#robin was ready to scream about them sharing a bed
ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which graves are dug up, walls are built, and nobody knows what happened in the bathroom that night.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ wc: 4.6k+
spotify playlist.
◁ previous part, next part▷
8:00 ────ㅇ────────────── 24:00
DINGUS: hey, do you guys remember the first night they met? 
BIRDIE: you mean when we took her to the bar to meet everyone and they very clearly fell in love at first sight? no, doesn’t ring a bell. 
DINGUS: stop being such a fucking smart ass
NANCE: @DINGUS What about it? 
DINGUS: she just called me asking me about it. said eddie was nice until you guys went to the bathroom. apparently he acted differently when you guys came back, but i can’t remember anything about what was said?? did eddie actually start acting differently??? 
BIRDIE: i remember that! thought it was weird or eddie just started overthinking? i dunno. i was in the bathroom obviously.
ARGYLE  😎: oh i remember that night very clearly brochacho
ARGYLE  😎: kind of surprised you don’t, dude
JOHNNY: Oh God yeah @DINGUS you’re living up to your namesake dude
NANCE: You really don’t remember, do you? 
DINGUS: @NANCE and how the fuck do YOU remember? you weren’t even there, nance. you were in the bathroom as robs put it.
NANCE: Best friend privileges. You really might want to remember, Dingus. 
BIRDIE: @NANCE message me real quick? 
DINGUS: hey! no fucking whispering! that’s not fucking helpful! @JOHNNY @ARGYLE  😎 what did i say? 
NANCE: @BIRDIE I will. Let me call Eddie first.
You weren’t trying to eavesdrop - you were trying to sleep. If anyone asked you, you could have honestly defended yourself. The couch was uncomfortable, your back aching as you repeatedly twisted back and forth to just try and find a minute of rest. Your mind was reeling, still replaying all of your moments with Eddie leading up to this night. Suddenly, you were overthinking it all. You couldn’t differentiate between things that really happened, or things that you’d simply blown out of proportion due to your innate need to spin the narrative of Eddie being the villain. 
“Yeah, I… I think she’s sleeping.” 
You hadn’t even heard Eddie opening his door finally, your back facing the hallway as you stayed curled up tightly. His footsteps are heavy as he gets closer to you.
“She’s… uh, she’s on the couch.”
Immediately, you can hear a shrill voice shouting over the line. It’s hard to miss. You can imagine the way he’s wincing, holding the phone out from his ear in an attempt to not let her scolding damage his ear drums. 
“I didn’t think she went to bed!” he hisses, trying to stay quiet, under the impression you’re still asleep, “I- Jesus H. Christ, Nance! Calm down, calm do-” he’s cut off as the anger over the line still leaks into the calm air of the room, “No. No, I wasn’t- I was going to let- Nance. Please, can I get a fucking word in?” 
You hold your breath during his pause, and the clear scolding, Nancy’s scolding, finally ceases. 
“I wasn’t going to let her sleep on the couch,” he says slowly. You almost turn over, almost face him and show him you’re very much awake and not sleeping. “I didn’t think she’d go to bed while I was in there. I thought… I thought- Jesus, I thought at worst, she’d snoop through my shit. Maybe go for a walk or something. I didn’t- I just… Fuck, I needed space. It’s just been a long night.”
Nancy’s voice is no longer audible, but it’s clear he’s listening to what she has to say. You’re nearly overcome with guilt; you’ve done plenty of things wrong, but to eavesdrop on a private conversation? It might be your worst crime against Eddie yet. 
Suddenly, he says, “It’s just been a lot.” 
Something in his tone has changed. It’s gone soft, whispering from his lips in sudden muted blue. It’s a type of sadness you can’t quite place – it’s the kind of mourning you’d seen in his eyes in the photo. 
Nancy must say something, because he hums in response. It’s obviously not good enough of an answer for Nancy over the phone, because her voice grows back to audible levels, less shrill, more stern. 
Eddie answers with words this time. “I… I think I do.” 
He thinks he does what? 
“I do. I really fuckin’ do.”
He’s more sure in his answer the second time around to the unknown question. The guilt grows. Inflating, turbulating, ready to crack your ribs. The vines are no longer there to hold you together.
You’re put out of your misery when Eddie murmurs out a bye, Nance and you can hear his phone snap shut. If it were just a mere few hours ago, one hour ago, you would have made a comment about it - you would have joked again about what year it was, how maybe the two of you should get to sleep so first thing in the morning, you could drag him down to the Apple store to get a normal phone like the rest of you. But you’re not a time traveler, and Eddie is still an ocean away from you. 
And you’re not a strong swimmer. The water’s were rocky, were vicious, and if you dared to try and backstroke to his side of the water, you’d surely drown. He had to come to you. 
You’re praying he comes to you. Eyes tightly screwed shut, still resembling a ball on his old couch. 
Please reach out for me, your mind screams, please wake me up. Please tell me to come back to bed with you. Please tell me we can forget all the words said in the kitchen. Please, please, please. 
You don’t know where the pleading comes from. But whatever gods and goddesses may exist, whatever higher power in the Universe that would normally ignore you, hears out your silent pleas. 
His hand is warm when he first grabs your shoulder. 
It’s not rough, surprisingly gentle as fingertips press into your clothed skin and the first shake comes. It’s hardly enough to rouse a truly sleeping person. And Eddie realizes this as the second shake is a bit more firm, moving you a little more with a soft whisper of, “Hey, wake up.” 
The command isn’t as harsh as you’re used to from him. It’s crushed velvet, smoothing over your skin like the blanket you’d previously pondered for, making the guilt begin to deflate. A slow release of air and the accompanying feelings of dishonesty and disloyalty leaves your chest weathered when his next whisper comes not only louder, but closer.
“C’mon, you’ve gotta get up,” he insists, but all you care about is his cologne. He never changed it from that first night. Always something warm, always something spiced. And you hate it, because it’s still the feeling of coming home from a long week, “You’re not sleeping on the couch. I’ll carry you if I have to.” 
That makes your sleeping facade crack. Your lips betray you - one twitch, and Eddie knows you’re awake, pressing you to roll onto your back. 
“I know you’re awake now. Let’s go,” you can hear the dimples in his tone. You can picture the lazy smile, the shining eyes. With your eyes closed, you can pretend you never had to meet mean Eddie. When you’re not looking at him, it’s almost as if the man you initially met still exists, to have and to hold, to make inside jokes with as you let the scenery around the two of you fade to black. 
You crack your eyes back open to find him looking down at you just as you’d expected, but not nearly with as much mischief or mirth as you had craved. 
The Eddie you first met is gone. He’s not coming back, and you can’t live with your eyes closed. Hell, maybe he had drowned in that ocean between you two as well. 
Maybe if you took the leap, just attempted to take on the waves, you’d meet him somewhere at the bottom of it all. 
“I thought you said you’d carry me?” you tease. 
His hand. His hand is still on your shoulder, and his palm is still searing you. You couldn’t pull away from its burn if you tried. 
“I’d carry you if I had to,” he corrects, “You’re awake, therefore, I don’t have to.” 
“I don’t know. I think my legs may be broken.” 
Eddie says your name firmly. It takes you off guard, momentarily distracts you from the way he squeezes your shoulder, “Let’s go before I change my mind and leave you out here.” 
You decide against putting up any further fight. You’re just happy he’s talking to you again. How odd and peculiar that feeling is. 
You rise from the couch and take him in. He’s no longer in his jeans, having traded out his earlier day clothes for something more comfortable. A pair of comfortable grey sweatpants, one or two sizes too big with the drawn string pulled to its limit and tied into a knot. He’s wearing a faded band shirt, loved in every way possible: it’s been cut along the bottom to shorten it in length, several holes torn along the torso and in the neck hole, the once black fabric now a stormy shade of grey far darker than the sweatpants. There’s a logo across the chest, peeling away at the edges. 
“Deftones?” you ask, squinting to make out the words written amongst the logo, “What is that? A band?” 
He chuckles, almost in disbelief, before he realizes you’re serious, “Wait, you’ve really never heard of them?” 
You shake your head, “No, are they any good?” 
You’re still making no move to stand, Eddie towering over you as you tilt back to meet his gaze. The disbelief is morphing, ever changing, pulling in and out of his features like the sea against sand. Like the waves of his self-imposed ocean that taunts you. You only dig your toes into the sand, you only stand at a far enough distance to not get your feet wet yet. You’re not ready to dive in. You’re not brave enough yet. 
His chuckle this time isn’t in disbelief. 
“Yeah, yeah. They’re great. I can show you them later, if you just come to bed.” 
The game of teasing and begging is over, and you refuse to push your luck. He’s talking to you. Normally. You finally stand and shrug off that hand on your shoulder, finally trying to get your wits and not glance down at the waistband of his boxers. 
“Okay, lead the way,” you gesture before spinning your upper body around with your feet planted in place, a soft crack coming from your back. 
There’s no words exchanged in that brief walk to the bedroom; there’s nothing else to really say. The fight happened, Eddie locked you out, you’re both having to start from square one. The ocean still calls to you, and there’s nothing you can change about it. 
His room is the same as it was hours ago, when you’d locked yourself into it. A little messy, a little boyish, but comforting all the same. 
“A couple ground rules,” he finally breaks the silence. Oh, this oughta be good. “One, no more looking through my shit for…. Uh, magazines.”
“Trust me,” you hold up a hand in defeat, “Learned my lesson the first time. You can keep your gross Playboys.” 
His brows wrinkle in minute irritation, “Gross? They’re not gro- You know what? Whatever. Yeah. Stay away from my gross playboys. Second rule, I have enough pillows we can make a… wall, I guess?” 
You have to bite back your amusement, you have to remind yourself of the roar of an ocean. Maybe if you taste the salt on your lips again, you’ll remember that this is all temporary. 
“Sounds good to me,” you agree. 
“Obviously that means staying on your side of the bed. And it’s not a big bed, obviously, so-”
“What side of the bed do you prefer?” 
“Excuse me?” 
He’s dumbfounded despite the question not being a hard one. “The bed – which side do you prefer?” 
“I, uh, I-” he brings a hand up to the back of his neck, a nervous habit as he rubs his curls that are matted at the nape, “The left, I guess? Or I mean, if we’re looking down at it, it’d be the right, but…” he waves his hand in the general direction of the side he’s referring to, the one closest to the wall, “You know.” 
A nervous Eddie is a sight to behold. The fidgeting, the flush of his neck and cheeks, the stuttering sentences. He’s nervous about sharing a bed with you. 
“Perfect,” you offer a smile, although you don’t think it does much for him considering he’s looking down at the ground in bashfulness, “I prefer the right side. I just refer to them by left or right when you’re laying down, by the way.” 
You don’t have to add that tidbit – you don’t need to reassure him that your mind works in the same way as his in the slightest. But you do, and the red of his cheeks lightens. 
“Cool,” he murmurs.
“Cool,” you echo. 
The awkwardness can be afforded as the two of you straighten out the comforter, not needing to focus on shaking hands or fluttering chests as Eddie climbs in first and begins to rearrange his spare pillows as a barrier. His sweatpants slip down a bit lower as he does this, and you catch sight of the band of his boxers.
The band of his boxers pressing into the jut of his hips. The streak of alabaster, soft and unmarked unlike his arms, and the coarse patch of hair that interrupts the center of it all. 
“Have you ever considered getting hip tattoos?” you blurt out, and immediately, you both freeze. 
You really need to learn to think before you speak. 
“Uh… what?” Eddie chuckles nervously, presenting an opportunity to redeem yourself. 
He didn’t even have to catch you staring. You’d outed yourself.
And yet, you choose to double down, to take the embarrassment in stride as if it doesn’t phase you, “Hip tattoos. Have you ever thought about getting some? I think they’d be pretty sick.” 
Your self-destruction pays off when Eddie smiles up genuinely at you. Sugar coated sweetness, a bit of authentic amusement. 
“You’re right. They would be pretty sick.” 
He should have mocked you for staring at his hips. He should have taken the opportunity to embarrass you and run, but the tides are shifting between you two, and you keep taking two steps closer to his ocean. The sand only grows colder and colder the closer you get to the edge, and it has your mind reaming with the possibility of what it would feel like to recklessly dive in. 
“I’m sorry, I’m going to need you to say that again, this time into the microphone,” you make a fist, an invisible microphone in your grasp as you thrust it out towards Eddie. 
He laughs. He laughs, and its reverb travels through the caverns of your chest. Suddenly, you’re sipping a watered down Amaretto Sour and his breath smells of Jack & Coke, and the lowlights of the room have become treacherous bar lighting as you lean into his shoulder, sitting side by side on bar stools. 
The echoes still carry as he swats away your hand, eyes squinted with the mirth you’d be seeking out since he ‘woke’ you up, “Jesus Christ, you’re an idiot.” 
“Yeah, a funny idiot.” 
“Oh, now you’re just pushing it too far.” 
“Too far? I don’t think I’ve gone far enough.” 
Why don’t we ever hang out? Why don’t we ever banter like this when out with the others? 
It’s so easy, easy to continue to giggle as you turn out the bedroom light before crawling into bed with him, feeling his warmth radiating even through the pillows between the two of you. Pillows, oceans – they all have started to feel the same. 
Once the two of you have settled, you on your side and Eddie on his back, a nicer sort of silence blankets you. It’s almost as soft as his voice when he woke you, almost the same type of crushed velvet if you don’t reach out to it. But if you were to touch it, brush your fingertips over the material with intention and inhibition, you’d find the roughness. Roughness that mimics sand amongst an ocean’s waves, a roughness that says there’s more to be spoken about. 
“The bed’s nicer than the couch,” you speak out loud rhetorically, not necessarily to him, but to the coarseness. To the sand and to the fake velvet, “More comfortable.”
“I know,” he answers to fill the space. I know, meaning he’s slept on his couch. 
It makes sense. It’s his couch. But your mind runs rampant with the scenarios. Did he discover this through afternoon naps after hard shifts? Or maybe after one too many night outs that ended in collapsing face first into the cushions because he was too drunk to make it to his bedroom? 
You jump when he sits up suddenly, “Fuck.” 
“What’s your problem?” you twist from your position of your back facing him, squinting into the darkness.
“The photo.”
“What photo?”
“Photo evidence, you idiot! We have to send a photo to those fuckers.” 
You had nearly forgotten that this is what this is; your friends and a bet are the pushing force behind this all. It’s not fate, it’s not the moon bringing two tides  together. You didn’t happen upon his beach because you two decided to give this, whatever this was, a fighting chance. 
You sit up next to him, crinkling your nose, “My phone’s in the living room, I think.” 
“I can go get it.”
An offer of chivalry you didn’t even have to ask for. 
Same as him sharing the bed. Same as him paying for your meal when you forget your wallet, or catching you when you trip up steps outside a bar. You really wish the list would stop growing. 
He’s shuffling out of the bed, down the line of pillows and off the end of it, before you can even protest. You didn’t even tell him where the godforsaken phone might be besides that it’s in the living room. That doesn’t stop him. 
It feels like an eternity, but is probably no more than a full minute, before he’s returning back to the room. He’s looking down at the phone, your screen lit up and basking his face in the only light in the room. 
“What is it?” you can only assume the chat is messaging for a photo, by the scrunch of his brows and the small part of his lips. 
That was the first thing that made your stomach drop.
The second comes when he returns to the bed, fighting his way up into his original position, handing the phone over to you as you glance at the notifications. 
A notification from Steve. A private message, not sent in the groupchat. 
STEVE-O: i’m sorry, i really don’t know what happened that night. the others won’t tell me either so they’re kind of useless. whatever it was, i don’t think it was you, though, honey.
Honey. Mother fucking Steve Harrington, and his need to use nicknames. 
“All good?” Eddie asks, as if he didn’t just have access to this message, as if he doesn’t know what Steve’s said. You don’t know why the thought of Eddie seeing Steve’s careless nickname throws you over the edge. You just assume he’ll take it out of context, that he’ll spin it as a weapon against you. 
“Fine,” you curtly reply, opening your phone and ignoring the message, going straight to the group chat and opening your camera. Your heart is still racing in terrible inconvenience as you glance over your shoulder at him, “How do we wanna take it this time?” 
“I don’t know about you, but I personally just love to take it laying down-” 
“Are you trying to make a sexual innuendo right now? Because if so, stop. It’s terrible.” 
More giggles, more chuckles, more taunting waves of a daunting ocean that is scaring you less and less. Maybe the jump is worth it. Maybe the initial chill will break and show you warmth. Maybe it would never be cold to begin with. 
At least he’s teasing you, which is a good sign. You lay down in the same position as earlier, this time Eddie propping himself up to peek over the wall of pillows so his face is in the picture. 
It’s too dark to really see your faces very clearly. You can still make them out, to be fair, but it’s hard. You have to strain your eyes quite a bit to make out the mess of your hair and the indents of Eddie’s dimples.
Eddie’s dimples. His dimples. Oh God, he’s smiling.
“Turn on the flash,” he reaches over, invades your space with boy and spice and nostalgia to tap on the screen himself and do as he had just requested. 
“What was the point of telling me to do it, if you were just going to do it yourself,” you grumble, trying to yank the phone out of his reach. He only leans further, pressing into the boundary of pillows, his collarbone knocking against the back of your shoulder. 
Warmth. So, so much warmth. It occurs to you that it’s not just the smell of his cologne that feels like a long week’s homecoming; his touch and presence can manage to do the same, when he’s not being a pest of course. 
“Shut up and take the photo,” he bickers before giving up and settling back into his pose. He even adds to it, throwing up a peace sign with the hand not holding him up.
You can’t help but tease him for it, mimicking the motion with your own hand and failing at holding back your tittering. When you tap the button to take the photo, the screen flashes white and you both immediately groan before rubbing your eyes. 
