#she used to have a gem on her forehead but i removed it a couple of years ago in a redesign
emositecc · 1 year
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Here's my Original character (Ice) which is heavily inspired by Meowth interacting with him. 😊
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You can see a bit of her buddy here, his name is PW (Pinklewish) based on my childhood stuffed bear which was pink.
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klausysworld · 1 year
you can do a one-shot of yandere klaus mikaelson, where he never kidnaps y/n, but he is very possessive and obsessive with her and he is always pampering her to win her heart (they are not a couple) and he always pampers her and gives her everything she wants (she's a bit manipulative and uses klaus's obsession to her advantage) so the only reason klaus seeks power is to offer it to him so when he gets to new orleans (there's no hayley and no hope) and he gets his kingdom, offers it to her and begs her to be his queen and gives her a crown and everything.
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His Queen
(Third person)
Klaus is known to obsess over things, people. He normally has a bit of a chase, wins his prize and moves on. Sometimes he would get bored along the way and find something new to play with to keep himself entertained.
But he was adamant that this girl would be his. Not as a toy, no. She would be his queen. Someone to stand beside him always and forever. Somebody to love and spoil.
One small, minor issue was that she wasn’t having it. She didn’t want to be his queen, didn’t show him any love and only sometimes stood at his side. She didn’t complain on the spoiling part though.
And so he did so relentlessly. If something shiny was what would steal her affections then that is what she would get.
Klaus watched as Y/n spoke with Rebekah, his sister was showing her the collection of topaz jewellery that they had saved over the centuries. He studied her face, the desire in her eyes to wear it, to own it.
Later that same day after she had gone home he made sure to find the finest jewellery he knew that they had. The most expensive sapphires, priceless rubies and unbelievable diamonds.
He had each item individually wrapped on their own box, bows neatly tied on top ready to be opened. He packaged them into one large box and carefully placed it into the car.
He knocked at her door with a smile on his face. Seeing her confused face as she greeted him politely had him near excited to hand her the gift
“I got you something, my love” he told her, her interest was peaked as she glanced to the huge item in his hands
“What is it?” She asked with that sparkle in her eye again.
“Why don’t you let me inside and you can see?” He offered, he watched her silent debate with herself before ultimately her curiosity got the better of her and she invited him in.
He closed the door behind him, removed his shoes and jacket and made his way to the living room where she now sat in the middle on the floor with the box in front of her. She ran her fingers over the lid as she looked to him for permission to open it. He nodded with a smile and sat in the chair opposite her.
He watched her eagerly as she unwrapped each present, her shock and joy growing each time. She had opened every last one and had then all lead out in front of her with an awestruck expression
“Klaus…this is-“
“Yours” he cut her off and in a flash was behind her, on the floor, on his knees while clasping a naturally blue diamond necklace around her neck. A warm kiss pressed just above where it rested against her skin. He took the jewel in his hand brought it to sit before her breasts, his face nearly touching hers as he pressed a kiss to her forehead
“You deserve only the best” he spoke to her with a hand still touching the gem, his knuckles brushing over the plush skin of her bosom.
“Thank you” she uttered looking directly into his eyes, they shone the same colours as many of the jewels in the room. She could see the emotion twisting together, love. That powerful, unexplainable feeling that danced within his whenever she was around. She had never taken enough time to look at him, to realise how deep his affection ran for her. Her head was spinning as she noticed the lengths he was going, the priceless beauty that she now possessed just because he wanted her to. How far would he go exactly?
Klaus was certain he was getting there.
The other day she kissed him on the cheek.
She put her lips on his face
The thought still had him buzzing.
He knew that the tickets to Paris would get a reaction from her.
She seemed happy to go with him, to spend time with him and his money, to go to one of the most romantic places you can go, with him.
He was over the moon.
“Don’t bother packing anything love, I’ll buy all new, come we’ll go get somethings now, the rest we can purchase in France” he urged while placing his card in her hand and wrapping an arm around her waist to bring her to his car. He opened the door for her and did her seatbelt up himself before getting in his side.
That day he spent an unbelievable amount on only two outfits. One for the plain ride there and one for the first day. He insisted that she wore his henley to sleep instead of pyjamas and she didn’t see the point in arguing.
It was the last night in Paris, the stars were high in the sky and Klaus had his arms around her waist, his front pressed to her back as they looked of the terrace of the hotel they were staying at. They had a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower, the place they had been merely an hour ago for dinner.
Soft music playing from the lounge room causing them to sway ever so slightly
“You look heavenly tonight” he told her, she smiled and held the arms that were locked around her. He sighed contently to her hands on him. The urge to rip the dress from her body and show her just how much he needed her was almost overwhelming.
“You look lovely as well” she murmured while leaning back into him
“Perhaps in a few weeks we could go to Italy? Greece? Where would you like to go next?” He questioned as his head lowered to kiss her shoulder
“I’m not sure you have enough time to go to all these places” she laughed but he shook his head
“I can do whatever i like, the people that are taking up my time back there are worthless. For you, my heart, we will go anywhere” he promised with a kiss to her cheek
“It must be amazing to have that kind of power” she whispered but he heard her and hummed in question
“To do as you please, people are your entertainment because they are nothing in your world” she explained and he tilted his head
“Would you enjoy that kind of power?” He asked with that determined glint in his hopeful eyes
“Everyone wants that kind of power” she muttered and his mind began ticking.
Klaus found himself in a full time war.
The constant battle for his position as King.
For her position as Queen.
She was his dream, his most valued, his muse, his heart, his soul, his.
He made sure to call her every day even if he went to see her. Phone calls first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He had to make sure her day went well and she was safe. He hadn’t told her what he was up to but promised her that she would love it.
It took almost two years to have the Title and own it properly.
He did not only become King.
He gained the respect and loyalty of all factions.
He ruled New Orleans as though he were God.
People came to him and did what was best for him.
Tourists gawked at his home and he watched from his art room window, the beloved city that was now, once again, his.
Now he just needed her.
He had announced the news to his followers and his family that she would be arriving. That she was to be treated as the royalty that she is. To love and respect her. No harm to ever touch her. They all, of course, agreed and were ready for their Queen’s arrival. Banquets lead out, the abattoir polished and decorated to its uttermost best.
He had sent her a dress the day before, instructions to wear it tonight and wait for him to come to her.
And so she waited in that same diamond laced dress, necklace, earrings, bracelet, heels to match as she checked her makeup in the mirror.
His knock had her heart racing as she made her ways down the stairs to open the door.
He stood before her with perfectly curled hair and his well fit tuxedo. A bouquet of blood-red roses in hand as he gave her a charming smile.
She beamed under his gaze as she took the flowers and placed them on the side before finding herself engulfed in his arms. She wasn’t sure why she had almost thrown herself at him, arms around his midsection as he kissed her well styled hair. Something within her just knew that he had done something worth her love.
His heart almost fell out of his chest when she clung to him, he had never held onto someone so fast than he did then. Every death, every day of pain and anguish that it took to build his kingdom, to find a way to have peace was for this moment. And every moment after.
“I have something for you” he whispered to her and she pulled back to look at him again
“What is it?” She asked curiously as he smiled
“I have to take you there” he told her.
She didn’t attempt to force the answer out of him as they drove to New Orleans, she didn’t question the security guards nodding to Klaus as they drove through the gates to the most magnificent building she had ever seen.
She took his arm willingly, clutching to it like it was her life source as he guided her towards the front doors.
“Do you remember when we went to Paris and you mentioned the power that everyone wishes to have?” He asked her as they approached the steps leading to the entrance
“I do” she replied, her heart rate spiking as though she could sense what he was going to do
“For the past two years, i have fought to have that, but i cannot bare the thought of having it alone. I want you to rule with me, to be my Queeen, my love.” He grew quieter with each passing word as he offered her the key to the door they now stood before.
“You want me to be your Queen?” She questioned as though she miss heard
“Always and forever” he added and her smile slowly grew
“I can’t believe you’d do this for me” she breathed and his eyes shined in wonder
“Is that a yes?” He asked with a grin
“Of course it’s a yes” she laughed taking his hands in hers and squeezing them tightly, she leaned up on the tips of her toes and at last brought her lips to his.
His entire being felt as though it was complete. Finally.
He kissed her passionately but softly as she moaned in his mouth, a sound that he would draw from her as often as possible. His hand managed to feel every inch of his body in minutes as she continued to pant into his mouth, her body reacting to his touch as though wildfire spread through her. He had her pressed against the door and her left around his waist as she rolled her hips against him, both unbelievably eager to touch each other after such a long chase.
They only stopped when Niklaus remembered they were still outside and that people awaited their return, he kissed her many more times as he lowered her to her feet. He smoothed over her dress and fixed her hair. His thumb swiped just below to bottom lip to fix her lipstick as she watched him with dark lustful eyes.
“I have…one more thing for you, for today” he told her and she tilted her head as he pulled something from behind his back. She wasn’t able to see it until she felt something rest upon her head. Her hands moved to feel it, the heavy but worth it crown. She looked at him with pure admiration as he glowed back at her
“You didn’t think i would let you be without one, did you?” He asked as he stroked her jaw with his thumb and opened the door.
The door to their life together, an eternity.
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Pairing: (Dark) Andy Barber x Reader.
Warning(s): Non-Con; Dub-con; Slow-burn(Maybe); Possible Defending Jacob spoilers; Possessiveness; Grief; Angst; Any other possible warnings will be added in the future chapters.
Summary: Follow Andy’s journey after the horrible accident that turned his whole world upside down.
Series Masterlist
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Never in his life did Andy thought he’ll go through what he did. His whole family and himself going through Jacob’s trial is one thing, but Laurie intentionally trying to take their son’s life by crashing the car to the side of the tunnel is another. He can’t even imagine why on earth did she even think that her son is capable of murdering someone. Sure, Jacob did do a lot of weird stuff that are not normally done by other teenagers. But he believed his son was innocent. And while his son was in coma, attached to IV’s, the woman who put his life in danger came out sustaining minimal injuries.
The events following that are even more ridiculous. No matter what Andy did, she always doubted him. He thought that he deserved it. After all, he did hid about his father from her and would have probably never told her about it if it wasn’t for Jacob’s trial. Andy was fine with her maintaining some distance from him after every thing that happened. After all, the distance was there between them and kept increasing during the trial. And then there was a lot of secrecy that confused him. They never maintained any secrets between them, well apart from Andy not telling her about his father. That really confused him. But what he couldn’t stand was the unbelievable hatred she’s got for Jacob and it kept growing each day. First, it was just her avoiding to look at any of Jacob’s pictures or things. He chalked it up to her feeling guilty about the accident. But then there was her literally just removing all the things that had any connection to Jacob and piling it up to one a corner in the room that those things were in. He didn’t understand why she did that. Not until one day he couldn’t find those things in those rooms anywhere and found them in trash, just as he found the baby pictures of Jacob in the trash can right before the car crash happened. And when he brought those things back inside their home and confronted Laurie about it, she just screamed at him, kept yelling at him that she didn’t want to see them anymore. It was during that time when she literally told him that she hates Jacob. Her own son. That she regrets giving birth to him and should have gotten rid of him like her friends told her to when Jacob was conceived. 
He can’t even fathom how a mother could hate her own son. And then she went on blaming Andy for everything that happened in their life. He tried taking her to therapy and even went to couples therapy with her, hoping to reduce the distance between them, but soon realized that nothing can fix things between them. Andy soon found out that one of the main reasons for the growing reasons between him and Laurie was the affair that Laurie’s been having  with some dude that kept visiting Newton frequently. He definitely didn’t peg Laurie for the cheating type, but oh well. 
But the final nail in the coffin was when Laurie tried to kill Jacob, again. He was visiting Jacob that day and Laurie insisted that she’ll tag along with him. Andy wasn’t up for it, but Laurie was persistent. Andy caved in and took her with him to the hospital. While Andy actually spent some time with Jacob in the unit, Laurie just stood outside the room, not even bothering to come. Then Andy went to talk to the doctor in-charge of Jacob’s treatment to check on the progress of Jacob’s health. When he returned, the sight in front of him chilled him to his bones. Jacob has his eyes closed and was struggling to breathe, his chest was moving frantically while Laurie just stared at him holding the oxygen mask he was wearing earlier, away from him.
“What are you doing?!” Andy growled at her, storming inside towards her while Laurie jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.
Hearing him, a nurse and doctor rushed in and helped Jacob breathe again and checked his vitals while Andy grabbed Laurie’s arm and dragged her away from his son. That was the final nail in the coffin. With some help from his previous employer, since he was still in her good books, Andy drew out a restraining order against Laurie for Jacob and also signed the divorce papers, also stating that he wanted to get full custody of Jacob. He had stayed in Newton till the divorce was finalized and also got full custody of Jacob since Laurie wanted to do nothing to do with the kid which made it easier. The house was sold too and he didn’t bother packing anything that Laurie had any input on. He just packed all of his stuff and Jacob’s sold some stuff and then gave some to charity and then moved to a place where all the ruckus and the media circus was far less. He wanted to live in peace and hopefully, Jacob will heal in time. He hoped that Jacob will be all good and healed in no time but the progress on his part is way less.
It was another day spent working in the little bakery that Y/N owned. Y/N was truly lucky to find Gardner of all places to settle down for now. And she was even more lucky to find this gem of a bakery that was on sale. She literally placed almost all of her savings on it and didn’t regret it one bit about it in the past 3 years. The sales were good and the staff of 4 that worked in shifts were also good and understanding, never making a mess about things. They were like her second family and were there for her when things got a bit overwhelming. She hated dumping her stuff on them but they lived in a community and most were practically a few streets down from where she lived. 
It was a few minutes past 3 in the afternoon and Y/N looked at her watch and cussed.
“Damn, I’m getting late today...” she muttered and looked up at the older woman who was one of the staff.
“Agatha, could you mind taking over for today? Charlotte is closing today and I have to go... I made a promise...” Y/N started and the older woman just her off.
“Just go on child. Don’t worry. Char and I will look over the place. You stay safe on your way” she told her.
Y/N smiled gratefully at her, grabbed her purse and dashed outside. 
By the time she reached home, she sighed in relief and jogged towards the threshold, unlocked the door and walked inside, closing the door behind her. Walking into the living room, a smile broke on her face at the sight in front of her.
“MAMA!” a voice yelled enthusiastically upon her entering the living room.
Y/N crouched down as the toddler ran towards her as quickly as her little feet can take her and she wrapped her arms arounds Y/N’s neck.
“Hi baby!” Y/N cooed as she pressed kisses on the hair and forehead of the little toddler.
“Hi mama! I vuv you!” the little being said.
Y/N’s gaze then landed on Elie who was babysitting her little girl and smiled at her which was returned. The teenager has also been a savior babysitting the little girl whenever Y/N asked her too.
Y/N then looked at Ada, her little girl and told her “Baby, why don’t you go and get your things while mommy speaks to Elie?”
Ada nodded her head and quickly dashed towards the huge box of toys that she has. Y/N then looked at Elie and sighed.
“God, Elie. You are literally my savior, have I ever told you that?” she asked.
Elie grinned and replied “I think you might have mentioned it a time or two, but meh. Ada is the sweetest, and the most easiest to deal with. And I love hanging out with her.”
Y/N smiled gratefully. She still couldn’t understand how she got this much lucky with everything. She then pulled out thirty dollars out of her purse and handed them to Elie, who took them and bid goodbye for the day. Just then Ada ran towards her, with a few of her stuffies.
“Mama! Tea pawty!” Ada yelled enthusiastically. 
Y/N chuckled and grabbed a blanket along with a few of Ada’s stuff for the tea party with her stuffies and the two of them walked outside towards the tiny lawn they had. After setting all the things down, she sat down with Ada and was busy playing with her when the movement of a truck got her attention which was following a sleek black Audi that stopped in front of the house beside theirs. It used to be empty, but Y/N heard from Mrs. Williams that the previous owners have finally sold it to someone, but Mrs. Williams didn’t know any details about the new owner. 
Y/N saw the the truck stop behind the car and the packers and movers immediately opened the back of the truck, carefully moving all the stuff out and to the inside of the house while a guy got out of the car and lead them inside. From what she could see, he’s tall and got dark hair. While Y/N was looking at all the movement that was happening, little Ada’s gaze was transfixed at the sleek black Audi. The little girl, according to Y/N has an unhealthy obsession with cars, way more obsession that what a normal toddler has. 
“Look, mama! Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Ada said, prolonging the R, making Y/N look at her and giggle. 
She could literally see Ada’s eyes glowing while staring at the car and Y/N shook her head in amusement. Unbeknownst to them, the owner of the said car suddenly turned his attention towards his new neighbors and caught the cute little girl’s gaze on his car and a small smile grazed his lips.
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supremeinlilac · 3 years
A Winter Suprise, Part 2 (NSFW)
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Part one here :))
Word count: 3856
Disclaimer: Thigh riding, nothing else it’s pretty soft uwu
A/n : Here’s part 2, thank you to @grilledcheeseandguavajelly for helping to brainstorm, you’re a gem :)
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You allowed yourself to sink down into the warm bubbles of the hot tub, water covering everything but the tips of your shoulders, sitting on the edge of the seat. The hot tub area was the most romantic part of the cabin you thought; lit by the warm glow of fairy lights hanging from the wood above your head, a starry night peeking through the glass ceiling.
Cordelia appeared at the door, holding two generous glasses of champagne and giving you a slight wink as she approached. “Fiancé” she chimed, offering you a glass and setting her own down to slip into the tub. “God, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of saying that.”
You clinked your glasses together delicately, a grin forming on your face again as you shuffled closer to her around the bench. You both let a deep sigh out, the heat and bubbles of the water aiming to relax you. You let your fingers dance across the surface, back and forth lazily, eyes turning upwards to gaze at the starry night. Delia was doing the same; her head rested on the edge, feet rising as she went to poke them from the water.
“You know that whenever I’d use to imagine the proposal, it was always me proposing to you baby girl.” She mused, eyes flicking to you momentarily. “You did a good job.” The heat rose to your cheeks once again at the praise, shy smile gracing your lips as you looked to your feet in the water.
“Really?” You smiled, glancing at Cordelia shyly as you splashed water over your shoulders. “how would you have done it?” She explained a romantic dinner, perhaps in her greenhouse where you’d first kissed; saying that nothing she’d have done would have matched up to what you’d done for her here.
You allowed yourselves to sit lazily floating in the bubbled water, talking about things you’d missed about each other and what you’d been up to in the others absence. At some point you nipped out to refill your glasses, shivering in the contrasting cool air, returning to your beaming fiancé and settling against the smooth wall again.
“What did you want to be when you were a child?” She circled a finger in the water as you spoke, your eyes dipping to it’s slow movements at the surface. The question had come out of nowhere; you suddenly realising that neither of you ever spoke about childhood.
“Oh, well Fiona always had a way of making a person feel like anything they chose was wrong; convincing them that she had the answers.” She studied a slight imperfection in her glass, trailing off at the memory of her mother. “I suppose when I was a child I was so darkened by her shadow I never even thought about what I wanted to do in the freedom of the light.”
A silence fell and hung uncomfortably in the air before she shook her head and took a sip from her glass. “But I would have never imagined I’d become the Supreme. What about you, honey? Did you cook up any plans of being an astronaut or nuclear engineer in that pretty little head of yours?”
You cleared your throat nervously, fingers fidgeting on the rim of your glass as you smiled. “Actually I always wanted to be a bin man. ”She couldn’t help but laugh at your response, hands over her mouth in an inept attempt to disguise the sounds.
“Hey! My bin man was awesome!” Tilting your head, smile wide and coy, you reached to cup water in your hand and playfully flicked it at her. She stopped, slowly wiping the water from her face and placing her glass down on the side with a clink, turning with a glint in her eye to face you.
“Oh, you should not have done that, sweetheart.”
She flicked a tiny amount of water droplets from the tips of her fingers at you, smirk on her face as yours grew into a playful grin. You both paused, waiting for the other to make the first move and declare war. She raised an eyebrow at you, almost daring you to splash her again. Smile twitching slightly as you tried to hide your guilty face, you brought your hands together forming a wall in front of you. Her eyes widened as she realised what you were about to do, opening her mouth to protest as you pushed your palms forcefully towards her in the water, sending a swell towards her shocked face.
Once recovering from your attack, she regained her stance as you openly laughed at the water dripping from her chin. “Oh, now you’re really going to regret that.” Warning you again, voice lacking any real tone of threat; instead playful and mocking.
You continued to splash each other for minutes, the supreme smiling and feigning disgust as she threatened you, water sloshing over the side of the hot tub and onto the floor beside into a puddle. Cordelia twitched her fingers and you found yourself frozen, at the mercy of the older woman who advanced upon you, sending a wave of water over you before releasing you with a ripple of light laughter.
“No magic Delia that’s not fair!” you protested, giggling and getting her back with a big splash to her face which sent her reeling with peels of excited laughter. Up until this point you’d managed to keep your hair relatively dry, Cordelia aiming less accurately than you. The supreme waded quickly towards you in little skips as you laughed with eyes closed, lifting you by surprised and dunking your whole body under the water.
You resurfaced a slight distance away from her, coughing and spluttering with laughter as she stood watching you through newly glazed eyes. Slowly, she made her way closer to you as you continued to smooth your hair out of your face and laugh at her antics. You raised your head when Cordelia reached you, laughter still singing in your throat; quietening and bubbling to nothing at her face.
You both kept the intense eye contact for mere seconds, Delia reaching to wipe stray water droplets from your upper lips, before the tension snapped and you were kissing. Impatient lips brushed and teeth pulled at tongue, hands pulling each other endlessly closer and wandering up the damp silky skin of backs and arms. You moaned lightly into her mouth when she squeezed your ass, still clad in wet bikini bottoms as you tensed in her grasp.
Eager hands found the ties of your bikini top, pulling the fabric free and off your body frantically, fingers brushing against the curve of your breasts as you pressed yourself further into her. The hands on her back strayed to the clasp at the back of her bikini, trying to remove her as well but she stopped your actions short.
“Wait, stop stop baby.” Strong hands found your shaky ones, stilling your hasty movements and holding you against her. She leaned back to brush a lone couple of hairs behind your ear, smirk gracing her full lips as she observed your flushed cheeks. “Lets take it slow tonight, okay?”
Glasses now long forgotten, discarded at the edge, Cordelia’s arms wrapped under around your ass, bringing your legs to wrap around her waist as she lifted you into her arms to deepen the kiss. Her tongue snaked between your teeth, massaging your own greedily.
Walking backwards, she lowered herself back onto the bench in the water, teasing your legs so you now straddled her, arms around her neck playing idly with her hair, completely lost within the kiss. Hands came to you’re the curve of your ass, pulling you into her and eliciting a gasp from you at the sudden contact against your clit.
You ground down onto her thigh, seeking friction against the material of your bikini. Cordelia stilled your hips, pulling from the kiss to nuzzle into your neck. “I adore you” she whispered; lips pressed on the curve of you neck; you hands resting on her shoulders keeping her close. You returned the message, voice breathy and shaky with Delia’s lips flush against the delicate skin on your neck.
Turning slightly, lifting you with her, Cordelia sat you against the wall and knelt in front of you, knees pressing your open legs, widening and effectively pinning them. One hand cupped your cheek, thumb grazing your bottom lip as she rested her forehead against yours, water droplets catching one another on their path down the contours of your face. The other hand caressed the line of your collar bone, pressing you softly further into the wall of the hot tub. “you look so pretty for me like this, baby girl” hand smoothing your wet hair down from where it had rode up against the edge of the tub again. “I'm going to take good care of you tonight.”
She moved to release your legs to quickly slip the bikini pants from your legs, her chin dipping slightly into the water as she reached down. After the pants were comically thrown to the ground beside the tub with a splat, your previous position was resumed, you spread open for Cordelia with legs hooked round her knees. You leant to press our lips against the top of her head as she began to massage your breasts in her hands. Arching into her touch, your fingers drummed on the skin at the back of her neck, pulling her down to the swell of your breasts.
