#she's eyeing admins like 'i could take one down'
icallhimjoey · 2 days
i really loved the magic of joe hanging out in the bookstore, being his anonymous little self, just reading a book in his armchair, happy to be allowed a warm beverage...................... can we have more of him?
jfc stab me where im softest, why dont you Wordcount: 2.1K
Little Spoon Reversed
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"Please, before you leave," you spoke to Anne who slung an arm into her jean jacket. "Never forget your headphones ever again, please?"
You couldn't finish the question without laughing already. It earned an eye roll from Anne, who then turned to Joe who was sat in his armchair, book in his lap, but eyes on the two of you.
For a short moment Anne gave Joe a look as if to say, this bitch, am I right? But then before she fully committed, she remembered that Joe would likely take your side on this, like he would take your side on... well, anything, basically.
"I'm aware you don't enjoy... people, but–"
"If I can follow your whole conversation about how you enjoy being a little spoon over being a big spoon, you're talking too loud to be allowed on public transport." Anne stated matter of factly.
She stared into space a second and the shuddered. Joe gave you a look of wild concern, smile playing just underneath, and you laughed.
Anne was being Anne and you loved her, and Joe was being Joe and... well.
You liked Joe.
Joe was funny.
Joe made you laugh.
And Joe looked nice. Sat there.
He looked nice sitting there, in your bookstore.
He just... he did.
All soft.
Hair unstyled. Clothes mismatched. Blue of his denim jacket somehow doing something for the colour of his skin.
Nice. Joe looked nice.
The look of him kind of completed the room just by sitting his ass down in your granddad's armchair. You'd make him a coffee in a second. Keep him there for longer.
When Anne turned to look at him, he immediately dropped the facial expression and just gave her a tiny nod. Dryly said, "Nice jacket." which made her notice how they were both wearing a similar one.
Anne scrunched her nose to that, absolutely grossed out by it.
Joe gave you a small smirk that Anne pretended she didn't catch.
"Headphones!" you made big eyes at her, and she dismissed it with a wave of her hand as she turned to leave the store.
Anne's neutral was already negative to begin with, but when she'd walked in that morning, she'd basically carried thunder in her aura and you'd had to stick her in the back to do admin because she couldn't stop going on about her bad morning.
You couldn't take it too seriously though; the reason her morning had been bad was because she had to listen to people talk on a bus.
She was fine.
But Anne was Anne, and after a very ranty first thirty minutes of her shift, throughout the rest of day she would have moments where she'd suddenly shudder, grimace and mutter "Little spoon," under her breath, like it was the most disgusting thing she'd ever heard people talk about in public.
Intimacy? Vile.
You and Joe shared knowing smiles, and Anne already had one foot out the door when Joe called her back.
"Hey, Anne?"
She paused, barely turned her head, and waited for Joe to talk.
"Which one are you?"
Joe saw her frown in confusion, which only made his smirk grow. He was about to piss her off so bad.
"Big spoon or little spoon?"
He was right. You barked a loud laugh as Anne raised her middle finger up at him before the door shut behind her.
"She's so lovely." Joe smiled, and that only made you laugh more as you found your spot behind the counter.
You were never going to tire of how bitchy Joe and Anne could be to each other, all bark no bite.
"She really is." you agreed, laughter turning into a sigh, eyes falling onto clutter left beside the till.
You had work to do; there were piles of books that needed to find their way onto display tables and up onto shelves.
Your eyes flickered from work to Joe, and you noticed he was still looking at you. Sort of dopily staring, still grinning. You liked that denim jacket on him.
Joe looked good.
"What are you reading?"
Joe's eyes lingered on you a moment longer before he fully registered that you'd asked him a question.
"Oh!" he seemed startled by the book in his lap, like he'd forgotten his hands had been holding onto it for the brief moment of distraction. He lifted it up to show you the cover.
You knew what he was reading already, but any excuse for some small talk whilst you sorted through some paperbacks.
"Do you like it?"
"Yea, actually... it's good, it's– it's... relatable? Even though it's not, because none of these things have ever happened to me, but, you know what I mean? Like, I–, I don't know, I get it, I guess... it's... it's just, it's interesting."
Joe stumbled through finding the right words to tell you that, simply, the writing was good, and it made you purse a smile as you sorted through some novels.
"That's good," you stuck a pile of books under an arm. "I'm glad you like it."
"Yea," Joe said, eyes on a page that he then turned, scanning his eyes over the words, but not reading any of them. He was glad he liked it too, but even if the book hadn't been as enjoyable to read as this one was, he still would've enjoyed his time there just the same. It was never about the books for him.
Which was why it was so easy to put it down when he saw you getting ready to climb up a ladder with an armful of them.
He didn't even have to say anything.
Just put his book down on the small sidetable, got up and walked over, hands already held out to take the pile of books from you.
"Sorry," you said, like this was an inconvenience to Joe.
It wasn't.
Joe got to be close to you, fingertips grazing the skin of your arm as he helped you out. Got your hands free so you could actually hold onto the ladder. Safety first.
"I should've maybe done this whilst Anne was still in."
And then he got a close look at your ass as you ascended the ladder just next to him, which wasn't his fault, mind you. You literally hauled it up right into his line of sight.
It had never been about the books for him.
"Are these new ones?" Joe turned his head to read the title of the book on top of the pile before picking it up and handing it to your awaiting open palm.
"No, just ones people take down to have a look at and then leave around. Thanks."
Joe did that a lot.
"Sorry." he said jokingly, taking all blame for the mess.
That made you laugh.
"That's okay. Part of running a bookstore."
It was quiet then for a moment. Just Joe handing you books that you put back into their places. When he passed you the last one, you were about to climb down, but Joe decided he could help for a little longer.
"These ones too?" he rounded the counter like he wasn't allowed to step behind it and pointed at another stack of them.
"Yea," you smiled. "Thanks."
You'd gone well past feeling uncomfortable for accepting a little bit of Joe's help. Joe knew his place when Anne was in, or when there were other customers browsing, but when it was just the two of you inside these shelf-cladded walls, Joe could lend a hand.
You'd tell yourself it was just Joe being nice because you gave him a lot of free coffee.
Joe knew better.
"So, what about you?"
You looked down from your spot up on the ladder, and saw how Joe read the title of the book he was about to give you before he outstretched his arm and made eye-contact.
"Big spoon or little spoon?"
Your fingers grazed as you took the book from him and you nearly let a smile escape you, but Joe wasn't smiling and dressed it as casual, but serious question. Like he genuinely wanted to know.
"Um," you pretended to give it a good think. "I'll go for... little spoon I guess."
It helped that you got to faff around with a bunch of paperbacks on a shelf and didn't have to look him in the eye when you asked, "You?"
"Oh," Joe said, frowning like the answer was obvious. "I'm a big fan of both."
This was information that you couldn't Google.
You kind of loved it.
Another book got passed.
"Oh yea, sometimes, you want to cuddle someone. Other times you want to be cuddled, you know?"
If Anne had still been in, she'd have made a request for someone to shoot her by now.
"Well," you started, feeling brave. "Can I introduce you to," you paused for effect. "Little spoon reversed?"
You were about to reach down for the book Joe was holding up, but he slowly lowered it, staring up at you with big bulging eyes.
"Little spoon what?"
"Reversed." you easily said, smiling and taking a step down to grab the book from Joe's hands.
"Please elaborate." Joe acted like you'd just told him the most shocking piece of information ever.
"It's all in the word. It's being the little spoon," you held up two cupped hands, one turned so the back rested in the other's palm and then turned one, so your palms faced each other. "But reversed."
Joe looked a little mesmerized.
You shrugged and dropped your hands. "Best of both worlds."
"Best of both worlds..." Joe repeated. "Huh."
"You get to hug and be hugged," you said, holding a hand open for another book.
Joe stared into space as he passed it. Thinking.
"Kind of... equal spoons, then," he mused.
"Well, no. Not exactly. There's still a big spoon and a little spoon."
You glanced down and smiled at how Joe seemed to be honestly interested, not at all making fun or being silly about this topic. He was learning.
"Please, elaborate."
"The little spoon is whoever gets to press their face into the neck of the other. Of the big spoon."
Joe's knees nearly gave out at that. It was a crime how casually you'd just said that.
"Yea... no, yea." Joe cleared his throat. "That makes sense."
The bell above the door rang, and you both turned your heads like you'd just been caught doing something you shouldn't be doing. Which was exactly right. Joe didn't work there, you had no business having him help you out like this.
"Good afternoon!" you cheerily exclaimed at the customer that had just walked in, and accepted the last book from Joe's hands.
Joe felt a little silly with how he felt his neck flush at the thought of having you in his bed to cuddle up with. Have your face pressed into the crook of his neck. Or, worse - have his face pressed right into yours.
He was fantasizing about cuddling, getting all hot and bothered.
Was he fourteen years old?
You gave the shelf in front of you a last look before making your way back to the floorboards, ladder held sturdy in place by Joe's hands, and when you were back at eye level, you gave Joe a nod and a smile.
"So...? If you had to choose one?"
Joe tried to hide a smile and looked at his feet for a moment.
"Big spoon or little spooon?"
"I think you've sold me on little spoon reversed."
"Best of both worlds." Joe said proudly, like he was the one who'd drawn that conclusion himself.
"Hmm. It's a good choice."
You looked at each other a moment too long, both still with hands on the ladder you were stood next to. In a true moment of weakness, you let your eyes flick down to his neck. To the skin in between the collar of his jacket and, yea all right, so you were imagining it. Like that was your fault. How could you not, exactly?
You saw Joe's throat work as he swallowed, and when your eyes moved back up to meet his, something had changed there.
Maybe Joe shouldn't wear that jacket again, because you felt how your body wanted to sway forward.
Little spoon reversed.
A loud scraping of someone's throat broke the spell.
"Excuse me, um, do you work here?"
Joe smirked just before you pulled your eyes away from him.
Little spoon reversed.
"Yes ma'am, how can I help you?"
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson,
@choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn,
@dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee,
@figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4,
@hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke,
@lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr,
@munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories,
@phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn0628, @sidthedollface2, @solzi1420,
@songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73,
@werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
126 notes · View notes
rocketruled · 1 year
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what if she just... chose violence?
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Gregory Peck (Spellbound, To Kill a Mockingbird, Roman Holiday)—i mean, just look at him. his performance in to kill a mockingbird is probably responsible for millions of people being into dilfs. aside from being absurdly gorgeous, he was also a genuinely good person and a political activist throughout his life! (you know a guy is great when he was listed as a personal enemy of richard nixon.)
Paul Robeson (Showboat, The Emperor Jones)—this man's life was fucking wild [link to his Wikipedia]
This is round 4 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man. Gentle reminder from admin that the propaganda cuts off at 1970, so anything made after that point will not be included.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Gregory Peck propaganda:
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“With  Peck, it's a kindliness and inward strength whose appeal is universal. If you were to put into words the feeling he gave you, you'd say something like this: "That's a guy to trust. That's a guy you could talk to if you needed to talk to someone. He could touch a raw spot without hurting it too much. You could take courage from him" -modern screen august 1946
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"Another thing about Peck. He sees you, if you know what I mean. To most of them, you're the unit man or the hairdresser or the little fellow who comes around with cokes. Beyond that they don't look. Greg's aware of you as an individual. Not that he starts asking about your ulcers. You just know he sees humans as humans first — not as cogs in a machine." -a girl who worked at the studio when asked about him
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“Handsome face, beautiful eyes, amazing voice- what else do you need?”
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"Tall, whip-lean, ruggedly handsome, he has a magnetic voice guaranteed to send shivers up and down feminine spines.” -modern screen may 1944
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“His lanky 6' 2 1/2" frame, lithe 170 pounds, unruly brown hair and thoughtful brown eyes”
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“She mentioned his large frame, his great shoulders and swinging stride. She praised his deep, dark eyes, and his prominent cheek bones. She described his strong jaw line, and his shock of dark hair, one lock always trying to fall forward over his forehead.” -a fan describing gregory peck to her father after seeing him on the big screen for the first time
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Paul Robeson propaganda:
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843 notes · View notes
lightseoul · 1 year
admit it
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synopsis. loving him from afar was enough. at least, it should’ve been enough. until it wasn’t. (or, in which you subtly take care of your ex, bakugou katsuki, who also happens to be the namesake of the agency you’re working at) (part 2) (part 3)
cw. fem!reader, worker!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (~24 yrs old)
word count. 5.0k words
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Being the HR Department Head of the Ground Riot agency, you’ve learned to take care of Pro Hero Dynamight in subtle ways.
Primarily because even though he isn’t technically your direct superior—he rarely dabbled in admin work as compared to his co-founder Kirishima Eijirou—you didn’t want to stir up drama or reports on inappropriate workplace relationships.
Especially as the head of the Human Relations department.
But that’s not the only reason.
It’s also because—well, he’s your ex.
The ex who you never really understood in terms of how he became that.
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“You know, we really need to redecorate this place.”
Mikuri, your colleague from the PR department, muses as she scans the breakroom from her spot on the L-shaped sofa.
You place the black coffee pods you picked up on your way home yesterday near the coffee machine, “Tell that to Finance. The breakroom decor is probably the least of their worries.”
She merely sighs in response as she reverts her attention to her phone.
“You do know that doom scrolling during your break isn’t exactly resting, right?”
At that, she pouts but doesn’t look up. “I hear you, Ms. HR.”
You playfully roll your eyes at the nickname.
“Stocking up on coffee during one’s break isn’t exactly resting, either.”
At her mention of the beverage, your eyes drift back to the pods you have in your hands. You found that they ran out before your shift ended the day prior and were quick to buy refills.
“What are you doing with that flavor, anyway?” she finally lifts her head to regard you, pocketing her phone as she stands up. You look up at the wall clock—break time’s almost over. “Didn’t you dislike that?”
You smile to yourself, fiddling with capsules. Mikuri was right—you didn’t really like this flavor.
But Katsuki did.
And he still does, you think.
You whip your head around to see the owner of the familiar voice—Kirishima, decked out in his hero gear, looking like he’s about to head out for patrol.
“Hey! What’s up, Ei?”
He grins, head sticking through the slightly ajar sliding door, “I’m good! ‘s a good thing I ran into you—Bakugou got called out on an emergency mission.”
He nods at Mikuri in greeting, smile still adorning his face, before shifting his gaze back at you. “Looks like it’s still gonna be me and you during the final screening later.”
His eyes dart toward the coffee machine and the freshly stocked pods. Your hips shuffle in front of it before your brain could even catch up.
“Great, see you then!”
With that, Kirishima flashes you a final grin before easing out of the door and heading toward the elevators.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Final screening?” Mikuri whisper-shouts the second Kirishima’s out of sight.
You sigh, collecting the packaging and shoving it into the trash bin. “Sidekicks. He finally got Bakugou to say yes to getting one.”
“Oof, good luck with that.”
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“Personally, I think it boils down to these two.”
You thrust forward the two sets of files in front of you, eyeing everyone seated at the oval-shaped meeting table.
“I agree,” your HR subordinate chimes in from the far end of the table.
“I vote for web dude,” another adds. “He’s so much like Bakugou personality-wise. They’d have to click.”
The recruitment head shakes her head, “Yeah, but his quirk doesn’t complement Bakugou’s explosion as much as the girl’s water jet.”
“I know, Yamakawa-san. But did you even see her? She’s so timid, I’ll bet you 5,000 yen that she’ll quit on day 1 of Bakugou shouting at her.”
Murmurs of agreement course through the room, but you’re not paying attention to what they’re whispering to each other.
“I doubt he’ll want someone so similar to him,” you mumble to yourself.
Apparently, you say it loud enough because everyone looks at you in confusion.
“I mean, imagine how much of a PR and HR nightmare that will be,” you joke, although it comes out a bit stilted. Fortunately, they, including Kirishima who is seated at your right and at one end of the table, chuckle at your wisecrack.
“Are you voting for the girl, then?” the recruitment head inquires once the laughter dies down.
“Well…” you pause, “I agree that Moriyama-san is remarkably meek and timid, but just from her series of interviews, let alone her practical test, I could see she liked a good challenge.”
You tap her portrait, “Beyond just being a good match for Bakugou’s quirk, she’ll surely step up. And I know for a fact that if there’s anyone who can guarantee that, it’s Katsuki.”
