#rugby can be complicated
Before I choose a lineup of racing drivers I should probably explain rugby in the most basic way I can.
There are 23 players in a team. 15 starting players and a bench of eight. For this team we are going with a 5-3 split, because they would not survive a 7-1 split. This refers to the substitute players for the front players and the back players. Why specific subs? This is because players have to train to be part of the scrum and their different positions. Also, the fronts tend to be bigger and the backs tend to be smaller.
If examples are given, they would most often be South African, because my heart is green and gold💛💚 also this is a very long post. Feel free to use my inbox for questions ☀️
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The forwards
1 Loose-head prop
Front row of scrum. A very physical position where they have to physically drive back the opposition. Also lifts players during a lineout.
2 Hooker
Front row of scrum. Determines the timing of the scrum. Uses his feet to kick the ball backwards and out of the scrum. Throws the ball in at lineouts.
3 Tight-head prop
Front row of scrum. A very physical position where they have to physically drive back the opposition. Also lifts players during a lineout.
4 Lock (second row)
Supports the front row of the scrum. Target men during the lineout. Also tend to be aggressive. An amazing example of this position is Eben Etzebeth.
5 Lock (second row)
Supports the front row of the scrum. Target men during the lineout. Also tend to be aggressive.
6 Blindside Flanker
Tends to be bigger than an open side flanker. At the blindside of the scrum (closer to the touchline than the open pitch). You usually find these guys in the center of chaos. They make big tackles and big carries.
7 Open side Flanker
Smaller and faster flanker. They play at the far side of the touchline, towards the center of the field. Very important during open play, they also make some tackles and carries.
8 Eightman
Only players allowed to pick up the ball in the scrum. Forms the back row along with 6 and 7. Usually a good runner to make up some distance after a scrum.
The backs
9 Scrum-half
The link between the forwards and the backs. Controls the ball during a scrum, ruck or maul, by inserting the ball (scrum) or extracting (ruck or maul) it. Must be quick and decisive. Usually on the smaller side (good example of this is Faf de Klerk).
10 Flyhalf
Most influential player. Responsible for kicking conversions and other penalties. This player can make or break a team. Also in charge of the back line and coordinates offences. Does box kicks and kicks towards the other team's quarters for a lineout. If you want to see a perfect box kick in action, check out Manie Libbok for South Africa against Scotland.
11 Left Wing
Plays on the wide side of the field. Last line of defence. Also very important in offence. These guys tend to run down the side of the field for tries. Part of the backline.
12 inside centre
Stands close to the fly-half. Strong runners. They run vertical lines. They find gaps in the opponent's defences and draw them away from the backline. Must be good at tackling for a quick defence.
13 outside centre
Faster than the inside centre. Must be ready to make a break for the line. They run vertical lines. They find gaps in the opponent's defences and draw them away from the backline. Must be good at tackling for a quick defence.
14 Right wing
Plays on the wide side of the field. Last line of defence. Also very important in offence. These guys tend to run down the side of the field for tries. Part of the backline.
15 Full back
Receives deep kicks from the opposition. This position is the closest possible to that of a sweeper. Must be comfortable in the sky to catch high balls and to intercept. A tough position for a very athletic player. An example of this is Cheslin Kolbe.
Very basic overview
A video (1)(2) explaining better than I ever could.
Another video.
Mauls and rucks
Videos to make the post shorter.
How to score points
Points are scored in a few ways. A Try, which is 7 points. This is when players put the ball down behind the goal posts.
A conversion, which is 2 points. This happens after a try and the position is determined by where the ball is put down. The kick is taken in line of the position the try is scored from the dashed line.
A Penalty Kick, which is 3 points. Awarded when another team infringed on rules. Called a free kick for small offences. If the penalty is awarded inside the range of the posts, a kick is usually taken.
A drop-goal, which is 3 points. When a player kicks the ball over the goal posts during play.
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octuscle · 1 month
Reorganization of a law student
I am a university student here in Cambridge. My class teacher urged me to study law. He said I had what it takes. I'm the first person in my family to ever graduate from school. No relative has ever even thought about going to university. And if I hadn't gotten the scholarship, I wouldn't have done it either. The stupid thing is that, as an obvious member of the working class, I never fitted in at university. And the scholarship isn't enough to live on either. I thought about taking a job at McDonald's. That's where I meet the people I understand. Even if they think I'm the snob from university now. It's still better than being the working-class proletarian for my fellow students.
Day 1: Monday
What a day it has been. I commenced my new employment at McDonald's. I felt somewhat out of place in my suit, amidst the others in their uniforms. Nevertheless, they appeared to be amicable. However, I found it difficult to comprehend much of their conversation.
The boss incessantly spoke about burgers and fries. I couldn't help but think, "My dear sir, I am well versed in arguing a case; I hardly require a lecture on flipping a burger."
Day 3: Wednesday
I'm gettin' the hang of it, I guess. It's just about flippin' burgers and slingin' fries, ain't it? Not that complicated, eh? So, I meet this dude named Dave, been workin' here forever. He's like a big deal around here, ya know? But man, he talks funny, all Cockney and stuff.
Anyway, Dave's big into bodybuilding and stuff. He's like, "Bro, you gotta hit the gym with me." I might give it a shot, ya know? Need to lose some of this uni weight, man.
Day 5: Friday
So, turns out Dave ain't just into bodybuildin'. Bloke's obsessed with it. He's always talkin' about his protein shakes and them supplements. Keeps tryin' to get me to take some, reckon it'll make me "ripped".
Said yes to goin' to the pub with him tonight. He reckons he knows some places where we can watch the rugby. Never really been into rugby, but why not, eh?
Day 7: Sunday
Last night was mad. Went to the pub with Dave, ended up watchin' rugby and havin' a few pints. Then some bloke started mouthing off, next thing I know, there's a full-on brawl.
Dave was right in the middle of it, throwin' punches like there's no tomorrow. Got a few bruises meself, but it was proper adrenaline rush, I tell ya.
Day 10: Wednesday
Me life's taken a turn, ain't it? Can't believe how much I've changed in just a week. Started takin' them supplements Dave gave me. Dunno what's in 'em, but I feel like I could take on the world.
Been skippin' lectures to hang out with Dave. He's teachin' me all sorts of things about bodybuildin' and rugby. Who knew I'd find it all so interestin'?
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Day 14: Sunday
Two weeks in, and I'm a changed man. Used to be all about them fancy words and legal cases. Now, I'm more interested in bench pressin' and pint down the pub.
Me mates from uni are proper shocked when they see me now. But sod 'em, I'm lovin' life. Dave's me new mentor, and I couldn't be happier. Who needs law when you've got burgers, rugby, and a good old pub brawl?
Inspiration by @mchav1020
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bairdthereader · 8 days
The women at this dinner are SO. DONE.
Tori, who has anticipated the dynamics at this dinner all along and has pegged David immediately as the slimeball he is, is clearly wondering how she got sat between these two massive male egos. She's armed and ready for her confrontations with David (perhaps even looking forward to them just a tiny bit?) when things take a turn for the worse. Protective older sister mode activated.
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I debated adding Jane here, but she's reacting to the posturing and conflict between the men just as much as Tori or Sarah, so she deserves to be included. She spends the meal deflecting, changing topics, trying to keep the conversation in safe waters. She silently but visibly disagrees when Charlie downplays his rugby abilities (thank you, someone, for acknowledging he's not actually that bad!). But when Nick finally confronts David, her face shows dread. Anyone who's read Alice's cannon knows Jane has a complicated family history riddled with conflict, and her instinctive fear shows clearly in this moment before she realizes that Nick is going to handle this problem gracefully rather than violently.
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And Sarah. Having seen how lovingly she navigates life with Nick and how sensitively she helps him with his problems, we can only imagine that she has to have been pushed to the absolute edge by her time with Stephane to react the way she does here. I'm not even getting into the second half of the argument after Nick leaves the table--that's a whole other post--but Sarah is completely comfortable placing the blame squarely where it belongs, even in front of company. Sarah Nelson, putting men in their place left and right.
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Leading ladies, indeed.
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bunny-extract · 1 year
Tell us more about cocky könig we really need a refresh in the fandom
He named himself King, your honor. Of course i'm obsessed with him.
— The Growth Spurt (tm) came on early, and ostracized him from his peers. His social pools leaned much older than him, which meant the resulting traumatic themes associated came to him pretty young. Fully adopt the party boy König hc, and firmly believe he entered the forces with his screws already stripped.
— Was bullied into joining a rugby team when he was in school. Hated it, hated it, hated it, and then one day he smacked into a kid that was several grades ahead, knocked him on his ass and was like wow. Haha. Oh.
— As soon as König learned his anxieties could be overshadowed by aptitude, that became a pretty big crutch. If you're not the best then you're being laughed at. solution: Be the fucking best?
