#see you in two and a half years to process the car accident and graduation ig 🫡
anneonomus · 10 months
developed terminal “thinking about freshman year of college” disease in these last couple weeks 😔✌️ send help
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"get me a damned matcha" | Chapter 16: September II
{{ Chapter 15: August II | Chapter 17: October II }} Chapter Directory
this is honestly my fave chapter tbh, i've had it written since may
if you wanna get tagged for updates, fill out this form here!
✧ pairing ➼ levi ackerman x fem!reader, college x coffee shop x roommates!au ✧ summary ➼ After you find yourself plagued with misfortune due to struggles in your personal and family life, you find yourself needing to move last minute. As a junior in undergrad with little money and little social support, you considered yourself lucky when you found a sublease that was close to campus and was relatively cheap. Unfortunately, it seemed that your roommate did not seem to be so excited regarding your presence. ✧ content/warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, mutual pining, idiots in love, car accident, explicit descriptions of injury, blood, explicit descriptions of panic, explicit descriptions of being overstimulated (in a bad way) ✧ word count ➼ ~6.3k
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The events of the past month went unaddressed. Although part of it was due to the two of you avoiding each other, the biggest reason was simply because you were out of town. Paradis University had enrolled in an annual conference for aspiring authors to attend in their junior or senior year. You didn't make it in last year because of the chaos surrounding Zack and moving, so you dropped everything to make sure you were able to go this year to get some networking under your belt.
This resulted in Levi coming home to an empty apartment for the past week. Once again, he found himself feeling defeated whenever he went home and was reminded that you weren't going to be there for the night. He remembered that when you first moved in, he couldn't wait to get rid of you. Now, not having you around felt wrong, as if he was missing a constant in his life.
Being left to his own thoughts whenever he was at home forced him to try to process what had happened two weeks ago. He remembered being in shambles after half of his work that was saved remotely on his computer in lab went down in flames, which would push him back at least another year in terms of graduating. He remembered coming home to see that you had been sitting at the dining table all day, waiting for him. He remembered you hugging him—which was more than enough to throw him into a state of shock (the last time you had hugged him was when you were horrifically drunk)—before kissing him. 
He had kissed you back. 
He knew that. What he didn't know was what this meant. Was it just emotions running high? The whole incident seemed so blurred to him and you just never addressed it afterwards. Not having you around to talk about it was even worse, although he wasn't even sure if he wanted to bring it up. It could've just been a mistake that you two could forget ever happened.
Levi sighed to himself, scowling at the freshly brewed batch of tea that he had restocked to prepare for the evening rush of customers. The sun had just gone down and ominous clouds were beginning to cover the sky. That translated to more people taking shelter in the café, which meant more work for him.
Good, it'd at least take his mind off of you, although his eyebrows furrowed as he wondered when you'll arrive home, given the incoming storm. He knew it didn't matter in the end. He'd be up regardless. The real question was if that shared kiss was worth bringing up.
As he pondered over if he wanted to subject himself to that conversation, he was distracted by the buzzing of his phone in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was Marlo calling.
What the hell does that kid want?
He pressed the answer button and brought his phone up to his ear.
"What?" Levi asked in an irritated fashion. "I thought you didn't get back until tomorrow."
Levi's facial expression quickly transitioned from an irate one to a horrified one as Marlo quickly spoke to him over the phone. The young man was talking so fast that it was nearly incomprehensible, with clear panic present in his voice, which was further muffled by the sound of the wind coming through the phone, which indicated that he was outside. 
As soon as Marlo said the words "car accident", Levi's eyes widened and his face drained of color.
You and Marlo were carpooling to and from the conference together.
"I know you're roommates and I didn't know who else to call," Marlo continued to speak as Levi remained silent. "_____'s unconscious and I can't get her to wake up and I don't even know if she's breathing and-"
"What the fuck are you calling me for?" Levi said in a monotonous tone. "Call the ambulance already, you idiot."
Levi began to walk towards the staff locker room, untying his apron as he continued to speak into the phone.
"I'll be there in ten."
He hung up the phone and momentarily looked at the call log that popped up, with his eyes out of focus, indicating that he wasn't actually processing what it was that was on the screen. Levi stood still in front of his locker for a while, unable to put his phone down or put his apron away, being completely paralyzed at the situation that had just been dropped onto him.
"Shit," he muttered to himself, pulling himself out of his stupor.
Suddenly feeling an incredible sense of urgency, Levi threw his apron into his locker, grabbed his wallet and car keys and rushed out of the café towards his own car.
Focusing on the road felt impossible. The storm had come down in full force, limiting the visibility of the road, and Levi couldn't get his own heart rate to calm down. He had told Marlo that he'd get there in ten minutes, but it became closer to twenty due to the storm. If Marlo was telling the truth in that he didn't know if you were breathing, Levi could be much too late by the time he arrived.
He continued to curse at himself as more and more time passed. He had foolishly been wondering if he wanted to bring up something as innocent as a kiss once you got home when you had actually been in a car crash that could possibly take your life. It felt trivial to be stressed over something as small as a kiss. He gripped at the steering wheel upon realizing that, depending on your state once he found you, addressing whatever was going on between the two of you might not be a reality. He could be too late. 
He wouldn't have the chance to explore that with you, instead only being left with a sense of regret for not bringing it up sooner.
His eyes that were fixated on the road darted around his field of vision, keeping an eye out for the red and blue flashing lights that indicated the presence of an ambulance. He felt his breathing begin to destabilize the longer he drove without the siren of an ambulance in the distance. 
Maybe they had already gotten to you and were on their way with you to the hospital. That would be the best case scenario.
His heart dropped once he arrived at the location that Marlo had sent him. No ambulance had arrived. Marlo's totaled car had its emergency blinkers on and Levi could see that there were parts from the front bumper strewn about the ground. The main frame of the car was completely bent in and the passenger side of the car was caved in. 
Levi immediately turned on his own blinkers and got out of the car, holding his hand over his head in an attempt to at least keep the rainwater out of his eyes as he sprinted over to Marlo. 
Marlo himself seemed fine, save for a few scratches, but he definitely looked panicked. 
Levi felt his panic and anxiety only continue to increase as his eyes searched for where you were, his eyes immediately snapping to the passenger's seat once Marlo pointed out where you were. 
Marlo was saying something, but none of it was processed by Levi as he stumbled through the wreckage to get to where you were. Once he finally reached the door, he tugged on it to pry it open after it had gotten stuck due to the main frame of the car caving in. 
He let out a sharp exhale once he saw you.
Your side of the car had gotten directly hit and your airbag had failed to pop out. You were leaning forward with your head against the dash, your arm was bent at an odd angle, and blood was gushing out of your nose and down your face from a wound that Levi couldn't begin to attempt to identify.
He could tell that you weren't hurt anywhere else. None of your chest and abdominal regions seemed to have been punctured and weren't bleeding, but he had no idea how bad your head injury was. He could understand why Marlo had panicked. 
He wasn't processing anything around him. He didn't feel the rain falling on him, hear the thunder crashing above him, or even see anything that wasn't the sight of you leaning forward in that car after having smashed your head against the dashboard. Panic only continued to build in his gut and it took everything in him to pull himself back into reality.
"Shit," he said out loud as he pulled out his phone, shakily dialing for the ambulance again. 
After placing his phone back into his pocket, he leaned forward and stepped over some of the debris and placed one hand on the nape of your neck and used the other to gently push you away from the dash, his breath getting caught in his throat once he saw your head bob to the side. He got a closer look at your arm and was able to deduce that your arm was certainly broken, but he still had no idea how bad your head injury actually was. There was certainly more blood dripping down your face than he had initially expected.
"_____?" he called for you, raising his voice so that you would be able to hear him over the pouring rain. 
You didn't stir, but he was now close enough that he could see your chest rise and fall. You were still breathing. That at least meant you were still alive. 
He felt himself exhale in relief at that one positive fact amongst the ocean of negatives around him.
Levi gently shook at your shoulder in a vain attempt to wake you.
Open your eyes. Come on, _____, open your fucking eyes.
You weren't waking.
"_____!" he called out again, feeling his breath hitch as he saw the extent that you were continuing to bleed from your head wound.
Knowing that you weren't going to wake, he looped one arm under your legs and the other around your shoulders, propping your head up against his chest as he lifted you out of the car. He glanced down at the blood on your face that was mixing in with the rain water and he felt his own heart rate only continue to rise. His shirt was soaked in the mixture that was your blood and the rain water falling down on him. Your hair was matted and stuck to your head from the bleeding. 
The worst part was that there was still no sign of an approaching ambulance.
"Fuck!" he yelled out.
He immediately turned around and began carrying you back to his car. 
"Stay here so you can report what happened when the police decide to actually get their asses here," he spoke to Marlo as he walked past him. "Keep me updated."
Levi slowly lowered your legs down to free his hand to open up the passenger side door for you, taking care to not put too much pressure on your broken arm. He reclined the seat all the way back and then lifted you into the seat, immediately rushing to the driver's side once you were secure. 
He immediately turned on the engine and drove off as soon as he shut the driver's door, desperately trying to deduce the fastest route to the hospital. The last time he drove around in this state was when he had gone looking for you during the New Year's Eve party. The exact scenario that was happening in front of him—finding you injured, in trouble, or hurt—kept playing through his head during that night. Relief fell upon him when that reality didn't come to fruition.
That sense of relief felt stupid now. 
"You better stay with me, you goddamned brat," he mumbled as he glanced over at you, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he pressed down on the gas pedal to speed his way over to the hospital as quickly as he could.
He couldn't tell if the wetness was from the blood or rainwater. He had taken off his jacket that was drenched in rainwater (or blood, he couldn't tell). 
Levi currently stared at himself in the mirror of one of the private bathrooms in the hospital. He didn't want to wander into a public one in the state that he was in. 
He was absolutely filthy. His hands, arms, and shirt were covered in blood. He had spent the past five minutes desperately trying to wash away the blood on his hands and arms, but he couldn't get all of it off. Even if he could, it would do little to ease his distress. He had continued to scrub harder and harder in a vain attempt to not only wash off the blood, but also the stupidly uncomfortable feeling that was building in his chest and throat upon seeing your blood that had dried onto him. 
He had scrubbed until his arms were raw, yet the blood stains were still there and his distress had not shown any signs of dissipating. 
He gripped at the sink and tightly shut his eyes. Everything was setting his senses on overdrive. His eyes hurt from the bright hospital lights, his skin hurt from the scrubbing and the feeling of his wet clothes clinging onto him, his head hurt from hearing the whirring of the ventilation above him and from the smell of hospital cleaners permeating his nose. He felt nauseated and wanted to throw up. He couldn't stop his shaking. Every breath he took felt like he was inhaling fire. Even the loose strands of hair that rested upon his forehead felt like they were stabbing into him. 
He had rushed you into the emergency room as soon as he had arrived and felt both a sense of relief and dread once they took you away. He was relieved that you were finally getting help, but also hated not being by your side. He had no idea if you were going to be okay. You were breathing and alive, sure, but he had no idea if you would wake and what state you would be in when you woke. 
He felt so stupid for holding back on discussing any of the intimate emotions that arose when he was around you, and even moreso when he recalled the fact that he had tried to push you away. He still didn't know what it was, but he knew it was something—and now he might never get the chance to figure out what that something was. 
Levi slowly opened his eyes again and looked at his reflection. He really was a mess. He took a shaky inhale in an attempt to calm himself down. He couldn't last the night in this state and he needed to be by you when you woke up—if you woke up.
He felt his breathing destabilize again upon having that thought.
Shit, get yourself together.
He tried again to take a breath in.
Breath in for four.
Hold for four.
Out for four.
Hold for four.
After a few more rounds of box-breathing, Levi was finally able to loosen his grip on the sink. He felt weak and his lips looked pale. He hadn't eaten anything since the afternoon before he left for his shift and it was now approaching 10pm, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep anything down until he knew if you were okay.
He slowly walked out of the bathroom, silently thanking the heavens that the waiting room was mostly empty. He didn't know how well he'd be able to cope with people walking around and talking next to him. Every additional sound was only contributing to his headache.
Levi collapsed into one of the chairs that was close to the operating room so he could be prepared when someone came out to inform him of your condition. One hand was rapidly tapping on the armrest of the chair and he found himself biting at his nails on the other—something he's never found himself to do. He only recalled resorting to it in an attempt to calm his anxiety down once—when he was waiting to hear back about his mother before she passed.
He remembered calling the ambulance when his mother had fainted after weeks of being sick and weak, kneeling next to her as the ambulance took much too long to arrive at his home. He remembered sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, regularly going up to the front desk asking if she was going to be okay. She wasn't. 
He was only eight at the time—and here he was, nearly 15 years later, feeling like he had regressed back into the body of that small child that kept on begging to himself that his mother had survived and being devastated when she didn't. He didn't know if he could go through that again.
Every second that passed was agonizing. He needed to know. He wouldn't be able to rest until he knew. Part of him wanted to just assume that you were dead so that he wouldn't be as devastated when they delivered bad news, but that itself was already too painful for him to bear.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally heard footsteps approaching from the operating room.
"Mr...Ackerman, was it?" someone spoke as they flipped through some papers on a clipboard.
Levi's eyes shot up at the doctor that had approached him.
"Y-Y..." Levi began speaking and found that his words weren't coming out properly, immediately clearing his throat to gather himself. "Yes."
The doctor looked at him and then back to the forms that had your information listed on it.
"Are you her boyfriend, I assume? She had you listed as her emergency contact." 
"What?" Levi asked, his eyes widening at both the fact that you had listed him as your emergency contact and at the doctor's somewhat absurd question. "No, I'm her roommate."
The doctor noticed his reaction.
"My mistake," they said, lowering the clipboard. "She just didn't have anyone else listed, so I assumed. That's my bad."
Levi had known about what happened with your parents and your turbulent relationship with your aunt, so he wasn't too surprised at the fact that you had listed him as your emergency contact. However, he would have assumed that you would have put Petra or Oluo instead of him. If he wasn't so freaked out about this entire situation, he might have even felt flattered.
Levi listened closely as the doctor discussed your injuries with him. He was correct in that you had a broken arm, the doctor had mentioned that it had been fractured in the accident, but should heal in a month as long as you didn't injure it again. You had a sprained ankle that should heal within a week. The most concerning injury was your head injury. The doctor mentioned that they did a CT scan and said that you had a "mild traumatic brain injury", which immediately caused Levi to tense up. 
"Fortunately, it was mild enough that she should have a speedy recovery and doesn't need to be held here for prolonged observation, but I would suggest the two of you be on the lookout for any developments."
Levi nodded as the doctor spoke, feeling himself able to gradually calm down after the doctor only listed non-fatal injuries. You were going to be okay.
"We'll probably keep her until the morning when she wakes so we can do a mental status exam, but she should be good to go home afterwards."
Levi sat back down in the chair again once the doctor walked off, holding his head in his hand. The sudden wave of relief that overtook him was almost as bad as the distress that he had been feeling for the past few hours.
Thank fuck you're okay, you annoying ass brat.
The last thing you remembered was the blaring horn of a pickup truck that had slammed into your side of the car. There was nothing after that.
Your head felt like it was trying to explode from the inside out. It made it so that you felt nauseated and even attempting to open your eyes seemed to prolong the pain. There was an annoyingly persistent beeping sound next to you that made it feel like there was a hammer pounding at your head every time you heard it.
Your arm felt even worse. You felt like you had gotten punched in the shoulder, except the pain radiated throughout your entire arm. You tried to lift it to maybe stretch it out to normalize the pain, but even your slight movement made a surge of pain shoot through you in such an intense wave that you wanted to cry. 
You finally peeled your eyes open and found yourself staring at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room. You weren't in your room. You weren't in your living room. You had no idea where you were. You looked down and saw a pulse oximeter attached to your left index finger and that your right arm was tightly held in a cast.
Your eyes widened and you looked over to the side at a sight that was definitely unfamiliar to you.
You saw Levi sitting at the side of your bed, looking down at the ground with a grim expression. You looked towards your night stand and saw three empty coffee cups, indicating that he had literally stayed up all night watching over you.
He suddenly raised his head as he heard you shuffling around, taking a deep breath once he saw your eyes looking back at him.
He scoffed as he shook his head at you.
"About fucking time," he said in an annoyed tone. 
You couldn't see it, but his nails had been digging into his hands for the majority of the night, and it wasn't until now that he had been able to release his clenched fists. The events of the past 12 hours had put him in a state that he hasn't experienced since childhood.
He saw you try to push yourself up and he immediately stood up, placing his hand on your back to help push you up so that you were sitting.
Your cheeks flushed up as soon as he came over to you and even more so when he placed his hand on your back. He was being oddly caring and it made you suspicious.
"Lev', where are we? What happened?"
Levi sat back down once you were up and stable.
"You were in a car accident, _____."
Your eyes went in and out of focus as you listened to Levi explain everything that had happened the previous night. He spoke about how he found you unconscious in the middle of the storm and had to drive you to the hospital himself. When you looked at him again, you saw that his shirt and pants were stained in red, which you deduced to be your own blood. 
He had been here literally all night. 
"And that's why I had to spend all night dragging your ass to the hospital," he finally ended and you grimaced at the irritation that you could hear in his voice. He was mad. You could tell that he was mad.
"...I'm sorry," you said, which earned you a bewildered look from Levi.
What the hell are you apologizing for? he thought.
"I'm sorry you had to go out of your way for that."
Levi scoffed and shook his head.
"You're such a dumbass."
"What?" you asked, unsure what he was referring to.
"Nothing," he said as he stood up. "I'm going to grab the doctor since you finally decided to wake up. Don't move."
"Not like I can move anyway."
Levi grunted as he turned away and walked out the door, the corner of his mouth twitching up slightly into a small smirk. The presence of your normally irritating sass indicated that you were okay and for the most part functional, which was all that mattered to him in this moment.
After being observed for 24 hours at the hospital, you were finally discharged and able to go home. The biggest concern was your head injury, so once it became clear that you didn't have a concussion, the doctor said that you were good to go, but to also keep an eye out for any signs that might reappear once you get home and to come back if they do. 
Levi walked closely behind you as you navigated your way down the hall towards the door to your apartment on crutches. You were technically able to walk, but were told not to until your ankle healed. 
He stepped forward to unlock and open the door for you and you immediately went for the kitchen table, collapsing down into one of the chairs, letting out an exasperated sigh. Everything was shit right now. You had a sprained ankle and a broken arm, and this was the first time you had been home in a week.
You weren't sure when, but your life living in this small apartment with Levi had quickly become somewhere you considered to be home.
"You'll let me know if you start feeling dizzy or any of that, yeah?" Levi asked, taking a seat next to you.
Although you were here in front of him now, he felt like his body still hadn't fully processed what had happened. He remembered just how panicked he was when he was waiting at the hospital and he still felt like there was another shoe that was going to be dropped. Something was going to happen where you fell and hurt yourself again or a symptom indicating a concussion would appear when he wasn't around to help you. He couldn't help but feel that he was still holding his breath for whatever follow-up disaster was going to occur.
You nodded, shutting one eye in pain as you tried to adjust yourself in the chair. Your entire body still ached and you knew you needed to move or at least do something to distract yourself from it.
"Where's my laptop?" you asked, opening your eye again.
Levi raised an eyebrow at you.
"Are you seriously thinking of doing work the day you get out of the hospital?"
"Where is my laptop?" you repeated, not being in the mood to suffer through Levi's attitude.
Levi sighed and leaned back in the chair.
"Marlo is coming to drop it off along with the rest of your things later tonight."
He frowned as he saw you tense up at his comment.
"How the hell am I supposed to catch up on my work-"
"Are you serious?" Levi snapped, cutting you off. "You're so stupid."
Your tenacity and stubbornness never failed to impress him. You literally had a life-or-death scenario and you were sitting in your kitchen worrying about missed schoolwork. 
His eyes darted over to you as he saw an offended look appear on your face. He immediately looked away, an uncomfortable feeling growing in his chest at the thought of hurting you.
Since when did he start caring so damn much about that?
"Get your ass on the couch and rest," he said, motioning over towards the living room before getting up. "I'll get you something to eat that's not the shitty hospital food."
The next 2-3 weeks primarily involved Levi helping you adjust to and heal from your injuries, which involved helping you in and out of bed, bringing you food, and generally helping you move around. He'd wake you up each morning with your coconut milk Matcha without fail, bringing a small smile to your face every time you took a sip.
After 3 weeks, you were able to take your arm out of the outer casing to move your shoulder around, but you still had to be careful to not move it too far or too quickly to avoid reinjuring it. Any symptoms of a possible concussion had long faded and moving your ankle became easier with each passing day. 
If you had to choose, the most annoying part was your inability to write. You remembered a point roughly a week after you came home, in which you were sitting in the living room with your bad leg propped up and your laptop sitting in your lap. Levi had been consistently telling you to cut it out whenever you tried to push yourself regarding school, which was made even worse given the fact that you could only type with one hand, significantly slowing you down.
You couldn't afford to be out of commission for a whole month. You sat in front of your computer, desperate for words to come out, and frustrated beyond belief at how slow your typing became due to your right arm being dysfunctional. You quietly groaned as you rubbed your head in pain. You needed more caffeine, and you were already past your third cup of coffee for the day.
"_____," you heard Levi call out from the dining area.
You didn't acknowledge him, only continuing to stare at your laptop screen as you tried to type as quickly as you could with your left hand.
You heard him sigh as he walked over and took your laptop from you, setting it down on the coffee table. 
"Cut it out," he said before you could protest, referring to you constantly pushing yourself past your limits when you were still trying to heal. "I'm sick of having to tell you this shit."
You knew that he was right. You couldn't realistically get any work done with the state that you were in, but you didn't want to just lay around either.
With the more days that passed, the more you became frustrated with your inability to take care of yourself that was compounded by Levi essentially hovering over you to make sure that you were okay. It was obnoxious and you relished any time you could actually have to yourself without your overbearing roommate watching your every move.
You currently found yourself laying in bed, glancing at the small ray of sunshine that peaked in through the curtains. You needed to get out of the house. You had been cooped in all week. While you were still supposed to be using your crutches, walking had gotten a bit less painful, which gave you hope that you could maybe go for a "walk" down the street.
You pushed yourself up off the bed, swinging your legs over the side, careful not to put too much pressure on your barely healed arm.
However, the unfortunate timing of when you pushed yourself up versus when you swung your legs over clashed with each other and you felt your bad ankle get caught in the blanket right as you moved. The sudden surge of pain briefly made you disoriented, which was more than enough to send you tumbling to the ground.
You whimpered in pain as you landed on your left shoulder (which was not the injured one, thankfully). Landing on your side also meant that you avoided hitting your head on anything. A dull ache radiated throughout your body as you rolled over onto your back. Every movement you made sent another wave of pain through you, which elicited more quiet groans of pain from you.
You tried to push yourself up, but you had nothing to grab onto and it hurt your arm too much to keep pushing yourself up. Your abs cried in pain whenever you tried to sit up on your own. You were stuck on the ground.
"Shit," you whispered to yourself. 
You knew the best course of action was to call Levi for help, but you had been so annoyed with his presence recently, that you'd rather lay on the ground and wait for the pain to pass so you could get up yourself.
However, not much time passed before you heard rushed footsteps approaching your door, and a dejected sigh escaped your lips.
You looked over as the door swung open and you saw Levi standing in the doorway with a scowl on his face.
"Hi," you said with a deadpan expression.
"Why the hell didn't you call me?" he asked as he flipped on the light switch, sounding as annoyed as he looked. "How long have you been down there?"
"Not long. I'm fine, Levi."
"No you're not," he said dismissively as he walked to you and helped you get up off the ground.
"I'm not a child, Levi," you said as you sat back down on your bed, rubbing at your left shoulder in pain. "I didn't need your help."
He stared at you, not believing a single word you were saying.
"So you're telling me you were just hugging the ground for the hell of it?"
He waited for you to come up with a snarky response or excuse as to why you were on the ground after he had heard a thud come from your room that didn't involve you tumbling out of your bed involuntarily. 
You didn't have one.
"Dumbass," he finally said. "Stay here."
You sat in your bed with an exasperated expression as you watched Levi walk out of your room after opening up the curtains so that you could get some sunlight. You heard him fumble around in the kitchen for a few minutes before he finally came back to your room with a cup of tea, setting it down on the nightstand next to you. His other hand held your computer, which you found oddly endearing for him to bring to you since he's been trying so hard to get you to not work on anything related to school.
"Could've gotten that myself," you grumbled.
"Could you have?" 
You rolled your eyes. Your arm cast was off, so you were able to move your arm around, although it still wasn't completely healed. You waved your arm to show him that you were functional, but then winced as you moved your arm a bit too far back, which earned you another surge of pain running up your arm. 
Levi stared at you with an unamused look as he watched you blatantly hurt yourself again.
"Quit looking at me like that," you said, frowning. "I can take care of myself. Arm's healed for the most part. I can walk without those stupid crutches now. I-"
"Can you just shut the fuck up so you can heal from this shit already?" Levi scolded, cutting you off, getting sick of your commentary.
"I don't need you hovering over me 24/7, Levi!"
"Tch. Tell me that when you go for a day without falling on your ass at some point."
He glanced at you again and saw that you were scowling at him.
"I can take care of myself," you said, clenching your fists in frustration, "so quit wasting your time feeling like you have to watch over me."
Levi remained quiet for a few seconds as he turned away, averting his gaze. 
He spoke quietly.
"I just don't want to lose you again, you dumbass."
It had been a few weeks since the accident at this point, yet that feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop never left. Levi still felt like any minute, something else would happen and you'd slip from his grasp. He couldn't get over the feeling of his heart absolutely sinking once he saw your condition in the wreckage or how he had relentlessly scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until his arms were raw in that hospital bathroom in a desperate attempt to scrub away all of the chaos running through his mind as he waited for you in the operating room. He felt that if he had slipped up in any way, something would happen, and you would have to pay the price for it.
"Shit," he mumbled. "Why do you have to do this to me, _____?"
"Do what?"
He looked down at his hands, remembering the sight of them after he dropped you off at the hospital. The events of that stormy night kept running through his head, as if he was trapped in it. 
Levi looked back up into your eyes. You were here in front of him, awake and breathing—the opposite of when he found you in that car, unconscious, bleeding, with unstable breathing patterns. You were here. You were okay. He had no reason to still feel as panicked as he was, yet he did.
Before you could open your mouth to speak, he reached out to you, closing the gap between you, and planting his lips onto yours. His hand rested at the side of your face as he held you.
You tensed at first at the sudden gesture, but quickly relaxed into it as you kissed him back, placing your hand on top of his.
He pulled back from you and avoided your gaze as he whispered:
"I can't lose you again." 
You noticed him gripping at your bedsheets with his other hand and the pieces clicked together for you.
It wasn't that he thought you couldn't take care of yourself or that you were incompetent. He'd been so overbearing because he was afraid of losing you. You had guessed to an extent how rough that night must have been for him, but you had no idea about the magnitude of just how bad it was.
You felt your bed shift as he got up and your hands trailed off him as he pulled away.
"I'll be in the living room," he said quietly, still avoiding your gaze. "Call me if something happens again."
You reached out to him as he walked away.
"Levi, wait-!"
Your bedroom door was shut before you could finish your plea for him to come back, and you fell silent.
#: @levisbrat25 @gothgril69 @sckerman @berrijam @notgoodforlife @meowjaa @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @bejewelledd @hhighkey @ayame236 @sad-darksoul @velouria17 @kamyru @l1zk4 @layenacreates @lamees004 @whoami-72 @highgoon69 @chaotic-on-main @levishotgf @nube55 @chosos-mascara @heichoucleanfreak @svftackerman @v4mp-wife @moonchild-angel @astri-ackerman @auriuswolve @noctemys
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artaxerxesthegreat · 2 years
Playing with Fire: Part 6
A/N: Everyone in this story is 18+, if minors are mentioned they aren’t getting in any weird, sick, twisted situations with adults. I also use female pronouns for the reader and the reader may be a bit OC. I would also prefer that minors DO NOT interact with this at all. Thank you.
Warnings: Dream based, Actors mixed with characters, College AU!, Mixed universes, Raffey Cassidy stands in as Sprite, Swearing, gaslighting, manipulation, cheating, mild violence (?), implied sexual content, mentions of bullying, college strife, MCU/X-Men/Spider-Man/Actors mashed in one universe, self- doubt, insecurities, depression, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, family issues, mentions of disabilities, (Please let me know if I’ve missed something too.)
A/N: This chapter mentions death by/and a car accident. Just a heads up.
Part 6
“I should really stop pretending I’m having sex with Druig when it’s Richard.”
…. 2½ years later….
It’s finally the Winter Break of my Junior year and let me tell you, I’m so ready to graduate! I’m sick and tired of school, but you need a degree for everything these days. So annoying! Well apart from school trying my patience at every turn it hasn’t been all bad; I have a boyfriend- that’s not something I thought I’d ever say. But, yes I have a boyfriend, Richard- actually Ikaris, my Scotsman.
God I love that man, without him I would’ve given up a long time ago, we have study nights… and other nights. If you know what I mean. Life couldn’t be any better honestly, after talking to Kitty about my time with Ikaris, he and I sat down and talked about what we both would want, and seeing that our wants meshed perfectly with each other’s, we decided to date. It’s been a strong two and a half years, and now he gets to spend the holidays with my family. Honestly not looking forward to that, but it was bound to happen at some point.
I even invited Sprite and her boyfriend to join us this evening.
Yes, that’s right, Sprite has a boyfriend, and you’ll never guess who he is. It’s Druig, well Barry, for some reason he hasn’t told her about his real name and accent I’ve asked him why and it’s always the same answer,
“I’ll tell her when I’m ready” or “it’s not really important”
And even this lame answer,
“I forgot.” He’d shrug avoiding my eyes.
I keep telling him it’s not something he can hide forever but he throws this in my face, “The same could be said about your mystery boyfriend, Y/N. All I know is his name is Richard. When are you going to let me meet him?”
“Never. Good day, Druig!” I walk away with my head held high and feeling like shit.
How can I let them meet each other? It’s like the boyfriend meeting the other man scenario- of course neither of them know this about the other, but still! But in true Druig fashion, he wore me down and I let them meet.
It was less than ideal.
Alright it was a complete shitshow, everything happened so quickly.
—That fateful day—
I was being yelled at from every direction
“How could you!”
“You’re with THIS Richard?!”
“He’s NOT a good person!”
“I can’t believe you’re wasting your time with him!”
Being confused would’ve been a better feeling to have, but nope! I was so…Blindsided, I felt like shit from two people I care about and I couldn’t do anything but stand there and take it. After a few more rounds of shouting I watched as these two actually got physical, and that’s when I found my voice.