Her tongue poked out of parted lips, flicking against the sensitive nub of your nipple cautiously, circling it before taking it lightly between teeth. Hands pulled at your waist, coaxing you further into the Supreme and prompting a shuddered gasp to leave you at the pressure of her suckling at your chest, before one returned to tweak your other nipple.
When she’d given both of your breasts enough attention, she peppered kisses back upwards to your face, tickling your freckles with her lips lightly. If your cheeks weren’t already flushed with the heat of the water bubbling around you, you would have blushed at her actions. “Delia” you spoke, her hand coming to your cheek as dark eyes opened to meet yours.
“Please” you whined, hand pulling her free hand down towards your throbbing centre. She stopped you, gently pinning your wrist to the wall, releasing when she knew you wouldn’t push for her to touch you again. “Hush, little one; there’s no rush. You’ll get your way eventually.” She muttered lowly, lips connecting yours as she let her hand wander to gaze where you wanted it anyway.
You inhaled sharply into her mouth when she first scraped her nails lightly over the curve of your hips, lingering slightly over the spot that was always so sensitive to her touch. Humming, your hands raised to her waist above you, gripping her tightly as the coils in your stomach grew tighter under the soft caress of her hands.
Fingers dipped into your centre slowly, water providing her with an easy lubricant, pressing further and allowing you to adjust, teeth pulling softly at your lower lip. A low groan left your throat, swallowed by Cordelia capturing you in another kiss. Her pace quickened, strokes deeper as her other hand reached to tangle itself in the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling softly and guiding your head back so she could have better access to your mouth.
Normally Cordelia loved to be rough with you, fast and heated spurs of arousal leading to rapidly looming orgasms and lingering bruises on your skin. This time she was taking her time to appreciate every part of your body, gently building you up and taking your body into her care. She explored your mouth with her tongue, fingers curling within you and causing you to squeak and moan into her mouth, chest heaving against hers.
Your cupped hands collected warm water which you lifted to splash slowly over the curve of Cordelia’s back, sending a spark of shivers down her skin at the way you lazily dragged your nails up and down her back. Her thumb moved to press down on your clit and you jumped into her, palms stilling and falling flat against her, pulling her close to you.
She slowly added another finger inside you, silencing your gasp with pecks to your lips as she regained her pace and stilled your squirming with a soft hand on your waist. “I love you.” You managed to breath out between gasps, “I love that you always-” a loud moan ripped from your mouth at the pressure she put on your clit again, thumb circling it. “That you always take care of me.”
Once again her lips worked their way down, sucking and biting lovingly on base of your jaw, down on your neck, licking the long trails of water which had dripped from your hair slowly, teeth grazing delicate skin. You reached for her face, pulling her up from kissing the dip between your collarbone, so you could just stare into her eyes and hers into yours as she continued to gently fuck into you under the water.
As you felt the pressure in your stomach intensify, signally your impending release, Cordelia pressed your foreheads together again, eyes staring as she muttered word of praise and love. Her free hand linked with yours, thumb stroking the back of your hand and brining it up to her face. “You’re so good” she breathed, lips lingering on your knuckles as she drew you over the edge. “Keep your eyes open for me.”
Your hands clamped down on her back and her hand as the orgasm crashed over you like waves to the rocky shores and you let your head fall forwards to her shoulder. It lasted longer than any you’d remembered having prior and was intense, ripples of pleasure over warmed skin as you kept your eyes staring at your fiancés. You’d stiffened up as you fell over the edge, only relaxing when the orgasm dipped, and you could choke out gasped breaths again.
You found yourself mumbling affections to Cordelia incoherently in the wake of your release, body slumped and tired as she gazed at you affectionately, hand rubbing your back. “You did so well, baby. Such a good girl for me.” She coaxed, smoothing your ruffled hair again and holding you while you recovered and your chest stopped rising and falling so heavily in her embrace.
You both bathed in the tub for a little while, before you met her back in the middle, pulling her to wrap legs around your waist while you kissed, slow and loving. Her nails spiked prickles up your arms as she dragged them back and forth, as you groaned into her mouth again. You quickly decided that this time she wasn’t going to switch the control back as she so frequently did, shaking the distracting feeling of her nails on your skin away.
You squeezed her ass experimentally over the material of her suit, testing her reaction to your taking control. “This is new.” She teased, fingers twirling a strand of your hair lazily as you nibbled at the base of her ear. “I like it.”
Cordelia let herself lean back, steadying herself with hand on the top of your back and tightening the wrap of her legs around your torso. A look of adoring amusement crossed her face as she watched you attempt to pull her back to trace hard kisses against the curve of her neck. She let herself chuckle, brushing hair behind your ear again and tapping your jaw with her fingers.
“Come on baby, you know where you need to be.” She cooed, teasing one of your hands from where it lay on her neck and guiding it down her slippery body. You snatched it away, glaring at her as her eyes widened and eyebrow piqued.
“No. I’m topping you damnit, let me TOP YOU.” You sat her roughly onto the seat, an involuntary pout painted on your lips at her being stubborn in relinquishing control to you. She smiled at you lovingly, holding her hands up in mock defence.
“Okay baby, you’re in control.” She paused; smirk returned momentarily. “But wipe that pout off your face because I can’t take you seriously.”
Your lips returned with a flash to her neck at her cocky comment, sucking a bruise into her delicate skin and eliciting a choked gasp from her mouth at your boldness. You trailed your tongue over the mark and up over her jaw, teeth nipping and grazing the skin there.
“Lets get you out of this.” You husked in her ear, fingers pulling at the material at her hips as you fell comfortably into control. You’d wanted this getaway to be the start of a new beginning, doing things together that neither of you had done before. Cordelia had always mused about wanting to see your dominant side; so you were willing to at least try and take control to please her.
This time she made no attempt at a smirk or look of amusement as you wriggled her out of her bikini, finally giving up control to you as you wanted. Simply humming at the feeling of your lips and tongue on her neck, her fingers pressed into the smooth seat of the hot tub beneath her.
You slipped your knee against her centre when her bottoms had been discarded near yours over the edge, eliciting a small moan from the supreme who fought the urge to grind needily against it for the friction. You smirked coyly, knowing that she wouldn’t find release against the slippery skin of your leg under the water, but you were more than willing to allow her to try, nonetheless.
Pulling Cordelia up from the seat again, you flipped your positions, so she straddled your thigh, pulling her sharply down onto it and making her gasp and buck down into you. Her cheeks were flushed with the heat of the water, eyes glazed with hopeless arousal at your control. You leaned back, hands falling from her waist onto the seat beside you as you watched her.
“Go on, you can get off on my thigh, seen as you love to tease me with yours so often.”
Her eyes widen in shock as she couldn’t help but splutter, surprised at your boldness as she searched your face for any sign that you were joking and didn’t actually want her to hump your thigh desirously like a horny teenager. “You’re not serio-”
“What makes you think I’m joking?” You answered as sincerely as you could, smile breaking through your dominant façade at her stunned face. She quickly regained her composure however, eyes darkening as you felt the pull of her magic tugging against your limbs. A silent promise.
“Baby.” She growled, voice low in warning at your tone, reminding you that at any point she could regain control and fuck you senseless if she so desired. She bent down slightly, capturing your lips in her own roughly and humming as she led the kiss. You pulled away for long enough to mumble your own response before falling back into sync with her mouth against yours.
“Let me help you.” Your hands gripped her hips, guiding them back and forth against your thigh, her clit grazing smoothly on slick skin. A breathy moan spilled into your mouth from hers, as she arched her back into you, all shame forgotten as she bucked down onto you unapologetically.
Her hands found your shoulders for support, fingers shaky pressed into you as you both continued to kiss while she slid messily against your thigh. Your hands quickened at her hips, pressing her down harder against your skin to give her as much friction as the slippery surface would allow.
You flexed the muscles in your thigh, not missing the way Delia’s eyes rolled backwards slightly, struggling to catch her breath in the steam of the hot tub. You could tell the Supreme was getting frustrated; wanting more than she was getting at her mewling and whimpering.
“It- It’s not enough.” Cordelia whined, and you bit back the desire to tease her further with whispered taunts about her neediness, instead settling for one last show of your flickering dominance over the older woman.
“What do you want?”
Cordelia felt her insides flutter and contract at your words, eyes closing as she pressed into you impossibly. “Oh god, please- please just fuck me.” You smoothed your thumb over her cheek, her eyes flicking from your fingers to your mouth and back to your eyes before you finally moved to the edge of the seat, pulling her with ease to wrap her legs around your waist, allowing you better access to where she needed you.
With one hand still planted firmly on her hips, the other slipped up the length of her thigh, fingers teasing the sensitive skin on the inside of her legs before circling two fingers around her clit. She moaned your name breathily into your ear, hands in your hair as she pressed wet kisses along your jaw. Your fingers found no difficulty in sliding into her, curling and scissoring inside her, prompting deep groans from the woman above you which spurred the heat in your stomach again.
It didn’t take long for Cordelia to be clenching around your fingers, humming and circling her hips down further onto you. You brought your hand up from her hip, nails dragging over wet skin to end up on her breast, kneading it between fingers as you kept the pace up between her legs.
“Yes baby girl. I’m right there, don’t stop.” She purred, forehead falling to rest against the crook your shoulder, eyelashes tickling the sensitive skin of you neck as you drew her slowly over the edge. With a sharp cry, Cordelia tensed up, orgasm rippling through her as the skin not covered by the warming water prickled up in pleasured goosebumps.
She slid off your lap after her orgasm plateaued, sitting beside you hand in yours, breathing heavily and laughing slightly. You let yourself sigh, that was definitely different from anything you’d done before. Holding her fingers up to you, she showed you her wrinkled fingers from being in the water for so long. You took her hand in yours, laughing, before standing and reaching for a towel that hung on the rack to the side of the pool.
Swaddling it around you before clambering out of the pool, you got the other towel to hold up for Cordelia to step into as she climbed out. Both clad in soft towels, you wrapped your arms around your fiancé, snuggling into her neck tightly as she did the same.
“I’m glad we came here.” She whispered, and you nodded against her in agreement. You definitely needed romantic breaks together more often. Pulling away, Cordelia swayed into the cabin, turning slightly to eye you over her shoulder.
“So, what do you feel about Italy next?”
tags: @pearplate​ @magnificent-paulsonn​
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gruviafan-forever · 3 years
A/N: Hello everyone, Happy Gruvia Week to you. I didn't expect that I would be writing contents for this year's event too. But I'm really happy to be writing stories about my favourite anime couples.
   Hopefully, everyone likes it. This year the prompts were very similar to previous years. It had me in fix how to write content without making it a repetitive fashion.
   Finally got an idea and tried to merge all those 7 prompts into a storyline. Hopefully, it convinces you all.
   Thank you for reading and spending your time here.
Main Pairing: GRUVIA
Summary:- Celebrity Gray x General Public Juvia, Modern AU
Words:- 2K
Currently, Fairy Tail Agency has arranged for a press meet to officially declare the facts of the new movie in which two of their most famous actors are going to be a part.
Gray Fullbuster, 25 years, tv artist turned actor and Lucy Heartfilia, 24 years, model turned actress, has signed up for this movie which is under the production of Straussl Inc.
As the reporters who out various questions regarding the details of this upcoming venture and some related to their personal life.
"So, Mr Fullbuster, tell us about how you feel knowing that you have been nominated for 3 categories of awards this year?" 
One of the reporters asked and was ready to note Gray's response.
"I'm sure that I will receive the awards for best actor and handsome face. Also, my last movie 'Icy Days' has been nominated for the best movie of the year. But not sure about the 'Gem of the decade' award." 
Gray confidently answered and smiled which made the female reporters squeal.
Lucy interrupted, "Not to ruin Gray's fantasy but my movie 'Starry Night At Stella' was a blockbuster hit. Myself and my co-actor Natsu Dragneel were praised by critics for our performance. So, Gray, don't forget that even we are on the race too." Lucy smiled which made everyone chuckle after hearing her opinions.
"Sure Lucy... All the best to you and Natsu" Gray told and looked at his manager, Erza Scarlet, who also happens to be Natsu's manager, to know when this press meet is going to end.
"Another 10 minutes" Erza gestured by hand signals. 
Suddenly, one of the reporters from Magnolia Times shot down a question that took Gray off guard.
"Recently, there was a photo of Mr Fullbuster with a child in his arms. Who does that child happen to be? And is it true that you are having an illicit affair with someone, Mr Fullbuster?" That reporter smirked. 
Gray remained indifferent and calmly answered him while his team members and staff panicked.
"Everyone in Fiore knows that it was a piece of fake news. In today's era of modern technology, it is easy to photoshop one's picture with anything and anyone, Mr Invel.
    Even my agency owner, Mr Makarov Dreyer and my manager, Ms Scarlet have clarified about it. So, don't go digging the old hoax rumours." 
Gray stood up and thanked everyone for their time and presence before dashing off to the exit where Lucy followed him back.
It was Erza and the production team who bid a farewell to the reporters before joining the actors in their cabin.
Once Erza reached Gray's cabin, she saw him tossing his coat and tie around the room while Lucy stood silently.
"Gray, I think you should disclose your relationship before it gets exposed in a bad way," Erza said calmly and patted his back.
"That's what I was thinking, Erza. I can't continue to hide this big news about my life for a long time from my fans. I will reveal this during the awards function." Gray looked determined and hoped that his fans would take it on a positive note.
"They will surely accept your relationship status just like how they received mine and Natsu's." Lucy encouraged him and patted his arms which seemed to make him calm down.
"Gray, tomorrow you have your day off then, on Wednesday, we will be going to Phoenix Mall for a fan meet up event where other actors of our agency will join us." Erza informed him and handed the invitation.
From the invitation, it was clear that this mall was quite near to his apartment complex. Moreover, it was arranged by Mr Makarov himself so there was no way of turning it down.
"Fine, I will get ready for this. Just send the car near the children's park no need to come in front of the complex." He informed Erza and thanked them both for their words of motive before he left them.
After half an hour, Gray reached the children's park and put on his disguise, cooling glass, mask and a cap to conceal his identity while he was dressed up in a simple t-shirt and jeans.
"Max, tomorrow's your day off. Pick me up here at 9 am on Wednesday. Bye."
"Yes, Mr Fullbuster. Bye, and Good night" The driver left him while Gray made his way towards his home.
The apartment complex in which he lived was one of the expensive housing in Magnolia. The higher the floor level, the higher is the cost and the higher is the security.
Till the 11th floor, the general public who did high order jobs lived while the next 10 floors were occupied by celebrities of various fields.
One of the perks of this housing agency was that their identity remains secret, not even their neighbours know about them until and unless the involved party discloses it.
Once Gray reached the 17th floor, which had two apartments where one was still vacant.
As he hit the doorbell of his apartment, Gray could hear voices coming from inside which brought a smile on his face.
The door opened and his eyes met the gorgeous lady who welcomed him with a beautiful smile that captivated him.
"Welcome home, Gray-sama"
"I'm home, Juvia," Gray said and got inside.
Soon, he removed the disguise and leaned forward to kiss her lips which she reciprocated back.
Once they broke off the kiss, Juvia hugged him and whispered, "I missed you, Gray-sama."
"Even, I missed you, Juvia. It's been a week since I last saw you and…." Before he could finish, both of them felt someone hugging their legs.
And it was none their 3-year-old daughter, Yuki Fullbuster, who resembled her mother but had father's hair and eye colour and his sharp nose.
Seeing his daughter's smile was enough for him to get distracted from his wife, then, have his undivided attention on his little munchkin.
Gray raised Yuki in his arms and kissed her cheeks and forehead who did the same to her papa.
"Yuki missed you, papa."
"Even, papa missed you, darling. Were you a good girl during papa's absence?" Gray asked her as they moved towards the living room.
Gray let her down who ran up to a table and tried to fetch her drawing notebook.
Juvia made her husband sit down and inquired him about his work as he looked tired and kinda depressed.
Gray convinced her everything was fine and told her about the press meet excluding the details of the rumours.
It had been 4 years since Gray started his acting career starting as an ad shoot model to tv artists then to movie star.
Gray, Natsu and Erza were childhood friends who did their schooling from the same institution till college.
It was during the 3rd year, Gray and Natsu got scouted to act as models for a tv commercial which they accepted readily as of then they needed some kind of part-time jobs to meet their ends.
Even, Erza thought that it was a good opportunity for them to succeed as the agency, Fairy Tail, was well known throughout Fiore and persuaded them to take up the offer.
Once, their commercials began to reach people mainly because of their handsome features and physique especially Gray got popular among the female fans.
It was during this time that Gray and Natsu had to move out of the college dorm so that they could work freely without time restrictions.
That's when Gray meets Juvia for the first time in his life. She was his neighbour whom he thought lived her boyfriend but it turned out to be her best friend, Gajeel Redfox, vocalist of Phantom Bands, an upcoming band.
Gray rarely started any kind of conversation with anyone. It was with the help of Natsu that they befriended Juvia and to date, Gray was thankful to his friend.
Until the moment he met Juvia, Gray was never keen on love or relationships. 
But to him, Juvia was way different from the girls he had met in his college. She was modest and shy but a kind person with a large helping tendency.
Gray knew her personality and beauty had beguiled his attention and wanting to know more about her made him fall for her head over heels.
Of course, they would exchange greetings whenever they met while leaving the house together. Slowly they deepened their connection and exchanged numbers.
Due to her friendly nature, Juvia would invite Gray and Natsu over to her place for small weekend parties which she would arrange for Gajeel to relieve his stress.
At first, he was reluctant to invade a party meant for Gajeel but the latter happily welcomed them.
That way, they got acquainted exchanged their work details and stress with each other.
It was after a few months of that weekend party that Gray had offered Juvia a dinner date which she accepted after a week of thinking.
By this time, Gray gained quite a lot of recognition. The reason he called her out on a dinner date was to reveal that he has signed up as the main lead for a tv drama which was produced by a well-known production house.
Juvia was elated and congratulated and wished him luck. It was during that time Gray confessed his love for her and waited for her answer.
To his surprise, Juvia readily accepted him. He still remembers her words from that time,
"Gray-sama, even I feel the same for you. I was afraid to convey my feelings to you as each day our world was getting apart. I was determined to tell you today after dinner.
     But to my surprise, I never expected even you would feel the same. I love you, Gray-sama."
After hearing her say those golden words, Gray got hold of her hand and kissed it lightly and asked Juvia to be his girlfriend which she agreed.
Once they reached their respective place, Gray kissed her lips and shared a hug before calling off that night.
The next day, both of them informed their friends about their relationship. Erza and Natsu were supportive.
But Gajeel was reluctant he wanted to tell Juvia how difficult it would be for her to date a celebrity.
She has to remain under the shadows. Moreover, if words go out then obsessive fans might harm her and she would be constantly under paparazzi's scrutiny if Gray's facing bad times.
But Juvia was ready to face any difficulties and wanted to support her boyfriend in his career.
Once the family had their dinner together, Gray tugged his daughter in her bed before planting a kiss on her forehead and wished her good night.
Juvia was washing the dishes when Gray snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her neck which made Juvia squeak.
Gray turned off the tap and turned his wife so that she could face him.
"Juvia, tomorrow's my day off. Even the night is still young. Moreover, I missed my wife…" He leaned forward and kissed her lips which made her moan against his lips.
"Juvia…." Both of their eyes were clouded with lust and decided to continue their passionate night inside their bedroom.
After an hour, both was them were under the blankets, Gray had his arm around his wife and hummed in her ears as she talked about her day with Yuki.
Juvia could sense her husband's hold around her waist getting tight. He did only when he felt insecure or paranoid.
Juvia turned around to face him who kept looking at her. She cupped his face with both of her hands which startled him.
"Gray-sama, what's on your mind? Spill it out. Don't go huddling up those stressful thoughts within you. Share it with your wife. I will help you lessen those burdens." Juvia conveyed her thoughts and smiled at him.
"This is what I'm beguiled about you, Juvia. You can easily find out my conflicting thoughts just by sensing my actions. I'm really lucky to have you as my soulmate, dear." Gray said earnestly and kissed her forehead which made Juvia feel special.
Then slowly Gray disclosed his fears about how the world will perceive his relationship and worried that this shouldn't cause any harm to either Juvia and Yuki especially.
After hearing his fears, Juvia cradled her husband and patted his back just like how she does it for her daughter whenever she has nightmares.
Gray seemed to relax from this action. Juvia assured him that nothing terrible is going to happen and just hope everything turns out well.
Suddenly Gray raised his head and questioned her, "What if things repeat? And this time to our Yuki."
Juvia's eyes grew wide, but she can't show her fear, at least, not in front of her husband for now, who himself was feeling paranoid.
"I'm sure nothing will happen. Let's have faith in ourselves and your fans, Gray-sama.
       I'm just worried that your fan number might get reduced once you reveal your married status." Juvia voiced her concern.
This time it was Gray's turn to convince her, "Nah! Just like you said let's hope for the best. I love you and Yuki. Remember that, okay"
Gray smiled and kissed her lips, "Juvia, you are still warm. Wanna continue from where we left?" He teased her.
It seemed her Gray-sama was back to normal for now.
A/N: Sorry for posting it bit late. Hope I will be able to update for the rest of the event.
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Divorce Papers
Sometimes it can all get a little too much being the wife of Harry Styles... 
Kids: Connor (2), Rebecca/Becca (1)
You couldn't lie to yourself anymore. Harry had been touring for the last 5 month and you were at home with two kids under the age of 3. He rarely called, barley visited home, and was always being photographed and big glitzy parties with a bunch of supermodels. At first, you didn't worry, you and Harry were married after all so there really was no worry, but as time went by you became more and more anxious about the situation. His calls went from daily to once a week at most. At first, you thought it was just the jet lag or the time zones that made it difficult but after hearing from him once in a matter of weeks and being forced to text Jeff to get updates on your husband’s whereabouts, you there was a problem.
You understood it was his job to go tour across the world wherever they sent him but you also knew that Harry was responsible for being a father to your children and that was one thing he was not fulfilling. It was always hard to raise toddlers so close in age but when you have to raise them alone because your husband is MIA, the situation could only get worse from there. Luckily Connor always slept through the night, but Becca would start screaming every few hours with no one to help you, it was starting to take a toll on you. Gemma, Harry's sister, tried to make up for her brother’s absence but it wasn't the same.
You were starting to think your marriage was crumbling. Your friends always said it was going to be hard as marrying a celebrity always came with a high price but you had always believed that love conquers all, although this idea was starting to slip away. You had spent the last 5 months thinking strongly on how to fix this problem but you soon realized that Harry had put in zero effort and went on as if nothing was wrong. This always led to the question, Is it even worth fixing at this point? You didn't know but you would soon find out.
After waking up to your alarm clock going off at 8:00 a.m. you rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up an pee. Becca had just begun teething and you were nearly at your wits end having to cuddle her to bed every 2 hours. You manage to avoid waking her up as you crept downstairs to make yourself some breakfast peacefully before Gemma came over to spend the day with you and your kids. You started brewing some coffee as you desperately tried to keep your eyes open. Putting some bread in the toaster you sat at your island in silence, contemplating moving whether to move at all from that spot all day. As you sat there you suddenly heard feet hitting the floor upstairs as your son slowly made his way down the stair.
"Connor, what are you doing up buddy?" You asked as you picked him up in your arms, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"breakfast mama," he said in his broken English as he pointed at his high chair.
"Ok buddy let's get you something to eat," you said as you grabbed a box of Cheerios and some milk, pouring it all into a bowl. Your doorbell rang just as you finished finding him a spoon and placing a bib around his neck.
Slowly you walk over to the door revealing Gemma standing there with a bag of pastries and chocolate donut (Connor’s favorite).
"Well you look like shit," she said as she walked past you. You rolled your eyes and followed her, closing the door on the way in.