— In his eyes, his military career was a failure. The blow to his ego when he was rejected as a sniper really left him sore, and being reduced to a battering ram seemed like a waste of his his assets. When KorTac contacted him he left the services as soon as he could. The switch was not for any noble reasons (Not that he joined with any in mind, either)
— Insufferable ego driven by crippling anxiety means he comes off as really hot and cold. Sometimes when he’s avoiding eye contact it’s shy, disarming, and then other times it’s curt, uninterested
— That makes his attention kind of covetous, because when he is interested in someone, if he respects them, he has this boyish 'look at me, look at what I can do for you' that makes him seem soft and charming, but it can quickly turn into ‘did you see what I did? Did you like it? I can do more.’
— He is as attentive and loyal as a dog, but mean and jealous as one too.
— The natural second step to this is an unbearable praise kink. Adoration, worship, acts of service, he falls for any of the above... This is literally the only normal turn on he has, I'm afraid.
— Plenty to go unsaid about his sexuality. Took the kink test curiously once, but half of what really gets him going wasn't listed in the prompts.
If he weren't so fucked up this would be fine, but he is, and so it isn't.
— Scared of sex because of this. He isn't sure what he's capable of, and when you've taken someone's life before and know that's nowhere near your cap it complicates things for you! Just smack a big old 'CONFIDENTIAL' over what actually comes up.
— (Out in the field, the air taste like adrenaline and testosterone and whatever other chemicals that creep up when your head is a bullseye. They all coalesce into a raging, disgusting hard on that he doesn't even try to hide anymore. Tucks himself into his waistband and uses that pent up energy to beat into people like he's fucking them. Nobody talks about it, not because they don't all notice it, but because könig has always deserved the title 'freak'. They can just be grateful they're on the same side of him.)
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raina-at · 1 month
More in the 'Mark and Rosie' 'verse, and since some of you asked to meet Mark, well, here he is.
“And this is Uncle Greg,” Rosie says, pointing at the picture. They’re curled on the sofa in Rosie’s room, going through Rosie’s old photo album. “He was Paps’ best man,” she adds, pointing him out in the group photo of her fathers’ wedding. 
“He’s a fox,” Mark mutters, putting an arm around Rosie when she pokes him playfully in the ribs. “How are you related to him again?”
“Not at all. He’s Paps’ and Dad’s best friend.”
“You dads have a mutual best friend? That… must have been complicated for him in the past,” Mark observes, keeping his tone carefully neutral. He knows a lot of family history from Rosie, and he imagines navigating between these two strong but complicated men can’t always have been easy.
Rosie shrugs. “It’s not so bad. He’s sharing Paps with Aunt Molly, and she takes most of the emotional stuff. Dad’s far more stiff upper lip, so he and Greg mostly go to the pub and watch rugby.”
“Who’s Aunt Molly again?”
Rosie points to her in the group picture. “She had a bit of a pash on Paps, but she got over it, thank god.” She shudders. “Can’t imagine what she was thinking, Paps would have eaten her alive.”
“Some people like that,” Mark says, giving Rosie an insinuating smile.
Rosie blushes adorably and mutters, “Shut up, my dads are downstairs.”
“I told you we should have gone to mine.” 
Rosie rolls her eyes. “If you’re not interested, just say so,” she says, making to rise.
Mark pulls her back and kisses her neck in apology. “Sorry, sweets. Just teasing. Of course I’m interested. Especially since sooner or later I’m going to meet all of these people, and if they’re even a bit like your fathers, most of them will threaten to kill me, so I’d better learn about their weaknesses.”
Rosie laughs. “True enough.” She opens the album again and points at the pictures. “Uncle Mycroft won’t even have to threaten you, he’ll just give you a look, and that’ll be enough to put the fear of god into you. Greg and Molly are probably both going to be fairly direct about it, but they’re actually harmless. Nan and Granddad will probably not threaten you at all, they’re too polite. Fair warning, though, Hudders can get dangerous. Don’t underestimate her under any circumstances. I know she’s eighty-five and looks like Mary Poppins’ gran, but she’ll take you aside at some point and threaten to cut your balls off, and believe me, she’ll be completely serious and capable of doing it.”
Mark swallows, looking from the picture to the girl next to him. She’s radiant today. Hair in a messy ponytail, ancient jumper, ripped jeans, entirely at ease in her skin as always. It’s the most attractive thing about her, that complete self-confidence. She’s brilliant and beautiful, of course, but what makes her irresistible to him is the air of a person who can’t imagine what it’s like not to be loved unconditionally. Looking at the group of people making up Rosie’s family, he understands why now. Must be nice, he thinks. Knowing so many people would get murderously violent on your behalf. 
“What?” Rosie asks, blushing a bit under his scrutiny. “I know my family’s weird, and a lot—”
Mark puts a finger over her lips and smiles. “Ro, every family’s weird. We all have aunts we’re not related to and weird uncles and friends we love as siblings. I was just thinking that I hope one of these days they’ll protect me too.”
Rosie grins and leans in, brushing a soft kiss over his lips. Her eyes are fierce and flinty, and he’s reminded of both her fathers when she says, “Don’t worry, love. That’s my job.”
Mark pulls her in for a long kiss, thinking, If I get murdered for this girl, I’ll die a happy death.
I need a name for this 'verse at some point.
Tags under the cut as always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @salmonsown @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee @dapetty
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firefly--bright · 10 months
Reiner Braun modern headcanons!!!
a/n : the jean one I did did pretty well as a post, so I decided to do for my babygirl too (19 yr old war criminal) :)
warnings : none!
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody
✿ main masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist! ✿ requests are open! ✿
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• loves animals. TO DEATH like if he sees any stray puppies or kitties, he will rescue them immediately. he'll pull over just to get out of the car and save the babes
• piggybacking off of that, he's also a foster dad for these pets. like he'd take them in. he has two cats and they're kind of on the old side (because he felt bad just leaving them at the shelter), one of them has grey and white fur and he's named her McFlurry (yes) and the other one is actually a cat you and him adopted together - an orange tabby that the two of you named calcifer (from howls moving castle :) )
• used to play like all sports during his entire academic life. he's played so many sports at this point like you'd think you know a niche sport that you didn't think he'd know the name of? he's played it. even rugby.
• hates the way his nose looks, but starts loving it more after you develop a habit of tracing the contours of his nose with your thumb (it makes him sleep too)
• loves to cook! he'd make any experimental recipies that he found from an obscure source on Pinterest. it almost always turns out good but if it doesn't then he tweaks it up until it tastes good.
• like jean, he's kind of not really into physical touch at first, but the more you show it, the more he falls in love with your touch.
• extroverted introvert. feels the need to be nice and be friends with everyone (literally knows everyone you've ever bumped into) but he prefers to stay in and not talk instead. he's glad he gets to sit in silence with you because he feels fully comfortable with that.
• strangers to friends to lovers typa guy (I have a fanfic idea for this but I'm too lazy to write it), like he's seen you before and because he feels the need to know everyone's names and stuff, he decides to befriend you. he's not boisterous or cocky or overconfident, he's actually really nice and down to earth. you start getting closer, he starts working at the same place you work at, which brings you even closer and he falls in love
• and he falls HARD like. when you ask him if he can remember the one point in time where he realised he was in love with you, he doesn't have an answer, because with him, its kinda like... he fell for you in a collection of moments. like you brushed his hair away from his face and he's like "oh that's nice" and then you gave him a thoughtful gift for his birthday, again, he was like "oh that's...super nice" - just little moments like that made him Realize™
• has a complicated relationship with his mom but they're on okay terms now, like apart from the usual motherly criticisms, they're doing pretty well!
• blushes like a damn tomato. he cannot hide if he's flustered for the life of him.
• he tries to hide it, but he LOVES being pampered. he loves it when you massage his shoulders, he loves it when you put those under eye masks on him, loves it when you draw a bath for him, etc. like at first he feels,,, kind of like a burden when you do those things for him, but he slowly starts to think that maybe, just maybe, he deserves this.
• super patient. if you're having a bad day or something, not only does he immediately take notice, he'll wait for you. he'll ask if you want to talk about it or if you just want him to be there, and if you say you want space, he'll give it to you and wait for you to come to him when you need him.
• he knows how to braid hair because of Gabi. when he was 17, he'd braid gabi's hair into two pigtails whenever she came over to their house for the summer. (he's her favourite cousin and vice versa but both won't admit it to eachother)
• loves to knit!!!!! his ideal date is literally just cozying up on the couch with some blankets and hot chocolate or soup and just. knitting. if you like knitting or crocheting too then bonus points!
• speaking of knitting, he also wears chunky sweaters that his mom made for him. warm toned, chunky and soft sweaters are literally all his closet is made up of. except in the summers, he wears loose fitting tank tops in the summer heat.
• religious note-taker. if you share a class with him, expect him to furiously take notes at a godly speed every class. and it's not even a messy handwriting, it's actually recognisable letters that are pretty easy to understand. he'd give those notes to anyone who missed class that day.
• people rely on him alot, and at first in highschool he kind of felt pressured by it, but he's grown into that role. he's a gentle leader.