At that, some eyes widen, and you can’t help but tilt your head in confusion at the perplexed looks they’re giving you.
“I mean, Bakugou!” you backtrack, finally realizing your mistake.
Desperate to change the subject, you direct your attention toward Kirishima. “What do you think, Kirishima-san?”
He passes you a knowing smile, one that is too unnerving for your liking, before leaning back on his chair.
“I think you’re right.”
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You allow yourself to do some internal chastising the minute the meeting is adjourned.
Hiding your complicated feelings for Bakugou was easy—mainly because you rarely saw him around.
But hiding how much you knew about him?
That’s a whole different story.
“Good work, Y/N,” Kirishima pats you on the shoulder as the rest of your recruitment crew pile to exit the room.
You flash him a thankful smile before hopping on your feet and gathering your documents. “I’m trying not to make you regret hiring me, boss.”
He chuckles good-naturedly before looking away in what you think is reluctance.
“What is it?” you prod, feeling a sense of uneasiness crawl through your spine.
He seems to hesitate before continuing, “I was just gonna say—you always know what’s best for Bakugou.”
At that, your expression falters, and you feel your shoulders tensing at the mention of Bakugou’s name. You refuse to let your hurt (or whatever the fuck it is you’re feeling) show on your face, though.
Instead, you shrug as nonchalantly as you can. “I just want the best for my bosses.”
Kirishima doesn’t say anything after that, but you can tell the gears are running in his brain. He simply nods in acknowledgment of your response before heading for the door himself, and you follow suit.
You’re at the doorway, stifling a tired yawn when you lock eyes with the man of the hour himself.
“Bakubro!” Kirishima exclaims in greeting. He encases Bakugou in a bro hug, which the latter begrudgingly accepts. “You got the mission done and over with?”
Bakugou, in all of his costume-decked glory, eyes the redhead and scoffs, “Obviously.”
His eyes flicker to yours. You nod at each other in lieu of a verbal greeting.
“You just missed the meeting,” Kirishima starts, vaguely aware of the palpable tension between the two of you. “We found’em—your first-ever sidekick!”
You almost want to laugh at how Bakugou doesn’t match Kirishima’s energy.
He simply grunts in response.
But Kirishima’s not the type to give up so easily. Instead, he adds: “Y/N made the final decision.”
You stiffen at the mention of your name, Bakugou’s eyes shifting toward you at the same time. You brace yourself for a snarky retort or a lame insult, but nothing comes.
Instead, he merely gives you a firm nod.
At that, he makes his way to his corner office.
You were only reminded that your HR personnel was still around when murmurs erupted in Bakugou’s wake.
“Just like that?”
“Wait, he’s in?”
“Wow, never thought he was capable of saying thank you.”
“Yeah, all I get is a halfhearted eye roll.”
The last comment would’ve made you snort if you weren’t too dazed by how uncharacteristic that was of Bakugou. You stand there for what feels like minutes as the others around you start toward their respective offices.
Finally snapping out of the trance the second you realized you were alone in the hallway, you head toward your own office, renewed with the resolve to take your mind off of one Bakugou Katsuki.
You had just the thing to keep yourself busy.
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The monthly HR-hosted game night of Ground Riot agency is the one HR activity everyone actually looked forward to.
It’s the one time of the month employees get to let loose during weekdays and bond with colleagues, as well as enjoy free food and drinks, including the occasional booze.
It is also a pain in the ass to organize.
As the HR department head, you technically served as the project head, too, overseeing all of the subcommittees—from programs to logistics—on top of your everyday workload.
Suffice to say, the week before game nights never fails to whoop you in the ass with crushing responsibilities (and for the record, you’re not overreacting—you take your HR events very seriously) but you dare say that the outcomes and seeing everyone enjoy themselves always make it worth it.
For this month, in the spirit of encouraging employee engagement in your department, you let the Recruitment and Selection subdepartment be in charge of the program’s game proper.
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have.
Because now your very own HR members are dragging everyone to answer very personal truth-or-dare questions.
And ‘everyone’ happened to include Bakugou Katsuki.
“Bakugou-san!” an employee from the engineering department regards said man, who, by some miracle, has let himself be forced into playing.
Having chosen the ‘truth’ option, he is now seated on the mini-stage you happened to help set up earlier that afternoon.
One of your subordinates hands the support items engineer a microphone. The latter taps the mic before resuming, glee evident in her voice. “How many people have you dated?”
Cheers go off from all around the room at the question, and you shoot a withering glare at your assigned subdepartment members. One catches your eye and visibly cringes.
But goes on pretending they didn’t see you.
Fucking hell.
Grabbing yourself a microphone from the sound booth, you speak into it, trying not to freak out over the fact that this will very much be the first time you’ll verbally address Bakugou in two years.
“Apologies, Bakugou-san,” you start, “You don’t have to answer that.”
Everyone looks at you in bewilderment, including Bakugou who himself looks puzzled.
You take the lull that has befallen upon the room as a sign to continue.
“Such questions are deemed inappropriate as per HR standards. I’m going to have to speak with my subordinates after this.”
You expected uneasy silence as a response, but you sure as hell didn’t anticipate the plethora of jeers that erupt in the room, some even exclaiming exasperated ‘come on’s’.
You’re about to insist (as calmly as you can, that is) when a low, gruff voice crackles from the speakers.
“‘s fine. I’ll answer the fucking question.”
The room goes entirely still. You hold your breath.
He heaves a sigh, and you could’ve sworn his gaze flickered to you for a moment before he looks away.
“Just one.”
Oohs and aahs get passed around, and despite yourself, you feel a shot of relief course through your veins at the implication of Bakugou’s answer.
He hasn’t dated since you.
“Are you guys still together?” a male employee shouts from the other end of the room, and you can’t help the rush of blood toward your cheeks at the question.
You need to put your foot down, now.
“Okay,” you interject, “that’s enou–”
“No. We broke up two years ago.”
Your head whips toward Bakugou’s direction, shocked at his ready admission. The reprimanding words that you were about to spit out die in your throat.
“You plan on seeing anyone anytime soon?” another employee asks from the other far corner.
You’re about to pipe up in protest—distressed over the inappropriate questions, as the HR head or ex-girlfriend, you don’t know—when Kirishima stands up and barks out a good-natured laugh.
“I think that’s enough prodding, you guys.” His eyes flicker to Bakugou’s and then yours in a split second, face etched with concern, before he turns back his attention to the crowd, a toothy grin having replaced his previous expression.
You didn’t realize how tense your muscles have gotten until Kirishima stepped in to intervene, and at that, you slowly let out a big exhale through your nose.
God fucking no. The last thing you need is for your co-workers to find out that the HR head, of all people, is their boss’s ex.
Before you can even spiral further, though, you feel a hand clap your upper back. You twist to find Kirishima, who is, weirdly enough, beaming with excitement.
“We actually have something special planned for a special someone today.”
And as if on cue, the rest of your HR department enters the room, with your secretary carrying your favorite cake and the others holding balloons and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You don’t remember telling anyone about your favorites except for one person.
Confused, you turn towards Kirishima. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on?” he mimics, amused at your confusion and the employees who hear laugh. “It’s your one-year anniversary in the agency!”
You could only gape in shock as the people around you, the ones you, over time, grew to identify as family, crowd you and urge you to blow out the candle and accept the flowers.
Still disoriented, you do what they tell you, and they cheer in response as you do so.
With all the busyness that came with the search for sidekicks and the monthly HR game night, you completely forgot about the significance of today’s date.
Overwhelmed by the sentiments and the sea of people surrounding you, you don’t know where to look or mouth a thank you.
Somehow, your gaze finds Bakugou’s—only to see him already looking at you from behind the crowd.
You’re about to look away, unable to sustain his piercing gaze, when he flashes you a small smile.
None of those smirks or mischievous grins he usually sports around other people.
No, this one was different.
Because this was the kind of smile he’d reserved especially for private moments with you.
Before you can give it a second thought, you find yourself smiling back.
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“You really couldn’t be bothered to change into normal clothes before coming here?”
You, as inconspicuously as you can, look around the café you’re currently in, wary of paparazzi or anyone else that could recognize Pro Hero Pinky. The last thing you needed was a picture of you (the lucky civilian), haggard after a long day of work, all over Twitter.
“Nah,” she shrugs, “patrol was completely uneventful anyway. I’ll shower when I get home.”
You reach for your iced drink, mumbling under your breath, “I wasn’t worried about you…”
“Hey!” she pouts, “Is that how you treat a friend who’s done you a major favor?”
Your eye twitches at the mention of a favor.
These things never end well with Mina.
“Mina…” you groan, “what did you do?”
She rubs her neck sheepishly. “I kind of promised one of my colleagues that you’d go on a blind date with him.”
“What the fuck?”
She grabs your hand over the table that sits between the two of you. “He’s a real catch, I promise you. Tall, handsome, and a crazy smart support items engineer.”
You frantically shake your head, yanking your hand from her. “Idiot, I’m not worried about your ‘candidate’. Who the fuck said I wanted to go on a blind date?”
Mina whines and thrashes in her seat in response, maybe in an attempt to make you feel sorry and just go along with her antics.
You refuse to do so.
After a few minutes of an incredulous stare-off, she finally deflates in defeat.
“I just thought I could help you out and get you out of your shell. You haven’t dated anyone since…” she trails off, and looks away awkwardly, “you know.”
You chuckle despite yourself, albeit quite solemnly.
Until now, it still makes you feel guilty how the rest of your friend group is forced to deal with the aftermath of your unsuccessful relationship with Bakugou.
“You can say his name, you know. He’s not Voldemort.”
Mina rolls her eyes at that, but you can tell it’s playful more than anything else.
You look down at your now clasped hands. “I appreciate the help, you know that.”
She nods vigorously, and you almost laugh at how much of a textbook-active listener she is.
You sigh, “I just can’t right now. If I end up dating someone, word will eventually get around in the office and I just…”
You lock eyes with Mina, whose eyebrows are raised in anticipation.
“I don’t want to make things awkward between Bakugou and me, especially now that I’m working in his agency.”
A few moments of silence pass before Mina speaks up, slunk against her chair.
“Man, you’re the world’s best ex-girlfriend, you know that?”
You snort, “Thanks.”
She sighs in exasperation, “I mean, even if you guys had the most ambiguous breakup ever, you still are extremely considerate about him.”
You’re not, by any means, in the mood or headspace to explore why that is, so you go for the safest answer possible.
“What can I say,” leaning back into your chair yourself, feigning nonchalance, “I’m just an incredibly good person.”
Mina doesn’t even bat an eye at your quip, “Yeah, yeah. Why did you guys break up, anyway?”
“Woah,” you lean back, aghast, “it’s,” you flick your wrist to check the time on your watch, “5:17 PM, Mina. And I doubt this café even serves a beer.”
You’re deflecting, and Mina has known you long enough to be aware of that.
She leans back in her chair and crosses her arms across her chest. “Don’t you think I’m owed a little bit of information? I’m the one who set you guys up.”
“Actually, that was Kirishi–.”
“Doesn’t matter,” she interjects, “I helped.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. She waves it off.
“Point is, I was there when this budding relationship started, and I’m here to know the deets about how it ended.”
You shake your head in resignation, “You sure you don’t want to say you’re just nosy?”
She grins at you, “Nope!”
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“So you’re telling me he got too busy and neglectful, you ended up asking for a break, and you’ve never talked to each other since?”
“Yep. That’s what I just said.”
Out of the blue, she hops onto her feet, and in doing so knocks stuff around on the table.
A glass of water almost spills.
“Mina?” you seethe, “Sit the fuck back down. People are gonna stare.”
“Bitch, I have pink skin. They’ve been staring since we entered the room,” she snaps, “And don’t even think about changing the subject.”
“I’m not! Just sit back down.”
She obliges, but she’s still visibly riled up, “I knew your breakup was vague, but not this vague!”
“I don’t know either, okay!” you put your hands up, exasperated. “A month into it he got Kirishima to get his things from my apartment, and so I just assumed he wanted to break up.”
Her eyes are filled with bewilderment, “And your asking me to get your things from his apartment?”
“I…” you hesitate, “I asked you immediately the day after.”
At that, she huffs in surrender, sinking back into her chair. “And you’re supposed to be an expert at conflict resolution.”
“Hey,” you throw a used tissue at her, which she expertly dodges, “That’s for the workplace setting. Romantic relationships are a whole other thing.”
She scoffs, fiddling with the piece of paper containing the café’s WiFi password. “And then, what? You took a gap year to find yourself?”
You roll your eyes for the nth time, reaching forward to take back the tissue you threw at her.
“Don’t make it sound like that. I just took a gap year after graduating to rest and figure out what I wanted to do. I was just lucky enough to have been recruited by Kirishima even if I had zero work experience by the time I came back.”
Mina eyes you, “Even if it meant technically having Bakugou as your boss?”
You look down at the piece of tissue in your hands.
“Even if it meant actually having Bakugou as my boss.”
Mina doesn’t say anything after that, only reaching for her cup of decaf coffee. You follow suit, taking a sip from your now-diluted drink.
You look up at her to see that she’s thinking hard about something.
In spite of yourself, you feel the familiar feeling of dread rising in your throat.
“...You’re not gonna tell him about this conversation, are you?”
“Who, Katsuki?” she asks and you gingerly nod. “Of course not!”
You hold eye contact for a while longer before looking away with a big sigh of relief. “Thanks.”
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Three knocks echo through the hallway, as well as Kirishima’s expansive, corner office. Hesitantly and without noise, you peer through the glass door to see him in his regular clothes and in his desk, rifling through some documents that appear to be mission reports.
Kirishima looks up and catches your eye. Beaming at you with an inviting grin, he beckons you in with a wave of a hand.
“Y/N, bro! What’s up?”
You smile at him as you enter and close the door behind you.
He calls everyone bro, regardless of their gender.
“Hi, Ei. I have the report on the recruits, including Bakugou’s sidekick here with me,” you gesture to the folder in your hand. “Can you spare a minute to go through it together?”
What seems like hesitation dances across Kirishima’s face before he somehow schools it into a sheepish frown.
“Sorry, Y/N,” he starts, “I’m kinda busy right now,”
He flips through the pages for emphasis, “Have an important report due in an hour.”
“Oh, well that’s okay. I can just come back later when you’re free.”
You’re already turning back to exit his office when Kirishima speaks up again.
“—but Bakugou’s available!”
Slowly, you shift back to face him.
“I mean,” Kirishima backtracks, evidently flustered by his outburst, “Bakugou’s free right now. He can go through those documents with you. Especially since he’s the one getting a new sidekick and all.”
You gulp despite yourself, willing desperately to calm your now racing heart.
“But Ei… It’s always been you and our department coordinating on stuff like this. Why the sudden change now?”
It takes Kirishima a few seconds to reply.
And what he says knocks the breath out of your lungs.
“I just think it’s about time he starts taking matters into his own hands.”
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When you got dressed and ready this morning, you didn’t think you’d be having your first proper conversation with your ex in two years.
But the universe, or rather, Kirishima, had other plans.
Thinking ‘this is the best it can get’ as you stare at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you sigh and make your way to your desk to get the files, heading straight to Bakugou’s office afterward.
When you get there, you don’t dare to immediately walk toward his doorway as you did with Kirishima. Instead, you stop at his secretary’s desk.
“Is Dynamight in?”
“Yes,” his secretary chirps without hesitation. How she’s able to still be her sunshiney self despite working immediately under Bakugou is beyond you.
Human resilience, you guess.
She clicks a few times with her mouse as she stares at her laptop screen, before looking back at you again. “He’s actually expecting you, Y/N-san.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief.
Hope flutters in your chest without your permission.
You clear your throat in an attempt to not sound winded. “Really?”
You’re itching to ask if he cleared out his schedule specifically for you, but luckily, you don’t even have to make a fool of yourself because his secretary brings it up herself.
She smiles, “He had me move things around so he could make time for you.”
At that, you blink at her, speechless.
These double meanings are not helping in easing your nerves about this impending encounter.
“You can go ahead,” she gestures to the office, effectively snapping you out of your reverie. “I already gave him the heads up that you’re here.”
Great, you think to yourself. No turning back now.
After shooting her a quick thank you, you clutch the folder to your chest, as if it’s some sort of protective gear, and walk to his door. Upon reaching it, you realize that you don’t even have to knock, because it’s already slung wide open and held in place by a stopper.