She removed the bowl of cheerios from his table and placed the donut down in-front of Connor as he clapped happily.
Gemma placed a kiss on his forehead before turning around to look at you, "still no call?" She asked quietly. 
That had been the million-dollar question for the past two and a half weeks. No call, no text, no word from Harry. You heard nothing about how the tour was going or when he would have his next break. He had essentially cut off all communications and it was ruining you slowly.
You shook your head looking away, trying not to cry about Harry's lack of presence. Gemma swore under her breath and came up to you, giving you a tight hug.
"(Y/n) I know how bad this is and I know how much you love Harry but you can't keep going like this. You've reached your breaking point and this has become an unhealthy relationship. I love my brother with all my heart and I don’t know why he’s doing this but as your friend, I can’t see you like this"
She was right. You had lost at least 10 pounds from the stress and anxiety that Harry was causing you and you knew it needed to come to an end.
"I know but I don't know what to do. I love him, but I can't reach him. I'm basically losing my mind and I don't know how to stop it all" you stated.
She stayed quiet for a minute before quietly asking, "have you thought about a divorce at all?"
In truth you had a couple of times before when it was three in the morning and Becca would scream out for her daddy and you knew there was nothing you could do, but it always felt too extreme.
"Yeah it's crossed my mind a couple times...... but I could never do it I don't think. I love him so much and I can't be alone again, I really can't." You whispered as your eyes began to gloss over.
Gemma wrapped her arms around you tightly. "Shhh, it's going to be ok. Tell you what why don't you come with the kids to my house for a bit and stay there so you’re not alone. I can talk to Michal and see if his friend John can draft up some divorce papers with you... nothing to sign but just to see what it would entail. Did you guys sign a prenup at all? " she asked as you wipe your tears with the edge of your sleeves.
You shook your head, “No, I offered to sign one for him but he refused. Regardless, I don’t want his money, that’s not why I married him”
“I know love, I know. It complicates the situation a bit but nothing that can’t be dealt with later. Besides, you know Harry is going to give you at least half of his earnings if not more regardless of if you want it. He worries about you.” Gemma adds.
“I wish he would at least talk to me if he’s so worried” you mumbled as you heard cries come from the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Let’s take it one step at a time. I’ll call Michal and why don’t you go get Becca” Gemma stated as you went over to wipe the chocolate off of Connor's giddy face as you made your way up the stairs. 
You slowly entered Becca’s room and greeted her with a soft ‘good morning’ as you reached her arms out to you from her crib. You smiled at your baby girl who had seemed to have woken up in a better mood than yesterday. You battle with Becca down the stairs as she attempts to take off your shirt by swatting at your boob (a sign that she’s hungry). 
"Connor says he wants to have a sleepover with me so it has been decided that you’re all staying over at my house” Gemma cheered as Connor giggled in her arms. 
“Gemma, really it’s ok. I don’t want to burden you or Michal” you replied
"Nonsense! Michal loves having these little gremlins and you around. I’ll take Connor up with me and we’ll start packing a bag for him while you feed Rebecca. We have the crib from when Michal’s godson stayed with us a couple of weeks ago so we can move that into the guestroom for you. I'll go call Michal and tell him to come help and we'll be ready in no time!" she said began to make her way upstairs.
"Ok, thanks Gem” you replied as you sat down on the couch with your fussy baby, getting ready to feed her. 
*6 hours later*
After changing Becca and double-checking that you had your purse, you and Gemma got into your car and made the 20-minute drive to Gemma and Michal’s house. Michal being the angel that he is had offered to bring all the bags in his car and drive them over. By the time you got to their house, all your bags were set up in the guest room and the crib Rebecca would be sleeping in was set up in the corner of the room. 
After you had all settled in, Gemma took Connor outside to play in the sprinkler while Becca took a nap upstairs. You sat in the living room with Michal as he began to explain the papers his friend had drafted for you. 
"I'm not gonna lie, this is going to be a long process that will bring out the worst in both of you. Custody will be a major part as well as splitting of assets and money."
You shook your head "I don't want any money. I didn't marry him for money so I'm not going to divorce him for any" you stated
He nodded as he began correcting the forms and continued to explain the legal process as well as the custody procedures. After almost two hours of staring at twenty pages of legal papers, you were finally starting to understanding it all (sort of). Rebecca had woken up ten minutes ago and was now sitting on your lap moving her head every time her name was mentioned. Gemma had brought Connor inside and helped him take a bath and they were watching a movie in her room as you and Michal finished up. You were going over the final details when the doorbell rang. Gemma got up from the couch and went to open it when you suddenly heard some shouting and a pair of rough footsteps heading towards the living room.
You looked up to see none other the Harry who looked both worried and furious at the same time.
"I came home expecting to see my children and wife but I come home to an empty house and a note saying you were gone" he shouted as you sat there in shock, seeing your husband for the first time in months. 
Rebecca whined softly as she became irritated from the loud boom of Harry's voice. Michal quickly stood and rested his hand on your shoulder signaling that he would take Becca upstairs so we could talk. You carefully passed Rebecca off to Michal as Connor came barreling towards Harry. 
“Dada Dada” Connor shouted as his chubby body knocked right into Harry’s legs. 
“Hi baby, I’ve missed you” he replied as he picked up Connor in his arms and showered him with kisses. 
“You should be ashamed of yourself Harry Edward Styles. If mom were here right now she’d have an absolute fit at your behavior. You’re so lucky (Y/n) won’t let me tell her because she would have flown out to whoop your ass. Come on Connor want to go watch the wiggles upstairs” Gemma stated as she grabs Connor from Harry’s arms. 
“wiggles wiggles” Connor cheered as Gemma and Michal carried your kids upstairs.
“If you so much as yell at her Harry I will murder you” Gemma yelled from the top of the stairs. 
Once they were gone you slowly got up from the couch and cleaned up all the papers scattered around the coffee table. As you began placing them in a folder Harry snatched them and began reading through them.
"Divorce papers? Are you serious? I've been gone for my job, a job I have to support you and the kids, and you want to divorce me for it?" He questioned as his anger started to bubble up.
You sighed, "that's not the reason Harry and you know it. It was just an idea Gemma had mentioned so I was looking into it. Besides, I would be divorcing you for neglecting not only me but our family for the last 5 months. Harry, I love you but this isn’t right"
"I had to work (Y/n), what part of that did you not understand?" he shouted as he dropped the papers on the floor. 
"The part where you stop calling your family for months and spend your spare time on yachts with supermodels instead of coming to see your children. I shouldn’t have to ask your manager how you’re doing, you should be telling me" you yell back
He chuckles angrily, "Is that what this is about, you think I cheated? I didn't, but if that’s what you want I'll get right on it? Would that solve your problems?" He replied sarcastically.
Your eyes began to water at the idea Harry described and you pressed your fingers to your eyes as to prevent yourself from crying in front of him. " Harry I love you but if that's how you truly feel then maybe we shouldn't have gotten married in the first place" you stated
"Maybe you're right" he stated as he turns around and stomps towards the kitchen. You let out a shaky breath as you watch him leave. This was not the way you thought your day was going to turn out. 
You began picking up the divorce papers as you hear a cry come from upstairs. Carefully you wipe the tears from your eyes and started to make your way up to go get Becca. You walked into the master bedroom to find Connor fast asleep on Michal’s lap while Gemma attempts to calm Becca down by rocking her back and forth in the corner.
When they spot you in the doorway, Michal gives you a sympathetic smile while Gemma’s frown deepens. You smile in return and pick up Becca from Gemma's arms and walk out of the room. You go to the guest room quickly to grab her favorite blanket and walked downstairs. You can hear Harry pacing in the kitchen, the pile of divorce papers missing from the floor most likely with him. You cautiously made your way to the glass door in the back of the living room and stepped outside into the slightly chilly night, bundling yourself and Becca up in the plush purple blanket Harry had bought Becca when she was born. You turned on the patio light and made your way to Gemma's garden to the small swing standing in the middle of it. 
You stay there crying as you rock Becca to sleep in your arms. A while later you heard footsteps slowly approach the garden and feel the weight of the swing shift as someone sits next to you. You don't dare look up as the smell of cologne gives away that it's Harry. He clears his throat a couple of times before speaking.
"Why wouldn't you take any of my money?" He asked quietly as he folded the divorces papers
You wiped your tears slowly and took a deep breath before responding, "because I didn't marry you for your money so why should I divorce you and get it. I married you because I love you"
"You need the support. I would give you all the money in a heartbeat you know that" he mumbled back
"I have a job and some savings, I could support myself and our kids" you stated. You heard him grunt as he flipped through the pages.
"Custody battle? Do you think it would come to that?" He asked quietly as you saw his shoulders shake.
"My babies are my everything....... I can't lose them like I already lost you" you stated as you caressed Becca's cheek.
"You didn’t lose- were you actually going to sign these?" He asked, voice cracking as you watched his hands begin to shake. 
"No" you replied back, barely louder than a whisper. 
Harry let out a breath and timidly let's go of the papers placing them on the ground before wrapping his arm around you carefully.
The minute your head hit his chest you began to cry. Harry quickly took Becca out of your arms and into his chest as you clung to him, sobbing into his shirt. He caressed his free hand up and down your back and placed chase kisses onto your forehead as he whispered sweet words and apologies to you.
You sobs slowly became sniffles as you wrapped your arms around yourself, leaving your head to lean on Harry's shoulders.
"Baby I’m so unbelievably sorry. I didn’t know it had gotten this bad. Why didn't you tell me you felt this way? With all the shows and starting to record the new album, I forgot about the most important thing in my life." He asked as he rubbed circles into your back.
You twiddled with your fingers, "I could never reach you. Every time I tried to call you were busy so I thought, ok he can just call me, but then your calls just got shorter and then they just stopped. I took it as you were busy but even when you had a couple days off you wouldn't come visit. You had basically broken off from us, Harry. I didn't know what to do. I spent most days with Gemma and most nights with a crying Becca keeping me up because all she wanted was her Dada singing her to sleep. I had to play your albums every night to try and get her to calm down and every time your voice played through the speaker, I died inside. It was all too much for me. I was alone Harry and you were nowhere to be found. I want my husband back. I want the man I fell in love with four years ago that use to wake up at 5 am halfway across the globe just to wish me goodnight. I want the man that cried at our wedding as I walked down the aisle. I want the man that tries to sneak chocolate chips into Connor’s pancakes while I’m not watching just to make his baby boy smile. I want my Harry back." you replied as you stared at the ground.
Harry stiffened as you finished speaking. He slowly lifted your chin up to meet your eyes. You could see tears falling down from his eyes as he looked straight at you. You could tell he was hurting and just the thought of him breakdown was making you shatter into a million pieces. You carefully got up from the swing a grabbed Becca from his arms before tucking her head into the nook of your neck as you cautiously sat down on Harry's laps. Harry let out a loud breath before he carefully wrapped his arms around your frame and staring straight into your eyes. 
"I’m right here baby, I’m still your Harry. I love you so much and just the thought of losing you and my babies hurts me more than a bullet ever could. I'm sorry I didn't call but I was so homesick that I figured it would be easier on both of us if I just kept my distance. I figured the check-ins with Jeff would be enough. I know that’s no excuse but I promise baby I’ll be better.  I love you so so much you have no idea (Y/n). I promise I'll be better for you and for our kids just please don't leave me" he said as he hugged you tighter causing a sob to escape your lips.
"I love you too H" you state in between sobs. You both sat there for a while until you had stopped crying. Cautiously Harry lifted your face to look at him.
"Can I rip up those papers when we get back?" He asked timidly as he stared at you.
You nodded furiously and quickly pulled him into a deep kiss. You pulled away breathless as you lean your forehead against his.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it that far. I should have just waited to talk with you before asking Michal about them and I..." you tried to continue but Harry stopped you with a kiss.
"Shhh we're going to get through this baby” He whispered as he caressed your hair. 
“We need to go to therapy, Harry. This was a big deal and I don’t think we can slip this under the rug and get back to where we were without it” You mumbled into his neck. 
“Of course (Y/n). I’ll go to therapy every day for the next thirty years if it means I get to keep you and my babies with me. I'm going to be better for you and for the kids. I'm going to take you all on tour with me from today on and were going to work through this. Now, why don't we head in it starting to get pretty cold." He stated as carefully helped you up while making sure Becca was wrapped up tightly in her blanket. You snuggled deeper into Harry's side and nodded your head as the two of you walked into the house once more.
Gemma and Michal sat on the couch talking quietly to each other as the tv played in the background They looked up at the two of you cautiously. Harry quickly kissed your head and grabbed Becca before taking her upstairs to bed.
You carefully grabbed one of the four full wine glasses on the coffee table and sat on the love seat next to the fire hoping to warm up a bit. Gemma starred at you as you sat there. You knew she was dying to know what happened outside, but she was too kind to ask.
"I think we're going to be ok" you state as you wrap the blanket closer to your chest. Gemma gets up and gives you a big hug.
“You’re not letting him off the hook are you?” she asked sternly.
“No, he’s not off the hook. We’re going to start therapy and we’re going to take things slow. He said he’s going to be home more and that he’s going to take us on tour with him from now on but we’ll see. One day at a time” you mumbled as you took a sip from your glass
"I'm glad it all worked out but if he hurts you again, family or not, I'll kick his ass. No one disrespects my (Y/n)" she said seriously. You laughed and simply nodded your head as you heard Harry's footsteps down the stairs.
"Thanks for watching Connor," Harry said as he shook Michal's hand and kissed the top of Gemma's head as she made her way to the spot next to her husband.
"Anytime. He is so adorable and quiet" Michal gushed.
You smiled softly and moved over slightly in your seat, making room for Harry. Harry carefully picked you up from the love seat and sat down, placing you on his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around you, burying his head into your neck. 
The four of you spent the rest of the night watching tv quietly as you cuddled in the loveseat, Harry stealing sips from your wine glass as you try your hardest not to fall asleep. After a while, Gemma and Michal said their goodnights and headed up to their room as Harry carefully picked you up and carried you to the guest room. He slowly laid you on the bed and removed all of your clothes except your underwear before taking off his shirt and helping you place your arms in the sleeves. He tucked you into bed and quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants before grabbing a pillow and getting ready to spend the night on the floor. He didn’t want to overstep and end the day on the wrong note but the minute he heard you call his name he smiled. He quickly checked on Becca that was fast asleep in her crib while Connor slept peacefully in the small bed laid out next to your bed. He gave both of them a quick kiss on the cheek before carefully sliding into bed behind you.
 You curled your body into Harry's and sighed contently as he wrapped his arms around you. You heard a faint "I love you, baby, so much" from Harry as you drifted off to sleep. For the first time in months, you were able to sleep through the night and you couldn't be happier.
Wow, it’s been a long time but I hope ya’ll enjoyed this one!!
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a-square-minus-one · 3 years
Honey 7
It’s been a while. I won’t lie and say that I didn’t have severe writer’s block. Still don’t like how this turned out. But it’s something. 
 “I’ve brought reinforcements,” Terra says, throwing her hands in the air enthusiastically. Raven breezes past her and places her bag of crystals and herbs onto the table.
“To our exposed tower,” Raven drones, emptying her bag one crystal at a time. Garfield bites at a hangnail on his thumb.
“Uh...you’re welcome,” Terra says, head tilting to the side and hands falling limply at her sides. Raven glances at Terra briefly, then returns her attention back to the stones. It’s silent for a few moments. Garfield sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. Terra and Raven toed the line between friends and enemies constantly. They cared about each other deeply but also knew exactly what to say to push each other’s buttons. There was no telling how they’d interact with each other at any given time.
  “Thank you Terra,” he says, placing a hand on his girlfriend’s back. She shoots him a loose, irritated smile. 
“You don’t need to thank me,” Terra says, directing her words at the sorceress across from her. Raven’s head is turned down.
“Thank you for thinking of us Terra. I just don’t know if this is an instance where there is strength in numbers or whether adding members to our team multiplies our vulnerabilities.”
Garfield places his hands on Terra’s tight shoulders, feeling the air around everyone rising in temperature. 
“Mmhhhm, I get it,” Terra says, sucking her lips into her mouth in a way that suggests she did not, in fact, ‘get it.’ “Guess I was just worried when Garfield called me in the middle of the night to tell me that your little boyfriend turned him into a literal fish out of water.”
“Okay!” Garfield says, clapping his hands at the same time Raven’s head snaps up at Terra. “Terra and Aqualad are here. Nothing we can do about that now.”
“Right,” Raven says, keeping eye contact with Terra for a few beats. She puckers her lips, and looks blankly at the wall behind them. “Truthfully, both of your powers will be very useful to us.”
“How so?” Terra asks. Garfield tries not to make his relief visible when he notes that a lot of the edge in both of their voices has been softened.
���I’ll explain but first-” Raven says, waving her hands until there is a circle of white gemstones around the group. “Demons can’t pass a barrier of quartz.”  
“Right,” Terra says, rocking on her heels and eyeing the little rocks skeptically. “So how can we help.”
“Incantations don’t really have a shelf life. They are immediate solutions to immediate problems. Spells and curses work best when they are bound to something tangible. Either a person or something earthen. It’s the reason why voodoo dolls are usually made of clay. And the reason for these,” Raven says, gesturing to the multi colored crystals in front of them. “And water-”
“Is a purifying element,” Aqualad finishes for Raven, playing with a chunk of amethyst. He looks around at the team’s expectant faces. “Ever watch the Wizards of Oz? Water melts the witch.”
“Such a marvelous movie!” Starfire exclaims at the same time Garfield blurts-
“Raven takes showers though.”
He immediately buries his forehead into Terra’s hair. Not the best time to sound like I think about Raven showering. He thinks to himself, clenching his eyes tight. He feels his back muscles tighten when he hears Garth chuckle.
“The Wizard of Oz is an exaggeration of the actual truth,” Garth says.
“Being?” Nightwing asks. Aqualad looks at Raven to see if she wants to explain. Raven shrugs.
“You were very eager to explain a few moments ago,” she says, eyebrow arched. Garth chuckles, running a hand through his jet black locks. “Water is considered pure. Dark magic and dark energy travels through it at a much slower rate. It’s why people use water in baptisms and exorcisms. It’s meant to cleanse.”
“Is there anything this guy doesn’t know about?” Garfield mumbles under his breath into Terra’s hair. 
“I’m not great at art history,” Aqualad says. Garfield makes a point to look at Garth’s face when he rolls his eyes.
“So our plan is to have Aqualad throw buckets of water on your brothers?” Garfield asks.
“Our plan-” Raven narrows her eyes at Changeling. “Is to trap my three eldest brothers in crystal cages and detach their spirits from their corporeal forms.” 
“That sounds-” Cyborg starts, scratching at his head. 
“Like murder,” Nightwing finishes. Starfire cringes, placing her fingers on her lips. She looks to Nightwing, then to Raven.
“It’s not,” Raven says, sighing when Nightwing doesn’t immediately relax. “It’s not. My brothers are higher order demons. Their spirits cannot be destroyed.”
Nightwing crosses his arms over his chest. 
“Really Nightwing, do you honestly think we are capable of removing sin from the world?” Raven asks. One of her eyes twitches. 
Raven looks around to her teammates who say nothing. “The answer is a very very clear ‘no.’ My brothers need to exist.”
“The world needs balance,” Aqualad says. Raven nods at him. 
“Something it will not have if my father is released. Which is why we need to separate my brothers’ spirits from their bodies and trap them in clay figurines. This will make it nearly impossible for them to communicate their plans with each other. It will solve our problems for at least another decade.”
“And their bodies?” Nightwing asks. Raven feels her skin prickle at the sharp accusation.
“Are just that,” she replies smoothly. “Bodies. Their bodies only serve as conduits for their immortal spirits. Trigon will eventually find another human woman to manipulate and seduce and my brothers will have a new conduit.”  
“We need to think of another way,” Nightwing bristles, pounding his fist into his hand.  Raven looks at his fist in his hand.
“There is no other way.”
“We can’t just murd-”
“This is not murde-”
“Then why does your plan end with six lifeless bodies. Your brothers have human mothers. They are human.”
“No Nightwing...there is absolutely nothing human about my brothers. If you knew what they were capable of, you would know that. With certainty.” 
“Trigon made them the same way he made you.”
The words shouldn’t have had as much force as they did but Garfield finds himself taking a step back. He can hear everyone’s breath catch in their throat at the same time. Garfield notices Raven’s shoulders shift, almost as if she’s accommodating the weight of the words Nightwing just said. Besides that, she is frozen in place.  She does not look up. She does not acknowledge what was said. Nightwing’s frowning, his fingers twitching against his thighs. It looks like he’s torn between wanting to say something and wanting to stand firm. He doesn’t get the chance to make the decision because Raven turns around, her cloak swirling around her ankles. She starts moving towards the common room doors.
Then suddenly she yelps in a way that makes Garfield’s ears ring. One second she’s surrounded by shocking white light and the next she’s being propelled backwards, forcefully and quickly, into the sofa. Garfield can hear the impact as her back hits the wooden structure underneath the cushions. He winces. He and Starfire are by her side immediately. Nightwing runs in front of her, bo staff gripped tightly in his hand. His eyes are sharp as he looks around the common room for the intruder.
“My brothers aren’t here,” Raven says, wincing a little as Starfire helps her to sit up. Nightwing turns around, eyebrows crinkled. Raven sighs. 
“Star could you-” Raven pauses. Garfield looks down as her throat moves when she swallows deeply and silently. “Could you move one of those crystals?”
And understanding falls over Garfield like an itchy sweater.
“Demons can’t pass through a ring of quartz,” Raven mumbles, looking down. Garfield feels fingers tighten around his heart as Nightwing’s last words are validated. Trigon made them the same way he made you. He wonders how many therapy sessions he himself would need to work through that idea. Aqualad moves to the quartz quickly and tosses the gem across the room.
“You’ll have to-” Raven clears her throat, and she hasn’t looked back up again. “You’ll have to put it back when I leave.”
“Listen Raven-” Nightwing starts.
“I’ll be back,” Raven says, rushing to the roof. Garfield presses his lips firmly together and runs a hand through his hair. No one moves for a couple minutes.
“So...what do we do now?” Terra asks. Garfield rubs the back of his neck. The whole team looks to Nightwing. His face and body are a mix of hard angles as he looks to the doors Raven left out of. His lips a straight line. His shoulders at perfect right angles with his neck. His jaw, somehow even more chiseled. Still Garfield can see traces of regret behind his statuesque frame. Realizing they wouldn’t be getting anything useful from him, Starfire, Cyborg and Changeling look between each other.
“You’re up grass stain,” Cyborg says, drumming his mechanical fingers against his chest. Garfield gapes at him.
“Up for what?”
“You gotta bring her back down,” Cyborg says, as if it’s that simple. Garfield places both hands on his head.
“Bro, what if she’s meditating?”
“Her brothers can attack at any time. We have to prioritize this,” Cyborg says, arms crossed over his chest. Garfield looks towards Terra who has started up a conversation with Aqualad since Raven’s departure. He leans towards his friend.
“Do you really think I am the best person to talk to her about this right now?” Garfield whispers, his voice coming out like little hisses between his tight lips. Cyborg waves him off.
“Her brother was obviously trying to throw you two off your game earlier,” Cyborg shrugs. Garfield crosses his arms across his chest and resists stomping his foot.
“Seriously? Why does everyone keep saying it’s obvious? What am I? Chopped liver.” 
“Of course not friend,” Starfire says, rubbing her hand back and forth over his shoulder. 
“You know you’re the only one who can talk to her when she’s on that roof.”
“That’s not true!” Garfield exclaims. Cyborg presses his lips together and tilts his head from left and right as if contemplating that sentence.
“Okay, we could all probably  reach out to her but you’re usually the only one ballsy enough to do it. She’ll be expecting you.” 
“Well it’s not gonna be me this time,” Garfield says, fingers digging into his elbows. It was awkward enough in the elevator. 
