#rick riordan you have no right to take my money like that
cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
Me: *Eleven wips or so, still in the brainstorm process of most of them, little to no experience, attending school 5h a day and figuring things out for the first time*
My mom: "You should totally sell those books you're working on!!! Let's set some cool goals!!! Hey, what about October? If you organize yourself you can write one or two books until then, right?"
Me: *annoyed noises*
Like, I know it's probably because she herself went through hard times when she was younger and poorer, and she wants me and my siblings to have money so we won't have to worry about the future but like. No? Like, no, I don't think so? That's not how writing works? And books take very very long to be written? Like, Rick Riordan, a professional who's been doing this for ages, takes at least a whole year to finish one book? For an already stabilished series, with fleshed out characters and themes and brainstorming process done, that is? And I'm a hobbyist???? And what I plan on selling is like, art???????
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dirtyvulture · 3 months
😎 Sooo it’s ground hog day ( Feb 2nd) and PHIL the ground hog did NOT see his shadow and that means EARLY SPRING !!!!!!!!
I have been talking to a friend about sooo many ideas/ head canons and the such and since vulture is taking a well deserved break ( no rush to come back) I didn’t want to overwhelm with soo many of my thoughts/ posts so until Vulture is all caught up this will be my last post. . But since it’s a happy occasion I will in part some of my SB and DK AU thoughts . I have also been really enjoying rereading some books in a trilogy( I have the first two books and I am currently rereading the second book) and the third and final book comes out a day before my birthday. The book comes out on the 6th and my birthday is the 7th .
So I can see R in DK really enjoying this silly little holiday of ground hog day and the silly superstition of early spring or six more weeks of winter based off if a ground hog had seen its shadow or not . This has been a tradition / holiday for the past 137 years ( this year) , it’s not like people had a alot of entertainment opportunities back then so yeah of course there is a silly little holiday like this and R enjoying it as the simple little thing that it is ( she obviously doesn’t put too much stock into the superstitions) and it always puts a small smile on her face. I think that R had a huge sweet tooth growing up and still has one now to this day , imagine Nat’s shock when she discovers both R’s fondness for ground hogs day and she has a sweet tooth ( because she doesn’t look like the type) . R just bought herself a bag of candy or something like that and Nat is just looking at her ……. R stares back and then says “ do you want some ? Is that why you’re staring at me , because I BOUGHT THIS WITH MY OWN MONEY and I have every right to enjoy sweets if I want to ….. I am a GROWN ASS WOMAN who is over a CENTURY OLD ( she is being defensive because she used to get in SO MUCH TROUBLE with eating candy that was to be used for banquets or other parties in high society . Plus it was considered “ Unladylike” to have a huge collection of something like that in one sitting and just having that bag of candy and being STARED AT brought up ALOT …… she is traumatized over EVERYTHING LITTLE THING . Elizabeth Howlett and High Society did a NUMBER ON HER) . R is always willing to share her bags of candy with anyone but don’t just STARE AT HER SAYING NOTHING, R just grabs a hand full of candy handing it to Nat who STILL HASN’T SAID ANYTHING ….. R then just BOLTS OFF !!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nat goes up to Jean or any of the X-men and asked why did she see R with candy they would tell her “ Oh R has a huge sweet tooth , and she is generous in sharing her candy so if you ask her she would be more than happy to share .” Like it was the most OBVIOUS THING EVER.
In the SB AU I think that SB also loves ground hogs day an all the holidays that there is . Nat rolls her eyes at SB and their golden retriever ways but secretly loving their goofy ass ways . I can also see them having a sweet toot but it’s not as shocking as it is for Wolverine R to have one . SB has stashes of candy and sweets when on base and deployments . They are also generous in sharing their candy so if anyone were to ask they would give that person some. I have talked a bit about DK R reading a lot as a kid ( again not a lot of entertainment options back then) and I believe that Wolverine R is still a avid reader. I think that SB didn’t like reading much as a kid but when they got their hands on a special book/ story / author it all clicked for them and they fell in love with reading . I was the same way as a kid , I HATED READING until I found the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan when I was 12 . I wonder if DK Nat and SB Nat are avid readers and who else would be a avid reader in both universes . Who else has a sweet tooth and enjoys the silly little holiday that is ground hogs day .
It is so good to see these again in my inbox even though I take forever to respond now lol
:) What book series are you reading?
I feel like groundhogs should be related to wolverines in some way so that is another reason why R likes them so much 😂
And not R NOT sharing her candy with Nat. But I feel like if Nat glares at her hard enough, she will offer some (but not much) of her candy to Nat.
Sergeant Beef definitely loves ground hog day, they are also just a big animal lover in general. I'm not sure about SB having a sweet tooth, maybe they used to but gave it up in order to become the 100% beef they are now?
I think Nat from the DK universe would also like to read, especially once she is allowed to pick books of her own (since the RR specifically had them read boring manuals and ancient works). I can't really see Sergeant Nat reading much though lol.
