#she always rounds it up and not down bc she likes to be tall
von-karmas-a-bitch · 10 months
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i have always been a short franziska truther but to have it confirmed that we are THE SAME HEIGHT. in the same day i realised i am also soon to acquire a non-blood-related brother named miles. i am losing my goddamn MIND. at first i was just projecting but like. ???????? WHY IS SHE LITERALLY ME??
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revengeghoulette · 1 month
Matcha Latte w/ Rose
Part 1: The Meet Cute, Barista Swiss x Professor Mountain
Part 2 3
Playlist: The Rosy Crown
I’ve had this idea written down since February, because a friend made me a matcha latte with oat milk and a splash of rose and I was like yup this is definitely Them. I also definitely did not describe my dream of owning a book & coffee shop.  No mentions of matcha this part, but definitely next part. Divider by @ghuleh-recs
@divine-misfortune bc i really enjoyed your tags :) @obsidianghoul, @gottagho-st @foxybouquet @rainsbasspick @hypnoneghoul bc Swissalps
Slightly edited, might go back in and edit some more
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Swiss works at a quiet little bookstore and coffee shop owned by an elderly couple. They’ve been training him to take over the business since they're too old to be doing this sort of thing, and want to leave it to a local who will take care of their business. He’s always wanted to be a businessman and run a little local shop. A safe space for all the so-called weirdos in the community, especially the college kids trying to figure out who they are. Fresh baked goodies round the clock, fresh coffee, a bookstore with an upstairs quiet area for studying with sleeping pods in case anyone needs a place for the night, or just needs a nap. 
Once he officially became the owner, he changed its name to Rosy Crown Bookshop and Cafe. He hired a few teens, a handful of part-time college kids, and his friends Mist and Sunny, who help run the bookshop side of things and do other management stuff. 
Swiss enjoys working as a barista and running the cafe. He enjoys seeing all the new faces at the start of the semester, but mostly, he enjoys the fact that his coffee shop is the go-to study place. He also hosts study sessions, trivia nights, and other little destressors for students. During midterms and finals, the cafe would be open 24/7 for those procrastinators and extreme studiers. Mist, Sunny and Swiss don’t mind staying open for them and working long hours. 
The start of a new semester was around the corner. New faces were slowly starting to roll in, exploring the bookshop, trying the seasonal drinks, and a few asking for employment. Many nervous freshmen calm down after chatting with Swiss, knowing they have a safe space to come to for studying.
Swiss was finishing opening the coffee shop when he walked in. He’s tall, slender, wears glasses, tousled reddish brown hair that matches the autumnal leaves outside. Swiss was taken aback by this beautiful man… wait no. Ghoul? There’s a certain scent to him. He was too distracted to notice that he was ringing the bell for assistance. Snapping out of it, Swiss walks behind the counter to take his order. 
“Hi, welco-” Swiss starts, but never finished.
The man looks up the menu, only to say “12 oz drip coffee.” 
Swiss is shocked at the man’s abruptness, “oh sure, name?” 
“Mmmm…ark. Mark,” the hottie answers with some hesitation. 
Swiss smiles because it reminds him of those customers that like to make up names for their orders like Obi Wan or Rapunzel, “Mark?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, ca-can we rush this? I’m late for my first day,” the ghoul man stammers out
“You got it!” 
Swiss turns around to fill a cup with drip coffee. Before handing the cup over, he scribbled out a little message on the sleeve, “Good luck” 
“Here you go, on the house,” Swiss slides the coffee across the counter. 
“No, I have to pay,” he insists, fishing for his wallet in his messenger bag. 
“Mark, I’m serious. It’s on the house. Now go before you're even more late,” Swiss shoos him away playfully. 
The day goes on smoothly, but Swiss couldn’t get Mark’s smile out of his mind. 
“Whatcha doin’ there Swissypoo,” Mist pokes Swiss while he’s staring off into the distance as she wraps her apron around her waist. 
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Swiss tries to play it off. Mist chuckles because she doesn’t believe him, but won’t push it. 
The entrance bells ring announcing the arrival of a customer.  Swiss stands up a little taller, and dusts off his apron. Mist looks between the customer and Swiss. There’s something there, so she hangs back, refilling the caramel sauce squeeze bottle, watching them interact. 
“Hi, welcome back,” Swiss smiles at the man. 
The man in front of him looks almost embarrassed, apologetic, “Hi, I’m- uh, sorry about um earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it, I understand,” he brushes him off. 
“I’ve felt bad all day so I thought I’d come and buy a little celebratory pastry,” the stranger flashes him a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little bit. 
“How did today go?”
“It was actually pretty good, thank you. Can I get a slice of the carrot cake please. Can you make it to go?” 
“Absolutely,” Swiss grabs the slice and places it on a box, scribbling ‘For surviving the day’ on the lid before handing to him, “Here you are.”
“Thank you! I’m Mark, by the way. I know I told you earlier, but I wanted to properly introduce myself.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark. My friends call me Swiss.” Swiss extends his hand for a hand shake and Mark meets his hand, static shocking both of them. 
Mist was right, there was something there. She was definitely going to question Swiss once this guy leaves. 
“What the fuck was that?” Mist pushes Swiss to the back of the house, slapping his arm. 
Laughing, Swiss pushes Mist away by pushing her forehead, “What do you mean?”
“Dude, sparks were literally flying. C’mon spill.” 
“Nope! My shift is over, BYE!”
With that, Swiss takes off his apron, and leaves the shop. Mist is flabbergasted by what just happened. 
Mark came in every morning that week to get coffee before jetting off to work. Everyday Swiss would write a little something on the sleeve of the coffee cup, or on the napkin with his pastry. Mark has never mentioned them, but Swiss is hopeful he saw them. 
It’s Saturday, and he’s not expecting to see Mark, but it’s a nice surprise to see him walk in and take a seat at one of the corner tables. After setting his bag down, he walks up to the counter. 
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Well, hello stranger. Can I get you your usual?” Swiss asks as he’s about to turn around. 
“No, actually. I was wondering if you could make me your favorite drink. I don't usually drink like those fancy coffee drinks, but my TA was giving me shit for always drinking the same thing, so I wanted to explore different caffeinated drinks, I guess, and I didn’t know where to go, so I figured since we kind of have a rapport I could ask you. Oh my goodness, I'm rambling, I'm sorry!” 
Swiss smiles kindly at him, chuckles a bit. “TA? Are you a teacher?” 
“I’m a professor at the local university,” Mark explains. 
“Emeritus Tech? I graduated from there! But yes, why don’t you go sit down, and I'll make you something” 
Mark takes a seat and pulls out his laptop and a book. Swiss returns with a latte. 
“This here is a vanilla latte. Everyone says ‘it's basic,’ but it’s a good beginner coffee drink if you’re just starting to explore the coffee world. You can change the flavoring and the type of milks used. It’s vanilla flavoring, a shot of espresso, and milk with some foam on top,” Mountain lifts an eyebrow at the design on top, “It’s a swan,” Swiss answers his unspoken question, flashing him a smile, “I used oat milk because I find that it gives it a creamier, slightly thicker consistency. Enjoy. I’ll make my rounds.” 
Swiss leaves Mark to his own devices, but he watches him from behind the bar. Mark takes a cautious sip from the mug, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. He didn’t know coffee could taste so good. He just stuck to drip, because he was too scared to order or make different drinks. 
As the afternoon crowd slowly started to leave, Swiss began cleaning around, organizing shelves and restocking books and coffee supplies. Mark’s eyes would often wander to Swiss. He’d catch him dancing, humming to himself, reading the summaries of books before shelving them. Mark was entranced by Swiss’ silly little shenanigans.  
Mark stayed late to finish his lesson plans. Swiss occasionally brings him water, or a sweet treat against Mark’s wishes, but he still eats them. Mark wraps up his plans, grabs his things and leaves, waving goodbye to Swiss. 
Swiss switches off the open sign after staying open an extra hour just for him. He grabs a rag and a bin to clean off the table Mark was sitting at when he finds something scribbled out on a napkin. 
“Thank you for all the notes on my coffee and pastries. Call me -M” with his number written below. 
A giant smile forms on his face, he looks at the note again because he doesn’t believe it real. He’s so happy and excited that his tail unglamours and wags with happiness. 
From across the street, Mark watches as Swiss’ tail wags, admiring the dimples on his face. He’s so beautiful, Mark thinks. 
Swiss finishes closing duties and gives Mark a call after locking the door, to keep him company while he walks home. 
“Hello?” a groggy voice answers 
“It’s Swiss, sorry is this too late? I can call at a different time.” Swiss starts to panic, scared he woke him up. 
“No, no. It’s okay. I was just dozing off on the couch. I- I, thanks for calling, I-” Mark breaks out into a quiet giggle, “Oh this is dumb, but I wanted to hear your voice,” Swiss blushes hearing Mark say that, “Oh, also, you have a cute tail.”
“Wait. You saw that?!” Swiss is shocked. He thought he was alone, or at least, didn't think anyone would be paying attention to him. 
“Sure did, and my name's Mountain, not Mark, and I also have a tail.”
Swiss is relieved by the confirmation that he’s also a ghoul. 
“Mountain… I like it. It suits you.”
They talk as Swiss makes his way home, and late into the night, way beyond their bedtimes, and fall asleep on the call. 
After that phone call, Mountain went to the coffee shop every day before and after work. He’d sit in his usual spot and do some grading, or read a book while waiting for Swiss to get off work. 
Mountain’s become a regular, and the employees start to recognize him and his order, as well as some of his students. The coffee shop has become a secondary office where students stop by just to ask him clarifying questions, or sometimes they’ll set up a meeting to discuss larger topics. 
He’s met Sunny and Mist during the shift overlap, and they sometimes sit with him to keep him company when work is slow. They all know they’re ghouls living amongst humans. 
Sunny loves to discuss books. Keeps him updated on the latest book releases and also customer drama. Mountain is a big time consumer of customer drama. In return, he gossips about his students.
They’ve also discussed hosting some sort of reading or book program in collaboration with the bookshop. Talks about hosting Q&A’s with a variety of subjects have come up. 
On a quiet Friday night, when Swiss’ shift ends, Mountain walks him to his apartment as per the routine now. Once at the entrance, Swiss turns to him and meets his eyes. 
“I want to ask you something,” Swiss starts. Mountain waits for him to continue
“Would you, maybe, want to go out with me?” 
Mount eagerly smiles and nods, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask, and if you didn’t do it this weekend, I was going to ask. Yes, Swiss, I’d love to go out with you.” 
“Would you wanna come in? Stay the night perhaps? We can watch a movie, and have some frozen pizza? Neither of us have work tomorrow, and we can sleep in?”
“I-” Mountain starts, but is met with Swiss’ puppy eyes, “I can stay, yes.”
Swiss sighs in relief, grabbing hold of Mountain's hand, guiding him inside the building while rambling on about tonight's plans. Mountain laughs, squeezing Swiss hand a little tighter, sending a little thank you to whatever god made this happen.
Part 2: The Date... coming soon.
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iseebeautyinwords · 1 year
𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 | shuri x reader
wc : 1.6k
summary : being friends with shuri udaku is stressful, fun and romantic?
warnings : i did not reread this bc i am LAZY but this is my first work so please leave some tips!
taglist : @inmyheadimobsessed @zayswriting @pinkwright just some authors who continue to inspire me
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the loud sounds of your university cafeteria where comfortably drowned out by the sound of your current favorite song. kehlani’s soft voice paired beautifully with the girls need love in strumental lulled you into a comfortable and less overwhelmed headspace. after finishing your quick and less than satisfactory lunch you made your way to the library. the soft bopping of your head to the song made your tight curls bounce on your shoulders, the cardigan you where wearing protecting you from the cold air that the building seemed to have year round. as you passed through the doors you mentally thanked the gods for the sight of an empty library, settling down in a quiet corner where you began to work on an essay for your differential equations class.
you worked in a comfortable silence, taking small breaks here and there. writing essays was a rigorous task that you did not particularly enjoy, which was well displayed by the bored look you carried on your face. soon enough a familiar scent interrupted your work, along with the pressing of cold hands to your eyelids. “you look like you’re having fun” your scowl quickly turned into a smile at the voice. “hi shuri,” the hands covering your eyes where removed and you heard the tall girl take a seat next to you, long legs spreading into a comfortable pose. you let your eyes rake over her attire. the low hanging pants she had on showing off her strong and well sculpted abs. your eyes made way from her outfit to her face where you found she was already looking at you.
“what’re you looking at?” her playful tease made your roll your eyes, turning back to your laptop before deciding that you were overall done with work for today. you turned around fully to let your friend know she had your full attention. though she always had your full attention.
“I’m sorry your big ass head was distracting me from my assignment.” you replied with the same amount of sarcastic playfulness that she gave you. the other girls dramatically held her head looking at you with shock and pain painted all over her pretty features. she looked too pretty pouting dramatically that you almost forgot to feel bad for your words.
“my mother said i would grow out of it” she tried to defend the obscure size of her large head. “shuri, you are twenty two years old. you’re going to die with that massive head”
“you’re such a mean girl y/n/n” shuri laid a freshly shaved head down onto your lap, the well defined curls on the top of her head landing softly. this act was one you had grown accustomed to, shuri always wanted to be touching you, near you, feeling you. her hand always gound yours or her knee always pressed against your own when sat next to each to each other. you didn’t mind the constant touches, infact you enjoyed the way you could hear her heart beat when she insisted on cuddling after a long study session, or the way her fingers found comfort in tracing intricate shapes on your skin. it was all so normal, so domestic for the two of you.
a few moments of peaceful silence passed before shuri abruptly stood up, grabbing your bag and laptop and shoving the electronic in its compartment . “C’mon pretty, i’m tryna take a nap” you knew this was her small invitation to her apartment, a nice space away from campus. you nodded getting up and tidying up the area before following next to the girl. she was carrying your bag in one hand and the other was linked with yours, fingers clasping together as you walked out into the parking garage, stopping at a black bmw with tinted windows. shuri opened the back seat doors and carefully tossed your bag in there before opening the passenger doors and making sure your situated.
the drive to shuri’s apartment was filled with small talk and comments about each others days. you were rambling about an annoying encounter you had with your roommate earlier that morning when you guys arrived at the large apartment building. “yea, and i kept telling her if she’s gonna leave her shit on my fucking bed im gonna throw it awa-” you were interrupted by the sound of the car door opening anf shuti waiting for you to step out. “you have a shitty roomate, why don’t you just ask to switch?” you two continued the conversation as shuri tapped in codes and buttons that led you guys to her humble abode. the apartment was a well decorated space with afro-futuristic art aligning the walls along with some plants that you brought. shuri set your bag down next to the couch and made her way to the open kitchen.
“want anything to eat?” before you even gave her your answer she had already started washing up some fruit. you took this opportunity to sit and get comfortable. soon enough you felt the couch dip next to you and a cold grape was being pressed to your lips. “open for me, pretty” she spoke so softly almost as if she was whispering. you parted your lips and allowed the grapes to fall into your mouth, closing your eyes contently as you chewed. you reopened your eyes to look at shuri who was suspiciously silent.
“you’re too quiet for me, what’s on your mind” when you voiced your thoughts shuri smiled. she placed the fruits down and leaned bag. when the two of you entered her home shuri had long discarded of her cropped hoodie, now sporting a black sports bra, and you had gotten rid of your cardigan sitting comfortably in your white tank.
“I can’t admire my pretty girl anymore?” my pretty girl these are words you’ve heard from shuri many times before. she constantly threw terms of affection and adoration your way and you always reciprocated those names, but it was times like this were shuri wasn’t just complimenting you, she was claiming you. calling you hers, saying it as if you were together and you wished you were. it would make it so much easier to accept her loving gaze as something more than just platonic. it would make the fleeting butterflied in your stomach every time she let her lips graze your skin make sense. it would make it so much easier. for the both of you.
you simply hummed at her words, your eyes falling closed again. “why?” the question comes out in a whisper, if it wasn’t for shuri’s intent, her need to listen to every word you said, she wouldn’t have caught it, and when she does her eyes brows furrow and her head tilts softly. “why what, mama” she replies to you in that same hushed tone, the term of endearment dripping with emotions you couldn’t understand, that you didn’t want to try understanding. understanding shuri udaku’s feelings was a challenges you weren’t born to take on.
“you keep, you keep calling me these names. calling me yours, holding me like im yours, But im not Shuri, i’m not yours and it hurts when you choose between acting like im your friend or your lover. it hurts” you end with a frustrated sigh. you wanted to be hers, oh so bad, but she made it a challenge, holding you close one moment but putting up a wall the next. The wall didn’t even make sense! it was okay to press kisses to your nape and forehead but asking you to be her girlfriend was too much? you didn’t understand, you couldn’t and you wouldn’t. you had multiple people you could be entertaining and if shuri thought otherwise she would be proven wrong. “I didn’t mean to hurt you y/n, i just i thought we already- i assumed wrong and im sorry” shuri’s words did nothing to soothe you, in-fact they confused you even more. what did she assume? did she think the two of you were already together?
“what did you assume shuri.” your words are quiet and sharp and it feels like if you don’t get an answer your heart might leap out of your chest and slap shuri itself. “I thought we were already, together, a couple. You met my mom, and my brother, we are always together. I thought that was being in a relationship” and this makes you laugh, a thick beautiful laugh. one that catches the panther off guard.
you laugh, and you don’t stop until you notice shuri isn’t laughing with you. “I’m sorry, i’m sorry, shuri you never asked me. you never asked me if i could be your girlfriend” and her lips part into an ‘o’ shape, you can see all the wires in her brain work together to realize that the whole time she thought she was parading around with her girlfriend, you thought she was just toying with your feelings. When she’s done thinking she looks back into your eyes and you think you’ve fallen for her all over again. the gaze she’s giving you is one of pure love and realization.