You walk in.
Refusing to look at Bakugou, who, from the corner of your eye you can see has his back towards you and is looking at the view of the city skyline, you opt for going through the pages of the file instead.
With a sharp inhale, you finally look up to meet his gaze, only to find that he’s still turned away from you.
He probably didn’t hear me come in, you think.
You clear your throat, and he startles, albeit so minutely anyone else would’ve missed it, finally turning to regard you.
“Hello, Bakugou-san.”
You don’t wait for him to greet you in return. You simply move forward and place the folder on his desk, before stepping back again, hands clasped together behind you. He nods in acknowledgment and shifts to sit on his office chair.
“That folder contains the report on the recruits, including your new sidekick, Moriyama Kairi. It includes their personal histories, interview transcripts, and resumés, as well as recommendations by the departments regarding costumes, training programs, and the like.”
He only grunts in response, thumbing through the pages as you speak. He flips through them so fast that you doubt he’s even going to bother anything beyond skimming through.
He pauses, though, on a certain page, eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowing as he examines it, before closing the folder and placing it back in front of him.
You brace yourself for a comment on an error of some sort.
Instead, he says: “Thanks.”
Your mind goes blank.
You scramble for a decent response.
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“...Really?” he questions skeptically, pushing back on his desk to stand up, slowly circling it so that he can be face-to-face with you. He’s no less than two feet away now.
“It’s nothing?”
“I mean,” you stutter, shifting your eyes away from him to look at his desk, “it’s my job. That’s part of the job description.”
“Huh,” he mutters, more to himself than to you. Your eyes flicker back to him. Like Kirishima, he’s in his regular clothes, hands shoved deep into his pockets.
“What?” you ask despite yourself, frustration bleeding into your voice.
He smirks, but there’s no malice behind it. “I didn’t know HR was supposed to produce a detailed write-up on how a sidekick can best complement their assigned Pro Hero.”
Your eyes widen slightly in alarm, and you find yourself grappling for any excuse to rid yourself of his suspicions.
Despite them being true.
“We are, actually,” you lie through your teeth. “I made a similar one for Kirishima back when we recruited Tanaka-san.”
“Really?” he asks again, visibly unconvinced, and you can’t help the annoyance that flashes through you. “Because I read through that file myself, and I didn’t see anything of the sort.”
The playful expression that once adorned Bakugou’s face is now displaced by a serious countenance. You don’t even get to have a word in because he’s already speaking again.
“Why?” he starts, “Why did you do this for me?”
At that, you straighten up, face flaming in anger or embarrassment—you can’t tell. He seriously can’t be asking you this.
“It’s your first sidekick,” you retort, “And you’re not exactly Mr. Congeniality around here.”
You expect him to bite back with an insult himself, but he doesn’t.
“Okay, let’s say that’s true.”
You guffaw, “Wha–”
“Why go out of your way to make me this when you’re already drowning in work?”
You can’t believe the audacity of this guy.
“So you admit HR has been swamped these days?” you snap, but continue to deliver the last blow. “Oh, of course, you wouldn’t know! Since it’s Kirishima who does all of the coordinating work with us.”
“I do know,” he spits back, “That’s by design, and I’m more involved than you’d think. And,” he shoots you a look, “don’t change the subject.”
You’re bubbling with vengeful words but what comes out is a huff.
“What do you want me to say, Katsuki?”
At your taunting, he opens his mouth to say something, but ultimately decides against it.
Your stomach drops in disappointment.
“...Well,” you say meekly, “if you don’t have anything else for me, I have to get back to my office.”
Turning your back to him, you’re about to head for the door when he grabs your wrist.
Your heart leaps in your chest.
You pause for a moment, before spinning to look at him.
It takes you less than a second to conclude that gone is the aloof and composed Bakugou.
It’s now the vulnerable Katsuki, who’s unable to look you in the eye, standing in front of you.
“Fuck, I…”
You can’t help but ache at the sight of him struggling. Despite yourself, you try and gently coax it out of him.
“What is it, Katsuki?”
At your affectionate mention of his first name, he finally meets your eye. You almost stumble back from the intensity of his gaze.
But not as much as at what he was going to say next.
“I want…you to admit it.”
You frown, “Admit what?”
He exhales before closing his eyes shut.
“That you’re still in love with me.”
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tagging. @katsukis1wife
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19burstraat · 5 months
ketterdam dashboard simulator 2 (electric boogaloo)
(first one here)
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❌ urkerchfaveisproblematic follow
Who submitted Kaz Brekker. don't take the piss he's literally wanted every other Wednesday
🍃 squallertales follow
Wait what did Brekker do
🌊 boekcanaling
Girl what DIDN'T he do
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🦁 dimelionsofficial follow
Ghezen's Day Piss Up starts TONIGHT at the Kaelish Prince! Come down before four bells and get ten kruge off your first drinks purchase and an extra spin on Makker's Wheel!
👤 dregsofficial
🦁 dimelionsofficial follow
👤 dregsofficial
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#234: build mickey's dick smasher between east and west stave
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So I've been a dregs member for a long time (I'm in my 30s now) and back when I was a new grunt I was especially trolleyed at the Crow Club, and I ended up spilling like half my pint on the head of one of Haskell's feral little runners, yk one of the little kids?? I just kind of mopped him with my sleeve and said sorry and figured that it was the end of it... however it has occurred to me lately that it actually might have been Kaz. Honestly I never could tell the difference between all the kids, and I didn't look properly at him, but now I've been waking up in a cold sweat several times a week thinking about it. Is it time for me to retire from the gang life
#submisson #admin comment: lately all of these have just been ppl embarrassing themselves in front of kaz
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🧇 stroopwafels
There's definitely blogs on here that are undercover advertising for the Dregs btw. I accuse that one that thirstposts abt Dirtyhands
🧤 dirtyhandsy follow
:( no I'm a Razorgull actually
🧇 stroopwafels
🧤 dirtyhandsy follow
I have eyes :/
🧇 stroopwafels
You won't for much longer if your boss finds out omfg
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🃏 makkerswheelies follow
you guys are cowards for not wanting to fuck Brekker. Out of my way ghezenboy I'm bout to get it
🃏 makkerswheelies follow
My wallet is Gone
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💀 dregsundrained follow
Kaz Brekker isn't violent. Dirtyhands is. Get it right
🏵️ cillasfryup
Gonna rob a bank tomorrow and when the stadwatch come I'm gonna tell them it was my alter ego Countess Boochie Flagrante
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🙏🏻 thumbofghezen follow
sooooo sick of seeing people say that the council of tides shouldn't have complete control over kerch shipping. they stop the island from sinking??? every day?? have some respect
⛲ sanktvladimirs
idk about you guys but I'd be popping the BIGGEST bottles if kerch started sinking
🏵️ cillasfryup
me and the girls when kerch starts sinking
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🌊 boekcanaling
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staff please let me reblog ads please please please please
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💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
guys you have 24 hours to unfollow sanktvladimirs not only are they impersonating and mocking real etherealki and real saints (they are NOT a member of the second army) they're a dregs member, and I bet they're a fucking ka/nej too
⛲ sanktvladimirs
@ dregsofficial
💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
💪🏻 lionsroar12 follow
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guys I was looking at the wiki contributions who the fuck added a jesper fahey page to the dregs wiki... from inside the stadhall???
🥳 pearlhandledrevolvers
you know what. don't even worry about it
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liked by dregsofficial
🍃 squallertales follow
the wraith was only seventeen when she started hunting slavers???? she should have been at the club
#DON'T crawl out of the woodwork and say 'oh the crow club-' #the REAL CLUB. for FUN
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🎨 dekappelfan follow
🎨 dekappelfan follow
it's so nice to know no one agrees on this
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badbtssmut · 10 months
Basketball players Ot7 rough fucking cheerleader reader in the locker room bcz her prettiness distracted them and they lost
Admin note: I normally don’t do poly requests but I thought this was hot 🫣 and I wanted to write poly
“We could’ve went home with a trophy.” Hoseok frowned, placing his hands on your hips. “But you are just too pretty, aren’t you?” He cooed, pushing into you more. “Pretty girls like you should get properly fucked.”
Your skirt was folded back, revealing your bare ass and pussy to the group of men. Your cheer top laid on the floor in front of you, revealing your breasts to the lustful eyes of the group. All of them handsome men, the popular basketball team of the school.
“But why does she take cock so well?” Yoongi asked from underneath you. His member had entered your pussy, the two moving in sync in your holes.
The crowd watched as you were impaled, the two large cocks stretching your holes.
“Have you taken two cocks before?” Namjoon raised your face by taking a hold of your chin.
“No… I didn’t.” You whined, your breath catching in your throat.
“You must be a natural.” Jungkook grinned, stroking his cock. “Open up.”
The boy fed his cock to your mouth, and you opened it as wide as you could. He fucked your face with his cock, all the while you were being fucked from both ends.
Taehyung came closer to admire you as he held his cock in his hand. You stared into his eyes as he gently played with your nipples, making you whimper as Hoseok and Yoongi pounded you, and Jungkook started to move his hips back and forth as you sucked him off.
Namjoon chuckled as he watched his friends getting themselves off on your body, a sweaty, sexed up mess.
They all took turns taking you as if it was some sort of contest, like a prize to be won. They were all too horny to take their eyes off you, you were just too perfect. They loved the way your body looked, your sweaty skin, the way you moaned out for them.
Your moans echoed in the locker room, only being interrupted by the sound of skin slapping against skin and your desperate whines for more. You felt the sweat drip down your forehead and your cheeks, your makeup long forgotten.
Hoseok and Yoongi had filled you with their cum and Jungkook stepped in to tuck you from behind and after he had filled you with his cum, Jimin eagerly took their place. Your back was pressed against the wall as he held you up, fucking you against the wall as he leaned his head against yours.
His grip on your thighs were firm as he kept them pressed against his chest. His body was pressed against yours as his lips attacked your neck. He was so strong and confident and the feeling of being lifted up and fucked like a toy was making you weak in the knees.
The feeling of his cock inside you was too much, and your mouth hung open in ecstasy as he fucked you, making your body shake. He grunted and moaned, his hot breath brushing against your ear, making you shiver.
His eyes stared into yours, his brown orbs full of lust as he kept you up with ease, holding you against the wall. You could feel the strength in his arms as he did so.
“I could hear this dirty girl’s sounds all the way from the hallway… She loves getting her holes drilled with cock, hm?” The door closed behind Seokjin before it was locked.
You couldn't reply, you just moaned, your body trembling as his large cock continued to pound into you. He laughed, throwing his head back, his dark hair falling past his ears.
His lips moved to your chest, his mouth taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking on it. Your moans turned into squeals of pleasure, your body shaking more as he brought you closer to your orgasm.
You could see the other boys through your hazy vision, watching as Seokjin and Jimin made you moan. Yoongi and Hoseok were resting on one of the benches, while Taehyung stood next to you and wrapped your fingers around his cock, while Jungkook watched the sight. Namjoon stood there with crossed arms, proud of how hard Jimin was fucking you.
Jimin groaned as he pumped his cock inside you, the sound of your wetness filling the locker room. His eyes met yours as his hands moved to your ass, lifting you up some more, and you let out a squeal of surprise as he began to slam into you.
Your tits bounced in the air, and your hand tightened around Taehyung's cock, making him moan and lean closer. His eyes were glued to your face as you gasped and moaned, looking into his eyes.
“Fuck…” Jimin cussed, making you bounce on his cock harder as his body started to shake. You felt him begin to throb inside you and he came with a low grunt, pumping you full. He groaned as he filled your pussy, and you shuddered as he came.
His hips rocked back and forth, dragging his dick in your pussy, and you whimpered as you felt him paint your walls white.
“Do you want her?” Jimin asked.
“Yes.” Taehyung grinned.
The two grabbed you, pulling you from the wall and carrying you together as they placed you on the bench. They pulled your thighs open, and Taehyung smirked, moving between them as he spread your lips open, exposing your sensitive clit.
He wrapped his lips around it and you shuddered, the sensation making your body feel hot. His tongue played with it, his lips moving against it, sucking on it and flicking it.
You whimpered, and his eyes were locked onto yours as his hands held your thighs. His eyes were full of lust, his hands warm and firm on your body. His mouth worked its magic on you, his tongue swirling around your clit and lips, his tongue fucking into your cunt. Your eyes met with Namjoon's as he held his cock in his hand. He moved closer and pushed the tip against your lips, and you gladly accepted it.
You moaned around the thick member, sucking on it and licking it, swirling your tongue around the head. You pulled away, leaving out a gasp when you felt Taehyung pushing himself into you. You looked down at him, his cock entering your cunt and he let out a low groan.
A yelp escaped from your lips as Namjoon grabbed onto your hair and turned you back to his cock. He pushed into your mouth and began to thrust, his hips rocking back and forth. You whined, the pleasure making you dizzy.
The two fucked you at the same time, filling you with cock, their hips rocking back and forth. They moved in sync, one pulling out only to thrust back in, both of them fucking into you with ease.
Your body was too tired to move, your muscles weak as the two boys took turns fucking you. Your pussy felt hot and used, and your body was trembling, your orgasm close as your thighs quivered and your breathing was shaky.
You couldn't think straight, you could barely speak. Namjoon grabbed ahold of your jaw, his hand gripping you, keeping your face in place as his thrust became more rapid.
“Such a good girl.” Namjoon praised you, unable to keep his eyes off you.
He had seen many girls in this state, but none of them ever looked this good. He had never wanted a girl more than you in that moment, your mouth full of his cock and your eyes hazy.
You were a sight to behold. Your hair messy and sweaty, your makeup running down your cheeks and neck, your lips swollen and your nipples red from their sucking. You were like an angel, a mess of a goddess.
You felt a hand rubbing circles on your clit and you let out a moan. It was Seokjin, his fingers quick and his other hand squeezing your breast.
“You are gonna make me cum, fuck.” He cussed under his breath, his voice a little strained. You could feel his cock twitching inside you, his movements becoming erratic and quick. He grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his cock, guiding it to pump him. He moaned as his head hit the back of your throat, making you gag. Then, Namjoon pulled out, cum shooting over your face, some spilling on your chest.
“You need to try this pussy, it’s so fucking good. I promise you.” Taehyung spread your legs further. “Such a sweet tight pussy.” He panted, his tongue hanging over his bottom lip.
“Yeah? How about you prove it to me that that pussy’s sweet, y/n?” Seokjin challenged.
Taehyung pulled himself out of you, before gripping onto your wrist and pulling you up.
The room felt hot, your breath quick and heavy, your thighs trembling as you were guided to his lap, your back resting against his chest. He grabbed your hips and lifted you up, his cock aligning with your entrance and he began to push into you. You whimpered as you sat down, the feeling of his cock inside you making your knees weak.
Seokjin held onto your legs, holding them open as he leaned over to taste you, his tongue entering your folds as he moaned at the taste. You shuddered, your body shaking at the two sensations at your body.
“Look at that.” Seokjin hummed in approval. “That pussy really does take cock like a pro, huh?” He licked his lips and turned to you. You were struggling to keep your eyes open, your body unable to keep still.
Seokjin took his cock in his hand, pushing against your folds, groaning at the friction of Taehyung’s cock against his as he pushed himself into you. You whimpered as your pussy stretched around him and his head was finally in, making your back arch and your head fall back against Taehyung's shoulder.
The three of you moved as one, all of you thrusting at different speeds, but your hips moving in unison.
Your mouth hung open as you moaned, a high pitched whine escaping your lips, your eyes closing as the pleasure became too much. Seokjin and Taehyung pounded you together, the two cocks fucking into you at an angle that made you feel so full, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm built up inside you.
“You love that, babygirl?” Taehyung asked, his hands traveling to your breasts, squeezing and massaging them, his lips leaving a trail of kisses from your cheek to your shoulder, biting and sucking the flesh, marking you as his.
“O-oh!” You whimpered, their cocks stretching your pussy. Seokjin placed your legs over his shoulders, his eyes focused on where his cock disappeared into you. You watched him too, the sight making your legs quake as your orgasm crept closer.
