gonna play, huh?”
He drags you back, bending over the cold, metal interrogation table. “Han. Handcuff her.” He demands, tossing his handcuffs to his partner.
Han looks down at the cuffs in his hands, hesitating momentarily before cuffing your arm to the table leg. He moves around and cuffs your other hand to the opposite leg. You pull and tug, but it’s no use.
“Now check she’s not hiding anything she shouldn’t.” Lee adds tugging your jeans and underwear down your thighs, exposing your ass and pussy.
Han gulps and moves behind you. He strokes your back gently, and leans over you. He’s fucking hard too. “Just be good and do everything he says. Try to relax, baby. Okay. Don’t be a brat.” He soothes as his hand cups your pussy. “You’re doing great. So wet already.”
You suck in a breath. You’re turned on. No doubt about it. You close your eyes as Han slides a finger into your cunt. “Have to check you aren’t hiding anything you shouldn’t. Shhh…. Stay calm. It’s all going to be okay.”
He inserts another finger, sliding them in and out of you. Wet sounds immediately fill the interrogation room.
“I’m gonna check your pretty little mouth.” Minho forces your mouth open with his hand and shoves two fingers inside. “Suck on them.” He hisses. You do as you’re told, sucking on the detective’s digits. He removes them before sitting back down to enjoy the show.
Behind you you hear Han unbuckling his belt, then the sound of a zipper. “Shhh… you need to stay quiet, okay. So you don’t get yourself into more trouble.” Han whispers, but his voice is strained. The tip of his cock slides through your dripping folds several times, before he pushes it deep into your pussy.
“Ngh…fuck!” You gasp.
“Now, what did Detective Han say, hmm?” Lee leans forward in his seat and pulls the hair off your face. “If you can’t be quiet I’ll have to put something in your mouth to make you quiet.”
But you can’t stay quiet. Han is fucking into you hard. Each thrust pressing you into the cold, hard table. He’s hitting you deep too. The kind, sweet Detective Han isn’t holding back. His fingers dig into your hips, and his body slaps against yours loudly.
“Has she hidden anything in her cunt?” Lee asks Han.
“I’m not hiding anything, I promise!” You cry. Minho raises an eyebrow, unamused. “I wasn’t asking you.” He snaps and looks towards Han.
“She is.” Han grunts.
“What?!” You lift your head in protest. “No!”
“Tsk tsk. Now you’ve made me very angry.” Lee says low. He stands and undoes his trousers too, revealing his thick, hard cock. You swallow hard. You’re nervous. But you’re also excited.
Lee steps towards you and tilts your head in such a way that he can rub the tip of his cock along your lips. “You’ve got such a filthy, lying mouth.” He whispers. “It’s gonna feel good around my dick.” He holds your head steady as he fucks your mouth. He’s surprisingly gentle and smooth as Han continues to fuck you rough from behind.
“Han, what’s she hiding from us?” He moans as his cock hits the back of your throat.
“She’s hiding an orgasm.” Han responds. “And, she’s keeping all this cream inside her. Look!” He exclaims pulling his dick out and showing Lee.
The mean detective looks down at you like you’re pathetic and smirks. “Show her.” He snarls, withdrawing his cock from your mouth.
Han comes to stand in front of you, and you see how creamy and wet you are. His cock is covered in it.
“You have to clean it. It’s all gonna be ok. Just do as we ask. You’ll be fine.” Han looks at you with soft eyes. “Now…all you need to do is clean it up. Okay?” He pushes his cock into your mouth. He pushes in further and you gag. “Shhh…That’s it. That’s it.” He encourages you.
Your eyes water because he pushes in so deep, and he takes his time to pull out, making it hard to breath. “Yes, you’re doing really well.” He praises.
Lee’s behind you now, slapping your ass. The sound resounds around the room. He slaps you again and you sob around Han’s cock.
“That’s for not cooperating with an interrogation.”
Another slap. “That’s for hiding your arousal.”
One more slap. “Now you’re gonna come for us.”
He slides into your heat and your eyes roll back into your head. He pulls out almost to the tip and pauses. You clench in anticipation, then he slams back in.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come. Let me come in your mouth and I’ll promise I’ll put in a good word for you.” Han’s breath is shaky, and his thrusts stutter. “Catch it all for me…ngh… I’m coming.” Han throws his head back and moans as his thick cum coats your throat.
He plonks down on the chair, panting.
“Finally some cooperation.” Scoffs Lee, pounding into your pussy. “Han. Release her arms.” He orders his partner.
You’re swiftly uncuffed and your flipped onto your back. Lee pushes your legs up and squeezes his dick back inside you. Han’s at your side kissing and sucking your nipples. “You’re doing good. I’m proud of you.” He nibbles your breasts as his hands explore your body.
Lee brings his thumb to your clit, rubbing firm, rough circles on it. You close your eyes savouring every sensation that the detectives are making you feel.
You’re not on a cold metal table in a dingy little room. You’re floating, soaring higher and higher. You’re going to fall apart any second now. The tension inside you is about to snap.
Han’s lips find yours. Soft, gentle, kind. “I love it when you’re a bad girl.” He whispers and slips his tongue into your mouth.
It’s your undoing and you whimper as you clamp down around Lee’s cock.
“Fuck!” Growls Lee, pulling out and spurting ropes of cum on your stomach. He steadies himself, staying buried inside you until his cock softens.
“Now. The location. Give it to us.” Minho presses as he pulls his trousers back up.
“Please?” Han looks down at you.
“I said never.” You whisper defiantly.
Lee sighs. “Fine. We’ll be back in an hour to interrogate your further.” He says flatly, and he and Han leave the room, locking the door behind them.
Read unrelated sub police officer Han ask here
Read unrelated ot8 free use jail cell
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luvs4matt · 1 day
a lesson learned - matt sturniolo
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pairing - dom!bestfriend!matt x sub!bratty!reader
warnings - use of y/n, implied aftercare, slight fluff at the end, SMUT, rough sex, doggy style, cowgirl, missionary, orgasm denial, degradation, praise, begging, bratty reader, angst?, sir kink, spanking (ass and tits), fingering, punishment, nicknames (baby, baby girl, doll, sweetheart, good girl, my girl, whore), dirty talk, oral (m receiving), kissing/makeout, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, cream pie
summary - in which reader gets an attitude 4 different times that day, 1 time matt does something about it.
a/n - i don’t know if i love this or hate it, but i hope all of you love it 🩷
10:23 AM
“hey” matt says as he walks around the couch to sit down next to you
you heard him but didn’t reply, you simply left your eyes on the tv “you okay kid?”
“oh my god, i’m fucking fine i just don’t want to talk!”
matt decided to not respond leaving you alone
he steals glances at you making sure you’re actually okay and not lying to him
“the fuck are you looking at” you had noticed his glances as soon as they started, you tried to not say anything but you couldn’t anymore
“sorry” he mumbles
1:56 PM
“i’m going to the store, do you need me to grab anything there for you?” he asks while walking into your bedroom
same thing as earlier, you didn’t respond
“y/nnn hello” you look up at him through your eyelashes giving “what.”
“i asked you if you needed anything from the store while i’m there” you roll your eyes as he repeats his question “and i didn’t answer you. that means no.”
“okay, my bad”
6:34 PM
“FUCK OFF” you yell from behind the door
matt had knocked on your door to ask you if you wanted to come with him, nick, chris, and a few friends to dinner
instead of listening to you he asks his question from the other side of the door
you open your door looking at him saying “i said fuck. off.” before shutting the door right in his face
matt rolls his eyes getting sick of your attitude
11:36 PM
you’re curled up in a ball on the triplets couch
nick went to sleep around an hour ago, chris joined him about half an hour later
now only leaving you and matt in the living room “wanna watch a movie” matt asks
you glare at him before going back to your phone
“are you sure you’re okay?” this time you keep your eyes on your phone “yes? why wouldn’t i be?” your attitude still there
“you have had a attitude all day with me, what happened?” you immediately get out of your position now sitting normally
“i haven’t had a fucking attitude matt! i just want you to leave me the hell alone, is it that hard? it is so easy too hate you sometimes”
matt is done with your attitude
he stands up walking over to you “what the fuck are y-“ you cut yourself off when he bends down gripping your jaw with his hand
“no, absolutely not, that is not what were gonna do, you will not disrespect me” he whispers “if you don’t like it then do something about it” you spit
he moves his hand down to your waist turning you over so you are now face down ass up
you’re about say something but instead gasping as a hard slap lands on your ass “fuck!” your hands grip onto the cushions “so tell me doll, why have you been bratty all day” another hard slap landing on your ass
“i- i don’t know” you stutter, another slap “nope. try again”
“i’m sorry” another slap “that’s not a reason”
“i- i was just i- in a bad mood” another slap “not good enough”
“y- you” another slap “yeah? hows that”
“um, y-your hands, the- the rings, the placement” his hands aren’t slapping your ass anymore, they are now massaging it
“and, your arms” matt wishes he could see the look on your face “what about my arms, what did you like”
jesus what is there not to like “they looked good.. really good, the shirt you were wearing accentuated them”
“mm so i turned you on? got you all hot and bothered? maybe a little needy” he chuckles as you nod your head “you want me to help with that sweetheart?”
you try and push your hips back to meet his front but fail when he uses the grip on your waist to keep you in place “please”
“y’know whats funny? just a few minutes ago you were telling me you hate me, now you’re sitting here in front of me practically begging me to touch you”
you whine at his words knowing he was right
his hands travel from your waist to the waistband of your shorts silently asking for permission “please matt” he pulls your shorts down in one swift motion
he chuckles at the sight in front of him “no panties?” his fingers making contact with your hole rubbing back and forth at a teasingly slow pace “your fucking soaked, is this all from my hands? my arms? what’s it from doll”
“everything, y- you, your arms, hands, words, e- everything, just everything” you whimper at the small movements on your core “you like how i talk too you? thats so cute” when he says his last words he plunges his two fingers inside of you
you moan at the feeling of his fingers slowly gliding in and out of you “faster” you try pushing your hips towards him but once again failed “be patient.”
you groan in annoyance “i swear to god matt if you don’t fucking-“ suddenly his movements are much faster than before
so many lewd sounds coming from behind you “shit!” you could feel the cold metal of his rings brushing against you “what were you saying baby? i didn’t hear you” he taunts
“y- you were going too slow” his fingers speed up more “yeah? this good enough for you? or you want more?” before you could respond his fingers some how went faster
you moan in response
the pad of his thumb connects with your clit, you start to let out a loud moan but he covers your mouth “shut the fuck up” he growls
his fingers glide in and out of you at a fast pace, you could feel every movement he made, every curl he made of his fingers, every vein, every inch
you were going fucking insane, but in a good way
the tips of his fingers kissed your cervix with every thrust, he would pull his fingers almost completely out of you before shoving them as deep as they could inside of you
your moans and whimpers muffled by his hand, you take his hand off of your mouth “or what? your gonna punish me?” you whine when his fingers pull completely out of you with no return
you hear the small sound of matt talking off his clothes “cat got your tongue matty?” you laugh, your laugh comes to a quick stop when his palm makes contact with your ass
“turn the hell around” you compile turn around sitting on your knees, you stare at his dick in awe taking in how big he is “what? cat got your tongue?” he mocks before shoving himself inside of your now open mouth
he doesn’t take his time with you either, he is immediately shoving your face down, your nose hitting his pubic bone
he loved the sight of you gagging around him, you never pull back from him, taking his whole 8 inches in your throat “atta girl, putting that pretty mouth to good use”
he uses his free hand to feel on your throat to find where he is, once he finds where he sits he puts slight pressure on the area “you feel me right here babygirl? feel me so deep in your throat?” you nod your head considering you weren’t able to talk
he pulls out letting you get air for a quick second before shoving himself back in your throat
your makeup is ruined, wet mascara stains all over your cheeks, spit bubbles forming around your mouth, your hair held in a makeshift ponytail
hell YOU were ruined, after a couple more minutes he pulls out again
“lay down. now.” you lay your back down onto the couch allowing matt to crawl on top of you capturing your lips in a heated kiss
he trails his lips down to your neck, sucking, and biting, giving you a few more marks before moving back up to your lips
“i need you” you mumble against his lips “yeah? want my cock inside of your wet little pussy” he lines his tip up with your entrance “yes.. please” he makes one swift movement bottoming out inside you
he pulls your tank over your head before starting his fast, hard thrust, he repeatedly hits a spot inside of you that you didn’t even know existed “s- so good” you moan
he wraps his hand around your throat adding slight pressure
“you feel good?” he taunts you are barely able to even speak “yes.. so so good” he continues pounding into you at a ruthless pace, watching how your face contorts in pleasure
your tits were bouncing with every thrust, just so fucking pretty
“god i could live inside of this pretty little pussy forever” the pleasure you were receiving was a embarrassing amount
you could feel everything, he is the first and only person who can fuck you raw, because now that you know how he feels inside of you, you don’t know if you will be able to stop
“i love this pussy so fucking much.” you clench around him at his erotic words, you start to lift your hips up in attempt to flip you over so your on top
but matt put a quick stop to it by placing both of his hands down on your lower stomach, putting most of his weight on the bulge of his dick inside of you speeding up his thrust “you better stop movin girl”
“i wanna ride it” you whine “yeah? how bad you wanna ride my cock?” it took a minute for you to respond due to all of the moans leaving your mouth “so bad matt, so so bad” your words were barely even spoken, it was practically all moans coming out of your mouth
matt knew what you were saying, but why not tease you more right? “what was that sweetheart? couldn’t hear you” you were fighting to get your words out but it was so hard “i- i wanna- oh my god!”
not only does matt speed up his thrust even more but he also starts to play with your clit, removing one of the hands that was on your stomach
“i’m sorry baby, i didn’t hear you that time either, one more time” matt is very amused with the sight under him “i wanna ri- oh fuck, wanna ride your cock so so bad, matty please!”
he quickly flipped you both over so you were now on top while his back was against the back cushions, you waste no time lining him back up to your hole before sinking down on him
you immediately start bouncing on him “why couldn’t you have been a good girl like this all day, didn’t even have to help you bounce on my cock”
your mouth was in a o shape. your eyes clenched shut “you gonna be good and do whatever i tell you to babygirl?” you could feel your orgasm creeping up on you already
“y- yes sir” the lewd sounds of skin slapping mixed with your moans and matts groans are the only thing to be heard throughout the whole house “mm good, good girl”
he could feel you were close, your noises were getting higher in pitch and closer together, you were clenching him hard “don’t cum” you open your eyes in surprise from being caught off guard
“w-what” you never took matt to be the kind of guy to deny orgasms, but you also more took him to be a soft dom kind of guy “i didn’t stutter sweetheart, you know what i said”
he grips your hips harder than before now controlling your hips, pushing your hips down to meet his as be thrust up into you “my sweet.. dirty.. little whore” he whispers in your ear
you start to squeeze him harder “you wanna cum sweet girl?” his voice laced with faux sympathy and mischief “yes..” he moves his lips to suck right under your ear while whispering “well too fucking bad”
you don’t know how he was able to but he quickened his thrust once again
tears of pleasure and frustration run down your cheeks as your orgasm is dangerously close “please! ill do anything! please just let me cum please!” he could tell you were on the edge of not being able to wait so he pulls out of you completely
“no! no! no!” matt brushes his fingers through your hair as you cry harder “shh it’s okay, you said you’ll let me do whatever i want to you correct?” you mumble a ‘mhm’ into his shoulder
a harsh slap landing on your ass causing you to yelp “correct?” you had never seen any side of matt remotely close to how he is right now, you should probably be scared but you weren’t, you loved it
“yes sir!” he presses a soft sweet kiss on your neck “well i want you to turn around, face down, ass up, and do not cum until i tell you otherwise, understand?” you don’t think you had ever been turned on more in your life
“yes sir” you un-straddle him getting into the position he wanted, now facing the kitchen “you listen so well” he praises as bottoms out, towering over you with his arm wrapped around your neck
he stays still inside of you, waiting for you to get worked up and annoyed “please fuck me matty please” and he succeeded “you need it baby?” hot tears run down your face in frustration “yes..”