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zanerak · 4 months
Was Tagged in this post by @azonine and my edible hit a while ago. let's go for it everybody thank you beloved
Last Song: my sister and i were listening to our spotify blend earlier and i think it's updating itself bc i could've sworn the last thing i remember was something like passion by nicki minaj with a pink album cover but i can't find this song so i think i made it up. likely what i actually hear was Bomb Intro / Pass That Dutch by Missy Elliot. it's my sister's contribution but i vibe with it. apparently we're an 83% match which is interesting. she also keeps making fun of me for saying ethoslab is attractive but i'm literally right. sorry you wouldn't understand
Favorite Color: BRIGHT red slightly pink. i never used to say i have a favorite color and i lost my shoe. i've found it. anyway i gravitate towards red, especially that shade. i also love just black of course but that is a safe color that goes with anything. but red. that's bold. also many flowers are red. flowers are gorgeous. every single one. godbless they make the world cooler
Last Movie/TV: The Wilds. one of those cancelled lesbian shows. unfortunate. it's not as good as Yellowjackets though. i think they spend too much time on everyone's backstories but they're honestly not that complex like half of season 1 is leah having a breakdown over that guy and they want to be like leah is an obsessive person but they only show the one thing like. her other obsessions are so much more interesting i don't care about mr pedophile writer guy i literally do not care. let her go insane she deserves it for being bisexual. the last movie is possibly blue beetle which was alright for an airplane movie, wish i could pause it though. why tf is it a channel? who put live channels on planes? who did that? you deserve SUFFERING. also, while i was writing this i realized i actually later watched the new percy jackson episode with my sister so that actually but i don't remember anything from the books and unfortunately the show is clearly directed towards the same age range as the original series and it's like. good for what it is but selfishly i wish it was cooler for me specifically. rick riordan is cool though
Sweet/Spicy/Savory?: sweet or savory depends on my mood really. but savory maybe? although i am searching it up and now i am confused about the definition. i love the savory crepes (the philly) from crepevine it's possibly my favorite meal ever. would love to eat crepevine every day all day ever
Relationship Status: newly single. please hmu if you like taking care of pathetic people or alternatively have a lot of money
Last Thing I Googled: "vegetable list" to answer the llff qotd which i keep saying in my head as "quote of the day". before that. soojin g-idle. queen. you would've killed it in queencard i know it. also as you can see above i am in fact single
Current Obsession: i think my depression is currently bad enough to prevent me from a single obsession currently. i searched the wilds on tumblr a couple times but it's like 90% people complaining about canceled wlw shows bc tumblr search is unusable. i wouldn't call it anything close to an obsession though, it just happens to be what i'm currently binging. most recently though - poppy seed pets. also rewatched a couple community episodes. such a good show my god. wish alison brie was asian. also i have been thinking about tattoos a lot. specifically my new one which was my first. got with friends. very cute (: further i am going to be so abnormal about the boys s4. i don't have a kin list but i'm starting one rn putting jordan li at the top. minecraft character bdoubleo100 second. king from the owl house third. not for size reason we just both get disrespected. taking recommendations for additions that aren't a random small animal you saw on instagram - please keep in mind that i am 7'4" in real life and extremely intimidating. i am also considering adding nora from the wilds (autistic) and abed community (autistic) and todd sanchez bojack horseman (aspec but actually we're not that similar. i think i am just thinking about him. what a lad.) and perhaps. asian lesbian from scream queens because i too think chanel no. 3 is hot. actually every character from community except pierce is relateable. also generally any character that is "bad" representation of a minority group and knows it but i haven't seen much of that kind of character. they should make more of them for the bitches like me who are simultaneously whitewashed and a stereotype
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viscountessevie · 4 months
Do you think JQ cares at all at how her characters (and to an extent the actors too with the promo and stuff) are treated or does she only care about the money? I mean they already did huge changes and they will probably do more going forward. As an artist myself I would find it disheartening how something I created would be taken apart so much that it barely resembles my own work. And also how does she feel about all her fans response to the season 2 disaster? There was a lot of complaining on her insta posts about what they did to Kate and Edwina (especially on her video post about the sister soulmate stuff). Okay yes she signed off all rights, if one should do that is another debate (i wouldn’t ) but do you think she regrets it? Because it doesn’t feel that way. Makes me resent her a bit tbh.
Ask Dated: 31st July 2022
I can't quite remember what may have prompted this ask but probably them feeling the same way I felt about S2.
While yes Simone and Jonny's chemistry and some acting choices/scene and tone changes saved the season, I still felt robbed of my favourite lines and scenes from the book not being adapted. And of course how they massacred my favourite book family, The Sheffields/Sharmas. We really could have seen a healthy and loving Indian family of women instead we got the same toxic shit I grew up in.
Anyway, to answer your main question anon, I have a feeling the Netflix/Shondaland check was big enough for JQ to sell her soul and writer's integrity. If she did care, she hasn't shown it one bit. Or alternatively her lack of enthusiasm for Kate, The Sharmas and Kathony now that Kate is an Indian woman, can be a sign of expressing her disappointment in the colour blind cast. I mean before the show was announced (and old time Bton fans feel free to correct me), Kathony (and TVWLM) and Polin (and RMB) were her favourite couples and books to hype up. Ever since Simone was announced as Kate, she did the bare minimum talking about her and has ignored Kate in favour of her fave and only white tv couple (so far). So take what you will from that.
There are a few articles out here where JQ kind of does mental gymnastics to justify all the big changes to S2 which I thought were cop out answers. [Note: it is almost 4am as I am writing this and I am a little tired to find for her exact quotes but if I come across them I'll link at a later time but for now Google is your bestie!]
I did find that she stipulating that *only* the Pall Mall scene could not be changed at all, really dumb in hindsight. Because the way they shot and edited that scene was super lame (there was barely any tension visually - Jimone was carrying the tension and rivalry of the scene and match) and there was SO MANY MORE important scenes and characterisations that made TVWLM so popular and beloved and nothing else mattered to her???
I will admit; while I LOVE the OG Bee Scene, I liked the new one too. I just wish they had gotten married earlier. Also of course the new accident scene is superior. But it still does not make up for how badly they fumbled the Sharmas, cutting out their backstories and then giving away an whole useless hour to the Featherflops. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE TWO WEDDINGS THAT WEREN'T EVEN KATE'S!!!
I really wanna know how much she was paid to just go along with everything because even Rick Riordan was able to express his disdain with the Percy Jackson movies!! I think at this point, its safe to say its enough money to make her turn a blind eye to all the horrid changes and not regret anything. It even is enough to make her eat her words about not being able to write characters of colour (will expand more in the next ask) but now suddenly after all these years, she can write a romance novel centred on a Black heroine. I guess characters of colour are only worth writing if she can profit off them. It makes me resent her too anon. 
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 30 (SPOILERS)
"setting up trip wires and motion-sensor alarms . . . I used to flirt with them shamelessly, but I never went further than that." I'm sure that greatly reassures the Hunters, who I'm sure have never had any bad experiences with other male gods and have no reason to worry about the one who flirts with them the most potentially changing his mind one day and deciding to take advantage of their vulnerable sleeping state. No, I'm sure they're just paranoid. /s
"ẹlọmìíràn--one of the others." Have we stumbled upon yet another pantheon? Yoruba are from around West Africa. This could legitimately be a whole other pantheon. "I am also a graduate accounting student at Indiana University." Very applicable to the situation. What do you mean that's not useful information? This is stuff we need to know!
"Not a gladiator. I only fight on weekends for money." Oh, so it's his part-time job. Puts him through college. I have a feeling he won't mind looking for a different job after this.
"My name is actually Olujime." And ebook Olujime's nickname is actually Jimmy. The more trivia you know. "I was getting very tired of spelling out Papadopoulos." At what point does Apollo have to write his name down? This is deffo Rick Riordan projecting here. He's regretting picking this name for him.
"'Your girlfriend. Yes. Will you excuse me?' I fled." Very subtle, very subtle. Wow. You could not have had a worse reaction. I'm impressed, genuinely.