“Wow, bright idea.” 
“Was that a pun?” Eddie stops mid eye rub, side-eyeing you, “Fuck off. That was a terrible pun.” 
“I never said my puns were good!” you try to defend yourself, blinking to bring relief to your scorned irises and focus on the photo of the two of you, “I said my jokes were good.”
“Puns are jokes.” 
You completely ignore him, and instead sigh deeply when you see the photo, “We need to retake it. No flash, this time. They can adjust brightness on their own time.” 
The photo is terrible, truly. The photo captures the moment somewhere between your enjoyment of copying Eddie and the pain the two of you had brought upon yourselves. Squinty eyes, coiled lips. Two peace signs of two drastically differently sized hands. 
Don’t you dare, you scorn your mind at that trail of thought, don’t even start that comparison.
“Why?” Eddie protests, once again beginning to lean over and take a closer look at your phone, chest brushing your shoulder again, “Oh, c’mon, it’s fine – just send it so we can sleep before they bother us again.” 
You just shake your head, already reopening the camera app and being sure to adjust the settings. No blinding this photo. 
“Say cheese, pretty boy.” 
It’s not until you’ve tapped to take the photo that you both realize what you’ve said. 
Pretty boy.
Eddie is leaning in still, just as he is in the photo you’ve taken, and both of you look far too happy to be sharing a bed. The words – the nickname, the compliment – are still formed on your lips in it. If the flash was on again, you’d see the blush of his reaction. 
Neither comment on it. You won’t lean into your embarrassment for a second time tonight, and Eddie isn’t in the business of teasing you cruelly anymore, it seems. 
You can hear him swallow hard before he asks, “Is that one good?” 
“Fine,” you squeak before clearing your throat, “Um, yeah, it’s good. I sent it.” 
“Okay, good.”
The awkwardness is stifling. Heavy and drowning and goddamn stifling. 
You toss your phone far too quickly onto his nightstand, wishing the bed would swallow you whole. 
If you two were friends, it would have been mindless teasing. The same as when Steve calls you honey, or Robin rambles about how hot you look on a night out. But you two aren’t friends.
You two aren’t friends because of some mysterious change that occurred in Eddie while you went to the bathroom. You haven’t forgotten the burning question, and the longer you two lay there, the more you let it consume you rather than regret. 
“Hey, Eddie? Can I ask you a question?”
He’s laying flat on his back as he answers you, hands nervously wringing on his stomach, “You just did, but sure.” 
It should be a good thing. He’s still teasing you, it’s still a good thing. But all your questions die in your throat. 
What happened when I went into the bathroom that first night?
Why did you turn so cold towards me?
 Was it my fault?
Why aren’t we friends? 
The last one doesn’t go down without a fight. It reverberates and battles you, it tries to pull you into the ocean head first. 
Why aren’t we friends? 
“Do you still drive a motorcycle?” 
That sure was a funny way of asking what you needed to. 
He’s quiet for a moment, clearly puzzled by your random question, but nevertheless he says, “Yeah. Why?”
“No reason.” 
You’re picturing him stalking away from you again, without so much as a goodbye, straddling the bike and tucking his head away into the motorcycle. The last glimpse you’d ever had of everything he could have been to you. It’s enough to make your eyes water, your bones shake, your toes curl into coarse sand until they bleed. 
The next time you hear his voice, he’s whispering your name. You don’t respond, and so he tries it again, saying it a bit louder this time. 
“I know you’re not asleep. No one can fall asleep that quickly.”
“I can,” you snap, still choking on his waves and personal mourning, a yearning you need to find the grave of once more to bury – for good this time. 
“Clearly, you can’t,” he shuffles, but you don’t check to see if he’s sitting up. (He’s not, he feels like his back is glued to the bed). His voice is back to crushed velvet and kindness, vulnerability and softness, a sort of home you can never return to, “I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” 
That piques your interest. You turn, laying on your back and looking at the same ceiling as him in that moment, “For what? Earlier in the kitchen? Or at the bar?” you feel his flinch, and are quick to add, “Because consider it water under the bridge, okay? You’re forgive-”
“I mean for everything. I’m sorry for… everything.” 
Everything. Ten letters, four syllables. It means a whole lot more than it should be capable of. 
“Everything?” your voice is hardly audible as you turn to look at him. He’s half hidden by the wall put between the two of you. But if you squint, if you adjusted the brightness, you wonder if you’d see his eyes shining with the same remorse yours burn with. You wonder if you’d see the dirt caked under his nails from also digging up graves he shouldn’t have tonight. 
Ten letters, four syllables, one leap of faith. The ocean isn’t as cold as you’d thought it would be. 
BIRDIE is typing…
DINGUS: i swear to god rob. if you’re not about to tell me what the fuck i did that night, you better lock your phone and just go to bed. 
BIRDIE stops typing.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @amira0303 @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @tlclick73 @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau @luvmunson86 @theherothesavior @keene200213 @hargrovesswifee @m-chmcl-rmnc @cherrymedicine13 @iunaelumen777
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
see where the night goes
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'only one bed' rated m wc: 867 cw: some borderline somnophilia-esque behavior? tags: forced proximity, unintentional cuddling, idiots to lovers, love confessions, implied sexual content
The full sized bed was covered in the ugliest plaid sheets Steve had ever seen, which was saying something since his own bed had been covered in ugly plaid sheets.
It looked like it would fall apart if Steve sat on it, let alone lay down on it.
"Bad news first or good news first?" Eddie asked as he walked into the room.
"There's more bad news? The broken down van and the storm knocking out the power everywhere but this inn isn't bad enough?" Steve responded, putting his hands on his hips as he watched Eddie sit on the bed.
Huh. Looked like it would manage to hold at least some weight, then.
"There's no other bed."
Steve shook his head.
"That's a joke."
"Nope," Eddie popped his lips together. "I did check the bathroom though and there's a decent shower with actual hot water, so. A win's a win?"
Steve groaned.
"Dude, this bed is not big enough for both of us," Steve gestured to the bed Eddie was sitting on. "It doesn't even look big enough for you."
"Sure it is. I slept in a twin until I was nearly 18. This will be like a California King!"
Steve knew he was trying to make light of the situation.
The van breaking down four hours from home on a night when the worst storm Indiana has seen in years decided to come through was only the beginning.
Eddie had lost his wallet somewhere between the van and his walk to a payphone, which meant he had to walk all the way back to the van without having called anyone. He was soaked and cold despite the air around them being relatively warm. By the time he got back to the van, someone had stopped to check on Steve, who had been panicking about Eddie getting lost. When they finally got towed to a repair shop, the mechanic told them he wouldn't be able to look at it until the morning and that from the sounds of it, they'd need to replace a handful of parts that were more money than either of them had with them.
A weekend trip to visit Robin at college had turned into an expensive nightmare.
And now, they would be sharing a very tiny bed.
Eddie and Steve had been closer lately, especially since Robin's classwork had made it impossible for her to visit much. But sharing a full sized bed?
"Well, guess I'll go shower. Maybe it'll help me feel less like everything is falling apart," Steve sighed.
"Okay, Eeyore."
Steve rolled his eyes, but ignored him.
They got ready for bed like they were dreading it, and maybe they were.
They both got into the bed, laying on their sides facing away from each other, but close enough to feel the heat radiating from the other.
The rain pelted the roof, and lightning flashed in the distance, but it seemed like the storm was almost past.
"Sorry about tonight."
"Nothing you could do, Eds."
He felt Eddie shift, but they still weren't touching.
"I guess. Still sorry though."
"Yeah, me too."
Sleep fell over them, the exhaustion of the day hitting them hard as soon as their bodies were horizontal.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Steve was sweating, which wasn't completely unusual, but definitely rare when he hadn't woken up screaming from a nightmare.
He had something, no, someone, in his arms.
He was curled around Eddie entirely, his arms around him, his hard dick pressing into his ass.
Eddie was still asleep, breathing softly, chest rising and falling slowly.
Steve needed to wake him up, or at least get up so he could put some space between them until his dick calmed down.
But just as he went to pull his arm away, Eddie turned around in his arms and smiled in his sleep.
And then his eyes fluttered open.
His smile faded.
"Sorry, let me-" As Eddie started to pull away, Steve tightened his arms.
"A minute."
Steve sometimes said he needed a minute like this when the kids were all yelling about things he didn't quite understand or when Robin had been rambling on for too long.
Sometimes, when he and Eddie were just hanging out, he would say it like he just had too much going on in his brain.
Like now.
Steve was looking at Eddie, really looking.
"I think I might love you."
Eddie blinked back at him, mouth agape.
"You think you might?" His voice was quiet, hesitant.
"And this is...because of us sleeping in bed together or...?"
"No. It's because when we have a shitty day that could turn into another shitty day tomorrow, I'm still just happy to be with you for it. I didn't...I guess it didn't really hit until now," Steve admitted.
Eddie gulped.
"And you think that's...love?"
"I think that's part of it. I also think I'd like to kiss you."
Eddie let out a small breath, shaky as Steve pulled him flush against his front.
"You would?"
"If that's okay."
"Is that all?" Eddie smirked, obviously implying that he could feel Steve's dick against his thigh.
"We'll see where else the night goes."
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oh-stars · 4 months
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Love is secretly studying up on the nerd shit he’s into.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 2249 words | CW: N/A | Rating: T
It’s not often that they all make their way to Indianapolis. It’s no Chicago and getting everyone together to make a big trip of it is getting harder and harder every month. But Will’s birthday falls in line with the grand opening of a new collectibles store that promises shiny new dice and rare items among their comics and board game memorabilia. How could anyone deny his pleading eyes to make it a part of his birthday celebration: to go see the store and find a place to eat, a day trip that’s on the simpler side. 
Eddie’s just as excited as the boys are, but he’s more surprised to find Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin with how eager he is to get to the store. He’s just not showing it in the same way the others are. It’s all vibrant eyes and small smiles, bouncing knees and one too many questions. 
Eddie’s still trying to figure out what he’s excited about. 
Over the last year, Eddie’s learned how to read Steve Harrington. The man may think he keeps an even, cool composure about everything, but Eddie’s an expert in the minor details to figure out how Steve really feels. When he talks to Hopper about some sports thing, his hands will have a small tremor and he stumbles over his words sometimes, always playing it off as some headache or not getting enough sleep if you point it out. Eddie knows better, he knows Steve gets so excited that he can’t contain it and is embarrassed at how eager he is to share it, about his interests all together. 
The kids don’t help, he knows. Outside of Lucas, the others just tease him for being a meathead jock or some other bullshit insult – pulling the same shit they get bullied with, the same shit Eddie encouraged. He’s trying to get them to see how fucked up it is, but it’s a work in progress. 
They’re driving separately so Eddie doesn’t get to watch Steve’s excitement build other than the glimpses he gets in his rearview mirror of Steve, Robin, and the girls singing along to whatever mundane Top 40 shit they’re blasting. He’d listen to the shitty music with Steve over Dustin and Mike arguing over D&D editions any day, though. At least he can control the volume of the music… 
“I’m this close,” Eddie holds up his pinched fingers, “to leaving you on the side of the road,” he tells them. 
Dustin rolls his eyes. “Steve wouldn’t let you.” 
“I think I can convince him,” Eddie says with a smirk. Only Robin knows about their relationship, even now after it’s been a year, but that doesn’t mean the kids don’t know they’re close. They know they’re inseparable and good friends. Just not… naked in bed, touchy-feely ‘friends,’ ya know?  “We’re nearly at the store. Can you at least pause the screaming match until you have the editions in front of you for proper comparison?” 
That buys Eddie a few minutes of just his music as the boys have a more reasonable discussion to figure out how to split their small funds to maximize their haul. They may be turning sixteen this year, but they’re not exactly loaded. It’s the same shit he and the guys used to pull, and sometimes… still do. It’s nice seeing them like actual kids for a little while longer. 
But he’s still happy to climb out of his van and meet back up with Steve and the gang. 
He slings an arm over Steve’s shoulders, feels how keyed up he is and how his muscles are tense despite the relaxed looking posture. “Are you mortals ready to blow your minds?” Eddie asks, voice rumbly as he leans in to stare at the girls. 
Max rolls her eyes as Erica levels him with a stare of her own. 
“Let’s go already!” Dustin calls back as the guys are already booking it toward the store. 
Nancy and Jonathan have only just pulled up as the group passes. Robin, Jane, and Max wait for them, happy to hang back from this particular stop on their day. Or maybe they’re scheming about Will’s surprise that the rest of them have been left in the dark about. 
Either way, Eddie doesn’t drop his arm from Steve’s shoulders until they reach the door. 
The store’s packed with nerds of all ages, shuffling here and there as they browse the small space. It’s like nerd paradise, with walls of collectibles and big crates of comics and books, and big displays of art and promotions everywhere. It even has that musty book smell he loves so much! 
Eddie squeezes Steve’s shoulder before he completely drops his arm. “Permission to go feral?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but shoves Eddie lightly. “Go. Have fun,” he says. 
“You could always follow me, you know. Don’t want you getting lost,” Eddie says, getting back into Steve’s space even as his eyes flickered around the space. 
“I’ll come find you, okay?” Steve says, then he walks away with his hands in his pockets like he’s just strolling through the store. But Eddie can see the sharp way his eyes are searching the space, hunting for something. It’s enough to have Eddie trailing behind him, eager to figure out this mystery. 
Okay so Eddie gets briefly distracted by a wall of dragon figurines, but he manages to pull himself away when he sees the price tags are dangerously close to having commas. He stumbles his way around, only getting swept into conversation with Will once about the variety of figures they have and able to dodge Dustin’s badgering about the new Justice League comic. 
He finds Steve hunched over a glass case that’s near the cash register, at the far end where people aren’t huddled around looking at trading cards or the pricer collectibles. Eddie tucks himself partially behind a bookshelf so he can see Steve from the side. He watches as Steve’s eyes squint and he squats lower to look at the case from a new perspective. It takes a lot of effort to not let his own eyes wander to how his ass puts his Levi’s to the test, but Eddie’s stronger than that (sort of).
And because of that strength, Eddie gets the rare experience of seeing Steve’s eyes light up as his jaw drops. He looks… in awe of whatever he’s found, like someone just showed him the Holy Grail. 
Eddie can’t help himself as he walks over. Steve’s so entranced, he doesn’t even notice. For a split second, Eddie feels that familiar panic creep up his throat before he hears a soft “holy shit,” from Steve. 
On this side of the case are… sports cards. Trading cards of different sports people in various conditions, some are in little wrappers, some in packs, and others loose in the glass display case. Huh. Go figure. 
He’s kind of surprised, if Eddie’s honest with himself, he never would have taken Steve for a collector of any kind, much less trading cards. But here he is, so amazed at whatever he’s found that he still hasn’t noticed Eddie’s presence. 
Eddie squats down beside him, knees popping with the movement, and rests his forehead on the glass. “Which one is it?” 
Steve curses under his breath as he jumps, snapping out of it. “Jesus, Eds,” he says, standing up. 
“Sorry,” Eddie says with a grin. “Seriously, though. Which is it?” 
His face is red and he looks almost ashamed to be caught staring at the cards. “Find anything cool yet?” Steve asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Eddie frowns. “Steve…” 
Steve just shakes his head and turns his back on the glass. “Looks like Lucas found something,” he says with a forced laugh as he points to where Lucas is struggling to carry a few different boxes of figurines as he searches for the others in the busy store. 
“And so did you,” Eddie says softly as he stands beside him, shoulders touching. “Trading cards, huh?” 
He just shrugs. 
“I think it’s pretty cool,” Eddie says. “I don’t know anything about them but,” he glances back at the rows and rows of cards, some with tiny words and charts, “those stats have to mean something. And you know how I am about stats, Stevie.” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “They’re player stats, Eddie. It’s from their games and shit.” He sighs. “You don’t… don’t have to pretend it’s cool, man. Just sports shit, right?” 
“Hey,” Eddie says, a little more forceful, “I don’t mind sports shit, remember? We had fun watching that basketball game the other day.” 
“You were just being nice,” Steve says. 
“No,” Eddie counters, “I was a little confused on the language and how it works, but I love seeing you get passionate about something you love, Steve. Even if it means seeing how angry you get at whatever the refs are saying.” 
Steve’s face darkens as he grumbles out, “It was a shit call.” He hasn’t been able to let it go since they watched it. 
“C’mon,” Eddie says, turning back to the case, “will you just show me which one you like?” 
“It’s not necessarily about liking them,” Steve starts, turning as well, “but the players themselves.” 
Eddie hums. “So which player did you find?” 
“Nolan Ryan,” Steve breathes out, pointing at the card, “he’s a pitcher for the Astros and that,” he lets out a whistle, “is a rare 1985 Tiffany.” 
“What makes it rare?” Eddie asks. 
Steve waves him off. “Don’t worry about that–”
“No,” Eddie insists. “I told you, in detail, about my Lord of the Rings theories and you listened to every word. Let me hear about your Tiffany card.” 
“It’s not mine,” Steve reminds him. 
Eddie nudges his shoulder. “Steve.” 
Steve lets out a breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Okay, so the cards are printed here, right? Like it’s one of their things? But the Tiffany cards aren’t, they’re printed in Ireland. And you see how that one is a little brighter than the one next to it?” He doesn’t wait for Eddie’s response. “They printed the Tiffany sets on white cardboard instead of gray. And they only made a limited run of the sets, right? So to just… find one,” he says, voice soft and light, “and Nolan Ryan’s card at that?” He whistles. “Kind of a big deal.” 
“So you’re getting it, right?” 
Steve shrugs again. “Maybe I’ll drive up later for it. I don’t want to deal with the kids–” 
“We’ll put it in my bag. I haven’t even really started to look, but you know I’m emptying my wallet in here, right?” Eddie says, smiling. 