“What the actual FUCK?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Both heads turn to me in anger and confusion, Richard pushes Druig away and tries to reach for me, but I step out of his reach, “Don’t! Don’t touch me!” I run out trying to get away and process everything that just happened.
I hear Druig’s voice as he says, “Maith thú Ikaris!” As he’s walking to his dorm.
“Dìreach air ais ort a Dhruig!” Richard’s voice is full of venom and the sound of his footsteps coming closer makes my skin crawl. He thankfully gives me space but I can see that he’s concerned, “Y/N? Are you alright?”
The look I give him makes him stumble over his words, “Obviously I’m not, Richard! I just watched my boyfriend and friend have a screaming match, give me an ultimatum, and then try to fight each other! The sad part is you both didn’t even just talk to me, as soon as both locked eyes I wasn’t even there anymore, somehow I became the bad guy! ‘How could you?’ How could I, what?! How could I be friends with Druig? How could I date you? What the fuck is wrong with the both of you?! I didn’t even know you guys knew each other! I knew letting you guys meet was a bad idea.”
“Then why did you?”
Oh, no he didn’t.
“WHAT?! You two were bugging the hell outta me to meet each other!” Putting on my best Scottish accent I imitate Richard, “So, when am I goin’ to meet the infamous Barry?” Then I do my best Druig impression, “All I know about your boyfriend is that his name is Richard, when can I meet him?”
“Yeah well, you should’ve used his real name.” He glares at me as he crosses his arms.
“HOW IS THIS MY FAULT! He doesn’t want people knowing his real name! Why!? Why would I tell you!? You could’ve just as easily told me you knew him and hated him! Don’t put all the blame on me!”
“Why are you shouting?”
I close my eyes tightly at his stupid ass question, taking a breath I will myself not to do or say anything I’ll regret later, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what? I only asked you a question. You don’t need to shout to get your point across.”
“Are- Are you fucking kidding me right now!”
“Look this is obviously getting us nowhere, why don’t you go home and relax and we can talk about this more later. Okay? I need to clear my head anyway.”
“What- you- you can’t just dismiss this like that!”
“We’re both adults, let's start acting like it.” With that he turns and walks away leaving me high and dry.
I didn’t know what to do, it’s not like we broke up, but it sure felt like it. I know I could’ve handled it better, but it’s not fair that he gets to let his voice be heard and I can’t. I did try to talk to Druig, but he avoided me like the plague. A whole month and a half went by before I got to talk to him again.
Laying my head on the table on the front desk of the library I hear someone ding the bell right next to my ear, after the fifth ding I grab the bell and chuck it across the lobby all without lifting my head.
“So if the bell’s over there, how am I supposed to ask for help?”
Lifting up my head quickly I’m met with blue eyes, “Dru- Barry.”
After 30 seconds of silence he begins to look around the room avoiding my eyes, confused I remember he said he needed help.
“Oh, right! You said you needed help! Right, so what uh, what can I help you with?”
“There’s… it’s just…” He rolls his eyes more at himself as he struggles to find his words. I fold my hands waiting patiently, “I’m… I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, for everything. I shouldn’t have been such a dick to you when you brought Ikaris over to meet me.”
“Oh- oh, it’s fine, I- I-I guess, it’s no big deal, I should’ve given you more info on him anyway-”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do, what?”
“Blame yourself, don’t do that. You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s our own fault for what happened, not yours.”
My body starts to get unbearably hot as I try not to cry at his words. I knew it wasn’t my fault, but I still feel responsible. In all honesty I could’ve just been straight up with both of them, but I wasn’t because I like my private life to be just that- private.
“I know that, but-”
“There’s no ‘but’ Y/N. I’m also sorry it took me so long to come and apologize, it’s just that every time I thought about talking to you, the thought of HIM being here- with you, I couldn’t. I’d just get mad all over again.” I can see the storm raging in his eyes as he thinks about Richard.
“It’s fine, not a big deal anyway.”
“Why?” His voice sounded a bit… hopeful.
“We’re still dating-”
“-oh.” The flattest of ‘oh’ I’ve ever heard.
“We just don’t get to see each other that much anymore. He has an internship at that new company ‘Arishem’, he works there with a few people from this school, I’ve never met them, but he’s really happy about it.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of it, I was there for a bit but I quit.”
“How come?”
“Didn’t like it, there were some things that went on in that place that I didn’t agree with so I left. Ajak- my supervisor, was really sad to see me go, but I could care less.”
I chuckle at his words and his expression changes- it softens and I’m finally talking to my Druig- I MEAN. I mean to Druig. I’m finally talking to Druig.
“You alright, Y/N?”
“Yeah! Yeah, why?”
“You look like you were having an existential crisis.” He laughs out leaning his elbows on the desk.
“No no, I’m good. I have a quick question though.”
“This might seem really dumb- like really dumb- but, who is Ikaris, exactly?”
“Good god, you don’t even know your ‘boyfriends’ real name.” He rolls his eyes with a scoff letting his head hit the desk, “He’s such a prick.”
“How was I supposed to know? He introduced himself as ‘Richard’ . What am I a mind reader? No. Geez. What’s the deal with you two anyway?” I shove his head to the side in annoyance, “And it’s boyfriend not ‘boyfriend’.”
“Whatever. But to answer your question, our ‘deal’ is that we’re cousins… Yeah, I know. I can’t believe it either. His parents died when we were kids and he lived with my dad and myself. It was hell.”
“Oh, I never thought you guys would be related, with the different accents and all… Though, I guess I can see some similarities.” Resting my head in my hands I study Druig’s face, he’s livid but holds his tongue, nodding his head.
“Yeah… whatever, Y/N.”
“What? No ‘dote’ anymore?” He looks around the room shifting on his feet anxiously, “What?”
“Mmmm, nothing,” He starts playing with the paper clips, licking his lips he flicks his eye to me, “You still want me to call you that?”
“Well, yeah. Don’t know what it means, but I like it. Besides, it's my nickname from you. You know Loki will have a conniption if you use ‘Bast’.”
“Yeah,” He lets out a laugh with a small smile, “I know. Alright, dote~. Whatcha doin’ after work?”
“Hmmm, nothing much, my friend wants to hang out, I’ve been putting it off for the longest.”
“She has high energy and I can’t deal with her sometimes.”
“Hmm well… Good luck!” He taps the desk pushing off, giving me a goofy grin.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Anytime Dote.”
After that I went to see Raffey- Sprite and she wanted to know why I was so happy… I wasn’t that happy, but I told her that a friend started talking to me again, when she had found out that my friend was Druig she was hysterical. She wouldn’t leave me alone, even tried to stay at my job just to watch him.
Not talk to him, just WATCH him!
I was so put out I dragged his ass over and introduced them.
“Jesus Lord Almighty, BARRY!”
“Y/N, what’re you doing?!?!?”
“Shut up… Ugh this man,” Walking to him I pulled him away from the two girls he was talking to, I didn’t miss the dirty looks, “Oh bite me! Come on Barry, I’m not suffering any longer because of you.”
“Wha? I’ll see you girls later!… Damn Y/N, could you pull me any harder?”
“Ha ha, just talk to this girl.” I push him in front of a blushing and uncharacteristically quiet Sprite, “Well shit, if this is all it takes for you to calm down, why didn’t you say something sooner, Sprite?”
She fixes me a glare as I laugh going back behind the front desk, Ms. Thena spares us all glance, and seeing Barry talk to Sprite I hear her exhale through her nose. Turning to look at her she looks back at me and whispers,
“That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“What do you mean? They seem to be hitting it off quite nicely, besides, have you ever seen Sprite this calm and quiet?”
“…Hmm.” Turning on her heel she walks back into her office filing away some papers.
“The heck was that?” I mumble to myself, looking back at the two I see that they’ve exchanged numbers and Sprite’s face looks like it’ll split in two. Barry takes his leave and Sprite all but collapses in the chair next to me, “You good fam?”
“I hate you! BUT! I love you! But I still hate you!”
“Were you ever going to talk to him, or just stare at him from afar like some creep?”
“I plead the fifth.”
“Oh brother.” I roll my eyes laughing, “Well you’re welcome. Now you have his number, good job. What did you guys talk about? Seemed hella short.”
“He asked me out.” She sits up straight smiling widely.
“…oh… Oh! That- that’s great!”
“Why’d you say it like that?”
“No I just wasn’t expecting that, but knowing him I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She glares at me and I know I shouldn’t poke the bear, but I couldn’t help it.
“Nothing, you’ve heard stuff about Barry. He’s a bit… loose. I mean he was talking to those two girls over there… Hi~!” I wave at the girls with a smile and they scoff rolling their eyes at me- pretty sure one called me a bitch, eh haha.
“So, that doesn’t mean anything. It’s gonna be different with us. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Uh- wha- how?” I’m taken aback by her words, it’s hard to know what she exactly meant, ad before I can get an actual sentence out Richard- I mean Ikaris, walks in with a girl I’ve never seen before, “Richard-”
“IKARIS!” I jump at Sprite’s excitement and something about it doesn’t sit well with me.
“Hey Sprite. How’re you doin’?”
“Pretty good! I have a date!”
I feel completely ignored and look at the girl with my best ‘Jim Halper’ face, she gives me a sympathetic smile and introduces herself,
“Hello I’m Sersi, a friend of Ikaris’.” She says as we shake hands.
“Oh,” She knows his real name- this is fine, “Hey, I’m Y/N, girlfriend of Richard, indivisible lover of Ikaris.” I give her a tight smile, taking the hint he turns his attention to me.
“Very funny Y/N, I’m not two different people.”
“Ah and like that I exist!” I smile, looking at the two girls, there was a look on their faces I couldn’t quite place, but I dismissed it.
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Ikaris.” Sersi’s voice is careful but this causes me to raise a brow and look at Ikaris.
“What? You’re the one who said you didn’t want our relationship on ‘blast’.” He defends himself.
“This is true.” Sprite adds leaning her head on my shoulder.
“But still, it’d be nice to know.” It feels like Sersi has more to say, but she stops and changes the subject, “Well, it’s been very nice to meet you Y/N, I have to go tutor my Chemistry students. I’ll see you later, Ikaris.”
“Soooo…” We look to Sprite who gathers her stuff, “This is going to get awkward, isn’t it?”
“Probably.” I mutter, casting a glance to Ikaris.
“Right, time for me to go! Bye!” She bolts out of the library leaving the two of us in silence.
“So?” I begin.
“So what?”
“Where’d you meet Sersi?”
He rolls his eyes smirking as he leans on the desk, “Why? Are you jealous, Y/N?”
“No you’re my boyfriend. You can be friends with whoever you want, as long as they know you have a girlfriend.”
“You said-”
“Don’t tell me what I said. I know what I said, I was there.” The sternness in my voice makes him lose his smirk, “You don’t have to say my name, all you need to say is ‘hi, I’m Richard/Ikaris, we can be friends, but I have a girlfriend. Thank you’.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry… Did you say, ‘I’m Richard/Ikaris’?”
“Yes since that’s how you introduced yourself that way to me. I still haven’t forgiven you for that.”
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry.”
“No amount of ‘sorry’s’ is ever going to be enough.” I stick my tongue out at him playfully.
“Let me make it up to you.”
“Hmmmmm I don’t know~” I lean my head against his forehead, “What’d you have in mind?”
The sly smile that spreads across his face lets me know that I’m in for a wild night. Kissing me he tells me he’ll be in his dorm and wait for me to get off work. I smile at him and get back to my work. I can feel someone looking at me, turning my head, I look to see if I can see the person, but there’s no one there. Shrugging I busy myself with my work when I feel a presence behind me.
“Yes Ms. Thena?”
“I must say that I’ve never seen you be so assertive before. It’s a pleasant surprise.” I can hear the sincerity in her voice, I spin around in the chair to look at her to be sure. Sure enough, she’s standing there smiling at me.
“Uh- hu yeah. Thanks!”
“But if I were you.” Her face is serious once again, “I’d keep a close eye on him.”
“…Who?” She just stares at me like I’m stupid before she goes back into her office, this time closing the door behind her, “…what…?”
Now all that drama is behind me! It’s Winter break and I get to spend it with some of my favorite people! Life couldn’t be any better!… Well… It could actually, after Ms. Thena left me confused I couldn’t help but feel paranoid about it, I thought she was talking about Druig, since she said he and Sprite weren't right for each other.
So 2 weeks after we reconciled, I sat him down and had a serious talk with him; he listened patiently and even told me he was serious and even asked me if it was okay to ask Sprite to be his girlfriend! I was happy (not really).
“Of course! You don’t need my permission. Just don’t break her heart, and I won’t break you.”
“I just wanted to be sure, she is your friend, and I’ve never had an actual stable relationship- ‘cept with Makarri and it didn’t last that long. What if it’s the same thing?”
Placing my hand on his shoulder reassuringly I smile, “Druig, it’s fine, it’ll be fine- a little scary, but fine. And Sprite isn’t Makarri, she’s someone you HAVE to get to know. Besides you and Makarri are still friends and she doesn’t seem bothered by it.”
“I know.” He leans back in his seat rubbing his face, “I just don’t want to make any mistakes. So, should I? Do you think I should be with Sprite?”
“Yes, definitely!”
“…Okay. Guess I’ll go ask her now then.” He stands up but doesn’t move.
“Wow, the mighty Druig has gotten cold feet.”
He sends me a glare and walks away to find Sprite.
“Wow, that was painful to watch.”
“What the-! LOKI! Stop popping up out of nowhere! Jesus!”
He chuckles as he takes Druig’s spot, “I’m sorry, I just can’t help it sometimes.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. What’s up?”
“I wanted you to meet someone.” He beckons to someone behind me, “This is Sylvie.”
“Hey.” Her British accent hits my ears and my heart melts.
“You’re British!” I whisper, closing my eyes tightly trying to not fangirl.
“Very perceptive this one, Loki.” She sasses as she sits on his lap.
“Be nice Sylvie, Bast happens to be one of the few people I hold near and dear to me.”
“It’s fine… You two seem…comfy.” I say smirking knowing the nature of their relationship.
“Yes, we are.” She looks down at Loki as they have a silent conversation. There’s a playfully glint in their eyes as they turn their attention back to me. It felt like I was being examined, and I didn’t not like it. Sylvie tilts her head looking at me and I could take a guess as to what she was about to say, “Care to-”
“-Join you?”
Her eyes widen as does the smile on her face, “I see why you like her. Very perceptive indeed. I like you, I like her. You’re ours now.”
“Afraid she’s already spoken for my dear.”
“By whom?”
“Her ‘boyfriend’.”
“Well if he’s her ‘boyfriend’-”
“What’s with everyone saying ‘boyfriend’? He is my BOYFRIEND, geez.”
“I still don’t know what you see in him.” Loki sneers at the thought of Ikaris.
“Who is he?” Sylvie looks between us confused, “Not the lad that was here a second ago?”
“No!” I say too quickly, I ignore the faces they make and continue, “Ikaris- uh Richard- Richard is my boyfriend.”
“HIM?!” Sylvie says with disbelief, “Oh, dear, you are so much better off with the one who just left.”
“What are you talking about? He’s about to ask my friend out, he doesn’t like me like that. Plus, how do you even know Ikaris?”
“Oh, I don’t.”
“He’s the Scottish champ, yeah?… Yeah, I don’t like him. He gives me bad vibes.”
“Wow, that’s it? If you got to know him, you’d see he isn’t that bad.”
“Suit yourself, Basty.” She raises her hands letting it go.
“You can't call her that.” Loki glares at Sylvie.
“Why not?” She looks to me for confirmation.
“That’s the name I came up with for her, no one else can use it but me.”
“No you call her ‘Bast’ I just heard you.”
“Yes and you called her-”
“-Basty. Not ‘Bast’, come correct, Loki.” Sylvie turns to me smiling, “He swears he’s so smart.”
“I AM!”
Shaking my head at them I let out a laugh, though it's cut short when Sprite comes barreling towards me.
“Seriously?” I mumble bracing myself for her embrace, sure enough she uses me- in my seated position- to anchor herself so she doesn’t run past me. I feel the side of the chair dig into my side, I make a face of annoyance and pain. “Y/NY/NY/NY/NY/NY/N!” She says my name repeatedly in my ear.
“Whhhhhaaaaatt! WHAT Sprite?! What's so important that you have to yell in my ear over and over again?!” I snap, shaking her off of me, “If you haven’t noticed I’m having a conversation with these two. And why are you using me as an anchor? My side hurts from the armrest digging in my side!”
“I- I’m sorry, I just-”
“You just what?!” I glare at her, and out of my peripheral vision I can see that Sylvie and Loki are making an ‘And I oop’ face.
“I just wanted to tell you something. I didn’t realize, I’m sorry.”
I feel like a douche bag for snapping at Sprite, but she hurt me. She doesn’t have any regards for other people sometimes, she’s too much of a kid. So carefree and oblivious to others around her. But the face she has and the looks from Sylvie and Loki tell me I’ve crossed a line, “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m just dealing with some stuff right now.”
“It’s fine,” She gives me a small smile, “Can I tell you my news?”
“Sure.” I give her an amused smile waiting for the news.
“It’s Barry! He asked me to be his girlfriend!” She all but squeals.
“You’re kidding!” I say in faux shock, Sprite is so wrapped up in her excitement she doesn’t catch it, but Loki does. I feel his foot hit mine as he gives me a knowing look.
“I know! Can you believe it?!”
“Nooo~ I’m so happy for you!” I stand up giving her a hug, I give Loki a look as he scoffs loudly.
“What’s happening right now?” Sylvie asks looking at us for answers, Sprite wastes no time in spilling the tea.
She takes my seat as she recounts- in detail- how Barry asked her to be ‘his girl’. I wish I stopped my eye roll, at this point it’s a reflex. Before she can get too carried away I step in,
“Hey I’m gonna get going.”
“Where are you going, don't you want to hear about it?”
“Of course I do, but Ikaris and I are meeting up tonight, so I’m gonna get ready.”
“Okie dokie! I’ll tell you later then, love you!”
“Bye.” I smile and turn to Sylvie, “It was nice to meet you, but I gotta go. Maybe we can hang out sometime?”
“I’d like that, it was nice to meet you too, Basty.” She gives me a hug and takes her place back on Loki’s lap.
“We’ll be having a talk too Bast.” There’s a certain kind of authority in his tone that tells me I’m not getting out of it, so I just nod and walk away.
Now I can’t be 100% sure, but it almost sounded like Sprite said, “Wait, they aren’t meeting up tonight.”
Fast forward to 3 months into their relationship, they were obviously smitten with each other, and Ikaris wasn’t amused. He said that I shouldn’t have let Druig corrupt Sprite- like excuse me, this girl parties 24/7, stays out late with god knows who, and drinks like a wine-o, they were perfect for each other. I’ve lost count of how many drunk texts I’ve gotten from her to pick her up from some random person's house at 2 or 3 in the morning, besides Sprite isn’t my child and she isn't a child. She can make her own decisions, he wasn’t happy about it, but he got over it. He kinda had to since Sprite wanted us to double date, which wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, the arguments were minimal- probably because Sprite couldn’t keep her mouth to herself, so annoying- and after the date I finally asked Ikaris what the big deal was.
“Alright, what’s up with you and Druig?” Not turning my car on as I wait for an explanation.
“What’re you talkin’ about?” Ikaris glares as he watches Sprite and Druig hold hands and giggle as they walk to his car.
“Look all I know is that you guys are cousins, and you lived with Druig and his dad. I just can’t figure out how that all equates to bitter hatred.”
He waits until they’re driving away to answer me, “My parents died in a car accident when I was a kid, and the only family that would take me in was Valkin- Druig’s dad, but Druig also lost his mom at the time too. She was really sick and died in the hospital… An- anyway Druig hadn’t lived with his father up until that point so they didn’t have much of a relationship, then I come into the picture and he blames me for his dad not liking him.”
“Wow, that’s a lot to take in… He never talks about his parents. I had no idea.”
“Yeah, classic Druig.”
“But how did you moving in with them make him hate you?”
“I turned out to be the better boy, he couldn’t relate to his dad in any way, and he saw how well we got on and became extremely jealous, that jealousy turned into hate. It’s quite sad really.”
“I’ll say.” I slump in my seat as I take all of it in. I can’t picture Druig being like that with anyone, not when he’s so carefree and happy. But then again I didn’t take him for the relationship type either and he’s having the time of his life. It left a lot of people confused- like, a lot! Girls don’t even come up to him anymore, guess when you make it known you’re taken people listen… Of course I’ve heard a few rumors that Sprite has started fights with a few girls because of Druig, but in all honesty she wouldn’t last long.
“That’s family for you, huh?” He tries to joke.. Neither of us laugh and we sit in awkward silence for a few moments.
“Well, I can’t not disagree. I have a few family members I could live without, but I wouldn’t say I hate them. The only times we have problems is when I stand up for myself or when they talk about my ‘love life’. ‘When are you going to bring a guy home, Y/N?’ ‘You aren’t getting any younger, Y/N.’ ‘Your eggs will shrivel up before you can give us grandchildren, Y/N.’ ‘Are you gay?’ ‘Do you not like men?’ ‘Can’t your friends introduce you to someone, you do have friends right?’… Alright. I hate them.”
Ikaris laughs at my comments and grabs my hand kissing the back of it, “Well, now you have someone to bring home.”
“Oh. Uh, yeah yeah, I- wow. I’d like to hold off on that for a bit- IF- if you don’t mind.”
“What’s the matter?”
“I just want to enjoy this- us. The last thing I need is my family meddling in my affairs more than they already are. Besides I haven’t even told my mom yet, I know she’s gonna flip out.”
“Why would she?”
“She thinks that just because she birthed me that means she has a right to say what I can and cannot do in my life, regardless of my age. She thinks if I don’t tell her every little thing in my life I’m doing some great sin against her. Then she plays the victim and I look like a rebellious unloving rude child. It’s really annoying, thankfully my dad could care less. He just tells me to do what makes me feel happy.”
“At least you have someone on your side, but in all honesty I can’t wait to meet your family. I know they seem overbearing but they mean well.”
“Uh-huh.” We laugh some more feeling more relaxed and happy, after a few seconds I pull out of the restaurant parking lot and take us home.
And now here we are in the future- and it’s bright- Ikaris and I couldn’t be happier, our relationship is going strong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong! We talk about everything, when we have an issue with something we always talk it out, I have a healthy and productive relationship… with my boyfriend… who is Ikaris…. Yeeeeeeeeeep… Yeeep… Mhmmmm!… Ugh. Okay, here’s the thing.
After I had met Sersi 2½ year ago I couldn’t get the look she had out of my head, or the one from Sprite, but Sprite’s a little shit who likes to instigate in people's lives for no reason- knowing all that something was still bugging me. I did try to ask Ikaris why he always had to be the one to take Sersi home after their internship, he told me it was because he was the only one she trusted and felt comfortable with, I totally get that. But Phastos is also there and I know for a FACT he isn’t gonna try anything with her.
1. He isn’t that kind of person.
2. He’d rather die than do something like that to ANYONE.
3. He’s gay.
4.His boyfriend would kill HIM for hurting anyone in that kind of way.
I presented Phastos as an option, and he had an answer for that,
“He stays late- sometimes 4 or 6 hours after everyone’s gone, just tinkering away.”
Okay, then I understand that too, so I let it go. But it was very annoying that he would come back smelling like her perfume, he would laugh and then shower before we would do anything.
Sprite was another topic we had to discuss, because her excitement was just a little more than what it should’ve been.
“I’ve known Sprite for a long time.”
“She never mentioned it.”
“Well, you know Sprite. A bit scattered, she is.”
“Hmmm, yeah.”
That still didn’t explain why she hangs on to every word that comes out of his mouth, and gaze at him like he put up the sun! I noticed that some girls around campus would look at him the same way, but according to Ikaris it’s my imagination.
“Really? Seriously? That’s what you’re going with, ‘my imagination’?”
“Babe, I only have eyes for you. I don’t even know half the girls you point out. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they’re looking at you?”
“Why the hey-hey would they be looking at me?”
“Because you’re fucking gorgeous, that’s why.”
“….Shut up. God, I’m dating the sappiest fool ever.”
Even with all of that I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. He had an answer for all my questions, and even though that should’ve given me peace of mind, my brain went into overdrive and started overthinking everything. So I did the only thing I could do.
I ignored it, and tried to live my life, which really just means I spent my time with Druig and the Loki’s- turns out there are quite a good amount of people that share my Loki’s name; an older white gentleman who is the head of the Psychology department, a black man who is the theater director, a boy about the age of 14 (one of the youngest students, he’s super smart for no reason), a crocodile that they all decided to adopt from the zoo, and FREAKIN’ Sylvie! She says that was her name when she was a kid, but she’s outgrown it and dubbed herself ‘Sylvie’. Either way they all say the same thing,
“He’s probably cheating on you.”
…Well, I haven’t actually told Druig anything about my relationship, because he gets all worked up about it. Obviously still not liking the idea that I’m dating his sworn enemy (Ugh).
I tell the Loki’s that I would know if something like that was happening and they’re just saying that because they all dislike him for one reason or another. They give me the same unimpressed brow raise and change the subject… It’s kinda creepy how they’re all on the same wavelength. I wish I had that with someone, I know I have Kitty and Jubilee, but ever since Bucky and Jubilee started dating I haven’t seen them around much, and Kitty went to study abroad in Spain so it’s just me… And Druig, but more so just me. I’ve found that the more time I spend with him alone, I tend to get… a little flirty…?
It’s not bad or anything- I mean that’s how our friendship was already, little random touches here and there, nothing too lingering or long, but now it feels like if someone were to see us we’d get in trouble. And the adrenaline rush of it all is… probably not a good thing… But if Druig had a problem with it, he’d tell me to stop, and since he hasn’t it isn’t a big deal. He even messes with me, just like old times. There’s nothing wrong with that, I’ve seen Sprite mess with Ikaris and it was similar to what Druig and I do, just not as… innocent…
… But. I like it. I want it. I crave it…
Am I a horrible person for keeping up this behavior?
Will I stop?
Tag list: @aquanova99 @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @sokazuallycruel
So this was long, and a bit heavy, this may or may not have had me in my feelings… lol
Hope you all enjoyed it please comment, like, and reblog ❤️
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Into The Night
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Pairing: Kai x Reader
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 5k
Summary: You never expected to fall for the escort your friend ordered for you.
"It's a very reputable place." Jisoo smiles at you. "Very discreet. I think it would be a good place for you to go." She finishes. 
You stare at her with your mouth wide open as you try to comprehend what she had just said to you. 
"Bitch." You scoff. "Are you trying to tell me to go to a whore house to get laid?" You ask. 
"I mean, you're not the first person to do it. It's not a big deal." She says, shrugging her shoulders. "The guys are hot." She smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
You can't help but think about it for a minute. You really did need a good fuck, your vibrator can only do so much. "Fine." You say, crossing your arms. "But your ass is coming with me." You smirk, watching her face drop at what you had just said. 
"But.. I.. " she stutters. 
"No excuses, I fuck a sex worker, you fuck a sex worker. That's the deal." You laugh. You knew she would never do something like that, meaning you'd be off the hook. 
"Fine." She says. "Lets go. Now." She says, ushering you towards the door. "Now or never." 
"How about never?" You nervously giggle. 
"Or now works too. Let's go bitch." She finishes, dragging you out the front door of your apartment to a cafe down the street, to get the process started. 
Little did you know this was going to be the best, but also worst experience of your life. 
Kai smiles as he says goodbye to his latest client, leaving her to relish in the orgasms he had given her, making her scream out his name. He knew he was good at what he did, that's all he was ever told he was good at, so why not make a career out of it. 
Women had always told him he was a great fuck, he had a handsome face but that would only take him so far. The words they told him always stuck with him, replaying over and over in his head. 
"You're a great fuck but thats it." 
"I could never date you. You're not good enough for me." 
It was always the same, with every woman that he met. They were always only interested in him because of his face, or his body. They never cared to get to know him or his likes and dislikes, only how many times could they cum because of him. 
Eventually he said fuck it and gave up on trying to pursue a relationship with women. He began working for an escort company, where he quickly climbed the ladder, becoming the most popular male escort. He made great money, but lived a lonely life despite being with different women. It wasn't the sex that was important to him, it was the connection, the love two people shared. That's what he craved, but he knew he wasn't enough. 
Kai's mind wanders back to just after he graduated from high-school. He had a date with a girl he had loved for the last four years and had tried time and time again to muster up the courage to ask her on a date.
"J-jennie, would you like to have dinner with me?" He asks, his fingers twiddling between each other. 
She smiled at him, but it wasn't genuine, more pitty. 
"Um sure." She half smiles. "I'll meet you at the restaurant." She says, walking away to her friends. Kai thought his heart was going to explode out from his chest. 
He was so happy. 
He wasn't your typical guy, he was shy. He was very quiet and often gave off the vibe of being an asshole, but in all honesty, you just needed to get to know him first but no one ever gave him that chance. 
His date with Jennie went well, the conversation lagged a few times but it had ended with him railing her in the back of his car. 
His muscles flex, the sweat glistening as he props himself up while he thrusts in and out of her, making her scream. 
It was the best night of his life and he thought about her everyday, until he saw her making out with some guy at a party a few days later. All eyes had been on him when he walked into the party, his arrival commencing the whispering between people and the staring.  
"W-what? I thought.. we.." he stutters, lost for words. 
She laughed. And laughed. "Look." She giggles. "You give top notch dick, but you're an asshole. You're not boyfriend material." She spits. 
Kai hangs his head low as he walks out of the party, heartbroken for the first time but not the last. 
He didn't let that one instance ruin his views on relationships and women, no, that came after the same thing happened in college. He had met Mina and she was so beautiful, smart and interesting. He was smitten with her, and when she agreed to go on a date with him, he was over the moon excited. 
"Would you like to get a coffee with me?" He whispers to her, only looking her in the eye once. 
"Sure. Sounds great." She smiles. 
He told himself he wouldn't sleep with her on the first date. Coffee seems innocent enough, but alas, it ended with him ramming into her from behind in an alleyway behind the coffee shop. 
"I had a great time." She smiles, as she adjusts her skirt. "See ya." She finishes, walking away, leaving him standing there slightly confused. 
Kai saw her often, mostly in the middle of the night when she called him and asked him to come fuck her. Whenever he asked to walk her to class or meet up for dinner, she was always busy or unavailable. And if they ever did meet up at her apartment during the day, she always had an excuse as to why he couldn't stay. 
"That was great." She sighs, rolling over onto her back. Kai rolls over, wrapping his arm around her waist, only laying there for a second before she wiggles out-of his embrace and stands at the edge of the bed. 
"What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. 
"I've got a lot to do. You gotta go." She says, getting dressed and rushing him out of her apartment. 