• speaks german. you'll find him speaking in German to Gabi and his mom whenever they call <3
• speaking of calls, he only picks up if it's a loved one calling him. Gabi sometimes calls him just to annoy him after her school day is over and she's just roaming around the house. at this point Reiner knows all the gossip in gabi's middle school, being super attentive when Gabi talks about her school. like he knows ALL the lore.
• loves watching those relaxing vlogs. like those cooking vlogs with nice music in the background and captions instead of voiceovers. he loves those.
• has prescription glasses only for reading <3
• overthinks so hard. like even if he goes out of his way to talk to and know people more, he hates the after-conversation anxiety that comes with it.
• when he kisses you, he kinda hugs you. like his hands aren't on your waist, they kinda wrap around your back and shoulder and his hands are spread out so that he feels more of your skin.
• loves calling you dove or angel, cause that's exactly what you are to him.
• talks with his hands, very expressive with his conversations. it's very easy to know when he's uncomfortable/doesn't like someone he's talking to when his hands are crossed over his chest.
• he writes. like journals all his feelings out. just like his note-taking, he's very on routine about it. every night, or every other night, he'd sit down at his desk and use the pen he's kept especially for this journal, and describe the day in detail. it helps him alot :)
• he kinda does this small little,,, soft exhale when he smiles. like his lips don't quirk up fully, but you know he's smiling because of that small sound.
• full bellied laughter kinda guy. you crack a terrible joke and he starts out letting a small tiny laugh at it and then it turns into a chuckle and then the next thing you know, he's clutching his stomach and wiping the tears from the corner of his eye because he's laughing so much. which is so ???? you tell him it wasn't even that funny but to him it very much Was.
• his reactions are SOOOO funny. like you're telling him a story and he'll have visible reactions to it. he'll cover his mouth with his hand if he gasps, put his hand on his chest in surprise, scrunches his nose in disgust - like he literally cannot hide his emotions.
• likes jazz and classical music. no I will not elaborate.
• can't Instagram. he uses emojis unironically. he has one (1) post and it's you and him together, eating ramen from the same bowl (a pic that bert took to send to porco)
• even if he doesn't use Instagram that often, he'll always check if you posted. if you've posted something then he will make it his personal priority to spam comment the heart eye emojis. your entire comment section is Reiner sending 🥰🥰🥰 and 😘😘😘 and 😍😍 and all the diff coloured hearts.
• loves taking pics of you against the sunlight or like. infront of a beautiful scenery. he likes taking goofy candid pictures too, but the ones where you're just being lit up by the sun are his favourite because finally, there's an actual accurate picture of how he sees you.
• overall, the Reiner I have in my head in a modern a.u. is incredibly soft and will dance with you in the living room in the dark with no music playing because that's how in love with you he is.
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seiya-starsniper · 9 months
For the flower prompts...
Calla Lily (it's my favourite flower) - Something at first sight.
I leave it to you to do any Sandman pairing you have an itch to write. 💜😊
Ooooooo this one is so appropriate for me as one of my fave fics I’ve written (not for this fandom) is called Calla Lillies 💖💖 I also added a little personalized twist on this, just for you 😘
Flower Prompt Game!
(Also, for anyone still wondering, I am in fact still accepting prompts! Gonna be a bit slow and answer one or two a day, but I’m so glad this has been such a hit!)
When Morpheus Endless (and isn’t that the name of the century?) enters the coffee shop in a whirlwind of taut anxiety and indignant rage, Simon Snow does not even say hello, he merely takes up residence at the espresso machine to start preparing the most absurdly complex drink known to man.  
“Your man is here,” Penelope deadpans, and Simon rolls his eyes. Morpheus is not his man. He’s very nice to look at, yes, and he may or may not bear a striking resemblance to Simon’s hopelessly secret crush arch nemesis, but they’re too alike in temperament to be anything more than friends. But he can see where the confusion comes from. 
When he finishes making Morpheus’s regular order, he calls for his break and walks over, drink in hand, to the corner Morpheus and his terribly bad mood have taken up residence. 
“Bad day?” Simon asks, placing the absurdly sweet concoction down on the table where Morpheus has sprawled all his notebooks and laptop. He’s not looking at any of it though, more preoccupied with whatever social media scandal is happening on his phone.
“Cory left me,” Morpheus growls, tapping angrily at the screen. “For Alex Burgess. Who, as you recall, is currently still in a relationship with Paul Mcguire, the unfaithful bastard.” 
Simon has no idea who these people are besides Cory, who has come into the shop with Morpheus once. He doesn’t pay attention to the campus gossip. More specifically, the rich people campus gossip. Because Simon is here at the university on scholarship, working part time at the local coffee shop for a little extra spending money, and Morpheus is part of the very small, elite group of legacy family admissions. 
No one, not even Penelope, Simon’s best friend since childhood, understands why he and Morpheus get along so well. Simon knows it’s partially because he’s the only one willing to make Morpheus’s stupidly complicated order, and partially because they’re both grumpy bisexuals who fall in love too easily with the wrong people. 
“You were too good for him anyways,” Simon replies, plopping down into the chair next to Morpheus.
“Damn right I am,” Morpheus answers, picking up his coffee that is actually more syrup, sugar and milk than anything resembling coffee. And that was after Simon added four shots of espresso. He groans happily as he takes his first sip. “He was awful in bed anyways.”
Simon snorts. “Maybe you should try not dating rich assholes,” he offers.
“No? I should only pine for them hopelessly from across the rugby pitch?” Morpheus answers pointedly. 
“Wow, you’re lucky I’m on shift or I’d tip that sad excuse for coffee into your lap,” Simon bites back, feeling the familiar heat of anger rise up in him. Because of course Morpheus knew about Simon’s complicated feelings towards Baz. But he didn’t have to be an asshole about it just because he got dumped.
Morpheus sniffles. “These jeans are Gucci,” is all he says back, before taking another sip of his coffee and letting the subject drop. 
Simon’s break is over before he knows it, and not a moment too soon. He and Penelope are swamped by the late-afternoon rush. Simon doesn’t know how so many people could be craving coffee this late in the day, but to each their own. Morpheus had ordered a second cup of his ungodly drink right before the rush hit, and it’s when he’s finishing up that drink and getting ready to leave that half the rugby team decides to walk into the cafe and ruin Simon’s day. 
“Snow,” Baz Pitch sneers at him when he gets to the counter to order. Simon rolls his eyes.
“Let me guess, black tea for the blackness in your soul?” he retorts, smirking when Baz’s face goes tight with annoyance.
“Ooooh, this guy’s got you down to a T,” a brunette answers, coming up from behind Baz and draping an arm over his shoulders.
“Shut up Hob,” Baz replies, rolling his eyes and shrugging his friend off before turning back to Simon. “And yes, black tea, but do try not to over-steep it this time Snow.”
“I’ll have a caramel latte,” the man called Hob adds, “with extra caramel syrup since Bazzy’s paying.”
“Hob I swear if you call me Bazzy one more time—”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll sue me for defamation somehow, hey, can I get a couple of cake pops too?” Hob answers all in one breath. Simon gets the impression the man is something like a golden retriever in human form. 
“Sure, anything for a friend of Bazzy's,” Simon chuckles before he turns to work on their order. He can practically feel Baz seething from behind him as he prepares their order. 
As he’s getting ready to prepare Hob’s latte, Simon catches Morpheus out of the corner of his eye approaching the counter, and he instinctively starts preparing a drink for him as well. Seriously, how the hell could Morpheus stomach one of these, let alone three in a single sitting?
“The line is behind me, Endless,” Simon hears Baz say. 
“Ah, that’s where you’re mistaken, Basil,” Morpheus replies smoothly. “There is no line when you’re the favorite.”
“Who the hell says you’re the favorite?” Baz snaps 
“I do,” Simon cuts in, bringing over the order, and making sure to hand Morpheus’s drink over first. He can just tell Baz is irrationally mad about the whole thing. “Unlike some other customers, Morpheus is a sweetheart.”
“Thank you, dear heart,” Morpheus practically coos at him before turning back to Baz and Hob and smirking. “The cake pops are quite good, by the way.”
“Good to know!” Hob answers cheerily. “Did you want one, by the way? Didn’t realize how large they were,” he adds holding one out. 
Morpheus looks taken aback, but accepts the cake pop with a meek thank you and then with their order complete, the rugby team starts making their way towards the exit. Morpheus stares after them as they leave, cake pop still in hand. 
“I think I’m in love,” Morpheus says once the cafe has totally emptied out.
“You’re what now?” Simon exclaims, then groans. “Please tell me this isn’t about the cake pop.”
“He has nice eyes,” Morpheus argues. “And if he tolerates Basil’s awful attitude, I’m practically a ray of sunshine in comparison.”
“You're not wrong,” Penelope cuts in, leaning her elbows down on the counter next to Simon. “And if Morpheus can get Hob, maybe he can help you get Baz, Si.”
