#so now a few of them may or may not think I'm literally satan and I didn't know they were around for a lot of it
sexiestwerewolf · 2 days
I feel like Dumbledore has done irrefutable damage to the "wise older mentor who takes the traumatized kid under their wing" trope just because Rowling can't write father figures properly and now everyone expects every "wise old man who takes the traumatized kid under their wing" to be some inherent evil who's actually the spawn of Satan and only looking to harm said kid
I've seen it time and time again to many characters, but the ones I think of the most are All Might and Wu even though, objectively, they're great teachers and don't expect their kids to literally give up their life to stop the big bad. they made a few mistakes but literally everyone to ever exist is gonna make mistakes, but it doesn't make them bad people
in general I just really hate "character bashing" especially that of which I'll see in fanfiction and genuinely believe that if you stopped looking at all those characters through the lense of black and white and instead actually take the time to look into their characters and why they may act that way or make those mistakes and even, for fanfic writers, utilize those and expand upon them you'll find so much more depth
also usually I'm finding people giving more sympathy towards villains than characters who slighted the MC just a little bit and don't get me wrong I love my villains (huge garm fan here duh) but forgiving one but being overly critical of the mistakes of another is so weird
anyways I love my fanfiction writers who make old wise teachers flawed and human (so to speak in Wu's case) instead of irredeemable monsters who only have it out for the mc
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stayathome-ts · 3 months
Are you kidding me?
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i'm literally so in awe how in obey me! they all have such nice nails that don't seem to be ruined at all >__< so if u don't mind may i request how would all of them (could also be mammon centric ehe) react to an mc who gets their nails painted but literally just a few minutes into them, they accidentally get ruined with the simplest tasks they do !!! (may or may not be first hand experience bwahwhaj TT) and tysm and hope you're always doing good !!
the brothers' reactions to you messing up your nails
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list
a/n: okay because i feel you. my nails never look good lol. anyway, thanks for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hello!
please like and reblog if you enjoyed :)
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➳ lucifer hears you curse from the other room and puts his book down. “mc?” he calls, “are you alright?” after a moment, you stick your head in the doorway sheepishly. “oh, i’m alright,” you say with a sigh. “my nails aren’t, though. i always mess them up. this is why i don’t really paint them.” lucifer hides his smile. he’s not surprised you already managed to smudge the polish. you never seem to have quite enough patience to wait for them to fully dry. “how about this,” he says, standing. “i’ll do whatever you were trying to do so you don’t mess them up anymore.”
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➳ mammon walks into the living room, spotting you on the couch. “whatcha doing?” he asks, and you jump. “you scared me,” you huff. “and great, i just messed up my nails.” mammon grins apologetically. “my bad. but that’s a nice color.” “thanks,” you say. “i bought it a while ago but only now am trying it out. too bad i can’t really do it justice. i wish i’d learned to paint my nails nicely when i was young because not they always come out looking like shit.” mammon laughs. “shit or now, they look nice on you,” he says. “and if ya really wanted, we could go to the manicurist and i’ll pay for ya.”
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➳ levi crosses his arms. “it’s been like fifteen minutes! what do you mean your nails aren’t dry yet? come on, let’s just play games.” you shake your head. “no way, levi. just trust me, they’re gonna get smudged. no matter how long i wait, they always do.” after a few more minutes of whining and wheedling, he finally convinces you to play. that, however, doesn’t last long. “oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” you mutter, and he looks over, pausing the game. “look,” you say, holding up your hand. somehow you’ve managed to smudge almost every single nail.
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➳ satan watches you begin to put away dishes. “careful,” he warns. “didn’t you just paint your nails?” you roll your eyes. “that was like, thirty minutes ago. they’re definitely dry.” “don’t say i didn’t warn you,” satan says, then begins to help you, pulling plates from the dishwasher. when all of the dishes are finally put away, you turn to him, presumably to gloat about your nails, but the words die on your lips when you see he’s right and that you’ve already smudged three nails. and somehow chipped another.
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➳ asmo grabs your hands, inspecting them. “your nails always smudge because you don’t wait long enough. not just for them to dry, but between coats,” he explains. “you’ve got to have patience! beauty is art, and every great piece of art took a while to make.” you laugh. “maybe i’m just not meant for pained nails.” “nonsense,” asmo dismisses. “now come on, i’ll repaint them for you. you better be grateful, i don’t offer my amazing services to just anyone, you know.” “as if you’d let me forget,” you snort, and he huffs out an affronted breath.
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➳ beel squints at your nails. “those are messed up? they look fine to me.” you sigh. “they are! look at my pinkie nail! and my thumb, too. how can you not see that?” beel shrugs. “i guess everything just looks perfect when it’s on you,” he says, and you fight a smile, crossing your arms. he doesn’t even mean anything by it, either. that’s probably just what he genuinely thinks. “don’t try to flatter me,” you command, “at least not until you tell me how you never mess yours up! it’s unfair!”
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➳ belphie watches you pick at a bit of nail polish, concentrating deeply. “i can never get these to look perfect,” you mutter, “but i can at least get them looking semi-decent. right?” you go in with the brush again, and almost immediately mess up. belphie can’t help how endearing he finds it, even if he’s starting to wonder what the record is for the longest time someone’s spent painting their nails. because you’ve got to be definitely getting close. “just let me do it,” he finally says, leaning over and taking the bottle from you, “or else we’re going to be here all night.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 2 months
Obey Me Boys as Tarot/Oracle Decks I Own
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Is this stupid? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Absolutely.
To make a long story short, I have a problem and I compulsively buy tarot and oracle cards, so I have...quite a few. So, I was looking at them and thought, "which ones would fit the characters?" And now look where we are! :) I do have exactly fifteen decks and had planned originally to assign decks to the new side characters as well, but I, A. got tired and B. couldn't find one that fit Mephisto, so I just scrapped that idea altogether. Anyways, here's what literally nobody asked for!
Disclaimer! I did pick out cards that I thought matched the characters as well, based on both meaning and look. I'm not going into detail on all of the cards either...because I will ramble forever. I'm did my best to keep these as brief as possible!
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Lucifer - Archangel Animal Oracle Deck
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Okay, so this could've been a great deck for Simeon or Raphael, but out of what I had, this fit Lucifer the best! It ties back to his origins of being a seraphim. I did pick a card or two that have Archangel Micheal and Raphael in them, and they do fit Lucifer in needing to let others in and to not let pride get in the way of being dependent on others.
Mammon - The Illustrated Crystallary Oracle Deck
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Mostly picked this one due to the fact that crystals can be expensive and high-dollar, which Mammon would be into and exploit (and he has). If not him, this one might've gone to Solomon, but I had a better one for him >:) I picked Mammon's cards based off his greed and his love for the MC...and which crystals would cost a pretty penny.