Garfield stares at Cyborg. 
And Cyborg stares at Garfield.
And Starfire stands to the side looking between both of them.
And five minutes later Garfield finds himself on the roof of the tower, the door closing softly behind him. 
Garfield curses and silently prays he’s not interrupting time she needs for herself. Raven’s knees are clutched to her chest, the soft wind is blowing strands of her hair backwards. He’s pondering how to approach her when a strand of her hair catches the light. All together her hair is such a dark purple that it’s almost black but when the strands are separated it’s a plum color. It’s the same color of the plums his mom used to bring him in Africa. They were always so fat and juicy. Garfield licks his lips.
“Are you going to stand there all day?” Raven asks, not bothering to look back at him.
“Was trying to avoid getting thrown off the roof,” Garfield says, placing his hands in his pockets and leaning against the door. Raven finally looks back, and the light is hitting her in a way that tints half her face golden. 
“Haven’t thrown you off the roof, or anywhere for that matter, in years.”
“That’s-” Not true, he wants to say but then he thinks about it. She hasn’t used her powers on him in a while.
“Fair enough,” he says, and walks towards her. He tilts his chin to the spot next to her. “Mind if I sit?”
“It’s not my roof,” Raven shrugs. Garfield presses his lips together tightly but sits down next to her anyways. He mirrors her position, bringing his knees to his chest. He looks out at the glittering water.
“You think my plan is murder?” Raven asks. 
“Don’t think you’re capable of murder,” Garfield says, watching a bird jump around at the shore line. They let the sound of the waves crash over their conversation for a few moments.
“But I’m not comfortable with your plan,” he says and turns his head to look her in the eyes. “And I’m not sure the rest of the team is either.” 
Raven’s lips remain frustratingly straight. Garfield doesn’t break eye contact.
“There’s not another option.” Garfield shakes his head.
“There’s always another option.”
A particular hard wave crashes against the shore. Raven looks away to look at it.
“They won’t hesitate to kill any of you if given the option,” Raven says in a low voice. Garfield watches as she brushes a strand of hair away from her face then looks away again. 
“It’s usually a hazard of the job,” Garfield says, leaning his back against the roof and looking up at the clouds above their heads. Raven looks back at him from her seated position the sunlight behind her is making the edges of her hair glow.
“If your lives are in danger I’m going through with it regardless of what Nightwing, or anyone, thinks.”
Garfield sticks his palm underneath his head and juts his bottom lip out in thought.
“You know Nightwing didn’t mean to insult you.”
“Doesn’t mean I wasn’t.”
Garfield hums. 
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“You don’t have to apologize for Nightwing.”
 “Well yeah but I meant for making things uncomfortable in the elevator and for being so crude.”
“My brother made them uncomfortable,” Raven says, getting up from her seat.
“So you admit it was uncomfortable?” Garfield asks, grinning. He shields his eyes with his hand so he can get a better look at her face. She gives him a deadpan expression, then juts her chin towards the entrance to the Tower.
“Let’s get back inside.” 
Garfield walks in front of Raven once they get off the elevator to the common room and quickly removes the stone just as she’s about to cross the barrier.
“Okay, let’s say my plan is murder. Let’s say that that is something that you think I am capable of-” Raven begins. Garfield cringes. Cyborg shoots him a look.
“Hey! I got her back downstairs,” Garfield says, hands up in front of him.
“Raven-” Nightwing says through a sigh. She puts a hand up.
“Let’s say my brothers, who have stood behind every person who has done any sickening thing in this world, are like me. Let’s say these men who have raped, murdered, robbed, are anything like me-”
“Your brothers are nothing like you. I misspoke-”’
Raven puts her hand up again. “What is your plan?”
“We keep them in a similar room to the one we kept you in on your sixteenth birthday.” 
Raven purses her lips. “I don’t know what you are expecting from this experiment but I would be remiss not to remind you that my brothers’ entire identities are tied to how many people they can make fall from grace,” Raven pauses, then sighs. “But I admire your infallible, perhaps misplaced, hope that there is something good even in the depths of Hell...maybe I’m too close to the situation to see properly. I am not too proud to admit that.” 
She shakes her head. “I trust your gut Nightwing. It hasn’t led us astray yet. If you think that we can do this some other way. If you are convinced-” Raven hesitates, biting her lip. She looks Nightwing in the eyes. “I have followed you blindly to the ends of the Earth before.”
Nightwing lets those words settle on his shoulders. “I didn’t mean to say that you are anything like your brothers. But maybe-” Nightwing pauses. He places a hand on Raven’s shoulders. “Maybe they are, even if only a little bit, like you. Anyone who has the potential to be like you should be given the chance.”
“So be it,” Raven says, bowing her head, and moves to the table fingering her crystals.  
“You’ll all have to wear these. It will protect you from demonic influence.”
“I think we are forgetting one dragon sized problem,” Cyborg says.
“I’ll worry about Malchior,” Raven says. Garfield clears his throat.
“Actually Rae-” he begins. Raven looks up at him and he messes with the collar of his uniform. “I think I can help with Malchior.”
“Unless you’ve been hiding your knowledge of archaic magic-” Garfield rolls his eyes. 
“I think I can turn into a dragon,” he interrupts. She stutters and he has to stop himself from grinning.
“You can- I- what?” 
“Why haven’t you told me this baby?” Terra asks. Garfield shrugs.
“It’s new. I thought I could only turn myself into animals but apparently mythological creatures are not off the table.”
“How did you find this out friend?” Starfire asks, eyes wide and shiny. Garfield blushes and plays with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
“I may have turned into a unicorn.” Cyborg snorts.  Raven has to resist smiling when Garfield’s cheeks tint brown with a blush.
“Why would you-” Terra begins but things start to connect for Raven.
“Jordan,” Raven says in a low voice. Garfield peaks up at her through his lashes. “She loves unicorns.” 
Garfield nods, keeping eye contact with Raven. For once it doesn’t make the air around them too thick to breathe. 
“Well. I’ll have to be at your side at all times. Malchior will not resist an opportunity to change your form again. These crystals will protect you from my brothers but not Malchior’s magic. Aqualad can only be in so many places and he can only provide a temporary barrier. I’m going to have to shield your mind.” 
“Woah. I don’t think that’s safe,” Terra says, standing in front of Garfield with her hands up as if forming a protective barrier around him. “What happens if you get knocked out?”
Raven bites her lip, contemplating this. Garfield moves in front of Terra, his back to Raven.
“Even if I’m not fighting with Malchior directly, I’ll be in the same field. It’s better I’m close to Raven so I have the added protection of the mental shield.” 
“How about you sit this one out?” Terra asks, hesitantly, in a voice so low that Raven was sure Terra already knew the answer would be ‘no’ before she even asked the question. Garfield, in typical Garfield fashion, does not get defensive. He chuckles and grips his girlfriend’s shoulders lightly.
“Can superheroes do that now?” he directs the question to her but then swirls around to his teammates. “Cause let me tell you, there are about a million battles with Plasmus that I would’ve sat out.” 
Terra sighs. 
“We’ll make sure Aqualad is by us too. That way if I get knocked out, he can put up a barrier quickly and Garfield can escape somewhere.” 
“I want to be by you too,” Terra says and Nightwing immediately shakes his head.
“We’ll need at least four of us to fight the six brothers.”
“Four brothers,” Raven corrects.
“Four?” Starfire asks. “But there are seven sins?”
“My brothers weren’t all born in the same year. Currently sloth is an infant and Greed is around 2.”
“What?” Cyborg asks. Raven shrugs.
“Many women get a feeling about how evil my father is before he can impregnate them. Gluttony is only eight years old but I still wouldn’t underestimate him.”
“So Envy, Wrath and Lust are the only fully grown adults?” 
Raven nods. 
Red lights swallow up the common room. Raven curses, quickly using her powers to string fragments of crystals around her teammates' necks. 
“We don’t have time. Remember, the goal is to get them in crystal cages.”
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writtenbyblair · 4 years
#28: What we want
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Summary: Catching up with an old friend, you end up finding out that the people who matters never really leave you. 
“Believe me you’ll love it!” Said your friend, grabbing your arm. 
After being roommates for 5 years at MIT, you were used to her crazy last-minute plans. It had been a while since you last got to see each other. Indeed, after college, you left as you had found a job on the West coast and one thing leading to another, plus busy lives, made you lose touch. 
“Should have deleted my Instagram before you found me.” You joked. 
“Come on, it’s going to be fun. They call it an immersive restaurant. You participate in the making of your meal, a true experience.” 
That’s definitely something you would only find in L.A. 
You kept walking for a while and reached the street where the place was located. At first sight, the frontage didn’t look like much, hiding the gem inside. 
Once the door pushed, you stepped into a modern room in shades of teal, gold and black. Magnificent lighting glass balls were hanging over a unique massively long wood table. As soft lounge music was playing in the background, you gave your names to the head waiter who led you to your seats. 
“Hello Ladies, I’ll be your waiter tonight.” The short man handed you a single page menu. “The exclusive meals will be unveiled as the evening goes on. We’ll start at 8.30 as all the clients will be eating at this table. Meanwhile, what would you like to drink?” 
“I’ll take a Metropolitan.” Picked your friend. 
If there was one thing that made you uncomfortable it was making a decision when the staff member was waiting. 
“Uh, I’ll take that too please.” 
“You like that cocktail now?” Asked your friend surprised. 
You shook your head: “I panicked.” Causing both of you to laugh, you added: “I’m going to go change it.” 
“I come with you, I have to go to the bathroom.” 
The place had become way more busy in just a few minutes. Making your way to the bar, you felt a sudden pain in your arm.
“What was this for?” 
“Coming to your left.” 
Recognising the old ‘boy alert’ nudge from uni time, you elevated your chin, but nothing. Looking at your old time bestie, you asked for more precision: “Who? Where?” 
She got weirdly silent. 
You turned your head and your heart made a backflip. 
Too late. 
Time had had no effect on him. Apart from his hair being shorter, he looked the same as when you last saw him. A nostalgic feeling tightened your throat at this thought.
You couldn’t tell how many seconds went on before one of you moved. 
“Sorry” He blinked a few times before giving you a quick hug. “It’s been a while.” The feeling of his hands pressed against your back suspended time for a short moment. 
“Remember me?” Asked your friend. 
“Of course, you two were always together back then.”
A gong echoed in the room marking the dinner’s start. 
Without another word, you all joined your respective chair. Sitting between two women in their fifties, you couldn’t help glancing at the edge of the table. 
When it comes to the meal, you had little idea of what you were eating. Something about sprouted mushrooms and rare fifth talon in sample portions. 
As you tried to counterbalance the void in your stomach by lots of sparkling water, you excused yourself and headed towards the restrooms. 
You ended up in a narrow lobby where two doors were located at the end. Before going out, you washed your hands and found yourself readjusting a piece of hair. You opened the door and came face to face with Mac. 
As you walked past him, his hand brushed yours. Although this was due to the relatively small space, you could feel the redness colouring your cheeks. 
You must admit that once back at the table, you regretted just walking away, not engaging the conversation. It’s just that there were so many things to say, to ask. And after all, he could have done it too, but he didn’t. 
“Hey Y/N, do you have a plaster? These heels are killing me.”
“Some things never change.” You chuckle, remembering how you used to carry everything in your bag whenever the two of you would go on a night out. 
Rummaging in the mess that your leather item was supporting the weight of, your hands landed on a napkin that wasn’t supposed to be there. 
“Don’t trust her” 
The sharp shape of the letters was the same that was annotated all over your physics note back then. 
You looked towards Mac who was speaking with a man older than him. 
“You have it?” 
“Uh,” you scratched your forehead. Burying the paper at the bottom of your bag, you found what she asked for. 
“Here.” You handed her the band-aid with a weak smile. 
At the 5th course served, your attention was definitely not on the food anymore. Why would he resurface after 9 years? And why would he tell you that? 
It was enough. Even the tiny portions didn’t sit well with your stomach right now.
“Are you all right? You’ve been so quiet.” 
“Yes, probably one of these ingredients isn’t much appreciated by my stomach.” You faked a laugh. “I’m sorry, could we reschedule?” 
“Something happened?”
You picked up your bag. “I prefer—“ She grabbed your hand and her face had changed like day and night. 
“Why don’t you sit back and tell me what has gotten into you?”
He was right. You looked for Mac, but his seat was empty. 
One thing was sure though, you would not listen to her. You visualised the table, considering what your free hand could grasp. You felt the stares of your chair neighbours. 
As you were about to get hold of the nearby candlestick, a gunshot exploded. 
The loud and unexpected sound causing people to run everywhere was enough to made her disappear. 
Suddenly, you felt fingers wrapping yours, sweeping you along. Still stunned by the buzzing sound in your ears, you realised whose hand was holding yours.  
“By the window.” 
You looked at him with wide eyes.
“By the window?!” You repeated, hoping you had misheard what he said. 
“Have I ever made you do something crazy?” Honestly, you could have named dozens of these, but judging by the chaos in the restaurant and the close police sirens, it was definitely not a good moment. 
You stepped on the small balcony and replied sarcastically: “No, never.”
He chuckled. Bringing back his focus to the platform he was aiming for, you saw a fraction of hesitation on his face. 
Still, he landed right on it. 
You removed your heels and considered the void below. 
You took a deep breath and jumped. 
The cold metal caused your left foot to slip, but a stronger strength had already secured your waist. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah. I do this every day.” 
“I saw that.” Being aware of the closeness in which you were standing, Mac dropped his hands. “We should probably go.”
You squeezed the back of your neck, full of knots. Now that your body was at rest, your mind had time to process what had happened under only two hours.
“Well, that was insane. How do you feel?” Asked Mac, hands on the steering wheel of his pickup. 
“Question marks are spinning around my head, but I’m still in one piece, so I would say fine.” 
He turned around briefly to look at you before bringing his focus back on the road. “She had been under our radar for a few months now for stealing blood samples. As you must know, they are reopening closed cases and it doesn’t please some people.”
“Does this have something to do with my thesis project from years ago?”
“DNA Reconstruction via RNA-Guided CRISPR-Cas9 and pattern-matching algorithms.” 
You looked at him completely stupefied. 
He smiled: “You made me proof 948 pages six times. So, it rang a bell immediately.” 
Mac pursued: “That’s why I was there. Our analyst, Riley, found hidden encrypted traffic like text messages, too short to be traced. But two days ago, a sustained transmission enabled her to do so.”
The call you had asking her when you two should meet. That was the sustained transmission. You stayed silent, waiting for further explanations like the cloudy sky waits for the sun. 
“We didn’t need voice analyses.” He paused: “I recognised yours immediately.” 
Mac and you were both lab nerds and study buddies in college, always challenging the other to launch something higher or create a bigger explosion. However, he left unexpectedly without a word, but it wasn’t the moment to talk about that. 
“You said ‘our radar’?” 
“Um yeah, basically the organisation who deals with the stuff the government can’t.”
Not sure you were supposed to know more about it, you asked: “Where are we going?”
“As Jack caught her, you don’t have to worry anymore. I’ll bring you back to your place.”
“How do you— Never mind.” 
A few minutes later, as your heart felt heavier than you care to admit, he gave you a hug goodbye on the threshold of your small house. 
Not feeling like closing your eyes for the most obvious reasons, and having located the nearest solid object you could use 'just in case’, you settled on the couch with a big blanket and a cheesy romcom. 
The growling sound of your stomach reminded you that you had almost eaten nothing tonight. As you moved towards the fridge, you went to close the curtains of the kitchen’s window. 
A blanket over your shoulders, you stepped outside in thick socks. 
You knocked on the truck’s hood and surprised a sleepy Mac.
“What are you doing here?!” 
He blinked a couple of times: “I was sleeping… or trying to.”
“Sleeping here, why?” 
Keep reading
This one is probably one of my favourites. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing these words💛
@emmaberrysworld @elliho @gnboling @floh673 @bthtallmadge2 @urmysilverlining​ @secretlibraryoj @alexaparkerlove @mvpdalton @milea @thethistlegirl @jenscorpion @likeit-or-leaveit @amcsummersgoddess @malindacath​ @pattiprinzivalli @avalonsilver @dreambelievergeek @macfangirl15​ @anguishmacgyver​
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“She’s got spunk” Yu Yu Hakusho Jin x OC Fanfiction (Part 3)
“Well I can’t promise that, Seeing as you're definitely going to fall in love with me.”  He told her with a wink.
“Get a room you two...” Yusuke said as Kuwabara pretended to gag.
“I think they are cute!” Yukina said walking up to the group holding hands with Olivia.  Along with the rest of Ivy’s friends.
“I agree!” Chimed Sophia, as Kurama then greeted her with a wave and a smile which she happily returned.  She then walked over to stand next to him and made conversation with him while the rest of the group continued to talk. 
“But they really should get a room.  And maybe couples counselling.  Ivy clearly doesn't know how to express her feelings.”  Hiei stated bluntly, referring back to Ivy and Jin.  
“Bitch!  You are one to talk!”  Ivy exclaimed angrily.  “Hey!  What are you doing?!  Put me down!” Ivy said as Jin picked her up bridal style.
“Nope!  It's getting too crowded here!  Besides that!  You said you’d go out with me, remember?”  Jin said with a grin as Ivy blushed.  Jin then took off flying with Ivy in his arms and took them to the part of forest where the two first met. 
As Jin flew them away, Shishiwakamaru could be heard sobbing somewhere in the arena.  
“No!  My chance at true love!  Gone!  Gone with the wind!  Why?!”  he wept.
“Shut up Shishi…”  Sazuka sighed, irritated as Shishi continued to sob silently.
Back with Ivy's friends...  
“So…  Are you two like dating or something?”  Kuwabara asked Oliva and Yukina.
“We are.” Oliva told him while putting her arm around Yukina and pulling her close to her, also causing Hiei to glare daggers at her.  
“By the way, Hiei can we talk to you?” Yukina asked, surprising Hiei who nonetheless agreed and walked with the two women away from the rest of the group.
“What did you two want?”  Hiei asked coldly.
“Go on…  Tell him!”  Olivia encouraged Yukina.  
“Hiei, I know you are my brother...  But I want to hear it from you!”  She pleaded, almost in tears.
Hiei’s eyes widened.  “How…? Who…? How…? What…?” He said at a loss for words.
“Ivy could smell it Hiei.  You can't deny it, we know.”  Olivia told him.
Hiei sighed.  “Yes, I am your brother…  I’m sorry I’m not better…”  Hiei said as he started to turn around and walk away.  But before he could Yukina hugged him from behind.  
“What do you mean?  You are a great brother.  I'm so glad I finally found you...”  Yukina said as a few tears fell from her eyes, turning into gems as they fell.
“...Thank you…”  Hiei said, actually smiling a real smile for what may have been the first time in his life.
“What do you think they are talking about?”  Piper asked Kuwabara.  The two were hiding in the bushes nearby, watching this encounter take place.  
“I don’t know…  But it must be good to make Hiei actually smile.  That or it's a sign of the apocalypse.”  Kuwabara stated, as a shiver went down his spine.  
   Meanwhile, back with Ivy and Jin.
Jin landed in the familiar area of the forest with Ivy still in his arms.  Ivy had been clinging to him tightly without realizing it.  Her arms around his neck and face buried in his chest.  She still had yet to let go or remove her face even moments after landing.  “Well lass, not that I’m complaining but you know you can let go now right?”  He asked her with a smile.  Ivy slowly opened her eyes “I mean if you don’t want to though that's fine with me too!  Like I said, no complaints here!” He said with a big grin and a bit of a chuckle.  Ivy quickly scrambled out of the man's arms and onto her feet.  She fixed her outfit and refused to look at him, her cheeks reddening.  Jin smiled a kind smile at her.  He stepped closer to her and took her chin in his hand and tilted her head to look at him, while he wrapped his other arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.  “Why are you so embarrassed? He asked her, bringing his face closer to hers.
“I-I’m not!”  She protested.  
“Are you nervous?”  He inquired.
“No!” She exclaimed.  
“Then what's wrong?” He asked.
Ivy sighed.  “I don't know…  Maybe Hiei was right about me…  Maybe I don't know how to express my emotions…”  Ivy questioned to herself really more than to Jin.
“Well, that's why I’m here now.  We can work on that together.  We can help each other grow and become better.  That is, if you would like that?”  He told her, and then looked at her with hopeful puppy eyes awaiting her response.  
Ivy thought for a moment then smiled.  “Yes, Yes I think I would like that.” she told him.
Jins ears wiggled with glee at her answer as he then kissed her on the forehead, causing Ivy to blush and hide her face.  Which in return caused Jin to chuckle and gently hold her cheek in the palm of his hand to look at him as he sweetly told her “I promise to cherish you always…”  He said as he looked into her eyes.
“Oh…  You’ve replaced me already Ivy?”  Said a voice that Ivy had not heard in a long time...  
Ivy and Jin looked in the direction of the voice and saw a woman leaning against a tree crossing her arms. She had straight, platinum blond hair cut just above her shoulders, blue eyes with a deep scar over the left one.  She wore a leather  jacket with a red shirt underneath and ripped black jeans and black studded combat boots. 
“Addison…?” Ivy breathed out.
“In the flesh.”  smirked the woman as she pushed herself off of the tree and began to walk towards Ivy and Jin, seeming like a tigress stalking her prey.  
Jin could sense something was off about this new woman and got in front of Ivy, shielding her protectively.  
“Awww how cute.  He thinks he can protect you from me.”  She laughed as Jin glared, the wind around the area beginning to get stronger.  “Calm down Hercules.  I'm not going to hurt anyone.  Yet…  I mean after all, mine and Ivy's fight isn't until tomorrow!” She told them with a wicked laugh as she walked away.  
“Who was that?”  Jin asked, calming down a bit now as the wind began to calm down as well.  
Ivy sighed.  “An old running buddy of mine.  I used to hunt monsters with her.  I met her at a bar in my rebellious years.  Also... She was my girlfriend…” Ivy explained  
“Girlfriend?”  Jin asked, confused.
“Yes Jin, I’m bisexual, also demisexual.  Is that a problem?”  Ivy told him.  
“No not at all.  Just surprised me a bit is all.  But love is love lassy”  Jin said with a smile which Ivy returned happily.  
Soon Jin and Ivy decided to call it a day so Ivy could rest up for her team's matches tomorrow.  Jin flew Ivy back to the hotel and dropped her off at her room.
“Good night lass.  And good luck tomorrow!”  Jin told her and he gave her a tight hug and another peck on the forehead.  
“Thank you Jin.  I will see you tomorrow.”  Ivy said as she walked into her room to see her teammates looking at her with eager eyes.  Yusuke and Kuwabara also wore goofy smiles on their faces.   
“Spill the tea sis.”  Yusuke said. 
“Yeah how’d it go girl?”  Kuwabara asked.
“Stop harassing Ivy you two.”  Kurama scolded as Ivy felt a wave of relief.  “But if he hurt you in any way just let us know and we will take care of it.”  Kurama said grimly.   
“Jesus christ Kurama…”  Yusuke muttered.
“What do you expect?  Ivy is one of us now.”  Hiei stated nonchalantly. The group got quiet and looked at Hiei in surprise.  “What?  Why are you all looking at me like that?”  he asked, annoyed.  
Ivy smiled at him “I always knew you were just a big ol softie!  Well I guess in your case it would be little ol softie!”  Ivy laughed as Hiei glared at her embarrassed, causing her to laugh more.  “I’m sorry Hiei.  But it's nice to know you care about me.   That goes for all of you actually.”  Ivy told the group with a kind smile. 
“Of course Ivy, you are our friend now and there's no changing that!  We got your back, no matter what.”  Yusuke told her, giving her a thumbs up as the rest of the group agreed with him.  
“Aww thanks you guys!”  Ivy said as she went over and hugged them all in a group hug, having to pull Hiei into it with the rest of them.  