“Can i be your girlfriend y/n? please?” and you don’t respond, instead you just press your lips to hers and smile, and she does the same back, just kissing you and enjoying you, enjoying her girlfriend. hers. her swells with pride and joy and hours does the same. You guys sit there enjoying each other before you pull away “i mean by your standards we already are girlfriends right? since we are always together.”
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
truthfully my friends this isnt something im overly into or experienced in & as such i have Absolutely no idea if its any good or not. godspeed
[alien-esque parasite creature-in-stomach bordering-on-rapid-horror-preg situation, ends in hospital post-surgery bc you know id never let it explode him but the hospital isnt like a whole big thing, nobody has a good time in this but hes fine]
Val was beginning to wonder if eating at that sketchy restaurant in Hell had been a good idea.
Truthfully, he'd known it was a bad idea from the start. He hadn't liked the look of the place when his sister had brought him there, the service had been awful, the food had been worse, and he'd felt a little off ever since. That had been a few days ago, and he was back home now. It was always shockingly cold returning to the mortal world after visiting his family, but he was glad to be back in Connie's arms, even if it meant braving the chilly autumn air.
Exhausted from the busy week behind him, Val flopped down onto the bed. He was freshly showered and dressed in his pajamas, and very glad about it. Connie was taking her turn in the shower now. Sprawled out flat on his back, Val looked down at himself, and his brow furrowed. He hadn't felt quite right ever since visiting that restaurant, and he was still a little bloated. He laid his head back down on the pillow and rested his hands on his belly.
"Looks like your mom stuffed you like a turkey," Connie teased, standing in the doorway. "Does she think you're as skinny as I do?"
"Christ, does she," Val laughed.
"Maybe you oughtta visit more often, let her beef you up a little," she giggled, dropping herself onto the bed next to him.
"I don't think I could handle that," said Val. "You know everyone else in my family is like ten feet tall?" Connie laughed.
"And I bet they feed you like you are too, right?" She placed a hand on his rounded tummy and raised her eyebrows at how firm it felt. "Sheesh, you really feel stuffed."
"Tell you the truth, my sister dragged me out to some weird restaurant a couple days before I left. It was a mess, you never woulda gone in. Whatever I ate didn't sit right, I guess, my stomach's been a little funny ever since. I've spent the past few days feeling like I swallowed a bowling ball."
"Huh," said Connie, rubbing his belly. It gurgled uncomfortably under her hand. "Maybe you got, like, mild food poisoning or something."
"Maybe," he sighed. "Probably."
"Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know. Not quite. Just off. ADR, as they say at the vet. I mean, I definitely feel bloated, I can tell you that much."
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me," she chuckled, patting his belly. It didn't sound hollow, like it was filled with gas. Instead it sounded solid, like patting a rock, and it let out another sickly gurgle. Connie winced sympathetically.
Suddenly, Val sat up. Connie looked up at him, surprised. His face was difficult to read, but he seemed tense. Concerned, she sat up beside him.
"Val, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know," he said uncertainly, holding both hands against his tummy. He looked down, brow furrowed. Was he more bloated than before? His stomach felt tighter, and…strange, somehow. Almost as if something inside him was pulsing.
"Maybe you should go to urgent care or something," said Connie. She didn't like the look on his face, and she didn't like that he was still so bloated days after eating whatever he'd eaten.
"I can't go to urgent care. I'm not even human. They wouldn't know what to make of me even if I was feeling fine."
"Yeah, but…I don't know. I'm worried," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Now that he was sitting up, his belly looked even more distended than it had when he was laying, and it was oddly top-heavy, as though whatever was making it so swollen was stuck up in his stomach. She didn't like that at all.
Val couldn't disagree with her point of view. Still, he preferred to avoid letting people find out he wasn't human if he could help it. It was a dangerous secret to reveal, and there had been plenty of times where he'd nearly paid a heavy price for it. He didn't have much time to mull it over, though, because his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bizarre wave of pain in his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his belly.
"Val!" Connie grabbed his shoulders. Val remained frozen, trying to process what he'd just felt. It was pain, certainly, and pressure, but it almost felt like movement as well. Cautiously, he sat back upright, his breathing shallow and shaky.
"That's it, you're going to the hospital," she said, standing up. Val opened his mouth to protest when another surge of pain shot through him, and this time he definitely felt movement. He doubled over again, gaping like a fish as his belly pushed out against his hands.
Carefully, Connie pulled him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist to hold him steady, and hurried him out of the bedroom. As they walked, she felt something shift under her hand, and for a moment she froze, looking down at him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"I don't--I don't know," he choked out, desperately hugging his middle.
"Let's go," she urged, and practically dragged him out of the house.
Connie hastily put the directions into the GPS and was off like a flash before Val could even finish buckling up. His belly bulged conspicuously over the seatbelt, undeniably rounder than it had been earlier, and whatever was inside was growing restless. A moan of terror escaped him as he watched something move under the skin.
"Connie, I love you," he blurted out, his voice shaking.
"I love you too. Don't talk like you're gonne die. You're not gonna die." She reached out and grabbed his shoulder tightly before returning her hand to the wheel. Val thought she looked like she definitely thought he was going to die.
The pressure inside his stomach was unbelievable, and only seemed to be increasing as whatever was inside continued to move around and grow. It was growing fast now, and he could feel his stomach stretching and straining to contain it. He tried not to think about how far it could stretch before it burst.
"We're almost there," said Connie, trying to reassure herself just as much as him. She glanced over at him and was horrified to see his belly visibly squirming. Suddenly, his belly surged violently, and he let out a hoarse cry as the creature inside him began to thrash, pushing out hard against the walls of his stomach.
"Oh, god, please," he cried out, clutching his belly as his tightly-stretched skin was pulled tighter still. "Oh, please, god, no--"
Val woke up feeling like he'd been run through with a chainsaw. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened, and he didn't have the strength to care. All he knew was that there was a horrible searing pain in his belly. As he regained consciousness, though, he began to recall the events of the night, and he looked down at himself. His belly was flat. Flat, and bandaged up. He let his head fall back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief.
The surgeon told him that he'd barely made it in time, and that they'd pulled something like a sucker-mouthed chupacabra out of his stomach, and that it was nearly the size of an infant, and that his wife had urged them to just not ask questions, and that after the procedure they were inclined to just roll with that, and that he'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. Val groggily accepted all of this information; the surgeon could've told him he'd grown a second head and he'd have nodded along. With his stomach intact, all he cared about now was seeing Connie.
EPILOGUE BECAUSE I CANT WRITE ENDINGS: It took one day for Val to win the hearts of all the nurses with his charm and only five for him to be released--for good behavior, he'd joked. Against all predictions, he recovered surprisingly quickly, although his tummy remained terribly sore for weeks; that was, of course, to be expected. He'd persuaded the hospital to let him ship the creature back to Hell for further evaluation. Astonishingly, they'd managed to get it out alive after sedating it right along with Val, and it had been nicknamed "Fluffy" by the frightened staff who were in charge of keeping it under observation. Fluffy, as it turned out, was a relatively common parasite found in undercooked lava cod, which was exactly what Val had eaten, although most of his fellow demons and devils were built sturdily enough that it wasn't much of a danger to them. Connie, who had been even more shaken up by the incident than her husband, received even more affection from him than usual in the following days. He felt awful for putting her through the experience--he'd expressed this, and she'd incredulously assured him that it wasn't his fault--and he made sure to bake her something special for taking care of him.
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chubby-kiyo · 6 months
I’m a bit bored, so how’s about some non kink appearance headcanons
I’ll start with THH
Leon Kuwata - (He/Him bi, female pref)He’s an athlete, so I figure he’s kinda lean-muscle-ish, but with thicker thighs bc baseball players are just built different. Has smallish stretched ears (like 0g)
Sayaka Maizono - (She/Her, bi male pref) Built like a standard jpop idol, what else do you expect? She definitely puts blush and highlighter on her nose like a 2020 egirl.
Chihiro Fujisaki - (She/They, trans-femme (questioning), pan) All around petite, even their feet are tiny. Has chubby cheeks and a slight gap in her front teeth.
Mondo Oowada - (He/Him, gay) Muscular and a bit stocky, has naturally curly hair when he lets it down. Has scars on his hands from busting his knuckles. Pierced eyebrow, septum, and ears.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - (He/Him, demisexual gay) Has a gym regimen that he sticks to religiously and is well muscled. He has fuller lips and a round face that don’t quite suit his body.
Celestia Ludenberg - (She/They, bi fem pref) She is plus sized and has an slight hourglass figure that is accentuated by her corset. Draws their eyebrows on in thin triangles and has a trad goth makeup look. Snakebites and stretched ears.
Hifumi Yamada - (He/They, aroace) We all know the man is fat, but the game really did him dirty. His body in my headcanon is evenly portioned and he has more of a hanging stomach that is tucked in his pants. Always wears comfy clothes because of sensory issues and has somewhat curly hair.
Sakura Ogami - (She/Her, pan) She’s already perfect in game. I do see her having softer facial features and thick curly hair though. She also loves to wear nude tinted lipgloss when she isn’t actively training.
Aoi Asahina - (She/Her, Lesbian) Midsized with thick thighs and muscular arms. Has a really cute button nose and a dusting of freckles. Has a small gold hoop nose ring.
Junko Enoshima - (She/Her, pan) She’s a supermodel, so yeah. She wears hair extensions, and her natural hair is pin straight. Has a small, upturned nose. (She also wears push up bras)
Mukuro Ikusaba - (She/They, Lesbian) All around muscular from combat training. Has freckles on her shoulders as well and scars on her hands/arms from knife fights.
Kyoko Kirigiri - (She/Her, bi, female pref) Slim and relatively flat chested, but doesn’t mind at all. Has very light colored eyelashes that match her hair.
Yasuhiro Hagakure - (He/Him, pan) Just kind of an average guy. He doesn’t work out or anything, so he’s a little bit soft. Scraggly facial hair. Likes to wear his locs in a ponytail with a bandanna, and he has some wood and glass beads in them. Pierced nostril and ears.
Toko Fukawa - (She/Her, Lesbian with one exception) Kind of scrawny and awkward. Hates wearing form-fitting clothes. Has knobby knees and doesn’t like wearing skirts that show them. Thick hair and eyebrows. She has freckles on her shoulders and a few other dark moles on her arms and back, like the one on her face. Is actually quite pretty, but doesn’t put any time into her appearance.
Byakuya Togami - (He/Him, Somewhere on the ace spectrum) Tall and thin, but not in an unhealthy way. Has long elegant fingers and big feet. Softer, androgynous looking facial features and double eyelashes.
Makoto Naegi - (He/Him FtM, pan) Is just kind of naturally chubby, and has a round baby face. Hasn’t had top surgery, but his body shape kind of evens him out. Thick, wavy hair. Has a gap in his front teeth and kind of a wide flat-ish nose with full lips.
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ericaand · 4 months
i am so sorry for the comment i left, i was jus too excited!! no seriously though, i apologize. but since your taking requests for Kayce Dutton…
I would love it if you could write a bsfs to lovers??
Like maybe reader grew up on the ranch with the Duttons bc she had some connection to one of the ranch hands or jus was bsfs with one of the Dutton siblings so she became Kayces bsf. Maybe he and Monica split up or they were never together (you decide) and maybe some SERIOUS AMAZING TENSION WITH THE BEST LOVE CONFESSION😍
again, thank you! and i’ll keep requesting as long as this writers block is here bc i need me and love me some Kayce!!
Seriously had a ton of fun writing this. Enjoy, and send MORE! Please.
Pairing: Kayce Dutton x Fem!Reader
Words: Almost 2k.
Warnings: slight mentions of blood. underage alcohol use. That's about it.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "Because I know..."
He pauses, loosens his stance, and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
Earlier that day:
Driving down the familiar driveway, you began to reminisce on all the time you spent on the ranch as a child. With each spin of your tires, the car filled with dust; the smell taking you back to a time when things were easy, and playing with boys was just that: playing.
You hadn't returned to the ranch since your best friends, Kayce and Monika, married. It was too much. Too much pain. Too much hurt. Too much love.
In fact, you weren't even sure you could consider them your best friends anymore. Now, they were each other's best friend. And you? You were just the third wheel now. Sure, you talk to Monika on occasion, mostly through texting. But even that hadn't happened in months. There hasn't been any contact with Kayce at all. Except for the occasional grocery store visit. But even then, it's not like it used to be. Your hellos now feel hollow. But at least the goodbyes don't hurt as much anymore.
You weren't really sure what to expect when you got to the ranch. You knew John and Beth, and Rip would probably be happy to see you; you never really saw them at all anymore. The ranch hands were always fun to spend time with. But now, it feels different. Now, the childhood magic has drifted away, not just from the ranch but from you.
You continue to drive, spotting the tall white silo. Instantly, you're envisioning three little kids chasing after each other, round and round the silo. The side of your mouth curves into a smirk.
You put it in park and take a deep breath, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. When you've conjured up enough courage, you step out and make your way toward the corral. Your steps are slow, hands in your back pockets, head down; until you hear someone yell.
"Y/N! That you?"
You look up to see Rip, slowly trotting over to you with a smile. You tilt your head and smile with a shrug.
"Well, I'll be damned! If it ain't little Y/N." He swings his leg around the horse and graciously hops down. He wraps his arms around you, as you wrap yours around his waist.
He grips your shoulders and pushes you away from himself. "Let me get a good look at ya." He clicks his tongue a few times as he shakes his head.
"You look just like your momma. Beautiful. Whatcha doin' here, kid?"
"Well, looks like you and your boys are obviously starving." You say sarcastically, waving your hand toward the horse corral. "You're lookin at the new Dutton Ranch chef. John called me a while back and asked if I could come help out while Gator was away. I couldn't turn it down. I mean, who says no to John?"
"I sure as hell don't." Rip lets out a quick breath. "See ya later, kid. Can't wait for dinner. I always miss your mommas cooking."
You make your way to the house slowly, letting the wind flow through your hair. You stop dead in your tracks when you spot the small circle of Adirondack chairs in the front yard.
You recall it being the last weekend of summer, all those years ago. A soda bottle filled with whiskey from John's stash was being passed around between the three of you. The fire gently lights the faces of your friends. All that was heard was the crackling, the laughter, and the crickets.
"Dance with me?" The boy with dusty blonde hair reached his hand out to you. You took his hand as he delicately helped you out of your chair.
You draped your arms over his shoulders, as you began to sway slowly. Although the musk of whiskey was strong, you could smell faint bits of his cologne; pine began to fill your nostrils.
"I've gotta pee!" Monika shouted, stumbling toward the house.
You rested your head on his chest as you both continued to sway in sync, his hands resting on your hips.
"This is so perfect, Kayce. I don't want it to end. The stars. The fire. You." You mumbled.
Kayce stopped moving and lifted your chin with his finger. "What?"
"You heard me." You smiled.
Kayce slowly began to dip his head down, until you both heard Monika assert herself by asking when it was her turn for a dance. Kind and caring Kayce pulled you back into a hug and kissed the top of your head, barely whispering, "Me neither."
"You gonna stand there all day? Or are you gonna come cook some supper?" Someone hollared from the porch.
You blinked to reality, seeing John leaning on one of the stone pillars. You smiled as you began to walk towards him, him now walking toward you.
"How are ya, darlin? We sure have missed seeing you around here." John says, pulling you in for a hug. "I'm sorry about your Mom. She was my favorite chef, you know. Well, you might change that."
"Thanks, Mr. Dutton. I missed it here, brings back a lot of memories though." You spoke into his chest.
"Its John, especially to you. You know that. Where's your stuff?"
"It's, uh, in the truck. Should I -" He cuts you off.
"Eh, well have Rip grab it later. Let me just show you where you'll be staying real quick."
John escorts you up a log staircase and to one of the bedrooms. After informing you where everything was, he motioned for you to follow him to the kitchen. Nothing had really changed in the Dutton home. Maybe some updated furniture, but that's about it. You almost felt like it was a time capsule.
The kitchen was small but extremely functional. You walked through, gently grazing your fingers across the beautiful stove. You turned to meet John's gaze.
"Things have changed a bit, but this will work for you, right?" He asked.
"Absolutely." You said with a smile.
"I'll leave you to it." He said, turning and walking away.
You pulled ingredients from the fridge and various cupboards, chopping and prepping. You began to feel the frustration build in you from not knowing your way around the kitchen. You grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, popped the top, and chugged as much as you could down in one gulp.
You tilted your head back to finish the bottle and turned to put it in the sink, only to be met with another body next to you. There stood Kayce with his back and hands leaning on the counter, smiling cheekily at you.
"Just like I remember." He said.
"Hi, Kayce." You replied, placing the bottle in the sink and going back to the stove.
"You know, I thought I was seein' a ghost." He laughed. "What're you doing here?"
Not taking your eyes from the stove, you replied. "You're looking at the new chef. I'm filling in for Gator while he's gone."
He nodded with pursed lips. "Well, I'm gonna go get washed up."
You turned and nodded with a smile, as he began to walk away. Why was Kayce here? Last you heard he was living on the reservation with Monika.
You filled large serving dishes with the meal for the night and began to place them in the middle of the table, in front of John, Kayce, and Beth.
"Enjoy, guys." You forced a quick nod, wiped your hands on your apron, and moved to leave the room.
"Y/N, stay. Eat. Please. You're not just a chef here. You're family." John spoke.
"Oh...okay. Uh, thank you." You said meekly, pulling your apron over your head and laying it over the back of a chair. Kayce slid the chair next to him out and gestured for you to sit. You obliged.
As you sat and ate, everyone caught up with each other's lives and reminisced about the good times that were had years ago. You noticed that your wine glass never seemed to be empty, but you didn't mind. There were a lot of emotions going on, so a little numbness was welcomed.
