#show support. not spread vitriol
adhbabey · 7 months
"you shouldn't look away from atrocities just to take care of your mental health" actually shut the fuck up because that mentality literally doesn't help anyone.
People are going to go through literal shit and it's our job to support them, but not to where we're matyrs.
Please share news as it's serious, but don't listen to that bullshit. It's important to care about other's lives, but don't sacrifice yourself for something you can't actually change, being a literal million miles away.
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willgrahamscock · 2 months
You should spread transgenderism even more, the more freaks we have the better the world becomes
I'm going to be serious on this blog for a second, I want to share my experience since being more outwardly supportive of trans people, and not backing down, pushing back against transphobes has truly been one of the only times in my entire internet history where I've gotten the MOST hate.
Standing up to transphobes is no issue to me, I do not care what hate they have to spew I will always be on trans peoples side. What I didn't expect is the vitriol from trans people themselves and my fellow lesbians.
I've been called a woke terf for giving platform to non binary people who express their gender through makeup and certain clothing, 'because gender is not makeup and clothes' and I'll be the first person to say I am STILL learning about what terms to use, but op themselves did not say that gender = clothes and makeup, they just showed how they use makeup and clothes to appear more masc and femme. I think that immediately jumping into my inbox to call me a woke terf is not the way to go about letting me know what terms to use. I know that this is a small percentage of people who behave like this, but they are the loudest.
I've gotten backlash from lesbians who were upset that I dare include trans women into our community, and I won't apologize for that. Trans women are women.
This is a fraction of what it's like to be trans, my experience in this is just a fraction of hate that trans people get. I understand why trans people leave this platform, why they get burnt out.
However I won't leave, won't stop posting in support of trans people. I won't get burnt out because hate fuels me so transphobes direct your bullshit at me, fight me instead.
Trans ppl are always welcome in my inbox if I ever get something wrong or if you think I should research more into a topic to educate myself please let me know.
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hideawaysis · 2 months
hello. absolutely hate involving myself in fandom drama, but ifeel this is an important post to make as i have seen a lot of people taking a certain post at face value and believing it.
im referring to this one, made by @/realultimatehater
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now, before i say these things, i feel the need to preface this by saying that i do not personally wish to align myself in this fandom debate. i am a tax-paying adult and do not have any energy or time to put into arguing about a tv show on the internet. nonetheless, i have seen people blindly spreading this post around and i feel this needs to be addressed.
this person is lying.
it feels like it should be obvious with the levels of "down with cis bus" energy pulsating off of this, but it's a huge fucking lie.
this person is a known harasser and has targeted children in the past. they will do anything, and i mean ANYTHING to rack up attention and internet points. they have made bold claims like this with little to no evidence in the past all so they can garner more hatred for certain fandoms on the internet. testimonies here and here, and some pretty damning screenshots here.
i advise you all to stop reblogging the post ive shown. it's disinformation, a story fabricated to direct more vitriol towards a fandom with little to no proof that it can somehow make people like this or attract people like this. this person is either a troll or just plain deranged. please stop believing what they say.
tags added for reach.
edit: i received an anonymous ask giving me extra information on this topic, apparently this person is in fact an internet troll who has gone under countless aliases and will often fake identities in order to ruin the reputations of others. more information here and here.
edit 2: another anon ask gave me a preserved version of a post from realultimatehater's first account, showing how they'd crop screenshots of dms in order to make it look like they were being harassed for simply having a negative opinion on hazbin hotel. here's the post, though do know the reblog is from a supporter of them, make of that what you will. here's another version of the post ifound showing how they'd bait people into saying these kinds of things in order to make them look bad. and here's another one! wow!
i also found a few asks showing how this person would literally approach hazbin fans and just blatantly insult them, rather than blocking them. because yeah, when you detest a fandom, you clearly must stir up conflict! that'll keep them away from you! said asks can be viewed here and here
edit 3: the anon i received telling me realultimatehater was an internet troll who'd been trolling people for years apparently was not being truthful, this does not discredit the other evidence ive listed but id really appreciate if people would stop spreading that ask around. ive removed the link to the ask, sincere apologies to anyone affected by that
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tiptapricot · 6 months
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🌙✨Travelers of the night!✨🌙
The time has come for us to share the month of prompts for Moon KnightCember! This is a collaborative list put together and shaped by many lovely fans who have contributed ideas, designs, information, guidance, and more to make a fun December fan event for all!
This event is open to all forms of Moon Knight, from comics to the MCU show, and participants are welcome to create for any version or mix they desire. Prompts are available every other day to give people the ability to choose their pacing, and one or both prompts can be used depending on preference. When participating, please use the hashtag #MKcember2023!
Good luck in your creative fight, we can’t wait to see what you create!
Big thanks to @crystaljelly64 (who also did all the graphics here), @belablue222, @fdelopera and all the others that contributed to the making of this event! :-D
(Basic IDs in ALT and full image descriptions including written out prompt list and live links under cut! A transcript of the Cinco Pa’ Las Doce Instagram highlight is also included under Resources.)