“That is a terrible plan,” Simon says. “And anyways, Baz hates me.”
“It’s an excellent plan,” Morpheus replies. “And also, you’re an idiot. Basil was ready to stab me with my own fountain pen for touching you so casually.”
“He was not!” Simon squeaks.
“No, he definitely was, I’m with Morpheus here,” Penelope says. “Maybe you two should pretend to date and see how long it takes for Baz to crack.”
“Absolutely not,” Simon says at the same time Morpheus answers “That’s an excellent idea.”
Simon groans. 
“I don’t have a choice in the matter do I?” he asks.
“Not at all,” Morpheus replies, biting into the cake pop.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Some Erised Recs…
I wanted to post this yesterday but fell asleep while reviewing my blurbs lol so here’s my first 2023 reclist! Just wanted to do a lil something to celebrate these authors and artists as I did not include any Erised fics on my 2022 reclist. Hope you enjoy before the reveals, don’t forget to give these some love. You can find more lovely recs here by @thehoneybeet and here by @epitomereally
Check all Erised 2022 works!
🍺 everything you should say by @candybarrnerd (E, 7.4k) - lush rebound fuck buddies to something else, hot and tentative, love the uncomplicated matter-of-fact tone here, sexy and refreshing!
They're not friends. But when Draco offers help, Harry takes it.
🐺 Service Bell by @shiftylinguini (E, 8k) - est relationship but make it complicated, obsessed with this nuanced pining wolf!Draco with his sharp edges and soft heart
Draco is: a werewolf, living in a cabin in the woods, minding his own business, and never going to buy plaid because he's not that much of a fucking cliche (yet). He's also counting down the days until he sees Harry again.
🎤 Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (M, 19k) - I’m utterly besotted with their voices, the superb level of banter oh my god. I wanna live inside this fic’s dialogue and have it for breakfast thank
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
🐍 In The Company Of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (E, 25k) - an instant fave, fabulous characterization, perfect slow burn, top notch ust and some of the hottest smut I’ve read lately, so satisfying yum 🔥
There’s something wrong with the serpents at the Greengrass Ophidiarium. Luckily, a certain Parselmouth just might be able to help.
⛷️ Historians by @oknowkiss (E, 30k) - fake dating goodness with holiday vibes, the right amount of angsty pining and a gorgeous Swiss background. Just what I needed to cheer me up on a snowy day
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
🏉 All Things Go by @sorrybutblog (E, 32k) - an enchanting 8th year romance with strong Heartstopper vibes👨‍🍳💋 our boys are so wonderfully awkward and young and lovely, my heart is melting! And the scorching UST? Superb
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
⏳Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (E, 43k) - really brilliant take on time travel/multiverse, inventive concept exploring star-crossed lovers dynamics. It’s about the yearning!!!
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known… It comes to him as ideas often did: too late.
🦉Birdwatching for Beginners by dustmouth (G) - so very warm and sweet, I love the cozy vibes, the soft flirting and the ultimate Wizarding fashion as per this artist’s usual
Draco does his best to sneak out early from Ginny and Luna's Christmas party, only to be cornered by a drunk Harry Potter.
🦄 Light in the Dark by @creeeee (G) - stunning art, romantic and evocative. I love the palette and detailed outfits, want those capes in my wardrobe right now
Draco and Harry find themselves encountering more than they anticipated while performing a divine blessing within the deep thicket of the Forbidden Forest.
👔 Routinely Yours (G) by @apriicat - the softest domestic bliss we deserve, gorgeous characters (long-haired Draco!), tender intimacy, lots of cozy cuddling and boyfriending stuff
Morning routines are the best with you.
❄️ Snapshot of Moments by @drarrydoodles (E) - stunning illustrations from daily life scenes, so rich in details and full of emotion. I love how each scene comes with a short description, and the nsfw one is!!!!! 😳🔥
A snapshot of moments in Harry and Draco's relationship.
🎹 The sound of your heart by @pato-roldnart (G) - a charming and moving musicians AU, great storytelling and the prettiest boys finding inspiration together 🎵
Harry is requested to perform a musical piece for a Great Serpent, it can’t be that hard, right? What he does not expect is having to work with an annoying, distracting, good-looking Draco Malfoy.
🛌 Two Wizards, One Bed by dustmouth (G) - soft, hilarious and adorable as usual, this made me giggle the whole night! Draco’s grumpy blushing face is my fave
Harry and Draco are trapped together in a safe house. Fiery discourse ensues (intercourse, more like...)
🪢 This time, tomorrow by @bluebutter-art (M) - talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique etc etc when I tell you my heart missed a beat seeing this beauty, I’m!!!!!
Two souls, bound by fate, destined to meet again and again and again.
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perfinn · 6 months
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hi! you can call me j (she/her). basically i write fics that there are generally no demand for, and do so on complete whims. i hope you enjoy!
psa: its safe to assume that all my fics are NSFW, meaning this blog is 18+. if you're a minor i will find you and you are not welcome to stay. i don't do taglists
you can find me on ao3! divider by saradika
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din djarin
let neptune strike ye dead - part i, part ii
you're a lighthouse keeper; a strange entity begins leaving you gifts
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johnny "soap" mactavish
translate your vibration - part i
you're a medic for a rugby league team; one of the players really likes you, even when you bar him from the field
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simon "ghost" riley
make my wish come true
for bunnyreaper's secret santa; simon comes home for christmas
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aemond targaryen
the heat that drives the light - series masterlist
aemond targaryen is betrothed to the heir to highgarden, and when he discovers she has been left blind by a childhood illness he decides their marriage is ill fated, but cecily tyrell has different ideas.
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aegon ii targaryen
you're out of touch, i'm out of time - part i
you have a tendency to pick up strays, but when you pick up the king of westeros (who was supposed to have died hundreds of years ago), things begin to get a little complicated
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hetagrammy · 2 days
do you have any thoughts about Wales with the pacific siblings?
Wales my beloved, and oft overlooked (including by me). I honestly need to look more into Welsh emigration/history, but I do have some inklings about their interactions. Character-wise, I think that Alwyn was typically there to pick up the slack that Arthur left behind when he had to go abroad or was otherwise occupied with matters of state. Hazards of being your brother's confidante.
So for Alfred... how about those Welsh Quakers? Alwyn adored the chubby, occasionally sickly, little bean Arthur brought home just as much as anyone. I think that was compounded by the fact that Arthur was so emotionally attached to and open with Alfred when he was a baby. Alfred was a little ray of sunshine, and I think the idealism that came so naturally to him was endearing to Alwyn. Like in Ireland, the aftermath of the American Revolution actually inspired some nationalist sentiment in Wales and a lot of Welsh people moved to areas like Pennsylvania. As for Alfred, I think he loves Alwyn of course, but I don't think he exactly appreciated Alwyn in the way that he probably should have. He was loving and warm, but who in his childhood wasn't? I think it was lost on Alfred how much actual parenting/co-parenting Alwyn had to do behind the scenes, as well as the amount of influence he had on him.
Apparently the Welsh had a big hand in building up Canada during the 19th century, and I feel like that's indicative of the relationship between the two. Definitely won't underplay the influence that Alasdair had on Matthew, but I think that Alwyn was able to act as a good guide for him as well. In a family that has trouble expressing vulnerability in earnest ways, Alwyn is probably the most well-adjusted, and I think that Matthew would be drawn to that as someone who is more sensitive himself. I think that Matthew finds Alwyn can relate to him best as well, as they serve as family peacekeepers (especially on Arthur's behalf), and tend to fade into the background because they serve that role. They're both diplomats who will kick ass when pushed, and I like to think that Alwyn had a role in that. Sitting a young Matthew down and telling him "Taking the path of least resistance doesn't mean putting up no resistance." Where Alasdair acts as a protector and Arthur as a stern father, Alwyn is a role model. I think he's also one of the few not to underestimate Matthew.
Alwyn was indulgent with Ralph in way he wasn't really getting from anyone except for Molly and Matthew, which was further complicated by Molly's long stay in America post 1851 and Matthew's prolonged periods in Canada post 1848. Alwyn is smiling and nodding when little Ralph is showing him pictures of lizards from his homeland and asking if he can show him any dragons in return. I think their shared love of animals was a big bonding point for them, with Alwyn being willing to take him out and about in the woods or mountains to go birdwatching or exploring. Sure British fauna isn't so exciting as Australian fauna is, but it was something to give Ralph some entertainment and intellectual stimulation.
Alwyn is Zee's favorite uncle and I will stand by that. Eleanor takes a lot after Arthur what with the grumpiness, the practicality, the bluntness, the obstinance. That's something Alwyn understands very well having been around Arthur for so long. However, she's more down to earth, curious, and forward-thinking than Arthur could ever hope to be, and I think that Alwyn makes a better attempt to understand that than Arthur does at times. Arthur doesn't understand her, but he indulges her, Alwyn indulges her but also tries to understand. Eleanor in turn appreciates this, and she finds him to be a stable and comforting presence who lets her just be herself. I also think their shared love of rugby is definitely a strong bonding point as well.