He wanders around downtown for a bit, trying to think of why she kicked him out so quickly, why she never wants to spend time with him. He's lost in his thoughts until he sees Mina, just down the street walking with her friend. 
With a smile on his face he walks up to her to greet her. 
"Hey you." He smiles. 
She doesn't smile back. Instead, she scoffs, her friend giving him a weird, uncomfortable look. 
"Um." Mina starts, but Kai gets the point. 
"Gotcha." He mumbles, turning around to walk away and that's when he hears her. 
"Who is that?" Her friend asks, laughing. 
"The most amazing dick I've ever had." Mina raves. "But like that's all he's good for." She laughs. "He's so awkward. Could you imagine keeping that as your boyfriend? Talk about being embarrassed all the time." Mina laughs. "And he's studying accounting. How lame. He'd make better money fucking women for a living." She finishes. 
A tear rolls down Kai's cheek as he now vows to himself to never try for a relationship again. Women wanted some good, dominating cock? Then that's what he would give them, that's all that he would give them. 
"Make sure he has brown hair." Jisoo laughs. The two of you sit in a cafe, on your phones choosing an escort for each other. You picked one for her, someone who seemed to fit her type just right, a man named Baekhyun. 
You were nervous about who she chose for you, but you trusted her, mostly. You knew she wouldn't screw you over. 
"Okay done. Meet him in an hour at the Into The Night hotel." She laughs. 
"Seriously? Fuck." You laugh nervously. 
Forty five minutes later you're standing outside the hotel, taking a deep breath. You're the one who needs to get the hotel room and he will knock on the door. You know, this is fine, its simple, its just a fuck. With a stranger. It's fine. 
"A room with a king size bed." You whisper to the front desk clerk who looks at you weirdly as you sweat slightly. 
"Room 5372. Here's your key. Enjoy your stay.. with no bags." He says. 
"Someone will be coming to ask for my room number. Make sure you tell him." You say, clearing your throat. 
"Of course." He says, looking back to his computer. 
You sit on the edge of the bed, your fingers twiddling as you wait for the much anticipated knock on the door. And when it came, your heart jumped from your chest. 
Your palms were sweaty as you gripped the door knob, taking a few very deep breaths before you pulled the door open revealing an extremely handsome man. His hair was messy and dark, his shirt unbuttoned just enough for you to see his chest, the muscles in his arms protruding from his long sleeve shirt. 
You go back and sit on the bed, watching him walk in, the bulge in his pants very noticeable. Your breath hitches as your eyes stare at it, unable to look away from it. 
"Hi." He says, his voice deep and rugged. "I'm Kai." He smiles. 
"Um hi, I'm.. um.. Ayn." You stutter. 
"Ayn." He says, a smirk on his face. "How would you like me, Ayn?" He asks. 
"What's your last name?" You ask, your nerves have now fully taken over. "Mines YLN." 
"Kim." He says, cocking his head to the side. 
"Nice, nice. Are you hungry? I'm starving. I'm going to order room service." You say, jolting yourself up and heading to the phone. 
"Wait you're serious?" He asks. 
"Very. I never joke about food." You say. 
"Uh. A burger?" He says, slightly confused about what was currently happening. But he hadn't had dinner and was kind of hungry, so why not?
"Hi, i'd like two cheeseburgers with fries and two cokes." You accidently yell into the phone. "Sorry." You whisper, hanging up. "Like twenty minutes you tell him, slowly walking back towards the bed. 
He nods his head. 
"So.. good times?" You ask, referring to the name of the hotel, a small smile on your face. 
"Yeah, I mean, it's meant for good times, so why not. I thought it was clever when I named it." He smiles. 
"You named it? Do you own the company?" You ask, genuinely shocked. 
"I do." Kai laughs. "I founded Knight Industries a few years ago and built it up." He says, beginning to unbutton his shirt. 
"Umm." You say nervously, thinking of how else you could stall. Honestly, you wanted to see what was under his shirt but you knew where it was going to lead you weren't sure about the stranger thing. 
"Room service." A voice chimes from outside your door. 
"I better.. get that." You half smile, quickly walking to the door. You open it and a cart is pushed into your room. The man looks confused when he sees Kai standing there, both of you fully clothed. 
"Uh, enjoy." He says, walking out but not before giving Kai a questioning look. 
Over the next hour you and Kai talk about one thing, well you talk about one thing and that thing is food. You went on and on while Kai actually sat there and smiled at you as you described to him your favorite dish to make at home. 
"It's so easy to make but tastes amazing. You have to taste it to believe it." You laugh. 
You also talked about what your dream vacation would be. 
"And that's why my absolute dream vacation would be a good tour of Europe. You would get everything." You groan, just thinking about the food made you want to drool everywhere." 
"You can't forget the wine though." Kai laughs. 
"No never, can never forget that." You smile. 
Your phone alarm beeps, telling you your two hours is up. You give Kai a smile before gathering your belongings. 
"Thanks for this. I had a great time." You smile before leaving the room, leaving him there to respond to no one. 
"Thank you." He whispers.
Kai tries to make sense of what just happened over the last two hours he had spent with you. When he talked you actually listened, you genuinely seemed interested in what he was saying and enjoyed talking to him. Something he had never had, no one ever wanted him, just his cock. 
"Wow." Jisoo says, a tired smile plastered on her face, her hair a mess as she limps towards you outside the hotel. "You don't look like you just got fucked." She pouts. 
"But you do." You respond. "I didn't. We talked. And it was really nice." You say, shyly. 
"It wasn't a date Ayn. You were supposed to get laid!" She yells, a little too loudly. 
"Next time. I will. Promise." You say. 
"You're going to have a next time?" She asks, surprised. 
"Would that be weird to request him again?" You ask. 
Before she could answer a very handsome man ran out of the hotel, yelling her name. 
"Jisoo! You forgot this." He smiles at her, his hair disheveled. He slyly hands her a pair of panties, giving her a wink before running back into the hotel. 
"That's Baekhyun." She breathes. "I think I love him." She finishes. The two of you laugh before linking arms and walking back to your apartment, completely missing the man you'd spent time with watching you walk away from him. 
That night you laid in your bed, staring at the request on your phone to meet up with him again. You wanted to see him again, whether you did anything or just talked but did he want to see you was the question. 
You left it alone for the next week, thinking and debating about it everyday. You had the request filled out, but for whatever reason you couldn't bring yourself to press send. 
You felt stupid. You probably weren't even his type, this is what he did for a living, of course he was nice to you, you paid for it. However, he was supposed to fuck you, not spend two hours eating and talking with you. 
After a week you finally pressed that send button, and you confirmed your meeting for tomorrow, making sure to add to meet at a park at sunset. You wondered if he would actually show up. 
The next night you sat on the park bench, your bag with a surprise beside you, as you waited for him to show up. The littlest part of you felt like he wasn't going to show up. So when I looked over and saw him walking towards you, your heart skipped a beat. 
He sat down next to you, a smile on his face as he looked at you. "Hi." He says. 
"Hi." You reply, your nerves coming back. 
"We never got around to your favorite food last time." You say, waiting for him to begin talking. 
"Fried chicken." He laughs. "My mom used to make it when I was little, and it's just kind of stuck now." He says, his hands placed on his lap. "She got the recipe when she was in America for a bit." 
"Have you traveled much?" You ask. 
He looked at you like you were crazy when you asked him that, but you really and truly wanted to know more about him. 
"Japan a few times, China and America once, but that was years ago. I've always wanted to go back." He tells you. "Have you been anywhere?" He asks. 
"No I've never traveled anywhere. I've always wanted to though." You smile. 
"I think you'd like Japan. Amazing food." He laughs. 
"Anywhere that has good food has my vote." You smile. "Speaking of food, I brought this for you." You say, pulling out the container of food you made for him. "I really wanted you to try it." You laugh. 
"I-.. wow." He says, looking shocked. Your eyes meet as he remains speechless at your kind gesture. 
Before you knew what was happening, Kai had leaned over and pressed his plump lips to yours, wrapping his hand around the back of your head to deepen the kiss. 
When he pulls away you smile, standing up, your face covered in blush. "We'll have to meet up again so I can refill the container." You smile, walking away, hoping he uses the number you left on the top of the lid. 
3 days. It took him 3 days to text you. After the second day you had completely given up hope on him messaging you, but that was typical of your fashion, never giving enough time to anyone. 
You had woken up early in the morning for work and saw a text from a number you didn't recognize, thanking you for the food and how delicious it was. 
You texted all day after that, about everything. He asked you on a date for that weekend, 8pm on Saturday. You told him you'd love too, and when Saturday rolled around you were terrified. 
Your doorbell rang right at 8pm, and your heart fluttered as you walked towards the door, your heel clicking on the floor. You glanced at yourself in the mirror one more time, satisfied enough with how your makeup and hair turned out, you smoothed down your tight dress before answering the door. 
"Hi." Kai smiles, looking you up and down. "You look amazing." 
"Thank you." You whisper, looking at him in his suit, his hair slicked back. He looked so good. You almost said fuck it and dragged him into your apartment, but you have a little self control, for now. 
On the drive to the restaurant you couldn't keep your eyes off him. The way he slouched in his seat, his legs spread with one hand on the steering wheel, the other one placed on your thigh. You could feel your pussy throbbing as you pressed your legs together, trying to keep yourself together. 
"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyebrow raised, glancing over to you.  
"Yep, all good." You say. 
You knew he didn't buy it. His cologne, how his skin glowed under the moonlight, his plump lips, it was all getting to you and fast. 
At the restaurant you sat across from him, throwing back your third glass of wine as Kai watched you in  amusement. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, his chin resting on his hands. 
"Mhmm." You say, gaining a little bit of confidence. You raise your leg under the table, gently caressing his leg with your foot, up and down a few times before you slide off your shoe and work your way up to his thigh. 
Your eyes locked as you moved your foot, you could see his face change, his eyes become darker. 
Every Time you rubbed his leg, you could feel your lips sliding together, reminding you of just how wet you truly were. 
"I'm so wet." You whisper, sticking your hand under the table, sliding it over your pussy before popping it in your mouth to suck off your juice. 
Kai's eyes went black. Right before he could say anything, the waiter came, placing your food in front of the both of you. 
"Anything else I can get for you?" He asks, Kai looks at you, you bite your lip, looking slightly needy. 
"Yeah, can we get this to go please." Kai says, his eyes never leaving yours. A smile spreads across your face as the waiter looks confused but takes your plates away anyways. 
A few minutes later he returns with your food and your bill. Kai pays quickly before placing his hand on the small of your back to guide you out. 
"Are you sure?" He asks, sliding into the driver's seat, starting the car. 
"I want you to fuck me." You moan. Kai groans as he races down the street. "Now." You whisper. 
He turns down an alley, parking in the dark between two buildings, making sure you were out of camera view. 
"Out." He growls. 
You open the door, step outside and walk to the front of the car. You watch as Kai walks around to the front of the car, unbuckling his belt and pulling it through the loops. His hand rests on your cheek as he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. He backs you up, leaning you against the car and laying you down on the hood of the car. 
He breaks the kiss and stands up. "Hands." He demands. 
You give him your hands, he puts them together and wraps his belt around them tightly. "Put them above your head."  He demands. You do as you're told, your pussy dripping as you wait for what he plans to do next. 
He brings his hand up to your neck, dragging his finger down your collarbone, past your breasts, down your stomach, stopping halfway down your thighs at the hem of your dress. 
"Spread your legs." He says, his voice deep and demanding. You do your best to spread your legs, causing your dress to ride up, exposing your red lace panties. 
Kai lifts your dress more, looking at your panties and smirking. He grabs onto them, moving them to the side, giving him a great view of your lips. 
"Oh my god." You cry, your pussy needing to be touched. 
"Quiet baby girl." He moans as he leans his body on yours. His one hand reaches in-between your thighs, moving between your lips before his thumb grazes over your throbbing clit while he inserts two fingers inside you, slowly. His body rests on yours as he pumps his fingers in and out of you, his other hand covering your mouth to muffle the sound of your moans. 
Kai whispers in your ear as you mumble your muffled cries. "That's a good girl."
As he continues to pump his fingers into you, he moves his thumb in a circle on your clit, making your arch your back. You try to cry out, but his hand catches most of the whimpers as he removes his fingers from inside you, and focuses just on rubbing your clit. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you try to squeeze your legs together, your orgasm threatening to burst. 
"Cum." He growls, sending you right over the edge, your body shaking as you ride through your high. 
Kai removes his hand from your mouth while staring at you before licking his fingers with a smirk on his face. You slide down the car onto your knees, lifting up your hands so he can untie you. 
You're a bit shaky as you pull down his pants and boxers, letting his cock spring free. 
Your mouth waters as you stare at the thick, juicy, veiny cock standing straight in front of you. You wrap your hand around the shaft, pumping it a few times before Kai grabs the back of your head, forcing his cock into your mouth, making you choke. 
"Mhmm." He moans. "Choke on that cock." 
He lets you come up for air, just for a second before he shoves his cock back in your mouth and down your throat. Your eyes water as he thrusts in and out a few times before fully pulling out and standing you up. He pushes you down on your stomach against the hood of the car, making you spread your legs with his foot. 
"Ready?" He asks, but doesn't wait for an answer. Instead he grips onto your hips and slams his cock inside of you, stretching you out and giving you no time to adjust to his size. "Such a tight pussy." He groans, his hands holding onto you tighter as your hands are laid out above your head, red marks from the belt very visible but you didn't care. 
Kai never slowed his pace, he fucked you hard and he fucked you good. 
"Shit shit." You cry out as he hits your g spot with every thrust. "P..please don't stop." You cry. You can hear him grunting behind you, making you clench yourself around his cock. 
"Don't stop that." He groans, his fingertip digging into your hips. "Shit." He moans. "I'm gonna..cum." he finishes, pulling out to cum on your ass. "Fuck." He sighs, as he pumps himself a few more times, making sure he rides his high for as long as he can. 
"That was.." he begins. 
"Great." You finish, pulling down your dress. You smile at him as he zips up his pants. "Will you come home with me?" You ask, a little nervous he might say no. 
"I'd love too." He smiles, opening the car door for you. You slide in, and he closes it before running to the drivers side and backing out of the alley way. His arm rests on your thigh for the entire drive back to your apartment, making the butterflies in your stomach flutter. 
The next morning you wake up to feel a hand wrapped around your stomach with a face buried into your neck. You smile as you remember he came home with you last night, and you smile even harder as you feel his large friend poking you in the ass. 
With a smirk on your face you wiggle your ass against his boner, making his groan. "Tease." He mumbles as he nuzzles his face further to your neck. 
"You can always just slip it in. Cum in my pussy." You whisper, making him raise his head. He reaches down, lifting your leg to go over his, opening you up slightly before he pulls down his boxers, letting his friend free. You arch your back as he guides himself inside of you, slowly thrusting in and out. He hand reaches up and under your shirt, cupping your breast before twiddling your nipples as he pumps his hips. 
"Fuck." You moan as his hand leaves your breasts and moves up to wrap around your throat. His large hands squeeze your neck as he thrusts into you harshly. 
"Rub your clit." He says, demanding you to do so. You reach between your legs and begin playing with the throbbing bud, rubbing it in circles, your pussy tightening around his cock.
"Good girl." He breathes into your ear, his head tightening again around your neck. 
"I'm.. gonna.." you cry. 
"Cum." He demands, breathing the word heavily into your ear. Shivers send down your spine as you orgasm takes over, making you cry out, loudly. 
Kai grunts a few times before spilling his juices inside of you. "Fuck." He sighs, milking himself for everything. 
He pulls himself out of you and rolls out of bed, pulling his pants on. 
"What are you doing?" You ask, confused. 
"I thought you were going to ask me to leave." He says, shrugging his shoulders. 
"Actually." You pause. "I was going to see if you wanted to come to the store with me. I was going to make you some food." You say, sitting up in your bed. "But if you want to go.." you pause. 
"I don't want to go..it's just i'm always asked to leave after." He says. "No one asks me to stay." 
"I'm asking you to stay. Spend the day with me?" You ask. 
The smile on his face could light up an entire city, the two of you so happy in that moment, but little did you know, things wouldn't be so happy in the future. 
Things with you and Kai were great for the first couple of months until the two of you had gotten more serious than either of you had expected in such a short amount of time. 
It had only been nine months but you knew with everything you had in your soul that you loved this man more than anything. And you knew he loved you back, but you just couldn't get past his work. 
You knew he didn't love the women he was with, you knew it was only a job but you hated it. You hated that while you thought about him, his dick was inside someone else, making someone else cum, making another woman feel good. And that was the cause of your fights, 99% of the time. 
"Here we go again." Kai sighs, as he grabs a drink from the kitchen. "It's always the same thing." He yells. 
"Yes it is! Why can't you just stop. Stop fucking other women." You yell. 
"It's my job! I founded the company. I built it up from nothing. I can't just walk away from that Ayn. You're asking me to give up alot." He says.  
You take a deep breath. "You know you are so much more than your dick right? You're so special, the way you make people feel is indescribable. But if you only listen to the voices in your head from your past, they will always win. And if you keep doing that, then I won't ever be enough for you. So, when you decide that you’re more than just a sex object, you call me, because you are more than that business. And your business may be booming but baby, you’re dying, I can see that and I hate that you can't. I am trying to fight for more than just us. I'm trying to fight for our future. Either you want or you don't. So let me know." 
With slow steps you walk away, hoping he stops you. 
You close the door hoping he stops you. 
You walk all the way to your car. 
You waited for him to stop you. 
But he never came. 
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funtarou · 3 years
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Wishes || Kuroo x Reader
The Second Part of "Plans" || Kuroo x Reader" fic
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Second part is here and I hope it's decent or maybe satisfying enough. Like wise, I'm rusty and still trying to regain my writing zone. Also I haven't throughly slowly proof-read this so-- Also also ya know, like wise, how I depict Kuroo has no guarantee that it's the actual Canon Kuroo, ya know. But I'm tryna get a bit close-
Story Warning: Angst, Comfort/hurt?, Human emotions are weird okay. There's one Sexual action but not described specifically. Still just incase, 13 year old below minors do not interact.
Writing Warning: Bad English grammar and possible spelling mistakes and wrong use of words. English is not my first language and I'm still tryna get back in writing groove.
Read part 1 here
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Kuroo Tetsurou never expect such a dirty play from life. He though all of the dark side in life for him has already ran out the moment his mom stormed out of their house when he was a kid. He though it was already enough the moment he heard his own older sister said she doesn't want anything to do with him. He though it was satisfying enough for life to see him bid farewell to his friends back at his old neightbourhood. Maybe he's still naive to think that he won't be affected by any games life would play him after the things he need to went through in his early childhood. Even after it already forced him to think more maturely in a young age, and developed a sort of social anxiety in those younger days, there just seems to be more and more things life had planned for him.
But after witnessing a near-death experience, Your near death experience, he wish life would let him off the Hook. Because it was just too much.
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It has been 96 hours since you were hit by the bastard with the car who drives away the next second. And despite already being treated, you still haven't wake up. The doctor said you'll be fine despite the injuries, but might experience headaches when waking up. But on the matter of when, it was still uncertain. For now it's best to let you rest, let your brain process the shock from the hit.
96 hours, and Kuroo still stays by your side. Only leaving on occasion to get some supplies he needs to stay at your hospital room. He hasn't attend his classes for the past four days yet, but has someone he's on good-terms with (and has the same classes as him) to give him notes and stuff that was taught at those classes. Kenma occasionally stopped by to give him food and check up on your condition too. A few of your friends and family also came for the same reason for the past four days.
Even though his heart ache and yearns for you to open your eyes, to know for sure that you'll be okay, he always tries to maintained a cold head. Despite the lingering fear that stays at the back of his head and the image of your frail body being hit and thrown to the side of the road, he put up a strong front. to himself and to the people around him. He has been focusing on his studies despite not present in classes, still maintaining a proper diet and sleep schedule. Acting normal, and trying to think everything is fine now that he knew you're treated and is going to be okay. He cant just go in deep depresso espresso mode now while you're unconcious. Because he knew you'd be upset if you wake up and found out he hasn't been taking care of himself. Another thing he always keep in mind is, that he cant let this bump in life ruined his plans. Not to mention he's nearing graduation if he Ace his essays and IP. He can get a job soon, a well-paid one if he works hard enough. Soon enough he can buy you the things you always dream of getting ever since highschool. He can already imagined the beaming in your eyes when he give it to you, one day.
Yeah. This is just a bump in life. Everyone Will eventually experience it at Times. Nothing is perfect, but that doesn't mean he cant stop trying to reach his future plans with you.
As Kuroo was typing on his laptop, sitting beside your bed with one hand on top of your hand, he sensed a sudden movement. His eyes quickly shot up from the device to your laying figure. He stays quiet for a few seconds, that is before he can feel the sudden broken movements of your fingers in his once again. He stand up, putting the laptop aside before putting another hand on your hand that had moved. Eyes slightly wide in anticipation for your own to open.
"... (Y/n)?"
He whispered, not wanting to startle you. The movement on your hand in his owns slowly became stronger, until it managed to lightly close in to a half fist and open again. Your eyelids trembles lightly, making an effort to open. But when it does, your orbs slowly land on him. He cant help himself, as he feels his vision getting blurry with the unintentional tears gathering up.
"Hey love... How are you feeling...?"
He softly and slowly questions, letting you process your conditions as he notices your eyes roaming around as if trying to understand where you are. And then he sees your eyes roaming at his figure, at your conjoined hands. And for some reason, the way your eyes looked at him, the way it moved as if analyzing him and the way your hand slightly shifted in his soft grip, gave him a bad feeling under the relief.
And it seems like Kuroo's gut feeling has always been spot on. For the words you weakly utter next Made his heart drop.
"... W-Who... Who are you...?"
And he wish you were pranking him at that moment.
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2 years since the incident.
The day when you woke up, Kuroo called the doctors to check up on you. After going through some tests, the doctor concluded that the impact and shock from the accident Made you lost a big part of your memories. Your family was called the same day to received the information.
Ever since that day, Kuroo has been trying to rush your memories back. He's taking it slow, not wanting to pressure you and the recovery of your memories. He's been really supportive and optimis on making you remember your family, your friends, your life style, hobbies, and him. Gladly you still remember and can manage most of the things you learned at your major, and you returned back to campus a few days after you woke up. Now you've successfully graduated with an average but good scores. Yet due to not remembering your passion, you're not quiet sure what career you want to take, up until now. You've only been doing part-time jobs and online shops. Everything still feels unfamiliar to your head, yet strangely familiar in your chest.
After getting out of the hospital, You agreed on still staying with Kuroo at your shared apartment. Kuroo also persuaded your family that it might make you remember faster on your latest life style. And in a way, he has a point. Most of the stuffs you supposely enjoy and most of the things you use in your routines is in the apartment. The things back at your family house are the old things you didn't use and left when you moved out for college. In the end you spend those two years living in the same roof with him, someone who people told you is your lover of some years now.
For the past 2 years also, Kuroo tried giving you your space. He restrict himself from kissing you everytime he sees you. He tries to hold back on smushing you againts his chest. He lets you choose where you wanted to sleep, either it be the guest room or your shared bedroom. If you're not comfortable with him hugging you, like how you two used to do everyday, he'll make a distance from your side of the bed or sleep on another place. Through those Times, be tries to done the deeds on his own, not with anyone else, without you knowing too. It's been hard for him to locked up all of his swelling feelings and affections for you, yet he doesn't want to overwhelmed you. Not until you remember him, or maybe, developed the same compassion feelings for him as your new self.
But it seems like you've caughed on his hidden desperation for you. And if there's a side of you that stays, it's your need to return the favor he has been giving you. Afterall, he's the most supportive person you've met ever since you woke up. The one who let you stay at the apartment despite not remembering him, the one that pays for all your need with his new found job, the one that's with you through the twisted road for you to remember the people you love and cherished. And so that night, you confronted him.
"Please let me help, Kuroo."
Despite the sting in his heart when hearing you call him with his last name, he cant hold himself back. Afterall, saying no to you feels so heavy for him to do.
You felt familiar under his touch, under his warmth. And whatever he did to your body, you always response accordingly. He knew every parts of your body, every beauty and insecurities. He knew what to do, because before the incident it's not like you two were playing holy-boy holy-girl in your relationship.
There's this momenterally serotonin he felt when being connected with you once again. Seeing your raw emotions of pleasure and your body doing the talking. It feels like everything was back like how it was. Everything was normal, back when you would know every part of him as much as he does, back when you utter the words of love as much as he does. But, he described the feeling as "momenterally" for a reason.
You two spend the night, cuddled againts each other, or could also be said him pulling you close out of habbit. But after experiencing one of the world's pleasure with you again, he really just need to be slapped with a sour something.
"Kuroo... I don't think I could keep pretending..."
Because deep in your heart, Kuroo Tetsurou is still a stranger in your foggy head. To your old self, your old memories, he would be the man of your dreams, the man you wish would spend forever with you. But now everything is different. You tried to find that passion within you for him, it's not like it's that hard because he was an attractive man. Despite all that, you come to realized it feels wrong. You knew, you've been knowing of how he loves you with all his beings and existence, while you only stays and manifested your love for him through a facade and a form of "Pity" for his desperate heart. It fills your chest with aching guilt, feeling as if you're using him at his more vulnurable mental and emotional state.
One could say you utter your next words on panic and quite irrantional thinking. Yet it felt right at the back of your head, to let him break free from the past. To let yourself break free. Because your little heart cant keep this game much longer.
Yet, He wish you would for a little longer.
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4 years passed by.
The whispering noises of the audiences are audible through the whole building. Some excited whispers, some casual talks. They're all waiting for you, not to mention the spiky haired JVA member.
His head hang low, looking down at the ground. Hands remains restless, patting his neat suit here and there and occasionally being put in his pant's socket. Beside him was Kenma, putting a hand behind his back and soothing his best friend.
Minutes passed by, and finally the slow music started playing, silently announcing to the people in the building of your soon arrival. The flower girl appeared from the door first, your nephew dressed In beautiful frilly white dress with flowers decorating. Her Tiny hands throwing the pastel mix colored petals as she skipped her way down the aisle. Some of your relatives coo'ed at her cute attics while throwing the flowers. And then when your form is visible In the room, all eyes are on you. Dolled up beautifully in your long white wedding attire, a thin veil lightly covering your face. You walked down the aisle, a family member holding one of your arm, accompanying you to your soon to be husband.
If someone were to ask what Kuroo Tetsurou though Angels looked like, he would describe this scene in front of him.
The scene was beautiful and breath-taking to Kuroo's eyes. Even Kenma can hear his tall friend's breath hitching for a second when his eyes land on you. Your face moved up, eyes locking at Kuroo's cat like ones as if on instinct. You two starred for a few seconds, before a small smile softly tugged at the edge of your glossed lips. But after that smile, you turned your head and tore your gaze away from his.
A drop of tear unconciously traveled down his face. Followed by another from his other eye, and then followed by a few more soon after. He's silently crying, holding on a sob as his hands formed in a fist shakingly. Kenma of cource notices this, as he glanced to his tall friend beside him. But he was unsure of what to do himself that can comfort his best friend, and so he continued rubbing (hopefully) comforting circles behind the taller male's back.
Afterall, Kenma doesn't think he's in a much better emotional state than Kuroo at this moment either. Where Kuroo cried on his realization of fully loosing you to another, Kenma hold tears of his mix emotions. Kenma's happy for you and your soon to be husband, but he cant help but sympathize with Kuroo. Afterall he's the only guy that has seen and hear you two go through all the hard and happy Times. It's always you three since grade school. Even though you and Kuroo formed a romantic relationship Along the way, you two never left Kenma behind and Kenma never stop supporting you two. And at this moment, Kenma is unsure how to feel with the whole ordeal. He wanted his best friend back together like before, but he doesn't want to force you in to it, not when you forgot all those happy and sad Times you three experienced together.
And as you reached the end of the aisle, a hand awaited to take yours in. A hand that was not Kuroo's, but someone whom he atleast knew at one point in life. Osamu Miya. The man you met and developed deep feelings for, after you left him back in Tokyo.
Kuroo thinks you're being subconciously quiet mercifull for him. If you were to marry someone you and him knew for years, it would be more painful for him to try and mask his sadness with a smiling face in false supportive-ness. And as he sat there in silent tears, he watch and listens to you ex-changing vows with the Kansai man you've chosen to plan your new future with.
He wish it was him again. He wish he has that privilages to be a part of your future again.
Afterall he already planned everything beforehand.
As Osamu slipped the gold ring through your delicate finger, Kuroo's mind went back to a few days a go. Where he had found a neatly wrapped letter in his mailbox. He wished he didn't come when you had sent him a wedding invitation. But years of not seeing you nor ex-changing much conversation through text, could add to the factor on how desperate he is to remain in contact with you. Even after years, He's not used to being so far away like this yet.
His cat like eyes bore on to the piece of decorated paper.
How he wish it was his name written there beside yours.
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5 years has passed by since the wedding.
After the ceremony Kuroo only greeted a few familiar faces and then silently leave with Kenma. For some reason Kuroo doesn't have it in him to face you, nor say his congratulations for you. He doesn't feel like tugging a smile for you at all that day. He hoped you didn't dechiper his emotionless face as something bad.
Now he's sitting in quietly, looking at the stars above him. Behind him can be seen a wooden cabin he had rent for a small nature trip, by himself. He thinks maybe he needs it, to atleast distract himself from the though of you. Honestly the first thing that dragged him to nature and disconnect with technology, is when he sees a picture being posted by Osamu Miya and shared by Atsumu on his social account. A picture of you and your 3 year old daughter with Osamu, smiling happily as it seems the three of you are eating at Onigiri Miya.
But for some reason, having his time within the fresh air of the mountains and therapeutic noises of the forest surrounding him, only Made his thoughs Drifts further on you. He though that your love is truly for him. He though that maybe he does deserve "forever". Maybe he shouldn't expect so much back then. There was never been a perfect love story from the beginning and he should've seen it coming. Even if all the odds around him seems to lead him on thinking "yes you two are meant together", maybe it's just another one of life's trial. He kept thinking like that through the 5 years.
Crouching down, Kuroo grabbed a small gasoline can that was placed beside his leg. He walked further to the wild, the backyard of the cabin, nearing a cliff where in the morning the breath-taking view of the waterfall and field can be seen. From his inside jacket pocket, he pulled out a paper file. When opening the file, it can be seen there are several papers within it and one quiet thick handmake-shift book.