“then beg for it” he feels you clench around him at his demand “please.. i need it, i need you to make me cum matt, please” matt was very satisfied with your begging
“aw you do? need me to make you cum, hm?” he teases “yes, please i need it so bad” he pulls out of you almost completely before slamming back into you, a loud, broken moan erupts from your throat
he thrust into a few more times before stopping his movements “i didn’t hear a thank you” instead of matt slapping you on your ass he slapped your tits “t- thank you! please, don’t stop! ill be a good girl i promise!” he restarts his thrust in and out of you, finding the perfect rhythm
“i expect you to keep that promise” your noises continue to get louder and louder to the point nick and chris could wake up at any moment now “shut that fucking mouth”
you whine as he starts to thrust harder “i- I’m sorry, j- just feels s-so good” you stutter “yeah? as much as i love those pretty little noises of yours, we can’t have chris knowing how pretty my girl sounds”
your orgasm starts to re-appear in your stomach “m’gonna cum! please! please let me cum!” your hands grip onto the arm he had wrapped around your throat “have you been a good girl?” your tear droplets have turned into sobs at this point
“yes! i’ve been such a good girl for you! only you!” you were using all your strength to hold off your orgasm “go ahead babygirl, make this cock yours” the band in your stomach snaps, releasing all over him “thank you! thank you! thank you!”
“there you go, thats my good girl” his pace stayed the same over stimulating you
you surge forward from the over stimulation but was quickly pulled back “don’t fucking run from me” he groans “t- too much!” you were sore but you really didn’t want him to stop
he slows his movements to tease you “you want me to stop?” you shake your head vigorously “see, i knew you could take it”
you could hear every moan and groan he let out into your ear
“so tight around me, fuck” matt places his hand down on the bulge in your stomach from his cock “oh my god! matt! too much! too much!” you squeal “i’ll stop when you cum”
your sobs and moans only spur him on “i’m close matt! so so close!”
“you gonna cum with me sweetheart?” you let out a faint ‘mhm’ “come on babygirl, cum” his words quite literally send you over the edge, his orgasm follows right after you stilling his hips with a loud groan
he stays inside of you for a minute before pulling out
you plop down on your back, legs still shaking “so i’m your girl?” you ask “well do you want to be my girl” you pretend to think about it before responding “yeah, i think so”
he places a soft kiss to your lips while he picks you up off the couch “lets go get my pretty girl cleaned up”
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bettyfrommars · 1 day
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Call From a Payphone at the End of the World
Eddie Munson x Reader
18+ONLY, mention of smut, yearning, gender neutral reader but a few pet names are used, alcohol consumption, no Vecna, new crush, star-crossed lovers, strange things happen. Reader and Eddie are over 21.
word count: 1.6k
This a mix of several fic ideas that all blended together somehow. One being a road trip fic where Eddie falls for an older reader that I hope to finish one day, plus something for the Stranger Prompts list. Several of the prompts are used in this, but I wanted to keep them a secret. I wouldn't say this is a hurt/no comfort fic, but there will be a hint of that. It is a hopeful, star-crossed lovers story at its core.
After Eddie pumped a few bucks worth of gas into the tank, he couldn’t get across the parking lot to the payphone fast enough.  He was sure his heart would explode if he couldn’t talk to you again; the few hours of highway rolling out for an eternity. 
After punching the metal keypad, he secured a hand over his heart, waiting.  Just after the second ring, there you were with that voice he’d come to adore with every fiber of his being.
“Hey you,” his smile was so big it made his cheeks hurt. “It’s Eddie. Wanted to check in, you know, make sure you made it home okay.”
At the other end, butterflies exploded in your stomach.  “Hey there stranger,” you ached to reach out and hold him.  “I was hoping it would be you.”
He played with the metal cord attaching the receiver to the phone box, tucking his chin so that his next words were mumbled.  “What would you say if I told you I missed you already?”
He felt as if he no longer existed in this reality, as if time and space and whatever the hell else didn’t matter as long as he was connected to you somehow, as long as you were real.  The words kept bubbling up in his chest, and if he didn’t let them out and tell you how he felt, he might suffocate.  
You put down the stack of mail you were holding and sat on the nearby chair to calm your buzzing head.  “I’d say you got it bad for me, Munson.”
“I think you might be onto something there,” he chuckled, turning his head to make sure no one from the isolated gas station was lurking nearby.  “I wish I could kiss you right now.”
“I wish we could do more than that,” you said, grinning. 
“Glad I’m not the only one,” he pinched the front of his Megadeth shirt and brought it to his nose. “I’m never gonna wash this shirt ever again, just so you know.  It smells like you.”
“I almost kept it,” you started to doodle spirals on the pad in front of you with a red pen. 
“I would’ve let you,” he smirked, remembering the way you straddled him in nothing but that shirt in the back of his van for one final quickie before parting ways.  The feeling of being inside of you, that sense of completion and connection, would be his main masturbation fodder for the foreseeable future.  
Holy shit, he was crazy about you.
Having such intense feelings for someone after barely 24 hours of knowing them was not reasonable, he knew that, but he also didn’t care.  
He’d been on his way home from visiting his friend Ronnie when the storm hit, and some of the roads were blocked off due to flooding.  The rain crashed down all night, lightning cracked the sky, and all he could think of as your bodies writhed tangled and sweaty, was that he could die a happy man.  
He called Gareth that night, told him he wouldn’t make it to practice, and decided to slink into a dark bar for a beer.  There you were, looking all sorts of futuristic and out of place.  You had a device in your hand that resembled something out of Star Trek, but you said it didn’t work, that it was “dead” and you couldn’t find your “charger”.  You fascinated the fuck out of him.  He asked if you were an alien, and without missing a beat, you responded, “would that be a problem?”
Not at all, sweetheart.  Not. At. All.
“I kinda want to get in my car and race back to you,” you spoke softly.
Eddie tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Man, that’s all I could think about the whole way was turning around. I feel like I left my heart on the road back there.”
“I’ll keep it safe,” you whispered, making his entire body shiver with longing.
“When can I see you again? I mean, when do you think…should I come to you or—”
The automatic operator’s voice cut him off, asking him to deposit 25 cents.
“Are you calling me from a payphone?” You sounded astonished.  “I didn’t even know those things existed anymore.”
“They’re all over the place, sweetheart,” he huffed, distracted with searching his denim pockets for change.  “Not all of us have strange little pocket calculator things we speak into.”
“I love an old school man.”
Hearing the word “love” roll off your tongue in relation to him made him want to reach out and take you in his arms so bad he could scream.  
“Hey, I left all my change in the van, this is going to cut me off, but I’ll call you when I get home, yeah?”
“Please do, I don’t care how late it is.”
“Okay I will, and also—”
But then the line went dead.
You pulled your iPhone away from your cheek and stared at the screen with a sad frown.  You hoped that one day he’d let you bring him up to speed with the age of technology.  Until then, you found it charming as fuck that he didn’t own a cellphone, and loved to act oblivious to anything involving computers. 
You had your cell charging on the countertop when one of your friends texted you a few minutes later, demanding the details of the mystery man who’d swept you off your feet in some dive bar out in the boonies.  
Usually, you avoided one night stands at all costs.  You had to care very deeply about someone in order to be intimate with them, and for some reason, you felt bonded to Eddie after the first hour.  It was thrilling, but also scary and uncomfortable all at once. 
“What happened to the dude you were supposed to meet there?” Your friend Tina asked.  “The one from the dating app?”
“Oh, he never showed,” you chuckled, thinking that you’d totally forgotten why you’d driven almost two hours away to another town in the first place. “But it was for the best.  If he hadn’t ghosted, I never would have met Eddie.”
“What was the name of the bar again?” She asked after you dished all of the details on your new crush.
“Wait, I think I have one of their matchbooks in my bag—” you dug around, finally holding it out in front of you.  “I guess it’s called The Upside Down? Never heard of it before, but the address was correct, I’m sure of it. My GPS was acting weird, so who knows.”
The bar hadn’t been updated since the 70’s, it seemed.  Wood paneling, sticky tables, peanut shells on the floor, and one of those vintage jukeboxes that played nothing but oldies.  Eddie remarked that it reminded him a lot of one of the bars he did gigs at with his band.
Corroded Coffin, you doodled the name down, reminding yourself to google it later. Eddie said he wasn’t on social media, and pretended not to know what it even was.  Just one more quirk of his that charmed you to death and made you smile to yourself.
You fell asleep on the couch that night with the phone on your chest, and woke up the next morning with a kink in your neck and a dry mouth.
Nothing from Eddie, not even a missed call.  
Maybe he got in late and didn’t want to wake you.  It was almost 9:00 in the morning when you tried the number he’d given you for his uncle’s place.  
The number had been disconnected or was no longer in service.  
Panic swelling in your throat, you scrolled back to the number of the payphone he’d called you from. 
Also not in service.
Glassy eyed, you sat up and stared at the wall for a long time.
Soon after, you wiped away frustrated tears and got on the internet to search.
“That can’t be right,” you whispered at the screen, looking at a photo of Corroded Coffin at a bar called The Hideout in 1985.  Eddie Munson, graduate of Hawkins High in 1986.
You swallowed thickly, shaking your head.
Zooming in on the few photos you found, you couldn’t help but notice the insane similarities between your Eddie, and 1980’s Eddie.  The one you knew was maybe a few years older, but that was definitely him.
Could it be a relative? No.
All of the odd conversations you’d had that night began to click together.  Had his perplexity with the idea of you carrying a phone been legit? You figured he was just being silly.  
There wasn’t much you could find about him, but one final news snippet caught your eye:
“....Hawkins native and Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson has not been seen or heard from since the fall of ‘89 after leaving a cryptic note for his uncle, Wayne Munson.  “He had a bunch of letters he wanted me to pass out to his friends,” Wayne explained. “He said he hoped that he would be able to come back to Hawkins, but he wasn’t sure how it all “worked”. That he loved me, but he had to go and find someone.”
You gulped, tears rolling hot down your cheeks.
“He went back,” you sniffed, choking on a sob. “He went back to find me, he…”
You trailed off, looking up at the clock, and then over to your car keys on the table.
What if Eddie circled back to find you and you weren’t there? What if that bar you’d met at never even existed?
But Eddie, he was real, and he was coming for you.
You left a note too, texted Tina, and then you were on the road again.
Pedal to the metal into the gathering storm.  
Thank you for reading, I love you.
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viixen01 · 3 days
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫.
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you bite your lip hard as you stare down at the floor beneath you. tears burned your eyes, blurring your vision as they fell to the floor creating a stain in your carpet. your brain was completely shutting down from the words that just left your boyfriends mouth.
“i’m in love with momo ..” those words echoing and repeating in your head. your fist clenched and bunching up your white skirt that sat just above your knees. you were in denial. so much denial about this. you couldn���t for sure say you didn’t notice it. the way he’d look at her when you’d all be in the main area playing uno some nights, the way you’d took notice to them off to the side having conversations. the way the pink blush sat across her face at his words. the way he’d somehow find a way to touch her, weather is be just his hand on hers. the way his eyes.. those beautiful grey and blue eyes would light up when he’d hear her laugh. knowing he was the one that got such a pretty noise out of her.
you saw it all. saw your boyfriend slowly but surely falling out of love with you, and falling in love with her. but you.. you kept hope that maybe they were just close friends. maybe their friendship was deeper than others. grasping onto anything that would help you sleep at night, hoping it was all in your head and that he loved you, and only you. but the words that still continuously echoed in your head, confirmed the worst for you.
“w-what” you whisper as you sucked in a sharp breathe. you could still see his black sweats in your view, his movement unwavering.
“i’m in love with momo y/n .. i didn’t want it to come to or end like this but .. it just kinda happened” he spoke as he stared at your shaking frame. a shiver went curdling up your spine at his words. you let out a whimper as you felt your heart clenching. clenching so hard. it hurt so bad. you had never ever felt something like this. something so painful, and you never ever though that shoto .. your sweet shoto would be cause of such pain.
you sucked in a breathe again. your breathing had started to become irregular at this point. so many things going through your head.
did you do something wrong? did you say something? were you not doing something enough? were you doing too much of something? you were in a utter state of shock and confusion.