“Well we should probably all get some rest.  We have the fight with team Toguro tomorrow...”  Kurama stated after the hug ended.  After he said this the atmosphere in the room changed to be filled with anxiety as everyone's mood got much darker.  Ivy debated with telling the group about Addison but decided against it due to everyone already being worried about their own fight.  
The following morning the team headed to the arena, ready to fight in what would be the toughest fights yet in this tournament.  
The first fight was between Kurama and Karasu.  Kurama started off by using a technique with razor sharp rose petals floating around him in the battlefield.  Karusu was unfazed and began his own attack with his special bomb attacks.  Soon Kurama transformed into Youko Kurama and used a killer plant which at first appeared to have eaten Karasu.  But It was quickly made obvious that was not the case when Karasu started to attack Kurama with another bomb, burying him in rubble.  When Kurama dug himself out he had transformed back into his human self.  Eventually Kurama ended up killing Karasu with a death plant.  
“Winner!  Karasu!”  Juri exclaimed. 
“Bitch what?”  Ivy said, angrily.
“Yeah!  Hey fish girl!  You wanna tell me how a living guy loses to a dead guy?”  Yusuke said, marching up to Juri, grabbing her arm.
“I would appreciate it if you would remove your hand please.”  Juri calmly told him.
“I would appreciate it if you removed your head from your ass!”  Yusuke shouted at her.
“Your friend was down for ten counts!  He lost!  Deal with it!”  Juri said as she turned away from Yusuke, huffily crossing her arms.  
The next fight was Hiei vs Bui.  It was a long fight that almost seemed never ending.  But eventually it did indeed end with Hiei as the victor.  Hiei also chose to spare Bui’s life after the fight.  
The third fight was Kuwabara vs The elder Toguro brother.  During the early portion of the fight, things looked bad for Kuwabara.  But in the end he managed to win and even developed a new technique, a spirit fly swatter.  Which is what allowed his victory to occur.  
“Next fighters to the ring please!”  Koto exclaimed enthusiastically.
“You're up Ivy” Yusuke stated, looking in the brunette's direction.
Ivy made her way into the ring and came face to face with Addison.
An Irish voice could be heard cheering louder than anyone else in the stadium. “Woo!  Go Ivy!  Yeah!  That's my lassy!”  Jin cheered. 
“Your boyfriend sure is obnoxious isn't he?” Addison sneered.
“Watch your fucking mouth.  Only I can be mean to him!”  Ivy snarled.
Jin's eyes gleamed and his ears wiggled with pride.  “Yeah!  That's right!  Only she can be mean to me!” He exclaimed.  
“Fucking masocist…”  Touya muttered under his breath as Jin looked over at him and winked.  Touya shuddered in disgust “Weirdo…”
“Shut the fuck up Jin!”  Ivy shouted angrily into the crowd in Jins direction.
“What kind of relationship do those two have?”  Hiei shuddered in confusion and disgust.  
“Okay that's enough of that!  Let the battle begin!”  Juri announced with a wave of her arm.  
As Ivy was getting ready to attack, Addison pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it at Ivy's feet.  Ivy began to cough and then quickly realized something was wrong.  
“What did you do to me?”  Ivy asked with a glare as the smoke was already subsiding.   
“I evened the playing field.  None of those freakish monster powers of yours in this fight.”  Addison said, pulling out a silver stake.  “Now…  I hope you are ready my dear…”  Addison said chillingly.  Addison then began to make her way towards Ivy who was currently digging in her bag.  Addison was standing right in front of Ivy ready  to attack when Ivy pulled out a blow dart and hit Addison with one of the darts in it.  Addison grabbed her neck where the dart had struck her.
  “You dirty little…”   She growled as she then hit Ivy hard with the back of her hand, knocking her to the ground.  Addison climbed on top of Ivy and began to try and plunge the stake into her chest.  Ivy grabbed onto  the stake to prevent it from stabbing her.  In the midst of the struggle Ivy looked up at Addison and recalled the history the two of them shared together, causing her to ease up ever so slightly in her defense.  Addison took that opportunity to drive the stake directly into Ivys heart.  Killing her.  
“Winner!  Addison!”  Juri exclaimed.
Addison stood up and laughed maniacally.  “I did it!  I finally did it!  After all these years, I killed you Ivy!  Victory is mi-” she started to say but was unable to finish as she began to stagger.  She looked at Ivy's body angrily, remembering the blow dart.  She fell to her knees, clutching her neck where the dart had hit her. “You little bitch…”  She said weakly before she died as well.
“Why isn't Ivy moving yet?” Keiko asked, looking at Shizuru and Boton.  Shizuru started crying quietly and Botan began weeping uncontrollably.  Keiko realized what this meant and followed their example.  They were not the only ones who were upset Yukina was also sobbing as Olivia, Piper, Sophia, and Leon were sitting there in shock and unsure of what really just happened and how to react and process it.   
Ivy's teammates ran onto the area stage.  Kuwabara picked her limp body up in his arms, tears falling from his eyes.  “Ivy!  Ivy wake up!”  He cried, shaking her in an attempt to awaken her.
“She’s gone human.” Hiei said numbly, his eyes beginning to actually well up.  
Kuwabara carried Ivy’s body out of the ring.  It was then that everyone noticed the wind in the arena picking up and getting stronger and stronger almost to the point of a hurricane when all the sudden it just stopped.  It suddenly starts back up again but this time is very gentle and seems to have a sadness about it.
Touya put his hand on Jin’s arm.  “Hey man…  I’m sorry…”  He said in a gentle whisper.  
Jin began crying softly and his friends then engulfed him in a hug as he continued to cry.
“This is fucking stupid…  Ivy didn't deserve that!” Yusuke shouted, enraged.  
Toguro then entered the arena, Yusuke looked over at him and glared angrily “At least I have an outlet for all this anger right now…”  he said cracking his knuckles and entering the arena himself.    
“Begin!” Juri exclaimed.
Yusuke started off by removing his spirit shackles and accessing all of his spirit energy.  The fight went on for a while but in the end Yusuke defeated Toguro by using the last of his energy to fire off a strong spirit gun, killing Toguro.
“That was for Ivy…”  Yusuke muttered coldly.
Then, Koto and Juri both walked up onto the arena next to each other “Winner of the tournament!  Team Urameshi!”  They both chimed.  
A voice then came over the loudspeaker.  “Thank you all for coming to the dark tournament.  I just wanted to inform you that I along with this stadium will be destroyed in 15 minutes.  If you do not wish to die then I suggest you get out now.” Said the voice belonging to Sakkyo.  
“We have to get out of here!”  Kuwabara exclaimed.  
The group began to make their escape but not before Hiei picked Ivy's body up and put her over his shoulder.  
“She was right!  You are a softie!”  Yusuke teased as the group continued to run to the exit.  Hiei just glared in return.  
The group came together with the girls and Ivy’s other friends and kept running to get out together.
The group soon reached a dead end.  
“What do we do?”  Keiko cried.  But before anyone could even respond the dead end was blown open by Jin, Touya, Chu, and Rinku.  
“Just in time!”  Yusuke exclaimed with a grin.  
Jin saw Ivy being carried by Hiei and reached out for her.  Hiei rolled his eyes and handed her over to him.  Jin began to tear up again.  
“Jin!  We don't have time for you to cry right now!  Let's get to safety first and then you can cry all you want!” Chu told him, pulling him along.   Jin was careful not to drop Ivy as they made their escape.  
Finally, the group made it to safety.  The stadium exploded moments after. 
“Oh!  You were supposed to get a wish!”  Botan exclaimed.  
The group sadly looked over at Ivy who was being cradled in a sobbing Jins arms.  
“It doesn't matter…  Those bastards wouldn't have been able to give us what we wanted anyways…”  Yusuke muttered.  
The group later had a funeral for Ivy, laying her on a bed of flowers as they said their teary goodbyes.  
The next day Team Urameshi and friends were getting ready to depart from Hanging Neck Island.  
“Hey!  You fuckers are leaving without me?”  Shouted a familiar voice.  
The group looked over and saw none other than…  Ivy!  
Everyone ran over to Ivy in disbelief and joy.
“You are alive!”  Oliva said happily  “You bitch!”  Olivia screamed at her, slapping her face and then hugging her tightly as the rest of the group quickly followed her example. 
“Well I wasn't until just like 15 minutes ago!”  Ivy told them as she returned the gesture.  
The group then all boarded the ferry and headed for home.  Once they were back in their neck of the woods, they started heading back to Genkai's temple.
“You're welcome to stay here at the temple for as long as you want.”  Keiko said as they arrived at the temple.  
Ivy’s eyes lit up.  “Really?  We can stay here?  Forever?  Hooray!”  Ivy cheered as Genkia threw her hat angrily on the ground and stomped on it before marching inside her home, grumbling under her breath.
“Ignore her…  She will warm up to you guys quickly I am sure.”  Yusuke told the group.  
“That settles it!  We are staying!”  Sophia cheered.  
A few days later Ivy was lounging on the couch in the living room, remembering a certain red haired windmaster.  As she was lost in thought, there was suddenly a knock at the door.  Ivy ignored it at first, wanting to remain in her brain.  But the knocking persisted.  
“Fine!  I’m coming!”  Ivy shouted, annoyed.   
She opened the door to see none other then, Sazuka, Shishiwakamaru, Chu, Rinku, Touya, and… Jin.  They all looked at her in stunned silence having thought she was dead.  That is until Jin felt a wave of happiness as the shock subsided and he embraced her tightly and began rambling on while crying happy tears “You're alive lass!  Oh I’m so happy!  If this is a dream nobody wake me up!  You are alive!”  Jin went on.  
“I’m  happy to see you too, Jin.”  Ivy told him, returning his embrace.  
Jin then eased up on his hold on her and gazed deeply into her eyes and then kissed her passionately.  Surprisingly enough, Ivy actually kissed him back.  Once the two parted for air they rested their foreheads on one another, looking at each other intensely.  
“Ewww gross!  Get a room!”  Rinku said, pretending to gag.  
“Shut up!  Don’t ruin their moment!”  Chu said, smacking Rinku upside the head.
Ivy and Jin then stood up straight next to each other while still holding hands with interlocked fingers.    
“And of course I’m alive!  I never stay dead for too long!  Well at least so far.”  Ivy boasted with a laugh.  
“It's about time you jokers got here!  I’ve been waiting on you nimrods!”  Genkai scolded walking into the room.
“We have all come here to train with Genkai.” Touya said, noticing the confused look on Ivy’s face.  
“Oh are you guys going to be living with us then?”  Ivy asked as Genkai shuddered at the realization that there would be more mouths to feed.  
“We are going to be living together?  Hooray!”  Jin cheered, picking Ivy up by the waist and spinning her around.  
“Hey!  Put me down!  Jin!”  Ivy scolded, but this time for some reason found herself smiling as she did so.  
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honestlyhufflepuff · 4 years
The Sleep and Secrets Between Them
Jam Week Day 3: Sleep. Summary: The events of “Escapism” and moments thereafter from Connie’s perspective. Yes, there’s angst, but hopefully that makes the moments of fluff and closeness all the sweeter. Word count: 2038.
They slept as much as they could in the tower. It helped fight off the boredom, the aching hunger, and the despair. The air was stagnant and hot, and the floor hard and unforgiving. There were no sweet Pebbles who made the last room they stayed in feel so much like home. The two of them cycled between sleeping tangled in each other’s arms for some source of softness and comfort and sleeping on the concrete alone to avoid the sweat and heat of the other.
Steven being able to astrally project was the only hope they had of rescue, which is why she so willingly offered her lap as a pillow. She started regretting this sooner than she’d hoped, her legs aching against the hard floor under Steven’s weight. He remained eerily still in his slumber. His breathing came so soft that she placed her hand in front of his lips several times to ensure he was still alive. The earth was an unfathomable distance away, and Connie wondered what would happen to them if he couldn’t find help, or if he couldn’t find his way back to his body.
She shook her head violently, rejecting all the grim possible outcomes of their situation. She had to continually choose to believe in Steven. Dwelling on the alternatives was not productive.
Hours passed, and still Steven slept. Connie’s eyelids grew heavy, and several times her head snapped up before she almost fell forward on top of him with exhaustion.
She picked up Steven’s hand and dropped it a couple of times. It always landed heavy and limp, with no indication of stirring. She nodded, confident she wouldn’t wake him, and slid her hands under each arm. With a few heaving pulls, she got him close enough to the wall that she could rest against it. She lowered his head to the floor and attempted to stand to stretch her legs.
Connie buckled on her knees immediately, wincing as pins and needles shot through her awakening blood vessels.  She limped and stomped around the room, cursing under her breath, until she regained sensation in her limbs. She paced around the lengths of her prison, hating that all she could do was wait while her passed out best friend relied on his iffy psychic powers for their rescue. Her stomach roared at her and her throat burned for moisture. Serial murderers got more humane living conditions than this on earth.
“Stupid space-nazi bitches,” she muttered to herself.
It felt like a warranted situation to cuss in, being in prison and all. Despite that, she couldn’t shake the feeling that her mom could hear her from light-years away.
With a sigh, she resigned to sit back down and wait for Steven to return.
Leaning against the wall, she pulled his head back into her lap, making sure to sit with her legs to the side so they wouldn’t lose feeling as easily this time. She stroked his cheek, feeling a very faint island of stubble on otherwise baby-smooth skin. She straightened his pink clothes, which had gotten bunched and rumpled when she moved him over to her. She marveled at how naturally he donned the outfit and role of his late mother like it was just what he was supposed to do.
“Steven,” she croaked, clearing her parched throat, “I know you’re sorry for leaving me behind, back when you tried to go and sacrifice yourself, but I know you’d probably do it again if you knew I wouldn’t get pissed at you. You always want to shield everyone to the point that you try to do all the dangerous stuff alone while you leave them behind.”
Curls of hair stuck to his forehead, and she wiped them away. “I know you regret bringing me with you because you don’t want me to get hurt. But I chose to come here, because the earth is my home, too. I couldn’t stand to live in a bubble while you did all the hard things; I’d rather die. I might die. But if I do, it was my choice.
“If we don’t make it out of here- or if I don’t- I want you to know that it isn’t your fault. I want you to know that I’m ok with you making me like Lars, if you can, because I want to continue to fight for my planet for as long as I can.
She swallowed the lump of tears in her throat, not wanting to get dehydrated anymore than she could help it.
“I know your mind is back on earth, and I hope everything is going ok there, but I hope some part of you can still hear me. Because I want you to know that…” she let out a shaky exhale, looking for any sign of awareness in his face.
“I want you to know that I love you, Steven.” Despite her best efforts, a few tears finally spilled down her cheeks, “I know sometimes you think I don’t like you the same way you like me because I don’t care about marriage and romance that much, but I do. I love you so much that all those things that seem stupid and gross in romance stories seem beautiful and sweet when I see them through your eyes,” she choked out a laugh and wiped her face, “I hope someday I have the guts to tell you all this stuff when your consciousness is at least on the same planet as me.”
She leaned over his face and opened one of his eyelids, staring at his black pupil fully dilated and still. As she let his eye slide closed again, she pressed her lips gently against his forehead before sitting back up.
“You can’t hear me at all,” she said with a sigh, “That just means I’ll have to survive. Because you deserve to know. I’ll find a way to tell you when we’re back on earth.”
Connie leaned back and sleep overtook her in almost the same moment that she closed her eyes.
She woke what only seemed minutes later, but it must have been several hours judging from the low light outside. The nights were a little cooler on Homeworld, making snuggling more tolerable. She sighed against the softness of Steven’s bosom, and smiled as she felt his arms tighten around her. Then she realized that if he was holding her, that meant he was no longer in her lap. She bolted upright, grabbing him by the shoulders.
“You’re awake! You’re back! Steven, what happened?”
“Hey, Connie,” he said with a tired smile, “I found Bismuth and Dad. I hope they’re gonna be able to come.”
“And? What else? Details, Universe!”
“Details-” he scrunched up his face, “I think I possessed a watermelon person? And I think I died.”
“You-” Connie withdrew her hands from him, “you died?”
“Yeah,” he looked away from her, “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, if that’s ok with you. It was kind of a weird experience.”
“Of course, that’s ok! I’m just glad you’re here.”
“What about you? Get into any trouble without me?” He offered her an attempt at a playful smile.
“I, um…”
She thought of her gushing monologue to his uninhabited body before and tried to think of how to say it now that his wide eyes were looking back at hers.
“Yeah?” Prompted Steven.
Connie couldn’t bring herself to tell him, because then it would sound like a goodbye, and she was not about to have any goodbyes in that damned, musty tower.
“Oh, you know, I just kind of dozed off,” she said.
“Heh,” his shoulders slumped, “yeah, I guess there isn’t much else to do.”
Conversation had always flowed easily between them. They used to relish every allowance to have a sleepover or stay up late into the night talking and goofing off.
It was a different dynamic in the tower, though. They had a few good conversations, and even a few sparse moments of laughter, but their interaction became more and more minimal as the heat from the next day crept into the dank room. They slept as much as they possibly could, and even when sleep didn’t come, they often pretended to be asleep as the thirst was making them both too groggy and irritable to attempt anymore interaction than necessary.
After they were released from the tower by Blue, Connie figured the most traumatic part of the journey was behind them, but then she watched Steven’s gem get ripped from his body. She carried him, right in front of White, who could crush her dead at any second with her pinky nail.
He almost died right there in her arms, and even after he reunited with his pink side, and after the gems were released from White’s power, there was still an unspoken seriousness between Connie and Steven that hadn’t been there before. It was only perceptible in the most quiet moments.
When they got back to earth, Connie insisted on still being able to sleep with Steven for a month straight. Her parents protested, saying it was “hardly appropriate,” but once Pearl informed them that she could keep watch since she didn’t need sleep, they seemed placated.
When the gems all wanted an account of how they won White over, Steven told a doctored version of the story where he used his shield to block her attack and talk to her, with no inclusion of the gem removal.
Whenever Connie began to grow uncomfortable with him telling that version of the story, he met her eyes with a knowing stare, communicating the gems couldn’t know what White did if there was any hope of peace and trust between them and the Diamonds. He wouldn’t even talk about it with Connie, insisting that it “didn’t matter” how he was affected by it because the outcome was a happy ending with everyone fine.
So, none of the adults in their lives knew the full reason why Connie insisted on sleeping next to Steven. None of them knew why he thrashed in his sleep almost every night until she calmed him. None of them knew why he raised his shield every time he was mildly startled.
Eventually, Steven had to go back to Homeworld, because the Diamonds lauded him as the Savior that had to teach them how to be better in order to not have an oppressive caste system that harvested entire planets.
Connie knew she couldn’t go with him that time, unless she just intended on dropping out of high school. Her parents wouldn’t be ok with that, but neither would she. She didn’t want to abandon her academic ambitions, her family, and her friends at school to go spend years on a planet that regarded her as little more than a “pet” at best, and someone to be discarded or imprisoned at worst.
It was odd, getting used to sleeping alone again when she’d grown so protective over Steven. She found herself waking up in the night clutching for him, as she dreamed of White’s inky talons ripping through her blankets after them.
Connie eventually got some counseling, and the dreams lessened until they hardly happened at all.
Still, she looked forward to the nights when Steven would warp into her room and wordlessly nuzzle against her under the covers, making her especially relieved her parents deemed her mature enough to have a lock on her door. Steven was always so tired the nights he came. Even when he tried to stay up to talk with her, his sentences would trail into incomplete mumbles until he fell asleep minutes later. She wondered how much sleep he was getting on the nights he didn’t come.
She noticed little changes in those quiet nights. More indications of facial hair. Broader shoulders. Longer limbs. A year after their events in the tower, he went from looking like an eight-year-old to a kid nearly his actual age. Now that he was no longer expected to be someone he wasn’t, he was finally growing.
She could sleep better knowing that.
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harrysdimplles · 5 years
sweet and sour
Someone asked for prompt number 66+fluff so here it is. Enjoy!
"If I die, I'm never speaking to you again."
Harry wanted to laugh.
He wouldn't do it, not in a million years, not if he was to trust his sister's word - which he did, especially when it came to YN - but the way his girlfriend was looking at him at the moment? It was kind of funny, albeit he could never admit to it aloud.
She had planned at least six different ways to kill him by now, he knew better than to push his luck and make it seven.
"It's gonna be okay, love. Yeh heard the doctor, he's gonna get it out in no time" his voice was soothing and low, fingers squeezing hers where their hands were laced.
"Tell him to stick those sharp things into your mouth then, Harry"  the words came out muffled, her eyes welling up with unshed tears "I'm getting out of here" he didn't let go of her hands when the girl stood up, pulling her to his lap instead.
"You know we can't leave, baby. It's just gonna keep hurting you more and more if we wait"  YN hated doctors, Harry had learned as much before he knew anything else. She'd do pretty much anything to stay away from them, including hiding from her boyfriend, her roommate and pretty much anyone with eyes for days so they wouldn't know she needed her wisdom teeth removed.
I mean, the left side of her face was so swollen the singer had no idea how she could stand to press it against his chest like she was doing right in that moment, but YN swore the warmth rolling off his body felt nice when he asked about it, so...
"Mind I remind you I am a legal adult now. You and Gem can't be making decisions for me anymore" that bit actually made him chuckle for a second: she was only a couple of years younger than him, yeah, but she was his first love, sue him for being protective.
"We can always call mum"  she was ready to kick the guy in whatever part of his body was closer for bringing Anne into it when they heard the door opening, so YN just sat up straight instead, giving him the meanest look she could muster while mumbling under her breath:
"If I die, I'm never speaking to you again."
"You didn't die"  his heart slowed down when she blinked lazily at him after the surgery was over. Who knew an hour could take so long to pass? "Doctor says it was all smooth sailing, baby"  they needed to use a light sedative before local anesthesia, so she was going to be floaty for a while still, but Harry was actually looking up to that: he loved it when she was all cuddly and unapologetic about it.  He never got enough of that, actually.
"Feels weird" the words were muffled and strung together as she pushed herself up, Harry's arm slung over her waist to keep her steady. "You're pretty" it came when he leaned down to kiss her forehead, the girl to their left cleaning up the dentist's supplies winking at him when he blushed like a schoolboy upon hearing the compliment.
"You're all drugged up, but thanks, love" getting YN onto her coat with loose limbs and a not so surprising urge to play with the mop of hair in the top of his head was tricky, but Harry eventually did it, listing aftercare tips from the doctor under his breath while they walked back to the parking lot: he saw a lot of cold soups and ice cream on his near future, which was alright. A lot of negotiating as well, since his girl wasn't the best at taking things slow and she'd have to for the next days.
"Milady"  she moved away slowly when he opened the passenger door, laughing loudly when Harry leaned over to strap her seatbelt on "Let's get you home already, yeah? Wanna sleep some of this off?"
"I'm going home with you?" that was a question he hadn't heard in years, wonder lacing her tone. Man, Harry really should be recording some of this to bug her with later.
"Would be a shitty boyfriend if I let you go back on your own now, sweetheart. You're stuck with me, I guess" she just stared at him for a second after that, getting distracted by the traffic once they were out on the street and Styles thought that was it, she would probably take a nap on their ride home, but then she tapped her knee and he averted his gaze back to her instantly
"They should use you more often" a pause, then YN explained "Sexy, inked up home nurse whenever you come to the doctor? Insurance would make even more money"
"You're sharing now, then? That's a new one, baby"  
"I'll share when you do, dimples" took her a minute, but of course not even a fogged-up mind would get in the way of YN.