"Besides, he was much too old for me" Right, I forget he's in a 16-17 year old form. "or young, depending on how you looked at it." If Olujime's too young, then why did he want to flirt with Chiara and Damien? Pick an angle to look at it from and stick with it. Gods are way too used to their shapeshifting abilities.
"until I stumbled upon a small library . . . the old-fashioned kind without books, just scrolls stacked in cubbies." I immediately feel like the Waystation definitely sensed this place could help him and sent him there. "Now she was a smart melomakarona." MELOMAKARONA (n.): an egg-shaped Greek dessert made mainly from flour, olive oil, and honey. A traditional dessert prepared primarily during the Christmas holiday season. They are also known as finikia
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^ Hypatia, ladies and gentlemen.
"VERILY, THY LEVELS OF STUPID ASTOUND ME." "Have you ever wondered . . . why you have no friends?" LMAO he's so fed up with this screaming little shit.
"you two intend to remain at the Waystation." They do? They don't want to go back to camp? Is this permanent or are they just waiting until the Triumvirate threat is over before they go back to CHB? "The furtive glances?" FURTIVE (adj.): attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive "And she can teach you to regain your magic." Oh yeah, that. "Josephine reminds me so much of my mom." Awwwwwwwww. Yes, stay with them.
"A car? . . . Oh, I can hook you up with one of those!" Oh no.
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blessedchaosgod · 1 year
A Half Blood Christmas by Rick Riordan
25th December 2020
A Half-Blood Christmas
For those who have not been able to read La Repubblica in print last Friday, here is a surprise for you: my first (very short) story about Percy Jackson originally written in Italian. Have fun and Merry Christmas everyone!
A Half-Blood Christmas
"Where we are?" Percy said.
"Florence," Nico said.
Percy frowned. "And why?"
The son of Hades snorted. “You never need a reason to come to Florence. But you told me you'd like to find a perfect gift for Annabeth, right?"
"True." Percy pressed his hands to his stomach. He never liked traveling in the shadows. “But I thought we were going to the Christmas market in Times Square. There are many stalls"
"Times Square!" Nico shivered. “You are a romantic. If you want a gift worthy of your girlfriend, you need an Italian gift, as everyone knows. Here we go."
The streets of Florence were empty. The winter clouds lay heavy and grey. Directly in front of Nico and Percy, the cathedral's massive dome rose like a huge medieval spaceship, ready to take off.
"The shop is close," Nico said, crossing the square. His face was difficult to read due to the mask covering his mouth.
"Which shop?" Percy asked.
Nico didn't answer.
Percy looked at the shop shutters, at the few people in the square running around. Even the tall Christmas tree seemed to glimmer sadly in front of the cathedral. In Italy, as in the United States and everywhere, it was obvious that this year had been very tough. Demigods, like Percy and Nico, couldn't get sick from the pandemic, but they could spread it, so they wore masks to protect the mortals in their lives, because that's what heroes did.
However, the son of Poseidon was tired and ready for a new year. Recently, monsters were also practicing "social distance," and it was very difficult to fight monsters with a sword from six feet away.
'Here we are, “Nico said.
The shop facade was not very different from the others. It was at the entrance of an alley, with an iron grate through the closed door and advertisements painted on the dark windows: Jewels! The best offers!
"Seriously?" Percy asked.
"When we come in," Nico said, "be kind and respectful."
"As always," Percy said.
Nico coughed. “Anyway, the shopkeeper can sell you the perfect gift for Annabeth, I promise you. But. . "
"It's a bit strange."
"As always," Percy repeated. He checked his pockets. “And how can I pay? I only have dollars and an expired sandwich voucher. "
"Don't worry," Nico said. “The shopkeeper does not accept money. He has other ways to get you paid. "
"Now I'm worried."
Nico opened the grate, pushed the door and went inside. Percy followed him.
Inside the shop, the walls were lined with cabinets with jewels and trinkets of all kinds. Behind the counter, with his back turned, was a man in a huge red cloak, his hair like a wild white avalanche. He was working on a workbench, repairing a diamond necklace.
"Impossible," Percy muttered. "Santa Claus?"
"Where is it?" the man exclaimed, turning around in alarm.
It wasn't Santa Claus.
His cloak unfolded, becoming red wings. From his white hair pointy ears like these of a lynx. Boar's tusks rose from his beard, also white. Its nose was a beak like that of a vulture.
Percy swallowed. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. "
"Percy," said Nico, "this is Charu, the Etruscan god, guardian and guide of the dead."
"Nice to meet you," Charu said, her eyes burning with flames. "How can I help you?"
"Excuse me," Percy said, "but are you an Etruscan god?”
            "Yes, yes," Charu said. “Before the intruding Romans, these lands were the home of the Etruscans. For that reason, this region is called Tuscany, do you understand? "
"But why -?"
“Percy,” Nico interrupted, “Charu is the last Etruscan god. He remained after the passing of the others, to maintain the passage of the dead. "
“Alas,” Charu said. "It's true. I'm still waiting, hoping some of them will come back, but it never happens." He pointed to his shop windows. “Over the centuries, many have passed through my shop on their way to death. Nobody comes back. Well, there was that one guy, Dante, but apart from him, nobody. People, and gods, leave me their most priceless items for safekeeping, as you can see. What are you looking for?"
Percy wasn't sure he wanted to get Annabeth a gift that had belonged to a dead god, but he didn't want to offend Charu. He explained the different things Annabeth liked.
"Does your girlfriend like strategy?" Charu smiled, showing his fangs. "I have the perfect thing."
The ancient god took something from his locker. It was a gold bracelet, made of tiny keys. “This,” he said, “was done by Sethlans, the Etruscan god of artisans. The keys around. . . well, I'm just saying they can open up a lot of things and solve a lot of problems. "
Percy was flabbergasted. "It's perfect," he admitted. "But the price must be high."
“Only this,” Charu said. "Tell me the right answer: why would ancient gods like me celebrate Christmas?"
Nico looked nervous. Maybe he didn't think Percy would do well in an oral exam. But Percy thought carefully about the past year and his friends, like Nico, who had helped him get through it.
“Because”, said the son of Poseidon, “Christmas is for everyone. Represents hope.��Especially in dangerous times, all of us - gods, demigods and mortals - have to help each other. We remain vigilant and optimistic, like you, watching over the ways back. "
The god smiled. "Well said. Here's your gift. Maybe we'll meet again, huh? Merry Christmas!"
Back outside the shop, Nico said, "Impressive, Percy."
