#searching for other blogs or moots
mbtriestolearnstuff · 7 months
Hiya! I'm very new to the studyblr/langblr thing and I'm searching for some blogs to follow to keep myself motivated (and also to not start doomscrolling on the langblr tag) while I try getting back into studying after ages! :D
To keep this post short, the languages on my list are: French (I have a very rusty B1), German, Japanese, and Korean.
Non-language topics I'm interested in: art, anything science but in particular space-related topics (astronomy, astrophysics, etc), ancient history, book reading in general.
What else? I'll turn soon 30 so I'd prefer to interact w/ ppl around my age or anyway around idk 23+... And since this is a sideblog, the follows will come from my main!
I'm an Italian native speaker, and English became a sort of second language in one way or another lmao! I can help with either learning Italian or translating stuff, I think. I also know Latin, but it's been ages since I last used it so I'm very rusty... maybe I should put it on my list too.
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venusmage · 1 year
Happy trans day of visibility to all my trans artist friends! If you're a trans artist, comment below and I'll try to RB some of your work!
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goldenhypen · 9 months
i randomly found my old blog again and WOW ,,,, TELL ME WHY IM SAD i even stalked my old moots’ blogs too and i- 😭 the way so many things have changed since then :(
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hxlcyon · 1 year
hmm i should probably update my navi whenever i get free time
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sunshine-bones · 11 months
🌻 Actual tips for edtwt 🌻
🌻 Reblogs aren't the same thing as retweets. Post ''threads'' exist, but it's rare to have one person reblog their own post.
🌻 DMing people without asking is normally pretty rude, and not a lot of people are familiar with the DM system on here (called messaging) - there's been a lot of creeps on here in the past, so be cautious in messages.
🌻 People post their general thoughts in tags, so where you'd retweet and write your thoughts in the tweet then add hashtags - here it all happens in tags.
🌻 Most people have their intros and stats either in their bios or as their pinned post - the ''unpinning at x weight'' trend doesn't really exist here.
🌻 On desktop, you can customise your blog and add your own code, themes ect. it's really fun and a good time killer, but be aware all blogs look the same on mobile.
🌻 A bunch of features (search, post archiving ect.) have been broken for years. Don't worry, it isn't just you.
🌻 ED tags change every so often, but ''edblr'' has been the main tag for YEARS now. If you ever get lost, searching that and then clicking around will help you find active tags. The blue butterfly emoji has also been a backup tag for a while now, but the whole ''ricecaketwt'' ''lemonwatertwt'' thing doesn't have a tumblr equivalent.
🌻 If you click the three dots on the side of a post, you can see what date and time the post was made - it's perfectly normal here to reblog, like and respond to old posts.
🌻 Posting pictures of s/h is okay, but please make sure it's tagged properly. Tumblr has it's own tagging system, but it has to have a trigger warning for that to work.
🌻 If you're on desktop, downloading XKit rewritten is a massive time saver - it allows you to automatically add tags, blur out pics (eg thinspo) so you need to click on them, and a bunch of other useful things.
🌻 ''Thinspo imagines'' exist on here, which are basically short stories about what it would be like to be at your UGW in various situations. They're tagged as such, and some of them can be a little cheesy, but still really cute and often motivating.
🌻 For male anas and ftm/transmasc anas, the tags for that are as follows ''trans ana'' ''ftm ana'' ''male ana'' ''nb ana'' ''malespo/malesp0'' - pretty self explanatory.
🌻 There's no word count, but if you're writing a really long post, it's normally good manners to put a ''read more'', just so it doesn't clog up people's dashboards.
🌻 The concept of moots doesn't really exist - there are mutuals, but it's a lot more casual and there's no expectation for you to actually interact with your mutuals personally, aside from liking and reblogging some of their posts.
Last of all, have fun guys! This is a terrible disorder but we're all trying to get through it as best we can. Stay away from people who try and be creeps, give dangerous advice, or condescend you for coming from a different platform. Be safe and feel free to ask any questions you might have 🌻
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anantaru · 5 months
You think rape is funny? Maybe once you fucking experience it you won’t. Fucking cunt.
hello. so I'll just jump right into this. tw. discourse tw. mentioning r*pe.
@saetoru made this claim about me:
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saetoru, could you add proof at least? i can not remember a time where i would repost a joke like that so i'd love for you to show me proof please, this is all I'm asking.
also how was it on your dash, on your own dash and @dottores dash, when you have never followed me? + but maybe it was the for you feature that was the same for the both of you.
accusing someone without proof is not okay, again, i can not remember doing this so if you have a screenshot add it so i can remember and apologize, but i can't do anything because i don't remember saying a joke with SA in mind.
before that i just want to mention: i don't think r*pe is funny, i'm not a dark content blog either so i do not really reblog dark content things because i'm sure most of my readers don't want that + I'm just not into that as well. the only joke i was "called out" for once is when i used a "i want xyz character to smack their laptop on my face or tits" which i got from an andrew garfield interview where he read his thirst tweets out loud, at that time i just deleted it because it's alright.