“i hope we can still be friends after this … i didn’t want to hurt you. but i don’t love you like i do her” he admitted as the pain your chest worsened. it felt like somebody had taken nails and hammered them in your chest repeatedly without stopping. each word that fell from his lips was another nail piercing your heart making a whimper escape your lips.
as those words left his lips, you saw his black pants beginning to move out of sight. you slowly lifted your head, which felt like the hardest task, being your body was shutting down from the ache within your chest. but that didn’t matter to you right now. all that mattered to you was you couldn’t lose him.
shoto was your everything. you had been together for what was about to be 3 years. you made your relationship official when you both were first years, and you couldn’t help but imagine graduating and becoming a pro with your one true love. you’d given him everything. your heart, mind, soul. you were one. then when the time came, you also gave him your innocence. you had truly gave shoto all of you.
so how could he do this to you. did all of those 3 years mean nothing to him? how long has he been feeling this way? how long had he been stringing you along? what did momo have that you didn’t? was your best and most beautiful parts about you, not enough for him? were you that worthless to him that he could throw away 3 beautiful years that felt like bliss to you, like it was trash.
you sucked in another long breathe as your mouth fell agape. searching for words to say, something to plead. it wasn’t until the door had opened that it dawned on you. he was actually leaving you.
“shoto .. p-please don’t .. please don’t leave me.. whatever i did, i’m sorry. if i said or did something wrong i’m sorry. i love you so much… you can’t just- you can’t just leave me shoto please” you whine as tears flooded your face.
shoto paused as his hand rested on the knob of your door. he squeezed his eyes shut in annoyance. he was hoping he could leave without you saying anything. so he didn’t have to deal with any of it. he was hoping to leave and be done with it. but he knew all too well the type of love you have for him. he knew you’d do this.
“y/n .. you didn’t do anything. i already told you, i just don’t love you .. i love her” he sighed as he kept his back to you, he wouldn’t dare turn around and look at those beautiful e/c doe eyes. he knew it’d hurt a little. not because he still loves you, but because he knows you didn’t do anything. he knows you’ve been nothing but the sweetest, most loving, caring, and giving girlfriend to him. how could he face you, knowing all that?
“shoto please .. i’ll do whatever you want. whatever you want, whatever you need i’ll give it to you. please don’t do this to me. don’t leave me please” you plead as saliva ran down the corners of your mouth. he had never heard you sob this hard. he feared this would happen. he began to feel bad, feel bad for you.
he needed to end this and fast.
“no. i told you i’m leaving. i told you i love her. there’s nothing to be said or done. we don’t have to be friends, i only asked that for your sake. i’ll pack your things that are in my dorm and put them in a box and return them to you. i’d like for you to do the same with my things. goodbye y/n” and with that he slammed your door shut making your eyes widen.
he was gone. he had left. left you and everything you guys built over the last 3 years. the final nail had been hammered into your heart and that last wave of ache washed over you. and it was more intense than anything you could imagine. you collapsed over on your bed as your body strained from exhaustion, and all that could be heard, all that your body could do was sob. sob as you felt your heart finally break from the last nail.
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should i do a pt 2 😭😭?
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(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Eight
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Mention of periods (don't worry, we're not doing Saltburn), smutty behaviour, use of toys. More sickening cuteness. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5k
A/N : It's not exactly a cliffhanger but I get the feeling people won't like where it ends... Oh also spoilers for Jane Eyre (but it's 170 years old so I'm assuming people know the twist?)
Chapter Eight
The gentle touch of his fingers on your cheek woke you and, for a few seconds, you weren’t sure where you were. Billy was crouched in front of you, smiling softly. Your eyes threatened to close again, feeling exhausted and like all of it was just a dream.
“Hey,” he muttered softly, his fingers still tenderly caressing your cheek. “Are you okay?”
Finally, you managed to wake yourself up enough to realise that you weren’t dreaming, and that you’d fallen asleep on the sofa beneath the yellow blanket Billy had bought for you.
“I’m fine, just tired,” you told him, slowly sitting up.
Billy remained crouched in front of you, tenderly cupping your cheek and looking almost concerned.
“Did you draw too much blood again?”
“No, it's not that. I did that hours ago. I'm just really tired.”
“Just tired?” He pressed the back of his cold hand to your forehead, checking your temperature.
“And my head hurts a little.”
“When is, uh -” he hesitated, almost looking uncharacteristically embarrassed, “- when is your next period due?”
Your cheeks warmed with both the realisation and the fact that Billy had figured it out before you. That was why you felt so awful. “Soon, I think? I-I lost track of the days after I moved in,” you explained, “and I've never been very, uh… regular…”
Thankfully, Billy just nodded and sat himself beside you, an arm around you pulling you into his side.
“Do you need to go lay down?”
“No I - I want to spend time with you,” you told him, resting your head on his shoulder. “We didn't really get to finish talking last night…”
“Was there something else you wanted to say or ask?” Billy asked softly, shifting a little so you could get comfortable against him. 
You stayed silent for a few moments, thinking over all of the things you wanted to ask, wondering what you had the right to ask. “What causes it? What makes you feel like everything is... too much? I’ve only ever seen a vampire lose control from hunger...”
“Sometimes it’s hunger,” he offered reluctantly, “other times it’s just... I don’t know. Even before I was turned, I was never any good at controlling my emotions. And, now, I feel like I’m constantly fighting myself. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m drowning. Everything about you; your scent, the taste of your blood, the way your heart races... it’s a lot to try and ignore.”
Although the words were spoken to you, about you, you knew better than to read too much into them. It was the constant proximity, he probably felt that way around any human after enough time. It wasn’t because he felt anything for you.
“That sounds exhausting.” 
“It is,” he admitted, waiting for a beat before asking; “why did you apologise? I lost control but you apologised.”
“Because I -” you stopped yourself before the lie managed to leave your lips. It hadn’t been your fault, as difficult as it was for you to accept that fact, you knew it was true. “Because I’ve always been made to feel like it’s my fault when bad things happen to me. The night we met, you asked me what I was running from, and that’s part of it; I was raised to feel ashamed and believe I deserved everything bad that happened to me.”
You heard him inhale sharply before he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He was silent a moment before speaking again.
“Who left you?” He asked softly. You lifted your head, frowning. “Last night when you asked why I was leaving you it just… you sounded hurt, like someone had left you before…”
“My sister,” you answered, “she left home when she was eighteen and my parents disowned her because of it. She said she'd come back for me, but she never did.”
“Why did she leave?”
“My parents wanted her to marry a guy she didn’t want to marry.”
“Is that why you left?” He asked and immediately seemed to regret it when your gaze dropped. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”
A moment later, you snuggled back into his side and closed your eyes. “How long until you have to go to work?”
“I can stay another twenty minutes,” he told you softly, slipping his arm around you. He was silent for a few minutes, before letting out a slow exhale. “I’m not going to be able to see you for a few days, it’s not safe for me to be around you while you’re...”
He didn’t have to say it for you to understand and, as much as you wanted to argue with him, you knew it wouldn’t be fair to try and force the issue. Now that you had some idea of how he felt and how much of a struggle it was for him to be around you sometimes, you knew Billy needed space.
“It’s okay, I understand.”
You stayed that way for another twenty-five minutes until you gently reminded Billy that he was going to be late for work. He didn’t seem to want to leave you and it made your heart ache to think about why that might be. Though, rationally, you understood that it wasn’t you; he was just tired. You were finally starting to understand just how difficult and exhausting it was for him just to get through a day.
He gave you a soft kiss and told you that he’d see you again soon.
The next morning when you woke up cramping and feeling terrible, until you found that he’d left a gift basket in your kitchen, filled with things you might need over the coming days; painkillers, chocolates, a new smart-watch with a cycle tracking app, a heating-pad, various toiletries and a large teddy bear with a note pinned to his chest.
I thought you and Bill the Beagle might want some company.
Take care of yourself. I’ll see you soon.
Butterflies filled your stomach at the thoughtfulness of the gifts and, later that afternoon, when you left blood for him, you couldn’t resist leaving him a note of your own.
Thank you for your considerate gifts. William the Bear is a wonderful addition to my growing stuffie collection and the chocolates were lovely. Hope you have a good night at work.
The next day you felt even worse but, again, you were pleasantly surprised when you managed to drag yourself to the kitchen to get breakfast and some coffee. There was another box of chocolates and another note waiting for you.
William is a terrible name for a bear. I didn’t expect you to get through the chocolates so quickly, remind me to stock up next month. I hope you’ve not been watching Black Sails without me.
Take care
And, of course - of course - you had to reply, leaving your note with his blood again.
I happen to like the name William. I think it suits him. He looks like a William. I hope you’re not trying to shame me for enjoying the chocolates, truffles and caramels are my weakness. Don’t worry, I’ve not been watching anything without you, I’ve been reading. You were right, Jane Eyre was a very apt choice.
His notes became your reason to get up in the morning, though they were a bittersweet reminder of his noticeable absence in your life. It filled you with a strange yearning and an uncomfortable sadness to think about him out there on his own. But that was a silly thought. You didn’t know anything about his life outside of the penthouse, about his work or his friends, maybe he wasn’t even noticing your absence.
(Or maybe he felt it just as much as you did.)
Okay, I have to ask; what does a William look like? Of course I’d never shame you for enjoying the chocolates, but now you’ve told me your weakness I might have to use it to my advantage. I hope you’re enjoying Jane Eyre more than you enjoyed Dorian Gray.
I hope you’re not feeling too bad. I miss our talks.
Your heart stuttered as you read and reread those four little words; I miss our talks. He missed you. Maybe not quite in the same way that you were missing him but, still, it made you long for him even more.
Well, in my experience Williams tend to be cute and cuddly, even though they look a little dark and brooding at first glance. Oh no! Please don’t use my weakness for chocolate truffles against me!!! (The extra exclamation marks are so you read that in a sarcastic tone.) Yes, I think I like Jane Eyre more than Dorian Gray - Mr Rochester kind of reminds me of you.
I’m feeling a bit better today, I should be fine in a couple of days. I miss spending time with you too. I hope you’re not too lonely without me around.
You doodled a little picture of the teddy bear he’d given you on the corner of the note but gave him a grumpy looking face and a tag that read ‘my name is William’. 
There was a strange feeling of embarrassment when you left the note and you almost changed your mind about it halfway back to your room, and you spent the rest of the evening wondering if it was a little too much.
So, the next morning, you felt a little reluctant to go into the kitchen, and had to take a deep breath before reading his note.
Dark and brooding?? I think you might have to elaborate, but I’ll let you save that for when I see you next. I hope that there will come a point in the book where Mr Rochester doesn’t remind you of me quite so much (I don’t know where you’re up to and I don’t want to spoil it).
I’m glad you’re feeling better. The penthouse isn’t the same without you. It’s strange, you’ve only been here a couple of months yet and it already feels empty without you. I miss you.
P.S. Is the doodle supposed to be me or the stuffie?
It felt like your head was spinning as you read, reread, and read again. 
He missed you.
Billy missed you.
You spent half the day writing and rewriting your note to him, in one attempt confessing your feelings, in another acting completely blaise about his confession. Nothing you came up with felt right but the thought of not replying seemed worse.
I see what you mean about Mr Rochester... though I don’t know if I can completely rule out the possibility of you having a strange woman tucked away somewhere in the penthouse. It would certainly explain where all of the chocolates have been going.
I miss you too. I know what you mean, I feel the same way, like I’ve been here longer. But I suppose that’s how things feel when you get close to someone. Hope to see you tomorrow.
P.S. I’ll never tell. An artist never reveals her secrets.
There was no end to your relief the next morning when you woke up finally feeling better, knowing that you’d be able to see Billy again. Part of you expected not to find a note, but there it was, waiting for you on your kitchen table, just like the others had been.
I can think of a less mysterious explanation for the disappearance of your chocolates, little hummingbird.
I’m not used to missing people. I’m not used to being close to them either. Some days I feel like my whole life has turned upside down since I met you. I can’t wait to see you again.
P.S. I think it’s magicians that never reveal their secrets, not artists.
Again, he left you searching for deeper meaning in every word, your heart aching for a man who seemed so lonely and alone, a man who didn’t deserve that life at all.
After breakfast you showered and washed your hair, wanting to look your best when you saw him again.
Slowly but surely, over the course of the day, your nerves started to eat away at you; what were you going to say to him? Were you going to pretend that the notes hadn’t happened and that their contents was just idle talk to help the other feel less alone?
You couldn’t sit still as you waited, counting down the hours before sunset, perched on the edge of the sofa and watching his door. The moment it started to open, you were on your feet.
Before he had the chance to even realise that you were there, you’d cleared the distance between you, throwing your arms around his waist and pressing your face against his chest. Billy let out a breath but, for the life of you, you couldn’t tell if it was a sigh of relief or simply because you were squeezing the air from his lungs.
“Hey,” he muttered, his arm slipping around you and holding you almost as tight as you were holding him.
A minute or two passed, neither of you moving or saying anything, until he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and your grip on him started to loosen. You didn’t pull away, but gave yourself enough space to look up at him, smiling shyly as your cheeks started to warm.
“Hi, hummingbird.”
Neither of you seemed to know what to do or where you were supposed to go from there so, again, you both fell silent, still holding each other. Finally, you dared to reach for him, placing your hand on his cheek. His eyes closed and he leaned into your touch, and butterflies began to swarm in your stomach. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you lifted onto your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his.
It was a soft, chaste kiss, nothing at all compared to some of the kisses that you’d shared, but you felt his lips pull into a smile against yours before his eyes finally opened again.
“I missed you,” he admitted in little more than a whisper. 
His hand moved to rest on your neck and you found yourself glad of his cold touch after what seemed like so long without it.
“I missed you too,” you confessed, “I - I missed you more than I probably should have.”
If Billy understood what you were trying to tell him, he didn’t show it. Instead, he just shook his head and smiled before kissing you again.
You sank against him letting him deepen the kiss and turn it into something else, something new. Normally when he kissed you it felt explosive and desperate, like he was laying claim to you, but this kiss was tender and filled with longing, like he was savouring being with you again. It stole the breath from your lungs.
“I missed you,” he muttered again.
“You already said that.”
“I know, I just -” his head shook, and he let out a huffed laugh, “- this has felt like one of the longest weeks of my life.”
“Have you been okay? Was it -” you hesitated, not sure you wanted to ask the question, “- was it easier without me around?”
Billy pulled back a little, frowning. “Why would it be easier?”
“The other night, you said you feel like you’re drowning when you’re with me,” you shrugged a little, letting your gaze drop for a moment.  
Before the notes, you’d assumed that everyone made him feel that way, that it was just part of being a vampire for him. But, now, after his last note and after that kiss, part of you longed for him to admit that it was more, that it was you, that he felt something for you, that he cared.
“I was wrong,” he told you, waiting until you looked up again to continue, “I feel like I’m drowning without you.” 
“Oh.” Whatever you’d expected, it hadn’t been that.
“It’s a lot. I know it’s a lot -” 
“No,” you shook your head, “no, it’s not.”
