#so if anyone has a character they'd love to see in that form
moonlight-prose · 6 months
i'm biting down on the aesthetic of crimson peak.
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bloomries · 11 months
me? wha- never been jealous in my life—
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includes : the demon brothers (lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor).
summary : in which he experience some silly, childish jealousy!
warnings : gn! reader. feelings of jealousy/envy from character.
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꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── lucifer
You were just taking Lucifer's advice and getting a tutor, you didn't realize it would be such a big deal. Leaning in closer to the demon to better hear him, you suddenly felt a cool grip on your shoulder. Looking up you see Lucifer giving the poor student the death glare. "You're coming with me," His eyes shifted down to you, and you sigh, packing up your stuff.
When you two were out of the library, you pull away from the grip he had on your wrist. Arms crossed over your chest, you eye him up and down before shaking your head. "Are you okay?"
He stiffens at your words, a small scowl forming. You quirk a brow, before coming to a conclusion. "Oh, don't tell me... were you jealous?" Red eyes widen and wings spread out- but you're not impressed by his little intimidation technique.
"Me?" He guffaws, hand placed on his chest melodramatically. "ME? You think I'm jealous? Ha!" He scoffs, and you can only give an incredulous stare. He clears his throat at your lack of reaction. "I am not jealous. That is a ridiculous notion."
"Yeah, okay." You shake your head. "If you were jealous though, I wouldn't be upset. It's actually kind of funny," You snicker, and he glares at you.
"Well, it's a good think I'm not jealous." You just hum, walking alongside him now.
"Riiiight," You glance over at him, before grinning mischievously. "So, who will tutor me now, hm?" Lucifer looks down at you, before not-so-subtly suggesting himself as your tutor. After all, no one is better than him... Right?
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── mammon
"Mammon," You say, your hands cupping his cheek. He looks at you pitifully. If someone were to see his expression they'd surely believe something very serious and heartbreaking was going on. "Mammon, I'm yours."
"Say it again." He pouts, his hands resting over yours. Is he relishing in all your attention now that he's gained it back? Absolutely. Are you growing annoyed at his shamelessness? Absolutely.
"This is the fifteenth time." You sigh, and he just whines. You groan, rolling your eyes before looking him in his eyes again and saying your line with the utmost earnest. "I'm yours, Mammon."
"... Again?"
"Oh my- Mammon, it was a puppy!" Mammon huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and grumbling that it didn't matter what species it was, if you gave anything or anyone more attention than your first man it would be reasonable for him to react in such a way.
Sighing, you reposition yourself on to your knees, now towering over him a little. Cupping his cheeks once more, you pull him into a very passionate, loving kiss- one that, when you pull away, leaves him breathless and dazed.
"Uh... what was... going on?"
"Nothing," You say, pleased, and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Don't worry about it, okay?"
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── leviathan
"Hey, Levi...?" He tenses at your voice, stiffly turning around in his gaming chair to face you. You hesitate to speak, "Uhm... Do you remember that figurine you bought me?" If he could turn into stone right now, he would. "Well, I accidentally lost it somehow? Have you seen it at all?"
Oh, that was it? Levi lets out a shaky, relieved exhale as he turns back around in his gaming chair. "No, I haven't." This is a lie though, Leviathan had managed to get jealous of the figurine that got to stay in your room, by your side, more often than he, so he may or may not have it in one of his drawers, ready to destroy and torture it.
You let out a whine as you drape yourself against the back of his gaming chair, your hands resting on his chest. "'m so sorry Levi, don't be mad, okay? I'll do my best to find it."
Despite the lump in his throat and guilt gnawing at his heart, he takes your hand and presses a kiss to it. "D- Don't worry about it, okay? I'm not upset!" You peak over the chair to see his expression better and- wow, you really can't see any signs of distress!
"Really? Well, okay, but I'll still look for it!" You cheer, turning his chair around and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "After all, it's an important gift from a very special person~"
Ah, Levi's heart can't handle it anymore- you're too precious, and you just claimed he was a very special person! He didn't need to be jealous of that dumb figurine— don't be surprised if you find the figurine on your shelf later!
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── satan
How did you manage to score better than him in his favorite subject? Satan stares at your paper, which held the higher grade, with the utmost annoyance. A small scowl was forming on his lips as he continued to burn holes into the paper. You furrow your brows, being able to read him easily.
"Uhm, 'tan?" Snapping out of his angered gaze, he looks up at you, and feels a little guilty. You worked hard, you deserve a good grade... Just not better than him. "Are you okay?"
"... Can I read your essay?" You nod, offering him the paper and he reads it over, nitpicking everything- of course he doesn't say it aloud, though can still practically see smoke coming out of his ears. You sigh, "Are you... Jealous?"
His eyes widen and he looks up at from your paper, scoffing in shock. "No, I-... I'm just very proud." His strained smile and sinister aura tell you otherwise. Gently, you take the paper from him and replace it with yourself. Sitting on his lap, you smile down at him.
"I can give you some tutoring lessons, if you'd like." You tease- a very dangerous thing to do considering. Instead of getting more pissed off though, he just stares up at you before chuckling. A reaction only you can pull off.
"Ah, is that so?" He asks, tilting his head. "Perhaps I need it." He glances at his paper, which holds the lower of the two grades. His grip tightens a bit. Well, if playful teasing didn't distract him it seems you'd need to find another way!
And kisses are truly such a wonderful distraction, are they not?
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── asmodeus
Asmodeus is used to others getting jealous of him, or of others being closed to him, but he's never been the one being jealous! It's a very interesting feeling, he'd concluded, as it's hard to breathe and his heart feels like it's getting punched.
Some random demon actually thinks they have a shot with you? It irks him. With a deadly smile, he slinks over to the both of you, before gasping dramatically as he falls against you. "Oh there you are! My beloved, my one and only, my light, my jewel~" He purrs, wrapping his arms around you.
"Oh, hey Asm-" He starts peppering kisses all over your face, and you indulge in them because when Asmodeus is around you truly have no one else on your brain.
Taking a peak, Asmo smirks when the other demon gets visibly uncomfortable and leaves, mumbling embarrassed apologies and curses.
Pulling away from you, you chase after him only to whine when he presses his pointer finger against your lips. He sends you a wink, "Don't worry, you'll receive plenty more later." You nod, taking his hand and smiling gently at him.
"Should we head to class then?"
"Mmhm~" Asmo smiles, proud of himself that you don't remember that nobody from earlier!
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── beelzebub
Beelzebub feels ridiculous, he really shouldn't be jealous but when he sees the way his fellow teammates are staring at you in the stands, that ugly feeling bubbles up in his chest. You're waving at him, smiling so brightly it could blind him!
You then hold out your hand for the players to high five, as a 'good job' for all their hard work practicing for an upcoming game, and the players had lined up ready to receive said precious high five- but before anyone could move another inch, Beel was in front of you and had high fived your hand before taking hold of it, interlocking his fingers.
"Huh? Beel? Are you okay?" You ask, worried. His head is hung, mostly because he's trying to hide the blush that's painting his cheeks and ears. He's a little embarrassed for acting in such a manner. Cold to his teammates, and so quick to take action to make it known that you're with him.
"Yeah, I'm alright," He lifts his head, looking up at you with furrowed brows. "Uhm... Well..."
"Yeah?" You encourage, waiting patiently for him to sort out his feelings. You give his hand a gentle squeeze, reassuring him, and he lets out a weak sigh.
"Keep... Keep your eyes only on me, okay?"
Now it's your turn to blush. A bit shocked by his sudden possessive words- although definitely not upset- you nod. "O- Okay! I will!" You squeeze his hand again before retracting it. "Good job practicing today, Beel!" Ruffling his hair, you can't help but admire that cute flustered expression he holds. Even when he's jealous, he's adorable!
꒰ ✿ ꒱ ─── belphegor
"It was a dreeeam!" You shake his shoulders, and he groans and grunts with each shake. He still refuses to speak, though, and avoids your eyes. He's being so pouty and whiny over nothing!
"Belphie, I swear," You drop him and he lands against his plush pillows. You fall on top of him and he grunts against, damn you. "You're always so mean to me, I didn't even do anything."
"Well in my dream you did." He sneers, holding his nose up high. At least he spoke to you! That's progress! You perk up and scoot closer to his face, giving him your best attempt of puppy dog eyes.
"Belphie I would never, ever entertain someone else!" You assure, "So stop being pouty," You start peppering kiss all over his face. "If I could," You mumble against his skin, "I'd beat up dream me for flirting with someone else and then kiss dream you and reassure dream you."