Image 1: The moon knight-cember prompt list. Moon knight envelops the prompt calendar with his cape, white cloth encircling the edges and black filling the background behind the prompts. The Moon Knight-cember title is written in stylized text above the calendar, the C a golden crescent dart and the background behind it light blue and snowy. The prompts read:
1st: “Headspace” and/or “Home Is Where The Heart Is”
3rd: “Supernatural Encounter(s)” and/or “Good Friends”
5th: “Cab-allero” and/or “Constellations”
7th: “Chanukah Sameach” and/or “Gelt and Gus/Crawley”
9th: “Candles” and/or “Chanukiah”
11th: “Chanukah Food” and/or “Dreidel”
13th: “Tzedek” and/or “Perseverance”
15th: “Shabbat” and/or “Kiddush Cup”
17th: “Rainy Day” and/or “VHS Tape”
19th: “Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives” and/or “Notes”
21st: “Judgement” and/or “Negative Space”
23rd: “Blast Off!” and/or “Sink”
25th: “Calm Before The Storm” and/or “Little Bug”
27th: “Floating/Blurry” and/or “Phone Call”
29th: “Reflection” and/or “Every Grain Of Sand”
31st: “Cinco Pa’ Las Doce” and/or “Together”
The days of Hanukkah, December 7th through the 15th, are highlighted in glowing gold. The rest of the prompt text is a light blue.
Image 2: A list of basic definitions for words on the prompt list. The definitions read as follows:
Caballero (Spanish): “Knight” ; “Gentleman”
Chanukah Sameach (Jewish): “Happy Hanukkah”; common greeting during Hanukkah
Gelt (Jewish): chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil and given to others to inspire charity
Chanukiah (Jewish): menorah or lamp used for Hanukkah
Dreidel (Jewish): spinning top; played with during Hanukkah
Tzedek (Jewish): “Justice”; “Fairness”; how things should be
Shabbat (Jewish): the Jewish day of Rest
Kiddush Cup (Jewish): cup of wine that’s blessed during Shabbat/Jewish holiday meals
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce (Spanish): “5 minutes til 12”; a New Years Eve song from South and Central America
Image 3: Text that reads: Links and Sources. For more info on Hanukkah and Shabbat, you can go to myjewishlearning.com, and you can also find examples of prayers and services from Jewish YouTubers!
Check out @belablue222’s story highlight “CPLD 🌙 🕰️” for more details on the song and tradition, as well as how it connects to Moon Knight! (Transcript from Instagram below ID)
Links and recommended posts will also be added below cut!
Image 4: text that reads: Slide 7: Text that reads:
During a time of folks using current events to spread hate and vitriol, it’s important to stand firm with love and support for Jewish people and make sure our spaces are firmly free of antisemitism. Fighting fire with fire is never the solution, and support and action for groups in peril does not and should not require falling to different types of bigotry or antisemitic tropes. MKCember is a celebration of a beloved Jewish character and all aspects of that should be respected and loved, and focus on joy and genuine exploration. While creating your works, be aware, be vigilant, and be informed, and together we can make something lovely! /end ID]
Chanukah Sameach
Kiddush Cup
Post by @fdelopera about engaging with Moon Knight and Jewish celebrations respectfully and carefully during this challenge
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce Instagram highlight (transcript below)
Transcript of Cinco Pa’ Las Doce deep dive by @belablue222:
“Cinco Pa' las doce: a cultural deep dive and its ties to the moon knight system.
Disclaimer: I am latina, but i cannot speak for all of the traditions practiced or not practiced in all latinoamérica countries due to how many of us there are, as well as how unique each of our traditions are. Because of this, I will be using traditions that are more widely practiced.
As we approach the end of the year, places all over the world prepare to bring in the new year with all sorts of traditions and customs. It is a time of celebrating, mingling, and integrating. It’s a time for one to connect to their background of where they come from, and embrace tradition.
New Years is especially important in latinoamérica, and has traditions that go back decades or even centuries. Today, i will be talking about a well known and beloved tradition, as well as others that are commonly practiced in central and South America.
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce
Written in 1963 and performed by Venezuelan actor and singer Néstor Zavarce, Cinco Pa' Las Doce is a hauntingly beautiful song about a person wanting to run home to hug their mom for New Years, with the sound of bells playing throughout the street. The song became immensely popular throughout latinoamérica throughout the years, and there are many different versions with many different styles, but the original one still remains the iconic classic widely known.
In typical tradition, people with gather together at 11:55pm on New Year’s Eve and spend time together, thinking about past memories, wondering what the new years will bring, and enjoy each others company as the song plays. Once the song ends, it is midnight, and people will celebrate this by doing many different traditions, here are a few of them that are most commonly practiced...
Typical traditions:
Fireworks: like a lot of other places, fireworks are often lit in the biggest of cities, or the smallest of villages, the colors brightening the sky of the new year.
12 uvas: eating 12 grapes at midnight is a tradition that is ment to bring good luck for the new year, and represent 12 wishes that will only come true if the grapes are eaten quickly.
Walking a block with a suitcase: when the clock strikes midnight, some people will grab a suitcase and walk (or even run) a block around their neighborhood for them to be able to travel and go to many places in the new year
Lentils: lentils have significance in many different ways for latam countries. some will eat lentils or lentil soup at midnight, others will pocket them or even wrap 12 of them in a bill, no matter what, lentils are meant to bring good fortune and prosperity for the new year.
Yet what does this all have to do with Moon Knight?
The Moon Knight system in the MCU are both Jewish as well as Latino. New years is a great way for them to connect with their latam roots, while also being respectful to their other traditions as well. They can enjoy latinoamerican foods that are customary to the winter seasons, sing songs in spanish, and enjoy many other things. they could even intigrate things or come up with new traditions so they can comfortably celebrate el año nuevo.
From an artistic standpoint, it's a good way to ponder what their relationship is with these traditions that have deep ties to family, and the potential effects it has on them due to their own relationship with their family. Do they struggle? Do they reclaim? Do they pass these traditions on?
An interesting thing to ponder to the ethereal bells of Cinco Pa' las Doce.” (End of transcript)
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tuxibirdie · 5 months
I love how the the Underverse community just made this day like its own trans support day. It's been taking up my feed and I couldn't be happier!
