#she'll tell you your future for a price
mx-loar-tev · 6 months
Okay but imagine, Regina waking up one morning to a baby crying.
She's confused, why is there a baby in her house? She should be alone, Henry had left months ago.
She investigates the noise and finds the child in Henry's old room, now back to the state his nursery was when Henry was an infant.
She then realises the baby IS Henry. Somehow she got back in time.
After taking care of baby Henry, she goes on research mode, pouring over old grimoires all day.
Around midnight, someone rings at the door.
It's Emma. She looks so young, she's only eighteen after all. She looks harried and can't seem to utter a word. Speech seems to have deserted Regina as well. They look at each other like deers stuck in headlights.
All the tension seems to leave her at once. "Please tell me that means you remember too."
"You means the futur?"
"Yes I remember. Come on, you look like you could use a drink."
"You have no idea. I woke up this morning in a fricking cell. Good thing it was my last day behind bars and that I had the car. Spent all the money I had in gas."
Regina serves her a drink but Emma just fidgets with the glass.
"You want to see Henry?"
Emma looks terrified but nods anyway.
Regina leads her to the nursery where the baby is sound asleep. Emma is transfixed.
"God he's so small. I missed so much of his life."
Regina knows Emma would like to stay here and live the life she missed, just like Regina would like a do-over and have the chance to correct all her mistakes. But she knows they can't stay here, there could be too many consequences. They need to go back.
Emma stays in the house while they search for a way to undo whatever happened. She stays inside, not wanting to risk changing the past by interacting with the denizens of Storybrook. But staying inside means staying with Henry. Each passing day the thought of leaving the past (and the son she gave up once) is more and more painful.
"How are we even supposed to go back to our time without magic? It's not like we could steal the bottle of love or whatever it is that is inside Maleficent without changing the future."
"You managed to break the curse without magic the first time. We just need to figure out how you did that."
In the end they get nowhere. They resolve to ask for help the last person they want to speak too. After all Rumplestillskin from that time is certainly not the friendliest of man.
"I can't help you to go back to the future. You see, the curse that sent you back in time had a purpose. You need to find what it was to be able to go home."
Emma isn't having any of this crap. "Look Gold. I know you and you're hidden agenda. You're always hiding something. So tell us what it is already."
"Oh you're a feisty one aren't you? Just like your mother. Let me tell you, dearie, magic always comes with a price. What the price would be, I can't decide. Those laws can't be broken, only sometimes bent. I don't make them. You're here to find something and until you do, you're stuck here. If you're not willing to play by the rules, maybe you should make yourself comfortable then."
They go back to the mansion on Milffin feeling dejected. Gold's riddle is not helping. How are you supposed to find something when you don't know what to look for or where to start searching?
Two weeks pass and there's nothing new. Emma has decided she'll enjoy every stollen moment with her son. One afternoon, she's lounging on the sofa, thumbing an old spell book absentmindedly while keeping an eye on Henry squirming on his play mat.
Regina comes home from city hall and goes to pick up the baby for a quick cuddle.
Barely a second later, the ceiling lights come crashing down on the ground where Henry was a moment ago.
Both mothers are in shock and Henry is wailing.
Regina comes to her sense first and starts humming and rocking Henry to calm him down.
Emma is not moving, she's just staring to mother and son and to the shattered lights on the floor.
"I remember that," she says faintly.
"What do you mean?"
"I remember that. When I left Storybrook and you gave me these memories... This, this... I remember that. It was real?"
"Of course it was real. Where do you think those memories came from? It takes a really powerful curse to make up whole backstories. I barely had a minute to give you a past with Henry, so I used my own memories."
"So it was real, all of it?"
"Most of it, yes. I just had to tweak it a little. Your mind adjusted it itself mostly on its own."
Emma cries.
Later that day, they're finishing eating dinner.
"You know, it gives me a different perspective, those memories. I dismissed them back then to the point I've barely been remembering them, but now it's coming back. Parenting, it's hard. I know you probably gave me the good stuff, but the hard times are there too. I think I understand how you two ended up at odds to the point he came looking for me."
"I felt like I was doing everything wrong back then. Well, I did do a lot of things wrong."
"I don't think it was all on you. It was the situation too, you know. The adoption. I remember when I was a kid wondering why I've been abandoned. I remember those not-so-fake memories when Henry had found out I almost gave him up and was mad at me, or when he was asking questions about his dad. You just do your best, but sometimes it's impossible to make things perfect, because that's life and life is not perfect. So yeah, I get it. I get you and Henry."
Regina cries.
Two nights later Emma can't sleep. She tosses and turns but can't find sleep. She gets up and leaves the guestroom to go to the bathroom. She stops short when she hears Regina. She shared a room for enough years to recognise the noises someone makes when they're having a nightmare.
She enters Regina's room, trying to decide if she should try to calm her or wake her up instead. The choice is taken from her when Regina jerks awake, panting and crying.
"Hey, it's Emma. It's okay. You're safe. You're in your room."
She keeps reassuring her and reminding her where she is until Regina's breathing has returned to a normal rhythm.
She asks what she needs, if she wants to go back to sleep of if she wants hot chocolate.
That's how they end up in the couch at three am with steaming mugs of hot chocolate warming their hands.
Regina opens to her that night. It's unexpected for both of them but it feels right somehow.
Regina tells of her childhood, growing under the care of a loving father that was still too weak to protect her from an abusive heartless mother that she still couldn't help but love anyway. She tells of her first love, of the grief of losing him in such a terrible way, how she still see the life leaving his face every time she closes her eyes. She tells of being trapped in a loveless marriage with an indifferent man so old he could have been her father, of the horror of her wedding night with a spouse that believed a wife should submit to her husband in the marital bed. She tells of a girl that felt trapped in a never-ending nightmare, that didn't find another coping mechanism other than making other as miserable as she was feeling. She tells about a strange little man whose offer to help was too good to be true and sincere. She tells of how destruction felt like salvation for a girl that had never known anything but the cold pain of abuse and manipulation.
And Emma is listening. And she understands. She always had an intuition of what Regina's life must have been like, but hearing it is different. This is the cold reality, and Emma knows she was right when she decided to give Regina a second chance all those years ago, when she fought for her happiness because this woman deserves to experience it at least once in her life. She's also proud of Regina for everything she accomplished since they both met.
Emma tells her all of this.
They wake up on the couch the next morning with crooked neck and stiff limbs.
Emma goes to make coffee while Regina checks on Henry. When she's back with the baby, they starts preparing breakfast, they move around the kitchen with enough ease until they both reach for the fridge at the same time. They're so close, faces almost touching. They can't help but stare at the other while a strange electric feeling passes between them.
Then Henry gurgles and the moment is broken. They are awkward around each other now. They eat in silence barely broken by everyday talks, requests of syrup or jam, asks about which one should wash the dish while the other dry them.
Then Regina has to leave for work and Emma is left alone with Henry and her own toughts.
She's feeling bereft.
What happened earlier means something, she's sure of it. She tries to be honnest with herself, to admit what she might have known for a while but ignored. What she feels for Regina is not strictly platonic. The last few weeks spent living with her in the same house, taking care of baby Henry, only confirms that. She dreads going back to the future not only because of loosing this chance to experience Henry's early childhood, but also because she'll miss this domesticity with Regina. They won't keep playing house in the future, they'll go back to their own separate life. Well, not that separate, they'll still be friend, they'll still orbit around each other, but since Henry is grown up, they have less reasons to see each other.
So Emma will go back to a cold appartement, alone since the break up with Killian. She will mourn the loss of what she thought was her happy ending. She doubts those actually exist. Magic, dragons, fairytale characters, sure, it's normal for her now. But happily ever afters? They're myths, hopeful nonsense.
Unless she goes for it. Unless she risks everything and confesses her feelings to Regina. Before this trip through time she wouldn't have thought for a second these feelings might be reciprocated, but after these last few weeks? After whatever it was in the kitchen earlier? Maybe there is hope here.
Emma devises a plan then.
Regina comes home earlier than Emma has planned. The mayor seems eager to be back home. Emma hopes it's a good sign for them, but Regina might have just missed Henry. Baby cuddles are addictive after all, and they both knows the are on borrowed time and soon they'll be back to their time.
"What are you up to?" Regina asked curiously.
Emma has been in the middle of her preparations. She has pushed the coffee table away and spread a thick blanket on the floor with a assortment of throw pillows over it.
She has been in the process of arranging decorations on the coffee table that serves as a sort of buffet table. The plates, glasses, silverware and foods were still waiting in the kitchen.
"Hum, we're having an indoor picnic?"
The surprised smile that graces Regina's face tells Emma that the idea was a good one after all. She was starting to feel anxious about it.
"What have you prepared?"
"Tacos. And there's apple cheesecake from your favorite bakery. Also sparkling wine."
Regina looks at her strangely for a moment. Finally she thanks her, her voice suspiciously hoarse. "Thank you, that seems wondeful."
Regina dismisses Emma's complaints that she is the one making this for her so that the mayor shouldn't helping with the preparations. A few minutes later they are lounging on the blanket, sipping the wine while Henry is napping in his basket a few paces away.
They are mostly silent, both of them sensing the charged atmosphere between them.
Finally, Emma breaks the silence. "Am I imagining things? About you? About us?"
"You mean..."
Regina sighs. "I thought I had no chance in that department. So I kept it to myself."
"How long? How long have you known?"
"For sure? When you became the dark one. But before that... Before Robin."
Emma gapes. So long? There could have been something between them for this long? Her head spins.
There has been Killian though. Emma feels stupid going for him while Regina was right there all this time.
"Do you, do you want... This?"
"Yes. Do you?"
"God, yes."
Tentatively Emma reaches for Regina, caresses her cheek with a gentle hand. Regina closes her eyes, overcome with anticipation. And finally, finally, their lips meet.
Regina opens her eyes.
She's in her bed. Her lips are tingling.
Was it all a dream?
No, it can't be. It was all too real.
In a frenzy, she gets dressed and in minutes she's driving through town. Halfway through the drive to Emma's place she spots the yellow bug.
Both of them stop in the middle of the lane, get out of the cars and rush toward each other.
When they meet, they are breathless.
"You remember?" they both say at the same time.
"Yes, yes, I remember."
They are laughing with relief now, uncaring of the curious looks of passing people.
Wiping tears, Regina is the one offering they go back to the mansion.
They push the coffee table away, throw an afghan on the floor with a few pillows and resume what has been their first date, even if it's now seven am.
"I miss Henry already," admits Emma.
"I miss him too. Both as a baby and as a grown-up."
"I'm glad I had those few weeks. Even if there's nothing left of it."
"Not quite." Emma looks at her, confused. "Let me show you."
Regina opens the ventilation grating in the corner of the room. She plunges her arm deep, looking for something. She takes out an envelope from the opening and offers it to Emma.
Emma takes it with trembling hands.
Inside are a dozen Polaroids. Pictures of her with baby Henry, taken apparently without her noticing.
Emma can't help the tears falling as she looks at each picture with delight.
"Thank you. Thank you."
Emma surges forwards and kisses Regina as if it was the last thing she would do.
"I can't wait for Henry to visit. He needs to see these pictures."
"He always cringes when he sees himself as a baby," Regina laughs. "He started saying he's like fine wine, getting better with time, when he was only six. I don't think he knew what that means then."
"I remember that too," Emma realises. "It's strange, I had almost forgot all of these memories and now they're back in full details. As if experiencing some of them myself made them real and tangible."
She sniffs and shakes her head.
"Maybe that's what I need to find in the past."
"Or maybe it was the magic of the kiss."
"Maybe it was all of it. Everything that happened back then."
"Maybe. Where do we go from here?"
"Forwards sounds good."