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dottores, your mutuals, two of them to be exact, have sent me multiple of your personal blog hate posts about me and not once, have you made one where you talked about me saying an SA joke. you have only claimed that i am a cunt and that i am a gatekeeping bitch hence why i believed this must be the reason why you would suddenly hate me despite the fact we never interacted.
now, I want to address this next, this is from @dottores post which when i got it sent to me, i would've wished she just tagged me right away and said it with her chest, more so not let saetoru talk about her experience but just handle this with me.
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^ this is cat @dottores saying i got it wrong.
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^ this is why i believed she meant it just like i said it, why do you go through blogs that grow really fast's notes in the first place? where do you take the right to police other blogs like that when i'm sure your blogs aren't empty of blank blogs either. it is hard to get rid of all of them but i'm sure we all try at least, we don't need you to make us feel bad or come off as belittling, if you have found out a way to get rid of every blank blog, do enlighten us please.
+ at that time of this reblog icks?? post that saetoru added, my blog was blowing up so when a moot of mine (which was also theirs at a time) saw this, they had sent it to me.
"creators that grow really fast" and nowhere has she mentioned she only went through only her own moots notes, aside from that apologies but i still find this weird, i don't think you should invest so much time in other people's blog but this is my opinion.
this is the next thing she said:
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i don't know if dottores meant me there but i have never once harassed you nor sent you hate anywhere, again you cannot just accuse me of stuff like that when you have also never reached out to me. The things i claimed about you guys in your callout, i have text messages of the person (your moot) who sent it to me.
but back again, the only thing i did do was block dottores on tumblr and then later ao3 when i saw you in tags, which you made fun of me for later:
also i got this ask that time:
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"who blocks on ao3?" i do, ao3 is the platform i use the most so why is it funny when i use the block button? + i just like to point something out here, "they must've clicked to read and realize it was me" you can think that if you want i don't mind, but let me ask you this: i have seen you in tags hence why i was able to block you, but how did you notice i did? you can't see me in tags so surely you didnt click on my work, so you must've searched up my user for whatever reason?
and i know this is about me because she added the "this person called me chronically online" i couldn't find the post but what she was talking about is me calling other writers who reblogged that one "ick post" with not needed things such as "when writers cant characterize a character" or "when they only write headcanons", i have plenty of screenshots of that post but since i don't want to use up all my space here, i don't see why i should show their reblogs from this.
there were plenty of people like that, which reblogged horrible things there so i called everyone under that post chronically online, not just you dottores.
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yeah :) like people making fun of someone for blocking them for their own comfort. i just don't want to see you, that's all, but i have never send you hate asks nor harassed you, the only thing i did was block the blogs your own mutuals exposed to me.
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^ this is after i felt bad for you after the callout.
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this is coming from your own mutuals, i have never alone claimed you guys are jealous of me nor is there anything to be jealous about. i am just a blog, this here is not being popular, no one knows who i am and i do not need to pride myself in having a big blog on tumblr.com, and my readers know that. we are all the same here.
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i didn't mean you here saetoru but i understand that it sounded that way, the phrasing was a little off, for that i apologise that i made you upset with this, english is not my first language, i'm french, and when it comes to this callout post i was so fed up with it that i just posted it without looking for grammar mistakes etc. + this is about one of your friends who deleted their personal the second i announced i got their user, that was something with kaeya, when they sent me a hate ask. i won't expose it here but that person was also the one who blacklisted a friend of mine for liking itto.
i think there is a lot more but i will stop it there, this could've ended differently and i'm sad that it ended this way. I wish you all the best and i mean it, i hope we all can learn from this and move on, write on tumblr for our favorite characters because it's fun and stay away from drama. If you made it this far thank you 💓 — yoru
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rudjedet · 6 months
Nephtys doesn't seem to be as "powerful" as her sibling. Powerful isn't the right word but I mean, Isis, Osiris and Set seem to have way more impressive domains and roles within the pantheon and in myth. Nephtys seems to me just to be a goddess of mourning, I mean sure she protects the jar that contains the lungs and she seems to have some relation to being a beer goddess too, but she seems to fade away in the pool of other funerary deities. Her mythology seems to me quite bleak compared to her siblings. Why is that?