I guess the ongoing theme here is that Alwyn is a person who operates off of understanding what makes people tick, and using that knowledge to make people comfortable. He's a diplomat at heart, and he's at his best when using those skills with the people he cares about. Rather than piling expectations on his niblings, he's there to sort of guide them through how best to fulfil those expectations from where they are.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Something Good (VI)
Chapter 6 : The Theatre Club
Hi!! Here is a new chapter for my Ben Barnes series! Things are slowly getting better between these two idiots, I hope you enjoy this story so far. Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none! Slow burn, professor AU.
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already is. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
Word Count: 2781
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With his paperwork done and his archive issue solved, Ben felt much more rested on this Friday morning.
Besides, he was meeting up with the students of the theatre club again, and he was happy to see them once more.
And he was also terribly happy because his plot for revenge against your insults was finally upon you…
It was stupid, and he knew it. It wasn’t even a revenge; it was simply his satisfaction at showing how wrong you could be. But he called it retribution all the same. He had a kind soul, after all. Being content with your disappointment was already being extremely evil for his standards. But you didn’t know that yet.
For now, you entered the large classroom to find Ben laughing with about ten students. It was strange to see him so joyful. You didn’t dislike the sight though. Not entirely. No… no, actually you disliked it. Very much so.
He threw his head back and let out a loud laugh, his glasses catching the light of the neon hung at the ceiling, and you were suddenly a little annoyed.
He finally noticed you as you walked closer, and he greeted you with a polite smile.
“Alright, let’s introduce our newest member, then,” he said, his smile growing in warmth as you approached. “We’re all on first name basis here, is that alright for you?”
“Sure,” you answered with a matching smile and a nod.
You were thus introduced to the students, and started to talk with the group. It took about fifteen minutes for the meeting to truly begin, as the members of the club were catching up on their holidays and first classes. You were surprised to find Ben relaxed, answering personal questions… even if he remained professional and in a clear position of authority in the group, he was far from the teacher you had imagined: strict, kind of an asshole. Actually, his voice was warmer than you had ever heard before, and he felt calm and welcoming. You tried to ignore the sudden fondness you felt towards him, and listened to the conversation instead, as it settled on the coming year.
“So, Y/N has made some suggestions for this year, and I guess we should decide whether they’re good ideas or not,” Ben said cautiously.
“We thought that we could adapt a musical this year, for a change,” you offered.
Ben had to admit he was surprised at how enthusiastic his students were. You glanced at each other, catching each other’s eyes by accident, and you grinned at the annoyed expression on his face.
“Which one should we choose then?” Roberta, a sophomore student asked.
“We have a list of three plays, you can choose from that,” you explained.
“They seem manageable to our scale, and they might be fun to perform,” Ben added. “We should wait for the new recruits to be here to decide, though.”
“Which musicals did you choose?” asked David, a very tall guy you guessed must have been playing rugby, judging by the size of his shoulders…
“The Sound of Music, Hamilton, or Moulin Rouge!”
The students started to excitedly speak together, all at once… but it seemed a rather close fight, and impossible to determine, for now, which play would be chosen.
You sat down on a table next to Ben. The students were busy talking together, and were paying no attention to you and your colleague.
“So… I bet you will be very happy if my musical is not chosen,” you told him, seeing clear through his game.
“That would be mean of me.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.”
“I could hardly deny that I will be highly satisfied when Hamilton is chosen.”
“Yeah… I guess it should be it. Most popular one.”
Ben nodded.
“Can I confess something?” you added in a whisper.
“I would have loved working on Moulin Rouge!...”
He couldn’t refrain a smile.
“Well, as we are being honest… I would have liked it too. Great occasion to listen to Ewan McGregor’s sweet voice for hours.”
“Exactly! I agree! Wholeheartedly!”
“We’ll see what they choose, I guess.”
Silence settled for a minute or two between the two of you, until Ben glanced over at you. Henry’s words were back in his mind… he needed to try to be nicer to you. The way he would be with anybody else. Besides… the last time he spoke to you, asking you to go to London with him… he had found that it wasn’t that hard to be nice with you.
He seemed to hesitate, but finally spoke.
“Is your daughter feeling better?”
You were surprised by the question, and even more by the warmth of his voice as he spoke it aloud. It didn’t sound merely polite.
“She’s much better, yes. Thank you for asking. It was a small cold, no fever, just lots of hugs needed.”
“Good. And so… seven for tonight is still good for you?”
“Sure. It’s fine. My husband is picking up our daughter… I mean… ex-husband.”
Ben nodded, not pushing it. He didn’t make any comment on your mistake, and you felt grateful for it.
“How many children do you have?” he asked, crossing his arms before his chest, and leaning a little more against the table you were sitting on, settling into a more comfortable position.
“Only one. Sally. A five-year old who is even more pig-headed than I am, and that’s saying a lot…”
Ben chuckled.
“I can imagine.”
“What about you? Do you have children?”
“No, I don’t. Not married either, if you meant to ask next.”
“Me too.”
“Welcome to the losers’ club, I guess,” he chuckled, and you were surprised to hear him joking with you.
He seemed more relaxed than usual, you wondered why. Perhaps it was because of the students he seemed to have genuinely missed over the summer. Perhaps he was just happy to work on the theatre club again…
“Is it too personal if I ask you for how long you’ve been single?” you ask him cautiously.
“A little bit, yes,” he nodded, and didn’t answer your question.
You saw him standing straighter once more, and cursed yourself for clearly hitting a nerve.
You and your usual clumsiness…
“Just… don’t push it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“Hey, Ben!”
Your conversation was interrupted by a very enthusiastic young man, with long blond hair and a leather jacket, the black ink of tattoos peeking above the collar of his Metallica t-shirt.
“We’re gonna grab a bite before heading to getting ready for the afternoon. Care to join us? We’ll get some fish an’ chips from the place down the street.”
“Sure, why not?” Ben accepted without much of a hesitation, and he turned to you before following his student.
“Are you coming?”
You nodded, jumping off the table.
Again, you couldn’t help yourself… you were kind of surprised by Ben’s warm behaviour…
Surprised… in a good way….
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The members of the theatre club made an eclectic, hilarious, happy bunch of crazy people.
You were currently laughing at Nathaniel’s (the blond Metallica fan) stories about his job in a record store in a small town in Cornwall during the summer. And you were surprised by Ben’s behaviour.
Because he was relaxed. He wasn’t strict, or even serious. He was merry. Friendly. You could feel that he was remaining professional, not cursing, always remaining polite but… there was something warmer there too. You started understanding why he loved this club so much. It was nice to bond with students over a project you found interesting. But there was something more than that. You could feel it already.
“What about you, Y/N? Did you have crazy jobs when you were a student?” Giselle, a shy-looking girl with a buzz cut asked you.
She was majoring in philosophy, you remembered that…
“Oh… yes. But I am not certain that I want to disclose this kind of information in front of my colleague,” you laughed, looking at Ben.
“Why not?”
“He could use it against me one day…”
“I would not hit so low,” Ben reassured you, taking a sip of water before eating the last of his chips.
“Then, I think Ben should speak first, and then Y/N can answer,” David proposed.
Ben heaved a sigh, looking for an anecdote that would not be too ridiculous, but still fun to tell.
“Well, I… did work in a bar… when I was still underage.”
You all laughed.
“That must have been something!” you chuckled.
“I served alcohol while still too young to be allowed drinking… it was awesome. I was also particularly… let’s say… hefty, at the time. So, when a fight would break out, I was always of great help.”
You all burst out in laughter again, and you had to brush away a tear.
“Alright, Y/N, your turn. I’ve been made fun of enough by my students, it’s your turn now,” Ben smiled, and you recognized a glimmer of mischief in his dark eyes.
You looked for a funny story for a moment, drinking some water.
“I worked in a shop over the summer once, where we sold wedding dresses and suits. And… one day a woman and a man entered, and I thought that they were mother and son. And as we were talking about the guy’s suit, I congratulated the woman on her son’s wedding. Turns out they were going to get married…together. They were engaged not… not mother and son.”
Everyone was laughing again, and Ben almost choked on his fish.
“They did not buy the suit… it was kind of my fault…”
Ben doubled with laughter, just like everyone else. You didn’t mind his loud laughter this time. It was rather infectious, actually.
Rather… almost charming…
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People kept on signing up for the try-outs.
You could see how Ben was excited at the thought, and you were happy for him. You had decided after that lunch to bury the hatchet for the afternoon. And he seemed to have taken the same decision. He didn’t sigh when you dropped the kettle and there was water all over the place. He didn’t say anything when you ‘organized’ the table, making the paperwork even more of a mess. He didn’t complain when you answered enthusiastically to the students’ craziest ideas. Instead, he remained silent, and he helped you clean the water you had spilled all over the floor as you apologized profusely, and he reorganized the piles of documents after you were gone looking for God knows what, and he nodded when you looked at him with an expectant glance.