And they lived happily ever afters.
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romerona · 1 year
War Of Hearts
⤑ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ’ᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʙᴜᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ. ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ
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Selene Maltheon never thought of herself to be a puppet, she thought she'll live her life free and happy, there was no denying that she was a big dreamer and hopelessly naive. Selene thought she'll grow up to live one of those happily ever after lives like the ones from the books she reads so much... however, the inevitable happened, she grew up and came to the realization she was yet just another pawn in the big game.
Jacaerys Velaryon x Oc // Aemond Targaryen x Oc.
A/N: A bit of an AU. Rhaenyra and her sons are still in Kingslanding but they (The greens and The blacks) still hate each other.
1 - 2 -
Rhaenyra Targaryen was a gentle soul, she is a kind and patient woman who genuinely cares for her family. She is a charismatic and confident person, a natural leader. — It is beyond Jacaerys why there was so much opposition to her becoming the queen of the Seven Kingdoms because surely all, if not most, of Rhaenyra's aspects it's what a good ruler must have, is it not?— But before all, Rhaenyra is his mother and she could be terrifying when she wanted to be.
"Mother?" Jacaerys watches as his mother enters his chambers with no mind, she looks at Jacaery with her pricing violet eyes, eyes he once wished he had inherited. "Is there something wrong?"
"Not wrong per se, I was told you've been interested in courting a lady in court? Lady Selene Maltheon?"
Jace wanted to say he was surprised his mother knew about his undying infatuation with Selene but he wasn’t. He looks away from Rhaenerya's eyes. "Perhaps I am..."
"Jace, you need to remember your position not only in your family but in court as well, and what your obligations are. You are a prince, and that demands your attention at all times. There's no room for mistakes, and you must be mindful of that. The Maltheons are an important family, yes, but my advisors tell me Lord Alexios supports the opposition. We mustn't trust them." Her voice becomes severe but soft "Now, was there anything that happened with Lady Selene? I want the truth."
Jacaerys pursed his lips glancing at his mother, he understands that Rhaenyra was wary of the Maltheons, but he didn't know Lord Alexios took part in those hushed rumours flying around about lords wanting to usurp his mother's throne when the time came. "Nothing more than a chat mother, Selene, she was- we simply discuss how she would like to become a healer if her being a woman wouldn't be a problem." Jacaerys couldn't help but defend the lady that has his heart trapped. "But mother you must know she is not like her family, Selene, she is brilliant and kind, Selene cares for you as Queen, she told me herself, she thinks-"
Rhaenyra sighs interrupting Jace's ramble, still maintaining her serious and stern demeanour. "Your position, Jace, requires you to make sacrifices, as tough as that is. We've always known that you are caring, my boy, and that's a strength in its own right. But you can't let it affect your duties or your judgement. You are my son, but you're also a prince of the Seven Kingdoms and future hire to the iron throne. And it's your duty to put your position above your own needs." She pauses, her eyes softening as she speaks "I understand you are infatuated with the girl, Jace, but you must understand her part in all of this as well as yours."
Jace purses his lips and nods, he knows duty triumphs over love, unfortunately. He smiles at his mother, however, his smile didn’t reach his eyes "Mother… but, Selene-"
"Lady Selene is still her father's daughter. I know someone in a similar situation, we must not trust them."
"She's being oppressed by her father," Jacaerysn mumbles defending Selene against his mother's unfair judgment.
"Jacaerys, we must not be trusting around the Maltheons, " Rhaenyra's voice turns severe once again as her violet eyes cut through any argument he might have had against her. "And now that Lord Alexios is the new hand of the king we must be more wary than ever. Do you understand?"
Jacaeys knew there was no claim on his part to make Rhaenyra see Selene as anything other than a Maltheon. "I’ll... be more careful in the future, mother."
Rhaenyra's face softens, she smiles softly at Jace and puts a hand on his shoulder "I know you will be, Jace. You're going to be a great king one day, and you'll do the kingdom very well, I'm certain of it. But as your mother, I must say that you shouldn't go chasing after every lady you see, not when it gets in the way of your duties." She pauses for a moment, looking at him, "All right?"
"...Of course, Mother." But Selene wasn’t just any lady. Jace fancies Selene to the point where he doubts any other woman could take his attention the way Selene does, and they had only held a single conversation but that was enough for him, still, he can’t tell his mother that, not after all she told him, so, he simply agrees with her because what else is there to do?
Rhaenyra nods satisfied by Jacaers answer "I won't hold it against you, Jace. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't the same in my younger years." She pauses before continuing "But I can't give you the chance for it to happen with that girl. You know how important your position is." She sighs, her expression softening once more "Do you at least understand where I'm coming from?"
"My duty as the prince is important and we shouldn't associate with those who are traitors to the crown." Jacaerys performs for his mother. "I understand."
Rhaenyra's face contours into a fond smile as she pulls him in for a hug and whispering into his brown locks “Thank you, Jace. I understand that sometimes duty and obligations are difficult to deal with, but they're necessary." She pulls back, and for just a moment the formality leaves, and it's his mother speaking. She smiles sincerely at him "Be careful, Jace. And come find me if you ever need anything."
With one last nod of his head, Jace watches his mother leave his room.
Later on the day, Jace tried to keep his mind and attention focused on the Maester and his voice, the same old words he just can't seem to understand, but no matter what he did the thought of Selene and his mother's words plagued his thoughts.
"Se Blakuata Rasho.... What goes after that, my prince?"
Jace glanced up at the Maester, he frowns in thought, 'I know this' Jace pursed his lips before answering "dranot..." Jace sighs, head falling down in irritation with himself.
"Dranot vilinio viartis, your Highness" The Maester stresses, Jacaerys was sure the old professor was just as irritated with him as he was. "Repeated, please. From the begging."
Jacaerys sighs tiredly but does as told but even then, as he recited the venerable Valyrian words, his mind was somewhere else, somewhere familiar. Selene's face, her voice, the way she looked and smiled. Every time Jace would begin to focus on the Maester's monotonous voice, his mind would wander to her. He knew that his feelings for her were forbidden… his mother made it clear as the sky on a summer day, that he should be distrustful of the Maltheons, all of them. Lord Alexios is working alongside people who have been planning to take the throne from his mother. And if what Selene told Jace about that man is that he would rather drink water from Blackwater Bay than have Rhaenyra, a woman, as Queen. He should listen to his mother, Jacaerys should keep his distance from the Maltheons, from Selene... but he also knows she is not like that. Selene said it herself, she believes his mother would be a brilliant Queen so he shouldn't judge a daughter for her father's actions.
Jacaerys has a decision to make; would he try and stop himself from chasing after her for the sake of duty and for the sake of his family, or would he give in to his desires?
Part 3?????
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lunar-rcp · 2 months
Shipping thingy, go ig? (Also kinda ranting about my ships)
(Romantic and idk of sexual can be applied here (points to my aspec headcanons)
Now I may or may not be the one behind the term "poliamroy", now known to show Poli, Roy and Amber in a polyamorous relationshio, but I just adore these gals.
Although I do like Polroy, whatever ship name will Mark × Bucky have, and Sandber, although Sanber is so far the only one not canon in most of my AUs so far (maybe in (In)Security? And yes, that parenthesis is important)
My crack ships, however, are Carry/Keaton, Truck X/C4L4M17Y (aka a psychopatic and monstrous vehicle...thing...she'll be seen soon on WTPB/P.O.L.I.), and Poli/Amnesia (WTPB/P.O.L.I. is not the only AU of mine that have that ship...shhhh)
For kiddos (mostly Daily Life, but I'm comin' to get the ones shown in the main show like Annie and Jessie...I'm coming to yeet angst and lore at Mach 88 at those who I find >:) /j) I got something going on for the Modfall versions. But so far, the only thing I can tell you is Jenny/Mary because it's both obvious in my designs of them and any interaction I'll show about the AU. Don't worry, none of the ships are sexual, just crushes that can work it out, and the Modfall kids are also teens.
Now don't get me started on this one, especially for Helly. Bro will get all the bitches because of his personality but instead of starting a harem, he just starts a breakfast club that may or may not be plotting the end of the world. /hj
Mostly, it's just gotta be Jin&that gas station girl (using the & and / system of AO3 identifying ships, &=familial/platonic and /=romantic/sexual), the rest of the Rescue Teams unmentioned, also Helly & anyone from outside of RCP, most of the Daily Life kids, and I haven't got into this part well yet.
Oh boy, this is where the lore fuck-ups happen. Depending on AU, it varies A FUCKING LOT, but what is consistent are 1) Helly treating the older RTs as his parents, 2) Poli getting uncle status on any young RT member, 3) and Roy always vibing with any Jin AU's mother.
For WTPB/P.O.L.I., there are a lot of adoptions, and even there will be a future plot point surrounding it. This one is highly confidential, but as I can say here...Jin knows Poli more than Poli knows himself, Helly still have connections to someone in the military he calls bro, and Roy is adopted by a WW2 veteran when he was a juvenile.
For (In)Security, Amber is Helly's foster mother, Helly's bro is...dead, Poli/Price's parents are fucking homophobic cray-cray, and Roy/Rhode got a bad relationship with his father. Jin has a similar role to Tessa, but her parent is still Steve Harrison (also WTPB!Jin's dad).
As for Modfall...shh......
And for that new AU, "Poli"/Mr. Robinson is Harley/Helly's godfather.
That is all...Dave away from this bullshit!
*screams in ace*
woah, thats a LOT of relationship hcs you have there!
youre so creative!! to think you can make so many relationships and write so much amazes me, love your aus! they're great
rooting for your aus honestly!!
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luminnara · 1 month
Lumi’s 6k follower rec list!
I’ve been reading a wide and weird variety lately! I really mostly read fics on AO3 so almost all of these are links there 😅 thank y’all so much for following me, and as always, if you read (or write!) any fics from fandoms I’m in that you think I’d like, send em my way!
Ex Nihilo - Marweli
No House, no wealth, no future.
As the only daughter of a renegade house, you never expected to be able to leave the hidden planet your ancestors sought refuge on. That is until an unlikely alliance proposed by House Harkonnen has the potential to change your life forever. But nothing comes without a price.
Feyd-Rautha is a terrifying man. You should hate him, and part of you does. And yet there is the undeniable pull of desire and his terrible potential that holds the key to both of your futures.
Thrown To The Wolves - @sansaorgana
After receiving the news from the Emperor about moving to Arrakis, Duke Leto suspects the upcoming war with the Harkonnens. His daughter's marriage with the Baron's heir is supposed to create an alliance and ensure his family's safety. Previously sheltered and protected Princess Atreides must now face the harsh reality on her own.
Reconnecting With Nature - the_littlest_raindrop
A few months after saving the day, you decide it’s high time to pay your lover a visit, to see if your hearts still beat as one.
Demon Slayer
Secrets from the Sound Hashira - Obscure_proxy
Being married to the Sound Hashira was exciting, flamboyant, and adventurous. However, trying to keep secrets in a full house with a husband who can hear through walls turns out to be quite difficult. Resulting in a lot of miscommunication, but lots of steamy sessions. A story in which the reader finds themselves pregnant, trying to navigate the best way to tell their husband Uzui Tengen, and failing miserably.
The Pizza Delivery Girl’s Guide To Gotham City - Morveren
People who lived outside of Gotham City would most often think of it in terms of its heroes and villains. About Batman and Robin, Joker and Harley Quinn.
People who actually live in Gotham City would only think of one thing: surviving.
Who cares about the people in costumes when your house has been bombed for the fifth time, or your wife has been taken hostage just because she worked in a bank?
Or, in your case, when you have to make regular deliveries to places where even Batman feared to tread?