You couldn't help but notice that Kayce continually touched your shoulder with his, and you seemed to be the focus of his attention tonight. During dinner, you found out why Kayce was here, and not with his wife and son. He expressed that Monika wanted nothing to do with the ranch and didn't feel it was a good place for Tate. She told him she needed space.
As dinner finished, you piled the family's plates on top of yours and began to balance them into the kitchen, only to realize upon standing that you were much more inebriated than you thought. Before you could even stop it, one plate fell right after the other; shattering on the ground.
The tears began to flow, out of embarrassment and fear combined. You quickly dropped to your knees and attempted to pick up the tiny pieces scattered all around. Unknowingly, while picking up the shards of plates, you were also cutting small slices into your hands. You felt hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N? What happened? Stop, stop. It's okay." Kayce shouted.
You stood and brought your shakey hands over the sink, small drops of blood dripped into the basin.
"I thought I could do this. I thought I could come back here. I figured it'd been enough time. I didn't know it would hurt so much. Between everything that happened with you. And now with Mom..." You cried.
Kayce stepped behind you, his chest pressed to your back. He turned on the faucet, took your hands in his, and gently rinsed each finger and cut slowly. You leaned your head back against his collarbone, wincing at the water stinging your nerves.
After he finishes rinsing your hands, he turns you around and blots your hands tenderly with clean paper towels.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "because I know..." he pauses.
He loosens his stance and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
You rest your forehead on his.
"Why?" You ask.
You both pull away to face each other, the eye contact almost unbearable.
"Because I fucked up...I fucked up a long time ago. And if I didn't, well, maybe things would've been different." He shook his head and stared out the window behind you. "I wouldn't trade Tate for the world. But I don't know why I didn't just speak up. I didn't want to be with Monika. But we were having a baby, what was I supposed to do?"
"Hey, you did the right thing." You cupped his face in both your hands, forcing him to look at you again. "You were having a baby! What else were you supposed to do?"
"I was supposed to be with you. I wanted to be with you. I love you, Y/N. There's no one else I ever saw myself making a life with." He lamented.
You moved your arms to drape over his shoulders, memories of that night flooding back to you again. In the same fashion, Kayce hooked a finger under your chin to align his lips with yours. Warmth flowed to your cheeks. His lips met yours, soft and tender. It felt like home.
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butgilinsky · 1 year
seizing the moment // jo
warning; mutual pining and two dummies that can't get it together, fluff, i probably cursed at some point bc it's me
summary; The winter season is lonely without anyone to wake up beside. It's also the time where friends realize they might be lovers after all.
word count; 3k+
this is for @antoineroussel 's winter fic exchange! I'm sorry it's so late but I hope you like it @typical-simplelove <3 it only has the smallest bit of angst since it's mutual pining but I promise I gave you a happy ending
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The longer you sat on the sofa, the more you wanted to leave. The cushions were comfortable enough but being tucked in the corner of a couch filled with people happily chatting beside you was deafening. Nobody was speaking to you and to be fair, you weren’t engaging in any coverations. It’s exactly how you saw the night being panned out; the exact reason you gave to your roommate when she begged you to come. These were her friends and while you knew a few of their names, you were sick of hearing them all talk about work and school. 
It was no secret that you were going through a rough patch. Brought on by the many wonders that life throws at you, the year was turning out to be a major disappointment. Your room that would normally be lined with tinsel with a tall tree tucked in the corner stood barren. The clothes scattered across the floor was a reflection of your brain that never seemed to stop. Being the first winter without your family was hard, and while Amber thought she was doing you a favor by dragging you out, she was doing the opposite. 
After promising you to stick by your side as much as she could possibly manage, she disappeared within the first few minutes of you being here. Getting out was the only goal at this point. Getting off of this sofa and into your own bed. 
The sound of the door opening and shutting was muffled by the endless conversations happening throughout the room. Your focus was set on the end of the hallway that led to the door, anxiously waiting for your saving grace. 
When he walked in your eyes lit up, feet practically propelling you off of the couch and over to him. He saw you just a moment after you had but he’s quick to welcome you into his embrace. His arms wrap around you naturally and you’re enveloped in the warmth that is Jamie. He was your favorite blanket every day of the year and he was proud to be so. 
“You okay?” All it takes is a quick nod from you and he’s heading back towards the same door he entered through, this time with your hand in his. You don’t bother to tell Amber goodbye, seeing as she hadn’t bothered to stay with you longer than it would’ve taken her to find the restroom. Jamie doesn’t question where she is or even look for her as he beelines for the door. 
It’s not until he’s pressed the button to the elevator that you let out a deep breath. He looks at you with his soft eyes before wrapping you in his arms once again. The silence is comforting, something you’re used to with Jamie. In all of your years of knowing him you’d never recalled an awkward silence between the two of you. Even sitting across awkward family dinner tables together, you managed to crack smiles and nudge each other out of sight from any angry relatives. 
Jamie had been your best friend for longer than you could remember. He was the one that walked you home from school until your parents rounded up the money to buy you a car. School dances were always attended together, hand in hand. When your boyfriend broke up with you because he didn’t want to be “held down in college” Jamie was the one that showed up on his doorstep and told him what an idiot he was. It was always the two of you, no questions asked. Regardless of how many times people asked if there was anything beneath the surface, the answer was always the same. 
We’re just friends. 
It stung every time. Any time he dropped you off and walked you all the way to the door, coming inside to greet your parents more often than not, your lips burned in anticipation. You waited for the day he ducked his head down just enough to press his lips against yours. Kissing Jamie was everything you wanted and more. More so because of what it meant for the two of you. 
Being with your best friend in every way you wanted to be would’ve been every dream come true. Waking up beside him and cooking meals together was something you’d thought about for years. Holidays were already spent together, you already knew practically everything about each other, and there was no earthly way you’d ever grow sick of Jamie Oleksiak. 
Throughout the years you’d seen him fall in love. It was painful for you, hearing all of the wonderful things he said about every girl he liked. His feelings were so pure, and his words were strung together so beautifully. It was no secret that it was an honor to be loved by this man. Any eyelash and coin tossed down a well had the same wish wrapped around it. 
As long as he was happy. 
That’s what kept you going. After all this time and all the things you’ve felt, it was his happiness that kept you grounded. If he was happy with whatever her name was, then so be it. They were nice most of the time, and so it wasn’t so hard to put up with them. If they made him happy then they could stay the remainder of their trip. 
It never lasted long though. Jamie gave them a year, maybe two if they were lucky. Long enough to impact you but not long enough for Jamie to mourn them too terribly. He seemed to move on quickly, quicker than you expected him to the first few times. You figured it was just his way of getting back to himself and starting over. 
There hadn’t been a day that he’d known you that he hadn’t felt overwhelming love for you. Holding you as closely as possibly was important but he was afraid to grab on too tightly. What if he broke you? What if he pulled you too close and you pushed him away? He wasn’t sure he could handle rejection from you. Girls in a bar that he didn’t even know the name of had no impact on his ego. Shrugging them off was as easy as skating to him. 
You were different. You were everything. He couldn’t get you close enough in his eyes. He hated that you were going through this tough time. Your parents had always made the trip out to Seattle to see you during the holidays, or managed for you to get to them back home. They blindsided you with their newfound love for holiday vacations. Flying across the world in December seemed merry to them while it left you in the wake of a messy room. 
So he stayed close. He didn’t go home even on his time off and he made sure to keep his phone on him at all times. Nights like these made him grateful for doing so. It only took him two minutes to respond to your SOS. He picked you up seven minutes later. 
Before you knew it you were sitting in the middle of a parking lot. To what, you were unsure of. The look Jamie gave you was everything you needed to know though. There was no way he could look at you with eyes that soft and a smile that pure if he was taking you somewhere bad. So you climbed out of the car without questioning it and let him lead the way. 
The sight of ice sent a chill down your spine. The involuntary whine that escaped your lips brought a laugh out of Jamie. The sound covered you in goosebumps but you quickly ignored the aching feelings and wondered what size skate you were supposed to get. 
“You know I can’t skate.” The look of mischief in his eyes had you rolling. 
“I know that. That’s why we’re here.” It doesn’t make sense to you how those two things line up but you’re not sure how to dispute the joy seeping out of him right now. So you tuck your complaints into your pocket and let Jamie order both of you skates. 
It doesn't take even a minute of you trying to tie your laces for Jamie to swat at your hand and kneel down in front of you. Your hands grab onto his shoulders for leverage as he yanks and ties quicker than you can tie your tennis shoes. The warmth comes back when he finishes the first one and grabs your calf gently. He taps lightly and when you switch and present your other foot he hums out in approval. 
You're lost again in a mess of thoughts about a life with Jamie. Frosting cookies with various colors and images that definitely don’t turn out how they’re intended. Waking up at an all too early hour to watch him open gifts you’d been excited about for weeks. Your dogs would be on a constant playdate, never having to leave one another ever again. 
His hand is warm in yours despite him dragging you into an ice rink. All heat seemed to rush to your hands, focused on the physical connection between the two of you. It switches to both hands when he pins around effortlessly to give you ample support. 
Fear creeps deep in your chest then as you hope and wish on everything that you’ll stay up on your feet. The embarrassment of wiping out in front of Jamie would be hard to recover from. You could picture the goofy smile he’d wear while clutching his abdomen as he laughed way too hard at your misstep. The embarrassment would eventually drown in the beauty of his smile and the melody of his laugh that you can’t seem to get enough of. Anything to make him smile like that. Part of you wonders if you should stumble on purpose. 
Jamie’s holding onto your hands for dear life as he can sense your fear grumbling inside of you. He watches your eyes lock onto your feet despite him telling you not to. Words of affirmation and soft laughs aren’t enough to get you to look up at him as you worry your feet will fly out from underneath you. 
“If you look at me you won’t fall. I promise.” his voice rings in your ears, soft and sweet like a freshly baked cookie. The thought makes your stomach turn in hunger but you push past it. You’re not voluntarily letting go of Jamie’s hands anytime soon. 
Skating’s never been your strong suit. Balance wasn’t your forte and staring at your unstable feet was the only thing you could do for the first ten minutes on the ice. Standing on razor blades and walking - well not actually walking, it’s more like gliding - was not something you did everyday if the week like Jamie. He was practically born in hockey skates with a chipped tooth smile. 
Holding onto Jamie’s hands was the only thing that got you through it. The winter chill froze your nose to an aching point but your hands felt so warm in his. His gentle pokes and prods telling you ways to get better felt like a blanket fresh out of the dryer. The look he gave you when your eyes finally detached from your feet and traveled up to his was gut wrenching. 
It was a look you’d known all too well. It was the same look he gave you when you failed your driving test for the first time, and the same one you got when he heard the news of you getting accepted into your dream school. Jamie’s eyes bore into you like they were the key to a heavily locked gate. 
He never knew why you opened up so easily with him. For the longest time he assumed it was out of habit. You’d known each other for years, too many to count at this point. Nobody knew one of you without knowing the other. It was always the two of you, never just one. 
Secretly, both of you liked it that way. 
Longing looks and aching hearts were all there was to show for it. Jamie never made a move and you wouldn’t say something until you were sure there was something to be said back. Risking this was a game you didn’t want to play. 
Despite how warm his hands felt and how easily his eyes sank into you, you swallowed that love and adoration and shoved a sheepish smile to the surface. He didn’t say anything about it, never does, and the routine started again. 
Normal conversation blanketed over the two of you for the remainder of your time at the rink. He opened and closed the door for you and let you choose the music on the car ride home. You noticed he took the long way to your place and he thanked you silently for never mentioning it. 
The night ended with a gentle kiss to the top of your head, nothing you hadn’t experienced before, and a simple goodnight. The clock ticks were a painful reminder of every moment you missed with him, every moment you missed him. Being left alone makes you realize just how much you wished you could get over that stupid fear. 
Jamie spends his entire ride home regretting the missed moment: the moment he’s dreamed of your entire friendship. He walked you all the way up to the door and held your head in his hands. His eyes lingered on your lips while his mind raced tenfold. The thoughts ran so fast he could hardly keep track of them and by the time he came back down to Earth, he was kissing the top of your head instead of your lips. 
It’d be so easy, he thinks. Everything is easy with you, except this. This is harder than he could’ve ever imagined. One wrong move and everything could come crumbling down. 
That’s why he doesn't push it. When he finally caved in and let’s you push him into building a gingerbread house, the moment’s there. Even when your fifth attempt fails and you look up at him with sad eyes and a pouty lip. He thinks about how he could kiss the frown away, he could take your mind off of the gingerbread pieces that would surely break any moment. 
But what if you pushed him away? 
The moments there when you’re standing at a bar waiting for drinks and he slinks his arm around you. His teammates are watching and take bets on if you even notice the way you fall into his side so easily. The moment is there when your shoulders deflate in defeat and you look up at him for help. Instead he just nods at you gently and uses his height to his advantage. 
Moments come and pass as they have for years. Jamie hardly thinks much of it, he’s been coping with it for years. He has no idea you’re catching onto these moments, that you’re pining for everything he is and more. 
After watching your best friend land the sloppiest grin-filled kiss on her boyfriend of three years your stomach turns and you can hardly take it anymore. Jamie’s not there and you can think of a million reasons why you wish he was. 
The moment finally comes around again after a long night with friends. Jamie’s teammates and their loved ones, your friends from school that have found their way into this rather large group. It’s a night filled with laughter and stories from so many people you can hardly remember any of them. The entire way home, the night leaves you. You don’t think of dinner or who was there, rather just the way Jamie’s hand feels on your thigh.
It’s like he doesn’t notice it’s there. He drums his fingers lightly to the beat of the radio. Every tap brings goosebumps to your skin as you just hope with every fiber of your being that tonight is the night Jamie realizes what’s in front of him. 
The walk up to your place is longer than it normally is and the elevator ride is painfully quiet. Jamie hangs his head the whole way down the hallway. He doesn’t say anything until you reach the door and it sends your heart down to your feet. 
“See you tomorrow?” You nod weakly. He will in fact see you tomorrow, but you wish he had said almost anything else. 
“Yeah.” he nods once and moves closer to you. You give yourself false hope and allow your heart rate to pick up, only to feel a warmth on your forehead. 
You’re warm but not enough. There’s something missing in the motion and it’s not until Jamie’s halfway down the hallway that you speak. 
“Jamie.” He turns on his heels and looks at you with a questioning gaze. He knows nothings wrong because of the tone you’re using, but he also knows there’s a severity to it. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” 
It’s his heart that sinks now as his words get caught in his throat. What’d you just say? Surely you didn’t just say that. 
“I- I didn’t know you wanted me to.” It’s entirely not the right thing to say, it’s not even what he wanted to say but his heart’s in the floor and his brain flew out the window ages ago. 
“Of course I do. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
There’s a beat of hesitation - that’s what you think it is at least. Jamie’s not hesitating but rather replaying your words in his brain to fully convince himself that you truly said them. 
One more time and he nods gently to himself before taking as little strides as it takes to reach you. His hands find your cheeks faster than they ever have before and his lips are on yours in no time. It quite literally knocks the wind out of you but you can’t seem to do anything but kiss back with as much fever. 
Everything you wanted was wrapped up in front of you. Jamie on a silver platter, and he was yours for the taking. 
“By the way,” He pulls back to look down at you, lips parted in disbelief that he was getting his moment. “This is all I’ve ever wanted.” 
Your smile hurts your cheeks, but he sends it right back to you. You’re both grinning like idiots in the hallway but all you can think about is this moment. 
Your moment. 
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hella1975 · 1 year
hella can u give me a visual description of some of ur ocs for toab i need to draw them
anon is facing the classic dilemma of taob readers since the dawn of time (august 2020) and for once im gonna actually do something about it so i present unto you, artists of tumblr dot com, an exhaustive rundown of taob oc descriptions:
kanut: i feel like kanut is one whose appearance is pretty solidified now. he has white hair that falls down to the base of his back that he typically pulls back into a half-knot, with a short white beard. go grandpa go. he's described as generally having a 'rough' 'sea-faring' apperance bc he's one of those people that really doesnt give a fuck about appearance especially when it has nothing to do with his healing, so while he wears the typical water tribe clothing, he'll usually have his sleeves rolled up or stains on his tunic etc. he has blue eyes and isn't very muscled because he stays out of all combat due to being the healer, but he's one of the taller tribesmen. he has those scars on his hands that cover his palms and knuckles and quite sharp features.
chena: COLOSSAL freak of a man. like i wanted him to be comically large seeing as i was working with a kids show universe where shit like that happens, so zuko literally just stands past this man's ELBOW. fucking giganotosaurus rex. he's incredibly broad and muscled as well as just tall, very thick-necked and beefy face. like it's v important to me that chena's muscle isn't the streamlined, airbrushed kind; he's a total beefcake. he's COVERED in scars like he has a specific slit in his eyebrow that needs to be mentioned bc ZUKO GAVE IT HIM but aside that honestly go ham with the scars. his eyes are grey but more of a blueish grey, and he has dark brown hair that he does quite detailed braids in to pull back out of his face and fall down his back.
tomkin: he's v skinny/lanky and trying very hard to look bigger than he is. he wears his dark brown hair in a warrior's wolf tail and effectively looks like an older, less-burdened-by-The-Horrors version of sokka. he does tend to style the braid part of his wolftail to come out of his hair a little though instead of lying flat bc he thinks it makes him look taller (it doesn't). his eyes are a very light blue.
nanook: he has shoulder-length hair that's a light brown colour but ive realised some people mean 'nearly blonde' when they say light brown whereas i just meant 'not nearly black' like a lot of the other warriors. he wears a bead on one of the front strands and it usually falls so that it's sitting by his jaw. nanook is the tallest of the tom nook & ko trio and he's pretty toned but more in a 'has actually grown into himself' kind of way than a 'seasoned warrior' kind of way. he has a round face and generally looks very steady and calm. he has a birthmark on his hand (between his thumb and forefinger) that looks like a wave and he wears ivory bracelets on each wrist.
aput: IDC WHAT YOU DO WITH APUT BUT KNOW HE'S HOT. HE IS THE FIT ONE OF THE SWT. HE'S THEIR CASANOVA. MAKE HIM ATTRACTIVE OR DIE BY MY BLADE. he has black hair that falls to around shoulder length and he doesnt usually style it in any way, and he's the second burliest in the group. he's got a much more lean muscle than chena and it makes him quicker, so fighting-wise those two are almost evenly matched (chena just wins out though. pure aggression will get you everywhere). aput has a sharp jaw and deep blue eyes
tulok: he's the smallest of the adults and has brown hair that falls to the middle of his back. he usually just braided it back or wore it in a style very similar to korra's with the blue ribbons, but since shuhon prison he's been wearing it in an earth kingdom braid. he's easily the most put together of the group bc he has a real thing for keeping clean and tidy, so his clothes are always pristine and his personal grooming is always up to date.
tovah: she's incredibly tall and lithe with sleek, black hair that falls to her hips that she wears in a PERFECT ponytail like not a HAIR out of place. she's all sharp angles and narrowed green eyes and she tends to wear earth kingdom uniform. her skin is tanned and she doesn't visibly carry any weapons on her unless she's undercover in the army and they're military-issued.
some references from beautiful fanart i have the absolute pleasure of being gifted! i wish i could put every bit of art ever made for my ocs here but im going mainly off whose showed up first when going through the tag and also any that i think just Really Captured how i personally see the character in my mind:
this portrait of kanut by @pyro-bee
atla-style tovah by @lordrei
tom nook (+ zuko) by @gloomybirdie
tovah elle woods supremacy by @herebutnotpresent
another pyro-bee kanut by @pyro-bee
tovah character sheet by @herebutnotpresent (this one is SUPER helpful)
and tons more under the 'taob art' tag if it helps!