I'm definitely wrong and I clearly don't understand the subject clearly I will admit, but information on her seems to be limited. She definitely is an important goddess. The greek and Roman Goddesses Vesta/Hestia who were also important but their roles in myth were well, almost nonexistent
"Powerful" isn't the right word, but neither is "impressive". Foregoing the fact that Isis and Nephthys have overlapping domains in mourning, protection and childbirth, making the concept of Isis' domain being "way more impressive" a little moot, why would you consider any of these three "not impressive"? That's a genuine question I think would be valuable for you to consider, because there's some projecting going on here from your side that I'm not sure is because of a pop culture- and/or Western-centric conception of divinity, or because of misogynistic thinking.
But regardless of your personal views, the Ancient Egyptians did consider all of these very important aspects - this is why they had deities connected to these concepts to begin with (in fact, many deities have had protection as their domain: including Sekhmet, Bastet, Anubis, Hathor... I can go on). What you call "bleak", the ancient Egyptians considered another side of the same coin. Would you call the moonlight bleak in comparison to the sun? Or can you recognise that there is strength in both, different though it may seem?
Information on Nephthys is limited, that is true. And yes, you are definitely wrong, that is also true. You can search my blog for the term "Nephthys" though, and you'll find some asks I've answered about her previously!
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2023 was fun! It’s my first year reading fan fiction so it’s been one of the horniest and the thirstiest years of my life!😁 I found a lot of amazing people here and this hellsite truly became my home in 2023!💖
I want to say ‘thank you’ to people who made this year very special for me and wish them all wonderful 2024!😘 I came up with some categories so here they are!💖
✨The “OMG” fic of the year
This one goes to Promise /a dragon!Ezra x f!reader/ by @criticallyacclaimedstranger I’m a proud monster fucker but holy hell I surprised myself when I loved this fic so much!🥵 it’s hot and also very sweet and beautifully written!😍❤️ After reading it I had long and thorough discussions about the logistics of dragon fucking with a few people and had the best time!😄
✨The series I love with all my heart
Stay In Bed /pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader/ by @psychedelic-ink is amazing, touching and beautiful! I felt a ton of emotions reading about Joel and reader’s journey to each other. Thank you for writing it, Sil!🫶
✨The “I’m too old for this, my heart nearly stopped” fic of 2023
Every Inch pt 3 /m!ghostface x f!reader/ by @toxicanonymity was so hot that it nearly killed me😅I had to open the window to get some fresh air cos reading it made me dizzy with hyperventilation. I survived thus I strongly recommend to TRY THIS AT HOME‼️
✨The loveliest co-writer of 2023
@milla-frenchy my friend, my twin, my co-writer💖 your support gave me confidence to come out with my own writing which wasn’t easy😅 thank you!🫂 It’s always a pleasure to write with you and I hope to continue our creative journey in 2024. I love you, baby! Check out her masterlist! It’s gold!🥵🥵🥵
✨The most unhinged reader
@gracieispunk created a reader so unhinged, badass and hot that she sometimes overshadows Maintenance Man!Joel himself!😍 Tenant Girl takes what she wants and I love her for it‼️💖
✨My man, my love, my everything
Do you have an emotional support character who can make you feel happier, safer, calmer when you simply think about them? I do thanks to @toxicanonymity ! Nightwalks Joel is my most favourite fictional man! The first, the best, the hottest! HELL YEAH!🍆🧎🏼‍♀️🐆
✨“If horrible, why so hot” character
Joel from the Wrong Way series by @romana-after-dark wins this one! This Joel is one of the darkest I’ve ever read and he makes me feral and I love him!😵‍💫🥵
✨The most read fic of 2023
Liquid Gold /Joel Miller x fem!pregnant!reader x Tommy Miller/ by @gasolinerainbowpuddles is my breastfeeding kink Bible and simply an extremely hot fic! no joke I thought of pinning it on my blog cos I searched for it that often. Just thinking about it now makes me feel like a reread is due!😵‍💫🫠
Also thank you, Puddles, for your hilarious memes!😆👏 you’re a treasure!💖
✨The most unique series
Muddy Waters /Ezra x F!Reader x Joel Miller/ by @bonezone44 blew me away this year! Its characters are complex, the plot is fascinating and unique, it’s like a diamond that shines differently when you look at it from a new angle❤️
✨DDDNE fic of the year
Whatever You Want /Comandante Veracruz x Reader/ by @iamasaddie is a non-con masterpiece! It’s not easy to keep the realism of the situation and still make it hot, but this story has a perfect balance of both!🥵🖤
Also Aly, thank for being such a great friend!💖 You’re hilarious, kind, gorgeous and a super talented writer and artist!😍👏 I love you!😘
✨My favourite writer of 2023
I dearly love many writers on this site. But this title goes to @toxicanonymity without a doubt❤️
You made this year for me, Toxy! I’ll never be normal about your writing, your talent, your characters, your kindness, your heart😍 Every series, every story of yours is perfect! Thank you for everything you gave me and all of us this year! I love you, friend!💖🫂😘
✨My favorite people in 2023
My moots, my lovelies, my friends! Y’all made me laugh, cry happy tears, thirst, FEEL things like I’ve never felt before! I LOVE YOU ALL💖 @missannwinchester @milla-frenchy @toxicanonymity @iamasaddie @neverwheremoonchild @lumoverheaven @multiversed-daydreamer @beefrobeefcal @lunitawrites @rubyfruitjungle @xdaddysprincessxx @ellasinnombre @princessanglophile @romanarose @gasolinerainbowpuddles @noxturnalpascal @gracieispunk @ghoulettesinspace @janaispunk @funnygirlthatgab @jupiter-soups @seratuyo
Special smooches to my wifey @missannwinchester who has to deal with my nonsense every single day😅😘😘😘 LOVE YOU, SWEETIE🫂❤️
If you feel you should be on the list and I missed you, you’re absolutely right and I deserve a good spanking for not including you!😏
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woodrocko · 6 months
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Hellooooo!!! i cant see dm’s :’)
intro under cut :]
The nicknames you can call me are….