Because let's face it. In a world full of superheroes and costumed villains, the real heroes are the ones who make sure that people get their pizzas in forty-five minutes or less.
Interim - starkraving
She has no throne. Girls without thrones should not have knights, but hers won’t go. Princess Zelda – the girl who killed Calamity – would love to fade into legend, but Link’s bought a house, he’s fighting off monsters, and he’s selling giant horses to strangely familiar Gerudo men. She'll never have any peace now.
Mass Effect
Bloodlines - AceQueenKing
In the aftermath of the Reaper war, Garrus Vakarian's father struggles with some new additions to the Vakarian family.
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archivalofsins · 11 months
I've been thinking about the fact that we clearly see the other Mikoto snapping at the end of MeMe and going wow, that's similar to how Yuno comes in at the beginning of Tear Drop.
So let's talk about the dissociation gang~
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Yuno, Kazui, Amane, and Mikoto, being the dissociation gang, has gone overlooked and underappreciated.
I feel like this is especially true when it comes to Yuno. Because at least in Kazui's and Amane's cases, they are both shown viewing their songs. Amane is shown watching hers on a tv at the end of Magic, and Kazui is displayed as being a part of the audience in Half. Perfectly illustrating that they are both observers and participants while making it clear that they have some dissociative tendencies.
However, Yuno's dissociative behavior is far more subtle, for example-
Mahiru: Can I arrange your hair too, Yuno?
Yuno: Of course!
Mahiru: Ta-da!
Yuno: This- is me?! Wow!
Amane: She's lost sight of herself!
The similarities between her and Mikoto have gone under the radar too.
Q.12  Tell us your hobby.
Haruka: I like talking with the other prisoners.
Yuno: Going out shopping with my friends, I guess? Also I’m part of the theatre club, so occasionally practice.
Theater you say?
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Kazui isn't the only person who's gone up on stage now, huh.
Despite saying that her hobby is shopping with her friends, she can't remember the most expensive thing she's ever bought for herself. This could be because she buys a lot of things and she just doesn't remember the prices off the top of her head. However, she also asserts that it was more than likely a plush toy.
We only see Yuno with two plush toys, the rabbit she gets as a gift, and the crab with the hat we see in her room, which is probably the more expensive of the two.
Q.20 What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought for yourself?
Haruka: Cotton candy.
Yuno: I can’t really remember. Maybe a plush toy?
Shopping is also one of Mikoto's hobbies.
Q.07 What are your hobbies?
Mikoto: shopping / darts / photography / cycling
Q.24  What’s your dream for the future?
Haruka: I want to live normally.
Yuno: It’d be nice if I can find a job I can really lose myself in.
Q.14 Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?
Mikoto: It’d be nice if I could build up my own self-sustaining design business. That’d be pretty liberating.
They both exercise when bored or stressed.
Q.14 What do you do when you’re bored?
Haruka: Just sleep.
Yuno: Sit ups.
Q.02 Have you ever played baseball?
Mikoto: I was really big on it when I was in high school. Though I wasn’t particularly good at it or anything. Even now, if I’m feeling pent up from work, I still sometimes practice swinging.
For as much as Yuno gets on Mikoto's case for being too conscious of others, she picks out what she'll wear depending on the person she'll be with.
Q.28 How do you decide what clothes to wear for the day?
Haruka: I wear what’s there.
Yuno: I pick something to match with the person I’ll be with.
Like how he picks out his clothing with his job in mind.
Q.04 Are you picky when it comes to fashion?
Mikoto: Of course I am. Nobody would want to ask for anything from an unfashionable designer, right?
Also, they have both become more standoffish and reserved in response to their verdict. Unlike the other two who are viewing their circumstances from different angles, Mikoto and Yuno have multiple versions of themselves within their music videos. Sometimes, having these other versions speak on or display the events in their stead.
In Yuno's case, we specifically see the other versions of her not only representing her clientele but herself as well. These versions of her are cycled through as she speaks on her verdict in Tear Drop. Escalating with the Yuno most prominently shown in Tear Drop being visibly upset and disgusted before the one in a school uniform cuts in.
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"So nauseating...so creepy...will you please disappear? "Phew. Anyway!"."
They're shown to be comfortimg Yuno as well.
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Q.23 Is there anything you’d like to have sent to you there?
Haruka: Not particularly.
Yuno: A blanket!
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"Why are you here? You annoy me a little. I can't smile well anymore. It's because of you."
Q.10 If you could turn back time, would you commit the same “murder”?
Haruka: I don’t know. If I was in Milgram, I probably wouldn’t.
Yuno: It’d be nice if I made it so I didn’t have to.
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"I can't smile well anymore." - "Please smile."
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stillcarmine · 6 months
the side missing from the circle (pt 2)
pt 1
Leo gets the whole fortune cookie thing a little more now.
Sitting on the porch of Cabin Nine, he has a good view of the Nemesis cabin and the broken wheel hanging over the door.
The circle that shouldn’t roll, the shape of that answer, a piece cut from the whole.
He prods lightly at his bruises, wonders if it’s worth taking the nectar Will had offered him when his discussion with Percy and Apollo had wrapped up. He might need it more later on, because apparently he’s got more danger in his future.
Enemies with weak spots that might not be so easy to find.
"Lemme let you in on a secret: on my quest, your mother appeared to me and chose me as her champion, and I can tell you exactly what she is like," Leo had quietly told Damien.
The price of being championed by the gods is one Leo wouldn't wish on most, and he doesn't wish it on Damien. But heroes like him, the ones that want action, that thirst for a chance to prove themselves never really get what it is until they're drowning in their opportunities for so called glory.
Leo won't pretend like he had any altruistic motives, but there is something grimly satisfying in making another half-blood less eager to throw themself into danger for rewards that won't be what they hoped.
"Consider this repayment, so you know what to expect. Maybe one day you'll make her proud and she'll appear to you too. And when you finally look at her face, you know what will actually be there?" Leo had asked him. "The face of the person you hate most in the world."
Granted, Leo doesn't actually know if this is the case for Nemesis's own children, but given that Piper isn't immune to Aphrodite's shifting appearance, he thinks he's right.
It's probably the lowest blow he could have taken, because Leo knows how fucked up the gods can leave their children. Leo’s living- sort of- proof of that. If Damien only showed up after the quest group left, that means that he wasn't claimed for years when he should have been. Leo took a calculated risk that he'd never met his mother.
Nemesis chose Leo as her champion for a reason, and it's not because he's the forgiving type.
Not for the things that matter.
"Feel free to ask, if you want to know more," is the last thing he'd whispered.
And like with everything in his life, he'd done it with a smile on his face.
It was selfish, but even without the goddess's aura of vengeance, Leo had still wanted to make the score even.
"You know," a voice says above him, and he glances up to see Percy leaning against the side of the porch. "As someone who the rest of the campers have fled from more than once, I gotta say, that was probably the most efficient mass exodus I've ever seen."
A mostly ironic smile pulls at Leo's face, and he says, "Thanks."
Percy looks at him then, more seriously and says, "I'm not really one for gossip-"
He stops when Leo lifts an eyebrow and tilts his head so it looks even higher, because there were only so many people keeping the gossip mill on the Argo going, and Percy was definitely one of them.
"At the best of times, I'm not," Percy amends, and Leo lets it slide. "And after everything, I want to leave this camp knowing this is the best of its times, so… whatever is going on, is it going to lead to problems?"
"None that weren't already here," Leo says, looking down at his hands.
Percy sighs, sounding more worn out than upset. "That is a millennia's worth of problems by itself."
"Yeah," Leo agrees.
"You're not going to stay, though, are you?" Percy says, not asks.
"You already know I can't," Leo says. "Sorry you've only ever known me as a hit and run."
"You're not a hit and run, man," Percy says. "You're just saying that because you're feeling sorry for yourself."
"Well, no one else is," Leo points out, miming a boxer's stance, pulling a couple of quick jabs at the air.
"Yeah," Percy says, and doesn't defend it because there's not much to say. "Yeah, that was messed up."
Leo's answering smile is still mostly ironic.
Percy straightens up from the porch railing. "You're not a hit and run, Leo," he repeats. "So, you don't have to act like one."
"Bleh bleh bleh," Leo mimics half-heartedly.
Percy rolls his eyes but he's smiling. "I don't know you as well as some of the others, but I do know you aren't the kind of person to leave things unfinished."
Leo looks back to the broken wheel, the circle that will never be complete. True success requires sacrifice. You can't get something without giving up something else. Nothing lasts forever, even the best of things.
He doesn't regret what he did, but maybe it isn't complete yet.
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cornus27florida · 1 year
I am curious about your theory about the Clam, the price for informations if you have green eyes, I don't remember rezdibg about it before and it's fascinating!😯🤔 Can you tell more about it please? 😀
Thanks Saemi for reaching out there, Saemi!
TBH kinda easier to search from the 'electric' icon on Tumblr, that theory is part of my answer for 'favorite CPC theory'
For now I am not really feel the theory gonna be true as I feel I am actually overthinking/analyzing the theory.. but in short (before I forwarded the theory as a whole) - the theory elements are simply 'Frederick is the iconic green eyed CPC character, might need to ask the Omniscient Clam for resolving things' -> 'Leelathea, the only confirmed so far of the Clam asker has green spectrum eyes (even thou dark)' = It's coincides that the panel about the Clam has green eyes?
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^ this panel of Ep 127 make me theorizing of the possibility that the Omniscient Clam is actually a cursed artifact, that in exchange for the knowledge it bestow after being asked - it will suck out the life force of the asker - which seems the limitation of the asker is being green eyed person (also notice that the color shade is similar with Frederick's). I feel this sinister info of the Clam is hidden in the remaining part of Lilyth's diary that Aurelia hasn't read, and as Lilyth is the only confirmed person that asking the clam-having green grey eyes-and passed away due to some mysterious cause.. I feel her death and being the asker of the Clam is deeply related, and the Clam is ready for it's next victim - Frederick - with the color that it loves for. + Also in long run, I feel the fact of Frederick 'nearly' asked the cursed artifact when he join the CPC in the future - it kinda neat for him disagree that he not deserving to joins the CPC but then the members will say something along the line : Even though you technically not cursed, but you nearly cursed by using that cursed artifact ! ~ which another theory/HC, the Clam could help the CPC members to find answers/cures for their curses
🎸Favorite fan theory: -> it never left my head, so I make it
Frederick will attempting to sacrifice himself to asking the Omniscient Clam (that actually a cursed artifact) about how to awakes Gwen -> but the very same moment he gonna do it, Gwen will awakes by herself and stop him + Lilyth's soul is trapped in the item that Leland stole and later on she will protects her children from the Plaid troop army
Remember the early arc when Frederick is a selfish person?
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I theorized that in this final season we have ultimate chara Frederick's development from used to being selfish thinking "I can't give you anything you need" to being selfless at the final season with "I will offer my whole life to save you" -> as he'll ask the Clam (forced by Leland, that thinks finally his 'worthless' son now has value to becomes a sacrificial lamb), knowingly it will suck his life force like Lilyth - as he becomes self-less (doing so to saves Gwen so she'll awakes, and protecting people around her espc CPC that been exposed by Plaid troop) and thought that he better not exist in Gwen's life
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-> like the panel in episode 145, Frederick thought could likely be "I am the worst, so if I am leaving Gwen's life in order to saves her and people that she cares about (CPC+Pastel folks) then it will be okay to accept this devil bargain" - never thinks that he also integral part of Gwen's life and shouldn't be gone
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P.S: rereading, I realized that Leelathae's eyes more of grey instead green - and the necessary element which is the Omniscient Clam (that supposed to be brought on by the Pastel King, Jack) not in the story aspect yet which make me discourage this theory more. In the present, I am still stickig with Frederick's ultimate character development from used to be selfish to become selfless in this final episode - but how he do it still a big mystery that we'll let LambCat take how it goes (although from AIPT interview it likely related like this)
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10 Ways Damian asks Maps out!