It had been a nice day. He didn’t want to kill the mood.
Besides… he kind of liked it when you laughed that much…
It did not mean that he wasn’t annoyed. He was simply not complaining about it, or letting it show. Huge difference, an important one...
He looked at you as you grinned at a first-year student who was asking you something about the auditions. He wasn’t sure what this girl was asking though. He wasn’t paying attention. He was just… lost in thought… looking at you…
The afternoon passed, turned into the beginning of an evening. It was sunny and bright for a long time, and then artificial lights replaced our sun. Your throat was sore after speaking so much, and you felt very comfortable now, always answering the same questions. The words came out of your mouth naturally now, because you had spoken them so many times.
You proudly stared at the long list of names you had gathered along the afternoon. Many wanted to join…
“About… 60% of the people who have signed up today will come to the actual auditions,” Ben warned you. “But… that still makes a lot of people.”
“We did good, don’t you think?”
“Yes, we did good.”
“So… the musicals were not such a bad idea, right?” you asked with a teasing tone and a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“No… not too bad,” Ben admitted.
“So… I was right.”
“Don’t push your luck.”
But you grinned all the same, and a smile tugged at his lips…
You were so annoying…
Ben and you wanted to share one last meeting with the students, making sure everyone had written down the date for the auditions, making sure that all were going to think about which musical you should perform this year…
But your phone rang as you were cleaning the table you had borrowed in a classroom nearby, like all the other clubs filling the hall. It was a large space, with old stone pillars and white walls that had been painted not too long ago. There were many clubs gathered in the hall, and even though the students were gone already, many people were still filling up the large space, as club members were packing their things and cleaning up. You checked your screen, and frowned hard when you saw the name of your babysitter appear in white, luminous letters.
You felt a sudden worry crush your heart. Was there a problem with Sally?
“You’re alright, Y/N?” David asked with a frown.
“Yes, I just have to take this. I’ll be right back.”
Ben frowned hard as he saw you walking away, hurrying towards the exit. You seemed worried as you pressed your phone against your ear.
“What’s going on?” he asked David.
“Don’t know. She got a phone call. Didn’t seem to be good news.”
Ben slowly nodded, checking his watch. It was about seven thirty. Nothing good ever came from impromptu phone calls received so late in the evening…
He looked at you as you started pacing in front of the open door. You were too far for anyone in the hall to hear you, but you could still be seen. You quickly went from worried to angry, it was pretty obvious, even from afar.
Ben refrained his urge to join you outside and ask you what was wrong. It was none of his business, after all. He didn’t like you at all. You were insufferable. Why would he want to know anything at all about you? Why would he check on you to see if you were okay?
He kept an eye on you while cleaning up the table, and let two students carry the furniture back to its rightful place in a classroom down the hall. Meanwhile, he kept on looking at you from time to time…
When you finally put your phone away, you didn’t walk back to the building just yet. You remained outside for a moment. You were too angry. Too frustrated. You remained there for a while, your back to the hall, looking at nothing in the distance as the sun was setting. The sky was just beginning to turn from blue to gold. You would have liked this sight, of grass stretching towards tall buildings made of stone, and trees reaching out for the sun in the distance, while the world took a golden shade… but you were too angry to admire the view.
You jumped when a deep voice behind you called for your name.
You turned in a hurry, and were surprised to find Ben standing there, on the threshold. He was staring at you, a few meters away. As if he wanted to keep his distance. As if he didn’t dare coming closer; but he was leaning forward as if he wanted to.
“Are you alright?” he asked, a frown full of worry badly hidden across his brow.
You nodded. There was no need to tell your colleague – the one you didn’t even like – about your asshole of an ex-husband.
“Yes, I just… I’m terribly sorry but I have to leave. I have a problem with my daughter.”
“Oh… is she alright?”
“Yes, she’s fine but… I just need to go.”
You frowned hard. You thought he would get pissed. You thought he would, at the very least, be annoyed. But he wasn’t.
“You… you’re not mad?” you asked, taken aback.
“Why would I be?”
“I’m leaving when you still need my help…”
“Your daughter needs you. I don’t have children, but it doesn’t mean I’m a complete jerk.”
He gave you a small smile, and you offered him the same gesture.
He truly was full of surprises today. You wondered what had gotten into him. He had been nice. Annoying, but nice. As he looked at you walking away, he wondered why you were so nice today. Annoying, but nice. The thought that perhaps you were always like this crossed his mind. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it at all…
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 x My School President Ep 2 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Yesterday, we entered the Multiverse of Cuteness and returned to the world of My School President. Things are different this time around. Tinn and Tiwson are members of the Lion Band, Gun and Por are members of the student council, Gun's mom is the principal, Yo and Pat have switched places, and Sound and Win have switched places. The characters at their core feel the same, but their circumstances have adjusted the way the story has played out. Everything feels off, but in a way that seems to really appreciate who these people are. Their struggles will play out differently, but they're still inevitably drawn to each other.
I'm so glad we returned to the "I only see cuteness scene."
Welcome back, Kajorn. Glad you're still causing complications.
OMG. Everyone else is trying to keep Tinn upright and Tiwson is waving at Por.
Welcome to the team, Kajorn.
Tiwson and Por are thriving.
Oishii has been keeping the lights on in BL for so long.
Hey, we still got Tinn to give Gun a piggyback ride.
The music video is an ode to Aof's shows! I'm going to scream!
I love the questions bit and how Tinn leans into the potential romance of it immediately.
Oh no I really don't think they should be practicing rugby on concrete.
I want to see Satang and Winny fight people in a future show.
Love Por and Kajorn spooning. Unexpected, but welcome.
Was that a fucking air horn??
Tin is down bad in every universe. I like that it's Gun's hesitation that holds them back every time.
Let Me Tell You instrumental, my beloved.
Winny and Satang look good in this outing. They're not ready yet, but they have potential.
Oh, Gun. He broke the questions bit by being scared again.
I get the fear of rejection. Gun was such a loser in the original show that he'd already put a tough facade over it because he was a performer.
Love that Tiwson and Por get to have the strongest dynamic this time. Mark is so good, and Ford is playing with everything Mark gives him.
Oh no. Potjanee is sick in this one!
Oh, does she just have narcolepsy??
Potjanee remains nosy in every universe.
Sound gets to be Pat and Win gets to be Pran. I get it.
I'm going to bite through my non-existent retainer.
Oh, Gun. Gay boys and hoping they're braver in another universe. Thank you, Por, for reminding us to make the most of the time we have.
Look at Potjanee being gossipy! Love this for us! And now Hook is playing!
Love when the gays go running for each other and it's warranted.
The friend zone line is back!
Gemini and Fourth are very good at hugging each other.
Oh, Lays, let's make sure you get your ad in too. Gemini, a Known Crumb Crusher, was the correct choice.
Losing it over Tinn and Gun as Thun and Mes, and Tiwson and Por as Phupha and Tian.
I am so glad we got another music video.
A time skip!!
Final Verdict: 9, Recommended. This outing was an excellent examination of the nature of an AU and how it can highlight core aspects of characters in other settings. I really enjoyed that every character still felt correct even if we put them in a different position in the story. I liked the idea that they would all still choose each other. I love that you can't walk away from this without seeing how important Tinn's bravery and determination were critical to the way MSP unfolded, and how tenuous they are because of Gun's insecurities. This was really excellent.
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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The Bear’s Den
Well hello there. Welcome to the Bear’s Den. What can I getcha?
Well well, aren't you a cutie. I’d recommend ordering the Ursa Beer. We got a special tonight, one bucket o’ six for $20. Sounds good? Excellent, coming right up.
Let me give you some time to enjoy the first one (Then start feeding them to you faster and faster)
Rubbing your belly after that first belch? Yeah, there’s a lot of head in the beer. No need to gulp it down son, just enjoy it. It will start to be very relaxing. All the stress starting to fade away. Just getting more and more carefree, enjoying your beer in my bar. Don’t think about work, or grad school, or any of your troubles. Just drink and relax.
So what if your shirt starts riding up on your new belly? It feels good. If your pants feel a little tight, just loosen your belt or and do the top button. No worries.
Is your face a little scratchy? Must be your heavy stubble. It's quite think and very striking. It looks good on you.
It's not just your face that's getting itchy. Your chest, legs, back are probably all starting to prickle. It's a little itchy at first, but just drink another beer. Don't focus on it too much.
Damn, you pounded beer number two down pretty quickly. You say it had a bit of a musky taste compared to the first? Don’t worry about it, must have been because you drank it too fast. Or your taste buds are changing a bit, giving you new preferences and likes.
Ursa Beer has a rich and complicated taste. But it definitely gets better the more you have. Looks like your shirt doesn't fit at all now. Just go ahead and take it off man, I can keep it behind the bar.
Damn! I said take your shirt off, but it looks like you had a sweater on underneath! That's a pretty hairy body. I like a man who lets his pelt grow out, it looks very manly.