Belphie's eyes widen and he scoffs. "Oh? So you want to kiss dream me and not real me?" You pull back. Is he... being serious right now? Was he even aware of how many kisses you just planted on his face? Also is he seriously jealous of 'dream him'?
You frown, collecting your thoughts quickly. "No! I mean, if dream you isn't real you, the no I wouldn't kiss dream you! I'm only going to kiss my Belphie!"
He stares at you for a second, before smiling. Ah, it seems you've reached the right answer! Rejoicing in getting Belphegor to not be a whiny demon anymore, you wrap your arms around him tightly and close your eyes. That was exhausting, time for a nap!
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꒰ ❀ ꒱ thank you for reading. have a wonderful day, darling!
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Lovers Say Goodbye | 2 - B.Barnes
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Character: soft!dark Bucky x ex-girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky finds solace and love in an unexpected place, only to have his world shattered by a shocking revelation about the person he cared about.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 ,Chap 4, Chap 5 , -
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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A dangerous glint flickered in Bucky's eyes as he stared at your employee photo on the screen. "What if," he said, his voice barely a whisper, laced with a chilling intensity, "I stirred up a little trouble of my own? Got her attention the only way she understands?"
Steve furrowed his brow, confusion etching lines on his forehead. "So, you're saying you want to create some chaos to get her back?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
Based on your sudden disappearance, Bucky could only conclude that you had already made your decision, that you weren't coming back. But messing with Bucky Barnes was a grave mistake. He had developed deep feelings for you, and now, he was determined to do whatever it took to see you again, even if it meant the world went up in flames.
"Is it worth the potential consequences?" Steve pressed, his voice heavy with worry. He knew the depths of Bucky's past, the darkness he could unleash when provoked.
Bucky's posture remained rigid, his jaw clenched tight. "For her?" he rasped, his voice firm, leaving no room for argument. "Without a doubt."
Steve swallowed hard, the weight of Bucky's unwavering resolve settling in his stomach. He knew his friend better than anyone, and when Bucky set his mind on something, he always got it. No matter the cost.
Bucky continued staring at your picture, a twisted smile on his lips. A silent promise hung heavy in the air, a promise that sent shivers down Steve's spine.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely audible, "we'll meet again. One way or another."
The rhythmic click of high heels echoed down the long, sterile hallway. The cheerful facade of the friendly florist was gone, replaced by a steely resolve. Gone were the warm smiles that had charmed customers and Bucky alike; your expression had turned as cold and sharp as the winter wind.
The sun-kissed summer dress you once wore was a distant memory. In its place, a crisp white shirt and a severe black suit, the skirt hitting just below the knee, encased your form. Black high heels completed the transformation, adding an air of controlled power to every step.
As you entered the imposing exterior of the CIA building, you shed the remnants of your borrowed identity, "Alex Lynch." With each click of your heels on the polished marble floor, you stepped further away, leaving behind the carefully constructed charade and reclaiming your true self: Y/N L/N.
The elevator doors slid shut, sealing you within a metal cocoon. You pressed the button for the hidden floor, a destination accessible only to those with the highest clearance. As the elevator descended, the tension in the air thickened. When the doors finally opened, revealing the bustling operations center, a hush fell over the room.
"She's back?" A stunned murmur rippled through the ranks of agents. They couldn't believe their eyes. You, their elusive phantom, had returned after two grueling years embedded with the target: Bucky Barnes, the world's most notorious assassin.
Previous attempts to neutralize him had resulted in nothing but body bags. They'd taken a gamble, sending in their last hope, the agent renowned for overcoming impossible odds: You, with the code name of ODIN - Operational Deception and Intelligence Network.
The nervous click of Peter's heels echoed in the stark hallway as he approached you, "Ehm, Agent L/N," he stammered, barely daring to meet your gaze, "welcome back. Director Brandon is waiting for you." It was clear he was awestruck, speaking to his idol, the legendary ODIN.
You acknowledged him with a curt "Hmmph," your voice devoid of warmth. Reaching Director Brandon's office, you stopped. No knock. No announcement. Just a pregnant pause before the heavy oak door swung open with a silent by Peter.
Director Brandon, a man hardened by years of service, found himself instinctively straightening in his chair as your icy blue eyes met his. A tremor ran through his hand, a stark contrast to your unwavering demeanor. Even though he was considerably older, an aura of authority clung to you, making him feel like a student in the presence of a seasoned master.
"Y/N," he began, his voice strained under the weight of your presence. A fleeting smile, more of a grimace, played on his lips. "Welcome back. Splendid work, truly. We secured everything we needed thanks to you."
You didn't respond, your silence a weapon hanging heavy in the air, thicker than the unspoken questions and unspoken judgments. With a practiced grace devoid of human warmth, you lowered yourself into a chair, your posture rigid and unyielding, as if carved from granite.
The silence stretched, broken only by Brandon's nervous cough. "Anything you desire," he offered, the words tumbling out in a rush, his voice tinged with desperation. "Name it, and it's yours. A vacation. Anything to show our appreciation for your... sacrifice."
A single word, devoid of emotion, dripped from your lips: "Mission."
He leaned back, surprise momentarily cracking his carefully constructed facade. "But... wouldn't you like some time to... relax? After two years undercover, surely even Agent L/N needs a moment to reacclimate to the real world."
You tilted your head ever so slightly, a ghost of a smile playing on your lips. It was a smile devoid of warmth, bereft of amusement. "Tending to flowers for two years," you drawled, your voice like the whisper of an arctic wind, "has left me... unproductive. I require... stimulation."
A sigh escaped Brandon's lips, the weight of responsibility and the chilling efficiency of his top agent settling heavily on his shoulders. "Very well," he conceded, defeat lacing his voice. "I'll have the mission parameters ready shortly."
You offered a curt nod, the only acknowledgment he deemed worthy of his desperate plea.
He cleared his throat again, a nervous habit exacerbated by the intensity of your presence. "So," he ventured hesitantly, "no... regrets?"
Even though Brandon had been the one who sent you in, a sliver of unease gnawed at him as he regarded you. He couldn't shake the feeling of misplaced sympathy for Bucky, the notorious assassin you'd manipulated.
Your brow furrowed, a flicker of something akin to annoyance momentarily flickering in your eyes before being smothered by the practiced indifference that had become your second skin. "The success of the mission," you stated, your voice a monotone devoid of inflection, "is the only consideration that holds any relevance."
You rose from your chair, your movements smooth and practiced, your heels clicking like a death knell as you turned towards the door.
Without a single backward glance, you exited the office, leaving Brandon alone with the silence and the weight of his decision. He sank back into his chair, the image of your emotionless face etched in his memory.
Still, a sense of relief washed over him. Operation Pandora, a two-year-long covert operation, was finally over.
A heavy sigh escaped Bucky's lips, a guttural "Huft," as he strained through another repetition. The training room, shrouded in darkness except for a single bare bulb illuminating the space, held memories he'd actively tried to suppress for the past two years.
Everywhere he looked, the ghosts of his past mocked him. Rows of gleaming weaponry hung on the wall, each instrument of death a stark reminder of the life he'd left behind.
Weight benches and punching bags stood like silent sentinels, their leather surfaces worn smooth from countless hours of his relentless pursuit of perfection.
He gripped the bar, his knuckles white with strain as he executed another hanging sit-up, the burn in his muscles a welcome distraction.
His gaze, however, remained fixed on the opposite wall, where a lone photograph served as a silent witness to his solitary workout. The image – a woman with warm eyes and a captivating smile – held the power to both soothe and ignite a storm of emotions within him.
Your fake name, Alex, echoed in his mind, a stark contrast to the cold reality of your true identity: Special Agent Y/N L/N.
"I'll get you," he whispered, his voice hoarse with a mix of determination and simmering anger. It wasn't just a vow of vengeance; it was a promise to himself, a pledge to reclaim the life stolen from him, to understand the woman behind the mask.
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Author Note:
My dear readers and followers,
Could you please share your opinions about this series with me?
If you enjoyed it, I'd love to hear why it appealed to you.
If not, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and advice on improving the series.
Thank you!
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melbatron5000 · 1 month
Things that can be explained by POV switches
If you haven't read this analysis, you should start with that!
A list:
Crowley's hair and sideburns changing.