It's been a while since I posted anything other than updates about my DamiMaps fics, so here you guys go! Ten ways I think Damian would ask Maps out (accidental or not). Considering it's about time our grumpy boy decided it's time to make a move on his little future wife I mean long-time friend.
1. Gift Giving
We all know Damian isn't one to communicate his true feelings for someone. So he gives gifts to express himself without being too sentimental. And the price is no concern for him, (especially since he's absolutely loaded). The more extravagant the gift, the more prominent the feeling is.
Maps: Damian...?
Damian: Yes
Maps: We'd you buy me a car.
Damian: Because I want you to be mine.
Maps: BUT A CAR!!
2. Sending A Letter
The most formal way of communicating one's feelings is through a letter. It not only screams romantic but it's an old fashion way of confessing. Only if done correctly.
Olive: Hey Maps you've got mail.
Maps: Who's it from?
Olive: It's Money Bags.
Maps, open up the letter: ...
Olive: What? What does it say?
Maps: It just says... you're pretty.
3. Taking A Stroll
Imagine, Maps and Damian walking hand in hand, taking a stroll down a stream or in a park. Maps rambling about a new map or a mystery the gang was investigating. And Damian not hearing a single word because he was much too enthralled with how pretty she looked under the twilight next to him. She turns to him smiling and he just blurts out his feelings.
Maps, rambling: It's so cool, don't you think so too Damian?
Damian, not listening: Yes, I think you being my girlfriend would be perfect.
Maps: What!?
Damian: Huh?
4. As Robin
Damian has a hard time differentiating himself from robin and at times when he's stressed or overwhelmed he lets his genuine emotions slip out from the cracks of the mask.
Damian!Robin: Are you crazy you could have gotten killed! Do you have any idea what I'd do if you got hurt? I
Maps: What's it to you huh, why do you even care?
Damian!Robin: Because I love you too much not to!
Maps: ...
Damian!Robin: ...
5. Third-Party Request
Damian asking one of his brothers for help in finding out whether or not the Mizoguchi girl has a boyfriend or not may or may not be the smartest decision he's ever made...
Damian: Drake I need your assistance.
Tim: What is it?
Damian: I need you to ask Mizgouchi if she has a mate.
Tim: Why can't you ask her yourself?
Damian: Then she'll think that I like her.
Tim: Don't you?
Damian: -tt- can you do it or not?
Tim, shrugs his shoulders: Sure, hey Maps Damian wants to know if you have a boyfriend.
Damian, blushing: DRAKE!!
6. Pretend Dating
Damian didn't plan for things to turn out like this... honest.
Damian, barging into Maps' dorm room: I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a week.
Maps: The fan girls again?
Damian, hissing: The fan girls.
Maps: Alright, but you owe me a real date after.
Damian: Fine deal, now come- wait what!?
7. Being Over Protective
Damian is the green-eyed monster that we all love! But he can go a bit overboard when it comes to people he really likes. He can't help it really. Especially when his spot for potential boyfriend is threatened by some lowlife.
Random Boy: I like you, Maps!
Maps: Oh I don't-
Damian, appearing out of nowhere glaring: Well, I suggest you find someone else to pursue because she belongs to me. Now leave before I cut off those french fry fingers of yours.
Random Boy: *Bolts*
Maps, rolls her eyes: Real smooth, Romeo.
8. Arguing
Every couple argues it's normal. Heck, it may even lead to better things down the road... who know.
Damian: Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date? We were supposed to meet at Gotham Zoo to investigate the recent disappearance of the sea lions.
Maps: First of all I didn't go on a date, and second I meant to call you but my phone died.
Damian: Don't lie, I saw you hanging out with that Eric guy the other day. Where'd you two go that was so important you were late?
Maps: He needed help with his homework it's no biggy.
Damian: -tt- it is a biggy.
Maps: Why is it such a big deal? I'm here, aren't I?
Damian: Because I wanted to be with you, don't you understand?
Maps: Do you mean like, hanging out or dating?
Damian:... let's just go.
Maps: Hey, no, answer my question, Damian Wayne!
9. Pizza Date
Damian knew Maps' favorite food was pizza, what better way to confess that than by ordering pizza and spelling out 'be my girlfriend in all pepperoni? He could have gone with her second favorite which was spring rolls. But he didn't know where to buy spring rolls.
Maps: Wow! You got an extra large pizza.
Damian: I owed you for that thing last week.
Maps: You spoil me, you know that... um, I think they gave us the wrong order?
Damian, sweating: W-why do you think that?
Maps: Because it says will you be my girlfriend, Karen.
Damian: Those fools, how could they have misspelled your name this badly. I gave them specific orders not to.
10. Scavenger Hunt
Damian knows Maps can't pass up a good mystery, so when he invites her on a scavenger hunt, she jumps at the opportunity with no hesitation. In this one-word scavenger hunt, there are puzzles, clues, and riddles for her to solve. That'll spell out 'will you be mine?' and lead her to Damian standing in the middle of a field with a flower and a coupon for her favorite restaurant Batburger.
Damian, standing nervously: I know this is sudden and all but I-
Maps, jumping into his arms: Yes! Thousand times yes!
Damian: I suppose I had nothing to worry about.
And the two embraced and lived happily ever after!
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hopeandharmonizing · 11 months
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( blows kisses @etruatcaelum )
♫ ♬ Rumors heard from a little black bird the edges of a prophecy the pieces I have learned said: the daughter of the reaper has been searching for the keeper and I fear she'll let me burn
Locked tight up in the tower on top of the domain of humanity the godhood that I've earned When you're holding on to majesty you'd fear the hunt, a travesty that balance may return
Fear confined to the depths of my mind for what could be such a threat to me the conqueror of time Yet the whispers of a reckoning have kept the spirits beckoning to look upon my crime
Blood and war when the world is no more She's been watching for a century with hatred, and with scorn If you know the hunter's coming then you hide or keep on running 'cause she's slain the gods before
Don't let her see your power in the daylight Don't let her see it when you bring the storm To the master of the eldritch she's a growing bed of thorns Dark cults, leaders of the night tell the tales of a fright from a ghost of the future days A holy crusade on the gods decayed to end all violent ways Lost kings fallen in the mist made their names on a list and the hunt was carried through A price for the past when your name is last and the hunter comes for you
Dreams of a being from the watcher unseen now he warned me she'll come to take his due "The godhunter waits for you"
When you're sinful to the bone unholy and you've claimed yourself a throne like me Wield power of your own making Godhunter's gonna hunt you down
If you're something more than flesh ascended and you've taken on the rest to end it then she'll find you in a dream tormented Godhunter's gonna hunt you down ♫ ♬
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dcviated · 1 year
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disney villain hc asks :: open
@sakuradreamerz sent: LADY TREMAINE, GASTON- Diluc CRUELLE DE VIL, MOTHER GOTHEL- Tharja
LADY TREMAINE - What does it mean to their muse to carry on their legacy?
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It's hard to tell sometimes. What Diluc decides to carry forward from what Crepus left him is intriguing. On the one hand he holds onto the art and collections, on the other he sold their mansion (presumably living in the one that was built in the winery instead?). The delusion that was left behind ended up destroyed. And the coat that was passed to him was modified to be something of war and trepidation for the Fatui than regality.
I think more important to him than the Ragnvindr legacy (not to say it's unimportant) is the continued future of Mondstadt at large. There can hardly be one without the other. His father died doing something to protect their home country, and he's done quite a bit to do the same, hasn't he? When you think about it this is just another goddamn Batman parallel what an idiot.
GASTON - What does your muse love most about themselves?
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It would likely be his intellect. He has a tendency to be full of himself and the things he knows. Wise and mature beyond his years and yet plenty of faults to the visage of the uncrowned king. Not to say that he isn't intelligent but damn if he couldn't serve to have some more humility when faced with confrontation. Or Kaeya. Same difference.
CRUELLA DE VIL - What is your muse’s fashion style?
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Loose, free flowing, elegant- and definitely an unintentional sensuality suggested. However, I'm in the party of personal retcon that while her attire can emphasize her assets, she's not wearing a sheer body stocking over a bikini. But the texture, ease of movement, and sleek profile is still preferable under the cloak.
Tharja grew up in a desert country, it serves that she's used to dressing light to avoid over heating. If she were to go back into Ferox she'd suffer quite a deal. And wear a huge bundled coat. Sure, it hampers her magic, but it's better than freezing.
MOTHER GOTHEL - Would your muse want to live forever? Why or why not?
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This is something she may have considered in the doomed timeline, given all the other mad dark magics she ended up divulging herself into in efforts to save her daughter (and almost accomplishing quite the opposite in the process oops!!). Given her aversion to losing herself in the first place and putting family at risk it's safe to assume there's no moral limit to worry about or price to her sanity.
In the victory timeline in which the Shepherds are victorious, however... most likely not. She'll hand wave it off as growing bored of living at some point once she's learned all she can be bothered to know. The crux of the issue however comes down to watching so many others die around her. A sinking thought that harrows the dark mage.
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feminurge · 3 months
BEFORE INTERACTION. please take into account that i do not write in acts, meaning a thread or a plot cant take place at any time during ishtar's life. which is to say i can write her to be eight like i can write her to be fifty. it all depends on what i want to explore and the easiest way our characters can connect.
CONTROL + F : (available universes)
MODERN : modern universe / crime : the strangers / villain arc / yellowjackets and the wilds / celebrity / dead by daylight / supernatural / the last of us / the boys / the raven cycle / percy jackson
FANTASY : baldur's gate / the witcher / a court of thorns and roses / the cruel prince / droyi coire / grishaverse / god of war / house of the dragon & a song of ice and fire
BALDUR'S GATE III. [i am my own devastating god]
istar of eryri as dark urge. read more here.
THE WITCHER 3 : WILD HUNT. [last sun. i explode]
ishtar is a sorceress with a difficult past, involving magic-hating nuns, prophetic dreams, elves, and a dragon egg. however the general public of the continent doesn't really start hearing from her at that time : she is barely more than a kid with big dreams, big eyes, and the weight of a curse on her back. it is later, after the dragon egg has hatched in the manmade wildfire that wiped out her forest and her elven tribe that ishtar makes herself known. they call her dhufeainnewedd. the child of the black sun : the one that niya promised. daughter of lilit & maker of nightmares, the harbinger of death. the deadly rampage she goes on inscribes her name in the big tapestry of the world. even after she settles down, wishing to be nothing more than a sorceress with strange dreams & even stranger habits, people come to find her. yes, they fear her, but they also know her to be intelligent. and so a business is created : they take magical and cursed objects to her, and she "fixes" them. her price? a story, a memory, a future favor. find her cottage near the forest & near the sea, in a swamp where nothing is what it seems.
A COURT OF THORNS & ROSES, THE CRUEL PRINCE. [ an echo of inflicted evil ]
same past as her [last sun i explode] universe, only in this one she ended the world the day they destroyed her forest. with nowhere else to go she flew to another ; found a place in a haunted forest that would house her. she is a ghost who bears the testimony of a world long gone. she is a monster with the blood of millions on her hands. she is a legend, nothing more than a story. and yet she remembers... she remembers being a child, a girl, a woman.