But I also have a question, is there a reason why all this started? :0
(I love ur art)
ehehe of course!!! the best way to respond to transphobes is to show our identities with pride!!!
positivity is a strong way to get a message out, and personally my favorite way to go about things ehhehehe
to answer your question, it has come out that calcium-cat (creator of popular fic One Small Dream) has liked and followed transphobic posts and people on twitter
and clearly, we don't take kindly to that. I mean, seriously? in this fandom??
AND BEFORE ANYONE GOES TO HER BLOG. DO NOT ATTACK HER IN ANY WAY OR FORM. spreading more vitriol and aggression is not the way to go about this. just block her and go. make your own trans positivity posts if you want. circulate love, not hate <3
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azir-018 · 1 year
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summary:United against hate, you and Kylian Mbappe face the storm together, spreading love and kindness to triumph over negativity.
Weathering the Storm
The room felt suffocating, as if the walls were closing in around you, echoing the relentless barrage of hateful comments on social media. You had never anticipated the backlash, the vitriol that would be directed towards you, simply because you had fallen in love with Kylian Mbappe, a football superstar. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, as the love you had found was overshadowed by the relentless hatred of others.
Kylian watched your struggle, his heart breaking at the sight of your pain. He pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as if to shield you from the world's cruelty. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this," he whispered, his voice heavy with sadness. "Please remember, their words don't define you, nor do they change how much I love you."
The weight of his words sank deep into your heart, and you desperately wanted to believe in his unwavering support. But it was difficult to escape the relentless onslaught of negativity, the waves of doubt crashing against the shores of your self-worth.
Days turned into weeks, and the storm of hate showed no signs of subsiding. It seemed like every step forward was met with a thousand steps backward, and you wondered if you were strong enough to withstand the ongoing torment. Doubts gnawed at your spirit, threatening to erode the foundation of your relationship.
One evening, as you sat with Kylian, both of you feeling weary from the constant struggle, you found yourself voicing the thoughts that had plagued your mind for far too long. "Kylian, I love you, but I don't know if I can handle this anymore," you admitted, your voice laced with defeat. "The hate, the constant criticism, it's tearing me apart."
Tears welled up in Kylian's eyes, and his voice trembled as he replied, "I understand if it's too much for you. I never wanted you to endure this pain. But please know that without you, my life would be incomplete. You bring so much light and love into my world."
His words struck a chord within you, reigniting a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. You realized that your love for each other was a sanctuary, a place where you both found solace and strength.
In that moment, a newfound determination surged through your veins. You couldn't let the hatred extinguish the flame of love that burned between you and Kylian. It was time to rise above the negativity, to embrace your own worth and the happiness you deserved.
Together, you decided to take control of the narrative, to counter the hate with love and compassion. You both used your platform to spread positivity, to advocate for kindness and understanding. Slowly, the tide began to turn. For every hateful comment, there were now messages of support and admiration from fans who had seen the depth of your love.
But the path to healing was not without its challenges. There were moments when the pain of the hateful words seeped into the cracks of your heart, threatening to shatter your resolve. The public scrutiny continued, and it took a toll on your mental and emotional well-being.
In those moments of vulnerability, Kylian became your rock. He held you close, wiping away your tears and reminding you of your strength. "We are in this together," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "You are not alone, and we will overcome this storm, no matter how long it takes."
Together, you sought refuge in each other's arms, finding solace in the love that bound you. You surrounded yourselves with a support system of friends and family who uplifted you, shielding you from the worst of the online negativity. Their support became a beacon of hope, a reminder that there was goodness in the world even when it felt like darkness was closing in.
As time went on, the storm began to lose its ferocity. The waves of hatred gradually receded, replaced by a sense of understanding and acceptance. People started to recognize that love knows no boundaries, that it transcends societal expectations and norms.
The journey was far from easy, but the love between you and Kylian remained steadfast. It had weathered the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient. The experience had taught you both the power of love and the importance of staying true to yourselves, no matter the opposition.
Together, you continued to use your platform to spread positivity and advocate for love and acceptance. You became a symbol of resilience, showing others that love can triumph over hate. The world began to take notice, and your story inspired many who were facing their own battles against prejudice and discrimination.
In time, the storm became a distant memory, a testament to the strength of your love and the unwavering support of those who stood by your side. You and Kylian emerged from the darkness hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
And as you looked into each other's eyes, you knew that together, you could weather any storm that came your way. Love had triumphed, and it would continue to be your guiding light, forever illuminating your path.
you can leave requests if you want (i write for all footballers)
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circular-bircular · 7 months
Anyways, since I can talk about her on this blog, and since the anon in my inbox wants me to stfu apparently:
Sophie’s response to the anon was worse than the anon imo.
That isn’t to say the anon wasn’t horrific. That was genuine homicidal wishes from the anon described graphically.
The adult response to that is to, at most, address the falsehoods of what they said in an isolated post, and then report the anon/block the anon for harassment.
Instead, she wanted to write a few paragraphs about how people like this should suffer mentally (a running theme more and more in her posts), how they should be completely isolated from everyone they’ve ever loved, and how she hopes they hurt.
Anyone who supports that behavior needs to get the fuck off my blog.
No, we do not need to engage bigots. Yes, we are allowed to ostracize them by not responding. No, you should not then give them the attention they desire by spreading their vitriol to your ridiculous amount of followers, followers who have already been shown to take your words and run with them. Here’s the scenario I’m seeing in my mind:
Anon now leaves this interaction having gotten the rage they wanted from the user they sent hate to
Anon also knows that the only people who will support them, to avoid the fate Sophie wants for them, are those who agree, helping anon fall further into the mentality they were in. (This has been seen time and time again, from Mormons to TERFs forcing people to remain in the community by showing the reaction others have to them)
Sophie’s Followers now see the message from a person they support, which is “You’re allowed to wish everlasting mental hellscape upon the people who deserve it.” The followers decide that People They Don’t Like are this. (Gee, I wonder where I got that hate anon from this morning that mentioned her name…)
Responding to hatred with more hatred rarely benefits anyone but yourself. Again — the anon was wrong. That was heinous. Nobody is supporting what they said in this current debate.