2. The Bentley changing. When it's Aziraphale's perspective, it's a four-door. From Crowley's it's two-door.
3. Gabriel's statue and the disappearing cross. From Gabriel's perspective, there's a cross. From Beelzebub's there is not. I wonder if it's because Gabriel sees himself as bearing some sort of burden?
4. Honolulu roast sign in Nina's shop. I wonder if that's because we switch to Nina's perspective, she knows the sign is there, she hung it. But someone notices it and someone doesn't.
5. Differing title/location cards? I bet they will give us a clue as to whose perspective we're about to see through if we pay attention to how they change.
6. The drawing of Gabriel being different when Aziraphale draws it versus when he shows it in the pub. When he draws it, we're seeing through his eyes, but when he shows it, we're seeing through Crowley's.
7. Possibly the Resurrectionist pub sign -- one of Mr. Dalrymple with a cleaver, one of him with a scalpel. Someone remembers him as a butcher, someone remembers him as a surgeon. I think we can tell who.
8. The vanishing/reappearing storefront signs in Whickber street. Someone knows exactly what shops are where, someone doesn't notice.
9. The streets and castle in Edinburgh when Aziraphale visits -- cobblestones versus paved; the castle in the background in every shot from every angle.
10. Several of the weird background noises can be explained by POV, but I don't think all of them.
11. Crowley's sunglasses changing? That one is iffy to me. Because they're silver for half the show, then black for the second half. If that were a POV switch, you'd think they'd change back and forth more often.
12. Crowley throwing books. And being nice to Jim. And wearing sleeve garters. He's telling Aziraphale on the phone what's going on, and we're seeing Aziraphale's image of it in his mind. That's almost certainly not what happened, but the gist is close enough.
13. Aziraphale's over-the-top reporter cosplay right after he is gently amused at Muriel's over-the-top constable cosplay. He's telling Crowley on the phone what's happening, and Crowley is imagining how it's going. Aziraphale's reporter persona is probably not as inconspicuous as he thinks, but it's probably not as cute and silly as Crowley imagines.
14. Gabriel not coming down the lift in the Dirty Donkey. Maggie and Nina see him first, they don't know about the lift, so they see him just walking down the street, not getting off a Heavenly elevator. He probably wasn't wandering around anywhere else -- but he does say he had to carry the box for soooo long, so maybe he was roaming around . . .
15. The high number of queer couples in the show. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are more highly tuned to humans who present as they do when in human form. It's probably not that there are more queer couples around, just that A and C take more note of them.
That's everything from my Murder Board that I think POV can explain. If anyone has other weird things that can be explained by seeing them through various character's eyes, I'd love to know!
And there is still PLENTY that can't be explained by POV. PLENTY. AND the POV changes mean we're not only seeing what they think is happening rather than what is, we're also NOT seeing anything they don't want known. We have to look where the furniture isn't.
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tyrantisterror · 1 month
While we’re on the subject of characters who “make you truly question makes one villainous”, what do you think of the take that villains, or at least ‘true’ villains, shouldn’t be sympathetic at all. That villains should simply be motivated by petty selfishness and cruelty. On one hand, that doesn’t sound like it makes for compelling stories, but on the other… most real-life villains really are motivated by nothing but greed and selfishness. And gain power by making people sympathize with them.
"Villain" is a word that has a lot of nuance to it that people in turn tend to overlook in favor of reducing it to "the guy it's ok to hate." "Antagonist" has the same problem, perhaps even worse, but that's another conversation.
Definitions don't help because more often than not they end up being intensely reductive of the broad scope of meanings the word has - again, another word with a similar problem in this regard is "monster," which can mean a bunch of a very different things that are all nonetheless recognizable by bearing some element of "monstrosity" to them.
So, like, one valid definition of villain is "an evil and unsympathetic character the audience is meant to hate." And I imagine if you gave that definition to most people, they'd agree - until you get to sympathetic characters who are still unmistakably villains. Like, would anyone say the word "villain" shouldn't include people like Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man II, or Mr. Freeze in Batman the Animated Series? Is Shakespeare's Macbeth excluded from the realm of villains because the play hinges on us finding ways to sympathize with him despite the horrific evil of his actions? Is Milton's Satan, perhaps the most iconic take on The Devil Himself, excluded from the conversation because Milton gave him pathos?
Villainy can be about the nature of your actions, and it can be about your relationship with society, and it can be about your choice of fashion and hobbies. It can be all of these things or none of them. Villainy is a form of being othered, one that has so many tropes attached to it and folded under it that the aesthetics of it can be divorced from the morality assigned to them easily. Villainy is so vast and complex a concept that a story can analyze it from a dozen different angels and still not capture the full scope of it.
Or, as one movie on the subject put it so succinctly:
It's about presentation.
As a writer and a reader of fiction, I love looking at time-tested tropes from a lot of different angles, and prying them apart to see how they work, and then seeing how far they can bend and twist until they break and become something else. I think locking yourself into one simple definition of what a villain can be is very limiting, creatively speaking, and think it's far more interesting to explore the concept from different angles. There's room for simple, pure evil bastards, sure, but there's also room for multifaceted evils, or characters will all the trappings of a villain but actions that ultimately speak to a nobility of spirit others have overlooked. The complexity of the trope is beautiful, why not explore it?
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Tips on writing non-verbal communication between characters who know each other really well? Particularly in an emergency situation where other forms of communication aren't possible. Specifically I would like advice on how to portray certain gestures/facial expressions as meaning something specific to these characters that wouldn't be obvious to anyone else.
Body Language Has Special Meaning for Characters
There are two ways you can portray certain body language (gestures, facial expressions, body movement, and posture) as having special meaning to specific characters:
1 - Build Meaning in Ahead of Time - The best way to portray certain body language as having special meaning to your characters is to build that special meaning in ahead of time. For example, let's say Character A needs to convey to Character B that they shouldn't speak, and they do this by sucking in their upper lip. At some point earlier in the story, you would establish that Character A does this when they feel like they're talking too much. You can have Character B or another character notice, and then Character A or another character can explain why they do that. Then, have it happen a couple or few times at relevant points so the reader learns what this facial expression means. Then, when the characters are in the emergency situation, when Character B notices Character A is sucking in their upper lip while making urgent eye contact with them, Character B (as well as the reader) can draw the conclusion that Character A is saying "close your mouth... don't talk."
2 - Explain Meaning in the Moment - Although it's ideal to build the meaning in ahead of time, if you absolutely have to, you can explain the meaning in the moment. For example:
Another man walked into the room, and from the way the other lackeys looked at him, it was obvious he was their leader. He looked from me to Ted and back again, then he approached me.
"My guys tell me you were snooping around in our warehouse. Care to tell me who you are and what you were up to?"
I drew in a breath through my nose, ready to answer, but Ted's urgent gaze crossed with mine. He sucked in his upper lip--something he had a habit of doing when he knew he needed to stay quiet--and I knew I needed to keep my mouth shut.
Out-of-the-Loop Character C Witnessing This Moment
Now, let's say Character C is the POV character here, and they don't know that Character A sucks in their upper lip when they need to stop talking. In this case, even if you were able to build in the meaning ahead of time through A or B's POV chapters (if they had any), it still doesn't help Character C know about it in the moment. And if Character C is the only POV character, then you obviously can't build that meaning in ahead of time. In either case, you could do it like this:
Brod and the other lackeys stood over the captives until the boss man arrived. Everyone shrunk back from the middle of the room, giving Boss room to inspect the captives. He looked from one to the other, approaching the one whose expression held the most bravado.
"My guys tell me you were snooping around in our warehouse. Care to tell me who you are and what you were up to?"
The brave one drew in a breath through their nose, ready to answer, but then their eyes flickered to the urgent gaze of the other prisoner, who sucked in their upper lip. Almost immediately, the brave one pressed their lips shut. Whatever it was they'd been about to say, they'd apparently changed their mind.
The hidden meaning of the gesture is obviously not explicit here, but it's clear enough in context that it's reasonable for the reader to assume the sucked in upper lip was a signal of some kind. And it would be reasonable for the unknowing witness to make that assumption, too.
I hope that helps!
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blitzwhore · 13 days
You Love Him (Not)
Stolitz | 800 words | G | Blitzø character study, Blitzø loves Stolas, Blitzø is bad at feelings (and traumatized), 2nd person POV
On AO3
A peek into what goes on in Blitz��'s mind when he looks at his selfie in bed with Stolas.
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Curled up on the sofa, home alone on a Friday night, you scroll mindlessly through your phone gallery, as you so often do. 