Taehyung began to move faster, and his hips rocked back and forth, slamming into you with more force than before. You were moaning at the speed he set, your eyes rolling back into your head as they fucked into you. You could feel your pussy quivering and clenching around their cocks, making you shudder. Your mind felt fuzzy, and your orgasm hit you hard, making your body spasm as they both kept you steady. You could feel their hot breath on you, their hands keeping you in place as they continued to pound you, prolonging your orgasm.
Your legs fell and you could feel their cocks pressing into each other inside you, your pussy gripping around them tightly. Their moans filled your ears as they came together, their cum mixing inside you.
You panted, unable to move as you felt them cum inside you, their hot cum dripping down your thighs as they pulled out.
They pulled you from Taehyung’s and you sat on the floor, still feeling dazed. Your chest rose and fell as you breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath as you watched the boys get dressed.
“Let’s go before someone gets suspicious.” Namjoon called, before throwing a towel and your clothes your way.
Your body was tired, but you somehow managed to get up and pull your clothes on, wiping yourself up with the towel before pulling your hair back. You then walked out of the locker room with the boys, all of them dressed as if they had been training. And no one found out about your dirty little secret.
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lovelybrooke · 3 months
What’s up with MC? (Platonic yandere Hazbin Hotel immortal au)
So I've really wanted to write some stuff about reader and their life. I hope this helps you guys understand them a little bit more. This doesn't have much to do with Hazbin Hotel, but hopefully you still enjoy.
Trigger Warning for: Very bad/neglectful parenting, disassociation, talks of regretting a child, bullying, please tell me if I need to include anything else.
You were born a very small and loud baby. You cried and cried, even after your mother took you into her arms and laid you down on her chest. Even when your father took you for a few seconds so he could hand you to the nurse. And even when she rolled you down the hallways of the hospital to get your test done. It wasn't until you cried yourself asleep that it was finally quiet.
Life wasn't always so bad, back when your dad was around and your mom wasn't a drunk. Your father worked at a family pharmacy, had good hours and was home before dinner. Your mother stayed at home taking care of you. She would make you lunch, play games with you, and would even rent movies from the library to watch with you. In your childlike eyes, life was perfect.
Things weren't perfect though. In reality, your mother got pregnant young, forcing her to marry your father when she was 20. In her young, 20 year old mind, she thought she loved your father and he thought he loved her. So getting married seemed like the next step when she realized she was pregnant. And she loved you, she loved your smooth skin, she loved giving you baths, and dressing you up. But she didn't like the crying, and the sick days, and the clinginess. She hated having to be the one to deal with all those things while your father was at work. And when he was at home, he wasn't a help either. He was distant, they never talked or loved each other like they did when they were teens.
Your mother started drinking when you were three. It started off with wine at dinner, then at lunch and dinner, then at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eventually, she started picking you up from Pre K drunk, the other moms could smell it on her. One mom told an admin who told the principal who told your mom that another parent would need to pick you up. You could faintly remember the fight your mom had in the parking lot and then with your father at the dining room table. Whenever your mom got like that, you imagined that you weren't yourself, instead you were a character in one of the books your mom used to read to you. It helped.
As your mom got worse, your father slowly stopped showing up. He said he had more work, his boss was getting older so he had to pick up the slack. When he was home, he was distant and cold. He never wanted to play with you, he treated you less like his child and more like an associate. As you got older you knew it was because he didn't want this life, he didn't like his 9 to 5, and he didn't like coming home to a drunk wife and a child he never desired to have. And when he stopped showing up, a part of you, even though you barely knew him, was relieved. It meant less fights, less loud yelling, and less time spent inside your own head.
You were a quiet kid all throughout school. You never were good at making friends, but it wasn't something that bothered you. With your dad gone, money got tight, and when you were seven, your mom started working at your local supermarket. It wasn't great, but it was better than having no money. That's also when she started smoking. You stopping kissing her goodnight because she smelt like cigarets. You felt bad, but she didn't seem to care.
When you were eight, you were trying to climb a tree in your backyard when you fell, breaking both of your legs in the process. You laid there until the bright blue sky became black, eventually falling asleep and having the strangest dream. Your mother didn't find you until the next morning, your cries being drown out by the beers and t.v. She took you the hospital where you were apparently fine.
When you were ten your father called the house. It was a Saturday meaning your mom would sleep in, and when you picked up the phone, you heard a voice you didn't know. It was old, manly, and angry. He was shouting something about money and credit cards, and when you hung up, he called again, and again, and again, until eventually your mother woke up. They argued for hours and when they were finished, your mother told you not to answer the phone again, so you didn't.
When you got to middle school you experienced bullying for the first time. A girl in your 3rd period made fun of your clothes, which your mother found at the thrift store. You never realized that you wore the same clothes every day until then, and so when you got home you learned how to use the washing machine. From that day on you did the laundry in your house, and when your mother suggest you make dinner, you did that too. It eventually became a routine, you'd go to school, your mom went to work, you'd get home and clean the house, do laundry, and make dinner, all while you mom watched t.v. It never bothered you, because if you didn't do it, who would.
The bullying didn't stop, even into high school. You were the poor kid with a drunk mom and an absentee father, you were the prime subject for bullying. It was never anything big, the occasional teasing and mocking, especially on days when your mother would pick you up. It was embarrassing, to have her yell at you from her old, beat up truck. Or when she'd smoke in the school parking lot. Or when she rant to you about work and get mad when you interjected. You got better as you got older ignoring it, ignore her, ignoring the way she made you feel.
When kids would talk about your dad, you'd make up a different person in your head since you never remembered who he was. You imagined him as a prince, handsome and knightly. You imagined dancing with him, him kissing you on the forehead before you went to sleep, and him telling you he loved you. You guessed that was the great thing about having a deadbeat dad, he can just kinda be whoever you wanted, even if it wasn't real.
When you were 15, you were working on a project after school when your mom forgot to pick you up. You were forced to walk home from school, alone, in the cold, when a car swerved your way and you fell unconscious. You were having the craziest dream until you woke up, in your bed, your mom asleep in the living room, game shows playing loudly on the t.v.
You stopped relying on your mother for anything after that. You stopped expecting her to help you, stopped expecting her to pick you up from school, or to even pay your bills. You got a job and started contributing what you could so you could keep the lights on. You knew it wasn't right, that this isn't how a parent should act. But she was still your mom, she still loved you, right? If not, then what was all this for.
A/n: I think I made readers life too tragic, sorry. Parts of this were based on my own experiences growing up but nothing this bad, so feel free to tell you what you think.
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 months
My Girls || I want Daddy
WC: 1.2K
Driver!oc x Max Verstappen
AN/ This doesn’t follow the timeline, more like a side one shot.
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Another week another race and as it usually is with the European races Nattie is in attendance. She has taken to being in the garage where some family members are attending. If it's Max’s family she's in the RedBull garage, if it's one of Cecilia's she's in the Merc garage. The girl always has a merch item of the team she's in the garage for, admins of both teams have taken to fighting for her on social media calling her theirs. But if you ask Nattie what team she likes most she'd say Ferrari, all thanks to Charles. The monegasque is one of the couple's closest friends and for some reason he has such an effect on their daughter, Max has been trying for her to say RedBull for a long time but she's refusing. She's seen her parents train and drive. It's normal for her but Charles is just magical to her, as if he’s doing something completely different to them.
Anyways Cecilia had to DNF due to a mechanical failure early in the race, she had finished her media duties and was back in the garage watching the rest of the race, after she dropped into RedBull to get her daughter from Victoria, the cameras made sure to capture the moment and so with her RedBull merch on Nattie watched the rest of the race from Mercedes.
There's a moment at the end of the race where Max and another driver come in contact with each other and everyone is holding their breath as their eyes stay on the screens watching. Max’s car spins around but he doesn't hit any walls, there's a bit of damage to his front wing but he swirls the car around and continues with the race. Cecilia could only imagine what his radio was sounding like at this moment.
“Maman!” Nattie calls for her mother, she has her headphones on looking super cute, but her eyes are wide and starting to tear up.
Cecilia is alarmed, afraid that something might have happened while she was focusing on the screen.
“What is it, mon ange?” She's checking her daughter for any sign of harm.
“Daddy?” She asks, her lips trembling as she points at the screen.
“Oh baby, daddy's okay,he's fine.” Cecilia says and sees Max crossing the finish line coming P2.
“Look, he even made it to the podium.” Cecilia tries to calm her daughter but Nattie seems startled, tears start leaving her eyes. Cecilia sighs and takes her daughter in her arms. Admittedly Nattie is starting to be too large for her to keep carrying her and she's thankful for all the training she goes through because it kept her carrying her daughter comfortably. Cilia takes Nattie to her driver room and tries to calm her down but it seems like there's no stopping her. 10 minutes later when she's still crying Cecilia makes the executive decision to go ask Victoria for help. So she makes it to RedBull, she's led to Victoria by a RedBull personal, always making sure she's not walking around the garage and stealing ideas and data. Once Victoria sees her niece crying she makes her way to the blondes.
“What happened?” Victoria asks the mother.
“She’s been crying since Max took that turn.” Victoria tries to calm the girl down but to no avail, Checo's wife was walking around when she saw them struggling and tried to calm the girl but he also failed, it became a thing where everyone tried to do their own thing but Nattie wouldn't stop. Cecilia was admittedly getting frustrated.
“I don't think she'll calm down before she sees Max.” Victoria says and Cecilia couldn't help but agree. Nattie has been saying daddy over and over again.
“Is Max doing his post interview yet?” Cecilia asks one of the females standing around her, she worked for the press team for RB. When she told the driver no, Cecilia left the garage and made her way to where the post interview for the podium finishers took place.
They were about to start, Max with his super dad hearing heard the wailing of his little girl and the smile he had on his face dropped and his face snapped to where the sound was coming from. His eyes fell on a tired and frustrated looking girlfriend, and his daughter. A lot of eyes went to the female walking in, she was already showered and in her team kit since her earlier DNF. Nattie had refused to be carried now and was throwing a tantrum along with her crying. Once she sees Max though on stage she runs up to him. Max instantly gets up from his spot and scoops her up. He angles himself so no one could see her. Cecilia makes it on stage apologising for crashing the interview real quick before she walks up to Max.
“She's been crying thinking you're hurt after that little thing in the last lap, wouldn't stop.” Cecilia stressed. “I'm sorry Max.”
“It's okay, you go, I'll take care of her.” Max comforts his frustrated girlfriend and she leaves the stage but stays close by just out of sight in case she's needed.
Max sits down with Nattie in his lap. Once again he apologises for the interruption and asks Lewis who was answering a question to go on. Lewis does continue but all eyes were still on Max and the now calmer girl.
“It's okay schatje, daddy is okay.” Max whispers in her ear, his hand rubbing up and down her back in comfort. “Nothing happened to me, I'm okay.”
It takes a few moments but Nathalie calms down, but as she calmed down, her energy also calmed down and seemed to seep away from her. Her red and puffy eyes are struggling to stay open, with Max's arms rubbing her back and her comfortably sitting on hir lap she falls asleep, she doesn't wake up when Max takes the microphone to speak or when everyone laughs at her soft snores being picked up through the microphone.
Little Nathalie just wanted to make sure that her dad is okay. Cecilia felt a hand on her shoulder, when she turned she saw Lando, he saw his friend on screen after he did the media pit and felt bad for the mother, just with the little clip shown she looked tired.
”Let’s go, Max got her.” Lando said, pulling her away from the wall she was leaning on.
”No buts come on.” It didn’t take long for Cecilia to concede and follow the brit, Lando had arm around her shoulder as they walked around, there were some fans around but they left the drivers alone, thankfully. as they’re walking they see a screen showing the interviews happening right now. “She’s so cute.”
”Yeah, but man can she cry, almost piercing my eardrum.” Cecilia complained but watched with a smile, Max was running a hand through her hair, and if you weren’t seeing him you wouldn't know that he had a sleeping girl on his lap.
“Max is such a girl’s dad.” Lando comments with a grin, Cecilia laughs but couldn’t agree more.
“And Nattie is such a daddy’s girl these days.” Cecilia says with a roll of her eyes.
”From what I’m hearing she’s a Charles girl.” Cecilia again laughs and nods with Lando. “Which I’m hurt about.”
”Get in line, she wants to be in Ferrari each week, Max almost had a heart attack when he heard her the first time.”
”Well, everyone’s a Ferrari fan.”
“I guess so.”
@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader . @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif . @itsjustkhaos . @crashingwavesofeuphoria . @mynameisangeloflife . @mirrorball-6 . @skynel09 . @barcelonaloverf1life
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vinvantae · 1 year
Part 1/16
Word count : 2.1k
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You chewed nervously at the inside of your cheek as you waited for everything to calm down outside. The final race of 2021 had been an absolute disaster and you couldn’t help but feel at fault for it. It was your crash that caused that final safety car, a desperate attempt from George at the restart ended up with you both out of the race.
All you wanted to do was to go and apologise to Lewis, but you knew you couldn’t. You had to wait for the dust to settle before you slid out of your driver’s room and pretend to be a normal member of the Ferrari team, but you were far too shaken up to put on an act. You knew the feeling of having a race win that was supposed to be yours, torn out of your grasp - but that loss had never taken a championship victory as well.
There was a light tap on the door, followed by the Monegasque voice you’d grown so used to. “It’s me. Can I come in?”
You cautiously approached the door, opening it just enough to let your teammate slip in - your back pressing against the cold wood as he turned to face you, concern written all over his face. It was hard enough to fight back the tears when you were alone but now that Charles was with you, you could feel your chest tighten.
His eyes flickered over your face, his expression shifting to concern when a tear finally escaped - slipping down your cheek.
“…I did this, Charl.”
“No. This wasn’t on you. It wasn’t on George either. This was all Masi.” He said, taking your shoulders in his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. “I wanted to check on you, it was a pretty nasty bump.”
“I’ll be okay, a little shaken up. I want to say something to Lewis I…” you huffed, your brow furrowing - breaking eye contact. “I know you said it’s not my fault but I can’t even begin to imagine how he feels and to not even be able to apologise for my part in it?”
Your teammate shook his head. “He wouldn’t want you to. We should get you out of here while everyone is distracted, I have to get back down to the media pen.”
With a solemn nod you began to gather up your things, your race suit swapped with standard team wear. “That’s one thing I’m not jealous of. You lot are so good at holding your tongue with the press… how you’ve never accidentally called me by my name or used she or her…”
“It’s tough, believe me. Especially when I just want to shake off all those dumb theories that you’re Nico Rosberg or, as I heard recently, Michael Schumacher who never actually got into an accident.”
“Oh wow. I mean, that’s a compliment but yikes.” You grimaced. “Can you check if there’s anyone out there?”
He nodded, before giving you a hug. He fished his phone from his pocket and waved it a little. “I’ll text to give you the all clear, drive safe.”
“Thank you.”
After receiving Charles’ text, you slipped out of Ferrari hospitality, no one even batting an eye at you as everyone moved around for the weekend - your pass listing you purely as Admin, but allowing you access wherever you needed. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flicker to the Mercedes garage, everyone crowded around the doors, clearly desperate to get a word out of Lewis but he was either already gone or hiding away like you had been.
You watched as your fellow drivers walked through the paddock towards the car park - some of them glanced at you but you knew they had no idea who you were. And the way George didn’t even spare you a glance as he walked passed with Toto only annoyed you for a split second. He couldn’t apologise to the person without a face for ending their race prematurely. He couldn’t apologise to someone simply known by their number, Thirty.
After a few races, they all settled in referring to you as such - you weren’t entirely sure where it started. You were sure Ferrari wanted something more gripping but it was the number that stuck.
It was lonely, being faceless. Everyone around you had history, something more than just a competitive relationship. To them you were nothing but another number they had to get passed on the grid. You were jealous of the way Pierre and Yuki laughed together, of the way Carlos and Lando spoke in hushed whispers. You didn’t just want to be an F1 driver, you wanted to feel like one.
It was then you saw Lewis exit out of a side door of the Mercedes building, a hood up over his head and before you could think - your feet were carrying you in his direction. Revealing yourself was not on your agendas for today but, fuck, it was tempting. You climbed over a small fence and lightly cleared your throat.
His head snapped up, clearly suspecting he’d been spotted but when he saw a girl in a Ferrari kit - his features softened a little but the confusion remained. “Hi, sorry, I’m just trying to get out of here…”
“I know I’m…” you sighed. “I just want to say sorry for the crash.”
The Brit tilted his head a little. “Hey if anything, that crash was on Williams, not you guys. George was the one who hit Thirty.”