"Thanks," Percy said, holding the bracelet. “But I guess the perfect gift isn't a piece of jewellery. It is a good friendship. Merry Christmas, my friend. "
"You too, Algae Brain."
Percy laughed and together they went back into the shadows.
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yennefer · 1 year
hello, I just wondered if you had thought about changing your blog away from a HP theme? given JKR and the terf problem, if its better not to give it as much of a platform .
No hate just want your take on it
okay i'm finally back from work so i can answer this...
i just want to preface this first by saying that i am not a jkr apologist by any means. i think her opinions about trans people are wrong, disgusting, and very harmful. there's a problem within the harry potter fandom where people get very defensive about still enjoying harry potter to the point where they try to explain or defend jkr because they feel they have to. i'm not one of those people. and i've honestly been let down by cast members who feel like just because she created a world they grew to love, and because they might otherwise like her as a person, that she deserves the benefit of the doubt or some kind of compassion. she doesn't. not when her words can lead to real-life consequences and harm. not when she's proven herself to be a giant hypocrite. how do you write a story where your main characters are looked at as lesser than because of who they are (whether that's harry being a half-blood, hagrid being half-giant, hermione being muggleborn, house elves being treated like slaves, etc.) by the villains, and turn right around and do EXACTLY the same thing? and it makes it so, so much worse because she has such a giant platform and has a lot more influence than, say, the rick riordan or stephanie meyers of the world (for example).
now i will say that harry potter holds a special significance to me, as it was the series that got me into reading. i went to see all the movies the day they came out, i waited at barnes & nobles for the new book releases... my original harry potter books are so worn out from me reading them that they've literally fallen apart. i've spent money on five different book sets and a hell of a lot of merch. my dad will never let me down getting upset with him because he decided he would rather spend money on building our movie room instead of taking me the wizarding world of harry potter the summer it opened (i ended up going two summers after anyway). there were points in my life where i read nothing but harry potter. i just re-read the books over and over again. i've watched all the movies countless times that i can recite the lines verbatim. i say all this to say that i'm a huge harry potter fan. and i will always have a lot of love for the series and the movies.
that being said, it's hard to reconcile being a fan of her work and not being a fan of her. i used to reread the entire series every year or two. it just felt like coming home. but i haven't reread them since the news broke and i don't think i ever will. i also stopped buying all harry potter related merch. for me, it's enough that i don't support her financially in any way. it's enough that i'm mindful when i do watch or engage with the world she created, i am mindful that it's based off a work by a person who held bigoted views and those views certainly influenced certain things in her work. i think that's enough that i don't try in any way to defend or make excuses for some of those things. however, i realize that this is not enough for some people and they would rather not engage with the fandom (and by extension me, or my blog) at all. and they absolutely have that right. i'm not here to tell anyone how they should feel.
as for my blog, tbh, i don't post that much about hp anymore. the fandom has pretty much died out on here, and that's in large part to jkr being a terf. i don't necessarily think that posting hp is giving it a platform, especially when i am not a big blog by any means. i do hope that if someone does decide to watch the movies or read the books because of my blog (doubtful lol), that they are aware of the fact they're engaging with a work created by an author with bigoted views. my blog is also multi-fandom and always has been. i stopped giffing so i don’t create content for it anymore either. as for whether i'll change urls or stop posting about hp entirely, the answer to the first part is probably and as for the second... i really don't know yet myself sorry.
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nerd-in-distress · 4 years
I definitely know that CHB: Confidential is mostly a money trap but like. I need it. For scientific purposes.
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izysims · 3 years
Just had to get this off my chest:
People who get mad at Lore Olympus are misplacing their energy. It’s based on a myth that has had multiple versions and variations. It’s is very little canon to the myth. Then they get mad that Rachel has made an artistic interpretation, made the story her own. Like other authors have. Rick Riordan does it in all of his books. He takes popular myths and makes his own artistic interpretation. I don’t see people up in arms because of him doing what authors do. Lore Olympus is a modern version and Rachel’s own creation. People dog on her so much. The art style, the story, the accuracy…. It’s a story no one is forcing you to read or engage with. I don’t hear a damn word when Rick Riordan does it. I love Rick and Rachel, they’re both great authors. Who have different interpretations of Hades and Persephone. Both are valid. They both must be doing something right since they both are very successful at their jobs. It just seems a bit sexist that she gets a lot of hate while male writers don’t get as much for doing the same thing. Remember if you don’t like something, don’t engage with it. By hate-watching, hate-reading, or hate commenting you are just giving them engagement. Money in their pocket. Webtoon or any platform doesn’t care if it’s a hate-read.
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butterflies-in-dust · 3 years
Story Un Natale Mezzosangue by Rick Riordan, translated from Italian to English.
An Half-blood Christmas
“Where are we?” asked Percy.
“Florence,” said Nico.
Percy furrowed his eyebrows. “And why?”
The son of Hades snorted. “It's not like you need a reason to go to Florence. But you told me that you'd like to find a perfect gift for Annabeth, right?”
“Right.” Percy pressed his hands on his stomach. He never liked shadow travelling. “But I thought that we were going to go to Times Square's Christmas market. There are so many stands –”
“Times Square!” Nico shivered. “You're romantic. If you want a gift that's worthy of your girlfriend, you need an Italian gift, everybody knows it. Come on.
The streets in Florence were empty. The winter clouds were heavy and grey. In front of Nico and Percy, the massive dome of the cathedral looked like a huge medieval spaceship, ready to take off.
“The shop is near,” Nico said, walking across the square. His face was hard to read due to the mask that covered his mouth.
“Which shop?” Percy asked.
Nico didn't reply.
Percy looked at the shop shutters, the only people in the square were running around. Even the very tall Christmas tree seemed to shimmer sadly in front of the cathedral. In Italy, as in the States and everywhere else, this was a very hard year. Demigods, like Percy and Nico, couldn't get sick during the pandemic, but they could spread the virus, so they had to wear masks to protect the mortals in their lives, because that's what heroes do.
However, the son of Poseidon was tired and ready for a new year. Recently, monsters were "social distancing" too, and it was difficult to fight monsters with a sword when you were six feet apart.
‘Here we are,” Nico said.
The front of the shop wasn't much different from the others. It was at the entrance of an alley, with an iron grate on the closed door and advertisements on the dark windows: Jewels! The best offers!
“Seriously?” Percy asked.
“When we get in,” said Nico, “act kind and respectful.”
“As usual,” Percy said.
Nico coughed. “Anyway, this shopkeeper will help you find the perfect gift for Annabeth, I promise you. But. . . ”
“He's a little strange.”