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messervixen · 2 years
Marauders Heights
Remus - 6’4
Was always the tallest
There were several points during their school years where the Marauders thought he would stop growing but he just… didn’t
One time Sirius was reaching for something on a really high shelf and Remus just walked over, grabbed it, and walked away
He didn’t even say anything he just left
Sirius is still a bit mad about this
The other Marauders begged Lily to brew him a shrinking potion and she eventually gave in after he made a joke about her being short
Remus was suspicious so he had a very small sip and only got down to 6’0
James was ecstatic to be even the slightest bit taller than Remus
Sirius threw a fit at still being shorter
Peter didn’t have high hopes to begin with
Peter - 5’7 1/2
Got a growth spurt first and was a bit taller then both James and Sirius during Second Year
He’s the shortest and he’s so close to 5’8 the Marauders let him get away with him telling people that
Sirius tried to use a height spell on him to make him taller in Sixth Year
The spell ended up making his tongue a foot long
The spell was temporary and to avoid Sirius getting another detention Peter ended up having that tongue for two weeks
Peter cut Sirius’ hair while he slept out of spite
Sirius - 5’11 3/4
Unlike Peter, Sirius isn’t allowed to round up with his height
If any of them hear Sirius give even the slightest indication that he’s 6’0 they will correct it and sometimes say he’s actually 5’10
Sirius actually would’ve been 6’2 but his growth was stunted because of all the abuse he suffered
Remus and James bully Sirius relentlessly for being short and Peter joins in too sometimes
Had a nightmare once that Reggie was taller than him
Secretly doesn’t mind that Remus makes fun of him for being shorter because he loves how tall Remus is
James - 6’1
As soon as he reached 6’0 he mentioned it to Lily constantly
Once tried using a stretching spell to make himself taller then Remus and ended up with a suspiciously long neck
Prongs looked like a giraffe
There’s definitely one of those things in his house that has kept track of his height
Has cornered Regulus with his height multiple times
*edited bc of anonymous comment*
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funnywormz · 11 months
some notes on my hotel character designs which i am writing mostly for myself but also posting in case anyone is interested. wording these in a list format bc it's easiest for my pea brain
the auditor vs the owner
- long pointy noses
- wings
- spiky long-ish hair
- widows peak hairline
- both often wear suits
- greyish skin
- the owner is tall, auditor is short
- in terms of shape language, the auditor is mostly made of circles and triangles, owner is squares/rectangles and triangles
- owner's arms and wings are one and the same (like a real bird), auditors wings are on her back and separate from her limbs (like a real fly)
- owner's hair is black, auditor's hair is white
- auditor's eyes are small, black and beady, owner's eyes are big and yellow
the manager vs the concierge
- both tall and lean, long arms and legs
- grey eyes with white glowy pupils
- sharp dressing, tend to change their outfits the most out of all of the crew and are probably the most "fashion conscious"
- manager is a little bulkier in her shoulders and has a slight paunch compared to the concierge
- concierge has a rounded chin, manager's chin is triangular
- manager has long hair, cierge keeps his short
- concierge is depicted mostly in greyscale aside from his pocket square and reading glasses, the manager tends to be pretty colourful with her green skin red lips etc
- concierge tends to smile with his mouth closed, the manager shows her teeth
the bellhop vs the lobby boy
- not particularly tall but yoked as hell
- triangular body shape with large arms and short legs
- square jaws
- black hair
- similar uniforms + hats obv lol
- grabby little hands
- shoulders hunched over
- little to no visible neck
- once again, hop is depicted in greyscale while the lobby boy is pretty colourful
- hop has a full head of hair, lobby boy is balding on the top
- likewise, lobby boy's hair tends to hang limp with long strands, hop's is short and although she tries to slick it down it goes puffier/spikier when she's excited
- lobby boy is always very hunched over, hop tends to stand straight up when she's feeling neutral but gets more hunched over the more feral she becomes lol (think like a cat hunching down onto the ground before it pounces on prey)
- lobby boy is knock-kneed and his legs are skinny, hop's legs are thicker
- hop in general has more meat (no pun intended) on her than lobby boy lol
- hop's eyes are wide and always moving and staring, lobby boy's eyes are blank and vacant (although he does also like to stare)
- hop's nose is small, lobby boy's nose is LARGE
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All for Tammy Edwards (also Penny and Ezra if you want)
☼ -
Tammy -
☼- Appearance Headcanon: She's short, plus-sized, and generally composed of round shapes. She wears her family heirloom silver cross necklace and has little golden hoop earrings she constantly wears, but they're very small and unnoticeable. She loves pinks and reds and wears those colors in her makeup all the time. She has a very pretty golden blonde hair that's wavy and shoulder length and blue eyes.
▼- Childhood Headcanon: She used to be really close to her older brother when they were kids! He would give her piggy back rides. He cut himselff off from the family when she was thirteen, and she misses him very much. She's not allowed to speak of him anymore.
☾- Sleep Headcanon - This girl sleeps like a princess. She doesn't twist and turn, she sleeps on her back with her hands folded across her stomach. Sometimes she has nightmares about her parents, though they don't come very often.
☼- Appearance Headcanon: Very tall. The tallest girl in Uranium City. She likes vintage clothes and only wears clothes she finds at the local resell and thrift stores, partly because they're all she can afford. She does tend to go for the older styles. She wears lots of bracelets! Tammy made her a friendship bracelet that she will never take off, and Ezra likes making her those rainbow loom rubber band bracelets. She also likes old bracelets from thrift stores. Her ears are not pierced, and she has a heart locket with a photo of her parents inside it.
▼- Childhood Headcanon: Penny was afraid of the dark <3 She would not sleep without a light. Ezra liked turning off her light and being a little shit. The Lamb siblings grew up with Sesame Street and Penny had the Big Bird Nightmare (yes even though canadian sesame street didn't have big bird bc fuck accuracy. i have bestowed my highest gift upon her: my first ever memory)
☾- Sleep Headcanon: NIGHTMARES!! My girl has sooo many nightmares. Mostly about Elysium getting burned down, her parents in jail, or losing Ezra. Also classic school and teenager related nightmares about being bullied, showing up to school naked, not being able to find classes, etc.
☼- Appearance Headcanon: Lanky but short. Composed primarily of rectangle shapes. Only wears black, but sometimes green and purple. Loves WWF/WWE, and his Undertaker Shirt is his favorite piece of clothing ever. He got it at Wrestlemania while he and Penny were in the US, he made her buy it a few sizes too big so he wouldn't grow out of it for a long time. He always has a hairtie handy, but mostly because he wears them as bracelets. And obviously, he wears his cape everywhere.
▼- Childhood Headcanon: Ezra wasn't popular among the Elysium kids. They thought he was weird, too morbid and dark. He had a couple friends, but that was it. Penny was one of those friends.
☾- Sleep Headcanon: This kid falls asleep in sleep positions unknown to man and wakes up in sleep positions unknown to God himself. He tosses and turns so much.
send a character and some symbols for this headcanon ask game
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
Hey bestie so I’m currently on my 2nd week of being an inpatient at the hospital bc I’ve got a chest infection and they don’t mix well with cystic fibrosis so like it sucks and I wanted to ask if you could write something about shawn having a teen daughter with cystic fibrosis and like just a long scenario of what it would be like with him staying in hospital with her whilst she’s there, don’t worry if you don’t really know anything about cf
Of course! I hope you’re doing better, baby 🥺❤️ this took a while to write, but I did it. I also wrote the daughter a lot younger, due to lack of ideas for a teenage daughter. Ty for the ask, sweet as HELL 🥲
Also, a note: my friend decided to added a little bit about me kissing Harry but I deleted it because it’s inappropriate with this writing 😛 anyway, know it WAS there. Also, I’ll probably make a part two of this at some point in time.
Charm threw her head back against the pillows, looking at the sketchpad in her lap in boredom.
“You okay, sweet girl?” Shawn asked as he re-entered the room, a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice in hand.
She shook her head as she traced her finger over the doodles that littered the cover, shaky pencil lines engraved on the paperboard. “I’m bored. And lonely,” she admitted, afraid to make eye contact with her father.
Shawn knelt down by the side of her bed so he was eye-level with her and brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucking it delicately behind her ear. “What do you want to do?”
She shrugged, suddenly focused on chipping the nail polish from her fingernails. “I miss my friends.”
“Leah’s mom told me she could come and see you this afternoon,” Shawn said, taking a sip of his coffee, trying to cheer his angel up. “You like Leah, don’t you?”
��Yeah, but there’s nothing to do here,” Charm sulked. “This is the most boring place on planet earth.”
Shawn handed her the glass of foamy juice as he took another sip of coffee. “Do you want to draw something?”
She shook her head. “My sketchbook’s full and I don’t want to ruin my other one just yet.”
“I can always get you more,” Shawn reasoned, but she brushed him off, folding her arms and staring starkly at the bare wall across the room.
“It’s fine!” she huffed, her clear voice reverberating grandly off of the blank walls.
“Do… you want your orange juice?” Shawn inquired, passing the dark-haired girl the tall glass.
She took the cup, but instead of tasting it, she asked, “what does coffee taste like?”
“It’s good,” Shawn laughed. “It gives me energy.”
“Can I try it?” Charm questioned, eyes round with wonder.
Shawn looked from his mug to his daughter’s adorable, round face a few times before reluctantly handing it over.
“Careful,” he warned. “It’s hot. And bitter.”
She peered into the murky liquid before drawing a timid sip from it. “Ugh,” she grimaced, handing the mug back to her father. “It tastes like dirt.”
Shawn chuckled and raised his eyebrows as he lowered his head to drink more of it.
“Is that a bad thing?”
She made a gagging sound and slurped her orange juice, trying desperately to chase the coffee down.
Shawn chuckled and shook his head as he downed the remainder of his steaming beverage. “You might like it more if it had cream or sugar,” he reasoned, “but we can try that another day. Do you want to watch anything?”
Charm shook her head. “I’ve already watched everything. It’s boring.”
Shawn sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around his little girl. “I walked by the gift shop earlier and they had some interesting things if you want to come with me.”
“Okay. Hold on.” She rushed to the other side of the room, where her hairbrush was. She ran it through her loose curls a few times before donning her favorite barrettes.
“I’m ready,” she announced, darting to her father’s side. “What do you want to show me?”
“You’ll see,” he promised. “Lead the way, lucky Charm.”
In the gift shop, Charm gravitated toward the display of sketchbooks and notepads, checking the boxes thoroughly, making sure to take note of every color and pattern they came in. She selected two notebooks from the stash as well as a pack of colored pencils.
Once the items were purchased, Charm and Shawn headed back to her room, both with a spring in their step.
“These are supposed to be really good pencils,” she gushed. “I can’t wait to try them out. What should I draw?”
“A unicorn,” Shawn responded fondly, a wistful smile crossing his face at the memory of his daughter’s unicorn phase.
“Unicorns are for babies,” she said scornfully, casting a dry glare at Shawn. “You know what I could do, though?”
“It’s a surprise, but you’re gonna love it!” With that, she flipped her hair and flounced down the hallway, disappearing into her room.
Taglist: @chocochipcookie305 @pamelagramm @butlerbliss @monikamendes
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You told me to remind you to write Em teaching Uyu to flirt, but my memory span lately has been similar to one of a goldfish. So maybe if this stays in your asks you’ll see it when you get time? I think my brain reset this afternoon lol
Also my weakness is script writing so if I have a base I can use that later to draw the scene >:D I still want to try and design their casual clothes bc that’s fun. Also I’d imagine they’d have the lesson in city clothes? Ever since you wrote the draft I’ve been imagining them playing in the saloon when it’s closed
THANK YOU as I almost forgot I wanted to do this already as these days I too am at goldfish level. It’s also super fun to build of each other’s content and ideas ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ and all the drawings you do make me cry tears of gold.
I also apologize for how messy this is as I’m trying not to overload ideas and am failing + I rewrote too many times TT. I’ll also totally admit all of my best edits got erased 1st time and I got too lazy to go back and re add all of that work. And I’ve been nitpicking with no direction——
Uyu- my cmc
Em- Mel’s cmc
This AU once again belongs to @marshmallowprotection , based on her Cowboy!Unknown fic “Cereus”! Here’s the link to go and check it out: Cereus
Uyu was easy to perceive as shy and docile. On many fronts, she felt herself to be cowardly, always afraid of reaching for objects on higher shelves due to the possible “what ifs”. What if she’s simply not tall enough to grab what she desires? What if as she tries, she knocks over the object she wants? It took a lot of personal growth for her to start reminding herself not all “what ifs” in life are negative, but it’s not something that’s easy to wipe clean from the brain forever. It’s a deep conditioning that’s going to take time to shake.
Self confidence is a skill that she has to learn later in life than most of her peers, tossing away the stick she often beats herself down with. Even as someone with small acting experience back home, working up the courage to shine like a star never comes easy.
One thing she can say performance has taught her is that success tends to blossom under practice and familiarity. At first, it’s normal for most people to trip over their own heels, but sooner rather than later it becomes a flawless routine you can give your all without extra thought. With song and dance it’s easy to feel more alive than ever, all of your focus trained on hypnotizing your audience using what you already know like the back of your hand. On stage, there is no time for worries and “what ifs”, only the solid fact that the show must go on as you pretend to be something you’re not. It’s a transformation of the self under those bright lights and she’s always loved the feeling of playing pretend, now doing so in a new way that often tripped her up. The role of the sexy and confident desert flower was a big spin on reality really, but acting is simply that. Acting. A job is just a job, and today like any other, her role was to complete it.
As Em and Uyu’s getting ready process takes a bit longer than the other workers’, they usually started their mornings earlier to have enough time to get in full costume and clean up the stage. Together they swept the area to prepare to mop before changing for the day, as something as small as a random sticky patch could cause injury to a performer. This was simply their routine, as was the way they deviously twirled and span round on that stage to get you to empty your pockets. The longer you were here ogling the eye candy, the more inclined you were to order another cool and refreshing glass, and then another, and a another.
A tricky ploy it may be, but it was one that worked like a charm. It was their job to be on display in order to attract customers, and as professionals they each had their own ways of ensuring you left with a much lighter wallet. With Uyu’s set of pipes and the movements she followed taught to her by Zen, she eased the worries of each and every guest, so trained on her they let their guards slip for the idea of it being “party time”. And with them relaxed, Em could approach and flirt up a storm, encouraging them to drink up as she giggled and teased, asking how much alcohol “such a big guy” could really handle. And of course, they never forgot to leak out everyone’s secrets as well as their savings. Em especially was a natural at it, even with them “both” being new to the trade.
On the few and far between visits from their favorite outlaw as well as in those letters, Em took most of the charge when it came to collecting and delivering the goods. As the bolder desert lovely, she was able to squeeze her way into being at the bigger league’s tables, fake laughing it up as they ordered her drinks and Yoosung poured her colored water instead to trick them. Those poor fools paid full price for a drunken sleaze and instead only hydrated her for the same price as their beers, wondering how she was so good at holding her liquor. She saved her real thirst for her own stash of bottles she’d discreetly acquire during the shift.
Uyu’s lack of helpfulness with secret trading was something that bothered her, at times feeling a bit unable to prove her own usefulness. At first it was a matter of “will I be killed if I’m no use”, but now it’s morphed into the gut feeling that comes with being no good at your biggest assignment.
Unlike Em, when the guests at the tables coo at her and beckon her near, she froze before picking up her feet. Uyu felt lucky that her stage presence was advertised as coy and angelic, as it allowed herself to tie her nervousness into the act she had to put on. Her and Em were hyped up as the “devil and angel” type duo, but watching the way Em could even get their boss to blow steam out his ears on occasion made her wonder what it would be like to take on the role of Lucifer. It seemed fun in a way, knowing you had the power to wrap everyone in the room around your finger with Em’s devilish confidence. It’s what chipped away at her during today’s morning routine, still not yet dressed and ready for work. Uyu never stopped the motion of her broom on the upper stage as she bubbled out some of those thoughts to the other lady sweeping away behind her. Em was quick to respond to their conversation’s switch up.