He took a seat on the dirt, not minding some dust getting on his already dirty pants from the previous hike he had. One by one, his eyes wander off through the pieces of paper in the file, reading his small writings on it before dropping it to the ground in front of him. Until all the paper has been read lightly and dropped on the ground, he moved to the book. He only ever took the moment to fully and slowly read the words on the first date of the book. The date where he finally mustered the courage to confess his long-time feelings for you, and the date where he found out you also felt the same. Felt.
He schemed through the rest of the page, rather carelessly. Because he knew if he ever took the time to read each and every single plans he had for you and him, he would spend the rest of the night in tears. Heck maybe he couldn't even sleep seeing how many he wrote in the past.
Finally he reached the last page with his writings on it. His saving plans to buy you a ring. His written plan of how he was going to pull one of the best proposal action, only for you. Seems like all of that is for nothing now.
Kuroo closed the book, dropping it down with the other papers on the dirty ground. Standing up, he stretched his limbs lightly before moving to grab and open the gasoline can. Pouring all over the papers and book, not leaving any surfaces untouched, until all the papers are nicely soaked. After he emptied the gasoline can, he pulled a box of matches out from his pant's pocket.
He lights one up and throw it at the pile of papers. It went out before it could touch the wet surface, which Made Kuroo clicked his tongue in annoyence. He lights up another one, but this one went out in his hand when a sudden gush of wind hit his face. He groans in silent frustration.
'Now nature wants to hold me back?'
Was his first though.
He tries one more time. Lighting up a match, but this time dragging it down and guiding it to touch the surface of the papers. This time it finally lights up the flames on the paper. He sight contently, standing back up to see how the fire slowly covered and burns every pieces of papers and the book. Soon enough, the small fire turned in to a camp fire with the amount of fuels given to it.
The mountain around this place is quiet, especially at this time of the night. The only thing prominently audiable to the spiky haired male at the moment are the sound of the fire eating the papers.
And just like that his future plans are all ruined by the flames. The flames in front of him right now, and the flames of lingering love he still has for you. Just this week he figured he should destroy the pieces of papers that still Remind him of the old Times with you, so that he could move forward. He's in his late twenties already, he needs to get over with things and start looking up for his own future. No matter how lonely it seems like without you by his side.
He wish in another life, he could have the privilages to plan a future with you once again.
And maybe if that time does happen, he wish that everything wasn't just mere plans and wishes.
If he were to be given another chance, in another time or another universe,
He'll make sure to make every wish and plans he had in this life, a reality.
A solid reality of you and him.
But for this life, it seems like it was never meant to be.
- End
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A/N: I hope I delivered well. Maybe- Actually I wish I could deliver my ideas better
Like wise, cover edit by me but the image belongs to the Haikyuu manga
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nikki-writes-stuff · 4 years
A Stolen Choice (Alpha!Nomad!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader)
Summary: When your aunt dies and leaves you everything she owns in her will, you find yourself travelling to the mountains of North Carolina to her cabin in the middle of nowhere to sort through her belongings. But you also quickly find yourself helpless against the desires of a mysterious alpha who’s decided to claim you as his... 
A/N: Hello! I wrote this fic for one of my ko-fi readers! Click here if you’d be interested in donating. There’s no pressure to whatsoever, but everyone who donates will be able to request any type of fic they’re interested in. Message me if you have any questions! In the meantime, enjoy this fic! Be warned: it contains rape, dub-con, breeding kink, a/b/o dynamics, and nomad!Steve. Enjoy!
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You hadn’t really even known your aunt very well; you’d met her three, maybe four times over the course of your life, and while she’d always been incredibly sweet, she’d never really stood out in your mind as one of your closest relatives. Therefore, you were surprised to say the least when you were informed, after her death, that she’d left all of her worldly possessions to you in her will.
“Wait, there… There must be some kind of mistake,” you’d told the banker, shaking your head. “I wasn’t even that close to my aunt. I don’t understand…”
“I can send you a copy of her will, if you would like to see for herself,” he’d told you in a disinterested tone. “She also had a letter she wanted you to read; perhaps that can shed some light on the matter for you.”
The letter, as it turned out, did manage to enlighten you; it arrived at your apartment about a week after you’d first learned about your inheritance, and it revealed more about your aunt in just a few sentences than you’d ever known about her over the course of your life.
To my niece:
If you’re reading this, then it means my cancer finally got the best of me. It was a long fight, but rest assured that I’m glad it’s over; I’m a tough woman, always have been, but cancer is even tougher, and I’ve been tired of my uphill battle with it for a long, long time.
I know we never got to know each other well, hon. But you always stood out to me – you’re stronger than people give you credit for. I know most of our family’s judged you for being an omega; hell, I’d even made assumptions about you before meeting you. But you managed to prove me wrong, and for that I love you.
Don’t stop being yourself, and don’t let the family get you down. The only thing you need in life is you. But I’m sure the twenty grand I’ve saved up won’t hurt, either.
Her signature was scrawled across the bottom half of the page, and you found tears in your eyes as you read the letter for a second time; no one, not even your parents, had been that accepting of you after you presented. Your entire family was made up of alphas and betas, with only one or two omegas popping up along the way. And while they’d all still loved you, their disappointment upon learning of your status as an omega had still been loud and clear.
But your aunt evidently had believed you to be strong, and you felt more determined than ever to prove her right.
And so, here you were, navigating the treacherous, narrow roads of western North Carolina, your knuckles white as they gripped your steering wheel and your nerves frayed from the lack of guard rails, fences, or really any kind of separation between the road and the twenty foot ravine sloping down along its length.
“Ok,” you breathed, focusing your eyes straight ahead. “It’s fine; everything is fine. We are not going to go over the side; we are almost there. We can do this.”
Along with the twenty thousand now resting in your savings account, your aunt had left you a cabin she and her late wife had built about ten years ago. Ever since your aunt’s wife died in a car accident, she’d lived in their home in the middle of nowhere, and no one in your family had ever been to visit. Everyone had joked about her being a hermit, and while you’d never laughed along with them, you’d had to agree that she only seemed to come to family gatherings if they coincided with a funeral or a wedding. But now, as you made your slow, steady climb up to the address of what was now your cabin, you couldn’t help but wish she’d decided to be a hermit somewhere else.
“You couldn’t have chosen a beach house,” you huffed. “Or a sensible condo in the city. You had to live up in the boonies with black bears, coyotes, and the ghosts of lost hikers.”
But finally, after a long and tumultuous journey, you were able to see the outline of a building from between the trees. A grin spread over your face and a triumphant exclamation escaped your lips, and as soon as you found yourself parked in front of your aunt’s former home, you threw yourself out of your car and threw your arms up.
You languidly stretched your limbs, touching your toes and then bouncing a bit on your heels before stiffly retrieving your suitcase from your trunk; you’d been stuck behind that wheel for several hours, and if you ever drove again, it would be too soon.
You had to admit, though, that the property was lovely. Your aunt had lived in a charming little A-frame cabin with a green tin roof, and if the chimney was any indication, a cute fireplace would be waiting for you inside. It was currently right in the middle of spring, and the trees sang with the songs of birds and cicadas. Honeysuckle grew in thick bushes along the side of the driveway, and little patches of wildflowers were dotted along the plush green grass.
“No one will be able to hear me scream all the way out here,” you mused to yourself as you walked towards the front door. “But at least it’s pretty.”
You fit the key into the lock and gave it an experimental twist, and the sound of the lock clicking almost drowned out the snap of a twig from somewhere close by. Almost.
Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you turned around, scanning the forest for the source of the sound. You suddenly felt, distinctly, as if you were being watched, and you set your suitcase down before taking a step forward.
You didn’t receive an answer, and your ears strained to pick up on any other suspicious noise. But, after waiting for several seconds, your shoulders finally slumped, and you turned back towards the door.
“Must’ve been a squirrel or something…”
After nudging the door open, you struggled to pick up your heavy suitcase, oblivious to the pair of blue eyes watching your every movement. Your admirer closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, catching a waft of your scent on the breeze as you finally managed to shove your case passed the open doorway. A quiet growl escaped his chest as he opened his eyes once more, just in time to see you turn and close the door behind you. His ears registered the sound of the lock sliding back into place, but he knew that it wouldn’t be able to keep him out.
It never had been able to before.
You didn’t even know where to begin. You knew that you were supposed to go through everything of your aunt’s and decide whether or not you were going to sell it, but you hadn’t expected the act to feel so…wrong. Even though she was long gone and had left everything to you, you still couldn’t shake the feeling that you were throwing away someone else’s things without their permission.
And so you put it off; instead, you spent your first day simply taking inventory, going through the house and trying to learn more about your aunt in the process. You sorted through her storage room, finding old, dusty boardgames and random little trinkets lining her bookshelves. Your favorite things were the pictures, though – she had so many hanging up on the walls of every room in the cabin, all of them containing photos of her, her wife, and their families. You were shocked to see your high school graduation photo among their ranks; you’d had no idea she’d even been sent a copy.
After your little self-guided tour, you went through her refrigerator and threw everything within it out, plugging your nose as you did; she’d been dead for only two weeks, but the food your aunt had left behind had already, for the most part, spoiled. The only things that were still in date were a half pack of bacon, six eggs, and a few frozen pizzas tucked into the freezer. From there, you went upstairs to the loft-style bedroom and washed the sheets on her bed, and then you unpacked your things until the sky started to turn the pink and orange hues of a sunset.
Luckily, your aunt had a huge supply of canned goods, and so after opening and microwaving a can of Chef Boyardee, you retreated to perhaps your favorite part of the entire cabin – the back deck.
Your aunt had built her house on a piece of land that sloped steadily downwards from the driveway, and so the deck was situated on stilts that allowed it to overlook the ravine several feet below. It gave you a panoramic view of the forest, with the sloping peaks of the Appalachian Mountains rising in the distance. Down at the bottom of the valley, a creek trickled by, and the soft sound of its babbling served as soothing background noise for your evening meal.
After you were finished with your pasta, you sat back and closed your eyes, inhaling deeply. There was something blooming nearby that smelled intoxicating – like cedar and sandalwood and musk. Your mouth watered at its sweet, masculine scent, and you found yourself wishing that you had a candle that smelled like it.
You jumped when, once again, you heard a twig snap, followed by the sound of bushes rustling from somewhere close. You sat up, peering over the deck’s fence to try and pinpoint its source.
Setting your empty bowl to the side, you stood up and walked closer to the edge, peering out over the woods. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary; maybe it had been a possum. Or a skunk. Or…whatever else that lived in the mountains of North Carolina.
You were ready to turn away when you saw it – a flash of movement to your left. Frowning, you leaned over the side of the rail, and your eyes widened when you caught a glimpse of blue from between a patch of brambles.
“Hey! Hey, are you ok?”
You watched as whoever it was froze in place, and you glanced back towards the sky; you could just make out the outline of the moon, and the pinks and oranges had faded to red and violet.
“Hey, are you lost? It’s starting to get dark out; I would head back if I were you.”
Slowly, the person stood up and picked their way out of the brush, and when they turned towards you, you realized that it was a man. A very tall man. A very tall man with a beard, a gun strapped to his belt, and two very impressive biceps.
“Uh… Hi,” you called out once again, this time sounding significantly less sure about yourself.
“Hi,” he called back, raising his hand in a wave.
“Um… Whatcha doing over there?”
“Oh, I was, uh… I was hiking,” he explained. “But I think I got lost somewhere along the way. Could I borrow your phone?”
You hesitated, watching as the man started making his way up the hill, covering a large amount of ground with each of his long, confident strides.
“Mine died a while ago,” he went on, lowering his voice as he grew closer. “I was debating whether or not to disturb you; I know meeting a strange man in the woods probably isn’t what you were hoping to do this evening.”
Finally, he was standing directly in front of you, though the ground was about six feet beneath the floor of the deck. You looked down at him and chewed your lip, debating whether or not to help him. He looked nice enough, and he sounded genuine, but you’d said it yourself earlier – no one would hear you scream this far out.
You opened your mouth to answer him, but that was when it hit you – the smell from earlier. This time, it was much stronger, and it was then that you realized why the scent had hints of musk in it.
It was the scent of an alpha – an alpha about to start a rut.
Your blood ran cold, and you backed away from the deck’s fence as if it had burned you.
“You need to go,” you told him, watching as his smile abruptly faded away. “Right now. Or I’ll call the police.”
“Look,” he sighed, holding his hands up. “I know that this looks like; but I promise I don’t wanna hurt-“
“I don’t believe you,” you interrupted, and a cold flash of annoyance crossed his handsome, somehow familiar features. “Please, just go. I don’t want any trouble. But I will call the cops.”
The alpha sighed, setting his hands on his hips, and for a long moment the two of you were silent. The sound of the crickets that pervaded the forest seemed to rise up in a crescendo as he studied your face, but his voice seemed to drown them out as he spoke next.
“I wonder how long it’d take the police to get all the way out here.”
Your eyes widened at that, and you stumbled backwards when he suddenly jumped, pulling himself up onto the deck as if it were the easiest thing in the world. You let out a squeak and turned around, dashing to the door and yanking it open. You were just barely able to get the door shut and locked behind you before the stranger was standing in front of it. Your heart sank as you stared at him through the glass, and he arched an eyebrow, tapping his fingers against it as he stared you down.
“This doesn’t have to be hard,” he called out, his voice muffled but just loud enough to make out. “I really don’t want to hurt you. Just let me in and we can talk – I promise.”
“Is it really that surprising that I don’t believe you?” you yelled back. “Please, just leave. My alpha will be here any minute!”
You knew that was a lie – you’d never even had sex before, and you definitely didn’t have an alpha in your life. But maybe this man didn’t know that; maybe he wouldn’t call your bluff.
But all hopes of that flew out the window when he let out a laugh, shaking his head.
“You’re a horrible liar,” he remarked. “You’ve never even been with an alpha before; I’d be able to smell your innocence from a mile away.”
Your cheeks burned and you turned away, reaching into your pocket for your phone.
“Last warning, shithead,” you called out. “I’m calling the cops right now.”
Finally, the smile dropped off of his face, and he let out a deep sigh. Holding his hands up in surrender, he took a step back from the door, bowing his head in mock-respect.
“Alright,” he conceded. “Alright; I guess I’ll go ride this rut out with a more receptive omega.”
His eyes flashed as he turned away, and you watched as he walked to the other side of the deck. He leaned over the rail despite the fifteen foot drop just beneath it, and you watched as he turned towards you over his shoulder.
‘See you soon,’ he mouthed, and then he threw himself off the deck.
With a surprised cry, you stared blankly at the spot he’d just been standing in, and after a pregnant pause you tentatively opened the screen door, stepping out cautiously. You had 911 pulled up on your phone with your thumb hovering over the dial as you stalked towards the fence, and after swallowing thickly, you leaned over its side, searching the forest floor for any signs of the creepy alpha.
But there was nothing – he wasn’t, as you’d suspected, laying there with two broken legs from the fall. No, in fact the only sign that he’d ever been there at all was the frantic beating of your heart and the lingering scent of his oncoming rut.
You woke up three times during the night. The first time, it had been right before midnight, and it had been for no reason at all. No sound had awoken you, nor had a bad dream. After several minutes, you’d gone back to sleep, tossing and turning until waking up a second time.
It had been around 1:30 in the morning at that point, and it had taken you over an hour to sleep again. You kept thinking that you’d heard something from downstairs, but your late night paranoia told you not to go down and investigate.
The third time you woke up, it was a few minutes before 5, and you immediately knew that you weren’t alone. You felt a presence leaning over you, could hear his soft breathing. You froze, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to keep breathing at the same pace you had been while sleeping, but then you heard a soft, gravelly chuckle from close by.
“I know you’re awake, omega.”
You already knew that it was the alpha from before, but still you opened your eyes and sat up, clutching the covers to your chest as you looked up at him.
He was wearing the same clothes from before, except his gun holster was nowhere to be seen. Your phone, too, was gone from its usual perch on your nightstand, and your blood went cold as you breathed in his warm, overpowering scent.
“…Please,” you heard yourself whisper. “Please, don’t do this. I-“
“You shouldn’t have been so rude earlier,” he remarked, lowering himself down to sit on the side of the bed. “I would’ve rather not had to break in, but you left me no choice.”
You swallowed, tensing up even more when his eyes flashed down to your throat to track the movement. He looked so familiar now that you were so close to him; you just couldn’t put your finger on where you’d seen him before.
“Who are you?” you asked, and at first you thought that he hadn’t heard you. He made no reaction, and you opened your mouth to voice your question once more.
“I said who-“
“My name is Steve,” he interrupted you. “That’s all you need to know.”
You bit your lip and nodded, glancing over to the stairs, and then to the window. You knew, though, that you had no chance of running. He was standing between you and the staircase, and the window wasn’t even open. By the time you’d be able to pry it up, it would be too late; he’d be on you in a matter of seconds.
“Listen, Steve,” you started, forcing yourself to make and maintain eye contact with him. “I… I know this probably doesn’t mean anything to you, but… you were right earlier. I’ve never…been with anyone. And I don’t have an alpha. I’ve been waiting to find the right one for so…so long. Please, I’m begging you, don’t take that choice from me. I promise I won’t tell anyone I saw you, and I won’t make any trouble. Just…please don’t do this.”
He seemed to consider your words, and for a few moments you felt a spark of hope rise up in you. He tilted his head as he regarded you, and you silently willed him to leave you alone, to forget any of this happened.
“I didn’t think there were women like you around anymore,” he eventually murmured. “Some omegas these days don’t even settle down with an alpha, which was unheard of back in my day. And if I had a dollar for every time a cockhungry bitch in heat had thrown herself at me only to leave once she’d had her fill, well. I’d never have to work another day in my life.
“But then you show up in my life – innocent, pure, and loyal to an alpha you haven’t even met yet.”
Your eyes widened when he leaned towards you, and you squeezed the sheets as he cupped your cheek.
“I can see so much potential in you,” he breathed. “You could be such a good girl.”
He leaned toward even further, and you realized that he was going to kiss you. For a moment, all you could do was watch as his face got closer and closer, frozen by your fear and his suffocating scent, but as soon as his lips touched yours, your body leapt into action.
You threw yourself away from him as if he were on fire and scrambled to the stairs, your feet stumbling as you ran down them. Towards the last step, your ankle twisted beneath your weight, sending you crumpling to the ground.  You cried out as your head hit the banister hard, but you ignored the ringing in your ears, forcing yourself to stand up again.
Movement caught your attention out of the corner of your eye, and you stopped dead in your tracks as you watched Steve calmly approach the staircase. Instead of starting to walk down, though, he hoisted himself over the rail and dropped to the first floor, landing in a crouch before standing up and sauntering over to you.
And that was when you realized why he looked so familiar. No normal person would be able to just do shit like that. And if you were to take away the beard, he would have the exact same face you’d seen in museums, textbooks, and newspapers throughout your entire life.
“…Captain America?”
Steve rolled his eyes and marched towards you, and you were so surprised that you didn’t even try to retreat.
“I used to be, doll,” he growled. “But I’m way past trying to be a hero for a world that doesn’t even want to be saved.”
You finally began to struggle when he set his hands on your hips, but he ignored your protests as he effortlessly picked you up.
“I understand,” he huffed, starting to carry you once more up the stairs. “Really, I do. You’re scared, and I’m a stranger.”
He dropped you onto the bed before shucking off his shirt, and you clambered backwards when he started to crawl over your body.
“But I’ve made my decision; you are my omega.”
The sound of fabric ripping coaxed a startle cry past your lips, and you tried to cover your chest when Steve tore your shirt away.
“Quit with the complaining, doll,” he huffed. “I’ll treat you right if you just let me-“
A sob escaped you when he took hold of your wrists and pinned them to either side of your head. Tears were running down your cheeks, and Steve’s knee between your thighs made it impossible to close your legs no matter how hard you tried to. For a moment, both of you simply looked at one another, one with terror in their eyes, the other with pure lust.
Steve’s nose skimmed your neck as he leaned down, inhaling your scent and nuzzling your mating gland. The sound that he made could only be described as a purr as he drank in your essence, and his hips started to lazily grind down against you.
“Fuck, you smell so sweet,” he groaned. “How haven’t you been mated yet?”
His tongue darted out, tracing the gland languidly. Shocks of pleasure coursed down from your neck to your spine, and you found yourself arching up of your own accord; you’d thought that it was a myth that more nerve endings existed in a person’s mating gland, but Steve was proving that theory wrong despite how much you didn’t want this.
“That feels good, doesn’t it?” he breathed. “Imagine how good it’ll be when I fuckin’ sink my teeth into you.”
Your voice cut off into a stuttering moan when he nipped at the skin, not hard enough to pierce it but enough to make your hips buck upwards of their own accord.
“That’s my girl,” he praised. “Let yourself feel this; you deserve it. You’ve waited so long for a good, strong alpha to take care of you, haven’t you? My good little omega…”
Under any other circumstances, you would’ve preened under his praise, ever the stereotypical, eager-to-please omega, and you fought against the urge to lean into his touch. His scent had an almost dizzying effect on you, and your struggles were slowly growing weaker and weaker.
“I’ve heard that an alpha’s rut can sent their omega into an early heat,” he mused, letting one of his hands trail up to cup your breast. “I think we should test that theory.”
You whined when his thumb started circling your nipple, and an amused grin overtook his features.
“Good girl,” he praised, and you momentarily had enough clarity to glare at him from under your lashes.
“Fuck you,” you grunted, but he only chuckled.
“Well that’s the idea, sweetheart,” he remarked.
Suddenly, you felt the world spin around you, and suddenly you were on your belly.
“But if you use that language with me again,” he purred against your ear, “I’ll fuck your throat until I knot in that dirty little mouth of yours. Are we clear?”
Hurriedly, you nodded your head yes, and Steve’s hand slid down the curve of your spine.
You gasped when his arm snaked under your hips, pulling up on them until you were on your knees and elbows. You felt as if your cheeks were burning when he spread your ass cheeks, and you squirmed as you tried to close your legs.
“You’re already wet for me, omega,” he noted. “Your body wants this; why can’t you just give in?”
Despite his earlier threat, you were about to say something along the lines of ‘because fuck you, you star spangled asshole’, but then something cool and wet licked upwards from your clit to your entrance, and all of your thoughts faded to white noise.
Steve’s tongue slid into you slowly, stretching your hole in ways that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and the groan he let out at your taste was pornographic. At a slow, even pace, he started tongue fucking you, and you couldn’t control the moans that were spilling out of your lips. You reached out, gripping the nearest pillow and digging your nails into it as pleasure started flowing through you.
You whined when, all too soon, he pulled his tongue out, but when he slid it over your clit and started tracing quick, tight circles against your bud, you nearly screamed. A finger slid inside of you as your hips started rocking; it was obscene, and wrong, and humiliating, but you’d never felt anything like this before. Steve’s moans urged you on, and despite your fear, your hatred, of him, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax.
“S-steve,” you squeaked, “w-wait, fuck-“
You buried your face in the pillow as, all of a sudden, your orgasm came over you, but Steve’s free hand snapped up to your head and pulled it back by a handful of your hair, making you arch your back as you screamed his name. His finger curled inside of you as your pussy clenched around it, and he was murmuring soft words of encouragement as you came down from your high.
“There you go,” he purred. “You did so good for me. See how good your alpha takes care of you?”
Your head was still spinning when Steve pulled away, but your eyes snapped open when you heard the slide of fabric against skin. You looked over your shoulder and felt your blood ran cold when you saw him toss his jeans to the side, and immediately you looked down at his cock, already fully hard and leaking a bead of precum.
"N-no," you gasped, trying to crawl away. “Steve, no, please-“
But he only gripped your hips and pulled you back to him until you felt his hardness grind against your ass.
“Calm down, baby,” he murmured. “It’ll only hurt for a second.”
Before you could beg him anymore, he started pushing into you, and nothing could have prepared you for the stretch. It burned, so bad that all you could do was bite down on your hand and trying to hold back your tears as he impaled you.
“Fu-uck,” he groaned. “Oh, my god, baby. So good, so fucking good-“
He paused only when his head pushed painfully against your cervix, and for a long moment he stayed still, allowing you the small kindness of adjusting to his thickness.
“Shh, it’s ok,” he cooed, pressing his chest flush to your back. “The worst part is over, baby. We can take our time from here.”
He nuzzled your mating gland and cupped your tits, rolling them in his palms as he pressed kisses over the curve of your shoulder.
“This is the tightest little pussy I’ve ever felt,” he whispered. “You’re making your alpha feel so good, doll.”
And as twisted as it was, as much as you hated it, his words actually helped. Slowly, you let your muscles relax, and he rewarded you with an open-mouthed kiss to that sensitive spot in your neck. One of his hands snaked its way beneath your body and began toying with your still-sensitive clit, rubbing it until your hips squirmed against him.
He took your movements as a sign to move, and a surprised moan escaped your lips when he pulled back, nearly pulling out completely before thrusting forward. Your pussy made an embarrassingly loud squelching noise, but you found yourself grateful that you were wet enough to make the stretch that much more bearable.
Steve slowly began to find an easy rhythm, and despite his rough treatment of you, he was gentle as he took you. At least, as gentle as rape could be. That’s what you had to keep telling yourself; despite every sweet word that left his lips and despite every moan he managed to pull from yours, you still didn’t want this. You didn’t want him.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he breathed. “Best fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever had…”
You whined as he kept rubbing your clit, matching the rhythm of his fingers to the rhythm of his hips. Your body betrayed you as it started aching for more, and as he started speeding up you found yourself moving your hips back to meet his thrusts. Steve’s moans grew louder, and you heard a loud crack as his palm smacked your ass.
“Good girl-“ he panted. “Taking your alpha’s cock so well…”
Suddenly, he pulled out, leaving you empty and dripping and wanting, and you felt him shift upwards onto his knees. Roughly, he shoved your knees further apart and entered you again, immediately snapping his hips at a hard, brutal pace. Every thrust drew a moan out of your parted lips, and your arm and leg muscles were starting to shake.
The bed beneath you creaked loudly as he fucked you into the mattress, and your scents had mingled into something heady and warm and intoxicating. The founds of skin slapping skin was as intimate as it was erotic, and your moans became deeper, throatier as his pace suddenly shifted, slowing down as he bucked his hips harder. Each movement drew a strangled moan from your throat, and Steve’s fingers found your clit once again.
This was somehow even worse than the erratic, frantic claiming. This had somehow become more intimate, less frenzied, but the pleasure dulling your senses remained the same.
“Knew it from the first moment I smelled you,” Steve whispered, his voice strained and husky. “I knew that you were gonna be mine. ‘ve never met anyone like you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed together and you let out a low whine as the head of his cock brushed against a sensitive, delicious spot inside of you. Without thinking, you pushed back against him, silently urging him to move faster.
“Oh? Right there?” You nodded your head, mewling as he hit your g-spot again. “Right there, little omega?”
“Y-yes,” you gasped, resting your forehead against your arms. “Please…”
“Please what, little one?” he grunted, slowing down until he was only just barely grinding his hips. “Tell me what you want.”
You whined, squeezing your eyes shut and shaking your head; you wouldn’t say it out loud – your pride wouldn’t allow you to.
“Say it,” Steve urged. “I won’t give it to you until you do.”
You bit your lip, trying to ignore the fluttering in your pussy, urging Steve’s cock in deeper, but after a few seconds you snapped. With tears in your eyes, you looked over your shoulder at him, taking in the rapid rising and falling of his hips, the way his lips were parted as he watched you.
“…Fuck me,” you finally whispered, bowing your head as your defeat washed over you. “Please, fuck me…”
Your eyes widened when he pulled out of you completely, but you understood when he flipped you over onto your back. You stared up at him as he positioned himself at your entrance once again, and your back arched up as if you’d been electrocuted when he shoved himself inside of you once more.
His pace was no longer kind nor was it unhurried as he fucked you; you were both so tantalizingly close to your release, and now it was just a matter of chasing it. His moans escaped from behind clenched teeth as he gripped your thigh in one hand, hoisting it up and bending it until your knee was almost touching your chest. But from this angle, you felt him so deep inside of you that you didn’t care; you laid back and took it, clawing at his biceps as you got closer and closer.
All too soon, your body tensed up, your pussy clenching as you came. White exploded behind your eyes as the pleasure overtook you, and not even the ringing in your ears could drown out Steve’s names as you screamed it. You glanced up through your lashes to find the alpha’s eyes already gazing into your own, until he grit his teeth and threw his head back.
Your name was a prayer on his lips as he grew closer and closer, until he lunged forward with a growl. His tongue lapped at your mating gland in ways that had your pussy fluttering even after your release, but time seemed to stand still when you felt his teeth sink into your flesh.
You were vaguely aware of the heat of Steve’s cum as it painted your walls, and even your own, second, orgasm faded into the background. Your eyes were unseeing, your body unfeeling; the only thing you could focus on was your mating gland being bitten, being claimed, by Steve Rogers. It was a permanent mark of who you belonged to; a milky white scar would forever be left behind, as would the memory of who put it there.
A broken, distressed moan escaped your lips when he pulled away, but you immediately understood what he wanted when he bared his neck to you in a rare sign of submission, especially from an alpha like himself. As his knot swelled inside you, locking you in place, you leaned forward, licking your lips.
Later, you would blame it on your hormones, on your body’s natural instinct as an omega who had just been claimed. But whatever the true reason was for your actions, you latched onto his neck and bit his mating gland in return. The piercing of teeth against skin felt amazing in an explainable, primal way, and you both moaned as you marked Steve in the same, permanent way he’d marked you.
You stayed there until you’d both caught your breaths, reveling in your ability to hurt him, to wield control over him in the way he’d forcibly done to you. When you finally tasted his blood on your tongue, you let go, licking it off of your lips and wincing at how far his knot had stretched you.
Looking up into his blue eyes, the reality of it all came crashing down onto you; you’d been raped, claimed, by a total stranger. You knew of him only from history books and news reports, and now he was inside you, the mark on your neck a permanent part of him that would follow you for the rest of your days.
A sob wracked your shoulders, and your hands flew up to cover your face. A sad, almost pitying look swept across Steve’s features, and he gathered you into his arms as he rolled you onto your sides.
“Shhh, it’s ok,” he cooed, running his fingers through your hair. “I know, I know… It’s ok, omega. I’ve got you.”
You wanted to throw your fists against his chest; you wanted to slap the pitiful look off of his face. You wanted to throw yourself off of the deck just as he’d done hours earlier.
But instead you closed your eyes and let him whisper empty words of comfort to you until sleep finally, finally, came.
If it weren’t for the soreness that had spread all over your body, you would’ve thought it had all been a dream.
You woke up with the sheets neatly tucked around you. You were still naked, but your clothes from last night had been tucked away into the laundry hamper in the corner. You heard faint noises coming from the kitchen – the occasional clang of two plates clinking together, the sizzling of something on the stove – but there was nothing out of place in the bedroom.