Plus I bet that crotch is getting a little tight as well. That sack of yours is probably nice and fuzzy, and your balls must be getting big. How did I know? I saw you when you went to piss after beer number three. You weren’t exactly shy in the urinals bud.
By the way, I love your ink. A bear paw with the bear pride background is pretty sweet. Looks good on your meaty bicep. And the tribal tat on your left pec is quite nifty as well, even if all that chest fur makes it hard to see.
And now you are done with beer number four. Why don't you take your jeans off too? I can see your discomfort, even with the belt off and the jeans unzipped. I can toss ‘em behind the bar too. Might as well toss over your flip flops too.
Damn you're thick now! Look at how big those feet are too. Good thing you kicked off your flip flops, those things must be side 14 or bigger now! When did you switch from briefs to a jockstrap? Not that I'm complaining, it looks good on you. I see you finishing beer number five, and dripping a few suds onto your hairy pecs and big beer belly. Feels pretty firm! Guess you must work out or something, huh bud? Body like that, nice and big, wouldn’t look that firm if you weren’t hitting the gym several times a week.
You OK son? You’re looking flushed and sweaty. Raise those arms up, let me get a whiff of that musk. Fuck that's strong. You got a sexy musk bud. Have some more beer and cool down.
Whoops. Looks like you're a leaker. That big bear cock of yours must be drooling a ton of pre. Your jock is getting soaked with it now.
Looks like you're almost done there bud. Hmmm, so you say you’re a bit of a homebody, huh? With a body like that, I kind of doubt it. It looks like your jockstrap says "Property of the Stags" on it.
You know the Stags? The local rugby team? I bet you’re one of their best players. You may be laid back, never a problem here, but I bet you have a competitive edge to you. Plus, with musk like that, I bet you're quite the horndog. That rugger stink coming off you will drive all the boys wild.
Yeah man, I bet you make your teammates all worship my fuckin’ nuts in the locker room after every game, dontcha? A big bear like you, coming here in just his jock, no way you aren’t on the prowl for some ass.
What’s that? Yeah, you do look so fuckin’ sexy. Usually I have to prevent our other patrons from mobbing you, since your musk turns them all on and bones ‘em up. But that bear in the corner, the construction worker daddy bear-type, he looks pretty beefy too. I bet he’d go home with you.
Sure man, come back for your clothes tomorrow. I’ll hold on to them for you. I know how you love to walk home in just your jock when you are bringing back a hot piece of bear ass for the night. Your “Sex strut” as I have heard you call it. Just settle up your tab, and you’ll be good to go.
Wow, thanks for the big tip. Guess it pays to be friendly to my best customer, huh? See you around big guy.
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kivaember · 2 months
AC6 College AU? Rusty plays the lacrosse, Raven is either a programmer or an engineer major, Ayre is an AI made by him, and Freud is one of the faculty members.
i've actually thought about a college AU!
Well, technically, a university AU bc I'm from the UK and college is a diff thing entirely to uni. Also I have no idea what American uni culture is like LMAO (idek what lacrosse is, rusty would be good at football or rugby tho) BUT ANYWAYS my idea for it was:
RUSTY: an undergraduate taking the BSc (Hons) in Ecology and Conservation (not sure if it's different outside of UK, but an "honours degree" is more difficult than a standard degree, and is more attractive to employers as a result). He's got an avid interest in ecology and zoology, and has plans to be a conservationist upon graduating.
621: He's actually a professor at the university, but looks so young that most mistake him as a student if they're not in his department. He teaches ethical hacking and cyber security, and has several rumours about him, such as he used to be a notorious hacker who was eventually caught and strongarmed into working for the government in lieu of a prison sentence, and now spends his time teaching the next generation, etc, etc. Is it true? Who knows...
WALTER: He's the university librarian, and everyone is scared of him because he's so stern and always has this aura of intensity, even when just checking a book out for someone. For some reason he's on very good terms with 621... many people theorise on their history, because Walter's also very good with computers... everyone is also aware that Walter and Michigan are a thing bc those guys ain't subtle in the slightest.
FREUD: He teaches sport science and students either love him or hate him. He's like the human personnification of marmite. He's very enthusiastic about health and remaining in peak condition, and he expects his students to give 110% in his classes. He's always butting heads with Snail, who's in the same department as him. People take bets on how long it'll take for them to fight in the parking lot and who would win (Freud has 'is insane' strength but Snail would be powered by sheer rage that has been repressed for x amount of years).
IGUAZU: He works in the on-campus cafe as a barista. He's surly and curt but makes the best damn coffee in the city so no one really complains about it. He seems to know 621 and has some kind of hate-love relationship with him? It's complicated. He yells at 621 every time he walks into the cafe but also knows his order off by heart so it's very hmmm (more fuel for the rumour mills).
MICHIGAN: He teaches War Studies and History, and while he's a pretty demanding professor, most students love his energetic style of teaching. Many assume him to be a red and blue blooded American on account of his bombastic personality, American accent and insisting on being called Michigan - he's actually French and the estranged son of a well-known billionaire. It's Michigan's deepest darkest secret.
AYRE: Every so often 621 will have a guest speaker in his classes who calls in remotely (and voice only) called Ayre. He says she's an "old work colleague" and they're both very vague about what work they were colleagues in, but people enjoy Ayre's guest appearances as she's very friendly - in direct contrast to the very taciturn and almost cold 621.
O'KEEFFE: He works in HR, but most students joke that he's more of an information broker than anything. Though he acts put upon, he's willing to help out students trying to navigate the byzantine beaucracy of university paperwork and how to squeeze out as much as possible from their loans or signposting people to things that can help them. He's easily bribed with coffee and cigarettes, but honestly, he'd help out even without a bribe... very much one of those people who look gruff and unfriendly on the outside, but actually a good person underneath it all.
FLATWELL: He owns a bakery just outside of university grounds that's popular with the students. One of the reasons Rusty chose this univeristy to do his degree: his Uncle lives just outside of it, and was willing to house him, letting Rusty save money for dormitory and food and stuff. Seems to have some ~history~ with O'Keeffe in HR...
UH THOSE ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERS/ROLES and the plot would be Rusty crossing paths with 621 and thinking him very cute (621 would be the type to dress in cardigans and wear glasses), and also a fellow student... is totally unaware that he's a faculty member from an entirely different department. Tl;dr after some flirting and a few dates, Rusty only realises that 621 is a faculty member when he mentions off hand about needing to go back early to mark papers.
Rusty: oh you're... a TA? helping out in your last year? 621: no i teach Rusty: Rusty: wait how old are you-
In this I'm thinking Rusty would be in his mid-twenties, and 621 would be in his late thirties. So, about a 10 year gap between them, give or take a year.
But yeah. Coughs. That's.... that's my university au idea... mmhm. yeah...
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superbeans89 · 9 months
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It’s RWC eve, and with kickoff tomorrow at 8:15 PM UK time, some speculation is in order for the 9 people on tumblr who follow it.
For those who don’t know, rugby union is a sport not far removed from American football, based more on evasion than contact however. There are 15 players on each team, and the ultimate goal is to get the ball grounded in the other team’s try area - comparable to the end zone in NFL. Unlike NFL though, the ball can only be passed backwards in rugby (unless you’re kicking it), turning it into a whole different ball game, so to speak.
Should a team achieve this, they score 5 points, and can attempt a conversion - that’s kicking the ball from a tee between the upright posts - for an extra 2. Penalties can also be kicked for 3 points outside of try scoring situations, making for a strategic and slightly complicated scoring system, though yet again NFL fans won’t be unfamiliar with it. It’s worth noting that games have been won solely on penalty points though, so don’t underestimate them.
Now, for the teams:
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As it’s still a developing sport, not even competing with the likes of soccer or cricket, there are only 20 participating teams in the RWC. There are several countries that have adopted it as their national sport however, including Wales, New Zealand, and many of the pacific islands.
Of the four pools, only two from each will advance to the quarter finals, while third placed in the pool will automatically qualify for the next tournament, giving teams plenty to play for, even if they aren’t going to win every game.
With that said, there are favourites and no hopers among those that have qualified;
The Favourites
🇫🇷 - France. As this year’s hosts, France are currently ranked 3rd in the world, and are notoriously unpredictable. Able to beat - or lose to - just about anyone, France have been the bridesmaids of the Rugby World Cup three times now. With flair, team depth and a home field advantage, they’re expected to go far, and should be guaranteed a place in the semifinals or better.
Which French team shows up may be revealed when they play New Zealand in the opening match.
🇮🇪 - Ireland. Ranked number one in the world, but with a poor record at World Cups, never getting past the quarterfinals, Ireland don’t thrive under the pressure of expectation, preferring to act as the underdog and surprise people instead.
Nevertheless, with a dedicated following, solid recent form, and trailblazing coach Andy Farrell, this could be the year they break that curse, though they’ll have to escape the Pool of Death first.