“Let me explain this to you, since it looks like what you desire is a lesson in flirting.”
Em placed a gentle hand near Uyu’s rib cage, the other landing atop her shoulder. Long forgetting about their cleaning tasks for this more import matter, Em pressed right up against her pinker counterpart’s back, speaking in a quieter tone than earlier. Uyu stiffened in response to the physical contact.
“You see…you’ve actually got the foundation of this all wrong. You don’t need to be bold or sassy to sink your claws into everyone who is already tempted by you. You’ve already got a good thing going, you just need to make it better and pay attention to your surroundings.”
Uyu awkwardly twisted to look over her shoulder to make eye contact with her coworker, confused.
“But I don’t understand how to do that.”
“That’s the point ‘little hedge’, you just don’t get it.”
Em’s teasingly pouty expression made her partner scream internally, as did Em’s finger which was now drawing slow circles onto the pink fabric which clothed her stomach. Uyu tried not to sound panicked as she continued.
“So…can you help me to understand what you mean by that, then? Don’t keep me in the dark on this, elaborate please.”
Em chuckled, “Sugar wants to understand the art of manipulation better?”
“Uh- I mean…I guess that’s kind of what I’m asking for, isn’t it? What exactly do you think I should be doing better?”
“Well, if you really want to know-here’s what I think.” Em pulled back slightly to start playing with those long blond locks which belonged to the other performer. “To them, you’re innocence. To them, you’re a sleazy lady, but a lady none the less. Your appeal lies in the idea that those dirty fools can all strip those sweet titles from you with their grubby hands.”
Uyu gave a funny mix between a dramatic frown and grimace. “Ew.”
“Hah- but do you see how that ends up working out? On the other end of the spectrum is where I sit, so the pieces fit together like this. My appeal is that I’m their match, and yours is that you’re everything they’re not. This makes them hungry to taint you, while for me they’re worked up at the thought I’ll play ball with them. Get it? Tease them with that fact about you, but never let them have the satisfaction of blackening any of your white feathers. It’ll keep them coming like the idiots they all are, and as you pose no threat being a small female I see them all talking easy peasy~”
Uyu shuddered uncomfortably, “Ugh, that feels gross to play along with.”
“It’s just a performance remember? I thought you’d get that, and you’re definitely some kind of saint compared to them so it won’t be too hard if you get the guts. Think you could go gun down a man with that pistol you carry around right now?”
“Yeah, or maybe go rob the local bank and load up on whatever is in their vaults? Or maybe catcall me or Zen?”
“See? Everything they’re not around here and maybe then some.”
Em then released her, coming around to face her front. Her grin was mischievous.
“So go on then, see yourself as a shiny prize but don’t act high and mighty about it. Let’s practice. Pretend I’m an old fat bastard drooling over you here rather than spending time with my wife and kids. Get me to empty the money I should spend on feeding my family on beer, and get me to open my big mouth about how I actually am having a gay love affair with the sherif.”
“The sherif?!”
“Shhh, pretend!”
“Wait but if you’re gay, are you really all that interested in me? Or in your own wife for that matter-”
“You’re missing the point here- this dude just likes everyone ok? He’d even stick it in a cactus, and don’t comment on that either.”
“Right…Uhm ok-”
“So what’s your first move going to be with me after you finish a song?”
Uyu paused to ponder on that question before replying, mostly to use as breather due to the awkwardness of the situation. Her smiles were laced with anxiety.
“I’m going to seductively walk my way over to you… and then pretend I care about you specifically, despite the fact that I’ve got a hundred other customers to flirt with too and I’m being payed to do this.”
“Yes, now that sounds like the game we play! Make me feel like I’m the only person in the room. Trick me into thinking I’m a special somebody deserving of your attention. Go on and try it, sweetheart.”
Taking a few steps back until she reached the set piece chaise lounge, Em waited on Uyu for her next move. She sat with a wide man spread, putting on her thickest town accent she loved to poke fun, joking around some to set the scene and establish a character.
“Oh man! I’m so werked up, I’m tweakin' like em raccoons in the back of this establishment on trash day! It’s been a whole eighteen hours since I last screwed with someone, that being our finger lickin' good sheriff-”
Damn near loosing composure and the ability to seriously continue, Uyu pantomimed writing a letter. “I’ve heard every vital piece of information I needed without even working at it. Time to report this word for word back to the boss.”
And only after a few more giggles were exchanged did Em drop the accent, straightening herself up. Uyu cleared her throat and followed suit.
“Nerves shrunken up now? Don’t think I can’t see how stiff you are. I hope you realize just how foolish this game we play is overall as we practice for real this time. Give me all you’ve got, Uyu baby.”
Taking a deep breath while ignoring the flush which that nickname brought to her cheeks, she worked up the courage to try her idea for a plan of attack. She wanted to push her limits by playing a card usually off limits for her as she never liked to invite physical contact. “Do I have your permission to-”
“Don’t ask me for permission, just do it. If this were an actual client, you’d just have to stroll right up to him.”
“Right….Uhm- here goes nothing then?”
Sending all of her worries off on a train to a different part of her subconscious so that she could dismiss them best she could, Uyu tried her best to get into character. With the closing and then reopening of her eyes, coupled with a moment to breathe in, it was mission to go time. Like a sweet and slightly awkward lynx, she approached her current target with a walk Zen drilled into her head, hip movements exaggerated and her posture straighter than usual. It was nothing cartoonish, but seriously , no one really walked this way did they? It was hard not to feel ridiculous, but acting is all about silencing your screaming brain telling you you’re making a fool out of yourself for not following your normal social cues and patterns.
Next came the narrower doe eyes and the sweet batting of the lashes in Em’s direction, her gaze never leaving the lady’s which sat upon their set piece. She practiced this look in the mirror far too often to ensure she never came across as idiotic, but it was certainly difficult not to worry that right now she wasn’t nailing the expression as planned.
Uyu secretly wished to win some shock out of Em by pushing her own boundaries like this as she then plopped down in her lap, facing her sitting sideways by twisting. She reached out to toy with an outfit accent in the middle of Em’s chest, but drew back before having a chance to fiddle with the piece.
“Now now, bravery is the key here darling. Bring that hand back where you meant to place it.”
And with that command, Uyu listening, toying with the expensive brooch’s pearls. Em then placed a hand on one of her hips as if to either stabilize her in her position, or to add to her part in this production further.
“So, you prefer taking orders from others as opposed to listening to your own ideas, huh little floozy?”
Uyu pressed their chests together slightly, hoping the other could not feel the nervous and fearful drumming of her heart. And if she wasn’t so caught up in her act, she may have noticed the new shade that which adorned Em’s face.
“Well- I’m always worrying about our guests, you see. What if what I was about to do made you uncomfortable?”
She allowed her nerves to shine through as part of her character with a little spin on how she actually felt.
“Oh, I would have made it clear that I was uncomfortable starting when you took this seat. A pretty lady’s hands on me is always welcome.”
Uyu let out a fake giggle, “why thank you for the compliment. Glad to know I’m not a bother then~.”
“You a bother? Never. Those hands can wander wherever they like, although they might only end up making me a different kind of bothered.” Em then solidified her nasty joke with a wink.
Pretending this was a real situation, to neither offend nor instigate, Uyu played it off with more false laughter, as if she was amused rather than grossed out. She then allowed her arms to wrap around the back of Em’s neck as she snuggled closer, solidifying her place as the lap dog you enjoy attention from but pay no attention to.
It felt easier to slip into character with this scene partner as she could trust that they’d never beg for more than just a fun chitchat. Convincing scoundrels, highups and hooligans that you were attracted to them was a dangerous gamble, and you never knew which fool would come around and act entitled to more. Playing it off as goofing around with a friend made it easier to try, but would something like this really help rid her of the anxiety that came with dealing with a real client? The only real way to be sure was to keep the scene going.
“Do you feel confident enough to try this with a guest now?”
“Not really.”
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boypussydilf · 1 year
IT HAPPENS. i live *covered in blood* I love Lance Corporal Dororo. Everyday I wake up in a dream that never ends because of my undying love for him. If that’s a problem for you, then you can go to hell. I LOVE Dororo.
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hope none of that is too hard to read i had uh, Thoughts. thinking about it this dude is probably like… THE. ultimate favorite character. of all time. he fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and i would do anything in the world for him.
so like, dororos family is super rich. thats literally why he n keroro became friends in the first place, bc they went to the same Military Prep Elementary School and one time keroro went to dororos house and saw that his family was LOADED and that he had all the COOL toys so he immediately went WERE FRIENDS RIGHT? so he could hang out w dororo to play w the cool toys. and dororo had had very few friends in his life before that so he went Yeah of course! and then spent his entire childhood doing pretty much whatever keroro asked so they would stay friends. but anyway, i don’t think his family being rich counts for anything at present, since he’s on earth, and i dont know if he like… has. any money. that is viable on earth. he must get some money somehow since he & koyuki like, have a house and are alive? but she doesn’t seem to have like, a job or anything, and i doubt he steals from the invasion budget so like. i dont know where the money comes from and there can’t be very much of it.
ALSO I OOVE THAT THE BLORBO BLINGUS ASK GAME LETS ME THINK ABT CHARACTERS PLAYING MINECRAFT. I know dororo canonically knows how to use a computer bc i just rewatched the episode where the platoon tries to make their own anime today and he uses a computer to do the coloring digitally but like. Dororo does not know how to use a computer. He first learned about stuff on earth from koyuki who spent half her life in a completely isolated village and only got out after she met him and he hasn’t branched out much since. I don’t know if we ever see him play video games or anything like that. I don’t think he would know how to do that. I think the tiny crappy radio he & koyuki have is the most technology hes comfortable with. “i don’t really like using these computers they freak me out” “Dororo you’re from a society with technology way more advanced than this. which you use.” “yeah well this is different”
Anyhow point is i want to see the keroro platoon play minecraft. Dororo keeps trying to build peaceful little houses with nice farms and they keep getting accidentally blown up or burnt down by everyone else. Tamama is in the caves trying to befriend slimes and when he finds out he can’t he just starts killing them en mass. Everyone goes to check out what Kururu is doing and he’s made one of those fully functional redstone computers, for fun.
ALSO ID ALWAYS CALLED DORORO KOYUKIS DAD BUT I NEVER REALLY REALIZED WOW HE LEGIT DOES ACT LIKE IT HUH. hi welcome home how do you like your new school :) its so sweet… i bet he has like 3 backup plans for attempting to homeschool her if anything happens that keeps her from going to public school. i bet they make lunches together. god, this is sweet, but also really funny to imagine, because he is less than 2 feet tall, and round. i watched an episode today that starts w koyuki coming home and dororo is just on the ground loudly sobbing and shes like oh did you fight with your friends again? and then thinking about friends makes her flashback to her childhood best friend & when she met dororo So Hard that she just falls asleep. while hes still there on the floor loudly crying about how he wonders if keroro even considers him a friend. theyre so funny
ok i guess thats all thanks for coming to my dororo talk <3 This post is so long. Tee hee!
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ace-malarky · 2 years
We'll Keep to the Fringes
Hi hello I'm back with writing!
This was one of the birthday presents this year, and my friend has actually read it so I'm gonna share it now.
They asked for my witch gays having to deal with the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, bc that do be where they live
I fully used it as a chance to complain about the fringe.
 They’d met in Qualitea, of course. Katida got there first and had already made their order by the time Tamsin swung in the door.
 “The traffic in this city,” she grumbled. “If everyone would just trust the public transport that would be great.”
 Katida giggled as Tamsin dropped into the seat beside her, kissing her cheek as she pushed the cake nearer. “You could always get an earlier bus.”
 “… So anyway, how does freedom taste?” Tamsin flicked a ring laden finger against the glass in front of Katida.
 Katida laughed and pushed it closer to Tamsin. “Have a taste, if you like.”
 The drink came in a tall glass and smelt faintly of sugar. There were ice cubes floating in it and a bedraggled mint leaf and a strawberry hull on the plate beside it. It was an unnerving shade of blue.
 “I’m good, thanks.” Tamsin picked up her own cup and took a sip of it instead.
 “It’s all sugar, Kat.”
 “Hm, you probably don’t need more of that.” Katida smiled, reaching for the straw with its shiny tassels to have a sip.
 “Because I’m sweet enough?” Tamsin grinned.
 “Of course.” Katida patted her hand. “That exactly.”
 Tamsin narrowed her eyes slightly, then shrugged. “So. Now just to wait a couple of months for judgement, right? How shall we distract ourselves?”
 “It’s Edinburgh in the summer, I’m sure we’ll find something to do.”
 “We have all sorts going on,” said one of the staff, cleaning a table nearby. “There are flyers near the counter if you’re interested.”
 “Thank you.” Katida smiled. “We probably will.”
 “Great.” The staff smiled back. “After all, pride is for life, not just for Christmas.”
 Tamsin snorted into her cup as Katida laughed.
 They didn’t stay for much longer; just long enough to finish their drinks and their cake.
 Katida picked up one of the leaflets and tucked it into her bag. “Thanks for – mph!” She crashed into Tamsin’s back as she stopped in the doorway. “Tamsin-” Katida pushed her out onto the street.
 “It starts,” Tamsin said, in a low tone of dread.
 Katida follows her gaze up to where the skeleton of scaffolding rises against the skyline. “Oh.”
 “Doom is approaching.”
 “It’s just the festival.” Katida winds her fingers through Tamsin’s and pulls her away.
 “Just, she says, as though that doesn’t mean open season for tourist,” Tamsin mutters.
 “Tourists are here year round.”
 “It’s too late to leave for somewhere else, right?”
 “And become someone else’s tourist problem?”
 Katida laughs. “It hasn’t started yet, at least.”
 “No, it’s just going to be ominously looming.” Tamsin sighs. “Summer is ruined.”
 “As it is every year.” Katida tugs Tamsin down to kiss her cheek “It will be fine. Come on. Botanics?”
 “Sure.” Tamsin turned eagerly from the sight of the scaffolding.
 They’d just reached the Mile when the rain hit, and ran for the shelter of the building on the corner without a second thought. They weren’t alone in their dash, and Katida and Tamsin found themselves pressed up against the ATMs.
 “Told you the raincoat would have been a good idea,” Katida said, shifting to let someone actually use the machine.
 “Hush. No one loves a smartass,” Tamsin replied, running fingers through her scruffy mohawk and flipping it to shake droplets free.
 Katida laughed, raising a hand to shield her face. “You do.”
 “Hm, true.” Tamsin grinned and pressed a quick kiss to Katida’s upraised hand.
 Katida flipped her hand to cup Tamsin’s cheek, and for a moment they just stood there, watching each other.
 “Why didn’t we wait this out in the bookshop? It’s right there,” Tamsin murmured.
 “I like watching people deal with the weather.” Katida smiled slightly.
 There were people still braving the sudden shower, fighting with their umbrellas or just trudging along, head down against it. It was easy to tell who belonged to Edinburgh and who didn’t, in these moments.
 Katida giggled as someone’s umbrella flipped inside out and they got a face full of rain as they struggled to fix it.
 “And I thought I was the mean one.” Tamsin snorted.
 “But if you want to buy me some books…” Katida wrapped her arms around Tamsin’s neck, drawing closer.
 “Oh, no. Nuh-uh.” Tamsin shook her head. “I’m not playing your loophole, your mum terrifies me.”
 “She doesn’t have to find out,” Katida murmured.
 Tamsin slid her hands about Katida’s waist, resting her forehead against Katida’s. “Yes she will,” she replied. “She always does.”
 “Hm, always.” Tamsin kissed her.
 “It’s not going to clear up.” Katida glanced up at the sky, all dark grey with clouds.
 “Where’s a Weather Witch when you need one?”
 Katida laughed. “Come on.” She tilted her head towards the street. “Since we’re wet already.” She interlaced her fingers with Tamsin’s and tugged her out onto the slick street.
 Together, they crossed the road and stepped up onto the pavement, weaving around stands of hats and hoodies – all under plastic wrap – and rain ponchos that were already proving their usefulness.
 As people spilled out of the shops or off the tour buses, the pavement filled up. Tamsin tried not to growl as they had to slow to a crawl, sidling around groups that just stopped in the middle of the pavement as they checked where they were going next.
 “To the castle or the shops, it’s not hard,” Katida muttered, keeping hold of Tamsin’s hand.
 Tamsin glanced at her and grinned. “Thought that was my line?”
 Katida jumped down a few steps to get around a clump, weaving past a bin and a lamp post. “These pavements aren’t wide enough for this.”
 Tamsin glanced behind her and then tugged Katida to a slower pace, exaggerating her trudging footsteps. “We’re not in a hurry, are we?”
 Katida laughed. “Alright, fine.”
 “If we were, you could always fly us.”
 “Flying in rain is a terrible idea,” Katida replied, twisting her fingers up to brush against her bracelet.
 The castle looked as much as it ever did; sprawling and grand, partially propped up in places by scaffolding. Covered in people. There was one ice cream truck still gamely doing business, despite the rain and the encroaching stands.
 “Shame about the view,” Tamsin said, as Katida asked for ice cream.
 The stands were almost completely up now, taking up the edges of the open space and restricting access down to a straight walk up to the castle. The views out over the city were barred off, unless one felt like ducking under and around.
 Tamsin felt a little like ducking under and around.
 “The view from the top of them must be something, though,” Katida said, looking for her purse.
 Tamsin leant past her to pay. “I’d get tickets, but they’ve probably all sold out.”
 “Hey!” Katida looked up. “You have got to stop doing that.”
 “It’s turnabout.” Tamsin shrugged. “You bought drinks.”
 “Weeks ago.” Katida sighed, taking her ice cream.
 “You’re just mad I won’t buy you books.”
 They wandered up towards the castle.