Hazards of being in love with a little teaser, he supposed
321 notes · View notes
The Third Birthday Party
Harry and Y/N plan the perfect birthday party for their son, Oliver.  Whenever the party strays from the plans, Y/N panics while Harry calms down his wife.  I hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and Requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love! ----------------------------------------
          The black lamp cast a warm, yellow glow around the bedroom.  The fresh paper pages brushed across Harry’s fingertips while Y/N’s whirring laptop eliminated the comfortable silence in the room. Harry pushed the thick, black glasses further up the bridge of his nose.  An exasperated sigh parted Y/N’s lips, a common noise Harry heard when Y/N emailed co-workers, but Harry counted five irritated sighs within the last hour, five sighs on a Friday were rare.  Harry tucked the homemade bookmarker, the one Oliver created last week in daycare, between the page’s spine.  He placed the folded glasses onto his nearby bedside table.           “Okay, what’s wrong?” Harry asked, facing Y/N’s scowling face.           Y/N huffed, keeping her eyes locked on the computer screen, “I’m looking over Oliver’s birthday itinerary.  Did you double-check with the museum about having that dinosaur man attend the party?”           Harry nodded, recalling the conversation with the museum’s secretary, who promised Mr. Archie Ohlogist would attend Oliver’s third birthday party.  Oliver adored dinosaurs, and when Anne took Oliver to the museum, Mr. Archie Ohlogist informed Oliver about the dinosaurs through cheerful tunes.            “Why do you keep checking the itinerary? Why does our three-year-old’s birthday party have an itinerary?  We never stressed over his birthday before,” Harry mumbled, pressing his lips to Y/N’s shoulder.           Y/N huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “We never stressed over his birthday because he couldn’t remember them. Your grandmother told me that children begin remembering memories when they turn three.  I do not want Oliver’s first memory to be about the worst birthday party ever.  He will think we are the worst parents.”           Harry chuckled, slipping the laptop from Y/N’s grip, “Love, you are far from the worst parent.  Tomorrow, Oliver will have the best birthday.”           Y/N giggled, cupping Harry’s jaw, “I love you. What would I do without you?”           Harry’s smug grin spread across his face, “You would still be looking over that itinerary.  I love you too.”           Y/N pressed her lips onto Harry’s rosy lips, “We should go to bed.”           “Are you sure?  We can practice making Oliver a new sibling,” Harry purred, nuzzling his nose against Y/N’s warm neck.           Y/N giggled, pulling Harry’s head away from her neck, “No, Oliver expects pancakes in the morning, and he only eats daddy’s pancakes.”           Harry smirked, flicking the lamp’s switch until the darkness swallowed the room, “I can add chef onto my long list of talents.”           Y/N snorted, wrapping her arms around Harry’s waist while she nuzzled her head against Harry’s back, “I wish I listened when the fans warned me about your praise kink.”           Harry chuckled, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s knuckles before closing his eyes.  The comfortable silence returned, lulling the couple to sleep.  Harry’s warm body washed away the worries from Y/N’s dreams. *          *          *          *          *          *
          Tiny footsteps approached the white bedroom door.  Oliver clutched the stuffed lime-green dinosaur under one arm while his other hand twisted the doorknob.  He tiptoed toward the loud snores coming from Harry’s open mouth. Oliver reached up, poking Harry’s bare bicep until Harry startled awake.             “Hey, little man.  Happy birthday,” Harry croaked out, gripping Oliver’s small hips to lift him onto the mattress.           Oliver giggled, wrapping his arms around Harry’s neck, “Thank you, daddy.  Can we wake up mommy?”           Drool trailed down Y/N’s chin and onto the dark sheets.  Stray strands of hair covered her forehead while the rest tickled Harry’s arm.  Harry chuckled, glancing down at his beautiful wife’s fluttering eyelashes, “No, we better leave her asleep.  Are you excited about your party?”           Oliver nodded fervently, “Nana Anne and Aunt Gem are coming.”           Harry chuckled, tickling his son’s chubby stomach, “Do you love Aunt Gem more than me?”           Oliver squealed, squirming in Harry’s arms, “No, I love you because you’re my daddy.  I love Aunt Gem because she gives me chocolate.”           Harry nodded, “That is a good reason to love Aunt Gem.  Well, we need a proper breakfast to leave us energized for the party.  Should we eat oatmeal?”           Oliver scowled, sticking his pink tongue out to show his disgust.           Harry chuckled, cupping his jaw while acting as if he were deep in thought, “Hm, should we eat eggs?”           Oliver shook his head, pouting the more his father did not understand that he despised eggs.             Harry gasped, “What if we cooked pancakes?”           Oliver’s beaming grin spread across his face, “I want pancakes.”           Harry’s smile dropped, resulting in Oliver’s smile falling too, “We could make pancakes, but I can’t cook them alone.  I need two helpers, one person for mixing, and one person for reading the recipe.”           Oliver grinned, glancing down at the dinosaur still under his arm, “Theo and I can help you, daddy.”           “Theo the dinosaur can read?” Harry wondered aloud.           Oliver nodded, “He helps me read big books with mommy.”           Harry chuckled, “Okay, well, we better start on the pancakes.”           Harry carried the two tiny chefs toward the kitchen, where the pancake mix awaited Harry’s arrival.  Harry placed Oliver onto the gray marble counters while he scooped coffee grounds into the black coffeemaker.  A shocked gasp parted his lips when his eyes noticed the heavy rain trampling the freshly planted roses.  Yesterday, Harry and Y/N built sandpits, which contained plastic bones and treasure that the children could dig through during the party.  How could Oliver and his friends dig through the muddy sand and the rain? *          *          *          *          *          *
          Oliver dipped the thin pancake inside the syrup pool that he poured without Harry’s help.  Harry grinned, watching his son bounce his head from side to side while chewing the pancake.  Harry sipped the plain coffee and helped Oliver wipe the syrup rolling down his arm. Y/N shuffled into the kitchen, smiling widely at her son’s dimpled grin.           “Happy birthday.  Did daddy make you pancakes?” Y/N asked, pressing a kiss atop Oliver’s curly, brown locks.           Oliver nodded, pressing his sticky lips against Y/N’s cheek, “I like when daddy cooks pancakes because they don’t taste bad.”           Y/N giggled, rolling her eyes playfully, “You burn the pancakes once, and now, your son thinks you can’t cook.”           Y/N wiped the dried syrup off Oliver’s cheeks while ignoring Oliver’s complaints about being cleaned.  She decided she could wash the syrup off during Oliver’s bath.  She shuffled across the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Harry’s shoulders.           “Good morning, I missed you,” She whispered, pressing her lips onto Harry’s shoulder.           Harry spun around, smiling at his wife’s stunning smile, “I missed you too.”           Y/N giggled, brushed her lips along Harry’s soft lips.  Harry captured Y/N’s lips between his, allowing her to taste the mixture of syrup and coffee on his breath.  Y/N smiled, breaking the kiss before Oliver whined with disgust.             “Are you excited about your party?” Y/N asked, looking through the fogged kitchen window.           Y/N’s smile dropped the minute she spotted the rain pouring from the dark gray clouds hung above the neighborhood.  Her panicked mind roared over Oliver’s cheerful response.  Y/N and Harry planned the outdoor birthday party, without purchasing any inside activities, in case the weather turned their back on them like today.             Y/N spun around, noticing Harry’s sympathetic frown, “Have you checked the weather?”          Harry nodded, “The weatherman doesn’t see the rain stopping anytime soon.”           Y/N frowned, “We should cancel the party.”           Harry’s eyes widened, which led him toward Y/N’s tense figure, “Hey, it will be okay.  We can host the party inside.  I can go purchase a few games for the guests.  Oliver will still have the best birthday ever.”           Y/N smiled, hugging Harry’s sturdy figure, “I love you.  I will bath Oliver while you go to the shops.”           Harry nodded, kissing Y/N’s forehead before exiting the kitchen.  Y/N calmed her nervous heart with a few deep breathes before focusing her attention on the grinning little boy.  Oliver dipped his fingers inside the syrup pool, then dragged his fingers along the marble counters.  Y/N groaned, canceling Oliver’s art time by freeing him from the high chair.  She carried Oliver into the bathroom with the hope that the birthday could be saved. *          *          *          *          *          *
          Harry loaded the board game boxes into the sleek black car’s trunk.  He slipped the thin phone from his pocket, typing a new message to Y/N. Hey love, I bought enough board games for the party.  I’m heading home -H. The car’s engine roared to life while Harry skipped through radio stations.  Harry’s rings slapped against the steering wheel to the catchy beat.  An incoming call interrupted the radio host’s laser hair removal ad.           “Hello?” Harry answered, turning the radio down.           “Hello, is this Mr. Styles, this is Elizabeth with the museum,” The young girl mumbled softly.           Harry frowned, “Yes, this is Mr. Styles. Is there a problem?”           “I’m afraid there is a problem.  You hired Mr. Archie Ohlogist for your son’s birthday; however, Mr. Archie Ohlogist called in sick with the flu,” The young girl mumbled through fear.           Harry’s knuckles turned white from the grip around his steering wheel.  He promised Y/N that Oliver’s birthday party would happen without any problems, but here they were without the main entertainment.  Harry thanked the young girl for informing him, but his heart sunk when he pulled into the driveway.  He dropped the board games near the front door and kicked the wet loafers from his feet. His ears caught Y/N and Oliver singing along with Mr. Archie Ohlogist’s dinosaur rap album, which only worsened the churning in Harry’s stomach.  Harry trudged upstairs until he entered Oliver’s clean room.  Y/N buttoned Oliver’s salmon pink pants that she paired with Oliver’s black and white dinosaur shirt.  Y/N spotted Harry, shooting him a grin that faded once she spotted the pain in his eyes.           “Oli, I need to talk to your father.  Can you stay in here?” Y/N asked, wiping the stray curls from his eyes.           Oliver nodded, walking across the room toward the toybox filled with costumes and toys.  Y/N followed Harry into the hallway, where Oliver couldn’t hear the bad news.           “What happened? Y/N asked, crossing her arms across her chest.           Harry frowned, “Mr. Archie canceled on us. He caught the flu, so he won’t be here.”           Y/N shook her head, “Are you joking?  I can deal with rain, but now, the one person that our son wanted at his birthday party will not be here?  What will I tell him?  He will remember this birthday as the one where he wanted Mr. Archie, and we surprised him with some knock-off instead.”           Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms around his wife’s tense figure, “Hey, it will be okay.  One year, I asked my mom for batman pajamas, and she surprised me with spider man pajamas.  I didn’t get what I wanted for my birthday, but that didn’t matter because I got a gift while other kids never got gifts.  Our son will be okay.”           Y/N nodded, pressing her lips onto Harry’s lips, “I love you.  Will you tell Oli about the change of plans?”           Harry nodded, heading inside Oliver’s room while Y/N jogged downstairs.  She listened to Harry and Oliver sing Harry’s album while she cleaned around the living room. Her heart reassured her that Oliver would remember this birthday with positive memories. *          *          *          *          *          *
          The doorbell’s chime informed Oliver’s eager heart that one of his guests arrived.  A squeal bubbled past Oliver’s lips while his tiny hands shoved past Harry’s long legs. Oliver’s small feet carried him faster than the wind toward the front door.           “Who is it?” Oliver sang, reaching for the handle.           A muffled giggle slipped through the door, “Oli, it’s Aunt Gemma and Nana Anne.”           Oliver trusted the voice behind the door, but before his fingers could twist the knob, Harry’s booming voice startled Oliver’s hands away, “Oliver Styles, what have mommy and I told you about opening the door for strangers.”           Oliver pouted, facing his father’s furrowed eyebrows, “Aunt Gem told me that it was her.”           Harry frowned, scooping his son into his arms, “I understand, but that person behind the door could lie to you.  You should wait for mommy or daddy to open the door.”           Harry swung the door open, inviting his sister, his sister’s boyfriend, and his mother into the warm house.  Anne, Gemma, and Michal ditched their soggy shoes and dripping umbrellas.             “How is my birthday boy?” Anne asked, stealing Oliver from Harry’s arms.           Oliver giggled, dodging Anne’s lips that pressed kisses across his soft face, “I’m well.  Nana, did you see the rain?”           Anne nodded, “I did see the rain.  I’m glad that we are inside, so we don’t get sick.”           Oliver nodded eagerly, making everyone laugh from his antics, which caused him to crack more jokes.  Anne grinned, recalling moments when a three-year-old Harry performed music for his grandparents to bring smiles to their faces. She couldn’t believe how much Oliver acted like Harry did growing up.             “Can I hold the birthday boy?” Gemma asked, reaching for Oliver.           Anne grinned, passing a beaming Oliver toward Gemma.  Anne followed everyone into the living room, where she greeted Y/N and Harry without the toddler in her arms.  Gemma plopped herself and Oliver onto the black couch beside Michal.           “Do you feel old?” Gemma asked, poking Oliver’s dimple that all the Styles inherited.           Oliver giggled, shaking his head, “I’m still a baby.  Did you bring chocolate?”           “Oliver, we do not ask other people for candy,” Y/N warned the now pouting Oliver.          Gemma grinned, “It’s okay, Y/N.  I know that my nephew isn’t a mean kid.  He happens to be the sweetest little boy ever, and that is why Uncle Michal and I brought you some chocolate.”           Oliver cheered, yanking the chocolate bar from Gemma’s hands, “Thank you.”           Gemma nodded, admiring the way Michal helped Oliver unwrap the chocolate bar.  Harry grinned, wrapping his arm across Y/N’s shoulders.           “Thank you for giving our child sugar.  I can’t wait until you and Michal have children so I can fill them up with sugar,” Harry chuckled at Gemma’s playful glare.           Anne rolled her eyes, laughing softly at her children, “Y/N, they never grow up.  They can be twenty-something, and still, act like children.”           Y/N giggled, pressing her lips to Harry’s cheek, “Trust me, sometimes I feel like I have two children rather than one. When we go grocery shopping, Harry and Oliver whine until I let them leave for frozen yogurt while I finish the shopping.”           Harry pouted, crossing his arms over his chest, biting back the smile that threatened to unravel when everyone laughed.           Y/N pressed her lips against Harry’s dimple, “I’m kidding.  I love you.”           A dazed smile replaced Harry’s pout as he admired Y/N’s beauty, “I love you too.”           “Aunt Gemma, can we play hide and seek?” Oliver asked, wiping his chocolate-covered hands onto his t-shirt.           Gemma agreed, cleaning Oliver’s hands with a nearby napkin.  Gemma counted while Oliver and Michal searched for hiding places.  Y/N, Harry, and Anne watched Oliver play while they discussed recent events.  Y/N’s eyes noticed the clock ticking the time away, which left her wondering where the rest of Oliver’s guests were. *          *          *          *          *          *
          The messages flooded Y/N and Harry’s phones.  Adam and his family couldn’t attend the party because one of Adam’s kids caught the flu.  Oliver’s preschool friend, Danny, couldn’t attend the party because his mother couldn’t drive through the heavy rain.  Another friend would not attend the party because the parents did not get off work early. The guest list slowly dwindled until the only guests were the three guests, who were currently dancing with Oliver. Y/N huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose while Harry mumbled reassuring messages into Y/N’s tense shoulders.           “Hey, Oliver doesn’t care about the guests. Look how much fun he is having with my family,” Harry mumbled, peppering kisses up Y/N’s neck.           Y/N shrank from Harry’s lips, “Harry, I do not need your positivity right now.  What will Oliver remember from this birthday?  Nobody showed up, his parents failed to book his favorite dinosaur man, and we could not celebrate outside because of the rain.”           “The party might not fit our expectations, but our son loves the party.  He doesn’t need sandpits, tons of guests, and the dinosaur man for his birthday because we taught our son that all he needs is his family.  We did not fail our son, and we are not bad parents.  I love you, but I need you to stop worrying about Oliver’s memories.  I can barely remember shit from when I was three,” Harry firm lips and furrowed brows presented his stern message.           Y/N frowned, “I apologize for freaking out about the birthday party.  I want the best for Oliver, and I took things negatively when they didn’t work out with my plan.”           Harry captured Y/N’s lips with his own, pulling her body closer until their chests were flush against each other. Y/N smiled, wrapping her arms around Harry’s neck while Harry’s tongue explored her warm mouth.  Her fingers raked through his short curly hair, which brought Harry’s soft groans out.             “Oi, I didn’t visit your house to watch you two make out.  You better pull that roasted chicken from the oven before it burns,” Gemma scolded the blushing couple.           Y/N lowered her head, tearing away from Harry’s arms to grab the chicken from the oven.  Harry chuckled, catching his breath while avoiding his sister’s disgusted expression.  Gemma poured the sparkling red wine into glasses, holding back the laughter that stemmed from her brother and sister-in-law’s embarrassed grins.           “Well, I will leave you two to finish dinner. I pray that you focus on the food this time rather than one another’s mouths.  Your son is starving,” Gemma joked, shooting Y/N a wink before disappearing from the kitchen.           Y/N rolled her eyes, smirking at Harry’s flushed cheeks, “We are never making out with your family here again.”           Harry gasped, “Why not?  Gemma doesn’t care if we make out.  She’s lucky that she walked in on us making out, rather than us fucking.”           Y/N’s eyes widened, “Harry, your mother is in the next room.  Could you be any more vulgar?”           Harry smirked, pressing his palms against the cool marble counter, “I could, would you like to see it?”           Y/N chuckled, rolling her eyes, “Shut up, and help me carry the food into the dining room.”           Harry nodded, slapping his wife’s butt before grabbing the mashed potato dish from the counter.  Y/N rolled her eyes playfully before following Harry with the roasted chicken dish.  After the couple placed the dishes onto the dining room table, the family gathered around the table for the birthday feast.  Oliver munched on his favorite meal, roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and peas.  He finished the meal with the thought of birthday cake lurking within his mind. *          *          *          *          *          *
          “Happy birthday to you,” Everyone sang, watching Oliver’s dimpled grin grow wider with each verse.           Oliver’s eyes flickered between his singing family and the dinosaur-themed cake.  The brown frosting mimicked mud puddles that the plastic dinosaurs walked through.  The green frosting mimicked the grassy field where fondant trees grew.  Once everyone hit the last note, Oliver inhaled deeply, puffing his cheeks out before blowing onto the three rainbow candles.  He repeated the action until he extinguished all three candles.  Everyone clapped while Harry sliced the cake into individual slices.  Oliver licked his lips, poking his fork into the spongey chocolate cake.           “Who made the cake?” Anne asked, eating around the sugary icing.           Y/N grinned, wiping green frosting from Oliver’s eyebrow, “I found a local bakery that specializes in children’s cakes. The lady met with me and Oliver, where she sketched out Oliver’s dream cake.”           “That’s awesome.  The cake tastes delicious.  Do you like it, Oli?” Michal asked, chuckling when his nephew nodded through his mouthful of cake.           “Oliver isn’t the type to refuse any cake,” Harry informed his family.           Y/N giggled, nodding her head, “One time, Oliver visited my grandfather’s house, where he found my grandfather’s carrot cake.  The cake contained more carrot than actual spice cake, but Oliver finished every crumb and even licked the plate.”           Oliver chuckled as if he couldn’t believe the silly story.  The table erupted into laughter, which only increased Oliver’s giggles.  Once Oliver finished his slice of birthday cake, Y/N and Harry knew Oliver had an hour of energy left until he crashed.  If the couple waited any longer to unwrap presents, then Oliver would grow cranky from the need for sleep. *          *          *          *          *          *
          Oliver’s small hands ripped the sparkly green wrapping paper from the box.  Harry knelt beside his son’s small frame.  He helped Oliver rip the stubborn wrapping paper from the white box.  Once Oliver tore off the final piece of wrapping paper, he opened the white box, which contained gray and red dinosaur pajamas.           “A new set of dinosaur pajamas.  What do we say to Nana Anne?” Y/N asked, patting Oliver’s back.           Oliver smiled, toddling toward Anne’s open arms, “Thank you, Nana Anne.”           “You’re welcome, my sweet boy.  I also brought you a second gift,” Anne mumbled, pressing her lips against Oliver’s forehead.           Oliver returned to the pile of gifts, where he found Anne’s second gift.  He tore the box open, revealing two new stuffed animals.  Oliver squealed, dropping the gray dinosaur for the pastel pink unicorn.  Last week, Anne visited the shops with Oliver and Y/N.  In the toy store, Oliver stumbled past pink and blue princess costumes toward the pastel pink unicorn.  Anne purchased the toy without Oliver’s knowledge, while Y/N showed him the new costumes.           “What’s her name?” Harry asked, rubbing his son’s back.           Oliver snorted, “Daddy, Ron isn’t a girl.”           Harry chuckled, nodding fervently, “Right, I apologize.  Men can like the color pink too.  Does Ron like the color pink?”           Oliver grinned, “He loves the color pink.”           Gemma and Michal purchased Oliver a new racecar set.  Harry and Y/N showered Oliver with multiple gifts that ranged from new outfits created by Harry’s stylists, toys, children books, and costumes that ranged from pink feather boas to a miniature Elvis costume.  Oliver thanked everyone for the gifts with a hug and a kiss.  Gemma lifted Oliver onto the couch, where he snuggled into her side while Harry and Y/N cleaned up the piles of torn wrapping paper.  Y/N glanced up from the sparkly paper toward her son’s drooping eyes.             “He’s going to sleep good tonight,” Michal whispered, chuckling when Oliver’s head jerked backward startling him awake.           Harry hummed in agreement, “Oli, what do you say that we give you a bath and put you in your new pajamas?”           Oliver shook his head, burying his face further into Gemma’s side.  Gemma smiled, rubbing Oliver’s back.           “We can bath him tomorrow.  He didn’t make a total mess with the cake,” Y/N mumbled, cutting the tags from Oliver’s outfits.           Harry nodded, “Okay, Gem, do you mind holding him for a bit longer?  Y/N and I want to clean the kitchen before we go to bed.”           “I don’t mind.  I love cuddling with my nephew,” Gemma promised, wrapping her arm around Oliver.           “I can help you two,” Anne whispered, following Y/N and Harry into the kitchen.             The excitement quieted down the minute Oliver’s tiny snores echoed throughout the silent living room.  Gemma and Michal cuddled with Oliver while Y/N, Harry, and Anne cleaned the kitchen from dinner.   *          *          *          *          *          *
          “You have a real special kid.  Call us anytime you two need a babysitter,” Gemma hugged Y/N and Harry.           “Thank you for coming.  You three gave Oliver a birthday that he won’t forget,” Y/N mumbled, hugging Anne, Gemma, and Michal.           Y/N took Oliver’s sleeping figure from Harry’s sturdy arms.  She carried the heavy toddler toward his bedroom.  Harry’s heart fluttered, and a smile spread across his face as he watched his wife carry their son toward the room.  Once Y/N disappeared into the dark hallway, Harry faced his smirking family.           “Harry, you are blessed.  Y/N is an incredible mother and wife, and Oliver is such an angel.  I hope you cherish them,” Anne reminded Harry.           Harry nodded, hugging his mother, who never became used to Harry’s lifestyle.  She often reminded him about the day when a sixteen-year-old Harry entered the world of fame forever.  Now that Oliver entered the world, Harry understood the sorrow yet pride that she felt. Harry hoped Oliver chased his dreams, but he would struggle to let him travel across the world at sixteen.           “I love you, mom,” Harry pressed a kiss to Anne’s temple.           Anne pecked Harry’s nose, “I love you too. I hope you three have a wonderful night.”           Harry waved goodbye as the car drove off down the narrow streets.  Harry closed the front door, tiptoeing toward Oliver’s bedroom, where he heard Oliver gushing about his birthday party.  Oliver’s groggy voice mumbled incoherent praises while Y/N tucked him into the blue sheets.           “Thank you, mommy, for the best birthday ever,” Oliver whispered, shutting his eyes.           Y/N smiled, pecking Oliver’s forehead, “You’re welcome.  I love you, Oli.  Sleep tight.”           Y/N flicked the lamp switch off and maneuvered past the toys strewn across the floor.  A squeal flew past her lips the minute she closed Oliver’s bedroom door and found Harry standing there.  Harry chuckled, dodging his wife’s soft slaps as she calmed her breathing.           “What did Oli say?” Harry asked, tugging his wife toward their bedroom.           Y/N grinned, “He thanked us for his birthday party.”           Harry tutted, shuffling across the bedroom toward their bed, “No, I heard him thank you.  You saved the day.”           Y/N shook her head, walking until Harry tumbled backward onto the bed, “We saved the day.  I couldn’t do it without you being there to calm me down.  You were right.  Everything would be okay.”           Y/N straddled Harry’s waist, admiring the way the moonlight splashed across his face.  Her eyes traced the freckles dotted around his tan skin until they landed on his rosy lips.  She lowered her head, brushing her lips against Harry’s stubbly jaw.           Harry groaned, “I love when you tell me that I was right.  Can you say it again?”           “You were right,” Y/N purred, trailing her lips down Harry’s neck.           Harry chuckled darkly, “I love you.”           “I love you too.  I also think you were right about practicing for making another baby. Maybe we should start practicing,” Y/N sat up, searching Harry’s eyes for disapproval.           A wide grin unraveled across Harry’s face, “Yeah?  You want another baby with me?”           Y/N nodded, biting back the dazed grin, “I want more children with you.”           Harry giggled, pressing his lips onto Y/N’s lips.  The couple shared urgent kisses as if each kiss might be their last.  Y/N’s heart fluttered from Harry’s excitement and the feeling of his lips on hers.  Later that night, Y/N and Harry discussed their hopes for the future.  Harry and Y/N couldn’t wait until another baby entered their lives.