Emi: yes I love this so much 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Woodrocko: yes if you @ me or just don’t know which nickname to use then absolutely:D. also it’s just fine in general :p
goober: true
Emily: okay yeah.. uhm- you good? ALSO do not let the first sentence fool you, if you haven’t read this OR it was before, it’s perfectly fine :)
Gay bitch: uhm. first of all, I’m bi and second of all, uhhhhmmmm- actually you can call me a bitch as long as u r a moot :). Btw you can call me gay, as long as you know I’m bi :)
wood: yes that is fine! If you are calling me wood in general or talking w/ wood, then yeah nothing wrong :)
anything inappropriate: uhm.. I’m a minor?
stranger: usernames exist for a reason >:(
My qpp is: @talkingteardrop :D
The fandoms I am in are…..
Inanimate Insanity
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
Paper Puppets Take 2
Krewfam (idk if this counts as a fandom)
and others!
if I didn’t do yours or I deleted it, it’s because it’s above my skill level
all ships are greatly encouraged, IF it’s not like- proship or makes me uncomfortable. So if you request anything like that, your request will be deleted (:,
by the way, do not send your requests by message because I can’t see them. Put them in my ask-box Instead!!!
Other than that! I hope you enjoy my content
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It's intro post time!
Hi! I'm KitCat!
~The end~
Okay okay maybe you need a little bit more.
As I already said, I'm KitCat, master procatsinator and moving catastrophe, nice to meet you. (Though, everybody calls me KitKat, Kit or Chocosy, which is perfectly fine as well as any other name you want to give me ;)
I'm a minor, so all the creeps please leave now. My motto in life is "live and let live", so if you're here to hurt somebody, please leave too. Thank you :).
The typical things (that I actually forgot when I first posted this): I'm a straight white European Christian girl (teenager) and therefore probably the person with the most boring background, according to Tumblr ;).
I have two "adopted daughters": 1. My Killercat and tuna-demanding master Pauline 2. ";)", the bracket face (she can adapt any form of bracket face if she wants to, but the winking one is her favourite)
Some random facts about me: - my favourite colour is something between purple and dark blue - I have no clue how to write the word color/colour - I'm a German and from Germany (obviously) - I have no clue about the 'typical German culture', since my family was in Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia for around three hundred years and only came back to Germany 30 years ago or so - I love brackets and bracket faces - I have no clue about aesthetics - I consider myself a writer - I have no clue how to continue my stories - I love cats (who would have guessed that) - I have no clue how to make an intro post - I have a stupid sense humour - I have no clue in general but I'm trying :)
You can consider me as: Your silly Tumblr neighborhood KitCat and founder of the hug-ducks ;).
Do I take Tumblr serious? No. I'm that one friend that will be hyperactive the one day and then just dissappear for the next three weeks without a word. But if you ever need me, my inbox is always open. Vent as much as you want to, I'll try to comfort you.
Random stuff: I often misunderstand stuff, so if I'm acting weird, there is a 1/3 chance that I misunderstood you, a 1/3 chance I wanted to make a silly joke and you misunderstood me, and a 1/3 chance that I'm just weird ;). I'm a "Very vibey" (@mushroomcarrotstick) person, btw. @hijabi-desi-bookworm told me once I was "literally one of the best and ~vibest~ people" she knows. Do with that whatever you want, but my name is KitCat Chaos Vibey Clueless Badass Silly for a reason. Oh and if ANYBODY tells you that I'm cute, they are liars. All lies. I'm a pure badass and never ever search after the leta vs. kitkat war. It's better to let the past behind us and move on.