“As usual,” Percy repeated. He checked his pockets. “And how should I pay him? I have only dollars and an expired copoun for sandwiches.”
“Don't worry,” Nico said. “The shopkeeper doesn't charge for money. He'll let you pay in other ways.”
“Now I'm worried.”
Nico opened the grate, pushed the door and went in. Percy followed him.
Inside the shop, the walls were covered with lockers full of jewels and trinkets of any kind.
Behind the counter, with his back turned, there was a man with a huge red cloak, hair like a wild and white avalanche. He was working on a desk, repairing a diamond necklace.
“Impossible,” Percy murmured. “Santa Claus?”
“Where?” the man exclaimed, turning around alarmed.
He wasn't Santa Claus.
His cloak unfolded, becoming red wings. From his white hair appeared pointed ears like those of a lynx. From his beard, which was also white, boar tusks were lifted. His nose was a beak like the one of a vulture.
Percy swallowed. “I'm sorry. I thought you were somebody else.”
“Percy,” Nico said, “let me introduce you to Charu, the Etruscan god, guardian and guide of the dead.”
“Pleased to meet you,” said Charu, eyes burning like flames. “How can I help you?”
“Excuse me,” said Percy, “are you an Etruscan god?”
“Yes, yes,” Charu said. “Before the Roman intruders, these lands were the home of the Etruscan people. For this reason, this region is called Tuscany, are you following?”
“But why –?”
“Percy,” Nico interrupted him, “Charu is the last Etruscan god. He stayed after the others were gone, to help the dead cross over.”
“Alas,” said Charu. “That's true. I'm still waiting, hoping for other gods to return, but it has never happened.” He pointed a finger at the shop windows. “During the centuries, many have come to my shop, marching towards death. Nobody ever comes back. Well, there was that one guy, Dante, but except for him, nobody. People, and gods, leave me their most prized possessions for safekeeping, as you can see. What are you looking for?”
Percy wasn't sure he wanted to get Annabeth a present that had belonged to a dead god, but he didn't want to offend Charu. He explained the different things that Annabeth liked.
“Does your girlfriend like strategy?” Charu smiled, baring his tusks. “I've got just the thing.”
The ancient god took something from a locker. It was a gold bracelet, made of tiny keys. “This”, he said, “has been crafted by Sethlans, the Etruscan god of the artisans. The keys . . . well, I'm just saying, they can open many things and solve many problems.”
Percy was stunned. “It's perfect,” he admitted. “But it must be expensive.”
“I'll just ask you a question,” said Charu. “Tell me the right answer: why should ancient gods, like myself, celebrate Christmas?”
Nico looked nervous. Maybe he didn't think Percy would ace an oral quiz. But Percy thought carefully at the past year and at his friends, like Nico, who had helped him through it.
“Because”, said the son of Poseidon, “Christmas is for everybody. It represents hope. Especially in those trying times, all of us — gods, demigods, mortals — have to help each other out. We have to remain alert and optimistic, like you, watching over those who cross. ”
The god smiled. “Well said. Here's your gift. Maybe we'll meet again, eh? Merry Christmas!”
Once they were outside again, Nico said: “That was impressive, Percy.”
“Thanks,” said Percy, holding the bracelet. “But I guess the perfect gift is not a jewel. It's a good friendship. Merry Christmas, my friend.”
“Same to you, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy laughed and, together, they walked back into the shadows.
Translation and article by Ari Wilde and Cam Baragiola
All rights go to Rick Riordan
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dwollsadventures · 2 years
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Welp. Remember when I said I'd post the rest of the Greek creatures as a pack you could buy? Maybe not, because I scrubbed that from the post that had it. It turns out I probably don't have what it takes to make money off art, because I suck at getting anything done unless I have a deadline. And setting ones that only exist in my brain clearly doesn't work, as the TDG shows... But it also means I'll be showing off what I did so far without charging. I'll find money some other way, probably with writing or something.
Sirens, am I right? In myths, the sirens were a variety of nymphs. Like all nymphs they were excellent singers able to lure people away into the wilds. The sirens were especially good singers, but of course they could not compare with the deathless muses. What set them apart from their sisters were their bird bodies and fatal edge to their music. Cursed by Demeter for failing to find her daughter, they were given an island in the Mediterranean as their haunt. They sung to sailors in a bid to make them jump into the tumultuous waters and drown. For seemingly no reason other than their own malice. In pottery their shape is ambiguous. Sometimes it is merely the head of a woman on a bird, other times it's a sort of bird-centaur shape. When given hands they also may play instruments to enhance their own voices. 
As time went on, the sirens began changing into more sea beings than aerial ones. Where once they were merely confined to an island, it was their maritime association that saw them become the mermaids of the Middle Ages. The shape of the mermaid isn't original to them: Mesopotamian spirits had it long before the sweet-singers, and some Celtic figures may predate the fishy sirens. However, most mermaids have some roots with them. Singing to sailors is especially the key mark, although they do so with a twist of lust in the mix. Siren is even the word for mermaid in many romance languages. When depicted in their original bird forms, they tend to lose the grace and talent they used to possess. Sirens in modern stories are often murderous, eating those they drown. Authors like Rick Riordan reduce them even further to a sort of vulture with only the face of a human.
My siren is the armed sort. I just thought it would look different. Her bird half is inspired by birds of prey more than seabirds, seeing as how they can't move away from that island of theirs. Her upper half has the porcelain whiteness associated with goddesses and nymphs in ancient Greek poetry. The dryads and naiads don't have this because they're less airy and more earthy, but I think the nereids will. Unlike her sisters, she's enamored with her island home and has taken to using washed up shells as jewelry. Also, her downy feathers extend up her chest because no booba for u.
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wowsoboring · 3 years
combating bullshit harry potter arguments, Harmony edition, #3
Here we go, guys. toxicharmonyshippers on instagram has once again found some weird shit the toxic Harmione stans say. Once again, I would preface this by saying that I have no big problem with Harmione and only run after them when they bash my favorite characters and ships. This time, I am expecting the rant to be comparatively shorter but let's see where the tide takes us through the course of time.