Leviathan - Mystical Manga Tarot Deck
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My tried and true deck. It was either this one or my Skyrim tarot deck, so I went with this one. It felt more him to me. I picked the Seven of Cups, the Hanged Man, the Hermit, and the Nine of Swords for Levi. In some cases, the Seven of Cups gives me feelings of envy for choices that may seem out of reach or wanting it all when you have to pick and choose, so I went with it.
Satan - The Language of Flowers Oracle Deck
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This is the best I had for Satan, but I feel like he'd be quite knowledgable on flower language. I had several other cards that I had in mind for him as well, namely Action - the Venus Fly Trap, but I wanted to keep the number of cards to four, so... Also, when I first started using this deck, it took a lot of warming up to, (it was shy...if you can believe that or not), which is how Satan is in both games, not shy just...needs to get used to people before opening up.
Asmodeus - Romantic Tarot Deck
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This is the pairing that kicked off this idea. This deck is new, my mom gifted it to me for Easter! She's a sweetie. And I kept think about how Asmo would adore the art and vintage depictions in the cards. Since the cards aren't labeled, I picked the Lovers, the Two of Cups, the Empress, and the Three of Swords. Most of these are "romantic" in nature, or with the Empress, embodies confidence and embracing femininity. Three of Swords because of how dramatic and tragic love and can be, and I'm sure Asmo has had his fair share :(
Beelzebub - Moonology Manifestations Oracle Deck
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This is my second Moonology deck, my other-half, if you will. (Another gift from my mom:)) I really don't have much to say about this deck for Beel, but I figured it would be fun to assign the twins with these decks. The cards were picked based on his feelings of guilt of his past from the Celestial War.
Belphegor - Moonology Oracle Deck
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My first Moonology deck! I think this was the first oracle deck I ever got, so it has a special place in my heart. I obviously had to give this one to Belphie since his theme revolves around the moon and space. Notice in both Beel's and Belphie's I picked one Gemini card each, hehe...
Diavolo - Dragon Wisdom Oracle Deck
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Considering Dia's demon form is draconic (dra-ICONIC! Heh, anyone?), this seemed right. I'm less familiar with this deck since it's not one of the primary ones I use, but it was fun to go through it again like it was new, lol. There was another card I almost picked for him, Initiation. But I thought these ones fit best.
Barbatos - Celtic Healing Oracle Deck
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Once again, this is one of those scenarios where this was the best I had for Barb. There's a strange energy to these cards, mysterious and timeless almost, a little spooky. Kinda reminds me of him in some way. I'm the least familiar with this deck as it's relatively new and I haven't really used it yet, so apologies for lack of substance with this one.
Simeon - The Field Tarot
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This was a gift from a friend of mine. It was theirs originally, but they so thoughtfully handed it down to me, and I use it quite a lot! This deck felt very mellow and light compared to my other ones. Very minimalist, so I thought it fit Simeon's vibe. To note: the Perspective card is this deck's Hanged Man. The Three of Cups reminded me of the og Purgatory Hall gang.
Solomon - Oceanic Tarot Deck
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Based on his love for marine life and his...past with the ocean, how could I resist! Also, didn't mean for two of the cards I picked to be king and queen of the same suit, but I thought they fit his personality and way of living. The suit cards are pretty basic, featuring some marine life behind the pictures and whatnot without having too much imagery.
Luke - Tiny Tarot Deck
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Come on...I had to. I put it in my hand so you could really get the perspective of how small it is. It's cute! I didn't pull any of the cards out since the box struggles to hold them in and I'm afraid of getting them everywhere, but they are your standard Rider-Waite-Smith deck! I probably would've picked the Sun or the Six of Cups for him, something along the lines of youth and vibrancy. (MY GOD, MY VEINS LOOK LIKE A STAR WTH?? I just noticed that, omg) Well...that's new...
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fanficsat12am · 2 years
telling the brothers they would look pretty with a ring I Beelzebub & Belphegor
Request: Hi, may i ask for a request where mc tells the demon brothers that they would look pretty with a ring? AN: IM BACK!! UGHHHHH I'm so sorry for the long wait, school is an absolute mess. I missed writing here so much y'all. I swear I'll try to post as much headcanons and dialogues as much as I can BUT I PROMISE YOU, NO MATTER HOW QUIET I MAY BE, IM STILL ALIVE❤️❤️
📜 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃!! 📜 Lucifer & Mammon Leviathan, Satan & Asmodeus
Now hear him out. He’s willing to eat literally anything. You’ve seen him eat things you had never imagined being eaten by a person—not that it was edible in the first place, but he’s done it.
He had just gotten finished with his monthly nail painting schedule with Asmo, and his hands looked absolutely fresh and pampered. You never really took notice of how strong yet delicate his hands looked. They were usually slathered in sauce for you to notice.
“Honey, have you ever tried a ring on before? Your hands are gorgeous”
Beel felt his heart flutter—a dumb smile forming on his face. He loved the idea of keeping something that made him feel like he was connected to you. Despite that, you both knew a ring with a gem on top would just look like a bedazzled onion ring to him.
Because of this, he decided to practice with some ring pops. Not even a whole day had passed, he had already eaten 6 pieces. The poor guy was really trying though. He wanted to have a legitimate matching ring with you that could last long, so he did.
This baby had practiced for so long that once he got the hang of not eating something for once, he immediately went out to buy some for the both of you.
You were in the kitchen preparing some food for Beel when he suddenly burst through the entrance wearing a huge smile on his face. He excitedly plopped down on one of the stools and extended his hand. On it laid a small box with a little bow on top. You opened it to find a ring in the shape of a spatula, kinda like SpongeBob’s. You were obviously confused and he said he wanted something he can remember you by, lifting his hand to show you his.
“I know it’s hard for me not to eat something like this, but I’ll really try! I want you to know that no matter what I eat, you’ll always be my one and only little chef <3.”
He made sure never to try and eat his despite it being so tempting. When he’s had a rough day, he’ll look at his ring and start getting back to his happy ol self—knowing he’ll get to see and hold you at the end of the day.
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The both of you decided to have a picnic date underneath the stars in the planetarium. Despite his usual sleepy demeanor, he was excitedly pointing at each constellation he could find. He spoke about how each constellation had a story to tell, not of those you and other humans know from mythology and instead about how they told the story of the three realms. This obviously sparked your interest and asked plenty of questions…for the first part.
It’s not that you got bored or anything, it’s just that his finger looked so soft and supple. He continued, failing to notice your silence and just rationalizing it as you appreciating the stories. He was about to tell you more until you wordlessly took his hand in yours and admired it? He couldn’t really tell.
“Ya know, we should try putting a ring on this. Your finger would look great with one, Baby”
A small tint of pink would dust his cheeks with his signature grin. He looked at you with fondness while his mind spun with the different rings that could express his undying love for you. After a few hours, you both decided to call it a night and get back to your rooms before you get caught by Lucifer.