And it hurts, it aches, but you just can't seem to stop. Seeing yourself next to all these people, your smiling face not crossed out for once, is an addictive sort of pain, one that has you hooked. The light from your phone screen blinds you in the darkness of your flat, sucking you in, urging you to scroll faster. Fizz, Verosika, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Barbie. We were happy, you think as you scroll. For a little while, I made them all happy. 
But when you see your picture with Stolas, you pause. 
Because, in this picture, you don't just look happy. You look content.
It's as though your own eyes are staring back at you through the camera, except the person in the picture doesn't feel like he's you. Not with that gaze that looks so perfectly at ease. Not when his face looks so soft as he holds Stolas close. The person in the picture is peaceful and untroubled, without a single care in the world. And you… well. You're a wreck, that's what you are.
You just can't look away, mesmerized and terrified in equal parts by how carefree you look next to Stolas. And what's scariest is that, if anyone were to see this picture, this moment that you secretly froze in time and have held close to your heart ever since, they'd see… they'd know that you… 
Blinking, you stop that thought before it can fully form. No. 
You don't.  
You lock your phone—close your eyes, fighting the wave of distress that overtakes you. 
You don't love Stolas. 
You don't love Stolas because it isn't worth it. You've already been there and done that so many times before—the hope, the vulnerability. The inevitable heartbreak. The insults, the disdain. You don't need to love anyone else—the world has already assured you over and over again that you are unlovable. A selfish partner, a freak, a piece of shit. 
You don't love Stolas because love is a fancy, overused word, anyway. It doesn't mean anything. Not when people so often say it, and then leave anyway. Leave before you can understand why they don't want you around anymore—leave before you're ready to lose them, or go on without them. 
You don't love Stolas because your love consumes everything in its wake. The second you get too close, the second you allow others in, they get burned. A single touch of your fingertips can trigger a wildfire, and you're helpless to stop it. You've made peace with it; learned to capitalize off of it, even. But Stolas is too precious to lose, and so he's too precious to be loved by you. 
You don't love Stolas because that's the only way you can be sure you will never lose him. Because how can you lose someone you've never truly had in the first place?
You press your fisted hands to your eyes, fighting back tears. You don't love Stolas. You don't love Stolas because you're too damaged to be loved back. Because every time Stolas looks your way, you can't return the look, your gaze darting to the ground, begging it to swallow you and spare the world from your sad, sorry presence. You don't love Stolas because, when you're with him, you just feel inadequate—broken— wrong . A shell that pretends to be empty, but that is full of all this pain it can't contain, a spiralling hurricane of grief and loneliness and self-loathing that's constantly threatening to burst, to spill, to hurt, to burn.
You don't love Stolas because you can't. Not again. The mere notion makes you cower. To open your heart up to someone like that again, knowing the pain that will inevitably follow—it's more than you can bear. It's easier to live just on the edge of something real, to be a shadow, a play of light. It's easier when every single crack in your shell can be brushed off with a joke. It's easier to be the person who doesn't care, who's always right, always loud and obnoxious, always one step ahead, always in control.
No, you don't love Stolas. You don't, because the Blitzo who was strong enough to love died a long time ago, and you, Blitzø, can't go through that again. 
You're not strong enough to face what loving Stolas might do to you. 
You can't love him. 
You can't love him. You can't. 
And yet. 
And yet, despite it all… 
You unlock your phone once more, and there it is again. Staring back at you, bright as day, the evidence too clear to deny.
Oh, Satan.
You love him. 
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moonlit-orchid · 4 months
Something about Korosensei is that even if somehow lost his powers, or was transformed back to human, the government would still want him killed.
Not because he was an assassin, but because he's a victim and a witness. The kind of experiments he was subject to, I don't know if it was ever stated but I feel like there's no way the government didn't have a hand in it. And if that's so, they'd want the witness and victim killed. Even if he was harmless, they'd still want to kill him.
And you know what also hurts about him? Korosensei in the end is just a victim of circumstance. He grew up alone and outright nameless, what else was he going to become? The fact that the person to teach him compassion was one of people who was supervising him while he was a lab rat, and the fact that he was changed by her, just because she showed him a small amount of genuine kindness, is really telling of the place he came from.
And I know about the first student of his, but think about it. He was an assassin. His life was built on being a good liar. If his student was kind to him, he would have felt like it wasnt really him he was kind to, but instead the persona, and honestly he would be the last person to trust anyone with anything.
Korosensei is just... so messed up. Like, how could you grow up and live the way he did and not end up fully messed up by it? I think we forget it because we see Korosensei as he was at the end after growing and learning and him continuing to grow and become truly empathetic and loving to his students, and because we almost always saw him happy and smiling, but he's honestly just obviously been through so much trauma as well. I genuinely feel like if any character deserved to become a villain, he did, yet in the end, he didn't.
I just have some thoughts and none of the them are coherent.
Also why does his human form look like he has the softest hair-
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1000sunnygo · 4 months
Saw someone trying to claim that cora secretly resented his birth dad (too lazy to correctly spell the man’s name) and like nah dude. That’s the main reason he ran away. He still loved his dad and never blamed him. Because I think despite everything he saw his dad as good hearted and correct, just painfully naiive. I sometimes wonder if doflamingo ever truly hated their dad. Resents the hell out of him, hated his actions, blames him for his childhood miseries and stone cold in his murder. But their dad was never presented in a hatable way, at least from my reading.
Agreed, Homing wasn't presented in a hateable way. Oda designed him as an elegant-looking fellow in spite of being a regular Tenryubito and that says enough. The Donquixote couple were the only Celestial Dragons who couldn't be brainwashed into becoming egocentric psychopaths even though they were born and raised at Mariejeoise, they owe some respect.
The criticisms of Homing's personality comes from our own judgement of his character and not from canon narration, shoutout to @eroguron0nsense for this meta summarizing his flaws. Frankly speaking, I think Homing was doomed to die. Being killed by his own son just adds a layer of irony, it wasn't a dignifying way to go.
As for Rosi, he clearly held a high opinion of his father:
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"How was such a monster born in the family of such kind hearted mother and father? I don't get it. He's not a human."
In fact, I doubt Rosi ever pondered about his father's naivety at all. There's no point in digging the faults of a humble father who died long ago, considering that a greater evil (still) existed in their bloodline who inflicted much bigger pain in his childhood. Rosi's most severe loss in his childhood was his parent's deaths, not the lavish life at Mariejeoise.
Point to note is that a six year old's cognitive development is still underway, a ten y/o on old on the other hand, has evolved a lot. Rosi wasn't be able to judge his parent's character the same way his brother could. I've wondered, if Rosi were around Doffy's age, would he be influenced by Doffy's ideas a lot more, like most younger siblings? Probably not, since Rosi's thought process is fundamentally different from Doffy's. He's hotheaded and impulsive, but he's not vengeful. Rosi enlisted as a marine to save civilians in spite of being poorly treated as a child, and knowing that they'd hate him if they knew about his bloodline. I can't imagine Law or Doffy doing the same. Rosi is a humanitarian who held a deep sense of justice (passed from Sengoku and kindhearted parents) - that neither of those two had.
Having a bit of thought experiment, if Law as a child were in Doffy's position, I can see him resenting his father - not for losing the family status but for endangering his family's life (and the death of his mother). But I don't think he would've been manipulated by bad adults into killing his father. I see Rosi's driving force his morality (returned to his brother to stop him to save the civilians), Doffy's is self importance (would throw away anyone for his own cause), and Law's is love (extreme protectiveness of those he loves). No matter what, Law wouldn't be risking the safety (and sanity) of his younger sister.
Back on track... does Doffy truly hate his father?
Yes, he does.. in a complex way. Doffy still considers Homing's actions to be the source of his miseries. But I believe "family" means something profound to Doffy. Regardless of what happened or how much he hates him, Homing is HIS father, and that by default means he's a human of a higher value.
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Doffy made this particular way of execution, to shoot with his flintlock, somewhat ritualistic and specific for those he deems as his family. As he said in chapter 769, he sees it as a form of redemption.
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"But, I shall forgive you! The same way I forgave my real father and brother: with death!!"
He doesn't want to hate them, so he 'punishes' them and forgives them, which in his self centered mind is a form of entitlement.
The answer got a lot bigger than I expected shdhd thanks for reading my rambling though o7
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w0lp3rtinger · 1 month
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@biolover9 <3 eeeehehehehe - @lambpaca and I have talked about this. Like, even outside of the parameters of Shadow and Amy getting together. This is just general conversation.