Wincing, you pushed the covers back and stood up swaying unsteadily on your feet. You glanced in the mirror, feeling your blood run cold at the sight that greeted you. Your reflection was covered in bruises and bitemarks; you hadn’t even been aware of Steve biting you that much during last night’s activities. Your hair was a mess, but there was no dried cum along the inside of your thighs. He must have cleaned you up after his knot allowed the two of you to separate.
Gulping, you tilted your head and leaned forward, feeling a fresh wave of tears sting your eyes when you saw the red, irritated bitemark on your mating gland. Soon enough, the puffy flesh would calm down, and the crimson would be replaced by a silvery scar that would remain there for the rest of your life. Every look in the mirror would be a fresh reminder of what Steve had done to you.
Clearing your throat, you arranged your hair until it covered over the mark, and you reached into the dresser to pull out a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You didn’t really think that you could escape the famous Captain America, but you still crept down the stairs, avoiding the squeaky ones you’d discovered yesterday as you made your slow descent.
Upon reaching the first floor, your eyes focused on the side table next to the front door, but your keys weren’t resting on it like you’d left them yesterday. A disappointed sigh left your lips, and you tiptoed closer to the door. Maybe you could make it on foot-
“I made breakfast,” you suddenly heard Steve call from the kitchen. “Come and get it before it gets cold.”
Your heart sank, and you immediately knew that there would be no use in trying to leave now. Squaring your shoulders, you cautiously made your way to him, your abused pussy aching with every step you took.
Steve was standing over the sink, washing a pan and wearing only a pair of sweatpants. You weren’t sure where he’d gotten them; you doubted he could have fit into any of your aunt’s clothes.
“Go ahead and have a seat,” he instructed you, not looking up from the pan. “I’ll bring over our plates. Do you like coffee?”
You bit your lip and did as he said, lowering yourself into the seat with a wince. Steve finally looked up when he heard your sharp inhalation, and guilt flashed across his face.
“I’ll get you some pain killers,” he said. “Can you take ibuprofen?”
You looked down at the table, wringing your hands in your lap.
“…I’d prefer Tylenol,” you murmured. “And yes, I like coffee.”
The alpha nodded, and you continued resolutely staring at the table, even when he set down a plate of steaming eggs and bacon, a mug of coffee, and a bottle of pain killers. You mechanically took four of the pills, washing them down with the black coffee. You jumped when Steve settled down into the chair across from yours, but you refused to look up at him as he began devouring his meal.
“…You should eat something,” he remarked, but you ignored him, only taking another sip of your coffee. With a sigh, he set down his fork, swallowing a bit of eggs before addressing you again.
“I mean it,” he insisted. “I haven’t even started my rut yet; you’ll need the strength.”
A tear slipped out of your eyes, and you looked down at your food. With shaking fingers, you picked up a slab of bacon, but when its smell hit you, you felt bile rise up in your throat. You immediately dropped it, taking another gulp of coffee to help push down your nausea.
“Hon,” Steve huffed. “C’mon. At least try.”
“I’m not hungry,” you muttered.
“Just one bite, then,” he persisted. “Please.”
You shot him a glare from beneath your lashes, but he only raised his eyebrows expectantly. You stared until you couldn’t stand the sight of him, and your resolve crumbled as you finally looked down. Picking up your fork, you shoveled a bite of scrambled egg into your mouth, not tasting it as you chewed and then swallowed.
“There,” you grumbled. “Happy?’
Steve once again sighed through his nose, but he only shook his head and went back to eating. For a long moment, the two of you were silent, until he finished his plate and slid yours over towards himself.
“So,” he started, picking up the piece of bacon you hadn’t been able to stomach. “You obviously don’t live here. Who does? A relative – sister, maybe? Is she the one in all the photos?”
You didn’t answer him, and with a frustrated grunt he reached over, grabbing your hand.
“I know that you probably hate me,” he mumbled. “And I can understand why. But we’re together now; you might as well make the most of it. Tell me about yourself.”
Your chest ached with unshed tears, and you looked down at his massive palm as it engulfed yours.
“…I always dreamed about falling in love,” you finally spoke. “I didn’t care who it was with – an alpha or a beta. I just knew that I wanted to love the person I shared my first time with. They didn’t have to be my mate, and I never expected it to be perfect. But I wanted it to mean something.”
You looked up, clenching your jaw as you pulled your hair away, showing him the bonding mark still fresh on your neck.
“You…took that from me,” you growled. “And you stole so much more than just my virginity. You took my choice; you made the years that I’d waited for someone special mean nothing. And I’ll never be able to forget it because of this fucking scar you left behind. So no, I’m not going to make the most out of a shitty situation, because no matter how nice we play, no matter how much I try, it will always and forever be a shitty thing that you did.”
Steve’s jaw clenched, and you flinched when he abruptly stood up from his chair. You pressed yourself against the back of the chair as he towered over for you, and you feared the worst when you saw his hands clench into fists at his side.
“…I’m going out,” he growled. “If you try to run, I’ll find you.”
With that, he stormed out, nearly yanking the front door off its hinges and letting it slam shut behind him. For the next several seconds, the only sounds in the room were the muffled birdsong from outside and the ticking of a clock from the hallway.
Eventually, you stood up, bringing your still-full plate into the kitchen and scraping its contents into the trash can. Your mating gland throbbed, but inside you felt nothing but numbness as you went about your cleaning.
After everything was spotless, you futilely searched for your keys, but Steve must have taken them with him. And despite your earlier desire to try and flee on foot, a gut instinct told you that he’d meant it when he said he would find you. You were miles away from a road that wasn’t made of dirt or gravel, and even the nearest highway was even more miles from any signs of civilization. You were well and truly stuck here.
Not knowing what else to do, you went outside onto the back deck, where it had all started. You sat out there until the sun was high in the sky, and it must have been hours until you heard the screen door open. You kept your eyes focused on the forest around you as Steve sat down next to you, and you remained still as a statue even as you felt his eyes baring into you.
“…I first came here two weeks ago,” he started. “No one was here, so I used it as a safehouse. I’ve been on the run since…since the Avengers split apart.”
The only response you gave him was a nod, and he took that as a sign to continue on.
“It had been a while for me. Since I’d…been with anyone. Ever since I was given the serum, my ruts have been more intense. At first, I tried to ignore them, fight ‘em off, but eventually that just stopped working.
“When I first saw you, smelled you, I knew that I wanted you,” he sighed. “Everything else kind of…faded into the background. Your scent was enough to send me spiraling towards a rut. Hell, I haven’t even started it yet, but it’s gonna be one of my most intense ones yet.
“I’m not saying that I’m sorry,” he sighed. “Because I know we’re way past that. And I’m not gonna say I’m not gonna do it again, cuz even now it’s taking all of my willpower not to bend you over the side of the balcony. But I guess I’m saying that… I get what I’ve done to you. I know it’s…heinous. And a younger me would’ve been disgusted with it. But now that we’re bonded to each other, I’m going to make this work.”
You turned to him, feeling your blood go cold at how determined he sounded.
“Make this… Steve, this can’t… There’s no future for us,” you stammered. “We don’t know each other; you, you raped me. There is no ‘making this work’.”
“Yes, there is,” he insisted. “I waited for someone special too, you know. I let the only woman I ever loved slip out of my fingers; when I woke up after the ice, I knew I wasn’t gonna just spend the rest of my life with anybody. And even if we don’t know each other, it doesn’t mean it’ll always be that way. We can learn-“
“I don’t want to learn!” you exclaimed, rushing to your feet. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with you! If you’re bound and determined to ride out the rest of your rut with me, then fine. I’ll hate it, but I’ll get it. Use me like a glorified sex doll like you did last night. But don’t turn this into something it’s not. Just leave me the fuck alone once you’ve had your fun.”
Steve stood up, towering over you, and you stumbled backwards as he advanced towards you.
“You don’t want me to be your alpha? Well tough shit,” he spat. “You should’ve thought about that before you bit me back.”
You opened your mouth to deny it, but then your eyes fell onto the side of his neck, and your mouth snapped shut. It was a perfect mirror of your own scar, and you gulped when Steve tilted his head to the side so he could get a better view of it. Your teeth were perfectly imprinted in red right over his gland, and sick shame washed over you as you stared at it.
“I’m going to carry around a piece of you for the rest of my life,” he continued, starting to walk towards you again. “So you’d better be damned sure that I’m not going to let you go anywhere.”
A gasp escaped your parted lips when you felt your ass press against the deck’s railing, and you looked over your shoulder to see a fifteen foot drop just on its other side. Gulping, you turned back around, and once again Steve was towering over you, his scent wafting to your nostrils as he caged you in.
“I’m yours just as much as you’re mine, sugar,” he growled. “I’d get used to it if I were you.”
One of his hands tangled in your hair, and then, before you knew it, he was pressing his lips to yours, His other hand trailed up the side of your neck, tracing his bitemark with his fingertips in ways that shot tingles all the way down your spine, to your toes, and back up again. Your whole body twitched at the sensation, and a laugh that sounded more like a purr sounded from his chest.
“I’ll always love how responsive you are,” he murmured. “And eventually, one day, I’ll love the rest of you. Even that bratty little mouth of yours.”
You whimpered when his hands moved down to your hips, picking you up and setting you on the rail. You gasped and grabbed onto his shoulders, leaning towards him and away from the drop behind you.
“Steve!” you exclaimed. “Wait, I don’t-“
“I’m tired of waiting,” he interrupted. “You’ve been walking around in those tiny shorts all fucking day. I’ve held back for long enough.”
He reached down and roughly yanked your shirt up, tearing it down your arms and tossing it behind him. Your nipples pebbled as your breasts were exposed to the slight chill in the spring air, and goosebumps rose up all over your torso.
“I fucking love your tits,” he growled, dipping his head down to suck on one of your nipples. His hand roughly rolled and groped your other breast, and you fought not to arch your back, already feeling off balance as you tried to remain seated on the thin rail.
“Steve, can we please go inside-“
“No, baby,” he grunted. “I need you right here, right now.”
He did, however, pull you forward, and you let out a huff of relief when your feet met solid ground once again. Your relief was short-lived, however, as he turned you around and pushed you forward with a hand between your shoulder blades. You bent down, clutching the top of the low fence and staring at the forest floor below as he ground his erection against your ass. He was already half-hard, growing harder by the second as he rubbed himself against you.
“At least I chose the best pussy I’ve ever felt,” he mused, and you whined when two fingers suddenly plunged into you.
Your slick sounds were obscenely loud, and despite the cabin’s isolation, you felt a fleeting stab of fear that someone would hear him as he fingered you. Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the top of the rail, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your moan when Steve’s thumb found your clit.
“No, no, no,” he chided. “I want to hear you, little one. Let me hear those cute little noises you make.”
He reached down and grabbed your wrist, pulling it away as his thumb traced quick, tight circles against your bud. All the while, he was still grinding his clothed erection against the curve of your ass, and your thoughts swam as he added a third finger inside of you.
“I did make you feel good last night,” he breathed. “Didn’t I? You came…I think it was three times? Fuck, I think you were just as desperate as I was.”
He chuckled, pulling his hand away.
“But who am I kidding? I’m still desperate for you.”
Without warning, he spun you around and sat you on the rail once again, shoving his sweatpants down before lining his cock up with your entrance. It all happened so fast; you had no time to prepare yourself as he slid into you in one fluid, fast motion.
“Oh, god-“ you gasped, hands flying to his shoulders. “Steve, please, it hurts-“
“It’s gonna hurt these first couple of times, babygirl,” he sighed, as if he were an exasperated teacher trying to explain a difficult problem to you. “But if you just, fuck-“
He was cut off by his own moan as he started thrusting, not pausing to give you any time to adjust before starting to pump his hips forward.
“If you just relax,” he continued, “then it’ll feel better.”
You clung to him as he started pounding into you, letting your head fall forward to rest on his shoulder. There was nothing else you could do as he snapped his hips; you were powerless against him as he used you for his own pleasure.
Oh, and you’re not getting anything out of this? A treacherous voice whispered to you in the back of your mind, and as you started to feel the same pleasure as you had last night, it grew louder and louder. He’s right – it does feel good. Just give in; it would be so easy to just enjoy it.
You couldn’t bite back a moan as the head of his cock brushed against your g-spot, just as it had last night, and Steve rewarded you by snaking a hand between your bodies and rubbing your clit with his thumb once more. The stimulation to your bud made your thighs tremble, and you found your hips rolling forward as you felt that familiar knot start to tighten in your belly.
Your eyes opened, and you found yourself face to face with your bite mark. In your pleasure-addled mind, you couldn’t help but admire the impression that now marked his flesh; you thought back to how it had felt to bite him, to sink your teeth into him as he’d made you cum a second time with his cock buried deep inside of you.
As if reading your thoughts, Steve leaned downwards, and you cried out when he fit his teeth into your fresh scar once again. It hurt like a bitch, but it also felt perfect, as if a puzzle piece you hadn’t realized you were missing had finally found its rightful place in your body. You let your instincts guide you as you opened your mouth, first licking at Steve’s mating gland before sinking your own teeth into his bond mark.
Steve’s hips stilled, and you felt him growl as he pulled you tighter against him. He removed his teeth from you and squeezed your ass, picking you up.
“Keep biting me,” he commanded, his voice huskier than you’d ever heard it. “Don’t you fucking stop.”
You whined and nodded, biting harder as he pressed your back against the screen door. Once again, he started pounding into you, starting out at a punishing rhythm as he held you aloft. You could tell he was close, and you weren’t far behind him.
“I’m gonna fill you up again, omega,” he grunted. “Gonna make your belly round and – fuck – and swollen with my child. Gonna cum in you again and again and again, just like I know you need.”
A moan escaped your throat, and you let go of his neck to let your head fall back against the glass. Your eyes met his pleadingly, captured by those intense, terrifying blue irises as you both approached your peak.
“You gonna cum?” he murmured, and you nodded wordlessly, whimpers and groans spilling out of your open mouth as he snapped his hips harder.
He thrust one, two more times before you both snapped, and your screams of release mingled together as you came. His knot pushed past your entrance, swelling inside of you as his cum filled your pussy, and you let out a low groan at the strange sensation. Your nails were biting into his biceps, but neither of you cared as you rode out the aftershocks.
Last night, you’d been able to find respite in falling asleep, in not having to deal with the immediate consequences of what Steve had done to you and of what you’d done to him in return. But now, you were wide awake, watching in horror as the alpha, your alpha, caught his breath.
“…How long does it take for your knot to go away?” you asked in a quiet, almost timid voice.
“Um…” Steve thought about it. “Typically about twenty minutes.”
You sighed, closing your eyes.
“You know, now would be a good time for us to talk, since you refused to earlier.”
You shot Steve a withering glare, and he only chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re not like any of the other omegas I’ve met,” he murmured.
“If you’re seriously going to tell me I’m not like other girls,” you quipped, “I’m going to throw both of us off this balcony.”
Steve chuckled again, tightening his grip on you and walking you over to the outdoor couch. You were feeling a medley of confusing, conflicting emotions, and you looked away as you fought to process all of them. It was true, what they said – you did feel more vulnerable after having sex with Steve. You refused to cry, though. You’d wasted enough time and energy on tears.
“I meant what I said, you know,” the alpha suddenly said. You pulled back enough to meet his eyes, arching an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“When I said I wanted to get you pregnant,” he clarified. “You would look beautiful with my child growing inside of you.”
Your eyes grew comically wide, and you had to look away.
“I… I’m not ready to have kids,” was all you said, and Steve nodded thoughtfully.
“I’m not really in a position to have them, either,” he sighed, letting his head fall back. “I’m still on the run from Tony until everything blows over. It’s not a situation to bring a child up in.
“But one day, omega,” he said, his voice dipping low in its timber as he grew more serious, “I’m going to fuck a baby into you. I don’t want to hear any lip about it, either.”
You bit your trembling lip at the thought of being pregnant with this man’s child; if that ever were to happen, you really would be well and truly stuck with him.
You couldn’t think about that, though. You wouldn’t let yourself think about it. As Steve rubbed your back, waiting until his knot released you, the only thing you could think about was getting from one moment to the next. You didn’t know how or when you would manage to do it, but one thing was for certain.
One day, you would find a way to escape Steve Rogers. After all, it was like your aunt had said in her letter – you were strong. Even stronger than Captain America. And the only thing in life you needed was you.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
More hetalia highschool AU, 🌟magic team🌟 edition :)
Under the cut bc it is long ❤️
Vladimir is that one kid obsessed with Twilight but only for the vampires; it was his first ever exposure to vampires thanks to his dad thinking Twilight was an appropriate book for a 11 year old. Team Edward going strong for five years, he'd proudly declare like it actually mattered. He tries his best to dress goth at school even though his uniform gets in the way. Fake ear piercings(his parents won't let him pierce them yet), over the top makeup, he's dyed the top half of his shoes black because his parents were concerned about his obsession with black and wouldn't buy him the black tennies he wanted— "mom look, these are marked down for back to school! Can I pleeeease get them???" "....may I know why the black ones specifically?" "They match the ever nothingness of my soul." "Yep! The white ones it is then!" "Mooooooooooom!"— Vladimir has been dubbed the cringy vampire kid of course.
Lukas is into pretty much anything concerning cryptids and magical creatures because they can't be proven to be fake or real, which intrigues him. He carries a book about mushrooms at all times and info dumps on pretty much anyone about identifying poisonous mushrooms and which mushrooms are safe to eat. His backpack is covered in buttons and pins to show off his interests. He keeps an amethyst in the front pocket of his backpack, reason unknown other than to just randomly pull it out and let Mikkel look at it. He's that kid that always wears his hoodie no matter the season, he never takes it off. Under his hoodie is always a crude worded t-shirt that the school would not approve of, much less his parents. He's relatively quiet and because he's quiet he's considered a weird kid.
Arthur can't decide if punk is his style or if goth is. Either way, his way of self expression at school in addition to the uniform is horrible. Checkered black/red shoes his grandma got him with his older brother's hand me down worn out greying socks—"can I PLEASE just have my own clothes???" "we have perfectly good clothes for you in the garage! I can fix them up to fit you better and everything!" "but I want cool NEW clothes!" "those are cool clothes and as far as the other kids know, they're also new. Now get your transformer backpack and get to the car. I put a new patch on it last night so that should hold it for the rest of the year."— Old Pierce the veil shirt, with holes chewed into the collar from his older brother Dillan, peeking out from under his white polo. A black and red choker to match his black and red slowly tearing apart too big flannel on top of a black pull over. A deep blue beanie, the hoodie of his pull over almost constantly on top when outside the school. He dyes a part of his hair a different color every month. He spikes his hair using too much gel and is convinced he looks good. He talks too much about bands and always gets Vlad and Lukas going on and on about fictional creatures he does not FULLY believe in himself. He does, however, believe in magic and loves Harry Potter, more specifically the Weaselys, to bits.
Natalya is a sophomore, a year behind the boys, and she just kinda pushed her way into the friend group until they eventually accepted her into it. They were the only three she knew who liked occult related topics. She's on the baseball team because she wanted an excuse to hit things with another thing and NOT get detention because of it. She wears the khaki uniform skirt and takes full advantage over being able to wear any kind of tights underneath; skull pattern, plain black, blood splatter pattern, fire pattern. Anything that makes her feel like a badass. She's always talking about antiques and forging weapons, more specifically knives. She has a whole collection of fidget toys but her favorite is this pea pod keychain her father gave her. She's always talking about how she'd like to be a medical examiner and to just prove that she's serious, she'll bring up a picture of a human model and point out the difference between a self inflicted fatal wound and a homicide. She puts up a charade of being able to see and talk to ghosts to freak out Alfred, her extended friend first met through Tolys.
They collectively believe they're cool and that other people know this. They're genuinely blind to the obvious snickers sent their way, being called losers and nerds. They're really knowm for like really pathetic things like; Natalya is Ivan's, tallest and most intimidating member of the wrestling team, weird younger sister by a year. Lukas is just the weird quiet kid that reads by the courtyard garden during lunch. Vladimir is not only the vampire goth kid but the kid who's parents believe the teachers are giving his son low grades on purpose and will yell at them for it. And Arthur is just. He's another Kirkland, immediately assumed to be a massive trouble maker because of his now graduated brother Alistair and one grade above him brother Dillan. Everyone loved his eldest brother Darick and sometimes compare him to Darick.
Compared to what others THINK they do, such as witch craft for some odd reason, the four of them do pretty typical teen activities. Like hang out at the mall. Do their honework together. Play video games and D&D when they have the chance. The boys do have sleepovers still as they have since meeting each other in middle school, Nat not really being a fan of sleeping where she doesn't live but comfortable enough to go to their houses and just chill for the day. They have become friends because of their related interests but thats not what they're ALL ABOUT.
Fun facts/stories about these losers I thought about while bored as fuck:
• Lukas, in his freshman year, went on a nature hike field trip with his lit class after reading Into The Wild. And he brought his mushroom book of course. They walked around, looking at the sights, talked about the book. Lukas just stops at one point, falling behind the class. He picks up a mushroom, goes to the teacher and is like "You see this? Its not poisonous." And straight up fucking eats it without warning. The teacher called an ambulance even though Lukas kept telling him he was fine and that that mushroom was 100% okay to eat raw, but for sure better off cooked. Lukas calmly shows the paramedics his book and they're like "yeah that actually was safe to eat, we don't need the book to confirm that, but um. Please don't ever pick something off the ground and eat it again. Just. Please don't do that, son." .....he did it again before leaving to go back to school but this time he didn't tell anyone.
• In elementary school, Natalya brought in a model of the human brain she asked her dad to borrow. He had to say yes because she was his only child genuinely interested, not bored of, his medical profession and he found it very cute and honoring. So she's at show and tell, its her turn right, and she silently goes up to the front of the class and pulls out the model brain. Teacher tries to step in because, hey, these are 6 year olds—AND WHY DOES THIS 6 YEAR OLD HAVE A PLASTIC BRAIN??? But Nat just shooshes her. In surprised shock, the teacher is just quiet as Nat begins to explain parts of the brain and their function— which was all wrong actually. She knew the words and everything but she didn't get the locations right. She sounded confident and smart and she was telling this to a bunch of 6 year olds so they believed her of course. End of the school day, her dad is having a hilarious conference with his youngest's teacher about the brain incident.
• Vladimir loves reading. He's loved it since he began to learn how, even if his dyslexia gives him grief along the way. So since he loves to read he'll always get excited and read ahead in class or in the public library reading club. One summer, the reading club was reading The Giver and it was getting really good. Vlad was loving the story, so much so that Vlad began to read ahead in his own time when he really wasn't supposed to be, the club was reading it together out loud and discussing it. Now he's read enough and worked hard enough to figure out how to help himself focus better and understand each word and sentence without having to reread it all multiple times over or get stuck. But sometimes the meaning and context to what he's reading doesn't ALWAYS process with the words as he's too focused on reading the words right and it passes right over his head. So Vlad is reading ahead and he's getting to the part where The Giver has given Jonas the memory of the sled again. And Vlad just sits there after reading that paragraph. He rereads it. And rereads it again. And then he leaves his book on his bed, goes to the the hall closet and takes out the ironing board. He grabs a plastic container to use as an ill attempt of a helmet and he just. Rockets down the staircase and hits the wall. He screams and cries and his parents rush in from the livingroom. When asked what happened he just says "I wanted to understand the sled scene better! Now I do and I feel really bad for Jonas!" He just couldn't quite grasp WHY the sled accident hurt, never had a broken bone nor sled afterall, and needed to find out. And that's how Vlad got his first broken arm at the age of 12.
• When Alfred and Matthew moved in with Arthur's family, Arthur didn't like it. He was a moody young teen but he was also just tired of the full house. His cousins were loud and nosey. He had to share a room with his four older brothers already and now with Matthew while Kathleen and Alfred got a room to themselves. Arthur thought this was so unfair. So his solution was to run away. He was 13, he needed a place to have some peace and quiet for once. So he texts Francis and Lukas, the only two of his friends living in his neighnorhood. Francis is not on board with helping him run away at first but then Lukas brings literally all his camping gear for Arthur's use and then Francis is on board because he had the feeling Arthur was going to get himself killed somehow. So as the elder one of the group he accompanied Arthur and Lukas out to the short stretch of woods behind the last street of their neighborhood, intending to go to the big clearing before hitting the roads leading to the airport and whatever else buildings. They're out there setting everything up together and they're done by like 4 pm. They sit down and talk, munch on oreos and other snacks Arthur deemed as essential survival foods. Then Francis looks at his cell and remarks "wow its already 6! Ah, Lukas, we should get home. Afterall, neither of us ran away so we still have supper to eat. Come on Lukas, let's go before our parents come looking for us." They exchange goodbyes, Francis trying his best to hide his cocky smirk. So Lukas and Francis start walking off, Arthur crawls into the tent and eats half a cookie before frowning and feeling too alone. He didn't expect to feel alone because all he wanted was to BE ALONE. Before he knows it, he's running out of the tent yelling after his friends to stop and wait up. "Oh whats wrong, Arthur? I thought you wanted to run away." "I— I forgot I hadn't fed my rabbit is all! I'll run away tomorrow! I'm not... Feeling lonely if.. If that's what you think...." Arthur did not run away the next day. Buuuuuut the three plus Vlad made a tree house together in the Kirkland backyard that they still use today!
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Okay, since so many of you liked and commented on my last headcanon about Ana, here is another one that has been forming since the winter finale (and after watching the spring premiere last night, I’m leaning toward this one being real):
May’s bully from high school (I believe her name is Laila) is Nia’s birth mother. During the episode, May said that Laila transferred out of their school three years before. Many people assumed it was because of everything that happened after Athena arrested her. But it was actually because Laila found out she was 2 months pregnant soon after the arrest and her boyfriend (and the baby’s father) refused to have anything to do with her or the baby and even threatened to tell everyone at school that she slept around if she told people he was the father. Knowing that her reputation at school was now ruined for good, Laila begged her parents to let her go to school online and they agree, but only after she promises to attend parenting classes and get a job after the baby is born since is adamant about keeping it.
6 1/2 months later, Laila gives birth to a baby girl and names her Nia and for the next year, Laila juggles the exhausting schedule of school, working as a waitress, and taking care of her baby. Then, when Nia is 18 months old, she, Laila, and Laila’s parents were returning home from lunch to celebrate Mother’s Day when a car running a red light slams into their car. Nia is fine except for a few scraps and Laila’s collarbone, arm, and ankle are broken, but Laila’s mother dies at the scene while her father dies a few hours later at the hospital.
After the accident, she and Nia move in with Laila’s godmother, who tells Laila that as long as she keeps up with school and keeps working, she and Nia can live with her until Laila can save up for her own place. However, Laila’s godmother often travels for her job and fails to notice Laila’s life starting to fall apart. Aside from grieving the loss of her parents, Laila starts developing an addiction to the pain medication the doctor gave her after the surgery to fix her broken collarbone. When she the doctor cuts her off, she starts buying pills off the street, using the money her godmother leaves for biweekly groceries trips or some of the money from her waitress job, which is supposed to go towards baby supplies for Nia (her parents left her an inheritance, but stated in their will that Laila would get half of it when she turns 18 and graduates high school or GED, and the other half at 30, but only if she gets some form of college degree). This continues for 6 months until one day when Laila tries to buy some pills from a new dealer, only to discover he was an undercover officer. She tries to run back to her car, only to immediately be stopped by two more officers. As Laila is being arrested and read her rights, one of the officers looks inside her car and finds a screaming and sobbing 2 year old Nia, wearing nothing but a pair of pull-up training pants.
Thanks to a lawyer who was a friend of her father and the fact that this was her first offense, Laila avoids jail time for the time being, but is ordered by the judge to attend rehab for the next ninety days and submit to random drug test for a year. She is also told that if she leaves or is kicked out of rehab before the ninety days are over, she will spend the remaining time she has in jail and she will spend 60 days in jail for each failed drug test. Laila begs the judge to allow her godmother to take care of Nia while she was in rehab, but since her godmother isn’t a blood relative, the judge denies her request and orders Nia into the custody of CPS. Before she takes Nia away, the social worker (Diedra) tells Laila that if she can prove that she can stay clean six months post rehab and prove she can provide for Nia, they will look into starting the reunification process.
Nia’s first and only set of foster parents have been Hen and Karen Wilson.
I’ll stop it right here because I have a fic idea that I’m working on that’s based off this headcanon and I don’t want to give too much away (though if anyone wants to write a fic based on this headcanon or the one I wrote about Ana, feel free to do so, all I ask is that you give me credit for the headcanon). I’ll probably post it after the season finale since I want to see what the show does with the storyline first and I want to try and get it as close to canon as possible.
So I’m probably WAY off like I was with the Ana headcanon, but what do you all think?