MAIN MODERN UNIVERSE. [ yeet your haw ]
she is the weird kid who arrived into town not speaking a word, clothed like a mormon. they say she used to live in a church but they kicked her out because she was the devil. they say she was born in a corn-field but after her birth it all started to rot. they say she's stupid, but she has a good right hook, so after a while they stop talking, too afraid that she'll start defending herself. you see walk around with a cowboy hat, cowboy boots and a gecko on her shoulder. she calls him khairos and you don't think you've ever seen her love anyone as much as she loves him. whatever. you keep watching her, though. you like the way she talks, it brings you back to your dad's cowboy movies. you like the way she looks, too.
puberty does a good job with her : she comes out to the other side looking all dolled up and pretty. her weird is now a good weird, a sexy weird. she's your perfect manic pixie dream girl and you want her to stay. she does, for a while. never long enough, though. she's the retreating figure in your life, a foot outside the door. she loves you but then doesn't. it's weird. you pay it no mind. you see her kiss your friends and steal their jewelry. it's okay : that's ishtar. ishtar lying her way to the top. ishtar lying her way into your heart. ishtar telling the truth just to hurt you, ishtar only using lies when it doesn't matter. you're both eighteen now : you barely see her anymore. she's always in that goddamn house of hers. you haven't see her dad in a while. you haven't seen her with macy or rosie either. it's like her world imploded. ishtar is a bunch of pieces that you can't quite hold. she's erasing herself from the narrative. the day she's gone, you hear that her dad died. no one was at the funeral. you hear that rosie woke up from her coma and accused her of being a lying manipulating bitch. you hear jj's in rehab. you hear she's gone.
she still exists, though. you meet her two years later, at a concert of all places. she's dancing with people that look a little like her, with the same smile and those goddamn dimples she likes to flash the moment she wants something. family, you think. they act weird though. like actors that don't know their lines and their partner's lines. she kisses you on the mouth and tells you how much she missed you, but she doesn't remember your name and when you look back at where she was, standing with them, the group is gone. you hear later that she found her way to the artists' party. you're not surprised : ishtar gets what ishtar wants.
you see her again years later. you've heard of her, especially since she arrived mid-semester in your uni. she's in astrophysics but she often shows up in classes that she has no business being in. you've seen her drinking tomato soup at 8am in a sociology class. replied to a bunch of questions you didn't know the answer to, and then left. you never saw her in that class again. you've heard she's been an elf at the market for christmas. people say she's an uber driver, a mailwoman. some dudes say she's even a sex worker, say she's a dominatrix, but honestly no goddamn student has the means to pay her, so you don't know for sure. you wouldn't be surprised, though. the girl has no apartment, sleeps in people's dorms, in her car, on your couch. she is a cryptid, even now. khairos still on her shoulder. familiar cowboy boots at her feet.
at some point, you lose sight of her. it's not because you're not keeping track, it's because she has stopped running. she lives with that dude now, the big tall dude who looks at you like you're a mediocre excuse for a person. he's brooding and somber and you don't really know why ishtar is flashing him the sunniest smile you've ever seen. it's the last of her you hear about for a while, because the story gets boring. until years later when you hear of the wedding, and the kid, and the dogs. it's surprising, because ishtar has always been the running type. maybe she's finally found what she was looking for. maybe she's never been looking for anything but home.
follows the events of [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ] universe, only ishtar left home to find whatever she had been dreaming about for months. the road led to a forest, where an old man showed her the ropes of dreaming. dreaming life into existence, dreaming events that have yet to happen. she is a prophet & a maker of curses. she will dream your life & end your death. she will make you a hero of an adventure that only she knows the tale of. she is a girl inside of a magical forest ... and she holds the truth of the future.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON & A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. [ fire cannot kill a dragon ]
follows the same events as her [ last sun i explode ] universe, with the sole different that elves do not exist and were instead a tribe of native people living peacefully. the manmade wildfire triggers the sorceress to the point of annihilation : the loss of her family is enough to send her to the deep end. she is the reason for the doom of valyria. it is her magic that created the cataclysm, and it is her magic that doomed the valyrian freehold. ishtar escaped with khairos.
her new life in the world that comes after is difficult to explain, for she is less of a person and more of a vision. she appears sometimes throughout history, just to be part of the tale that unfolds. she likes to play with fate, if only to make sure that she is still breathing. her dragon is no longer "hers" in the sense that she has had to disconnect herself from him for his own protection. people call him cannibal, for his tendency to feast on his own. a common point they have... ishtar visits him often. when rhaenyra calls for dragon riders, ishtar shows up to reclaim the one who is already hers.
when the targaryen go extinct, ishtar leaves with khairos. she knows what comes next : another war that will see no end. it is toward the north that she travels, if only because she is interested in the magic happenings. it is not her kind of magic, but she is open minded. when the north reveals itself to be the home of an evil almost as old as her... she knows that whoever decides to fight this threat will need her. so she makes herself available. she knows better than to fight her own participation in the unfolding of the story : she is much older now, and has learned her lesson.
GOD OF WAR. [ there's nowhere left to go but down ]
same story as the [ last sun i explode ] only it is not men that destroy her people, it is gods. ishtar is accused of a vile crime against divinity and foresti is charged to see that the trial is fair. of course, the sorceress hasnt committed anything -- but she likes the attention and prefers to say that she is guilty. after a while, she decides to help forseti uncover the truth of her accusation... it connects them, in some way. so when some time later forseti wants for his light elf wife to reconnect the elven people, ishtar trusts him enough to introduce them to artemisia. she trusts him enough to show him her world, and the ones she calls family.
when the grand meeting begins and the dark king (a shape taken by odin) kills unn, forseti loses his mind & decides that his curse will not be solely his to bear. all in that room are killed, all but ishtar who is pushed in a portal of her own making by artemisia. the last of her lover is spent protecting her, and the last of her lover is taken by forseti's hand, even though ishtar had finally started calling him a friend. after that, ishtar is on a path to make sure the end of odin's world will begin, if only because it would mean revenge... and justice. maybe she learned something from forseti after all.
DROYI COIRE. available on request.
GRISHAVERSE. [ straight from the knife's sharp edge ]
the girl is special from birth ; more legend than human, more creature than person. the community that has birthed her does not accept her abilities. dreams of flight, dreams of a dragon bigger than the world. she calls him khairos. she is chased from her village, and finds herself to be protected by a ravkan high officer at the fjerdan border. he has no powers but he recognize the lightning at her fingertips, and the scails grazing her skin. he hides her in plain sight. gives her gloves to hide her magic & makes her work in the palace so that she will be his eyes and ears. soon enough, she becomes a whisperer for the right price, because no one thinks the girl who pours the water will tell on you.
when her adoptive father dies, the girl leaves ravka. she then gains many names, and responds to very few. she creates a story in which she is feared. dhufeainnewedd. they say that she can steal the wind from your lungs, just as she can catch your breath with her lips. she is a mercenary for a while, until sturmhond decides he will have a better use for her powers than mere assassinations. ishtar concedes, accepts his offer, sees no point in refusing him when he promises gold.
CRIME / THE STRANGERS. [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ]
alternative to her [ yeet your haw verse ]. they say the corn field she was born in rotted after her arrival. they say she is the devil. they say she is the reason for the community's sin. they make it clear to her that she is an animal that would need to blood atone for her crimes. she accepts it silently. she smokes behind the church & pretends she will marry whoever they want to sell her to. at age eighteen, she steals her mother's truck & never looks back. a while later, she meets mari. thinks she is love. thinks she is sick. mari thinks herself to be god reincarnated and ishtar has no choice but to play her role of the devil : it takes a game of will you won't you and a dead boyfriend for ishtar to disappear into the wind. when she comes back from the dead, she has a new girlfriend, naomi. another nutcase. she's in love, though. she's so in love that when she strangles naomi, she does it while sobbing. she's so in love that when naomi presses her dollface mask into ishtar's hands, as she is gurgling on her own blood, ishtar presses her forehead against hers & waits for silence. if, months later, she takes up naomi's place & becomes the new dollface, it is only because she is finally ready to be whatever her mamma thought her to be. a man-made horror with a knife in her hand and a grin on her lips. whatever it took to get there was just the beginning.
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. [ the void stares back ]
follows the same events as her [ i'll be your slaughterhouse ] universe, only ishtar never left town. she got fascinated by the disappearances and started investigating. when she fell into whatever void the entity exists in, they both realized she was not meant to be there, nor could she leave. protected by whatever curse she was indeed the owner of, ishtar found that she was not part of the killers or the survivors. she simply was. with the ability to always open the hatch no matter the situation, ishtar wanders between dimensions, hoping to find a way out. sometimes put on the hook, she never dies, and usually heals after a few reiteration of the trials. the survivors come to know her as a mischievous third-party, either friend or foe depending on her general mood.
THE BOYS. [ there be fury on the waves ]
a girl with powers that cannot be explained. a girl turned terrorist. a girl who would rather exterminate human kind that let them steal her life. later, when she meets the love of her life and loses him to protect their child, she thinks nothing will ever hurt as much. she was wrong. when they steal her child, she sees red, she doesn't think anymore. girl turned terrorist turned mercernary. she will do anything to get the information she needs. killer, spy, torturer. she will get her child back, no matter the price.
VILLAIN ARC. [ deserve's got nothing to do with it ]
same story as her [ there be fury on the waves ] only her child wasn't born yet when her boyfriend was killed. ishtar lost a part of her humanity when he died, and she saw no point in being a "better" person. creating her empire of blood & bones, she found a new purpose. to destroy everything that led to his destruction. she will leave no prisoners.
CELEBRITY ARC. [ spoiled and beautiful and easily bored ]
follows the events of her [ yeet your haw ] universe, only at some point during her teenage years, ishtar starts posting on social media (twitter, tiktok). she easily builds an audience, if only because her weird quirky behaviors are difficult to explain or to forget. time passes by and she becomes one of the big names people instinctively know. she gets invited to all the big events. she even sings a few of songs with your favorite popular artists. but she never truly settles in an industry, and doesn't hesitate to stop whatever she is doing to try something else. her weird attitude pays her bills, and that's really all she needs to live her weird, fulfilling life.
THE LAST OF US. [ an eye for an eye, a knife for the ribs ]
she is a teenager when the apocalypse starts. hidden in a house with her native father, she lives peacefully for a few years before fedra gets them. losing her family to the governement's violence, ishtar isn't too inclined to live in a qz, but she finds purpose in making sure the black market lives on. she soon becomes a name that most know. you send your stuff to dhufeainnewedd, she'll get it fixed. she'll even make it better. at some point, she falls in love with a fedra officer and she has a child -- little star. the kid is adorable, and his dad loves them to bits. but the war is the war and when he is called on a suicide mission to kill fireflies, he doesn't exactly have a choice. ishtar wants him to stay, he wants to go, and so the story goes. when news of his death reaches her, she is already packing her stuff.
the rest of her story is about leaving, and surviving. she finds an old mall not too far from where she used to live with her dad. the thing is buried underground due to the bombs, but she manages to clean it pretty easily over the years. she kills the few infected. she pays some fireflies a visit to get the material needed to make a home. people still come to her for repair -- she's the queen of radios and traps. her kid learns to walk in the ruins of an old mall, and ishtar has never been prouder. life goes on - deals are made, people are met, objects are echanged.
SUPERNATURAL. [ silence among the noisy heavens ]
follows the events of the [ yeet your haw ] universe, only during her twenties ishtar starts hearing angels & god. she doesn't know what to do with that information, and tries to gaslight her way out of being a prophet.
PERCY JACKSON. [ the bad daughter, the shaper of death masks ]
ishtar is the child of zeus, adopted by hera out of necessity. hidden in the deep end of a mythological forest, she is more a monster than a child. she is whatever the legends warned you about.
follows the events of the [ yeet your haw ] verse. once on the island/in the forest, ishtar reveals herself to be a rather difficult influence : everywhere she goes, chaos follows. girls fight. she is a mean girl among mean girls ; and worst part is ? she doesn't even try to hide it. she spews lies & truths for the fun of it, trying to distract herself from the fact that her cursed nature might be the reason the plane went down.