“Why haven’t you looked?” Steve asks, brow furrowing. “We’ve been here for twenty minutes, Eds, what have you been doing?” 
Eddie feels his face soften as he tilts his head and plays with a strand of his hair. “There’s this guy I’ve got a thing for,” he whispers, “and he was really excited to come to some nerd store, but wouldn’t tell me why. So I had to figure it out myself.” 
Steve’s blushing again as he looks away. “C’mon,” he says, grabbing Eddie by the elbow, “show me what you want to look at.” 
He allows Steve to change the subject and does look for himself, but he doesn’t forget the wistful look in Steve’s eyes when they end up by the case again for check-out. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, mostly to Nancy and Robin who have joined them in line, “should we send some of us down to the restaurant?” 
Nancy looks at her watch, then at the line. “Yes, that’s not a bad idea.” 
Steve nods and hands Eddie some cash. “Just in case the kids need help. Nance, Rob and I’ll go check in at the restaurant. See you there?” 
Eddie lets the three of them walk out the door before he steps out of the line. Sure, he’ll lose his place, but it’s worth it. 
“Excuse me,” Eddie says to an employee behind the counter, “I need to get this card.”
The guy knows his shit, so while the line dwindles, Eddie takes the opportunity to ask some questions. He even gets a few more card packs from the newest run, card holders and sleeves to put them in, and a booklet that explains the set. There’s even a book on the history of the game that the cashier suggests; Eddie doesn’t hesitate to buy it all. Sure, he had to put away a few figures and the new dice set he found, but it’s worth it. 
He hides all of his new goods in with his other nerdy shit and carefully puts his bag in the glove box so it doesn’t get mixed up with the kids’ bags. “You guys ready?” Eddie asks, arms draped over Mike and Will’s shoulders. 
As they walk to the restaurant for the next stop in their plans, Eddie listens to the kids share about their hauls and what they want to come back for. It all goes in one ear and out the other, too busy mulling over the information he learned from the cashier. He’s kind of surprised by how excited he is to read the materials he bought, but he really can’t wait to give Steve the card. 
Now if he can just get Steve to admit he’s a nerd, too, it’d be icing on the cake.  
Thanks to @lady-lostmind for betaing!
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ilovecupcakesandtea · 5 months
Happy New Year sweetheart.
I wrote this today from start to finish, I'm proud of it.
wc: 2587 rated e | 18+, minors dni cw: semi-public blowjobs, under negotiated everything really, but it is fully consensual tags: friends to lovers, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, dirty talk, light dom/sub
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The party was already in full swing before Eddie walked into the Hideout ready to play a set with Corroded Coffin later on. Making his way through the bar and pushing through all of the bodies already in there Eddie walked up to the rest of the people he was going to be spending the rest of the evening with he couldn't help but pause for a second. Since almost dying in the upside down and being carried out of hell on the shoulders of one Steve Harrington, his worlds had collided. The band and the party were becoming firm friends having bonded over Eddie's bedside firstly. They regularly spent evenings together and Steve and Robin both joined for band practice most weeks and came to almost every gig at the hideout they played. 
"Hey," Eddie shouted over the music when he got to the others. 
"Ed's!" Steve shouted back throwing himself at Eddie so hard that Eddie had to catch himself from falling backwards.
"Good to see you too Stevie" Eddie said, well more shouted, into Steve's ear. 
This was another change since spring break. Him and Steve had become closer, spending many of a late night sat out on the edge of the forest talking until it became too late to stay out and  then staying at either Steve's or Eddie's house. Sharing a bed regardless of where they slept, waking up with tangled limbs and neither being quick about untangling and moving out of the bed often spending time lying there chatting. These kinds of evenings, and mornings started to happen more frequently as the months went on. It went unspoken, the morning turned into the afternoon and they both went their separate ways, each time. This was new though, physical affection in public, they didn't even hug in front of the party or the band normally.  
The next hour or so was spent drinking, dancing and mingling with everyone there before the band got ready to do their set. Eddie changed into a pair of tight leather trousers that, as Gareth said, showed everyone what he was blessed with, new boots with chains on and a see through vest complete with chest harness over the top. A spritz of hairspray and a scrunch of his curls later and he felt great. 
"okay so the last band of the evening is a band that's being playing here a while, they're off on tour next year so make sure you get tickets for that. Anyway, give it up for Corroded Coffin!" Benny introduced them at just turned 11:15pm. 
They walked onto the stage with hollers, whistles and general noise. 
For half an hour they played covers with their own spin on them, getting the crowd ready for ball to drop at midnight. Eddie felt on fire, untouchable, in his element. Being up there on stage is where he was meant to be. Strutting around with his sweetheart and practically making out with the mic is how Jeff described it was what he was good at. 
They got off stage at 11:50, sweaty and breathless but full of adrenaline. They had barely made it off stage before Robin was running at them and shouting about how good they were. 
"You killed it" She screamed at them, "Didn't they Steve?" She shouted at Steve who was stood a little behind here and looking very flushed, mouth slightly parted and a glazed look on his face. 
"Yeah, yeah, so hot," Steve replied "I mean good, so good" 
Gareth looked at Eddie and smirked. He had long known about Eddie's little crush on the former jock turned babysitter/hero of the hour and strongly suspected that the crush was reciprocated. Maybe he wasn't far off being right but Eddie couldn't get his hopes up. 
"I'm going to get changed quickly." Eddie shouted to everyone before walking off. He still had a couple of minutes before midnight and he wanted to at least change his top. No one would want to kiss him whilst his top was still sticking to him. 
Closing the door to the little room they had stored their things in Eddie quickly stripped himself of his top and was about to pull on is other one when the door opened. 
"I'll be out in a second, let me freshen up with a couple baby wipes and some spray and i'll be out." Eddie shouted over the music with his back still to the door. 
"I kind of want you to stay here for a little longer." A voice came from behind him. 
"Hey bigboy, what did you come back here for?" Eddie questioned, turning round. 
"You" Steve replied simply, locking the door and stepping away. 
"Well I'm here, what did you want with me?" Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow as Steve got closer to him. This couldn't actually be happening could it? He hadn't drank enough to be this drunk and he hadn't taken anything tonight having given all of that up because of the meds he was on for permanent damage left from almost dying.
"Oh, that's a very long list, but there's something at the top I think we should do first though" Steve said simply continuing to get closer and closer to Eddie.  
"oh, pray tell, what's that?" Eddie asked as his hands almost automatically gripped Steve's hips when they were in touching distance.  
"You looked so hot on stage, so fucking hot. Wanted to rip that girl's hand out of yours when you held it. Wanted to be the only one you were paying attention to whilst you were on that stage. You're mine" Steve whispered against Eddie's lips. "Please tell me I haven't read these last few months wrong" he almost pleaded. 
"Fuck, no, you didn't" Eddie replied before lips met his in a searing kiss. 
Steve pushed Eddie backwards until his calves hit the cheap couch that was placed against the back wall and Eddie had to sit down. He pulled Steve down with him and they continued to make up heavily grinding against each other, moans spilling from both of their mouths. Eddie felt like he was on fire all over. Everywhere that Steve was touching him felt that his nerves were sparking. It felt incredible. Steve's grind down to Eddie's grind up. Their tongues explored the others greedily and hands roamed all over trying to move clothes out of the way frantically to get their hands on the other ones skin. 
"I need to show you how hot you were on that stage, if that's okay" Steve asked, sounding breathless and unsure but looking hungry to do what he wanted. 
"Lets take a second, how drunk are you?" Eddie questioned, holding Steve still be the hips and looking all over Steve's face to try and gauge for himself.
"Sober, I've been drinking coke all night" Steve replied "but its so fucking cute that you checked." he giggled.
"I just needed to know sweetheart" Eddie smiled before kissing him again eagerly, pulling Steve closer and looping his thumps into Steve's belt loops to keep him still whilst they were grinding against each other hungrily. 
"As much as I would like to continue to grind against you until we both cum in our pants like teenagers I really have wanted to suck your dick since you stepped onto that stage." Steve panted as he squirmed off Eddie's lap and dropped to the floor. The metal head parted his knees and the younger man crawled forward just a little. 
"Need these off" Steve said nuzzling against the zipper on Eddies pants. 
"That far gone already baby, can't even work a zipper, that much of a slut for me hmm?" Eddie asked as he gripped Steve's chin moving his head back slightly and forcing Steve to look up at him. "This okay sweetheart?" 
"Use your words for me please, I need verbal consent or we take it back a step" Eddie said firmly. 
"Yeah, yeah its fine" Steve responded sounding a little drunk.
"Good boy" Eddie said kissing Steve lightly on the lips before letting his chin go and reclining backwards on the couch. "Go on then sweetheart, you wanted to suck my dick so badly you've gone stupid over it so go on, suck it." 
Steve reached for Eddie pants and pulled the zipper down,  freeing Eddie cock a little from its confines.
"There you go baby, all yours" Eddie said as he lifted up a little enabling him to pull his pants down fully. 
Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie's dick and started to stroke him slowly, too slowly, as he peppered kisses along the underside of the shaft and then down to Eddie's balls. He took one of them into his mouth and sucked lightly. Steve's hand tightened a little and his hand sped up as he moved to take the head of Eddie's cock into his mouth and suck at it, running his tongue all around it. With each suck Steve took more of Eddie dick into his mouth until he had to take his hand away, Placing his hands flat on Eddie's thighs Steve continued to take more and more of Eddie's cock into his mouth and down his throat. 
"Fuck, such a good boy for me. What a perfect cock sucker you are. Taking me so good baby" Eddie moaned. He was sure his brain was currently being sucked out of his dick. 
"Making me feel so good baby, so fucking good. If I'd known you were this good I'd have had that slutty mouth of yours around my cock months ago" Eddie babbled causing Steve to moan around him. 
"I'm getting close sweetheart you're that good." Eddie praised the boy on his knees in front of him. 
Steve hummed around the other man and looked up at him, Eddie looked down and was greeted with a sight that almost made him cum there and then. Steve with his lips stretched tight around Eddie's cock pupils so blown he couldn't see the brown of them and tears threatening to spill over the waterline. 
"Baby, god, you look perfect. So beautiful on your knees for me. Can I cum on that pretty face of yours?" Eddie asked knowing he was getting close. 
"Please" Steve panted pulling back and wrapping his hand back around Eddie jerking him off at a slower speed again, edging him just a little. 
"You really are perfect Stevie, my perfect boy" Eddie whispered the best he could against the noise of the bar. 
"Yours" Steve preened. 
Eddie took himself back in hand and jerked himself off quickly. He was so close, just a few seconds in his own hand and he was cumming. Ropes of white painted Steve's chin and cheek before Steve opened his mouth and took most of the cum in his mouth, showing Eddie before swallowing and then showing him his clean tongue. 
"Fuck, get up here baby boy, your turn." Eddie panted tucking himself back into his pants. 
"Errmm, that wont be needed" Steve blushed, standing up and  pointing down at the wet spot on his own pants. 
"Fuck, did you really cum from sucking my cock?" Eddie asked, pulling Steve down onto his lap again. "Such a slut" 
"Only for you, sir" Steve murmured. 
"Lets get this pretty face of yours cleaned up and get you into some clean pants and we can head over there." Eddie suggested giving Steve's hips a squeeze indicating that they needed to move. 
20 minutes, a bottle of water, some light kissing, some wet wipes and squeezing Steve into Eddie's skinny pants they went to rejoin the party in the bar. 
"Happy New Year I guess" Steve laughed kissing Eddie as they stepped out into the hallway. 
"A very Happy New Year sweetheart" Eddie replied kissing him again before they went to find everyone. 
"Thank fuck for that!" Robin shouted as she pushed her way through the crowd. "I was getting worried but I did not want to walk into that room, you dirty fuckers" she cackled. 
"Nice hickey" Jonathan pointed out later on in the evening "Harrington got one to match or am I going to have to help drag him away from whoever gave it to you when he finds them?" he asked laughing. 
"Nah, it's okay" Eddie laughed looking around to see if he could see the other brunette.
A little while and a lot of searching later Eddie found Steve with Robin in a corner talking very animatedly. 
"Not interrupting am i?" Eddie asked loudly as he wandered up to Steve and Robin. 
"Not at all," Robin answered as Steve moved to be closer to him. "Look, I think we should get this over with quickly. I don't care how magical your dick is, hurt this cherub" She said grabbing at Steve's cheek, "and I will rip it off. Please note that as a lesbian the idea of touching your dick fills me with nausea but I love my dingus enough to do that for him if needed okay!" Robin ended her little speech by poking his chest.
"I got it Buck, I got it. Not going to hurt him in any way that he doesn't want me too" Eddie winked at Steve who blushed beautifully. 
"Eww!! Please, not with me around." Robin gagged loudly and walked off.
"I know we need to sit down and talk about some things in the next few days but I really just want to dance with you tonight and then take you home." Steve shouted at Eddie. 
"Sounds like the second best idea you've had all evening sugar" Eddie teased. 
"Fuck the dancing, lets head home now." Steve breathed, kissing up Eddie's neck and running his hands under his top. 
"Yeah, Yeah. Let's go baby boy." Eddie loudly whispered to him grabbing his hand and walking them towards the group.
The pair found the group and said their goodbyes with Jonathan insisting that he would run Robin home on his and Nancy's way back to Nancy's house later on. 
The drive home was silent, the events of the night feeling more real now they were really alone. Steve parked up and they both headed into his empty house. The quiet after the noise of the bar sounded deafening. 
"I know we've said we need to talk in the next few days but I think we need to discuss this bit now, I don't want this to be a one night stand. I like you, like you. If you don't want a relationship then that's fine and we can just go to sleep and nothing between us will change." Steve whispered, not looking at Eddie, rejection right now might kill him but he would be okay in the end.
"Steve, baby, look at me, please" Eddie begged, Steve turned to look at him. "I have never wanted someone so much. Not just the sex but the whole thing. I want to be with you" 
He had barely finished speaking before Steve kissed him with more passion than Eddie had ever felt before, yet somehow softer than previously. Hands slowly roamed bodies and clothes were slowly removed. 
If the pair didn't make it out of bed before 4pm on New Years Day then and didn't see anyone until the 3rd of January then that's no one else's business. And if pots of money were passed between party members and they left them alone for as long as needed then neither boy needed to know. 
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caxde · 1 year
tangerine | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary you are a teacher on Hawkins High, all of your friends have moved on and found succes, however, Eddie has had the best luck, achiving the tittle of Rockstar, and missing you more than he's aware of. (8.2k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, friends! in love, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn exes-ish to firends to lovers, idiots in love!!!, eventual smut so minor dni (fingering, p in v), english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
“G’ mornin Ozz” You mutter as the big brown mutt starts to lick your face, while his tail moves from side to side. He sets its two paws on top of your bed and you lie down quickly enough so his body touches yours instead of the mattress. “M’kay, gimme a minute.” You groan as you slowly sit up, scratching the sleep away from your eyes. As you begin to stretch your body and hear it all pop, you can see as your little companion does the same, asking for pets after he is done. You smile at him as you pet his head absentmindedly. 
You dress yourself lazily, a pair of washed up light blue jeans that have some paint stain on them and an old distressed shirt covered by one of those old jumpers that you seem to have had since forever. 
Ozz looked at you excitedly, sitting down next to the door, waiting for you to go on your morning walk, and enjoy the time that working takes away from him. 
It felt funny, walking these streets again, unbothered now, without having to worry or panic about anything. A quiet life, a still life, one that lets you sleep peacefully at night. The only thing that worried you lately was whether you preferred your senior class to read Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice or something more recent, perhaps The Never Ending Story. You debated on it while Ozz kept you company in the early morning, the cold clinging to your face, waking you up at once. 
All of your friends were doing absurdly well. 
You can’t help but think as you head back home and get ready to head to your job.
 Nancy still sends you emails for you to read, filled with her beautiful writing detailing how crazy being a Pulitzer winning journalist is, you smile and treasure them dearly. Robin usually sends you her manuscripts before anyone else, and has begged you to illustrate her new one, and your sketchbook was filled with ideas that you needed to get back to her. Steve finally had decided to study history, and was now teaching it at The Chicago University, everytime he comes back to Hawkins he calls you up so you can chat and grab a beer. 
 But Eddie, he was the luckiest one. And you cried often when you heard that he achieved another milestone, and would try to contact him, not really being able to, usually leaving each other long voicemails. 
However, you kept a picture of the two of you on your desk, the one you took before he disappeared, before everything happened to him and you were able to call him yours. 
Anyhow, you need to focus on what you were doing, having arrived at the doors of your classroom now. 
In what felt like a thousand miles away, Eddie layed covered in sweat and buzzing with post-show energy, his ears ringing from the amount of cheers and screams he just got away from. His legs still shaking, not believing that this was now his life, and eager to be able to share it with everyone he cared about. 
And even if he didn’t speak it aloud, you were on the top of that list. 
“I counted fifteen.” Gareth said as he reached him, running out of breath. He looked at him confused, and tried his hardest to put his hair away, trying to cool down. 
“What?” He said, his eyes squinting at him. 
“Bras. They were throwing bras, Eddie!” He laughed as he saw how the eyes of his friend opened as he emphasized with big hand movements. 
“You are a bigger dork now than in highschool.” He teased as he punched him in his arm. 
“Good gig, yeah?” Jeff smiled as he joined them backstage. Eddie clapped him on the back, still processing the fact that they had just played in the actual Merriweather Post Pavilion, they had actually standed where Led Zeppelin had once been, and he smiled quietly to himself, eager to pick up the phone and tell you all about it. He was in Columbia, and had hopes to actually find you awake for once. 