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I just scoffed while reading this absolute bull. I have a huge problem against those who want to essentially compare fiction with reality in such a negative way. Relating to a fictional character, cool. Having a little healthy crush, fine. But this is not good, man. First of all, this is clearly mocking us. And sometimes I don't even fucking understand why we need to defend Ron and Ginny. They have done weird hormonal bullshit which they more than made up for. I, to this date, don't understand why you need to bash the Weasleys (well, except for the twins and Bill). I feel like whoever wrote this has this weird holier-than-thou mentality and this is what I dislike about the Harmione community. Most of them pull of this shit and want everyone to treat them with the utmost respect we can muster. It doesn't work both ways, my dudes. Now the word flawed, I don't mind much. It's good to admit your flaws and learn from them like most do. Like Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Harry did in the books. The word that bugs me is 'unworthy'. Unworthy of what? Are you saying people who like two normal good guys in a fictional world aren't worthy because they like characters that you don't? Is this what you mean? Because that's what I can gather from this tidbit and I don't like how it sounds. How are you better than me in any way? And why are you correlating and writing these things without even thinking for a second what the gravity of your words are? I could never do it. "Hey, I'm unworthy of success and money and love because I think Ron Weasley is a good character, because I like Romione, I will fail and die alone." You're making a caricature of yourselves, it's not even funny anymore, I kind of feel bad.
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Now we shall talk of paradoxes. Throughout this series of rebuttals I've maintained my composure and didn't sink to their level of impropriety. How are we like religious extremists for liking a perfectly fine fictional character? We aren't stanning Voldemort or Draco or shit. This is Ron. Even if someone likes the trainwreck movie!ron is, it isn't close to religious extremism. You sound more radical than any Romione shipper I've encountered. Harmiones are paradoxical wonders.
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oh yes, this is the epitome of this holier-than-thou mentality I've been talking about for so long. I would rebut this and say mean things about their ship but that is not what this series is about. So once again, I will not sink to their level and just ask you, dear reader, to read and analyze this and the stupidity in this statement.
Just one question; what reality? When did Harry and Hermione kiss except in Ron's locket horcrux vision? Is that a Harmione scene? Asking for a friend. Oh no, wait, I don't want to be friends with you. It's not about you shipping Harmione, it's solely about the hypocrisy of your statement and your black-and-white perspective. I see all the greys in the spectrum. I'm not stupid enough to dislike people in real life because of their Harry Potter ship preferences (except if they were one of those death eaters x hermione/harry ship, then I would judge). Harmione, though I don't ship it or care for it, isn't weird or creepy. These toxic people in the Harmione community seem to have the savoir-faire of Narcissus. Not a good thing.
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not going to fall for this shit today, not in the mood, man.
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as a fan of harry potter, I really don't take any of JKR's sayings after canon remotely seriously. She earlier said she loved Romione in an interview, she built them up in the course of 7 years. She wrote 7 books which were building up Romione with no Harmione content. That was a publicity stunt, along with the whole "dumbledore is gay" shit. Bitch tells you to take Cursed Child as canon and you want me to take her seriously. She's a transphobic hypocrite who became an attention-seeker to remain relevant when she could have been like John Green or Rick Riordan or anyone else who people love.
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ugh! you seem ridiculous to me. what right to complain do you have? just fucking leave us alone and mind your own business! is that so fucking hard. God!
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hellswolfie · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me, @flying-elliska 😻!!!!
1- how many books are too many books in a serie
Well I read Warrior Cats for a long time so I’d say that im pretty tolerant in that front 😂 but tbh, I think I could get colds feet if I learned a serie i want to begin have at least 10 books… all in all, though, I really love being able to explore more the world and the characters, I just have to be sure I will like it!
2- what do you think about cliffhangers?
I love a good cliffhanger when it jut keeps me at the edge of my feet and makes me say « omg that was brillant! » but I prefer books that end by taking their time detailing the fall out of the action and the end of characters arcs.
3- hardback or paperback?
Paperback all the way! Hardback are generally more esthetically pleasing but it just get worn out so easily and I’m not the best book keeper :(
4- least favorite book?
I’m not gonna be very original here and say Harry Potter and the Curse Child but I really can’t think of a book I disliked more than that. Everything has already been said about it, so I won’t extend too much, but yeah I was so excited to read it only for it to end up being some poor attempt at a badly written OOC fanfic. Even without the HP context, there are still so many pacing issues and characters inconsistencies. Scorpius and Albus are cute tho.
5- Love Triangle, yes or no?
I’m not that against it as most people seem to be, as I do think it can be done well. There are just certain thing that should be absent from it, like when 2 people who were super close completely turn against eachother for someone they just met because this person is just SO SPECIAL, when it’s only there to stall a relationship from happening even if it does not make sense and that we all already know who will be endgame, or when it completely takes over the otherwise very interesting characters/plot. I also hate when after having it been drained out for so long, person A does not even have to make a choice in the end because one of the two who fight for them dies/leaves. It really feels like the author simply didn’t have the guts to actually follow through besides stirring things up. It could be cool if : the two opposites actually end up together (hi lok), if it ends with all three together, or person A single. Or if it simply has more purpose than just DRAMA!
6- the most recent book you just couldn’t finish
« L’homme qui rit » de Victor Hugo. Look, it’s a fucking VICTOR HUGO book, no one can judge me! This dude could spend pages after pages detailing a facet of a snowflake! But I am determined and I WILL finish this damn book. Eventually.
7- book you are currently reading
I just finished « and they both die in the end » and I think I will start « My Dark Vanessa » by Kate Elizabeth Russel.
8- last book you recommended to someone
Percy Jackson and the lighting thief by Rick Riordan, to my little brother. I’m hoping he will have finished it before the serie (FINALLY) comes out so we can watch it together but he’s definitely not a big reader so :(
9- oldest book you read
The Odysee I guess? Does that count?
10- the most recent book you read ?
I think « and they both does in the end »is pretty new right?
11- favorite author?
I can’t really answer that it’s way too hard but I really like the style of Maxime Chattam and Pierre Botterro…
12- buying books or borrowing books?
I love the idea of buying all of your own books but unfortunately it comes with having money to spare so I’ll say borrowing ^^
12- a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love
« A quoi rêvent les étoiles » by Manon Fargetton. I’ve only seen positive reviews about it but I didn’t really like this book, altho there were some good parts. Initially I really thought it would be my cup of tea, as it is about 5 very different people having their own problems and finding eachother through pure coïncidence and helping eachother. But for one, the style was way to pretentious at times. It was like the author was trying to make a big philosophical point but it just fell flat for me. And the characters, aside from one, were all poorly handled. Either they were extremely unlikeable, completely unrelevant, or their arcs was very unsatisfying.