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interstellarflare · 5 years
Back to You - Thomas Shelby
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, angst.
Summary: After your relationship with Tommy hits a rough patch, you decide to try and calm yourself down with a few drinks at the bar. But after a few drinks too many, what happens when Tommy comes to take you home?
Author’s Note: We are approaching the end of the series, and I am so excited to release the next chapter! I have decided to add a sixth chapter to this series, which will be the epilogue that (hopefully) will come out in the next couple of weeks.
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Rudely awoken by the sunlight streaming in through the window, a pained groan left my lips as I pulled the blankets over my face. My eyes had not yet opened, but I could already feel the immense headache forming from last night’s events. How could I have been so stupid? I didn’t normally drink, let alone excessively, but I suppose I perhaps needed a little respite from everything that had occurred.
Despite the haze that still clouded my mind, my eyes suddenly opened as I bolted upright in bed. I looked around the room with my face forming into an expression of confusion. This was my room...how did I get back here? With a heavy sigh, I ran my hands over my face as well as through my hair. Oh god, what happened last night? As I continued to rack my brain for anything I might remember, the door to the room opened, causing me to turn my head to meet the form of Ada. With a glass of water in her hands and a kind smile on her face, she walked over to the bed and sat beside me on the mattress. “I thought you might want this...” she spoke softly, holding out the glass towards me “...you had a really rough night by the looks of you”. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I looked down at my form only for my eyes to widen in shock. I was completely covered in dirt, my clothes a complete mess. I groaned in annoyance, before gulping down the glass of water in an attempt to drown out Ada’s soft laughter. 
“Tommy was very worried about you, you know? I found the two of you cuddled up in here late last night, looked like the two of you made up” she stated, watching me intently as I sat motionlessly staring down at the glass in my hands. I thought for a minute, once again trying to remember anything that might have happened last night. 
“Hey…are you happy with me?”
“Of course I am, you make me the happiest man on earth-”
“Then…then why did you kiss Grace?”
“Because I’m a fucking idiot. I know nothing I say now will fix what I’ve done, but I fucking love you with everything that I am. And if I had to go through another war just to be with you, I would gladly do so if it meant that you were here waiting for me”.
With my chest tightening nervously, and a small smile forming on my face, I turned towards Ada. “Where is Tommy now?” I asked her, quickly flickering my gaze to Tommy’s pillow, which lay slightly crumpled beside my own. Ada shrugged her shoulders, “He left early this morning, saying something about making things right? I’m not sure where exactly he went, but I can assure you he will be back soon” she finished, placing her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. My expression formed into a frown at the news. I really needed to talk to him about everything and to apologize for how I may have acted last night. Seemingly sensing my stress, Ada sighed slightly, “Come on...” she urged, quickly standing up from her position beside me “...let’s get you cleaned up eh? I’m sure Tommy will be back any minute now” she finished, holding out her hand for me to take. Nodding my head slowly, I carefully took her hand in my own and clumsily stood up, trying incredibly hard not to fall over as a splitting headache soon began to take over. Hearing Ada laugh, I looked up at her with a weary smile, “Maybe you should lay off the drink for a while” she giggled, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement “Oh shut up, this was a one-time thing”.
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After relaxing in a bath and managing to change into clean clothes, I began to make my way towards the kitchen, hoping that I would find something there to soothe my massive headache. Entering the said room, I froze in the doorway as my eyes glanced over the form standing on the other side of the room. There stood Thomas, fiddling with a cigarette in his mouth as he stared down nervously at the floor. I felt my heart flutter slightly as I pressed my lips together into a thin line. He seemed to be deep in thought, so deep in fact that he hadn’t noticed me enter the kitchen at all. “Good morning...” I mused softly, watching as the man before me lifted his gaze with his eyes widened in surprise. Quickly extinguishing the cigarette in the ashtray beside him, Thomas cleared his throat somewhat awkwardly as he fixed his suit jacket.
“Morning...” He spoke slowly, his gaze moving up and down my form with a faint smirk on his lips “...how are you feeling?”. I laughed softly, finding myself moving towards him at a snail’s pace. “Let’s just say I won’t be doing that again...ever” I finished, folding my arms over my chest as I leaned against the kitchen table. Silence fell over the two of us, a heavy weight filling the room as neither one of us wanted to bring up what had happened the night before. The urge of wanting to scream at the man before me still remained. As tears began to sting my eyes, I licked my kips awkwardly “Tommy, I-” “I’m sorry...”  he suddenly interrupted, causing me to freeze in place. As my eyes met his, I noticed that his icy-blue hues had darkened with sadness and guilt. He looked more tired than normal, his hair somewhat disheveled.
“Sorry, what?-” “I’m sorry for everything. When you left last night, screaming, crying and cursing my name in vain, I felt a part of me die. I felt so stupid, and I was annoyed and ashamed of myself that I would let something like this happen...” he trailed off, his gaze once again falling to the floor as he sighed heavily. I sniffled lightly, taking a deep breath to try and prevent myself from bursting into tears. Thomas continued “...I feel so, so guilty, and horrible and I know nothing I say will make up or justify for what I have done, but I want you to know that I love you...and I will never stop loving you Y/n” he finished, his voice wavering painfully as he spoke.
A loud sob escaped my lips at his words, my chest clenching painfully as I wiped my cheeks free of tears. Overcome by a sudden wave of emotion, I looked over towards Thomas who was already staring at me expectantly, his eyes tearful also. “Did you mean what you said?...” I asked him “...that you would gladly go through another war if it meant that I was here, waiting for you?”. Thomas released a breathless chuckle, as he slowly began to walk towards me “You remembered what I said?” he laughed, now standing before me and placing his hands firmly on my shoulders. I shook my head in tired amusment “To be honest, I think that is the only thing I remember about last night” I giggled, as Thomas laughed loudly. It was then, in that moment I realized just how much I loved to hear him laugh, even if it was just a low chuckle. But it was when he laughed out loud, just like this...it made me feel whole.
“Of course I meant what I said...” he spoke softly, lifting his hands from my shoulders to cup both sides of my face. “...I meant every word. I love you Y/n, so fucking much, and I plan on making things right...” he spoke somewhat nervously. With his hands suddenly removing themselves from my face, Thomas knelt down on one knee, my face forming an expression of confusion before it quickly dispersed as I watched him remove a small blue velvet box from the inside of his coat.
My eyes widened in astoundment, my hands flying to my face in shock as I gasped in shock. “Tommy...” I breathed out in a high-pitched tone, feeling the nerves within my stomach suddenly begin to dance wildly. Staring up at me with a nervous smile, Thomas released a shaky breath before speaking “I know this is sudden, and you have every right to say no...but this was the only way I thought I could make it up to you. Yes, I would gladly go through another war if it meant that you were here. Without you, I would be lost, I would be nothing. I want to be the one to hold you, to comfort you, to love you even when everything seems like it is falling apart. You know I’m not a very religious or an open man, but I swear to whatever God there is, that I will do everything in my power to give you the best life I can...and I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry for the arguments, for what happened with Grace...but I can’t lose you...” he trailed off, his bottom lip quivering as he carefully opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, the precious gem glistening in the early morning light. 
I couldn’t stop the horrendous sobs that left my mouth, as I stared down at the man before me with tearful eyes. I must have looked like such a mess, more than I already was. “So, Y/n L/n...” Thomas spoke slowly, staring up at me with those loving and emotional icy-blue eyes that I loved so much “...will you marry me?”. My mind screamed at me to say ‘no’, that I should turn and leave this life while I could. But my heart, so full of love and admiration for this broken man forced me onto my knees before him, my lips saying a heartfelt “...Yes Tommy, yes” as I smiled happily through my tear-filled gaze. Releasing a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding, he suddenly lept forward and captured my lips with his own in a passionate and meaningful kiss.
I knew he was sorry, and I knew he meant every word he said. As we both pulled away breathlessly, placing our foreheads together to try and regain our composure, Thomas gently took my hand in his own, placing the engagement ring onto my finger with care, almost as if he was afraid that I would break in his arms. “You have no idea how happy I am that you said yes” he mumbled quietly, returning his hands to my face to cup my cheeks, his thumbs wiping away my stray tears. I smiled widely “Somehow, someway, I always find my way back to you Tommy Shelby...” I teased lightly, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose. 
In one swift movement, Thomas had managed to lift me up off the floor and into his arms making his way out of the kitchen and back down the hall towards our shared bedroom. Placing me down on the bed, he quickly went back to the door and closed it, locking it behind his back as he turned towards me with an almost predator-like grin. As he began to remove his coat, I smirked devilishly as I crawled to the end of the bed, “Why don’t you show me how sorry you really are, Mr. Shelby?” I teased, laying down on my back as he came to hover above me. “Don’t worry...” he spoke darkly, leaning down to place a feathered kiss behind my ear “...I planned on this from the beginning, Mrs. Shelby”.
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Tag List:  @supermassiveblackhope @spaghettirogers @audioshoes   @gabriellepearce96 @twin-skltns @daisyxbuckley @arachnidscosmopoliton @affabletimelady
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“At the end of thy road, one must remember the golden rule: all things in moderation, and find the balance in all things. There, in minute perfection, you will find God, and you will find him wanting.” -- From the Discourse of the Tambay Swordsman and the Alcoholic Witch.
Makabintang nears the crossroads. “Hey kid,” says Makabintang, peering behind him. He sees Angela is out, sleeping sideways against the kalesa seat. That’s bound to cause some neck pain.
Makabintang moves the kalesa to the right edge of the road and stops the horses, which have been running for almost two hours. There’s a small clearing here, a little embrace from the trees. Here the soft patter of the stream punctures the silence. The sound of the wind slipping through the bamboo causes a song of sadness to ring out from the forest.
Makabintang climbs up and flicks Angela’s face. Angela snorts as she’s pulled back into the waking world. “Ah punyeta. What--?”
“We’re taking a short stop here. You can rest up here. Get down and stretch.” Makabintang then grabs a glass canteen from behind her and walks off to the stream.
Angela watches Makabintang disappear into the greenery. She tries to move, but is greeted by an orchestra of pain. Her neck is sore, her feet sear with red hot spiky agony, her hands feel raw, and her knees have been scraped. Wincing, she gingerly makes her way down from the kalesa and winces as she hits the ground. Her feet are raw: she’s not wearing clogs or any kind of shoes. She makes her way over to the center of the small clearing where there’s a small campfire used by those before. The charcoal has been doused, but it hasn’t been cleared or replaced. They’re going to have to clean off the charcoal and get some new firewood.
A couple of men riding along on horses happen by the clearing. Angela notices that they’re taking the right path at the crossroads. One of the men, wearing a large salakot and barong tagalog, stares longingly at Angela, and Angela looks away, trying her best to act as if she can’t see them. She briefly wonders if she should just go back to her own kalesa and hide. 
The two men stop their horses. One of them--the one wearing a navy blue uniform, has an arquebus hanging from behind his back, and a sabre hanging from his waist--gestures with his head, and the salakot-wearing man nods and slides down from his saddle.
The approaching man is wearing a large cloak that wraps around him, but underneath that he’s wearing large balooning pants, leather shoes, and a fancy striped barong tagalog. His hair looks groomed, and so is his moustache.
Angela squints at them. She sits at one of the logs-turned-benches. 
“Hello, binibini,” says the man, as he nears her. He takes off his salakot. “What is a precious young girl like you doing out here, in the middle of the path?”
Angela breathes out, slightly irritated. She didn’t think she’d get these kinds of people in another world still. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk with strangers?” 
“Then let’s change the situation then,” says the man, smiling. “My name is Don Jose Iago de Lacandola. And you are?”
Angela cringes. “I’m 17. Go away.”
“Age is but a number,” says Don Jose Iago de Lacandola. Angela cringes. He examines Angela thoroughly. “It is better if you are not to stay here, in the middle of nowhere. You seem like you have gone through a rough patch. I can take you to my hacienda, which is just over Mount San Roque. I can care for you like a king would care for his princess.”
Angela blinks. She thinks that this can be a good chance to get some good life out of this miserable predicament she’s found herself in. “Are you some kind of… noble?”
Don Jose nods. “I am a principales, part of the principalia of the Kingdom of Perlesensya. Perhaps that will make my offer more enticing. I will care for you all your life.”
Angela squints at Don Jose again. “Why?”
Don Jose manages a small smile. A shy smile. He looks up at the sky and says, “Well, it is not everyday that a Don such as myself would be graced by God the fortune of seeing an exceedingly beautiful maiden sitting out here in the forests. I must protect all beautiful ladies that I come across but…” he looks down on Angela again. “...never have I seen a woman so beautiful as you.”
“But…” Angela reaches up to her horns. 
“Oh, do not worry about that. We can surely hire a surgeon and a healer to surgically remove it from you. We’ve done it before.”
“You’ve… surgically removed horns from people? Why?”
“No horns are allowed in the Hacienda proper, you see,” says Don Jose. “And it’s commonly seen as unnoble within Biringan, the City of Cities. It's just for politeness and so that you can fit in better. Admittedly, that is the only blemish I see in your perfection.”
Angela cringes again. The prospect of having the horns surgically removed is something she’s keenly interested in, but a mote of doubt lingers within her heart.
“There’s a catch to this, isn’t there?”
Don Jose shrugs. “Of course, it would be in my best interest to wed you. Perhaps we can live together in my hacienda, and you can be the loving wife that welcomes me back from military expeditions and other such things! You will have a grand life.”
Angela pouts and thinks. Her forehead creases. She doesn’t quite know what to answer. Not yet, anyway. 
“Come on, girl. Do you not want to be treated like a principales?”
“I do,” Angela says, looking up. “But… I don’t think I can.”
“Oh, lovely maiden, moon of my life, why?”
Angela shrugs. “There’s… something I have to do first. There are people that are counting on me, I think. I’m not sure. But I don’t think I can do whatever I have to do if I went with you. Sorry.” And also going off gallivanting with a creepy older man is out of the question, fuckin’ creep.
Don Jose stops and stares at Angela for a bit. Eventually he sighs and shrugs. He produces a piece of rectangular paper from his pocket and gives it to her. “This is a paper signed by me. If you ever come to the hacienda--Hacienda Lacandola it is called--then show this to the gatekeeper. They shall let you in, and perhaps we can talk at length and help you come to a conclusion.”
Angela snorts. “Sure.” She takes the card. 
“God bless you,” says Don Jose, before walking back to the horse and then shrugging. His shoulders have fallen. The principales gets on his horse and the two of them begin making their way up the mountain. The man that looks like a soldier looks over his shoulder and stares at her as they disappear into a curve.
“Weirdos,” says Angela. She thinks of throwing the paper away, but then decides against it. Perhaps it can help in the future. She looks around her and finds that the baro’t saya she’s wearing has no pockets in them. Exasperated, Angela sighs. Of course they don’t. 
She gets up and walks over to the kalesa and slips the piece of paper into the sheath of the bolo that Makabintang gave her. She stares at her own reflection through the slightly dulled blade of the bolo. There’s still some dirt on her face, from when she fell. Her eyes are red. Is she losing sleep? Her glasses are miraculously still intact. When will they get broken? What will she do if they do? She’s practically blind without them. How will she be able to survive?
The bolo could be a good start, she thinks. Maybe get some training in them and be like a samurai or one of those old Filipino action movies or old Filipino komiks by Francisco Coching. She can manage it, she thinks. She’s always had before.
“I’ll get Makabintang to train me,” she mutters. What is seemingly apparent to Angela is that in this universe, fighting is to be expected at one point or another. At least, for a person like her. So it only makes sense for her to get up and grab some kind of combat training. If not, she’s going to get turned to bloody mush on the ground, and she doesn’t have any plans of dying just yet.
I still need to go home.
She brings the bolo over to the log she sat on and pondered. She wonders how life is, back at home, back in horrible Metro Manila, with the shitty transportation system and the even shittier government. That distant wish for home hit her like a truck. Sure, it was hell, but at least that place didn’t have, like, huge demons and angels and explosions and supernatural kung fu or whatever. If this is heaven, then she’d rather be cozy back home in hell.
She sighs. She wonders how Kristina is doing. One of her best friends. She was supposed to go and have a study date with her the next day, eating and drinking at their favorite cafe along Aurora Avenue. A hidden gem. But no. She was abducted by human-trafficking angels instead. Angela wonders if she will ever get back home. She decides that if she ever does go back home, she will.
In fact, she decides that she’ll do all of this, survive and get strong and hop around with Ang Nilapastangan and Makabintang, just to find a way to get back home. Her mother is waiting. Her little brother is waiting. They are all waiting for her to get back home.
“Oyoy, what was that commotion a while back?” Makabintang’s voice floats out of the trees. Angela looks up and sees him walking out, with three canteens full of water, which he carries with a makeshift flat plane of wood that he found out within the forest. He goes over to the horses and gives them something to drink.
“Some principales,” Angela replies. “Can I ask you a favor, Makabintang?”
“A principales? Did he say his name?”
“Don Jose something something Lacandola.”
Makabintang pauses. He turns to stare at Angela and his eyes go wide. “Lacandola? Are you absolutely sure?”
“Oh what, is he like, super important or something? Is that it?”
“Yes! Yes he is! Lacandola is one of the royal houses of the Kaharian!”
“There’s not a lot of them, really. Only nine left: Sulayman, Lacandola, Ache, Colambu, Tupas, Paiburong, Sikatuna, Cabungsuan, and Namwaran.” Strangely enough, Angela recognizes some of those names. Names that she’s seen her friends have, or mentioned in old historical texts. Another weird note that imprints itself onto her mind.
“And this is important to me… how?” asks Angela.
“You shoulda taken the offer and took me with you!” Says Makabintang. “We’ll be rich and living large!”
“I doubt they’d allow a duwende to live in with them, though,” says Angela. “Don Jose already said that he’d have my horns surgically removed.”
“Yeesh,” says Makabintang, and then waves his hand dismissively “But whatever, you’re probably right. Come on, let’s get back on the road.”
Angela opens her mouth to ask something more, but a low guttural bellow resonates from somewhere else, freezing her words in her throat. She and Makabintang stare at each other, eyes completely wide, bodies frozen.
And then the kimera leaps out from within the shadows between the trees.
There’s a moment of absolute fear blossoming from the well at the bottom of Angela’s soul. She leaps to her feet, brings out her bolo, and faces down the kimera even as it leaps through the air and pins her to the ground.
“Makabintang! Help!” She screams, and the fear in her voice is like the shattering of glass. Makabintang rises and brandishes his own bolo. He sinks into the earth and then erupts from a mound to the left of the kimera, sending him cannonballing straight into the kimera’s side, bolo first. The bolo sinks, the kimera screams. 
It flails about, sending Makabintang flying from it. This time, it doesn’t underestimate Makabintang. It leaps toward him as he slams against a tree, grabs him mid-bounce, and then slams him against the tree once again. 
And then with a single, savage movement, rips Makabintang’s head from his body with its kimera dog mouth.
Ang Nilapastangan is faster than horses.
Upon her bellowing strides of smoke and flame--a neat little trick she’d picked up when traveling with a tigbalan--she crosses the length traveled by the kalesa in half the time. Despite the dewy morning, the road is not damp enough to let wheel tracks be embedded upon it, but that’s okay. Ang Nilapastangan told Makabintang where to go. She knows where they’re headed. 
She just hopes she’s not too late. She just hopes she catches up before they go past the crossroads. But Makabintang knows that. Makabintang is a wise duwende, and he’d know to stop by at the crossroads to wait for her.
That is, assuming nothing worse follows after them. The kimera… she can’t brush the thought of the kimera from her mind. It wasn’t there when she looked around. Last time she remembered, halimaw don’t just disappear when they die. It’s popular to use the materials harvested from hunting them for equipment and items.
So where did it go?
Ang Nilapastangan bellows-pumping stride eventually reaches its peak, and she reaches the crossroads at almost a quarter of the time a horse-drawn carriage like the kalesa would. When she gets there, however, the kimera’s maw rips Makabintang’s head from his body.
Ang Nilapastangan’s fury is silent, and the world has told her that she must be silent. She blurs forward. Now right beside the kimera, and thrusts her hand--which is in a knife-hand position--straight through the kimera’s chest. She then inserts her other hand through that same hole, and then rips the kimera in two, vertically.
Chunks of meat and blood scatter across the clearing. Angela scrambles away from the blood and meat, bolo still in hand. Her eyes are wide, her breathing rapid. She feels like she’s going to puke, but she can’t look away from the fantastic gore caused by Ang Nilapastangan.
Ang Nilapastangan hurls both parts of the kimera into two different parts of the forest. Throwing it so strongly that it sends waves of air rushing out. She throws it seemingly so that the two parts of the kimera are as far from each other as possible.
She looks down upon the headless corpse of Makabintang, ripped and savaged. The blood of beings like Makabintang don’t seem to be red like human blood. Their blood is one that is yellow-ish, like the sap of trees, nearing gold. 
Ang Nilapastangan scowls. Angela stares at Ang Nilapastangan.
Ang Nilapastangan digs up a grave for what’s left of Makabintang’s body with her bare hands. She is silent, and when Angela looks over at her, her face is blank. Not in that blank kind of way when someone’s loved one dies and you don’t know how to react. Her face is exactly like her face the first time she saw her. As if the death of Makabintang, the only person that she seems to speak with, doesn’t faze her.
Ang Nilapastangan makes an effort to make the grave like a mound, like that of his house. And then, at the top of the mound, she places a single sampaguita flower that she finds nearby.
With that done, she gets on both knees and then bows. Her hands are clasped together, as if in prayer. Angela wonders if she should follow in what she’s doing. Even just to pay some kind of respect to the weird duwende that helped her. But, she feels too awkward, and decides not to.
Eventually, Ang Nilapastangan finishes the procession. She doesn’t do any kind of sign of the cross or anything. She simply lifts her head and then rises to her feet. She turns around and says: “I’m filthy.”
Angela blinks. “Um. Yeah. You’re covered in guts and blood.”
“We can’t afford to bathe yet,” she says, with an almost… complaining tone? Angela can’t help but tilt her head in slight confusion. 
Angela also notices that as she’s talking, her burning crimson feet and hands are slowly subsiding. Her black and red eyes are dissipating. She closes her eyes and she breathes out. When she opens her eyes again, her eyes are normal. They’re no longer black and red, but a beautiful white and ash gray.. She, more or less, has the visage of a human. 
Save, of course, for the horns.
