#romantic or platonic!
greetingsapartment · 1 year
hey hey! i hope you’re having a good day ^_^ can i request wally with a reader who’s really into the himegyaru style? thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!! <3
Wally Darling with a Himegyaru reader!
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Wally definitely has an appreciation for your sense of style!
He likes to see just about any of his neighbors dress themselves up in all sorts of fashions and fun styles, that is what Wally believes self-expression is all about. Wally dresses himself up in his own way, why shouldn't you dress up in yours?
When you come up to him for the first time with your hime-gyaru makeup and all of the chic clothes that come with it on, Wally looks around at all of his neighbors, running around in the grass and through the milkweeds, playing with a hula-hoop or even reading a book — and then to you, blinking, with that same neutral expression, a soft smile on his face when he first sees you dress up in such a way.
"Neighbor, you didn't tell me you were so fashionable." Wally would say, rather innocently, admiring your hair and the frilly clothing you adorned, staring back up at you.
He sits up a little further in his seat, and not before long, he turns to you, tilting his head to the side when his pupils widen, growing in a dark mass.
Wally asks if he can paint you, not too long after he's first seen you.
I just think I should capture this moment. After all," He slowly blinks once more, voice growing higher before he tones it back down, "I think you look great, friend." He nods, gentle as ever, reassuringly.
If you ever do end up snagging any of your wardrobe on an overgrown bush, a prickly tree branch or otherwise — Wally will be glad to help you out!
Any rip or slash, any seam or stitch, it'll all be brand new by the time he asks Poppy for a favor, relating to your apparel. Poppy is good at these kinds of things, and by the time she's done panicking over where the needle might've gone, she'll have your attire all fixed up for you, neighbor!
You need something for your makeup, or maybe some polish for your shoes? Howdy might have something for you!
Ribbons, laces and pink satin bows, Julie has a whole closet full of them!
Anybody you ask in the neighborhood, and they are always more than willing to lend a hand for you to be able to express yourself better. Wally is no stranger to wanting to look your best, in all your favorite kinds of garb.
Wally will do whatever he can, for you to feel more like yourself!
And as a bonus, of course, all your other friends really love your style too! (thank you lots, hime-gyaru anon!! i'm really hoping this wasn't too much of a blank page, as i was trying to be vague, since i don't really know what you would wear in terms of a specific outfit, so i tried to describe what most hime-gyaru outfits tend to have in common :') i'm sorry!!! i'm hoping this is at least readable! and a goodnight/good day to you too!)
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kodared · 1 year
☆ Welcome home Neighbor~! ☆
after sleeping over at Howdys, you mentally prepare yourself to meet the others...
... where is your phone?
Chapter 4/?
Word Count: 3113 Out of 9322
Human Reader/ Welcome Home
   Finding yourself in this position at the ass crack of dawn was probably the most ideal way to start your morning. It seemed that you were moved from the counter you once rested at, to the cot Howdy had prepared for you.
It was nothing spectacular but it meant a lot to you, it was obvious as well Howdy took great care to make sure you wouldn't be disturbed in your sleep, practically cocooning you in a dark green blanket. 
However, it did nothing to stop you from tossing and turning throughout the night. 
      Vivid memories of nothingness surrounded you while you desperately tried to get the chill of eyes off of your back, even if there were none. 
The cold chill that rattled up your spine was enough to influence you to finally get up, even if it meant being awake before Howdy, you took this time to examine where exactly you were.
It looked to be a section of Howdys shop you'd never seen before, the only way you knew it was still Howdys store… or was this his House? Were from the tan walls being covered with what looked to be old baby pictures of him. 
You had to admit he was a cute lil bug, words you would never say to him of course
Your cot was made in the living room area, you could only assume Howdy was somewhere around here as you wriggled yourself out of the blanket cocoon Howdy trapped you in. 
You saw a set of stairs leading up into the overhead section of the Bugdega, so without much thought, you walked up and saw it lead into Howdys office, you had been here the previous day so you quickly made your way to the bathroom.
Your hair by now was… certainly something! There seemed to be no hairbrush in here so you did the best you could with sink water and your hands, thankful there was plumbing here at least. 
      You also took care in rubbing at your healing scabs with some soap and water, god only knows what it would be like to get an infection here. You could practically hear Howdys concerned voice now just thinking of an infection. 
After a few minutes of attempting to do your usual morning routine, you emerged from the bathroom and began to open the door leading to Howdy's main store area. You saw the sign at the front was still flipped to “Closed”, So you decided to not mess with anything in the shop. 