“We’re a long way from The Hideout.” Ben comes out, hanging Eddie a cigarette as he searches for a lighter that he provides back. 
“Fuck yeah we are” Gareth screams excitedly, and they can’t help but to smile and celebrate as they start getting comfortable. 
They know about Eddie’s ritual of leaving you a voicemail after every gig. And they politely leave the room so he can have space to actually call you. 
He fidgets with his rings as he starts hearing the phone beeping, eager to hear your pre-recorded message. But for once, he is surprised by your half asleep voice. 
“Hello?...” Your voice sounds as if you’d have been dozing off, cracking at the lack of interaction. 
“Oh my god you’re actually awake.” He says surprised with a big smile that you can imagine as soon as you realize who it is. 
“Edds?” He melts a bit as your voice softens. 
“Hi darling.” 
“Hi.” His face illuminated as his cheeks started to burn. He has missed your voice, he has even missed being able to hear your silences. “Where are you?” 
“Columbia.” He whispers, as his voice relaxes, feeling how his whole body is met with the familiarity that you provide. 
“You’re close.” He can tell that you’re still on your bed. 
“Yeah, did I wake you up?” He sounds worried for once, and he hears your soft giggle that turns into a sleepless moan. His heart skips a beat. 
“Not really. Was half asleep, Ozz just got off the bed.” 
“He’s keeping you company?” 
“Mmh.” A short moment of silence that let him stare at the ceiling, his head resting on the back of his chair. “He misses you.” 
“He does?” He teases, and you laugh softly at the question. 
“Yeah. Of course he does.” You can hear him laugh now, the question in his mind is evident enough that he doesn’t even need to ask it before you answer. “I miss you too dickhead.” His smile is bigger than before as that makes you both laugh.
“Do too.” 
“Of course you do, I’m the life of the party. You must be bored without me, you know, you just have all the parties, and concerts, and interviews and meeting everyone you’ve wanted.” He laughs as you continue to give him ridiculous examples. 
“It’s true, y’know. I kinnda miss doing a small show like, back in The Hideout.” He confesses and you chuckle a bit. 
“Then just do it, Edds. Y’know, it’s your band, you can choose, right?” He shuts up, knowing that you are incredibly right, and then again, he would have to talk with so many people to even make that a possibility. But he doesn’t want to waste time complaining, he just wants to hear your voice, even better, he didn’t know how much he needed your laugh until he heard it again. 
“I might. You’d come?” 
“Of course, just like I used to.” You both smile at the memory, feeling nostalgic for the times you were only a short car ride away from each other. “Front row and center.” 
“Oh darling, you’d be backstage and close by.” He waits a moment as he can feel you getting comfortable, the rustling of your bedsheets confirming that you’re falling asleep. “Do you wanna hang up?” 
“No, I like the idea of falling asleep with you.” You confess half asleep. His cheeks burn as his smile grows wider. 
It was always funny when this happened. And you were now developing a new sense for when it was about to. They would see the photo, turn away from your desk to meet with their friends and then they would start whispering with each other while looking at you every once in a while. At this point you just had to laugh. 
And it always ends the same way. They wait until the end of the class, cleaning up or pretending to do so, and then approach you slowly. So when you clocked two of your senior students whispering amongst them you smiled softly. And waited patiently for the questions. 
“Miss?” You heard as you were pulled away from your own world. 
“Hi Taylor, what can I do for you?” You asked with your usual up-tone voice. 
“Um, this is gonna be a weird ask but…” She started to avoid your eyes, as she searched for her friend to continue. 
“We um, we noticed the photo on your desk, and well we just…” You laughed, a soft calm noise that made her shoulders drop. Tension being released. 
“Yeah, that’s Munson.” You smile. Their eyes open once it hits them that they were right. “He used to go here, y’know?” They nod softly, and look at each other for reassurance. 
“Is it true, what they say?” Taylor asks once again and your eyebrow raises at the question, unknown of what she was referencing. 
“What do they say?” 
“That they’ll play in The Hideout?” 
“Oh.” Your cheeks seem to betray you as they grow pink. You nod at the girls as you stand up from the chair. You circle the table to face them again, reclining yourself on it. “Yeah, well, they used to, I dunno if they’ll play here anytime soon, might have to call Eds and ask.” Their smiles soften as they can see how your eyes brighten at the mention of Eddie.
“Really? You’d call him?” A squeak emanated from an excited Taylor, and you laughed with them as your head looked at the ground. 
“Yeah, he calls me everytime he finishes a gig.” You smile big as you look back at them. “You enjoy his music?” 
“Oh yeah, we love Corroded Coffin, but they always do shows so far away…” Taylor whispers in a soft voice. You can’t wait to tell him about it and embarrass him. 
“Maybe they’ll come around. Who knows.” You smile as you clap your hands. “Now if you excuse me ladies, I need to get some things done and you need to go to maths so…” 
They excuse themselves as they giggle to each other, exiting the room you smile quietly to yourself. If only you had told them about Ozz, they might have fainted, you think to yourself.
Hot tea mug by your side, you were determined to tackle the test from this week, actually getting through them and actually correct them. In time, for once. 
But the desk still felt messy, and you needed to clean it all again so you could actually get work done, so you spent the next thirty minutes throwing away a couple of empty chocolate bar wrappers, and some other bits and little trash away, dreading the end of this, as it meant you had no excuse but to actually get it all done. 
However, as you moved your chair so you could sit down, you were blessed with the ringing of your living room phone. thank god, you said to yourself. The caller ID had Eddie’s number, so you picked it up with a smile on your face. 
“Hey Edds” Your cheerful voice seemed to sing his name.
“Actually, it’s Gareth.” The boy's voice surprised you, as you were confused for a bit. 
“Oh. Hey Gareth, what’s up?” 
“Don’t need to sound that disappointed,”His voice teased as it dropped a little bit. “Eddie’s recording so he couldn’t call you.” 
“Oh, okay, well, tell him hello anyway.” 
“Yeah I will.” You nod at that. A second of weird silence between the both of you. 
“So, how come you called?” You decide to go ahead and ask, you had never been fond of small talk anyway. 
“Oh yeah, right.” You heard his lips press against each other as he paused. “So, we’re coming back to The Hideout. In a week, we announced last night, anyway, Eddie wanted to know if we could crash at your house, y’know, my folks sold the house and Wayne’s trailer isn’t that big anyway.” He reasoned with you, trying to convince you, even if he knew you’d say yes regardless. 
“Of course, just call me when you know you’ll come and I’ll fix you up some space.”
“Sweet, great. I’ll tell Eddie to call you regardless.”
You see how Ozz stands up all of a sudden, his head tilted and ears raised, whining as he looks at the door, he sounds as if he is crying with excitement, so your eyes are locked on him as he eyes you fastly, asking for your help. 
“Yeah, see you soon Gareth.” 
“Yeah, bye.” He mumbles as you hear the line go dead. 
“What’s up Ozz?” You ask him, as his head dips down, looking back at the door, tapping it with its paw. 
You move closer to him, and his head shakes in anticipation, as his paws tip-taps the floor excitedly as your hand gets closer to the handel, he practically leaps through the door as soon as you open it, and as your eyes follow him, a grin on your face as you see his tail wagging crazily, as you follow his direction you see him, and your heart drops for a second too long. 
Guitar on his shoulder, and large bag on his side, he stood there. Hair as long and frizzy as ever, and the same smile that he always saved for you, Eddie was there, eyes as bright as you remember, looking up at you before dipping down and focusing his attention on the dog. 
“Hi Ozzy!” His voice higher than usual, sitting down on the floor as the dog licks his face away as he giggles petting him ferociously, letting him get on top of him as he resigns and lets the dog love him back. 
“Eddie.” You whisper, still trying to process it all. Your hands covering your surprised opened mouth as your feet move you down the steps that leave your house.
“Hey sweetheart.” His eyes illuminate as he looks up at you, a sincere smile curing his lips. 
“Gareth said-” Your words had trouble coming out, still finding it hard to believe that he was indeed there, and that you weren’t dreaming. 
“I know. I uh… Told him to call you so I’d know if you were home… wanted to surprise you.” He explains, as he stands up, clapping his hands clean as he takes a step towards you, Ozz coming back to you, his tail still wagging. 
“How did you- Why- I don’t…” 
“I missed you.” He gleams as his words come out of his mouth. “Just that.” He finishes, standing in front of you, close enough that your feet would touch if you took a step further. “Well, and Ozzy.” he added, tilting his head slightly as his smile brightened. 
“I still think Bowie suits him best.” 
“You didn’t like Mr.Crowley.” He reminds you as he points his finger, the tip of it touching the corner of your mouth. 
“It felt like he had to be the teacher.” You laugh as your head looks at the ground, nervous from his touch, your heart stops for a moment when you hear his voice chuckling. 
“Well, glad you took care of my dog.”
“Mmmh, mine now.” 
He smiles fondly at you, before closing the distance and hugging you closely. Your bodies finally met, your arms tangled behind his neck, his hands hanging behind your waist, his arms pulling you closer. An unconscious smile appears on your lips as you smell him again, his hair tickling your nose, sandalwood, cigarette smoke and something you can’t quite tell. His thumb stroking the small part of your skin that gets exposed when your arms rise up to hold him. He leaves a small kiss on the crown of your head, resting his head there for a second too long. 
“Edds, I’m leaving!” You screamed as you grabbed your old jacket from the hanger by the door. 
“M’kay.” He yawned as he peered down the staircase, sleep still present in his eyes. 
“Guest mattress comfy?” You tease him lightly as you can see his eyes hiding behind his palms, his hair twisted and knotted from having just woken up. You didn’t dare look down, his chest is exposed, his legs covered by old gym wear that he had packed. 
“M’no” He mumbled as his eyes finally opened enough to look at you, his voice cracking as he spoke his first words of the day, deep and short, not having any energy to do or say anything else. 
“Oh, poor Edds.” you teased him a bit more, showing him your tongue as you handed him a mug full of coffee. “There’s more on the pot.” 
“Thanks.” He whispered before taking a sip, head shaking as he tried to wake up. 
“Ozz will beg you to walk him, his leash is hanging by the coats.” 
“Got it.” He nodded at the brown dog, his tail already wagging. “When’re you coming back?” 
“Uh… Should be here around five, why?” 
“Dunno, might go and say hi to Wayne.” You nodded, feeling a bit dumb to not have thought that maybe he preferred to be with his actual family, rather than with you. His eyes opened as he seemed to clock that thought passing behind your eyes. “I mean, he did pick me up from the airport yesterday, and everything but… Dunno, wanted to stay with you.” He quickly reassured you, a lazy smile on his face made you release the air that you had been holding. 
He walked with you to the front door, closing it behind you after he had whispered a sleepy goodbye to you. 
He spent the majority of his morning doing absolutely nothing. Letting himself enjoy the non-rush he now had. The small holiday he had given to himself. Of course, he couldn’t help himself from looking around, but really, it’s not his fault. He always had that habit of looking at other people's things. He liked to imagine what you looked like while you were correcting or grading papers, and he giggled when he saw your little tower of -according to the post-it - mandatory read i don’t enjoy, though his smile deepened when he saw the one next to it books i’ll make mandatory even if it ends me. Suddenly, he was back in high school, and you were sat on his lunch table, as his party babbled away about the campaign, while you laid your head on his shoulder, your eyes focused deep with the words of Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, Isabell Allende it didn’t matter, he always remembered you like that, curled up with a book between your hands. 
He always liked when you had let him lay on your thighs, and hearing you read outloud, while one of your fingers traced around his face, not really thinking about it. 
He missed stupid small moments like that. 
But then again, nothing had made his heart skip a beat as fast as when he saw the copy he had let you borrow of The Hobbit, on that tower, the pages were now a different shade, and they still had all of his notes he had written on the pages margins. 
He thought about you, and those silly intimate moments while he played on his guitar later that morning. Ozzy curled up beside him, while he tried to remember the melody of that Led Zeppelin’s song you had always loved. Especially when he sang it to you, he seemed to recall. 
But as these moments of calmness or rather, stillness go, it was interrupted, by your phone this time. 
Eddie debated on whether or not to pick it up, but he decided he might as well. 
“Um, hello?” 
“Eddie? Thank god, can you check something for me?” Your voice came through the speaker, agitated and ever so slightly out of breath. 
“Uh, yeah sure. You okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah fine. Can you just look if I left my wallet and a little container on the kitchen counter?” You begged, as you rushed through your words. 
“Yeah hold on.” You could hear his steps as he went to check it. When he saw the two objects you described he grabbed them and slowly walked over to the phone, resting his weight against the wall, lazily. 
“Yeah, they’re here.” 
“Fuu-dge.” You caught yourself before cursing, which only made him laugh. 
“I can’t curse while I’m working.” You remind him, sounding frustrated now. 
“Oh, right. Forgot.” 
“Well, okay. I’ll just eat when I get home then.” You muttered as you exhaled air, your words reaching his ears a little muffled because of that. 
“Can’t they give you a plate or something?” He tried to reason with you, realizing that the container held your lunch. 
“Nah, that will only give Lora a headache.” You scoffed.
“Well, I could-” 
“Forget it Edds, I’ll see you in a few hours, I need to go.” You hanged up, and an idea popped into his head, as a smile appeared on his lips. 
It had been a brief walk, thirty minutes flew by as he walked by the streets he used to dream about escaping, smiling proudly at the fact that he did. Though now, standing behind the green door that led to your classroom, he had become that shy Eddie that he was when he studied in those halls. 
And he had become enamored by how you stood, smiling as you spoke through your lesson. 
However, you hadn’t seen him, and where still yapping about the assignment, having divided your senior group into small teams so they could start working, when all of a sudden, you saw how their eyes shifted away from you, straight to the door, usually you would dismiss that, knowing that with five minutes left for lunch break, they usually daydreamed about what they would eat, or what they would do, but normally, they look at the window to do that, but what really made your head look into that direction was the gasps that were emanating from your students, and the excited looks they were sharing. Once you looked over, and saw a smiling Eddie holding the plastic bag high, your eyes opened in shock, as you had definitely lost your train of thought. 
“I… I’m sorry class… Can you give me a minute?” You said through your teeth, your eyes squinting as you tried not to lose your cool, knowing that if Principal Higgins saw him there you would never hear the last of it. So you walked -almost ran- to the door, closing it fast behind you. “Edds… What are you doing here?” 
“I brought you your lunch!” He exclaimed happily, his eyes looking down at you, as his lips curved upwards, the plastic bag swinging from his hand. 
“And that’s really sweet but you shouldn’t have.” 
“Well, when you don’t eat you get dizzy, and then you get nauseous, and finally, you’re… bitchy… So, take your lunch and eat.” He explains to you, as he points every reason with his fingers, tapping them on your chest. 
“Idiot.” You muttered as you flushed, enough for him to notice, even when you try to look at the ground in an attempt to hide it. 
“Yeah, well, you call me that a lot.” He chuckled as he finished. “Besides, you’ve only got five minutes left.”
“Three now.” 
“Yeah, so I can wait for you and keep you company.” He wasn’t teasing, you could tell he was being sincere. 
“Shit, look-”
“Language.” Now he was teasing, a smile appearing in both of your faces. 
“Fuck off…” You giggled as you looked at the ground for a bit, messing with your hair as you looked back at him. “‘Kay, come in, but… They’ll have- they’re gonna freak out.” 
You were right, as soon as he set foot into your classroom a choir of excited squeals and “oh my god” could be heard, and you tried not to laugh, but it was bound to happen. He was as recognizable as ever, even with his hair tied up in a lazy pointali that was now coming undone, and a light faded out shirt, his tattoos and posture betrayed him. 
“Uh, hi.” He muttered as soon as he could, shy once again at the undivided attention that he had gathered.
“So, class… Can we keep this a secret?” You tried to bargain, as they tried hard not to lose it, the majority of them covering their mouths or rubbing their eyes. 
“What the fuck?” You could hear one of your older students say as he couldn’t stay still on his chair. 
“I think she doesn’t like that kind of language in the class… um…” 
“Trevor, yeah, I’m Eddie.” He said cheerfully, as they all nodded, your face hidden behind your hand, forehead resting on the palm of it. You hided a giggle while he sat down on your chair. 
“You’re an idiot.” You said as you were finally alone in your classroom. Sitting down, faceing him, his mouth half open as he was starting to eat a sandwich he had made for him. 
“Yeah, you call me that a lot.” He agreed, playing with the teasing that you had started, even if he knew, deep down, that you were glad he did that, the colours on your cheek betraying you once again. 
“Well… You are.” You smile down, as you reach into your bag. A little container with Joyce’s leftovers in it, and your stomach grumbled as you saw them. “Thank you.” You whispered, a shy look in your eyes as they made brief contact with him. He nodded as he took a bite. 
“Don’t mention it.” He would never say it aloud, but he would do anything you’d ask him to. Even if that meant sitting in silence, in an empty classroom that smells of dust and cheap deodorant. He couldn’t help his lips from smiling at you, enjoying the calmness of it all. Seeing you smile at nothing, enjoying the fact that he could see your hair get tangled as your head shakes every time you had a good bite of food on your mouth.  
“Idiot…” You muttered again. 
“You’ve already called me that, sweetheart.” He remarks, winking at you. 
You giggle as you take out your hand from the small bag, the small fruit on your hand, moving it as if it was a trophy you had just won.
“A tangerine?” You teased him, though, truth be told, the tension between the two of you could be felt from across the hall, and it made it all look as if you couldn’t help but smile, and joke and fantasie about what you would like to do to say thank you. 
“Yeah, well… You’ve got a sweet tooth…” He was the one blushing now, having lost himself for a second too long on your lips. His hand touched yours as he grabbed the small fruit from your soft hands, peeling it from you. “You don’t need to stink up your hands.” 