I've mentioned this a bit about it before on the sideblog, but I just... never could see Shadow ever wanting biological children. Truthfully, I don't think he could have them even if he wanted to, not without a massive amount of medical intervention.
Like... if you're making the ultimate weapon, the ultimate life form, why would you ever give it the ability to make more of itself? That lessens your control over it and runs the risk of causing your enemies to get their hands on a weapon of their own. You don't want that.
(I'm saying 'it' because like... that's how GUN viewed Shadow. 'It'. Even Gerald viewed Shadow as 'it' in the end in his diary. What Shadow wanted didn't matter to them. )
Beyond that though, I can see Shadow looking at their own biology and not wanting anyone else to have to endure it. Especially working off of the idea that they're still young and all the ramifications of genetic testing and mutation on them haven't really come to fruition yet (looking at you, 'immortality'). Why would he be selfish enough to pass a potential curse like that along?
That's not to say Shadow doesn't like kids. We've seen them be extraordinarily patient with characters like Cream, Tails, and Charmy both in-game and outside of game. I think for them to want kids though, they'd need to have certain needs met. They'd need to be free from GUN, they'd need to feel safe, they'd need to make a lot of peace with themselves and grow as a person. Essentially, they'd have to go through hell and then also a lot of soul-searching before reaching the conclusion of, 'I want to be a parent.'
But Amy? Oh without question, I think Amy wants kids. Doesn't matter if they're hers or someone else's. I've joked about her having a vision binder listing out three kids and names and everything. Amy also has been shown to want a domestic future after she's defeating Eggman. She wants to enjoy the peace and the every-day magic of just existing to exist. I think a lot of people agree that Amy would want kids to be a part of that domestic bliss.
Personally? I think there's also this idea that kids are hope for a future. Amy has spent her entire childhood fighting. There's no way to get that time back, no way to undo that which she has seen and had to experience. She forced herself to grow up quickly in order to protect both herself and the world. Amy wouldn't have kids unless she felt safe enough to do so.
I also think Vanilla being Amy's main parental figure that we see in almost every iteration of the Sonic franchise helps. Vanilla is, by all accounts, a loving, kind parent. That would have made a positive impact on Amy not only in regards to who she becomes as a person, but also, her own expectations on what being a parent entails. Seeing someone who wants to be a parent, who likes being a parent, who likes their kids (both their biological kids and the ones they pick up like a wet cat off the street), that means something, you know?
All the Sonic Gang solidify that family is what you make it, family is a choice, but Vanilla shows that parenthood is also a choice, and one that can be done with joy.
How does Gigi factor into this? Well, I kinda touch on it in The Home You Make, and then I show it in Late Evening Talks, but effectively- Amy and Shadow both make each other feel safe, they help the other grow, they help the other be their best selves, and in the moments they struggle, they're there for one another. This creates an environment for the two of them that allows them to entertain and discuss the notion of being parents. Without question, I can see them covering it before they even really start dating. Shadow in particular, not wanting to mislead Amy, would make his stance/circumstances abundantly clear, but now, fully committed and comfortable with one another in a way they were not previously, the subject would come up again not as a nebulous 'well maybe' but as a 'are we gonna do this?'
And they decide, 'yes.'
They'd take the adoption process slow, looking. They’re not really looking for a hedgehog- the species doesn’t matter. It’s the kid that does. I don’t even think the two of them really know what they’re looking for when they start. I mean, how do you put parameters around this sort of thing? Ultimately, Gigi wins them over. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s sweet even if she’s a hellion, she’s protective, she gets into fights- she’s them. They see her in them. They get this kid. The child care staff warn them about her being 'stubborn and standoffish,' and overall ‘difficult to work with’. That pisses Shadow and Amy off royally. Not like that's unfamiliar territory- they’ve been this kid, frankly. When they meet Gigi, they’re smitten, and frankly, them coming from a place of understanding with her helps her warm up to them. When they fully decide to go for Gigi, they take the process slow, letting her get to know them, letting her decide if their home is the place she wants to be.
And she decides, 'yes.'
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kalcifers-blog · 1 month
Can you also talk about how the fandom also has a tendency to infantilize Jameson (the only character with a confirmed physical disability)? I loved your piece on Chase, I too find it kinda odd how people portray Chase. (Especially if they want a silly soft boy Jackie is right there!)
Oh absolutely this is something that's pissed me off for a really long time.
Jameson Jackson is a fully grown adult man and it is just weird how people infantialize him and just in general make it out that he's completely innocent and can do no harm.
While I do think that JJ can definitely be a sweet guy who's nice and caring I don't think he's the innocent guy everyone portrays him as. I think he has the ability to be just as much of a dick as the other Egos. If anything I could imagine him to be generally unimpressed and not seeing an issue of blatantly letting people know that.
JJ deserves the right to be angry and he deserves to not be nice about it!!
This is my interpretation of the man. So enjoy to anyone who is interested:
(the reason for the cut is that this is fucking LONG dude)
My view on him was that he was the very first person to come into contact with Anti- back in the 1920s. My personal theory is that Anti is attacking very specific individuals because of their abilities, whether they know of their abilities or not. JJ is unaware of his. He often introduces himself to each of the Egos based on what is most likely to affect them the most (for Chase it being a home intruder there to attack his family etc)
Anti took the form of an unknown stranger seemingly stalking him, he didn't really know what to make of him at first, he was just a stranger in the shadows, seemingly just appearing out of nowhere just to stare with eyes that are covered in shadow. Only to walk away calmly, not too long after being noticed, Jameson can't help but notice the stranger getting closer each time he sees him. (There would be weeks or months between each sighting, just long enough for Jameson to almost forget the man before he sees him again)
Everything went wrong during one of his puppet shows. When Anti appeared in the audience and despite the lighting he was still entirely encased in an impossibly dark shadow.
I like to think that JJ was possessed through the rest of his puppet show- yet no one notices. He's internally screaming for someone to notice something is deeply wrong and yet not one audience member can see it. Something about it angered him more than anything- how could any of them, most of them claiming to be close friends of his, not see that something is so horrifying wrong. Except the one audience member obviously.
I think after that experience JJ went out searching for anyone who would listen to him. His story was unbelievable and was often over looked- which lead him to the likes of IRIS, an extremely new company that was the first to hear him out, to actually listen to him.
Jameson Jackson hasn't left IRIS since- he made a deal with them, they'd help keep his tormentor at bay if they are allowed to understand the power he possessed- which turned out to be time manipulation, allowing him to effectively be unaffected by time but being forced to watch as the world moves on without him several times over. He's not immortal? Like he's able to die and other than his ability to warp time he's still extremely human.
He prefers to stay in IRIS, the entire time he's been there Anti hasn't found him since. And he definitely isn't going to be happy when he finds out he's been released.
Since he's been in IRIS so long I think he's very well respected amongst the staff. Especially since a lot of them know just how dangerous a man with nothing to lose and the ability to warp time can truly be. Like Chase he doesn't want to be a danger, he doesn't enjoy harming people but I think he has spent lifetimes worth of living in so much fear of his tormentor and seeing it spread and effect so many other people that he's willing to do whatever it takes at this point to snuff Anti out for good
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the-maddened-hatter · 5 months
Some Hazbin Hotel death symbolism theories/headcanons
So yeah this is gonna be darker since the show literally revolves around characters in hell
Tw for drugs, suicide, murder, cannibalism, mentions of racism & and idk what to call it like in-character cultural insensitivity (if anyone knows how to tag that better lmk) , and various forms of abuse under the read more
Also I know these will probably get disproven within like 5 minutes once the show comes out, but I think they'd still be cool for an AU or something!
Vaggie: I'm gonna start out with a potentially controversial theory here: Her death X eye could be more symbolic than literal, with her choosing to "turn a blind eye" to something in life that eventually lead to her committing suicide out of guilt, and her moth features symbolizing her having been focused on a certain goal or priority to a selfish or harmful degree in life like a "moth to a flame". Putting these together, maybe she allowed something to happen either to someone directly or in such a way that they ended up being harmed/killed in the pursuit of a goal or belief and once she realized the scope of her actions she committed suicide. Maybe once she's in hell she's all but forced into a career of a bodyguard for the ruling families of hell as some kind of ironic punishment (though in her particular case it ends up working out well for her since she and Charlie fall in love)
Since her moth features are much less pronounced than Valentino, perhaps it serves as a reflection of how she realized the harm her selfish focus caused before she died.