“I wish I could’ve met you in another life. I wish it wasn’t like this.”
The words caused your chest to ache, understand what he was saying and why because you felt the same way; the situation was a mess and all either of you could do was make the best of it.
There was more you could say - more you wanted to say - but it didn’t feel like the right time, and it wasn’t fair for you to try and push anything when you had every intention of leaving him once you’d finished your year. So, instead, you pressed yourself against him and hugged him tight.
Once you’d managed to pull away from each other, you spent the next hour sitting with him on the sofa, talking while he drank, trading gentle touches and kisses until he needed to leave. You followed him to the elevator, not sure if he was keeping hold of your hand or if it was the other way around. 
It took a couple of weeks for things to start to return to some sort of normal between you.
Karen noticed the first time she saw you, mentioning that you seemed distracted as you walked through Central Park together (thankfully with no sign of Madani in sight), but she didn’t bring it up until you were sitting together a week later, having lunch in a little coffee shop.
“Is everything alright with you and Billy?” She asked, deciding to just go for it.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you answered. And it was fine. You were happy. You just could stop thinking about what he’d said to you and how you wished that things could be just a little bit different so you could both be happy.
“I know Billy’s my friend and you don’t really know me all that well, but you can talk to me if something’s bothering you. Or if he’s done something to bother you.”
There was something in her voice, something knowing that you really didn’t like. But how could she know what was going on with you and Billy, when you didn’t even know yourself?
“Everything’s fine, honestly. It’s great, actually. We’ve been really getting on lately; we’ve been hanging out talking about books and I’ve been making him watch Black Sail on Netflix,” you told her.
Karen nodded, though it didn’t look like she believed you, but she let it drop, leaving you with the sneaking suspicion that she knew a little more about the way Billy was than she wanted to let on.
Your quiet evenings with Billy slowly started to become a little more physical again, though neither of you seemed in a rush to try and push for sex again. Instead, most evenings he’d end up with his head between your thighs, or you’d slip your hand into his pants while you made out. And, even though you found yourself longing for more, you didn’t want to push him. No, you wanted to take things slowly, wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t get overwhelmed again before you took that next step.
Time seemed to fly by and it wasn’t long before the whole penthouse was being turned upside down in anticipation of Billy’s big party; live music, caterers, decorators and, of course, more blood than you felt comfortable seeing in one place. The whole place was transformed over the course of three days and, when the night finally came, you felt almost sick with nerves.
Even Billy had a strange energy about him, checking and double checking every little thing, including a security team from his company whose presence he seemed reluctant to explain to you. You watched from the sofa as he led them around the apartment, explaining where he wanted them and which areas of the penthouse were off-limits. He introduced you to one of them, a human man called Curtis who would be spending the night near the door to your quarters if you needed any help during the night (and, again, Billy didn’t explain what that meant).
A couple of hours before the guests were due to arrive, you went to shower and draw blood before doing your hair and makeup, and getting changed into your dress and shoes. For a few minutes you found yourself staring at your reflection, hoping to find some of the confidence you’d had that night in the dressing room with Billy.
When you stepped out into the penthouse, it only took a moment for his eyes to find you, his jaw threatening to drop as he took in the sight of you. His appearance had the same effect on you; his well tailored tux had you biting your lip.
“Wow, Russo, you really know how to pick them,” Curtis called across the penthouse, earning himself a withering look from Billy and causing your cheeks to heat.
Billy made his way towards you, not bothering to hide the way his eyes were taking in every inch of you. When he reached you, he placed a hand on your hip and kissed your cheek.
“I got you a present,” he told you, using his hand to start guiding you towards the library, pausing momentarily to tell Curtis and his team that they could go take a break before the party started.
Your heart was hammering in your chest as he led you into the library and towards the seldom used desk by the window. Waiting for you were three boxes, each beautifully wrapped in silver paper and tied with black ribbon. Without thought, you found yourself gripping Billy’s arm as your legs threatened to turn to jello beneath you.
He smiled softly, picking up the first box and handing it to you.
“Open it,” he instructed, managing to sound as excited as you felt about this whole exchange.
It felt wrong to destroy the immaculate wrapping, so you took your time, carefully untying the ribbon and peeling open the paper to get at the box. You removed the lid and there, in amongst black tissue paper was an ornate black and silver mask.
“It’s for the party tonight,” he told you when you looked at him for clarification, “we wear the masks until midnight and then take them off. It’s supposed to symbolise vampires being seen by society, but really it’s just an excuse to have fun while no one knows who you are.”
You laughed, head shaking. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.”
But he didn’t give you time to linger, gently taking the box and mask from your hand before offering you the next present, seeming to get more eager with each passing second. He was practically vibrating with excitement.
Your breath caught as you opened the second box. It was a beautiful choker style necklace with diamanté detailing - at least, you assumed that it was diamanté because you couldn’t even start to imagine how much it would have cost if they were real diamonds. For a few seconds you were lost for words.
“Here, let me,” he offered, pulling the necklace from the box before you even had the chance to answer him. Billy stepped behind you, gently draping it around your neck and fastening it for you.
Your fingers immediately reached up to touch it; it felt a little heavy around your neck and you’d never had a choker style necklace before, but the feel of it would be a constant reminder of Billy and you loved that. 
“Thank you, Billy,” you finally managed, turning and wrapping your arms around him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“There’s one more.” He reached for the last present but seemed a little more reluctant to hand it to you. 
And once you’d opened it, you understood why.
“Oh...” said somewhere between shock and confusion. 
You weren’t sure what you’d been expecting, especially not after the mask and the choker, but a new sex toy certainly wasn’t it. Your cheeks heated as you looked at the box, trying to make sense of it, the words discreet and remote play only confused you more.
“I want you to wear this for the party,” he told you, a hint of nervousness in his voice, “if you want to, I mean. If it’s too much, I get it. I just - I thought we could have some fun. And there’s going to be so many people, I guess I want to know you’ll spend the night thinking about me...”
Your cheeks continued to burn, part horrified by the notion, but a much larger part couldn’t help but find the idea interesting, arousing even. And, after everything that had happened between you, part of you was still longing for more.
“You want me to spend the night thinking about you?” You asked quietly.
“More than anything,” he answered in little more than a whisper, like he knew it was something he shouldn’t say.
It felt like your heart leapt into your throat for a few seconds and you struggled to swallow around it. All you could think about was that night a couple of weeks ago, how he told you it felt like he was drowning when he wasn’t with you, and you knew that you couldn’t say no to him. (You didn’t want to say no to him.)
“Okay,” you finally answered, “how do I...?”
“Let me,” he offered, perhaps a little too eagerly, taking the box from your hand, muttering something about how he’d cleaned it and charged it ready before wrapping it.
You bit your lip, watching as he pulled the purple silicone toy out of the box, knowing that he could hear your heart pounding. Then he kissed you, slipping his tongue between your lips and enjoying you for a few moments. When he pulled back he began to trace your lips with the tip of the toy before slipping it into your mouth, causing your cheeks to burn hotter.
You watched him suck his fingers, leaving them glistening with saliva before dropping to his knees and slipping them beneath your dress and into your panties. His free hand nudged your knee and you parted your trembling legs a little further while his fingers stirred between your folds, wetting you before slowly slipping into you.
You moaned softly as his fingers slowly started to pump inside you, twisting and bending, easily finding that special spot. 
Your hands gripped his shoulders, feeling like your legs were going to give out. Another soft moan escaped you when he looked up at you, holding your gaze as his fingers filled you, over and over. You clenched around him as he licked his lips, knowing that he was imagining the taste of your arousal on his tongue.
“You can come whenever you need to,” he told you, smiling up at you like he was in awe of you.
“Billy...” you moaned, your voice muffled by the toy in your mouth, hating how close you were to falling apart.
Your walls clenched and tightened around his fingers again, but you were already so wet that you couldn’t hold onto him or make him slow. There was something about all of this that seemed so obscene, so dirty, and it just made you want it ever more. His fingers hit that sweet spot one more time and it was enough to push you over the edge. Your legs started to tremble and your thighs pressed together, trying to keep his fingers inside you.
And, all the while, Billy smiled up at you.
A needy whine slipped out when he pulled away his hand, but you soon fell silent when he took the toy from your mouth. Your eyes fixed on the bookshelf behind Billy as he inserted the toy, suddenly feeling embarrassed despite everything you’d just let him do. Once he was done, he straightened your panties and made sure your dress was perfect.
Shifting your weight between your legs, you tried to get used to the feeling of the toy while Billy stood up and took out his phone.
“Let’s give it a little test,” he said with an almost mischievous grin on his lips that caused you thighs to clench. Something told you he was going to enjoy this. A lot.
A sudden whimper was pulled from you as the toy started to vibrate.
Billy’s grin grew as his finger swiped on his phone, causing the vibrations to intensify. As good as it felt, a mixture of shame and concern threatened to ruin the moment.
“What?” Billy asked, stopping the vibrations the moment he noticed your discomfort. “If it’s too much, you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to,” you answered shyly, a little embarrassed by just how much you wanted to, “It’s just... what if someone realises?”
He offered a soft smile, placing a hand on your cheek. 
“They won’t,” he told you with confidence. “It’ll be too noisy for anyone to hear it, and you’ll be good; you won’t come until we’re alone together and I give you permission.”
His thumb tenderly caressed your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you, his tongue slipping between your lips and wiping away any misgivings you might have had. You wanted to do this. You wanted to give Billy the comfort of knowing that you were thinking about him all night. And you wanted to do it for yourself too. You’d wanted to have new experiences and this was definitely new for you.
“Come on,” he said, slipping his hand into yours, “let’s go have a glass of wine and wait for the guests to arrive. It’s going to be a long night...”
End Note : So, originally, this chapter and the party were going all be one chapter, but then I got carried away with the cute notes between reader and Billy. That means next week will be a whole chapter of party shenanigans.
As always, thanks for reading/commenting/liking/reblogging, hope you're enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Have a great weekend!
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kayhi808 · 1 day
Hi! I absolutely love your writing! I was wondering if I was able to request a Bucky Barnes x Reader Idea?
The reader was best friends with Bucky and Steve in the 40s. Before Buckys fall the reader was kidnapped by HYDRA and was never seen again. Bucky and the reader have always had feelings for each other but they had never made it official back then. Fast forward, "during C.A. civil war" Tony Stark finds a HYDRA base and finds the reader inside a cryo chamber. (The rest is up to you)
I'll let you make this however you please 🙏
Thank you so much if you choose to write this!
Hi @armystrong980 !! This was such a good idea! I hope you like it. Im making this a 2 part story because there just so much to cover lol. Thank you so much for the request!! 🥰
Then & Now
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Your mom & Steve's mom were nurses in the same hospital. Steve was a sickly kid so you'd keep him company a lot of the time. You'd create fantastical stories & he'd illustrate pictures for it. Other times you both would re-enact parts of your story, losing yourselves in the fantasy world you created. You two were the best of friends.
One sunny summer afternoon, lost in your fantasy world you were twirling around the sidewalk, caught up in an imaginary cyclone like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, when you crashed into a group of boys coming down the walk. "I...I'm so s...sorry!" The boy you crashed into did not accept your apology, shoving you out of the way, making you fall, hitting your chin against the stoop. You saw Steve's eyes grow wide in horror and then anger. You look down & the front of your dress is covered in blood. You start to cry mostly in fear, adrenaline making you numb to the pain.
Steve flies off the stairs ready to avenge you, but you're so worried they'd hurt him too. "Stevie, no!" Everything happened so fast. The bully is flat on his back & a dark haired boy is punching away on him. Steve is off to the side trying to catch his breath. You make your way to Steve grabbing his arm. The dark-haired boy finally lets the bully up and him & his friends scatter like cockroaches.
"What did ya think you were doin'? He woulda clobbered ya!" Your hero gives Steve a gentle shove and turns his attention to you. He frowns, "Damn!" Taking off his button down, he wads it up to hold it against your chin. You start crying again, because now you feel the pain. "C'mon, lets go find your mom." Steve's hand slips into yours and you walk letting the dark-haired boy hold his shirt to your chin.
You ended up needing a couple stitches which was devastating to you. You hadn't left the house in a few days so Steve's been coming around asking if you could come outside & play. You'd tell your mom "no", but one day she calls out "Sweetheart, you've got visitors." You look up from coloring on your bed to see Steve & the dark-haired boy in your doorway. "Mom, no!!" You hide your face behind a pillow, but you feel the bed dip.
Steve and the new boy climb up on the bed, "Why don't you want to come out & play? Don't you want to be my friend anymore?"
Quickly looking at Steve, "You're my best friend! Forever, r'member?"
Steve smiles, "Forever." Turning to the other boy, "Remember him? He's Bucky."
You shyly nod, "Thank you for helping me & beating that bad boy up." You notice both of them staring at the stitches on your chin & you hide it with your hands.
"Why are you hiding that? It's so cool!" Steve says in awe.
"No, it isn't! It's ugly,'" you pout.
"Are you kidding me? When you get your stitches out, you'll look like me!" Bucky thrusts his chin out so you can see his dimple. "Cool, right? Not everyone has one of these." Nudges Steve beside him, "He ain't got one. It's just me & you." That makes you giggle.
You in fact, did not get a dimple in your chin when your stitches came out, but that day cemented your friendships. You grew up in the same neighborhood, went to school together. Bucky was a year older so he did have his own classmates he hung out with, but he'd always make time for you & Steve.
You eventually followed in your mother's footsteps and became a nurse. Steve was in Art School & Bucky was floating around in Sales. Whether it was cars, insurance, his charisma makes sales an obvious profession choice. He didn't take work too serious though, he was too busy hanging out with the fellas, flirting with a different girl every week.
Not that you were keeping track. Not that it bothered you seeing him flash that crooked grin at the pretty girl on his arm. Sigh. You couldn't really blame the women falling over themselves for Bucky's attention. Any time Bucky paid you attention, your heart would do flip flops in your chest. You've known him since you were 6yrs old and your crush on him started soon after.
You did some soul searching and you realized all you were doing was waiting around for Bucky to notice you as more than a friend. You didn't see that happening in the near future and you wanted to do something with your life. You wanted it to have meaning. To have purpose.
"I've got something to tell you." Bucky is walking you home from the diner where you had met up for dinner with Steve. Steve left early because he wasn't feeling well, so it left just the two of you. "But you can't tell Steve. I need to tell him on my own."