 “Books would be a longer lasting gift.”
 “Yeah, death via your mother’s wrath is also fairly long lasting.”
 The crowds were thicker inside the walls, where they slowed to a sluggish crawl into queues. The one for the tickets trailed back almost to the arch.
 “When was the last time you went inside?” Katida asked, winding her way around to stand against the wall outside the gift shop.
 “No idea. Probably a school trip.” Tamsin shrugged. “If you want to go, we’re booking tickets.”
 “Obviously. Ooh, we could get a student pass!”
 “If we don’t have to pay full price, I’m all for it.” Tamsin leant around the corner to look up towards the castle proper, past the queue and through the tunnel.
 “Another time, then?”
 Tamsin glanced at the queue as they left. “Although Stirling is better.”
 Katida met Tamsin outside the church, a bag over her shoulder. “Hey.” She grinned, leaning in for a kiss.
 “Is that a new book weighting that bag?” Tamsin asked, reaching for the strap with one hand as she returned Katida’s kiss.
 “Mum said I could, since my results were good.”
 “So, Glasgow?” Tamsin grinned.
 Katida nodded, smile growing wider.
 “Glad to hear it! We can’t wait to be shot of the both of you,” said someone else.
 Tamsin rolled her eyes. “Also, Ripley’s here.”
 “Hi, Ripley.” Katida waved at Ripley as she stepped onto the wall beside Tamsin, dropping down to sit beside her.
 Ripley grinned, crooking her fingers in a wave. “Still attempting to make a respectable woman of my cousin, Katida?” She slung her other arm around Tamsin’s neck, pulling her in for a half hug.
 The cousins looked similar, could be mistaken for sisters at a glance. Ripley’s hair was shorter than Tamsin’s, carefully tousled, and still its natural auburn. Her eyes were different – Ripley didn’t have Tamsin’s penchant for red contacts – but there was the shape of their faces, the same grins.
 “Of course.”
 “It’s rotten work,” Ripley said, releasing Tamsin and kicking her heels against the wall.
 “Not to me,” Katida replied, as Tamsin groaned. “Not if it’s you.” She grinned.
 “If you’re done? I was promised celebratory lunch.” Tamsin fussed at her hair, making sure it was all lying properly on the right side of her head.
 “My treat.” Ripley nodded, twisting to look about. “Just waiting on – ah, there they are. Hey, Bri!” She stretched up without standing, waving a hand in the air.
 Katida turned about to see Briony wandering towards them. Despite the weather, they’re wearing a long duster coat over worn cut-off jeans and a buttoned shirt and docs, with a bright piece of fabric tied about their throat. Their long blue hair is tied up into a messy bun, showing off the shaved side of their head and the arc of piercings in their ear.
 “Hey.” They smiled slightly as they joined the others, keeping a careful distance. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
 “Nice playdate?” Ripley pushed off the wall to stand before them.
 “It went well.”
 “Where were you?” Katida asked, tugging Tamsin to walk alongside her.
 “Helping a friend with rehearsals. They’re in a show, you should come–”
 Ripley snorted. “Wow, Tam, that’s rude.”
 “We’d love to come,” Katida said. “Dramatics aside.”
 “I’ve managed this far through the month-”
 “Oh yeah, how’s that going for you?” Ripley smirked. “Tamsin’s trying to avoid the Fringe entirely,” she said to Briony.
 Briony nodded, looking slightly lost.
 “If people would stop asking to meet along the Mile, it would be going a lot better.” Tamsin shoved her free hand in her pocket, turning her back to a street performer as the four of them walked past, trying to give him some room.
 “You could’ve vetoed me, but as I recall you were keen on this place too.”
 “It’s the principle of the thing,” Tamsin muttered.
 “We could’ve gone to Qualitea for lunch,” Katida said.
 “If Rip’s paying, I’m going to milk her for all she’s worth.”
 Briony laughed.
 “You’re going half on this,” Ripley said to them. “You owe me, Briar.”
 “That was two years ago.”
 “Yeah, and I still have nightmares about it, so.”
 “Plus it’s like the only leverage you have.”
 Ripley shrugged. “I take what I can get.”
 Katida watched them, amused even if she didn’t know the context.
 “Hey, excuse me-” Someone bumped into Tamsin.
 “Shit, sorry man.” Tamsin pulled her hand from her pocket to steady them. “You alright?”
 “Sure.” He shot her a winning smile. “Here.” He shoved something into her hand and disappeared towards the next group of people.
 “Wait – fuck.” Tamsin stared at the flyer in her hand.
 “We should’ve bet on that happening,” Ripley muttered.
 “That’s an easy bet,” Briony replied. “See?” They passed Ripley a handful of leaflets they’d collected. “Everyone’s at it.”
 Katida smiled, taking the flyer from Tamsin’s hand and looking it over. “Maybe we should go to this one.”
 “Or – hear me out here – we could not.”
 “Fate placed it before us.”
 “Actually, a guy taking an opportunity did.”
 “Still have a grudge against the Festival?” Ripley asked.
 “It’s annoyance. There’s too many people around.”
 “It’s a grudge,” Katida said. “It might actually be worse this year.”
 “It’s exam stress,” Tamsin retorted.
 “You got your results today, I don’t think you can use that as an excuse now.”
 Tamsin pushed Ripley away as she cackled. “Who invited you again?”
 “Oh, maybe it’s the fear of leaving home and never seeing the Fringe again. You know, lashing out and closing yourself off pre-emptively isn’t healthy.” Ripley moved smoothly with Tamsin’s push. “Isn’t that what Oscar says?”
 “Gotta admit, I tend to tune out when he starts talking through his studying.” Briony shrugged, slowing to watch a street performer set up.
 “He just wants a sounding board, not actual engagement, otherwise he’d be talking to his department.”
 The performer had cleared out a large circle of the road, and was chattering at anyone who slowed to see what he was doing as he set down a big trunk and started to pull things out of it. He reached up towards the sun and made some kind of pinching movement with his fingers, and music started up.
 “Techno Mage?” Katida asked, looking for the speakers.
 “Isn’t that cheating?”
 “It’s not a competition, Tamsin.”
 “The way this street ends up, could’ve fooled me.” Tamsin turned away. “Come on, I’m hungry.”
 “Sure. Bri.” Ripley tugged at their coat.
 They hesitate a little longer, until the performer makes the same gesture again and the music pauses. “Oh, maybe it’s the glove? He’s only got the one on.”
 “Maybe a Charm Witch, then.”
 “How low our kind have fallen,” Tamsin muttered, trying not to grin.
 “Because you wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything that flashy.” Ripley raised her eyebrows, giving Tamsin’s rings a pointed glance.
 “I have an aesthetic to keep up.” Tamsin shoved her free hand in her pocket.
 Katida brought their tangled hands up to kiss one of Tamsin’s rings. “I appreciate the aesthetic.”
 “And I appreciate you.” Tamsin smiled, angling her body away from Ripley and towards Katida.
 “I want one of those gloves,” Briony said, as the performer started his music with a press of his fingers, skipping a track. “Rip, you could make that a charm, right?”
 Tamsin snorted.
 “It’s also possibly just tech.” Ripley narrowed her eyes as she watched the performer, who actually seemed to be starting his set properly. “Bluetooth or something.”
 “It’s more fun if it’s magic, though, right?”
 “Not that Rip would know how to make it.” Tamsin snickered, avoiding Ripley’s elbow by stepping around to Katida’s other side.
 “You know, maybe you don’t want lunch.”
 “Hey, no listen you promised.”
 Katida tilted her head, gaze going distant. “Shouldn’t be too tricky to work out…”
 “Dammit Bri, you’ve broken her,” Ripley said.
 Briony shrugged, unrepentant. “She’s the only one I’d trust to get it right.”
 “Oh. Oh wow.” Ripley and Tamsin exchanged a look. “Well. Honestly. If it’s going to be like that…”
 Briony laughed and darted ahead. “Come on, they’re not going to hold that table forever.”
 Tamsin led the way up the path, picnic basket braced against her shoulder. It was evening, the sun was on its way to setting, but it was still warm. Maybe that was just the walk up that was doing that, but she didn’t think so.
 She turned to check on Katida, who was lagging slightly.
 “Maybe we should have flown up here,” Katida said as she caught up.
 “Hey, it’s not Arthur’s Seat.” Tamsin shifted the basket to her other arm, offering Katida her hand.
 “You went for the steep side.” Katida took her hand, pulling the strap of the blanket further up her arm. “Is this for making you go to Bri’s friends’ show?”
 Tamsin laughed. “Don’t tell Ripley, but that was kinda fun.” She walked at Katida’s pace, not minding the people overtaking them.
 “Your secret is safe with me.”
 They managed to find space on the grass facing across the city to the river, amongst other groups that had all had the same idea.
 Someone was playing rock ballads from their phone, and Tamsin glared in their general direction as Katida spread out the blanket.
 “Don’t start,” Katida warned her.
 “They could at least have good taste if they’re going to inflict it on us,” Tamsin replied, setting the basket down in the middle of the blanket. “Not this… knock-off Eurovision wannabes.”
 Someone nearby laughed and Tamsin flushed. She dropped to her knees on the blanket and shuffled to get comfortable, pushing off her shoes and setting them on her coat beside her.
 Katida sat beside her, curling her legs into her side, and pulled the basket towards her. “You actually managed to keep Ripley out of this?”
 “It was a hard fight, but I did it for you.” Tamsin leant over to place a palm against the knot of the fabric covering the basket. The trap charm released at her touch, and she untied the fabric.
 “Oh, my hero.” Katida laughed, pulling out a sealed box of bhaji.
 Tamsin searched through the basket for the scotch eggs. “Not that she tried very hard.”
 “Hush, you’re ruining your reputation.”
 “Oh. Oops. Yeah, she went at it real hard. Decoys and everything.
 Katida laughed again, and then let out a gasp of delight as she picked a bhaji from the box. “Oh, they’re still warm!”
 “Come on, babe, you have got to stop doubting my expertise in keeping things toasty.”
 “I don’t!” Katida brushed crumbs from her chin. “I just didn’t expect it, that’s all.”
 “Hm.” Tamsin narrowed her gaze, fighting (and failing) not to grin at Katida’s delighted face. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
 They watched the sun go down, trading snacks and drinks and soft words.
 That man did not stop playing his music, but Tamsin did her best to just tune it out.
 “Ok,” she said eventually, when the sun was mostly gone and the basket was almost empty, “Maybe it’s not so bad from here.” She eyed the lights spread through the city.
 “At a distance?”
 “Warmer than Guy Fawkes or Hogmanay,” Katida said, sitting at Tamsin’s side.
 Tamsin leant back, reaching for the bottle tucked into the basket on the rug beside them. “That’s definitely helping.”
 “I knew I’d bring you round.”
 “That’s not what this is.”
 “Isn’t it?”
 “No. I was promised pyrotechnics, that’s all. Pyrotechnics need good weather.”
 And the weather was good. The sky was clear of clouds and there was barely a breeze to mess with the coming show.
 “Wait, will we need to move to see it properly?” Tamsin asked, squinting across in the direction of the castle. She could sort of see it from where they were, beyond the curve of the hill and a couple of monuments.
 Katida glanced at her. “Only if you want to pack everything up first.”
 “Then no, we do not.”
 Katida laughed and shifted to lean into Tamsin. “I almost thought you were excited for something Fringe-related there.”
 “Pyrotechnics, Katida.” Tamsin wrapped her arm around Katida’s shoulders. “Fire. Explosions. That’s what we’re here for. The Fringe is incidental.”
 Someone had their phone tuned to the radio station that was broadcasting from the castle. Not the guy playing his ballads – he’d finally moved away, maybe to get a better view.
 The sound was stressed and tinny until a nearby Techno Mage turned the patches of gorse into speakers, so it sounded as if the earth was speaking to them.
 “Show off,” Tamsin said, lifting her bottle in salute to the unknown mage.
 The bagpipes could be heard from the castle regardless, clear through the still night.
 “So you don’t mind that, but power ballads are where you draw the line?”
 “I am a witch of many contradictions.” Tamsin shrugged.
 Fireworks screamed up from the castle, stopping Katida from answering as they burst across the sky.
 Tamsin tugged the fabric that had been tied around the basket free with one hand, draping it awkwardly across their shoulders without looking away from the sky. “They do know how to put on a show.”
 “They do it every year, I would hope they know by now.” Katida helped pull the shawl about herself, leaning her head on Tamsin’s shoulder.
 “It’s almost a shame we’ll never see another one.”
 “On account of moving across the country, remember? We’re uni students now.”
 Katida snorted with laughter. “Term never starts until mid-September, Tam, we’ll still be free over the summer.”
 “Nope, we’re never going to see the Fringe again. This is it. We chose to leave the city, and it will be barred to us forever more.” Tamsin grinned.
 Katida buried her face in Tamsin’s neck, shaking with laughter.
 “You’re missing the show.”
 “You’re ridiculous, you know?”
 “It’s realism, sweetie. The secret they never tell you when you’re choosing your future.”
 Katida pushed her over and Tamsin let out a yelp, rolling onto her back. “You know what that’ll make us next year, then?”
 “Banished? Homeless? Having to go somewhere different for the holidays?”
 “Tourists.” Katida leant a hand on Tamsin’s shoulder as the fireworks exploded behind her. “Which means we can do tourist things. Like the Fringe.”
 Tamsin hesitated. “Ah, fuck. Can I take it back?”
 “No.” Katida shifted to lie beside her, patting at the folds of her hijab so they weren’t scrunched up under her. “You spoke it into existence.”
 “Rats.” Tamsin slid an arm under Katida, pulling her closer.
 “You have a year to get used to the idea.”
 “Or a year to make you forget.”
 “Good luck.” Katida smiled.
 “May the best witch win.”
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atortahoe · 2 years
Around The Fur Chap 1
This was something I made just for my cousin and I's entertainment, but feel free to enjoy as well. I have not edited this for grammatical or spelling errors. And I obviously have specific ideas of what Winter and Amala look like and will post character profiles later bc why not.
Anyway, enjoy!
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Chapter 1: Wolf Moon
“Yes, thank you for your help Scott.” I rolled my eyes playfully as Scott walked over to his pull up bar and hoisted himself up.
He laughed  boyishly, shaking his hair out of his face as he pulled himself up several times. “Why would I help when you’re already doing great? Plus all you have to do is submit it now.” I rolled my eyes again but couldn’t help but to take in how absolutely gorgeous he was. All last summer I spent most of my time helping him train for the team. It didn’t matter how much I could or would beg my Dad to maybe show Scott favoritism on the team- Scott would at least have to show for it somehow. 
And he did, at least in physique. No longer was he the awkwardly tall slender Freshman, but now was filling out more and more. It was like puberty hit him like a train or something. Then to top it off, he grew like 5 more inches over that summer too. I was convinced there was something Melissa was adding to his food at first. But then Melissa reminded us both of how tall and well built his father was. “My eyes are up here.” Scott joked and I quickly looked back at the laptop, embarrassed to be caught staring at him for so long. For a moment I decided that I shouldn’t be embarrassed, I mean there was no reason to be. 
I slid the laptop off my lap and instead stood up, stretching my legs as I walked over to Scott. He pulled himself up more a few times before dropping his feet and standing. I was still a respectable distance from him, maybe an arms length but I was fighting with myself to get closer. It just seemed perfect. To kiss him, and to maybe ask him if he wanted to go on a date or whatever process people do to get into a relationship. 
“Maybe it’s hard for me to look you in the eyes because you tend to grow overnight?” I said playfully, stepping a bit closer as I did. There was a growing tension between us, building over for at least a year or two. I always knew Scott had somewhat of a crush on me, and maybe if things beyond us were perfect, I would act on it. But things weren’t. Besides him and maybe my best friend Amala- nothing in my life was perfect anymore. 
Now I was close, too close to call it platonic. I could feel his breath feather across my face, smelling fresh of the colgate he just used. His cheeks were a light shade of pink, just barely hidden within his olive tanned skin. I looked down from his dark brown eyes to his seemingly pillow soft lips, they were rounded into a chagrin yet boyish smile. I could just close that gap, but I stopped. Heartbeat between my ears I could barely even think about the consequences of crossing this line with my best friend of all people.
I didn’t need that added to my plate. Between the bullshit at school with that asshole Whittemore and his redhead chihuahua, my parents divorcing and my mom constantly threatening my dad to move me down to Santa Monica with her, and now Amala having her hands full with helping Isaac move in with her and her family- I couldn’t lose Scott. Not right now. 
“Did you hear that?” He asked me and I stepped away, my hands raising to cover my face except all embarrassment was lost when a loud creek eerily echoed through the empty house. Immediately he grabbed his shirt and a jacket and quickly got dressed. 
“I thought your mom was at work?” I asked him in a hushed whisper, fear only growing when he responded that she was. The moment his hand was free I grabbed him tightly. Now my heart was pounding so far I could feel the early tastes of an anxiety attack. “Scott,” I whispered, now tugging at the back of his shirt as I trailed him down the steps. “Scott, let's just stay upstairs, please.” I begged, the saliva in the back of my throat began to taste metallic and I could see it was happening. 
But he didn’t answer, instead he continued to walk and I stupidly continued to follow. “Boo!” I screamed into his shirt more from frustration than anything when Stiles' limp body hung from the rafters of the patio roof. “I gotcha!” He giggled, flipping his body over to safely land. “Oh shit- hey Winter.” He said, dragging the last syllables of my name in a suggestive manner. 
Scott let go of my hand and I did his shirt which only made Stiles laugh cynically. “Stiles what are you doing here?” Scott asked and Stiles rolled his eyes.
“Well, you weren’t answering your phone and I assumed you were alseep but now-” I raised my hands and turned around to go back inside but Stiles hauled himself over the railing and grabbed at my shirt. “Wait! No you have to hear this- they found a body at the nature reserve!” He said excitedly. 