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svltairs · 3 years
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*   🌎  𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒘
* sydney park, cis woman + she/her  | you know august barlow, right? they’re twenty four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, twenty four ? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to good days by sza like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole tote bags made out of recycled material with buttons supporting your favorite causes littering the straps, shoving down your feelings into a smile, sitting on the beach til sunrise drinking in the serenity of it all. i just checked and their birthday is march 17, so they’re a pisces, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
trigger warnings: car accident, death
*   🌎   ABOUT  AUGUST  .
august was born and raised in irving, the first daughter of beloved local olivia barlow. olivia was a science teacher at the local high school and was very involved in advocating for the community that she was a part of. she cared deeply for irving, it’s residents, and particularly it’s environment. it’s a love that she passed on to her daughter as well. august and her mother would often be spotted on the weekends down on the beach, looking at the creatures that swam around in the tide pools, and even cleaning up trash that washed up or that tourists littered on the shore. for a long time, it was just the two of them. olivia didn’t make much as a teacher, but it seemed that she was always able to give august everything she needed and then some. 
when august was seven, olivia brought a man into their home for the first time. his name was jerry and he was a new social studies teacher at the high school. he was kind to august and the only sort of father figure she ever had in her life. and he had kids of his own, jerry being a widower, and soon they became something of a blended family. jerry and olivia got married finally when august was ten. she’s very close with both her stepfather and her stepsiblings. they continued to live in the home she shared with her mother in her younger years. it was crowded, but full of love. 
august. spurred by her mother’s own passion, has always cared deeply about protecting the planet and the creatures that inhabit it. her mother showed her the beauty of nature and from a young age, she has always vowed to protect that beauty. as a teen, she started up various projects around town, including weekly beach cleanups, a local awareness campaign and watch during the time when baby sea turtles hatch, making sure to keep people away from the scene so that they would not disturb, and even got the high school to start composting! 
it was hard for august to leave irving behind for college, but she had impressed the admissions committee at stanford and earned herself a full ride to the school, to receive her bachelors in earth systems, with a focus on oceans, atmospheres, and climate. while at stanford, she threw herself into her studies and into activism work. it made it difficult to come home on breaks and as the years went on, she came home less and less. at stanford, she also fell in love with a boy who she thought was as passionate about the cause as she was. she was a bit moony-eyed over him and tended to only see the good, when there was a lot beneath the surface that wasn’t exactly good. 
during august’s senior year at stanford, she received a call from her stepfather, saying that her mother had been in a terrible accident and that things weren’t looking good. she was on the next plane back to north carolina, but by the time she got home, it was too late. her mother had passed away. 
before the reading of her mother’s will, her stepfather pulled her aside to warn her of some information that was contained within regarding inheritance. it was something her mother had always planned on telling her eventually, but they were so happy as a family and she had never inquired much about her father, so the timing never felt right. she was told that her father was ewan cho, an international business magnate, and that she was the product of a summer fling between him and her mother. the reason her mother was able to support them through all these years was because of the child support and hush money ewan sent her way to care for august and to keep olivia quiet about the affair. 
this news truly turned august’s world upside-down and she wasn’t quite sure how to process this all. originally, she had planned on taking some time off from school and being with her remaining family back in irving while she grieved, but after all she learned, she went straight back to stanford after the weekend of the funeral, and worked herself to the bone ‘til graduation, all while periodically avoiding calls from her stepfather and stepsiblings, who were just worried about her. 
upon graduation, august had some incredible job offers, but her and her boyfriend decided to join up with greenpeace, traveling the world and fighting to save their planet, one project at a time. she loved the work, was passionate about it, but was missing home more and more with each day. 
after about a year with greenpeace, august told her boyfriend that she wanted to continue their work back in her hometown of irving. she felt it was time to reconnect with her family and she knew that the small costal town could benefit from their activism. she asked him to come with her and he called her selfish for it. needless to say, they broke things off and she’s still mending her broken heart. 
august has been back in irving now for about a year. she lives with her family in the same home in delphinius heights that she grew up in. it feels strange, being there without her mother, but she’s reconnecting with her family and she’s grateful for their support and that they’ve stuck by her, even when she felt a bit lost. she’s also come to the decision that she does not want to know more about ewan cho. he isn’t her family. jerry is. his children are. they are who matter to her. 
august’s latest project is opposing the renovation of the old poseidon hotel. all environmental reports on the project show that the renovation could cause a huge ecological disruption in irving, displacing many animals that have made their homes around the structure. she’s determined to get the construction to halt. what she doesn’t know, yet, however, is that it is a cho who is determined to get this project off the ground. 
tl;dr: do gooder girl wants to save the world. finds out her birth father is rich & says no thank u. continues to want to save the world, but will soon find out her big bad half brother is standing in her way
character inspiration: kiara carrera ( outer banks ), other chars i can’t think of right now but they’re on the tip of my tongue and when i remember ill add them to this list 
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enchantedlokii · 4 years
Off The Road
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: severe injuries
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Peter Parker, May Parker
Mentioned: Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Happy Hogan, Morgan Stark, Aldrich Killian, Richard Parker, Mary Parker, Ben Parker
@whumptober2020 Day Twenty-Eight: Accidents
If there was one thing that Tony hated more than anything, it was car accidents. After spending years believing that was how his parents died, he felt like he couldn’t trust anyone on the road. It didn’t matter who he was with, he was in the driver’s seat. He wouldn’t let anyone else behind the wheel. Not Pepper. Not Rhodey. Not Happy. No one.
He knew that, truthfully, he couldn’t even trust himself. Just weeks after his parents crashed, he crashed his own car. Intentionally. He felt guilty about it now; though more because he terrified Rhodey than the fact that he did it. But that was in the past. He had no plans of ever doing that again, and he felt safe driving again after several years.
That’s why he had no problem with driving Peter to the cabin when Happy was sick. May trusted him with the boy after everything, and he knew that if the woman who was like a mother to Peter thought he was safe in his hands, then he probably was. But that’s the thing about accidents. They’re just that: an accident. No one can see them coming before they happen, and there’s nothing that can be done to prevent them.
“Thanks again for coming to pick me up,” Peter said as they turned off the interstate onto the long freeway that led to the cabin. They had only just left Queens, and it would take another couple of hours before their trip was over.
“Of course, Kiddo,” Tony replied, keeping his eyes forward. “School been okay?”
“I mean, it’s school,” Peter said with a small shrug. “It’s still just so weird. I know it’s been a year now, but I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that half of my classmates are in college or like getting married and having kids already. It’s not, like, bad or anything. Just strange.”
Tony nodded slightly, tapping the steering wheel with a metal finger. He remembered going to the graduation ceremony that they had at Midtown on what was supposed to be Peter’s senior year. There had been empty seats with pictures of the dusted, and if they had any family or friends left, they would put flowers or something special in their seat. It had been hard, but he knew they had to go. Because Peter didn’t have anyone left alive at that point.
At first he hadn’t been sure what to leave in the seat. Happy had brought flowers — red and blue ones — because he wasn’t really sure what else to put there, but it felt wrong for that to be the only thing there. In the end, he had put a copy of that picture that Peter liked so much. Morgan made the addition of a scribbled picture that was supposed to be Spider-Man, but was more red and blue squiggles than anything. She was only two at the time, though, so no one blamed her.
“I know it must be hard to adjust,” he replied after a few moments of thought. “I get it, though. The world moves on without people, even if there’s a chance that they’ll come back. It’s cruel, but it’s true.”
“Yeah,” Peter murmured. “I guess that’s how it was for you after Afghanistan?”
“In a way, yeah,” Tony admitted. “There were people who still had hope, but most had given up on me. Then that Christmas that Killian attacked. And after Titan. . .”
“I mean, I get it,” Peter started again. “At least for me, you know? ‘Cause I. . . I was dead. In a way, at least. It makes sense that after some time people start to just. . . Move on. I like to think that I’ll never forget my parents or Uncle Ben, but it’s okay for me to move on, right?”
“Yeah, Buddy. There’s no reason to grieve forever.”
Peter hummed in reply, falling silent for a few minutes. Tony was beginning to worry he had upset him, because Peter was never quiet for more than a few minutes unless he was upset. Before he could apologize, though, the boy spoke up again. “Thank you for not giving up on me,” he said. “Happy told me. . . That you weren’t going to help. He told me why you did, and I just. . . It means a lot.”
Tony was about to respond when it happened. He noticed Peter tense up as his Spider-Sense went off. He saw the deer at about the same time that Peter cried out. In a split second decision, he swerved to miss the creature, instead sending them flying over a bluff. He wasn’t sure what they hit or when the impact happened, but the next thing he knew he was waking up to the smell of burning oil and a taste of blood in his mouth. It took a few moments for him to recognize what was going on and for adrenaline to kick in.
The first thing he noticed was that Peter hadn’t said anything. He turned sideways and saw the boy was unconscious, but tried not to panic. He took his arm and shook it lightly. “Peter. Peter, wake up!” The boy didn’t respond and he felt his breathing hitch as he frantically felt of his neck, relieved when he felt a pulse. He was alive. His heart was still beating, but something was wrong.
Tony started to try to get out, wincing from the pain that ripped through his body. His head was pounding and he felt dizzy from what he could only assume was a concussion. He knew that he needed to stay put, but he had a feeling that Peter was hurt worse than he was. He was awake and alert; Peter wasn’t.
Getting out of the mangled car was a slow process. He found himself having to grip the frame, holding onto it as he made his way to Peter’s side. When he opened the door, he realized what was wrong.
Peter’s lips were already starting to turn blue. His heart might still be beating and keeping him alive for the time being, but he wasn’t breathing. “Peter!”
Tony tried the best he could to be careful as he yanked the seatbelt off of Peter and lifted him out of the car. He gently laid him on the ground and tried to focus despite his own injuries. Peter was running out of time. He needed him to act fast or he wouldn’t make it until help arrived.
The first thing he did was carefully tilt the boy’s head back. He felt a flash of hope as the boy let out a choked gasp, but it faded as he realized that must mean he had some sort of neck injury. Then, after a few weak gasps, he wasn’t breathing again. “No, no, come back to me, Pete,” he urged. He moved his fingers to the boy’s neck again only to find the pulse that was there weakening.
“You know what to do,” he told himself. “You know what to do. Just stay calm.”
Tony took a shaky breath, trying to clear his mind before he pinched Peter’s nose and forced a couple of puffs of air in. He was glad to see that the boy’s chest moved with it, giving him a bit more confidence as he started to put pressure over his heart. He flinched as he felt the kid’s ribs move under his hands, but he didn’t stop.
He paused briefly after the round, watching. Peter was moving his mouth as if he were trying to take in a breath, but his chest didn’t move with it. He started again, completing the full cycle again. His shoulder was burning from the movement and he was sure that something wasn’t right there and he was only making it worse, but he tried to ignore it. Peter needed him to keep going.
“Come on, Pete. You have to breathe for me,” he begged as he started a third round of compressions on the boy. His lips were dark now, but his tongue moved as he kept trying to breathe. He wasn’t giving up, and Tony wasn’t ready to either.
It was coming up on the fifth round when Tony was starting to cry. Because Peter still wasn’t breathing. It didn’t look like he was going to start, either. Tony’s injured body was starting to give out, and he worried that he wouldn’t be strong enough to keep going much longer. His head was light now from putting all his energy into Peter. He was breaking.
“Please, Peter,” he cried. “Please.”
It was after the sixth round of compressions that Peter drew in a weak breath. A few seconds passed where there was nothing, and then he managed another. They were still far too slow and too few, but Tony let his body rest as the color started coming back to Peter’s face. Hands shaking, he pressed his fingers into his neck again and was relieved to find that his pulse had returned. All they had to do now was wait for help to arrive.
Pepper sat next to Tony’s bed, her hand in his. He was asleep now, but he didn’t look comfortable. She knew that if they hadn’t drugged him, he would be awake and begging to see Peter.
“Hey.” Pepper looked up and gave a weak smile as Rhodey came and sat down in the chair on the other side of the bed. “How is he?”
“He’ll live,” she replied, taking a hand and combing her fingers through Tony’s hair. “His shoulder may need surgery eventually, but they don’t want to have to do it unless absolutely necessary. Especially with the way his chest was hurting when he came in. He’s too stressed out for that right now.”
Rhodey sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. “I’m surprised they gave him a sedative with the concussion,” he admitted. “But I guess making sure his heart doesn’t give out is more important.”
Pepper nodded in agreement, looking down. “How’s Peter?” she asked.
“He’s out of surgery,” Rhodey started. “I went to check on him and his vitals are stable. He’s going to need a lot of therapy when this is all over. . . But they said if he makes it through the night, he should make a full recovery.”
Pepper gave him a sad look. “He wouldn’t if it weren’t for his powers, would he?” she asked. “And if he hadn’t. . .” She trailed off, looking down at Tony. Somehow he had managed to find the strength to stabilize Peter after the accident, but he started to go into panic when he explained that Peter hadn’t been breathing.
“I don’t think he would,” Rhodey admitted. “It would take a miracle.”
They were quiet for a few moments before Pepper spoke up. “Did you talk to May?” she asked.
“She’s tore up,” he sighed in reply. “Peter’s all she has left, you know. She’s terrified that he won’t pull through.”
“Does she. . .” Pepper trailed off, looking at Tony. They knew it wasn’t his fault. He had told them there had been a deer. He had swerved to miss it and went over a bluff. Still, he wasn’t sure what May would think.
“She knows that it was an accident,” Rhodey assured her, understanding what she was struggling to ask. “She said she could never blame Tony for this after all he’s done.”
“Good,” Pepper breathed. “I don’t know if he could handle that. He’s already going to blame himself without someone else pinning it on him.”
Rhodey nodded in agreement, moving a hand to his friend’s shoulder and squeezing it. “He’s going to need us,” he said quietly. “And they’re going to need each other.”
Peter heard voices. That’s what he remembered. They were familiar voices. Worried voices. And he knew they were close, but they seemed farther away. Just out of reach. But they slowly started to grow closer. Every time he woke up, they sounded closer. Until one day, he felt like he could grasp them.
The first movement that came was his fingers. For the longest time, his fingers felt numb. Now, they tingled. They tingled and he felt someone holding them, so he squeezed them gently. “Peter?”
The voice sounded so close. He wanted to reach for it. He wanted to grasp it. Another hand grabbed his other and held it. “Pete? Buddy, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Please, Kid.”
Peter took a second to register the words of the voice before he squeezed the new hand. The voices held excitement now. Hope. And he heard someone mention him waking up soon. That was the first time it hit him that he wasn’t awake. Not really, anyway. And he started trying. He would squeeze a hand whenever he felt one in his. He would try to move his mouth around the tube that was shoved down his throat. Sometimes he would manage to open his eyes, but nothing was in focus. He would stare blankly for a few moments before closing them again.
Then, one day, something changed. “Peter?” he heard his name when he opened his eyes. He did every time, but this time it seemed clearer. He blinked once and slowly turned his head. It was hard to do with the brace on his neck, but his eyes finally landed on the man sitting next to him. He looked badly beaten, bruises littering his skin on the side that wasn’t already scarred, but there was a flicker of hope in his eyes. “Oh my God,” he breathed, taking Peter’s hand. Peter was sure he saw tears in his eyes. “Hey, Buddy. Hey.”
Peter tried to respond, but he could only make a small grunting noise around the ventilator. That seemed to be enough for Tony, though, because the man brought his hand up to brush Peter’s cheek, smiling as he followed the movement with his eyes. “It’s good to have you back, Baby.”
Peter did the best he could to smile in response before he felt another presence and looked towards the door. He watched as May covered her mouth with her hands, letting out a cry before hurrying over to him. Tony moved away as she leaned down to hug him, crying into his shoulder. Peter raised his arms the best he could to return it, making a small whine at her tears.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “It’s okay.” As she pulled away, she held his cheeks in her hands. “I love you so much.”
Peter wrapped his fingers around her hand as she lowered it and squeezed it three times. He couldn’t help but smile at the joy in her eyes before letting his eyes drift to Tony again. He slowly moved his hand from May’s and reached out for him.
Tony gave May a questioning look before she nodded and stepped back, letting him take Peter’s hand. He looked shocked as Peter did the same to him, but his eyes filled with emotion at the three tight squeezes. “I love you too, Buddy,” he replied quietly. “I won’t ever give up on you.”
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bearseokie · 4 years
Working Other Occupations 2 | GOT7
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got7 m.list | navi.
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Mark: Professional Skateboarder;
learned how to skateboard young, went to parks and gained attention fast
didn't get into competitions until he graduated high school
won his local competition and got signed within a year
all of the kids look up to him, and he helps give them lessons when he has free time
is the quietest in his skate group, but is also a firecracker with jokes
formed a competition that was sponsored, one of the kids he taught won and they were able to donate the money to a charity
used his competition money to open up a skate shop, gifting jobs to some local kids and helping start more skate groups around town
got branded his own line of skateboards
restaurants offer him and the kids free food because of how much he's helped support his community
oversized clothes. baggy jeans he almost trips over. huge sweatshirts. hightops that are tied under the flap instead of out because that's "safer"
dyes strips of colors into his hair instead of dying his entire head
"snapbacks are helmets!"
forces the kids to wear gear and tries to wear it too so they don't get upset he isn't listening to his own rules
always had the coolest art on the bottom of his boards, with bright wheels and reflectors for night rides
gets frustrated easily, but doesn't like breaking boards
got a friend to weld him a beam to grind on, which he later gifted to his students to use to practice
clean rap songs around the kids, og rap songs when it's the older skateboarders
everyone thinks he's cool and sweet
drinks Gatorade and water like crazy
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Jaebeom: Detective;
takes his job Very seriously
people's lives are usually on the line, so he stays focused
yells at interns and then buys them food
everyone in forensics adores him
has so many connections, barely anything ever gets past him
takes very neat notes in his little notebook.
suit + tie every day
hates when he gets cases that involve kids, always tries to care for them best he can and get them somewhere safe
loves stakeouts because he gets to space out until he sees something
thinks driving fast in his car is the hottest thing he gets to do during the job
is always the bad guy during interrogations, jaw clenched and stern stares as he attempts to get answers
always breaks them
drinks more coffee than a human being should
breakfast + lunch + dinner at diners
got put into one of the biggest cases in his bureau's history
a man had gotten away with murder and managed to escape. after lots of sleepless nights and research, jaebeom found him hiding in a motel holding evidence that made him guilty. he was arrested along with two other men that played a part in the murder
jaebeom was labeled a hero, but he explained he was just doing his job
his mean demeanor lifts when he is off duty, always smiling
people are convinced he's two seperate people
hates when he has time off work because he loves his job so much
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Jackson: Firefighter;
the main muscle of the group
always gets called to save kittens out of trees
thinks the uniform doesn't show off his muscles enough
is the best at calming people down / distracting them during a fire in order to get them out safely
smashes through a window at least once a week
his firehouse is his family
gets handed a kid even if the person isn't involved in the fire / emergency
hates driving the truck because it's too big for him to control and he doesn't want to endanger anyone
befriended the house's canine and always sneaks it treats
goes into a fire first
puts his gear on others even though he's not supposed to
loves when his house gets to invite local schools for career days, always gives out snacks and smiles when he gets the help the kids slide down the poles
is always in the firehouse's gym
has such a disorganized locker that every time he opens it, a pile of stuff falls on him
walks around with his helmet on because he thinks he looks like a bobble-head
the captain messes with him all the time
some of the walls in the firehouse are glass, he's busted through two on accident because he wasn't paying attention
second fastest time during practice
refuses to see himself as a hero
cries with families he saves, hugs them and doesn't let them go
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Jinyoung: Professor;
always looks pissed
gives out hard assignments but half-ass grades them
can and will fail you for no reason
only talks for half of the class, the rest of the time is sat in silence as he glares over everyone doing their own thing
plays movies on Fridays instead of teaching
thinks Mondays are great test days
slams things on his desk to get student's attention
aggressively circles things in the board to make his point
no phones
all the girls flirt with him, he just sighs and gives more work until they stop
licks his fingers before he hands out papers
will kick you out of you disturb his lesson
never teaches about one subject, everything includes knowledge about other things and if you don't know it you're screwed
always gets forced to sub for other professors
will get up and leave without telling anyone class is dismissed so everyone just sits there until they can go
if you smile at him he will stare you down the rest of the class
always has his index finger and thumb clasped against his nose in frustration
gives extra long holiday breaks just because he doesn't want to show up
eats food when no one else is allowed to
button ups with tight pants and pushed back hair that makes everyone attracted to him to the point where no one can focus
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Youngjae: Teaching Assistant;
is louder than the kids
best at coming up with fun learning ideas for his students
is very glad he is only an assistant
wears jeans and dark shirts because the kids are messy
sings every day
helps with choir
works with all grades because he believes every kid is different and he wants to experience them all before he becomes an official teacher
makes the best snacks
loves going to older grades and giving them easy work so they can actually have a break
everyone loves him
loves putting random things on the white boards, drawings, quotes, morse code so no one understands what he's saying
eavesdrops on the teachers drama, but isn't included in the gossip circle directly
loves physical activities with the students because he thinks it helps them learn better
tries to end lessons early so they can play games
always has to help students with homework the main teacher assigned
all of the students agree he would make a better teacher than their own
never has to discipline anyone because everyone respects him and enjoys his teaching tactics
will argue against a teacher if the teacher tells a student they aren't allowed a bathroom break, will let the student go anyways
gets sad when he has to fill out nurse passes
hands out stickers
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BamBam: Animator;
used to not draw as often as he does for his job
now can't go a day without drawing something
has the smoothest animations for talking characters
started animating for fun, got to do it as a full time job
does all of his work alone, and though it's a process, he loves it
won an award for his details in backgrounds
created a short film
spends most of his days in baggy clothing, hunched over his graphics tablet
everything he owns has some type of drawing / sketch on it
was able to start up his own animation company
takes long breaks to gain inspiration
screams a lot because he wants everything to be perfect, no matter how long it takes
is less stressed when he has his team to help
chews a lot of gum while working
got lines of plushies for his drawn characters, collects all of them for his office
was able to write his own tutorial book on how to start animating, the profits from it was donated to animation programs in schools around the country
chugs water
hates animating series, prefers movies with solid plots
isn't confident in his animating abilities, can't handle praise
bites his tongue when he draws
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Yugyeom: Paramedic;
didn't think he'd do well as a paramedic because he's squeamish, but he really enjoys it
passed out the first time he had to draw blood, concerned the patient
fastest runner
can get in and out of his uniform in less than ten seconds, he knows because he timed it
wishes he was the driver of the ambulance so he could go over the speed limit and not get a ticket
quickest to help someone that's choking, performs a perfect Heimlich or tracheotomy every time
hates that he has to leave the patients with other doctors when they arrive at the hospital
will put himself in danger if it means saving someone
thinks medical gloves are sexy
talks about extra terrestrial theories when they are in the back of the ambulance without a patient
fibbed to a patient that he went to Harvard, they found out he didn't and sent him flowers thanking him for getting their mind off their wound, even if he did lie
always gifts kids teddy bears for their bravery
is friends with all of the first responders so he knows who's who during an emergency
craziest patient he had to save was inside of an elevator, he had to walk them through a procedure to save their arm after it was cut open. even he couldn't believe he managed that
is always around the ambulance even when he's off duty, just in case
works out while studying
has fruit around him at all times, offers them to others constantly
witty toward his coworkers, soft with his patients
keeps a tab on the people he helped just so he can ask the hospital how they are
make his own gift baskets
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themissingmarvel · 4 years
Kind Regards, Detective [Part 7]
(Ok, it’s long but it’s not AS LONG as I was worried it’d be. Again, apologies. But like. You’ll see why??? God I hope this one doesn’t suck.
Catch up:  [Part 1] // [Part 2] // [Drabble] // [Part 3] // [Part 4] // [Drabble 2] // [Part 5] // [Part 6]
Pairing: Detective Loki x fbi!Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Language. The F-bomb a lot.)
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It was like walking in a fog as she made her way back down the elevator, no longer accompanied by Mark. She was sure that was on purpose. Henry was a predator, and it seemed a disservice to call him a snake, or even a lion. He was cunning. He was smart. And he had an entire defense company at his fingertips.
He wanted her to feel alone.
For a moment she did. Standing in the elevator she knew had a camera in it, down the hallway lined with people and, of course, more cameras, she allowed herself to feel fear. It wasn’t just the terror of a brief brush with death, of course. This wasn’t like almost getting hit by a car crossing the street. She had confronted the man who she knew, deep inside, had sent her that CD and that note. The man who had tried to devour a piece of her soul.
Walking through the hallway she found immense relief as she could see the windows and doors leading to the outside. It wasn’t bright, certainly. March never was. But it was light enough outside and she felt that fear leaving as she stepped towards it. Her palms pressed flat against the cool metal doors as she pressed them open, the cold air swallowing her whole. 
In those minutes walking alone through the building, Y/N had allowed herself to be scared. She had given herself permission to feel the terror of seeing a murderer watch you and size you up. Of course there was no proof. Just that gut feeling and those parting words. They were a staggering memory for her, recalling now as she stood outside and let clarity settle in again, of words he had used years ago. A final email he had sent her, thanking her for her sessions, few as they were, ending the email with kind regards, Agent. Who forgets that kind of thing?
She was becoming more focused, however. Fear has a way of hitting you with a fight or flight. A fawn or freeze. There are always more ways than one to react to looking through the eyes of a man who had found his calling in something darker. 
Her phone went off, buzzing in her pocket as she lifted it to her ear, aware it was one of two people, though immediately telling who, “Are you fucking insane? You went there by yourself?!” His voice was loud, enough that she cocked an eyebrow and held it away from herself briefly as she walked down the polished granite steps of the building towards the sidewalk, seeing her rental parked in front, a man standing by it with the keys, undoubtedly.
“How’d you even know where I went? Did Adrian tell you?” She was genuinely curious, wondering if he had scared the shit out of the man who honestly could probably take on David in a fight. He wasn’t a small man.
His voice didn’t quiet at all, “I’m a fucking detective, Y/N. Are you still at the main building?” He had calmed a bit after getting that sentence out, perhaps just needing to let go of that anger inside him. The fear. The terror at the idea of losing this woman who he had promised himself would do nothing to cloud his judgment. 
Taking her keys from the man in a suit who smiled plainly at her, she walked around and got into the car, “Just got out of the meeting, I’ll be back in Con-”
“I’m almost there. We need to talk, though. You can’t do this. You can’t do this to me, Y/N.” His voice was quiet, a pause as she sat in her car, keys in the ignition but not starting it up. She was staring at the car in front of her, a taxi with its lights blinking, waiting for someone to get in. No one was hurrying her on, and if they were it wouldn’t have mattered. David had spat up something he hadn’t felt since he was a child and it terrified him.
Closing her eyes she took a breath, “I’m gonna text you the address of a coffee shop nearby. Meet me there, OK? It’s got parking. Promise.” She forced a smile, one that was felt by the man who had only moments ago been gripping his phone as though it was the only thing keeping him alive. He had her back. She was OK.
Why did he care so goddamn much?
He had sped, much like those chaotic New Yorkers around him, to the address given. He was only a half-hour behind her, though he’d made short work of the difference. What was she even thinking going to that place alone? And what did she even think she’d accomplish? What if she’d tipped off the killer somehow? He didn’t know. He couldn’t have.
Pulling up to the shop that he could see was on the corner, away from the city proper, he knew why she’d picked the spot. It wasn’t busy and there was, in fact, parking. And she was, in fact, standing out front. Her coat was zipped up, hiding her form that looked rather relaxed, all things considered. But she was watching him and his car, hardly waiting as he pulled up. 
Before he could even speak, her hand was on his driver’s window, holding a piece of paper that said “LEAVE PHONE. GET OUT.” 
Even her handwriting was perfect. 
Confused but not about to argue, David did as was instructed and dropped his cell phone on the seat, stepping out and closing the door, “Can we talk about this yet?”
Glancing around, she nodded her head and walked into the shop, eyeing the sparse customers. The shop itself was nothing to write home about. It wasn’t cute and quaint, but it wasn’t loud or noisy. It was just… a shop. And David supposed that was the best kind of thing right now. And given Y/N… this was on purpose.
David watched her walk towards the window, using all of his strength not to wrap his arms around her. He didn’t really know why he wanted to, but he felt like he had to protect her. But a woman made of fire didn’t need protection, not really. She needed to be reigned in sometimes. And David wasn’t afraid of being burned.
Both sat, and it was Y/N who spoke first, her cup of coffee she had clearly recently ordered still steaming as she sipped and placed it back down, “When they first asked me to come to Conyers for the investigation, I was eager. I thought to myself, a real serial case. I’d done others before, but this seemed heavy enough that much of my team got brought in for it. I thought I’d finally be able to carve a name out for myself which is weird.” She chuckled a little, turning to the side and staring out the window.
He was quiet as he watched her, wanting nothing more than for her to finish, or to contemplate what had happened, which had clearly changed her. Something was different, “Four years ago I was asked to come here and interview Henry Best after he lost his wife in a car accident. The details were vague, fuzzy, and I’m pretty sure he lied about a few things, but the man wanted to change. He was hurt. I suppose when you lose the love of your life, your life shatters, too,” she turned back with a soft smile.
“I had three, two-hour sessions with him. The first one he was a mess. Clearly hungover from whatever binge he’d been on. He was angry and he yelled a lot. Second time he had cleaned up a bit, talked more fluidly, opened up. The final time he was able to lay out his plans for the future, which included devoting himself entirely to his work. I recommended hobbies, of course. They help heal. And he had said he wanted to garden,” her smile darkened as she looked at him, watching David process the information.
Pursing her lips, she let out a sigh, “I am a true believer that everyone in this world has a choice. We may not like the choices we have, but we have them. I chose to go to college, to graduate school, to apply to be a federal agent. You chose to give up a life of petty crime and stupid decisions to become a top ranking detective. But sometimes people are so consumed by their anger and their grief that they feel they don’t have a choice.”
Her words made sense, now. And her reaction did as well. Whatever she had encountered inside, she seemed to understand that Henry Best was the person to call ‘killer’ with a neon sign above his head. But David was far from stupid and he also understood that you couldn’t just arrest a man like that, even with all the evidence in the world. He knew that. 
“Did he touch you?” His words were sharp, holding back the anger that was bubbling inside of him. It was reasons like this, Y/N thought as she eyed him, that she hadn’t told him where she was going. His temper was what had caught him many times. She’d seen his interrogation tapes. He was good, he was smart, but when he was involved he had a hell of a time making that break. 
Her reaction wasn’t one to placate, however. She only cocked an eyebrow and smirked slightly, leaning back and crossing her arms in front of her chest, “If he tried to, we wouldn’t be sitting here talking, David. Either I’d be dead or he would be. Limited options, here.”
His face was flat and he looked mildly perturbed, “This isn’t a joke. I need to know if you think he’s the Black Rose.”
Sitting up, she leaned forward,closer to David, closing the distance a bit, “When I was new in the academy, I asked for a few training courses from some CIA agents. Not all agencies get along well, as you know,” she raised an eyebrow, “but they agreed. I asked for some 101 tips, so to speak. One of them was to always have a safe zone in whatever city you’re in. Another is to be mindful of all technology and what it’s capable of. This cafe doesn’t have wifi, no security cameras, and I disabled my GPS. He’ll have yours soon if he doesn’t already, but by then it won’t matter. I need him to think we’re oblivious, at least somewhat, to what he’s doing. I need him to underestimate both of us, because he already doesn’t. He picked you, and he stumbled upon me. So, ask me again if I think he’s the Black Rose.”
It was true. She had spent time with the CIA getting a sense of intelligence gathering, and while she wasn’t as up to date with it, she did know he probably had access to her phone. He knew about her sister, and hell he probably had the photos from her phone she’d taken, selfies taken for the few times she had dated, nothing explicit, of course. He would see pictures of her parents’ dog Raymond, the creature with two different colored eyes. He would see her schedule, and she guessed he would turn on the microphone or camera if he could. 
David was quiet as he watched her. It was so baffling to have such a profound emotional tie like this.On the one hand he wanted her safe and he wanted her away from that monster. But he also trusted her, explicitly, and knew she wasn’t kidding when she said she’d have killed him. She was so fucking important. 
Reaching over, she took his hand that was on the table, his body tensing and releasing all at once at her touch, gentle and warm, “David, I’m OK. I promise. Can you trust me?” Her voice was soft and warm. It was comforting. It was so different from this morning and her entire tone and form had morphed. He understood she was becoming herself, in a strange way. Some are shaped by trauma and others made a choice. David had only ever been one to channel his anger and so it was strange to see someone so calm about it. 
To both of their surprise, David held the hand that had touched his, looking down at the table, “I trust you.” His words were simple as he looked back up, his face stoic and sincere. 