“Oh, I stink?” You joked. 
“Oh yeah, no wonder it has to smell of deodorant in here.” 
You shook your head as you laughed with him, your eyes focusing on his dimples. You really had missed him. 
If you were being sincere with yourself, you had expected loud noise, maybe a broken glass or two, however, the stillness and comfort of the moment was a pleasant surprise.
There was nothing special about it, not really. Gareth laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling while he tapped away with his fingers, tum-tuming away at everyhting he came in contact with, legs, floor or table, didn’t matter. Ben had his head resting on it, his back on the leg of the wooden table that you got second hand in a yard sale, his fingers moving as he was playing bass. Jeff sat by himself, on Joyce’s old recliner playing softly on his beat up guitar. However, Eddie was next to you, his arm laid on your shoulders, pulling you closer, making you bury your head on his chest, while he played with your hair, not really thinking about it, he just did it because it felt natural. It felt like what was supposed to be done, it felt like old times, when you would fall asleep next to him and nothing mattered. Though, to be fair, you weren’t exempt from guilt. Your arm was across his chest, hugging him in return, and snuggling him as your head moved closer to him, his chin resting on the top of your head now, your fingers tracing a nonsense pattern across his skin. 
It was bliss. It was peaceful. 
So obviously, someone had to talk. 
“I’m nervous for tomorrow.” Eddie whispered, his fingers tangling in your hair even further. A soft laughter filled the room as everyone heard him. 
“You’ve literally just played Merriweather. You’ve stood where Led stood… The Hideout’s nothing.” You muttered, eyes looking up at him, as he smiled down at you, your cheeks flushing as you made eye contact. 
“Yeah, but we didn’t know anyone…” Gareth said as he stood up.
“And everyone will be there.” Jeff finished, with a giggle from everyone. 
“You’ll be there?” Eddie asked, a soft whisper on you ear, making your skin tingle where his breath graced your skin. 
“Front and center.” You murmured back, your head nodding as you look at him. His eyes lighting up. 
“No, backstage and close by.” He assured you. His lips kissing your forehead, forgetting for a second that you’re not alone. That you’re not together. 
“You know, I like that you two-” Ben started, stopping as soon as he realized that everybody was looking at him, Gareth shaking his head no. “What?” 
“They’re not…” Gareth tried to say, to explain something that neither of you were sure to know how to actually explain. 
“I think it’s time for me to go to bed.” You smile apologetically, as you push Eddie’s arm away from you, standing up, not hearing anything that they were saying any longer.
Logically, you knew you had no right to be upset. Nothing that they had said was a lie, but maybe what hurt more was that everything was true, and rather you like it or not, you were in love once again with him, how could you not. It was inevitable. You had said goodbye when he left, you had stayed in contact, and he appeared out of the blue in front of your house. 
He had taken care of you without you asking him to. He had been there for you countless times. Fuck, he had even let you take care of the dog. 
It all went through your head at speed light, so you paced around your bedroom, walls closing in on you. You were silently crying now, tears falling down. 
“Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying.” You kept saying to yourself, in an attempt to calm you down, as you sat down on the mattress. 
The way your house had been constructed, somehow made that the street lights didn’t shine through your window at night, so when you stared at it, only darkness could be seen. That and Eddie standing on your doorway, his head looking at the ground, hand anxiously covering his mouth. As soon as he realised that you caught him he turned around, trying to leave. 
“Don’t…” Your voice broke as you spoke. You turned your head to look at him, hand wiping away a tear. “Stay?” 
“Yeah.” He didn’t hesitate, not even for a second, before you even blinked he was already sitting beside you. “Why are you…?”
“It’s silly.” 
“Don’t think so.” 
“We’ve never talked about it.” You almost spat out the words, as if they were burning. “So we don’t have to now…” You try to soften your tone with a smile, but it doesn’t seem to work. 
“You’re crying.” He stated, his eyebrows raising in concern, as he climbed the bed, carefully approaching you. “So you obviously need to talk about it.” 
“I don’t.” Your voice was getting irritated now, frustrated might be a better way to describe it. 
“Well, then you’re lying.” His voice had become dry, though hesitant or nostalgic seemed like good words to describe it too. 
“Then I guess I’m a liar.” You mocked his tone, getting angry now.
Not really knowing why. 
Not really caring for it. 
He let you in silence, even when you seemed mad at him, he knew what and when you needed what you needed. So he stayed beside you, worried that he had done something so unforgivable that had made you stop trusting him. His leg grew restless, anxiously waiting for you to say something, anything, if he opened his mouth in this instance he’d beg you to do so, he’d crawl and fall to his knees if that meant that you’d say something. 
  And you desperately wanted to. You wanted to tell him everything, you wanted to scream, and shout and tell him that the only thing you want, or need is for him to stay close to you. 
“If you don’t want me here…” He muttered, under his breath. 
You pursed your lips, hurt that he might think something as ridiculous as that. You nodded slowly, turning your head at him, finally looking at his eyes. His were darkened by the lack of light on the room, however his eyes still shone when he made contact with yours, even if your eyes were red and puffy from having cried. 
“It’s not that…” You add as you shake your head from side to side. 
“Then why are you crying?” 
“Because they’re right. Because we’re nothing. Because you and everyone else left, and I stayed here, and… I missed you, every morning I woke up and you weren’t there, I’d roll to the other side of the bed and it would just be empty and cold… I- Eddie…” Your voice kept breaking as you started to talk. 
“You told me to leave…” Faint words escaping him. 
“Of course I told you to leave, you had to leave. You had an amazing opportunity and you needed to take it, I couldn’t be the reason for you- You would’ve resented me for the rest of your life- You…” You were shaking again, everything coming out of you, rapidly. 
“I could never- I would never I… I left, yes, but that doesn’t mean I ever stopped caring for you or–” His hand grabbed yours, in an attempt to ground you, to stop you from spiriling, and despite your intention, it worked, he had your full attention once again. 
“Or what?” 
“Love you.” He stated. His eyes looking for yours, truth in them. 
“What do you mean Eddie?” You were exhausted now. Confused by his words, and having trouble understanding everything he said. 
“I mean, that even if I left, I never stopped thinking about you, caring for you, or loving you. How could I?” A soft laugh escaped your lips when you registreed what he was actually saying, bitting the inside of your cheek as you looked him back, your fingers intertwined now. 
“You’ve never said anything.” 
“I know…” 
“I thought I was bothering you.” 
“You could never do that. Never.” 
After that, everything happened kind of fast, even if every touch seemed to last a lifetime. His hands searched for your waist, pulling you in, falling on the mattress, both of your bodies laying down as he pulled you near. What started as a close hug, was escalating fast. 
First, his head rested so close on your pillow, that your breath was mixing into his, so much so you could feel him smiling even if you had your eyes closed. Enjoying the way his fingers traced patterns onto your skin, and losing your breath for just a second when his nose kissed yours, when he moved it upwards, you knew that his lips were smiling, slightly open. You couldn’t help yourself. So it was no surprise when you kissed him. 
A shy kiss, a i missed you kiss, a i can’t believe you’re here kiss, a please don’t leave kiss. What was surprising is the way his body pressed onto yours, how his weight shifted so he could be even closer, how his mouth opened to find your tongue, how it felt the exact same it had years ago, and still, your heart was rapidly beating with excitement, of having him like that once again. 
Your thumb had set itself on his jaw, stroking it softly, focused on the small bumps that his skin had, beard growing under it. However, your other hand was pushing his wild hair behind his ear, a softness on your touch that you didn’t quite know you had. 
Meanwhile, Eddie had one of his hands on your waist, your skin exposed since your shirt was stuck under your body, the other one was busily tangled in your hair, on the back of your neck. 
You needed no words, just looking at each other was enough. 
He touched you as soon as your pants hit the floor. Hearing you moan, with your head tilted back, exposing your neck only drove him crazier, making the pressure he felt in his boxers only get worse, in the best way possible. He kissed you everywhere. But he always had a thing for your neck, and how he had always loved to bite it as you where twisting under his touch, your own hand grabbing his, pushing his fingers even deeper into you, making him giggle as he did what you wanted him to do, before shutting you up with another wet neddy kiss. He only stopped kissing you and your body when he wanted to look at your face. Your cheeks, as pink as ever, you’re breathing fast and you’re skin flushed. When you opened your eyes, you nodded, and he did too. 
He took your top away. 
You struggled to take his shirt off, while he unbuckled his jeans. 
To say that his skin was burning to your touch would be an understatement. He groaned and smiled everytime one of your nails ran through his back, you were sure he would have scratches tomorrow morning, but it didn’t matter. He hadn’t cared about the hickeys he was leaving on your skin. He kissed it all over again, leaving wet spots over it, and he loved how your body tingles every time his lips touched a new spot. 
Your hand travelled to the hem of his underwear, pushing it down slowly, smiling when you feel him doing the same, his eyes looking at you with permission, his body on top of yours, you smiled kindly, your free hand gracing his cheek, you nodded, as he left a short kiss on your lips, before pushing in to you. As you moaned feeling him in, he was going slow, adjusting your body to him, as your legs wrapped around him, and your hands grabbed his back, you both looked into each others eyes, moonlight shining across your faces, enough light to know that you both were incredibly enamoured by each other. He started going faster, as he started to moan once your nails were once again buried in his skin, his hands touching every inch of your body he could. It is not that it felt good, great or divine, it’s that it felt right, it felt as if he was your home. Like being connected on a physical level only made justice to the way you felt, like you never wanted it to stop, like you could die happily in his arms. Pressed against the mattress, only hearing the noises you were both making, trying to the best of your ability to keep the noise between the two of you, begging not to be heard by anyone downstairs. You knew you were close, and so was him. It was even more evident when he stopped to catch his breath, pulling out of you, and needing his touch you stood up, meeting his face, kissing him senseless, as his fingers got lost on the small of your back, feeling his cock raising even more, your pussy dripping down, aching to be filled with him again. He looked at you once again, his hands now squeezing your ass, you nodded as you turned around. You were now laying your face on the mattress, your tits pressed against it, as you raised your ass as high as you could, and moaning hard and fast as you felt him slip into your pussy with ease. Fingers burning deep into your waist, pushing you hard and fast, a fast rhythm that he kept, and you were moving just as hard. It felt like true bliss. 
When you felt him come, your legs had been shaking for a while already, it was all aching with pleasure, with need. 
However, he didn’t just plummet to the bed, he kissed your back, your shoulder, and everything he felt he could as he pulled you close to him. Cuddling you from behind, your legs tangled as you both felt at ease, at peace. Feeling how tired you were, your eyes shutting down as you can quite believe what had just happened. 
During the night, if and when you woke up, and opened your eyes, you were met with his calm expression next to yours. When you moved away he pulled you in closer, and if you groaned in your sleep he would kiss your skin, wherever his lips could find. It hadn’t been the sex, but this, this made you feel safe and at home. 
It looked exactly as you’d remembered. 
Low lights, cigarette smoke, and spilled beer made it seemed as if time had not moved. Even though Eddie seemed to think differently. He was incredibly nervous, fidgeting with his rings behind the stage door, the screams that emanate from the other side making him even more nervous, because if he was honest with himself, he was used to play for an empty Hideout, not a sold out, filled to the brim, people pressed against each other streaming his name. 
He was glad you were there. 
He had even been more happy to wake up beside you. And laugh about last night, and talk it out, while you both got ready. 
As anxious as he was, he only needed to look over at you to calm down.
He did now, and he smiled when he saw you chatting away with Steve, who decided to pop in for the occasion. 
“So… Did a mosquito bite you?” He told you, as he teased pressing a finger to one of Eddie’s hickeys on your chest. 
“Fuck off Harrington.” You laughed back, as you readjusted your top, in an attempt to cover it. 
“I missed you insulting me.” He said, his voice cheerful and playful. Taking a sip from his bottle. “Can’t quite believe that Munson’s made it.” 
“So have you.” You tell him, smiling up at him, as he tries to dismiss you with a vague movement with his head. “Oh come on, prestiged Uni professor Harrington!” You teased him now, punching his arm. 
“You’re embellishing it.” He pointed out, clanking your bottles as he took another sip, one that you followed, laughing with someone you missed so dearly.
“Well, I’m the one teaching the language. So… thank you.” You giggled at him covering his face with his hand, embarrassment and glee on his gesture. 
“Yeah well… He’s really made it though.” He said, shifting his body to look over at him, and you followed him once again. 
“Yeah… He deserves it more than anyone.” You added, making it a bit obvious that your feelings were rising again. Your heart missed a beat when he looked over at you and smiled. 
“And you…” 
“Save it Steve.” You didn’t need to look at him to know the questioning look he had on his face. 
“But you…”
“Yes. I still do.”
“Does he?” 
“I think so.” 
After that you stayed in silence as beers clanged, amps were connected and guitars were tried. Waiting for it all to start. 
But Eddie needs a moment with you. And once again, not a word escapes from his lips, he just walks over to you, black button shirt opened, his chest exposed making you short of breath for a second. His eyes look down for a second, grabbing your hand, looking carefully at the way your hands seem to fit perfectly together, caressing the back of yours with his thumb, he looks back at you, nodding to a place where there’s no one. And when you squint your eyes he starts heading that way. 
Steve’s left speechless as he sees the two of you, and he’s convinced at this moment, he has never seen such pure connection between two people. 
However, Eddie doesn’t speak when it’s only the both of you. He just lets air come out of his mouth, shivering a bit as he does so. Both of his hands grabbing yours, resting his forehead against yours. Enjoying the calmness of the moment. The stillness. The comfortableness of it all. 
You nuzzled your nose against his, feeling how your lips curl upwards as you do so, even more when you hear him laughing softly. He takes a step closer, closing the gap between the both of you with an even softer kiss that he left on your lips. 
“Everything will go great.” Your faint voice made him scoot closer, his ear next to your mouth, instinctively, you wrap your arms behind his neck, he wraps his on the small of your back. 
“Could we just…” You had never heard him with such a soft tone of voice. 
“We can’t. You’ve gotta go play.” You teased as you stepped back, getting lost once again on his chocolate like eyes. 
“I don’t wanna be far away from you again.” He muttered, barely above a whisper. “Will you come with me? Please?” 
“Moon…” You whispered, your thumb gracing his cheek, he let his face rest on the palm of your hand. Head tilted down to look better at you, his eyes lost into yours as he bites his lower lip. He had always loved that ridiculous pet name. “Well talk about it, okay?” You smiled as you left a kiss on his bare chest. “Now, go out there and play.” 
He did just that. Not before stealing a few more kisses, and not before taking you all in. Your teachers clothes had long been forgotten, and you looked truly angelic as you rested against the wall, a somehow sheer top layed on top of your chest, with long worn out jeans that seemed to be a minute away from breaking, with Eddie’s old leather jacket. He couldn’t take his eyes away from you until the roar from the public made him snap into place. 
He looked truly divine. The lights from stage made him glow, his movements seemed effortless, and his voice had never sounded that clear. 
He was following the setlist, everything was going exactly to plan, expect, in one of those pauses in between songs, where he would normally talk to the audience and make them laugh and connect with the band, he was just staring at you, unaware that his hands had started to play the old melody that you had always hummed when you were together. As soon as you heard it, memories, feelings and tears came out. Steve’s hand on your shoulder as he watched closely. 
“He’s mad about you.” He told you, knowing that he won’t get a response, he lets you rest his weight on his body as you cry, excited to hear him sing your song. 
“I um- hi.” He told the audience that cheered in return. “We don’t really play songs that are not ours anymore, but that’s like, all we did when we used to come here and…” A quick glance on your direction before he could continue, as you nodded, excited for him. “Well, there’s this someone, who… She’s incredibly special and this is her favourite one so, you’ll have to hear it. 
Tangerine by Led Zeppelin could be heard, and you had never smiled as big as you were now. 
Whispering the lyrics in between tears as you looked closely at him. He vaguely and not discreetly at all pointed and looked at you as he sang  “Tangerine, Tangerine, living reflection from a dream/I was her love, she was my queen, and now a thousand years between.”
As the final notes could be heard, and in the heat of the moment, Eddie sneaked backstage, to steal a short kiss, both of your lips smiling as you touched. Foreheads pressed against each other as you both had your eyes closed. He didn’t need to say anything else, the question and the answer was already clear. 
That moment was enough. But just in case you kissed him again, your hands grabbing either side of his face, happy tears falling down on both of your eyes. A declaration being shared. 
It said of course I’ll stay. of course I’ll come with you. I’m never leaving again. I’ll never leave you again. 
And you never did. 
if you liked it, and i really hope you did, reblog and/or leave your opinion, i swear it makes a differance <33
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dee-writes-smut · 1 year
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FEATURING Steve Harrington x adopted!hopper!reader
CONTENT WARNING description of injuries, mentions of trauma, hurt steeb :(, angst, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, Steve being an asshole in high school
SUMMARY just when you thought he had forgotten you, he called out your name
AUTHORS NOTE ahhhhh! I don't know where this went but enjoy :)
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You suffered a crushing defeat. Eleven, despite her best efforts, couldn’t reach Vecna in time, resulting in catastrophic consequences. Max, Lucas, Robin, Dustin, and Steve were all severely injured and ended up in the hospital. The extent of their injuries varied, but the grim reality was undeniable: you had all been defeated. During the chaos, you found yourself with Lucas, engulfed in a tumult of screaming, crying, and pleading as you cradled a weak Max in your arms. Her labored breathing shattered your heart into countless pieces. In your desperation, you called out to any force that might listen, begging for Max's life, because it wasn’t her time to go—none of you were ready to say goodbye. After a frantic rush to the hospital, the overwhelming stress and exhaustion took their toll, causing you to faint in the hospital lobby, alarming both Lucas and Erika. Concerned for your well-being, the medical staff admitted you overnight for observation, attributing your collapse to acute stress reaction. Fortunately, you were stable and discharged the following morning, though Erika insisted on vigilantly watching over you throughout the night.