Speaking of him, Valentino's highly pronounced moth features could suggest that his selfish focuses were much worse and more self-serving than Vaggie's were (unsurprising given his character) and his addictive smoke powers could mean he died in a fire (my theory is he went into a club that he ran during a fire to retrieve a stache of money and drugs he had hidden inside and perished due to smoke inhalation (meaning he 1 has no visible death x, 2 has a death x on his chest that we haven't seen yet, or 3 his death x shows up sometimes in the red smoke he breathes).
I wrote a fanfiction about a headcanon for Sir Pentious's backstory But the main takeaways from it are I think that he worked with poisons, became paralyzed prior to his death by them, his drug addicted son killed him in a fit of withdrawls with a shattered vial of snake venom, his death X is on his chest where he was stabbed and is hidden by a large fake eye that he wears over it. The other eyes across his body are because he became paranoid after becoming paralyzed. He knows his son went to hell along with him so he's continually searching for him, but doesn't realize that his daughter did as well several years later.
With Niffty, I theorize that her mother died when she was relatively young and she was expected by her male relatives to take up the duties of a housewife and surrender any degree of ambition she may have held about school or a career (even those that fell within the limitations of the time period). Her one hope was that if she was able to get married she'd at least be able to have some degree of freedom from her abusive controlling relatives. Given as many housewives commonly used stimulants that would be considered dangerous and illegal today to increase their productivity and lessen their desires to eat, it's hardly a stretch to think that Niffty would have tried (or been pressured into trying) them as well. It's my belief that she died due to a heart condition that was made much worse by taking the stimulants and her death X is over her heart (and this is why she has speed related abilities). Her large cyclopic eye could be symbolic of her feeling like she constantly needed to be vigilant while still being aware that there were things she wasn't getting to see in life Perhaps her small size is due to her being younger when she died (roughly 18 to 20) and that her death name is taken from the brand of the stimulants.
With Cherri Bomb her cyclopic eye that is functional despite the X may be because she, like Vaggie, chose to allow people to be harmed when she had the power to stop it, but her connection to it was less direct than Vaggie's was (perhaps she created weaponry for an extremist organization, but she didn't realize civilians would be harmed). Within this theory, she may have died sabotaging the organization, perhaps blowing up a bomb within their headquarters o unsuccessfully attempting to dismantle one on the civilian site (with her cause of death being the shrapnel impaling her). She is not ashamed of her death X, and chooses to wear clothing that implies its location.
I headcanon Vox as having been a corrupt journalist in life, overlooked due to a severe stutter in childhood and left with something to prove, he was willing to write false (but convincing) news reports for people about their competitors (ranging from small-scale businesses to political candidates) and come up with convincing doctored photographs. He wanted to quit the lifestyle and settle down with a lady he had convinced to be his fiance (she didn't really love him, but she had a daughter to care for and he genuinely cared for the both of them), so he accepted "one last job" that he believed would leave him with enough to live comfortably in anonymity. The job ended up being a set-up by someone he had previously wronged or their friends/family and was drugged, beaten, and left for dead in an alley. In his final moments he weakly tried to call attention to himself but was unable to get anyone to notice him due to a display window full of new televisions drawing a crowd and drowning out his pleas for their notice.
He has no visible death X due to dying of internal bleeding, but he still bears marks of his death with his eyes always appearing mismatched from three red lines that frequently appear in the lower left corner serve as his marker no matter how often he changes his features. Deeply saddened he was unable to be a father to his fiancee's daughter back in life, he views Velvet as an adoptive daughter. He waited hopefully for many years to see either of them again and his both relived and distraught that they seem to avoided hell.
With Alastor I'm like 99.99% certain this is already fully incorrect, but fuck it this is a headcanon post (also this one is long bc unlike Sir P I didn't get around to writing out the fic before now: Conceived through wealthy white man's abuse of a cook he employed who was of mixed race, meaning her abuser was fully unpunished for his crimes. Though unmarried and in poor health, she kept Alastor, viewing him as proof and hoping he would one day deliver vengeance upon the people who wronged her. He grew up in the care of his ailing mother who, sadly viewed him more as her poised dagger than as her son, and his grandmother who loved him dearly, but lived primarily in her own memories and passed away by the time he was 10 years old. Before she died would tell him lengthy stories about the family he'd never gotten a chance to meet and he would listen, enraptured by the rich tapestries of lineage she described, with his favorite stories being the ones about the Native American man who had been in love with her father's mother, and, she suspected, was well more than just a friend of the family. She didn't know much about the man, but that only served to fuel Alastor's imagination.
Though he hated the man who had given it to him, his lighter skin brought him advantages that were not typical to those in his situation, the most prominent being that he was able gain employment at a rather prominent local radio station in the next town over, and, given time, talent, poor studio lighting, and a false last name, work his way onto the airwaves. He put up with a lot during those long years, forcing himself to stay silent and keep a smiling face through his bosses & colleagues flippant racism, promising himself that it would be worth it one day and that hey'd be "singing a different tune" once he'd worked his way up to the top. He was right, but not in any of the ways he ever expected to be.
Short version, he was found out and fired (despite a degree of public outcry, as his program was quite popular) and he found himself unemployed and, one night, drinking alone. His mother had passed away of a violent seizure a month ago to the day and he was drowning his shames of failure in both his career and of her (she'd had her high expectations of him clear from the moment he was born).
Another man came into the bar, small, tan, scruffy, limping, with some tattoos visible. He hobbled over to the bar stool next to Alastor and with evident glee recognized his voice from the radio and with a bit more effusive praise dolled out between the pours of liquor they became the fastest of friends. When the bar shut its doors, well why didn't they continue their lively chat in Alastor's kitchen? Neither of them had anyone waiting for them at home or much business to attend to in the morning. So that was precisely what they did.
Though he tried his best, Alastor could not seem to pronounce the young man's name. It sounded to him almost like the gecker of a fox (though he blamed this on the copias amounts of bourbon swimming in his brain), and after his third slurred attempt the young man waived his apologies away and said to call him Shilo.
Shilo proved to be a very good listener that evening and, as it happened, in the coming weeks. Most would have balked at the rantings and declarations of vengeance of a total stanger, but not him. He followed each word earnestly, soaking everything in until he was finally ready to make his move.
It was truly such a shame Alastor knew so little about his lineage and about his great grandfather's culture, perhaps he wouldn't have so readily accepted Shilo's claims that he could be granted power, vengeance, and justice through a "dark magic ritual". Maybe if his mother had seen him as someone to love instead of something made to avenge her he would have been harder to talk him into performing 7 so-called "rituals" of murder and cannibalism. Who's to say? End the end the decisions were his own.
He chose people adjacent to his mother's abuser (Shilo was clear on this point, that he mustn't yet strike his target directly, that the ritual was about "absorbing the lights in his life to let you see beyond and leave him blind in the dark". Alastor took down
His uncle (his father's brother) first (a horrid man who, in Alastor's defence, reached for his pistol solely in response to his approaching him)
The house's head butler who had turned out Alastor's mother for "causing trouble",
His own half-brother (he took more pleasure in this than he cares to admit even now, knowing so little and so much separated their respective fates)
His half-brother's fiancee, as she became a convenient next victim
His father's bank broker
His father's chauffeur (for suspecting and confronting him).
And finally, the cook who replaced his mother. That's where things went wrong.
Shilo instructed Alastor to take the body of the victim into the woods once night had fallen, and he complied as he had each time before, but this time as he ate he became overwrought with the guilt of what he'd done, to murder someone fully innocent, whose position was nearly identical to his own mother's all of those years ago.
Shilo was furious when Alastor began to plead to back out of the ritual, insisting that he could well have his vengeance for it all, that once he slit his throat with the so-called ceremonial blade of bone he would awake a spirit of vengence, brimming with all of the power of his ancestors. He tried to press said blade into Alastor's bloody and shaking hands, but he swatted it away as waves of bile doubled him over and he purged most of his night's kill from his stomach.
Alastor watched Shilo's easygoing facade melting away along with his human form, morphing into a snarling canine with a mouth of sharp fangs that dribbled bloody foam. Interwoven between the creature's rage filled huffs and undercurrent of a fox's chitter slipped the words "Oh, Al. You really shouldn't have done that."
He ran for hours through the forest. Shilo, or whatever called itself that anyhow, kept pace at his heels, sometimes overtaking him and ripping away a fresh chunk of flesh or snapping a bone with its massive jaws before falling back to keep the chase going.