🇳🇿 - New Zealand. Historically the best rugby nation on the planet, New Zealand were near unmatched in this sport until recently, remaining at the top of the rankings for almost ten consecutive years. Their form has taken a dip recently, particularly after a record breaking loss to South Africa, but only time will tell whether the infamous All Blacks can bounce back, or if they were just hustling.
🇿🇦 - South Africa. As the current champs, alongside terrific form and team depth, the Springboks are expected to go far this year. While they are also stuck in the Pool of Death with Ireland and Scotland, they have a tremendous pedigree in the sport, matching New Zealand’s record three victories, despite featuring in two less World Cups. Thriving under pressure, the Springboks combine esteem and unconventional playstyles - you’ll hear the phrase ‘bomb squad’ used a lot when they’re playing - a lot of fans will see this World Cup as South Africa’s to lose.
The Dark Horses
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Scotland. Currently ranked 5th in the world, Scotland are in strong form and have surprising team depth for such a small rugby nation. Unpredictable and world beating on a good day (yet still waiting on that historic victory against the All Blacks), Scotland would be expected to do well this year… if they weren’t in the Group of Death alongside Ireland and South Africa. These are both teams Scotland can beat, but will they remain consistent for a full eighty minutes of play? That’s the main concern.
🇦🇷 - Argentina. Often forgotten as a rugby nation due to their soccer pedigree, Argentina are one of this tournament’s secret weapons. With solid form, growing momentum and a lucky placement in the pools however, los Pumas can probably reach the semifinals.
🇦🇺 - Australia. Famous rivals to the All Blacks, Australia’s form has fallen in recent years, but not to the point where they should be counted out. Almost causing a massive upset against New Zealand, leading them for most of the game on their own turf, when the Wallabies get it right they can be deadly, and they’ve won this tournament twice as well, so don’t write them off just yet.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - England. Having won the RWC in 2003, not to mention inventing the sport, England have a rugby pedigree that can’t be denied. Their recent form has been poor however, recording several record losses, as well as a first ever loss to Fiji. While they should make it out of their pool - though this is largely because it’s the easiest pool by far - England won’t be expected to go much further, maybe scraping past the quarterfinals if they’re lucky.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 - Wales. Between funding issues and player retirement, Wales are a depleted side this World Cup. While inconsistent across previous tournaments, they have notched up some remarkable results in the past, and could do so again under legendary coach Warren Gatland. It’s far more likely that they’ll struggle however, and may not even make it out of the pool this year, with Fiji and Georgia looking strong.
The No Hopers
🇮🇹 - Italy. While their form has been good, and they’ve made great strides in recent years, Italy are grouped in with France and New Zealand, the latter of which they’ve never beaten. Short of a miracle, Italy won’t be making it out of their pool.
🇫🇯 - Fiji. Recording a famous win in Twickenham on their last warmup match, Fiji have form and momentum on their side, and will be aiming for the quarterfinals. They likely won’t get any further, but for a tiny island nation, Fiji punch well above their weight.
🇼🇸 - Samoa. Having upset traditionally stronger nations at previous World Cups, Samoa could surprise a few opponents this year too. Beating either England or Argentina for a qualifying place will be a tough ask, but never say never.
🇹🇴 - Tonga. Also in the Group of Death with Scotland, Ireland and South Africa, Tonga will be gunning for an upset. Their form has been strong, and they perform immensely well for an island of 100,000 people, but escaping the pool will probably be too much of an ask.
🇬🇪 - Georgia. Europe’s ‘other’ rugby nation dominates in the second tier of competitive play, and will hope to upset Wales in this World Cup, just like they did in Cardiff last year. With Fiji also vying for the same spot though, their rough and tumble playstyle may work against them in the long run, as fitness is definitely an issue for bulkier players.
🇯🇵 - Japan. After stunning South Africa 34-32 at RWC2015, and graduating from their pool by beating both Ireland and Scotland at RWC2019, Japan will hope to take advantage of their reputation as the wild card, and escape pools a second time. With England looking vulnerable it’s not impossible, but poor form and and equally hungry Samoa may hold them back.
‘We’re just happy to be here!’
🇺🇾 - Uruguay. South America’s second best rugby nation has grown massively in recent years. Ousting Canada from the qualification rounds, they’ve featured at plenty of World Cups, and even got a surprise win over Fiji last tournament. In a strong pool with France, New Zealand and Italy however, they’ll be fighting with Namibia for what will likely be their sole victory of the tournament.
🇳🇦 - Namibia. Similarly to Uruguay in many ways, Namibia are also the second best in their continent, behind the mighty Springboks. Also in the same group as Uruguay, they’ll be aiming for a single win, with no real hope of graduating from their pool.
🇷🇴 - Romania. A World Cup mainstay, The Oaks have been to all but one tournament, and even that absence was mired in controversy. Between lacklustre recent form and rampant funding issues however, Romania will be lucky to get a win in what’s by far the toughest pool.
🇵🇹 - Portugal. Another nation known more for their soccer, Portugal won’t be expecting much from their pool. If they get a win, they’ll be ecstatic. They qualified by the skin of their teeth, but they made it here. That’s reason enough to celebrate, and it’s only a short plane trip home.
🇨🇱 - Chile. Debuting at RWC2023, Chile qualified with a last gasp victory over the USA, and will likely end up bottom of their pool. Still, qualifying at all is a massive achievement for a nation with such a small following.
…and that’s everything. RWC2023 is considered the most open World Cup in the sport’s history, with as many as six or seven viable contenders. Whoever holds the Webb Ellis Cup aloft in a few weeks is up to debate, but it should be entertaining nonetheless. Game on!
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saint-starflicker · 1 year
Rudolph the Rainbow Reindeer
Spoilers for Fraternity and Handsome Devil ahead, I very highly recommend reading and watching both of these.
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There's a Tumblr heritage post going around (I think? Was it from here?) about how the real lesson of the "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" song is that deviation from the norm, no matter how harmless, will be punished unless it can be exploited. That got me thinking about these two.
There's a lot that I like about Handsome Devil: the aesthetics, the pacing, it is Light Academia, it is Snark Academia, it's rugby bros, it's music and essay composition nerds, it's navigating friendships and mentor-protégé relationships between gay main characters instead of romance...and rather than one homophobic age-peer bully who's supposed to outgrow it or you outgrow them eventually, the spotlight is on the homophobic adults as it should be. Oppression is a whole system of power, not only one jerk that strikes you like miniature lightning. Finally, sometimes gay adults and elders fail you: their hard-won life experiences and best advice don't help your situation or apply to it.
It is a well-constructed wholesomely satisfying story. The point of contrast I want to highlight is that the happy outcome in this movie relies on...becoming exploitable. If you let gay boys on the sports team, particularly gay boys that are very good at the sports balls, then your team will win.
Hey, whatever works. Whenever there's an exclusionary thing going on based on something as harmless as Rudolph's Red Nose, then there's a brain drain and brawn drain from those exclusionist communities, there's skill drain and talent drain. Idealistically, that shouldn't be the reason to include people "because they might be useful in other ways" but in terms of practicality then that's how it usually goes: scientists and artists and kind people and resilient people flee persecution and enrich the communities who take them in. If being exceptional in some way is how you keep your head above the water in this crapsack world, then I sure won't stop you.
Contrast that with Fraternity. There's a lot I like about Fraternity: the 1990s nostalgia, the narrative voices, I finished reading it in two days and felt a whole entire Hero's Journey times three, it is the Darkest Dark Academia at its most Gothic like literary bitter ruby chocolate, it's brewski bros, it's witchcraft, it's Angels in America Jr., it's tragic, it's cathartic, it's navigating friendships and mentor-protégé relationships between gay main characters rather than romance...
The main thing that I noticed is no matter how many languages you speak or how emotionally attached you get to your friends (traits which any supervillain worth a lick of salt should know to exploit instead of eliminate, ahem ahem Westcott)—the very powerful point that the Fraternity canon demonstrates is that...in this crapsack world it's ultimately not up to you whether or not you get to live and "be useful" to bigots in positions of power. It's the bigots in power that decide that for you.
Fraternity is well-constructed and satisfying in a different way. Handsome Devil found a reconciliation with broader communities that outvoted a bigot with power, and I'm not going to say that can never happen in real life. Fraternity shows the shadow side of playing the game that way: Evil Wizard Homophobe Headmaster Westcott's fraternity would kill him over a mistake because that's the solidarity of the privileged. Steven Hillman would lay his life down for somebody in his fraternity who he probably never really liked and who hasn't been very nice to him, because that's the solidarity of the oppressed. It still is complicated: Hiss Hiss Bitch is a refrain that takes on layers of meaning and new contexts as the story goes on. In those complications and unflinching examination of the shadow sides, there emerges a deep and moving clarity.
Polar opposite vibes, different attacks on broad in-community (and/or inter-community) issues, different issues that these do tackle—and I enjoy them both and recommend them both. More, please.
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