Being confined to the hospital bed initially kept you out of the loop about the full scope of the incident. Once discharged, you were quickly surrounded by your friends, eager to fill you in. Eleven, whom you had come to consider almost like a daughter ever since you helped Hopper raise her, threw herself into your arms, her tears soaking your shoulder. Mike had to gently pull her away so that Jonathan could have his turn to embrace you, his sobs muffled against your neck. You and Jonathan had shared a brief romantic chapter during high school, but had amicably parted ways when he began growing closer to Nancy. Despite the end of your romance, your bond remained strong, evolving into a deep, platonic love. Will, Mike, and Nancy joined in, their group hug was brief yet filled with immense warmth and concern.
After the emotional reunions, Eleven and Nancy guided you to sit on your bed to explain the sequence of events in detail. Eddie and Dustin had valiantly attempted to divert the bats, a move that tragically cost Eddie his life and left Dustin seriously injured. Vecna had anticipated their distraction and used it to his advantage, trapping and nearly killing Steve, Robin, and Nancy. However, Eleven managed to intervene just in time to save Max, pulling Vecna's focus away from her at a critical moment. This distraction allowed her to barely fend off Vecna, ensuring Max's survival by a narrow margin. While Eleven’s intervention bought them some time, the group had nearly executed their final plan to eradicate Vecna. But, before they could deliver the final blow, Vecna vanished, leaving behind a wide-open gateway that threatened all of Hawkins.
"Holy shit," you gasped, your mind struggling to grasp the enormity of the events they were describing. The words seemed to hang in the air, dense with gravity and horror.
"I know," Nancy replied with a heavy sigh, her voice tinged with fatigue. She gently rubbed your arm, offering a semblance of warmth in the cold aftermath of the battle.
"But how? How was he weakened? And how did you manage to escape from all that… that entanglement of roots?" you pressed, your thoughts scrambling to piece together the chaos they had endured.
"About that…" Eleven began, her voice trailing off uncertainly. She exchanged a meaningful glance with Will, who promptly exited the room. The tension thickened in his brief absence, leaving everyone in a state of anxious anticipation. Moments later, he returned, bringing with him a wave of relief in the form of Joyce and Hopper.
"Oh my god," you froze, your heart leaping into your throat as your eyes brimmed with tears. The sight of Hopper, alive and well, was overwhelming—a beacon of hope in the shadow of despair.
"Hey, cupcake," Hopper greeted you with his familiar, gruff affection, stretching his arms out wide. The old nickname, a tender relic from countless memories of your youth, acted like a spell, breaking the paralysis that had gripped you. You dashed into his embrace, burying your face in his chest, the familiar scent of his jacket enveloping you in safety.
"Pops," you sobbed, the relief of seeing him alive making your knees weak. "How? How are you here?"
"You two kids weren't the only ones who didn't give up on me," he responded, his voice rich with emotion. He glanced over at Joyce with a look of deep affection and gratitude. You smiled through your tears, your heart warming as you witnessed the palpable bond between your adopted father and Joyce. It was clear he had found a kindred spirit to share his turbulent life.
Glancing over at Joyce, you playfully wiggled your eyebrows. Throughout your time as one of Jonathan’s girlfriends, Joyce had always shown you a particular fondness, treating you more like a daughter than a mere acquaintance. This special connection meant that the two of you shared many intimate conversations and inside jokes. Joyce rolled her eyes at your antics but couldn’t suppress a knowing wink, causing a burst of laughter to escape you, lightening the heavy atmosphere.
The room momentarily filled with the sound of your laughter, a much-needed reprieve from the dire narrative. As everyone gathered closer, the comforting presence of friends and family intertwined with a renewed sense of purpose. Hopper and Joyce sat down next to you, ready to dive into the story of their unexpected return and the pivotal role it played in weakening Vecna. They began to recount their side of the ordeal, weaving a tale of resilience and unlikely alliances that had momentarily turned the tide against the dark forces at play, laying bare the depth of their struggle and the flickers of hope that persisted against all odds.
"Where is everyone else?" you wondered aloud, your voice tinged with concern as you scanned the room, searching for familiar faces.
"Dustin broke his leg, so they've got him holed up in the room to the left of you," Nancy explained, her words carrying a weight that seemed to settle heavily in the air. Despite the warmth of her smile, there was an underlying sense of burden that spoke volumes.
"And Robin… Robin broke her windpipe," Jonathan continued, his tone somber. "It was touch-and-go for a while. They had to rush her into surgery and put her on a respirator. She's in the room next to Dustin, still unconscious. The doctors are cautiously optimistic, but it's going to be a long road to recovery."
As the reality of their injuries sank in, you felt a knot form in your stomach, a mix of fear and helplessness tightening its grip on your heart. Hopper's comforting embrace offered a momentary respite, his strong presence a steady anchor in the midst of turmoil.
"Lucas is with Max in the room next to Robin," Nancy continued, her voice trembling slightly. "Max… she's in a coma. Her injuries are… severe." Her gaze flickered to Jonathan, a silent plea for support, and he responded with a reassuring squeeze of her hand. "The doctors… they're not sure if she'll wake up. It's… it's hard to say."
The heaviness of the room seemed to weigh down upon you, pressing in from all sides with an oppressive force. You struggled to find words, your mind reeling with the magnitude of what they were telling you.
"Oh! Also… uh," Mike interjected, his voice hesitant as he shifted uncomfortably.
"Also what?" you prompted, your heart racing with anticipation, a sense of foreboding creeping into the corners of your mind.
"Steve… Steve has been asking for you," Eleven chimed in, her innocence a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation. She had joined your makeshift family after 'the Steve incident,' unaware of the painful memories it dredged up for you. The mention of it sent a shiver down your spine, a reminder of wounds that had never fully healed.
"Why? What does he want?" you asked, your irritation bubbling to the surface. The audacity of Steve to seek you out in the midst of such chaos left you reeling, a surge of anger rising within you.
"He won't say, kid," Hopper interjected, his voice low and gruff. He remembered 'the Steve incident' all too well, the scars it had left behind still raw and tender. "But if you want him out of your hair, I'll handle it."
"Wait, Hop. She needs to, it's been long enough since-" Joyce began, her voice filled with concern and a hint of motherly affection.
The tension in the room thickened as Joyce and Hopper engaged in a silent battle of wills, each one advocating for a different course of action.
"No," Hopper cut her off sharply, his expression resolute as he shook his head.
"Pops," you interjected, breaking the tension with a warm smile as you wrapped your arms around him. "I'm an adult now. I got this." Despite the façade of confidence you projected, a knot of dread coiled in the pit of your stomach at the prospect of facing Steve once again.
"Whatever you say, kid, but I don't know if I trust his intentions after the-" Hopper's words trailed off, his brow furrowing in concern.
"Please don't finish that sentence," you pleaded, a grimace tugging at the corners of your mouth. Hopper heaved a weary sigh, his resolve wavering in the face of your insistence. He leaned down to press a fatherly kiss to your forehead before reluctantly releasing you.
You smiled up at him, a surge of joy flooding your heart at the sight of him alive and well before you. "I've got this, pops. I'm your daughter, and if you can come back from the dead, I can take care of a kid I used to be friends with," you reassured him, though the words felt more like a mantra to bolster your own courage than a genuine assurance to him.
After bidding a reluctant farewell to your father, you followed Joyce out of the room and toward the door at the far end of the hall, adjacent to Max's. Joyce filled you in on Steve's condition as you walked, her voice tinged with a mixture of concern and confusion.
"He's in here with a few broken ribs, chunks of skin missing, dehydration, and a concussion," she explained, her words painting a grim picture of Steve's injuries. "When he came to, he immediately asked how everyone was doing. After we told him you had fainted, he was adamant on leaving to go see you. Jonathan and Hopper had to step in to hold him down."
As Joyce's words washed over you, a wave of confusion washed over you. You hadn't exchanged so much as a word with Steve since he broke your heart all those years ago. His sudden desire to speak with you now left you feeling disoriented and apprehensive.
"Thanks," you managed a strained smile, attempting to steady your nerves with a deep, centering breath before stepping through the doorway. The room felt stifling, the weight of Steve's presence suffocating as you prepared yourself for the confrontation ahead.-
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Steve's voice cut through the air, calling out your name, drawing you further into the room. His relief was palpable, evident in the way his tense shoulders sagged as he sank onto the bed. "Oh, thank god. Are you alright?"
His words grated against your raw emotions, reigniting the seething anger that simmered just beneath the surface. "Why do you care?" you snapped, your arms crossing defensively over your chest as you glared daggers at him, the venom in your tone thick and acrid.
"Listen," he began, his voice tinged with desperation, his face drained of color as he braced himself for your response. "I messed up, okay?"
"Messed up?" you scoffed, your scowl darkening into a murderous glare. "I don't think spreading rumors around high school about me being 'a whore who puts out for anyone' qualifies as a mistake. That sounds pretty damn intentional to me," you growled, your voice dripping with contempt as you confronted him head-on. Steve recoiled at the ferocity of your words, his features contorting with guilt and shame under your piercing gaze. "Seriously, how dare you have the audacity to ask for me, to care about me, after the stunt you pulled. You used to be my best friend, the person I trusted most in the world, and you knew damn well I was a virgin!"
"I know! I fucked up, and I am so, so sorry," Steve pleaded, his voice thick with remorse as he struggled to find the right words to express the depth of his regret.
"No! You don't get to apologize. Not anymore. Not after you ripped my heart out," you spat, your anger boiling over as you unleashed years of pent-up frustration and hurt. "You know what? I can't do this. I hope you have a shit life, Steve," you seethed, your voice trembling with emotion as you turned on your heel and stormed toward the door, your heart pounding in your chest with each step. Every fiber of your being screamed for escape, for relief from the crushing weight of betrayal that threatened to consume you whole.
"I was scared!" Steve's voice echoed through the room, halting you in your tracks. "I was scared," he repeated softly, his vulnerability breaking through the barrier of anger that surrounded you. You stayed quiet, guarded, but turned back around to see that he had gotten out of bed and was right behind you. Too close. You took a step back, instinctively creating space between you, as he continued to speak.
"I loved you so much that I thought I was going to die," he confessed, his voice trembling with emotion. "You were gorgeous and everything that I ever dreamed of, but things with my parents were starting to get really bad. It went from casually throwing comments my way to yelling and throwing things and threats of kicking me out, and I just…" he trailed off, his breath hitching as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. Finally, he mustered the courage to meet your gaze. "I couldn't put you through that, not after you had lost your mom and little sister."
"That doesn't excuse the rumor spreading, you dick," you retorted, your voice quieter now, the malice drained from your words. Steve reached over, his hands grazing your arms, but you quickly recoiled, pulling away from his touch. The physical contact felt like an intrusion, a violation of the boundaries you had erected to protect yourself from further pain.
"Please," Steve pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion. "I almost died. You almost—" he sighed heavily, running a hand through his tousled hair in frustration. "When I was stuck in those things, fighting for air, the only thing that came to my mind was you. It was you, baby. I was about to die, and all I could think about was how I lost someone so special, someone I wanted—no, someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. And me being scared is a stupid excuse. I should have never done that to you, but I can't take it back. The only thing I can do is ask for a second chance."
His words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity and vulnerability, as he bared his heart to you, laying his emotions bare in the hope of redemption. "I love you," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the sound of your racing heartbeat. "I love you, and I just want to take you out on a date. Just one, and then you can decide for yourself whether or not you ever want to see me again. If you don't, then I'll leave you alone. But… but if you do, then I think we could really be something special together, and I swear to try my best to fight for us."
The room fell into a cold, tense silence, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air as you grappled with your emotions. You were hesitant, scared of letting him back in after what he had done, but his words struck a chord within you. It could have been the end for both of you, it still could be at any moment. So why not seize the time you have left? If you got hurt, you got hurt, but at least you could say that you tried. Right?
As you stood there, grappling with your thoughts, Steve's hopeful gaze bore into yours, his heart laid bare before you, awaiting your decision with bated breath. The air crackled with tension, uncertainty hanging thick between you, as you contemplated whether to open your heart to him once more, or to shut him out for good.
"Okay," you breathed, the word hanging in the air like a fragile promise, waiting to see if he would shatter it with a cruel twist of fate. But he didn't. Instead, he took a step forward, his hand finding its way to your waist as he pulled you close, the warmth of his touch seeping into your skin. He stopped just before kissing you, a silent plea in his eyes as he waited for your permission.
You found yourself lost in his deep brown eyes, the same eyes that had witnessed your tears, your pain, and your heartache. But this time, as you stared into them, you saw something different—sincerity, vulnerability, and a flicker of hope reflected in the small golden flecks. It was in that moment that you knew. He wasn't going down without a fight.
With a silent nod, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting in a heated kiss that sent sparks flying. It was a kiss filled with passion, longing, and a silent promise of what could be. When you finally pulled away, both of you were left breathless and wanting, the electricity lingering in the air like a tangible force.
"Just don't go and fuck it up this time, okay?" you murmured, your voice tinged with a mixture of caution and longing, your heart laid bare before him.
"Okay," Steve replied, his smile tender and genuine as he pulled you back in for another kiss, sealing the unspoken pact between you with a promise of redemption and a chance at love renewed.
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bunitivity · 5 months
I really REALLY need to tell you my hc that Luffy and Usopp sleep in the same bed 98.37% of the time. They are EXTREMELY hard to seperate.
When Usopp first joins the strawhats along with Merry, the boys have to make do with what they have. And that includes taking turns sleeping in the hammocks. Now I'm going to reference that pic where Luffy is hanging down on Usopp's body from his hammock. Also the one where Zoro and Sanji sleep on the floor face to face. That one. One time Luffy actually falls into Usopp's hammock but neither of them realize it and in the morning the sniper might have hit his head when falling on the floor from the sudden surprise. But then it became a usual thing and both of them were becoming closer friends so eventually Usopp just proposed them sleeping together since they're gonna end up like that in the end. Of course the more they travelled, they got bunks for comfort, because sleeping on the floor/couch got annoying.
Then Water 7 happens and Usopp is devastated. He really wants to go back to them snuggling but he feels like if he offers it right after what happened to them it would feel like he didn't feel sorry at all, which is not true. And besides, Sunny has all the comfort you could ever want, so no more "well, if you're gonna slip into my bunk anyways, why not just share it from the start" excuse.
However, Luffy's thought process is a little different. He gets a little confused as to why Usopp still hasn't invited him over. Well, the sniper apologized, they had an emotional reunion, spent the rest of the day together and now they won't even snuggle like they did before? Something's gotta be up.
So as soon as Luffy makes his decision, he "slips" into Usopp's bunk and hugged the shit out of the sniper, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. Usopp let him stay. He wanted to anyways.
So since then, their habit of sharing one bed and cuddling was fully established. Oh boy, I sure hope they don't get seperated again only for a longer period of time.
No listen you literally read my mind! I’ve literally been thinking about this idea nonstop I’ve it written in my draft somewhere. Still think about that moment post dressrosa where usopp just goes to sleep right on top of luffy and no one bats an eye lol(really tried to find a pic of it but it isn’t in my tag ://) it was just business as usual for everyone but there’s no way that’s the first time that’s happened. They definitely sleep together all the time. It’s just second nature to them to just curl around each other and fall asleep.
And oh w7 ;-; the most devastating arc my beloved <3 neither of them sleeps during their separation(i dont actually have long they were apart but I’m pretty sure it was just one night considering how fast paced one piece is but it was a very looong night either way with Usopp staying up working on the merry while luffy just tossing and turning until he just ends up staring out over that rooftop where nami finds him the following morning telling her he was looking out for robin but really he was just looking out the sea to where the merry was docked🥲)
and ofc luffy would be the one to push past the awkwardness because once usopp apologized that was it he had already forgiving him the moment he saw usopp on that bridge screaming at him to keep fighting(still think about how ready luffy was to bring him to the crew immediately post ennies lobby until zoro knocked some sense into him lol) there was no way he was going another sleepless night without him
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eds6ngel · 9 months
Spinoff request!!! Had an idea for the first time (r) goes over to steves place and Alena keeps asking if shes her mommy now and stuff
i love this!! thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy the direction i took with this ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. swearing. kissing. allusions to sex. pet names. alena gets angry. angst. hurt. fluff. comfort. happy ending!! [2.7k].
author's note: just a quick one! i currently have five asks for this series in my inbox. i have a specific order i want to tackle them based on the ideas, so i'm sorry if you requested earlier but get a fic later!!
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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Steve had planned this out with you for a while now. You were gonna spend the night at his for the first time. He wasn’t necessarily hoping for anything to happen, just sharing a bed with you would be perfect, but if it did, he would rock your world.
He was getting Alena ready to be dropped at Robin and Vickie’s when suddenly the phone began to ring. He plops her on the kitchen counter, grabbing the phone from its hook on the wall, and speaking into the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey, dingus!” Of course, it was Robin. “Um, slight change of plan. Work have asked me to emergency cover for someone and Vickie has her meeting today. I know it’s short notice, but unless you want to drop off Alena with your girlfriend later, I’m afraid we can’t have her until at least 7pm.”
“Shit,” he curses quietly. What was he gonna do? The two of you had been planning this for weeks, both extremely nervous for the what the night potentially entailed. And if he had his daughter to look after, especially with his daughter’s ex-teacher coming over, it was going to make things really awkward. But, it seemed as if he had no other choice. No babysitter would take Alena overnight, and Nancy and Jonathan have a newborn to look after. He guesses Alena would just have to be there with him. “Okay, yeah… That’s fine, Robin. I’ll just look after her myself.”