You wanted to tell him, everything about him just made you feel like you could trust him. I am Thirty. But when you opened your mouth to speak again, your words betrayed you. “You deserved to win today… but, uhm, if you want to escape unseen? There’s another exit tucked behind the maintenance building. We’re not supposed to use it but our passes work there anyway.”
He let out a soft chuckle, his eyes flickering over your stance for a moment - pausing at your badge, taking a moment to read it. “Thanks, y/n. I’ll see you around.”
A buzz in your pocket distracted you as he slipped out of sight, so you pulled out your phone and wiped the dusty screen on your trouser leg before cupping your free hand around the screen to read the message.
MB - People are getting suspicious. May need to move to plan B. Meeting tomorrow at 8:30am.
Until recently, there was only plan A - but now, at the end of the season, you felt like they’d created the whole alphabet of plans. You remaining a secret was as big to them as it was to you; the hype of a mystery driver brought more attention to the team than anything else. And despite you being in the sport for several years now, it remained as exciting. Motorsport’s biggest secret was not going to slip away from them now, not without their permission.
You weren’t 100% sure which situation ‘plan B’ was, Mattia and the rest of the team had thrown so many strategies out there - not unlike a race - and must have decided to designate each of them a letter. You considered texting Charles, to know if he had a clue, but you knew he was out with the boys and there was a chance they’d see. He had you saved in his phone as Ferrari Admin, so maybe the text wouldn't seem so bizarre but…
Fuck. Stop overthinking.
Instead you shoved your phone back into your pocket and climbed back over the fence to join the crowds. You slipped out of the paddock with ease, blending in with the last few dribs and drabs of the teams heading back to the hotel. The driver’s parking lot was nearly empty, except for a single bicycle propped up against the rack - Sebastian leant against the wall on the phone. You took a cautious glance around before heading over to him. He was with the team for years, so you always told yourself that it wasn’t weird for you to go over if you were wearing a team kit - he talked to people from Ferrari all the time.
“Hey, y/n. Long time no see.” He smiled knowingly. “Thought you’d be long gone by now.”
“Was waiting for everything to ease off a little, been a bit chaotic with the crash.” You hummed, trying to keep your language as vague as possible - trying your best not to burst into tears from the guilt. “So, they’ve decided to do plan B.”
“Plan b?” The german raised a brow. “Do we know which one that is?”
“Not a clue, but I’m finding out at 8:30am.” Your voice lowered as a small group of Alpine’s team walked passed to get to their vehicles. “Can I call you after?”
He gave you a genuine smile, nodding earnestly. “Please do. I worry about you, kid.”
The older driver watched your demeanour shift as another group of engineers walked by - you cowered away a little, lowering your head. Sebastian was never for the whole faceless driver schtick they were putting you through; when you were on track you were fearless, triumphant but as soon as the helmet came off you disappeared into yourself. It was almost as if Thirty was a different person. He’d had you over for dinner a couple of times and truly got to see you shine and he wanted nothing more than for the rest of the paddock to see the real you.
He cautiously reached out and gave your bicep a squeeze. “Never hesitate to reach out, y/n. I know you feel lonely, but you’re not alone. I’ve got your back.”
“Don’t start, you’ll set me off.” You said, cheeks flushing a little. “I do miss you.”
“We’ll try to have dinner during the break.” He smiled, pulling his helmet on. “Call me.”
Meanwhile, across the city, Charles was sitting in a hotel room with Pierre and Max, his two fellow drivers both nursing a strong drink after the dramatic race. Max wanted to hide away a little while before joining in the celebrations - his win was not how he’d pictured it at all, so he wanted to get some liquor in him before facing everyone.
“For the biggest drunken blabbermouth…” Pierre hummed, making Charles lift his eyes from his phone. “I am truly shocked you’ve never let slip who Thirty is, mate.”
The driver shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “They could sue me if I did. Not worth the risk.”
“Yeah but c’mon, it’s us.” Max added, nudging his shoulder against Charles’. “Don’t you think we can keep it a secret?”
“I can’t burden you with it. It’s a lot… you don’t understand how much I want to share it. Tell everyone just how amazing they are, y’know?”
Whilst Pierre completely missed it, Max never did. He never missed the way that Charles never said him - not once had he inferred that Thirty was a man like the rest of them. And that intrigued him. If one of his biggest competitors was a woman, he was definitely impressed.
“Well, whoever he is… his driving is very impressive.” Pierre said, leaning back into the sofa. “Some of the overtakes he did before the crash? Wow.”
Charles simply nodded, opting not to correct Pierre in this situation. “Well, do you want to go out for a bit? I have an early meeting tomorrow with Thirty and the rest of the team so I can’t stay out too late.”
“Oooh mysterious. What about?”
Pierre was definitely one of the most nosey about your identity - being the grid’s biggest gossip, and despite being one of Charles’ best friends, he could never get him to slip and it drove him crazy. On more than one occasion he wanted to just go up and talk to you but with a specialist team surrounding you whenever you were in the paddock, it was impossible.
“I don’t know. Just that it’s early.” The Monagasque brushed his friend off. “Let’s just go okay?”
Max gave his friend a sympathetic pat on the back before the three of them head out for the night. Charles trailed a little behind, trying to shake off his nerves. One thing he hated more than you being faceless, was that outside of meetings and sneaky visits to your drivers room, he wasn’t allowed to spend time with you.
You intrigued him and, merde, you were beautiful. It felt unfair that he had a secret teammate that was not only insanely talented and passionate but looks to boot. You had enough on your plate without one of the people you trusted crossing the line by admitting any feelings.
He also had no idea how you felt. So he convinced himself that being your confidant and friend was enough.
Little did he know, the universe - or more specifically, Mattia and the team - had different plans for you.
Next part >>>
Here it is! Hope you enjoy ❤️
I will not be doing a tag list for this fic but appreciate the support you’ve all already shown regardless!
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zwedexx · 4 months
Hello how are you? Could you write something where the reader is a famous actress and Alexia or Frido loves the films she makes, and then one day (Alexia or Frido) gets all excited because she's going to meet the reader? :)
“Hey, film this. I swear, she’s been talking about it all day.”
Fridolina Rolfö x actress!reader
Summary: request
TW: none
WC: 1026
A/N: I finished writing this at 12:58 am so my mind is really not sharp so I apologize if its an actually piece of flaming shit. I also used this as an opportunity to kinda try out social media fics.
General POV
“Hey, film this. I swear, she’s been talking about all it day.” Lucy whispers to the social media admin.
“Frido, what’s the name of the film again.” Lucy shouts.
“Facts of Life.” She shouts back.
“Why Lucia, not this again.” Aitana whines from nearby.
“It is an excellent film, the cinematography, the plot, the acting. The lead actress is amazing, she had me captivated throughout the entire thing. I don’t understand why you are complaining.” Rölfo retorts.
“It’s not the movie we are complaining about, it’s you talking about it and the actress all day.” Aitana replies with an annoyed sound 
“If you watched the film you’d understand.”
Instagram post
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Liked by y/n l/n, and 25,674 others
fcbfemini frido has something to say
View all 109 comments
_fcb_fan982 did anyone else see that y/n liked the post
footballmyliife she commented too
y/n l/n could I entice you to come to my next premier in Lisbon. 🫣
loverolfo09 this might be might be my new Roman Empire.
barca1109 Creo que Frido está enamorada
dudethealpha shut up, no one cares
fcbperlavida Ella me ha convencido para ir a verlo.
General POV Lucy was buzzing with excitement as she scrolled through the comments of Barca’s recent post. It had garnered a relatively good amount of attention including yours. Lucy couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw that you had not only liked the post but also left a comment.
“Frido, you won’t believe it. Come see this.” Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief
Frido, who was mid set, begrudgingly walks over to Lucy. Lucy could see her eyes read your comment then immediately light up, mirroring Lucy’s excitement. 
“Oh wow. Is she being serious?” Rolfö half questions.
Aitana, hearing Lucy’s shouts from afar, chimed in.
“Lucy, de lo que estabas tan emocionada.”
“Frido, tell her.”
“Y/n l/n liked the video of me and commented an invite to her next premiere in Lisbon”
Aitana gave Lucy a quick side eyes before letting out an impressed whistle. 
“You gonna go.”
Frido froze for a second. She absolutely wanted to go but it sort of hit her, someone she admired wanted to meet her.
As the Swede prepared for her trip to Lisbon, her anticipation and excitement continued to grow. Being invited to attend your premiere was amazing on its own but the prospect of meeting you added a layer of thrill. She knew she admired you but she could feel that there was something more to it. 
Instagram Post
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Liked by y/n l/n, and 1,347 others
Flight went well, get my hair done for the premiere.
View all 42 comments
y/n_l/n Can’t wait to meet you 
loverolfo09 please take pictures
barca34 a crossover we never knew we needed
fcbfem444 thank you for this content🧎🏻‍♀️we have been fed
Frido couldn’t believe her luck as she stood on the red carpet at the premiere of your film. The flashing of the camera and the glamorous atmosphere were things she had gotten accustomed to due to the award ceremonies but her heart still raced. 
As she glided down the red carpet, her eyes caught a glimpse of you. She was completely enamoured, you radiated elegance and beauty. You noticed her staring after a couple of minutes and flashed her a warm smile, making her heart skip a beat.
Her heart skipped another beat when she saw you leave the throng of camera people and come towards her. 
“Hey, I’m so glad you could come and that I could meet you.” you greeted her, extending your hand.
Frido, trying to keep her composure, took your hand. “Thank you so much for inviting me, I am a big fan of your work and you.”
You blush ever so slightly, your gaze holding hers. “I do aim to please and I’m glad you were the one I pleased.”
The fullback could see a hint of redness spark your cheeks and decided to test her luck.
Frido leaned in, a playful glint sparkled in her eyes. “I just really want to tell you this to your face but you are such a good actress, your films leave me wanting more. And meeting you is a pleasure that I didn’t know I needed.”
You chucked, the air between you filled with welcomed tension.
“Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying the show, both on and off-screen.”
As the night progressed, you and Rolfo continued to share laughs and engage in conversation. After 30 short minutes you had her heart. She was completely enamoured with you and she could sense that you felt the same. There was this youthful feeling to this love, sort of a school crush.
The atmosphere was electric and the connection between the two of you was palpable. Amid the middle chaotic glitz and glamour, there was a moment when Frido’s hand accidentally brushed against yours while while reaching for a canapé. 
Frido's eyes met yours in a brief, yet charged, moment. A subtle blush painted her cheeks as she quickly withdrew her hand, but the touch lingered in the air. Unspoken words passed between you, a silent acknowledgment of the growing attraction. 
You decided to take the initiative, letting your fingers intentionally graze against hers when you handed her a drink. Frido looked at you, a mixture of surprise and delight in her eyes. The touch was fleeting, but it sent a jolt of electricity through both of you. Later, during a particularly engaging conversation, you found yourselves standing in a more secluded area away from the bustling crowd. The soft glow of the venue's lights added a touch of intimacy to the moment. 
Frido, feeling a surge of courage, gently placed her hand on the small of your back, a subtle yet affectionate gesture. You turned to her, and your eyes met, a silent understanding passing between you. The touch lingered, conveying a connection that went beyond the superficial world of premieres and films. In that brief moment, amidst the glamour and excitement, Frido leaned in once more, gently touching the underside of your chin and bringing it up for your lips to touch.
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
[Part 8 of Gifted. Fem reader.]
Previous poll winner: Give yourself to Krulu (70.1%)
TW: Strong cultish themes; Macro/micro; Mindbreak; Squirting.
⋆✩ You've reached the end of the run ✩⋆
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It's not much of a choice, is it?
If you wanted the easy way out, you could have taken it at several instances by now. Picked someone who was likely to bludgeon you, get on everyone's nerves... You're sure you could have gotten killed in many situations. And perhaps even in a less traumatic way- At the hands of a sick monster, rather than the deity dwelling in this rotpit.
But you've lived this far, survived the menaces who got their grimy hands on you. Only to choose death now? No. No, that's hardly admissible.
You're going to buck till your last dying breath here. Or at least try to.
Summoning strength you don't have, unable to meet the god-entity's eyes, it takes far too long before you can croak out a response.
" I... Offer myself to you. "
The finality of your own words hits you like a train. This is definitely not the type of being that'll let you walk back on your decision, so you've laid down the foundations for your brand new future with that statement alone.
Whatever giving yourself to Krulu implies, you have just signed up for it, and now you'll deal with whatever comes forth. It was your choice. It was the fate you wrote, at least some solace will come from that reminder.
The charred giant squints at you, long and hard. You're not sure what he hopes to gleam behind your eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul, maybe there's some actual merit to that, aside from mere romanticism and poetic frivolity. Does he hope to find a lie? Deceit? You're sure there's nothing to show but fear, resignation, confusion. Defeat.
" A wise answer. "
Is it really? You'd argue dying would be saner. But you've abandoned hopes of staying sane, you are now remaining alive out of spite. A stubborn bull's desire to have its way even as a torero stabs it time and time again. And the crowd cheers, hoping you'll fall.
When all points of contact are severed between you two and an oppressive silence settles easily, there's no clue as to what your next move should be, so you stand like a statue, risking only chaste glances at their figure.
That's... That's it? It can't be.
" It seems I will have to teach you everything. " The entity spits. " Just as I did with my vessel. I expect you to come out of this apt for service. So listen well, for every time I am made to repeat myself, you will suffer. "
Something behind you knocks harshly onto your back, sending you tumbling forward on the altar, hands and knees on enchanted marble. Your entire upper body throbs with pain and you attempt to wheeze some air in and out of your lungs.
The moment an attempt to sit up is made, a rough foot keeps you down. You're well aware he's not putting half of his weight on it.
" Your first lesson is humility. " Krulu begins. " You shall know your place here, profess yourself to me properly. If you fail to do such, I see no reason to spare your ego. "
You're sure he's not talking about your dignity and pride when he says "ego".
How does one "profess themselves" to a god? What does he want you to say? You take a moment to think about Admin's mannerisms. He clearly likes the woman, and she's visibly -Perhaps manically- devoted to him, so whatever she's doing must be adequate. You suppose you ought to copy the purple-clad woman.
A rising rumble from above lets you know time is of the essence. The weight of a clawed foot increases on you, staggeringly powerful as it forces you to curve further the longer you disappoint this entity. Words force themselves out before you can think too hard and risk being compressed into a sheet of paper.
" M- My lord...? I... I belong to you. " That does not sound natural at all. In fact, it's painfully uncomfortable.
A disinterested chuff reaches your ears after a measured pause. " You sound far from appreciative. I am not convinced of your candor. "
A confused, terrified mind runs a mile a second, trying to think of anything more adequate, more appeasing.
" Allow me to help motivate you. "
Within seconds, the strength on your back is so great that it becomes oppressive, hindering your capacity to breathe further. Something creaks within you, awakening a brand new level of desperation as you fight to get the right answer out before he can smash the means to do such with.
" Please! Please my lord- I'll do anything you ask of me, I'm humbled by your mercy- " You choke, trying to get air into your lungs. " I live to serve you! It's my role. I'm yours. Please spare me! "
And, almost mercifully, the weight recedes a good deal. " Better. Albeit sub-par. "
You aim to survive.
Words cannot begin to express the relief you feel at the loss of his strength on your figure, taking a pained, desperate inhale. As if they could decide to steal your breath away at any moment now. Krulu takes several steps back on the altar, and once more, you're not too sure what to do. Is this what it's like for her? Constantly having to guess what to do in order to please this entity? Having no guides or clues, just the whispers of flames and the ticking of an impatient clock counting the seconds to failure... You can't take that. You couldn't take that for an hour, much less a lifetime.
" But that is forgivable. "
He begins, after a long moment leaving you to your thoughts, it seems.
" The most important task your mouth must perform is pleasuring, after all. "
Something bitter curls in your stomach at that declaration. You chose this. It's this or dancing six feet below the ground.
The massive entity squats upon the marbled surface, easily keeping their balance, arms shifting this way and that as they think, eyes poised on you. Although Krulu is an admittedly gnarled creature far from easy on anyone's eyes, you can't help but think that, sometimes, the light bathes his figure in a manner that's almost soothing. An elegance he has no right to hold. His home is in the shadows, you can tell, but somehow, light gravitates towards him too.