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kennedytxllis · 5 years
“You know the price for your future, child. Don’t tell me you came here empty handed.” Kennedy’s little cabin was filled to the brim with stuff. Mainly charms, wind chimes made from bones – it was just how she liked to live, and she liked to make sure no one mistook her for a feeble woman. Her mutt was sleeping on the bed, and she motioned to the chair on the other side of the table. “Did you come for something specific?”
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silverynight · 2 years
Dead End
He's not sure what's going on, but the next thing he knows is that he's back in his room; Nezuko is with him, arms around him like she doesn't want to let him go. The tears haven't stopped; they're quickly sliding from his eyes, one after the other as he remembers what just happened.
"It's so frustrating!" Tanjirou finally sobs. "I'm so weak! I can't–It shouldn't be like this! People shouldn't die in my place... It's my–"
Before he can finish, Nezuko moves away to start making furious gestures at him.
Don't. It's not your fault.
"It is!" Tanjirou blurts out, so angry with himself. "I'm just hiding here, waiting while other people risk their lives for me! Just my presence alone makes this place dangerous for everyone, for you too! Perhaps if..."
If you leave me here to protect me, if you ever leave without me, I will never forgive you!
Of course her words hurt, Tanjirou thinks as his lips quirk into a soft smile. He puts a hand on her sister's cheek, eyes softening as he thinks about the future. He can live with that; Nezuko hating him would be a small price to pay if it means she and everyone here will be safe.
No. She signs desperately. Stop it, please. I know that face.
"The hashira are here!" Kiyo rushes into the room, looking a little bit pale; Tanjirou wonders if she saw... If she had to help with the body while he was there doing nothing...
All of them? Nezuko gestures quickly, like she's impatient to have them in the estate.
"Most of them."
Bring one here. Anyone.
The girl doesn't even question it, doesn't even wonder why Nezuko looks like she's in a rush.
"Everything will be fine, Nezuko," he assures her with a soft smile. "I'll... I'll stay. But don't mention–"
Don't lie to me. She gestures before putting her arms around him, but this time it's like she's trapping him in her embrace.
"Tanjirou!" Rengoku's voice cuts him off before he gets closer to him, Nezuko quickly moves away so the Pillar can take him in his strong arms him. "Are you alright?"
The boy grimaces. Of course he's fine, he's not the one that died that day. Even though his heart hurts for what happened, he still can't help but feel better when Rengoku starts kissing him all over the face.
He suddenly notices Kocho standing behind the other Pillar as Nezuko uses her hands to tell her everything.
He wants to go. He wants to leave us. He'll die in a few days if he does.
His sister knows him too well. Tanjirou never thought she'll tell the hashira, it means she trusts them all now.
"Nezuko, I won't–"
"Darling," Kocho cuts him off, handing him tea... She's smiling, but Tanjirou knows her well enough to know she's worried. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better. Please."
Tanjirou is too relieved neither Rengoku nor Kocho want to talk about what his sister just told them so he starts drinking without thinking too much about it.
It certainly makes him feel better, more relaxed... Rengoku's arms tighten a little bit around him as his body starts feeling more light with each sip.
He's sleepy now.
"Sweet dreams, my love," Rengoku smiles softly before kissing him on the forehead.
Kocho's fingers rub through his hair before Tanjirou's eyes close and he falls into a peaceful sleep.
When he wakes up, he's under the covers and realizes there's no one in the room besides Shinazugawa, who's in the other opposite corner, arms crossed over his chest.
As soon as he notices that Tanjirou is awake, he moves in the blink of an eye to sit on the bed next to him.
"The woman..."
Shinazugawa shakes his head, cupping Tanjirou's face in his scarred hands, surprisingly gentle.
"Let's not talk about that now."
"She died because of me..."
"She died because Kibutsuji sent an assassin," Shinazugawa cuts the boy off.
"One that came looking for me."
"That doesn't make you responsible."
"I won't let you leave, you know?" Shinazugawa interrupts him, pressing his lips against the top of his head. "None of us will."
"He'll keep sending people to kill me."
"We'll take care of it," the Pillar assures him, confident.
"More people could die..."
Shinazugawa kisses him on the lips, the kiss is desperate and possessive and Tanjirou can't help surrendering to it.
"I won't lie to you," the man whispers against his lips before moving down his neck. "I don't care. I didn't care when she died."
Tanjirou gasps, before Shinazugawa smiles fondly at him.
"You shouldn't be surprised. You knew about us before you arrived," he mumbles, pressing their foreheads together. "We're not good people. We're not like you, but we love you anyway. I don't care about the others, none of us do. We only care about you and Nezuko because she's your sister..."
He's right, Tanjirou had heard about them before. He knows they're dangerous...
"But that doesn't mean we'll let Kibutsuji's men enter our city again."
"I don't want anything happening to you," Tanjirou mumbles sincerely, prompting Shinazugawa to kiss his hand.
"I know you don't like hearing these kind of things," Kanroji's voice startles him for a moment because he didn't even notice her walking in the room. Shinazugawa on the other hand, doesn't even flinch. "But we'd glady sacrifice our lives for you, darling..."
"Don't, please–"
Shinazugawa rolls his eyes before kissing Tanjirou's neck again.
"That doesn't mean we're not going to fight! You should have more faith in us. Trust our skills."
Tanjirou nods, even though he still doesn't like the idea, but he can't do much at the moment.
He knows they have started to investigate about the murder; they go out more often than before, probably trying to hunt the killer down.
Tanjirou knows this and he worries, even though none of them talk about it in front of him. There is even more security at night now and there is at least one hashira at all times in the estate.
Even though she doesn't admit it, Nezuko is tense; she's constantly checking in on her brother and staring at him like she's afraid of him disappearing under her nose.
Tanjirou doesn't like to cause her so much stress, but he also doesn't want her to get hurt because of him; he still thinks the best way to keep everyone safe is for him to get out of the mansion.
But right now he needs help.
"No," the hashira cuts him off, but turns around immediately like he's truly sorry for saying it as he cups Tanjirou's face in his hands.
"You said if I ever wanted to go–"
"It's different, you know that," Tokito mumbles, leaning closer to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "I offered to help you get out of here in case you didn't want to be with us anymore; Gyomei and I had a plan to leave you somewhere safe. This time I know you just want to sacrifice yourself."
"It's not a sacrifice! I just don't want him to send more assassins here, if he knew I was somewhere else entirely–"
"He'd send them your way but this time there'd be no hashira present to protect you," he mumbles, looking terrified at the mere thought before pressing his lips against Tanjirou's cheek.
"Tokito-san... Please..."
"I know you actually have no idea how difficult it is for us to say No to you," Tomioka startles him for a moment, taking Tanjirou in his arms as he sits on the ground to place him over his lap. "But this time is different."
"We want you to be safe," Tokito cuts in, sitting right next to them so he can take the boy's hand in his.
"Now that we have you we'll do anything not to lose you," Tomioka smiles at Tanjirou, eyes glimmering with so much hope before he buries his face in the curve of his neck.
Tanjirou closes his eyes; they don't understand he doesn't want them to do that, because the thought of them willing to do anything for him is scary. He wants everyone to be safe as well.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Sfw alphabet for Chloe and btw I love ur posts
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - not proofread, cussing, talk of drugs, alcohol, smoking the devils lettuce
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - bruh I didn't proofread this I apologize, pretty proud of it tho
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- Yes. That's it. That's the letter. She's a touchy feely person. She'll insult you as a joke, it's her way of compliments but she gives those too. A lot of those. Likes slapping your ass when walking past you, no matter what, do not bend over in front of this woman. She's always lurking, reading to grab you and spin you around or scare the ever loving shit out of you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- The daring, always doing something they should not be doing and then calling you to come help them. Gets drunk at a part? Your gonna get a phone call at 3am and if you ever needed her she'd be there in a heartbeat no matter how much she complains about it. She'll always be there because she knows what its like to not have anyone there for her.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- Touchy feely as I said before. Loves laying on your chest or on your shoulder, or she likes when you lay on her back while she's laying on her stomach. Sometimes she'll watch something on her laptop while laying in-between your legs with a blunt in between her fingers, looking up at you every now and again to see if you've fallen asleep.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- The girl cannot clean, she tries if you make her, and even then... it somehow looks worse than when she started. She's a better cook than you'd think though, her mom will always top her but she's caught on to some of her tricks. She cannot wait for the day you two are out of the Arcadia shithole together and on the road. She plans for the future in her head, just will never tell you that, she's too prideful to look that sappy.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- Would try to let you down easy but would get angry. She probably wouldn't, getting attached too easily, I don't think it would ever come down to her breaking it off. But if it does, she'd try to push the blame from herself to something else, probably a problem you two were having. She would push it all away, pretend it never happened.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- Marriage... is something Chloe would consider. Like Rachel it would probably rely on more you bringing it up than her. She'd do it, especially if you seemed like you wanted it, I mean you've been the only person who's never abandoned her, left Arcadia with her, stayed with her through it all. If you wanted it, she'd make it happen, but it would probably be something small, knowing her probably spontaneous. She'd cry.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Chloe is a very soft person when you get past the tall walls she puts up for everyone. She doesn't cry in front of people, unless she angry cries but when it comes to you, she'd cry her heart out. You're her safe place, she likes laying her head on your shoulder while you both stare at her ceiling. She's usually rough, jagged around the edges, but to you she's like a fluffy teddy bear.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- Oh yes. They're a must. She likes coming up behind you and hugging you, especially when she gets to hear your little giggles. She'll wrap her arm around your waist when you guys walk side by side, or she'll wrap her arm around your shoulders when its cold and your walking back to her truck.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- She holds off as long as possible, she's terrified you won't say it back. She's scared she'll jump the gun and you'll back away from her. She's so scared to lose you, you begin to doubt she loves you, and she sees it an panics as you begin pulling away. She'll say it in a moment of desperation between the two of you, this whole speech comes falling out because its every thoughts she's ever had flooding out of her mouth. Just nod, smile and then kiss her. Then assure her because she'll probably tear up.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
- Yes. She gets very jealous, cue abandonment issues. (Alexa play Daddy Issues by the Neighborhood) She'll make snide and sarcastic marks to whoever is talking to you, rolling her eyes and laughing at them. Not with them, at them. You get annoyed and have to say goodbye to anyone you were talking to. She'll feel guilty but also defend herself until you walk away upset. She'll find someway to make it up to you. No matter what.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- Loves kissing your lips. Or your thighs, but not sexually. While laying in your lap smoking, watching whatever show her clouded mind chose. She presses feathery kisses to your skin, looking up at your sleeping form. She loves make out sessions, especially high, soft deep ones where you two pull away after and talk about ghosts or if aliens exist. Never sexual, just you two laying together.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- Hates children. Probably tells them things that would give them nightmares or make them start crying. But if you wanted kids, WAYYYY in the future, she MIGHT consider. MIGHT.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
- They're not. She doesn't wake up before 12:00pm. She will keep you there, trapped under her arm, snoring loudly in your ear until the sun is mid sky and you are begging for her to get up so you can pee. If by chance she does, she wants breakfast, always, even if she wakes up in the afternoon.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- Smoking, concerts, drinking, music, late night walks. Whatever she decides to talk you into that night, you go along with and keep her company. Along with keeping her safe from herself and whatever trouble she'll walk herself into. A lot of the time though she likes staying in, smoking while you talk to her about the most random things while a reality TV show plays in the background. Watching you go on and on about how its all a scam.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- She falls fast and hard, attaching herself very easily to people. I think as soon as she trusts you enough. Little things at first, David and maybe a few things about Max. Then she'd start really talking about Max, then Rachel. Then her dad, but not until she knows you aren't going anywhere, or if you haven't already put the pieces together.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- With you, it'll take a big argument for her to get really angry at you. You doing something stupid that could've gotten you hurt or something else. Other people, she gets pissed off easily, snapping at people and sarcastic comments when people frustrate her.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- Would remember some things, the things about you that she loves the most but if you tell her something random like your second favorite color don't expect her to remember off the top of her head. That's Rachel's thing. She listens to you, but she had the tendency to space out and no she will not remember your aunts birthday, half the time she barely remembers her own.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- A late night, she got drunk and broke down at a concert before you two were dating. You drove in your moms car two hours to pick her up, she'd gotten too drunk and high, freaking out. It had never happened before and she didn't know you to call so she called you. And you came, picked her up, and sat with her in the Junkyard until she sobered up and told you everything.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- Would literally beat anyone up for you, even if she loses. She does not care what is happening, she would jump in front of a bullet for you. You need a body buried? Chloe is your gal pal to the end of the world.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- Chloe would rather lay in bed with you all day and call it a date than do some romantic gesture. She finds doing that is more intimate, you find out more about each other laying in a silent room at 4am then you do at some fancy restaurant that will make you go bankrupt.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- Tends to blame her problems on other people and then regret it really bad. But she tends to not admit when she's wrong. And you hate it, you get into some pretty bad fights over it. Arguments are rare between you two, but when they happen they're deadly and she dives for what hurts the most.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- Barely besides her hair. She dresses how she wants, does her hair how she wants. She cares about how she looks in hers and your eyes only, not anyone else. She could give two fucks what they think.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- Completely. You're her lifeline, the only person that she's told every deep secret too besides Max and even there she holds things back. She'd quite literally shut down if she ever lost you. Her issues are major and they run deep inside, the fear of abandonment and you leaving her like everyone else terrifies her.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- She does your makeup for you, like she'll hover above you while you lay down on the bed and do your makeup for you. Like the iconic eyeliner style every girl wears, she will make it her life's mission to get it right on your eye if you want to wear it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
- Chloe def ain't strict when it comes to friends bruh, have you seen Frank? She doesn't have many clear icks? Maybe constantly wanting to stay inside, not wanting to leave Arcadia? Wanting a picket fence family? She'd die if you ever said that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- Sleep is love, sleep is life. Once slept 23 hours straight, you practically broke her door down making sure she was okay. She had just taken too many edibles. Hugged you and assured you everything was fine before passing out again. You nearly smothered her with a pillow.