He can hear her let out a sigh of relief down the phone, “Okay, thank God, because I did try and explain to them that I had to babysit my friend’s daughter and they kept going on and on about how desperate they were and how they were so short-staffed and—”
“Robs, I got her. It’s okay,” he reassures her, the girl going on another one of her familiar rambles that happened when she was nervous.
“Okay, good, great! Amazing! Yeah, I— Yeah, you got her, great! Okay… I have to go.”
Steve chuckles, “Okay Robin, see you later. Tell Vickie I said to wish her luck with her meeting.”
“I will! Okay, bye!”
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to respond as the phone is dropped at Robin’s end, shaking his head as he puts his back on the stand. God, she was such a character.
“Was that Auntie Robin?” Alena sweetly asks, holding out her arms, Steve hoisting her up onto his hip.
“It was pumpkin, I’m afraid she can’t look after you today,” he frowns.
“So, where am I going when Y/N is here?”
“Well…” he boops her nose, making her giggle, “That’s the thing. You aren’t going anywhere.”
She scrunches up her face in confusion as Steve explains further, “You are going to be staying right here.”
Her face lights up, her feet kicking against his hipbone as she beams, “I get to see Y/N?”
He plops her down on the floor, taking her coat back off and hanging it on the hook by the front door, “Uh huh. You get to see Y/N.”
And like the excitable child she is, she begins running around the house, yelling “Yay!” arms held out as if she was flying.
Steve picks her up underneath his arm, making his daughter scream in delight as he ruffles her hair. He puts her down, grabbing onto her shoulders and stating, “But, since Y/N is our guest, we have to be respectful, okay? That means calming down, no running around like you just did, and keeping the house clean. You need to be a good girl, do you understand?”
She nods, putting her hands behind her back, making herself look nice and polite, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, “Now, why don’t you go and clean up your room before Y/N comes? Maybe she’d like to potentially see your room?”
She jumps up and down, shouting “Yes!” as Steve raises an eyebrow. She quickly cottons on, landing herself softly on her two feet and mumbling, “Okay,” before quietly trotting off down the hall.
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Steve is in his room making himself look presentable, Alena sat on the floor by the coffee table drawing away when the doorbell rings, signalling your arrival.
Before Steve can get the chance to rush into the living room, the door swings open, Alena smiling in front of you, waving and yelling, “Hi!” despite being only a couple inches away.
“Hello honey, how are you?” you smile back.
“Good! Daddy’s in his room. He said he wants to make himself look perfect for you.” God, kids… They were so brutally honest.
“Oh, did he now? Well, shall I be the judge of that?” you ask her, the little girl nodding as you walk into the Harrington’s house, Alena closing the door behind you, perhaps a little too forcefully for your liking. But, you weren’t her mom, that wasn’t your decision to make.
Steve appears from his bedroom in a sage green sweater, black sweatpants to match as he runs up to you, grabbing your face and planting a kiss to your cheek, “I am so sorry. I was going to get it, but,” he signals to his daughter.
“It’s okay,” you softly reply, “A little birdie told me that you were making yourself perfect in there.”
You look down at Alena and raise your eyebrows, her giggling as Steve fumbles over his words, scratching the back of his neck, “I— Uh… I was just, you know… Getting ready and stuff…”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you whisper back, “I think you look gorgeous.”
The two of you pull back, Steve signalling to your body with his hand, “Uh, thanks! But, you… I mean, you look stunning. Not that you don’t always look stunning, because you do, just today you look… extra stunning.”
What’s funny about Steve’s compliment was that you were as underdressed as he was. A plain black t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers, all paired with some gold hoop earrings is how simple your outfit was today. But, sometimes looking lazier was ten times more attractive than looking put-together.
You giggle at his words, “Thank you.”
He points behind him, “I was gonna get started on dinner. I know you like pasta. I’m not the most brilliant cook in the world, so will pasta and normal sauce be okay? Sorry, it’s not too fancy or anything.”
“Steve, I’m happy with anything,” you reassure him, “Do you want any help at all?”
“Oh, god no. No, no, no,” the words tumble out of his mouth, “You’re the guest. Please relax, honestly.”
You chuckle, smiling at his nervousness, “Got it. Guess I’ll spend some time with this sweetpea,” you say, ruffling Alena’s hair, something you seemed to have subconsciously picked up from Steve.
“Of course!” he replies, “And sorry she’s here. Robin had to fill in for someone at work and wouldn’t be done until after you arrived, so I said it would be easier for her to just stay here with us. I probably should’ve checked with you first, but—”
You shut him up with a quick peck on the lips, Alena bouncing behind you, her enjoying any sort of romantic affection between the two of you. After all, she was the one to tell you Steve loved you in the first place. “Steve, it’s fine. We’re gonna have a great time, aren’t we peanut?”
She nods eagerly, grabbing your hand and tugging, Steve scolding her softly, “Hey, what did I say about being calm?”
“Oh Steve, please, she’s fine honestly,” you say, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. You turn to Alena, leaning down to her height and saying, “I saw you had a little creation coming along over there. You wanna show me?”
“Yes!” she shouts, sprinting over to the coffee table, Steve having to yell at her, “No running, Alena!” You follow her, turning your head to laugh at Steve, him shaking his head and playfully rolling his eyes, heading to the kitchen to begin creating his beautiful pasta dish.
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“Who are you drawing now, sweetpea?”
Alena had already completed two figures, one more whilst you were there, them both easily identifiable as her and Steve. She had drawn herself to be wearing her favourite purple dress, Steve in a yellow sweater and black sweatpants.
“Um…” she says, a nervousness present in her voice, “I was thinking of drawing you. B-Because you love daddy, and you kiss daddy and now you are staying here with us. It’s like what mommies do. So… are you like, my new mommy?”
Her words hit deep within you. You and Steve had only been officially dating a mere two months, you finally telling Alena your first name just over a month ago. But, she was also seven years old, and her knowledge of the family unit was lacking, understandably. She linked up all the facts in her head and combined it with her knowledge of the role of a mother. And what’s disappointing is, you were the closest person to a mother figure she had ever gotten in her life.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “Um… I’m not honey, no. At least not for the moment, okay? I’m more of just… your daddy’s girlfriend for the time being. Is that okay?”
She scrunches up her face, “But… Lilly at school has a mommy and a daddy and they are both boyfriend and girlfriend. Why aren’t you the same?”
You remember teaching Lilly yourself, and Alena’s statement was correct. However, Lilly’s mom was her biological mom, making her the legal guardian of her daughter. It wasn’t just a placeholder name as it would be with you, Lilly’s mom is etched into her daughter’s DNA.
“Baby… I haven’t been with your daddy long enough yet, okay? Lilly’s mom and dad have been together for years,” you explain to the girl, “Maybe when me and daddy have been together longer, then I can become your mommy.”
She huffs, taking a crayon and ruining her image, scribbling all over the face of you that she drew. She stands up, storming off to her bedroom, Steve leaning back from where the pasta was boiling in the pan and asking, “Hey, what’s going on pumpkin?”
You sigh out, Steve looking over to you and mouthing, “She okay?”
You get up yourself, walking over to Steve and asking, “Can I talk to you a second?”
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“It’s just… I didn’t want to outright say ‘yes’ as I haven’t even asked you yet. I know we’ve only been together two months, but I don’t want her to start holding that title for me, and then something happens to us, which I hope to God it doesn’t, I’m suddenly not her mom anymore and it messes the whole thing up. Do you see where I’m coming from, my love?”
He takes in every word you say, listening to your entire ramble from start to finish, “Yeah, I understand, and… I agree.” He sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “How do we explain this to her in a way she understands?”
You both contemplate for a second, before an idea pops into your head, “She really enjoys nicknames, right? Like, you give her pumpkin, sweetpea, toothache, all of them.”
“Well, how about I give her a replacement nickname instead of ‘mom?’” you suggest, “Something like… ‘mubba?’ I know, it sounds kind of stupid—”
“I don’t think it sounds stupid,” Steve interrupts you, “I kind of like it.”
You sigh out in relief, “I was just thinking, I call you ‘bubba’ in an affectionate way, right? So I took the start of ‘mom’ and combined it with ‘bubba.’ I think her issue is calling me by my first name. It makes me sound just like another random person. She wants some sort of title to call me, but, I don’t think we’re on the level of using ‘mom’ yet.”
“I think that’s a great idea actually,” Steve agrees with you, “Mubba it is.”
You nod, “Okay. You wanna go talk to her or do you want me to do it?”
“How about we both do it?”
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Although Alena’s door was wide open, you still decided to be polite, delicately knocking on the wooden frame, “Can I come in princess?”
She keeps her back turned, sharply letting out a “No.”
Steve decides to speak up from behind you, “Lena, we want to talk to you, okay?” However, when she doesn’t answer, Steve sternly says, “Alena.”
She huffs, spinning herself around and looking at the pair of you. You both kneel down in front of her, you taking her smaller hand in your larger one, “Look, I understand how frustrating it is I can’t be your mom yet, okay? These things take time, we can’t just decide when they happen… Like, when you told daddy you wanted to be older, but you couldn’t, right?”
She nods in understanding, still avoiding your gaze, “Well, it’s the same with me being your mom. I can’t just suddenly become your mom, I have to wait a while for that to happen, okay?”
“But,” Steve carries on your joint plan, “We do have something you can call Y/N in the meantime.”
She looks up at you when her dad mentions this, slightly squeezing your hand as you explain, “Well, since you can’t call me ‘mom’ yet, I thought we could use a different word. How about you call me ‘mubba?’”
“Mubba?” she questions.
You smile brightly at her, “Yeah. It’s sort of like a pre-mom word. You can call me ‘mubba’ for now, and then one day in the future, when I can become your mom, you can start calling me ‘mom.’ Does that sound good for you, sweetpea?”
She nods, smiling a little as she shyly says, “Mubba… I’m hungry.”
You laugh a little as Steve snorts beside you, “Makes the two of us baby.” You turn to Steve, teasing him as you joke, “Gosh, daddy chef, what’s taking so long?”
He holds his hands up in defense, stretching up from his kneeling position, kissing both you and Alena on the head, “Okay, okay. Daddy chef will continue his fabulous meal.” He begins to walk out of the room, stopping at the entryway to point at the two of you, “My girls better like it,” before exiting to head back to the kitchen.
“You wanna create a new drawing?” you ask Alena, quirking your eyebrow with a smirk on your face.
She nods eagerly, jumping off her bed and running back out to the coffee table. Thank God seven year olds were easy to cheer up.
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After many hours of food and TV, you and Steve had put Alena to bed, turning in for the night yourselves. You were currently cuddled up to Steve’s side, hand laying comfortably on his chest as his arm lay above your head.
“Can’t believe how quickly you solved that issue earlier. You better be sticking around for the long run because damn… That was good parenting right there,” he compliments you, keeping his voice low, careful not to wake his daughter.
You shake your head, smiling and blushing a little, “That’s the teacher instincts coming through.”
“No, that wasn’t a teacher thing beautiful, I’m sure of it. That was full mom mode.”
Before you can think of a response, Steve cups your face in his hands, “When the day comes, and this is totally under your control, but I think you’d be an amazing mom to Alena.”
You bite your lip as you look into your boyfriend’s eyes, “I think I’d like that someday too, yeah.”
Steve grunts as he reaches behind him to turn off the glowing lamp, snuggling up to you and kissing your forehead, closing his eyes as he whispers, “Goodnight, future mom.”
“Goodnight, wonderful dad.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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dorotheafromthesea · 2 years
Some headcanons about Robin and Nancy going to college together.
Think about them sharing a flat. You would think Nancy is the neat one and Robin’s stuff is everywhere, which is partially true, but Nancy’s readings and articles and research papers are scattered ALL OVER their place. Until one day, Robin comes home with a gigantic white board, magnets and markers in all colors for Nancy to organize her thoughts. Also, they definitely only have one bedroom. “We’re both girls and a 1-bedroom apartment is much cheaper”, but how do they explain to their parents and the party that there is only one bed?
Think about Nancy falling asleep over her work on her desk and Robin carrying her to bed. Careful not to wake her, she tries to lay her down on the bed. Nancy half awake, but not really, clings to her neck and mumbles “love ya” and Robin melts over this.
Think about Nancy taking Robin to her first party, holding her hand, whispering little reassurances into her ear, when Robin is afraid, because she has never been to a party and is ready to go home the moment it gets too much for Robin. Surprisingly, Robin enjoys to scream the lyrics of their favourite songs together, to dance closely with Nancy and to steal a shy kiss because everyone else is to drunk to notice.
Think about Robin taking care of Nancy the mornings after a party because sometimes Nancy is still not good at knowing her limits. Robin puts her water and Tylenol on the nightstand and brings her to the shower once she is awake. She insists that they go on a walk by the time Nancy looks better because “Fresh air is the best treatment for headaches, believe me Nance!” and once they are in a less crowded area Robin takes Nancys hand and she DOES feel better.
Think about Nancy making flash cards for both of them and they quiz each other – or try, because Nancy is hot, when she concentrates and Robin kisses her for every right answer. Nancy really enjoys this, even if she doesn’t want to admit it and has an exam the following day and “You’re an idiot Robin Buckley, we need to focus”.
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
Robin, Chrissy, Vickie and Nancy are in a rock band, Robin sings, Chrissy and Vickie on guitar and bass and Nancy drums, Steve is their manager and Dustin, Steve’s little brother is their number one fan and tags along to gigs all the time, Mike is more reluctant but even he can admit his sister is kinda cool for being in an all girl rock band that slaps, Lucas is their best friend and so he comes along for the ride, holding back Dustin when he gets too enthusiastic and underfoot until he also gets too excited and they cause a small amount of chaos and Erica is an admirer of the band so she squeezes her way into events as well
Corroded Coffin are currently the world’s biggest new metal band, Jonathan is their actual manager but Max, Eddie’s little sister, likes to follow him around and tell him what she’d do instead, Will and El encourage her much to Jonathan’s dismay and Eddie’s delight, they’ve just dropped a killer album (Satanic Panic) and they’re organising a tour, Max suggests the rock band she’s always listening to and after checking out the discography Corroded Coffin agree it would be a good fit
Steve switches off his hearing aid before he tells the girls about CC reaching out because they’re all big fans and CC is a small influence on their work, Robin and Eddie share the same raspy vocal quality, and he was thankful he did because they all scream, he snarks that he’s assuming they���re up to be CC’s opener and he’ll get back to Jonathan
Max and Dustin connect on social media before the band’s get together and it’s the meeting of two of the most chaotic minds and they’re already causing trouble, I just want them to cause shenanigans and that leads to them deciding to parent trap several members of the bands and teams because then they’re forever intertwined and Dustin and Max can keep going to both of their concerts for free, Lucas thinks its a little manipulative, Mike and Will think it’s genius and El would just like to go to concerts and learn about girl power and fucking the patriarchy and Erica knows a lot about that
the adults don’t know they’re being moved around like chess pieces until it’s too late and then one day Steve sits up in bed, accidentally elbowing Eddie on his way up from where they were spooning, and he’s like those little shits they did this on purpose, it’s 3AM but he’s calling Dustin and making Eddie call Max so he has them both on the phone because he knows they did this only for the two fuckers to laugh and say they really only meant to get Vickie and Jeff together because the two of them had openly stated that they thought the other was cute, everybody else just fell into place after that so they can’t be punished but they’ll take the credit
Gareth and Argyle, who are both still happily single, neither ready to settle down, will take it to the grave that they helped the kids by passing on info about any crushes or hook ups with in the adult group, they just sip on their drinks that the kids money bought them because the information came at a price as well as their silence and enjoy the peace and quiet now that nobody is moaning about being in unrequited love or never getting laid
it went something like Vickie and Jeff started to date which made Chrissy realise Robin wasn’t in a secret relationship or pining after Vickie and Robin realised Chrissy was interested so they make a move on each other, Steve gives Robin some space to date Chrissy without him hanging around and ends up ferrying his brother to hangouts with Max who just happens to be getting dropped off by Eddie despite the fact that both of them can drive but Steve and Eddie make plans to hang out and they make it complicated because it’s them but eventually they get together properly and while all this was happening Nancy and Jonathan were slotting into place quietly but sweetly and it works and now the kids have four couples for the price of one and their favourite bends are gonna be able to collab forever
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love-toxin · 2 years
Fruity four x Angelface where Steve wakes up to hear some rummaging noises around the house and he immediately picks up his bat (probably sleeps with it beside the bed) after carefully maneuvering around the others who are sleeping. He creeps down the stairs with a tight grip around his bat just to find Eddie raiding his fridge, a bag of shredded cheese in-hand 💀 Steve probably didn’t notice him gone from the five person cuddle puddle
LMAOOO what a king. can vividly imagine this scenario, Steve creeping slowly into the kitchen with the bat raised, readied and even more tense when he sees the fridge door open, and when Eddie stands up from where he's been kneeling to look through the shelves Steve jumps and lets out a startled "Ah!". but it starts a chain reaction because Eddie straight up screams, because all he initially sees is a figure in the darkness holding something long and blunt. and Nancy, who Steve didn't realize has also gotten up and started creeping downstairs, shouts and runs the rest of the way wielding one of her cocked shotguns that she's stashed in Steve's house and aiming it all willy-nilly until she realizes that it's just the two of them. cue the three of them arguing, and then quietly arguing because they remember that it's like three o'clock in the morning, before Steve shows Eddie where he keeps the actual snacks (not just a mouthful of shredded cheese) and he takes some back up to the bedroom with the other two in tow. only to open the door and get accosted by Robin wielding the lamp off Steve's nightstand like an axe, wild-eyed and scared shitless with you clutching her sleep shirt from behind and the both of you shrieking until you realize that it's just them. and it's just so many heart attacks none of you needed all because Eddie got a little snacky in the night--but at least you can all sit around in a circle on Steve's bed, sharing the crackers and little fruit gummies and talking softly about whatever it is that comes to mind until you all fall back asleep.