"This sounds serious," Bucky teases, tossing his arm across your shoulder.
"It...it kinda is." Taking a deep breath, "I've enlisted."
"Enlisted what?"
"I've joined the Army Nurse Corp." Bucky grabs your arm jerking you to a halt. "OW! Jamie!!"
"What the hell did you just say?!" His piercing blue eyes burns into you.
Prying his fingers off your arm, "I joined the Army Nurse..."
"Are you stupid?!" You've never seen Bucky this angry, but how dare he!
"Don't call me that! I'm smarter than you James Buchanan Barnes!"
"Are you? Coulda fooled me! You're going down to that office tomorrow & withdraw your papers!"
"I will not!"
"Doll, there's a God damn war going on!"
"That's why they need someone like me! Where ever they choose to send me, I can help! I can make a difference."
Raking his fingers through his hair, "People are DYING!"
"Well, maybe less people will die if I'm there!"
Bucky starts pacing in front of you. "Jesus! Why didn't you talk to us before you did something like this??"
"Look at you! This is exactly why."
Bucky stops pacing and cradles your face within his hands, "Please, doll." Leaning down so his forehead touches yours. "Don't go. Tell me what I have to do to make you stay? You can't leave me."
Never in all your dreams did you think Bucky would utter those words to you.
"Us...I mean us. This will do Steve in. You have to withdraw your paperwork."
Disappointed, you pull away from him. "I've signed it. I'm committed to this, Bucky. It's what I want to do."
"You're gonna get yourself fucking killed!!"
You storm away home. Heartbroken that he has so little faith in your capabilities. He called you stupid. That's not how you imagined that talk going. Maybe you expected too much from them because your talk with Steve only went a little better. He didn't call you stupid and he understood how you wanted to make difference and help but he didn't want you to leave, worried you'd get yourself killed, too.
When the time came for you to leave it was so much more painful than you thought. Steve was there to see you off. It felt like you were leaving your twin behind. Already you feel the loss of not having your best friend by your side.
Bucky was there too, standing off to the side. You were afraid he wasn't going to show up at all. When the time came, Bucky gave you a rib crushing hug but refused to make eye contact with you. He refused to say anything to you. But you felt his lips on your forehead before he stalked off.
"Bucky! Buck!!" Out of breath and flushed, Steve barrels into Bucky's office.
"Whoa! Take it easy, kid. What's wrong?"
Steve smashes a crumpled up paper into his chest. "She's gone. She's gone, Buck." Bucky takes the paper and sees it's a telegram. The unit you were assigned to was taken in an ambush. No. No. No. No. Bucky had to read it multiple times before it sunk in.
All the things he left unsaid. All the things he was going to tell you once you came back home. It's too late.
No survivors.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 days
He Doesn’t Know That I Turned into an Animal - Roger Barel (Premium End)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
Roger: Can you follow this scent too?
Roger held out a white handkerchief to me.
(This is the handkerchief I lent to Roger on a mission…!)
(Could it be that the one he’s looking for is me…?)
Roger: I have sharp ears, so I was listening for the voice of this handkerchief’s owner, as well as her heartbeat and footsteps. But I haven't been able to hear anything. So…please. Help me find her.
(Last night you were listening for me…)
(Why did I assume that he wouldn’t?)
(I want to tell him that I’m right here since he’s so worried about me!)
I led Roger to my room.
Roger: The scent led you to this room?
Kate: Arf! (Yes!)
Roger: …Any clue where she went after?
I made laps around my room. I wanted to convey to Roger that the scent couldn’t be traced out of this room.
Roger: You’re telling me that Kate never left her room…? No…that’s not right. She left without anyone noticing?
(Yes! You’re doing great, Roger!)
I’ve been wondering about how I ended up like this, but…
I think the cause was me touching some kind of chemical while cleaning up the infirmary.
The things Roger researches range from useful to questionable.
The fact that he had a drug that could turn a person to an animal shouldn’t be a surprise.
(Since Roger’s the one that manages the drugs, he should be aware of the possibility of me turning into a corgi…!)
Roger: …Like if she could disappear like Liam, or transform, then no one would notice her.
(You’re pretty sharp, Roger…!)
Roger: As an animal, the lil’ lady wouldn’t be able to say anything or call for help…
(You’re getting there, Roger!!)
Roger: And then a cute female corgi just so happens to show up… Meaning you’re— 
Kate: Arf! (I’m Kate!)
I met Roger’s eyes and barked to make it sink in. However…
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Roger: … No, that’s impossible…
Roger looked away from me, throwing the answer he worked toward out.
Roger: This is bad. I don’t have a clue.
(You’re kidding me…All that work and you’re not putting it together?!)
From experience, I knew Roger was knowledgeable and open-minded.
Normally it’s impossible to turn into an animal, but I thought he’d consider it.
(How do I tell you…?)
Roger: Hmm… I should write down what I know so that I can find Kate…
Roger took out a notepad from his pocket and started writing things down.
Maybe he was writing down things he noticed while looking for me.
(...It felt like Roger was analyzing things just then, but maybe I was imagining things?)
(In any case…I can’t give up! I’ll keep trying until I get through to Roger!)
And so I used all of my corgi brain power…
I tried to tell Roger that this corgi was Kate.
I tried to use the typewriter… (My dog paws were too big)
I tried to use the piano to show that I was human inside… (William praised me for being a genius, though as a dog)
I tried to show the mystery novel where people and animals swapped places… (Harrison tossed me out his room)
After numerous failed attempts, the sun set— 
By the time I returned to the infirmary, I was completely exhausted.
(What can I do…)
Ale: Arf? (What’re you trying so hard for?)
Kate: Awoo…(I want to tell Roger that I’m Kate…)
Ale: Woof woof? (That guy can’t understand us though?) …Woof, woof (...Sometimes Roger gives me a sad smile)
Ale: Awoo…(Maybe he still thinks about how he couldn’t wake my previous owner up) Woof, woof? (I enjoy being with Roger, but I can’t tell him that you know?)
Kate: Woof… (Ale…)
(Until now, I’ve always thought that it was important to deliver people’s thoughts and feelings. But as a fairytale keeper…)
(...I’m now in a position where I can’t no matter what I try, so I understand the pain better now) 
Ale: Woof! (There’s no point in moping. Let’s eat some snacks!)
Ale: Arf? (Hey Roger, what do you have there? In your pocket!) Woof… (It’s been rustling for a while now…)
What Roger’s been repeatedly taking out of his pocket was just a notepad.
Every time I did something, Roger would take it out and jot something down.
Ale: Woof?! Woof! (Do you have tasty treats in your pocket?! Give it here!)
It seemed that Ale mistook Roger’s notepad for a treat or something.
Suddenly, Ale jumped high and the notepad fell out of Roger’s pocket.
Roger: Ah, Ale!
Ale: Woof… (What the…This isn’t a treat…)
The notepad fell open on a page…and I happened to catch what was written on it.
“Animal transformation curse observation record…Subject: Kate”
And then the page turned thanks to Ale’s paw touching the notepad.
(...Hm?! This…)
“She understands human speech, but can’t speak due to having a dog’s vocal chords.”
“To reveal her identity, she played the piano and tried to show me a novel. She’s kept her memories from when she was human.”
His notes were filled with information related to me as an animal.
Kate: Arf…? (Roger…?)
I stared hard at Roger and quickly put his notepad away.
Kate: Arf! Arf?! (This! This is my record, isn’t it?!)
Roger: Ah…You saw, lil’ lady?
Kate: Arf! Arf?! (Just now! Did you say “lil’ lady”?!) Grrr…(You noticed that I’m Kate, didn’t you…!)
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Roger: Can’t understand what you’re saying, but I know you’re angry.
Kate: Arf! (Explain!)
Roger: You probably want an explanation now?
Roger sat down on a chair in the infirmary and began his explanation.
Roger: I didn’t notice that you turned into a dog until this morning. When you led me to your room after smelling the handkerchief… That’s when I finally realized that you might be a dog.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: As an animal, the lil’ lady wouldn’t be able to say anything or call for help…
(You’re getting there, Roger!!)
Roger: And then a cute female corgi just so happens to show up… Meaning you’re— 
Kate: Arf! (I’m Kate!)
Roger: No, that’s impossible…
~~ Flashback end ~~
(You did notice at that time…?!)
Roger: …This is probably why you became a dog)
Roger fetched a green bottle from a shelf.
Roger: This bottle has a “become whatever animal you want to be” drug. But…it was leaking because of a crack on the bottom, so you probably touched that while cleaning.
Kate: Woof…(Yeah…)
Roger: Also, I have a guess on how to turn you back. With a kiss…
Roger: Like in the fairy tales you know? A curse is broken with a kiss.
(If you knew that, then why…)
Roger: Why didn’t I turn you back immediately? So that I could study you, of course.
Those words reminded me of how Roger acted this morning.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: This is bad. I lue. Hmm…I should write down what I know so that I can find Kate…
~~ End flashback ~~
(At the time, I thought Roger’s tone was analytical…)
(I can’t believe you were pretending to take notes to find me when you were really just writing down your observations…!)
If Ale hadn’t jumped and Roger hadn’t dropped his notepad…
I would never have known.
Kate: Grr…Yip! Yip! (You…mad scientist! Egoist!)
Roger: What’d you expect me to do? It would've been such a waste to turn a valuable research subject back so soon. But I’ve done enough research for now, and I miss your human form. Shall we turn you back?
Kate: Grrrr…! (You’re the worst…!)
It’s true that Roger looked hard for me before realizing who I was.
Last night, he looked so serious while listening for me.
(But…that’s besides the point!)
(I worked so hard to make you realize who I was so it’s right for me to be angry that he decided to use me as a research subject!)
Ale: Woof…? (I don’t know what’s happening, but is it Roger’s fault?) Arf! (In that case, go all out!)
(Go all out…Yeah, let’s do that!)
Following what Ale said, I jumped onto Roger’s lap—
Roger: !
I kissed Roger on the lips.
I didn’t do this for Roger, but because I wanted things to go back to normal, but…
Maybe because I wasn’t used to having a corgi body, I only touched the corner of his lips.
I doubt this could be called a kiss.
(Will this really turn me back…? …Ah)
At that moment, my body grew hot…The corgi body started to shift.
Kate: Finally! I’m back…!
Roger: Ah…Lil’ lady, I don’t wanna say this, but…
Roger’s gaze on my body made me realize that I was naked.
Kate: D-don’t look!
I quickly wrapped myself in a blanket and huddled a corner of the infirmary.
Kate: Will you take responsibility for making me your research subject and bring me some clothes?
Roger: Yeah, no problem. But… Is that what all?
Roger pointed at my head and my body that was hidden by the blanket.
Kate: …? What do you mean— 
I casually touched the spot on my head that he was pointing to…And froze.
There was something coming out of my head that shouldn’t have been there.
Kate: W-what is this?!
I borrowed a mirror to check…
I still had corgi ears on my head and a short corgi tail on my butt.
Roger: Maybe because it wasn't a full kiss so it wasn’t a complete transformation. This really is interesting.
Kate: No way…! How do I turn back completely?!
Roger: Why not kiss me again?
Kate: It doesn’t have to be you, does it? All I need is a kiss.
Roger: If that person loves you, then it’s no problem.
Kate: Love…
Roger: Actually it has to do with the area of contact, the duration, and saliva composition… A loving, passionate kiss should do just the trick. A loving kiss is what breaks the curse in a fairytale after all.
(If that’s the case, then the half-hearted kiss only undid part of the transformation…)
Kate: Roger…do you…l-love me?
I felt oddly embarrassed asking that, and my voice was shaky.
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Roger: Of course I do. You were so cute as a corgi.
Roger’s answer wasn’t really what I wanted to hear.
He probably knew what I was really asking and dodged the question on purpose.
Roger: Is that all you wanted to ask? Then go ahead and kiss someone else?
Kate: …
I was angry with Roger for knowing who I was but not saying anything about it because of research.
That’s why I wanted to kiss someone besides him…
(...Why can’t I move my legs?)
Roger: Just so you know… If you leave this room with those cute corgi ears and tail, you’re gonna run into some troublesome men. Not everyone in this castle’s a gentleman. Since research’s my priority, it’d be safer to kiss me.
Kate: Why are you saying stuff to make me stay?
Roger: It doesn’t feel good watching someone you’re fond of wagging their tail for someone else. It’s only natural.
(I can’t take this anymore…)
(I should be angry with Roger, but more than that…)
(I really want to kiss him)
Surely this was just an after-effect of Roger doting on me when I was a dog…
That’s what I told myself.
Kate: Okay… Since you took care of me while I was a dog, I’ll take care of you.
Roger: That so? Thanks.
The moment I saw Roger’s satisfied smile, my tail started wagging under the sheet.
(What am I so happy for!?)
Roger: But before a kiss to turn you back— —Let me do a thorough examination of your body.
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diazsdimples · 21 hours
Hi James!!
For the sleepover weekend, can you give me bucktommy headcanons about how they support each other when the other is having a bad day?
Hi Ellie!!! I sure can!
Tommy notices really early on that Buck seems to have trouble getting out of his head on bad days and will sit and stew for hours if left to his own devices. When he's in that kind of headspace, Tommy makes sure they get out of the house. Buck really likes hiking so Tommy will drive him to some of their favourite hiking spots and him and Buck will walk hand-in-hand along the trails. It usually doesn't take long before Buck's talking quietly, and then stopping to pick at the small flowers that grow on the edges of the trails, and finding cool rocks to give to Tommy. One day he makes a comment that Tommy is taking his "I've got a golden retriever boyfriend" status very seriously.
Initially it's hard for Buck to tell when Tommy's having bad days because he does a very good job at compartmentalising and repressing, but Buck notices the way his smiles don't necessarily always meet his eyes and his responses might be a little more strained or snarky that usual, generally met with an apology immediately after. When days like this happen, Buck makes extra effort to reassure Tommy about his place in Buck's life with words of affirmation, small touches, and making him many cups of tea (turns out Tommy doesn't drink coffee) until he notices Tommy begin to loosen and relax.
Buck will text Tommy in advance if he's had a bad call or lost someone, because he knows he can go very very quiet and he doesn't want to worry Tommy. On days that this happens, he'll come home to Tommy having snuck in with Buck's key, with food already made, a bath drawn for the two of them, a pair of Buck's favourite sweatpants and his favourite soft hoodie set out, and they'll spend the first few hours just relaxing and decompressing, and Buck lets himself be held.