On your next date though, you were surprised to see Belphie pulling a box out of his pocket. You felt as if your heart was about to beat out of your chest, thinking he was about to propose or something. He noticed your panicked face and reassured you it wasn’t the case. He opened it to reveal a beautiful Little Dipper ring with tiny gemstones connecting to form the constellation. He placed it on your finger and it slipped in perfectly.
“You might not know this, but the Big Dipper and Little Dipper are said to represent how vast and endless one’s love and connection are. We were separated by two worlds but I know that no matter what lifetime or form we take, you are the one for me, my Little Dipper.”
”Does this mean I can call you Big D.”
He makes sure to always wear his, even when he goes to sleep at night. Whenever he’s out and the stars are nowhere to be seen, he looks down at his finger and knows that there’s always one star that shines through the dark and empty sky.
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 20 Spoilers
Thinking in a realistic sense, I genuinely found this hilarious :
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Okay so... I live with my Mom and she's pretty chill for the most part. But I think having seven rowdy, chaotic demons suddenly move in with us would most likely test her patience xD
However! I can imagine it now :
- Mammon would be dragging me off to the nearby casino (I literally live only like 3 minutes from a casino lol)
- Satan would be fawning over my cat and making friends with her, petting her, holding her, giving her treats, etc. I'd also take him to a local cat cafe, the nearby bookstore, and a few local libraries ^w^
- Levi would basically make my bedroom his own, playing my video games, watching the anime and reading the manga I've accumulated so far, looking at my figures, etc. I'd be sure to show him all of my favorite online shops and sites ~
- Belphie would claim our spare room as his own little napping area. Also star gazing at night ⭐
- Beel would be indulging in my Mom's cooking much to my Mom's dismay since she's not a huge fan of cooking despite being good at it lol, not to mention ordering from all of the local restaurants.
- Asmo would be sampling my nail polish and using my hair straightener (I wouldn't mind sharing 💙) after soaking in our bathtub for hours
- Lucifer would become my dogs' best friend. (He was able to tame a three headed hell hound, so I'm confident he would have no problem dealing with my three rambunctious human world pups lol) I'd also introduce him to different human world music and teas that he may not be familiar with.
Sleeping arrangements would be a bit cramped, unless the brothers could enchant our home to create extra rooms. Both myself and Lucifer would definitely have to keep the others in line to prevent my Mom from going off on them (I can just imagine yelling "SIT!". My dogs would sit down and wait for treats while the brothers would all faceplant into the floor beside them xD)
But aside from that.... I'd like to think everything would work out (:
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Kuvira and Bryke's Problem with Moral Ambiguity
I will be honest with you...I really like Kuvira.
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She is probably one of my favorite characters from Legend of Korra. I like her design. I like a lot of the ideas behind her. And I think Zelda Williams did a great job with the character. So I can understand why Bryke wanted to do something different with her and try to redeem her.
Here's the problem. I love Kuvira...but she's also indicative of one of the show's biggest problems. Mainly the inability to commit to a morally ambiguous conflict.
Again, the whole point of Kuvira's character was that she wasn't a wholly irredeemable monster. That her methods, while heavy handed, weren't entirely in the wrong and her heart was in the right place. And we do see evidence of that early on with her forces giving relief to billages, stamping out bandits, and outing corrupt officials. Heavy handed and early warning signs sure, but nothing too over the top.
Then they made her into a power hungry dictator.
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Yeah. Kind of hard to sell her as sympathetic when she takes imagery from real life oppressive and fascist political parties and governments.
Sad thing is, Kuvira here is not the exception to this. Throughout The Legend of Korra, we are presented with many antagonistic groups that are responding to some injustice or moral qualm which doesn't paint the current status quo the heroes are defending in a good light. Non-bender discrimination led to Amon and the Equalists. Unalaq was a response to mankind losing touch with the Spirit World. The Red Lotus were spurned by corruption in high places. And Kuvira was restoring order to a broken Earth Kingdom full of anarchy. It's clear that Bryke intended for all of these groups and characters to have some kind of point to generate moral ambiguity. Asking whether or not Korra and Co were truly in the right.
Yet when it came time to deliver, the antagonists were almost always portrayed as being in the wrong and often were portrayed in a way that makes it difficult for the audience to truly sympathize with them. The Equalists and the Red Lotus become terrorists. Amon is a bender with flimsy reasonings. Unalaq literally fuses with the Avatar equivalent of Satan. And again, Kuvira becomes a dictator. While their points are given some credence, the characters themselves always become a final boss for the heroes to triumphantly defeat. Which...muddies the message since it becomes difficult to see the villains' argument when they're treated the way they are.
Now admittedly, it is difficult to write a character like this. Balancing out the character's reasonable and sympathetic traits with the need to be an opposing force to the protagonists who audiences are normally predisposed to root for. So the question remains: how do you go about finding this equilibrium?
While I'm not a professional writer, I can think of at least two good methods. The first is allowing the antagonist to do genuinely good things that seems at odds with their position. This could include a concern for civilians or their comrades, limiting their violence, or throwing themselves in the line of danger for the sake of others. Kuvira does demonstrate this a few times with sending relief to civilians who need it or choosing to face down the Avatar herself rather than ordering her men to do it.
The second is actually giving a concrete reason for why the antagonist is escalating things. Maybe the situation is just that bad where the antagonist feels the need to escalate or is a response to something that the heroes did. Perhaps the antagonist's grievances are legitimate and they have a solid reason to fight. Again, this is explored with Prince Wu's incompetence and the attempted assassination on Kuvira's life by Suyin. While her methods are heavy handed, you could see why she may need to employ them.
The foundations for a solid character are there. If they expanded on that, we could've had a fairly compelling conflict where neither side is entirely in the right nor are they in the wrong.
And then they introduced re-education camps and had Kuvira invent the Avatar equivalent of an atomic bomb.
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Uh...hate to be that guy, but why the hell is Kuvira sympathetic again? Especially when other villains who did far less evil get crapped on while she gets a redemption arc in the comics?
glares at what they did with Azula
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...I'm sorry but no. Korra wouldn't have ever turned out to be a fascist And trying to say the villain can be redeemed because they're like the hero raises so many flags for the franchise as a whole that I'm surprised they didn't do the same with Ozai. What? He's who Zuko would've ended up as if he went too far.
I get what they were getting at with Kuvira. I really do. And with better writing, maybe she could've been that character I mentioned. The groundworks are all there. But the problem they ran in was consistency and commitment. They failed to keep her sympathy and anti-villain status consistent by making her too horrible to properly feel for. And they never actually committed to fostering this morally ambiguous conflict.