You did however snag an orange to snack on while you wait, you did have store credit after all. 
As you sat down on the stool Howdy had left behind the counter, you decided to marvel at the sunrise that was coming above the Town, your hands busied with peeling the orange.
You ‘really wished your friends were here’ you thought as the orange was successfully peeled. It was times like these you would offer each one of your friends their own section and share. Maybe Howdy would like some? 
If you had known any better you would have saved the bug a slice, but your hungry brain had other plans as you practically demolished the thing. 
With nothing to busy your hands with, boredom practically seeped from the bright walls into your bones. 
Until you remembered you should still have your phone! Nothing like brainless media to jumpstart the mind in the early morning, as you reached into your pocket praying there was service here, you noticed one key flaw. 
Your phone was missing. 
     It was always in your jacket pocket, you made sure to always keep it there, hell you remember in middle school having a chain that attached to your phone case to keep it in that exact spot!
It wasn't like you to lose things, so you kept searching your pockets, maybe you dropped it in the forest?? There was no way it could just disappear. 
With that final resolution, you decided that taking a morning stroll through the woods wouldn't hurt. You would just have to take care to be back in time to greet Howdy and thank him for his hospitality. 
The doors to the Bugdega still let off their audible alert as you walked out, you guessed there was no need for Howdy to lock the doors at night? 
…All of a sudden sleeping over at Sally's doesn't sound that terrible,
…You did your best to trace your steps in the woods but it seemed like you were getting positively nowhere with your phone hunt. The forest seemed to stretch on forever, also cementing the fact you had probably jumped to another world in your trespassing escapade. 
‘This blows’       You thought as you let out a sigh and began walking back to town. The sun had officially risen in the sky enough for it to be considered early morning, so you knew Howdy would probably be concerned if you didn't return soon. 
Before you could return to the safety of Howdys shop, you saw a large… bird? Who you had not yet met, you internally thanked yourself for washing up in the morning as you heard her voice from afar.
  “ ‘Ello there Neighbor!”
…If they kept calling you neighbour you swear you were gonna scream. 
She rose one of her wings to politely wave at you, and you guessed it was only polite to wave back when you were able to get a better look at her as you approached Howdys shop. 
Before you could enter the shop though she approached you with rapid speed, If you weren't so damn awkward maybe, just maybe you could have entered fast enough. 
“My! Arent you a wonder Chickadee!”
She of course took hold of your hand that was going to push against the doors to Howdys shop to give you a warm handshake,
“My names Poppy! Poppy Partridge, what's yours ‘Honey?” 
She had a voice that reminded you of your old southern Grandma, it was honestly comforting to you, in a weird, missing home sorta way. 
“My names Y/N, nice to meet you, Ms.Partridge,” 
She let go of your hand and smoothed her feathers down, clearly excited to finally meet you for the first time, 
“Oh please my dear! There's no need to call me Ms.Partridge, just call me Poppy!” 
The Ms. must have just slipped out as you were thinking of your grandmother, she always preferred formalities, it was nice to hear the same expectations weren't held by Poppy. 
Her eyes held the same curiosity all of the other residents of this town had shown. However, she was being much more polite and made an effort to not stare or cause you to be uncomfortable, which was nice. 
As she began to speak again you saw her eyes pop up behind you, and you heard the familiar sound of the door system going off, 
“Y/N! I was wondering where you ran off to!” 
…Seems Howdy had finally woken up, you moved to give Howdy some space to step out of the shop but as you looked up he looked... Really really frazzled.
His normally smoothed-down hair now contained a cowlick in the back and his hair poked out in all different directions. His outfit was different as well, you don't know why you hadn't expected him to be wearing pyjamas, but you definitely weren't expecting him to be a slipper kinda guy. 
Poor guy looks like he saw you were missing and ran out to look for you without taking any consideration for getting dressed, now you really feel like an ass. 
“Ah, sorry Howd’s... My phone was missing so I went to go check the woods for it, didn't mean to scare you,” 
Your eyes instinctually looked at the ground instead of him as you smoothed down the back of your hair, a nervous habit you’d developed in middle school that you could never kick. 
Howdy let out a sigh of relief,     “Don't apologize Y/N! M’just happy you're alright!” 
He seemed to turn his attention to Poppy after consoling you of your worries, 
“And a good morning to you Poppy! What brings ya to my shop so early? Hate to say but I haven't restocked on flour yet!” 