“A dead body?” Scott asked.
“No, a body of water- yes dumb ass, a dead body!” He snickered and I couldn’t help but to giggle. “And Winter you have to come, if you don’t then he won’t.” I cackled which let him know exactly what I felt about his dumb ass statement. 
“Absolutely not, you’d have to pay-”
“I’ll do your Chem and Algebra homework from the next two months.” Stiles blurted and I squinted at him, still unsure. “I’ll do Amala’s too.”
“Boy you aint have to say nothing but a word!” I clapped my hands together. “Well!” I began to usher Scott off the porch so we could leave. Stiles fist bumped himself before running off to his car in delight. “Scott what’s the worst that could happen? I have a taser in my purse, a police grade one from Stiles’ Daddy. I’ll protect you.” I joked and Scott sighed, but I knew the answer yes. For me and Stiles, the answer was always yes. 
“I call shotgun!”
The car ride was very soothing, especially for what we were going to do. Stiles was talking enough for the 3 of us, answering his own questions without missing a beat and seemingly not knowing or caring that neither Scott or I weren’t paying attention. Scott sat behind me, his hand hidden by the darkness from Stiles’ eyes as he rubbed his thumb into my shoulder. 
Physical contact was a big thing for Scott. Melissa said it was because she never put him down as a baby. He almost always had to be touching something like a child in a department store. Hands, hair, shoulder, elbow, etc. Scott didn’t care, and he saw it for exactly what it was. Just physical contact. Warmth. Comfort. I turned my head and kissed one of his fingers lightly which made him pause for a moment before starting again. 
I loved Scott. Him and I were diaper buddies, our moms babysitting while the other worked. After Mr. McCall left, my mom practically lived in to help her drag Melissa out of her depression- to help with Scott who didn’t know what to think or do, but at least he had Stiles and I. His mom, my mom. And sometimes when my dad’s thoughts were coherent and his head was on his shoulders- he had my dad too. 
But I didn’t know if I could ever love Scott the way he wanted me to. Maybe if I did, I wouldn’t be such a stupid fuck up. “We’re here!” Stiles exclaimed happily as he pulled into a deserted entrance of the national park. “Yay! Okay so-” 
And again for almost half a mile they went back and forth bantering about the woods and the body, Stiles walking way too fast for a boy who wasn’t supposed to be abusing his adderall or had a best friend who was asthmastic. I dug in my purse and handed one to him, it was his back up that Melissa had given to me for when he lost his. Which was frequent. “You have to find your other one, it’s probably somewhere in Stiles' messy ass room” I whispered. 
“My room isn’t messy just because you lost something in there!” Stiles called over his shoulder, “But I did see it like two weeks ago, I swear.” Stiles said defensively, probably remembering that it had been exactly two days prior to me requesting for him to find Scott’s inhaler. 
“Maybe the one who is severely asthematic should be holding the flashlight?” Scott asked sarcastically, trying his best to fight against his wheezing. I glanced down at his inhaler in his hand, itching to encourage him to actually use it and smiling when he leaned against a tree to do so. “Stiles wait up!” He groaned. 
“Stiles!” I call out, not exactly wanting to lose the only person with a car but definitely not the wheezing asthamtic. I sighed, switching my weight onto my foot as I decided obviously to stay close to Scott. “I can’t believe he drove us here just to ditch us.” I said deflatedly, my words taking a few moments to process that Stiles had probably done that on purpose. I couldn’t tell if maybe he had finally caught onto what I had said or possibly implied.
Scott took a slow deep breath, finally regaining himself. “This is your fault,” Scott chuckled and smirked that same boyish smirk he always made. “If you had said no, we could be home.” I knew he was joking, but a large part of me actually wished I had. My dumbass didn’t even wear the correct shoes, just a pair of crocs- and not even the winter oriented ones. “We could be home, warm, safe and not soaked.”
“That's what she said,” I mumbled to myself. “I know but did you see how excited I looked now that I know I'm finally going to pass Chemistry? I'm sure knowing how happy that's going to make me will make this all worthwhile.” I walked closer and grabbed his hand, blowing my warm breath into his palm. He wasn’t cold, he never usually was. He had a way of always having nice warm hands. “Let's go find Stiles?”
We trekked up the last hill we saw Stiles disappear over before stopping immediately. There, only maybe 20 yards away, stood not just Stiles but his father and several other deputies. “Scott!” His father called out, “Scott are you out there?” We both ducked down, bellies now rubbing against cold dead leaves as we waited for the right time to slide down the hill and somehow make our way to Stiles' car.  
“Well that's not good,” I sighed as we sat at the base for a moment, trying to figure out exactly which direction to walk to. “Are you okay?”
Scott sighed and pulled himself up, “Yeah, let's just get out of here. I wanted to get a full night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” I frowned at how frustrated and disappointed he sounded. I stood up as well and for a little while we walked around in silence. I didn’t think he was mad at me, or Stiles, but more so mad at himself for allowing us to come here. “Did you hear that?” He asked, stopping and looking up at the bare canopies above us. Ravens or crows, I don't know, all sat perched above us. Cawing and cawing and cawing- bickering almost. 
“No, what did you hear?” I asked, now wary that we were in the woods alone- late at night with a killer on the loose. It definitely wasn’t my smartest idea and I began to feel regretful that I even agreed to let the 3 of us out here. What were these two going to even do with a dead fucking body? Ask what happened?
Suddenly, the birds stopped. They had become almost like background noise and now that they stopped the silence engulfed us almost uncomfortably. “Scott,” I pulled at my purse, my hands shaking so hard I could barely find my taser. It was a gift from Sheriff Stilinski a few months back when the attacks started. He told me, Winter, that bear spray ain't gonna do you no good, the wind will just blow it back, then proceeded to give me the heaviest and largest taser I had ever seen. Stiles even bedazzled it for me, my name in pink shiny rhinestones down the handle and even on the pink wrist strap that I tied securely around my wrist. It even had a flash light setting. “Scott!” 
“Yeah?” He turned around, almost not realizing how large of a gap was between us. Quickly both of us jogged to close the gap and I turned my taser flashlight on, impressed with how bright it actually was. “You okay?”
Before I could answer, a large herd of deer flooded from seemingly nowhere. I knew I had been hit as the force of the hoof hitting my face was enough to slam me into the ground. The only reason why I knew I was on my back was because at least through my left eye I could see the sky. Black as ink, not even the stars were out tonight. 
For what seemed to be several long moments I couldn’t feel anything, not whatever damage was done to my forehead, or the rock I had landed on, or Scott grabbing my hand trying to pull me up before he realized I had been hit. 
“Winter!” He was yelling now and still he sounded incredibly far away. “Winter are you okay?” I looked at him and I wanted to speak, but I didn’t know if I was. “Oh my god, oh my god.” His eyes were brimmed full with tears, one sliding down his smooth cheek and falling into my face. It was the first thing I had been able to feel before the pain slowly began to burn its way through everything that hurt. 
I let out a long cry which turned into a sob, then several more. They shook my body and only made everything hurt even more. “Scott,” I cried, “Please Scott, don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me.” I pushed myself up, my spine screaming louder than me as the rock was no long lodged between the back of my floating rib and my vertebrae. “Don’t leave me.” I weaved my arms around his neck and I could tell he was doing the same. “Oh my god- Scott-” 
I pushed him away and pointed, only a meter or so away from us laid the top half of a woman. Her intestines falling out of the severed end of her body. Her eyes wide and petrified, staring at the both of us. He turned his head and choked back his own surprise as he took the sight in. Then, suddenly I had been ripped from Scott’s distracted grip. 
I could hear the sound of the flesh and bone crunch under whatever had me. I screamed out his name as I was dragged away further into the darkness. Whatever had me was huge and incredibly stealthy, too big to be a mountain lion whatsoever. Its growls and ragged breath reminded me of a dog, but there was no dog ever as big as this. 
It let me go and I could barely hear anything now over the sound of my heart. I could hear everything my body was experiencing. The sound of my blood beating with my heart, and leaking through my open wounds. The pain of the bite overtook the pain of my head. The pain was something I had never experienced before, it burned in a way that I had never felt. Ever. I felt as though I had to remind myself to inhale and exhale because the pain was so high I couldn't tell if I was breathing or not. 
“Winter!” Scott had only been in my line of sight for a second before he was on top of me, and that thing on top of him. His own screaming barely pierced through the sound of my heart still pulsing and pulsating. I clenched my fist twice, trying to get as much strength in my hand to help us get out of this. It wasn’t even like this grotesque wolf monster was hungry, and I could almost sense it was grinning as he sank its teeth deep into Scott’s side. 
I gripped my taser, only confirming it was the taser when I was able to turn it on and see the light cackling beside me. I raised my arm and stabbed it into the wolf monster's face, barely missing its eye and hitting its cheek instead. It was enough to get him to let go of Scott so I did it again and hit its eyebrow region- again missing its eye. This time it let off completely which was enough time for Scott to push himself up and me as well.
I could tell we were running only because of the fact we were moving. I had no idea how I was even functioning, not still on that ground numb and dying. “Run Winter, come on Winter, run! Run! Run!” He was chanting out loud and as much as I was trying, I was ready to quit. I wanted to lay down and apart of me was ready to accept my fate. “A road!”
I fell onto my knees on the shoulder of the road, my body being pushed to its absolute limit. A car swerved and barely missed Scott but did not stop. Why didn’t they stop? I dropped down to all fours, I could taste the blood before it came out mixed with stomach bile. “Are you okay?” Scott was by my side but I wasn’t okay. 
“Winter!” I was in a tub, harsh LED lights made opening my eyes seem even harder. The water was cold and it pelted my skin, stabbing me as if telling me before I could even ask that i was alive. I was alive. “Please, are you okay?” I turned to Scott, my lashes  clumped from the water, blood and dirt. I looked down and saw that Scott had only been able to get my shoes and socks off, my jeans were sticking to my body like a second skin. “I’m going to call 911!”
“I’m okay,” I croaked, and for the first time since the deer, I sounded like myself. Tired and ragged, but I sounded like me. I grabbed for him, ringing my fingers through his belt loops and pulling him back down to me. His shirt and jacket was gone, discarded on the floor covered in what I assumed was my blood. But my head didn’t hurt anymore. 
The bite on my shoulder did, but more as a burning reminder rather than for what it was. “Look, I’m okay. I-I’m not bleeding.” I touched my forehead, surprised myself that it was completely smooth. “I’m okay.” I was trying to convince him more than myself, and he seemed very unsure. “I’m okay!” I didn’t know how many more times I said it before he chimed in  with me as well. 
I had snaked my arms around him, trying to pull myself out of the tub towards the heat of his body. It was soothing, every ounce of him. His touch, his smell, even the taste of his sweat on my lips, I felt like I was drinking in an elixir. Everything felt right. Letting my senses be overloaded with him. “Winter,” He looked at me, his brows raised with uncertainty. 
“You make me feel better,” I cooed, dipping down and pressing my face against his neck. “Scott, I- I love you so much” I climbed out of the tub and onto him. “I thought I was going to die.” It was an odd thing to say just before kissing his neck. I wanted to stop, to process my emotions- to let him process his emotions. But I couldn’t stop. And his hands were tugging at my clothes, peeling them off my body. I looked down at his side where the wolf had bitten him, and I ran my fingers over it. A moan escaped his lips and he pulled me down to him, his lips peppering my neck and chest with kisses, some over my bite. I winched naturally but it didn’t hurt, when he touched it, it didn’t hurt. 
He pushed himself up slightly and cupped the back of my head gently, for a moment we just stared at each other- waiting for the other to protest. “I want you,” We both said, and that was enough. His lips were as soft as I remember when I taught him how to kiss two years prior. But this was different. We weren’t 14, awkwardly trying to find a secret place to experiment and not trying to be caught. 
I don't remember how we got my pants off, but we did, and his own too. Our bodies tangled between his sheets as he positioned himself to enter me, that was the only time he hesitated. His brown eyes softened, looking at me for approval as if I would say no. “Please Scott, please.” I wrapped my legs around his, opening myself to him more. 
When he entered me it felt like I had been hit again with another wave of pain I never experienced. I held onto him, pressing my body as close to him as I possibly could. I felt weightless and yet as if I were drowning, drowning myself into him. 
I love you, I wanted to say, but enough of me was so stimulated that everytime I opened my mouth only sounds of pleasure would bubble from my throat. There was no two singular thoughts in my being that told me to stop, to think. I just wanted to feel. 
And he made me feel safe. 
“Oh my god!” It was Stiles' scream that woke both Scott and I up. Scott shot up, holding himself as best as he could with one hand while the other pushed him out of his bedroom. “Oh my god! Oh my god I feel like I just walked in on my siblings or-or something, oh my god.” We could hear him trip down the last few steps and scream as he hit the landing. 
My heart was racing, but not like last night. My hand shot up to finally cover myself but I winced as my finger grazed the bite mark. “Scott-” I interrupted his apologetic rambling. “I have to go.” I didn’t feel embarrassed and I wasn’t angry. But I felt empty. I felt as though the memories of last night were not mine, but planted. Written in my brain. As if I were just watching my body move on its own. 
I ignored my own nakedness, I ignored his. If I ignored it, it didn’t happen. 
Last night didn’t happen.
I looked at my clothes, still damp and in a ball of his clothes discarded in this bathroom. “Winter wait, wait please!” He scrambled to get dressed, embarrassed. His cheek became scarlet, more red than I had ever seen. I looked down at his naval and found myself growing sick at the sight of his wound. It was very real. 
I ripped a shirt from his dresser, focusing on the sounds of the fabric rather than his fumbling of his words. “Scott, I have to go.” I said louder, pulling the first pair of shorts I touched before shoving my things into my bag. I moved faster than intended, and only realized I didn’t have shoes on till I was already out of the house. I could feel the dirt and gravel wedge itself into the soles of my feet, and I let that be the reason why I was crying. 
I had to get home before my dad realized I never came back home, or worse. Him seeing me half naked and crying. I realized I didn’t grab my keys nor my phone off his night stand and began to only silently cry harder. My dad was in the back yard when I got home, watching Fart and Fregley find a proper place to use the bathroom. I could hear him whispering harshly into the phone and immediately knew it was Mom. As if I needed anything else to make me more emotional. 
The shower I took was less than satisfactory. Everything hurt and stung, like the wounds were still there just invisible. I barely had time to properly dry my hair, so I opted for a tight sleek low ponytail and braided the ponytail portion. I didn't like the feeling of wet hair on my skin, or even my scalp sometimes. I didn’t need anything to make me feel any worse than I already did. 
I struggled to pick an outfit, arguing with myself if I should wear a bra or not. I didn’t want anything to touch the gaping holes in my collarbone, but I didn’t want anyone to see it. Especially my dad. I decided to wear a bra, tears brimmed my eyes as I covered my wound with 2 maxi pads covered in neosporin before securing it with my bra strap. 
The rest of the outfit was a blur, by the time I was presentable, it was my running shoes, a Beacon Hills HS crew neck and random black sweats. I contemplated doing my makeup, something normal. Maybe some earrings, but then the thought of doing more made me tired and anxious. So I didn’t. 
“I’ve been calling your name sweetheart, are you okay?” My dad greeted me as I descended the steps. “Your mom says she called you this morning, did you leave your phone at Scott’s?” He asked whilst shoving the freshly toasted waffles into his mouth.
“Yeah,” I answered as nonchalantly as I could. 
“Okay, lets get on the road!” He clapped his hands together. He was the only teacher I ever saw excited to do his job, at least the coaching part. Him being normal, his normal usual self soothed me more than I had thought it ever would. My weird erratic dad and normal didn’t ever really belong in a sentence. But now, I was so glad to hear it. 
The entire drive there, including the two stops to two separate Starbucks, my dad never asked me what was wrong, or if something was the matter. And I liked that. Because it meant that it was possible that I could just go the whole day without hearing any shit about how so look or seem. “I’ll put you and Amala’s food in my office, I have a meeting today so I won’t be able to eat with you.” He gave me the keys to his office and bid me a goodbye before walking down to the head office rather than his usual loop around the back of the building near the fields. 
“Amala!” I was able to pinpoint her very quickly, of course tied to her hip was her charity Isaac. I stopped myself and pinched my brow, cursing myself for even calling him that. I had no qualms with Isaac. He needed Amala. She was good to and for him, as he was to her. I just didn’t understand why or how SHE didn’t see the crush. I knew Scott had feelings for me, as did much of our 8th grade class when Stiles accidentally blurted it out loud in detention.
I just didn’t act on it… usually. 
Not till last night.
Isaac must have seen my face because after greeting me, he told Amala he was going to go to his locker. “Amala I’m about to tell you something and you have to believe me okay. I swear to God I’m not lying.”
Amala chuckled, but her smile dropped once she realized the gravity of my tone. “Are you okay?” She asked and I shook my head. I wasn’t going to lie. Not to her. “What happened?” She stepped closer and lowered her tone and I took that as an opportunity to loop my arms into hers and slowly walk to our destination. “You’re scaring me.”
“I think I was bitten by a werewolf last night.” I blurted and she paused. 
“Is that why you weren’t answering your phone? I checked your location and it said you were at the…” She trailed off, “The Nature Reserve… then Stiles texted me asking if I had talked to you or Scott…” Her full lips pursed into a tight thin line as she turned to me fully. Without asking, I pulled down the collar of my crew neck as best as I could, and peeling back the two pads. I watched as her face pinched into disgust and I quickly covered it back up. “Scott got bitten too?” 
I nodded, and then visibly tensed as I watched Scott adiscard his bike and begin jogging over to us. “Let’s go,” I grabbed her hand, she craned her neck to see Scott and she waved slightly as it was obvious he was bee lining for us. Amala didn’t mind Scott, it was Stiles’ she couldn’t stand. Somehow every time they met in middle school Stiles did something to massively annoy her. First day of school and he spills juice on her brand new shoes, next day he slips and spills milk on her second pair of brand new shoes, after that she avoided him for a few weeks but that was enough for her to not like him. And I understood why. Her shoes never not smelled like milk again. 