But two wrongs don’t make a right. And what you said was fucked up, Sophie. Stop downplaying it as “I just am saying to ostracize a bigot!”
You told someone who clearly is fucked up that they deserve to be completely, 100% isolated from every single person, space, and thing that makes them feel safe. And you based it around them being anti-endo in your post. You based it around fucking syscourse.
That’s not saying to ostracize a bigot. That’s wishing harm on someone — actual genuine mental distress, using an abuse tactic my own family used on me to keep me in their clutches for longer.
THAT is why people are pissed off. 👍 Just thought I would clarify.
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kerrikins · 10 months
Given everything I thought that I would briefly hop on here in order to express some of my thoughts. Anyone who follows me on twitter will have already seen this but I know there are some who only follow me on here so here I am.
For me what has been released a couple of weeks ago and now today changes relatively little for me, in large part mostly because with the leaks three weeks ago I assessed how I felt about their contents and came to a decision that while I was disappointed, frustrated and hurt (especially for Bible, who I adore), I felt that his actions and what we've seen since January show a true desire to change and be a better person.
I also did not and still do not trust the source, nor do I respect the clear and obvious motivations behind this ongoing attempt to blackmail and bully Build out of public life. She has outright stated that she 'made' him and will destroy him, and what has been going on since January is her attempt to do just that. She consistently times things to coincide with events for him - his concert, the XBlush announcement and now the Starry Magazine announcement. The way that people seem so unwilling to think analytically about the downright strategic way she's approached this and what that might mean really frustrates me, but it is what it is at this point.
(I will add here for those who aren't aware, though - the account releasing this information outright stated during the last leaks that the intent is to get Build to resign from the entertainment industry. That, my friends, is called coercion and blackmail. It's not acceptable no matter how you feel about him.)
There is also the plain and simple fact that I cannot stomach or stay silent in the face of the unrelenting vitriol that has been hurled in this man's direction by his ex and by the fandom and the internet in general since January. I am an older fandom member and I really can't think of a time where I've seen the sort of unceasing tide of hatred that has been going on towards Build since the news broke.
I adore Bible, and most of the other cast members. I will be clear here and say that I am not defending what Build said in those screenshots (I think they reveal he is an insecure and jealous man in need of some therapy, who also had a partner who brought out the absolute worst in him) and that I cannot and will not expect any fan who is uncomfortable, hurt, angry or unhappy with Biu's actions and words to stay with him or support him. If you are uncomfortable with me supporting him then please feel free to unfollow me and go in peace, I wish you well as long as you do not spread hatred against him. I do not expect any of the cast members to remain friends with him or support him and you will not see me spreading hatred towards them, nor have I ever once done so since January.
I will just continue to speak up to say that I think that if - and I know there is a big if here - Build has done as he claims and started fresh from January, then he deserves the chance to make that fresh start.
It disturbs me that right now he is not being allowed to do so.
It disturbs me that at least two private images of him were released for millions to see and there's been very little blow-back about it and in fact very little discussion about it. I am reminded once again of the allegations that Build 'slept with her for the role' and the display of hypocrisy that was on display then and is on display now. If someone did these things to a woman the internet would be calling for their head no matter what she had said in private chats.
It disturbs me to see the mockery and games going on over on Twitter, with things such as people filming themselves laughing over Bible unfollowing yesterday, or giving away money for cast members unfollowing today. Some people really need to step away from their computers, touch some grass and assess the depths to which they're stooping.
This isn't a game. This is someone's life. This is the life of ALL of the cast members. Do people really think that it's funny and a joke and a great old time when these cast members they support make the decision to unfollow Build? It really feels like people have forgotten the reality of the situation here - to them it is just a fun time when the truth is whether it's a business decision or a personal one, I doubt anyone is experiencing *good* feelings about this.
If I ever find out that Build has done any of the things that he did in the screenshots since January then I will cease my support. However I can tell you right now that I will not participate in the fandom war or the ongoing crusade against him. I would simply cease to follow or interact with him and stop speaking about him, and that is all.
I wish that more people would make that same choice.
To people who still support him, my thoughts are with you as I know that right now is incredibly tough. 💗
To those who support ones he has spoken poorly of, I appreciate how you must be feeling, I just hope you will not engage in hatred.
I am taking a break from twitter and likely from this fandom in general because between work and fandom things have been pretty shit right now, but you might see me around for other fandoms.
That's all for now.
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forevertrueblue · 7 months
Speaking of the Loki fandom...a few comments.
Let me preface this first point by saying I love this ship and support people shipping it. But that said...if you actually thought Lokius would be explicitly canon then you were playing yourself. Last season they said it wasn't romantic, and same with at the beginning of this season; they weren't queerbaiting you like a lot of other creators tend to when a ship like this gets popular. Yet somehow, some people were legitimately convinced it was gonna happen in a "big twist". (I feel like I hear a lot about this in fandoms with non-canon M/M ships but has that ever actually happened? I guess in Supernatural, kind of?)
I don't like ship wars or pushing the idea of them or whatever but I wasn't expecting Lokius fans to come out of this more satisfied than Sylki fans, on the whole. I was legitimately worried Mobius would be sidelined this season in favor of a giant Sylvie/Sylki-fest (more on that ship in a minute) but I'm pretty sure he got the second most amount of screentime (he was third last season) and he seemed to have more of an arc and impact on the story than she did.