“I trust you.”
Y/N didn’t feel like driving back at this point. It was getting late, and if they left now, both of them, in their respective cars, they’d be lucky to get back by 8pm given all the damn traffic. The decision was made, by Y/N, to spend the night in the city. Get a hotel room. 
As David wandered inside the rather stunning lobby of the Hyatt Regency, he felt so terribly out of place. All he had was his jacket and a few essentials he carried in his car. Just in case. Thankfully, they both lived that way.
He watched her slide her credit card on the counter, the woman dressed in black, looking pleasant as hell, spoke gently, “And how many rooms for the evening?”
“Just one. Two queen beds, if possible.” Y/N spoke and David was a bit surprised. He expected to have to fight with her about this. About the fact that she was at risk, and he was as well. That he wanted to make sure they were both safe. But she knew he’d pitch a fit and she honestly welcomed any kind of company right now. Just knowing he was sleeping nearby was reassuring. He was safe, just as she was to him. She trusted him more than most right now. More than Adrian who had texted her seventeen times before she sent him a selfie with her flipping the bird to reassure him she was alive. More than her own agents who she knew were also at risk, more than her superior who could easily be given information from higher ups and make her life that much harder. She had to be careful.
The woman smiled and swiped her card, giving her two room key cards and directing her to the fourteenth floor. Not the highest, for sure, but a decent view, she figured. 
The two were quiet as they made their way upstairs, David thinking how strange it was to get a hotel, rather than just a motel, though deciding that it was a nice deal. He hadn’t been in one like this in… well, he didn’t really know. 
Swiping the key card, Y/N entered the room and held the door for David who locked and bolted it behind them both. When he turned, he watched as she removed her jacket, dropping it over the black desk chair towards the window at the other end of the room. He could see the softness of her skin as she pushed back her hair, kicking off her shoes with a kind of casualness he didn’t expect. He found himself watching her in the dim light of the hotel room, quiet as she moved like some ethereal form he couldn’t pull from. 
Even as she lifted the sweater over her head, dropping it on the desk as well, her small bag next to it, he watched. She had a black tank top on, of course, or he would have looked away. He hoped he would have. But he could see the light reflecting off her skin, making it glow as he entered the room proper, forcing himself to finally move from the frozen state he was in. Her beauty was raw and untouchable, he considered. The woman he could dream about pressing his lips against but he would never imagine would feel the same. She was unattainable. Wasn’t she?
Turning her head, her eyes locked with his, a soft smile on her features, “Get comfy. Pick a bed. Although I’m by the window so your options are limited.” 
The ghost of a smile danced on his lips, blinking a few times as he nodded, sitting on the edge of his bed, large as his one at home, and unlaced his shoes. He knew the blinks would be caught by the agent across the room, blinks that served as a nervous tic and his giveaway. Leftover from foster homes, boys homes, and juvie. The thing he found he could never really control as much as he tried. 
Looking up, he watched as she picked up the phone, the sleek black phone that still looked like it didn’t belong and David knew that feeling. She dialed, speaking softly, “Mhmm. Room 1436. Uhm, two of the burgers,” she glanced at David, giving him a questioning thumbs up, to which a startled David only nodded, “and that’s it. Hah, no, not unless you guys have six packs of Sam Adams lying around. Oh, no, it’s fine. Just the food. Thanks.” Hanging up the phone, she walked back to her bed and sat down, “Figured food was a good idea. Hope you’re ok with the lack of booze.”
David grinned, “Not all cops drink, you know that, right?”
She looked almost irate, “Oh, so you don’t drink?”
He shrugged, lifting up his own long sleeved shirt and removing it, revealing the form-fitting black undershirt, “Not what I said. But I’m fine without the alcohol.” He stood and draped his shirt over the chair by hers, the woman suddenly taken by his own form. He was removing his belt, though not with the intention of removing his pants, but because his gun and badge were strapped to it. She could see more of the tattoos on his body, some faded, some poorly done, some religious themes… he was interesting. For a moment she wondered what other tattoos he was hiding and internally she blushed. 
“You OK?” He turned to her, walking back to his own bed and sitting on the edge, facing her. 
Smiling softly, she nodded, “Well, my day was spent interviewing a sociopath and having personal information used against me, but now I’m here in a hotel room with good company, so I can’t complain too much,” she chuckled nervously.
The words caused David to tense again and he was blinking once more, his nose scrunching as he tried to keep his eyes closed. He hated that idea. The man who had targeted him was now gunning for this agent. This woman. This person who had become something else and it wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right and he swore he would-
“Hey,” she spoke softly, moving from her place on the bed to where he was, sitting next to him. Immediately she took one of his hands, holding it between the two of hers, their sides touching as she held his hand, “I’m safe. Well, especially now that you’re here, right?” She tossed him a crooked smile, her face turned to his. He was still stoic, however, even as he grasped her hand tightly, so very aware at how fragile all of this was. Dover and Birch had been easy, in a way. He was invested because it was a case and because he cared, but it wasn’t like this. Black Rose, he had thought at first, was a person picking a fight. But now it was more than that and he felt so very much to blame for this. For her. 
Shaking his head slightly he turned to face her, now, a few pieces of hair falling by his face, his icy blue eyes softened now, “How can you be so relaxed about this?” And truly he wondered. He could barely hold it together on a good day and had received the wonderful reputation of a man with a bad temper. But Y/N knew he was more than that. He was so much more than that.
Reaching up, carefully, she brushed her fingers against his cheek, feeling a bit of scruff that the day often brought on towards the end, his skin smooth, warm. He melted into her touch. His eyes closed and suddenly his blinking stopped. His tics. He felt his form relax as she got close, stroking his face, “Because we all have choices, David. And I’m choosing not to let this man decide my fate. Not let him dictate how I live. I won’t let him scare me. Not again. And I won’t let him hurt you, either.”
His eyes opened at her last words, words he had realized had never been spoken to him before. No one had ever promised him safety or care, love and compassion, the ability for him to expose himself without fear of what came next. He had heard the fake ‘I love you’s whispered when the woman he was seeing didn’t really want him to go, but would be fine if he did. No one had ever promised him safety, though. 
At once the world dissolved. The hotel room could have been anywhere. Anything. Nothing. And all David saw in that moment was this woman he had found himself falling, tumbling, stumbling, tripping over his own feet for. She was more than she understood. 
Without hesitation David leaned in, his head turning slightly as his lips met hers, sitting on the edge of the hotel room bed, her hand still warm against his face, her other holding his. She tasted sweet, delicate. She tasted like smoke and fire, like kindness and hope. She was everything he missed. That he had pined for. Wanted. Never thought he deserved. His eyes closed tightly as he turned his body further to face her, Y/N doing the same, instinctively. They weren’t close enough and both wanted to be closer.  
A soft gasp had escaped only briefly when his lips collided with hers, magnets connecting sharply but not desperately. He felt so perfect, with her hand against his face, keeping him close as he leaned in to the kiss, worried perhaps she might pull away. She didn’t. She fell into the kiss naturally, her heart racing and her stomach suddenly flipping, unexpected but so perfect. Even as his tongue parted her lips and pressed against hers, spilling his heart along with it, he needed her so much more.
After what felt like forever, though only seconds of the two embraced in a kiss, Y/N pulled away, taking a soft breath as David’s lips followed hers slightly, eyes opened as both looked at the other, “This isn’t smart,” her words were soft, closing her eyes once more as she rested her forehead against his, both facing the other.
He couldn’t help but chuckle, “This is one of the smartest things I’ve ever done.” He reached up, his hand brushing away her hair, seeing the softness of her features now that they were so close. And of course, he wouldn’t push for more. If the kiss was a mistake, or all she wanted, he would be happy with that. He would know that for the briefest of moments he had felt what it meant to be cared for. Needed. 
“That’s a low bar, Loki,” she smirked, opening her eyes and locking onto his, causing both to laugh slightly.
Sitting back up, David was worried for a moment as she scooched away a bit, “C’mon, lay down with me. We’re not fucking in a hotel room,” she adjusted herself, her body crawling towards the top of the bed, lying on her right side. 
A bit relieved, and almost laughing at the insinuation, David followed suit and lay across from her, close enough, however, to feel her breath, facing her, “I didn’t say we were gonna fuck. What if I didn’t want to?” 
She smirked, David grinning, very aware that his tic wasn’t there right now, wondering if perhaps a human being could be treatment itself, “Oh, you don’t?” She reached up again, her fingertips dancing over his soft lips, lips he pursed too often, kept in a straight line. Lips that were now turned up in a grin. Devilish. Playful. Trickster kind of grin. Like his namesake.
Taking her hand on his lips, he kissed at her fingertips, almost thrown off at his own softness, “Ok. I do. But… I’m fine just being here, right now,” he got quiet, shaking his head a bit, “Fuck, that was stupid, wasn’t it? I just gave you a really, really stupid line.”
Y/N laughed and for that he was grateful. Not just because her smile was perfect, and the sound was better than any other he thought he could make her make (and he really wanted to), but because he knew he could say these things. The things that others cringed at, or yelled at. The things he didn’t actually feel for other people, that he felt, deeply, for this woman he had wanted to hate before he’d seen her. He felt this about someone who was making him more invested than if this were just about him. He was absolutely vulnerable around this woman he wanted only to see smile, laugh, grin, smirk… any of it.
Adjusting herself again, she curled against him, tucking her head under his chin as she pressed her hands on his chest, “It was. But that’s ok. Because I’m happy, David. And as corny as it is to say, I’m happy here with you. In this stupid hotel room after a day that still makes no sense to me. I’m happy.”
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(Tagging @escapingthoughtsandsecrets​ @is-it-madness​ @detecellie​ @oscarflysaac​ @doritosandavocados​ @peccobagnaia​ @miss-missing-patd​ @hockeyandheroes​ let me know if you wanna be added/removed!)
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gloriafc · 5 years
Paul imprinting on Bella's older cousin
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You were reluctant to follow your younger cousin, but you promised your uncle you'd watch over her when she went into her depressive state.
Of course he trusted you with her clumsy self since you're a surgeon and can fix up any of her bumps and bruises.
"Bella I get he's your best friend but do you think this is the best idea?" "You don't get it Y/N. You wouldn't understand. He's all I have left."
You start to worry when you see a buff guy carrying your cousin into the Emergency room.
"Y/N you don't have to worry, Jacob was there. I'm fine." "Does this look fine to you Bella. You show up in the ER with a cut half the size of your forehead. You have your dad worried everyday, and we can all tell something is going on with you. And now you're crashing motorcycles. Yeah that looks perfectly fine to me."
Of course Bella constantly shows up at your house to ensure you won't tell her dad about the bikes. She goes as far as dragging you with her and her now different looking best friend on your day off. They both drag you to a small house where a couple of boys start teasing Jake. A female catches your eye, she moves to hug Bella before turning to you, making you notice everyone staring especially one guy.
“Hi, I’m Emily.” “Y/N” “Bella’s cousin right? Jake told us about you.”
Emily quickly pulls you in, becoming quick friends.  You find yourself heading over to gossip often, Bella going with you to see Jake. Sam becoming comfortable enough having you around all the time because it makes Emily happy.
Of course since you’re around all the time you’ve gotten to know everyone else well enough. You’ve had dinner with them enough times to think of them as friends.
With time everyone tells you about the pack and about the imprint, one of the main reasons is because the Cullens are back and they worry something could happen to you.
“Wait how is that possible?” “Y/N I know it the whole imprint process can be confusing.” “No not that. I spent years studying anatomy and you just told me your bones move and shift on their own and you turn into giant dogs. How is that possible?”
Of course you take the time to talk about the imprint. At first you find it weird that Paul is only 19 and you’re 24. But eventually you get over it. And start a relationship with him.
The entire pack actually find it interesting when they find out new things about you. In turn they let you study their wolves where you slowly become their in-home nurse. Re-breaking and setting any bones they break when they fight each other.
“Wait so you’re like a genius?” “...” “Stop looking at the medical magazine and answer me!” “Jared. I will break all of your ribs and let them set wrong. Yes I’m a genius, I graduated medical school at 17. I’m twenty-four and Chief of Trauma with a photographic memory. Any more questions about how smart I am?” “Can you help me with my science homework?” 
Eventually you learn about the Cullens being vampires, and you quickly grow past it knowing Carlisle as your mentor before he left.
Paul finds himself at your house often, not wanting to go home. He loves watching how calm you look while studying or talking about surgery in general. You know he doesn’t fully understand but you appreciate the fact that he listens more than any boyfriend you’ve had before.
Your relationship is filled with constant teasing.
"Babe you need to grow. The whole bed on the floor thing is not working for me." "Then go sleep somewhere else." "Why do you hate me?!" "You're a pain in my ass." "In my defense it's a nice ass."
Sometimes you forget he’s five years younger than you. You often find yourself asking him to stay the night knowing he doesn’t want to go home anyways. The two of you will stay up talking about his problems at home, the way he talks makes him seem so much older with everything his dad has made him deal with.
You slowly find yourself falling in love with everything about him, even his short temper.
You're the first one to say I love you. Shortly after Paul admits he's wanted to say it for a while but never knew how you felt since you have a different mentality about relationships, being older and all.
"Babe I love you and everything but if you touch me with your cold doctor hands again I'll stick you in the furnace."
Jared constantly teases you about being out of Paul's league to get a rise out of him.
"Hey Y/N if your last boyfriend was a surgeon, what made you fall for this flea bag?"
Paul occasionally brings you lunch when you’ve been busier at work, reminding you to take a break so you don’t over work yourself.
Of course when the colder months start to come you’re always at work so you don’t go around as often, resulting in some of the newer pack members not knowing who you are. You end up meeting them when Emily gets into a car accident, a car sliding on the ice into hers. Since you're there to ID her the nurses quickly call Sam down resulting in the whole pack and tribal council sitting in the waiting room as you perform her surgery. When everything is done and she's stable you make your way down to the waiting room, Paul and Sam are the first ones standing. You can just see all the stress on Sam's face.
"Is she okay?" "She had multiple blows to her head from her car flipping. Broken ribs and a broken leg. She's stable right now, we put her into a medically induced coma to help her heal without extra stress, we'll wake her up in a couple days. She'll probably have a slight case of amnesia but it should wear off shortly after waking up. She'll be fine."
Sam quickly pulls you into a bone crushing hug whispering thank you into your ear. Hearing his voice crack brings tears to your eyes once you remember you just operated on one of your best friends.
You manage to pull some strings and Emily is put into a bigger room so multiple people can see her at once, knowing she enjoys being around everyone. Once you see Sam start to cry at the sight of her sleeping all bandaged up you quickly leave the room with tears in your eyes. You make it down the hallway before you have to lean against the wall, tears streaming down your face and unable to breathe. You quickly feel arms wrap around you making you turn and grip Paul's shirt as you slowly feel yourself loose control of your emotions.
"It's okay. She's okay. You saved her." "She looked so bad." "She probably did. But because of you she's alive." "She almost died on that table. She almost died and it would've been my fault if she didn't make it." "Don't think that. Don't think about her dying. And don't think about it being your fault. You were here and you did your job. You're not the person who crashed into her car. You're the one who brought her back to us."
You're the person who takes her out of her coma. Of course the entire pack is there. Her entire room filled with flowers, balloons, and cards.
When she wakes up she cries when she sees your face. At first you think she's going into shock but she just grabs you pulling you into a hug.
"I remember going in and out of consciousness. I remember seeing you. I could hear you telling the nurses to call Sam and a whole bunch of other doctor words. I saw you climb over me to perform CPR. You were covered in blood. My blood. When the other doctors were pushing the bed to the OR, you stayed over me the whole way. I could hear everything until they put the mask over my face." "You heard me say-" "That you wouldn't leave until you saved me."
You can't help the tears that start falling down your face as Emily pulls you into another hug.
When Emily gets discharged Paul finds himself just staying at your house. He can feel you constantly worrying and has to remind you that Sam's not letting Emily out of his sight any time soon.
Of course he starts to worry when you put yourself back into work but knows you're better when you start telling him about the stupid things people do that make them end up in the hospital.
When everything starts to go back to normal Paul feels himself relax when you come around more. He loves watching you talk with Emily as you cook, or sewing the boys last pairs of shorts.
"I swear this is the last time I'm sewing your shorts. I didn't go to medical school to work as your seamstress." "But you're so good at sewing." "I sew skin all day, what do you expect."
Eventually as your relationship progresses with Paul everyone finds that his anger has simmered down a ton. What no one knows is that Paul actually proposed, without a ring but it's the thought that counts. Yeah it's really early, especially for someone his age but you couldn't be happier, and you both agreed to wait for an appropriate time to get married even if that meant years.
Eventually you just flat out ask Paul to move in.
"Are you positive?" "Paul were engaged and all your stuff is practically here, except for the shirts I don't believe you actually own."
Of course you realize that having him live with you results in a ton of sex and constant naked cuddles. You honestly don't even have a need for blankets at this point, you sleep next to a space heater anyways.
Because you saved her life Emily names her and Sam's first kid after you.
"This is Monica Y/M/N Uley."
Eventually Paul saved up the money and got you the perfect ring.
"Is this why you've been working those odd jobs and weird shifts." "You know I had to get you the best, and it wouldn't be the best if I didn't do the work to get it."
Of course all of your close friends are furious you two didn't tell them you were engaged sooner.
"Did he just propose? That's so cute." "No we've been engaged for months now Emily." "And you're just telling me?! I'm skinning that boy alive next time I see him." "Please don't. I kind of need him alive for the next eighteen years." "You're pregnant too?!"
Since Emily's the only one who knows you're pregnant she helps you plan to tell Paul. She may or may not have stolen a whole bunch of pregnancy tests from the hospital with your help.
She makes the used tests into a bouquet that you set on the kitchen table for Paul to see when he gets home from patrol.
You sit in the living room knowing the first place Paul will go is the kitchen to make a sandwich.
"I'm home!"..."What the hell? Are these all pos-"
Before you realize what's going on you're being spun around by a very happy fiance and soon to be daddy.
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howmcnythings · 3 years
Is that KATIE CASSIDY? No, that’s just CALLISTA ALBRECHT. They were born on 12/09/1994 and are a SUCCUBI/MERMAID HYBRID living in Northknot Town. They work as a BARISTA AT COOL BEANS CAFE & A MUSICIAN. Some say they're CLEVER and ADVENTUROUS, but I’ve heard others say they're MANIPULATIVE and TEMPERMENTAL. When you think of HER, don’t you think of LEATHER JACKETS, LIT CIGARETTES, AND DIMLY LIT MOTEL ROOMS? 
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TW: drugs, addiction, abuse, child abuse, alcohol, violence, death
Callista was born as Callista Briere to parents who probably shouldn’t have ever had a kid. Damian, an incubi, and Carla, a mermaid, both had a history of drug use. When Carla got pregnant, she had been sober for almost a year. Damian was still using cocaine regularly. A year after Callista was born, that was when Damian began hitting his wife. They were low on money, he kept blowing what they did have on drugs. The environment was toxic. By the time Callista had started school, both of her parents were using again, doing so even when she was right there in the room.
When Callista was six, her parents began getting rough with her. When she needed money for a field trip, her father grabbed her by the arm hard enough to bruise her, and screamed in her face about how she shouldn’t be asking for money when they already were living in such a small home. 
When Damian began hurting Carla as well, Carla sobered up and took Callista away. Damian wasn’t bothered by it at all. At this point, Callista was eight. Fast forward two years, and Callista got a call on her tenth birthday, learning that her mother had been killed in a car accident with a positive toxicology report. 
Damian had landed himself in prison, so Callista couldn’t go to him, nor would she allow herself to be back with him. She’d rather be homeless. He had no remaining family, and Carla’s family had disowned her for marrying and getting impregnated by someone of a different species, especially since Damian was a known cheater all through Northknot. 
Callista went into the system. She was bumped around through different foster homes, none of them sticking though. She was acting out. She was angry that she had witnessed her life and family crumble into nothing and she took it out on the people around her, with constant fits and screaming matches with her foster families. 
Most of her foster families were outside of Northknot. Callista knew that she wasn’t like them, but she was never able to tell anyone that.
By age thirteen, she battled serious addictions to drugs and alcohol. Nobody knew about the way she’d sneak out whatever house she was living at. Nobody knew how she would buy drugs from the sellers around the corner, or alcohol from the other addicts she knew who needed more money to score. Nobody knew that she was stealing money from her foster families to supply herself with what she needed. She saw her parents spiral, and to Callista, that was normal. Drugs, alcohol, all of it was what she knew. It was familiar, and she liked that.
Suspensions from schools, getting into physical fights with other students, and winding up in juvie twice was too much for the different foster parents to handle. She feared that she wouldn’t ever find somewhere to really call home, but part of her didn’t want that.
She was fifteen when she was finally wanted by somebody. Aalist Albrecht. She has always and still does refuse to call Aalis “mom”. After the adoption process was complete around the time of her sixteenth birthday. 
Aalis found out about Callista’s addictions when she was seventeen. Within a few weeks she was entered into rehab, where she tried to fight her addictions. Callista was able to graduate high school, and now that she was somewhere stable, and had the help of her new mother, she went off to college and finished a few years later with a degree in biology. 
College was harder than she expected, and Callista often found herself trying to study with a glass of wine or a beer in her hand to take the edge off. She told herself she was fine, but she wasn’t. She didn’t make it a full year in college before she had slipped into old habits- partying, drinking, and doing all kinds of drugs. If she knew she was going to see her family, she’d sober up for the sake of that, but that was it. She knew how to keep it all to herself, so that was what she did. Shortly after graduating, she had her license revoked after a few too man DUI’s, but still continued to drive anyway.
Flash forward to a newly 24 year old Callista sitting in a bar. Completely wasted and high on cocaine, she was just out to have a good time. A man tripped and knocked into her, and Callista was pissed. Over the years as she continued giving in to her addictions, her temper and patience got worse. She stood up and cussed with man out, only to have a few other people come to his defense. When he started to shout back at her, it pushed her over the edge. That night, Callista was hauled out of the bar in handcuffs after attacking him. She was under the influence, she was guilty of possession, and she had physically attacked someone. Her anger got the better of her, and she knew she was going to pay the price. She was sentenced to a large fine and a total 12 months behind bars. The sentencing was finalized in a court hearing when she was 25, and at 26 she was able to get out.
Now at 27, she still doesn’t have the stability yet to live on her own. For now, she’s just working in a coffee shop to have something to do with her day and some kind of income. In addition to that, she’s formed a small band that plays gigs, and she plays at open mic nights in the various coffee shops and bars.
 Callista has a hard time controlling her anger. When she gets angry, she’ll really let you have it. She’s impulsive, she doesn’t usually think things through before she does them. She’s kinda grouchy, unless she’s warmed up to you. She’s manipulative when she feels like she needs to be, especially if she’s craving booze or drugs and knows you might be able to hook her up.
Being half succubus, Callista is almost always finding someone new to be with. She has never been good at fidelity, which can be proven in her failed relationship with Caliphe Topaz. 
Callista managed to stay sober for a few months after her release, but more recently has slipped back into the addictions that have plagued her throughout her entire life.
you earn a metal if you read all of that. TL;DR- she’s a hybrid who had a shit life, was adopted, and is an addict.
here are some lighter fun facts to balance that out:
her diet is 90% cake
she loves cats. LOVES them. she has one named shark, and he’s white and fluffy.
she plays piano, guitar, and sings. she’s 100% self taught but has serious skills
she WILL spell your name wrong on your cup on purpose just to be a shit disturber
she has 12 tattoos, including a matching one with Caliphe of a seagull from finding nemo.
she’s fascinated by plants, however she’s got nothing even close to a green thumb.
she’s ambidextrious
she curses more than anyone should
she hates ice cream. she likes the cone, but not the ice cream itself.
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lonelypond · 3 years
A Coffeeshop Christmas Carol, Ch. 1
Love Live, NicoMaki, 5.8K, 1/3
Summary: Maki Nishikino finds herself haunted by Christmas memories as Nico Yazawa enlists her help in putting together the Tudor Conservatory Annual Christmas Pageant. Will their clash be just a collision or the start of something more? Plus, NozoELi shenanigans.
Chill in the air, hint of snow on the wind, Christmas only a few days away, dinner plans that might turn into future plans, Nishikino Maki was as excited as she’d ever been for Santa’s arrival as a child. At least in the calm moments when she wasn’t overthinking, like now. Too much excitement, too much pressure, too many thoughts pinballing through her head. Maki stood outside her apartment building, arms full of prickly pine and plants, groceries, and her heart full of...it wasn’t exactly hope. Or maybe it was hope. She was definitely nervous, definitely rehearsing conversations she might have had and might be having with Mako Omine. And now there was this Solstice Eve dinner...or date...or…
The doorman opened the door with a smile and Maki nodded as she rushed past, already behind in her preparations. Fortunately, she’d ordered dinner from her favorite Italian restaurant and only had to put some basic appetizers on a plate. The wine could be opened when her guest arrived. And then…
Maki slid the key into the lock of her apartment, hand trembling. And then...that was the entire worry.
Should this feel more comfortable, Maki wondered as she swirled the wine around in her glass, not really listening to Omine as she described her last day of classes.
“I won’t miss that place at all.” Omine sighed, leaning back dramatically and tossing her fair, curly hair over her shoulder.
Maki snapped to instant alert, “What place?”
Panic set in. Maki had obviously missed something; she set her wine glass down before she crushed it. “Why would you miss it?”
“Weren’t you listening at all, Maki? Of course you weren’t.” Omine leaned in, flicking Maki’s forehead as the redheaded future doctor flinched, “Too much going on in that big brain of yours.”
It was a colder laugh than Maki expected. Smart had always been the thing she did well, the area she always excelled at. Was it a problem now?
Maki stood, towering as Omine continued to lounge on the couch, far too casually amused about the tension vibrating from Maki.
“Where are you going?”
“Beaches, bikinis, no snow San Diego.”
“Why?” Maki winced as her voice cracked.
Another too casual shrug, “Dream job, tired of school, parents tired of paying tuition. I’m not a brainiac like you.”
“I’m not…”
Omine shook her head, standing up to interrupt Maki, and somehow closer than she’d ever been before. “It wouldn’t work, Maki. You’re always off somewhere, nowhere I can find you. And our parents…” A side glance at the mistletoe carefully hung over the piano, “Thanks for the snack, Maki. It’s time for me to finish packing. I’m leaving tomorrow.”
“Omine.” It was all Maki could say.
And then she was in a hug, but she still couldn’t relax and her brain kept racing through possibilities rather than being in the moment. Should she hug back, ask more questions, not let go, play a song, cry, turn away…
Now the hug was tighter.
“I’ll miss you, Maki.”
Did “don’t go” want to come out of Maki’s mouth? Her arms fell to her side. Omine let go and stared for too long. “Still just standing there?”
“What am I supposed to do?” Maki snapped, “You’re leaving.”
Maki willed the tears not to start as Omine stepped away, “I am.”
Maki turned away, nearly falling into the couch, a grunt her only reply.
Omine was already in her coat. “Take care, Maki.”
The door closed and suddenly, all the pine and green and gold and mistletoe and dreams were tainted, taunts to be torn down.
 Maki almost had a flow as the Tudor Conservatory’s Composer In Residence. Piano practice in the aftermorning, lunch, meet with the quintet she was composing for, write, if blocked, pick up random donut shop coffee and take her music to a park. Then lock herself in her studio, avoid social obligations, and listen to darkly humorous heavy metal screamers. This would push HER out of memory, flood Maki’s brain with static so she could avoid falling into the loop of mired in heartbreak composing. It hadn’t really been heartbreak, Maki had never really put her heart out there, on her sleeve, in a selfie, or anywhere. Almost...a grand plan, dinner, mistletoe, but instead there had been Omine excited she was about her new job, across the country. And that had crushed Christmas, Maki’s favorite mood, Maki now finally, finally believed Santa and goodness and joy had NEVER existed. Because if they had, her heart would not have been frozen by unawareness and then shattered by distance. Last Christmas had been the worst. Maki just disappearing into her apartment and an endless stream of anything dark and not Christmasy. And now Christmas was looming again. Halloween, a cheerful dark holiday you could blast The Smiths and Girl In A Coma and weird, darkly humorous old school country bluegrass songs to get through, had just passed so there was no goth line of protection for the broken.
Maki was in a rush. Late to a meeting with Professor Sonoda. And her score was nearly complete. She just needed five minutes, a large table, and a sharp pencil. The campus coffeeshop loomed on the left, the owner, Nozomi Tojo outside and looking like she was about to finish placing the large candy cane she was juggling and talk and Maki had no time for that. A small figure, all bundled up against a bracing wind was walking fast, head down, toward Maki, but Maki prepared to dodge. And then the candy cane flew out of Nozomi’s hand, skittered in front of the woman hustling to the shop, tripping her, the momentum of her fall caught Maki off guard so her score flew everywhere.
“What the…” Maki bit off a profanity, scrambling.
“Watch where you’re going!” The projectile snapped, unexpectedly fierce red eyes glaring.
Maki froze, drawing up to her full height, “Watch where I’m going? Watch where I’m going?”
Nozomi scooped up a sheet of music, “Maki, don’t you need these?”
“Oh hell,” Maki moved to sprint into the street, but felt a strong hand pull her back as a speeding car took half of her score two blocks away. She turned expecting to see Nozomi, instead it was the tiny, sable haired, fiery eyed cause of her new problem.
“Are you stupid?” The woman sounded breathless and scared, but her grip on Maki’s arm didn’t yield.
“That’s my entire score. It’s almost finished. I…” Maki felt like crouching down and covering her head.
Nozomi had collected a handful. “Here. I’ll get the counter girls to run after it.”
“Make me my usual. Nico will help.” Nico released Maki’s arm, shoved a handbag into Nozomi’s arms, and took off down the street, hair streaming behind her. Maki watched, having trouble processing what was happening and clutching a too small stack of music to her chest.
“Maki? Professor Nishikino?”
Nozomi had a hand on Maki’s shoulder, “Let’s get you inside.”
“I have a meeting.”
“You probably need your music for…”
“Yeah.” Maki walked through the door, found a corner booth that had not been tainted by Christmas decorations, and shoved back in the corner, legs drawn up on the bench.
“Is there someone you can call?”
Maki shook her head, pulling out her phone, texting was always her only option.
M: Sorry, Umi, I’m going to be late. I had an accident.
Immediate response.
U: Are you all right? Were you driving?
M: No, someone tripped into me and scattered my score.
A thump and Maki looked up to see a large stack of papers slammed into the table in front of her.
“They’re not numbered. Didn’t your professors teach you anything?”
“I am a professor.”