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A/n: I want a gf
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSacrificial duties, Mondstadt ver.
would they sacrifice you or mondstadt?
includes: jean, lisa, kaeya, diluc, amber, albedo and venti.
( i'm too socially inept to request for someone to do this so i took matters into my own hands. )
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━━ is this even a debate? jean would sacrifice you to save mondstadt.
━━ the question would tear her apart though, she'd spend so much time trying to find another way to save both her city and you that she'd neglect her health ( basic needs, like eating, sleeping )
━━ if it were a person or god who was demanding these terms, she'd try to negotiate anything to save both, even her own life, though if you were willing, she'd hesitantly ( literally beg you to not go through it and reassure she'll find another way ) let you go.
━━ no matter what she chooses, she'll still feel incompetent in the end, as if she isn't good enough to be the acting grandmaster and would probably overwork herself to try and focus on something.
"I'll do it," Jean looks back at you, horror flashing through her eyes though you didn't falter, still staring the entity in her eyes. The wind picks up as if feeling the ameno swordswoman's vivid emotions, she shakes her head, taking small steps towards you as she reaches out for your hand. You cringe when she fell to her knees, "no no no, please, you don't have to do this."
You don't look at her, knowing it would only make things worse for the both of you, you didn't want her to be the last thing you saw nor did you want your face to plague her dreams like a ghost. "I care about Mondstadt too, Jean." You hope she understands that you were also doing this for your city and doesn't blame herself, "it's my duty."
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━━ lisa is a bit more of a wild card.
━━ lisa only oversees the library of mondstadt but it's really unclear the extent of her care for the city itself.
━━ it's impossible for one to say if she would hold a lover priority over a city due to lack of background so that's why she's more of a wild card right now, because i could see her potentially doing either.
━━ though i'm leaning a little towards sacrificing you because of her closeness with jean and her involvement in the knights of farvonius, she knows it would be morally wrong to sacrifice an entire city for one person, lover or not.
"It's okay," you reassure her, smile still gracing your face albeit the heavyweight pressure of death for your city digging it's claws into your shoulders. "I'm sorry," she apologises for the nth time and you can do no more than squeeze her hand in affirmation, knowing a hug would be too much for the both of you right now.
You feel her fingers slip through yours and your hand is embraced by the winds of Mondstadt, a sudden change from the electricity that plagued her fingertips and passed onto yours. You take a shaky breath and leave her behind you, her eyes watching your back along the way until you were nothing more than a dot in the horizon━━ ready to become a star in the sky.
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━━ another wildcard!
━━ unlike lisa, however, i'm leaning towards sacrificing monstadt.
━━ even with all his background knowledge, kaeya is still a character that holds a lot of secrets and it's canon that he's a mysterious figure, cavalry captain or not.
━━ don't get your hopes up though, because he still may sacrifice you ( after a talk with jean or diluc/j )
━━ kaeya lets anything happen as long as it falls into place of how he has expected to end, he really doesn't know what to do when an unknown entity shows up and demands the price of you for his city or vice versa.
━━ really hard to get a grasp on him.
━━ i could see him spending one last day with you after deciding he was going to give you up ( you obviously knew of this ) but after 24 hours with you, away from mondstadt, he might realise that, even if he regrets it for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to give you up.
━━ alternatively, if he didn't open up to you about this or went to jean or diluc, they would convince him to "do what's right" and give you up.
"No. I'm not doing it," his tone differed from the norm━━ he was never like this, not even on official knights' business. His eyes unnervingly determined, tone you were unable to refute, and words that scared you. "Kaeya, you have to," your fingers place themselves over his, which were barely touching your cheeks.
"I'm not doing it," he reaffirms, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself out of all people. "I'm━━ I'm not losing you to some city. I can rebuild a city, we can find a city elsewhere," he states, eyebrows furrowed and not taking a single breath between his words. You pry his fingers away from your cheek, holding them over your lap. "Kaeya, this isn't just 'some city', it's the city you love. The city we love." You coax, finally getting him to look into your eyes. "You're the person I love." He says, exasperated.
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━━ hate to be the bearer of bad news,, and as biased as i am to this man, he would give you up.
━━ wouldn't open up to anyone about it, he'll just drive himself insane pondering both options.
━━ and although it would literally make him insane even thinking about losing someone precious to him ( again ) but his loyalty lies within the city of freedom and the city alone.
━━ even after the dispute with the knights of farvonius ( in the webtoon ), he still remains as the protector of mondstadt and i don't think nor am i able to see it will ever change.
━━ unlike kaeya though, i don't think he'll be able to see you at all once he decides to sacrifice you, he'll just be reminded that he'll never be able to see you again and the terrible decision that he's going to go through with.
━━ will also throw himself into extensive work to get you off his mind afterwards.
"You okay there?" Your eyebrows furrow, leaning against the open door of Diluc's office, seeing his hair tied back into a bun, hands in his face as he gazed deeply at his wooden desk. His head flies up at the sound of your voice, clearing his throat, "when did you get here?"
You shrug, taking steps towards him as he leans back into his chair, "being a hero taking a toll on you?" You tease him, taking a seat on his desk next to him and placing your feet on the chair, leaning forward to cup his cheek. He turns away. You're no stranger to his austere ways so you merely lean back, balancing yourself with your hands against his desk, telling him about your day.
"━━and then he wrapped it up and sent it to me, which was awfully disturbing might I add."
"I'm sorry," your eyebrow quirks when he suddenly cuts into your storytelling. You push yourself forward, reaching out for him and redirecting his gaze ( which hadn't looked in your direction even once ) onto you. "What's wrong my dear?" He only grimaces at the nickname━━ wincing almost and still refused to look at you, gaze cast upon the floor behind his bangs. You couldn't even see his eyes.
"Your guilty act is making me ponder if you've had previous relations with someone else, Master Diluc," you frown a little, using your other hand to force him to peer at you. He leans forward, placing his forehead on yours and whispers, "never."
"I just wanted to apologise for the future," you smile a little and place a kiss on his forehead. "I will always forgive you."
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━━ albedo's original creator hails from khaeri'ah and venti, archon of mondstadt, was one of the original seven who aided in the destruction of khaeri'ah; is that enough reason to destroy it for a lover? no.
━━ would he still do it? yes, yes, yes.
━━ we all know he considers himself a threat to mondstadt but i don't think he would've ever thought this was why he was a threat, to hold an entire city in his palms and be able to destroy it with a single word was quite a terrifying thought.
━━ it wouldn't stop him though, i really don't think albedo holds any sentimental attachment to mondstadt, he only works and lives there as of right now but he's currently heeding his creater's words and pursuing the truth of the world.
━━ he might grimace over losing a few people that he holds dear and end up rethinking his decision but in the end, will choose you.
━━ another reason i think he would destroy mondstadt is that, once albedo discovers something or the feeling of enlightenment that comes with studying something new disperses, he is quick to stop studying that and abandon it due to the "bittersweet truth" hitting him so if he grew tired of mondstadt,,,,,, rip to jean 🙏
Your eyes flicker from the sight of his back to the unknown entity, hovering just above the floor, her eyes uninterested in you as she gazed into Albedo's eyes, maybe trying to read his expressionless face. "Have you made a choice, Kreideprinz?"
Nothing is said. Nothing from Albedo nor you, you didn't seem to have a part in this private conversation but you also seemed to be an integral part of it due to the way Albedo kept looking back at you, squeezing your hand as if to remind himself that you existed. "I'm choosing them."
She peers at you now, her eyes boring into yours as she scans you for something, "are you sure about this decision?"
For some odd reason, you're not offended by her words, maybe because she didn't sound like she meant it in a rude way ( it also seemed out of her standoffish character ) but was genuine in her curiosity if Albedo would go back on his words. He squeezes your hand again, rubbing circles on the back of your hand━━ something he did to calm you but it seemed that this action was to ground him instead.
"Yes, I am."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ〔 AMBER ━━ OUTRIDER 〕
━━ YOU.
━━ in the most heart breaking – heart warming way ever, she'd give you up.
━━ notice how more than half of these mondstadt fuckers would give you up? yeah 🙄
━━ on a serious note, a lot of them have devoted themselves fully to protecting the city and i don't see any one of them being able to give the command to destory the city, even if their s/o was being held with a knife to their throat right infront of them and amber is the very same.
━━ even though we don't know to much about her, she is seen as a perfect example of justice by kaeya, and is extremely devoted to her work, she's just below diluc and jean in the most to least likely to sacrifice you in my opinion. it's simply overlooked due to her lack of presence in the game.
━━ i think her compassionate and kind side will make it harder for her to come to a decision because she doesn't want to have to lose one thing to keep another but in the end, she will give you up.
Amber seemed extremely distressed, immediately running into Jean's office once arriving back at the Knight's base after finishing her usual trek of Mondstadt's surroundings. You had attempted to call out her as she ran through the halls but she didn't even look your way, which was peculiar to you but you could only guess something dangerous must've happened due to her eagerness of reaching Jean's office, slamming the door wide open.
You quirk an eyebrow and Kaeya, stood beside you, whistled briskly, hands on his hip. "Someone's in a hurry," you roll your eyes at his comment and simply grab his arm, dragging him over to Jean's office, "just shut up and come."