Another preface: I love Sylvie and Sylki. Them being together at the end wasn't make or break for me, but I am annoyed their romance wasn't directly discussed by either of them and makes me kind of annoyed at all the effort I put in at the conclusion of Season 1 to understand and appreciate the ship (because from the interviews I just kind of assumed it was a fact of life that they'd be endgame and wanted to be able to embrace it best I could). THAT SAID this season proved to me that my theory from last season, that the Sylki shippers only looked "good" compared to the Lokius shippers because they were the ones getting what they wanted, was absolutely correct. I'm annoyed people, especially a certain writer, egged that shipping on so much via social media because it felt kind of like baiting (I may talk to him about this, idk yet) but I'm seeing some pretty vitriolic comments towards him and the other creators and that's just not cool. I hate to say "it's just a show" because I get very upset when people say that sort of thing to me...but I'm not spreading that kind of hate towards REAL PEOPLE sooooo
The vast majority of Loki fans seem to be either hyperfocused on shipping or Kang. Little to no in between. And that makes it hard to have actual conversations about the series with most people.
And finally, I'm sick of certain fans calling myself and others dumb for our feelings on how things played out. No, I wasn't just waiting for a happily ever after, I was open to a lot of things. Really, I think I've been very mature about the whole thing and I don't appreciate people treating me like I'm stupid over this. I'm already hurting and you're making it worse.
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barbieaemond · 5 months
I'm sorry that you and other hard-working creators are being attacked in this way, for no reason. I can only imagine the effort that goes into what you do, and I truly see the difference in a gif you or another creator post, versus an original snapshot. It's truly ridiculous that these chronically online, hateful people feel the need to spread their vitriol like this- what they hope to achieve, they alone know. I wish there was a way to filter these people out of fandom if that makes sense, but just know that there are many, many of us who support and greatly appreciate what you and many other creators chose to do, for free, purely out of love for the show and/or the actor.
Stay strong ❤️
Thank you so much!! 💕
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A surge of anti-Jewish vitriol, spread by a world-famous rapper, an NBA star and other prominent people, is stoking fears that public figures are normalizing hate and ramping up the risk of violence in a country already experiencing a sharp increase in antisemitism.
Leaders of the Jewish community in the U.S. and extremism experts have been alarmed to see celebrities with massive followings spew antisemitic tropes in a way that has been taboo for decades. Some said it harkens back to a darker time in America when powerful people routinely spread conspiracy theories about Jews with impunity.
Former President Donald Trump hosted a Holocaust-denying white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago. The rapper Ye expressed love for Adolf Hitler in an interview. Basketball star Kyrie Irving appeared to promote an antisemitic film on social media. Neo-Nazi trolls are clamoring to return to Twitter as new CEO Elon Musk grants “amnesty” to suspended accounts.
“These are not fringe outliers sending emails from their parents garage or idiots no one has ever heard of. When influential mainstream cultural, political and even sports icons normalize hate speech, everyone needs to be very concerned,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, a leader in South Florida’s Jewish community.
Northwestern University history professor Peter Hayes, who specializes in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, said normalizing antisemitism is a “real possibility” when there is a “public discussion of things that used to be beneath contempt.”
“I’m very concerned about it,” Hayes said. “It’s one of the many ways in which America has to get a grip and stop toying with concepts and ideas that are potentially murderous.”
Trump hosted Ye — the rapper formerly known as Kanye West — and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes for dinner at his Florida home on Nov. 22.
Fuentes was a Boston University student when he attended a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that erupted in violence in 2017. He became an internet personality who used his platform to spread white supremacist and antisemitic views. Fuentes leads a far-right extremist movement called “America First,” with supporters known as “Groypers.”
On Thursday, Fuentes joined Ye in appearing on the Infowars show hosted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Ye praised Hitler during the interview, ratcheting up the rhetoric that already cost him a lucrative business deal with Adidas.
Jonathan Greenblatt, national director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said it is astonishing and alarming that two of the nation’s leading purveyors of antisemitism were “breaking bread with the erstwhile head of the GOP.”
“I would characterize this as the normalization of antisemitism. It has now become part of the political process in a way we hadn’t seen before,” Greenblatt said. “And that is not unique to Republicans. It is not just a Republican problem. It is a societal problem.”
Most Americans knew it was “beyond the pale” when torch-toting white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia’s campus on the eve of the 2017 rally, said Amy Spitalnick, executive director of Integrity First for America, a group that backed a lawsuit against organizers of the Charlottesville rally.
“What’s even more dangerous than Nazis with torches chanting, ‘Jews will not replace us,’ is when we have political leaders and others espousing those same conspiracy theories in increasingly normalized ways,” she said.
Spitalnick said the virulent hatred that Ye has been spewing can make diluted expressions of antisemitism seem more normal in contrast.
“It’s crucial that we hold Kanye and Irving and these other public figures accountable for their antisemitism. But it means nothing if we’re not also recognizing and holding accountable the ways in which this antisemitism and extremism has seeped into the mainstream of one of our major political parties and become commonplace in our political discourse,” she said.
Trump’s critics and even some of his allies condemned the former president for hosting Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago. Trump claimed that he knew nothing about Fuentes before the dinner and defended his decision to host Ye at his club.
Twitter suspended Ye’s account this week after he tweeted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David. Musk tweeted that Ye had violated a rule against inciting violence.
Musk announced last week that his “amnesty” plan applied to accounts that haven’t “broken the law or engaged in egregious spam.” Online safety experts predict that the move will lead to a rise in harassment and hate speech.