Horrifically bloodied and mutilated but somehow still moving he eventually managed to attract the attention of some hunters, who seemingly managed to scare off his pursuer with a few warning shots. Needless to say, Alastor collapsed the moment the beast was no longer on his heels.
One could argue that they meant well, doing what they did. He was very plainly in agony, with his neck and limbs lolling grotesquely, and they really could do virtually nothing to care for him. He wouldn't even let them touch him to try and staunch the bleeding (though for pain or delirium they couldn't tell), doing his best to strike out with a broken appendage or, when one of them tried to at least stabilize his neck with a folded coat, bit down on his would-be-healer's arm and kept locked on until he lost the strength to continue.
He regained a bit of sense for those last few seconds. He saw that horrible beast's wicked eyes and gleaming teeth lurking in the edges of the firelight and he saw one of the hunters kneeling beside him and promising it would be quick and everything would be over in just a moment as he readied his handgun.
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waterbottle2006 · 4 months
can we get some headcanons on team bleck characters pls?
whoever you are anon? i love you
i got a whole bunch of headcanons but i'll cut these things down to three.
starting off with the count of counts, man of men. count blumiere bleck.
he and dim actually knew each other in the past , having been somewhat of acquaintances. the reason he didnt want dimentio joining at the time was because he didnt want to get a friend involved on these antics and potentially hurt this plan. however, afterwards he would eventually allow him on board because of careful consideration as well as "well honestly, tbh, i dont think he'd get THAT hurt."
next up, he was the absolute worst at trying to accommodate things for the minions to get them comfortable. he didnt know what half the things they requested were and eventually passed the requests job to nastasia who took care of it with ease.
he plays favorites. as much as count bleck doesn't say "i dont have favorites" he definitely does and it's mimi.
speaking of mimi, boom, mimi headcanons.
mimi is a robot, very much so of a robot. shes very much based off a wind up toy and ends up having a lot of spare energy with the wind up. that thing has been spinning for ages.
she and Mr. L have the like second closest relationship in the castle. Mr. L upgrades her and mimi just shittalks all the time while also slipping a few of the shinest screws in her pockets. if she ever gets damaged she ends up going to L to fix the damages
she is the fastest of all the members when on foot. she is VERY fast and even FASTER in her true form. you do not want a 10ft spider robot chasing after you at 30mph. although, when chasing the heroes in merlees mansion, her ass crashed into literally everything while chasing because she doesn't know exactly how to come to a smooth stop when in a packed house.
now for o'chunky boy, one of my silly favs
hes the kindest out of all of them but that is really SAYING something when your competition is the rest of team bleck. he's willing to protect the team and even those that are literally just innocent bystanders to everything. if you aren't the heroes, hes not gonna be doing anything to hurt you, trust.
everyone usually calls him to swat dimentio out of the air since he has the furtherest reach. he always succeeds too. the rivalry between them only persists.
hes usually the dedicated "bring everyone here to this exact room" person because hes always first to arrive and always the first to hear the announcement. so he has to drag everyone else out of their rooms in order for them to listen.
nastasia? nastasia.
nastasia is the person you can always find, no matter where you are. for some reason, you can just find her there conveniently when you need her. how does she do this? shut up, you don't need to know.
amongst the stealthiest of characters, nastasia has to be the first in stealth. her footsteps are completely silent somehow and you can never hear her breathing. this makes it easy for her to sneak up on literally anyone, no matter who they are. she even gives our dear count a scare from time to time.
considering that she is the most responsible they usually call nastasia for the littlest of things. like bugs or broken doors or dimentio being a little shithead. in return, she calls the correct person for the job as her skill range is very limited.
ik yall were waiting for dimentio so here you go
he wanders. like he wanders a lot. you dont see him in the castle that often because hes in the wilderness just nature walking (flying?) and when he is in the castle, hes just wandering the halls, waiting for the next moment to be a bitch.
he teases everyone in the castle, especially count. it never dawned on him until later that the count was blumiere so he took this chance to bully him for literally no reason at all other than spite.
out of all of the members, his worst relationship is with nastasia. they somehow know more about each other than they'd like to. he doesnt talk to her much and when he does, its out of obligation or because he was spoken to first.
here, a few additional mr. l headcanons
for some reason, he always has chocolate on him. (this carries over to luigi too) he just has an infinite supply of chocolate and no one knows where he gets them and everyone is convinced hes more of a magician than dimentio.
he ends up being more active with the group rather than closed off. when he is closing himself off from the group, his door is always open. its an invitation for anyone to come in a chat, even if he says "an open door is not an invitation." it is an invitation, hes lonely.
he and dimentio tend to have small skill show offs. dim shows off his EPIC magic and Mr. L beats the shit out of him with his robots. dimentio still somehow always wins.
ANYWAYS ANON THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME THIS IVE BEEN WANTING TO GIVE HEADCANONS FOR AGES BUT DIDNT KNOW HOW TO FORMAT IT. YOU BROKE THE CURSE. and also being the first person to give me an ask ever. anon if ur reading this? ur literally the best
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 3 months
Undead Unluck Theory
So I've been reading Undead Unluck since the beginning, but I haven't actually ever joined the fandom, (i.e., the contents of this blog may be Old News to everyone and/or everyone hates it and I just didn't realize...) but I was showing the anime to a friend and trying to explain my UU theory, so I googled and couldn't find anyone who had laid out something like this. If it already exists, apologies, but this is my version of what UU is all about.
Undead Unluck is a story about writing.
Spoilery things ahead!
The most important thing to know about Undead Unluck is that it's a story-within-a-story. An embedded narrative. Our characters are stock archetypes who are barely on the cusp of learning that they are in a story.
The main story outline stays the same as the author goes through various iterations and edits (aka Loops), testing out new ideas and often scrapping them. Characters evolve into different versions of themselves as the author edits. Our settings are varied as if the author were trying to fit all kinds of different genres into one story. AND THEY ARE!
Suggested listening, btw:
The Author, AKA God, adds variables to the story in the form of rules.
For example, a children's book about a goldfish has no need to mention that there is an entire galaxy of stars in the sky. The goldfish doesn't need to know. The readers don't care. It's irrelevant. That rule can be omitted from a story.
When the author changes the story, for instance, to make the story about a goldfish who goes into outer space, suddenly they need to add the concept of a galaxy, along with all the ancillary ideas (i.e., UFOs).
With their pencil eraser or backspace button, the author changes the reality for ALL of the characters in the work, so that the existence of outer space becomes a Known Thing in-universe. No biggie. It's always been that way, as far as they know. The instant the author changes something, it's done.
This Hand of God kind of author appears in other ways, like the way the Union members arrive via a crack in the sky. They literally fall from the sky like characters in the Barbie movie.
The crack in the sky is a wall-break, but it's not the fourth wall that's broken. It's the wall between the author and the characters!
Remember that cartoon where Daffy Duck argues with the animator's hand? Characters are just playthings for the author. They can be dressed up or imperiled just because.
When you begin to read UU from this perspective, some characters seem more sentient than others.
The characters are tired of being screwed over. They're tired of suffering. They're tired of being tested for no reason. Can't God just give them an easy life? Do all characters hate their authors this much?
Ragnarok is when the author effectively overturns the dollhouse and starts a new story with the same characters, settings, and themes, but adding the kind of slight variations that an author's idle mind might create. The basic "frame" of the dollhouse remains, but we can try out new scenarios like:
"What if X met Y in another time or place?"
"How would X be different if they'd grown up in a harsher or easier environment?"
"What if X was a villain?"
And so the author begins again, pitting their characters in new situations to observe and see how they react. Authors love that shit. Just look at all the ask blogs on tumblr!
Authors enjoy looking at their characters from new perspectives. Even the bad ones! Many times, an author has had a character (say...Victor) in their imagination for a long time, but the character evolves into a slightly different version of themselves (Andy). It's natural to want to keep both versions of this character. And since this is the author's dollhouse, they can do whatever they want, even if this confuses and disturbs Andy/Victor.
Victor and Juiz are, I think, God's starter OCs. Their story is one of seriousness, mystery, and a romance with unresolved tension. They want to be together; we want them to be together; but the author won't let them be happy because keeping that tension burning is what makes the story good. Of course they had a falling out! Of course they're eternally separated in a tragic and beautiful way. After all, they were the main characters for a long time.
You're probably saying, "This theory can't work because we've SEEN God! We've seen Luna!" My idea is that Luna and God are two aspects of the author.
God (Sun) as the author as a writer: Makes brutal changes, can delete everything, loves to start over and test the characters in different environments, never satisfied with the ending.