Trust me, I'm not knocking against Kuvira and her fans. I'm really not. I understand the appeal. I even think a lot of her fans have better interpretations and ideas than Bryke (trust me, Kuvira has some pretty good fanfics out there). But if they wanted to redeem who we saw in the series, we needed more than a single comic trilogy. Especially when other characters don't even get a chance at that.
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fickleminder · 1 year
Omg, thank you for being interested in my little plot bunnies! TYSCATDSC was literally so good, it was impossible for me not to run with it. It's rife with so much possibility, it made me think of all the different ways MC and the brothers could have reunited, what they would have to do to mend their relationship after the fact, MC and Lilith bonding time, it's just. An amazing fic. The plot, the characterization, everything.
I too am (obviously, I guess) a sucker for MC whump. We rarely get it in game, so we have to do it ourselves. I have started writing the “good ending” version with my MC, so if it’s okay with you, I might post the MC survives!version once I finish it?
The “bad ending” where MC doesn’t survive is something I started, but I'm not sure if I'll ever finish. I will say it was Solomon who found out about MC’s death first. 2ish years after the end of the exchange program, a friend of his overhears some hunter bragging about killing the “master of the 7 avatars of sin”. He goes back to MC’s hometown to try to track them down, and winds up hearing about an unidentified body being found in the woods like a year earlier. The witch hunters essentially cut them off from using their pacts (so Satan never knew what happened to them either), tortured and destroyed their soul before leaving them in the woods. MC is just gone forever, and the way I planned the rest of the plot, it’s all the characters reacting to the fact that their soul was literally wiped from the world and no one noticed. Not the angels, not the demons, not even the humans. They died suffering and alone, their body wasn’t found for almost a full year after they died, and they were buried in an unmarked grave until Solomon came by, by chance. I hurt my own feelings writing that one and I may or may not finish it one day, but it would be a tough one for me to continue.
As for the NB headcanons, have u ever listened to The Alcott by The National and Taylor Swift? Bc there’s this whole part that Taylor sings in the chorus and it goes like “tell me which side are you on, dear? / give me some tips to forget you / could it be easy, this once? / I think I'm falling back in love with you” and that is like. The whole vibe I was working with here. Honestly, the whole song was a vibe. I think NB would happen maybe a few years after the exchange program ends. MC has gotten used to being without the brothers (minus Satan, who they are able to see every few months, when he can get away from his responsibilities) when they are sent back in time, again. NB happens same as usual, except now MC has to deal with unresolved (romantic?) feelings for the brothers who now do not know them, and their only solace (Satan) is a blank slate and rife with resentment and violent rage. I think Solomon would still come to help them, but I imagine him in a more antagonistic role; in this version of NB, I see Solomon taking advantage of MC’s broken heart and loneliness and trying to sway them to his (humanity’s) side, maybe try and get them to fall in love with him instead.
Meanwhile, in the present day, Barbatos invites the Morningstars over for tea and casually mentions that the human who held all of their pacts has been unceremoniously chucked into the past by an unknown (?) entity. That’s all I have until more lessons come out, but I love to think of all the extra angst putting TYSCATDSC!MC into the NB universe causes. Knowing the brothers intimately while they know nothing whatsoever; watching them grieve Lilith and being unable to tell them they get her back one day; going through the motions knowing that another goodbye is inevitable; torn between not wanting to get close again, and being helpless to the feelings that always seem to come around when it comes to these brothers.
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I'd be 100% down to read the MC survives!version first! As much as I'm a sucker for whump, I like happy endings too!! Do take your time, and please tag me when you post it 🙏🏻
That bad ending tho, holy shit. It hurts so good omg thank you for feeding us such delicious angst!! It really encapsulates the replaced!AU so well, the way MC is just lost to them (be it by their own neglect or external forces) and they can't do anything about it until it's way too late. I totally understand if you don't finish that one; my heart aches just reading what you have so far 🥲
And I love those lyrics for the NB headcanons! MC's entire support system is just gone, and I'm super intrigued by the sus!Solomon subplot you got there. As for the brothers... oof. Imagine being reminded of the one family member they neglected for years, only to be told that they've been lost in time. MC isn't dead (at least for now), but there's no way the brothers can get to them either. They must be going insane with all the worry and guilt.
I'm holding off writing too deeply for NB myself cus we're relatively early into the story so I wanna see where it goes first, but poor MC's really getting the short end of the stick no matter what eh? Anyway, thank you for sharing more on your ideas! I'll be in the back cheering you on and sending you all the good writing mojo 💪🏻
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omoiintensifies · 1 year
Thoughts and prayers for me because I just finished the Ichigo and Ulquiorra final fight part.
Here are a few thoughts because I HAVE TO:
1. This is practically the Pein vs Naruto sequence. Before his final gash, Ulquiorra explicitly states how Ichigo doesn't understand the meaning of despair. Heart is what makes the human weak because it doesn't let them act rationally (and so Ichigo should've withdrawn because he was weak. And Inoue should have been scared because she was weak).
Pein says the same thing about love, although words it a bit differently.
2. Aesthetically...I MEAN...It is insane how gorgeous the whole scene is. Crescent moon, and Ulquiorra's final form. He is beautiful. And I don't state that easily. He belongs to the high Greek tragedies, but is also a sheer symbol of rationalism and nihilism of our modern times.
Ul is beyond beautiful. Biblical. Loyal. Fallen creature.
I won't compare him to Satan because nobody is a better Lord of Pandemonium than Aizen (Chef's kiss) (I haven't finished Bleach yet but I think that's what Aizen is modelled after)
3. Heart of the matter: Ichigo and Inoue (hero and heroin with same one brain cell 😭) are people who believe in strong ethics of fair fighting and mercy.
And so Ichigo went: you can cut my arm and leg too! (Preposterous and hilarious, and not to mention extremely dumb)
Time and again, Ichigo has been told to let go of this hesistant moral side. But 👏he 👏simply 👏doesn't 👏
Now there is a way to look at it:
This "merciful" side is very unique to humans (so like 4 people in the show). Soul society does it, but not always. In most cases, they stop fighting when the opponent is weak as a sign of power.
But in Ichigo's case, it is never arrogance. He's not a soldier even if he tries to be. If Inoue will heal their enemies, Ichigo would cut himself up to make sure the fight is fair. It's the same idea: even though you're my enemy, you have a right to exist because hello, we're not barbaric.
BUT ALSO, ASIA'S BELOVED MIX: Self-sacrifice ✨
/Selflessness and Asian plots deserve a thesis and not a Tumblr post/
4. Conclusion:
I was stunned. The pauses. The disappearance. It was heartbreaking (well, literally for Ul). He's like Icarus. Flew too close to the sun (Inoue/heart) and couldn't take it.