!!!! Spoiler alert and trigger warning for suicide !!!
the one characters story that I hated the most was the one of Luce, an old woman who is in deep grief over her husband Lucien’s death. At the beginning she tries to kill herself to join him, but is stopped by one character, and over the course of story she learns to live without her husband, to rekindle with who she is and what she loves, and to form bonds with other people. Only to still kill herself in the end. While it could have been a tragic way of showing that one does not get out of depression that easily, we’re actually supposed to think it’s a good ending for her because she died in a «cooler » and more symbolical way and cleared up some unfinished business. Personally I hated that…
14 - bookmarks or dogears?
Bookmarks can be so fucking cool (even though I lose them so easlily)!! Definitely them ;)
15- The book you can always reread?
The trilogy of Ellana Le pacte des marchombres by Pierre Botterro. Normally I don’t reread books but I reread them 4 times I think! I just love this world and characters so much 😭
16- can you read while listening to music?
Definitely not it’s too hard to focus :/
17- one POV or multi POV?
I’m a real sucker for multi POV! I just think it’s so interesting to have different’s character perspective about the same story and it can give them more depth. I finished « Six of Crows » duology not long ago and the multi POV was very well done!!!
18- do you read book in one sitting or in multiple days?
I like to savour them so I try to not read them too quickly ^^
19- who do to tag :
Ok let’s see, if they want to of course -
@awake-dreamer18 , @and-they-all-fell-down , @ghostlyruinstrash , @lamonnaie , @enola-holmess , @becks-fizz
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jasonsscar · 4 years
The Ingenuine-ness of The Trials of Apollo - an Essay
As someone who has been following every Percy Jackson release since 2012 when Mark of Athena was released, I almost cannot believe it has come to an end. After fifteen books with five books across three series, it has come to an end with Rick Riordan closing the world as we know it (while leaving room for a possible stand alone novel or two in the future). Although I have had my qualms with the Heroes of Olympus story, I was willing to give the Trials of Apollo a chance to redeem itself and allow myself to continue this journey one last time. Upon reading the Tower of Nero, I felt as if the journey did not fully come to a close, due to many factors but the main factor being how Rick Riordan has chosen to not write a story he was passionate about but because he would have rather wrote a story he was hoping to make money off of.
Frankly putting it, Trials of Apollo felt like a rip-off of what Riordan wanted to be Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2.0, but reminding the audience that it was 2.0 constantly. The cameos just so happened to be the only thing that his audience seemed to ever be looking forward to every book and Riordan knew this. Plenty of interviews that he did as each book got released, Rick Riordan has always had a point of bringing up who was going to be making an appearance in each book. The Hidden Oracle was Percy Jackson and the rest of Camp Half-Blood. The Dark Prophecy had the appearance of Leo Valdez and Calypso. The Burning Maze had the addition of Grover Underwood (who the audience hasn’t seen since The Last Olympian), Jason Grace and Piper McLean. The Tyrant’s Tomb had Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arrelano, the Hunters of Artemis and the rest of Camp Jupiter. The Tower of Nero had the appearance of all of the characters in one way or another. Overall, there were very few characters who were new to the series. Even Apollo, who is considered a “fan-favorite” god among the fans is not an original character to this series, having been introduced in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse. Nothing felt new and fresh and it is clear that Riordan is clinging onto these old faces that have enraptured his audience in the past to keep them holding onto this new series.
Although the characters were not the only problems that lead to the Trials of Apollo being as unpassionate as it feels. The plot overall was rather predictable from the beginning, hinting to the audience where it was going to lead to by the time the audience arrived at the Tower of Nero, the final book. Though, a fair argument could be set up that a larger scheme was at play within this series. The Hidden Oracle, the first book within the series, sets up that a company by the name of Triumvirate Holdings is trying to take control of all the oracles. Though, upon learning this information, the audience also learns about some information that is linked to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books from none other than Rachel Elizabeth Dare herself: “... during the Titan War, Luke Castellan mentioned he had backers in the mortal world? They had enough money to buy a cruise ship, helicopters, weapons. They even hired mortal mercenaries… That cruise ship, the Princess Andromeda, was property of Triumvirate Holdings” (The Hidden Oracle 197-198). Just reading this scene alone could get long time readers to believe that something more was coming. The ending to the series was really coming, this could almost be the ending to wars in general, no more battles or even the ideas of quests because they could no longer be funded by this company. Sadly, that was not what happened, rather the plot becomes dry. It follows a direct sequence of events not getting as complicated as it had been in the Heroes of Olympus series (although, Riordan has since learned the Heroes of Olympus was definitely out of his comfort level as an author). 
This of course leads to how the Trials of Apollo as a whole ended. In the Tower of Nero the antagonists, Emperor Nero and Python, have been defeated. After conquering the many trials and the major quests he has been sent cross country to do, Apollo has finally returned to his rightful throne on Olympus, though, feeling out of place after what he had endured in the last six months. With the series having ended and Apollo having learned some valuable lessons during his time as a mortal, a lot feels unanswered. After the ending of the Last Olympian where Percy Jackson asked the gods to listen to their children and maybe take responsibility for some of their actions, they did not change. In the Heroes of Olympus, the gods were asked again to do this, take some responsibility, praise their children yet nothing happened. In the Trials of Apollo, Apollo himself comments on this when he says: “I suppose I could have raged at him and called him bad names… But it would not have changed him. It would not have made anything different between us. You cannot change a tyrant by trying to out-ugly him” (The Tower of Nero 377). This pegs the question, why only change one god’s perspective of mortal lives? The gods still have their issues, everything could have been resolved but was not. The book ends with the possibility of a stand-alone novel with Nico di Angelo and Will Solace after receiving news about a new prophecy for the two of them. Riordan will not close this series and the problems that could be fixed because he knows that it closes off all possibilities for him to continue and make more profit off of it.
Overall, while the Percy Jackson Chronicles as a whole is a rather fun read, I cannot help to be disappointed with the outcome of where the series stands as a whole. It has ended but it never really feels as if Riordan wants it to end. Some can argue that it is because some worlds never end. There is so much to discover but if that is the case, where is the close off then? Where is the satisfaction to the readers who have dedicated so much time and energy for this series? At some point, fans will grow tired and not be as passionate as they once were, because they will no longer feel that same passion in the words written. Instead they will begin to sense how the author is simply writing this all as a gamble for himself and to raise the already large sum amount of money he makes for the books he has written and sold.
Works Cited
Riordan, Rick. The Hidden Oracle. Disney-Hyperion, 2017.
Riordan, Rick. The Tower of Nero. Disney-Hyperion, 2020.