Sooooo, what else can I write here? Hmmm.... AH! MY MOOTS! I FORGOT MY MOOTS!!!
How do I do this now... you know what? I'll just make a list of the moots and then put the link here.
What else? Fandoms, maybe? (current obsession right on the top) - Worm (Parahumans) - Renegades - Claim the Stars (still waiting for the second book) - pjo, hoo, toa - The Inheritance Games (currently reading the second book) - tpq - kotlc - Warrior Cats (don't make fun of me. These books are my childhood and I will read them until I die) - Shadow League (never read the fourth book as it wasn't translated)
Also I enjoy listening music by Imagine Dragons :).
Yeah well, that's it, I suppose. I have an ao3 account as well, but that's only Renegades fanfiction so far. If you want the link just ask or smth.
Since everybody does this, I'll drop an "aesthetic picture" that should give the same vibes as my blog:
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(source for the chaotic arson cat ;)
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hey so i hope you don't mind me saying this. you often say that desi tumblr is very casteist as of late. do you have any proof? as in screenshots of posts? it's not that i do nt believe you, i do i just need something to show my uc moots on tumblr to show them that casteism is indeed a problem on this site (sincerely, a well meaning uc ally)
[[Well, a lot of the casteism in desiblr is very covert and in the form of dogwhistles and I don't blame someone who is not trained to look for them to miss the signs. Honestly, I have blocked a lot of desi blogs over their casteist views and I don't have the mental spoons to go through my entire Tumblr blocklist searching for them (which is miles long thanks to the many many many pornbots also being there. Thanks for nothing Tumblr!)
But fuck, one blog that is branded in my head for the sheer vitriol and overt casteism is @/desi-stree
I am not a fan of call out posts but damn, some people need to be named and shamed really]]
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[[This is her reply as a part of a longer post. The person above, whom she is replying to is a Dalit speaking about her experiences as a Dalit in the Hindu community and this privileged UC calls her and other Dalits "brainwashed" for going through the traumatic first hand experience of caste based discrimination.
Translation of the Hindi text:
I wasn't going to cuss you* out, but you forced my hand into this, I haven't seen a bigger cunt than you]]
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[[You heard it guys, lower castes are the ones oppressing the savarnas now #NewIndia 😂😂😂
Please ignore all the vigilante justice and lynching and murder and rape and untouchability and bullying to the point of suicide committed against the Dalits]]
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[[Omg Savarna girl is so oppressed for having to study in a premium foreign university after paying a fortune. How tragic 😔
Apparently, the fact that casteism exists in society is the fault of the heavily marginalized group for availing themselves of a completely legal, government approved affirmative programme to uplift them
Honestly, I hope that only the lower caste people live in India and the other people leave it
Girl just took casteist segregation to a whole another level and thinks that she made a valid point what the fuck
They would all come in expensive cars with drivers, they were not SCST anymore but they still get the benefits
I should buy a car next year and hire a driver because apparently that erases the caste that I carry everywhere in my literal fucking surname]]
[[Oh, and do you know the cherry on the top of this cake? She is a T/ERF]]
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[[The real kicker of this whole shitshow is that I see her (more innocuous sounding) posts in a lot of desi blogs. Either they don't care about the casteism and blatant transphobia or they agree with her views. I don't know which is worse.]]
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shuaberriez · 1 year
♡ basic gif tutorial!
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hiiiii!!! i've made a tutorial in the past but i thought i might update it with this tutorial (re an ask i got a few days ago)! please keep in mind that i'm far from an expert when it comes to giffing but i am open to clarification and further questions <33
DISCLAIMER! there are so many ways to make gifs! everyone has a different process, so don’t be afraid to deviate from this! also! feel free to send an ask for further clarification :)
1: converting !
one of the major issues when it comes to ensuring the best quality for your gifs is making sure that you’re using an application that maintains at least a 1080p quality of the video you use. it’s not a good idea to gif anything below 720p as the quality of the video and consequently, your gifs are not going to be the best!
i) choosing a video
if you’re going to gif, i’d recommend choosing videos that are hq!
✰ Stage Gifs
for stage gifs i use .ts files! it’s definitely easier to source a performance video from youtube, but they won’t provide you with the quality you desire. if anything, use youtube as a source for stage gifs as a last resort!
for ts files, you can use:
-> rosebay
-> twitter (search [group name] + [date of performance] + [ts])
i personally use rosebay for my seventeen performance gifs but other groups do have sites/blogs that are specific to them.
psa: kpop24hours are currently not taking in any applicants atm! best advice would be to follow them on twt and keep their notifs on in case they do
these sources (at least, rosebay) are easy and pretty self explanatory to download!