I know that most people hate Orihime. It is understandable because Bleach is homage to Japanese art of war and royal military history, and Orihime can come across anachronistic. She's the only female character (so far) who is so relevant to the fight but cannot fight. However, as a character, she's a metaphor and not a fighter. She represents the sun/hope/heart. In terms of plot unity, I'm not sure if that's a great fit, because the message of hope/heart unlike Naruto is built up in a VERY scattered manner. Instead, fighting styles are valorized. So it's not an easy fit.
Having said that, I think it's a necessary fit. It's writer's safety barrier so that they may not go overboard with romanticization of fighting styles, which is essentially what makes Bleach.
Just fighting styles and aesthetics cannot make a plot, it would need a heart, sooner or later.
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celestialmango · 2 years
Hey... listen
You doing amazing no matter what other people say!
You yourself are an amazing person and your art is amaizing
And I'm sure you look beautiful/handsome and hope you're days go well and you get all the support you need
Sending virtual hugs 😄🤗🤗🤗❤🫂
I have no idea how to respond to this except thank you and send a virtual hug back.
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Honestly I've never been told I'm beautiful or handsome before. I have however, been told I look cute and have an innocent face.
(this next part is going to include a little lesson of other punks that may be less known to people unlike the popular cyberpunk and steampunk)
Once told someone I was a punk in highschool and still am one even now. they told me they would have never would have expected it because I was so polite and the whole innocent face thing and said I didn't look like one, but there are many styles of punk, not just the whole dark and spiky with ripped cloths and colored hair style which is what people tend to think of when someone says they're a punk. Let me give a few names of known examples that people may have never heard of unless they are or are friends with one of these types of punk, Celtic punk(punk but with *bagpipe noises*), Furpunk (literally just furry punks), Solar punk(eco friendly punks)
Lunar punk(eco friendly punk but pagan, wiccan and others along those lines, yes that does does include the whole 'evil pentacle' thing and 'satanic imagery', style is cool tho, it's Bioluminescent clothing and nature, fungus and mushrooms, Wiccan references and culture, glass or crystals and neon aesthetic, it's a newer type of punk from what I understand. Lots of respect nature stuff, basically can be seen by some as the younger sibling of solar punk that is still figuring out who they are and chose a bit darker color pallet with stuff like ravens and moths. The moth wing cloaks are cool.)
AETHERPUNK/MAGIC PUNK (WHICH IS LITERALLY DND TYPE PUNKS), Ocean punk / pirate punk (think dessert punk but ocean everywhere instead of sand, with islands that float on the sea, underwater cities, floating cities, nomadic ship cities....and pirates), Bronze punk/Sandel punk (punk but ancient themed, like the time Plato and Aristole were alive ancient), Clockpunk(steampunk but more antique), Gothic punk(punks that are also goths).
Mythpunk(punks that's about myth, legends and fork lore, think similar to achelles and his pal subreddit but punk for example, myths but as from the viewpoint from the LGBT people, also achelles was totally gay, a dude doesn't ask for his ashes be mixed with his 'male friend' forever unless they were totally lovers. Lots of LGBTQ eraser happened when some straight historians got ahold of legends.), Plaguepunk(punk but with some plague doctor themes)
So yeah, there's alot more punks than people think but everyone knows about steampunk and cyberpunk already.
Last note on punks is, like a large portion of my family says, "you don't gotta be an asshole to be punk, being nice is something that can be punk." I know that saying spread through my family till it got to me as a teen tho there's some variation of it the message remains the same and I thought all of this would be fun to share.
Also getting back to my cute and innocent appearance I can do mischievous goblin or gremlin things and no one ever expects it was me unless they know me well or seen me do it before, like cause chaos with googly eyes, I will put them wherever I think they would be funny to put them, like light switches, door knobs, and pretty random places, giant ones mean I have bigger objects I can put them on.
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automatismoateo · 23 days
My born-again brother has become openly homophobic via /r/atheism
My born-again brother has become openly homophobic I apologize, this is going to be rather long. So not long after the pandemic started, my older brother (I'm 27, he's 35), who had recently gotten out of a bad, toxic marriage, started going to the nearby church in our hometown. It happens to be a southern baptist church, and a lot of its congregation are homophobic (I know, because some of them are members of our family). Fast forward to today. My brother has within the last few days started sharing blatantly homophobic and transphobic stuff on facebook. He has also gotten sharply more provocative and uncompromising in what he says on there. Before this, pretty much everything he posted and shared pertained to typical evangelist stuff about accepting Jesus, etc. I guess over the years I've been afraid of this very thing happening. So I've kept an eye on his page, but generally kept my distance in regard to actually communicating with him. We talked from time to time, but I had already felt like his newfound religious zeal drove a wedge between us. But, since I'm gay, I held out hope that on this one topic he might keep a mind of his own and diverge from his church's view. Well, that's gone out the window. Multiple family members commented against his bigotry, and my dad is pissed at him and has tried talking him out of it, to no avail. I myself unfriended him. Of course my brother has all the classic responses ready to fire, about how he's saying these things "out of love" and "out of concern" for gay people's souls LMAO. He literally said "it'd be hateful not to warn them." I have no words for that. And while I guess it's been a few years coming, and I've been slowly saying goodbye in my own way, now I truly feel grief about losing my brother to this. I almost called out of work today because I feel sick. In my early teenage years my brother was my stronghold. Most of my lifelong interests, particularly in music and nintendo games and fantasy stories, I owe to him. We struggled, sometimes together and sometimes apart, through our parents' divorce. I would never have imagined we'd be at the point where he's calling homosexuality satanic. It's like a knife in my gut and a far cry from the big brother I grew up with. As much as I'd like to hope someday he'll get over this obsession (as he has from other obsessions he's had in the past), at this point it's been years, he's married to a woman he met at the church, and they have kids together now. I don't think I'll ever get him back. And I'm having a very hard time moving on and fully accepting that. He lives with our mom, so I feel like I can't go there anymore. I grew up in that house, and I hate the fact that if I go visit my mom I'll have to deal with him. To be completely honest I don't want to see him at all or give him the chance to state his case to me, because I know it will just be evangelist biblically-literal nonsense. I get very emotional when confronted, to the point of crying, and I know I would lash out, which I'd rather not give my energy to. My own acceptance of my sexuality was a difficult, years-long struggle in and of itself, and I refuse to give voice to anything or anyone that questions its validity. If you read all that, thanks I guess, I'm not specifically looking for advice or anything like that, though I'm not opposed to it either. I just wanted to put it all into words and maybe connect with anyone who might have experienced something similar as a queer person. Please enjoy your Thursday. Submitted May 09, 2024 at 08:02AM by halcyon_apricity (From Reddit https://ift.tt/8i6H4eu)
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immasock · 2 years
I'm turning insomniac with all these ideas and I'm getting all excited so I'll might just dump it in.
In the bible there's seven sins with the seven princes of hell who represent it which is the brothers so here's the thing, in the Book of Revelation, which is connected to the bible,
There are 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, death, war, conquest and famine. So what if MC represents death whose the strongest and the leader of the 4. These horsemen are practically like the core rulers or the most important/highest rulers of Devildom.