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Chapter 3: Grover Unexpectedly Loses his Pants 03/04/21
Feel free to join in with our read along of The Lightning Thief - here's all the info
I can hear 10 year old me cackling reading this chapter title and thinking grover's had his underwear nicked
Grover's really channelling his Professor Trelawney 'you have the grim' vibes
"Her name is Sally Jackson and she's the best person in the world" okay 1. Percy is so cute 2. He's right and he should say it
Sally's parents died in a plane crash when she was 5?? She wants to be a novelist?? She's such a queen why don't I remember any of this!
Gabe Ugliano. The ugly step dad. Why are children's characters named like this?
However, gotta say I'm not on board with the middle grade trend of all overweight characters being villains
I mean it's not just middle grade but Rick Riordan just described Gabe as being like a walrus which reminded me of Uncle Vernon and just,,,, being fat doesn't make u evil bro
Also I resent the implication that thrift store clothes aren't cute. We do not support fast fashion in this house
Awwww sally brought Percy some blueberry sour straws back from her work!! Love some blue food <3
They mentioned Montauk and my immediate thought was 'oh that's where Phoebe's birth mum lives in friends' lmaoooo I hate myself
What is a seven layer dip?? Like... seven layers of dip in one?? AMERICA WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
"Like I'd be the one driving. I was twelve." all I'm getting from this is that Percy Jackson isn't as cool as Max Mayfield smh
I feel like I've been reading this chapter for ages and Grover has yet to appear, let alone lose his trousers #falseadvertising
Ooooh here we go kids, our first dream metaphor (another classic middle grade fiction trope)
Also is this giving anyone else Philosopher's Stone vibes?
Escaping to a lil cabin by the sea, a crazy storm, someone pounding on the door to come and take you away to a magical world that has been hidden from society this whole time...
Actually on that note, Grover and Hagrid would be such good buds, bonding over nature n shit. 100% on board with this friendship
We're raising money for Save the Children so please head to our justgiving page if you would like to donate- any contribution is appreciated including spreading the word!
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graysmiles-world · 4 years
How J.K. Rowling is a Terrible Person
Hi! I know almost everyone has seen J.K. Rowling’s transphobic comments on twitter or anywhere else. A lot of people are now saying how some of the actors wrote the books instead, or how Rick Riordan wrote them as a joke.This is harmful and should not be said. This is why.
J.K. Rowling’s terrible behavior did not suddenly appear a few years ago. It was always in the books. Nothing major, like the openly transphobic comments, but through things that could have unconsciously altered our minds when we were young. Here’s a list of a few (if I miss any, just let me know) starting with stuff IN the books and then things that she talked about after they were published:
- Hermione has a constant “not like other girls mentality” throughout the books. Hermione is a good character, but she is written to make girls think that they are better than others because they don’t wear makeup or like reading. Hermione really only hates Lavender in the 5th book because Lavender loves Ron. There’s really no other reason. 
- Goblins are constantly given Jewish traits. Such as: large noses and constantly clinging to money. This is, again, extremely harmful as the stereotypes really bring the Jewish down.
-  During the Goblet of Fire, when describing Rita Skeeter, she gives her a lot of “manly” attributes. There is nothing wrong with that, however, J.K. Rowling continues to compare a lot of Rita’s features to a man, which gives the impression of Rita being a trans woman. Rita was caught spying on young children and lying about them to the public, this enforces the stereotype that trans women spy on children and/or lie. 
- Snape is forgiven. This is a huge thing in the Harry Potter fandom years later. Snape was a terrible person who constantly abused Harry and many other children for YEARS. He was willing to kill for Voldemort, but as soon as Lily was in danger, he switched. If Neville was the chosen one, Snape would have continued to work for Voldemort. No matter how much a jerk James was to Snape and no matter how much Snape loved Lily, he was abusive and did not deserve the forgiveness that J.K. Rowling wrote for him
- In the new movie, Crimes of Grindelwald, Nagini was revealed to be an East Asian woman. Nagini is the feminine form of the Sanskrit word nāga, which means “snake." The Sanskrit word was borrowed into English in the late 1700s, and showed up in translations of Buddhist and Hindu texts. So J.K. Rowling gave an East Asian women a South Asian name, as well as making her a slave to a literal Wizard N@zi for the rest of her life. 
- Let’s talk about Cho Chang. Cho and Chang are both Korean surnames. Cho is Chinese. That’s it, that’s the ignorance right there. 
- Did I mention that all (3) Asian characters are in Ravenclaw, the “smart” house?
- In the Cursed Child, Padma and Ron get married in an alternate reality. Padma wears Ron down until he’s not he’s usual self, and their son is named Panju. Panju is an island in Vasai, that’s all you need to know. One simple Google search would have cleared up the reason that she thought that Panju was a boys name and not the name of an island. 
- Also, the Goblet of Fire dresses, anyone? 
- J.K. Rowling claims that Harry Potter is about racism, but all the main characters are WHITE
- The only irish character in the books keeps blowing things up, and the first time we’re introduced to him, he tries to make alcohol
- Kingsley SHACKLEBOLT, one of the ONLY black characters in the entire series is named SHACKLEBOLT
- In 2007, years after the final Harry Potter Book was published, J.K. Rowling told everyone that Dumbledore was gay. There is no evidence of Dumbledore being gay in the books, and while it is not something that needs to be announced, it did come out of nowhere. And, Dumbledore was a man who manipulated Harry for YEARS and raised him like a pig to be slaughtered. This along with claiming Grindelwald to be gay as well. Grindelwald, who was a literal N@ZI and tried to wipe out an entire race of human. AND saying that they had a relationship with zero mention of it in the books or movies. 
-  J.K. Rowling compared the werewolves to the AIDS/HIV epidemic. The werewolves in the books were told to be men who prey on children and then biting them and turning them. This enforces the stereotypes that gay men are predators.
- Apparently there was a rumor that J.K. Rowling said in an interview that she was going to have Sean and Dean be in a relationship, “but didn’t want it taking away from the main trio.” I could find no evidence of such interview or quote. And if she did say that, that is completely untrue. There are tons of books that have side relationships that take almost no attention away from the main characters and conflicts. 
- J.K. Rowling claims that she never specified Hermione’s race. This is untrue. I love Black Hermione, but in Prisoner of Azakban, she wrote: Hermione’s “white face was sticking out from behind a tree” as well as reference Hermione’s skin as “pale.”
- While promoting Fantastic Beasts, J.K. Rowling published The History of Magic in North America. She plundered Native American legends to tie them into the wizarding world for the new movie. She obviously did very little research on the culture she was marketing off of. 
This is all off of the top of my head. Let me know if there are any more. 
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