Groups that monitor Twitter for racist and antisemitic content say toxic speech already has been on the rise in the month since Musk took over the platform and fired thousands of employees. Content moderators were among those who lost their jobs.
Watchdogs also have rebuked Musk for some of his own tweets, including posting a meme featuring Pepe the Frog, a cartoon character that was hijacked by far-right extremists.
In April, the Anti-Defamation League announced that its annual tally of antisemitic incidents reached a record high last year. The organization counted 2,717 incidents of assault, harassment and vandalism in 2021, a 34% increase over the previous year and the highest number since the ADL began tracking the events in 1979.
Generations ago, famous Americans including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh unapologetically expressed antisemitic sentiments in a way that would have shocked Americans in more recent decades. Now, the internet and social media make it easy for world-famous celebrities to normalize anti-Jewish hate.
For somebody of Ye’s status to praise Nazis and Hitler is “escalating from ugliness to a kind of incitement,” Greenblatt said. He noted that Jewish institutions already have to beef up security to protect against attacks such as the one in which a gunman killed 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018.
“Our community still has to brace for the consequences of those ideas going mainstream,” Greenblatt said.
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cregan-starks · 2 years
Imagine writing a story where you can make your OC anyone and yet you chose to write incest, that’s nasty and weird as hell
I don't know who you are (though I have my suspicions), and I doubt that you're interested in what I have to say, but I don't tolerate harassment, particularly the anonymous type. You're clearly terminally online, and you're so pressed about what I do on my blog that you came into my inbox (not once, but twice) to spread vitriol, because you haven't learned that you're responsible for your own online experience. I can't help you with that, nor do I want to. My response isn't for you. It's for my own peace of mind, and for my followers and readers. If they're at all interested, I kindly ask them to read it, start to finish.
I tagged my fic properly and accordingly ("canon typical incest" is the first warning). I don't condone incest in any way, shape, or form. If you're familiar with my work (which you clearly aren't), you know that I don't shy away from certain controversial topics (politics, religion, the War on Drugs, propaganda, etc.) and I always try to keep my fics as close and faithful to canon as possible. I also do tons of research and seek to portray things accurately and in a respectful manner so that it doesn't come across as tone-deaf.
Consuming GRRM's content (whether it's the books or the shows) implies, to some degree, tolerating incest, among other topics. If you're unfamiliar with the lore, the Targaryens (the House that Aemond is part of) have been practicing incest since Old Valyria to "keep their bloodline pure." It's not portrayed in a positive light, as it drove them ill and mad. That's the whole point. The creative decisions I make for my fics serve their plot, and they're usually faithful to canon (which is what I want). Some decisions even add nuance to the characters, make them layered and complex and flawed (which is, again, what I want).
A writer doesn't believe, support, and condone everything that their characters (or the characters they write for) say and do. The characters aren't supposed to be carbon copies of the writer, their beliefs, their principles and values, their politics, etc. That's not what storytelling is. That's not what art is. If you lack reading comprehension and if you lack the critical thinking skills to grasp that, that's your problem, anon. Not mine.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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posi-pan · 2 years
BaB's lionization of *Anything that Moves* is both hilarious and infuriating. On one hand, the zine and its publisher (y'know the Bay Area Bi+ and *PAN* Network) are blatantly pro-pan, and it's really weird that they think it's not. On the other hand, it seems like they've kind of succeeded in associating AtM with their movement, and it really sucks bc it's such an important piece of bi history and they stole from the large bi community *again* like they did with the armory.
controversial opinion but i don't think the bi manifesto is as important as people make it out to be.
before anyone clutches their pearls, let me explain. (this is a long rant that honestly has little to do with your message anon, so i'm sorry about that lmao)
there are bi texts from the same time and even before the bi manifesto was published that say the same thing, and even say things that are more nuanced, detailed, and explicit in inclusivity and solidarity. so why is the manifesto held to such a high regard, while literally all other bi texts are ignored?
and it's not because it became integral to bi activism or whatever. because it only became A Thing in very recent years, largely when panphobes started spreading a section of it around because they thought it supported their panphobia. (and i'm not gonna lie, the vast majority, if not the entirety of, the bi texts/quotes i see spread around a lot are because people think they "prove" something against pansexuality.)
(sometimes i think it's because someone had slapped the word "manifesto" on it and people think that makes it mean something big. but if that were the case, then other bi texts titled "bi manifesto" would be held in the same regard. and besides, it's really the magazine's manifesto more than it is bisexuality's.)
and like. i've seen so much misinformation about the bi manifesto, because people just repeat what they heard someone else say, who heard from someone else, who heard it from someone else, and so on. it's become a horrible game of mspecphobic telephone.
people who praise the bi manifesto have said: it's a book. it was written in the 70s. it states bi has always been defined as all genders or regardless of gender. it shows that bi has always included nonbinary genders. it holds The Definition of bi. it proves pan is redundant and biphobic. they act like it is and always has been widespread and universally known.
none of those things are true. and like, it does suck that there is so much hatred and lies surrounding the bi manifesto now. because the people who wrote it don't deserve it being used as a tool of vitriol against people they support. (kinda similar to how panphobes used lani ka'ahumanu as a tool for panphobia even though she supports us.)
and another big aspect is that it just really bothers me anytime people hold one single queer text above all others, and when people act like one single queer text needs to be The Most Important to every queer person. because that's utter nonsense.
there is no reason why the bi manifesto has to mean anything to anyone, even bi people, beyond being a way of learning more about bi history. the way people outright say it's biphobic to not care about it or to criticize it or anything beyond mindless praise is wild to me.