Poppy let out a good hearty laugh at Howdys joke, she must have been the towns baker, which definitely made sense given her southern accent and very friendly nature,
“I just saw this one walkin’ by so y’know I had to stop by and greet the new neighbour!” 
…New neighbour? Did they all seriously expect you to stay here and move in? You had hoped you would be rescued by now, or at the very least shown how to leave by today. 
Howdy though seemed none the wiser to Poppy's comment, letting out a small laugh as he turned to enter the shop once more,
“Well! Lovely seein’ ya Poppy! But I gotta take my leave unfortunately, These shelves won't stock themselves!” 
“Good seein’ ya Darlin’! See ya’round Y/N!” 
You rather liked Poppy and Howdy, but not enough to permanently reside here, I mean for fucks sake there was no toothpaste. You would be lucky to survive past 40 here- 
Why are you genuinely thinking of the logistics of this?? ‘We need to find a way home’ you thought as you followed closely behind Howdy after giving Poppy a wave of goodbye. 
Before Howdy could head to his back office to get washed up for the day, you had to know something.. 
“Hey, Howdy?” 
“What's up Y/N?” 
  He stopped in his tracks leaning slightly on the doorway with his second set of arms, that friendly smile still on his face even if he was tired
“...Do you think I'm going to be stuck here..?”   
Your sorrowful expression must have been evident because Howdy began walking towards you, your eyes meeting the floor again as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
“I mean! Don't get me wrong you are all lovely! I just miss my friends, and my mom of course must be worried!” 
Your words quickly became more frantic as Howdy neared you, they tumbled out like you had said something wrong even though you knew for a fact you did not. 
Howdy though didn't say anything other than pull you into a firm hug, you were beginning to enjoy his dad hugs, they made you feel safe. 
“... You'll be alright Y/N I promise, ill make sure to get ya home,” 
…Oh thank the gods he wasn't gonna just end it at you'll be alright. Your panic practically bled out into the floor as Howdy hugged you for a second more, and then stood to pat you on the shoulder. 
“ I'm gonna get ready for the day, Don't forget to eat breakfast Y/N!”
…And with that Howdy had gone into the back office to get ready, leaving you once again alone with your thoughts. 
It made you feel comforted to know that Howdy would make sure you get home, that momentary comfort gave you enough strength to sit on your stool behind the counter and mentally prepare for the day ahead of you. 
You hadn't forgotten yesterday when Howdy said you would be meeting the Neighborhood today after all. 
…Though as you and Howdy approached the bright blue house, you wondered if you would ever be mentally prepared enough to do this. 
The house in question was shaped like a dog house, leading you to make the guess that this neighbour was a dog, which you loved dogs! You just wished they weren't gonna be like twelve times your size. 
You supposed it was better than the red house that was adjacent to it, That house had literal eyes that followed you as you and Howdy walked, and while Howdy waved to it you did no such thing, thoroughly creeped out by the animated eyes. 
I̷t̵ ̷d̸i̸d̴ ̵r̵e̸m̶i̸n̸d̵ ̵y̷o̷u̷ ̴o̵f̶ ̵s̴o̷m̴e̵t̶h̴i̷n̷g̶ ̴t̷h̶o̶u̶g̶h̵.̷.̷.̸ 
Howdy looked at you one final time, offering a warm smile, before knocking firmly on the door, you saw a Blue flash of wind and, poof! Howdy was gone! 
…Or so you thought before you looked three feet away and saw him being hugged by a giant blue dog
“Howdy! Been awhile Pal Where have ya Been! Ya need to stop bein so cooped up in your Shop!” 
..That voice was very familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it, Howdy once again being the ray of sunshine he was tried his best to pat the Blue dog on the back as he laughed, 
“My Store doesn't stay stocked with hotdogs without me Barnaby!” 
So the dog's name was Barnaby? Very fitting. 
Barnaby set Howdy down, going to speak to him before his big round eyes landed on you, oh shit. 
You loved hugs just as much as the next guy but you were a human, not a puppet.
“So you're the new Neighbor!”
Just like you expected he swooped you up in a big hug, which surprisingly was super gentle, you supposed it made sense for him being made out of fur and fluff. You might as well savour it, 
“M’ Name’ths Y/N!”   
 You did your best to hug the dog back, his fur was silky soft, and he would make a great pillow, 
He let out a very loud and boisterous laugh 
“ I like the cut of your Jib Kid!” 
    With one final squeeze, he set you back on solid ground, your world still spinning when you saw his paws.