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 years
A lot of people thought Steve Harrington was stupid, but that wasn’t true. When Steve had been in high school, he had been a little lazy about things that didn't have immediate gratification- mostly classes. He’d graduated with mostly B’s without trying. A lot of people thought he hadn’t gotten into college, but in reality he decided to take a couple years off before actually going anywhere. He told his parents it was because he wanted to get some ‘real world’ experience before he left for school, but in reality he wasn’t ready to leave Hawkins, not after everything that had happened. 
So some people were a little surprised when Steve packed his BMW, picked up Robin Buckley, and drove them both three hours to Chicago for college in late August of 1986. No one who knew Steve, actually knew him, was surprised though, and that’s what mattered. There had been a teary goodbye between Steve and Dustin, a hug that felt like they were trying to pack in 6 months of love into it, and then Robin and Steve had been off. 
They got a little two bedroom in Lincoln Park instead of living in the dorms, but still walking distance from DePaul, just more private - partly because Steve was nearly twenty and didn’t want to live with some kid and partly because screaming nightmares probably wouldn't be appreciated by a roommate who hadn’t lived through the trauma that was Hawkins, Indiana and the Upside Down.
They went to class, Steve got a part-time job as a bartender at a local spot, Robin a work-study at the library, they studied together, they had weekly phone check-ins with Dustin and the Hawkins crew to make sure things were actually, finally safe. 
It took less than a month of them being in Chicago for Eddie Munson to show up on their doorstep with two duffel bags and a crooked grin. Steve had just stepped aside and let Eddie in with a wave of his hand. The two bedroom was a little cramped with three people, but Eddie didn’t stay on the futon in the living room long before he moved to a more permanent spot in Steve’s bed. 
Steve learned pretty quickly that he actually had to try in college, but trying when you were learning about shit that was actually interesting wasn’t all that bad. And that was the amazing thing, he was interested in what he was learning for once in his life. He decided on an education major pretty easily and after a year of classes decided to focus on middle school education. It felt right and when he did his first teaching internship in his second year it was honestly easy, because after all he had been through with the kids, how could it not be?
There were plenty sleepless nights because of studying and there were sleepless nights because of nightmares (Steve’s and Robin’s and Eddie’s) and there were sleepless nights because one of the kids called them and needed someone to sit on the phone with them, but there were also night full of laughter and new memories. 
It felt like they blinked and it was May of 1990 and Steve and Robin were both walking across the stage to accept diplomas. All the kids showed up - it was easy enough for Dustin and Mike, they both ended up at universities in Chicago too, but Lucas, Max, Erica, Will, and El had to make it from different corners of the country. Hell, even Hopper and Joyce had made it, which must have been a stretch because Jonathan's graduation had been just two days before in New York, but they all made it nonetheless.
The entire Hawkins delegation cheered when first Robin, then Steve, walked the stage, but Eddie cheered the loudest and when they all made it back to the same two bedroom apartment they had shared for the better part of four years, Steve gave Eddie an honorary diploma.
There lives weren't easy or normal, they really couldn't be after everything they had gone through, but their lives were good.
The day after graduation the trio moved out of their small two bedroom into something a bit bigger in Boystown. Robin could easily commute to law school at Northwestern and Steve could to his new teaching job. Eddie had already been coming to Boystown for work for a couple years, so it made no real difference to him.
The three of them made their apartment into a home, the kids (and they would always be kids to them) crashed with them when they needed a spot, Robin moved out eventually (just a block over with her partner).
Life was mostly normal. So much more normal than Steve thought he would have after his first experience with the Upside Down, so much less normal than he thought he'd have before all of it. It was a good life, a great one even. And if Steve still kept a baseball bat full of nails in his trunk, no one said anything because they all carried the past with them too.
Steve and Eddie stayed in that apartment in Boystown, Eddie liked to call it the Harrington-Munson Home for Wayward Travelers, but Steve just liked to call it home.
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caroldantops · 2 years
I had this weird concept of combining the Camp and serial killer thing
Imagine: Nance and Robin become Camp Counselors, the young children leave a day earlier so the adults/helpers stay a extra night and day to clean everything etc. They plan to kill everyone then, to learn the terrain and be hide some traps etc. Enter you!
They meet you and decide to keep you! You are just such a sunshine! A sweet naive thing. Midst the chaos you will be with one of them, trusting them to help you, and always just barley escaping the killer. Of course still getting some small wounds here and there, you look cute with the pain and fear in your eyes.
You would be their own little final girl.
their own little final girl im biting my fist trying not to scream rn okay i got a bit carried away with this but im obsessed!!
tw: DARK nancy and robin, serial killers, murder, blood mention, manipulation, all that jazz. nothing super explicit or gorey just girlbosses murdering billy :) and others but he's the only one mentioned lets just assume the rest of them r pieces of shit too <3
this is so !! oh my god, the manipulation..making it so you think that they're keeping you safe while the other is laying traps and such. nancy's definitely out doing the dirty work while robin stays with you. she wipes your tears from your face as she puts cute patterned bandaids on you and you mumble about how you're just glad that whoever is doing this had the humanity to spare the kids the trauma of it all
robin clutching you close to her when you hear the screams of your co-counselors
"well, billy was a piece of shit anyway, right?" robin says, always the one to diffuse the mood with humor. you can only think about how you're going to tell max.
you keep urging robin that maybe you should just make a break for the work truck by the old storage shed and try to get out of there, but robin keeps reminding you "we can't leave without Nancy."
robin keeps moving you to different locations, closer and closer to the truck so that you can be ready when you finally find Nancy. "how do we know she's okay? should we go look for her?"
"this is nancy wheeler we're talking about. she keeps a revolver under her bunk bed. if anything, the killer should be scared of her."
you get all concerned when nancy comes back to your safe spot with blood on her and she's like "oh it's okay baby, i promise i'm not hurt" and you cling to her and beg her not to leave your sight again
her and robin sharing a look as nancy soothes you by rubbing your back, sobbing into the blood stained material of her counseler shirt. nancy gives robin a curt nod and robin leads you both to the truck.
the camp is very out of the way, and it's started pouring hot summer rain as well ("i wonder if theyr'e even going to be able to find any evidence after this downpour" robin wonders aloud, tracing your hand with her fingers. "i bet they planned it this way.") so the three of you end up holed up in a little shitty motel in the middle of nowhere, nothing but a diner with flickering lights next door.
nancy n robin tell you to go shower first, since you're all muddied up. but you hesitate at the bathroom door, terrified that the second you close your eyes you'll take your last breath.
robin offers to watch the door while nancy sits in the bathroom with you. she can hear you crying and suddenly she's stepped into the shower with you. you watch the little bit of blood that came off of her go down the drain as she washes your hair, humming softly to you.
she tells you to turn so you can rinse off, and you wonder where the blood came from, since she has no signs of even a scrape.
you have trouble sleeping that night, of course, until they curl up on either side of you, robin spooning you from behind, arms around your waist and nose pressed into your neck. and nancy facing you, fingers tracing softly over your face until you finally pass out from exhaustion.
the next morning, they take you to the diner next door right as it opens. there’s no one there except an old lady who serves you warm pancakes. the news flickers on the old tv in the corner. 
“do you think anyone knows yet?” you ask. 
“probably not, honestly,” nancy hums. “we were the last people there. anyone who would’ve come check up on the camp was already there.” 
“should we...i dunno, should we report this? there’s probably a phone we can use here...” 
nancy gives robin (who’s currently stuffing her face with waffles) a pointed glance and robin says with her mouth full, “maybe we should just lay low for a while. who knows if that guy is still out there looking for us.” 
“and we probably don’t even want to go home, what if he tracks us there?” nancy adds. you push away the plate of food, suddenly not hungry anymore. nancy pushes it back and gives you a look until you start eating again. “my family had an old cabin up here. they haven’t visited it for a couple of years now. maybe we should go there.”
and so the they take you there, and slowly the three of you lose track of time (or, you do, rather. nancy knows exactly how long its been) and months pass by. you never forget about everything that happened, you’re constantly a little jumpy and anxious and always ask nancy to triple check all the locks before the three of you settle into bed. 
news reports say the three of you must be dead. there’s not enough evidence to do anything with. a lot of it was destroyed in the rain or messed with by the hungry wildlife in the surrounding area.
robin and nancy muse that maybe it’s best if the three of you stay off the grid for good. you miss your other friends and family, but you’re so dependent on these two that you’ll do whatever they decide is best. 
after all, they kept you safe that night. you wouldn’t be alive without them. 
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hullomoon · 1 year
hullomoon had a busy april
got in my stride this month as i had many fests in april! so please enjoy these works!
[podfic] pinkie swear | Stranger Things | Robin & Steve | 09:48
Traffic is miserable. Robin passes out during the first traffic jam. Steve puts on Tears for Fears last album and hopes she doesn’t wake up and give him shit. Doesn’t think about the “Break for Emergency” Spotify playlist they all share. Or his yearly plans to get the hell out of Chicago for the Fourth of July. Completely ignores the mess that is late October through November. He weaves through traffic —Robin doesn’t even move when he’s cut off and he lays on his horn.
or, forty years of steve & robin’s friendship
[podfic] coming home to you | Schitt’s Creek | Stevie & David | 11:49
There’s a room in the cottage that’s always ready for her, whenever she needs it.
It’s not a guest room. David and Patrick were very clear on that. The third bedroom is the guest room. But this, this is her room.
There’s Rose Apothecary products in the bathroom, even though she’d still use the drugstore brand if left to her own devices. There’s the old, battered quilt on the foot of the bed that David said didn’t go with the decor, but left it there for her anyway because he knew how much she loved it. There’s even a Sarah McLachan poster on the wall.
There’s a room in the cottage that’s always ready for her, and that’s why she’s definitely not crying on this airplane.
it’s hot when you’re going through hell | Stranger Things | Chrissy/Nancy | explicit | ~2.2k
Every college-aged woman in Hawkins knows: if you have a problem with an ex, you went to Nancy Wheeler
little light will guide them to me | Stranger Things | Eleven/Max | ~1k
El always finds a way to be with Max 
here kitty, kitty | Schitt’s Creek | Patrick/Ted | ~1.3k
Patrick didn't expect to find a cat or meet a hot vet
hold me like you’ll never let me go | Check Please | Jack/Bitty | ~1.6k
Sometimes a neon orange puffer coat is not helpful 
forget this fear and frustration | Stranger Things | Robin/Nancy | 849
Robin reflects on queerness and community
kiss full of color | Stranger Things | Robin/Chrissy/Nancy | ~2k
Robin always worried about finding her soulmate. Then she met Nancy Wheeler and Chrissy Cunningham and worried a little more.
make me scream, make a scene | Stranger Things | Robin/Vickie/Nancy/Barb/Heather/Chrissy | explicit | 508
Robin's just a twenty-something living her best life
why aren’t you scared of me (why do you care for me) | Stranger  Things | Chrissy/Barb | explicit | ~2.2k
Barb comes back and can't stand to be in Hawkins. She ends up meeting Chrissy
and all of it is yours and mine | Stranger Things | Joyce/Karen | ~1.4k
Joyce reflects during a milestone
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
When i get back, i'm going to spend the last hour of my trip to.. get myself "ready", reading through all the asks here again, the slow first time ones, the exploring kink together ones, the rough cnc ones, the being used by x and his friends/the whole band ones, the being walked in or walking in on ones, the exhibitionism and voyerism ones, all of them 😌👌🥵😳
And if there's time left, i'll start thinking about robin holding my arms down above my head while he tells aleksi to fuck me hard, take me anyway he wants even if he hurts me or I tell him to stop or try to pull away or fight back against robin holding me down, and robin tells me he's disappointed, he knows i can and like taking it rough, that's why I always ask him to treat me rough right, so why am i being a whiny bitch to aleksi now just because he ripped off my clothes, spanked my pussy once, pushed me on the bed and immediately forced himself inside me with only a little lube before I was anywhere close to being ready? Why am I trying to pull my arms out of robin's grip or pulling away from aleksi, they both know I'm a pain slut after all, and they both know I'd fucking love it if Robin forced his way inside me along Aleksi too. And when I whimper at the thought, Aleksi laughs and spanks my pussy again and tells Robin to lie down and pull me on his cock so they can both fill me up really good and see if I'll even be able to take them both like that when aleksi alone inside me already HURTS. (They don't care, they want me and they will both take my pussy at the same time even if they have to shove some fingers inside my mouth to stop me from screaming and begging them to stop).
And when aleksi's done, robin just pulls me up on all fours, tells me I'm not allowed to stop watching in the mirror, and goes to town on me again, spanking my ass every now and then. But my arms are shaking and I let myself fall down, and Robin stops moving for a minute, not saying anything, and I think he's giving me a break, but no, he asks aleksi to record this - for their friends to see I'm not being a good girl at all and I want to protest but aleksi tells me to shut up or he'll just livestream it instead - and suddenly there's a paddle in robin's hand and he starts spanking me hard enough i'll bruise very soon, telling me he's disappointed in me and spanks me long enough that I just let myself fall down completely, just lying there quietly sobbing and shaking and taking it, when he puts the paddle away and instead pulls me up by my waist and hair so my whole body is on display for aleksi and the camera and he starts fucking into me HARD from behind, telling me to be a good girl and come for the camera but I CAN'T and tell him that, but he just tells me I can and I will unless I want him to tie me down and invite everyone over to have a turn with me until I come, and he rubs my clit a bit before suddenly starting to spank me there with his rings hitting perfectly, making me cry out and hold onto his arm around my waist, forgetting about the camera and instead throwing my head back on his shoulder, begging him for more, telling him to stay inside after he's come, I like feeling him going soft inside me, and eventually come hard enough that all I can do after is to just sink back against robin and shake and softly cry some more, letting them take care of me and tell me we can watch the video together later and decide if we want to share it with friends (or... a private showing at a sex club?) or just keep it for private purposes
Well that was a ride but I expect if I read that again on wednesday, i'll be very very ready to just throw my suitcase somewhere, open the package and hope i don't have to charge the toys before using them 😂
WELL HELLO YEAH THIS WAS INDEED A RIDE 😳😳😳 and i loved every WORD!!! especially aleksi ripping your clothes off and the filming and threatening a livestream 🥵
in my experience every toy ive ever had needed to be charged when it came 😔
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batfambitches · 2 months
Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne was born as Damian Al Ghul to Talia Al Ghul soon after his twin brother Aidan, however well Aidan's entrance into the world was silent his was not. The baby screamed himself to exhaustion and even then let out small whines as he slept until his brother was by his side after being put into the Lazarus water that Ra's Al Ghul treasured. Well he was born the son of The Bat and the Heir of the demon, Aidan being the Son of the Bat and the plan to be putting him into a position to succeed their father in his role? It was Aidan who would later go on to have a place among the power of the pits, well Damian was happy to succeed their father in his mission and one day carry on the mantle of The Bat.
As children Damian and Aidan Al Ghul were loyal to each other and attached to their mother, as they grew loyalty to their grandfather was instilled in them and they came to love their mother. Their true loyalty however was to each other, something that their grandfather saw from a young age. He used this, separating them for lessons save for sparing matches. When they did something that could be perceived as a failure? Or a challenge to his authority? Ra's found ways to separate them for longer periods as a punishment.
It was after one of these that Aidan was sent on mission that he didn't return from. The two of them were on their way back to Damian's room after having snuck out to look at the stars, Ra's spotted them as he was returning from some task he had been taking care of. Aidan took the blame, said that he had snuck out to look at the stars and when Damian realized had come to get him and make him to back to bed. They were only 8, but even at that young age he knew that doing anything but agreeing would make things worse for Aidan. Sneaking out after curfew was not nearly as bad as lying directly to Grandfathers face.
He stayed and continued his lessons, Aidan leaving to complete a mission he was assigned to as his consequence. 4 days later his Mother returned and broke the news to him, Aidan was dead, he would not be coming back.
After that Damian threw himself full force into his training, doing almost nothing save for eating and sleeping. After a bit Talia brought him to Gotham to reveal to him who his father was, because well he knew he was Batman he had not been told Batmans identity yet. After that he just seemed to get worse and angrier, and he was. He watched as Bruce interacted with Tim and resented it, knowing that Aidan would never even get to meet their father let alone be taught and cared for by him. Why should these placeholders get that when his twin did not? Never would?
Finally Talia told him he was ready to go to his Father to finish his training, allowing him to go to Gotham and make contact with The Bats. His first contact was with Nightwing, and soon he met his father face to face and became his Robin. Then just as he was starting to feel like maybe he could make a life in Gotham, maybe he didn't need to go back to the league? He died on him as well. He reverted back to the intense anger he'd had to start with and stopped doing anything outside of training and the necessary school work to keep up public appearances, slowly though between Alfred and Dick's continued presence, patience, and passion moments of telling him when he's being an asshole? He starts opening up again.
When Bruce showed back up alive and well again Damian was both happy and so vicerally angry, happy that Bruce had come back but also silently asking the universe why. Why couldn't Aidan have come back the way his father did? He never quite gets to the point of telling anyone about Aidan, or why he insists on celebrating his birthday the day before the first 3 years he's there. He tells himself that there's no reason to burden them with losing someone they had never met, and the might be part of it. But another part of it is selfishness; he doesn't want to have to share his memories of Aidan with any of them, and he knows it they find out about him they will ask about him.
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