The minute you knock and open the door however, the room is quiet. Jean sat on her chair, elbows placed on the table and concern burrowed deeply within her furrowed eyebrows and Amber, who was shaking her leg up and down in anxiety, fiddling with her nails.
Kaeya seems a little amused by the situation, unlike you, who was extremely concerned by the little actions of anxieties Amber was exhibiting, striding over to her side in an instant. Placing your hand on her shoulder, she leans into you almost instantly and begins quietly sniffling into your shirt.
You mouth to Jean that you're taking her out and Jean nods, thanking you with a small smile on her face. You guide Amber into a quiet room in the headquarters, letting her silently cry as you attempt to soothe her. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
She shakes her head, only repeating a small, "I'm sorry."
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━━ venti is characterised as a free spirit, like the freedom that the city of mondstadt represents, he carries that within him but at the end of the day, he is still mondstadt's archon.
━━ so we all saw this coming but you 👫
━━ i don't really think there's a lot to explain, he's their archon and even if he loses everyone he's ever loved, his priority is mondstadt.
━━ he'll probably take you on that ride on dvalin he's been promising you for the past year with no explanation.
━━ you'll ask him why he's dragged you from work and he'll just say he's feeling nice or that the winds are good for a ride right now.
━━ you'll stare at him with that, 'don't–you–control–the–winds?' look and he'll wink at you, telling you to stop staring at him or he'll blush.
━━ will completely come undone when he seed you happily laughing on dvalin's back, arms spread open as your laugh echoes into the wind.
Your excited whooping is all he hears, previous nervousness abandoned with his hands placed on your waist as Dvalin pierced up above the clouds; the ground nothing more than a fleeting dream to you both. It's such a shame that young, immature Dendro Archon got his hands on you first, gifting you his gift of Earth's nature━━ if not for the God of Wisdom, Venti would've gifted you heaven's winds if he knew how simply being in the sky made you so ecstatic.
The adrenaline finally dies down when Dvalin arrives just above the clouds, wings creating new and dispersing the old. You lean into Venti who takes this as an invitation to push himself further into your side and begin playing with your fingers, allowing you time to simply relish in the situation. "You're awfully quiet today," you muse, staring at Venti with a small smile.
He hums, "it's quiet up here," in nothing less of a whisper. You nod along with his words, fighting the urge to jump into the clouds, knowing you'll pass right through them. Venti sinks into you further somehow, like you were a passing cloud; his shoulder pressed into the crack of your arm and torso, head leaning on your shoulder. "You'll be okay Venti," and you embrace him.
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arctic-comet · 3 years
Osblaine week 2021, Day 2: Lyrics
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Over the last several weeks, I have carefully curated a playlist for Osblaine. The final total length of the playlist is 2 hours and 53 minutes.
The playlist can be found HERE
Click "Keep Reading" if you're interested in the introduction, commentary, more graphics and the full tracklist.
For full disclosure, I have to give some of the credit to my amazing fellow Osblaine fangirls @dystopiandramaqueen, @splitscreen and everyone who participated in a certain conversation for the original inspiration and even bringing up some of the songs.
You should look at the playlist in five parts: one section for each season that's aired and one section for the future (because I like to end things on a hopeful note).
The playlist contains a lot of the following:
Music from movie and TV soundtracks
Instrumental music
Classics and covers of classics
Country music. I blame Florida. My sincerest apologies.
Some of the songs were chosen because they reminded me of a certain Osblaine scene, and some of them aren't specific to particular scenes but chosen for the general Osblaine vibe. And most of the movie/TV music I chose have been used for couples that remind me of Nick and June.
Part I- Season 1, first 12 songs of the playlist:
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Forbidden Love- Abel Korzeniowski, Jasper Randall, The Hollywood Studio Symphony (Romeo & Juliet)
Fireflies- Owl City
Echoes in Rain- Enya
My Ghost- Glass Pear (Bones)
Daring to Hope- Anne Dudley (Poldark)
Everytime We Touch- Cascada
1000 Times- Sara Bareilles
Too Good At Goodbyes- Sam Smith
In Case You Don't Live Forever- Ben Platt
To Find You- Cast of Sing Street, Brenock O’Connor
She- Elvis Costello (Notting Hill)
Miracle- Instrumental- Cö Shu Nie
Hanging By A Moment- Lifehouse
The first instrumental song IMO works as an intro for their entire love story.
The next two songs are more about having the right vibe. It's a little ambiguous and dark because that's how their life is in Gilead.
Leave my door open just a crack
Please take me away from here
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
Please take me away from here
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
Please take me away from here
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
Wait for the sun
Watching the sky
Black as a crow
Night passes by
Taking the stars
So far away
Everything flows
Here comes another new day
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
"My Ghost" is June's POV before they sleep together, wondering if she can trust Nick:
Who can you trust, in this place?
And whom can I put my faith?
If you're real, then show me now,
Who you are
The last two songs are for episode 1x10, for both Nick’s reaction to June’s pregnancy and the beginning of her first escape attempt (arranged by Nick).
She may be the face I can't forget The trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song that summer sings Maybe the chill that autumn brings Maybe a hundred different things Within the measure of a day
Part II- Season 2, next 10 songs:
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Love Will Keep Us Alive- Eagles
So Easy- Phillip Phillips
Incomplete- James Bay
Rewrite the Stars- The Piano Guys (The Greatest Showman)
I’ll Be Your Shelter- Taylor Dayne
Love Never Fails- Brandon Heath
P.S. I Love You- 05:11- John Powell (P.S. I Love You)
It's A Girl- Mychel Danna (The Time Traveler's Wife)
I'll Stand By You- Josh Groban, Helene Fischer
The Miracle of Love- Eurythmics
The first four songs cover June’s escape attempt and the time they share at the Boston Globe.
"Incomplete" is Nick's POV from when she's on the run and he knows she'll be gone from his life soon. He lives in the moment.
I don't wanna look down
I don't want us to break up in the clouds
All I want is to stay us, to stay with you now
"I'll Be Your Shelter" is for when June's mental health is at its lowest point and he goes to Serena to beg for her to get June help.
What you need is a friend to count on
What you got baby you got someone
Who will stay when the rain is fallin'
And won't let it fall on you
P.S. I Love You takes me back to episode 2.09, Nick’s selflessness in the episode and of course the scene where after telling June that Luke loves her, he tells her that he loves her too, despite believing she probably doesn’t feel the same way.
It's A Girl makes me think of the beautiful moment they share during June's false labor when he helps her out of the van and they climb the steps together.
I’ll Stand By You is for 2.10, Nick holding June after she was heartbroken over Hannah and over what the Waterfords did to her and clinging onto him.
Part III- Season 3, next 6 songs:
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Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close- Alexandre Desplat (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
All I Ask- Adele
Never Enough- Loren Allred (The Greatest Showman)
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever- Taylor Swift, ZAYN (Fifty Shades Darker)
Love is Gone- SLANDER, Dylan Matthew
Constellations- The Oh Hellos
For obvious reasons, it was extremely difficult to pick songs for this season.
The first (instrumental) song is for the beginning of the season with June coming back to the Waterford house and them then saying goodbye to each other on the street.
All I Ask, Never Enough, I Don't Wanna Live Forever and Love Is Gone are for their night together in June’s room at Lawrence’s (the one we didn’t get to see sigh). They know it's possible it's all they'll ever have, and they'll take it, but it'll never be enough.
I will leave my heart at the door I won't say a word They've all been said before, you know So why don't we just play pretend? Like we're not scared of what's coming next Or scared of having nothing left
Look, don't get me wrong I know there is no tomorrow All I ask is
If this is my last night with you Hold me like I'm more than just a friend Give me a memory I can use Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do It matters how this ends 'Cause what if I never love again?
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone
"Constellations" is for their long separation and the doubts that I'm sure plagued them both during it. Would they ever see each other again?
Part IV- S4, next 12 songs:
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All of Me- John Legend
(Everything I do) I Do It For You- Bryan Adams
Iris- Natalie Taylor (City of Angels)
She Was Like A Bright Light- Hans Zimmer, Rupert Greyson-Williams (Winter’s Tale)
Noah's Last Letter- Aaron Zigman (The Notebook)
What’s In The Middle- the bird and the bee (Bones)
ivy- Taylor Swift
Footprints in the Sand- Leona Lewis
Remember Me (Lullaby)- Gael Garcia Bernal, Gabriella Flores (Coco)
On The Nature Of Daylight- Max Richter
My Heart Will Go On- Basil Jose (Titanic)
The Story- Sara Ramirez (Grey's Anatomy)
There were sooo many songs I wanted to include in part IV, but I controlled myself and ended up with this particular dozen.
"She Was Like A Bright Light" and "Noah’s Last Letter" are an instrumental double punch to the gut for Nick’s time in Gilead during episodes 4.07-4.09. The first one is meant for when he finds out June made it to Canada, and the 2nd for is for when he starts to gather info on Hannah to give to June.
"What’s in the Middle" and "ivy" are June’s POV of episodes 4.07-4.09.
"What's In The Middle" has more of an angry and confused vibe, and June was definitely both in episodes 7 and 8.
Losing your head is such a common theme
All your brains are falling out, falling out the open seams
Where is the heart, is the heart of the matter
I will empty out my skull of all this useless chatter
On the other hand, "ivy" has this haunted vibe, but there's also reverence and acceptance, which she begins to achieve in episode 9.
Oh, goddamn
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
Taking mine, but it's been promised to another
Oh, I can't
Stop you putting roots in my dreamland
My house of stone, your ivy grows
And now I'm covered in you
The next three songs are of course all for their reunion in 4.09, and I couldn’t resist including the song that was actually played in the scene.
"The Story" draws the season to a close nicely, with June understanding that her current needs are different from what they used to be and that there’s someone who understands her completely (and it’s not Luke).
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No, they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you
Part V- Season 5 and Beyond, the last 6 songs
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Secret Love Song- Little Mix, Jason Derulo
Burn With You- Lea Michele
The Bones- Maren Morris
Feels Like Home- Auli'i Carvalho, Keegan DeWitt
Love Will Find A Way- Piano Covers (Lion King II)
Like I'll Never Love You Again- Carrie Underwood
“Secret Love Song” is a more angsty tune about a love that’s still kept a secret like June and Nick’s love (as far as most people are concerned). Now that they’ve already made out in front of the man who raped and abused June and made Nick watch him do that, I want to believe they can let go of the secrecy in S5, at least when it comes to a few people.
I'm living for that day Someday Can I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor? I wish that we could be like that Why can't we it be like that? Cause I'm yours, I'm yours Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? Cause I'm yours Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? Cause I'm yours Why can't we be like that? Wish we could be like that
“Bones” is about a relationship with a strong foundation, which IMO they do have. It will carry them in the future, too. They’re more into each other now than ever before and especially June is coming to terms with how strong that love is. They’ll weather any storm.
When the bones are good, the rest don't matter
Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter
Let it break 'cause you and I remain the same
When there ain't a crack in the foundation
Baby, I know any storm we're facing
Will blow right over while we stay put
The house don't fall when the bones are good
“Feels Like Home” is more hopeful. Their home is with each other and I hope that’s something that will be explored more in the future.
Take me, I'm ready
Go slow but go steady
To a place that we can call our own
I wanna know what feels like home
“Like I’ll Never Love You Again” is a good conclusion for the playlist. It’s hopeful and a testament to an epic love.
I wanna love you like the rain on a roof
Stronger than a bottle of a hundred ten proof
I wanna take love to places that love has never been
Yeah, I wanna love you like I'll never love you again
And I'll love you again
Oh, and again
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