Oh my god you are a GENIUS. I swear you are my new favorite person
Pronouns: They/Them
The brothers and Dateables with Death!MC
I love this idea so much holy fuck-
MC is one of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse
This means that they are in charge of the other 3 as well
Because they’re the strongest
But since the 4 horsemen are the ACTUAL rulers of Devildom
This means that MC is basically the big boss of everyone
Everyone in devildom has some level of respect for MC and the other horsemen
They aren’t that stupid
But the four horsemen lead using fear tactics
Everyone is terrified of them
And by everyone
I mean everyone
Lucifer doesn’t like to admit when he’s scared but you can tell by the way he straightens up when he hears their footsteps approach
If he knows that MC or one of the others will be visiting the HoL then he makes damn sure that everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be
MC may also notice that not all seven brothers are ever in the house when you’re there
But it’s alright
In fact, the only time MC ever sees all seven brothers together is when there is a ball or they summon the brothers to their own castle
Because the four horsemen of the apocalypse definitely live in a castle
Because I said so
I will also say that Mammon doesn’t dare try to take anything from said castle
He knows that any of the horsemen could easily overtake him and do horrible things to him if he ever crossed them and that’s just not a risk he’s willing to take for a few extra Grimm
Especially with MC
MC does like Leviathan but thats just because he’s the general of Hells Navy
They’ve been known to work together couple of times
Especially when there is a particularly difficult fight going on
Someone else that is kinda fond of MC is Satan
Which I feel is a little obvious
But shhhh
It’s fine
When satan was first born and he was still trying to find a way to harness his anger so he didn’t explode over every little thing, MC offered to help him out
They let him take his anger out on them through sparing
Or even just letting him scream bloody murder at them
They really didn’t mind
They always enjoy seeing things like that anyways
Asmodeous doesn’t like them
He’s afraid of them actually
Like most demons
He does think they are very attractive tho
But he wouldn’t dare try and seduce them
Hell it probably wouldn’t even work
They are much stronger than him
His magic is useless against them
Speaking of strength
He has great respect for MC as well
Of course
He doesn’t interact with MC as often
He may respect them but he really doesn’t like them
Why would he?
He’s the protector of his family and they’re literal death
He doesn’t trust them
And neither does Belphegor
There was a small period after the fall that he blamed MC for what happened to his sister
He knows now that it wasn’t their fault but he still doesn’t like them
He may be the prince, soon to be king, of the devildom
But he knows damn well that he is not all powerful
He knows that MC and the other three horsemen are the real ones in charge
And he’s fine with it
He gets to make most of the decisions but at the end of the day, what they say is law
Barbatos doesn’t feel any particular way about the horsemen
He respects them and obeys them obviously
But that’s where that ends
They sure like him tho
They often ask him to peer into the future for them
And because it’s the horsemen he has to oblige
The four horsemen have the entirety of the Devildom, and let’s be real, the celestial realm, under their thumb
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lazydanni · 2 years
Demon brothers with a Tartaglia-like MC
>Older brothers
Pairing: Younger bros x MC
Warning: Blood mention, injuries, lesson 16 spoiler, light nsfw at asmo part (?)
Parts two from le request lets goooo
Author note: I'm back after being dead for months duel to family issue and stuffs. Sorry for keeping yall waiting, I'll try to do the requests ASAP 😤 (It's was like 1am when I was making this fic—)
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He finds you pretty interesting due to your behavior when you first got here, the way you were so opening towards his brothers and himself but yet always on guard.
Are you hiding something? *Sus*
Probably the first one who noticed your dead eyes it's not like he was observing you like this was from International Geography or something
In the first few lessons, there wasn't much thing going on between you and Satan, because both of you has the similar personality aka the "your friendly buddy" face
But not when he got pissed because you refused to make a pact with him.
But you left him shocked, because YOU weren't scared of his demon form nor his threat of killing you. In fact your fact were bright as day, taking out your weapon and accepted the fight
YOU? A human wanted to fight with him?? Satan himself?? The Wrath himself? Man you got alot of nerves to challenge him 😟 (Bro left him in shock fr)
Bunch of stuffs happened after that yada yada yada... You guys finally get along YAYYY!! (i think)
He wouldn't be surprised if he sees you cover in blood when you got home. I mean.. You've shown him how bloodlusting you are when you got in a fight with him 🤷🏻‍♀️
For some reasons, he keep being spoiled by you. Like you always bring something back for him after your trip to the human world, every kind of books that he mentioned about it, no matter how rare and hard to get, you always able to get your hands on those and give them to him
Like man, he would just kiss you right here if he wasn't trying to hide his sparklings when he received those cat books that you bought🙄
Listen, I don't give a heck about how you think about this man. I just know he's gonna turn everything that you do into some kind of kinky shit–
He doesn't really bother much about your weird behavior but you appearance tho,,,
Like, he may or may not got turned on when he sees you covered in blood after you kicked some demons' ass
You were sweaty asfuck, so you wiped those sweat using your shirt which showed your abs because duhh, you exercise alot
This is literally him right now
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I just know he wants to touch the abs.. I mean who wouldn't? 🤨
He's now a fat horny simp for you... right behind himself of course
Besides that, you two get along very well! And flirty as fuck. Like, please stop doing it in front of Levi because he's gonna throw up—
You two can be wholesome too, like you sharing stories of your family to him and he also shows you pictures of him and his brothers when they were younger
Overall, it's either a horny moment or very wholesome, no between
He's pretty opening towards you like Asmo
Oh you're a friendly human? Cool! You like working out too? We can be working-out-buddies and then have a nice buffet together! :D
Both of you get to close very quickly due to his happy big dog energy. You share your family moments to eachother, sharing tips to get fit and things like that!
Well.. that was just the half side of yours, you wouldn't dare to hurt his trust and feelings, would you?
So goodluck hiding your bloodlusting side away from him, making up excuses when he spotted you got home and fully covered of blood 🗿
Ya gotta find a way to persuade him not to worry about your fatass smh, no one wanna makes this precious himbo worries at all
Would be the one who take care of you if you got injured, doesn't matter if the wound was nothing to you.
Always brings snacks to yoh whenever you're done training!! A full stomach always help right?:)
Honestly I have no idea who would be the one to protect the other, because both of you want to be the shield for the other and it's wholesome af 😤
Uhh where should I begin...
He finds you hella annoying, especially with that happy face of yours when you first met.