The first time Tommy cries in front of Buck, it's because of the anniversary of his first loss (a baby girl in a house fire - Tommy couldn't get into her room and by the time he'd broken down her door, it was too late). Buck has no idea what to do because he's never seen his boyfriend cry before, but he pulls Tommy into his arms and just holds him while he cries. They end up lying on the couch together, with Tommy against Buck's chest and Tommy's tears soak into Buck's shirt, and Buck starts to hum a song he'd heard on the radio while he holds him. Buck marks the date in his calendar so he's prepared for next year.
Sleepover Weekend Asks!
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psychesalcove · 2 days
WHEN YOURE ALL ALONE, ILL REACH FOR YOU (when you're fellin' low, i'll be there too)
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college au! jason grace x gn! reader
yes, from amandamariee
⚠️: reader is a bit of an overachiever, crying, being overwhelmed bc of school work, shitty ass writing (sorry gang) not proofread AT ALL
in which ; jason comforts reader who is overwhelmed by school work due to finals.
a/n: thank you so much for the request babes!! i hope this lives up to your expectations,, i loveee fluff and comfort fics so so much like it's actually scary 😔 ALSO i made the reader have a history major – just in case anyone was wondering :)
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finals season was upon the students of new rome. cafes were filled to the brim with students, workbooks, and the sound of typing on laptops (that were specially made for demigods, of course).
you were one of the studnets who found themselves at the cafe more often than you would like to admit. earlier today you were at a popular cafe downtown with annabeth, but, around two hours into your study session, you wanted a change of scenery.
and that's how you found yourself back at the condo you and jason shared.
your wooden desk that you had gotten at ARC had every surface possible filled with studying items. old assignments, papers your professor handed out, your notes, and every color of highlighter imaginable.
your tea (which jason had made for you) was long forgotten on the edge of the desk, close to tipping over onto the carpeted floor of the bedroom. you had been in the same posion on your chair for about an hour and a half, eyes focused on reading an essay you had wrote a couple months ago.
jason would have already had you take a break by now, but he was downtown. you and jason were supposed to meet with the seven for dinner tonight, but you decided to stay home and study more. jason had insisted on staying with you, but with much persistence on your end, he was out the door and on his way downtown.
and of course, when you're studying for the most important test of this year, your dyslexia decided to act up. you had been stuck on the same sentence for about 5 minutes now. the words kept getting jumbled in your mind, floating from place to place on the page. the monster attacks you could deal with; but not being able to read a simple sentence?
you sighed heavily through your nose, setting down your pen onto the desk. this essay should be easy to read; you were the one who wrote it after all. your eyes shifted from the essay to the rest of your desk. you had no idea how you were going to manage getting all of the information you needed for the test in your head.
you reached for your laptop that was under a folder, because you decided that it might be easier to do work digital instead of on paper. you quickly logged into your laptop, and went to google classroom.
your eyes were drawn to the notification icon, seeing that there was one. you clicked it, mouse hovering over the writing that appeared on the screen: a comment from your professor.
y/n, i've seen you do amazing work in my class this year. what happened with this? i know you have more potential than what you wrote. i'll have to give you a D for this one, but it shouldn't affect your grade to much considering you have an A. it'll bring it down to an A- or a B at the most. i'll hope you gain your skill back in further work.
you quickly changed the screen onto where your grades were shown. there it was. a B. you knew that it wasn't a bad grade or anything, especially remembering when percy showed his grades to you once, but it still didn't sit right with you.
this was your best class, the one you always understood and got at least an 80 or higher on. you've never gotten a D.
tears quickly filled up your eyes, causing you to bink rapidly in an attempt to keep them at bay. you looked at the desk, in hopes of feeling better by now staring at the large B on your screen, but it only made it worse. all the papers and assignments quickly overwhelmed you, seeing how much you still had to do.
how will you even pass this test if you can't write a simple article about an artifact?
with that thought in your head, tears quickly started dripping down your face. a rational part of you told you that a small assignment like that didn't show your worth of the class, but the emotional part of you quickly overtook that thought.
as you sat there, posture rigid and tears freely falling down your face, you were to focused on your own being to register the sound of a door opening and footsteps going down the hall twords the bedroom you were in. you only got out of your head when you felt cold hands rubbing up and down your upper back.
"hey, love, what's wrong?" a voice, that you quickly recognized as jason's, said. you didn't know how to verbally respond, so you coughed hard and brought a hand up to your face to try to remove the tear stains from your face.
jasons hands moved from your back to go over your shoulders, hugging you from behind. "how about we get you into a bed first, hm?" he questioned gently, leaning awkwardly so his face was closer to your ear. after registering what he said, you nodded slightly as you made a move to stand up.
jason aided in getting you up, and then put a hand over your shoulder when the two of you started the short walk to the bed. he let you sit first, and then quickly followed in suit. he sat in front of you, letting you get a clear image of his blonde hair and concerned face.
he grabbed your hands and held onto them lightly, giving you the option to leave his grasp at any point. "love, try to copy my breathing, okay?" he instructed, making eye contact with you. he slowly took a deep breath in through his mouth, waiting for you to follow. once he saw the movement , he slowly exhaled through his nose, again, waiting for to follow his breathing pattern.
this continued until jason deemed you collected enough to talk about whatever made you upset. "want to tell me what got you so worked up, my love?" he asked again, softly smiling at you when you two made eye contact.
you quickly explained your situation in a shaken voice, still getting own crying. his eyebrows knitted in concern as he listen to you, and his thumb started slowly rubbing circles on your knuckles when he noticed your teary eyes.
once you finished speaking, he took you into his arms and held you gently. "how about you take a break. i'll make you tea, and you can eat if you want. then, we'll come back, and i'll help you with whatever you need help with. sound good?" he explained, already making a move to stand up with you.
the two of you quickly found yourself in the kitchen. jason had dimed the lights to emit a soft orange glow from above, and turned on the stove light as he filled the kettle up with water.
"you know, you're amazing at what you do, love." jason said, turning to you as he turned off the sink water after the kettle was filled up. "and, i know that you also know that, somewhere in there," he continued, brining up a finger and pointing at his head. you chucked softly, making jason get a small grin on his face from making you laugh, even if it was only little.
he walked over to the stove and placed the kettle on the stove, turning on the stove top, then moving over to where you sat on the counter. he gently wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you into a gentle embrace. "yknow you could have asked for my help earlier, i would have stayed with you, my love." he said as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"i know, but i wanted you to go out. i didn't want to keep up cooped up in here with me just because i didn't want to have dinner with them." you said as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
"i never feel 'cooped up' with you, love. and i wouldn't have minded not going, although leo and piper seemd very pressed about you not being there tonight. said they wanted to meet up with you tomorrow to 'add to their gossip'." he said, chuckling lightly at the thought of leo and piper.
you smiled softly as you thought about your friends, knowing how much they meant to you. just then, your stomach growled, notifying both you and jason that you were starving.
"how about we make you some toast? then we can go back and start on some flashcards for you, sound good?" jason asked, pulling away from the embrace and walking over to the pantry, signaling with his hands for you to follow.
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augustjustice · 2 days
you wanna feel how it feels? (let's exchange the experience) 2/?
Part 1 | AO3 Link
With this second chapter, the bodyswapping shenanigans have officially arrived!
What a weird fucking dream that had been. 
Not quite as bad as some of the nightmares he’d had before, not by a long shot–and Eddie would take his breaks where he could get them, even the small ones, given how few and far between they”were–but, still. Pretty damn bizarre. 
As he came more and more into consciousness, the unpleasant sensation of pressure building at his temples increased. Eddie dug the heel of his hand into the side of his head, searching for a little relief. It didn’t feel quite like a headache coming on, not exactly, but instead just something slightly–off.
Blinking his eyes open blearily, Eddie found himself squinting against the edges of sunlight streaming in between blinds that were framed by–checkered curtains?
He sat up abruptly, neck swiveling around to take in his surroundings. The combination of the motion and the identical pattern of cream and brown and blue on both the curtains and the walls was enough to make his head spin a little. He recognized it immediately, though, even as he realized that he definitely wasn’t in his own bedroom. 
Because he was…in Steve’s?
What the fuck, had he fallen asleep here? That would explain the dull throb in his head–if he’d come over to Stevie’s place, hung out, broken into his father’s expensive booze and maybe shared a joint, it’d make sense he was feeling it the morning after. 
Except that…Eddie had absolutely no memory of any of that. Not even like…lapses from getting too drunk lack of memory, but nada, a total void, not even a glimmer of recollection. 
Shit. He really hoped he wasn’t going to have to add memory loss to the growing list of his post-Upside Down medical complications. 
Eddie turned to the other side of the bed, hoping that maybe Steve could fill in some of the gaps for him–and found it empty, not so much as a tuft of voluminous brown hair sticking out from the comforter in sight.
Which wasn’t all that unusual, really. Steve pretty much always let Eddie crash in his room when he stayed over, and he was more of an early riser than Eddie had ever been–Eddie considered himself much more of the late night owl type, teasing Steve that all the fun stuff didn’t really get started until after dark. So it wasn’t that waking up alone in Steve’s room was a first, or anything like that, but he still felt totally thrown off kilter by his complete and utter lack of clarity on how he’d ended up there in the first place.
“Steve?” Eddie called out, hoping maybe he hadn’t gone too far. 
…Shit, what the fuck? That was weird as hell, too.
Eddie’s hand went straight to his throat, fingers massaging at it absently. Because his voice had come out sounding all wrong, he knew that much. But Eddie couldn’t quite put his finger on what the problem was. It wasn’t like it was jarring in a way he could easily wave away, like the days when he woke up with a hangover, voice gravelly after having slept too long and with the stench of beer breath clinging to his mouth. 
No, this morning his voice sounded softer, and maybe…an octave or two higher, than usual? Which…wasn’t really a thing Eddie was aware could happen. Well, not post the embarrassing phase of voice cracking puberty he had already had to suffer through, at least. 
And besides all that there was something…comfortingly familiar about the way it had sounded, at the same time that it was clearly completely off.  
Shaking his head, Eddie climbed out of bed, now bound and determined to find Steve. eager for the reassurance of his presence while more weird shit just kept piling up. Steve was great in a crisis, Eddie had seen that first hand, and he had no doubt he’d be just as ready to handle brain fog and cracking voices as he was surreal Upside Down weirdness. 
There was a full-sized ensuite bathroom just off of Steve’s bedroom that he had all to himself–a fact Eddie hadn’t been able to resist teasing him about the first time he had come over, Hawkins High’s golden boy with his own private baths–so that’s where he headed, giving the cream colored door a sharp knock and hoping against hope Steve might just be up taking a shower. 
“Stevie boy? Where’d you get off too, man?”
No answer, and when Eddie pressed his ear up against the thin wood, it was quiet, no sound of faucets running or water hitting shower tiles either one. 
Disappointed his first venture had been a bust, Eddie shouldered his way inside anyway. Steve was probably just downstairs making breakfast, or something. In the meantime, it might do Eddie some good to splash cold water on his face, try to see if he could clear his head a little. 
Bracing one hand against the sink’s edge, Eddie reached out to flick on the tap and lifted his gaze up to his reflection to assess the damages–expecting his own frizzy, wild curls and perhaps a telltale pair of red-rimmed eyes, concrete evidence of just what he’d gotten up to last night, to meet him.
Instead…Steve Harrington–in all his freckled, messy-haired, shirtless glory–stared back at him. 
And Eddie…well. Eddie was man enough to admit it.
He screamed.
The last thing he saw was a brief glimpse of Steve's wide, panicked hazel eyes looking straight at him from the mirror before, in his haste to back the fuck away, his leg hit the side of the Harrington's bathtub, and he toppled into it, landing straight on his ass.
…You'd really think, after everything that had happened, Eddie would have gotten better at handling these kind of mind-bending situations with a little bit more grace, but–nope. Apparently not.
"Fuck! That hurt," he complained from his position sprawled out in the white porcelain, rubbing a hand over his sore calf–and, yeah, okay, the muscle there was definitely more defined than usual, what the hell???
Eddie held out his hands in front of him, turned them over and wiggled his fingers. They were longer than they should have been, palms broader, skin several shades tanner than his own semi-ghostly paleness. The calluses that had worn into the grooves from long hours spent playing his sweetheart, as familiar to him as the lines on his palms, were gone.
"Jesus H. Christ," he muttered, and Steve's voice, inflection all wrong, echoed back to him from the pristine bathroom tiles. 
Strike what he’d said earlier. Apparently this was weirdness surreal enough to rival whatever shit the Upside Down had going on. 
Taking a moment to just…breathe, Eddie slumped against the shower wall, scruffing a hand over the top of his head in his frustration. But even that didn’t offer so much as a seconds reprieve from the situation, as Steve's shorter, silky locks made for an alien but not unpleasant texture against his palms.
"I'll give you one thing, Harrington," Eddie said as he ran his fingers through that hair again, at least taking the opportunity to enjoy the feel of it this time, "they don't call you 'The Hair' for nothing."
Once he had finally managed to awkwardly climb his way out of the bathtub–and he’d have some bruises to apologize to Steve for later, he guessed, as he’d flailed on a couple of those tries–Eddie slowly approached the mirror, with all the caution Wayne had taught him to have when confronting an animal poised to strike.
The image inside hadn’t changed, however. There was Steve, comically wide eyes still blinking back at him, shoulders hunched inward in a defensive stance that was a far cry from the confidence Steve usually exuded when striding into battle. Like he was trying to make himself smaller instead of acting as a shield, which–Eddie was trying to shrink into himself, like if he could just shy away from the reality confronting him this would all fade away like yet another bad dream.
Wrapping his knuckles lightly against the smooth surface, Eddie gave it one last shot, calling out, “Harrington? …Steve? No chance you’re just, I don’t know–trapped inside the looking glass like Alice, is there?”
But Eddie knew he wasn’t. For one thing, he’d already heard Steve’s voice, reverberating inside the bathroom, the sound the same no matter how much he tried to clear his throat. And the Steve inside the mirror had tapped his knuckles gently against Eddie’s own, matching him move for move. 
There was no hiding from reality as it stared him right in the face. Especially not when all the evidence was irrefutable. 
…He was inside Steve Harrington’s body.
Fascination briefly overtaking fear, Eddie poked his cheek curiously. Then, he ran a thumb over that plush bottom lip before flashing a wide, semi-maniacal grin–the kind he’d been using for years to spook the schoolyard bullies who made tormenting him their favorite pastime. He watched the Steve in the mirror do the same, the world’s strangest game of monkey-see, monkey-do. 