What is a being like this doing here? On Earth. Who is he? What is he? How long has he been pacing in this cage of a building, like a hidden mole? Something in you insists he shouldn't be here, and it's not just animal instinct, it's a... Warning, an idea that crawls to the forefront of your mind, as if you've always known it. He wouldn't be here if he didn't have to.
It's not pity that you feel for this immeasurably powerful being, but something like confusion. For a moment, you see a wounded animal limping on the side of the road after trying to hunt something much greater than itself. It's nature, in a way.
He must have caught that image in the reflection of your eyes, because the way his frown deepens into a scalding snarl has you instantly cowering like a leaf in the wind.
" Come. " They begin, causing your heart to leap into your throat. " Your first trial greets you. "
First trial...? Him? Before you have the chance to utter a single thing, Krulu raises a finger.
" Remember this. All you do is only ever permitted. "
Brows furrowing in an attempt to make sense of his riddle-like wording, you ultimately opt not to spend too much time standing around like an idiot and begin awkwardly closing the distance.
On the second step, something unseen and long bats itself onto the floor hard enough to make the ground shake violently. You fall onto your ass with a pained grunt, horrified and further confused.
" Must I open those ears? " He sneers, a pair of long arms crossed over his chest.
" N- No! I'm sorry- " Palms show in what you hope might placate the being. He's not stomping after you at least. That slitted stare is expectant however.
What does he want now? He said for you to approach, so what was so wrong there...?
All you do is only ever permitted.
Ah. Permission.
Doe eyes glance up. " May I walk towards you? " This sounds like a waste of time, frankly. But you have no idea how gods operate. Maybe this is standard etiquette for them.
His glare softens when you guess what to do correctly. " No. "
Uh. Okay.
" You may not. Crawl, like the worm you are. "
Sighing, you swallow the thoughts that second-guess your prior decision and lower to your hands and knees. The trek towards Krulu isn't long, but it manages to feel depressingly unflattering all the same.
You don't feel sexy or confident, just demeaned. This is not a place for confidence. It's hard to tell what his endgame here is.
" Enough. "
Cautious, your hands settle on your knees and you straighten up, awfully close to the large being's groin. Afraid even looking that way can incite their wrath, scared hues cast themselves to the candles again, trying to siphon that warmth.
The scream you let out once something grabs your whole head cuts off into a startled gasp as it's swiveled back to his likeness.
" On this altar, your eyes are to be fixed on me. "
" Y- Yes, lord. "
It seems the sooner you act accordingly, the faster he stops inducing fear on you, grip relenting.
Another standstill unfurls.
The persistent inability to know what to do next causes slight irritation to bud within you, but all he does is wave one hand dismissively, as if to tell you he's getting bored. To get on with it. You really hope that you didn't misinterpret it when he said "trial." You hope and pray you're not going to get ripped in two with these next words.
" May- " The hairs on your back stand and your voice escapes, defying your will, making you sincerely consider running from this creature. Even if it means certain death. " May I service you? " It comes out your mouth murmured, the death rattle of all dignity.
" Yess. "
With a gulp, you chance a glance at what you're working with, thanking the slight amount of illumination currently available. Like many other monsters you know of, at first glance, Krulu's pelvis appears barren of genital attributes. Though, given his size, it would be a bit hard to miss a thin seam of yellow where his slit parts slightly in this squatted position. Or is it just that he's already bothered? By you? No. No, there's no way...
So, a phallus at least. You're hoping. Who knows what the fuck could be in that pouch at this rate. But that's not the only thing you can see from this position. There's... Something moving below. With a confused squint, you tilt your head and note what appears to be two appendages parting ways like petals unfurling. More yellow reveals itself to you, two small and pointed growths curve forward. It takes you a moment to realize that you're looking at his strange, alien vulva.
Two sets. They really weren't kidding when they called this a "trial". Even when you scoot closer, the nervousness must be crawling all over your face, because he makes a comment.
" Explore. I will correct you. "
Far from reassuring. But then again, he must be incapable of such. Or just uncaring, that's more likely. What are you to him, if not the toy you agreed to be?
Well, time to be smart about things.
Time to set aside the mania in your brain telling you that you, a mere human, are going to engage sexually with a being whose oppressive totality you can't even comprehend, and focus on making things easier for you. Chances are that, taking this entity's magnificent size into account, avoiding his slit is a more intelligent choice. You don't need to be a scientist to know whatever's coming out of that will be scarily massive. Unmanageable perhaps. You're not looking forward to being literally impaled in an effort to appease a charred god.
Heading for his lower set is, by far, the safest bet.
Spreading your legs, your stature sinks further, and you can angle yourself to be mostly beneath his foreign pussy. The deity hums at your choice, adjusting their stance slightly, hips canting and arms moving to support his frame as it is ever so slightly presented to you. Behind him, a rough tail sways slowly, like the pendulum of a clock.
Given a much better look now, you realize that his labia are actually prehensile, moving every now and then. His vaginal opening doesn't seem to differ all that much from a human's in structure, at least outwardly, but what catches your attention is what must be his clitori. Two of them! That must make orgasms fun... They're large too, seeming to poke out their hood without difficulty, like thorns on a rose. For a pause, you're just observing him.
" Do you think it wise to test my patience at this moment? " He says in response to your mute awe.
" N-No! Forgive me, lord. " The fear response has kicked in more effectively, though it's not enough to drown your fascination. " ... You're beautiful. "
Krulu genuinely blinks in surprise. Subtle shock is replaced by a frown. A long finger dances under your chin, claw dragging on the fickle flesh, forcing you forward when it hooks upwards. " Pleasure, pet. Not flattery. "
Fair enough. You didn't mean to let that slip so easily.
Unsure how to go about this in a way that will please this being, whose sexual customs are vastly unknown, you figure starting timidly is smarter. Your hands lift, though the sharp glare you're given instantly make them dart to the marbled altar again.
" May-... May I use my hands? " Silence. " Please? "
" You may. "
At least that.
Tracing a slow path on the inside of this thighs, you edge upwards, marveling at the patterns engraved on the left one, scar tissue turned to infinite swirls. By the time you get to the inevitable, you begin by planting a kiss to the bottom of his entrance, trailing sloppy pecks upwards until your nose nudges against those two growths.
He looks down at you with an equally intense glare. Although where once it was filled with genuine irritation, now it's heated in a different way. No less intimidating however. A chuff is heard from above, those clits flex against the air in a motion that you find oddly erotic in spite of never having had contact with his species before.
A timid lap across the length of his opening is all you can manage to delay before focusing on those two. They look sensitive, they must be naturally, you fear too much direct stimulation can overwhelm him like it does some people. But it only takes a few experimental laps and kisses for him to "correct you". A palm drives your head harder against those buds, and he grinds on your face with a flex of long legs.
" I am not made of porcelain, lesser. "
" F- Forgive me- " Pressed against his cunt hard, all you can do is mumble the words onto it, face aflame. He seems to like the vibrations anyway.
" Take them into your mouth. "
Oh. Right, you can probably do that.
Circling one of their clits with a stubby tongue, you slip it into your warmth and, for lack of any guidance, suck on it cautiously. Krulu grunts something you can't interpret out, sighing when you pop it off your mouth to take care of the twin. With enough care, you manage to slip both in, sucking around the appendages, feeling them twitch on your tongue. It doesn't take long before he lets out a moan, this sound that seems to gently grace the walls, both high-pitched and low, as if two had reacted in unison.
It's a little hotter than it should be when he begins rolling against your mouth, almost causing you to bob. They taste of something intense, spreading an odd, nearly numbing tingle on your mouth. Something's popping in your tastebuds, bitter and sweet at different instances. It causes you to salivate excessively, drool trying its best to break down the complex substance you're coming in contact with. It's not an unpleasant flavor, so you find yourself easily suckling at him without a second thought.
The sound of faint dripping eventually breaks your focus.
You might be shamefully getting wet, but that's certainly not you. It takes a slight pause in your motions to incredulously peek down and spot his cunt clenching, empty, dripping slick in generous amounts. You hit the part of you that's drooling with a rolled up newspaper for being so impulsive. Still, when you quickly get back to servicing his clits, a stray hand coats itself in that viscous lubrication and you slip three fingers in without a hint of resistance. Then four. Honestly, you can slide your whole hand in there.
... Maybe you should?
Fuck it.
Your whole hand gets swallowed into Krulu's pussy, and while your eyes are wide in amusement, wondering if you could put your entire forearm in there, you're more focused in trying to find a spot to rub. It can't be that different from your anatomy, can it? You start palping and stroking with a purpose while slurping on him, determined to find that slightly ruggier tissue- Ah! There we are.
The higher arches, grunting, slipping more of your limb into himself with the jarring movement of his hips. It feels obscene, like you're fisting him. " Hhharder-! Harder, you hear me? "
He snarls, and like Hell you're going to risk unintentionally teasing him more. Your whole fucking palm rubs at what you think is his g-spot, feeling warm insides cling to your fingers, pulling you in with the force behind those reflexive pulses. Mesmerizing... This rolling rumble of a noise nearly shakes the walls, so you'll take it as a sign you're doing well. It's not too long before your arm is soaked by sloppy amounts of lubrication and your lips are puffed from sucking fattened clits. Krulu's sour disposition seems to be melting into a more tolerable demeanor, perhaps high on his enjoyment.
Better horny than angry, you guess.
More noises, this time from above, jolt your attention. Sensing movement, your eyes roam up to spot a sight that nearly makes you choke around the god's nubs. One hand coils over a glowing yellowed cock, shaped oddly just like the rest of him, some sections almost looking like rings. It strokes that length avidly, another hand from a different set of arms comes to rub circles around the head. He looks down at you lecherously, appearing to enjoy the show for a couple of heated moments where your gaze is locked on his and the massive being licks at their cruel grin.
When his head starts to tip upwards in the universal language of an approaching peak, Krulu drags you away from him by the neck, holding your pussy drool soaked face while the two of you catch your breath. The tingles on your tongue start to recede. The giant adjusts his position again, and this time, his massive cock faces you with a bob. Without extremities obscuring it, you can truly bask in its design, familiar, but so much better.
Your earlier point still stands however. There's absolutely no way in Heaven or Hell that cock is fitting anywhere inside you. Ever.
" Not as atrocious as I was expecting. But you are far from done, pet. "
Now curved forward, his great stature looms creepily. You don't see the nudge forward coming, nearly falling forth. Krulu makes an amused sort of titter.
" Resume. "
You almost don't want to crawl back towards him, but you know you need to tough through your own choice. He doesn't move a muscle, merely evaluating as you decide to start the same way you did with his cunt, kissing. One peck at the tip of his shaft, slicked by precum, then down the length you'll never take anywhere hopefully. It's admittedly impressive, the weight of it is such so that you require two hands to hold. And even then, you can't encompass his total girth. It's a beast of a cock, excusing the French.
Despite all odds, you try your best to do something that you think might pleasure him, struggling to jerk Krulu off. In fact, the motions are so clumsy that you believe he's purely just getting off on your pathetic attempts. Kitten licks are offered to a sensitive glans you can only suck at partially. The way those burning eyes shut just a bit further tells you he's at least taking enjoyment out of the whole thing.
It's still startling to feel something rough park at your bare pussy however. The rugged texture makes you believe it might be his tail for a second, but with the tapping of what can only be fingertips, you realize he's lowered a hand for you to sate yourself with. It rubs at your folds, spreading your own wetness and pressing knowingly over a bundle of nerves while you sigh around his girth.
" Are you daft? "
His voice isn't soothing at all. It's like... Wood bark in your ears, like branches snapping and scraping asphalt. You can only blink and gulp, befuddled.
" Fuck yourself on my fingers, you witless creature. "
That shouldn't have made your cunt clench the way it did. Though, at this point, you've stopped questioning why you're being aroused by gradually more obscene situations. In fact, enjoying this will make it a lot more bearable.
It's not too easy to multi-task, and given his impressive motor control of so many limbs, he must think your struggles are pitiful. Tentatively, you grind over his fingers, trying to slot them inside your warmth and getting struck by powerful shivers when he curls them helpfully. Thin and long, they slide into your walls with ease and reach places you've never been touched in before. Or maybe it's the way that he touches them. You have no doubt he could lift you by the cunt if he wanted to, and the bizarre thought has a quick moan making it past your lips, starting to roll into the friction with a little more gusto.
Krulu encourages you by hooking his phalange-like fingers, claws kept expertly folded. You feel your legs quaking and flexing in the wake of a god's touch, pleasure dawning upon you at a surprising rate. Although he's far from kind, far from safe, some itch in the back of your mind tells you to give in, to offer this entity your body and mind and all else they may crave of you. Because, somehow, someway, you understand that is your purpose. You understand you're looking at someone you should never defy and always, always seek to please.
He is your real God. And this is your new faith.
This sudden line of thought causes some genuine concern within you, as it's something completely out of left field. Never once have you felt so intensely about something. It must be his doing, it has to be. Ad yet, it feels right. Appropriate. Warming. You're not even aware your mouth is parted in silent bliss until Krulu appears to chuckle at your state.
" You will coat my hand in your effort to please me. And with your release, your role here is forever sealed. "
The hypnotizing finality of his statement is as striking as it is wonderfully arousing to you. Enough so that your heart cartwheels in your ribcage and your pace on his generous hand hastens. Maybe it won't even be so bad, you ponder while slicking his cock like a treat, you'd be protected, you wouldn't have to care about anything anymore. And you could get railed day and night by the monsters who lusted after you tonight, by the rest of them, the ones you can't help but fantasize about.
What would fucking the mimic be like? He deserves it for bringing you inside, for introducing you to your fate properly. And that slime, his kind has always exhibited such strange mating customs, how wild would things get? Oh, wasn't there a robot too? Your poor pussy drools as hard as your mouth does, each throbbing pulse of your walls hypnotically ebbing away your common sense. You're well aware pieces of your sanity have been chipping off like old pottery since the start of your contact with this god, but it doesn't feel as horrific as it should, it doesn't raise alarm or concern in you anymore.
Spiritualism isn't something you're very inclined to, but your mind tells you this is where you should be right now. And with that affirmation, everything seems to calmly slot into place again. Everything is as it should be.
" Y- Yes, my lord. "
Lashes flutter to a close briefly while you do your damndest to try to offer the deity more pleasure, unable to welcome him into your comparatively minuscule mouth. He grows fevered, legs shifting to feed more of himself into your grasp, likely frustrated by his mounting need, or perhaps being rough just for the sake of it. A jut of dark hips has that bright yellow length gliding on the side of your face in a debauched gesture that has you wondering if he could climax by simply grinding on your complexion. Eventually, slick, swift noises reach you, and judging by his moaning pants, you can only guess he's fingering himself to the scene.
Morbid curiosity has you peeking, the rhythmic plunging of equally dark digits into his sopping cunt confirming it. When you look back up, Krulu offers you a salacious rictus before thrusting hard, mean, just to jostle you.
" Lord- Lord Krulu- I'm doing my best, but I... I just can't fit you anywhere. I'm sorry- "
" Is it so? " The giant muses knowingly. " Well lesser, you will have to find a way to make me come somehow. Surprise me. "
Mind racing, you halt your motions on the now static hand between your legs, trying to figure something worth his time. A rotten little image finally surfaces, and you hope your filthy mind won't fail you now, of all times.
" Can... Can you please lower a bit more, Lordship? "
Krulu tilts their head subtly, elegant horns following, though your wish is granted. And so, you quickly scoot to be further beneath him, enough so that his heavy member rests on your front, from abdomen to chest and neck. The weight and warmth of it against your bare skin is a previously unknown sensation that you think you can get accustomed to, hands lifting to try to stimulate him in some manner, even pressing your breasts against him to whatever extent you can.
If he didn't think you were pitiful, he does now- Face flushed and dripping down his fingers, presenting yourself like some inanimate object to rut onto.
" Interesting... " He muses, and you can't be too sure if that's approval or an insult.
For some reason or another, the charred giant plays along, leaning forward to let himself grind against your body, each rock unavoidably powerful and gradually wetting you in his precum, a primitive marking ritual if there ever was one. Each back and forth has your face hotter than a furnace as you try, almost pointlessly, to lick at the end of him whenever it's close enough, oftentimes graced with a sloppy nudge against your cheek and mean-sounding chuckling from above.