Despite knowing that he was a demon and tricked you, you still keep that friendly-face to him which makes him 10 times more pissed
Until you traveled thru time just to save him, Belphie tried to attack you, which makes you excited. In fact you accepted this threat and ready to throw hands at him
He was surprised how ridiculously strong you are compare to a normal human, it's been hours since you started to fight and yet, you were still hyped, even complement about his fighting techniques
So he just gave up and let you win this one, and head back to sleep— and then also gave up on planning destroy the human world and make out with you /jkjk
When he opened up to you, he finds you really capable, the way you tell him how much you love your siblings and wanted to protect Beel at all cost makes him look up at you with a different view.
So you're very fun to hang out, especially when you're the best person to help him and Satan prank Lucifer 😈
Overall 10/10 enemies to lovers romance
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nyansatan · 2 years
how would they react to mc first “spawning in” in a full cosplay🤔? makeup,wig, everything
hey!! sorry that this took literally ages to answer omg...anyway i took a bit of a break and now i'm back and i hope you like these little hcs i have for you :]
Takes one look at you and goes ''Oh no there's two of them now.'' Firmly believes hanging out with Levi has rubbed off on you. Doesn't really understand the concept of cosplay or why people do it, but is impressed by your skills and effort that goes to putting together the whole look.
''That looks good. You did a great job.''
Will try to be supportive and give you compliments because really, it is amazing to look like a different person. However, he will not join your cosplay shenanigans. At least not without a ton of begging and puppy eyes on your part.
''Wha- Who the heck are ya? MC? Almost didn't recognize you.''
He will keep staring and glancing your way, not used to seeing his MC like this. He thinks you look really good in your cosplay and is in awe with you talent. Wants to know how you were able to pull of such a change.
Mammon always wants to see if he can guess who you cosplay as and gets happy like a child when he guesses right. Is super proud of you whenever you cosplay. Gives you tips for posing if you take pictures of your cosplays. Since he is a model, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Let's face it, he would be over the moon when you agree to cosplay with him. And when he realizes just how well you can cosplay? He would be ready to risk it all for you. Literally everything he has dreamed of if not more.
Now he will want to capture this moment forever, so get ready for a million pictures that he will snap of you and him together. Lots of cheesy poses. Hopefully you're not camera shy - though if you are, Levi will totally understand and settle for just one photo.
''This is amazing, MC! Wait, we totally have to cosplay as the main couple from the show My Best Friend Is Secretly A Cosplay Legend.''
Takes one look at you and simply goes ''What's the occasion?'' You will have to explain cosplay to him. Satan finds the concept interesting and will probably have tons of questions. How do you pick who to cosplay? Do you have a favorite character to cosplay? Would you consider cosplaying a cat?
Whenever you show a new cosplay to him, he makes sure to compliment you. Is impressed how creative and talented you are. He would probably secretly plan couple cosplays you could do together from books he has read.
Asmodeus has finally met his match in make up skills. Will ask you tips for how you got your eyeliner so even and gives tips and tricks on styling a wig and doing your make up in return. Will name himself as your personal photographer and hype man.
''MC, you look absolutely breathtaking! Now turn your head a little left, the light is perfect here. You look almost as perfect as I!''
He will be so supportive and curious about this hobby of yours. Might even suggest you characters to cosplay from the things he has seen.
He is a bit confused at first, but still supportive. Tells you that you look amazing but wonders why you look so different from your usual self. Is this a permanent change in your look? A new style?
''You're cosplaying? Who are you cosplaying as?''
Very curious about cosplaying. Would be most willing to join you in your hobby. Doesn't mind if you want to put make up or a wig on him. Beel will shower you in compliments and mention several times how good you look. May as well call him your personal cheerleader.
Generally has no interest in cosplay, but will give a double take of you in cosplay. He thinks you look quite cool in your get up. He still likes you better as yourself, but he knows a lot of time and effort was put into making the look.
''I'm glad I was awake to see this. You look nice.''
He will expect pictures of you in the cosplay later because he probably won't be awake when you take him but he still wants to see the results. Do not disappoint him. Or he will get pouty.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Hello! Me again! Hope I'm not sending too many requests but I just got a really funny idea while staring at nothing in bed. Can you do a reaction of the brothers and the now dateables to where MC's a zombie/corpse who looks like a regular, normal human, but they're like immortal? Like when they show up as the exchange student, but they show up bloody and battered, is looks definitely dead. The brothers are like freaking out over the dead body, but then MC just all of a sudden sits up, and groaning, cracking their bones, saying like, " Ahhh.... who the hell tried to kill me... again!" Thanks!
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w/ Zombie!MC
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, reanimated corpses, zombies (duh) and general gore
Summary: How the Obey Me! characters react to MC showing up to the Devildom seemingly dead only for them to sit up and say “ahhh... who the hell tried to kill me... AGAIN!” 
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- When the body lands in the student council room all bloody he just stops functioning
- He immediately runs to the body and checks for a pulse
- The second he touches them they sit straight up, colliding heads with the stunned firstborn
- They just stare at him wide-eyed for a minute before slapping him 
- the entire exchange program he feels relaxed because he knows that they literally can’t die
- If they try eating other human exchange students he will be agitated 
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- When he waltzes into the student council room and sees everyone trying to hastily clean the human’s blood off of themselves he screeches and runs
- MC explains the situation after they’ve showered and he’s stopped screaming and he is still a bit spooked
- kind of impressed by the fact they’ve survived being murdered the number of times that they have been
- Uses them as a shield whenever his brothers try hurting him
- Feels guilty when he realizes that even though they don’t die it hurts and takes energy to heal
- Vows to never let anyone try to kill them again
- they get “killed” again the next morning
- is glad that his babysitting job isn’t that hard because the baby literally can’t die,,, its the perfect baby!