He. Paints. His. Beans. 
Move out of the way Howdy and Poppy, Barnaby was the new favourite. 
You would have stayed excited if it were not for the piercing stare you felt coming from your side, as you turned to Barnaby's open doorway, you saw a yellow puppet man, y̵o̸u̸ ̷c̸a̴n̴t̸ ̵q̸u̵i̸t̸e̵ ̸r̴e̷m̸e̶m̵b̶e̵r̸ ̴h̷i̴s̵ ̷n̸a̶m̶e̵.̶
“Good to see you feeling better than yesterday neighbour,” 
The startling stare you felt must have been coming from somewhere else, this guy spoke in a smooth voice and if you were a child, it just might have lulled you to sleep. 
“ Y/N! This is Wally, my good friend since forever!” 
Barnaby moved to wrap his arm around Wally, their height difference very amusing to you, finding yourself barely able to stifle your giggles. 
“pleasure to meet you Wally, sorry about yesterday, ‘got a bit overwhelmed.” 
Your anxious laugh shone through as you offered a hand to Wally for a handshake,
“Ha. Ha, Do not worry about it,” 
He shook your hand probably the softest anyone in this town yet, as if he was scared you would shatter if he put the slightest pressure into the handshake.  
You couldn't help but smile at his automatic-sounding laugh, he was quite an odd fellow, you imagine if he was taller it would have come off as creepy, however, you can comfortably punt him at this height. 
“ You guys in the mood for Biscuits? I invited Eddie and Frank so they will be over soon!” 
“ Sounds lovely Barnaby, I would love to!” 
Howdy being the kind and considerate soul he was turned to you,
“Whaddya say Y/N?” 
“Sure! I wouldn't mind some biscuits!”   … You hoped they weren't dog treats.
…mmm you sure did love dog treats. 
You sat on Barnaby's comfortable sofa while fiddling with an iced cookie he handed you a while ago, Howdy and Barnaby seemed to reserve themselves to a conversation in the kitchen, 
Leaving you with Wally.
“...So Wally,” 
His head practically snapped over to make eye contact with you, you could have sworn his smile grew a little wider too,
Shaking off the weird tension you continued,
“How long have you lived here?”
“my, what a silly question friend, i have lived here for as long as i can remember!” 
… okay that totally was not weird at all. 
“You’ve never lived anywhere else? What about your family? Surely you lived with your mom and dad before moving here?” 
Wally scooted forward to grab his tea off of the coffee table in front of the two of you, stirring his sugar as he continued,
“why would I need to move friend? its perfect here!  
Mmm okay, that was enough talking to Wally you decided, As much as he was a charming fellow he was starting to creep you out a bit, and that staring habit of his provided no comfort. 
It wasn't long before Eddie and Frank arrived as well, a barking doorbell could be heard resounding throughout the house before Barnaby practically charged at the door to let them in,
“Good to see you Y/N!”   Eddie began, friendly as ever. You set your biscuit down on the table to greet him properly,
“Good to see you too Eddie!”   You turned to see the same grey puppet from yesterday,
“And you must be Frank,”  
You really thought you were being polite but you guessed Frank wasn't much of a talker…
Or he was just too busy trying to classify you in one of his books he had brought, Eddie having to nudge him with his elbow to elicit a proper hello. 
“Nice to meet you Y/N,”  He was very brief and simple with his greeting before going back to looking you up and down, and back at his book. 
His voice definitely matched his nerdy outfit, he sounded like a boy you would have teased in elementary, you would never tell him that though.
“What genus are you?”
… “what..?”  
You were properly confused, but at least he was very straightforward with his curiosity, you much ‘preferred this over being stared at’ you thought as you glanced at Wally. 
After that… question, which you could not answer for the life of you, You all found a spot on Barnaby's couch or on one of his various chairs,
With all eyes on you, you took a deep breath preparing yourself for the bombardment of questions that would surely be shuttled your way. 
Just as Frank began to pull out his book to question you, (was that a list??) 
You all heard a frantic knocking at the door, Barnaby once again practically charging through the door to let in whoever was there, 
Whoever it was snuck past Barnaby and made a straight beeline to where you were seated, She looked the most human out of the group, even compared to Eddie, except for the horns that poked out of her well-kept hair. 
“oh, i forgot to mention i invited Julie, sorry barnaby,” 
….You where beginning to really dislike Wally
As always my Ao3 has more Active Updates with this Story! Expect Chapter 5 to be posted sometime Tonight or Tomorrow!