Struck by inspiration, Eddie pressed two fingers against the side of his head in his makeshift devil’s horns and stuck out his tongue. He couldn’t suppress the cackle of laughter that burst out of him at the sight.
Even if it wasn’t real, having Steve’s wide grin shining in his direction, expression so carefree and delighted, was enough to make Eddie’s heart flutter in his chest. He’d pull pretty much any level of clownish buffoonery to get Steve to look like that when he was–well, actually here, in his own body. 
Holy shit, he really was turning into such a sap.
“Get a hold of yourself, man,” Eddie muttered to himself.
Advice he ought to heed, in more ways than one. Because the thought of Steve–actual Steve, that is–and his smile brought on a whole new question, one that hit Eddie with a fresh wave of dread. 
If he was here…then where the hell was Steve? 
“Think. Think, think, think, Munson,” Eddie muttered to himself, hands raking over his head as he paced a tight circle around Steve’s distressingly barren bedroom, trying his damnedest to ignore the sound of Steve’s voice coming out of his mouth. 
Squatting down into a crouch against the side of Steve’s bed, he ran a hand over his neck and along his jaw, Steve’s morning stubble rasping against his palm. 
“Okay, so, for some fucking reason–I’m in Steve’s body. Which means he’s gotta be somewhere, and the rules of storytelling and movie magic and just, like…general logic dictate that if I’m in here, he must be in mine.”
That at least set forth a clear enough course of action. Go to the last place his body was–that is, sleeping at the trailer–and hopefully find Steve. 
In the interest of getting dressed as quickly as possible, Eddie grabbed the first pair of pants he found hanging over the back of Steve’s desk chair, one of very few things in the room even remotely out of place. Eddie could practically hear Steve’s bitchy tone, commenting on the fashion faux pas of wearing the same outfit twice–but Eddie was ready and willing to deal with a dozen catty complaints once he found him. 
"When I said I wanted to get in Steve's pants, this is not exactly what I had in mind," Eddie muttered to the universe at large as he tugged on the light denim jeans. Then, as he found himself forced to hop to pull them into place, he couldn’t help but add, “Christ, big boy, jeans tight enough for you?”
Then again, he couldn’t really argue with the results. As was obvious from the survey he did of himself in the full-length mirror hanging on Steve’s closet door, spinning around to get a better look, it wasn’t like Steve didn’t have the assets to fill them out nicely.
Which–Eddie knew that, of course he did. Steve had an ass like a ripe peach, it was kinda hard not to notice. But it was one thing to take surreptitious glances, subtly checking his friend out only when he was sure Steve wasn’t paying any attention, and another altogether to have the opportunity to just…stare as much as he wanted to. 
“Jesus Christ, man, pull it together,” he scolded himself, screwing his eyes shut for a moment and shaking his head to try and clear it. 
It was bad enough to think that kind of thing about your probably straight buddy on a regular basis without them being any the wiser–now that he was actually in Steve’s body, Eddie was pretty sure wasting time just unabashedly ogling him was the last thing he needed to be doing. Especially when he should be figuring out what the hell was going on instead. 
(Sure as hell didn’t make it any less tempting, though.)
To finish out the look, he tossed on his favorite of Steve’s rotating sweater collection–the yellow one, recovered from the boat they had abandoned during Spring Break by some passing fishermen and so miraculously saved from the fate of sinking to the bottom of Lovers Lake, that Steve occasionally let him borrow when he was staying over and got cold. 
Bouncing on the balls of his feet with nervous energy and desperately wishing he had his rings to fiddle with, Eddie gave himself one last once over.
“Shit, okay. It’ll do.” With a sharp dip of his chin, he nodded jerkily, and then sucked in a breath to steady himself. “Let’s, uh…go and find you, pretty boy.”
Eddie crept down the stairs, careful to keep quiet. Since the commotion he had made earlier in the bathroom hadn’t summoned the Harrington parents, it seemed a pretty safe bet that they weren’t around. As was typical, at least from Eddie’s experience so far. Still, he was ninety-nine percent positive he wasn’t going to be able to bluff his way through an interaction like that–he’d been in drama, sure, but that would take an Award-winning performance, and like Robin said, he had dropped out–so better safe than sorry. 
Once he’d made it to the front door and pulled on Steve’s Nikes without incident, Eddie snatched the Beemer’s keys off a hook on the hat rack and all but dashed outside into the identikit, manicured lawns of Loch Nora. 
Settling into the driver’s seat of Steve’s baby was definitely not a position Eddie ever thought he’d find himself in. But, then again, he had ended up in a lot of those this morning. 
Steve was a car guy, through and through–it was one of few overlapping interests he and Eddie shared–and he treated that BMW with the same sort of care people usually reserved for their own children. Not that Eddie could fault him for it, since he felt the same damn way about the Warlock, his sweetheart. 
Because of that, though, Steve basically didn’t let other people so much as think about driving his car. Robin would have probably been his single exception, if she actually had a license.
In this case, though, extenuating circumstances being what they were, Eddie was just going to have to ask Steve’s forgiveness rather than his permission.
Wracked with nerves, he yanked open the Beemer’s glove box, sending out futile hope into the universe that maybe, just maybe–
"Jackpot! Oh, thank fuck," he swore in relief when his hand closed around the pack of Marlboro Reds shoved towards the back. 
He peered inside. The two cigarettes sitting there might as well have been bathed in a heavenly glow. 
Eddie rolled down the window, stuck one of those little babies between his lips, and flicked open the lighter he’d found tossed in the cupholder. 
"Sorry, Stevie," he apologized to the other boy's reflection in the rearview mirror before taking a long drag. 
As he’d said just the night before, thanks to Robin's persistent complaints, he knew with a few small exceptions that Steve had pretty much quit cold turkey. 
And even though he made a show otherwise, Eddie was actually trying to cut back himself. What could he say? One too many of Robin's disbelieving 'After everything we've been through, you really want to die from one of those little cancer sticks?!' had gotten to him, too. Dangerously persuasive, that Buckley. 
But there weren't any joints in the car, and he hadn’t been kidding when he said that nicotine was a balm in times of high stress. Which, Eddie was pretty sure whatever the fuck was happening to him right now fell justifiably into that category. 
Eddie's–Steve's–whoever's knee was bouncing erratically as he started the car, and Eddie honestly felt like he might jump out of his skin at any second. 
Better not, he thought wryly, who knows whose skin you'll jump into next. 
He peeled out of the Harrington’s driveway with a squeal of tires, a move that earned him a ferocious glare from the old lady pruning flowers across the street. 
The agonizing predictability of rich suburbanites never failed to impress Eddie.
Sending her a sarcastic wave and what he hoped was a patent charming Harrington smile, it was only once he had fully turned the corner that he let his fingers all drop, only the middle left standing.
When he pulled up in front of the trailer, Uncle Wayne’s truck was already out front, striking out the possibility of Eddie just strolling up and knocking on the front door. For starters, he didn’t want to wake his uncle up on a good day. But, aside from that, there was the whole fact that if his Uncle Wayne was the one who came to answer, Eddie had no idea how he was supposed to even act–not when he looked like this. 
That was how he found himself climbing the stairs of the front porch on tip-toe so he could sneak into his own bedroom window. 
Steve had done this a couple of times himself–mostly for the novelty of it, Eddie could only assume, since Wayne or him either one were always happy to let Steve inside. There was also the surprise factor to it, when he dropped in on late nights Eddie hadn’t been expecting him, always quick with a reminder that the stealth was a product of his ninja-like reflexes, Munson. 
As he shimmied through the window and practically flopped face first onto the floor, Eddie had to admit, even though he was no stranger to climbing into places he wasn’t supposed to, that it looked a hell of a lot smoother when Steve did it. Even when he usually finished it all off with that broad, goofy smile of his. 
Standing, he hissed in a sharp breath, hand going immediately to the sudden sting in his side. The feeling wasn’t quite as intense as the pain he’d been feeling since Spring Break every time he so much as twisted slightly out of place, but still, it hurt like a bitch. A reminder that the bats had done a number on Steve, too, as much as he put on a brave face that seemed to say otherwise. 
At the thought of Steve, Eddie’s eyes darted anxiously to the bed, well aware that he hadn’t exactly made a quiet entry. If he was, as he hoped, about to come face-to-face with Steve in his body, Eddie didn’t want to startle him even more than their bizarre situation already called for. Especially not before they at least had a chance to talk, sort things through. Steve might not have had his nail bat on hand, but Eddie had no doubt he would come up swinging if he thought he was dealing with a home invader or some sudden new nastiness from the Upside Down. 
Making his way further into the room with slow, cautious steps, Eddie peered down at the mattress.
Beneath a cloud of unruly dark hair and twisted up in the sheets, that was unmistakably his body sprawled out fast asleep, chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm with each and every soft snore. 
Eddie felt his own–Steve’s–heart rate speed up, that same sense of out-of-body dizziness hitting him like a Mack truck. 
Christ, this was fucking trippy.  
Hesitantly, Eddie reached out and poked the sleeping body in the side. 
“Steve? Hey, Stevie?” Eddie whispered, voice sliding into a bit of a sing-song as he gave his–Steve’s?–shoulder a more insistent shake. “Time to wake up, man. Come on, please tell me that’s you.”
At first, the only response he received was a few disgruntled noises–even words, maybe, though they were too sleep-addled to make any sense. Then, brown eyes Eddie had only ever seen reflected back at him from the mirror blinked sluggishly up at him. 
He could see the exact moment the penny dropped, his own face struck suddenly with a bewildered sort of horror.
“Oh my God,” his double started, the words slow and drowsy at first. They became increasingly alert with repetition, however, as he jerked away from Eddie and scrambled backwards, hitting the wall hard. “Oh my God, oh my God?!”
Eddie slapped a hand quickly over his mouth, before he could work himself up into what was clearly going to be a full-bore shout that would wake the entire house. 
“Whoa, whoa, hey! Look, man, don’t scream, okay? It’s–it’s me. It’s Eddie.”
Tilting his head forward, Eddie tried to hit what-he-hoped-was-Steve with his most soothing but imploring look, willing him to trust what he was saying enough to calm down. 
Knocking away the hand clamped down on his mouth–he really could be strong when he wanted to be–his doppelganger spluttered, “That’s–what the hell is–you're not Eddie! You're…me?!" 
Well, that answered that question, at least. 
"Steve?" Eddie breathed out a sigh of relief, bracing an arm over his face as his head slumped back for a second, not sure what he would have done otherwise. "Thank fuck, dude, I was worried–I mean, I don't know what I thought, but–" 
His rambling was cut off when Steve hooked a leg around his side, flipping Eddie onto his back until he was trapped underneath him. And, oh, right, this was a good time to remember his initial fear–that Steve was dangerous, of the monster hunting variety at least, and the flash in Eddie's borrowed eyes was saying as much. 
Of all the ways Eddie had envisioned Steve finally pinning him to the mattress, this was definitely not one of them. 
The sudden onslaught of sensations bombarded him. Because it was Eddie's own body pushing him down into the sheets, but now with the confirmation he felt like he could see a trace of Steve peeking out beneath his features. There was a hard steeliness to his expression and the way he clenched his jaw, that was all serious business Steve, exactly the way he’d been every time they’d had to march off into the Upside Down for battle. And besides, it was still his and Steve's bodies pressed together, and Eddie was hardwired in such a way that his heart couldn't help but race a little, even involuntarily, at the prospect. 
"Okay, seriously, what kind of weird Vecna shit is this?" Steve demanded. 
The glint in his eyes, panicked and wild, was familiar too, and not just because he was currently staring out of Eddie’s own face. It brought Eddie back to that first night, after–after Chrissy, when Steve and the others had all come searching for him, and Eddie, in his frazzled state, had repaid that kindness with a sharp bottle’s edge to the throat. That caged in look Steve had shot him when his back was slammed into the wall–that was the same look he was giving him now. 
“G-Getting me back for pulling that broken bottle on you after all,” Eddie managed to stammer out, still winded from where the tackle had knocked the breath out of him, “aren’t ya, big boy?”
The strangeness of the words was enough to send a jolt through Steve, who froze on top of him. His eyebrows drew together, face screwing up in a familiar–and, usually adorable–look of confusion. 
“Eds?” Steve asked, voice pitching higher in his agitation. 
“Yeah, man,” Eddie nodded frantically, meeting Steve’s eyes dead on, hoping to find some spark of recognition, “I so solemnly vow it and everything. It’s really me.” 
Steve visibly softened, the corners of his mouth pinching with concern even as he seemed no less alarmed than before.
“God, Eddie. Sorry,” he gasped, his vice grip on his own yellow sweater loosening as he finally rolled off of Eddie, “sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie reassured him automatically, pushing himself into a sitting position.
And then they just…stared at each other for a long, tense moment. Steve appeared every bit as dumbfounded as Eddie felt, and his mind went careening again as he realized that the glassy, wide-eyed expression peering back at him was probably exactly what he did look like, any and every time he’d been stunned into silence. 
“This is crazy, this is fucking crazy,” Steve murmured, one hand flying up to rake through his hair, a dead-giveaway nervous tic. “I mean, like–how the hell do you look like me?”
The words had barely left Steve’s mouth before his lips dropped open in surprise, face stricken as he attempted to run his hand through those infamous locks and his fingers just…kept on going, tangling in the wild mane that was Eddie’s hair. Steve tugged the dark strands out where he could see them, blinking like he had suddenly grown an extra appendage–which, all things considered, Eddie guessed wasn’t too far off the mark. 
“Yeah, so, uh,” Eddie rubbed a hand over his neck, ducking his head before shooting Steve a wide, sheepish smile, “…about that…”
After grabbing onto fistfuls of Eddie’s hair with both hands, Steve had jerked his arms out in front of him, the glint of Eddie’s rings dancing even in the lowlight as Steve waved his fingers. 
“Eddie…is this–seriously, am I–?”
“In my body? Ding ding ding,” Eddie flicked his finger, quick like he was ringing an imaginary bell, “Got it in one, Harrington.” 
Steve blinked at him, for all the world seeming like he was hanging onto his last thread of hope that this was really all just some elaborate prank, that Dustin and the kids were going to jump out any second and exclaim, Gotcha, Harrington! You should have seen the look on your face, totally priceless.
“Don’t believe me?” Eddie jerked a thumb towards the mirror. “See for yourself, man.” 