God wants to make things HARDER for the characters because they are trying to write an interesting shonen story.
God (Luna) as the author as a reader: Authors also like to sit back and read their own works. Sometimes they have a nice cup of tea with them. The tea signifies that Luna is acting as a reader.
Luna, as a reader, has gotten attached to the characters. They want them to succeed. They are trying to make things EASIER for the characters bc they're emotionally invested in the story. Luna also keeps the memories of past rough drafts in the form of artifacts that can be used to bring back discarded story elements.
I don't think either Sun nor Luna truly understand that our characters are capable of suffering, btw.
Luna and God are in a competition with themselves, just like the internal struggle of an author as they want to:
Create an interesting story that will be a success. To get the story "right" and fully explore all the possibilities
but also
2. Just have fun with the characters and help them reach the end of the story.
Killing God means finding a final end to the story so that the characters can have a stable existence. The characters can achieve this by resisting the author's attempts to rewrite.
So, that's the gist of my insanity. I have a bit more in the drafts if anyone is interested in hearing more. I would enjoy doing a read-through blog someday, but I thought I might test the waters with my theory first.
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deadbeatbirdmom · 7 months
Personally I don’t expect team rwby to solve all bigotry, but I’d like to see them make any sort of attempt to at least begin to change something? Even relatively small scale?
The SDC seemed like the perfect opportunity but nope,
And maybe don’t kill,of characters like sienna and have characters like Robyn hill who are actively trying to combat class inequality get competed into fighting Salem instead
Movies like nimona manage it I don’t see why rwby can’t
This is the last time I'll be answering an ask to do with these issues in RWBY. I don't feel that there's a satisfactory answer, and certainly not one that I can provide. I've mentioned something along those lines before, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not the same anon and didn't see my posted answer.
I recently reblogged a post about these issues, but that doesn't mean my answer has changed. That post basically said there is no simple fix, and that means it isn't possible to do in RWBY, unless it was a fictional fix that wouldn't work in reality, which would be disrespectful.
I'm not sure what you expect four teenagers to be able to do, even small scale. They're good at fighting Grimm, but that doesn't mean anyone's going to pay attention to them about anything else.
Ruby's lucky at least some people listened to her broadcast about Salem, but that's connected with Grimm.
Weiss was the SDC heiress but ended up having that taken away before she could do anything good with it, and actually doing anything would have had to wait until her father was no longer in control.
Blake persuaded Menagerie's faunus to form a militia and help save Haven from Adam's corrupted White Fang, but that took a serendipitous attack on her parents and their house partly burning down. She can't command that militia to do anything else.
Yang would struggle to persuade anyone to do anything. The last time Remnant at large saw her was during the Vytal tournament broadcast, apparently breaking Mercury's leg unprovoked. The CCT is still down, so chances are most people have no idea she was set up. I dunno, maybe she could intimidate some sense into people?
I'm not sure when team RWBY would have had time to do anything while in Atlas. Ironwood kept them busy. Were they supposed to take down or reform the SDC with the one night off they had? If they'd tried they might well have found themselves arrested, the SDC and its Dust is rather important to the Atlas military. And then where would they be with their goal of getting the second Relic from the Atlas vault?
As for after things fell apart with Ironwood... As important as these issues are, avoiding arrest and doing their part to help get word out about Salem, or helping Mantle and then rescuing Oscar had priority.
It's not the reason they've done it, they just happened to fall in love, but I guess it could be argued that Blake and Yang's romance is some sort of proof that faunus and humans are equal.
After Salem is eventually somehow defeated, I can imagine at least Blake working with or even leading the reformed White Fang and campaigning for faunus rights. I'm sure the rest of her team would help her if there's anything they can do.
But survival against Salem has to come first. So a huntress like Robyn Hill doesn't really have any choice. There won't be any world to improve if Salem isn't stopped.
As for Sienna, take that up with Adam. I'd much rather she hadn't been killed off too, but there was no other way that was going to end between them.
That's the best I can do, anon. I'm well aware it's not a great answer. I can't provide one. I don't think there is one.
I haven't seen Nimona, I don't have a Netflix subscription. Maybe I'll watch it the next time I want to rewatch She-Ra. I've read the Nimona graphic novel years ago, but I don't remember bigotry being solved in there. Unless you meant an attempt being made? I need to reread it.
Edit: this got long and I forgot about a read more cut until now. Apologies!
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kooki914 · 5 days
How do you think would Noelle and Ralsei interact with each other if they got the chance? What would their relationship bring out of the other?
This is something I've given a lot of thought to, and something I'm still salty wasn't explored at all in Chapter 2. So this post is both going to answer your question as well as be my excuse to write an essay about these two.
The thing is, Noelle and Ralsei are narrative foils to each other. That probably sounds weird on account of the fact that they never interact, but both mechanically and through dialogue, we see parallels form between them. They're both enigmatic, mysterious, while keeping up friendly appearances, while also being literal or figurative royalty in their respective worlds (Noelle is from a rich family and is adored, Ralsei is a prince with no subjects). They're both love interests to the leads (yes, to Kris and Susie BOTH, the snowgrave route is essentially an exploration of a toxic friends-to-lovers but I'm not getting into that here), and they're both rife with religious symbolism, as well as the fact they're both prey animals (in a world where boss monsters like Toriel and Asgore can look more lion-esque, Ralsei's decidedly goat-ish appearance is kind of striking to me). They have the same heal spell (a pray to light) and they're both "passive" in that kind of way a mage usually is in RPGs.
Noelle's arc mainly centers around agency, while Ralsei's arc mainly centers around identity. For all the struggles she faces, Noelle doesn't really have that... crisis of character that Susie and Ralsei are prone to. Even in the snowgrave route, she doesn't question herself, she questions Kris. And, while Ralsei IS an obedient doormat, it's not out of a lack of agency (he shows us as much when he puts his foot down right before the kids open a fountain), it's an active choice he KNOWS he can simply... Not Do (as evidenced by how upset he is with Susie's behaviour in chapter 1 and his epiphany about it in chapter 2, he essentially equates mean behaviour to Purposefully making people around you suffer, instead of a personality quirk or showing of emotion).
It's interesting to think about how they'd complement one another. Not even strictly in a character arc sense (I'll get to that), but just in a... character interaction sense. Noelle has this pattern of putting the spotlight on other people. Even when she talks about herself it's always framed as a way to lift up those around her, while Ralsei has this sneaky way of getting to know you without you even realising (if the rooms he made for Kris and Susie are anything to go by). I think this would result in a dynamics where Noelle (passively, almost accidentally) allows Ralsei to open up in a more genuine way, while Ralsei still tends to Noelle's needs like he does for everyone else.
It's also interesting from a worldbuilding sense. We've seen Ralsei not give a flying fuck about Anyone that isn't directly connected to the prophecy, both for humour reasons and for horror reasons (as seen in the snowgrave route), so giving him a friend that's 1) a lightner, 2) not part of the prophecy, and 3) trying to actually know him on a personal level - it'd probably cause him to actually rethink his worldview. If someone like Noelle, someone who's got nothing to do with the prophecy, can be an important person to him and a good friend to people she doesn't *need* to care about, then why can't he? Can he be someone outside the prophecy? Is his identity and purpose not confined to this, and what does that mean for him in the long run?
And, on Noelle's side of things, Ralsei would probably be a healthier outlet for that feeling of nostalgia she's so addicted to. With him around, she's allowed to just be a kid again. No appearances to keep up, no expectations to fulfill, he's a fresh start and a new friend that she's allowed to be her authentic self around because his existence is essentially rooted in tending to the inner child of all the lightners he comes across. And maybe then she'll be able to let go of the past. Maybe, though viewing her childhood through an outsider's eager point of view, she can see how far away it is, and how she doesn't NEED it to be happy. Things can't be the same, and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe they can be better.
Overall, there's also a... vague "burden of femininity" they both have. They take on emotional labour even when they don't have to, just because that's what's expected of them. I so badly want a Dark Fun Gang-esque arc with these two where they defect from the team and just decide to be bad guys on their own terms for a while. Just because they can, just to see what it brings out of them. And, they'd be complete dorks about it of course, but it'd be nice to see them breaking their moulds with people they don't feel judged by, with friends they don't feel the need to impress because they're already so similar to.
There's this one bit of dialogue I wrote for them for one of my AUs, specifically in the above scenario where they decide to be bad guys for a bit, and I feel I need to share it here because it puts into words something I can't without taking away from the feels of it:
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