~Till next time ! \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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zomblorbs · 6 months
i wish there wasn’t such a stigmatized view on platonically loving people.
I can’t call people nicknames and pet names like hun and honey without them immediately assuming i have romantic interest in them.
i can’t tell my friends i love them without adding on “platonically” or shortening the phrase “ily” “love you” “love u”
i love a lot of people. i love my sister, i love my boyfriend, and i love my best friend. All different versions of love.
let us love people openly and honestly without it being seen as “making a move” or being romantically interested.
please please please stop assuming that love is strictly romantic, i promise you life becomes so much brighter and bigger when you stop keeping love strictly romantic.
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koroart · 1 month
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I put way too much effort into this ( based on this meme, it wouldn’t leave me alone until it was drawn — I am freee )
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amalgamezz · 5 months
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shyhandart · 4 months
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spacerockband · 1 year
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bluespiritshonour · 16 days
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I thought it fits Aang and Zuko.
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tokenducks · 1 month
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Charles “We’ve got literally forever to figure out what the rest means” Rowland
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waterisntreal · 1 month
I can’t believe Charles within a couple of hours of meeting Edwin really went if I have to choose between heaven and you then I pick you
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petite-phthora · 4 months
Dp x Dc prompt #1
Danny doesn’t know how Vlad managed to convince his parents to let him take Danny with him to some fancy gala in Gotham, but he does know he’s gonna be the biggest menace he can be to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
The moment they entered the place the gala was held, Danny’s eyes landed on the chandelier on the ceiling in de middle of the room.
What Danny had been expecting was something along the lines of him embarrassing Vlad, making Vlad angry, and/or getting kicked out when the chandelier inevitably crashed to the ground cause they weren’t made to hold his weight.
What Danny hadn’t been expecting was for the chandelier to be heavily reinforced and not move an inch when he hung on there upside down, nor had he expected to be joined up there by a guy his age that seemed to be bursting with excitement as he stared at Danny from his place upside down on the chandelier.
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greetingsapartment · 1 year
What about barnaby and a reader who is often very quiet around others except him?
Barnaby B. Beagle with a quiet reader!
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He doesn't mind it.
Barnaby has been around all of his friends, all different shapes and sizes with all sorts of personalities! He already has a buddy who is pretty quiet, even if Wally is a little more just whispery than completely silent like you are.
He's a bit concerned about how you won't talk to any of the others, and might try to get you to warm up to them a little bit more — he's hoping it's not a personal issue with the others, but he won't push you into doing anything you might not wanna do. He'll still encourage you to try it out in front of the group, but he won't force you.
"Hey, little buddy." He puts a paw on your shoulder, patting it gently, even when his voice is gruff. "You feeling okay?"
Barnaby will let you respond to that question pretty much however you'd like. Even just something as small as a thumbs up is a-okay on his part! When you reply, he'll nod, understanding.
Since you can't communicate with the others, verbally, or even just on paper, he'll basically be your interpreter.
He'll get word from you, and once you're ready, Barnaby will give them all the details. Even if he needs to lean down for you (if you are shorter, that is) to whisper into his ear what you need to tell any of his friends, he'll listen!
"Yeah, what our pal's trying to say — is that you should probably come inside with your painting, before it starts to rain." Barnaby points up at the dark, cloudy sky with his thumb, and then to Wally's painting. "Our friend's got a point."
"My, my, you might just be right, neighbor." Wally praises, putting a hand up to his fuzzy, yellow face, "I think it is about to rain․․․ " He taps a digit to where his chin would be, seemingly in thought. "Do you think you two could help me bring in my painting, before it gets too wet?" Wally would question, in that same, monotone comforting tone, tilting his head to the side.
Barnaby would look back down at you, then back to Wally, and nod with his eyes closed. "Sure thing, bud'. I've got a knack for carrying heavier stuff."
He'll do whatever it takes for you to feel comfortable. Every neighbor is different, in their own, unique and special way — and he's just glad that you feel safe around and with him.
(omgomg omg hi!!!!!!! you are my first ask!! i really hope you enjoyed this and it was to your liking, thank you for your req! ^_^^_^^^)
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ashleyrowan · 3 months
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Do you see my vision? Do you guys understand?
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alexxuun · 6 months
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Vash ver (+ Meryl)! They are coping.
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akaisenhatake · 4 months
quick doodle of the pookies 💛🤍
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cuervosolsticio · 3 months
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Cam is flabbergasted 💥
Thank you tumblr for the inspo
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