The woman sat down in a chair, examining Maki carefully, then shaking her head. “Graduate students shouldn’t pass themselves off as faculty.”
Maki thought that was ironic coming from someone who looked like they might be on their way to their freshman dorm, “Well, I’m glad you’re not in any of my classes. I’d never get anything done.”
“That stupid candy cane tripped Nico. Who puts up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving?”
Maki’s mood improved. A kindred spirit. “Exactly. Why put them up at all?”
“Bigger tips.” Nozomi announced, carefully placing a huge mug in front of each woman.
“I’ll pay you to skip to…” Maki considered. New Year’s was never really much, Valentine’s Day was frankly disturbing, Easter was for kids…”summer, yeah, beaches, pictures of piers, sandpipers popping along the shore.”
‘I’m sorry, you’ll just have to get in the holiday spirit. Or Santa won’t bring you what you need.” Nozomi winked as she turned.
“Santa.” Maki and Nico both snorted.
Nico considered Maki for a moment, then extended a hand, “I think I rescued most of your pages. I’m Nico Yazawa, Drama and Performance.”
Maki put her phone down, ignoring the text notification, “Maki Nishikino. I’m the composer in residence.”
“Oh.” Nico grinned, “My friend Umi’s been telling me I should talk to you.”
Somehow Nico puffed up like a proud bird showing off its feathers, “Nico’s in charge of this year’s Christmas concert. Everyone asked me to take over and it’s going to be the best one ever.” Nico leaned in, eyes even brighter with excitement than anger, “So Nico needs the best people to work with and since Umi won’t help me, she suggested you.”
“Umi won’t…” Maki was trying to make sense of what Nico was saying, the third person self references and lack of context making it a confusing knot.
Nico coughed, “No, no, Nico misspoke. Umi just thought that if Nico knew you, you would have been Nico’s first choice.”
Was that the other thing that Umi had wanted to talk about at their meeting today? Maki grabbed her phone and pounded out a message.
M: Were you going to talk to me about…
Maki glanced up, “What was your name again?”
Nico’s smile got brighter, although her eyes narrowed, “Nico Yazawa.”
M: Nico Yazawa?
U: Oh good, have you met her? She has A Christmas Carol script she wants to turn into a musical and I thought it might be a good challenge for you…
Maki frowned. Christmas. Ugh. She had been hoping to avoid anything holiday-like by focusing on the Lunar New Year and the twelve movement orchestral suites she had planned out. Most of her colleagues just went “whoa” and “good luck” when she explained the scope of the project.
Maki put her phone down again. Nico was closer, she switched to the chair next to Maki and was reading through Maki’s sheet music.
“Hey!” Maki pulled the pile away from Nico, “You can’t….”
“Pretty good. Nico approves. Although I think they’re out of order.”
Of course they’re out of order; you blew them down the street, Maki screamed inside her head, while her hand reached for whatever Nozomi had placed in front of her. Nico took that as a signal that there would be a break in the conversation and reached for her own mug. Maki wondered if she could just make a run for it, but one hand tugged on a twist of hair and the other raised the mug to her lips. The bitter coffee, no sweetner, no colliding, no demands, was a bracing relief.
Nico stacked the pages, neatly, in an entirely different order. Maki groaned. “Nico will take you out to dinner. We can talk.”
“I have no spare time and multiple ongoing projects.” Maki had the mug in both hands as a rampart against the looming presence of her tablemate.
Nico grabbed Maki’s phone. Maki had gotten lazy and turned her lockscreen to ten minutes so Nico easily swiped into her contacts, then texted herself. “Nico will text you later and we can find a date.”
Maki stood, grabbing her phone back from Nico, “I have a meeting.” She picked up what she hoped was all of her score, “Not with you.”
Nico responded with a wink and a smug confidence that just bolstered Maki’s will to flee. “Nico will wait.”
“Please don’t.” And Maki was out the door, not realizing she hadn’t paid for her drink.
Nico had a meeting of her own, and hurried back to campus. She was in charge of the Holiday Pageant, a legendary event that took most of the day on the Solstice and involved all of the students. The head of the dance department was waiting for her in the small dance studio.
Nico opened the door. Eli Ayase was everything that aggravated Nico’s insecurities, tall, blonde, stuck up, probably cool. Nico had never really had more than a passing conversation with the choreographer and former prima ballerina as Ayase was another staff newbie. The dancer was standing at the barre, going through what Nico recognized as the most basic ballet positions in a light blue leotard, white tights, and blue and white striped leg warmers, blonde hair in a ponytail. Nico stood in the doorway, allowing excellence a moment to finish and herself a moment of real appreciation for someone putting in the work.
Eli stepped away from the barre, wiping her forehead with a towel, “Oh, hi, Nico! I always like to go back to the foundation. I’m teaching a beginner’s class for non majors next semester.”
Nico nodded, “Ballet is good exercise.”
“Exactly.” Eli swept out her arm, “And a good way to learn about the meaning in movement.”
Nico knew a few D + P majors who would be interested, “Nico will put out the word.”
Eli nodded, and grabbed her bag, “Want to go to my office?”
“Nah. Nico’s fine here.”
“Efficient. I like that.” Eli pulled her water bottle from her bag before putting it down.
“Have you met the Composer In Residence yet?”
“Nishikino?” Eli shook her head, “No, Don’t know much about her. Apparently, she took some time off from music for med school or something, but decided not to give up the piano.”
“Nico didn’t know that.” Nico leaned back against the barre, stretching out a leg, “So you’re not one of her “ongoing projects”?”
“Not yet. Umi wants me to talk to her about The Nutcracker.”
“Is the hyper dedicated to her job Professor Sonoda turning slacker and passing all her jobs to the newbie?”
Eli laughed, “No, I think she’s just making sure that Nishikino interacts with other people. I heard that for the first month, she didn’t come out of her studio, and you could hear the piano day and night.”
A reclusive workaholic. Nico made a mental note of that. Probably needed some fresh air. A walk around campus and a tour of some of the better local foodie spots might be a pleasant way to get to know each other better on the way to a collegial collaboration. That was a good phrase. Nico made a mental note to use it on Maki.
The redhead was pacing back and forth outside the coffeeshop. Nozomi was fascinated. Maki seemed to be having a conversation with herself, would stop, start to head inside, and then begin pacing again. After three customers, Maki was starting to look cold so Nozomi decided to investigate.
“Hi Maki, come in.”
Maki shook her head.
“What’s wrong?”
Not the answer Nozomi expected, but then she remembered Maki being decoration averse. Nozomi wondered what the story was, but Maki did not seem like the answering questions type.
“Do you do takeout?” Maki asked warily.
“Could I pay you to do takeout?”
“How about if you come inside and stop shivering, I take the decorations down from one corner, and you let me treat you to a hot chocolate.”
“Cider. Lots of cinnamon. No Santas.”
Nozomi nodded, “Okay, I can do that.” She held the door open, “What did…”
Maki stopped moving forward.
Nozomi chuckled and shook her head, “Never mind. Let’s get you off the sidewalk before you scare away business.”
The apple cider came with company. Maki knew she hadn’t agreed to that but Nozomi had slid confidently into the wall bench, Maki having taken the seat facing away from the still decorated rest of the coffeeshop.
“So, how do you like Tudor?”
Maki shrugged and sipped, mostly hiding behind her mug.
“Are you having fun at the Conservatory?”
Maki raised an eyebrow, ‘The quality of the ensembles and musicians I’ve worked with have met my needs.”
Nozomi leaned closer, “I hear you spent most of September getting to know that Steinway.”
Maki scoffed, “It’s not a Steinway. It’s a Shigeru Kawai.”
“What’s the difference?”
Maki rolled her eyes, “Are you at all musical?”
“I sing in the shower? Do you duet?”
And then a chair landed next to Maki and Nico’s voice was harsh in her ear, “Stop harassing the pretty ones, Nozomi.”
“But Nico-chi, they’re all pretty.”
“Does not change Nico’s point at all.” Nico unwrapped a scarf probably longer than she was tall and snapped her fingers at Nozomi, “Get your favorite customer a mocha.”
Nozomi sat for a moment, watching Nico and Maki, then smiled slowly, “You owe me, Nico-chi.”
“Put it on my tab.”
Nozomi stooped to whisper in Nico’s ear as she left, “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Nico waved Nozomi off as she slid into the seat the taller woman had vacated, “Hi, you.”
Maki still held her cider mug close to her chest, as if Nico might grab it, “Hello.”
Nico grinned, “How did your meeting go?”
“I left the score for Umi. She had other responsibilities.”
“Im sure it will be fine. From what Nico could tell, it was…” Nico hesitated, at a loss for words, running through her memory for anything she could remember from the music sheets that had been scattered in front of her earlier, “complicated.”
Maki giggled, surprising herself.
“So what’s your drink, now that you know Nico’s?”
Maki put the mug down, relaxing enough to not need extra protection. “Usually coffee, this is cider. Seemed warmer.”
“Nico is always cold,” Nico hugged herself.
Maki had no response so picked up her mug again.
Nico frowned. The other party usually wanted to know something about Nico, but this person...Nico needed an angle. And then Maki surprised her with a question.
“So what’s your favorite line in Christmas Carol?”
Nico brightened and her body language became more open. “You want more details about Nico’s project? It’s so exciting. Nico knew once Umi told you about it, you’d...
“No.” Maki regretted her urge to speak into the increasingly uncomfortable silence.
Nico’s eyes glittered like firelight, “No?”
Maki put the mug down again, focusing her attention on it as she spun it slowly in a circle. She could feel Nico watching her, but needed to avoid getting drawn into a staring match.
“I was just curious. Asking a question isn’t signing a contract.”
Nico was silent. Maki sneaked a peek. Nico had a thoughtful look and was briefly still, but then her hands flew up and the air filled up with words.
“Business! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business.”
“Did Scrooge say that?” Maki couldn’t remember details of her last A Christmas Carol viewing, probably the Muppet version.
Nico shook her head, “Haven’t you read A Christmas Carol? There’s so many versions out there, in every medium, but the Jacob Marley scene is pretty consistent.”
Marley...oh the Marley and Marley number, lots of chains. “Chains, right?”
“Fettered. All forged by heartless choices.”
Nozomi swept up with the mocha, a pile of chocolate dusted whipped cream nearly as tall as the cup topping the drink. “When’s the wedding?”
“Shut up, Nozomi.” Nico snapped.
“What?!?!?!” Maki spluttered.
Nozomi winked over her shoulder at Maki, “If she leaves you at the altar, call me.”
Nico had both hands in the praying position, “Please ignore Nozomi. She has been harassing Nico and anyone else who isn’t a sad, defenseless mess for years.” Nico shrugged, “It’s a warped way to flirt.”
“So you’re not a ‘sad, defenseless mess?’” Maki asked, slowly, uncertainly not sure where this conversation was going.
Nico stopped sipping, upper lip covered with a ridiculous whipped cream moustache. “Does Nico look like a ‘sad, defenseless mess?’”
Maki giggled, touching her own upper lip, “You look like half a hipster dudebro.”
Nico frowned, then quickly licked off the whipped cream, “Nah, Nico’s JLo in a suit when she wants to boi up.”
“Really.” Cider done, Maki leaned into the elbow she’d propped on the table, “So is that your go to opening night outfit?”
Nico leaned back, considering, a smile sharp on petal pink lips, “Work on my Christmas Carol and find out.”
Nico’s eyes actually seemed to twinkle, with mirth, which is the kind of thing that was entirely wrong with this season. Here Maki was, having a more interesting conversation than she expected, and the propaganda that had been etched in her brain over a theoretically loving childhood brought Christmas back into the conversation. With a huff, she pushed back from the table.
“What’s your favorite line?” Nico sipped, the question gently curious.
“A Christmas Carol, the future Pulitzer winning musical by the team of Yazawa and Nishikino. What’s your favorite line in the original?”
“Bah humbug.”
Nico shook her head, tapping the table. “Predictable. Have a better answer next time.” Nico picked up her mug, stood, and bounced over to where a student wearing a pride flag pin was staring moodily out a window. As Maki watched, Nico raised her free hand in a gesture, said “Nico Nico Ni” loud enough to carry, surprisingly getting a shy smile out of the young person, then put her mug down and engaged in a conversation Maki wasn’t close enough to overhear, but the atmosphere around them was lightening. Must be a student of Nico’s having a tough time with the holidays. So many people did, Maki included. She shook her head to clear memories of the past two years, then put on her coat. Piano time.
Nico stood on stage, sweeping her hands through the air, muttering, “We put giant candy canes at the back, do a cutesy period Victorian backdrop, piles of toys, some...no no no…” Nico shook herself and vaulted off the front of the stage, rushing to the back of the house and visualizing the mood she wanted to set, “Lamplight! We set up street lamps along the aisle.” Nico laughed and swooped forward, dancing like a chimney sweep in the chorus of Mary Poppins. “Perfect. Cozy.”
“I can’t work with her.” Eli’s voice filled the theatre as she shoved the double doors open.
“Can’t work with who? Is a dancer giving you trouble?”
“The composer. Umi’s letting her lead the musical ensemble, but she refuses to discuss Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker.” Eli stamped a foot and threw her head back, “How can you not discuss Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. It is THE Christmas classic.”
Nico jumped up to sit on the front of the stage, watching Eli stomp in front of her. “You’re talking about Maki, right.”
“Of course,” Eye roll, “Who else?”
“Did she say why?”
Eli frowned, “Something about Ellington.”
Ellington, Nico thought, must be Duke Ellington. Nico pulled out her phone, “Oh, Duke Ellington’s done his own version of The Nutcracker.”
“And how is that a Christmas classic that will showcase my dance classes?”
“That would depend on the choreography, wouldn’t it?”
Eli leaned on the stage, arms taut, and turned her head to look at Nico, “I’m not familiar with it at all.”
Nico hit play, “It bops.”
Eli glared.
“Lots of energy.”
Eli continued to glare.
Nico shrugged, “Hey, crashing the canon is a thing people need to do now.”
“Crashing the canon?”
Nico hopped down, “Hearing new voices, diverse voices.”
There was a pause, then Eli snarled, “Like Dickens?”
Nico continued unphased, “Actually, yes, because it’s the voice of Nico Yazawa doing an original modern, musical riff on Charles Dickens.” She pulled out her phone and fired off a text.
N: Hey, Maki, meet me and Eli at the coffeeshop. Ellington vs. Tchaikovsky death match.
M: Use their full names.
M: And I’m busy.
N: Get unbusy. Nico’s going to help you with Eli. So that more people can hear Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn’s genius.
No reply. Nico grabbed Eli’s elbow, “We’re going to the coffeeshop. Maki’s going to meet us there.”
“Did she say that?”
Nico grinned. “Not yet.”
Nico yanked, “You, me, coffeeshop, Team Christmas meeting.”
Eli hesitated, “I don’t drink coffee.”
“You don’t drink coffee?”
Eli shook her head, “Bad for the body.”
“We are going to the coffeeshop. Nico needs enough caffeine for three people to deal with this.”
Nico’s phone pinged, Maki.
M: Ten minutes
N: (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)
M: Two years.
N; See you soon.
M: ᕕ| ͡■ ﹏ ■͡ |و
N: Ooh, Maki sent Nico a sexy selfie.
No reply. Nico laughed, but refused to answer Eli’s questions.
The coffeeshop had been a mistake. Nozomi’s eyes had developed a laser-like glow the second Eli stepped in behind Nico.
“Nico-chi! You brought me a present!” Nozomi looked like she was about to vault the counter. Eli was staring around like she’d never been out in public before and Nico didn’t know what that was about but Nozomi was the bigger problem, so Nico reached out, grabbed Nozomi’s apron, and pulled her into hiss, “Stop perving.”
Nico released Nozomi and deliberately used a liberal amount of hand sanitizer, “You disgust me. Eli doesn’t drink coffee so don’t bug her.”
“Who is she?”
“A dancer.” There was something in Nozomi’s tone Nico never wanted to hear again.
“Hey, Eli, tell Nozomi what you want and let’s hit the corner booth.”
Eli very politely stood at the counter, reading the menu with an expression that could have meant she was examining a bomb that needed defusing.
Nozomi leaned over, “Welcome. First drink is always on the house. And I make a luscious hot chocolate.”
Eli started to smile, but then shook her head, “I can’t. I only allow myself a cheat day once a month.”
“I won’t tell.” Nozomi winked.
“Just a peppermint tea, please.”
Nozomi considered, finger tapping her chin, “I’ll consider it if…”
“Don’t you just take customer orders?”
Eli’s genuine confusion had Nico snorting as she eavesdropped. “Newb.”
Nozomi continued, “You come back for a hot chocolate on your cheat day.”
Eli tilted her head, lashed flitting slowly over bright blue eyes, and then she smiled at Nozomi, “Okay.”
“Good, that’s settled, let’s go, bring me a strawberry latte in a bucket.” Nico dragged Eli to the table.
“This is a friendly little place,” Eli decided.
Nico unpacked her bag, refusing comment.
Maki slid into the booth, wondering if Nico had chosen the one without decorations deliberately. The choreographer was there, with tea in front of her, staring around the shop. Nico was on her phone, typing rapidly. Maki wondered to who.
Nico glanced up, “Hi, Maki! Thanks for meeting us.”
“Nico, Eli, Maki...We three Queens of the Tudor Christmas Pageant.”
“I’m not having any title with Christmas in it.” Maki stated.
“There were Kings, not Queens. Or wise men.” Eli frowned, “Next to the ass. In the manger.”
Nico sighed, closed her eyes, choked a little on snark, and then smiled, “This is not a Nativity Pageant, Queens rule, you, Maki, can choose any title you want as long as you commit to composing music for Nico’s Christmas Carol.”
“What about my Nutcracker scenes? Clara? The Mouse King?”
“Nico loves a good sword fight as much as anyone, but I think Maki has a point about Duke Ellington.”
“What?” Maki spun in her seat.
“You want something different, to show people music that while great, they might not have been exposed to.”
Maki hesitated, “Yeah.”
“Nico approves.”
“But I can’t just deliver all new choreography.” Eli whined.
Nico leaned in, “Don’t you have advanced choreography students?”
“Give them the dances you can’t manage. Make it their final. It’s a real world challenge. Dancers love crazy pressure.”
“But it’s not Christmas without...”
Nico was unmoveable. “Make some new Christmas memories, Eli.”
Eli was suspicious, “Do you two know each other or something?”
“No.” Maki practically shouted, while Nico looked at her despairingly.
“Nico met Maki the same day I met you, and yes, Nico is trying to charm Maki into scoring her bopping new musical version of A Christmas Carol, but she also has a point.”
Eli hmmpfed and changed her tactic, “I won’t have time, I don’t know how to work with jazz…”
Nico glared as Eli trailed off.
“I don’t bop.” Maki broke into the silence.
“Nico will teach you.”
Maki took a flash drive out of her pocket and slid it toward Eli, “These are my favorite pieces. I think a modern dance approach mixed with a foundation of ballet would work really well with them.” Maki hesitated, cleared her throat, and continued, staring out the window behind Eli, “I understand loving traditional Christmas things…” a pause, fingers tapping, “But some of us do need to make new memories.”
After a minute, Eli picked up the flash drive, “Okay, I’ll listen. No promises.”
Both women turned to Nico, expecting something said with a flourish, but Nico was silent, chin in hand, seemingly absorbed in Maki’s profile.
“Nico?” Maki waved a hand in front of Nico’s nose.
Nico jumped, “Good that’s settled.” Nico stared around her, “Where’s my latte? Darn Nozomi, Nico will be right back.” Nico headed to the counter, “Nozomi, how can you keep your number one customer waiting?”
Maki stared at Nico’s large and half full cup, then glanced over at Eli, who raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“Um.” Eli was watching Nozomi laugh at a Nico who seemed to be hopping up and down with rage, “I need to get back for an evening class.”
“Let me know what you think.”
Eli nodded, then followed Nico’s path to the counter. It was like a relay, Eli arrived, Nico grabbed what looked like a plate as well as a mug, and Nozomi ignored Nico as soon as Eli began speaking.
“Yeah, yeah, go to your class. Nico will be in touch.” Nico called over her shoulder, then slid in next to Maki, putting a plate with two scones between them. “Pumpkin cinnamon chip. They’re delicious. Have one.”
“Okay.” Maki took a bite. “”S good.”
Nico winked, “Always trust Nico.”
Maki shrugged and chewed.
“So why are you making new Christmas memories. What’s wrong with the old?”
“External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn’t know where to have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often `came down’ handsomely, and Scrooge never did.”
“Scrooge? Is that why you don’t want to work on Nico’s Christmas Carol.”
“You demanded a better line for my favorite.” Maki explained, “So this is it.”
“That’s a chunk not a line. Dickens was hailing words.” Nico giggled; Maki remained unimpressed.
“The weather sets such a mood, grim, cold, clingy, mist and fog and all the things Scrooge won’t be able to escape.”
Nico considered, eating half her scone before replying, “True. But Nico took those parts out. Boring. No people in them.”
“No people in them?” Granted, Maki had only done a quick read of A Christmas Carol, not an indepth dive for a thesis she was prepared to defend in front of a panel, but…”Scrooge is in them. It all describes Scrooge. His mental weather.”
Nico sipped. She was proud of her adaptation. All the Victorian carols and games and silliness had been nicely modernized. There was no space for Victorian gloom. Christmas Present was a little judgey and Christmas Yet To Come a little unsympathetic, but the characters around Scrooge were so vibrant that eventually he came to see the life he was missing. “Actions are more interesting than “mental weather.”
“But you could set such a great, scary, best ghost story of all time mood.” Maki’s eyes gleamed.
“Nico went for friends, family, and community mending a heart broken by life.”
Maki was surprisingly insistent. “His heart wasn’t broken. He took it out himself and locked it up with his gold.”
Nico sipped again, trying to arrange her features in an expression that represented thoughtful consideration. “That interpretation can be found in the text.”
“That is the text.” Maki was almost shouting. Nico touched Maki’s forearm and the other woman pulled back, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Sorry.” Nico cupped her new mug in both hands, ignoring her previous one.
Maki shrugged.
Nico inhaled, calming the atmosphere. “I spent years working on this. Did Umi give you my script?”
“I haven’t opened that email. I prefer reading on paper if it’s that long.”
Nico tapped her cup, a measure to keep her temper. “I will hand deliver a copy if the great composer will do me the courtesy of reading my carefully constructed ninety minutes of gripping, heart warming human drama before trashing its central theme.”
Maki blushed, a hand in her hair, half turned away from Nico.
“Nico’s favorite chunk, if you remember, starts with “Mankind was my business.” You know the part where Scrooge’s sole friend, Marley, shows him exactly why the successful life he’s been leading is a failure.”
“You could do so many things with percussion there. And maybe some violins, chilling…different strings for the phantoms outside.”
Nico frowned. This would be easier if Maki read the script. “No floating phantoms. Nico went with the Marley’s taking their shot to actually do one good thing angle. But you’ll see that when you read the script.” Nico paused, “The nuances will attract you.”
There was nothing nuanced about Nico, Maki thought, as the playwright waited for a response. Nico was the picture perfect professor of Drama and Performance, stylish, very noticeable clothes, hair in a bun, neat, well used bag hanging off her chair, every gesture broad and full of meaning, voice full and making complete use of the spectrum of emotion.
“Maki.” A demand for attention, like everything about Nico.
“I’ll read it.” A quick agreement.
WIth a nod, Nico flounced out, leaving Maki surprised by the abrupt departure. At least Nico wasn’t the first of a train of writer/directors planning to haunt Maki into collaboration. Maki played with the crumbs of her scone, sorry Nico hadn’t had a copy of the script in her bag. Now she was curious. Maki stopped, leaned her head back, and sighed, apparently, she was going to do this. Well, it would be a new Christmas memory. Next time, she’d have to be more careful what she asked the universe for.
A/N: A/N: And the annual tradition returns.Last year's got sideswiped by the pandemic, although I would like to finish it, so this year, I went back to paced like a movie basics.
I hope this finds you well. Thanks for reading.
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purplebunniboy · 4 years
Retrograde AU
Can I summarize this,,,let’s find out. This has been a rough WIP since 2016. Boy has it been a Process.
Before I start let me just state for the record that this is an AU it exists in it’s own universe and ties in aspects of both books and games as well as headcanons that I Know not everybody will agree with! Hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Warnings before reading: This AU does contain spoilers for the book trilogy, there are some heavy and dark themes mostly involving physical and emotional abuse as well as blood and gore.
This AU is split into 2 parts: pre-scooped and post-scooped. The first is his childhood and early adult life where he is known as Michael Afton leading up to when he got his insides scooped out. The second half is an older adult, when he got a whopping load of amnesia immediately after being scooped and is known as Mike Schmidt.
Michael grew up in the same town Fredbear’s is located in, a few miles out of Hurricane (same place Charlie lived in the books.)
Michael is the older brother from the 4th game’s minigames. The younger brother/ crying child is Cassidy Afton. Cassidy witnessed Charlie’s murder and was absolutely traumatized but no one would believe him. William was really the cause of the bite, needing the kid to keep quiet about the whole thing, but staged it to be an accident to shift the blame on to someone else.
There is 2 seperate bites, Cassidy being the Bite of ‘83 victim. Michael was still the accidental cause of both.
His friend group consisted of the bullies from the 4th game--Bear mask kid is Michelle/Mitchie, bunny mask kid is David/Davie, chicken mask kid is Christopher/Chris. Some basics about them:
Mitchie is a girl, though a total tomboy, and is strong enough that the others know not to mess with her. She has a superiority complex, always feeling like she Has to prove she’s the best. She has a younger brother.
Davie is the bigger kid and designated meat shield of the group. He doesn’t put himself in bad situations but the group tends to throw him into them anyway. 
Chris is a bit of a runt but like to run his mouth a lot. He’s the type to always feel the need to put his two cents in even if it adds nothing to the conversation and is mostly just him being a sassy smartass.
Michael is of course the kid always picking fights. He’ll throw the first punch at the drop of a hat and almost always sports a bruise or a cut somewhere on his face. Some have even turned into scars.
When he was especially younger, Michael got along really well with his dad, drawing up doodles of characters that would eventually become the Funtimes, and always claiming he wanted to be just like him. William would often bring him into the workshop and teach him the basics of how animatronics work, carefully avoiding the subject of springlocks altogether. Obviously as he grew older, he realized his dad was a major ass and grew distant and hateful of him, taking his anger out on those around him rather than actually deal with the problems. 
Michael built his fox mask himself and included a few added feature such as moving/turning ears and fancy lights. His friends demanded he make them some as well to which he happily obliged. 
The Afton and Emily families were good friends! This was before, you know, William decided to remove Charlie’s alive rights. There were nights where all the parents would go out and Michael would get stuck with babysitting all of them at once and chaos ensued. Charlie, Sammy, and Elizabeth were the same age but Elizabeth was a bit of a brat so she didn’t get along very well with them. Charlie and Cassidy, despite age difference were good friends. Charlie and Sammy were a tag team and rarely did you ever see the two of them apart from the other.
After the accident and Cassidy’s death, everyone turned away from Michael except Elizabeth, who Michael swore he would be a better brother for. He continued developing his robotics skills by building her little toys just like Henry did for Charlie. Though unlike Henry’s, the toys were in no way technologically advanced and the most impressive thing he could do was add a wind up music box in them.
William finds old drawing of Michael’s and uses them as inspiration for the Funtime Animatronics which of course eventually lead to the accident with Elizabeth.
After so many years it finally comes together that Michael realizes his dad is actually a psycho murderer. He runs away, trying to figure out ways to set the spirits free. As he travels, continually changing his name, he does eventually find Henry and enlists his help. He is ultimately unsuccessful as he follow the trail into Circus Baby’s and is eventually scooped.
Jeremy Fitzgerald also has a minimal part in this AU. He and Michael met in early adulthood, he eventually tries to help Michael in his task to help set the children free. They go to what is the fnaf 2 location in an attempt to put them all back together but something goes terribly wrong and Jeremy is the unfortunate victim of the bite of ‘87 and loses his frontal lobe in the process. He is the same Jeremy from the VR games.
It is William and his manipulative tactics that convince Michael to go into the underground in the first place, knowing that his sister will be there. With the promise that he can find her and the others and put them all back together.
Immediately after the events of the underground, he’s visited by Cassidy’s ghost who warns him he’s going to forget and tells him to “come find him when he remembers.” He wakes up in Hurricane with barely any memories. He’s told his name is Mike Schmidt, as stated by records found mostly in his car. Clay Burke takes him under his wing and helps get him back on his feet, basically becoming like a father figure to him. It’s through this interaction that Mike meets Carlton and becomes part of that whole group.
While the main events of the books did not happen, the friend group is still there and there are certain elements that remain the same. The group is obvi older than they were in the original canon source. 
Henry still moved to Hurricane and built the four closets but instead of offing himself, he saw them to completion, dropped them on Aunt Jen, then disappeared without a trace. So it is still the same that Charlie “moved away” and the group stayed connected through letters they sent back and forth (Though mostly it had been Aunt Jen writing them.)
Instead of Charlie coming back for the funeral type celebration like in The Silver Eyes, she went back specifically to reconnect with friends to see them graduate. As they got older, letters turned to email and live chat rooms. Charlie still went with Jessica to college and the two continue to live together. Charlie has a degree in robotics and programming, Jessica has a degree in anthropology. Charlie and John maintain a long distance relationship as he lives and works out of state. Carlton also left town for college, got his degree in performing arts and moved back to Hurricane. Marla is happily married but still keeps up communication with the others and visits occasionally. 
There is a separation between alive robot Charlie and dead child Charlotte, since The Puppet is still a present figure. Charlie is content with the fact that she is actually a robot, having discovered that years ago. John is the only other one who knows.
Mike and Carlton have a thing going on. 
Mike works at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza as is shown game 1. He works there not only out of desperation but because he feels a connection to the building and wants desperately to know about his past.
He found Springtrap in the back saferoom and since then, the rabbit does not leave him alone. He acts as Mike’s helper buddy, assisting in keep the animatronics away for the most part. He is completely silent though if you were to listen really really close you might hear motors running, a fan or two kicking on, and raspy breathing. 
Helpy is another helper to Mike but is more of a portable buddy rather than a work only buddy. He found the little bear as barely more than scraps in a trash heap, took him home and enlisted Charlie’s help in building him into the lovable little pink and white robot.
Most dreams/nightmares Mike has have to do with reliving past memories though generally he doesn’t remember what they were about once he’s awake. When he’s at the pizzeria he sometimes sees the spirits of the children who help lead him to clues about his missing memories. What would seem like hallucinations to most people, are actually clues from the spirits. But Springtrap tends to chase off any that appear when he is also there. 
Will hopefully post designs of the characters soon! And I’m in the process of writing an actual coherent story for this.
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