Distantly, you wonder if this is what Admin goes through regularly. She's clearly his favorite, maybe this is a daily thing for them. It's easy to understand why her reverence of this being is so genuine and unbreakable. You can't help think that you'd be drawn here anyway, sooner or later.
Nothing matters anymore except doing as you're told, shuddering out moans and trying your best, apparently doing enough to warrant a reward as Krulu begins plunging his digits into you faster and harder than you've ever been fingered before, having tears prick at the corners of your eyes as it feels like he's fucking you himself in spite of being currently held between your breasts and arms. There's no mistaking the growls that dip into snarls low enough to rattle you, felt between every point of contact you have, rippling on your form, only speeding up your own approaching end.
Unable to squirm away from the relentless finger-fucking, it's all too soon before you're taken to the edge and near effortlessly tipped into a raging orgasm. Although it surprises you enough to let out a scream-like cry of ecstasy, you soon realize you're dealing with a god. He could probably kill you from orgasmic bliss alone if he wanted to. And you definitely feel something in your mind short-circuit, vision blurring with each pulse of a throbbing cunt around speedy, thin extremities. You're faintly aware of the fact that you just gushed onto Krulu's hand. Though neither of you are very concerned with that, you only struggle to breathe in the wake of growing overstimulation, arms now limp and body nearly falling back from how tensely it arches.
This feels like more than just an orgasm, if that's even possible.
Your lord detaches himself from your figure entirely, leaving a sweaty, goosebump-covered body to heave and sway, nipples as pert as the still twitching clit between your jelly-like legs. It's increasingly hard to focus on anything but the soft murmuring of the candles and the way light flickers off tapestry, but you register the motion of your head being yanked upwards to face Krulu while he rises to pump himself over you feverishly.
The erotic bucking of his hips into several pairs of lewdly moving hands over his own cock is hypnotizing. You can't help but watch his face keep contorting into different expressions of equally intense pleasure, until, all of a sudden, he makes a sound you can only call a roar. Loud and throaty and self-indulgent, reverberating in the very depths of your soul and rattling your skull with its volume.
The first splatter of cum on your body is jarring, eliciting a startled yelp followed by a heated groan when it's followed by more and more shots, all thick coats of Krulu's enjoyment of you. His approval of a brand new servant. Their seed all but leaves no part of you untouched, wide eyes having to shut themselves so as to not get pelted in the process. You can't help gasping and moaning like an animal at the sensation. Globs cascade down your belly and slide across your entrance. There's little else your boiled mind can do aside from merely pant and remain still like a depraved figurine covered in pearly white wax.
" Welcome to The Clergy's Eye, my present. "
Is the last thing you're able to coherently interpret before your mind starts distorting things again.
In between the following moments, could have been seconds or hours for all you'll ever know, you recall the image of a somewhat concerned and agitated green man with a pumpkin for a head looking you over. He murmured something fogged and unintelligible to your drunken self and seemed to carry you elsewhere in a hurry, much too fast for your muddled thought process and reflexes.
The glow of the elevator hurts your eyes.
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The ballerina spins slowly on top of her stage, a soft, cheerful tune ringing across paint-splattered orange walls, the sound of rain softly cascading outside adding a homely element to things.
You sigh, comforted, leaning into Vinnel's gloved motions as he ties pink lace around your neck and forms a ribbon on the back. His gurgled hums fall in tune with the melody and he appears to be genuinely content. He always is when he gets to dress you up, it's become a beloved part of his routine.
" There we are, my pretty poppet! Do a spin for me! " The jester suddenly peels back, twirling in the air.
You stand in the frilled pink and white dress outfit he spent the better part of an hour perfecting, feeling gorgeous, softly painted cheeks rising and creasing the corners of your eyes when you smile for him. Grabbing the hem of your dress, you spin twice and feel warm at his exaggerated reaction.
" Uhuhuhuhu! Showstopping! Brilliant! " Vinnel titters, clapping enthusiastically before landing on the ground of his room to lightly boop you on the nose. " You're ready to head out then, missus. "
" Thank you, Vinnel. " And even though you sound perfectly innocent, when you hug him, one of your hands drifts down to palm at the heart shape on his groin, rewarded with a husky growl.
" Go on now, poppet. It's too early for games, you little slut. " He muses, stepping away to open the main door in his room so the two of you can head out.
Today, Admin requested to have breakfast with you, so you dutifully get on the elevator and head to the restaurant floor, finding the woman already seated in a pristine table, waving you over. Your feet quickly trot you over to her, sitting obediently and greeting your superior.
" Well well, look at our little model today. " She teases.
" Ah, thank you! Vinnel outdid himself. "
" Certainly. This is much more palatable than the bruises he likes to put on you usually. " You have to agree with her here, some spots of your body are still sore where he clawed at days ago.
Grimbly eventually zooms his way to the two of you with a tray containing your breakfast. A variety of pastries deposited on your side while Admin seemed to only want her coffee, always a shade of black so intense that it made it look as if she was drinking a void. The waiter wags his tail and beams at you, placing a sweet kiss to your cheek and cooing at your look before being waved away by the brunette.
" How do you feel about your stay here so far? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't appear to regret your decision. " She sips from the steaming cup.
The answer is almost automatic.
" O-Oh, it's been really nice! Everyone wants me here so much, I... I like all my coworkers, it really feels like home. " You confess, feeling a tad sheepish but standing by your words. " I can't describe how fulfilled I am nowadays. I'm happy when... Everyone's happy. It's hard to explain but I really feel like I've gained- "
" Purpose? "
You pause. Yeah. That's precisely the word. How come she's always so right? " Exactly. "
Admin nods, a tiny smile on small lips. She got whatever response she wanted out of you, it appears.
" I'm glad we see things similarly. " Her eyes unfocus, following the swirl of her bottomless coffee cup as if it calls to her sweetly. " It's... Nice, having a human acquaintance here. " It's said with a hint of shock, as if the revelation surprised even her.
You can't help but preen under the praise, offering the woman one of your palmiers. She declines politely, and it's when you return to staring at your plates that you finally see the little note attached to one of them.
Good morning, love. I'll see you soon, hopefully.
A small series of scribbled hearts circle the message, you know exactly who it's from.
" Santi. "
There's a hum from the brunette in front of you. " Mhm, he paid for those. "
" Aw... That's really sweet of him. " Truly, he's always been a sweetheart, since the very start of all this, however long ago that was. Time is barely a concern for you anymore.
" Sometimes he still gloats about being the first you chose, you know? " She grins for a short second. " I think you inflated his ego forever. "
The knowledge makes you actually burst out laughing for a few hearty second where the sound echoes off the vastly empty restaurant. That's adorable, honestly.
" Oh , he might just become my favorite if he keeps buying me treats like this. " A joke you know, had you said it to the rest of them, an argument would instantly break out.
" Why shouldn't he treat you a little today? " Admin's brow rises, head tilted in that way that almost reminds you of Krulu, when he's more comfortable. Still, she knows something you don't, causing you to blink and sit there like a dumbfounded donkey.
" ... You haven't put it together yet, have you? "
No. No, you haven't.
The chestnut-eyed woman crosses her legs and snickers quietly. A couple of seconds pass where she expects you to make a sudden discovery, but the eureka moment isn't coming any time soon.
Finally, she takes mercy on you with a shake of the head. " It's been a year since you were gifted to us. "
A year. Has it been that long already? It felt like a miserable few months, if that much. Everything is just so fast here, it really does feel like yesterday when you were screaming at Hellion and Pebble in the garden.
Has it really been that long since you left everything behind?
Strangely enough, bits and pieces of your life before becoming a part of The Clergy are becoming harder to recall in clear detail, faces blur and places become nameless. You don't know what you used to do for a living, or what your routine is. Where did you even live? It doesn't sound important anymore. It isn't.
You're exactly where you should be.
Suddenly, the seat you're currently on ripples and shifts bizarrely, a vibrating purr-like noise spreading across your legs as the chair appears to grow a discolored grayish set of shackled arms and grasps your stocking-clad thighs with them, something wet and slimy brushes against your ankles. The mimic relishes your startled yelp and only holds onto you harder, tittering at having fooled you efficiently. That goofy bastard.
" Hm, they're going to be all over you today... " She sighs like a disappointed babysitter.
" Get ready. "
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5eraphim · 8 months
who do u think is the biggest brat tamer? my money is on sniper but i feel like if you tried hard enough u could get engie to snap 🫢
It's interesting you suggest Engie first because, in my opinion, he's in the top three of characters who come to mind right away when I think "brat tamer," but for some reason I would bet Administrator and Solly are more intense tamers than Engie.
Characters: Soldier 🦅, Administrator 🕷️, and Engineer 🦫 (Team Fortress 2)
Word Count: 1.3k
Content Warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationships, humiliation, brat taming, slight dumb-ification, edging/denial, roleplay, gender neutral reader
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In general, Solly is remarkably impatient and has little tolerance for being teased; once he's frustrated, it doesn't take much more than that until he snaps and decides to put you in your place right then and there.
Part of what makes dominating you such a turn-on for him is his pride in his physically imposing stature. It's cute, in a way, to see someone like you trying to disobey the likes of him. Solly is taller than average and abundant in bulky muscle, in addition to his generous amount of adipose. Nothing turns Solly on more than getting to use that against you.
Solly's always kept a close eye on you, and you've got another thing coming if you think he doesn't notice you slacking off during tainting, it's like you're practically asking him to go over to call you out in front of everyone, and he's more than happy to oblige. Though this is nothing compared to what he'll do to you once he gets you alone.
Just because he's off the battlefield, it doesn't mean he's ready to put away his trusty riding crop quite yet.
It's such a power trip for Solly to watch you go from mouthy, rebellious, and resilient to whimpering and begging for mercy; drool trickling down your chin, eyes glazed over as he stretches you out with his fingers or as he spreads your thighs as far apart as possible before pounding you relentlessly into the bed.
Refuses to give you a moment's rest until you've verbally apologized, sworn it will never happen again, and/or tell him whatever else he needs to hear to be convinced you've learned your lesson. Solly's also got a soft spot for listening to you call him "Sir," so you'd better be ready to do that as well.
As overly intense and overbearing as he can be in the moment, Solly's quite good at winding down responsibly with you after all the excitement. He'll tell you how proud he is of you, how strong you are to have endured all that, and will help clean up with you. While Solly can get cruel and even sadistic sometimes, he's not entirely unfair. Nor is he the type to leave you high and dry.
She's always had a secret fondness for the "rebellious types."
Not because she wants to see you get away with acting out or mouthing off to her, but the more stubborn the brat, all the more satisfying to watch them fall.
There's something about watching some newbie with a little too much confidence try to get away with giving her attitude that really gets her going. It's cute watching you walk around like you're any better than the rest of the other people working under her. Helen knows it's only a matter of time before that little mouth of yours gets you in trouble, and she can't wait to be the one to put you in your place.
Likely, you won't even know when she decides it's time to humble you. Maybe you were just a little too messy on a mission or made some thoughtless comment to the press, foolishly thinking you had the choice to leave the mercenary business whenever you wanted, subtly implying a lack of control on her part- Something she refused to let go unpunished.
Admin is easily the most intense and uncompromising of all the doms in TF2, and if you try to act out around her or assume she'll offer you any kind of slack just because she thinks you're bangable, you would be sorely mistaken.
When she finally gets you alone in her bedroom, expect not only to be edged into oblivion but denial as well. 
Admin will leave bruises all over your waist, hips, thighs, whatever she can get her hands on, as she forces you to take her strap, fucking you down while refusing to let you come. She wants to see how painfully overstimulated you can get while remaining completely unsatisfied as you beg for mercy, knowing it won't change a thing.
Aside from all that, she loves to draw blood with her long fake nails as she drags them over your naked body.
Admin is relentless when she wants you to suffer, and she won't let up until you've been reduced to a miserable, wet little pulp. Helen takes immense pleasure in seeing the look on your face at the end of the night after you've endured hours of torture. Seeing how exhausted and delirious you look, knowing whatever rebellion you once had has been thoroughly extinguished. While you can do nothing but whine and flinch at her every move.
Don't expect any special treatment at the end of all this either. You're sleeping on your own tonight, without so much as a kiss goodnight. Helen knows what she's doing is cruel, but as far as she's concerned, you brought all this on yourself. (Also, considering how much she gets off on her own cruelty, it's not like acknowledging her maliciousness would change anything.)
Unlike the other two, while Engie absolutely gets off on being a brat tamer, it takes a lot more to bring out this side of him. Not because he's a pushover, not at all; it's more a matter of protecting his "nice guy" reputation.
In general, he's rather generous in bed. He is a Southern gentleman, after all, but when he's in the mood to inflict a bit of punishment, he's an entirely different person.
While he would try to remain mellow and appear unaffected around others, taking any back-talk or misbehavior from you with good humor, it's all because he's trying his best to suppress his anger, forcing himself to wait until he knows how to punish you before acting. 
Most of the time, he's capable of maintaining control until the two of you are alone at night, where he knows there's almost no chance of you getting interrupted; much unlike the other two, he's not into public humiliation, much less being the one to enforce it. Though if he's feeling a little extra dirty, he likes the idea of forcing you to cockwarm for him while he finishes up his daily work in his shop. (Engie likes the concept of spitefully humbling you for having the audacity to come between him and his work.)
He's not quite as into the physical pain aspect of brat taming. What he likes much more is witnessing you lose your mind pinned under him on your shared bed, going cock-drunk while he continues to pound into you. Slightly into the idea of a pleasure-induced mind break. As you go from confident, almost arrogant, and defiant, and fucking you into brainlessly submissive brainless whore. Babbling mindlessly and unable to resist him, even if you tried.
"Aw honey, you ain't lookin' so good down there. Did you ask for something? Need to take a break? No... nothin'? Guess I gotta keep goin' then."
Will offer mercy in the fakest, most condescending voice. He intends to prolong your suffering as much as possible, far longer than he ought. But the longer he looks at you like this, his mindless little doll flushed with need, clenching against him, the harder it is for Engie to call it quits.
When he does settle down, he'll get you cleared up and put you right to bed or walk through your nightly routine until he's ready to tuck you into bed. As much as he gets off through the act of dicking you down until you learn how to behave, Engie also gets off on your compliance and how dependent you can be on him to take care of you. While you had your fun playing independant, Engie knows you don't have a prayer of ever truly escaping him, not when he knows exactly how to break you until you're feeding from the palm of his hand.
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daisyychainssj · 6 months
I was rewatching the part of foolish’s vod where Leo and Sunny meet for the first time and I hope the admins saw through the crazy shit people were inevitably saying afterwards and know that they were absolutely incredible throughout the whole thing and I can’t wait to see where this ends up. Enemies? Frenemies? Friends? Besties? Foolish and Tubbo introducing Sunny and Leo just walking away, Leo’s increasing anger anytime Sunny copied them, Sunny just stood unmoving staring at Leo and Foolish for like 10 minutes and ignoring tubbo anytime he tried to ask them something, Leo sitting in her Purple chair and looking over at Sunny sitting in her orange version of the chair and being like “SHES COPYING ME!!!!!” Them walking up to each other and staring at each other, looking each other up and down and then just walking off, both trying to build higher diamond block towers, Leo insisting on digging for diamonds there and then to out do Sunny, Leo suggesting they take Sunny to Vegetta’s because she knew the turrets would shoot Sunny and then the reluctant conversation at the end as Leo holds tnt and you could just sense Sunny’s eye roles. Like bravo to the admins 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 that was a diva off if I’ve ever seen one
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badbtssmut · 3 months
heyy Can you do one where yoongi makes him cum until she begs and cries for him to stop? please? but she likes it too
Anon: oh i saw you only write about the maknae line, could it be taehyung instead of yoongi?
Admin note: Hope I understood right :)
Dubcon warning: Reader is saying no, she begs him to stop, she’s crying, she resist a little but her hands get pinned down, she whines and begs for him to stop saying she can’t
“No, no, stop…” You whimpered. “Gonna cum again.” You whimpered with tears. “Oh fuck!” You whined when your body convulsed, but before you could come down from your high, Taehyung grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. He didn't say a word as he thrusted harder and faster. You couldn't keep up with him. His thrusts were relentless and powerful. Tears rolled down your face as your body convulsed in ecstasy.