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-When Lucifer comes walking in talking to a human covered in their blood he just faints
-He wakes up in his bed and goes downstairs, convinced that he is just waking up from a nightmare
-Seeing the dried bloody footprints in the entrance hall though worried him and so he runs to the dining room and sure enough, the human from his nightmare is there, but not covered in blood this time
-Thinks it is kind of cool that they can survive being murdered and compares them to every single video game character ever
-Is glad his henry can’t die but feels bad that they died in the first place, especially since being a zombie means they had originally been killed by a zombie, which is an awful way to die
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-Intrigued and kind of amused because he can smell the life on them but can’t seem to hear a heartbeat
- Worried about the blood though
- All the gore is worth it when he sees Lucifer’s face 
- Studies and stalks their behavior because he has never met a zombie before
- Uses them as a part of his pranks, by pretending to kill them the first few months they are there so that Lucifer finds them bloody and playing dead
- Lucifer stops falling for it and he gets sad
- Is super impressed by their survival of all the murder attempts and studies their anatomy (as far as they will allow him)
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-Feels faint when he sees all the gore
- When they slap Lucifer and accuse him of trying to kill them “again” thats when he actually faints
- Helps them heal their wounds with his favorite ointments
- Feels so bad that they had to go through so much
- Worries about their skin because of how often they get hurt without realizing it 
- If they try eating Solomon he will either cry or laugh it depends on how much of a brat Sol was being that day
- Tells them it’s hot how indestructible they are and how they must be able to endure a lot in the bedroom ;))))
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- Smells their blood before they even land in the room
- Tries to eat them but is held back by Satan and Asmodeus
- Later when they explain their situation he is just like “oh ok”
- Then as he gets to know them and how much energy their body uses just keeping them animated he feels really sad
- Protects them from demons and people who want to “test their durability”
- Though the constant smell of their blood and wounds tempts him, he refuses to eat them and for once feels complete control over his sin
- Sad when he hears about all the murder attempts they’ve been through and how they’re always called a ‘monster’ by those around them
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- He could sense something about them was off when they first came and saw him in the attic
- He didn’t truly know until they were laying “dead” in Mammon’s lap and Mammon wasn’t even worried
- Mammon said “yo wake up” and Belphie was always shocked because he believed that Mammon would’ve been the most upset by a dead person in the entrance hall
- They sat straight up and fucking y a w n e d before giving a smile and saying good morning to his brothers
- After explaining to him all about their situation he feels dumb
- finds it funny to try and “test their strength” before he realizes how tired they get when healing
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- Since they never really “died” in the eyes of anybody in the human world he had no idea that they would show up dead
- Cries
- Watching Lucifer get slapped and yelled at when they woke up accusing him of trying to kill them though he laughs
- Worried about other humans in the program but knows MC is a kind should and would not eat a human unless they had to 
- Throws a tantrum if he ever catches someone calling them a “monster” or catches them trying to test their durability
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- He knew. He thought it’d be funny if they showed up and gave a spook to everybody so he may or may not have sent something their way to try and kill them 
- only feels a little guilty but he vows to never do it again
- keeps a close eye on them to ensure Solomon is in no danger 
- Finds it funny to watch the brothers freak out whenever they hurt themselves and heal 
- Researches ways for MC to heal easier
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- Solomon is a bit afraid for his own safety
- so he casts a charm on himself to keep his safety in check
- MC threatening to eat him a kind of funny though
- Worries about their safety as well because he knows how zombies function and how much energy they drain whenever they heal
- Puts a charm on them to keep demons who want to test their durability away 
- When he has free time he researches different ways to help them with their healing though
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- Shocked if he sees the bloody scene
- But hearing about it is kind of funny
- Feels bad about their situation and offers to use some healing magic to help them with any injuries 
- Knows how reckless the brothers can be so he is extra cautious about them trying to test MC and their durability 
- Keeps an eye on MC when they are around other humans
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- Scared as heck
- Feels bad for being scared but he can’t help it
- Also tries to use healing magic on them
- tries to protect MC from mean demons but he is smol
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7-deadly-simpin · 3 years
I'm sorry I couldn't find the rules so feel free to ignore this if it doesn't fit, but I was thinking on a disaster wedding, like everything goes wrong or weird, the "priest" Mixes up the names, groomsmen faints, flower girl throws poison ivy instead of flowers, things like that. And to top it all MC forgets their vows and runs!?
I wonder how would they (not-und or bros, or whoever you want, heck, you can do Mephistopheles if you want but I feel Lucifer would be the funniest one) react, what would they do.
Any format you'd like. I just leave the idea!
Love your writing and chaos! Good night!
Well poop...I...I don't even have rules set up. I really need to get on that. On that note, you are completely fine lovey!
Oooooh yes yes yes! Let's have some fun! Thank you so much lovey! This ended up much longer than expected. This is unedited so there may be a few mistakes..!
Wedding Misadventures- Lucifer
It was meant to be the perfect day for the two of you.
You were to marry one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom.
Handsome, stoic, pretty nice butt as well (stop saying that last part out loud, you know how much it embarrasses him)
But you must have forgot where you were, NOTHING is simple here.
First off, Mammon had to be forcibly dragged to the ceremony....in chains.
He was probably the most upset of the brothers that you chose to spend the rest of your life with Lucifer.
Second, the colors were all wrong.
A minor inconvenience to you, but a death sentence for whoever messed up for Lucifer. 
And the FLOWERS???
Loudly exclaims “My peonies…!”
Belphie ready with a retort yells back “THEY’RE MARIGOLDS…!”
This demon is about to lose his shit, and of course you’re nowhere in sight…!
The groom isn’t supposed to see his partner until the ceremony begins!
You didn’t have too many friends in the Devildom, so who else would step in as part of your team other than the exchange students?
Luke was the cutest little flower angel, and although he wasn’t the happiest about it, for you he promised to be the best.
Too bad Luke dropped the flowers he was supposed to throw into the lake.
Panicked, he quickly grabbed a bunch of flowers from the surrounding area and some leaves for good measure.
As he threw petals and leaves here and there, a murmur could be heard from the stands.
Maybe it was because there was dirt and grass mixed in with the petals...he did hastily pick them from the ground after all.
Or...ouch...why is his skin so itchy right now? It feels like...oh sugar cookies 
(This is how Luke curses, change my mind) 
NOW he gets why it said that field was “off limits”....
All is well when Lucifer is waiting at the altar and you saunter in looking absolutely stunning.
The color, the fit, everything looked amazing and no one could keep their eyes off you.
You bet your butt Solomon and Simeon were balling their eyes out on your side of the altar.
For your happiness or because you were getting married to Lucifer, they couldn’t stop crying long enough to clarify.
Your eyes were set on your love though, even Lucifer couldn’t help but forget everything that was troubling him earlier when he saw you approach him
Cue all the brothers beginning to UGLY SOB.
You thought that was the end of it, oh honey….not even close.
Barbatos is the ordained minister, trust me it shocks everyone but he’s got the credentials.
He can’t stop glancing at the prince, who is visibly distressed by the situation.
Oh f...Did Barbatos just call Lucifer….Satan?
By the shocked look on everyone's face, except Satan who looks smug AF, he can confirm, yes….yes he did.
You bring the focus back with a light joke that makes your future husband lose the literal skulls in his eyes and get ‘em back to hearts.
Lucifer declares his love for you with gorgeously laid out vows about your journey together.
Something inside you noticeably snaps as you feel around for the little paper vows you swore you kept on you
That’s not it, nope not that either.
Oh no, you were starting to sweat and the silence was getting a bit awkward.
You panicked and asked for a few seconds, Barbatos tolerated that.
Everything would have been fine, but you hauled ass off the stage.
As if it wasn’t awkwardly silent enough…
Did...did you just leave Lucifer at the altar…? The brothers started to murmur.
You really did just run to find the vows, it was difficult to remember the words when staring in such a beautiful demons eyes.
As you returned, you couldn't tell whether you should stop what was happening or not.
It sure was a sight.
Diavolo, assumed you left for good, so he took his chance and stepped in and was mid-proposal to Lucifer.
You decided to watch it all play out.
The rest is history ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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