that's not why we learn queer history, that's not why queer people write texts on queerness. the bi manifesto itself says it is not representative of all bi people, not all bi people will agree with everything in the magazine.
i've read a lot of queer texts and very little of them mean something to me personally. and that's okay and actually just fucking normal??? i just. have no patience for queer people grasping onto a few queer texts to the neglect of every single other text.
people who say "read the bi manifesto" over and over.....i have, now what? do you want to have a conversation about what it says? about what it means? do you have recs for bi texts that expands on it? like what are you doing. people share a screenshot or tell someone to read it then pat themselves on the back for doing a good activism. and i just...what?
anyways. again i'm sorry my response was sparked by one tiny thing you said anon. (i'm not directing any of this annoyance at you anon). but yeah. it's both funny and annoying because the holy grail text they cite for their panphobia explicitly supports us but also doing so is blatantly misrepresenting bi history. but what else do you expect from panphobes?
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female-malice · 2 years
The user on Gab who identifies as Nora Berka resurfaced in August after a yearlong silence on the social media platform, reposting a handful of messages with sharply conservative political themes before writing a stream of original vitriol.
The posts mostly denigrated President Biden and other prominent Democrats, sometimes obscenely. They also lamented the use of taxpayer dollars to support Ukraine in its war against invading Russian forces, depicting Ukraine’s president as a caricature straight out of Russian propaganda.
The fusion of political concerns was no coincidence.
The account was previously linked to the same secretive Russian agency that interfered in the 2016 presidential election and again in 2020, the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, according to the cybersecurity group Recorded Future.
It is part of what the group and other researchers have identified as a new, though more narrowly targeted, Russian effort ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections. The goal, as before, is to stoke anger among conservative voters and to undermine trust in the American electoral system. This time, it also appears intended to undermine the Biden administration’s extensive military assistance to Ukraine.
“It’s clear they are trying to get them to cut off aid and money to Ukraine,” said Alex Plitsas, a former Army soldier and Pentagon information operations official now with Providence Consulting Group, a business technology company.
The campaign — using accounts that pose as enraged Americans like Nora Berka — have added fuel to the most divisive political and cultural issues in the country today.
It has specifically targeted Democratic candidates in the most contested races, including the Senate seats up for grabs in Ohio, Arizona and Pennsylvania, calculating that a Republican majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives could help the Russian war effort.
The campaigns show not only how vulnerable the American political system remains to foreign manipulation but also how purveyors of disinformation have evolved and adapted to efforts by the major social media platforms to remove or play down false or deceptive content.
Last month, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued an alert warning of the threat of disinformation spread by “dark web media channels, online journals, messaging applications, spoofed websites, emails, text messages and fake online personas.” The disinformation could include claims that voting data or results had been hacked or compromised.
The agencies urged people not to like, discuss or share posts online from unknown or distrustful sources. They did not identify specific efforts, but social media platforms and researchers who track disinformation have recently uncovered a variety of campaigns by Russia, China and Iran.
(continue reading)
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atheisticsnail · 2 years
On Despair
I’ve been watching alot of my online friends and acquaintances fall into despair over the last several months. I’ve watched them become more and more afraid. I’ve watched them be pushed further and further. I’ve seen it in myself. And I want to offer some hope to them and myself that I think we have forgotten. We are winning. I know it ABSOLUTELY does not feel like it. That it FEELS like the unempathetic immoral bigots are winning, but they are not.
How do I know that? Because the facts our on our side. There should have been a huge Red wave at the mid Term election this month. That did not appear. We kept the Senate, we won a HUGE number of state run battles. And we did that in the face of enormous voter suppression and gerrymandering. Think about that. Our side fought so hard that we overcame huge handicaps to save the people we love and care about. Because I doubt hardly anyone fighting for Trans Rights, for Abortion Rights, For Voting Rights, for Equality is doing it just for themselves. History shows that humans almost always fight harder when they have loved ones to protect. And all the people I know? They are fighting because they are terrified for their loved ones, and that is so powerful.
What else shows we are winning? How about the fact that in Kansas, an undeniable red state Voters OVERWHELMINGLY opposed a constitutional amendment that would have removed bodily autonomy. Voters in Kentucky and Montana (also red states) also voted to restrict abortion rights. Voters in California, Michigan,and Vermot voted to protect abortion rights.
Trans Rights are massively under attack in the United States. I will not deny that. BUT we are still winning there. 64% of Americans favor laws and policies that would protect transgender people from discrimination in jobs, house, and public spaces. 20 years ago most Americans barely knew transgender people existed. And I won’t lie, the public is deeply divided about education about Trans people in school, and sports and other areas. BUT we are making progress. Yes it is a battle that it shouldn’t be, BUT there is hope. The American Psychiatric Association supports Trans Rights. Research into improving medical and psychiatric care for Trans people has been amazingly done in the last 20 years and continues. Numerous support groups exist to help Trans people exist and hopefully thrive.
How about some other hope? The Courts. Despite all of the rights attempts to complete fuck up the United States Court system, in many ways they are failing. Alex Jones owes almost a Billion dollars to the Sandy Hook Parents who’s lives he tried to destroy. He has managed to silence himself and hang himself with a debt he will drag forever like Sisyphus and his bolder.
A Judge in Flordia told Desantis to fuck himself by blocking his law attempting to silence workers at Florida Colleges. Marc E. Elias and the Democracy Now group is winning cases all across the United States defending our voting rights. And they have been doing this for the last several years.
Drumpf’s Business’s in New York I likely going to either be shut down or take a ginormous financial hit thanks to the Criminal and Civil Fraud Case.