“Come on. Barangay San Justo is a bit more travel.” She walks over to the kalesa and unlatches the horses from the wagon. She then reaches into the wagon and brings out a pair of saddles. Fraying at the edges, but working more or less. “Ah, the horse carer remembered my request. Good.”
Angela walks up to Ang Nilapastangan. “We’re not going to ride the kalesa?”
Ang Nilapastangan shakes her head. “We’re going to ride the horse instead. Do you know how to ride one?”
Angela and Ang Nilapastangan ride down the path. They’ve gone down the westward road. “The east road leads up to a mountain trail that leads to Barangay Sampotsi. There you will find Hacienda Lacandola,” Ang Nilapastangan said. Angela told Ang Nilapastangan about the encounter she’s had with Don Jose, but Ang Nilapastangan doesn’t reply or respond to it.
Now, upon the trail, there is a slight awkwardness. The only time Ang Nilapastangan has talked to her is to teach her the ropes of riding a horse. She’s ridden one before when she went to Tagaytay and Baguio, but riding one on her own without the guide of some kind of caretaker is a new experience. Surprisingly, she got the hang of it rather quickly, and soon the two of them are on a canter. Ang Nilapastangan took the horse with the black coat, while Angela chose to ride upon one with a chestnut brown coat.
The path is mostly quiet, save for the soft sound of the wind wafting across the trees. The rustlign of branches, the whistle of small zephyrs. The temperature is not too bad. Humid, of course, but the sun is not shining directly at them so the heat is bareable. Angela realizes how much she prefers the temperate, humid climate of the more tropical countries than the more extreme degrees of other countries. She’s glad that they have that climate here, and much cooler than in Metro Manila too, since this place is presumably not choked by pollution and microwaved by climate change.
Their canter is brisk, but not to slow. Its a perfect pace for Angela to ponder upon the things she sees as she travels across the path. The broken twigs on the ground, the kabalyero trees that seem to be more popular here, sending the red petals of their flowers cascading down to the soil. The random snake coiling about a trunk, or flying lizard leaping from one treetop to another. A squirrel scurrying down a tree. Numerous birds flying above.
A soft wind sends fallen dead leaves flurrying into a small tornado, instilling into them once again, a semblance of life.
However it's not the kind of abounding, almost choking, multitude of animals Angela thought she would encounter. It’s strangely serene. The animals here seem to be alone: Angela can’t help but wonder why she only sees one squirrel, and one flying lizard, and one flock of birds. At this point, she’s expecting to be assaulted by an onslaught of mosquitoes and flies, but none come. Maybe one, and it isn’t even a mosquito.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Angela blinks. She looks up at Ang Nilapastangan. The path ahead is long. There’s a patch of the road further down that is shadowed by a canopy of tree branches. “Yeah.”
“It used to be even better,” says Ang Nilapastangan. 
Angela waits for Ang Nilapastangan to explain further, but she never does. 
After a bit of cantering, Angela speaks, “I’m sorry about Makabintang.”
“Don’t be,” she replies. “You had nothing to do with it. And Makabintang would’ve been honored to go out that way.”
“Wasn’t he your friend?”
“He was. He was the only friend I had and the only one that didn’t freak out when I said that I was the winner of the Hagdanan and that I came to that village to hide away from Biringan. He was a good friend. But he was going to die, I think, one way or another. It always happens.” The wistful tone is almost cliche to Angela.
“You were hiding?”
Ang Nilapastangan nods. “It’s the only way for them not to kill me, or use me.”
“Use you?”
Angela doesn’t get a response to that either. 
With a sigh, Angela continues with, “If only I knew how to fight.”
“Don’t worry about  the ‘ifs’,” says Ang Nilapastangan. “It’s done now. Move on. That’s what’s important. That’s how you break chains.”
Another silence. Angela decides not to engage anymore with Ang Nilapastangan. Maybe she’s still grieving, and just doesn’t want to show it to Angela so that she doesn’t break her tough-girl demeanor? Either way, Angela loses the will to converse. She looks around her again, and nothign much happens. Not a lot of animals come out. For a world that is the center of the multiverse, she thinks that it should have a lot more colorful animals. Not just a single squirrel and a snake. And some birds.
They ride for a few more hours, passing through numerous canopied sections of the road: the parts where the branches of the trees embrace overhead, as if to provide shelter and shade. The sun doesn’t shine down directly at you within the canopy, and the wind is chilly. As they canter along, her mind begins trailing, looking for more distractions. She wishes she can have her phone right now, numb her mind against her Twitter feed or chat with some friends. But then she remembers that those friends are universes away.
Eventually, to pick up the pace, Ang Nilapastangan tells Angela to gallop and follow her. Angela nods, prodding the horse forward and then balancing herself on her knees. Ang Nilapastangan taught her this just a few moments ago. She remembers what she’s taught: use her knees to steady herself, don’t pull on the reins, lean forward. And she does. 
The horse goes forward, and it runs quick and true. It seems as though it’s doing its best to accommodate for Angela’s inexperience. Even though her gallop isn’t as fast as Ang Nilapastangan’s, it's enough that Ang Nilapastangan is always in view.
After a few more hours of riding--which was painful for Angela, having to look around all the time--Angela finds that the road they’re sat upon crests up to the top of a hill. When they reach it, Ang Nilapastangan stops the horse, and so does Angela.
There, from the hilltop, they see Barangay San Justo. A quaint little town with the same wooden houses mixed with stone houses, and with a church in the middle. It is surrounded, of course, by dense trees, some of them breaching the gaps of the town and growing between houses and roads. There is a small wall on both the north and south sides of the barangay, made of earth and wood.
The hilltop road bends down into the southern exit. 
The barangay, strangely enough for the middle of the day, is quiet.
“We will look for the albularyo here,” says Ang Nilapastangan. “And then afterwards, I will help you.”
Angela blinks, looking up at Ang Nilapastangan. “Help me?”
“Get stronger and win the Hagdanan. It’s the only way, if you wish to be free.”
Next Arc.
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fiery-assassin-arc · 4 years
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Song(s) used for major inspo: Crooked Still - Ecstasy Instrumental Edit 
Life After You - Daughtry 
Fistfight - The Ballroom Thieves 
{{ This is a muthafuckin essay . . . 
He feels his heart is going to burst out of his chest. Will she even say yes?   There were only two other words he was scared of saying aside from the three they revealed years ago. Marry me.
He didn’t have doubts about this decision, no. Erron knew she was the one he wanted to spend his life with. He never got the opportunity to feel alive, simply the experience of staying alive.  Not knowing when each day would be his last. But Iris, his Sunshine, made him feel alive. That it was worth enjoying, not sulking, as she called him doing.  
Making him smile by just being . . . her. Her laugh, her witty banter with him, that smile that brightens his whole day by just thinking about it. She accepted him, flaws and all, and though there were some bumps in the road, (a part of his past he buried, but someone had forced his hand.)  they still remained strong. 
He listens to her sing from the bathroom, shaking his head with a light chuckle. How in whatever entity’s name did he get paired with someone like her?  A deadly whisper of his mother’s words echoed in the night as they slept, that he would lose her. People die if they’re close to him. Yet she was here, still. Breathing and with a heart and he was the pulse. Maybe this once . . . Rosa was wrong. She is still wrong.
Although the ring weighed almost nothing, emotionally it felt like a weight in his back pocket. Saved up for it; she did deserve the best after all. Erron wanted to plan this whole thing right, so he arranged for a day with the two of them. 
Iris steps out of the bathroom, cheeks flushed red and flashing a smile over at her outlaw. “Sorry I took so long.” she apologizes, even when he waved a hand in dismissal. 
“Take as much time as you need.” He walks over to her, hands on her hips. “You look good in that towel.”
Her head moves to the side as he suddenly plants kisses along her neck, already growing weak in the knees. He’ll always have that effect. “You could’ve joined, you know.”
“Ma’am, are you implying I smell?” Erron pulls his head away, arching a brow. 
“No, you smell great, just saying...” She brushes her nose against his, stepping away from him. “The bath might have been more fun. So, where are we going?”
“A surprise. But first, a horse ride.” He walks inside the bathroom, splashes water on his face. To freshen up and settle his nerves. “One through the forest?”
“Sounds fun. Inez is joining us?”
“Always.” He steps out of the room the same time Iris finishes putting her hair in a braid.  “You look incredible.”
She gives a sheepish smile. “So do you, now let’s go.” 
The two later embark on horseback, after Erron grabbed a few things: a couple of blankets, his guitar and a few cigarettes since Iris had developed the habit of taking his, telling him to “cut back.” Navigating through the bustle of the city, avoiding the looks of fear because of a giant demonic horse, they made their way to the lush forest, hearing the sounds of birds and other creatures as they made their way east. 
Iris pipes up, almost making Erron rear with the horse. “I remember this route.” 
“Oh yeah, you challenged me to a race.”  He shakes his head, continuing, “A race you lost, if I remember right.”
“It was a tie, Black. We were head to head.”
“I won, McNamara.”  He laughs at the shove Iris gave, pushing her back. “Admit it.”
“I’m telling you the truth, it was a tie.”
“I’m very truthful, more than you, and I won.”  He clicks his tongue for Inez to go a little faster. “Come on.”
“This was years ago. You’re still not over it!”
They laugh, recalling other moments. Their dances, their almost kiss, then a full kiss. The rise of trust as time went on. They avoid the worst parts. The times they were almost tested. Whenever their fights--exceedingly rare--happen, they immediately stop, knowing it would be worse things left said. 
“Let’s stop here.” Erron holds the reins tight, halting Inez. This seems like a nice place to relax for a while. He sets down the blanket while Iris hitched Inez to a tree, praising her on being such a good girl. Once he sat down, he picked up his guitar, playing a soft song. He feels he’s being sent back to memory, playing this for sister to help calm her down. The way the chords danced along his calloused fingers, his eyes shut in concentration, he could almost hear the smile in her voice.
When he made the decision to get a ring, he felt some sort of presence in his dreams. A deer, walking through the forest, with his sister, dressed in a rich green dress standing beside it. He was quick to embrace her, saying how much he missed her, and she just kept saying “You deserve your happiness, after so long. Marry that girl.” 
When he opens his eyes, he sees Iris lying down on her side, a hand propping her head up as she watches intently. Such warm brown eyes, looking with such curiosity.  A gentle smile on her face. “Want me to play it again?” 
“It’s a beautiful song. I’ve never heard it before.” Iris nods at his quizzical look. “I’ve heard others, and the ones we made in accompaniment to my piano. But that’s it.”
“Well . . . it was for my sister.” He sets his guitar down, and lies down facing her. “Whenever she had a nightmare, became very nervous, I would play that song for her. And it calmed her down.”  A soft exhale came out of his lungs. “I’ve been thinking about her lately, and I think . . . she would have loved the hell out of you.”
“Really?” Her voice is low, a whisper as she moves closer, their foreheads and fingers touching.  “What makes you say that?”
“You want me to start?”  He tangles their fingers together, watching her pull his hand forward to kiss his fingers, one by one. “First of all, you’re incredibly caring, even to people you don’t know. Have the ability to think positive no matter what, fiery, passionate. Accepting my faults, what I do and what I have done.” He pauses, swallowing heavily. “You’re my friend, my sunshine. I think she’d love you for your kindness, how you make others laugh, make me laugh.” 
“Erron.” Iris starts, but Erron stops her with a kiss. She responds to it, even as he deepens the kiss, both of them rolling over until she was on top. His hands take their time exploring every slope and path of her body, pushing back a waterfall of red locks so he look up at her face. 
 “I love you, you know that?”
“Yes, yes I do. And I love you.” Her warm hands cup his face to pull him in a passionate kiss, sighing in delight as they slowly began to undo the other’s clothes. Once her shirt was discarded, he took care in making so many shapes with the freckles that decorate her body, brushing against one with his lips. Every time she made a soft sound in reply made him continue. Later he echoes the same breathy noises as Iris undid his shirt, slipping it off his shoulders and kissing the scars of his chest, hands moving downwards near the waistband of his jeans. 
Hazel eyes meet amber brown, the outlaw nodding before being taken into a place of fire and feverish kisses. She often paused, whispering how much she loved him. He removed the rest of Iris’s clothes, discarding them. Slowly they moved as one, each one of them taking their time with the other. Erron held on to her hand, keeping their fingers entwined. 
His mind captures each moment: how she places a lingering kiss on his scarred face, a hand pushing back her hair as he kissed her neck, a hand gripping the blanket underneath them. The way she looked with the sun shining along her body, her hair aflame by the rays of the sun. Skin brushing against skin, her eyes slowly opening before capturing his mouth in a kiss so sweet and gentle. 
Hours had passed, the sun dipping into the skyline and the silver dotting of stars with navy blue  were born, with clouds covering them. The two laid there with the spare blanket covering them both, Iris’s hand continuously stroking through Erron’s brown hair as he hummed a lullaby he wrote for his sunshine. 
“You ever think about the future?” Iris whispers. 
“Hm?”  He opens his eyes. “Like further down the road?”
“Yeah.”  She brushes her hand across his stubbled cheek. “Do you picture us settled somewhere, with maybe one or two children?”
Settling down, something that used to terrify him but he’s completely warmed up to the idea. A nice home somewhere in the country or near her family in Ireland, coming home to her, in her heated rapture. “Yes, actually. Be nice. What made you ask?”
“Nothing, just thought about it.” She snuggles close to him, sighing against his throat. “We should get home, I’m kind of hungry.” 
“We should be getting going. I put on something for dinner and I think it’s ready. And . . .” as if on cue, thunderstruck and rain started to fall heavily. “It’s pouring.”
Quickly, occasionally slipping in the mud, they put on their wet clothes, grabbed their things and made their way back home. Iris couldn’t stop her laughter as they made it to their house, brushing away mud from her face until Erron covered her eyes with his hand. 
“I’m sorry, I have to prepare something and check on the food. Just give me  . . . five minutes? And keep your eyes closed until you come in.”
“Okay.”  She grabs him by the hand, smiling. “We should also get a hot bath before we get sick.”
Erron quickly shuts the door while he sets everything together. Washing his hands, checking the pot for the steaming stew and putting it in bowls, setting them on the table. Lights two candles, and digs in his pocket for the ring. A beautiful platinum ring with a princess cut shaped gem of Iris’s birthstone. He gets down on one knee, and clears his throat. “You can open it, Sunshine.”
“Okay.” She opens the door, and her jaw nearly hits the floor at the display in front of her, tears welling up in her eyes as she takes it all in. And restrains her chuckle at Erron, covered in mud, on one knee. “Erron . . .”
“I’ve loved you from the day I knew you. Your heart is so lively and warm I get the chance to be someone I wished I was years ago. I vow to protect you, to stay by your side, to make you laugh. Give you what you deserve. I kneel before you, a man who has done bad things, and you still want to have me. I’m not used to that. I’m used to others leaving, dead or alive.” 
“But you, you surprise me everyday. You’ve taken my heart, sunshine. So I ask.” He holds out the ring. Taking his girlfriend’s hand. “Will you do me the favor of being my wife?” 
Iris is speechless, nodding as Erron slides the ring on his finger. He kisses the tips of her fingers, her knuckles, the ring. “Thank you!”  he breathlessly whispers. He lifts her up and spins her around, kissing everywhere on her face, leaving no freckle devoid of affection. 
“Is this why you had me wait, to surprise me?” She chokes on a sob, smiling through tears. “This is beautiful, even though we’re both dirty.”
“We could take that bath now.”  He chuckles at the sound of her rumbling stomach. “Or would you rather eat?”
“Maybe the bath first, fiance.” The word sends shivers down his spine. The good kind. He kisses her cheek, and can swear he can hear Rebecca screaming “Yes, yes finally!” 
“After you, fiancee.” Erron holds out his arm, escorting her to the bathroom for a long celebration and much needed bath. 
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Inseparable Chapter 23: Blindsided
Adrien and Marinette finish making up, Nino and Alya notice some changes, and Adrien tries to get that photo for his lady.
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Adrien snickered and Marinette smacked his arm in mock annoyance.
“Why would you even say something like that? Are you trying to jinx us?!”
“This isn’t a horror movie, m’lady. What’s so bad about saying ‘what could go wrong’? Even if it was a jinx, I have my good luck charm right here.” She expected him to hold up the charm she had made for him, but instead, he grabbed her wrist and held up her hand as if presenting her to herself.
She blushed and bumped his shoulder, “You’re a dork.”
“But you love me anyway,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah,” she whispered, catching him off guard. “I do.”
She slouched back in her chair, staring at him while biting at her lower lip. It was clear to Adrien that she was struggling with something, but for the life of him he couldn’t tell what. Reading Marinette wasn’t quite as easy as reading her alter ego, but he was getting there. Not knowing what else to do, he reached out and gently placed his hand on top of hers. To his surprise, that made her tense up before sagging her shoulders.
“Adrien…” She raised her head to look at him. “I’m so sorry. I was so caught up in my own fears, I didn’t even think about what they would do to you.”
He flashed a weak smile at her and said soothingly, “Don’t worry about it.”
She shook her head. “No, Adrien. I can’t just brush that away - I want you to know that I’m done running. From here on out, we’re together, no matter what.” She leaned forward to rest her forehead against his. “I care about you. So, so much. I want you to know how much you mean to me.”
Adrien felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes as he squeaked out, “And how do you intend to do that, boss?”
The space between them was hot from their breaths as Marinette’s lips drew closer to his.
“By telling you every day how much I love you, to start with.”
He smiled against her lips, letting his doubts leave his body through the happy tears running down his face.
“That’s a good place to start.”
Contrary to expectations, they did manage to get enough done on their actual project to show Ms Bustier. Well, contrary to their kwamis’ expectations, at least. More than a couple times, Tikki had broken them up to keep them on task, and Plagg had thoroughly ruined the atmosphere when he decided he wanted a late afternoon cheese break.
When Adrien finally went home, he felt better than he had in a very long time. It might have sounded sappy to say, but Marinette telling him her true feelings toward him… ignited something inside. There was finally someone in his corner, someone who cared about him for him, and not just because of what he could do for them, or for a company. He felt energized, and with that energy came a burning desire to not disappoint Marinette.
He had told her that he would get the photo that his father had hidden away somewhere inside the mansion, and he had every intention of doing so. Even as the days went by and the search continued…
The two of them had decided to keep their relationship subtle at first, but he could tell that Alya and Nino had started to pick up on their well hidden ruse. All four of them had decided, about midway through the week, that they’d go to the park afterschool.
“Okay,” Alya said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “What happened?”
“What do you mean?” Adrien replied as he held onto Marinette tighter.
Her eyebrow twitched and Nino chuckled. “I mean, what’s with all… this.” She gestured at Marinette leaning her head against Adrien’s shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist. “Just a couple days ago, the two of you could barely look at each other and now you’re way close.” She leaned forward on her elbows and looked into their eyes as if she could look straight into their heads. “What. Happened?”
Adrien shared a look with Marinette, and made ‘go-ahead’ gesture.
“Oh! Um, well, there was a bit of a… misunderstanding. So we met up later to talk it out and, uh… yeah. We talked a lot and figured out that we really cared about each other so…” She trailed off, looking up at Adrien, who nodded furiously.
Alya and Nino shared a look.
“Dude, you were a total mess on Monday. That feels like a little more than a ‘misunderstanding’, my bro.”
“And you,” Alya pointed her finger at Marinette. “You went from barely keeping your cool around him-”
“Well, I am Hot Stuff.” Adrien grinned.
“Yup, you’re definitely full of hot air,” she quipped back at him as she jabbed him with her elbow.
“-to flirting like Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Alya seemed pleased at the way their eyes widened. In the ensuing silence, Alya crossed her arms and leaned back.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t flirt,” Marinette finally grumbled.
“Well, they sorta do, dudes.” Nino smirked. “Even if they don’t realize it.”
Adrien leaned forward while Marinette groaned. “We’re telling the truth. Even if you don’t believe us, all that really matters is that we are together now, right?” He glanced between their two friends, who deflated.
“Yeah, I guess… But I’ll get that story out of you two eventually.” Alya took a sip of her drink. “Even if only because I’ll need it when I make my wedding speech.”
Alya laughed when the two of them began blushing furiously.
Adrien was sitting in his room, having just gotten off the phone with Marinette. It had been a full week since they had talked things through. So far, she’d stayed true to her word and had made sure that she told him everyday how much he meant to her. It wasn’t something he ever really got used to, and each time his pulse raced like it was the first time. He felt beyond fortune that she’d fallen in love with him. His fingers ran over the lucky charms that she had made for him - both sides of him. She’d done so much for him and he’d never even realized it.
Which made it all the more important to him to find that photo. Not just for their grades, but because he didn’t want to let her down on something so small. It was his house after all - how hard could it be to find something in it?
As it turns out - very difficult, especially since he was usually expected to be inside his room, working on one thing or another. It was only when he started pushing the boundaries of his cage that he realized just how small it was. Even just roaming his own home provoked suspicion. It meant that he had to leave Plagg to do most of the exploring, but that was fine. There had already been one secret safe. Maybe there were others? Adrien wouldn’t be helpful in finding them, so maybe it was for the best that his kwami search alone.
The sound of the mini fridge in Adrien’s room opening and closing let him know that Plagg had returned. The smile on his face vanished when he saw how Plagg’s tail was swishing back and forth in irritation as he ate a wedge of camembert.
“Something wrong?”
Plagg’s eyes flickered toward him. “I found your picture. Found something else too. Something I missed earlier.”
After it became clear that he wasn’t going to add anything else to that, Adrien stood up. “Well, can you take me to where you found it?”
“...Yeah, I can do that. Everyone is sleeping anyway, and you need to see this.”
“I don’t know why it's here, but it can’t mean anything good. Not in the state that it's in.”
“Are you just going to dance around saying what ‘it’ is then?” Adrien said, jokingly.
Plagg glared at him, surprising Adrien. It wasn’t often that his kwami was anything other than a lazy glutton. Whatever he saw must have been super important if he was getting this serious.
“You’ll see in a minute.”
Plagg guided him along darkened corridors until they came across a room that was achingly familiar to Adrien. The air was stale, like the room had barely been touched since it was left over a year ago. His father couldn’t stand to be in there after… after she disappeared. It had been a long time since Adrien had been here. There were memories of his mom laying sick in that bed, just weeks before she was gone without a trace.
While Adrien felt his throat choke up from the long untouched memories, Plagg floated along as if all was normal. He stopped in front of a family portrait hung opposite the large double bed.
“It’s behind this. I can unlock it for you after you take down the picture.”
With hands that shook ever so slightly, he removed the painting from its place, revealing a sturdy safe. Why did his father have so many of these scattered around the house?
Wordlessly, Plagg phased through the safe. The dial spun wildly and swung open. Inside was two objects - a picture of two superheroes seated on a rooftop, legs hanging over the edge like he and Ladybug did so often. And a broach with blue gems and seafoam green feathers metal feathers.
“The peacock miraculous,” Plagg supplied as Adrien picked it up. “What is it doing here…?”
Adrien took the picture. The man had a stupid haircut and a silver domino mask, his outfit sleek and elegant - more like a suit for a fancy party than a suit of armor. He gestured with a black cane set with a purple gem, as if in the middle of telling a story. There was a flicker of familiarity in the man, but he didn’t recognize him until he saw the butterfly gem pinned at his throat - Hawkmoth!
His eyes turned to the woman, whose indigo dress shimmered even in the stillness of the photo. The same miraculous that Adrien held in his other hand was the same one that was pinned to her overcoat. She wore long gloves and wedged boots and was laughing at whatever the other person was saying, but he realized two things in rapid succession.
First, the woman was his mother. It was difficult to tell, but he could feel it deep in his bones until he felt something insubstantial break like glass until he knew without question. This woman, who wore the peacock miraculous was his mother. It wasn’t hard to piece together who the other man was after that.
The enchantment broke a second time, and Adrien was suddenly perfectly aware that his father was Hawkmoth.
“Now, kid, you need to think-”
“Plagg, claws out.”
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