✰ Normal Gifs
for normal gifs (i.e. of interviews, behind the scenes, going seventeen, etc.) i use youtube <3 keep in mind that it’s always best to use the source most reputable to ensure quality. for example, if i were to gif an inside seventeen video, i would use the seventeen official channel’s post of that, not reposts or anything like that!
to download youtube videos, i use:
-> 4K Video Downloader!
ii) how do you download youtube videos via this application?
all you have to do is:
1) copy the link to the youtube video (PSA this application only works for converting youtube videos)
2) press the green plus button on the very lefthand corner at the top
3) a window that lists the options for the video quality you want will then come up.
4) if it offers 1080p, it is almost always best to choose that for optimum quality!
5) the video will then download and you’ll be able to access it via a folder labeled 4K Video Downloader in your files app.
2. resizing and sharpening !
personally, i don’t sharpen in ps unless absolutely necessary. for most of my sharpening, i leave it to vapoursynth.
now, vapoursynth is a massive pain to download and use but it’s worth it in the end (i promise!! i’ve cried over it a lot but i probably wouldn’t be happy with posting my gifs without it)
i personally found it a bit complicated to download vs so i’ll refer you to a tutorial i used (i also got help from some of my moots bc idk how to do anything so dw if it’s confusing :sob:)
i) how to use vapoursynth now that you’ve gotten it downloaded?
this is probably the hardest part of the tutorial (at least, in my opinion) :sob: for this example, i’ll be using my 4K Video Download instead of a vlive, so if you were using a vlive, you’d have your downloads folder open instead of the 4K Video one.
1) open your files folder twice, make sure that there are two windows open - one being the vapoursynth folder (for me, it’s called VapourSynth64Portable (200722) but it depends on which version of vs you download) and another being the 4K Video Downloader folder.
2) notice the different applications (?) within the vapoursynth folder. in particular, the vapourscript (drop video file on me) one. drag the video you want to gif from the 4K Video Downloader folder onto that app, and it’ll open up a new window. this window is the timestamp window.
3) in this new window, type in the length of the video you want to gif. i personally do this bit by bit (as in, i timestamp each gif instead of letting vapoursynth run through the whole video, which, in retrospect is probably smarter but i am a Fool). for example in the video i’m giffing, i want one of my gifs to run from 0:56-0:58 of the video. so i input the start timestamp. in my case, this would be 00:00:56. and then i press enter. this would direct me to put in the duration of the video i want to encode, which, in my case, would be 2 seconds (00:00:02).
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4) press enter again! it’ll open up a window on whichever internet server you use (for me, this is chrome) with a bunch of options:
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5) next, you want to alter all the options so that it becomes a gif of the size and sharpening you want.
psa: all of the things below are advised options! it’s completely up to you to choose what settings you use. don’t be afraid to experiment!
ii) resizing
-> to resize, you want to use the GIF Size option. keep in mind the acceptable sizes of gifs on tumblr! if you gif something of an incorrect size, tumblr will probably destroy the quality even more than it already does and make it incredibly blurry, and you don’t want that! to prevent this, make sure to refer to this helpful guide on gif sizes for ones you could use!
for this gif, i’ll be using a 540 x 450 size.
make sure to move your gif around so that everything you want people to see in the gif is there. you can even drag the gif out to zoom in, etc.
6) input the size you desire in the width x height sections next to the GIF Size option.
iii) preprocessing
-> this indicates how fast or slow vs will make your gif. for normal videos, i use qtgmc 30 slow and debilinear. however, i’ve seen in other tutorials that it should be different for performance gifs (i.e. qtgmc 60 slow and debilinear). however, this is all up to you and your preference! experiment, and see what works for you!!
for this gif, i’ll be using qtgmc 30 slow and debliniear.
7) select the speed and debiliniear options next to the processing title.
iv) denoise filters
-> this option basically acts to smoothen your gifs!i tend to use KNLM and have actually never used BM3D before, but feel free to choose the latter!
8) choose between KNLM and BM3D (next to the denoise heading), and select the tickbox that comes up underneath it.
v) sharpening
-> this is when you sharpen your gifs! and make them look less grainy than if you were using ps directly. i personally use finesharp, but again it’s up to you!
9) choose between finesharp and VCFreq, and check the tickbox that comes up underneath it.
this is what my settings are like for this gif:
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10) next! you need to alter the values for sharpening and denoise! this can be done on the coded box in the upper right-hand corner:
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11) first, change the denoise filter value to whichever one you wish. for this gif, i will be using 1.8. this can be done by altering the “1.2” value in the row that has the text “video = core.knlm.KNLMeansCL(video, 0, 6, 4, 1.2, channels = "YUV”)
12) next change the sharpening value to whatever you want! for this gif, i will be using 0.33. this can be done by altering the “0.22” value in the row that has the text “video = fun.FineSharp(video, sstr=0.22).
the text box should now look like this with your altered values:
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13) copy the text and you’ll notice that this window has opened on your taskbar. you will need to copy the text from here into this app - vapoursynth editor.