“Winter! Winter wait!” Scott called out, giving up as Amala and I rounded the corner. 
“Shouldn’t you two be like stragetizing on what to do about your bites?” 
“Scott and I had sex last night.” I blurted and she stopped walking, almost tugging me back as her mouth dropped in disbelief. “What?”
“Werewolf, I get that…but you fucked Scott? Scott McCall?” She stared at me in disbelief, to which I stared right back at her with that same disbelief. How was that more unbelievable than a big furry biting me in the woods? “I mean, no offense but you’re kind of a prude.” 
I raised my brows and she covered her mouth. And for several long moments, we didn’t say anything. “I’m not a prude!”
“I mean…” 
“Well not anymore, and that's the problem.” I huffed and waved her off her and continued walking around to the fields. “I didn’t want to do that but I couldn’t- I couldn’t stop myself.” I started from the beginning of the night at the reserve. And the deer herd, seeing the beast and being dragged away, watching Scott get bitten and then fighting back. I stopped thinking maybe I was crying, but I wasn’t. Retelling the story, remembering the memories, everything felt bleak. 
“I think he walked home with me on his back… we were both covered in blood. He put me in the tub to wake me up, he was crying. I was crying. Then I just- we just… It felt good, I mean, he was good. But it didn’t feel right. I-I, I don’t know. It felt like-” I winced as I heaved the heavy doors to the athletic wing open, shoving the keys back into my pocket while letting her walk in. But that pain helped me string my words together. “Like it wasn’t us. Like it wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“You’re gonna have to talk to him, you know that right?” Amala brushed her hair off her shoulders, making me realize that it had been straightened, which wasn’t a normal thing for her. “Put your dicks away!” She called in, banging on a locker as we entered through the boys locker room. The only players who came this early to train were Danny and Jackson, Danny more so than his friend. And Jackson was the last person I wanted to see. I would rather talk to Scott right now then deal with Jackson’s ego. 
My dad's office was usually always unlocked, especially in the morning, and there on his desk were Amala and I’s breakfast. It was a tradition he and I had for a long time now, eating breakfast together in his office, pissing off my first period teacher because I would always be late. Especially that stupid fucking chem teacher, he hated me, Scott, Amala, my dad and especially Stiles. 
“I know.” I said lowly, and that seemed to be the end of our conversation about Scott which I was thankful for. “But Im scared. I don’t know what to do. Should I go to the hospital?” 
“And have them call your mom? You’d be shipped out of here faster than-“ She paused to think of a comparison but couldn’t. “Well you know what I mean. I think you and Scott have to get your stories straight before either of you decide to go. Doesn’t he work at your uncle’s vet place? Maybe your uncle can take a look at it?” 
I hummed, acknowledging that that was actually a very good idea. Alan wouldn’t tell my mom if I made him promise, I was like his only niece in the area. Well I was his only niece, at least for now until Aunt Marin would have her own but she didn’t seem too interested. Not that I cared to share the limelight. “Well, I think you really need to talk to Scott, especially about these bites. For all we know, you guys are being recruited for a bigger picture and not just because some big dog was bored. You told me that it didn’t further attack you, or give real chase. What if this is some sort of deeper conspiracy type thing.” 
“That,” I bit the corner of my fingernail, processing the word recruitment over and over again in my head. “That is actually a really good thought process Amala.” I couldn’t cover my tone, I couldn’t not sound worried now. What sort of thing needs to recruit strangers, and if it were- that would assume they would have to contact us again about the bite. What would they do if we decided not to  join their… pack? 
“Also,” She shoved the last bite of her breakfast sandwich into her mouth, chewing it loudly before swallowing just as dramatically. “I think you need to really unpack what's going on between you and Scott. You’re lying to me about something- and I will wait to hear the truth because I can tell it’s been bothering you so I don’t want to push-”
“Also because I’m apparently a werewolf.”
“That too, but I think Scott and you are a very cute couple. Could you do better? Maybe, he’s a little weird but I think you have enough room in your heart for him to be more than just your best friend.” Tossing her wrapper in the trash, she stood up just as the bell rang. “I gotta find Isaac, I have his version of the English homework.”
I began to clear out my food as well and a part of me wanted to ask her about what she thought I was lying about, but I didn’t have it in me to have the conversation. I just appreciated that she was giving me time. When we arrived at our first period, Isaac was already there in the class instead of pacing and waiting for Amala.
“Lahey!” Someone else called out to Isaac. Some other benchwarming swim team fuck walked around us and over to Isaac who turned away, head and eyes down and lowered to the table. “Aw what’s wrong?” The taunted, not whatsoever seeing Amala walk over to them. 
“Can you move?” She barked and the guy turned to her before chuckling. “Move.” She repeated herself. Isaac stood up, now towering over both of them but what he had in height- he lacked in confidence. “Get the fuck out of my face!” She snapped, ignoring Isaac’s hand that grabbed her elbow in an attempt to mediate. In retaliation she smacked his books out of his hands which made several other students laugh. 
“You littl-” I wedged myself between them and cleared my throat. There was something that felt different, maybe an unfiltered rage. Something that shifted. In me. And then in the tension of the room. Amala grabbed my wrist but I didn’t stop staring. Not even when the fucknut turned his head uncomfortably. Probably unsure of whether he wanted to hit me and save his pride or pick up his and get ragged on. “Can you move so I can pick up my stuff?”
I didn’t want to. 
But Amala moved to sit next to Isaac, so I turned to move as well. 
“You’re bleeding on my shit!” He huffed. Amala stood up and yanked me back, her brown eyes peeled back wide. Immediately I covered my nose, it could only have been that logically. When I looked back down at my hands, sure enough my fingers were drabbled with blood. “Fuck thats so gross.”
“Bro shut up!” Amala snapped and several other students giggled again. I raised my hand to ease her but she did not sit down. “Are you sure? I can walk with you.” I shook my head, I could feel it in my throat now, but it was losing its taste of blood. It was becoming something else. 
“I’ll be right back.” I said and quickly made my escape, bumping into the teacher as he entered the room. I could feel the bite burn again, stinging against the cotton of the pads. I prayed it wasn’t bleeding too. But I knew that it, and that feeling, was because of this bite. I was walking so fast I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t even going in the direction of the nurse. But my dad's office. 
“Hey Winter,” I pulled my body away narrowly missing smacking against the lockers as Jackson seemingly materilizid out of fucking nowhere. “Are you bleeding? Are you okay?” He grabbed at me again this time his grip reached my elbow. I wanted to just let my body fall limp. Slide down the lockers and onto the ground. Maybe he would leave me alone. 
I learned my lesson with Scott. Wanting a warm body to console me when I was not ready. Scott was safe. I wasn’t sure how I got to where I was with Jackson. But I regretted it. And I would do anything to go back to that night. 
“We never finished,” He smirked, his hands trailed down my elbow and to his pocket where he pulled out a crumpled tissue. I tried my best not to give him eye contact, to just ignore him till he was done with his show. Till he could go back to Lydia’s full time boyfriend slash meal ticket. He pushed the tissue up to my face, dapping my nose lightly before overlapping my hand with his to pass the tissue to me. Then he chuckled, and by curiosity I peered over to look at him. “Our night,” He said gingerly. 
“I know, maybe because I remembered that you have a girlfriend.” I hissed through grit teeth. I forced myself to breathe, inhale, hold and exhale. He leaned in, his hand planted at the base of my neck- pressing against my bite. It made my heart skip a beat and go straight between my ears. The pain was paralyzing. I could feel his lips against me and I didn’t care, I grabbed his hand and pushed him away weakly. The lack of support from his hand made my knees buckle. He pulled away, his head twisting down the hall and he immediately let me go. 
“What!” He snapped before walking off in the opposite direction. I turned my head slightly and sighed when I saw Stiles standing there, mouth agape. I covered my face and slid down the lockers, appreciating at least how cool the floors were against my hot skin. The bite was leaking, I could feel it but at least my nose wasn’t. But the pain, the pain was still there. 
Stiles stood there for a moment longer before walking over to me slowly. I did not look up at him. I couldn’t. “Stiles,” I wheezed, “I didn’t kiss him.” He bent down to me before sitting next to me. “I didn’t.” 
“I know.” He sat next to me. “Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded slowly. My heart was slowing, becoming normal again. And the pain was dulling. Slowly. “So, does this mean Lydia and Jackson aren’t together now?” He asked and I laughed, but I did not answer. “Winter, are you… are you and Jackson-”
“No…” I shook my head. “No… My parents are… divorcing. And I haven’t told Scott because before that project, it was like nothing was more important to him than lacrosse. He just- He just wanted to practice, all the time… And I didn’t want him to worry about me.” I licked my lips, hating how dry they had become. Stiles sighed and sat next to me against the lockers. “My mom has been in Santa Monica for almost 3 months. But they haven’t slept in the same room for almost a year.”
“One night, my mom called and asked me how I would feel if I lived with her in Santa Monica. And I just needed someone.” I paused, closing my eyes and willing the tears to stop. I just wanted it all to stop. “I had plans with Jackson to study, we had a big test just before break. And I went over. I’ve known Jackson for so long. And Lydia, she can be sharp- a bitch even, but… anyway. I told him. And we just bonded over having bullshit with our parents.” 
Stiles nodded and placed his hand on mine, squeezing it. “And one thing led to another?” 
I shook my head, “No I stopped it. We kissed but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that to Scott. He was all I was thinking about the whole time. How much this would hurt him. Jackson is an asshole to him. I figured if I was going to go for anyone, it can’t be Jackson. But Jackson just thinks it's funny. Like he has something over Scott. I threatened to have my dad kick him off first line if he told anyone.”
“Not that he would, I think Lydia would castrate him.” Stiles joked and I laughed weakly. I just didn’t have it in me to laugh when I wanted to cry so badly. “I won’t tell Scott, but, I need you to promise me that you will tell him.” I looked at Stiles, my head shaking as I sputtered a plea but Stiles brushed me off. 
“You have to before someone else does."
The car ride to the nature reserve was silent. I sat in the back this time, my eyes were heavy and my body was tired. The last thing I wanted to do was trek through the woods again. All this shit about the werewolf, about Scott, my parents, everything. I forgot that I had seen a dead fucking body. Severed. In half. 
But I didn’t complain. Being in the car with Scott was the most comfortable I had been since this morning. The day dragged and Amala had practically glued herself to me, which then had Isaac tagging along as well. I didn’t mind it. If the roles were reversed I would be doing the same. But I just wanted things to feel normal. Even when I knew they weren’t. 
My bite was an afterthought at this point. I didn’t feel it currently, so it was the one thing I could ignore. The moment the car stopped, Stiles was on go. Walking away from the car as if it weren’t Scott who could be leading us. Scott helped me out of the car, and I gripped the actual shit out of his hand. I didn’t want to let it go, and didn’t seem like he minded. Then I remembered how I treated him this morning. “I’m sorry!” I blurted and Scott froze, his brows rising in confusion. “I missed your practice, and about this morning. I have so much going on. I just…” 
“I didn’t set that up, if that's what you were thinking. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Scott scratched the back of his head with his free hand as we walked slowly towards Stiles, who waited further in the distance. But he didn’t let my hand go. 
I laughed, a real one. “How could you have possibly set up a werewolf to bite us both? Is that your porn category?” I joked but Scott didn’t seem to share the same enthusiasm. I stopped and gently yanked him to face me. “It was a werewolf, Scott.” I reiterated, almost like I wanted him to repeat it. 
“Okay!” He exclaimed but I could tell he was just saying it to appease me. “Okay, it was a wolf.” I shook my head and pulled my hand away from him to pull to my collar and pulled it down. The pads had been replaced with gauze Amala scored me somehow from the nurse without raising brows. But, as expected, the gauze was growing red. “Winter-”
“No,” I shot him down. “I saw it, Scott. I saw it when it pinned you down on top of me, and I thought that if I didn’t- if I didn’t do something-” I raised my hands up and forced the memories out. “I saw it. And more importantly.” I tapped my forehead. “Explain that.”
He didn’t seem to understand what I meant at first, and I could tell he was opening his mouth to argue but stopped. “Maybe it, maybe it just- I-I I don’t know okay!” He walked away and I sighed as I followed. Stiles waited for us to catch us and I ignored the looks he kept giving me. I could tell what he was doing, asking me if I had told him. But how could I if he wasn’t even listening to me. 
“I um,” Scott spoke up again. “I did something today at practice. I was really good. Coach made me goalie and it- it just felt like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And,” Scott paused, peering back at Stiles and I. “My hearing and my smell, it’s like enhanced.”
“Enhanced how?” Stiles asked. 
“Like, I know you have mint mojito gum in your pocket.” Scott answered and we all stopped to see. Stiles fixed his mouth to doubt, but had indeed pulled a stick of gum out. Then proceed to eat it. I focused my best on my nose, on what I was breathing in but I couldn’t smell the gum. I had focused so hard, I snorted. 
“This is it.” It was Stiles who actually said it, which made both Scott and I turn to him. “That's either the dead body's blood, or one of yours.” He pointed at a rock and my back tingled as if a reminder of yesterday. The blood was still wet probably from the rain, and it was much more than I remember. 
“Do you see your inhaler? I want to go.” I whispered, wincing as I could hear those same stupid fucking birds cawing. I prayed he would find it and fast. “Please hurry and find it, if you can’t find it I’ll buy you a new one.” I tried my best to sound polite, but I was growing hot and panicked. My eyes didn’t know where to look, the ground or the treeline, so I just looked up. At those stupid fucking birds. 
I could hear them both sifting through the leaves, Scott swearing it would have to be around there somewhere. “So, you two were bitten by a big wolf on a full moon?” Stiles asked and Scott sighed. 
“Don’t start Stiles-”
“I mean, c’mon. And now you’re suddenly good at lacrosse-”
“Hey!” I knew Stiles was joking, but still. “Scott’s always been good.” Stiles pursed his lips together as if not to laugh. “If Scott’s bad then what are you exactly?”
Scott chuckled as Stiles rolled his eyes and gave me a pointed, “Touche. But, I mean, there is an actual infection out there that you get from wolves.” This time, Scott did stop. Innocuous, he looked up at Stiles with a look of concern. Fortunately, I already knew where Stiles was heading with this. “Yeah, I think its called um-”
“Lycanthropy right?” I smiled sarcastically and Stiles nodded, still keeping the same gravity in his tone. I rolled my eyes and turned around to hide my creeping smile as Scott’s naivety. “Oh my god.” I breathed out and let Stiles continue. 
“Well- is it bad?” 
“Yeah man, I mean but it’s only like once a month.”
“Like a period?”
I threw my head back and laughed, and Stiles was beginning to lose his award winning act. “Yeah sort of, once a month, on the night of the full moon- Aroooo!” He called out and laughed as Scott playfully threw leaves at him. “Dude, I’m just saying. A big wolf bit- oh shit.”
I turned around and almost jumped myself as a few meters away stood a man. He stared at us almost unimpressed- probably from our conversation- before walking over to us. He was pale, with dark hair that made his skin seem even lighter. Like stone. Attractive. Very attractive. We all closed the gap between us, me grabbing Scott and Stiles wrists but Scott stood unmoving, as if shielding me from the stranger. 
“You’re on private property.” He said and for a moment, the three of us just stared at him. He raised his brow and cocked his head, awaiting our answer. I cleared my throat to speak up but Scott did instead. 
“Yeah man, sorry… we were just looking for something…” The man squinted his eyes into a pointed glare, sending chills up all of our backs. He dropped eye contact with Scott and looked at me. I could see his eyes drop down to my shoulder and I instinctively covered it the best I could with my hand. Both Stiles and Scott stepped in closer, now blocking me completely from this man. I silently thanked them, pressing my forehead against the back of Scott’s arm- not realizing how much I had begun to sweat. 
There was no communication after that. The man tossed him his inhaler and then turned around and began walking off into the distance. The three of us didn’t move for a solid minute before Stiles' ass squeaked. “Gross Stiles!” I laughed breathily through my nose and stepped back from him before it could possibly engulf me. 
“Um, you’d be farting too if you knew who that was which obviously ya don’t.” Stiles sassed me, “Guys, thats Derek Hale. Ya know, his family all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago! He’s like only a few years older than us.”
“I wonder what he’s doing back then, maybe a… anniversary?” I pondered allowed and Scott shrugged, hanging his arm around my shoulders but quickly dropping it after feeling me wince. “Let’s just get out of here, I’m exhausted.” 
The walk to the back to the car and the drive to my house was much more obnoxious than the drive there. Stiles was gladly filling in a lot of conversation, but it felt normal again. Like we were driving to a game or scrimmage. I played with Scott’s hair on the side that wasn’t visible to Stiles, and Scott moved his head closer to allow me. 
Once we rounded the corner to my street, I caught Stiles' eyes in the rearview mirror. He didn’t blink or wink in code. The prolonged eye contact was enough for me to know what he was telling me to do. My stomach turned and I could feel myself grow heavy with anticipation and worry.  “Scott um, I-I have to talk to you.” The walk from the car to my porch was too short, and I wished anything would happen. 
I wished his phone would ring, or mine. Or that my dad would come home. Or even my mom. I wish for a meteorite or whatever it's called when a space rock hits earth. I wished I would throw up, pass out. I didn’t want to tell him how I had betrayed him. How I had kept it from him. 
He didn’t believe me at first. And I almost wanted to say April Fools. 
“Fuck you Winter.” 
I cried that night like I never had before. Everything hurt. I shoved my blanket into my mouth to help, to make the pain go away. And even when the bite mark stopped burning deeper and deeper into my body- the throbbing in my chest never eased. 
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