For all the rights screaming about the January 6th Hearings and their attempts to get people not to watch it, the watch numbers of it have been insane. And while it is not shaking those who have bought the big lie. It is helping provide information to those of us who didn’t. Because Facts matter. Getting the Truth out matters
I look at where I was in 2004, having never heard the work Asexual and now thanks to the wonder of the connected world knowing who I am. And finding my footing. And I look at all the GRSM people I know and I take so much joy in the fact that we live in a world where we can reach out and care for each other. Even when others try to stop us. When they spread hate and vitriol.
Because that is what the side of empathy has more than those that hate. We care about what is happening to others. And I get that watching the damage that is happening, the lives that are being damaged and in some cases ruined can lead to despair. And that is totally fair, but don’t give into it. Do not let them make you into them. That is the thing I fear the most. That if we look into the abyss that is the hate, bigotry, and fear that we will start to reflect them.
The answer to their hate, bigotry and fear is not to return like with like. Many of the bigots are starting to spread Stochastic terrorism and use language about Civil wars. And that is absolutely terrifying. It is. But I would say we need to look at their fear and not take it into ourselves. The ability of those speakers, Walsh, Tucker, Jenna Ellis, Libs Of TikToc, Rittenhouse to cause an actual Civil War is almost zero. They can radicalize individuals and their words will cause deaths like those that happened at Club Q, but they don’t have the power to set the states fighting each other. All they can do is radicalize the mob.
And that is a terrifying power. But that power comes from fear, and if we feed back their fear to them they win. They want us afraid of them. They want us to behave like they have more power than they do. That they have more support than they do. They are talking heads representing about 29% of the population. So how do I suggest we fight them? With our empathy. With Knowledge, and with our willingness to stand for each other.
What do I mean by that? Call them out, but remember they are human at the same time. They are sad broken people who have so much fear of the world that they are lashing out at people who have no ability to hurt them. Tucker Carlson is an angry lying bigot who is such an idiot that his own lawyers say no one should believe him about anything. Would you really want to be him?
Kyle Rittenhouse is not even 21 years old and he will have to live his entire life knowing he killed 2 people, and while he might justify it to himself that is all his life is about now. That is all he has. Look at him. Really look at how pathetic his life is. Hes a mascot with no education, who is being slowly mentally poisoned even more than he already was by the people around him. That is not a life I would wish on almost anyone. The odds on him escaping that thinking are small, and he will have to live in that terrifying place. He is a child puppet for bigots. I’m not excusing his words or his behavior. He absolutely should be called out for that. But I won’t do what he did. I won’t other him. He is responsible for his words and actions, but he is a human as well.
I would rather be me. I would rather make a difference by showing empathy. I’ve heard people I know say they don’t think they have made a difference. To you, you are wrong. Even if you haven’t seen it you have made a difference. The small fanfiction writer who posted a Johnlock story about an Asexual Sherlock will never know that they helped me find AVEN and changed my life because I was not able to find that story again and thank them. But that small story changed my life. The hope you put into the world by sharing your stories helps. Even if you never see it. Just as the evil you put out their can damage, hope can help. Empathy can help. Care can help.
So share the stories. Support each other. If you want a more active role, find somewhere to volunteer. Examples:
The Trevor Project has a volunteer program that teaches you how to help talk to and become a crisis support counselor. (Be aware they have a wait list for people to take applicants, but if you are interested get on the list)
Want to help with politics? The Warnock Run off in Georgia needs volunteers to Make Calls, Knock on Doors, and Protect the Vote. I’ve made calls for elections. You can do it from home. Its weird and uncomfortable but it can and does help.
Volunteer at a local food pantry. If your city has a homeless shelter volunteer there. Volunteer at a local animal shelter. Make a Sign and put it up in your yard or window supporting Trans Rights, or Abortion Rights, or your personal group.
Because just because you don’t see people seeing your support. Someone does. Someone takes hope because there are people out there who see them as human.
See humanity. Please show the world that you care.
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austennerdita2533 · 2 years
I hope you're feeling better, Ashlee!! Question for you: of all your ships, which is the one you get the most Tumblr hate for posting about? For me it's Roschel. I lose followers every time and have gotten a few anon hate messages about how I support abusive and toxic men by shipping them. Which is wrong on so many levels. It's really gotten to me so it means a lot that you still ship them too. I also used to get hate for loving Klaroline for similar reasons but luckily most people here don't care about TVD anymore while Friends is such a timeless classic that Tumblr's Roschel hate is eternal :)
I am feeling better today, thank you! Or at least well enough to read/focus my eyes through the fever haze which is a vast improvement compared to yesterday. Probably doesn’t sound like much, but, hey, I’ll take it! 😂
I’m really sorry you’ve been getting sent hate over ships you like, anon. :( I will never understand why people do that. It’s such a waste of energy to spend time spreading negativity. Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, you know? It’s not that hard. I think it makes for a much happier existence overall, too.
As for your question, I’ve been here for almost a decade now so I’ve gotten hate for posting about a lot of my ships. Klaroline’s the one I’ve gotten the most nasty anons about, though. Probably because I was super active in the TVD/TO fandom when the shows were still airing. I used to liveblog the episodes, answer asks and meta about them, and write tons of fic for them, so I think that made/makes me more of a target.
That said, I’ve gotten hate for any number of ships or fandoms I post about—from Gilmore Girls to Gossip Girl, from GoT to Friends to ACOTAR etc. I know it can be difficult, but try not to take it personally. Laugh it off, if you can, because at the end of the day whatever vitriol someone comes to spill in your askbox is meaningless. Your blog is your blog for reason, and you can curate it any way you please. You can like whatever and ship whomever you want. Don’t let anybody take that away from you, especially not the haters. ❤️
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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