14) paste the text from that upper right-hand corner into the vapoursynth editor underneath the text #whatever you copied from the resizer goes here.
15) before continuing, depending on your laptop’s speed and ability to process things, i’d recommend lowering the RAM usage to something more bearable for your laptop to process without it overheating and getting damaged. i personally use 300 as the RAM usage but feel free to use whatever you want.
this is what your editor should look like now!
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16) press f8 and it’ll open a new window. this will be where you get your edited video that will be good to put in ps and play around with. change the preset option to Export to MOV. and next to the header title, make sure to select Y4M in the dropdown menu. after this, you should be good to press start!
3. giffing !
now this is the part of the tutorial where you kind of get to do your own thing
i) importing
1) open photoshop and click on file, then import, and video frames to layers. it’ll open up your files.
2) what you want to do next is find the output folder. this folder can be found within your vapoursynth folder. that is:
vapoursynth64portable >> gifs >> output
3) click on the output folder and it’ll come up with another window:
make sure your settings are like this before clicking ok!
ii) actual gif making!
4) once you’ve clicked ok, it’ll direct you to the workspace. you will have the frames for your gif on the bottom and the layers on the right-hand side. i won’t go into the specifics for giffing since you asked for quality but if you’re looking for more specific instructions on how to actually gif, feel free to send in another ask or i can refer you to another tutorial!
i) timing
you can alter the timing by selecting all the frames and making it faster or slower - it depends on your preference!
ii) colouring
colouring is the foundation of your gif - it’s what makes it look good!! have fun with it, and try out different colouring! you could also look into using psds if you want! psds are basically pre-made colouring (filters, essentially) that you put over the top of your gif
5) once you’ve finished with the aesthetic steps of making your gif, it’s time to export! to export, you must click file >> export >> save for web (legacy). it’s up to you which export settings you use but make sure that your gif is under 10MB!
6) and voila <3 you’ve got a gif!
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ncteez · 1 year
hi hon!! i don't think we've ever talked so hello i'm june from junkissed & junhui-recs nice to officially meet u :)) for hard hours i would like to know your thots on vernon eating you out in the backseat of his car 😶‍🌫️
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii june!! i think we are moots on one (or all?) or your side blogs! i figured we would eventually fall into a hole and connect via whore thoughts. here we are, and here i go!!!
warnings: jealous vernon, pussy eating in the parking lot of seokmin’s shitty apartment, reader is wearing a dress
Vernon eating you out is one thing, but your boyfriend eating you out from desperation in the back of his car is another.
It started with the two of you going to Seokmin's housewarming party, though his house was actually an apartment, a very small apartment, and half of his wall outlets didn't work. still, it was a party.
all night vernon was all over you. probably to lay claim despite all of your mutual friends knowing it. despite the relationship you had with [redacted] being in highschool and nowhere near as serious as the one you share with vernon.
*cough cough* maybe [redacted] looks at you a few times, makes conversation with you, updates himself on your life etc and pouty vernon is sitting off on your side with arms crossed, hoping he doesn't look as annoyed as he actually is.
the party ends early for the two of you, with him acting out of line and you acting entirely in line given the circumstances. You get to his car and he's immediately searching for reassurance.
"he looks like he still likes you."
"Vernon, we barely even liked each other in highschool, that's why we broke up after like three days and stayed friends."
"Still," vernon huffs, not yet unlocking his door. "I'm--"
"Jealous?" You smile, kind of finding it cute despite the feeling being quite miserable for him.
He nods apologetically, looking you up and down before glancing at his back seat.
"Can't really blame him for looking at you though,"
Didn't take much after that. A kiss turned into making out against his car. The making out turned to him pulling you into him so he could open the door and push you inside.
You're not even fully in the car, seeing as he has you lying across the back seat, legs bent at the knee and hanging out of the open door--
He uses the door to shield himself, so if any of your friends leave Seokmin's apartment, they'd at least have to put two and two together to notice that he's shamelessly getting on his knees in a fucking parking lot to shove his head under your dress to get a taste.
He'd sound just as desperate as he looks too. breathlessly licking you with your panties pulled to the side, encouraging your hands to guide him, concrete bruising the fuck out of his knees.
wouldn't it be hilarious if [redacted] went to leave and saw him like that between your legs and was like "welp"
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
!! plz dont send me chain asks !!