Your hands moved to his hips to push him away, but he stopped you and pinned your wrists down by your head. He leaned forward so he could kiss you, and you could barely respond back as he continued his fast, hard thrusts. You were going to cum again.
You were going for hours now, and Taehyung was eager to make you cum as many times as possible, your body was sweaty, your eyelids heavy, as he picked up the pace, using and abusing your pussy with his hard cock.
"Please." You begged. "Too much. I can't… I can't take it." You sobbed.
"You can." Taehyung breathed into your ear. "Cum for me. Just one more time."
"Please, it's too much." You sobbed. "Tae please. It's too much." You cried, shaking your head.
"One more time baby. You can do it." Taehyung encouraged you, pressing kisses against your neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut, holding in your breath as Taehyung continued to pound into your sensitive pussy. You didn't think you could handle this for much longer.
Taehyung kissed you again and your body went rigid as you came hard around his cock.
"That's it baby." He murmured as you spasmed around him. He pulled out of you, and your body fell limp. Taehyung kept his promise, watching as you came down from your high.
“Well done, baby.”
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poppadom0912 · 7 months
Together (Epilogue)
Warnings: Mentions of hospitals, injuries, kidnappings and death
Summary: Life moves on whether or not you want it to.
A/N: This is it my lovelies! It's lowkey been two months since I first released my baby into the world and you've received her with nothing but love. Thank you so much for all the support you've shown, it truly makes me want to write more and better.
I hope you enjoy the final part of this series. This has been so much fun and quite a wild ride. Lots of emotions, I won't lie, some parts really got deep but when you read this, it'll all be worth it. 🤍🙃
Did I lie about the fluff? ... I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist😭
Previous Chapter / Series Masterlist
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Black was not your favourite colour.
Some said it nicely complimented your red hair and you kind've looked badass but you couldn't see it. Besides the fact that it was slimming when you wore it, you tried to avoid the colour as much as possible. You much preferred the dark navy and greys instead.
That's why you hated wearing your dress uniform, even if it was for a joyous occasion.
Fixing the black suit, you sighed. According to your lawyer, showing up in uniform created more empathy and so not only were you wearing your uniform, but Jay too.
And Will… Well that was another conversation.
It had been two months since the kidnapping and things were, things were definitely different.
Due to circumstances, the trial had been pushed back a little. Well, their sentencing had, the trial went off without a hitch and all of Intelligence could attest to that but today was the day everyone found how for how long exactly they were going to be jailed.
Everyone had been bitter and rightly so.
Stepping back from the car door, you finished fixing your hair in the car window, happy that no baby hairs were sticking out and the gel was doing its job. You were asked for professional and so a bun seemed fitting.
Going around the car, Kelly joined you by your side but dressed casually. He wasn’t directly involved and your lawyer didn’t make a specific request. According to her, things could go sideways and things needed to look good on your side.
You envied the lack of black your boyfriend was wearing. And what annoyed you even more was the Jay’s uniform was more of a dark blue.
Jay fully healed over the past two months, no injuries for the naked eye to see but the scar was still there on his thigh, the trauma burned into his mind forever after. Similar could be said for you but while Jay was back on duty, you were still taking it slow and doing admin work at the firehouse after being a bored mess at home alone.
Therapy wasn’t much help. Your psychologist wasn’t the problem, in fact she was a darling, but not all things could be fixed. You eventually came to terms with the fact that this would never leave you. As a team, you’d have to turn a new page and keep on going, with the hopes that it became a distant memory no one had to recollect.
You could never get tired of hearing his voice, the tranquillity it brought you needed to be studied. His loving face sent you a soft smile, his eyes scrunching up in attempt to keep you calm and collected.
“Jay messaged me, they’re waiting inside.”
With a sigh, you interlocked hands and let Kelly lead the way inside the courthouse. Anxiety weighed down on you heavily, making it feel like you were walking through a sentient sludge that kept trying to pull you down.
A smile graced your lips but at the sight of your older brother in his dress blues, his entire crew by his side, your smile faltered. As soon as it began wobbling, your eyes burned as everything started to go blurry.
Your chest hurt too much, it suddenly felt like you were having a heart attack in the middle of the courthouse.
“Oh Y/N.” Jay sighed, enveloping you in his arms not a moment later. “Please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry.” You croaked out, huffing into the crook of his neck, being mindful not to mess up his uniform. “Gosh, I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
“Stop that, don’t apologise.” Jay chided, tutting alike to how Will would whenever you two got into trouble. Whenever Will did that, you knew his annoyance wouldn’t last long, he loved you and Jay too much to hold a grudge.
Shit, now your tears were rolling down your flushed cheeks and making small marks on Jay’s shoulder.
“Do you think he’s okay?”
Jay didn’t say anything for a long time. You were almost scared he wouldn’t answer you like last time. The more time past, the more you knew he wasn’t going to say anything and the same exact scene from two months ago flashed before your eyes, almost sending you into a fit of gut-wrenching tears. But Jay proved you wrong.
“I don’t know what to think anymore Y/N.”
Maggie sighed, shoulders deflating as she sat on the hospital bed. It had been a long day.
Whenever she wanted a break from the ED, she usually found one of the rooms in the ICU where the patient was usually either unconscious or in a coma. The peace and quiet provided her the time and space to get back into tune with her thoughts before going back to being the charge nurse of the bustling emergency department.
Looking at this patient, she didn’t need to look at the chart to know what happened, she’d been in this particular room every single day since their arrival. This patient had a certain pull that made her want to know everything about their condition.
“Thought I’d find you here.” Sharon said, her voice calming as she entered the room, closing the door behind her. “Everyone was waiting downstairs, you missed it.”
“I know.” Maggie replied solemnly, her hands readjusting the blanket around the coma patient. “But they did it, right?”
“They did it.” Sharon confirmed as she moved to stand on the other side of the bed. It was great news, news that should’ve resulted in tears of joy but the charge nurse barely moved an inch.
“Life without parole.” There was a pause, beeping and the whooshing of machines filling the silence. “They weren’t going to settle for anything less.”
“Good.” Maggie replied, her lips pulled tightly together.
Neither of them said anything afterwards. There was still so much that needed to be discussed but the right people weren’t in the room currently. The one big question loomed heavily over them like a stormy cloud just waiting for the right moment to start raining.
“Take a break Maggie. Eat a little something before you join the rest of them.”
Without waiting for a reply, Sharon turned and left the room, mumbling she had a meeting in a few minutes when in reality, she hated being in this room as much as the next person.
Maggie stewed in her thoughts, too many flying all around the place for her to properly take a break.
“Still no change?”
Maggie’s silence was more than enough of an answer. She truly hated her job sometimes, especially when she had to break the news to waiting family members.
“No movement since you left last night.”
Jay’s eyes still filled with tears every time he was given news.
“Are we- Do you think we’re doing the right thing Maggie?” Jay tumbled over his words from where he stood in the doorway, too scared to enter the room. The sadness laced in his words made him sound so innocent and childlike, Maggie just wanted to hide and protect all three Halstead’s from the horrors of the world.
But looking at the coma patient on the bed, Maggie knew her words were biased.
One week later
You were going crazy. You didn’t know how much longer you could handle this. You hated playing the waiting game.
It was in the middle of shift when you got the call. You were finally back to full time firefighting, Crocket deeming you fit and healthy two days ago to work again. The happiness that followed his news only lasted so long.
Your emotions were haywire. When you entered the ED for what felt like the billionth time, you felt your heart physically stop at the sight of a red eyed Maggie. From beside you, Jay was scarily silent, not breathing for a good minute.
But then she smiled, dimples and all.
Connor was supposed to tell you but he was rushed into an emergency surgery and entrusted the charge nurse to tell the two most important people in Will’s life the news.
“Will’s going to make a full recovery. There’s going to be quite a bit of rehab and physical therapy but he’s going to be just fine.”
And for the first time since their initial reunion in the warehouse just over two months ago, all three Halstead siblings would be together again.
It was going to be a long and difficult path to recovery. You and Jay had your own struggles and having Will in a coma only made it harder. But now, Will had the love and support of his baby brother and baby sister, the two people he did all of this for.
And yes, maybe Jay would reem his for being a stupid bastard, protecting them from literal criminals with his life. Obviously, you would chime in when necessary but the big goofy smile on your face did nothing.
All was well now. The future was looking bright for the most of it, guaranteed it be a bit rocky in the next coming weeks that would consist of a gruelling recovery process but at the end of the tunnel, you were all coming out stronger than ever.
Series Masterlist:
@mads-weasley @sowrongitslottie @elite4cekalyma @senjoritanana @hufflepuff-blackwidow @mrspeacem1nusone @kmc1989 @goth-cowgirl-03 @daggersquadphantom @photographerkaiya0306 @jamie0515 @samanthavitale @iamasimpingh0e @lanea-1 @swidkid @jamie0515
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silversainz · 1 year
number 44
Lewis Hamilton x reader
Summary: Lewis loves the fact that even though you catch the attention of everyone else, he still has you all for himself.
requests combined: "half request/half just a late night thought but staff/race engineer!yn and lewis having a flirty relationship and lewis mentioning how he thinks it’s hot that ur work shirts all have lh44 on them specifically, teasing u and saying it makes him possessive, especially if team members of other teams flirt with u"
And "can i make a request about mercedes engineer! reader like u don’t have a big social media presence but ur friends with the merc social media admin and they post u and u go viral online for being hot and ppl wanting to know who u are and all day the team is affectionately teasing u for it except lewis who’s jealous bc he’s always flirted with u but u never thought twice of it thinking he’s like that with everyone. like he overhears another team crew member talk about u and he’s like 🙄"
warnings: fluff, flirty!lewis, light jealously, possessive aggressive behavior (but in a soft way?), petnames, flirty!reader, sexual tension, suggestive themes, sorry for taking ages to write this, crappy ending.
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liked by, yourusername, sebastianvettel and 800,678 others
Mercedesamgf1 get you somebody who could rock the Mercedes merch as well as @.yourusername
User67 holy shit she's beautiful
user89 Lewis who? George who? Sorry I only know her
User90 she's gorgeous holy hell
User45 she's hot, marry me
user3 so beautiful, I would leave my wife for you
user67 she looks incredible! Glad to see her getting the recognization she deserves!
view all 9,000 comments
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"look somebody said "so beautiful, I would leave my wife for her," everybody at the table laughed, including you. as you looked at all the comments on the Mercedes post with you in it.
"I don't think I've ever been this hit on in my entire life" you snorted at your own little comment, as everybody laughed again at your sad joke
"oh babe you haven't met me them" John, one of the youngest engineers said as he slid in the booth next to you, his arm going around your shoulder. "How you doing, I'm John" you gigged at his joke and jokingly shook his hand that he held out for you.
"well hello John" you said in the most flirtatious voice that you could ever pull on, and watched as his cheeks turned red.
"aww he's blushing" one of the other engineers David stated, making John go all shy and cover his face up with his hands.
"I hate y'all" you all laughed at poor John. you decided to make matters even worse and pinched his cheek "aww, but he's cute when he's blushing" and with that John jumped up from his seat and went to go sit back down beside David looking away from you embarrassed and cheeks growing even more red if that was possible.
"alright boys I need to head back to work" they all whined, but you ignored them and headed to the hallway making your way towards your motorhome that the team gave you, but stopping when you saw Lewis standing in the hallway learning against the wall with his phone in his hands.
"hey Lew, what are you here?" he looked up from his phone at the sound of your voice approaching him
"so you've never been hit on before huh?" you looked at him confused, but eyes going wide as the realization hit you. now it was your cheeks that turned red.
"were you spying on us Lew?" you crooked your head to the side, a cheek grin on your face.
"couldn't help myself, John was getting a little too friendly with something of mine"
"something of mine huh" you gave him a teasingly smile, but it soon dropping as he casually walked up to you while placing his hands on your hips.
"yes something of mine" you felt your breath get caught in your throat as you felt him pull himself closer to you, if that was even possible.
"you looked beautiful by the way on your first Instagram post" he leaned in towards your ear, his lips placing light kisses to your cheek making his way towards your jaw.
"Lew we're in public" your voice was shaky, afraid that somebody was going to see you and him practically pressed up against each other in the hallway.
"okay and" you felt his hand slide up your back, his fingers tracing over the two numbers that laid out across your back, number 44, as his other hand cupped your cheek making you look up at him as his finger played with your bottom lip.
"I love it when you wear my number on your body, you look gorgeous with it on" he leaned in giving your cheek a kiss, before he pulled away from your frame eyeing your figure up and down a smirk pulling at his lips. as he put his hands in his pocket.
"I'll see you around love" he gave you a wink as he turned on his heel walking from you, frozen in place, breathless and wanting to feel his hands on you again.
Lewis soon returned to the garage, making his way back over to his seat, which ironically was beside john. "Hey have you seen --, thought she was supposed to be coming out soon?" he fought the urge to roll his eyes at the kid.
"no I haven't seen her" his response was blunt and sharp, which made John give him a weird look and turn away from him.
"hey John, did you see the Mercedes post of ---" another engineer who wasn't sat at the table at the time, picked up his phone and showed John the photo. which made Lewis roll his eyes as he heard the two boys fan over you.
"yeah, she looked gorgeous and she's such a nice girl" again he ignored them
"yeah, I talked with her. she's amazing" and ignored
"plus her body-
and that was the final straw for him, he cleared his throat loud enough for the two boys to hear "can you two shut up, we're in a important meeting" Lewis stated cutting the two off, both boys immediately shutting up and giving him weird looks, but remained silent. Which he was thankful for.
you walked out of your motorhome, files in your arms, freshened up and a different shirt on which now had George's numbers on it. as you walked into the garage, you noticed John and Scott and walked over to them
"hey there she is!" you laughed at John's loud voice and shushed him, white sitting down beside him. you noticed Lewis giving you a glare, as he eyes the now different shirt. But you ignored it and focused on toto who made his way into the garage with multiple files for the new car parts.
As the meeting ended and everybody got up from their seats, you looked around before going over to Lewis "you changed shirts" he said before you could even get a word out.
"yeah figured I needed to wear someone else" he rolled his eyes, jaw clenched tightly.
"looked better when it was my number" he looked up at you, a little tent in his eyes that clearly showed he was a little mad at how you changed shirts.
but you only shrugged, a innocent smile on your face "oh well, I like George's number better. looks better on me" you giggled as you saw his knuckles turn white from gripping onto the table so hard.
he said nothing as he got up from the table his hand grabbing onto yours as he pulled you away from everybody, not caring that they gave you both Weird looks as they saw you both leaving with each other
"Lewis slow down." He did in fact not slow down until you both were standing in front of his motorhome, where he unlocked the door and pushed you inside, relocking it once he was inside with you.
"so, you planning on kidnapping me from them?" he shook his head at your words, giving you a light chuckle.
"nope just wanted some alone time with you" he confessed, as he slowly walked up to you, his hands immediately cupping your face as he cashed his lips on yours. the kiss was slow and tender at first, like it was your first kiss. but it slowly turned sloppy and rough as he backed you up against the nearest wall, your leg automatically wrapping around his waist.
"you looked much better with my number on"
"well, why don't you take this off me then" you taunted him, his hand playing with the hem of your shirt. making you lift up your arms as he took the shirt off your body, the black tank top underneath still covering you up
"see, you look even better like this" he leaned forward, placing lingering kisses to your neck. "so, so much better like this" he pulled himself away from you going over to sit on the couch where he patted his lap making you walk over to him straddling his lap, his hands stroking the back of your thighs.
"so about earlier, 'something of mine'" you raised your eyebrows at him, making him shrug clearly not thinking much if his words.
"what I don't like when people flirt with something of mine, is that so bad?" He said, his hand going under your tank top making goosebumps appear on your skin as his cold hand hit your warm skin.
"since when was I considered yours"
he tilted his head pretending to think, "since last week. When you came over to my place and you let me have you all night long" you looked at him in shock, mouth sightly open as you felt your cheeks turn red at his bold words of truth.
"I think you know what I'm talking about, no"
"I hate you" you leaned forward burying your head in his chest, getting embarrassed. the air in the room getting hotter and hotter as each second passed. he chuckled at your embarrassment and softly messed with your hair
"no you don't. now look at me" you slowly lifted up your head from his chest "you're mine right" he asked again, his hand coming to rest on your collarbone, awaiting your response.
"course I am"
"of course you are"
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