All but catapulting himself off the bed, Steve went rigid the second he caught sight of his reflection, shocked into a frozen sort of stillness. 
Eddie, by contrast, ambled along after him at a much more leisurely pace. He’d already seen it, after all, though it stayed totally mind-boggling when he settled with his shoulder brushing up against Steve’s and the image reflected back at them appeared completely reversed.
Turning his head from side-to-side, Steve gently traced a finger over the scar now marring Eddie's cheek. Self-consciousness rippled through Eddie like waves.
“You have got to be shitting me,” he muttered, sounding vaguely faint. 
Eddie gave their reflections the Vulcan salute. In the mirror, Steve’s fingers parted accordingly, yet another bonus confirmation that this was, in fact, actually happening. 
“Pretty fucking freaky, right?”
Steve’s eyes were still wide, owlish, as he tracked the motion, transparently shaken up. He didn’t even offer Eddie some bitchy quip about doing his “nerd shit” in Steve’s body. 
(Then again, maybe Steve had the self-awareness to know how rich that would be, coming from him. After all, Eddie had seen his and Dustin’s secret handshake first hand.) 
“That might be the understatement of the year, Munson.” Steve settled one hand on his hip, a stance Eddie automatically thought of as signalling him going into babysitter, let’s-think-this-through mode, and, okay, that really was weird as fuck to see. “I mean, how does something like this even happen?”
“Search me,” Eddie shrugged, falling backwards until he was sitting on the end of his bed again, “I just–fucking woke up like this. I’ll admit, I didn’t think through all that much before I was hauling ass over here to make sure you were, you know…actually you. Plus, I figured…you’re one of the resident Upside Down experts, right? You’ve got a way better shot at knowing what’s going on than I do. Has anything like this ever, I don’t know…happened before?”
“What, you mean like…switching bodies? Uh, yeah, no, I don’t think so, dude.” Steve’s voice wavered into it’s usual no duh tone, except…except it was Eddie’s voice he was using, and, Jesus Christ, this was turning into such a head trip. 
Eddie’s knee was jiggling again, up and down, a fresh surge of agitation making his movements jerky. Some part of him, deep down, had been holding on tight to the reassurance that Steve would somehow know what to do. It was becoming clear, however, that Steve was every bit as clueless about what was going on as he was. 
Standing, he paced over and threw open the window he’d just come in through even wider. Then, Eddie took out that final cigarette he had shoved into Steve’s pocket for safekeeping, leaned towards the fresh air, and lit up.
“I quit,” Steve grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
Eddie barked out a strained laugh.
“Congratulations, you started again!” he threw his hands into the air–big, loud, bombastic, the way he always got when he felt cornered. 
At Steve’s withering glare, though, he dropped them, shrinking in on himself as he yanked the cigarette apologetically from his mouth. 
“Fuck, sorry, dude, that was–shitty of me. I’m just…freaking the fuck out, you know?” 
Steve sighed, rubbing a hand over his chin. “Believe me, I know.” 
Approaching in several quick steps, he plucked the cigarette from Eddie’s fingers and leaned up against the wall to face him, taking a long drag. 
“If I’m back to smoking, I might as well actually get to enjoy it, yeah?” 
“I really am sorry, Steve,” Eddie repeated, this time less frazzled and more sheepish, sincere. “If you want, I’ll stop, just say the word. Promise.” 
Steve shrugged. “It’s okay. I mean, I get it. This definitely counts as, uh…a high stress situation.” 
“You’re goddamn right it does.” Eddie’s lips quirked into a teasing smile, hoping to alleviate a little of the tension in the room. “But, uh…at least no one’s gonna accuse me of being a cult leader this time around, right? Not when I’m wearing your pretty face.” 
Steve laughed, shaking his head, which Eddie counted as a victory. 
“Sure, yeah. There’s that at least, I guess. Not like we haven’t been through way worse. Whatever this is, I’m pretty sure it’s not some kind of life-or-death, world-ending threat. Although, now that I say that–” his nose crinkled, “I’m not sure if that’s better, or worse.” 
“What, that that’s what it takes to register on the Steve Harrington Richter scale of actual problems? That definitely sounds worse to me, man, knowing that’s where we’re at with this kind of shit.” 
Though he hummed his agreement, Steve also said, “It’s gotten me this far.”
“Yeah, you got me there.”
Still, Eddie couldn’t help but gnaw at his bottom lip, screwing his eyes shut for a moment, like he could will the situation away if he just couldn’t see it. 
“Hey,” Steve reached out, clamping a hand down onto his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. And even though when Eddie glanced up it was his own face staring back at him, Steve’s kindness, caring and comforting, shined out, unmistakable in the warmth of his eyes and the softness of his voice. “We’re okay. We’re gonna be okay, Eddie.”
Eddie sucked in a sharp breath and nodded, sending Steve a tentative, crooked smile in return.
After that, they lapsed into silence, several long moments ticking by as they passed the cigarette back and forth between them. But it was a comfortable one, now, the tense atmosphere in the room having popped. 
Steve was right. They had each other, and that’s all they had needed before to get them through problems far more hellish than this. 
“Ah, shit,” Steve groaned suddenly, rubbing his fingers over his brow and shooting Eddie an apologetic look, “it’s Sunday.”
“Yeah…” Eddie trailed off slowly, waiting for the revelation to kick in. “Care to share with the class here, Harrington?”
“And I promised the squirts I’d give them a ride to the arcade today.”
“Oh, shit. You could, uh…tell them you're sick?” Eddie offered. 
At the moment, he wasn’t entirely sure he was ready to rule out using that excuse to write the entire thing off anyway. Maybe this was all just some kind of fever-induced hallucination from a 24 hour head cold he was currently sleeping off, and he’d wake up tomorrow and get to laugh about how ridiculous it was with Steve when he told him.
“You wanna be the one to break that to Henderson? Cuz, right now, you’re the one who has to do it, what with the whole…voice thing we’ve got going on,” Steve tapped his throat in reminder. “And you know what a pain in the ass that kid can be when he wants to be. Besides, I mean…it’s not like I can’t take them. Technically, there’s not actually anything physically wrong. At least, not in that way.”
Eddie couldn’t exactly argue with that. 
“Do you…fuck, man, do you think we should tell them?”
“No. No,” Steve said before the words had even barely left Eddie’s mouth, the corners of his lips turning down into a contemplative frown. 
He’d been herding the little hellions around so long, Eddie was pretty sure “no” was his automatic first response to any question posed. So he waited Steve out, to see what he actually had to say. 
“I mean, I don’t think so. Not yet, at least. Like we said, it’s not like whatever’s going on seems that serious. Weird, sure, but…not freaky enough to call for backup, or anything. Plus, you know what those kids get like when there’s a problem to solve, and we wouldn’t want to freak them out over nothing. Right?”
Eddie tilted his head back and forth, mulling the question over. “Right, yeah. Makes sense, I think, to keep it under our hats for now.” 
Reaching over, he gave Steve’s knee a quick pat. 
“Well, come on then, big boy. Looks like we’re both back on babysitting duty.” 
Eyes squinting, Steve studied him for a moment, expression calculated. “You know, technically, my face is the only one they’re expecting to see today…”
“Yeah, but it’s your day. Don’t flake out on me now, Harrington. Do I look responsible enough to be a single dad?”
Steve gave Eddie a quick once over, no doubt about to make some wry comment on his newly acquired boy-next-door persona. Evidently, whatever he saw stopped him short instead.
“Come on, dude, seriously? The same jeans I had on yesterday? And did you even try to do my hair?” Steve complained, tugging on a strand of it, lip curling in a look that was only a shade or two away from disgust. 
Eddie couldn’t fight back the laugh that burst out of him at the display, feeling a surge of triumph at just how well he knew Steve.
“Now, tell me, Stevie, how did I fucking know that’s what you were gonna say?”
“And yet, you did it anyway.” Steve raised his eyebrows at Eddie, lips pursed in accusation. 
“You’ve gotta be joking, no way in hell this is your top priority right now.”
One hand still perched on his hip, Steve made an expansive gesture to encompass the both of them. “Not like there’s much else we can exactly do at the moment, yeah? So, might as well be this as anything.” 
Eddie snickered again, shaking his head as he climbed over his bed to get to the dresser. “You’re unbelievable, man.”
Much like his own process getting dressed that morning, Eddie yanked out basically the first t-shirt he came across and handed it over to Steve. 
“So, what, you get to dress me, but I didn’t get to dress you?” Steve let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a raspberry, still disgruntled and letting it be known. “How is that fair?”
“Blame your body’s internal clock. It woke me up first, for once.”
Steve glanced at the shirt he was currently wearing–from a Dio concert, black and worn soft, which Eddie had shrugged on right before bed–to the dark Metallica tee currently clutched in his hand and back again, looking like whatever he desperately wanted to say was right on the tip of his tongue. 
“Not a word out of you, Harrington,” Eddie warned, tossing a pair of black, ripped jeans directly at his chest. Steve caught them one handed, because, of course he did. “So, yeah, maybe I’ve got a personal style. So what? You’re one to talk.”
Steve held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I didn’t say anything.” 
“Oh, but you were thinking it. I’d recognize the trademark judgmental Harrington stare anywhere, even when it is on my own face.”
Steve huffed, rolling his eyes. “There is no stare.” 
“Just keep telling yourself that, Stevie boy.”
When Steve reached up to begin tugging at the collar of Eddie’s shirt, Eddie couldn’t help but ask, “You, uh…need some privacy, man?”
Sure, they were friends, good friends these days, and Eddie could guess based on everything he’d heard about the boys’ locker that, during the years Steve spent as Hawkins High’s number one athlete, he’d been no stranger to stripping down in front of a bunch of other jocks. Still, Eddie was always a little…cautious about changing around other guys. Careful not to let his eyes linger too long, avoiding doing anything that might make a potentially straight dude uncomfortable and get Eddie himself socked for his trouble. Not that he actually thought Steve would react even remotely like that, but…he still didn’t want to run even the smallest risk of souring things between them, not if he could help it. 
“I mean,” Steve swept a hand downwards, gesturing to himself–to Eddie, technically, “it’s your body, right? Not like there’s anything you haven’t seen before.”
He had a point there, and Eddie had to admit it had been a bit dipshitted of him to forget. But while Eddie obviously knew what he actually looked like hidden away beneath his clothes, he was smacked with the realization that…Steve didn’t.
Sure, there had been that period after the Spring Break from hell, when Steve had taken to playing nursemaid. He’d gotten more than his fair share of eyefuls then. But Eddie had been mostly bandages and still raw wounds, too recent to tell how they would shape up over the course of the recovery process. 
Eddie could answer that question with ease now–not great. Once Steve pulled off his shirt, he would see the scars Eddie had tried so painstakingly to keep covered up since those first few weeks of recovery. See just how much of him hadn't healed, the patches of ugly, gnarled skin that stretched across his stomach and up to his chest.
It made Eddie's stomach flip to imagine. In all likelihood he didn’t have a shot in hell with Steve anyway, but still he really didn't need him to see just how fucked up he still was.
Something about the way he stilled must have given him away, because suddenly Steve’s expression twisted in sympathy, hand dropping away from his collar.
"Hey, don't do that," he chided.
"Do what?" Eddie asked, dodging that knowing gaze as he feigned ignorance.
Before he even fully registered what was happening, Steve had tugged up the hem of the sweater Eddie was currently wearing.
"So, do you think less of me now because of those?" he asked, brown eyes wide and so serious they bordered on stern as he pointed to the faint scars spidering up his sides.
"What?" Eddie spluttered, shaking his head. "Fuck no. Of course not, what kind of dick would I be if I–"
Crossing his arms over his chest, Steve cocked an eyebrow at him, totally unimpressed. 
“What, so you think I'm the kind of asshole who would care? That I would look at this–” Jerking up the black fabric of the Dio t-shirt, he gestured down to Eddie’s stomach, "and think about anything except how brave–and stupid, by the way, like…Henderson levels of mind-blowingly stupid–you were?"
Any argument Eddie might have had died in his throat. He ducked his head for a moment, feeling somewhat ashamed. 
"No, man. No, of course I don't.” 
“Good,” Steve said with a nod, his tone brooking no arguments. “Because I’d like to think you know me better than that by now, Munson. Well enough to know that I don’t. I wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I do,” Eddie gnawed at his bottom lip. “I know. I know that. It wasn’t about you, dude, I just–"
"Felt weird about it. Believe me, I get it," Steve placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder, forcing him to look at him. "But you don't–I don't know. Have to worry that I'm over here, like…looking at your body and judging you, or something. Sure, you've got scars, I've got them too, but…honestly, you look good, man. You look…really good.” 
Steve trailed off, eyes still trained on the patch of Eddie’s exposed stomach, then he cleared his throat abruptly. “From, like, you know–the healing! You get what I mean, yeah? Yeah.”
Eddie’s brow furrowed, feeling mildly confused by his friend’s sudden harried manner. Still, Steve’s words had been enough to buoy him with a renewed sense of assurance, so he agreed easily. “Sure, Steve, I think so.”
Steve clapped him on the shoulder again, seeming relieved. “Great. That’s…great.” 
He made quick work of shucking off Eddie’s top, then. When Steve’s eyes dropped down to his chest, he paused for a moment, long enough for a trickle of dread to drip down Eddie’s spine. Sure, he might have said it was fine, but seeing it was a whole other–
“...You’ve got a nipple piercing?”
“Oh,” Eddie let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding, “yeah. Well, I started out with two originally, but obviously not much use for número dos without a second nipple, so.”
Hand trailing down in a way that seemed almost reflexive, Steve brushed curiously against one end of the silver bar, lips parting when he inhaled softly.
Eddie’s grin turned wicked. “I could get your nipples pierced while I’m in here, if you wanted. I know a guy.”
“Haha, very funny,” Steve pointed a warning finger at him. “Don’t you even think about it, Munson.”
“Just saying. Offer’s open, in case you change your mind.”
With a roll of his eyes, Steve hurriedly threw on the Metallica tee and jeans, then started herding Eddie towards the hallway.
“Let’s just get through this, huh?”
Dodging out of his grip, Eddie dipped into a low bow. “After you, my liege.”
With a shake of his head at Eddie’s antics, Steve sighed. “Here goes nothing.”
Then he shouldered his way through the screen door and out onto the porch, the pair of them stepping into the early morning sunlight, ready to greet this seriously strange Sunday together.
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