(pronouns page is linked on there but also here if you dont wanna look for it:)
ok so uhh basically the gist of it
im preston
uhh for names call me preston or pres or squid or orion or jaxon or actually just whatever you want i dont mind (more on my prounouns page) (if we're friends/moots feel free to gimme a nickname if ya want)
pronouns are it/he/they (the order of preference changes from time to time also neos are alright just anything other than she/her)
fandoms im most active in: varian and the seven kingdoms/tangled the series, camp here and there (will wood too!!), adamandi, the art of pleasing princes, starkid, spies are forever and percy jackson (mostly the musical bc im in a production of it :)
you can always interact with me! apparently im intimidating but i swear im really nice (i think) and id be really happy if you sent an ask at any time :3 i promise i wont get annoyed even if you think youre being annoying i just really like interacting with cool people :3
you can tag me in anything and everything! i promise ill look at it :3 and i try my best to do tag games and stuff (lmk if you dont want me to tag ya) but if i dont uhh, just assume i was like, really tired that day, or ive been tagged by another moot in that game before and im too lazy to dig it up :P sry
uhh im a minor too so like nsfw/18+ blogs dni
i try my best to use tone tags but if i forget and you need them please let me know!! (i also find tone tags helpful for myself) :3
theres more info on my card about like other stuff too
tag key:
#marble musings = original posts
#marble monologues = long posts/reblogs usually about chnt or just like existentialism idk
#marble draws = art/fanart/crafts/cosplay type thing
#marble games = i make games on google forms! hoping to learn to code or get an actual game engine to make full games past like choose your own adventures
#marble music = song covers :3 (yes i have all the filtered instrumentals i used for adamandi, lmk if you want them i can send em over discord or something)
#marble asks = answering stuff in my ask box
i think thats all of them :3 might add more eventually, and sometimes i forget to tag properly so sorry about that :(
i have some sideblogs if you wanna check em out (not super active on them but ill still try to respond if you shoot me an ask)
hatchetfield rp sideblogs: @thelilcloverpatch @fading-angelic-starlight @marble-man @honey-sparrow @ivy-wreathed-arches and @hatchetfield-bone-thief (not sure why that one isnt properly linking but i swear its there you can search if you want)
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asvospace · 2 months
୨୧┇About Me & Masterlist! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀ‧₊˚ ⋅ 🎀💬
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I like posting journalling prompts, moodboards, affirmations, my interests & thoughts, things I find cute, recommendations (books, shows, songs) etc! I'm mainly here to spread positivity, share my thoughts and have fun!<3
୨୧┇Name: ⌗ 𐑺・raine 𓂃꒰🧸꒱
୨୧┇Pronouns: she/they
୨୧┇Likes: Cats (I have my own girl cat<3), singing, travelling, journalling, sunny afternoons, delicious food!, listening to music, sleeping, webtoons/manhwas & k-dramas, walking in nature reserves/parks, road trips, fruits, boba, my headphones!
୨୧┇Dislikes: super cold, rainy weather :(, homophobia, racism, ppl who are extremely negative towards others, inconsiderate & impolite behaviours, toxic people etc.
you can find the majority of my posts through this tag! —> #asvospace
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ additional information ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ :
favourite colour: rosewood red and a nice moss green<3 + pastel PINKS! & purples! [I can't decide on one favourite colour, they're all so prettyy, like you<3 (•ᴗ<˶)✧₊ ⊹ smooth~ I know haha :>]
hobby: journalling, listening to music, reading webtoons/manhwas, finding cute lil games on itch.io to play :3, watching k-dramas, watching or rewatching animated shows, searching for book recommendations
favourite place: my bedroom or my garden<3 + anywhere where my loved ones are ofc<3
favourite movie: Spirited Away<3 (+ all movies by studio ghibli!)
favourite tv show/s: ATLA, Adventure Time, Sailor Moon, Aggretsuko, Bee & Puppy cat, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, The Glory, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo, Mr. Queen, [mine] etc.
favourite food: Scotch Fillet Steak and my Lola's Adobo, Lechon, Tinola & Sopas 🫶🏼
(I don't have many moots at the moment, so pls feel free to reach out to me and we can be moots<3)
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divizin · 3 days
im divizin and i’ve been reading fanfic + writing my own for like 7 years now but ive finally decided to go public and start taking requests!! i’ve always admired people with public writing blogs :3 these are the fandoms + characters i write for!!
[note: i may occasionally ocpost + i mainly (basically exclusively) write male characters + i am def searching for moots!!!]
•Peter B. Parker
•William Afton
•Henry Emily
•Soldier 76
Smut, Angst, Whump, Fluff, Kink
NSFW content featuring characters who are minors, Gore for the intent of arousal, Incest, Reqs falling under racial stereotypes, and most other basic DNI criteria. :]
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